liners' )onran, -- ' *- 1 3- 3 - T - TiVIL - 16 , E, FDA: - - - 7...6 i o,as. Tin AR/CY AND SANT • tb Fri( By the close 'of the present • veer, e tel Goiernment. will have in the ar,insi "nearly a million' of soldiers. .while ,the wavy " will compriselron-elid, vesfels Of . ihvalnera tile strenflth. When we , consider ./iov i r illy; "prepared thii . Governinent was it' the porn, menCernent Of, the - present • War, for OPera tionsi, either offensive or defensive, its pieient stren l ith is a matter for wonder both at home and ebrOad. Under the .wretched adminis tration of President, Buchanan, the sou!hern members of the Cabinet had luunled. Over . to the eonspimtorsalmoit all of the -hest shall arms of the Government 7 • its forte and (navy yards iii the South, with, hundreds of service- 1 able cannon, were to be seized whet, the sig nal was given,' and opr",vessels'of Wer - lweie scattered throughout the . wOrld. . When Sum ter l l ama attacked, that constituted ..the signal.l and the conspirators were so well fiware.ofl the 'defenceless condition of the Gc?verrunent : that Alley openly • boisted:4hat . thety would marchnn and seize the National Capital.— , But the promptness of the D.orth in a - ending . men immediately to WOhingtan, in sufficient numbers, defeated that :plan. That danger aveVted; -the flOveinnaent..had . hefore.rit the ta4 of organizing, - artiting,• equipping, and supplying.the hirge force which -vim called fur..! and - to build up a navy. It was mense:ttndeetalZing. but the_Government - aid: ed by the indoMitable energiestof the r i . eopTe i alinost perfected commenced tut • . over . near. - The -close of this • .y year will withess,us.The most powerful, stion on; ; , - earth; in . -all the 'elements of Material warlike sirength•—ti• people resolved not to lose thir liberties, nor see they free insti to tionS wrecked, , while - there •-ls 4 strong arm left- The daft ordered by,. the Vretident, and . readily. acgaiesced in . ..,bv. ,the People," -proves how subliinely in earnest this-Govern ment is in it's deteern;notion that thi..laws shall he ll'esPected,.and the Union pr4eried. It is peculiarly interesting to: wench the growth of our iron-clad navy. In addition to thoSe•vesselinow in -actual' . service' id- the daMes Jtiver, and on the Mississippi, the new, irfinlitated . fi l igate,"..Vete. , leonsicles, is now. :04nidetee., and Will sfrortly,be placed in cram. - mission. 'She is one Of the toostlforreidable vesiers afloat.. Her machinery' Cont l ists of. two 'horizontal directactii.a . :engines with ,cyunder4 of 50. inehei and, 30,inches: / strolo , iutruded to maleBs - revolations Per. trinut , with n.propeller,l3 - fee t in diameter . and 18 feet pitch. Iltextrmarnent consists of 16 1 • incla . . lahlgren guns, - and two 2.oo:ponnd r I'arrotguns. . ~. • ' '- - " .. .j • - :‘,.- Odr forde of mail-clad. vessels is -to be .. iii created in tlieN - yesl,- immediat&dy,, '(To pre vent any mitee l raids` into the Btales northh - id the Oltio, , ,JC.fleet of light-deaft iron-plated gunbonts is to be prepared to patrol th 't, 1 steenm. Ten small bots drawing,Only - I rv'. .1 feet:of water have already been •selected-arLd a lame force,is to, be employed . to cut the I down, and to protect them- ' liiiiii.thick It l-. • - • ; t. warks and•irun plating in the: most .a proved manner. • • • I - I' ; - • .1 I . Cnptain Ericsson has mndcliL j contrli • i• • the government-to constract ' platerl ships, :whi - ch he believes ;rril l , • ftglCst.auct best sea boatm, theirrinqt. co ' ly itirti - ner'a!ile., and the ranstllurrnici L ' att.tbk, either ae ;.• ronraage; or .in clog tersl;rams , ts rams , of. any ghip4 in the•wo ,-3; ; They win' heal a general 43Fretith . ' the j..Vonit;)r,:viitWitteh minhfi l cations been sugiested by experCe l neeL doe .1 . . . i. . IR to h e 3 - Plfeet in jengtn, ono-toe - to; • , '.:rith:ifffeei, b r erttn. "The vertical s'i t* reet in 4e10.11; and are with iron - nrintir 101 . jorhea . hes 4, hockei With four fret so id oak ThO turret are to be abcoutt!lv hle. The ?6iteactpir ides th,tt they 8111 I p e t wo in 'thickness, the.contrac of 'has leave to reduce : the thiCknes3, he 6an - astiiijr the Depirtment that I lose 401 be 'sufficient. A target hus.lieen en-AS:meted of thieknesi loss th:tu iforion:d. ed to WitAington,, for trial, ;,but gniu, who hns been sending his • 11„ % inch bath tbilough, target of the 41 ) "ar.riur ._ \ with":lelhs...of . Powder=malking a clean 10' at 'e'veri shut—says. that. - .'is-b&us- . 1 tiringtt.this:ltirget . of Eriessiiii's„iuntil a 15;-inengiins tire : finished. . ;The turrets .'i he ',lade of Sufficient: thickness to Withst n the foree'of the 125- pOunders'with the tan; imam charges of the. big gums:. ::: . . ,The reitielsire,,.. be furnished- with mot powerful engines than any now-ad oat. lime sh - iP will hare two ett ‘ gii)Fs.of 100 inche€ il ameter - of cYlitider, - with ' four fret ,struks;i mike 70 revolutions_ per minute. 116111. 'bulb surfs:de : of 35,000 feet, and_ 1180. feetml.ra - stirf.tee. The - boilers ,are: of . 'thee 'Trig] water tubular . pattern-4 modifientiott . .. SI rtin's. The propellertUre•Eriesson 7 s-pe - eirt, 211 feet. in., diameter, and 30. feet pile The cdutractor3 guarantee a speed of 1 ittelts per hour --ireurly. nineteen- miles. . The 1- , TIM artnament will enhsist: of 15tineh ..,ct and will probahly:equal'in•ileStructi re : powt •that of UPy. :PrenelCor'English: sl , ici'. ft i however, as rams' that theme 'resstili wi HQ rii.t. m toit.-.6 T inilole. - Where the pl;:it i ls,.. the sid e s Meet at the bow: they. Turin :an 'ire W.dge,.2l inehos thick: at. the base, and to • mitiating: in a-shar'P edge. :, Thi,s we . d ;e' sustained by.the plates behind. a. loi. luelii .• in . ihieknesk'sir feet in and 'extending 'the wloidelength 'of :the t essel, foktnini the most powerful tiuttitig instrumetitT that it 'is 1 • iiris..iibietet - eoseetre of. eltutti b:riesson ,cres; It : wilt split :air icebeyg: . 1 AV 1 tit ves;els . uf this.tlegcriptiotkolii navy . ' wiil, Coin Irti‘eio itrengih,,With,thst of aUrother ma-, t{um.'Ati . d:aftftr,all,. , :%'•ll'ether ,t,lie sympathie - g of - l'Agland a rfil,F ran c:e are with us or again t us, 'an army Of tt million' of then nndl a nay of: ittrulneralde iron..llloS, will'. not oitly rush the. Itehellinn, but' will be an earnesttint 'ment why niillier of, thaseil:PoWirsshOU. in terfere in our dOmestie concerns. ' lb fact; it 'is the unly i ,argument that can. safely be re-, - lied' upon fto preyetitt foreig,tt intervention in, i;iir affairs': . WART 111!.t. PROBABLY . 111: 119 t, IWITII T DR Ayr INHC'E.—Tho ce ft t io,ooo weft to he, raised ity wi I - . . prob'abir, be sent into netir.i sercii!e.tiri the taH eiimpl . ii7ll. They still, it is -1 am trona 1.t,4,r1-ntithority, ,etnistitute , !a r 1, e r • vililelt Trill be rent l ifforeniergencies rat d e. of coursf, be-tirnito . .front any piirt of t Union-niirequired. ....Tfiey williu :all Ip ro l bility,bethtiaingillydrifivil in ._entupsi.of stritetion which it is deii;:iontedtii.ce.r i abli aml siibsefluenfli ,be ns,ipted to. garris dtitt. 1- :Co Duirits(4.rtzrine.Dis p:noni st .i ANI,' '1,10..7,3,C - clitrsiarg.-11,:lotle Ittlririd has e ready jest aliutt her f u ll quotit 2 of tro pa the field, ineletlitig thane ealled,lfor by t lest two `prorlatesitient of the 1 3 14 side t, .• 1 :104),040 eAteh. .I.litsretssetis . alito 4 riot yes ibid . . itodreftittir ilt be necessary n tl litate, ltut that "lie titudits.fer tlty:ttin ealli ll'lo.ool.l.eacti will` he:: fillet' up:whirlsoh __ I J . . . ' hilt weeny be thataletat . 'y lit Deere* el -.. •' • I Eeseatelpaltien. •• , -• ' I. , Tbe bean, and ache good will of three Wilkens of People now dein: the rieressaey.lonrit of the Rebellion. ' terminal. itecreded. Imbruted se dusysif them arrtbeett " Three MITI kiti'V Of ftotitr nets. antfornity::intentaly de. - sire to be yr.. 4. hamar them thlt tlierwill be_fora front the moment they - fora from 4b 4F masters tn. tit. and they will bm...itt at on ce to watch thair.oporn'taniltlei far absconding.. keen th, zh barrenly ahntildtail trot too. reed in eseantec. mans will. a Ittotiid it. and .tbe Rebel masters of alferig b rolered intapleinos all uneasy. Tt ouggiois will be di el from iihontina r..i. nwilAiert i ft, menhir!: ;Mope-cited l arva —to'the vett adf i at.tage of the UnEai ratite, • • '• 1 ' IT. "teir - vg by the nusand.riii at onee enlisted • triseontt. spy. rook,. d chop, and teem for t the Union onin.: and to flchl fo rt ale,. it ;Tile Armee.; ',They Will ask no hOunty: they, will tint nestle Canaria stamps a draft: they *lll arab:lrv:their 7.: en' thee 4 ey be fed and armed and net to emit inr helittoratlkto of their , brethren. Qtils, Hundred Ttanawa dof them can at Ogee 1, 0 1104411 T oniployed 1* the Unite ermina even though; ther, demit tizitt. And lea centint itelbt that ten Black; remitnent P. with arm* and equin,niehte too twenty or thlr.l ty - torwe. would excite InOtle statist amoin'the Rebels of, An T CM tesnor goviri . win c - aictlon than twice as woof, White nnee ; 1 , -.- ~ . 1, . . . : • 1 . Ht. The LNeial ten intent Of Ciiiistendoto would bpi flied aii4 intetated o• the aide of .the - Union be surtea decree. At present. chat:nylon of the rebel cause who' A n il 'Fa 4T 0411, . 113 Hist:pia or elsewhere begins hy solemnly elogi-rrating.l at ftlaarre Aar wethino.lo do .i'V! . tie cmtest—that the .' rill is fighting fOgSPlgfr/ as.well a. the ka t/1 1' 4 nd go log ott4despetebes.reentyki and apeecinneto sustain th. t pngition. ' A. decree of`Minancls patimi would effeerna ty equelch that talarlsood..' ArIA • the iliptuntrailoo of tn gild la ',genuine riwer. No ihrelam country but i shofar would venture to, si ti . -with the; 'Tigris Coat racy. 1( It .areni reade,Cleor that It we'll:0:01{11(m Sla cry Whie we onerins._•tang acsingt it. Now. mire! If ont .hydra intervention , to nor pre -liie... judire toe 1.01(11111 and yno ns remote tisneer; , 1V... II midi-eh, fibc rifi-e:properly; ease. I %pry. jisfety, life Itself, fir ,tbie triton rause with a .nnilend do Y yet unknown. if they could **nose the in on #nias t4nY were certainly *Mina to ril their bet ed emantryerM•more of Ibe furee Landloncht of Slavery..? " i r .. I . . . N. :Thousands or g permit!, and noble .tiplrits would , Pick from elect Chris lan land to light for I.llierty r and robin, who ifeel but a engulf( interest in a atrunie ter. Coign alone. . VI. Sencre of army Ricers *hoee heart:rare with the rebels hare thres(en to resign if (in 't12.1). phrsseido gyi !Ibis is itniuie an bolitl4t War- ^ .lSuut9 would do it. ' aod.lhie gronkillse en tomenee In ti. net. eons°. Bad flan .Potterson dmie t Lilt wfik,t.r.,, i , Roll guei the re bellion Would hole in c since Oath:metalled. - The disas ter at liall:eißlulf woo I batabeen avicrfed try the ream . Oltioll of .itlesr °Mier of that sort. , . VII.