The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 05, 1861, Image 4

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    4 „„,,,... _ F---- - ;;-• -
!.- f., ., L-.. _...=,...;1N1T.V.:'*- -'
Plet::%-riiilillio-Tork 04 no.
r i 10464 .1 114 el gi"-1Y4in404% : AS rss ,
,•_j in te l i nw i i 4 ‘ll4llt,b, *Yielf= 3 fogailY
--,-;.-,-ii*liieni,iiilii6t4p,V)Visiscie4 Where only
11161.24”141T*17 aniliiiiit'*tic.kli on. Wed
:Y.' - :11610104- Bat "64,:tireel dtal t4l
ii -, g0#,M414., SA his. bin tintin . out 011
~ al.*
1211 4'It* S . ! 'l' lii, eii if mirk 'pinions is
• , ' ogo,t - tat 'Lain Englisimeti gistrallylgswiin r
; ilia lie is isr tuYierini-tb' kister Sweay ;
ftliCian onit
iii - all *pew* tharia .than Ed )
i t
' b rawn Eke * *i* 0* '00 11132 '. 6 , 'IE 4 . 411 left' a •
Nittto's Girding -which looks considerable : '
Mule lOW. PfjOlin . 11 -,, POO& bet let •
_ I thairqs. i sot &Ora it? ti ti , Pit! took optmy; l4)l r:
- Illetlicieo& coilroelteed PerOCOD the evetiVf. P 4
bill; The vOijinee Wmt all ;fired large it the , [new
, bails • was • haof timplittiof '7le*, Tot* , T i o
Biripl _Opel glasses wai: leield lat me by . '
ine- d*Ftere,. but I didn't let on I lia° , 1
1, 7:$ 1 1 tito , I noticed it, : dici: ' O4 I did tolo out, !s«
- my; new : eliteen-doilar silver watch .k than
' disli it tottia'mori thantraii necessary.: But Tim
th*best of pi Tinsweraneeses aif a man has ~en'ol
fteWelt7 'let' him shoW it.' At I isms pen)Osin F T .,„,
4 the; bill a grave young man who sot near me; '.,'"'-..,-„,
, '' , 3 Azea ine , if. I'd ever seen Point , * dance tie :"
'''mince of OM Viiginny? +Me's iuiinence
t. ~
~, .
timit," sed the yo Weg man. , "Ilealso doe s ''. 81 !±: 0
•,0 ha Champion ye, the young-man months- Tre 4 .
wied, bet his, ..laiirrhing is:the Essence rii 'Biel
1 Old „lirirgiony." Set .I; oTaie youth, do Y0u.4„..,
- , htiow what r4 do! with yon if Irnt were. W/ gi u v
r , ,
sou vL il • , .., t , ' -
. ' t ,•• . ; . r ;- ~
;"NO" ',Cite. .' t s
, ' -
f uWaIl" Ira . u
4 ippint your funeral to;
[.. morrow arieittWon * the kw* , should be ready!
You'rwtoo sanart. to' five olCthis rmrtb." He
, didost try any mole of ' his capees o ttn me.-- .
Bistiittiothetipu*sylaiertunsis indtrdoonl, in a
'TO yes* a patent'. e',:ther boots, Old me his
name" was Bill Astor a aaed me to lend him
_ ap cents till early in the mirn'in. I told him I'd
L.; • probly send it round ttibim before he retired
_,- tot - his virttsais condh: but if I didn't he might
• look for it tient fall assonn asi tut my corn.
'The preheat's was now soo n .
With ill their .
Atight.a'at the peitbs *ii4t4 understan any;
1 thing ,_aboat itileynpplindid vellifrusely. —
1 Presently, Old Ed '.cutti out. The play was
: ' --`4otheiter, Cr Morel_cif .Yenis;"!_ "Otheller"
' 1 Iris writitiYWtp.!Shakspeex:. • The . scene is.
laid in Vent's. Othdler 'qr.& likely man a_
was a &nil in the 'Xenia* artay.LHe eloped
With Dadissony, a darer of the Hon. Mister
• , Brabant/0 'who ri.presented one of the back
, districks in ~ the yeneshim ,legi later. ' Old
i i i
'' , Brobanticy was as. Mad as thu nder at this a
, • tons round considerable, but finally cooled'
&W IN tellirt &healer, howseier; that' Dude. ,
' " Clingy had Coin it over her Per; a that be bad 1
- betterlook Out or she'd come it oireiltim like.
' - Wise. M.r. , , a ,MrS. Otheller . , gin along 'very
comfortable like for s, spell. She - is sweet-
-tempered and luvin—a nice; seosible fetnale,
- never goiti in fo'rhe female conventions, greets
- *tton umbrelleri and , pickled beats. Cad
•ifkr is a gootlpinvider , and thinks! all' the world
. Of his wife. She' his a lazy time of it, the
. . hired girl dain -all' the cookie aWashin. Des
' • ''-demon.Y: in fact,;'don't have•tolgit• the, niter'
, .
to wash her ownbinds with: Bute low cuss
. ..
Wanted goo, Who I bleove wants, to gin Oihsi:
ter out of his snug government birth, now
. • goes to work a upset; ~.he Weller family in:
the most outraju* stile. •• logo falls in with al
. - 'braneleas . youth - Warned Rodenigo a wins elf
•N - ii money iii poker. ~•(lago al'.ers played foul)
' le thus got metier enuff i4l), carry out-his
-• . liCaprineipled , skeeie. ' 'Mike ' adnio ' a Irish ,
• ;man, is selected as a: tool iiy,1290. '- Nike Waal
• ,i clever Mier a nificer in Oih eel army.- -, '
He liked his tooll*ttio well,,ho sever, a they
-. ;floored him, as they have many o her promisitt '
.' !young men. - logo irijuces MU. to drink with.
. Jam, logo slyly Ithrosrin bis 0 isky over his r
• shoulder. - Mike gits ,as drunk a biled.owl 1
' La allowa that he can lick i y •fill of the .
-• i lYeneshun fancy 'before b fist without!
!!sweititi a hair.. I lie !meets 'R rig° a pro
- •_,, coeds for to smash . biro.' • 1 feller named
. • 1! Montano 'undertakes to .. sla p damn, when
f: that infatooated, person rues., s ;sword bad'
1 ' him. That timetable' min, Li o; Preterits to,
; be, very serrytol see ;Nide 'amid ek hisself in
-' ' il this way; a undertakes to, am ' smoo th the thing'
' over to Otkelier',; &Am rushes in with a drawn'
-' , .I*Ward &wants - to know what 'd P r , .--
' i if . /ago ,eninsinglystells• his go y, a Ggerier
4. 41 1
g Italia Mike that he 'thinks ag . 'deal of , hint,
-;1' !but he cab't, train no more in is regiment.;
•:1 iDesderainig sympathises with poor Mike & in-!
- - ' !I Mercedes fur hint with Weller. lago makes,
hint bleeire she doeihis because. she. thinks'
, '!
i 'Mine of: Mike Oda she does of isself. • Oihe;•
i s
• "i• Ikr isvi.diers /ago'slyiti tiff a g to makin all
, • :••• • . Inocwence, of hisself ginrally: II worries poor' l
, 1 .petdemnay terrible ; by his.. vil insinuation*,
, .. -;;'and' finally 'smother* here deist with i piller.'
~ , ,` !! Mrs: /ago cum*in just as 'Othelier has finish
, _i; ed the•fuwl deed it gtves, him fits right a left,
. ri. -' T ihtiwin bum that be-has bin orflly' gulleff'fiy,
,'• .. i I her miserble cart of a hualatild ; logo t;ents .
.. 2 „ , , in, a his wife commences 1 k it him' down ;
, • , alsk when he itabi her. er jaws hint
071 1 1
\ - ' ; !I a spell a then Cuts a small hate in: his stunt
•\\. i;. Mich with his &word. - Rigo r O •to Deade-'.
1 ',„....• , ii. Mbny's deth bid a goes serf wi th'a sardonic'
~, '1 smile unto hie countenance. 1 O theller -tells
~... ; 1 the peple that be has dun'. the slate sum ser
,.. 1 - vice a they know it; ate* them to do as fair
• *
~gi a thing as they tittil for him under the Circuit
-1.:•-; istances, & kills with a'fis.l-knife, which
is the most sensible tbinibe.can,do. . This is
, .1b breef .akedulei•Of 'the sytmpsis of the play. ,
;t • 'Ef.twit2 Forrest is a grate - ac et'. I thin I
1. - ti saw, Otheiler. before me „all , the time he was
,11:_..actio, and when the curin fell I found. - rny .
.. t, f apectieles•Wat atUllMistetted wi h . salt Water,
which had runt front my eyes ~th ine poor Des
-I;s_ densangvras tklitx.;lßetay Jane el-Betsy Jane!
:let.'ae. pray that ou . domestic bliss may never
'L. , tv riga !
Sakes money
i five bundre
in. - I wish
ling 1-:- Yr
mil - tow nolux .• • •
in: .so you are at Sand--
iwisbliog fot:ider old - v.q.- 1
( r ift phty—tt a work to me,)- 1
:to little .puddon the Send,
gate. ! Dut aps • there '
;glue ae Sand ate, - which, in
'natty tells ns a b: Doit there
Mhi'somewh i
t h
which you
an nitible enough•—so like
they de toot 'maks WAIL`
ar scarcer: If you catch 111
* chiws, 'al d 'like' esperi. ,
lot him. up • n' a cupboard
or„ add,you wee" Ir4c a tteet.
1 with his id pers. ides
cd,jelly-fish_ on, the heseh•
4 t me, of sea Ive's feet, - and.
mermaids mi l t them, I ,isup• ..
water potedeisor salt amerce.-
14h also, but they did r dot
.re stinking ; % and so Made
;astelhitions: I supposeyou
.f Isel flowers,' but cralraes
-weed. ,The WO is, Mr. David Jones never
I', • - rises fronsbialiiik slid has a gsrded - fosll4of
'll'weed,s,. lillte- De:- !Atte' slasgard. I iltitve
~,10 . ---,..-i teara that 3 .6 , ',,.b at h0 u 11,he 'which itlvery
'\ li • reLoweliiug, hue it Mtuires, . , liw.i(yeod stay
ca ;,
.und(y Wateritoollode you.
,et,.eame ',, , I) , a
mr aid , voiiiehl IS only hi' ,a lady ...mtb a.
-. . fir '-" 'hi she' tan 'if she likes.
- 'hie ;.• 1r didl,lwhe•
' ; Ilhope
I' loss 1
.1, Sowe
d:curling, l
is; do not
p..' When'.
the. Witt
*Mt Tor w
er . ,016106
IstiM3.l4, 6.
1r- a* *iiivf
,rei;..iset»fiebd,duni ilittatiorto i . rai.i
• . 6114. _ flue :
: CI III .--j Y:8. 71:41i:L1 1 1-1 . '.1..., : t:1177 7 -i11641:114:Aa Alt i:BE.641‘.11"111:441511br D sill'''14: 1 16144F:7"8.1146 : 11112131"1::'bel:nr : "1.1411 : ....1 ; :l'
,' - ~ *. ' ;. At. Lena.
Ago ' `Vbetlud ilk ,WC nOWIPPOSIVIS sod
r 1
' initetittn pe~kara erattlet . , ntt enituntth wi th ,
L ' Warr st Art . JOUNSO N.
Nelms _ • ''.' I Act Oriengt.' , Ge
T .
_ . et, Musk. Southern
WWII , l'enutLe Cotbio. - I
isn't 'benefit ut is tipieite begt , re Atefat- '
tttinnstAttr prom-wag, so 'Sty • tunittat IloOeenese,
IVrotu MeV pat Oita I Walt !tali uttt De '
111r2P21 lot ipertianeut adrsettise4lne." -
- . . 1111/. 111: WLIIT, ~U 314
nous i - ' rerettlest eV Selene CoitegiCrmn.
