The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 24, 1859, Image 3

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    •1 11 et_
. )011
V, DECEMBER 24, 11039.'
trulst ton of the N !tont:4' JOratfah ts *goat to
ti irtalatton of any TIIREIG other Enelisb .
Itk rho Coont—eind l ag i t ch . va t et
:4 ;w.f. p
.tn,vl lee ortion of the population, an 'advertise
;te colorant it, of roam, warthog roach*
,tvertl.l* as If publlobed In any throe other par
..Itor,lti-stlio.fat..s of wivertiting oroaltrayr gra 7
i ceordrac to the cite ulatlon tho paper.
~,A —O. 0. Frost. Poem No. :. 110 preciiwity.
Lrilt—Jy, Ow It Co., Sits andpmanut streets.
N-11- N. tale, } 4 '4.. .
o z. ,eportseal to receive subscriptions aid tol
l., or ihe MINES-Y JOURNAL establishment.
' '
0 ) itmencan Industry-;
,„ d fie*, another, Inch of Stave Ter' . l 4.
tory, by Ezteuition, Parches.
or Conquest.
The. t abovq are, and till. be the two lead
,: P r lneiplea befoie the country, until they
rirtoriuus'; and we.nail them tci the intuit
od of the Mtnns' JouttNat., there to flout
they wave in triumph above Ole Nation-
Cupi l tol, at Washingtott. .
i i 3O
"SIA WEST , I.)E.srtx x."—.—The t riumph of
-e la r in . Virginia,: Maryland, Kentucky
0 1 Mi • uti. , . .. . .
e t
AAR tx Kinn& died on the 27th of April
r,.3P, tt a sugar estate ' in the district of Atn
aan,'lGuatetnala. ‘ . .
. .
Iles,ny A. LANT. v has lneotiie editor and
Tr ,,prietor of And sprightly little sheet, the
gekidi)ly Daily . Times.
Tat fuse factory of Jos. Toy, iu Simsbury,
44as destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Seven
ale operatives perished in the flames.
Focr: Nlc Ills of members of tbe.;prteezit ton-
F rtos t
,bave occurred before its first meeting,
les4. Itroderlek,t3oode, Harris:4llll Spine 4.-
7Lese will be formally announced, early in the
tow n.
SA LTT.—T4, rate. of taxation fixed upon • in
Spa termini) f0r4859-60,4 $l 10 per $lOO of
vita de . property. The rate in'New York is only
$1 1 per $100; and that is considered a 6011%11"
DSC I City. •
No organization yet, of thellousil hot an
Ataitie 'pressure of s3,ooo,oooitt new bearing
Apo n it. The most of the athances made ou
the !Post-Office scrip will terminate on the let
of January. ° A
tis name of Hon. Townsend Haines - 4.'of
:ter; now presiding Judge of the ehester
Delaware District, is snggcrstel for nom ,
on'for Governor by the tlext State Con
ion of. thellpiMsition party. I -
_ _
-lit. StrcumAx, the Republican candidate,
fur speaker of the House, is thirty six :years
:f itge, of line presence, and unquestioned
?. • .
agrity and -ability; and it. it conceded, will
Make an
..honorable, high toned, , impartial
Skoker. ,
.1 .
.i. ---""•--.---------- --: 1 •
CONTliArr • Awtano.---The• Allentown
Democrat states "that the proposals for the
wood work- of the 'Allentown "Rolling; NW
'Rae opened on Monday evening last, and the
1, 'tract allotted to'. ; . - Iklr. Frabeis " Carr, of
Po sville, at $:5 per 1000 feet. '•• .
--,---------•.-.4:... .
I. 114 - t. ?Stxriox.ti.'l 7t .-We
4r e that in livatuel4 deltigitresha4.filready
11 a appointed, to a Republican' National
... Navel:olcm to nominate ail'i esidtititl_ can
ti,late. The Republicans . of Missouri have
;i4ed a call for a State Convention., ' • .
, - 4 .. •
W A . SI) mass of the
,Fp'eeehee; which - the Sont-hprn fire-enterf3 on
the LL er of the House are flooding the conn
tey with.. They!! are tnletul 'for huneoinh
!fettling else.
,e people will give these
time eonsutnersll .- >ere rap n 'xt year.-
Fon 1860.--IV invite atteni,
lion to the prospectus of the New Fork Tr
!dine in ahother &dunin. The, terms offer
are exceedingly liberal, wheal' the Sterling
• o
i:haracfe ~rof the paper, and the - great variety
of its contents are iaken . int? consgeration.
Olin old friend; Belisle r i:of the Camden (N.
.I.) Joarnuf, is writiug for, his paper, a neat
nottvtlette; entii , led,."Truman Paris; oy the
Drelitn Guardia l ii.' • Mr. di. possesses a ready
pen and•allitteut imagination. nevi pro.
duction will therefore; we have no doubt, be
hill it apprr (Anted 'by hig, readers..
MASON . g Felect committee on the
limiter? Ferry plot. - ore preparing for a
that-tit/0i investigation. The law granted by
the ajth ConeiessAives the committee the
ton:er to compel the . ititendaneersod testimo
ny wilkit is Faid, be
summoned to \Fas►,ington from n distance. •
ItElrtml,lc . .t.v . NATION'AI. CiIrAMITTEE.—The
National I:!ouPnittee of-the Repuhlieno pqr•
tr. re.' et at the; Astor 'llouse, New York, on
\"ednenda. rAll of the: Fr.!e States, :with
Mnrylawl, Virginia, and Missouri., were . rfp- ,
resented. It was dui:if:l4A that .the nextill
-pubtietin Natrona! Convention, should, be held
at Chicago on the Vjth of June: next.
LINN Bono, of Kentucky; is . dena.
• - li . 1, 4
,was 'a Denfoeratic Member of 6ongyess . fl
1;35 TO 184 inclusive, a:single Congress;
cepteds, and .iTts Speukeqor a single ter
..Ile died Lie t. Goyernorof . his State, ha
been chosen4o that office' last Ainust
. .
was a bitter !',partizan, of moderate abili
•but.a sedate, substantial sort of man, ~
7 , 1: !
iUterc , ,arsci with the North has. assum
now slume. 11... V number of Southern med
stwielas attending lectu'res in - Philadelf
ktt this week to enter various Sonthein'• W . e "presume that Philadelphia
not only iiii.vit- the blotir• brit, thnt }Mr i'
charg-es will be reduced. It was difficul
welt as expniire to keep some of thus - 1
volrer-carrVing, bowie-knife - Wielding, S
ern bloods in:order.
Ova Southern fritmds are adopting
tacties to trighten'the North.; They proi
non intereour.le, and ktiers published it
papers give
. 4lowing. descriptions of ttie
tortes spqnging up in theSOuth,. which
to - render them independent Of us. "\
gl?d of it. Poi. many years to come
will be dependant . upon us for indispen
articles, ati , l the. larger the population
attract, the better it will be for our trad .
on, friends; It is the wisest thing you ca
correspondent of the Philadelphia Jl : it
since the exodus of about,two hui:lreti:
~c al students front that city, inquires w
the Southern office holders residing No
' tend to resign their offices which the
and go back to - " Old Virg,inny." ili t tilic
ler of Virginia is Prothonotary of the Su,
Court et this - State, and-alsw chairman
- Dernecratic State Cow mitte. If ,tib
students:cannot pursue their studies i
. udelpliia, (titer the anion meeting' licl
how can Hubert Tyler, the - sorl'of "His,
dency,lre sarong such it people?
Tile SENATE " COMMITTLES.---Tlw Un i ted
,States Senate consists of sixty six u+beipt,
of which theiteimblicuns proper havelwenty
five, including Afiunirsoia: 4 . 111 the leading
committees have seven inembers, five - o. which
are appropriated by De.r.o.crats.aitil theisatne
proponion on the others. In alluding' to this
subject the Waiihingtun corregpundentl of the
.Ledger writes:. : ' I • I
"Ther e has been some diffiFulty an I muchssiti,faction resulting from the o f ,
tioa of the Senate Committees.. Tits i is of
!tip sectional a character and disc* i on (0
119rtikern Democratic &stutters, is tterislly . .
-retnarksup .
- Of rouria the ,SOuth is ineapabi of eg•
, gression, much less, discourtesy! . Thpse. are
entirely, Northern prodUcts. . 1
A (MERV rfonututt. In Philadelphia*
few awnings since; George W. turbs, Esq.,
delivered a lecture , cis "Slavery," at National
Hall. The rowdy element of that eity' was
called into action by the i faet, and it 11811 with
difficulty, that the police kept a mob of 'out
alders from storming the building. In the
Hall there were also some riotously disposed
persons. 'One, Robert H. Randall, son's 1
Hon. Josiah Randall, was arrested for ir ur
ing the meeting inside, and had a bearing
fore Alderman Swift. The sage Aldetinin
held that Randall committed no breach et I
the peace as in his opinion the meeting was
. lied for an incendiary purpose; those who
attended were charged fur admission, and
tliel. had the same right to hiss or applaud as
those who attend a theatrical exhibition.—
After several expressions of opinion of snai
-1 lar import and weight, the prisoner was dis •
charged, unpunished. Wonder if Alderirian
Swift has read the Constitution, which guar
antees to every citizen freedom of speecb and
opinion 2 Libelling no person ; coma:titling
no wrong, Mr. Curtis had a legal right to de•
liver, and those who desired it, to hear his
lecture,. undistrird. Randall violated en
Act of Assembiy i lin relption to the disturb.
ante of public meetings, and should hive
been punished. But Alderman Swift decides
diarently. "0, that be were here to write
me down an ass!" Swift would be an- addi
tion to the bench of the United States Su
preme Court. His decisions are sympathetic.
Jim. TEE Sk3lE,' TEtiliTE YEARS, Ano.-
Now when the Democratic party is in danger
Of being thrown out of power, we have re
peated threats of disunion, in the event o
such a disaster to that corrupt organization.
Let the timid connote themselves however,
with the reflection tbltt Similar threats were
made' thirty years ago, and that they were
then just al harmless as they are now. , The
Poriland Adreriiser reprints the following
extracts from . the Mow/ander, a paper; pub.
fished in 'Baltimore in 1823, pending the
Presidential contest between Adam's and
,Ja4son.' How like recent threats these rec
ords of the past appear: _
"A few days since we stated, on the author•
ity ol the Richinond Whig, that Mr. Andrew!
Stevenson, Speaker of the House of Hepre
sentatives, had, within 'a few weeks, asserted'
that if Mr. Adams should be re-elected, the
Union would be dissolved.
"On the same authority, we stated that a
Judge of the General Court of Virginia had
made the declaration at Norfolk, that ‘if ,3fr.
Adams was not put odt by the voice' cir the
people, they (the Jackson men) would be
willing to put him out by force.
•"Both these statements. are corroborated
by responsible men, who certify to their
PENNSYLVANIA :s.—Front an ab
stract of the fleck I Expenditures of
the State, for the yf ig on the 30th ul
timo, we find that ire receipts have
been 53,826,350, and' the entire expenditures ,
$3,879,054.• Of the whole amount' re
ceipts, the , sum raised by tax ou personal andl
real estate is $1,888,602. The tax on' bank
divitictidSis $202,047; on corporatio&stochs
$464,784 ; interest on loans $567,799-; tax
on loans $175.784; retailers licenses $213,4,
137.; tavern licenses $185,304; collateral in
heritance tax $1241,946.—Am0ng the 'expen
ditures were, for the expenses of Government
$4OB 097 • eharitate inAitutions -$126,201 ;
sehoold $287,730 - ; hen es of refue - 5: 38 2 500 3
penitentiaries $35,104;. abatement of - tax
$52,006; interest . mi . State debt $1,986,14;
approrakd to the stoking fund $8.53,654;
13alsnee in the treasury $839,3231 This dhotis
st very prosperous condition of the fmaneeS 0
the Coln aloe wealth.
TRAITORS AND DtstitioNtSTS.-- . -Dllfing,• the
past two 'weeks not,a single American,
plc's man, Repnlilican or Anti-Lecomptonite,
has made • a tlitiunion speech. • Those that
have uttered disfinioit speeches are the follow
ing: .
O.*C. Ciay, nn ntltnini.orntion D' e m.
'Alfred le,rsoui an ailiniriistration Dem.
Drawn, rii adruini*ation Detn.
Jan. Dkris, nn nlturniatri,titiim Dem.
•. 4wis, en administration Dear.
L • rl. Keit% nu allmitirstintion,
51. J. Craw f.rd, air administration Dem.
J., L. M. Curry, an administration Dein.
L. Q Lothar, an administration Dem;
Reirpen D rrie, an administration Dem. .
• Jnlin J. Menne, an ritlinini-trition
C. L. yalta k , g hmn, an administration: Dew.
Roper A. Pryor, an administration Deal,
Syd.-pluure, an allministrcion Dem.
