The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 05, 1860, Image 1

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- - -
atNOLLattaeCittrltaSt ! „
•:i 53LbiRS, per annum, pv10 . 411 . 10 advsnee—
.if not p 413 within six tootitha—aud.,2 50 if
a within the year.. . .
. • •
TO C;C11.5:
.ftlioiint to one address, tin vinee,) • OO
- do : do • 'lO 00
ift ,, n . , .do do . "hi 00
ei h t , a h s , T iptiousuinst be invariably paid lu ad
a nce.l and Sent to one *dates*.
\TAO lit be furnished in Carriers and others
100 evict; eashn delivery. • • o thers
revrgrosen and &knot lic;Wtera supplied with tbe
• ::1141. at $1 In sdsanee.
vtir: taw al armaianas. • • '.
If gator:Al:4ra order the discontinuance of their news
i•,•-r,•ttic-Pclblieiter may tontiline tosend theta: vial]
yore TiLOO are paid. I
put*ribers Ent i tled or refuse to take dial? niiirspii
frJla the <Aire t, whichitheY, are diretted,ttieyAre
! ,1 until ther lisve,aeltled fri. bilis IPd.
t ionalitheca discontinued'. •
If si . aqtr2ribent 'wive . to other places without informing.
y e preilisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former
they•arekeld responsible. -
rye rourts bare deklded that reftulna . to l take net:rape
rs frnal ttie nqn wrln pr, and learinr, 'them ad.
!led for,ti prima facia evidence 01 Intentional fraud. •
. ,
pee/Jr - 4nd institntionistablishedbyspecia/ Endowment,
, pr lA/ !NW' of the Sick and Distreste4. ajlhotted with
.4 % ,..1,,,,, and Epidemic Dianvei. and erpociatly for the
Coreice Disease' of the Sexual Organs.. •• , • - , ••
, . -
f EDICAIi ADVICE girea ' gratis,
r,l-1 (by the Acting Surgeon. to all who apply by let,
t. ...,, out; a .becription of their . conditl;n..(ege,occups
in. bibits of life. Le-) and In reproof extreme poverty,
I,..nei; er , furnished frtie of charge:
V. 4 l.c AIILE It HP011 . .78.0E1 Spormitorrhces.!her
; i - . 4} of the Sexual Organs, and on -the NEW, ItEME
.it:S. enkplosed in the Ihsper.sary, pen Vto the &picks!
n , eele letter envelopes. free of charge. - Two or three
;,,a,pe or posiane will be acceptable. '
Addrs, flu J. SKILLIN . I.IOL'D DION, Akin= 5ur
..0.11 , earl Aseodetion, No. 2 South Ninth Street,
•.. , il4de phia„ Pa. 11k : biller of the: Vireetore. r i '
. i EZil AD. 11EAUIV
Go. E t tlacnito.freVrVtary.... ; •', • 1 . •
Jantutry 14,'1M, --. • i . .• .
2-1 y,
•.. 1 , SAMF.ORD'S ,
, •. - .1.
1,7. e . - Invigor ator, vr- 1
I.T. •
1 • ' oh p 4 Landed
~ I[E,Otili e ly - froml
d u•s, and has . become ati established fact, a 1
itauda Medicine, known and. Unproved by all. that t use l It. and Is now resorted :to with confidence in
lithdiseases for which it is recommended.', , ! . I
Ibliainred thousands' "within the lasi twp ..ears
hohnl..lterrun ell h0p.,1 r :of reliefi m
as the nuerons
n. •li , it certi fi cates in. ~,..., imy possessinn•sbnw, must be adapt ic'e--,rd to thb temperament of.
In indi idual takihn it I riVand nsed inliuch gnipti••
j . ,,1 A. toact gently on thej milowela
Le-T, OM dictates of your, . , judgement guldeson In
ht. 9,4:*plthe I4ver In= ..-!vf gorat or,andn will \
me Lir reomplainla,Bilj, g.!inits Attacks,. tiyinepsla;l
hom l'ic Diarrhoea, Sum .<4ner Contilaints. , pprzn.
• ky. Dr pity. Sour Stoma ••,,,,, ~c.h.llabititlCostlieness,
ChnliCt Ch .1 er a. Cinder& 1.4 ,11orituis.1- Cholera !Man' '
t um. Plat ulenie,.Liti udice.l cp iF.m.I. Weaknesses. and I
may be weed suctwssfully as as ordinary 'Family]
nedicins. It will enr.ll;„, ~,Zr,l ct Hondsche,.(ss t him
-I,ands can,,testlfy,) In 20, ,4,uirril7t:*, If two. or three,
;eastmonfuls are taken:at: ~,,,, commencement of attack.
• Ayr All wbi) mi. it /mei NO-4iving tbeir;testimony in
t. favnr. ,
0,,,e,..s 4r , , , th ‘ e!sm_,!MSuth.lcdth the invigorator
A,z IValer in the
Id swallow both ic;getlier.
. 1 .
• - , , . , y . ...
fit. .
- i SANFORD .; S. 1 . . .
.ills; '..
amily - , Ct - th - a - rtit.
fIOMPUUNDELY from TRure: Veget-1
iyat•le tracts, and 'put up . in GlasS Casey ,fit ir•Tight,
tel will Corpk in any ribitate: - .. „
The Faly Cat ha r't Vet , ( PILIIA, bait ' gentle hot
lice Ca h art lc, which : t be; 0 pr.prieter has used in his
wine ore than twenty' I R ...pears.. I ' •:: '
Thormistantly increasing 1 n 'demand fromi- those who
see long used the P111.,,751 . 4 yid theSatisfactian,Whicti
II ex Orem in regard b.;= their use; bas tpdtreedsoe •
y plat,e) them Within. theYY,'rfach• a AU. . '
The,P differ e nt
ofession welt know. Ow): hat different Cathartis
et on portions iff.2l.the Boviels.. • Y
The iiiimily.Ca tit artl ry.ii PILL , has; with due .
Skiren to this well Manta, .'Z' 'lished fent, 'ltyYlin rom.
can& d from s part: ty of r i - f he purest Veet'tible Ea
• recta,. which act alike .mo '''• ..very part of the atimen
ary r nah.and ere noon - .., mad ears In :an cases
lt.•re Callmitic is needed. lt , i.todi as derangerneh ls of
In: . SI I , 1:1126. h .'Sleepiii.:Na. yr aim; in
ins ,-,,,,, e ,,,,,, m: py r i n, ,,,,,1 r tereness :Oyer the whnlel:
the INC* and
...:dy, nano 'smitten Ma.' r - ra bleb 'frequently, if tie.
l e ele .et,d inidt.mgeourse o'•'t Fever, 'Lois ,of App.
,Creeging s'entati••n . - ;;4.. , f !Cold, over .t he body ? ,
~. “-sties.: Healsche. orl y „ ;weight - ip the Head, all 1
:,. • flainntata r y Piseases. Warfits in. Children or Attune,,
bet watts r. et great Purifier of the Mood. and tummy
'e. •
sea A .F.ftx. which 11,-:h is heir; toe numerous to mention
• thli adiertivenient. littitl--1 to 3.'' ' •
. .
Gra - Priec---3 Mmes. - 6* , : , • -
' *.7"14'Ll rE If INT IGO It ATOR .ivi FAMILY CA,
11.4 It TIC MIL Lira re' retailed by intiggists generally, ,
tal old.whlesile by the Trade' in all large towns. I
t--..if..5. T. W. ganford, PI. D., -'
1 .
an. foitirretiiirl Pop t; ie r..r., 335 I:mufti:my:AV, it •
t" Retailed fnPott. - villa by HENRY SAYLOR; and'
10 T marina fly E. J. FRY. ,- flytepti Ph 'toil 37 -IV - ..
Hcistetter's . Statilach Bitteist .
ri 1.11:: • Propriefo'rsund .Manufacturers.
T . Is: ran apy , al-a ith Perfect confidence to physicians
a• • :eititaiusAre ik
orally of the Unltetitates, bemuse the.
art rid hasattained A reputation heretofore unknown. , --
A ,„.a tarn open this point will speak more tiOwerfully .
It; I i ,'..1 a men .if bare A ',Art 19 . 9 Or blazoning, puffery:—
TM onsomption y of llostetti.r's : Stomach Bitter% for th e• Amounted to hoer, half a • million battle., and
2 t , it.. wannest steady increase in times pait:it is eat-:
du: t., - .11 dirring the reining year the ronsuwptiou wilt
;Mi. near oneanlllion bottles; Tlin Humane amount
dial ty.,er hate been sold but.::or HO rant medicinal I
111•ctitcs contained 'ht the preparation, Vid't ue saneal,
ma of the most prominent physiclani In those lsectious '
. I Ity.'•:.anytry where the art iclels bast known. Who not
alb re-amt.-rid the linters to: Wen:patients. hut are
otitly at All times to giie testlinitoutals. to its eflicaey in I
sal coos of- stoninchle deraugetheuts and the diseaises 1
.• • a• •
:table; therefrom. , y - - : y • • .1
. .
Ties as
ynot a temporary popularity, obtained lay -ex.
trateldinary efforts is the tray of trumpeting the quail=
hit, of the linters. hut a solid estimMinn ktf an .Inval ri
as e'l midicine,.whichfkdestiued to be. enduring as
• •• •
Ilhe itself. • . ,
ilitaaet.ter". Stomach:bitters havelpro ed • I
,t.ttyter4i!os a here fever and ague antra ions other bill- •
(...1 , cmifllanatt. have connted their Pici 2. by hundreds.
T ra.: AM:. to slate ennfitlently that ••• Bitter:A . ' are a.'
c.,, lainlmre for the y nyspertarind' like diseases. Is to the ,
Inlivriei.ri. a soul at , I.IIIMU..)et! pleal , uxes it ream, eS:
rt:ulorl ! id niattei (ram. the Stoma:eh. Sutilies the ,blootl,
,a. •1
impasta renewed ' vit ality•ti ItIto• - , Yrjearvous -system, •
- ,:i. ink it that lor'yatel entaro indispainsable for • the
re j latoration a health. It; operates upon the ,tftomyiett,,
laver, Ind other digestivey..rgatis; mnalyalav - powerful . ..
11l 31..1 t , 1.,i , 11-f - rBti.ll,. ;V1113,11 1, , :, A', conditiou maeutial to the
limithP discharge cif' the funetirlnP of nal nra.• ' ••• • _
:.- Anely persons may die- the Bitters daily as per dia
.r. - - I I.•tAmTs tilt. bottle, and they mill find in it a stimu
li yl re:min:lily adapted to gout tart. deglitiltig 'years. an it
in lets - ant (lithe palate. in vigmating; te . t he haven. ea.
i.• Icid at; a tonic, alid rejoYenatitig'generally. 14e have
t Il i el blonre of thousands of aged mOniond women who!
Il.4e..r.“•erioneed the benefit 'of usina Ithis preparation i
:14,e stiferin; front Stornachrd•Tringetnents and generall
d, eliTy: . :i.clins: under the? ail ..i.e.q.:f physidanii:, they
b 1.., Ouii,ned 411 d4latexldus druge stud 'fairlytested'
the nooks of this art lobe.
, .. .
.4 teTT' Words to the 'geld b , soz. 'W h ere are certain pec
rie,is when their oare•:. al, s•.: ion as•ong that. many lot 1
:nu ka si oh .order tI: •' -.. F....:1:110.: rel.dbm of. motherand .
`',mil' is so ales: ingl, folider • that the mother! espe % l. I
Ell_ 1 : If, nh..i4,1,y0-utig, is apt to ferAet tar own teal:I:In.;
t4' ex't nne:anxiety fort:el iulant. I ishould the period ',
.1' ina:4ruity arris du ii•ot I lie stir:it:lei 6.5.14 the wear:
tedi and mind is Rynerally agegrasiod. lion.. t hen, 1
h abiec•ssity for it stimulant to iectipefate the eti4logies r .
lb l .• system. and
enable the mother to bear up. wider,
t. rsh tact i tig .triala re:Ten:o4 i•lea .'.luringin generally_ prolerthe llittet4' trial! other • invi dis 1
i . t.. tli it fo•eivethe endorsement.. if f:hyslcians.lits.,l
7,..i • ,i I is agree.ibleto the taste' :tgi :4;11. ar certain' to j
F.o. , perinanent illPitiolSO ~ 1 " bldilyliki - Cngtk. ' , - r
~ 411 threw perseus to Whom' we‘baYO Particularly:refer-I
r . .. 1 1•:ie, ti: wit: sutferera from lev::eaud agme, caused
1.. : II t.rly. diarrhivi , dvsenteby. indigestion, loss of;ap.
1 eo, ~ Alla all diseases or dernni:Tenufnts of Ibe StomAolt,
seer temiltott tuyalida, per,loss or sedentary ..c/Mna-;
li-,.. a d nur,ltnt toot hert..'m Ili ronlollt.their own PllYa.l
'•i •t! . .., , tare by giving to Ilesteller'stklebiafeil St:witch
billy ..\ 1 trill, : - _-.1 ~. -. ''l it ' '. .'' 'I.
CO ‘l4 liffoNdre criution the public against using'
,:: 0 - cl.• ',. arnly Imitation. or count .rfeifs, hut aslt.4tr
11 .'''. i 'C.'lllott.ol 'Stoma.)). II it ti,.* an d see-that .
..,:h :..t 4, b.o:lbk wards °Dr •.1 [I sle e pt r 's: Stemar . li •
I; ,t ; ' 4.,w0 on - the side of the bolte....Aod .1 ,,,, P.A•211
the a •1,1 !“,_4:11, ,t., ill og the conc.. a k dltiserve that 'our
au.0.',.3;' , 1 ai..:iititure,i*,;,n The labet,i :W" 'I . • j ',.
..oir P epared a11&i...;1d by IIirS'PETTEtt k. -Sil.yrif,
.Pa re.. iir_:li. P. 1.. aud .irild . by all - drOgg,ista. grocer:4l and
;Teal , ' T.C‘iteral. v thrinr , hi.nt the ti fitted' Statea,•ii'inth
Atter .•.r.: nd-Germany. • 1 - 1 • ' ' . .
. ::.., - .,1,o.11•1/ gale by John G. Wont: ' k Son. Pottsville;
.ii..-Tri.lf,ir l.lurte and - ti. J. k .l. svLa'a.'retice, IlinersalllC:
.L..E.:i,el.lfeinont: Kitzmiller. Sten.. k Co., l'ltregro44
C .l nn,etler. Dorolklnolf. : 11 , e'o: 3."55• 4S-ly
VitilL 4 '
Tit 10 G E Nli
' file viva ` of d ' i..?t .e.nfren tnakett'its way to the Inlet.
ral o.gltili t 1(01101 the ',nee. of the shin. Th IF peeetra-
I , nr oiiitmt fit. nit Ding under the hand as it is ruhled
in. i. 31,a, .-.1 thr sttgli the saute
,' , 1:131111e1P. and. rench
ii-2 her seat of i tiff:minim tion, prmfiptlY and Invariably'
rat whether lt whether toeated in the hidneyit, the liver,.
lice utms. or any other linpoitanporenn. It penetrates
it r - 40tiliqi . to the Interior, ttirrit4 the countless tubes
it,alr- unnuntrate with the t4,.111' as Summer rain pluses
Int , the fevered earth, diffusing its cool andemtenemy
tat. influence- 1 • ' i
akin Diseases and Glandtilar Swellings.
} tvt% 4e, ielt 01 exterior irritation In quickly reduced
tc it, anti Inflammatory action of thin uinithent..• lAti-1
cry, Er.t rrION a; suell as Anti Rastas. tltrvierpas.Tini.R,
1.0 1',, ,. itv. ;,,- aLL; Moo, NETTLE Dann. rkarilmi.for fern)
ko 1,,...30. to'r e & urn on more. Wider \ t tt . f applimarthn —l l
1II; nun! rAlit•Fli'M/1.9 in all 11.111 S 4 to. *arid proven aig
1 " , I , ' , inty in- dineanes of the iiln. the nataties,l th e
.I. , l:ate and the efiniMn •
' '
1 : Ulcers, Sores, - andl
Tuniors. , .
Fh., .4,1. .. 1 this : unrivlard=e ternal remedy upon
i ' sly, and whet virulent uliern and keen:D*lll3oA
infv, - ious: 'lt first disebrirges the prison which prialu. I
rer , upput nt , on and proud flesh. and Mils the cures
tr.ei-it is healing properties afterward complete are safe
lit well as permationr. - I. ' i'•
i, . ... Undeniable ' - Test.mony.• •
In rases of the fracture of the,honen, injuries tilt
by 'team raplOsious, Br.mirs,. Ifi:man, fientnx, ant
' i ,•taf - or-or mil .mixer, Sind contraction of
sti,e.`, it 11 - employ...rand warmly recommended h
faculty. Thin Inarveloun remedy hag "been listrod
rtf inventor in pers..) thin alLthe leading Ilospi
, I, lA' ne- and nnprivate hourehold should be wittm ,
I WoUnds, Bruises. Buins, and Scalds.
