I porrsviLix,,- A. AvGpspi so :J140; —To 4W:tattoo nt the Xttesto Jo 0.0 ovoid' to, tgarattte otrettlatiOn'of any %VS .ottler Iko, lb+ , f itgabed in ,the of 'CC titOtattet e . r; ficbtst ;Anton tor toot popast.lo t. owattoorthie. l , ';4,4etted MAUI toitimos tooof cod&e,,varib 'toward' r.e'l4,;(l,etilsor I(nbUt to .t e Itte,ce tailor ps • inou r es tti era tog rafted an Tort, Its aVi. it wancg ra• rolosecorthog to tbfclrcutotiop o' e l‘aptr. • •I. '+ Agents' ' •• sit —O. tit Pest; Room No.:v.llf Broadway'. • m• - .. Lo gs: +—Jfif', Coo k Co., sth antA stoets. 1 6 1, 00 =-D.N.•take, Esq. • • • : • e sutholised to , reeelve rebore' noes mid sol f) the rmstuf JOURNAL ea fezni sot. • —.A. establ Am,, : q q q. 9 9 9 Fi 913 q q . , ADEQUATE PROT CTION ~ To Amencan 9 Liclustti i io d not another, Anon of Slave Terri. torn brExtrikoloof Purchase 1 -or Conquest. ' i The above are, and will be the two lend jpg Principles before the' Conny, until they ir e victorious; and we nail tbe lh to the mast- bead of the ;illNitts' Joenset,,Abere to float until they Wave-in triumph abcqe the Nation al Capitol at' Washington. . ! • , ifirOurseives....We Would morel; remind dune dour F. übs.:ribo r xe -In aridars, 'licit their Eabscriptions very dos ou fhalit hoeoresidingabtoad,andit eves where we de net send ceileetons.will pleasSremit tte amount du+ us, by . ma11.,,70 hope our Oollegorwill net be disippointed In Ws rani. Those of oar, suhscriberi irho ate hi sitrefirs over two years, and:stio du not receives the 3 . 061- 74AL hereafter, tnay car.oludo. that 'their nainea have: been removed .from our packet book and ',laced on the t tion-paying list., ft.B-A CATID!TO BOATMEN ON 'EBB 'EUSQUEMAN NA CAN'ALS.-4The Undersigned whiato toubtein ten or tft,,,, e Neal' and tkeir from the Susquehanna C to freight irou ore and 1 in) the Jtautik l firer and Kanawha Canal, In lilt glide The Mae and charm.. ter of the two optemA of oat fp f ore nearly the tame. But the .1. K. kK. canal la ope 'll *eter.. The boat lug is seldom, Ipterruktted. ' One o the party nlll be on the line of lleSnantielianva beige it the 20th and "th of august, but Any letter ;tin the 'Wert addres.ed to Illooruaburg,. Columbia eonnty, Pa., will receive atten tion. : 11 " 1.1.116130 w, fir . 3OII,DAN. WINN AI CO NOTICE t ' meeting o Land Oworre, Coal Operaters.and izens- Jt Schuylkill Cogneyj . will he held on ruEsnAr eSEN,I.Nti nest, August 2,1 d, at the Pennsylvania Ha ll , in Pottsville, for the portals* of inakinit, ariangoments to bold a Mass Sleeting at an early dal/. to take into eon. %%Aeration the! necessity and Immulinee of completing the Auburn and 'Allentown; Railroad. and to appoint a .committee to extend an irfritet ion to the offleera of said I%;,ad to meet with the people of Srhtlytaill Cetinty in treferen'ce to the matter: MANY OPERATORS: — l - A member, of the North fearolina_ Legirlalure may r; a decidedly good "hit. ; ' e. abort time ago,— A pill wan iiending which impored° rine . for sel ling liquor to free negroes, to which he objected, tho ground that "ouch a law w uuiti mak° them more decent than the whirec.", 41.'411.4111. Tnn Providence Jour,',,/rap' that nn orgnn of the Democratic party rhnuld .ho published daily, vwith three editions, and every falthful Democrat rCioyld deinroy the paper as 50'61:0 ho rintio it. 'eat atint hi, rens' 1, :,1“3- may intertere with what is cxpoundo'd to hint to•tnnrruir. 011E0 . 0N VONCIMS.4IONAL I:I.ECT ' ION —We have , Oregon daie, 'to jthe t h or Jury, obieh nee no Inter then rettiotia ideleve 11 the overland tnnif. thoce advieof ehntained a letter, tt tho editiihi of ' I the St. Louie .oentocrotothii , h announced the election of the Republican candidate for Congreos. Tut: Lnuisrifle J.i!'rurti stales trim Joho Young Drtiwu, lioq. , Membit:, of ,Congress slut (tom the Fifth •Dittrict of Kentucky, will sine be quolifisql by age to take his seat at the first' §eseion of the ,prelnt Corgft . l4. The 'DonstitutioW prescribes thist no person can befi tnetubet of the lions° of Representatives who is artier twenty-fire'years of age. Mr..proen tro t s . elect°l over a •Dentociotio Avatnpetittir, Mr. Jorea. SITADE or JF:FFKIttiON id Stated tt:at a nyv ~~¢olitical • , i •. • • orgenzatton, , in p a rturiti on, tore •11(oesin as American' Democrats and 11)86Edee of JeLT4son. Won't go. - . -3.Virrd3 Joihum'Fletcheir is.ut the bend of the rtietnent. Ilu frill kill anphlng•frtrin a two too elimhant to n Volitietti oiganirttion. Jclicrsen would not feel . canplimeated by•proposed association wjib Josh Dlrlanrtudlp ta;t t but t roe. littoirtun Trtrat,.. 7 —The 111eszro. John, IC. T. 'nod 8., ate welting Shanfokin in the newspaper line. Laort week they publiohil -the' first number ()C . (' paper which . they Aline. Regforer. It .18( . 11 neat little sheet, and exhibits' in its editor:Nil colutnno marks of nbilityr, Sl;amokin .ohould ouotnin for tto own in tereot,7 nevropa;er, and we trust, no the Register 'given. Iron loci of uOefolneso, that .the Messrs. John may experience oullivient' encour agement to rend.ltfie Cuteipri:to pertionont. TOE elections in KMitucky and Tennliske, irate the Louisville jortrual,lhavy added ten-hr twelve Opposition members to the he nce of' Representa tives-and increased the ntwgth of the c,mservi live balance of power in trat body to about thirty Representatives. The' 7 Dotnocrats have etmted einety,tvio . Lecompt;mites and •six anti-Lqouip. tonites, hi all ninety4ight, nod the . 1 4"Hbliettlie hditi one hundred and fourteen, and of course neither can !contrcil:the• House net orgiinize it under any - ultra,pemiter. The result •wqletr the selection of seine illoderate mai), who will frame the pommittees fairly and doxeueb towards allay.. ing feelings of sectional asperity which of late years have rendered•the pot-shot Representatives "one scene of rode confusion." A combination of the Republicans and an ti;Lecompton Demo crats would bring ono hundred_ - and twenty vote; to eleet a Speaker, one more than is necessary to, theiee,•and,it may perhaps be the polio : - of Sen ator Douglas to effnet, this, to show the' sixty odd •Stuthern Democrats - that belt the only man to , Jeonsolidate the party. and Bare 714 from utter de- Molition. • . . . 3 Correspodatice of Philadti.Bralechi.• • • 1 lIKPPOILD SPRINGS, August i ll, '59. Politicians iire. here; too. w to see a. nullity in ' 'the-gorgeous scenery around them—wbo.extieri i . unee no relaxation Irma thei eternal labor—who "feel no other emotions than tFle seitidt and 'a li-ab lt. sorbing desire or parttaaa coriquitet and. ptditical , titlevittiun. 