;, • - dog: glee . • firt;tsiiiks;'S'a.hylneVeine.il , o*ertni. mutt Thrilling 'Berme** on , the • . Clinic of Co wo.rdioek-1 • • y Ilev.R. D. Illtiox"Abiciotemotel PfauAMA; Grand le r', terpreter or the hiddea mysteries of God and Magog: iliyh Prteet or the Wheels a Esektel; ChM Opener of the Semen Seas of lib Jobe; Extmooder of the Bil ly Goat of Daniel, and i keeper of the. Deist of Eleven Heads and Ten Ammo la ,the Tixion of Vatinos.. De livered la Nash ville.ditrina the Uhl or Par t, DOMANI 11, by request of Ills Excellency, Dneee*T iehem:o, Ilm ris.,the Texan Itentler4 and the Vigil/ma Commaitt , e, and furnished by. GM auttfetr • for pubillottion.- in . the Nextmlie Titian. •' I . '.•, ~ , . • • ' I , . , . We have the nuspettkalde pleasure -of 'lay ng before one, readers this morning, one ,of lm finest efforts of Ithe ablest and nuist_ in. omprehensible of Modern divine.s. : Dr. Bald -in.ut a deseetlarit, of the ~prophet Samuel, on one side; and Iftibakuk on the other, and of course ~ i s rt,"gciod egg')." °rots has been beautifully Said, " a .whole' team] and -alallei dog .. pladtr the waon.".. Of his varly history we can-only eat.that his name bid a signifi cant' origin. When br preached his first' see rrion,'an old lady) remarked:to one of the laretbyen its they went to lunch;" Well, that little-boss preached a screaming sermon."-r7 The'ibrother p1i , C1,,".1 . don't know about the preaching, but I atuotare 'he : &titled onejt—, From that hour be. Was Itimivn.as " - Brother Bald-win," by a .. slight orthographical cor rtiPtion. •Of ; his great bOok ,4,rtuageddoil, - tim much cannot lm said'. ' It wcitild do Credit to a: Imitatie.Asxlitm. It is . a•ork ()twee derful tocigid, being the heaviest , 'hink of the kind extant. It ils said as an ev dente of - his . s .l l qTr!xtic mode tf doing thing that' When ' writing the - grea chapter in - ... rntageddon, on'alie " - .Goot with Seren-lbro,!‘he was iu the' habit,of dritiking sfoew hoz- 14: day him self, on the ,sagacous isappositio that " like would - produce like!" The :foil Wing sermon, is; however, his 'great effort. f t Was Cotn menced on-the_ meinorable.sund yOf the, fall of ,Fort Donelson, and- its deli eery *air un luckily' cut short 3y the arinoune Ment.-W dint' Jut we must ' .ity't. ~... unlucky !event.: .__ lay the sermon. ..; •. . . The seiviceS o - the occasio,t •.. • -. , with a. ..• - -21 •.- • ~ • ' PRAYER pli A TEXAS Ilifilt: - , .. Oh, Lord I' thdu knowest that ithirtaof pray: . ing is altogether out of :my IMO and hayd for me t040,-as for.:Wigfall to keep sober, 'or , Jeff. Davis stto be made Odr Floyd to , keep from ealit g.• Butthou ItiMwest that: We-, Ire some on tingle-foot whisltY,lgoo . d at horse meek, and tip-top it poker,•atidein hold four ' aces about - as lien as _Jahn I:MO•rgaii, '`or I any other inan:' Help uS thii: dayjor we. are in lii. peck.., ; 1 trisuble,.aii4lLt will 'he the, last•Aimel'll ever trouble - .you. : Arne:l t -. • ' 0 ' THE eintsiOF eoWstolCk. ' ,;'.: 1 . ' 11-cr.- . -tra 'riery!rz—Curso '..vp bittirly." ' • ' Beloved biethren and . sister* you are es.- sembled to, day to discharge the most. import: , ant duties' of v, Ur ~ lives. Te.••Yanlreett- in 4 ;chariots•of 4 .e".ain carorl nand charging -• like the 41 beasti with seven ~- pads : and - len' horns".'spoken f by Si. - John4(Brother • 3lel Hairy, snake that 'bloodhound i of - yours.,qiiit I .13i :indecency [or • Fll expell ; him fyetirit the :church, even ae Judis_iiras st:st•••out offthe synagogue),--ihe uneircuinci 'cif Philistines are.riding overlthe4holy soil -, ' f ihe'Seuth in chariots of fife, even as the c. ariots of Elijah i • and:.Aminidah,l and my sire! exeth " fe „ ! . rfol-: ly and wonderfully mad. 7 - ' 0 tl. brethren, let: us do ss,Kindbavid, the iti . et, Psalniist of Israel did, when he arose, am :went. after :his: .sling. - tStop, yny brother , d iik•be. in such a I hurry to leave i• I didtrt 'me 'n • a .!11+t-msting but the sling of the " spirits o : just me:made ' perfect" which: will Send are k into the mini, • • pies of. Abraham EincOln.) Bretliren,kiet us • : sea,. if vy : ean'i•perforate•int :the meaning "of my' text--ahl„1" Cirrse.ye.Me ;oz'-,-:ah 1 M 4 . text suggests two" points—th. ; cOteEtrdice qt a; 'cuss, and t e ,uss coward ce. - . •, • 7 : h •of - •:•'. • Firstly then 7 thereis alwa Scowitydjee ir: W. : • lovvonery: . cuss. - 'A. cuss-is a ways , as full of cowardice as our Publishing I-' ouse it ofpiety, which you knd*.tny. brethret jii"Sn exclusive-' ly religious•cyMeern;:' and ablishes , among: • other, eftviellent; m books,..y greati work oil' prophecy calltid.Arniagedtio ..:: , Price One dol- ' • lar and, fifty ; dents -.-aii f 1 ' = '•:...-..>. ... ~. - • 11 .r. i Secondly: ' The,i,ass .of leap - lice. Whq 4ny broken and sisters is .e. .eriss 'of .cou-ai-: ,diee ?' A cusLs•of cowardice is - one_ who 'bel t lows like a' 4 , "bull of Basile Of iti tbetime• of valet y,.aird 'then runs-like • 1 4 ,fatted 'Mgt" in. the time of ldituger.' ramie a Ishadi U. Ittv ii ris who issued a. rnrocliiinati e . .a, few day.S.ago, talking- abo.u4.".4eleittling t le, tianctity,OT our home's,.atid- ives; and dun liters, and dyilig: in the last diteb." - ' - Yea, he :avorediniglitily;l: urid„shouted• as he 64 sinelt i 1, battle' afar off,"11 ft`it 'to-day he • row:Milt .1' 4 : - a • • diaionsolate' l • IWhangdoodle on..the litrIt••• 'ountains Of: Ilep:1 l ie isidam, roaring for • her fir • I born, and "„will; ; : pot be comforted becaese t • Tare :sm." - ' rm. , ' stead of stay - t 4, to fight tint ton of Belial, Ail; • .- dy . Johnson,:he• is . packing up. his dtla.for,* grand "skedaddle.. My br threri: he is a G:11.11 - . anclrt 6 ass' of cowiirdiee.'; '...' • .... • - . 1 1 • Then there id tiideole Pi !Ow; who had .:tin:. ~. dertakenwt crintiactlo'y d ,gging that "las t ditch".of Which you'llare. leaia.so much. .1 •• - nun afraid. that the 6 feiti 4rs will. fly", when •, the vase is. opened, and di . i Pillow will .gibe us the slip: '". The." sword. Itif. the Lord" isn't : .-, "the sword of - Gideon" l'ilf:Wviand I sin eer- I ',sin c .so I tffill.ffot. batter Iliiimilpany longer.] -0 iderm is a.," cuss . ' my, bienher, and - a "cris,sl tit emrardiee."., ' ' _LI; "' • ', . . ..] ."--- There is Wash Who has Wh has bjen haMl4' lung millions of dollars, and staving cozily at home, while," Jewd fellows :of the baser sort" : ' do the fight'i'ng. i I believe ;that this • Barroie belongs to thelierkof swine spoken of in the - .. •• Testatitent.:ofpwhom the devil took possei . • - shin. Why don't he licistleiutat theiy.ankeeril Does he 'want to 4 4 soreiti.l:bercorr moretha l r • the So:Alt.:ft If •he does, be ought liebe ?Cr/ - . - amok-ed. . lie too, is. i "cuss" and a "ctr.Y. . of concirdirde.".. - • .I • .-•- . - . ' Then there is the Vigils:pee • Ctommittee: 0 Nashville: 'l"Tigiluot.:abt i iiff..pliot, I'd like. j ' know , - AB' 4 ' vigilatit!es a eat to steal cream' Tgueii, as:the apostle IFSlstaff sacs in Iri " - • sermon to ' Prince ...Hill - 1 Why don't Abe . al - Mulder their muskets ttid .go- -- out to -ugh . - ..- , , the Yankees, instead' of. I-dimingsill poor MC; - chanies who have no friends?. Iy. friends, theY - are : all "•eusses:" : and; 4 4 •cirsser .of corer-fr . ' . - dice.". , • • . •, , f-: '. -.• : - IL ~ . .My 13rethren and Sisters : Ill' tell you wli. '. • • •t: are not cusses of cowardice.: itlyse.ll, - thea - • ; thor of Artlingeddonomd: .I.lr.MeFerrin,.a 1.• ' ' thor oftLe:Confederate Primer, and Dr.. Sul- ' • tilers, author pi , the Confederate • Al:nails , .• • and Brother Hutton, •wbo is gettito , . up'. Confederate !Bible. "- y, elm! not " cusses I. if •- •. cmcardiee.". , No,"sir-ee 1' ': • I. • My Brethren julc-get the, Alinanae ,et d• look for that Confederate'' eclipse of the Sury,"' And then get down ,Broth:er. Mac's-Priirier and' . f . ,read 'that ..heavenly little story 'about the . •• " Smart Dixie Boy," an:l:then, buy a• copy of my' Armageddon for one dollar and 4,lty cents,.. ;., . aka you will fight - bk.:HE/ger. r tuessm .... ovr ' .. vhildly crelainang, . I .‘ Fort: Donelson's lairs , -- cfltd. the riankee imilmais-,`are in sig s hi !”Y . i.ilti • . 1 . Lori my brethren 4.-.4.0h* Lord I—Let' s eke . i . • • -.. • ..• daddle." : - ••• ' - - • : • .. . , a.• i . ~ _. • ~ • Sost r.: giaceless Teilimr; , :rno" ne!,..11)e9n to Spit , itova,:thus fivirizes in the Boston l'ust, what. he saw there r• -.5 : .. - --1 '• .. • .". 1 - , earatoga.anclety! ~ • • ... : t , - ; '....What•itnttleae varieiy I°,- - -- . . - What pinks and perteriety!': ' ' -' What gotta rt 'sobriety '.. ..• ' What geirodous 04.11'..titt..," ' ..,.. ": ..• ° ~: . '{£h,t shy folkr,,fted boll .Ibllo, ' '''.• - 'And *arm folite:liddroldfolka, ' . ~ ', Such et:tric:tit drettingt.' • ".. l.\ ° And tender erretodng t ' 1. - 1 1 ' . - •-• O etre f erw.lltettb° ,Ine;cing!) ' '-• ..• , ..• ' , rldrh eharp ii:lnko+do...:dtri, • ~- : Anddanddiednnolles: ... 1 - - • " ' ..., And other pet •pondlos ! .. Sttilkettly large•patterna, ..... r . • .. (Worli-srlArn by .Istlerrii , l-7:. . .; •", . With boopf,—big airSot)ietr!. • . . ' `...." - Fneh eiraight nerkh and law ne°°;ka r ° . ' •"" , litteh Ana norks:add anoleportta., '"- • • ' • • ; And high nreits and WU noels!-•. - . •WithAhlkonit andlthat tg,mi...., '. ''' , • .. - ' t l Theltan and the 14 iv - wt. ; ",. •' ' •.: ; ..° The bright.lid theithd *ill.— - • l. ' Saritoga 4.cllttmitOo foil," - ! ; • - • " Andramuted full,•and'jammed fail, . 1 •, ' •,, ''lvever inn h.:..r-dflutt! • I:, . 1 , You!' o, a!wf, ..-. RA*lll.. -.. ITALIAN' 1031) ROGE43.—A. good story • told of 11,3llath:and 116gers..' poet Ica at..the'rekidenCe of.thelhis,t l orian, and said "'Hoir do you do, Whim " Do ?" {.. how • do.yoU find yourself?" • "I iie,ver toyself." is Well, how hare yolu teen '" Been where ?"`./. " Pslwiue i how do youqed?" " Feel 41e,, and see. a Good' morning, 11411arn:' • 5., • ''lts not_gozal tnorning,7.• • Rogers could say n 4 • • • " KgEr L!& FRAM R .8; • you don't - we - Of to frill in Vor,e, keep! wa jrom muslin. You can' no more plAy i t • those•girls s without Ding` your hearts, ha • play with gamblers without -lOsilig your m ney. The heart-stritigs of a Womati.fik,tl • tendrils of a* tine. are. always 'reaching for RUmettiipg to Ong to. ' The conseriu.ni that before you are going volt are !"