M. R4JI. Cf.irnett. un adnotit,etrati..n D u n.
ilfiAtri Smith, an natuinietratienDitn.
W..P. Aljlrs au ntheiriistrati .... been.
Those Demovrats who have.not spoken at
all have in no. way rebuked the traitorous
opinions of the members whose named are
.A CQUIS IT I 0 OF CUBA.—Senator Slidell o
Louisiana, ha's already presented a bill in -the
Senate for the acquisition of Cuba, to extend
the . area of the blessed institution 0f... Slavery.
Of course they will threaten a dissolution of
the Union if they don't get it. Mfr. Singleton,
a member from Mississippi, declared on the
floor of Congress, a few days ago; that-if the
"South, (with :slavery) is to eke out a miser
able existence, confined to.our present limits,
I tell you, you, may prepare for - st dissolution
of tile Union. -We must have expansion, lif.
side of the Union ifwe can, but outside of it
if we must."
There was treat opplactie froth the demo
cratic benches, on the utterence of this threat
in favor of the extension of shivery.. Oh ! ;i liovi
hits de)hocracy fallen, to he the advocate of
starer!, ezienxion. IS it' not enough ,tci•make
the bones ofour revolutionary ancestors. rat.
tie in t buil. graves, arid cry out, shame
Tim Pro-Slavery, Administration presii of
this hate .has been circulating fabricated af
fidavits, showing that Capt. John Brow! in
Kansas, was a s cold-blooded mardereri. Of
the murders charged upon Brown, testimony
was taken in Kansas proving . conclusively,
that he had nothing to do with them. It is
trite that Brown fought in Kansas. but it was
against a set ut scoundrels who .would have
depri'ved him oflife, as well as property.—
What delight the Administration press takej
in defaming a !no, now silent in the gravet
Ile was a we l ch truer, nobler, more honest!
man than some of the men' who conduc. l
those infamous papers.' ;
the ship Henrietta, which arrived at New
York a day or two since. froth Leghorn, hail'
on board a small; 'specimen of a miniature'
horse. It. wave stallioni of a clear jet black;
color, perfect is shape,la smooth coat, with
long mane and tail; and abort 7 hands high.
During the passage it hii4 l ohe ruts of the'
ship, as would any ordinary large dog.' There(
was also a four,uheeled 'vehicle, or beronche,
the body of which is painted black with brighti
,red wheels, with. a silver-plated harness.—{
With this turnout Capt. T. expects to. create'
a sensation in pint of-speed,
jmyi.A, brother ul John liforrn denies that lie
was preterit:it the Doyle Iris sev
eral miles oil.
• itTr - Mrs. Lpdiic Melst:Chtl4 is aai•l to hare
:relinquished her design of writing the lift:el./oho
rNaii an ititiothen, a "ealetgated music
eouit.oderi ut itketun, died in Perth en the 19di
pirAti exchange ay/arts that. "a mats of the
b e poco ni t;tri u nde.•t i I, the alto of a whale ; troktatter
more ail then a whale."
Oar Alin is pending in the Kentucky Logi.:
ieture to compel tree colored persons to 101114 the
Siete or be sold.
perPhle.l3,erey, the American hem tamer, was
operating at Liiterpuol, with great sueeess,wt last
:accounts._ .
/Mr Molt of the egke Ail ere shipped from
Vey York. city to Chatiestou,S. C., are brought
'from Catiudi.- • . . •
../.**Ldige nartsbers of trout are foam! 4eial
• ad dyiug in. tlie, iireinns. bear Phillips; Maine,
auppqaed to hair,* been dirtroye4 effect/
the great Gres in the 'roods._
`The statue of Ilattrp"Cfay, by Ilan, was
shipped from lia‘ti for - New Orleans, ow the 6th of Novrtntsr, tus the ship fain Nero. -It will
bo iosugurated with groat compactor, ea the 12th
of April ant, the aseisersitry et IN ire birth.
A Mirt-Tilell trfirnialt4lo.4B*#; Rfteer
0.,. Pa. Pet.... 514. !tails; !
*vied Ilatit;Aia ..Ottie4tis„fiticluitig-to sATIg the
isCount, :ilkapittArinmat, : laa assoata riarsagaigo4.,
ion': &umg A go i gig igrig i
oven.: Calgpte4.l. 11100DX:44/ili0
Isbuissilf4,-- klyweetorsirlf;ityre‘ Co,
k,, , fifeetf. 15.57.-1 Defer faitttst:
.enefit of any: medicine a Mock ire feinttits 04-
of Bainstevei LIOLLAND Dicesits.l.pwridiewid,
sit fen. • :I wish to know where I eater get 6,wit4-
at fear of imposition,. -- (lignod,) • . ,
Plum Datraars7;—Apelio. Anititro Lb.. pa:
et: Lb, 18511.—Musas. Pm 4.. Jr.
f r Sirs 7 l parehmed I do#, t:rf stageneure
..04.5.” BITTERS, front•3 , 4ter tr seling wet,
. hes ikon great emisfardes is this section.
-end itie, another done; for which 1 eerier' the
eery. W. C. Ei9VARD.
Tbe...Guewrnot's , usesesge, of 'fazes, has
o ordered to ,e printed to Auer different lin
-I.lllgeir-Englisb, Gentian, Stoutish and blare/is-)
inn, which is ■ good, illustration of the iqtricd
rigin of the inhabitants wbo compote that Sae*
ammemommoimmons -
=MET SWIM* . ;
•• et on' l'Ourstlity evening lost. The lollosOug
th.:ersasireSleeted (.4 the ensuing terve: Pros
! eat, .5111...LATISIEtt; Viet ?rotaLient, J. PASSWIts .
rMary. A. Harsate; Trasionir.47. Goss.
RinOCoLD LITFMAnr SOMClrt—This Susi ly
• et ut fAo easel hour. . when Josiah Yost,
elieted President pro. few. The elereisn: of
b e evening srete.—'Debat• on the quest on.
WWI has enured the giester amount of tti le Ey;
sir ar int.capernuee?" A6rm. , Messrs.Cutb!.rt
Puebr; Keg-. hiessre: Pile and &heard
eeisina is favor of negative!.
goesticic fur nett Weittesoity evening:—"o
pical putattioiCtit to be
.abolishcd 7" Air
curs. Edwards and Pile; ihieglitive. Focht,
MINN i .
Potisirlde. Deeesefber A4~ 1850.
~ . ,
1 The quantity rent by Railroad thii wee
. 32,336 OS—by Canal 061-4forlhe week 33,0 t i
t n T it he s i g t3 a i i p a l lt4: s ,4 b 3 .3, 9 c t a o n n a s t f l o b r is .th .s e ea c r or: w po a n
eok last year. Dols for the week 9,439 tons
. as* of 47;735 tons over! the yearllBsB:
k l e
I Crease by Railroad over IfisB; wit, 90,558
AU th is increase, and more tio o ,_ltas '4'Aitio 4
ring Is winter whop theta was no competi
( 1 The trade sums op thii week as follows ; a
ing a deidine vn; &red with the aorrespinn
sr l eek last ;ear:• . . f
, .
st.T cy
'4l 3 !'g ? • 1 og
;El?•A - -)
13 .4 .
• 11-f
L;.3 4('-A
" 'ft.,o • -=
• • =
• 7 9 :::•? . . 1;1
a F 1 '1 ,1 "?
. .
-- - - 7 -,:. sz 1 , , .
~ $" . ...• ' '''
e . 1 -'': -e - `liSq . '-Ptitt 1 m
.81. snag. t w, .t.y-:: 1 7
Plr 4 ttrt ' E4tV -
~.. ' ----
-, Al
N ea P r ..- ....o. A
b , 1-., ~.= 9 1... 1: . 2
.. F Iri:
„1.:„..: b , _-..... 05,re1.1%
g,itp.s..els v25224;5...,...7.1....:.. r ti •
al ep..1,1,: rat-ttt *lel.,- t. 7,: - 2 r
.1 p,-;,.... .5.....E.4,4,q=tt.....g
't - ..1.! j" P. t :4 •3*-1:- 1 ' . 7.?- ''.
..... •
='ll "•. ' p I - .. . 4. 14 1 . im
5 :2 .t. - - . ,t 4 • •F. 4. ' • '"
t 7 c
. ) ,
II t:
r;, .l.
.... - ' .
• Coal Trade for. 185860.
nintity scut for the year 1339-0..):
I 'tem . Torn. • 0.11. N. ' toss.
l& I R. R.ll- 32,330 03 Mint OA 51,1tt1l 06.
lghViillll.ll,-10,193 06 40,134 11 0,142 ,
.. We will bet under great ob ' ti.. slf the ,
lecture abroad will ter.d ur the o vial returns(
Coal rent to market itilBs9 a. Poop as possible
r the ele-e of the year, to enahlti us to mak,
our annual statistics, • • / ' •
1 -
• The Coal Markets.
Vonx, DLCI:11010t. 22.-z-fhere has been an
;iv° demand fat• bamastie during therpak week'
't the market is sru ralerof a few eatvws
70 j $4 70, and horn yards at $4 40 6 $6.
Foreign has been in limited request at
prices; sales of-50 tons Liverpool Cannel at
, 4 mos. .
el..tti - e other markets there is no change tenons.
gal Trade by itallroad for 11459.00' 1
untlty of CtAal Railroad for the went eud
od evening last:
Carbon, - - - . - • - 6,169 I
- - - - - 2,4Z1
nylkill Haven, . . . -- 16.1221
urn. - . - 1 1 3.600 0.1
Clinton, . • - ' - 2 PO 13
rar. the rraek, • - . - 't 32.4:14 OS
duel). this -
a t, . •
._ y 14.071 08
ma time tart rear, - • • ' • 134.E452 14
- 4 . - "
Coat Trade by Caail for 1859.
olititg of Cool snot 040 M, for the week ending
humi/ity ereeittz
Po Carbon; "- 115 OD
pot train. • .
Seb ylkill Harea.. - 489 00
.uru, .
Por Clinton,
T, tat for the week.
Tor:i by ltailr9a,4l ha 1659,
Canal. " • ; 1,81,1,7a3 0
i i tal by Canal and Italiroad, - tans, 8,064,903 11)
• hi:1711011 county ftailniads %ISM),
e the quantify of Coal tiansported
• he different Railroads io Schuylkill Vounty,li
ending on Thursday eteulnalast:
7 , !M6t.—ll .41oTAL.
lindS. "[aeon A.B. 16,745 14 tfrojous-14
rhon. • . '. 2.3i1 18 ~14_7K30. 4 00
!kill Valley " 3,079 04 .4 \ - W•1.179 13
seam* Pt. Carbon '. 4 11.491'01 %AVM'S 04
-reek, , ' 7;158;03- '851,602 14
4,335 00 !
,16,130 04
Mt t
Sch ••
Mitt i
I• Itiegrove Coal Trade for 1039.
omit traasporied during the last month: .
OUCSILLAir Q • I9ah9 13 192.760 10
. tam Railroad. • 4,401 01' 91,341 19
'lgh volley u. It.for 11859.
daispuding Der.3d:
iI, . •• . WRAC , TOTAL.
t 4013 (A.Pirdee .3. C 0.,) 2 561 12,:' .1 6.415 04
•oir Lont.(Paeker 2 C. 0..,) ' 1.936 Ott t 6763 04
11 lifdde.(6harpo, b.& c 0..,) 1,730 101. 6.711 I 5
rliriMlll, • 33407,,. 1.2:.1 18
. (Charter Rampahlre.) 2.595 09: : eLBo7 65
• Ina, (listen!! &Jilhoson,) 1.164 19 j ' 3.048 01
r Ileadm.„l v 1
~ 671:17i 1,783 0.5
k & Lehigb.(T*•.,firilk Son) 0;$"16
,- -2,313 07
11t...(1 1 ) . 0 1 1 3 1;1 3I n e rCo..) e k co'
7411', 1 . 4.013
n Penna.,: 673 17 1.164 16
ark Creetf, ,• '
, j, 1,193 1 '''. 2,497 03
21didanii A ir
. ''. '' ' 85 - 01
y Railroad, ~ ' • ::- 16,193 00 ,
a; year, , , • 13,449 f"'
is of Toll and Transport ttoa on
i ,
, PHI , I. & PAWING SAIL &DAD 4 ;.
P nog Front • •
Fro ' . ''' From
Dtt.o rbott. S. tra vets .Auburto if.Crinteni,
hmnnd, I MY SL4S . $l3O $l3O
llHnt , 60 A 4.5 ' -1 T. 6 130
311115, 36 .1 30 ,1 20 'l_2o '
.gp . 94 •l a IN , " 89 • - rSo
tee of Toll and Tranksport.sqleisi
.02g Tilt LCUIII II VALLI? 11:411..X0AD. •", •
.h Chank ;Ironton, - • -$1 ft
do 1:11za • . port, • - .2 09
I. of Tail,. ~ front Zaiinich Chank.
lb Igh ;Valley nd Northern Penn. Railroads.' - '
;• ater - strevt, hlladelphia, - - sk7l
. .
