tea that It • , ic IMitl4l lobe 4)iiita *sada' 4 Prahiettbo ea and thitglind thing has too eniviitotrodi , ! • • le the *as Bosses of Prillidest,Ltomolo, and his proposidomAireostpthation by,llio 'tr emorous to the illarsPostsr - olitith 110.101. give insfitutiam of ilivory,:** mmotes. dm Uniniverreo proO•Athro. imolo 'forms uhtlin l aiiis-toos is manly sad mobilo. esetat e ihohiteeeterel el Ugh fiWierre whirl itetiiivas iser looseimoss. - mmegiato the units arse red Maluatimlrollhoi *atm gor arsenal rim to the AVM" of s high moral Wl r It is also shoals so tho sys of Colombos. It dooms do dia& to im kars. "vash. isspittAm eeetis fns Gad ill stood sad upright Wilde. - mskss tbs. Ratan* i Pro& dons of the pel**. ,Ii air ease it moms lime Am*, Chief ilagistrat• of the edited *atm by .this virseare, tai issorissod to hismalf—ali hoar* weakish hearts, is year greet fbe one 'vast nod-- for right, aid fteedolk and gamin; for the goosliog 111 fit emus to am ilea tim fat sr sad motimmoill talk -alosot• it 'is their:homes silk their:4o4bn sod iomsats;l Hat the brother will roofer shoot it ~with his sig.! tom sad imembond.4lo4-ssorsimabosin usso SW ward to giro his Rite of art sad good Will..the widely her sway. thenbild hie toy :.that them' will lissosfortit ha, both is the Pols* and thtr N or th, s thirdjarty, whir% p l oy ho salami Christ* potty La party for brotherly Imo. for, • amnia's. for rim sad good *in--sad this every - cbdstise sere sad weetaewill rend ceder ltd , banner. Ilse eters of that Wrest will sever tog - aft hot they'may sited s mow lartm over the poi : pie Stalom sod bring & hammy prata to tits homes_ if herliNt shish tbuj Mel pot Immo Ihttfot% , Dinciftios may . eon.-mist stamo--la lb* marrying -:ont, of the „proposed mostrtro"; mew samilless may km so: Retrains all - Ades is but, ao *dimities will be too so samilieas too groat, far a mat pm; pll dotermitted to go fievroM is the roam of jail,' **mid *pity to rimy ons. And thee sago hoWrell owes again totsy 14 they ism tit, le pn4bstie - _ "'Miry %ado*** fry /I "S halt, " See °. 1164111." gaol WM sled ono" • , " You was • hostas that -day..u7 frletide—the oby of release. of pesee - end Joy to freer COOstry. ind , to millions of brutal intstosted ia her glory ?wait se among those to aims "silo: myself; for aerie mos% this In this boor, did I fisl sak i mit so truly and entirely your', - Pompoms Baum' j filintrtjournal -POTTSVILLE, .PA,c SATITIPLOWC,:III4.II" IS, 'us itONVISCE6OII -077 The people are aneious that,Congrem shall • decide speedily upon, a 'comprehensive _and adequate, Confiscation Congress .has been rather higgard in this matter, too much so, we think: tfr. , Meirinian pouth Cara. • afro . _has. suffered much _ from the rebelsfor his idhesion' theligationalOor erne:fent, thinks that the one great, remedy 'for the disease of Secession is a stringent eon 'fiscatiOrlaw, effect of which world balm cut • . up the large estates, an d free the' pOor ,whites ifrom their - sub jecticul; to the wealthy slaveholders. Soldier-llemnerats from the ;North, do not •hesitate to advocate - the most ; extreme measure* of lcgislatiOn as s,just and, jdeserved paniahment upon the traitors; and as to the cry Against the Abolitivists, so patent among the Democrat - IC leaders net is the army, that is best anieered bk the cc• mark .of a brigadier general, fort years 'a leader in the ranks of . the Demetraley, a. few, days ago—e• When ;I, think what they sea doing to my poork.soldierti, - atis the' Union men of the South,who, lilie iome' politicians in the loyisi States, think the Aho'ltionists the Worst of men, I feel like waging a "war to • . . the knifeagainst everMisloyal slaveholder." This is thi among iesling all except the -poor, •• . , miserable Breckiaridge - din2Sgogneirof • North,in re_erence.to.punis u. ng.the traitors, I. . . and congress cann ot , to satisfy the country, too soon passa 14 like the following 'which • was reported on Wednesday ' last by the 3S. • & T lect Committee at the Senate ConoscatiOn • and• Ealancipatitm, and whieli was _agreed to. - • by ail :the, meniberis present, including &ena . tors Clark,, Collatner,Milson; Sherman liar . and .Harris : I' • •• . • swam 1.. artiWWwi kataßrc swim • emanate' wwWen sad he angina& shalt suffer death, at d all ha slaws oho be liberated; or shalt be .1 narlsotiid for Dot has than Ste join nail dud not lesa auto $10.000; sorb nos to be anted-upon all the property oriltirti bets pow*. red at the -Rao d routtaittiog the crime, swept his 0111/.11. mak! shall Imillberated. . Ste.:. Whoever hereafter shadenapee la o ef axhig • nheUion, shall to pnalshettby the furfeltato to the ro tee Stites of his ponsinal sad 114 auto In his nod par pens, and by the taiiratke of hi, sloven 3 1 = 3 DiatallSollia, person consitiol wader Moat .from au" clam wader the United Sales. Sac :.4 menages wow sow possitit. lola' of pereate realest nadiatids at. hoosttarsperatloa.• • . Ste 3 lt,ealent the Prealear, - by the , stiarshabl. of i sporlally, eanablesloried ,*eats.. to vela and sequester the gnißsttE. red sad pational, or all twangs actively,. . sad saterioaaly eogaged 'is the Sebtillion, iespeelally of :the wiiisary„ nerd. or tail sere ire. wider tat Real .ofiveratiseett. oectits alto', or ferettory, who take the oath to support this label thostitatloo, Soma °Sleets the Road pates„leho take op area agalast _Proper ty Is 'hoard Stotts, bearatnit to the 'Wags shall Oa to swoon the offanderie appotaaro the teat' Rho totted Enda shall lama lien on sorb persons slaves ..to ' ansawr comers made sick aped to their Banc ion, • on as to provost their ale alter the comodaske of the slam, - Sac: rivportir es waiwi..ban es SAS *oath* gam I as nth hogronnelled wrainsi by prooseatiost,edid if nitrated.. It say kis levied spots • Probate porkdothie or ageastre to keep to be gold, bower's. ad the pro. ..".'srehe a be niziews wain conticrlon'er angaittal.. .1 • WSW* tbs newer taw tonstao aelaigthos • gem baba upoilmirs, It* tadistaeot Is nand, is to • man his appentate tos paa of 1 forfeiters of. property taus turgid** of all gates. Is snail of ateoppetrancw be sad his halo shall he drinsed to bare renowned all atlas, and tliabroistriy. nal cad persona, twit. foe felted tad stares las& ; 7 .• • Sena agithedsos an trasident, is his dkiendlat,tn eoneseato per.c.isat ripely , wised by tho army or a ca; by analog pia . view to he We p lt* If I Read to beans to a Rebel, It strati be ibraited. Sae- • aatketado the Prwildimi.ivata M At se -01,0112 SW the altarotobnief4le rebellion, to tent a Pralsouitias annasading all pennon to ity dew thole sans sod hearing thi glares of all thosiseho ad do so alibis 3u days. he.. • ; . 1 rise. IS requires elidassats of fo.Ohro_ glares o tat . sistoreath th at they hire away.; yo . and', • forbids any pasta ongegail Is thaatittltery *avail sena, to senate Radler eta Patolgo,'to ladle upon the AtaUilly tI • alarearker's claim, or. to sowntoder the genes asiated, ex lowly of aging ciutaws.rous tho I ravks. Se e r..; II mostoriew the Paeldital to alpha go mos of Maas &east ar theratigeanan of Ont &alibis, and to organise and use this La aity ,atanaier; . • Etc- 12 provides f. resonator, alonttatints" - Ear- Li atethortios Prieldinit to an ammo .ty; with atorgifreasoutni on 'conditions vials his die' creams- - 5tr...14 ~geese Orit Vines to hestltuto - prep. sake embers lame process. sod. do all other tap 114. onaary to awry the art into effort. ' • • React:-theocrrics.-=i letter fie. Gen. I McClave* command:stet' Us . • weal tee oputoseshe animated 111 . . ltscredst buena! sway sig IMMO glom* edeperemi of torte hiendly V tlee Vedvekreeee. le weir to gaud legal as; met 'giving le Ibrinatiee. • Atter tales 4:1 vap . tine tee Sr time doe. tbitr .we set at Ilbelty, aster . rived at Wen relit tide vows*. where they mural le .eve. frentite idiet their prime bad hen *Waled by tiro itagnier vied ether alters bigb is raak.i • • The.followlog is a..passage e f - _letter, publisbed io•tt steliumber . of the C‘ecieisati , fiisictle -kiss ble:utOlut Itel.esa Collies, who Ind in blemphis'atthetitee of the oceorree , - be describes, and wa s , as eye wiuseis of ? •-• r • • . . ' . . I J. tb•25411 et spelt. irl. I ritelitystad ilt. SUM* • 1.1;•ilott Obit Itatiatttmert•tbeat °Urn Tstairttiart" tbettme taut • tart tut leitimitot tbamos..• wisre•b• ocomasbee• glib of pious •••dunitd eakersto tor Ns hick at duo tspordble. fl it 'aim* rim Attaltimeit . Ins oteesilbitsty Istiisat imor. 00d. 6 171 , txtutuftlH eztevtmi tom. riot .1 atosti .at awe be orttiog tido tigt•r. VW* la ikist dty. I Ira esopt11•1116 •itast• , tb• wer.ld P•intotoll to oblitteast h Mt trimentat Um* *be rated tie mob. 0o• bowl* Vitt s»ttits;.lfa.. tilt tear's.. we •1100•111 ttaltd stew, stodge trig, as. stied" dirt' qdi Itattlhatiap writ - tadahr•L•' Brrr I . assant• eke= tet Atte lie Ile tilt of J••••• 0 01 4 0. •%.4re arts utLippal *id Mar bee* absairt. art foriti•iar• env. bessate r.faig to petit ea *OA y alloisaar So tit &Word 'Ne.F. 41,4 11,. 