The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 07, 1861, Image 3

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    41. 1 14
• `
he Nr ylies '14464 IiWIStProP7,- . Itionne • A
t hft
h►tioa,.dioei inn
roa ekdwesita . en ed dl pepfg'
. 0 16 - • nopi um. -- •
go in whatever TIT! 0. ° Z.,r 7 n . - ' 41%1 , , 3 1 - the tippointetentsif •esslitestreighsissi'lit tie
at, it is pone & s us.
7,';reheiliou." set of thgir pluton, 7 onPuiel Y.
•he By l the mat- _ • _,,
or : l ain •
d rebethodhelforfelts alk_right ; -Aft Ar.:044. - Chapolo,44 obi Nov
. 14 4 0,
be lAbo. r amt service of his Slave: and•tb• elevjG A nt i* b ite 05 60 , 111;
ratfaiod . :6410140.4 . 11 ,
t he rebellious - mastrr,. bp, his *tries to the. _ •
becomes justly:l•entitlect asedists •:- • • • • , 1511 1 6 . 1
o , e rnmin . ',regret to - state,whilsi berg-
oa I
_.••••.- • ; - -- • - - •
. The "dispoSidea• '; IWO. III•_s , T1 1 .1. 11 01 1-14 .
. ben,-after the eloise• of dteltwee... raw he totfidy•
A tt, to toe ant.,patriotlitsi-of
, cht, , eta•ives a ifia People .nifquee- -
t ioaably, more to - theloyal .every
tigbt to which thry 'ere entitled . ander the cow
stitutiOn of the eunatsp„ ;
- 4 SIMON C•ittellSSße
. •• '; • Secreturp - of War. •
To the Pecastowvt. • ;
' Through the eonrttsy 'of,the War Department
sc reoeired elpy. of the; Report of the Secrets
r),of War On Monday l ast, ; see as scion. as the,
' -•., • l , .
inouneement was ; made that the p i resident's,,
• •
• Vises • ,
'bed - Iseet.handed" Into' Coupes,*
pfaced,the Report in type - ea : Above. Since then,
re observe that she following modiftestiott ;yea:
tee..olz: the eoncleding portion, !,'"juign!mt°lt
A t the words,: "It basAtteotne • grate question
for'deteniiinstion "hat . be done With' the:
laves," insect, and the' subjoined patens.
• ,-
is already question what shall be
'.one -,with the Armes who are 'abandoned by, their
Owners on the ativanie of our troops into Donth
cro territorjri as at Deanfort District, .itC ; Soutb
carotins. The number left ,within our control at:
bat point is very considers le; andsimilar uses!
probably otectir: Wba shill be - done with
; them? Can we afford to a nd them forward to:
":heir : masters to be by them armed against usts,..or:
4red in introducing a ppliea to maintain -the. ret7
:hellion? Their labOr , uttay true DI to nst with - :
held from.tbe enemy: it lessens, hie miltia t ry : re- .
!oturcee. and withholding them. has 'no tendency .
to induce the Vonore of•instirreetion even in' the
rebel .communities constitute n military•
I T eonurce. and, being sorb, that they Should - not
be turned over to' the' enemy la too plain to die.;
us!. Why deprive him of , supplies by *block.:
ale, and roltintirily give him men to produce , !
supplies? The dkpositfori,.fo e eid e of •
ilsves of rebels after the close- or the war can , bo-
n tn
rely left to the wisdo• and patriotism of Con
: Gress... The reprepentatives of the people , - u nquesti6usbly, secure to the loyal alarebolden
era" right to which they are entitled ceder the
Constitotiod of the country.> : •
Sl - NON CAMERON, Secretary of, Wier.
oTo the President of the l.lnitedStates.; • '
The dories of the navy daring the - part meaner haw.
teen threefold To guard the in eon gent port, and a coast.
,or 01 dearly three thonsandMilrl.; to ptoterd oar mart.
:one commerce and realm In pursuit of piratical "Seaarta.
st not by the Confederate,: itediu take, paella coim..
- lord naval and military expeditions against North acid .
Cerollna, and the porta of the Infected dlidnete.-t
-7be retort of the Secretary of the Navy gives detailed
Intormation of t benianner us *hitt these arduous duties
taro been perfortned.
tesiscls have been trunk in Oetrienkelntet,ent the Notib
;whoa 'mist, and others are !about to het sunk In the
primer at Charleston and Fayet t e e h,
tihe hundred end fifty three iirmele. of trarinowsirse,
tae been repttite I since the into it ut Inn of the blockade,-
osstbjfthemlb attempting to ton the blockade. '
The naval' ex ped It ions wen", it 'wears, planned after re
nettle reprwhe of aboard ofofficere, who dellbenteil
ca 'be best points to be attacked and •reixed The board
Nnoo rd of Captained. F. Dupont and Maw 11. Darla.
of- the Nary; MajOrdchn C, Berthard. of the army, and
Alessadrla Bache of the Colts' starve:.
',Thifierretary ;repro", thall, Flag Officer A. II Foote. of
' the easy. tole orga DI gett - an •elicietit naval .force in the
•••sho.siptl, Audi 'ley to the army: ' • ,
'of 'privateer, the report stales. that
r Ostieb.,of these
roomers Alvin/ea the kJ sekade and raptured Were rims
ivr e . et. besbe.i or sunk. wilt Ibp exception of 'floe,
-the reamer Suener. which, by l rows. latalltyotas pee
in:tied to pals the Hmoklyo, then bloekeking one of the
p ‘ wg of lb. Mississippi. and , iter a brief end- feeble
by the latter wee allowed:to proceed on heepierti4-
rthioyaget. An inTeßtkitioll .of this ,wbole occurrence
bra beeo orderrd by lb.. Deper•meot." . ' -
The Seeretary fully susteini the.act of Captain Wilke*
:u e'r.uring MIRROU and Sfid,.ll.. Ha seta admirable
. ironspiend derislie action of Capt. Wilk . ," on
. this occeoioninerited and received the emphatic approval
'of th's. Department; end if a too generous tiobearauce"
ass exhibited by him in not capturing Ito, "owl; h
haft Mese rebel emissaries on Ward, it may. in wieer of
th.. 'Troia! eirrumst a oces.and of Ili patriotic Motive*, he
rtrusecl. But It must by on means be permitted:to con
hinge a precederit- hereafter' for the treatmetif of any
use ofsimilar lu frartlothofiimatratobligatione by, foreign
woe's engaged in commerce or Abe carrying grade". •.
lbere were. on the fit of March last. in commleslon
and at the service of the Seerelary Of , the Nary.'only:42.
',eels, carrying hat guns. and 7,01 in men." There. ire,
',day, In roman ',Mon. 2r4 etepels. 'car rjing
over 22 Ono men! The, I- in iinmensWerork to U, , In,
, iltle more than eight moot he. Besides thin, tilers': will ':
ready, very shortly, oft -two newsteamera, taerulla re
•-ly'idapt ed to coastguard duty," tithee of which are Mon
,:ftte,Seeretary advice, the Creation, of more grades: lb
the naval 'write*, RSV kely to cold to iluseffteleney of the
a.'rk. by making' the reran:le more frequents. Alan: be
• T:KVlEnoodp l a t ule t ha t °dicers tweet !red with a sufficient'
a:lo.lton., after forty-tire years! service,' Twenty-dye
amnia lieutenant.. four hundred and'thirty•lhrie acting
ma-ters, and two buntired,and nine masters' Mates hare
Peen appointed, In order to hare °fibers rortigh for kb",
incoh r aeod navy. There tide alias leas act dg
'engineers and surveyors appointed: • I. !:
The Secretary asks Congress in.fuster the Naval sachem
.to ouch a deg' that at least double the distal number;'
of cadets may lostructed."• , ,• I- •. ' I
• On the slavery' question the Secretary says nothing, :
:tot the following: •• on the eMplortoentOf fugitlves,'f. I
vii ohne that be praposes to protect loyal men; and an' . l
rest lnsurxenteseithout asking 'id they , tie: black! of
white. Ile says: • -" -1 , , ~
- In the comdw be end blockading dollen - Or the navy
, it hie been not infrequent that fugitives from lwarrica
thlmary pliers have sought our , ships for refuge and pros
tect ion and our naval commanders bane applied to• me
for instil:tenons as foil be proper disposition which should
: IQ made lit each refugees,.• My &bower has beentbat . if
insurgents. they should 160 hinged over to't he Custody
of the tinverumentt brit', it, hn the contrary, they were
- free from - any voluntary - hartichatlon in the rebellion,
ild sought the shelter and .prolection of :Or Big, then
they should be care,2 for And employed in some useful
:thanner.and might be enlist r to serve :on. oar public
"remote or In our oavy 'SOW; geiving *ages for their
later. - If roust, employ mint 'could not be furnished to'
all by the navy, they rnbefif be -referred to OM army,
and If no 'employment could be !mind for them - in the:
public service. they'shou Id heal toned to proceed freely . ,
Valid peaceably:ell bout restraint. to seek a livelihood iu
'tog loyal portion of the cnuntry, - This 't bare con: .
ilileved to be the *hole requited duty in; the Premises,.
hf btu naval officers." I •
Th 4 nasal estimates for the yeemending June 30.1611,
ni , i• ted 1:1311,624.605 :jind basidre this, the Seeretel,
•repio • deficit of $19.4V,0ti1) welled ,Ibr• enrieot az
pay for, ves•els lyurthssed, in& for neress•rj
altsrOnus incurred In ti,t floe thee; for naval purposes.
tCY the 'Porebase of addiquesl lie , sels. and for,the coo•
ouni;.d,.n'srid completion of wren: y loderisd vessels.-
• kgointes. - , ,- I - • ,
Nis VoßK—Q.ll.Vmst.; iitm No.-2..1i0 Brnadway.' ,
'P. toetmine— , Joy. Coe 'k r ; ... sth and Chant, tat al reeta.
" Who'ira authnnzed t. reee'lle subeeriptions add ecd
ect Mlle for the )Itee as'jJoutztat. - eatabliehment. ' '
' ..', ~.. •
Tue It. port of alie
bury will be rend
important' matter, ib l eludirig • the
"C - Ourt P;rocertiiings,:" i ouaroitlably, crowd.
ed out this week. - •
1 „, .•"1". — : .
_, , •
, I in! ANsuAr. c.,
o:rotrr• Or THK:oTRETAT,
or Wsit.—FOr a copy of this 'Document in
advance of its genertt i li publication ? we are
indebted to tbe ;Way Depskrtmen. . ' '
1. •-----,, - 7 -- l - ;',
Lion in New,ork 3 City
led in favor of 'George
i:(earididate for Mayor.
e lowest of three can
by the, !opt. 'portion
ty of that City., The'
fight ; a good Mayor,
for the • Uuion party of
- Toe municipal elect
on Tuesday last, rei;ult i
Opdyke; theßFpubliu
Fernando Woocl-ro'n t
d' . 4ates, being deserte.l
of the Democratic par
Di..iburte claims b gOod
and a glorious victory
that City. . ' 1
nies !hat he was the
abusive of-Gen. Cain'etion, than recently' tip::
peared in the Lotiisvilie foliriial. • It doett nni
meet his apProbatiotil •-`'The I Breckinridg
juUrnals have to find ,12iteitody else to
snarl at. It' don't pay to.attriel Gen. Pttae
ron., He is fixed it)o firmly in - the confidence
, of the people: is. •
Tus .11.ullandLegislature •organized• on
I • •
Wednesday, at• Annapolis, and die Governor's
,Message wai •riad. , • He, rges t . prom pt ter
peal of 'all the treasonable acts of the Lust
Legislature, thei,clopt ion of measures to inky
the ttite'.6 porticin of the national .tax, rind
that Maryland's quota I ,of volunieerli be ica•
mediately raised and - etinipped. •
Focal Malts:
.* • •
h6l..Dec. I
• I alum :stirs illoolll . li CHANGES.
, ,
~ ' - • • ... 11 _llll,ll 234 1 ll• R • ali t •
k SaTußrlAY r •—• f ! !NOW M. 1 9 4:44
`8 SurbiT f ..."«,.. V- 12' 4 4 33 ;Fikt Q. 41 10 14 of
9 M0iMaY,....'... 7 1314 33t i i r ty 4
a : If
. m ,
10, TtIERDAY ...... . 7 1414 33 sim m.,81 u ,
11 ArenNEstuT... 7 1ti 4 . 3 3 • ; -,' _ •
12 T11171113DAY,... 7.:. 11,10 31 . .1 .. . .
13 FRIDAY, ' 7 Ij4 33 '. -
Tiii' monsiv;ical R4erprd ifir thi*TiVisei.
_-- P. 11 , j kI. Taraiurx Chnniz,l
' , Pessityl: vii%. • HaU,' 114.4 e. 11! . e. "J .
[ - ! sin"! - 1 :• ,
. • •.tit P. II 1 P.llll. .. . .. ,
114. e. :In —.!!!!tard;l7. ' °-:19°! 440; Vie pita. .
Detl. ..1.21.1004y, 1 ;.* 34.1 33 1 - 33 eleir..' ,
: . :I % •=l,y. a ' 1
- 24 lal i 27 i
,i f., .
" 4 Y 1 • ' "i 4° 4°
- : 6—Tburi4ty, ,
~ 25 42 1 ! 40 1 "
6-I'rlday, 1 141 1 . 48 ; 4.5 ' !toady,
• .ater'A meeting of I t:.• Berns if einit Will beheld
is 311 ,nersville, on.fitunisi eening 'next. -.
fai•illajnr Sieaf.iied o f the Alith :Regiment,.
ir-phis teen itonioied to Lient..Colonel'Of the
teement. • . ' '
Joke son or, Mr, Joseph
%swages, of this Cosiotjs, died in Oil City, Ve
°lingo Coo - oty, oa th's i Ith'ultitno, itied 24 pap..
Skeet;, :or ow 43th liogimot,'t
anived bere this ;widow* Wei hive ash.
;sin: Upon hie 'Ont . ' heti b. ww eufettig
ip-son.OrtisirsitS--it oettila of Kr: foils
4ones of St,. Mir, a nd 18 undo; *it op Sit
archly, lart,lo eonsfor4ael at atiak4ogilasoiso
which is by;po!cis osOlips ottslood.'T •
Deatkof aqietarsea'rotantirMasa
Breaaer; a wiser,- itai seeideatilly.llol64, lasts
'ark In the eoUlity: of VOotlital *.Ca r , rity 1 . • fall
of Veal Deeiasad iris a frolaatair
. . Allr Ordered la Dad i g.-41.1.Tilis Park a nd Hai.
and Porte , , of AM, Borough, 341 . Wooers
he the Bevy, have been ordered : to. t,y. Th e
`former hes lett.ror.Brhigeport; CL,' -to ye board
the gun-hoot - "litimothe," erldli:the hitter will
NIB frog l'hiledelptite for Pe4seide. - i'
ArDerstie :of Vofeolfers.-' , -?hem
sited 17 years, of t. pair, a Wisher
James. Fren's CeotpatrY;4l9lr Regime ;
the Iloioal, , Hatteras Inlet, oa I !
weeh. WOliata MUI . r, aged 19 yearsl
Signe Tilsimenti:djed hurt week at the
Lle . inkiest formerke -sear :Port C
County. • : • I
ii it . Liestei (lst bade dar'of this
Aorottgii, is with tipt. - WillisiSts* onipsoy of
*egoism; now • ID pits sooty Ii
'made up entirely of pennsylOoliuis. is alluding .