• I • trii"ftld Ay all ‘ al T I NSNTr
IFXII invx czNrs - A ,' '
- _
• - die eirel
415111 MI anis Ak_rrt."
WWII "I eseesssid
• ker. " • •
lie. °Mara Iso tostorsom"
11.Wr. 1 111.
"Almost loirtanl
Ike& tabor at rothir
. 7 !,ontajii . iie'
1 , " A sbmpli aka -
RN%thy Ael
lugs 1-f
. ''Plerseeisi is :
wits , •..,_ ' 17, ,
0 1 lora proved{
tsi 03141114
• • . .
~ - ' amiipvir*.
Liveit ., Inv o rator, F
. .
-..,.- . Amy= ossri... , KOrzs.
ris ccipoondgt:ptireltrrou
• .647111[11, end has .hecosn ' se Witabllsbod ! fart: . a
lord Medicine; *lowa a4..appichet , by alt that,
_bays , geed It. and Is now meet to w!tik lionddcacs in
"ail the dfteaariqtr whleh It la erommeided , . .-
! , It hasi cured thonwindei " 1 thin the, list two seers
Übe bid urea *rill hopevl oil I relief,* therlinserose
'unsolicited uul theater. In! rm.. , !osl l ** ° sh ' w. • !
- ' The dam mast . be adapt [4! 10 thof teinpigespentir,
the. Individual • eating ft, Fr knit wed to such - quantLi
Moses to set million Owl 21 1.440ire11il ! ! ' ' ,
Let the dictal o c of voter { 'Judgement 'odds i g g..fik,
Abe woof the 2.lweilsie . me licsteslor, avid It erq
cure LlfteComplaiitts.Hl l al ions ! Attacks, ftyspspshi,
Chronle Diarrlw.e, gam !NN: owl Ombol,,lnts: Dyseri
: tevy; Dropsy. Sour -Btein = ichilabitinol Contfteeinut,
Cholie.o b ids rit . L'holera VIP NI Ohne, Cholera . Inhsto!
. tum.lllstulenee..lanudle.. 0 itvfta, la! Xesikneeses.. and
maw be used anceftwfolk , =Nit: an -brilinail falsity
'Medicine. It • will - ro ve iss !lick 11.41darhe. (its thou ,
minds esn.testlfy,) in 20 :,‘"! -nlroleit. It two or three
teaspoontethi 'an taluest'at „.. -1, tatiagirtientast of attack.
• sir All !bolus. it ner ailing their essilsecarr In
Ste Seem. , '- I ,_ -- 2 - 1
_i 1
_.j . -
~ se.• Mose hi w• ifouthisullithelorwigerater
F i ned smallog , hott togethe r : • H' i .; • • • - • i•
• ilirPillCele...4lsse Doi isi ,ptt. Bottle. - -.''
' • - --!-- 4 - • ' ' ! ' • ' • : I
Ilii t a - 1
.frpilf, lkure Veget, ,
i it(o,4 Cases, , ir-Tlfiht;
1 [PILis Isi-it gentle' bit i
i";prOprlsitor.bas used In his.
___Siderniind from those who
4 ind t hi satishirtionwblell
1C i (bolt *plias Induced me
14...ri5& nt NIL • 1
1 , ile" phut 41fferent Cathartics
1 X jib... Rowels. , . !, •
! I ` s lP,lll.4i iks, with den
' 4 " lit b' pte ra rieg iN rra i tte ". .. -
. P I lAver,;;Ps g rt of the al (Eg r et
qui i end,' sari In ..all • cases
.Minch ari derangements of
r.; i:nins lia the Back and
, V+ !Troyes,. over the whole
i r
ebbe, '
frespeatly, If
CO •ne.
..f Fever . Loin. of Appe.
L. -,ool4•over the body.
I , nitk In the Head, all
in!LlNlldren or . Adults,
,er of :the Illood,,lind tinny
• r, toottingermie to mention'
~ . . .
DI m iiiiMill
, Ic4ibrtkrugitißls generally,
Jade in all large towns... ._
e DairitOrd, M. D., .!
,r,208• 'llrowlsouy, N, -Ti. ,
I '
Il' "hi-UV:AT • F AYI.OR,
lode. 0 :, 1100 ft KS ; and in
. • [ftrt..l4.. 'NO 41-1 y . .
Ajable Extracts, and pit im
And will keep in any . climate;
" The FamilyCathartici
artiveCittiartic..which thel I
practice more than twenty
-The COO Mal ly luertesslop
hare long - used the Pills, '
all express , ' , in regard to.
tics place them within the
j The Profeasinti well know
let on different Portions of
reference, to this well estate:
pounded froM a earl. ty of
I tracts, which art alike 'or,
Lary' canal. and , are GOOD
where a Cathartic IA needed:'
t to mac h. Sleepiness.
IsdosCostivencsa. Pain and
hr dv. from • sudden colds.
sleeted. end in along ern cer:l
rite, si Creeping Sensatinoti
Restlessoeme. linidsche. or]
Infismsnatory-DiSeases. %Tor
Rheuniatimn, a great l'uribi
diseases to which flesh is he
n this advertisement. Dori
• • - .
.1_ '•,„,•rbi zrrER 74vr1c6 .
!TIIARTIC pitz,s are retif , '
lend 29141'wholesare by t he.
S.. 'Pi • '
Man afiscrurer awl, Proptirt
• *Jr R. - thaira 'Patsy
limaqua by E: 3. FRY.
lifeLle . :
. 0
' TIC l ir
I'. j.,:::.;; ; . I i • Irt
ik , • ? a ;.•_
.. , i li k • . i ,
. . ii, stirs treTlvt ...-• •• . :
I t o
:TONIC,. 1 lURETIC-i-c ,-i .
~ „. .. .
: , .
To the Citizens of Ile* Jersey* Pennsylvstda!
Apothissurirsi . Driimlists.'_Groserii.' and' '
PrivatelrFausilies. t • . ,
PURE euciAttEANDY. - :._ _ •
PtItIt'JAMAION4 sr. Czom R.
win. ms
sill Ins Bdttleti.
I beg Unite to cull the attention' of Ole. citizens of the
Crated the ahovillWtats.and Ecucou. imported'
by UtHILPIIO WOLF. of New ITOrit.:whose name
miliarin every part of thie Parrott., for the purity bf hi'
celebrated SCIIIEDAN graVAPP.4. 111 K Winer:, hi s
his teller ;to • me,epeeklng orttre purity of his 'Wince
and Liquors, says: *I. will! tali, my reputation ac e man,
city 's'andingev a, merchant - of thirty: years traidencedit
'the City of New.Forg, that aIV the- Brandy, and Wine:
which, I bottle are pure is, nupOrted, hint .)
quality, end ran be relledMpon by every flflu taser." , 7,.
Every bottle has thepreprieteer . name on the wax. arid!
a fat simile of his signature writhe ecrilicate. , The main
lie are reepeitfolly invited to mill and exeunt ne for thacni
selves. For gale at Retail[ by ett,Apethrearies and
ears le . • 4_,• , i. f.Gt.oltue IL . ..Marrow: - 1
No. &a Max.kit.'stieet. P
• t Sd'e ,Agoit fer .PlaWelphift.
Road the fOllmlnt . froici tbe'New Fort Crerriter '
16rEatiratous BitrixestAr t i ' dan New York alr,reiamit.
-We are happyininfornirour trilow.citlieos Bun there
la one place In our city . where the physiian, smotheeery.
and country ow-rebind. can go and porehaes Whom and.
Liquors. as pure as huterie.l,,indc)f, the beet ;quality
..Vre, do not prone elaberata description of title
merettant'a 'it/Melee bugloss& slitticuth well re;
pay any atm otter or citizen'. to Haft Menem -'s.
extensile warehouse. :Vet, 10,..20 and 22 Beaver street,
and'Soi 17.19 and - 21 Mirlivifield street. Ms stork:est
&betakes on bang-ready foe ehlpinent- could not have
been less than thirty thoimand raw , : the Brandy, mite
Len thontsand easee-elntagin of 149 to lithe:. and ten
thmigandeases.Of All a• m Sha and Port liFloe.'sentrhi
and Irish Whisky. Jamaica' nod sh.'Droi x Ram;
old. and ermal any.ln this eCtontry- Ile also hid
'three large ceDire, filled with; Brandy , Wine . Ic..
casks. under Custom MOM, keji rnady.for hott tin,. -Mr.
Wot.efti gales of Schnapps lest !year entoonteii to one
hundred cud eighty thoevand dower and ee hope In lies
than two years be maj be equally!sarrepfal, pith. his
Brindles end.Wlres, • i • - • -
Uls t?• laterite the. patronize of every:lover of
MI - species. Private families who Wish pisre it Ines and
Liquor for medical wee "shOold send thqir orders direct
to Mr. W.OLIZ. until every gatherer, In the land mate
uetheir tultids . to discard the pnlsnlanne stuff trout their.
abstres, andl replay it *llk lifet.T's pare WOW' 'Hid .
We nodeMtand that Sir.,Wotra.liwtheseetanuardatlon
of 'Mall , dellentin the country; pals op 'yenned twee of
Wines andilii9WHlL , Suet. a man, end such a mereha nt.
ithould be unstilned •Itainst hie ; tens of thOugands of
OPpobents PI the United Statec, wpo sell nothing, tut
lamthhtteirUlttous slate to' tittrian' health and happy.
loam ISeptember . 22e6o 32.1 y,
A listiteloniestarriiihrelbyspetica Rndoriergast.,
fad the firer
,h f the Sick rind. Maresed. olfliellect
• rinytel,4 oaid kpidresie pfstasia),aad..saprzbaNw far the
Circ. qt biseaaer of BM &Mott trm.. . • -
.Ikil it gOlCAL AD'itft4 given -gratig
by the areas Stab . to III who apply by let:
tar, h a Ireerlptkat of their entAltkm,. (age, orvilpe,
tlon, babU rot Ilfe, kea.)'ataq'tu engem of outrage* poverty,
-litedkines famished free. of above.: ' i • [ I
TBLUABLE REPOS:IS Sperinatorrixea. aid Other
Disseetwol the ItusallOs:aent on the. NKW
DIM etop,oyad in' the Mneclitty' seat to' the Milked
sealed4otter inveldper, free of Pharr*. Two or three
Staatpu postage vrt be acceptable. .
Wren" .101...1...5K LLIN UOVGIIITON,IArtIne ik ar
oma, Howard tlelt,l,Nn; 2 !South Ninth Street,
•Vhiladelpla; Pa: By Order of the Director&
-- 1 . • .1.811,111 D. Presidelit.
Ofee..Viddoirin. Seepotary: ' H '
3tusaarlll, : 1! I; •
actin out on
dollars a villa
Ibad such is
ram =TIMM- . . 4
or plain 011111.1illytr, -
S, .ont of the!: fei*, .dOnrstio remp4ire.
whil , fi hive et* Iti to 'rein -letup. *ad favor, witbout
pulling_ It Is the pradurt urn Shrub. banakea
In all eases, and as a *media rthiedy unequalled. Yee
Cads..o ruins. Pcirebev, batuentes. Borst Ink IlSau•
seatinn. Onto 4ent.Wounda. it hiuknoi
•an equal it is alio stied with grestistiteessvGit Teeth- ,
arlia.theqlseis.Sentaigk'nereltberal,feelte. Dlareiitea.
1101elleltalla• and 01* abutter ticiablennue and panda ,
attertkanq while it pnaciiptly irritate all -
Iltsedreds or phydelena welt dilly In their prattle*:
sad dire It their 94141164 d inecanaSeadation. 254:44 by
ottralanits and drill and by. , - ' . „
• r..mrstinotXXs it C 0 ,1 62 DrattiltraYl
- • • . I . .96441olveieesi mkt Maititflietansta.
11101t00;lillreeltelitwIlfar Marimit
ja,ir Pottsville atiollirielty: I'!
ei 1 1441 ter by his ititi Item vesevell
, I'l. • - I - -1144 v
, sad
eitilito I. MOM; PPR TO
xs AND, UM.
