etxn• a usecittpinor:•.. ,o r , GA R3 4nnu, payablUltjadvarier— TC , t pa id within six mouths--aud, 08 80 If "°' the jeits • i• thin ••• 20 MUSS: • - - 40 to one dao ddress, (In sidxariee,) 00 ' ed r"n a u do do " : •20 OA s b.uriel lone must tie Intsrleadylaid la Jed sei2t tonne eddreee., rl ~~ ej and TO cahhistif AXII ; . !• pc cc will be furaixbed thirr) otheru ' o° ppi coplettoessh erfdeil‘erS.... , • • 1 2 V5.,,,,n2e4 ti Same! reue.ters seitilletd with, the a. edrauce. • . :t • • . • t-tw UP It6W9l , ,Wrlto.' her If order the fiiscarthsilllll44 of their news,. ke l p blis tillreobtlnue to geld !hem until ,•.1 tr."; . r ib f re+ neglect or refuge to take thi'dr nerisp*: ' . ' , ';',hp,pitlre „to which they are direct t hey' are ii.,44kucitil they have settled tlitt blllsand t: 1 4 1:7' . ,4 , disuouttnued. • • 's•ribers more t:,,dher plares wllhoutd4trmlng I R t kber, tad the nowspspere ore tetnt, bithefortgies ttio• era:held re%-ponelhle. • . ha re decided I.hst , refuslng talte newspa• • o e t oe.rvalosing, and Marini{ them. WI , 60; i, preun aces evidence et Intentional trod. 07 IRON . WORO. . 6...801LERS AND STACKS. 1 .... mitt ,uhreri!)rr is m npgred to ex ;4ll.g milers tor the alwire it'd kW; filth II dbitiibh - ,- at the ;id' pt me of I'minerro, T. - 0 ;stir'', bd..° 20 feet bolters nlgays on ts ,d. Alk), the minnfactnerr at COAL ABU OTHER - 111FIOVici•Rt ~,, lb, Uri' Tnoterlgt and norkummittlp. Itendlrs prompt ,,. s'irwlrst to. - gig-Fons for mtulng vent lint lon alenye ,'', teed. '. • ' . JAIIEZ FPARKS. rotnxille, Aug.ust 27, '59 --,----. E.OUVISLY ' rort . ar on,Schnylktil D. Wl7STER,STRElf,annoutices_bla readi.ness, from flie complete, outfit of ..... the above mimed establirnment, to sup. r agozaz ply all ordrrsin his Hive of business-- such as for. Steam Engines, Railroad rumps, Coal .11makers, taslltma and nee,' nY etery pattern. As warrants hi- work 'to app rit j,fart lon, tgid accoltigly.mclitfo , p a t r o nage at L.fivanA abmad: J*11.27,1853 44, • __• - 40UNDRY,ANO,f6A CHINS SHOP. . Stearn Car • •K,OTIi3 bnsinees of the Lite et: mei, •of,SNir DKR 311LN ES. will be continued by the subneelber .in mints rs ineleue bre,nehes of St' am En g ine buildlng.lton Founder and =Miura& rrr kiciax of liachinery, for Rolling Slibiq Blast re u^n , s. Car's, L. lie will also continue nr 1,04 i n,sgof Mining and Selling the eelebnited Peae bud Lewis and Prins Red Ash •I.ltl . ng sole proprieter oft here GEJR . O E W. SNYDER. 3-tf • January 230857 .pOTTSVlLLsubscribEßOLLlNOersardconstantly MILL, THE nrann , incturing various cities of Colliers:ltalie, weighing"... 0 ,5,:1430.:12 and 40 pounds •0, 7; per yard. Also, large Hails of the mod. opProved patterne,*eighing 15, 50, 56 31Id 44. pu up .4 per-Yard. Fnnn the ex I erieoce of the pact velm we feel confident of making Bails ntontroarwwl io guNlity by any mill In therm:intl.''. Alf tyncin'ecx ice ion a add re.+Fra to ;11earta. Yardley inoi Factors, Pottstllle; will' 'Meet with prompt atten JNO. BUILNISiI t CO. ' ~- --P ALO ALTO ROLLING MILL.. , or , , m ' u r u hziill o b t l. l :C e r ir ib i er ri : n I d lg a r I a , '" N#l •- 'll i lbi n if!.. LIM - --: -en,rolly.that - their new Wiling 31111. ..c i Lao it joiLv4:44 , 3;s at Pak, Alto la now cZirliplete. and in full ~. operarjon, and . that- they :tre prepared 1.. %no T rails oflvariOUN pal ferns. well hinpfroto 22 0 lbs. per Fa rd. Alpo, different slael alai; squall, and round merchants' liar iron. '.: 07Iers for rally nr bar.lron are r6spertftitly Solicited. trillpatvt with pr rcpt ntteution If left either at to. Rolling Bright k Lere,h's flardware Store. ',oil...street. dr at'lhalrofee . .corner of Sertmd And garket streets, ' • nAy WOOD, 1,0, k CO. .1,G,1, 0 57 • 'l4f TO 'C . AL OPERA - I'OF% & .11111MIERST1 , Plo s ueer BO Boi l er 1, orllkm, . . . orpe--- . . Tho subscribes reeilectful6 , invites A ~,,...„. the attention of the business COMM Bnl- , 'L L, ty.. to ho Boller Works: on Ilaitroad ~• ~I,- street. "alow the f Passenger Depqt, , l - _, 1 .. Pottsville, Pa., where he is, prepaied to '• suue et un ;r.. J. BO ILERS OF EVERT DESCIIIPTION, • : ,, aa1,.., Stacks, Air $ tacks,lllast.Pipes, Gasometers, Drift C, N .,i,1'...t.c. , Boilers on hand , B.• in ..: a practical Meithaitimi(nd having fnryears de. Ilt,•it himself entirely to this liraiwil of the business, h• (tatters himself (hut work done at his establisbitient . ill girt' Sa I Kid loieNn 01 who done favor him with a rAll. trolly Musts wild Comps nies• will find it 'greatly m 110-ir advantage to Asinine his work heMre poem:log r:sewhero. '. ' ' • JQIU T. NOBLE. Nov. 2I , F •F i itf,..t, __ ~. _____l,_ BEAVER MEA DOW. IROWWORKS. • Brice W. Hudson respectfully in ' '• . ism forms the public that .ho is now sole ';.: • ' """ ". proprietor of. he Beaver Meadow. Icon A , i , %, Brass Works. and is fully prepared to c- -I'' manufacture: at this' establishment. ~ ..un Engines of"*Sery size; Punips, Railroad and brill Can: and every other description of Iron an d Brass Castinza suitable for the Coal mining oroth4lm: iii.s , c on tho most reasonable , terms. Also. Blowing 0 tatlers for 111 ist, Furnaces and Machine work in gen . ILl:miring of Al kindi, done with rleatn ir and7des pitch at the lowest 'prices.. All anti: fitrnished 'by theta. warr I nted to pertorm*ell'.. They %Valid volirlt ,ttm rtit.tom of those who may Want articles in th . eirllti - e in till'. vkin ity . All orders will meet with !mined late &WI prompt attention. . • hes Ver Meadows, January% '4O r-i- , , ASHLAND IRON WORKS. : . • c,.... ASHLAND subscribers W ORKS. he now fully 'a., NW:: Pared to.. furnish. at the Ashland . ' ron , '— ' 1 Works. Stearn Endues and runips.of) hitt' sip:onm. ally power and capacith for mining and — ,e;r•-•,A., . other purposes, Coal lirealteis of every •tre and pattern now In use, together with castings and f.rgings of every description. Gal and 'Drift Cars of 31: sizev and patterns, large Truck and Horse Cars.—all lurni•hed st,t he shortht notice. The iubstrilien , flat ter themselves thtt Analmuch as every member, or the firm 14 n mart ital mechanic, they will heal.) t to furnish machinery that will cotnnarefavorahlv Pith any in the lt..gion. AU orders' dirt.kted to L. BNI A RNFR A; Bass., Ashland: Schuyikiltenunty, Pa.. will roetelve promo-at tcation. ' . • 1,. l'. °MILNER. • ' : ' • , • 6AR:O:It, • • JOS EPIII G AltN ER. Ashland , Slay Itr, '37 • i . 19- • DEHAVEN'S ersv O ill IRN WORKS . . 31Ine. , E NG Th. putiscrilnei 1.1, prepared to .•.loft manufaeture nTAM EINES pf any ! ,„ ...... power, l'urnps'of any ritairlty:and 'Cora rirmi t t= Breaker' , of every ileAri lon : ax well as '",,...- .- every other I, Ind .4. nir, pinery used In Mi riei4. II rea log's : Furn arm Boiling Mile, F. ave )1 i ns. &r. rmot the faellit lea pOSSemell for maqo and. frau hut; experience In the business. work can be tnyte , r i out it this establishinentott the sty lowest prices, an 4of al.lmperlor quality. .10 ' • . • . .. p ers ,,ii s desirous or . .putting up machinery of any MO, are invited to rail and examine . tterits, and le , r:4n•• sequ tinted • with. prices hefoie .ontractitig el ' , .- orders of every kind are strict attentio . 011 be given to their prompt exeentini' W1L.4.1.4. ' iiiinersrille,DersMbell 9.181,7 Pottsville, TILOS. Vt~ fully initte the at 4nt • nese community to ihtl . trll ,g=Shnp and Foundry Ore(' matt Itallroad rtreesi .1 N ,, r,vegran street, where they are pretti all "rtirril far nvorbinory of Bras,' to Steini E111;lto.8. nll Rinds of Gearing thht and Saw 31111 a. Singh+ and foul r Breakers. Drift Car a, all kindsof .urh as Chairs for Flat and T Dull; 4 , 4 all kinds .of cast and wrought Tro t 14'4 practical mechanics, and having of that Coal lieghin their study for yea of Ahritinnry in their line of business, that work,Apne at their estahli s,ti‘fa.-tion .9 all 'who ny4y honor the • th3nkfolly rucelceasand prow thr ur , H r moon ablo frruut • THOMAS WREN • t Nov. 22, '57 PINFCROVE IRON ORKS; • pltiegrove, ititehuy C • musty, - Pa. - 'This criahlishme t is now urpier the 'Superintendence • f Jona Y.'Werr. Esq., formerly,,of thew II Inform firm of ' 4 yk 'J. Wren & Bros., of Po tssille. luall Mr. Wren's eeperien,e as a Marter - MtP. rtiiiiikt. extending through, en period o - manylyotre. du ritig ilich time he has been concerno d to the erection of +ono , of the largest ironworks in - he Effitol Stales, , s ill be a luMelent guaranteg of the character of the • - icor if turned out of this est.tbilahmeet. • ; • Ali Orders. by noll.or Ohara Ittujoi( t r e team 'enginki of any poser with 'their numeitions,ltn, hinety for blast furitan.s. rolinnt mills. forger, grist or 11P. saw MiliS.,lll3-. Amery for using single and• dnu t . acting Itti3tips. breahert..uf ift ears will rendre prom ft attention. I With4tho works Is A large steam CAR factory, rvahle ed turning out large orders at Sort notice: The oc , dc 3I this ..•sfaidlihinent are edotid to wine in for .thrability, while the 'et le of plafe *heel ml tired and extemilrely used Ix superior. and worthylt- 3ttentlarl'OfJitlittoad coin shies. ,Ityz strict fiffefAli to huskers. In all'ltalleta A. the Woprieloi 1 .“ t•••• Ul. Pio...grove Iron Works - Mfy l'irrife it share of pnhlir patronage. • JAMES h. NUTTING, .1011 N S. %VEEN, - • Proprietor. ;. M:ote'r MArhiniPt and Supt Mardi 1.. 