The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 07, 1861, Image 4

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    ]' '''-''''' „ - Winr' ' Oaf**. i L fiof% ' l, 2'•
- "Thai. n resign," said L:. .',
e w.,.,
'll'rartiVi'4o*, -_14,,;.:011;'001a iit44
0 - eillie.. i't i, v : , ~'-';': ~
Asa tioli; hovioicrePeated lire 4 4 - 1 :41 1 Z
*MeV limo It i 6 flolla*ll !P .iO# r,
slit* ther laiitt anditted i i-tle #lll l 4, ha
iketer thatTiannit.ta.:maket-4660~51e•
. =i' .. :Iti,-ssl9tAdtioillltit : scoOdkar ,: efiet
WlttOt . , repe4nig a pliTI,llO4 4 4 ottatfilit
*14.04 this to be of_Y-olotooo for idirlili
-104L-Itlll rieil on thittlnatsl. l o tinder:, -....
''l rirst, d°4oifo biffodoest,lispelL,:, Me ester
is Vol/lino" i 1 rasa alga; tionVand "middle ,
aiglid i•-•_ainlillint;ar nther.:(slita) mats tip.
tali is thaationshire, OrDelithri _ to the Ittwather
4 4 1 . 10 .1 1 9; ' 44 1 ela./. 4 0 1 1:0 114 I, :ace
etaild beee,Aottesiittiori;' , tls*mash, - valunteet
than ,T West *.w a tt proud of the amiGnii, and
.litiat.theexerehia - .The 18th'of Mort' bid
iharikbeiti fixed as the day Izin *MeV. great'
revival' iolf Alta cis*: .111111 46 Lillie Ott% At
IC IP.lbr th e Immo% Was to bo_preseit am
• elms* was to "be presented by the 11. P's.
&tighter, and Altogether wi felt that the eyes
ofEttrope *mild be upenius s ind ire feat equal
to the ottession. . : • . - - - ,'---
:411 the day apprimehefl our drills were mul
tiplied towel an extmithat mostof at fistind
ihittntaiiiihartzt Would hardly last so, sato he
fit sobs sees at the review,. so great Wis ' the
'stream: 000 a it; However, pewit" mikes per- -
ftmtvandtiffeti Our, last driO oo the weenies of
the 164,11 re not and all eimsidered !that 'we
metre; so 000r,to perfeetiori that - on; '-,. talents
Would be - Ali thrown away' 'upon. an •
ordinary field day, and - thet nothing adtbrt of
11 grand sham fight, on the exact model' of o
teal one, would at all &mitotic& It waain 1
+rata for ouradjutstet jahaffrpay offload the.,
, • army,the isidritdrully jealous of ..our Iwo-
Mess I am sere) to object 1 Is sham haute . we
'were determined open. The only difficulty
was to decide which bottle of mcdern 'times
Mould be hoobredby our , notice; Altai, Hiker
, -
MAN Solferino Were all - dtseussed I but each
pemeented some objections, and we were nearly
* *mug up theidea; and the adjutant becoming
Arinmphant,when Waterloo was prOposed, eel
'1 iteing appropriate to the day, and; - moreeiter; I
it was lidded that there ea; a small clamp of
trees on oar 'parade ground. with scow-shed .
: is it, which would.doiulmirably for Ilegomont
'aid iii adjactent Wood.
,- r ' - I .
IThe next rquelition was to find a leader for
l'the - forixt to be driven hack . ; no one was deli
, rtins of appearing in the hght-of.a.histen gen
leral on their first, field, till at=last L'ecallings,
. War selected -to , select - the part of ' the great' ,
Napoleon., , • -- • •- ' 1
'4le iloinewhat secondary part of. Blucher
... .
was to he taken krour senior first-lieutenant,
Crabuwes 'by name. Crabtree* had been
,`originally •in the Hussars, but having been
. rather too ;fond of chicken hazard, had sold
" - ..put, and retired to his ancestral acres.. He
. - Wag fOr 110,M15 tithe au tiobt rank :man, and
although generally speaking he was -most ex
;pert at the !lfanual;' he ;invariably ordered I
his ,rifle on to my tties, apologized, smiled at,
' my agonized contortions, and repeated the
-performance five minutes afterwards: Be it
.aras, tea,' alio withttnalice aforethoiight . a t- i
a eted ltiOdeninatini composition from my
fj ,
renown caps On the eve Ofli field day, there
. r coVering l me with'coufusion, end-added in- ,
snit to injury by . ex sing; the trick he hid
",;: played
_mei at the very .moment when I was
. ; eipatiating on the utter uselessness of the
Governnient rifle td &-select circle of friends,
and stating my 'belief. that it was impossible
-t r o' make fliostilf them so Off. • .., , • 1
• Again On one oceasson of my' firing ofT"my
. ramrod by, accidenc Cmbtrees .WM ' the. man.
1 who discovered jcsalsence,in spite of my try
' ing to look innocent - and unconscious..and and'
presented it to- ine• amidst the , jeers -of my . .
, , - ixttnrades. AlCogetheri Crabtrees was a nul
-1 sauce, and I bated hint-corstially. -:, , ' .
• ' QurVolonel wai,to command the sipposed
British army. attained bf.the Adjutant; while
I yras allowed-We a set off _to the latter: fano
; tiohail the drill 'Sergeant of o t ii-7 , tirpp,.
The night of the 17i,1?Jaine Was a restless
I :onefor me ; _the thought? of. tam' arrow were
I 3 1 r present wi th .ine, and-prevented my sleep-
In,g ; and even *heir' had coaxed myself at
last into I sort of sleep, I awoke' with a start,
five minutes 'afterwards with this full' convic
' -tipn that I had been-,oinitted to be called, and
.that the review: was all Diver Without the: the
represetitatile of Napoleim, the Martial Cod
. ling*. A second 'time I awnlie in a fancied
endeavor, to draw my : sword, (tieing - attacked
- - by-two gigantic enemies;) the handle twisted
and turned like. a Beaks hi - my hands, and
‘ 1 - - seemed to be ringing like a bell, when to my
surprise I found myself with, the bell-rope in
my irup, and the whole of the . - household .
rushing to my room to ascertain the cause •of
the sudden outbreak. : • .
At lust ,- after . hating• looked st'a'y watch a
, hundred times, I found it was six o'cloek, and
up I got; rushed to the, window, and fates be
I praised, it was a lovelf morning.
I . How I goi diessed that; day I know not, for.
• in-the" excitentiait of : the moment my. buttons
' flew off front my touch like meedles'to a' mag
net.- At lea& , toy, toilet was completed, but
. my feelidg* breakfast , was not to be
thoughtof; anything beyond a cup of tea would
have choked me Outright. 1 ' - r ' 1
. : Our rendezvous -was to be the railway aut
. tion,where we were to receive our M.::P., whO
was to arrive , by .the ten o'clock 'train, and
fedi* thence-we were to inarch" to our•yarious
positions. - :' - ; • _ I I .
: Crabtrees was to remain at the White Hart
in the town Until sent for, and vas then to
"come up with his detachment to conduct the I
pursuit. , . . - 1
' ' The ten o'clitck train arrived, and with it
,the ...if. P., who ihook hands With; all the
officers,,and"complimented individually every
r non-eomMisaioned. officer and private vii:his ,
soldierlitie appearance. ' . ' 1
The g. p...,dau a hter; who was i te present
,the kagf_ t _wati lovely, and I burned to tliW• 1
tinguish :: myself, and obtain, perhaps, an 41) . 7
' 1 proving :smile. or i even - a crown of laurels
1 which she , might—who knows?—have secreted 1
' `lip her.pecket.; The laurelsona the'sinili,il I
mean. : i'.- ,_ - • ' - • ' 1
I- We. [Marched . off, our . -band playing one, of
, our.faiorite sirs. - 'I regretnot being able to ,
state'which- it :wad; but' unfortunately, the
first cornet, who always played . the melody,
. I Wits illlwith the toothache, and was unable to
: I attend I parade; so we., were obliged to march
with accompaniments only, but the big drain
,- did his duty"nobly, and we did not •
miss the
'I first cornet so:mach k after alt. .. - , ;I:
:' • At length We reached the parade ground.
. I Lamle, a glance at the M. P.'s fair daughter
• 1 as I Marched my men Off to take up the posi
tion of the attacking. Frencli army and my
r heart throbbed audibly through my unilbem.
When we strived, imagine my chagrin , at
beingtold tkeourdrill-itergesint, who appeared
quite toignore me, that lay position , was to
. : be a atitionary one, and that, in, imitation , I of,
Napoleon and his look-out tower, I must
climb a tree and from thence watch the rd
. ceedings. I Was never good at climbing; but
With a little assistance, and—l - ana. sorry ; , to
say; for the credit of our discipliner-an occa-
. *iciest! reminder &Om some of ,my:•men's
bayonets, I reached the secopd bough.
. 1
• Ourftellows behaved splendidly. Hugomont I
, —or the cow abed—was taken and're taken,
and it length the time arrived for.the Gant,
' grind'charge. - Muman - natuni could stand it
no longe. -I had been doing patienceon la
Maumee for two bouts, and'was limning*
sicleol it,i so I determined to-depart from his
, tory aid toy tsee,and lead the charge myself.
, I had *nine! difficulty in getting down, and
• -whim - 'I hid mkt:eked my-men were-already
chergingiand 'just 'as I was running afar them
st ,my best pace,Whorn thould I see coming
' up between us but that confounded Crabtrees
and his supposed rrnatiaust : ~ .. ;
. _ They hail evidently lunched, it th e White
Hari, and appeared to have taken More ,io
• . drink than was good for them. ' Howeiwithat
might, be, the.* no sooner caught sight 'of me
than;they raided it ilbOtit, " Theres Bonaparte
- hiintelf—let'e take hiro . prisoner r I turned
and fled.' Itrtrae in lam. My figure was not
calculated for molting, and they gained upon
- in* at every step; ,nnt still I held on, I, semi
bled Over hedges , and through ',ditches, but,
still II felt that they could catch me •at any
. anicaent. I unelaiiped toy sword belt,) in
: lippeithat the, trophy would be sufficient , for
1 thena. i fi But_ not one picked it op, and others.
still Aintsiedfthereridenqy lookifd upon Me
- .as :abet repreeentative of ' 'amino', and were
deasiiined to revenge . - I ran till I could run !
g, g g . and
theo.aeahated- exhausted -'
7''.. andinsprefmyltati
lings and explanations that Wei
' • agtodlings, - and not &naperte; thejdrap .
Witt to "duck, pond. I heard a "Pne,l
. .two,'ttirre sad itwarl"'and the . next moment
, I was floanderini, in lbw feet of'mad. :, I.
-- I straggled out atiltaa i mifilit- The first '
, Mtn I saw was Crabtree*, who apologized for'
' 1
theliehavicir or his Men with a smile on'- liis
1' 'countertettee. for which I could have silairi him'
' them and thera ' - .., . ' ' .• „ .;,
~.,: z y Wheat tat recovered myself a lilt! I
i -:t„ rather than walked op to' he ' e
~..., . hod :thrived just alter the. big ad
1 1.-'''
_' 3"- I
- Ml:ipPitrance was the aigeel Tor ii general
ghiationatighter: :
_Bien the, M P:s pretty .
diatigitterr-whoateetai official position"should
srltterAttiatd. 'Tbe aria' I
Itiod apaiei the isPre they all langbed ;
sad 144 alPf MighlitO l PrfigedliatilPeO
tale bha 0404 digger.:: - . i
.7 ii.p
tbeteasiiti; --- tisit'fitie4li
; lrasidsPee QV, D. C.'' 1. t* ' 1 - Ili ~
rENSLO S. proeueed pe 001(4eil p
sammaaa a ti a e toraiviaria emi
motto at wasods lilesi• ,or :Sham (*C.,
grarawa,:whils Is mrvilor. sad Poi -.' Ikanity.Masiey; I
slur arrow* or pay. cbtatiad for whin aor Otturt iwitaot I
thaw who hays MO or tam killed Us to aortilm -
; ,...a.
lkstaty Load ot*earad for rarriese a oaroftbsothor
wars. . ' -;1•' .' • ' %CAW!. . - 11=1111.' .