Ti 'gel. •nt, Staff , Pl . the French and English AA
-a t he triers have officinl!) : .,igned t heiripproval ad
ni * nil trivia. As le. i` itiont eV, .hie dressing r.
tri. ;tit, litai.s. and gun shot erntt di. 1113 alb uses
Me surgeons of tbe Allied Nti ( lin, . -
• '
`'n , 44 the Oistmeof nn ! Pill. i4oald be used iu
j „ ti , .,a,,,, o.,ie e: ,\ -. '
P.0.1M1W114 . I:4,aaattiala.' ThMatl.
; ' :;. ' ,:, , a nand, 117';..a.11'
1 :. ~t 0 laud,
chtibt..... -• :z,,1d.. . w•- ; . 1 . , ',.;; ; ',:ii„,
past.h, . Riau Dist , ar... 4 ;4 :,,,,,,,,,, , :."t
Omit, - - swelli-1 1 ; LUldi. : rkers', i ...i ,
Lumbago,' ' fienrraogs..- , , .] Vedereal Sores;
-Mercurial EraplattrSore Biaeista i j - IV, uods let 4,
,Pile k Sore fiends.. 1 .hi ode'
,se gold se tlnt - Slanufacto - rien of Profesnor tlotaow,ar.
IM Maiden Lana, New York, andf.'44 , in't rand ILendon.ity
ail respectable Druggistsmind I Dealers fit lledicin e
thrajrghout the I,pite..l States;
,In pots, at 2.1 en and:the nirilited world,
,c2i aats:, and F 1 each.! -
airpier• lac ,ed UlgeraLkinl4V"Atig by taking theiarger
slaf.s:`! ov
FederDct ions for the gnilince!of patient sin every
d area:died tre ta:11 p)t,' , 1 •
July 3W,‘5:4 • •1 1 1 ' .' •
I ' ' 1 - ' i I II Ii I ' 11. ' I'l I' - 'll 1 l i ' , uI• I , 'I i i '-' ' I 1 1 . , , I
.I'' I. • _ , , ' :1, ' I; '- '' ' , , I I, I. 1 , t , tI , 1 , 1 ' ' i 11 1 I 1 '' - I ' '- -I' '
i' • ' 1 ', -
, , •
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-" • 4 • i'l ''' ..
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•,I! _ i. • .I ' ' .' ' ' -,I - - I l'i , r 1 -i , ' -, .
.„,_.t,rv , r f A , ; ,. . . Li t ~ 1 ~:',' 11 i _ ''' ' ... '' - 'i: IL - : ', ' STEAIt PRINTING' OFFICE
~., .
„,, ~ 1 I :0 - ' ' 4
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t - ' - ' I 1 ...e r . r" . 7 1 1. , 1 1
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: I na ‘ ln g P iPeei 9r4 L b* r 1 " .111 . 'l4 'Sn. 110011 PfilP•rOd '
' ,1 ' 'r ..‘" lirt)lP c„, - , , '.
i I ~, I - . 1 - 1 , I 1 ' - , . 1 , ~ 1 1 , lo noes , * JPI II B4I AM*. PELVITSTkvir efilry dia_heripi
, _ ‘
.IN ---
I', i '" ,1, I ,'' ' ~ •;- - , ~ p , 1 ' ' , ,1 I i 1 , • , ~, i Doc' At the 01 1'api l tho,Unrage Jot' Ohs, elitapii Alum
1•I t '',-- uy ortattlisiumet in ilk eirtut
~ cf ,i. 1 1 ' ) : - Nola a. " 4 " 11 . 1 °Ow ~ , • 4
•. ! -1 , i ,
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l i ' 4 fi.— 't , i. , I, Wl' ,; `1 ' I ^ll.- 1 I ' . l ', ' l 1 r , ' Zarin 1 ; ,itailf " atichts,j
* i ' ' , ' ;; 1 I 11 _ - , ..,•1 (..1 - r, 4 1,, , 1 , ~ .•. , . ,', -, , 1 ., ~ ..i,".il y.-,I , , , - lak •
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•I I ; mon ithiathitt of otharalleolu ads ,
1 , iminmw ' t i' . ' , - ' I- ,
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1 ina. TNAOD N° ll ' t° r °l/I°l / 1 ° 1201n " ON IRA 4 121 4 AND MONO ONN MODULI OANWIN " °°vaTa nr . Pri wra4d. " 7 1104 °M I WAI NII37 r', ' Da A I D I ' LL 34 1 1 ,1, I° 41 ,1 11 _ 4 . 114111 , 2 ` P L 1A°19111. , 7t.° • i 'l,' - I I I'' ' , ' .' ' ii, kw is Is ri ' IT* emk to
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torus+ cos to thicipiwi rim GA LONA Ana
' ' ' I ' 11 , I
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EVER' I SATURI)AY MORNING,I BY B ' 6 ' NN I a , '`'' l.
, I 1,1 , 11,
, , . . ~..,..L .L, ___ „.., , , --, l' ~. . .• ,
— 7 i ... - , , . 1 ' ,
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MAY 1 5 iB6 1 flolvir
' 'l' 3 iii -I '
,1 _ - ~. N
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'nos of he iiiilogga
I Pier Pro. L '' , ,
NerialkN DIITT, NO : TON
- 11.T3 1 &teat qtreet, t 111Xelphia
: 63 L
OFFIC hefty *treat, .., w York.
If Doane syett, 134t0n.
+ Alsof vole Agents r the
a `
Ltisrls Coal aitet Na , eigalion
, Company.
- r t
Pier Na.
• sairPzra - or - raciscsr
WHITE 11. it ED.ASII eti;diTßl
LAND COAL; alo, 11.4'
(217 'Walnut street,
OFFICES 4 New itreet, NOI
I ; 11 Dulne fareet, tli
' Pler No.
• .Vl. ALIIV33C, •
' wiric qpaiky neat
{ 'r
' No.
~ . . I 3 Walaut'at
OkFiCK.S: No.. ;0 State atm.:
, ... 1
No. 166 Broadway;
.' ' , 4 1 1 er: No. ~ • ' -' 4- , • .
' . :' ' '
:i ' HAYES . 81, -GO I SHALL i 1 i t
: : .•:• • .\.• • 61:111.PERB nira . '- I - ' ..
Lehigh and Selantlkilly Coal at 'Retail.
YAitlb-Corner '2...Wand Arch Fleets. - ' . • —,
. . • I
:0E0143E-10 Walnut. street. Phladelphis. 1 C5B-421
. .
---.7--- .: . - N . •
:_. . ', , ScHUYLKILI, .',, 16ATIOtt - : ' -,
. , • Al' 4111 E ENASIOL, •
• Delaware. R,lverrilltladelphia.
. . .
• - • .1 • Whitrir.N44 l.
' itOrlimEta; PO TS& co.
S 2
6 '
05wa l ma ;sir philagoobia. ;
OFFICES 110 , Bromdws,v,l , :c .
.Nork. • • •
•• , 1 .•I.9:tite .and ..
rrlmnie.ltow. Ilostoh.
. ~
- I 'Wharf N . 1. 2. • . .
. • REPPLIER i BRO: - •
. 1 . ' 1 • N. iK.i.or. WaluOt qtFouVtfi Sta.,. IThlltidit:
, OFFICES : 3S Pine; StreOtai . Torlk., -, : ' ,' i
' • 1 ._ Me reluint* boOk wilding, Providence.
, MAVIS .PEAR N 4. CO:, . ':
.04iit3 AND SHIPP koi or Sim . ..
- ' • • • SPOIIIN VIIN
, - ' D I
-.'. RE. AS74I9OAL;
• , _ N 0.138 italotiti3l t,.Pliala , )olphia.. '
. OFFICES : .N 9.111 Lllroadsiq Room No.'9 Trinity
- ', ' I . 1 , 1: Blilifitrag,-Wew 1764. .
• . ' . - !
N. ~ Ilf Dottne Stry-lit,ilOrtotio. ' .
DAvis!eißrox. rirtLi'. '.,' ~ "r, GIDEON DABS. ASHLAND.
cliakiittiiii.l__,' ..., ly
' ' , l•-• oWhitif NO. 3.
:1 At NFlte-ffprii sitiPe or COAL .! : -, ..; .
-' - VitHtTE rApH , • •-
,-,, _.,
Prom the PINE li.Nfltand MT LA F ' A COLLIERIES;
: 1
s. i tED sH,
~ From ,their PI.i(EN : goLLiiintis. ;° • . 1
r. , , ; , — ~, r . . .
,i)VEICE .:•-•N 0. 105 Nfia,lnut Sqeot, l'hiladl,lph la.
-. Apill 9, -*59 • . r . 11 • I , lf.-,1y. - -
7 1
1 ~ 7) I. A 1.1 , 1iS AND s
Lotttsiland.Biond Mo
-1 t • , ' i'
ASII. 6001.11.. P.
nifrltkut: 4.til Flour :sial Fer
cual- Ji,EDW.
Itate.'"Are, Railro
• S.TATT 1
• 1. • . ,
Eng'l . or
-Pu ifi ,
IT UK 1.EL,.).
titled fro!'"
1 , 1.11 only 11
14 rhetnleal
ned with N,l
npt vala3 Ld
tl roots. h
int of to
1 d Ch rr
chow Th. •
r FlowerF.
t. pre du
too {Okla
the rag.
ieatth es pr,
-i • t.
. It Is l!Lanne'l R
OWN EXED!6 climaxes oyi i
rAI lams. When' takan,lte )lexling• inttuenre ;is feitl
coursing through every velti of the body, Uurit)ltilfami:
seetlerstlug•lbe eirrulst ion nI the blood, It neutrsll
any bilious triXttee• in the stOisch,andstrengtheux th
whole oricenizXtion.
Mci , r•Ct'i e( -4 1 hentrig Medial ettedusil rur
Liver Comph Dyxprpsy,loondiee, chronic or Net
Debilit/ 'vex of t no; idney end all Debitl
.. -
",vir ' • - o:• eh, 11,--t
r 1
I nt ..
arfidug fr.di,*
,cred Lia J er or S.tool:eh, Heartburn
Inward Pil '.
Aininy or Sickness of the Stamarb„lFul
neva of Bl to the Head. D i ll. Pain or Swimtulog LI
the; Head.' Hatton of the cart, Fulinera or .W i elzh .
in the Stomser,SOlirEtultatf ns,Chpliiiittot S,uffosatin
.Ye . elin;,Y. hen 100 , down. rh ness or Yellowness of-the g
Skin and lip . Night Sweat ' Inwant'Pe'rers. Pain -Is'
the Smallotthe.BaCk,Chestibr Side; Sudden Flushes q
' , ..llent:ltopresilon of Spltiton Frliehtful Prohnis, 141 0gn. 0, V,
'l.l , ,pondencY;lfir any Nervotuii.Hisiase. Sores or • Itiotert,
On I he'Skin, andTever end' Ague (or ebilia and fdver.
It will also yore diseasiii of the .Illadder. and. Womb, :
such) as S.etrilnal ”'eakne.i Incontinence of, Uritieb'
Stroguary:llothinituatiOn or IWeakniss of the - Wm:lab of
; Bladt.r..Whit,ii, BL'c. -. ;, " '-
T_lstrin, • about flt:w....ThisHo4,
, dhil-wiil-never ini I .to Onto A 'one of the above diseases',
If token per dlreet tuns on ea h bottle, in Gertuan, Eni-1
r. ' il-h end French,. N 1 ~i ,• ' .1.1 ,' • •
‘ 4 1' 1 ",elr hat/ a Iniffi•oi of ' ?ars . have been wild durfn ;
' 't, be.Oaq Six uontlie.anif in 'n
inatanre hes it failed- 11.
, glvineentire' , atisfocrion, N lin, theniwill tulfer.Weiltr
nese of Itehility, when lc: - • • n's Streniglicniwg arch&
will ruce,voul, . . . ..
TO 'lie , to be healthy and
--, strong? Then - , g., , st once nd get ',nine Of Netein7s.
..Strengthi•ning Cordleil. It' ill strengthen and itivlgn•
rate ynue blood to t 1.4 th,u. 'at every veil:land the ikrii;
. rally hronin of health to nio tit to your-cheek agaiti.: 7
.Every bottle Warranted In ,re fatisfsetion. . - : 1
• , For children...weeny to,p‘rentsOf your ell.-
' ‘ dre‘Oare sickly,.puny., or &Minted with ciplalubs prey •-
• >alent amooi l childr.en. give ahem n ~em •Inantity of
' lilef..een's Curdled. and lit will snake tho loalthy,lfat
.Land ruhust. !Delay nut tniatent—tr, It land you arill.
•,be'eonilneed. :, , 1 j , , ' 1 .. :
It •le eke lifeless* to .1 1 I silke..- . Every eon n try.mer:
eb - lint should not irate the ty milli he hot prprur e d a
I supply of 31eLean's Stiengt : ening Cordial -' It stils rap.
: idly. bees use it alwass eu A liberal disoounewill-he •
made to those whit , buy to` 11 solo. ' y - •
CAUTION I... Beware 1 Druggist*, Or DealeeS, who
r i
'.may try to palm upon you me Bitter , Or -tiarsliparilbs
trash ((whir) they can buy strap). by saytag It is just
•ste good: .ArOld mut limn— sk Air MCLEAN'S STILINGIII
INI:40 tonnes. and take no hing else: It is the.: only
'remedy that swill will purify the blood Useseughly, and at
,thelasme Hoe etrengtlien the system. ..• •
One latile*ponful taken - etrpry morning- ( siting) Is 'a
eerie in-prermitatlire for Cliciers,Chtlis and Fever, Yel l
low Fewer, or•any prevalent 'Pease. r ' -
'Priori only $1 perbottle,l siz brittle* for 1113.
l 1! • -
- 'l . 3. H. 11.1cI.V.IbT,
• Sole Prisprlettle 'of the Co tali-also, Mckeisies le
OU Llnlineut.' . ' •
, . .
• i ', rs _ _ _
. Poll
the I
1 be I
Mc44ios:Vcilc4iiic - 011 ligleient!
Tim heal Idulment IA slitorld, tot Mill or beast.' .
lAnottitqyetnarlostle cure performed. by MeLeau's Vol.,
unit Oil 4inithent. 11.0d.tiii.yttarsalirett '_' '
- ;Thouttit , Yerd. a biackamit ': llainit near ' Casa IYenue*
.itti Tenth i•treet. had ttliarri la rat:lllla' sorealn his4Mt.
• 110 tHed irarious I:lnfluents, alien e.. but could do It
IP , •:' , .>l. Ile' despaired of Illt• belao able to work at Lila tta, to again , laseatme he root il.not .bent soy welOrt 'Uri
Ida 'vat ; stud by oat until battle if McLeau's Vaittaols
Oil Liniment: he hi now gierfOly turd.'. • . :
itbeiiiiiatistu, Parilyaia.POrabti.i.:llrittties, Sprain;
Stiirneta i'n Ibe Jr , ititaot lln ' :lca. Sw tilllnita; Sore 'I hruat,
l r
tiaratite oersaittaebi, Wou 0 la, FtcstienttieStitelt Burns,
Scalds Pains, Le:, y , ,14 to t 44.'13481e" iatteoett or 1434
ii,hd.,rful lini titan t: ' Irl •, le - ,
• , r'or Horses and Cattle. I . 1
Is'an Infallible remedy for
• Ch.ires.OAtts. Seratrbes, Ora ked Reels TAMelltk% eiNi"
tin; Semitty. So lilt, Vistula, Ir ohm". Sirallings. Wounds.
Itattlainslte Bites. and rarlotts Other dlstases which att.
teals are liable:to from lojurea or acclaims. . -
2. - .
• , t•rY country meyebent should obtala .- a supply of Sle,t...rils Vr.Lea nit Oil Liniment. It sellsrapidly beeaaso
It slams tares. 'i' , I, . ' 1. ,
A Üblitatdtscouut wlll bealiisde to merebant s wile buy:
. . ,, '.4 , ll , igain', . ' ' - 11 - - 1 •
,•. • • -
. . 11 1 - 49 . 1!..r isglisty, .1' 11. Ileb ,
bi AN, t'itiprlotot,e roar lit
...rb Ira and Pine atrita: , Fit. lair's; Mo.
e l m
40E0r aaloin Po teelllc lir ".T. - 01 11110 Will, Ire st. 1
•• t, ',e.-- I 't. t- Asia in libilil..-10tia. by lilt. LI. SW - : Ir . tiE a
s. - iN, No E.-ili---tth Ttb lls .tre.t4 1 • 1 - rat-ljr •, '
1. .