;atm of Toll. &c., to Baltimore. •
blieurs of lndiriavat
ICbonpany. Osrr.%••••
unbar:, above Simmoitin, 60
I Do, below Do. 245 2IA
on"• e
o • •y 79 50
r 4 • • - • '214 '
04304 tatcooli.fil, -
C7ED WtLEL ! Si WiiUU ! zitoWP ± Ql Md '
7iYza: ~I
. - • I,eset.
natl. rends s
Philadelphia-Beading & Pottsville -11 So
Mine Hill and Schuylkill navels •.- 11 . 60
Blount Carbon - - - - - SO
/Jaunt Carbon and Poet Carbon 10 1
11111 Creek - - - - - - - 60
Lorberti Creek;- ti LO
wat*ra • ---- 4.40
_ - - - •• ..
liabi i ylk 111 Raflga ltu tio a n ill ' - 8 .. - • .i• •.•II 50
. "
preferred • - ', 60
Colon Caiml - .; ~..- - -"k - ' . ' 50
" " . preferred - - •'.; - ..-' - :50
Del.& Rairn Coaternyispittat'iCo.S . ,loo
!orris Canal Co., • . ? i • • -, - '-' - `1 00
- . + i " " . prafrrted -." - ':/C 0 )
Itiiil end & CoolCoill'plAullesi :!
• Little (1101. Riot, R. R. it - Coat Co..- i; V.
tAptilg Cool t Natlptlon CO. '' - " v
flatlet n Coal Co.. . .. , T.- • • ;
Ruck 3 n • untain Coal Co, - : .. . .. . "30
Penns Tibia Ceal AR, R. Co,_;: •• - Into
Ltblg Va ll ey R. IL Co.
Lyknit Veto Costley.- - . .- ....... I- up
Reamer 31.eadowi Cost AR. R. 00.. . i I La
Cabin Taßay Rafters& &.Ciotlea.- ... i 'XI
- ' old IComapianies s "
Pomo! mpicrvetostit - Co * - -= - :.1 25
Delay e Cost Co. - - - -' - - - 1 54'
enintiO and Coal Co. ' - - • '- ••• - , &
Piro k Coal Co.- • - - '• - • -- , I
ra Pl l l k ileo . ll . oAte ,. !a .. A!
,L . . ~, , L
yam ' • Dank .- -: • *--_ -. • • -
Potts, Iterisio CO: - • - *- -. • • *,
Pothor Viler Cs. •-•' • • • • '
Ifilla (Vast 4.42.41C0il ifloolioliikl
tboobo not odso*.t:ll . TßAlibldb7 Moll
iOiKFP 110W01001,-.II4ITIT ;V UTE 7
, l
of th* iiiouer4lnve or ik• sslrth of Esteilid etteAki 1441:.
tat* 41: 3111,Uig 1t014 24 14 . Mk by ;
iNa.2l,*„lar 52- ..1210,2:11ASSitS-
Loargeassortilient - stiay ilbunti it
ow& gamin's, or oxide to Orer stiOrfogt
stouok 11144 he otten tb• caw almiti UN, /*seat
AssikeVralso. -
,Pcotoritto. p e e. Is -. _ •
140118 E. BLANKETS I' "
"rtIST received, a optandidassortment
tI of nowt, litaNKM uldelt i the euteretber
aetiogitt 'matte reduced ;rem The public are Is.
ilted to eta aid exudes thesteer
Potuytn., De 4.21 , "I?
111,011ZI8Crt inzsrmivoltioP con =as.
.PA,PEK on the Workingiind
tilation of tbs• Coal Nines io tho -coootk%
.N.or.opmhttkad sod Durham, with DLigtams. tract At
the drueral weefloq of the - North of England bunters
of Slain?, Li:timers. ba WALEWtet'ithleh
fs added .the disrassioir of t tie various - diagrams and
picas. itaporttd anti. tut sale by
it. SANS ,
A . 4 . ! . . f , ri w da othl d
the :bat be opened a Cnatos■er cloth.
fag Starr, in liariert haireet, vat-aide, threw ducts
abnre i:ept re &net. Ile olicitstbein renewed patios•
sae. and feels confident that he ran satisfy the voted
tastes of ail, with a neatness; durability, and beauty of
waren; niumrpstsexl. -
E. T. ELLTUCti, Alifenf. -
Pottetille, Dee 21 , '49
-TA 30 YEN ILL --FESTIVAL will lie
jok Ormsbym thipaidis of the C;ikiied &Ana, od the
tu sp4- at 7 'Anna, P. M., at their *hoot Dense.
(aWand ebureh) on , Lear./ Lan, at ' , Web time - sad
vises their friends and She public are meet respectfully
invited., Tickets inak . bsd Mr. B.tylsee Drug §inre.
Centisisud 31artri street's, at the, pass Twelve
Cents. ,
The eseetires of thieTenlng will consist of. vocal
etc, addresses and featistli.s. In the aseentlute there
will be a donation fend opened to mats, lloliday ate
seats for the School. the entire proceed. will boWOOled
to the purchase of books, sinus, Jte, tor the general . use
of the Wheel, the want of which 113$ bent •. considera
ble Impediment to tbe progress of the. sphool, and the
cause of OM* inoOtlVelOirl3oo to tb., teacher. Ladies
wishing to contribute to the leediVli les Or yam - wise. who
cannot be present in perison. will Dud .isublul srpreten
tntirei in the penams of WI-Jan° Beulah and Ws lieu
rietta 3114 hors, end gentlemen in the persona of Charles
Mathews, (Lima". no. 1,) or Vt ilium Dorees.tilortitneen
Hotel.) liEtfitGE U.N. Teacher.
Dec. 24, '59. - 62-It. • •
TEE scsunacm. cousay ALas Ron
To fhe Reuorable, the Jackie, of 'the" Cowl o f
Quarter Sessionsof Schuylkill - Coaati
The undersigned apialoted by your Mier,. On 'tile
14th of September, A. 0., 1849. Auditor torts:nine wild
audit the actaluuts of the Schuylkill Co.• Alias House.,
rm i ......tfulty submit the following report
-From the very outset, and at every step during the
investigation, redone difilmalthw -were onmuntenrd in
_consequence of the very irregular and tinpertect manner
in *Each the bobby and amounts of the Intel tu: lon have
been kept. In iviap of them facts it is obvious that the
result must neermatilly prove low satisfactory than it
would bare been under kireutustsuers of a mono favor
able character. • • '
Outing the nine years, extending (rata 1840 to the
closes of labS, there was expended for permanent itn•
prorementa, the sum of $4.b.10. as follows
Three story brick house, used - as the• men.— • •
estimated cost; , - • 51500
Frame House, for Sick Ward,
Beard tines around the house, • . • -
}fag shed, . lan
Tare/ n Stable, . • .
Pig ('CO, • 160
Wall enclosing Barn Yard,loo
. •
Of these expenditures there are no means of ascertain.
lag to which year they respectively belong; and conse
quently the impossibility of fixing. the ayerage .oust of
maintaining the paupensin those yeari, will rwidily be
seea.—The totidwing statement, however. will show the
average number of paupers daring a period of ten yeas*.
togstiserwith the yearly esthuatelt, end the amottat of
indent: dreani - by tise, Directors, daring each et those
yearr, to wit: t
ltsJ—Average number of paupers, 171.- • •
' Estimate for the year. ' I - $6.500 00
• Amount of orders drawn, .8,476 00
1851—Average number of paupers, 173.
Estimate-for the year, 97.000 00
Amount of orders drawn, 8,452 :6
1852—Aversge number of paupers, 181. . -
Estmat f b
eOr te.)ear. -
, $9,700'00
i .
, - . Amount or orders diswn. 10,902 :11
1853—Average number of paupers, 2035 . . -
• f.• Estimate for the yen., . - ( $11.500 06
- Amount of orders drawn, _ 12,094 00
185 'l-41ivei•igat number of paupers, 173.
• Estimate for the year, $14,0013 00
Amount'of orders drawn. '" 1440.54
155,51Arelge numbers a paupers, 249. -. •
Xsti ate tor the hoar.. - 917.500 03
' m . A nt of errors drawn, 7 18533148
i ty th eu tt„ e e t ,
the ls you.
O e fpaupers,,2s7. s
517 :33 00
• Amount of o rders drawn, . , 2440:32 10
1837 Average number of paupers, 266.
Estimate for lb* yew.,) • ' • . $29500 00
mount of orders drawis,. ~. 24,347 85
185 'temp. number of paupers, 318.
Stima(i for the year, $30.15 , 0 04
meant of orders drawn, 25.34 27
185 Average manitsr of paupers, (estimated.) 300.
'etiolate for the,year, - - $27,500 00
Amount of orders drawn, up to Dee. 5,
which includes - I-5289845, paid on *9- •
eat of New 111)911'1a •• 26,453 78
• Tha-istlnutte of the thrortfeel. f e e th e y en , cowmen ,
Ing J. 1,18 M, :id ending JAIL 1, lstil, is as follows:
Malnife'nince. $17,500 00
Itep4l ng olitradMing. ;
j ' 1.000 00 ,
Finial ng NON 110NPI1Alt . - ' , WO 00 1
nettur lug money of -Ibm. 3111 1 er, A 111tIMIC., . 7 400 33 i
. ..------.
T Ist, • '- • 0.1003851
Sho o ifthls.e.stinutle for the coming year priSe FMB
dent, will .bow • &Tided improvement in the man
agent. I of the Meth ution.and a - reduction Iti the ex.
peodltures; highly amiable to the present !Mint of
Direct Ors• ' - _ .
-A Minute investiest of and comperlson of the at ,
counts of parches." Made for the institution, and the
order drawn in liquidation of those. puielfsies, from
January, las7,tu No vember.l6s3.invelved the same di f-
Zenith% already referred to, namely: the vague and uo.
satisfactory manner Or leorplug the books, and Itismany
Instances the entire iimeuceof specific hills or vouchers,
esie4lllated to the disbursement of sums of mon
ey mounting lu theseengete. to Many t heaven& of dot,
tars • It is proper to pentark, however: as simple justice
tot a present ofCcrra. that the. Irregularities and dfse
crop odes complained of. were. confined principally to
the ears 1557 and lkii--a new and decidedly improved
cyst m having prevailed, since the jotter part of the
year 11 , 55, ; - ' •
I the purchase of groceries. large amounts were .X.
pen ed. as irclV In this emunty as in the city ot l'ls iladel
phi - Yuma March 2, 1557; to Octalser 3. ISA orders
•wer drawn by the directors in favor of one grocery
fir ,In the city amounting In the aggregate, to live
tot mend ,seren htindred and sixty-six dollars, and
tw Ism cents, (67e.a:12,) Of this very considerable
sum net. bilis eould he found for only two thousand six
hit Al f red and sl aty dollars and eh ty-oue cents, ($26,71.0)
—1 . Ong three thousand one hundred and live dollar',
in fifty one cents, ($3101.51.) unaccounted for Nur
we •t he bills found. calculated to affoid much sativfac
if ; : u l;: i l cci lt
. 17 Al niii ms di a lr oi s ibe ho:n . by . reference 'to one, a ,
n t
co y of which less follows: -
• 17.
Fep. 21, To ? ?docchandlze, , • - . • ~.,, lan 31
oct. 10, To do - ; 137 09
oft. :M. To do ..,1 , • " ' 70 09A
1.;17.11. To , ,do . 127 57
"4, To do - ; ''• 1•18 00
1555.. • •
JO 22, To do - •
Yeib 13, To do
- 29,141 06
1.1133,1 M 04
Er. b; dc)
rta, To - do
tons, IISZO7 16
- • .
~ 11,061. 23
~.o na r ,t t i eh A i chi mf a o ri im m e . a , ,a . t p r yp L ar i mto ol h at eMi al b een t n h p e u e n x . p h a uc nd d i:
pa teniarly during the yearn 1
in eh regard to economy or the intamerts of tare people.
T f ret tide, an account war taken. &stn. an possible, of
t pricer paid per barrel, from Jan. 1. to Nov. Linn,
":: ,. i and 135 3 , without
w ! eh were careful)* compared with the books Of a re-'
i l
rpbfable dealer in Flour and Feed, In Pottsville. chow-1
ink. that the pricer paid by the dtrectora. during the tiro .
OM t Mentioned year.. ranged from'
one dollar and re'renty-five cents higher than the prices!
ruled in Pottsville, &tang the came period. for gond
Family Floor. The ermpatiron showed little, if any dif
ference in the pricer during the prerent year.