,wolairtott. D.C. 1
with marl
. AL c. Irtiessa,"a*
by carnal at the 1
,losiwri !aromatic*
NI cas, ha ohtalsall.
Pereonelseithil tb begird
IA Boastleo, Pewees,. ke. with Mr
Ireghtagtoo f eau hereit ittsoded .
eta of the lititicee 40111X44 •
irin,bir given, and the qieestesity
(. Not.% 414
- , - ATER SI - • 1--
BIR E. LyrrroN u , .ER, iitini
, trona Watri ,l Cuirrialawirdwaa4,iioa4ly lapilli,
to warmly as
i lli4it Ma safest of a b lijarniaareat ors. and
Inlinitaly tb , *amiable. In t Wanda Of *WWI
and oxperioneed Trairlana.. ' • ~t, . .I • -
..,,' • 1
Thr attention o haraUdalsi es Wittig rag •
,Walfilt. cern; -- Franklin :tans ;Phi dad hla. &Lid.
11or ell OMIT' ot , RINGIS War ' CUR el I. antra
frown the illy. Both era norlair His Horarrld Dr. tIl Ali.
LODGE sod Dr. J4M611 A., "LlEtiLlfß, nrialarl taodloit
'mammal or me yearsimporioneelpi Water Oars arior-
Hea." Invalid' y coma and bored ilit litho* PhyH•
elan'a fatally. (al noadnal ebaraw)leitheat 0114 ,Ith•
ter trostationt walk: naorlward .0 1' w aiilielbilliPt
Plorwo tall for emsSiOtatioii..fiel of rats.. or ,rite' Ho
eirrolar and refetroorn. to ,Dr.: JAI Hi A. : HU:OLN*.
LittFranklin Sala or Dr. qua, LODII/: a boanat
'Hill, PMla4olph • ~, I ,• .., . i ••. , ' 4.,
1 ; Nov• 1 05 - . , - 1;.' , . - -,.....1 - 3 . ', : ~ It ', t
1 1;
- t'INHE a nd lined, witlpie 61. t e late
1 - 'maw. gin wk. 414.1.4,1iggi10ti0 iota eti. ;A
brade* of ft 18HD/11:And th lablieta chain
araortriont or :1• HIS AND UHADI; 'MUTE WIMP,
tiek AND .LIQUOUS.II of ohleh hare ,Hlidao
nipird la ail rod parity: 4, ..
_, Iviissis. itrii .:i
"rf.o!ii.:7•4o.Oliorio 914 Pervila
-; Sideint: East Ifrults.'o6ld. ..11- ,
• -•- Starr% 11441. ; i :iontillado. .`7. 7
Ctord.,,Pi. Este .si. JOWL . 7 , ' •
While Moira. H at, Drotartwi e,...',,
Naomi. Lisbas4 le. Ae. ..• , I, !i, ••
Jeatafra Hines: llaehbohnar; • 111,
4 1
ran; tramlitor,, he • , -
• , - , l a l
; • tllitalapagrvOrlad • o,lltrre afraerratinar
. I 41111,1140H11.11,
Mundy. Pin.; klaulikro a 0.. coo l ie. ~ .
: - mord, istirriti. maratt,.ootta . 1 , .
- Wild Mom. •I -_ ~. , , • f
.•., !flatland Gin& Ann.! Sabina. • • .i',.- -. ? '7'. •: I,
. .• . tiodato Beltnapa4, .. . l, i"
• Rom, Jacatia 1 1, iriti.s ow tnaloutd:" - • I '
.Iraiskey, I.lry alt frioteb. OW Whoa'
~hoho '
.' . 4
; ,
_lrlandand 0.n.0. , Ira On RP' ••
.1 1 1 ' '
~. . , sTaAct rs, -• . i • 1
• •cursio•, Laterodor. A hoy.thy,illUist4ovf Nei% , i
-• .17 . 11VHD1111E111 ~, 11 1 I . ..L l '.
ElflOl and Limbarjorn ilheriar„ taillike% floliaaa Her.
,ring, FranchAnakird.l'lly"a" Qll, Frzh Ihrotolata. ie.,
da• ,-' ' • • •' i .. •", •• 7 'i — , - 1 • i''
'•• : ' • ', • •"• 111 .87
. - . ' a;r.cen.tveri4.tii!7, PimiTinii•• •
• Fottwillo, Nov 9, 'Ol ~ ; :7" . 1 L '4515t i
. .
• '. ..-
-' . SNO- 1 4- a- OItO,INI'
CiirilllNVCO-Dirt 10E2 id tit
1 t
:.1: 41.84,timi+, fjiteat. braridgdat litop
ltott, far - their C4/3.IOI,IVATION COA Ift
AND fILATIC-P,ICK NM roorldrred lay th to
Oho basal rxitotned Ws opio, flons;;;Lit . ire
Simple, effietivarwrlog, and; humble
the Lind yet his Is& nStrortfutlY'lafoilm I
that they are ears; prepared tosdatiqtartdrir at.
these Maratha-li, at. '1 r Pinibfasfory.. Omar'
road and lticaliligl al , .I'hla World** is
T ..
tile to sat odt o r nt y; bid Itt It - oboti Id, eo
•strneted la meetly it Itlts Maly and at ills t`.
rrptijed. „ I i [I I i
.' Wo mita& 114 lidlaarlng cettificadia of to sato., from
Ihs rrsoddent of the Conotelikut Owl mn4 I#,lii C.onio a .
ny, and imnihs.*ltilog suptriatandatill oil the pig
' wood'Colltartt- -',; •111 i. j
Certrfica4e....ll i.:' ' r'l - i
iii.....Elsinti Al Mita ii-4ertfkaiitt : We bareby Orli-. !
.ly that es bare bt i d In snot al thar i tuttiaOndPolliary.lor '
a period of war i rep !sonata. yodi Pateral rola and
SlatePleker, and rientanzeOd It stealgreit. Improvement
'on aoyth fug. bet it dud, and as art argil, th t no Col
-11ml ositer,drairlai to ; properly
.t .
apare h Coal '-for'
i ii
market, tea astatlA diatom,* *lth. ,-. . .
l' SO respori
tfult; , -- . ..,.
-- - - ' .:• -' . .11'31: 'iliiiitii, '• ~ •
. .I.lvs tiara Coanarikut Cail and Iron C4.' •
." ~ •• ' • AiStr./ CAN 101: 4 1 ' •
...: Ili uf rig dipar I tends-at. ;
ltdwood.Oth oserotair,i 11464 I; .7. 1 -{ , ;„ 1
roll inturaiitlo la reterenre tat' flta Mich) will ra
glaan;by cal s lisig pciva4dArevi. l 44 : ,;', i; .
i'4 , JABBER. BX ia,'' ; t
;,.,:".'.' ..70141$ 'it; MIX. H
a;bei =111;61. It • ' 1474 t j.. ;
. . ~
IL ' li' L Tei
• • And '1 Vei r.1 .1, 7 4 ! r 4 It i . trie !'
.I.OR UP 4.RDS of three ye re past;
I have Dien gig IWalingifii,eiiirpt hialtim.;
.4-the at.disysto fg3 per annieubbdtlog .distr- ,1
nos of
: going to Z . In :the got* of e month s~ .
fur the. purpose-of Dem Introducing' the' lb lbw*/ lin
willing to teach Ititolany one who brill seed' kill The
badness la se brig, Mat' f • highly us ed lusd ' Ow ,
oral chitracterot Pled' hot is cities sod ir Ra ges }ad
one than tiny pe bf mill ary catieelty,lyo
. .g or Olt
.mate or female, gee icittire ith a liter him '. practice,
and by which they can see a eery Wind e I negime.
feseral young laglee '.who vs rseetisd Initrurtlons
front' ma. both to hew'"York tide aril Pirousylvants,are
earning upward. if Z11:0 per Mk b.Oti, pod there is ' no:
remain why any use slam not dri the lime! 1 loralldn„
'VIM, ean.dourell by tt, is It is no peddifilit a ff air. bat a
I ,
Dopiness that Is porgiCtil table. . , 1 0 titlemen and
ladles of feline: who wont I ke Miles). ' t it , business ' 1
for tbeirown !IMO 'MOM , Pilaii#:4,4 I ti d the prae- I
the of It a ploagaril petal and One th lb y will take
greet Interest lb. iOn mei tof glii-w I . rid minted
tnatrustltins by.whigh any isooPian }'es ly empire
the art. and Oiler gostruct Mt witr; RIM laio step,
particular retallvel to the al ling on; 01 t at It grill
be highly-prolitabto. Th e p rehmer of the printed M.
strurtions" grill Sim be ant titled lotali4to others ;
and I hays' gonsetlgses witted ashigh: for teach.
log It alusiiiitighrilali ould state
further thailt.6o . stoorwilll bu
' thing that is
necessary to ramosence the basin ;with; #nd the aril.
cies can be got afar any hipreaticit3i ige country;of t :
It preferred,l min urnigh them: I I Addiesig , 1 . '
-- '
vj • • A LVORD if.**ll.ltSONS:. 1
1- • No. 36 Liberty ht., thiw.Yorie., ;
' : ' -'1 :I I ..: '• 4.5-3. - i 1
Nab It. `41,1
. cuT74-'
i.,1 ;
', . . „eitro . —
ituaii'd-ttii I OM 'OOR, roof", nor lr. old:. OD.
4:will 'LlbooFslts , eoit '.•l100 to
-:i . i ~ i s 1 : - i
d Ills 'testing *Ur
. sr tla red
.. '1 I . •• i,
•f, andwill lasi Pl ' itai rills as ions As
L . '
r pilot.. . cir resssing t eltlrr Dew
, bas' I equal for delnibilli; I.
otter !I , I Ulllll. 'piddle 14 1 11, Ofiblat
, . I . ' I,'
latent*, a d glib on i t
' Mid
am far 1
t ' 1
~ I ' I
r .,.. 1
. s i t . lbai Art?
duer4 to ilia lit!
.Psacek fpr tin
gilloni coating $1
300 foot of roof, •
white toad or (Abe,
-or old, Rs.-I,!Peftol
cheep owe, and
°tits lotrltisle.ex
will do all w• .e
gallons each, at a
all 'orders to
QUID trar,PE
Oct 12.'01.
- .
At Ati.wrills. Ltbancra ' my, inotitylvaida.
W. Jr. 111111ROISIDige A.M.. Pwli, notpeal:
la. to meet, iii firas alai 6 tea. i' , K uirmints a a
provenly. age. Tbi mama of study being so errangml
and extended thst pupils =ago or degme of advance.
meat may be 'Mitred Wats ly equal advantage; aid
embracing lo its different manta boar Bramettesot
Education mast !medal or. earable In -the ditharot
spheres of fife. Tux imatas. DlMita IflllaT Ottawa
mainly to imput i thorough , rsetleei allatatioe. width
may be tuned to Moment In t al tat Woof bealasmt.
TII It Ct.afI.VCALI DEPART X 'VT, an Ming trba slog . *
of the ehmales—tiorient abd Mallern— ltli *view to na4.
tints the taste—ft ridine and elevate the mind, ar n il:.