!g be like a lots- . at, an au ton. Young „men • meiriber thimuslin. • - , •4 [ A •Tti..uxti7RErriter:—A. very awk, [looting. public : singer Once'. told Bent that his voice bert much intproVed be swallowed by Wecident7 i. sorne T 7 e' Ah," rejoined Bannister," what [a [ aid not so.:lll,iw nvorr'al IRON , WORKS: 'EiR.OE!IICOK WORKS. p hs -E a teorA,'scfnill..KiLL CO.:=r4, * *Al lyi J. L. Ntrel Tropr,vtise. BOILERS ANCI,STACKS. _ be labbeeriber is prepared to et ecureorder4 births above saielti, viltb ineristeb, at the old plies of. bail - nem, a, mime ..7fOrWitrasi. fois boilers always on t r o. t be maiiteartlln4 r' ' AL I/*Pgp IpTIOLER StIOVEILAI t malarial satEvfOrtmanitilp: ItsipsiVa prompt. ta.l ialriMa'for minlaSsebtliatino always I "JAU Z EP SEES', illei Angdet iS,'Sar l .asly • TTSVILLE ROLLING MILL. ' Tilt. jilubsatbers aro conina atlypeou llcturlo; earionsehea of Colliers" RAIN tregbi ne?„1.:11,31.1.32 and 44.1 pound!. Gmr yai d. AI go.lame Rails dt lbs most ?pima ed pa I terasore isbing 46.50,56 uusooeryaid From Owes' . erleare of tb e pzet ' atte feel eurifidebt of mating Rails ;insures...ed . ity by any 1. ib ' tbeemititry. All slpines , 'ntt7atintsa add 041 to - Messrs. Yardley Son,' et ors,t'ottesile; Itill i gitett with protnpatten .J YO. IUBSIS II ~t CO. ' C Of the blaiten on thin ;Potts iP . /aid CIU Si yel qua ,cetialis I;on t I , Jun NCiRY ANO, MACHINE SHOP. 1 1 Steaks Car tPaetar3r, £.4. - I . _ I~ firm of b . r 1 1111. 4 N }: f S. 1 ill i A t : .FFR "*" rontinneeby the aubscribry i . elite ii„, , h+,,„ rxrioas: branet.te . of Steam Engine """ " '""7 — . .liuildlng.Troti Fonndei..and ti•iiitinfae .. airkinds of.necbinery,for I:oiling 3111:e.'illasi „ e, itellroad C..fr,.', &e.. !e. Ili! will aim eciniinue :sneeedf MI o I rig and Selling the celebrated l'irte :V40,40i an 4 tar* mid' S'pohn Feint. /fed Ash !tieing axle proptietec of t bete Collieries. j I - : ~.1 1 I • GEORGE W. SN YDER. turer Etvn (he I. /1 P 0' , 4 Cali/ .1 PALO ALTO ROLLING MILL. - Erm • Tlietaubscribers beg leain, to an-', n ounre to their. friends ,and the public. 7 - • general] y:, that' their pew tolling Mill . ..40: y t .- at Pale Alto is now complete, and in full ,•• operation', and that they are Tirepared to Cu, cash T rans of rrariouspatteen s.ereizhing from T.! to tt lbs. per ia rd.. 'Mad, diffece'nt sizes of !let, equate 'land t-lnud merchants' bar Iran: • i ,Or ..es for rails or Au:lron are reapeetftilly Solicited. •n 4. I, 111 meet with !prompt atiehtiOn If left rather at the rJli us( Mill.,Alrozoi Mutant's hardware store, Cent : street. or at their office. ...',orner •of Seiond and 'Mark t streets. • lISYWOOD;LEK, TO O&L. OPERATORS & MINERS. Opel. 411 er orks. ' ~., 1 . . - . . ThtishiAcriber respectfully invitee ow& the atteittliiri of thebnidnesesommunb 1111! ` : c:•!;',' ly- to hint Boiler! %Via, rks, on 'Railroad I ixy"i n ."" atre - tt. below. the' Tatisencer Depot. Poitsrille. Pa .. w hi're he la 'POPAritl to man stief ure • , . - :. . . . , , • ''' 7BOILERS OP EVI:RY'DESCRIPT ION; Sum eStackai Alt Stick., ill ast I'IPC - s,Gasoirietbra, Delft Cara ke .. ke. Miler,' on hand. •.. Be n¢ a practical mm-battle . and having foryears de voted himself entirely to thts branch of 'the baaineas, be fl ttershimselfthatwoik thine at hia s eitattliOimetit will , ire .Vtisfacilou tool! Yho may Lin.iii - Olin• sit h ! a CAR. Individuals and Companies will find it greatly' ;to their advantage to iriainine hiltwork-beforeencacinc else Here. - '. 'lt' A', '. JOHN T..110111.E. lilw.2l;'Elf ' ' •' - • .1" -. 474 f !' 'I '-- AiiiCkiiiii. RON WORKS. ' ' - 'Thgr„ratiscribero are now (oily pee- EM tit" Oared. Ur Ifurnirb, at the Ashland Iron , I .2~.„..,! .. .; 1 ..-- r .._..,,,iiiit r any power a id - capacity, for Mining and !I ' '7.77) - - . other purposes, Coal Breaker" of eyera ists and pattern now !muse, together with caatlnre and ,Coliors of every desetirtiori: • Coal ano Drill Cars',nr !all iseesnd patterns large Track and ifOrse Car..—till 1 , furbitthed at the shortest notice. - The FtbrAlibeilltlt. ter themselves thst.lnastiiiich as every ember (.1 the I firm la a' practical merhani c. t hey *III tremble to furnish ma .h 1 nery that wilt compare favorably with.anytn the I Region. All orders. ilfrectetklo L. P. (JAR:WIER a 8E44 itabland,Schttylkilicititoty,Ps:;44lroceire siroinpt at, Iti . dui. '-.• .. • . 1:. l".:11A1IN Mt. • - - - ' - . :,.. , ', : - MICHAEL GARNER, . .. - ' ' ' ~ JOSEPII GAIL>: lilt. .. shland :key 10.'5 i .' - : • - . - 1 • —l9- r' . 8. -AVER NIEAtIOW . IRON WORKS. ,1 5 ,..., - Brice W. Madam respectfully In , • ..r a me, forms the public that be. in now sole lot proprietor of the Deaver :Mead.* Iron A, t, •'• Cthirl Brass Works,trid la fully prepared to to - annfarture: at this establishment. r . am -Eticitiei of every ell; Pumps.l'ltatirpad, and Car', ll It Ca, and evety Other eseript Inn of l rpm andl Br saCastiucts milt-vide for t hee Coatminipg or ot he'rtin. ill e.s. on. the mast reanonalle term a.I. Also. Mowing 0., lintiers.l or 111 tat Furnaces nd3lachine work In g o ,. -I .. epal dolt . oriall kinds done' with' neat nests and des.. tely at the lowest[ pekes. I All' work furnished by Far warr tnted to per min well.. They would solicit 1 I e custom of t lio.e. who mayavant articles In theirlitte' 1 , / this vicinity. All ardent lilt meet with Immediate ro a &pmpt attention : - . r • Bearer Meadows..tahultiv 1..'49 ~ ! ', -1- 'lel WASHINCTON - OICINORKS. • - Pot I evitir... Pa. I- • •-i • . ~,r ... omo T110,5.. - ..t .JAS, .14 it ' respeet . • Soßt, fully tut-fie-the attitotti the bud ness_cnrinn.unity to thet w•Slachine . rho and'foundry erkttl',lbetwsen Coal si.i. I L iktetettitut.liallroad 'street...lnd trnnting on , O ri reciail tareet.r. here they - are prepa Rod fro eaerille All .firden. I,r OM, Littlryf ilrio.s. and ArPii;pu,h as I :Ream Rot:hies:all ki mi. of Gov ill,rf) . tr linflinit -Mills:, it rb.t and Saw Mills. Single and Do ul. f ti , ig . Tulips, ' l,Ni:li Dry3KerSl Drift Cars. all kinds of Riatiroa 4 i.last tors, Awl' .V. Chairs tor , Flat and, T Roll; it roc.. Switches. 'tit.; all kinda .rtfratit and wrucht Iron Shafting. Its. mmz. T. , ICt ii-al thetihanica s and having mhde the dentin is (the Ctoil.ltecion t keit study far...:.ears. also - all kinds f Machinery in theirilne of bu.inetlA, theitialti‘r them. el ieslhat work.Vtie At their 'ertaltfisbnienr Arill , clve 3 tiFiNlion In all who may boon, them witha call. All trier. thank fulfy reeti%•ed and' promptly exeilutett.on ,h, ! morr reaTinable terms. THOM XS. IV REN„ Nov. 1..2..,:i7 r o longer l*erci . opened • MORRIS. WHEELER & C 0. ,, . _ .". .. sr4ni, ,, ,yits T.) . ., : 31ORRIS • Si JONES & C 0.. ., itoli AND. Seiii:E.L- W Alt /6.110 U . S - F‹ • - r..d . • . .Varlet critd Sixteenth . Streets,. l'7,ittdetphiet, l - - - . . heave alwailf an hand and for - .ale . BEST RS 1.1.11 It EEI N KO ''t RON—, Full ft.tonrtm A i nt. of -liagnall," and MIMI- favorite Wild.: 'BEST AAI liffl• CAN 111 RS—'ordinar'y size.. orro ll' ii, to order for bride pUrpo.e..&n.,..te. P ENN SVLV A N I 43014 ER P LAT St- I Profit...nous sige.. or ,cut Iti req ired -.Cie. • WIWI i hi V ETS- Dover braml*afie in solid .dies.. BEST EN-1 OLISJI CA It ANLEI.HAMeriran wad Encll.h.^ FLUE & 611E - Ef t Itos—k,rcuxeting,srhutes. kr. AMERICAN .1.; SCOTCI. PIO IRON - : RAILROAI/111.0N—T•rail.11Ild flat bare F uitable for Mitre.. turnouts. Ar. JUNIATA. wir.:LISII ft. NORWAY' SLIT RODS, Iltpl.TF . , NUTS 'auil WASHERS—For bridge...car.. and ma(hiners. purpf.,.... Zeberally. CAST: SiII:AIt.•MACIIIN : and 111.IbiTtli STEEL. , Aloe. au extra quality tot' tap and llker..: The above. Orzet her with a .fult alisortment of Iron, Steel. Nail. and Spilte.,• , . to ; which the' attention of dealer.. reilroademoptolesotimineers. reduor.. foundre . and ma rhinifd".l. invited. .. : .- ' fJan. 2,a. '6O 4.1 y —,..,_. M. W. BALDWIN &,,CO.; , : - ,Ksfitsticio, . I .' - Brood and /id Milton deck,. Philatli'lphia. Penficf., . Would call the aiteolidib 4.1 Itnilrona ~tt' NOMA ‘lanagero. and =t hone interested in Rail ; r is. ,,,.•:_f• _ road yoopeity, to their' .Vystlnt 0.1 Lora ,, .4 --- tnidit•i' Engines, in which they are ad 're -- " . teal toll]; particular hu.lne.a for which 'they may: be reittired ; hy the ner-of ,one, two. three nr ; four path of drlxink *heel.; and the' one of . 1 he whole, or en murk "of the weight as -may 1W - desirable for adhe-i 'Ion: a nil„in accommodating themi to the grade.. careen, ' , trim:lll - of ..upersttliet ion. and rail and -work to Le done.l II) three mema the' maximum useful effect of Ina flow er'i I..eeUred w ith the leftat - expen.e for attendance:co.t of:. fuel. and; repair t 'ito 11a inarLand 'Engine.. With ; the.i. ot. ' j e . t t. i.l thew. Int I the- re.nit of twenty-thfee ears; practical ex gel' ' knee in lbe.l.thitienS he ou Fenlor. part, i,. We tut nufactle . fire thfiefent kindle or Engines. and, art ,- cal ' - elmo.e. of s tee of each kind. l'artirular at trio'd lion paid In the Id ngth of the mach ne in the plan andt workmanship-of ail . the details. 0 r Antic experienrel and opportuniiie.ollroblainlng infor nation. enables ue; to offer the.e onchlfra with the a..utloce th .t in ellicien . :. refmoil:ly and ditrability,they willOcompare 19 tail-mild?, filth those of anySther .11 in If.eil Wt. al,* furniph .to 'order. wheel.. a Irv. howling or Int* Moor tire (MIA centre. without • ring.) composithitti . casting. for bear. inc. every , ffewripitoti.nf Copper. Sheillt I eon and Iq.ilee, IVoika: and reef . * Art brie appertaining to the .repair or ' r n,4,-,ii o f i..~,,r0 Engines. N. V.. R.‘l.l)N; I N.: . January 23. ',O . _ i , -141- r - - MATTIIEW -11AIRp. . To Coal I perators and Others: DEII ' IM &,11tInilt,So and le Agents I.lCell/4, .1' lb ,. Coal Rect. n for the N. T. W. it„.l Co.. take I leallure ii atib•ain• inc. that, in the V. et Court, Nor. 31...1. in th stilt of said Coinparry rs Geis A Co„, i r,f r,,ttevillr; Ay l' Sees .'fil . No. It. In Flquity..3llll44 ' Grier grantedian I lunriloh on B.lland Aneevr,oleereeingt that Plaritiffi. Ain e onn tb ly Henry Jenkins Crimping r i , Patent, r.r W3;O dr Coal :;•eiliens. ke. The points:low , I Led in dutlibv• iirlees opinion are serf Important, fully el•tablishinif the ricilt•bf the Corri..any I acainvl the rltraons dreicei used to rioitte the Patent , I and will apply oo folly to oilier,' making Crimped rereene i or work. •5..1.t Siebi A t...',,. , I . It-le.ig eon ended by defendants-100, Thai they had the title to the Patent ;.2t. Tisai their purrhase of ma. I chine. froth ilanrY JeuiLlir entitled 111 to crimp wire I ... nod inaNe it Into r•.