'to what Psonsprofiliblis doio so fas . .;lisloriiish'r
ittg min. for this wit., the to liaospwils
State .fitareal, "Bsiltfor t"enissyttst r •
..jar`Fatal iliniug Aicident,7—AD . Zpllo . lloa Li!
fire damp happened al the mines of W :+ Nano.
Jr:, it Co:, on Fridajlafternion of lig week,-kill
two boyi aimed phailes Yeeguso m
• and W:
Evans, and 17 injuring, John vegle,•Pai
rick Tower, John olus, , John O'Donnell. and
Christopher - fileehan.! The miplosion .is 'laid ' t i b
hate been eaueed b 7 the carelessness Of one•if
.• [ I
the min.' . .'j - i .• :- .
"'Air. Woe. G.trornioto, Editor, nil ate • Kmax
rine Wiiige-Thil 1311” Ir is one of thelre l ail beroee
of tbis contest, and notwithstanding h l is peculil
like, all rirpeet his tinpurebuable lo alty to t
. e
Government. Thos. W. Bartley, of P dadelphia,
_has published fur preservation, apo ' it tk,lllr.
Brcwnlow, together with his Farewell ) Addr l css.
Jim portrait is excellent... Single co 'its cad he
obtained at the bookitore of 11. Ban •an in this
Borough. Price, 10 snit. ~ • ' . ,
,• i
• , 'lr.& Russel Sell ' tr owledgesthe sae ipt, by Ex-
Presi, rif a package, owls Capt4i t Tl. Sigle, Co. 0,
48th, Regiulcot,.P. ? 4 V., l (Bow - -idath4ed :at tort
Clark, Hatteras, Inlet,) of 41. 2 erivelos,lcontai
1n Toney friar' marabou . of that employ4for
their" families. 'Lids . numbir 'On4
y ;51/4 con- .
tabled less than p. 0. 1. Ilk, others we 'fiOtd that'
etim op to $3259,. which . 0 the kigheit. These
remittances arec ertainly very creditable to the
nee, as they' only received pay for one month and
a tractioli over.. ,
,Arer . The following citizens of Behoylkilli Conn,
0 , , are enrolled in tit l e ',Hamburg Li g ht In entry ,
company 11., 96thR l eglinent„ V.:'' Ist,
*tei3ant.: l 4aeob W. ilaae, Pennine. ileorpoint,
Jacub ll—Beuettler, Orwigsburg. , Musician, Jas.
,Zulieb,:Qtrigsburg. privates, Joelt Beed.•Peue..
.Marksville ; .Marks Dreyfen, do, Frederie I Depke, do.;.
Lewis Fey, • Orrigsbirg ; John H.
Ciintan ;./ohn Heo if, Heebner,
do.; Peter Seirger, ichuylkHl Haven, -:I\
• „TOY" ?SS tk ( C4F. No,dles) Reisteor,-4P:. V.
This' he ' ent boa: stationed at - ttemS,was
paid Gn the "_ 7th` ultimo. f The Sono nt received
wail, about s27,o'oo;:%lnf.whieli h is so
: paved mint.
$20,000 were sent: kome to their fansilies bi the
g in
men..._ThaTarciaitar,Sidajor Sherm , tnolc their
paekagei ccintaipieg [ moniy; Witk b in t whenlhe
lett Fort Clark refusal North, a d-Wir'Od et.
press them at 'BOltiaiori. 1 The. Be . metals i n -.
nying good health, and is getting al nt finely;
: # T
"1tip . .77141 Iblidyc—As ,Ibhristat
Year are aliiteat hoie ss, .tb - S Jittle
the wat c h for their annual preaeata, t
keepers are brushing,op to aooply tto
deritanti, we iirowld suggest to the
Will realise enhanced• sales lad lan
adrertising.their go t odit thiough th
the Weans' JoirttWai... .Thenitabl i ;
the boy that does t..e work in this
. . I
. :1101r3fri. A. - 11. - l aisitop fieliverC.
thiu Borough on Bfiondaj evening i
benefit of the'..Cooper- Shop Voltutt.
went Saloon and Hospital " In . Phil: •
iudieiwei Wait not , ll trio,
,and thi;
have been @mall., . This' we:regret;
was certainlY, r ootamenaable.. 'WI
think howeverota l iSir.. Bittbop's f
ing. He has tiiitle •tly; teen roucb
, and 'a well arrange lecture
,of bk.
occupying about th Ce-quartera'Of Li
hour, would tijive beer; more rat.
itudiaiwe;. than 'an atetOporu Ico4'
some three hOnis lit ita deliverj. ; '
• : logr•Parenr, :Mgsvetie Iluntmee l —O i ne •of the
most useful Mlle . lei.inthe hammer !tee, we ever
iaW,ll now i for isle at titichter l i Thompson%
hardware store, attbaCorrier of Centr e e and Mar 7
ket streetsi•this It ' preuill. •Tba hammer is mar
enabling it to pick up with ' eat 'rapidity_
tasks or--..naila, the y clinging to [ he .face of ti:
• point. downwardi,i - ready to -be driven wherever
desired. , It-Is stated that very lift! ,practice will
enable .i.Person to nail with tbii hameter ea a
line, or ani given spot, with exec: .eM. NOIIIIO..
keepers and others, should ' exam'' , e this useful
snide, which if .calculated, to sat
. :tltti'llngers
many a-rude thumi..: ... •
.1 1 2 . •
•ecretary ; the 'Tree.
stress, on If9nday.
PErSehttylkill Cwinty Al f a* How
ajar monthly trieet,M4 of ilte Board
of the Poet-Iris held at the Alms nil
day, December 2, 1861. • Present.
Nebulae, Wm: Lamb and R. C. Wile
The iiieWard ireperted,tlie iollowi
sus,of: the -.lmam 4i. the ihntith dui
day,of December, 1861 :+;Numh * er 1e
the lit of December, 310; same time
~increase, 5.. Of the ab ove, 56.arii ,
departnienti :115' , .- ill
.the' l nursery, : a
niedieid treatment. Admitted'duri
-of November; 52; ciischarged;32 ; 0
out, 5. . 1
1 , - . ' 4 ;,i .
Lodging and meats were furnish
,4 to 171 tear
elii4 pattpers. 2 During the month i t door.relief
was granted to 59 families 'Mountie to $ 367 58.
51111 were passed and eiders' . drawe . 1" • • .__
• *recanting to 1 "-- .1 ' , $5ll 27
Previous issue ; " ' - -1 " -117,021 70
D. de l
iathor of the . article
- Previous. Lis;
d iohil,
• ; -- - '; -- • - j -- I r
1-d , °+"""um matoirrE..CONCIEZIIS I ./
Con rote met at Washington ou Moodily last.,,artd both
hone et c, rotated. In the Senate, the absentee* w.
' Mese ' Bneltitonge;llowe..tehesono Teanentee. Joh°l l
• 'son o !favour), Kennedy. Pearce, Poik Shemin, Willer
An a limn, ; Derlog Abe roams Se akin Baker and
BID hair dirk. Itr. Trumbull g .0' noire go a 1411
.to conflicts • i 1 amoral of rebel*. and 'free the slaves!
I .
Mc. Wilkinso nee untie, of a bill to abolish the dlic
t i
threat* between the regulars and nhoitemp. -
In4t• lloon 114 members were pregrwo, t. J Mr. Lovejoy,
offer a Inane of thinks to tamale Wilkes for his
arrest. of be 'honors '.lSlidall and Mason. which, was
rider ` J. V/. then. member . from Mit kith district of
ell ri,' as !ex'stillaa. Mri. Knot: Of Weisachusetts.
• cdf. • !unto deleting the objet Weever to to
hi so prise the hell ink sod neestabl the authority
• sod awe( the Celan States; wee w !sok Bolen;
and t t bike we will ! not lateral*, with !the beano ,
. liens f t • Slates, tha war. most ha eireducen ender
i ti.
; milli . y egent; that the safety ot thk Stete aubotdiaatee
the ebt of y and dominate. over civil relations,
end hat, the P deo", as Comensinentrehlif. and all
"Ace ta r r. od wilder hips,r ban do right to tenon.
erre - the, slates bold In any military distrat Ina state
of 1 itur ti od 'that Congress notertfully advise
that oat' envir'of lamed wberireer the
seem will, avail to weaken' Sher power of the rebels in
aro c i:or I strkaglhen ibe Military pone 90 the loyal
fo Mr- bums. of Maryland, moved to lay the noon.
lion on the "able, but tbelmotiou was rejected by tbe
' folio Fug Vol.: l 1 g ••- I 1 -
- Y 10-Nteern. AllenOleenesilefleC I Pninykrankt.
it e.
Blared' Missoari, altar, of Ti inie, Burnham,
;Cava 01,11310011. Cohli.Corany. C4Ol g. Cox:. Calf eds.
.' Bela. D rasp. Dowel Snake, U sigibt, lardlisg, IlarrL
, eon, of a, Horton. Kellogg, of 1111 le. Lin, Lasser,
Lear-,, Le man. MePhearcer, Maysird,rrilay, Measies,
' Atoms. N ble, Noon, calorton, 9111.41. 'Nadi/too, Perry,
klee' s j of anstehusetia, !aching**. Itobleaon, Spelt.
Shie.,J,. Soil b.. Sleet of New York, Steele, regf New Jereey,
thensa., rain, Trimbell, Upton, Vallainigham, 'erne,
Wilma Vib te, of Ohio. Woodruff I j II
BNa-Masare. Aldrich, Atlity:Areold. Ayhly, Babbitt,
ait.{, of Maesechuseas, Baker . Baur . Beaman, Me
liam,.Blair, of Pernsavtinns, Blake, elation, Clark,
' Coit AA , Frederick
oiend IA.,00:11101, Ilzro x fakling. 1).4 4 e . 1 ir t
ri b bot.'irrinik, Cload;in. O b r i e l ew.aarielAkkiese,
y, eK u, Mltibellyr Morrill, of Maine. Morrill. of Vet
' 9° ll - P . l li t l l o t : b P h :e:pl lll .l7lf a Ca ' K l e i l lor itl a . ir. P s i 4k ki, g. roate l"m roy_ l6. LI" .
5 fi.,....., ilalue,Kidditnitolllocof New WIMP
hi 'Be I, ifeelgOkk, Shanks. Shellebarger, Sher
, Ma .• Blain, Spauldieg. BteienigTriarbridge. 'suborn,
IO ' l lifelf.bolar VIII 'Wyelc. Wall. Wallace. Walton. .1
, o
Mal , Welke. of Vermont, Washbareeilytheeler. 1171-
0 .
'OD ad Worcester. ''. • I 11 1 II I
' IM , Coallaidi odmed an enundasent.,whleb was se.
eget to make the VesoleavtaljimplY -to the !lows° of
robes. On motion of Mr. Sterns. ot. Peueeylvants. the
ter gensideratlon if 'NO*l44lllllol' welt teethomal for
A W li,le order, that ante gbh be Sleet/ for Obicouirra
aid einendment. -,I .1 . ,
-I Csarstax. I offer th teliowing nrolottni, and
, !no e that its leakier toad endue he postpoosd unlit
the me,rilme se the resole ion of the gent.kmaa fr om
1.1 Otbilrette, Plc Woe ;
solved, That In lagislat rig to meet tke estaeacies of
tb. pm** nbellloi, Coo , should eonetwate the
- property, titans leelluded. all rebels, and swoon the
properly nun rights, under be Constitution nod laws,
~ - _ ,„' S ae. , ~..• . , ---1 , Golden ' or all loyal ellti••• t 11 . , I I
A ritr 'E r F" 2l l..° B 'Y ''' le' g'. la 1 B ^ 6 lTpo .y 4000106
,and Its fartbereaulders
a reie."-irt. Bannon. or this Bo gh, bits re- Lion P 5•10•.• In ItMlected. • 1. 1
sewed floal t h e pub l is hers, "Anger ' 04; inulau"' , ject,rirhi 1 otter, Old ask that It be' poetpooed till
alma*, Ind.," a no:10;er of'copiel",ef this work, I ,Tnefid4 'next week, I ', 1
, 1 v The ;' inn 'rained, as falteet" 1 .- •
written lby a member of.the 'Order lt is sold at • 1w14,,,,/ slavery brie esu lb. pretest : rebellion in
. 1 '
25 cents a copy. It is illustrated, and c ontains a • the Von Otoliof old iti whereas th ere Is° b. " solid
• i 1 and nut weariakomi la lonia this Repiablle so king
history of Seeessioo from 1634 to 1861, and an ` its t t Hullos ogles vitals It: 'mod *berme Anil"
account of the origin a nd. progress la the• for th are by the ',beads sie eta mesa. asap.
~ .. mg aise pralmetkig the wait a *hems by the
at well at in the South, of the Ord .' Oar read-1 wof nations it is right tojliberate slaves of an sae.
' ' act waken Iblajoever: rybevelforal i
ere will reinember the word "An Ida" in the . am stioneci by at &mai end ii nin nr ib rir ne n .
A I '
secession certificate which we men y publisheo, 1 Nearer the (mita mane ~vendee I. orepreas awn.
and th is book state! that it is 'hype word of the 1, "Madan free.
, rt i sflng i e l e i tli ebeeebet be
"Meted to
uor olio genera 4 end °Mows • eantneed
Order. • In thin
,work is given ritual . It •to o rder fiLmatom to all ileveierbo shall ken their maw
. 1
teas; or who shall aldin amittlog this reboring.. r•
abounds in information of Which very eltisen 5 i, 42. A m/ c,,, a p.. „v et - mgood, That the United
should beeome.posseued in order that he may Iltalleswistige lb. (sub or the Cake to make , fell sold
! talrfpensailow to iii loyil el
Ca 'rho are sod aliall
1 l'' b i d
see folly the ig von depth of Ibis moat "kited 1 . meta beanie esmikwilog the Cake% for .111 the- lam
scheme to destroy the best !love eat, 011 the On' shittuittill ,b 7 Wee".° l I act ' !...............Hr
I . -I I The creemitioa wavamelviat, andlts bribe' c.0...0r-
foci of. the g iotpe. .We make th e °limiting ex- sui postpoeied antifTat Tot - week.
. I
.ooetitas offered a sties, 'bleb was idapied.
tract ,from pap 51: -.'
' ' • laq Wog who was mapeaMble Moths seri star #4.
