The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 23, 1861, Image 1

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    ;il 3
- -.-. , ..ALt 5.......,..Ni. ..- ~, . •
', i'l 14(. 1 , 1 044 iarlannons, plyst4plo iivisatit .
- t* it .i ,t itf t
. rltrilo 1,1 . 1 oaatttfis —and SA
. 41) If
, L I iabid the pinr.. —,: 'IS • • i ._ .
'' ' '
• .tratiithtadriiiet,) • • i ts ao
i ',pies CO *1 , 0.1.4. , ... . .
.10 '.• do ~;!---- do' ! L , •, . 0
4 -,,,rt4artylidl.m. arirpt bd par . latilx Odd la,talk,
. sal iserkt to nOr atktrem - : L. ~ ,
~ ~ .
~ 1 2 ‘., caniiis eta ntwasaii
iltitS.A . .l...e.ili 6.r rrral.bei to 41arriors Vail other*
1 .11. tad ~,,pi,..,e,wt .0 atllieT.i.' /. • i .
...,,V 4.... in itV.i.../. re./.:4lrisiapplied with 'trm.
Li tit. St, to • tidltistrit, . ...I • , _ , , .
, .-, vas or Zlalittirtirriii.. :- ,' - ~ .i* ••
~,,r i beipsordet thaatisiearitiritaanitatar titair,ititrio.
i. ttit. , poOartari al t coutlituattiretad Irma watt
~.rtzo are paid. •, • i I
liaertlera a.,4144...t or - refuse to take their ierspa,
a, a rAe o nes c g shleb Choy 4 a direet kl. they are
..,,,eVi arittr.t tee' hate tied the ,billsaistil
I :he it Cliconiinated, , 1, , _
, e:rio ,,,, r,rhi ' r rtbAioiltero *Mirror iluibrartair
i ', 1 1..0r.-11.1 - tie neeirplirro.4prsiinttotherOmer
i ii ., 1 . 3,1 are 1104 rwponlkible r
~,urtx 0-ITO ..tazlctel (-hit leetatinz Make nairrPa • •
to a ib.4 - Oftiaa; hr romarl,*.arkd tearintr theta ort
to. i s prim/ aria amidst)", ogotiturSOlarti trawl.
~. . . ,
.. m are of i0110,; , ..:50 e401.494 - ..meitiinitioci—gab
at tuaerOons, 25 -mots each. 13 lines one tione. - 25
—aubaanneut tweertlone, 12 1 4 cent. fl oh.. . Ail - a . d.
- ,.... 4 t. over 21 - inew, for short perloda. charged auk.
33 , - „ 1.171'1: two. - ?Razz.; . 1114..' IVllLitg.l
a n ", , 63:' -ha • 11 25 .. 's2 ;25- .' 13 00'
tines... ,80 125 1'75 -' ' 2.75- -, 400
1in..a.... 1 00' • 150. 2.
'-- to . • • sOo : 100
..,,,,•• • •124 2gs• 160 ' - 4' Ott- 6 .ou 1
,'lnes_ .1 25 • 2 - 25 .''9 70 450 7 001
cane - a, 11$'- 2 26 .2 86* .6 00 - 8 00'
, ilea, . - .1 26 • ,2 2.6 3OW• 5' 50: - 4 00
rre: rtrt c.piiil"lO6XTVD Ah l .l.l4lta.ttor TV( 11111311
i'vare. 1 2fl . 2 25 . - 350 76 00 •10 001
t om - ea—. 226 - 400 .500 - .9 00 'l4 01.
••-• 0:aro, 3 50 - 6 0(1 7 50 - 'l2 00 - 18.001
, tuarra, '4 50 - 6 60 8 - 00, 14 00 - .20 001
ter 6.1.. .'.. 600 ' 9 110, 12 00 _lt Ott . 30 00
La r.ter apace for ele,rt perkela.:a-pa4 ekreetnent.
: ; :ualtuaes Nnib-ea. $1 eacteccompanied With an
rti•—anent. 50 :nrntl. each. . ' • . i
c -r. laemeota bef re gartis2. 4 end Maths: 46 renia i
net ortirsztnalertiot;-mabarifsent itiaeriiOna..6rential...,
1,,,.. -7 Sloo a ..e, a line it, adrertlaing. '•
r,tiant.'inlnthera.'adrertiviktz by the' year. with ' % , 1„
.t-ta. and aatak .: olln adrerfl-eluent
. Will he'ehar.,;ed.lnOuding anbari not :exceeding 16 '- i .
iptlrih. , • • $16 . 00
. ~..,
to the ainauio of four wiaares, with gran- : 1 .. t , ...
and aul,ltrrlrtial.- •
. art ..1 - 1462,. at the , ratee designated sibore.'• . .
. r•rifetartan:s'art talarzer tope than oat's! Will be '', 'Terminus of t
~,, - ,6 p4.,eenit.attratteo.on there priced. -411 eutij ''. ' •
..,-h,e4.41 Ihe path/ am letter prera. ‘• • • '. t."; ; , —• .. -. ~:
''Prole a4ll,rtiaaarents . received from 'iAdrerticlng 1 i np a ad . ii .,,,,,
~, am out. esr.-pt it 26 Or ceokt. adrahee'on't.hesji 1 1" V' &LIM JIJ I IO.O
.. aoh4s by ~0.41,q :Ifzpv. ?nt withathe pobliaber. -. " .- -
rr i,,rea .11 ca 6 ntr. each. Dtli. illAllefUlt.lipalold alto no ? ' , Garriiin94 - 11-,
;;;:•!rtitie without:6.sll-es. rt, rl3nrite. ,' •' . - - -' • . '''"'• '''' ".'
t• j
. ..,..11,..'excopt tlitge of a relbtkua . ebararter and ~'i LElli,ll. COAL . *
1,,,.,t0ral gurprwes. will be rharged 25 cent'. for any '
S PRING 110011 T;
1,1? line% under 10. Over 10 11ue5 . ,4 rettt , per lino -
~;,..11174.‘ of: ntretlny,a - not of a geaeral, r 'public 1.',. ' .' • • '
~,,....trirr, 4 at - 1 rents - per Ike for - each !n der( lon. ''...• Best , Qualitit
f ,.. ol :.,..;cal,ulations ye will ata,te thit.'3l6 - lines - ,r.. . . '
!., r+ coon —lot tines a half column - And 332 , lineaa 1,,
„..,,h, on. 2.liv.rwords make a'cot nnan-:.1476* 641 f ',[
,;,.:‘,,,,i Fla a quarter calutun. ,MI odd line' , krer I r
.14 , 0 ef.lnarita.+l at -the rate nt 4' tint, nor line, for i' , ..
~. and ...cents per libe tor three tisnea.. •
to'! must confin e their idrerilslne
„all' hokores. Arencles for ot here: - sale of Ileal:1 : .
1. -- ... Alf." n .I I nrlndertin busker.* idiertiairnenta l'i
— r --- . ,
,rl ,
• a. a 51i
to turps tfr. titan usual
t l itttr',ent. ttOrattett on oar repultir M.'s.
CO., I
J„i.otr U..
'Si 1 - 411 'Water_ street; below
' b iladelObla
E 1 hant W halo ..Tann!rs ltrid •:+•pinery
?peruiaUQ Adman' Inc !,andleP. • •
• Sa4nuell.Valler Bilemhitn.
Jriyinnq.) 6.'61 .
,e,ROye Works of
A. 110EM1NG.
1t 1r
4 11`yeakton,Sew:Jerbey. ,
nioinptTriopt of Wire Hopp. conptipitly . . on.l
sfilhot nitb despatch: For 'xizo.stropgth,.
•trdnfart •6t
indo4 Shades- . aold:.Borders ,
and J 1 Feet Long: .
I Vrti,ly 'pill City Reo,iiPri'ce•.'
.U..ii ttiN AN'E 6
1.1"...p0r and Bookstnie. l'otto , vlllr,
rtnell 1,00 MM. ' •
, t Ohlro.-Ceutre r,treet, ttio.Eptoicopal
011 .\; Li. AP A M,. ..,ounsellitr,at Law..
cwit..L.No. Id wall kreet, (Room .11,Q,) l'i i ete. York. ' I
. 1., . i ' • . . • . - 1 47-Iy, .' 'I I
- -.'---' -•-- 1----- ! ,
011 N NV. fit/SEIIEItRY, Attorney;
N t L .4.1,;, , ,,-4 hi: Akre Ir'lhe second
.. Ftilli
4111,! . . 1 ilarawatie cars. its Cetttrtl teirrot. l'ittipailitg
ri,wq of . )I"tiz's,' I A uotiv.t. 1 1S. 'COI :::;-1.:
Ii tilt Sl' ItO I) SE: Attorney at last;;
.Illice—Centre street. opt - m.OlO the Town Ilnil I
•,villed[Feeleuinti,'etic!.. ,
1' l'i. 1/I;,'WEES, Attotilev' at Laiv..'
• 44vicr- , -Fou, elook above, Mortitner't I.l.ot:al'i
- i.e'etater, l't,tiev,ille. l'a. Lltet. 5, 'Ow 40- '• '
li[o‘ l IAS R. IiA.NNA N•
1:,.. I 'lWfire• iWilentre tttreet . .opit:'
1 , 1 , i'lltaville. i!, , rtha..' l\• '
~_ ----- 1 •--
olli'S ~`?:EI'I3ZIN - GER, Justice id ille
t ...,,i 4- r .., , , LA1R . will attend.Vi all busirit./q•k`ll•
l,•,ll..itita willudili:irlier and ram . LW+) :3•ly*
1111{6 E M e .DA1.1.A:•:;.. 1 r.,
i ,01,,,,,f I..,li.cilit-,) A 4 1 Orney at Lase,
-.., :',. lA...ltiqt ntrrel, l'llll.A IiELPIII V. '
' ''' I F .2 ' ) . T A ". • : ' : 39.1,1*
7 .--- . .
... ''' SPIN NE Y, A ttorneY .lit Law,.
• k ttlattd... 4 chuyl4lll comity. 1'... ',OP: art nit
..t te:purc . liar Nod .9.1 - ot. 14 , 11 F:mt.tit• ....lfrcti . o2:
~... r "- .t.111•11,d. MIN. .::. 'hi ::1-I , t
. .
- • Lot
$ll RISTO P EIZ 1.1 , T 'l' 1, Attor-
Portsvii Ir. Sel,11)1111. eviitA): ~ •
gall:mint) ><i rrr4 corner trl rrcnttd. Al.
' Af* 3-17 .
Aito L
it,41111..--fivi.r”.ite flot,a, ("yore striyut. , I L L
••••0,01 Saito 111 count)'.
%.9 • 44 ly , I .
I . tl II) 13.. G REES, ttorii ey,at la*,
r , ..tuviihi:lo.... South WifkCiorrier
. toot re, and
1',..04.1tice on Narket'lit:,
cony Ifni in trelinu... ;,,
• • I
‘11:w t 1.1.1. ., • . IJItIUS T. 11011.1.:
• I ELLIS & BOY L L ll4'
• I'l' 0 11. N EYS ' K., A.W.
near Centro. ' NM".
I j ckt , ,hri • 'LS 441 -
II EN II Alt It Ili s :Miitinff Tn4i ,
on.- Braiding, curter ~n+md and
I.IZO ,Irrrt r f,f, - - ['CO
... .
1 - 11. C;()Dr(tEY, liisiir.anct Agent:''
..- VI I. :CE-.-",,ollti . St Itlet,.llCar :Corwrwiau.
~ i.;611,.. %by Le. 'to . . 1:91y '4,
) ' S - . LANGI)ON :-.4frlzeon,Mtaiiq,.
). ki,rko ktt—pi.-ecunii. Do'r aiwve Third' r.trvet,
h •1.1,1.,,t1..i1ie. . ' Ally 3.' , .U' IS•ly' , I:..
) ' '[ \V: SIer,AVE:R.,- Puttsvillti,'l 3 -4..,
.1 . ,it,... qft:-P r ibnFArailiNStat;-t;eolagles . l , ;yrtey,
'..r..11:m. ,Itti 'l.l. Sr. , tyctqlyr,l3: • ss —41,411: i;.
NI ES J. SEIB g liT,' A ttdrielr
LIT. P 4.1 to, N'huyll:3llCoufity.. • l , .i. f
Y i.- t ttre str,et. utorn Mink. • :
gN-R Y. 'I)I,EASAVI 7 S,
ritn 7 newr, PirT;l'S LIE.' •
, inti-MArko rt.r t ,next tinort...loir fliletnr Ge4:l4-ze
11.1,4,(1.1e,. : ur.1.10.
'F0114; lc. SN11 7 1'11•; • .
Mining Ensinee , r. airl4 ;• ; ,
POTTSVII:LE:' l'1•1:!.s: -
••••••11 , -r • ; - , •
, ak
13. F15 : 124:2,.
and Prdoiglit.m . ao;: atp l oA• to sh;i
tn.whioory:autf to Ihr tdaiatiding and
1,1.; a o of old triaohioory. " • • • '
13r4 , n. %t r 1, , 5. '59 ;
e 4,
r the! Purchase arid.
Estate: iktylngiind 'golfing l',Jll.•‘ tap:
r6u •f C.:twat -lAntt.. Mtstep ' anti rollertlng
I ,l llerMahltnitptgo Street. l'otttAile..
4 .;• '13,1 14. J ')1:1,1114N.
. .
. 2
• 1 ' D.S.t4TISTRY •' I . ! '! '
: i
OSEPI! F.. Si.:ll)l.teS' {will after, ~.-,
(hi. dm i detotallP ettt ire a t f'en t trin to - . .fl
NnttQ•ry huAtriqui. °flier —}labiolon* t -......--. •
7 r.1.1 , i.plninit thoodleoof tbe Potiov ill. if linos
WIT , A. li4 !Ili ititf,2l Mitt InUltlep.t.f . tht. potronage • sti
....I , l''‘o liberally4esorded Wan, In bit professioir... i
.4' 1 19;1449 t: ' : I:tif. • 1
-4 • •
Il i 11. BAN NAN,: Agent, for the :613.1. t
ii - 1-It not Coril RAtitic sale of itiott Eitt4lo. ie..! :I
. 0 . "r.;--.:nt re ~t reet, oppoldta tile EpisecooilChurch,'.
terivt ILE. PA, . r.
.. ,
lir, --fix :-I ton .. C. W. Urging. Jphn P: ll Obirt.ti n
1 , t0,11....r.::e \y. F... nyder, Ic
Benj. .Cumminit. rj , e?ird
-.1. arry. .. , [Octob.r fr. 'fkl 40:tr ,
44i. liiwril.] 7 • ; "11,Kirts J. MASIIIir: 1
'.! . Lewis dr..Mffartiri. ,-, '-'' -
I!lri7 anti Nimiltg Engtorrrt..irreyors, de . :. .
' 1 , :pend propptly to t•urroyw .of Lands ,
1, r [ ...1.. at.. And an °thin',:its to iho iina, of
•" , r... , tierri
,r.c., L,..i ns will wlpo conllono his boolnisf . o - fi•g-.
`r: 1 - 0. , lo.tri-f,oingii.l,llnas to h a d. ru;llsink nut'
• r till., Ire. ill. I. tla ~ ,P frif!nr, An 4 «xieniqva
I ^4-,.{ the footary; glwi. Min pt.tulllr advitntsgew .
7 "ItiO{: . his hrsnrh of bn.lotes. - .:1
19e,:-c..01 r , forret. ilq, d"or,-btlaw tliver. terrier.