11, 1 ' '; ' - ‘ 7 , 1 1' h r 1 •
' • 1 , 1 1 , rr 1 1 ' 14: ' i " - 1-
1 I
en the
fng. B.
• . .
1 ;: ; ..esrlivß,• sToNE"-&1-co., ' • il.
... 91412.14 is: natace nzactlrrzw4s CP -. , I
'LI ~ '• . 'Mod aiid , rWkltirUksh • .' I .
! ; AND , .'1 ' - • I ' ' , '
: •' • ! 1320 Walriut: Hint; JPl4ladolp6l*:.
'O7IFICES: 9 Washingt* 89119.1ng.,iProvklinies,i
; . : • ' 199 tfiroalit,y,'Aer York: I . :
' i. :PIER!10.11' PORT 111C11.31.0ND. • r-5812
r , • , •
. ! . Pi N • ' ' I
D0,4J31. pfD.4141 r 141/ k lo*. 'COAL.
Offers Nestle ty the Cll.irn. the best . 44'111118'0i j.
Also, LE.4la II and ieIpITIERLAN O COAL. -
OFFICES ,:53I82Waltint!st reet,Th Iladel Ohio. I
. .1
I'oZ:thane. street, Boston. , • ['fpli*;
*Alarms or .
ston. •. ' •• si I rSS-42
Pietr No:
surnicinor.] • _ • re v. ouir4a,
is nipp -
SCHUYLUZL *flirts.4yirD BED Assts
.f • 41SO,
-.4 Lehigh anii Bit tiad*Ous.Coals. l
°OiCtS 9 3 eZVo n :p,,:tst t ':TIV, 1 1 4 4, 1 tt h i: 8 [ 4
%FAA N - 0.0, rola 111911119Np m , fhilad's. • [THI
ii. 4 CI4
I kais'or
t. PbLladiipbla.
ew YOrk
.......n.4!), flii ad's.
1 , Pie's'', No: liP - r'. i
• '..-, V Ildri!Al. DE4LICAS f:i TIM 1341' .YAS4ITIVI., 1
*nthiabite * Bitiiminottis Obits.
f , ;•• • • • 2 1 15 wosnut!iimiod,iiphia..',. :• i
: 01 , EICS: 11,0 Broadway. New VPlit. I • ; I '
~ : • . : %SO State street. Itostri,a. .' - • i '
Pioneer Shipperi frofa 114abtt P?ri• '. 1
; ; • , , •,. - F Izr 1 . ri• i- - t 'i_
LEITIGII,' SPRING' 31011NT/1.4V. Al AZ,LETON , 4krou
-•- • "COUNCIL: multi c r oALs . I" a 9 13
1 r 1
COAL: 00A1,,,:'
AUDENRER - oft (
24 Walritititroet, 1"1.11ILADEL1911A. :• •
; ;110:Broadway:NEW TO R. I
- • • Stite strief,,BOSTO:l-
. ,
Wholesale Dealir4 the Lot Wits' of D97.llgsTlCi,-
Me e . Proprietor: Ifo4l:Creek
bl ,'
eof producing ot^er 150 . ;b00 ton: yeaf;,l Ike eilertra
tea 'PIANO:ID, (ard - Ash.) and BL/Leg WhifiAlh.)
11LM), I! .
£Yelusive ,
Ar:eritg,f9r thetmle the. ptinfly kenulne
Mourittan'Co.o.froin . the ;Lricust rpale Colllert of
;4; C. I'o'7lB k Co.. all of iffirh Will bel.shipped 'direct
- tO Sex Cnortll or ..tiVl4.llloeila Greeniirl3
- :Pioys,(holovi Navy ',l(4l,l,4'llllildr.liMlA.) I ;," • ,
. •
: •,- :ALSO, ,! .. •
At. Philtideighiii,!from Pier iNo. U, Port 'Bic&
Mond. Li I I
The eholeeet qualities of REII and! WRITE 4Eli
. ;:CR ALS from I:sehioi'lloll;;Counti.'soleculd , ieith" ryecial
sihlpprd imder,rurporroal sitptritato?daticr:.
At Elisabeth port, 11.
••• Prom BiltimorC If • • •
-The celebrated ILA 51P$11111E OC;C:t1tN0138 COAL.
At Jetsey City. •.7.1 , •• • I
...„ ,
(via LvAigh end .lion!! din Ls.) • ...
The very superior WILKES. 111,1181.: (OAL, froin ;the
Baltiatori.• Vein. taken titan the .f.Aud }titled Imprve
ment tt.(l Coal CompanY's Dasite," near Wilkesbarre:
r,lijru ' COUNCIL; . ItIIHir..COAI4 bob of - which; for
steam p rposes and for family use; are u rpasied.l L II L I
We hold certificates to our opiceti.f an parties who
haXe used , s s ul fully ;tested these' jUrils. and pronounce
'them the h ? ANTI.ACITE Coats. ; for r slin ato n0,.;,Tr0.
i st
• doming no 'e II
nker. less ashes soil grade blase, thatiany
`other kinds. \w,he fore the pupae. I II ' 1
i t )lay 15, '.Vr : .• ' r . Ili : , 1 .. . `2o:.r!
MINf RS AND AIIIPP6IIII or; hut , f , 'Ll , Dirkl'ED
Locus, Mountain Coal.
J: - J.,CONNER, • . i f4:4.lTierr . Ensijs;
I. , : I,
r 59 Tits
. •
. AND HiliP . 4.V.:lll;l 1 01 ,
Fiore the Beeveidide and !Alle/Orille
• OEFItE—No. 320 Walout iftsciet, •
,• ./ta-Coal,.fr;rwarded fiom / Portl Cilttion b y 11,76 .
nr ott 136x!it grhuypdil (1'41,40. rp9-a)
tatatlz SVhite Asti
tell . Monnt Bin • and Val..
taken n .exehange for
E115417 , t, ". - .... • •
ittitON-,-, . .'
.rtr , et, - Ibtrsrf . ll., Pa. ..
tlt'...itli , r,
.. ' - . .
fohtgomery amity, Pa.
• -30-ly • •,
tat and Blood
No. 311 *slant' Street. above Philadelphia.
lusdrea*ainit,losaor dams by fire on BUILDINGF,
'either perpetuallyr for a lirn itedlll me, flomisnotri FCIR.
NITIME, and lizacildantii generally. jklso; Marine in
surance on . Vessels, Caronx-s and .(trel,OLt. Inland in
'straw*. tn . aliparts of the Union.;
j . lnuctoss z; I '
• : Ja.R,b Esher, 1 r . Peter Steger,
D. Lothei, -• j ' Lewis jAndenried.l•
don: lt.lll(ltistnn,j :I/r, Gen. &keit,
Jasepti j lila-afield, -1 Davie peArson,
Wm. .F.Dearr.jDa um. ; -
•• • A
. C9B! ES4litt, Pire tdeni.,
• Ww: Y. 474 PreArithnt.l . •
• ; 'IY. 31: - smith. Secretary. 'l' . •' I
re•Joitar Ci.srrcia bap been appointed &gentler the
above CoMpapy kleh ny 'kill countyi to whom 'persons
desiring insurance can apply. J r ;j - :1'
I Seat. 3.'1.9 ;•: . , • .
Authong,ed Capital--$1.0,000.000.
Paid up F.apital.Surplus,and ileiervedrunda,
„. • 11 ;10,000,000.1 '
• Llabllitylo j f the ShAreboldeili ' - 1- •
flaring been eppoipled Acent in; tide District
"by the
Li emit London Fife-andi.ife I ri j au ra fire Coin pany,
'andfor-other'reliable Fire and tire insurance Companies
:ja'd Philadelphia'. I am prepared to!rece,iveapplications for
Insurance aialnet Fire, on every description of distil&
ing and property,]
• Coal ()aerators would find it silvan agent's to ;insure
their colliery ;strietures in reliableCoinpanhes,for,which
I set as,Agen. • 1 , . . !
: ; Pties deliripe re
insuranee a, respectfully Invited to
.eall t * my office, *here partieulars 'Oren. toseth•
er lor t h't r'eepeetlee eirecriara 'of 1: C o mpanies , and
deta hed stat4tuents of their pieaent ndition, '
' ' • .noßegs BMITIC
. . Centre street...l4les Scrweirlan:
I my elf
y emu
I km. at
to 1
viz •
ill, 1
th of
u g tl
now n ,
Cleat Pennoylva alf
Hall, Pottsril_ '
l* Pa.
-; ; . .1; • -..1 1 -; . ,l • ,
,_: •' 1 . REFEILEN ES: ,•I'. ' .
Piiettyphia. , i f ;Prattville.' . i
iOho' Turcker.. Esq., :. '1 ' oli-e; s 4 'hippep...l.,
ames Du ndae, Geo. Il i . Soy der ; klsq.,
oho R. lirhlie. Esq., ; IfOn. James li. CaMptell,
avid Jane
',131. R.. 1 . -. Hon : C. W. !begins,
!chart .S.Mlth,p44.; K. il.- M. Palmer,;grq. •
; 7enotry 2.0;'59'• 1 - I ' i 1 1 ' ' ' 1 ' b' •
...._____ - - - •-k ir ---.7.-,--
; ' • --. LIFE INS , CE..
T HE Girard :Life A n n u ity uOnee,'
and is'lnat Conies' y of Philadelphia. Otnqe, No.
.408 Cliesoui. Street, thetirst 4 r Elt or, the cnitom
Nonce. Moo .. 1 ' :• ' 1. - • • 1
~ .
Continue to make insurances go Ilse* 011 the Most hive
able terms.; 1' •: 1 - 1 1
• , •Theeapitilbeing paid op and invested, together with
a lime and'ePostaxitly loereasinig easerred, Nod, oilers
a perfect see iirity,to the instired. • '1
The re 1 3:4 1111 may:" he paid 'curly, halfyierlY or.
gearteriy. ; ; , . ' - ' •;;;
The companY add a 'Miro; periodically to the inscrran•
tea thr life. 1. The first Bonne; aPproprsated in Deeember,•
'SM. the reOnd Bonus In Derenther.llkl9,aud the third
-Mhos in, peeember, 1851, which additions make an ave
. rnlts of more than en per rent, Opoci the premiums paid,
without increasing the annual premium:. . , ;I
' • ' ' ' 1, . ; AltattusSute: : ; •i .. •
~ • Tiamnas Ridgway, • ~' : •John A. Brown,t •:•
• Robert Pearsall; • . !,/ohn It. Latimer,
•; . Thomas P.•Jatnes, : - ' ..-johti R. Slack, , ; -;
;• ' Frederick Frown ',: . : i Job c.mite.hep,, "
. ; :George.Tabite, ;„ , • ' .i base Barton. • i 1
;• , • Henry G. F1141=1.11,• • ••• j ' I Seth '.l. ()math, ; 1 ;
. • .. - • • '1 : 1 'haat Starr. •j: . •
• • Pamphlet* contaliaingtable of rotas and etplaustions,
ibrot of. application and further Information .eati• he had
at -the office.. :.' 'TIIIIIVAS RIOWAY, President, •
f, Jona. Y. JANICS, Artl:flay., I • .. ['
WThe antweriber is agent for the ahoy* Company
:in Schuylkill County, end Will effect Insurance*, and
'glee all neemaary - InCrusathim im the inhjert._i
1 1 '
June 25,'59 25.: - . • -; :I, .•i- , IL ,BANZiAN..: •
--- -
rpHE. i Frilk 4 l 3slll in EX Fifp irr i4uranee bom .
PonY;of PaitsdriPtda l t I 1001 ce;tio, ids% Cheaput
streets, near Fifth oirreet . I ,'I i 1 .
J • '' • biat . Frolat •'; ' , I -. 1 i
t Charles N. lianciter,. ; , 1 - k 0 eorge W:fticii4r, -'
'' Thornav Hart, I -,' 1;! Mord,eva 1 D'. Lulls 1
" Tablas Wagner,' ' lt, . 1 'Adolphe it. Dorie,; '
Samuel Grant, '; •..11 ' David S. firown,; , •
Jacob R: Smith. , ' I Dorrts Patterson: ,
oval nuito maketnottranee•pernianentor limited on
" • ory description of property•ta to in and cottntry. at
r texas lots avareionsisteiprith seettrity. ' , ,
be Company have resort. 'a tarse contingent ',and,
vrbieborith their en pi tail nod t'rent knots, safely isriasted,
et' ample protection to Abeinvu7i. Bib co their W
oo ration, a ;Forbid of 18yoars,tbe , bare paid ttpisards
of ORA asalaott. boo Attattrett.istettaandithiturs,Atases by.
are, thereby affording ervideinceof the advantages of in. co, as; well as tbeibilitt i an 4 .dirposit lOn Ao poet
nitb prOmptness, all I labilLt Si. ,' 11 I '
, 1 • T .
, . CilAB.lff i nie.NClZß.,Pcesideot.
! f :Case : 0 DANCILIIII, Socrirt,Ory: ' '' - .. ' I •-
The • atoeiribrr his Matta' applittedielittor theiLhave
iintione4Vostitutiott;andlis,nowfr .
pared to nimbi in•
suranee, onievery deacriptiOn 'of property: at the fairest
rlte4. ' -,"- •, , AIN DREW 111JSSFJ.. .! 7.',e SI, i .
Rctterl II" , .lan. 11. Ili b'S 1 . '1 ~ 2:4
'' ; • • •, '• -, '.I ' - I ! ' •-,} -il :'
, .. _
#.; ~.
1 I
*i r e* 50.:5
7 __~_..._._._
T .._ l _, l p_ *ytij:*:!
No. T. ~- -I ' i,,- -
WlLiTru.. .- i! '.."
Jr • a i 1)
EXAMS. ' 400111 Er
, v: lISHARS NO. '6l. 4T.S.IOIIItOND. ,' I :
• ~ ~
. t ur rol.•Co.Sl-6 WalUut atreatlisltadelpltiai -;
! • ,; ' N 0.500 W ' Thirteenth at.,ll,au'T•o.
; - OeLoter IS, ,
ri.i. lir,
_ri. 10 , - • ; 1, ' 1 .
-..- , trims !NIP turrias or run 1..,.1
. VROWWSII.n. 0111MNISIN. 1 ; I
".• OFFler.a-1.11 'Walnut . rritto Commercial Bulldlng,
l • - Plitladolplata., ; !, •
New Tbrk 11111e•-19 street :; Igstan 011eir—:b
Bilby atiorL [ ' i• '; ' (Oct. A '; ,4 43- 3.; I
lioab-Stt.rterint J 05.31 xi... , --Chas, Rm.
N. STUB, 4 -ABM dr GO4
pr.Lia,... 1 111 Till VNita 011 14,1611PTIOSS lin t 1
AN I I I 4RAC I ZTE •C0.49,r14,
q ' ; 111C011 . 1Pla TiIf) .. IIFRTATAIIINTIFS or- . _•• ,
KW & MUTTS AIM SC U13.11:L & LILUIGII CO t r k LS ;',
AIL SO - :' ' 1- • •1
Pk4motit Co pasty sand Chroslos Cm& PU*BPII ND; .
i'•• • •1 „ • COAL., : .„ 1
i 1 , 4:110 15%1441 street; Phllatitelphls. •'' ~ I
/ I.
OFFICES t. • No. 25 Ellby street. lioitoo. • I , 1
'1 No: Broadly'', * ' 9r• of it.N, ork.;
115r3hltimlents irm wisanteiNoi.l2 & 15, Portlll,lelt.i l
. mpod, Ellui*lbport, M. .1"1110t1mor.., 314., and Ale=-
andrlg;,Va. 1,1 , . • ,- ,' [401116,10 , 10- t . i
i,. lsJen, No 14. - '
..- - anOrezAs oi' , . . = •'1
•' I , 1 .. RED.ASLI COALS: • ' • - 11 1
i f 132 Tall a t t stre t eZ;P w hlTadelphla. t5B-4 * 3
- i
' 1. - * Pier Nei ; - _
.t . MINER 1:. StiIPPER r 1!
Cool Hill : Pink,:ilsk COL .
0 1
, :11,10ER & COOK,
I luxe's' ANto r snirptim or • 2
4;335. 3EFeeirtli 1 111ChoratA: .;
ell; other flr t qualities of ,
hits andflted Ash '1
"alriut areet-rhilade . lphia, arid , W
I • Whart4s. So/my/kill: ' •
I- .
rr. • s Moran I:tier:Mg, JOrr:M.tloox. 1
27, 'CO. • • 0.13,P
. ,
IL P. vpioßrczEs; •
• ....,..VCD,4InninniOrtneZiEBILATID
Le is' Vein ited Ash .C4O.
yrorn the/ "NEW DU. CNN! COLLIERY."
lla il2lnea no other I—wilich.innres tts puriti.