-Finally. baths Indentifiel thj Union esnee. le p rerncible . rthat i. ith ' 'Hiroi unity..( dices coil- Univer-. 1- s.l Freedom. we mieti reverently bulk , for the' blastingsf God to frown nor ffOrtivirith **cease—Mad would hardly look in valn.- Vow Turk Pribilof:. , We might add that the Sooth l,would gain immensely by .4440 a decree, for `tliousandn .. • .of thelion - .sot beta now in the -. South im 'pressed-by the fe tility ot . thelsoil ; the tacit-, ity . w.ith avhith- I yge crops .;can" be grown., and by the iialii irity , of the Climate, would . . .. war is . .. settle th4re after. th,e avar• is o v e r , if Slavery , . '.should be t kbpiis edi.-. ; The material t. prosperi- . • . i prosperi ty tha section woutd therehY, be enhanced . ' , • - inanufactnreii old arise, end the South ~ 4 r • • ' . ' - • . wbuld cease td epend npon,.l foreign mann!. .. ' • • :Thi, in, addition 'to the-humane • . take . of the•llnestion. is an ad-, ime 't in" favor ;of .a decree - of . . here would ' • ietwithgland-. - - • - 11 * I t '• : 'of inte igen white labor froth i p• • • .. i . . r nty for the - .negroes to . dn., I . •They, would not: come North it i , I • . 1 - - f ." ' ' remain South and werluas free. holt cli_thato: snits.. better l er temperature •of the North.--• eserve Serious and attentive eon-- , facteres.l yew to he itional erg ancipation' ing -the intro; the North; he •hired men; :fierMitted . -to men, for the then' ttie cot These Cams sideratio .''l ALL, A I NS! 11L'GIIIES.—TiliS'ItTeli . . . . traitor h! made-a slieech its - his dig.' tricf, Om ir•wit.h the recent address - • . of th'e` Aocratic Conlin ittee ; bot h . border as ifea.sMirigt 'they dare gt!),rt - ft'l the following •",lale - . it.cident" that o curved' iii Vallandighan a district, is quite,as appli:- ,I retitle here 4-there.l We-have -a number- of r " 6.7lc(ikin'a ira i tois" , here, also t who •algo talk about hanging Abolitionists and secessionists t . ..„, /in amosluz hvid«nt 'h'arp;moat at 'a Fourth of .11)1y relebratiOndof sonseirveire patrittta.ot. a town lsi'Val• InndlohaniDt'llmaile , in, (MM. On the 4th of July. :.he l'lorserval. 14.. 1411 the 4;4dr. I, 'tad s..lemed others and 'orators of their min stripe : el t . tritium - el that-Juice t. Stnlth of l'ettt eunry,lSl.,. ars, there on 'a sbdt. and it ljrind bonand at di., sra. a . ..tarthe'd q- and atzeo.l speak• ' r. the Con.erystira gathe'red round him and imi.ted that he ahnuld mat: ' ?him: a apes- h. Ile finalryaepaent• rd. and toOk 'the S t mt:' Ile rommenred -torso In he helorided to a Pitt,. 'tote. and ar , him # sins. (ostlers but loved the Chin nina, than al ,very : that there Vat , to .Dlittotari' A r,tax... f at, bt. vhossere,for the Uoian as long as l' , piottirted Irtv st ery. and cosh men ere.unltersit• . iv loud in denuoell Mai of Abolition Ws 'sod s.ressilan lets. alwayi: 'tmtit Ads ibioniste first. and deelisind that they ottpht bu t to hrbuldi nn thotame tree. nut tehrllerer 1.1 he4zrd a tarn Mk' 1104 irety,lie put Lien dai s! . acs store qg Irwilbr, When the op.aker cot that.. far. She anolenre •brolq In trphn him with rushloud -end orolorg , drheoltt4l' at f2e, a loro tim e he es tali not po oped. rho 1411 cola ( kfie celebration were. irt !.ou may suppaae : pa e wilh tuatement and anger; but the groat fr. i'r , .1. the . per , p'.o.inriourhell. and rrsporded in b-ne and_ Spirit innini.tellsable,--. The ...railoi• and presiou.' spi - etitlmr, hid 'sit beets: of the renaervnlitre. rose. a ter ,Ximl. 'land eliritedi no' rnaroifoAletti , ...t! Of , applause - ; hut joilze Sniith eats-Jed the sympathy and eothualato of she,. people Ai it la bins• ferry one stiptaiwal that. h ai rs; a 1 , _al aveh• ideri bet saa 4 l , drourse in, syrimal by with ih, reb. .".Ist int, he So-mil, itareired thrin Judfe Slid - fh i ate of a . n wort-ids. riasd St pin.ehOdr.... in Misiouri phi - log; the Uni In find: end, believing alavery to he the of the present- rebeillOil. LTV in tarot.: of aeroptin ilheral 1 tdrer of thelrstsident and - removing the ea .Judge . Breckluridge algo!!rec!ciiily.decl in' the Missouri COnvention;that he be ,, a!! y • suspect, tho!'lo ally of any . Man now-a ti' • -•- who was .of called an Abolitionist by the ~el sympailiikers. , --,_ r r •? ! •••-; PAilso.l: I.lltitid - NLOIST: ON ". 3 iFtMlNfil TitE 1 '_, ly ono." —Recent wet, tvldresse'd a lettet • '.! NV.. G.4:ll+WaloW,.ll.,sef., propounding-eet . queries on the negro quezticyt,, and we ! receil.:ec.a reply — from him, .stathr , -this.l „ - i seittithents i'm I full, are embodied in Papor ‘,-!' " r f t l' --.. 0. a, o .- I le strips now, being puhlisfild in . 7 he -sent At l'in- , ireclan. tall= 1 . , • The Paper is ut • •• , - r er lengthy, a but we will - endeavor Co -Pluldish. •:.-° - - • 1 11 . It. - It is pecul arlyintereiting - , coming as - it does iiticomntional Southern: linion. man. lle . s. isl in:conch/Sinn, that in hie - opinion, "the people, • of the South, in c•Pen rebellion,chave nn right to compliiio if the States- . .Unified - States- Gdveriiir.ent- shrill even' aria I" -. • 1 1 s ' ' 1 .vi - 15,. negro • i • ' the South, muster them - into re service, tiiid se! them to put down tte Re• af • hellion." ,• 1 , ie I • ',Mr. Br i• • imnl• ll - - acuse, ,N 1 Y., ... we make . F he I x• t• 1 -Phase ignites ! ' ' the im ge tOwila a • v'dlia , y.,-tO thfii eft re e. , to•day t r o Ant. h• 1 TMlTain, atter ash - - The war spirit j_ ' Einpire Stile". an This Shite•aill .4 D volunteer end Sr, In all.'these la ' able nepspapers i l These are /It itslai full of misrialost -lion. viliMtalit n' 14,1, MI!. rent home. t I .' 4 My , reds ids to uponnly most a, ' I atti..di act sviih • 1 1 1 b tlie i• )rartlet leble f r oßelitaw :thee- a ne hare of the'm `,ter 34 1 # ides ere more Ire tlarnx.. there is'Orm or itresPow tnikitiEt. tresenft "Hata put itt'• tarot j0Ur11,311 , . '{he; rro'hutrY in ale notthern 'rytivathieent with the rebel t ?twit. I rengt ?I -in orwit'di•.., They - d • ut la, or plated in r&ohnement at friends who arquairitaoeu I made ,treeni.le viqt to your town. ' •- Tits S is P4PerPul), ty : pd e ) • se, ' the hnistsqn , Iry p;:iellf, t,he absVei lieiriner at:, iiihcid in ls,:oriiniherlacci Cr-nn ssing.rtmeh iniluencei,rcpudiates Ific 'partivul St itt'. ticket, - and tast-head the Union State ticket d'.Ross. The . - Gazeliel iins. fOr fused: to follnni crinflingyl l , in the he party leaders who would have A in the inierestprslave-owners, lie stabiityvk l nd iOt'egrity!of free iid we note ithi; npen*.nAvnesey cothraa al Rome time Inotstep . :yif the war it:tig and not for institntigns. of the tlebet hy'lltt jottrualOtLith Sotingman is ot!et-tb your ats,,'of the ,stamp, who the toinit tilustitiott - 'l4// be / I yen if t . I,avrry; ahOuhf praish.-- 7 ie kind of. -Dom .„ tr eberioso' want , • , . knour that their "nUtnuer i rap. rap. I n , • 1 2 . - - - care anti, true De believes reser?' Tii0.4,;,„ Ie wilt, W idly ilicti!as. , tirscs,.—lt is a miatte . r of 'record istGov'ernment heretofore fought th estreMileniendy, thei .. atrocities of every . deserit4ion on niid on the Union teen! or the announce severp'rnea as subsivting armies lin the ntry requiririg the people 12 ire M. the nets Of hi:teltwhackers, etc.; rows ludiznantiLand effect tene retaliation pit" our ,officera It is evident ihat . I)aVis does te.ea l rnest manner 'in which the -ding to i . put down' the it-thi'n~c 6e would. Tilt'l) E 13 AWL!. conversation - 'on An. to tl)e l 'rece i nt battle, ased milt. the result rut feti the future ar,, Coot. bar that white t the rebels • lier . .petrtited Our. soldiers SOuth. iNo sores, such. epetny"sicol r(is.ponsiblei J 01: thr 4 ticl I soldie t Opyerni er: THE Ira The Pr y event erned,,t us far,' _ ope paid a lute to. Gen. and said : '• I 11insstvl one . 0 .the best men in He makes me no .trouble but, for" or i smal) iroree, heixliraps ntx.and does !ous of{} , regard Ger I,4le,arr4y. the vith i • larg E. tar !llPwa.!!6. —. ri, t . iir An ertfp body guaril , 41 luti I ifitlepelt . #l L cfo4,meind o . f. e i i o f s eere t a y .sointlion teo deajd'el 1 oil - 1 i t t i ,,, ei m i=l , r , ,ic } i. l n . i , i .., ll_ , i , s County, Intl • letter to ti's is ,Ati . t ed,. !.'Syr 'tigust . .ll, 18(4,7: nod (Nth i Upwing eitt..44ss n lame and.enth oMmq le I . l , `Wiif In MI ong JA , ,lltiipon;An.l In the Mohawk mid to oMieco..otif Lake ont , irio, I Ito. th•nre to Itorihrm4r:tintlipori and ett I return to Pldlatle,phin. In aII thin tout of the theoutunte..ring brnyely rt, to‘vebecitiotata the- teld both of tett men. ' itr i,tr,mrty truly,' • 41 Dun io beetona an fight eotniinnieg. . 'Several young Neu' eurollod io - I WOWS' TABLE. UnDer:a Luneatt, le for Septeinher.le Wm! us. "Contrition" le;pt beatetifal dimension 3 the, large eijoiedfaZhicti PlatS'.. varyis as ilea', flee '4 " Beingingthe Old gar* 'Elome,7 is a 00.4,11 '*; lustratirt; While the'pauctu - plates and literati tuatter'er4 op' to the] excellent mart that distil*. guishesthe Lady's Boole l'hia number contains a fine national song, tsoras set to music) entitled, " Unfurl the. flanoeo7 Friend Ctodeple an inde 7 ., fatigable..pnblisher. spares neither- l abor nor . money i? make ha Book' worthy of Patronaie:-1 Coptai of the September number can .kut •obtained, at the bock -Store of= B. I,:tatinan, in this Borough.' OtQI Mairs. -- • 1 , WEEKLY AIX&Wie. •,. • . 1 . 1 Atli 1 ii; i Res.—August. i 1,4,, sm unow.ciAsilvt. • ._ 1G SA useDAY, 1.1 11 1 6 5 8 1 .- .D. A Jr. • [ 1 17, 5t , PDAT,..'..... - ,5 12,6 5741,14 Q. 212. 'ON;, 1 8 .M4NDAT,•••-•:•1 5 .016 55; Fun M• 9 4' ST vT, 0 16. 54 i .R. lr stE i t i i:. 10 TeVIDAY,.-:-.45 2(' 1.5 1 :6 •53 21 Turnsl)kr.....s .1.`c,15 51 22 ,,". 5 17t6 50 , ThremOokitilleat ipecard for the Week ..- • •- . , P. e. R. k TrutnzApn • OThck,l. ' .-reasujitraxia froti. 1 saii2s. 