4.d on this lin At Mar kit. No 41 tie It•tit lks•ti.4l - 4•41 ircomppaint reit/ ash% it Ott Cr/ cts Ism+ •f; utat *Wind fa Me mist. • °Wm* i•eist t sag t0••••••betb...4.4 .40e, 1,4 f o f tar bold • tiara. ateipty - berats tie 'll4 remeltopi• a tielbot: Cars. and 041 awe/v.16140a; trod! Um; tat •••4 wan a. ,il • .1.04 at tivaikaar. Store eta ea" ebb* Rite OH tama ~llk hp .err Ihdas."..ead nese • eimposser 41• MI alone 00 titsell:7•lllVis i ni eth i d ••••41 sawn to !tie Atebta•bt.•ntattiatet tot ittapill . oat to b•oldirmi.:•-_. -• • • • Tito TA*. os Com..--The Senate t tea hae *Kited use Tax but Ina tObe Sevi• ate. The OW it** ta - _reported. is - these arie4s: "Os.Aisibraeslit Coal, ecetgot -MCA in is Immo is the &Oak fie pea eafi„: Sheets ewe . - pet tpa.. On Bitamitsoaa Coe], tioveigl4 of one cent pee bola" • - .., ..,1 (fix. SmaT9 Loss WV, *ld bout emat oat at fret- realm - do totals std midge' thavater of, titoStolftoti, saes , &Awn that dace mid too* Ptoro i l lotOgiog of tits iewl• era. - TW=itf oeitiisent of 01l iito 1014 peOpla or %tie colibtr,. c!I oat - oft for the Llaad of tire goflaot .deloodets ot rnimt Mow,: MAILIiONAL. I I nom: r aphis fltebels: A Hea - qua 9no laukinaiisiseti Twoll from a • L IIONOI AL Ueir: Atetto lit paetteent , ofithe *it, the Botbej set w e r f poising the" tai TO OE% lIINTEO.' . , [ .„_... writs, eontoranH ding th e li South, 'having tuttertAtord t h etitiee ie. h 4 44 4 """n t !TIP. rai*ut thee; sad er. ' 0 1, 4 0 t 4 101 i4 el e i the Aiiitbpier :, f i . 4 1 / 1 40‘' ltsininsweins 641,1 I *lll,o* *NA 5.,0, 4 VW V, !sa i *61110406 ,1 1.1.X.3 10-111 . 0101 ,r 0006.1111. . Florida. &M S. &ea. evloPilasall- Nuitari !Wok molt of ik . MAW . .a llisssa gissa sistio,fto los s ods thoi protoetto9 of deo Oslo& Stow of A amid balk; talkie * arse tavola* the pill ratiod its, la Swam a lalltaP t p aea Sa lt i is AWE*, Moo oriboi la: ,Ilay. 1 rib vie aeoioiloaly t art Moots the Wit dali at April SISS I • glia mar. us it. is a for •It 7, ore 9 istivoriago. Th. rase. ~i, is owe IPI eisk4 1 : 12.4im. swig Asti 'Clerellas. kr*** Ada es ore iheriOn 144 ;o, deoroVlClarar,Mv: Midst.) '1 b 4 10 'ID IIVITILI• II ~- 1 _ , -1 "11 4 0 e 0 1 .0 8 ,40 4.1g• an. W.ssi?l. Altos Aiglitst • 1 4Glvrtfol.a ' Th is wall. Cause g r S" "3 * ei g througtout AtE r ,all Christendom, and Gen. li it 's name will O i i down to posterity surrun ded with a bib , of /tory. This decree, declared . under i Mir- .1 f 4 Law and th II, e i war: poWitr, itreroesble. course, alllsvi i i ad daves biloOging to loyai holders, *AG be - for by the Government, ) the mime as, any other property Inked by oar aTal• • - 'l l 1 • • WE Asp ro l SGitssixej. - Amok God that we lire in • this ate, when Freedom is making rid rapid strides throoglumo A r e Whole mot ia• , .:am:gni i i .uirt, ---, The kletetatt' well out IthW English jour nals of this itt,ifid ide :in the. Beech- , n iut turstige tr 4 I. are so pushed to the wall for argnments to boater up .hetr e - out course, and deeetielhe i pitople, t iltat , ey hive been. i i tompeiletle begin a eerie', f libelloPti as ! salts oi the mod respected 4 our i c itizens. Lad week the Sev, Mr. Pettit of -Priddni, , r , exposed throu gh our coluthos -the _nitre of the assault!...... ti led upon him brtli4 Eng lish Brechinrid' organ of this llorongiA, the '`'`*t previous. week i t . d our attention is; Ow - di retted to a du, lone ind!maiicious i publics tian In refereeto BenjaMinlHapdM4, l Esq., c.,a3 contained in tb: law antriber "of the 1. / ' DRi.cic:rtlitllii°4 an paper 'Pll'o4llo.* H. J. Hendier,'art` ce hokier Wader ! the. , -Be, chanan Ailinin tratioe, and now tor advocate o( the ; pro-slave, mekiures that lkeekinridge, Age rebel, is fighting iim I In its lad number mincreA omitted..an (article headed. "Turno ff ut and Trouble, ; among Laborers," u. iihich . conclud sas follows:' ;I' On Saturday t he Lebanon; ntoployetltithe Palo .Alto Rolling nail. ortnearedi the Write. beams their I deemed for path p petrol woe not granted.l .The prim ' ripal or tile eats lishisent. It the lonotoi portended I Mend of.hherleg hum. am; perms. Of wham It Is essanwitik, midi known. that4he rerrerti to all ' Plnkihte artifiree. to extort ea much all Singeltli can.; bmst the sages of the lebrerr, and that *tat he is obliged to pay i oat. ha beep" ,to to s pocket he 'loe as , he possibly ran. Ph" vrortreeri atteined thaiephjeet le tale; -eiree ; after' [ Ilmtd 6 R tiol!"ii 4 Ts thni• d•onl"td4 war implied with.. 11 aid on tit edeeol, Mel olotiltr 4 , s ort again.' . ' I What iiihe basisof this ; malicious publi re; t:talon ? Sin the crisis Or 18. if that in. livolved the t as well as every other intuesi,i ;and which Of course, was felt , as severely byl en3plOyes-sas lby. employers; the Palo Alto! Railing Mill lifts 'paid its L 4rtrkttin4 . one-third :cash, apt oml / thirds in orders on I gOod and cheap stores to thisßoroogh and Vert tar., bon - 4-Thelarrangement - waii saiitfraCtory to L , the work Men. . It. was, - contractbetween employer and 'employe, A 4... was, faithfully ,carried out to!tbe letter -hi "Mr. - IHaiwoOd. His wor]tineursay to, land I their! testimony] damps the shove pubr icon , as, false, when ; t it assertsitha Mr. He wood ever withheld from the* fo9 a mOmen a penny ! which ' was, 'legally the l iii.r, The Mill ;.Workmen s aid not ; ask recentlyitt adisnieroillia g es; . but , pi:- menus inricash.. it ..,.. I ,la.be somewhat tough for the firm to, great the demand' at on* and timewasl asked:: hefOre II cash payMents in full, Weremede. The ,work Inn however, firmly hut corteocrolyilimitted.uckm their de4 mand, and itl'it was grattteii; so e . inc°°Te'• nienee 'at this tiim, to! the firm.:. (There : was no ill-feeling on either side, for Mr. 'iffiest:oil we firmly believe, hasike respectj and affee lion of every' l respectahle and awn s ible ;work man in his employ. Ir '. l' ' !,• _,- •So much that. ' t • , the matter e al l, for it dicate the reputation of in this community, whs.+ monthly, ei l bielt as tie tars in Wigeri to'workat wayis heen known as a plalonsly jam, 'and lug who is its rekthicou we desire to set Plainij ty, the base attire cif Ims of an un scrupulous Bi Our beat -- I - ! ! We t full ref Haywi ecutiol feet that finis, .-;;•- , . , ..114,4 .a•profi?Undluensation-ltbroughoiit the cotinty,l and has' astoiiisbe d tbli i'ru-slavery advocates i beta The ei irs of ''Car : is And Wit- Li siloofteribt.7.--Yestenisy 1 oasts moat 3 entre ; Setai in 1 ' - Lave been ie. teeeleek Litic - Dike ar Aikiss A' lin.. is Moseh ley, the °l's . ;- = ' . ' le by .O majority lof i mi t t street. was *stared air d robbed ofooste $4 P w4il44 t it . P e i--.. P - _ s - ' -24 •in Mouse ' Constabie '..facob 1 Okras* arrested 1 , •mere thin ficcaly to a s, whereyee, the, ?Lis , • i , -•. • _ _ ' -t three colored ises •••1•4 *oft* Yoe:, Usury. were (Tsui & On tb s'subject id* Wheel!ht 1 i' - r .ii, Jabs • li t II • , 4 ! ~, • i Sindtei ,seit Peter James . O, •. st 7. . (Vs.) ItitOnige*cer; login": "able a lticie J in leherv t d,. Si* souisilftiog ti t" *tittillri% Um 1 adtleillia. li nen " 6 freed "' l ure ecin g ratil . - ;evening; bail a bearing Fifers Aube Raid, . , • : . th 4l 7 feted, "P: •' i • . •,_.: - Z, ~ "sad were committed to ease . , at Ca‘lt• -p -i. '. •• To oay 'Mead of • and five Mt• list weetellm 1 ' I . i -I ' 1 ' Titz /D K °Mirstandia* t " ran " 424 ,1 6 " " 411111. ' 1 ' 1 " le verf stetakeY of Capt. Oilstones m aks i m am! wick* Uota vow was elloit .1t lo • very I' piv-A frog a ... i 1 liiatooVirsitehr3MolOiAaltotira =a.. I Q= 1 1 ! fil I I ". fl ai l. t r il. .• ?!**l o aus * 4 ,,..C.-• nett" le h os it tans rool4t*ttion- It on I 0 1*** 5 Ito .I"gk i.e.. of A3410103....641144% Srl f iroorow t host lis the Commootioa. bat deed ..1 th i s r g .. k _, &gaoler of t i e ....,.. 4i,aus not f lrar4 b urooletloa Ittentiothe of oar sento-- 1 _ ; ---- 7 - I`' - ' _ 7 ,f — ;•'_ __.,_,L2 00, i t ige say lal olOisbe Sr a hot assresdol es ;al liftman esergette awe persevering .iagno, 1 tlildim33ol3 , • aitd taa wilta i.ria "sr. llll * -- I.of the 4 5th Regis' get. 'lle is but 13 a nsi of age somthissit. nom' nto telteshe spiamatj . _ .. r Oa Coosa. . wad is to Of tbS soilikook is • . sad shell the Prosidest . liest, esilri.Pir volsaieetri, rseirylas ei l idews of . Att , a" Dr. ma t t''' '!" haven on of the Ant io to his team Who will I prune SaloY al howl 64 1 ,"" 1 "* 1- 1 4, -- i , I . -1-.. ...i... I say the sasstry is sot safe,,eikes oar you*. take TiteWl Liblrl ( ) R6 ' 4 , w " l " h "L` - • e l, ' i i• its • lien r Ills other is a ip?• wee then wee a' et t;tooletkot le eotthr setitt IM at inter . 1 I 11 , 1 moot mos boa sere ' te tbil vomit 101 0 of .1 widow,sad out of four soes.l th ree are io the sot*. ' sleeted TnAjai 4 " le 164 " 71161 6.9.4 " °l ll vie.,all of sine an inusineo—os• oldie that thlo wary mi l let !' roe JO glietlia !toss the We.; Is ..,, . , onaties whoa eiehtoos than". __„twitimektiltill" 'A, Jtattes sad smother younger. • 7 ".. ii iin t =eitig simity sad Ramait kw moile 1 .. 1 I .--------•.•-•e..ei--- , --- , 1 . 4 0 ip s ; tb sia. . "4 ,4 l7jecipi tal mr."Pb arlior l it atnita year% thig titi- or' 'fie 'kataoaesa .. ''' la .4.