Of Anthracite Coal reveral ben red tour were par.
ehared - during the past three yeatufer which $2 37,
42 62, and 42 16 per ton. oar paid. r tellvererl at Sebnyi.
kill Ilaven; the largest rum named having been paid
fur a considentile portion of It,.
For drugs and medicines (undated to the noun: end
meal:Atter farnirhed to out-door prupeni. the rum of
49;7.7i1, was paid io one houreiu Pottsville, front Jan.l, i
'57, to rub:7. 16:3.,-istui theforther rum of 42/9 ill to al
dmirclrt of Philadelphia, from August e. l'&4, to m ay ]
19, Icall—tostking together SI iki 39, That ttirs -tatcpay.l
era of the county may be eclightroed. as to how, at least,
a portion of the above rum wad made .rip. a copy or one
of the bills rendered. and on which an order was drawn I
for the amount, is appended. aak Cows:— . ' -
. Pottrville, - berenther 3, ISM
. Schuylkill Co., Alms Ilona*. 7," '
. .. . nought of.
Jan. 4, Met ehandire,
Jan. .7, do
40,184 II
54,042 OS
Jai. 19. dri
D, 0 .
Yeti. 73, AO
Mar. 4, - do - . •
11ar. 16, do ) .."7
Mar.' 24 • do , • 1 i
Apr. 22, -do
May LI •dO
Jane )1, rte..
July. 1, 1 kat. 116 d 1 Plies.. ..iery,
cept. 15, Mtvehandl 6.
Oct. -IL 1 Bot. B. . Discovery,.
,Nov. 15, Iderebtus Lae, ' • -.-.. •
Dec. IS, do'
. . ,
Dec. 24, • do, .
County pOor bill, .
The anionttt paid for 'firer ettite, (Co
or' the farm.) *mine Me. Years 1 85
$4'197 69. and addition' to thip, durh
. . . . .
a large sant; certainly ettreeding
for fresh luof, 'applied to the Muse bl
prices paid far the beef cattle Were foot
'per cwt.; lire weight. •
• There was tat& (as theorder book abowuj tn a tray.*
lag merchant or pedlar. of - from' tteptember
15, 18h1, to
12.15.50. for tOw linen. soap, 'suits,"
de, de.. the sum of 51ffd 74." This would appear to be
a eery liberal . espendipird In - that 'particular line, seen
though the prieeepaid were Uniformly fair itad meson
able,—but of this, tbdru you'll() means of ascertaining
.- Theta various purchases ire not net forth as evidence
of fraud or eoltusion In the parties,. by any means; but
to exhibit t heloosesnd eareletermanner In which
the business bas Leen conducted, and the evident want
aserupulous and proper regard forsCoriomy or the
erect of the people. on the !part of those Interested
it It the con trid and rue gatemen t this blattlY itopor•
tent and' philanthropic Institution. . .
Although perhaps not strictly:within Hipline of duty
Wisignedto them. It may not . deemed for the
'Auditors to suggeit the. prOprlety and !reporter:K*oU
procuring' Air the Alms Howe, a set of rod substantlai,
well bound tae the. place, of the miserablei
!noisy. pepet covered things now In use. Indeed. there
Is no safety fur the records an d papers of the Institution'
Id their present condition: for In addition to the tem , 1
porary characteis of the books, they are kept lace rlekete
wooden ease, such as no business man unnld.consider a'.
proper reeptacle bf hispri vide books and totperi:.Tberis •
public records are Important, and should, be preserved
'with ordinary rata; at least : and It deer seem tbst rein
moo prodenee demands not only the - improvement end-
'gested, but the additional security of an Iron safe, In '
wbleh the books, de., tray bekept. And, as connected
'with:this abbject, It seems proper to ',refit' to the tact,,
that the inpply et water f 4.. the Rouse and' eontisnona
buildings. la entirely "dificient—Leltor barely. .safficieht 1
for Mel:ldiom' wants' Of the. establishment. In,`itte
event of a Are breahlogoot,orwhieb the danger Is 14.1
all times Imminent. there would be.nirposeibility of tone.
battifig It with ally ttattocabli hope 'of street&'., Thls
Impending Stale and hazard may be effeetuallii - gPardad
against, it last Wired, by Introducing an additiocat sup
ply of aralce front eft ample spring eikleb finwatiove tie" '
hgi *.very abort distance northwest the nets's..
'pip - 0110pol Ively trifling Obtlaf whUlt 'this' Improve
,ln*ttiltuuld rogAtiSt o 4 l , l t4 l4l 4lrqsl4:44l 3 hku" •
• •
: ••. setaidttAd. -
• •AMOS /114 PALIKW:
4 #4 15 -
;. • •
2 ( 4
4 1 9
4 1
4 "
rty 4 ,
A •Nas aliPtiaolkillo a •
n tkietl4 Itif intradiuttito*llfailit4" l .
117 ;r 1 vseavoror 1 lkniblitertiatiovribecafiresitt
Amoy liatit*Oliettir In* 146 -
neer triztOriatirs (10034 tivnit:tb.'o4ollB.4 'OA Ow -
kart pivisassmuttratit'arlesat Akistras , sothoottt
artists, -Om Tom *4 lusperimi se,.; Woad itlarkil.
iskrear s gitt •11014 satOrmist•lik ! Pdce. SW,
• - MAN ordralltioit or .
CAN Perh - 111, with strintrudelatiou bylientri Omen,: A.
Lemur of Znallsh Litentute lathe iltitroraity
Patinsilranitt: Richly illustrated with' artc„headned
steel angrasino. (Waled upon the same pages with tke
letter preiMi .setly irons original designs by eatbsent
,artists. Dna Ssame. de., bound .in .Turtray lemeneect,-
gilt and gilt aftrootatlque style. Prilm,Stit.
*Es NET% O)AMOGY. Geology for Terhers, thuriee,,,"
and Private Students. DT newborn Teuney t irectriner In
Physical Geography and 'natural Itittiory.tu the Maus
rhusette l'aoherse Institute. 1 val., lastas; Alegantly
illattrsted Bithino hangradeugaaelogs; Prima, ra:
nowirs IiZADAIL - The bailee Bender, de:
signed for %brims of Ladies' &beets and Family Read-
Ica Circles, et*aprislo t choice selections train staudaxd
authors In Press, and Poetty, with the eosin, la! rates of
Zkeuthm simplit e t and arranged for strictly pracileal
use. By John W. d. Lions, 'Prokssor of auction, au
.. thor of Etscationist," *The Ella
elan Baader." I solemn, 12mo, 41.45 - pages., Price. lilt
of, she Constitittivn at the Culled States. designed as a
manval of instruction.. lty Money Flanders. author of
.The Use , add Titnes of the Chief Firrtires." 1 sal,
num- , 312 peps. Pr* SI cents. •
First Leenous GeArlaphy. ibryoung children. designed
alt intro to the author's Primary Geography.
'By S. Augustin Mitchell. author Ma series of GenntaPtl-.
. teal Wane; Illustrated with-flaps nod ontuerous Engra
vings: 3. Nottiirdno., equate,. Price, 21 cents. - •
—I trot. quaito, wilti 23 new maps on steel, engraved es
pressir torthls worit,aut3 numerous engravings illus.
Ladle; the sittlert. In answer to - the numerous tenni.
ries that bare been Weds . for.thls work, the publisher*
are now unabilid to promlas :it on the. Bret of January
next. Th e y Wiese it will more than equal the high
expectations that hive been formed of It.
.. • • -
Iscrk,ntilett 13 entirely new, is In such * state of for.
wanton,- that we are enabled to announce it for paid.
cation on the'fist et Dixember. • . , •
dfw nti : eiter. mid. wilt 6e - - rendi the prate** =milk
snehtrA taws ellellinitY.—The Principles of
Chemistry Idastratral by Simple Esperimeute: By Dr.
Julius Adolph Stockhartlt. Professor in the Itoyal Acad.
emy at Tharand,and Itnyal inspector of Meficine in
Saxony. Translated by O. IL Pearce, 31. D., of Cane ,
bridge, and an introduction by E. N. Ilorsfuril, Ilumfcrd
Protestor le the University at Cambridge.
COOKE'S CIIESPI"3L PftOI3I.ENIS.--themleal Proltt
lama and Reactions, accompany Stockhardesilientent*
of Chertiletry. By Joseph P. Coulte,'J r. . • -
—Kssayaon the Intellectual Powers of Man. By 'rho
tuts Med. D. D.. W. 11. P. E. Abridged with notes and
inw-tratiou% from Sir William Matelot) and cetera. ey
J-noes Waltzer, D. D..Presidenrof Harvard College, and
.ProL.ssor uf Intellectual and !Bend Philosophy In the
same. . •
' WALKER'S srpwAnrs iltprzeocur.—Tbe Phl,
look;phy of the Active and SlOnd poterrt of Man. Hi
Dottlld er Y
.wart. Y. R. S. S.. Lo on awl Sal obtirr. Me.
riser. with additlone and oral lone. , It y James - Walker.
D. D.,- l'resldent of Ilarrortt loile:e. and Protemcenf
Intollrctual and Moral Phil ' hv lu the Janne—
• IL li. Itirmot a CO. - - - -r
13 South /fourth street. Phltura. ,
December 24.13 f. 2.21
a A.p S
County,l3l,h,ean tr I°rcetl 121
tiTterdFra=r Fate 4- :TATNSI
Ca-Three Asps in dtirets,, esu ba sent by mall to those'
who detlni them. -
• 130V - S' SLEDV,
SLEDS! “0.1 S 2 SLEDS!
- - Cot: Centre sod 'Mart. t street..
and PLAIN, T in , Walnut,
and Ilatmgony Mneklng Bird edges. Alumni . and
m Seed, Bath Tarn. &e.. at .
6t- ' ' Cor. Centre and Market at rents. .
*MESTER% DICTIONARY—PictoriaI Edition.
- rust published—A New Revised and
esiaroa wiiinu Wellitefit Qitatio Victlusitry,
with numerousPlrtorial Iltubtrationp.
For ink at
JUSir•ItECEIVED, for the HOU
PI DAYS, a variety of new - patterns of Knives and
F or k, rich tp.,,,„ Ceres. lvOry and Bone Handles, at
prices to 'salt the these. at-
61- -
. E'er. Centre a d Market streets.
NT EW P A*l."l' ERN S,-Au sets, or
sanely.". Table Mats, Van Della Fine Fe;ther bust
ers. Old Keystone Coffee. and Tea Puts; and 4 Oils Viliky
of Britannia Table Croton, stilt Cut Millet, at
pint:arra: et 1 . 11451K5G:17,
61- Cor.t.lentre and Market streets.
pia: Subscriber will receive choice
:Plante and protect thtm during Winter: In Ma
Green house, and return them attain in tiie spring. If
desired, his Gardener will attend to taking' u p the Plante
and flower Pots parches... 4. MA-IMM •
Nor. 12,'69 • 49-
-" -
41 this date devote his entire attention to
the DoottstrY "busloesS. Ofltee—Ntahatdon. a !"..„ .
R.) strget adjoining the rake of the Pottsvil ' ,._ l/saes
Gag Works. lie solicits a conttntuture of the patronage
heretofore so liberally accordedhint, to hit pseresatee.
April 9,185 i lb-tf
thryoods a n airocery !tor.
T HE `.undersigned - - has ,_
opened a New ' Dry Hoods and Oro.
, eery St , re. in the building on Centre ! '_.'i . .
' street. heat to regm's H -
Hotel. formerly oc- ' !'
Oenpied by Stillman d Chtunhers, where ----2 ---,----- •
all }dn'd a of Goode will be sold/ at • unusually low ralts
..... . _
Pottsville. July iti., , o. , •2l, ti
A. CAPr 7 'A,II: LIT'II.E BOOK, , by
which wages from $t uplio 525 per week ran be no.
cermined by a turn. gloom at 'hi page% from 1 clay up to
Sttleys and feat Pone of a day. for the use of Clerics,
Time Keepete. Pay Masters. As, to which is *died a
Iteltdy Caleulatlng Interest T i lble,—.l he only work of the
kind issued lu,t he DO. d Mates. J u-t published and
ter sale wh.desileaild retail Cy • D. BA i' , INAN,
.Crr-Pedlers will Bud thin a, Topital work to 6.111, wher
ever men are employed and irises Calculated. ,
Pottevitle, Sept. 3459 ifq 1 MS
jANCING ACA DE NI the 'ricvn
Mall. PAtsville.—Pil.4. 'F.STOUCI.I has the hon-
or to announce In hi. old friends and torm;r patenna of
Pott-ville. that he will open his DANCINII ACADEMY
at the above Half. see the ensnlng winter, for tole in
struelhin of poplin In the :merle unshed Art of Dinclne.
commencing Tlfursdly. NYC=r 8; 1•59, when he will,
in addiftou to the old and far ite Quadrilles . Polkas, Fr
Schottische. and Masourki. in mince a number of
!minding tho Trent+ Lstotere. the Celedontsn. to popvt-
Tar Scotch Quadrille, as &need In L'arie,) the Galtop,and
the Deux Temps Schostt eh... %.
