, 4/Era, • sus-' - - MT Yog a -0; E. Tails L,,a Tai;,- Fan ,, Abr uniti .449 , 1,:t00r 00 m , #Ol sad CbissialLt suseis. fin orourr--11,..N.,Latr., Who us satharisindto .rearlTeail. pet Billo - f?e the ;ocaim WAWA.,,uent. • - '4lrawrorsoma l i i s m ur cns', Jonaaki4Jtc.'—Th first:Jana - - b e t. of this paper, Which is intend - ; O'fik"),# Sr, i sd valet . serai:;;Neekly issue, of di' Mistime "Jurflutsz., will 'he issued . on Wedn ay next* and 13 . continued figularly.therea ter, Bath i psperit trill be furnished at the ve . reasonable I prii,te, of $2: 1 75 per annum i ,and the Matter 1 trill be entirely diatinet in both, i • will. be an 1 " advantage for all of„Our presient su s c rib erris to I take them, and thus..be liept -cud - ed:of: all. t h a t : t rans pires of ,Importance, a home • and ,s broad. _We *ill seturthe "Jr." to all of otii. a ub'serihne in the -County, and ,tir'se who do ~ , - l td Sot. desire .to' . take. it,- car return i heir copies to this office, with their atne and Otit..Ct ffi ce marked on, so shat we i t 1 knoW Who return them.. But we would vise all,to take it, . fol. the sake of their chit rem. - 'We',will make ; r 1 thl "Jr." s interesting n I t, only in a literary point of vievik bat instruetive in this arts and sciences. c lts perusal Will. inculcate a habit of reading in your childrerfosf far more im portance to them; than anything else ‘you"can girt them, for the same r t rnruist....B \ eecuur - aged in this 'enterprise, Ire may yet r utaltyie • .11fliettit* Jpylt.?l'AL. a tri•Weekly pu bli ca tion , arid thus: be Iv with the spirit of the age.— The' MIXERS' 4orKKAL, Ja.,` will . be a.neat little sheet, and we trust that our friends Will give - it, a hearty reception. Our'! clubbing - prices .., witli. th'e' Tribune and ether popular n publications, should attract attention, for the amount Of, reading giveti at a reduced rate., TO Hui. ROIEKqI. PALmEa,Speoker of' the Siate • Senate; we are indebted for a copy oi the Gri)vernor's Mrssani. I • . vIfoNJOIIN HICKMAN is ti ei4 for the Uniefd 'States Senatorghip from Peljiisylvaaia. Uv Wedt,edtiy,- Lick, was eieeteti Clerk of :the Peungylvania:l : llll'ie..of keprysentatives . THE Bank of CotnMeice of. tiew York, has obtiined the remainder df the Treasury notes at 12_ per cent riloN CAVg JOEINSON'ot Titi - fiessee,deelarfa tor - the ,Union, - and the, pepple of that State kupj{on hint enthasinstit:alliT_ fiuE WIFE of the gallant Major,Anderson is;ft Pennsylvanian:_ She is a daughter of ihe late Wief Justice Gibson this State. "11.'s" coststuNtesilo,s will, appear - in the Ja. "I We ere trio Crowded tb insert ii in this. nutnber ui'the JOU/INAL. D., Maore_ of Philadel. pUia: is tbe, mast prominent 'candidate fur State Treasnier;in place of Eh Slifer,. V.sq.,• who declines a re election.," EMEI!!!121 SEN'ATOtt. of Oreg . on, t 2 l3eliveied .a iiowerful speech in the Senate, liti r s week,..for te:Xaion. It made a g;eat;:impression, I sad colifounde . d_thetiecessionists. [ , A..t.trrrEa from Smith Carolina, published in Vie Cu'uilitutiorr, admits that the election of• Mr.i..insoln .43 only tha pretext, not the reason, for. Secession. Who ei , er;doubtedit.? • Ir is stated that Gov. Ellis of North Caio lica has dispatched troops to seize apim Ftirt • Mac.a,, at Beaufoit,.the forti i end' The United -States Arsenal ',at Fayette , , . -. . I oN, finwARD, BA•ixs of llisildil, ilon, iVilliam.L: Ditywn, 'of New - J4l:andGen: 1 _ • • - - (.'ineron t 'of Penn§ylvtinia t 'arc aollounced as fruspettiyeinembera of President Lincoln's Cabiatt. • - 1 . , - . . : . • SENATOR CAMERON returned to Washing. lon on Wedneaday,fros Sprittifield. = l.l is. mated that be has, certairdy been appointed Se`nretary .1 of the Tietisniy by—Ali. Lincoln, and has aCcepted. • ' ' • • _ • Js Luzerne !Co' uuty, On :Satur day night .14st, Mathew Thompson, an F!n -'slishma`s,Was stabbed by a rnari,named ti. Rum l Thonipson ispitexpeeted to . - re rover. Duffv was arrested. , Ali, Ifoxoir 're, LITTLE I)ELAIOA.E.—UpoiI .v . recbptidn Of the inteiligeneel thikt.lajor .......AersoriOsad moye . d his tii Yon. Surn 7 , r*- A , ' t .,,- er,,the citizens of Wilmington Der fired a P... 'l. • - salute 0-'tyi-nt'y•one= guns., tyhe example was folio:Aced were and .elsewhere. '" Tits ft ' ppoininlent of Cittiteion as Sec retary. (if tit Tritissury, is fi compliment to PeTntis3lvlniii, and invpotant to her inter e sts; fin he is a.valOt frien'd of i the Protective p;)licy. Atr:Ciineron good §ec feiary . , for as , "financier he . h4s uoi.sukericiE • / Toms can he - but one opinioa.withe,"quei, '.tion of putting Peiiinsybrania t on - iawarfooting, • m i ld that is that it should be . 'done ,at The 6overnment _should uot= parley with armed. rebellion; but protect the ittralle.d rights of the coutikiy. Tu falter in - a clearly defined line O deli, is perilous: • . . ' : THE PRESIDENT A:ND THE 8111.ENtaiqiS& It is ki l, ;e;lit-Selfgral thousand , 6011 - (15, 13 jai - - ( AA i. , i, il plata ~ agveipzed: by the ' lnteitor I/e... partment, were purebased by Messrs. 1.1.jit,'43 d - . Co, of, .. 1 Vastii nitO 0.. - t ity, in N ' Oni :York, ' for. account of The President,; end 'are 'or were, retell:y*ld by •hiip. ; • • i ' . . ,!i - .---.'. ....; 1: .:,...........:2...._ . , . . _ THE South'earolina ConVention has --irapo ell a tax of $l6 a ,bead upon all the slavei ig3 the State: Fur400;000 slat:es, the Pr-0-, dlet of I se,ch. a tax would-.be, $6,400,000, which - would however ; melt likeisnove beneith th , txwar with the United States, , -If I,Efy keeppn, there will be„tio_proinirty :left io • Leh , - k• Tlll:;Committee • of Thirty.tilree- on Friday .tlioFted ; Mr. Adam's 'propii;ition-. to admit - N..iv,k t .xi c o,i the following fiyo itepuhfteans eiitftig : Messrs,' Renog, Washburne, Tappiib, and Robinson.: It was s'ustain niThy Messrs, Adams,Campbell, Corwi(, Cur 'L,, Dunn, Ferry, Howard, . iTumphsey,;:•and ‘Yhidom, together with' eisri.' Burch tif• Cal ifornia, Bristow of Kentucky, and Winter Davis. The 'hest of the, South, who Were resent, rtoted fudversely.. Thiei is the utmost conee'iiinti the Republicaiss are willing to mike, andiF does not comiwand• their united EC port now. • Tr is3hought hat the arming'of the militia 4 this State, to the number of 'loo,oob men, will be authorized.A million of dollars will be reqUired to arm .them. Pennsylvania is true to the Union, and to the rights of all the States under the Constitution. Her powerful arm will assist the Union mer of the South . in pre4rving'it, we hope peaceably; but the 11 96 I:4lst be maintained at any sacrifiCe..--- Mi t vilhe sentiment of -Petilukyltrania, from the Dt4ware to the water ;; of Lake Erie, and bet -hardy sons oceanic' , re :quire tbleir services. the` to( the O n , A. seh lets Jonslil. Fi.orP,' Secretary pf Nary has re" iign tided on account of Major Anderson— 'llP• Berme to bother the secessionists , by-his conduct.. i An impeach. meat itainst Floyd seas bping prepared by some of the membeisrol Congress Vet hisse : liguatida averted it. Conduct, in The i i i°b'the , $870,00t SI M" n/Ore and lams A•ery, day, that. he - Was deeply implies.' ted • lie. did Wlu4.lo7lknows Wag a violation : 1 4 his iatietions. _T Im:investigation is ei- Petted Ito develope some ientt*WinitrY faCtS couterain g the way the' public money has . b een ahlied by this high fitactiojnarY• MEM • - -Tag *Win: itiliiitt 410 'init *Pit Task' scats .or • :Psaustiri.4iiiiao7—The I Trealairter, _.., after*giiiiig a statement - Of 'the'rtielneist ,. boa.; dition of thie.taie f the principal 614111of•illieti are embodied .tin the Governor's! Message, , states that withiordinsxy receipts, and' eentiont leaf apPropriatqcns,threeiquarters,of risaillitas , of the State debt can be paid annually. The Treastirer ;Coridetints the tax upon o liurs, and, srecomMenda ; a,-repeal o the law: He esti- - ~ , mates that the revenues lost: o the State 4.36 , ~+ , . • repeal iof the tax on . her own Wane, could be : .-- • More than triade'np by an increase of tax on 11, ; brokers and privaie banking establishments. : ; 4 1 , y ii!ta mly._ 1 These:ire large and growing interests. .. Their' •t° Ma in° - .' a :svitl bustintss may . be fairly estimated at. One half ' -de " , 4'. , Ilitin iti of that of 'regubsrly incorporated banking in- -.5C:.14 1 . 2.-lini, shirki . *stitutions. '. , r . ' , ' -.. '••; . , '• • • • ittiAittneit it is .. te the I I: -In :'alluding ftirther,lo private banking es. trtntin The cinly anti t. 1 toblishments, the Treasurer says: , - - tooAuttinn inteerisipediuonsi Almost _every ;county in the State has one itt ei 'W- .11; :# 41 2 ;.., ... t ; I n t :el ac- so: w. t it d ! n eci i .. 1 or More private banking establishments, many )?ii in e rc t of them doings large and,legithitate banking -• ' 't , • • a e.ou • busin'e'ss,:. whihsf , not slew of them, feeling :_ ....,.••••'°°,,., 71 „been avoided: ,• , l an restrainid by the law regulating the pap ifrtrte , rrL PrePert. i ðers seaports . ing Out of, foreign ,depreciated currency, art. had ' , lspropfrlf teed and stipporteil the rate of interest which may be charedi 1 hy se p i‘ete. ..fb ree + of the iisiiii.L . are bht little:better than : shaving shopi.. The i - t ied aik kirt z ve . , el . i f ; 6 1 , estalhatentscit these private banks all over lir it i . , ci , . itste to, pty the *C auitonwealth has.the effect of greatly - . ? on di . Th e y , lessening the rcveeue from "money at int.ert. have tiaptedj , i ,,,,i stb.s , 00. 4 . - est." 1 4,A , few • rich men, - in a•rieighborhood, . becili "te Govern . and•the weakness i t hi v i ng money to lend, form theroselves.intea of its U. ;, t .