The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 17, 1862, Image 1

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    TEE =Mar 301111NAL , 1 , 1 1
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pill annum. payable s Odvenr e — -
erithluoiresnothe—an AIA 80 if ' - - 7 1 I I A R
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ds.: ROI:: adressee,) ft - GO , 1 ;
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na ro tbe Invariably paid I n advanpv, i 1 k
Y- '•• ~.-. , ...., 1 " ,
' I .f I- ,\ ''' 4.. . '.:.‘• -;-4 , •
.:' - - , ' .
•,' 1 •
Ibe arntehed to Carriers end others 1 . '[... ' •.. I no ,
~., ... ,
~ oat oo delivery, , ALE•Iry
gild Sr hoot Toadies" supplied with the , / I- (I
-, ~ , 3z. - -*
TTL; ..-.. - - r - -%*ic* - GENERAL ADVERTISER ' ''' '
La OF PrirIiPAPIRIL . ls ' „ 1 , : I - 1 '..--
- •
ire t e diseontinuance of the - Whew.
,-- term
y co"a"ts to ism! them• "salt 1 s • -I , '
, IL 1 1 ' _
I I ' I intl. Tut' YOU TO ritics 'rim. imitsus of . . x
I.TUB TAILTE, ♦ A I'. Euro our u rut CAT or uoustraiss, urrAuriincti OTLL OITZ WILLI/GTE To CIVIL NAXOS ASIO Illt/PLOT ALL TATUM' TO OVS * 1:11 IWO IsIXASVO .4onisott.
- 7
reset or relate to take
. .their neisope•
t 1 1 * I ... ,I ' L 4 -
.to bleb they are directed. thry are
L ------.---- , - , ,
toil hey have settled the bills and ' - 1 --- -- v . " - ji , ,
,-,- -------
' 6° " L ' - '
~a t other pieces without intornstny
the rerepApers are scot to the former 4 • - , 1 .r ,
~ ' , I
held rexpormble ' • 4.. E i '•,,, , I > r , ' - ' 7---- . '''' --
tad that refushec to take neon*.
y ,-.. m - 1 . , I 1.
or snoring. and leaving stem go- VOL XXXVII... I ' i ! '1., , , -,. T i ' ~ .ISATURDA. OWING ' AIAY' , I7 - 1862 r
, . • 1
'4+ filticipne• of itstrniional fraud . . 1 , • , 1
. • Tl.}iNS Or
_ • srv.stit
" nrit DOLLI\II3
.41 - c44.e4 , 04 11 0 e4 °
„ n • - 4
. dn. g
O rd
pent lo one; ade
Th. Joravit. '
.:534.41r ith; ettplars,
ar cy-rorarieosi
potaal. at $1 lb Id,
I r s t iberribert,Airdi
;: at* pal
u .werribers nog
irft from the office
, e •peneihle uni
t,^l them dieconi
7. jr ~3 1 Arriberr !not
i,u t,Ustiee, sad t,
v em.e,n, - th`ey anb
The runt te 'lineal de
from the tare, of
~ed fm - . prim! (a,
4 1 . .' RATES 0
cine Naar' of 10 It
.eivent inserkioncya
i.noersauts over 31io
,•111, •
s, 50 rents for one i o Inlion—sib
tits eseh. 3 Itors one tiide. 25
ineti.,l'2!..y cents eneb. All ail
, fur 'bort pfriods, charged as a
e i-,1•1 • , ‘, Oxt. Two.; TnaT.a. :la: • T1T95”..
1 .
7:-.,-iincg, 63' 84'. $1 25 .$2 25 s3'oo.
voriinr , , . 80 -1 26 175 2 15. •4 00
F,.elinew, 1 00' 160 1 16 CO 3 00- 500
~,,i,,•.; 125 - 225_• ;260 100 6.00
pi., lines.' 1 26 225,';2 70 - 4 - 50 700 •
fi , .;:o ''flea, 125 225 I -1 2 1! , 5- . , '5.06 •, 800
y : cs,ar.e., .1 25 ' 225 - ;3'oo 560 900
altlrlnt FITS LINKE 0 CITED AI %Uttar./ or TV% I.l:Cti. •
t•ne roar., :1 25 225 1 3 . .1 6 00 - '- 10 013
T., glasevs., 225 400. 600 900 14 00
Tl,ce .mare'. 350 ._ 600 . • - ',F 750 13 00 18 00
r - u, Soares. 450 - .s--no . I- Is 00 .141,00. 20 00 •
4 /,:.• r r4, , ,....' 600 900- : 12 00 : ;1600 •• 30 00
••I..4rirr .pse,r , for a Oct perinds, as per igrosment. ,
ji-Eu.lnris Not leer. $1 .4 ch:—.l.Frompanlod with - in .
~ , ,t,prtlwolrnt. 5.0 genrarhi . • . . . . .
, A icertisements befw tarilarges and Death,. 101w11tll
r. , llnelAr Orstinse'rtion--au haennen t inrartinna,Scent a
F .,• :int. Nino wordsare rountedas a line in advertraing.
tlrc•htnt • and other; advertising. by the year. with .
.i, * g
.A. and a etandi c adrertlyenient not exceeding 1$
_ y l lei. will be charge.l, nriuding uularription, $lO 00 1
ilr,ii t.lihl. Attour.t o four siiusrei. wlth. dun-
, A i an 1 aubscriptirai, • l , •. . • • 20 00
1 it,..1,•-ot dranges.'st the rat.% designated above. -. 4 ". .)
t dr ertbworants sat ( n larger-type than usual wjlt b.
,) ale egret .tO per rent.• sance.lon these prices:, Air ruts'
w ',IN. rhar;zed the aline as ietterpress. ....
;so Trade:advertise:lents fleceired feom...teertising i
1 A gCni• atiroal,•irept at 25 per [Ont. 14 , •11e• on the.. '
r ,.--.... uniess by siierial agreement with the poitilishei.'
lAisr , iiges 25. cants each. Drat Bacerampanied with no
23 rents: elithorat not lees, no charge. . .
i!; notices; ascent those of a rc!ichina.rhatirter and
. . , ,c•tocational . Purpoiwii. will ha charged 24 rents rurally
ii l a 4clher nflines nude] 10. -Over 101inesobeenti 1 pet:finir
A...-1.i1,30,,e,, , , - -.- .
i, Pro: l 4o:lrace of m tinge . not of a geWeral or public
: iharactir, rharged at il cents per line for each towel inn.
•... . ... .. . -..- ..
farilitatit'ealrulationi wo.vtill state that lines
oaken Folumn —lf4 firma half tolumn—andf4 littraa
-Ituarterrolumn. 293tt words mikk• acoltiron-147fra half
tor than—and :34 a qtiartrr colucin. All odd line", over.
u -h 'squats. rh.srged at tha rata of 4 rants nor line, for
ao• time. and rent i per, lino for three ki MOS.
; _Yearly adrertirarsinurt {online their advartialn . ig
own'boolness. ;Aro:trios for others, atitio'of Era,
aro not Inttluded.ln buatntris•dattrtlsitnents'
Atterneyat L• •
• 14111.. ELPIITA
Sout s la FOURTH St ,
13— ._
nomoyild toll
)lurk "19:.,'61 •
I,CIIIN P. 11011 A IZT has-rtstilnetlthe
t "lorarine of -tha I. omen Cot:alio street, optitsitp
be .4 mencsn Finrsh. .
4. D.< •:,••cl
B. GOWEN,'AtO.i'ne‘ .. .
Centnistreet.l4:o.w Isiop v al
V I LI. E. P A f '1.2-1y•
4 1 1tAN KM N i
-a: LA.. 4i fft ,—;
„, b. ..,
~ r.)TI - t.
• ---_.—_,
1 (111 N 11. Al)
/ 0111 , 4.—N0, 16 .1
Nov. :S , . '59. A I
_-_-- .. , .
V.E It sT Rio u ~. E, Atte)rnev at Law.
-iin•—Cent a street. •'Dp^rite the Tem'si 'Hail,
qtrW.l*. ' -.-.,
,Fil.ruary - V.'l' , o t• •'...
_ .
I: 1 ta.Nl .-k S It. BANN AN. Attotile at
1..i.r. -)lii 1., ,,pp..itt.echt rp(sr , rp2 - ,
,Irch. rgtts•iiri. Pion, . f N07.f.:0, 's6_
M, Counsellor at 'La*
street, 0t00tn3.5,`, New York.
- PIN NEN. Aito r neyt:i.nw.
, Aidjhand. ettuttly.' Pa.. will set ti
41• it is th•purehatio and swi• ttt feat alma tai.oollecado,
Ashland. Ma, '57 21-1 v
111 - 10Sti)i'llE R E, Attbr
-. cloy at Law. roil-9,1110 'zichtly T,L il I rount a. Ps.
.N.'dt-4 , l• l lalialittingcs street. etiria•ani • ,
`a; ' 15-ty. • '
:ft 1 k V I D 13, GREEN. Attorney ati.r - y,
:,! l yetp.i..: oath . Watt cartifr Carntra and
loa•ret .;reatit', ,, ionn- Story'. 'Entrance on Markid St:
,' • ii-LAt...i'v rt-n-r Itia In Ofrkniin.: • •, -
IN121t1:4; Eilei
rket ct. above ad. Po7TSI 1 LUN.
tEY. Insurance Agent
Street. tear Ser.rt,Ttail.,
Itt A. (';M)
) S, LAN(
- - -
1 1)0N ; Suri_ron :De ti
I. See-m k ll).or street.
• Ninv 5. 1 1 %. 1) .
AVER. Pottsville. - -I ) a.',
H,tobor 13.•!,5! 41-ti
. :an.! v. TO-3t l
A ' ):. state
1 - oy rtf V. t'Amiuty; Pa.
--I.lahann'y Ctt;
ig•ri,t, )LAVA I
.14.1•1 for lg,lthipik
MA.-t SO, 'el
NNEI'III. •••••
g•yttlinirer ind
- colliery Vtelver:
. Mint
Derenor 11:'5.11 .
E()lt(iE 1
Vintinvo; And .
sarelia.• ^L mar.,
'FISI.,EI?. :11echatii(al
.Prtinghtsoten, atiends toihrisale
inerv.•od to the re•building and
S, 'SD
ror - the l'urrhase.qnd
txte: buying - 3 . nd t"•;sl,.ta•
Isfp•is. Mines Se. tirte - relteetittg ! ! L o c . t • s e
Asko Strest, -!" "
• - 11111.4 .
• . .ng u p ..r nid F .
Cal %Ise,
Real E
c - ^. srce of 0,1
91if• Nlahait
. .
tiA.- Otto. do.alPrg
- 1" Alan ,
• White
er and Dealer in all'i ^l4 i
iumt, P . a :';
'I , iteOKL5 Cirg
or 11'.\ ES' , antl
Wript. Varket atroit.
VI- el.
Ncl!, fi2ll Dyck. street, rhilad'aSi
1 7,
11 kinds at Eaithen Ware and
ellow Ware. . Fri-t , ,3 , •
II angini, Vases for_Fi.....f,te_. td i
So . 1,
T:. :r1: OF i,ti
itzfacturer of
•L • ' Co,
11...11AN 1
!i! • i , 11 rf C.
-- •r^r• IV:
Ai.te*B7. I
N N, Asent' for the cql-
Rents. si4 Beat;
: feet; ppo!qt• th• F. rise:opal Cbar;a,
V.lleitns.alitin P. 1 . 14•1vt.J00
• nyder, lion.) W: C..urrrat tip. t:Sward
In. 31:
1 .
.'in • • '.'Lgwi,.l
Lewisft- Martin.
•:„•••••••!1-,. Surrltlllll.
• ..:••• Asnip , :y Lands, N iter ." ;
•134 all othir built:mm:ln th• Hoe of S
• • 7 ' • -
EECIIS, ,Nerprit bla-harlneas efrs
1•1•4. making oat
a-. Ilia long exporienno. and ottivr••i
-• • , t•'' !!- • ro~ ntr•. gi•• ti im '.collar adwayitages - '
-- •••;t:•g thi• `.ranch of bu•mires.
- '—C•n•re ss treet. at' dAnr . bet.). terms.
•••••• - .Tintio , r 5.'f 1 1 44-I,
. TEE STI. 1.01715.
heattnat 'Striet; between' • 42 -":
' Third andl Foorth. -•-•- I
Thil4delpthia. .•
;..Na. for. a tertn-,4 yeare4
•r h tr •• the I , .easu, of annouhetng tC
' rts•• , lnit to-tneturitr. tbat. - it
' • , h• - •..4. - p!ion :vers. The - hottre, stage:
1.11% ha. 1 , 44. n ent renovatri 1
^. I sop. ..4 manner: th••partm•rf to at, larre.l
i. a htiftl,i.btat modern at•le. it I.:
."."• al: th• dep. - 4 and stalm
•orthe Cue
a P wel.ra art tbo-C , rio fft•-hanc•.-' •- •
.h.eraf tt• a fteirauratt. foa,, the a•-;
• t Iho t e e.rfae•in; th• Fur.pera plan
Ftoemrl•-•.-1 Th-e. to. Seven Dollars per *ask
• 1. tr.
...r. t s . t,y , T. 41: li . Tatt• d'lktit rm. mtrshintiapd
!li!unen,fryst 1 - .....i.3. P. M. :4 -- '
• lirint.Nrii.:,
! . ISAAC 1.....111:V015...
t!} - .