• .14-Cargo sakn.byl , 4ollN SHAY, Amint .
r • • .1 : Fo'r 141 , 1 1 VOORHIES. •
! ' • No.ll Pine street', N rw'
Marrh 12, ',59. (June 15,
(Formerly PottaTille House,) 1 '
Ciir- or Ctatre and .E.• ih honking* Si.' l-
, 61 - 4 16-13r] 'JOS. M. FEOEIL, Praer.'
! HOTEL,' -
ellestnui l Street,
n'Si.#l4 and Werra& ,Sts„,
1 • ! Phillatdelpialla.l
- 1
'I I' !Sir TeMuci - 1. 501;er 4'.'Ttill l :il ' -
• [l7-3t), I ' ' - - A. HARE, Propt or.l
Cetttro strefeti i P •
11. fpl., • );
. I•• '' • ' • . •II
.. 1 ....,'- illirtrquai PA. [ - • --L s =-' ; - 2.7
The underrimien hissing taken this well knoWn ana
popular Ilotetts flow refitting and refurnishing 11 in the
most approved mantle...l L. - , -, .... I
Every attrntlon will be paid - to the roofforeoygdoets,
and 31. the old established reoutAlort!of the ItolllWill tie
mainialoed, he hopes experience liberal public Patron
age. 1 , • -, • • • - DANIEL 11.CRIST. ,
February 11,'60,, . :,1 1 'I • ) 6-311 a 1
.1,. • i ,
The andereigued, rtepoetially in- - , •
..i. - i
pounce le theft frietidsland the priblle. ' Si - ~.. .. :
thattley: have taken,ehlargodebd en '„..y. 4--Fr 1'
tirefy refurnished the'edd eatabllstied ''..7
and popular tavern-staied. at, the coiner of Con re and I
Mihentan go streets. known is the "White Horse,flotel." l l
- fOrmerly kept brez-Sheriff Hate. and more ,receittly ley
Joseph 51:reger.• The 'stabling attached to the laluse hi 1
commodious. . '. - . • I 'l I . I 1 . . ,
j ,.
rirEyery attention will be • aid to • ,the coatfort 9f'
gnats, and they hope secure I felt shire of priblic pa- 1
tronage• •1 - WILLIAM I. 51ATZ.1
- ~ ' • • e 1 1 JESSE DRUIIHELLER.
lifottsville,Aprll 7, n3O -; 1.. I .. 1.4e1y .• • 1
: -- .1
Cheitunt, bet. Fifth lkSiztit Ste , 4, , -.' 1 •
- , PfitLADELPIOA,J -1. . .
• - ' . 1 ....',-11r i
, - 'sr. t 50 per : thir r e Se
._ , F.-
....._ FF -
pia understeued hayloft renewed teitife he :a
term Of years, have entirely refitted :the, bottle; baying
'pilnted. carpeted and tifumlshed throokhout,d The lo•
ration of this House is unsttrPaseed,'..bsllng upon the
widest arid most pleasant part of Cheitnut street. 01-
reedy opposite the old state uoise4near the iiki. e . ;yr,
amusements, the jobbing bousteof abUrket anThiedl
streets,- convenient to the City Railroad, the ears. bt '
which ran teal! partslof the city for rive cent fare..l
• The loom; are large, Well lightell, have superior ntlf re se•
i t.
tituil and have been refornisbed with a cafor triterl.
.We ire 'mooned daily with pure milk," etesui. frults
and vegetables from. tut belonging to Div oo ri ll whi4h
Islminaged exclusively fon thel Hotel. The p I pr . rots
of the American assorethelr friends and patrems t hat
nopains will be spared to tusk' the eppointmeole this
.llotel complete and it' A Tthle .compare favorablY:veilb
the best houses in the 'Union. 1 • i L. . •''l ~ i •
Aitg. WI, at - '59 34- .I• WYATT # lIEWLINGS 1
.11 'I
.1 . • f i •-• • •
' MANSION ratlSE rsi i
, -
1 , . .
;Atlantic 11:1!ty, e ve '.l rr W - I 4 1,31-1
' 1 ; - - •.,- .- . ••
Tex underislrmed having leased be ideate tablish
merit of the Misses Lea, foca te rm' f y «aril, re peetfully
• Rol felts theirlendsh iFtud patton of:their umecous
. friends; andaleo tho who liters his' petit/DS: For 4tie
th r e e years be was le dloid of. the art Wonsell i 1 '
[Allergy imprevemeet is now be lt{ built 1:m1 anvil
innie Avenue for funitj , roome,whi h will Id orb to
II theeomfort of visitore,•making a front co hatdelight
, NI Avenue of 150 feet: with ' 10 •feet 'pine a whole
•leniaitt—and a ironkon Atlantic As dune al of be male,
extent. I
..,' .' I• I
Much pains have leen taken to select et al
el c ise coolie, 1
bakers. and lee cream maker*, vii hurderlY, dipetent
and attentive serval:di. : 1 1,, 0. . ; ; 1 - l
Invalids er ' persona In delicate health: m il f dr.
niehed.rooms With beer , . also litutorrid salt'sra ar baths
ill tits house when.required. : . -
._. ' ) I
letuillei can have Waite tables tv . nulletko a mode
served at Such hours es the tray Oren. . 1 1 ...
Men nsylaaele Avenne lathe first North' of t e depot,
andone - of the most desimbielet tie 'city ;on t l is this,
Preabiterian Church, and many -Priest* cotta
.)- .The I
Friends and Lutheransitanyrom samatingj ehurehe omit
g { ,i;
elan.. . • : '. l - -21 . 1.1 •!• ,1 -if!
- ~rbe• “Mionica., Hairier, will be 4ady Gm emei s tany be
' Itre - ,sth,nt April,lnati. and will
Open Bum er and
Winter; and the undersigned:tropes) that Niles I cleat:
ly it es a caterse lo eat Lary ihie public that no bones
vacate! his in good living. and !while undivided at
tebtion will be given to every eolith/et *Q4 plesizuwaiof
' the; guest's, his charges will be nu* riaionible. I ;
Respectfully, ',.. I i . 1 isictte?Filie.TEN
. - April 7.44 - - .• f . 7 1: •I• .1 •I' il 1.-4•
mi .
~ kicli ti-§-.--.-
•', ISO D LLANI. :!
, Niwoitc•RE! . . ti. 1.
inhse bet informs hi friends
. . anit the Otiblie,lbstib. has opened. es :{ Idea/ t°
rank Rot's Hertiera l t le•Gratre street. *see 1
. -Dry, Good*, 0r '
and.Prirriiinii store.:
Miele can always be had et raastetWe rate" no CAtTEfr
Prime Atictet for ramify tree 1 I ',
' Re wilt be ionetse ly n 411414 1 front Family
a • •
Sew York.and.Slll a wave have on heed stoeiselectioe
of FANCY DRESS 000, DS. ..
Str [ l l
ity givingh2t alos * his pervenstind !strict : t•
tsarina. be bone , to eitt Ind receives leir shire ofi be
patronage of tbe et as of Pottsville and' ',Welty. t •
• ' • - ,' •• 1 : S".• McDCMALD"
.' • 'ED" dtli eke Nits Stori t“ I ;
April 23.1 - ,• .19 , ! : : , , • -tf !,
. ! •
$i R S
i • il '.' l • , 0
40SEP . 11 tel. . SEI.LIERS wikafter
: . this date devote his settreattention,to r .. ..,._'
t ' Dentist ry busifiess.••olbee—itsbanten- a , -'''' •-••.=..
fto Streeeadjoleing the °flee Of the Pottivilie Isla so.
tlaa Works. • Ile aollilts a continesseeof the teit rou .
heretofore so liberetipsonsded him, okeit proimiod. ,
April 9,-84 - : V : • ' 164 f 11
A . T 00 Onto' r, bushel, or sps 00
tosi: a usih oatt's Tcrptuttet: of
L IttexLlttrd Maier, ebalawkos, it. /4r eld by . 1
01.0VER 1.70 VIOTHYI3A . D.
FIKS'r a lay . , viover I t ; -iimi,)t!yiy
t! Wa rm
.0,4, by tbe, anart r and aim), othe rgnu
.rtrtlo: For tale at • • • ,
I Seed and Bcc.,
L 1 '4
114 G,
__L 1
IRON • .
-- 's WO
, •, ~.;
i . - . _,
. .
~_l , . BoicEptAirirra KN. I,,,..;, psi ilabier,iber Or tors*,
r r , .
~,. _ seats ardent tar tbe beds ' Idia,.trildt
• "". dloMtek, at, tke gad
•-• •'• ' • • ','"! • ' Ainvelasna 'XI bailiff= l rma
Isaad.i r £l.o,' It asassafartater of - ' , 11• i. l 11 . ,' • '
' COAL- MID oiluita 1 BO.Vang..: • - .1
Of for beta tiabirial and workaudsrdstp.l aupl i ppanytt.
iy **bladed t l .: Sap, loop ham thisal yeattlatt away*
tea band. •• ' j ' . , -
. Sottlfstl* , *not 1tf.'50,. I , • . .i -I , .. WI, •, i',
l i t
willort a 1 .0 04. o , liky _ _ ._• 1 : : 7 , ! ,
An mo . ArAlL.Wl,ltimiliCt so la
lel. paal "kW kallo.kolat 'lb* etestplste outfit ot:
.--, the *bore omuoill'atablbhmimuf, to XUP' I ,
• "En. L'.., - = Sy all'orillses It atolteto saflntadurs
' de for No* gnitilsok Itonfoldi
and Drift !Ca r s. Pappm4, Coma llrookmOrs,Camalngs imt
Moehloorr otirwprf wpm.. i Ifje r wr i ks, t a iik, wart
:diva ftattsfar4kat., sattOOooratogly orif+tte totfotose . .
hoindsad ablaut*. • :-, '•-• 7 411. 27, 4 068 4-ly
~..:-. ....--
_ P • TroviLLE:aoLumollillih.l. 1
Tttaiumcnburs ars roastras yams '
~ e t,_ , tactuelog Italica ssisesaf Caldera' nal
' ' t 4 R 44 .'• we1fh10g.21.340.14,40. fa sea 40 poun '
... .
-,-- Poe. Joni .. kISIS. *flail Unapt tke '
pprowsd pottimiqyomagbilla .4 s:::::l
d.O pu ,a. puryard. haus! trittapatienee. i the Pal
4 ' -#l , . . luo• adent. of snaking Otilla taints
to ~*alit b any =lll In me countO. AIL buoluel
fir m
ecuttiim at • -addressed imilfestOmi. Irarialef k Solt
Iru n teaks, Puttpt Ws,. Via , els ;Imith proompt &thou
, t ton.l • ' . .. --' I SW EritSISII I 00 : ,
1 JP" l "k . ;' ..- ''- !' il il ' •I 2°' ' , '
_, ~______.
. , s comma as frmoiolose.yo'fic.jl • ..
'NOVO IL—The himeftmemom !Girth* t o
erl‘l-- trot of ffisirtwit. * mt - LNEC wilt
~.... z xi ' , ;=r tent I nWti by lbw ,stibarrlberl In &alto
• ---jui . „ i lz r z vaziou: i braucbt,, 01 Btel length,
. . boildt . 1 stag Fotroder. and latast•fae 4
' - "It nds atlas. blunt, for Vtellina lilts; Blaat ,
II Iroad Care. A e... 44 e. Ilit *lll slid sunlit/nit
f Melling and Selling Plat eileted /Nag
sA and Jr/4S and *Am ref ha l f *
Rsd Ask
• li. peop*lf;cs. orltbsse.bollisisis
1 , •,, I :
r._ _ • • • - . 1 41ralti:ig, W.'S DE:
- ' ' ' '' '
ret of 'lrk
Fu•torw. Rs . )
tho b4slness
1 1, 1 , m1kIrli at:
Cbali teliss
. 1
• Zincitry 21 MT
- r .
) Ev. , 3 1
ALTO pp.' Ltpci i 1..\ ..1
ot The sutrauchers i weg. leis ' u to art-,
mance to t heir-ft lewd. cud I s priblie,` ,
generally. tt their hew It plow:Mill
„ At Paio Alto i wow ciomplete, ud in full'
opiration, An that' they arty prepared
l a
canto of caricnir tartr.Sreighifig from=
2 •Al so, digereat sinewf flat, square
• hints' bar I n. ,11 i:4
ii. or harlrols Writ ,respectf ully, solicited,
with prompt attorthin if, left either at
111, Grout i ihttafres ' ;Hardwire Store,
or, at their seer, cniuer' df Sircowd and
N. f. 4 . - I 1111700 D, LEE AI CO.
'arl•l • I , 1 - . , •tf •
70100 L oplaiviita I MI ERS.
' i lloilee so ter-worits.
1 The iubseriheit+epeetfull invitee
as, the attention of the hissiness , mtnunl.
k ...
...,, . ; ty sti hie Holley teitka, ow , ,
' limed
17121:pitlit street , below the i Pumps Depot,
-' - Pottsville, Da., where he is p pared to
iiitnutur.t ore] . , L 1 1 ' • i ' '
11°1 " RS OF EvEltY nEscnirrrox
Smoliehlwekii AI rtiltackc,Blist Pipes, Gasometfra, Dritt
Cars,Ae a ,. te. , Bolters on batid. l, , I I , i
I Bcinc• a practical mectarric.and hiving for;yearit'de-1
voted himself entirely to this breech of th{ lousiness,
lie natters himself that work, dime at.fils estr shment.
will give Pa tti !Yellow to alt who-may flyer
,him with a,
esti, „Individuals and CoMpanies ;wilt do ft greatly._
to theleLsdvalitage to cumin. his Wolf( before eottatioF
elsewhere. , ! JAEN T.INOBLE.
Nov.:FL:sr ' • • , 1c [ 'i '
• -
to futpi.h T
:0 To per
and rimud
Orders for
, ind will wee
Centre Om*
• - Jap.l, '67
I', A 8 LAND IRON WORKS. ' ~..
~t . .,
. 1 Thesuboeribefs are how fully pre.:
,LE' m mired to. liar:ash, at • the Ail land Iron
, ; t‘ ._,
..; Works,Steaut *nettles / iod Pumps, of
ran ;.F .,o t .a, p...t it d eapsoity, ffir nitig sod
. .....-. - - other.pirpt 'Fmk).
; Breathe of , erers:
etre qui pattern now In use, together 'with tings atoll
forirligr , of ,ii'erY;ilescrirth , - . Coal 'ind Drill Cars of,
I, '
all ;sizes and pattertis.large ruck Sod Horse Cars.—all'
furnished it, the shortest n. ttre., The Isobar? 'berg flat- l i
ter themselsos that, ch an every weenier of the'
firm li a praet t•al meartilbObey will be anal° furnish ;
marhiperyttnat will mains* faerirahly; with any; in the;;
. 11 - egiort. , a'ol;ordera directed • to 1., li.GaiioAr. & Buis.,
Ashland, Schh3licill cou n ty Ps will inbelr el ;prompt &V I
Wagon. . di, ; ; ; .. i: -; L.P. fiAltfiltit,
i; . . . zip i MICHAEL GAll.lo:ft,
BEAV e • , . Mfg VII I IRO N".• . lli,tt i K!.,
' ,sforms the, : .Hudson"..
XL nosLobil
•',is , :.", proprietor of the ver Ida now Iron &I
1 7, .., a d z Bram Works,and ' s fully repined to,
. manufacture,. at .thill eatiildishmetik,'
team Rusk of every : else; Pa nt , Railroad and'
l if ir
-Drift Carly 61 friary , other descrlpt e oLlivit and,
Brass Caitlin suitable for the Coal ml lag ritherbitd.
sineki on • t a ulost iciantiable terms. Al ,Illciiingi
Cylinders:l' :Blvd Furttaciawndltactil!etrork loge r•
g m
Itepalrin or all kinds dine with riestnescand deie!,
patch it, t i lowest ; prices. Aft work furnished byL
them warrigited to periarni , well. They Would solicit!
•• the eustonterthose who any .wint stlirWi in their lini
In this vicinity. All orders will vest, Idimmedlita
and'piwinpVittention. I ii - ,• : '''' 1 • • i , ,
Beairer M' diva, Janine; 1 • ,I9,•• 1, i :1-, ~
• `was imr.Tosi geoluw.comcs..