-411102" ;p•—•l3, $ .i.ti 111os la Ow lcbeili a lint••• 4loll . ale ti." " 'of tho L untien et the Bee Of . Ole Comity. held i ~ v.% Ir•oo romortio st• ••••tany, !sides . , i. . wi•••,, • sillatb• Ark . I" '1" 0 "0 0 dr! alWissitY ' isoterfis7 nessisg., Mt. Jiistes Focht,* highly I le nen haa3lloo la sow to get rid bees I sh I ' m ." west a ;4 8541 galik * l e illtlriall ' f. elkilliabla . agent el this .lieengii. sea- Masi- 1 time brit Slime Lilo dads% Imes if US Ti _ am * s t f o r irses ss the Qs,- 1 I 4" " 6 ' 6° le " ct ,:tlr igtre stet Maw 1 14. Mier. 091111 tee:pukka of AseeeisteJed. leads i = i t :4 1 rul bP____,asks•dimil,_ .._. . sue/IS by ski dee* •r .1:1‘ labs. la oaf yolk es_ toe ,era wur. '''""' """ ' oielotni' r tbe sakedhe I. ea, exigible see. sae jewilibal... _ Sorta. TOW. - .0...----_- • ' 11200 %a 13 bw ; ,ao ot•omo:',11mo 14 mot J 111.195, Its •-• slr _!. eta ...i r e ..,.......destufsaiik. 'jays. i sms slur eijoilec tee 04 of 01 " , 11 °"" 1 - i •' ' 1 7 0 --- 0 ,, the p 5,44; bet ha. tbdiese , say sabot at all rtialit ilbs e " Ir . ' In t l "I F ' , 4. • iisissi see sit:- Ilnie ""ut e trie ." 4 ", . 81 " 41. Ibr i i , g .' i t s , r• besag eseddeeed *meals . _ et . 1 e c""'" !"*. 1 -: - ' . i . . - . , ; Isis, wino ammil, bet 11 1 ll* r ift ," that I Vohs. stave! b' ii lll. ...._ati vi,l " - Ile " 1 44:rim:di iielemo the seeilbibenii. - , *lto .4 tut wow mall -ow' 000 11 3 , 1 10 311 ,10 • 01 .. , • , .................... s .' 6 ____ ; ,„ Ibe vi , 413 330 111•A•4 4 : 411111 6 jig ' lm " , "" al : r iiiceasSi iiiii4osal resswk-- /.7. eSigilsesS.sed 4.00 sal Sspodaws It. lam ! pop.n. " m e _ f i th l *l l l is r als ". ll ! 1 L ' .; ' L • ' - The belittles of the Amit Names Lama Ise- Or l?miliel 16010 .itft," 11 4 11111 1_ i._ 41( ..„ . ,__ ,: th . .• P ie., as' is Lli 'ffiegb. Mir *ice , ems aniseed SO -P l° l i!' w ri i r t .- 1 ". ; 7 1 !" 'a uvial 7l a. 1114 eir April: Me, ei l M . . srag &Co w see ; is*, Aid coed tai lb*. almordiaql. to 11 0, 01ink l . wt. ebb esetiellsee7 _events bees laetrile tie . icitrikple , aftwair is; istossek4 is MAI tbeesige .the' barimi reed • bat-' , l " that' ' ityatilittiaillg 'Break- tOrola to,* shadow tinoisoN,g6ge• lb* ies 4 ' . . eer- .. 1 likely S. do lioditi olio.liAda sal wt. nth ism. these l i ot ' if the y 1 ' Cimagb their iorx.y, iii. 4 6. Mita S i mile Ifi7' *Nil. ti. . 11 tandnat I , . , ' b ise , nip tad took at the. twat i s 1 than 4 -- ' All Iteelerli Per • 1 1 7 1 1 . L . 1 t a/nigh the ' Ilin^ itiiii ' 01:145014. 11: ' uss.mire..lliii aids ..: al . i . , L ts i . ' ses.l i s = a 7 _ Vstsy sse t : , WASISIO 4.7enr tier Cee tei t.. i sir; S, sot the be die. Some- -4 !" . M I N I " I s . . s e b • . 111 4 414 , themseb. veibeslisselit er. WI irk est isi *ate Letspese. ti" , P ia ,: - '.. ; 1 . 1 :_____ t . LL, 4,i( '.,- , 4 ~__ __L de Mew . pi 0 1 . !NZ !mgfvo Ills -I' iri,i ' *447.4100 0 14-" L , swiss,' NNW .. .eistadoe ju st lbw *liii Of - Ml* l i i - Sa_Wor.e.o fttl!soldid6 s iktireir;O'icvli ', 11..aii dm tats of Nat- a o .ps ftesi ii s b e ,jag' ) sp.*. j o bs,aislys 7 l ske is m,: . Ibiliateleeieel 'isikliti'Clilif ileilisie.betet• diek fialigii • • .., • , beli , —ir the 1 .. yiattif4l7. 1 1 - ssasetim wieuel red P. L big*' .1.: • „ • i fii• 64 - ' 4'. , - • ! - LI.- . :4' --I . ; ` ' . • ':!.• i•, .. ' • 11 - . 4- i b 7 if 6 , ,Aftletiffet 11ti50....„ si irOlm. r arr 1 4 04 i1i.7 41 60 717iismirart - : a Ilsetawf• r ti 4..misbe4 bi Liatii 4 * O O strut NeP York. .lins coast 1- • seat arm, The Mythology o f Pol BehDale Lawless tif• deliag • 3 ° l ' ' 1 ?-404i.,..C,1 1-,0a ef. Geo; At Vie o'i i. M. 117. 1 *Ps . - •Of, Stick Naomi*, ; P •. 414 . Pniate sod Naps , ' 14 ; coatsesPcpery - Motion. .iidikim 4l4 4 iinisais4"osa siipiefisios 'to igiii : or.man. of Sit6s pf Mewl. e l iat a 4. lases Lapin; Bow; [fee .1 suishee,Vilirs us 7. „ohiettAi earths loostaiseed e 4 'deism is,tbp.l4ll/4 - 40f -is published. 0, BMus fee lifil steel eogreelsg;- ellt;'' le sal oeigispl a . ' Fll/1111011 platirls vigil's. itf of-ettgrsriogS.• Illas i pilv - 110101, erotehet, sad o . it w i ,teyestiog literary usitei p see 1 this *Saber. No• ISO should uu ] lair complete erlthotiMls tlPdey's fair !heads de ass. INessas 4 of tie Ausiieu .. _ L ere; has been, yebllsltsfl by Co., 712 Chestnut iitrert, P steno sze .f ri s t tpli 4sesfeetssir, werebsei, xis it.. The. Desires is ,usgsesmosii.ly, ~, ,er ! 4: :elisribes' or snit :soil, Is Ms a 1 P.t.sos Bsosizov's . sort fell Uhuirlitsd. gc acme ::eased salt ileac: hy 'Me. 1) liil;eri'626 Lima 610 Chesisiit 114, 1 ;I Is one of the most "emir joitillsbed. Yr; George brasaPPoisti 4 4r" , far* .Tbit,work mill „beee am 'Leis ohisl i Cassty and abroml., . 17 ;SATErawar,:4,..l 18 ; Se 19' 20 ! 21: VirsinxesDA*.. 221 TRUNSDAX,.... 23 Tliermansatrical Uses I ._ .1',11.111' •• • 0•66:1,1 , lestintrastia Fka4 Ititrivati: - • \ ' ;,, : 1, ,- II -9lt T. ". 1 -,- • i ' • 4.41. , ...411P.it 1 ' 311117: - '' Itt itr lr y . r irfilr ...it ...., ~..„:.„..„. • 54 : 761 VI a f • 14Wstiote6a7. , 16 ,I 66 'St - eloody; '.,, • 7S—?Mod 5, 615 12 I 469 - cher. f ' lil—Frlfty, - 3 till . 73 To • . 4 P J Pr . M a s l r 94.., a the lith I Peen*, cavalry.. i# repeated toile a prisoner ,in. the hindsof the . • , , . &pets. ,! , • - : ; .1 : : , . - - • .4111" ! Sta, in!ter si.ul of bcil.„ltobert Eat cliff of Tamaqua, bad his leg boldlykerusbeti lut week by:being caught between it crane and pc;me _miebiniivibemas engaged' • pt. ',gibers of C0..F . , th Regiment, P. V„,ras in tot? this laching•exesedinar Re reports the - Regiment in good health su r d sp . lilts. IlliCompaity is still at flatters& lot. .. , -Jost-itiskop' 'Stereos administered tba rite of Mudinnation, mid preached an impressive serticht la Trinity this Borsagi, on Sunday lest. The Bishop ii one of the Mist polishMi speakers PenomallY. he' sub beluVed by f a vibe .04 is his aciptaintsisMe. !deeded , amii, wbieb was each e terr ptWegitation, slatted ibis matey oa Twes day eel:Ding last. To the 4rau p aloe* it we's' of; graiiserf4ee. The aiopa yi is thhi Veasti,loolt well, ',line IWO, it . one may Jody' flrdas tbe' peothsloa of hloiswitee the was, rest utile be abundant this season. - . ' i : ji...,11 iriag!- Aeti ' de.t.—tos ,Ilred,eiday eying , log last, as a miner named :•Rclatcen.liCiis in the einploy: of Win. hiiines, Jr., at 'St. Clair, iris riding on a ear irceba giagwaylof the alas,' pat i - goirstoil :to (coming oat from Iwo*. bo slipped,! , :via fanioX na,ibcc track bad one"of his feet earl 'off completely:. •! , : 1 . ' .. 1 • ; ! . 1 . 1 -,• , —•=-.«. 4 . - j „ • • .1 fr*Resigairri At. orkweseies.a.--htt. Chan: -11. Miller, who was. commissioned a Sad ilentanoct ici th e Chic Regiment , P. V„ b 1 Gosertor, Cartier, Ai'st Janaary.i has returned hots". baying resigned - ,hiseositatissiim. owing to as error made at gar .. risbiug, ; which Watered with thp tracers Of Con. .I+ l 4 '11," of the Rpgiesient, tiers beinjg two if need Ofl the same Ode in the !Compahy. 2 .... .; k f . " 1 , ..• 041....- . . Mr. •A. ahnekuieek i - ol.Mhiladelphin. 'inner Mid repaiier !of pianos, ! orglimi lid ;meted* ons,t alentlicasa: of uncap gear, emporium* la' .tita banineas: is SOW at Mats's-liked in this Boe • '+lo.l.i.:libre hi will,,rentain Pis several clays, .t• , attinci to any' basinpas in hip lib},` wick which. be ' Shiy in favored. lilt& S i r 6431114 *tit for the sale . of pintail, for c soreral ...• !Waled immaraCturers., e ; would eel notice sl'lncleC*4 3ll47 tio Benjamin Rar"4 re the hair disbursed. .nii-tireAtousand dot; rit where he,,bas al.: spirited, serti. 04sItattiti&O, and OSSA the! State bSt before tbei commuoi 14e wsz44in attacks kinitagri 'rags sport Mr. mos. the 1 pro tehed tsi4 11110# - ,stgreas biter lis4s S 104 .1 1 •1 • list Two cis ,Piertlet . ; ratite of Sky sesisisint. Lora Masa atar r• 1.w.:=11 . 1•11 • -I*.P•al!lw I t:4111 mrss ~.era J ar : * °°467-4. ' ,•••diiiw o ieh • - PlDeissiV- is .hid with 111*. TDB prioei. A' did. mi. of &shies; sin tho ,es eon d thiteli ontele "er a, peewit.* her boo. de. !Thelma& oI phis: The tiii .1108 aid“. aad_ is irogitiot Tido interistist PaPolPrill R.. chiles, Pair • *anatives, aver df St. alai; has .7ittu: Foamy.— *it it !ifT77D4H.A. 321 I it! 4% 11 41 :;1 . • 14 42'1 14 411? 4 4017 4 Sr' 4 3817 - 4.377 4.3617 S , fitirSper;l r ti_otieThe ling 'Bail:road • Company hate .. ism& sltpeel nolisi- falba et. feet that after UM : Siki6ttnic pi twilight be pre ..Pareil, to receliejnitar. in* t aid bailey clods .91' a sinnlir bind. at tbn.,4lcpst, 'coot of . iffilow .., /trek la *entitles of 6,11* p. go* . 9r Pier, and - essaism i to emeriti'', et. 'incristoerri t Downingtnn,Plkerniarille, Yottatona,* 1 11:init#iip viol to all principal itationcabove. _ 1- virrfet , t o.4ftitt.--ar• yothse rike01..... 1 V 114 .0. ill 6111 ' 1614 " "l a 11 4 ,lA.‘ lie it woe 4 awe Aiimisisii•B 7104 esisg•f 14ipi\• 4 4 by .1144 , 40tiokkofok • 44 'ears* ssisksi - :wk.siossvisins Ain wits if 4 .boy is isikisnestriposbwist«, • rio,csos it usp l afsim pour; it *kilt ' %pl . ,* • _% 4„ , ; 7i. 4; - , - 11 - ; _ ..._:......,....;...4--„„vA-A,-. , , t , p, P/—A,liiii.