•---.---',---;-,.- I -
. ,
, 1 .
~ Centre 'S.reet ; , • , "': --s
. -
- Al iteleraigine.l llsofert !Ll:kr int , rtrt• the Ito! , :iet.lhat ;
hal ioteri the ee ~ ittlt..e Ii: tike EXCIt VNI;F:. 1
da•o4, at tilt. e-trett• of eeh•re itza.l Call^whil airier's, ,
lus•i: ie. ati I .I:‘ 1 •. ,, 1tt her *hell. tinwanit wateetka '
, ahtng It a '''ei •" , aa h - tei 5... at fve.i.4l *in be
. 1 'el (1 , • ~ , ` ,
, :z t r i.t , .. , • Kirs',4ot tzl2 , Cit:z. i•
. at•
•I to til. h . :,314 Sh• rear... %W- --h.,i,t. t;., •
•• !';WP' • • •
4,-•••••• .74 • • L'A -6.- • •
,• - • 4
•25; 174 •••••• - • , ,•* -
• • sW- -,• - :•••• i , •• • •-•Al• 1. -4,
W- " . 1••• -. 4 . f
• 'Ds %tuts 'ix
.. n
Locust- Blt:andl.Bioad tip!
. auto. summit or ' C oal. 4
BEANEWMEA W. Itt.NET 111t001C - , j i
Best Quallti sof Red' and White- Ash
ShlpplngWhirr• 1 Port Richmond..
Orliero--:No.: . tit! W : Etru o t . . 2 t ll';ll r.l e lt i l a rgEl,Plll . A.
• • Trinity Building. NEW YORK:
street.:lloSTON. .i , I'6l . 71
Pier 1. , i0. Il• - i' - t‘.
. • • BiIiISTON lt . CO.T . ;, ,
IRIPPiII oi ..
3 . 4 .. Qvatrrits . or
',- • ,
.. ' :LAND COAL. alan..ll 4 ZLET0N.411 , ...
. . • . - ..- 1 111(111 COAL. '
. -• 217 Walngt stnaaLl'hiladal*bla.' ... ' .
L POICRS: 4 Nenadr•aL SitrieTnri; -. ! -
.• . - 171:inane atnnt. Roston' . • i 42
- Np. I,
.. . ... rid, No. 14. 1 . —..`,
1 1 . dr:-
• - - • - .. szi,, , ,,R.cor . ,- ' - C0.,,•'
sho.puOL' . .7 7 fAl '.lll..linirl it ATII AN StTEILIOR
• : . • RED IV.IiCOA LE. ' • ' • . •
45 South stryiet,:Now
1:::2 Vga'nut garret, Philad•10114: r 53.43
• .
• -
V hart 20. 71.' `,I I .
LEWIS UDtNitlEp',4r co.'"
- •
ROMMEL, POT'I'S :di CO. ..
• (21. 1 5 Walnut .:.iltrotot. Phi Isitelpitilt. . .
OTFICES:e 110 . Ir , ,i4.riv. Naar Vora. j• . . ,
.:. ' • i Stat. St riet l .irid Morrbarite Tto...rtstioa.
~ . , . . . , - ~,
I' ' • I '
' I IWhan4.l9ln.. 2. , • t I•
1 - • . REPPLIER & BRO. . .
-1 •• - . i IN. I. eor. Walnut a Fouri,h, St.., Pkilatta.
--` I` OFFIC,Eft:. 35.1 ino Street. Now York;
.. • .
! . • ( 2errhants: Batik. Bulidiiii,l l P IA
_ r07._811411.
--DAVASi.PEARSON 4i1r..C0.; - '
_l ~.."anNtr..! &fr. .tiir ?SR. isl , Tllllll.- ,
' % II 4 POIIN ‘ - 'I , IN - 1 • ..
— I
, ,
OTICICES.:) No. 1 1 Broad w a y. Room. No: 9 Trinity'
• • • : • 11..;°.
I AllVa ß la ui a tet s t: " . N t :.:07:1 4hi1 ..... : . '
lk Doan. SA root, Bott'Od.' '. '': .
:::iVaCii., .DELAIVA KR ATENU.R. •
ornarl. PA.,. tan-Lain..
" J
' Wharf No. 2.
rit 1111:PPLIO or c 41..:
Viril: ITE ASH
fromthe Kfriti and )IT , I.eVFA t'ttLhliftlMl
Tr .= th
I)3 Wain a tS . treat. r.
'VST mornr*
oPr forsd •Ittelitie.ol : l
lid Red Ash .
ir,:.l•,:,t.t . ph,ii.
irros. - S-)iuyltill Ri
• W 1... F. goODI. SVrp.,
: ..S:buyll
• • Tobrusivls:'ll.
- ± ----'
;X O'rICE, ' t'ha'yeiproinird e.AIN-:
~. , ~,,,K,.. , . K 'els arimt•-re.rq'cli VWCEI
MOUNTADi•COA , fro Loewt G.l4:4„:oUle•ry. • .
H. • ' ••,;' - ' •• i GE•010.:13. Wr rAts fit
j. Ler trot Garl.4in ;,-'6 ;
Dusen &Ipehman.
aznat Su. Philadia.
tr.. Billding4 N. York.
,• • - op
,PricAs.2. Tftis
East 1 . .
l i e . . 1
tORSON'S - ' ' T lFfaaklin • Lor pry Vela - C*2ll.
s -1047.1 4 1 e ,, 1 r 1 ie,.. [llll E.isT FRANKI.IN ,LORBR
• Y ' C'i/11 i ' I , . , ..
It . - 11.
~-.,.., . . II On*, 10,4 •ZTISIIIIrI.II by... 40111, 1 ,.
ILL ISLAND, ,. o 1 A .,. CALDWELL A pi * vb . ,. are , D , ..1. A gi ot a .
ARE • EIyEE, , , Parties ardaring froen trNim, asay alitayi depend epos
, or YiIItADELERIA. Puing ipur•,art,ici- " - I - • 1
- • to lb* tattati" marital. on ' Mo. 1142 Walnut 111., Plillall.a. 1
„. '. ; i No. • 1111troodway, - Telnity'llaildllog,
i Niits slll end ateriai &dealt. ! ' • 1•In• 'York. , 1 ''., I
iloritlotualet.4 cit ellatilltb. • NAM 31 Kllby stri ct, Iloaliin,.
, • 1 n iimtt ON
rri st. brink SPCOND. - • ITronxint, Slitrth 21,"42. , ~.
.: , 1
. 1 , fm(r) RR IS has fit,eili. suoviLT l y COLLIER V. SPOHN VEIN
[. i.ty th..maL tone .f C....c...t frHE C,N DERSIGN ELY' have per
, S.; just baiZ , l. tba Nat'l - an!. ; I ebated lb. srdriN .vrtx cot LIERV,-I"rniuy
t i {mit during thisradr:n. i ...eked by oprwge Rietert, had aro no* prepared to con
•ailiniat 151.4. Philud'ai.. ,txset f. elbe ilnal 1 !
~ i .Iz.s trt -'DI it AM, Ft - kin. 110 11ra ? iliray.klmth- NN 2 ' Nie•
-_-.1 1 re.:4- Trot. i•'p tire a' IP • -44. n I r•i;iblitelobnited Coat. All er
TVS COAL ditto 1.9i1 rueee with prompt attentfott , - -
. • ' . 1. , ...R. MILLER : if t: -, Pt:4,lg , - Ps.
--- . ,• l ' -., 10, 31. 1 '(,:. i ; • I 1 41-tt
f • TICE. •' , i --'—' '
I I..Ert. b TON'S lik CO. ilia
• Libr th is 4 9.Vl .lll in! , r s oaLibe
, marl” owned trod worked by
• :.WIND-41111
C'a3 i,ne.i acii 4 eh!
rweatisidoo... •
a c t. !ix, t
ball till.
OPTIC!-133 yr
- April 6.'L
kJ. tiell'f , roliipi•lncl
iiorharf. Floc ..r
. s, ts
Ottler-No. t 33
. • '
I 7 . bariappn7otiod I
rStOind cu.! %/111.1 .
pendOet of tb• Coll
tetGg $. Urrct
Lix;itot Moan '
;htd do
'Poach do
im Locust % Ce ll a r;.
" 'racist
kartunith Veto do
•-•.!, Laid). p, .J 'to •
Cn A P•t•E'S
1&.1160. I . • - •••
... 1
mosso' sslr of the:lib:me UMW
f*iladelptita. No
; "deade r
°Mit eaa 0n10T . 4
s- • •
TTLEN, n'tINE 2.
3•9 8 W 54190 Stt.4.l` 'fo l3l.Wda:
tsinity rtuthi erg:, 'ow rk.
92 St.lite.S.L. P.-Atria, Slam,.,
• ri.C.nnurtleto- 1 • -
i ItEePLIE4 4 ttEpTntß,
• ‘ • - i -rbilAs•lpasa.
O YRK • ' '—. ':.
1, - - r ,-.-•• , _
BONNEialf.. l Jr. - ,' -
laity ..116.11011g,
i - - NEV .ifORK, -
',i , .:1 PRHITHd_APR ' ING.
in bintosi :4141Tidolli - sytr.
COAL. dri ''l de. ' 41 - 3.•
C: P Nor.TON ~- ; 10) •LOC rATI:HirPIT A III•
. COAL. i.. boats t or ro„....cri yew :at,
ran I.l:brit!Eß T' on ' E.cit , / • Trmas ai l Pilii.ol.
.. . Naas_ Gnot: i• vti CinaieThia' O h Cat . ..
FP- tb• lintia.l: 0 . 4..e . ie,it. andNl • :•44l kliftr l Trsli.
Mirth 9..11. • i I-
. ...i. 2 • ;,, ;p i 13.9 at
‘. • - - I H ' a_: - - :i`_.7 .-- .: , , - , -- : •• : . - 7.7_7:
Or, abererte:atral
Noir _ 4114:
li. -
* for sal,: .
110INEY I nuir
x!orNitiais. 4
•et l•ra Kati • l l
atiCK - .711T. CO L
- •• •,-: ' , 1 ~, ,
.. :.I.4VEteliS - YAll ey .: •
• . _
Ftaitilin - tal. i .
. .
, I .
V OTICF: 4 II4.-iinder.qtratil . havirte, ,
... itii!•4 for e• rrfaa Ibe miii•ii iit vsii Liivi; 1
trorof mod ghost Id test ri Cool (Itooptaittk+N .. • bk - kii '
tAis Ly lain VallfA -PrilAiLlici Cal to toti t oo. or knOlo belt
-1 111••12 161 114114 ;IMO an strasestooot ottril.
j p 40 . L, , HENT, . - 4 1 DOpt ars ettS..Dotattot4.4 iod
11A LE REstri - qto. • of Val: Itivor„ ati0.,114 tbititoolo
tato sate oast obi I to Now tostiod mot Now Yak
ot M
tlos WM. ' • ~
7,...,7! • 7 71 7 ,• :
• N gig Will/ 404 1;9 ' 1414 .f• ails W tbillil!
ra t s
lIICI4 an rf*/* • *twat& botrasortml tolt4ll sum , . t .
low. Knits; Ka t o. .. ' • tiLlilllf l llteslUM . - . .
- - - (Sonoma, to 4111,41 thodios.) i
9,4 11 imei,ol pie vix•e. Cal:".
rillatelrkla,! . Ar k ::,;cr.. • ~. -I [ - a.— '
ad'a.& Reading . R. Re,
I i i, • ,‘.:,',... pier .ao. .
.. : .
. , 1 .
~.&.=To E . lk• CO„I"
' . • 1.1...... v......,..,,,a,..,... 0, . :
1 5... . 1 ,
~,,..„. and ipiriO , ue Ash, 1
iIiCHIALKILIC-AND L1E11.1.1-1C,1111C0 . 4 . 111, 1 3,
~.. - - AND 1
GEO.4O7fri..PMX CCM E11,.L.41iD COAL.'
Philikielphis. •• '•
s 07Y 1 ICES I - rif ; : a a • in h u ktirte ld ' ree Z 1 : '1 1 113 1:tPro 71filli mei: '
1 tiCll3lo46
' i 'J.PISR NO.,' PORT -.- ', • '
l ' i • -''' it
. -
poisnktpß- Bg. Fit
5? WE Rion
altos 'Aviv! 5 • , , I
Cast ner; ~ S tirkney • • -, Wellington;
I .
Agent 1' .1 -
!Dr Abe oialo of lhelrr_ eelqbrato4 f.OCPT MOU,S,TAIN
, .
~.; {Trinity Tork. .
115 Milk Street, antort.
133 Walnut 'Strook.,Psllsdslolls.
"1 t[4so No. 5, ItickirOorad.
April fli.lll ,•
.1 I . Plot 2704 7.
I. I I:..JOHiIR. t
. coma,
NO. 7r PO RT
.i Ic l iiitoND.
• t• • '
oFFle"c' N 0.310 Walnut groat. Phlladalpkta. .
1 No. 300 West Thlrtieotk at., Nair York.
dotolart.l6, 'SS .2 • 41. L,
- EI,4.Z.iIIETIfiPORT,. .'&(.
CO;`.AL • • . :. - c044. . , ._ , =COAL.
1:1EIVIS. ALTEINitIED.. & . . ' 1
-,..,., 1 . i--------,-.- 4 + ----f - --- -
•,.,',2. , . - 1 7 ,
~ 2 0i lealnut street. CHI 4-1.1./ELPI/I.k. . • - 1 •
'' .•''' 1 ~ . ..71t0 Illroadway.llSlVr 'MIRK. j,.' 1 .. .
