- - - wwgis op T ag JOURSAL , , , t • ,--- t • - - • " • ;;". , - i m pinuite. paratialle . , , . , • • , , • paid witdin awaus—aDdi ff • . - 'J. 4 ;I e 4- • ' s 3t, , _ ; _ .; OPZA - 'L.; • ti'; ; .'" --- • - ' - , ova **took (tikeldvoue%). • ;SO OD ' , . 1"; ; ' ..` 4 les to db - 10 49 Po ll do ! - - . • N' r d 0 00 ,1, , . - . ' • It;e;- P 41' . Vt. , • • mast by Invariably paid a ad ~•,, ••• • vomit „ -7, • 1. • 4. • • a t p a ~dru l it fill bo tarnished to Cavilers .aitd • mhos • :wok 11#11Artirs. •- •• • - 4 7 , , tt • ..tva it2the P llO4 . 14 h th. - . kr, - . - lz! t it to • - l,. . • • - • • • • , • ' - a-• r - • t•t; . 1 0 '7 a tot taw as OIEWSP*P O . II . • , • : • •-. " • • tlisar bows. f' . gb/Wfiberl imirs; the disobotlatetnre k '' the poblishk paly eca!thitie thread thisni until . . , es en ad. il rod y.er z ibers ns ro alect or reuse to take •limb; 'nail . apa 2 . s oro , po t s h o o b o le o u e n ttoil w- t h h i c c y h have Lie d;eid ehoed, L thlelya ad rio I th.-n discontinued. sle7 c tsorits•rs ovtve t other platen Without infortling ~.erlishcr. and the t newspape bl rs are sent to the former. I. lay are heldsonsi repe. • ,p, , . I ' i t . MIMI here decided that refusing to take newels.. , from the ntlici,or removing, and icavirm them nu -4.1" Or, is prime tads evidence of Inteattonel fraud. . RATES OF ADVERTISINO.I o. max re of 10 nowt, 50 cents kar one Inacrtlop--anb. Koont insertioni. 24 cents each. 3 lines onotime. 25 „,;s—pubsaquent insertion'', 12% cents each'. 1611 - adz " he teetostaa oviar 3 lines, for short parka, charged as a Om- L_ ottis: Oat, TWO. titan. , six. "wave., wee lines, 63 ' ,66 $1 25 • $2 25 1 $3 00 (airlines ' .80 1 175 275 ' 400 birlitro, , 1 00 160 ' '2OO . 3 - 00 1 600 ~ Hata, 125 ' 225 260 4 00, 600 ' to o lines, 125 , 225 : 270 . 450 1 700 wittiluev, 125 ' 225 . 285 600 I B.OO 510 e tines, 125 2_25. ' 300 550 i ' 900 at, arts TIVIt t.taall COtraTlo) all A !REM Of ?La gets.' ese ritist* , 125 2 25A7 - 350 800 1 30 00 fro sivaret, ' 225 4 00 - ' 600 900 1 14 00 Toe sultana, ll 50 600 :;7 60 12 00 , 18 00 parsqo4ros, 450 ;6 00 800 14 00 !. 20 00 oirt.r col., 600 , ;900•' 12 00 18 00 I 30 00 ivi..argar sots tlar4tal-Oirelods. as per altra•Maut • s4•llatid nesa Not $1 eaelt --accompanied id, thien gorthternao4, 30 c an st each. . litantawnenta berms Man ages and Deattkilo 'rant* f eline for tratinaeraiontrobiwquent insertions.ficent a rc Ilne. ' Nine words are Counted asa line in advertising. ilerrhants'and others. advertbdog by the year. with ,hinge*. soda standing attverthertunit not exceeding 16 Boos. will be shamed, Including *nteteription. , 616 tai i 6sre to the amount of fonr squares. with chanl 0., and auhmerlptiao 1 I 20 40 witivag rhino:ea. at the rates designated above.. Advert iseMenta ael in larger type than usual will be 6„c e d :,0 Kr emit advance, on these prices. Vill cuts I yin , be ehireed the name its letter press. I • . Se Trade advert ketnente received from Advertising ' - ipnts abroad. except at 23 per cent. advance 0. these pricer. antra* by special agreement with the publiilter. 6 %triages 25 cents each Death a acrompanie with Do. Oars. 2:, untie without notices. no charge. MI notics, except those of a religious ebs ter and ps educational purposes. swill be,.barged.2yeente for any samb.r ,•t* line. under 10. Over 10 litta,4 eon e per line illitional. - psoreedines of meetings not of a' general r Public e bieeter. charged at 4 cants per line for each Insertion. To ficilltate calculation's we will state that 1328 lines mike a column -Itl4 lineS a half column—and /13 lines& porter volume. 2502 words make •col erne —1476 a half rlplan —l4O 711 a quart-we malumn. All odd lines over t i t o m cents h xiu a, charged at th e rate of 4 nts oe ~ line, for sop thus. and a rents per, line for three times . ' - Yearly adverll*ers moat confine their adv ling to their osn business. Agencies for others. as eof Real vsire ,I-.. are not Ineiudal to hiradarnaadvertikementa. MEDICINAL. 111 C. W. I EPTI.IG witoLEs4E.Asl) REV A L ' Oheini art ini.ii cll. 71Z)i-azig6inat. 8.4. Cotner Centre and NorwegianAta., L_ POTTSVILLE. 6 , 7" LIF:A I PERRIVA CArbrated “Woli i cester. share 'Sauce'' , maxim:lay on,hood. March 5.'59 , 1 . ,' IN SANIFORD'S Liver 'lnvig orator, . SV,VER. : IDEBIL TATES. • IT Is Compounded Entirely from GUMS, and boa become an' eatiblisid fact, a klitutird 51rdicine.kno , n it and approv.4l hv all that lure inked It, and la onw remitted to with to fiai gce to ill the disease? for whiri it is terommended.l It hap eared tlinusandf shahadgiseu upall h"py. unimileited certifirntex - I,r The doge' must he adapt th'e individual taking It . . . Bs:. a- to act ',may on lb. 2; inkwets LA the dictates of.von, lodgement golds yon in the meet the Liver In c. wig and Basin rare Llveretimplaiuts, I& 'Xi ~,, a AttacksiDyspepsia, Chronic Dlarrlices, Suin .timer Omani, to. Dyarn tee,. Dropsy. Boor Bine. .= schilabltual Costiveness, Clkle,Ch Aloes. Cholera han 4 °rhos'. Choera Titian turn. Flatulence.JaundO 0 . Female Weak leases. and man be used successfull3 Zi as an ordin ary Family sledlrine. It will cnrzo i sick. Ileadaehe. (as thou saidscan testify,) in 20 minutes, if two or three tes.poonfuts are taken n , ;;,Z i•ommeneemet of attack. sir All who use it are Ntriving their testimony in Its favor. . 1 :7l ' ye Mna. Water in the .ee Mouth unththu/nrigoralor and :maim° WA tewthrr. I Sir•Price......Onei Dollar per Do4le.lill , 1 _...... ,c• t SANF •L-A•1.130. 4; i • ORD'S . ! Family Cathartic ,Pills. . COIIPOUNDED from Pure Yeget ahlo Extracts, and put up in Glass 1.,51.5et1, Alr•Tight, sad will keep in any chntatt . , 1 ' The Family Ca the r'tle-P Wive Cathartic, which the 0 i proprietor has used In IFILL is af gentle but e\ ' Ills t -practice more than twenty' lyeara. ' 1 The constantly incremaine :. demand fro those who hassling used the "'I 1 rod the satisfaction which all express to regard to . T their use, Mot Induced me to place them within,. the' ...,nisch at 1 11.1 The Profession well know i AP' that different Cathartics act on different:portions of Ix i t he Bowels. ti The Family Ca thar t i e./ PILL has, with due reference to this well estate ...• l ashed cacti been com pounded from a earl. ty oil" the purist Negetabte \ Ex tracts, which art alike no every part of the Mimeo tary canal, ,and are I aoeul... and sue in _all ' cases where a Cathartic in needed l'l% , such as derangements of the Btomne h , Sirepinrs,:i...., I; Veins In the Back and I/Wes:Costiveness. Pain and , ' 4 orenesa over the whole lady, from sudden ,colder which freqdently, if nee elected, end in a long amna, of Fever, Loss' of Ape& Me r e Creeping Sensation)... of Cold over the body, Restlessness, Headache. or weight in ibe Head, all Inflammatory Diseases. Worms in Children or Adults, Rheumatism, a great Purikir of the Blood. and many diseases to which flesh is In r. ton numerous to ment lOU, la this advertisement. DV—l to 3. 1 , . ! AltirPriee-ww3 Dlusee. - 33 , • sortie LIVE!? INVIGORATOR sad 4'ARTLY CA . TRA IT TIC PILL' are retailed by Druggilds generally, and suldolrholesele by the Trade In all laryin towns. 8., T. W. leantortl, l l3. D., Natittfizeturrr and Proprietor, 333 Broathang, N. r. Edr-Itotalled in Pottsville by HENRY SATGOR ; and In Tamaqua by E. J.!F KY. Rept:lo,lA IG-ly • MCLEA►N'S Strengthening Cordial an Purifier. TIIF. GREATEST ItK3IEDT IN TILE This CORDIAL 111Ird from a Hen inwn only to mysei ,d ehendrally lned with otorneof t ink valuable medi 21', roots. herb., *i irks. known to lind of mart. via: ilhdront, Illsekrom d Ch..rry 841 :ellow Doek. Dane lona. Sarvaparida, - leV.Flowerit, with 0 9ti;produoinw t nog Inthlllbloretnrdi iTi the reivoratinu lealth et er known, It 11 NATUReS Ova Restor, curb rat laws. When trio n' lie heath coursing through every vein of I he la accelerating the circulation of the blood. _ any bilious matter In the stomach, and atiengthens the eb,,lr organization. tirLcaa's Strengthening Cordial will effectually cure Liver Complaint. illyepepar„ Jaundice, Ch'reole or ;tier- TOO .1 ikli/PIiYZ DIMMISeII of the it lane v F.alia all Debilities arbsingdetan a-disordered Liver or Stour ch.'lleartburn, Ins rod' Piles, Acidity or Elekneast of the I‘marb. M ile.% uf lilood , to the 'lead. Dull Pain or witnnting in the 11.,..d,Paltiltatien of the Heart. Funnies or Weight In ttn• Snutseh, Sour Cmitations,Cln-kinot Suffocating leelloc when it ing dawn, Dryness or Tel °wows of the skin 111.1 Eyes. Night Sweats, Inward F vets. Pain in the Small of the Dyck. Cheat or Side. and On Flushes of so l Heat. OeKession of-Spirits, Frightful Dr* ors Languor lhoomdenry. nr any Nervone Diaesoe. a or Bintrbegi On the Skin, and Fever and Ague (or ••bill and fever.)— It .111 also ear.. dlowavea of the Mad& 'and Womb, infil es Seminal Weakness. Incontine re Of Urine, tgrancuary, Inflammation or Weakness o the Womb or . illonier. Whllea. kr. There la no ualathite about 1 dill will notrer fall to core any one of the . if taken per dicert thus on (web bottle, In 1 Soh and French. i Over b II f a nviffiwi of bo'ffes have the ' , tot six months. and In nn instance givi irs entire, ostisfer lion . Who, then, wi a.'