- t h rtilralV2 4 .. - .: kr
sagt, t .,
, 1 1 , +Eh
: i i . ' - I t r _
FAll l ith r MN G•
teri Ek
nig WORO ii 6 iwod...womureoug
6 !Welty of IferiTora... Bib *to as, to otolaot to on
titittlo ltatoll !nal boloulS to the, FrooOtodr ° si t ull 'i
~ I t
wur. 7 lures A r ise is Rwsum
1 ...on.
Tot..»Ri WA,c of
ne, tnit mntal: in all its jotalaallto .7ll.- t;
kW alffirai of lA. aatberity aul i sewer or :
, C , All AND =POI" TRH
' i
t Is l e E NE WP
7 ini
i I 1 1 • ,1 , ' „ 1
1 1
I Will be Road ta ad its laaa, la amp tlepartassat of
'. - 1- ~ bowls actlviti , , ' - , 1
I , '_2' I SCIENTIFIC, caltusscui;
I re
As will :al In LrrERR I Rz., Rama, tad Rice.
• • i
xo di .
that ..... maw ..4 :ma imp.. wkd
.Im. It .to be test asil •fismocult.
Tollat St and , therefore, will, re.
- seise Pim* attantion, 'and sisal all RIM PUILICA•
TIONS, ISt - Jr:Floss, 1120razik18s, bed woluis or.
-ART.'. T ag I __ I 1 i
.... ,1 1.,...
POREION AND lito i t t ESTlOOOßßsist . 9..m.
or 2 . 117. WORLD 1.. .D.s; 1 Dot D. tiii Nortb
skink bat Oren the SouthrFoot, sod West- TO eTerS
BtAte It bas a riagalsr paid ..yoodralt, always, areel.'
,dent of elowseter asd position. in gnat Brio do n , Image,
Germany, Italy, rurally, Syria,j Mita. ;spats, llolltb
Atomics and /tries, we base paid resident ecenspon-
I i
A eorrippcondent taints stall Garibaldi's army ,"
Was first predicted as lira annonneed la Ors Iranians
of THE WORLD, by I • ;
OUR /MIR+ consispoxDurn. i
• ' 1
. _ .r - •
TITS WORLD indenendeni, bat nave! neutral;
;lever lentiltig ftselfito party WWW : feat, hut helping the
TRH anikeinoeinte the bad in all :pariles: .Notional, on
this aide of the tintoh, tb Conatifutloo, and tbe hive,
end 411,01414 also the "pootrinO of the Fathom" ,- *To
the Capttatitt, the lfhicluttit, thelfecitinle, fie - Stoat,.
marine! , ethos met indneemente . tind'intertett, Iforemeh
departinent it bassi rielat edltoi , +•Agrieultuiel, Horn.
enttural, Scientific, i LlOrary, Tolittnal, etc., etc., eta.— .
end An reflects lo Its !miliates aith teat and beitaisalts of
the life and emit otithe warld. To the Tanner, lie
I. rice or no Palm
'alone ari worth the
l' WEE
. . .
. Tbis,ae well as ; *III contain sll
the dally matter e ;the most importance to the eonntry
at larPe l T 'Special te,tion Is paid to'"the - . Agrictiltoral,
Boi:ticeltrirakanditeehaiikottdirpeetnnirola Ito Proyie
ion, Cal tie , sad other tient et reporleanr :prepared 'llth
the greeted care. ',Filee,,dt. niear.
• . 1
A N w BTOBY. . .•
In the firsf . weelf io January we slap begin the Publi•
cation id' a Story, lllAmertran ilia, written expressly fo s r
TUE 101tILD;Iniiitled— • •
“The lte.wei 11 in se .”
. . „
~Tltis tale ts - snail riesalisritull navel chakieter, midi*,
sorbing, Ititorsat.l.; - It canttolties, !Omar, pathos, and all
, ! ~
practical km:mill/a pf !!, - ' • !- - ...
toe very Satrap 'miry de
ti ,
m*. Tbe siene is laid pirtly
In the tambity,w sits it will trace tbs sand ea tenet
rof an . Jtmerliars i iirantri lad, kind partly In t he'elti,
• where the item . w f tl.lestd to the portrayal of the' city ea
. Ines. ' SIM. snd'eharaeteristla talts-;psoles, Ihreh Hines
attints and Monniirels, 'Mtn Sad Motet, and so forth. • .
litli tale'll - an.. of thOs i e tuuttlly written; produe;
' - clooe'rwhir4 ar 1 :farnistredriwrek by week as 'occasion .
serves, to ..`aMei !rapers? hut work which was projected
and partly completed some tl rr ago by a Ittlrarp gentle
• .i., " :. '•
II ' 1 1 . •• • ' r
min of sektiowlssiged tablet,. nil which has lain a yea%
~, ' . , . ki I ... I. -1
4) . 054. iiP. , Otil !n'ilis.rfilblio: •
0 ttEA
7par copies tot os . i -at&
to ,every prison forams !s'e
du?olfßiieltly se
.be. sant kept» tear. Chi%
hogle eopy,,ai 1p a year.
." L-
';L! i ! . : .11 .- ; ... ! • . I' . :: • . -
• • ' ;:
i , I*i
WM betab , iMd inlet ' ! "
"natty •aad Il'iday, wad
. 1,111
. thf
111311iltiali ill 1110 H ha totaialit "Whir of i lbe,. daft,' oll:
Italia; wlt*tlk, LAiESilligtlltiL So itetal-lreaftly
"la title caiittrt trill eoutiptim with 'lt to reap of Wyk .
and Tartly ce i tatottaatta: It ta• praintilattntly. We
; Alias a; i- 1 • . • I , ' '• ; '
i 1. • !, •1 1:411111:1 .
i lisan.4 3 4 7iii; e.i.
,4 , 4.4,31., Oi: tin i.pie.
i'aa iiatirivo4Li•
. .
the few haste'
4 ( 1 4! 4 i etlah bid ak suksess the hide"
of 4 , :'11:0180, ils steels*, h equal lo Osst oitiseid
sotiallsted 411101. • : - . '
nTnVitilini.W anti**
_lst. It to allays TOW, tor VOL. l•••• • •
. 24. It bastto _ • ~
' • 34. ' pollabstio•gr rot. , • , •
06.11 btertambiett.• , • •
etk. peadeteis• ditto pelblidtp ' . 1 •'.
- 4114 It emu the steideol &O. et boa:"
!Its just obstoirry p..lta assitti,'„
: FIT Peastavas -
0114 1 1 . 14244116121411011 r 1r11244110444441t
gto4sirivitl last ite•tiFir taw:, '
It4 ua ls• aced tbss•re.*••
L• •
unapt Dup..," 04114 Avg; ,•
Os* Tsba rili enaTbia quo. . •
iddnes; tiiiiiliesteir itt4 tioteltattitsettitirs.) .
- 314ribt it;11
tale . by 'lnsets* 'Dealers., •'
Übe* Abp.;
Mans to•tb• Wft
a. •
..A4l TB WANTED" livairoiniggt.
Price IA • •
Put op &atm I • mum iiestitsing pair 484•10I0o,
sea. - ; A trlendl4 Lltbettrapbk Sbtwrirrdbutto7
'• • . iseb pilotage. grit" llerquat.: r
• should mike a smug ' •
.1.• •,.!
LEADIPITER'S ZZIO11,111:6411111111 .
31 . • IgOVZ 20 . LIXEL
350744,'61' •
.. . A. .
Practical Peifuitiels. : j . -..'. -
i , -I xi North flak &lactea l riklladelplllla.
THE. pRO P RIETO RS !Of this estab.i
ilshoisid freiconfldeel that their.pnparatigastheir will.
Coed pareattroesbly :Rh any
In the. world,
or- douttie. Fuvasers for the llandkereldef, : Gm
most es nisite . odors. ' Pommies and'orta Settle Mir of
the fined "texture and theisweeteed Perfemesi; ,
sneorso CREAMS and 11IILIFI' SOAPS • of the the
et sed l iarsi delicate formation . Abe, RAWLS - pi : LI.
QUID: lit, DYE le decidedly superior to any now 'in
use. ;'1 . • • -- • - . l .l .. •. • ;- '
A.•HAWLET'S OLEATE OF 0000&-rals
• God le Ile article above all Others lorLdnewing'l. =
it le Sahsedlngly line atteaditlicate, - and reorders the hair
dark. MG and &eery. Theodor is deligittfuL I: 1 0. 6u
should be without It. -• ' : -• . --- - 1 • . .
POWDERS. RANDOLINE. ROUGR,fe..isnil early ws•
defy et, tine and eholoe Perfumery . • ; ~,, • . ,
' nitrutre FRUIT RETRACTS, Ibr arivoilig. pies;
:puddidys,jettlill ronfftllonerY. cod_ Mandl Wale' 'frif - ,
apt: ' Atka which rival - the tirt ad are surpiesed by
none, 111' • : I[Philiwielphls.• October% 030 ' 40 '40,1 -:
Ladies' One., Price ' Fancy ter Mere!!
• 1 9jiN FA Rgl it 4,1. , H - ', l i t '
T ,i' Noe TIN heth II t e . ' r-.. 1•1 i: ;:,
believe lith and Stblits., PIIILIGYA, ', ; 1'
. (late or 818 Market Street.) • - '- . 1 • ' f. ll -* '
Importer, Manitfactarar ofiand Deal- •-- '.. : ', ;
er itr. all kinds of I '. ; - • . ' • - ', • .1,1
• cl
. J Fancy • Furs! ' ~. -__ • -- . 1 .
) .1 ,- • r ,
Flawing reindeed to nty NEW STORE. 44 . .4 &Ai, ,l 1:
118, Arch street, and being how , OW -' • - -. , ..-i_ -.. i j '
Ira 11 , 4 t ' entirely Io . tbe menufaiture ' -- '. i r 1 '1
and Satf. e of :Fiiticy Fang, which, In' ac- ' - .11
'cordati with the "Ode Price Prlnciple." l l have Quirked
st•the lowest viol* prices consistent with a ressfrialblei
profit trout,' solicit & tridt floe those I& Went of,Vors,
for either Ladles' or Chlldreb's Wear, and walloped:lon
of my Selection of those goods, satisfied. as •I am, of my
ability - Ito plate In every desired erviential.• •-• :-,-; •
itiir Persona eta distance: who may. end It ;Meanie
!tient to pry+ottilly , need only hemp the article they
wish. Meet It b the prim and Ind ructicirucfor send,
lag, add tory' the order to my addresa—money amine
ps•li y lii g—to insure - a 'satisfactory minplisora with . their
wished, , • --: [Autult gi. 'ed . 344rii1. • ;
• ' BC il/' AIa.III3ACH ge, Co.ll'. ' .
Watch. & Jeweilrylitore;,
128 *wab Detailed St rirtea r 1 - 1- i
• . its the Kowa 'Yernint Roase,'Philaint.'
1 ,!ATCHES. Jewelry' and '',Silvelr
. r .
,„, Ware. for sale al lower 'price than it 1 ;
anyother store In the city. Watches and Joe- • •
dry usirefullY • fliet . hiif iniser.-•-
. Also, the genuine _Allot* Plated IWare.- All
goodewarranted to bias repreesnost. i• ,: '
, A k r(th. agent fur the Arnerhavi. Watch Coopeny.
baring on hand, Gold and Silver.Ainerican Waddles atpl
More anti. ' • - ! . • J . ' , i . 'i .i .1
- ' N•'11:---411 orders iota by: twill. or - ntiierwbie,:will be
• ilsctOallyatt.qtdo4 to. ii v i. IPec r . 10 . , WI- 1104 i -:-
i - ' FOR •TmCCARmEits. I .- 7_ .