: I • 1, a: , . 1 • , • : SO Stl,toi!nest, BOSTON':
, '1 • C , t ! • . - ' ' , li.
Walesa.; rs 4,5 tat b st rarierirs'arD mane
.COA,L,-,ale Preprik.rt . p.f. Faql: SY+ . el: 0 4 / , ..ry t , 01 , 4a-,
Dte . eif . pp!olluc ny• arrn 150.009 1 ten a' rar ~, f Mt e,lebre
red Dlaat r o,n; Reel Aih,)aiid-Bi. I 11111,2t1 ( Sktio.kih.j
), 1 . • "; ' AP3 4 V,
Latin itte A' nts for,tti•Cnd• of ha purrly geni3int La. ,
gnat NI an vit a tr Cnal.frani,chd.L6:ifit Pais Cov.te, yr of
CIA ,I, i C.
k Co.. all.efjaihizihlw!ll' be shipped- diriet
!.,,., , N,w Tr . k.i'.'ala Racal:: or .outwit., via (31-a•Orich
ricia.. (bacon. Nikay Lard. E!.hilagalphla..) • .
k1..54% •.
At' 1 .):Ii l ladelphist front PiPi No:11, Pon - litich...
;- 1. , . Mond.. • • , " I
Thu {haleist ' qualit Ira' cf. nib. and. rii IT*. 'ASTI .
Ctik La trbm •Syh taylk ill 'Cbun:Ci. aelersad. ail 03 .snielat
ears, and'ehipped under ptir.o f rabnal anparintendanes.
[ ~ 1 . --. .. L-.---- ----' ----- i — H ---L-- _l ---- , •":' i .
' (i .- : At Ilizabethlicsit. W. I. • .J ; ,:- . I— - .
LilllG ItritiNG IIut;•TAIN 'and CONCIL. B.lpod}'
.. . . .
1 - • - From Baltiniire.",,d. - •
. .
-The eigebrited 111011.sinnit purmiNOCB CO Li
1; ,•. ,i-____________..k _ _:.,.. _ __.— ,
I • - • ..; At Jersey CitY, N.J. -' . ... I .
~. : , - . .(ria.L.iiiin,ned Mivrris tlina/i) i -
- This spry superir.r.WL Lli L.ITA.ItIi i.".• COA L. from; the
Fidifineov:` l'nst. taken: (rote.. the ••_Aud.nried Imptnes.
mint •ret.i C,isii Coat pa try's' Elikete, - near Wilk esta rre:
Oil. the , COUNCIL , Itl D 6
. .COA . Lf:teth et... hirli, (or
steem ptirprees ankfor family%e. a. Ctouiirposird.l
.Iqe. hvtd esertitratiis in •mar el cos.ffrom parties ir h ,. . ,
vipiv z -
haee used and fully tested ; , .0 - 411. and pronohnes
themriliyss.r Ms'rrhgc:
. 4 , 40 s MrF team to .tissi4to
durin: 44 . .!li nker:ip asttes add knew* blase, th an'any
ether Med. now betutethePtOlaßL'l' ' - . : 1 -•
. • .
May 1 , 159 : 1 --, • , 20- 1
. • , cnii=
- •
'D;!kl`fil'Cr 52,1
cii:.i s
1 001 i
t,„..IIEA T ET :
f i
..1 {I f 11TC,#11.3 n 4
,? 4 .1t1,1 7 1 1. CZ° 4 , '
4Uy I ILI 1 1 I is. on . PC
, '
, .
• No. Lit. Eroactliay, Neito,:, Tort
! ftrn thetC , u.trt T:csear laztoiton. , Ca.. and
4141.1. th s i% •a0.E1.....N. "" ••
I • ; ; .
. 71:11Y.N. • • < 4 4}..XIVAT AUNTVIN„ .
".01•Ir • _
A. 411!
11. :;c 1 PInft Vrn:lirklAnnz.l" DIA.II.INT);VEIN Er , ASTI.
MOU,NTAIV, E1it..114 - I!%T VEIN E.ED
1 .4 BITE r
. the•llnies ■an4 on f.t;itt:Vot :Ts"-
' 7_ *- •
_ •
rrtrritroi, Nrw •
17 .1 ' •
.1 ADA T. p•Torf, •S. TAN irlelaly, 0.0111-Iti R. Mafprllr.
'fit •! - : ' ! 22;:,
scguyi CO -:
i . -;.• pll!fltj , Jol.l .,
.ssirrii 'os.; 11111 c*Litil”ititir:., :• •
,i )
Bl , ltek • 11 . ta4b IV al eris6,and:ft4l4o4l .
.!Itloim4in Fr ! !lining Pi44;',04
1: - 1 ' - i'- ' . A—ILI '.
•-• ~'..'
T. 6.7 intoiLits--Po:rivuli or Millais nil, S.etityl
' Ail c.•it,t7. - pp ' "' - - i
1 •
..#pril 12. '6l.'
1)1P CliLtlll.llo , lli
o- cu Mountain Coal.
: .
J.J. t.pix •' 1 J. FA24GAa4,
•.• - '
• k . lll Coataty, r ,
'I.IF V 0.0 REf S
1 I
Lewis Vefir Hed As.h-C631,1-
Pror“,h:•••:NEW DUNCAN.C , ALLIER. I .
ir mines nn , -otimei•P:al:.-erbirli iiainime Its • .
• •111-t.ery gales 1.4 ' GEO: E IN. .g oa t
pott - svpi,Nareb Pune S, 1-l
-- • • -• .
• - I .l , l,l4.jakumttni a 4w - sect 's
fleet* eliarhiowflm,
breekin Coal te, am du the ma r ket dramard. ben'. Ter.
lb. er•i the patent. open niasne a bl i tare.; is•
• NM
earned 9xtbe bOainf4. .1 •I 7 •
Ps, old it tor one la m iTrellerg . in web di. ib4,
will be Mere go en, en• edo aitt ina4 a tai r ,r r ial to.
•zarbleel and permit amen:in(
sew.* It:lope - •
, • Gneseele. o r ! 111 ("neatly. Vat
. I
sinTL 30 TO ;TS
.1 In tae 'Fut* in OM
ed lisetsire Patent for a new and a letbl
went In i tba breaking ef 'feat reverlfillr came Os
mini to Osgood...twines of the winin g palate and nab
and 4.111 OENr Ntwrat induremesta ibr Its intender
tine iineeral sae.. ; . AQCILA fIi)LTON '
I • • !tuft Carlenn..Bgbuylkill''CO4io7
Feb- ..•
- tat} Improvement is Cial Setu p
'rile' IINDERSIGNERare now rt.
•to.'od to pas esti a tali; WO. ital toorotilta.
ttods! ofrOcitHICVS tott•Oloa Coati of tholloi
-pit‘onit vatintactiro patea_tod to lovas Lautisottin i tab
• FON taro. • •
lootoitattarad t etas prows; aro m et* da3lll-
sal, iota MOO
F. 'Who. and; ant fili al** as
otiose safratoito lbtfotta hi Um Opinaty. • 1 •
' lb4l ore arado f, genre Ivo, in :is& Mope al to
oOttoot b.c,-*1 aw n ~vit► to la* otboi
I.#oit taitlKoottiltamortod.lbat prritiottic 11., tatter
thaw coo to Om, nos hes or olsoarneas. ' .
•, 01 froll attplott Oriatota
ova ttmetkortoro, to arnito lbws am tap
their Sil . kta- at iffaft el tbs Illtnaatollt Teta
4 1 614 1 4 0 9 -1 111 rtaiw. emir ft. clatri .1104 ,Oto7 *i'e
tam lo far. otoo Mac: • • •
al paimaiiimg miler Me PlaniCIMS.
ptha.. rY.jtwsbbrtMptttott trhimilt toolaWiaL•
-.111 meek those vitt prosaproasijuolt lompatek.'",
: J. Laysmorittit, •
taetaritte DOR:.
. .
. ,•
Philadelphia.---Piers ' , for the shipnlein of inttir4c#As.
_ .
Aatto the tneetableadeessi Leif+ the amen -
ribon or the slave. under the 'wit power ' •
ranklllr Brownian, the editor of the Qesit ' e y
. •
1 r
Review, published . st tilt file. Br- , • anson a
itllteliart.Catholiti 'and' is Revlon was est •::
. .
listed to sdvanee the teneteof that church; • d
• -
in point of ability thie -Review sank, withl"the
. 1
hest =alpinists of the day. A fee weeks age.we
published as able ittiele , from' bits pen, and
. _ .
now 'append siather'eqUally to ;the poled. tablet
'Ws commend: to the• attention of at readers.-
attenti on Coatin g from that stand point it is eignilleant ;
l ~.' ./este Ilirtaltneas's limited, Iteettier,
' i TEE BLAV./SITCirESTIOr , sift To -is
- mina ; - •__ 1 .
Slater) is now the,qinstion, the great'qsseelion.
the whole: question before the American peaple.
sand it deyettds an Alto disPeSition we make of that
question whether we ire pi are sot to continue to
be a nation. r WS cannot j blink. it.i, it _ we would.
It enters vitally intettei Stroke's or the nation
for lire, and we must dispose of it, so 'that it ean
never . againi come op. or
,all • one, efforts will he.
idle, - and.all eye imerifines of men and inoneyLwill
he:woken than 'oat. - 1 - .I - ' i• . 1 ,1` . " . .:1.•
-The Southern Confederie ry , against ,
'called *Statee-ere poet hurling their'armedfordev,
re e l "Lt,; n slavery as it. .t coiner - stop , and derirT
from i t ode wiry, reason 'Wits ellite es --Grin ,
if yondosiseupon It, that' the Sole ;feet o , f i lthat
a i,
illegal and dangektuik.oolatedeme
..ii is the
Preservation or extentide id' elaver4; still. he oh
jests of that,Confederaley, the end for which it
has 'been fertimed,..dauted 'the ".tentiaan e of
slavery.', The preservition and: exidea ti Isla
frery,inay notes tbe,did the - rebels ve. in ...rid",
but Slavery is the „indispensable; sans to! that In
'and. . :'.,', . -
.. • i i''
~ ' . •.
It is', we Sup Pose, the ." objeet.of• the Hafted
Statei is the Present ;civil war_ to break op the
bouthetn Confedaracy; to. ut dOw , and otterly
i v
e xtinguish' the present ,rebullion, nd, as 'fir as
human foresight and. ,human 'ability can go, tit
giant against nay like:rebellion ins fuestru• I The
lily of every nation atimild be, Arai of all, telt
preservation; or the maintenance eta its uwo 2 ,exis.
tenet and the integrity of eta territory . Oar na
tion eanl do this only by renderiog aniversateither
the alas* system or the free laboefrystem,:legal
ising Slavery Seerywhere in theland,er.permit
ting it nowhere. 'Were we. to 'bent as "we are
beating,: theirmiei ot. the Conteditiosy,and :crush
its.preserit Military power, ere should, se long as
slavery occupied its former-position; at best gain
only a truce for some fewyeari , nol solid oridura
tile peace. The embers; of `the ribelliou would
'still, slumber" reedy to break. out and burn i the first opportunity. I _The alaveholding
int might content again'•io
.goverte'and al
lnion foe its own 'ende, Vet it - would...not
• • -,
aguisbtid, and would break ; ,out in a still
;furopidahle rebeilion,, itiad agaih cutlet:llia t,
Rion, the moment that the interestout are
i should those itself able an cldsterMiri ed to
its ewn rights and le4tittisey. :
~,..1 , I
I. It'is' nicks/ to multiply words Shout it. - There
;pan eel do permanent oaten of freedia withisle„
, . .
The thentfirestlon and Brood'rep•lttvitallio I'very, no. national unity and integrity with 'slavery
tam Railroad and C,osit comps'?", is emehelf of the Suites and free ' d'om in the stbpr.
Respiktfully silt the illtentibnl - 4•11. IL: ("miracles. IWe have tried the experiment fur the best part of
Stesmbrort Owners abd,L3laritifieEttrers tl ~ the aloe id
iecenrary. end•it. has failed. etterly !failed. - Pres
tbeir.COA I. as 'a iTtIA 11 f.i EN ERATOR ;AND FOR h i A\
I dom hie Made all co neilistile iiaerifiees.toi eery.
CratTlf,RlN.: PERPtiES.: '•- _ .. ' .• •
Ftt•Ln, ~ .Compromise si ft er- coMpromise has - been COO elated
' •
to trehave:eoppreised the uttrrineeraf o r no
flawing 'ronniketion with PHILADELPHIA AND NEW
:bleat couffictions; (faint' that we duild. to stifle
YORK'. both , y Canal and Railmid. tbeduch ,l'ennoyl•
!the itreeressibleiinttio its. of butu'enite, I t t, by
'anus and taw Jersiy, to nal liable to the 'igenU:4l"ns
;InOte tutrit.or•deeti, wejthight endanger the sifety
vf atilpmenti intilsnt le ibe....4ltriair.% ilirtutelws Cos I.