No man in the . North who 'fp d sympathy : . lar.'Odell ogisied • Illwilao•• WI" . 18 114 °____.
with; :he South, or 'who violently ,opposed the:.. tltelluf lite! Jean dlldril be leetlinie 4 to 01 ° ••••-•
mosementa of the I Government, u til the over- : I 1• 00 lo the "heti have thews to Cot 4.;16- Wood,
wbehoing foree,of poblie opioloa d , ve hist tato 1 I 9, o N. pk if ,,, * tir lw, l o• l4 tramem b: • y,Mr i .Orimeel rmeml -'' • •••° H
tba Union raiks, sticntli be trusted ith soy pg.,' tut ' a teimirlag Coo:grew} to Capt. D.
lr mit
triode duty, or allowed to common even a roc- ', pc for his_motilm__• l P•••.,_ 11 = 4
~,; ,„„,I ..I
potal's guard of men. until he has tirolsbed .the 1, t 1110 H ose , r"O lir ''.____. -.- mo mmas -
moit reliable evidence of loyalty ; a d, b M an y ' Mr wane. of Ludlam:, °limn a nwelatleir, to oval
instances, where there Is good reasOo ictpresume, 1 - 11. 1 ri ik s a m illi ni rlist ud thaliit hcb gena linu te, """ ots 14 4 edmedoi l I i . 11 ' ••• 11 *
from, a man a past lieu, that bis WHOP are strong- ! 1 was posed massihneasty eipsilleg lam traitor
.ly Southern. ottbat be not folly trtistworthy, • h Inridge f••• h"Y wt is I" " in "' l ' ir. eViii "
'even though frOm the Stet that be heard of the 1- ill., itir a tios,to tht_ll l l olltieelol ii... P1te01f ..6.... hi W A it,
President's Proclamation calling f r troops hr; s ul n i lto4. ol i ps l e r"" - d a.m. s t W i r m oi' ll T it i os faf irsa . " - n a ny i. l.--. sad -4 11 --- b•
his made strimg Union profttlloll9 it is highly ' Marshal e f th e District was ordered 40 rimort4orthwitt
itopoitant tO keep is Woo* watch over hit* mid :A i to . f I persona II prlime4 lb. -Oboist., with the
11011 UM) he gains no advantage. . .,and the commit ea lb. Matelot wee I di
- - ' ' - , to' mood ea Oa slave le aof the taiteset and the
else with
i ltiPlaufge /hens, and his Assaelgt.s,.i g y. , Pl ei f i rit poliolas et A to bbi she il m ag it s . l4 ::ii iiiosi Plit wo .
sworn in - oo Uoudiv lei; %bp opening of the Ds. Mate cfend •WI Isehollsk gistlaettea Warn
cam b er , term of C ou rt. I - I fill. oiontorra sad toralui. li meth!' of fir.thimeer,
• ' - ' 1 • ' - ` lac Itary of Wlltina req to famish copies of
• John R•••• 1 1, FA • mummed the datlei of Sher: ' any . oederatafthe 111011 C er Mimed rot&
- tie 'to rive ale es; and a tat lav Mee
le .I•4l:wtiekr *PP•indst 81 •••• 11. e MIMS) DIP.; lulu *at tbi es;
Ota= Mambo iota
.. . .
any, and retaining . Mr. Joseph W. wee. •The Ot 10 1 •1 of ab0 11 s•l•It Penni ll•P•Do• °tiers
1 , -• a mat lag is tro ••••i • •••04.1011114 to the
retiring °Mom , gm, Joao P. ffebor‘ , ER, sod , prths4l4, of tio 011,ingsgwe t• ,;. 1.1 ,
Jobs T. Winn; fraq , ;, the' fier ow •of tie :: thiamin* IN Gerkl. 0 1 •• •••• • ••Lk• di tel
.to hOista the y al** liodadlog stave
most popular oltEseps who *foe AIWA. polttkm ; tyiloacto ' Sir' tomocipothe at Pleck
. . . , .. .' •''i. • ' I ~ ' '.-. , ' ' 11 , : - :..! .
. .
~ . 14,
' *
di* , -rs 4111 , il. , - 7 di . 'lt'
, the It imi If 4.t BM is.
siat lutists''s& , 4 Agmhoiivi
~ , relki .
sett 81411 lot
4149 i.
poet." r lit twelt97•9th
air. 1 114, ball liAlm iinmillili IlMllotr dime im
:Shalt it4l alas so; Altilje a*stei "leh '* 66
a**7 0 4 ipwitibi is 11 * /.011 04 11 K. rMa d9T,
'ties. soitiOned with ** *** l * Il i ad* "lb.
t h . 11 4 ,, 10 1 4 1161 1 41 M 41891
his. 11;,
st 4 ' l l
iti l .
Of Oillry, Xr , ,, ereMask
"ly, *as l in was th e 'was gt 4UI tike Olfigisagl
suited feKths jetedllo* by_ IsTS ',kr, ieset*. it, j
sot des* that be' !IR stake a 1544018 sad iiiithist i
aim , i t to not 1)1009 with blis is
but tupi n sot tegue‘ ,Ur , cod .04" of
a toll
his as. if tkililieslither, Srbile Is i el ill r' 1I * 9
re g of his Slistal datl i eli. l ` I ,
id , wi l
Oar ,T. 4 , Rairti, I 1 1,1411 r the ' IP
Ald 800 041.111911101.1•1 t 1 il"'
"Pre. '
iire- ;tin:111;40 tots Slit P 144
1 ; a
Mrit. J. Mapes, 2 pain sock. sod 2 1 peles Mip.
Pent Wal. o 4eweii, 2 .ps ,is 'mai ; bitit. J.
SWIM* i eosaf 2 sheets; Mrs: Hails, 2 pars
"As i t. Peephooks sail magesises; Mise
lthektal. - -ma Ines Miss, A. P. 2 1 petire
• 11 004* , In Isl 7 d i 0117 **IT
Hiss P theriek. 1 Irak slipper, t 1111. mu; t
pillow's 12re. Par" ; 2 willows; Mrs. Wm. Web
er. 1 • 6 4811.4 . ureir..l blittth at lier Wise;:
him '/ Weber. pairs eisika, 8 Mande Tr 4 1 a4
Harps gads.; Nl* C B *l l, P Pin. me.,
one- ' fooMesit, Mies Tlnnle Jones, 19
yards m lin, 8 cottage', 1 lead,of cestile soap ;
IV* *b. Ono eases . 11404 11 M 29 Pa
pers ; ies B. 8111 ,'1 pair wanks; Mrs. Yard.
ley, 1 I, gime, 2 lundersh ; 1 111rs.1 C. Steins,
25'yard ;snub ; Miss E.,,,8111bnat44 pain sliPpers;
Miss RI ' ire Kramer, Minerawille, 1 pair socks;
Mrs..T. ',Prick, Nisersville, 1 pair picks; Mies
1 Kate R abets, Miseraville, 1 pelt Seeks; Miss
Km= rt,-Mtherarille, I pnix, s e. ' 1
! be
. it . d i d o i .
Repo ~ the Lidice 44 0. 4 0 po me.—op
1401 iNuv4ol*r. 1881, Oa ,Aid of
irdtzhen at. arms in defeats of 'eceir Helot. /Sine*
i ta l a s:g I :d:an al :d tr il ecen rgli : i fo ilie rt l l i to w ic :th in L th de ratl e iL i"" l a ers iter w h hi f yi ent s :
hat da , the Elociety h l tut real?, alias up and
Paella ties, ' t ` to Air the '8 Way Cotacal s .
a l
*ion at , hive* eme for the ,Hentral Hospital
st Ch tithe, Kdawb / st Cotinii Western Vir
ginia, Difigade ,Rargean, Dr. f. T. Caspentera.
and on I SO the Itoth Regiment, "eli the =trek the
ChilP l 4h l IRev L 5 . 1 1 1. Ccalt, costthintngi the tuliow.7
saga:_ ll , 1 1 , • 1 . 1 1 1 1 I . 1
40 eo Tr, 1 ,10 I hlenkets, 29: pillows, 30 paten
pillow li 4, 30 wrapper. , 5 telates, 25 canton •
Benne' hirts, 10 flannel shirts, 28 night starth, 41
pairs d Wers,l24l sheets, 43 pairs stockings, 53
towels, ,0 bath eushions, 8 peels; 14 Teatherlesib '..
ions, 22 pairs @Tippers, 12 pocket handkerchiefs,
10 bone 'of oa th .; 41 papers of pins. 21 dress , ,thirts,.
3 comb , A moultf seep, 2 bandies of cloths, 11
magatises::l We on's IPietnqsl. booed. ; ,
a zi
. j ' I Nes. i f • 1111:t8EL, Press.
•F 6 si• ITedlsatit, Sett's l '1 , ;
' 71 1 ' 1/ ,
..roetv4iii 9 it or i tielSoionk C ociu n,—i
estinglof he BoroadhiCiancil wits held
arioquil ll ,ll 4 a4t. Present. Messrs. Bit
per, Pit 9. 81r0u0b. Hants. Focht , In
lrr, Bitter dge,
Ist7 p
sad Boob., President.
T ic ales of teethes meeting wire road and
treet Com. m- - Ae a report, in Which the
,• 1 r
s ill throw ng tithes int th e public streets.
7 tratitit4 t o li stream with lamber t wa-th,
1, qta•,lw sendetnned as violations of
s cci.the R rottih in seeh cases thedeind
4. I Thit :smitten recinnmendeethat the
to enforce the *p
-4 ties fop a eh infiactioni. The Committee
adverse' I ln deference' to the petition of
B.' Nits a "sad other,, praying -fur
1 0
alba ok c Bert ' in 'Market street, for two '
arst,i tit' apitrePriai ' aon of the preient
r streq itsprovements i Is expended ;,see.
e eeesolilltoo / l ate thatike the improve
reYed th s
r. Thd Committee repotted cross
Coal strata tinisimil ; sad
th an the tied Ito Jalippa and Piabbaeb;,
ecuipleiedl, Reports it , eeptecl, .l
Soros 0 . Treiteurees, Ittatelltelli was read
ereclA belled. i ; h R
Toning ilirerea'AlreSolo , oo. Inetraeting the
nrOsi to enforce - the peealtia for ob.
pig the istreete itith ,ladhes. lumber, waste
Jil, ate.; whiehlWas nippied. ;, ‘ -
bill 00. 4pippi, $2 0 1 , icsa referred to the
CuPlinitTes• I 1
iolliorleg bills Were zooid and "Wined to be
/ 1
Lewittg , , $l5O po
!;telnal, ,
, . 108 ,00
I rltner, / - 120 a 0
l ilarr. c
, , 2015 u
;eel, 141)oren, t' , , , 137:73
aw ldar#, ' , 36100
t ra !of road from Coal to
'f call•
• died at
• Yof Nit
of Co. A.
Dion, this
M r.
stated •
on Tae
tle, Ile ,
and liel.
odes ani, ob
nd ai-stOritt
'l •
eitbat4ey .
s itirofiis:i by
•«aomo• or
:hiking ;, it
• 11-1,_.•
$n *hock,
lecture in
- I
sat, for. the
freph i
el 'Oda..
ebeipts must
or the object
. reeureely .
Is leetor"
oflthe world'
- hoart Or an
rectory to his
4re im
r. Augusta,
i g as ahe - cen!
itig the -tat.
She beam on.
ut year,los ‘
iin the insane
d 44 under
g the =Oath
; hongd
$17,532 pi
- siiiiiii;•_; .
*, PIA' W is tietiegfahrell
mitissisraliar • lathe 111
Ivlddb woo
yieetarbee ere . -, - *4
AA eft - .Wdeilldideek : etc
ittedlell 'El
'llliehdel 11* *Orefield batrAke.,l
Anis Ideptientedtle jaa, e L a dre,
dpood s etiedditewttlildr one ielepleLlheel
pde litfeireflooledbittieerdolor
al fOriff*N7 WI a'
emeo ow . Itr.i et
mei reinetedoloretidlarlbe deirideettilitt
lentellreelettordteeldit it Pit
7 / 1 011titior • iniskplie stedln
Ueda reerkettoon. i llet eet otelboe Id no A
It eiip tabled by erne M MY* Mk Sr.lldto
priederper.yilleb. tteeoll4.lo4.eldier.
11 0 1111 . 111 4 , 0 1 uNt enisiney et i
”ier.oe t Or Idelkeed.l2l/
stile lb. Ward& Isee se the elm(
fotsederedby lb. tow•joy.if Math. ip
•f Keneett-Ilidttbe, *ere peorpewo.. , 1
Is tie &aide ea,Viernonjale,T
lotredered'lde WI re merman., r...„,„, , r
. *Wang stereo Itie., : • lids ll* beaniddleed
ter I. stood aped* It pietidie far, tie 1 i lel
eesepletellerfilteri tetbeitlsked States Of •••0•1 lea et OrtionlY baldtif flt rem vbs. Ille 1.•
sera of tbe at teptelleeet *ell talte up
tee IN ;Stab*. ,Tlde foinidere et to, !IN
.sl_propeety to the rebiltieteadietelete' ' ile ph•
unitarl, Piliwr. awl 01P11•14 Preptity is et pert Of
tbo Vatted StetteOrbere Me WOW pewee In eto
Et i , a by tbe teliptlieL Woo* . the
mod thbe
tll O.l
' tt. preporty of seed litillebbeel d_
[id Met be setfeet tn the liesteletion. . loyal rete.
Atom to be laili itt Us betiellt Of Wet Or 11.
al *I STlPortf ll] ibt. rebottles. sad et dere Him -
op,, imam* is Its reeppreetoe, nil 11111 .
- tlea clefs, of ell rebels awl lbw* Vire Oh three tdd
Ind ereetert-te th e peewee thee twirl .l ad ~/- The
bin dotter,* tbet staris Imo W*4 *A : 'fro% sad
MIMS II the avity Of taw nomad 1 !til 'par top
04aisettoe of est* _is say, br *ldled le de to.
Est reentry Owego may etey We Ow KO Me
tionresereet, sod be terared le ell the nut '
kis a inteldg• The bid lots crewed le be
.Iredirred le taw Gentildltso es Ibe Jedielery.
3/4:the Holm Mr. fierley, at OWL peen/
*di& war adoptted ter tee ships Vie 1114.
blp Imbue sentbdebed to. Weelate.
try *Wee. : 1 ' . ; .
H . *Utter , filla Hilehtat '
1..1 -• .'-4=- . • • !.1 . - .i
WI 15/Itb, (Coll iiiiharti.lod ,
LIII . gnat, it Piartzers ;Wive.
i ii • ~.. lbantss ;lessors. Xi,. .
i • Was. :Ramona :I—lnstead- of Col. Treill
Mvaiftrand otitis reginient It Camp • .
landed. and on t)te [H U. , inns. thine stun •
Ilan nat. stuiti.f. ..a • %Umbel,: max: !' "
- Cal lo
,meal Jawed thai'' nth • teeniest!, •
WI hi. • On the nos' took lhir amaild t
Carina Railroad iin leitie ,t 1 1 %Where We aryl '
otOtraday. 11;* Isiturdlittattionk p • •
the Maass TheOlis' Sala and virplois,
dasts lb* ' • e,May at II; delimit sii
lagutile :Ilan nos at 4 osnitteit, A.[N,,,• nu
in neamped'abont • mil* from lit . Forty
Mt tat our Cana Hamilton. The following
01, of the Itesisivritt Coking, *lehard
'lira; Lient.[ColonaL If; T. Banuet, &lull
:./ohn H. Palm, Ballad; , adjutant. Imale
thuiPhin ; Quartermaater, Prat. 11. ti .
'Hold Maria, Philadelphia; /amt.. ditirdms.
'ail Choreal. ;I,- • • 11 [
1 I • Pininirylvarila 45th; il 1 Th.. Telt and
44 .
• prd Mors: her regiments [ lars ilari
• t .very day. Cana the marminti of on
try he army; wee readved byrompapy R. Cs
Me isms lo formed Met *Or itatinatioo'wert
lirui. 'We : hbpe it may [la tone sawn Irish
naAntior ellipsis.
[d iltr me encamped *llblo a li4ki Mai a half
rrillasi Hampton. It • prattles a
ot very fa; r lhomiat rentale. saying thorn
'the Pamela &mina ir and the resident. of ..