• 13
~OMAN CE Al F. N T'; KOS r..1 -D ALE
.. , CEMENT. (IA ICIER It LI - ii,AsTen. asouND
, . ' Pi, Ad f ER, Ac, Wholesale and Bet a ai l, at OAS
cue rand. by - I • EDWIN A. SMITII &18M)... ;1-:,
. - N.W. corner of Front and Willow ste„ Pfl/LAD'd.
-.-- ; . !Of - nary 18.'60 -, ..- • • , , • , -7-1 y
V: tin caplet ditio,ilo;
An extra copy will be sent
lib of tweaty4vr; rad br a
ter; a ,
op." . of the Deily will
emit ein melee the Weekly.
'..•10 mit &44n , $1; Ire
do., $2O.
TllOl i as 111185, .
boiir l , has jupt.tiese .bitilt rep!
eite•lidos. It is • lirgte moat Alum
114411.14TDA1Li113. • . •
• • • • ,
, I Orsca••• sea
,ralig• Sirels .
• •
I sill •,illi,n,*(rier Alta,
• -•
: • -
~oApAzzr worab:
,an iesteeribiag 1144144%
Alt4 111111) !Ablii ,
Ir •
• 1 ?„1-F , i'
II rif l t
am Melt._
~~ [~ ~;
1~ ~
h - . ' PATENT.BI . - ' 1.,;• . 7 :
L ,
ETTERS:PATEN'f procur,e4 at. ' a
model ate chirge. E. Dltoi9N; Engineer, Phlladell
plsuk,ittives his Derwitial attention to the pinparing . iof
Drawings sod Sneclneat lons, and other business runner.
ted With the procuring biLettein e stoat. •
• ' ' -'• -'l, E. Brow n,,',
.., :1 ' , ' • - 811,Watotit stunt, P .hia''
' tent I.'oo • , (March 10,-I0 10.1 yr, - ' BS ,
V 1 , yirtsolvilile 'find Re/oil '. t.•
- •! •!
• , . ~ , i ......
.1.,- t Npsl4 Race Str+4, abore Sth.l. pirmapszPilfat.
II •
.- LESTABLIBIBID 1938.1 • .! ,
Kir gA# flyiPtyrn4 or best qnsJity. , . ,' rfiit :43.1y
" . ;1: HOWELL A BOURKE.; . . '
i inftttinvis. an4k - liiipintero -
1 . ‘. , .
_. •np , Y , '._! - L• ~ .!
I IL "rap l x• IZaziigisigis,' ~,, -.
...1" ; I'. Chew of /bunk and lifurixt ;Stealth; '
Oe . r 6,'lSti sitglinf •' ; J'EPI.AD4PIia. •
'', I ' .Se Fkieller et SONS!' - i' 1
ttiPORTE4S of HAVANA]Cigars, L',.' l / 4 6.'216 Sonth:Finnt at.. Pb4adniphila, Si. '
',. 11 I ~..(EfriAULlSilEit,litici-.)1 !;•'
*W i v ir.4 7 s:d e lt Y le si Tt r e li e l t i t ' e a nt f l:n " a tr tln ur toett lt o-
N . od well se lected, •' •. ; , • .' • '
[HOTOCR.APHyI [ '.', iil •
l's BRANCH - LS; Osecllted
In, ile knOwn' in 010'sszt.iiit 1, -. 4
=I I , `-10. G. CRANE% GALLERY, T: -
as Arch street, eaxi of SIM tioluLADELvni . •
-,, r • oil Sod
Ts In Sod Pistil, Steeetneople. Portesits,t 'int:
bra s..beinerreotyves, ie., tor Cases: Meditiloes. Plot.
'HI* aie. •„ •:::,. : - ( we. WOO ' 411.1y' I'4
lel4 , Irciur Furs, of rj I-.i ~ i l'•
•-- --- -- ,---.---,--4- 7 --- --t--i.
1- DAVID H.Sol.lB"lo4o3, : ter i o,* Ffirs,
1644 . ARC,II' ST., ati,.!'6l4,[lßilPA. ,
tr a rkiecd
. Furs 1 , Fur. I .Vairi : lit : • 11
• • Diltqllr U. SOLIS' bag removed; s Fur Blom tn,156.
622 Ireh Street. Abovetrlith, mod, has made ;be a eeplei
. 4
lausze meta of Fors of ittilode, to :whlels bi I Orli • ;the
atteeitiou of the Ladles. Ills style avd matte 'if en
knoVro.: Ail soods_boagbt of him are warren
.; land
bliqfaellltles for promulog garde; fives Europ e enables
hIM o sell at such 'ellipses will seat alt. Sto alirays
,ekrind on the neventittldsy. [Nev.l7, 're '4,4 it ill
• rnassaskaug. EG I, C. I OOSK
Mattl*Sali Cuskloot - . &roil
tadylitade, ,r Made to' cotter, at Idlest snit' prielms.
• '- '
• o 0 31 FORTE Li/ • PS .'.
133: K ETS • . 1 4-, • •
. ntiraoirii i i •
11'0 44 Aorth Teach Slred,,brioteedrcri, .PliGarta.
N. O.—CUII kit ustpos, isod hr model lo or.
der.'; • ,
.; AitgriatlE EAdil
T CiSEP ' 4,U.N1;:
it !limey nr.Mtnufaaarerrasid /wporier,
ilia now .ready his very astendve stork of Sum ;
f r iz 3lostst.
ing of Capes. Lialf Capita. Yleterines. Mu**, Cu eta.,
10 . 1 *lnk. Sable, Stone • Marten, Pitch. Chluebill Elbe
risk Squirrel. sod other lower Pared Furs of *Dial
he le prepared to sell at tbS most. remonalblit prtriai! All
Fans mid in this More, are warranted to he.whilitlpey
are represented: ' ' r ; ,1 •
STOKE—No.; ilB Arch ; Street, bill/ ri !Fmarth and
Fifth. south Side, (above Eyre .A Londe rir Or3r. Goods
!Dime.) Spa; of th 4 coldest Lion.: PUILEOELPIit ,
P.; St 1F13116 altered Into fashionable Styled: at edge
rate charges ;. (October 0.'60 i 46.3nt,
One _Pries stag sod C ap
' (rousts . ; or ins nett nosy aurn,) 1,1 .I'.
.W.ll CORNER 'of arid,
Kari OtMets, ronadrinDfa • !
• Public An'-i•sysettnfly Invited ta.
Shit this Store may b•tonad nasortnienkof
icinabt• and Ilaadvome ' ; : 1 1,
11 11111aleaklin Dream
rind Plush
Plushand Plush Trimmed Caps for Mob Sul:silk:pi
:Piney Hate and Caps for Oblldren, at 'fitr '
! ; ir:op.:o46w far yega/ar smSeLblith;
i Jan.l4, '6O- • . ' - 24
j , . ' •-• • :HAINES iBROSI I , • i IT.
;;Over -Strung • .
, . .
er-Strung Grand. tAttiot
1 , 1: ;( ........ 004 . 1 . 6. ..„,...„, ,„....,,,,,
.., . : - ~,-.- t
aiib.7.l;vrtottl' !slob ' . t giali g: 4 Il i v i ti l tt ' taken '
01 FIRST PREMIUM whino pLe.vd le; lo c .
.it it ottiir makers. Sire4slien o + l a rtili , t;1111,
A vplendla Vonttusast of Lem at ',hag! in..
ofyloe alrrato no bind. \ Ala. Sorontbabt , Ptali and
Pgi?.celi IMPROVIii lILLODEONS, fk*Sib; to 10464.
*ir It ir •rr I That rum at ill' a nra a i * et. r ligNire "
, , fness ori Wain* Otimat. p
ttli ik, Aid; stners,:Pbtiactelpidt. I, l ft tat : 44 43 ' ; iOll .
tespeetttelti telorteihis *las ••4
vow. to 'beta Ati L !
tint( !Illteteet.imikiiiO4,
4to, sem itos.l , f .1 . 1 .1'
—oprismimpd to es tuparttlitit bt
3tanstbstanot let the hest itanur. or the most: weal*
teseh.lingtheatitott rtOtta Ihteireotod thi r t a a u telt
tityleo iota ambles. that !rsitsoetell to ;salt *
lutaprtte. , • opienitid amortositt 014 ,
.1TICC0110001t84• .11 :1 1
CO•stittly °it build, vitt scads ,te order. UPPO!,'
1 !" 14 1" i egOcIA • -I
frt . 1.. ___.---
a S ho
. igy.iitlitti potbeinielit imiago a tZirr : 1 . ,
as tip Oulu." 84 tam Oilier U. ' filr. i ~
-- ' i• 'r i ‘& 141 / 0 /04 !
- oeu'e t le . - - i l4
. .; • ..: , ~ I: I 111 11,1 1
,IL aaay, Is reasiatt inlay da* ant iii;aii-Jiipoisi,
lam, arfaffail. "I
. 12. PIT. rim c+,st. inumist4plitik ai r' "' has
Ina di ylt Iltpirtto. , ' 4 :, • , ... .1 , . 1 •
n•N. Th. asocei, ft always paltlbiet ift a *IC St'
,ff I acilled, tat, and fflthnat notice,, '‘,l , ~ .
... I.
~ , t..lilacifyi: fa fiialiad from ..115xestaii.
Obu t r
Orserrltawf.and allsoirtabolkatri tb batch lit I illaiCi '
poteet siifth sat :big* Interest pa! Se , far it.
.I 6. ?bat fannevinwaind fawn 'illeprialiora Li I wile; ha
taitt o lkar Ilfst elaisa formitfas as the mart ar hulk •• -..,
6.: ea .llottat—inert, da , . from Still 5 eFlaelts lot,
i.r f
On /I 'edits and Thiiiabys till 8 delft* fa t offs,.
'1 , old.aid sell astabliphyl SITING 0.514 , •
leeelitad 'afar" tltfat :TEN WILMS§ or , ao.•
*Azi.V.4 4 ln/ Ihousluid delvaltrws.;. .; , • , ,-, -.
ROBERT BNUMIXIS, roe Tfamideal.
IniiifftT./Lnib, liinstary.l .
' 1 : , Dlreatere I .. ~
ir l
Heil 1. Via '. • ' ..4 4 ' .
17 . awe,. , Tra_...lll,ae, i
?Allard I:Affrfer, .'. - '.1.(.5kfii,41 Brelindarl . •
11,14:110 041iii4111,' , ". ~. Joaepl II: Barry, .
Sate!. X. Aplton„' , , , eeph Terkea. , ,
C.: fatdrkl Maass. i . ~ liaaf7,:Dlffafiturfer. -
.. Oillee 'a...4A VIVI' .: S. W. okay of MID*
. !
~_._' rlilstltlpblisd ,' 1
Aliffll6,'sol . ; .. •
• ,
ttville Waits AV — cniti;
• • • • 1,, ,1 • • Pail lA *
Pisiski* - c03074•8... • , • .
. • • ••
Wris, itkincß.•
'Pluzzgra, • .
of every 464,eriptioto. • •
I ,__ • • riakali. W.jacs2etng, , •
• -- :47 South . Froit mat, Phlkulelieldik;
• Odtober A'64 • . ; • . '
7 1 7 5i1l Atli:oB 7 F.
MI. saw iikaith . iliusra,
• 'llllllllllO,
?BSI" "
4 inoirstefift .- and- Jlenim..faOtHrir 'of 1,
in - ri.Stolinsteq . Caka'S 44; P a tiei; OressiS CAses;i,
Ability Reny, • Rotleules. Claw OssPN'
Datikene Caser; Leatf,er Dogs ? W !MIS, Desks;
Pocket Books.'Port . BDl.Bseks. ac.,
' • Masi phisS . September - *ay •
' t •
PRINT i tt• - . 2 ' • .•
. • ERE SHEET: 117-1 D iTT CARDS,: •
Seat and Cbtapert la the ;ttarkat..' '
taidi foritibuutiog photograph Pictures, •
1 ; 4814 0 0 r quallt.T.: and. it r oar Prfrea.