Sumo , . an d,ns i ttiter Supplies esn.atifely be coin:wad ; upon lOf the• Union. and the result has
.been ed tempt
thrungbout tte year. , , 3 {on the part; of the South foi • the 1 CniUn- tieing
!North, and thepreactinrelsellion,- lAmt. ew "el of
i • ' Lent's Aiidenried & Co._l • . }the. eiperirnen I. ein'etieseeil-no better. font efiVo-
Wait nista ay.ranome'n - ta w herby they• ire' 'in • ditty re
iple df the loyal States'. if they wOulik Vep . in the
int of forge quirrotieot,f tbe rtrirest BROAD Tot': and approach to selfrespect, tunnel teddy
they ans,preparCl to ell erder pn,lnctly. St market rates.
Imake mild correessidns,l. or do more they they
• .. 'I :1113 , Walrilit street; Philaiier . phia., -
I have alteady done:to-render practicable anti per-
Ofricts . : - i u" . ?!.F' - '-'4 , ..Y. Nee. Fort,, .
~, ,
, - ,1 14 K.-..hltcfre,rt. Boerne, , • ..., k , ~ • ' - • raiment that union. ,
~The experiment.: has faired,
-'• ili Wasiminster Street.,Proridionfre! •..
Jane .:Icl :. a
:as fail it alWays will d alwayecr.ust. It is -riot!.
•I ' '
: consiitutienal govern Ment. it it nog republicanisin, .
- ' ,' - ' . .lerern tie Trlthi A no,
,as setae o[ our.Emopean friends pietend;tt ettiala
.: '„ OlItt; orthe :Celebrated. I 1 failed;' but the attempted Union cot freedom' snit
i,. • ,
• ' ', BROAD Toe •-.• . .1 . 1 elivery,; of two essent ially- hostile, and - mutuall y - •The'followitig esirabt from ts privateletter'from
the distinguished giv i edivS taborer* to it. friend in
• White Ash , Serrii-Bituminciurs' 1 repellant ay/trios in the , s a me St ate. • ~ -
I. We TAOI2 tthen, we 'espeet. blink the question
„ 1 1 •, exit": ,• - % - I,
this country, and the . :address te•her . . A'marican
• . y.iest Lehigh Coals. ' ..' !of Slavery if we wOuld.l- It cortetelits on the ve ry - • , i
friendewhieh folloWi; hare been:handed4o as
Ire- 104 Walnut Street, .Philadelphia. • 1 threshold of the controls:ley in; whist dentition'
The under.i'zned ,-wri l ict respeeffuflo esti you,. atbsn• is now' engaged , and they : ho petitioi Congress tot publiceuon: [ , 1 , ::!- -- , . ,
tie-n to chi LColybratriii Broad Ton Ceti:mined cut of his to pat down, the rebellidu-and let the negro tries. ,
. _ . , ,St••!es+roter. April 1,1842. '
nom propertoi poops redidirc'tly under his own stapso
iitin slime , and they wisfr., imagie• that the present
`.DlBEttallr Ferairtki ....• ,-• :1 71 - I:te eery. evening
s i s i os . an s s ., e e,, h , e h s - ..epe o rtions enetufterly to this
rebellion ems be supprealed and extingeished with
et.,the day on whiehilait•Wrotirte you rabbet the
region. (Aarizi,g op other yoli Chute for sate,'t ttiOpurrhacrr ,
ean rely. upon oldainine a pays article of Broad T.- , t , Cavil ' Ott disposing of. the shivery, quistien It biee aid ,
I menage of loot Pistaident."(Whieh I had. read- in
the risk if' hawing a norm, of ""is firm ra • forsier, - etilj ebow:- if not their lack l otto's! y. that
the a t
my pepers'!, there•wais thunderin g knet-k.
nous. toins sr /: drat art+ rrjrintu rubs)..,fuled.othieb in ari- they have thus far elonpitheediel itimply °thing
log at my door- Tough it was late, and neatly,
',panne* col: 7 M+, simiter.hutin quality elfrly IT, feel , r.
of the terrible question . which ' new • involves She • my, bed.time,•l knew it wee • the . 1 1,0stinen. and
I rote the adra I goonsi l rranktmesito which' ha. Napa
life or death of the DINtiOU. The 1 advertis ement I"BLACE BRED ;FOB SOLDIERS. opened, aid what esnie ;in-?. L• Th.. • 7:-ibmiu.;.frnut:
,1 tb priori I itaifroul . red Canal ;C' cora
'nil, Petr better* - ese.'he Our:tiled at We lowest , tn. of some players, that they Wonid present on....the - ~, f . .. • : ... : - ,"" '. I _,.....,.____, with the get" Fe! or the President ou
t:trod the : can't reasoneble ;terms. and at the ihOrtest stage 'on a given evening ,ShaksPeare's . Isstet.! ItRA.VOCRATiOR, ay mu- rottor is s.
,canotisul. I circled with a klory.i ( no matter it of ink) which
with the pert of' the. prices' or Denosark t ret.out i'l'' , -
, Eno Steam Tie•norialtz. 7kiskilte and - Isonornntiyie Po: .
by paiticolarrequest,rihas look" i,:e - o ref read to 1 7. 41. E'cliblo , •
of aie Ne.a . i - nrk Times: s • I juist at I had 'tonal - . This was I charming! -And
rinetter..lliny3tioa an Puddling Forms-es Glass ttnn•
is a•espital joke; bat the joke is not half cap --. I A.Lieilig' the elegreff 1 . The very weeds ere! the !Wettings in its own tongue, until in its Simple:
tiforlurint. D'a.komithing. C,Aeinc. Bri,Y.akil btu.*
born ire. chi. Cie( cantirt it. eirellyd. ; ,• ital'as that,. of those Werth./ Petite- who ili th!ll fra4ht with terror. ; From ttictirst doter of the l earne st; clear word[,, leraked still more admirable. •
it. ex ito rtneo. fn.' ,elulpbur, and. impurities hi g hly
dieetosinn 'of cur peetiefit n 1 Foy *g a i t , legit ' l . ; •rebellide e prophetic fest. its. insPired the irai- and more : perfect. than it hadllOoked in • the lojuri,.tt In the ma re tort none nf Imo, and de.truetio•
out, by'partieular request the iodses; nu tion,- 1 - 1 ' tore.,trut b. that the government Would seise Upon' brerimed tramodatiOn of • in, Sivedish ltbongh
in Herbineey. Poll* • alkd Grate flans gioes it treeeltni ,
rf.. - .".., • . ,
Wel, ;tie Pi avert' clueslie a is. thewbele cl, =tom' t his e r e cn epdou t ageisey fOrJheir destruction : and 1 tbat was go , d and "'expressive) i ~, t:
non-o. It, easy ep itirii,enininnt , l wi h its.qcsinti.
rut; white flame, renders it a desirable furl' for Cation that without whieh there- never.would r could: "the' traitors '''Nortta. opening out in empathy; i t'Atter Previcleo4ineoleemessake, i• did feet
-Grates. • It - . hive b-en any questiotc at all.
.1 TO refuse to ay .! hay, : never : teased their ominous invective 1 su ch a strung desir e to ehotte in; with the feeling
;•E a s t e high Coal. hate the questioo of slavery is ai mply t o ' refuse against poliey.: Tbe;borrors of -St. Deiniogol that it must call for. len' riat-Minded'eltizens.
, .
to u t itate any qa t eetiori at all si A liy isSpurtant in .., have been invoiced to appal oar pilule, arti• deep , ' and to,• swell the rent e4ic'e•es,,, t h. an. voice
.111011 c EososT eii h.-titer .hitting ' l.n tF "" aP... ' 1' MORRIS. ViFikELEIt & ;C O. p.i..,,,,i S. A T en t ni l the' sated! the Celebrated Fast .' i .
.. 's the preient, crisis. • ! lift , whoielqueetio of ex ' t oed far beyond the warrant or facts to alright more you sees, th • the little; hells" Mast join -
Lehleh C•saL mined. rout tIle• Lehigh Coil and Neely's': ''
• - FCC , F.SS I F : r.A Fil ! , , ,
then r .
e ,, s _,l , s is , ,
~,. • unguisbing belia, of restoring t. • unity' . p.a. pelitidane and .philinthrepista have. alike I 'nth the great einesl.4. theeherne shell' be com -
togs C.,urpanyis l a d•ibir• ConoUgbern A Mirblor. mid 2....,:, Islol : tßia. ;;.fis, - "-.1 aEt tell: lif e , 1 end integrity of.the !nation,
_and of suitebsice %beak from an experiment uo dun trout to, pop- I . Pletc;) anclelsOld tire my titbits' of . - hove. and'
etarred at-needs , book. Eatiero him... 11 that be raw --. ~..,... -t-
IllAitcni . AN/7 STRiftt. *AR HOU R. our national life and searing su i lure glory.. tures elarity,, and ao •ladee with,. ptitaibAs . .dangers to ; sympathy Lar Arne- ees great ; cease- r etie ,with
'supply fhe trade ..i t an attach'. in quality ihd prepare- ., , o - .... , . ...,... ~...,. „.,..,,,
. ,i ; • ~ . syarset• N•r•••7111 /Ii
tinii,unitut-pacsint bran' in the trierket. 1 s
‘ ,,, i .,.7,"';',,,,,,,,, '''' .. '"'' Sa ' on. the slime Oultitiorl.
, i red 1 , tea d i n e -ss rfe have'. humanity; _: . -i.. .: •,' t . ~, r-that of ha nity. , -snat•i• "riga a, once what I
floe• Wm. be-slea-t to reniteinr its yny !other informs:, ' f i r ~,,..", 5 ....i n 1 1 „,7 1 r E 7, 1 , 1 's 7 1 41 - i i . ,,,. -- 1 ' L :1 1 . 1 " --- ' ~,,: t ' of t said; beat the rebel armies;•yod looty, gain 'tete- 1 -. 'But all this time 41:tower ha.s been goirigni, and ; send here.' If yeas ithinkthat thiseffusitittof syM , -
, and will bri.moot happr Sti receive your patto•nytge. : : ~ 13' ,- . 4 , ...a i. ...a . d ,, ,; thei, •r ii r, 05it, ,,i b i,,i t T , a ,, '!!'"! !!"! -'
Ann, ....MAIO- I; rifle , by sea arid by land ;
Mx era *aid' an' 1 'peopre haee been .4 eking. The Comas of rebel- i pathy.from a' Periwi,i l "Whe is; kuPWri tiS ''s Swami
, •:. • . Paw. /Mrth - say.
, ~ .
CAN it triS-onlinary . fites. or wile...od cote for bridgicii armistice ore truce; hut to sup et that . Y,. Ott esti 1.. lion lots floitly suPeeededin proving to thew, rld !.. frieodto Ametice`e beet elpiratiotis 'and. life...and ,
• i • ' ' ' ; i p itollEßT tier.e . PoWY.L' '
itircsation, 0 ,,,,,..,,,,,.. ire p ., 4 , ,,,,,,,,, u ,,, ra , put-poem,, PENII. 4 YLV,ANIAI StlfLE P4A d T I. E r - f, re. eitalith panne, Ott bi really " nation onitee[ "ltentler sod ;unparalleled malignity and dospere- i whOhaa been, everywhere inl- your, laud. treated- -
gm..led to r .equino en assure a '
repromontint thvin.l•••• . . 1 : 4 % - r.iv.".l. .i.T.- r'r vet U , Lre:i 0i tea Slos- yo lo 'farther, a nd re <fie the ans. tan man foe. i
,Wef limy* seen.the toishaisli and irealping."l with the n
t hi r s t o;ed •enerous bespitality.l.if.. •
nosy a; rota to protturia 'oiliest orrtiflote to that effect.. , '
; - 'e.± - kl-WPF:IL1 1 ,;• 1 ° iclr:i4 dies . : .. TitLii? . 6 i
1 seri iOf the re eiliettlis sheer fully, hi:imitate-fa 'I knitered toed wittiloyali,bleod. and every inei2 1- Irsay, yo, k a i ts:publieation' would do
- )11- / '''''l '- ' ' ' : : 111.f' - ' S.••;•11 CET I P.0.1--fr•S current . ; wbuttLle;.`A ihRICAN iI tuity..( The old unioii. r ist freedom with' slayer' F 'dent of b rarons warfare, 'attending the opera: tome - georlanel no liarm..tften nick publ:e.
. _
; -
---_-_-_-.;_z_--:_=_ .7__-__ .•=.____ _;,___--_-_-__-_,_L- ''.- a :•o.ltel..l"lCr IRON,. RAIIJIOADIROIN-lloallsandi 4 ; 'under one and the . same conMinstional kuvern-:', : tiorieef ' 0 r.eneosies., 'l6 ri here been taught that '-; e. I cannot but re 'eat -to you how happy tutee
• I - ' - , - I:
LORBE ‘.11,1' -CREEK • •
,-, niiba, "" 1 - I wef''r '''' 4 " 4, trrnra"•••te- --'• rNIATA• I ,I meat Ism fai:ed. ,•Slavry, not freedom. h 1 I,' the Virus f secession is both intense andgeneral- ' corn iii your renrh ' =fare, especially in thil nio,'.f
, csan,L4ll a SiptcW . AI7O,LIT , ktinSI.I;I9LTSNCTIe: *nil
• ; . 11"Aillift115-Yor bridges. eats, and: aischinere pianos., ,I . . , • •
en it. and -broken i t; We would tetra ha ,Cored-1: le d'fluse ,'-ind that .
u r n ',hork "or'eredieati , sti" is mint when the mar rial war en-ev Paint tarns .
.. • .