•reeoseand 3,1 end _principally. that • • the Patent wn, loyalid,o . r insufficient,- in not staling how I !Le en lowa,. kW. It, lir datsr , . . ‘ ` I . All thr.e . pl-illons aere ruleilfigultuf o d fh.: in , e Jul:r leyrilrulatly remarking. that„as the Patent state I. I the crimping; unglil be done 'ln edriona amp:. and Jen , king *es, not•bound to say how Arresesprti if. If cce Ili pill ve,re be neenic , nto rarities, that violates the Jenkins In. Cent. which Plaintiffs own. in notifying our friends and the publir. therefore. that we alone inli . he Coal Region are authortz, a to tumut,r -t tir4 or repel Coal &teen s ot Crimped' 11 hie, we also eau, . 'ion all ppr...n.,..10.0,r sslling nr purehospny rush work, ' no VaTillt lipu 'stns., that they are a i datirex rut riGlitr, *tot will helleld strictly lecodotable in tlantaztta. Coal I Opervt. rs, and the mild'. -generally,. are hereby , brained than the NEW TURK AIRE RAILING COM 3PANT are 14..x4e owners of thin Letter , Patent of the "Unita , ' Z•tahia 1411e.1 to tiutry Jllllllll.3.lrrEN'll.rble, Ta, L e 'iriol.:l.late %lamb 6th, IbiT, and extended for 111. terl xi of seseb pm.": trfnu the GM day Cr March. 11 4 4.1, x. - for i, new 51 41 , us" dui improAvemeni In the nom elf Atm k Chi.ll lr'l 11-1. Or 14 ng. de., . ou t ih i t „ all p,,,,,, in s fibrzbic lb smile 'sill Ire held aecountsbl,i, and liable to re.pood ila .illuagel, and you ire beret,' DI - ohlbitrd from I i.„,ki t ,...,. wi' ; ',.. 4 or using. or continuing to male. sell, br 1 u. - Z•fi l een.ll 4 leveS, vr arty t tber article Infringing the. said patent. i I Tire undrrsign-j. NiesPrs Plpl3ll k Prirt.m4 the sole. liceners uuller the kaki i• il patent. and the y rl-ra,,,,,, an7,l 111 , 11.17,1 to Planufart in e sod ...II 3rbrle‘ bride arts•rding I t , . , 1 4 pet.•O I, 0 111110 the Inuits.: the Anita:tette Gal, lieziou of Ileunsrirenia. Thar bee. a 1...x.1,1,4 s ub tlubtJb-vell W ..itt:o. K,E.q. of S. mat up... , A hilt and • I Vl4l PIS li.r. nod the taukniesv,nill be robdueted In the o, ibe ••f Uinta. DLit a 4 nr. l'[. I ' litt•l•e.J.4 of Ulf , Crud Trlde and biller s. for any de scrtpliou ot'll% ire rereeus. GratinC.. i'lecle. Lc , ire Ire" Anvil Wily *tit, Pad". - la 114 a onder , lo4lll Ste prenered to till the menat the usual priers. !- 1 .. e , tql.lll`r; : • i raitttrtile Cornor of Railroad st reel 3v 4 Norwe,rian. •i_ • • - • ,, zutubia t..... " WHIM T.to.typolf-Opoo.itr the C6lund.ia ! . t...tie, Railroad - et. . -. 5: ratatool-,Chtf Wi, k e . ..- „ . I - . „. i .:' , • . Agent* land Li-en.c,n. A i o.r. wilt. 1,, _ ~” •- . .. ;,,,<„„ •,• .. THE HEROES OP [PEACE, -- ..:.; .%0 ~ • .ITITe - TIVICIES or melt. • . 1 kiN'EtION Y:„ No: 501 Ilroailwa:c,-, , - , • • r -i • , , , 1 J. Ng York. ie ,clove! pu .1..hin... in _addition to other.portrille, tit;4 relehrated . tOliectiott ptnowo in En. I ... row and AMerira sit • ,• - i . . . • . Brady ' s` Rational Photograpttie_. Portrait Gallery.' '. in which 114. nrinde4 POrtraltaof nearly ail the prom le ne ni. tta , n of Ann e erica, not cl,ni lily: Jeff. Davis, I ieti.iies a rigartf, Fiori. and a boat of ititer - confager: aloe. Palen of Portraits $3.0 per drisen. -Can be ruby , mall' -• 1 1 ' ' • .'. See ors !of thy. War for thl Val ora l , are puidishnd, card tire, and in stereo:tern ic form. if - - ... 1 ;.] ALSO, I • • . - , . q Were...a...vit. `News of Seenea in Perla, f.ontion, and in "„oti., routs of Pviglind and Prance ;:. iii Scotland, Eh . 10 : 1 1t,d. Nail , ktollaed„ Strttat?iant, Spain, , . In •,, ;- vo I the Rhine.ln Allenr,l4.4y Pt. Tor-' o . '_ • ' hey, the lloiy• land, China. India, :: ' ' , " , ) . Cubekat.., Ae,.. ea ityiniflon. . " •Mr Intanta . neoul - Ster.elisetipire" Views .. -Are Te Greatest wilikilitti of t hie Age.- -a , Th r se ate lieu in the fortieth part Of a keconct, and the n ru th i az t. orator:the moving of vetticiee; or:the march 'of an arty f, does not In the alight te e affect the ... . taiiing trf these views., libel are DOW. .00 per doter,: We bimetal's° verbena an mannes . -the lerreet ate eortineat ft Syntiffkteurf2i, PIi I fYforLAPIIIC AL liPa.l3. ii 4 ' • -'• •' f - _, {Pitotograptoo Meteetede , . in the la %IVO &ate*, and perhaps.lo the world. ' ~ .` ••" ~, .cattiontat, containing lietant all-our Portraits, View, trefeteopp. ttr'wetill be rant f t : by matl;cni receipt of l a pump. - 1 E. A4Ollf TU T. 40-11 liti vr onday; 1.. pear R. ii OW tienel. Nearitarti.,' Slaw far int* Mlle Lookttant tit UIII aniegriber. ' . 0. 0e..11-.lii " '• : I s,ass 1 , 1': 41. w • i . lIM=BINE JAMES 471 : I '.' ; iltiTtLlNG.'L PHILADELPHIA AND *KADIN • :a . . a. a a.. _. arm— ...... --- - IS lastrHe r A s k gain diderie nit, Jana .18 I F -111 . DOWN . k.A.SSETG AltriAndS. 1 00 1 • Lear attaritlo.‘ily..(eseept Sundaye)al D. A.M., and 2.14 P: M:'••—Prinin it Reading atilt .90 A. 4., a dltoo P.M. Arriving ID Philadelphian 1.10 P.M., Ind tt.5.35 P. 74. I . . .• • • Both down treinOrourneet at ilell4lldg *Mk Minis dot ...17.1sliara and. It'cre Tort. and-at Port. Clinton .lettli Carta . Ufa Maliront Tyain. tor Wililameport. Iliknira r . Le. "Pi ern•re'Pateeniera arm take the 9 A. M. tTral.o., and aEtr4eifl Areommadittioo Train at 6%.. P. M , !Mat ism to Pgrtrliaton.i. and on Saturday. to Reading. • .. . • • 1. -. . • -. UP PASSESMERTSAIXt. . I i . ~. .' • • Lei , Philadelphia. daily, (exetpt S. tindayn at5OOlA. M., and 3.19 P. M. Lene Reading at 7.49 Ai 31'., 114 A. IL, and 9.43.P..11. I ' , • , ,- 1 ' SFI . ThAT_ TR A lit S, hil.Vo Pothryffle at 7.30 A. 14.,„1ind Pbllrldeltibla at • • LESAPIOI VALLEY BRAN CH. Conoeeta at herr &bunt with Paertenger 0111110 aoa from Plttebore.CarMate. Chambentberg. Larseeeter, Van. bury, Williamatewti bimlra, Tmli arid Reltiniore.l.'. - Yrelbe Hartiabara at 1.25„A. 11,(f* Lebanon, Tleaditirt end New York ooly.)8! - A: 111,-andll.4o' P. M., for Potterllle and . Ptaladelybia. 'No Sunday treble Thrritielt tickets treat INwteeille to Newyork, fliatl mere..riatytAiortr,'And all the ploelpal point. the North 81.orthweet. bad Caoades. Era isnot; Ticket, to tem. 'Oates et redired fans.... • j - , - 80 lbs.' of : baggagealloied tart, Par:Moire. ; . C 1 0 4 1111MUTAIION.TICKETS, r.opone attached, between any; penile dented, Mee and firms, at 25 per cent. abreact. I _MILIFACE TICKETS; • 13.000 miler, between all polo la, fet Yana let and . ti ls. . • 1. 'SEASON TICKETS, holder only, between stay' puiate,at educed . ir 3:6, 9, 0412 month,. ,11Thkete r ill be-purchased before thel Trains nigher fares charged 1 f paid I n the corgi • • • 0; A. Nrc9l.l. General Superlate dent. - : 62. 1 . , June _, CH VALLEY RAILROAD. INel. SEjagggS 23 Or g 8 ul T477N A j l iriT. e l saol6.l h 111 E , v . . i , 1 ITIIREEIi,ASSFING ER TRAINS DAILY,' I(3lgadays Ercopted.) e i - '• ~ ~ 1 1 0 PIE TiLI3II.EL lite-414 , 4s aud Departure* to and from Ni ..'. 1 and-l'hiladelphla. .451(431 OR EASTWARD TRAINS. • STATIONS: J , Sr!. 1. No. ft, Teaie . • i - 1'.;..V. .4.. V. MAUCII env:is. 3.45 11.00 , " Lebiltan. •,, . 3.55 '.' 11.10 - Parry tile.* W.... . - 4.01 , • 11.15 'Joel:Ogg Gap.' , . • , 4.16 . 1 11-29. . Slat Inacon,- , • 42"1' 11.34 Iterk N01e, 4 : La u ry T ,. 431 • , 11 . 45 4.43 11.55 • Whltillall, 1 . 7 450 , 12.01 l . Copt* .• . 4.54 l' '12.05 . . ilokendaoqtla, l • 4.554 12 if) Catagiiuqua, l • - : 5.02 ;.,- 12.13 . Allentown,! . . ••• 5.3)1'. 12.26 Ilethlqheut, 1,, . ' ' 6.32., . . 12 . 37 _ Freentangbarg, ." 1 6.43 . . 12.46 Lime idgr,* l' - 6.43 11. Eagion,. 1 . ' 6.03 • ' F.a.t.* (arrive) ' 6.50 1.40 Phthotelphia, (arrive) 7:56 . T.x. ..NTTI TOrktf - , 1 0.45 ;4.00 li --,-• tt" OR WF.STW 411 D TRAINS.. STATIONS: 1 .No. 5.- .r...V0. 4. .N. 0.7:. beteter. I .4.-. V. N. l' -V. New, Tonic. l 6.00 12.00 400 " Phniilophi., • 1 5.10 • 5.15 Naglon; (arrive) . 8.50 3.20 '7.40 5. liaiton..! -. i • 3.21 7.42 , l Lltneidee* . • 1 , - . 3.36 7.56 ' ' Ereee?nnsburg, . D . 3.43 .11.06 . Dethhhem, ; ' 9.17 3.51 8.15 Allentown, I. 9.30• '4 10 • 8 .30 Catalaatiqua, • - 1 ; 9.43 - 4.21 -tt.4l lloketidanqua, : 0.43 4'7!o' ' 6.46 Coplog k r.. I 9.53 -4 31 6.5 U W 1514 fl ail, 'o 0.5 g 436 ' 6.56: .. lati 'a. • - ' 10 05 4.43 90i1 RoWl;i 1 / 3 1e.• ; 10.16 453 ' • 9.14 . Slatientoh. 1 107.11 6.04 9'25 .Lehi-'h Gap,* :::10 34 512, • 9.11 Parr3rille. 4 i 10.44 5.27 0.45 Leighton,( . , 10.54 - 534' • 9.50 . Haub Chunk. : 11.05, 5.45." 10.00 , . ' A *ter (*) indicate. Flag &attune. • , I . • • • -- • , - ' r ol*.,Thmucti Tickets are gold for Phllaolel Torl4.and all ne the principal atilt lons on the 11.T.01i New Jerw7, aim, toi'lleyting . , iottgvlll ha and the fled, IVilkeabarre, and the pril lion on the Caiawlega Railroad, - 4 ne t.l', '6l i ' DI:4ILAD'A & READIJC RAILROAD.. arsion:lrlckets,l 7 - nL4 ap sat fax = Pretp Philadelphia tu Pot tc.- ellitt and return.' aili lu!antil at Ithltailelphili,un dap; and Sunday , . at $3 15- each, gold for I any train an l ose daya„and on the mui'reeiliniMenday.• • : O. A. NICOP.S. Gemeixil Supt. A1,913,!t 0.'59 010111.E1LN MISS° hI. fije Hannibal & St. Joseph 11A11 FOR SALE 1' OVER 500,000 ACRES oi c2 Tii ,BEST PRAIRIE& TIMBER FARMING - i ~.A: 'LANDS IN. THEINESTI!. ... ~ .1.- lOw prices, on ieny - earsr. cr - ciiii I at fiat per rent. interest. Tama*, per eeut. Is de .duitetaordull payment in essh. or, in 'the (.Sod' flunds. of he klouipany. taken of par: d, payment Is" made with; In two years trom date of purchase, Frith interest. • At prevent,' he uraiket title". 01 thee,. hond4 Is halm fe.l to 03 peileent.dieltrai parewhich affords :an ratfanitlinary.ove poctunity ',to boy any of the Company:. lands desired, seer much'iiPiti.w real value. - ttrlFitt:El TRIP TICKET-1e given to I.anil :tutors. and y are tharged role half fieiglit, on all btiiiaing flart teriale Wanted from Mr nitihal.for first improvements on ''avid bought of i the ILailrOad Company. - 1 :Inducements to emigrate to INortiiorn Illisaocul briefly slated ale es tollows:. •. a . • , 1 A mild. healthy climate ; *Oh mi . ' ; cheap l lands, the . I , r r ietuctlon• of ; which pay for' Olean. exprastia and' Im p vements too, much within the. limit of credit given: aillrger variety of eirapi,c produrtloMt. embraring elf e -1, real*. heniP.lobarco, LlM:nest , sugar - cane in k pellet-tin . Irish and sweet prantoi•s:rhoicer frnifiLineludtna,grap oi to i wine, and• l lt.earhes,ihan any tither region 'furtitat ' wrath or ti..rili; pure - mr.iteri timber,i.. ? oa.s..4,l,lin...fi. imihntg rck-44376 , r britli. and Tandl' flar . lc:loiter. are ataindsnt and Leon•eniently distrlb i ted; its, prattle.: are ready tar the plow; a -storing mnigvant ran I plant -sod corn' in the latter part of Jtint. - and gather : a valuable crop I. the succeeding, autumn for fattening arent quan tities of loom:4'am! hogs; it is only necessary l to . hay livid enough l'or buildings. .yards. mallards, vineiratds, and crops to be eocloscd,ras prairies supply an* tyrant'. ~ ty,of ea-client bay fire of other coat than tutting and cracking., which Is dome s fib Improved must've.. and -rake% at liss than one cl••11ar per ton. and as Osideringis toritintd to three - riff:nibs and less. but Ilttle-hay. Cont. paratively. Is needed: best r•f' open pisfurage; costing nothing, neither interest nor tastd...balding the stock. raiser or wool grovrer to keep tioms and Inwhi by the score. terds 'Of .rattle and.swit.e by the hundieds.'ind Marks of sheeil by the thousands; all the Maikete 'are , aceetaNe by telearaph;43ll and wet er.and the Meal rash demand for wtiol. hemp. tobacco. horsra, mules. fat liil , gs. 