•• i, . . t.! . .1 binking . company, pay a nominal license of ,thirty dollars . per annum - to the State, then put out their own money,;and all they can , get Ima deposit from their . neighbOis. Al -though •is low Irate of interest, is paid for matneya on. deposit; let • when OW Sissesisor conies ta, make thentinual 486iSplent, l it 18 - 4 treated • els -. on • tietitisit' the owners' holdi lig al certificateand not a bran: In this ~ way, many of the , establishments gather- most of the . money itt their vicibity, dci . business of of_ . 1 two.: to five hundred thousand 1 dollars, anti , ,- some even more; by the i .s simple payment of al - , tax , of. thirty dolla ~when the iSall3 e money, if taxedlis 'moneys at interest;' as dontem; plated by law; .Would yield.aleveinie of from five to twelve mindred dollars , ,1 --- , -...• ' • But I Would earnestly recoaintend, that in addition tO,thedicense,nOw Charge - 4, - a lei. be pas4l com,pelling comprini.et4tf,every kind r ( and'indiViduals licensed-lb d'iTi' banking \ busi ness, to Make :au annus.l.rethrn Co the Audi tor Gecieral, Stating under oath theaninunt of iticotite from' all• sources permitting .to their _banking! business; and that they be charged at •, r , tax on all ' such income, at a?.st equal to t hat I which the law ,now imposes ott au' monist of ‘nioneyi at interest" •which_ would-prod4e al .stlm equst to such income at six percent.) per annuin. , , '' , , • Justiec ' -ta, incorporated , institutions,-Which,l for l tbe satire; pri‘rileges, pay annuallylarge l , stuns to the (.',oiriinonwealth, as well, as the 'proper protection, of the revenue intended to be :derived from 'moneys „at' intercst;" cle • mand legislation on this que i stion., . 1 'The ,Treasn re r- thinks tat the Revenue Board • has failed-to ' meethe object claim tent, plated in its, creation ; advi s e its abolishm eat . . . atial i that the power now vested idit be lOdged With the gtate °dicers. , y r recommends jai pestng some adequate penrilty bPon County officers, for reiusing to tnaketiuurterly returns 1 , • of itheir receipts to this Departmetit.++ The requirements +of -the law on this'subject are mulch neglected, and such neglect almost urn; formly ends in defalcation 1 • 1 ' -1 • A U - apt, Num ; meeting was : held f inPhilade on ThursdaY,' at the Hoard of Trade Hdem, which was attended. by ithoi4 - ode itundred geatfinn'en,,lrepreseliting all political parties. Col. th G. Chiids , presided: Daniel DO ugh ,erty offered resolutionsldetiouncing secession; .oflering to sustain the kederal Governmerit.;. approving of the , ccinduct ,M.ejoi Ander son ; advising the placing ot, Pennsylvaniei mile new military footing; endorsing the'sen timents of, Gov., Packer, and Messrs. Palmer and Davis, 'Speakers of the, Senate and Housed an~i calling' uponGPngres tb ec a 3 .0 n orabldadjustment. ,The resolution in refer= enee to AnderSo was.adopted.-. The others were referred: , Judge Lewis offered resolu tions urging concession .to . the South, hich were, referred. Among the speakersi.at-the.! meeting dol. John W Forney, wte will lecture : in thiir Borough on Ttiesdy evening next: "Ile defentled- Dbuglta.ty'siresolm tides.` 'He iboughtithere'Nelts no - `coercion in theta: 'Ski do not propose td-whip! South' Carolina back-into the tnion.:, Nye - 7,16,ere1y "' • wish to defedd sup l emacy (hose alval which have,tuade us the proudest people op 'earth: , '; We May be called upon to . defend'thti '.Capitol I ,be our diity as patriots: AAPplause.] ;*i.itiL war is - • to! bc ; deprecated; but'hen the prgiiMcnthas been' 'exlinusted i' wtinn - 'they go out o f, the to' deitroy us, then. thn "dread alterna l tive has,come.. Thcn l .l—,speaking to : myself_ and for *). boys, eacb BIS feet it gh—,-io n rea:ly to shoulder tny_gun and die inithe lust: . ditch in defence of , my country." - 1 1- ' .l' A'resolution endorsing the action .tif Gov.! Hicks tof Maryland, was adopted, when , the ntenting'sojourned' until to-day. `, ; i : I Tag Prrraminott Or, s.lVeohs rve lb a the r ;Order fur 'the. removal of - guns from the Allegheny Arsenal.to the Southern forts,. ko been revoked by the War pepartnient ; nder a decision of the Cabinet. „What.a contrast: •thiS:Statei :presents in the way, of effective I • armament,, to the South, which has be n supplied by, the traitor Floyd. I Last ianuarif our Adjutant Genera} reported thz4l ninety-five voldoteericompantes of ;Fetinsyl-,1 'vaunt had applied . for' 12.,730 mnskets, and that - had .but si.r hundred to supply - I t - Gem with. In!, ,the year'.lBs9 but '2,749 were '. t!tlibiltecl to : Tolunieere of Penusylvania—yet a Sptte in 4ien -rebellion; which hat seized one; an. Arsenal with ;73,000 muskets, is kindly . ( furnished with five thousand , more, with which . to` - arm her volunteers (or her peg-roes), to fight agatn.itinatead of for the National Gov. er7 ' [meta. Our. volunteer comparnes are lan guishing for want of arms, while traitorsbavi i el treble supply. ' _, ......_ ANoruka .; nano Elarttrien.-o . i' render's. ill remember . how 1 indign'ant.the De it, jiiirnals; frOM the lihiladelphia Ledger dowiii were,„itt the a t tempt as they ofiJohri M. 1 ‘ , d- Iris Butler .and; to cheat 1 William,E. ' I.ehnkan . :o ut" , bit his election to Congress in the i First: 'Pisitict, in , Philadelphia; "(Even i'acker deprivd Mr. ',fatter the duly certified titi D' • ' ' Member' .elect to Congress . from t Ist rrct,i .1 of the usual certificate issued Aiy..hii,whilst lie - ,held: ilia 'Of the - Return . Judges,, and de I, - (flared Mr.: Lehman,duly elected. The, mat • ter was tinder, interitigathin in Philadelphia .this; Week ; the. votes were're-counted„ and it is• fOlind' that 1 Mr.: Butler'k majority in the Whole Distridii,.l26 , , thereby returning him: Whatever 'cheating } .was perpetratel in the i . fit'Si, instance, was - dime _by the opticrsite'partieil tho were fighting, among-theniselves. ThiS It 1S gratifying' 1 resu , . .. ': A Asutsorort :correspondent of "The Pips!'asks'for information on the following, point - . . It" -may noti be ..jnapprOpriate, perhaps, to rewincr th authorities at Washington of some thing which they tnOst probably . have' forgot. ten. Nine years ago-- an - appr.opriation passed by, C,otigress which was greatly con demned Some persons. even went so felt. as tb call it plraud: amotint‘Of the aPPro- Print ion' was not ,les 4hari . $200,000, to be used:in, the- purchase of _Blythe, island, in ceorgia, fOr the establishment of a naval 4e pieneral Davis, or-f.ihat'Atate, dhd tiwn - er of that island, obtained fur the satiot, $130,000, lezving $70,000-for the erection of the depot. Dutnlasl though at-that time some Our statesmen made eloquent - apeeches, proving the necessity Of. such 'a depot, no de pot his ,yet been thon,gh the 'money lm teen ni.prOpriated. :What has becomenf the 70,000 7 ?Air. Howell COblinan, perhaps, tell. . . i-4fipits"The Preneh press - aid that- France, 'lib eticerY heroe% canna even seem tu Pro ;aid ' ether ennitries., Such an idea even In4lld, do r lpir a.fVione injurry,„ Th e A nspr i esni o f .unth:Csretins,' roust, then, persuaded that It :q l eyiekegr ov : 4 l Atm th e - French, keverniirent th e aw e; rt. that tbey deoseucljt will Dot be lts Proprietars; 'phi et !akar lieintpreprietors Dr_ dm ses s. :rrad jiit Valle et Jibe pihrofple, ask Doe l idiedforlhriery;yealui all toyeresseuts de facto obeli Om! words* *b. -17449nAtomis of .Eurupeuad 'Amities. .1 -• r 4 It, is who . . _!?Ptili.”!, taken; trait ' t Oricate reeeiv , , • . week , Pittutttit, ~ , , . ./ 1: writer ~ ...reest c red 'in • his =pi t y honest -hes de he •shb lr' hOw ' I • . '416 manneT, Mktg ! ' ,thes e i IC . ' l• to ti , . . 1 1 F ti •You e — l,ur ~re.4tr Caron it. %tett I. ;hat she b .fer seep Olthel So arei.!ba mieet cas t ' arislilioD Oietion o f Aim— •kt at sie , u :um Loft if the'lq •,iitliar,kket , 7 the 'Siortik: iltritiittitira newts are t 1 they ar ': infinity.. .Tie,thir,'7,l4 wre. t hart Atlf lot tit The.- with Cite at el .+) 'Mat eareeed 1- a oate n of exterteitiati k " oteeeed to ',!olk .01rtead - bud, u ' -: -- "'lp ' - ~.‘ .°,let- , Oast Southern . sipilin ceded. frc.a,lllpelt des. hriz 806'1 h 3 , ben.; larilit;i4 vat, lf y at& vow. hied abt t ircti,l 1861, rolls arir k it 41611, iobbers, hi ll e !Apr to rut. ~ : hr,r:• ,t - -- .- ..... i 2408ACiip 1 ariili' it is ihoutrhi; c 0- - . gist tie. Fetle! - . I qui-1 sitiOn lcie'atai'i -II 11 t: the foraterStat tt4 thas,.. isad', i ' 1 ~ .....i. troops can b e t4ttreltiti# ordt i*entri i ) , four hours no, jet thitOe liii.t and 1 fortS' l ,fiii 4i4A-Si T m are; clic', iii.,. 11,4 . 1 liliifti,i o r 05 S} Of tkiis n‘bi l t:we'Tityl ° thousand coa, d kill/ mitste 04 - fi. 1 , nanetal rpsop l 4 :el,assactnteet • never in better cOaditio 5114_ an each aeAthe '4Vi , le entlittiiistiel ' „j , rolled.. l: . ~.' . :( .-I Ccinsiderable eitteptlexists! la-consequence 0 reOrts thet kets retnoyed fro Spring 'ell ,„ - have' beet{ distri ye`t. the $Ol ! - .t• . ..1.,C; - •7 -- .r .. _••• •••--------- - ; andtheiitiou of the . States endeeit must h 4 faithltilly Wi•.: , ...131t15T IiATTASIFF•:-+ n ti , and inviolably' Fustitine4 and perpetuated?' 1 1 .. , , . 1, - The result of that electkmluts been ascertained, and Ad nil inityarton hilruiepeede4l in f ,' I has been [Dada thelvportunit, of attempted and thres h_ .:...