31any a, deep-lio.l. sehetuo has Lien hatched around these quiet cgrover.; , hod by 11,e ..midnight oil," in 'Private e minhers, at p e df or d ' Springs. And at many of t .ese;eonspiptei es the , "Old Man of the White .'ll.use i ." who has Just ,S. - . g o n e from 'a.nong us, bas „ mingled mingled his...voice in'. a their cooceptiun, and- his energy and means in j i beir final euneutuutkilin. The liner rot of , f %ears i+. thick upon his brow, and .the deciepiti9e 'of age i., upon his fuiluond to hie step, but a lite time *Of experience in illiu hollowness.ef the frien.)-* ship "I the political sycoilb tits-. that! fawn up,01 ,... him, seems tu have given hi n no wisdom—taught him an lesson for his good, tid ho is, to day, oit h 1t a moiety of time before dot, as much the in strument of designing and wicked' men, and as much in -their • power as 'II , ever was. 11b has hired lar into the levenin o of fife—the, dreary' night is coming on—and, as it closes its curtains about bint, the record taus he id do, „that the 1• 1 ” , le political life of Janie. Buchanan has, like ijs. odminidratieer,': prove a fitilegre. Ile can 3.01:.4 back upon ..'his lite; if IMF'retruspect he ptensant, but not one of th . fritncie ant . ..dung to him through the errors oi l s sty years,,ii there to l a k e hits by the hunt as fit. approaches ° the fled( I valley.. lie has betrayed JP em ill/ .l and he eta raj ,desolate and alone upon '.h wreck 'of all that a , great GOlll SllOlllll live for. • .. ---441rAVE, direet:atictitinn Godfrey in.anothei column lusuronce Com Pun y .. "Th the ' safeet.°Gouipanics in capital all paid uplin eat depreciated Stock. Rine. ‘ ,,flaTbirnovaii SrEvrA mood h not Wag oho , tbs. Pebbles are crrstAisodsto blocks of Hock Cryst&E, *sic of being mork.trana. dot *crack, and are Much commou glasses. Fur was much :tore vatuablejf the fol Opt mom. „Mr. Jos. St st4bero bortsor.olb'' him, is truly ft.tertelP. • 92rJ0NM4 . 8 Qt anntc Qtatitl! Band embracing_ cal' !dent in t'utctivill'e, is tothte. Anienetne mein Jpner, C‘. C. CAT!!:I' end J. to the cotuttiunitr nm a t They discard the old, has Itg IxD.—.This new owe t the beat =- tow open - fur en age,- re; are Metric .1e . .n S. . Seeders, it ell k tittn lira nor's high urder.— le}ett cnuiic which lies siral Uwe-it) long, and .itni Clatic music from 114e.•ere of 13.)stoil-- kigrkteil-itt Batton. . Ciii,•+irtricrAte with no, i l l . With a qu.illty 01d . )nut teif to ptieee Ade deeireu x of aveurinz the ! 1414 to Jtir. F.. Jwic.e, i try okheverpteie,t;otol led. ' ' [33-3k-,: Ontwyed petiple of gmni tn 1 1 Imcn'odopie.l!!Oisqf tiiv , t .! lie heft ...tun posers and', The y I e La . -, cert. 41 Tl.Cynro 'repar....l t., til litimbcr of .it variety of In wool fiitlitii , , se, ciccs .:f th 0,11., i; i!cco,i or to any 111, ,trumentx vir .ic l,irt; c l Vt.. Petit; is Bard, ioui unetted *it 4 • tqoir &Wort A WoNtilittrer4t7 :ittatittrz !. ; -talr.., ~p: 5 I (dods, Tate justice or PdiTiMitse Ihrininthain, nal. ftioited 4114bViititc4417ophip ptaiiiiffoo 4 tbi headache, for nearly fifteen yearti,isikWvitiveni some ituniketla of dollara4k-titier4F*44:.:-:. but t , i'no - iiryte''ir.: Atter -baTini iesetit ties of your Holbindi Bitters,. I fail trOselflii!iitt , - - ly• restored. I ran eat andiliejkliAll,7lo4iii4llo to r#iil3o - ?lne(triulol 14easurii; nod, iriiute.o6: ford "'teesiuimisita 400 . 414 !base who are 0411•117 XerA bopeopatttic talftieheAsit Bt.locti. It will be:opik"l -Pit» Gnu .lay of next October. • THE COAL TRADE. Mr;.i;tialliglkilOlMMEl Th e quantity rent by Railroad this Week, is 3);-: OSO I4—by Canal :40,710 10—for the week 8(,797- 04 t,ons against 73.055: 00 'tons. for the Correspond ing- week hat year.' Lou fur the weehtl7.24 B - The trade aatne':.up 'big week as "WWI: 1:43 . . Et . E 3 1 . "..1.71 - a - - f-"<= f Elte t . 0-a 2 2 E .: a.g T: j,k= .x Pit:" ~ ..P•27.21,i•:- -4 •s., - g 17.7.2', • • A. f • • " ion+ •10. GC al ri4eA P. Z" ,,, PPRP:. P tto ;Mgt - . Cst* 1Q0A...v- la r.=•tng, t • .t.'r,r4:11.1 - giivH4tAt3,,iftaak34k - bp `' 4V '42:115841v=t51.26„,„_-___ I : 1.1 ..! t ~., . 14 ,.i. ' ' ' ' ttr,..., — " , , g I; 'A . " 1' 7f s;:f' — tf: I Fittiancs..al rest - cis nee in huutedosupply nt Peitlll4Myttd, end meet with quick' dcapnich at the futtowlegt. quototions::—sl 30 to Button; Si 10 to $1 15 to Prurillence 'and Fall River, and 05e. to Nair 'tort, COMMERCE OF PHILADELPHIA.—A i nnextiI le the number of vesr , elr, cleared at the port of Phila delphia during' the week, wit h thu proportion carryini , Conl • No. Praia. Carrying Coal Saturday, August 13,. • 43 , 33' 51ocloy, j 15, 111 ' T'uotday, do. i 16, ,:IS Wetrachly, do. 1 -17, f T h urbday du. IS 14 • • The above g iver some idea' even with the scar city of collieri Philailelphla,*of the impordance of the COlllir/1;10.4 this Region to that po,rt. If, grunt propoit hitt of that trade—' l uot p - ort would she rc main? Att interesting qiiery we thipk, for the btis, iness captor Philadelphia. • The problem should he solved / quickly, for • the . Schuylkill Coal Re .gion 1614111 r a feeling nr selt . 'preservation; is dcteralltitd.do seek a new; cheaper and more di= rest avenue to the. Esste;m markets. /it - Tut:iv Aar, ALi.ENTOWN RAILROAD.—A pre meeting n i f ell interested in the comdrue ddon.of this' Road, will be held at the lietinvy nia flail in thiellirongil, on TUOB , I3Y evening 'next. The time fur. talk, it.imet.: AetiOn should now be tlie moue. •1 eelf-prvervntirr is invulved.l Tits Company.q.add ed more teal burning lOr , ei.tiVeS , to the road Bur ing the WC four number tv3sv - in.Vhe on th'is road i 4 thirty.gne. The burning of rorti 'reduces file eurrent . exnenrea or a locomotive Curly-five per iu4 Philudelphin tveniity Boifein of Thurs day, rentaine the t.ll4tving Cool Trwle.—Tho following let tei4c,toes to us fr iin uu an'onymous gumtree, bit I . we ihink it of sofii , dent consequences to waive our mintillroln in ivpril to Finch . communications, 4.a pubikti it with softie. ontiggiong 6 111111ErtsTn.Ln, An_gitt.:t 16, 1159.—Ed;fti f ' °fete Ehssiug :.—DEArt Stu— D , tyoukviim that ao invitation has , been vent o to New York, for the Mannge4 of .the Atititln and r A llentown 14ind to•cnint on' to 'Pottsville, and there meet n magg meeting 0..c0al 'operators, for the purpose el* devising means to immediately, complete equip their.! 