, • .: , watt avllle, wisi. 1
. 1
at • ••
, r TLIOS.,* 4Aa. WRE N respect
. 4l 6 1 . 4, fiall/ invite , the attehtion of the bud
or?, . n a community tie their New Machine
. - TM ~" cu l a Strip aid rot:lathy erect edhetween Coal
.. .. . and Railroad atresits, and fronting an
Novireslan. sleet , where they are prepared to saeeate
all Orders if r machinery of Braes and. Iron , mark as
Siei Eng' ea, all kindifof nem ha' lig ßolling Mills.
Grist andlii w Mills, Sillkie aid Double acting Pumps,
• Coal Broakti 'i Drift Cara; all k inde of Railroad Oust logs,
such - it-Chiles for Fiat sod T Ratty Frogs. Swilifies,
ike.t,itlt Inds , of east and wrought imii. Phi° lult"..' Be
ing prae liwl:mechatiles, and, hay Ing.made the demands
of the C, I ftegion their stu dy for i lyeare,,ileo all kinds
•' of Mach del In theirline flintiness, they flatter them.
• ' salve= t at Wilk done at tie establishment will give
- i
sat 1•, ,, fail iim ilr) all who mli bonorthem with a c-all. i All
ord4ra l aalticilly received and piromptfy :muted on
the t opv eciaimahle tertaii I' ', • • V
• :- T 104 tS•WRENi :'I JAMES. "REN: '
iiiecßoyE IRON WORKS; I
grpve. siewatyllll Conway, WORKS;
iThicevaidilitiment is now undo
the •Sigetinttiodeneo of Jinni Y. Wtt
"' Esq.. forwterly Of the well known firm
~ ,„ .:- „„ J: %Crew& 8r05..0l Pottsville. 1
IIIr: - Wrin's esiterienee el ft Mester '.si,..
1r thinist, exteitding thriegh,a perld of maim years, du.
- ring w leh ante he lumilieen eon rued In late erertfou
Mistime of Pie largest ; Wm-Works iii the ILlFted States,
will he I itnillrient •guerantee - dal the chi der of the
troth totroedout oft higestablishMent. ' '---. .1 1.
Ali Ode** by mail or Otherwisei for 'steani engi es of
anipoirer With their rwnneetions,:maehiery for blast:
rural, toping milli, :forges, milt mille r sawmil l tna
ehiner , for, twang single and oath's acting p ps,
briakerli daft ears will receive pSoMpt.attintion.
ir f
Conn ted'iath the - works is a tinge stew ear, tors,
nimbi of turning int largo ord e alt short notice. The'
eats eag this establiolliMent re *two d llo.n ue in'
' 114 Ste e *durability:4 while th style ct plate herl
minor Muted and ottensively mild Is pillar and
wOrtb' the iatentkoe of-Ralltua mimeo' . By - strict:
at tent i n - to Ity, Suite '. elan's, t a
,pro etitrl"
boites the Plitegrote'lr?n Works ay receive a * ire of
Wilk SM 6l "ge- I ' r, 1 . 4 A .P.S LN lITTINII, •
V I f
• Jou y,,praispi, /I [ - .., 1 • '1 ~.. .. Propri e tor. ' 1
- 1 . 31astet ) l aibltilft and SuP - - J . .' • .
Starch 14 tt.9 :, 1 - - i ' ... .: . ', 11. H 1
—+-- .
. IirCiBILIS; WHEE 'ER & CO',' i '
~.. . :, i gLXICEISORS ITO .' ! • '
, i . ,I
111 1 011 41ID sTEEL. witrticaousE.4 i i
.11. r 11.mar,,,,,i Sisior MA if7Drrts, Ph il o& litl! ia, , ,
1, , - Tiara always an,handland for We- 1 ,
BEST NO tan DESINED.IRON., Pull assoffinetit of
'Dago 11*,7 and other favorite brinds.'. B BST A 11130.1
CAN a.Ril r owlinary slus.ior- willed to order for lolds*
poi es; k., ke. PESIfifiIYLVAI*IA BOIL R PLATE
Pthuti apps', ases, Or - rut. to 'nMuired s e f i r BOILER.
•ItIVE" S.. Dover brand , trade In Solid di BEST Kti.i
masa - CAD " ' t A.111.1-Amerletin mid En Doh. PLTIE.
& f•IIIIET i ON--flirrovering.lehtites.&e, AMERICAN.
..kpriarCE.o. 0 IRON.. ILLLIADADZONHT rails an
Sat Mow suitable for 11210* turner' a, te . ...,4Viii ATAI
INISSICERW—For futiges. ears: anessarbilirry p
. rposiii
.generilly.';i C.AST; MlNAlt,i MAOIII4II . Mad: DUSTED
ifffiEl.. 411so, , sn'etint quality tor taps atidldieM ' Thi
abort tomither With a full assortment Of Iroro ateo,;
Nikita ailk Spikes,; to . which the lettention'i of dealeivr,
rallrimdrompantes, anginipeca, wham, *Arida= and,
lilatati, islnvited. i : . . r... •;I Van, 2410. ly 1 i
11. ma• , •) -. , , 1 . , .•. , ... .. 3
; 1 __. L___L rter dit .& less, I,i 1 • • t
fres ouncr.grs, Machin' , Boiterland .111WeAfsi ',Teel
i ,
i ' li. It . Mdforreand ter ireaders. I ; I - 1 •I t
The subseriberel are now , repered te
~,..,,, receive orders, for all hi ode f b Union*.
, - .5 • ry 'Engine*, son& machinery fur 0i11er... ,
,7EU .• = los,hiast farnatei, mina.. e' sten"
t i t
sire faeilitieriandi practical experten ,
In t. L bailners „warrant them to tithing be Par.. :
cent 'teat the lowest thee. I i'' & ,
Ta !enter attention i tilled. to Teens. limes N
Style Patent Winding Machinery, by whir the Sin
of Sh ft ripe or chains Sun qtr ;the top . of oth drain
It de . blows's. .4 I '.. 1- 1, . ['l , . 1, ;
iTh s . arrangement, "it le imeddently,lbe lerrefi, ,eriti
save 0 the wear and tear armors, or' ehrti , the
a,t 1 ,4
of th trusehineriin die; years and; !Drift w nrng,
slop ' city of roustrnetlon and darabilitY, i es not' he'
Corp. 14a1 We also ree.ommend the nei n, r w eel, It.
ve byltir.' Laden H All . This . , heel e is ociy.
be . at,our wOrks, and has s ' tbe t tiof timer/pr.
nil 's *ere winters past, tri pliantly" not a Angle:
wif bailing been broken sin its Intrl r et rtlOn ,W, A ,
'are ow !haring it udder the is of err LS* prin-1
'Opal ftsi, road einnpanies In a (vont/ . • •I •' I ,
IW Would also call the attention of the p b il e to the
Tam gu*Cur Shopormineeted with the love wovkit t •
And emmtirereeted toe tha nufeeturei . halhor&
Dri ffnright Oars sad Track , end fur le ed with all
the litesClurproveutersts,se; l they eredbue enatilt4:
tFeeute work asuelsoluen and with moredespatpt
t n heretofore. 1
~ .- 1 11 I ~.:,
All worh guarantee& Per' maarantlog anything lir
our ilie Would , do Well to OS .na a call. l I . , ;
1 I .. I; ' . I:. ',CAHTXR i ALLXHI
1' , 4 1412 . 4 . 1 8 ' 1 ' 1' .'.. -II • ' I 11"- . . ~
: -}
I IN'ot W. • 136168"1601 i el VC 0 i . 1 ; '
4iri l •a4stedriattaraitroOs7mitUiti 1 (iiliituOto n ',. ;' 1
1k :, ' 'Would till i bis 'Otto* aof Railroisu ,
f l ail , Itansuers.sid thsfale rested 111 Ififftr .
jib ,2
' ' ~. "* IW I roafl ProPefPf to their' stew of
I '- r ,, at, .. ;l b= asotiectorirw to orkkbr woo foillf tel
... . to Ala : putts r best sup for we qh;"
they awl , b 4l,' felliktelt by the use of o e, two, three or .
fear patriot driving wheels:l4d the u of the 'whole,
or jo oup:u of I. weight as !nutty be il ea ruble for *dies. ;
slots; en in soi-ossmoodetiestistato t
t b :lik ursdes. curies.
blrenthl of seshrstrurtiow4 al rail :o d. work to ,bey
- iiiiiisk i S these moos theme los* fuleffect if the
. pow, rls red with. the lesu4 expels et , for atte atop*
; Ka
obit of to I. mid reUshi foRaK and liegtoe, With t
, I ore I wiewawil asthoresiinit ;silty Sarthrssy
'1 p tleOltrz, per ee lo lb* ttettitootop %grantor . ,' I
oar, welltusousfeeturejlotifiki i Evokes, t:
liverai Osamu:Welles of oak , hi ii ~ , rotor at f 11.
I Vow palei to th e strength oft • **bits lathe plau
Workotiorihip of all the detelle. - 01! fig experieuti,
sad °overtrick I tips, of oboalaleg3efereset low,euatlloe us,
toolferf,hsee salines with this siossirieti that in eflitleu•
q, sea oOmy MK dUribint7,47 Wilicainparcratioiljkigy i
. with thews of arty other Itiw4 i,i elec.'. lie also .forilsh
to owls f,t wheel s. aUleu, bowit Or Itur imoor tiro (to dt
emir wil Ultima% bories,)ootapeeitiou eating. for' bear.
Ilk*: ot,' ry itoorriptioo oreoppiriiisootiros sot finiler
, Worics , od eve!, artiste typed/doing to-the remit.. Or
,renew , f Locomotive Itailues - 31. j W.41/LDWI lil 1 • ; ;
Juusary:23Tsf, 14 t 1 1
,IlA2tilWilf ilAllti at
it '''• 1 • ';'j,vi I . ' .1 .' . . '1 ' .'' • 1 , jj ,• l i
• 1 . ,p ,i'
.i . r'' ' ' i
_ .• • ii! • JUSJCPII OA)
ay 10, 'IST - • • = '
! , !1 1
i l 1
' 'I 1
I ',-,' 1' -' ' ' ' 4 ' 'Vila TARIFF;
askirsculart 1114,14. en/. IL CAEP/31 As,
. . esif Ilan Ilelsmantin Cialnimaimelliemal APls*
, trial relt Vnisitsyleatala. elelive red in
, tie:" Dianne -at I Eltiepronentaltivesi at
Waskingftoae c f m tendity, April Ritialke :
Corning: Mr. 'Minn, I rise to'adVotattostbie
right" of,labar,and to speak to a eptestics of bread--
hmall ,foir thenesseds of s i on nyZew-men. who. shofar* be
l l sitiliwouti ttil sx'ohnltr As sod happy , Wu, coal
'AOC, system
i iif station policy could b. inaugurated,
sessitalreell an ;continued Menotti' • series of yeam, yie
itnfi4sl Areritan labor and, enterprise that Ilk*, mossure
of n iam ahrhkl , t Is of Suitt !Jul importance' to the
at fare of tut le. 1 I , ' 1
Tin quell nto wbkh r aiik the ittantion of the th em.
bent Of eels Mouse rises abrOw the keel of *kW* poli
ties; lof party ttirimphar of party detest; oiszpedieney
for the day tit meet some entennetal dincwity, or to are;
, Moe* temporary enthanuestmaint. It has sligntlicsoot far
*lawe and baton& alithle.l It is of rho trek Important.
to the statesman; as 104 be; philinthropist. It wives the
timeadon of sbectu or failure of, our expetiment of self , .
thiroinent.l It; covets theil whole ground of national
ifer-of a inelelipetoples prOepery of adversity. ;It is for
tines prent, is IS is for the tutors, of deep, wide , , and
ititaikiportance. , ',, • . '.4 i
,M", the emeildevation of this quokka conies bark
In tosetetopholon to hones* desolate. to a vast trade para.
tried, ionwitioshops and dillies deserted, to labia I . unne
abided, to supply without demand, to' the , produ.rx,of
estriSolture Without a neariet, to general dietresa dee
pendency add ruin. The'crycombs up to me from terry
district of any State, and titicnierly from the greet atc
thrsbite other' of Penney Miia, whichi bare the honor, to repreeent kli part on thi door, 63r adequate protection
eitalurt forsi ,bp' ply to st capital, for labor or the hope,
of labor Mr Just, wine, And Patriotic legislation. Like
the bol' of autumn, driven by the north wind,lbave
Ones to roe the nuraiorlalit Of my people a"Slog for pro.
Welton!, Day, by day, tor many weeks, bate I Kneed .
upon Metairie Of your•Cievit, petitions signed by thou-'
citizens. ti t iti lust to the Delon add the
timiernment,'asking to pinterted—from what 1' 'Not
alone from low yaps, op session, ipacanee, and deers
dawn; not alone from foreign competition node, ad
'norm circausistances, from the long sines matured, syc.
tailittle. and eelightemed policy of, other lands. It
gneiss', breadth than this, and much more meaning. it
Is from their own Government; from unwhohnonira lag-
Stiletto. t from a shoaling, =tremble, temporary, apd
larectivallglng policy oar aids subject; from a want of
stetescasuebip, that they oh you to protect them. Eln-
Infer equal eireusustauces they tepid defy the world with-
I Cut your aid. , Under enetirdinsleantage connected with
' thievaeillating polity of public linen, they must peristi.
Iffindithey have a right to deem:red this at our hands.—
fieverantent was °Estate/id for their hamithow, proem
thin, and welfsre:..llnt leo* does It occur that this cry
1 for help como,tb us in a! time hi profoncid peace, and
I item thee peophiof such a land is ours? ,Why ,do they
I point to total their. evidences Of temmercial ruin-and
finsucial distress andnational and Individial ir,debted
' noel Sir, I will undertake toint our the legitimate
came of all ibis, itit Is not lip rent to, every observer
of men and things in the cou nt" .1 I ~ 1 1 , _
The bill now under consid ion Is one oi . tb• first
i importance to the people of tl i trbcde ectuntry.- It 100.
gusts a change-a cloture to ny s essenttal particulars;
l•- , In exiliting rates of duties ri.,intlisutsi by which the
lagricultural lefervsts, trade/
i ristiebtleres, commerce,
industry, and rage* of Jabot' Tie, WA considenthle
es oat; affected : and I belie e r he better. Changes
tu our revettne system shout tie de w ith `greitt cau
tion. Thtyshould receive th eain't critical examination
o f rhe 1 legislative branch, a d:',ths I , e e refully cominierefi
in all their rami fi cations and [detail . , I
,:Tee h a tti reported from the !toms; Committee of Way!,
end ale wr i :Low before as, Orr, so far as could pro-`
seedy bekdotte;under existin rfirenzenstanceei and with
any prospett of succorer in bo brabehes of Congress; to
change thead beacons syste to one of specific duties,
s i
go repeal otir foreign ware - b• sefp icy, and to glee in
creased end' adequate firoteet isto many, if not! all, 'ats
; tido es" dottiest le-industry. "Tills v wh o , g eld g trust it
I will receiver the hearty support of tallow*, as well as
of the other, brineh of Congriiiss.f i
~ -, '; ,
Ibue greatlobject to betne
aim at, In d , pocketing, such a
measure as Wee Coate now nod r nsi eration, is to adopt
, a fixed system In the adjust a of rates; Mid eollection
t of, revenue-i--e fixed lineA !list policy, which shall en
dure for yeal. to come; 'a poiley er filch, in He governing
I principles and leailing feature&tall remain unchanged.
I although it" minor details May,
,; ram, time to i me, be
readjusted Ito suit the public exigenelea, ethic years
arid experience may render) peeessary or, exped i ent: a
elver:me lief. in the perycrin of whieb the peoPle Will
have confidence; a law estab teliedicipon just and equal
prineiplee;!bearing, so ter practiCable. equally upon
clLlA...alone of the, United .. , hole; removing from the
aos the bitteroem and the nj Patten of party strife; a
Is fur the peoperity of the pitple, and not for the poi-
Hies of ;parties ; n law that ill Induce thg. merchant to
'Oust his merchandise to the peeps 'of the sea; knowing
1 that the waves will not be re perilous' than the . e h an .
teflon land; that will lead ;the e.ripitislist to invest bin
means for the employment of la ,t
-, anti la the develop
_Anent of cur reemotnis, with it:10,64e, It least, of raven.