'I 4.11:1P.INIPAII ,- . A ug: turd, ' :;C!...4.aty 5 - 2e'i, 85 1, 1•50 t I.l—)l.oday. . ; ; 7(1 i 52 ..82:. " ]2-- , ,Tnemby. ' :RD : 54' 50 I'. • "- 13.24Wednemby, • 7 3'1 75 '. 71 r• . '"• " .1 ..4—Tliu'rAday, .58 75 i . 73 '. randy. " • 15—Frfay, 73 75 ;72 ' " • , , - i any a copleia'p 1., the Potomacoff Thurs ' day last, Private Thii Williams, of Co. 'II, a . nd Privity Frank ACer el„. ot Co. A, Forty-eighth Reg.,-P r V 7 ,,were drowned. -- 7 , ', • - i - tir Ft be CLioret!,--We were shown this Week's bunch of ebtrei., fqtr feet in height; gretwd id this 13.irough by Mr. Sawnellleffntr. The seed, lens i sown in 'April last. . ' ' .1 A f $11.7 , f te, An interesting little daughter of *ltiot. Iluber . .4,ihet 96th Reg., P.V., aged {yearn, died in this lato fr ougli on Thursday. morning last, after an illn'esiof no week, of dypthetia. .. • - . ~ . , -,- Tie foilewing sick and wounded soldiers' r of the..96th Big.,, . V., 'res-hed Philadelphia on Tue edify last, From FortOss Monroe : - ~ J. D. Kistlei, II , Peter Rranned. I; and John' Metiarrity, F,lAstland, thitalder.. • . , . , ~ aT The foklowing member/ of the 96th flea., P. V..ltie i n theltospital at Reading: . . .Lavid Evans, Co. D. asthma ; James 11. general! debility, Win. barrah,.: K, rheuma tism; Smile; Kiislek,.A. dyspepsia: .1/ititi . c l ; Co. G, James M. Pa'rr en; Co. a; Simeon P i ropai, Co. And Mc x. Tir.pmar, E, 96th Rpg., 'P. V., reached Philadelphia' On. Wednesday, in the steamer Kennebeek, from Ilarrison's They were lunong some i 2SO other Aisihled !soldiers. ' • . • .! . . ' . .. H--.-+--• • ~. ,- 2 -I.^ . . .. . '. .Per , il is tkought that C.ol. Frick's regiment, in which Iberia - are 1 , 9[6 , 3 - ToUr or Orr Schuylkill County cocoOnies, at II he organized. armed awl eqUilmed,'an4 ready o 'leave 14trisburg to-flap for. the- seat lof trL r.l. C:T . .linthony, late off the 96th iti. g ., wi . ii ble ,, iment. ! Major e f the Rr c ---- . , . . P5.7'ri..114 , leo McMulllti, 15 years tkhl, befon . :;ing to this . Borough,. Rai cribtiP ly injoreilonTneatiay lasi, by the collision of two curial boat ' s ip the . Delaware at. Philadelphia, and hiA recovery 3s diAlbtful. 11e, vrto admitte 1 into the hospital; the Intl haw a nit6weci, mother', living here. • It.4!jr4c Shsenee of otftee i rs% - froin duty, - by an' -order o f o w !War 'Depurtinent, will! hereafter of feat their 1.411!...: 11tery officer thus:rtbsenting him self from Mei combat)), will be ifockea.' We ideal issue an ord4r requiring, all who want cheap an•' !good litars,a'pa Queentware,, l to' visit liotightore 'ature,lin ticl4.rea.le llyililing Centre street. ' . I.,,tvrk The itetiding Itaarpail Company ae will b pereeivedliy,n noltide in our adrertieing - odiuml2lJ prctualeesAtt ieseite the- situations of those of ,enatloyet;.4o enlist i u the service of the I.:nitesi Sit tea. and,lasill consiiier such entiettnents ti . 114 . . •.r NT claimyon the Company' for promotion - . la its . Orrice. ;'Good! -. .• . - •. -. . Z:E s .?" . o%...unday, last a large number. of sie. and wounded soldiers reached Piladelphis frojn Ilatrison's Landing.- Among thvin-iirete the fbi lowing•menibers of the 96th Re' , P. V.: Jitho CoMrany S. E•tr.-pheri‘flribbin, Company K; • William Iturkley. Company K. • • • Patrick (iiiinO,,COurilany K. , ' • teams'er. • . , • ..,..74rnetiiri,ed 11..ime:—(in'jhufatini_ last tt. fine Band of the 86th neg., P. V.; known as tie Pottsvillecoitlei, ,Band, reached this Boron 'h, baring been diseharged from the service' nn er the late Act ofCOrigress, reducing the number of bands. . 4. large i crated ate:et:olo at th e ' del ot to welcomeithen, and the. Band marched up C/n -tre street alying a lively sir. The, members -el the Band al -e s r unanat, bronzed by their service in Virginia:, bidiappear to be in excellant health. ' - ,•.. . . . „rirt'Saii..teoke.—On Tuesday last if as Felix Dale - y, shoemaker, residing at Mount Carbkin, was proceeding along Church .Alley, with a han dle of leather 'on hi. back, he, fell oVercome l by Inzhausliori and the heat of tile:sup. ,Dr. Hal, er: tailt hap pe ned f ( ortnnately, to'be in - the - viein ti, aking a cell. nod' was prom p tly ?mato:led. -;11e applied restoratives, and iln a 1 hort 4imei Mr. pair) , his 3 . recovered sufficie tly to enable him - ti walk.; The Doctor in his u ual kind and thodgbtfut 'manner, 'aubseqUently on. veyed Mr,i D:iliotne in his . carrLige. i ,! ' - I • • Wpn'thirr their No Minotton.—Tbe " an penny" ihrtizans of this . v eountyoshose de ires re solely to - thwart -the Administration in_ iu . fertato precervo the Country from the rule' ,harehohilttOespcitism, which would:etash' workingmen into the dust, Tecentry 'without the_tandidase's knowledge, .Major Wetberill!(Ctow . inthe artily) as a candidati Congress; • 'the Major writes batik indignal ropuaiatipg a. y . desire to be the- candidate mere "part*. ; 14 still only run on a Union Goitd for lila Major! • ! • ; -. Verphe Philadelphia North Ahkericne of I Thursday last,' contains. the • following a,liioil al ' I paragraph : ; - . • The recent andlveryunexpeeted.tleitei of Jute Illegma, Pri"ibletit Judge of the :(liStriet eibbra:i Mug Seliadk II and 'Northumberland couOtie.,l has made . ' a vacancy bn tht - benchth'it. is likely: as we ani ;;led, to learn, to.he lilted by tbe)elre-1 Lion of F. 0. Parry. E.g., of Pottsville, a gentle- i 'man whose remarkable,'" foqiliarity, with "'mining law. apart. from his other t egal qualli6e4ions, ',could simpectiliarly to fit, him- for the pOst.— Havingknown him long and intimately, w p feel disPosedito ea L:ratulive not only the' profile of the district, b t . also those of our ,eititena eon . nei• u t, d •e ; f e w . :i . tit it On the pror,pect.of , hating ma, good a j i i . , pir• 'the co: . 41er!.. Boi•oughi dn'ti fir..11 , 40:-‘1 i tar • 'ADIPLII. *161".17 11111 4 tered ;:ap mut I...itcr 'lowing. in is . copy of is letteMrom a Idthe Army,.to his mother, ih this I.r. . ,tees IS - T Itru...,V.dracsin ., t Ilinuint4 1 -i•os , ir hinging. 1'4.. Aug n, t.,f5 , ,.!.,; . :.-- kft..r 1 Inn_ iiP.sitteir i—tisvi. ,it 14At st.letent energy to sit dusr : ts and sr ir you _ ~w . ._.aiething' of which I. supookt you ' ar „ a w", e a l i h a y a p a rfem Mul,r, and; when I do Write it it geoershy t on And sweet: oat Whig the list. I I An nril reesl rot when ITV last letter hi sifiuistlaa..4l. l - 1 . tett haft, Cl hie it eras shurili Oiler t 4., b; a tl, 0 , WI! llamtnurg, !tin e that time 1 iiamenedpretty herd wort , and e.hellerat, elightine. eine.. :. , rriiinar, On Ibis pen Din.Ul3. C h,,,, hr-t, 'leder fite. 'and iiiirttir her:liberal thatil eleht flail... lier.* beer) fi;r.siversl da. , ,.• all* time with th•thlne lii a rfitiplo4 bird crackers to, est. I • lime o e slept u t e 'halite field day atter day; In tun/ "and , rain, with the bmilys Id the ,a)atn hy " - hundreds lisynte ' .„„, erciunst we to 41 stages quid- cobalt Ir!na Gt. mottlistl•in a „dd,.,, eu l t i ft ilit„. e . -1 dude seen my 1-scent "triehili . In arms tall la wid4 me. and horrors of all: kind. tbkt pin cannot cannot /hotel:, cad yet with all that 1 have swin and ' wine ibo.ugh , ith. my •tplitt" Is still tuudeunted.. I ... bare •1111 e et. t beert and s etraog SilnArilh adbieb to strike In this g' e at and gintious Mute.; 'At I (Mad the beidt tu.di.ian 'done of tome of the cold yeterana of the rerolutieit a no the propertY of desetterste .cbildren, 1 r feet more and ore the impertnirie•if ;the great Candy, in; &Mehl (lb ugh but a cipher) Am Andinled. and feel ' the cil.krice , And sham. that mutt tett; up.° lir*nyoong -4 ; a tnetewho retnein 'at home 4 hatk l ng Iti luxury' . ahem their tervirea are Co murb needed by their enunt y The Sumer efscona itoula.l* pointed at them .1 ha' &cher,. aid as ' I hate paten. and I molly think that, young men &bate he de ore 001 tied at britue. and who ;do. not Foam out ow,-when they teu;tbeY are tautly! reuule '"noi,eb.mld be classes! iis that list oat:treated acitirdlng ly.. . As fur tiff* wilt Mk - ef,efreirlng a !Ana bnan i ty for . glee to mil let. It iv per feel fy out. ageouk*beta Guy it man tO delend;nia awn government: ; le I bad the dee bi g of it I atn3iil draft sheik sod rni(k'k those above. Lu.. ' Ilitirea would not permit. or.theoe whharnald tither not lisd 'go frurn suffering with 'dispute geneekly called titer or Ad nor PUrg,uff eAIIA It cni.jurneajAr, ,rmidn, subind. II dtAand pay the te)iirits thetuseleei.. , ‘, Hy that meats ' in stuall bare a cunthleralty mailed' debt no I e' goy ' "terninent. tor aettlement aft,r the Warjs.en'iled. I Thhivrar it carri e d on as it trim hero. will not lend .In . the Pest ten years The north , must imrslM to the lin _portiere of It. alibi mouth has. That must roam farib. in Omit .tolcht. )ten must came toreard and sluirg the datt;stmt the-hattle field': money wt I never end this sadnake Ibis eotioiry whet it once , :srei.l It re quires the strong arms of Mtn - With 11. The hiesd' of itr.usands wilt have to be swilled bd*e ibis wee ge d.d The steno of the B , u-ti Is tmlOury of Meth...— That intuit tis our molts tercet , we wit outftwd-i • hly live Mat the serviceof my enuntry. and lf I had ten thousecd more lives I would pledge them there: - •r, • Let slaters sad withers, sweetheetit an - olhaln hike bold of the wheel, end mg* Jt.upon sill-theytipioe men with whom they "belie guy influence prnmurin t nee the necessity of going forth end &tog bittlefor 'eropn. try. Cut the acquaintance mid kick out of society all Mow wbri ricesin et home willniot miod emtm..iDo this sod you will do yocir cour.try good sereke. . • Alfeetionstely, your - . . •, , - 41 gr CVL' . / . 0 , &Over of .Tomitgoo r o took bar company from Tontaqua to Harriabiars,:l6.Bot- - ,vtretai tmmberecl 115 mei. • .. NessesaTohnes, rfalberstadt, Galata. ..Siam* and or this: lioiongh, have beenfad.; mined into the "Anderson Tronn," now ;being.; increased to battalion, to be used ' ass body. !guard to Gen 'Buell. This is sail iie.tite finest trodp!iti the service. . - I . I,oovbfle Seventh Manual Exhibition "of the SebuYlltill County Agricultond, Tlortiestltnral and hlachanical Astoelation. nal be held at, .SelSyl. kill nATCII on the 23d, 2,lth,and 25th=6t Septem ber next. ' POrdist. of premittute,Setc., see tidier. tieensent, • I,pirr/low easily Noitbern dough-faeeastrd sym pathisers with the Tebets, are distinguished in a tojal community. They are seen gathered in He il' knots here and these, and if an unconditional Eoicin man approaches or 'passes, the eonversr. tikon ,is either carried on in whispers,-or 'dropped entirely, Until be is beYond hearing., lhed the find. teeounts I,f""ttio: Battle: bf Cedar Nioupiain 'Were received, indicating a Union reverse, (which happily proved a glorious victnry): and Colon men • ere, sad, the sympathisers Couldnot cam.. ; • l t end their con su ffi ciently to. conceal ' eirjnyful feeliUgs, If these men knew . how _ - . ioroughly they are despised, they would 'h , de ietisettes from the light of day, and only ap.: Pear' sib en the dankness ornight is in eonsonanre rith ther plugs end purposes; . . ' • • • - 10E - AN isolertiug swot! pretentatiots , , took p l ias.