'ZO / TAMAQUA IRON. CORK'S. I ,_. - Caarter:it..Allet , L • • h. s q. Pounders, Michinises,Baikr o r Mac/rids' 2bot • • Makers and Cur /bald rs, Tireirubscrilwng ar pow prepared to f ..... receive orders for all Inds of Mallow,- - ~. ry.Rnginee.and relic leery for collier! TrlM:;. ‘ maz lee. blast f a rmiees, ills. kr Eaten- .. sire facifities and p ctiratexperienre try the hu,inelts warratil them . in eking Um largest 1 . clintracts at Om lowest.priFes. I , tearticuliir attention la celled to 1 ens k Allflea New t L•liyie Patent Windin.,Plachistery, b 4 which the Slope% qi'Sharcrope or,challos run on the op of. both-drums' • /U 41(411.1,5 ways. ~ . This arrammtnent, It is confidently bell4ved. will i 1 nal'. In lits wear and tear of ropes o challis, the price:, of the Machinery la five y,rfarsi Lint ildr fist winding,! 1 1 Slir.pllclty of •on...truction and &mat MY. I tiannot be a urpassed • We aide' rectimmend th ew ear wheel, in..l rented by ilr. Lutlen fl•'/cliten.; 1' I wheel stn only! be had at our works, and has stood het et of the sere; rat tesere winters / past, triumph: utly ;tint ,it bingle wheel haring been broken since its Introduction VV,e ore now placing it under th. ears I content the p In -601 I.l.lllmad Oompaolek In the co Wry. ' ' ... We would alto fall attention f the.public to the Tammy= Car S.,ltotkeonnecird wit the galore works, and recently erected tor the menu plum of Railroad. . . Urift,FndrhtCarsaadTro•ke,an I .ftirtilsiiid with rill the latest that th .y are thus enablid to re•teettre irork !much cheaper andmorryspateh than hoe-riot:ma. • '' All work 7.unrxrdend. Pnroinns w ntlng ansll.llkg to oar line would do well to-gfre us a CA tTEIt & ALLEN. April ;N. :__.SAINTING Winaoiv Shades-- . 6 and '7 ;Feet 11 , • SPLENbID ASSOR NtW.-PATENT RI , At A „ cgrly,lloll. City qet , (:',.t.1,44a4i it ; - • P A W bald 800 s All lbw see , their • • .. . - 177 .. 4 - .- f.'N..E.A-n,er QL.ICED PRI , j'i x.l II E .::subscriber lias very; rlplest Pattirns 6r • ‘t. I Paprio.tiltable, tor Halls. Parlors. Drairig noun's, Claw- • Ivr.. airdPutillellaildinfra.wl t iel* ' lir will Ftltrat greit . ly rerluerril l ~' ,ityA. Tl/0 Stock emrirleaslho' ,• at.”o 41111 most ellloolnelirattOrni• I,Ylltftillit4n. ' ' • . • - N,,ve it, lho Ulna flr liarryl ns, for It "lir g. Vt.. ip Inn/W:6714 Retail /It . aril- . ..A l'Hlt HANGERS surpi, April 1,.'59 '.- - riu.B-LlsgE).). EVERY SATURDAY =MORNING, - B.1: 7 : - BENJAMIN -BAI4NAN - ; - ,'PoTT§VILLEI .SOll . lTy. :pi-copmrTi •Ptrilis!: '11.4VE.114,. • . _ • • religions of the PhilaChil, Rea . . • Peer No. I. . - VAN DUSEN, NORTON & CO., , . DPALERS IN UM QUALITIES OE ' RED AHD WHITE ASH COAL. ''' Za3 Waiautratheet, Philadelphia,. .... 4 „ OFFICES: S 3 Liberty street, New. Fork. • t kh -.1 :. ~.,. , • gane street, Melon. : - ..-' 1 ... opNIBERLAND for tbO CAL. ' Also, sole Agents e :.% • Leh. , A Coal weal Navigatiou Cumpnus. ['sB-42 • Pier No.. 2. , . . BLAKISTON & COX ,• EII:PPM& OF TILE HEST .1211. , 1LiT I •Or WHIT?. A itEliAl4ll and TBEMONTSCIII3,V,LtILL OAL • FBANELIN COSIPANY'S CUSIBEB • • LM/ COAL: also, HAZLETON LE- II 1011 COAL. • ' - .2M7 Wnlput street, Philadelphia. OFFICES : k Noe street, New Toils" . • 17. Doane atreet. Boston. rsg:42 Pine' No. 3. • ' :BAUM, OOZE & CO., J STINERB AND SRIPIPEIi9 c 9I , • \ilt..a.rmjacrtv . Frat quality lied 'Ash tool. No. 113 Walnut street. PhilatlelpAla. OFFICES: 'No.. SO State xtreet...Bordon. . No. 160 Bruadwiy, New York. [..311-11 Piee Nu. 13. HAYES.A, GODSIIALI • . • , surprzni ry. • . -. • : . RED A!D WHITE es; imnrniau. COAL, 'WI,FAIIF NO.I3..PPRT RICHMOND. Lehigh And Schuylkill Coal at Retail. YAltD—porrrel.'n4 and Arch streets. OFFICE-103 Walnut street, PIIII.OrIpbh. r5/11 SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION. Shipping WHARVES for ANTHRACITE COAL; A I' ;I:IO.ENNV Delaware Rlsrer; Plalfadelphla. • ,31rhart LEWIS AUDENRIED &_CO. ' 14,0 , ROMMEL, POTT.3 & CO. . (205 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. OFFICES:% 1 110 Bmidway. New York. State Street and Werebante 'Row. Boaton • Wharf No. 2. • • • REPPLIER .& BRO. (N. E. COP; Walput dr Feurth• Ste., Made.. Off CES:I,IS Pin,i Street. Now York. • ;. „. (Mechants' Bank Building, Providence. DAVISYEARSON & CO., SIINESS AND PHIPPEDA OP TIIE aELEBILATE/) IJOCVS,T•SIOU NT-A IN WUITKASI and SISMN WAN .• • RED ASH COAL,' (No. In Walnut Street, Philadelphia. OFF ICE)-{ No. :el William Street. New lurk. 7 (No. •'U Doane SI reet, Boston. .. WIIARF,-GREENWICII, DELANY ARE AVENUE. DAUS nausea, PHtLA. GIDEON DA. . ASHLAND. •nuas. ULCER. — ._— PA:WELDON. Wharf No. 3. CHAS. MILLER CO. ESINEILS AND SIIIPPLIIS OF AL. • WHITE H , • From the PINE KNOT and MT. LA FFA COLLIERIES • •4. RED A H • • From their PIICENIX COLV MIES. . 'CANAL LANDINGS—Oita:MICH AND SPRUCE STS • OFFICE.: No. 105 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. April H, 'Sit GEO. S. PATTERSON & BROS., Locust and'• Etroad Illonntain Whirls Ash CC Al5O. RED ASII. from the Peach :Mountain end Pal anal' Taub. itieFlour and Feed taken •iu exchange for coal. ` ED V. 11, PATTERSON, • • • WI F. P. TrEttsos, . • o f fice tE 11 arel.noi ttilrowt rtr•ci, Atisrifle, Pd. S. PAIT FISON, Itridveport,Montgomery'llivitly, 30.1y' I DENA VEN 4b-t1 July 23.'52 OR KS. 'I EN' respoct op of the husi r.Few Machine bet Ween Coal ild, trant4ng nn t in•ti '4O execute d Inm...such nft , r 31111 s,l e acting iluttlpa .allrond Cardin:4 Fmga. Switches Shad ling. .114 . . e. also all kinds htly flatter them. !intent will gi , o 'data con. All fitly execiated, on 'LEGAL CARDS. T RO,SEII EltltY l Attorney at ty .'Law. Oaten—corner 51arket and 2nd streeta, Pottsville. ' , Aunugt n. '56 32- - i spElt Tr USE,AttorI ey at :oinee,streetoppo,itethtTown 111 [February 9, '96 6- I . P. DEIVE:E.S, 'Attorney at Law. J!' • OFFICE—Foot doors abase Mortfrder's I.lotel . Centre street, Pottsville, Pa. 4 , A [Die. ii, '67,.: 49-, • . _ . rertioNtAs R. BANNANttorneyie Law.. Oilier In Centre 31 - 4sd.;..copposi te th,i , li plscop a hureh.roysvitte, Poulin., . ',IN o v., 29, tba 47 4 y WING..,qON RAD,. JeAtice‘'-of fp" the ,Praep , „and j .Conveyancer—oftk'e opposite Pod °Mee /lived st., Tamaqua, Pa. , [May 2,'57 18. !CILEMENT . Jtisiice of 1,..,4328 Peace, Mltioisville—_-cotiectioria au t agetlttiii so , ',felted:aryl attended to earefully,_L[Feli.=,'sB.2.4.l- I i)111V. SEITZINGER,Ititice of ,the o pure. ST. ClAllt.tril attend t4allint Ie s nii. tr p?, With to him diligence and care. [I 8. yo .. 4,,,iAIItUEL GARlit'l7,; Mitgist te, io Conveyancer end Genend Cidleetor. Office, Cent : 4L.Pettf:enie. ahose Exehringe. Hotel- Aug, 1,5, '57 J. SEII3 -, •Attorrtej a t . jr Law, Pattacille. Schuylkill Coianty, PA. 04" Centro street; abote the 3lfuere' Bank. t• Attorney at lA. La% And Nlr.tigtrwto. ovetcr—Centre_street o POTTSVILLE.IIwo lioori be low :1 he Town nail. fAtiril 9,7%9 A . P. SPIN NEY,.:AttornZy at Law . ie:Aehlana. Schnylklll Pa.. will net as 'Kent In the purchase and sale or Real Ditate,eollectlon of rents. &e. jArbland. Nay '23,'6i -21-ly CH R I S'l'o P-H ER .L I '1"I' L. , Astor [ley at law, Pot Wine. Sehayliall coussfy. Urns—ln ?labantongo.street, eornerinkcond. April 12i 37 AVID 13. GREEN,Atta* - y•attaw, Pottsrille,Pn, South West. corner Cintre and mart otreotA, &coon Story. ' , EliCntnco on Market St. N. 19.—May tai consults,' lakOorman. • 314.7,1)9 JAMES ZLill4 - • fron.i'r. Dorm. avnoiLE, ' . ATTOIINEYS AT LAW. ..Z ovrlCE—ln 514hsolange street, mai centie„ Nit", sine, I . ' [Oetoter, 30. 'fis 444 .1 . aso..IILIORIci s.J • [CONRAD V. SHINDIG ITENDRICKS* & •SHINDEL, -At . torpeya et haw, TAM litteing *l4ot+ ated together in be practice of the Law, all profrolonal Intainees in Schuylkill and adjoining counties entrusted Jo their cam tilkecelle prompt attention. • ° Mit :SC , BUSINESS CARDS.. M..SI : IEAFFER, .rottsville, slat* of the Pennicylian*ttatellenhvlcal explores laude, ipiues, Ake, • ithetolier 13.'5.5 41• If • ITEN RY PIat:A:SA:NTS, Civil and Mlnlnx Englnuei; POTTSVILLE.. Orelcs.-471. , xare strent;wel.t Norwegletn:i, (Augu.t.E;la 32-tia RANK CARTEIt, Ojvil and ini Eur,liieer„Suteeyor. ke. ' will atteml.te surreys Of anils,mineii,tewculols. 49e. - 091,ew Silver Tertwee Pottsville, Pa. [March 19,'69 l id BOFdervi out I i tiliEsi" Gr i A -; i• C'i r A. —For the ' Purc hase and '... Sale of Real Ertate; buying and nailing Znal; ta' , king charge of Conk Lands. Minna, ke..and collecting rants. Oilice•Mahantingo Street, Pon/eine. [April 6, '3B . 14-j .- -ClIAS.t3t. Ifill:L. ........_-__ it Prince.' B. JUN NAN'S atom Pottsville FISLER, Mechanical; Aglneer Rod Jtraughteman, attends to the salei o ptirehteo of maelanery, and to the rebuitillig sod, putlitte - hp of old tneehtbery. pore Cerbon, !Sikh L, 'bD 10-tt 0 .(Notapb Ilargelot . of . 1;4.4m Paier cliaap as I I c ai nj Civil ind irri;En g fneer.Ashfaud,-PB,,ltttendi to Surfitylog and. Terpeethig Minsa,aarteyinii aud- dividifig landa.tegn• , rating Sowd Lot& nd an other busintia. in the Hoe of hisurofeaolois. Letter addirso, Fountain' =ring P. -Eat u_y 'kin eoinity, ra. rob.zr,l:- • ... 114 y - • ; ape , IliingiqCsaud -11. HANNAN'S Bonk ..V%rrr. BU VERY CR EA Pi , . i 1 . , • • 1 ' i t . . -,. ' - mesmOmmem . • , . . , - ... . ... . . , detiL - • , , -. t... - - ,•, ~ • •s• - •-lt" '- - . s .' .. :,.•:'. •.- : ~.: -,,,,., ' .i.l . - ~:. :-'.-, V. -• ' ',, —' ' , ~, • ... - _ _ . • ' . 1 , . . , . . . .. ...... I ...- _. • ~ 7 ~ ~,,,, .$ ::::i. , , , ..,,,,-.'..,-, -,,, „ . . , ~/ • .'1 • - I, r :r.,, ...• . . . ~. .., .. - - , . •i;,..`•-•-,,, .. . ~... ., , ~, • , - , • )lt !..... I *.. '7. - • .'' ~', ''. : 1 ..! ... . 7:::'" ' :.,!. . •';,-. ',.- •• ' , . • - • . • . .. . „ . i . . . „ . • .., , .. . . :' '' , ' ''''- • _ .. , . . . . ~ - . • . . ... • ..- - , - . , ... . . . .... - - - - -1 • . D . . Ak. .. ttiS J • 0 , Syl ,F .:, : ' 1 1 : - ,4 ) tp,.. ~ ! 1- si„ T 7 - LIA i" ... 1 _ 1...\4. . _ ... ..... • ''..• •• • i : 11 , '..- - i- r: • • p ATH ADVERTISER . .... - ;, : : ::: : -1:_:-. ,': : ,_.L:': -. ',: r, . . ._.. , . . . ... —...............i........., ... __ .. ... , ~ ... . • '• XIL 4i; ; PLK T: ;.