--, , ,i , .1, to' ' tened rekolutionand disunion on the part of Some of the or fria nviay in sphape, wila t : i- - States Which partiMpated in it, bat I cannot ?doubt That feur millit,iii - of 41atilich it' fon / the seraluismis which I expressed to you otilhat oeca , ~,t , . - j . . •: 1 ' ajoa are' still the disments Of Yen nsylvanl4,' • I :'lrtissury when 'triedi;,i owe Ii -,. The scoria of tat Siete ,wilt never consent todisunion. It was upon our it that the Declaratiomot American'' spending „all that fs been able t 1 • Independence was 'nude, and the -Constituflon of the . if tilted . States fratm 40[4 the,Taloo irdlch,t4ay secured /hands oh Sitfee, he ' sit 'le nging' di: . .dostouri ,fathets i too much moo:tans trample, and haa • ment millions iii .mite last eall.fo a vi k u e s it "%y; us t.:o ci ttg o b se le t li c tr and hot r = . .st r arti gßing , tier•ing, untiltaiple of bah * agree ti 3 ;'surrend,r! if. liVery grip:l2oe i4patrlotism,end 9 , 2 ' i every eons t dered. onhf interest—seneration'hir oar bib - stituiions tools . ti at Wnormous r t irs: regard for ro Helve', love : for our children, the prim ent andl lutur4 fare of mankind, AU jolnl,in rolemn . per cent., *a urge , JSenate'tlgils' • %; i.r - i. „i t t , 4. prutest a , ,,,a os m t •,prese at erupts ASO. destrocuon Tariff, .ito that .oredilla con fia nutt t of the (ARDltitio icak: mad lbw' unkm.' . l.l ritimoi, must , • , i - ~ • 1 tew,sasii not i, it Penney:Maul/test partifot It! and agirif ' be ixestorld, *he TreaSur3 hie ehe will'. ddtvOr to do, If try all the plentshed....u rs e . lay in . i matter is w l- 4 - 4 '3 ' e n a ti n t A i t t. h b a .i t s t4 a l liere nat d urW ag b ati v s e t. P P laced eaoly u lv;l6, P°. by #r pen . , I ,We ought to have a it Tariff at iii . " ' Da high In aiti\lity in era sister , Ststes, , that theca .-, ~er laws on o r eta oho • barks in derogation bt the Con-1 • :1' ity don of th o ied States,snd of Um astalo Congress tary Floyd !..jg ti ed hi s os s i n iased la sem n a ;with improviakme. IC: this be so, 41 viiii, 1 •• t > t... :' '' ' -:1 ` ; — "etch I ano'n t red to admit and do net .believe, g iy. *' • ' ' ' : , country o, t . know It was not Intentitioalty door 1 ig 18t0 .. 0, At' -re 11,714 ileii . h: is great Sta r given sufficient proof bli t her arts ill J .. .j.,:: ' .1" •. ' :.. . ' time pa t t she la eouservative. xr-abiding, .i.,ll,,' , l{nwlei, Postosttek. els - , .0 and n tit 'tion-loving,lo relieve 1101 front an.Tl it In iti elicit. ~ • • lutathe of II to tional Infringement:ol thl•Conititii-. i i r,yrnet , aT , , , i0e711.0,041,„„.„.., r - in . „ - , , pl7lp. t tic i or _ ~o.,.,l l se ir . le o u n so ilr ea b t a ,t egek inp o t . a t t „ .n uititication. o f Coast . c. itutionsi vccthing i aye W i / ~ t. ist oa same of our position, notAutty in Inteti tittout Iv •-•••- : I iventure to e - the' that the v law bawl- - . • hid te- Per Seo,tet . by, Cabiut,t, ' pi POilitdelpbjs! itar'lreadri. .gar -Breit 279.136, an i 'llair.'The , i yet, ,g; t rine, 4! oumsp 1 , ;out lo f r . Denture to express the hips) . cos 'Schuylkill White Ash Lump, Broken end Sincere-„ enteredapoulthellislieth In of Ai ,publ Al body o lour w bearing upon the euhjeet matter 1,,,,,, I . 1 I $3 43 3:50 l. %Thant Ilad to, the rendition of fugitives bald ~,,, „„ !, ./PgrTbe ;ague or the Uti St ameffi .°l l * or service ip other Mete', will be referred to the iro., agg and adore, , 300 3170 •10 [mad his owl' ,of othenad rrend co tee onitbeindlosty syatem,or to 'nett other coin. Do. Red Alb, 1 , , 1 375 390 South Carob la a revenue:ter, e pro', Aml a thefleastit may direct, and carefully examined ',Geo i d Mountain Lomp and Broken, 3 70(43 75 the United S ate*. erinieteil hie arge, an 'oriel, ulsafi and If soy jest C• 11110 O f COOlialtlnt ...1 4 Egg and Stove, , 3 80@3 85 blame be tufa sons forever.*, 1 E ' =IA lid wo N. L. Corte. lie *boa l i d be ne mil, al` e i i , ll psi 'twin he promptly removes). Paensylvania T , T, fa il - . i . 4 , so l t at to be ili of Into loinstlee to other " T .`" `"" 'g g r M eat!weakl, to reline to arknowleige Lehi t h Lump and Stove; te 9o4 1 0 - In .1 4 6 t. of paseuln, tit It gh les / and oetifr ertillsit 11 t * , 7 01 1 3 :i h sletion Ow ting their Broken and Egg, 1 3 803 85 Dr. BrealariCh kilied ti s wirer' ,o i coin rlOh hen poined ou her , and her 'Legislature ,By re it, , 4 50 (5; 00, [ suicide. l'h out knilwn ao e, t the , d at," oft air exhale ) wer • reels or eoneequeneet but-ebeertolly, freely •mpo tance to note in Ci4l this week ,. and the idle. lenr k ell It ' h I ' l 'dg r l , l'.ellti Abe loves the Conelifull" ordolowl I nland for it is limited. Price' continue *Wetly and , some thread being oaf the Ili lard het: oar I &stearin dolu dt g b o d r i m h a ll ; wl dr, not yui fi re ; BA TISIORIt, Jan. ,3 :-We hav o -movement , or ; ran darning and he, bastion& thereat. Th 9 I; • ff 1 Ore f.4lr child oh, l4,ee pe feet Voion.tstablleh jtoitice.doe,ore we qt,ote a. follows, Os t COMbelancl at $3137 tr• New - o rb icity [has a'. pio on of 'met' trelnielldt3 , PreTllle I" l b° e " nn6rlll4dener. @sl 50 from Frostburg regttin; $3 50 (4 $3160 334, being a in* • reatel in five • of 184 ' i d e renens , welfare, end secure the illessiegisof „ ~. ~ rte tit to stern , 295,405. ;The nen f drier , ei• D e ol l ot • , : ipiegrity. .* an* posterity " sad dairwe to see it I Per lon for run of ilia)) 'root tleorge's i.,retee, 1 .. .. ' ''son . t 1 4,perton for lamp. 'Anthracite may be:qutited it 64,3384 f 61116.153.707, OT • .e of * steer I mit t Torino t w h i e ti gra be T n . seesta t ruy OHM' la at $ll5 per ton delivered.--Sen. , 1 families lo s dive! ng. [ New ricr eh ad 11$ ' li her en t her Imperial:ice, and 1 ''',,. / ~ I , 1 ,d d i ti bi d in ti ous o i, Tcomm od mitt , ler weathers gloater ocemban for th e emirate of the Ng rorm, Jag. 3.-A good demand prevajls ' ; ittf - At to b gree.' Circus io ' he Ls i „ kt tame wl6 l, l° a ° ;t 7 iit. °r Cher ; rt Th y :t; greater isl . iect isra Y i ft) for LAdroeitic the total trade.' but the In nit r e ti ne d /l ike her I l f int e d by bolfee& li to. euries .m ees end 11 l ly /oohed In g;e m at emwergencries. is liciltted for the East end West Indies ; the s iirk , i f eight hories, hearing (fair lab a toll se all le enlightened to a falibrui, abld sod mesa , rival are liberal, and the stock is ample for I the form, and tour tivandietee, (ledi th JD ii disetergeef our whole duty. to 1 . ,. , • teed .; safer at $4 75 ass 73''0 'ton-=the latter form, to match, I Th e 4;o:opiate i l giverti ' 7,1,, i , 1 ' ~,11 " ,",&,,„,i g n a, ,,f ea, 6 2 11 1! ". 1 ,1 1•11 , h/ster „ „„ te pric for full weight. I - Foreign i f dull, siod_priels ell it s torus it edict:tondo Pons wit* bluest 0- 0 5 -'-' ''''' ° """t• -• " - " '''''•°'"' "Y '"° `'"'"" 1 " ...11. ark lominst.- Triton& r I,' 1 ti opeekiii earthen sworn by Mr. Width. 1 1 1 cizion.„ There 14 nu bilking or . Atte, 7. egiei p 1, --,._ id' Cle k, an d C. B. Ramsdell al tir side b Moo ;'every too. einem a compt re t l Exert area elect r y Ralirosot tor , 38451. 1 Orrin the ;Nilitti IWard, I' . 1 , ' e t eeledi at Cleft::'' 1 1 ' 1 ° r 1 h 1 Railroad for' Qu ntlty of Ora rent s the week ending on Tlituadav eveoing last: I - ; .., Women- ...falcon**,• atm census ,‘ 10 yea lea of resolutions ple4ing the =painter Penn- F r y, TT m i t fj oif b ee .; .1 . .1 . 1. ;AI IV old. In the Fifth WWII a tea Jople ws I to opioldlthe Constitatton and thi Video. and Pot - - - - - - 1 - • i ' found, each alt übrite i ytiars o have a troupe, slere l we r e o a eeleet muUnittere. I Set 'sill Lavas • - • - " - 15,9 • 91 fie 1/e -1 e ,,,, daughter 30yenra otd, • very re le woo- bard' tell oaken elected, abd the Senate ' Aura . . 1. 4 „ - „ . , . 1 _ ' l l ii„ .3 " li jam), as say the cOoser , takers- ISevonit a d. 11 , I Nat tutors - • 1 , . _• , , ....._ 1._... Ward two twin stiters'were boon dare old l - I k - - • 1 • . 15.311 17 -Ells 19 Dimly (Rep.) of Venango Valeta.) lies l a i ' • ' re f s they have a younoLr deter who is e ig o ld. •;, , # i Piet nasty th year,• - • - .., 410,516 17 j1:111 - All the owes from the So tee coo ere , I I 1 ' ...—"' elusively_that the Southern peoPi hegtrintol c, Is In reareartg atinuntiwigmenta for the haler .. To at. ..- last - • • DI a.O l l 14 ' year . / 1. - 141469 7 l° feel the toll*lff the secessionist; l eie n 0 ,,, ° rpokeeskody aw the Union. Ile n1441114' I " I" aule - • I l I 1 i homes. • While •thicking th e N' people, l 't he i stot4itah, to the eatent of hid powers,wlll is,"„„ n , e l ,. , . 1. . . • 9,341 i they; find thelevalreP. in 1132 °Y . . witb , ut ' 3l ; he Co4titition And 01301V0 the laws. Her; ~. 12 Or. 'road le Coro or bal. Their orders stot In a points veleta eivoki his train, I**l'as Venni Wm? ego; ellellrikt" I ° IIIII IF - c t ll for hay end rein, are all refused aerom eat at lit then! is any law upon her sts., thralrfrbell.llgal. th e rn n e t ie n him f l kliT i j)71:711 1 01 P llni ' d bP 41/ ' 3 h i lltt `'ll'h• J. For . lilt I blu" ela te . hkblikin to 1 y wily tortured into alien- ending on Tlrursdayirvireinglast: n an bile licAbittr. Plerehlb • Pit 1 : 1 " P' 9 to th e Cu" awl 4old advise its Immediate repeal; 1 4c ' want. , . coudtet*le 0I ' ll 9 P'elde 'of the i of AU. and t ' I tittle Schuylkill 11.1 t, .2.416 P 5 bases. Mien while, brand.tuffite . I - hen!, etc) soden Inbar oloverelgo capacity the her ' r v antant sly in the N4rthfltettirtl Stews; n i gm b e g -. e 1 16 11! te maim frees the te sr • the solidi ni unnitially plentiful ; t, while. I °Cotton le king," start•tion may 1 e r,54,10. „ ,„ I , 1 %too, even atuoig l those who tiredi e l atio n [cell" 0 sago? TIES UtO*llll JOURNAL] in the free Stater; 1 1 - 0 ---- ' - , • OIL iIaiItRISBURG. , , • Jimutar 3 1861 THE 801TLICERN GMEIIB —Posit:Lb/lowa m 1 # ' " 8 s ; oth Ileums are 13°W or - , ..., -_„ Wool, i . - Se GIN, FOOL:111 ~ ,iTtU. TO • num) Jg Wit .:744ni "lie d ' "he elin*stry arrangemeots are 1 'raw, Sena ',I. hee,.ml, tyre -yly D,,,, oh cOID p fete to 61 business of the ewe Caroline. atter areeti verso ream. if r. It thirty anon. , ; 1 years. of nonetanh and iru retains effortab n ow On the y the session BeorgeS. Smith, Iridureher to eile.has declared herself ou e ke., of Ph il o a I need ii Preamble and ratio. and this, too, without the slightest wrong ne e ,„,, dos I i . done her pen le on the pert of the (love of th e ~'"' , c ) which were eubmltted to a Vatted ma Although she may balls se rove- '''''' °°t 1 9 3 , cadet, and today pasted 1 first rea td . oar eutter * d hie t neaionable Nannette over I ID resolution. ng 11.