.ChASS, DAIS AND litMlitet—Tiaredars and Fridays.
Dem 3to 5 P. M.. for Lattice, Misses and Masters; and
Preen Ato 10 o'clock In the evening for Gentlemen,-
Terms, $3 fordbe mutton ,
Nor, :A, '59 . . '49- t
Eirkr L t stmt. fable" gth. soot", side:l Philad'a.
fins. just opened their Elegant Asecartineng of
Faroe menteseturad under their lonnedg•
ate superrision. Inds fellitB selected with %.
•the greatest of eaee front the It rg:est • stags r{^ . ";•.``4l•
of the European Market, embracing every
variety, shd at yl 0 of
~A Lidice! and Children , . Wear.
These rurchar.i ntr early will have the benefit of a lar
ger selection. Ile.idra the above gootla. we hive e flbe
rtent of 1117VVAIA) howls, GENTLEMEN'S FEE
4WThe triers for all these Mods are at a lower flatus
than they mile bought anywhere elm in the city. .
" -. • . " No. Alt Market target. Phildelphia.
.11.:—IVES altered and repaired, and' FUR TRIM
MINOS Made to order. '
Noe. A,'o9 , [October I. `,1,9 404m] , 4jr ;
in 1852. Cug the he e. S. Xelci -
Sfrilheg Poeitirefa on the Dtly Ail eriieed.
51A2 PASS'kS Ec h e
..,ntcilpp.isu tr ! .„
ltou toui burthen,—J. I). Witter, Commander,—le nev
at her Berth with's lame POlllOl3 of her carp onitaSed.
and win positively mil for Melbourne, direct, on 40th
' , January. I+Bo.
The "OM PfilEß" Is a etrictlY A I Alp; of Clipper Mo.
del., and a remarkably fast Falter, nd ta expected tn make'
the pasta :0 lasi& of Eighty days.
•!. Bates of Passage. •
First.Calrin saloon. V.MO; Second Cabin. $l6ll.
Children to anus, free; over two years and under
t welre,half -
For Yndett or Paeruse.apply onboard. or to
It. W. CAMELON, 0 itowlin4 Own. New York.
$ AO
1L 49
5 /4
-2 50
^1 00
42 '4
13 13
13 31
1 00
0 341
1 00
Bight Billefor ale. dud cab AdValleal 0111461 on ton (
gign meats.
Consignee. In Anft Wl*: Nears, Wilkinson. rime. Alai.
December 17.'39 Pipe 12,
.24 lyl .51-
variety or the latest
and most reliable Worka.eochirising—:
cliatont's American Garden . itig. r evived eilitioa.
Bridierll3ol Young Gardener a Assistant.
Dooming's IluraiEssays.
do .Fralts and !visit Trees of Attairrica., : .
• Joheten's Dietinnery ortiartieuing.
Berry a Fruit Barden. •
Lindiey's llr rticultare. • • .
Johoeton'eAgrirnittiral Chemist-'.
Thorn:1108 Amerimn Fruit Cult oriel - .
TreatiPt on the Grape.
Thomas* Farm 'implement!, IVO Engravings.
• Mike's American Farmer. - • ,
EnsitiVe Landreage Gardening. • ,
J Bolsi* American Pirmer Garden Dirreynry.
Datriting'aLadies`•Butnietnirm loth° rimier Gulag',
Gertinnee Fartnere',Bietiefino, , . ,
iteill's lernit,Jinerer and Barbet) Garden. • ,
Dana's Muck lie anal.
Brbrrne eField Book of Manure*, • ' -
Tb erten:tem, a pocket, mental of practical lirgtieni
' , The Farm, do dos . - do Agelettlittre;
ltaeb's Progreesire Fanner.. .. •
.- •
:The "'toilers sod Frißt Cnitivator's Gold.. ~, • ,
Bennett's l'otittry Book. .. , • . •
Browne'. American Poultry Tani.
Bermett* . Amerigen, Poulterer's Companion, - Ae.' -
' ir.a satiety or liardeiv rteplemente,cl.tba hat
quality. : ;Or mde :.• •• B. BANN:LB% -.
- . '•• Book and Emil Store—
t I IIE subscribSrAuforms. is Custom
tom that notwithstandisig the general - dullness of
t Motes. be has provided be their inspeatlon • .
A Large and Well Assorted Stack.
FOR 271F1 - C (I.M IN G Lf 0-L IDA FA
Misting that the 1111 CY I.o* tRICPI it srlikh they will be
, dieted olit.twro an itidneetnent RA, porebaseCll.lllBT
11l A STRESEYES, ' : •• -
The outwietratit misprints
win ARV P,DITT ONSO V' Tit It VISE A LTEioflB . „'
• : • ' BIBLES OF ALL SIZES, _ .'", • •
-Air: stile of Ittliding, nit s bli act irellicx . Me
,Poclurt ,
. • , r ' •as for ramify . 111.0.
' - •; ' - ' PRAYER' DOORS. "" ' ' - '
of etslotii irises int styles of Iliridin#4l ',chit, Cal 4
, .... . . .
~ britytestso, Lattice= ard ,Mettallict; to ells int&
AI col Urge Arloorttriout:litreMir tektite', , sway, of
.hloti Ono wispted for ecioliif Irbool - Pretoloolivo To.
efets - litAltaism PiffilLl* l / 4 1 /4 . lii Wes: mid ttilliet
Muc44tOolt Piety kilis: ' •' - o.ltassAtt, --
~.'... ickoyibssaffeßaOittrittsiairei
' tstelliesli'. - -.' - -- •' 'so, -- -
At Pies
Dick and Stationery store
, For 1639.60.
- '!ilotiiii : •?t§*),`,.*:d::" . ;''''
, -4 • '; iLltila *Os
E 'WAVERLY 41.0VEL S , bu u h ~ !
0;1 , -Theik,sugfavtivithi.,
UNCIT, Sadv, - Water, Sweet„ Gin
-1.4 par withi enteket‘ s. v.:rated *esti *very ;nook
boos Vblbutaiptila. by . Z 4, X. BEATTY.
Itttstilledaly 15, ,59
.LVERTVABLIM—Teti Ow' Stile:- Prtie. - eiab ,
I:tits each, Just pa4ilshe4,land fur sale st hyleictle
tad Walt, - • ;11"1104.015,
TAet ith,R i e D E I NV B O B 1 4 1 1 1 1 ABS T , and
also the 011,, maybe hand at GEORGE Itltle UT'S
limdiesre Stem Ala -Call and examine them.
Pottsville, liovem be r Id. '49 44'
I I. ; • M. • BEATTY -bas received and
. for sale. very ebotee Sleek and Omen Toss,
art h she otters to hoe midtown at fair ndes. •
Yottsshle. ley 14. We • -
ifiatTsibtED =sunEsTha scaaiti
A Lcorrs Slate and Blick.Beand
LIL exnettesew miaow* emits! Una Ihr Teselum;
for .41.6 ctrl low, At IL BANNA/Ct Zino , stort.
Noy. 19, '5% ,
?Wit Stt and GEUSIAN ALMA.
11 Wee! ftri7PBo. ditterette kind', now In 3
pwrampers rapplit4 at kw Ofers, br the dwsesi of
Dec 3,'19 . B. 1115.111.15., Centre shwa.
. . 40.
The subieribir. hiTTng ertnlnaneed
the Upholstering prepared
to execute' all orders to Ids floe, to
the best titan ner, at lost prima. MIA& Iett.POLT.
• Cent I'VP St, near Geo. B.llepp liees Resident*.
Pottsville, Nevetotere , 39
A Suitable Present for the Holidays.
rriIESE • sewiug Machines can be
L worked by soy person with two minutes %erste
tyat, taste as good work as the more expensive article*.
and the low peLoa . Owen them within the reach of eta*
body.. For sale by It. 11 alc.
• ' Bole Agent for Sitter 'kill County.
:GEORGE W. Z11111EitillAN; Man
lug 4464144 re; Na. Sat 'ASCII &mat 4*ll. Savaad.)':
SS-Constantly nn hunts general assortment,. the
lowest CASH
N. 13.-0111 Min& repaired and trltnned: equal tot. W.
itatdripbfit, &mei:o4.r 24. '39 3t# Zinn'
SEMIINC _...... _ ___..
P mu OUI3I. 4 E LOCK hit —ST C
D H—Veiy
pimple and
darn Dot ntr.l or pull out , or
the gorils.ulitut wantied—s ill on any kind of
material, from tidy enrol of cotton, I dread, or 'llk, soli
at the stores. mmeltnee rarranted to kern In hood order
for one. sear. Inetrocoionn given (rye of charge. Call
and get a Circular, and nee them in opera' lon.ut
Fa- • ! Col% Centre and Starlet streets.
ITHE subscriber . , is authorized
''tn take Psuotengers iy *tnatners to and
&pin Europa In the It'd and second elassand a so n
steerage at (ho lowest nstes. A Sttetturrsant front New
t york for Liverpool Co the 'Nth Soo. Fln4 CIAPS Pas
sengers. Vl—Third Clam Vtdr. found In Provlslous.
Passengers also brought out by ateamera. Apply to
Who also sells drafts ott /Camps in sums of £1 and
upwards. - March 11.'09 It
or title Bletn.ey
rr It 0 I/ S A ND S of SANFORD'S
every Winter to. cheer with their genial warmth the
happy owner 4.• whet* Ovulates are not angel- by
thouchle of a heavy bill Or fuel. •
and with very little mai. burniep Bic gases and 0.X.-e
totth no clinkers. Just the thing for Dwelling House,
Churches, 'Hotels: h , •&r.t •
SET in BRICK, A• on the Pantie principirond la just as
ecumenical and satislactery:
'ls the most powerfUl heaths 2 .triwe kLown, for all plagies
where great heat Is wonted. All who wish to knew
mire eon receive fp, n book whh full deseriptlou and
overwhelming testimony, by writing to
=.) Ira , er .51:ert. :Too Terl4
Who also manufacture the selehraled `GONFIDENCE"
'every variety of Stoves, for wood or COAL suited -to all
iretf3Dl. • (Supt. 24. •:.9 ' l }-31ulf. "
1 0,018=LiFicE oa
" ft, "
ThinGtebrated%CashingSoap ie. now in marki s for
more than a ow, and that it has eivon universal stip.
faction, is evident from thei fart, that tint manufacturers
of It, in ordorto supply the deinand.,have been obliged
to lnerea. their rapacity to make equal to One 'lunar.'
Thow.nds Nimds per week. it 14 decidediy th¢
and cheapest Sottp ever made in this country; OnterMitod
of it will rn 'ls far, for any 11Fe:1111 Three of the Cowmen
So,p in general nxe. It is made upon a new 'principle,
of the but materials, and ktiown only to VAN 'II ‘.1.11E14
4VIII6I{EONE. It does away entirrif with the wash - Mani
--lave% the tierce-14 , of boiling the clothes. it 'doom net
shrink Flannel: remoras area le. Ink or Paint Spa c, per.
seedy, and from the moat delicate fabric:eaves fully
one half the time and lah,r waxily spent to do the
wasbirg. It is warranted free from SAL Soot. ne other
inliarlorta alkalies, and guaranteed not to rut er injure
the clothes.
iCarPor sale by all respectable Grocers:, and Irbracalle
by k 3.IrKIXONE,
NOR. Z! and 24 South Wharves. PIIILAIY,4:
ifirCisation 1...... There Is-In7 several Imitaiten
brands , ol Ditt'ersien Corp In market. the public are noti
fied that none Is genuine exert.t "Van Haagen ,t . ' Me.
Krone" is stamped upon eseh bar of tee S , well at
on the bond.! . 11/Set:tuber 3, 'i 9 ' 493 m
66 GE3 S of Italian Alosic' —ltoti-;
di terlia.
• "Robert le plablC—B6llik. . . i ..,
'Les lluttureots'e— ",
"The Cry Ittel Sef; " ' with brilliant' ratiatlons--Dellik.
"Sweet Me Morles"—Beekel. 1
• i
"Tbe Itlystertes"—Ponlsett I. - !
!'Penobscot Polk.'—Sports.- ,
"Cry:Mal : Schott lseh"—llellale . ..
- 1
'Twlekllne; Star Waltr."—ltellak. ' .
"DoutinOGallop"-4 - , :
"Wake Theo. Dearest," from II Trorsforel—Verdi. f
••On the Cold Sluvernf the St raneer"—ltelli nI. /
"Anthem, '7,3, l', - ...f ..eGed In the iiillillefs',-KingStry..
"0. be.. 103 fat in the Led ~II ye L‘ndt."— '.
tq're Itrou,iht Thee Sh Iry Leat:"— Wood i '
"Adieu to the Alge. "
......_ ,--. .