# a t; . • 11,114 MrM;ifMffM 0:0 A L 4=/, RGE K. SMITH S Mining Engineer and 'CoUteri Viewer, Pi/Erni IL Oh PEN NA. r.11;'08 • . Ep,,. , - --ip,r_ ing B. IL; on the laware, at Philadelphia.. -0 * Pier No. 51 • TYLER, .STONE & co., ~. . • , DEALIIIS IN t . AItIOCS vescrarnoss OP Red and White Ark sckyyLKILL. AND LEHIGH COALS, GEOAGE S B CRIES; CIOKBERLAND COAL - 6r- -328 Walnut eteret:.l'hiladelphli. 40 • ,1010 : 41'Weetelngton Ilpllcling, Provide:2m . , 1 165 Broadway: New York: • . .-PIER N 0.5, PORT RICHMOND. V 31142 •• - Pfer No. 0. .• . LEWIS ROTHERBIEL • PLAZA. An) 511117 , 41,01` COAL. 'Merit fee sale by the Canto. the beet q ' ' RED AND WHITE ASH COALS: . 1 , Also, 4EIIIOII and CUMBERLAND COAL • ' WHARF ?iO. 6, UICIIMOND. OFFICES: alb Welnht t, Phlledelphle. 1 10 Ezeha ge it t, poem. [ 58.42 r.r:SIIINICEROVI . • . ' fr. v. atovit. • SINNICKSON & GL ITER: SCIEVILICILL WRITE AMI I,ED ABH, . I f eUiaU and Bituminous Coals. , No-132 Watoot OF,YICp3 .1 • Old Mare House Basement, WHARrNO. 9* P MIT RICHMOND, kb!lad'a. r 5941 pier AUDEIsTELIED & WITOLUALL DZALI3L3 I.t Tll6 HOT VAIIILTIZA OP Anthracite, & BituminOus - Coals. Walnut street. l'ldladelptdo„ OFFICES: 110 Broadway, New: York. .• .1 , 1/State street. Boston. , • rimiur Shippers from /Wrote/tree, OP' Lento'', SPRiNG MOUNTAIN. lIAZLETON AND 'COUNCIL EIDOE COALS.. ' [39 1.1 LEWIS AUDENRIED & CO. OFFICES 205 Walnut street. rIIILADELPIIIA. 110 Broadway. NEW YORK. • ; 150 state street, BOSTON llnalesare Dealer: in the Sect enriches of DOMESTIC COALS—..Ir Prepridors of Waif creek 011iery, calet- Gbi df producing over IEI,OW lens a year .f-theatteLrd tea DIMIOSD, (Red Ash.) and BLACK Iltxru,(lthi - ps:4o.) ALSO, EXclusire Agents for the mile of the purely genuine LO cost Mount3lft Coal, from the.Locast Dale Colliery Cl Otto. C. Perna C0..311 of which will be shipped direct tAiNew- York. via Candi; or ccaktwiee, trio Oreeuvrich l't,m, (below thy Yard, Philadelphia.) At Philadelphia, from Pier No.ll, Port Bich- The choicest qu'ilidec of RED and WHITE ASII COALS fro‘n Schuylkill County, selected allh special care, and chipped under our personal superintendence. At tlizibethport, N. I. t.enictfBl , RlNG NIOIISTAIN and COUNCIL 'RIDGE From Baltimore. Md. The celebrated lIAMPSIILVAI BITUMINOUS COAL At Jersey City, 1;1. J. (via Lehigh a nd Morris Ctiruifs.) Tile very superior ‘VlLKElikititE COAL, from the 'filatticior , rein, taken front the'"Aud mrl.l Improiv ment and Cnai Company's Estate," - near Wilkesharie; also. the COUNCIL RUHR COAL;.both of which, Mr purposes and for family use. are unsurpesscd. • I We hold certificates in 'our offices. from partfeS who have used and fully teated these Coals. and pronounce them the BM? AyrilitAClTE Coals for Steam in Use, pro clinker. less ashes and greater blaze, than any Other kinds now before the public. 313 y 15,'58 2 '.: Franklin 8.. Gowen, :. . : Miner and Shipper of , WIIITIC ASIP COAL from the East End West Illncrilt Lan Cellieries-11A11310TII BLACE IIEATILVEMS j orricE—Cen,ire,street.oppodle Episcopal Church, !.. ; Pottsville; April 10, '5B, •., .. • 15.1 y .. '.PATENT , COAL TeBS. . rAAC SUTZER, Agent. for thecel • bratty! Ashland Cotl, mined by Bancroft, Lewis & 'O., has removed his office t 0.77 Cedar Street, bra wren proadwayland - .Nassau street. New York. lass Also the agency' for the sale of Fuelit's Patent Coal Tubs and, IdOrke. Altdealers in Coal will find It to their nterw.t to call and Ace this new article for mrlug labor., : New York. July ..'59 " . 2 7. fm' . TRANSPORTATION. I 2 HILAD'A - I.t. 'READING' RAILROAD. FIVE et the • hilada. & t. Co., • n , Jou? e Von. The rateS of FrelghtiOnd Tolls on Coal transported by thlii Cow pany,AFlll be se follow arum lat July, L6G9,un til further nutlet,: renichmoid, . 4 ,1' . 11113.1e1ph1a, . • 150 1.51 45 ' Inclined Plane, , I6oi 1 45 " Sieetoyn, , . %. 1601 1 45 " Gorreantosen K. R., 16011 45 i " Palliser Schnylklll, •150 . 1 45., " Manayunk.l 60 , . 1.4 i , " Spring 61111 e, . , lasi 1 ao " Conshettocken and Ply- - '1 i mouth Kkilroad. 135t1 30 "Mambo's and Potts' and ' ' Jones', • 130 125 " Nnrristoernornridgeptirt. 1 110 , 1 25,y ".Port Kennedy, . • 125 i 1 20 , 1 ' '....Talley..Forge, • 125 1 1 20 '.' Plueniteilltri • ! •Ilal 1 10 '" }Opp's Ford, .1 15 i I 10 i" Pottatown. • 1 IF I I 10 a Dorm/milt/a,., 116 i 1 10 " Rirdibpro , . t 1 1 0 ' 1 05 " Beading, • ~ os I 90 " Between Reading and .. Altraville, 93 I 90 " ••., - • 0 5 I. 0 9 a I t svnburg, - ;„ ' • ~ 95 i •-• 90 " Orwigebure, • • • 95 , 90 -+BV order of the Board of 3fanagers, , * June 14'59 W 1 ir..II:McILIIENNE • f ,tiC — HUYI.,AIL — LTNAVIII7. I § I a N v . 13 16 0) e :tr . n'tlyilltulnlo4s3,lBll,s9h.-011YnlanticiffAr Jul Mk charge, for the Wee of Cara and tbr Toll on A Coal, carrel on the Schuylkill Navigation will lows and thereafter envontloue, until further 7 i 4 w or ' 7 O .c.s. In to. wtm let To Philadelphia, - .• •75 111p . 2 Manayuuk, • . 75 I 74 6 ,2 . Pining Mill, • , . CO 51f 4,7 Li - . . 60 .59 47 bi . • Conoholicicken, " Plymouth •Dain, GO 159 - 57 bi • Bridgeport, ! .• . i, ' . • sh 54 52 4: 1, Norriotowit, . U 64 62 4 I Port. Koonedy, • 60 1 49 47 'Ali Valley Yorke,; , ....: . .• . . 50 49 47' JO ,Pawling's Dont,' .. • . , ~ • 60 49 47 . 40 Port Providence, • • 60 40 47 401 Pticentiville; • • I 1.4 P , 37 , Boyer's Ford, 46 ,44 4i 37 • Pottstown Uniting, . ~. . 45 r 42 42 37 • • Port B4lon, , ' . 43 1 40 40 3A Birdoborongh, '.. , ' - - 511'40 •39 34 " Reading,. . as' = 35 31 1 .Althoesen, ' •••--....5. , '' 381 37 35 31.1 lilohnmille. . . . - .391 37 35 31 Il aintiurg.' . ;1' - \ . . 3 5 ; 3 4. 1 32 23 Orollgoburn Landing, • . 30 I 27. 1 27 Ths•cbargejill be per ton of 'll4O Mi., less five pw . cent, allowance for waste, as usual. and Ito *barge l , ',than, twrinty4ire rents pet too ',alba made for. Any d e ; tense. By Oder of Um Managent. .. , • i• , '. P. Ii2IALBT. Prsthittit. PHILAD'A. it READING RAILROAD, /4011.0MgEMMM I Ite,TBS Mr P1t151(1412,' Übi IdIiII.CU6ISBI2.X. /AN an ul -AFTER MARCH lst,-1858 kJ. un Ulf 4ther riollcii the' followltig 'dates dl/ reigt will be tharied par 100 pounds. NIMICLIS OP PIPIOUP. • Dry Cloods,Conftellonory,llooks,Corpet juzpi,Cigarv,Frosh 311rot,'Flok, Glow te Anvils, Bran. Ilintteo. R$ t hottworo , Orlri'dxtkars.Crorertro.Heinp Hamm, Ilardwarp,Yfideic llottow.wore • liothery i darldnerfs97starkeilsol* 4 34 cotroo,Coffoo t a rain *Bar Iron,lead; M. Spikes: Mrs, Salt, Piot!. ons, a gitr. Whisk*, -• . Ilroototlire Bricks, (Nano. m Stones,.' • l'ltehisnd Tor,SaltSerapjron,renber • and Lumbor. tr., Bricks Coke, Cord Wood, Cher, 0 . 111•01 i lee. iron .Ore, Litnestono,idanuronlig Iron. Pinter, Mato, lull Mina: s,`#o., 'lflour; per barrel,' '. •,• March - 21,' r• -• . NMPPEItt; or 1 35 1 35 1 35 1 35 135 I 35 1 35 1 :0 1 15 1 15 1 10 1 10 1 GO I 00 1 00 1 00 • , CO. gation ly 1,1f59, lithrnetto be ax fill• nottc.e: 414 1 . "I. t .tl.l ati• NE - 4 A, 30 lb 22 11 11 i 121 12, . •, . . . . ~ - , • •-. '''• • -... . . • , • - • ' i • , - i U! ?ADD TI I / I ,CATERNS OP NOITNTAINI3I DETALIP IMOD WILL GIVZSTNENONLI TO OM NAM" AND ' straraiirfATl NATURE TO 01111 1131 kXD n•KAstras...!..linioil • . 1( • i 1 • Om for MO Shipmint of inanities. Pier Se. 7.. ' • JOHN R. WHITE.-_ Eff=rl 'Cfcaa.l., WRARY NO. 14,PONT RICAMOND. • oyncirs I N o. r Waluntatreet.Pll,lladelpbta. - Oetoiega 16.6 °- 3eC H - T v "' T4lr! New 42. Pier No.:101 BANCROFT. ,LENtirTS..& CO.; ' -tttarna Orts OITIPPIRS OP TAB CELEBRATED ASHLAND 'COAL,: • FROM 31AICANOY : 11011N,TM.N. OFFICE—iII Walnut otreet, Cotntuaia.tal Bulldlui, 'Philaderphla. - • ..• New Yaric Qrnee-,79 Caduestrent. Beaton'' Offical--25 street.; • = 23.'A• 1' No. 12. oah Masdeld.-• N. - TIIRTEIT & CO *; - • DEA.L.r.rts IN TOE vAntors DESOR . IPTIONS OP NTHRACITE .COAL. 13CLUDINO Tne HEST VARiETIES OP ED & WRITE &SU a:INY LICL & LE111011 . CD&LB ; I ZSO. 0 UMBER LAN B, from tte•Prostborg Company's Georges Crew& Moe. , • • '. {No. 110.Waln o t street. Pidelptda. sr VICES: No. 23 Ruby street, Boa , • • -.:lb. 1.28 Broadway, ear. elf Cedaelit.,N. air Ship6eols from wham"Sas 12-& Ift; Port Bich . nil, Entsbetbport, N. J., thsithapre, Md., and Ales & dam, Va. • , ; [April 16,'69 It. Q Pier N0..14. HAS. A. HECKSCHER & co,. POI P/4814 OP OAD MOUNTAIN, AND SUPEORID - • DED:ASIITOALS. PPICES: 45 south Street, New York. 1132 iTulnut street, Pbtlattelphht. rat-43 . • SPRING MOUNTAIN COA New Concern. F IE undersigned. having leased the Spring Itlountatit Mines,' • AT J PANSY! LLB, A.. - itherto worked by 'Ott. Stu.kri& Co..llre now pr arrd supply Ibis justly celebrated LEHIGH COA , and speetfully Incite orders. C.F. RANDOLPH, . • • THEO. P. RANDOM . CHARLES HAMPSH RE. - AWdleatlona to be *Minuted to Baa4olph & Co., ( 211 Broadway, New York, Roo j 23; . .'203 Walnut street, Phlladelphl ; • Eapion, renu'e; Trenton. New Jorpey. AND TO, Bal[llololll & Hampshire, Jeaucyille, Pa, .Jannery 1,'59• • "4-17,' CAIN, HACKER & COOK; • . IMMO Alin, 6111PPIPP OP 33/earc3r., Sciath. QOAI. -; leo, dealers In other firet qualitlei or White and Red Ash Coale. No. 136 Withlut. strert, /1/t/ade/phia and Woodland. Maras...Schuylkill. • • • ' 11031A6 MORRIS HACCEII. • JUST M.Cooz .£o , niary 27,'59.• 9-Iy,, I; P. ITO OREII;EISI c RICIER. AND NBIIPPESI Of ?fir CELEBRATED 'Lewis Vein Red Ash Coal, From the "NEW DUNCAN COLLIERY." ' 41e mines on Miter Cull—which assures Ili parity. ' 4/.lo ; Vargo salts by • JOIIN 811AY, Agent For I.Y. VOOKIIIY.S N0.,11 Pine street, New York -Pottsville. 