-4bei the United S ates, Arsenal,efie Custom Ilsu (*re, ji.itat. they ` lid` and eeneif le t, t ,ty in tiee 11 Castle Nock ey, Sod Fort Iloultrie.sbe la " the the"' ton * bat that Mr • Welsh ill of -Union. nor tai)ond the gale of the Dotted 8 berme t übstates sly - a' dm ran stet nor or, their jatisdktlon Or leo recce . e t • ,, potted by the Democrats. strnetiou of 'ibe Collaliflalou mast be had 0 war M r. S , it " ' l l Presented twenty.eight ensue• In the tattier cam, It would- aqui p y r e petitionsi from r„ 4* prssieg for the re* to lentA th e re/-t * Pest of i ll la.. ' Deeper interfering with It la reportid that Mr. Buchanan hat _ wpm, t h e ria vtion of - malty, the Comaimioners appointed by • I s o f , i Ivo g eleves,'and the passage booth Camila& l one4oltale he the public a OM, °I 8 .11 g a 4%, 12'1140n protection with harbor of Chtritttown.and for other ,pu it L e Fleece i fr es ' Ile temporar il y sojourn also reported that the President dbipprov , coa l tug in t a Slate.' I 1 , Ors ultra Bepubliespe duet of Major Abderson, woo ivies mtis• t hil will fig t square. „I h would not be`ablo to defend Port Moultrie we 1 • d.., •I • 9 61 • 0 11 e ar urea ler,. t 3e L inen uuder !La eointriand. wisely took , Fort Is fesitng which now seems l prevail, di 4 t Sumter, wb heeould protect biadeU end fey , t , .f_ al pass ontwttastand• from the diegnmelwhirb might have '• b e d log. Irste . i s Pe cogeer , at i en y ei m eg notasined In Fort Moultrie Being the tom le a h, ea d, that harbor, he had thirtighli tovecupy . tort -, en The e eeerget Te id . .. act which UM safety of the Union as well ee a highly ;spoken of '-,- go d onife, for • Wood r honor, daps dad It la liken,* stated that e n, • ; I I the approbr Moo or a l one inlet I that Major ikadewo 1 * /41. all 9•7 • • . , naiad tea Port duster end reaMopy e t. It is ow defiolteiyi trM. There tin *lto foundation aws o 42a7 , it fsetioni , a everYl Po • I•for surely the PrWident would not ets aro been t miffed a seat ' I of the harbor of Charleston to rebels.. Port S o.-be ta ' mends the *Strides. sod ie a law Mum Could etcePt I , ~ .Fort Idoultdis. Ito long as the United Slates k e. Ile ref rand from 109 1 bession Of this font, the nadspendenee of South •is which' lace be d It will only be in 'n me„and not in fact. 111. how 11; Col. McClure, o fl tbi ' should be ear to tksith Carolina. which I 4 en menday, but for w , appreheud,tite, Obeyed Indignation of the 9 , „, ____,,_ would be rob youdeontroL Itroekl not be Pollrt, kV- ' 4 2 1,•' • power of an, owl to readmit) It In twenty da . atloato se of vtalo hundred the mad men would be in Medium* 1,,,, d i p,„bebse el 'solemn" 0 all Sale would beirslthed Union lot A ht.. lest the el handsel ttit stlits. Be gamed that Ido net 6_,,,.. ,_ ~,„_.. for rate the Wiesen, tbe people. They ate mimed, ' a ma, "";.• , Meetly excited atThe attempt to drat the V• • &Pal .•in Twat o f I no other reasins than that they con taticandly ex • belie tetwybady the mad probtious rfghtzeonlbered tbase•-tireothi do lb cum./441k the potato wieoult i hay considered the aunt womb, how l W ee ., Tine best qualified to 1 the Pneddrist. Port 8 ~. ti t god Coast t a ti therefore; on bt not. oltsl I - primal will n o t, be ‘. ' Yu.. livered Over tollti t th Omits& I -1 1 int if rp senitettee. 7 i site not,lhn er.plaidlagfor Oar Tree Stets,. or * D orn, there they are not la tiger, butier tim Ueilut Lull Me p sienna by 1114100*M erratical of the am Mate*. Th ew who tow theta • 1 i t old madden r mast espere i rto lbw abhielod, , „The batiary . 1 ~...., N' , • South Caveat's unthaws noticed that motive's leet un el 1 la. ass of progniae, that! all Ctubitrigikwe Cy odd ' to Spr gf rapid striate In march of rhiltsation gad hoodoo toe • sainess. 00 If they had, Mew would' haw dhiewored that the -1 t , T . parte, neenreemertso7 *Wert °Wield; by the HI" A 3 a lieneerit o** ninetessah *toasty. Miulhaiditia twor or top of e lee . I prowled ort.t. t ? sot tall to eiretrify blowy Aesericati It *Mem armors heat with a gladwith • tithed' liberty • dwelle leembere. then WWI a s jaasi Oa dirilwation or the Illast ; I I fi r me . 7 trieseitseellia. prubeiputte topettortaltialPialtai ,g ?albs ofdlt, 'lO lot beertne4 moot toorynaolo • the law Maw Coru na! to bombe loath Cerolta t i l a i desires It hi • I stittailtl4o4ol l l 4l l l6, o l 7. W anClitio"' - ' 1.1 ' I A EINE ri , I I • Pui.! . _ ,-}4TPL— a Oak that. ai_maa •, wi t .ia 4miliar P4milaihr_aaiiel, mbued,:with mia . exi,.tact fli.t;m3 a is Baroilk, this .exhibits, i The Ilia iChlonest aorat ce:. if not : lion ievet,,-14,e'a ~id it J in a t r ainly vi4acy. 1 But au :I . he' .4 . otirile ISnoth f, recret it!maab a. 'Sheaf ir ell as . . : infooiialS noort olthe uttit Oell*Woi use a i is by a di4j , ,ricy tautiy. annoy ing ...; lbe Ital3V e :,to amyl com a - vire n thing ad rabtiera.- 7 • i,ights, I: Tbay citryi Oa s liar *ill be cibligad Wit ''' - Is. to . Telkl thenmitlec arosklibi 111 4 14- aidislis, sad 41111 raw* at *twit. emor:v i.- l . . \lli OCAS Ostrosatektid oepit a ts;g g g i iort eli p. 16.1 tee we t 6 weittpreht aildiame In PIRA AN1 . 401101 ea ;bast:deaf ibe eobittry.. Illy Wife is boulod barium Imo not miiiilmrlseol In addcate poo offttiall• I hese' rod with Whitmore tbe treeldesit's ialearege..-•; . Bomb !Caron ug say.. loteude ll° leer. the VIPWIL MT representatives in rem isy sbe has already tott the Iroklet It would' t thateltelle neither sele iroetn,sk atkt Or eaostrted. 4 command t h e limpmeo arepanamot e • Web, Includes &tan" flaroiliii i fliontiet Illueletai Al. ' , hassle and Mbedeaippi. You know Me sell. I!Mateyo,' ' beep iti. firm( dechhod4 faithful and devoted ' frieed Of my country. .1( 1 eas..itlt the reeitille,p . prtserve the. Polon, 1 btife be trlllt.emiiinacil my t ee i It will paver . dale& blek.ordis to lair, Wasiti - me without time Marto...lW °ion Is le fife. place , Thsolane. no tr ices. thoild he bet adoptlng.ftweessette &got thaw Oto am etnioptriait'tirel tart tits tioloa. neatent76, de- lay inerhe no lees fatal to. the' Vokea. that" to Uri Pro*. . goat; mr yore, own high itenddl°l Id • ftoreozo_ _ .° 2l - It emernelo metbkt troop' shoal& be sent to tatarsestau to man thei ;Forts Iplthet barter. You hare eight tow pack. aloft Moue* Ti. Three of four of these Coos. ehooldlla emit without a moment's dela v'tw Fort bin °Uric "It will mot . the- llskot, and the' ereeident ' meat trouble,' It bl add that to tend at Mistime taxis to that harbor would Pied tinigreat alettotient: among the people. .... That le noniewe. whim - Me people ere as .mach ezeino4 as ttoir cao!be, and the leaden , ass deter mined to eateuto their bug meditated Porter* Of el/Pg.. .ratiorr thelitate f ' the Video: go long as you ems. , mind that Cahoot.* o the CI ty of Chart totem. Smith Caro. lice cannot swam • .heowelf frock the UttiOn. 'Do not leave tbeirote In ► ths lkertor in a cooditloti to lodate au rtm attempt to take prticadon octbetn. r•lt mieblauslly be ' done et Chia time. If Beath (Genesee should bike them it Oklitht..aa she aslielpatee, toduee othee,Staboa to Ida Permit .... kJ imiaoyeni to ilrsilii• Pisildeit Sosend at ohm three or reef m closet dr Diery to nett Mont. • bit, i The Initiogoso . red, but it regaWes . Ono. rioridodr Pctnlipt luta - le meastares too the 'part of the Pfeeldi. pe s t* .on y tu Bert the power °tottered I , t in. oil him by b. Coo itut and lease( Compose, end all will he *O9; and bar ill prevent a civil war. which never bib. to milt forth en the ;baser pssakmi itt the!. human heart: ni separation snail lOW plant. jou may . rest asaisfed, blood would nor' In torrents; ; followed,hy pests lens e, famine and deselatinn, and senator &ward's irre poolible. conflict vill;be brought to a eonditskin much POOtir than he amid posolbly hare antlelpitedi;.lept me etrlitiftt ;ditto wave the tralototed thereby. 'void lb. biro ty. and desolating, example bf the Stater of 'Mexico. A separallia of the &Woo will tying *lib It 'the deinrl3- tiotuof thi Cottotr2 tatos.l which are on prenatal for war. Their weikrrees will ibe 'found in the notute of their Marto wit k . • but for of the imeentLils to carry; on mar, ...whlitt the ?nee &Ai et . have all the ,dements and alatlil' Kilt for wer,•and I a grot er Satetit than any ;ghee peo ple oft the hire of t e globe.' '. , ~. . •. • ..,. j Tbliiit of them t togs , my deer 'Genera. pod ear the i catuitry, amt. cave the !prosperous fieutb from ll46!li teen. fato)ne and des; tat n. l'esoetillW secession *Dolt. he lion ght . of, nye ..if it should.- take ; phow ittiolluee tl mouths, tie would, *Si bloOdy war oteor h eads. , , 'V !traly:yotirlii end. ', : -I. '-- r ! ,I i; . Jogs E. Ifodie ' , . • :Hon. Lewis Cam. ' tail of Stele, II ash] co4tou, D.C. PEMISYLITAAIA IJIGIBLATirLt. :• . ii '. 