'runt, 10 tran.port coal *to the New York market direct ?" • • . r[l.lvre follow more epertiletiono of the writer, u.. 1 01 the enwe of this'ne:ion, Which we leave out. Clic Writer sc'eMs to think Philaticlnhia interests cob! region' nre "This ruin is, must, .wide-Fi,read : Witness it in the . . Alm ham, otent of l eollieries .that bare I . cost princely fortune- tuCiirtiplitte. Never, at tiny time, has anything like the-present distress been ex nett:6e l. Tto ciumns oT the weekly papers of Pottsville give full expw:ssion,to the state of nifdirs. few York, being always alive to her Intereitts, will, be doubt, be ready'to give entire co-opera tion tecomplcto title rood , which will bring-us 00 P,eafer to Now York, which is now • rapidly becoming the great etial•depet•of the country. and which Philadelphia te losing through the 'Mem ..pcterii•y of the in.intigctient of the Rending Rail-1 'road. Few are:sotep of the amount of trails the: co-. 1 carrying bringslto Philadelphia; witness the' !daily 'clearings of tiesulS :from the Purl, and ,xrilt be shown that 00 to 75 'aten% of these clear ances are iti this Cosi trace, 'ls Philadelphia will ing to stand go - elly looking on, while three to four millions of tuns shipping is transferred to New Virlit?: • I Yours, • , N." k [Pea rn4 i Ulnae JOLILIYAI-j --. • . • Before tip is ran nrltiele in the Philadolpibt,Led p, en¢ Tranner,fi, iuf the 18th init., under the htad ••The : loAey, which meads de foThiwt ! • I • ' • • k • “ It d rbitrOad) the faothall of the outalAers.aod . . . .. ', hi, no doubt, be its MeV as ever. With • the return ell operators Atki the ti rst !breath of specul It inn. Tbe move talent or the New Yerkerk to. make *Aimed connection 1 ,with the Fohn.t.lkill coat region, by way of 'be New Jot , 'fey ern trt I..Allenton - n. Atli urn. et , ., to the prejudice nt the Reading Railroad and : huyikill N,lviga Opp loelll . ll', 'got yet to Wirt : 'got mu h the oftledis and Ge nera or, _ those Companies. Thit hriat ift.lloq n.iw made fur the! irstdieue, nor prolethig for the last. The mins enter. i Prising and unfortunate gentlemen in Schuylkill coun t, hay.e often. before sought to father the consequences! "of a ftlectuatinCeurieney and flactuations In business , on t lie, anattarerei of the cosi carrying companies cognac. tine that reeion with the Delaware river,,and while our citizens sliwon-ty symnothiza with them now, at. is eery ) certain 4 , , ale the oflieers of the companies In question,. there Is no very strong probebilit} of a new and, unnat.-1 oral. outlet toNew 'cork AIL n' trade and 'tonnage (hill oat nrallytbe longs tot iris city andit he tide water of the j 1 Delaware. Ti, I lic, first phew, tile, road, If nide, in the . 1 (Minion 4f '5131c1 and rnfloosi reasoner,. wou d not afford' rel.( f,r Its real dlihnulties of. the mining extort; and tot to, vt.cOod. t he •:se i. 'Yorker.. In. whose vhalf addl. very large proml.4, n Yet made. are hi;:leied to have about'. 1 as ift,, o , n . i.soi 44 tlo-Ir shoullcrs in th r D0,,war(...! 1 ,.. 1nek,i...,..i.,..1.W,,in 4-n ildul as iPCnUTOrI nittocarrY.: / They litre much 'nor mnney in-it than pi 4 a fur co.. torn. 1te.i.1..5. the, e ro:_contodlimr inter, to in some - of the emineeting 110 x of. the proposed no, outtet.that preclude the protabllity' , of any material eduction of t present' VII charge. Jtito iuterest of exist! g lines will; not anon of It. .Whether present• charge. are at thni proper fiy.nri.—too irt.th or too low—is a:lna ter best de.! i termined by the Parties-in immedlatgAint rest, thoneh: ' the profits and financial eonditiott.of hn it he Road nod' tin; Canal arc'plims. facie though nett co elusive evl-i donee, we admit. than, the, bushiest. of the region is not' , \ equal to'foll and fall rrrnttits ~,, the Outlay already Made' been accommodate it Vilfether all these outlays have! ; been wise and prudent In the past, probably admits of lineation. but there is rauch'greater.question ./1•e to any i relief in Ida new and unnatn2lll outlet propmed. The' operators in Reading will, no doubt, make liheral use of. -newspaper siticleato affect the market price of aharna,' but we think the shares , destined to Mee many ups and downs bef,re their value I. seriously affected by the pro-, posed direct to New York." • . . . " - . Card of T. A. .e PennF3 ni a 41 to be , nt oC late, p..vin g .its not made tiii 11f tunnikoe, We onikaoileeiAt to correct the .itiete, as the epeciorpteading of n, .14111" article to keepp the r.tock of Wei Ritattittgi dues dot *iron us.. . • •We do not, este *whet depressing li"lding or Navigation stuck ,;, they of course si triinvportera. tatlrt woke oft*theyean out of our freight; tee as tiiiiiera and shippers wurt see to Out intateself pwe g it s; the E. end T rate mull rent oar' Coat-et 'as low a tas lioaaible.l i 1111110 Sal ,ehealply ehd.get it to market upon the 14 9 , ,,' renattaa.lile term's; . tintil within a few yogis rte had the' tnrtie . in ot4,nyvn: handslind mannited tlfa pay ourrelveileeniatily rind Jhe `transpoi ling rotnimnica aril. aut. thing.' ',hare ,isle tenet rerinuely. ...We novr hairit reVeral r,iiels over, that I way, whotave recently vet tip in Iniiinol ihe are shr e wd calculating fluidity,* ince; ThWan r ell ohuntlanee of Knurl Coal; they 'here en' enecasiviE road Inatut;e, and they taut work cheaply toi I I live; they eat down the price. and ta - Re °Oft I trade., Our White' Ash inmnree ty i.ittit;' our flair 'Rah due* not NV expert-es, and - ythileftito stenuall I coneumption, is inereering ,nor Tr...portion of the. 1. trade to deetartsfag ; cur abandoned Collieries, our/ Iyetned.eredit, our depressedotassat,, rs 0r ... 0. no . 1. alien* in the fullest sense these 'painfil facie, _ ..4 We Lave sach figure,s as would - eanviece the Lett:i l ;etc intiii;or a cor(ldition of thingo here tie ha iktiiiinS 'loot. or; itiguitteW that will reach every owner tifi Coal land in Philadelphia; every Merchant thereil every Hoek holder in Reading Railroad ur Schell.' kill 'Nuvig4tion, end eeery man a hii 1344 business connections in the Schuylkill Cott Region. . And With theve ghost-like 1 11.anuttua Mitring In , in /hi ieee night and, day r shall we !weenie torpid; with fear ? ' Shell - vie - live un for better thneell Sliall we sieleY !ill!! the eunituernial_proApskrity,el ' • tliti . Century . is re., torcd r g 4.11 we continua lei, -holm, end lei., and praY, like . the audit d , wagon er, beseeching Jupiter to aid blot not at _th e mi te ; 'n r shalt we erise.likii catin; . ut our te shutilderste the ir.bfel iniffhetii•iur,..lol4? '-' i i . W.here begin ?:At the:liegiehing, at, the pee a .. . . - _... tt:iiiiitnes.