° on Tim:medal' evening last, at the store of .or. L. P. Garrigues. •Li!uti, Wm. W. Clemons, of Cl. Prick's new Itegiinent, being home on a . abort, furlough, a few. of his intimitiejriends thought fit to , present him . With anear. and-sub stantial sword and belt,"ai a token of their regurd iknd esteeni. W...1t. Potts, /Esq., on behalf Hof donors. made • the presentation 'speech,' which has replied to by the• Lieutenant in a few words f sincere thanks. The scabbard' bears the in , IT. Clemens,l from his friends of Pousville, Aittgust. 1862." . The Liebt. was also' he recipient of other gifts, among *Mob was a beautiful prp t k. adi:tobacco pouch, from - 11r. Alexander Silly, man, : Lieut. C. has the best wi s hes of his numerous friends. - See e ui,',; q 'Synapathiier! ptpai4eei. lig no Oh/ Lnify. 7 .-A few dais since Friedc - niburg. this County, n mart—whose natns-we wilt 'With.. hold, in the hope.that he will are the - error of hie lways, and repent—entered the house of a `Widow; named Mrs. Fcrtig„ aged' 70 yMirs, and 41 *0 cowrie of a cnisversation pat ensued, said that .1 Lin three months Jell. Davis would be -in.Wasti . , • ington that he , wanted ,to see there, and that he hoped to see him rule Idle whole country: ...yet. This so incensed : the old la she 'nor only.Ukked kim out. of the' botum,. but broorc.. stieked him soundly, acrois the road. lier &iv& ter cried for somebody to bring e. rope, Which in nlarmcd.secesh,,tlat - he skedaddled, and has not been seen since in thutdocality: • of. the pirst Presbyterian Church, of this ploce, forwarded:On Wednesday. Aex. , l3, for the woof, th.t sick and wounded sot- Aiers' in, our hospitals, - et box cantainin& the. fuh lowin ,, natned artielest- I . . 9 bottles currant wine, Ilittlelila••kberry wine, 1 bottle grape wine, :l bottle ''.raspberry syrup. .l bottles raspberry I.ranrbr,l 'brittle currant, syrup, 2 botttee, blnekfierry svrnp, 1 brittle raspberry ein• egar,• I. bottle raspberry j,•:tn, ?bottles blackberry jam, 2 bottles catsup. 2. bottles pickles, 2 jars .camphormiidinent. 2 jars blackberry:jelly, 6 „jars jelly, 2 jars strawlierries, 2 jars nt u stard; 1 can posiehes. 17 papers 'earl. s•arcli . , ft papers farina, 2 ; opera elir,rilate..3 papers cocoa. IPaPer tapinca, 14 s gar, 4k lbs: tea, 7 lbs. dris;tl peaches. 5 lbs. .rlrre•t apples, 3 lbs. prunes. 7 ;Its rice, 2 lbs. milk.bniicuit, 2 lbs.' Uoston crackers, 2 WS. water crackers, 1 lb. tea cakes, 1 paelssige and ,2 boxes of lint, qui. stoned •eberries. package sage, I borfig paste, l'bos. gelatin; 31 lemons, 1 'package toasted biscuit, 2 pieces esstile- 'Soap, 7 packages' linen and ' ". • The ladies take great pleaenro in testifying, to' • the: patriotism and liberality ofilhe . •gentiebten • . connerted with Howard ,t Co',.. li•sPress. in' this . pl•Oe. in :conveying :this box to its.•destinatiOn, free rd charge, for which fatiurShey return. their sincere thanks. • • • pir•Tbe Nun;-Ttid- 'carnet which c new aitractings•itne'a(tnntion among asiroariarre, woo discovered as daily as July nth, and when fiest seen, the geocentric tnation was quite stow, it being at a gteater dist ince than the eon, andl moving in'a . n .orbit, making a 'rery . large 'angle With the pliptic. At that time it appearnd to as- tron,'ners;as- a• nebulu , ,!rowid,;rahly condensed .at the centre, the light didn i g intense enon'gh to be easily - seen_when the tel wires lot' tho t'elefe'ope, —microuretcr:were illuminited by artificiatiight.L , From this''fact astronomers' conclude th4t . ; the ' amount of matter composing this body is consid-' erab i le, e.lceeding the one discovered onihe o,of July innivirY large ratio, for they estimate i th'e f intensitziof the light of the - ses'Ond•equal to thittlof t Ilrehyst on ill'e :pl,. when it wlvditant onli ninethil - Fedi of tulle.. On the e'renh* id . ihe,:lll6,f July, d the einbryo of a tail vtR. l l distinctly pien by the aid e I 1 the teleicopc ; an eat early as th-12gth, the light of • • wag more e!meentiMted on the Fide, in the dire'e tion of it , ' tn.ltinti,lh . olttnit that the tail was 'al ready in the process of ifortnation. On the Oil" of .Aogust the tail hal increased in length and bril liancy. -but; ossir.g. tri ;the strong ,moontight; cannot be etso realify, at - the present - time.• .Aatt ie noa approaching both the earth and sun, and being FO fa roralil3, situate.' for nbserra tion. It nhU, whheut dot ht, attaia,greit ..Juag:ing fdam the'records . of .past roineii, and the position of the preelt, l it, is, tholfght it .will reach its maximum htlll anptWhou,t the Vith of Angiist,.whenit will he 'only ono-fiurth l the l .did nonce it was on . the 18th of July. ;' • ....' ~ I . It is new mowing tqatnithe north.p.Jle• cr. the heavens, titi•l yesterday, the . 151h.•was. Onlyf,e iiht degrees from the pole, being the neardst n •l pproaeh, • 1 after which it will, moveagain . towards the 'egos ! tor,! Clwiif;•to its close proximity to the: pole, during the next two Weenie Ulan!' berfitiblte dur-. .. , itag ; th . e whole night. ' ' ~: . I • .1 • . II• e,t' a bite .eed ' Alr'Sher;ff'i Sal4l r.f, gel! Errizle.—:Ttie fol. lowing reel estate will be FOl , l brthe' Sheriff, at the Cnarp linu_se in thin ,Borough, on Saturday, August •• . , • - ,• • • • Tract of land and appurtenances. in Norwegian, township,. and two lots pi Levels' Addition to Afi nersrille, with apportenances, property of genus Spencer, deccased, in the' hanjle of Elisabeth _Spencer., adtninistratriX„ • [; • Bats, wiqi appurtenanees,,in PprC carbon, and St. Clair. property or.john I' . Two:farms with•apptirononces, ship, and woodland in !Bailey' to ty of Jamb Kophler, I Tracts In ilegins.townv Abraham itchwealt. • Three farms in Porter township,' with appUrie .rances, propertysof Danitd Schu7kei. - •Lot :ma appurtenances. St.. - Clair; propertj pf Francis A, Nlaurey. - . Lot and appnrtctiances, Pottsville, propertjpf achn . ' 1. Lot and apprirtenances, pottsville, propertj of 4arnos Thotnai Fur tracts is Perry- township, with. wppurte • nincer. property of Jacob Klinger. ' • Patin nn , l appurtenanCei.: 7Vfahantnn;o township. and tract in. Eldred township, property .of Neigart. ,Lot anti 'appiretepaneer j !lOordmi, ,Froperty of • Man. Moyer. ilenegtee.l. in; :the hands of Sarah Morey:and A. I.,Spirim.y,•-,V,lzoiniStrefor. for htly, lot a ket. land'Rcillytostnebit, preperty of Jairob.ll.24/,noto; Lot And . apputtenaitleChi':Ocirdou,.:propitrty Gf Sarah 9rnith.• '1 „ , Lot. Awl ar;purterinnees, ti0ut,1143 , 1 ftreet t Pette- Yilk, pruperty•pf WashifigatM L. ltri,lery - Farca, with . appurienaneVr, Ilegina toiariehip e pruperi7 Lott. with r uppurtenspella of .lamb Long. • Lot and appurterrawoei, Samuel Reinhart...!! L'ot, and nitpurtenffinces, 'of John Tanner. 1.01 or4l Suairtcosners with' apporteriaodes,j of James Richards.. Lot xod apport maneei4;yinegin tristnship, prop rty of Lori liarttoz,. Daniel , Krsirratith., William C. Zimmerman , Akolsew tenet, Tru st ee s Pt the tiurilny School A=Sopiation of the United Brethren in Christ. . • • Lot end appuit.lisnees.M. propertor Clottleitk Steidle iind"Chriegiana Steidle. . . Lot and appurtenances, y Bekuylkill ftfaveo, property of William Putb.irg,and gather Potherg, "biaieife. • • • - - Lot and.apPurtentinens,lPenststeeet, Tarnaqua; property of tieurge Pscrt • Tr ,et ait h appurtentinces, West i'ertn township, propertyl or Levi lielfrkh - 4 - • Farin with, apptirtebirices, llegfßeJiiernship, property of Sarah Dinger.,./, •- Tract wil ls appUrienanres. .Washington town. Ship. propertY of Benjamin and tionnah tract withappurtenances; Wa'yne township, propertrof 4onatnin Miller. Lot and appurtenances,,:` Pottseitlei property:of l John Whitzeil. • !•; I" Lot. and appurtetiances.r t Port ,. .Cartion, property or Henry -IN, Zerity. Lot; and appurtenances. , trunibolit property :of Daniel Malone. . , _ , Lat.and appnrtetianeeaj Tremont, property.:of Janice 51.13rertin. . ,; . ' H ,/- ki ' ' • Litt and appurteitanees, ' Mineral;llle; pram', or fkorge Ilitdenbraud t ' : 1 ' , .., , li t Lot .ud appurtenances, New Eng'and , S VIII, kill'towarbip, property of Gentle , W i tlliant - t Lo{ and appartetianola; &nab Manheint roan skip. prof erty of LterOantin'lfartoirt. .II i . Lek and.appartenancatt; Patirtllo *Ur* , Part Carbon, propqty of Elir.4.4.lf,t,Boier. • • f, , ; : . . , Lot appurtenaneett. Dread shreeta Tamaqua. properiy:of Wittare P. hierr. •, , Traet wi'-landatt Ilusistrqrs Mourttaia..-fielsayl .ltill township„ propertx,of..itip:Oltoltott. I " , Traci of, land in• Voharinr 'telieship, late the estateoferterbert , NI,I ilontainier.• George'.Barn• I hint ,Caroline - Dien llil. a and Morrison , Derrick.' ! Lot end J apptirten Dept, t Troment, prOperty of Henry Seifert. 1 •- , I, ; '' . '• . , ,Vitt * with ' 1 1P POT ane ll 4 llitthiej totroihip,... pretty. or or ZaciA Stet , 1 .., ' 9 . . . . , • ) Trans witti l'ltputite sinew., . ilubley township ? i property 11f Geetee F. Veist, ' %: - 3 ' Lot and appa'rtenase . !,S3 Clair. John of. . 3 . 1 40 iSlinas ,aoguitaittr Utz, 'of John Sloan, de-; ceased. ' , 1 1 I . ," . j^ :. Three lots , and lapportetteneer, in . Pat'ii ,ad-1 dition' tO Port , Corbin, property of Sohn Baily: 1 Jr.. Abraham Pott. l' i ', ; : -- Lot Ad Apimrterrineet: Liew,eilyn, and foot lots with`aproartenances; Minererille ' property 4 Samuel ;leaven ideieeased.• in the bowie of Ore., Undo firer:his exec;tor. and Marcos O. Deaner; ,Perciral Meitner' W W. Fleilner, Lneinda•fietine4 ' Emma 'Gray:-mod her husband. Orlanda,Grayi Fara' Sh ay snd . her husband. ',John .Shiy. Ise.' belle Tal ly and her hothead, Blythe Tally: Caroi,- line Freymitter and Iher htiehand.. Aneatot Frey' ruiner, and L.,6isa. Limte end bet •hushonl. , AtnoFs 'l,,e4tri. heirs. sod 'devisees' or the said Samuel Definer. de;•eised 1 • , Tenets with apportsosineer. ROA 'township. propeify of Tlein A. :Yraell, Darld i Benda and hii heel Bend& , , ' ~ .. 