. .
, •tiondoletfe
"linturn l / 4 .oure rrika"—Eellak.
"The ittAitry P;i4a"—}:s.l‘.ll.3 de Lisle.
.-Nat n Slund the 11111"'—ltomad
.. - . .. - . •
• , Dearrst Girl. be
ineTM—Herkrt. . •
uSotooth int% Tv nnnnt Help Littne*Tnylor.
‘‘..leseJe Ferreera ' ket. . ' ,• .' ,- "
• oliantlarrifr .1.1•41.4 Co I llorts"—Ceekel.
"F,1 1 " wire Walls;'--11101ak. . \..
ru r -Fe hot t f reler,--rorter - , -• '
"I'd be your ShndowV--Baßey. t
"I,lnrcule by my BM* l'olka"—BeU.A., '
4..lW:ea:ore ]larch"—allo'.
4 int publlrbed, andlot axle at B. ANNA:VS,
1 .. ' 4ntre,Btroet
CELE 134.1.'T1ED
ill'Ll:c 6 ll. - .E'dllSeds'iosiATiaEllyN ik l . l ye E: f i t i rl fi h ' ;
and Chlldreti's Boots cud Sheet. ..• .
An Impr o vement ban brou spplks to Mots and
Shoes. by ltliarh a Facing of expense h the entu r ou ve r,or
two-thirds, iirealized, by act nti rape want.
Conxistrrof a piers of .ropper or wiser ndrertinetltde Rev
tedal. neatly hastened to the toe hf he !not or shoe.
formbli a e o r3P ll oe imAretton. Thix invention h. now
presented to the public, with Cho in !eat knowledge of
its lose ties , utility, haring been text orer . two
and Is destined entirely to poperxed the old style, for
Chifdren's. 114 4104 rnutta I,%gt and 87,nelt
The Idlindanceni thit Invention 111 be 'readily e*
predated, as it Is well known that c ildren Invariably
wear out their book and shod , ' t at lie Toe,
end; with this protection. they will 'upon en nveranw
weir nt hest two or three time. as In gan the old style,
while the ripen.. is vor A Min, MORE.
This in vention in alto enpaelnily no alcable to Miners'
Soots. and alt occupations sohjecting the toe or the boot
oboe to be cnt or worn.
Sterelsants. and tha pahlle general], . will eft the int.
partanee at obtaining t bean gnade 1.. m.dlately.aa they
are destined. forgeneeal ace. to PU per ale all at her kinds.
The Geode may be obtained at ne rly all the -whole
sale dealers in the principal ell lee. a ot the anhacrlbers.
'-' Cil.lBll. McKINS .Y 4 ( 1 0..Bartan. '
' ' (Owan iaa or rut PATI:N.X.) , • ,
Anignat 13.'49•
; -33.6 m
..-,.. • • •
,--..%.----- , ...:,:•••,.......H.
..' : THE NEW. YORK T - IRUNE. - -
Prephre for rite Great Political ampaigo V 1860..
4 •
. ' INDUCEMENTS T 1 CLui , A' , . -
NOT,. Is the.Ttme to II bseritte. . •
Thu:TM BUN E—now wore than el4bteen year,. old ,
and b'lng over a quarter •of a nd lou anbr•eribeii. or
ennetant purthavers, dplnsed Harm h every State end
Tenitury of our Union—will gentlnne to pv4oDcg, what
It has been—the earnest chain riottAt Liberty, Pmgrefw,
wool of whatever win conduce to onenaltanal growth itt
,Virtue, p.m:Harr. Knowledge. and Presperltv•
printedon a mraelittlwrial sheet, and publish - eel every
morning and evening tdotelay excepted), it contains
Editorials tm the toplmt of the tinier, employing' a large
corps of thabert newspaper Titers of the . day; Dogma
tie and Foreign Correspondence; Proceedings. ot COO.
grata; Reverie of Lecturrp; 'City ?Vero; Cattle, Horse,'
and Prudum Markets; Reviews of Books e rau
tent - genee t repent on Mechanic. and the Arts. Cookery.
de, de: WO i.tetve to make the TRIBUNE a riestrlmr 7
to meet the same of the public—it. Telegraphic dews
aloe. eostim.; mer slli,ooo per AMMO].
TUB DM IX 'MIMI'S N mall-d to subseriberN at SG
"t 4411 ht
4 1;MT !hllll7-4ittrlilnluLTßlßUNE
la,publlshrri every Tommy and Farrar: end contain all
the Editorials of the betty. with the Cattle. Rome. and
Generalliarkebr. reliably rep nted equably fur vue
TlititUNE: Notices of New inventions. Foreign .and
Domestic Correspondence, A rt felt" on Cookery , and der-
Ins the tressions of. Congress it contain" a summary of
Congressional doings, with 1 he mocr important 'creches.
We shall. u heretofore, make Tilt tiRSIIIMECKLY
TRIBUNE a Literary, as politirai neorpaper,
and;we are dstermlned that it shalt remain In the Irma
rank of family papers. -
I Copy, one year, ea 00 O Copies, one year. el 1 IS
2 year. .'3O- 00 I IQ do Prone. adds - m. 2 0. 00
Any Person seeding us a club of. tweet" or toser, , wlll
be rotttbsi to an - extraroPy. , -For a club of forty wenn!
mud Tha Daily Tribune one, year... .
TUg page
a large eight paper for the . country, is published
every Saturday. and contains Editorial* no the larpor•
(ant topics of the time*, the Dews of the Week, Interest
Ina eort**llf odeoeu (join all Part" of the wbrid. the Now
'fork (*tie Herne. and -Pruden! Market*, • lotetratto)s
and ce at le , Political, 31ertmolcal, anti AgrleultutflUti .
clue Paperson.Cookery, he.. he.
We "NM,' dorintJbla year, as hitherto. constantly
labor to improve the nimbler of the . Instrurtire enter
tainment afforded by TII JIM:BELT TRIBUNE. with*
we intend, *hall &Winne to be_t ha held Family Weekly
Neaspaper publltted to the World. We lettagther tim
Cattle Market Roods alone richly wortb to Amble railer
loarlmitlefiftioe VIP!. -
. . . , .
COM Tegi sae year, 22 rib's Ceitios, 004 year , 'OS;
Three (moue year. 6 1 Ton Ottples.ose.yoar i 12 ;
Notary optiesaa ewe oddly's. ...- Mitt
Twenty (kyles, to address of mot se2scraer t „ ...- AK;
Any person rending ma dab of Testey,or tam% sttl!
%a/utility! to as gain enter. Tor a clatter forty. so
Slit mend THE litellli22l2l.T 11111t1M4 ant Gar s'
dub of Ono flutultu4 'VOA PA/14. 74.1tUNV.. 1141 b.:
stag gratis. - - ' ••, -• , --• • . ... ~
`,.• • kiblieriptlins Slay namanneola any tbnev Tonna al.,
Rays nab to adranes. A 1116410." ti, borethtsessatt to: .
1102ACK MUTT 2 0/1 i ; VMS/Ss Itsl l ol4o,- 2 i
81- Nowaselt... •
DIGIT, 9"'l ''' •,, 11/I”Vatrsl4l. .., . i
111.1•••• ME
$ 4
,:.,.....,..., tl 0 . ~.. :
i --4 —;- L -
A 'wont tAt tag, veaptug
zilau hltaii`eMeireta nit • 'in duit,Tiand haat
:. up empthiug. elfrisa.-414617 0 *Teed one to Dee
lays a wen ta let- We ite ref *babas. If she ,
'netihi net reedsee tt. l'at. salsa t b.. na...ssixs
. . .. **4 Vesbal Atom
. Itildt and see theft.' • ' ,- -' ,
EtITING, twin netiv Ott al - -‘ 4 „ 4 .
op. enrbe opined .idi t ski . ,
tor' day, Amp **Ma dldle for the • 1
squelli did.dato thine be b e Lbee of lotatineee wag be 1
' the war that thelkaaihrlphil Itaihato .Surd; sal we
he baiettabilellet4itteteASll lyideat egristiadir, telit De
able to sell as Mimi ie any editor perm sum* bribe
baztimes. :-, 7 11',,tteelibe, impr.a. 'aik asti".... •
iiiii,s4 t .._.
rinpH. AilarSetentarßlii,-
t A Diet tota:i ormtital)tinutear•ftiv eh! Propli..
vadat th. Arts And , SehliencOoVesPbY
Nat.ral Ulatory. ie.. paill*lied 17. Zostuirtagt and
Ida o~ putedatint to OtiOntlo7 rat% fries, LI
mito to tto rontrdiThi 6) SO tits; lamb* ottOetovols
v - g r Fos. ' Nos.! too note nO4 and' stanorlritidika
eel , at , I 11ANNASI'd flawhierr.
tt vale: 5t9124..1
Stichter &
F.:sm olt:iron /
_ LB 919
coile T Centre and** "Sign 14 to airs”
skri r T n t"' 1)1":-
42 To timed fit i jse SAithern and Weateim Staten/
I **- 0
Es: e rale or - ' ,i
i. A: New an V a luable Work. i
Totalablort Esteedy.kteeloy t tor a Ntuorotor Tame
'Alte. business la Weill re* Ole. profitable awl plow ,
an!, allrerdinx a Sae opyantahltY to see the Onts'atry, and
at the gab" Woe:raining as. handisonle !Demo or fro:
Wilk to EMU? liti :4 kitlia DOLLARS A. V EA 11, Cbar
of all Etpwafte. and ,y, t n e Itts extra axertino. wren
re*h 8100 . 0 or sl2nove soonest The meinlalte acquire
Ints ' Ire a V K 'd "2"4 t'n Od ' Acition,binduesgb bits and
a gentlemanly addyelas sleep !with energy, odustry,
neiseveranteand aeon. -y, 71 Inure gnomes. Address,
tor, felt writ:okra, , . • ... . jAosiu **K s
We- In, '&"t US. .‘ ! - Philadelpl la. hi
WEStER A rips.
rIIHE tIN DEItS 'G NEU, - AR= t for
kltnylkill.Corbo , L. e.Columblv. °ethane
ltd.trfinde c;,o'n,. ,;.n, , ,,eicff.,;, - ...r•r,,,i'slfuuliV,ln,
and Missouri, for castbloro 'll . FOC fUrtlit.r Informs,
title write u , l enclose iront4e tamp. to
1 ROB l'. PATON. Agt.
lneravllle, SebnylWl roc. J zi.112,19 - -
r lit E Subscrib/ ;will sell at \ Public
rule In ftrnt of Or ronriNylranLi
. 11.1111 in Nita
? .on Tuesday, the ltd Oil*: Jarinaryodlll4 that vai
n blow trart of Coal add 'Molter Land, known as' the
.. lidan stay" tract. lylnil. huller torrusbi and eon.
taluing shoed three bundted and seventy- ,Ine arm.
Tip It trite adj,los lanai of rite Verret Iropo.v. eut COM.
pant and Varga Dloantrluteo 11 Co., Is boa liy covered
with timber aid ii «upp.sed tO be underlaid with vats.
able le•da of 041. Any lit.lbrtnallon In r frd to this
Lthd can be obtained from Sr i damtud Les in Potts.
• Tertna one bill rash. Imbibed In . twelve m
day of mat Warred ps/Meilt to be spenri
and mortgage. . , I ~A . G. 110 -
Dereoutrer 10,13 ' r
SCHERTLE'II 'OoUSA!. on • Retain
C. Pottsville, 'II , .
. b. ,.
41,1r 4 k
door:Port Iligh ST ; .I,e , — _,":7' .i , ..A.
imp...did:d i oppei ite to A
the Addle School M use. -, IN 7. i..-'
The baldness !sexton-, -• ""
sivrly rallied on at the ic k -:.-- " --7, - -
shove named stand. 1 - 7 - ---- - - —'
,The 'lnbar riber halt w 2 4 7 1:
just returned from the li. ' '
&stern Cities with a lame assortment of, Interflooda.
. Atumg - his asportmenq %hay be found HOOTS and
9 IOLB, LSllfee and !WNW 0 A ITERS. OA 1130.4 of all
k ode and stylei for Also, Children' 6110E4 of
v A tl n Qu alot i r n tntnt of IL F.Y ° rux's , reading ork Coati'
aird Shoes;.Witer Proof 'tants: Calf and 1p Hoots for
Boys; as also. a great•il fararlety of Gnus MI oes. '
My arratmeMents w hinanuturers a such that
nilwherecan.ahors leen) leheaver for CAM than In the
a 'ore place 'A lone o.hesletice In the 1 alneinteand
t e fact that the best l i workmen Cr. empinybd. guaran
I ea the Trat emit. I la dares are as' lrw. If not Inver,
than stany other Wale Nat cda ho found. ()atlantic:.
at for younwlree. ' ! -
4,o4:specladattent an ald to the tale of Children's
Steel with METALLIC IFS, of which a trent 'fillet,
li on hand. , D. SCIIERTLE.