'cattle-andlteep. to ezpOrt,is ample for the ''apply. • All j i three lidrit Intel , are within tbri.e.dayii.trivel of any' t. lantlr • rlty 'for, less thin S: are iahail sulb immense rear errsflorin' unlutprov ed? - • I 1 • ' • laltarrillt lii LoSsti i:SECiit.luit IS rtairif out'!" It Is now pole lie l lrafe to ertfigrate to Northern 1 41'AM:id, and the loyal . tj'ivllnet. It will Freon 1, a: free State. Oar. passers con wir e IL and dbe 'highest controlling 'lnterests of the St le demand it.- Loyarslaveholderi Mille 'filth . 1 otter tint n icivlnt. -citizens In boldly advocating eMan etpation, advice b the l'reildent andraPviroved by , Congress I • , • ; . • • I • ' I-COLONIZATION.. -;. . • -Railaratite itttlintan,colon les. will coutribuie greatly loalach other's advantage.. Large and cbdice ixollee of land offered; furnish them every facility.) Tit muoniee atieceasfu.lyraeop miliira Is necessary, easyri l nd' practical bv a tittle concerted action. • - ' ' ,• - Now is rtne.Tide for multituries. with filtident.. fore• thotight and actiito, •to• secure with Mari ,tnimey, 'rich ' fartie and happy bones, which must rapidly Ificrease in valtie.fOr themselltes and their potterity. J . , - CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS.' • . 1 Com,lnme, with little money. sod perfect yens. rit to t hem gelviep.; Ussist their inner destitute tint • Indust runs - ami 'esPalileiriends to acquire In-a little time vain tile farms midi pleasant tionitoiesds. • The land will abundantly se , mitt tliffregialslte •diantra. and its prolific mitaluctions wall soon enable the emigrant to cancel tMI loin and ill. terest. 1 : • . . • l';43lPllLl:TBrnotainine skeleton maps, ) tih wing ge oft' rephicei fweiticn, Itailred4 cotiiieetinos, at d Ma lug full! Information, are sent gratis. 44' Let• ill wishing to +list their friend.. to etuilgrafe with them; apply, fur', all they want to eirctilite. Cooperation id thbrataywill tent' mutual advantage to all. • I .1 • .Apply to. or addrera , i I • I, "611:013.1liE S. Il ARIVIR,, ' t i o A g ela" If fan, .1 Si. Purr?, Rnart.arl fbeeparry, 1 I 4.5 CITY EXCII ANA K. Htts.tvial. Mass., er • I .. . , pI_,O4IIAH lIIIN. T, . • Litistg .e.tintlniimwr, . 1 . If 71.N.!:1.0A1.... Mo.,' 1 .t'p ' iy 5, TI. - • . . - 7 1 , 'I:7-4m • i _I ____.• .. ... . -• , • CUTTA - PERpHA ROOrINC. - O- ARTICht; ,-ever tiercrel intro 7 .l -LI 1 , ..` I-' - '1 • doied to the public has•egiaallod the- I.l4titn 13trra . 1 ~ J - • •I- c . ', i Paula for eating tin or Other .reofe,.uew, orl old.. Ono caton. mating f.l.in, wilt thernuahly[mal . trim In). to • I I ' ! • ' - [ ~ 1 • ` god feet 6f f, and this :Coatin - g Will reinlei the root I I F F . !. I I . . . per 1 fectly w tar-proof, and I : llll.ietthiee t knee a..e long as I - ,_. • whits lead oriorzer paint . For roverfog roofs,, 1 either new erlald, we l iefinit, li has ;no equal ; for hurability and eltapneae,latid we offer it to tint public ull7 Confident . reit! intrin•ic eXrellenm, and with airWarria . n tee that do 011 me 'claim for It. Eacjd Ira r 41, ;. of;frwty loos eifb, at a liberal dlyriont to detilera. • Iddresa ; • T.UARY ItOOTEN . IG CO., • • Cedar Str t I:or& Me , ere.BANNAN & DeFTIFTIN mill faintsb LI GUTTA IiT.ItcLIA, and int 1$ 00 P t Rode at the iespest - ratis. Apply to.el4llr r . ' . • ' pet:l2,lll. ! , • -1 t GROVER •& JURE i ' - 1 • - VIRST PHAN Int ETVI IN G - 11 1A CH II . WITH IlEMltiaB, itisis, Tv 1 BINDERS. lc. 4. Price $4O and - up's! CHAMBERS, Cenh • P 14103111., in old 1'004411e. ftgrey. Hotel. would respectfully iutorsis 13} 63*U...a 'panto I.d Me Agrnt'ln Fel f*llf. sale of th ews celebrated, sewing' wWwld. ask an rvinslastlon of the/ PO arWtiliteb. wbleh &rats good work, b i many Kayla. Markin'. manufacture' ad" Ivey asaeblow sold, sarran6ll, . 1 411.1113.30m.a call.. [April ISL 1 . i H 1.;11,33D . 11 IitAILIWAD AND NIFTARY lIAP .(JF the 'Southern States, prepared by th e.Clonainitiao on Inlind Ti-Aialoorfiglon tba boa ' rilof Toads of Palladolpitia. and nut United Jtatni Cnas Stanley. adoptad as O'OOIII4AI Mapapr Conterninant .last putllabiaL, and Ita yea at i s tilAril2 4 .N2l BANSAN Beek Stop. eißilitl a 1300 P 1 . ' • • 71" 1 /ZULU" iNCIDVIITS L i ' or TILE 1 1 GREAT RE EL I ON • .1' 77777, , 070 t : ! , • otaies nub Sitiairik... - • • ' • 1. • inte'l2 nio4 'sl ' • !•' - • • , .. - ' - The critice and the pu in are right in ,predict ing that this will sorpu iu graphic n !Tredve, exciting interest, and eXtensive popularity, old other histories Of the War fur the Union., Its theme wille the tierciic 40Nring. Patient Coffering' , and hair breadth- eicspesof our eoldiits , and "sail ors, and its form the theme of con versation- st innumerabli firesides fur year. to come. it contain, in ndditiOn to its stirring details, the philoroPhicalj Anal-pia Of the Causes or the. War - by Jolts - LOronor Author Of "The Rife 4iof the-Dutch Republic," etc., the dates of all they important events from; the John grown , raid, and an accurate nod -re viled: ice:pito' . of the• principal battles, with en, glitTiGgS. 1 I I One•tbird• the proceeds direct to us , wilt•be ; give! abled Soldiers, and all , p of the - work, and also) should send their naive , Also, any Officer or priel tion of the country, hers in act or stirring i» ciders ing as.an account of. it,' BooKsrt.talll9, POSTS AGENTS will>bo Corn ish Prostiectos,• on apflicatit frberril einientH siring tdoeF as aglati.iti • • • • • ' . THE — HISTORY !OF AKERICAW BIANTTFAR . TURNS. FROX. 1698 to 1860. Dr. J. LEANDDR BISTIOP. 12 vols., Bro. I. DOW ready. ; Vol: 11. neSrly. -reedy.' This is probably the largest and most impOrt ,ant work now in the American press.. We 1:.1M also IjustPutilished new editions Of theltillowing useful and 'pnpular books :. . I 1 . I •'• , TILE BUSINESS NIAN'S,..LEGAL ADVISER; to Save Illone'y, by Conducting Du . sines. acmrding tee as expounded by. • the. Best: and Latlsti !Authorities. 480 pp., sheep.; Price, Si. I . I - 'QPPORTUNITIEB FOR !INDUSTRY ;• !or A TBOUSANII, cuAN, cgs TO DIAKE.!MON. EY. !!Cloth, •Thia has been republished in England..! . z J • " • . : Every business man and `clerkshould have these books. ,1 hey will pay Pm buyer s hiindred fold. Every parent should get them foe.their sons.. •All these hni.ks are Mailed,ipostpaid, on receipt of :price. ; Welpay patlicularattention to mailing boAs. wrapping them earCfullyi and Will•proeure and send: - postpaid, any book 'anjwbere. on. re= ceipt of publishers' price and six stamps. Ad dress ' ' . • • • ,• • • FREEDLEY. dt co.4' .• • . • Tribune Buildings,liew York. ElANoB.—Persons who'wish to buy a Piano of the best„ixtokers,'will be shown how they pan save ' , idyll:lrvine scan in th 4 purchase. if they address PtAligo, circ of Jos!, .CuF ACo Publishers! Agents, :Sew York I'. 0. • July 19, '62. I . [47] . - : 29. ta. New Yk utral It. l ijA.lo?mrkitE. • . • Stiehter 4 'Thompson i : DEALETIS TN, " II ART) WIA RE, : CUTLERY,. , i• -, I -IRON, .TOOLS &00:' . , • • 6 1 Corner Centre andikfrket, " Sign of the:Saw," - • ' i POTTS ILLE .- PA • • •;; distl:lasi 29.'54. II -, 1 ,:-. . . Ildf ' • HARDWARE -AID IRON DEPOT. i THEISTII- RI lIKR. tut Ting nur arnintt.' ed his emlia t hi. new- place of Inrlnov and with a niw detertnination'o furnish in all Farb 1: L 0041141a! the buslne•Sa 01 the Coal Regihn tnay,requirr, at their lowest market value. solicits aisle inspection of thl, Public. I shall be always on hada. and hate nts haud, a full stock of - . 1 . . Bat. In. •1 ' I Chopping .;yler, - : . Far e i m p, I. • . - Coal Shnycls, Cast. Steel, 1 , i " Trtsre Chninx, ,I. " . Slit Iron J ; .‘,.... .;:klaila and Z.'nikeiti - M.Pe.: --- , ; " ; Tackle 131;orka, ;•: , ~ - • - Bellow& 1 ~._.'P I'• .' Anvil' and Yires. i ie. "" llardware:And Iron epot,CCITIII Sir cat. three drams nt.d - e Mit4ket.eatit side. . 1 ' FitAISK•PIIII. July IV 1.'.51. ' .. : ?Set f CEORCE.LORICI4T ar. CO.'S • , h 1•;%% If AftjfW A Itri Kroll E. two uo r! lx* l el ow ves floteLand 110.1,1y0k5. 1 .1 x the 'iners' Paintt. Pottsville:, where.* 11 be found Airlitlicellent assortiaent of Imiz. WARE: 1 ...-. 1t . 4 , ... I Cvarh Trfmmbug,• I: F iles.' ' I • ' Spritizse'r -- • C. . Fine Trays.. • - 1 4 1.1•Pery,'., , " • '... il liritarila Wit*, Shoemaker's 'Tools, -L.,11 Asenrt men tof fine Locks, Carpenter,. Thols,• , iil . Table C,ullery,' iaiss a hil- Pauli-„I, Pocket Cutlery, Ma Irbu,of all s l ses, I : . Table SpootiV.. ... ' Rolled :" " - ' 4 .. . 1 . Anvils and Vi-es.'•. . ']2411., and Stisikes, i•.i • i • Ass , rttuent of fine Guns,' Railroad Ilron .lod,N:iilf, Sheet Iron CruriblaN, Smith.TOnls. • I : i , Wire..Tln Plate, Buildlint Nlaterials, - ... [ DretAP Kettlet, 1 , • . Cali S eel. . 'I L . . 