7itsrrh I^_,'s9 win 5.'5S 2:14y Pll CONNER & NITTERSON, MM US AND SIIIPPFN OP TIM CELEBRATED Locust Mountain Coal. J. J. CONNV.R. . J. S. PATTERSON, Ashland. Atirril4. Schuylkill County, Pa. 27-1.3 , JONES & COLE, IMINKRS AND SIIIPPY.IIII UP TAMAQUA WHITE ASH COAL4' From the Roevesdale and Bnokville Collieries MICH—So. 320 Walnut street. Philadelphia. ire Coal forwarded from Port' Clinton by Reading Railroad, or In iloata bY Canal.' (7,94.1) HOTELS. POTTSVILLE HOUSE, JOHN F. KUNKEL Proprietor, Utotre Writ, POTT,ST/LLEi • at Arii - fiond Stabling`' November VI, IA "WHITE HORSE HOTEL." Corner 't Centre and HO RSE Jtre.lo. /lam/ te. Joseph RI. P'eger, Proprietor. Entertairnentsand'areommedations of the best kind.an4 every attention ^ • , paid. by the hest and his at. tOndantP to mike guests and anion- OP orr ~ ers comfortabit Anzust . 31.1 y. 1 30 1 30 1 3cl 13 10 1 :X) 1 VD 1 20 AMERICAN HOTEL, : 'Cligstant, bet. Fifth A Sixth BM, Plitla A DELPHIA. - 4 1 rain so per Day'.llll The , undersigned having renewed their lease fur a term of years, have entirely refitted the house, having painted. carpeted and refurnished throughout. The to ration of this House is unsurpassed, being upon the widest and most pleasant part of Chestnut street. (di. rre tly oppo.lte the old State noose.) near the plied% of ainasements, the jobbing houses of Market and Third streets, convenient -to the City Railroad, the cars of which run to all halts of the City for live cents fare.— The rooms are largo, well lighted, have superior reran*. ileni and have ben refurnished with ■care for comfort. We are supplied daily wills pure milk. cream, fruits and vegetablea from a farm belonging to us, and which Is managed exclusively for the Hotel. The proprietors of the American assure their friends and (tattoos that on pains will be spared make the appointments of this I Hotel complete and its. Table compare favorably with the best houses in the Union. A no. V. 34 3m WYATT k 1 10 ilO 110 1 10 1 00 1 00 • 1 00 1 00 WIRE SCREENS. WIRE GOAL. AND SLATE SOREENS. I OLIN H: KU IiTZ, (late ot. and sue- i eessor to Kam k ilgummt,) would respectfully call the nttentlon of persons etniaged In the Goal Business, to :his Manufactory` of WIRE 'COAL. D SLATEI SCREENS, COA L It IDDLES, WIRE BROOMS. Lc., kc., at the old establishment, Minorsrllle, Schuylkill C0., , Pa.1 Miring been engaged to the business of Screen mak ing for upwards of twelve yeam. I natter myself that I can turn out as good work as is done nnywhere In the 'county. and wank' refer to the qualitrof my work In the past, as a guarin,tee of :what It will be in th e tutors, pledging myself' that I'ol spare' no pains to Mate my work satisfactory to all who may give tue a trial.% • . JOUit 11. KURTZ. II Idinerayille;inly 24.'524 . ' • iatt gSTERLY ,Xanumturen.or • WOULD respectrell3r . call the attee . tion of ger tiemen engaged I thaCoaltrade to thel coal screens of varirme elms. TM htret inereased feel ItTei . fOr turning of the best of work oil promptneea and dl patch. Haying tht moat. exp•rion er bandit in the Stat they can g (prank all work done at their Factory. • Repaitinpheaftyandsabstantiaily danial the shortest notice. Screen ilthlts,Coiwheeie,Edgeway kings, Shafts. On& goons, ke., he. ' always on hand. All orders directed to the firm by mall or left at D. L. Eel cries Hardware sacra will introit. prompt attention. Pottarillc. Much July 4. 'bR 2. 1 ft.. _ • THONIAS_FOSTER A. 430., Xanufacturers Ir. WhOltiskle i &tail MAIM IN BOOTS AND SHOES, CEN'CRE .STREET:* Three doors beltrir Uortimeri Rotel, Pottkvllle. Our assortment corn p times er sr.9 Tullety of goods, either of fiL c H 4. _.).1 Home, Eastern, Philadelphia Or ' 5-`• Itli - , Itaxdlnct Work. fdr..l4en's. Wu. •' 'o' ' I men's- boys . , tdlssee or Cblldrea's Wear. • . I We manufacture and are prepared to furnish our 'oar. touters with a Superior article of Gentri s Treneb or Amer. lean Calk foots . o..aliera and Walking...Ribes. Water ~1"roof and Kip lloots, suitable for Engineers; and Me, efianice. Idiners` and baliordn,' Working' Dolts and Shoes. .i.llmlles` French or Mouth& Litrttng Gilt But. , ton or Lice Boots,:liuskins. Slippers. do., du, -• '. • . , " AtirTravellnie rod racking . Trunks, Vali Carpet 1 4rs, and Oilclo th Traveling tjaaa. Bop? and Id School ilatebif and in ezeollent' assortment of .1T broil:up will always be found et onr estaKshisieni t rat Ondemils . s'• *Gauntry Merchants will be supplied w h any goods in our hoe in such quantities as the, 'at a trilling adranas on city prices. : -.. :...• .. . ..- . • . Thankful to our friends for Past fa'soss, Tea , etet‘ mined in utis i l. a rontintuinee of public - pat by . lin lldYlitit Blvd articles npOn.tbii Moat !wraith banns. • • Tetti(oillei April SO, '14)" , ' • I : • yr SEPTENTI3ER 'lb, 1859. '-''' - `""•- - 7 - go-A PHILAD'A & READING RAILROAD. !wireless Ticket/Ir= mm PhiklikliPhilt to Potts my Cie and return. lOU Ts sold at. Pb3sZliobia, OU natter. {days and Sundays. at $3 75 eaeb, rood for 20 train on thole days, end on the surereding Monday. O. d.. NICOLL.% Generet Rapt. Aaga4 6, '69 - PASSAGES Rty STEAMERS. . THE subscriber is authorized to take Pase4bgere bl Steamers ;o and a 6 from Europein the first and seroild eimei aud • • or • • steerarmat the lowest•ratei. A Strainer NMI from New Turk Mr Liverpool on theLpila Md. End Cam Pas imagers. 375-4hird Clare.gri‘fonnd in Prreleions.— Passeoprs also brought out by steamers. Apply to • • B. BANNANT, Who also sell drafts on Europe in sum•of, di and upwards. ' March '59 11 - - • frz.ta rmatt own. PHILADELPHIA & 1 ; READLNG RAILROAD 00,0 - . 227 :oath FOOHTI.I street. _ PallatICI.THll, April 161h,183 - 9.. . P.OftENO BR TRAINS FOR HARDI2IIIMO. . On and after Monday,lBth „Instant, TWO Passenger Trains will be run DAILY (Sundays exeipted) to Mar risburg via Beading and intermediate points. • MORNING LINE. ' • ' Leaies the Hord, at Bread and Vine strata, at 3.80 A. sr. - • Arriving tt Hire . ..burg at 12.30, Noon. - • J _ AFTERNOON LINE. .Leaves Mt Depot, at Broad and trine streets, at 320 ''• • • • ,Arriving In Harrisburg at 1120 P. . • Fare to Hairieburg, Ist:elan, • 53 21 . "• , 4, • 2d,elass • • • 210 By order Of tbelloard.., Idel LH ENN EY, - Aprli 30, '5ll 134015t.] ' • &aviary. EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. llK,.. m po i+Ai m . , ON AND AFTER .S•SWEIPIRF.RDAY, May nth. - Passenger Trainv will run on thli rind dally.ebonectltig with trains at Allentown' for New'York, Easton and. in termediate pisue, and at Reading irith 'inane for_ li ar; rlsbeirg. Philadelphia and Pottsville. , Trains going Nvid will leave Reading Atli A. M. and 12 arriving in New York at 1230 A. M: and 7 P. 111.= The trains coming West will leave Niw York 411.45 - A. 31., arriving In It.poling at 31, A train will also lasi* Easton at 74.-31.. and Allentown at. 810 A. 31., arriving la Reading At 19 A. M. Fares frosariteadissg," , $O 15 To 31111entoarn, , $O RO 25. Rmsas, • '; 35 Allentown, 1 intl 45 _.Bethlehem, 1 TS, 1141 Easton: ' 1 ,15 t 5 New York, 3 80 To Temple, Blandon, Fleetwood,' Lyons, Topton, Phamobek,- ' Fretybt Itetna'lrlll„ ii h rem daily' between Reeding_ and New Toelli;lsweing Needing 0016.01 A. M. , -II • JAMEN, 11QQR11, General ,SWpf:,,,. Angret 13,'69', , r . AUSTRALIA INCISES* LINE. • . Established in 1858.. narrpng the U. • Sailing Positivity ou the , Dity Advertised. DAYS PASSAdO,& 1k) mah liken t Clipper Ship.'OlilENTAL." LSO tons lityieter, with :capacity for 3000 tons, ovostic Commander, is' now at Pier 11; A:eh Hirer, with 1200 tone of curgolin board. completing her loading, and will be dispatched for Melbou rn e direct, positively, on Thurs da eptember 11th. • On her 'ski voyage the "OXIF.STAL" made 240-miles In the 24 hours, end from her sixe and sailing qualities. Is expected to make the peonage Inside of 75 days. :rite has magnificent accommodations for first and second dare passengers, Rates of Passage. First Cabin tialians,rBlo; decond Cabin, Slto. Children In aims, free"; orer two ysears. cud under t welve. half price. For Frehrlit or Pasinge, apply on board, or to R. W. CAMERON, 8 howling Green, New York. Sight Bills for tale, and each advances made on eon abrogneuts., • Consignees in Australia: Items. Wilkinson, Bros. t Co. August 2T,'59 puns 12, 'IA 211y] 35- Only Direct . Linn for Ireland! QTEAIII to all PANTS of GltEA'r pj BRITAIN and IRELAND, • For 8301 • • , Elgrad Tbelmwerful Iron- Steamvbipei. CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF WARRINGTON, CITY OF MANCHESTER, KANGAROO, VIGO, Will gall from New York for CORK and thence to LIT ' NI POOL, ez-Every Alternate Sa turday. ES Pmsage from New York: Cabin, —•- - $75 Third Clan. • • • .$3O Passage from Liverpool and Cerk: • Cabin, . SSS Third Claim, - • - $4O li-Passengeri forwarded to Havre. Antwerp, Bremen and Ifemborg, for $8.5 in Cabin, PS Third Class. To . PARIS 2ti hours from Liverpool.) Cabin, $9O; • Third Clare, Pd. The above Steamships are built of Iron, in watertight compartments carry each an experienced Surgeon. and every mquisitelor the Immediate extinction of the e For Passage apply to R. J. Cortis t Co.. ITT Broadway, N. Y.; Jobu 0. Lbile, 15 Broadway, N. Y.; to ! 'BIEDWARDS, Pottsville; N.B.—Passengers by this Line avoid the risk and da• lay of calling at Unlit's: and Et.. ohne , as the,•staansers proreed direct to Cork. " Aprli 16.'69 (16- • EHICH VALLEY RAILROAD. II I g 1e......4i1ikil FARM Bummer Arrangements of wiener, Triune. ON and atter MONDAY, MAY 16th, 15.59. the Passenger 'tralits on.the Lehigh Valley . Railroad Comm:1.1'111 ru i at..tly, following heuri: , '. Down -Trains.. Leave' 4 Nail. • Erprces. . Acc.... blot Chunk at B.M . A. 31., 12.30 P. M.. 12.35 P.M. Slat ngton ..• 6.40 " 1.08 " 1.29 "' Wh te nail .' 