Pottsallto.tlct..ber ^9. '1 i -..' • i 'at em
Front ill aections.4 the
,tenpulai Art lost I tit ion .Into
• ' ihg received In a raga lArap
ifrevinus -year. -: ." ,. .
.4wy prr.on ran lomat a Meister. by satAcrildny $3,
1 : - vonictt V.I 'L YITTLY.I4:2! TO
Ist—The beautiful in) I Engraving, -Shakareare and'
Ills Frlmll." -
2!rte-A Copy of the El gently Illustrated Art Jolrnal.
I . . one yeer. .
• 3itte-rit Free Season &Maslen to the Galleries!
. Itroadway. New Pork. •,tit
In addition to which. or r ix Autuirrd valuable Burka
tit Art are trims to sub ' it ••ra am Premium* compri!ing
choice Paintings, Sculpt r, Outlines. Ac., by the flat
American and Fenian rt sts.
Tug IMTIZEI'EXCIANI , hich every sithwriber will
receive finmediot Pr on ee it'd of ettlecrintioo. entitled
Is of a character to Klee o notified pleasoce and Sails
• fie inn, No work of eq al ''Atte was ever isifore placed
within reach of the peoille t such a prlee. The roma.
in la of very tante size to or printed on heavy plate
paper. 1h bv - ZI!! Inches.
„skina a most surer!? ornament
nuitatle for the' walla It /Ither the library, parlor, or
• It ran be sent to any „part of the country, by mall.
-with as fetY,heltin,paclicell in a cylinder. poste go preptit.
Think of it.t - Such a tenark delivered free of charge.
and ti.. Art Joanna. on year, for-three dollars!
SUBSCRIPTIONS wit be received until the Evening
-at Tocadaytthe 31st of unary - . ttOp, at „which time eAi
Mobs will close and the :Premiums largiven'ito salami.
hers. . , I 1. .
No person la rntrict to a aim la ruhscil piton, Those
retulttiom $l5 are entttt to ale memberahlis..
I 'Subscriptions from Merida, the Canatias, and all
Fon,lati Pmvioces. ro us LIP 19 Instead of s3,ln a der,
. .
to - defray extra postatn, •.t r. ,
Persons wishing to fe nr clubs will appli fora drew.
tar of terms, Ac.
:Ile beautifully Ill„ !rated Art lourinti. gtriou full
particulars, will be sea on receipt of 15 reit., in stamp*
or role. •
AtiJecsi C. I DEIIIII'..At Nero C .t. A..
• . A4G . rno4SPI BR OAD II A r;.,vno .11:3*...
Eubaerlptions also r eked by . •
. .
1. - - Hon. ST. fur .s:l4uyt , it! 1.".-tst•ty,
11ec..1„ '52 : li • ' 49.
~ - ''it -1.915(7.9 .11EftNIORP', Civil! En
,, lA_ Weer. TRE3Itt. I', tie/milk Illfronity. PA . oil
-attend to the rations d !les of Ibo prelmedon. Daring
Upwards ct 30 years esperietice, tatters 1111enelt that he
can render salltfartioti4 . .
dins a large orate: ot 7..4(mo:daft. ishi , h will he
Kindly shotrit. Extract from a few of which are liere•
with submitted:,
, .
(Eztract of letter:from film Aswea I. troct z dated, free
. dem, :tail *eptember, P•Zi-1:1
"Wavier, been cease' area with yem fir several years
in the construction of tthe moat ditticult !mart ot-the
Peon's. Canal. it Tires r pleasure to state that while
acting as one cf bar pri tape, pee' tuft
sati.factfon to all eon .rned. end• was'o•74.ldered as a
competent, efficient at faithful crater. an I -think not
• Inferior to any upon our public works at Ott time." .
(Et:tractor-letter from .I,,t•tos It. Szttis. Esq.!dated. now..
• , ' ling Omen. listituci,y. Oct] a Inenite.c of the 1.,,n1 of Internal Improvement'
of liy.. and President 'Of 'Poi brird of Orem! k Varner
Elver commie/4(44g5. 'Atr.! Livermore we; employed by
- me to superintend rut Chief Engineer the linedt stark.
water upon Green A niirner liver. 1o • toskitt tfie $4.
leCll.lllor3lr. L. wholtia an entire slrauver to me at
, that nom I iris itildtd by dent!. Lacoett of the P.ein'a.
putilic works, . Ills toetirtionrin tir,b's. behalf was of
I - the most hattering•thdrecter. lly lona signal nen% as.
4 sedation with him In actMennom , r.f till, rrtAnCrreblia•
' HOD, pawed bite in every' respect worth,' of the high
. moral and prorm.slonarptracter given him by that ri
te:lent mall. • ,'• . ' - 1, -
Permit me tr. alit' thfif h.. noltotertith great and va
tted -experi.mce In his i!profes - ..ion a:spolle,s Intr.:oor.
...bleb alveoli petaranpe to the ranceits ebony wort upon
wbkh lie limy hd kir..aged." . . .
lE:tract of letter froM Iles. W. L. two:ars lud
twelve other promiarint eltinnerd' %truer ern oty, ,
Eentaelty, 7 ilated . ll;,iwlleir . 9reen,l.,Kentactcy,
3farth:l4.l:) ! •
thisundersigned tilts 116 of Wilton kidy. take
this Methild of expresting their rorp high appreciation.
of the skill aDdratilityroff Alone> hirevanons, ifsq , nsa
civil SogleAr, and their What ennfideomiollis Wed.
rity aia man. They cannel forbear to _say that they
-know no gentleman lajwbom they. and as they
flits 0111Ve section of llentuel4. hire higher roundel:ice.
arl' e a faithful, acenratel,nnd scientific engineer."
[Extract of letter train JoncJ. CAITTX • cri.thr
merligrvernor of the State -of Kentneky. are re.
coolly V. B. gvnaldr Nes slid State. Ti; s let. '.
• ter axe, writtatOn May., 1x56, at We , og-,
'• • , , ton City:) . .
"For some years past 1 hare not till this • .0 past
With 31r. Livermore—iintcrior to that time b irattin the
amploment of the Shiite 'of, Kent neky, on r works of
internal imzeremerllS end gale I believe ut versed sat.
isfeetion. Thad the tpleaaare of Some perso AI anneal* ,
„tine° and intercourse; with him, and from al tny,khow.
fedge of him. I take pletteare to reerantnendi 1S alas as a
pettetean Igal:thy of tespeetand tontldeer •• .
Vatrart of teller (oft Jams ;Volt tit., F...., it — highly .
experienced civil engineer. dated Ilarris • , April
• - lEed.l o lss.
;lir. Livermore bail long eXperience arttpipitsat
skill Ind indavtry, wish unsullied Integrit, .
'411?. - • , .1; ;k 4 ,l t r• -' •
t r •,-
0 O E TEC' 1 1 1 :0
For Testi4 l the carious , Kinds . . of
Gold and Silver Coins.
TT. is a4mittitti by' all to — be the most
I ,
Parfeet thltm glib; kirad otter effaced to the pufilie.
'tie so Walt that It can be carded in the pocket +Atti
ca atly ,
tit* Ereil ikrOunt nild Aare 11)
a,.. 11. ' sq-dpq Aare
• eery d,nait eboold itcce
; • Evety yen fn thoiftect sho,itd here itt
tt dettetint (tie. Acme moment, hot!' ehat.thk•kneas
and wolaht; foam a half Dime to a Dollar to Silver. and
from $t h4.goltl op tsi $2ll, holden furtgo Gobi' and 141.•
ver,and setts ao quickly as 'reit. without tho assistant*
' ore word«, It is ample, aiititteeilLotefoli MarableOreco,
-Muskat and perfect.)
Ark Warrantee gnu with ewery unit that fa sold;
i.l ~ - .'. .
1 .
• . , ' I d.,,k0 any gist* of the i lJnite4 Staten
' *IPS e I 'atm! 'thel Newspapers anyte4'he
r ou .,t on of it lat Sertiot guarantor ageltitt.bolog'im.
lamed upon with, uroirrn roinc.....:Noton -- - ' , • i
~ . Derr; lon ic slim ClerlAilk, I notittible.—Et.!. Anima
; A blind man with 4ne lit bra posusttion.litay bid des.
an ., sorbs meet citi tutonnuterfaltkof, iltslay.-7,4w.
We pronotinoo ii,iwititotit. inultation, fO. be the moot
perfect thing of it* hind aver °Mood to the public.--
l'oest: Liquiorr. I , -
ice irk s , It. and rldl.illy retviatottl4 It- toitithlie heat
—.2VoLorint Anrati• 1 ' -.. • . ,
. :it la worth lta Otte ten Mom tall.—Ci t y Ban. - '.:
44- • AGErt n : WAX TE IS 1. - .
An Agraht wanted n WWI aolotylo the tin Itel Rah*
to,whome-)wary 4 limo he made. Sample* pent,
with ,terout of soh ~o n the reeetpt ot One WWI , .
Add alien! ` to IMLAY 4 BICKNELL'S
• • .., . .
Its ' . Auk . kips-tor, Ph Vadstrifiga, PL..;
. The Rtrufkr h i been far Thirty yfull the. tottetl44
and wreeccary cm:Manton of .. the (Itchier, Ifirchatat.
Clerk , Tradrr, Ilsrlipto le end the PeOpia. l, thri Um. oldrat.
as the Cool fnent,i and the abirot in kite World dud
tog morn sniutrt ibetu than all °theft . porobirut&i. rob..
lisped on the let 114 161.b0f melt tanstikatishe kiJoll; -
ontbir;l from. One yotir,.'‘' ,- :" ,':, - V-' ' . '
dead-Can 114 Com Doe nee...- . •- 2 . . ,
lacindlasc;nlibott rritts fhasoks ropy l of the Collie of,
il tt
the World, contain ini a Ittrlpir number of otagolfteently
ilitutrmrd Fare ' 1 le iromma)outt of lite vAriugli CrOili
Filen-11mi other iV ' no of tili nation*, than knits fount*
In am MUM' w ork s nit litteew be" obtelunt front Ow
'other soup:why** Omni 01.14 "War" ..4 1 .10 1 e, ..",-
','• . • .'. -.4 ^ . i '' UV it 111 1 :X N. it kit,..411:.:,,
I. • '.. • 4 • .4 1 ?) it Strgittr, iloktirlphio,'Pn.
' - 1 4 .9 1 . 111 01.r:A_ :, ' . ' ,• - ~,,:,,...,.,..
& 7 ,1
•, • The '
°lo4eriralOtit:'tbe IFiLaWastim toritipondest'
of Abe tititas andel.. date +AN. '
resiiii 27, is foam's: - • • • 7
"31r.Sbeirmas is s represestatle* mai' of Am
• easeattratira charnels, of tba noise, mad therit
ro other cm the :11 , 40r tar-day whom ►scold sad
paltlio life ire freer Dom , isceptios, The 'pest
aim of the Diatomite: is to seem. a rstiusiest sir.. ~.
luagr by the Opijoritiob a not coring bop Oleo. .
tionstble another wasdldate mightbe, to that 31r.
Sherman stiaeld Ise withdrawn. 'that Is the whale
'corm sad has beat plats tram the atm boar, lobes
:he easemended nearly a lasktrity of the tiosse.—
Dili Withdrawal *outdate the sizoill for a Ass! .
CNC( the country, that a tulo9rity. by lowa deter.
mined resistenee,' has etintyolted the Oppositlos to
aka ndun their preference, and this weak{ Li What
as tbo signal for a runs dioroptioo at Ow emit.
dentist tiara:wt. They may as well understand
nor, toot no such surrender will be stale. Da.
'feat wustd•bs 'satire. bettor:able; with ..our. (Moto
tying. than .snecess upon any
,doubtfal contra
. _
. • 11C it roPtiarit:latelltifeice. ,` " 4.
' P , .,ir oteatasblp AOII. Re hue Isirsrpoot deters to 1
the Ihth inst. The mostengrossing tople is Eli._
rppe at this time liverroarso the Congress of the •
great Powers, to meet lo Paris' lath fifth of out
month. It is liaderstood 'that this - . ettiled'ear
ereiget and present chief of the goverameet of
Cent at Italy will 'gaud their ,vaute before the Cverrs by votes awl. utemutisls. The: Ceottsl
Itehane are ;water armed Otto they sweet the
td; of the car; and wale la building ape placing •
Ita)lan kingdorti and a Netionetuaion, which will
efface lb. old division*.. The Peri* Ushers says
that the reforms demanded io the Papal Stems by •
the liberal party cannot - poaaibly be granted hy .
the Pope. The pacific policy of Fiance toward :.