Tyter.. It *as month built of brie% sod
1 ion Aired aim* split building*. Than
Vol" IP rigidly Orli." the town; tbramseire
the most•ofirhonve nuiployed by the Qom
: [ ',has been a go linit• among al -for sots
whalair WO Mid le lib.: am lortbsahs 0
safely Hinnies the' sr. will marive a bona
1 irbrith,r It bas • a driluelom: ' Can you
mil—ins bounty nill be paid, amotting, [.
'ld isinis'4ollllAl
1 I . /44 0 , of our a , park would also ilk.; t [
IMa• of the fatal Of SelanylkUlCourity •
1 IMM l r l sduopr the num ainded fund albs •
service, antra other* lave natelard 'non* at
septet to trait than must nortalply be 1 •
soniarteirs. It I. ;parlaiely not 'right that
' **lva all. arh ll* iitialifOlts is demonic) ..
ca r non*. It la,litio •that phi ' trims' of
ma - have tires paltas Igh •as $lO at,ii - fl
have•not limn paitle. [lt would be vers 4
awarding It should hare It If there It MI
ilia, rate au espismatesin of lb. matt.,,
1 .ll.esn OM say (bid rood health attitude u
we eh-tird? very,lth inbred. Should tbir J
Ito tr g iy to v P alma it,mr[old L. nal -
tho ult o.ot a reran:err ture,as I totitiii
1104%214s the road:last I . lunday, which en.
lan of our of myttormor Whoa. Anythin
CoMpany[R.•6slbriliest; p. v.„ Col. White,
milli Fortress Montle, va:, unreal; us. I .
--r'-- '
•id • • the Information 4 .
don' . i7a . id 140 1 . [ t -: ntervaled in .11ils ma tt
Coenty : food was - vend ami time sin
Hotta the familiar f Widlatlteehi.' Nom OP
ilorllviduals have . MOW own reirAsibill
;tali where the Mr* of Smith* at* pr
al iittniat sy-tela Ai iati , doCrlif to OINNIt I
: If liir .01dierairo4 pliiititliy, on POI
ill would bet IN any'eses. imam. "fhb
,pt. gat matte, bleb *ray etimpanY in
l abluld ' emend cu..' I:Ds. ) . 11Nrse Jovainil '
r ii ..'
TON CITY. Dees. li. I .• •
lir l algit i n once
1.. de.
will trot tax I ne ' o• ::
iptkin of the rodeo. attesding the ti g , sad
lanisall‘do der itieonlbei detail. of th ' you, 11l be
rolled: by tot raPti : brim aly Mower, you. ,
BIS 'I, day ettb lowitioo woe spoil in th rat" r row,
rot ildent to t • argent:allots of all betto I hre bronco.'
thus •nombee i f restilatiou dere off d, In cirillt
I settlematt of tbe present troubloo rf be try.
i t whither soy i• i beta alit ever toe Nu fro ;after
lit; referred to their 'respective rocuosil ma. prods
rigetber upon t e. , lemur-of those row wolo thous.
1 4,
rt trod the ; dotalloo neraraary to . rry 11,,,
et tor,' too•austion of slavery. 10111 alts all, y i s
I gnat moo res of troublop, and %micro giro '• ed lb tho
n it
• derv* of purlotilios• that setuate4 t• e tin sea of
a p ro moll Ormet4t talon, &driblet muck 'in I te,
a o thews wills tirbith wearo no battling - mss ogees.
II ily follOoo. Ouo of our great roistaltais. *row on. In
Mathis upon Ode question hat bolo, I • malt sot it •
is ton al ewe, 11144 ad cf.traallog it u pro ly . I, and
ill wing It hiabida tbeiesoin of lb. great nat. I sir
ors of latolliginire that mirs slowly • • a ly dos.
ed to, dark' Out Its dostrowtkin, • I tol d s: to lb mat.
i ,not as • partition. our with the vied: of •In Lo lb.
ollightest deem ~ the asobitipo of any ma '.xee blot
• looks foreard •to tiro Minorablo r lion of lb.
I trOf this Glv•rient, and ilia' ' • taut lbws
o happy and p Peru' dimes. It oil* Is la the
or yof this end, 1 tlt starer the ileums of to as oar
pi yed to bring it shoat.' without *lila* lb* • notry
wl b premature ,giolation. :fro good e ft oil ebhirt
to. th e conaseation of pc•meety employed I aid ng the
,pranirut raball Wry tli'mattara 'uot ,ar bea tr! hat p rty
la rapreasatatl by Meerut torlieloos, butt t ••• -nt de'
stletupt•by antart of notional Ingtalalle to 1 • tureen' :
.It h Oro •recogainsil Meta eights of the ods f gelid
10341 oldies.; that MOUrbt 11110 damiMil lb rpa 'titan;
mud utupromisethe pi/Micron! ono half • bra • nista
coMposioit. our. aril,. .if the 1101400 a . Was rj his
born tmobleroniLlherettlfmiil Its totrodkic on In OQU
grove as a separa distinct ape, et tole ti ir, will Medd
it doubly so.
1 , •
is lb. people io col the coos cy b. Wllllig
hilted this gown with trotM 'onet' '
loit i wber words.: te lb'. army isPuse ,
S, od'akliti or' abottleg the raballk
se will object.' :Zoo my of gown!
.0. etruti. 'wapitis. sod bi, very at,
primulas! . of arra 4:raloos patriots, WI
constitutional Illtij bitipte• flt body of
v i
Or intonate°, 11l eatiro diary.
of dire algailksomi, and w t eat al
ti oot our catkin:Oat:fairs. i also d•
ititintrodoettonibaa to view The 1
bill yet been wide looking ' a laid
quiatlora is embrUed .1a• tb mono
lochs by losable ropnweistat ye from
Catopleoll, It rottilrothi 'ea re grow
ions: . I. •: '
: Wleoofred, 1:ba l l,, In Intislat ng to /
DUO* pretiosil reisillioo. . rasa al
prdperty, stains leek:Wed, o f .11 rat
prOporty sod • rights, under. be Poi
i orlon loyal Attu • :
, rnuspila wilt that it Ile Yr,
tol!roo d sclile the- Propri is : c f all 11
annul bo protert, the property not
dilemma, which under tiro 0.11111.11ti1l
iv 411 all aticumbrol nub all .gWathtl
ollhis reloint i lir *text Ttlay, will
lb Lions*, as glee the codutrylotri
ro ova opan I ta 'question • Tho .r
lir read yuterday to Cron seller
"pyrn y maehrielth Arras I auto
parties, s He milli wind!' ft 4 ono liP
) 11.
Inqiis leauctoral and gin me!,
{Wring oat lb* strict teresi gof the
rill end tutu uto for the' oblY;
rod beettpursoird„ for bad . Idet
10 4
milled-by .any other ,pol ' the
w4uld be without ao 'a ylo tlio:
tilien the place, Where noirlts stab
inland mistalord hy Moo ' MUSD
• The report. oy tbo rotated fferent
deiltyarrd doriag the week. Tin
the erosion. trill he the report of Seri
ditande upon the iworld with be gm!:
Debit p a p er th at has yet. 'mutat
MSS , ., ', ~.' f I
Wa hlogtot pnownts a' Ayer eppost
tbe a mines ire 'Froveirtilrant 'arty ram
Welt podayarla: of all grade* dud WI
sten( y hurry gig to sad fro Mad many a
drool toted leo testatoro,is mireled t
alio f l It creed that hi orostently urging
frowi be Capitol, Um groat point of attra
Sid tary•unittero aro Irst 'Pt Of Junin
ho tbil itenenil• btakity to; Ougnios
. .
at business. '.. 1:'
i• • • • • '
[Otn:Mwroo o sot:door ot appear to
up of the .1 aterylltsestlo ,'.'"and we i
proneof soma 41.1* :emir i!. We sake
atatiri,ttiero aro persons lob bold alit*,
sponsibli. forth. Moults , their mum
-,- .
do noldinient from tbette., . too. Jousii
t , , . .
5 00
1. 30 , 00
5,724! z3
3° ;
AT West ioeovH
Pon U. tbs.
their ton.!ths
t bad not
it the cord
fall Into Un
.ts 1%614
nterr at ,
It may
T'he ti m o th y,m mot b;
38,997 19244 , Cane! 01
763 t 7 coos ' tat 71
pond i og week at year. , .
The Year'"o e • iposent Railroad
118th Tferegithe lwhia 1 the *ad of t
The ielithatlty • lel over th
yearimi l dinig If • v..30,'6 , was 1,4
In 136, j'!' ; , :, 1 1•37
: ,' , i' I •
1441 1 !et Cod to n ags 11 884' t
The Foie by so f la , 1 , I
• 1 I •.--:-
I sts
To thee for , • year per ! -' 59
Tls i loobs •sr gloomy for Soh
11 11 1, i r 1 11 11 t: / It!, i ball* OM
A m
e-e was mesa of patella
bettor be perseM4 here*
the _ ooaipailm rer•
Se i revenee from Other melees
traappwtatioa f the latter
fostered &slit • ght to 'have beet,
thi ket'PenWe 4eelisleg iron oth
wellies froje 6-, ttha4pertatien, 1
$ mere lib4rsi , hey 'Wields the
PreWidenti! We 11811. .' of the,
egmOseles Weal be, Jed mid toyiell i
simi,. awl 1 - eies • it, Ow with'
for Mir Piro; we Mak, they w '
their podgy -4 tlt 14 iwildota 1
to Wham the i 4if.d.of
Polfil j , r their ofi 014944*1 .
14bi MO I ' MO" 1
to Warl i t ita mil: , ,
1 f y 1
: 11 Svar
'. J• 1 -, 11 -. 1 : .' ." , I ,
!, 68 IS-67
'B6 , Wont
411 4 -116 4 111 ,'
'llllli ' ' I
am 1111111
' Iftlak 0.4
, 11 , 7ishit
.; 1 ,
T. &Built* pat es %Ask. Sad it
lb. .7%. , L inhabikr ago, ;r tbs
.7. Is 44454 ie weeks, evrti
post lb" It. 46"1 wUI as Pia 1 1
tea* siOirs 64i '
To gin Ist indi c ts soot ids 4 et tits thstilisolts ,
to the Side tro i;daltgitia,O.iat ' li 1 1 01440WS
sti• Sestets ts+step we 41 ease tke rutin r 1 4.11
of 'Wight rilubalarki& NUlANtitpat
te ta. ,
Bositos i i $l,- Pret14111111• • 'l4 , 0
Wiest teaSstosh I 23, 'lb
1 ,11
Mama Is 04.'41 • • .
of New Sark,'
It is the digicalti sr pesentst eollimi took*
Coal from Philadelphia, a !that Is operating more
I WilowslY, wfs ll6l -4w) iss4s of Bel!iilli4u ConitYs
WM - the rata ofliaasPortation• lik oar 4a14.18! -
putica4riiiiltan4era hi **domicil for Coal.'
"fbiLelilgh•Valley Hailread" has increased kir
tonnage ;avec last, year; sr the: following tr il l .
show i. l' I i'b,.. I. ' -;, '.l._ ' . • ~ ~,
- Foe year mt
‘ g.lar. 30;1864.. ! 14201 ton.
—... • .
' . " • ft" ',' /40. 0360. i .:‘73t,543. ,“ .
. - bantam to Ifill, ', ,-..- :
.1.3,040! ,ai'
, • • - rm. £.*l liallissa. ' I :•
- ",' 1; Patirnatitnto; Decem b er 6.
; Tbla following aro the Prima- of Coal i delimirsd
on biarli vesiels:;l l I. :' ' i.' ''' :. .- '.
Sobs, !kill Red Ash, ; '1,;,-•r $3 . 4 sag a 55
DO.. Whits MM. Ku and Store, '.; I - .3' 303 10
-Do. Lump and Brokani t '. : i' • 3 23 @ 3:35
-Locust .314041.ti05g Ind 34o StOve,..l `..: ' 3 463 45
By retail; ton of 2000 lbs., • i .',r .r 4
004 25(94 60
Lebigh—Littap, illioken and ,g :, ' `.; - 3: 60
•D0,, : ...1it0v e , ;• 1 , ..i I : : 'I . .3 60
By retai iiii i . 1 , - ',l , ', .•', 4 50
New oat , Delyitiberi s.—tioinielle Das been
in beue reiluest ilk part for ilovirnMent Isl. and'
UM mar et 4 quitie.Airto at s4os4 V too front .
yard: 'Foreign IS in moderate demand, land'bo
lag loss pleitty.,iii lirtalyl held . ; sales if 20040ns
of Newcastle Om it $5 200 tons Hell Smola at
or about kland;#ll gotta Scotch Splintlil at $4,
'cliell.:7 - T'ib i t I •1 . : ',l ; '
Belem, tiiiiir 5., =. Priem of Coal use wOrk
ing up and are admineleiL : Pietou and 15ydnay
lave been. id lit $5 '504116 V ton. ' English
i i„
`Clonal 4 cpt et and prigs
nominal:' Anthrieiti
in retml • louij has! idvaneed tti $3 bo@ss '4ll ton. -
-Coorier. 11 ) 11 . ! • I -! • ' ';`,.
Coat IP
To Berton,
New Wedos
ilartior4,: •
Ptil Lid' eippi
Wombats. '
• 011otriels a
To Broom, !
Fall Ithrr,.
• Noroleb, •
New York.
• Quantity
week roam
. -
Troal.POrt Cirboa, I
, r. 4445 14 , - 11,01* 00
rottnille. ; 01 ' 'ilk/ 00
Erba,lkill Dairen,, :
1 ,472 : .21,78415
AuMirn,'•!! ' A 20.47 •,• ,
Pon ,
C 1104004 r. ji • -1,125 be% '1152 00
• Toral for w 15.7111 08 • 1,1 .21191. 15
114 . poi; 4416,190,08':. 1
,11114;e0 11
2 01 4 1 . t 14*n5411 14 1;152.1311 06
io same USN Lail *esti: , 1,575.150 05 1.521,10; IR
11:*Jmapiso tar. 14y7,311 n". iraGst 12
• Coal boy Ridtread It 18
Qs:manly, 0[0424 !allot by _Railroad fur
en TborPdAy 0ver.,14 IHI4
/atm Port Citirbod ia :: • I, • ' • •
• " PottsiCia.- f• • i .• •,• •
SehoylSlU ion I .:, .
Asberi - •• -t • • •
" Port CI otos ? - • -; ,
Total fot !@4;l ; • • '• •
To am las 4 row, f r • • .1
. • ' . • • . ! ' ".
D.pereasp Kt far, I •
ebarliklli taunt' , RriliOain
Mb* kbitow ng the qeintity of Ceal.treo
111•011renen1 Mike& It Beboyiklll Coax
ending on 'Muni* fTliOng laat,t • '
iii was!, :.
MID• 11111 &113:114v•ii It. ; • 37;013 10
1111i,Carben I 1E .; -' 4 l* 17
Schuylkill - • &11l 01:
:001 Creek I °, 11 , 779 cu
LitthOehoilkill :",•
Plnegrgloto evil ;I`tade for isiki,.
;Amount tgazuffooftieddarlo tb• lot mouth 41° I . . ,
,- . L • 2 1 wrote ~ i . ..MO..
Unkin &Dal Ra i l road,'; ! .22 TR 011 -; ' . 142126 16
Swatara Ralk . !.. ' . 1.631 CO ,, - 113,511 06
LOME!' I'redik fli
I Tor wank siding aim Pito "day last
. ...__
. •
1 i —.;..............„.....