**** 4 1; 11 410i 101041, 1 icilfrialAC 16 1 — O l.O l -03( 1 0 ill *AN 1104 . 0 . 11 - 004 0. 4311 OM 1 Illeaalimt lisaiellea Mara s lOalimallltal 1 thiriatimmaela-isammmatmiatilier mem IMIE I lio a Sas aat. oils, Us amp iacparal RI sisal , -mak amortliosild4 It will 14 &Email* Emi lia. The Meade of t). fammEN sad a* pad. Port•lik'ClPljor PFPOO—,. yr.jimaii moo meat be patios et Imakmes Ina 1;14 soberembe. violet *iv f ire s ee4; espies -et th* hOtePoll* -4112 - lOC couplet* • hemp. woo, teausibittered be Poughkeepsie, X. L. by Oasis& hdlt Ibulosgb by Buns, ran. dinetiOlte $60111p141 it for use. steals:to lee ifisahur is tbli cbsiir est tiling d-tie• kid eerie. sad se deal,* es do mars •11410!•••10404s, Osaini . for Olosaisimitikad Pr;sll.ltiel".44--XiL .I.C. 5.044 , Nag gift, Castro it;‘,l: tbis,ltatomigh, bat foi oalo, a daiti" WW I " Im-iekagleg aid Preery-,1 log Ike heti, 'amidst 'TO Ihmakra higessi Boaskst." It G chime* for We lamina: ha that it Carden' : the 'good; Inputs s ploataat ra Inalasi that Sad foollag is tho Irma ; ammo tartar sad Kok hos; the tomb i'areasta dew; aunt Masao tie aatl.- It h worms aid. ,H . . isis pontos op Woe% isa dig with s trieirkirimio 1 611 .bbserretkit poor dog. that "bad bosa'hipo4:llittag tbi getter. :,)toggitta 'otality j ell. the dohntet MIRA. sad at last raid: "Bice It *nether -sbirtrosh." . .r. 6 4 1 .“ •••13titet toirir-that's loot toroors .": His woopazdea , raided, a:id Tasked Leto Itaaghtosta = lilaaa aad:sfaitoorOar• atom, Ares& Itaildiag; Coatro strootOtooisolo himself by inspecting , the Asir sad houtilitai Mock SOW for Oidio -`. witscat4. a - , r. Jllllr . Elifektit befit Fridatiliebtdicit Creek, 9th'hiol;4,44lntllrigsaci4 au.;a4loyik ca. 114 - iiod ' kit", wat over ativirC 7 SabiTigig. 4o tw trfek of the - 14011 . as Italliaskike#Tiku stohu. I ' fowl: BOW'S ;kill* WOW . 1 404,, 1L TN *use s !rife Cid Pie 80 444 4 1110 4 sUleller: thi ltefie,. Wei) eDd, ytef isastiti «inks_et tbe - penesept Ku JWlP•Drrali'.l4 Sulnitsltill" tots' Volunteer. • Potts orta. - D, deb St. P. V.. twitched torn' thin Meek; tariemin. ciao* •ne of . ;tie - deatb., ..el" Andrew ...Siren, a • refrityir et his renrieumd, evbridied on the 15tb. alt.,'! nal Ileaidtal in* city at Newborn, ),»p4, after' :are illness Ortinee weeks. - Calk: 61* sta Ss this tia 44•aita W - SS ' WI exemplary aim& mat us man, .08: Oa . inis belev.ed by all !di earipaniona-in-ririas. and Ide demb his calmed as evening in the Araks that wig be dieeult toAnse. 15!= . . 'fflirLiteoatorice• will commence missing thmegli this Borimih. oa the Mount Rabbi Railroad; in Moiday ISO: We Ohserso that die thoroughfare for foovpassesiteat L fattierly leading from Rail road meet Otimi tits - -rafiroad,- to Cali strew!, in fset Chum* Alley, by Bets elosielly the Com pany sow mini the Boad, .0 : the issoivesiesee of the public. , Wears net' aim* of a.. power under *deb the Company acts in this matter, but it moats to tut that sothhnt „short of On AM of Ittaelibly can give. it the IgliStO ottiaM a pub lic street itch, as this •unq ' satimably M. 1 , The - Boimigh C Will should si oi 'proMptly la this. 'Mater, d See by !bit • ti Drill the Campos', . ~ , 477 airyrso i : too, jo " Sit ig; y . , 1 1 1 ; . ; I rtnrseses iltn e,,. -:7 2 ' 3 l' !e l all uD ed a- l i l•Oftho i sts so lait . st . wilt; n roas, eeSte of sticking roinkt . iMs- of his U. . .wbo boa bass ,ill ,iff fersoms sell;•toOiatits.:, : ' Re shed iire Maw few days, bMitre 1 - 'biti dealti,"whieh techplace os Thumb, mooing litt,tn. tbis Borough . : We starefol isruPsthil'e. . with • thO be:rail-4 bai 'C lliand in, the los of an if leetionste oar, ondl6 blichildralsa,teader Moth-. ...41;:•:' .To Lei" Rho Major Wyshootp - we feel that it itireitaires mom touraorind • fortitude in meet= a anis like this, Mos- . ui,faett '44! cann ons 1 the 'enemy: ' -'7,•Th• Major who iiiy Rio . st fr_oi!‘o!ith !tha ftreamat, • wfll . ;aftet. the fanerar which'iifl; tats pi#e this larking *IO 'echoic - . - iniannik !is rut of; duty. 'which Isfitinaild •siol, have.left. area for;a aid - west, hid not 'the dyisetioditioig of his WifeASipirsti!ely ditionded hia Posititinii lairi.. '-: , '..-;:.--''[. . • ..' . : ''' ' ' 1 . '.' '• gw tam 111iNooft: . I piprirai en Ole .gssuotaiser:tkraqk to Prop 1 441. 7 -Daring the pest *sight tb• woofkr.tif 'tlie 1 aidentalas ia thietkalaity; Dave beta bloalig mOlt tobsiderabli' . .kireeness at several poiaii. ash aggraysted by ibi.. dry weather.' .A daft re* at say tkess withla the putties weeks, e4l2.the bars .bisili a .wilogate- visitor. ; ;- 1 ,._,' • ‘ i . _ hi Tri , 34 last-th e .fialriet ProPerti iiia d'i. l 4 . - - bytbeis fires :! . , .:. 1 "-4e ko A sew two story nide dwelling house; shins hare; fen*, ete.. on the fir at Jl)tin . l3.:Bejer; itsq.,.cii Tanaka., nitwits in Rash 7iiwaship, • 1 & hint is 284 Itewaswicdr Townsitik, ajar eas E t eript ) the peer wty Sebad: der. • . - . . fences_ ea the ' fies.of Sr. Jeetib . .Latz,4*- - cooed, e4joisiegiiharp Moliateie. • r . Bowie and'etablec and 'part otinto mill. iite irte on Meek tie*, ie. Breath. Titiztillip, Olt property of fir— Philip Dorn . The dentate tO aitiorePert7; tree eensidereble., • • AarPreis Port 16:1e4 Si e.--To la gassitehavo• ' : Plt”:wo Oril Waited for the following lettoroiad . a copy :o . (111. Nati Speak of 'May 3 t ;' Myron BRAD, Post Ram, 8. C.l illar4th. 196 t. • • i • . Borross 3ftlilll6'4onism.: The folkorieg is the latest seas fat* Mos' 31041: ' ' k .Iho weather is •vey ifras* illookborries Alai Pebohog bre riPp-., . • • . ~ lb, leborioas besot of areeting hinnies oppo. site Fort Pal:skits duo to tbs ,76th 'Peeasytrit - oils tossers.: fth Commode:it Voiststiors, 4941 Ni. York: Voltrateers.lloa .York Yeloatoor fa. girteeralkk Natio Voltateste; fah Miekipa and 3d Rhode Island Arany. ' . - Thai whole Maid was, is as aproor yesterday, l es account of anion iieg +mead to the effect ~ , that thi large United Btatos transport kat. • bees tiptoed (toy tbo rebel itasilit Naskeille) Inv ler way here with stoves. 'The was dae fere oa the .29th of AptiL ' ' ~ ' ' Theetesaire Oriental, heat Kea York, strived ' ..yotterHtsisidi alone omit: Eiketraaowerkealool by oar eortstltitlcets thaw tints. 84 sat tut sea that thole is ao email' traireliet dears the ocean this way, eittrost helms overltsoleti. " ~' • I Goa. Hooter js _thoughts groat dad of td this Iplata. . • ''''. • ~ . , The rebels ate sibirig.tto a iireat, dea l of triable at Peek:volt, • matt plate: shoot eons lilies frets hate. They still, eeetisse to shoot down' oat Pickets. • '. - Tours Truly..: . -• ScsorsasseaL. 1 .1;,111r• ,rfrysTitte.--;-As [ the 66th dumber of the • • II mew of— , ay, was iii the i l l fore* enterer la the h t s ght: at ' est Point, last 1 l week, wadi - later' est Wei - felt here for the' ' detailr of its pirtiel*Pon. The -following es • I. ' tisk fro* . a letter *Oenby' WI raker of Coss-; •I piay of the', Itegimisat,' .given t be fullest do.: C, • ;, , -hells ire hare yet sees of its port hi thii effole.4- Not a whale the B eat otaa injured . ~ ; 1 , , ; ' r. __,_ ..., , - i 1: , ; 1../Lit i l . 11? Witt? Pourr, iAI ; i . ' ' ' • blaylol62: : • ; r . .• , • • .1 • - Ilf arrived here irately oa the' after:root of, the dth.4Baw bet twin whets to op-1 7 l ong oar leading. seaboila gars third one! shell by erayerf , ames t. -whiz tltur Issesialii wita iwni 'way teeds to their li We id, mimeo . elelsioa diaegilis4 ',did I *k b* get en er eltors "itt"" tlai day. 4474 y. that, I a ft er our atJishati!L ini• loaded. four of ow; ' I -POO* (Co. C iiiroulg the ,umber) were d - /1/P•2l*.Reoret -right of 44411/44 reilt:••-pliM • i go. Mt IsMoi protect oar ipiooonly eect,'" . oh i Berwired:Wwf sortylo Or 'of jai .trees , Pruden ; stradisle *Mild Jr" 1 1••• i•ji'lese•ii lib. • es . - ' P Iroti coming is on as. -• We returned to w %tistureds'Omil Soy iratild.. — li: ilifil••**Tß' c• about daideigtt at& weak , * 'bed. Wily get "Illysitoelp. we otO-ladshbetil for .lh. Vrtrilitli of 'rested eat at 3 ci duet apts. Wehave ere weal*. ,palsiliklig Ilea Moultrie egtieet , a letter : hasswrigft ap at thatial. e. - u we 4111 . haire to or ° " - ' . ' • Weis liereer.• -ia- ' 'order to prey-wit is ~.-_,... - , -31 • every frut ‘es-vrrawv 1. ime e liata " ' - ' it, eters-all oat tad. in li ne of WO 1 brain 4 ep, . • 1 , r , • ' i . •-I • •' i t sad** -, so ea* daylight. lenistustly. i I ... li e' q t.s i t u at thi1 , 0 6.2 , ail 'Wind 11111.41 it ' gi f or bre a kfast . oat picket' are atiasted; and glee ' , Woo" ( IWO" l'' . 8 / 14 aut 24 * 'wall' I. w• mgr. SaOket ia lips .r *do e ra. ; Peeseliti ettlra Imps awilier of ANIS am awes atria We ear- ' 1,6 word awe in hat , ieboi ,,, ee . reads was se ., Dried tbe SW* at Wawa ims Moerlay tai, lot— `•'• , -i •"' i, ' it tbilictiti liettes. Wee seselend airs every valle4 *oil out riiiiit i sod iii• Ow, iliore"•*iii etteetbis. UMW' lOW 11..1 big ass. -ilie aiteasee Oat Bala tia[wite *elm ' ;:Oar pickets wets TO =was ersesedli of ,04. Ireetare Ise Iteatowe La mm ' N o inf ro onga ' asea to g j ik ore s O gl e, c ir awl ere awainell or* mom Way Wire hi ' 0 4 .'1.14 Flew were held id resern. :OWL= l ildiraiser IC tlierlmidl et sity aria WI yam* . Thy imp• , t 1.. , tend the tows. seeatesd a be. were. itee somata biek l' did wit ••••= l3 10.10.