England appear/ to be believed on butk aides of
the. elicianel. . Thu direstom of dor Great Sisitira
Ain not :appear to bare relieved thetoselinsw-frina
their embarrasrmente, and bore,greetty to the die.
silt isfaeti in-or the eltiorebolderr, preitptreed en ex.-
. pianotion fora inonth. *boat $900,000 lii gold "
have been encore/ad friiitalbe'erreelit of the Rua
Charter. Victor Hugo Into published an appest -t
e p('
to tieb Of of Juba 1)row eta eharseterless,hle ..„
eXietitlo o as a r crime di:: golsreit magnltude.—.
The' • Rothschild/ ha ris etratricted, it Is said. for . - . I
the - pm/4a * of the Siosrow. and St. Petarquarg :..: Au order Ilse been issued la Spairi for •
eh additional levy of .50,000 tr‘epii, !Pliant,. at
the disposal of lieu. O'Douuell.. ... .., r, '.' ._ :.‘
rat* and , 4 , l•See sdiortifwarrid of Dr. C.l'i, LlrArifx
Yaatily Cntik,rtle Pill, In ntord re
another columnw..
*lO - "'Lloa't fail aver SizlA9l wawa Araaainicir
meat, amil Without oirera, in aivitlwr column. •
)12ErThe coletra•ed 3lr. pormori is a .reptar
correspondent of the thistoo IV:termaa 'and Re•
Actor. . " .
f'nth. fro ur
• br bnod
IL' •
. .
`Pause EnntlCKOrralt Us ffottDaTt{ t—
BaeCnE Silmt,ts, ati.l Delis IIOODII, sr; E. Me •
Dottabn's, coo ire streot *bore Market, But alio
re. B&onexix et ber . aim atom menee :I' l
Centre and ?..iureiginit • street, has on bout
eyries, Dix Gentle, ie.; of the beat sinelityiiii.Ots
the lontal prices., • -
Man rsnia Cough Drape
&lion Pills can be ebsained at Prziar's
this llorolqb, Tbe.villa are excellent tot many
ills that deal I's belt w. 61-21:
jur•Goon„l—We Met one of our Mende ester.-
day on Broadway, and was 119tpn14.41 at the"
change in biz- appearance. A fee wocksone vi
liw him, be was pale, lean and dejmted; COM•
plaining of neakners and drbilitj , htvinz been
so aMioted all auottnar. Now be appea . te .: _to ho rat,
healthy and rtrunir. We learne d he mond Mt reg.
halation eutirelz to MCLAIN'S STILSNOTait3I39
. W. advire all who *re eureplaiatag of Goners!
Del,ility to try It ; It is certainly, a Iraq plessanlit,
re tfi eily. Wa learn that there 'are l.irget uanlillee
of it selling ilatly.taiteraieg Heroic!.
• jrt?'"Dun't jail to mee Sixth Anneal Asenonnee.
int f or.,7lin , l brilliant ..11atcin another e4nlun•
CCE. 4 '.4 OF TILE
nutty Pllb.wrlber.. to thin
tv fu filie.r.) are be
' I-Al:elect %with auit unsay
' (ITirolesalePrieres.) ~ • - '.
Wheat Flour, extra reud,y, ler bent i f $O. 0018:0 50 • ,
do do ~xtre, Ott , 575 (4 000
. do do.• soperdne, do - 6 504E0 b 00. •
11,,.• Flour, ' do , 400
1111.1 t, prime while, V. Oushe!, . ~ ' I m ° -
• do prime red, • do . 1 514
• Sono Deane.. do
110 . 4 ed Pr;oeoe,r, pired, - 1 101 pounds •• " :',
'' - / 110 '. 1 do uupored, do • " a
Dud Apple,. •
flue, 14 buehel, ' f (glut ter.per poitaid,, ' :0
horn, do • .4r , r -'•h”ulder 5 , . bfr 0
031%. do 4 1 01:Amm, . ' • /Ilf
Point c !..A. do . 401.ard.
_, . ,
rimntlry Reed .' 1 6.- Beef. bind /Parietal! la 'lb ' 6
elirrerz-eed, sfo du (ow quarter lit Sa 4
11.3-,14.rt on , 14 eftlG M. :taster. 30 lye 060
e 441144413.• • -• . Il• 41, 4,Per lack. '• IN
POTTSVILLE ritonrcz , nitaxaTs.
(Erten Prieto.)
FLOUR, AC.—Extrrk Family Flour. 0 60; titre do
sfl 25; tviperAcie du $4 no 14 ttll: and Rye Murat 114 FS.
Ilinekslunst 111. w at $1 00 it Ruud. Rye Cbop of 90
cite; Curt 3lonl $1 tdt and Atiddlings <Met*. 114 Wale'. • '
null at $1 PO tbn., Cgrull3 do:
do. ' •
HATIt.-:-Reer sell., at 0 It et*.. ¢1 lb: Ilattem
00_312 do. Veal 12 the Port 10 0.12 do: Shouldtri, fa 10
dot lia nt 1:1 to 14 do., Bologna Saunas. 12 du t York
uxagea 12 do: •
1•1:0VIttle.):,;:4.-:-Bottersells at `-'lO. 'ets.llll:..Clieess
12% V:glts dox.. Lard 12% els. VlO.
orlrans ?tb,'•ll" hda 0 do: Ciao?
it! Crumbed and Padvarlsed 11 do.
11:411.-11 libut 12% rta. Black Fish 03 aid,
dQy • 1
AO) YEGETAI:LP.S.—Appies SI CO Fit $1 50
trustßl .n.. 4451111 Id I. do., On t..n 11% sta.. bait,
t crk Swet.t otatoes 12; •.; cis., balf peek ; Cabbore
Nil cis.. - 0 • rad:
OR tho use of Worer3 and 1 1:14aler0
4 in iron. 'Ms is n complete Mile book.] Pare sa
cents. Just published, and for isle by B. RAN); AY.
jilO'l'S FOR S A.I.E ON TIMF.: 7 -7'he
A subscriber is prepare:l to sell iota on falOcroWoo4
l en time. in unt.zg Irtnn 10 In 14 years,,folfinee.sem
desire triloierore the same. Apply
. to 8. - 11 A 'ZS V.Y. •
w &Toot . A Pin FIRE PROOF noorinat
Finn: best ROOFING now in Ilse--
About ball the Prise of tirband wilt outlast atierms
two Pt three flu rutis. rut et short notirst, 4134
Guar t ua te d LJ - ItAX.NAN & AzFRllIt ,
, Aeeais Fr 11. M. Wsurzt Ou. .
REFER. TO:—Miltrion 4. B.her. Port eirillintr...Theo.
dare Thorn. St. (Mat; H. Aflame. Aabl.snd.,.Aaftrew
Morlitres. Cremona; and Mita. '3l.,rtlmer. Je., N. L
1 Lookr '
floury Chambers mkt !leery W. ',bar, Po[ll'loll* .
EW STORE! ' . .1 1 •! -
. 7 .
T i,E Ruh r , criber nforms his ;friends ,
, and 'ha P.ddl , .'itiat le - ei has (mental. next.. &arc to,
~,,t4aeit P. , tt'ai Hare) e are sure. in, Ventre. etniel:La Dinir
Dry Goode, Oroooryiatd'Provisioli Store, -
e m
.crh., a always be Lail at. renso nab , . rate-51bl Ha r.
. Pr:we Refutes-, for Fa aril y 1104 - 1
Tie aill be eonetatitly receiving Crow Ph'iladolplthii 4 '
N... Y. , rli..a:ini rill: always hare on hand a f i lie selertiesi
et 'TANGY pH EXS 6100 Dis. - - - - -
, air•lfy. g I ving'his butanes.. tile personal and strict at.
'1,441,31.„ irt, itorfl . to Merit nii;l re.-ei re a iale share alp*.
patrouage - er the'r,lneriser t",ttaville and vicinity. ~.. ~
,• -• Zl ;--- - -P -E. 31rDONALDSZ
, lie Pea
23 Siore.MV l * •
Aeril.. %.'9 , ' 1 r•
tTIIE. subscribers announce, to their
friends and the eitivens of Pdttellis and vicinity.
t they have taken- .
• .IllOttfttlEAD'S otD'slicicro'
firrerr of Seems erd liarkrt Sired&
where feu :rap ha found a wood tasted cat of
wry Odds, CrwnewElel a Provisions,
1 and a 'ark y ofart Ink n atwaYs kept in a first else, rot
tall store. llndstatandlnd their +ultimo thorottehly,
( - they invite &f astern which. by strict attention to bnelp
1 , - ne
F st. and fair dealing. they , intend in deserve.
, , .
resh GOo4O Constantly dinktilng.:
I :In, hest artlelesalways on band at thelow t PRICYIi
t FOR CA2II. 11. :t.NTCUOLS,
GEO. W. 11E01.;
ilii-cALLAND ILIANI.VE TIIEllt 470 Ot:
I April li:Mt )64f
CREAM £VENING a.muirme.
'Good Books at Pelee* to reit 'Ski Times.
UST rereiVed from tke Ttade.S.6lo,
tarn aid varied aarortmont of Standard ihherali...
bacons hocks wbich will be in.4,lst .1 . 047 IoW trites,sf.
nwelmt I),T:one is (Scot ble oppmitmity in supply grow
011Ves with reach nj for t he apprear Mai sinter attain"
among whirh will be fonud. • . .
.1m Way octet Yoteli, nations 'editions, some as le*
kocyclopte4l.l. ktnericana,lS vnls.
Clarke', I. , cott's end 2be Comprehend,. CounbantaV
'rift on the
Cliamber'S Kneyclopsedht of Litoraiiitaraurt.lifeniahr , 4'
tinn •
for the People. : -- • •,•
Cycleptedia of American Lecrat are 2toif.' •
Allibotte's DI.-tioosry of Authors.' ‘. • • •
lappirreotrailiasettorr of She
Itlyant Teplor's Tray*. 'complete. _
llama end Macenley's Ilbitory of Fosentolt. • '
Gibbon's Manny of Rom& ' • it
Yielding's anditumUatt'l 'Works. . .
ddison'i Worts, complete:
; Prescott's Olympia* Works; . • : L.-.1;• - •;•
- IVe.bact * *CoMP l Slo - .Woltkc - • • •••t•' .
Mot litrlckland's Queens otroglind. '7'
lluttb )ItlkesiMpulic Won' of Geolaim:— . . •
Intl:m*6D Ce et Mfg./44000v, 6 vols. '
- ?celled Works the leadinpenthocP, rotisiodi.
dons nod A . ! yleiof.toiottless. ' Forgot. bY
•• ' ' tam fs3llaNttAtil
Gotot.St, oppotths • lekorek, •
Oct. ft,
4t. , .
frifE,slTßSeicwEßoffprs al pnvitto,i,
11 sale lbeoldaittabibbell nork.nAnowb as 1- =• • • •
' • T.lte. Franklin Iron W•rkdt
situated In the hertuazh of Port Carbon, tleheytklll co.,
Tbsymperty amidst Pct tu Ing !alb's. planks Imo
things. three hearen n 7 6 ot, hlatkotulth's tools, foundry
tools and davlc or.wt t er tools of every dexerlpttott sae.'
regtary s w v on d uc ti the butteen*a las. eaut tehtee
bleassestuteet o f rat !WU or the Most at prose*
"Warr INno nprd In the re , ,iktit :tad s large arcek bf
nodose it , ed raw material. Puuntston ghat
Tbn prnrertr trill he itettl ott reastruthte tertasotud
turitt'n'on 'wfxhinX eiwit,,"e In t burl:4l4 present. •
an npprt unity seldom oftert43. S'i;
For farther part irulars Inquire of the undeplp rd at
ft. Mfr. or betweetutfie hairs of St A.lll. and P. *.a ..
* IMBute'.o ee. Patient.. . J. S. NIUE.
St. Clair,. Yob. 24 IBM
.1 1 iliffilL'll4o.6llPl3l3ll„ *,
vinkeisnaThistree tta 7142 4 011MM0,
Orpesitetha ifpiscapai, (Aare.% , ittinn Ur, kit. • • •
V.DtGURRENT . Money, Gold and,
. tr;Land Warrints, tte;.tuntgbt and told. Wilt
au. ell, 11 rand to all eulttolcup entre , tad to tilt eartp6-
nagotlatkltiltllttts ?spot, kala annita; oud all 'Met pp •
CUrithS• ) 111 . 4 4 41 7.- MeiviKk 44 , 01111 and helms far.,
it4retnie . tt , .4titats. ikee4l4slt
W.; l llW4sCi l / 4 41 1, 411.14P1N
dope. Uink. Pottoltlal.: 11 0)P4 1210 or
alltl4 Una.
. . .
crilit,:;74, •
bly c roft ; ber. 24.T1--Mt.
the Park*.
SZ'Old tin and ether worn nut route eoreredshu