- T - ..... -, • -, ''- The'. pure Dirk.: lized hey efe mails LI; Ithe great much hard I%an •r, than e PO kill -110 stilt oolerl Ey • Ora o the Eye they beet, tied by a bin ttl du.lt tu co, Lt. Ile4s owl come-Ape,. or Ike softie. etnae'vp. ToVe lour , choice, La nd- h olders! . esj Occur. edlliorlos Lelicarriono distrietot a tental of Pottsville. August 20, 1839. • ••••is •••• 4 Wt 4 = o, "".. " 4eit=4 4g:Ect, r •1 a 12 i *lntl Pee ton. ‘P e ll: 9 -c a t ° L U C iln14 " 15 ) /811 / 1 1 ,,I &l en ce rerpli wg Jaunt up meaSylkill :Ante trees i hullt Canals end Rililroads; fur years we paid in „,treat. on !heir Antaii,eret t we can heave all and ' old op Oth erldirtrista: ,'- • - c 4 1 0 t 40,2 . ' .1. Oerr e 7.teArtsfNatifrold - •Toris 1 tiuset* ii se dined. It is unreasonable to thaw no ~s,eeektit per ton' toll en 'al ecrtalti brahrb, then 11 eiiitipet '' ton, th11 11, 21.11110111p7t. tea ; . per mile, and 2 mints op britches stof ilea Weset;rallieed. Wil have* remedy also fur this evil. Certain companiessay we ten t:tot afford to do it for lets and pay interest on our capital. We Cannot tieeept the plea. We i know this,—we can get it rkne for less, /44 VP live, we mast resort to a remedy. - e - 4. , .1.4 LI 3d; We most get to the best market and:by the , shortest route. It is nil idle to tairdreamgrades, natural routes, &a., ike. Tear ca g ikalie so much; your 1514 rail is oportietti' Ite'” t • l 'P! u• ' Cone moor. Your bninehelteis-; . of ihe Region add to eaelleus4, interest ned expense.. They must all he redtf-Wi' , . Ws berg a shorter route nn dipj one- IMP' or your cost, end we must adopt IV The Schuylkill liatigation'tould net preyent ihe its e- struetion of the Rieding Railroad; nor will both, , corohiberf 'prevent our short route to New York. 4th. "The sere and nasatural outlet ,to New York %for a trnde and.tonnage that stature/1y be- i loop' to this City - ttud the tide-water of fie beta- 1 w , ne.',' Brother operators, is sot the Allier, a spe eitmo, sentiment? So thorottitdilv lidilhosould a cos tnopplitan so month 4it ? 4P,orieotb.-theemese - Phileptellibie is near:the eetk of:tbelkliimire, also the Schuylkill—Digo, the drainage , of these riversi, and tbo prodpets of,Jbe ceuntrit *hoot their mtleys; must pay tribute; Wthe great 11.110... Allah is air'pnipbet, bow dare We speak to -ther contrary ? . . Our Pennsylvania Legisla ture instituted a per. retool tar on the York and Erie Railroad for the p.:irilegr °Centering ihe, limits of , her great do mein ; Irby tint for &hiring in crows the Dedowere sod not follow its course to Philadelphia? or the Delaware; „Lactiteratuiandllestern for Jeas.ing the Stare antirderingtoeontwy mire Cool trade ,to New TM* It °eerily eras the Scranton - Coal di:. varied trent its tinter* einerreldoire the Su;tiee banns to Baltiitors?, .of Atourse c ethe writer of the above sentitneut was opposed to'diverting the trade of the Ohm andMissizsipp ,i "that nateraily belongs lathe side-icorer"- of ihor Gulf of Mexico across the Alleghenies to "the t;de. venter of the Delaware." - , fs • ,_ Let ea hope that slick ` sentiment sentiment is not corm- Mon in Philadelphia.- It is the interest of that City to encourvre the Coll Tnle. Many of her citi!ens, are largely interested here, nod they sh,,uld help us to utak* outlets whierever we e.in Bed a markutf:l6, Lake Erie, Neyt York or the Canada sl9ori.:• . , , '• ' s'h. "The h ren tTs tooloole. rainie for the ./ira time, nor peoGably for the knit." We make on threats:': Iso.t%the 14toilread PO ()anat . 's* us to suit their own emergence., to extrirate themselves —we also seek 0 remedy to help ourselves. ' Ore. ..The movements of the New Yorkers" is a misstatement. It is mit movement—the repr /entailers of 3,000.0000 tons of Coal dapped rill ' SCh Ilylkili Canal and Bending Nailroad in 1553 to I'hilndelph ie. lire, "the many enterprising a unfortunate gentlemen inSebuylkill County," r ftrred to by the Lerlyer man in the Money article. 7th. "7,/ . 5e New Yorker s are ireflered to- bait. about as henry a lend on their shoulders - in tie Petolesee,, Lerekrtieonateante Western' Road no' ie eoltrenient to tares." . Is naLthe shore speec i of the Le d ges" .man a small chestnut to throw aan elephant ? A road 48 miles long from Pottsville to Easton to cast as per Col. Morris' estima.e's2,- 000'000, with nn equilitnent reedy to commence hardness.' Frighten New Yorkers 1 Remember. Mr. Lelia:tr, it puts Pottsville within 123 wiles \ of New York, the great Coal market: and wi•h gradee "to add bet 11 rents a ton to the snit of enerinle neer Mot of a Railroad !reel, throl.ys the ishole t tlistostee of 128 Mite. frost Pottortlle.' Prate no vote, Mr. Let/stet., yo are yourself Sick ing againet the,,prielts. , Aw ORSUATIII4; - Tie Coal Mareta. Putt-a9lrfPl94..Beg• 19. Prt 1 c on botird vessels: SchuVkill i White Aah.Lump, - $ 8 15 (Or $3 25 0„. - " iproiten and Egg, 3 15 . (ir, 325 a • Red Ash Luton, a 25 ® 3 35 " Woken and Egg, ' 320g0 3 35 " •-•••• tifore, ' ' 530 (. 340 " l 13,,y retail, ' 425 Ci) 'Lehigh Lump Broken and Egg, 3 374 (a 350 " Stove, • 370 ® " By retell, c ' 500 4161 . BALTIIIOIII4, August 18,—For Cumberland there is no iminovement to noire in the demand furl shipment. Cargo prices remain onehangerl,Aizi l i —s4 ® $4 25 for lump; $3 50.® $3 • 75106 m , of mine; and $3 25 ® 8:1 50 for fine, per son,l eneli, deliverable on board at Locrott t euitil. Ani 11 thracite sales 06 talc 'orient ip -retail lots froui the yards, at $4 25 . (4'44 50 tier too, delivered l for local consumption. . ' • NEW YonK, AnAmsllB.—There has peih an ?lei tire demand fur D••naestic, and prices are 3UP trained ; the demand fur -the East has improved. We quote lay the cargo, at $3 .13 ® $4 15, an , from ; yard et s4® $4 50 p ton. The d.•intim! fur Foreign is limited ; the supply is moderate. JIOSToN, August, 18.—In English Cannel Hilt sales have been eoefined to• small rots ( at $l3 lil .'oh., cash. ,Pietou nod Sylluey Coal are 101Irt. '. with • les of several cargoes at, $4 , i 15 ® $1 F.l ' la ton, cash. - Schuylkill Coal Trade for 1859. Quantity of Cji li,RH fl t to j ltailnool end Glum, for , is weekending on T h ursday evening hat : R ULSOAD. CA3 5,4 Ti (19 , B,loco 2.103 to • 1.514 14,519 13 29,183 , 547 (P 1 '5 012 t 5 911 reek. c 5 31.05e74 30.715 110 )azt i , 1.031.2x1813 Tu6,46; ) 03 1 1.007,369 07 • 737.12; 13 lest year, 1,091,919 01 617,4.929 65.450 03 89.12710 _ Sehnyl- altroads 1859 a The•foliowli le the'....pianlity ' ' II transported over the ditferent Railroads lu Sehnylk 'nuntylfor , week ending ou Thursday evening lint: were. . v Intik, Mine !till and S. Raven 11.11..33.950 09 Fr ,it. 17 Mt. Carbon. • - 4.1'41 15 1 ..26 IS Schnylkill Valley "- 0.010 01 11A23 at Mt airhin k Pt. Carbon " 8.99211 :tulip 65 111111Crfsk,..