.'smw34'' ' I''"" . I' R SALE;•BITO - tET:
if ..... ,0",,w,.. ,„,J„... . . 1
,1 ---, -----,--- z h--- El Ft RENT -The -'r koperty known
1411 1 0 Nil en 4 i . 'i '. ' ' 3 , 2. 18 . V iAin ' lli , 1' r th• YORK STORE . la tbi;lllBrsoab Of Pottsillllo.
A. Pat6e4 4 00.4 r :1103 6 Plf4 4 . 2 ' , e ' '''-.......... eons' tins of a Do'lling tromp an d
, Matiiolllll2 • large
P1e441 . 4 CO, /2 3 ' 1P ' ,A, :i 5n sO9. Stori HOuNs adsoinrus. .' 1 f.; . • : 1.. • 1 :
sh arp ., 1, , * Co;' „, ••• : 11,136 73,39? ,I.— • 1 -- ~p k. E ly ” hwisenixadyj if isipiliailf. - Earilr•
M ch t ".. P . l r ui bu f*.4,4 ~. : Ii AR - 2 f ka 5 , 4411 ., , 83 F 2 r 3 ", ci:_r_ .. ,_
.._.,.;,,,.., ,E,1 ) 11V A 1RUT A 1 1 !. D 4 , 41.4 . 1.
Itattllff a. obasia4 •1. CS . 36,963 ,- ; .14.969 ru_, l " l 7 , 'my
T i t m a ": t M o t e k f .,,, w g! ~ , . 1 13 i i. 3";53 . 1 !4: i' 'I HE AMERICAN .
J. U. McCain, &Pi. • 0..; 3 1P . 57.354 'L 71 ) • OM: r ' RESTa—Tba Aniariain ibiaai,„ . allissfed . al, tbn
rmibh, 4,a, •, . • , 2iiii 2.765 163 • 4665 ,to of Vanua anal tiuloa "traits.anjoinion Jr tisil.
I . ' ' ! 1 47 . $ 3 . 723 41 ° I 49,1 C 4 lon Rallanal, Dealt, to,itt. - .3.w00gu ut.Postoos so, of
r k4. 4111, on Oa' : '7: : ; 373 - -OA . 42 , . 13.721 ' I t r,d 1141/ mg. , Posatasios grill be XiTers oo libe. lit er
:k , -1,-- 1 ; me • 1444+ . 1 01.636 Ap r il ,, vest. , This bans" is lam and eonsatianLaad la
Oerniao Pa ea.,, 'I . 016 374 a. • • t 37.761 : "zeal lout order. Aliinlarinatlo i n i al pti ll lai t i b ti . rn i r ain ed illia .d r .
D: maaanz, .te..! ; ''l 1 '-- -' ' If" - 1 *631 ajr is tUr ' 9r " 11111 ; 11C , P 7l l rB a i 11.-l u , la, eamr l 4.'
lbsek gunwale. I •- : ,: i UM i IfLilia
Frankfla Cm' cri-, -' , •
' '1 NI I 1111 Igt
Audi'aried_Foiki Co , I : •,- . . ?'23 . 016 •A HAN 0 Y ClTriloOTB FUR
ii.e.owduomcc.... ,_
353 ' ', a •,. 1
Phllad'a tail CS ' •., ,•, : : 6MI , 12.966
,A. SALL-4000 atcriAßDiciuta, l n r;
. ~
mu n ,.... ine r. . - , 12,722 612 - , 1 1.606 or to i l iliii ?.-.4411414, liabraoy City.; ~• 1 , ~ . -,. : .., ,.ii -.-
34, • , , 1 , Ye Ty 2, '6l - 1 . ' • , 1 ' ' ' ','" i, •
16.41.3 763,1%11 110.1 1 i 6 : 9 n3 24 •-
...:.—......---..... 1 ,
I :3R RENT.--A:Thiie.tory'Ll'N'el!.
.. ! • , - - 16443 i 743073 bag Una* glib Starisaislin iittinted.aullab,l" fa
••'' I ---7. ......---- any lad of bulimia "heats/ Wilma" lb/ ithatifytvi ,
Canal ', • • - - 47.300 1.Tim..491; ow- fiat! and tba'Aniitlein litres". Platwina 1040 oft ,
- . 37.M31 1,51016 the let of October, 1611 L. Apply to i 11. llttm.Par t
—. • 1 , postoosno, Mb Jidi, '6l :
••• I- - • 1 113. : Ifil . '
, 61922
Itiollei, sail Idaliewloweeitif wa
, 6 sbliiliiiii lbr ttio brevet sit, a. !is wow!.
itoW to ,}WWwg moo wbo siottwr 'IWWo Not.:
, Pntes!oto 41 1 P 1 i lei, at U.
-sooto - ,tiww,' the ,tiotowt!ot,ttott.43d.r . o, bz :ono ' 'wawa
;blotoollG snot b Avg pat to mat gimp* through
Impost aid Maple cootie bi bid
of Um so ILL MATV,AtiIi
by e1t!,. 1041 4 1 4 Itteltall 14 , 2004
loorolow,: , , OMR
, .
▪ %roll Ns
' la the
to sad
I t
i ll meted
k I "'
1 1 4,1 t us
•N. 11...0L001i oat fir ems brills. Doi so GOLD ,
PILLS 5 .! iny kind laolens 'Toy ,piss. pt *old S. p.
iT esi
Hots. AP otki+,. an, a bolo, lokat and ;404:
'll,siviroi,„ or io yoo:rofuo Your 111000 aid 9‘,:il. ow
lictbing , beloOkboilebuited oat ot yo wow buy
only of this* , olbOrboo the Pligostan!o I LI?. Hoye, co
'!ref,Pl boO.loblep bits iyieiontty b.* simed,:ms act o us t
of 0. nut, wog eeilii!e , g!,. •1. .1 l'4o ikii '- . '
Ws cominet resole from rolling tllo attest of 1
oar rosoori to in toftertlorroeitt 10. thia l s doly'o
.Po or
tile " Ilalr t Rest i tallroof Prot 4). 4 oollk Co l l ot Bt. '
touts. le I rlll woo Ilia' Itil!bas eur eortleerdoo
' frai l ' i oli ',hi MONA etilinw7ter, t tOO 'merits of
'Ms throi p m. poslti4 knoll !Pr Orville
lisablott r la/. 4,0 It - 4 lo or•O'oosolo trei,ot. It pioitoroi
to to, and we* sot *tato t6:pe It tie Iliad
• proprosti to ithrkhead andlistir rytile*loni so lar bun
&Mord by human /egi softy,. , WI baoil ions It sired
thesototwol 10144 aO4 riotic r oor to Ow lboild Ito 'original
fOolol ze
pro ofosterol "id likoiy• hair-, 000 o l Ioni tlmi, bet
tar bag pratatuorly ylopd WM groi, rib I . ifi.• was
11 0
, .
it, Into ' ; nestorellio roloproit, pot *ad booltk,
ilk• dis llll l lllo 6 o 4 0 10 4 110 7 at 1:14 1 , ol• ilkt Intl I •Yr
oleortelooo ' ilitoratinir Is Mot It lIIT !AO lam; Ponca
• who UM i l t,ili+a• kymbi of hair that tor Irons ii youtk,'
' Um wag to otrlet anoP3laroo s salt - Obi' Mai el thi
Test sad
piestotit# all tofilliiiiakni&star..• i No a,.
wk. Mai vm; ItArtil inoilsho to ailirstlib•'si`. Cs tile
~tmalsosyl,le itilr sett 4: 4:boiapfaii(kiii
fitisal. 1 1 .1' ' .I T [ I'' ,
14 1 d br I I P.Og *Was- ! . I '. l- 1 ' !
ie ,
It th ir eo
cos •On,
,94 •
I.- PECIAL 1110T110 , 16 , , - ,
Ti4eutelpetv • ormelbe a vedlape l lierleo
; the bootple to! !oink to a very too tire*" 14 a yeti
Not sim rOoetbittter havtog soldered snivel 'yeti* will
that i Wen hp•KG*11141010, ase *at arise eksaa., OPOIFIBIOM
6al tlee—to eislooe to mike legit to Ids. tale . o-intllonni
ito tie lessee et elioN ' • ' ', , -, •
: as To ill olio's/ 4m lt,be .1111 awe. a solo se lba pro.
autptios met, Onset rtutook) whit tbe itliteekson far
11 2 g peoerlig 1 .04 Otis; Ow ak.e. 0 0 ,16 WI will' Sad •
Jlee' sus one yea Otosierries, Ammo. Ilitemotot t ito.—
T oflb* aalpatbaagretlia•lll6ll6llll,blPitatt4
ge , ttoll,lllt - 441111011 **ot' Kiii)l 14101 NIPs
le wbl tik Se . ' to beiseetiellit, aid lie blisititoi
I Haw *in hi* 611 47.a5il w ipo t atualsukiii.
iimilwiptiolibli•big., , . F ~
teethe Mtittike the ftssedeibm *ill rim oitiftoot c
i I . a , Rs% rawmup 41. , 1e1141011; t ) ,
- I . riritt.iiibi rg ,o 4g . cou i ty,Swei Teti. . •
‘•••••''' St ' l'ali.' , ' : .1" I, : ": , I ; i 'Airaw ,
!MTh 11ti -T- 77. - . iliiii4
SIMI liallail
'We =VS
; 41*4 ;MPS
. ,ll,_ • :=
I S. 1 . ••
I i
• 1
= I
Porton:ma - $lOO
11.141c.,011, JI
11.tbr. I 95
2.6444141404 • 50
Troy, 1 . j1 : 65
Album. • 11 10
Mira rock. • 1 111 1 30
81.610004 Vas. 21
Al.x4n4ria. ;110
Was6lo4l o o. 250
Von 1119 m, • • 11 X)
K.y Wept,j 4 15
Cuba. . 44
Dricatria. • ' IUI
1 OS
' 1 W Jr 11
/ 03
...-.A. ,
,/ 'la , be ' le . an - e - ieti dumb . g lb, week.
I:: ... .
le Vs.'s Zllsabeothiminrit...l
'•,; .• 12 1 Derby., , , •
1 I I , WI .Nrer lndria, f •
1 '. i /25 Bed*"
( •', 1 ~
s .
7 76iT-Aitany,
6: troy. 1 •
~. 16. Iludenne , -
1 ; 90 Possetakeep4%.
I. i
• SS Nobler., ..
1 '.78 :Neff; flemesi
I, 1 • ' !.5 . liartford..
11'1111,00d Wads for 1861.
Oil OW teßalinaal sad Goal tor t
• a rairsday !ironing tut: ;•
or ' • 'lrt•
se* thellikfirle!
sat _ •
. ampl
wow, 1301 471. 31"111 :
- , 1 1 1 00KRIN 1 0041 1 0tettioris.
PC riff nansautr algal Swap, martaatoit 20%
Able. -117 ruffil.o!
su i t i ' ' • ' •
alp LC111111C8.0 4 400. 1 0110.. RAIN
aaraaa:peureklaa army ISM*/
Vara at 20 ifetiek aal7 "ail* 10 . 11 a attain Itt
'I ' •
gal gilgiehll ' ,o l 4# weft
ifelaelt.Atiaatag.:l Velatli Its
JI AIR 01:0021231011074', fa the
Melt Ws* alas 1044
lablialifei id*
trialins -9 40 1 4 11111 0 11 " 8101 &1 4
1$ A. • r,
lisalagt /be ItnavirWa i " I `• •
alivnur, I$ Ix%
jis a
w a ygdp gnaw, at Asodat• adtesid=cit
Mastattv.lltaiati CO&
ably* iggiskts. at Pig Valet ifirmaliaa; at .7 **net.
Woad, Jadsr• art Paire llntlaa aetstala
W gs. stt ceaktelt; - - •
Il eg r a ta invispa :N.tiess mak is
710 • itfifikarf. a Am Janistai:
i - • •
- JIA1111.11.31BD: •.1 .
lasbnis. by Ow krt. - Dr. Wide "meth. kr4 fiteess Sump
jof lUs. jo'lll. - Amu R. essimp.*, ttfilarrbi•
. , • , I "•.
. ' i' ' , ' - /3111,D.' , 1 •• •
`ll . i Witit—To oft att. Y. Po 0 0 m I tiv IL*
Itemmodiar 11111.1011.,155i ,I 1 • • • roe of Josrph
sadHearaitaaay.orthlaCuasty. veal St lies% ► lO siosatus
10 Sas. ' ‘ l':r•' • ' 1 ,
XIRiLEY=Os Mb Spaiabe;. 1014 hi rattail's:
passayftasls,ll. IL A-glass's* toldios as. folua tr,slol
sal, fa. Um fat* of Easlasd: AO 1111 pars ,
sinimitnlet—oe thallitla a! Nowiai
p ter. Is Voles
_Visa aunt Marmallaana, Ses'sj , arid ft lash 9
mostba' IA d=l ...muni i
.• . '
ii t:.
, ,
• fiat: Mita lattitok Wm 7f, 0 1 , or T., or fa. -
At aa rota imamot Usttad itobilea. Pro. 71,
IS. of T., bad Thsraday aoorsons. Neter.l Mb, Hal, the
Sdloshat prousbto asd espolisloaa loin saaastangy
Vraus, It bath plan.. osr Batrally falba to rw
sore byl death oat Bralbor,Ctuassal Vibass, Soak ont
Diviams, thrives,
~ Is 11101 • "•,, i' 'I I - I _. '
flasared. That vs as o o ll o l lPrual Ow ", Di'
ohs, rraaideastfatilsalhat w are ialltallatithateby to
'hashish' roadie*** Ibe out chases t i ' ' •
I Izmir* Thai try‘ tbia death af irather rialto
fames. eh tuns kiat a "sod Sos of Tolsparamto, a eon.
deist sad, humble Christian: [ I L : +
ißasioad, That re. at a ploilos. Wader to thovleas
yeflho dlaragarioar fratarial aympatbf rod Ism
• Narciall,lThat a saw at Mao tesotsSoas ha ashanted
to Ow • War a tbo dorteart, as* .Wirt that tboy ba fob ,
Salted IS the Iltatte Jo:Sou, of Patit i lllo. - '
J T., name,
.707 damn,
Oux Agfa.
..(, ,
D«.,4, IW.
PottAbtartra, ' bar 8tb.1661:
Mot Annual Ilhoting on tb• litorlibtiAbira at tbia Coed.
pony b. bald at tb•011e• arthi C , pat. No. 401
Library strait, o• MON DAYeD•e•oslArri Rub. at , too o!"
dart, t.: at" at .bleb Cosa asalsoct Ibt•ollreirs ton'
tb• masoilog year rill also tat, '• I 1
149-01 '. P. C. upLys,
; • • P 11111.011. 1 ,1114. Derembei 6041361.
The Atiakud Utattair of, tb• Atarklauldees of t lOaCeaii•
ru, wlll toe held at tbe Office of the Coiapaay, Ne. 4ut
Oxley:street, ea MON to AY. Ihkere tier .7ut be el tera-akt.
dark s A. at which thieiaineteetles rpi oilers tow**
thit mantles year also take plat.: ' •!!
'l 'lotl • i P.C. II I ILlS,'Seenilary.
LON 1 NOTICE.-''4i Waiving; tenors of ads:dont riloer noon ill• • • 11 11.