•••• while that .4 H. y 'wits beeter swages*. Gem liaretthser mead was at iiii ' 4 4ll.oolb Twos; etisesare. Idea the wee sir Amp teat ay .......-.tike ellisidell et 00. Wight toy that ha d . illil.N•. bed 111 ; 15 ! ail; Cf CoS- I =-IL 0 •= 1 . 111 °; {lra ILO.- mal. 3. SOS 4 has:. ,ili 1113 Saha tho bins.. 1 Oat at Sate eleall, 11.1111.1. ff Id CIL r" heavy tied • Ole • elm Wed- hero 'ttis he e 1 1.04 e. tedestis : wa. L. Chet leiteembt.asit IDC•h•r -1 ' • • 1 empties/wow., Whew I what Ile reweas , Wee bet , AWL' *bon" , • doell It• Irian Wad WWl* hi l l am• on. ent 44140.• ea5..4.44 ***us horn *144 'flo*W•wi Id Om' , DIAL' , - - WC*Oh gest ihise W. chi view *he' the home let a .seveirt . @ Wee lathe edge of a wow!, and l ageterefew t Wowed bil k , T heady wesese WOW lay* es a &boa raikO br t terara , the; .whiedli awe& la Cite:Owe use het hee,asa Was . _ ~: i t i. i e. .; 1, _ - .>__._,, o _. A , - ,;....c d _n__ , vie wit etimeittel* Lek. Adpallatast Yes ** s" "."""•7" "___ , ' •sr_,,,______. - : a''.....___,„.."''4. la \ls east. awe a eilget sielwela Wes ANC me. Of Moir ._ f or i: s iga imil••• " wit•P'"Wr j as, aleusas.. Se k atereeket to besisowi s - i Wer ' la al 1191,adl /et it seri ellett, hat the iiihkg Ilegeell 7 ex t thshebortellsa.siledt eery eseidiliet of ' „By Wiliam,- ale sew i hater*, we' Wia Watlit. suit wart la ewes* to tabs ehitme - tit—e ve, atir ilwao limi . *Oda 6f SOMA gar... 4 .• , es4l3llPialliit: , Mat tbip Id hottiliaa; leder. fihdoi - • ._._, N , .k.__ I - . _______'. e , _ , 4 Vlsolketath , d, tire wairlitit Innt bead Ot. Yin Otsas. The ril mow Woos Ml* " 41411 'ouilirmk: ' la . mg moweie-ealt-ellelt-liweeiew hefts* eta* to alaida\gaestrer th d f4 ed heetri lintel trirreet , WO& ' Botessaabhatillier rim light raisesoll- "Ai' ea was hal, tied Be Ire wei the oireels , . tee welillat issetalelleigesrhamede tbo tree* idieseise the r i m . T e o ieer 1 g e m b iete n ee ea d fiZ=2 111"111411. lie i lla tit ia. '4l : l"M i l id al" 7heett •PrOwdws Wellb thirphensloita IMb mw egt or ato... • er•mmoseediv one ••••••41 ten irSeitj ak en+2 l # l4o 4 lll . ''' 11 ,.. 1 " 4 14 MI Oa 111 ‘... 1 _„ 1 1/41.4rialmesueilL mows era et Oar liseimie ;at all i ia;arwi,_ . well fat Site dial . ~_.'i t!oi p i * osnontliono 11110'101 ion Omen. ;1 wereamell bee bit the :111* edit the ga**o ea Waft liftlittloistWW•ls• to ' ,4 1 1!ItlIP4 4 1. !be , tbe SA 44 Agee V 1414, sias we vete Iv . - iiikoldhoortimsepoup se two Ma rtill.billa ~...aiL..n... isd i ' agree. wee slao asetwoe wet the We* kevireg wow / . sw - soo,•w rr• ' We hate eie erten* iertalleible. Moses" imams WIWI seed ear spy.* tap lithe* wil !saw a rebel' iiiihaest- Not *the egged reowileg sew le ye air seleilihre - gaealame pe t dereg. • [ Ow Weida *sag i a 154 Anima" ar• sordedi llor bigoei Italie : - . A im I! s . , i s r '' ..** fa un* - Inglaft . entadderilletiewelirldkWilbleetterbisotilleal - -- i -- ' ,- . .... ____ l __ .___. .____;. .....,..., -, I mp Ow mate* lib: litilhare *sec we omit the *esti 1 1 . 11 7:* 117. , 6 RT.'"wil ro.. . ww ,,, mili"M‘9 6 , boimar:sai 3010-1014 Is tbe tors. Mo. lielle a eleiW, Iti. ttlir• ma 110. hp ;We nest ter Zel s e i l a weds. We ewe of up am. —T4.O4* wit toot; 1. ... 114 Mt esi*p *tqlhttrall I yore eiewliss wale wee iwashelmate bietriq Rabe., l ee k t i os i lo ur yin mem& se :, • iss i gee yet laseemorsetballf Oft Wary wed bew*. we the - i i iig g A lie g epe ed e d. . .ne e --- e i - ii i - e4g ese e e e i i", - 6. - OnNalion algid 6 0 • • eWOOWMk lb all*" l "* . --7 ,, 1ii immiNt htled. lA* 1 tee trommt May Owe* IL 'fifty ell Ws soy, . .. , . had led hille emipeamet amporstme we on ets **he sma sh' - '•- V s setitleti flip lorea,:the if udi ,,,, 1 no , .butp.....,,d o blii dim ate ilt i ; ' •*** be mew aa ates it. aet=e, *mt. ifte ho puma verieem oh* 061' milii•11411, *to yew piglet * imrposat peaso *WWI -11•11 3•10 1 •17 111, i 4/.. gletertweye he *Wilts erethil *my. ei lBl4 ` l 4l=l===== l 4 1' S is" weisk • 4 0. Ult . - ' ''.* 1 ^ ." 11- ' -- J. - . • _ .• • , _ • ..,„.__•. • • ea 140"Mmiallit letirtte. * 1 130 0 ,45 0 heetilol ..'l4 bi df l oils Fe •"=" 14 . 11 1t " 011 ! .ftalmerwriontilig.c.isip•Nialiwipietilidis -. . iw "saw 1 1 4 , 1111104 , iteCiCsidroge!=litrott . ~• i 1 - limpims Job eopiF wolf NNW .1111 m, lri 'to litititt ill,' MB silo we . lett witaallitro Wm% Ih !q iiil e b !! . •'• - •• 1 " • 5 . god rid tato maw; . --• 1.. - i : . • , , : - - 'I `••• •':•, I ' ,- I I •" • } i ,"' . ,--• '.- " , ' v v+•.; r,..1.4 I ,f, . r 3 Pr r ir* " . j_ l ff itr o e ' L ' ° P *l41 1- 11ei 43 l f -i r 'lls A! 1 0 11 0" 01, N...- !it' fti's7. lilw irlitY: - .. r. --- 4° 0 , 5 I 1 ' • T i:". ' , y e w* tp - :: 4 idi 4rriroi of a di, ifoi SOOrarg Yol- W, ,lahhofikurfur tlil frutueo4, 'The Oil' *AOOO4 April,: bel. Mee dike& • • , pee .-tea.. POI it hiteat* - . it .Y. `. nil fit pith but '4ltswitkel."‘ 7 1. - Ifili v *4o l ". et'tbe 2 i l a t• l ' - .. ~t.-,1 , - ill.illgelt.llllll. — , 1 Yiseoga itlsere O. Drum It. ia with Iltiollvd thir• l preseedinp se i ea isitermalac modal, that gook place ai VOA., wattles lase. lith WM. Then keppwelpg hi be semeaq the e. of tbisibk. wileirs Ifills 114 it o Kilr.• ill sob "IMP tile 001•INSW ibli pet wasivereitia ef ear, eatreamt late Weakingeen. i SeAspeal the timing inn . 'IWO. Jan, after I Drawwir_ _formed ht Iles tami bored by earl ,Yritauaila tote: 1 4ittie, late utthilvalm or &mi. x - -4-oliare sae of um .seemeset the hiewmatreS 'dollar. ilielitlriliw J posal by Meats. C'rea'sed who at present eeesp, the Items. ~Artiviteg frost et Usherette { we ballet, sertespit..ifs,-, the tobjeekiii 1 i f dm mestist be pelmet kmat tweeting speech.-- Tba rouniat *suable sad boas wets its. ullult4s"All,._ad Moil 1 ' , , wasreste, ,me. bite ism er,,the old 25111 Iteglimit se IPesierrybranies - irelinereri.' 'fettles desiavam to eslibliela ale lemma el air ea- trauma fat& Wasithigleilt Ciar 18th the 1 day of. 'April,leil. beryls, r • Reselace-That we will ofseelve. late a Immithetiteed, '-te . sive , upon thls'alglit , betearin• to NCO avows messy so basest witislatereektessanshisiv - i. , - NatedediThit we toball taiteialser dila l ig 'dram yesialgrii•-buir atilt ant glom, baked thi,liimmii.-4“perileits the tinge-kat itilMthe • daub haus lir Ewa, sae-. appears *ad a bright ila aluillisti Tao dart of herel 4 secessloshm Ise neat ' lett/a-after vieteri cressemioar soma dm Illstion's glory is slims, tall4 A. to beat* , ; iffrosiee4 Isvies toss ilattei with the aim. maiee et amities' se ire .a rt 11Hr:tibia& A* atattline la ibis Auer, ve,il , elk leat Testige el sehellisa Isimaciail from oar, sago* tronseas , bledtab (ism tsar motto.' i[: I % faun; Taal a flop, •!ortsboa. .rorotaoaa 44 j `printed 2 {he', No° l " l " , ,Puet'brand Anion? , o u r '. ~,,_ several aim, when 'the mri, , p eded i ..reliutd *took_ of some re fresh. See toast:ram eltank, moon trial ar feting :•.. ~ ~,....: - 1 , la • ms-"Gareastslia-usa, eiteitiver sager ha rights to be.triumphalism.," Music by titelimail-! 'Plaribus Ilastm.7 , tiasils, ' pt- Glimour--1 6 lien's-to the flag of inlay 'tripe', and essay Auk, d-a the Ass with ,threititen lOW .tart, " lilttere3 • ~ • Siing . ,b, r Bedpan- o Th' fisoingMeehlas" -Clagunet ro, by lli. yi tlavid • Do ens.,--r•Titi i !Maki altd 11 .of Bonn •Doan,* sad the_ Les .1 1 411 2. '1 ; . •1,, _ _ .losat by Lieut. Grestang4-."Tbe ilith of; April, 1861. sad the illth." of Apt. 102." • Mahe by ut tbk Bd--"Tanie• Doodle " Song by Mr. Fling. 1011--"Xy,jol4 Dad was silloany Wee Kam' ' ' 'Tesat b, Liret. Brows ••Illeasealtusetts, and her: brave I sons who fell in timer.. April 14th, m it Bali. , ' , ~ Muth, b.( the 8and..... Ike, Militeir"- . Song by Mr. G rrets,-"Mrs. Johson.'• [f ile.] t Other Craws srre o ff ered other songs sang.and the hand aged other beau lisl lonerz-qatil the witting otes of "iattoo" i rbede us burry back to emu,. : • • Patted it dersigkrfig smelting amiarill lota re bet the stele a OUT Gret, anni. verwi t 1' ' M - • , 411•rn P. V. iPlP"Rtpai'irle4l of ,Prel.l4leceire Gnat Ora.. ii+N ell dm I loaded nessi es fi e &whs..— M the requ44 a large namber of our 'citizens,'! ?ref:Mel:6 repeated la la Borough on Mon. : if: ,asty evenin last; hie yea oiat.on on the Lott,:, dop Voir a the Rhea° . The epaeiour Culit room mu literally Pechesi with pinions on the , I occasion, an,d bitadreds stiughtit vain to gaits admission t 4 thermic", so 4eass war tie audience. ;The teeming missal:al la the appointeseat of the follemieg eitimes to psMdu: i , .-.. Preeldesi-HBILNiAMI,NIMATWOOI3I. ' ' Pee ff,preideef.--Di. Jilts S: Bamenter. Pe ter D. Luther; Daniel ; Hit George s...Repplier, Samuel Marrb, Jr., Kirk, J. OuTer Studds. 1 11. G , James. S. i aererories-Wst.,R. Sulfa. Si g. WACLACR W, WOLVIN Joan P. Sensate SVCS W. Gaga. Erni; ' H TheGlee,Club sang as the etpeaing. "A Song for the tinion i r " by Mr. John M.