1 nerative profit; a law that will pleb to the husbandman,
*';certain and domestic niatet, w icht Shall MAO the,
t it
, toxieer and mechanic to ride es et be rich and *rennin
' ihting evidences of prose/tit ak red-them ; In short,,a
law that atoll inspire publi eo?fi /mei, without which
there our be no &bile prel , city , Ind emus indodry in
itilten•tkrusand chantie fi e t exult in the establishment •
' Of a fired system of proteeti n o American later.' ,
; , ',lTtie duties nhould be tutored le; for till beperaument,
i i
*They mustlb e reasonable. I l , w Id hi it Ire foundations
laid in thenonvictions Of, ea u, lamed pon their, three
nth*, not neon the 'peeves Irf p rties. ~ 1
; In the g ad, though peaceful etruggietor eommertial
auprectitcy and material , oat Oell, lot ; the American
eitizen,kst sr that it hewill ent r the Ist. with his ' fc.r. ,,
eign rival, ou will not ceder t e 'dut the moment be
has Invefted his-meaels, or ere dtbb market, and thus
Place him'at lb. werCy; II; an oast. England.
France. and other Leading IP w rs, hair peter yet Adi e u,
by a system of PeutectiVe I we t to old lthe strong arms
'sod stout hearts of thoriei ee o seek to supply the ,mar
ketscf the world with. th tritmphs of:their skill.—
'Moat loyalliss Englandlbe to `6eti'Who have estab=
; Wired her greatness, and detier b$ fi rst COMMStiII
'and thinneacluring nation On t e rris'!" surface. r Let
i f
itei grind felibtally by thorn w would great ~
y,et our L motto be, probro'ion everything Ancripass
'vases" everything foreign. i ..,
1 bathe gentlemen seem 1.0 ms ne tb teen peas has no
constitutional power to en ct us 1 the purpose of
,pm acting the industry ail p exii iof the country;
ie. 113
bet a plenitude of power t place,burdens upon our us a
" 'I
er l t f o t l h e i v s y be a t scl7b P : I w t e ll r r e ll ion of t t ,:ned fure y i . gn :u r* t
Fr-not eo, 'Wear. not ieduce to I e mleensble and
'disgraceful policy of lose eg t e war es of labor. We
are not obliged to banish eat mto I. bles of the in
Mistrial classes-and to de y th m the comforts and ue.
one:tries of civilized lire,l f rth per of esabliug us
,td compile wlthithe nned ea and 1-1/4 mi ll ions of
;othtr betide. I 11 .
ho American statesmie 111 urine each a line of ar
&meat Or advocate so dinnora ising acid degrading •
peaky. ;The true rem y;;;s elm lei tot those bran
eon; of letbor a bleb nu if protiction.; • In collecting du
ties; discriminate in 'seen oft rse interests which re.
noire the teetering " ak i n ? the i °Tenement. It le not
only our constitutiollai I iight, butue constitttUoual
1 ;
duty tol chr this. ;1 , - , ; ;
loor fathers; in orlgk 'eting his 14m:richt M e ttle
people, had but one objecti in stew ; nit that purpose
' they declared in the ConstitutiOn to i h. *to insure do
;mastic tmrquillity, to pnivia,lor the c.mmon defense.
r and to protrude the genet'st welfarel And to ovum
these elude, they conferred 1:114• COgcesi the poser.
' atMriag ot bee euemerated powers, to I yind collect taxes,
I dutite, imposts, and ex-iries, "fin the purpose of paying
I tne debts '
" and to piovide for the co mon defer' ne and
I general erel fi ere of the Molted gates.' the power pa rea -
Wats trade with foreign nations is among the express
I camera conferred upon Ctngrinee by that instrument.—
Si r.,Madison, In Marsden tiled teller to Mr. Cabell, in
speaking of this clause, pays: 1 , l , I
"The meaning of the tihr se tharerodate trade' must
be sought in the general use of it; ii- other words. in
, lb. objects to'which the lower was g nervily understood
to bi applicable when Igor phrate w s' Inserted its the
Oonstitution. , The poker hat hien n derstoodand'uod,
by all col:omelets' and manufecturininal ions, as embre.
ring the object of encouraging manu ethos. It is bee
Hewed that not a single exception ea be named."
, It ,wonlet led strange i c t we were th lint enlightened
viailetr ter give them a ntntry. eon eitUati. It may
be asked, it our ticorernment has no wer to protect Its
et/01),mph, What eau it do? Whet ,it good for? I
claim thet In Order to insure dooms c tranquility, and
to provide fonthe common defense a inst. the arose or
wor i lhops str i ke:rope,. (the 1114 MO formidable' than
the nit land to promote the general welboas. as well as
0 Wale trade , It is the duty, as i' is plat eig.tritbin
the power of (longterm, to pike such trictiOns on. kr
*lgo fabrics as shall prole suffielent se cure ; the home
tosetem to our own pec,ple, MAE t foster, encourage,
and , build u every interest, who of gbe soil r the
t i
mined, or th irorkshopl • 1 c ; ,
The act of he First COngress wan i essentially pro.
*Active IP Its leading features. Many tariff hews apart ed
sinerrooot 12•0Parat Wire specially referred to here, rec
ognize the same ptiaciple. 1 -
The power of Congress to legielater foqrotection, and
the necessity 01 such legi s lation, have et with (heap.
proval of 'OW' greiteSt Itcati.43loo 411:16113 t pelf I ~ ,,t lO Mee.
Upon ;ibis Hst of great name° will birlound is' Writhing
ton ; and; Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Moan" Clay:-
Jeckson and Webster:: Thomas Jefferson, wits, patriotic
and; politic, ow at oneei that hon. Industry must be
Protected to male the country - to compete successfully
-with her Ovals intimigreat race before her; and having -
partleipidad more, perhaps, than any other state-alma inf
the formation at thelbirstittitioo, be I knew and acted
'upOn the knowledge chit. Government had the power to
protect the Industry of , it pre.ple. 'I Liter him upon this
sue jest, In 1815, writi g Uri. 11. Say be sass:
' ...,_ ' I ' ' I , ~'•ilariA 2.1515. Z
' 'filop4ietee has who ti that continued peace dependir
f not: merely on our own justice and prudence, ' , but on
;that of others also; that, ve foreed into a was, the
inteerciption of exchang , ich must-be made across a
i is Ids ocean becomes a power' !weapon:in the bands of 1
an eneniy domineering over hat element, and to other .
; distrodies of war adds th ew t of 'alb those Demearies
for which We have permitted °costive' to be,dependent
on others, even arras and clothing -II This fact, therefore,
solves the question, by reducing to its- ul t imate form,
whetherprofit Or presatrvation is the first interest of tbs
State?' We ars, masequentir, bootee manufacturerato 1
a degree incredible la thom ho dd not set it, and who .
Duty coesidert he Short' ri of time during whieh wie I
tt l d
bate been driven to by the steicidal L *iicy of i
England- ' { 1 1 { i, , -,, 4,.- •
'!Tee prohibitory duties we lay'on , cis allele) of for- '
ihm manutacturro,mhieh pradence requires us to rash
lish at home, with the pat riiitie detelaninatlon'of every
good citizen, to nee no foriiipi article* w bleb catiliernads 1 1 ,
within, ourselves, 'rainiest regard to filfferineer cf prices,
inures as againtt relapse Into forgive dependency."
t Here , we hare the er to lay eteOprolfteffory dune. '
sio=ted; nod if n ry in war ' how mach more nn
y to save us f that, which JetTened here sea-
dim tortb as more d ilk, than ; war, ter '- to "foreign ,
n t
delpendeacy7—f welpi , dun. ~ ~ , '1•.• ,
;'Permit ma, in this; enseection , k refer to the letter of
N. Vidal* written. to Uumplamyrilandial I, AprD Ti,
Al D.,l77hin which he declares Mint . , -.. •
'•lti seems, therefore,'" the intereet'of „nil our farmer*
and tornernot Lands hipireenrageMir poring man mire
tares, in preference tfoldrelga onse,import among us
from distant conetrleso ' - ' t
Iranian/Might mato sot' aliened %titian the farm. lig and meinufacturingluterests.' Ile placed them - In
ikantagenisheal pail, ion, al the free traders are, In the
habit of doing. lie home Oat ,one leaned upon the
other far support and encoursgement. and that without
a; hone waraet. agrieniture could not ficiestith In any
laud. Tberefbre, be tiecial It was , the interest of the
termer to 'encourage the ma utact urea "Poor, Itlebard,"
si antbetilyauts stlifineighl among tba famientof the
country., - I dot from Franklin teOns turn to Jeckson,-
Deed his relebiated letter tolDritklerman; to ter found in'
Rafe. RotWer of J . ne 12,1824, voluble 21i page 24 5 ,.,
in ',White my,: I II ' , ' :
f "Yon ask layspin •ti tin on Ilt. I answer nI,
ut ii
ens In fan* a IN.111 • lose ignill i nation anti Oreille's of
It; and eV far lla then atilt Edit before us„ embrace" the
design of rosining, • Motile& end pressi l zing within, ,
thlradlins ilk mina; gatidnaL dement ail indepeeri
denim; perticularly I a state ; of war, ,I wo id *depot'.
iaria eupPOrtit . T • taper* of the late - war ought
to 1,4 " 1 " 1 On ISOKRIt 4 onn niter to be forgotten. if
Ourillberty and imp Winn ;form of Goverment, Nee
cured bar as by our . nticluarflethers,Merimeh the
I idood anal treminni a *deb Nbarywere obtetMel, it suite
{ 11 loner, daty to pro tint dirfirmlithen.. -Can they,
be an American per , add!' erne the prlestions.dati.
'Con/rand Atirlotit sznotimetel for the) -want of the
peeper mans of def..; dtulng the last war, who woului
be willing again to • surd the, unlit , of : pe: tountry, , ll
1 1 I I ' ,
, . 1 . , , I ..
I. I '
• . ' i ' I
39. '
____ I
1 I • ? .: •. ' ,•l. '... • : ' 1 4 ) . . _ : ".'!' .2 :''. : : . ' . ..1 1 ' .. . '.
1 : :'. - ..
,iiibioria,kn'tioiliit *el 4,04 ab.: ' - iii i :s o4 : at .
t e
lemiansitt notional to ,toi , . t0w....„_
Item In a Site of ..10.1di el Ulla ... W s°
Illffilltdeaboy, that to t „le etesiedag
the enstassw.defe:' I thereby : UP est 1 V
thOrtl i t sot, : Mtn 4161lehlt adte hi does I*
'Mete enjoy ther repot. , Heaven imbed
ilea are gas* eillbsity and ind ependen ce and nitlme
al degresse, : IP,* omit hetet*, to . Hui gifts *bleb
he litiextmaed to us, lire deeerms n :continuant
of by bleselop.' Hi bie tilted 'our ntaliSand nor.
plains with mtnetshHtrith lead, ' a oopped .
Rhea iselititate sad wall Loth*: ng of hemp and ' 1
wool. Theta helegltbigeaud Ina of Our mitionit ,
teem* they aught to . tutve "Wen ' them adO4ltssill .1
Mid talc peotertltM, thsh.out mann . and :labor. ;i
ens mei be plaited l funfair solmpet -lent Oboes of
Summand that we Shay hav e wi is our event," ai l
Supply of phisse *dint and tooporti articlieesesiatial
• .."Beyon . this, t look t the torte... ri l l h an .wpe. to the
.oeallor,ldhd/ibutffits oClLibitrand , SOU., ant With •
Mels to dbekargoseonr national debt. mishit of thou,
who do not tlbelliMi tbst a nationaldeb t b a national
1400211 11, bad:either a Merit to a Rep, rim's:lEllmb is
It le eitentatect to nlee around deltoid/Ilion a
. moneyed aristoersey imperoi:Si to - 19mttiol iof the
i t
tmunt ry. Tilislarifill tuean:•Jud via erno—posaesses
mote fanciful thin rialldanger.' let I ask, what Is the
- estaisituation of the moteulthrist 3 . Where bas tbe 1
Lamortian fairgoer a 'market. 4 his; Ins . pnfeluct t— 1
cent for cotton he :has tber a reigio nor .home
raet, 'Daee not tbla!elearl ~pane; ben thelW Is no
et either at host+ abetted; Mutt then. la. toO touch.
„labor emplilyed loam-lE . :tom and the the chat' tuds for
labor abodid be, multi led? , Comma sense point/ out
'-ht DII4 the tented*. w froMagrie itum the! toper.
abundant;'labor; e mploy it in = meth ism-and ,wanu-
. 'bet are. ; :thereby Creating a home mar et for yr ur bread
stutte,Soit distributiog labor to the !' profitable ac
and be:hate:to the country ." l' Irel'friorn Stlrtelti
tortare in the ' l linitatk States: ilti. hund thousand men, .
women. and children, and:you will itonce give a highs
'market Inc More.bfeudatu ff e than ' ll Europe n o w fur.
Dishes ue, :;In short, air, ,wit have been too long/utject
to' the polls 7 Of I the:British merchants, It Is .tine that
we Should-I/ n little weird Asseriedetwd, and Hl'
steed of feed ng the. paupers and labirens of Z aeland;
feed our wen: or cite, in a short tame, by con Wiling -
Purtmwsldit.lPeak7., wi.ahall all he
g rindsred nupote
ourselves. 1: 1 • ::1: I . . . ', • , . r • • 1
' I It l iA t it • e i o r ..' k D7 , hdothi that' = r ant Sod dn.
lit. diciOns teeth la whelk anted oar national debt,
and afford them imiits of that defense l. within our.
Hastens one labia the initnty of our nonntry - lewd; iltry
depandep and lent, thOngh not least, Mt s prpidle
ltributisib to oar labor," which mustprove be I to
'the haPPiOsei,i inde &hi* and ,et et Ith Of,t ei cams
zonally.: 1. 1. 1 : ' • . I 1 •-: ll 1
, .
This lei abort coati no of-day opin s, generitly, on
Ithe'suljeet gloat inquiry ; . and poi log them; - 30 r...
.. reel, andorliculated to further the p plrity and hap •
pingo; of my country4l declare to yo u 4 would hot *sr-
'ter themllOt an y office:or situation of la temporal char , :
actor that rend be ivin me.-
"I luirniresented yu my °plait* traely, beeeitae I',
am wittiOnt: concealm e nt, and ehould. indeolespbe:
.myeelf lt I could bellies myself *lab o r - of drai nin g the
',confidence:tit inf. by Means so igool4e. , - 'I . : •- c
::. .'•I am, al very respectfnity, yourmolt obedient her
'cant, . I 1:,;: !, :,.. .. • ANDREW JACICORtIf..
.Dr.l.i l ll:Catzieste, .llthrernton. fhe i tA ffirnlift"."
' The Mew' and mend ots-eohtal ed in. that letter re 7_
quite neither 'lobe% ion nor Mod es lOU at my hands.
The Atil"ricen doctil of protectiO I there reeogo lied
and . advocated. ' She a rgument I Ist' an dust; the
sentiment" patrlotle.L Ilea ttot,a kind IPrOlkienee ...filled
our mcronisins and r plains with m Is - with lead,•
:iron, and iopper—ar given us ell at rid' roil f;r the:
.growing of bump • d woolln And h isi ee.oOt strong,
and wtillog hands odig the one. the . mirth. and
'cultivate Ivo other' 0 n the plains, laud :skillful art]•
sans to ltiskidn the i nto cunning anditieeftil handl
:, work V
. 1: l. ,
:' : I • i '-'• !
-•. Lay doWn: your InipOrted ban on soli tiled With Iron
'ore:. fill oar bonded rwarehouses isith:loteigtt llthriCS,
le bile Idle, thousands : stroll along l nonr thorongtibrest
send ,yonr, goid to other lauds where, row hive :establish.:
led oar:lworkSbope, While' continual prenewing panic
lend Ocriodrenlirevnielen speed distil/a and Polo over
the land; timfauM7otir etainud l / 4 lead, while, oar mons.
ifains are bursting with them, but 'call not :this the leg-
' I/tattoo:Of Araimeino atatesnwit for an American . People:
.1 Let ea rather all it ikachery. to our own land , and sill.,
aunts with' the f oreigner .. it ;l' • - t i .1 :
i • is it not better. to thoaneuaze of he wirrioritates.
.man whose words 1 hive quilted. thatcar great staples,
'being, the I "grand Materials\ of our 'national defense,
:should have extended to them ad , ".gesaftr proem
:lien r - -..t.1 1 { • ! • .. • :-. . 1 sr- t-
l t'lr. It le tithe that we were becom More . merican
`feed In partiul tNo count ry e .eKI flourished for
, any, length: of time . at negle”ted the nemdati on of Its
Impost &titles. ' Thu I ie.buiperor of Reteslite,Who . tried,
but drisoinced, ibe,isiiterti of freetrade,lderlated that
• "Agriculture lett without Millets, Industry without
, protection, languish end deelinei. 13peele• is I esSoeted,
and this most • solid roMmerciarlhousee are ' iisalkin...-
Events have proved that our agriculture ; and our com
merce, ME, well is our', manufacturing :industry - - ' are not
'only paralyzed , but Mought to thhrink, of ."
ruin ' .