1 i . I. I. If asaisprzo. Jas:l.loBM. . Itinunliobert .1 Palmer ; of ~ r tkityikil!,, O is.illecteni A., Speitsr; ,Upon : bet rt:t)tiductisi toiliscitaltclii. igloo' spoke as tiutlotir: i 1 . • , • • . . , Sittiirobs—The dillies or, Mt pillion With Which you bate hontwed me, areldelicate and Important, arid require tbrithelr *Meer d4icharge:si more enlarged, etzporieues and higher .'quilititation.s ; than I can hips 14 bring to. theist. ,unless sustalned and *whited kr your lehuliiess. Snits'. as earnest effeets andtstrtet imparitalltlistay auf 7 't ', I shell eudeaverl to justify sour confidence.; • ti enforcing suqcistuity! tit" rule. of . ordri. your co otwni t blur. willbs ledistsfogable. Out or the Meat whole.' some and necessmiof thole retest, and the ene ;perhaps , heretMere most frequently viotatc4. ts:that snatch pror trill tin, fluor andi Owens of the , t}sostit. 4 arlak Its sea. siuto; low. the iniraside iof 'unsulhieseff lotstnut; I shall hope for your inlpp4t in theentereirmeMt of this' rule. at least until this Ssoateisha.liee prptier:',,te modify, or rescind. It. - I y, -1 i : ;- : , i . The businesSnf ts sfeW , ntzpon' which we about entering:is likstyt r i.prorS Of a:mist inneresting and It* portant character. Inderd, -were there ne: l 4l e ns 'more than the ordtua ~ run* of legistatbio , s tiny , the Snit l'utereits of th . -great rositutouvrssattu civness ty three. toilitoo:ot.le shish we ri.nrdaent, It ovoid not be otherwise than ereallog to all of uS, and inportant' to our constitueo si; bei-ltr. the present t resteninit emergency In our ,;eilorial affairs. the Tiesitla of Pain* sy)vania. tbs. grout stake erhieti L she hap in the UO/013. and the large luttuetice Which she will! doubOies exert uPco,the other Statea in the •deciskur of ttis great NS tiosi questions at issmi,Tender tha Yrocsetlih4s 01 thi •Fdv.sot - . l..eyiststuti q r more than usual trtrity.and consequence: ir 1 ,i •; ' . 1 pu ;taking the Cmir at thei-close of the last Leolon, 1 ' tapkl occasion, in ri -w of, the thenWpprosehini kresidere pal ~'ilect ton, to sa .i , that *mu matter what party may succeed ,in electingi the - next President of t it United States. or what cantlidate nay he selected to li rthechitr l i 'of l'ashington and Jeffereon,ithere shall be n ;rebellion or cern e itb her (Pen us, tranie'e) consent; a lost the fairly ; yißressed will of the people. hut the Finstitution ston ' pry 4 -... 1 A 00 -..T-h-lr P ' it r•• . i" I ,li s irleiii& af f r 4 inir A ... _.4,,.. ~.-uovoo 4.- - ros sodda el/anger of out ell:, tolitiatornmalies 4, Vtuickiwit Backicicsiiimi4; Attaratot „driven/ou -, t. , Porperiante hasitif, prov 4 that tlypls 11140111dille o ft en sat speedily; sad talnly , whirs _alma io tbs,early exam ar the disuses. sways* absuld ,at noes ; to Inad tp i "Brdavis'a ifivarkfit nositer/' or Lump," ,IV I" Cold: eosin. or trittailoo of the. Throat to ever an Oita. ailiretbirs prosisibia isiara Serious -at • tisk oaths secretlialky arardedre Pavia, Sour -,, us, lad Etasatis v Ili lid *bars reset as I for ktsar-; hlg - an atrovithi imp thy safe& ''Esikadvartits.; l, l '.. .- ' HE; COAL -TRADE. - j Wakiffilitaiiiiipilos : •Tb. riaaati l .l: o ent!b7ltalltOsit this we* is lb. 311 171 tau igil•st SON OStyr tik• •orim•liesll Apg brook ta•s. year. ' • • . ; Tif• k»de from 1111 dm 11efloiss 'by' Itiilro•4l thiryeat, 'boil a iiireli•• jn litaslatia c41 11 1 4 a14 v.ithliatt Isar. . It!imses•sp atintifkre: • r. & 5.u...a. L. Val. R. &- Braid:Tee &Talton ifth DO. !loath gbausoltlw -• _ . ..Travrartoa , • Bb.'Mt., 111 4 r. " ;Ilion Vail', . ,1 ' We , , aill. publish ; oar 'Aponal Coal S titiatlea neillsjsek ; -persons ID erige"of tztra.topies will pleise ittrod in !heir orders.' -'' Tii.lossinist of Ilse. Ddia• 'Rill di •Seboyllitil ,:1 ; , ilsiveaßailsioad. shoes 'a 1141 liriaalla of beg- Peas deriog llos yeai jOit dosed, as fOliowef ° iloaPtity of Coil trinstorted oyer!itti Road lie ISilO, 1 : , : *- * - -1151122 Otte. 11}59, 1 . •- , •., - ' 1,625.814' ":1 ' _ •, Tha i oil tonnage ; of the Itestfoj.Riaitrosti Jp 18'80 • *as - 1,7•88,2tif toni, which ti Doty 26,6415 tees eietei :thee the 94;21 hatieltisiet the hilao acid Balittylk ill flares Railroad. _ • 14e *ails/stand that the appply of Cool ii•ohott io tha!loothero Markets'. . Dealers at ' Sit'? de!. tdiiab orders for 'Coil to go•to.cisailsitaa, but day eistmot obtain Rey ,e . etseit te , carfry: P ti Tt• r • - REPPLIE*6 co:A.L. I, • ~- 1 , • M TICE..__ ' -', I 1 . 1 bar , n 14:pointed TV Eit. sirosm & co. the sole a exclusive Apo rut the sale Milli MY'ecial•the prodoe of the Cull formerly owned and ; worked, by amok t ti: estrus& viz: 1 I 1.009 et Mountain; ..from /owlet Inn Colliery. 1.6. 7 . do do ' • r . "1 , Tunnel 46 . ; Broad 'fountain_ " i Nasureoth Undo - 1 -Peaohdo It /1212,. 4, , ; I Lewis';. , , . die i . ' CHARLES d.itzePLIFEJ ' ' - Philadelibla, November 134 , 01. ' '' • - I le feliknff to PUretulae fitly of the (bore alexia , Costs e o' ord er trout ' , ~,. aft' Wslout stttie t;Phtleia. TYLE.Ii, STONE k CO. , Trthity thalldltig. New Yorto „ 99 State St., *doe, Map.. ' HD% TYLER. Bartford. Counertlent.l i -1 in L ' Or, is bviotofo 7 . Own EXPPLIER einuo i rrutt. N ol ' i t '1 ! ) i . ; ' " i i‘ a vi P liii i - 1 ' Nacos/lire, PA., Apiil 20, 'sac , Ma. 13zIo.,BANNAN, ' ' ' I • Dear- Str.+Oei Larberry t'ilir which for the past two yenrs. up 'to gie present tape, as heen shipped by gessrs. Rotherreel ii. Co., iii transferred to Mberre. Sir- -Its & (illo Itl i .--...._._ _ , ..tra, ....nniekson _ .sto. tier, „ ' Philadelphia,' who '• here ptiiebesed - ,th ah , Aoitliotluet of our titters et title:wate'r.. '', • , , We matte 'Able nona,i,neementt PP the!ronsitist metho of informing dealers in this Coal.ittierat it may , 'obteined—namely : Of, tlfeekni.'Bitinitik son & qloirtd , r,, end oUtbent only. '•', . '. 1.: 4 ; ' 117 7 01 - Wastes, Mtitarn & Co/ - • • - -, i-- . . ~' • .': t '... I , 4 • East. Pr Coal. • ' t 1 . , Pa - or Coal fro m i Lorherty ItMtioli, 'mined ,!, felt, sold exclosliely by the Agent,. :- 1 , I • I- . i VAN;.DU k:N. NOkTON teo.. 1 't in thud ".X., Philcutelpl4, entail Doer. St.. tkidthi.. I t • . y,- 8. BON ttltLls Jll.. , A I . P . T / kAajf Sidi#ll4;2Veli for k . ' - 7 • ' ;i• 4 .",' .-i I - - -,-,- • - - ' ' - ',. -'1 '1•• - . fl . . 1 : • - nit E'rt , ... altlin Coal, ', -," • ' iJ • 1 . t,liff last Iltanklin Onel ts n in rid exclusively Jay:ICO BLIC.IIAMMETTitcoLmirpta.. virile:li Mderitir from ' them ism,- alleys &ownd opooletticg a pixie article. , it .1 : - . ,; , .._ : ' - WISELY HAIL- ~ kagiuit 171'60 1- ' ' ' '.l `.• . : i.: '.• 'll. ' ! ~ ' ~ ic —,. 77 .] :;. • ': il l , [ p a l gisfot Fearrowre.,-We bore no ebetage toI iii . h ii . • .1 . 4 ibi i . • 't .I. note __ the ; race o re g Cs 11011- our `lest pata..l ;:. ' !ieeti J et!. .1 ; ~,,' • : 41 ' .. . 1 ' i , 7 17 -7 , ... t 1 .,. . 1 1. . • . , , • 1 ; f The i Cool -Itriaritese. -„., • j • - ' I ' --, Pum'Atoct.rtuA. Jan. 3, 18.-61, Lehigh Valley R. IlL.for . 1 7 81,. ...!. 7 .ar Week endlagtoolotardaylist :- ' . li '. ~. 'SIM. TOTAL.'I . ~ nifletoll (A. Pards• 1' Co.) . ' 2.1a0 14 • 10270 04 E.:Sagas Lost(Paelker 1 Co:.)) ' 58116 10922 19 Connell Rldge.(Sharp.,l: *Ca ' ) 1,100 15 •.; 6,452 SO Nada! Pleasant. ' .- ' '' . • 1 - • . 1 ' 6: .11: a .., MbliONN IlanipsOkle.) ; 1,272 03. : I talk 11 Col lne, (Ratellff 41Jolusson,) '• ; 472 OS . i 4.143 . 0 - Ban as Meadow. , - r.. .'.136 0.4 '.. ;1;063, - 4 N. ark k ( selalgb.Chaart* Son) . 1.50,04 1 2 , 2 : 17, 1 N. p. %1R• (JAI. McCrea" A Co, 1,941 i 12 : i 9,849.14 R. 8 . Igt.,(Daalk 8 C10,..) , ,i ; .• ' _... i . ...., .1%2 13 .1 ' . 1 .l ' ' i , 8 : _ , 93!P3 1343 34 11 11 1 1.. ';L ..1' ' ! .• , 7 - 4;12 .13.979 24 0 an Penna., ',, ~ :•• ,. . !4 11 1 0 .. ?SOW le 'Othkr Shlppessi :r.i. 1- 1 . . . , . .. TtOil by 1411r0a4. Last year, - ineerenN op far. I Elate* op .• sr sans'ow> vim Meta ,as. ponce I i Proo - :1 4Froai IVait . Asa Jrl , (ai • toltleltmond,i 1 • 157:es • 1.50 ;1 .as -Philadelphia. IIS 147 114• 1 OD 12 55 nraistxvilisi . 1 11 . !•1 . 1 1 . 04, ' 10 ) ;Ip ect .. volley . • `Ratio of Trolgbt tiros 14.0 hunk to Zniatothpott, p oo • 1,- , -' l,:ackmaiisiwicaalk,ii, 0p.97148* Bontrjrw4. QQ. • • V - • • I l• . L Ralllnviidli I. i - ...'; Phliadolipida, Reading * Pattnllle • - Illto Hill and if ebnyl*;l4 Ility, •• •'• 1.• i Molnit Caltoil" - . •- 4 . 4 .: -.; + ..... . • Jdlll Cres*. H . . f + .; 1 7 . L detinylklll 'Willey..l -.. '. . . .' I Lotiberty, Croak- -,•'' • u ; • • • -.•-. •• 1 avatars - - -." 0- •,• - ,=-..., 1 Tablet 'AMY A.ll. (*.' '• • • • - 111.4 , hrsay Cates' • - '.i - • =• - 1 1 •• 1, Canatii , ' . ' 4 asy l pe lklilNarlgatics •' •• • • "' i VD Csimei- - ' •1 to ' . stts Satire satis 'mOn Caisson has ‘ulo's Cabinet. and 4.tbe i a . P prettier/41' .-- • • - + a trud'a Gad Apsailartara Ca.' Alatris Oanal 00 1 ... '. 4 -... • ..• • , • I. •• ..—• elk ' Cri iiisli i 1 I .. - i litailkleimidllicosiCipamisliiie 4141411d10q1..1ay.' R. 1.. Amailea. l , Lablikikal k NalgstAiaClo. , . : *. - 1 • Pitlated 0 1 / 1 1)1110.* t. . . * ~ T . •-• Pala Itsvaliata Opal ca.:-... 4 1 4. . -.r.. , ElirsalaVaal A 1...1410..• 4 • 1 ,4 _ ' Valle,Caidea.o-* 441 1 -I;s4'‘• 4 ItiailairattailkilLlLOijW7 1.1.N_e4 i ll n l I nl . l olnF. i e I rla p 2 , Th 04r/llalot 11e e C), I • ie rl s lll t O 1• : . S #- . a • e * • , t1 ,. ,, • W, ,: • : : 4•1-A' t', . ili lr 141.004 4 : Caaterland Coal O.t. • , Nov CsaC W aall%--i• . , 44.4 • • 4 k, ill. • iiiiiii• Ai k - - ; 9 . 4 1 11 .4T- 11 1:' •'',4 " 11.annt, AAA • • : 10 'L •i • •••, 1 •.• ' ri lloo4lo o o * • 1•J-t-i• - •,•,•• r. 1 lealAstriale Mato, Ca..., .. , 4 ~. •I. t itit•TheAtia4 of allOsal CoatCwilai eta abovallist rhea farlitnod by tkapa. - PANUPAIAL, • . ' • 4, rot *nrUle.,J4saissair 111, *RO B. 1661: 'TOTAL TOT/41. ISC. . •171 Iti. 114,110 15312 CO= 10,177 /.323 : • 2R4 se In 180, 15171114 12 i 0r1 r41 0 11 1 31 --- , ACI Pos TATik. , I WI LL t e AU4:4O BgExF.D . ", H . 