• Crosland; copied of -which-Mere ltiailly pretreated to the> Ohl) by the authora orthe ' B , .., , • , Prof. Mee°, then spitke for three house an his sll-absarbing topic, and' e attention of the so . diem iri lad, b "the 0 - of the was 0 VC I ... • VIIII DM theli•;,lo4. th j e rest 'lmitates of the man, that thdtitita occupied acme much ehorter. Dow terse, heentiful and fel, gm argument. in speskin* of GM dotarliri "Stia4 Sovereignty": "The, Strum Itell. lone , fibs Armin.; and yet ' thi "Orme ik illadequitie ..;rot ' s State cannot be' 'sato he #0111•7Of tit• 'tydon,ar a child is born of the parent: It iv vaPriPT alio orrapul ulr'shll Beim ris•maw ita,jhe on; of his .09d, who r set bolds him 4 A k . t o ,„ of IN tiled..., 4 i s j . , 1 seam to attatipa skate:it - of ibis great- prods cl ' glop, at' 'be Paviatial urilttallts its w i,9 l er i °g lar uaslailite swelllnggranda r .'ef its patiiotle out. batii•-4111int a Pietinierbieh Antuttise seen kit' /he billy:tilorvaated. I ilirw thel limi itile ts that ori emcee; sates, TA BS, ' while 'Our vslisat ..- aoldisis ' are hating thhir insists 'to the billets . of • ''thee.eneis,T shrink kraal to • Compass st ~ ualbm, thee "the were-bole of I ust-shelLy beneath his intim Troly, titeGnai• should iro heorpfiot sonala emu, enemy teat, bat in'every, village In, Mil lite*, that the peoplio - mai, Italy • understand , iik griat inlael bat are at 'stake le this cosiest, ~ with ,lieisellion: ~. 1 . 1 Thetrelesecir will dell ver the l Oratioals Mi. l 11arsvnle. thispielDb'S• ?lie lu g" beil43e if . 1 this Aosta be selected for the °evasion s fOr!gusre dreas of that Borough said elelaiti will, of "lair i anatat . i' I tO . bear him l i l . i I ' At the iroarerion °tibia Oration on Monday I carting, **eta of wee unimiumusly tens Oared de the Professor r' the, tutored sad in- i the ablation be had afford .1 ' I A.thrUlag r ennin, of_ re ocesaion was the ri. I i _ , ' ,Weer the audieeste e, „ Time, and giving sit limeys I:thickset& the slaters of dile Cinart Ilona . tremble,-,foe' the Cipt4ll 01 . Norfolk, Omit the ;Protester alluded to the Oct. , Another l ineidenti ,1 eta very Pleasing charatteroras the singing bi. • I tia Glee Llislo i nad the 1 t; ' re andienes, at UM omt,,: erosion: er the &sr SJ 1104 1411121er• ° , ' I' 'All nal 7111 long be r e r 1 Istitheroti • patriette: dg'eu af this -- SEM= ~_..1 liar' ! • IN , I MP. I .. *- Ila tlPll d : *1 fle; FN 11 1 6: 11 1. '7 0 ! 111 ‘ .1 it 11 , 49 100 4 4 0:C0 i 1Et 1e _ ll ,2:l_` t t t, l4 e - A UAL 1 1,4141=1,161=.2. "... 0 ; 1 ~` Wag* Peit•Webth , iie 1 . *pets I 4 wit me at 'Veri ' Ittrdthlisemithe the sere 41fie ... 4 .- • _lll **kb. dellese - *101~•1 1 11/t, , dili SAW at -Sikh* litleate4sithi Wis. AO •mertmedemi As Dledloatatir Ott. at Melte If the TWOlrdpvit, Of Whitt. rat el Otattlhe leespited thweattlfeWreltad tothkettiom. t i to Whig 11, Umipplicalasiot orse Oft heft * 4 e4loleiro4 whit to whirl meet the owed es, itillpestegeht 1140104 Weeny, Si the epilog es aim Si iss. I Itetteera, it a rt i drelthe a lewft let t the 11.4=1111AS Ik. 1.041111415 t was Mew by the mha. Om MUGU wet had m MO the it UM an, inilloink Anse which Ow waft bees* tor, widumemi, *whet the Mat oatholy at the war • eye t Tee** he omeepah their ottpet Whit the sad SW.' dißolh• SSW Omieusilliis hawk tethieftgetell. Mil iliPital IMO 311 " m il li . I : to ingt itee Plug ei ste olleer tbeitn . ead oe lt aie me issaago oot eat . D and etteer vu stt: shed rethreed *their Pepetthe geldwate, tied the adememod ?Wag. Ima ea watch dither the I *rata (a. .bus UP Pepedltioa , rammed I w My fort - ,04.! Zotheeta, • Immo Milii the Westera ai sant Ihislay afteopon a . at the* teeksit, I mo WwWWWMftWek- Meese wlteeltweiWirowielehtel a _ :the wool's* eves he ao suititor.! Inh ter is. Issethit *dm warm Weed. ettey vow% is: Sla the , othedlirof the puss thr ibewAlosilti Wte ail to triput or woks gob lulidaami afd ion tet het trepdthemef Imo Mad. to seal oar After Amoy hos ethaed lightlog mod p s ttsweet'm were Seibiedgesplphited , :Lee heawdl 'theirhetePtUehe. it ampered atm* teepowdate that, each Ihmeladde also ale MO sir mit, lattoreeme; Mit the Timbre befe time ape stub Ibr *M. calm Gemara DwOrtl-bod wept* atop ripastrie, whoa uses hart tee. opt atio eke:. Ned ireidhai itatll the, hare* Or at twelve e l f= *pee 'forme to * easy ta • lotlep roe the . le wlept ue. th• butet ' W :lootoodr i li r Ow s rho uw ear si a = al L ibli ke /1 " : " Iteht 4 115"4 = AI WAN:Mtost ion etude theerappoemohl As Sea tlll 11IM i lls=besed tithe stertnif et the tilitho y. It *distaste ohm* **a. Illethwit pm A I =e swill $111:1 too t illa mit ik°ll l l : llllBlllm tlee se 7si ni reeos leatiraildS4l""ll'l3"l lo•l l6ll"4l7" : ll:ag' illtD a.halidi. th arsiNl P ' f• WS - ,wie got MU** to m adlee of Ureakiwthes we os-tatm with Pat sitted thatlemos„ whirl suds t get pp.ead ave.{ ?her !ma Vat* * *Maw wf st hi', ..thi• DramPlwil Om harient mew UP bust. e*theito Oa or AM" ionleMidi or dee best. r the MM . then- grata the *leg fora ever. iostept of twedlea tissue, *ay weterttled with siwitha It I vii,,, T ar outisiss -frairl that._ jun to ita lri pttete ,„asies eimoinc tio ilutplasdat es „ low a, a t el the wasidged; essay whit. baadkereitiefts ' Alert itt elllpmetbewera ce44 64 :gettetee *the epsYr Isataiti when we *Ufa AM a furl the Cannoidone, Ab• Ant landed be bier - without belfiddle. tillbtli 13 7 the*thotsemosigaw . sr eprompos amour hey,:gletogithes elkeettotft we eait Abed redo, the glade of, Vett DUltiri ie llsto Ale,' PiettrlhCf) kb,* ant shim theioadves al ,We ran moist Hew gates hoe MO we were mom 4 Wag to eloot to the, ll'oet. ,We withet emotes , Mt, tall."wwzlewskf mitehinil Mat wite tt*ithtetti eameteaMiimad this salt pat ohigh, errs airwasebfiiiit., lasi &head, he hilestaip we pts. A mod, se fail trim let their isethettaderwomPlomb oie the help* 5 Si the ref, espretbill every sedate* to b. Noisome Si thee weber, bat they weer fired a shot Omaha gMd Um of the ohm. sad law that thewhole Ade hill Wet three* solo* Pettiostlette. We »lunged Olt lionts spathe Mire sus rat slatt. sod MD: netisto Is lb. maw MID ha. On ltooday the Mortar-U.oi awe pet Into poit•loo, Thiry ham mersteee mot ups cos hewed lye hlsteriwtir day. ,The lithiptiothwee di lb. Spioi , theiss,lkear hareem. I do ant Smite tho mom of Mt &It, y ham. soleatlt Is *the Wiese ef twining • 4ttpar how I Per, .li t ertoter to pladte II - 11; Corinth. enty,flve shirred of Gkeeeral Pop's Pete !leveller° OM bale NW* ill rakitiont usrust. ems* )ssyss us „ La .44,6,. t Grad •trocipe; they avers reeireerviee to Or as 116' thousand would lb*, as we cermet *Stet a 1514.4110 g on Ibis side of Pillow . ' Dime me hsveimm her. thirichaVe , duieyldriedlipts from them. They Ova a ei t i Vi 1101 4 / 4 11111t QC their piny. ofhity . ham teeonse per t ' tly douiteellted, since they have_trit with so many' ts- Milo was ow/ dweller frost. tb.• diet Loeb& ellaa - irtfmebt; his were was George Woke t. lei kayoed bill 0 1 % -- 04 1 l Pal ivvilleil wine Dodd, il likand wid mock. k _Ot there dutiatOlrialkeship. Ha hid fifty dollar bill i op lleugite le Rates ef APO* payable 191 khnioncl eils atop Saner psalm Is isistred with the le"Ilya z‘tatei if e them mice ttatgL o rean, he ms Mu be get lammed o she path druid ten. They lei appear td fast ay twit *the hem' bet this esh ttir ant PIM. if Dewat7 l 2 llol t lettlsere were Po trey intebiginet, young atom. lets Memphis on last Snip lip Dieppe a skilf4 with tw0 40016, Wl4" and 4 ;bags of tiothlas.' My roma aut idiom theoierdowed !Ma t to Neap* Wing into the weritleb Th ey smY that abs. oar am Altethwep.petWed trough New 6 1 ..4 phis. Snothmed, the al. d pm theta atom Ilea they . ! a l" it 4" away - T -*weld p lute thomattet Im- Ehof Arm ell W. of 0 knit Pot *edam amid a get thew to sln; the ha epy Lao.; or Illsnaaer. the a t - Eposigied Evoke nen Cu sable. Daring ail Ibis, 'Oen. Pretties went e t on Os: pialfures',. and told them i i i bee. etiiii. pie • !LAIR wohld niait• lag un- H they enfold Wed I Mil; tos i tiog these lighast pop leree the peoteethe lb. ~St es and Stript Ar.r ( Ivo' Frio asadaltuil attnatli,ooti of the rank t eseessfoolste ta city, suet fete a skew, bought ,a bit.• of ttk lined 'assiiis, took , thew not sod prevented IWm. to bleu, Rtestitut They 'ate say, ttirt( wheneeee ;they heat, of s i niotil victory. you eats tow the majority 'Or the the rise aimed laughing to theta likelier. Every enoreleg err? they eke they stretch their use Wide open lit us. if t h ey esprit ennui Federal Gunboats t in sight.! fitter this See is once token, theM 'moo Sr.o twilden, tions 0 this ode of betel Ronget. Tile) , Y w•ovaitiod_ fority i bow taan - Fk,al Om th ere a In the She tie . I so sailor% teat vitas get ? we Okla tartan th e fal len, fuon tyeanwy. Them we,. thoip thrift rums op this morning &Out et Pillow: Teal:4om tor jersey ; nson, Allosi 1 t o n ;a u : S u r . Y.' T P f e :l _Detre ' Cop" " T t ii " r * vi l ir lpg eta bl" Bt n d e v , Unf rat cousins to ...nal y..'llartuiltit'a btoiber 110a;I. •-tbey a,. very IDl4lligent; DC 100killg men. They tome Iceumniatell considmibleproperty dove they hits (wee Mien. I'M Comely:44om Is gable to dive than puma to. • morrow, to go North' to visit t heir frPods• i 1 Well,'Emetto, I eois..d write a sort d..t sera t had I the Pane* t* writ* wt.' Sloth that wood be of trivet W- Iwed to you, eat owing Ii the oratelly of piper. and the T b ubber,* nooinittwe, IPM nave to de deer. l' azo , at the ea dors eel% a May Marine.. Whitt we are not lin *elm we do nothibg but staid guard. I will give you an avvotot of • esorwitetiote Warr myself aud a Mt nemeti petrelehsi towater , ,remetkpielog th e toot tlll , It this - point;. Ile day an our 'wriest. I was standing old oh Op took. *bee Mt . Seorals approftelled tee sut.