Ohre' _aid Wit, and floe
• White Pizeie-Bortrdo,
?lira ta..nottida; opi'haiid, and for sale by •
• 4. st.coLtass,
Patier-1 Card Warehouse, .5q6 Phlladelptitc
- . JanaatTl444o3 • - •
. PLIAVES, Ldialet
• Scrip INO and
anti t. andit,itnntistilog, Nimrthtmat -
eornee.oi South :and Peon, anti No. 17, • •
Sonth street. -
prepared to furnish Fhtesidrilatror Mach'Or4tistat:
othvrs, wit/kilo artides: • •
In'Fot Oippar: Babbitt , Matal,' laundry facto
Ingot.Braas. Red.. tilsmittl4, •
" ItellovriSolders,l Vitas,
Minn, ' Bar Iron, • .
Bar Tin ' : • Sheet Iron, „ Old Metailes:
• Pig - Lea d, • Sheet Zinc, Old Copper, ~
Bar • Steel,. 1., ! Old Brass,
Speller, Bonz, j 91d pead4 Le, .
Antimony, Craeiblett. i
.11 '
New and Siteond-h'aod. :gerbil:4sta' and Blaek t i
still the Tooli. and Steam thoginee s ts4light and sold.
•;://47 - Artleles ot evert theferiptlon tad by
; , nl . 4lta h tt i r r, y al o i l i eL; t f i l e t ro
>, andall tlnda
o i
sntals. ' rIP "; • ."
Nov. p), 7e4 . , - Nat' 5.'69 1101 45.
HANDSOME W0,1011=40 the Ladles:.
14 UN't's -BLOOM OF JRons. , ' , .
A rtell 'and elegant 3 eolor the the cheeks or Ilps.-
It ALL NEI r WASH OR VIII OFT. and Ashen onee sp . -
illed. remains durable for years. The lint to rick And
natural, that the closest scrutiny . :faibt todeteet its use.
Can-be removed by lemon julep arid wlll Dot injure Abe
skin. This h a,bew preparation, atby the relebrsteti.„
Otonit. Rea ut les of London sp.l Peril. Mailed tree, Skirl
ties. with directions for ore. for St iOO - .
PoWD ," imports a &s
sling whlteitess to .the complexion, nd ii unlike apy
thi is x etre sited far this Oilmen. .Mitiled Motor 50 cents.
' 1 lilt:MS rextristi • BALM,",.teMores tan, beetles:.
annburn and all eruptiontof theskits. Mailed free for
50 Cents: D t . _ - -
. 1 1 MUNTS. 4 .I3IIreIItALI9MAD/r for the halr.trength
Sins and' inipmvett its grearth. keeps it from • falling off;
Stnit Is warranted TO 31•114 THI a.kpl. Villi.' . flailed free
Mall Olt ‘., . i - .
, Hors trEAra. BrAtTivirm.i for • the teeth and
.Mints.e.emisessind whitens the teat*. hardens the turns.
- parlartthei, breath, effectually. rxmttsris rerrtrztlt sas s
pt TOOTRACAT.:` Mailed free foil? OIL .'
'I .' MONT'S ' BRIDA 1... W It KATI' PLR IfIIM IV's' don
*street of mange b:ossouss and cologne. Mailed free f
.$1 04' This extrisice perfume watt first used by th
ryineess Royal . of England. on :her imarrfaxet Mess
. 'Muni A Col presented the Prinetas with an elegant es
Of Perfnmerr.(tn 'bleb: all of the ibOvii articles Were l
• . i.lltded.iin isandscane'eut glass with gidd stopprrs,vall
lit slsoo, particulars of.:* bleb ippwayed In the pul
Prints: . I i' . 1..
r All the stove irtieles sent Free, bexpress,e for $5,
irate!, can •either iteentopithy the' order,'Or be paid to
express igen eon delis...ricer goods, I
I filmist It Ociii PrrjimOrt fa Me Quo*,
1 . , Resent SC, London. and 707 ttlaissoin St., tlitilad'i.,
1 Toe Sale by all Dm:mists and.Prrfireers. ~. '
.. grirTiseTrade Supplied. ,
~ 4Oct .1
6,110 .40, ,
, _ _ _ ___.
PAINTIN - 6, &C. if
Wiiulow Shatlett--46i
_ ~
e and 7; Feet tong. •
NEWE PATENT Flxru it I ,
, At Ifttrly "Alf City: lietidt!Prie+rt
Climbs is,l al. • i B. BANS
ii;td• 000 -st="4l3°°lll• Pot
. sr. Ilangms
• -
./ °aria i'
Painters: asal
Ono tom Sreet, roUreilic,
Narib. ' . 69 '
Vraj CED
et 4
. ,abro
ry II .subscriber
very choice Pattern+
a I raper.sultable for 11:
?neon: Dining Amino. Cb
holland PliblirlialldFnica..l
he will sell et greatly; red +
prinew.' The Stock embrace+
Oat sad meet esteemed PM
eentsayleet: , •
' No* Is the time roe Surd
Books At
Ocap. lilkoksdisi2scf Retail Etifitaoil ;
ApiSll: 410 • . ... • • :
‘ SII . B .
G. 4
, ' -.. • • < A BOeli '.• • •
That •Tii:7 "lazier, X
- ' .', • iXan Viotti.,
. . .
111.18T.PUBLISHED .I' ci. ship ,
Ap! tied Lte4l- La (if the 89itei 9'l a cOM
plled.from the' Acts of IP, ssembly bj! il I °o 4
'Esq.. and published bi &dean; P. 4 ,
.. . t
- This.99ek contain/neer 00 Of Sitsted
;natter. and will Oe mid by intssert in •
It teaches the duties of 4initt of ,
. .. for the treninetlett oil 'Dell; , n ,__ .
, It teaches the Mete/ of Cinfest i: r"" e "
eery forma, eppertalnlng to.the o. - ...„ •
It contains' thedotles of Sup* . County
and Towns hi p, i n •:
;the State.l i ',.l' '
~ ••.
, ,
It ent m ul ba- to p t ui ti r I,' -, *
laylvitt out
and opening of pane, and nitre - anitEaDd
altering roads, the ballEfing of 0 ,C. ,; •
' •-11 contains dig Cornmilnl $ e I ,1n,„ 0 4. 11 1 15 fr
Ilona, deebtions and direellttne , et a mrtno lbr
Deeds. Donde. (eentreete:Certl , - • 'no d(k.
slartpiNit of the wort wit,, buryt by Mr.
, terestedin
fantail V: Dates, Daplity: bu to ?'" a d 11 alone
'worth the Odes of the TOl a
. 11
Cowmen Felted& - 1 : i ' t
it. tootitos the'dodeo of 'Ds "" 5 . '. •
It enoteins the laws relotii/ vp.,
It contains the duties of 0
: . It. contains the lane to
It roitilis the *lra rola)
- Inewera , - , ...; ..
'x:11'0)041= the laws par
and Deer. • ;,,
.11- It ena,tai the 1a91199
, ,O costitis tbe 1
1 alilisi //noir fl.r
cOu'eles item
,ueett le the every e,
A eltootiedgenetut ,
11184 c9ptilltala•
•= l iaa
auJ aid
oe do
tax riveriv,
baud book
(resift. r
d ci
tlos el
at as (
that, Opoibbire -
Urely fernite
tbotbertfkgpt by 1 .
Jar" al.
gamut, ilk4lhl
"*" 6 ••
, .
.Renter Str eet.
t Lf .i4 N ew E v . otv.. l
... tcLEd3I:AI S ITI:(I I 3I/I:l::,4l7l. l bri s 'eal'::'.:2l' lo ll4.l.ll*'°4l r ee'dil:-Pr:'1‘* sa :::;E'll.P:t.11 1 "11.':::'1...114-'4LI : 111°11;*. ; it i All:mil . all:Il h ed.YS":1:in ik etolngftil v, 911.::. a d.1.1 o ic*.4rC is tilduleedk:brlP:ll7l°l:''; n rl.Bs'. d ..sl44s.teal li '"4l'l
_ 4 1
ten 2 4 ' 1011' lea ' pa r ttV l l :in t iV:teli ts ft'
la rn
1:01,:::::: -'tlii°l°i. 't:F°Y".":lan:d.::::: ,
cofe. 10 A : 31400. R:Tawtiii*C44.
a I , Ck li tl i)", .. 23, ' 6O l . • '-..1 1.L . •
.•. • .
• : 'T . 4.-4,E
ides andal
mains., Taut
the Dondmin ,
Ith 411 the so ,
I r
r Ptrettiotblet.are'l
*um, FrIM I ' s
01 4 , Autteuteritit
Pm:elbow, Nigro,
ante. Defile 'fleptiel•
illage, I MottPgor, Re'
boutoll le Item Fbeep;.
41 25 , pert
work eau pawed the
rlf the Stay and
)probattotlL.. Tellable
lefdecte 'Pea which tt
r twaseer ea to
Mitt tratettoist wf the
%Ay twadllY under
l o y will be thoroughly
apporEbf the . damns
L. p. gammuzzi,
for Ilehdytklll Ow sty
rated lo all, putt cf ibla
Ilan &liberal touipreae
t.'whleh mutt he aide
Ithioeretageet at Poll*
311.1 -
- itecinyeyittg Inter,
.ed et' etch.* 'pipet or
Voit Shied*" lave CO
aillha those elate Illetel to
ow' ewiketoeteratrue
`bey are ,Wielt halt
Uri ittiOW
it etolehigriOralturst are a
midiodiVWill Owl • per
seffisseroe a
*it sicpeoet.
- a prism* at 22k
, sad w
thriM of the '
•vsuilipt i rts ,
%anti di at
as al titt-aattaK
3 . 1 . N.111 lettslll2B3l
- 11.11.1taaaas
Ada:E a
Coat Bat,
'elicits it.
ou hand. it
Bit Iron,
mat boa.
Cast Steal.
- Zito,
- Arte torsi •
Hardware and ;T
.L 1 Og
4 . 11 0 1 -.. s A
Coach TOsiiisto 111
Fladdtory t
Bboonisk ' sr'sT
Gukso - tinechau • I
liar In/moral!
Rolla "
Ralirosd sou
Solidi ' „Tools,
Stef4, • 1
Mill its irs.
i 4 fintiOnni;
.7! • .;
tile for tbatiltroa;
ad hopes that to hli
100 tO toopineas, pod
sad acrouittiOdallma
pNr reatlatkad iup
•.; ar....! ! •
Nip u
tot • I
Its. to str
tY qt. b
rreand co •
aire they
the au.
vt. g
'A & - E
MY Tit • t
phia ur Itot
in. will NO
•, daY *. at $3
int,ou h.
ou t
ft MAE
hill' Opt... :•atyr
h,lood for) anj. halo
inr Slimday. , L '
OLLS. veneoll suit.
raiL,sd, i 040,
I CKETS -L. .. _
' -• diiirns,.oo.dfor i Po
a mlqy. in any fizirveger
' Ili+ fillid riliquently on.
. tb• ab±vit. ai-raigenj. , nt
x It' lll ' . Pot"*.tiger trims
rid' ni and , litil In II; ipp la.
l e lltadlay. Pottivillt , ilia
< 4, l' morn' nY,Rnkiy, lia.wrr.
;to' twitwenti P•ativille
i ntige , t.iiniu on the aba-i
i - .. H. - • I.' :•Hi_l . 1
i air latOimaiiini tali' Sl'g
Eocisii Tre:lPUreri:•rhilndttl
, :Aaentn ;on the 11110.:Sr (o
7.. NICHOLS, ‘314n1 , :eupt,i,
1 13:1f
IL tr....
ii the p
if Al
a TI "
'0 n‘t
.w .di
ecttr ;
ot , r2
I 3151 1 10 T
t 6
V im"
, a
d . ambart
. y lime;-
r; nee* • ,
- OtinutUri. .
. .. ec0110 ,.. .