1 044, -. • ' , i! H.- , T:- . . - .. -2 ,- - • . •4' -'-,..' • .'.- -, aun t ~. .10.:94 ,:-.4 l )7ieriain,.., tlegiA A/m.ll4ft ! Hoess'et l is t,- 3 'DiltilostleY. kaolin as In n l'el/ella !looters • PilMoslot:_t_de ll,elil hoteelth , _ ~,i.o r Pio'll Inns, las ,Ilblaswilic Neal ••atto. t o eallit , je akilliehlt•AlLLYltANkbeessiod: f-. _;• • .I .777 • . i. Thii:sm,44ll24immiiigda:df llilattiniallt 1.1111i'114 ill the' borosigh of Pottsville, With thinks merket,bectes. likinon,r,totailher with right to build ,iivror elleyelay'lmei •dikkg [OM the:Moors' property otlIts;11001, home, . ; NW bastsseps Ihri4 , slieetaid e *Cs bllsliabf IS lon nom tha goessille iinistaget.pasomit ocalphat by lisbegt .; 2.:A I Lot and Stmealltie , ealkiath aide eiltalitorit tango reek. 11 1444isiVibi idly'''. / 41 4)' firaPial Kitt 1 oat. , , : !Xi* - enititelek , elkeir Ups `la w.. our bee eupivii • Jecub.llo4 . l4q, Oct .the remit!. aids of • tango Alsa; dot en 4 blick!Ottee nidiolotag, the Shoos litetY osicupled by Frisian J. Pirtitioni ibliSoitilaslibi of Illm - . ALA; i All that esetsin lot I t Mae, ',el sat In the :,bOrongle of Potion ' adirootki e l OD. the - =, wardly tide of blahaolisogo ettsetitsmoded Imam:lMO • by ItaltentangO strock'on the oast tif , lot 111. Of ,ggieomiter;doenued;ou the month by an Skin wid0 1111 •3! and .on• the woe* by lot of :lames bd. Gras4, NKr.. eon, talsing.27 hot is width snails dnfitli:l3o._ , het to tat II .Litt wide alley, - with the Apputbstitooks;'eniteisting of a two story frame derail* house ; Ale,! All that certain lot or Monk Or mot* innate In thiabersamkot Pottsville. Sehryliiill wari=ly... &home. , vier of itabastingo and Semen' atimits, ialundiel to 0 1 ' north by 3takantanstk etront on tbe.sest ;by Scsood - or' Adana onset, oo thesonth by Stolen' Atlity; and al the nest by bat of Usury. Melly; amtaisinit In odollis 11l bel 7 Inch* and .In depth 20 fen, with' the aptrurtanaseke, cousisUng of a 3 story, brick, dwelling. home with a 2 • story brick basic bulldog therata attached and a nem* 'stable. '' Aso, All that eutelik lot or pleas of grouudtiltvdtai to -the borough' of Ptittsvillo.; flettriyalli cotinty, on du voneritt side of Centre motet, hounded en tho out. by . Centro Omit; oath:m:4ly by monad, of adasi 1141•14 westwardly by a 10 Lot ono alley; bouthwaidly by, lot of Ciirlattuk Klotsiey, containing in width: be - Met and la depth 120 bin to alO feet, wide piney. ' _ . i • - Al" Ail that curtain feat of opal and timber leo& - situate in Breech towunkip. - Srbuilltilleciiinty, bounded on the loft bylaud late of •-••• ,litatabosk, westwardly. and southwardly by lauds of tbi ' Vann' Improvement Ckimpaoy,•westwardly by the Kunklo survey now eialut• ed by Itumed, MUM; and Mistim e ; olataining 101 acres; .41cimoksuro. „. .'• •.,•. • r• i ,3, • - ra. The -oar undivideS otiedulf qrt of e; 'Milan tract of Mal la od situate in Schuylkill tow isbip, Sttpuyl: bill county, Unsuited on the won !by leads Of Illinuled Bushey; ',on the north by this Vainly; Formic, lauds:ors the oast by lauds of rSillyirisu • and 'others; and , . on the math h,* lands of Andrew It ussel and othere,..ebOtaltilot 14 aerie:land 140 perca a. •. - .• .. ,'; •:: ~...„ , • 1 A 1... ;the %Manned one-half pen Of a oats% tract Of coil jind - sitrarte: to Schitylkill tow cabip, Schuylkill' . t a wny; too mi e n tiyother land of Samuel Sillyssan and , ether., *oda tate oldobu Satter and °there, containing: IS acres ~ Also,: nndivned.onebalf part of la certain trait' Of coal'l niksittatits Iti - licluitylkill; township. SehuYikill County; Oleg Other leads of &MIA 6411youn and Mbersi d late. Wet.. Ironer, John ficiltaM and otheis, Oitontann g2O acres and l4o - perches:'• ' . * l ` . , ' •,' .4111'' II that certain piece or Mired Ofjand situate near tea oil, o of.hitterson, , , Schuylklil towsehipliebuyl-, kill con ty."buunded _by land of Andrei' inset, Saner. ink A Inibrer,..tohn 'lkea, containing mai irre,with the turpnori,Wnta, eon; bill ng of &tenni mai • bieakeit; With • at horse , eng toe, beiongluglo Zoe* & Slily man. 1 411iscr,!' All that eeikaln tract of Make of lead situate i is la Schnyl ill towdistifp,! 'Schuylkill ;riDunty,, bounded y 'Med of, amain Silly nun 00 the-sotith; On lbw east by le d of, oluk Brock i and ou the - 60M sail West by d Surd Pattetein: and others,- mynah:log 21 - acres. ; I ' i' ho:! All those ta r o certalkikuljeleing line - or Motes of ig and 'guide lii !the' tetra , of IPattenati; Schuylkill s. niyi end marked with lb. , onmdkire 22 Mid 34, boun d den , flui song blf Valley *street.f. Westwardly by lot 2 1 0- ;resteardly by ,nSt...No.• 30. containing in width to .teetarilt) feet, (pr; each lot dofirr i„) and' extending' in depth itikl feet to Orman street, wit the anpnrletrauces, eonsistipit °Ye 2 star:triune dwell int' bones or. Vichy :striet;siod four I Story trame de ng himmis on Groin istreet,sind a frame italic. ••••.••, -.- r i ' - ' iglotillili tbstreettain knot pi ' of 'Tonna sittuitein :Abe token •of Patterson . Schuylkilt uotyi sod marked ;with tie '2 , 10. 20, liSsiuded on tits io lb bylValley street. 5 .0 on therison b. Finn kliu strut, oh the, north bY Orson , ‘street,!and on the ',east by lot No.' containing in trout !130 Simi and In depth 200 testi ..., •',,1• •• ; ,• ' • . AlsiVAll Win o ' Orb* eortitio loth or itinees of g round lsituateo in :the tt9eit. d Patterson ' Schuylkill o=nly; !bowl . ..led On lb/smititlif.ltallsi, et;set, west by, lot No. 20, on the socll4 • b. 5... thelleitreeLecid . on lb. east by ' OrcenlStrceli and Ott:lots Saheb ere! marked•wit h the Nita. 20,1 n shit • -kit essitsiollig In ;width 60 i feet, SOO eaten I "_ . 2051 Gel So ;Ossott 'atruWir ! with itie appu ; ; . Wig . of 2i blocks of frame ' bullate on Urea l .... 1:I : .1 :.- - 4 'I all th at to lo t Or 'pleas' of _ironed sltnate in tbki tn. , n; Of Pit -Schttylkill Wooly, and being lot Shi.l.ll. bon ; on the ioutti by 'Green street, west by lot hirWlll,, , ' by 'a twenty fist ir WO alley, east by r Frantilin'stralkt;. Wain tug in: Irian on Glynn street 40 feet. acid exteudleg ; back :to a tininty i bit, wide_ alley,. 'with the appurtenencvs; consisting of amiestoty frame det e ikkas house; ri .. .1 , . • !,• l' ~! I ; -,' I Att i All those p. metal 4 Ints or pieces of inland tit ate i the town . sits ate=of pattersot, Schuylkill' county, being lots, hicb are marked with , the, nuMbers 9,11, 13,,0u the isidtb . side of , Valley streetobiranded On the eoit by lot no t , i.e the , 4autb by i :20 feet Wide alley, and on the' west by lot No. 13,:each lot cantata:nig In ,width] 60 feel, and in depth Ma lost. with'. the lappurteciemes, emula ting 0f,3 frame dwelling &pe e s,. i i - ' .' . 4 / 4 ii: All that iertilu let Or West, of ground sitostoin. `the Oro of Patterson, ;-Setriayl4ll. . tooiity, _liiing !lot 'illicit!! is marksst tio. , :t7, On the south aide of, Valley. street.; bounded oistwardly by lot [CND. 25. on tho south bya tcl feet wide alley, and On; the west by Franklin street:containing in width go fret lyind in depth:NO leek ' . Ai*, All the right: title and interest of Samuel Silly; ',man „:c.,1; tni - and tit all that curtain : lot or piece of ground ' situate la the Doningh of',Pottseille, Se:601101V county, being Jot whleh is to 4ked :tV.l3,l h ouuded on the south ,:byStitiireglan street, on ; the Oran by 'Ponta . or Spring gtrftti'Pu 'the north by_ Sillitimp Street. and on 'the east by lot. - of David It: Davies, containing in wldth 20 feet, and liOdciath, 100 teet,..r - , •r 1 -- • ! . --'• Ti;- —icialuniwn--i.day aisle. , • •: i , ••• • r• '.• , !i2OIIN 11170111 LS, ef.prepeily - aboec described 13&! d 11.11:10 NAV d 7$ d 1,24 h 'couilty Of Schuylkill, es re•H len of, therAct of the General ,nl4 Coma:where:llth. approved the litth' day.kif;&tober, b D-11457 Oktutinitts4 Lune and DiscOugt : V01,037:48 Do Liciikieowned by 493 - Llti fc ;1' rdiault, ; 1,59.820 79' Dci Due by other, banks, irt,69,147 'Do Notes Otothert Banks. •I 39,b95 09' ; Do Checkii of other Bank 2;4 ' ••. - • ' : Gidda drafts, .1 0.;72 78 . ; ' , ; ; 144,931 44 . • tosi Miners' Bank Nokaa In Bank = • • r Noitk gaterica,;Pktlad'olitil.N 1-1:13,980 .00 _ ' , • • , _ /4 0 ,901'44 Atpnent '1 - 5t0.1.15 00 L Amt., to bk. 4. 13,980 00 . - • 266;295-0° • . 1201,208 6,4 • • Ain±ubt tleptiolts; other , , .. •crli-41' • • • , Shp abosaStatentent Is ebrreet, taken .ftooaibe Books as ttiey stood on the the lot day of January, •,• • , cif Lor..sma. Cashier. skealtad and sybscribed. &firre me, this Third day of Xi (try, ~ .81111VIELCIIBISMAB,J. ,7Bkittsvllle, Jannaey 1,'61, . ' 1, 1- ' , 1 - MSCELIA_N.EOVS. 7 , ; • I : 1 • WOLLIAMI3,ERNER, 114infaqtarer of all kinds'of Earthen Ware and • L", YellawlEare - '.l/* &mad stred. near Kopftsch's S ap Factory. 1...40.1110wer Po, IA ItintitleViusere for Flowers, &e. ottsvlpo, Dee. l 29, 14' ; I ' 6.24 y ASHIN TON ARTILLERY CO , LECTITRE --ri DOL.' 10 ON Wt. FORNEY, Osatl'itre O••oday Eveu Jatalaary 8, 1881. I , - AM m e utt 'en, ca be obtained at tbir, 11.8i1o, book. ¢ ', end otbist stem .1 the Boroa2h. 7 prfritille, 8ke. , 84, , , e0 t r: 62-21 , . .• • I'd orl R bovßSt is . ES. • • - Fhit - . llletliodiA-. fpise4al , • Cburch,. Ili' .: ,''' rotristiv Welpie,day Evesll.• • kl.t.iimrii id, Ig6L-4 , 12A, Ali Itom: 0. A:-.Ci t to ! “. mca,. • ~i '" i A:Newry Oth.i'llia.-1; 3.. 3,recask.y.: A. M : , • +J lry 1 (44. Isai.—i Win. U. 4, len. Li'. D., Pun ISlngl _ Tlekets t , ~ posAr Ticketei Il'n ':.e..:* . e.0 toilqnhlate Mk i lleketi for- satoat lb. Boni ii*c folk 1 13 212 03 i • i fie , 1f o'. I HE latent and tieb. 