1 • • • • "MP. neva/poet jar tie A'nrollwent ouct PATt oJ't4e 3filitim—Aniexed will be found the re'se-1 lations.promulgated by the i War Pepartment , for the draft. posresi.a ' -peculiar interest ito , • t eerry- citizen in the linion,:and'it'i r s there:fore un • necessary to elfwie. °theta atien7,th.• The midi od of dniftint bedieated is ,probably as fair and.. simple a one as could-be indie:lted, and presents. , . - very little opportunity'*nd: • . • .1 'Ar/rTIYt: GIMAti:II War Depirtmast,lWaabinitton,* P. id. Artie.5.,1862.i.. ry mpcitA "fn. 95 , ....1tal:nlatinni. for the entr anent and draft of " pt bre. biandre•l thnura in ntattanee of an carder by the Preiddont of .the Cot Staten. bearing ttate Aneast,i. 1542, whereby it la ded that's drall of three hundred thounind militia be immediately eilled into the laterite of the United tttatee, to reeve Pr nine pitintha. wawa annnor l diarbarpet). and !that the Secretary ef War eball a•alum the quotas to 'the Statea. tirreictil aillan•tiw the draft. Al e n. th a t If any Stite phial pot by till }sth of Airguat furni,h; its quota of the additional tbres. hunderili thousand in)un term autlinrised by law. tho l driseleney of volunteer.; In that SiatePtiall *holm Made tip by rpvrisl deaf. from the militia, and that tite...t.wrelitry.of Wa r shshlestablish re gulation:, for 111 tiut p nta. lt is ntderod.,, ; • VIZ stat IncIGNI•11 711111 gCnyae ronvrortTß.i Are The itingernor. of the ri.twetite States ; will\ preeed rot th ffirniatt , their tropertive quotan.of' the three hundred thnuta n.l militia called for by thi. or der of the Vrtoilent, dated they 4th illy of •.4u:oirt„ whisk quoits Wee been furtilahed, to the tiotern,n4 re ipnetleele . by leommurileat lo' from • thi• derotilmotlit of. fhl• dila areorillnit to Ole, rierulation,..hencetorttil set: tell: :1 1 • 11. • , ItSTO,"Trora To he nratestyrn - • s •Secnn4. 'firefinvernor. of the ...teed States ar..111,41, reqmwtted twthWitb to dent note rend-trots nil t h e • drulliel militia of. 44i:tater; and to appoint inroullsild lants therrfir,"and to not ifY bo 4 octetary of Inestione of adrh rendextoniaml the names of .111.iert.11- ‘ s loXn , lant.i and , it l• ImEortant.lhat tbe. rendetyous ~ t•iptild•b• few; to nuorve. eel located with a ' , filet(' convenience rif trensiortaliniij , " V41101.1.)11.211. . • roird, "'tie Governors. of •'t he'reitnee, live Stafe, will range an on.•-ilment to be trithle torthirith'by th# Tsfor t hio aorergi go•:by an i• n t her. olHe•yr+. to be a pp..l ittet by so -•h iseinti'ra. of All aide belied ma's Cleo . ] I‘ and 45 erithin the re IDeclitgW.lOntivN, Title to4jiiem • .. a.cer. and mini w ill,. 9r-etch, together .01 rela virJ emetheri In the stiticd of rii.f Vateil pates etc. and in whit es 4ti.ity. or ant ntli:niftets which tu•c• "..terinino lilt ex. "grotto itary .1 uty. met prop r .expenaen of •Pcb enrollment. lint o" the draft hex...hien. ter prtiridel,Trill t o ridenbur•e," by . tbe United Statue. °non toucher. tbowiti,c. the- detail.' italentent 11, v.,- . performed and lex pens.n Mem; rCI., ppjon..vt#l hi such OorernOre. - , . • • 4s!cr.a OF .DItAFTI:•NO. • • Fo,rf/o. "Their has. proirl4.l3 made by law la any Shale Grt snirriinz loan u:!..nt draft herehe 0r:14,A. Sr where ituAtimyi...l.sla to., in ant innet s a,h , • , •., r • dratt'shall 14 conducted 3.4 Oio v.: - • •... • • - , ctuas; „tit E 1.1,T.9. . .1 ... 4: , ...44114q this - liritadsl he 'n-sr Ilsited tarn. ilartitworth's ' 1. iinfino Ili tely upon'eatrip,eli m' of the e s nrOblurent. 1 bri'.l silo. `if II h his stsift Nter.b.w,lll. and tali.-.aisso, A ,Lame i the lists st enrolls:l.:sir...its. IMall he foe is 4 h••••tile r q 14 • -'scars lot cA . i.stry...l Ti- kl4l m slit IX tie - Waishits,&to LI, VA • J therithetiffs ior the ecluntie•.lo which !Melt, enrolled . per. his lh,asibto - atters.J lle is - very! /414 re lii!tl.-1110 'seeesh sons resl4.. I , ' 4 J.- . .., • - ...• - j j -, -: l 1- 0 ,...,„1,,,.i,,,,t h ere . l i l tisey be.til ,lir think he Is gOint; A., ciot'ati Seenrugreaosta - T-4.... • i '-' ' i dri e irretit bUt. They «111 till It so 11411;.4.11 Ibex take . 1..' Ths Governera of h- • iieral. s , t ales: shall .ap-fisint a , the l with ut.,.elleglanee to the V -sited Seats. The next . e.-.UM11i....i, ,13 , 1 i e tr.. 1 ,111 0 , 1 •04 ) , ' of _their T',....:T,...tir..S'lmAs. ; meet. th.,lls mast{ i think wile he to .ileice't4sn'eneml j 'whs.-seldniN II :41,1i 1 0 to eoplirlntenst the •rlcattleg and.; iron stnn(l4 (4•44.1nn Mo., . Their plekers :re seen t,hckie • herr and sleterntineeseusos - of p••esons claiming ti he ent• 1 1- ism u times, - feut In . :nni retire . Our regime:it is nose...a...MT s-0 en front niilstac..dutc. , ' shish c.s.n.tAlisriimur ~hall re-. on . l o irastedin . .l will ,otterwarAttlhase • short drill to keep S'ecirsi •Isarmtlensatbm of four dollars. Per diem ttr each 'S the sr to hunter. . I sin is.T.C.I Oise" that Seltu3lkilisisCitis day lie nray he lets) rilY-eln t iiilyed l i p this discharge of Lila l• ing her sill,. in- rarsisr•Jtrosm• for the new, cali f it, I. duties so suitv enntruissiotirr. --. •-,'-, '. ' - I- the:duty otsib to enlist and esTe to del:end:our natimssi ' • .-, ' exametiate. : - " • nut ciuntL,ihis rebellion a or - 1.10. , k tl•-• -st . • 8. The enroll - ins of'd:cer: /Mall: inimediately. one. the 411 fillet of the, i•nelfl,trent. nutify'sild emnineedOner that. I . tl neidßeladoeve tirm cm tiled' an line coliont.n.l.n.4 analt , a the:tempo:l else 01/11 ,... by bin ;DUI' x peted hi •u-•h town. i, .. ship td hi. :booty ,',I. the I ijne .tnd pleee at. ;which, eltilnx I of - evennteio. 4V' env reerlied and', d.termlnt.l by „hitn, , I end 'she Ifffi the canoe to tne:irseriti:;,l in thee .order at rie:il - wilt in tectidi: ...If the fillip.: of •I he - enn , at i which thefireft,eliell he if +del end all oernenn etii thihd',' to tile raeunpt fee.. militiry:,,taty:nhall. , e,f , re the' day l fined - for the deaitl mike proof 4d.u , -11 enetp id Om b o r,ro . slid anFnuli".•inci.4... and if Coon:l:fazdicient; bin onele i , i ;shill l.• ntriekleb from the, - lint -by . s red 'HIM; drawn : _alt throat'. it ii leeirkinz it ci 01 le,:ible. Th. contrui..ioner. ; te, shall in 111,e s inanner striliefroafthe r4l .tilifl natn i -i'mist' ii - :herenog now in the military sere ire of A hu'Llltited : 4 ;ales. ,11 teleztlqh n,iiec i ptm-ro and tonietrivtlira me' a elir, - ehat.e. : at Oil Ariz ,, '. fn:.' ; All engincerwof Inconie o tivenn rail- ' terole i' A. t ire , resident ,renident of the United Slates : the u 91 • „. ..r.—juli.. at tindlexe,rftly.,-..f the tr . , • ,, n t ot , the: 4:Piled:Ste es; tb;,- utem berc,4 hah "Ouse: of tfentreen I i .: i .and their iretbelive offieere: all.,eustota hunt ; officer. 3 nrid - beirri.tkn'T. nll nest ofticern and7.trze rtririew who , r „, at-!niter ,y'ed or t ~f earefted rofineyinee of the chsil ~f '. T.! the pop( office ,if he United CLIP--; altJf-rry mini ( lirb•,, are : re employed it anyterry on tent road : ell ;.it fen, all ma: fill rinen atenallY etnfleyet in the nen ft.:retie at nef,,,riliz :n ; it or met : eh : lnt within the Coli ol zdates ;;811 engineers 3.11 :: 1., Pilot!' of reztnierei Or licenned ;desalt, earn and steam-., r,, slurs, and al I persons eveiripted by, the lawn fit” the, re , :! d,„ spectiveStatek fr ta ntililary inky. on antheient rt..teliee i or Of on' Pelwinall It tionledefe that fuid-pernomtbelta '.: to any ; A , Ofth.tatoreaald Heffner. worthier the erzemption'its risith- ; ;/ e d by , :thihn pr not. 'Exemption will nett be cr.rhe Lea din-.'. i .ti ability unless : lt-be of Such perairteot chirarter en to r.:tbierlthe , per4ae untie for niyirice.forlll . perbetof more 1 , f , than thirty ally', to It. certif.' by a ' , Argent, spy:elute:4'l nil ',by the.tywernor irr each eintrily ter this purpuv e. DHtrT~ ca, 1 5: At the time' tined as bet re provide,' -1/Y - the . .cern• - 1 i l tnifliliniier;liir int k the draft. the .h+riff !At:tic:linty. e or, to:tibial:nonce. nueh iiernon n ' tt Ibli.eolll9l-Siolle, Oily . , .uic tot, shall, in the , orvnence of *aid anottibecionor I pub. irly ylnce-Iti a wheekerimi'otlOZ,l griettete- 1. ,- :meh , ni are %Iced fer,lreeringjurors.4parat i ei dottier Villiita, i o cont.:111.1bl the :I tetra .14'41 perve.• renzeint nz op said FS •e,:toi,io..litt.oot ntrit'nee Off aa triolir,i ri.y. , ci1.4.1.0ni . ii *'proper Pers.. sperfitited _by the „eolnalianiotier. . &hi , P blindff,l , llel..stiell thereupon ',ltem Cram*ff.]] it:a ear ; t wheella od , rther of belPen 0 , 014 d-tat the :II triaberutdratt• : e .rd me. One! by the tlerterater of etch State at the pi-op: •i t or , iir di a of numb omniy.,, , :i. . i -.. .. .l a ' i iinTi!'i 2 i •)Y Py•AFT yo or. 4turro. 1- , -. 6 A Minted or orirten holier of bi• eneellfient . .o I draft: any of tin. &lee efrentl , tioun of the' , lreflettniti. ' 1 fetry.fer.+::::diell 1 horeapen Ifeif , rted. by'., ) , ,,,kn in be I , . nprentent by :the yoltimi."-iiner.. up az eeeh iferwof eon 1 1 dratted 'either by delie,:rititpth:; Sant. in' p-reop, or:by ! : 'ff' , .' ls lit It at Iff. Loa kti,:a n pee, of r ,.,0, 1 ,,,.. 1 1 . . . - mut:;‘,.-arr,s,.'. i 1 'Z.-Any person on drafte . ,l 'may oafs a stiff.t itn cr, the I 1 -fitne of the rood-vv.:us of th.;:dr.ifte 1: mint' i s for in, , nod I surh nuti•til ate, it he Inha , l tai en ; ablf , bodiefli:th, n. ii,.. i teem' the area of 15 end 45 vehra,And: shell in. ~ • , grill ,, ::: , Yithitl•le C - Mlerit of hlii parent' or zli ir.linn. if I te;euttbect -Litufelf to'nli the ,tutien I end ;obit I..'nti ,na to w b 8-ft bin fftitiripal yrotild; hoe bI , V:i sibiret , bi , l he perneually nerved; shall be atCCpfe4 h i 11:* Of. i ,. .*net . ' pirtricipie!' ' i t•• ; - • I . 1 . . ' •. " . (.1.n•1iti.139, tem% 'rum rie‘;T. ', , .