Iwo to the Mady:rd Wam tailed hat ailed the teamed p
°bleb an_ gxperistiele Of men than, twill* yearn Iti
schools of mationcgrades, and la different wretiona a the
Volga will be drawn avow In familiar lee; arm Uhalltrit •
non aod IMMO!. to Wier% a- ks"rid a lb. stud/
Iraehiwg. • ,
TU6 DISCIPLIIII le geotlejnitirm. atteapemeary
restraints am instituted ha the calm al dera—,bne
salt as ars deemed coadarimi to the le 1., or menial
weintna of tilt stadeat will be rigidly ea, Students
noes abrnal eon board (maim animate,. )1n the
WWI, of the Daub/Mang over tame* rental °antra
will lie exembod during their stay. They will mg be al. ,
kneed to be absent from the Instil atlon a aneemonable a
beam; to slat taverns or places of a t without
Mistiming On to be absent from their la as any , par
I test- exempt Melanie at -penathision Is ar iftuta
t i
dhut.- , i• , .. , .
TIIIILOdATIOIf Is planiamt, twat% al, ad meladied t
IN a lknarialetait little elllam—sartai by : a pkter •
rape ennagglity matleated aorta, At !mots *kr
fauteari of flarrtabarg mit wlthla lint the lobonot
Valley ffallerados Melt maiseetelle and Reedlag,
Midterms ikiNIII bli the gaol adatafftalimaistaltreen
Kew Tort sad Soiree' ', t' 4 ..6t
TUX MST Mks eferients ' My Itrtekanywa
i t
tare—planned a halft Illt *hoarding Selma
The !welter* Of hd agicm samosa le Warty 'mar had of
'the Made moan *proved Its see *adeattiltrt. The Au.
& re ate roams a huge tied eonmaleat, a 4 will be mew
pled meerally by_ltwo m 4. le each.
it tUDIkil :—Sprini lig and , lfeffildni r IsfedlagSald llfte
ratios. , Writint. nrlthmetle. En ,glish arentmar, Gear*
atty. - Mater,. Omapositloa and Daetenalina, Mak keep
leg, lie eat Allpthemlikametry r iChentiotty, Water.
al ThiloparlY, atillitMlf, Allaltak and rbis ..1,,
Serveyhrg, Mani gad Wimniatt T se try, we.
ttbefinfe e ,ffientl, Meuse, Lelia, th . "Midi god
arrustaik orectoot.( iistelytto
will sontlanalbr Manthr—willseal feliagtof est
week between Ma Ott4Ten Tam 11 '
Studeattata - atoll thantord i alai" dung.
*daftly 690. *be ad aaterfog, i _ -1 I 1
rxemotKis lwred. l 9seddit.7llo Light% ill
per caarteir pj it 1141.110. YOU 14011111Prellilt
St toilo-.461411=1* wortif4,i4
.. . langtaltimi
Ilitil estrig t h: labastatlas- Olaf mai .
l diaiir . sti , :ess ti•
Atwood to , imitimil sg - tbe Prisdpii
___ , • '
Wa. 0111111)12.
Assad 10.'41. t, at f 1 Annellie, Pa.
. AS Sr • .
Ale bushiest" at itor,
'IO al ./ . f Dalt at 31ILN*84 irli .
!‘ L. 17.-- is= - 414 the sibralber 1$ &Ate
ci . -r— *wimp' Wilelm* ff Memo - Eagle'
""*" Iliaildlag.l Mt itaisislier:Asoi iiimishmo
tent of all kis& of 3 tarblarg• tor UMW InitN i tit
rilonitileall• Minted Canr,.&e.: a e.: MO WO) &Woo gi4
lb* besitissiorta is g atki &MU Aar eidabestetro
Aral White A ' icAli Lima Awl ;peke /atm aid AL*
"ialipboduf se Oreprliterof tbenie Colliselec . , . 4 .;
, .1.. ,.,.,..4..i asusinsirazio .';
' ,/iiiii4rite.l;PlS7' . I _, : : *At ":. 1
Vb. aubseriberr We HAvol to Mt.
C Cimil , stanewb lb& taitods sad lb* peak.,
~_, rrir- , G;;R pi onalyAbiet lilbeie sow liolllaklifUl
. - •Ea r,--- at tato Alto taboo complete, aad la MI
ratio*, lad that they an, parriaol
to ars ' T rat it oftations ;ottani.. weighlbstroari
to 70 tha.oor yaid4 ' Algo t dlfforoAt alma adllat,Sant
aid round maxbaule bar Iron. . .- - • : • I
OrZa Gm. rano bar hicolarotoopoetftllraotteltot,
aid let lomat wit pennipt'sateistlera If lafroithoa at
• the , nu )1111, Cacao' Ittuatrra fiat:Aware Eta.
.Cootraatteot, oa thetrollteo. tonaer-of lloeted and
llarkokatasola. • . 1 HAYWOQD, Lint* %J .
li f
Jan:, .., . ° 1 :. Itif
TO c?sl-... tfili:JSVILIliaL lB , '
be subioriber respectfully ineltiell
!trill, ila attention of (behind IWO conasenni
na,aQß ir to ida 1 Boiler Worts. on Ballroid
. cif . ...
.. r ...,- below. th• , PaasanPr , Depot,
P, ill*, Pa n ybeen gels preps t
manufa c ture
Bmoke larks, Ale Ineks,SlastPlpes,Gasonnateres, mai
al Ae. Be left on italuL i
Bel a practk I Mechanic. intl Bimini fort' Wiffflw
voted welt entirely tell this beseech of the Winne,
ditodat inchimardithat wOrh dome at biseetablialtenent
will gin" satisfartion to 41 who my Moor tine with a
call. itidividual* and Companfee sill And it greatly
ta thatil adialitato to Wahine hinwork before eugatieg
ehrawherw, : ,;, • , Jour; T. NORIX
•._____.,..Keli 2l :' s7 I , , -, • , 414 f ' ;
The suiescribee• are now folly pro
rtiniti naiad to innifilt, at dm Arbland Iron
: 1 4, 3 un-na if *rimy name Ensines and Pampa of
any power and meacity, for mining and
other pculeoma, Coat ilneakersof avert
stem and pattern now In are, together with mestingsand
.forging*. of faveryideecrlyilon. Coal, and Drill Cam of
elf Mars and pattains.lanie Track 110naa Cary—all
fornished at thr sisortert entire. The enharribere Bat
ter tbanuelves that, Inasmurh as ev'eryMember of the
Om lea practical mach:mit', they will ha aLle lo 'furnish
machinery that will compare favorably with any hefts
Resioh, AIIIWO dlrlated to 1.. 1.. 0 AIMS A Bane.,
Sabi - and, & U
Loy ncouth Pa-twill remedy. prompt al.
Mention::• I I,' ,- L. P:0 MIN Itit,____ ' ,
, 1 • 1 ,Id 10HAILLOARN112,,,
Aileterid,, May 10. WI I
~ . ~,,. lie-
...??-I:4ln' de tts : r p ' n i trlt l ia=i r n u otct
;; prietor of the sinus Meadow Iron a
v • raps. litirita;and is fully Preps to
if • nautilus. at this establish nt.
Steam !Saginaw ' sr-over* else; Pumps. Matron tad
— Prift Cirs, !and; every other description of Iron rind
„Brew Outing. editable Air thief:al minink or ot Iste bat
. minam. on the molt reasonable term.. Also. Slowing
Oylinders for Kist Plarnseee and Madan. work Iti gen
'oral. —• ; 1! I • ! ;. 7 •l ; -. • ; ;. •
niPairinr dill kinds done With neatness and a...
Patch at the I west prices.: All !rot* furitstotd ' Sy
them warrant s to per:aria Well. They would solicit
the enstom of thane wholnapwent articles in tbelrlifts
in it, is vicinity • Alio rdevirill meet irith instnediate
and prompt attention:. , ' .. ; 1. .. „
-Hover Ateedows,Jentsiwy 1.'69 , - ' !..I. 1.
n g 1, A t '
tkr 110.
h Troide,
t o Root
Moo; of
of Rit
DOI na .
Ofr con.
.• . WAtifipigtitiotißcui woßkp. I.
~ -•- • ~ roittsvk lie, v*. . . i . :..
. . .west' THOS. A JAS.-WROT. ilispeCt
, C 61316zR f u llyoe en i n o: ' rn " tt e Ili i tl t N i t t e l l °a rN ° e f w t ttactis i t
- 7 . 11:1:-: c•.= Shop and rout ry erected between Coal
. cud itilleosd streets:and- fronting On
Norwegian ..atnect, whirls they. snipe red to. imamate
*II' orders trr Tnachlinvy of Bresa nd Imo. such as
Statue Nnttlnea. ail. kinds or,Oeto Int tor Rolling Mills,
Orbit end day Stills. Single and •Dou Teateting Pmps,
Coal Breakers. Drill Caro. ellitinds of taltroadeuitinp,
ouch !as ,Citairstor Flat and T hail Frogs: Switches.
4ic; ailliinda Of Mat and wrought I n Shifting. 'Be;
lag Timeliest tnechanirs, and haring ade the demands
of the Coal Itettkin their study for y rs, also: all kinds
of Slachinefy In theirline or basinthey tatter them
i n
*eivf" that work done es a* their tahl aliment wlll give
satisfaction to all who arty honor El with a call 4, All
fordo:, thinkfally received and Pro Pt l Y;a e r',!'"4 ° °"
the most reasonable terms. , , •..
THOMAS.. WENN; • . • JA ::: IVAN,: I', ,: -
Nor. 22,'57 - • . • . .. : - ...1 !47-tt 1 . ...
•. • --. • ..StrOGESSO Til , ; •; ; i •--;,;--- ;
MORRIS & JO M' NE .& C 0.,." :
MON A I SD STEII4L; WAR 1i 1401:11411C. - ' ;
' ;• Ncti,ketfineCSittteiqk Sfirets,lbilodelpkia,'
Haim alrlayronihood midi for sato ; ;
Burr 'ENV 5u Mal NxplutoN 7 fruit Ullartiiillte 4,
“Brfroalla r and:other far ta brand*. • smsr;mktust.i
CAN. it A lill-,ordinary sl or Tolkd to ardor for Widget
. purpooes,tbe., at. MINNS LYAN la ISOMER ; PLATii—•
Prenniseacius sties. or ;rialto enquired Ask 'BOILER;
RiVgT3- 4 Dover brand,aulidi in solid dlin7BYST:ltif-!
WASH CAR .AXII.E2I-47errefin and liOslisli. PLUS;
't 8116 ET 1110:1 , -=lbe tors/ as rebates. de. JiIIIERICA.I4;
..:,1 SCOTCEI PIG IRON.;' LROkii IltoX—T railroad
, flat bait rultablefor ;solo s, turnouts. te. ;JUNiAtd;.;
1 ENGLISH & Notew AY ALT RODS, itOLTdifilnB
o tid
• WOBIIKII4-4 4 0r W n''
all*. di , and alehiam/ PoWass•
4 1rolisrally. • OM dliiidli, 41ACLIIN it and, Ilialbt.6l4!
BTEIIL. Stool ao oars quality for tips and dlos.:' Tbro
above, together alth‘li 101 l assortarant of Iron.;'dtorl;
Nails ,and Splkes,l to: ableb the attantloe of drodank
inflamed toospai3bra l saglasers, miners. Panders and, sow.
ebtalrtr Is km rod.; , t I , [Jan. 24.'40 44y ..
• • • - r Carter :4x &alte r . • - - 1 '
free . roaincisil./faCh!fisists, &der 'cad Mach iniatailbof
I Makers 'and tar Baikkrs.. i -, - :.
, Tbeaubecribers are now prepared td
tt il l, *feel:roc:Nara for all ki ode of Mations.'
• ~:.,. • • .. 6 .,'R ryAngliseit. and machinery f* enllien
• :7131 •• Lizr.; Wel blast tarosesx, mllls,.de; Sites'.
sloe facilities and practical oh:wised
In' the boatman. warrant them in taking the large;
contracts at the low eetpricee..