. or DAlllty. when McLean's arengtl Arid •tire ..,u? .To-th• Latillearmao you wish to '140140 then go at once and get scan trenc,theidng Cordial. It will strength,. rate roar blood to flow thr ugh every vein. trortj•lrem of health to mount to Voter el •ery bottle warranted in give ratlafactiol For (Oat ldsremere•We say to ptrenti dam an• steely. puny. or afflicted with cot &lent am- rag children. glee them a eine • air Lean's Cordial. and It will make the? 'and reboot. Delay,nut a moment—try it be eon vi need. . It is delicious to toketi....Erer 'bait should not leave the city ikon he' sagely of McLean's Strengthening Owdi tile. bareaneejt 'Drava cures. A liberal misdate* thewe who buy to sell again. ' CAUTION I...newer., of Druggists, T or Dealers, who May try to palm upon yno wens Sitter or Sarsaparilla trash (which they can buy cheap). by paying it is just •as good. Avoid such auto. Ask for MeLessite Svasserra. mid'. 011D111. and tato nothing else. tis the only remedy that will purify the blond th tighly, and at the awe lime strengthen the system. One tablespoonful taken every months (fasting) is a certain preventative for Cholera, Chills and Fever, Tel. ies Peter, Al' Any prevalent disease. . Price only $1 per bottle, or six bottl for S 3. ' .1. 1 MeLRAR, Bale Proprietor of the Cordial; altio,3l les Volcanic Oil Liniment. V • .--. McLean's Voltanic 011 iment 1 The tot Liniment in the world. for m n or heist. Another remarkable core performed b lie Lean's Vol. cable Oil Liniment. Read for 9 013 . 144, : ' Thomas ford, a blacksmith, livingems avenue, at Tentn,street. had a horrible running re on blatx.t. Ile tr,iii, Various Liu linents,'4allla& 1 e• • at could do Ii ' no Poe; Ile despaired of ever being ab to Stork at bis ' tole foto. because he could not bear ny weight on his Id; and by oas mill bottle •f Mc n's Volcanic Is Oil Litimsut, be how perfecUy cured. su Ithettnatlsm. Paralyels, Neuralgia.. endue. /Wail . al , glignse in theJointaor Muscles. Swellings, Sore 'Throat, ' /arose or-Toothache, Wounds. Fresh Cats. Sotes.Durtie. Scotch 'tine Alto Ylcid to the "mule! hilluisnre of tide vendetta Liniment. ' ' Fur limws and Cattle, It Is an Infallible eqmedy far Chace., halt. Pecatelve, Crack-d Heels. Limene 'a vin.•weell.tplint. Elatuls.lirni S II r • ''' n '''P ii. - b •td w ash" litre and various other '4.l ' n '' ''W"- nd -• task are liable. from loJtitirs", w"rdlrmsa"s• which at". Every minds. merchant • should m ' In Ma • MrLean's Votary. sill Liniment _ • • 0 1 1 Pif of It aleavr races oat. It sells rapidly, ne.. A lib - rnii Clhount Will be mule to'cleni ' Anis ebe bui 1 to sell neap). . , traolf.varle . Y J. 11. IteLEAN. I'm rle * '' Thlid and PlaturNo. St. teals. Mo. ° • t°T ' e°"l.° °f sir Vor Wee Potts-cilia: 11.1. G. {MOWN. Centre,'. error Pablo •Philadelphia, by DR. 11. SWAYNE A 80 N, No. • &eh 7th'greet. - . juste iseneee....... ' PERSONS WANTINFEGVai 'lomat. LI Ihum 'aaa adrartlikunest of Usaunoo teiaate, now dOvain, VOL. XXXV. !ermines of the Philain & Reading R. R., on the Delaware; at fildladelphiai—i-tiers for the Shipment of Anthracites. . - Pier SO.-1. . VAN DIISEN, NORTON & CO., , 2 InkLEll4 IX BrAT QcALITIES OP RED AND WHITE ASH COAL. ' 24 Welnot street, Philadelphia. OFFICES:63 Liberty street. New York. t . - -- ft Donne street, tkoston. ' , " CUMBER LANDAputsf CIiIAL. : • Also, sole tw t s Lekigk Coal - dad Ng:49,We* alpaisy. r 5842 . . . Pier No. 2o BLAKISTON /110 X - ' • SUIPPZI3 os.ege eFre tersurin oi , - - • ~. . . WHITE AM. RED AsH and TREMONT SCHUYLKIII COAL•, FRANKLIN COMPANY'S CUMBER LAND COAL: Alen HAZLETON LE- .. - IHOICCUAL. / • - 217 Wllatit street. PElladelphis. OFFICES: 4 New street. New York, • 17 Deane street. Beaten. rN1.42 Pier No.' la. • HAYES & GOOSHAI t,• 811IPPRILS Or BED AND WHITE ASH SCHUYLKILL COAL; WHARF N 0.13, PORT RICHMOND. Lehigh and Sehnyik.lll Coal at Retail. YARD—Corner ''.:341 sod Areb streets. OFFICE-103 Walnut s9reet,.Plinadelpbls. r 58421 two yillt, nunwtows how. within the last of relief, ns tb , my possrsMon od to the tern and used in e I rament of ch gwma• Shipping WHARVES for ANTIEBACITE,COAL; Al' lIREENWICIL Delaware River. Philadelphia. Wharf We. 2: • REPPLIER & BRO. ' N. F. cor. Walnut at 14inith Ste., EBB'S& OFFICES: 35 Plan Street, Now Yerk. 7 . %waken& Bank Building, Providence.. • - : DAVIS PEARSON & CO., IBMS AND ATIIPPERA OE TIM CELEBRATED LOCUST MOUNTAIN WRITE Agi and r 4 POTIN VEIN RED, ASH COAL, T . No. 13S Walnut Street, Phlladellida. OFFICE: j No. 39 William Street. New Turk. No. 11 Doane Street, Boston. WIIARF-REENWICII, DELAWARE AVENUE. DAVIS PEARSON, PHILA. diming BAST ASHLIEND. 1 1 1 Blood WORLD! .....Thir Car born &snores P firma, Eng- n sold daring sit Tailed in I Fuller Weak• Ring Cbrdial healthy and or 11cLosn4 and iuricri. L'iod the rich. !t4ick "." tr your inpitint. prat. 4 quantity of 11 ; healthy, Cat 504 you tritt country met procured a ,1. It Pella rap. Iscount will ter , are the ease of lie rupee; that almost every meant' of i country abounds In persona publicly known, who her. been restore' from stunning and even desperate diseases of the him. by Its use. %Theo once tried. Its meperiort ty over every other medletne of Its kind le too appoint to matte observation, and Where Its shines are known, the public an longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the Metro:epilog and ' deogerone Affections Of the pit tappari ivgans that are tin-Meat to oar climate: While many Inferior remedies thrust. upon the couirdttelty here felled and been dleterded, this has gained Mends by smelters!. 'conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never tempt. androdlared cures too numerous and too reautrkable to be g tsti _ ' _ ' PREP_ RED By_ ;Ott TO MOOT Bout or ros un-rujuro Irian 4cl , noir viniviniss Or itororriiniiintsinumrop.F.;orrifinonnlo eases noirtruscrritt inthui r otikAilnue.--1 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAYNORNIN I G,-Ay : BENJAMIN BAINNAN, POTTSVI,I4I, SCRUYLKILL PUNTY, Pier No.. 3. . . BAUM - 0611 . &. - 1 CO., 311,11ERS MI lIMPPERS or ) • 3FLAUCZTIZICOVIr laCiil l i.r.s. , First quality Red Ash Cool.' {No. 113 Walnut street. Philadelphia. OFFICES: No. 70 Stair Mired. Boston.. N 0.166 Broadway, New York. ' 1'5344 SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION, 7 Wharf No. 1. ! 'N LEWIS AUDERIED & CO. - • ROMMEL, PUTTS_& 215 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. OFFICES 110 Broadway. New York. State Street end Merchants' Role. Boston CHAS. MILLER. N. P.lttemooo. Wharf No. 3. • CHAS MILLER &' mom AND HHIPPGRS Or COAL • WHITE ASH From the DINE KNOT sod MT. LAFFA COLLIERIES ; RED ASH, . 'From their PIRENI X COLLIERIES. CANAL LANDINGS—GREENWICH AND SPRITE STS OFFICE :—No. 105 Walnut Street, Phllattelphis. April 0. '6O le•ty CEO. S. PATTERSON & BROS., Locust and Broad Mountain White Ash COAL. Also. RED Agit from the Praeh 'fountain and Pal mer veins. air-Flour and Feed taken lo ekehangit for Dual. EDW. D. PATTERSON, W R. F. PATTERSON, • Office st Rare' muff, Raaroad street, rbfirefll4Fte. GEO. S. PATTERSON, Bridgeport, X4rdiamery Chanty, July 21.'59 ' 30.1 y • .Scrofula, or iliztg.'l Evil,. a constitutional disease; a corinpi- I S lion of the blood. by which this fluid becomes vitia- t , weak and peer. Whig In the eirculaUon, it per vades the whole b"dy, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. ho organ is tree from Its nat.. ks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous talot is variously caused by mercurial disease. low-liv ina, disordered or unhealthy food. impure air, filth and filthy , . habits. the depressint vices, and. above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever bo its origin, it le be military In the constitution. dricending from parents to children Unto the third and fourth generation ;"- 10. "deed, it seems to be the rod of Mtn who says.'-d will vis it the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects eomineuce by deposit ion from the blood of corrupt or irk-emus matter, which, in the lunge, liver, • and internal organs . is ter med tubercles; in the glands. ewellings; and on the.surfam'eruptions or sores, This ' foul corruption. which Artidria In the blood. depresses the energies of life. so that scrofulous constitutions not wily sutler from astrofulous /complaints. but they have far 10.44 power to withstand the of tither disease consequently, vast number" perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous In their nature; aro will render ed hotel by this taint in the Sorkin. Stoat of therms ' gumption which decimates the'buman family has its mi ght directly in this scrofulous contamination ; -and many destructive diseases it the Hoer. kidneys, brain, and, lo deed. atilt the organs, arise frum."Or are aggravates by the same cause., . ' I One quarter of till our people are gomfaloue; t sir persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their tallith is undermined by it.' To riestige it from the eye. tem we must renovate the blood 1.3 , an alterative medi cine. and inoicorate it by healthy food and exercise.