---4--- - :- • • . 1 : esnerany: CAST, ellitA11;11AC111:1111 and ItLltl - TER it Cr. 1012 'nm:toot Tesler!' ito if Th.111°9°154 nd on, , the Most *igen - tie everoied on apeople.figift: , lin favor of freedontre mum bee made "'me. 'lbis
'1 • . ' ~ • . treks;Li,aloa,:en'estraous ity-rer taps end Jim. The j, should not, if you could.: No Min is Worthy of 1 Leg to sustain the government of their chnice.-,,,lis•the inenierit Va. ganeioaesieri fi ce on the part of ,
i • ;• ' - Ler , errs •Coai. - i 1 • above; ingot ber with. a full isortnerint orl v o n . Steele I Hie name of statesMani , whodoea . not assume tbis - Webers bee n led to query, Wh o'er* these:pri till thol North, atid - a re kneel:nous returning of good
A tit lefeetne Coals ar adeertised and sold 'andel-the , Naile.end Settee. In whit the nf`iitrition ef &edam- as a fixed fact,. anti te eit as ho t starting- ',n i s i . legid rebela,lthat they eliould be p e r
to use' for evil... This may be ,the greatest moment iti
.'l.nemeet -brebeity ea hi.try minorities that the, 'railowdollnitaldwoelkEillesteel, teifore.itieeklY end ma - 9 • o Ar. : , - , 1 s ,
teatHE- NET iffNERSnf•LORREILET • ohlaill' - ie 1 . 111 ' 4 ' ' ' f • •• 1 1 , iti' ' 6 ' 4-1./ In ationeussions,oatme reterenes to oar prevent, against era every resource lot war stid , diptomaryk' America's histery !I, It may 'holy- th at a notion ,
, - '
COALS:. and )11 SiIiNICKS4IN & GLOVER and
• .. 1 diffieelties and their Thial settlement, The olive ,of itirention and eunning,•of Malignity. and hart- -eon rise to the full , ignity ef t ,ii Chrietiele„ Olen:- -•• '•
11 ',JOHN, R. 'MAKI:. ON: Pkiledritibia.orektire all 1
,intereat. treated with 41.• utatoqt I.tendern IFS, Iltti ' l 2 bieisittt-,read Yet begnarenteed by us tagaieet any'' Professor Beretalle, sr just been to see,esta; We '
Coal at tidewater-11 re: S INNI;:. li SON & GLOVER I Carter £
~_1 'Alien s - _'Lf l -allowed totafe,lis own way innilmost everything , death-irate that glaalt by,sti white band /. We have rare both drligh'ed.' ith the goodness. maatias.
receiving Meru& •Whyelitr. Miller E Cs'':'. ind Megan, ' b.* a iN istere..x . o . i . .i . a.. s ..b . .nem,achi , :i , :e-76.1 ... - fr...; :n the use' :orikin,iaf, the goveVumernt. big des, ,
_been 'forted 6 consider the truth - of that bold as.. arid Alioelevertiesel d'.. pier good President's Meer. ''
gitswiller,stees.e co.'ll;:ead Mo. JOHN r... DLARISTON ' 1 - •
rereioing Moon*. G nte•ff E Nutt ing's , --andZiliey *Fry the . s, ,
~ Th . su b sc ,i. i ..„ sits 54 .4 p pv,d t n. stared itit emersion from the .'Uttiost: It de' sertieo, that denieir te at/deck man, in tame war, 1-sige. • Nothing-heti, rr .1.--- : .. . .1.. • , ,
cote deniers en tlt: iced-c' ; Chat and it be at. ifipod . EM6,,_,,, reeelyeerd•is; far all hied' e stati on* . elated its secession end Tparatioh Ono/ a dirra-ii the right le defend hi
ips o
against a whit!! oast MA'S I n see bow this Message
by !mother parties. '-Ktriflll.l. Elt. r a n
ELS a 00. I ' .... 1 . "7" ry l En atici maiehitte r y Jr collier. 'seeable. It is for freed in to take it at . i a liord.6 es id strike for the government whole enemies . r e . will be reel t ivest bYlthe Anser'itan•people at large.
.!. I . . ca. - MEI:LEK- MII.LXII.,* CO. • - 1. -rel., = lee. b l'i . t . st fartuaree4Mille. A . Rstvo-,- - For °Ursine, we 'Keep; the. declaration; rot in !..1, his:earn. •• ' 'I .. - 1 'c ' 'll - 1 , Rs, know a'readyt hat it has • been approved be •
•. 1 • :01taeltlt , it Ie.trITEIG , „ . -,' ,
"Ts f'""illtlesuud rre l etieal *P l4ll "wei l • gist that it shall be flo 1 and irrevoeabl ; .. We • '
' , We have beeome bottee •sequaioted. too , Witt- • bode 'your lionsea.;llThenk and! !.• : : , . .
/ 9 °•Er°••••;' Mar 'sill y % . - - 11 - • , I n the easiness warrait sham. in.tiLin t Lir tt
.• . 4 ...... ... ... ------ efletrakeet the lowestprteer; •; iig , -. -- g es- never toyed that n n l o ri but as 4
_had b a ion" 1 the negro! character: We have found if more pi- • - -- t „ . .:I'Ever years, .'i ..
- ' , - " . •r!
i -1 1
1• , .
' • .!
" .LEHIGH.. - : . . I. articulat'atterition , lerillid WIT els A A litres Now sented to" by eh, framers, of our! Ippitstitatiflett, Wei; tient:4,d Ste sheep than, we. expected ;in feet; "•-.; --, -• • 1.• -, • 'Fieuntira,Beenat."
~ ,
. i -etete rateni Wiodine the ilicePe hare alwaysielt it ouri.dety• to avoid doing spy- I .„:lloooin.,,Wii seethe' the bloody lesson*" t: ht. ii 3ln snot letteriMiss.Hretner proposes to - cen. "", ,
• „. , , .: ,i,,,, „,,i tiirt ~,,,,,bst,seltiloh the, ter of bGI drums i, thing to endanger it„ ' I I Ihe disibluti on, has been l• 11 1 1 -slave i insurreetiena in the past. have bun tribute, 1140 tows the the President's plan artisan- i
rin doubly ways.' i ' •'• - 1 ,
' I CHARLE - 111'. 11. . PSIIIRE - '
It *ll !Thep s „ s '...' est i if.' ' simass)sly Del se& ~I n it' LI nujaet of °U-i l 9 . alldil b./ i° ail' et tut tkited! bloodythrough theseigineievimposed bysfevery, ciPation. and adds:
•a -, tO . a
h S tate s , - It has - been ilefieeted, hy the 'se of slit , I rather-thin from a love Of blood as the :part of ' "'Small as is the.*
j • sate in the wrier and tear .!, topes or ehain• tbierivire• •
~... • ; NUNES e SD tiliirra oe ' . .i.
very itself; end since WeVeri. has seen p j oever , to ~ the cares And to. when Gen. Shernan. Moved I,ia•po..e eldetly blaek
: ofthe machinery, in 6.Te;:7 . ,ii•s; and tor , Ns oriedirrs..9l,
snri. Mountain coal. , , ; sitr.plitt IT ,if ron.trUellor;Oltddutia) lity,itlearinnt be fr. ' steeds, and to.diselensOthet it will halteno; farther 1 ,:doWei ths roastwith. the ." iiP•ditionitly corps." I lash. I sae ia So=
'' - '''' 1, J Ir. A NIS 11, ; 1!,,L E, : PA.: , t o , TtneA - tre'll‘o rr ,44 eut. 4l dtbv 39 W emt wheel.nol.„: connection Witt freedned.' we, ere otiCsavry, and i-} to ant the." vial* and etripes„ ,amid ran the soil Lor Race' such old
i. . ' : vented be Mr.,tinehn• If -Atkin. Th s wbeelean onlvt• '. ' • 1 d .
al""•'"'" l "nre'' ww f , mll. _ P ' s 4 , e ' l ''' ' • .1 . .. he bid , st oar works.andhutatied tbe test ttheseve.! "r° Tete ve on OUT piPt also'. that: th' het i
r ,..:4• o,.B,n,b,Carnlin'a, he Carried Wiitt'hiin the frimaus 1 despair will f...reve
winters p .. o . ol 6 miqu i atty , T; , i siDo w, neverstain be Seited,ier their union i find, a plate; , instmetione. of Secretary Cameron. 'which gave,l, tom. the money-fel,
Address-CHARLESI II IStP".IIIIRE, Jeansville, La- rat !veer,
••, • 1 . ,pistols ray. Pa.
Republic! 1 3 , • i 'l .- ' 1 ' I him the fullest power to 'employ bl a ck men as !.• from I;ondon.. ,I ea
. wherilfaYin,,,.'• been bro.l. e n istneeitaintrodn tion Well in the
e,, , L. G. Gib c. spot, GA Tkie•lSt..Ptillsd'e.. - ace noe elsirio e tt nulls the oars tiEsome 0 the 'mini .• Wi have no patience with these pal tieiane. 'weiles white. it' the ,series of the gorernment.sis ` , ,•ful eyeripathy' r .1,
February 2.1. 'ill , - , 1 ' " 1 . 6 ' " • . !lord R. it road ".."!oespen les ie. the erquittry. ' . •., ,
I! dern:,tegues, and pettifOggers, who tabu to re hellbent] de.em be:rt.-even in arils; against the siiipbs of, yciur nein;
. '. . " ".' 'ra'ill...."'esil t . h ..44 ';'''n . ki'nrf ths r ,'"liet° tb.i.: 1401', ! v ibe! old an ion of t slaver . and freed , 1 1 who , ' ' rebels. This power, in
:the hands of Gen: Sher: i city to your White
. " lIIR * [GU COIL . "' - - - ' .1 4 • - '
.senaqua caerrhop-eowneeted with i tha stns works.t • -
or profess to believe. in the pessi iltlYntr min; retained unused.- Thera' are indications . ren going with the } ...
jI.I It . “.1 - 1 A III• EIO El " .0041. is i iieir . .!..': tA. .., tia i,, •t he mai ate Kure itailroadl' belie e
a ti la ri t -e- ear l ia . tt's' e s and Truit v.:An anti rnisb ' with all! '
.0( i restoration, and. Who t ry :o Persoad• us thal'i that it Mil not do so is the handi of his. eueces- ' ' , .•'vo - la 'Jill
in ronstros.,
Imo! Wil Eirlusively.itt PtilleeolPflis and rinletti. h 7 - th r ll;tcy r t iruprne s r nent ii.o 0; Vittk sense. 'II enabled : , on tat tabien . depend! the • fattie greateess. and '' got.' . 4 . 1, --•- • . ‘, 'r " Returned to•m . home in Seiedin; after 11. ' 60.•
IDA li a lIC ODELL. I Ponies nyd ssin i s. p ee S
‘t h iss .: ssay ..,
.t I xeentewPok. esueh cheer an ,Withosorisesitrtil , glory of tile Republie.[, J• • '' , ;- '; -' . :',.There ems be 'no objesti:on; noir;• to making' jeurti et" mere tb• fire :ears in southern 'avd.
!ale's.. decried uoon telling snare loilds. "' - . •. • t h e -6 h^c es t,,fs ee , , ; ''' ; I -
l OFFICE-109 %Valiant St.i'Phllaant: :'t A i i ....o r e, ..u,,, , ;iiit e gt.'" peee'C;lliglitine air elitist.' r• •
____ ,
,_. i••••••• .. _
_________. •" public. ?mime events of significance ,whieh:•-have eastern countries,. find :limit . borne : , enriched by
1. - - .
, •",,, ,i .. ,,,,, 1 , - . 81 . LLi3tAbi ilt
i lc s KX: ;l• oar! ire isoia'.d,db . .weil te gill!" al4 11 .• ' -.•• -' 1 1 TECE
, 48111n r.. VEIMIDS• • IKE!
. nite .
LL.. writorr „., . l sterettitly era, , reed at Pertßoyal. A:daily jonreal pills of America *teds.asit during toy etteoce.
k. thua/t". ''''•'''F'''• • • r't A
~ CjattEß & A ILLS. •., - . 07 OM& I ;,. -- is -I ;, of
,Cos.eity haa already aisnotineed In its editurie Most of these -pi ' consistl'of, Bunke : good 'and
a ,
, f April Z.V.I'SS '•' ' , i , . , 17. ; 1 , ..:•__! '. a. isl•
' • •..
LOT:.. WAINWRiGEIT, - , . -. . . , 1
3 . - : A letter w ri"• if f w-/DI . YI 7 ° " •. " 11 ! * 7 .)74 , _;-birg,Atutinik. 5d . .., _se" caskets, an' d a larg;ittantity, Stmnt of tbe-e are edear alto. in • e heletters rec .. =
(ears ir en . Ti:ipmAs °RABE& c 0..) ;=,. ;
I. l , •. ,
- : . - .": 1 - isf, red. trimmers tematah.- are . t o be sent
Gen.- their givers, others by kind i word. on the title-
N ' stIIPPER OF VT : r ':
P”-saftl44 treMatte'l acme,' ii.4;7"4. •
; . y "ter'• y cou l d! , .bel' in with! hun ter, " : width eiplaini that they ere to . be i pig', vigitteetoli • • by initiate; several base no
' I l e N t, C E A 8 1 t A
'.4 1. T 4 ' C's). I..(eant Bilet'ldtennis/n, C. - hrys . - 1,- ,'
Olt . on t; g:ribl a i la ck ' s e teili r M; lOa ed . witht :cited' i,the -military orkanisatien of the loyal i tosehet allot the ' to
hand whosie gift they
tit Ew es end p a rk,Sy fis,,fiattetQns..l•eatka. ;,
~ • ' 'Ctitil Wmasetirs and th ree ;lot ell lit Ralti 1-,troops, coming down - f'poca: the southern end of blacks' of" .4oth - Carolina .. After this public i. ire.. :these spirit toe, beet
.e0me....t0 me .fiion
od-12- N;t,.! ' "" . 7 , -.."..• - •2. .• ' 41-Ir • ' --e --; ',.:-..... c-ad rontYetit:en tßelr •• , wet. Vv'es; ~,, th e i Richt:cleat-4:11,4044. ..,,withzitc. g . i .„cook4,- etateMeel..l May be •,jestified" is mentioning ,the cliffs! 'eni perts o,f.t eit,titted Sfatea-in the NOrth:•-
k' - ••• -.•-• • 4 4 „7; - Wrote. teriers. le ti bleb thar 4 s l;l2' a : o ,3 : l ! tl:ll:l7k:diii-reY'rei.