Particular attention breaded ft:lrene & Alleteedew
Style Patent lifindlng *arbinery. by which •..the Wye
onShart rope Or Chains run on the top of both drums
In double wade.! , 1 .. :,: . , . •
This arrangement: In le . itonediently betiaand,Hirill.
sire in the'wrter and tar of repast oral:aids, the - plies
of the macbinary in Sri years: and for fut winding,
slsitplicityof ionatrnetion and durability, it einneit be
surpotneC . Pre alas"' rerommend the new ear wheel, in.
vented by Mr} Larien : H Allen: This whineics is only
be had at onrycorhs,andbas stood the tin' of theaeve.
rat severe er in tent past.tritmphaatly; not !n;alnyle
wheel hart ogbeen broken alnceits introduction '; We
are nhw Plariny It ander. there're of spine Of the prin.
el .l Railroad Colima:ilea in the country. - ~ .. .
We yrottld also Oil tit... Mention of the public to the
TamanniCarlShop.nonneeted with the aboes.worlie,
end recently Itreeted tor the man nfaetnre of Itallkont,•
Drirt; Preixti tithiri and Truck 4 travails/nal with all
the lateat Improvements A o4hat t boyar, thus enabled
to execute writ much t heap", and withmoredespateft
than heretofore: ; ..: •- ~.. ' ' .- ' - !.! - i
All Work gitarenteed. • Penmen want Iligitny natty Is
our line Iron: do well to give tun all:, . ,1! I
' : .I. , •. , 1' ' • CARTER 411 A LLIFN. 1 '
• - April All,' ~:: I . ~ : il , - .' IT. ,! •- I:
- '-
i m i7 " : %WAR" a.,9°' ' , ,• :
• Rroo4;nad nosittrai strata, PluledilAie:4Mteti.,,-
Wuolit call ibw•ettentin
W o of Railroad'.
CC!" ''''. 1 1 4 01 16 an - a
t boon 1'1411114. 111 Bait.:
47.41 lawl. r oad Property. to their' Spes
re:of I Loco.
:4.ELL - .. ar... ....- marten illeginrs. in which they are id+ -
. . tad both* particular liardneenlbr which
. they may be • • aired:. by the war °fame, two, thntner
• four pair of riving wheels: end the !use of the whole,
or ws math the. weight an eiay be' deslmdle 11131-adbe•l
aloe: and In eecennsodatlng them' to the gradra, curers,
etrengthrkr perstrnetion. awl rail and work to laa done..
By - theme' =PI / ' the owl:imam useful nifret of. teen toolonr
.ls *cured el . the least exprnow lb/ ettoodarwe; rust `iit
luel.end Its re Road - and Entine. With thew ob.
JeCts- in .ir , and an the reenit of Irrenty4hrser I years
practical experience Inl the border/0 by ouneenlor put-.
ner, we mans faetnorjitai &Orme( kinds*, Riviera. and
several' elation of • ra of each kind, : Particular letter.
Lion paid to the st sth, of the machine in the platfand •
workroansidi of al the details. Our , long expe4ence
and opportbnitiee f obtaining, inforreation.eaablas pa
.• to oder : esti with chi aaaoranse thist In edirlitts.
, • - .eennom nd 4 rablllty. they .wlll compare teVotably,
elth : thoie r 4 any them kind In use. W. also ' toroleb
-. to order, w • rip, • les,.bowling or low moor : fl ee (to ft ,
rwutree wit ut oil.) enispoeltk+ vastinp fur steer
ing. every • . Apt nor Copper. Sheet Iron sod Boner
Works: an. itiree7 , {mild* appertaining to the initir►or
renewal of r .
°Vivi Nollam. 'At. W.IRALDWV.I. 1 :
January . '6O ~ : ll-tt ' • MATTHEW 1111.11tD.1 ''
•11 • .
ever ;. _ !b '
iold to
. 4 .00 t -to
Vedra , St
old Roofs'at the'
- 141
"" , h - fiT
;j 2 v i inglini l .. :
ar=0.11011.48 awl 48 psma
• . 41ackiarp Mb at the 8888
astlisOriagkati: t u a
itbelibips stabs
mall' 11 • 1111 •
1 lb. eoustry. -411 ,
tolitian. Tarillari 118 a,
I'MN*a 1111 k pe , it atlas
MO. MS= A (10.. ,
wN - g AN L ., LY 'I on" figind, fiiilis for
OID ' 14 diesa PrkvP,fbir ior tnod
paper ' ". lIATWOOD, LKX !CO:i
Poqrrille '4,loii • ' • '• :
, Th
Stiehter 1 & onipaon,
Corner Curr :1 larket, 'Nip of the Bev;
i ie TirIIVILLE, PA.
Jawaary 10. Ilt I Ltf
Ilkd.; it o li i i j 51; Bi n, II:2 rasTtit
all with a stew determination of latish is
ia* all lark pods es tlte heehaw of the
Coal haNke. Amy regains et Melt lowest tosarket valise.
rolled, the laspretbse of the kablie. 11 shall be always
ou bead, sea havoc's bead a fall Nock of
llar Inws„ Chopplegi Azea, 1
I Mae bee, Coal novel,
Cast St.• ~. TiPell Cbalita.
Sit live. halls awl brats%
Techle Weeks.
thrws.,.. Anvils aed Tires. tt.
Hardware and Inn Depet.Cawvaa STMT. three &was
alms Market. east side. IiIIAISK POTT.
July WWI. I 1 2hat 1
t 1 !.. CEo: l o . LBRiallitt .! , ' .
I SS 'lt tt Ask, o * **Own U .-
Ores Ilatolwod Warty oponolto Ow
laNlioevo', Sank, Pottsville. wber,. will St
fbood an tweolloo t asoortowst of listi.
yam. i i ' I
tl / 4 7SdAws iiti. ':•- ' .! i riratW ori. ''. 1 1 . 1 '' . '
• ltwooolleefools, •. . Asiortoftt of goo *easy .
(upri,l l 7.4os Tows p, •• • Table Colforf, .". 1
Glom And Pilot, ; - Pocket Catkft, ~.:' • • •
Su Troy offal skisotyl i .. - • Table Prow. , .; i , -
LAWS .... !•• •......-- -.. Awl" amid Tilts ! ,
Nails jod Solkoo '! I. ' Awortwoot of dtto llis ,
-. '
ftailrood fro" atokNIU", . ! Mod In* CriitifSas ! o,
• &IDS Tuft; • I ! Ifine..llo.Ploto, ~ L ,
Bailiff az WIWI: old, i-• . ' StsforKot4 o ll i '!. •• •••.
Clitisehol, .. ..
... • •ft,d Ttisoo.:, . , .., i.
dboorlatel. " f
.1 ', • Piloodod Illoilloroi • !- ,
- And illettftort • ! .' , Intitaa. 1 L ii : •
VIII loos • _,! r i -, • Sfailfood Twos, I ‘,...
, CP3111 , : "fitf' if IfOrtflli .?11 "
41, • if '
, fAi.voteritiblifiw i lbriafbipildlollbilliiirifeifiiil
deo *WI twfoodod to Um IWO**. oftfl boposdl o w St Ids,
lodlirdfnal'espatlO, bi fier"! ott.tiwt to 'bottnoto,wod i
Ow "'porter quail et -NW wcOdootod
'• Ma* WU dootwat ideftwond. ttotir= l to li f Oft.
i og! tu , ~ • ,[ -- , • Ultafto2_l3l(lo&
Amami fford.stre sort_ hist, anent
• roltwlllo.Nov.ldi U 169. . . ; !.'. • Op i ...
• .', . • I •, :: • •. !
- WY_ • : •
• OS.`
afetka aA
say therm" 1
hula; action
quentis tbly a
that app.
Your Pips
lbokl thornily
over fottod.
toltogs dt
Rolm t'
a Tama
Dy leo. -
lime* the'
row Know;
my liithda.
DUI &a.
llle, sad en?
ay, Para
Too stanch .
castirenett. 11
an ettleaciOnst
hig it tor,' the
that eopplolnt,
th• monitor'
Hyena' t 6 mit
own and r
. • Prim Mr& .
I end ono on
atMetir arli i
to t
so smell t
11 ° °Pet, ul
r •
Moslem' Si;
'you skill lass
rwiL. A;eold
dating oievrce
tit*. Notwitl
drone grew 1
Pills. lb .1
DR. Am
y . aors.
' @L
daagetaas law e i g p
gasper that; ,
canals no waren
:Pries; 25
TBotd b
itfacitur, P•
Muss; 412111
,kiil Llavint; .
.. 1111 / 4.'81
•-A Beneroielt Iw
Isent.for Ow Re
lath ,Tineleld it
the acre of
. 11DICA
. Sorsraou.
letter ew
HAT, ST ii
Moss, r
also or:
ip boort!'
sorb marEl
tattling hilt
p ;
So. 1, d
rerizht to I
Over 10001
:bleb are r,
Army. 'Ad , ,
names 1.
the Coon . *to
eclat .. ,of
have Mere • sod
liter for In .1n
the bescf, orb
promOnet and
patch. 11 v in
most. tap rle •
hands In be
the'' , can
all work it
Esterly's 1
200 a.
This Ili
chinos, Is
tie. 10
friction of
sad Brno
Ms,. las
Mils., b
104 : ~ :
1 0
T ise
i' ,
.1) si i
~ - 4:: . - ,
`- P'`
I e l= SM. "IN
i he *Out ale,
teelteirehi rear it!.
eatimbitlit •
ii =he elftiihtt . it
JO 1 . .Olinu
hi liipatitt ke - taw
thre33l Rs* tithe tight -.
lolly. Take Ain* rtifstati
set lb/ dianionlikor
fle w :o the hhaet. imet
la Taidausev• as alai
etrachi IP _ bagaloi WAIL
Ilmor ittentlate Itedh ylp t
ti the haft late ae.
thltz. Plettty the vette
- taker watch mks
IMO betty, aad M.
esete,_ it Rot valistaill,
earratadiag wpm. erso
Nalhaisi c tat detwook
' t the -darangruatah‘
,11 It Um temayam
Ind ea itimest la
also true la min
liPen. ' the *at
• abeam
A railetiooll a .
them sately,
the Tidos at 1
Ibia 110,[114 lea:
li pious 'fit;lliii.
Lardhl /IL 4,lbS.
ippe et all Visit Is
may us* denbier
bet, had pd,
bees I law
rola= low at
cunkloimp also hied
4 • i• •
palms, Thoy;
Mitr mean pal qui
lat,t• las 40117
wank comptileti
4 to sayeal Oat tot
plea' great dope'-
year Pillogont al the
, ThOlay 1,
moestedV eared el.
hue to a &snot two
drum • bill oteasch !
&yaw amnion
'ray reek
adeptid to their rm.
beneedel etrectseppo
bey hare in my pan
are of Ulises aim
mentioe: 1 sincerel'
wrath. which is var
ies and the people.:.
eOr brricaciy hosi t
P. CO 5e1e,11154.
Is my vowel sad
them, end =Mot hesitate
se employ., Their , aird.
/skit and deeklect,+ . ameb
a remedy for derangements
siohioni toiled sane of
It did not readily yield to
uevaisa qf fas Aviv liespitet
11014 , nagatts, Worms.
awe, eiCidomod ‘:.;*
lour trial In my prattles, •••11 1
ape of the .Leanperiontil, bate
Wye effect ova the Ilver mikes
,4tlsm glees in smell dome f•r
kaa. Their yoligiu:.artikig
and conveuieut tur the:mair
. . .
I • '.. _ f . ,
Irolleit* et'
she illeatid ? 1
a, .Iter 4.4deent:OVerra, Bo**.
limd soar Mlle nigh extrnordinary
-4 anmog &mit am called torten
.te the. inane of .dtgestion end
Sr the very beet remedy I, hare
• roandently recommend them to
. • TurNs, ; .. V 11:ISIYII: .