— such a medicine we supply In AYER'S • • Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, The moat 'effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise (or this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It to tombless] from the most active me medials that have been diterivered forlha expurgation of this foul dietrarr nom the blood, aud.the Avscus of the system trete Its destructive consequences. 'Hence It should be employed CV the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other "tractions which M6/49 from it. such as Eraptim and lain Diseases. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, l'impres, liatules, Molars, Mains and Boar. hussars, Triter and Itheam, Said Mod, filament, Rheumatism, SgplaiLlie and Mercurial -Di*. eases. Dropsy. Dyspepsia; Marty, and. Indeed, alllbra- P 1 " 04, Peat Vitiated or Impure Wood. The popular belief lu • terperify'rif Me Morris founded In trudh.ifor scrofob.H a degeneration of the blood.. The partied - tar purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla Is to purify and regenerate this vital IfuW, without which mound health is impossible lu contaminated amatitu. tkma. • • Ayer's Cathar tic pi ll s For all the Purposes' of a Family Physic, • are so eomposed that dt•wasis within the renew of their &chop ran rarely withstand or evade them.- Their pen& hating properties wearrh, end' cleanse, and llrrligorats every port-two of the human 'organism. correcting its dier eased action, and restoring Its healthy vitslities. As a Consequent.r of these properties. the invalid whole bowed down with pain or'ph yai raldebilitylsastonished Mend hi. health or energy festered by 111 ?Mindy at Otle. SO elm. pie and inviting. , Nut only dta they care the every-day erroplainht of everybody, but elm many • formidable and dangerousdiseases.Tim agent below named is pleased to tarnish wrath my AMeriean Almanac, containing eertlflades of their ethos Sod direet lons for their tuts in the follow- Inc , romplaints: Coahmaess, /7eartbarst, Headache ari sing/robe diroY.lrrct Stanath, l'iratttect indigestiors, Rata fa and Borbici Inaction %fat Bouela, Flatulency.Las nf Appetite. Jaundice, and other Modred complaints, aria tog fvm a hive state of the body or obstructioa of its funetions.• •! Price, 25 outs per Bo=; Five Bozos for ft 00. .Ayer-'ii-Cheiry Pectoral , ifou THE KAM CURE OH - (lowsfits, Cade, inlinerma, lloareences. Croup; Bronchitis. Incipient Coneamptiou, and for the - retie of Consumptive . Fatima. in advanced Ma gee of the climate. So wide is the 11404 of its usefulness, and I) numerous DR. .I.„ii - . 7 4;W &-co., •Price, $1 periliitio4 11/iBo tali foil& MI multi/n*4los arilf4, late b/. 9.110 . 111 8 "; 1441 .' 'Wet on/ by Ilraigio* slid merchants feitrdly, througtveDl the sogistrp Oft It II) {TAI i; - Pier No. 8. TYLlIti STONE' &' CO4. — rezom i zirivtrzw" SCHUYLKILL AND LEHICH COALS, _ maws VREE .cimusuani • S Walcli.sinret, Philadelphia. OYYICES: 9 Washington Building, Providence. 199 Bmadway'.'New York. • PIER NO. 3, PORT IIICIDIOND. , • r. 93.42 " - Pier LEWIS ROTHERMEL, 1111.113CAPD DIOIPPI4 or coaL. - OCsntornbDTtheCaryn,thebeet qoalltke of RED AND WHITE ASH COALS.. . 4lso, LEHIGH and CUMBERLAND COAL. WHARF NO.III, RICHMOND. °mem . {3IR Wainot street. Philadelphia. •1 10 Exebeege street, Boston. t5B-42 • Pier No. 9. re. Y. GLOm. r. a. emr cr.siov SINNICKSON SLGLCIIrER, snieriis or gammas WHITE AND RED AffEt, 1 Lehigh and 131tunshions Coals. 1 8 3 t 2 ei ll etat a lta l V • mim Ph t la ßt l tt b o ll.. Old WHARF N 0.9, PORT 111.01110Z.41), Pblind'a.. , • MB • • Pier-No. 11. 2 •—• ; t4et`,,, - .4XiMiI:AUDENIII/iils . . rieueetuAntauntats.tila port Irani cants& ai i Antlizabite & 'Bitutaincitu4 -, . , 205 Watnot street. Philadelphia. IiFICES : /110 Broadway. view York. • - MS State street. Boston. ", . .Eianett',Shirppyrt from Etirabethpart, ' l. • • Or • LEHIGH, SPRING MOUNTAIN. HAZLETON Ai 'D COUNCIL RIDGE COALS. r 5113 COAL . , COAL ;. 'COA LEWIS MIDENRIEDTIz C 205 Walnut street. PILILADELI'III A.. 110 Broadway.NßW YORK. 66 Statentreet. ROST° , . Wholesale Dealers is the best varieties f DOM TIC GOALS—Sete Proprietors of Wolf Creek flilliery, .. pa ble of producurg over Ibo,ooo lens a year of the eel • • ted Dumper., (Red AM.) and Bkact Muta t ( illitte?ish.) - ALSO, • • . Exelasive Agents tbr the eaten, the purely genninie east Mountain C.oel.front the Loenat Dale Colliery of Ow. C. Ports t Co.. all of which will tie .hipped 4lrect to New York,l via Aisne!: or eoaetwlee, via OreaUwieh Plan, (below Navy Yard, Philadelphia.) ALSO, At Philadelphia, from Vier No 11, Portlncli mozul. The choicest 4;114111es of RED and WMITE LOU COALS front Schuylkill County. selected with special ears, and skipped under our personal euperiaten ewe. • At Elisibeapprt,l4. SPRLNO MOUNTAIN Awl COUNCIL COALS, • i From Balthaore. The celebrated lIAMP,SMAIt BITUMINOUS At Jersey City, N. J. lefa Lehigh and Morris Clusols.) The very'superior WILKESBAILRE COAL, the Baltimore Vein. taken frets the And mried Itaprove. ment and 'Coal Company's Estate,” near Wllkelsbarre; also,tbe COUNCIL RIDGE: COAL; both of 'filch, for steam purposes and for family use. are winerpassed. We hold certtheates pqr ores. from pirt( who hare used and fhlly tested these Cdale. and prdnounee them the star ASTREACIII OP3II , for steam Int pro. during no clinker. less ashes Ind greater blaze, t any other kinds now before the public. . May 16,'•58 Franklin . B 1. B. :Gowen, Miner end Shipper ief - . I WHITE APII 'POLL from -the Last end Wel Olount Les PoillerieltIAMSIOTILL 116ACK. BELT TEM& Orvicz—Ceo I re street. oppoeite Eeseocal Ultra. • Pottsville, Apr!' 10, '5B . • -"PATENT COAL TLBS. , - TSA AC SELTZER, Agent for the roft eel brated Ashland Coal, mined by Banc, fLewla Co..n. has rewired bls afro to 72 Cedar Street; between Broadway and Nampa street, New York, [fat also the agency far the sate of Focht's Patent Coal ,tutre and blocks. All dealers In Omni will Ord Leto theta Interest to cell and see Ibis new article for saving lapin , . New york;July 2. '59 • ; ..tr•ovp• . aa-Adrertisiiic 'lt, set in (tiger gyp than usaailoalbe charged SUpercent'ltdrance on our regulate Boldin & Penrosi, Toloaeoo, l eil & General Cizanileilen '.MERCHANTS.. ' lob N. Weer end, and 106 N. Delatenni, Arnow, • I.IIII,A9LIPIIIA. July 16,'59 ; • 201 FALL IMPORTATIONS. vrs are now receiving LARCEAADDITIONS Ti. our extensive stork of STONE WARE AND GLASS, FOB ROTELS AND .FAIIIIX63, At Greatly Reduced ?rises. NEW STYLES & SHAPES Of-Plain and Richly. Decorated. DIMIER, DESSERT. TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP AND BEAUTIFUL. PABLei BIARIILE FIG CUM 31ANTLE 0101 ASIENTS, TOILET DOTTLEB, COLOGNES'. At Reasonable; sloes. warms INTIM A. GAULS. yasincru OP • Fancy Articles, Suitable for presents duties the appose*: bonds* TYNDALE' :( I ,iD MITCHELL , • Importers;' NO. 707 CHESTNET STREET, ABM PHILADELPHIA. Peptember IT, 'b9 9 3P4m . R. W. P. ALLOT, t • 14 South Delaware Ammo,. E • PIMADERHIA; • L • DEALER •IN , • Oils, Soap, Candles; , bye. sc. lairAND SOLE Mawr r(ki t Mapes Super-Phosphate 0 , Lime. For PENESYLVAN lA, DELAWARE it /FEW awn. Pm!) 25' Philetelphh, July 9,159 ALEXANDER KERR, IMPORTER AND WUOLEZALE DEALER IN 44 " iisql.'t s • •No. 134 S ou ~ outh Wharves. 1 1 . • I t4l.)'‘ Alid 3113 North liltbarvese • PHILADELPHIA. - stitan'a Tina, Lbrarpoot Gran no. Tara' 4,,Ashton's and Star Inns D 3137, snorted dies; cougar' tlyon haial„ and for ale la Opts to matt the trade. . N.B.—Ordarspoltelted. (April 14.'59g 164 n• Wire Rope Woro. of JOHN A. ROEBhiNer.. Trentoa t New Jersey. BSA Imisi assortment of Witi Ito ronstautly on band. 01101 . .1111rd oitti dappateb. Fo' stsa•stteeitibt and east, sae rtrestlar. . :. (1140.27, 1 19. KY. GEO. W. - POMEROYI & CO., OIL, SOAP, CANDLES, .10. , V'Cl. 12 South , Water Area, below Idarkst..Phrelplas• Spotlit, Lard. Mei= I t Wks.le,Tarraerai'And aliAlut7 011,19 perm and Adainiketias Clindlet. Manuel T.ltllke s Warm*: -, Tbasisiptle,Monaryl;l9' - • 147 - SATURDAY MORNING; OCTODER'29, 1859. • Pier ask T. = • JOHN :8: . • WHITE. =MED Coal, • WHARF NO. 7 / PORT WWII MOND. • " " Vito. Me Walnut street. . • o l obir "7 6. * 300 West Thirteenth at., New York. , No: 10. BANCROFT, ZENVIS .& CO.. • .< • *lll6llsll £YD saunas or TOR • ZLEI?RATIEI, ASHLAND COAL. . . MILOII.IIAUANOT MOUNTAIN. - 0 CZ—:ll.l Walnut street. Commercial Building, , . New York Ocoee-7D Cedar stmt. Barton 011 lee—M Finny street.. - - (Oct. 23, ,:of No. 19. Searteiapt.—Joi. Maxtlel4.—ChAu. Wannemseher N. STURTEVANT , & CO, - n ALCMS IN' .TDE . 'reators 08111CDIPTIOSS 'OP AiN'TEERACITE . -- COAL. IiCi.DDING TUX BEST OF - REP k WHITE Oa SOIIIIYLIVI. LEIIII3U lIMALS3 ALSO. • CIIMBEALANIO, from tt. irerlburig Company*,Comps Creek Mine. , , . ---. . • - •, • 1 iN0.116 Walnut sireeL Philadelphia. OpPACES: No. 28 illiby, street, Boston. ;•1 ' . No. 1, linstdsikf.o o r. ot Cedee 51.,!1. - York. • alrattipmentaltOm wharves Nor. 12 aIL pok. Bleb.- mond, Elizabetbport,X. -, 14 Baltimore. Md., and Wes audits: Va. ,-.-, - Capri! IL '69 la. t j.. "Pier 116‘. 