'renchi li 'English arid • Dotheldde IC. Costing* Eltaidsneta and resting" fog; lan .. ,are now (*on for aelmtkiii.. I also _haTe . tha • _don Plata and 'Patterns of new siyfe. garments .t from Pail* Tliapair-and 01a ...fill il.fles ire inch a,, to snit all no:. ta ,- hinter? In regardle eointoit • tit g . '!E...1411 call and. asst ,.... . '... k - . 1" ERNST T ELl,Blefl. Alt . ' 1 i .' Cfadve at i 2 doors a ve Miners' Bank. ‘ Pdatallle, Beg: 16,'ta ! 1 • •. 1 . ... !n- burn OT 4496 1! 4281:06 00.212 08 b,IP6 01 . ine rrtlE'undersiO.ni4l are egirop.s 0f.14e4 ii•itrinis. the fiery ke,or` a t¢!. 7baan Men tO an* In ill Trrenine Ajer.nry. upon s salety of Forty Dol4 lart per newt th oriel illeiPeisos paid. Thus Is sal opportunity seldom offered. and to bore echo stern Mil •approlsiloa of the Siboniberg. by. stnot,•afteotlion to bannerol, do rely upon Innrstant enriployarant fora tarsi Of two., Yorfortbei parttedlirs Address . • •,1, .• , ; ;. 01.1,114,NT 4V.DILAILL 1..1 31 Inman Dopot. N, ff., . Sire. 011, 'OO ,• . • 474rn -• i• .1; I . ' ' . ANE,Ailr,Aft - V1 *LE:. '' ! . 1 - , , anottas7a. . ~"2 Patent Tointidr. Pali : Bolds .., Itu4ng Guide. rr li Es E., Hold . itis.-Ok : :.tip,-.and con:, 1 74 X ' tam at ass Op. spatelent Is to Wlliti a wie oir H letter !paper.: Being de ','on • eardllary It•ple, , 'a there la no dangle of Matting.l .. - • - Thay am sperbily adapted for - • . yrtiig.ice and re ,„ lit t'any ordinary steel or Odd, • *Ulna the bolder. vi . 11 and ass them at i: •1 . 1 . ! . SkIiNAWS. • Whey 'has tteea appointed; *di :.. . ti lbe theta, andmfll 'nasty them Wholesale and Natallid his Sloss .. ; aloe. 3; 'OO ' i'; •1, 1,. , 1 Il'- . :- . 44. ' , „. x , i ,THE ” HYDRO) i . 4 - lavvition for Tiro* I: ~1 r il ! Li!lif i,' :Portmeed bi W. TT, is one f .the mob AA, ,I: toss of trw iiii. Mr* * Miro" of coo two,. throw oft look ker T Woof., My I i et . weighieg wily If pounds.' ,i• veotodlior . , i i . ; fil in stTiroltr i . liklakling Plant!, ~MIE ~4 I . l usilfll !Ms , , I Orton ' os a„ 1 ..,.. , .i. :2 ' k_ltiO,ok MOO& • :Pt4C lfWilo . j-Liti . 2 5; 1 - , `I - j_,-.. iitiftL a ßilie , . Alio ototdodiaos • Aka not, IppialplaiNV 10 *l4 *sting 6 *Pa 11 sirmairt ski alorktrok kr •- itlookiittiortiefe tt of _..,;-• i fli tlit Anti Dir :;, i i. V r ., - , , • ' ANN OF ifloelc.l 161:711CAN In 80111/1. .--lb Rev Ltet—By t fete. tents. , Minch 24t aiPLo r. ELT! Wata.b7 'VOSS. - - 31 ,inveri= n4r iuu by Or or sight faro' snot tray sat Vie' X l5 .1;11,11Tp 4 77 11 1 . - Witnoitot eb et. PaS. The Iles; SeFitg I!%elkines fver . ,-- L .. 4 4 „ • ;nitwit a: ihti - vory - ver pitis AtticitAt - Family,lifaehlirm,hospablo of the , -hWtest• froott,AMl Anoint ton% tarp threads; macs. the well known and Blttbly commended • , 'Loeit Stilleb," both utiles hrbor and aavieg In one yeet. In the mom matter , , of.threiati•,tha .whol4nviar of ti Matithio. over thane . making that .doubio " or" knitting Araratitraally' ;oil Atha tbielt or Otte brles. wed otosoll Medi of titled—alit' or cotton., To this Maehiee, the.epot e Folder may •boAir taelmod. l • I ',l M ; • 1311PROVXDSEITITItit .31A.CIIINISottnormatly conceded to bath. itiostirembirfalbluseph'of 'retinbarr {eat art. Ildoeidettly tbo host and vimpiekt .Shettlii Ma shie. ever yet 'lttiaunieltisse. from iimGlA pikity in eenaernetkm. la Minkel/0y roreaunarated lot the um r ot Vititre. and all that heir nand It tootnelibt In nue , estimate of Its aipabillitiett tied say that it may. ha i 7norkeditithmintrainknsyteisty by wren of thirtuoat r di Min *4psielt ' • . ; ~ , • , Moot 'bon Tifty•ti ono }wand Ikalats. Machines. ',Gibe foretattertje any desirotti•erid • ' tottoatere uti4,lnrder•littem la'Cabinet for* Orotbserbta, • finishreader', snot... ed Lin Rormerood. Val yovrAlfont, or Mahogany. —. .011.21, and Me/or . • '' • ''• K. /40ftiti . , .j , • • Centre stied, PPPGrue MAT' Pettrrlilo t titetebor VA 48 . ' TO , Tilt 1 0 1111LIC.—A. nederisir ,•part to• lb. protracted iititieibe knpwo as the Footing Muhl Oiretrovervy4 rosetreievely 'ram tbatAlsorAe TA 'and Cbmpany •have eet, God Rte ' all paitilinfiingetneSta• upon their patenia.AlF' Sorietellaehicim hemiolero made by flan, it Moat 'tit ' or by lb. Itbot Sewing 'Machine 00:: and Sold by' them or . tbelr Agents are duly ,licidlaed • under ode paten e ant' that alt*lits• teredlitrbY . wee 'Mu tut-aridnat' person pottier for the mattered ere or Eileottal4 Sta chinesttrsaettipd.and.that the j Unto* MsrinrAOrtinnO . Conriver or.atp'inioon.Ytttetcts. ars antbbrlsed, toder aiOnoteirtenbs "hied they 3 , havirmadet to p' the su: HMI? i AtEW MAcursts to their mrents, and tint' publictro 4,ut their Mannthetory at .illeitmond: 1 ; . 1 7 ! . .• • WANCLitit , & WILSON Mr% GO. • • -•,lt • w GISLER, Prtotr.,' '• • ' I ••••• ' GROS - Kit! IBA HERS. 1 "• •'• ; It. POTTnit, p r iat.„ , • ! 1 SINGEt a co:: rec. tio NIO •; " • ' 52. - I'7 • Ndvir !iarltliin Reich 'or all I • DROtrElt E !DAM'S I ' • • Calebiriitut* Blusbiales: E. -::! Bioadway.! New.tirk :I • • ' the public attention 141 respectfully requested to the' 'carts 'of' IRMA. lioirsOk., and :the' GtOviut•& , •11 CART? FROM TITS GICOT Eltl a - BAK kn p.ll. '9ur,Patentihein g 'ilew established by the Courts, no • era enabled to. furersh the Omni. & 14erai •Altiehine, • wltti.irepntatit improvements, at:great itz!intitszsi is it cz —• • T 'l he modem p. 1.. at w hich! l Machin... Making the Grover A:Baker. rffichl von. iu_ .be brine them within' the rot eh of alt , and ntwrors the tom of machiees i z akt o g kikrioloit.hee as o'sntesslary as it, is sunrise. • It'arlo,os dearlog beet Mschinse, and the 10,4 to the them. mutt not only be awe ,to buy nubbin mak ing the Grover A Baker stiteb. kit aLset.that lath Ma• chines r are made suit :want; ell j illider our Wet "e'Und those of Elias gawk.; • , •i± I .1 11 - GROVESA•SMETtit.S. Itd° : • I !.-1 495; Briactauty. Nei A GAUD FROM 'RLIAS 110W.K. Alt Persone tre r.autiMied.Wot to make; deal in,loe vim any Sewing Iltiebines mkt& ark from' two spools arid Make-the stltSb knioOn ae the Glover a'ffakii stilkfii un less Om mains arspisrebailid from the l Gorier 'Ai - Baker Sewing Mach inegornito!ti er their Agents, or Lkonses, - aid Slim/Pad andertny patent Of Peyton/lbw Io,' P Said Company, end thelt,Lleon„ alone, are; legally enthorised under thole' oirli patents, and.my seld i tatent, M during the extended term ersa, to Mak/rand Chit , kind ofSewing blosbine,siodia others( are piracies upon My said petit/kind will trithiceordlnglg,,uber t ever timed. •,. •Pi I, • 'lr, ELIAB HOWL is., CHATONET,'S WALTILS, !Atli Pitto'borgh,, .General Agouti for Pentmtivanir. Agent,llith and Market,igarrhe New , York, Peeetribert2 rap . I. • • I• . • . • . AS ITJS E ' r '.. CEIVEII EATTIL . , ■ bas;si ti Prfish_Tetnitttim;' Sagan Cued fistas, superior quality, • Toagaea!' Frtsrh Pruckei.; 1 ' ; Chow ebb4r.`• • 4 • • L .4Voreastershlie Sates 4 alim!'and ihnthioolThKetinap 1 • ! De Apply chee se, an. i j 'BO • • -.: CIE • Y. 11-11 ohly place to get toot! Co4l o,il , !at J -,'J' STICTITEIt4 rrIiOSIPSA)N'S, 149. •. dad9ititre k Market streoW. , . .. , , W.914' PLATES .144. ALIPNABETS.; 'IL ARE' povi , . prepared o sOpply . ~ sonicll Platrill,Alpfal/44,14iirober11, &1:44%10° Or deroilio, Ofltre or cippri of 'a iffribus sties, .4 . PlallO vat of fey. 114 r 14 for marking "'Boxes, Barrels, ,11:12v..&O. ... :, - f." '1 j . 13.-B4IIINAN'S • :; Nov. 21, V' 47, . f, I Book eond' Ratlonery • Store. . I • JUST PUBLISHED. , ' EtI.NERAL ,. • TWO OCTITIVA,. • By ItoLicire' L; M SW BLL, Esq., • Filkeatlarrel Pa- i.`' " 0 1 i D / * IL I! itblisked ; by 100 N BILLTERi A lbt! Offieq'te ' THE U. i. 'trod somurAL, ILild Jkiha, Islaw rllirr - CE - NTS.II* - liiiveutber §,'6o; • I " 44-4 ° ) • • _I cff FACTORY. rrIRIPPLE ! ipHA,I made exp,ressy, the wins - za.:oll.evridory Trout's, Ph I. , .• I , ikEttERS , Taocfris 3.• .IXDUS. rage.' Preikiett of lb* DOsatieDe IttproireMent t R, R. Co. I : Rmuro. EN, Jcion.e.rpwma, ,•„ ° ll . ' lila atrW 61314 0 rt Sl oi oy i ete FM 1141 4 12 la. F ,l loirl!' 11 Ploo of }here eil:latis ;ion be Peen.. andlsor Infosinetion Oren, lallbe,attei of tat! Mistere,Jan! , •ILFt: etaint, Vin.17.1:10 • NEw Btli)RE: ; 4 i: ,TE subscribes innounco to' itieir mendi and ibiett4eui fif PittsTWOMbiifibakis they . Davie talk-en • t i I - ' " 11 QPICREA* 9 0 . 8 rAT: 1 ": •_‘`, - ! i ! °° t l 44W - *bola ean ahrayoltwifo4tol,a, 4opdamottloaat - 4 #147 0'044 Gikokarififis Prinrislol* 1"...- i:and,a ;Tuley of ariletpi affrays kept la ersteallaaif• failitom.. llalier4tandlirg I theft, badge!". ihoxinvlts 4 .enstom which. by,atel ittoatiofildf4444. Waal and fele dealing. IttOktiotafid 4 :4ooaittonifialitl*.44,ft_s Tho,boliaii.loo4 alw44 Ofiaad4t tholornate.lllC= YOll. CAUL ; '• t ; ! . ; Mr s ! ; ; • 13110.t.W. 4',ALL EZlMllf.g i llgata 'vox ! 1 140 1, 1 6 i';'°' • ' - 1 ,1. • Nat! Ain .as tio 1.14- amain-hot: : v I. ' . l itati .1, .. ant pf lb*, bet!lute4o. . 1 ,, , , , . . 4 410 1 3 . 4 4 11*, -::- ' 0 ;1 c aa t in a i i , ' 17.1 "*,. 1' . !: :.- ~ ; . -- ostiT - -7 " I E . 111#14 48.3E0013'1U* ',' "enta i l"; '.- 1 .:2.Vi - .".... ~. Dater , 34 *RIIUMIW. 1 .. f 1 ,1 .= 50.oitsr's" --_l., ," j 1 !.-,-. - ~:ii i i . l ii i, •. 1-... Niostaes'i toptitio i14114414111t. Me i i 1 .: rigiallx, - ; ..,. i iildiuss Ita -rliosebie4-slko-NklietwOmat ities•-.. • . -:. ob-Ifotbir--4.04te4,41mt-tesitticia _Plaill4. ' Imo.; Aisk!lal#, •14e..a.4-;;lttrittilre. inFor,lbit , at,;sidv . .' clot of ' '- ' - viratims. ,;4. 