.. ,
(pining Co, N. Y., Oct. 24 , I BS INI.
nit our embattle Pills In my Tian.
n a itellent purgative to cleanse the
Omuta's+, of thalleed. - ''t
71 ,10ILN o. stgApuesz, 3L 1).
. ,
,foativemette, iimpreeedll l ll,l
Gout, Drape
Hi Mese WWI .1
raviphai Afooterof, ClMocri. • :1
aaktof 'yoga' ilit•ror !ha rail of
of our fraternity here Lund them.
e, they 416111,13. M roe in 011 , 411101 , '
of ' the multitude . KIM auffee from
h, although bad enough iii itself Is
mre that are nom.: I hetiere em.•
the Iteeribut your Zile affectthat'
Phyvkir god ,11 ,0% Thites•
, ,
'me Lies pf your PillstAtalten atlthe
Ihnwieremetive!of,the sutural sacra:
10441411 y eappnewed, and also tarp!.
be stomach end ir/74 *erns.
4 11yele wielemethat Irecuniumebd,
• .
i .
fau4res;ii lAi Methodiat 14#. Chesa..
emit Savannah, fiaL Jan. IL 1856. •
should be luny - literal for• the' ralref!
t Soo It I did not iiiiort my rue ta
Is toy With. and brought on aura:
'eh:which ended lit Thronic r4emea-
I Ins I bad the beet rif physkiittuktibi
nil worse. until be the advice of Our,
Unlock Dr.:Mechanics, I (riga ' l iar
were slut, but sure.:' By
I's= now entirely will. • • -
:' - i'::• •
- !
' Wm Ileum La. i.e.D iss.
been entirely cured; by your Maar
pettifog Wines that:bad atilleted ms
' • - . •IFINCKIVT spank
. t ,
-, , ,
U. In nomad 'esintaln Mercury; ,
valuable tamidy in iskillid bendi is
i bile lilt, 'trims the'dreadful 'Soave; .
tly fallow it. liteautlinis UM , : . 1 1 010
or Etineral saddens, whatever. :• 1 ,
per Box,.cer 5 Boxes for SL i •
.T. C.. ATZS iik 034, ffirell t am.
, cr. plaint it fps. 11. Banos. and lL
Jon i
; J. 'E.iirmns,, C
FIT, Tamaqua; P. 11201 Mt,
[CO3;Trenoid.; W. U. Lavas, Be oyi•
'Aflifs ennyvkiere, .
880CIATI 0 N rhUisdfa.
A ,
ifitatln utebrisked sprefal
'if Me &et and Distressaligigidat
. Chronic Pireawn. and eirntailii for
? Of the - Sex*/ Oigpitu. •
AN, RIND Patin. b 1 UN Adios .
604,4 1 10 0 0 1 40 00 Spannatanteles:Aind
e. fkrznal Omani.. and on file MCW
ed in IN Dispenses. Peat in reified
on of eharnii. Two 'or 'three ptiinps
Ms. ArAddrsiss—Dß. 2. 11144,114
and AnnueNtion; ,
I IL. . iny
p. Portable HantiPewerPreisiui
I ..for Baling . i - • '-• 1 ;
:II Coto, Ilair l llidesi - At.
IRESSES':are made for ixiy
li t of tale negigireti. soddelharrei on
York. Delivers and cabers wanting
linvited to Wit* for Catalogue', ten
. anon: - 11 ; ..
OF MACHINES : • H.., .
Mr lisT, ikr..,:weneb*t bile ~,,, . .n. '
i lig) t 10 lb': •"": 7
do. - 1 1 weight et' bale. ii s ; go
.: 1 , I 250 . to PO lbg. ...
'' 11.. &"•• ! . • '. , 8S 00 - 1
• Pnigli. SOW 014:N0, * 2 41041209 !fig.--;
• rein ets.iper hundred. ,
i znerehlwee ant now in nee. inggir Or
rely used tar ballogiilley,ke.gbe OW
. :
SOIL 4,D9tratizetiry.,l
I . - .i . II , • ar r: D Po t s lz..
1 . •
I too
ERLY.A. FRicit. I,
ors or •wiri Coal reels,
respectfully dall the alien.'
aomilnt- i
- -;'
1- 0 7- i ••
.•" ~
-.,' .. -
~-1,•,-1\: ...
; .
belfo - ',W7.`•••'.
tb r a; , -," ,„::.".
; . 4 ,
di 1,t . ,' , 4
t __^t,......-7-7. --- 7 .-:
eed , ,•,:. 1. , . -1,1 , ,,.••,•tt ~'
la et • ..--‘ '''' d 1
u- ' ' • ,- ''''''---, 0 -- " 3 .7' ! i
i l e
t Ir Faetoryx! ' , _ I, 1
tp.indealbstastialto, Irene a t he Slutetee l
_. -,
t i
heels.ltdgenrayittsged3kaftli., ad,
inaye on band . ;• i , ~ i L, i 1 •
eted to the firm ' by or le ft at D.L.
ire eters wlll twat** prompt attention.
-it 7L'slo' tJnir :WWI 27.1 114.1)112
- ir Wadi,
iewirw 4
,If altooKisp;pitom )
Mis. Whits, Bled* 'sad coun6a.
lee made pertleutatie fne;,l42.lef
.ffitrong t Satedith and Elam.
l. :not Impaired noel by ,
le.' Yoe Muhl neey we Ulrike IP4oat
' • r • .1 • • ..
;• upper thread.
°fled: Red fltkrt. I
snider tiliriple.
able deelonaihmeamet eseatre.—.
or 'lOO dozen sack. giosorgook
leißir tilt. Me Aceeit t
Strait, IN* = an.66l t
JustPiggi4k -H ed. - 1,- 1
i; the
Tbi Maid State , tt eodtrelet•
In 4 Iterltpat—ohklli lOC to
by the Om. dose* or Pintas.
It Ba,r4trur ;Lod lltitylort
• •
'ltn supplied do,.
• B. IIMOtAl!.•'
E Girard Life lieuraziee, Annuity Lit tft
ape Trot a 1911101 • 1 0 1 •• Ofilei't 2 .l''
, 1( e at Wit, no Ird en lan of he "dm
( .1 7Piraa. rati4lX6.-VgA iMR PERIViral Le •
A ss 1 ' 1 Canthill, to stab tosorness on
,liver on in siontireor
at 4o •M a •'
:g_,—li •
t etr b i b
.ER,; MI A., Prieeiial • ' a I.i4o=t=rt.r
lay, win sic, privet* hones • Plod oictirliT la the twin
' real boom or at Mr Meth ' '
li Tba a rilllS .11111 : b e P da I sild / 1 illlt i llul Y er
t nth aelhanday, lied at aer ~ 4 • ' , I
4 ik. g s me - parr, an s nom Irony to the I '
1 ,11 • 4 1 cot Chintliati kr _ liaitod wise.
.en iik. Tin lest enu,,appe,,,isit,4 I. Dweller.
a a dam b etima , la. tan, we
neon how la Deonahri.ldik, sad the lb ird
tu x k a d os y. I. ju sa tio, , Doom' le Theabor, tidoly iiiikk addition make as we.
, li a gi s i ss im s ; lb& i m pi ng . venal owe tees' eo per Net- epee the presairespaki,
-, i - i within *win tho nasal pia ibieh • - Y- '
att.l stiorthn to Keno. ' • • j , mamas= :
/L . '
lAM Mud'. 1 4 ?Wow Illiegeray. i Jobe A. llione; 4
i 1 ' 434 1 " Sobilk Penwell, , i Jobe R. Lathier,
iklaptaut - 11 . Jam, Jobe X. Slat.
Ilrees. Jobe elliteken,
WI dril io rW man. , Taber, 1 Immo tenon, ,
Women ~Illeersillie: ' 8. Preenni, Path J. piety, '' -
t COOL UMW% e 1 •;'- 1 -, , teme Slam _
• axed eel Seisecluee , eon MAO Orr*. agaelikaliiitZ
-ed. aM is she haft or tOG loolleensa awl heiher lefteuifine yea be
410 • .1 ,14 4 hr. I , t alV h lr-t t . ?limas irUXlWAT,bliiiiit,
Opinion to lessielee Ink inn ' 'P. J•lirlit Oilleetl. •_- . • ~.
!boo. • TOO ales de all bind. e , sabeselbeiris wee se tie Owe dinp
%We eelletemse ordered it v II lielloiebla0 1 •01.1 1 ek will lOW lelnessaeoli slid
J. it 1. Le l rogetetilm. ere - all umeeseire teetuat CO the sallied. 1 '' •
- ; 444 m i -' Jsoellit VO I is. *. leArgwr.4
....46 , 01“,Oixtgui TEUI
MOO 1111111Matiailni 7. '
ftitt lllll 4 ll a
.._. 1 ... 111
,-- SOW-* all "la
•i tititalcrt rOk
16:14..0r tilikkilit”
as i
---,. ,iTivit,. now .
1 - : , ,eliftrivot , 104.4'
;-1 1 .: ''' , itiiroiiimii - b Li.'
- , ~ I hter*'iblftor.r
...., , int MILLION!
[o;neots,lo)" l °C " 1 , '
1 5Metkot# 6 71 .
tri, , .,1 0t A - 11' ' 1 1 i%‘
• i , •1 , 4140114161
!,YliliOledi o4 l lll o° -
s wi l aii.,
j aitleist...
( Mot Oavesileal
"It la shim iiiey;
ire ha,* tried 11.
« d
LBlO.OO Offirol'lV
' • tt.A
° 25 1
Niel! 26,0.
PrielD IS Cot
;Very , Llwr y Reel setliut Wholesale
Par sib by in Dnizibag, and farekeepars anal
entity tbreirbbut the ciouitry.. .
. . .
. , .
•• , -
zoThor of r•ftiltroo,..:
_I ,
Important to House , • . . 1 . I
,L, , 1
Importort 'to tatiders. .
, . ,
Important to 4 11 road ' • Pani" , ,
- /lllili
paZt ' to rumor& i
To all ago, !dad ma i emeero, cad lit 'emearaa
•• 1 e t e r F 6 dft • . ,
nui ohospoot and moot &MX* Rool9g to. nsi.
IT iiirillir :5311 3 WATER PROOF.
item, befapplkid tort and Nit Room of Au. lams,
deep or Eat, and 8 am Rodeo wltboot nazoalot IDA,'
Eblogles. 1 ' ... , , ' , .
'The Coil la 'oonly obeaat Ottar-Thlrd, that'.
MT, Taal, ~AND I T Is Tv . v 11
ULF. I' 11 I.:, , , 1 - .=1
,• Ibis article halt bootiborondbly tooted hs New Food
City and All pima of lb. poltod Statan4l;soada. Wait In
din., and errand and Rooth Autarlra. oo buildings of On,
kloda slob as. Yactouok Footman Cadmium RAU
Roan Dams, Cam. and on PIIIIIIc II imam normally,
oMattaaaar Bcomoos, de, by the Inelpill Boom.
Amarrao and others. Maras th e at tour yews. and
botoroined to be the CIiItAPILST and mon DURABLE
ROOFING i 0 DSC it ill In'o.rery reap* to FIEF, WATER.
WEATIIE and TIME PROOF' rover' gow ROWS or
T s.
,ALL KIN , , •
-, 2 hia 41a 01FL Touttarie4 want red,ix th Visited
Beier wh b i eomtl7 the very deal bin orportlas of
Etaaticity cod Du day. "ibieh rat universally ar-
knnwlett: 'Ow pnreawd I v GOT A PARCak
.. , .
No Nu is moire& in naa1;11
The expanse of applying It, 1a friElt
- Rant can to covered and &ditto ,
It Call bit applied b 7
and when intabed forme a per,
with an skate body, which nu.