„, 12..3-9 OS p.alt4 17 Little dehoyikill. ' 7, . 0,70 . 1'4 toil ii. 11 Pitaegro . ve Coal Trade for 1850. 6 Ara.)ll iIL triosplrtod during tho ast month': SUrrrit. Tot( ' 13,419 It 60.92: 5. .7,644 OA . 33.45 t ...1 Piirt Schuylkill Haven,. Auburn. Porl - elluton, Toted Int the ! Previously lb Total`. .Tn satne.limn L tons; 110 •11s,. haylk er : . Fr 12. Ipenmur ?t Union Cinol, Snatort Unitrondl: .--,.- 11.orlitela 'Call Tirade for 11559 by-Ca n al. ' Poet 0e wceleo - uilla; rnt. tilt 'inlay laws: .1 ' ! ~. . . : WEEK. .5 I T.) L.- jiolll4ll Coal and Nov. CO, . 15.05 10-' 213,72 O3 Sprini Mountain 111ne5,1.1106 1.19 118_50 19 . Coleraine do., ' 758 02 11.11 lu ;Bearer 3feadow do.. - 310 05 '3.49 _l7 lgevr'fork and Lebi,th Coal Co, ' 447.13 7.21) 06 German Penna. Coal Co., 1,352 04- 21.24- OS Nol in Spring 3lnuntain Coal, 001 14 13.44 7 09 .D. Mtn:piney and others, - , .810 06' .21 16 H 'azleton Coal. - ' ' 3.737 14 - 1 1 3.1 17 44 duzar Loaf Coal, 1,2 4 3 13 10.17' 01 31 - onnt PleriaantCoal, .•. • 503 03 I -' C.O UCH It i 1-4 N. 1.1a3 111 , Borli 3finintain Coal CO, _ . 1.091 17 ,Frankilit Call Co., ." • 7,20 09 Andenried Inapt k Coal Co., ' 611 07 , Ilartiord'Coal C0.,-712 12 llaneork Coal, (8 00 Total; 24.%911; 12 Lehigh- Valley iR. I[. for 1859. For'week tmaing .un listunbri , fast t llnzleton (A. P 8 rifee cf , ..) ?Pin OR E. Ducar 1.nar.(p.,..k.r a C 0..) . 2.&50 18 Council Ilidge.(Sharpe,L. CO4 - ) , 1,450 Mount Pleasant. , •1M 10 8. Mt:. (ltnnd.Apha k ILinipPlilre.) 2.428 01 COiertliPti, (Madill lit JOllllBOllO 803 - 12 Biimrer Moado o. -,92 18 N. Vork& Leh (Taggnr & Son) 731 04 N. Sp.lll.i.l.o.3lctkokry:k Co., 471 11 S. S. 31t.:(DO1biti & C 0..) . Union lenproyagnent Co., German ,Pdnna., Other Shippers, Total by Railroad. • Cans!, Last year, Incroite, no r‘r,6 603 16 . . , lie Las of Toll and Tesan ortatc k•IIRADLINI RAIL OAD • • Fran Prank From - ' .11/..C4r50n. 8. /Moen Oars) PLC To Richmond, $1 60 $1 45 !$1 :15 To Thllod'a , • 150 1 45 1 :Ls ==MMI ltotlng: • - 1 or, ... 1 . 00 90 Ratee of Toll by Canal for theiv 11. pp/Ins— f,JI4 11. Cs r. 3 !l To Ph 11 3 .48 , r 45 . T 1 iA sprin g mins," , 1.70 Gi to . Norrixtovn,- .":65 'O4. 62 1,5 . 45 t 41' of Firelght by Oaniall • • Proms Pt C. & Aft. C 4. /!urea. ParlintoTl. To New York, $1 55 $l. 50 jtl 45_ To etills.la. • 6(1 ' 55 . 11 50 Rates of Toll and Transports 01111 - ON THE [talon VACLET ®AIL ROAD. Reath Chunk to Trenton, - • ISI 30 do Ellribethport, - • • • 9 ' 3 du Morco Omni (ludo st-Phllllpibur 73 RATES ON NKR CANALS. From Mauch Q: dot to. Nevi loci; via Del. mitre & Raritan Contd. . From, Mauch Chant to New York via 3.3 . risSanal, 14 otatei‘of Toll, &c., trominattils. I Via I.ebla , b Talley an 4 Nerthern 'Penn. Dail td Master atrost,'Philadelphla, . itate • =_....„ __ s ofTe4, Lc., to Balt.= i , . ca rt in ca y ~ .. - Cithopin from Sa nbui *bon Shmutokin, st. $2. .50 .. Do. below Do. - 313 Ts everton : Lekena, 'Valley, • ' ' I line grate, • • - - 2 14 a---_,........___ _--...___:...,_.........„.,, oat Eltooc3x.s, \ .. - , AND OTHER SCILUYLKILL CO. 6 i celaiciiiiiiticiifinfiett.tum ilioileacis,_ . t.PAI4j ; F ' D'. litalliosidst ' ' ' l' t •-•—, '' . rhibtdrlpbta, Reading k rottsillle . 11 AO ! 31to a Bin and tzehuyikill Ilaven - - i 60,j Mount Carbon • - - •- , - - "" • ••.ti. 40 ' 1 Nana Carbon and !nit carbon . - , -Le I 311.11 ftrerk ' 6 ~... '. ." " " i:•, . '. ' 4 - • i' 50 ;' Schuylkill Valley '-. - .- ' - - , - 7 ~,, ton:, I.ortoni, Cron!' - '',. 7 -. ''• -.• . • •, - it', 40 Swainra - - • - -' - —.' ': " . - C; 4 ° I Canals s .. • , -,.. Sehisylkilllialrtinti pr i t. ' s • - rre - 4 : . .' .. ,.. - d; 00 40 ,“ 1, tritton Coosa p, -' .• -•-- •- '' -- * it '''''.,; referred 1 • .- . - • • P Dol'Allud'n CasltTraissportaCii.Co.'a, It*, 2dOrria esualeo, • • -a - - -.-. - { 3( 4 I ip prelim-red .. ,- 7 ; C1(4.1. ;I lessilrifstddt, CoalCortsesilkleiss ~ t . 0 1 I.lttle!chuyl. .Ntsi. It. It t .t: 041, • , v• " 11. 1 Lehigh Ccal Ak,Nailic!itioss co.- • • • i . ! ''', , tilai.tort Coal' ea.-. 1 . . , • - - • " p ..,.' Iktick Slountaln Coal Co. - • • • • t' 9 " ' Paentaylvanla Coal.* It. R..9*. - - • I i r l oo LAti7h I'mk•y RA L,' Co. • ....-' ..- : 1, 50 Gy kolas VaJley Cold Co. - • ..., .., ,•,• 1 , . 40 nesisr alaidowo Cato 4E , ri, 11..6i..-; 50 Lrk.n. vallry'itttrirenti ttertil ea.. .' , I 20 Coal Companies s t, it • For.stPkrialltavemstut Soa - - '-' '• . V tr.'''. I/alas-are Coal Co., .. . . . . .. 1 60, Cmilb6 - clatid Coal Co, '. - . ' , ." ! 1,0 N 'ew Creek Coal C 0 ... . • .... .“.• ~ /1) • ' 4 / 1 8, 0441.411E , 9ff1i i' - f I 1 Airier,' Baulk 0 • . .....T. ....'","- „.1 co Farmers Rank- • - - -.- •. ..1./.0 Pot trilfleorS mil Pei. • `-' . -, --- -•: . -. • . ,t.it l'attsmitto Wafer Co. ...'.. :.I. ... . *1 •.....ThieZtocicsst *II Coal Cntnpanles will the itboie Mt when tstroisted by (Mile who publicellow- , - ,-. ', . NMVF4DVERTAF t , itootiatgiria*oon4sibtori " - Prtlivemi'lltirs-betipssiet et-stbeikr" . _ Ate. y SapßaiigAtas t iopurs riststa. tl E Subs ertberisllntratectio supply -IC vocals Albsay BeadUalY•StrawbeT3'. - naalts.- b/ , amp a. Lend red or titeurausillotAlueer7 11 4 0 11 ' . ."' 1 at _mate the Au* to la iatnapa- , Amy sad at trig no* spurious.. Allse:CuPtifim• or, E May a and atillia!p6d kladirZfa , y ' • 1 ' Air 3 , WI I #.!"'-''S',. ' .4h - 111.... AS* • E 4Wr olt 114ACKOIER R. RE S Obst ri tler> , 3lo elk 1 4 qi? ' if I Te ;•401. ssVoc”gsTsie Stills slloWlnf pit* 4 o`i .** lollo B O F..- : - - 44.1 t. 1 rittSitiliffhislt to get, Ods as. tespordt paekgt,lllo.4eilillisittsolmmtbOlictoxig paektiliat the Nevert7Atitheit their Swill. vat, d I tuOitruntii read y ter planting ., -110eriketittifttkelio in. tort 1.4 is emus. , as / 1 14 " "`, ' f• -1 14 C • _ 1788YLV41,111,C DISITAMICE.„ . .. , t, ... . ;,,-, ;;_i_or Pitt•qtritb!,---.-.r':sf.:;'- ,-';; Offisii,'. No." '63 FOullilitai,.,_, - rfAP ITia• xNp SURPLUWOITER vi 5i50,909. ' - .------- tc , " • ;•••-.;••. ~-DinEerOpet-- -" ' : -__—_,,„ , r ''''' til J 1.A1311.14 •,,, A. A. CAC/LILY, t ' 0L0.W./IfalArlf. RO l'Arrat.43:4 - , A.J Jaya,. -•,',-;-• WspAiLsmolAY, , 11 iNircact., IN. TOW UTI,Y, • ;L.' ..ltatsas timatcw.: -.1 C.. Alburom, . -L Gust &WU . :-.. : 1.atie...11";..,110rrm5.: Thioilotapany bas t ymiAlemsafroalittia AMMO' it.. in. 'ear canoe Inlak op.sislll, l Bst:to amPent4W-L -1135 ON, is ad/S.llloa to seildilksessimissaimil 'Lliyidel4it Of team A to 15 pertint. aniitillin; eskteditald its stability IaisatOISMIL .7 --- , -.