7.13 " 1.33 " 2.25 " Cat Aauquit - T.2l' " 1.45 " 2.52 " l e Allen n ~ 7:40 " ' 1.56 ' " 3.15 ". Meth em 748 ", •• 2.11 " 341 " Fret. nsburg 8.07 '!','.' 9.20 " 3.57 . " Arrl eat Elston 8.30 ",. 2.43 " 4.45 " Up Trains. • D'art Arrow. Natl. Express, Easton at 6.00 A. M., 11.45* - A. M.. 3115 P.M. Prermansburg 6.40 ." . 1240 •••• 347 " Bethlehem 7.00 " 1210 1 " 4.08 " Allentown 7.40 " 12.14 " 4.20 " Catasanqua 8.07 " '12.46 •' " 4.35 " White Hall 8.26 " 3.00. ' " 442 " Slating/on 0.04 " ' 1.22' " 6.26 " Arr. Manch Cbunklo.oo .--' ". 2.05 " 6.10 " DOWN TRAINS WITH THEIR CONNECTIONS: The 6.00 A. M. Mail Train will run in connection with the. Cetanises, Williaresport•and Erie trait) from Elmira, Wllliantsport. DanvillS and ilupeit, and will maned at Allentowwwith the ntid Penn. train for Reading, liar risburg and Pottsville; at Bethlehem with - the North Peito.lrain for Philadelphia; at I.hltori with the Cen tral ofiNew Jersey train for New York. and at Philips burg al ith the Bel. Del. train for Belvidere. This train will also enable passengers to go to the Water Cap, Feranom and Great itend,Sither by the laci,,litd. or the Central of New Jersey train. . • 4 .The 12 30 P.M. Express train will run in connection with the Beaver Meadow train from Wilkeabarre, White d 2/ If en,' Ilstieten ar.d Weatherly. and with the East Pe n. , train ftom Harrisburg, Pottsville and Reading, • will emsneet witb'the North Penn. train for Phila. !phis, w ith the Central of New Jersey train for New York, and' with the Bel. Del. train for Lambertville, Trenton and Philadelphia. - UP TRAINS WITH THEIR CONNECTIONS. The 43.00 A. U. Accommodation train will connect with . the East Penn. train for Reading, Pottsville and Ilerria burg. The 11.45 A. M. Mail train will runlet connection with the Del. Del. train from Philadelphia, Trenton and Lam bertville, with tbeCentral of New Jersey train from New York, with the North Penn train from - Philadelphia, and will connect with the Beaver - Meadow train for Ileatberly, Hazleton. White Haven and Wilkesbarre. The 3.35 P.M. Express train will run in connection with the Central of New Jersey train tram New York, and will connect with the East Penn. train for Beading, Poi bailie and liarrlahnot, and. with the Wayless, W. and E. train for Rupert, Danville, Williamsport and 13. mita. ' ' ' k j 1 Bethlehem, May 16th, 1859. • • 22- ' - PHILADELPHIA AID READING R., R. U!cHt=l TRAVELINO. J. It. RICHARDS, Blinerstrllle Bummer Arrangement, April 18, 1859 DOWN PASSENOKR TRAINS • _ . Leave Pottsville, daily,: (except Sundays) at LSO A.M.; and 2.20 P. M.-Pasvl ng Reading at 1030 A. M., and 6.06 P. M. Arriving In Philadelphia at 12.62 noun, and at 1.10 P.M. I UP PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia, daily, (except tiondays) at 7.30 A. 31., nod 3.30 I', M.—Pipping Rending at 10 . 20, A.M., and 0.05 P. M. keriviog in Pottsville at 12.04 siooli,.and at 7.50 P. 51. • , .• . Both Up and Down Passenier Trains connect at Port Clinton with Tmliss to and from Tamaqua. Cstawlssa. Williamsport and;Flnilm. Doming Passenger trains only inoneetitt.Port Clinton for Wltkesbarre, Befautou and Pittston.. . . _ . Pamengers leaving Wllliatoorporr by the Catawba& Railroad Night Line at 10.10 P. M., connect with* Paw granger Train laving Port Clinton at 4.30 A. 31, arrive at Reading - at 5.30, breaktast. and proceed direct to Phil adelphia by the 6 A. M4teadlng Accommodation Train. LEBANON EVIANCaI Passengerrain leaves Rea VALLEY at 0:25 A. After arrinl of Up and Down Morning Passenger Trains from Philadelphia and Pottsville. .Arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon. nod connecting with Pgrertgettliallil on the liOrtharo Central. "Pennsylvania and "Cumberland Talley" Railroads for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Pittifturg, Lancaster, Baltimore and Chambersburg. Returning, leaves Harrisburg at 2.45 P. 31., after arri val of Trains (root above points. Arriving at Reading at 6.00 P. M, and'ennneeting with Up and Down Trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia the mum evening. - No Prairie run es Sundays._ . Fares... Between Pottsville and philadelphla.s2 75 spd >u 25; Reading and P1'11,4.10141, $1 75 and $l. 46; Garrisburgand Philadelphia, $3 =and Ir 2 70; Lebanon and Philadelphia. r 2 till and $2 10; Reading and: Gar album, $1 GO and $1 30; Reading and Pottsville, $1 05 aid $0 lib; 'Reading and Lebanon. 65 and 70 tents; Pottaviißt and Harrisburg, T 2. 65 and $216;, Pottsville and ,Lebanon. $1 51) and $1 50 - Throrigh IRo.I Tickets—Pottsville to Baltimore,lls .pottnille to Gettysburg. $4 60: Reading to Baltimore, $4; Reading to Lancaster, $2 23. . " cc-80 telt:it'd,' or Baggiie earl* Pawner. The Second Cues Cars rein with all the 'have Regular nuetentoitTrelna • - gar Moro IngTreln Down Aug AfterstoonTralnlip,only, run on Sundays. . - • Through Virst ClaseTlekets. at reduced Ptes, to Niag ara Fails, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West. North Weat..aad the Cowden and lEmigrant Tickets, at lower ®, tool' the above Pluto, cart be bad on appliolikoi to the Station A gent. Tickets will be purebssed. before At* Traltis start. lltdher fares charged If paid in tire. - G. A. NIOIII,LS, Sig.& Ten. Supt.- April 30,169 p. - rTfts . tots WISHING_TO .cHA N GE their_ ballads to a rapidly leo taidsa cottotry, a NeW Settlement, where tiundrede are going- Where the di koala limit) end delightful. See advertisement of the Data Mitt" Settlement, audited cologne, • ' to bellialh.deed Needles.- . I-OHN ENGLISH :& Pgtent Helix Drilled Nyed Noodles, decidedly the beat la: market, or different sties, trate No. 11 to 12. alas ys to Di but *banal* sad nolLat, , IL • rattoUla t Jaauary ;I);%Et • 1,. . torten: Awn chitiria4eB - Jmiagt,!. • • AFTER THE BATTLE:' The !trams areal' waled; net:battles am sun: Theses a pia.* In the valley—a halt ea the hill And bearers of Oa sidardmi sw•rve Wet with* thrlU IThers . ibeieres et ni 3e r ; d. dead bar the way; lot a swat held Is heaven's gassers ID ill,• death ds harvest. to-day. . There's proles oe thrt what like a spirit's low erg--; Tis the mneterroll sounding—and who.shall reply I For those whew wan dices glare whit* to the sky, With yes Axed so steadiest and dimly, • An they.walt that list trump which they may not debtY; Whose hands clutch the sword hilt so grimly. ; . Thebrase bends, late lifted, are solemnly bowed, And the riderless eta rgara stand flulverlog and 'cowed, As the burial requiem* Is chested 4loud. The groans or tbr destirstrielein drowning: While Victory robs ono 1114 a queen, pale and Pella,' Who awaits till the morrow her erowulag. • • , , , There is no meekingblasoil, as clay sinks Lti, , clay i 1 :. The stomps of the peace Uwe are att swept ee" . In the terrthte (see of the dread battle day; ' •.• ' Noe eoliths nor- threadless Atheist; i Only relies that layethere thickest the fray— A I.:. . rent august and headless spear. .. .'': Par minty, tramp on mp, Pods the mart of foe I • Like a storm wave's treating—epent, till al and sialit , With sound likelhale spittle that slot as they go '.. Bs you ietigknthig river whose waters • . , - Shall darken with swum the land whirs they floe , To the eyes of her desolate daughters. . '! ~ . '., They ar e fled—they a gone; bat, oh! not as they cane In the pride ofthose numbers they *faked the game. Never nom:hall they stand in the vanguard of nun*, Never lift the stained sword which they drew; 1 • Never more shall they tooted of a glorlitue name, t •'. Neyer worth With the real and the area I i - I 1 Where the Week of Our legions lay stranded and torts, They stile on oar ranks In the mists of the 'morn : Like the giant of 03131thOr strength It was shorn, lire those mists had rotted up to the sky ; ' • From the flash of our steel eine daybreak seemed born, -As we spring up4tieonquer or die. _, -. , l' . The' tumult IS•silen44ll lie death lots are re'st; ' And the heroes of battlefire slumbering their last. • lets ye dream of roil pale form that rode on the blast! Would ye free it otitis more. 0, ye brave! Tes, the broad road to brio, is red whore .ye passed, 1 , And of glory ,le asked bur' gravel 4 • , 1 . .. - . /01/11tirale ' ' I i JaIDEESII OE TM PEOPLE'S STATE COX . • , I 'LITTER. -• :.. We have received a printed copy of the address just issued by the State:Committee of the People's -party of ibis totomonwealtb. We should be ;led to' publish At anylre,,but it is too long for our Spade. occupying as it does tour and a half closely printed columns of the Lebanon Courier. • It le - Writthn in a clear, candid and' forcible manner, -oodles ' presses iatistact rily all the party view Son qui-- duns of present moment. We quote - fium iC the portion which mote itt.mediatcl,y concerns the in dustrial interest i of Pennsylvenia : r The industry of American freenteg hos snarler 1 greatand vital Interest which has nisi aye. bee re sii fusedthose the recognition of who areenga in the schemes of Slavery aggression wh'ich,we are noticed. The material welfare of the people, as wallas the financial interests of the - governtnbnt, indicate a OHO of protection and defence of our, agricultural, mining, manufacturing, mechanical and manual Libor against the schemes andeys. tents W of Weigle nations , os the / true course tb be adopted ID our legislation on the ,objector a tariff. .Properly .considered, and as actual' experience proves, revenue and protection possess a blended harmony of interests. At those very period's in our history, when the labor of the people was test sheltered from uneqqaleompetition with, itectsmn lated foreign esPitallong trained skjll :and ilow rates of wages, the national coffers were most fully replenlabed44he' expenditures of, giteern- went were completely met from its resourcee,!and the process of reducing national'debts; contrabted under other sestems, was in most successful siPera tiun. When, however, discrimiciating duties leers taken off,. or made le discriminate again.t our home industry—shan - fite trade was put in pre?, tins and protectionientirely il-andoned and eon damned by the party in power not only did in dustrrrtinguish and suffer in ail its departments— failures became frequent, disMtrous andi'ver whelming--furnaces, ,orges, fee:eerier and iork shops cense their operations - labor asks in vain 'for employment—mechanics seek Inlays idingf for custuiners—and *seen the great foundation nte rests of egriUture suffer in the general etana tiou of business, and contraction of prices and , 1 ( . scarcity of money, but the revenues of thelreast I ury fell off in rapid diminution, and the 'itseerol went, which had just been paying a high premium for its own bonds , was compelled to throw its flutes on the market to raise the means of deiXayittg its ordinary expenses, and, in a time oftprofbund peace, to contract a new national funded debt.