Cot? or Stooks. !In:turn or
lone. act on ,
irbatorer. ' •
. •
MITA' P 431 Ca
For,Co:) Hug . Metals of
'Ticaseclaciioll -01
• ' '
Vim - Pires ,; tving and
Roots oF taf
ma Is'tsion*Cottrotrttol
cesifala esirtsle Ongi)
leash of tistip.:.arats
befall erfoly; formica Ilk body er,
o w , pint . .wtal math kolg•
TIMES ES LONG ; land Gina
by the contraetki 10. 4arlawl
METAL ROOFS , .11 1Snat upon madden dwarf* of Ma
readily *paired wi GRIM PERCLIA CEMENT. and
prreetll frbtm fatibor normakon 'and Soaking, tants*
MCIIINI4 Pittfirft.t . WATER MUT 'Dot ; 191 NAST
Opmant . _ freallarij addfdad foa-lanwrialifai
RICEITERA eLESIENTRoke.i ales toy gasatal saga
utnetonone oat. • - •
• . .
for Pieforialt and Inalriag Tie addallier Ilawd. Reeve'
of ever4deseriptioo, from its preatlielastidty, is . Dot ID:
Jared „contraction and ettpansiceiof Nerds. end WILL
Thirelmaterials are aearrui To AL CURAITI. and Irii
are prepared to atiPpip orders Eros an pea of the viler
tretat *oft notice, for 013TTA PR LIA ROOFING la
rolls. 'ready preparal for am. and GI rrd 'Millen t 0E
I aDIENT baa Mil, with fall printed 4111,db:ins lb, appli•
1. 1 ,n5,,
• We lOU hake W.. / aid sails/id es, , arrougnerstr
walk rerpeoplre riks solo leash' iike:to attablial Mew
she a 141C11µ? Pi sod Peanaalact buideesa. . -
,• 1- ~j • • ,
- lOUR TERMS . ARE ASH.• . •; 'I
114 eau ilertabo dart proof of CI ;we dabs in levee
a our lesproaaal >thoUad Malaria* lumina applied abeam
to wend demand Rade la Net Tort Clip and eICI DIV
' 0111\IS • BVCII,OSLEY • '
.., ,
i • ' ‘31:1L14 MAIMPACrIMEBS, •
Wholett& War i etunuai 711;Wil1111. Str,iwt,
• lull daachintiva oh:Cuban and pikes will bs fOrilslaad
on applkallon, k , • • „ ,• •
Siriomion. BA NAN 2 DaTRETIN. ;win
!amnia , tbn AMERICAN GLUE; and • also
14Qtri Gyre, CFMUNT, whole:lda and retail, and viii
also volt the Cea4pt OP Roots, at Um lowest mitts. Ar
ply to eltbei Doe.
4etn.r"-!ill; • • •
-. -Gineial 1 insiTuce - Brokerage; . •
- '
_.18.14"... 'SMITH. • • i. ,
' ,i ,
0171 Bd--Ce n tre below -Naltantiiito,
last aids' ilia at•Peniisylvaids Hall,: ,
.11 .. ' .;• • i I ... ' Pottaiille, EBM. .
airimintimame etteetad on all deeeriptions of-primaa.
ItiOn Omni_ foreign 'and American Companies, AR
rwtiidari,ca - rstibsd en ipplication 'ribs above ninad
• ' l Potyvilltylannirjr 26,'61 • 441 .
LI =lnman ' ,
rriug 'i'ranklin Fire Insurance Co*.
titij N iof Philadelphia. Oillea,l'io,lB3% Miasmal
street ,ftaarPltilattreet. •
, otascroit:
OtavietN.Baielurr, °aorta W.Rlehaada,
Daisy mitt,
-- -- -., , .
, Tdbilit!armor, ~ , Adolphe& Doris;
ilamnel Grant, • ' .. David S. Browni.. ,
.eolt/I4denith, , - Ilford, Patterson* .j
Donpeto neakainsuranott.peineanontorthaltod an
ovary eription of prairorty,in town and country. at
oaten low SA araeonaistont with wearily .
thipoilwany boversoortod a lat ill eontinitont T h ad:
which, withitioltilayltal and Premium)aarel)invistatt,
alf r ort r itt ni M oloyrotoettoto to tho Insured. Menthol). it).
en oat parka of Illyoars.tboy havonald Wised/
of eta vaillson. two hundred thonsowitoloitars,louso by
- 11)13tiosityadbititmovidoattoof theadvantarm alb.
snleo.sonollasthoaltility and disposition to mot
with roneptanicalillabilith) l. - .., - ~ ,
• , ~ CR AS.N .11121101EDR ,Prooldivitt; • .
DaatlO:Dantsvn.Sieeretary. , , i„ I
no saboetiber Imo boon appointed agoulfortboaberver
stationed I emanation ;and is now Propound to mato le..
Ira= ovni7 dostrlptionnt oroport v at th• tonne
r atio. •,, , , . ANDIIIIII . 'Lyme:Lost.,
I.ou. it. lux I •
. , . ...
T - L '' 'Pk
ai,. I=atgru•
111110 hoomm ,
-,, liram , ia-wrfe•sill wick.
,t . i
~I; Y O?•' ~~'
:wasiw i ra
skii instils* .110 " '
63% * C kb istragO, esse, of 11,R10. mu.
B = 4.
Gat $.
IA. IW4 riora
_ watitoOma
• ittileilit
. din Siirlowt.f rosy 4110,114 . IpS l
atteitioll Of the public Is tidtak
14 * 1 0 01 W 4/
• .• •
.- • wanctitt , gm 0M IR V. 'i - I
'.4.ePNutol. . krt.' . prteparition
1 - * I, 1 ..,1 chro iii*paerbtiag Dp'imasstawte,
, itriisibis
io la i ' sot *h. coadoomol 51; palotiallo
Item , it lady /tot to the t moot of the
dotalty ' tit Aoui wolual , dhow% to, am am.
nitomottoi. ark /to r : ar.. sot tot ,to soloolelki a onto sod bale Ili ithitroll- -
illaaolpiond audio pr
__,_. .4 2 :1.„1„ . *I '
. , • t i 61:010RE . .11CAIT=e000. i f
• i' tt. It'term nut couumu.l,,
Ajoil "Al. '4l ' e
',ill _
T1m..001.4041&!..•'. •''' ll. : - 7
a ' '..4Cingte s !irY Ptaei
lift Itpiritit'lleetpioll '..-.• ' ' .L_
_` - • -
~' °nolo the liinil!tTit!iieli ii.o7;r!"o.
AV ttifS„ .1 41rwel0 !i d , Alive!
a% tbrialloaCktori. prima t a_k .41t
1 147 to dm sity.l l ilfatelti• -midi J0e
,0117. ty typetrod I* Os boo slur
ot rea
Abs. tlmp filo 'ARvitiltlittad ' Wan "4 11
:goods' Ittirdto . torsi Oareementipd.
aiIP-A itgolit lbe thi Marken !Wilds lemiirany.
11"111,1111.104.901,iod.tttltikAndirkiit Waybill's's.'
* 711 a . " 1 11 tegi ni 6ii ; sill ' 'ataiiii • it is.
• • . AI owt wor
iitsettwill Ottilidedie; I. i' : ` (Pi'''. "V* *my
our Irani
P,I, ;.1119, cokes . TINC,:&C. ,-
4&S • A. ,. U. - litillW ' tuutrtetnoved
•• ,mi,,lltionblestitsill4isPlittsigadatsnottatest fons ,
kill* to the North West corner aphth Site
Rattnawced it arts . TRILADILPHI.‘ a i.. 1 will
cOnt haat Rai hada* witlatbatteena basal a Magee aft y.
'llle would unit especial itteatlota 'to le Deep Well
Pump. which a cAlld of teal riiiri ran riii 1 10Pwitolo
11-woll ooo tii titAlik. , Thank polo* made; Of braes, and,
not llablaao get out of order. way „be tamale operation
at the beaten of MOM iWOD. C. Rost; Sahli Brwk:end
mold Kira. near altnewakerelown,leall Cal. Jacob
' Halden r a fil,rtiablarlVll Ariftraztlenlape on applies.
blon. lle kaw* tossing,. •Oililiatoi. the eiree kinds of
Gydranlin Rains, 'and padA at isma,nd )fern and Lilt
Paula and their nintrat-tawilli to arrownsolnle tostaea
.sri• shoal' say part brook at weerout. "' f • -
I PlinallS baying Gydnualle ' tank wit ta in not In
„ A wn
Working Order, will promote Galt Int by caning en
the subactiber. wheat knailedge sad On Owes win:
ruble Mtn to osplshi. dianalttoo.aad pat. to work:
lac order+traionaGy at nun nagensa. • I ' f
: . Phllotbefpbta. Janet; 'gr. f 1 42-t r y f
'filHO,S. W EVANS & CO. invite
Jonontion n their Ire, IrAtl7 and RAND.'
. aaaortment of
..$' . 1 ' : ~ - ' • .."
' • :'. SIM 7 A LL GOODS ''' • - '
linktuectnig all thi IGIWIRUT Style" , la , LIES, DRESS
GOODS. , . '
_, •• 1 _ • .'• - ' - - •_,_,_
• A iso. i felt watotimentaf stotnentra p pe,wang
000D8. ft 0 il SKY, GIATIR:1111118, de. •
This - Obeli . ler prlaripallyi If. W. ITAN A COT OWN
114 PORTATION. having Wee Irleciad Lb* heat MI.
ROPRAN. MARKETS. expraerly *W . Galt Wit *WAIL.
TRAWL sad will be ranee KNIKTRPARSKD Ow MIA
in. 0111 and SRO Chestier it.. ; '., •
'. .1 • , • • IiRLOW; QUKTIKKITTA HOTREQ. '• •
- , ' i ' : •. , 1 1.. monorna.
i K.X.— . .MbOotalo buyers SO Ond ft adtrantigeons to
'lamina this Meek. li
: Oa. 124 'GI,
i ,
Beale of
'aw imam:
.; ; • •
• 1
-Philici6lpiilit; :1 •
mArritzisr.t. AVNER/Sip
INGe,q,URLI'.S, clllatilOara t Asp AL - LOlllElk
• " ' •1 •• AMOS HI LBORN.
0ct:541.1- • •
. • I
' - irch Street Cullet-Wa honseit
. ••. •gi s posti a . RICKNSR; •-••• •
83:4' IviROH . - Street, •d6o, Eelow
4;:ifib, pm:A Pide.HPIIILabitIMILL an now
oreeleime their TALL OUPPLY of Endliah and American
Catipaff tele, , omprialna tbac new sind moefi &airs.
*hie rinyirme ot - Velvet. Tipeatep.,Bstisaita.Mbrea Ply.. ltr
riaiii and Venitlane.. Thane Woods t are herrn pniebaxed
for CAST!, at reduced lates.lanil we inteied offering them
at iinat.lo per cipietlower • than mai oath boon the
trade. .Ifl Welbarre a !ridendid-stock of low prieetd CAR
PET/NOS, of all rierreriptmila.., !dish. a full isaortineot of
011 ClOtiar. Nits, Rugs, Ditigitati, de. Parties alio ars
about ailpplylnt thamielvaa with Harped are yahoo:tad
to atattlios. as atleiti loducaltiOuts Will Oland Sta eaor
pot tall to alie entire ratiefettion ti the inerehiener•
airwe bur and *ell ersettorirely,tor z ,eifte. ,
• Philadelohla. teeptimber 'at .• . ,! ;
. appliestioa:
, .
ax an oidloary
the alma day,
.:.- . P orter ' s filei — iij3hoetlates:
, • -- 0099 NEW9I-. • i.