1 • '`Sad boos. " • Shear Steel; -- ' Pans and Bollerthi , Arm Bikter, - Mill Slwr; I.4oits-c0 Saws, B..ret nen. h thry.extoptie inditidual capaa! the supert9e 4i.t rtices, wilt des,.4 IFIt• .2 POltPt:111n. Nnr L ..r MISC,Ei,LANEO,U, I, THE FICKLE. d -.LYON SEWING MACHINE. COMPANY 538 Broadway: New York T ItIS Couny, bein'g, duly liceru;ed, their Machinee l are protected from iofr.ngemeo.t and lUigation persons desiring loi prom re a Sew Ink Machine should - purelme 'the • • - • • I •: • • for thel,lloning reasotii; . •- Ist. There la no Marhine, talk ing the:tight . tir ailtelt, shish la ski slceple and so Lastly nudendood...: ThCre is no 3el4lng Machlue.ae • durable, and in easily kept in order.' . . , 34. l'here I. no E.1. , 114 llaebitae ...plat of doing. ao MEMIEM!!MM EMMEIMIMILMEI hom I. to Itlnvie4 Cloth 4t6. IVhenyTerbari j Mactiines have been.falrty exhit, e 4 lu cornpOltloa t f f,6 other arst-eLass 31scbinesiWs have:trek" sirnrie4.rlssvra!Wit. - ws.i sth. -With new:lmpeossments Constantly bring added pe!fe!et lon of i mechsol es I I A ill, obtained by long , ex p erynce—we to producel Machine which absll ,he a source of prolltiand plessari; tO'lbe purchiun.r. . enh, There Is Wo 8/wing ilschino so. fully guaranteed as clars; , i4 we ^a 4lnt ,rrry Alachin; u", ell fn Yiet . - Getter surilletion Chan any °Au.; or UN trill rtfaua fhs I 7 rm+!y. Ttirt. IP e hive ...Oill further rfiaeed orir ,prii•eaond when thpqoallty or the 3litehitFe le eouaidered, h will he readily roneeded!that far • 1 S4O tu'rniah the hest,and eheapeet Machine, in the world. tna Circullr. Which. sigh price -110, and aninples of Wink done on !kik Yana ilyiUnehine, will be Went malk ktenin wanted Ow will pnrelanae nub Wen.. 'We aier.r enraio. - • Finkle - Li o n Sewing Machine Co., - • 3 . 3E' tt noilkowAT, ,N. T. ..... 1 -. April 1.. f,— . --.- , •1 i . • . • , ici Conk OPERATI6RS. -; - ..._ Great ,linpreireteent, in COil Screens.. f 1 1 11 - UN IYER§IGN ED are now pre pared ii .. pxrrd to snaunfart a re. at their ahoy. tri Ilineolo. ille. all kinda of SClitir,..lilS, 111 sereenint Coal. or the lm.' pv.vert mingtrinie patented to Jonita Laubenateln. 4th .lehruary. myd. 1 .. - ' . . ~. &teens manoti,,lnred by this _pence... era more dui". ble. maintain their form, better. and are fat lashed ea! ;cheap aglnY to be had in the County. -• . . , , r l a - • Tht?y are , menet( antrare iron, to 1164 the ea to prevent the Coal • idler from One alar to the ot 1 4. h.. tone ittnt horoughly crooned. thus preparing It batter 'thairl'esi be done by wt iron' or wire ~,,reen,a. I. , ~ The mannftetuners urgently request all tong =wanting t‘creens, k examine three new patent. teens at their chop. or at work at the Mammoth Vein Alter,' of eisosts Er,. Repplier, near BE, Clair, where tit have been In flea tnr wane time.... , •• , •Ily purrhaAog toreen. made tinder tbis•Pitseif :Bib giefon'..pr sexy tt-00b10 aff to patent ri'ghle, ell the avoided. - 111 work itoss with pmieptnese and deep:itch: - ' ' , . 1 " •J. ..t. L. LittIiFINSTEIN, .tailerserills Juiesl, ISt2f.— • i t . . • INES, CORDERS, Are Street,. nuildine t sear the publie that tit !kill Comity, Machines. and Machine, sitti nil hi as evils. WATERPROOF CLOTIIINC:;\, `WK. A. TOOKER, V i? - - Reads illt” Corner I.of ea, ) }sitar von* A"aIrANUFACTURER.add Who wale . Dealer ID BLACK AiiDTELIAIW OILED CLOTH. , Miners', Tdunstore, And SeAtrian'a • Water-prar HATS.. Mao, .Dpcit PANTS, SIMMS, DRAWERS, ovEam.i.s. dr.& cheap cur cash. 4)idors nrcalrod hall promptly at ended to.. • 3lay 31, '4 . :41. I i i ,`62.-16.6m I . ' ESS. I of allenbserilitiuns sent for the -Bilk( of Die signs who wish e c eopy to benefit the soldiers, sad, :Olsen" Fit 'once.— te, or, : pennin, in tnnY see ng kntin ledge of IS Isero-, 1, will oblige Ifs by 'send- 'SUERS, Sid CANVASSING ed. Urith a Subscription on to the Publishers. it t o ghee to etticit'et;" de. r tti ki!tv 'China. ' •• i ltailma3 Tearer, ' Yovider,and ' rinr Ilan4 Sawa. ita basal, to the publle for the patron• I to toe late firm. and hniws that atriet attelltirio to boldness. and lugacroinmodating nn a command thole continued sup- I Y. 111{1011T d-CI 1.. Ifierdioareimi Ir on, Centre Streit. .11). :46. i• 1 DR. N'lflq. 1-fro'S DENTAL REMEDIES , ‘,THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSURING ' r _ • FINE IEETH a. A . SWEET, BREATH. C URI* . 0 TCOTIlAcili ;/k EtiliAl46l4L ' .' _ Do yekti wish to be bleesedisilth , end .a4lnited for PrAlwr WarrX snd Sousa TEEM ? trio Dr. Wit. B. Ihird's tarivatited Tooth , ,i owder, Warranted free fr:ina ior any-injerions subeuinee. trice, 23 Cents !pc BOIL - ! , Beware at' thy/ ordinary cheap.TOoth Po*. deta,4l3lcti wbitin%titileatroy.". ! " po'you wish to . be; certain that your - 811E4111 , is riOii,,s.weet.'oull a .rerable herbaria or wife, lover or friends?: 'Vet Clebrated Month Wash. This aoirinivin; wash is . also the 1)e!& reuirid* in the - world 'pit. ANk.EII, BAD , • , ~Cents .Per Bottle, IfLEEDING OVMS, SORE MOUTH, tier. In . ' bat eared buoaredo,! • • _ . • R.o on yqur sulTerjrook TOuTH .A6i ec ; • • • • Dr. ilurd's Toothache Prleei 13 Coate pee Bottle. Are , you afflicted Frith NELTILALGJA,2 Vet Wm. )3. Hurd's Neuralgia 'Plasters. • ,tlTe . - , moat effective and ilelightful remedy linOwn. do'nOt. adhere nor bllsterj but isoothe 4nd charm. Vain away. Try theca. Price, IS and. 37 •Mailed.ob,receipt of Price: • • • • _ Du Yon wish e, eciunplete set of•DENTAL ICE I JIEDIF.S, and &Tams:rise oa Pae;inavian TEkva?` ; • Get DR. W. D. 11.1 AD'S DENTAL TREMLUDT. j• e I the neatest and most - valuable pre/len ti that. 'one I • I ' . friend can make to atiother. , ;Price Sentl by Rairess on feceiPt of price. ' • 'For sale M i ld( e.best' stares throughout ! the • r• ; . country '• . I !AUTIO.I.—As there Ore deklere who like I ' • ~ ed rantago• of our a#ertiAcknents to impose Upon I ; heir eurtoz4ers ipferior.,pic , parationyit is fleets, tiny to insi4 upOn having what sou call ,f9r,l and , YOGI • 211 IL ENST,' lb/MO(1814Y ' le"ited.'sp .• It Prepared by an experienced and scientific Dentist; • _ Treasurer of the NC* Yolk state Dentist's Asso , \ elation, and Vice-President of the New York'City - . • Dental §iieicty. • - • . Addrese • ,IVM. B.• HURD. & TILE LIOUSEKEEPEWS 1 NEW FURNITURE POLISH. r!repaieoi ;irom an ipiproveLl reeipet. by,tlel pro. pr:eiOr,of the.'" Itnorunn JONATII4X certified by all the , leading Sew , York d'ur.ciitetie Dealers ,and l'iano-Forte makers to'be dhe Vet t in the w'orld for removing Spratehes,. Marks:, and Din, and renforing a WO and lasting . gioraito all kinds of Varnished work, from Furrdiara to Leath-- er.: It is cheaper F 9.1 betteethan.,yarnisb,i4ries itnmediatelyottid is easily applied,: With a piece`' of Catiton Flrnnel, and - a bottle or' 'two of this New 'Frestrtlee housekeeper can sirerit magic in thel furniture lof a tiouse,:and.lieep it luokink !lite new. Ne - w is the time to 'y Shine up 't your :Tables, i Chairs, peaks, Pianos, lilacs° . Frames, Carriages, etc., end! make theni. Link 50- pernent,better.. This is tr u e economy. I.Fr.r rale bjr.Furniturc -Dealers and Stoiekecpers fi4111:Tally: Tricf3 . 2. and 50 cents 'a , bottle. Q. 1 ,Sprwir Stioct, Noir York. • P • i* - SrEciar. Aormit WaNycb. , Address, Box 19F2; New yuee {, l% VT] 3131 Y 19' .‘"?. __ .... . ~ --,- '. -. INSURANCE.'... - 1. ' • ...._.._ • .- - • 4..___, _..._ 4 .___ , .. • THE .NORTHI AMERICA I Fire Insurince Company of ititadea. llocorlscitell lb the yeat 1794. , i l' Present Capital, -: .. j ' ~ $11;103,677._ ell A ItiLla MATT, Seen.-A. xi,corFis; Nes'lt. 11"E' SUBSCRIBER . 16s ' tice!i. ap pointed agemt for thu.stre old: mut rell4 - is Corn. pang, 'ands,lll b., happy to Fine full triformati , u as to rates Of litsurnser.'aud .the In.rits of the couiroy, - to soy one desiring losorsnee. I' • ' 2 1_ i ' .. ,- .• • , • I A.:GoDengx. A'zent. pOttsnllit, July 213, 'l'l2, l • , ' • : ... . ': :Nl° .. • . • , •OenerAt fnsaraic,i, Ecoketae.. • •.• FIRE, MARINE AN LIFE - INVRA.NCR BROKER. Pensylir&nia . Poitsillie' ! , • a•lnPareneee elected on 1111 dr.. captions cif .151,:oper iy, in s,:rorn.: - . Fore4o American 411 particulars furnitb . o on alipit,cation at tile Atioi . e named .'2l3 # • ' (71y.' „ . INDEMNITY. p lIE Franklin Fire InsurAnco Corn. _L•• pany.of i'hilavi•-lph 011 lee. lti;;;i l Chesnut streets. near Fitthatrret., • •iitSCTO,RE: • f: haileelq.3atteker, • tleorgerAliebards;. • ' Thomas . . Illordoes i 11. Leila!, TobiesWisneri• Adolphe K. - Huila, • • Samtiehlrant; • David S. Wow ; • `,Jacob It.3mlth: - • Morris Patterson • • • Continuet6 rnakeinKuranec.permAnentoriimited on *very leseriptioh of prop..rty.in town and country. at ratesaslowasareennsirtentwithsaeurity. Theilompany Mi'Ver , serveds lar . gee•hatingCnt, Fund. whteh.wlththeirCapital and Premiuma..afel,slnvested, - afford amplepmtktion tothe Insured: "Sineelbeir in perind'of 18years.they hai4 paid upwarlis, of nne no Wenn. t hand red thousalid.dolfars.losses by Ilre.-thorehy a Ifordin—"erideneetof the advantages of t inranre.as wellaatheibilit3 and disposition to meet withiprotntitness.altliabilltl.4 • eIIAS.N.DANCKEIt •Pr'esident Criss. .11 as CllCETt.l 4 orcretA r:y . • .• • .Thesobgeriherhasbe.n appointed wren 1 fot!,l heshi+ve 'nientionedl n••titiition .and is now prepared td make In - iglimnre.otlevery deseript ion ht propert the-lowest rates. • ' ANDRIMAtiI&SF.I.I..Izent. pnti.villa.Jan.ll. - ••241 • . IXET .IASTrItARCE. TrillE Gira:ril Life In§urapv.e; Anlnuity . ;,an4 Tritst t'lknhany `of. Philaitehhia. neice. !tog Chesnut itivet the first door Mat,- of th'e. custom , •tt Pint $70.000-4 - utA n• Pra? ficTC.l L. .. • Orintione it:intake insurances on firer on the rhord tarots abl.,torms. ' 'The capital helot. paid up and inreFted, to7l.ther with • a farce and rOnutantlyinoreasing re,erced tune, naers a perfect wertit+.ty , to the Ensured. ; , The 'pretnh mi. may he . !;.palil yestiy, tialf.yivirly or Quarterly.. ; • • • ; The. ci mpanr 11 , 1 4 1 11. Itoxus perindiraify to th'? footman re. for life., The find Volum appropriated. in.Perernher, istt. the, socrind [footle in December:V.4si, nod thethird to,Dvi . otaber.ltsl; which addition. ma k e an, Wit. rage of tame than 60 pet cent.; upon' t he preminmepald, , without . 11teriwaltig the annual premium.'; ; - 7/101AGlitt.: ,Th.ehes "Ridgway, John. A. ftrown, . Robert Pearsall, John It. Latimer, . Thomas P. James- • John R. Slack. Frentefirk Xrewn, , • John C.:-7ilitchell, • Geor...re Taper' '• • Freeman, - , Seth J. Comfy, ' • 'lsaac Starr. Pam htete enntainlne table of rates and raplanatkins, form of . r o ca ri on and farther information can he had at thnii,iftire. • TIIOMAIVIIIDQWAY, President, JonmE . F. Jants, Actuary. • I . dri"The oth . oalber le kcal for the abeTe Zomprey In Liehnroall . County; and-'will effect Insurincraiand gist. all neresaary inforttiatkrnow the subject . J one. 25. "fil 2e- ; . R. TAN NAN.. MIDDLEPORT AND: PATTERSON: • )ERSONS indebted. for Town Ws is Darxd f .,.Addilimt In I I por9u9A of ilidale, pot. and iii Efavri , -.: at- Roree,e A dltiom tO tht.t.wit off Ititt•r.fog, will plea,e make rapt, et.. a ittonetartbie notice, to " - P. W. 811EAVER, E. gineer, Pottaaftle. ;.1a1y.2i3; 'B2 ' .... " ; 30:41, , Q(1 . 