— This has been the recent experience of the (loan try, and at this moment the people are suffering from the practical consequences of the injgious policy of their public servants. Penntylraniti Ms witneseed, during the last two years, the bust disastrous eaifiees of the property of her -Pkopla and the twit epressed condition orber gre t Id dustrial inter ts. Valuable properties harelbeen brought to t e block of forced sales; anal ato,no lime have sheriffs and • other executive officeie of the law reaped, such abundant harvests oil fees, while productive labor has stood idle, and looked on helpless at the sacrifice of hard earned plisses stone passing from the vamp of the- toiling band that gave them all their value, for mere nominal prices, into the.ownership. of Capitalists and ritee °tutors, most of whose means were wrung in Usury from the very men whom they were thus deeming Co homeless poverty. What more melancholy eight than this n t Elias pretented, and hotilTdoubly bitter moat the ex , perienee he to the sufferer when he reflects that the cruel ana foolish' policy of - the rulers Of hie country, whom his own vote may have assisted to their places of influence and power, has struelidhe blow under which he has fallen ! The entirtitom• mercial transactions of the country prov how madly we are pursuing a emu" of dealing nith other nations utterly destructive of our own: lo- wrests, buying recklessly and extravagantly, pay- . Ling in gold, robbing the eoontry of its specie OM aulatien and basis of paper currency, and con , traeting debts abroad which most be settled fir in' the future. This's were imported at NewlY rk I alone,'of foreign dry goods, since theairst dit of the year up to August the 544 the emir ous o f modal of $75,623,418—nine redline/ of 'Niters more than'fn the corresponding period of wit , eillk travaganee just before the erash in , Sept' tier, 1857, and about forty-two Millions, more th :41m -1 i t der the compelled contractiort of the slim ind in 1858 .: We imported during the year n log June 1, 1858, of foreign goods; wares and mer chandise. $243.239,000; during the year ending J u ne 1, 1859, $340.000;000, an increase of lasost $97,000,000. Daring the first period ire eSorted $52,633,000 of specie—during the last, $ ,000,- 000, and es our imports of thevame article were ten millions less in the last than first perid4. our stock on hand was $28,337,000 less than tide year before. Our exports of 'cotton, grain, and flour, I and all other products of every kind of tailor, are vastly below the importations; fur while ate sent out only $37,751,000 in the first seven months of the present year from New York, we had mo ths make tip the sum of $42,349,600 in coin, to pay the bal ance doe to foreign nations -en the dealings through' that port alone, Facts like these i l rovey their awn best comment; they explain, ithout any learned-parade of argument, the reason of the Paralysed mate' of our home indiastry, and' -call trumpet-tongued for the application of th 4 proper remedy. This is in the hands of Cong sa and the Executive Administration of the net,; go vernment, to which Th e' adjustment of tit' terms Of our commerce with other nations hae bee u own? Milted by the constitution ., BeLthe - "de oeratic ,I party," which wields these power.; refugee all re 1 lief. It is bound to' the opposite_ interest', whi • professes to see in'the proteetive policy o faie to I 'who-are engaged in-raising southern ptudecte it slave labor, We believe that pulley is the best, most breach:d o and advantageous to ever y inte rest and lovestmeht in the country — the frm and plantation—the Mine and forest—the factry,and workshop---all•have here a complete barl of interests. But Free Trade is the pet delusion of the . South, only wood iu its estimation to thcpbyeitsl, moral sad politicel blessings of slavery, and, t erefore, "the Deusocratie party," whose comets of panel . Itllietater, denuentes the Protective Polici, 'Even the President of its chutes guardedly,diffeiring on this point horn the contrejlfing power, is lidera of his influence and regarded as wholly unsooptfor when Mr. Buchanan, In his last 'annualMirage, mo d e stly suggested to Congress that the d vale- I I rest system wee prolific of frauds, and the specific duties;especially un such articles as areisuld by weight gni measure, as coal, and iron fee exam-, plc would ha melt ester for the government as' well at/beneficial to the people, be wage/di con tradicted by his own Stormily of the Treasury, in his annual report on finances—his party to Coa -1 grecs never acted es the President's suggestion, and he failed to exercise in behalf of ,bis 'tariff re r comtneodation those influences whose potency was .so actively experienced' hen, in eonseri-Ulth hie 'southern Mende; be fought the battle of Sievert in Ewalt on the Lem:wept= Constitution and the English Bill. Ad caroms duties, favored;' by oar fieanciers of the mudern Democratic scheol, are not only productive of fraud and per, cat they have - the- very admirable .quality, in t - -ejer of their advisees/s e of being Ingest. where ' they 'are Meet required to be higb,-and when foreige goods are forced into our market on low .invoicesiewero throngisthe Custom Muse by false mithe, to the entire destruction of the American manufacturer and POdueer, and Of being highest when the for eitotti, having overthrown domestic, comPeti Ion ! !mks enormous prices for his goods, and *Mope)* our people to pay the most tar anklet of inferior value... The ipeolde duty of so mash: by the.yard dr pouridos. oa the toning, Bled sad layerhkble always the sime; the Ateerittia mato* knows exactly what to ealeadate ea; aid ne'fratidoleally Undsr•cbssled isivoiSticeli be '.'ilit tit is - throitjgb the ~ti. ' :c., - ,i,,t—,.,:1 :4'..,:1 . t1-1 , ,, , i.' , .i.. - Jk: -,-.:. 9 1 4_ • • 3.7 • .• - i ' ' i "- . •• • • - . ' ? Castain Mona* by Individuals reckless . ' of perjury', 4 l whist the's:recta, itself deenes the rata of import. Bat the reasonable! demand of the people fur the , protection which would be . secured both to them I and the ria:lonail treesstri by the substitution of moderate, fixed, specille duties for the ad eraforem rates'iof she pr seat tariff, falls unheeded on the ears of the goierning powers at Washington, or is treated by them . *ith derision and contempt:—t' PsuwaYlunle Italia vastend vital colleen in this Matter. We need not refer to the great vial and Iron Interests-4er hoestments for improvements to catty the products of her farms, minas, fortes. , furnaces,' factortes; az., - to market, and the advan tage Which thenctive proseeution of the* now Inutold Or suspended operations. would boo the . agricalturelist, aoechanie, and manual laborer, in giving : them parebasers for their produete and fibrils, and employment for their stalwart arms. The people of this State and too thtelllgent tost,to • understand the* things, and oes:tosses mention = ed hive,; by bitter experience. bad them deeply impressd opongheir mods and memories.' Will they not with United purpose work, together for !the sersomplish sat of the great reform which 111 it necessary in nu system of imposing duties on im- . 'parts'. and as " he democretio parly"—ita repre sentations and :kith. agents In public siation and politicallmanag l etnent—not only committed the wrong of, intrust:icing free trade, but relate to rem edy IS; thernselvr throw off the induce* of this party. and iy r tjeeting its eandidatei isake plain theirionetteralen'deteriabiation that the protec tion of American induttry shall be the tented, abiding ,And kreversible policy of the geese's menet What folly convinced. that such is the • , resOlotiop of Pannsylvania, opposition will begin to disappear , add her true representatiies will be clothed -Iwith lower to 'make effectual her do nned& . I : , . • It lir a remarkable pecoliarity'of the present National Admibistration that, with a deeciensre venue, and a ' ptiople - soffering,th -ell their busioesi interests from e unfriendly p etit? , of the govern= merit, re , th e , pnbl a expenditures have increased to 1 . aduppreceden ' d amount, and corruption, Pecu lation, misman gement and favoritism prevail at the cost of the Pedant Treasury.; When Mr. Bu chan'an entered pun his Mee, he found a turnips of 04,0p0.000 lon hand. Before th e first year of ' his HMO bred c stied, this was all exhausted—the 'issue of $20;00,000 in Treasury notes, and a , sleek loan of t 1 o like amount were authorised' by' the ereSsessio of Coop-matter his inanguration„, '—the total andual expenditures of tbe'llscallear which ended od the 30th of Jtine. 