' V ,:
: MORE wearing :ontl of
W. Soles of BootaViod . Sham! 1 !Sto
more tapping to be paid tor. No ;ronne`Viiit ' -
feet:froitevroro roles. No more rallying over.
at the heel nor side.' No mOre'slipidog Siam
the iris= Noimore clipping In havliti. dl few .
eerdsvps,is fore let: and wore theft dodblea
the dorahillty of the Boot" or -She.e. Any.
body can Octtbeut on. Jost the; thlot Lit
Scads and Shoes that dot hard nate: ),
' Sarlfor local or trevellni "amities iddrear
"P.C. PORTER: Watervitle; 3latorko, i. r'
80 . 10 41 , k ea , tiv: for I:killsdetatda e i
co , 1,
.! ;
, , JOSPA'II oo .
-No. El North 'Fourth are+ Phi li delpia.;
importers - wed Lleakre iro Leather ' and S' OE
•; , ;'• FINDINOS. I .1. '
' - }Ails orders promptly Attended to. ';;
dprIIIR, '6l .; •.. J 1 ''t i
71 -suits r FURIfirf.LTRSIIII I
i'airi„,adi•go irO•e*l.vsi,r.:4tir •
:44110 OW
'1 irlUt.,:ab;.H
th der, .•
. DEIAIIIA, • 1. 1
i t opened ;hole
Innir, STOCI,t
or ,
Oh slime*
Y. FIJRB 4 .
i all the leading
ta le Stvles. at a tree
47 / 4
reties in' rios.
ki.ol:ifetitrominod to 4-
lo'ci r e stock of TOM
. .r . Wee. ; affording
cOnOy to' all ladles
At to porches* :a !set
mall orlerva.! •
21(911111011, ! ~
, ,• , ; ' • - ' Ilta Martel Street, Ptillar.a.
14 IL—Old Fors altered egiftukaosiiiik *tofu. •
aft Iliebss price pill OF saijipi3O "0, .vi. 4., lab.
bit, dr, Ake. 1 ' . t' - 1 - 1
- .:.- ..... ; .
Octi 19. '6l',
vP .
/16 1 ,w1E . 4/aid
- ear.'of Seyinath tied Cheitaut
rdus is one of-Eight ..Colleges ;cpn
i stinging the' "NATiCtIt, AL di'AtlN." landed la
aph 'a. Nets Fork Cite, ..tibirstaN atiento. Mieland:
Ail reit, CS keg°, told Sc 10,10,. Sibolirahlpe as
chased at either print- laved at all the-College!, 6 . • .
; The Collegiate iCaurse • . I '
embraces tkuble arid Slaate Entry ti on e.K i ertiro . l,,,i,
merclal Coinputatlone.' Coittnerelal leati.Peomatiablp,
AlualneaeCarreepondenee, P,aitneistiti Bettlinnenta, etc.
I, Prelatic , el Tetteanesks, •I • - I
Thelkeelalng In the nookiliseplng Department la moot-
ly float written manuseriptlorms,;elen oral Inetreetiona,
lectures, and "Welke:aid t to addition
"bleb; In mdseto make tb• l'olteelate entlrPe IP Jim.
en tetrand effectual as taisalltba,the loiloslne Text4kolta
hare:Wee *lined: ' , I I- I: ,
Briritat, p triattongs IllibokAlreeptos s lie
three eitlfifins—tt>namon Selmot.litglatlebooLandl.,ount
inz Home t; Bryant! Steatteat 4 l , ,thi.uteeretal Aril henttle;
Brutal a. iltratton'a .Ccammerclat Levi by Antos Don t L.
Lftl, I • . " i I:
ispiciazisaritmaar nasiuturaric
is 'motive of nine books, 14 P. it.ISPOCE it.
P; R. SPENCER, Jr:, Tieeker'e ,fhetracinsii* Indl•
elated instructios. iStaditiots gator at 'ay
staaawaeded. • I -
14 - For Cataloraell and Ortalaro. all at the. Collate
or 4fsdirrir BRYANT, WrATTO:Le.. 'A BU
Jinuary,l6, - '4l • Vit I 1 ...alecle?phia,
A 4 9 I,PUitirES, Icleali! iin
• 49 Beep leon nod *dila. hi ;whine
a oildep irsraislitte9. ilte. Nottbone.
more of Bonth. and Tionn, and lbw. 11 ' . .
;pi dives, Philadolibin. ,
_,, ; c, • • • ....
Ispemplral to furnish Ituerirpium, Mar.hiniitrend '
..• ' othersonith tie MhliaPirip strides: .', •
lorgot Copper. • . Babbitt Metal,: I, Rceindry rsaisp,
lapot Brum RM. Ilicannthi' ' ! , A Inns,
• .9' ..!. ItMow,i!Miers,r, 1 - Yhres. ,
. Pig Tin,. • , liar lino, ': I • Files. Le .. ;
&RV's, ,: '',. Bbret.troa, -;' Old Mitsui. ,' 1 "
Pig' locrul,'. ' • Sheet Zinc, I.' ' Old Cellar,
Bar: LIM, : - . Steel.: 11 J -Old Byrn. _
speitor, , ; Borax I, --; 014 /AIM, 101 l ac- ,
AnthnotP, ' - entrain*. t .. : .• 1
1101• Now - as/ - Ilecoud.bundl, ' Obese, ash illack.
'Wain' Tooluasoil Shwa twine., ht nod cold.
lirArtieles 4 4 wall doitiviptrois: • my blr *whin btu,
and toondryinea foralsbeii to . •„. • , ; I
s e reisik paid tor *mop InM, 01Z , Za,anZallkinasM
/ictuls: .
THE AMERICAS 'II,IriIDAT 001.11111011.
cowrie 4‘I9CCIP
, • . Cliullik; ILLUISTKAT
t , poa 1, •
BeEING Mel larg llee‘ien le the
niry.--They are weer pe
•- I
I A Nem Beek Eeeri Sete ay ,Nortaeg. • ,i
Itlepetly Chietretedesteloguie m%y helmet tettlte4
theres by addneetet • _
, 1191 C•• retuseesete.
' SRLAIi tho pablleattene of the • andai tiebeet Onion
ees I:4otathet at Vliiolll epee* a the Booketere of
0'4.16.4 1 - 24/1.414•1144ri1k•
- NEW !inci , OUPERIOR_
06: 6 9* mud #4 g 4 '01 ;.1. 184 'br
04hrel.,may :
C.iaDy .Onel rwenty,Bai'i
11110141 d. • peA4:46.ltAvii A !humidor.;
4 ! l tfl u r, , tl7 31 - a " fis ' u rr icntz i 11101IPEO.
j:f ; ,tt ;, • , c:* t
'.., il• , , ~,-7._4,, ,- .
.i.'.:- •. ••• : '• - •
'.. - A; oil Aid - E i ji T IO - ~• ~ ..i.
„5 ,.. 1 . 1 ..1,.. ...; ~. ,ZA
1` 4''' r
11 "f ri l'„L
• tali
DISE&SED 2)LEBSING 611315 t ;-
• AirRSEG 11022 1 1 11011T2,
. • • •.1
Lad pot boa ciontille now la Oat dtp r i lle g
condition e th • month: : it partieulari,7
fly 04,11•414
1. • :
Deli to mania 'towing
eimplitsly g dastrayla ais4 ;of I . alooth,
' •.r 1-L !
sibsottilaksia remosieg
BwratintA l ys -r;
wbo•m s tue. Too ° la ! -f
Yoiiim 'itas; who is al listed with
, • 'Mp'BREATH;.
daisy ; it' lying tbis i
faro t I. a
certain San lad is approysti sysslaaistel
ander abota'aotlei
Ila • o+
Is .an tor_whieh eioup,
Iwrac. B. ,
MOuT H .W 47130
hittay persatut carry with them s hati.. breath;
. . . -
geentli to ttto entnlanee end often to ibefateirolt
of thoee '
wit 6 whom they COM in . etiptaetrilrigh'
01nixing peascious - of itiiifitet: :To re ' lisio,pur:
fears.regardisiOlo, • • .
Use Br. Wm. B. Hard. 4 Mouth.Wasti.
l o.aiinims of tha inauti, is of Eat im , mane.
iha general health, which lifipote . 4 and
opt anfrequently seriously impaired, thrOOgkan .
'•• i .
groper attention to this gooiest. _ • 1 •
' llBli Be Mouth Wish.
Prepared irk br. 77;
ourtb Strlet, BrooklJc,,E. D .
fibers/ diireorst seacie to -
Address PriAeipal • Ofilew Tribuni•Bsildings'
No. 1 Sprees iltreet,.liew Toth. .
~• • : 1
-Sold also by. CasireU, sod lititchi Ave,
COddingon;,ll4 Bioa Ray.
Di- S.. Barnes, 2 . 02 Droadvo, and by ill Drogi
• • I . . • • I
1111 . 11. 1. - I I
Dr. Wm. B. Hurd'.
' .This Powder pommel' the .' . ',. •
Carbonic Without the
. 10jarions PrO l
1 petlies of Chircoal l • '
and la free tram all Acidien: - dill elin
o the least , injure the Teeth:
:film WITHOUT wicAimio rei iurs*,. . i
Dr. Wm. B. 'Bo 's , Tooth Powder
: Prepared at Dr: Hu l , 41
Dental i 'Otacto. jt
Fourth Street, Dlopkl n,..E. D. . i
Pries, Bb, par Box.
! AO- A ! Jibes:al diseopnt 'pads to dealers
Address Pri traine t Tribune •
lug., No t 1 Aprueulii , liner T
ld also by Caw!rell;,32”k &
2104.1; r:& T. Coddingtcon;76:r'oadli;ay .
Barpei, 202 troadwaj, :Draggi
.todOitil by Oxpoood rtrvelo.
Ii fa particularly odatitisi to ill lases of
iltod with ; -
- • • •, : ir 1"
~... , ,
.• .
.4 ) irentecan reilevil theetiseivitsfrom t
. .
d their children fic;zn . grfat ~nfferin6, h.
ng a bottle of
B. •
Dr. W. B. lihitidgo 'T'orothaelie
n the house.
Prepared '
at Dr. Hurd' l D en tal Oglesl
r tiartb Street, Brooklyn .. D. i
at " - I
Pricey only,L2 C tie per 801 l
i ' pet -4 liberal dieeount "ads to tfealerl
Adotraaa Principal Ofit i aat Tribtine
II I.__ . •I 1
ingi4 80. 1 Spray' 11 lf
:Bold also by Caswell, Islaak"l CO., biftli A
Hotel; J. A I. Ceiddingtoo; 715 braiding; D.l
Baran,llo2 sail Air ftil.Draggusts.:4
, •
Dr. Win.
i d. • 1 , "
of Toothache pr4thi:ced aolsbe.' 1 •
LOCAL 1111i#111AtellA ...-
II immediately cursii bylibeir. applicatiap.
;)Md..antiitirtee i tly
-1 . i •
no Pio aneir t . •
Tb set like 1.. distil!
Its. in • iheir . sa . tun: - do
• •
sod !save na.ati*anat,
Dr. litaL D. Ewe,
titan to all "to teattbett'
1 1 ,
• . -I',: i , 1 . I
Prepared at Dr Dental • Odlii, No. TT
ma _.
roortb Str e et ; Bln, E. D; .
Pelee. only 'II ?eat* illieti.
'..plP• A liberal diseocutt wads to dosieit. , • .
ifillitiS Principal 1 oiftee t Trap.
Buildiniss io• 1 SP,rielt sgreet,
". .
New ; :'
• ;'
•.- , r
, • •
Bold casinNUsek kpk, 711,1 , Ave ..
Rod; J. L.Colkusitc", tit Bpiomfftl4o.ll.'