...! la• diseeroed awsntrenllaborers!es work •. pint 'lb ti-• in'llieti re -before riferred to. --. -' • :.. ' - /lathe-Weis, arid i " the South': -_ TheY have "istade
_ • --..-, -.4'7 , . . led to the oartienlarAmiliefeel" - wiiic-L ` • . ._ ~ .
' SC KEEN • -,•-• ' ~i ;;, ~,...,•
,„. ~,„i , d ~ by fb • . a ., 01 ~,be . 5 ,,,,, thss „, o : TorktQwo intrattehmetiki;sb,d •ninotig . thank. rery.... - „,';.; -Art a letter from , Port- Royal , written wane •, me: =2it joyfully tee teltay. ties. of
everlasting nate of; <Moltke wheels: •nd else] nseoiiti.oriost.,l l many illiVes. The eniphairis, with which Vdreelo; troths' ireee.;.;l stated . that. i :negro : preacher •St 1, at istpathy with tb , great W.eetern World. it/ lite,
• :AND • i os on MCI9h ra th• _ ,oefcbf II we 11Ike floe/fable: ke-e-Or'' 't tti• jellile' ;s 2 f • ipl . tlelise'OPe oietheer , 'after this ' that place. named ' Ahram hlueetsison. - p6eeiringl and aspirations ib t , they hale net left me, rip
- - " ' 4 " , "*nd in "eontt°l•ltt°,7 h e m t° t he-K n etes:en"eei ! s i ght,-attracte d ' attracted the noti c e of li eannoitior: • - -1 I'l ' rreit tittenee among the blacks, hid bete sum- -eiessed wftl . grittit del. For bon stall Ihe Ode
BOLT - is ' , tampon or nutesetnertion. ji d rail tied trer,to be done, ; ''.,„ ,-•- • . s. • • ••• 4•11 •• •••-•••''• •• 9. • •u. • . - • ,•' .9 , . h , fres, Coke .• -- .. - .
• Pretty har4 zcir e lea , rrestnent sanCOI.I2 won t, rooted before Gen. muter , who . demeed to obtain ,to atknowle ge •I se 5= of good will
It - 1° !:::7 1 4 I let os woe-degrees aeeinst rtheni; while they' Ina'. freed blaS - eotne important information. one air 4.firoM et:people ethic, pertains, more thisiiiey otli.
I ,
reel. yet repaint to Read and Enetee.; - Wit thew obt,..t ne•l;roes againattui V' : -;- . - • , ,;I ; : • the subjlete on which he was nutestioned, , Was the lar, delights in the noble.horpitalities 'of
.', jorts its view. and es' , lbw reiWit of tioraty• hwy. !vent .- I . Very hardimy friend. r
T I:' (Milos t„the blacks in regard to military organ: i the seal :1 - ' How ass 1 but lag to make harm to
. •-•• Fret - life ) rape • i*De. i'l •IIIi° 14 . 4114 "'" Sr "r• "'lir' part" • willherin to die here rapid'. ' itatieti. , ' The periversatlon was deemed of, sat- i these known and tieknewn fnesids how Moth they
see. we as %new:tare "tor ahAivirst tivilit Ur A''
...trines. an i • . - , , .., : .• .
• i lied the forthersouth joke' ci
~..rat' shies sites of feet itiul..l Firtiettlar attest-, . •.• , . e or -Rritettt mportanek. by Gee. tient= 'to win - alit 1 taisent4elfiel,,,net Only my book-stielves,hat my .
' stole paid td the Strength 01 the acartde• in tbe ptan 184 • crowd the heepitah,:,lo,! further woes /dines, and Abram eat directed to , henpa . Such exp Miens ef•tay. %triage wend
N.-it.rea•bl. or an the detain. OUT IntrelisXpTrireell' I,,,thmi your heed-boafds s' mile meeting of all , the . mare • blacks at Bitten i.oot:hisTet thm. an would Make =emote eney: by
E,NS, : „ and opposite:Mario e( Oh/Melee bleitllelesel • eefttee 11„ ... i mink; Th ere i s 24 eider
. Heed. with a view of ascertaining their disposition i letting Me feel a . itile' les/ ' ini 'debt. But - how
DAL- CARS ' ' - , -
‘• teener thwieeneines with It 7 0 re-dr / tte ' Wk .. , . , ..... , 4•-•
• 9 l. e••-• .... itroaoter3r and durabdtty, be_ wit ptinme e em ;:f ... . /. ..." 11 7. 2 "kher la thle atur 1 end desbreo ~'• : ' ' '' • ''!• • !'shall I mach them; -., •.` l -•-- ' ' • - ; . -
.• -
AND' BRIDGES, t el= tease of say raiser clad hi, ": We slat fern i:1 dl here - humid th,re Si. -S. ; ;.Thie, meeting wes held oil the evening oflitn- i ."Thanks bete:o;A end text teGtitteelture 'if
h e 'h sa d, . 4 ~,,n o b et l b.', to oar. wheels; eat,.. bewillies 'or li• a. most; tineqesill ' s. ' - ."!iferytteell-sliiti willfpla ''''‘i ',tiklr,'.April T. • The object was . tillkilOirll, ..t0 ,a - T ~, I . Isitiatit".ectzse in- tin WY the written word. I •
Itectai lased. .• • , ititOOD . WittrotttibniiolTiiratthi .sa ti ng. toirloet I` • Attd'when the fatbe* moll • implies thenseelres ; thtty were only ewers that i,nin dos* by the - Med one, and snake that- buitil•
Delta of say Isourth or thick- ; loom veer, dittnriptiow ef Ocisper„ 01* lei* and- Ant ;; ~,,,„; ..., .. 041 ,, , .„,, L , ; „;.._, I . ;
it* sem one that closely toughed their interests- ` deed :envied. died "the preen, barie-`to' .them the"
r b i s a„ m o o r • at short ise s h .,... • Weeks: .and arreew- ankle is
,pietithlieg lin Hie ',knelt , • `7 - ~,...',„==. 7 .
.1.. Theo call rand proceeding* 'were conduit ed ;sit., 'expressions of istyl tinatt Ter they May
.. 1 . • , ~ reoreetof tnereisaterrrnetylea, 311. W. INALDWIN. • ! 'north o°.; their, ri'lfreelt
f I 1 ' MATTHEW BAUD , *hail see•ttis army or Free* '• the nunieit secrecy .. Only 'two White men Were ; be.- Among thealimeynsom giv , I lituriteei tiro
ter& t rboarion'ai - ,Ja ' sa !" lz ' *a "' . ' 34 i'l ' r il
. ' reeled in a - ,Merl
-', amo ss isi ms .' - .1 eon* wag th i peentrat-Llltr. tee. Superintesdest of the ivegroa.'.l Publishers. wbo. - While I weS in Mertes, and &f
-aint:re lk raked eta.; -; •"------- Iltted t traida men of thei Sasses ' employed - at Bitten Awed- and - Mr- Wilson, head ' Actuante.% bees gio:ei me, io here distend', value.l o ol"TWLr... ; '.; .
;,i has impatient, to - doei-yes• b -S. '
i ! uarpastetfai the goserninent.. - The inset-rigid '';; ble, reiFeatell'feltm.e of 'lie treats sad
4 mill demand of the" rdnisistrevere of 1.e... I sar a! guard newsiest-hated to.ezeludis - those Whom peso- F good srM.: Lei Me, foemany e h,. tears .ba n d.
prompt etrestion of the not= -treasonable folly!' - oases war. not desited..and to prevent eavesdrop: , ,•.mr. G.' Pi , Petritin!band Skeet. Titluset 'ad
i whiehlintekrebiddeolhat imaiik of the: Rebels :, ping owthe pert of the oser-intrions.' • . ,;' I Yields. ' , ~ 2;i' 'l•'-"I : -; 1' -: i -1 :
F sleves'ind' th eir employment , : w in . the field, is; • Tits large 'room ' seed foe wegro.ames43is . was .; • “istic it is...ontwa - .4.' • with My triads - init..
the !rename. and J4..4 , , leasi*l kali, thitasta, ,eroteded by the expectant s . iediente. nits 'invite- -Lewis 'o f the" I 7 ilea' Stifeir-i Om': gra ,ar 4,
and thodessand will lie' hali+t faa, end howled; or; . tioninsdi been extended Mit' to males. Iliac; ow ' btesied lionisiin e; North: she Sou th -trad: tit . _
I • things, will. get hrsika'--:thinp; political • • and?' - woman were pretest' M urebison mode .a. 'Amu West, to Stiffen-states and in s4** states
flash'', military.'- •-1 , ; ,_ ~' ''„ , . 1 , .1- ~.1 ; :i • sidlness to • his Inittiren. in which h e f et ed, - where 'llea •, , • haPP.f, Suest.,-=that wish kW
:!• 0 Hem; lim mightjglad . to how J olt am* that. with , s "great des/ if elearness and Twee!. theirl speak ,; 'tis 6313iii1 Oo as .1 ilia Wass I ' was with .
1 Awl sow I .will tell yes soiseelliege :-_llfa seldisrst Oundititrn and relations to tits governmisot; and i these, as al sister ith timbers:sad sisters, -. _I
hate mode ap wit tmet tishipt. OM „is :;;;;:tbe obligations. and ;interests. that should' impel •F "You know
. 4. Ilea, osi friends, without my .
~,•- t o have. every lass of ai,,onsi ; adrid and sixty .,' thent . ta its support.. At times: his languegoinse . !aajing it..-- what e deep , its roes% I knee: taken' in'
sewn of land of the eintlises .'Ssistlieer states . ' to eloutimmt , and be jlettalieteleitil to with %be Most ' your present iiiill strife.
.11itlyost- cameo snow
Thistles= may tiene the' 'lt •Ine , tusk ,- briathierre ieterest ; and it was evident that every:: bow bitterly I hire, felt 'l 4 see a bloody Imirricit '
. . _. . _ . .
and elle ani:dotermin4 to ho ' one; .of air weed found a retpcm •in the sympathies " of:taw . dal war pellate;st rait," g ifted - beyonf all oth
landi lee afel 'l!lkeilleleilefillti ',1111i41 lhe .; Mei. bearers ::; - After stating it was lit e esteinpn. ;=I with al l . the blessing e of-this eartb-aVews• try
hundred and mitt oe . `see . .. r iTy.. militirj ' listiV :•tdoOhythe government to Ore' them, 'the' camas •of which tiewai66 •as lloreest; Mans - end A. -
1144 1014
.64 WO are' going to hone suar t ribloefreinesnaime r i *si t sippoans=y of mildewy 'orgestiaatioii,"lad at-; Uremia; (each in Ida wajl train worked to make,
ibmwrir:dCsellseagints-;i Illorm,ttas Wan t, let; ter rtiadistly explaining the labors. hardship, . and., es Owl uvula a i re lowa, . is pamoli- .
:MaldirrsittrelSiftet- Isarallailealluthas tiettee'• dissent. as welt as the mivintsges'ef 'soldier life,' ash . * bolowfor ' atind- .1 -; . r • . . 4 : . ,
el bit. lo- . „, _lila! ~ if : .. ...., '..„,, ' um* irsilart......"ii'lh• opnidteidasited all 'who were Millie/ to. salmi. - ' hoar tho ; ling of - thi war I heel thir,l
'DMA Mds wisrlr IstsrTri,. ,r , , rrr i 4izigkerumigi .op arm* la itierise.; - of thielgoyetsmeste and 'ee:ied,undlitiogeerl see , c a rted Wane measure _ for
A t
*Waft la the Mai lane . 'Esi bible tr thetaidemo to,tise. ?If:mirp . e ilia est iwcillemien, by ut sett the pirityot the pflir i!le
Megger e megger that thingiereipledialmelusainl tame lareent ' - -
_,.....- -• * • - , II of asts civic ` readout-the very '' life=
tluetetCate *Otitis foni • Ail rigger, Bow the - t. -' , Be-loon end air: rabic* taloned ~tlterremirits prioeiple of sneer: as RePolsse-rsio' •W' . .ldbe grade
Mike hie jast gut Weight f orams :, That is isedli of Murra y with,sthere:'4e,ignet to i f
-a-lentets *a - . to euineide'withf . nlet. le4iittli..•••ali . p , ..p.nrh4 s on
there is about it. - .. r 1,•• : - I . 1.,., •- • sexiest in tepid in-u.. ietestiose Of titog..:reell, .14110:ints4 , ' . 1 La s .lhitta kil the ill"" cif .emu
, •• 111 . "1- •• -, '..••: 1 . •
i.a. art*.rapix -
"pprz.,,,,, • •- . - •
irunani wain AND BED ASH,
• - .ltkeliti6 and istsulinhione.viiiiik
Old I s 3 t 2 o' 4 :NAr l ie s P Ati l itt is :
wn NO. 9, PORT. It IC II MiEN D,I I:s**
",-: ..'• plir,f44: 10.'1
mesas A"llti roirrtas or TER . .