144. ' ,CHAS. HECHSCREit &- CO.. mums*. or I BRiiAD MOUNTAIN, BLACK MENEM AND SUPEOIMB I BED ASII. CO.tLf3. • I 45 South street, New York. /132 Walnut street, Philadelphia. r 58.118 • =-' -." PRING. MOUNTAIN COAL. - ' - Ne NT_ COncerp. - "-. frHE uniteieikned, haileg leased the 1. . Spring atotrattitta illness AT JEANSVILLE, PA.. Hitherto worked by War. Simms* Co- are now proyared tn supply this Justly celebrated LNIIIOII COAL, and reiWetfully invite order'. i• , ' C. F. IIANnOLPIT. - - . : TILEO. F. R AN OMNI. ' CHARLES lIAMPSILINE. Applications to bo addreseed to - ; • • _, Randolph it Co q . ri . in Bresawiy. New York. Rona 0.3; 015 Walnat street, Philadelphia; .-• 'Easton. Penn's: , Trenton. New Jersey. . A , ND TO Bandolphs k Hamiliddre, 1 J•ans•ille, Pa. Janaary I. 'nl) - - . 4ty - I LAIN, .HACHER & COOK, t WINUP ANT SlitPrnlll OP • J 331erci1s. lECesstis C7crea.l. Also, dealer. in other Ana qualifier of i White and Red Ask Coals. • N 0.138 Ilrabdst at red, Iltilaskipkia. awl Woodland A Wharves, Schuylkill- . Tanuts Cuw. Ilona .izetor M. Coot I , :ebtuary 27.'511 s-ly F: VOORHIES, 11111,111 AID 11R11.710 07 THIN cununD • .Levis W Vein !M Red AshFAY." Coal, Fom the ..NEINOANOI4: 4 Ile mines no otber Cwt—whirli assures its purity. Akireargo macs by JWIN SibtY. "Vent For If. YOORIIIES. No.ll Pine street: New York. '4`ottsaille, Thireti It; 19 (June 5 1 ',iss 21.1y1 11. CONNEka PATTERSON, MISERS AND sniiiim OF TRR CELIEDRATIM . Locust Mountain Coal. ;J. J.CONK ER. J. 8. PAITFILBOB, Ashland, f ihttsrals, . Schuylkill County, Pa. [7.9 2My &, COLE . 9 - _JO 4_,..ll,PrEns tir TAMAQUA WHITE' ASH COAL. From the &sends!. and Makviae.Collieria. OFFICE—No. 320 'Walnut sicced, Philadelphia. tirCoat forwarded . from Port Clinton by Iteadiun lialirend, or In Beals by Schuylkill Canal. , LEG L CARDS. W. RdSEBERRY, Attorney at ay • Law. Office—corner of Market and 2nd streets, Pottaville. 1. .49,7 , 6 32- N / 11 ER STROUSE, Attorney at kaw. lY .01ftes—Ceutre street. opposlte the Townltall, tterllle. ojEdl P. IDEWEES,-Attorney at Law. • orCE- . Your doors above Mortimer's Hotel, I nitre atree Pottsville, Pa. [Dee. 6,'57 42. 1 Irrc „ HOlt SR. BANNAN, Attorneyst • Lim . 0 ce in Centre area', oppositethe Eplecopal ah, Pottsville, Penna.' ittov. :M. '56 42-ly .IOHN: C. CONRAD, Jr., Justice of the „Peace and Conveyancer—office opposite Post °Mee, B r oad at., Tamaqua,' Pa. [May 2, 'ST 16. • • CEMENT S. FOSTER, Justice of he Pea Ce. Minorsvillo—collections and aitoutlea so netted and attended to enrotally. Vett.2B, '6B 841 TORN !SEUZINGER, Justice of the Peace. ST.CLAIR. will attend to all business en• trusted to him with diligence and care. [lB6B MO lAMUEL GARRET', Magistrate, Cotiveyanei3r. and Mineral Collector. Office; Cimino St.. Pottsville, above Exchange Hotel. 1tug.16.'67 . -- "FAMES J. SEIBERT. Attorney at Ig Law, PuttrrlPe.Echayiktllemnly,, Pa. airomee en Centre atreetoboee the Miners' fank. July 30,, ' • ! 31- 1 4 .G., , BANCROFT, Attorney at • Law and Magistrate. . . 4.1 VlCE2Ceintre stret, parraymtn. two dein% be low the Town Mall. I April 9,14 16-tf AY. P.,SPINNEY, Attorney' at Law, • Amhland. Schuylkill county. - Pa., will act as agent In the perchase and sale of Real Estate. collet:1ton of rents, de.. [Ashland, May *.3, '57 CIHRISI'OPHER LIT'I%E, Attar • DO at air, Pottsville. Schuylkill courity.-Pa:..: Otrics—in Ilahantougo street, corner of Second._ 44:1111, Wf, 16.17 .. pAvID B. GREEN, Attorney at Law, * South West corner Centre and arket street" Second Roy. Entrants ois Market St. N. 11.-11syl be consultat to German. • MI/7 059 • 110- • JAMS auto , • polo T. bons. '+' ici.iis & 'mimic, - . . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. onacs-,4d Mahantango any'et, near Centre, Poita. yills, Pa. ! , •• • - [October-20,1A lily 730. - [ mow T. . • KNDRICKS 4-81-lINDEL, At torneys at Law, TAMAQUA, Pa.' Having aasoit. atther to the practice of the Law. all proreledonal ,buatneealnßthuylkill and adjoining counties entrusted to their owe will retorts prompt attention. ilay 29,'58 • 25. BUSINESS CARDS. ~t W..SiIEAFFER, Pottsville, Pa., •late the Peatnitylranla State Geological Surely, explores landsoutnes. &a. [October 13.14 41• t! tIENRY -PLEAWANTS, Civil . and pottavn.t.a. rrits--Comare atreet,west side,between Market_and Norwegian. ( 4 tuguat 8, '67 132-lira VRANK VARTER, qivil and .Mia- Etterkser,Surreyor,:#e.,rtitaftett to surveys of edam! aes,towu plots. itc. °Mee Sliver Terrace, Pottsville. PA. [March 14, 'Le iGENCY-,—Fur .the Purchase and gale or Elul Eitel*: baying:and eosl • fa. 4 k ng charge of Coal Lands; Mines, de4and collecting rents. 01Bee klabagtengo Stmt. Pottsville. [Aprll6,'sB • 14- ] ' '• - MIAS. M. BILL. q:EORGF•• B. FISLER, _Mechanical Engineer aid Dfaaghternaa, atlas& to the. wile an 7l ' of machlitery, and to the rehidlding aad patting up of aid amehhierr. - - - -.PoriCattan, March O. 'be . • - .404 f 1 - IHORGEr, K. SMITH; - Itintakltiaglnier and ' .IDollts.7.l7lewer t • • - 1 PENN •' ••• Denzab;rll.lB .. . I H. McElwain,' Civil - and -Mining! 0. oilaidnest•Aablalg4 Pi4ittredstollorimpitqfilid: lespeettag Minsamirvetntlis4 410111A1lip : Whig Toinaots.and alto Ma , tituftrok a bli ss , ids profession.' latteriderszo,AlMlLOn ri - 4 liebisylklllContr, ra. lob. er ; . vc. , TRAVELING. . PHILAD'A & READING RAILROAD. Natearsios %Waimea, M clikaMlß from PhiladelphEitoPotts•erif ewe ;ma rater& will he sett et-Phihrerptat, days lad Sundays. et IP , tek web, good liar - asi. , tuda ea Wee dap, and ea the sacetediter Monday. • -• • U. 419OLLe. Goma digc. Attend 6,'59 • . . ; • 33, kIiILkDELPHIL4 IMDING lIAILDOAD 0040 d: to tooth ANHUI street:, - • PUMIPILPIIII. Apin 1dnt,1859. - • framutiogo TRAINS YOLIIAIIILISBOOG„. - • _On and aftre'lloaday, lath IniasnLlWO Pssissaor Trains win tok rpn DAILY (8i rolayssmondad) to Usr dsbuturia 24141r0g and Intermediate plots. - • • - SIORDING LIMA. - -•- • . Leaves the Dopot,at Broad. sod - Vino insets, at T. 30 . „ Attiring at Harrisharg at 12.30. Noon. - Leares the Depot, at linid al")°N unst iLi ll N its Streets, ' atll.3o ;Arriving to Harrisburg at LW P.ll. • • - Fare to liarrbbans, Ist class, $3 S.' - u • Rd class,• -r • RlO By order of the Board. W. IL _ Apt 11.30.10 184011 t.) Wan% AUSTRAhIt PMEE,R • idhadiaited / Sailing Positively ON the Day Adver ed. #l9 DAYS *PASSAGE.—fhe oragnlfieent clipper S ti ln "SAMUEL 0. 0 ER," lano tons bonthen.—Kgmme, Commia=. Is now at Pier No. North Blear, rapidly king, and will be dispatched for !Wilbourne on the 15th o October, posfUerty. The "S.G. 0." made s dbe passage lest year to dust rills, • and delivered her caraVin perfect order. Sirs is a roPld miler, to tint rate order, and is ell:meted to make the . 'passage Inside or 76 days. Ebe kas unsolders% mom. inahtions for Ant and second class passengers. Rates of Pass4e. ' First Cabin 0111000; $2OO ; Sesoiid Cablo.sloo.: _ Children in arms, free; oest. two years and un der t welve.bairrriee. ' for freight or Paenge.spply on laid, or ' o • ' B. W. CAMEIION.B Deanna. Green; New York. Slgbt Bills ter mile, and cash advances made on con. stanmeote. Onikignivis In Andralin: Hewn. Wilkinson, Ikon. & Co. Oetotiir I: '59 . pane 12,'55 2,11y] EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-1 i fir i l a i t gEga w oz N A . N DA D T, A . F . ;r l E lt ß ii. . Passenger TIMID. will run on this road daily. connecting with trains at Allentown. for New York. Easton and in tannediste olives, and at Beading with troths for Uar visborr„ Philadelphia and Pottsville.." • • . Trains going East wiil leave Readings! 6 A.lll. and 12 111., artivimg la. New Yerk et 1220 A. U. and 7 P. 51. The trainseotolng West will leave New York at 11.45 A. M., arriving in Beading at 0 P. A • train •wlli aim lame Easton at 7 A. IL. and - .lllenUmn at 5.15 A. 51,. artielog in lieedingst.lo A. Sf.. . • • - .Pastes lions Row Mite To Temple, ' 15 YoUllierrtown, • Fo'6o Blandon, • -25 •Enuttm," '' 9o -.• Fleetwood, 55 Alirntomi; 100 Ayeee, - 45 Bethlehem,: I'ls Topton, ' • - 55 ' Easton,' ' • . 1 115 Flamroek, 55 New York, 580 Freight trains will also run daily between Reading add New York, leaving Reedit= at 0.01 A. M. • JAMES 510011 E, General SW. Aag - st 13, Only Direct Line fbr Ireland!: S'rEAM• to all PAPTS of 'GREAT mum and IRP.LAND, ' l a g giag • • - For $3O Tbe powerful Iron ltn tesehipe, CITY 01 RALTIMOR R. CITY OP lb ASKINGTON; CITY OF MANCRESTER. KANGAROO, • - VIGO, Will sail from New York for CORK and thence to • • LIV iERPOOL.. • Kir Bray A7tern . ats Saturday:la . Paosags from New York ..... $:0 Third Claw - $ 3O, Passage from Liverpool and Cork: Cabin,, • - $35 Third Ciao, • $4O "ar-Parrengers forwarded to Havre. Antwerp, Bremen and Hamburg, for sBsln Cabin, $36 Third Clan. To PARIS (in 20 hours from Liverpool,) Cabin, $00; Third Clam, •• " - The above Steamabips are built of Imo. to waterttgbt compartments: carry each an experienced Sorgeptl; and every requisite far lbe Immediate coil ortion of For Passage apply to ft. J. Corti' r Co.. UT Broad May, N. Y.; John G. Dale, lb Broadway. N. Y. to • EDVi A UPS. Pottsville; - . • Or to .1 J. U. RICILARDS, ltloeravilie N. 11—Pastenpre by this Llne avoid the tick and de, ley at balling at IlsWet and St. Johns. as the steamers proreed direct to Cork. ' [April 16.'69 itr ' • 01.1 _LEHI 1 GH VALLEY RAILROAD. . - ZEMPENg Summer Arraugemeuto of kassenger Using. ()Wand alter MONDAY, MAY - 1 6 t , law the Passenih MINS on the' Lehigh Valley Italltosd Coutpiny will run it the following hours: Down Tia Lorne - JAW. &press. ;loom. Itanth Chunk at 6.00 A.M.,112.30 P. M. -1236 P.M Elatlagtou 6.40 " 1.08 , 1.211 •." White hall 7.12 " 1.33 " 2.25 • Catasanqua 7.27 1.46 " • 2.52 ". Allentown 7.40 " •1:58 " 8.16 ", Bethlehem 748 " 12.11 . 3.49 . Preetnansburg • 8.07 " :2.20 , • 8.67 " Anise at Easton 8.30 6 . 2.43 4.46 . " Up Train's. • , %Entre Anna. loft. ' , .E.rprar. Easton • at 'B.OO A.M., 11.45 335 P.M Preemansburg 6.49 "- 12.09 " 3:57 " Betdlebem 7.00 " 12 19 - 4218 " Allentown 7.40 "• - 12.34 .-" Cataeanqns - 8.07'." 12.48 -• • 435' 0, ;. White Ha118.25' " 'l.OO •'" 4.62 0 ,- Millington ' 9.04 0- • 1.99 " 8.26 .• Arr..ManehCbunklo.oo " .2.05 , 6.10 " DOWNTRAINB WITH llhEllt CONNIUTIONE:' The 6.00 A. 11. Mall Train willynn in coniteetionvdth tbeCahtwissa, Williamsport mud Brie train from Elmira, Williamsport. Danville and Rupert, and will convieetat Allentown with the East Penn. train for needing, thus risburg and Pottsville: at Bethlehem with the North Penn. train for Philadelphia; at Easton with the Cen tral °Mew' Jersey train for New. York, and at Philips burg Ili: Os the Rel. Del. train for Veit idere.' This train will also enable -passengers bq go to the Water Gap, - Scranton and Great Bend. either 'by the 'Bel. Dd. or the Central of New Jersey train. •. The 12.30 PAIL - Expreartrain will. run In eonneetion with the Bearer Meadow train - from Wilkesbarre, White Haven, Ilideton sod Weatherly. and • with the East . Penn. train from Harrisburg, Pottsville and Reading, and will connect with the North .Pennarain thrlthilas &labia. with the Central of New Jersey train tor_ New York, end with the Rel. Del. Halo foe Lamberville, Trenton and ' - UP TRAINS WITH THEIR CONNECTIONS. .The AOO A. ALAecommodatkin Main will tontine% with the East Penn. train for Reading, Pottsville and Barris. bore- • The 11.15 A. 31.M111 train will run In connection with the Bel:Del. train from Philadelphia, Trenton'and Lam bertville, with theCentrel of New Jenveftrain frensfiew York, with the. North Penn train from. Philadelphia; and will connect with ;the Beaver Meadow train for Weatherly, Hazleton White Raven and Wilkesturre. The 1.38 p. m . Exp ressi train • w 11l vuit In connection with the 'Central - of New Jersey train tram New York; . and will connect within* East Penn. train for Reedier. Pottsville and Ilarristfurg, and with Ida Cabraina, VV and E. train foe Rupert, Danville, Williamsport and 113: toira. liethiehem„ May 18th, 1859. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. MiIIIESMISIMNMER • snmmar Arrangement l April 18, . 1889 DOWN PASSENGER TRAINS. Lone.Pothrelile, daily. (ezeept Sundays) at 822 A. M.; and 3.30 P. M.—Passing( Readlnganu.lo A.M., Ind 5.06 P.M. Ariiving la Philadelphia at 13.62 noon, and at TAO P. 4 " UP pASS.P.SGER TRAINS. - Leave Philadelphia. daily, (except Sunday') at 7 30 A. M., and TZO P. M.—Passing Re)ldlug at 10.20 A.M., and 8.05 P. M. Arriving In Pottsville at 32.06 noonfand at 7.50 P. M. • . Both Up and Down Passenger Trains canned at Port Clinton with Trains to and frOm . .Tamagna,Catawisas. Williamsport and Edmint. Morning l'sussenger. Trains 'only connect at Port Clinton for Wilkesbarre,Efaianton and Pittston. . . :Passengers leaving. Williamsport - by the Catmints Rath oad _Night Line at 10.10 P. 51., connect with • Pate minter Train leathig Port Clinton at 4.30 A. Si.. arrive at Beading at 5.110, breakfast, and proceed direct to!Phil ' adelphia by the 110. 51. Reading Accommodation Train. ,;• LEBANON VALLEY . 11 i RAPICAL_ rassenger Train leaves Resuing at 0:5 A. «Amer arrival of Up and Down Morning Passenger Trains fr; m Philadelphia and Pothrville.. Arriving at flarriabtirg at 12.40 noon. and connecting with Passenger trains on the ' Northern Cantral.. 4 •Peunsylvaula" and "Cumteriand Valley" Railroads, for Banbury, Williamsport. Elmira, Pittsburg. Lancaster. Baltimore and Chamberstaarg. Returning, leaves Darrisburg at 2.45 P. 11., after arri val of Trains from above points. Arriving at Reading at 500 P. IL, andeennect log with Up and Down Trains for Pottsville and -Philadelphia the same evening. No .Trains run ow Sundays. ~ . , • Fereese.ilet wean Pottsville and Philadelphia. V. 75 ' and $2 25; Reeding and Philadelphia, $1 75 and $1 45; • flarrisburgand Philadelphia, $3 Zona V..) 70; Lebanon • and Philadelphia. 42 50 and $2 10, Reading and Ibr.. I rtslourg, $1 50 and $1 30; Reading and Ponstrille, $1 Oil sod $0 85; Reading and Lebanon. 55 and 70. cents; Pottsville and liartisburg.s2 05 and $216; Pottsville - and Lebanon: Stub sod $1 50 • Through No.I Tiekets--Pottsville to gal timore,gs OCe, Pottsville to Bettye:meg. $4 to; Heading to Baltimore, $4: Heading to Putraster, $2 25. Kir El I) pounds II Baggage aline 'ed each Passenger. ' Thu Second MCI Cara run withall the above Regular Pasaattger Trainz. . /to... Morning TrainDownand AfternoOnTraht . run on Sundays. Thronkh First Chita Tides. at redneed rates, to !Wag. are Valls, Balfalo,Detrolt, Chicago, and ali the principal points In the West. Worth West, and the Can tias: and &migrant Tickets, al lower fares, to all the shore pietas, 'can be had on application to the Station Agent. fir Alt %lasts *lll be, purchased before the Stains start: Higher fares !hinted If paid In ears. G. A. NICOLLS, Zits. S Gen. Supt. April 30, , - • . • , 75. wEw STORE. . THE subscribers .announce to their Meads and the citizens of Psttsvill•-and vicinity, they have taken "3100RUEADS OLD RUDD.° - . - - - - - 11.6mter of &tone: dad Narbl Struts. whets ant atirsys Do touts& a'good assertmen tor - , . Detr Goods, aroaertes t Proirtstoillle; sad a variety of articles ether kept lot Ores thus re. tell store. 13aderetendlar Om& buskins thosvathly, they lavlte a custom viltkh. try 'Met attention ta taith Gan lutti) 2 o, they latead to &WM Fresh i3oods Constantly Arriving. The best *Melo decays so bassist tiaskariat PRIMA!' 10It CAUL. - ' . ; $l. LIICBOL3, GEO. W, BECK. Z*Np: jiM-OALEXAMIIqf TB Ei sraor. April 10i' 58 : - .l¢tf , - -- littinoscoPio wawa.- UB;.-received; ftvin,the rievr..-York - Sterwroole Oa, a vide% of lastravaats. with Ariterksio andiron* knri.alataasz. jiggly ir " 4l- •' l4ll4 's-P, t .,1 361 1 1.11gt g r " BottaatetalloaretittiaL :: _ . DoE#~J: _ = • /Nis the Plaits Zeros. Ihettet4. man eirriallAtettLicx zarp. 3batheesill;ll* - neleuta Here In twournful mot we igande One eutoeg anw Golden Nu bar _ Nakao( nut noble . Elope tbialeejktbat known sut waking:: • • Molter 'bough ell the hanks Wire , -t, Bemutoneti boon the out 41141 'th'inti. - Closet Inghtowee end MOWS of two err; Never Owe with .9balle, to range, oeAlth .beener the Utile jokers! allee3l now the doleful chorus Illsituren Magnus fluswdLan o'er on; / ';;'l.lot..ob. nett_ • • Oat Aoliful ebonies.— . eblag 44l l l o.the delete slug, ..,; • I- Ilaritl their eieg on Avery wing, • - Alma% Gratllammon, up to thou, t Mad it glorious life l ended Buteur teen we cannot ewe: Wienientblthired by the • Us - Was nor a 31rutoxawns. True be tried to gala tub power :Ewen to his dying. hour. Bactigeed etch kindly feeling, • Ride hie home Ilk. ifungema • Gowersted.with a rod of iron : Yoit,coy .brothers. he worked well. liebe.yet wow the doleful chorus. . . 41110Orny boats. dsseetWl children, Broken hearted all. can show now a warrtorpriest of Mammon . Can eooduet himself belly Tearing not the wrath of Mayen, Died unloved and unforeireo. All unheeded was the Future, For in earth was his Wier; Shan attaart he counted uotbloy, ' • .l Laughed at oreow, cursed at east. liable ,rs now the doleful chorus. - . Coiie my brother, IW, be moving, - , Hurry I—this Is discount day, Money two per cent. and rising,— Thin Is deadly, this delay. • • t • , Yet as instant era we lemma blorZ • To his last home dark and aim, Let an ray It hire, sincerely. We protest it is not bit f. Dyintat One liandred Ytionsard,—• - .7i ; When yolk:mart tar Millionaire. • • - hair inflow the dileful chagrin?, Mammon Magnum : - Orowdlon o'er us, • 11,11.40 h list I-' • Oar doleful chorus. R. , 7 • Cblaits•llnal the dollars sing. . , Hark! their ring on silvery wing • . Mountay,Greaillammon, up to thee, - 4)1900 Vinbirattk A LETTER • TO TIM HON. STEPOEN A. DOUGLAII ON - • 1118 “HAIti"1311" ESSAY. 111 R. SENATOR : Your latsTottgazlne article on "Popular Sovereignty In th Territories" has al ready received adequate , aftention. Tbst it has failed to got:tea:Ai -Opponepte,tiottewi rethiir in creased their etamber and ermartned their resole. Goo, is now evident.' IlLes - had this result! both at the North and, at the fiduth, and for a very in telligible reason. Blost,of the American People , who hive any purpose sibiitever, earnestly desire either that Slavery shoddier that it *head Spit be , enabled to diffliee itself !laugh the. Federal Ter ritories,'-growing with • he growth and twing strengthened with the at nrctb of the AmiriCin Repqblic... Very few aro lindifferent to this over. shadowing issue; :ew except protesatoest Owns oven affect to be. You preach. therefore, the gunpoint indifference, of negation, of impotence. to Mainly unwilling elm. leannot feel, in reading your lucubration, that you believe it yotintelf.— Think' me not uncharitable, Vitt in-wer to yoUrself ibis quaaion Suppose you were ofilaially appris ed (bet a majority of the Squatter Sovereigns of one of our. Territories--ewe will ray Utah, ter ex empla-71'nd voted that rhe minority should Pe re dined toend held in Slavery. fur the benefit and in the service of such tnejortty, and had preceed-; elf to enforce that determination 'mere anti sword ; —would you, zip a Senetor, hesitite to dee* anti declare, that this rap ideas ' iniquitous - , purpose, seam be resisted and defeated by the poureCof the Federal Government? I know you would You wodid, in that case, inevitably reeoznite and affirm the duty of Congress to maintain Justice In the Territoriesto protect every Innocent inn in the peaceful enjoyment o f f the fele rewards-Of big own industry, end in the, possession and - enjoyi meat of Liberty, Famtly , and honestly. acquired Property. Tha matter is too plaitt - for argdment; too certain fur doubt. If then, you- uphold the 'right of some men to bold others as slaves the Territories, you do iton the assumption that those ought tote masters and theie alareg—thsit the Slave lawe of Viiainia ler Texas bare rightful force and effect in Kansie or New Illexlco-i-or some otter 'ground than'the naked assumption of -"Pope's!. Sovereignity" in the Territories. That, you must allow me to tell you, is but s Dodge, devised. in IB'4B by Gen. Cass, antler the spur ,of a pressing danger, an urgeht necessity, 'and only accepted by those who discern to it ■ means of escape from perils—a bandy neck yoke to enable them to carry water,on boa:Shoul der*. The Soren-linty you deter to is that of a Political necessity, oot that Of the People Of the Territories. I I: • But I do net prop!, to traverse ail the logical subtleties end hair-splitting distinctions of your late elaborate essay. I did, indeed, at ono - time cherish a strung desire -to reply ,to it at- length through the pages of the magazine which rive it to the' world ;.bat, on intimating that putpose to its editor. I was deuied a hearing in his colutons,l though it was graciously intimated that a Similar demadd from - one of "the lending Republicans" might perhaps be favorably considered. Of Course, that puts um out of court; but whom does- it s let id f cannot- tell. • Republicans arei rather ' enured tcy.being • led; . hence a natural scar city of , Reptibliese leader& GAT. &Wird, to whom you seem ,willing to accord the cbarenter of leader, is known to be absent it, Europe, find not likely to return for two months yet; so Mr. Sumner; other "leading Republicans" - ars haitlis within easy reach of the documents essential to i your -systematic . refutation. Yet it seems: to mai important that your 'misstatements of facti4shoald. be clearly exposed, even though the task should devotee on one so far from being a leader. Though the pages' of Marisa are shut 'against me, and those who bays read your monstrous petrel-11one of History will never see their expeitire, I ein im pelled .to -undertake the task, confining,,myself strictly tattle bister:cal features of Jour 'sassy. Your fundamental proposition is this: The ge tilos and spirit of our free institutions rd• quire that the people of • Territory should be en abled end encouraged to.establish and - maintain Human Slavery:en the Roil of such 'Territory, If theysee Gt. ! The Republicans deity this, Instating that no GLivernment has any right to &kiwi:l ooms' homai beipgs el their liberty, aceennting end holding theta the mere chattles of others.-, Tbejr deny the right of any Territorial Goecreraret to Aslabliati or uphold such Slavery, insirtliag that CoOgress Is in duty bound to prohibit nod prevent any such injustice and. mischief in the Territories which are the common domain -of the: whole American People. Oa this chain question,We are utterly, irrectinellably at variance. '1 de nut pro. Pose to Own It, nor. to review your arguments epee it. But you, proceed to assert. end le. make' histOry uphold Your assertion. that your doctrine I. that of the Revoltitionory - Fathira—that; the Revolutionlwas made In fie beh'alf-..thetit was paramount in the earlier and purer. doe: ' et the, Republic., Onshia point !sake issue, and appeal to the indubitable recorde. Here is their -testi moray : The-IXth Cot re . _ mtinem. .iongrers, under lhe itr•l titles of Confederation, assemble, et OileatiOhlat Nov. 3, 1783, but adjourned' nest day to Annapo. lis, Did.. where it was to have reconvened!ou the 26th, but a quorum was not obtained &mil Dee. 13th. and the attendance zoo tinned lovnesiger that, no important business *iota:kin up,Ontil Jan. t 3 t 1784. The Treaty of Independence and Peace mith . Oreat Britain was untiniinouily rati6ell the 1416—nine Stows repiesepted. She. Luse wu stionieft ilthont a querout;:iodit4 continued moot of the time=of nark, doing neltasinese-+•Aill the Ist of March,. when the delegate* from iiiincteitice of itittenetioce frteifihe Liteleture pf:thar State; signektbe eatiditiooal of eat- I *No Cinfederaiion of her claims tisterri. tort' northwest of the-Ohio River. Ne* York, Connecticut. and ilassieboaeus had already made siteitat eonetursioos to the Confederation of their respective 'claim* to -territory Westward of their pi.eseint l • Congress ertiopon appointed S I essii. Jefferson of Vir g inia. Chase of Maryland, and Howell of -Rhode Island; a Select, Committee to report a Plan If Government - for the :Western Territory. • ' This :plan drawn .op, by Thotbas Jef. rersoti,pitirided .for the gore' russet of alt the Western. Territory, including that portion' which bad not yet been, bat which, it was reasonably expeeted, valid - he, surrendered:to the Cen Mere. don by the States of ,North Csrelitiotanel Giorgio ;(std. _which now. folllls the' Stares ot 'Volumes, Alabama And Mississippi ' ) Revell as that Mbieh bed alreadf been conceded by the more nortliirn _State/. All this 'territory; acquired and': as yet uneegeired,'Mr. Jefferson And hie,. associates ' this .Select: Committee, proposed. , to divide -into seventeen prospective or new (embryo) Suithrito each of which the-Itsport vii name,night of 'thins being ainistent•hcloW dui Parallato4he rats of Ohio, (Loeiseille, Ry..). and nine above that ,paralial.-.whieir is very.- aesrly the- bounder,' be view the.preserit Bree Rod Slays' Waite.' To all these embryo or new Buries the Committee piop9o - to Apply this restriction:. • • • : ; "That attar. the year 1800-orthe , Christian ,ems, theta neither titay.;ry tier tar!olantary inaliteds in **yid` the said States, otherniiiltben in punishment of eriteinvw hereof the said - party ;shalt here been 'etiorictedlo.bie „personally goia.l .Aprit:l9; title reported flan cams sp•for eon. ',ideation - in Congrete.','• iir, ) Bphight of li„;:c. ' itieved - that the aliovi-tptaied jpaSsiopthiCAtel*is - net et the plan Ar.eirthann - eersad, ff.:140 1 41 aO. AUseatindad the •:Thassplestion l ***pot Is this form: "Shad ibe words moved Ur* iii let- ";;" K , - r - 4 0 . • ,•!--: ; 1 . 1.:,, , ,,+? *-0,, _ ~.. . ,-... rt , : , .1.M4 ::. '' ` : :44. . ' I : .._ ... '.. ..I`• ea sett Mead Mead et tide quistiem tb• Ness Alen ;alma And resulted ea, followe .2r. HasipAiri . . Mr.lfeetar.. _ ...all .3tr. ' lelanshaird.", , a.T., Albssedlessfts: ' .. 30.0nry. . . AY ' Mr. Partridge.. ' LY.I Made hfaid. • Mr. Mere. -•-, .- AY Mr. Bowell. . - :II Kr. Mam_ma l _., • ..WY • • . _ ~. _,. leri-liesmeatier . •5!• 13 Ms Mr% .- - Mr. De Witt. 1 • ...,. 5 7 . - , :Mr. Palau, . -, ...... •,,,ayj ibuteriessass. ..-- •• Mr.•1111111e.o.. • . •••••• ail Me. litestgtesery, al/ , 1 bilt.ltsett.• - - •• ay, S'` - s mr.lirftaery, ' -.' to • • • • Nr. Stens, :"' v .: re l • Nr. Jileweerei - ' ' .•-• • Mr. Menty,„ - , - ' •14 Ito' - Kr. Knew •‘ '° Ise, - Me. WUttatrasent,' :. ; sy' , • - ~'• • Kt. apMeht, ' • •'wo Learstine. •lir.Ril -• , ~. so : . • .%' .. . MA. Benwitltd. r: , , ~, Po. ceio • 'Here wo,dod the - votes ei.etees• is favor of Mr. Jefferson's restrietion to barely eters spinal it. and the States divided six in favor in rime against it. Bat the Artielei of Confederal.° (Art. IX.) required an affirmative vote of a mei rity of all the States•khat is; a vote of iileien Staten—to tarry .;proposition fso Ibir clause vii defeated through the at.senee of one &Neste from New. Jersey. in Spits of a vote of more than two to one ,in its favor. Had the New:Jersey delegation been full. it must, to a Moral .certainty. have prevailed; bad Delaware bare then represented. it, would probably have carrititi, even without New-Jersey. Yet it is of 'WS eke, so given and,rodorded, but by yon suppressed, that you fay. in your account of the action of Congress on the bill, atter ampli: tying OD thenrdittillee se It parsed, and claiming it as VI itlikiffiltOtilt of your rinses :: ..Thir fltitiMrtiele; which relatis to the pmbi. 'tattoo of S.l.Very after the year 1800, having been •trefecrett by Cot - gimes. never became a pftrt .1 the 4efetetOlow Flee p[ Goveriatint for the Ferrite. ,eiss e aCedepted April 23. 