1 ',LBS. of Sin »king Tobacco, vow /I)Abio,opodwiteg.. • ckyrson'd,andfigs tioennt Cben ng Tobacco. Fur sail by • ' • •• May 31, WI _ I • W. Ei BUYER. . . HODGSON'S IMILAD'Atf worm , LIQUID EXTRACT OF 'RENNET, ,CI, making Junket, Cold Cust a rd - r • ik,e., Ae l ln akw minutes. For %ale bi ". 2 , .)11)i 0. WitnlVN 41k ,ROX," :Apothecaries, (*are iiirld ' 0 3 i Julie I, 'CI. . • , 'SOIIIIIETI4 110. FOR THE TIMES II stir A • Necessity in every Household. • jCII3I4STat cßootErs .• American Cem THE STRONOESIAILVE I i TILE WORLD. • THE VIIKATEST OLVE.IN. Trtm - nottip. THE MOST DURABLE OLE% IN VIE:WOULD.. TIIEiONLY. EY:I44IILE OVA IN THE WORLD. TILE S4' 0401. IN THE WORLD. • ' • ' AiikRICANT'CEMENT' GLUE iithe,dnlyarild• of the kind .ter produted wlilrh WILL WITHSTAND '-WATER. . . •.• IT WILL MEND WOOD; • • • Sarre sour bicker Yetrultaiie. •-• IT WILL MEND LEATHER. Mend ynnt. llarneta,Strare.lltelle,Mea.ta, La. :IT WILL MENDOLASE. - -" See pH! ;44* of that expenslye "CO Oleae Bottle. .; . • pen.t. throwaway tbat •bralzett : Irory ItanOt Is easily. • rePairikl... - IT-WILL MENCHINA D . Your bi.eilten.Clilne Caps and' tlairers ran be made ae, I • ' ILond es. raw. ! !TWILL MEND MARBLE. - That pleas knocked oat of your!,Mnabte Mantle can be • . .1 IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN. • No mattir.if that broken r(;Mbitt a abil A7rised. • • .; • IT WOLL. - NIEND•ALABASTeR. That etiptly Aliqr•tre 'tam SR In-okoi n nd ickci ran't criatett it: awn 3 ftL It sill.neser Attowirttenvittogetter. . .31 ad` pone.,:coriti; Lava, . and In het .e'veeythliog bat . Bietils; • artle,le Cementiat with ASI rEIIEXTG LUZ . ' Will not show whore mended..• •: r • EITILiCTS' • • ;,.' • , iron..terppp, shonid bare 14 flarrht John. roaley'a American' Cement, : Oluc."-r Nays /list- It ii isacvoymileni to hsse in the, honas-.2.% - clo Tack' laprcsi. . 7 • . • . • •• It iii - alwiys nsidy; this coMmentis:lt to, everybody." '.lll , :bpond , nl. . • : god it is L , ht .Ti! “ - Wit tiny.. iris It. and find it is'. Apirie of Economy is Wealth. $1.0.00 , per' year Pnvod 1 . 1 erf.rY 6pri: . by On , Bottle AMERICAN FMENT GLUE. Price 25 CeSis pe - rllStt Pries 25 Cents p.r Iftr •P.rice 25 fonts per. Astile. Piles 25 Cents per Pottle.. :Pries 25. cents per. Cents per .nottle, Very Liberal Redpetloat $o Wboleial~ .111uyere. ,• . TERNig • CASIL. , I art Fix %ale by ;IV Oro WO e , .; avid :Firm:ekeepera gen. - malty thro,uglinut tbd riluntry. , • , • .. JOHNS S&. IIOSLEY •C . , . 78 William Street,, f,ramPr of tibt , rty ' tin VI7 YORK.; Important to Rouse Divirers.l, • :'lmportaatto' , Ruilders; .important to Railroad Corapardei., ' Importair.to Tamers. 1 , • - To all -whom this 1 , 111 , fy . CMICCI : 11.1 erer . ybnci:f . y.• ; JOHNS & OROSO.:EY'S• CEMENT ROOFING' The cheripe4t and most duTable!Booting in use IT AS FIRE ANDNPATER PROOF._ . . . . lt ran be epplied to 'it:west - id ou) itoers ref ALL .I.twws, sr 4-ep or ttstaut.l ,toltinsuut - Routs without roini.mitts the Shingle's. • . .. •• :•'t .. 1 - . .. The Coot 1. only aliont tb:at . of TII, AIND•IT, IS TINIFE AS DURA- • This artielw halt been limmuehlj este/ in ; New York CItY. and all Marls of the Grit ted's tiles,,Vanada. 'West I te dies, and C.Aitral and South Areeriee, on tuildines of all, kinds. surh• as Facronirs; Clivneims, it vitl ReahDfrors, CARS. sll4 on Yvette tifittrisris titivriiNatuar Ac., Ijy the ;principal Ilmtrigmi, Anettrients. and others. at 11 rinjetho hot four yeptS, and has protest to le. the CHEAPEST and PST IR:RAI:ix ROOFINt: in tele; it is in Mere restpe d a FILE. ‘vii WEATHER mid LIME I'l totek:ol., 4 ling for ROOFS 'ALL-KINDS. I , . 71 1 1$ L i th e 0,,yL1 - maierii?/,stenefettercifin the Vtiet.,l 5ti.4.04 which oluil.ineS ihn vr , ry properlieS oC t." , athcity ittlot Purabliit!j: Which Sr.. univrniallt a, k now tedziel 5 , 4 GUtrT.l. P14.111,1011A AND INDIA RIULI4II4I.'":, • Heat is reqtur oll imam ng ••• . I • The expense it applyiled It 'ls trifling:et an ordinary ;Roof can ts. covered nd fluialird the Mau. day., . It yo be appdle!. ' stay and when finished 14M. peit , t•tih , Fiat Proof surfer,. with an elastic holy. Whi y ranted' be; in..; ured by lies; Coi.nbr Stigms: Deeper, nut ally es, terual action ibatever.‘ 1 ; T . .. 10 LT D ' GITI"TA P crimENT,, Wor Coatinw Metals. of , all when ex , 1 . 1 pos . 0 - to the aetiop of the Weather, ancl 4 •, - . Pite - Preserving Aild Ilepalrhog jltetal •• Roofs Of ittl,bleids.. , • I ..• This Is vorpstf.v:Ceterseutio! , "Ittrovitr ietneh Wirlf rue- - ; c h rurofy resist extreme rhunires of ell elierutes. Gee cloif ,Tiolied 1., ttclo.ls, to which it ail• bores firmly, tortninir a taely; lint tot time foals of or dinarr:paint.ants much lee+ and will LAST TRH Ell .TIMES AS LONO': sod from' it el:l,f Icily is .iot Itijunel by the contraction and ex'palesion . .of TIN and o tte* J-AIF.T.tL ILolllB,conseqUentupou,stldden 01 the -went Ler. ' w,ll not CRACK IN COLD Ott FitlN.r.l.;wApi IVEATIIER. AND WILL NOT WASII OFF. i F LEAKY TIN. AND Of tl ER my:r.Kl.- ROOFS; ran ye readily repaired with ou-rr,A PEncirS CEMENT. and prevented from harther rorrosinu . anit, I.akiug, Tur.nEuv ' INslal3J A, rEI4TECTI4 trAtett tariff addr, 4cR. I!%N't 7EtRM ,t • is -TOP CetTleni.P.fie , ollarly.iplApt.i for the prPs4iTTal ion of IRON ItAlLibilS. SToTE.S, RANGES, SAP,ES, AG. • I:ICUI.TEIt ALLIIPLEIIENTS, iirc h l also frit general Male ufacturers* use. • i New ioriF. GUTTA. PERCH' CE3IENT; • For preserving and r4llifing tra and other 31E : rat. 11 6 0FS. of every'des.•ript ion, from D.j. aretit:jel:ll4lcl ty. not' by contract ionand c,spattston of !tlef,als. ntid Wit.'. CRACK. I S COLD tilt DUN W E r tiT I I ED. the.e ntatefials ,are etamarra,-and vrn ar prtivirrd.to - supply. orders froht any part of the c•nin. Irv, at t.hort notiee. foC,DI3 fl pnapii.t ready prepared far Ilse, and tlur.r.ki 'C . I;- 2111.:,N'T In barrels, withfull prinlydjdptectious fin- appli cation, i! • ' - ' • • .AG S- 7 .IV.A.NT • • • .! I ! • Ire sizi// sun kr liZwral tind satisiart.rg', arran!p•ments with reNpotsiltt , ..pqrtii.x.thhti tc. , 414. thcm• seirei tin LL Luce. Ally sand. PLRMAN6NT bu,inePs: • • • . . • . . . . We eon get e abundliint prior *1 All we eltiin'in 7 favor or Dui-Ith tried lit.ll og 3lateririlti.litivini: ali plied . 1 hem to several thultsond Itootii in Zi.eit York City mot vicinity •EOLE !kIANIEFACIti tali?, • Wholesale W'arehonli 78 William Street, CornetofLiberty Stiett,= , N:iFiW YORK. • • • Full deatrjptle Circulars ned . pides atilt be furnlFtied on Applitatllan. • . til-Maare. BANNAN at' DOGIEIIN, P011ee111...1,111' inrastsh the A3IEDICAN; . .ClOl ENT' GLUE, and elan -LIQUID GLUE COlENT„irholeaile and retail. and +ell] also plat the .Centent. on Itofors, at the lowest rates. AV.' -ply to calibre one.. • Get. 12.'61. • CI4ECARYI INSTITUTE; r 7: 13(tARD1ist.: A !TAY On())l. YOUNti; hArit*.s, N 0.1527 and 1529.5P - rue's St., Philadelphia . ; rrHE re).7,1)1.ir coOse, instoetitnu ' tr, st u l.taces the . English', and !Frinrie la ticusc,•le I:iterattitek—Latin if rerytres.l--and all *le branches' which c o n stitute a thotanti ittlgit•tt and french!eit-1 ocition, - • • . _ French is the lancrtsze or the fan.ily, and is'mnstantly spoken in the Institute. • ' *, -The Scholastic -year cotnifieineeS.Septentlicrllsttb 'end. 'closes July Ist. • ! ' • I • lOr circulate and partlrniari. apply tn; ' , c, MADAME ItlitilIVILLY, •• • so, fon ; i July _6.'89 . ' ARCADIAN -INgItTUTE... .- - 'l. ..) o. .the Friends . - of laducation I in?, '. SCHUYLKILL COUiCTT:L. , ! ! ~ .''. '.l rT einte lase October. the Ittatllntr,at i Orarlgahurg! has' Ibtwn cloved. LII:e many other aintllac.lmtitutionV.lo, had to yield to the prekauce tit th 4 times.. I, have, Mori reer.been lately eked; t.} gtraniiwwho wish to have their chilth,n.at .rh, f.I .neer at b00n...1..01,4m tii:i.ltvolil'ute 1 next !Intorno., Thoaeiihi) are desiroun of encouraging, an . in.til IP ion c 4 4 , , rpipi.: tn.th, tr.( wn County. and wht, n .,, 3 - tw will' r.g to patmulge nie.are hereby inforrnedth at; my Seined will be re.opened ItS• the Ist of Novvsnivr: if •ufliiient patronage be guaranteed. A kmall 'Tiumbrar of pupils has already been prnml.ed me. ' Any !Others Who may wirh to encourage the'Selml. are asked !to whit - rag Me at Ors igl.burg.. Thrtigh: mot; ly front , home. letters on the sal jest Wilt terelii• prernid atiention. ! 'AC tool As the eurnuragemeist,lv atiflicient - to marmot ine to 't;pext the School,aimotlce will be given in-time of 'niv purpose. . I XLIAS .SCIINEIPER, . , . • , I . . 21— , July 19,'69 • • ' SPRINC GARDEN. NOW- OPEN; THE fes'pectfalip announce to the puhliti that They have imangail a' pleasant party, to take-plareat their titore,.riu" • Monday NeAt t ".inue, 23:i A new daneintt ito,r. ham taeit ateeted. - *ViOh 14 heaii• t fruity !wiled imima shade, trees. aiof 0.p4 mru4e. freshmenta and otibartaern.iriesni'l be 1 1 1 PV11. 10 41 I 'PIP: B , are also tyro large and:snttatan tia I Sqlopek rtidy , frr arid the pond to sat ly ietired trt.to toe:rest of o r ir , uul. l We tnriir the truhlio to call and • atrium than:metres alt they may feeldispote , l.. TtulY yours, .' •. • ' lIELLENTIIAL A ECHILLING.: .X. 11.— . 1" , ir Sunday tichogi iCA, the. 01/tee open , free of charge. ' - 47" Every Mood', June 110;1 • a ,_ • __- . . r wiell!ton, Nevi ersey. . , Sit-A I MIN aaanittnent Al.fre Rope efludintlr nn hand. Orders filled:with daqatcb, For iiite.afrengtb, Ind enit,'nne al renlar..! . J.ran. I, '62. ;My* i • IiEST.QtrALITi 11P BLUE. GREEN AND .PUB.PLE '..• ROOFING SLATEI; • • • . • ALSO, r, " AT:l11:11"A Pa;1110 ItANAIVACT UREL) I • SCHOOL . SLATES; ! •••• • Always on hand, and: for sale by T. THOMAS. , • ennitrib.sion'sirchain: 211' II . /*wept, ly I . VC. 11. 2Q_NWAX ) " SLAT Et - lila@ Nora .Twe - Street. lk . Ire Oil , ' razd Avenue.' Philadelphia. swing of all ki,dr done le tin tutist. noire!, at abort - notice- r I _ r. 11.—Beat qualltrof ittionan ELATE always oa toad. Ordprs protop9, itteadotttu., Jane fa. - 47: • pot on i. st rT:na $11;t eTer aeful In'our hour. .(000 M3IIUff!OUP.III,I) GrTt r OUR TERMS APE CASH..• 3011N.54 , :C.IIOSLEir;. : . lED.UCOIONA4.- . • Motical Ettertsintndiat.. Wire 11 1 ?pe ;Works of JQIIN ROEBLING. _*).ppizje'.s . o.t44. - -,::. ..•• - 'ORPHANS' COURT.'.SALE. --:!. MIS U AN T p) in. drd er.. 01 ', t 11,c:.Qt i 4.1 - . „,phinals' Court ul the County , of Schuylkill, 1.1 th e , j o ) mnontwealth of ;Penn sYlvini.,"the - fuhrrrtber.