IY . 14 .7
o , . daily :
On rudni
rneon in
dal. an d
ileti RAI
S. lin
-2 ' •
es I
, A,reirr::•* , SOUTH
03quehaoilia Its:ling4)il ,
ruing Ili go IYe s tl . :hild
iebeapeat mote eict the ffehttyl•
tatlrtiact, run Mau Dom -.4utbtarti
elfanetts with *the 1 trih4a , rot.
1 r al , re end s .* O LTa I lb
N I t l e
i t . i i :I , 4a Ek ill 1 P a o, .
eheimer lbw any .tittiet 1 Ilpie ion
l'esa tlettnylk 111 Ct!.unty. ,, The
( Ate /1/11ad../0 1 1 1 • and, ,Il4tding
'clo,4k. A. 31.. and artists -at Xutiurti
ri- Ito" Ilatriabizyg. whet4', they: ar
4,rastottarstsburg dull yat Teel ock,
aburn I a time brunt - tee; 190!•the
I nand ' • 11 , i •-' I '
to thrristourg;lst Cl a,µ; '. ', ; sp. to
" I
.1 ", • ' , ItNi. Cbis, 1 .': ':!- I 75 '
I: ... ', •:: . li, , 1,,,t 55
I f
st C O laitli, • i
,- 1 !
. - 10,i ,1 ,
', i ' ' • ~- ,!* 1 1 , 00
s Ybitill Obi ta fartdahed: 1 I
• area or th 4 Orin.,. at M I er'e
any Itnie•dtning ihe Any ••: :':
~.. t.
kil ;liet
to 111. 1♦•
nin es , •
I t
-rive H
- P' •
80'.,1 i
Par 0
'Fq !Er
• • ' ti I
Ilr t
r :Crass et . stars. c: ' 1"
fiti . SSE . GER TRAINS I .or i the.
, TAt.i.t it.u6nclAto ici,implit., .on
en ' !AY, tb•Mitti day 41 Mayil,b6c4 l ,llll TIM
' l ie C
i' 1
Down Trills., • , , 1,; . , .
i; i44 . .14 , .NO. 2; A.... 11: '‘,.lVo, 5, P. M.
I - I . lf l i I:- ' ltt8 s ` . :: 1 . g 1;
4.3% . ..' - • -11,19 :- , 14.53,
4.45 i , . , - 11.28 .c C' c4 1 IO• `.
450 ~ 2 ; • 11:40 .' ' -. 113 . ,
5 Ott,
,'• •. ; 1145 ;H' 4.25 1 •
5.14 i, ; . '12.02. ' !W.'
CIPi I'l ',' IZO4 ', 4217-'
6'..V1 •' ' ' 12.20 ' 1 }1.42
..b'...41 '• .., :• 12.05 ; ;510
5.3-I , ' y- _ leo -, 14,23
x J
,Got ' , i - , 1. 4 3 -', . 16 30 •
r• it) 6.20,.'' , !1.54 i 1 15,60
~lup .Trakin..
__ i 1: I i' - 1 .,.
1 , . 1 1 4.1 i,tli ‘N: F...'Fali ji' ll ' i l l ' s: ( • ,- . :Af'
rre rg.l 0.05 ;'; ' ' 3.57 •• ; 1 ; 335
B e „., th I , ' 917 ' .l '' 4 08 ; '.l . ; •535
'0 :10* - • • 1 • 1 420 l ; 1, 5 bo•
ASIJO 1. . • , • -. ' , '
Cats .'. 4,45.. ~• ~ ,42? ~, ; !„..0.43 ~
Copt - 943 .- , ; - ','11.41' '. I . ii',9',.13
Wht 1 . - 9.t9 ' ..::454-' - 1 ;9,.1g '
Lao cc! 10.0$ c ; • C 115.03 '• - C Icitt.2s • '
, 1 10.11 1 ; 1 '5.15 j• i ",4143 •
Slat -.1 -.10. 3 0 .C 1 ;6 28 1
, Leh p
.. •1 10.35 ~' i •,-7..36 ' .c d. '.9 fia
Leek ,r 150 - ' i, 660 - , : 'llO 2,1
Art Chunk 1 '.120 - t • . 810 1
. 11420
!.[ 4 ' t43 ,: .11 .;li .1 •1 : L. •1 1 '1 1 . ;- 22 ; •
Lea Ai I
: b
41111111111 0n al ft I
41 4
CURE cs•
II II . ac .
rieriousueaa ne
, . t.
tr. st A DREAD won. R. i Ars
• = -..:-. • i
g etr Assails etiaelst • May 61 b a 11360. .. 44 1 i
DQWY 14864431.11 TRAINS
ttsvllle gally. (esevpt 6 audayt) at 0110 A M , e e
. , ,—Paasisig i Beading at 10.45 A. ll, and 3.43
lying 10 I .l 4 l4 dalPht 4 at 1.23 1' 14 , and at. 6 13 r i I
In t•
c pvggeltlol6R TRAINS 1, , -:: ' 41'" 1
biladstpbia daily, (azrept t nail %I's% al ft 00 A s
1p p M -4-Paining beading at 14A '4 and y
d .Arriving iti Pottsville at 1 ‘ and At loos or t kick fiewma , may 1,, p,,,,,,,,,,t,,,1 and ir isko
2.. i
11 -*-----
_,, At Olt Itotnattoolzolot lot an. Iltl6olll untissdlata rens
'P Ind .. 1) " 11 P aanage l" Tl 4" "" t " .11 at lr' ' "I from pain and sleknssa will be obta ine d
c mitts trains it ant) from • Tanta los Citambooll. 1
sport, and Elmira . Morninir Passetsges trains m a y ' Ad am fail is min Tknit it a , iy aaaa , an d ik a d
" et at• Part C f la4a r " W"itaabarta t Setant.ll as 3 to wide!' females ate*, subjitet
a blitz, i 1 I
t _ Thai act gently upon Ids aansts;—renioving Costive
uge ,,,, s eaa l ar e Iggitaasvporl by tbe °villein's •
d !milt Lind Sit 10.10'p M,eonseet "Mhz Pas ai .i a .
Trim leaviS g !Pert Clinton al 430 A.M. *Mtn
.. _
DA _ a
Not TIMMS, nate 'maw. and all
'ding al 530 briatinat and Ptinne4l di tiert to Pbo-1 for mura l' ' ,
tin by tins 6 A 11 Minding Ansitantodatbsi Train .„a m r" 46,4 4 t lig ira „ du b', u , Lau ,
{ '''
0 . . i ......,-...- E • E pi 1
••• . . . -, a ll - littktmploirloithe cipietite girth; toee and rigor to It!.
I lL a ir g ell er i Tr ili alel i tti : YAL. L. di a us l at l i,!; ll o.o Al l. l° .. ...ellOri t ' A4,'„„,,i t i 1 ' 7 ; 4 0' ma ii . si and ' reet l L Li oil 1,201 E nat u ral , et, E 2 slaty
• ofsiti) emit Do n - Etterritng Peeilenger pita, .frptti 1 - - .1. -- ~ 1 ' I . f i .E {, E
~, '',.
delpbti sad Potitsellh. "' Arrlviot JO notrilbutO at ittel ettetttta of ta!"asEltis ?Pt!!! :e' • - E .: s:
i ..,77 Ra t tei l if tni,: t • l t 4p rEm r il s o il ii iy a lli l b e l un a t t car t e u Ld iri t.,
0 1' 0 °1 4 ,1 0i:be: c hni r n ta i o r k id . . ...' ..ti E fae ,
;tondo! ‘etet , aiti erp, tta
rii;i4,i e.F toe t. : , i bs tr , 4o .4. :. g.
.., . fg,teneastenitattltoon;E:And chiseetesiehtlit• E "--. , i . . lE,,i E , , • ~_ i , _,,, ~L- , •,.,
~,,,,,.:,,,,:,,:..-,, , ,e , ,
tarckles,;teefesEgutisburtest 1.13 P.'l4otter it ' bee to Elmo . maul' f 02 P 8 , Ftrlg,,,, , E::::"! "'' • IF ' 77s
• 1W he hoes &pee piniut Eiter:agE et i Re/dams i • E , t-ri and re n e ,hi iel .t situ it• or 41)0101;
vtei4o I•.Y .and emosettag'igtth Up a 1:104D Tntio ~ , ,
.. , ... ..1 pain . • I
Pottreitte atalltadelphtir the , E iikii4ool. 1,4 7 ° 4 ,4 i k d„,,,,, ,„,...o,,i.oo. l .,boottitumingin9,ellO r ill
..11, ~ 1. . entestal or flow a
r•simosittlils* Pothreffht sho. Pa l't: i s• ' l6 ' EE -• They've itothelt egeleble la limit; eoempoettiou,inst ,
. 13 20f. Itetutlevaid PhihodehetaLlta I' 11 , i EE it 03::
~,, : .
_. 1,.! ,E `,_,E,EE_EI_.
_. .f. ,„,,,,,.... ;lE_,
p atine phlteitelphli,l3 abitOd SI PiIA 6 O O6 liolT bi, t! . 11 ")It 3 . 11 . 1 1 , a r E '7 .. 1 7' T le i cEl - I r l ' i*l T• . . n .rr
1 " 1111412 41°
"4.2 104 na g all e.: a t ad' et ti rtitE .tialtlesioy change 4 .iiiii, the abselrgAr aull 4isE ;
• E rigillEimesed 31 30; Reeding an —1 : •;- , —,•. E E , 7 • • ..: , lIEE • • -
NE lie Whit E.2.4itt And Lemnos. 34•11todE 0 aera t e' L. 4 ;• kis " . ~,siri i '
t ask 4,, . 4 4 1 .0 1 H41 i/egme' ELE ,
- - E.E.,nitkaild:ftniebirn6ll2 00 sea 03 Ilk: 11 4 ''s \Er" --- E — .- -:'i, E . .i I. ; 1. •E , ' • '.. 1 '2'.,
1 . tageirl , E EE'" - , ' .E 1 ": f .. r. ''''.. • l E' ' .
',\ L. EStiffP. 4l f B roP'CPrifiliantirS ':
-- 1 ' ' E •
I •'. • • - - • • • ,4!. t , p - 1
..,•,,i,... - • c 14 , ; , 6 „ 1 .,
via 4,4L111T• iTt„! 1 1 11 J 1 7.„ P,I,EI!"`Y E'. r - iE• k aT
'' ' i '', \ . :C,.::: . ..._: :,,.: loti_iiilloPi• I ,; i , '''.. : '.. H tiftil
I to
041140Alitlis441aier liteeieribi'Medl ,',
'.. .5• t E Salf lll billii4iii*s 4' , P! ,' ? akid• l' ll
.. , 4 0.
..,,.. ,•",,,,, ii c 01icenti ..,,,,..k...t.,.....,
E• .
- E. - ,', E 4
E 4 'E', 4, ; .4
r ll r
4',.' 4 E. E .*' ,
"E.-.J4 \ ,
, I
,E ‘ . l
Z:E E 6
24 0
t 4E. v o*. ' „ • ,
,-,..v: : E i• ' a ,•Iprld los ,
, E:E'4o,', •t 4 : - :', -Ei j ,'''''''';i l, ' , 2/E - r: 1 . E; .E. -,•-:: E -1:1. 1; 4 0".."::''
E*_,E. - 1 -..
I EEE . ‘st N f ' .;- EE :.-
, i Es i• - _ , ' -
E I 1 • s'E. 1E , , '
4rThersta VOW
4ryto tt h AniS 34,r,16.
awl Our ` td hi=
tbst. it t A ( *Asti , *
Ad le eun , iiipcilon +I S p ia ".,
Ike; ti 1114
lieriukti.ibit 144 cletuali ‘iir
f!isar , o c coopaaloripidanoiOals
. 1 044 e Wee itereiteirybi, , Au•
.;iiatiAisialt to thi-toriiF
Rlid. .
•• t at orriia ta lc b bait/oos -
hkittil cep.