'knits .N!.!emhei :1..11 !, - .L . •
.44.1 y
th 4
t vett Irani tbe New. ,York
"etrutropir Ca.. a sariet it of ilostromentiL 14 , 11
I , l•u t Y , n Ji b, gn d Freutir Vleors.Stralist7
Se., presenting life•like hktore.. '
, !ol t it IttAtt,VAVB
IWek atsdlßtal loom Ores.
lew Volume of Baiercrit's tnited State..
la: 'A 111 E RICAN 'it EyOLArtION:
'` n it 'Alum+ ..e tilt , ft isierY of 0 *
s , oes. geere itanerAt toblioh.d grad
- B BAN NA N'3 Bookstore.
0, is
As itc R Etv - E
4.• • •
e.-x-. ! io .41u. Fri•sli.tumatnea,
, -utxr Cured ilAMK'Plitoirq'r 4 13.d i t h
Farb eruckeei
i nom. . - pkkedlly. • "
Satin.. Walnut awl - gusbrootuiKaill!P
Pit, Apple Cheraetla•-.
Jatinary th,
l aisaurer of all binds of Eastluia Win sad
Yellow Waal -
NoAnd grritt !co atvelet• ap Plczart•
AL , I •
t , Hanging Nei Air Fkorricae, so.
- '" 11 4, Dee , , • iraly
_ _
fillip ping , *bar!.
otes--Na. 2 ol
No: 17 Iri I
AgniPPE . ur T 716 BE QtriLITIES nO .
• CtIA ~: PRA. K LIN C 0741 AMY'S CI:MAIM, I '
LAND CO L:!alsn, It Zuint.,l LK. '-
HIGH CO E.. ' 1 • ._
1217 Iliiiit ptreet, Phltsdelptile. - •
041(7E5: 4 ....w 'N istreet. w, York,
17 oinh st iert. taptnn, Pri,342
g j i • K
I ;
Cod Hi :
° , (No
Delawa l
5 2 '
~ Nll.liS .11.3 ii b 1 1 .11.144.5 0/ goer_ - '
70 1 .
-.-- :ITE :, ASH,'"
the PI h: I. ' KNOT and: SIT..tI EV A 'OOLLI
r. : . ED ASH '.
~ . :.. ,
-Frew their IlftENI:, eCiLLIEttIES,'
-Attorn - tv A
't.20.'56 10-1):
119 '54
itr,D At.
y 7 r '2"3. 'CA
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l i.
. 7 4 11 E G
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',-;hei. c.. pita}
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a . I...rict F.rit
The priml
qua it erly.• •
' The! coreitt
• co. 114 life - .:* :I
)ill, , tlie. i. 4 ....
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ftrThe 1
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Samuo) , i
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'whlc.h., with t
afford Ample
*lroise imil/so
fi rob?i l i 4/
Tllleraltee.4l‘, W
wirb prompt .1
T4e iibxri
nsoritlotied n
inraties. wk.
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, , . , i
.„ ~.„ , 1 _
~._ .„...,..,,„ 1.1. „ 4 . iiimi .,, : . vi+ , , , /h. . , .., / , ouron -t- ~,4:,,-.., .1,, ,,, _=" 1 ... - .- -, I. - 1 frteia 414°. r i14.64 ‘'. 61 7 111. 7 11 0 4" : 11" 0 4'16%.
L' - . -.; ;•; II p ~ .; i ' ;,; ;.; . 1 ; 1, '; ~ ;" Irl • ,I '. --tr ~ - - - 11 .- I .''lil. t; - L -1 , C: - 1--1 .--`1 , •. - -1 ., :11-;11%_,, , :t.t . ,-;., , , ,, ,,t-, ~-,. -. . i.„ . „ . .,...„--„,,,
4 .,
_t T, i.•,.,_. , 1 ,
, i
~ ~„
.._, i ~.. ,• , 1..., 0. , „,,
. 1 . ,„ woutit ;_ istimilivitistlfilitiflipisr"ollo
. : irrr• il -' - '', -1 : -!. 1 - . '!.- ' 1 .,, i t- • , W.4.--4 T- , --!* •- - .., . t :•-•,--. --- ~-4.... , ,•,,. , , , ,
I . ll tenovro ,
.. . )1. , or , sa i n ,i ,li jm * a tm olit min mario l im,, T ~ , , inputs mom .
, I' i 11'- atint. " VW " 'Gni . *O -.1 ; . vit - . iltD, silirii--elnut, 40 o tr a. ' M I . .., --.• , 1 • 1 : ~.- -..•-, , .",-. : ' ,2 ' I ' II i[... F.III. .-'' '' . - 1 :-.' '
, -7 7- Tiu i - ~., ; :, ~.;,,, ~ ,: , ii ii :i....: -, ,• :, ~.,, I . •.."- I- - t --- - - 0 E m u. imam •-,
• .. ,„ .1. ..:, . - •i. , I- 't 1: ' 1.
__ , 1_ -, ', ! w. , .- i, -fl , , -1. - 1 1 ' , - , • -41-;-•
• • -
-1 *II4...iIiACII TOD
. 8k kb.
IPiet No. a.
N, NOt TON lit: 04)4
I tr. Lao?. pit *, ' .._ 1 ~, •i •
est Bleitateta - 1
7 ..1
Lao. mittrzA o or ' •
IW. • ' • 114.1NEY tilt.oli,'
i , TiAZLETONT ' '. • .
L :•el Rediand White A It
COA L. • ' , ' . .•
Ity B
Nu. 1 ll.'nrt Itlchmondo ' I ' -
No.2.Elizaliet.fiport. . ' I .
otit'mere.'llllLADlßl,PMA. -, '
eluilding. NNW YORK ..,
nu st mt. BOSTON. r6l' 12.
Pier Nn.
Pier No. 3.
l e%
~ .0GLg.,44. CO.,
'1.:. , VO I. riniTufg or •- i
L i3C°W. lt GIC.
silty tl t d Ash Coal.
113 Walnut s reel. l'hilsnielptaa;
70 Stair strtvi.. Ilnstott.. 1•' . ----
itazuhaduay, New Yortc.l t : ['sB{ll
ii.ceir, x 4;.ii.3.
:NY, ISE - ..
‘eni..,A:ri) sp' PPKR or:
1 - Pink - Ash C oal:
• _
~...4 . ,.Peun'4 , •
I. : VES for kwritat,
e IPllallitde
Wharf No. 1.
y r \ _
EL, P T 3 r. CO
5 Walnut .5 pet. Philadelphia.
0 Broadway. 'Sew Voris.
ate Street :mil Merrhants' Raw, 1
Wharf No. 2. '- • . ; j •
I. K. ego:. Wa - rourth rhpad,
Pine Street,r Ow •
erehants' 01121141 cm. Crovidl
!NEWS 4:OI , IIIIiP6RA or. ram
.111 41.hvadwil3i. !tonal No. 9 ,
1301%101c. New,liotk.
Wliift .4n.3:
S 'MILL E R & CO :
.10,5 icalbilt.sirret,
;- • k
,ALP:ttc Amin-sitlrrrx4 Iv
r Broad_ Illqiuntain.W hits, Ash
4 11. antra I be .ix,l2 Noubtaln'in4 P r . ., I.:
rr •
i.L,nr, c fht,h. n exclarige
.hnnd. ';
1:D W, It. l'A (1 . 1•.:1:,.iN, •
W PA'rtitltSLlN,
tetidri) 4rei..ltttliviLle % Pa.
• • ODE Z. Y . "
• Eiga l ifeort. tMn dgnmery cl.ernt'N, Pa.
,304.1 r •
Insurance Brokeiage.
entre ..Stiaat, l beloii Militiatango,
'O, pad at Peaavylvattia Hail,' .1
- :'.° ' 1 POI' 5.111 e, P*
eex effeetelory *ll (10•01ptiana '4‘ . f pr4r-
Foreign ;sal :kruericap Zpmixiniee.. ,i'
•ulstied an application at the alba,' nag,
/An a stity, :11,
rard LireilnsurUnen,Annui
.t rveips y gif Phlladelpiis. 0111ce.
ratt,.the 81,4 door East of , the lust
rice Ijourisociitioas iieeF ou the iuont faV.
stnx:. ,,
ntsitt Up eild tniested, ttinetber with
isttutly I ilSreitting . re;.errud: fund, olliirf:
' ity tu the insured. . • • : • 11.
nut . isany. b.. I paid - j•eartyl' lialll.3arlY Cr
y scan the i„.,,,, T .
he tirlit. Inrd US., appri , prisi, diti Herein r,. 1
11 ttntill• ill•pi•rnailh-r.-1 0 ,19, pod :bet iril
tuner, 1 , 51 : will , :h additions trutke : nn re•
hAn viper coil . urop the preiniunti Id.
. ski ,r, qir ann:dAt 'plecuituit. -_: .
-.- NA:Mlniis:: ' • -.• • • ;
.34....trtny, .; : .1""hn A. Brown, '
i mi o,.. i l'H . Jahn P..L'itircer, 1 .
'.latues, -. , : '...1 , 1111 , 1t. iiktnett, .'. ,
_,.. , I , .I,i,tru:C3ltteheit; • ~....
1,,:, : . . ;, • is.A:te Itsitutt.,. :•I • j
freeman; ;": ts 4 I: d.Coruilf,, • . 1
-6 • : • 1 14:isc i tai:r.l Ih • ; ...
'l , ,:ltintuk tsids of rate . v..and.eiptnnnttnns.
:siren and futher infortnntitio' ennbe ffffffhhhhhhadi
~. I' ILO AS h/DGWAV, Pet - tide t; '1
1 .
. .
cm, Actuary' '. , -
,ecrff,er is et lititir the aboTe II
Cuunty, andl *ill :e ff ect Ins trceei ad
tarpinforutatinn ini„the stftdaft, i • ' ..
: ).4.. , . " ":" I ' . ' ' B. 0 .117: , 1 A.. •
A i.
ranklin Dire; lnsurinc t: ,cirn-
Phil:o.lo4, 0/1 1 0.0.:N0, 1 : 6 14 amhut
Ifthatri.lll - ; •-• , • , ,
- • ,tampfoaat • ~
. flan.Xpr, *:, thlcfSe Vrlaleha Jr •.'
art; 'V . ;
~Mordecai D.Lawis i'•
:mar, •, ' A:dolph. S. Doris,. 1?
ant, : .: Ihrtid S. (Wow n, .
tnith, ~ 1 ,lorria Pitteraon. 1 ,
Inakelnfiunanes.p.emanent °Owned oti
ion of projwify. I n town aid:country. at
are eiknaltdent with stenrilY•l •
ly harer.a..Ted a tae coating '
et F nd,
osireaßital &Ind Pnitnlama.tufel law tad,
tot ereion V; the insured. Shire tbe In,
period of 18*4ears.thers have paid ?list&
. e r a kg nttre# Pun t smut' dollars.l sby
lording eeideore of the adventiigas fI n*
I Its theibilit7 and diapoiition to eel,
eas.ailliabliitit. , .. ,:
CI . •: .1 .
• , -•• IS.:N.tiAtiCHELPfasId t.'
. .
tweata.B...ta7. - • , 1 1:
, L ,...
Tier 113 P been •uppoltited agen:i foftb e „ e. preparad to mask' in,
nry deiseriptcn of - the 1 wait
” • NM: I ;W , RUSSEL Aire t.
mant a , •( ,
9178111. 4R.,..Pdt. . I ' i
tilde - v.7 , 1114nd tagasetfullr
Ir aid itittnq.a PIM/.
itt slits/hp !bat lax In;_
iskl . Ont., Pia attitt Pt.
4ataint 11•17 DI bo
111, and attath It t .Sllo/
thug .Itusiors wilt ti
...arty .an _both bras ti /
tiapos, by attlrti title tit,
Ine/4—ketePIOILAIV"a foP
largir and well /Ka . Ol
tnaptoyluaram Po 4 , 611
• alett,*and (lOW , 1 if!
rtalallfrntiapprAcr ova
A .porlknO '. *VW* We
a stark Rio moist • iln•
Itartm Iron. Cnppe 10:
Mob Tnts.'Poreelal lind
I Wash Basins, I lIIS
it Hum wino Coe ft Int
Leather, done for *P
ingo tly : Potenieut I 'n
fixtures of neer,.
• Cbanglothers, Pap stsa.
IMO Of no beot - q 100
mid limit ippretrof Olt
idlillgt; D.llOlll M 1 •
. !
- • -I i' .
No. 3.; - 4
, TOI 4 IE I 4C
ae (1. ioc. • utocuiPTlolle (if' •LI
d 'Whittle) Ash •
ND LFIIIDM • 000.8.
'AND • •
111 i street'. phis: . .'1
tiiagton'Untlfling,?turldenea!, 7 -
Ivity.. Nor Voa.
11 roar r5,74:1
Wal a l
p Was
eft groo
,er • 1
sinvirit•dr Cats. 1
0'3.4 f0r;144 nnyy thieleartrn.o4 b6;;lCiaalitleit ist
Also,,LElgdlii oil et,rokll442 4 ip OAL:
it It V SO. is, iticksiols.
'I 318• + l Witt atieel . Plitbid i obis.
"nc t 'l lW
1 1I INA is sireetUoston .
1 ,
1. 1 D o t: I
. al iit st,
1 1 n 0 'irk; 11
• i 1'; lir ; 1!/91. O. '• .• ; ,- l'
• ' %1' ; ; 1 i 1 I'' . , , fa. v. clans*
T C/C ON; & Cal O VER; •
, 1 , 41Prilu , r i „ii - . .!. ...
• 1 • TE 14.1fD itED Asa; - -
i Aituniiimoui Coal.. 1
, W..vanut Atr1431,41 - !'. '
let linto:fo:lAw-cdevit, Ikniton.
11,.1C1ISIOND.1 , 6111 ; d'a r . '-' 75.'443
, 1
:01.C17e. BUTIIOI .
IBittlt/COlB Coats.
In tit stmet. Pt4litdelphllL.
AAR ay..lS fig Yak. •:
i!( reel
:%100 T. I F.A ' 4 l
4 b
{ 4 5
OirliloES : , 110 nri
St 3 Sim
• !
' CO;
;: " : •.
L .
LpVls A,
~.. ' ~
1. 01
23,p ? lnu Ipitivtit 1 pitivtit
; , -.- --1-
Wireaespre irkaler i
u)Ats--,54 . rrop 1
Ji ,, 1 . Pr' 4 44 0 9 '',
cf! lhourpilitcct 1
:• ,
t; Il /LAUELl'illi
'l •A'',
1 Rroadn t..'N
i- 1' . ..kiir ale atreet 40STON.
. V.
' Lis . ar if ; rcrirtirs o ROME:Mit
- rtors ' f Wait 'Creek C!'. Iptry, cam: ,
r 140,000 lens (1 4- y , : ar o Lim cdrinif,
aC) arid Riacti Iltirit,(lthila Ath;)
,• .' ALni.).i i • i: I, . ~ t •, , , i
4.tLe 4314 of tl:4. purely . ptenufne Lo- - 1
lifrorn.tne ust •,frala•Colilrry nt:
:all of •w,liiich w II
,t 4 shipped liked:
Cstiall' or C 03% 1 , 115! ' llk Prein it lek -
I:. I'd. i'ldladelp la.) ' ;
AL,= : 1
; ! 1
(11: i 1.. i:. !I ."
jfrom. Vier fro.#; Ortltiolii;
1.. : tikoiui:s, I. .;
.; .11' . I •••, - -.--;
mitio, oi'. RED and ! ' pill: ASIR,
3'llini O n e t? s • i , 4eleet!d Irk .f.porlal
inVlr MI p octal 11l `litiendeiLicv: ,
---,—.' po rt ! •• ti 'I ; ....
. B abe N. J. I _'; ; , • '
' NOUNT4IN and COU, grit., lIIDOE.
in Bllt moni. ffid. , '
ia.slPalf 1113111,1113,11110
ersey, iry,ili.t.
i ,
r l .
titig-- ang P marri? a nal.