. ,The dOrtrlne of, fre" -
de eau only be rustaiaed, if
e l
sustained at all , on thesis of . nal, free exchange of
um:eche:Mils& among all nations;
irl at' the: acme time,
other advantage* of prodUctionL-capitslo . wages, and
transportation—must he equal. '1 1 How .016 this be re.
Aneed fp, practice? ~'lor. 'what inteillgeut :Government
falls intwotect its owki Industry! 1 bitlone , hoth in KW'.
rope andlAmeries, hive adopted, . an d inflexibly adhens
to, the' doctrine • of protection.. Horan we;. compete.
with 13filapi, If all : tax us, and w taillto, visit them with
.duties? l,' ••
.i. . ' : • ; , . : , , .. •
'Take the "Miele of iron,' and e pod the following „,,,
rpecidli” duties imposed upon It i. theSSltoleing tiatiots,
an Per,the Comercial
: Itelotkont, a work pnhlished by
our GMOrrnment:
rL , . , ~ • , ~ ; .
.1, - - Rugkend. , I•i• 1- H , I
Alt iron manatee= 60 vents ger 100 ibe. l ..1' 1. ,
Copper shd brass, filll urni,-
, 1. 0 r J . 1... J. 1 . .. : : ii
Iron Or* free; man ufactures of, l ton, with a fistr .. excete'
tines, prohibited.; 1. • ; • ' i •-
,• , . , •
Cast tacit, $22 4111 p er 4 40 lbs.! ' • l ,
-- A.
' '-• .'.. . t ,
'Steil tools, 37 (.3 . 1 6
. 1 ,• .1 /
•Irob in bars prObibiled.
Castings to tots, 60 cents per 36
Nails! 1 - . '- 75 ! 4 ."*:
dll'•ndist:Matintattureiroftron t
Iron. marmfaCtpres'of, ranging c
=3, Ike. -, < , 11 , • '
lbw 1,4413% cents pit =:' lbs.
• i • d • Ii ' Tortuga ,
halliiio iron of ill kind., Et P
".!1 - 1. ftntr ' Europe— I
Iron tails, $4 14 pe 110 1 4 Ws: I 1
Cutlers; k' 6710 ye 111 N lbs. I • •
i t
ibpal 'Maki.
Iron stings, -$l5 '' r 74 4.g We. ,•
:ails attic's, , • 6,• . 74 ( 5 ,1i ibic. ~
. ! I I .1 ,!'1 I : • Ina . ,
Iron; . pigs, 11 . $l4 68 p
Iron *anufcto '" ' ' ' 22 16 p
Copp iii riga: •-: I . V 148 pc
•Copper Penni:attar • 2.22 pc,
it i l o .!
Mexicii. 1
•. - ,
llanittalitnres of I n, $2 per 101 lbs
Il: ' li ~Meant.' " I
blanuiattnret of In,,nal le, and /phi
• $ll2, pee&,,1,4 IM.; and other kin(
r, . ! Guakinala,
Imo n!bere and 'befit, $1 ES per
.Iron matiniketured, from $3 to $5 p
:4 ;! : •.. 1 Sot Sahador.
Iron =Min radius' tbr domestic use, 6.
:Maki; iron, $1 get los Ha. '- - 1 1 ; I
In lipt every en ighteued nation, lateverholnage it
!May hate paid in dcleumenis to the i theory of tie. trade
-hall groomed a`widiily cillfennit :tti poliem, and relaxed-the
i l oi.
'protect ye system only • when •do r estic manufactures
barebeen - tlrmly
ted. Tariffs fo revenue raised or
lowerer., en l arged 4, contracted acrd ding to exigencies,
'are universally ii nounced just an ridiculous. . -
-,•Eogland the govileit manntartui Ugand commercial
nation of modern times, hat syste titevi mid made:the
l i
regolition ofdat es on imports a koltlicall science,—
' lier Imposts - are more protective; rspecitic arid. limos
'wisely:and nicely dictated, than dull . unposed-by
;any other nation. 1, lier great object was .to'l rioter...lnd
:cultivate-to the'llsbett point of ttidusti lel and cella.'
mirrial prosperity . Lher leading Intlei ti ti Of nionudictur•
I and 4nide. Ileye cie -wits seconds yt ;hit grand ob- -
Jett., her 'rry of jlreetrade^ . is s l'ilecofeti solely tor. tie:
•i foreign market, ind she has oullt.e4 :horn It greater
,prolits than (KIM iiy other export, but, imp 00 ' demand
for thitartlele at Oho. Let us pathat hum tbe general
:Comae:tattoo e the - select; to ascertain I the line* ,
.proteetioti‘£ngla d adopted for th e [pottage of - building
:up holtionti Into . la, in view of, ultinkrte lid
~,Pretolirf In.
the_givoteetion of` hat article:. As sheiaolleetlicd In
i t )
curing the mirk of the world toil thisibra ehbf men- .
•tifactiara r bythe Course which she parked of and adi!
- tiered to, we 'may, to some extent. proAt by t example,
.": Meets,. dutyinglaud placed Upon! lthpOrta of iron
fuels in 1679, adu yof 10s. per tow! in , 1716; raised to
£3 104.644 In 1.62, raised to £2 Is. 24. 1 I • •
, f in 1764, (the mtimelail trim wh ich the., Settees are
i tii,
taken priteeeds state.) the rollin • mail itae,invented;'
ndl,tron tbia• in,d may be date£ the; commencement
:of the prMent glish iron manufacture::, ! the 24 you's I
-:PreeedltiOliki ti eetnbraci ill the Inventions now- In
••••cutornen nse,ag Which treated aJo vr,-',atstem 01 mak.
'`ing Ail ti,Mid to hich England Oval , t e 'extent. and.]
Stumpier' of her,Manufsehore •at the Ptenent day. And I
I from this time 'hoc it to be dated t • Oinimenceitient of
11 her pullout system; of.protectlon.: ha was nct stashed :
11 With *.protectliriduty on foreign 1 ciii f i.„ In 1765, she
,' prolit6ilc4 the export .of any OW 'roe ea: models, - or
r plans of Waettinery hsed,lo • the ' tin tore Of iron,, '
Fl.uniller, a penalty - 01one: Yourolin Wu 31 3 ' and: Mill
'thie., and the tottion of the *hies stilppoi., -- 11hti,
I• Inflicted hear, nes upon Poster* of ,i s,:euttotog,'
housitotamma d *them, who violated these laws.'Sti '
I well as upon , all lici mafiosi workman: tof the biog.:,
1! does. Ido riot trams' to
_follow :bar r il atiiple. la' these
' part kplars i bra
.refer to them for the pi rPote of 'show
• ing.ber determination to build upi ti th 'brunch - of her!
materiel:greatness, as well l as to s oat' ' the •Importicsui
: - which 'English atahrunin ertatbed; to „... L..; .., , .
1n:1767, litietitledi the Itiporta ' 'Alf all the
i t
. manafactunsa olrlioa and stool- ..i , _ ~.: 1.- , •
. In,1788; Englatid had 77 fn , ' •it hhuit; and the
production sax 61,900 tone iron. - ':1: , iI.• .! • ~:
In 1796, the act, of 1785, Pratt! fling the exports rif
I: tools_ and machinery Mod in this Mann are of iron,,
, was pade petp"lnal. ',' II Ll' I • --.
11 in 1796, duty on Iron was rilsedf.3 : 90:, per ton.—
At 'this - t me therwwers 121 farrows hi , bleat 7 sind the
ymirly product was 124,679 tans, ancitiattins .to- an In
ernisciyked of 23 per eent. In £ years. I: l''- • ••
. ,
!! I it, sat..
, ! i ji .. , 1 , ,
In-1797 duty w tailed to 'i' ,* I, ! i '3 47
lra,ll9Bi .. . 1 ;a -1:, ', ''l.:.-a 10 6
wan, toted
In' Ixloo coal was coked all toed S
'. In; 1,802 them I were' 163 furrier
~ • jiiild of 170,996 tons, i.: II
i: ; • 1 1 1 , •
Pith= dal/ Was raied tO i '
hi , i.m ' ''.., 1 a . -
r il ls : Nl 1 31. 1
ii . at ..- as • .i ' l. 1 ,g. y,5_!4
• At ebb' time , bipivoduet•of 2•17 ft was ZISIMO
tofstt4; 4l 4 49 Ilta' 104oi 'll I a
.1909414 Y te YIL•I ! I-e I_,_ll 910
lbla 1"•"! '. • ' I._ i ,- Ir -- 91t10 -
Ili lils Qui *millet was 3 1 :107Z moan et 4 4T 91
li i nie
~ - • , I • ,
la 1110, It lanalorportedia o' 1 bl, Um doir
wait f,6 1. sw. lr la foreign toast& LI; lIllitIll.; and Woo,
MIL or laimmorea Into Iron tods, batotoWat pratllo*
'iota admitted at a4l 0tt0t•420., I.' II j .
iiiii • de .
_..- 7
et i g in*4l36l " 4)l ‘ r ! W % P i " " i kt• , 011 1 9 79 *
' loin° prodatrt ais _I ; ij• 400.01X1 r .
10;pm. - -.. ' f -"-,- I • 11.1 , •
101821 - "...0 . • . - • 1,, i- I .581,3,11 . •
10 ],BYE lb, dotty was oa bitto•tatiorought to - .11
'l lOl l • ' '- • - 'j ''
' II I - .1, I__ 1 I • '
ttora Otos; Alaimo Noma' tbitplatt impute by Elaii
lend to Isilltio Maio la boor of tt botairiattio. too 1
elleto 39 of tolakoadoetata ilbettoolat ri, It. Woes
datatrot elsottoOmad,tbo 10. as , truly MAWS `
' Iti ilio ostoolaatltroat ableittb itatistleo aro arrived,
4 ittaatrafatt rottation altoOys Ityacioto duties, cad
414 yl tatatatialpis maaAL tat tliry leas oo Looter
° ' .• i ' I • !, . ~. 1.. , •• -
The =Tort e t Otlbrolaa tu t u atati'matilus And tnaa•
Ight goit ul n 911/4119, for las Yeatsprooltas to 1323, ,
TM ..9.7 tan. or 10 1 4 . p0r t l ot t9d moat: and
I maatollottaa years oflow AO*, was . 14 4 36
' - I'
b61 ;.0 14 1 1 °4"a ag '7- t i rat tlln tbta t. d ilf it th ybita i lu rai r l " dlai r d . ib. lottor allap bo ,
t ail *tied 011. SI IbO ilmpett*Of Salton haNaftia .
Alai Wirt vote Oboe off. did oat midutolaiholy 00 ,, .pa , . , ._
floc to lb. Oxpooto of 101(00 Ito"- ; l i , I , . -
I' I Alta tbill , roductlon or Eullialt IrOo, abet: by :proper
yr , dOttlon titi bid tatirtar IbtLow. bl of LI tuttry,.
d'• 1 1 j .
: ..... ; 1 Li , , •
~ .
'1: 1, I
•-• • 'r , t t , , . _ -,,1,,
*mks, in; immi itgiestir or _Ant iA6lc,
._...citpitl4o m.n.kl fad railed to
odor ai:strice. • • -
':.. ;- • ~..' ; ..`. - , ; I : , --- :
mantes inetwaeling bilis:4olo .slept , . - iiippitipp th e i
mditetion of the; astir* gbh' -mimed eftellpifill. met : ,
the eir s :liellieffliffintialletukt • 14•4 Prs Of" IS at -•
s*.- - .'
. the starlit , :
: . !liitm l ' 1.,,, , • : . 440 '
In I he r onion:
~,,,s 1.0(6.000 -lbseA l . In ,
ISKI, tk o a , _term ' , la 1,11V1500 loon,- In • 7 • . - •
1140- the dty traeltakeii off oral . lelO4lL - the sato ~-: : • .
m i x t; *OS stadia $4O. . - -wasloo,ool- *nas.-:
In 18611.tbi l d.ltte-0-000f Ittllti hoe Maybe. Seddon" r - -.
at thee aftlined - : I . ; •' :. 1
Why. tbietnneete .ha ter r Let, us- fled 'irtett
the loom 0 experience heee.ta hr.' , What ellisdentef .1
sump ta" Enstend;llooll- , ottchAtres bar an, : I- '- '
advantego orer ea? 21ter,lleids 'from .ona end - Of 44:40 i
.: , : ,
- compare not erithentre,:; Anther "spa sionsilabottensee . 1 .
,- -- -
more eel 'II= onrpeop l' • She =snot heats , ' I -----
VS aolatt ;Be statesmen ' ' : - snore cotinia*t and ,I.
entlittensid IA 'lt sante h i : t.c o il ,Nr botnehid -I' !'I .1,
England tali •ad taped . thignisticalsnitrint .i • ,
fields. ehestp la.‘, the 'go v ' mot eosin nevate,w, „..
,;,. ,--
end abiintlant," !tat . 13er anapest*/ poll beitinide - P. ..-: -
'bet tbe treat een eof the.tlents4al Storid.l 'Her, Mine. s -,,-.
raltienetees brreldbien developed' by- ant; rlts Of eltill-4. -. ' ...
ADA lalitOt -statfall the details of Wee ' btol • 2 11 41 10 4 10 '
have.beliotTadjisied. eat ''Sited end , beritned-- - . ',. • .;
t i r.
YontigO sillt {Upon hall tent turdenid - , i ;teaSbaded, . - ,:-'.
until, lu r tlat - eitiolt end rcbsepneas RE li toettafin --; -
lure bf Ihin, shoilefleathe world. Ileervite • capita l en- • ;' ' •
ilbke,hif roan Mittirera temithiltold their leleiger ex.,' ,I.• -
ma l t
poet from ei !until throe is ti deinand'all „a paying d.' 4 : !
tricot-oe_ to p sh. them lepion, ' o*ehrn . t rk,.; ....,,..:.•..
breaking dow ...II opposition, are 'pure aterci upon '• :.
their own Mir lAnd, airif to Ito' lb work 8! 40.'1 .
mestic desire tie , ersi have' k dlr, Relic overtOrtect ,' ,
warehouses k t se. la which tostoritheir gooditonder ; ,
bead, lad withho d them, 'from "'failing, aritstim , to' .-• ,
p us h th em upon citing lone. rit'pleatursi • while little
American inaaniketurer. short Of txpltei. end elways,, -_
obliged to reelinatnust t Tooth goodi a soy mar., '
'kat 'Web ,ellister :bad' legialition or the :4 peo w i t y , 4 , .- . -
capital may hre prepared tor,bilerulit.; -- ; ' . - f -. t • 1 ;
Shall we yield to- aarefga - advantage's" and. eeknoitt+l,
edging their 'sn'prittntley, tecome',..bentersi hf weed atol , l• •
dmters Of saleff to thenrior by a wille4-jiald,andAmer-F I
can policy, pn test Our t sople nutil we can,, n turn, defy' .! .
foreign competition?' b.nrely an American, p s Atli- • , '
not long hesitate Width Morse to idopt. '• ;-••, 1 „ : ! I, 1 --
Contrast thlainglish system:with the in 01',,,treat,:,
ment pereued ourGeoernmerit In nalatl " tot/Mame' r
article'. Obi*, ' the Iniuttehney, or !tot dutleil Wall ' • ' -.
Instanemx, "fib bite extoptlon, in mode,* t i thelva.l.
. ::(41
-Ciliation of.atiihnsinen* the sodden ,eheng In bigisla.:. 1.
tion on..tbis =Vert t' 44 tact tbet,-under be ed rub., ...
reet Sinew, with, forefttnl ialpee as reeogniant Ih.the:hut I
of 1846; dutleairtre highleben Sot Yotiotred to bi? bittke .1
and lon wben_taty "Wald hare been high. and you will . I I •
iliseifeet %be eemetof uninetatTrivelutiotie su#llpdtas-- . I'
trial diaasterit ; 7; • - • k.l • : ll' , y":- - .1-.,.._. - : 1 -
The productiolior American Iron was, in foe „IplelfrOt'. ; '. '
1:4,000 ions. ; ' ;The "war ditties," es- tbey- Xi* 'generally: -I , '-
termed, of the tittatr of 1812. teredipated "Mb the Isiah ' j,
Year ending Joie-30;1817, a re
nd the fen tariff pf Isle; •
which the principle of-protei ori wag a 1 remit nited. !
t en commenced-to opera? te. Cu et. lied sistrOtis ups: 1
tion,we And that a toniniertial alsbeclietved lii 1821, . I
eint: tweet the - ianintri was estrelrsl,lettil I the lift" i-- - I .
et n nflite Ile that yeiir did' at nmeoto,oocil,tocm, •• • ; •
e tariff ,if-,1814 was our by the tof ,Ityd, S .
itaf I :
Xubwrquently bS that of 18A. in bath of *tacit the prin.: . 1'
piple of protectloh' was:tecogiiii . ' :Mark the tresult.- - i.,
In 1 82 3. the yirodtic lon, of inbs r bed -,1130,0t0 tons:, ' ..