1781." • - : , .', • • - • • -,..,Lt' l this a'-statesman ' s. eradiate! Annwitlin RistorY for the instrnetlon aud guidance of, bis _countrymen ? It certainly reminds RI lIIMUIIII. of a blielileg turning up the knave from'the'bot •toes oi, middle of his pack as though ireatue-from tba ,t4e. -Who could not • prove, anything be Wished by such nnseropnions mattipulatitreof his anthorities? . . . . ...13tit there is no denying the feet that the last Cootitiontal • CAlgress—tbat of 1137-41i'd `ottani. yo,,elly pass Nathan Dane's-Ordinance fur the Government of the Territory North-west of the Ohio,' whe , r rehj Slavery is peremptorily excluded frote , aid Territory in the following tetnar t • "There Shall be- neither Sistrar3cnor involun. tart' servitude in the-said Territory, otherwise than in punishment of crimes, Whereof the par ties 'llan be duly convicted." New do you get along with thief I will quota yourvary 'words. You are seeming to argue that -• by thew tette "Stater, " or 'anew States," the Con , press of that day oftn implied what ws now de signae as Tetritories, end you say" . • • • • HT et word.Btateo is used in the sums tense in It ... the" rdinanea of the 13th July, 1787, fur lb* gore vment of the territory_ northwest of the Rive, Ohio, which was passed by the remnant of the Congress cr the Confederation, sitting In Nrei Yorkl while its most: eminent members were at phil l delphie, es , delegates to the Federal Conven tion, biding in the f.rtnation of the Constitution of the 14nited States." : - • . . • • Let tenet about this : You give utt your bare word fur this belittling anti, setting aside of the C..ogress of 1787, ns,s mere !' renoant.', There may me those with whom your assertion ouillees, but I prefer to look at the record. . The Ottiintince of 1787 Jost referred to, and von. training - Me inhibition of Slavery quoted ab;tve, it2l9llti, CUDgrelA on the 13th of July ; and, On re - curd* torhejuurnals, / Sod theyete on its pas _ _ .. Cbemiascat: Mantis/J. irivpinis. jr. armUmt. ecorded as follows : ckusctis,, Mr. flattest, Mr. Dane, ; • ay rem, . - ay* 31r. flarting, • • ' - Mr Yates, no tersey, • 1 - Mr. Clark. - ay Mr. Pebenrman, , Mr. Kearney, . ay Me. Mitchell, ay, Mr. Onu - son_, • - ay Mr. Hided. U. Lae, ,ay Mr. Covington, • ay, icaliats, Mr. Blount, • -ay _ ay retina. - Mr. Kean, • ay Mr. Unger, ay Mr. Yew, - SY Mr: Baldwin, .• ay Mere was Virginia and every State , south of epresented and voting—voting. otianimonaly The only tootles vote cut earns front'New . It is Anita' true that New Hampshire, le; !eland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and nand were not represented on this vote; but rat four of theta had unanistoasty voted to io Mr. Jefferson'i original restriction, and len can d.uaht that, they would have voted in att they did in 1784;tioa that even the Cam ped Georgia had eome over to the 'support policy of Restriction. The mensbere absent from i sT their ;cats in order to attend the sitting% of the onventioaat-Fitiladelphisterere Rufus King and atbsniellierhaur,ofMassacheletts: William Sam el Johnson of Connecticut, Mr. Msdistin of Virginia, and C: Pinekney of South Carolina; and possibly one or two other whose natues.l bare not deteeted-;-for I can find no list of the WISIZI hers of the Congress, save as T pick it op fr;iut pege . to page of 'the peens( its they severally dropped In from - day to day: 'Met it few mein. betel of thig Coli'gress were transferred to seats is the convention is trite; but in no stogie instance wesla State left by' sock transfer unrepresented in Congress, nor is there a shadosi.of• reason fee rupOosing chit the Slavery Inhibition embodied in Op glorious ordinance would have been strung out br modified bad no Convention been eitting,', Whit becomes then of your sneer at "thermion* „.. of t e Congress 1” , 1 -Lifers, then, we have ' two distinct declaration! by verwhelming majaitlits of the Continental COD Tees in fever of the pritielPle of Sleverylo• hibition—the first - by more than . two to one Ithilugh not' enough to carry it under the Articles . of Confederation) acting under the' lead of Thos. -Jefferson; backed by sueb•men es Blbridgellerry andlinger Sherman, assembled dreeetly sitter the 0104 of thelt.eoltition, and white New York. was 1:, • atil held by . a British. army ; the second bye vote ore gist States to none in the last Conceders a i l o f ; . Co 'inertial Congress, slitting In New York simul taneously with the Convention which framed our pregent letters' Constitution at Philedelphie. Ilere are fwo explicit affirmations by the Revolu tionary Fathers of the right and duly Of ConipPe., •1401:111t L.bibittuis" Of Slayery in the 'Territuries. Can there be any honest doubt as to !their views on the subject? % '. ' ' - —But the Federal Constltation waeframed and ado t I t ed I 'perhaps' this abolished or modified the . po sr over Slavery in the Teri:lodes claimed gad -else tiled by the Cdotinental Congress. Certain , ly.. e. presumption is stro n gly Atte other !way ; fur he Constitution was (rimed tn strengtheo.not itteeken, the 'Federal authority.. Let ns again eon iuls the records: ' ' • , , Tie 'first Federal ,Congretig Convened' it New ' York,-March'4, 1780; of its Members the folletr. ingl had been' also ,Pdembeiti of the Cuniiiition whip bad jail before framed the Federal Cotisti cotton : . Firm Irce Hareintsire—Johnr teingdoe, Nicholas • , ..11araachtuetit—Eltnidge Gerry. Caleb lUevoig. •1 anne.lieut—vrge Sam t Johnson, &Tar Sher* . I , • wen. ntiree- Ellsworth: - •••• - . ,* Nor York—Baru King" , ,1 1 , Nue brae—William Patterson. „, ; 4 * „ iteasytranieL:- Hobert Morrte;George Omer. " - Strad s littsimone: - - 0 . • - • ,* DeJevarethierge HAM. Niched Besarth Narilead—Danl•l . „. . riryiniaL—Jitnes WadhOO,Ji. 4 '' yew, Abewiliddilis.' *Elected to lb, Cone,entionfront lbandineetts. --, is Tel Congress under th e /federal Com stitutioi, oompu.ed in large Unlalinfll 01 the most • eminent of. the framer's of that Constitution, Mr. Pitasimons of Pennioyleanie (himself '• member illso,of the Convention), reported (duly 16, '80) a hill to provide for the government of the Terri tory North' West of IN übicb was then read a drat time; the nail day had !trimmed rea ling, and wee nointaitti4"; 'on, the 20th waa eonaidenea io Conainittei or- the_ Whole, -repsrusl. and.en grossed and es the 21st wads third limo sad patted Without dissent.' It :rat receiviuklitat di in tilf tignite;_apd had its first reading ;ama read ' L eeched time op the 314; wee forttecuon- Adored dog, 2141; and bad Its third reading seat Eay when it passed without $ voles raised against-it. 'Ai you do not petit to hove bi rrd itf thlt Iteti *I lon me to cipote,lt._ It it Ii 4 6 00 d deal shorter end lt 'nester than poor ehrssks refers to the same subject Here it ie: ' AiAct re provide for the popteresat of ae 2 trlior, oar/mat of 04 river Ohio t• -, Whereat, In 'order tbot ' the .ordinenoe of the United States. in Coevals sasembled, fur the gne vernteent of the Territory northwest - of the. flier Ohio, may eyeliner to hen fell elect, it if requisite !bot certain provisions be , wads sane to ad a pt obi smite lo GU present Coiatiatatiog ;of 0.4 • Sti fles: . • . , . : • • • ita it esaerml, &r.. - That lo all asses-la mitinti; byothe Reid ordinance; any inforitintioei - 01 be glee* of communication reads 14 the (evertor of I said Territory. to the United State•ln :Coignes asimithied, or vi soy of. their Akers,.shall-.he the deli 'et the said Governor to give sub WON math,* and to melte snob' communication(' to' the Mident of the United Stale, fend be Praeldsel ,40,11 nominate: and)e sod with -.auk idoommi .:eonseet.of , -tbeElen*Willall irdliceft which' by the aid ordietteela *era' tin• beeiLleiee appointed by the antler St,* eamblvd.and ill oiteirs tnitnioaed by. blur; iiticAt4,4l.ermw.itherr dm • ,, Ijoited &weals , Gaigeateeiblenvelded- might by -thoisid vediutier,'Vevvbe'efurtmenafilien., 44l4l o itiailtiOrna.f,t4i.**= 4 l l : I t l P n tki' * -. Owed , kttire tkesatei iieectitieit 11 1 4 -nrooval•;-.; - • # • .4‘•.:# ••••41~461.1404* -- • 411 . 11 , ' .. 4411f , 7:,.:1 144"1"e67r - • 11M4 ' .4.11;*.',47,.. - 1.;.' 71- k.DI AN, Tait tilimmirill .! :: .. , .7 i ARSIAIFtic E. - 1. . ,r , ItaThiavol lb esoOmprip t ir #o4rar pfspire to 110411 1 4 0 41101100$ WM* 4 en, p• U at tbdrOateet lbeausiseJetraiw6Otarn films r JlNlttiff astert, . Apipereat (Ws. • irandßills -- • - Atjaraeoba -Arldstasafilreassat. 'ittamothat4- 174148, _ print. Saks. *o l * At ithe very attoetaii;ol4. Oar stakot .1,0 4 11 Ili" le IberltsAlSsh, 940* Ot asz Other tilleetaitils . we. Has at tlalltita4a. tie tarp haad , i4pioyie .17 kelabbtas:, bake sipsaineal Mato, **Wt . "Pit *lll goirathreaat watt to to a, wet SP all 1440 , titli • tamed eat la tbiattlaa. tRINTIMI 111 001411111 din at Ow ak9ftu,t-a oll ,'. _ ~ssizµY,~,~ - cs:. ~ 4.44 x 14,1 , J 4. • -11008 SUIDERY4 , • ice*. valid, of sty 4 .11tault tools *tows aeopts4o maintrielinsd•bota *stria.. to order abort , s 1 Rork,. • , 4a and nue. of Use Governer of dm add Territory. tba Secretary thereof shell 1.4 t, a' , d he Imorray aetitorised ud reqtrinitici essiate all the plectra and perform all **dories of tar fieureeedorieg the vaunt, outurioned by the masons, ittsfuso il,our or porssookty shototte of tbe raid Guerin*. u:out Aug. GPO. WAfinlXOttys, °"-dfff yes feedlot. Mf. Senator Here' Is the atri towel by fbeirel COLIN* audit lbw Vedas' ,Coostllstiotr.4sam, Ittskrditoty. R.iirit Saimaa floras Hied, Elbridge (lorry, John Lattitdon, Bag sit - Mortis, itad ottorr - ondlent teearbur of Gm Coartitellosel Coauntioi being alibi iman b es e o r ibis cragrante-st giro all qui to aft ontiegage of. 'ST sod to adapt it to, federal Gouritaties —not One voice Wok raii d front an" Ammer 'aticiatteltbor tbriivorred parporr o r the giw id protalons ado - set. , ,Det yottloust throb ' Modiseet ARMY. =Bunnell. ',4e...eindrr stood tbo C nstitution ,_ which tbey . bad fronted aa,reriy - tvir`years before lit..` at lout. .0 Ito fontsimearef a Cengresi." - Ito members were riot; absent front their seats euseetins a tent Ces .lltitellao. Why. then, in striae vibes purport/ice be a bi.tory of ate action of gnome 00 ibis' sit feet. do you ignore arta asiFtebraet of 'BP? An tbey beyond use - your power' of tosainili• 01•11 . Yet, once -more, and I have you to year Mho. lions. The matter on which we are at violent:6la no verse abstraction tort si grave prartleatity: it. Cane Tenitery, embraeiog the Brute you Yew represent, and all else between Our:Ode and the Miesiesippi except the State of Ohio, early 'timed dismal:action with then Slavery Inhibition , ma bodied In the Ordinance of 1 81 and kept le finite ander the art of 'B9. • Hee •fottner . settlers ' were nearly all immigrants from Slave Suttee. and they hankered, after negroes. They told a Cour/mks* in" 1201 ile U. It a Wenn; thei i Hove rn ii e. Presiding —end memorialised Congress to favor of stem porary retnoeskrt the .Slavery 'lshii:4oot. That memorial was presented to the Carea of 164124. Mr. Jetlirsiin being then`President, Conerees largely RePobitesti. It Wei referred b . Heim vit t. to e;Seleet Committee of three, trout the them from 00.131 ave Stetter Jeltit Randolph being Chainsran. March 2, 1803, hire .Rondo pb litetented..tbeir • unanimous Report;dinyink the Prayersof the pr. tioners, end eitylng that - - - ' - - . . ..• "the Comtoittee dual It highly. dingeines and inexpedient to impair e provielott wiesly macula` ted to promote the happiness . and prosperity , of the northiestero country," Lo.. to: • Crott*Taile thought so, too, 'and 'refrained frets any action on the subject.. . . i • • . - , 1 . The next leer, the memorial aforesaid. Yu re feived to a new Committee—Tirrar Rode., ,of Del. Cheirman—whO(Pab. 17, 1801) iepiirted is favor of the prayer of the petitioners. - No toe I the Hues took no ectlon on the subject. Feb. 14,1808, another Repot t was made— l this Oath) , Mr. Garnett of Va.--in ray°, of th e temporary toepansion Prayed for; but Congress persistet In its policy of. non-aattaa. Feb. 12. 1807; 'a third Report was made—by-Mr. Parke (Delegate) of In diana—in fever of letting the .iquattarsovereigne of IndianitTerritary hare liberty to .6okt:slaves therein tor *liiktite4 totaiinmaringrese still d.. alined to take thpaubjert qp for equei,leratiori.— Fineih, a Mitaottal . ortheTerritartal Legislature of Indiana, asking permission to Import and tarn. poritritY hold slaves, wee silbinitted..Yee. 21;1807. to the S.nete,•liy which it was referred.(Ntrel .to a Sweet Quroutittea. of *Mob Mr. Franklin et N. C. war Chairman, who repotted (N .v:13) that S' "it is not expedient" to let op on the Slivery Re.- eviction ; and.there autjett rated the Itidi.ina sow , reignsAaving,by this lime: be come Birk or et/hewed of their negro-begging.... ; Why ft it Mr. Douglas; that oallod no rillu.len to thesis eforte to 'trade up trObveTt, the OlViirillittee of ; !ST, and their unitorat ;Aura, in your reram'e of the history of, this subjeo , t Why but !reran.. the (seta are at deadly fuwi with your theory, and prove it the novel heresy it truly is? There were states. me n in con : tress in 1802.40th0 would - chally bars p-o , ured a repeal or Ile.f.elleiow of the Or•linance of .87; er far a. It forbade the Extension of Slavery; there was , not anti—..., far as f can discover—alio denied the ;Igo kof ,lilottgre.a to preclude .tteh BS.. • tension. Thu doctrine which -denies to :Oungrets the rlehtlo inhibit S overv,in the Territories bad, irs origin in the perplexttleit of a Frisidentiel'ai. Pi . . "it , nt oo longer ago thin 1848.. ' Whet, 'Obi itt 14 Op. calm to have epeeist need of it, it will die the death of the bomber. and instituted in their . ope ` gr ate. You speck of the anidglinistio doctrine 'high confides the goardiunshin •Iropertial Freedoln in the Territories of the United States to the whets 'people is ,represented in the Congress cf, Lbw United States rather then to the fen thousands pf their cumber 'hottest pin ti tooting on - tbebs Territories as strifo-breedinit. fueditieltiew, as be tween &Toren met:Woos of the Union. Uletory d 4 s taut *twain that imputativa. The Oidinanee of 'B7 Restriction suetlessively *t oured to the country long term. of eomperative rest trout Slavery agitation. • The .Nebraska bill has given us—what you ale. It has , dhittnoted not merely .the country but the Darnooretie p a rty. Even you giveth reit' several interpretations of the spirit and drift of that set,- and of the .Poptilar Sovereignty" 'shish it embodies, as held by differ. cut sections ,of that party. Mr. Sanatory, allow me to say In courtuslon that of these .diverse terprettditrs your seems tome the most moonlit. factory and irritating. I comprehend, itegard with a certain respect the Fire•aster who tells tea: —.'The Constitution guarantees toe the right of taking slaves into tbeTerrilotleland bolting them there: I demand of Congress such legislation as will render that right impregrtahler I trust be eompreh• ode nod reaped? maybes Ilnrespood "The Oioetitution gives you •rea right to carry Slavery into the Territories; wherefursi shall endeavor to keep it:nut; sod *III favor tie loch legislation as yorrriquire . e: balmy min ' either of us respect pit—hoer can you respect yourself —whro you say in ettiot you stavehold. ere hat** right to fill - the Territories - with year slaves ;• but the squatter sovereigns' may . ..nullify that riglat,by *unfriendly legirletion,' and you me without remedy." Senator! whenever. I re-. alisetbst the slavehulders trove a constitertonal right to carry their human chattels into the real.' tiniest and held -them there. I. will 'teapot* !that . rightdo its legitimate scope ■odd spirit s -and not attempt to whittle it away, PS you ',do In your oominents on the Drel Scott declaim, , Tbe toplo is a grave Mut ; the time Is earnest r the People intent on farts, and in no monitto:be Amused or cajoled by mere words. I tbiist pia mistonceive oldie ti.pio, time and people, to •your own serious dames% Yoars, HORACE URRELEY. Two Listener Pzertzirtense—Derisc the thirty years that the Nesters Pettiteutteriliest hien in, operation, 3,949 prisoners have- bete siw milted to the InstitutiMe l The tilde stweithtg the noilvii.7 of the Prisoners, fixes the bomber of them born in the Atueriese States at 2993, from wbleh may be deducted lbs nombeief seisms and ma. lattoei, 1030, sod the result:shorn that but 1981 white Americans were conilOo in the Institution .dating. Abe_ ,pse......thisitTite-esember^lif foreigners 119?5,?romobalf c psppmbar of Amer'. eau born. s'.;;li';;.;:e., • The following tittle give* interesting puttee. lets respietinififni4S;firar relations of the priveue era, sod other filets, during the peripttoetneril 7laictis isi.Sriess or to ristsoyans. 'Wltie: No , Per Ct: Wbiw. - Mal 99, 1319^ • 8.19 Moles. 913 ' , 23.12 2.16 Yentairs, 117' . 2.00 • . • sag - 73.93 1030 11.00 - rsvcsnau. SuiTtinti. - Bra ' 411 Vaapprestleed, . : o r i • • - • 16 . 1 4 APP : atiesd and a alri fr o l d . to asul Of tau. • •en' 1441 • ow./ .; .4;4- 39.43 100.00 NIMALICUMMAM Nc. Arai*. 210 we 1389 $44 .sts M is , - Qnmarr d l ,' )tarried. Widows tad, eldwwWwit ilopwastsd. k - Jr& 'JPIC sl.7' ..39.1111 ' — sus allf• , - DX4OII Read and write, Reed qnly, U Itenav A teateers. Malteds Dtlekere. Snake tuna Intealestal i Often Inftafeated. Uneaten{ ' . , . 89111 7- ) 4 4 - Let Oii - erWasuentir iNevetaa• Dootiva: The wilder at tereived asses tite Indolotion !be Brit ronvkis 0r4.2 5 . eep Dietary , trip expiration ti(xentinade,• - .te Aissrbitem. • •;t• a• •"f I=er ' • • 0 • ; , Itostigv Flbes ' • Stale rimet i. tion ans o li . • -Artie et bAbeetreeertte . writ oftenotr . • . zx ..t. K. • - enirlde. • • . • Ranged. (mintier st PI) 11. 11 iftria's, "Bseaped, • • • , • leitelet Pleonfininstintider 11138.11 e ` - '-r11'6001; 1111%;,4110S *A oiserot 4 of 16' Ilisslittit table! big re)" r aireittielstos amid ills tow of ofa ajar and Of- serobos; bs less t • sh, is. ilistskiNt goist fowls sboola‘olltss UM% .thilloo,klE ant issPosOl•r IQ kliaPolisis Wan* l a ic-aw l , a , i , perfaggn frosting feebly o subj."' hire. tbutistd, - *tabu:mai abbut:lsl. 4soird able gest d atone of lisOisi" Ble !raw*• voi .: iias imp& shalt of, big stVi# l : o l o .. 44111 ' Mend sight *I tods wort tolsersi 41 Ooletititt.lits ;".t. ,:1•54: , . " 016 , 1646 Ay CFO. 21M1; ISO . 7102 1906" • 62 26 1.23