•lll:,ell , tor of the , 'last ;rill and testament of Giles- Cribry., late• or ,oila ihm rs ingh of Ilinecltle4O, the Cont, y• of I sciluilsMidseeSsed,`witi expose ta . sale ty public ,geuz duo. on i' i . r ', r — r ,:^ • - i• .. lii hl ~ outleir, Die h deity or:August ssie.x.e.„ . ~-. . , . , at Idn'cl.ek in- the fOrenoon, it.,the Public noose of .Issat Ward: in ihettereogh of Ilirtersrltle,grribe (un; ty of Sc-bnylklll sten-laid. all that Certain. tit or pi+, of j ground, and - appurtenances, situate. in ;At Bor , u4lti or hllliter•srttle. in the County• otSchuYlklll, end :tar of; Pennsylvania, to wit ; • .—•-,• !, .• . •- ! -, . -•:, Plittia;:lot or piece of 'ground; situate, And lei •,4 , In the Do r onith of !diner:3llle. lts !ate County svonivii4. .k•tist• inlitte g•-nerl . plan of •tsail'llorough by lot II Wil • • her glee hind red cud tr. ant foiste t ts4lll4 thirty. feet front ei.o.Dei street, and extending Ohe It undued and phlets free •e tfBo4 l l. toja.terenty'reet Tide sysy, w0w:44:41 ~,,, the east by: econd street. audnn theeouth byltitflour- her tw,s hundred ati k t.tarentreight; on the -West l h the - . 'ap r essidialley. end, on' the north', by , gel- DIM tiro tiro hundred 40 thirty.' eith.ten Frame bniidinvi. thtaeon • erteted.- lite the, estate of said deceased-.. - •• . i, Terhii and enodlttons made known. at- the' 11cort,, and- Ore of site by ' '• JOH ,i • , WITZ MIA ti, Exce:..• - by order Of the Orphans' Coury.:and bj eh-tune! lira ~!obtained in the will or dereaied., •• , ' -' ' ' ' Jtirteri Bow Cc,;(th, - - 31 t, l '-- Pn! . !l7l!it..,Jilfy . . • •:! ...' 1 ORPHANV COURT ;.,SALE. I ' 31IltS1 lAN '1 la • 0.11 ortlei - 01.tM;.0:1 , pining' Court - 0 tbe (\way of itehull Ikl IC fn. the limonite:lß h Of rewohy I T. 4. n Lt. the su tricri hors. B% ec tx tors of the last wilt,lle,.• ofresthatine Rritmm. bale or the Bomugh orMinetsville..itt the County of fichuylkill,' 4,4, e sedl rill e sgrusto'galelby public trendy.., on i - - • .doikda i 'ill e iftl . i d py- of :ii* iast.p , ts4_ , at 9 o'CloCkin thei . mstoon.ett the Puhlie Howe of trust Wat.L.ltil the Borough of Mloersviiiteln the 'County of ' S.elanyjklllalarrltaid, nil that tertalub‘tni phew-tot siourrd and appurtenances, sitnitte,bi the ll:Wough,: of 51.jtiers iill. In the CW1[1013 , 44 Schuylkill antratate rd Pensayl: tante; tz..,, .14 r) : ,-,,,,• •.. • - •,:, :, - • _:::• • . , ; . ~, All that bertslis lot or ;lbws eflroutid:tdinatweit the, -southwardly Itide'of "Sunliry'stieet. hi the Itottithih of litinertsille. to said County, towtaloinr thitt.yolme b.et and .is inches in width on Sunbury street:and ye teed , in hark: or watt wardly or that wultii.onottundrtland forty-01ns feetZaLs inchas.to the Hapilse ph . nrai Lit.nolv pnlato of Jonathan gicerd. ndjOinimr, lands of sor.nr ;Foster on the east, and lands of 'John 010 . 4 on the west. lOgetber with the. right of analloy ,way ou the east side,, that Is. adjoining:, the east al the above da...ertlAKl "let' 'three feet and oat-half in' Width. and rnualtig back .Of •ttnit width, frnotrou;ll side of Sunhury street, twenty. two fwd. endwise. the richt of Pootherallea 'way: leadiou 'from the north/Ide of tbitith 14toet. sod "along. the. east side of. the Baptitt'Churehladw *4 , ... , 41 Int.'sn4 run , :Ling' tir*,froto...l,l 0,...,4 tifty-ront feet r mfd, iri, to le A lso tame pied One lialf'fs'ebin width ; seld'illey. 'ley* to bo nwoltormninnn- .it hiadjoinintoir then., with a:double, two-story Brick Building', , no.Sunbury street. ''• '. i . .., -ALSO, All those- tiro ,is.dininitig tote, sittrite en' . !fin, 'northward „t • eideof Centrostreet,io .the toWn 'of NA :Odeon. Taw na'alp'nf• Fiall4, In said Cou t ity-or .. *tbul,i, API. boing.lo!ti number tweuty.itewatid twefity-thieW it; the rasps or, plan-,:of said tnwo of Doioddeon.-sald l o u t ‘ , roidainitr;togethefiii srldlti;on Centie etrret,slitjr feet,- anti runnintc bark nt ,iti.q.widthivin bunttrrt feet, With' 'IL tnur.t ,, ey Et.Ml DA eliing: House therenu:enoded. " • ALSO. A rertaiti other.int. situate „nu the 'onrtbitiardly sh...Yof •junbury ,street. in the; ItoroucL of 14tnentstIle aborel,abt rontsininc irr whitittwenty•two•fret,PU:X ineh ! • es:. and in depth two hundred Ice; late. the estatWof Said • 'Terme and condition's. made'ktinwn it-tbn* tilit? Una place 01 sale .by ',,'',_ ,%. JftliNi h 11511E1t,.. .' • ..'[. CliAltiAli-intu.lit‘t..- 1 ,_ -L.C•tu;ort. IRe; ' Pra ..r ' of the- Orphans"' cnbit. 'end by eittue- of poWeni i i c,ntaitted'in will. tf the decedent: ;,..... • : • .• '' - - JobErn howl.". C 1,717 .- 31 41. - „j„ 001IP Yil M. July. lath. 1,-62. .a , • PUBLIC SALE: /" I RE striicitth.Eß lvill. - Otl4 . at . _l_ DuLlie Sale. t.re •, • - ' .• .. ' Wednesday', October:l, 1,K62,1 ' 'it Fensterufacher*Tavera.% in ;10rialeven, .S.et:OyikDl tou'rkti. t' helolhaailsi deseriLeA D e al Eatatn.aii i , '...'' :hiS AOR KS OF LAND.. ai t mate tti, Union. Teanahip". l ', SOltillkill‘Counly„laheut 4 mDee from Dingtown'lan...l li . tulle tn•ii the. Cataacis.ra Deltic:ad. adjeinfili Ignds t• Conrad Fre , s,'DiThl teintg. lAwrietier 'Senifer':ind - otli• !.. era. Thereon is envted a•Aiirgle . ..STEAM' Si %V ,A1•1•LL. 3 I , , 11111110di 0 1 1 / 4 I),eliil44li.e!le.(p-Intainthg libie'lgolielhei e, ' aild - seren leina.) t , '',, tenant hots,'.awl _ail,' urlfria Ty . outbuilditms. ..../bopt 170 arrek et • the struis'are wen t •.t -74 _J . timbered; 49 sere., cWored. and the •rert pyrilyZelYare - d. , , he Catiiii - bodi Creek.plooes thrintizbdiie yAnfei.. - I The slime Troet will be add in "the Yholy ot,i4 dieeeo to auir pUl:tbalwra, !. Sale tdennituenee: nt I del a P. MI and W . 0114, ou the d, or rude by- ISAAC. ADDIAIdtA . , 1.8 —reronne. wt lilny; !few tiboce will'plratwi.lll on Tholnag lan, near 'Prernii'Ys.• July 6neds• . -'PHILADELPHIA d. READINGiR. R. ( 3 ",' • r " • rim pr.f.riaA. v,C If of ::1111 T. 11.6 yj A n •Pofr 11r 3 "T 4 '" .1 . 1 1 "• C...iitNituy. to AP:41,414,,t, j ntivr A ur,ust I,Jisi!..2, uulil Im,l kart . tiotire: • . -7 C. • ET ' • .7.. _... zw . • ____, , ,-- , ,To Itieliiii•oi.li -. . . 1 . : ,•1 1 , 1" i '1 01 ,1 0 0 '1 .." , i1 ' Ptii•nit. l o) LI.. -,.... • • . ` 14;,1-67;1 10:1 5,i I' ; • '„. . J 0c1i'1...1 l'lrtiw,, ._ • '''l. : , •1 .17 : 1 - i 0: 1 i+ , 11•: 1' Nirciowp, •., ' ,:: , •-• ii i, 5,157 i 1,5 w l4Ol (1..,, ..x7r.... R. n.. : 1 0•••• - ' 1 .',721:...,1 t wit : • :5 1 , 5114 of 1.. , cht41 • 1.111i •i 1 5 , 1 I 57 - 0 ' foi - 1 401.‘ 1...5 "la: o l , Yoifli , ! •-, , • .1: 5.,* il. 57 1:50,!1 40;1 ..5 1.....b.irri. • :• -.-'l. 51'11 11,1 1'4:171 3:1j1 23 ' . 0.11411(11p.-6.:0, • - - t 1 4f.11 .41 1. : :17 ',12:17.11;. ;..... • iiwe'..l.7 liartiar.,, • '. • ' 1 4tll AI, f..:i4 , 1 - .1.1"i 1 '..7 11:1011...%:". -.*.• • . . ... :..1 40; f',39,1:11.il =it 1...,10.1.,n,i ..rllridgeport, : i I'oi I- ..•.,•• ..1' :11 i 1 '2lO 10 Port: kemedy, ;.. _ . .I. A :.::.!:1 :',l I'_4ll 11.1 II) Val ley. ii.1r..," ;:. '• , I 11 •::: , '.l 1:•,, 1 :Mil „I 111 1..i.1. I "I'''"hl ill , •'-'- - 4 i 1 V. 1 ..• 'it 'I 11 1 . 111 1 -, ltoir-r's ',i541.1; ' 0 - ' •;• ; 1 1:+11 17 : :1 10 1 0 . 01:' • ' .5 r 4 ini n i z... _ . : ' 1 '1 , '.1 111 10 . 1 . 0.1, ;Pot t.-t ovll. liirs . !donor:l6 ' i 'ruckerfnn ' ' '1 er'tp , trt. - •Slweiriker:rsvilloi . - • Auburti., orrizo.lttrir. pi rt10%.:4 ,thr. rd . of •M r.:12;. ' II • !• •M AY tIFEK.7E;Sclitiy N lkill 1., iki y, t o 1 - Pall -114A The rbiq:ofor the To 41:ors:nil, rite 1:441 ritihol ou . tlw `... , ohiqq.ill followsTon.atl. miler, ihe I , it ot, Au F Itn 31, •', , . • . •": • • rlymjutb Wm, Bridgeport.. , • ,• Port Konmaty, Et•ige, , • 1/31d. '' Port -Prott , trtare, • • phtentxrilir,.• a , lloyerls J I..andli4, • •-rorr " • 'ffiraistyaroalgh, , A Ithoupwg, " • • , :kb , hisc)ll.. • •- IfamhutF. i .• ' • ---Tbwth.rgi• per :of, leen!. atiroga • iyn - bet tri.l,l«tt4s 1h:111'25 cent, fur any , ily•ordo r !be . MinergerP.., PENSIONS,: BOU j/ILLIANI -1.1 11'011. for . Pn. 17 asZlii'Piky. all klu4S or Mi , t , tficei with thw flflti. Janien'lV. ...corner of etntto au4 Slarket xtre All dicibled.rpldiers. and laid: other hcirsof deceased soldiers* All prildiers wild sorra, trio grinner chiscil. will , be entitled t o $ ows.nr other lega'l heiisLor .all[ d'. enritl,d In Pensions and the $lllO . - BO E SUPER-PROSPRIE.OF . _0 .• ,•-• ttiku G & rig I:oo9r,y4)l:S t , rich. 1,0 :s!oltth ClOsitvaire, ioein4pli, 'TllttOtnniti'r ni3nnfartnre.l front ruri , Raw- Thnf.- 0 • and ettlttaln - 811 tht•trunittittNl:t‘notile to,ti tert,o'nrttrot utt-4 , and.iti pt - Ittrdnr It•guitrinty fr,int,.the minurictitteitt. that It ' front 4,lltltentlinn ' ••• • air 1.. t Aeo:kOnthe domend for thin tri'ohorOv. rord• that of otly former kor.on,l . .V:ii,h fee, ex t!ep , iono Vh..., !Ult. hove roperl blhly rov'orOhle: No pnini... 111 L. epor to molotojo h. shitolord vf poputolitrj • reor . ,S. Nr. , iDUP. uCt..114 ,ICARLY.': . ,Z . ~ ' .Price, $4O per 2.000 - 1b., - .Caiih; l !,.. ' G UND R ' 1:19„N L' RR:ANTED ,I!tilt-E. A larie Purply rolipn4 - P*lCE,.p6'Ait..26oo 11:1'3.'1 CASH , . -. The abeve Manure , esq..be ha pirezuler7lenleits.ni p ' • . "..rv. -..".!--- .-. BAtt; it k - SON , - ,-. 1 . :0..24 Feuth 1544-vneare Avenue; Phil3lpfi le t Per •elle .. . '. G 10: --Ralf: IFIVIC. &..,ir J.. . . romv 1 I. 41,- .r. . 1 , • - 2.4.3 iii July EXCELSIOR - HAMS, - PERIalt ( ZETALITI j N. .1 tolved ,Et A. 13K ' ' PEAClllixi.t.,i.---:.-Pare veil -Fire! - - • - . 4, u ; es an 1 remove the ' pits ; boil the , quite aOlt, id water enough tocover , g, - . 4 thion l zh n: C'oarse,b..ng-nticl Laidl lh.*"' ow - li; eiteh.iiiidrt of: 1,14 lifit;id, 1)0 14 . _ i ___ • •li until' pry tri•ti it; stians. vl.Ol cuth' ' REBELLION - RECORD. --. lii3oes t i n t itiqe!t suilicienOYA - ,a / 3 --"' t, .!, N.? a vg . .-,,,,,,...,E i ,A inii p i1 ,-, 4 y0 n t,i,.. t . i .74 017 - ;Pltt!: . i glass.... l'ut , ,in? jelly , glas T. ,e.s; tu rl i n , ' , ll ' . .•e Finer tot . , ...... seriptio-S rd!....-ke.4 by ~. ' 1 i t " i t Z: M s ' 41 ,-, s .z•-.'''.”! boW-I- 1 1 3 ' 1( . 1 l'as t 'a " i1..1t. - . - ~. ''' ' • • ••• - ' . After settin , a short in tlie ,u11.!-F- - I June 11, t.t . l • 1 Aileen! fi:e Schuilkplotyl ' , ... i ~r, , , • tre -, 1 ' '-':-- 111 a cool . , o.trityt:tee.--Auroloa ~,,. - CERNIAN ShiIOKINC TOBA CCO.. it, I •"' • A (it;NCY loi Ur: w.. -GAIL- kA,1!81- 1 , 8 • .-...„-__. .-•.- ' - _....-: "IL eelelellecll.4tUokin* Tubaeoi. Al.lsezu 4•1.t - !..y;( ~. , , 11 Le n 3 O tt '01% . 14 , 41{1. - ' .'- . •W• N. BOYER. :L. To t)ItY- 'Sv;.E.E'r•.2.li'r'lLE - S- =— ,- 3- , .