. fro ilia lAndltur ,
umany's Fatah" near
1 'for fatul y uar4aro ro sy
• tr.; 1 , . o r ofilrer..frorn
' rliatillitiran Coilat a
unacitr. t.
,031 F tor:stoa
Iht agte. an'd ;miter 14
fare lhopublib.. I •
I •-: I i, I 1
Eirlu.tee Agents
cUM. 514,iintAin - C
"Gm C. POT in & CO
'to-New York ' : 1115]
At PhiladOp.
The choicest q
C(L4,1,..,a froth. :deb p ,
ears, and d
. 1" . r l f
i .: LC
A. , Enlaiispns4 ,
II • 1:. . I
r li , , Fip
Iliti ielebiiafed .1
r,.• kria i r ..
The vorY,i , t l Per. '
'Ballimniv riin.t; '
piaa and e irk (3 ,
*6.1, 'INCI I
steamy' 114 rel. In
We bbld neitifir
basem 4.1 . Ind (41
thew Like ar.s"ti'AN
duelm; inn slinicer
otber alnde 11100"
slay 5, sX'' •
a VATTE i m nr T 0) ICY.
' .010Ullt
LOC4-11 ,
i• •
'-. •• " ,'i : 1 J,.....PATTERSON;',;,,
' I . 1 1 1. SctsriLf:: -,. .
kill Ciitiko", Itii,!: 1!5'.1. • 274 y:,,
• . ---‘._....i n ..:._ 1 .._.,,
s 7-, l•
lS 1 !COLE "
. : , ,
EaS AM)! SIIIP,PF,ItS: , .Ir .- . l' '.: .- 1 1 1
• esdaie and 11:cteirditte Collieriiik;
, 2,0 watti ut gt Tilt .philatit.l b1e.....,:1i
ided fro , p Pori ellittop b Reildirit
4i. by Scliuyillil C 3,44 17 ' , f'4i,it
Tk 4 MAQ.
rivd, tho Bee
4lar"Pnii forur
Itillro or in I
OF - A
lq A
,1, i !
- LOS IiND .1117 2 1 . 7 SW •l; " •
, • ned
o rn: ', below
n,centre Treat aeleet Ftoe3RO
Olied goodic fryper Will r. lclngldin: 'f.
op Wan.; oi.a3pletri plainf.Tea,Phd
namentall Fl;tles.Vaaes, & . Ac" inor
rot„,,„,„,tloessodtl purehaOar. r . for . youqelies - G.t.lfEallTO.
gnat lI,'CO , 111: .
':L 1
•/ calAe
th e Wliove L l inent I
-eTtoni an 41 Com
whij..iLl be
full ind 'txaint
•:,.. — Potissille. A
• .1 1 i •
ope - rif i ittni4fao'
3Elgti ep.z-a: dy
,of W i re llppe. to u yncOord da
id tutor* the p ,i - c that •In
el ji I •
i ZrENGTIfft• AN) nza
AYI) lidr:2111101'11'. .
riAlre. of .kuptifi r tioaltty. i
ma, at Vim. ‘11411 . ,-, T* l Fi,goi
Obanki t a twit:Co.g Pa. . • ~_
. he tuade to' i..14:rt.. t r :. '..t. De,u2tatt.' N. D.
'. 0. Bfoadhe dilat :tlatieti Chunk: tO , IN.
'Mt fill. to IS lime. trit.enrlopt Co..,:•111-
vionty, Pa,: -ad, In fart,-ovarly .. Illhe
ft Region wbe ye ben usini their rOpite.
l a,
1 • r•
' • -- a . X:tiltil.E
illiu k 'AlitilliL ed i4g : t.: l' : r lt: il lteEai n ib.: . l :: ::.En : lB:' ;. -2te.: . ;':; th e :... t
i . ,
. : o ,4,o,.ll:iiw t : h iide, t b::l,ooi ; g4 l 4:444.k.rat i ve.y e ep.. b inesl i ::::;cuuti p ebrai l :l : .wiihi re :i37:6 ,. ,. .. 77 H z , ,,, ,.
, ~,.e..,-;,{E,:x,,:,,,
ettitris Orret,yottnlll4.
...i .- I ••3 , 1,: IP- - •••'1.,.
._ _____ • i • , L_ •. :.
Et, and GAII-IMING ratabliihnioa,
11 •
n. 1 -
'd Ua nprartuierit
• prepiiredlln m.
At ttim RhGr t "
1310§C11 1 .0r: 1 1 to
RelPreviee ., a
Cnrti,i2hE And
Pat(ersuti. Su
'tom* Luperue
upOtions in I
August 25.,!'
-1 ' 'CAI Li AND
The mos Vault
I! F , 1000 Stitch
QI.MPLII: desifi
17t orth.r:and (malty
"Ist‘tiuctlois. !The low take
withl 1, the resitt'ot everyh
uerrui and valuable luvrati
and aol b-hini work
with - Irv* tmd le„, vaainine it
has tt for wile,
bibltics ; •i•
liaf , ro Stall leortflaorf ller
; .
THE Sabo btr anaraniers to tbe,tarb
. that le e pafeerdj•the interest
1 bla late ' • riper, r: 1101. Sorra, In
ibe Plumb,' it *ad IJa.lrittlait ftusharra,
nd fhatta 1.111 ciefy on Abe buslOaso
nrafirr,An bb; arra' arroont. Ilelrer:
talon, io the 'lmams:* 4, the
'bile. b bbe OH eadriver to .tairif
I l e al
,v rtriet it eotlon I to barlataa: fterh .5
treated 01 "elfin ,Centre atreet, boar'', •
vproltr the titierfrion Ilnpw, rail* he;
MI be batipy fa met/ alt tbo, rho fie.•
ire bre,sertiet4 I L • - it .! !, t
_ II 1. F. • - )... . ' 1-
tly jcsrstoaiatriton Ttadi of tirrulli,
Jts,iiO4:pi: r abd,,Yead.•Path Tabs,
... Cepper WroLki Borfo,s, tilde aed;Lead Sleeks,.
:Ifikiriata, Pieta:eat Plug* , Giulio and Leal . /10111! Tor
,Pareediats;llraoeb Pipes; at Olt atsee..tosilber wttb a
prOrif asectrharnt of 4 GOA .I{l4tures, of ;the most up'
ed Omit 4 all of irtfirtrarllrOo 'sold and, put Asp; $
toe torfook fatefi - ;• 1 ./ 7 GEO: N..POWNI:fq.; ;
irol"irtiledristll 14 ,'4 0 I , :-
1; • ', IS-tf ;; ; - ;"; 7
, .. . „
;;;; D 6 7-- '
-,----,. --, Ei9 •.,
,•, - 1; -•,• .! vs • , , , .
;•', • - ~... TIEL-30 ,•„. ;.,
,_, . , r !dim..., , . „
AV *on Aland at tbit Itiztku iv, estsiblishatectitroli
nailmid street ,'it itest,qiiintit,y t ratutoireffiVil4klst
at ol Aissrrlption. 'hien tliSy spa; supply] In Operitprsi
coil:writers:in/ bulkiris. at low : l i nts* , than it` elm be
biitoubt . •14+brre. . ThSy are Ise isitly in istpplY,
1 4tousb IMO Minus 91 . IWO si sive buolSess asiCla.
Wt twang ebiner. nianhfsetuqsql artlsltst in tbsOlsts ,
Vs .i rl i ptc , f 25 71%1 1 0: lonfier t05t, , 1 4 : 0.4
i • ~, , ~
gim a tab. 0, r year; I:It:lo t s oil 'cisrqUittitiT]lep!o(7 .
111:11e4irar .'.; I Isititscr:Prianstit6l :h I
- 1 1] 8 1 0,111 ] , I ' Ptsatel Spk, 1 i•I i
:] Ale lit as s lßsta•lpttalltHr ..-] I]l
I ]l' ' i 11 1 Ipajlei I. ! Illissitils!lorlip: :. ]
4" I : • .i ;
]] ls, Ilterni • -Hi . ~]] '1
And 41 hinds n 1 ,P ' ' Amsted end Ostrattl ifirsk,
Whist* ti r hate sons yum liana. l f r o r are 'ssisSy
tOS]istista rdelis at I rtsetiptles, parilluTill/'
oi4aanty W/O et. fattalrod data ", •, : ;.• I
I pri stud i!rsatt llemlutk t all Muds : tqc bulldlit*par
lAlapts... :,, shale. plank ] tad sraatiltig
Wlii; CiTy', W. 016;lllabdsoly, & , tur alblarst
i ts% :: WWI* awl Yet IS nil • Nall VW OnfiritrAw Or
ids la Order; llirbltoleits plaolt,]3, 2% 1.0 11,"'„;%
ait W r ipellt yritutl], slits*" - readt, , 'lla,i a truss.
t it
rails, aeautlloti posts, *inert, fills. eat nt /ill.; Wit
iiits.4e..ile. ,i• i_i I'' , : ' -: ' _ ' 4'' I
Igir,llllls of sittwed • sit lAA trtft '}i tbals. Has
OD basdoCto arder,e .oitiviw.sot ,: • ~. I - 1.
IV . ottimitli,Marek ' . 'so .I'A '• - - i• - •-• itv - i[.._ .; •
i;•',;,'_ ; i . li I : - 1 i, • -.1: , •
I•: -; • •-i 1 ii-. • • 1 . • ..;!I .;
AT 23 1 1 4.
AT' ritDA. , . Urs , = )
•1 t _ .
~~i 4,,:1
Ns. i
Ktuqut *0.7 Kuirr 111.01110 ND.
.. •
q. • PAer.lio. 19, 1. '
lito/1 NAHAIibT MOUNTAIN. l I I'
Walnut( amt. OakiuswirdAl ll
P . I
Ns* ITork,Onice , 49 Cedar strilet. Nemtati
4lliby : . , Wet. 24,'Sli
1E0: 14.
Noah Stzri rant;;-4os. 11i011s111.--. Wept.
:2;8.81.8 ?as imindits Ocscinirtio,sx
is Impugn IRE 06:st ART 1111/11
n 31,
o) W • TE AEU 8011UTLE1.4 Lt.lllll
natcHont tile•orgritCreet , elrEßE
COL.. .
i{ tio.llo Wainat stiett.
EFFICF3 No 25 K 1101stre01.11ostlin.
, N 0.128 Eroodiray„ .ert:: of Eeds!t•
'4l:YBblpnten t froth ia
l arTiP 14.° P. 2 4 k
'ond;, Elizabefliporl,
8114114.'4. ,
.;1121A6. : .A.' 13ECHACHER
stureski I
1 / ; 40•11 D 310UNTAllkiL iILAC 11EATll DA
• • • ! M Y ASII'COA LS. .
OFFICi23: 45 Sc " 4 trt i e t •l i sr T . Prk ,: l -
1 . , (132 11 plput igraet. Philadelpet
ON - 4ND
p 591 3
1 Ciral',l - . . 1 Cowl; • 1
1 1 Stopt , .. Van liTickle ar: Ur , .
. : , - .p.......... . .
" .111k3ori 2S Trinity Mundial, 6.11 .
OFFICES:'. • ' NeWi l ork. 1 :1' I .. •
11- : i I. 157,BurwerftreeI.INew Antall!
r • : kiipprri of the f•ifletoir 9 itaineli Lakigh ' • .
Emir Enrabrapfirt rya • I, ll rie to;t,
11 'HAZtiETON. • -
4 i , : • .; 1 1 1 I
r;om • :Wu:. Prwelniqci: and P'irth kilt*
' it A ZLETON: • j ll • i LI ; ... •
lll,ri ES'S SPRING MOUNTAIN. I :. . ,- •'
31e(MEAltrS licdl.l A SPRING lIIOUN'TA
' OLD tIO3IPANT'S 41 11 ° 1 4 4 • , • "
BUCK MOUNTAIN ." • ' 1 .1 1 i
Alla'.Bole Agentai In New Verlt ll .lWllllritiab ,
lyn; Hohokam and Jersey, CIIY. for the sale i
' We ',Coal Is udettipreeed foe tt ei ratlna I
Is almost exelttelrely arid on )Ilnr 1 1311 , 4 IljO
help,. 4 single exrwluoent 'Will htty an
• • IteeutWrlority ea a beef liar Crial,, mind Itial
deArable - artichi for; fain ly use. .., 1 I , • I
A, Sole Arente Jr. lbw aide !ief the I
Coal Cum pa by'a ENIr lIIE , IL CO ,the r
'll .- o•in. i ThlrCoaltanWirefreeibut+rit : g,and
1 Fery fieNire.ble adiele ibr•boyl a tamer ati
.."' Mar' ti, 'to '! • .1 :' ;I
' ,------. 1 • -- i''
' CAIN 'HA likß & C
.' . ? Aliti P; i .., 1 IP is - e" •'
3i31et4,1Z A'
° C. " 5 o t ,
• Mao, &sterol n other rat qu i t i l l ittri or 1 , . 1 • '
i ' White !au Red 4.114 Cos
- • .'o.:l.Bllfitivut rtrer ,l'hifudelpl . 11
ld. and
1 ! ' Whateri. Sehuso.4ll.
, 1
i '' 1 1 1 1 A •• _
l'imike etre.' !Mot ED linette .. Jr
• ; ',' , .' ..W.1111:3100DY,- Ape r and Iv
, , '' ; ~.! • ' _Feb pion
*ebrukri 27 .. 6 q :1 • • .1.111
L, from tliei
of wlsicb, for!
prrtiea wbp!
d pronouuel
!n'' use, pro.
;e; than any
t IF f the Borough of :7,4chuyi ill avenl ,
i m: th year,l4 l 6o r ti F;;;gi KffAti KM N. surer. I
March, To balance' rereleed frout'Jobn Fr ;fe , 1
i 4. 1' 1 !Atli ,Trearorerl Li !I I $l5 91
; To an outer paid John Frehafer wrier an ;
1 ahoee balance duel onitiettle t, , 96 i
J upe 8, To rub frotn 4oh a tdayKri for vett born! I
I'; J, 3/ rei hammer, 4 1 L i 6 001
'Dec. 7, D0 thr obeli. 'bewail tri Chief 0 ryes l5 DOI
i. 1/o from, D.V. Dorkert.collivtor, wet., 755 04
1 18, Do from lk P. Bur kert.efillector,o a cct ,' , 11665
IsGL „ t , ' •t • I ' 1 l• ; !
Janill. 130 from ' foltri Sailor. foe rent co ireleth, '4 59
Fob, U, Do from ID:s . ..Durk/A millector,o sect' 267 5t !
1..• 9, Do from, George Kauko:in, foe Philip ,l 1
• Kauft •
pah'idupliteittx full , 185 241
4 12, Do frotti'llenj. Debut's', on acct. o dupit. ,
l ciao; . 1 / 1 40 till
; 1 1.-----..1
L I • ' I ' „11 '1515 471
Balance due fileorge kaufamo. as Treaso r. 144 Si
1' ' ' l l l ' 'l
,i , 81579 81
iflat. ,-, 1 1. 1 cr,,t i , r
i k 4Orders for t heinhnth of Jtilittary, $156 f 2
Fir* Ihe mouth of F.b 'ruary,' ,
•. I . 24 24
For tbe.nionth Of Ilacch, , ' , . 7 00
For the month ;tit /April, 1 t 67 271
'For the month ..r May, , 9s 79
For the month. of June , • ' , lB5 88',
For the mouth of dilly, '• ' . r ,..
101 25 1
f4t the month ..61 1 .Abguet, ' 4 38 14
For the mouth Pi geptember, , / 214 63
'For the month iif October, i 178 19
'VI. tht totiotht 'N torrinl.r, • . 274 lit
1 FOr 112 e mount -
Of „December, , ,
— •j7 83 ,
'Ttattancer's saLary on 41558 8;
it34l.ii 1 l". 1• i
Fib. Dy blastrge dui , Geom... -anti
ITO"' j ~,.