Inioni Glover, laaiof Booth, Con To.b.bip; county 01
au ain. dooms& bay, boon graotolti to . tb. Itabote 4
bon: those Indobtod to the Want of middoettionlaio,
roqatotad to flaky lotnodiato pay map; knit 'an portfolio
mot Dir, chime or demoodi sail not add • 41 41..veivque0 -
torto nalui knows Ow noise wllliout delay to Oki outlay,
afgtood4 . • ELIZA Itlffll in LOVElti adastolotrottl.
. I ,- -- IltOttlaKT! A. OLOVInt Admlnattratur.l
,flookinanlia Ilett•YlkIll Co. l' l 4 , ' 4 . 161 .! 4941
N9TICE,-;-Ttie Partir6d ip :hei.etii
; t o r ethdleg hatireint ttsonns iti a and' Illssitt
mkt the bulbar business. tselAelt 'under tbs tallIP•
of G . EVANS It OD, nes dlseolved ninon the first di,
of lioseasber last by tautest consent.: titan= Iltasse,:ls
enthorlust to collect tht,debte do. the Lei' Orin: and nil
patinae basing elahns entlest the Ilnat mill nnocent the
mune t hint fternetUereet. ~ . .i . GEO EVANS; I.
,I 1 i . - • '. ' i , 1.00 , 1R1( LoßD.'i
Ipzo t WrAffS- basilic parsitaied !the Interest - Of lids
late entinse le the 5011WrIll runt cue the basloes' e l 'o
bnytn lied *Allen leinbes, et the old , stand. end •Itallns.
Watt non to hosloses.nrontptnees and nmonieble int
sel!,k* it the patronage of the iltiniunlty., , ~.,
.., ,I , - ~- • ' ; IOW: =P ANS: fpet '", - i , ismst
b:e. 7, .en
• •
UNlL—Foundi , VI('TORINE
bleb wilt be retdiood to tie by canto
..• tobseribeir. j W WALKER. t; ,
ricelrefila Itt,ititttoo imo god Nob 4..
. 1, oNtvo,
NOTE OF -IRAN D ;froin
harlot Lliaarpabire Sretatt IL:Vi m: tett Orel,
• 99, at twonloathspayableat4at Back, I .. • j 1
parotati Ira forbidden :neridlatlaa tha.nunnlas
at has teen stopped. • _
I ' 4474"-,I
is lost
I.os. -
433 15
-10.763 00
. 2161 06
2:1:111 13
31,513 19
10,934 01
Whatnot, lettere edminfratkM ire bye
it to th e entsorther, on the- ate of Jesse Lifenl.
the *aroma of Part Carbon, itabnylktlt
woke le hereby' even to ; those indeptot: t.
to mike Insumillete payment. and Abaft' hay.
twill moment them for arttliment to the • aub.
JOS1:P11 li.sipwAitailistritar:
et. • •: :• • ; :!t eteir
, 1801 t
, port : ;! of ftr
i 7j week
1 1
1.15w000 to
112465t0 oo
• 'pen to
71,411 CA
inns, %Mem of sidlihilstration 'opiiin ' the ,!: Itl. •
in D. Delbert; of ,
of the itnrosigh a lehby I -
t ieli
1., Count Delbert;
Plettnylkllli deeming% kin*. - a'
40 the undersigned, tbieuilndebbid tai the ate'
deeedent aro ioninertiiid tomat, *mediate ay.
Id ell persons hieing chilling netternandie age net
state. an reqUested to Rieke known i the Mae
rhirto the undresigned; i '.l 'll,
SAMVIEL - :1111KIDIDIT,1 i j _,_,...' ,' „,.....„1 „
DILLIAit 40C11,- f -7 , "'"*""."'"' 9 '''
1 61. I . : '• - l' . 444 '
120 R SkLE. , —V tiy, CIiEAP;r-';
12 ba•vo son. gnOmm;lrith blori and Alt rontioet;
1 ,
isle sobboory Ibr pumping *Mot. ' .. ',: , !r;
SO bone lingino; and itbilers,witb nll Omens.
fleet not inarbioors for brooking iNsi. " • • '.J '7
, boat 1.31:9 foot of 111 inch' plias, with pounpl Ong;
chaCos Incline., ake. :!1 1 •
irso, wire ropO, in._ 1 . ; - i
____, ' i 1 ,
i. • 'Apply to . , •, I : A. IttlSSlit,
i, • oe--corior of Matiantsego and &mond. steeds.
, "trills, Iforeb WOO !s. , - , 124( ,
'WO ANDS TO BE LEAssit-ink• vulva cis' fibrin:
pa wlilleast.estateteble L terma.ll ratios 14 , 3beie
g; LANDS, to reoponetble peetted.stio,vlll mike Um
=ryannoy pall away' toluthilty. MP Coal. is
to tie of the best quality of Aslant:lt ,o. 1:9 east
thellitha are allbtard to Oparetoto, as the Mel Mullane*
testate lerolomil the ltaatitiklui Valley sodl lbtliuUq
ititiq u id taus tareitali the ortqaufte: • I "
Flr !attract portiaelats, atiply • to ff. yasttaillf sN,
Ageeit,lllasoklak, or to ,•• ' •
• MAULS! Da romrzu4;SiseS..„
No.llo tb at., PUlletra.
?foe. latft,ll4l. ,r I 47-,14 .
1 4 1OR' SALE—,'T , o 50' HOOseiiikn
eism—seued tepoiseto4 bointingind . so!' , Ong.
anis at Ai lath pips. swil working Writs , 1
IWO ores olivine inipa:-.4 lot oittorin. • r , _1!
One • • Mow RoginikWod nitt u rrsous, icitbr tPtiakrt.
A • AAA den, waves, tett ~ del. . {-. , 1,.i
win w sold Tag alir p. A yply to . I • 114 ,
• . ! WAS. ill.llll l
..&ea notato Aotat,jfidsniampastort,..rbttarins.
Ir•rigiril2os. : 'i 1 - ' - , , I•t ~ • :
F' 10 COAL - OPERATORS' desliing
I. tAt....eeitivelikilailtivßAST ItiliAsoTi ODA
• t lON. The prima of the *tat Ifsharrot Menreed
eta' the. belief that en an** to. varlet aIU tek
o r tree the ibleinity of ids= City, 'end illNagto
i MOD R.., In time lore* eh te . audit then*.
Jos bf lOU. In vien'ef which tbOnedereigenlidreire
in tinny te reffebte perthe;the talent different potato
Iftoft_their lamb et Idaloarey eity',!Waste 1k..., KIHN I
Lod Boer Bea. 'lnfennatiork as fo Min resteide...esa he'
had nor aiplleathe *the; andersiened at Philegia,
Dr to finnan Carter *Adroit* * herald street:bonen
*** l 4 roll Northellott otorete. Peitorille, keena.!l
1 .. .. ititltd Difildelk, - • , . ,
1 ^ • 43M1111tilt.11. TRI)011111A11,, ..!I •;f '
•. ~. ~ : ' THOS.*: Eno_
______44., , ~ fil t ailSS.
1 '
1 . 3".,,krvg.'0,1) , ,: ! u..• 1. • .' $4
sew Iltatisted. Bm a .h Uwe, must Osposay
to low Is as alynetalle. Us Mask dap tat tba
Vteams; seta of 4,01110 bt.
_ j 'agethasel Cad &SSW'
'He lodates is IPA eitteit sot_ orkabbesde sit tbet lies •
*The atlas WS aged i SabityClUt Itallroode awl(
ass tbet rtlbeciseay Sal Beast Mosettals
mai." tam vapidly *elitist eampletios.. , TIN .ras
ea theists la almea r i a lls—tenteet oboe, Neater bend et
Jose I;2o,yeeds-1 ibei seta at Si *pastas at
v a le. keg 20 94 water 'Wel, It atilsoflit da.
yewsgs, tt sadertrei obese so aenr-Cual sissepes
abet it suatlty. abet" the itatiebeak be a. It fest Tab
, Alas aelbdit be bielsibmil .14 for Thupoppon cow
*las wit all Item satutal dollists**llo•llitiels
jtesa,sarletlr Ord slant apeeatiea. is tbe blabestlSurreev
ree a Sew of the vets' sakli It*lnmi is am* bid
lute &Sari at bas
Ifi wappkte,lo tbaestdreligieas , .at blames
tstless pinta ' j,
9 11'11A1ALL;
1 1 1 " 119 i 6 . *11 I I ; -a
i Tell t - *lO,ll. - 111iA1`IO it
- ' sagoacii ' ', tottilf
1 , r1 : 01 4 4 -
, • 11.1111//alUtiaD ISON •
' ' 7 12: 4 11 . i 1 i primed., Peo,rills.
• i i , ' 4 hi il
1 .4 1 1100.-,--
;'"0i11..- 01 .,-. e':-i
l',. if Oki lit 0
1 1 .11: ~ _l --,.: ,ri .1 ,, .*, ,, ,,b) - .-f•
['. 1 (..,. :. , 4 :. !fr- , , , '-•
k,h,...f. r ':': ' ', • :.'"
1i '• ' ' 7 " ' ' '• 11:1 -.
' 0:1 i •• ". -4' -: -, - 'l' --
1 1 iist r ' ' 6 0 0 411 ,
i s
si ii • xi*. itt ma !
;T: i it i ratriaiMittl
I ' , IBMS
.1 j i .. BNINIOI . !IR
S' I CM Iti
1 .; 11111,
' 4 - atztvintst=
Itim et Am"
ir- -1 !•: ,, i 10 4 441 47.. 1..,-
..:li.'' '
7' .
. ..:i . •,, - 17:77. 7:4-I'f
. ,
CAT' S rLE„' TiES,. for
,tying Cottle;..*
slmppe.iinenrsti.a nod ebeeartiele. Ali dhotis
cattle, atosid delimit Wipers Ibis 1 .
, . D i e. 7,11. . . ' i: ' SUM rag d' ITIONPSONIC
) mi i 4cliaNtioL . Visic ikaitmay. •:-.,
A. T,Acr.Ft. r n4mailili thils:w!ki pic k
bp aittlti. ready' . driving. :No tome gland:ingot
syn..eking ea • to ardored to 1 'donee.;
. fable. . *kers will ,til tbfs batentet.useth4d2 it win'.
diet up fables nails 0 'o . l' learb, and Oeuvre them
k t
fo r driving. Ail and ' , 1 . - . •
::Dee.:l. , • .•-• ' , ' 'socurim. k Tuomiwoes.% i,
gee IntrrONSl
ABB, 18:011,8,814-,'
USW, ootza
Mint IRV : -• • • •
iisantoiretarift z
AlituWolit,"•!i; •
firkw. pritow ;
......._ 4 ...___
4..0tt :PJHO I . Ails ' 61 , ,:eiii -7— Die4 thi
zaT u. lay. 0111 1 741 , 20 .a. tni a4lle 'Sammie&
Dia. 'I; : .' -. f, , .4- .a. i, • ::' -.,,, t.J: r .. 1 ` 4 .7 4 1111 i ,`-'
. .
• - . - i . . • ..
tO, li'' t)' : , siege :" VCatteo l. 1 1 ,0
i.aio ne ws — fur_ n lapa, as).st
et4 n 4 "-' "i' ' , • :maim a ttioNalaTh'&, i.
1.• r6skiA
' I
; for*mall hoist roi.
140114 t
'spur "ad boa Deiool..,
tier: L AIR. ! I •
h-Sopetin , Coal
eit the best. it .tbe_flAril.
• 111.1/.3;,., rUIT.
I RS, Sausage ,; Stu&
Cbomny woo. Moat t jkau L byt
p.'"'''"7" """"rant'igV*
sufl. , saaino k ,
wwc liardirars
Si Sound And 'Oral :
t 7 lad Po* 414431 Kft:
a . 31 " 11 " 1 "' • ivrt
nu Kat •
50QKEGS; .1.-2 X 1-2 • d
RA I LittiaDl seucts, to'ek• s out
abein,lit audit/my 'ail. litos Divot. J- •
Doe. 7. . •, ! • FRANK., r
P S EN TE FOoLotaits.
JAL; Rs Stattokpry, cotitatntng
L‘turo•r* E 01440,14. Pearl!, Pe.. noel.
put up I. pocket .iforsobilire we, arid eau bo - Not by
skull. or p ib Moods touyp .10 , -TbOo, should
bo oast Itolovery soldier, *A raube turn 044* muck
loss ra* than br the 4afiersi Poe sale ut - ", - • .
1 11. BA/MASI{ ~
nook Bistbxuary Mom
deed . . *A' SNIP LL
14 rietraSjel good coodjtkee. The
at a nealattiirarta. Bak% Water.
be glees be the beim
ago. ecesesem., • .
• e for Liebe. nue Orielgeberyt.
- ' 1403 t,
171,L §
raa ,
bop ippiirty or J
FAttSI, tHitlitog Was
Itnprovoolooto cooobot
Fruit:AO A good tit
Tatum at paw of . tailo.
• *,'
Doe. Tept.
izola t Alt \GOoDs.j .
• is 14 1);LD C,A11,1111,
• • 1111•74FliAC1111 , 101
PA1111:11( 110 i '' AN D ' E Rpviturmir,
•... wuotwAk AIift.II,KTAIL. •
' 11/10 Vino Strut; FHILAD
Hale Maar. ea laiacila targi stud' a ,
ailltuttlea neepla oetk. •
Illarbece Peep.! Olive Boa% •
go,; 11maqr
• • Mid * tuil Mgt • at of PERIPMI64I.Ir.
. '6l. I 494t':'
i rg a mnica ID IRCLIC., ,
n 'a. '. car 'TIM ORDER. 1 ,
__ .
TUS't 'RECMED, a supply of
0 .Acittoille Ex p7l or this Ordor, whit bigitts Mt art
win and °Watt s and 'bears tbe weans ky,sibleh the .
It sbellion waist' b eii led oat. The author at Ibis Sa
ps* la lb* pawspa who earned lb. plot Sit tba 001.
don Ewidbla o r band I tbeshifsfent ell Mc . This Uoik
will erwide• sennoiloti, andji a part a the ,llitiory 'or
the Country. It Waii .tto be rwd by ovary pram, as a
Key to the Itabellion.l Prins 25,eants.•
. 1 1t, will be walled to ay irdiloow.aa E lbe retelol' at 24
ants is patina slam • • ! but published, and for Ale,
wholesale and refill,; . ' f • It. HANNAN.
• - I,llll'llBF •LETTERSI '• ••• • •
to the PtErf.SVILLE
peer Drierbbertith. - 18+111 • "
• u Wool, - • •,-41.0bittrilli 3lr6lTrel
Albright Chat ' , CircfrD Y I • Moron Xtaigh .
Jar •', lilsibern Ephraim
, Acidreirg.toh* ..,04 , 4treigo luta Witt
• IlateholilgrWtrr . Mrs C - • Mark Mrs Illetuird
initinee Thus . • aenj tr
Buck - eciaß_•
Broarott L I G - •I literati Elisabeth Morriviiri Ml;a Rll
8•144 Job • .: HAIII/ Merin* Miller Alias Ells:
Barry Jul I ~.. IHi blue Henri %Merit Nome 2 -
Myatt Jot -. ' ll ' II • I ,r • Bierman Mri A
I t
:. HerseJoniph 'II almel•Jers • Pour ilanir n '
Malty If e • '. - iHi key alarthe 2_ Potter' Mr , I '
Iteebtel PI ft ••' II ry Mlehael 3 ',.Votrersiglien •
' Bennett Majy • T H Munn Pm( • :Hooke John . „ :
Hordeell itnorh„ - rll titan •Wm ~ Itahn,AG
• Hour. Dewitt • II • tt John ahlp:ltenrgen 'rhos Alp
Byrnes Patrick B !Sy Bre 11, -• , &Maui Alkhael
• Itliren Mini Ann II rty Margene(Pleltmer , John 2 '
116.4 y leis IR 'II mitten Mr* II Smith J V . '.. .
Beatunont Mho lit ' wry liner Pluton:Jacob •• ••
Brenta' Hileabstb. H unmet Miss II .3nYdet Geo, A '
' Gruen blyieJno It' 11, tt Murals* bberry,Frederieli.
• • Harry MO Ellen , Miley Mire A. 3parr Chas '• .: .
- thin, Miry Mien Milken. Miss k , Smith Albert '
Itrotenetell Mn 11.Jo4Lision'HIresis C2ener Danl '
Itr ". `.
owneell• MraL J John W. Swarta:Josepi."
I • .
.' .: [41.2 . J sii.Jnbe B , .. 13warts.Daulet
•, Merles n Ilt
.• Jetlersonjthoi2 , Statileteu Eder,
, Golf Gen W ' • Jobe, Merle •': Sponger Jon ahlti
b taa ll • : Bible; Joseph • Simon' Mini Mary
Chain : ' s 'lt ti Patrick , &via Ma let ~•• •
Cornett! ktil '• • Mania Jobb 2'. iltlener Hester i._
• Collins bee ' :o Err
- Kline Very E I • uper• Weeny ': ,
Bonner. ,
Ann- Kno x
o lire dyrns tlitylor:lbletbeth ; •
Caothdd re '. ' Meerelier Sire It - Snittehart Levine,
'Dornhnertatrirlt Lest/ Petrick Thomt. Wray I ,
. Dnagherly Patric Liulty Monsen TbarntonJu 1
. Itra,tun
H enry 3,,lrder rbiltip , ' , Tale, ROPentll
boriD 000er - . I. 4l44tieklifd „ 'Tye Mint Margaret
' Dennbegi Mee JlllLleran Wlt . ' . Thane' Mlie 3 2
Harbin' John A Lirie Wm `: 1. _ Vtteutine II If 1 '&4.
DOI* 314 10* gLiialrso . N'i •" ' Welch Patric*
i'.o , ..isic
b.irty 3ing .111e l d Stephen ihlpWinplet, It 11l
• Mtvierdl c liGainab I,oever4 Jobe eblpWeleoll.D
MBAs 3. ' , • ,Le alien §lliu 11l J ,Willingbitri Mina
Fannon Hilted IL:rears Him A: li Young Di Wm ,
nen' llble Miry . !Illeoueyaltort. , Yost:Goo Jr ,
_ Yens Mies Ann •:: . II..1,• :• • • ' " ' • -
Wirlhbeena. Inquhinte'rir lettere on .
the . above list
' will pleatetety ativorthred,! - , . I ,One .eritti 122fflutud Willi t"'?
t i
' rbarteti for sigh let r adye r tieerb -
.1 - -, MAIGI ith - 24bILLTAIA., Pail Atiilrree.:
Dee.2.1 , ,61.: • ••..- •-• „11-, .. : ' . , 49-It -1 '
-• . ..
iiILACKW ....
.000'9 , MACAZINE If.
NRIT niaNviss
I s A# Tag _:.
!. ws. `1 1 ,•
ORITT inpubiptbrrii to gnmitiu,.- '
PREIIIII.IeS' 44411), Aznuana,vs, l'
i scoTt lc,' co.. New York,
4 mooing. to publish the.tAbartas lesdlug Brit
e Leahy* , . 4fterhlrl i t ((bnuereatisr-) ,
Ale Zdhaserg 1!" R. 4••••;„ (Mfg.) I . •
,Ttee Arortt t itmese, (Pres Chunk)
jtWsstilss l tsr gier 4 ,o;,(Libensl.)
dame's Ldisbstrzfillgaise, (tory.)
, ' i tch t--
. ,_ t, •
The' glisvent elitichautse cif European affair* will raw
der ',Moja publicstlotia onUanally hi westing during the
for.hawing mar. They krill towupy a. middle glowed
betweati the hastily grittlra ens Mesta. trade specula.
tions.'alid Dying teeters of the daily kwytal, and the
pondwitla tome , of the future hlitorian. etitten alter the
living Interest ant; elicitation* sot the crypt political
at lb, thne shall have pas Sect airy. It is ID these
fferiodisala that readers Must !look for the only really la
telliglle end reliable hittwy - of current event*, and as
suetti'l addition-to thel witilestalt !shed literary. a.k.a.'
title. Mott thealockal Am elev.** large Own Upon the
:ronsidetation of the reed na; public. ; • •
Tbit iocelpt of Adieu Sheets from thol British pub.-
lisbris elves additional hoe to three Berl Ms, inasmuch
as theylesovow be placid In the habitat of aubscriters
'about Mk KIM SR thtriginal oditihnc, • I
.1 I' , ' - Tclt 4 (Regular Priced) •
, ~
.1 -, i • I . 1 , ~.,. ~ , Per annum.
Per, liti lieu of the four Barieveit, : 1 ; • $.3 'tu
ber Ploy t r io titthe tour Itoriewa, ' 1 - • ' '' 4 1 00
/or as y threw of the heir; Boyle's, : • , - t.; • ou
For allifltar cf the Itstritters.: : , ' ' ' ' ' . , top
Per Blifiekwood'i Ummtlitr; • ' ' ; -.. -' - 3 DO
Tow ithirkwogid andrill Ablriele, ' " .. ?- ,- . .: 6',, 00
if or B,lirkwood and rid itortkpi* 1
• 1 ' 100
For utli,kircm and hese fievivalt, •
~[ ,; ' ' ,C : • ' lif DO
Tor 111 kwood and herbage aerie's, li` '; ;- - •,,,113. 00
. • Mob y current Isi Suite ; where 'issued Milli* im
calved I par. . , :1; ' L ' 1;1 _ '
ilitraO iiri IP ail /art 114.41te .Unittet Shari will be
boy, .iity4bur use a year hir'... Blackwood," and bet'
feint' . meta 4 for eisch'of the timbal's.' ' 1 „
' r At I abatis the Periodicals dill I. furnished -
e l l
fur 1116 Mid aa t - • '. ; .
...-'_.; Iffeetialeteit t o Awe, Setheemlbems, , •
i hnionti
tbs. Nebo** or lb* ton Perfpdteata f tr iftlumill be felt -
Distiteetlp6lo.-1,1 1'04.444104m5! charge: ' '
Unlike the more 'empshivit of the day, l brie
Peirkitibmktimsi Mt „ bi_stie., lienre f a flaillitate Of the
Beesbent tor ISO°, y ..kttsg-irded asray as saleable
, • Su hers wiebiep.l.o tbst'ffewthwe fir 1181; will be
eopplitid et the.,B4kpwfwit , eatisiwely ;mutates_
aphriold NM ter 1.1180 ? . 11, sad ' B2 TeiViher•
• Ivy hi+tbao o 4 ` lo Gbialttlas , 1 0 4 a ' Pauli? l lOO
For any este Itellael ' , ' 1 " 00
For ani Iwo Hr. loifli. , :.' •
.., 1 . ) - 6 ,' ; , ...L 1100
Nor Ithickwood and ne - tieview 1 * ' '
. tot Blickwooill andten Iteviewit,
.'r • , ;
.': ~. ' .13 GO
For thWilkevisys„ '.`, . .• - d . : 'I . , I ' . II OP
tor 1114sitivond and breoftelte,• 4 , • , ' lb OD
. Pow tbp'four Berle 11. • , . , - - .1 1 . , -.
: ..
it CO
For itifikirood and 'the 4 Rriliee,. _ 1
_‘• 1 'I . 00
key-4CW atimpshorka will shut be ntrabhelll to Ito"
, swberribrre he tbst yosli,lFilFB and 'ta r ' . eumtmilltbe
lattictiptimip priree.' ;.!' • ' . . 1
' . ' ' • ,' •
V a ult p mew. 'whore,* spay chide ttittitittl'Alt•
Four ffmthres sedlffickwotd;betint i Iva: Titre, -
: for Willi Which is bat little owe **tithe prke Of the
*grbe year:.: ,
"a ' ; , • • • • -. ~ ..
, s • shall sever] spin bej likely to offer mob Induce
me' those Isentirstrulle4, now 'is *it .4,1 1 4 c 4, - sub
" 11;00 I , - , • .1 - , , '• - - ; , iw • 1_ • . : I . •
lioslttosim sirri4 la all o, ti. Matte dirertly tokhe
bilskiert. low et
, ihsee prim, n o romiiiirioo 4 a too al7
* 4 04 So arni!‘ ' .. ,i .. i Lwaius mn-iico..l .
Itim4itSsr n.'4l. ' ' al:6"
if°ll. '
' i "' • . 2 1- • " 111" ! ‘ ttl. •
~ .. ' ' LAI), lES i • !FURS '=.;--
'f t : E Inrie r *, l best ind cheapens is=
- ' ipitemis Ts thefigy;" tosiditlia, of asblit., Int .
Mau • alborlar attipiel , am, at. Ma bra aa - apt,
Pars Iter•111. &au* and t.pirea. WIND %Oil ' •
=fall mph* Olit Oak. PoUgelksis 404 fairollostaka
odd _ eulataistel. I
'LA Mr slitOpit, 1 i, • ,
ofogwie*Toiksii4us;sairiorst• es* sad t_tbe.
• 1 - WAS AND O A. .
:1 m 666 rmall Kau nod #4 1 4 thola6 " l - 1 1 1120 ". •
qiiitlekti l i: ,riiiiiishing Go*.
' • ' ....4 • 16.4., I.;ii.
- 'Asia
~. a• . vartsetst
IIM! 11,-.•,litif. GOB;.
o .
:a044 itviniaty kopisilos Billheala•
reiti r tellera lkifti a 1414"idevi nia 'troy tita is ,: v6 7
Flialtgag .041CIPOIRD 4* 110211 1 ,' -
•i 1 .:, 1", „
,: ._ . !'l l fi=l4.4 o *•S ui rr i t t :,.
t', ' 444*W
, .
, A
... ~>,
t--------__,_ ----.---z.---7-----7;:,-; ••••••,
TR.! ; . ;' , ..(1 :•,,,,,,, i.. :, t i .1. •-,-,,
w AR
ikiterleillaiglirntiai . ' ' ' '
.. 1 . 4 M10 111 1 111 .40Iggr• .; •
I :'.;! . 4. 40“0411.4061011eati —?- 11.1.14,,, 2 ,(
i: .. ~ Ami t ribetertiou• - ...4,, t .: ,
~-. --"'. • • ' . *-- , -.c •- - , ," • ir„ _i- . -
~, , i ••,•- ~,. .., . , ~ , ~!
owl . •i ' ~,
~., . 111 0 0, 4 11 1 1 0-FieWfr '• -
- ilbefolu..6C, - ' .'', -• -',- . _ ..,•. .. :
toafesiolHlt -.11:eloir - fiow
lifecOO-411e* - : - 7 . , .ll iltly - ,
IlliCollsll4 . -7' , lifil* -•-•:•:•: . /Ili
14 Limilottllliglo ' . •„:': i •', ''.'i' -
•#. 4 lllEgeraiettilloore..,,olii of .; ' •1 . ,
41•ICII 1 .14 it icAllenalliallic
' Itic . - :- i ~ - i ' ' ' i ' : • : 1 ' ;'' ,'"
• TIM tab* toga fatoiltinte f4ifta hen hi 16•41110 ittilii' ''
of 4411"41•10 to Irsir 0,104111160 - 1111 bola Affdloot--
think' litoottat wit '1 emellet econthat padleo , ,Allut.
pomiling about our lines, tat* 'a t it = Idebutogi WI . ,
to pick npasbaythrine poltilker." big litil Of *jo t -
*MI ttdtailigKAlnitotime - Oar ow netaliat(str.sll4;
shit gd Now .tontay Kegiatent wont out oithiatedidt., Owk .
strelehei soon a tomato biadtnertalegtatih wires' I O OM ,
malted, a Uttar wityvaud vantebert lid falifst
tlmrwafteg, 0 body al Mama Cattail' entatit.:oll.. A 1,,-
hey werweqoally surer Ina fistatigoL. ireqy
aroma lacnatimir hater. lattsloatlS thretowird• '
they foil swam,. pro, tenet twain. wiaCittlasil,
to others rirots After Mei sba
a like thle will Yalta Wagtail Whet am UN I , abet
tag parthast • L. , - •1 - ••• , ' . ,At
,The gweretaty of Ibn Tereleilfr lip Wood ..,:
tioas nuttier to. Itte Mendez mid Oisistdes Of
acquired from obi totals, dintlitt - ose to ,Attoodt 0 0 111 1°`
=Whig and naiad fontee, mod tomb" anejoend r t ..i
i.e. all tbe mtims and other .Prodnalsy tut Itts4
wrised., Theft: may almighty tateert 111 rwtorting ,10114 "
ae ; they ate - to keep aertants Wild pimpartg WIWI
itta manuals I. eig*ppla hi KO , TueL tit .. .111”0”Inteld,-,
tranrporte. ' . I ' 1 t- i 1
• Otutott Scatfaktie ha. wet. Obi ihrhahtl• Zest %Maim r
.arts bait* MIA Oeftwtod Mem.. They auknowledtta It.:
A Wasatch to the Ilemphig, papers-0 rho "Ilit 111 1 Mant
stabs that, on tho ist..-aanday, antenatal'', atkkw,iltelatte,
3.000 Union troopikatteeked Ithe oniony id latemlid_ totria,
Tour.. and was signally, Tittering& Skin that *sok
dispatch ealls It's Cslos-alittorz. No !Intim` idetlieltv.
!guar" know& lil • ^ . -• i ' f l' I 1 • , ,
CA asl. ghtandey, hoc. ft. ISM.-1144bliestplits.4age
bragliOtatea Intl Gem Ulu had cot! idotstrfaoftt •
Immo to piano. taking SlOntwortery pristier. ' 1 , 1
McCallneh haainarroanded,Signi at &data. and It sibt.
believed the hum, would Itetairted la .lmmo* '* tok .
tut to 01.4.. 1 ~ 1 , i, ; ,at ..-
_ Gen t Priam had.eraesed Wtivritait Smte ow 0 aid
Pt , Lo4 lo - reoPir ,everyw bulk ducki* 40 his arppork, ,
it ic Ilecedk ha roold s billn army 3, of 90.01.111 . 1111416 , lie
furl tembing Si. Louts,. , '
„I 1,,
Henry fry, and Jamb
,[[Vier. Untoulsts, ',..7, Misr
at Greenville, 2,111 4 on taw fent of litmetater.lo bstdg.
burning. , / ' • t _ '
• Kvidee_ily. we inat it nee Commettter 1* Inatintittore_ _
rotators Vat taiditiouder a Ihneralosho ortaphra Ingot
time. In catching. and returning fugitive slave& lerat
grown retinquithed the `rentinatid in Illownri i tho :
traino,muse. has I loot groom* Uwe. Wait gtv4 •
Genewil In allasoold. , 1 1 ' H ‘ , .' - ,
Gott. Frimout te at, the Alto lions% Kew Orlg thot
retaitaliof *bleb continues to , be *awaited Ith Pear.
raw annum loam lbw ••Patbanders" (na ' oat gem.
Homan, who had come ail the way train Pittah Ng to[4o
'a Myth business fir the oaken( owing 000.. F t at
lite' remit Item Old i ..lain an wan *Fonda f. a nts
bit of It; but I 'de want in refresh 'my opt wi th a
sight Of tbe man, *be marclaed as Anne In $ t r . ,
31u.. from R. tattle. when Os tr . Moses reported t tit
was lapegalbletra Min in ,ti for want a Ltd is*
ti o n. I wtk_undenttand thele things lin, Plitensfet-r
kr • do.'" ' J • i
' , Tat, Smith Carolina planters a/10111 ti•CCllll4,:ar, hustle
Ina 'their cotton and tihut re clogs.
.1. • 1 i •1 .
Secretary Seward bas Wald an mow an m i t. • Gammas
Mrpel triage' to tho anvie In 11w Dhat orObline ,
ble of slams escaping faun Virginia. he attach AIWA -
persona amiable therlagittees shall tbenialelres lat'llic
modigtelv atuatatt kg tbe Inhibit! authorities. 1' , . 1
Irmo Kentucky we leant last Gist. Zolliceiter Is on '
the mouth aide of Int esnabcabind Ulcer with 1,100 mate ;
and some gond artillery. ti a. hand hr on the other
aide. and, will bi ready to gnu him a, .sore as lb,'
Meer :weeder. A beat iv 4.1` triPeetol• ' .
_ The eeeretary or War has tied radars Mattes to th•
ctranster or garner* iand ml big men of. United States
' regiments to skeleton: forms i leo retain" to fist vitamin
et odium and chaplains. Assirant Surgeon Iferudnlg 4 .
and tislor Lyatile have aeon labsniesed ban Abel ..tele
far deserting their pen,. I
A totter Irma Part !tool 4
masters, has set fortyl, cotton.
swarms three rento Or panel
lug with enthnalaserl 1
. :. ' ::/''''' --.. 1 '•
. : 11Pro :i via 4 'ir . gisa' is.- . ,' . -,. , 'Ji r : ,! . 7 1-I ' , : 1
' . ilia RlebUtond pithier'. fl. it' Stk lust, studs 1 the ll* '
kmins n.uS frost-ths South, !• .. ' - ' "„ ', '
.11avinnah,.Ntrf - I..j—SistOqpi;lbsaninaPst IP :firi
losidslor itis. Wi t t fin 4 au- Ohs - Flan limi t louliski'lis hops.
1 !Y . r . 31 0.e 1 0.". '',.
.1, I '. . '
.._ ' k ' , . - ,i, •
dssiraer Lete,hot. Of Nl%ti ts ;witea tiOrlrard. moss.
inept: hnd Says ;hat the bin a or the l'otainir hiust'the
Wave io hAht, bUt t hit *tingle should Wk. idahr an die
ba n ha!ot thl SuiqUehsulik. . - ' i . ' •
ELECTION Prrip BS ".0Y TOC, JGRAltri •
Lotke. 01/ IMVASOFEr OF: annual
wagon heid at tbe.: n 4 ' 4aacatie
_Mott : 47 04, if 47,..
gentleTi!a re-eleeteA °fleets of
the Grand Bodge f9r the easainglyea l i, •eptst. , ,
ineneing on gt.'.i.ohtt ; 4ibay."Det.l27th,7.B4l l -;
tar whieh-dayiha:icistallatiiiii Willltake place ":':..
Jhn Thump4on, fl.! Grand
-Thomas C. gliariit, R.:)l7. , D..drand .14ister
I.aciaa It. &at,' R. W.;„ grand War- . 1
den J. L. Goddard, ir4 Grand -
Wardrin tPeter , lVilliiili.san i R. I - W.l Graad
TiettatireK; II". mai, R. V.
sseretilry• - • - ,
Wrasti Mrs M
Makin lin, A M'
'Stint lkiii County
Muster-litills Y
Companies. - 'l,
' ...., 'n trio C000trzo; Nov. 'l7,lBelt.' •
••Itit ---- - -- 1 1 " ;P43 ' tm .11114tid - Ibis faustss , '
.r .
Moshe. E•DlT.oll':rftcl79.oihick -01 { iur platy'
Rcavericp:,A.hin . !;t•., l
ablists. ..- ••" • ' i • ..- - ~
P , - - it - ANDT.' - ' '''
.. C6P4'zin: '" 4l3ll
•th Ltistoitant—zioNort te • sol:vng:
.... , .
... ,•,
2 4 1' ~..
Orderly srge nit N
, olH!,4eoim):li , r A 1._ ...? :
. 24,3 4 1. 4 ;. '‘!: ' " ", :• 1 1 ' i ~78 i ct ilu o u ia : 71 Z 1!:c mdt aa : 71; e a r nil : n • .. ii ' : : . '' ' il• I li
6A_ ' . : ' "1 . - I
. PI J Ms ieh: .
I,l.o,„j,red....Dtrid z ; .1;
. y.a. r : . :
zi -:,;.- i trillions IV,
,o . .. .
3 , 1 . • ~ " ! •-•••. John 1i010i .. .
41/I:. -a; .vimikiin iLs';xibart., ..i . ~ i {..
.sla "a", ' iJ. liii:...:chistlllor. ". .' ..j .. : !
GM: -". " • I Daniel Troistaam" . ' 1
- itia - 1 .• ' '
~.l.l4 l inon U. Illiii..r.. • ; . ..
iltli . ";;; . ; E l / 4 ,loasoa Wirairi.,
;'• i • ;1:
• C3.l4...—Tli;flainia . Yoebt. 1 '.. ' . .... •• • . . -1 "..-
.lituaie.. 7 ....taeoli-latimia: t ; • , • *,- • • .., ;
•.- Wal.4 . l.tlehueltart4. . • - '
~. ; .
Ylfairm.7.—Julibaii Oreiiiiiialt. '.. ' i • - . . • •
, Pataitta.: -. ' I -• 1 '
. . . . ~.. .. .
1 falai , : Nirbolaa ";,, - • l , "Pairkk ; i • F . •:.
iinamatil.Cyrilla . " . ";" 1 . li'mallinaiti. Philip. ; :' ';;
Bowman. Win. V. .• : ; i':}C;iiiliamei Samuel*, i. Caari.a ...1 : i .- ,: K..errher, :Samuel
Italia., iiatid•- : J' , :' ' l4 , l ing.r. Dinid -'. , i- ~
Blanche:44. Wm: I ";" - • i - Kr r innert. ;lima •-. I -....: •
1112.10„..141ia. f: •:- •'. t i Lintnr. Glii;;?mn 1 1
~ , -.. .:
Biti.,a.. 70 3 ; a 1,; ,, 1.: " ."11 Lauda : l).64.N Jobo4; !
, Rive - ei, JA bfl .. -! '• - , !' l• Ltalaiutim, Jacob 1 - 1 :.' -,
1111.0. k ) g. ;Cha - ries I. ; • -.2; ;. 'lolllll.r.,ll.imust: V4I 1 ,• .
Miler. E las I :". ' ..,, • l riklansiog,'Jalin ft. ; • . :
Carl. F.d and 1 : : ; - • -" :i : liiiiinfeb, 2.las •;. i "It . ...;
-Clark, W . tiliaia: . i ; ' Y ....
Melli , hlitijr . Ati*42ll*-1 . ..i.
Dieter, .1 bn ‘04., ! : • 'i - Moreau. lanai ;',
. 1 , • ~.
Niko?, Isaac --. , ; -• : '...: inKliellanti.:lLotaill• 1 1 11,
Detblar Timiry,. . i •,? . ; ;.Otto, Peer 15.. -4 - 1 , . •,-','
DiiiIIMPWOU'r . ..1 '- : !,- OSIPIIII,IaII i • 141-. 4 , . ii , ..•
INlTlbeftoooilibil* •' -1: Oman. :liaroi ; 7 1. - -,• ; •
Daiwilon. !Tbotniuti 1 - " •! ; .llgher„ Jahn .1. 1 '";" ' j
Dotabati,l William! . • . ;-'. - =Bottimmill. Willillaf . - 0
Ebigk.,Sllt4Uf.l ! i'• 4. - •,!, lllO4, Daniel 71
Ellanbad M. Jaiiiail!. ;,- -. :Runyan. Ilatri4m . I.
Erdman. A agu,tiai ". . : Rialti. Jail)* P.' ; I • t ~ "
' Niliii•, Ella* ; 1 ' I. ....... ; iSchoialaill. Amoti
For,J ; arnb T,r
. l = 2
• -
' ' ; ',ilehaa rer, J
;l- a
.' , r 1
foli a r;.4m , l"' , hralWirg ohn
Frankb lll •*;N , biltian . Sim".Jakb • I T
'Figu.i r Jonas ',. ' ' . . 'l'; t i b)def• Ahern. 41 1 1 4“Plis
FC•lndt, Isaac ~;.i ,' • . . • i , tork. Jilqxb. .. ' l',,' .! ' -..*
On'. Part : ',..* , II .1 • .. 1 - B,4v.ik.rt; imapest • • - '
Herb, W illiato 1 ; - - 7. i': • 'Mama*, gdward ; ,
Ili'l l wer,•Wm.,..l. " 1 , . ' ..., 1.. tlarr - Joha' - 1 - !-;..-- 1
lislizog. Benjamin -`. . '.;:;"Wriiiiriatt.tlriatik-;. : . ...
Darter; Jonathan:L.. "
- , i'. 'Weisner. A aillut;.! r - ! ;
-11,:fia. Samuel '! ;.- ~ : ! Wolff. loulac ! ,
ltivitts,*'Joha , ':l
.., .-.
.. -; 4Vraver, Dealpt Ili !' •
tit,wr, Illtory ; ;. :, -.., . INtelay, Wiatoklia, 1 • •
Hoar!, Isaac. - t. • .. „.; ;.W Seg. 1141_104.• [ !!!
ilmai *
im: Benll6la ' ! ~' ' - libleratiit . , Mkipoirt " •
Ilerb. Andrew: i• r• ... - 74 , Willlhrs,A . Rthivt
harmer, Edwapt I . , • ~„ ~'. -, :-. , . t,„ .
• . , .• • , .! Tis - arrretAntia.: ' : • 1 '
Cannethiloied idirents.,!!! . . ! - !,.r.i.
lioipcuinsateskA*4. -- :, :. ;
Clerk,- 'i •• .., ~ • • t... '
: Nraaanii, ‘1 ' , , , -i' •
lilluakiaaa, 1 . - . 2 :
Pr./T. 11 , 0 4 1 .`
footnera pawl as:s ndoooatight tbe atoniltinit of :.
' lio fleetly* fotatdoon ': ' • . - . :: '', ' : ...; -.
,tkoporiiim &boo ir.e.nifor*ho aro); that 0000 , Saadi .arn
oneimpectitoso. is nder-Ino command of daanhoure and ,••
dirty Bonn:: Nearer Ifiudslagtoo !hey aorini naloaldff ' 1
loot:tiro and restieo iltbin,the vast la* day', snaking fir:
f ,
t dootrai *lib io cior line, and captorlotO•easkisarly
a a atior , of ple*ots; It; it the _ inproadon of ssl. =AI
'ln ‘Fri'l Um aPpareatly trllSlon , sweats of an& ;dab'
(*1 a dai! 'dta and aateodad-tegarnent la Pialf lily.
soon to take p!aii• on Ifni , ytdoonae. I -: --I • : •• J
. .
,411011-Poo: odritrtlsocooili: Oi Dr - flan/arra Llotr• tnolgo
istictr nd raosilyZetbartle Pill, in another eakalli*
MirliFisdar;ihavir yoIOPFa Prot Wpod`sed!idirolirolit
to orir paperll ;owl ItOt mill inteytpt you:
- • -
~,s! Chat 'cit4ot I-
I atria work, 44002
1 Tota,
. .
' Pilit'll'inf ii. LE* A itzsras . ..,,
' , i , - , , (Wholosalo Primes.) 'i• " ' .
- *
'Wholt /kiwi ttlitm . k#4 l / 1 JP bair4. ; ilis, ~. i O O
do' ' tkil sztro,' I; -tio .: ' II&
:, do ; -do - 4‘p0w111444 " . do' i . • ] ,•", 14 PO ' .
• , Itroltioor, - .- -. • . •do • 1, .- 1 ,4 so '';' ,
Whoa li Pli.,, wili t!, ' V .•,hols 't • 1 31 , ••
4° P •-s, ' i•• ' ,do- t .1 ,-• ;'; 1• It'
laipsooloi, i -, ''- • do — i : . 1 .., •lit --
• ;mid I . •ormil Pikm.ii ; • twill" ; . •,.. 3 . 3 . 0 '.-
. 40 , do • i aaporod, , o . ; ,i •.1
. - tidal Apia, t - -. ~ do .:.E ~ '
- - , R3,p , F. " 2,
.14 .1
14yro, ip buibii, ,1 ; etrittoriperp at* , Pi ilk
Moro, '•. • -dais-- I. • ', 1 41‘ whoa) to, ', ,-' !/1 . 41
44410* •.40 1 • • .'••;.lt , dams ';,, . ' k .4 ,- 4:';' ~ ' •
rotate-44 i ad 1, ' : 414,461., • • 'l l -. ~"•• ,
Thoollhy /4.41 . t f* ;4 90 lioef, tottirOottOr 1:46;. , ''
,_, HI ill do *at loartor *lip , 11 '
'lto/olio_ Ilan o'. 44 00.1 . 6 Ov• elasta4.l took i ,i. V**.
•Migo,aosniy; , 1 :14 Solt,pir oast, ••, .: 1 ' •In
..,.. _ -t..;
. ~
rwrievi lac Int 'mom skalttimic i r.o , ,
(IlietatlllPirteel.) '. 1 • • -
"%auk. O.—, aunt Vaattly Naar. SI ilhi nits ii
16.2.64 suarrAaa do la 00, - 1411: add liyorlaCi.
i.thirarrwWitioa g
r fit oo Hand.'' vo lIT4t at 90
'eta.; Cork Stia4sl La .4'14 aladdlior aam IF IN
04A y (-- r il lt illito ! t akf o , -,6 1! ; 4 16 r91, 4)11 "r- .-
do.. - ' i f i V . -
r ' MIRTKA-larat Ni `r a' . 144 tip px..;
60124116. Vagllollllo4 o A lockleA;,,,_.,, 4>
. ~
do;pa_ ac ilia.; 11 at' •
PautrlSlO. .--111a$tar at
, „
OW. Tomillati.,4loma. ; .. ,, e •i. -• - ,. ..his • ,
50e.40.482nw 8 4 41 , 1.02 *4 3 211, 31 ,2_,% 1 4 0, 1
1111• " * "4. 7 _:P Il i kt -- ,#.- , -. , -- • , , 7 °77A :. -, •=.1
- - ----7 01TrilitiA ". '-0 O' Veit 1i '
.supts • . - ,
Impookl: Potauo,Aoo dakuoloiuis, 2)l it eptp,, ikikk
vide% fain Yeadcre, TO; 0113"ti_ft.tli pi* 111 . 14,1 1
• /12 tika toitoillii , -4-1 - . - I. '''. - -. , • g _
r- .''-. ,
~ .
Coe. 3:llspiiaitie