-^ in-st-lifit,.. - olen• ' ..,* d. *l'l :ll '' 42 ' . ' .' - - I •ii . intik, theu,tiry: ' •ik - • U" Ere s", LinstarVaier dried..!itt..sy..2 ~. storea very-11616 tp_the l . T. l iitlitUrnt A t, ; . belied. apple... s;e -ad in . • more b., , ~ r •inake a irtuch richer .5413,T-1113n the -c•'.•'''' dried apple,—Anter. ,tyrictilltri:i.!. , ....... FRESH GREEN • AND,i3LACK: , "UST RECEPI.ED,Sup k rior .0 1..:13ck : . : '. • - • Jyme 21, ' 't 'YARA CICARS 4 1 LI I Ntli N - Artx atei Inteel;t4: • . 31eviil. &I.: •i L, ' • 1 1r. VirIIALE OIL 0,1 ARD.I SYRINGES. %V. H ALP,. IL : . 4troy ' y leg tuseets, burt,.4...,ou,pleete and put vp Wife pens., . tiardnn tlytinget.lue e d thelopitolilino silt the liquid . the Omit., to. Worai tteatij U.I.IOII9N'S , J tuke.2l, 7S) • - L.i fe,gliqiiro. • r ' . .:- biII:ARID* oi Lrift. ' ; t Its. nut generaily . *nown that the s m .:- t i mL:l 4 l l l ! h ' e,.lir) .l .. ::: :. , , , , jr ik r lii i iy: e ti . ? . o o t. kind,. hiil f l ,.. sea l . ,t ti; r f i : ol:4l l n ry.. fl i bo i l j m ,;l . :et a l ; ::ll l.. ,s ', rl o, ci.e : .i.e . s iss t i r :l i. :e (r ;e ' il . . r :. i s ! ii ;: ll . l?: ,; . ' , i l l: ‘ ,;. l , . ,: : s kl , ,.,„] , i_ , : .. ' ,l ' . .:' , . : t •Rslto place•a , iftsse fi-t;le rllll chlJtill.A.,,,' tqlx-ty a _kheif t or a', hoard : suspend:A .1 5 .. i...ei . fine.:,filtis'„beingil'ute in the t.....r . i,, , , a kii . utiow. }eft partly open as tin ',...., t i, 6 : t . - 111e,fil. none; or very - fi 2 1 4: 1 Will be found,, , , : room' in:the niorrtiti); r : . The'smell t,14 . .,.: f,!f by no irpean.4-trijariatt i a to. luari:,,r - f,-, a i, : 'the- contrary it is ix ti utespine : 'as nil him,:,.. of .4t - ;leterious miasmafirevivailig' the . ai r ' n' t 4;tlhard!y .. ,l** reOlnrae.nded -t•- te i,,; t i expkiiet4 Iv: short it tervals, trtiaQ...,,,.,., a'w t ek, - theino're so s it.rwill ert:•-flerts,c:?:, 410, idtv:ll give . no. trot) . ?1 , 7 , .- .. -': , _ , I !ii -j . .: is. ruo in 7 , -4;70 . it'll. -paPti,... ci - e4„, ill tvhdre,,chioride a ,. lit le :i . s,:lielqi. n' ... : -.4 an ' [ willl,keipr: . (.4..4 . indeed they ,; ! ..,1,1-,, ,, ,:,:. place where, the 'article is: mqi.d. W,. t seen-tile cperitnent flied vety.; • tie r4 ,,,.[„,it,.- a large.tun - at Nuremberg, lonz:-,ii,,.,i',, Pals And in.icO; all of, Winch -itisuppe.tr.. ~ ~ ' most stt t trio, no . n) , rom }..tr 11.p.1, r , 'touter building, hut ;Aso Ervin the 3taL',l . . • , r.-. , - --- I ' . L' : .yatd.. - • - , I ..- The-tasi of chloride of.litne is net-1,1 - cacions for preservbi4 plants trig:lW* 7 . pillitrA and otheriiniects. :- We , iutt.r r k , .1,06. field clUare4 of this n a is 4 n & f-, F ik,..ii, i t t lelproOsi.r. spfitilslitig 1 the ptsufsr.,..,l,, , - solution. of chloride and . :write r.;- ttltiidi i: 1 pi done by using a f l ommon ii - th,r 1.,:„,r„,. - i+iint li,ti;h...; To onr..eert ?tin ..kt:',.a,tid, ! ,i,-,-,-„ r.iti'ee of iroutLd - Sown with :whil t rt,i, ! ,,,, iwas. thus IlictiotOnlyptieserreti tin timer. ' iwhilt.F in :be .ne . ighurun,,! pieces t.ht idur.tn - 'actually.destroyett -by them. ,; ' ' '.' t . The same remedy is also applics.h . ce:t o fi liticis which may be pre erred or ? . purged fr : cater pillart, - et c,,t11 mix irr,....., . Mpound tali ' infe of "lime ; with half a pound of [tour ; .. t , wilt firm a kind • of .paste,,.. which" ithrtt,„, wraPped in tar, and tied to the ste.nt- or ‘ thicker branches SyulAU . tree : ' All ; it,,',, ' Wijl:drop"ofCaltitoSt instantatneonsly, nut. t . any heffempted fp crawl up 'again. _..1": i4 t t k rr,',4.oy.illliecpaway7if the - leaves ' 'helm 'sprinkled 'rts aforesaid. ; • ' "-- 4 . Eiperintents 'are he, ng msde as tci the cSer . ot_ chloride of. lime, compared wit! ). Our as a:refuel:lY fur the ' vine ' disease. 114.destrUction h(' the aPitis or vinedrctit I.4itische . r. Telegraph. -. : " • ."..,•.!)• 11:ATERikL FOR PICKLES. Ihere is a preiinlice against •pieklei, blips it is becatise.hoardiiig school ~irle are'said - to dispose ot (1 4, 0 "tirje - s of,th.etn. Whatever the prj,.. it; is.tini wgll founded. It:is a I t l t nisd • pry that salt and - vinegar 1011 tarry ..‘er thing , of the "greetitirsS 'of .Su .- temer jib) ,bniren.Winter. Alinoatany vezetah:e -served in gOod eider vinegar; (not' : dilute I,yl;urie acid.;) is . a healthy'e u alinient:-st,i is - digestion. - - .There is, nothing latttev .eneutrilseri - and the - vine - s are Pkl them while•snia - 11;ancl per ire ill hi-, Cigalaive enalom a , Naal,pici,l,,,,L;; can keep - this fresliAirougli nse:irt*, 7 *lick is - — Peppers, the c. skitibetl..squaA tilinost aifiht Kai . tVe . pictile j*ir. •We 5L4 4 ,5, were vr.t the prejvaciit:eagaiiiimt i have or thisEgyptiacti y•stitlefit Their cattle initlavvs, w•t:pareil frvtt • .14,lied •iniloiri • well stalled-Taith • •horse- radish, tiastnitinmi.,..white ,Bialvde better Ita '(:!..nunLers: Beiths in the pnvi, butteintils - the very .gre - en itute--and last. ttnatoes-vnake good.yiekles., tended fis other recipes in this neat ; tikeSe *will enable - the thrifiy hnesoufe. t, tkle•pickle PACEiIif..G Eltlflt :FOB, .TAANSPORTER iler*ous tiften -wish' s to semi' f ,, it..:z . ..., , . • !.inetr',truit to distant frit'onrA; vt , t-,t , ar it , I' init reach its , de's ti ittiti'on," , r, it Icon t- I, _n+: I i: f r dirill — sr.-4- in the Transit. The.re tie, d I”, , :: 1 ter 6( this, nowthat : modes of 1,i,;!1,1:: 2 ..bt4 ite i Srly perfect, aint t. ePr.e*s ,uttynii.,.... t. , •ry 0 . 0 delirer - Pareehi t,v_ith ;,:uch . .rart ~n,i; 5..,. patelt-. Among:the way..;. of" paekimr '6:i ,:, one/.Prepare abut Otlsuiiable biZe.,';llt, . 5 L 'side a iinitiiiil i)t' . (.41. toil widdin ,,. 8:11 4' ral ilieets,:of tissue 'paper. ": Put t l va 1;6., t . :•.)tion on the 1, tote Of the box.. Wni. i, i - sPecitn,en---he . ir peach, pear,..-plilq, ~., , i 3u. dUster t or' other friti.-H T E 1 tissue , tq,r. 1: „lay it on the, cotiritt. 11.1 trouble'. i,s t.,',,• tuck-:a bit, of i7OtiOti.,i)etar .elf - each ' , 1.(6 , it' i trill be all the liettt;!,r. ", ..,..i.r.ithe tit t . of fruit.r pl;,ee T,t . sheet I oT wadtlin, -10.. l - 7. -eted. its bef,ire until the - bakisfitil.; thrr i.. 41. off- with.. ft I.tyr. r .of cotton im 0,.. , ..,.. :i . I pris..ql. 11,) , :vii; t:r-leeit.tlce fruit fr0m . ...,1.0 . . ,-- .6b . oLut. Nail. (*.tit The .eOver tirtni , , - ; ands;".: " f . box. to pli:lce of slestitialion. • l'hp ji nun; '` .. -1 .e .. yeti theiv,ery tilOnnal of 'the Irtiit,.i -1 nin r stl2, -- p,r.t.seryi!q. s:pft.nit `persona' Ii s, : - bydn", in - place of ilte'eotton; and I . :svirrio le Ili suee.ess.,—iirno : 4ll.l7)'enlitqls -1 . I '`;l 15,i 1 ;1.1 'O7, - 4:1 -9' :I'o9 1 (I , A ol.j . 911 4- ..,11 NI 1 • 4:i;.: .96 , 56 i . v- Al 4 - II- 01 i 1 •- li , ' .. 93•4-• • 8 "i 7 : ~ 49 : 94i . 'LIU 41 .. ..f '- •94 , 97 1 . 5i4 441 • 7 .., i i3,l!_ ..5 . , . : , 'rr . 2:l •••,21 1,:. 1 . .;,'i... -- I.J,_ . , Hrl -' I • !; • •2 1 .- 'l . i •- : . ;;. j.. 5 . 4 . 1 r r; 1 . '. . 7.11 :9 , - 11:r .5,1: 4 t : . f r2 r , - 91 ': fqj '.. 14 ;• 3 ....• I .f.S.: . i , "41! :17., il . .11. ; I 44: 45r..4c, j . - 1 il • ...-"!.. l • • 441, 4:'. 3 nl ••• , . ._.— . • v it:~tiiiti ,C a f, n‘i.z.itl;4l. u ~. BARE: SPOTS IN . TIIE GARDEN: - ;Snow: t bent iin hi lt Spin, . an , e - ea:rly thig. m:: iatid .yon' Will,. r,,,wi, , r,,,,,ii,,:5 ,, p , p.1 ,,,,,,, ! 4 . ?,- - snwo the hitter riart Or the month, alt , i, 3.: ;61 'with straw, prairie or sedge .hay, :i n'',", 'spinit ge -bed is reridy 'toitne dran. Tl . frini.o I:CY , V t ,.. .• ari.l..lun'e. . (Jr the'ae...ll... ,- a I pl - lif.o; ,:pay it-: , .• sciwtt„wi di .rtieli, ginoring :flat turnips-k: 1-1 i'F • ittlitseor for feeding: Even rota gaga;' .1 grow to a giltid eating 511.0 ifiii.osVa Olt r ,isoil ilre.first. of .Atigwit..lt4diNliel and le' , ' 'Ol ntin. ite 'sniw i tcat • -arty,titite doting. ,tlvn ill, C . - 'ft r a. late eri.tp, and tibia onion Seed . Ma:r 3' sl wit in .Ntin , itsvor earl y , in ',Stnpien: . ,-.._. t 1., .and rdr, to 'grow thielsly • for Se.C.l ter ' l. rare-4es-has the Spring'. - P.2a4 iiw, L - 4i n sown, with : :rt rens'onablo,,proeet -. 9f 3 ;i i" li f_,ll',l frtist!:- - . Asparligqs may he srrrn! . ..•.. . snen as thel.seeil is-ripe;.sind . oite.'ytntr.yin , - ng-tiiied . in Ow ruture;,grouth r a-t . gool." , :.: rootS . ,Will-lre '.reanlyn. :to' transi.;,W.,:nt.e. 1. from 'lila . follolyitig F..1l or •Spiscog.—, l .' • ,t;, , ricalt:thsy. : -r - • : -•..-- • .r.l . - •:. - •- ...__ j - 7" - t ' C. i r v 3 91 e, • t• ! . 64 , 12 ; 3:` t'L .! 61. 1.410 59 :,1- j . 551'4 .54.1 51 Sit, -a: r l• , 5,1 15 1 1141. .05,:•4, 9 • 19'; •-, ~_ • I'2 11 , - I ' 35: 35 - as I :i.l 1 T 3 1;::. I ; :S4 : j• Sii.-1 33 •U I i - .is r 1 -Ivo' . n t :i " TlV : ch xrre4 ~w Isfayie . .. A LEY Piekidelot TH, star, lapinu. C4111(4,41 1 1SOlit, 1 . e4T13. i ry: riatitleit 141,, let.:!innp. ...it4rinp the Thq read Tohintrre are • ui.ty.': I: • .; EAS. "Grew . ' 4711 - (..,, ht.' , /armor CZZ:C=IMI I • CELERY . IN THE: TRENCRES.. ft is t0t4.1% the.lalst way toF 7et supply of . this tlel4tontssaht.:l, ta;tie.. • Iplitittiogs ttty time . e i asir,!ttftei '31. - ,1 Irt, ii..V.w . ,;thtilt 4,o.L•re. I. pertect)ot4: tender: , 410 jig r. thwre rapitnts Ft-.o‘6h the .getter. t S;u delights oiore in.iitoiaiure, ini3 irate Ire , are drain . ed AAA, plOsly . .eyery other tlrty...ttr the ;row. tett,ttlttrdo,upt: kte;..r 010 inueb the plants area toOt highj or. Aunts sfil.i~c rtilyhtiek. of . vvg‘...t. ~,[4:ontpost front the , ty or 1.40t/twig:. liecip 1' To . m:titti A t'lli - Al' WATFI' T . N:i i; . lf. ' ,• 17. I oir ii holtow log, iny ten or t.. , i'..1%.1•1' &• , !A . and nail Hoards tirinlyoret - eui•h 'e ms . ~. t . . . . ~ _ . , . '... ttgiUS .01 Ihe log-.noino,tie i tN ix , , , .!'ir•.:P. •r,. .s Olin Iniatas wilt fit 1Y 1 ; , . t;''''' I_side of the tog ; -cut holes with , a W arn.*! ,go.thit enttle. , tun -thrust in theit - 10 , ,t 'drink. .These boles in2v he abou:t thr t' ! = I ttrtait..Se-rap'e 'out - the rt.;tion7x.i.,,'; ,r.sn' ; - 010, ends; on the lii side, -unit ..liri.ly,' 3 . . -o:ititiin g of . t k iteh",tii rosin.. tni:4.;lri • '''', .. ,equal amount pt -,linseed iiii. . I,u 1,c20 'trough is yell ainithilierii.ca, iii•ivii...4-. tity of bri c kei.. 7 l ,-ailii worli . .it uhiii it ,• of the eonsistenepof putiy; and fill 'tiii . " - with eliiy. . I- .'. -' : .., " .., i -- ' I — l hityn made cheap trough in tli: - • , . (that woli'.d.lat tai'i•nral•years.—..e.''''''': . Hai:mum ' 1 ' 1- . ' 1.. ' , —....,...__ :__-___-• ... 1 ..- .--- -- GLEANING I.lSually; pup, .I;,ut • :. course ncpc , uds .1.21141 i tlit: