" • 61 , - . -1.• • Potrsvit.LE, PA. 1. sairviumiDriiiiga 1.516 MMMION Our Sintbern friends haves curious idea . the met rintipitt of this woid. U, the ; - - - North which is the Smith's superior in pops ,Ortion, in wealth, in the aggregate value of productions, and in influence on the pro. One end welfare of mankind—winging Atom the absence of Starery-4rinees a dia. position to defend its rights in or out of dm National territories, .on or off the ilOor of Congress, it ii eiggressiou. The history, of every compromise Which Freedom has =Wei with Slavery, dotting our National -existence, exhibits but one result—gain to the latter, by the aid of the "ifortgb.face! . Democracy of the liforrth. No 4ggresiiott there! Not as the South defines the word TO break's - treaty when it has served its purpose to one party, is 'not, ingressive act. It is "sly, devilish sly," sin good policy Now tie feet is, that a miserable minority • of Southern stay.W-bolders bat rnlettlthe coon - try alietatt contineously, - since the adoption of the Federal Comnitntion. -Whenever the eon 'tionity of its poWer it threatened, as at pre.; . ient r triten the., North it thoroOghly roused, the same old changes aye played upon to the disgust :_ef the people everywhere. A lac . . tines munition to the_ organization of the Stase insaltittg speeches, plentifully inter . -ltlailed with threats of disunion in the event of -the election of a Republica n Speaker,' or. , • Depabliegn.President. The position; of the • Sciatb it tbittime, ml one of st spoiled child, stuffed to re letion ,its bandit- full of , . cake, which it unable to eat, yet crying for More, and kicking lap a "muss'' generally, in i the houtshout. w i e humor t, n conftwinence - t of its weakness, w hile we feel tempted to give it a thoroughly good whippings to cure It of • bad habits. . • ; • With the Administration, a majority of the ' Cabinet,atid of the Judges on: the Supreme bench; with all the important-Committees of • . the Senate. and•their chairmen in the hands of the South. it it unhappy, and is fretfully crying for more cake. Within the put fort night its Democratic friends in the Cotton ruled cities of the North, have 'thrown it a slics,o...two,.ie the, shape of Union meetings;' bat they are pot satisfied. •• The idea seems to be to force the. North .into an unconditional . surrender; with , the acknowledgment that it - is indeed, aggressive: - • It is well for the North to , dely appreciate this atate of affairs, preparatory to. the great • contest'next year, for Free Labor will then be called Open to assert and manfully main tain its rights against the . insidicos encroach. mina . of Slavery, or ignobly surrender ' through ttitteless fear, as in years . pabt. The South is acting far from wisely. It 'dare not dirsolife the Union. 'lts - own interests *ill not sanction such a course. It, is dependent upon itte, _North for protection , for goods, for • capital, for existence itselE Out ot the Uni on,. servile insurrection and starvation would stare It is the face. • Its most prominent men admit' that it is unprepared I.lor 'With slavery it always 'will • be. The South is • Mailstin alienating from it its former faith fill adherents, by driving the entire North to the wall. It will go too far if it is not careful. • Patiens'e often ceases to.be a virtue. The . North American in an article. on the foolish, aggressive. policy of the South, con elnd'et as follows "But' the worst and most alarming step hi title at tempt of the demo:race to lament dlssensiod than have forecil aerations' issue, we and taken in their latest attitude, They now rerard with indifference or rover with contempt evetalheir firmest and mactlong tried friends at the north—men who have swathed fur ' them much of rine poaltiou and esteem at tome—be. mime they cannot corna up* toll), hit extreme version of democratic law. - XL C. from Missiiwippl, in a reliant .debate. expremed great contempt for the sonservatism and friendship shown in the Boston Uni. on meeting. 'The resolutions adopted,' he mid. 'were gloomy generalities, and not one of them attacked the autirlaveyy sentiments. Its chairman, the venerable' Lincoln. exprennal — opielons shared to by the !re publicans Edward Everett. though a greet and good malt, never bad sound sentiments on the Amery qua- Even the super-Perticleable Caleb Cushing, from whom theycha I a right Iv expect better thinge-vas men I always do Team a reuegadi to former pritacipl•—•ertio gited3ll.. Lincoln when the former bad uttered anti slavery sentiments' The -Richmond Enquirer. too. re. pads theincet log and the Speakers with serene Indiffer. tome, bud the Charlevton 'Afcreure with open 'worn., And . democracy nowhere reProses tone for thus turning their hacks no eminent, friends who have gone so ler ha - their championship of southern interests as to barefoot larrely lii the affeclons of their Countrymen at - tome. It lIMIAIk then. that iris required ni Sictprs. Lincoln; Everett and Cushing. and Inferentially of all northern -. • erg, to prorethemsevte -Union men, not merely by as sutler the soothed their fraternal regard and their re ' 'pact tor their eights and feelings, but also by. publicly renouncing their -anti-slvery sentimental' The tub. stance of this last ukase, uttered by Feather° end ac qtdescedin by northern democracy. li that no men la worthy the confidence of the south,or of the nation. rm. • ten be shall Silver:rite all the preview claimant' slavery, tog/Ober with this-new One of its protection by one ger moment In the territories; and 41'11 also publicly dia. Oahe all hostility to that institution, inand by itself floundered. Now as the Ifioders of democracy well know that almost all northerners are opposed to slavery in principle—AP they know that through all our anxiety to sacrifice much for the 'cake of-peace and union, wa ant not surrender our convictions—lt is clear that, in "natilning these extravagant demands. they with to drive us to the wall and array the two sections arainpt each other In fixed ant *ohm. Of ties* leaders who seek nothing but to entitle ruin. we of coarse ask ooth , In& But we do ark our iteathern friends, of whatever ' party, not to a:observe the base ends of three men who ans'aving the Union' after so strange a fashion. It Is pain enough for to to knew that the nation ht burdened . with an hereditary evil a evil with which we have no right to aeddle,ana for which, if we had mach right, we could. probably; der se no remedy. It Is sacrifice enough foe on to have patiently allowed title Institution for many years to overt-10 sill other listener, and sway almost the whole melon of the government. re ask na now to make -a whole burnt offering' of our prinelples— to require of us, uudJe:in of being called sectional s not only to refrain from saying. on suitable occaniiitt, that we think Ibis syste 'wrong,' but to declare that W. think it t, honored of tied .and binelleent for: men—la not t as* a troVoquilit but expressive }brass—da not his 'crunding the mourners?' v Respecteff.htuti-fieserican,, it is. Of all festivals, teligious and. civil, the most hallowed and 4herishe4, .is ' Christmas. And it is natural. !ti a religions view, be- i cause the day is commemorated as the anni • i . vereary-of that which witnessed the entrance among Men of the! Saviour—the most im • portant event that eller happened to our race. Socially,'' 'Jose tbe earliest and most de lightfut reeollectioni of our childhood are •eonnected ' with the Christmas 'Morning in. spection of the a hiug, 'which had been carefully hang besi ,e - the fireplace the previ ous night, in view lot the expected visit of Santa Claps; and because the cherished rec• ollections associated with enterer years, lin gee lc/tingly around-the Christmas fireside, befOre separation and desalt have commenced theft' work of deciMation. It is well, that iiresrectife of the ainally impressive religions ceremonies, that wit have annually, such a festival, to keep fr4sb, feelings sod recollec tions, which rude I contact with the world tends to harden. 1 Mankind is ben eft* by Chri s tmas. The cline of the obsereqbe of the 'natal day of oar Lord,! must initire joy and happinese.=. The day Is commemorative of the greatest event in ? the histoly 'of the rani& Itep pealstolinan as no!her holiday aim - It, is &kers in the spirit al life of man ; huoying bialopes"; elsimin his lovb; and touching !defiant*** until ie fountains of the-heart Well Op,land °yarn 1 With gratitude. As it was the to proclaim to man thet he is ransomed; it should be the latit festival,which L a 4 e a u pf civilization he will be willing to relinquithJ,- A beautiful eastern is that of decorating • the chui'eli and dwelling during these hell: days of ihe closing year. When all without. is bazetaid bleak, the holly and the ivy we ar a pecunaily cheerful appearance. The gar. , lands whfch gnicefialpencircle pillar and.wall, seem tti , hnit our interest in, and affection for each other, yet loser, while they invest those Places, always so sacred, with new sanctity and churn s. As we glither round the 5,4 we emerge ' from the contracted shell of self,l,und becousi More liberiil, kind and iskssim le. The Itiffering . poor are less like. i ly to 'ftelgotten the °elation of this les t-int!, ` it inspireti bcountifuL and generous .; ity and beMtvelence. itat us cherish Chnst ' for its t i t: k m.4o ; f in the proper . girit, in always ens better and !sappier. • . 1 T • ~ **Da Outwoe, the *rite?, Is desk v , _SD/TOINVII . _ -"At.t.enS Tux Ms al o.''-.•"Thhswildiaatlon,*;, - aped ilusultanengsly, in Landau aril New Yorit;le highly appreciated for the tiblis ',ltsiitter. In wltietS 'it Is candoeted by CkariestlieltinS;?„ I II fursiSlii; ed by J. Ms EfilMol, & , ; 01 :.; - :3l' til!4 Itow,Alinn I York, iv monthly _ pariiaall43 pwr, a num, oild meta a number; It is fai•th. inceinstiag and !So fal. . - , 111u,terreiiissitmrstiesnlifotrrasYlliAgAllft. .—The JiSsamry-sumberlot this publication. Is lb, ' Massa is t poles of illiuttstion, and in typograplaal : i ppessults; ishielt the Pahlisher bas yet travel.- 1 This *amber contains . " beautiful lithograph, en. titled. ' 4 4raudllatbstos Jlirisit;" s superior colored fashion plate; two doluestie woes, illustrative of `the iwrils;of a now stem ; a wood engraving arm titled, "Mary sod John Returning from the Greet' of Christ;'!. a pleas of .music,—the calibrated drinking sang .from' ill Traviata—ind II 'lire number of sista pattern plates. lathls,nunaher is commenced an original story - Mainsail, i'lltanchbeek ; or the Deformed." and a witimalcal I piece, also illustrated. "Pie :0:d Sidt among the Mermaids." This Masashi* is In every resPee t . . as, meritorious as it Is ehipp.., Published by M. A. Millietta, 320 Chestnut streit,i-Philatielphis. , A GALL,IRT 43 . IP : D111115131418CD EMILIO" AND Astinucas riessa Ptiers.77With an introduitiou by Henry Copple," A.. M. riiiadelphia :A. 11. Butler * Co. This magnitleeneboa is a compiler too to the Gatieiy of Famous . Poew. issued last year by the .v 16141141 house of_Butler . & Com 4: pany. -'Tbe (yp :raptly of the work is eiceediog: Iy ereditakie to the progress of thwart in ibis coun try, *bile thi illuttrationi cannot kill be escellmit The bank ,contains inn hundred awl eagravistge beautifully esecuted, and ill placed on the- tame pages with the letter-presa; - This.work is ertetted7 Joey acetifying to us as loattrymas, proving as it does, that istedeot t, dependant upon Rag land:Tor 'gift-books, worthy of sceePtance hyper sons or r rellnemeat and culture.., It fa equal to any English book of similar diameter, ever Pub lished. This fact the most critical 'eye will etc-. knOwlege after inspecting its varied beauty. *a. observe that two of Mrs Juliet H. Lutampbe poetise ate published in th• book—a just trib U to to one of Ibis molt gifted poets of Ametiec la Prof. Coppie's graceful itittUdiction Mrs. Brown leg is placed at the hestof living poets. The se leuitions apirjedisious, and tbscueeutoplished Pro fessor of English mentors has /Wisely tinseled _out of the beaten tack to add 'tithe better-known names of those whose poems make Wp"the balked the book, each stadium; as Catharine Winkwortic, (translator of Lyra GeiTinlce ) Miis Gould, 3 ‘ l;s, Drunks, end Mrs. Molditstets., The latter author- as contributes the following e Observe the Brat lips 's!' each . Lowly, shining bead, ; Where we lay thee do With the lowly head, Droop thy goldau a• Weekly, marble palate, • Fold acme the breast Sculptured to whit. cal Of itubreaktog rest! Softly, starry eye*, I Vail your darkened sp Nevermore to rise - Iq soinmershlue or t Calml eresent 'Mph .- • Tell 'cur dewy tone; To the van Elliot, of this pale rare, it . • Slumber. auralr%lbt! No more dying. rim' Tbroueb your rplral eel Waime' pler . of bee Stilly, yielder feet. fleet from rosy rhyme With the tingtokilseet -- Of her Weer ehlme. Holy smile of God. ' Spread thy 'glory mil Underneath the sod, ' On tide Mat child! This superb book eta tio se of B.,Bannaa. in Ibis Benue. s choice variety of- °the holiday primate. focal WEEKLY ALMANAC 1859.... Dee. 24 .8AranDAT,.....17 224 381 i i? - 4: , -I : . xi ti. 25 5umar,.....—.7 . 22 1 4 38 v 11.. 9 10 . 17 ev 28- n05DAY,........17 23 1 4 ,39 usstia. 16 430., 27. TUESDAY, 7 23,4 91 N r M. 24 051 m. 28 . VlEpsEspAr... 7 24:4 0 1 29 THURSDAY,- 7 2414 - 0 !I . 1 30 FRIDAY, ...... ... 7 25;4 - 1 " \ Thermoiretrical Record !di the Week. _ .... , L. P. It.. A IP. To.couro Omm Ptattrylrailic. Roll, l'ellstilic. . j ' : L.*. ,14.. 7 .1 1 2 29 , .29 , 43 41. 49 40 37 .33 30 28 30 20 Dee. 17 , —Faturday, 10z—alouday, 41 20—Tuesday, " 21—Wedueadiy, " 22—Thursday, " 22—Friday, Pir."3/osoirais Eels; I," 181 weekly paper publiebed ut ty, by Mr. D. M. Breland." I Fir Eaoug4 snow 101 tbi ing; aid per consequence tb • ling merrily for several, day Per The RearleNg" Raibu holders of coupons of Ist Prozilno,ro lays them n e elpbis Orme, on or before I eeiple will be gireo, and eh! delivery on the 3l prOxim, reccipto. `Sabbath &hoof Ce Sabbath School, of Poi t biation in the Char'eb, on eember 26tb,16.59, it 7 o'cl will consist of spatting, by the scholars. Adtoittis half.price. Proceeds to. of the 'about. I `The &terry itOrtl.l generally observed on M. festival does this year, on We are not in this pro'gre recipients of many halide , lions eciinected wish the all, which render it pro joyed . so.tlally on' Monday jfgr•The Pomoille G. vocalist!, are well kou citizens—will give a mos .Court Hume, eo M , adv benefit et the bassu'ut t made livery amngement tented g programme en that the spacious eooin gar Arcadian htesirirt l siltation under theBl: , Schneider, is deldeilli Stale, and deserves the are dcsirousof rending from home. Some of Stare have been turned erbie 4 h. :peeks farerubty Studgntr will be reeeir lion between Christmas Alf Are to Directory.. b i Reading, Lawn, Potts t 1 ao• is published, and I • general directory of th named, is eons prices 1 s, nets directory, which c person engaged in be t cuestas,' of Berke, Leh& and , Schuylkill, and al in the same counties." t ed•and well printed 1 , most every person. ~. , Jar Seitioxabie IL Health says that the shoes is to make the f 1 the health'; bones they I when the round is mu 4 snow. In these cues t rubbers are en the feet lug, rad remove them the rabbets bave'been t both shoes and stoekia the eandeniatioa and flow ; thirster, all sb naked, feet bald to the; i warm and dry la every podia relatiai to teal watet.proot Par tom 1 a l cad abuse ate th e hist, i several renewals of dr the feet perspire 'prat 1 jfergagareeting b' • —Maas the Bataan. Hon Company of ibis B , hays bnd their taew "spider;' the old Air) no, haw bifeo ' asalida. It la to be evened ' believe. late'''. b oo k "mod ladder track. -It .sit purebared bat at years dined fro • ihe poplins lica+ Com pd., of, Philadelphia. ind eraa oolbousbo4 frith a froatiaplaee la Weoisi. iee - bisi•vild,tapiesaatiag a moth* retains Wei child lima ra sagleedeiaat. Theta it. ialoallitiolla, -Oa ace tad with the 4141 eat- Aim veld.* sill, taiga- lb* paresishea at. ilia ..• ..f . _ , .lnitillieelli filshivble,te lintlitniette of Phibriel- • Ptlit.--r , W, 4o itlisi I kil"., ,P l l'i , 0 1 *. t.;4 1 4'1 ; l' et n . neatitfintt#*F-Ateiste;, l 4')lsbantangesbregt tlitd4tlkeiril6leitteti‘:of 3, of-the Matnane`.:Mose -ICaI'IPIS7Aa Ibis 11" . 1gt:,;10 11 .. 48 4 64 ' - * tai `, .!Siwk.`,MObe ',lnrpose; of prenentiag It to tiinTet- - 1 414 War *Awns" it Pbilatielibici Ibeipaitti- :ins 11•101111.11tery line enteritid tril!for sot, be highly priced by the feeipienia. . . • 1 JlMPDAtiseirirry .41144 , —R*".4. 1 *.W* 40 1: 41 / 4 ' Festifyf4m ffmtiirdsr4** 6ol hone "ittle the prevalence in a Amine storm, a young tun idle had bun' Nut : /test. 85. Cairo - nalleiklab *Mk a tram, tor slite impose of.-Fesaucitsg the , rasa y of Mr. Vabontia, Frantz. to the former place. pawl it smeessery to stab itch his -horns and ie. the wagon: which contained the family. op a minit, tale; tow) home and hive his Worse,' Shoes shar pened. 'The persons enuiposing. the family; left in that dangerous position, were hire. Fruits, five - small elder daughter and, her husband. After . the driver had been "bruit foam iiutee;the ftrediy•loft the wagon, fur the purpose if passible, of resehiqg their homer but the rain falling fen. rind fruiting as rapidly as it fell, impeded their -progress4 Atm Feints sunk lo the ground a dus- Ain times; in a aistaUe of . between one and tare ier, miles; yet shit clung ; to and protected her babe? with the fervor Which charm:tie:is.' a moths ' glace. / At last Mrs. frants;overnome by cold and Ogee, could proceed otrferther. The young maw pl ' d her sodium of the cliff:Area on the ground, le as better ! ed ;I position übe could Rod; picked pp he re maining child, a boy, is tits arms, sad with his - wife. proceeded borne as rapidly as possible.' . ' - On reaching home, be inforinedhis • friends of the occarrence,and they Muted in sunhat the us: fortunate sufferers. When discolrered, Mre.,Frenta and the children, were inseni blel The Mother was lying on her beet, with her babe ;dented l tightly to bet bosom, while be r. clothing was fro / see to the ironed. Oen f the ehildren,,a little girl. whits . immerging ideally, to erawhor the bill. bad slA•ploi ; her e diking was Shipped from her persep, and mhowas found exposed. and frozen to the ground. The ebildree were taken to a 'place of shelter ; bit Mrs. Prant's was nut Unloved until a wagon bad been procorei. The grit in q oily from her ' lite when restored to ooppcipst ness,, rill for her children.: The boy drat , taken. home; has died. It is thought that Mrs. 'Frantz ;riltreeover.' The bibs la sell. 'There is hoirever, some doubt of the recovery of the other chtli era. ' What the little , fatelly_aufferedfte the long i Mors of that SatonVerifternoon and] eight r 'expued to the peltings of ii pitiless storm, Unit; the chilling atmosphere of a winter day, on itbleak toolotain, With the nearest _house mile. , oway, and' their friends' Ignorant of their -condition; what that • *pother, must have suffered mentally; in her anxiet. tr or her poor children, Our readercean imagine. We will nut attempt a description. quisi!e requiem. • .1111/4 . . ( pabilasonie.—.one ef the finest fetitures of the building, recently erected in Centre street by the former firm of Bright , d: Lerch, and now occupied on the first. floor by Mr, BrigCt, for storing the . r l heavier metes alit of his hardirmiii burieey, ii the rootn,o the third floor fitted up in the &a.tMat and richeet manner, fur its est% by the Pulaski L odge, , No. 216 . A. Y. M. The length of the room proper, is sixtY.feet piridth, twenty-seven feet; height of leiling; sixteen feet. Thu remaining' twenty feet _back of this room, to the star wall of, the .build ingOr divided into a peerage way and, three romnstor Lodge purposes. •The fitting up of the youniiit was ecmfided to the charge of a committees Isotopes's , ' of Meier.. Isaac Severn, Decatur Nice and Coristophor •Little,.a:nd they have dis Charged thei duty:admirably. 'The papering of the'prin cipaf room, which'is very effective, is in lb . .tress° style. It fere:eats Wasters separated by;s: One, field: and ! supported by .e base, in imitation of bloeke of stone. Tile part of the ornamentation of the room war executed by Mr. Daniel Nagle.— Ms selection of the style erinces .considerable taste. The work' in Out opinion, is , exceedingly creditable to him. There are four windo tri t on the Centre street front. of the room, of stained glass.. diamond . 61 - . ape. They are of evert shade uf color; and when the room is lit *at night, present &beau tiful appearanie; when viewed from ihe street.— Zech window has n blue dluiask curtain, furnish-. ed by Carryl of Philadelphia. The cost of each window i with the curtains; wits flftyklollars. The , furniture!' was made hyllr. Dressing of Ibis Bo rough, in a neat and substantial Manner.: The blue fashioned settees el_evated on IoW platform. on either side of the room, rest against the Walli, aid will seat niucty persons. Threes f of6cere chairs - are particularly noticeable, fur their beau. ty. The carpet—brussels—was furnished by H. 11..blidridge of Philadelphia. The room is lit by .nineteen gee burners, ten of which are in it meg niffeetst iron chand elier , gothic style, manufactur ed by CorneliusAllaker of Philadelphia. The gas fixtures were pet up by D. Moreton .cifixhis Borough:. Thinpbulatering was executed by lifr. G. Nabholtx. . ... , , ' - • ~a~ ~ o at the hook store • . who has la a•ldi booki suitable tor cies ausozs. rain. tl.udy snow. cloudy clear. The tout . eosemble or the roont'is very pleaslpg s. and we doubt if any,other lodge room in the State can surpass it. IVO ,nutico the manner in 'which the improvement his been made, with satisfaction, as creditable alike to the spirit and taste Ot-tbei. Pulaski Lodge. The cost of furnishing the roiliti when. it is fully completed, will be in she neigh; burhood of eighteen hundred dollars. The:Lode in addition, on the let of October last, ;paid' a thousand and sixty dollar4teu ye;reren!..with the power at the expiration of that' perint4ntre newieg the,lease., .1 • The Lodge will take formal , possession4rthe room on Tuesday evening nest } I ' The Committee requests us to say that the new Hall will be open on Monday evening tiest, front" 7 ,to 9 o'clock, when members end visiting 'broth: rep, known the. Tiler, will be admitied with thbir ladies, but no others, unless provided with tickets.- Tickets cultic had on apPlication to eith er Mr. Nice or Mr. Little. .1 10 thetitle. of a new t elt ton, tt& Conn ' :.. .4 week to melte eleigb. bells hai l e dent' jing- I:Le/op-inky r . oresto otnpony, duo tlio the Cowpony's Phila. 31st lost., when re eks aill be rosdy for in esebange for said 1 .'ebratioO.—The M. E. rbun' t will bold cola:. Motadi:y 'EreLini, Do 7 clrb lie cottrtnin,metti loging 'acid dialogoos, 1 e, 25 Nola ; ehildrao, 1 applied to the boitefit t o of Christmas will be day next, falling as the ISunday. Very properlf cite age and country i this s, and there are asaricia ,; ay, in the experience of r that it ibeuld been- ' Or The &rough Council.--A stated Meeting of .the Borough 'Council wee bold on Tuesday eve- ning, .Deemnber'2o, 1859. Present, Messrs. Ici ness, Nagle. Mennig, Kientle, Fellnagle. Focht. . Christian and Boone i t 'N , President; in the ohair.. The 'minutes of p ro ions meeting were read and. edopted. the Sue npoin. reported re pairing bridge in Roproad st At, from Callusibill i -to High stinet,,repairing bri 1 from High to Mi. 1 I nereville street, and footpath to Palo Alto bridge, 6n% - bed; reported favorably en petition of Mr. Elliot end others, 'milting' the opening of a road into Hotel street. and re eimmended that an °Herbs drawn in fever of th satne, for one hun dred dollars.- The Special' to. in reference to claim of Norwegian townsbi against the Borough of - Pottsville, for itsproportion of indebtedness on township reels, reported favorably,to the claim, asid'reeommended that an order for one hundred dollars be dumb in favor of•the township. The .I, report waviccepted, and this , Com. was continued to confer with the School Board of the Borough; - in referencia to thenatter. , • Mr. Focht offered the following:, ' . !e Ctisl.—whose =vita jos and apOraciated by 4:12r lead eowiaintnent at tie , evening next, for the' le Club. The Club has to have atroried aodAn be occasion, aud , we &at ill be crowded.{. IA. Orwirbarg.—Tble la riat:admen of Mr. Eli Elia s, ore of the beat . la the 1 patiOnage of thore who 'their children to school he beet teacher,* in the at at this estabthment, tor its thorough i*ning. 0 idler the weelei flea .ort New Year. •Itoyd'e.new Directory of 'lle, Allentown and Leha. ea's anti/faction. Besides e inhabitants of tbit tow l oe , parole and.diaiinet boil ontains ibeitacite, of every does, of any kiod, ID the ion, Lehigh, Northamptob 01'14i:toga list of farmers :1 is an accandely 4, and will be useful to al. par t , - 7. HalPs 'Awed of tendency of lodic-rubber A cold, thus. endangering, ire Osetal only in walking id 7 or sleek,' with melting tey i‘re invaluable. When Fcmove should keep mow.' entering the: belie. - If' a the feat for berets, haute. rare tweessarily damp by neneinen t of the per/pins odd be 'veered and 'the , re until we perfeetly Ipart. The saute rile holds ler-. boots ai;d ARMS made' too purposes liether'boota lif kept well blacked, with r seeks daring the day, if sly: .. -- The efficers elinnea at the lust meeting , of the Pulaski twigs, were at follows:—Scanr • Warden —Wiiliam D: Ilodgsaa. Junior, Wardets=ltry. 'Daniel Washburn. StureraryLehrisiopher Little. Tea*ueer—Willisio Fuz. They will be in tolled un Tneedny evening next. .Reandied, That the amount . reedmraended by tbo Street Coma; tits : one hundred dollarti towards opening HMO strata, to intersect Norwegian tp.' .rood, *a paid 'to the proper persons of said' town— ship. after the opening. of raid ILitel street; the opening a raid street to be not less than Aileen feet in width, and to be approved by th 4 'Street' Committee. n, ooptea. , • Mr. Inners offered the following: • . Rem:tired, That the Streei Corn. he ine?rueted to cell on theeantractur of the culvert In: Market street, Morris's , . Arldilion, to finish the wrirk war aing to the specifications, and to settle with him for theeame.- Adopted. • Itellnagle,r4fere4 the following: .1 "Reimiced, That the Borough Treatment le here by authorised to pay the judgment sod costa in the ram of Patrick Curry, after Fuld. hill of cora bus 'iota ezaniioed ou4 oppritied by. E. O. Perry, EM.. the Borough Solicitor; nod lotistoetton en tered.on the some.. Adopted. — Mr. lanes, offered the tollOring Pe.otced. , That the tem. of Accounts be In structed to confer witti. Aft. Hellentbahregardto the sp n rit of judgment end costs in the rani of Poiriek Curry cr. the Borough of Pottsville. sod report e lam nett stated meeting, Mooed.' - 4 - ' A petition for the 'erection of s tamp In Schaff. kill Ave Doe, rag referred to the Committee:4 Lamp and; Watch. .1 " - The. Brirough...Trettarer's itateineot was read ''and ordered 10 be bled. - • • A eowasenteatiOnfrow Mr. D.B. Cart; resign log tha taro al Chief Burgas. wee reed. :.The ireeipation was al.l . lepted. Us the eotnawndeation Mr. Cria! states that.-"ericne in the Bprough. as nartidaiitiernitaing, - hOth !t! frequrn ey and, eriotratti." Orbs' 01)9' 1100 , #.,11114/ be atuibotad dlieedi; tathn'inrelen in our . taidai. c't:a Ir tgs o o mh r 41 4 arii• Irbtql liTso 1 1 6 . 0 4 elqtast MOS,' is I.l2llpollant • matter for eon ' tdderatiatt. net mob Oka estat oir Baronet. plague-9mi Es the conatuniti. lino wittiest's*. mdaftteMMM'•==aMMMM , alsio foie. aid 114.1041 i ifibulatei• a dud s *" haoi ftoi, toorotiible,, . - *Owe& lbs folloutogt i Reed ad : its, Mei Coostitifiliifoojoined ftiftropitio rrooliori otilf:piviiiit die /Am id-Ds or plods diva bUla morsivis tit. *lib lie otre•iii of lb, -Docoogb of Pottselliii, of ota Oa": of 'Atm paviimonto of the- - ; , The Canna then .weat anoinatiotialorilisa gietttit. Chia , Borrow, whereapoe .0n( Grtet Wrokikop, EatetielAuseasiuliate..liaid wets Innioated. Oa :mottos, It ,was - 'neolved; meatwhen the Utita,7,lledjoenad,,lt Weadi,iat to 112 egt !nt hid4-pveningi:Dosiatitbeir 23d, to hold an election foi Chief tetra; 4 The faltering bills Wen end and ordered to he Jaeob Jerenb.Pellitogle, 3. P. Bertrim, ° • ticugh and Emi.l:l° Phis Coy C.:Worms': and uttieri. C4tat Zarge&v, (D. B. Crist,). = $ es - • 39 00 _V DO 23 00 - 41 26 31:60 Tot3l. stn 91 Provionaiyiestied, '-,! , ,,,- ; .57,130 07 - Total, = 47.34* -98 SPECIAL MEETISO OP TEE SoORCILI - . friday Erealits:Dee, 23d, 1959. At s special meeting ef the -Borough Connell held last evening,t3sronel 'Christman leseeleeted Chief .11argeis tor the enesplied term of D. B. Grist. •. . • pnoczkotatis COVRT., imam ros tat instui Joinsui. Ons.va John CbUitti.—The deR. wse ihroud with in writing a letter in wbteh he In an Im proper and indecent itatruiylleatnalt Reims. The TAUS was sent to England where the relations at the prosy eutor wedded, and reternei bto justitgatioe of thelet• ter wu ettemptorby the defendant. but he denied that suliciont Proof had been made of publication in This County to make it an offer. re hare. On this dnubt the jury seguittwl him but directed that he should pay the costs. ' Chas. vs. Richard &boards and Vgar Titus.—The delta- were 'edictal for cammltting an *smolt sad hat tory 00,11 fa rmer named Dietrich and attempting to rob him. IMetrleh bad come to PotherMeand fatting lawith the defendants tray in tilir company for some time when they eetineltted the &malt and battery ape. blur In Market street, They were . 'hand guilty and each arateneed.to 6 inc.. Imprisonment, e feels line, and'the costs. . Chm. rs. Reiff. CP.-idfanritsci iticharif Aiheards,—The detts. ware charged ',Lb daatikg a lot Of money. about $6O, briOnging to a son of Thos. Cowan, It was alleged 'to have/ been taken fonu the Flask in Cowarea hours whilst lie nal almeni gunning. :' In the .course. of the ' , trial itiapPeared that the nhilirry stolen belonged ttiCow- an hided( 'end not to bis son, having been given to ir., r him ti , his lon. The Jury found a Teidlra of D rs. gull. ti. Th a stir }. were bound over to appear at the nesters. mons ' ilarceny of thi? money of Thos. Cowan. . Charins. Patrick , Delavant —:Asisault and battery on Jeres4ati S. Kuhns. The deft made a very unprovoked attack un the groseentor :Miffing in St. Clair, hitting hinflii:the face with a piece of wood armed with- iron. The dint. was probably la lignos at the time. U. was' foutillgullfy and sentenced to 30 Nye imprbonment, 6 cents fine and thecosts. CoW. ea. Worrell . Cr +sland.—Fornication and bastardy, on oath of Catharine Cum. .The deft. put, to a special plea; that be was not guilty within two ypare. and coup nrOirealth replied that he bad been • fligitive from lustier, which defecolant denisd. - . .Th• offence was id ler-4 to have been committed./ lougagois ISSO or 18.51. The jury bond a•verdtet of not gniity, but directed the defendant to pai the costs. • dbm ra..latacßeevf.-Selling liquor without Wenn, on (nth of Ann Cochran. It appeared that prosecutor complained against the deft., against her 'will, but mu compelled to dO it by the. jnatioe, who probably, wanted to tuakeooste.. There 'ma bat slight evidence against deft. -Verdict 'islet guilty," county to pay costs. rs.:Fra&is Ann.—A mutt and battery onAnu Joyce. The jary found -the deft. o guilty, anthe was sentenced to 3.0 days linprtsoutueni,S cents One and the costa. . . visa. vs. Jams Bud ley.—Tbls was a charge of obtain ing goods under false pretences from Frederick Dash.— .It eppeirs that deft. purchased several horses from the mouton tor; 'representing that be was the owner of the bier's in Centre street, Pottsville, arcupled by him.-- tire dell. gave the prosecutor his note for the ampun:t with his son for an es , dorser, who was also represented to be good. The note was not paid, and this prosecution was instituted, prosecutes; alleging that be had given the deft. credit on.ktis representations that be was the Saber. of the tavern. It' was shoats that the tavern property hid been sold by the Sheriff to lliO. as the property of James Buckley, aid. purchased by LII. Palmer. The pioperly was claimed at that time to be. long to John 'Ackley the sou. DeR.. debled that theta was any proof that be was pot the owner of the tavern *Sam time the repritentationa were - trade, or that the endorser on the note was not good, which it was neer:. sari for them to arrive at to make out their Otee. The 'jury found the deft. not guilty, but asutesead him to pay the coats. - coo. es. John Zilartiorlb-LBurety of the peace Wrath of George Pritchard. After a heating, the Proseentee wee ordered to pay the rests. ann. vs. Julius Freschkr.—lherelY of the peace on oath of Gothilb Erfurt. The Galen sentenced Medea. to pay the costs and give $2OO bail for his good heharlor for OUII year. I , COM. or. adAisine Zanry.-Boretr of the peace. Af ter a hearing the Court ordered the deft. to be neat to the Poor lloose. tbarii - va Sari Woods."--Snrety of the pewee. The deft lide orderfl to pay the et eta and give $2OO ball fur he: gOod behavior for one year. a ann. IN. JO4ll Mozody.—Surety of theseaceou oath of Terence McCiuire.. After bearioz.;, the Court discharged the d ft. and ordered the prosecutor to pay the costs. Can. vs. .24/ ICetb7..—The deft. plead guilty last * *pretaber sessions to a charge of larceny, and sentence r~teorpendedoolterpremise to lease the County and she - didnot do; and she •was arrested again; and sentenced to nine months imprisonment. There;nere In;additlon a number of other surety at the peace. eimes, of a Teri trifling nature, which'were dis missed by the Court and no order made as to the coats. Many justices mud these trifling cases to Court, which should he dismissed by them, for the Purpossiof seen. ring thcir east s,and the Court intend to put $ stop to this p ractice, if It can be done. • '. [CQII:IITrSICATZIi. . - . Sabbath- School Copmeattatt. The bolding of County Sabbath &hoot_Teach ers! Conventions- ..having been recommended, by the Notional S.tbSith School Teachers' .COnven tion, held in Philadelphia, on' the 22a-of Febru ary, 1,550, and the undersigned approving of thei suggestion, would eerdially invite the Sabbath . Schtietleachers of the Sehools of Schuyl kill County and others -friendly to the cause to meet in-Conitintion, in the Borough of Pottsville, on the 22d day of Februiry, 1860, to consider spelt matters as . May be brought before them by a com mittee appointed for the purpose. Each Evangeliciat Sabbath School in the Coun ty is invited to send at leapt two delegates,-and ministerial brethren are affectionately invited to share in the deliberations of . the °invention. Full particulars as to the meeting and arrange meats fur accommodating &legatee will be pub lished at en early day. The publishers of the. different journals of the County will confer a favor by giving the above •call a plarein their columns. Revds. H. E. Gilroy. Richard H. Auatin. Danl. Washburn.. S. F. Colt, Saint. A. Holman, F. C.ll. Lampe, Heins. Isaiah Wells, M. F. Maize. Lewis Ourkhard, J. W. Dananhower, James P.. Shearer, Eli Huber, Frank Carter, Daniel L. Hut's, John lames, T. A. (lodfrey„ A. Keefer, O. IL Deng ler,) Thomas 0. RichardF, Thomas Lewis, J. F. Peltery, - John Heebner. John C. Harper. THIRTY-SIZM CONGRESS - WASOTIMTVII, Dec. 18.—Senate not in•sesshati. Iluosz.—The seventh ballot for Speaker was 1 11 r pe` taken, with the folloy'og result:—Phermen, 98;., Doeock t isft; Gilmer; ; scattering, 9. Whole :ne spar, o a. ch nun.ber,"l27 ine, 114. Mr. (liltrier . • hdrew h s name, when the House proceeded to- e eighth balls : 7: Sherman, III; Buteck, 83; Boteler; 2k; scattering,. 9. Whole number, 228; necessary to a ehOlee, 114: Oo motion the HORN then adjourned. Mr. Sbertnan's vote on the ant ballot Inked to day was reduced, by some orthose who heretofore voted for him going over to Mr. Gilmer, who, its supported by the following members.— L. . Messrs. Adams, (RIO Anders in, (Ky..)Boteler, DOnligny„ Babson, Drlggs. Brimless, .Campbell, -Davis, (Md,,) Etheridge, Hole, Jiarris, (Md.,) Deakin, Hatton, Hill. - Junkin, Leach, (N. C.,) Mallory. Meynard, Millward, Moore, (Hy.,) Moor head, Morris, (Pa ,) Nelson, Nizion, Pennington, Quarles, Schwartz, Scranton, Smith, (N. C.,) Ste vediviStokee, Vance, Verne, .Webster end Wood. The largely increased vote of • Mr: Gilmer, to day, rime from the Anti•Lecompton Detiiocrats end Pirripsylvania Republican) elected on the People's ticket. It was intended to test the D001.j . , ocratie mainbers, who had thus the ability to elect a Southern man as Speaker if they wished. Mr.', Bocork's 85 votes added -to Mr. Gilmer's 36,1. would have made 122J-being:eight . sore than enough to elect. Bat no Demoerat voted for Mr. Gilmer, and be it once withdrew his name. Dee. 17. —Senate not In session. • Novas -- After some debate the House . prtwee.. dad to the ninth ballot for Speaker. The ; fallow log 'was 611 result of thelibritti bathe:T.—Mr. Sher man, 111; 3fr. Bocock, 'B5 ; Mr. Bolster ' 23; seattcrin*, 9. Whole number„ of votes, 228; ne cintsary to a choice, 113. Dunligney; of Louisiana, nominated Ur. I Briggs, of New York.-es candidata for Speaker. On motion the tenth ballot was tikenoiith the i following result:—llr. Sherman ' 11 it; •r. E cock, 841 Mr. Boteler, 15 ; Mr. Briggs, 1; seat-1 tering, 9. Whole number - of votes, 228; neecs SarY to it choice. 115. - . The House adjourned. . • lice. - 19.--Sesays.-911r. Fitzpatrick of Alaba- L me, was elected, President pro.tens, Mr. Polth of Ohio; made a speech, Attending the Northern Deal Wets mfy from the charge of ensuundness. IN re-I fined to the usage 4f. the Senate on the subject of committees—first, never to displace a Senator witboit bit isonirant, end second, never to promote any one else over him. He was soon ' going out or the Senate, and woeld,thersfore, frankly de- - 1 elate that this usage was Intolerably bed. It Was; astypi stblint hatioperated` Greve dm 13eira torsi trout the sleveholditig Statists the chair ' on every siesta committee etietrelling petills-tmaitross. The Setatee-from 1111001,1 M tbe anlywneptioa; and he biebeatidertapitsted: 41r. Brevrn..of •Ipplinside ail Intensely "flodilavetyvillettnion r&.11 1911 s pohleibeitettio• rot the polite attention_ they , ham ihrtiss4esl iohi my treet.",eilltetyi - eikkee pideist theilettithipr was ilgleb 1.1 401 4 .0rnitt. : 4 thiqlC44l,l**rotettit.g debate. the - elentith ems taken. with the rethitileig =iiiitittts=49l;ide *ember et' votes, 239; eetestat7 , tlrs aliefee.:ll6; , Mr. • Sherman. 112; Mr. De ortells4:Mr.-,l39teter;2l ; nattering; )2. ...; Mr;Beroolt tbeiverithdass his gam,. -- - '2l4;htimilit(Alabetut) couphieted Sir. Behan iu phicererMr. Beeeck. • • The Monte thee'proceeded to thilveltill apaitebee et votes, - 230; 'tempera to globe. 111. • Mr. Bhererop..ll2; Mr. Beteler. 29; Mr. Boom*: 19 ; Mr. Miles Taylir (La.), 12 ; Phelps, (Mi.), 16; = •' • - • ' , !The remain* sea' ttering among various po llee:ea • After :considerable confusion. another ballot leis ordered. 'Thirteenth ballet numter or . votes. Vet neeessary to a i ehoire, 114. ,Mr. Sherman. 1I0: Mr.loteler.3l; 3lr.Darkedele.2o; Mr. &cock. 12; M. Mile, Tailor, scattefin g . The Dawn then adjouined. • Dee. 20.-6ashrz.—so important hisinces transacted. • ' House.— Helper's book was criticised by,Mr. 4Coehrene, of N. Y., 11:1 the meal noniceeicat strain. The folloarlog is the result of - the four . teentb ballot;—Whole umber of votes, 228;' ne eeattlf to a choice: 115. Mr. Sherman, 111; mr. MeClernantl, 21; Mr. t,Boteler, 39; Mr. Barks dale, 13; *uttering, 34; Fifteenth ballot :—Wholo'nember of votes, 2244' necessary to a eltolea.ll4 ; Mr. Sherman. 110; Mr. Boteler, 43; Mr. MClllernand, 25;, Mr. Barks dale, 10; scattering, 244 '1 Sixteenth ballot :—Wkolectumbei of votes,223; necessary to a `eholee. 312;.Mr. Sherman, 109; Mr. Boteler, 38 ;;Mr. 314Cleraaad, 28; nattering, Aft, • • 1 • : The Haase ediocroed_.l • , , , , Sante. Dee. 21.—Tbe committees were appointed by „reekb - lotions. Tbey . are Pro- Slavery Democratic of iitotirse, out and out. , Iloqsa."-A for vtruip desultory debate, the seven. moult ballot for Sites 6r, was taken, with the Ma lurks malt:— . ~ . -' 'Whole 'lumber of v otes, 221:4-necessary to choice, 114. - Mr. Shermanlo6 , ,Mr. Million, 06 ;-Mr. Gilmer, 6; Mr. Ether dge,l7 ; Mr. Davis, of Tudi snot 4; Sell listing. 7:1 . . t -6EXATE4 Dec. 22.—. r. lids gate notice of his intention' to iotrodarti a bill for the organisation of Adana into a tern torial.'goacrecoeur. A m a . lotion• offered by Mr. iidell was platted, that the Senate - adjourn to TO sdiyi and trout day.tO day Mail the SA of January. lionss.--The eigh*enth ballot fur Speaker re totted as f ollows:.,-Sherman, 95; Mahon. 79; Gil mer. 3G; Davis, ( ra.)',4l; Adrain, 3; scattering, 6. Relit proceeded- to 'Show that an organiittion could be effected "by.the union of all opposed to theltepablicans. The' , nineteenth ball.tt was then had t—Shertnao ' 108 ,1 3fillsOn, 60; . Gilmer, 21; scattering, 24. Mr. Grow, of Penn's, charged the delay of organising upon the democratic party. This slavery qiatatioriltMil bean *brio upon the House by tee party who cry out "no agitation," Ind the Repobllosioststal s it with closed lips while the grossest pert/Oleos of their doctrines have been trade by mop who ciftim to betide mindritl. Adjourned. ; . . I'M PAM AND SUMPS. Aolge•Deatio in Philadelp ja last week, 20$ latr In i libiladelp is the rate of mutton has been third at II 75 fin the $lOO. pmt-Tbe Governors of Vermont has pardoned. the notorious criminel, Bristol Bill. ;`There have been already told in England 40,00 ti eopies of the "Minister's Wooing. • ir . W inter has commenced in earnest in Min nesota. . There is good aleigbing in St. Paul.- - pa'"Prof." Lowe boasts that be has cleated $4OOO by ilia balluoni humbug. _ ArThe-sleighing in New Hampshire bee been vary good, , . , jar Tbe putrid lore throat - ii. very fatal at Reckiner, N.Y. , Solfortii adults bawls died of it. filfr.lbe Philadelphians eouiplaiu that they are glutted gith cents. . . PirTherir' is a project on foot at the South to . in tradue , e, slaves into Florida from Cuba. . jar Rufus Dawes, a well known poet, died in Washington, November 30th. aged 58. Air Out- of eighty-five deaths in 'Boston, last week, eleven were of small poiteand, ten of scarlet fever. • -C' :Or' . The owners nfdthe steamship Great Els- Selo are about to taurtkage her t meet their. . Jr 4- Wm. Daniel G. burning. a Cathclie priest, and formerly, a printer, died as Newark, N. J., On the 16th inst. • - Air Augustus N. Jereop. well known at a pa- per manufacturer, died suddenly on Pride) night last, near •Wilmingten, • Frilf - Vicioria Bridge/Jar; now fairly open to traf fic, and regular.prisarmier trains commenced runt ning over it on•SaturdaySporning. .001•11ev. Mr. Street,.of Philadelphia, has ac cepted a Call to the Presbyterian church; at York, Pennsylvania. jar Thera are stone bridges in China three .bundred and 'four miles long, and an arch cf the Incredible-span of six hundred foil.. flair - The Charleton Merserysays that every intelligent ma n at the:South has beta diegds ted at the farce. tatty routed in Virginia. Jilm Uttiager;St soldier of the Revelation, died lately at Greenville, Tenn., aged 101. He left 372 living descendant.. ' . „Urns Question &stied !--Tbase eminent toes, Dr. James . Clark, Physician to Qtieen Iricta ria, and Dr. Hughes Denney, say-she; consump tion can be cured, Dr. Wislar knew this when'be discovered his Balsam ofleild Cherry, and ex perience has prnved.the covnetneis of his opin; km. • Hof none unless it bee the written signature of, "I. Batt*" on the - wrapper. ' TUE qIIIGEN OF FASINION: IT tug MIMI or TOWEL MILL 111 ping the world a truthful sang Of EARlliOtel , queen, well known, Whose edicts bind so many slates, As subjects, to her throne. Some millions, here, Sn File/dm); land, Iler mandate* all obey; • . hod tboae aro. bra nded. "Not genteel:l Who do tot own . bar wady. • • She draws the Where' for the garbs •• Our men of &Alpo wear; sbe exec too. the style of eat • • For whiskery and for hair; And no rtion.Liehiesn gram a ?see To win a lndr's Miles. 'do stralrlitroeci oat or eirled In Fashion% West 'tyke. Her lady .objects innot em-hoops j - Sonvoloat their crinoline, • * And sweep the pavements, when they wal l , With silks or 'Latins one. t- Their waist, mart ba genteel In Though Maya and striaam may kin; -Became the fettered ions with alr • Are not allowed to ow r • Some ladlea' fret. with proper claims, For No. We may relit - ~- : Yet No. nor a'e the"' wear . To make their feet look amalL . 1. 1 ,..• ~, i "Tall Behr. from Ilttle too ennui grow -..,' ' As they've,beea made to feel I • Bat ear= don't an 'millet their grain. If they ma look genteel. . Their shoes and slippers must be thin, For Pa.hlnn so decrees, • Thnutth thicker shoe, would sage their health, And save them doctor's Ater. They meritlee their health and wealth Per toollih pride Aloe,— •. r.O, Meet the hoar when Common Pewee Shall Ptehlan's queen dethrone! ..- Yon nek "Wberell be tfie Tower fall, . ' When Fashion ble 0.1 MAY? - And where, ohl where will be the Bard? And where bin thrill!ng 1 iI" We answer: Tower Wall will kssn. ' i .' In fair prom -Alone high: • And B•nnett'a Bard on Fancy's wings . A tortleillght 'ciliary: Per then they'll make at tower Wail i - - The Carted we really need Which we ran wear and be all right . Untiljbey go to seed: ; ' •"; ' And thed'a maia will not be Pidged -• By coat, or pants, or Test : • i -. But. justly, oulf by the heart ' ; . ' i: Which beatirt:ln his breast I 0 . . A very ouperiorWlnter stock. le now ,nlforinlaktn. heard of low prices, at - : ..- . • BENtilet a, Coe' -6_ Tower 11. 11 Lothians rosizair, 518 Market elrect,lrtween sth & 64, Soark;eidt„ PIIILADELPIIIA. • , . TO DYIMIPTIOB. 1 . And all who suffer-the turturos which Ibis-dis ease inflicts in one form or another of ita many pbases,.cure yourselies permanently add 'weedily r . by 'sing - - - : : , The 024genated Bitters. The "Weekly N:vidlecte" of Sept. 18,.teye Dyspepsia is 'one of the provailing ., diseaset of Our country. ,This is owing both to,cliotate and the almost universal habit of eating Our, mealitoo raitily to admit of proper digertion. But in spite of, these adverse cireumitances, this ;disease, e►en when it has become chronic, disupeaia rapid ly by the' me. of the Oxygenated Bitters, which have been Oland to pro►e an loftliabler remedy. From the publisher of a widely cisculated Msg. estne.—Doston, Jars 1, 1855.-11nasne. S. W. Powim a• Co.—l base taken three bottles of the Oxygenated Bitty, and have derived great 0'14, , fit from their .use. I have been much tmobled" with dyspettsla far iyearsi end fonpd' oath. ing that afforded me any relief until I used the Bitters. I •mest -cheerfully recommend them to all who are afflicted with this troublesonie and steUrorn complaint. - JAM RS ROBINSON, of the • ' "Stident and Schnotwate:! • - Fritot M.O. A.. C. Dodge. ner'Minisice to Spain. War iugtne, D. C., -Nay 18.-'-DE. Geo. B: GREZN.—DtriI .Sir :—The Oxygenated , :Bitter' • with...ls/110h ytus were du kind es to furbish me, bars' bad a most !wintery effect in, my Case. I was troubled - with Dyspepsia fur. four yews, dur ing *bleb time 1 tried many remedies, but never tact with any so good as your !Bitters. Vaal now in the .oov:tent of good health, and I h s opts. and ,believii that all who - ere, Ike Oxygenated ; Bitter, w.fils add Ahem as serrikstable as I have found them. L t , . With high rasped, your. °bummer." , • A'. C. DODGE: • Prepared by StraFowut a Co, Baton. and for /ale by John down, J. C. Hughey, and Henry Saylor, Pottevilbi; C. £ L. tionizinger, Hehnylkill Haven; W. Provost, Hininvville, E. J. Fry'and Ilei3aigen 3 P.iieleriTatoaqua; H. Hassler, Port Carbon , , Nal Bin; Pinegrovo Raglan 3 Soa r Tuscarora; Cherlai Marsh * Nov Philadelphia; Jonaa Hobintiolii, Port Iniat° l l; B. H. !Vital*: Cali; 11J PbilN r Nov Castle; John Willjanie:Middleporeinnd by dealers eveirriurre: Demob* 17, %ft 614 lir U•nireeitre, P11140...011t0 11, anus *bleb kes he mak reels enteedleitai emulliu- e°l4 ihte in niera, k'nthnia r ihirithele if* eittua: .4 1 Pith 11161 M the *Mt* iton.the baei cache? thew** u# 17114 ,,, g:the eroil the einiptrear end P ll 4 the *beta phrsimitte las hate 4pp poith ois ; The sit ege4r, thoteb peelnipe in ,th'e " l inen* et send= f ICAO footle alemitto dettittfutto. t¢ Mlle the miser findthlesyncopot, there le so toadtelne emicarsale to Ifollowafe PIO& Mg]teeriltthiatiPettte.thespJrfts, the strength, the harem lo Sae thet rduveuate, so to epeal4the entire auvoteai S i ts, a)id, MI a Datong eonssitience, hereto the eotAition itt the sandal , Si Thi, ass itgr Dn. 11014` 11111 arOMACti, Bantu. for Doper& Plettlienee,llfeavinees Of the Stomach, or any other like affeetiot4 is Meted to none In; America or Alma& To be able to t i stste confidently. thitthe "Inane are a certain cur. for dyspepsia Pod like diseases, is to the pmprletors s solute* of unaliged plessnre. It removes all morbid matter from the ttoue sib, purities the blood. Jetports reuesteri vitality to the nervous system. sit tog it that tone and energy so Indite Ponsible for the restoration of healthi The numerous 'tieknowledgements of its superior exel3lienee and bench. Ail molts, hero assured the proprietors that It cannot but mom a grant cure to the aliliciet`i and Impart vital ity to thethrough sydem. ~16,1401adrertisetneat in another column. Mee. ' 13dm • 21111 I'IREATBErt Medical Discovery OF THE AGE. lESINEDY, of Itnittyry. Eae dtmenaered In 21 one of ant common pasture needs& remedy that CAM ATERT KIND OF ildifOlit SerefailDOWn to a Clomiion .loth. • He has tried it In over eleven bandied eases. and nevi err failed exempt in two Mies, both thendsr honor. H. has now in his poosession over one hundred certitudes. er Its wine all within twenty/lilies eilloston.: Two bottles are warranted .to. cure a stifling soni. with. • _ One toktbre• bottles 'wilt - me:the warn kind of On= plea on (helm* - Two or three battles wilt cure the wiretem of biles. Two bottles are warranted ect, cum the wend t l akar to the stomach. ! • ' Three*e 6,e biAthes are—Warranted to eons the wont kind of Erysipelas. a - One or two Witten aneleamtated hams all humor in the eyes. . 1 • Two bottles are warranted to care Munhitt ol Weems and blotches among the Moir. • ! Four to six bottles are warranted tt running nitwit. One bottle, will core scaly eruptions l Two or threcbottles are warranted kind onitittworin. • Two or those bottles are warranted desperate cases of Rheumatism. Three to dine bcittei are warranted to One to three bottles are warranted, ease of Dysperria. I know hurler muds that It has been exulted y with. • . 1 One to two b?ttlis warms:en , ache. One to two bottles are ITATrAtited t p i state of the bowels. !;1 • Dun t , two bottles will ingulais a I derangement V the kidneys. • I • Felor to six bottles have en red the worst rases of drop's/. . One to three bottles has cared the Worst cane of plies; atelier is'edieep s experkmetd; whatis mercy to gat rtt-1 fief in Mieh su • xerui het ins 'distant rip change of diet ever necespuye-emt the best you can get and enough of it. - ! . • Dearcnows 'roe :—Adults,.One tablespoonful per day; Children beer ten years, desseitxpoonful; Child ren from fife to sight years. leaspoourni. .As no direc tions eau be applicable to all constitutions, take suffi cient to operate on the bowels twice a bay. • NANCPACTCRED nT DONALD KEN EDY, No.l2u_Warreinitreet, Riezbery, Mats. Price; $l. girFor sate by druggists throughout the Coned States. Aberehlie. '4O . 12-17 littigiofis elotelligetn IJxtos PRATtII M ' EritG is held every Sunday, from 3.1 to a/ P. M., in thrt 2nd Alethudist Church, Market POCei. • CHRISTMAS Evil AT THIMITT CHlTRaf.—This evening the Suedny school' choir will ping among other pieces the following heentifulearot Woaderral Night. ° . ' t I ,Wonderful night! .11 ~ 11 Anreln Phinlng Iromortalf, r yThrongln thine ebn,ny poser's. '. Mt:6 inolj heir banners of light: t: Wonderful; 4 might! I: W.nderfal night! 1 Dresaled qt by plopheis mad sages I Afanhnod redeemed for all ages, - . Welwmes thy hNllnwi ate might, . Wonderful I night ! Wonder/9i night', :1 • lifiwn o'er the stars totrestrwe us, Leading his time wiug-ed chorus, Come} the. Etetnit In sigh. • . Wilindertni night 1 V Wonderful nkht 1 4 Thee did the depetar'edornlnr: ChriPten with dew of the morn •'• E eor the day ever height t V Wonderful 4 night! . f: Wonderful night 1 :f Sweet he thy rest to the weary. • Making the dull heart and droa ; Laugh Ina drenm of delight; V Wonderful 4 night! Wonderful night! I Let me. aelong as life lingers., Slog oltb the Chetahlm sing e rs "Glory to God In the height!" t Wonderful :1 nibbt! ..Tte service begini at half past s toes are the 60thebspter of Isaial first Epistle AA St. Jnbn. "fat • • mine angel to testify unto you the churches. lam the root mind: David; the bright and morning Bride say, come. And let him tb come." i D. 1 , , ASII CORISTKA% AT TRIiIITT Morning Preyer at Suhrise. a. t Sermon and Communion Service, 104 A. M. Children in Churetrat: 3, P.M. Evening Service at 7. . IanIIMUXICATEti,j Ray. Ww. A. MD. D. D., lite pastor o a Presbyterian congreptim in Princeton, ti. J, and Jipv. Mr.llsix, for some.years past the prinrlpalot Edt ehllllllll School (Pres byterian), were both confirmed by Bishop Odenbehner, with several (ahem. in the EpOcapal church at Prince ton, en the 6th tilt. The Newark (N. J.) Adler User rape '•The Bee:Dr-Lod. who is connected 'With Commodore Stocktonle family, is a gentleman of learning and piety, whose 'Olden in the Niercemburg Perko:Pend elsewhere beet excited much Interest w become rend, He ban einee been ordained by Bishop Odenheinaer (the first or dination by the new'Bishop of New Jersey) and - presched in St. Stephen's and St. Mark'," churchee. Philadelphia. It lotAhought he may become rector at Prinreton." leiriLleim is now a candidate fuelpiscopal otdlnation 'ln this diocese. . FAIR AND Frirrtv.ar..4--A Fair sod Festival will be held et the pnion Church at Friedensburg, on Mesas), Wedntsday and Thursday, the .27tb, 28th sod 29th lasts., by theladiesof thl congregation for the benefit of said church. The \Festival will close on Thursday.erening with a concert. They restieetfally solicit the attendance of the friends of the church. Comnits. NOTICES. CrMETIIODIST EPISCOPAL CllCßoll..l3ecoud Street, Pottmille. Rev. H. E. Orient, Pastor. Divine service every Sabbath stip A. M.. add at 714 P. M. tfirENOLISH LUTHERAN CIICIICII.Mark et Squirt.' Porta - dice. Rev. Saxon A - ..limmax.paator. Divine ser.,l vice in this Carr eh regularlyvvery ;Sunday. '',lornins,ll at 101-4 1 o'elork; evening, at. - 7 eelnek. Weekly Prayer:l Meeting, Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock.ll 1 •••• 11 RipTUE SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' will' worship regubrly 'tithe Alkmaar,' Reformed Cliurchl Building, Market arreet—Rev-Saiitti. Cot.r. Paatoi.--1 Sabbath morning, at 11514 o'clock: eiening.s. at 7 o'rloct Weekly Lecture and Prayer MeciMg, Wednesday ei tangs. at 7 o'clock. ' IT • - eirillttiULAß BAPTIST CHU B , Mahantaasto et Dim R. U. dumb*, Pastor. Phing every Lord* Day at 104' A. M., and 7F. M. Meeting for ItclielouC Enquiry, Monday Evanlogs. Lecture and Prayer. aced-p neaday Ereninsa; !Oriel .Prayer and Conference, Pridayi i Evenings. - /rip it Ire free•Mli • ArTRINETY CHURCH SERVieSS.—Dm. 193:1:- 1 :I 23th—CbrIstmas Dag, the Nativity iolf our Lord.—A.ll.l Isaiah ix to 8. St. Luke it to lb ; P. M. Isaiah Vll,lO-1 -17 and Titus ill —9. Vith—nt. Stephen's Day.--Troverbs a=vid, Acta lel and' ell, . lath—St. John the Evanttellete Da .—ltter. I and mill. 28th—The Holy Innoemts' Day.— marsh& sail toll and Acts :gall. Divine service and a lecture each Friday evening ginning Id 7.1.6 o'clock. " i D. WA' ... sir AU Mirriage IY , fiat noel be neCoos . ponied 2.5 *lle to appear in the JOVII3AI. AILIAILIALEf HOWARD—PI GLING—At Sr. aatr, December 41h, Rev. W. W. Wythes, M. IL butmein 1101/A3D to MAE 401111 t PLUM, both of i DOD.) P.DB-11n 313105=-At Pori Carbon, Deoembei 17. by the name. Jexut nototneto FATUAILIM '111.11101 . 1 both of St. Clair.. . 11,13111.TON—HALL:=On the 214 kW., In. the Find PreabyteriNn Church, In 4 hie hy the pstor,-Rev! 111 Joseph MeCool, Oinltol 11.111U1,3021 10 Jazin Maui both or Monet Cm bon. L___ I DiiiD. 1 1 ' • MINNICII—On the - 14th last, In north Manhelce Tp . Wnsten Mission, agerl =years and 8 months. Y , 110YRR— In Orrigsboryto.t);l2/4 lug tikatellialnir Ara, Infant dinght,r of Mutat C. and Phoebe A. }lcirer p sled 4 mouths and 21 dale. , ~ , . •I. - THASDALII-4 1 0 Soniley. the 19th Invt:. at. Potty/Ille; Jour Teeseste, tortilla), of Crairla Yorkshlredinalsee, In the 71st . year of his age. _ ;illy thy hands .the boson sr even; Then bast bare bat th corn. • , • Lord of evrtb mud God etleavion. • litettnefe thy be 4 c e." OBITIIART. • DR. JOBS WARREN Min., 10 ET' .., Hobart of this place. died at M dison, Wisconsin, on the-13th inst. -He was a native - of one of tttel southern counties of N. Y. In tis idoptad State' he early tore to eminence in vs lads walktof Mel He 1,04 Assistant Secretary 011ie State of Wlt• cousin for years, always honoridg the ilk*, *blab we believe he still held at thellme of Itieleceme,, A. Grand Secretary of the !Won't ofder. his abilities and worth wettisignally toduable / The' last annual 'report prepared b hi him, Ittelf itti c i 'elegant moonment of whited dent!. The WI ' cousin Patriot testifies of his it For frietds at th capital. Ills funeral on the 18th inst. was markt - by a large attendance, military,leirle and social:, Dr. flume was the Recording Secretary of the State Historical Society, and *compiled the 11!si Gazetteer, a standard volu-me of 'saleroom. In lqui r rusher, 113,5t;he was married by ihe Nev. Mr. Wask. barn to Miss Eliza Smith Hobert, eldest daughter' of -Col, John- P. Hebert end grand-dsughterof thn,- Was: IL Smith, the, historian of Wisconshi, whit still Marylyn in honored age. MIS venerable tuari sas s -awe lefatit - dioggitter •or Dr. H. of lb. fourth gessration from himself, the sole beituf bet father who bat thee died iii may/toad's prime. , _ . Sic DIM TUX - ' 1- •. ' -. , I A , . ITV 4. ;11, —A Siktratioe by s'micl j. d., dfia asped ,a n. An Ameriten,bseing fifteen • Yearitieltfaerierees crap superintemdant of Collieries. [ Is writ Owls th nt Vat ion. and ran eye the wog ' slairsititt%irivaillosendatioas. Apply at *hi. ofilna. -. P !i!P I ,. " -..: DI ! i t i Ll !,__._ ~" net s • . rIiEACIIER WANTED.—A Female p 114A/et Is eanted as Prinelpal cf Mele i•la , o1 No 2, Potiseilluidle . &boot. Eatery 11:1 0 month. for the yreij ilappileat lone may be made-in • [emu or by ed. II nyi, tri either of the anderstytted. up to the 4th Jana; my Pelt, when the Directors will tied. The Teacher ehosienj to tate her plate Immediately thereafter. It pregliraible No application run be entertained. unless ,_secomplantad by I current eertificate nom the County - fiupstil.tendent, John it: Emmen, TN- of VI Inerselfie. PartieS writindfilr inibrmation. or lashing papers re • Carafe& meat 'mica* stamps for the payment of postage. pylon:trio( the Board - BENJ. DAN:NAN. Prpi4ent. Clialb:' r. LITTLE, Sae,. Vile- !MO -., - • " " - - . filr.t '4, IVANTED--'—Proposals for Lease of the various Velosof Coil on lands of the aleiton!lmprovemert r 11.R-0'• Adder's , ' 111:1111AN, ! W.'l.lllltltlt, Agent. at Tretwort.Sehwylkl ll tb . l'a, who wtltpolnt rat and ere lutbratation or the varloas lora. (lode:ter, "dame to the aloe et the Company. Wash. logimillulldlap, N 0.216 X. Third street. I'hlladelt hta l)ia4tr.'SB 14 : 3 t1 i ALBERT B. ECKEL, See". TOR SALE & TO LET. rry Q LET new three ptoryjr, Mrlek Home • Ind Stns. situate on Marker strM;t:Dear Tbl rd. Tbil im convenient, and a (a -! ble fur a large family, or sa tinardles boor.. tit o Let—The second ilors _roma over F. l'os. et_ teei..it.,43., corner of East Marketand Oentrepa stronts. • , Let-4 small .tars room on eoroo of Loin and Eng Market streets. • Tirr teramapply to , S. VOSIrEr s " 11440114 x Der.lll, lon • 1•2 tf FIRST R O ATE A I s per ' hundred.oY S' A f NE..lllSAattiki36.4 etl 48 am!, per hundred. T.C.„ BOYLE. • Pottsville. November 19,1.9 y r a LET—From the first day of April 4 Host, the suit of mom* immediately opposite the' I%fish, nos occupy* so an tidiness Oilleo. Acttiriltd ; elovery 64f li tt . OTS IN MAHANoy_CITY FOR u. A LE.- Apply to John Anderar., Art.; TeMl44 lll . or ,u Frank Carter, Ammo, Oleic ' o 4. Oliver Terrace, PoWide. or at the 011ie idah.amy City, on Widnes da1 „ „ abd Thursday of each week. , . ,;-- one 23,'59 • • . . , ' ' ' 201-tf JrOR SALE CHEAP-2 first rate 20 .fiaria. power Engines. as good as new. , • . 40 Cent firoakeriind Scrimps. Daft Cars. and 14 of Alio, file Cara. • • I, 4 Mules. and large lot of Geard. Wadoss. &e. '.' • 4 Apply In W3I. 11. SE11111:RT, TrasOe. Treitiont, Janell,l _ 0 ... • 24.. „_. ./., .. .._ .. ~_ IV R % .rw ALE -' o 50 Horse gn .l-1 ,; glum—geared togetber—for hoisting and pumping. I 2 yards of li inch pipes, and working barrels. , 64 yards of winelvta„—a Int of oink'. • - Otto MI Loran Engle.,, and rollers, aereena, kg.; fbr breaker. AFrI ;drift-exits. wagons, ear t and ,led. i Will be mid very cheap. Atudy to . . . I - CHAS. M. RILL, • I 1 1 Real Ed Algenf, Mahan/gag° sired, Pork. re ruary 12,1.9 illift. , SALE-VERY ciIEA P-..-- I . 41 , n0 90 horso . Eniine, and coonoctions for Pumping wit . • . • •i One 40 horse Engine, for twisting, Coal, with Drum anddm:inactions_ . - ~, .. I, One 00.bonot Engine. for.putn ping. • I; Ooe 30 hones Engine, Rollers and eounettkini for betaking Coal. a • 1 About MO fait of 16 inch pipes, with pumps, rode, lie 1 A/clink 'rood, Ad.. , I , I , bout 4 0 n feet of 1 4 Inch” pipe. pump, Irons, Ad, . p A lot of T rills, chain; rope, ,tr, .., •- r i, 1 I apply to ' • A. RUSSEL. • °Moo—corner of Nib/intone and Second" streets. poltsville,Jaiiniri tla. w " . 4-ti eitrefo!rupt and or the sklo. • to rare the worst to core the most ear, silt , bauos. nrt ease of Serof- to cure the wont pittance of thou nker In the sto. o cure sick lteml- ti ..:. -. NOTICES. --1' . . .. • . tT.IIE annual meeting of the Stock :holders of the Lorberry Creek Rellniad Company. w be held at No. -.6..N. lath street, iu the city of Phib i 'Outdo on 3londay . January 9,lseti, at 4 o'clock, P.M . • 'which time artplace an election will teu held roe s . 11 14 1 ,esfient and t etre directors to ' , erre for the emoting yineand until o bets are elected, in accordance with the: 1, wedons of the General nallmad Art. • GEO. YAVOtrcretary. Dir. 24.'89 • . .5.1. at -1• - -- IFFIcE O . FT ' il E. POTTSYILLE 1 7:WATER COMPANY.-Pot brittle. Der.l.l. 1959. ~ the tai errhy green that an elect' ot will be hold at t' .C. , mpany'sGllleer re reCent Street oppefelto the Silver T T lie he, In the bontogh of Pottstilie,. the lib d. yof Janurry next. between the brt., .. , and four o'rhek In the afternoon, to riVinte inacutgers to serve fo the emitting year. JA,;int uusrzisass, j!ter,Prosedoit.. Tot fesille."ltre 24-'l4 . . 5..:41 —• _,-______ _-__.- - Y. _ •N the Court of CoMmon Pleas of ~, ,, builk 111 CcstAy. JAcon'sneou - t St Dreentber Team, P 149. - MART MADE. li• Mc Rreb. Artet,...../45e. 1114. 11 Orr Onane.:44.:ike Goitre-that Jac., ... adobes. co li ttde. application to raid Court Ini• a dlrO'res f om the la, nds of nVitrimony entered into with you, and that It e mid Court will decree aurh dtrorre on thearst day of March Yeinfneat, unless rause be shown to the con triry. • ' . JOHN P. HOBART, Iticriff. 4---- Vottstille, Dec. 22.• A. D„ 1 , 459. 52.4t0 . , IN the.Orpliuns' Court of Schuvlkill • Count y-4n the matter of the account of IiA3IIIL TON` A I/A Mit iond 'ELLEN DOOLEY, admlnlstratore a Rco ARO I MILEY, harassed: - . Thu undersigned Auditor, aptedoled by the Orphans' .net of f'clutylklil County, tore44n and resettlo the ,ronut of lierellton Adonis and Ellen Dooley. adminis trates of Richard Noley, deceased. will attend to the ditties of disappointment. at Lie once, corner cif titre Eue -and ;51irket,• streets, in. the berciugh of Pbttir Ile. on ' Theiflay. lb% lt,th As,* otJanuary. A. D. 1 ,at 9 o'clock in th'el.ryttonn or, said day. at . silt ticue all riles luttrested are hereby not tiled to et a •d. . 1 1 1 I •. M. EDGAR 140.11ARDS. Aediker. Pottcrille.Der. 25.'89 . , 5.,et tiROPOSALSmTiIt be reeeiviff,bithe I_ -- 1 eubeerlber , on orbefore the:7lll'Na'. fie the Ma 14n Work, by the perch, of a Stone Engine House, to be bhili at East ,Pitte Kunt Colliery, -in New Caudle town: igi Sehurlkill County. ' IVSI. P. MILLER A CO. Prie. 11, ; 59 . „ fil.:3 I --1 QPRAY 1 - !()ISITE11.—A Pointer Dog kzil, with brown lured *riddles. cant! to the plernlrea of the subscriber on Greenwoodott ' fehr days ago. lie has a leather, collar with • - a;rhig on his neck. The owner can hare him by calling . ott the subscriber: • ' -- DUDLEY iInAYOY. , i Dec. 3. '59 ' .. en. The les lad ith of the .acs bare see!, se things in the be offspring of tier. And - the leireth say, inkith,:Reetor. NAVIGATION ,CO. —NOTICE Is bereby glean: that the Annual Meet -11; the 4lttekbolders and Loanboldera. and an elec.- ttoti:of Officers for the ensultic year: will be bed at the oMee of the Company. No. 417 Walnut street. rhitsdei. plila, on MUNItAT, the 2.1 of January next, alit rs'elock NI. A.Dec.lo.' . • ' TIL4IIIiIAN, Sterol:g. Pee. 10. 7,4 • • 5014 t EIE SUBSCRIBER offers his serri aa COAL AGENT, for the Collection of Ernie n the General Supetintenriance of Trade of Coal Land: in Schuylkill County. tinaranlies wl I be' given gor tip, faithful oxecntip of noir Foch trust* committed fel hi* charge. /WOW ICE—Cent roatreet, opposite the /I.piacopal Church, POTTSVILLE. Pa. - FRANCIS B. BANNAN, December 10, 'O9 50.1 f Imo BRIDGE ' BUILDERS.—The ii. Commbc.ionera of the County or Schuylkill will re- Ochre Termini% until Saturday the 7th day of January next for building a Bridge at Sebuyikill.lbseen. Plan ind imeelfirstions nI the same mar be seen at their °Mao l i n Pottsville.. KUM' ARD O'CONNOR, ''. . ! . . ' SAM'L. KAUFFMAN, Cbstsutssioncrw. . , ' EVAN J. THOMAS, i-Dee. 10, '59 ' Wit • 11)11ILA.DELPIIIA - it READING R. I R. IYMPANY..—Odice 'TX South Fourth street, hiadelphla. December 1. 1859. ' NOTICins. hereby given9te the stoekholders of !b Is empany, that the - Annual Meeting. and an election for President, Yke President, Ste Manage a Treasurer and secretary, will take rise* on the second Monday (9th,) of January neat, at-I'2 o'clock. 31. - . . ,' • . W. H. M'ILUENNKS, lztey.. i I! December 3.19 • • - 4941 FrICE MI L L CREEK i( MINE TLsA,3ITIDvANDDAL I oADmDA. - iT—Philaleirbla.Deember 1. We. • , The annual meeting of the atorkteddent of this Cone , tany will be held at the attire of the Company, No. 191 lbrerj street. on Monday. December 'Mb. at in &dealt. ;. M., at which time an election for oftlcere to sene the' netting year will alen,take place. ' P. C. 110L11.130. 11 Ibeember 3...9 1940 &ear. _ yFFICE..SCHUYLKILL VALLEY JI NAVIGATION AND RAILROAD COMPAIST.— Philadelphia. December Dd. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Com. Png will he held et the alike of the Company, L. 407 a ptrary . street, on Monday, December 2Cth. at 10% !, O'clock. A. 31... at which time an election for °Mears to the ensuing year will also take place. . IS. See'y December 3,1,9 P.C. lIOLL 49-111 . , _ R'S NO , EstateXECUOTICE.— of Mr. George Reeee. late of the bosrugh of Di vide, Schuylkill County, deceasett—Letters testa enttry on the above named estate. have been granted e o the undersigned by the Register of Schuylkill County. e -All persons bowleg claims or demands against ; the e late of the decedent, are hereby requested to piesent Ihem tothe_iglecutor forsetti,drient. and those Indebted SITTIttp:S. R"tor. hill make payment vitbout d lay to ell Alt L t 2, W. TAYLOR. EreCutor. 1 1 —... i Minerwrille. December 17.'59 • 51.4t* I t e FFICE OF TILE LOCUST MT. , COAL k Igo!. co. --No. r,s) euuth 3d street, Phil -I,alettia, Dec. 15,1659. . '1 The annual meeting of the atnekboldera of the Laud untaln Coal an,l Icon Co.. all: be hel4 et their dike bn Monday. Jan. 16; Ism. at 11 o'clock. A. M., when an pleellon 4411 be held for wren directors. to sorra oar the nsuing. year. • JOS: C.COPITCK. SO. Dec. 17. 'AO-61-51 OFFICE of the 'MOUNT :EAGLE Ol_ir AND TREMONT RAILROAD CO.—.Pbilamielphia, 112th Stunt h. 1859. A stated the ani ir office meetlnd of the atorkholders kill be !bald at ffice , lia ll of the Franklin Institute, on Ind 9th d o of let Month, (January) at 10. A. at !Which time the annual Report will be perowntad., and au election held for a Preeldent and Tilton' )hangers. to conduct the affairs of the Company An , the ensuing. _ WILLIAM DIDDLE , &ream. Dee 17,19 tilt .. OFFICE .OF .THE MINE HILL kJ ADD SCHUYLKILL neves RAILROAD nth Mouth. 1149. A: grated 'annual meetlog of the stockholder, will be ld at tbdr nem In the Hall of the Vranklha Institute, street, the 9th day (d i et Mouth, (January) um at it o'clork. L.ll, at at hirbe t ime a Report ot the pro irallets of the Ward oh klanagers will be .pnraittrted, and se election wilt heMen* rota President, &correct Matr agent to tooduct the allhijrsof the evavany for the *p laint rear. WILLIAM DIDDLE, thw. 17, WI- 5141 t Acrefry. ti in-lair of Bhe4 gl(TNrefittr)lc•rio N.. --, A n adveitise -4 went in the /suits Transcript of November 4th, icon Coot Diggers to come to Peoria to 'Wk. iteate 3 ' ,Vila Dem 10 to _,M can dad employment. As wet deem yth in advertisement calculated to Walesa many 'al. dy nearly Impletiated vetoers, we take orcaslyn to Pie', there are now tem Cdal Diggers hero than can find employment. and warn all to stay away. • Many .wbo hove been attracted litre by such unwarranted 'telt.. ammo a haltering condition, after paying out their 111:le all to get here. , A Conaritlet from a ad 247.,'Prs 'Here. ,:nvernher Is, 'SO 4:Zut —— ii T N tho Orphantt' Court of Schuylkill •Con° 1 .7 - 4 11 the matter of tbs account of JACOB L ,'DEit UV fli, Administrator of JACUU LODES, MUTH, dammed. - ',Tho undemigned A t uditor appointed try the Oiphans' Conn of Srbuytklit county, to dlorlbuto tee balance shown to be itt the hands or the mid Adadatstrator by ;; the Amelia" omen sled to raid Com*, will_ attend to i t r le , duties of his appointment. at Isla ,utliat, to the, bo• ij sit atPoltnitle. on WEDNESDAY. the tID day of : i J unary*, JI;, 1L;.1560, at to o'clomtja the thommOn of aald dly, st lb Id - chase 'Weed's* tunneled an hereby not'. ' lied to Attend. WitJta!!! . .DEWENS,..tadges IrOtPIIN#KDOINISbff 9, ' . s litkli ss, l C - ! 1 . . WANTED; • ... . .. NOTIOt i . rF INDIAN CA.NCE7ItDOCTOft , , ~,,, I. coortilte.l es.qy day after the Lt 14 ( 4 trabr. pt dip' gages . Btt.nt' ft , tst. to Ott Cl , y , , f Pbtradolpbta. ex etspt 0b.:.a.:...ril ,1 1.4,45 y In.t Tue...isy of etas", troatb. 15ber..1... !111 twat 11r. tosssrla 3.1. rr x ,, , , irtotell „" n01,L., r.tivoi«. li•satola .0..1AS makr omit sally as bla tooass arc toustautly slams/04. TLoo s . aw l. ems : twat Ity to the Ow realms'.* .1 hi* dstertlag Di. Poises. 11. i I remits all dlsrassa that tl.sh la bal.' to. 'CONSULNIP'I'It)N, And an Diae4.4ll.of the Loup aind Throat cored In their first Wage* In* shod time. 110 oporatos on the Er. and Ear. RetacTaa-all klaki Of Want. Tummy, Toast la, Poi, ptm, istratOtoo,, emk4 limbs or joints kr.. le. its stop. Toothache In *a. Minute, true of charge. Ills Palo Kill,r Is witbpot equal. Thr beet proof of It Is to try It. Ho hat bad :I) years rooted; has been In ivory Stat. and Territory ; has seen hundreds and hundreds tfilirted with dlarallos oleo., Danko snit nature and ander all kinds of treat ment. giblet rnabkv hint at almost the trot al Oat, to feet dhomma. Enw,don't wait f.raaaarnal&hiccrs. 0 4 " ounacivra and ay. Examination from Medicines m a . atnable. Jixi-TERMS CASII. - 5, - A DR. W. ILIMANC . Neetalbor IT, - .59 • , It tf .IELISMIZTIATICII:2\7III3 ' Tar sod Wood Naptha Pectoral, 18 THE BEST, MEDICINE 1N THE WORLD, IV p OR, the Cure of Coughs and c o ld s , IV Creep, Itronehitlo, !Wham. Difltrnity In Breothine. Pa ltatlou of the -Wart. and fur the relief ot patients te, the advanced etaeos of fhonseption. tmether • It h tell Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispond to Consumption. It attacks the root of disease, and mi k e . the fetl destroyer intecutob to Ito intittence. It Also prods:writ free expectoration. and induces healthy., action In the diseased Mucous Membranes and Tirsuoi.` It lo peculially adapted to the rstltetti ewe et .A/thete, One dote of this invaluable syrup often gists else, and consequently ;deep, which the pecu'iir nature dlsetse deuleshim. It is very pleasant to We taste and precept In Ile e&clo, Try Wand he !Online.' • that It Invaluable In the care of Drnechiel .x4 - Prieo-40 cents per bittlemiz• rrepaal only ' !DAL% Presittut, • N. W. corner Ninth and Poplar eta. Pisitaih;lphia. B.—Fnr sale by d. li. BROWN. Pottsville: it. U. Inwtx.St.Clair; NI. P. inVILER J. FUT. lams , ' us; 11. W,Patropr. 1181IOUL Port A:soma; 010. K. ghite.4 Co.. Philadelphia, and stort . yetprv.4 drosgista •etierallY. 312L':i Thoroughly Tried AND Unfailing Remedies!! SW Alf NE'S!": 4 4;ay+le's! . Sway ne's • .• SOSI1O161! 9ll'hyte'sl Sway ors: B•rayne's! Faratim'el Swaysiest Dr. tly:ty nee Celebrated ramify Medici pee. Dr Sr syne's Celebrated Family )ledkinee. Swayan • s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. ~ -soca - sues eulik4oUrld byrup of Wild Cbersy."_,.../ ..Swayne's Compound Sycnp of Wild Cherry." r / ./ ..Sirayne's Coni . N i nd Sy Fop of Wild Cherry..."' ''Ss , ay ne's Comp nd Pyrup i•f Wild Cherry" The greatest Cousb d Consumption Remedy ht me le "Dr. tl way nes COW a nd syrup of Wild Cheryy,.\ lb. - s•Miginar and only rani:m..ll'lld Cherry" Coll.pobia Sbe %Feats • Breast, 1 rt IMOOSIPe• Drvocbili.. Asthma, ( Mingling Cough, 111 .c 1 Spittlog,Ljeer Cempttltt,:Ner. roue Debility, Reath. N is.b is, te„ No newly, bested as It umy be, can pretend to approach It. . , !taverns's ?Sarsaparilla and Tar !P115,, , 7 , C0 IR Co.l . l*—War ranted to contain no ealontel—e mild and gentltpargatiee, nnenrpassed by tiny >1,411. , cliiip . for removlng the tille.cleauslng the strumeh, and , effectually puritytnx the - blee d . These pills tubber gripe, nor produce nausea. Dr..Swarne"s Bowel Cordial. ~ A Pl.r..tsurr end more remedy for AelatirCheleea.pbos era 31crbitii. Diarrbcca." Dysentery. Cholera lutantum, Summer Complaint.. Palos in the 'Stomach and Bowels, Vhttilting. Sick uem , , of the Stomach. ar. , , VirEirery family ;bout(' lavt. a bottle In tba helm., In ease of sudden attack in the night. It ration act pain Invaluable to 20rothere. I " VARlttn Soothing Syrup, for Children teething, . Pne pared only by Dr. Sarsyns & Son, khiladelphis., Greet Spring Puriryer of the Blood.. SW AV16 . 11 Compound' Fluid Extract of .S.arrapirilla,, great remedy for Scrofula, Old ti leers. evil effects of )der-, curt', all Skin truptleng, Ilicod Purifying, kr. - • Dpipepsia or Indigeat lon. SII'AVO.'IS hitter Catholicon.' A errs 011[1.0411 'Bitters, may be taken With u degree of, certainty. never .yet experienced by a .34....1ici0r lit veheracter,,forCou. stipetton. Flatulence, Natter . lle: Burn. Acfrlf:y of the Shim kch,Cold Feet. R114.11y mused by be Ilthrtnity of age. permit-all:i of sireniah from euy cause;] Repro*. skin of Writs, Dyspepsia, or ludiostion In all Ifs rani!, only 60 cents a ts.ttle. • 1 • All the above prepsred only, by Nr.. SWAYN! I SON, No 8 NORTH SILTV(Ill Street, second dtot above Alarkm,t, Sold by Jon,' G. itowi k Erruto. J. K. ficoi, U.V. Parson. tlineNTMe; Cositatr GRA. amt. Tuaearora; Cuss. IlestsisotESchuylkilf !laves: JOIIN Bum= 1 .1. It. BAILtT. Trruiont tow!. SL Clair; J. WILUANIX, J. kuu. Tolinaoux; 1f tT3nIL , Sta IV 6; Co., Pluegrove; and by all reipeclable dealers medicines throughout the county al'd State. .Isv 21.'39 I if I REAL ESTATE. SALES. - - .. FARM FQR VALE. .. -4 rati (}P. Sale. a Small Farm Containing 10 Acres more or Irealealtuntrd in liorlh ke ) helm.tow nilip. about one mile from Creme:dn.:li on the PottAtille and litrriaburg road. ; The luipr , rements emoriet or a two Story , Leg Ilei.e, frame , than. It fa aril watered. and has a gad ' garden , an a number of fruit boos. Apply to L. KANTNER. Creimena. 49.2ni Der . '5l VALUABLE, BEAL ESTATE at Private Sale. THE subscriber ofrerS at private n; safe the well known ...Kepner Farm and T3ll - Stand,' situate four miles east from Mugge to We'd Petal township, -Schn)lki.; cc unti,,contalt;inz about 3:.0 acres. VA" irapro% et:len tr. cornist- of a largo tavern house. a Ivan 1.1141 C building intend 0 fora store, One tenant brute. distillery, cider mill and WaSt a Isr3 t3oritter barn, stal,:e. wagon rind, and olbri*it-buil.l. lug_s. There are threp 5e41.11 apple orchards ovOtic re's. {see; fountains of runu p stater at the *use sod Ors. A good part ot•the laud td null 14. ered foist one of the ruc•tileslrable properllCs In ", kilt county. JAC. Ortriztl erg.' November 26. ';',9 • 4s u FOR-SALE. r 'IIE undersigned ()lien+ for gale . 1 1. a tract of Lind contalntuji 9 acres. )t,d Ott. ate , on the tipper Pt: etirbon road ; also a halt jot,. from Pottsville. ,The intpror ernent w are t lime housea, a Final! stable. And also: , r falling water. I will sell In one plecr , •1 u, hta to atilt purchaser,. It Is also well adapted It tht4 r.hing vezeta,les. and has some fine t reys and grapevines therem. For forth, f LAC ti rc t. a m Ills relumns for sellintr the als.v• .tr-. that he hes per. chased the rumbling Bun Farm front the :chtOtilli Navigation Company., and wish,. to teak./ it so sire Ferro. which will retthire his spare thee. .rd stao !Mende making a Summer resort there , n. eta I, • ill bt. one of the finest outside of Philadelphia Pottsvlrie, reb. ;2, '49 CIRPRANS' CbUR'V SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY an ()rider or the -Orphans' ()nut . will he stild , on 5.4 .. TU TWAY. the, :Oct illy ~f this tuentli, December, A. D. 4652, at the daellini: houet.'ais of ,Danes fl Berger. tly ed. In the foeticide of No; di lanbeint. In the co tly of Se hit) lkill. ht our orb ek is the afternoon of the.aaid Say, Mix tollowlig real estate, to wit: . No. 1-11eing 7 screw, 14 , 4 perches, of woodland. Ifni,* In Wayne township, bounded by lands of Ilene! Inrrger, Conrad Leder, ant other,. No. 2-6 err-11,16 porches, of wood land, bounded by No. l e and Al her lands. ,c No,3— I , ..........,111,..retwq.. c f eood laid, hounded by No. 2. and land of Itral and eatery. No. 4—Situate in North klanhelm township. lc,ret,d by lands of John Rolle. Win. bilrr,and other rinds of the estate. bring part of the homestead term, containing S acres, 101 perrbe.... No. 6—Situate In lhoeame low nship, bounded by hods •of John !little, and other parts of the !tote tarot, con taining:l6 .142 pereher. No 5-11e4ng one other pert of the mid farm, contain. Ing 16 cores, .!5 perches. - No. 7—Sttuste In the same township of North Sian helm, being , part of the mil farm,. et undoing 4 acres, 49', perches. ~ No. B—Sitwite n the township of Wayne. In the said County. by kodi of Henry !terser, dettased, being 216 acres of wood no sprout land. 1.0. o—iteloglocNo.l2l.ll. the borough of Schuylkill fifteen. ,1 No. 10-11edng thic, remainder of the homestead farm, situate within sada township of North Mani:term. boun ded by Daniel lerfolat. Sr., Samuel 11. Shannon, clf.l ~,,,,I o ther,. ro ntsiliil)4 103 . scree as! 102 perthes.fla with the dwelling house, barn and other improreiteuta. Correct drafts of the several pOrpart. of the shore of hare hero made out, end will be shown by the ad ministmlor ro purehacere, now and on the day of code. f lee per cunt. tel the purehase money will be required on the day of mate on each purpart. and no further pay ment wilt be required until the first day of Aeril next. Conditions made known al the sale by the Aritniiiistretor. WILLIAII BIT I LE. Ad nom arater. JACOB VEtlEit, Clerk of the OrTfrons' n,,,,,,e. ...' sort •i Dee.lo, '59 A RARE - CHANCE For Profitable Investment of the moat Valuable Property in the Borough of Pottsville. TilE subscribers offer the' following . • dusble property a' Private sale: No. 2. All that well lumen tavern stand el'uljed on Centre street. k newt, as the NORMS ESTEItN 114111 L, and kept tar many years. by Da:vitt nut:, This valuable property will be scnititli the adjoining property—the two containing in front on Centre .trot 61 feet 6 Inches, end extending westwardly along • 20 feet wide allay 230 feet go Second st reef, and northward. ly :area , cl sure tBl feet 9 inches. with the innwor'e enent,, enitsi.ding of a two-story frame tavern b e n..,4th a large and 00111111./Cllotle liree- story brick 'ding tiorrodo attached. Ibla bonding has been emged within a few years. and the wifole ar• rangagnent is complete. .Therhatnbers.aliniog renal end cooking department, it Is believed, ant compare with any Hotel In the County. A large and commodious two-sari brick stable, with exteneive yard room. A 1.50, A large three story atone and brick banditti fronting on Centre street, with a atore.room on that floor and dwelling on the woo-I and third stories. This property,es a business stand, cannot be cur. pasted. N 0.3. That old and well known badness stand situ*. ted on Centre street and for many years occupied by N. L. Loostihnd other,, as a gone and feed store. This valuable property adjoins Lerch's Iron store on the north and 4,qt:ea Sillyman on the 'tooth. containing in front on Centre street 2g stet 3lnchea. and extenda westwardly at the samewidth SS feet with right of alley way from Centro street through thearrbed minty now used for the hotel and adjoining properties. The hialldlngs on the property consist of a fiord, and aabstant tal two story Stone building fatty feet der.t no first story met:pled se a store, and the KrenJ POW , AS a dar4lhag, all conveniently arranged and In good ordee. • 'l'n Ole le attached a large twor.etory (protestors hoar* with extensive granaries for storing grain. ~ Thhi prOperty front Its location fir Is well worth the attention rt pertons h, ,irons of going Into the floor and feed butane... , •If this property not 'Lott to9Ze wi t i b i e b . 13 Isl. n th d o of )larch fleet relt will te+ for real l'ossesri N°.4.l :i i : t : o f gr ou n d on Aha:lrestn.t err tending from btlrkt. wildingln thetetrof lints', alor4.dtt,thtreryk b u i dno the southeast corner of M A l.otangd sod Second greets. This properly too woll known to reit elm say revD. Nos.l,and adjoining three story brick building, eoutaining in-trout on Mahantango street, 2fra feet, and in depth 10 fest.'with frame suarket house. occupied by H Loaf Ibtassanaltagar. N 0.3. comstioing in front on .31ahairtangweireet. 21 j i ' f t and to depth 40 feet. with frame a . • im, occupied by 1 O: KK . 4 Piot. , I; ; 'et ; '., containing lu front on Mahantangn Ste I f..et. I i inrh.gt, and In +tooth 40 feel. It ith three brick ; egirca.c,..upled by „Java Atte, Soy, I ; J. Paulo% and.' iturgL StliggAL. Tile. property The the oreetien of otactst or pub l ic I bundlogs. cannot he eacenad by any milt's propels,' 16j the borough. These lots will be sold slag or all lar'i 1 gel th:r to suit porchh try.... , N 0.6. nit desirable dwelling le situatedi l on the south 1 east corner4)f 31ahantango and Second streets: for ma' fort and emartittletom ass commodlonia.deniling, it bar few imperforate 114 borough. ront on ha ' T o li ta la nsu ptuper ervi ty , :it t V t a i l e n , a 2 r i tie fee r t;l3.lLacta brute along etecond ttmet.9l feet. 4 lorties to lintel s seta Log Te. eastrrardly along Pahl stable, 18 fee, 6 I rt b e •t 9 i tiorthwerdly at that width ICon: Hotel ) a n lure !tithes to tit,: line Of the .11i) feet lota lh yard to the duelling on at hirta yard 1 . 5.. „. 1 , eme i .4 4 , a u5 e. "°". latent tit ick'stsble;wlth entrance from d cod a for further Information as to derripttots does of sale, apply to • pottering, ah 6.v II • / 11=11E1