1858, reached the enormous linont of $89,028,887, and the op propilationslo the ensuing year covered the sum -of $83,854401 :24, and this - was less by-,11,789r. "COO than die Allinikiittration asked for. When Johnlgal:icy Adams. thirty years agcy . expended semi $15,000,000 annually, the eatery egainst his extravagance was loud. and' it:reasons, 'Mt. lluchananlbeing among those who mind it - for Political-effect ; but' he has no only nearly seetbpled, but has; in time of profound peace with all r ations, far i els:coded the annual expenditures whitl the coon ry wee engaged in a foreign war, ii wit diets on be enemy's closets, and an army in his.e.epitil. • I these expenses were Judi:item: and legitimate, the's would be less eons. toreninplalui bet,',unfortnna . ,ely, they have been made for im- Droner purpose?, and to effect partisan de ignr.— • Tbe, navy yartla of • Brooklyn, and Ph il elphla ' were cnimmeawith unnecessary men b i t e hun dred, in orderlitscarry the election to Con rest of the friends of the Administration, end its pport are in attempt i ng to consummate the Lec mpton fraud end outrage ; contracts: for huildit g ships .aod'sopplying coal for the navy were a misled, not . to the low i bidders: f loat, to. family ) enac t/3 1,3 . Hone 4 mem re hf the Cabinet, or to cs blish ' menu, ;whose recommendation; referred by the ,PreSien't himielf to the' - Secretary of the Navy,' was !that they exercise a strong is:thence in a con greseional dist ict,,and ought to be rewarded for , deariojar o ld otitis:at - associatioes to contribute toll tr ; Bache Ws election,' and as an encourage-. 6int to them o work for the re-election of his friend to Conrear. Large purchases of mules, - wiSgons, and o her materials for th e Utah expetti i, lien mire mad of -near relations of the members of the House of Hepresentatitres,..who ~ileased the Adininistration by supporting 41s Kansas' mese urea; or of meisbers of , the party supposed to wiel political influ g ence in particular localities -- ; " ..... :. , -1 i 1 ' 1 , .Prow the New York Tribune. ! 1 ' -i ! 1 FAIII ‘ PLAY FOE POON, lON. !A. Charge ti Piracy is an ugly thing' to-meet where therentany chance of Conviction, :ilea pre- Mail:mei death atlthe t end of a rope • Is not a plea s:lnt Subject to! contemplation. But duke cif prapiiiiiir !ssori;, says the proverb; and a pure pa . triot does noto: much consider the probability or ' ilia method 0 Coming to' his end as the purpose it to be gained "'risking the Chance of "It.. It is I good thing fot the world that there are stronger ;nations in the breast of man than the love of life: '1 1-' • - ' •.: It is also w li for one-halrbf onr.tieloved coon tryl that in it whose love .forits in terests is greater than their fear of being hanged. • Theyara -determined; that' her' rtealwamps and_ "cettod.fields thrill not.want for laborers, beam* 'an 'u at lawiatill rent' upon, her statute books.— r li is TM -prising,- however, that, among our Sonth= . ere fel ow citlsens, there Is noes perfect onanim• itylutoln this ?abject.' Whit* all are . agreed that Siaitery is:a divine institution, they are notagreed that 14 hiessiligs should be extended to those on I I 'Whm the on :inal curse still rests, but Who bare a - - 1 yet .the importunity of coming under the -'l4nialioratipg influence of the remedy rirovided. ii confetti that we ere 'booked at such perverse. tiess in our Siuttigna brethren. We Itbat they Permit.tbem lvei to be governed by ime sahib : considers thins. : „ . -, . In the Atlintio Sieve States they list* what illstiial crop, ..on which their pr 'parity, t ay pretend, depends; a crop that; is,. li .' wl leb gives Itsfull rattan, once- in twenty years only. The liroiladt Or this erop is "niggers," a its time is limated from the feet-that that esti- - 1 ",clot of eionin Imo realms itr highest value at the. age of 20. Fla Ithe intireared„desuand which, has :sprung up 11:erly for this, staple, the erop is har ivtiated now, i presume, in something less than a t•sc .! • ore of, rtr• ' but it is well - *clown that it is, whatever may lie its time'of ripening,.the chief sonrce.of tile wealth of Virginia, - and some other SfOtes. It its from 'these Stater, tbereforn, that this chief oppolition comes to the patriotic efforts, o others futther South tore-open the foreign trot. fib. Itegardleis of the favorite Southern doctrine of Free trade ;! regardless of the interests of the ;pi, cesiarily eit orer r elass to whom the luxury ef !'niggene! is teied by its high piles; regardless, i i a se all, of that branch of missionary service of it iehtStianith'Catholies have now the ahnost ek e asive controk• thse vighttiel Mlle:Mors Per- Mit thetirselFee ' to tr e e governed by: the narrowest' Fleas of '.th is own interest; It is Undoubtedly a n true, thatan, sound in limb end' wind, and • raised at MI nacelle or Mount. Vernon, is, at this Moment,' wirth in the New Orleans -or Melillo en arkes,•: ev n • if seven*lghths ..white, $l,OOO, ! while the p ,re, unadulterated article could : be de tiVered at ekther place from the coast of Guinea `at about 02Q0.' The Virginian trade would prob- - .ebly be estind by such a competition ; but that 4 ,nOt the nue tioti. Smaller interestslmust always •yield to:la er. Sactifices of this sort ,are eon ntantly made to meet the:exigencies.- of Govern il,nlents mid dommonities. If the good of , the whole i g natintry rennires such an °neat this moment, Vir- . !girlie shout', acquiettrevithitiatnituitahle gra.* which NO Commonweal t h igs to a composed ex ;elusively odfirst families, and wih thatpatelottsm tibia' has elwaye shown itself in her devotitin to J the putilih9iervice in army possible official apse- . ity. The *odd wants cheap anger. and cotton; the South West wanti cheap laborers to produce ,I those articles. Here is reran enough toe her att ul scents !n a chugs which i s -for the rod of t 3 lit 1 whole, though to her individual loss. Bat 6' 'is by means the sole reason. The tipper t ' Mil to * a mplify. the great principles of Free L le yntde sho uld not Ito lost. , - • ',! Still mother principle of Democracy may be illustroted.t The love lathe poor man is the great 1 doctrine' of ',the Democratic' party ; 6 eipecially is it , the most cherished doctrine of the Democracy of 'the licosth4 "The supremacy. of man over his irecideritels the-aceepted definition of Democnvi ey. - Poverty is a limited slate is not avail umafortene s t but there Is l a poverty so unlimited.aa to bo apo tive calamity. In ouch a comusanity ' is this It bitote Without:bread; in such a commu nity as that south of Mason and Dixon's line: ILIs to be withitit "Diggers." It is a supremacy over such arc aceident as this that tine Democracy ibis • at.' To:bt without " niggers" is 'the absolutest penury, 1 00 nowbite man at the south an work, and, anleti he has somebody to work for him, bow coo be eittt. ' Of twirl° be becomes, as the poor white Shaun of Georgia and South - Carolina do„ a I'diirgeil," 'ad a "412 y-eater." flu li:entity—not eni eteptiori as ally, some of his Northern brethren, who are D t. poor, do—but, literally, eats dirt. It 'is to do way with there invidious distinctions heti/cosh the rich cud te poor, to -give tired that ~. ,euprenoiel which ,Democracy rionterapietse, that . 'Free Trade - with Africa is wanted. A thousand or : fifteen hundred dollars is a large Price to pay for a .:necessary klof life. A - monopoly that should compel 'a prior matr at the North to may that sum frr a plow orFt e would ! bean intolerable hardship, ' and it w lik be the duty of any elites enjoying 'suet ato opoly to sacrifice it, without a inee !mar, to the good of - the *bole. -" : : 1 •-: - 1 .If the goath will he true tit herself, think we think may proni4e tbkt she shall not weak tr - aid, at least, of that great party .in the North w ' '- w ( exercises the powers of the Federal Ottesinmaint.' There arislnot a few men - in this city already en listed on - er behalf in this matter, though al yet. Arty are little cautious in 'publicly manifesting i ! their, der tion.ns they are Dot willing rashly and 1 unbent* my le run the risk of the penalty urea I *nein isita. And hero. Li tray positive evidence 1 that amok in New Englad they arebeiginuiPS 't° I take on eblarged.vfew•td. their responsibility sod du t y its 4 tatioo to this questioe under its new:sa i ; ! l Pent..' WO and the ielijoiesid doeutnent in r tbeSL :1114sistied . .Eirimitieel:ettlie 20th iii.: - . 1 ''''' ' . i ' :'.1001141011a, "UP'S A Pril 269115°. . . lin' II 1 4111 1 11VM 14 asoinigt holt IP 14b , COL 1 4 4 1 1 11 . 0 et 1 till brim twits, horn Sham Island, or; the one poi* and M Lewis a Bu=d, Of Cape.:oo4,„"stics eta : no. 'i , i • .. ' 1 .) 