•• ' z ' t 1 ;(1 ' -----
. ' 1i... I A edit t u a mpert that th e bare e
and Patted tifif aecounts of liteorue Kau
rimer of the Alfirouth of Bflattkill 11
112 h day "f/Yrbrostr. l9tl .tOtha a i TO . ll
ill. totals,. due the said George Kau
surir. tiy itbr mid o.rost,gh. amountlng
and tor ty7fout dotifirs ard thirtrfW 11our
/ 1 1
~ ',.r Juditors: CIIAS
J . ;I la ' V
.ein;ouNt Of 4;ii.i;rudiy9 Claiitio doe.
, , c h s lekir,. flare,.: , I
117 it. F. lietiier,Tor 2 firma Dermal' in
Samuel Hank!. for siJudzment,
I!enry &Flat!, fof chew. llrensu In 1859
Ditto 1 for mousy welted from
Ben j. Detioni flit balance dile oindutdic
11. W. 3latchirObrl judgment. Maginot 4
Dakar, be tabor, of Duplicate /q
Josephßinger; tub De* ou duplleale Obi ,
nerd. Driorig.lor bahineft Of Jar epb
1 duplicate placed in bb binds for
John Heebner. Writ alanee no dupllcatii
.1f bn tlyerle,i for•bilance on 'duplicate a
ri lance on duplicate
D. F, Burkert, 4 fo
Attest—di t D.. 1.11 altri'l
' Ilkborldtlillafee. Slareht 5th,1861
y are
BENT* . 1141 1 . , ~O TTSVILL
4 3
• I
the i shfinatat..o
rteri.Nro. 14.
r. v colt 11 - z
totOell no ot G'peil—libith agstireol I
Alrarea' ' !
rgo sa4+ by,. . • ',3011N NI
4'l ' • Scul I rtiti.e !I ree
1114..31100,h114 IJoiiis:'sFo.23
• .reo l ati .
.ccilinty, •
ii.F.l97y; Oat t 11
t':%l A p ph I
1 31, ; G 4 H l '..) , I
ii ~i~-I-}-.
••••••••1---- - -- 4 ,-t-•, ;
_' VaIetSARIS Cool Ilastotis or Pt
f r HE ;riptle,rsigned " offer o r s,
A andlikiest 3.4 of , that Taloa le coat
knOUn as .1 Via IitSII3IONT TRAM, ~ I
Situated admit if.,4 mites sot s.r Poet kkirdon eontalolng
his hat:dried Serien ems cte tem with the Impittenants
upon It z-'4,114 Brie: liansloullouset Twenty k Ricotta
seiner,' iinntice One Stone Slots Potent. stad es, do
1 31krY 'lona linghttelf, lii hl2 boilers.
I ; Tiro Thirty
,do-' 'do ' , 4 lan
I 1 ; Olio Tdsfity do Ido '3 Ido
MP) one Of tits largest , iitid I utast iondern kiln Co , al
teakers In tint County of Schuylkill, with wenn and
Rhode ,tastiseltyitd ship:firstto I awl sit Vaal per. 1
Pile ' ,• ; • ~_ t
I I Sinus Ilituses. Stu Ali land ot erlta ,m tiosetnents.
Inc'ether irlth snow of lb. - most saleable R ash Coal
I;sins fn tintCloissity; gad-111k Winked byl l t A b• lasind
rotn petent judos that to large large White k Tidos
underlie uttd fowl:, 1. 1,. - •
71 to Tritit. Obis to its ritosloiti to tb• shipping , ,
Ojai! at Post litelete. by*ftalitnad and Canal, has sites n.
taps that fear; It any Cost %Fiala 'offer is Schuylkill
• Otani,. • 1 . ~ • , I 1 'L . (
,luss; One ishuldeldod IoS of lb* a ningral Tenet,
k Nana as lb* ,+•, , ..1)0118'111401i* • ';
Coatalotatt ad*, 269 acres. metre or lan, wt it tint Pa-
orcistesatonts ton* it, ronsintin(o4 •Ir 31 1,T'bnese, opt,
tidoll bons sod Sea Snit* borniescglnds. Unease VU
bollets..poings, Muss, to Sycht. . Trish alsogicso•
dila* the auk Sid and Watts aollta Mit ati rueful
I. ow semi ktiantlottod.illall 4 toes, ' - •
, f All oeitioalttoilempottilisii!* be acid our
too 1/1401dy td, • 1,•
t. • , . . ;
: ,4; , 1 i PUMP 11 /1, Att.. , biota. i•
_ _ ..._' 104 OLD' ~A NI t.. 7.
• ilarelkl2, MS. 1 • 2. c• t., : ,II ty
~ .1
•t-, : • ~ 1, 1 • ;, . ,
• . 11 i • 1 .`' , r' '
1 ' :1 . , h 1 •
E,ii. itEvers it o xiiitolliti I .
.. morz'AraiviiitiLt. M. Pi: ;- 1 -
/ 1 / 4 . -, 61.f415t .;' A. Is!$IIITIleat J* 0 .0140. i
i 1 Ai . 14014111111AND_ST.Ol s rli4 1 , ..
1 , Ltr,--1= - ; '..lbig, stibseriler is . pitipatte l ' iit foi
- _ orders forth. above :ast sti '
til • teisisit4li sold' pi... of '
.. • 'OZovis * OF, Alirlirirmli 3)l i4bglail . +Oro) a
!twit `Alscultiesaisuatstetaner or. _ '' -1 , , - 1 il,
• ; COMO, dins 'oll4lslll socivosi* 4 ,.. '
Of ow hoss , sosteriiiatidlloiltotruPs:lliviitiPm• 't.
iy attended to: ! Iltrrans foe ail ny, vitatitatien go ye
on; laud. , : •-. ,',' ~! 1 [ Jl4l:ll..l l Plittit :
Pottsville, Usuit 9419. i L --' •• -- .:I Ibliy .1 , .
. -
• gOtillt 124 WIACOM 'eNT - i7 -
f , i ,
~ 1 . 1 1 r .n.vmuiFTs 5.... .. it
~,„......,,...._. - t . ,,iii l ho isr 74 , l4 1* :04 .0 4:14 .
to Ist ake ts io :Ni . a th tl4al pi
: 'rf.:C LI:LI:. pit. all eiders la his Item of tutriness-:
a h• its for :Awe Kwilues- itailtitid
had IDrift•-Oiti• *PC CoOLlreskon:cPsikr4 mod '
,si.fainiiry,orry pettern.l de 'se
asnts hl c k to
l igivetudistveldwa. nd tievusdhstiy istileils patitinsore at .
imon, sod at4sid. :' 1 : ' I OD- Zt, 11 . 5 ' t''9 l • I'' ''-'
lie. subscribe , » ard connauto;011111.
k: • • ' . tur tag, vanleassiseinfCedliertekell,'
.A. otßistait w hied itt4s-ifberi a"4 . l) f t *
• -3/ -= ye ;purl . Also, le 'Rails of tile ost:
• roved patternsorelgling It& SU, 60;
ard: From the experience tfle . .
at l a
a lima 1 Rllll - ts;
alide i tit i tirns t sking u ßall tiv sln i ,
addressed tsi Moist": TardleY, l. sop,
nille;w111 iirettwith prompt 10 . 1 4
'No. Bult.s..sit aOOl ,.
1 ;44 - ; 4t5.0.•:1•
4 Val" IliClOwy, die., -• i 1
Nam li.t.i-The - business or , tbo'ial l •
a 'of aNTDER A 'Militia. yll ol ls
c i s,
tidal:it'd by le Subscriber , in a I I s
tr rlous • b'rs,n bet: •st ' Steal., liki i
lb Mins. Iron Pounder, and Insiqin+
id of Noddies ,touldoiliny 3111 inqZ/RIFt
led Camay- Lc. lie triltaisci colt**
ilnlng arid Selling( the celebrated *se
itisd"-tersts and ..Spoliii :Filar Red 44
nbpislett r of these Collieries.
Owlia A . yr; axtrt TC- ,
t-tr 't'..
su,spupuisp siperl
b 'piss. we l'apt ea
is f
to, Ability b
aty '
co to uniest s
Irbilhsetors; ' t .
firm. , -11-
; JboblZ1 1 ; • 1 ,
41 .' PR Ili•W . c
4:‘ ~ •
' . 1
tosser of 111 k i
IP bombe... Re t cis,
the : ,b'usiness qg In
Atte, 01iite Ask- ;
0 4 8 Aitug *Of P
1 ,
isittm;y Vitc2l
, . PALCk I ? ,TO.ROLLINO-Mlll.ll !I': . .
Xhe va4teribere beg lata„e* f. ap
-I,lf 1 11 4 '' rune! to their friends ;End the P NIS.
n 47 '77 el/aril/Y. that their Pew Ildtlin Mill ,
r« Ea ,,,01... le Alto le now.roinpletti.ikeil i fell . .
• - - .fPornliOn. end' than. they are
,pr rest
W Intotali T It Of rattans patterns: weighing freni X.;
to 70.1ba. Per; Wed. -•SAI so. differ eats *besot flit, *intim
and reined we 'thugs' bar iron.. i - ; ' , ' , ' •I :
Orders for rails or ,bar Iron are respertfilij:goil i tifed.
aqd wil) meet iiii th • promPt ;alien** tett eit twit
the. Rolling -Mill,;'Groloe Riteitre rdwire tore,
Centre street. o et•theleofflee, !Or of Seeon and ..-
!dirket streeti. ; . IIAYWOCIO,LEF A
r ip.. ;._ ,
.fit*.l.'f.7 1 ;
j. ''• 1
... ,, , !, • .f-tf LI • •
1 • P neer Bea er . . orks,
Tho sitlicril,erielpertfilly i Obis;
• t he at tOl3 k•it 'of iholoasiOM DO COM *lli •
. ....y to hi* !Holler 'Werke,. areas troid
. _133 tree', belga' the Passenger! 1,,
- —-• • otter ille; Pa 4 wheie he la reps pi •
manutietore,Ll - . ' ,t ;
___ • • • . . - -1., :;i .. ,
8 violet Starkei Ii If taricailliast Piges,ClasoinelePrift
'CA es. : l fiction hand. " . 1 ' `.l •, :
Being a pri ealmiebliole and hiring for y .rede; '
aritect himself ntirely brinsti'or rtbs bit !Wrest
he flatters hltairft hat works one et hiseatatal itnent '
will give PIIIII doll to ell who stay Brow' blot Ifb- a •
' gill. Indlild ale and Companlaajellifirelit 'really
titheir tolvati igetnexaminehiseork before eft ' itig
elaeibere.. i h .t . '. .;. ' " JO I I. T-,.',N0 IX,
i11i0r . ..21,'5 . 7i i ; ,' • • - •
:• : , ••ASl9.',AltiD IRON WORKS.' • ,
j The re,,.penteva are nun, fel Pre. i
C r Ms= prod to Iforoith, et the A•bla diiron
, ~.z .. --, ...! llfork•.Strany Enelnes and ' Par i 1 •, of
any petard iind rapacity, too tile! g; and
ritu,,,,',:i l kit
other •purposra, Coal Prealtetia ever" :
I lia., and patt#;noe• in Ors. together *Mb east] ;Nand! •
Ftritingi or el l, Y;desevirtlotw ' Coal and Drift re 61
ill I , lLokand 0 itertia, lar,:e Truett and Horse Ca 1.4,-;all •
tarnished at fil. shorteat notice; - .The atibirtibers fiat
ar tbemselyee th'it,fnaSomphav every I:Reiter of the.
rib I. • priet lila bierhanii, thorw ill be &Mai le torn-lab
sehinery th t will rompirefavorably with any in the
griffon. All ordera 'directed to L. I'. 0 iingi A Uses.,
Ashlind, Sith • ilLdll tountk, Pe.:e ill re.'elfe Prompt lat
. tintiOn, ' I ; -- , 1 •. L. F/OARNItti '
11. ' r 1 .. , 'V- • ..r : ! IdICHA Et O.ii , , 'fklt,
it 1 .- , ' i ..• !'. ' ' Jos 4 , ittleett.*Y..ll.
t I Astdiad ;1 • ;10.'47 !. .1 - - - 119- ' '
SERVE - 1 fADOW; ;IRpN Wbiaxs.
"If ' "..r- f• forma 'rie
t.te7Pu E bn it e ! itit re k hr t hl t i l o i w iY. Pa in fe .
' t , . 1 ;;PW roprletor of the Reater..llead ‘ o trunk
f ir
1 41/ -, iiannfar4dre. - el ,this eattblitihment.
temp i' it :il tt illa' iti I o r ; L : 1 / 8 " :Y " , " „:: 4 , ° :,, l n, ' ~.'°: .`7.,rre,„,'".":,,i1d0
Friftd Can., an r eeery Other dereilption of lion and.
limas Cistiti o y s l uitable tOr the Crial mining or othertire
!abodes. ort th : ' host res•ohahle terms . Alsh. Plowing
elfffilllders f ,Ifitl.fFan*vvaaltd Bleehtnewtirl to Iketl•
1 brale , li t_ . 'I . " ir. ''r; 1 ' . '.;',' i
t ROPSliitle 1 :13il! k11:1401 done With . n e ateeia", ki d e p.
. patch at the • PI/11.4t 'prices. All sari. feriiihed by
•Iheto warn 1764 'to per orm 'red.', They rrogM ' N atal,
theensiote ol lft,We ehoteay tettlit'ariklea',lti th4irline
Inflate vieirdir.; All Orders will must latithlmtnediate
" Sind Prompt lotion. i. ' ; , :• I ~
•• ilea rerMiald es. Janeale I.lsfit 1. ' 11- . '
1;, ; cuswint, Pies_ i
•• . • '; T 110 S ! A .SAS; .1Y R!'S rsferl-
' e•
je tt e . . • .
folly inel a theittention °Obi buil
• - --- tt.'•fe font unity to, ifielr' Nee Maehloe :
: flop an d 'oondry or, rid betw 'LI FOal ,
1111'4= . ~ a i .
,i ..
,id J .
. . . . _ ... - AU, . .all wit "do. e. end fro .ne on
;Sore es kat, a,freeti . Wher,e they are prepared' tol elecule,
/all: nrdon4 14 . zaa,hinerl of llra.ot i and Ilron„,sueli Ai
R. 43,11 RHO 4. all hi nd.';of 'Orli ing for Rolling Mills,
:Orb:t and 'Sas! Mills. Single and Double settni.,
:Coal.ftren_ker 24. WM C3ll4.'altkibdf , PY 441 1 road Castiors.
• gnat - as flairs tor Flit end •T Itall; FrOga.*/pltrbror.
. keg all kin ii .)fea..t and:aril-ought iron if hall ing. Ile.'
kin; prietleallneetianles, and hat'Antumadithe dt,rushdt,
,of the Coal 1:43,11o11 Cleii study for year* ilcso 01 k 041,,
of 'Marbinerylin their line•r4"boaineta. they flatlet them
; selves that *irk d.dte at their eatal.liahmeitt 'it.lll4-ire
•; tatisfarti..o fit all whe rasly honor thrill with a 'rAll. I All
; order.. that'll:lll,f received. and promptly- lezeinited,on;
the most ret ai nable term s.; ~ .- ,• ' ;I' • P 1 , 1
TIMM; WREN,' ' !3,4:511.1-iTR I N. 't
Nor. - r2„nilL - ''l'' •; • , 1 .: ' 4.4 f 1
..eIFURIS. WClrlr"'
, rt ißieb
ild ; Alex-
f qie Mo.
team. and
len Werra
I. ibnielphia
II Ide Slund
whiter tun.
1 i '
•• I
1.1. r It COOl
ii• loan.
I xre.6, Pa.