4.0 . iwai:sinTh 404 itior'., tb MO:
ot `alliket.• I," "thiso it baeh,
40.• 601 u
ttiot aVephitl4 Pill, haqd t p.ri sin 1 .'?oor
eurod qui reillied - 1 , %111;'Act
*.talehr. ,•1 ; - 1 •
. „
lii&DAting atts
devif , Pitu ,vrisato*'ili;m.titt Int
!nant the litalthanttiv leaved in 14.1) . be
140itad00 a4t, SSataustd Intestiled to,gtes, notice of ..41ts.: -
"24iilihkOttltiht;ittintratin 'eseape - attentieM. till nw
tat* is - ra*castitlail-lielndltattioos Sh4ul;l never
neriact.ll. may be 'ciassilied
flames: slat 4tyllnilokiplAtit and idiopathic: • SyMptocustiC
_ lleadalhi ii4izeiridinio eh:ninon:M:ld la. tie 'Precursor
OE a lptitit rili44oy . , a . Wpm's.", among which ain Roplaiy
Gout. alieuatatisto,atit all kbr.thi'dtses4s;• its nee;
kris :ths:wimMtelt
igmisiti!theikaishlaeschictie, eat hepatic- Mediae Cocuttitat
-44ihr0ad..40 ' 00, 4 ( 4 41 , I Palke. and other
. clisiw t hiire al sa wallas: crud and
bectioni Dttlesians.ot the beset ansireri,trespietitlY at..
twitted. Wit - ht.leatiac4l; AWanda and .Plitthors are alio
affections which treq:asotiv hccasion!fundutio.
- pail& ileti*M is alb:Over; min:abet, beininstisliy
tinicoisbad tbe nailas of tentoss:kratt oche eoiriethites
eoming on . ,sitdditaly)ri state ot • appereatly shawl
health, smut Onisttatitili at, once the,Mentat ands phialeat
enerFlea: and utheriltultstices it wanes on'ablirty,tter
. aide by' depreuiva sidrits or acerbit y of, temper;
mast histantesithe pii nis In the-gnatof tiaihmid.evee
one !Is i gotit ions, anti sc . matitinars provoking Itiog;
nodal thla Anti May also tienamtd NOtnitgett'.
- the tOatineht of either cliaant ifeediCite,tbi
*Lite found at 'sure and sifit inmedy, Ir*
Ilevina the Must: &Ina to • a tsw :minutes, and Li'.
lei Subtle pJeer aradasting7theidlsaasasot which Head"
achalaatil 'oaring India.'; . 1 • • :
„ ,
twO'cloont - lito
ere , win ibe.
-t (*HAI*.
Sexedet4lltaaua annis youjci land her al. hoz or Cr
phatte U!tuli tio.; a botUi of Prepared 41111 s : but I'm
thinking tliat' T a an jilt naithopri Nit insibaps ydil be
afther ItnntiritJg *ilia it ;IL', Ire weir sh.e4ibigiCileati.rad
tuna allth the tticliiiradiehe;, and: *ants nom* more of
tbak Annet4relatii4 her Debra.
• D;Afftlia4.-Tott geoid, mead SpiMidea-eeptialte Pitts,
Brittptd-4tAlit anis -noir and you'ie 'sad
. .11ere's
.4,atrYdifa ant the Pills and and% be all day
about it althet t •
doe Locke"
• Coasiipation .Or COstittellinial:..: •
• 4, • .. I
NO one r hi . the -taxoy ill* brit Id' is on,
• ,
pretalent; ao little iidrsiood, and. io - ;hegieeteiti t
as bostlynior4. Cittint originating In . makes= tits, 'or .
sedentary ; It b regarded as a itigtti atveider .
conspgnenetto siolteinitsti;:whila in reallty
It ,ii the kete 'ingot sad eonipantod of tuanyiok the most',
pit : eland dangerous:diseases, and ir eradica
ted it arlitiibilng the! sulierer : th.4'' dm gravel—.
Among On e ,eimess . ii 1h
usual atie'attant; ard,lleadacliti;:e; llhnv7metlim, pool
BreAtb, lelesi 'a oihers A long
Troia ot. tr , i ' ghttitl . diietset :Fevers ' , Ab 7
canes, Dyilkilei.y. Diarrhoea; figligemiat
lifsh Ofelanetioiy ,
luemitty, dratoolleatelitrelwe, in t system
by .this symptom .` hattequkilly tie
' asses seined originate in tionstipattoo but t take oh .111
• itolitiend4ot ralstedie mart% the , eine. Leenidieeted in
'ma early siege.; Ftn ' tu el! theMi ionshietatliais It follows
t .
'that .the !disorder ihould ieeititaAdiufediate atteotkin
wheaerrril occurs, and ni. person sbotod , :negiret to get
a iMx yf 'cOphitile killaoyithe dnitappestratiee of tliti corn.
as their timely ow expel; ap ,
pramybes of ditiemslana dmiro y this daiigetelashia to hit
. tuah /ire.; • I 1 • ' . •
.. r ', 1 " lleal-Iflessirig. -, -. : .- -
.-.olyriciaN.HWell, lirs. Jones,!bui islitiat. bealadie ? :,I
:Mrs. Jo'neri,--1.1-ozil.! Doctor, ill guni! Itit4.i;lll:,)tui ,:eut IS ,
eared jist tiienty, nibitites,lud ' l.4liii pill would
tend ot'i 'llia 1 cati - bare itteni banidy " ..:. :* ; '..' : •...
P) '^ l ' ' - , 1 i , ' b - 1 i)t '' ti.. Cl •yr..tia., , roi,cap i,et i eui at aiy i b.gie . _ .
.Mr,C;phalic:l4lls'l find they] buier, t ail; and ',/. re.x;ten•
Soilid itsiti in 'all mars uf,2:ll,aetie., I ',. i .
.i . '•
I.lfre.J4r.ii.!--' , l!ettali aeLd'i fur a -Ixi'x, ireelly, , iiiid. fbali" •
tell all pi, iitiifeiliii Uinta', for they , a I:ii reef iiri•iai.
' -1 • :.', . • '-'1 • 1 - •:' f'' . .. •• ••'. •,-' - •,1, !..'" •,' '.'. ' ,
1 . H . ,''•=, . • ' -," ' • '' .: I :'• ...' •''
'-• • -:-; i !,:i '.e ~ , - , 1
• :Tyr . zr: 3itiLioNit or . p0z,3414. iiii:ED. , Sli , ..i Spalding
has 'twit' !t' , etto` nillll,na. uf :. butt 14 of ilia.
,telebrat a yre.,
pl!red tilne'anit It is estimated that v4slilx:tto aieenat,
least teiia.l4,.i.; en/rtliut tinilien furnii;ira,ttna utaltini"-
an aggreyta if of tireniy, million" ::61F : ; i1.01 . 4111 . reelitini,.d ..
frail, toial lou by Ibis vat uabiel naeott.o.: - tlaviug niede
lids GI neje boniegold,word, iii nner..nrtco.; du - file
world .1111 greater ' tiring all tbeaebl Sig be:ado!:
-*lt'll tilicii;ti..lis fills, aid if They i r e. aigooit'aa. tit;
One, tfe'adices will soon efit;tela•iway 'like tuoarlia.
July tliiH
• I.
..... :riL; ',, .1 i,' ..-..... !-- ,• , r ::. .. ~. .r. , ,
si-Ovni xicriragrirr, - ab . d tbe umuiso:aupsoii'ansiety
• o 1 • .
locdeot. lt to; close at teutioo: tO buil iieas Or .atudy'i are.
among iiii.!-Itssueious aw e s of .1S er,itini(tilailaehe., I. The
.disurden;d l ante of the mind. ao_d body:j intident *I th,s
distresi4g cOtooaint is a fatal : blow, to ' ail:energy'. and
'aiiiiiitiOn r i bntleije ra by i Ida! disorder can ale IV a.obtt ..
• ipeedy.6)ief trool These ifiatie,aing atata.i by usiug? u
. 'niftier tiepiiiiiit• i'illantienee.ktbeb)ni ' Fitithenfirear. if.'
quiets theovUrtaaked brain, ii,nd - auotties : tkie atrainettaod
!iarriniz i nerves; aid iniatea the: teutions'oi qte "stoiset46-
. ortise4.lo;sl; ! i atel,mpaisits and aggiai}iitas the disuiderad
'tonditioin nf ibutmaiti. • • ' , i ~ ".11; .1 ! .. 1 .
I 11''. ' 1 - • • -',. ' '.. 'l' .1' I.• ' - ;I.
?Atlift/7p , 19.11o•rill
I errtait's,pro for tick Ileadnate,lllll,4,li Airodi)rto; \br
torts lirli4lartif t tostArruras 'gad' Griorl Debility
0 T micomq—Atoolig - t.iefrati,l"terportset'Oflaltl
Wait t,x4edllll diacoveriis oF.thia Xini, may be corned,l
, jt
end 11 a eixtearof eacrlnall66 to! piatfcoll from *4 IIII II,
Pox i a'' 0b II Pl6l 1 ll f i'l 4 . ti . 4
li, '
, 0
' '
use. • Qalol44for 16e ;revee! ,c , ,
abich Val Xi rune specify faieaatel4!si arill 6e . exiin*l.
1 ,
eared ,fatilferlog humanity loog after timik:discevettrs
are to otter.` 1 . ..I I ,III'I! . -. , I
• '.., -. I , ' s I r l'''. ''
'' , I I II l l' "1 :
~, „, , , . « „'1.. ; I -, ". •I:I -- 1 1 1
: ...1..: II . - .i , ' I 1 1 1 '•:: lII.' 1,, ' ' , - ..1 - , ; . f
Striniilioti rivrhiyeittie ile6l.Hrioia.,:h.?. - D:a7O4 re:l
'member the tb . robbing !etopleo.ll6o,, !eland brzar, iibal,
tintblegand leltaints? at thea6l6l4foloct. Clow ,totallii.
unfiCrou - ;wig's kor plerentrit.•co6rair/011 ai'sta . dY r '9 1 4"1'
of 1 be:Cret!toill.4 Mile wdoltlibrtll'4ll,tcl yo u. froFl'lllll -
'Ol6 siOr- log w!ch you Plell eittleliikkel Por.l6lkardl
etbr: rilkOar , you ,i !tool 4 apaaiX6,irt # . l; ol. proj e ,ip 0 ,1
baud a 114.lielhe ocralieit iequiroo,,i ,• :- - Y.: I
• , , : ~• I•- ', ' -
:~ ,~ il~
_. ..
.. . _
Owls An - lark timin,ritniiimOtj
:!... rieilit rxiiillieripl, snel; Ate; -' -
I,'HE pito,...erifi er ;wit tliffp.ig
• , ..." 1 i . " c i 7 i.""e' r ) ,6 4.4.."t‘., 4
-';',.`t,' l l,ni"4 -
~,; 44.. Ifitethei*lth pirilip and 414 amis. "Mil in'
4 .l6.7. fi t ir .t.i.;:t lib m,; , ... ,, : diTi i r t_t;:i ; r: ::ru to : h lli:
. th. 4111; 11" ::: ° :::: : 16 di: 901 ::::: : ::- 7tot:
ri', 'mid ire, , oly fril trivlo ii , gt:bilia.ol, a uld
o, ind hi, -7 , op:dnnt not 1410 in : 1 :: p„ robes.
'1 ol d 14. : !r . 4:1 1 r
l: i :h in o il 4: 1 1:to. o r "' r e l l : t ' 1 i tik.... ,..-: . +. .' ,, ,,, '.: . ,, ":1::::: . .i1e5ecit: 1 :111et t
- Darr it 4 'or; 0011 - 1 00 -do, striont- pionill.roi tarp in amyl[
Irth':: ":".:Pililrl*lirnii 414.1(uniPillinil:'11411-111
~. 1., ." 1 0Twri'0 rt , tr.i4eroco no il i 1 toylim. .olio ono
. •. , ip ll llll-PT. T Rnifft the forl nbtim of stir, wile - rrpeatl
ferein t his
ecninr of the s, .1, • '' .