• . YAM RflAAfity Aktisfed and Promptly Pmid.'"fill A. A.l:AKlap t .piemiit. 1. Gaas Emus. S.c'y. -,,,... T. AeCitil/Ylte.Y..Ayent. 1 •O f fiee--Af di antanse di., near /•egers tiold. Pot.tivine*Aus. llOp '1 , 41 .. , -..- • • - - :• :• SW. • . N'• -.. ANIERICA.N-HOTEII., -: : • - -,• I • estnnt. bet. Fifth &Sat kil 11. - , 4.,. 7 :- ' '' . :l„, - - PAILA DELAPIIIA,: e --, .r e -.. - "• - • .f.'' i.-1:-.'...' ' larillll 40 per papa - all --t— -e outlet:plumed bating reincired their lease tee a 1 ter of years, have ea tirelylttitted the Minx% hoeing pi ra ted . carpeted end refunibited throw/Mehl...Tile to• ra,ion of this House is unsurps.ssed, , being upon the fattest and most pleasant part of Chestnut street. (dl ret lly,oppoeite the old State House.) near .Chi Flung of anpusensente, the JoLbiog tiottn , e' a of Market and .Third I streets, Convenient ti the City. liallrank, the ram of Which tun to all parte of the City brut,* rents eare.-r• Tto roams are lari,x, well lighted, bare entettieestemile thin. souther* been refuraished with a care fiwconifort. itre are suppilixl daily-WM' • pare nittit,--eveem, fruits nod vegetables from a f.nn belonging to us, and which Isltuanpged exclusively for the Mutat . The preprint" nlbe terican snare their friend, and patrons that' n pain will spored VI make the eppolntaients of tuts I ntel coin and its , Table eouOre• favorably with 1 tr. best house* lu the Union. • Aug. 20,-', - ,41 34-3 m ITTATT & TIMINGS. 4 . 14 2 W MUSIC' 11E,IffAUSIC:i .. "(2.. EMS :of 1" lia,a , ilitisic"-:—Ro'n= . _ ‘..A diutint. , - "Itobert le Diable—bell:A-. • - ' • "Les lingmenots"— , 1 " :"The Crystal Set," with brilliant warlationa--Bellak. "Sweet Memories"-- , lle'Okrl. . • . "TIP Myst etlesTlonisAti,, : '"Proobse4 .Polka"—Sports. , "Crystal - Settottlieh"—Bellak. • 'go inkling Sfar Walls"—Bellak. 4 .Doutino Galicia"— •- " : , ‘ "Wake Thee, Desrest,'"from II Trorston•—Verdl• ''On the Cold Shores of the .itroneet"—llellini. , , & "Ant hent. , -0, , Proisetted in fits !toil ntss"—KingsleY. no. he Joyful in the Lord ell ye Laude "ro. Drought Thee an lay Lear—Wood. "Adieu to the Village"—Elmes. - "Our Sire,. of Old"-xitein hart. "Oondeletie Walts'!--Ileliaki • 1 1 / 4. •;11 0 MO Trptanro Poiks"-Aleilak. "The Itodhey l'allts"—Estelle de Lisle. - . , 1 "Net a riutd tit on the 11111"—ntssi al. I, "• , hearest Girl. be MI ne"—lh.ekel. ' ' "'Something You Cannot help Lliklng"—Taylor. ~ "Jessie Ferree' —llleckel. ' "Faaudfoidl..Uedley Co I lons"—ldeckel. .- "Viorfaire Waits"—Rellak. , "Our E hottlarh"—P.wter. .• • . -I'd btsyour Sttedow"—bailey. ,' . „:.• 5 , "lagitte by toy Stda Polka" ,--Bellak. ' yrreratorr March",-Ya110..._ ' Just published, and ibt Ede at.. , 8. - 8ANN.AN.14... • Pktritt. - . aE I, In VIM lets OWN iteltriw; curing dine:m.6 by nen. ral lone. When takin.ltn healing. Influence In fell r'uni'c through every. vein of the body, purifying and acceNratlug the,cimUlation et the bloat ' It neutralizes any bit lone nistter In ihe.stonmen, a strengthens the whole organization. " litcliSsa'S Strengthening Cordial will effectually cure 11,1 ear Complaint, Dyspepsy, Jaundice, Chronic or Nee. xante Deldllffs DileaSellre the Kidneys, and ill Debilities' arising frouta disordered Liver or Stow +eh, lie , trthurn. . Inward Piles, Acidity or Sleknrea of ;ilia St ininch. gull mantel' Blood to the Mid. Doll Pain' or Sadinitilne in 'the html,lll. PAlpitiliOU of the Heart. Fullness or Weight in the Stnauseb,SottrUttitatititia,Chalasot FoltersllnE Vetting when Ding dapn. Shyness or •Yellowness of the Skin and 13Yes, Night Sweat*. Inward Peters. Pain in the 811311 of the 111.. k. Chest ieSide. Suddetillnshei of Rent. Depression of Sphita;Yriottful Dreams: Languor I Despondency. or any :Venom, 50r,,,, or Blo c h" on the Skin, and Fererand Ague (or ehillwand ferer.),- It will alai cure diseases of the Bladder and Womb, Mach MR Seminal - Weakness- Incontinence of Urine, Seranguary, I iitiantmatioti or Weakness- of the Womb or 'Bladder. Whites. Ac.. • .There Is no ntlstake about 111......;:ThisCrw lillabwill Bever fait to mire any one of the above"diseasis if taken per directions on each bottle. in'Ciennani and French. 'Oiler half a.uitilliqieV betba hate been sold during the Fist six mon Mc. and In no Instance has it failed in ;Irina entire satisfaction. Who, ihenotill suffer Weak iiess or Debility, when JlcLcom's Strenatimnista Cbrilir& eta cure you? 4fjl hame • To tile Ladlese..Do yon wish to hetealthy ant s. Theo •go at once' and get Name of McLean ' Strengthening Cordial.. It will atrengthendand invlge rate 'Sour blond to flow thriush every vein. and the ride; rosy-blooin of health to mount to your cheek arain.—" , Scary ,bottle Warranted to give sells( 'Minn. 'Fat , ply I. strmiN If your chit. doa are sickly. puny, neat:toed with enuiptalnWpree.' alma 'Wong children. give then. a small quantity of Stel.enti's Medial. and It will make them healthy, fit and robust. Delay not a moment—try It and . ydu be ennelortot. It Is delicious to t•ka....F;very ronotry-rner .revtut should hot leire the city until he has pro:iired ;supply of 31eLean's Strengthenlng.Cordial. Jt tills rap: "MY. because it always cures. A liberal divot will be made to those who buy to sett again. CAUTION I...Hewn re of Deteglsts, or hialersesbd may try to palm open you some Bitter or 'ilaraircuilla trash (which they ran buy cheap), by saying it Is just ' h as good. - Avoid such men. Ask For Sleissn's STRENOIII. EXEC/ mittnAL, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly, aud at the same time strengthen the system. One tablespoopfol taken T.,00.• One tablespnoofid taken ereti morning (Willie.) is a certain preventative for Cholera, Chills and Fever, Yel low Fever, nr any prevolentdisem. Price only Si per bottle, or *lx bottles for till. ' .:J_,JI. , 3IcLEAN," 8 de Proprietor of the Cordial; also, ipiumnr, volemoc CP' Liniment, Itteleatea Volcanic Oil Liniment! • The !mad Liniment in the world, for man or - beset.. • Another retnarkalle cure performed by McLenteli Vol. canic Oil Liniment. Read for voorsalyes: ) f.i 't , Thornaalord, a blacksmith; living, near Case avenue, on Tenth street: bad a horrible running sore en his fort. Ile tried various Liniments. Smlvex..ke.. bat could do It no prod. Ile despaired of ever beim: able to work at hie Ira le atralit, because he could not hear any weight on him toot; end by owe small bi•ttle • f McLean's Volcanic Oil LinimSnt, he le now perfectly cured. llthen&arrt. Paralyabt. Nenraigl.t. Bruiser:, Sprains, EL ' irrn, the Joints or Muscle& Swellings. Sore 'I boast, ?Arse he or Toot li ache. Wounds. Fresh C u ts. Eln, ea. Darns. Sralds Nitis. ke., yield to the "magic" influence of this itooderful Liniment. • • For 11nrse3 and Cattle. It le an Infallible remedy fir Cltres,Galls, Stretches. Onwked Ilerla, I.3lnieln^; - rinillWia. nyi Splint. Fistula, 41ral sett'►. Swel I ings. Wound . 