I 9-11
• alp
I ~
1 it pgriry.
Nersi York
i f ,entii. • ,
• -
- MO RRIS. ---
I . ' 7•i . I • EUBCESSNIA• Til '.:
... 1 MOR tS ' & I . JONEg Ap. cy);
' - itlos Aii fitr.s,LiwAnzia.Ous .1
1). ~. - Aflzrtrt d.,d ...I.x.ternfh Strteft, 'l7li adelphict,
1 . ' trai , *loop an It.trad and fr side 't .1' •
11 BEST ENIGI.I . IrnEvi. I E.W.;-4 , 1111 *ran matt of
i ••153,2na110." *tut other kirorlie boots ;'. ,BE - f ikmEEl.
CA f\ BAS 8-arilitnary,odiei. or tt Bid Ito Innitq orlbOdg,
purpooes. Ito 1,; kr. ' k.k:NNO;LVANIA BOILERIPLAT li--
i 1 Pronttscrestrmi't . .tun, or • eut to 1 requiied •Pdrei. - ; EOI L EEIt
I RIVETS— Ikoit'..r bror , d, rondo lorodid •dlrs. , -111t8T1 EN
li iILISII CAltiAlLEAturrleatiand Etnalatti FI.XE
1 k SHEET 111 .N—for doverin 0 orb titre: At, Ag :RIVAI , i
11 k SCOWL Plci IRON.' ItAIL.BOAb FRON—T lath. end
flat bare i.nltitle lot• clues. t %Antonia. ti;. ' JUNIATA.
1 WASllEBS4jor:bridgeel cair. and rnachlnerjr, Purposes
armartlly. • AST. Sit LAE tNIAVIIIN E end 111.34TE1t
, tii
I. STEEL . A 64.• se,
it ettra ilaillly for taps led d . L The
riabove, tgartlitr yith . fall indurtutrut 'Of .1 -, fifth'
' 1 , 4111 , and Spike*, to' - wkleh I the ,ateeritlon 4,
• railroadramOrtlrx,eni;lnerrn4nlners. found* Ind moo
1 chlnials is Initte.i.. •:, . 1 .1 •.1 ; • [Jan. 21. lid'.l.llly- •
; ii; it.....rter a. AlAlres,:. I 1,
iron Antsdei?. ALM4inittr: Boiler and Mitelri Se Toil
' - i . %i 1 . Makers and Gtr Britideriki I ,
:. eolis! The enbserlberslite now p ared pe to
A '
. receive Orders tor in:it& of dtat lotia.
:le,. . 4 M- . • re Ktiglnetcand miehintry
,-. zE tor. collier
.:-.1.1,Et . les, b lsst 'to rtmeep. mill's.. .01 tsten- - ,
sire tswilltleiandi prartleateiperteace ,
In therm...mote wairlat ;them In taking the largest
contracts atP3e limost tirteee., •„_,' .. L.' i 1 ,
Partleulmiattent lon le eallep.lnlteni.k Allon sl.Cew ;
Style Patept Winding !dzseblnery, by arblehl: , 4li. Slope:
or Shag ropi or chains hat' on- the top:pf , b oth deems=
Id detible atys.' : ,: , ... ; L 1 : , .•
This arrabgement. It I/1 'eontidentlY believed, will
sere in the ear and tear et ripen or amine. the price
aline inacb tiery in frie . Yrire: and 10 t'nk winding,
lsmitrnetion:anddnrablllty:li eannot be
turpassed: illi`e also.rer.oniniend the 1101 ear wheel, in.;.
vented by Nir, !Melia ii Allen: • This Iwheelra cr only
/be bad at 0 r'iwerke: and haS.etwoelt htteit of theme' ,
rat )ntera !phat.itrininpliently . rne a single
' t ekeel hall b'een,brpiten elneelteltktrod ellen We
Cr,,' nnw.p nd It under the' ars of MVPS ilithesortn,
twit tttil it cnmpan les in the country ' ; 1.
• .Wo Waal tin esllAtie attention pf the ptirdletelhe
Te marina rShep:ionneilejt .with th e above works.
and recent erieted toe the manatee:tare rif-!Rallmad,
Drlft.Krel t Care and Tel:o4o.llnd furnished with all
..the,lat eat I Penvemen that they afe thus enabled'
to eleentitsNork, witch beeper and nit aloft deepatett
than heretOni”. ,- " , ~ - ' ~ • ..'! • • 4
All wark*itsranteed.' Persons: wan ting anything In
our line would do well: toigliie al a reit. • - • ~ .• .
• ii ; , : ~4 ' , , • CAItTEII *-2ALLior. '
:r112.1,1511 :. _ , -
.', : [. : •;.,.... • • : I, ; IT. ; -
i 44 St:
rpfnll , l auditee
men, ir,sq...Trra•!'
wen, tra to the
:d find t hat i tbere:
man, ! t ag:. Tree.,
one bandrad.
nta. • I
TS. I ,
4h 1 e Brugh ojt
visa, sus 00l
• so Go:
. 1 9 N-ON, e °'
, atilof '67;• 97 10,
1853, •710 et
1854. , 301 041:
• 1112sll
291 2* :
of! 39030
of 1%59,1 • 3 4 3 27
110(1800,1 919 2.8
- - :.. •LNIP.
4.' ,'
. l. ~ N . A PSILtiiNkW e : 11 s.-
.. ~..
Wioild`ellllbe.atterttOn 0 Iteirrsa
-Siantgliri:sidtbnielnteeetedOßall.te L ;4l
road PropeiSy. to *bet/ Systesi il Lots.,
10/, : .:- l tireSigittiir4,whißbthereadanted.
•••• . to• Ilia ' particular: Imtinro9fOr ..obtrh
they . ay, ,: required: 1.4 the use :of oile..too.oise or
flee Wet driving wheide; and tbe noel of . the .01m - ..1e,
or so windy Of tbp weight as Maybe fer adhe
sion ; • an d`iti aneommodatlog Omn i ,' tbe tredraenryes;
.trength Griotperatritillen.and* nill 'led toll& 'to be
dot*. syi bmoosisitbotoalioseai Dorfitelfirt fifth. ,
powir lolitred loth th e least expense for ettentlante,
cost of f oal,
, *ad repstro,t &goad and RogloO.:Atith t hero
objectri if tor, am! set b i resilt'sif t tretity4 bile years
prattled iteetienee in:the businees by our aseinr part
der. witni la face ore kit diPrletkinds ..1 Jlteptieer. add
severateletresof slue - of -garb kind . Par ; Itulorottee
lion mid tolt heetreiixtb of the inerhinoin tbedelan and
worittitanihte ' t *II the:4,4411i. Our tong :experience,
and inn - 40 1111 ea 003'2101u Psforaialtott. edibles as
to odes Woo • sinen w lib tilt solo fa nee that lii eta den
ey. eeenei ' i 11l .dorahino. ok will entordierfaeorably
with tb 1f a yotber kin ;10. aes. 'We aidefinidsh
'to order: sail . a sled; bowling' or lot ' sibortlie (to tit
neatens ar I Smut linAnd.)enninos.ltten rltattqfrlL for boar;
' In*.: orotyleieriorloo ofpopoor.Stiritt iron and Bailer
Works: vit.hvery ortlelOoptrortaielol to , the 'Perak or
del oytineomotlyeßS‘lnel.: Nt. It DAMS . IN • ,
. f utmost. 13:1,0 -t I. 1 lat ATOrtliatalt A IT: iti
T $3205 SO
tecnWk. •
• 4 •
• t
ie .the
; propirt7
`12:17 7- rlitiitkaLYJkr: FRICK, .
afacturara of Wire Coal mens,
1 NV LD -
, 4, at st
lief:7 3 %lly* Raged It
1 C i tt e l s 4 i% e ' t o p t ih t . 4
L' Vl= 4 7;.1 . Z e ll i r k
file! Ilbtl esitiorot4L A k
• tho blot oriirk.mithT,
prmapt4 !.ad d1a,, , 1- ,
1 . , potehi I litlig " la
I • Wait Op', rI • a,t eit ,
;bawls fa i ;Ms Elqatp
ilhay stil l ! itsataat“ , 1.
. tal -wort paa at tbeir=
• '' tatettlotiat,
'tutu - ;• ' , i . . , 4. ,,,, .: , ~ ~,f •"'- .. ' tar ' 1
ittgy . 1411“11.714sga, , ,
to:4 ways' Ismol:i. '. ".... -3.- , 4'l
Allittradimilfitlisillakr 1141451.0 i kft ,a 1 D. le.
'ltiterly Irate 04111111rili ftagsar_ at &Walla";
'; pats r, *Ms tr?*-- !Ala? 4; Ffi:'lL: 4
i -
,'. ~: ~- 1. , .. k,. l ';- - •1 "
s i Katrir
! lir ~ 1-.'.!..- : .1.
I f I`
``i°~ !'
- I, • ' I i '; : -r• • r i I
; •
id WI I Almost hentedisttly laweire esielr a =rn kite
sews; Wits firmed oat SW; that Znstain
GibrolOtrls a oinitY peer* 'very/ steep, old in
tilinmsotelte perpellikeek ' 1 Web" Sionel by
qNat .bra strosgbold.end sixt th e keglialo have it,
it Is paggwebio. it Is oalledt key tb the' keditir
-0 Old Sal 102prellk, the ' Wsurse'llart• i an
end Length of thr Walt* of lb lbw is
tong no Desiree/et pert tat efts* Iles, The Bey tat 9
lid beg. and s breek• - alid le 11•X'y Itiltotatent -innial I
Wet . Tbe twiedpiiikeo of - I.4 ) .eltrrron ot= stoic, i
and nano mire Igo low . 3maritobabitantees
mid 1•20100 tn weather. end - areal ofendited ettitelseteer
Ind Miss Diltisb.lfitristitrk I us, rleher . WWI. Ma
On 4 4'd of
.fiber wale; thraltie *cry- iliair In
the' ngoind" daring' r itol'aromy triatkile.
The attino continued iliwoesb• y tbiewho/Ur° 1 81" 1 "• I
*h b. ow bowevere Owe. , t. to on 'Ma ;elk re
irri rd and anehoted at r tbe America beedr
_qua of tbts station. e ' else* 1111n*finheb i
Os ing the shoo enjoy fin ifrialiege f bowing rod
sh . l a a ls a l T a u'a: tas.. ll4 end u lo trec ti : a.l 4l4l 4 4l :7 oa 4 6 . 14 ,114 . : ' l , iaim iry ' talLWS l 9 i hi ll
on ,a' ornall eountrycvhbige. - t a te on tiatt 4 l BBl
the sty or this ship. We en ;ow - eh to t and
del k, steep rotaforrably, bats ' , We lo_lhisd andante.
'el out opportunities for (bought alai reeeedeu r ew
ns, and orattanding ftibleletitanan prayer meeting
t w )Ir. red ia ,,lt e ril l re "* Pleish .em ip r " g ir trigx °l on 4 :Chi d:" Pbl iaii i4 grist
' Lie tenant mar accept" his, pk+ .in gpadoril if Mimi
amt er
taw d our emoting*. ' 1' 111 ' II
. .., , Dat to continuo: Oa th e nth Of Paraiba* • Wa t 4ft
noon for Naptor Christians lay' Wag silent no the,ol l .
Akta dark en Chef:await event , we ittine i ,ght of;
11 et Tetencluar end et *Wet' four bills le *test I
*a (10 o'clock) wgettteeed the Iltyoriksl altUllitt",
eh Close to the city. This wa •wlllrout eacrption.
tb fine,* starlit t ever saw. Initiwestiolnis'aidighrtd•
ly a rm and taia-elt itplosdklteteullgh , night•-the Oaf;
ve alm-the beautiful city Houdin all wined the
Ha --Istnpar brightly borstal cket and Odor, Ors!
w as dying up. up, one an h ski ot mask , Snipe" •
on th e ale e-burung Taspenut mime dr-i-larrot, bred ;
- bi kunlog mend war all laud us ell thle made a
ma Ifieent picture, and weme more IX* retrainee than
re ilty. Naples la hoe Of thy, best cities In lb.. *Odd.
It a built to the twin' il an a phlthestre, sloping; gen.,
ti from the bills to the emit There're a greet rilaur
p ers of interest, the deleten lnterest and cratteity. bt,
an around it-Mount Viannies s rompett,fiervalsoluml
eta tbs Cataconibs In lisp rlgirit , y; the; largest, c ram"
In :the world; a nitwit grotto ono of the fiend streets;
/twice casttearlinairol fi ernitd porlotal; odbodials,and
tbatrei :the HI itg's palace: be Hints garden; obd a
bait of ot h er • plows in theel philter 1 ' triu tint 4••
sc Par it alt. It would take env au moo t s to tell -
y rierytbing. The house; re Merida and twerp ale;
ri * high. and rung flit roofs whirtrete ids tower
vino and boxes contalolog t "inoil l itteamif toWere
r ead lemPthre font trios./ wit' girl e ,Itie al Y Ulmer
lively and delightful ',pea. The streets gen Ily. ate
'norrow and raher :dark ', dirty, ibut the nicipal
toms are well paved tied alive with lb beauty telfreeb•
tone( the- elty.Ogweiallitthose tyin lltwin 1 lha, bey _
when ibe beat of the suit is foupere by.thri seahmeses
slid Vigilant: •Inds and ga t The 011atiber of Into.
h bitalits le 3"0,00;k: %bat of Ihe •tla rod" alone tieing
. 0 * The Bay of. Naples. I t a tine one. of a cirtutsr
f rm. 31 miles In diameter. and abet out ISOM the mew
niseeen by the Island Caprl.; 4i . ' 1 - 1;
Niti-Velleatlut Is some SO miles to e reunferenen at Its
ate, and i5:3,700 feet high. , The top, s Minted Intb two
hatir. There are motto lug the at its aide, and • a
I n t i lt n e u itr t.l : ' 9 u , d o ' n 't de sin r T ftit. itrut. l4 ' "l
at from ite res i4 t c , rs or7u , h ' :e o l it li ngr.
etur ae rn; b gs h e er r u l p e tio th u e lt e t li t s li t
he ' t i rp o u f el d i te i Manure%
fall In. and the crater 1 aosswwwwrr~~lllltwo miles in eirolosference.
li'_!/ d o nb tr e ett st oe l ed g arr i n a u " ii fl i t gle e ti a g rt i e t l i 2stra l ;
e la . le- Tor
1 1. eli worsted. I mesa its ruins, by ape of eugaitad India'.
Alit• I Orig a sell to his girder'. It wall, et Oath.' / 1 • 311 that
the excavations and diteo write ware regularly tom,
A Mewed. and It is now a loevatire - bunneek. I , ii
rite aloe 1 The Infirm, are a ff able, color eons, sober.
Mod ready.
.ersr atill' witted. but jealous, vindictive, rohoninus rod Sneer ,
crystal slltious. They stormily 'p lotted. but have poor
romplerairms. The nobility aro Wworalvely for eta paw
..lei I*le
Ord drew; and dlgilay. Th people int/ably, p: ook upon
;ti es"' - Hoittalitl. with the moo feelings ;that our attiests
mt. e• bolted opou Washington. a lf they DIM capable of onto
*I ',112* deep and tattiest • teenage oin; atont-beariellfo fath
areamme ,
ers. 1- will but mentlng„ no Initiated and the have
• with Naples. as I bar* much triton you' et. ;
;white strolling throughhieity,after basing hid :a
; ' lice eirritz.-ride thrown t he:gnOttn; auto the tei4drS, 1
,baperienned a eentationof protabing hung • , ;led eon.