•- , ; ; ..-s! um, iar::t.4i nesmi ,
SuOir Caiie-i' was without A° bil l lied ' - •
• 1 1 4 .• i . '' lbr tliej
Aa!Mcal I , • Tll tuPsf , :Teum idilli-aiiinil a
_little pnre le Of „seed were diett:ibuted hen
from IthiS; Co ce,' andt settitvreA r i •
.;;. O ,, , _
.. - ... , . li mb- -east
Aver the Ire' try,. 'giving . - all
,wht3 3 j r ,d. ,...4
cha l nceto i tr it . 0:1 . 1 :,tlr sitiali . scale Without ex...
vl it
Pelilei As we ' r predi c ted;-- it'l! h"Illot . bete
fooriclladapteil to the far • rkirth,'; but`, it in f ast.
hectieditikla staple. trip•in• I thet• ;southern tier'
of 'O4 : - i'irtliwestertt States, :Plirticillar! ! i n .
ovisetiwil' i lllinids, and more or', fess in Infix'
ititi.ain4 Ohid..."' w ; 't b a * f
L I - • Intli ; excuse I A re
fake alittio' Icreilit 'for' belief+ ;enabled th
country; . at. , u, ; _a
large, to experiment 'so cbPa I'
- • ,..P Y
wit , ' 4 o,i,r plant: : Generally.; wititi aurn e i
1 011 0 , 0 41. . 0 ; 3 ¢Plare ille etiiititry Ail, il 1/„(111 4
flOWijar cot; if tripets as attentltA,lihe Ii •-tin
i4ll tii I; • . .. .
t tie to o ; the serghtlin, a few enecit . .5 'MI
tlte,irlr‘. ! r . , 1 otioly and.'reati it , fort one. p.,.••
publish • of the•49ricittrueilf ', at once •'-',,..'
ciiited; fro 'f reign sources , I'teiielY *peen 1ti...-.
di44 , 'poirie of. the seed; 450 it ie.
small, parcel free to all his isithseriber.i ,de
siring tt.t i lt pan+ hint a* an adveni•oiment,.
but the vino iy•was none , thelesi' bodzditted;
The samel rse will be adapted': anti;, ~e,•11
re.ipeet tifiither - 01,ott,r, ahluld ' - -oce4.i.i i.k . c.!t -,
for it.* tThe - cohAtaat adtice' -of tlf,t 4 / .i.
~..- _ • ; .
cuffifralg; WO, ttilt , pe ;ple . 'should try ‘ it -, , :in -a
tknell Scnie, and :where this 1 a ivied ir ii• l fil
li), a . i . (:tn6..,:stit.i'lreil Bless, =l' ti; seo , l . t.Vis
AiisetaitiniA !was raptly : t a u f t ip6i,j. '-' s „,{ .
wbereven the Plalt•see'lnsd tit flourish, it 'irai.. ,
ftirtlier Oii4itifenteti?•witti.' , J- If:iw, while it .
has beinitlisCardeil in. a majority of localitiel,
in- many I ottier places it is cultivated ( quite
l and witit.prmnising; results. • • I
1. 1 ,
, .; The reit() s•friiin the. West foilhe past ses,-
~. ,-•- I; I , „.. ;,
men are : enel ) unVtrig., ' - Leist, f rom _ our edit.
14ctiork:With the plant, We' Mig,lifhe th'ou;ht'
to lie•prejudiiceit lin itS faVor,44 - will let.,iur
cliienipOrarietispealt„i • .'rite Prtiiit; 1. qrAtei,
ifterriti4: : Illill 01$, soli: "The
-prople of - the Nest are sii'reeerling in its eel
i ut inittinfacture li4(ind erenthe • high
• • . ,- -.• I. .' •
.e t,' hop, s..of its friends, ;-;' •More syrup and
cigar ili , bet ttgrnade t`rom:it' this :year in the
West, than ever. before—:more lieed: Will be
ill:it:tied; next season thaw .was l plaeted the
preserno Ihe syrup .and! smear, grown and
man tifii'cur d on ourectil,..wilt su've'our farm
s it-heave tax', and re. a source 9f Wealth,
tliich W.est rn fanne r s will ' scarcely ignore
ir seinkti e toconte.! ~ , ,
~ • , .
.r:A n I', 9 Inn corriv ? pot t 4ent . .al:rites to the
Iriends' • view,". .of Philadelphia, that-a.
1 irge ninon' t uf excellent tynlasses -has be'en .
nitile frlo.a . i title ,Siirghtint Kurt itnphee i a his
viceiniilyi • •11e Saytt :1 ' 'Jim quality or the
syrup year i. s ••to . l i miiph - tt'uperibt to. What
it has been: ieretiifart , , thlit the cultiviitiun of
iiie cane' ~ I l •beceine\ery common Wmoni
fartneri.'.'l , know.vort,eVen:n4llSLin opeiat-ion,•
pied ' I't quantity ;from-'t 'en'' o - t 1--
tho. ee... .„, tri. , 5.. one et, 11 .
iagtor4, is i yer 30(1„gallps. . li are than . 700'
gallonii; wee made at one of o ur milts.':'.. - '
i 1
e ta ut yg: f . 4l4 • h F a tt v i , rn ie . e u r i s a ' tie ; . 4l ,so dro. oo
cnic A • e ( Pl a r rino r' is i ) i : j.
.iiallot4 or - leiy Road "sirup this Fall, which
'''• • ''
• 'f . fifty ;cents per gallon" "
,ead'il; s e ll or ' • ' 'I• ,; •
L.liivi, raj •43 two good crops of grain on sod:
ground,, and I thitiir- it ;the ' ril I ist Prufitahie
pint 1I caw:t - it on such Lind. 164 i fi , ,..dit shut.
tow soil' gi ves 100 i gallo , le 4w,"6p per acre,,
While I:iooti l irich land.. yte,i4s.:2Co lor,More gal
lons.'il 1' 1 . •:,' I , :'. •'. 1: '. . .
I • ' i; 1 .' ~
'- i 1 .• - 1, r 7 .'' • - :
I 4 1 1 1tiay
. 4 ,i,;ir-reide!,rti, w;4l be lirii!erepit 11 in the
,origin 41 :Wit y .'etbit 41iPiriilUr1011. .I , lllebe - Spring of
118,54 we SU ,‘3 , i_tt etnail put ;with .aingbllllll, C , l'a
014 , 011 W froni_FJ:enee.i 14;Ailtunini we deeeribed
;th e erci t itrita l en - tointluffereak our tier, seei in email
•,preete t o est oh 'of , our 110;,merslio , * of would pia
side it:ready tweeted 'ptostpuid en , rel.p twieitrry it
fin. .Schur y i was ;hie otlf.r. pot t lfshod: Wholr Ili
liertileutted a,. d etierrin us; ta4li a it .114 r en ottnee,
eayink ~th t.tinesPapier it t por . te bare aisle ;he.
people it,tll,- west erai.,?: to , it. out : l e e e al.l sell
tr.out in , tnialt padeelii ar the :at, ,n $3'.1L1,.. : bunco.
We o ilcourte ielfttie:llo part wt:L: . ,:,fieritt proem
biedjeto.otir ' , readers. the hi t! rhos received
from the 'wi,iild be eoteubstnr, le; at. to t..1. 2 .-ut, ~a
let 6.414 t. or 'Pend, pi s i t.+,v.. t it;.4 .; j ut 1 , 0 . : ,
t , is i‘ , ,iiit eeernmeeed pot t c-t:a:4ll.llPinuai Le - re
distritaiii..4.l.4rit us tieus, ;swirl; has gr 4 a ?
Ir tofi:!*:11 i portant tit , pnrtio e •: el oar ttnterpet.e.
Otbef i publish e r.
.ei at*: 110 5; iitailtir caws!
wit ti 4.1.1r-er ye-. Aid, :et iir : t oil, 4 All Illion reps
rate i it,eolo of . jr0.411.jrA , 14 h 14 . 000 out
o :..our . olatit : .,- . = . -.4. , ,erifas ,
, ,
.:.: A:iriai.i tort..Fisal
'l'h'e ll fol4ipgs is the legal •alfight. of Ale dii
ftire'Rt:gfaitis and articles paard :' -1
'' .r .
2, Tieiled ;COra",!.. • .; ;,..,
lieutt on tbett)ti p °..
• ..
I " . ltv l. ' 'i .
• ....ii k . H
ioMf . .*;: I , ' 1 %.:
"1 1
Bar ey, '• :1
' I litlc ' iheat; II t ,
^i I 61/46i:iced ) 1 . . ' i '.
'i'ittiotl4 'Seel4,' 11.
; F. 14 Sca, 1 I 'l
l' i )3.1u GraSs Z,eeil, li'l
1 i'Reaqi
-2 .soed, I 1
4 1 7 ,
11 • .1_ i !
1 ;:1.
R'Pe.ansi l . f `7 ,-• 1. i .
,'1 PeaS; , .1
Ca ,
stoi , Beal n, ! ''
, r , 7-t, „.,. I
il . To aloes, i
. r
1 1 ,-',. Dr ed 1 pPeaches, ! :
1 ,
I' Dric4l; A epl eti..
< ittflpt
..! -
6 1 411„—Meol.ik, quat#ity of apples, st
amine, kind, eore f 'and slice very
)or, and' Blond . saute-patt!ri
nil stew Oritd -they are quite tender
f e land aV i pounds' of : (fine, tr 4
P#i,r 'of . fetiit, the'rhia
tomonri and ,of one, ,bull tat,
Rpt kiriars,
• Ph.ep
oi l the
put in
Put on
or t wo
li . • `'; i- ~ - -.,'117 .......---, :, . .
Fitc . THCA* fe l..—'l'7O., , Cop a butter, two a
P.: 11 ' 4, 1' 7 44 5 4 1 1', . ltlici ot inulisge4,,serien •of
fituri iii*: tijicei One ..pound 1 eailanti, one
pound r.,1110ii,-tialf; plaid , ' pesetvell 1
.°Y!'4"l4)l2plottilrinh ',nuttnefty. etc., to kaste.—
/iakO" th : linitri.' in a moderate ..0911th ii
•I t i ' '4,:, .' ' , • '
wade vt. °or t:ro before iti is to be used
.1, 1 • . -,..., ,• ' -., - • 1 - . ~"...
11 !. 'ik qn 11cheF. ,- • , - . • - ~,
,li • o - I "A'N - OotosAsi COLD ox Tilt CoEsr.-F
i t
:Soi' a dorto.ouiota:(ifbite' 00 4 if 'p u p
F iible,tos heir Odor is wit' 60 Fliirt;ttg a,p 'be
; ! 6 d.) a,!.4 '01a 'Piet:e of - 4ite *iiilialfru nd
themeiwitlia - hairoator until aMara t eniabladtaad
'4loausi i itetao:lst with thei, jt4a - a..-; 'Fala oa
itliii4l Taco
FUte Omit :all night.r!and ai aid ' lx: ate Dell
iiiis . 5 1' - ' -i i .----. • ' ; ;,, t--,.. , -i;
111 i---j----.....-., ,
my T o 4 • couGu.,-* ' 'lir titA
4411 i PI thej ice oil', 4 ',OpiikiLlimel
er +
1 4r,14) iobea laid U :41%loasimi r kite PiA
IT .1 , P
'ka t fii oi ase:
k 1-.l' it,4-
~ qt.#r:.
ifQlll , 6=l ,
I ' A I
' l6 .tdi biliadilY /OA ifor.
km 0 4 ' 1
)atitear ,
v. itaar!, -
s flattihi
0 ,00 Intl
i sir 114th
ma. Ila I
2 . wan
VIM Mills
4' %mar
tar 0 1
1 14 rte
at I
ity , ots
II" :
i‘igh9a till
a Gm do
w y
Wl*, I
i i
* r -32
1 58
;1' 62
'5B . •"-
"64 .