- 'l•et ito onusqpitort Ired, rib , ' rult • 7" my I Woolf" •• • _ . -I Smell: ttWell ! I omit plain." '.4 ' , You tams pletityl of diriguitois bore.' _' 4 &eat. ••111felt: tes we ' , nt a Imp of liallsio esti jest rw„-beit aeterAhates does, w* will have a large It. s. rip ofrisequi-, , . • ; - . Thisbe Ii irk itsiimi thle is bat a small tropt. A thought It was do4ug p ty well fix a tousswee.s.t. .t.truett- be the ear, lbey,a • iligta plenty Item than they rem the •er•Utssiodeithi' " . IN , l'. i ' •,, .i' •' ' tednittleiCAVO:43 ' .. . Smtros• Oir Tlif Jtinteit.:.-1 , maned epee tor eltnefodbig were, bit w ei y econaktaleatkr in be Jetßapt.' of tha ad hist., whim yoo soy: - Gig" 11.iiiry the ideal lag to one ed the Dm towpaths that first ,warm Washiegtotv, red then let She State dnilleate Ow ear. sad present Dee t welt of ***deer enspanies' 7 'The Sat le quieetties Is doe to 1 teat ecentissy l'elto wasAbelirstinabe irk ' Ind Ocrety to' oar its Inning In delimit Of the email Capital, Pram lb* era Cat:X i :le; Secret.' 17 i WM, sed4l i a s t i one. am 1 I *ski eat wity.Ze l "%mild be aeill= as to l end* of thane* empanhee shoald base l the oelsieet itisg. mid ceplwareadionliodlid by Capt bleflonakl of ;fered their , adviesi bed* try ether Orepeny in Or ;State. were Jeer' - sere* part of the diet that tnoveroameaki. II 1•11, *holies loviscroteld's ,001spaey„and .., to glee it rtt!say other; tape. AS "ISS% the WWI": betide; but,' ilest 161 tb• &Iwo fled entea tint tier "sill 6toplOwl t' liat4igt sireensitki, log. tint attar, t'atiliik" }quest Ili be be 11 3 0 00- 0 6 * +lbw Ckmings, • A.uriii farnara , . Ririe sea ikon milk. oat of:the cosolis. to h., subld, *Mad aoeurid Tax namphis Argus- }airs Mai amatniplinr sit y jest TOW yoas hWia sea aoudad 'at the: baltp, 'of Elstiob, Jsemi th. say prior gays that that far the rebel attempts oo dioxins! with gash:mita bah, bash l diagastlag Me . • .• : " Der4,Lßatr, Wistaria kr to Drainrlalarr, mosyisi Kati, it Deibsir-4krikaw . DeitrorLAiotka ootre.:le r • t•D•o•••—lirtetion and .rii , Dadroy.doreat an Nagano' trarla.l ; ty Vid"."J:lnsacts oa dalaisie; si 1 14 Dertrortkrory (nevi risk 4sekallif tends. *Sri % iftairsadvaramonsent batiks Pape for the dutrarripirioqiii calmeixaGes of sH !Arai, and rpr • OW o< *stars.; N A' CARD, - ros torourartor or iat lUUC Tire IiNDOXIGNIO. labes *mare is ass aelebei .to his rasedi a 04,, tom. taat. 7 eaao.etlsa etini lia rashikaaib stack of mulltir, *al Mose i..ay 111stS'ClOtideg. be slit ciao Itairh ist; c•• et tau a•iasaitiat awls at Dore AsselySiielaslikersver belbsA sibre4 Is ebb city, an skieb jba Kat a amp sodsaak riaa. a WOO' ler pies Stan hes tires esnelabili bps Ibis. 44e penman ;Sesblntrety, Is papa toatii. mei peelieslsiti peleslsASlsA Wei ebilAsis. WS sarAlike belli• au to sell wet depe tbs steek' babes sies.AsitlAi... aD Asada MI SlAfti 13111.405 t irrupt. iselse tbe O.stbses tat 'IONA. "rialto' to 0'40 4 0 I . ldlltilifill‘ o°o% Cesebiams, Vskls i gi, Messrs RP, bald: INI;IS hen talt Urn briplitblitikaillelaL6llllolllo4lololll is erdi r 111 0 1 0diellebsald 5 .0 4 1 rilijaam. swo t ow "IIIele." es liss4i; hiesei+4 . 6.44 m asiort. mot of 430' fireiebbAr assb, tst teas elk; set hiltdaslbb , aoikse , Teet, 'tad ilatiftear ,i t. ll l' l4 ** t° is iIb F OL4 trims,* ;i •a ns igic is an pupa;A:widow sok, Inaelba. 11641 4 's *Sr aßsik at it e3b. Cbsebele" Om% =llse tbe CesebeiSeil Ike& • , ' i • 4:11,1443 EVAMS, I 1 • 104 c , Tim», ars*, rum a..+Ado* raigsßs gm.,04•09,4 Pulloilida Owe* iak*Aag afiS ski 4`..e. bus rs sen• le 1* Wall 04 11.1 nmomminm.l n rms pew of lltal wok 00414 ear alarm lie ilia a 6 pets octbs eddarmag sad psnimiluillibeildiel ii*P. ol 4 *MOM NV vssari tie eirifti!Mos She lifter MP" lie Ono% efi !op Pewit fbi. re- #wfk *BIM littbiel‘ lll l 4l4, l l aut 7•• _we • , .460 6 -41adi -,' aii 0 ,-,,,a, awilbolisimillt simile a waribm rl i t u ti=41 1 1• 1 1i0". 11 160110111m am =awe s "WON ems alilliparigo -- i t . lassitillik I arliim~ solibilV smill alemdf Wlt lb s ak eiblesard lo 111110 1 0•7- *pow pidaillimed ORO_ Ormitas, la WO lbw rem, 1 i .a.- 11111 agalniAll44.lllollllMli Lbw Cia. N. T. , VO W • - , i• • 11-14 • . . 1 , ' .' , 'Ht. *-: i . : L I - . - •, - 72 •. • , 7 , _ ~.,./ ,11. '• ; '.. • • . . !Olik00.:-.4100. Ogilicc, ,1: 5 ,44L0t ,:- 4,iiii*-Liiao4.• zat- u4 nicit sad . Reuoiy, t - 7 - 44 pees :Ar aft tiors!AN loes Na . I,46Ce t i, r," ' Gad fo Psi past. ' -L-----...—_ , „--..--6—L-1--,-.:-.._... , • tyotal alba INintateal Litt baria bh o rib et so loll6ll Saw, vast be Latest* last 'wait- • Two 1 4 1 .. Alga: adopts& via la • aisatssee, ospa •11"61.1•1 Sable, sate twe data's* wets pee , 11•114 kW"! Teeetaao la. ittelasta. 13,41;1it Mato., LA residid:_ A/ a pat of** thetiot of theitrwsLa ' preartat al arise at resoletleas ea the sate - et-tise eclairs mortal by a- essalltee, are *by lititoseiel a "d aseetesoesly ~ed. The teas of: these seseta- Hoes auty asjedda *a Ma falloatag: • - • -- I • , . Riaatasf.,2lltat It is du daillhattojedroest sot ibis, Sisil4 lista , **6lll4llsallatilleaseatattisedstik . arseteat et pas Istel.ts meet Wicked to Its I reeptiotS; us* insatiable* lb eases. Issaalaral la its ehstseta lam guilt to tta prawattes, ealiessela la Its sliesotettrde , Ossetia ta ite melte to •idditest Jalapa, suf as. tali, and asibtka. , • '• : . •• • • . 1 e flaked, That While ,asealselltbs iabiapy vow r its 4 sishistesjagslattdeteami sated tette as hamar _ it lab lasi esed aidleal 4111R:Of wild( we Ma . lwa.gality. we ' aleterthetses natetd ibis rsaliioe-: is *ere twaellaiely thi e stehoired atia,frf the catistaases ad :Ma ersieseleasSteesre is ea liteit.:ses4. memo two salt with tuitaisitaiktoy,,the prosseltioa et oat MO Maris attei Which km radthrod lbw:emetics • of 0044141** to saes& old - fair the:Gaind elowaiasit :a a vtlasti 10 tlikti illatorriat,tx•r_bleb• :emu dam It to Initiators ovals of conatituttoaat amaaatpattoo,” • , 'A tosissitameet Sire sat aphotatodaisrassafe copj of ' the Issolatkiia to •tIO• 11001autt OM. Mated Meted. sad It is a sessittable hat teal la 'the distaste* ad taw** wed ashen a wees '. were feat: t o the' 4 611 0 60 m10r04114/64 the slime &atom - . - -, .•• , .. .- 1 • Till Larralblilato•The *poste et tattoo( theta! lapertsat essweistass wake liae - tollewleg exhibit, is coarated Wltlt the Mats el ettelsessul Walt last yea ; :1 1 . 1.4 " .1114 . th ' ' • whir"? - • :_ : ~ • 1 1 , . 1861.• - -.- .. 1303. - --ise. il 0., 1 41 4 44 ii03.: 43 $ll4/143i Atallible deeisti. ; 3141.314. .41.3.131, .1,1,011 , -Am. Traci Soddy. 1 , - • 3114,111 : ',. „Matt - 144.3114 1 -,Ais. Ups' Ilis. *64: 1611.7431 .• -: ' ',.':463,44, .1 14.4091 • Awl. i Itie. Ch.• Vis,!; 00.56 Ci :, 1 . ~- .511,,,000 ~.. 11041 illailtees *Wei ..111W. ': i , ..-41,441 ::- moa t ili .. Itismele Gassdla .uss,_ ': ,$l,OlB l SLUR cAul• Vast Ustaiit - "-: 24As ' ,:': . 7434 :>, lilt; este. Cani s . Oa ::. :' • .'" 1,43 ':: : 4.4 tr Aat F. TA. B:C,llialhi - ' PDX! , ..: - -. ... toot - .., . • ! .tt ' 307.612; 1 Amt. Tniet 1;y . kelazty i(..lliate 441. • ' • ,1 o,eolgat. $1,101.04: .sl2 , A2ai • - Ti4il. 0390r, • - • • irimultrzy amen aaVl¢ls, ; , sri teal. ABth—littiluallit atter East*. Illicsit:v,Aets. rl ~7i goD41":04or .A.cis :4/ch. s, Tees. tv,i • • - - 19th;-Aseiasion: imp 21tbissIL-3.uk• xxl ? * D *lll sio. lc trrapsfßisises,ll, 111-14 i, 41; , f At 1034. A; N 4 .11 h • D. IWA5118001.„ ifeekr. , . • wt eruotitir c. J. 'buil p;. 101, the easily apaelatad pad 11111..PrarldraW topY;' mating.. priscAtoulorroiir at 10 Wrack., A. 311..; lead :,.set 1117 = TUX 1114:071D Pliisrtraupi chriiol secured ebb of„libllarialphia. to supply Mr. Colea pulpit,. lad Fmk' *ruliaisr 7 7 In nir""lir *WO H.sl, acktiirot Market arid &road streata—Satinatis maralay at 104 rietotitsviralup at 7) , i. ~ Prayer, • Martinpjfttaroday evaahriti. ar-714 o , clock. . • air a:MAI:ill wrist cutracu t market SqUara. .Prayer Stretiag,nialiturl oryfiundiyainrolga, at 1O 4 o'clock. Wriekly Prayer.. tiric7barsdit3r. eintaing,, at .7 o'clorli.. ;• . - 1- \ • • MirEVAISMILICAL MICRO% Oranibllt S ~ reet I Mir. C. S.. llsuartrßaStnr: Garman pinrirlsint . every Sunday • Siorming at 10 o'clock, and ast*lish, tn`.thr. a /mat% Ut Ma' KE6tari .11APTIO.CIIIIRCH,liabaango . Priscilla* irerY bird`i Day:3l4rolop and Evening, it 31.‘.101.7% P.ll. —• , -. • •.1 Vwturp, I.W•diseadaikraillait; ik itooei t . la rrettaralbr prayer, Friday' j r. '• • .11..15. *MIN, sea. I . I.IIIIIIIIIID. • All *velar .N.ticeiNlyst bllecomPaide4. SS erAl4 to gspittir is s tke I 1_ . *Pasro castiosOlee 0:11112.