„Itteguently, like a sensible liour 1 Went into is cup' and
somethfoi fir lb* ' , tainted'. ; The co.f4 U r ,CSI,XYLI '
. ' 1 j trrn* 'MON EGYPT: I ; 1 ; t . • 'was full n 1 richly r.oexed offirhh, twantlfra n ;lad es. sob
,i • ' • iers and also youre nf ott one men. Ia ot a Ort
(Through,t , pollteriese of the frleads of • thew eller, I rv , ;
ni.o) . i .,.., gi .i...„ , 1e , 103 ,, . ine ,
„e,pd eg . ) ,"
wearo reablled: to lay barmier reader" the lellew Intl I cfir t a i r. I ' understood ertongh 0 know that:: they, were
letters from a dung manor Sclonylkill Llino e st potent uttklug or Osehaidl stud PIS rat e rs , ; da?ae a them
" ' A ' d.. 2 14
00 s ertilm I WOoverninant vestal.'' a piles of /, turned to me and commehrol a ;eooVersition whleh was
broreser. eousld ably ofsii-eided.lout dude th*Ooorso
scenes and 1 lid at the Urinal points tonehed before o f .1 2 44, I prop- o t h an a a no n . e n . Garibaldi and V i e .
t i
readting elm ' dela; In . tho land of, PyraMids,tbei will ;tar lonanueV Such ene•era il you 1 never e ril. All
1 ~; I . .. 1. cheered , and when we !ottani shook hoods With us per.'
W• tie "WWI 1 0 i ill ' 1 1" . miler/ J. l ' ' _ ,
~ __ twin delighted "fhb fa blotto 4 4eiteicelda. 1 11
= ' 1 ligagnall 4 &VIM reiseiliary lOta, 1401. ,06 sh„ flip o f jnona,
Hi no , l e ft Nnples,land on
' Oran Tarxxo :-Tbe•beaut fut island of reef of, Key: I
;tin u-ti morning hy sunrise, Orient at Maisie* on the
from; wit nee I linnet list, • is about lire or kiwi 1
ofn n rb , o p izruwee t ...4 .l., aina pitaaelibbn t
win * tong, and same two
miles It costa!** obrint
8,000 Inhabit h. of a mixed. character. the private ) man -0 f• nee. when our band p la ye d-o n d ~..5„,,,,A n a q ueen ,-
residencies *tad hark ham tbe Ore.'s arid ITO Olaround • an d in re t i n a th e ir band Lillie* tlf; '..Th • Star Sgancled
ed on all aid - by lame' pine. ;mono ut, oram 4 e, lemon,
Dinner' The whole Was •*4 and hoP , altpt.
transom, lOW/ and other trees. The to earningMeseina
, Is on tresportant lea port h ale iy. very strongly f; rt Hied.
from the sok doping the der, end wandering I i •
W rit. - it Is live miles lecitettml name, Morons taupe Üburbi
tn i n s rhatioxii the waving brioches of these t . Make 1 and en ,,,,i nn 36.000 loin itants. /tie pub tic In i i4ldlntot;
i ...
sod keep tip a solemn. matarteholy - . dare like mu le . There i 'eburchee , monasteries s,, ','consents ate none us and ,
are teemeodise of flowersaod plants highly peisid with i I magni fi cent. The hartaw la mien(' the best And saf e st id
witb.u , a utoary, as the *Cad ual" and so on. grew Ink wild; ,
i the tfediterratiran. A g t Hada Is earrled otilin silk.,
and '2lbUnd:nt It Moretti thevery Mere' a. 11 IF 4elightp . l: ell. fruii, corn. wine, in errpetc:i ctd . , the reroute tomb'
to wander Ail Si the leach and sea the lottunwouwe r• manner ot living ril tell yosiirhen , return, . tinfli s ce I ,
quxut 111, if , I Mired shell. aid stoney cm:tic:epic:tot,
. et.s. , to say for the prieren.t t bat it it iffer}ittjrons Ore; Do yi; ,
and othe r, : joie nes washad up by the rieetleis . like voters / I used to hue I tom boil kerefriefle full fur' l ,
The-nubile are is, 'hoer; or four in nomberjaillnArt" In ' foto crate /I.lll l ll4nsta • 1 11 11 t a t l re lol Wit 0 '.'wn."&l
I,* well ulai, and well attended. and I -noticed with I ,
ling timely c ia r s ariii via, stri I n ill fig! or as Engl ,h Aril;
a great deal t 4 plratore. quite a number of leteriather • g cr., e ons "i. Do youil ke itie price Of oreins,l? - I
an d i n t a l i lino lo g orin idli I eien retur olng hoof*, ttSt•Cbel iL . '
. .1 went to the op innera evening...lllm ••Tratna •ctitn
In bendoi 1 I kola door nil Pi . 'nn . Yly'fida: The Kl a i " * ' none_ ' and heitrd rho Ilarber of derlin-• la Barbera del
pay their teas ra a certain +mai for their time. sod then it s e anita," played. • I assu're you It was splendid: Thel
wor k pa; th e ir Halve,. Marketing or shoppidg there is; 0 ,,,,, e ,„, i,, e „,..). l ame „n,i, Noi n g !natters beeides tb
b o e i v e r. g nt; -paring 19.1in111011. ETtrphifig Sacred
Mt. One day i ll atrpped into a Ozer, Store f , ritz Aim. sod
the,natiSel tor partions; is very high.. The place I 6.l bg tlueil , ttl
I sat me : down sal wa tched lb ssoniars by
la a great fon' , for luialids. I. was eery much Pleated w h en -- pre.eotly in strt.oedri priest; tortoni Bona II
„With I ,treld a .•" 1 ,1 w °, ►
t t" far li e tn, B "" t t 7 n , PO r .,, ! ra t"' politely retched me bet h4rif 44 st the Lame tint* &skin I
""',l n e r n l i t , j e e ,'" i i I t e." o „ l , n i - 1,, e 1 e re i n 4 e „,,, d ene k ine
, 6 4 , 00 , 1 ' ' L
_me. fimericaual I replied, al: Stgonia- tithe be inked ti,
obether 1 spoke Italian. to which I Procriplitr teollied 10
oot kr { nee me .. e bodad Lit half sorer OIX al it. 1,.. did oat German II :i'nj i L aim! 'res. ran' * no 2,
,Everytt:ir w *PO Ire do and greets, so full 0 ;Ufa and ' he epatke 4)4'ml - au* by vans of my liti leianoir ledge oi
motion, ebile ell ft ycts' at hone thorny Owl loorterbare I that is rtguage. 1 befit a • p"Yeleatit h.lif-hour* emrahrsatlon
fallen, t s tly slotting bird, bad aid tn UMW. deubd i .., th - him 1 r e 7g,s, re 'mention rind inlour Iportigh I
times:/he s ii rims' Ann Nraind raid awl dialatot and i ''
_, ; hour Spezria to Nannette pawed tit* lii.ind of Sallie' .
tie I earth * wenPited Ile 3 113 " Y mallt4 "•'; Te l' B ''' 1 Chance and Cll•sa. Elia le the omit InteMotoi. It I I
day atJlert Pa' "ed'all 9 4 " 11 " 11 /*1• °lt the eieen _i t d'...eY we her ruler and mountainous. about 1,1, miles no
an -
bed a shop and arida trod told Pen. ellUldtc - Ine Old -
,fddp (0 hear and noll' like a ardoken man; th are
8 h .a n ' ed : end Contains 14 tabo inhabitants. t large minaL
of maga and it bite r gratitol iron.' loadetonotand line
dotted Ini th ugh l (be - hanernrila'S etrutrlit 1 / °ilk; uarries of marble are se unjant. r Ito I/01 tin French
tfie - berthl doc . In the morning we had pas the hurl 8
Ilan I , oemteelen er i i : la i i ik , , wee t.tiee to the 0 ,,
er part. of Ile Ida. and all, as they east a ion and ling. !?
liedspade. It now Ingenge I :; the Du 4 of•Tcorany.
ch. log } t usk ' bind. fell lirebrii-a long, reach to
, - Durinioin can nom ilaplecto Mele+llna e .riand Orb
glorious Nan re land. t-1 'r • r 1 • ' {stands of floari; omr otithetri behig the Videant) nttivil•
tint rah } lti day w,t , bad botrover, quite A Itne . _ . , of 111 be •-•__,
it the celebrated Itintionno of tba (Indite:tiepin 'lt
The true an in all HS left ulphar tnaguificen . ; I then , I. an sell e volcanta thing In a conktil Mew 'IMMO fiet
foe the are t to. really enjoyed the grandeur 'sublimity ; nigh. T h ermo are tweets' craters enacted i t earl. 'ottice
and ad"rsi or gond. Id Kra. :Tim should. ha, e .oto it.; .nu the east aide. It ti ne roil con re
e v e
it 1. ini k ni,cct Ie of great thought*, Ti n , wind was still fitrnmboll seems re be only vo it Nit never owl:
hies!'g furl , • ill; lho Wares were rolling ond tumbling t to burn and belch nut fin. We al 3 paned In the Ora t
gland y• pod the me d ic / * h i p tossing. and pitchltht,
„.,,,,,, ) of :diodes , thnsee ancient and funceillogi mytnolegi 1
and . ling fMu "Ida l,W nd• • ll " rn P' n°6 e l n " es " - "2 , . ' nitres ...Scylla" and • Cbarybdia." I I 1 ; i
r l .
as nr on,n and gmteolue attit det on .** I --." 'Now let us letire Italy for alwhil -pet • linwevir; witlt•
cry I min
u t o dy' ire s. The sky Washes-ever, clear and beau-.
out Wow wools about thl . , eon try Half. I 1,1 htla
ts IIY, nee, nth tiro egreptiou id Ng. and , a won) mi oldeent country„ at leer as fa a* oat ral Ornery ir
i .T.
of Crory olou a, Towards evening the win changed,'
e h or dtpeero pet, and; by the irombiced porter of wind, i gon g rued. The soil tenth , and be eon try Onallcorie
a rat variety of snot, ma- I nit t r ail lelEaropat ein
" d eleette w %revelled elethltright trete t1Y .... " . - -.. itr s greal abunda • nce; Otto 14'111 SO di; mangos; lemonti,
The *north day was/rood:yr and we ertinra* am'io** At om s, pourorrattateal. alottluds. raising., snor e fox,
Rite tb it • • in the nwan"" r ti "'`' had cintrrn• then '
a' eon* pears, aprient4 apples: fil is, beat4utir en.,
hoar dim* and a good smoke, after ehicb 'Bible. claw, 1:;' - ; -.*
a til i n ,L attl
h p e rtell o,r o 4 ei t tot..
and i the e illitlg. prayer meeting. On tier
. lifteecitti ; 71. •
, In ua r t u , n r " 4 "t o nl y n i n et e 4 ° : a l ue le nt nlne p , t e
day it pen vr mot, spoke. rod posed. the U. p.otorreep I *lord with game. W tut. 01. erfu re, fridte. elite,
"I l • l 4ang e "I' l b Y °et t IC lentre • en"h cone t hree three Int'. so ul ao forth, toe its *tart, Of ex antic) .' 1 I_,
o l io es, and bine , " to Diu r iltrinlan sufferent i n l a t'; • '" ' Hot we mo s t turelj. le
' be
hely now. Ily
6 ' l3 ii 10 11 i i Nth WO milieu aod cast anehot at Ibi .
letter is in
it way ef Lei ratapded } a nd r ' s e m i '
Iran of MIA eint,to mai *hip again. l'he .1 •fay, C1C1124
~,,, table, limloo the lath
'd Y of January, We ion Meal
crepped,Penk the deep ea vinee,.. t"I she r 'le.,lnd n e 1 .1± . ••••) na p a rt he toast of 8., ils. it having heroine our dutyito
far r e., , M 4elr4 Pr"ent a •• ' egel• ' reht e ' • " % • "' ye ' take thoio gar' lo the Chef Hot famine, hi Siert'. Ho
take a ; skit - of Funchal, tito mini of Idladetra. as; ~,e a le , „ no mane d th e ref Ind of Candi*. or 1 I.;•reto, the
well as Of et placeii, and shall bring theMl house vith' 1 3 kil l" : pi a aela the intent uPitea. or inenolog4/ Ira
ti " 6 e (l '' the rood de ' Y la t at% :17 nr our e° ' el " te .1 (Minn. On the 211 b II et art red at; Delon, nobs. it
wain i s mate , d ied , eel was b ur le d tbe A i r 11°win g: on ''
i And now Iwtil . take , ?i? On O diffelord , t Ortlini •
ll 40
'the I sland. I •i 1 I ' ' _
Friends, It Is awful, terrible, to diet away from ham . o i levant and far more listemel Ogjourney. Ajobrney that
' some of us lids-tent no board onli• good old . hip. that
from I frien • , than l'Ored • mos.l No kind Meet to rose 0 ,,, h0e .... ea eh ,. nindo Ro d m . o.
, A , le . rudy , thepub
upon,dcfrin the last ummenEsti DO PAM* , i t i "d l r ha "' ' nune of the ctlylitmL . 'II • I :. S _'
to niece the lofty tyre, to smooth the corrugated bron,
r a s teogbta•„vo ley., atitlenifigiltutur .Hut how mob ; ' ,
, e L j• -., 1 I 1 ,
nIV sad an terrible! is tb , t death-bed or ' drat h.bann ; • r ; 1 , 1 • Februaril2tri.„ ISM.
'Dock, no in tter where It May be. at borer, at'aee, or ; 1 was lot pled the ether day. 1 here already boin
abroad, whe e the presence mid potter ard 'Faring oricat i all thmtigh ibis city, to Pottipey's Pillar and Chtopal nee
of J sin is ot fett ' Derr fl - tends , stood tip for Jinut , N's-die . nod nto the country. There IS. a ' , ietiar. tag tliier I
'tit ei j no tot tor etuarelstoe straggle of the inevitable i Atom at the Ohio *moose" mutt hasten on to order to
Deal mph le a Thorough allll3 wasaft mi the guinea, rbe in tinsel@ it. -, -.1 . ' !.,.
*sli t . -all I ands" were piped to , ...Bury tbr Dead"; an 1 On ,tho dills of Januseye quite a largo. patty of toil.
alien log fil *TM **linty welt Prenehedi • Ifni coffin low.: "sonest °fakers and moo froto our ship. started from triii. j
eyed Coto • 1. relied sibuto • and buried i r the Malt ; rut with th' i liatent lon of noskin; a j ;unity t b rough the I
mat ir of t e *veined; ther baud wain bill. playing , Holy land s far as Jernsnleat and lta vicinity: Her
des Infra , Pl. , lit • 2 i . l' . party wits a unique look lug ono the foul garrotte ofyhe
T tweed the carter of a Xtegb.darlog,ko4naturrol, , party ' was ankelently Innind.stila and terrible to inspire
-bon ' ,,bra homing itsan-of-trar'seenan lived and ililr . bonne of TM*. aid Arabewith art overwhellni nig sans* ,
di ;!wh at inert, cad be
u l t ill of blur t' 111, &tate 064 of fear and dread. The ontterif were wed..l proilded with I
':do ' not t e least effect lu h 'biennium. , .
1., ' I OwOrd,* and! revolvers; the mem, with-plants) ridding .
• Madeira la a fine island'. lift four miles long and , ceibteare. biltle-nscivand the obr prevent 'loath kink. .
twenty mil broad.; It **went direneereit by the r. . At 11000 wonft our ablir shd went no ,boa rd it Ittronian
tognere It 119. belie; at tip time uninhabited increter• , steamer to pin sit far is Otillfil bi , water, frolwilibenel we
tired with singleton tom?, Winn wnlch l rtreutostartea' took an ore land mots. 'DAY the following' oarrotlng
it derive d tits datne.-11 eiri signifying , - 11nober." we ratneln tenor Vomit Cannel.. Wilanded at Califir.