83111 snake 111 ex. and various other diseases which aril. nisi. , :Ire Rabb , to from Injuries or 'dents. in Every Isnintry ercliant, Should i lain a ' supply of 31e Lean'e Vidontle 181 Linfinent. It la rapidly, because it :deny, cures. . A liberal discount willte mail, to merchants wile buy t• :wit again. - - : • . ' _ __- - _ ._ 11,341,18 32.84812 44.281 10 34.59 14 n _ on Proxi l inlon. 80 Si l 30i } t'ay•F[r sale by J. IL 3fot,BAN. Praprietor, confer or ' b nu re e aker - el in P3 e. w a r i r l l ' ater;;l • ra g ' il nit roa ln d e s ' i o n " . artou - t antr cim Svr . Third and Pine reets. St.:Loots. ith.. '' • ) . noel- fro th e mines, 80 drift 1 . 4 n, Munroe lesp)3 dirt gar For /Wein Pottsville. by J.O. BROWN. Ceritre st.l ran, fro eal rpm honie and mum gaw mill. 2 stone en try-For wile in Philadelphia, b y'Dit.-11: SWAY NE A • gine Sower, be real breaer, 2gone and a half itory ON, lio; 8 /mutt' itto street .., -' .-. poi . . trio daeIIIIIX benfe% In o n ~n and a hilt story atone tit home% 1 double. store atone dwelling SHERIFFS' SALE OF' REA L ESTATE. dwc- -ng' - ' - - a . hous.., fr ame blacktunitti shop, frame carpenter .... 11 Y . Virtue of .Sundry Writs. pt . Le-1 ahoy,. 2 frame stablest. 21 on* envy ire duelling ." LiF ear( ?briefs and rentlTani F.:roma. !taunt out of , loutpea, a 2 story I g dwelling. house with a 1 Shari log tie Court .if Colil7loo Pleat, of Schuylkill County. anti to . kitchen rift whet. a I 'tory ontul school honer, a 2 story toe directed. there o ill I.e exposed to sate by public veto. I frame dwelling house and fraine'slable. a 2 story frame due nr nu fcry. on- - . :store house, with alone basement, and 2 one 'story frame Saturday, Septembei 10th, 1859.' 'additions with steno basements attached, frame °Mee at 1 n'elorit In the afternoon. akthe• pubil •le Mtn of and stunepowder bonne. with all the buildings Bea:tree Oroltac W. Sunli t (PUlasitt House) In the ilrvsmsdi of, and enackinery,of the acid William SI, Rogers, Charlie Pottsville, Penuyikill County, the following descri bed , Sthnielisett. Drinton Jacobs, Diller Luther and Francis real estate. to Wit : - t !-' ' i J:laniell belonging and thereto appurtenant—as the prop- AU that certain lot or pines ot k ernund. KU onto neultsll.l erty of WILLIAM ISI. 11.0(1ERS, CllAilLM BINNICK. -road street, itt the Winn& o Putisrille, Schuylkill; SON. BRUNTON JACOBI. DILLER 'LUTHER. and County, and numbered on tile general plan of luta laid . FRA&CIS DANIELL, conatittiting the firm of 11`488.6, out en the firrenweed iodate with number ninety-eight 1 SINNICII:3011 A CO. (93) bounded in frent by isalStiallroa 1 etreet.ln the rettr i 41. n, All that lot or piece of ground, sitertte on the by a '2O fret wide alley, on the lower or enutheardly by I Routhwesterardly corner of Centel and. Mobantango Irt No. 97. sold to 311thael Uogan. add on, the upper or' 'at reel a. in the Borough of Pottaril le. Seh uyik ill County, north waidly side by lot • number FP heretntbrii mild to I with the 8 three storied brick atone and dwelling hone- John and Jaws Noble. Jr., rent/ doing in tront on said i es, one two storied flora and dwelling house, and cata Railroad etreet.2s feet and 5. 4 ' of an Inch, end In: I two storied triune dwelling hollow. with brick tenement width in the revr 23 feet, and In depth emit 110. ao I . and flame kitchen attached. occupied sea tavern. there. feet. be tlitt saute tuote.or leas, with th e *penile , i on erected, being the eastwardly part of the lots Marked minces, consisting eta one stew frame boiler shop—aa in the planar the original town of Pottsville. numbers the property of JOIIN NOBLE and JA3IE4 NOBLE. Js. 7 and S. containing In front or width on said Centre . .43p, rAll Owe tee certain lota or pieces of ground, street, ant hundred and twenty, fret, and In depth one Outlet on Raitroadotreet. In the Borough of . Pethreillts. hundred feet, bounded noel heartily by said 11: 1 1 1 1 Schriyikill County, and numbered on .the }genets) plan hantanth 'great, westwardly by the other parts of of lots laid out rot the 'Greenwood estate with numbers said lota. riunthets 7, add 8, southwardly hi a I oettodloo. Wended In front toy mid Railroad etreet,lisf marked number Bon the raid plan, new the property * the rear by a 24 tel widealey, on the upper ml north-I Jarboe 8111rtnact, and eastward!y by saldCentrestre e t„ .., 'sanity aide of lot number 101, sold to O. S.:A-R,L st-i .440, All that certain three storied brick derelling terann. and en the lower or southwardlY , lids by lot ; home, three one Enrled Nickname , . °nem, story frame bomber VI containing together in front on said itatiroad; 'entre: lonia lariat stone Made and lot of ground; Mo. street fifty feet one and a belt Incinis, (each lot being 21f ate at the eout'dtastwarily corner of Mahantango and feet three fourths lecher) in wldth'en the 29 feet alley 1 13.-. rood or Adams street. in the !Waugh of Pottuille Arty, feet, in length or drptb ort . the S Ade about:l9o; ores:amid, belng• the remaining parts of the aforesaid feet, and en the lower side along lot nu Migir 98 41,01 t; lots number, 7 and IL and containing. Intend Or breadth 110 fret, with the , appurfeitanivw—is the priperti of on seht Mahentango Street 180 feet: and in depth 120 JOIIX NOBLE end JAM Y 9 NOBLE. • • ~ 1 1 feet; hooded westwardly by add 14. eeend street. tooth '' Afro. All tha t certain EINSEUVO, tenement And lo .r t f', warily by gild lot number 6, esetwardly by the above ground ell ni tw theroin Bough of Illinersville. Ginn, 1 described parts of add lots number*: and 8, and north. ~,. Of Schuylkill, State' of Pennsylvania. hcihndod ask• ; weedily by lltabaulango street aforesaid, One portion' of lora : 11-gionitig at a point In the southern lino of Su - ' . lite add Me olnoher 7 and il,John etntosh and rif e by bury street-. thence weatwardly also; the amine 110 ter .; an indenture dated the thirteenth day ,of April, A. D., to line of 1 t non - or late belonging to• domidi ' Loran,' IWO. and monied in the Recorder's oftise of Schuylkill thencil Wet beard ly along the sameBo feet. theoco easf-1 County, in Deed Book No.lo. pare 133. granted andantes wandly and parallel with Sunbury salve. UM feet, thence ; • 'rayed to Sunni! S'illyman. to