• • 8. The , person thun drifted :hat ' A.ZI-:nble, at the:: county, seat of their re :Deals.. rauntien within:, flee dons lafter the time of &saint:. artietteetr intl.:met fah sill be : furnished tin :at by the d fneryiersof the aereirl States tot the plveercf renfeziyue. '. -, -• ' • I I ,; .ORILLS11.111:tOn Or THE Ili e iTTETI. ' . - 9. -Ana sewn as the draft-ban been made and the fiII:EWA 1' marked on the fmnellineht• tint, the : ire:muff...toffee Pill', ' sett a 'espy Of thedraft to the' eommiindant; cif the rem- -, ' .dezvoun, acut.anotlter tory of the loupe to the' Adjalant . ifeneratof the State. whew/fill immediately ortzehtze the I : drafted roetvinte bump ales anti rezilitenfn of totentry;.. : by a.nizotir..; hint meh Li each eompiny, and fen comps— : IlieA to anti, .piz,iMt.nkt„ and Fends eiitiv of the urg,auizto . firm to the ceohmaridant of the render:You*. I ; , , .' . ' • . Uszt)t car aI..OFFIC,IIt6 ' ' 10.' At the etplint lari of the t iota alMvred Per the draft- 1 ed . mt•t-t , to retch the niftrleavo.., the fentonadflitit shall 'I proceed to..comprete the orian.zetietilc,f the , Iretnnvit len : nrid - r;;;;;ftiterita: by proctieircinif 'lt. haine. Of the rezi• tear.tal,rototniv.i stied-amnern...,nillii.h lit ill iif.!tir,iiill.l,l in aecordaneertebh' the lallff of the prrpectlveltnetee, the ',umber art I grant.. Mini "he slam -a4 to the volunteer If •=rf.i..e and ite,esse the tare or . a. , r 'State attali provide for en elect in. of 'o ffi cer. they Sh.sil ; tie alerts. Ondier the .direekiiiie rat the c.framandoot of . th letelezefun, and re , „porii-il forth - With ta t tine ltryernorn: 1 such State, to o r - . der theft they, way ." tninniin,ion, 'tint the rm - reenin• mirsioned Mar itiaaPpriiinted Miller, Yard ,ne .tfter tour - ter, as the ceslttel of the ieohnent it alli deeilde. i '_, e . i• , , i.' nviirrn ?Intl./ -; ' i ) . . 11: At auto eipOhe oftleers'of tint fluipanlit:a and rezt •fllizn,teit. the'mo•tre-rti 1 'halt 10;inede out annex flte.di'eretem of,the cearne, : ant 411 'tier rendez-, Tnllt. /4-i lb.. tr.iop, ih•te-citeit *mi. muster-•t into , In. 11.,1: I' irti et the United State% by:the Iteeria4 officer ape petutedlf,r that, purpose.. - ' - . ~' ;• . .' .j ' ,ratinift - zars et 7; ;ift. in Sta Pen 'hero enliatmeni• ; touniqpai it iiii , a a Id tolina,,tniitool I • et'oOrn; of 'web 'S rates are AU , Ill'lr ize.l _ a lit:: rub. of , 41r4i e tu Nuch.touolclpa vi stead bf c...untleft. „ t ; • ' -• ; i' ~-:. 1 'plovon - r . 14 titan at. 1 rift'. Prorest 51ar.hale ".111 be al - Department kti she never,' States. or .t.b.iiiiviroori hero' with - tuck a; necten:W'ry In enferce , the attend:met OotA iftio • ol3 , ll, Nit ti at feud a, numb :in;. o . orter Wwp - I 100 PhiP. .pruper- hip; property oT o C 0 ; . • . . i (,)'ILITI‘IIOI. r eve:LCION hl.r.ltirteerf. . ' B;•rth. 111 .341 Att)'StAtii .hell rot; by ill*. 'Kith AVIT of ' I. ll l;ue.f.fitrulitr it,. quoit 'of li.lf.neet.l TOlll4- j tier,. ' 4 / 4 4 ?i•I b 7 the. Pr.eetelent on ihe . .ft •Eflly of July, 1 /1t , ..1. - itolteet,oftierwire Metered. ill Itiouniplete re.timente i Omit t hen E`d e"as,ili,ll.l , -'4,-uAttLfr I lit direction cit the aere.rtkor* of -the - feepeettre. tuateee. etn,l An. .i'l4ilinerel draft ehell l'ehtnerle, IVII before praci enheufhe•ient 1. IV( !, up %pet, goof r: :the re delle'ir to he file . fief I felon .1,4a1 ', COLIllt 1.4 . •(!),., V , ati• .(.: h... filet by t r e; eielrh et. theretif. t . • , -', 0... t e 1 No :tem Not.t;:prraft RI, 1.4t6111.r.i. , : . - '' , .3 , r 4R"1: .. h ei eflor the Ilitti] , tar ofiAngtieet, reel rce . .retrkettene of rata nteeri will nii:ent'ssd :-teut the' pre tilum.'tieurrety. end ad retire p erill re.. el uu. ti' he pelf .6; t beige erolunreerinif to ire int.+ the old reg . loaifols ' fly order of the Secretary of . .'" '- I. - 'l.; - , 'i t•.• ' fl L. TILiliA4, otjett'ani Ilmeeri. , Letters from our VOlunteers. -. polikat4son; , pioperiy • - pr9p , trq of 'properly : Frain the 50th Itegt,' P,, V., Col: B. C. Christ, • . : . Commandihg.. Cuts 50th tru'r V-PloirseT .C, t ;Vol?. riederickehnig, eget/ EP11 : 02.4 ,}!tart.[["' ' efOcttett:=-Are left. oar camping ' oce)und at 'Soup ‘rt ,New on, nit .;_went on board of the new 'steam Iraneport Ide:rtimie, and tin fho same eventne ran nut to Fortresa,Mourne, where we anehnred norit4. - the nAt'aftetnnon .wben• we welahevlianch.4 and 5a ,,, t14 1 u I .!hoas'nenke Ray. By dielfght r,est ammo-, we t o rusdo 't he month of the . 4enate we I errned: and thlt safe 'erening arrl , ed at' Aro% Creek 'where we coin cootie to.anthor. -Here erg [mated Peat!day, (rith.) sod to the attern , iori of. the zame day telt ';the eras for rode' teksburg,ior here we; now are.—, e 1,40014 m I, on the banks of the, RAppahantext risei„Ulstant7some 64 mites from Weshinvou rid the PolOnise ricer, and'sbo miles 'tom hiebloond. ' lesutiot tell,yoti much about the tOwn,as I have not ti It:: and eant.nt 3 jr ‘hers-wlthetol weTer - . one Male off, and ran tee the'tope . the huts's' °air a hill.wr.d arrow the riser *noir rt.ght. . • • irtiro we firit. rein* brria piety el' our tWys Vent cot one idaht-Of‘a s: outfox eat edit ion. . $ . 3 / 4 30.0,did • not g , e tar tat ihry tort a party of aecodoie whem tber, Medtirrqy raptured and drove tot.,rantp.' Our 4, minsm• derelp.vrecer. defrd their relegsit and-tot 4 the bye U. were were only, pint. unnifendinx: hatribta re of lb.. tarps In thin ' , Witty, and that-tr art • terre.lquite harm. Ir'ats.' Thie s dhlbrt quite Run our tioja.nttlithef • colnfed it trait to'relki•tbeendiNtilhe nilbf.Butha lb retuird to d, Iblallwo Of them were 10144 tifti:t 'th spot:. Our.effleers wring 'that whet "'le dine cotht it, , be undAne. determined to make the - b,t•.4f it,[ ttd 4e4.4red the b..ei to akin them, rot them. no. ani new morning we ccir . thins ter our brrairest,.. no heitterrned, an f tints gat, M r iari..g ware ! war ibt , :us einotten; they were not hunatit bring, of lb I bite t.ep nnly atn'era. . 1 Oir brat r Cotoi.erfa et pre4ear acting ftriziditklou *rat, 204 ristl. elevens nor [rush Brigadier,'" acttri •. • Major aertentl. think be era preowned, fir b intiatnly is a enndlenerai and a brave neap. •' "Sliteeltirittnif ,tbis'abore Irk tare eriened :the . ttitP l , ltannoeki,uuu•chid through tth• village of V . redarte 'heel tentittfes out oerrithe bille (foe Witt impute' te ',Millis) whale we are now eurempied. The town u • • • ' . . .e - h towsitihtt4 property Freda'Jibbing It , • ollgeribb4 d . T. •itn•iYIIIPIi. Ptici, andliadi nitb*Lts bats, ib *tiro bI•olce nnt i lit.palatlon of $OO iihtten. WI ;Ike .101 ottieir SonthOn itowns' 4. *kWh tbn nortbetb ;nind•illli bnt, no sassbili. Uri is al *lit doweled by ItctibltelnitsbltAks-l!' - i . '• i > ' 11 .., Ido no know bait loot we. la .14y - Ilero. bn - I..••- donblndkr ant - ' ivy tone : fOf eon - tr.iiik ' I O C . "" 1 ~n . ...X.. X . :rwt t im. of no th!pqa.O.4ot won) ir.t. d , t I•l , te ow. it, f , ..r il'l. wrote mad ynababli.b i It, wir :lioult i l WO 11‘ P d ouneves In Pail WOretkoi 0 Lwa Ole. In ' dam. ,blh iinf lith o. bat thimafieay wr ty , tbnt we ire an sox= ion. A a nine ; which will' brlng 0 . In e, , ntart with, Yee 'truly. ~iro are all an Lilig UT, a' .b..n0.,.t0 1 • , ."- ' -'1 ' -! frlke f flirthe ?afn a t ormeltv empirro! ' ... ' n ii, 4.. Slriße . fir our purl Ira 4 our (In.!. • - ''..., 1401.1 tidbi t b. tn . , es of oar rirrt: .'. ON! and our tail , ' Latta i ^ ;. - - ' (I •. it F •m the 55th ; • x. j p. ~ ir t IN pl t Balla' nigh I 'cm Arching, which n waft eta, irriticii riLltl iCILE7 .1.10 'lila emaeli 4nntend heTinell t, Gen. Felice:lt wee, av ihet onrh.giiner 1,. tit hurtle,' eil Ic bee indeed. p as wn. hire time. We.were- of AL. to a... 1 Icaven ! port ..I j Itut • a Iy oro. 1 ontarer 1 *A rt 1 land now In ncit g,, itillnn Ilead 4 w , 1 wet. then .ent hen than . any l we than all. we hnee) ntnnon. Gen: Vi'r Inc at op, an an 4.1 . ~fret Gan. ; _ ... • 6.31 Is gild , ta aujignd a entutosnd there. I sated having' the platen nfl me*ting the nOth. tnt, Col Christ. Pt ye hnt,' this ton, there; Wig dla they - h alnntely leA. tor • Tirgtnig....l.t ervtleet they are oe at Neer - fel Netts. . . ' n. &Ye, tr frre le - tine,;.the , tehela were ye an lleviliffin , Ue it adianfre upon ibuielleui.., In flf e.niminntet t 645th:teal nut to line of tyttre to tale Up the minsh ft.r the !Ives' end a the .' ent..Whlteata eil that 1:,11. etterne.bil colds an e hput as, and' keel - whether ' we. wiist realltao , hem heck. A h lily nnpnns? in the affirmative. ed ha three nott log eheeee, rang .out clear and n the, mnrning air. and thei 'regiment marched n all Its pride. et. r fn. tI e fray. a rompany of the, .aallit-erte Carl ry tattle • rhei..idvattee, The en : '.over. did not toquil ean eater, f .roppirent. ruing' of nor len Ina, okvittaoll.4: leer inz behind 1 e:0 orteral well All • "halierefirka... The regicrient iv- - , the evetzln to g.)..1,1 Thita, of r--ha vine snide deep hive ivpd r .r,4113 a re 1. The Itelclen. the ?pinion o be.", Almest eft ieb4n:e4: soma] IrMIZMII f.r ,14.-arm Ib m to have mvl - to 071 kit It, Ph.'at mnoi. ith.r drettli hi• fllrv;rinx" II b A Mari be the DMMI io.i.i . .'i 1.10 , 1 itt the hat mali is Ilk. fourth . , ar ,bf,i time. e:4utit34 , l I , llo,r ! cht,iimb the , "if Tie weather la rite' wehire but little to Vi. 11.70 tinrif I Iva tit ipkt,c Iu t heapt the regtment remain • ~ - . . . . . . kront the 90th! : • gt', "E. V .,7 Col..Lyle,•Cent . -. . 1 ••I mendit g. 1. ' --. .- ' . f. . 1 •• ,Li TLI , %VAT thtoo. VJU,',4llc,. 5:11. E,terlh.s.Mtltsfii. Ilt,t ,1.....-1 , 1 nre NT r:t II ng you 'my let. ter of th4,;,'Uth. - ..ther hire li-st. yto-at ',binges .here hi an things' The hOt -writher hill .ito4 taken ofhwt here -on t- -lion. - Tli•-v't l it .ttitsl m o th,lll.;re thin thoi Ail my of the nther 1 Iltt) Orr months. hut It will not I to is lon . 'ro teen Or tHis-r t lttimout har e : died of [y01914 (et ,t here in twaid hut tha re.t of thwmen'are all stol srlltri ',t sA spirits, ii . We ears ~t tn more 'Rem nor;, 'il the ffippik )1 tee untie 0 to' It- midi - at -.any iIIOIIIP6t_ ilm ma 'hin..t. lien „a l .. and i,„%, „,d- ~,,,,,I t hArepp,yr. Atte! Item ecm th 6 tits of this tallith to weiett ti.,lne,p, .lie , wee ie the ell.rl'ilitt at t; . eteleek. and hrzatt- r,r rola inz,in_Pt-leizalla um) tlieti..iisre'r. ,Ila it a' oble 1,0:- ti ,. in_ wt;lll,till.' pi 'ltlta,tieutitei pn-n; Miniton trey to hqrae. • Ile plan 'ttested at d 11,1,l'asint )Fokitt., Ile ok•tirc.reiTvd . 7 1i...ti1y. n.,.$ he puledeur e,,,ing. Efts fond, under !gut :riot-encl he of Jacob 1, ltrir..ker , . tta.t!,4l-11-31t.t0 ttmtl to ~.and itrarotilat patriotic' A i CF. jil..