Bata n; le; Dr°4l `, oll4ll
r • 1 - '•
Jr .• -
N,. ,
A iAn itairakvia
Dr. Vrra. Surd's
.7/0E TUE eIIRE of
B. Suit's
I '
• ' I
_..., an
j appreatieesbip ~., six years as sky
sieedontsni to - ivisosmereial house in one 4
ciui. Athititievities4 IntO the ',-ioes.iion. .Alf I t
farniee I "Ought* habits 'is an acettontso ; '
.and devised a ,supple form 4 bstok , keepin a ,
laditpted id that i'tiettipstioti. i .s . dtich,:filidi nz 'i t
r "Pi &mister the purpose well, I. have eves sit 4,
'!tised.-. Is I have' often" been applied to ~y oung and ides4se4etieed farmers for an nt'i:
i line 'of tiei , otints SiSitedidtheir business. s ur i
atf the present lis titiinai e.alling loudly • t,
;.stionomy,l thotight that pertraps anie4sa s ',,,
'brier as tfwe subjec t ` may *dotty, f ; .: 4 , , ,
,eek_ibk...- - .—c j '.• ' • ' t `l,
witb, tato , aid of ;neeptints,.:L; fa ... t , ;•-. 7 „,.
iiriy time !call, into intelligent ' rray all sh.
•faets-of his busini* Which other inn no me i;
orY, howeYer tenalioul, cap, tii. Ore en i ~,,f
thus the important feet: whillther eis MUPCPI.3.
'Cu) or not r as well as the Meson' of thu sac.'
ceasemayiat any Bane' be Racer's. deli. j 1..
i farmer requlrk Only two b As; • L t 4t.
'ice and I Stemontliclum;Book.One bnolt 113.14:
4 : 41 t)ltvediently.osed fo - r- boih. ;,:lo thSt
'idmendat each'end of the book alh, j , (e
tow rils its middle; '- ' • ' . • ' i. n
' • l ii the Ledger this firstpage should 4.
sered foe an usdii, 'which need not be Ipi y .
belleal, iThe . firstiteettutit duty be
an • _ccokt j
df Promisiosy . Orti j given, and' r j eetsea„
Opened on &doubt page„ - thns s. : ' '
Apceeint.,grth. Peosiiihoig Ao;oior qf
;Vote r s. ' • 1' gmiegr: - •
. ;• •
Jan.l. J'ohil Drown ootio,fii 11141. Reed- grind. • .
pisablo 0 moo. *ri.r • • • .pal. eost
; Idaho, wii,b - Do. lutenist.
;July-1. . - • • -
I•l4 , ent. lit; (afor',tpr4l.lo: Paid ptlilel.
- ,704 t. flanllh for $4O, Oar . * - '' - , , pal, si l o ,'..„,
, , l‘ie 3 ml* frenn 4104. Aril) ' % Du. intipr.ikt, ,(0
' Illterlost. 4 1 4 4 1 $40 I ' lo - ' . - ' ' " • 4 - --
',The ei.xt aCeount nitty: be:an aCeolint ei ell
i;tish pnicl pr:reetitre(l; "end :roay'le' 144!);i't ' o n .
, i
deuble,qi single ' pageq; at the nreo , k•ntut' a
opinion I give' _a speeititen on double 'p t .
gee; , ;' z% . it'. .--. . • It
Dr ' - cash .ssisseed;
4Aii. 1. tr. im't citiesa ; • IF
• • ea bead. , -11150:00!
"J Aar
r• - • •
100 Du. hoot, I P:CY.
. • 4teri3romls-• G .
, • 'Tip,' itotel
i count,, `eim
, • = 4. V 1;
C as h tib regir . 4pd as a 'person, ant" ie eluirgo„
with all; monies IreoeiCed and ,crellited 4.4
all mettles paid. f. 'E'sert,three nr six mfinths
Oils aceount ah . ctuld,be balanced; and „if I Co l :
reedy kepti'the i bills nee of 'hi" Remus! I w ill
exactly agree wititthe mimey on band. '.fll l ; s
aceountis 1)&4 eirideace. of the payment of
small debts of arhiseh th,ere lg . HO whers4rl; '
and. if otie!s expenses arc toie' nearly spAiii- ~
mating, - its going.., beyond on *cote,' the'
place of .retreneltinent may ;here he sulfg, ht
out. -• , ..• '[ ' 1 . ''l
... .. . . 0 . •
' .
Next in °tides are accoints . ' with persi, rm .
'wit!'" whom 1,7 , e lase dealings . !They. , tu :j e -t. '.
. L •
kepton: 'sin le • ledger " pfiges; , with a do:tiltle;
ruled column for I ,debt and credit, thus:* i - • .
. • "
'Joe's intosie. .. 1: ' - . . 60 . 4;t„ • J D:cfor,:
.1a,1.1.--To (9.lSlalm kV ,•11.. ', - .. 9
sou. rruyitS,lo in .1x m ,-.... .. '
.; . .
'7: ' I ,o i Prom's note Ace. , Pi4i I, VA CIA
'A farmer ! amyl& 'he choose 16 ilo so, open
wn 'itecttiinthit. esteli ' crop, or-t field, ~r'• iwiih,:
his farm M e:neral,''eci:il iiiso.t:'
wentin stock, or all of these.-i,ht thaveose, .
such accounts. as , with persoits, :ch.:tn.},
charged ; wichzall 'r OSt and , ex pensos, and crew ,
iced with sill receiptii. ' :
.. I: . ;.
Ths , theiorarsdunt - book islor r e cants of
every - kind - I •hich do not appropriately lotillov
to the 'tedgor. ,charg,os -against irroisimil -p.2‘•
sons ; with a taargiti . flis record ,of s. l tileineot,;
spaera sufficient for , Onc year tar the birth and •
feiuildation ! of stock ; a`recesd .of all ,con:
tracts; the lime, earned and loch of. aTIP,s
ties and labo'reSx';
: details of '-harveit ~ of all
kinds; of piantingtrees 4 diary of far* ti;rk;
notes of 'the weath er; . - ephees for vo . litahle te•
:Cipes ; the 'arrival:and depaititie of ‘i T ;ctor, ; ,
re'f:prds - of4konie 'deaths :and marri . :;go'. ; at
sheeVshearing , of *ailing valtial;bt 10,1er , i••
•the pirchatie .6r mtock;..iih . the lase ;‘ll the
'animals; ihputline tenees ;_the yearly flAAk.'&l
went of_ taxes ;; ' ma fi elds And ,farin ;L :
When fudd,ering begins; and; when it . . c etide ;':,.-
when winter 'seta . in;; ,when 'the, hom . ..were
shut . Up . to fat.. - ID shori, tidy:hie:: andiesery.
tlaitig.:ofZ.whiCh the firmer desires to :present,
'a: record: This book has often refreshed my,
1 own themory., - and that '9( others,. rclaree. to
important transactions invoking pec,onilry '.-
- gaitt . ilr' loss.
' ' Once,' a year an-aecoant of stoek . shcluti bet
I made oat and . entered in this- • hook,; %Inch'
should be. 4: sitnimary or; condensed .ieu..ol
the faraiees affairs', and include ill' Ist hie.
longs til thies-delif and credit siacs of hicstr,e!.
; ir:g wiiltthe,world: k ) erirl.f Compartion of
these annual a'ecOunts of •stock will ;be very
valuable and interesting, and pc - ay 'l7,ite,. to
that economy; and thrift) which are; the -fogs.
dationa of success:- '. PETER. HATHAWAY.
_ now TO : ccicz I PLESNEPS ;
- The 4et eget a bles, as - . . generitlly; Inost
are of bett F r flavor Int* heing tbo
groundt. through , the IWintee. Li they AI,
much ;:used, hOwever,' during ,the iWinor
mipthit; we publish thelfolit.Twil . ig 4 'd4ettions
for caoling them 41• yarr ways: sOint of
whichives knli . oow be_ e
contrihittid to thd. Atnertcciri Agriculturist_
Mrs. E. lifokell. •
. Parinep Fii/(ert.—BoiVparsneps• until ten!'
der mash tuill'eenson With butter;pepper, led
eta.; Maki there in pits, dip them Mi butter,
and fry-in very.' little -fat ,until hrown.
cove'r them with'eig and cook gentiv4,
iy keep-
Boiled 'Parsttepa--Good. r LASer' thij are
boiled' and •peelefl, 'chop them: .as 'line all
-green corn cut from the: cob, • and.; seUwa,
while hot, with btitter,'PePper,
Parincps Brofted.- ! ,-;After they irel
slice {lie roots and . brctil . ,6rown: las' 'Ai'
gravras for beefsteak• . . 1 r
Ilirrneps frie4-L-Tfrriceed* as above, •ser
son and . : , •
• - Pars,ney Oysterk—T,. ette. pint of :rna.ohea.
parsnePs, add three - well beaten eggs•;.:a tent
sponnfal of hutier,l- pepper an&,tialt ' l to salt 1 1
-the taste,. and !sufficient flt Aar tho
mixture 'itagettier., Make, into little flat, balk.
and frjt hrown inlntter.
;. • l!ornep —.Mash boiled I rA
potatoes, and chop bhiled• pork .fi
I three Parts of_parsnePs anti' two
to otteo.f ; season pepp
iniike them jute' flat thetn,
on the:griddle. ' • •
Birk and Paranep
tha•Plirsneps';_allitur one part of! t•tur
part of -parsnepq seal on to stilMl io
_pats,luntil both sides are browned."
_crux with; it half': a teacupful uf
.ter, One teacupful of ' . ."lively . 7'.:yesiit;.t'
teaspoonfuls of salt. and. as much ',flour
sou can stir iu. - Set it in a warm• place
s ot,
ntghiNnd'iri. the. morning. b o a
knead iiito* biscuits.; set it to rise once nW
:then peke, the .pincetips are ..rigba )
goneithrough- " frith, this be - fou` nd 'very
light and delicate. .l
Baowx BarrY,--A ;homely but exer:lvnt
pudding: Met) in a padding dish ,Ihyor. of
bread eructihs,'.alieed tart tipples, iitik bin"
sugar: ritertiately',.until the dish ,is fulLi
son - with einnuttion. ntitrneg, ,or inf 201'
,Bketili on the top spread.saitill lutaFfs tit but.
ter -When, about half done, , stir ou
ouilOy. with a lOug handled sptio!! ) ; tbe r n
Eat- with cream,. or . 'WWI, 4 it
ruy , titity iauerthrt ;preferr ed. - r
,_ • .
tittttitstr;PaxoALE one-Ana:it of - Stet.
inilk*dd flour enough.iu inake a rooaeiit 4 /.
Stiff :batteriand•is thin i6sith thte.
eggs - sittd.bent, the Whole Well - logettii - ri
in . lard, of btittei.,'sviiieb should, bf !ER!, • lac:"
tbe:baYer is toyed in.i Use R spider of f r !'
log spj iatt.i•ek tbe'baiter spread: out to the
exielit , of -TOnt it: so as- its Ittro!o
both:sides, •• Eat with' powdered loit(su'isr• • •
. • .
• littoilitinitti-Ottikst - cop .Ot• '.Cream,
cu ;of sour „milk one egg, s.amsll ,tessp
Sul Oritalerattiel little It' and stir .
with. is spoon Until- it it stiff - - ettoitgli to kCN
Drop • is spktnful at:11:14!!
I lin, Sind bike tirtilutek oveti t ,
•madeib tbiti . eotyisret.ieri good:••:),•1-
P,oPPgD 'conk . PuOviso.-114kkaile,.p 0113r
P 6 Pped cdru: sod soak !tin olio 'gam ot. oak'
-tin" th bi
roe its; theft add three. Pqd" 44
,triisksos; on§ eiq; sod salt and A110:1 1 ? do
lade. Bak tutee quarters of au•koor
• • I.
.~~ '
Ei IR6I-'
ntsh . ‘•
gar. 1. - 8 y Rota )diet, •
ry.o per, US 1 - '
roatit on Mo.
10. "Jae. Smith ; •
as per proull*7
gory noti ar.
• - .rnantorxare., OA
7; ,4l St•pte2 1-
Jain.s.l4 j
•••• pa.omace't; Oh+
111 t it
I r,"
rsttep4 gild
e. , Allow