In 18:54- ~ ' . I•i• 1 ,' ' .-: - -.1142,000 "'- ..1
in 1820,,I; ' : - II ,-- -I- :'. :, ,' - ; 1 16 5,640 I.; ": ••t :
/A .1 0 gli •,. ` I ';'. .•I I : 1 . 7 z. - - . ,': ,11191',1M C,', ,' ',••
In'.l 822, , . ,!...' 14 ; 1 1 , - •„, •„, 1 ,- --, c • 1 , Ix „0 0 , ~,,, ,,...4.
p u
.18,4, 4 ',, --; '.. - . ' - • .' ": ; 1815,00 ff ,ti - • : '
•At this point, (hi. tilde began -feel the dlstous In.;. ' -
fluorite. of (I Me tari ff enactol -I' '1 " - as In ; ...'
its operatic, ie tree, trade llne, lts re 1844 l'
we had had the dal crieW-sinme Mika: erode. J"
Payments a tot law/-.-, and -we SS4 f i 1842 . ~ I
that a larg to torsuices had- - blown ', out'' ,
and the pr on bad Wien tof apiihritbasi;
200A00 ton, _ -- i - . :-'-.1 1 " 4 -1.V. , I .',•:-....-
•. Theo ram tariff lee': of ,1842.•wItis 'ample ! -
~. . .
protrerloil I Alert- itid with 1 - ontri ~
ve conti.,.r
'demi ank•. Justly., I. The cot ntq l .,amnicedi 1 • . •
Instinct* be song ~,St the la elog khan Was' , • , .
heard Intl , oil thelterold of lie Jeers f01. , ' : :-
lowing th, that likiaud be re.lbe. bane., 1
MI indit' •k lad I ld r,: 1846 b d mode thein. • I. c•.:
selves/ felt, ono fou will finds reXtO be . ,qiie of lino.
mos in aji.branc es2of industry,la Mt ark . left Is tom.' ,
operetta. mecheo Cal; it d itidtistrlal ;II :•,' nd,llike all l• ',. :,-
other department, ,of noinufectore the . roes( trusinr•P;.
felt the Inspiretlon•whlch limited hem le lihylegii,la-
tion. In .1846.thr;Secretarir of - the Tries tl_ ,ellitiais ed .
iheliroductine of iron In: the /tilted -84d tO I be. 766 ;
MO twin, bar Dui trebled *four years.- Inl kill reached
tout. ' -
800,000 tt: •Iht et,Mcneuced the infullOu , effeck of -
the tari ff of 18461 far we tindilB-18.the ptrod Oho Sias . •
stationary, sod 10,1849 it fell t 650,000 t 'nisi end On- - -
tin ued-to 801.1 u -toll iti Jannary,lBs , 3 - , the make did not •
exceed Loo.thii ttpti . Underall the cireum hauler. I here.
Veferrrd I to, this produCtion of{ one half .million tODS •
semi retuarkible when you takeinto cotolderationlhO •''
,fitet that - in 1 8 ,6, nly- fifty-Mar years chisel the, total „-=
produel or the hf - did not exPired that/lan:Mint s and. \ .
now does not On ' on t o-half the Annual "redact of the'':
-United Ststee. ;„,.I. : .',, - - II ~ ; -,
and ':' - I' ' I 1 '
We ba r e inlet! oditnee'of ken ore and , mineral Topic' 1. \ ,
hir.the Cheap lir motion of trot/ Out of , 84.973 striare l . J '•
miles Of Mal, , , Incr , rignt!r itall '/ 33 , 1 , 32,i'°° nearly,. - '
three Mortified', es , hole number . Wei Mitre
. sixteen , . : .)
limes as I:finches ; "rerdlifiteluliod Ireland kogetber,--r. '•, . ,; "
This coal exisisl' 'nenily *vet iWtatein the. Union, or I •'
.wherett dogs ;not s lit , is quite Within reach : Of the Iron I -
ore depoilts In fit ober coalhe allatstslit- ..Tbliantbsk" f ,
cite coal trade of enpaylvani , s imigenee., In. 1820 it I
reached but go& i us, while in 1 59 it, be 4 ificieweed to 1 . . ''' , -. 1
the.errorutooell re of-7;780,41 tone, " this atemint,l ~. .
my own comi ty:. Shuylklll.4rltli 113 oe i t e ttries. Ort" ' •
dared 3,048 - the remaind - er. Intel g a sent ta,i ,
market fcroX the' Lehigh:l il'lyobilog, and i gelsrehattqa i.. •
rtvionm. .:A.10.*1 this productimeof adthibeltetheMed.': .
bitutultions,l pf Pennitylvarils2 and- it lerill glee yob. 1 - • -
an agstegateloc mote than 12000,000 toils of coal; I°4l -
this, under , low! weep; depnettnitn and universal stagna;,
'lion in . the real' trade: It IP A nothirg Compared - with !' , -.
that which we ld produce.peith a fair, datum& at rct.:l .
munerativo piri 5.• . . - Argqinerion the ahem:hint. of - crel;
weltris from the wise dl dributlon emir, -.
the - fice off he entry whicti , :Providonce hie made of •
.these RPM in Olt; children, the I United States can MO.I-
duce 50.000,00 u tons,? In* with as littler:Nein upohlerl ;"
natural res - ourcetes Greet Bei In eta 3 ,ZkNOP OI Vas; I I I
. - W by,: t hen., should 'not these great mita ral odeantagie ' -
be. fostered aodCist ed fief ;It la not a quest Icin for PionJ •
'sylranie aloe., sit afmei gentlemen: meta l tokonaldPr--! . • "
It is'oiOt," qtiestkinatone,*l.lliillola; ' yelihr• Oh ic , . :
It is a questierr for every -State end •T rritorY IM the _ ;
Union;, for the srest Otte to *bleb. Iha e • referred' are •
Mattered over the vi , hole land! With .en lee" profusion; ".
sunk:lent unto , the wants of. all the gelf tri i ra of writ. -
Tell me. iron; Men of Kentucky, Georgia 34 rylandjit. , -
gbali, kliehigin, Iliksonii, Nee I York."o le.,Peonsylia. • .
Isla- r and Neer,Jorsey; will poet iwinerget i c
• or raiknoils
of foreign bets, when the very koil 'twin bleb 'OW ley ,
.the inferior, cinder cobstructedl raft, the fit I, reptime,nta.
tire , of 'decrejaid legislat lon, is - burs:tins with rich ;and
superior - ores, rattly to - lOpopritucled In o a totted leitil : -
;de by the.artbiaude of uheroployellan OMNI estd-X.,-ty r .,'
teen iti your WA I,' Dom it the blab of this brim h • t
'eflaborproeri t? • ~.. ; - I:. - , , , I . I 1. , ,,.,
~ I assert. and will 'Show,: tit tlthe adeq ste t probsetibn '''''
of an article hropens:it *the prod°. v. 'But Ityou - '
proceed- uptio ti e Idea that the - compute peyithe duty
laid am sop , 'tticle, thee, I this, the lroti le glisitl- ".
itiate subject fOrVasatlini; fott,lir paid the conmanter . I .
•beftire protect lob" fornishei hith,nith it tbeaPer isilltill• ,
the' urden is borne equally by left ofltbe cosiu. -
utty. -It is Used MAR. ttie deparenonets f Wet It di it- • -
es in. the needle; 'tidies till mill sings In the spinal et- - •
Mega In, the l enitil,and elasbeit end Men Id I --; .2: , ;./ I -
:• 'nt battle of lever end. Yinoll."• , l , : i Tr 74 1 ..
It binds the pithiees'of etimmeite,tapa 0 d sttrons '-'-' :
with triumphal arches; drive . -the st : in hip a afoot 1
hatted winch ;.Iguldes thellahkelngs of ea ma wit the
Inceeegee of :men from -Mart 0 Mist, f ni icktrelitlill- to
extremity , of the, land. ; a t is ,bona s i t Will bind I •
again, two -eoritineete .-sylt fritei.tema lc timid& -i 1t,..„:,--,
notes the -progress of civil qeserand, • record ?V,' :
4 1
nationellifin ,In the whole land,liron 1 bibs. I I
Alen of Iltsentirl, wen of Michigan), enilitmkoll ;the
irombeering fiMtea, hi en of the whole 1 n.'d will jou ;riot
unite with rein developinglthel mist nootirres OM*
Country! 11 in atiesalig that we ihnoli. ho' Indulging In
party sqieabblei when these great; haesisticiworeo to
lure a .mountain warehotiecat repuire',lttentlen at 'our • t
bandil '. What . a *tune: we triore•-belbre me if we !HI be
• Mel . Rai* you ever , Consietered the value M.' our min- • ,
eral retoureest A kor of irOlr.varued st 8 , 1, worliciktolo ' ..
hone-shoes-Is worth 110. 50 ; lotolneedl s;sss.;'ilatepen , , •
knife..4oSM* ;3;285; . to tt05i5,429;48 ~' kmi ba lice.-`. .
*primp ofWatehea, 1,250,0000 01 I of; wliklb In I: .1 in Il
value liorithparted to it by the: applion nOf b a - la- ' -
bor. Aiound Al Iron -eats tieLtnade • htndred thaest• '
More v alu able than a pound Of gb4, if . d , ologn no • 1
Potosi or. C4lifertila, so twig aa-we bat tbieiron Yes-:. ,
taloa or Penoqlrenigtand of liflikourl., jI -- y -' • '
Foarteetrrs since no milk:cod ;rooftree mann ur- • ...1
ed in the It It'd States. In 18.55 we ntitd,i 125,3C010nr,
and thee I year imported - only. 127,0 di tans; Ipu r .
present. yield climunt be shorn cy .2tcl,qn.stoos. ' , ow f, -~ , q, _
of .this artiele does. not exceed, ;the aireMmairice et hich --
the rot eign Irani lasi been • delivered ti port ' s, and:. • .
the iluatity is far auperior. - Ilarlear O'' threat ens,
with reasonable peotectlon, the mil en taste •.-
stit:e Will te able to meet tbi dernand.o the .country, i ,
.applylpg a.bettizerticle,al 40 flritee ;. and at IbOU , mo''''
Mow,. sod dely.foodget eonettelitiont Ili we bresiletbis s ,
most Impertant Interest down, iloiro thane
r 7lifliSh ,I .:
reili wlll be 1113=116rd at ve.Ploapee,, ' : f "Ex rience I . '
teaches that tetteti . 7Bngland. estenteds n 1 lreakio down" 1
foreign' Prednetiook and has tint "tar , =der b i con
toll, slin itnat , hddy rains tbie'printo the ' a.rtiel to re , . ...'
mineral* Weixelf - for former I losers,* d ilk the- a the
consumer moist Pat mort. Medlar lab I . . : I . ' '
Protectlon'illi cheapen thelartlels t theFor.toomet*e '
has been etablinstely and fluently IF orrrron tbiallocr...
Take thikShalyooo,ouo womb ' reline oticotton, mitten,.
eat-' touts, farm ftnple es 4 , ego, 'kc 1 tco
and, w koOeritht , :they ershinxishet tnexPerra e 5 to
the, stoner - 1 ban they Mon d be If I Ported. „Critopare
them irith tIM P elms -paid for. ihe in atticies abp, ads"
Mad, Mahe& quality Into *Mount, In y are sold dinch'
' dui" pqr
. he re . tb an 1 In liumpel. Take t eartielirotptiori.
eau. "ven' end . under- ver--, mod te I prowl' ale'-
have : Wade abetter article,' all Lowe . prlces, th 4 4..say ,
Could he imparted for: Ref ore dr: lf enl out all- Mu
lastilsaltkits OD tbls al-title:And wh le ir &Ant onl y 1w:.
port ao "stoves, we are lending r ail ilot-.'-intieli to for. -
alitts and , distant ntaikete,:end eompei, hag: with the. for.
else- inanufactireir on his ow n givtiod. l (This-toolis th s ;
case with mom descriptions olgottoni fabrics, and with -, I
;Yankee decks: . There was -a AI riot nan ordl: , py fol.-
tin. article eff r etatton pinhead - lib" marl osn SS to . ' !
40 recite oyertk iludtbst,tiim not "Shen bit under
p r ot ec ti ve -lime Amoind bite dr at emenpstt-
, it
Mon, and supplies' loot only the
~ l Met thinforeigte 1
noutee, Ishii a much 'better 11l ric 1004 to 101senta.;
pe 4 yerd.: ; This result weintainly . o itO !be *III of 1
Isle, which tutskinitth litaleyr. Spider Outpost imported , i
cottona„andbuift np ihatitoitith or udelstel' ind,now 1-
Ire can - der,' !ibis trorld..! Met* es , - noLtariL reit motion !
prints. TO e greet 'event 'this lo tits esilli with aullit Mr,'
eciiptione I' of ; Aainels' saline*, .46•440 tr. cicbkaO ut-
nalle,,and'onniy•lt Inds of cardinip" I . .. • •I : I
-But for 'Asti inikettmatelyVitt li ttu s 4oot 'reacted tlsis.:l
point) offk,hriaidelothi, Ines, . i take, many dit !
*trip ona - c4leottins uredini,lll an; demised ,talirics,
They SOU iiiiinir• thelbsteetatbandll
,Qorernment. Re,
Ice . WaYlnglbies• Incian:litmong!ior i tabarand Seeding.
ateid Gepsyn terthene all *Or au - 41 tis Jo, hotiti t tot - •
ton, pork, imirell as all the told of Old* DID and kes -
Pesitt.andottenT - re hive =thee cotton, mule, l a ne old 1
left, *e mad ;hilted Staten indhema wedgies; saki- J.
- linkond-t 1 11 , 0* 4 bonds; tint, ing co oath/eel todebred-1
Imo itbtoseknontreer $500,004o0; and ,ben 1 1 0 ' 41 2.
are eshensted, and the saAnok•Of ' ' le ( ttotLl 100 bil -
I t o
insstoint it ink-tuas pulp/110)4 iji avian stoking& ,
toMea the;;pienie, and we Introit 1: / A,l OP& marred!
that it ahonts b* not • Itniir . 4onts• it be intern he ri , 'nag ,
lave the, banks to do with ell 'thief .: They -doubt co*;
gild; nuillf on dodo. ote isniattri of spots to y 1 for
yourimpMls, tbe hank's, dike 1 odirldnah, hitt $' drain!
and the. Omen.. and, like Walisld lit s .Meets;
pitynienitsti , erre thentrilea r ~.0.., - tile us so!
end" the bisects' esperienne : pleirludi II all he
predeceoors.i . • . - , • .1 .: • 1 , _
I Was thia cot the. Ineeitablieresta Item do you ; roves
ht euist•lo; the pruspirlty of the ea oh" and • Wale
'public confidence, with the Oakum leads apt it mar
Thu whole 41kiret frorbeil itself I tri. this. .1 ' basil
brim bnylegi mare than we bin s: i selling, tee;',
balance irtiegainet vs; 11101144-: Drell are 1 large
bankrupt fantillete: A be 644 41
.; We coo+ hat It'
sent,' trolltielimie. - Iffelikid thbt il prlnclitl to tile'
nations el t.he eattla, tor It ts 4.
,- Mho, so et"!
Umbel, ; A maim antbooletelff ibis rule, yst 1 ,
'.."'ffens,,-you aiiy add eiro,toacii4 , . e state . al.
Obit **you Abe, te e t tim et relit net , 'b a la of.
grOtted that shall pe prone - -t thorlty t *base
ois: are
statple laws.. 'The pito - deka whin itS right th e. id.'
istiistattlantkt stew tittssi ate rig C 4001 D thei D. 0010 .•
igrirlOD et a great cannery, hoar IMmeo_ll u,'
I TIM anti Our of the earth ate ~ t laheillesol 4 ttal„
:Yankee' fetidly of tors Is IS 404, use we te.knt
~..,d,s , p, o s.. c , iii k. u m . withie oariscirt-s.. the anti • the
...L4,tiiv.repp - it - ,d. *=l' (44111 e at ' 4 -'; 0 lat. f•I'o
--. : .-' -. .. .- I • ‘ 1: - - i- ' .-
• k •
i il
1 . , ..1 ~- . ..-.4 .....• : 1 . ci •
I ►►!4.
12173. 4049 09 per
tot Thu. i
! r .34 Ibm.
1 r,13:61bL
.r 133 lbs.
•r /33 lbs.'
! I
i • I r :
es, under 1% Inch:
I ! •I. •
0111bn. •
100 ••
kSIO per 101 it
I .
R. 41:
4 S'4
. ' ago