, Walnoi stre:Ot: counuOrilal Bulldog ?
, •
Noo,York Offico-70 Cedar 'trod- Smarm Oglei--24
Kllloy street.' . • 234-18 .43
• •
• ' - • Pier Xe. 11. ' ! •
Aiiihractte &
206 Wainpt iirset. Philadel
orric*.s:' BiSedway: 1 - prk.,.i • • •
C I SS Slate otteit. Beitoo. •
"onus Ship*rg /EiziabeGpolio
..• - -
• COUN.CIL Ri II COALS. r 39.13 I
-, - .BROAD `TOP.
;". i
1 lEk.
•• i - titattfilet,
rurill "" Th aid 421-nnEtell nahlja 2 ' . ----;
l '''' A T et tl"ot i
- - , i amts• Street, tittivalle. • • .•- ' . •
•,. Poem milearod,
- I - •
- *his abicriber icisiossots to .tba sob; • itteoctial trod* tot:
. - - _lir t bi tiss -purchased - - tbs istoeset ' coarittiVms ot
... aids tato maser. 3h.!11: B. S.4IITSAi ' osiiolis- atom'. r
,• el . As pi Nos sad des-rAttfat Business, ' !um torriposed;
1 .. 4::, " std be win ram am tie tioduess . hies flx torsi,*
. b,,, re, so 11 to ova. sosoenst.. : its- els : -chi b e st of risk
- . ' Kt . : ]set IF sotirlit.ttio pattoisims of :be' jorimaptwos sod ,
- . sub! . ihieti be sill 'tideless to merit: • pate*. Ilitotior
• Sioideirt attootkiet to liiiioioess. , ... Rib oe . iskot :sip efts,
. . .
Ma titiosettis hottest stroetoisatly ' bawls is itimi
,t„,-711 - i osproi libel !Keck** Moro. leketevbe '• ' tit? ran gem
..-----"'"?' *PI • ' battrYllo 'silt all Moss Isla illis, an 'omit doss at
l imo
sky te . soteitos..'• • . -:• • I ; Repokrilepeostly
• ' 1 , r . soon. '• 'i
/Wits oolistsstly li so Malt alt Artioits o f lbws • twee* A B e lts!
helm Wiese amts. Iles. COIPPIit oadlood lota Ti,.ks, torsi. Er.. '
foresbis sad hisiseprZelit Awls& linia asdlostnalum, 'J. Au m a ws in n p e i e ,,,
..,..". o re iTliksi 1 e,...... _
fl?dritiats,'Tsovisost lotis, Gus - Sat itatINFT, nos for ' 10008•BaidyssossiprountriereteietsoomS1stisstilool.
l ' alii ."" g • ar"eb: of an ' lll.B s I -Vi t ihm 'lift a; PeAtsoille. heel rAialliva l Isis IN ltartir
page[ assiorhoost of GIB Tkitidise. St tote estiorsip ' -,- . , -. . .: •ti,i. . . • - : h .. k...,.,
pewee Mali. in Mt telliill , ArlM le aid *ad fel lIP st '• • . . - II- ' • i it i ul ian
Os boost Ewa • • 1.... .Allo.ll:DOWltilie..- I" , Aso e
htbolikt A P 1914011 ,- • ' ' ' ' " :7 .1 { I F ttie - . - Seethvr ':sl2t, piqued b -
illtil3lollllllllllllT% WHICAT :nap/. f.. ' tf.tbs Omilisisi ft!. tpiYiiitikaLt."' ..Pwf: 0 ,..1.... et .1
3: , . tStYPERIOR ' ARTICIM just :re..! . i t,', l , 6 ,'"' 6 "" d " rbil a a ' a u ,,..•= l 4•4 a" ,
I se,4„ l „.** O prill as t ,
, ' ;,.tired . t 7.; .. : . , E.: t. sairrt .i a, Jail rahlladrk as/ T.• 104 stH ,
- .1
Arg r, 11l ,' - ,S..BANNAZIS lits : lt Item. i ,
V.:- = • - , ' ~H, , 1 . -
- Prxzwkorz, 11121C11,KILL CO
lai-3G.11 4 4'1 ;J. L. NUTTI NG, Prvpridar. •
rrhecsahOribeiii prepared to ex
- . eetreorderreXer the nbord Wes, witn
; pateb;at,o cdd l ;gibe of bissin*,
Caa ante; " r 3. 0711011411e14. J3 lon boilers always On
band- disci, Um aunt/art ann. of !it' , •
111711 p SnOtir.l4 9
O t the bid, mato-nil nod war mann. Repairs prompt.
.I.rarbro dad tn. 411irrans form/gins 'retaliation always
on hand. • - • JA.BEZ SPAIIEB. .
intinrille;A•dnyr27,l9 -II . dkly
seterreere err martini tly mann.
! Ir aq tadtiaringvarinuisitennf eon lara` BAI N
aonnincd-14 nnklting2LU,,:•o434:32ind4o pounds
• • - z ur Der y,ird., Also, rg, n Rails of the mod
• pproved Pa (tarn 2411,414 KM op 11S. 60, 56 .
*Raw Kauai per yard. Itinni t hertz Parieit mar the past
h yeirs. Ire fisi rokiedtur of nuking Bally nusurpaised
to t i minty by, nal- mill 'in 1 ttreepuory.l An burliness
eommu tieationa OCldrasaad •to Mama Tardley t Son,
Iron Yneto,ort,kottsviili. sill 'weet , with prompt-At-link
Von. • ••.' t O. SURNISII4CO.
June •• • • ,, • . '
•ltteaaa,Car Vagterr e elpite
NOTICE.--"rbe basinesa of Gelato
:M- dein of 'SNI A DMIL .4,;31,11-NBRI: will he
'Magi rontintied by.tbe suberstber.ln *trite
raj-tout b?antbes of Steam- • Ritgine
Leafleting. I rine .roandei. and =mutat
neetof all Wind. tif R_aebityarraor Bout ng Mll4, Blast
lfurnares. Railroad Cars. Re.. do. Benin aladeontinne
: the haelnessof Bieingend Selling the eidebiated Pine
_l4L'in:est • Write AM and Lewis-ant Spann reins Red itsls
_.Cools,beiog tole proprietcenfthaiotoflideLas • • .
T tt,su biertbers . tog 'taro to an..
eft to tbelr triends,and thanabile, •
!rel. •••.""" deierally..tbat their aim
4.1^, at Pak, Alta is now eotc*te.".and taint'
operation, intbit 'titer are pteporod4
W tut hive Tlatit evatjotts pattisruO,lrelltnlog rPOIS
to TO.lbs..per yard, ' Also. dilpstent slays of flat Aiwa
and too nd'attirtli,ntie barliart I
:Orders for niliaM tar Iron are resiise . trolly solltited.
and 'ell) meet ojtli .prompt inaction If letreittaiat
the Rolling ! 31111 Gloade llamar's Hardware Shoo:
Centre street. or tat heir 6111 , i. -00i..r Isemnd and
'Market streets. , . uairwpop, LEE et).
••• • ! • ' • I:tf .
• . tenter Hal er w i orks.
Ili' ilt The reepeittfully invites
-- _ y the *it'll tion et the h psi cosi enemata
,. ty I.6.his ItOtter Ulla.. ,ou Railroad
err 5 i;irk street. bolo*, the • Patuentger Depot.
au ,.
Pottsville. Ps /. whore he Is preparinkte
manufacture '
t101LET48 , 431 , EVERT D63CIIIIP,TION, •
BinolteSt•eks, , Alt F.t•ekti;l3lait PipiA,Gasom•lers, Daft
Cara. ie.. Le. Balleng OD twill. : _ ,
Beini nractie•l tnechanfp;.sind;hasing jairide-
Toted b hirkelf entirely:to this branni of the bus' nem,
be flatters blingelf Is!it worivilnne•t'his,istablishinent
igit•Fatkst•ctinn tti all who.nnitr••ni him with •
!call. Individatals, and Companies ;wit! GOdOt treaty
to their adraotags to siimini hiswork difort•nrazing
exaqh•mi .; • 40115 T:lkeint.s.
5qT.21.%;7 : 47-tf!'
----7 ASHLAD IRON WORKSI6 . ,._• • •
..•. . •
li • -- - - ---
- Ica s - Ut;s7,,i ie iis - ; - Fe . fully W:i - e -
1 • cl . .... peed to, fertrieti,at4thit Aibland Iron
'. ~, . Wcirke; Steel* Enders and • Pusups, s Or•
; - rte"; -- ' any P9weritnirestaicity. for mlning.,and
, - •• - other purpionis,C4llltreakerator ever , -
site and pattern tire in el., 1 topitber'eith eastinkeand.
rarginga of ererf deseriil
-finn. Cral. and Loin:Cans, of
. all eiseaartipatterne, Isere` Track an fl orae' Care.—all
-'furnished a t. ttteattorteit notice. 'Trap Subic-tilers flat
. tier therniaelyes t hat. inaCimnell as ay - ery menitei• rf the
', 'firm Is a practreal MecbsnicAttey will, bee:4 In rurnieb
' mama-Inery'rnat will orimpareirstorably nitbinly in lb.
IZ•elon.' 411 -orders ditiiectedkVo L. iii.Gaßelll'it Beni.'
•' `,A,llland, Sehuylkilrecienty,pa..l3l)lPneire protiiptet•
• tentioia.,i. - i• • '.. I. . ..., L. P: ? ..t WS P.11„--i
ii. j 1 , 1 311Cif AEL iI • AIINEkt i . -
j• 5 7 -. .. :-:. •1. ''. iJOSErII GAILNI:3I.,
1 = Avilliand ,:Sfay lO..'Sr • : 1
i -----
7 ... .4 0k anatt
f 4 7. liln t tri tle W .:p.a. . } . lol ll,, , , tt l o h ilY t ti h stee4 r i, u n t ,T iy en t n i.. , --
. t.l ,i, prriprleteir of theyntriVerlieadow Iron it '
if ir
! r - . uzz liras. Ccr.rtei end- Ii: fully : toielisrld,lo
: a , ersinnta:turel 'ay. this, ! istralliatiment.,
1 • Steam 'Engine. e'ir every .elte::Pcitt, RallOad and
l •
Prig Cor e. and " otheritiewrip Irt of Iron, and .
I Brae Castinastaultahie frir t tie Coat mining ni, nt herbn•
. sine.. no Use easel reaantsaftls ter' it. ' Also. 13,irnint .
o,linders for Biter Furnareettnd .513 i trine work fn gnu
-1.. ..• oral: i - .- , - I ' ,- 1 • ' . •
~,.' ritepalvine bran kitidedems eltii - neatneriand dee:
• Yisteh at the l.riweat Piires.„! All - ti It, Burnished t.y
. them earranted ft," per . ..unreel- .1 ey - would...licit
.j.. the ettetnin of ilii‘se wbo mayiwank a airy in theiiiina
lii thil ',trio ity . All orders ell'. nate faith I eaanedia!at
and Kamm attention. I' li •'i 1 .
• • 'pester , Meadow's Inoue., .'S9 I, • -j r•
: -
~.-. ' , . oterelate, rig: . •
_,_ ~.
~e . ~...;,...0 THOS. ai cIAti..IREN," respect-
I. COF 1........ fully invite ,the atte non of the bust
•' ! -'• ~,, '.. D•vsenintistitlllY to.,their . Nee Machine
i -, , :.,:dica Shop and Foundry erected teteeen Coat
. . . ~..,...- and pa ipred istre,•taiand freinting on
. Norwegian _ e treet. !she'll, t hiy, areipllyPared to: eiteente .,
. all or.ieris fu. Anarlileesy or, Bra., 'and linol.'inettias.
St 'eel Entlnea.'all'. klyideor 4..learink•ror'ltoliing Mills;
flu i.t and !Oil, atilt.. sirigrejnd Dnialite ertirig Pumps,.,
Ce,al Breakers. Drift Cara-ell Strident' irtailroaCasting's,
• ankh, so Cdaire fop Flat and•4l" itar li . Froze Seitelena,,
i ,
, &I .: :: all tint. of re* t at,d.erverghtilkitin :ins inc.. life. -
' • In•• praet lea; me-lien i , e;iati 1 ititid;',.• ■ tide! th demand*
, - ' , tithe Coal 11.1:ion' theiriatudil lye ri. alei ill kinds..
' opalsi-Ittrirer in their line of .b!lt'sine.iiiil theirakferthem• I
soire.;,ll,afeitek done at.ttesii eatar,ll , htrient 'Will give 1
* it4i•fa- , o ,, p'tn itilarbo navy honor them 11th, ealta_ii•All •
• ..iiirreichankfully received and promptly ex vett tad,on
' tbi e gucsitt Ais-nati• terms. • I ti ' ' ' !
i . 1 . T11i11145. WREN; : JANES WYJr.:N: ~
i Nov.. ii.t. 'l7 . 3 . - • i. 1 I ..,. , j I.• •I , :Vf . • i
dad aid Square
• •
• 34: - • .