1. . - AANNO -2 8'. %./- - . • STEAtAIIIITINC4F cICE. Urrlariindtimerretier,••• are tiourepare d tame, ocipsoOtparitzma tifitit7dnetir Utto 0114. of t joinurai t sk•Per titian taaAllsoltdaSallYoUlentitablitaitelittatitecann t Boako,ramphiats • ..itilpsfZediej. • _ • : • Ifeadilars. Apo Doak* . - Arkoiciof 431trosainit, Yhtaßoata, . • sni mitt, °Nor Boas, is, ;at tbsvory shortest uotleo: Ouratock of JOS TYPE Is iota aal,'thanthatofatrJattarMeilnthisriot Utast Ile Stata,aad we Imp haatomptormielprossly On•Joabht, Dalai& practkal Mutat moat ye Will poleasemoir.vork to be as seat as amp that eau it • tamed out to the ettl s. PRIETIEO IE COLOEE don* at *.shortest mottos. BOOK *BINDERY. &lois bound oireetiartoty of style.. Must Deboits 0f,01057 dooetiption ostottactviroa,boaad nalod order at aboettst eater port. Witneusth that the" aid lincitlisin & m ils% bartered and agreed to and with, the add Lowish for the whole of the eargo of the leriglibedite. comfit •rum tobarco, oordage. provisdons, per Invoke vn.z.J. atneonting to 17.135 at, for which carge NMI amount said Leyte it Boyd bargain ond„eirve to pal said Wickham mown' and ntercimatamii norms, Cu or betbre, the expiration of saves weeks bowl lbw awe date. The bight of each negro to be , four lest mid four Indust* upward, and the customary proporUen• Übe olearred, via: trot/Ord" wales. onioehirghwealas.. It is farther agreed between said piffles. that it 11•7 or the annexed rargo should appear &West Then kma ed. that a deduction of 60 per edit. shall Ds 'sada ea each article or articles that may so appear, and should on the other hand any artklear articles hi delivered to Revere. Lewla and Boyd over and above who la repte. tented and specified In the annezedlovoice„ we agree to , .pay this said Wickham 80 per cent en the same that may he so delivered. Sipa& MII ven T. . PHILIP LEWIS; • , . JOON BOYD. , • We pram* them te to reason to tumefies tin authentic itiot this Interesting document: which we commend.* the ettiontimi - of oar reedit& ffibiallaay. lODEB 01-DIAIS. A Min t.Quarterlylfre few arm a toed the tam. lag aniele, which will be read with .totenst it) be shot dead Is one .of the tiniest medeier terminating'life, tepid as it is. the body has Nil feel and reflect. Oa the first attempt by one-of the frantic adherents of Spain to , mast nate W Maui, Prince of Orange, who took the Wad in the revolt of the Netherlands, the hall passed through'the boiled in the foie, and brought him to the ground. In the instant that preceded ,tape. action he was able to form the notion that the ceiling of the room had fallen and crushed him. The cannon shot which plunged into the brain of eheries VII. did not prevent h*frousielsteghle sword by the hilt. The Idea oPanattask and that seeestity for defaces was pressed on him by allow which we would suppose too tremendous to leave an interval for thought.• Built by no Means for lows that the inflicting of fatal wounds is meow paniellty a pang. From what is knows ief the first effects of gunshot wounds, it is probable the impression is rather stunning than acute. *Unless death be immediate the pain is varied es the in tire of the injuries, and these are put emoting up. eut , • there is nothing singular in the 'l'lo Nen sation, though Lord Byron remarked the physice: logical peculiarity that the elpressien Is invaria bly that of languor, while in death from is Admit the countenanee reflects the natural character of gentleness or ferocity, to the last gulp. Seine of these cases art of interest to,show with what slight disturbance life may go under a mor tal wound, till it comes to fermi atop. A !ousel. dier'at Waterloo, pierced by a musket ball In the hip, begged water eta soldier who chanced to pos sess a canteen of -beer. Tbit wounded man drank, returned his heartiest thanks, mentioned that his regiment was nearly • exterminated, and having proceeded a dosen yardi on his way to the rear, fell to the iith, and, with one convolsive move ment of the limbs, concluded his cam y. ,voices" said the trooper, who himself tells the story. "gave scarcely the slightest soulid of weak nen." . • . 'Captain Basil Ball, who, In his early youth *u present at the battle of Coruonn, has singled out from the conclusion that consigns to O'Brien the woes and gallantry oh,, ear, another !mange, es: tremely similar, whiehoccurred on thet"ocession. An old officer, who was shot In the head, arrived pale and faint, at the temporary hospital, and begged the surgeon to look at his wound, which was pronounced I:portal. • N "In feed, I feared so,'! he responded, with Um ! • . dad utterance, "and yet I should wish very' 1 1 1 .ueb to lie* spittle longer, I . It were possible.," t, Ile laid the word i upon th ono at his side, as gently, says Hall, as if the 'tie rd been, turned into glass,*arfd almost immediiti y sank sense-; less upon the turf. , - • f . Tits trot between Vlore Temple and Prince,* on the Boston coarse has ittodueed math attention7t Some 1115 teen' thomand persons were reported to baitheall Pre rent. Princess le , reported as behest I,kt/et* and Very bard to drive, and quite disposed to break.. , Yhra Temple was brought from Utica In 1850, Duchess county, N. Y., and thetesold for 11175, the seller • remarking that she onl eat him $BO. atid that she was so foolish and flighty, s he never would be a neer. Bee. Lr Perrin, 01 New York, then bought her for $550. Use. • der his ownership she won a number of rates, end began to' establish a reputation, Uer swiftest.' time with' bliss 1 wan 2.14. John C. Perrin washer nest owner. at 55111.- She bad a number of race*, in some of which ; she wee badly defeated. lies best time with him fan 542. She was, now sold to several l pscrae at high prices. liar present owner, 11. 51eM , gave $5OOO for her. .Por. tcr's Spirit, from which w take these facts, gives if long list of her victories, which have established her repots. lion 'as Queen 9 f the Turf. The same aceount mentions seven defeats. ' Princess east her present proprietor. Mr. Veskle,Bsooo. Bar greeted victories she won over the famous Water. iv GI Witco* Chief, *gal oat whim the eras matched for the Immense stake of saimaz ton now to wagon.. Bbo won this- great trot io .2).10%, without looting It n.injol l break. The owner of Glencoe Chita, hematite, not Mpg entislied with the mull, at once matched his bore* against her for woo • side, to do the ume distant's the following day. But Princess Mon this second rare u easily as the nrst,secompllshlng the ten miles In 20.11184.. A Court of Common Pleas, held ezelestrely fee the trial of ceases brought by tie Commonwealth of ;Pennsylvania, spinet various 1941vIduals and entpotatione, commenced . le Ilarraborg /117n daY. A:Ong the eases reported in the Teleirepis, we end the following': - '• • The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania es. the , county of Sob oy lk ill. .This suit is brought for the stun of our 814,000; taxes dui for the years of 1858 sad 1857:' The attorney ..for Schuylkill County attempted to prove tbut they had paid toe ssi i mite in former years, and disimed a credit fer over payment, bet in this they failed; and the Co ' tuotiviealth prOved`that they were still lit •dw. ken other years. Attorney General Knox for the State, and Mr. Hushes foe the county of SchoylkilL On trial. An Indiana piper records the frightforeteeta Of bairwhisityopon a persoo nimed Lewis. 4i ter swalloiring a glass he fell, and was seised with 1 -fierce spasms which drew his toes into the soles of his feet, his Boger,' into his hinds; sod Dent las body into a eircle.' Ili' jaws/were locked bst and could not be opened.; Racked bj theie tart- - hie convulsions, at intervals of one to live boars,, the poor fellow has eiisted ten, days.-* Bono of, z.• - the whiSky this way doesn't even favor a fellow 4 with spasms. It kills on the spot. ARANY responsibility rests upon All ; the,little boys in Milo ars ,Marning tp. walk a - rope. The pillage of clothes-lines Js universal. Those who can %get F rope, do their little Blondin on beard fences.. Besides this melancholy result, the editors of /innate and .Itoolrester me ,threet• aced with."a coolness" on aCconot of their sisal rap lets, Blondin and De Kayo. • ,111 . -What s melancholy redaction It Is that the fiery hearted Governor.Of Virginia hes added his name to the long and miserable list of the victims of letter writing. ;be pen is a formidablearesp on but a-Anen can kill bimielf with it • great deal more easily than be can other . people. GRANT -TEIORDURX says that Metteptich, the subtle Austrian,' once declared that as long.'s' the republie of Actierput existed. then woatil be its stability for the ilstonei of Europe,pind thad oily autido'te to damocrasy 3 was to ptopagato sta., , very in America. f Its that envies, makes another mah's vlrtwhis, vies, and mother's Nippiest' his torment; where- --, as, be that mica at. the prosperity of asothirr, L a partaker of same. ' • . . . , . ' OLD bachelors aro wont to console thole lonll. mots by such growls at womankind as - Lasy It tail-raised It malt• ; ; .-',.-. If handsome. saln— .Looking 4 Pail.. . . , :Par off repe'o tepee tilltomorrow, 'end yen hare Alay mere to repeat till, ands day lime te pent io. . . An envious man mines as much at the manner in which his neighbors lite r as It hi. audetilimed them.. • A Bows in four.wordo oo Um vanity of nab% Irpotiessiono:—"Shniski• kayo no' pockets," WE sin carry nothigg with ua to tbf other world, save the good WV bare does. GOOD order i. bread-4 rder, starvation. There ari200,000,000 feat of !amber !sae isfactured ityliangor, Me.l yearly. • • . eft - Bea bathing may •be advantageously eon. tined throtigh\the month .14 October. - 1/01F - A. Penns)lranian, Clawed Charles Leal* a native of Clariontcounty,,is raid !tp bare gathered over a thousand ounces 'fit gold dun at Pikes Peak. Air* son of " the Hon. Kenneth Raynor, of North Ciroline„tiosi killed a few days ago, by the accidental ditelintp of a gin. He was thirteen years of art.". ,Orin N. York twenty yearn ago every prat wieder resorted to the-Battery; sow. the Battery has been very generally abandoned and promenaders go .to the Central Park, whieb is further'nortb. No fact maims strikingly illpittraes the , remarkably rapid growth of the ®gropo t i • . Itifr'Col.,Thomas B. !Winn announcer his purpose to establish a IHerary and panelist gear torly,wigasitte. to, be entitled The Notional AA- Agretie Quarter(' •Besinte, and to be &Unshed fnith, Washington city. The first finisher Is to ewilaln a doily 'executed likenin of Prelidelit Buchanan. ' - ,