Priors lle ry .stabliihed - 1 - cranny ot it tin I 114 lowing) at eke foot ref the mountain; Carmen:dog Mocint Cainwl 1
year and entailed it sithllviin fru* CyPruS, ana the se, I Hie lti 18 ChaPler It i , Elofti• 2 alleter 1 1 "sialltri
sag*? eine from ?Idly. !hilted It WWI fflatnthddried to Chapter : .1 reeilah, 40 Che ter.ete. 1 , 1
lb , Mkt hat etterwer9rlTMulitil kallitt'llatelett Pos . ' The sort foiled beastly essr,lthe heath ` end tberetWaS•
session of t. to whom It still balonsiti- The searching , ; 0011.1darablet excitement 04 well ita amusement its etNet
. heat of e n men and the eolk and ehilly,blasts of winker , big a Landing. The besebr i ess full of 'tong nat I lel iit, ,
I are hoe unknown., tirseorthos, beautiful dowers nod; :all Manneritif &stelae. - elfe rreluded i n remain there i
luseloar Milt abound throthout tbe yerti .'..The Ceder • until, next , moroingg Isineren t irt the party reminned, i
and dragoritree art native le, and are, mod in great onnestrofillogabout town„01 playing billiarda. of here
1 ntandirts Thorax biota linglish and A dean mewl Walking g - aloud the bliteb.old /his Tinting. Hartnett Os
I boom. ROW odd in the wfian. The hedges are formed,, eare,lwber4 the proitatailllord, and the waren*, now
of the troy rtie, honeysiarklo rose, jaentine• larkspur; agar, bullion the top - of t ookrienti I I I 11. -
it Ia § iiiii Ii ti I*wine' , 'ltrig Str NasneWA. , '•tterue 'am
ain/a, rn oc are peu y ere. - s eat morning we ale ,
is bold in; bitch eltilleatiolfriell you sus • itWanh. Pork is mounted au bones, Womb maw and lawn no males' t ,
tn. uina r ninn a d articleo.f diet, cad couorepeatiy; b ,ht,n), DI X bagotox atm onottelorlit Wittig earrled by camelsi (I
'theta guitar aldermitnie poltportiotat; Indeed a landlord no deal for to resiorion *hat 1 rode aslant ill the w y.)
'bolted meow, 01 ids, wltat In inseam; Latinos exerded The, scene was rn ightft d totA i ye Ir i re l l i i4l,,atlngL aetiddne iebt;
et;:,V b t l tr 1 rt.
a r Ail
To to o tr. l e litet P l, et i ' ed it' a a f" r u o l l ;= • a r ttgal l° l , n 1 ( :ifo rt 7tc ,:"1: ge s ;I ant. 41 . '
iv ' - 'l' ,.. ..n and *toped
en of
st ottr opet o s ern ,A" tan y ti ory tifu n t o ltl w rel w ea v ol o btera i ,
vul ble
it tor itio nln: t. no
at o din,. on 0 bea ro o t tn a o a l roZi e li w y o ln o rt a i ri d ,
, T ,: hg etra A::wi ws: 1
pl 11 4 u old castle on Lao Itoct i three other finitik end , flag ' Watt piants and ender, Its colors we Pertook,of a
per batteries protect fhb city . , 1 ' -; I I ; goat. substontal mestll delokine the ides of. Elation,
1144°00* Th e 1 ' 64 ", 1 3 built or traeltnne pr ['rick , mow a tarty emu lain latter Id 4 on Morel On- 1
and tty the bee toodorowith wieddwik i the not has- der storm trebled ; matt maguittend plain restore i
tug anew/ rII Ist tles work tfie wilinhowit.' Then tinier I . low_; We pissed gull Wennr-v. of ear* tanssand stay I
plan* oPeurionte and interest in the, eity, one bed ' a 1. - horsemen.; and, to pa 44 flying needs. and mon ted ,
4 .i
conic, chamber is the Footway gotiveit. Whose le Arabs. ;We tow g "B°4 sheen end i nerl cattle 4 Ilk
and combo are; ecrierOt With ekulle insd bows. said to wow innuitmerabie etrcence,dnotteg Wes lb"
tae reille* of the holy look who 064 len ;the island in m motaine: ;Wet alito Wed, ttleaUtib itererel Aratr_ rit•
thirst pod. noontide" cheat Mean inhabitants.. The limo, *bleb appeared torn !Poi ala oath/dine Whew
people. as a nation, areinfiutiont ii,nd Initiations. Plays, ; biro built nf owl nod stones titan h man babltatns.
clirrll festivals. Masrueradcenult Aw?. tomer. el,' I' Night rams on us before Ittihad ascended the mon rain,
are, t h e aosusetoraite and.daritsione of t am sent' ,at the foot of Hu Olio side cut wide!' lay Natrona I Ito
to labor. I snore* l ?liked ..tnar who env, a onto ; we'croned the enculdtaltirean4 so awfull y craggy ;maid
ereortutt I went tont* tipere ilisliigueipt T / - porelpitone melt i1100,.- mad entered Haseretb by (Irak.
barley Sid four huoilred,rele'S4o eta ) for a ticket. ITIt• ,
•'Wo bearditiolkals. foxes,. end other 'Wild beasts around
ploy 'opened to be eery Intorrating: It looked 10/0 1 toll , nap and stows HO* menisci 3' o had Itnitthe " i t ht 'll •
° ll4 ,
The ladles were lately and beautiful. 444 lIMISNI4 tol.ene The *drape"
,guat4 w thi the guide, Weirelholiod i ltibool
denstend 'diming:al, ballet° sail the Polcirja rot:We.' Indy Med wilt, -le on,*-wi'leh inepirettne wit , noar
T° 4 Pala. full 0 debit' guessed teem ant /Os took' , courage. aid we preseed va and at-bud malted stn Coil.
lug' inells. One fxtore, karate* to me, weer, that! *Mr vent in Nazareth. miters we were to lodes Whits Irl i tOwsl.l
Indies crimpled the galiwheell by ttuosgtelek: mbar!** • Tile caninuiano !iir titled wit arm after riding liday
gentleelleu occopind thirdriew envie add gjt„alitto. heal .en wall. *cowl) , f fl;froogh alnatino PQM io‘4oo` , a's
dal 1 Un i da Ide itla bllla and 'W 0110411 4 •I ' ailtiojed MY. and lannedistely ' gr ;sun*, we tuned in.".l , lZ a ct
s.ll royally. Everytainewas +hoop, ant I Wild 'gamin tannins a hods ItoPrlt tit b°o4o4(ii cwt ' . tired"
twoliey..• The landlord of the bon, Where I' snipped' " woad not : be obninntin dhow le start that dayort •re
roll. talk a litho kultliabr a. I isocalges . fielbi walL 44'104114 Nazareth. 11 have bot lien high.* pint, very
Willeopts aro saki:larm : they nes notbio bat studs and I hasty destelptlan "icor! °lnge there ad wain,. 4 went
taiii x ...irao ruederee drain by nun, earl yet Hwy Inver Ito the ease *bow be •of .1 11Ved,0***Whiall
bare mortar ire. "rhatl le the etanue X::
u nt il tO the ! tenon ,hallta beautiful arch, to one4orate thoepot.
theatre. V • L'''' '.. ) r • I I brought - entae.tditall Owes of rock aay lib G&W Ctben
°WI/ 011 WW I Italknalleil•Wdennt Omni 1 1' wont to the ensidida Shoo, Ida was, woatin. draw
tifid and enfant antacid ilotirtit hinii lbw erniato , tail enntlentelly dm* we , and tarry if now*
lild 117
414 "" ° " 4C -'6ll?"thitelintlirille trI IN - JIIIII" ' LiblibW41.41"*1111 ' 41 7 11i ail4711"11 1 7 imielshedll64ll.4r.bYAll?"lckglwawatigleatilbililetellisfP ili tr i lld li "' earl " ""ii r ao ne t in lit ti r it erFte l : l ia ll.
1 , IWO. la el& Ibidirlvisialei after t t ..11101 bialltlist Mall
la Sr mask Ila ralval *edam! hoe: out I, dietioned end tha leattwil rabbi* ,to Ilia where.
.: 61.1"6 , Irb. . gars °ll :l= lßbeo : Rut "' / I II p m ` 44 14:14-' staler , and 7TH:1 .6... w 0g s
ta ll ::aslng , *4 . 2: tb.
1 ,. ageintboanditt the took of GI far pet- * h alit fo heral gob" to Baits Wesel& „at Z l l.
, weinollaitalatettegai t loth* at , • La d d • -;,,,, infiantgjd
_ .1 ,...: 4 a a reln e , i lo oi,
„ GI
. washes ii elist u rte 0 shat ce ,1 1 4
law ; . altalL a. lre 4 4" a ta-rnairsaT' Ti to .7i c -r. „, b ,...
,01111 Mk We Aw ili rithoettek ,al, ep ll = l4 : Xertyl it - firit I copra.
tbe,Witter. Into wino. 10'4 the ' , well
we nn, the tart ea of 1 !'where 110 water "unit °Mitt: Igoe Ineweelpeed the
tb h ater 4 °d IPl i d 4 S lad h O*Woldillorlit - ',- hedseltt Melt thf 'earth rsOwitasy Wed Titraid i ,
1 ;.•A .; • I ...., .. i . ••;., . 1 :i ,• 1 , I 1 , .
- I
_. i
~ x -
aC 14 0:. • ' •.. • ,:::: • •
. .. ~..;j! . ... " - a
0 bin nit., ,_. • t. •-•
hillerikeimi iiikeit!iini:
and drew yen Mena '•.
needier* and **Carer.' , .
Yatid 0 11 tetre ,
twatirteleiatetrel .
Not it nymph Dhn hied, i " • '',
• Nadia that nee dnined-, rem:.'; - -:
Widebis. ,yliertti ens twee; --.- :' -,
- . Breateoui: liraSlimier' tess — iettler, '..
Yale' site v 44 4i eta lo4ri ii•ii.t, w , !•
With her lbeltioy . daeatatiegt i •
flat dire sold beirliel luent, -, ,- • -
All der 06 nof Lpereleenetialidud.: - '
Br ..het ll' e:. htio Ef i be's twig." ~
-, Thwettiteil ate o c1ea0.., , .. '.
Aldlai feltbi orJoee.,t bete none: : ,
i Thus tA` I ; petieuti Slues at Ileseetit
that league . ot' thin%
r ie ail osteteier. . , ...,
1111 -
, Nontal 164 ' .
Zetteg's eyes. •
Fled az 1. 7
• -• •
0, IrbiC yerpt
• 0 *hat
Orbs of Uitit. • . 1 I
Banned t s r
' •
i - wor
his 1444r : strayed,
,tiStheis eallng; I
1 ' . I. •
lartplOß, nigh, , •
r the iggpending inest4
• gnaktil reply,
Havitis . fmtil
,Lovied Zit
To hlm
• - Blaey* leurdiatil loop rspeidlog., : 1 / 4 ,
1 1 ,
'Whims . thiiriMitat 'iloWnd? • • -, ,- I
- Ott be pa to dire:l:f t , . ; ,I,- i ,
n i
As sold the Ivan* ton " ; ; i
• Breathitt mistier " titan* 1, .- ~ 1
Tblirenrent ,her ' retreat; • -,,.. .. I"
'' :There noli km tiosi cci,ncealing: -i• • ;
Ilitii 'with ar a ape I to-itreal, •
intsblibe ea. form revealing. •; 1
1 1 ., . • , t,.
Sint led-by ,t, e stranger bee, - '. •; n , 1
;" Ansititrim not !Ow iiiarons gliateess„.„ • - • [
Baittwercilie tisim bee timbriee , 1•; . 1.
! .5 -SbnelkSl:thrs Biwa; lier•srarm advisors&
.i ; • -,, .'-i••. !. li 4 ' • :. " •
Vainly,sh pnrinee }oath. . .1. ,
i 3jore her lips.'huli words ttienr smuttier ;
ni, put on bail nUr natl. - • ' " ; l
;• ' hastil y b s not in another.; i ; •.; i
. ,
Stornidf, w lb for B
ane her oyes; -,
Wildly at m I air bfr trainee. 1 . ;
' 41; ilia ' ul, *Nisi elEii` Cie& ' •'", ; ; ;
'- Tritba ks and Mae itteessetP - i '.• i
•,; ;; ~. ; • •:.
liiMsaid d i yield rintrellet; ii ' -- ~
~ Thou ght; reb bone Ilia thenne,resamtne,
Brings hrs . gk to Itiie and grief, ;'-.
Oriel at! lowebierirame consuming:, '.;
i ne,,, ditylby day, n. ; - ' ; • I
r In Mainsail srattinir;;
me and'tsden easy, • • 1 .1 .
assure but rylintillir4;, .
.b. i4hi iti*ltdiL, ..i,
n abe br.liss the ustiontalts, : n.
I soeuelearena still,
by ilia erystailminteiti. f- • '
WI to In reply. • ' ; 1
i earthly eye wily vlitslier.
snit Wise un high, . j 1 I
yisslu—Sie to her sr osier. •
.11-.•. ; ; I
Like ei st
• I Wipe
• :
Tet Ocr: .
Yet 'On
And iv ell
lbougti ,
Prom bet
t. 41 02e1
--- 1 .- •"7- 7 :1 - . : 7:7lT.Fif
~GL ~i~ll
L ~~i.ll
t '
1 1114 0 14 ...t. v.ark 46 11.1 40 4611-1474' k ani tie • .
4 ..i 1)1 4. 0 0 la. lb . 4 "o l6 :: t i riklb s,7P C9 i nt C"Olka
ii,.l44lloftia MAW , - • • ' •
- 1
I •r ••
'Ore iblieilptlas cutkulactariiii, bt,41.4 sad to'oboweist. limbs 1::
1 . ..f •••
sod lbspisea. wbeee Ayes ieree-eteat itt:***Ostill
prat~ Rest ela~ it hittfiettoett*hd ere
inkbaskyl iraltteel beer httleettadt*emeh.villiet4lll4llo4ki '
We". plaetk.'elette",; 'ltem lend iiet.eire4 to '
pow.. Ibirniglind 5:745140 *lima fattbitssmoa , t+l-1
Au. bin or soma age p with lbrir looking' obey. '
"Vs, aelt.4o %Sfqp and *i 4 “Stror b•••1" 4 1L:
,414. otehts,megit- ear Ath "site_ .01* Ott,"
Streineii itipotiat4o:l•o- tin Ostia= t h e 14*
iirobilt fn.h 4 . l4ooo l l 44 4 ,familiff Owthit•ito, l ). l l o oE - f,;-.l'
pi 4 ••r4 stap;*•,,n•arl)iloP: lomat Ala dayg i r44 . ..
Ito dismal'. a nit3o the Ao4astaor Ala
i lant ,4 10. 044. joos. libiaill r .44appoarod4rosa. tit* '
.Ott the 4 t4'SebeiterVieetair l lo 6 taaptt4 ',l- 1 •
1 ; to *Owlet& Cellts to Weer - *.A .
wt•lis , ol J., , ireer - 4• ll 4iiit , •iido opt., was liviiirpc;. •
L.htbee I Wepaine4 pita ththustahe valtutry whets
11•64••••iere• meet mit abbot stylist.%
.z Oar ria,p,too exeekttetly. pteesaiat one..
*r aw het e tps ttp.••••1•••itl • top alltemit Oetetbeli
aid sulleelit is these. moolOisecimbeft- 050 r, , ,. •
thltt'ilvtuaelelY - !O 4 10 w y n t taardg—
tiersititio.,; liV• *ft 1147.444*.tbi moraleitt . • '
the:M.4W mho th aftd soon sflep mot
eherisal are! how tiiiit3ten.