-s ta s viell'pleawol 7th the .nt,i, 6fthe airri ' btj'the re- 111) , i , 1 ., fitl.h,thil rehe:. , , rt..,11. - . la Zrltmi nn ...all around, loth "With. flip army! , army id •11. Pot mar . . t t1:0 ,1-, YilhInz'tuaro• t 1 yrrlte . rf Im pr,rt to . ea;:t hi. pte , eutliate, a, 4111 - araii until 'further u., eiteutr am lilltde: : r retuair y uurs . truly, . L. C. C. .CLatit. tf..11215c.2„ I intitona JoraN (I: 1,, , tw within; In y. , ur eel- oni htt•ltt..tti war nteeting - Ltell tt , artitzli on , itantay ...ream!. A uzii l a ,Wr:lia ne)t;tet aortae very aieellent .ehes: rol by Capt. Voice it - or_i vat et U. Conpbeit. Lin..h arthotewew , a rd !B. (V.P.VII. nil .1f: it ,vl4 itoreaAh I+o{4.. , 'tple tetme whim prod ti , e.l a tyiJgonl effect. • ; theae Tee -tiars - shoubt be hotel often during the war. V jtive!enetnlea atoottz ne ~ } T hey lee : Irvine: to lead p aatray. re:l stmt be w o keep' ynUr traitors at hrima I If ent,„ we' "halt to Izeti to tetZet them if they - titer * our arreitth azain wane of the p - opTe` tire LNtreistnera am for .oainti,v, tilt. (1 syeen neut.. Thee I 41a . flzht ror thole tbLen - ' let them et.ym. lip (they are ri4bt. Can L'e w. l -ible !hat there livna anno mon t our free in.-, till...lark hone n( our ronnt hint in• none. an tearbannit. • ea at , ileatlitatt, am to Ira, nr er'rn "Ore fo,inttU•nr , an, one aimittat (Litt t Atc. the .1 - Lit t.le our tire.ent w ir? B t.l.tniale nei•iey'no _their aottlai-_-- ad fer;the,vake• of. posterita - , thri al,. ap; th rni.o.nrottn.l their nec t. i Not very, twal le, never. eleen.;practhal. .l We tilt., not e.. title company., bob enoluth ciur r eti-t.z..... hare tett' the plaie.l.i . j.Ln ether rompa. t o well company, and noire- ariiieady fn to. ti ud epiteei the rizht. • , I k 31 , 41!"11.11TED.J ' ' - -. . . i : I'll THEIIINIOIIt.. . . ~.. .. :the tniari . 7:',A lit: C.-•1••t r. 14 OritiF , :nu,, , ,•,?' re,Q,,i,,ea,g . raenty-ire .111.aar..uaiter rheinperint4nlenee rit Sir., .. Ehtlr rii . l Nliq. rtels.eeirifetiAll. !I ire,.tei .nen,, tee .10, 't. in...) 1,1i1,1110t3 tin iltitipl ' lrit4),lli emriliiye,r - in . et!irii , z, reatllge , •. lint, &c., nail 11111 the gil nr di iiia iir;Tfrohl the, i:rtfut t.,,c0p1t., Of ' 1ri.1 . 1.!.',..Cbt1 , 1].'; ha v in.. • 6, , e,.:4. i:iiriiillirbr it tini. - iaitti aaa.,iely of lartitte heg, In , A 1.., iliniel, airier... ii:ri.•4l3l' rieriaji, ittn ta t : tha rick, ilisable'd Ind injure.l, , mbilera nf iliiil, ' ?& , n Army_ ••. ' - 1 Thl4iiier Iviii bin ' In I..;rlVit oi-{ffi, i . ikiimi. - iphii 10.14 , (tit: ......1 of in.:iet,rd in', ,iiritts tins:ail-fie' lit ilia il. - inins.— is . - rintent• are saln(l . l?ra i liricti , li.rrie... - 52 Ill , : ill led arrant!. 4 llni.„ dried p0t , f11,..i. 4 :;• lh, : ilrtel i,ini,e, n fir.: ;Irk , ' pear,. 3 c rcant , I,tig i. j,ity. 11 li' , •,' pine,.l .bot! ity..: currant; ,; 1 efrint.'2 elJert rrv, 'z' id trKbe_riy: tile,. In , L4llttfil,i. a ,7,„:.i:.1,,,,i.......,•2 , 2N i a1e.1: liiiiit rennet. I 1 411.!: , eherri - tg fob i, , ,,, 2 , i flna.; , c:i'tile p - .11),.2 . !, , ,; Ibc ; Iriel a:0..9A) nor t+: lint; •• Iris.; 101 l liii' iiun.lle,l ~eels, 5; film - tbs.:la; nia , liirtis,i'4l-: r , erer , hanitt:er, Itrief+, 1 1 5; rillii , C eirae'n, .; rrna,,•ll,lna,;.,LiA-44aine,i, 1 ; r; lar4a aa.irtitient •er Inch teas: . . 1 ' • i .. 1 1 UNION:_„ . _ . , -• • • • . ~.. • C % STINCi CAN , I4.N At I:l,urtimaci. :it. 1 , a-Tio.; Ituilders' eon F'..utry C 10... In PnoridOrtore 1t.'e1.., ' .1114 . erected , a f ;una r ar. rn trod ro'ntenred c . astin:t calming,. •, tor the . ~..t.. ..;:00t • e0 . ., ..61 n. t I tt ia l , 4 2lllo d u i, l". , ....'• t til i. r . ; : r ail t . 4 ,1 p h „ t, d u i oot i ; 1 i. ..e tilibreen The Prosmene •,1 ; urn ti.d..serit.:. ltd, Opera' ion lto f. - 1/aWs;:•The zuto rti tut wetzha itifi • tons ;--. ban finis:lad 111 wll w - aizh lied wre'n , and D. It ds •II ...I. Vow.. n,..1 incll,3 in illaonAei'at the breech' and.,2l at; be . no tia.le. I • • 1 , The pit,, ,i , calculated 1;4111 an , 1,15 Mich cunt.: . The ..., , rtrwr is .14 teatl deep and 11 in dtatheter t -till- latter't.: art., beim:Ala i i l n :rr longitulittolly',frotn to mut .le. Tiler- are 1.1,1 ad 1n• W-etlMs• of an linii 'fltak; [, hich:irelich, efrbt ton to. The pattet or are then- :wile: el, th e nordd fiei , hed. nod- the.t erd sir-411,114M( thi. }lark ut tocethec and fart. Mel ' The whole i'a then put into on oven 814 Iwie.i. Thie.prre,re hirolanalhe rand, and Ives it A t”iiiliCifY . to n• i '11.4 and 'LIM straititind pressure 1' 'the metal wh'en It ir o potitaud to. Tbe hark I...then• lapr•i• in a pit IA to pernentlictilsr• ;rinnition. ; when it is ra' 'in *aigrette the mniten 'bun. -:Thltt i,' p,..i.ared I. I lan it cr !Arnie,. n •I b«,i'llacii riy rd twenty, flit, tx.tilit z Tito iron, in' bora; to ac it to iirrtn,it a flaw cir ent•otinn orthe am . or n. cool is a ti;;Ored to ' come In . ront act with it.l iiii 3 OnlillnilA Vii I , "'n•••ii.. rW hiiili is - fed ins; tha , jrout ; t . f t ly. furnare., A'drift is recniteel by a. hi - go chintaPy nalart from tbA fine et dloc. hark end of the. ftn n tree wlt;ich keeps .ttoto 'real 3.•tivids burt;inz, sod draw, tha flatiod thrnu2hahar•enitra lenzth_ if nob care • I. the aalWrtiAn ht the . poetal, and the radio hin itteiro innst. 41. 0 0 , 11 l' ilia lie-•• olbpooond sha 1 - wrinfria tht. - ;:rrata , 4, isoislblo troallo.' .. Whl:Ft it is mettlnz the iron rung too rarefulls wat,doed: -11 ii . tr.toted once Ito thirty minutes. •11 son In qui saillty• ii!'pl‘ ' ured into a onuld fsreting a•ber elottut an in eti square.- As roen a'. it cool.; it de broken.' The train alid:c4 , l, 4..terizniee the .10 ;111:*- arid' its pr- , per 40 - ete tl; f;turi . An 'r ttAi -4 4. ,11- .Pml.ri In dio A boor al.. ~hearted. the furnace; ladAppad and .the li quid nietal ia rinUoay,l intpLthe meld. White it is rim . : nintr:•man are stat,iteted .ain z the • cnndnt•tor. to watch theistrawm land intercept sly worti . why.ll ntay, , t)rtn. 11 t hese .10. w• parinittel to Itt.) . In. the car:lima iintAd de a t iiotiertect.l,lllll,: trod. h'ul ' , c .I ombed. .- it. 1a termed: which:would Wlarken there.. Tina and c.ruse Its rejection at aura, or.fitfoite athrto„ I ,- :il . -, .Are beeit. grid, by t.ottitit)ie.thr tornnty; the fot,zn tie, and ti.,WLIs, I . I d . .. RECEPTION *OVTRE I'EJLTROONS IN CAN .. .1 . ; LoNixm. Anzts.t.9, IFV2. i n fr, e , F a ir ~,,,'. „e. r.... pftrr;t Fxe , Pre'fs - :—Yild 'Aronld hoen *in &eel 6,1 you Intel, In our, city It& morn , Ina, to kt...111n th.• .10. - Al . S.ti llylktwiAnubb,44-11.0set ' , or h 6 run allayltnnu recur et untry to etniii.. the dr:tit— :lrish. Match, and Yankee's. ; Abaut flfty CAM, to a lona. they rovnei 1,1 a Urlllati anti«c.".;ro...y - for work;', ..„ i t i,,• p r apiletor tare thlen a rOtherint; rebuke. 11,. *eked theui it itherayereirtna the:other 'vie: they Kahl, ..(Yee t ''' ••iiiiv',li . ky,‘u here P',. Illeeauttel.,ae tittl not avant to he At 'l'lttti .11 ar'e' yra . lint: enfaye,f all the itenittli. and'had all the prY.llee..iip of iltlaet t e!" , ..Y.i." , •IV.II, I .Itl foil w,,0 lib it; F thir i k of. soul I conaltier J e yon crot.tslhin thieros. an t i a mean .; c9ntemptlWe pirk :) of k,T0p.,1 sit , ll until for . ' r an ho'nrit roan to treat.. I. S.ltouli to. afritin if I. phoulli employ yoli:tl3lX .you.woul+l. 50.10.1 Ant nt.iw town (turning to . hia own heciti).-1 wjil firelou tired .thtl tare to, linttytt ezi at the traitor. la il their ow t 11 0 ern went that. ever 11,1110 hpr e a gii n .". The, xneW-herrOe. , and the treltnes aketialiled.', It aplarich ani rara iii t ie. our Seettt. eity.'r "I only.tristt we b.. 41 a "te t *..m -treas,ll intallige!it liritiahl it:Warts as tilt , limpet.- ..rte. of thkt toun,k‘ry. 1 - ;. .: A* *..i x tnrcAN. prAmti:l by the War 1 ho Wininstion•or ,'ll.lant4; ak.4 r . be . .all rtraftrar'prr r..njaaroaa. . SOLTICR.4 ' DUE TIM Covxdoi.—The Government!, lily I.9ioad an order Chat ti.lreitie liable to tullittify duty h,l I not evade aerriee by leaving the innotri. tVe pre•l! inina thti• will h. accohatnaied by a notincntion of the petiolthe thereby incurred. Jodie .duals! who havei, bean enj , yind the proteein of the. Government. and !! nso of 1b..m 4 1.,1ux what eouni 'to enilritroar it. love sin.aadratt taken Shelf, iiepniCore for if Canada, and tome thi Run:Me. Thoke who leave' Profie l ' .7 ty behind Will of cool-se endanger the icraaexalon of it. ,; and thnee'wbo.dh n0t...111 probithly their . political t: Priell!..geiteliiiimoci Pied w eo they return. ltonit t be 4 sizanopirtiqii:Snae individnata have of their ohliga- ,! aseitizerit•r Contented, tU enj , y nit the eorlol and poll-; t 1.411 advantages •hirh ' Kota' I Iloyerhment ,lbe:alowe. yet 4 rekly to runaway a. yon ha It exile - n*ln thpin — to help! is o'r e lietLe to be • eOu ntrY..''.lleas per , 1 IM:1 .11 in, but tittle' better then the worateneinive of the.; the prosthat they are not seat taehed,4 do the Inet It tition they live ithdei but they • :stculd theth all de:trot . ..of rather than ratio a band To. their de weeine_Ljttlihs Is not dtsaffirtionat is cotter/Ike of 41,01 unyineet dud'. Aa the °over:Molt has lowed the onlec t t their ilepartunc,!itiwill bad tnesusc Cher. to : pro-1 w•Mtny punt It Ifs " ammemetwonowlewemieso!. ' • The vet 'beet niedltioes tq .p.eamr eg it: ere thoret, erePaoel by P 1 %4- C. &Yet' k - CO 4 ot'loaetl. Ue ht . & grad:Ate of the Penn: cV)niteilonvilrb that'velet:vat:id College of iNtvliefne has eorvievrernvorol , upon It. than Diptotne bait lapin His rvine+lte l v lfirro beVotavi henhohl *nide not only in itlko enuntri, bat in alrenit overt rx glen Of titH earth In., men. t i Their eittvveratuati !am* has adisui .from that, eitesordloary iktreti, and thus. , , tneo of the highest atirlen, iWo‘putithb In our I"- (I.,eurniont'tgomi i by . the I)tevore ofthe emit cities in the United teter,iCanshaillinteo:Perti'.l Chill and 143111, bath of Whom nartyy ttt# ‘3)10 111421 1 , 1 elsniand tlruir4latra pf Mar 'tiapartlrat'yos;ittiteathare glieft'thelf assurance of the enthral gOod greets and' eupeilor virtues of Poet. lAyer'iv prapand tons— This-Is Ili Wanly', which should antitty laic moat aeelitlcal, at MO MEM lave ms hip: orders a F rtin.—, oat Cs. ys tu•sfifik - ,oinetlilug 2 . Ltip nip, iturrsh : , PL V., Cot White. OtT. S. C.. 4u4ust ip s t e .ise2. th• Rath .1 last ted by p.n. WriFb!;.? ... rr Min - - ... -- . ~. .nt, rAtc*t likely. ' befnrej. likhccOnd;:..On Our Jetitly hoped - land. itriently re it , rotildibe limongt e nombor, ~ctitkc .' to. rain ; Illy.! most ntri ..11 . Dly so, a i f.r ay...4. are . ?eq;11 t . 