_2mnuary,.ll, 185 i
, ,
Otateeet of a letter ?Mow *lliteasiawat
.^. (Joss W, ' Ns
*aqui tb • rbrwistphis, /yeas; dated WashinguriLl%
With thk single eaciptiou of the rentovaltiftb ' 0
- slaved fnius,the Distrietof Columbia; an act Sthieh
bas already! proved itself to be' onkel beneficent:
pollute, antliwise, not a ',gra- has,n set feel
'.save In the !etampette of Vie 'elairho eretheit- •
mfrs.; or by military necirrity. . ZIA, inMrestithe
. to. watch , the .disposition of these, sinumittad
slices, and'iliele.vertices as laborers - 1 aid ea 41.,
eistame to oar. Generals. tbs. deeetion.,proc
' acid by white spied. has broom, sci.comtnen and
m chronic 45 to render the most of their informs
tlori iiiisiortby of trust. In•'eertkin}'eases they
„Imre beentlife author* of ineoneeivahle misebief
- and tnise6.l 'lt is different with the slaves.. Zhey
have repeatedly shown,aiiii are repeatidly.l6oll.
' lag; how entirely they may be ecinfided g in. ~ There
Is note vesperal officer in the listen orrice irho
_will'not testify that his butlntelli ore a. the
, inevernents:of.the enioty,:and of the topography
of thiesiteededinolitly, bad come froritheblMksis'
- These peOr;people seem everywhere to feel -that
'it iii their duty tb show their,gratitudelto the sot - . .
:d re of thilltepublie., ,A very distingoished'Offi:
~'who has been 'etistionest far limend Mount
' V on, on the Lower Potoutac:inlllityland, and
o, ;IMO be - took the field s valise oneoinpromis
i g friend of the ~Sorth,;' lad of: this SOlittliril
:5 1.1- of leadereigiveg sEmir .thrilling accounts
o AIM fidelity.and brorery.of the slimes in
. the '
: ieigtibdrhood,of his Command:, fTliii) , knew the ,
.r l esti around them *sils seamen know theses."
--, ost of them'are the *laves of rich and educated
essionists, and - more than one bad the , blood
. o the . .
white aristocracy in. their • veins. They
wesild, cress the Patentee at' night, fitn the' it , .
g hit 'side, detail their rfarative, and emus be
(Ora in orning ; and in everyinstanee they seemed
to , lie fatly aware that %detected their livisewould
'be fogfelted. It is stated of one of the-most in
• Minima, that some time before, his muter, whom .
he had Served:with great 'devotion from boyhood.
but him- iy borutwhipped-whie art w asuri
preporatien for a change of feeling - in the letter,
sqa,ber mired Abe. first . opportunity to aseispe.l .
. After getting Into mei:amps, he hired hiensVit ei.,i
o'body servant to Sign. --. and Moo displayed
all the qualities which had made biin,so reliable
to hiii,pvtier:- • One ,dork night be wits =hoeing,
' andjust before daybreak , be Walt Assn [lowing to
. the river side in a boat containing ; hie wife and
fOur'ehildroin, It is wen 'known that tfie„ intent.:
gene. of the, retreat.of the rebels froMManassaa,
so mach dimuued aid doubted, was derivedfrem
fugitive slaves.: - Everyiiiiim of their information
was frond to be eorreet„ . They. esmieinto Wash=
• itigtoi at ahelintninetit hazard of, tbei liras, and
. if, instead Of. being black. they bad len elite
riten,,thay croulditt more haire -- been . ;Meted by.•
oppointments - in the . iiitiy. n.. comoletelY such -
self-sacritice and fidelity as' this radii to chime
the eneeri Rod faliehoods of those who knOw no
better than that i..f 'declaring 'these . poor outcasts '
novonly ineapatle,. but unworthy of thkir liberty l
: ~ An itoliortan:t alternative aiisit g IrTont:, this
state of. things is pi.Stnted to our.plit?lie Uleil. ,. — 1
,It'iil titilnAted . . that 1131.11dredi of thpuiandi Of . 1
aereSsof the finest land intastern Virginia:have,'
been'tfeserted by ;the slaveholderi; and Inel:ft.'
' -uncultiveted•and ready foe occupation and COWL:
.iratiOn:•,This . opleridid tract of coos)ry ii:eom- ,
posed of soil ot r the - greistest.fertility.-. 'A gentle' •
/ 4
,wasn'itbo,ovins a large farm in Chee i County,..
and Ulm holds'a positi“ti in the army, and who is
. Oen iteqUinteci with the dountry aro4d the;eity
of Lanuastier, so :fatuous fur ite lttnesili i i Prqduel. -
, iveners and 'beauty, giveir it se hilunqualifird
opinion, that the -region of which eentro,ville,
- Vircinis . , is the 'centre, is still •morelproduetive
...Md beeuilint AU this section is adapted to the .
giowth of wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, and gitrden
truck of. .every deecription . „' , The', subeistetice of.
• the body es rue ottrU ir
ps . nie,in Virgidia,
of the Vexiiiions of our military departments„--'
tPhy:elinuld not the': manumitted, under - weir'
direetions,lbs thrown into Eastern 'Virginia for
',the .purpose of 'planting 'corn, "potatoei, ete.,,for.
the consumption -of our troops'?" 'They are ee l ,
eustniiid to this labor. They know the Character
of: the soil; and ,I sin convineett; . that ply'. would
Igladly respond if this.opportunity were offered:
to' them. ; Besides 'giving th ern 'employ Ment. and ,
':removing them from the Pietriet, where. they ere
1 liliely to eOngregete,4nd defeating the designs or
Lyei politician, who -- aspect to„roike their appear
d. anew irith• Nit:them eitiesoysirete,st for Popular
1 .tiiinults.• they . could .earn Aioniiihiog for them
! :eitives,'ind contribute great!, to the redoetion of
) , t.he 'll4 ' , of thegoisinnerit. and to the
;health ; and comfort of our . soldieri 'in hospital
'and field. These. iu gges tione are 1 wiirthy of the
' attentioi of those who have our war matters in
Ye ibe
e ex
_ , .
. r
-- NO 20
• .
. ••
... •-•'• - - BONA Ps-
ii,,,ifr,„,,,...4 6.4 14..4 ii,„ bow *rikparid
ielmert• Jolt* loom, rtniriNCl Of ittoir dirt4p:
Oft 111 On ditto ol Oto'llsitzte Jirs)tsti, &tapir , &ill_
Uea tiiittiloraiti4OiiirUotol44ktu t i to UtooUttlity,
j- .. - _ ' •
I-M=lM; If
. ~,i , .. o rw ri al ,... •- ,- ' ivrtiltieos, . '
, .grfirdesofAirreranat i 1%4 suar: •., . . . 1* ;-
Ilatift . *it; :'• , Pao iiyes;vit... 1
At tie tierji Obeiblit imitsta:viaritori id JOirrem -
is '
saare •ritapitillin eirtiantsf eilor oleo tit tido Igoe
gm' ost the Poi*. ell 114 Lop la** ritsboyedexpl . 1: 0 •
lb" JObitar: . &lag tr ruttteut 44110f0r ettoolt. 14 lei It -
guinuttut oar ittirkito Li so liflit at say tbot eau biP
tensed out to Clio eittoi ritistfila.lllfolois thme
it thrabowtri Dots.* .1 • . - . , t , - . . . ...
, ' ..BOOk RUMMY. - - • : .
Itol omi c e s%te outoy, L yartetzototyle. Blast Book s
er ' ption 11111111ifeetaral, litud aoi nile4 ta
artweas" ei Oes.l - . • :v .
, ..
.. . . .
.. . I t
. „ .
ins Impressed gime th em that th ey
ware pot , ; is the a lit tett ' deitre• to bll 'el ). kreit •
late this militri , sneisarti. ' Jdll * r ho elikekid - . - ei!' -.
$ll - themselves malt done goloutertleand..witkit .
"ftelltPoieledge.of,-the minsegetensig. '''Sechtagn
who apse was permitted. to 'come ..faiWitrdrid.
beef/ his neme. entered on thellst r .is - a.golgiuterr
soldier, in ere thei;igoviniteint clitent,' to accept.
,his *emcee. - Leery new ,itetlie ream , cow. for-
tierteci;..'4 her old rob and boys were rejected - tin...
- the gireugd, of age, end th e Ward remit to is - - .
spire Urn with the Most gritting regret.. ' '
They were th en told that goveratnent had p ro m-'
"iced incur-and equipmente,•.aed Piled to 'frA", the
insiterthemor.sriotis irefirdon:- Mltit a. eitt-''.'
tion against pohlieYeriversation on - thi.etthicet. `
• the meeting:was demised, and each one lift. , air
'relied to enthusiasm, sod f apparently refOleing . ,
in the opportunityl that' was *boat in be Vitalised. •
of exercising the right of:defence of himself Sail
his, fatnily,and of !freeing-his life; In defence - 1. of '
the government whose proteetioahl enjoyed.!•' - -
'.The number curetted that evening wagons hue
.dredandlive. During the twit day, istany.ethers
,Who hid not btek present came fore ard and.gaeo '
.in•their manses; swelling the hit mahout one hea l
&edited thirty. Dieing the ' nett' , few. -dayi, ,
reached the numberf ode hundred and a tty,....--
hie, I legrti," embr aces pearly Or nutter sill tho','
able bodied negroes employed at ;that piglet,- '
There has' 'Stites* of re- •
pat.: ' The action of the nigrierksers bitiednp
on feeling* as gennine. and criiiiiti
,ni *al 'rev as
those that instigateiLwhite.miti in . Similar, sitcom
stances.:- If the lidskinen at Mho, De a d are a
' fair index of the who le Population-et' the Iti‘ins, r (and I see nb reason . to doubt it,)liiiitory..
hal never furnished an ins t ance cif' More conspie ,
inci'ns and unanimous Patriotism.. Neither tlreeke;,.
itor,Switge - re,•nor Highland! Scors,tior 'Yankees.
lever assumed-the iresponsibili ties -Of Arms with
*tie' 'leerily ornterefulneis. !.--• I; , . .: •
Ifortitill deiftglft? . ' Volunteering one. thing;
1 :standing - lire another: Of course,;, this question
lean only-be answered by tlielvent.:i Those, how-
ever, who hive seen them Most, and 'who . hnoir 1
' ';them belt: are confident ofi their eintragie.. - ' 'ln-.
etances have been' pained twiner'. the most en--j
- ,:einplary 'eoniuct in Astion -on the part of ,ante of,
1 the South - Carolina iitgeoes! heretofore' entPitli'd . :
1 by as. , : 1 tie - piloteas, who gikideit . Conintender '
- steiens,and his boats in, the affair istYoll R , ,Y- '
: el Perry, eras under dry, asa.*nduired it Ilk. a let- ,
emu. - Both among the ribelsandeir . oeru furies, -
have been opportunities foe tasting the quality of •
pliyalc4, courage in the which -haver igen. !
erally reeetted'in US:favor.; ' Certainly, from all-.I
are - iteois,,•iire have On right doubt that be Will
fight in a Cease Olt .iinpelehini to 'volanteer. T. !
pronounciA maul rO wardin ; advance, after hi:
. has testified hie - '.w Il i guess to" incur denier, and' .
before, be has bean tried, • would be - ungerteresta''„
'and mireasOrtabl . e.• At all events , if the kaliciubee-,
meat is true doneeing the arms and equipments- to be sent to flea.'.,-Ilunter • for •, ,the negroe,e,, we
shall soon lee another principle demonstrated_ .
another fact tested by 'that sagacious ands .fear
lasicaoltlisr. • And hen. if th e experiment 'rrriOve
la succe ss, the question' how t , ,.4 - 'make'. Oniith 'csta
lina again leyal. will ills we "
been answered. :' We
shall at once 604,44:50il occupied by . , a :crterTilly':
people outnuMhering the reliefs, and prepared ' - tc+ '
held it, f.u . y:the.gOtri , qu..aat hy the :strong hand
we h . sett - armed. ''.Truly. to eel .. Seuth.Carolina
• ths.very. seat of disloyalty, garrisoned and guard
r, e( i , and defended -liy . l those. who io lately were
• slaves thereto the lasli•and the chain—to see A
hii e i k , plies liiiiatitinin't order where so 'lately it
- aria a crime far a'aagro to - mova bO . .bY 'a *bite
man's comment and
„to,iee all -ibis done wader'
f.,tbiau tb . oiity pf . . - gnfrreennient-';-unat - sended by die-.
order. unaeinmpanied by outrage—Would'. be an
i example of'retriballi,rvjustiee unmixed stali von-•
I geatleet.''euelt. as liielciry his: never. yet redo, ~ le4-,
1,, A n<l . ,that rogicin ! ilirappro - pAiiker,lcir ! the. sa))!tine
l'and'benefteentaiptrii . oent Oct- outh - .Ciroline?:-.4.-
ind'whit loil-t , ,fitlfor. the - trays.: -- or slavery at
that Where, trees .'ci 1 - srsebora, nursed -' and reared:
1 to iti dreadfil materity ? .
am. it miy . yet earee to "freb• -
woman; working Dodd. the
11 Catarina esti ite Cabo two
'wee. whine . labirs. of nettlea •
buttnt. tun:- During the. rain_
It: be tea t0.:7 0 14 in a- ch"c •
• ntiot. retl,„fott loth *cgs
sll. ben7tortb follon"the tri- •
soo.juetiee led . gener
oi ..ell as your -black breth
. .
7 J.: M.. 11%.