• So ioukb Se' fhb 1016-. I4p tio; siaPoo•it I aqiik.,ol4
Jet tMe#ttneraiktb" put er.ediht eteiltred Jelneett
biey. We•t;', but Irmut4. 3 thsareei ?Cut 1100..1 , eiti, pie*.
thole' rota itypi seC S aki leti to halt..,
..t rso,"
shct °lli plaree:-.14. -.4 1 ,1 ; . '" ".•i s• •• 11 '" ' ;
*4 , ' asi
I lAtifirtlikall9 •
• .
.-,: • :.' .k - 111.le .F.734X.tALL-.13T0RK, - ) , ,`• , • •
- . ..linit.ritttg.t.rtit i i. art.U1,611i,1841...dfr5in44;..
.i'ditriri;! -- X Olt 4 ser.itt itaiiiiini in the
i ed
ilittohtrog Si:. cli p . - - tirtfeht,.. 1 relating!„
-this: 7 -z.
wonderful, - .40W . jef thii, 4ast•4loll4l* . !Mat*;•.',.
clans:; : : If .ton . IN grit4itne a # l a.nit• 514,0 / 0. ; . .
ge rti.
yeiiit - pohio f.!,:t I . ilLteltiti4;el-Yebatl con s ider, : .' ' I
a; Meelfitrai feat - --it'"lfetit'sd etirinKiiiid
so - - - coripletelyijrnenterfbitiOt reality ilnit'it; , -'• I
*4 - 5 cliffiFult:otAr tci.lieliibreiWtohe.accie - p,;.,,;
itiii,.... The,triektif,toret#l4!iio*asireformed ; l
ten y ears before 1.4i - sv it. by the 005 toen.—
• X watt test!ideht M'lliedlinieln.Pari.S; ; lii,iB.sB-9;':l
gl(tln company w ith nther.'Aiitetirinairlited." ; '1
b ~ :the.: hueitifutoi. , ..nienOtOnoitatie
Vatirtierr . !./htim o ,- - 1 frequeelli 'roamed through -•
l he, iiew:Cit4„ O tie Weir; banjeef , the .Seine ; . -
; Coil : Ott - S . l, ' id ' 'Oki:SS; iitodeeir ;and' -. al tigieg
re*.bliiiiarisi 0 fbeittictitei*ere all ilslied - -.!
by us. •• One eicellilig,ac. .ottly• 0 eAk.:s:party.
W : tisivernitiollinit hrOngbiltegatifltiellelitni,- . 7 I .
1.1 it' it' is - i ' B - 1 . id' tie '
sin .w en. ea toil* : • on ern .si Ir. , • .. i
iwiii drownite a tlamin - glpenter of 2 art,'Easterri 11
ji.igglety she itaii,,Perfuneing at com e hall ':94 ~ . -1 i
th_egoulisvxiii deTetntille;:Atiliong the ' "
ilreq tiriniderful; 'shit mats reuld'i.etit off this -_, '
jibead 'el a litddgirtan,- ikka.:- , 44y,..alq:',ojioiiar i-r.:l
jjAurpnSehrint hi the trick.l, -..lleingcensiderably!.ii
Itieteettitiedjci manipulating with the ktifeiliV.: l- '
1 the.dead,..and . being thoroughly ',hardline& to,-1!
;:all sights of 1 °roar, ere determined to go sink i!.
see this*eaddrfuil,neeretriancer;. - At the h0ur . ,1,, .
ali.yOuted;'•w i tireriiiired to theihnli, and obtained t,.
a --seet-j near: , Ih4q stage: 'After
.petferetlrreal .•
IwcindettbUtriake,ithe-Migician - .lnitneAktiwartl• .1
aced ..,tiatici,ute,'ett, lis. bili tent for the ' evening, !,.:;.
the itettittEdeearlitatio& of .',lt living.- ete& 111.11 .
4tatently-,TO prevent fuelitigsef horror eniong-
,i 1
the j ladies,lhe nejtured'theandietice; items wt.
trick efitegelideinitiii ' ! th ere:slight 'or hatill" =l,.
Ithitt -be - did not ; •ii rea list,.ol . ..the Man* heal - -!i •
jciff: • Witli.lthily! l .expliittati - n ~he ' invited :an ;, {
lone ,i& the ' audience;i
d • irons : - of, .eapititl.
!Pnriishinent, - to Sleji,fetwit -
,ixltniiiising *Peed,' J -
' satititentM. -.,'. Iq .i : i - -,--‘i --.
'. ±-, - r ..'. . . i ,
'' ', FOr Annie - iniMilenta:tin one, apitea're . d ltriti..
,1 - -
Ions: - forltlie honor. i" At ilength; a s h adier, a
.private in
the - i nfat t ry,
stepped forSard.amtl ..i
aknifiad his r e htliceee tbe deCapitated. 1 :
"There could hate been, •it 7 vis , plai4 , n o cOn.
nivente betWeeti the melt , l':
No 'man I dare es- 1,
f alone the.onirtial - hearing *tf,: France; withoi t,. ~
• authority..; Directing- - the;man to 'diitest him-i'- ,
Self of ;his eoitii . tind.l-neek..tie,.or.iti*k4b.,:l - -
tiiiigieittil brought out his iitstrionenticf'dosith.!l' .
• ,
Xi: was 'it - enormous knife; reitembling iti . pon. , .'• ,
drotis Cleaer. Hilts
~- east' it doWn- to show, its
.ht, and- - it -I left -4 . l4itfp,* . : jti . i . eretts ~, in ' ,thili'!-
-boards; Ther+ias n&deti.ptionln the.weiglk:
ot, the :knife. He made theman lie detriii - .
and placitig the:soldier'S neck
,fair in - a tili;ock, i,
,rongletan.fised ili 'long . ,handle to his..ettriv;c •
melts kilifcandlpriiCeeded veryleisiirely, ant
_, i
with lieitry,*elt i directed 'Strokes ? tet.Chop the
maii'a heitil'off.l
.;' Ddring this, he merely low
,:e . red. - Oe foOt lights ; : without obscuring:: the '
vielor-at - nll. :' Cries _ot i horror and - ainizettient.
burst - - ; from '11A.,..,.. terrer-sirickee -audience,- as --''
With ex'terr tleseendlitg blow of the:hugn:Clea , , .
~; the . 140 sParted -ailey . .- The i inart - ,trho, •
• Wail . ultder l zo.ittii 114.. operation simply . qui i-..', '
ered through Intl !oilier liMhS; -:, Soo& the ;die-'
~rrieiniklie(Y.6esto i, ru4d on the floory the - blood. '
issued i• by Sets flout ! the . ' lit' arteries, .and the
..jaws. 'drOpoed, l lWhile - ill ' , :eyea • turned .. Uri iii: ,:
deatli:; . . - .lt..Wisi* horrible - sight. -- The,- irtSpii ...!
'tidal then! took' tile bleeding head tiy . thit r :hai4,
a rid,, net more • ban - -thre e- feeti iW*.i - 1
Ifore our intrty,`.• It !Seen) , ..loine Si'dec!adtil •'.
realitY. :.. - I idenist 'ex pet., 0: t o‘., see -' a ' Oeititi -
• .gets d'artielei d a St.
ii mind tri
the ..;.44 • '
Suddenly,- but
_'only' nlinstant,i the -,r' oitt -- !
:was . darkened'', 'I& a' eend , ' &Ili traS light
'.ag-,airi..'] And. l i. rap.siii - ill
. .,,,:magician; busy at -•
work; cOoptatieg - the •1 a d 'to- the bleeding :-..
triink.,...._Piligently . he , -, Orked, mid - for S nie -;
moments; 'apparently: torin . - piiiiinse. 1`.. - A I 'at r .
Dixie; however, to Slapped-the dead soldier .:
i'isartly-ey 'the ibitelstiminediately the ! +it- -
'arose ;•feiranaloitalti:areond hiS neck-;=1 * 10 1 l , .
foidiehly.aVounkriOtieeroled amidst ilis:
Suilience‘ - -Thii iS avert - able 'affafit, attit't rye!
are liiing within three hundred _miles o f bil..'T
ntlelidkia, theiiiwbolearti.tetteh fer . itidru ti . : -.-
• -' , 4, t, -:-. Veri'respeethilly, !--; ', ' Srungtiz L '
: ' ' - -.
,liront iie.*nei) - (Tee4.) - do .', .! '
EFFECTS I OF: ' ECESSION: '-i • • - .
.; -'•]: :- - 1.,3;-.: !l e t . Molin a, ,.- ~.
Letter fro m .7ndrh :: 1: so u th` to
i• ." '• ': - iii - Friend i' Teiaa. ; ',,
.The foll
, .1 ---,-
iireitii'lett l et. anti; :Judie itnliert, 1
Lynn, -•
of"Alitier 141e-.opoir.(iniestq'ttuutis Caiuline;Sisseha t '
Inr,itsetr: ~--: , 1.-4
.. , 1 I. •::
~ . . -.. ,
, .. .. . , : t,,111,,; Therstl4.l:lnn..2. , - ;181.I. ,
; 11
: -. bistl, ~, i ii :.....,:r de ire yo u; to procure for , 0. end .1
:-. send: by oiali, lb 'Tr iiie tortitinan; - , , ,Siit 'wont tirliti,
I: felt perfeetty.iiitiiititito ;,roinoih. itir.B , ,t n ub too, -'
f litifi, lint ' ea* retiodn beri.:nrrloeterci•Ai.sho
.election of Lui,toin we alt!laitthat etoutsiureslita -- ,
In Abb. limy. i',3.laitti. aiyash atinairst the'. fortis! -.,
mist, ant a as, yat thatatasi,ned t&reeist .hint.i to- the
bitter end,. - I:bad.'Winilgivirigs, as first of the .
i&o : et separate ier!eesion hut; thOnsitt.- it *M
. 'i
'be but for a itintt. - dine;. s 4 ...10 - ' , ,quall'intlS - "Xi 1
tit ko 1, metier ; tegettitir.• tit h:, thentiOads' td, - other
tii i
ct l roliiitans, wa osiri,lbcsi . istitksii-Ererictoli,a , "I
is, in' toirwerirstomitinotii -...,,,-- itirbatele lied . 1.1% '1
- Long Csnoi lair whiff I ei. Id Iwo. sears $3O *I, -,.,.}
per ntre,,l Aso* (anent air, St any price . , Ali Oar,
..roues. men, ntiSrly'lliO in 'Snd -ernolid: Cbardestun,;
Thither we la ire. seat. tneoil bitndrida'ar our _ a . :,-.';
gr i d(f. hare !pint erientr)l , V3 linrii, _braes - *ritil.'-- 1 .
vertabort - latt year',iet,d , itr4ors nowL,'oeera that,
tiotting will be planted this .eninier, season. - Atli 1
are called to! the .til l ibisk pitch; aid not e thootht .:.;
of - OH; liou're lip ti,l(p..n,:i. Ts - sensate ski:tinning ".,
1 hi e li,, a ' n :d there;- alibi a rid i 1 I than ..theilitotrereatfra -../.
, Airdeie. -..-,,Wal . b:irai IS* money,;
.forced : lei ,rte
levied'. upon.; avers itean •. . I have.. furnished k t i e :.
lasi surplus 1101st:thawed '.I . bad ihclit . $27,0;10 ' , ,
in hint. - At ark leave a shock for ten jbossiel4,....
, sti o nt t elhoiiiand4 i'ittsoltktr - reteloioder.:.. .. It if• 1
j inowii,•tinistratonq so ere i tpetidtigt2,s:ooll4 pr. ,:
day,ind•PP-Oe.'sleet.ot getting 01, 040"0" thOFfie" !-
. It .olii. uir.fult ondrisisnaine;ohek_sro went :out i .
of tlia;_l.Tain*th,tt we weeld..tieve a eel; Govern'-: , ,
went 01 Sit'llot S Aihein !Stites: ''Oui.....hPetr, lei;,
to Ittini.i'heet's - 'eftitikeir.ii.: - eitti.itie authorities 111
: !ilfeehingtoo,l iritii.h. all; thought 40914 mike. ell ' ' . 2
joini us: .i...llltll)ongtif we fume eettOit, , seeh. it :osnl:;.'
liricitt in sleety troy;itrei.,haftt bat Nei\ sit _it siihti,
end the; pinipeet.isLi.erirlititteeit., .. :•-„, • •-, j
.. - I wane the at ac„ i order 1 1 ^ 14 4. : . front it:
0 -ii
,: i mitirtit I l'esnit!niii . Snit rite.: ': II -.lona c te raittt.'
entikts'Paintip)ttly,*it 'titbit raise .outs 'sa de, tee,. l ,
I slit helttr -M
iet. it 2 th,iniOnid • • save of stfiod 46,341.
My ',torso is neteaSingt aar yoAtie osaroniArW .
I cotilits* ! ' I iseetitie.-I,he Aeld-iboat ~sitt*.,.
- fire; bil.and ii,ile.:: ! t obeli teak,- no trophies
thin year. ,Asbagittorf IIY Itearniiiiii' rt'fuiAri*l
-.Jahn Bri. l ol ' qeil 40:Iiiiiilllililit,_44.nv 114,14 o
Apr:if.... - ..; si-01 lassir iny.lsod• heli ta..**:air ust la‘',-,
1 - pines : 'i:trben - Issii ell: . kat -to '.B friaraportaoliti ,, .
i arittiliet say's be itilt,issititlttai.alleilrielt TOO4O
' I.eannot.liver.tiste.l6o4.‘enest tat e'ereirwF-lliatty are;.
leering'tnowlvtit least boss ; ifs .
alteadyi and .bisto .long nao:shird..of,tko - soistitt.-.
Of'Soutlf - ,Criktine, toil be--in. ._inthit'iyretit,, - ,1 diatto : '
you to took l arintu .esil'Ailip isle itet,e - ,heiee,,'' As
. ire!, yoexa,k. Ai: .- ,•-' —' ~ Itliectri'Leoso - ' *
N'teri4l7;4.lil:' ' ' eivic;k .4.ettieiLiorii iii .
~reratityi,.. !bat etri. {hi It. tbi:l4endat . '4.'419017.'
; tainss o M; !Boor sure it 14itt bear:pa toi4ey..l
,tiiiie faith Yalta yoth 4 winos he spoke the - treett.,4
tiltsittyltar itany,.faulta: on I kepi! . be'isl4. pot di.
f at
!eel, 110— .1 .
.411 ti that'inntl4oo4Pi e :Yell, ittetigh4
1 ,
it, e - lalsrvi and sterolos! r d to Inigtkapos, i.esnt rhos
!talc bandits -ton nor: , lit baleverrettare: *steal kit
, sesi.betp:'thtld to. wi aims eitlftire;opern truth as;
sea ta s ;s - i t o siasisithing*depeid - essitbacc hi Soil*.
.tiotntmt,ttbito,f* "Pittosliiiityk!at, tbe_osOrs., Nied4 the
% wt 4 tes istiebnovano rushrisse.'::-..7.101 eee be ' to
and • .xi - in inoit'os - lbste erring PP4 . pt,ii , r ts4lllll.
It Isi4 •4( *, - Arise. - thdihatitmeeteir aka
t it
b,401r . ,_ is .taunt a 'good Invest* ctn..- ilr
Lao, eau :Pillonit OF . t}'.P! 40 aay to us;aa cannot see
iitoott i essikr - to - io -•-. extent that Wailes that
esetreittite, etilli,., Teeth la a •strettaea: totatak , .." •
wbett tresietradit;Latittlefsidttlei:biteta4 all snekl it- •
ttee. liel i t i t we elnehiste it,ttevieeilate ear: owe tete
11014;,.. .V.llifill,fri ili It iii.lni... - SomihNttr l o 4 .
1004; ill arribitiallet. - i.Witettlett_iretaortitut boa:-
itt ts - Islaa ` matt. It hi' Iteit.eatitecrer - see ion - t!er
r tr. r . m.-ineati , .0.- - ~ ‘• • ••, • • •-::: • -...- , r