4 ce diAappolotoi In o,c, liLlP . rit2 . ted In rs,c4-frOn; to the +tug to Yir,-..101t.. • After trlll3lo' !it we were a'Asild nr.:l , 4rd te.r:sek Li fl esurjrt. : It Is ititurb pleee. have yet'tieen It, end what I. Rindwiter We are rime under ght andietillbnrlng beer;erder, I , tl kutlia In th:4 ',:+nc , rctilniou'n, and • to tl=' Ckirn .40)1, .irper 'Mr" Attu I moittarl,wr Meg! thens.l not we.req•ackt4 fry' dny...Amer h3ve bA hiog •Ivirt"lti boing itoperfoet rr clunk!" ,piree , . I eter el .tzollielent wood Trio , l J. 10.1 'etorki. We trees them ; !.I,ttilligh.. leo had to cotpe he ootii• of thO rvroloco to Jy alter our landing bethfintrinz . to (-trot .a t o the tont !Proust. t•Vo f 1 . 1.14 our rot:llmM hi 's-•or•O sue of tbo :othirs. bolo; r ln the tritht. . - . • here- .ttow, roimogitontly wttli • bo' iiok . ioott o• *tot Ilr.n. Are trto but thorribto tho boslth of frety good. t• • I (limo I :o d' a n ell t tb in , 1 . and an Mfiy 1. On grrnt” (ii iv n.mpara. Letter from ISt. flair: . . . . . ~ . . . •• .i r ig e , cr , an d 1 r . ., b e g Cott? .re3d**-P 5 -144 0 , u. , . 1 . Dlrri* f ' t Ali Att;,lbey . 4 ea k it . .otith . f ioert t t K . pmi4e ; t4''' hi 4 iSe* Ar ;., ; I • rilk 7 the lai.neltelil 'elects . sti4 truly p:erieriabli: eaf t .s t Met blare hemi tee4(24 (rem its . tr.e.:•••=i,i'eiii I"„mi:Wat.thiy . Tines. - • • • '_siNc.gß` a qo;'s::•L',...:, Litter ii A , Family Sewihg - liathillt • .. ..... WITII AIL - VlE•lll:',OENT . , l)ltql'tvE \ IF.)Ti. ''' ' . '1 Tilt :1111 4 T :A:11) 'Cll•r..t:'247iT ' .A. 1,0 . :ito,T . nnAcyrrur. r , (' all . S. , Wink:Ciathine., "This litathit..• awill s,oc anything, tram the-,running of: a Lllctt .in Tarlatan tattle mac Ingof i an Oretco.atianything;trmn Pi lot or Ileat,:i eic , th dowel to th;..4 , 4:terit, thins. tit (7,..^...a:: mei 'nestle.. in i le I.TOt iNi34.9 t:"‘., 1 , .. it. *Tort' 10 Pol"c'• - tlon. It tan Teil. bent, hind. gatib!4. ttielt. quilt; an/ t!i!ii capacity Cora great narieiy of or‘avoettal *gra.. ihts'ls ..n e t tire only nosntrine that can l';'ll'..tittn, hit: 4. anSl *o il forth. put it. vi HI 'dor a- Witter Usti any •Ithen Sisnhi 17 . 4: The I.atiat.“ A" F•timllly '3..wi og-j'sl.3chipe. ma* he haiTiii • Frect variety, of cahinct :•talies. ' Vile P.: , 1,1ine . et.t..,. ' which f• now hea ,, to i irk. p,-.,..4 4 ,.,....itki : name iii- ii hes. one that ran' be fohlasf,inti a tint pr. race; sif, icti ~ When opened. Yan kee a . heani Ifni,. enhsaintial . ; and spa: :: clone table for the'rort to rest . tipon, , :1•1:4 cases: are of, every laminable titistin—ptS) a •s the wood 'grew in its satire forest. Or as elshni;etely finishi4 :is tint: eta mat,, c c, th,ra.•The pan ch tilltri' a -are ' N ' itliPtia4i tit alit t•ba lti, : tWre teethes. ni. . e!,..t..rf the very telt epitil , Y. feud fora co py 'of." . Sl :La kc.'l.'sTfl AZ infv - a '•. '', ' , 1. r 11. Sq.NGlil Wok. CO., - ... , 1 : . , 438 , Ifrosidsvirr N. IN - • PHILADELMIK OP iCK. 810 citEssur Sr.. L. /F l .‘,'GA iI.RIGILT. , (I.tex?.k ..S ., c+r.., CaptEl! , t...r Agent' 1 Pilitaillle. .- • .', . ... Atm. 2, 132. • . . . . .•! • - Dlti "4.11!yt ' 11. is $r T 0 ,1 - .ci : • ~ ~ . - • FRENCH PERIODICA DROPS - A t' OR 1 0 E)1.4 L ES.: • , ..' : . `,. - , 'This isainaide medicine is tire', etipied to the . Ladies pa the on ly snare. treat lc,' and, never-Mill rid recce and rlgulatnr nrl kupt;romi , .a of ftliU" -'.. rron' wh '"'"r eatile. ,Parti.-,uliir care shout I be ui.ol I. knew •1 hat Prevnotrest is 6 t the ramie. 11..,i he: arars would surely pr'eituer an kfteet.ent irely enniVsiyie the con roe of - be 'bite. for which I will aid held- ,nirsiiir • T e`Poll,lbh...— -Tit en .- .. Dropklre ail Ittlia and 01' that this , fo.ildest - ran tiike ttP , m wit tr,rerfort tecy.sitv. yet ea p ierit'ul in their effects that:they C3ll , be 4.(o.lyrill t il 41 never.t4til inif R•thilliqr- .They ran be priSciiiiiil hre.l.ltexisini; mei as el ris - ited below. -111144 Wiwi' this•ui,Afeink, ce.rb.,, f a rt tactry years in my prv.,j.v.„ and : tttererire *2ll knee its merits. Scid by all druccisti„ .• -.'.-i,' ; . -, • Prier $1 per b .ttle. Ailinssr ~ ''.... '. i. -: , : • • . c ~ 1111. - d,NO. L LYON. ..Yee , Haire. 171 n 4," An,: A. 2, 's2. • ' , . " .411 . ty .' • ... . , ... . , • CARD, _ FOE-THE .. INrcIRMATION of THE PUBLIC-) THE UNltnltt. ( lll-NED resPect . fults . takeit-,plosure: In A titututteinx 19 his friends ind fortner_patritss., tu c,ititeeti9n With • r f t,,hf..nsl.le. t.;t0..k.1 0f Mititatc :mod l'illselts' tlecty he rp,!, :Starch tat. one of the' beet As...totted 'snick 0; of:. tteals ewer befere 4 . .e.riort i t ; ahis city. ttll..f which n. 14 if one I, o unifirtti-19{ce; porti..n ef,-thetore hie bwn fuinishwt ter this dec . : pArtatent estitoorels, in coteb. nOtltttleth4 Istiesh 'children, We cortilatltt in•ite t 9 c. 11,14 e sActile,. the st..c4C4 l ,lnre. - Mt, nls 5..1.1 at stt& Chest nut f treet, uullet the .et. ptineto. tel lint nt. irlrl,l4ltPd in =IVO. perfect • A.71..1hN;: 3 1 *43, on hnnd. direct., Irrln thO 1,,t.t. I,t te.ttin,:, Atteri..a. Clothing .7,11 , 00 In ..f.lefoi short notice;An.t.iri the meet Alen. will be kept 9n hind..,. Inrie and comelt.ts N ( l .l ) it.; tnrut I.f tient tem, .'..t eetejtc3 fr:lo[‘ , 11).111.4 PAsht-mobi e -1.1.9- , rting..ll9uses In New :York. r.,•••it, our it.rt-ta)on. in i‘iifrr .40.' 1,4 ttus.ri I cr Ina.. niece.. ',ell*, 11 . 4).11,11, ('otter.tiiut h Anil :al otb,r f uad^ In 'Our *tni`k 44 NIP, t . 124'. Ch•4:l.ltit itrt , et, under' the Cvutiti.nt.i . , ! l'ititadelphirs.-3 1 1Ar.1.15c2; : - • . • • Ft a tett efor;ii liate , Dye W I LIA.II Alf A t..! !in!! eitebrsl,l i - .• , 141 , •t,+ 'truth" illt^--,sr„ li l t I,,,iar;..tlja it; ill of 1..1 ,11.1{_..i.*I,++.'l he !kir ••• I:Y.1141a 1!"..!!‘PIIIi to cis hale sot! mud :iold-bY :01 Itra.:gieti.. ;••• he. l /entittir•l4 .1411.0, nATeLIa L.IIZ FACTORY, No. Ilarelly Street,: (La! , 2'3 tiolly a./ , 1.14:1 re . ' 13 rirnisiis sehn•iirilentle rose rt. 711 V• snit over It . ft ttl ni• 4441,10i1 it .trirktipeit imprisi.7l in unitedly I - , the, gnirk.vilititit t ii . 7744iiders in the; and fir - our 7ili7k !or; This to Jane try mnrnine , tit /I pa, 4111 )Xx IX3 . CIC . Ztl•4 . •• Our tiehr iii the risme 'of . the Loid who kith. ins-1e hp teen sad errs h." • . . . , , ire:. F. , i (IM .1. I I 1.1 % erIFT T, I, U. Rm.,: M1,X1.: it-S.V I LIJI:. ) —Pr.. -..-131112 eOrry : ,, ilanth runrniw,:. At-ipi ,f,,, , e 1. , ,,; tn. lb. 1)1.1 F. , 11. , 41e. HAIL' ;•:,I.hti ti . lChavA at.':i7, - ;.1..^..1 , :. 1 , 4,i)- qi:rtiOlits V 1•::"C1111.'R•711'.-:-Jtef. A.', .1. It , itt.- .0N• the he.ry Apt.ltordT.•l4.: viiV. 1'4 ,, i'd . ..h , ; , •_ji...- ,I.l;ititiz.-prich to La Al . 'a at. 1 l'ticiu,i, k.. 31., oud 7 ie.. , eryt ,, :, l'. M. ' • .', - .- ' - - ' .. '• '.' , - . , Ttl ti,ECON - 19:1*.•BYTE.ItI.AN 'C1113 . 11,11 tlas • s.-curl Oft- )14. N'i ,kupply I ' 1 f3n.1 li'e3tl;lirly in rb.,0,1, tin . ; Li o ot/LS::•tto'ttll--.trt,te—'6 it:, 144 . trr;trli/ILTIt Thur.Llis ecHriti44. trif - (-UCH CANN ell F-411A, z. 3t. • w I y .54i'i• hut sAltiy extol,.lV .CxrP: V NO EUVA 1.1 . 111.:11e1 I, Cmlltas 10 SI S • 11 k pre,hing. Mai/lit/IV Mnrninz Engl ',lt in t tie Evenini,,•-at , . , cri. , - i, VIAPTI7IT CIIURCII:NI3hAntIrip - I . st. Pi.ogrhini: evrry 1...r.r. hay, Nltirra!,:,,. Anti -F,cruitsg,; at 10',, .i. - i- Aioi :3 1.... , ‘i.', • • • . • .. , • 'i ... • .i.,,1u:-..• • 5V. , 11 , 10/lIIV F , c , i , 11.: , t:'7 C. n,.5'0.,.. ... , ;.R, II A r,:i . l: IN.. 1'a.1,y.: . . 12 11; I 1 , M n this litiripidh. op tbursdiy AR :quo 04, szo.i y.isr.S . • .; • 711,6 hods and ire; 4:4 the Utility pre, resiswetitlir .InT Red (o a I Ivnil ih» iiiiit!tn I. Mt s 5 ternhon. d i:;cl.s.l.i:froio his late residi , tioi; gimp street. .misfit tii r org,i. • : _•• r,• 14'04i . SAL,E .. k TO, :'-LU; • • -- • . I.IOR Sm,E,6O feet of 1 - inc h tioti • eq tarnh T and:2 ell.1.1:-5«cf•nd hand IoA "pod , udit ' lua-11111-1.3b1e , ,t)r.14,13,1•,:e by: • . i• C. i.ll‘l,t.l:;' . .tgt. tOr . the t [Keine, 'A ogust . , • V-ND., 41)() fNimt:TAmAtlo 1... ,‘,. . .. r: •tt; 11.:111 ;194 qt , • ir. the line t. " the Ner.joehuoingit,ill2".....o. 'to , :1(1.1rt • i . E,EASE4--7IMPORTANT-1.0 -• • i.1).%1; HR, MouniaTiOnlroriene4•• colpriny oft.e.eoql,..Wne ',me"or - JnOre , f - . elne (the ."Nr.. + C1N r.r: AS3 etEki;;;,... %Von and of.,t hoie Lindy, nn c:o . .nonnet's sun. Antos fn.m t‘lisno , kin l 3 ap, 4il inften . frotn Sontniiy:r.ntol ',Whin fire eigh - ths of a Attie of,.thoi.linnaol:Au and .liear I , .eney Sni/rond.,. • • • • Therenre two openin•Re nude on Yeinn - S (44 thl Pnrtb : e wi‘hino; to' lead ealonnlo o,norn!eol, the reinn.n . e.:erinin;torain, kc ~bp cnlitu:g• On, the nu*bseribee,Wt Shanwailo. • , I VAN:GA . S.K.KN. • , J tf baamk Ik Suly: !ei2 CO folios.' or. named retort of larvl. I vin:z nn !Fly Alraauder Tract.,.11;01.,,0f Datialtlaon; are fer 'rent,•ta:,. • , Pert thick. • Black gealh,ll rev, thich. ' ° teet • 10 Pso "Vein. 4-rt9t. Vela. itareral . . ' All the ateere:reina ben 116,44 :arid ft - 71.1t0i et " The rutrall eli•h it ti:Ar one ; . j• Adivantasie , tfa "tertoa will bit airtat, te.r..10.112e .'o,lrollb to cupgaleattiftets. A ppir .; • . \.1,,1tt) • i• .L C.Robeet • Adam.; : - knd:T11,0:".110tAl.,1h•Elt o . Ageat IN' . , . , -AI IN ER:'.5, EC !lAN:ICS . • FIAlt mEirts-;rAIIttS,FOV. s ALE' 011 . CMS I' in Sihtty•f• •tiff t.tountr.—tOnct ttr'l•ol - . seree-100 . uittler calti.rraft,o., • balatscra Chestilut Sprn utt, $ years smith]. 'Yeti:as to *alit parch weft..inisetalrigitt 10 acres mitts :of f..otras nl,l hfe' . tructain;. hinily" to •, F. It. BASNAN, teal Estatit"Agetit, l'otts‘illa. • '2lt,ff. JuTy 12. T. 2 lity.77.'t ~.1 . . . ~1 1 01t,;,s ALE CII 8 kli..;•—•-*l'Tlle' . ype ,L: . . • Pres*, and . illailo;...3latetiala, f. r .'s •%V ark ly Navalipaper.• Ilavt , b,n In nit !)etaantoliTita and . !bar ream' Addrepsitiia Cialeer..... .' ' _. , May a '62. . - --- .'ll: . 'N' ASll'dot . , ord-r;tand romilletor; ennipt.d. rej 1 ,, A ppty 'C . al, Agt.. 4 -. Ayr 11 . 1:)..1.;;-- , - . i . G . -ljt• • .• '!'001.11e. A All 8 . .;N:0 CITY- TS . OR . S, LE.4—Apply to Ft ICTINRD K It, Mitit•respte; - or" tt, R, Matiativy . .1 •&if . 1; 4 0 It it N w ell lug Itutis7 l7----- el i tt4 . orterLi toas:Rblials. and a Ihtt sitttAte fLr lecture; to !or. pniticulars, apply to • i; • 1- •• • • TII9MPS9N.: • Feb. 1 1 .1...1.el !. cor. '