* Itrr.C. Winters, Inr.lassur Ositsr;le) Dose Lrlnork A. Canssou, bosh of Pale ♦lti, Bebe:pall Co*Ot.p, Pa. s• 110 P V AN-r-SICLISIA's the 11th :leis. biller.. Joseph McColl, PAssis:ly. Uonw asi-1111114, /auditor of Jobs Ennuis's. gsi.V. all of this place. _ .rso • ;. •1 • ' ' ...'-•8111155IIfi-ainillatb. tsi , enoth4leeibeiM; !WA. Intent Ilitidautto Strimer,ageell2 sew!. , • , .[. • In Paterllle,' J . mmt,Jecos' l it, !In the 54th-yearOf his- •• - i'ONTint-iipii;24l;ls4.i. In Ithhi. ,ISeenoith, genes, en, wife of 'liner!: Power. olupkivoij . 444 43 heats, =TAT firai Wiltshire, Zughtedk l . • Wlibaiooli:4e the 15th at tine`ileiderme Of bee 'mother, hlre: Ilaltenrtadt, IlAturg...i Mr 'a Maki . , 4i:to. E. VI y Omen: u'th• 2%1 b year . r heit The friendinf lb* faitntly ane reemperfoby inykted Ito attond Itie fp nernr. on Ithts whiny) inorolniT, it. 09, .erlorti ieriltiont further t rem ; . ' i • • ..comtuary. At a atatrd alaiding ef Lee est .7douotalo -Lodmoillta 6,75;1:0. 5 Y5l 0. E.'..badd last rifewing at • their hall: tbie fdinwtag preatot?lortiod resoliatifina tmaniteamil7 W ut}a?s , .. it itt l iti pleiterd,Diebte PrOviditnee to iitrittve from oor addiet oar. Into viessimVbriaber, - Mrte , J. `Bea rot; and e*enna.ii.**dott to ttsi 'memory of the Ider• at. '" a.4 • thatwrPlriletty manifeet oar *mitts , ties of his many noble qunll9es: TheitfOrs, with slaws or westioniti Om de . wail are of otti babied Mother, imd, will bold Is klesiOng remembeatiee hisonebanglad dee:sties to the litrotatir :hood. sod; tot a severed link in Mat mystic- rhalo, _look - •. with hope to a mentor in tkitt mirld Of bliwailke parr ink sto sonokrand e tenni the pettier separate. , Reeofver: That vs cherish and respeet the manly • tore br oar dammed brother.whose mild mid. porille;dia v . :nation Neared Cm many. (Asada 'sad toditentd bhp to whoio hiJad toterroarre. • ; ; 7 fitr.mtrwd. ThaSwit had degiintekthar Ifoiredieg iillsedwr . that roitiOellird oar beloved Mother to' Ma.a bi. coativo-. ,I•ms hi the l'isef and imbue' tor a season to hi ' friends. that wader their le:der-ear* sp'esdili Won., 'his Ites'th;*vs t Dow' &Mal! PSIMIC bia!ua* timely dealt, as It has.demlied he. V.. S.; Bat, *litho, -111/rlritt/ of $ too/ and. tree patriot. • • 1 That we tender mar %state tiara' I.miseOfis.P.Nior their Vetoers jesidmisistetiog . to the wants ordeal*, ofeurirortby sad beloved byorwe darine his ithweit. • • '1 • • Ites.tred, Thitiire retails oar tilmaira to Mbami , Selkayl kilts:id St. Child Lodge* • alio to the l'ortlCarann. grass' nand and' Marton.ltiffii diaagnoy, tbele landness and respect In attends% fti loterort el 'oar late . - Ventby' ,Eiseira, ll M, 4 , 44 ikrzspatiussito tbi ties* of tbe deeeued Wants Isfitlettria beresieivat,i and istaad to tient nor aineserseendoienes. We wAteberisb I with that. the memory of many virtitee. sod Mingle • our teseemitiatheirs. in Ma; km of a mas and W breithef. . Resolved,. that the.firegoitts perstoble and enec.tatkes . be plated epos the neArds of. ibis Loam led s copy be tfansfaitted totho afflicted fesdlnand Wool pnAiiabed the Muth .l4Wansi.. of - • /Weft, WU: tt. UORICIS, 800161 " r7. Ashland, l'a. Slay lath. illy.. ,‘ • . -, li.. • IFOR: SALE. TO' 1 11 T. ME 11E10-tAft3tiloll iSALE .11 .sonen.ktu.. 110 seresl-100 audio, cativitinci. a 4 nattllegeittit - SpeoaXe. 8 risk ifemtb•lPeire *kr Pee' id% lit ll'it et I twill that, nriereed. •,' i . 1 • 10 sena Igrptlin 3 iogiri-of tpttseille. 140004 Jor troKtag,Apply to: • 7.11 BANN ' - • ;.3611 , Esiate AB,Ut, PG4,11014.. 17, 'CL - : L.. • - • I /141'14 , 00 vett sali va,. pm for re . Asstebst it sot mg' aervieir of is;' , whomns. 1-464b °41 ►spies lb. Neri - k 16 Omer iart*bargi the aikingr TI T. tb. is. TO robe 67, 1 of W. Astrement at affibitholiat. . . . . , - L I OR SSALE, - -1; 1 5911 'sold; h9ule sal lOisiiHradisaiiblaicersts;' inested o fiebiyikill, AMMO* 411 tii•16011011111 pi l P42smine, &Spirant limit 'vas Zrdmiii's IRS •John Aisattmmes lots. Tist 41130 fist - frost 1:m1M fait dairy. 41 irloich is enseisd.ii psis and • hilugioq:Wilias Hoar la saviaisSitiiis:.;Tlial.S. is apil sioeltssi with fssit sse . Sbribbsrv• sal Lis 4isdps• bis redden* Inc tarps Aid Stbicpurtkeisrs apply, to ~• • • • .. I 11115.1A111N us. 81.31N - Al . l. , /A. 'et /1‘.14/1. COAL panics TO ea RENTED. T SVO Collieries ni : the 31ainitioth :or , 1 llesktos Tale. gray• ip. lair.icollenmelle trey to. anwond pates. Shins have b.. suet themeith Ilbt •iiiis et• bulb propellor le Iron . the totality 'lnd &Wit ness er the Coil. She- hind is situate le MOO Sion Creek Valley, ' _Cosesty, Wont halt * MEM Inn 'the vrooot lota at tags 11.-1•• IL a. 'kiwi I.in be e5t.4.4.41 -I * - 0. P 11 ,04,4 lip Made. übsaivca 408446 • • it " tanker lellereastioelrrytt 'no 11. pseeste.leit. tinkles. orot the I itait.SlON COLL CO2II time ' I Siallbt Walnut le.; thlinese shim. lasylo,'llet.! •• , • , -7; lliat •. ~, t . I V o OR SALE HEAP : The TiO, c pr., sea t m vi malak ihr ' oeillshieg a J Sonoma", in bon Ist Iwo betimes thre sad 11 . 4 * !mom *AU'S." . ' • " • •' 1 [ . I. OR SALE:! 0 ' TO - 1..F.T - l'h l %saw Nark* •• ant •etees, Ns' priti•Lerni ti t • a ss Sektissboe. Coign celiiii, Pa.. TB. poi& • the largest to the plan, sad boo hero onepleet lb" last LS inn by Whiles Hy^. • : Apply tol4 T ' - I • , T. -MOOTS& ranee . ~. ' '• • ' or I..A.:fIoWAS. YatO"Ill• llay - 3. 'I2. •• ". , IS -St 111= , vOR RENT.—A" RED ASK cOli 1.11015.11 find militsie Iwo.- ' 4,4 " l ir Y squippet. Sot low. Apply to - C.. 11. inu-I iti- Aorn - 19,111,-111411 •LI . - ~ 1 P9tt id ♦ Pionookoy ibis aropon `mat of lbw ...eatate to get Dm that tbe tor Ada. who Mk, that • 00k.t.-AND-TIMBER LAN P.IOE) arig. Tama lot, slyilit timer. VW Moe 11111. lAA 'end of nip Spry. aid adjoins limb 41i news. Siitilager A , in. itiebsibos. I:bi 'Finn' Amu. Compairr.i lll : law tract I* CVO **ids tan& it !line.Sian* 'ant, 'sod elfin. Wit nviiidimpreinseai COmplitay; aid Pidliterselfinsadikres Um • -Witt id Moisulaisiim , Oat Caine.. Air ply to : 1110nAli AVM. or L N. smarm,\lsla OR:ii4LE OR RiORAR,ORIOR f aimat.;.....h.ii6i.01,:, orstioa:ol.of* •at - • L worooo4 i balf, to 'Stop fool port ..of tbi- : ' ..f Saisokm those, 11101Orios fa tbo P, a X. sirli ea Casa stare Mori ii asiNtierintialogi PecurrillositillMlNelillibear SI 1114011. 1r lobisber Tata or Um. Miss. - I . . : • -alosi.lotolfeashke al CoatioiairooilcO;SOi - - - each. by MK too tosolidi* solliffy How Amok_ c.,egt, •J isi a Hos. -gibe rs , atita tirt as rim* bi Deck Swain. Mairiii cia As Atoka' et . DXSGLIX. lisolak•olckM/L l / 111611 " - ' - -1 ' 66 7r— i ti7 I , '• ihrilt ;II; 'lt --• 1' - • . , - : -• • rElO:k5l •ENGINEB 61 .4 pis bsiiiP,•••6l,_grass MINS& 4fir mkt. Apply at .11i• •-' A I Henill4,lll • oskiksaimitai:wast it Hsu indisui *mg lurvii•prillsekistV4l • • ill*. MOD T- Ckiert7i — as. EClit!SkLgj-VERY CHEA • 1 : OWINO bi - T . 1ii140014-wlikluseia 4 4•411 =l4l Ono 3111444411 e eater. . 444111•11644, 1 41 it ' gb.• 69 ., meth* lowlemithig 044. II 4 • Alma UMW et 14 Is* pips. vitli 11,1411444 11 " 1 .1te'LL r ....111 " 1ig.b.a ! of 111410414444 1 1 0400018,11ardb $1,%1 HANDYr .• crrir. , istro J iroik • 41/11.11.;..11.W1,11014120,1411.,101.iiiii14; - . .• . • - I! 1-, :2, VOC:-RErit;-4 . 110 . 1111; kt ti - 141011/11 ' tt 1 .00 , */I ' 9 11 4 11 i et ,1 • - lIDWAILD Tfigtitlir , ' 1 771 1 " . ': • skim • • isiat -,1411 14,04 t - A S I G ' .. . - . •• , -- HE'. VGgssT , ritEltit li ..L:- ,. iiiAlii,i-0n.. , .,- . . GOLD SILVER PAR OA.NIC. N Vaited firat•W7 340,1'mm:7 Lab WHITNEY I,l4ker, Pottavilie* coliP 4 l‘ EPiscoN Lehk aim ' Trhmaings, FVRSISUItia G 000& _ Wit itimiti attic time t>oerfreab stock of TRISIMINGS.• , ..-EmeRoIDERIES, - . \HOSIERY; CL091, 1, KNITTING ZEpIpIYRS; add Myteriat e , HOOP SHIRTS; of !helve! tuk t ,, ;pERFONIERY, - • . ToIIALY- ARTICLES aid riktiera s latesji style.' eptiot Costs, lirkols, saduk i k e. Ai n a Apial njidosisioat for Chilbute - JJ I „ A, WAttpLIE,: tietspooi Stand firturty ‘ 1:1047 11 .---. 4 _ 41 R 1 ' ' . .1 7 41NTE1).,.-' , ". - WANTED 4 -. Ry . ihe: Se ho . ol LB % ofilialsaaii * t9 4 lAshiik 1M loan J 112.0% obi bundittilglarrylom Adfft.e. TEIO3IIIIOX,‘ • j '- • ilipe7ti:l7 Bosni,Alad,,tet city ~ :17, 'ft.- , ' • tt IV - N ROO K !qt. • u to'irork oh lbw open cutat (*sty. to irtitio tho Wilma maces 1 , 10 bi g. 41411 Notably', Apply on: it* work, to JA II Ilaikri or to s .. , I[loVi fiatsaitt um, 16, LLt t N'tEll z ,--The' 'Su bs'icriber 'den. -A, teat, eirperimi lultdmilier; rh u , NA la lipciaredon • Irlaryurf 4:4 CON pust k i, Carib SW of ift•lir growth, is • vary favorable iormy, 04VAISo. Is this Costar.' Th. Amet•Covidm levabanva. ~11br tortbAr ply Co A. 8.1111.110 N. Eack r ip.ltve vieitolty, (r Irvin Aablaod) =' J. ATSAOa, ' • Mlfal A .,t)MlNtsTit&Toit•S'hioTice., , ••14041ro . .1g.b•robi ginge,. th at teiters of - 011'1 , 20A PM. sera .Crated by Tinnier af /fenny/kW C.no, to tboluadentig•oo,on t • -dolor Stay. / 1 14 0, be Mato of John Wlfito. or Port. CliUtCli, osset , .M 1 persoolvhiarlog'deatio