7 .,. ii.; ~ , 30 PIM aseiblist In. Plisw4rlt , CI V: Ifiltlbe City Pon Offee; Pty. sod tkir.ll6loo.l._ eatiKille. Itt• City ' •,istin.:. ',..thteKr Btealimr4 4e;-aber by' locei• nisi 14 Private' g . 40 49 ,- , , . ~ A, ~ , ... , _.- gandl a t , F •,'. Ili.- 1.. , '- -,, '„: ,:, ~ ' - la Itiaisocesimsnty*. ' ~40,14„ a &plc end iltatiorielltodialtinnt, .0:11.4111111W., • :;. • ; ein,q4-71fi50k?.P,.1..W-4,i,kkiyt....1;, -- hiits.liv!ft , ' 2 . - , - ;;- ii . i ;•-• - 1- •c; ; -- Trr."- , ‘ . 1 - I Val - 11,1 s, 'PRE' ilWle" kroali, wt. Illtuatid now six hmeirsi Nit ;Ir. 1 -1=';'•".,11.- 404 1i1k TI - T 1,77. -. 4 )1 : : . frif i fi!..',. 1 1 . ... if '., ": liii:6o.,V4i-iii I - 1 ~,-,,c , , • '.. . 4tr,...- 4 , , 5+1 `; - ,1 -, j i1 . :, -, : , 1 - r-I - -‘ '',,.7'ir '!',..l'd;',,'"l4:::i.'irsLl-•'1;;;:::,2;7:,, 'Ailiailer"C # 42-611.1 . 4 "4 1 4-11,4n. 13 + 1, , - '' ", ,'". z itok.' '.- ' 414, -„= , i 1:4 •1'L.,',,,,,1,Df`:., '..' 'li' ' ' ,1;" '4' : - B=3--r,',.' • ". i , i , i'V:.'".. : it"-,'_.' : 1 , ' - ' 1 1 :-" , •: r '", ' -r4r, - ;.,-;:-,-,,, ' - --1'14,:-I -- ..::7.,:1' 1 2 - _,k PIMP ABING*O-tiIABLINOWLo - ,:• z -,. : • -- - ,',„ ••::, .1 4 : 1- • '‘ , "•;t ',.;.'''' , ~ ••, , r _. - -r—,i , ' ,4 "- . i =ffiii*lre - OriFat : t• Putaildr•v -:.,•...--...____• = - .1 F Wotan. Ja•. , 4 . , ,nai Net• srlillii• - ,ii of d m Georgie. State Maga.' ' •'' .1 ' 4 ,1 +. '-:- 'l7 ' Of eril occupied by 11.11)eile lint lilk' iin••••C' iri fibirty, Own is pirsboill,in tifeetdartboisantr,„- i oki to odor, *Oa ik•cirison ~ -. '• - 't IMPORTANT PRO , AFOUL •. 3 ' - • -:." strot l ic,,,74...liti. 4+-Ttia of • Wer,.. „II ye, is toiling sad takiog iii stores titi fiadY tor tweasiss., It Ea removed that slu i• - + r , dialitied for ellAi- • ' , ~. • 'Y ', ' : 4,, 1 Omit exeltentout wee wasted ypsteedaY, in nosi. '1 salvias, of a 'spot& dint foie :colipiniss !trail' I patrols Monroe bad bses , oubsrist - to,..clirlosion:' : .i .i. t.Peek' J. Lii o,ol tondeT 011 :1 1 11 riliNtititO• ttr 1 . 7 ti; *INIZURWOP TORT ..PtiLAßlLLi esi ' l l: , i' l • • EaTasitsu, Jas. 4.—Fort :; Pniasbl I,•Pla _ .:- do* take! possession of by the atillatow y'etit , --, i do . of .Gor. Brews., ;• j' : ' : . - r''' . 7. - ' ',. '-: ". '- !- - •f , r-, I tlt it reported that* cassettet. littler libibilAs;,'; bill besa Woo possession ot o ,bat •00r,,, Brim' basi„ Wiped brain - foe lier returo' to Ow florstnatont', Coi l ' Tristusnaos, Jou; 4. - -Tbii 806111, 2 i s Can. , otissiooors calciapy;intoyessai ;be "nu ties-sf,,, their B:ol,•befotr ,iro*bty. 'Oro, *at' isa vu in-' ositabli;.!,-Tblsie tater I* thir'Patirifiebt; WicisWi toturnal to that:k il o/as very lob,. T ntho•Preside '. did not retatit a c r py. 0f ,0,0.."..4; :,. .... rlr 'l4bli g Wawa t Deice l 'pointed ttioilfig#l4o4 tit Awl hativs,ton. , , eati*e . •I Phti. tie 'Witt AR9 . llecturship of.; - " Thive•stsgis tibit;omix.4. s, lipasktsuls Raikaisiona: Jae. diil.--;foasSa7 . .oaiti is die' day aced upon for. die elaiiion.of ictrai Saisisier; The 'tide iea4st*liariii ponied - Hi - favorof - 1114 1104"1.1‘.:'',1g4,0 [rjor,Adt~rist~ of FOTS , Sumter for ow:rotary et w uotper.thientilW `Administration.- rd thought of bin. isi , tiveik*Hhis - wW1640.01111. ; W.ahs tic Aritou—ittool Citytalborrriritifitiol. . 2 fitiroti`ofizipaular of i ttut tr4ifril ; ArilPeri 'ire to. bi coitoeftersiod it ar ington oeerrilitt: ttoo . lativigfOkfoo'.olltr: Littoo!o; and am Stott will rotrorlatoOlfitlio courry,irrlitkeibrots for Proiseiviog ordrir.liirOt atty hearts of ibelpoo#•.l4 _ . . ettltnerdurg , the ittelientq. i .-' in the Ilona* of 1 1 .4ensenintrtvii." , Ph •Thendlif• i t c. :Mr. niiighkoz of) hi° reported :felon the Itidint ari,dommittee a II fur thir eoller44li Otittitrrei: 01111111 In plies, y : ere its isolleetion di Abe; •". 'manner limber° • Ooprietieable.. -I, inr . ,1' lilt. ' "'i ttOkizeir the Coll' r tees the •eurrook.,lioein -• 'r ~ther on thiikbear oi. in tray eldn'Reyit *tibia-Ai • dilitpet, and to f r it hei.eit ships to piirthe,dott, there irreiriii: . tliinepieted that the te#44betetill,tll. bet chnehletedio t eliouse on Tiptsdo Hsi« -,- 1- ..'l. 1 • •-;- • • Doollal wick ii.ipeteot-otti 21itii 4 chirgiug Ilopa . b4!*?LpArty *ita:berti ) 1‘•1do.•'-'' authaii' Ur Chi itaai•Sicio. meuueil than Is usual •roi. 1, 0 00 1 4. , , , „ tais*t Just as well I. charge !lb* I,:tatiabliSues wiSb' defeating lilut - ici - -tbe Charlestua;-001-awlitlol4,- 'thet the ma i who ,bl4:` quietus; are no. leatliag the (real CtOttO lotion. ; W.uuldu'tliobe well for 111r...Iiiiisigler.ijoiW-i!,;4*., - shitleitiu hoer Ter be . - is adviseed la lite; Wad heat_ all bis hypos Jir ibis ,wiithl ate atialb naiad, fcl:oll:4.;iii.•4',: -,- ?„,', pbtr the lest- elistedielo telling + tearntllr r. Blialles, what beit,uuw. sayi Is :osilf,.Silagiush. frodt Me. Buebauiti.: ;14 -certalo - 17 aiihamedior that. 1 ;1 , Letter , !Soma Mej: Aiadmeatts: •-. ' The Bottoci.Ziornat of l'OciLloy; iiii Peter .. .• • fiill'uwieg.tetter from Illaj.„Andentoti.ltedillressed , . at wentlimin in Boston. - It was strittelf Wore tit '' ovacoation!of Fort Moo Wis.: ;-...-: r ...', • I . ' .: .....,1,:, .r . --..' I "Mattetaberi 24:: i When I inform' yosi t t,that'au ~.-.1; • Flipp. ecostatirtxf only sixty elfeCtitre I sden, an -,- 1 , . t twe are in a Stlryintli ff etsinf Irttek;tbs Wane. r---` - ' .7 bleb are only about foirtesoliet hitth,t aiid.th i ..,,..'• l • ) in 'hair,: Within o e'hundied and• siityli yarihr: - .. I .-, F, ~' Our; work , a nd :Wh'• h . afford admirable:; situ- , u . ".: bitteries,•and ilia , nnst mayeri for ettartol • „ ....; •• f ,', and that beside th tt, thertsitra:Anoimosa blase ~-' me-of them tri in histolshot, you SOLO. ori . __„. - that ir attacked in foref;headod Illany.-.. ••- . ~, .•,',_- •.; : 1 bittLit simpleton , there is icario..a pus thsiity , ;of_ ,!- f ' l ,• lor bOlOg obi's to lolti.trot loopt;etfough hi wog* .- • Of friends to come, to oar ritecor; .'•:. - -,.. , T.7.,,......;:- --- ; ~ OT:iistir f g-,. that is Ilod . will Arnietletterk asitia:iink:.'- intsrlit Iriall I am 'sincerely , yeira,.,- , ,! ,''''?l - ..' , •-••' : c -,'" '• "ROBERT ANDMRSON;bIajJ lot 4rtllhiry - 4... i - !CoisditiloMektise Stiatissra.ll4to4 - :...,,,, tlinneasir'is in' , eiiritet•, of - a lattorlitiour, L.. Spiith, Published itiiytiaterday'S•l`rMm f --, „3.1 . •r..: t . :".' • ,'.. i 1 lila t Mks eimdit on of tbesWatattot:thonsir,-; tir-.., f.' tbei main the result: of:their Aiwa, folly 44 1 1 1 • • .::', 7 ';''''z''':-%: -, niMe, is . noiertheletts one that sidle fmr,tpw'apsi ~,'.:',1 • .,i- f t, , thy of beery person at thelMorth:" . ...., , il ---.-:: ~.,,-.. • - •,.' ....It , ;_.l, It isli fact, otideniabte; , that 'ieMeWstbutT ~..,4. i .:`,;.:, -; . :; ranger.frOm matit'Of the poor Wtiltes,ilitt•fiut l'•::.1-.1:'-r--4 section fiom therstaivii I. dati§' VIA_ _liS r36 :o4lkf',;' , '' W 7 i the face. Many are IiC11411) , If 1beit'.1 7 4001111.30 , ;:!f::''' . i.,:i sa North, and many mire would do itsi , itiattl.,M ; ' .::',.-_' - ':,,'T'‘:P tii4 this . money: :-,A. , resident Of, Satillia;;Csitali - "";•-;. , -'t; 6 :q 4 1 who earns over-100 siiissi;writin,l****ti. "It. ~,f! , •:;: helis"heen tazid .$l6 on Muth •4 hiiCkMhalt,'; • •:;:' , ,'•4 . ,•-p.k thirit will rµiii him to pay-.lt4ltitt lottio'll, ; :,, , ,f„. 4 -..-,s, ; _, neighbors, hare..hatlftbsir shareittaditestt(tisit 7 . . ; :4 - - . :,' . ..sat,. cause onable',,lo' Pay the `,Aitt•r.trottritissat- - te' - ,-;'4..i ; ,2 . .7. incire, busisiesa•dotic in hiOolta - lit isidodir4.l6o , - . ..* 41 .17- et 12 o'clOck a t riiihti,that ! , tblty-Itsiiit*WfWw: :-- , ,:.1 Mils, and pet,titenait,' , .,: Thyy,liarsi_tutily, , .. .ript3l<„ - ...„' L'fL:' , days proyisioni, fi and 'Alija - Witi_ ottil,nett . , freilow . 7_-,--' - '4l3neiroo.t and iI Ithtl4Piakr,f,;.timkorifsht..aikr' - aii,dre iirthOUt,Oli Miami,: Another .41iittig .• ...infra that be is now tut tif;.latisiiiiiist throl Wi I coma North; t aio Weepsitatatili there•„ualess•he,fit hi in wit,Allie. 4i mob - '' • • • i 1.'1'.i ., 11" , ::-':: : '. , .- ,! ~'.. Tlie:A', Ati‘ie;e ; 411 1., , • . 1 'fort: swider, ; n•aieriit—,-voispb 1 .. }.., g ionl- - sssum:ol.lrora it , .! 1' Fort Sumter le'tkout beeleged). tommenteattenii ettelift I , . Fere*, tend; the tone retoheeted, by tbe t Ca histories etiettelith4 she thtetere-.1 . e. It'll.' MO+ AketimeettAtibtrit befit tforeepeenterittittet Ilk ti*ete,rtiece [th'n, fort. I 0i 10 , 1 4 1 0.-:- 'k ;a* itbetneelves by liettrto *litatifttlis" (tnon-to; tette to'rdiblefeeterteei tend the 41iiitatis.it,,:on-.oe.' f t mi rt h, to net: tektandieileatit%._i , 1, rrh. s r odo ciompu:coeimpo .Iboins quiwom aumfoiiie tie* their, r4)4,,...7acierteribitt - 11 ;inri kill* Ali: rdiii V' ,tiii,l 13{ate. 'lt* Ili! :lit Aniessbc' 'siditsre sink ii-s4jOshaidela - Tile Georgin , itinloit' hothlotier% 1- :';_jAtliset StsiOtkiiiiiis. iiiik tallito* ft.C.; a semision,beneting Airadoti i'sosa. to .1)•; disitr!se.piiig; -.- ,; :: 11 i ;lThililori4 Otter Convention 1 1 41r4 itelhered# ivrariimiiii jetiened uni:lll3itikrdiy"o.47.3-. s 1 ITlN•Pisthlibklitg:lettatiFelett hiaticAriellelekt,‘ **Ph* alc jir Anderson:NAO.! , ethrbettor :#l ll L° l4 s!ilD 4 .ol*** o , Ora liana Onsterieksie the kismet id Cbeirleitt— oe-0, "iii, , -,thii •,*1 Sere been ereiltent.behireirstii }Mho' Ilikkehndltitt kifigittal tuoir 04 B. Delimir*.. 1,4 tittered', 4 hit 80,44 . 10 o rr -Aidla with in *4 . k. Ifyire,d bh . olt "2 is ~', ;phew a itaislsii -' . tef both' Mitt . Tel unnquatillidi die 'ettistint difiletdi * 11 40 0, 0v ' Hefei is • :1 litr:Illoyd, liiiikallt dii, F eh.; .4iieth 'l4 i_t it : : 116 44 411 ' _ •Melt bar at' et' the'9 , 4ol t . int ernettbins ' tyh,W eth aqui 'PlojdheKlYieft 'zit' .1r1:; ~_; H r,; 1 4-