fee, soother portion of the northwerdly 82 feet. to the place of beginning. with the ; . sill two lota Timothy C. Boyle and Sophia bli wife, by apyrinteittincescettelating of I two st.ry frame dwelling.; an - indenture dated the 11th day of Jane. IRIS, and re. and tavern house, with two I;4lstory frame kitchens at-! mated in the afar. raid Mlles in Deed !kink N 0.24. page lathed, a nue story frame Addition nerd as e Bitting , , 313. granted and conveyed Oldie paid Samuel Bill room, a one story , frame store - haute; uied ne a Tin and' lyman in fee, and the remaining portion thereof , FOY &story and shop . Nina story frame bakelionu with I Nathan Evan* and Ann Ids wife, by- indenter, halie,eveti;Aons'atery . wash honer:partstone Sod part' bearing date the 30th day. of - July. h. 1), I Slid. and , ree tratne.a double two story frame dwelling honee.a if corded in Deed Book NO. 20. page 4 - 17.. - " grantedwed Ode two stars, .thi.i.Ati j ble., a frame wapiti - abed, a con Ir, I 'eyed to tlee. earl Sainuel Sillyinan, In ye. . story atone leo house. and one frame pit pen.—as t Abet, - All that three Storied brick deellink bornevritb the property of 0 50111111 'W. BB UM'S, Ezieutor nib a large brick hark building thereto attached, frame sta ll EOROB ifit'U3l3f, deceased. I bier and 16t or plebe of ground,situale at the snithwest ' Also, All that certain firm, Lea et oe plena of lend. alt- I wardif corner of Mid ashantangoland Second streets, nate. in North Mislabel/it Township, Schuylkill County,; in the Ikrtormlt of Pottsville aforesaid; being the cast- tounded by lands nf Denied; Eller, lease Huy, lands Pt , , wardiT portion orts 103 -wanted otootiSs - 10 01• 1 1lett en the Schuylkill Nailution Company, hind late ottherth,.; It* eforeetaldistan (entail:dog in front or breadth on Übbbtl o64 ot 10 .4 4 ; o >i/tat:flit 1 7 5 ' Ivreai inling.twal Paid Matutatangoitreet 281.0; and its depth 211 feet,: b.:4. with the appurtenances. consisting of a two ;- ! . taunted eastward," hy . Second street, soutbearaiy by sto r y tt ovo terern &mon, with 4. Ili story lattins .., , Church-Alley,westwardly by th e other parts oboald Int kitchen thmetoi at tithed. a franie.wable,e two piorj log ... number 49,:and' northeardly by .ILittantangna dwelling linear and a WM*, barn —as ihe property of. street senetteht, Wing the Camelot or glare of • , WILLIAM litriblfett.' - '. " ' ' ' - e. • : ground irbkh Mikity Straueb by an-indsotbre Alto. No. 1. The coo fel equal undivided bait part of,' datelthe 2ittsdayef January, A. D., 14% a ild recnord. In audio all that certain hilt WO veiled, eittutler on', ed 111 the ofswallald CAM to Deed ihatklus2A. pas' 363, the tresteriy side of Centre Street, in the, littrosgb of; trawled auteetiloryed tA Ile said Samna . Billyulan la - Potts* ille.echaylkill County, being the width vaster), far}—se the property of SARLUMBILLMMAN.. , •- . . r WO 0f b 4 marked - N0.65 Irt the' gement 'plait of said Pelted and laken - lo reteeutiodpend Yrill be sold by tioronge, ectutainlng.in front ow Ostia street' ft, feet,. p, '.•.S _ . . _".' •—,- !i. , e. :-, • .•• . :- •. :- 410916 - ,-Lionaipt-, 7 and in depth 123 bet , more or lean, bounded nottiewerd• •lihertirs Odin Pottsville, A' • '-' ..-='.-- -' -, ,- - ,5tv..,,,i, .; lit - by , the other half of lot No. Kb eastwoldiy i breithtre - Atiguit 20, 18.5.1. i ~.4 !. . ..; .......,,- zi. : ... • .. . _ . . . .. MtMMEI h. 90 smut. C into; ! bO !hunk. .dik, $1 71 ran. 91 15 •1 1a I,GO 1 55 1 96 'B%l 8 . 2 1 4 902 /Z 'O6 I BIN 3/ti 25 o It McLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Mood Strengthening TEE GREATEST REMEDi IN TILE WORLD I This, CORD - Lit Is it. 1111,1 Crum a berry town only in mysnlf Id rhamiratly enlia• I nod with anme_ot the ost taivable medic{ II mots, herb... awl Irk. - known 40 the 1401 of nm. viz:— Fmidront, ltlarkrnot, ail . Cherry 'lack, '.allow Dock.. ktwle- Irma. tinreripart . El arj,lowerry wt 04 ra; pmductstvt ' mit Infallible renissly )r the reacorattouof sath at er known. :vim or IA tis flormetkatf rotteeiths. Mayan Cosilft: "hin .-- *biorkr LuAl atridtd riStotriorr . oritierort byllilknoletiso anot,arr fief siMei Ist kliseSTlet; mod loaf tltCdo4hyllet or ligeStaillii.rootivoA: :imam WM, WVetadell 'feetiysitif ..the o lZ mot t*M4Misst:- •, bn attstatta im allOtta c re paer • 2 1 ittd iaer Atm • • • Eft ibieteettsitelkma:lliet r .or tined Of; 1 . note ha Woof Itsinatteirk tow osbip, nelkili , emoisty; • bnikiit*lteifeia of • NONIM WS?. - clef Ps* ow - diaboSandl'aderatia***lo_ 4 l2olsr*, wor e* , .tieepsith the appmeteniadeitatMßsistiwirjaiL of a 134eletry fo &Matting', tm* frame dem • esitb . ateaselemorosauft and 'll testtiameW stm**ol-41 the EMI LEY3IK." - • - . tbot *Wald let *Admit eyeesey,'omaide Foto the northers:tett, side 'of Martel "stelietiln 'that o roorb of lkatorille, Schuylkill Wady; toutainint.* ottitli 14' tret,atiore or less and badeyth Idd tot. more or 011, it.4' Lynn street, bounded' aenthaordly by Market Onset Mestleardly by tot of Proneis *rat nforibli • l`nrAf street;ond'easterardly by grOand of Mtenm @ i mitten, telthatettyportenanees.ton7 • slating of a 'stable and frame stsa'nn•sbud:— that mead lot or pima of gritund. * . Oast@ , Off the sontlistaitily side of Idsan street. in the borough ' or Po wn...Pcboylkiltranotf,eontainingin width ti fret, and in "depth 78 red, more or WO. founded north, loudly by Lyon k reer, eravriortny by lot of Charles intents, MO rhlrtretfbr lot klta cif Itkhael Caehrtu,iind . wealtsfsplly hy lot 'of Mltbsel 'Cochran, anti Then appoftenanees, consisting of one story frame &tailing houm, with a one store front* kitrtten 'attached-4s the property of Illettagt.o,lClll4AS. tarn In earruslon, and will be .tad try JOLIN 'lShertfle (Mice, Pottrfllle,} Star{/. DurERIFF'S SALE OF , SISAL ESTATE. Y Virtue of sundey Writs of LevaLevan recta: and a writ pf.F7trit AFlrpler,lssuedont of the t etc:o=watt Pleas of , tbaylitill county. and to ma dlrrsledetbirerst. l lll btitgollolll4 ask by Peddle Vendee: cr odtery;ont, flitPtegetheis Soy, 1814th at 10ofeleteiv teargentinearatei ANCIIICAS BOOM (kept by Iles. Ells,heth Le4ig.) In the brroughof Volts vil le. Sett uyleill plenty, thdefollowitig described real eie tate, to "I y • Ail that Pertain entail \undlalded ono-third part of all that' certain tract or Otte of lalidodtuate In Blythe township, Schuylkill county, Wended mad do scribed as fellows; via: Beginning at a stonecorner of theCaie* William Creek. on a line dividing ?huh! Ilan Cntet and Adam Stahl tract, thence north 63 do- greed west 111Kperebee to, a pine. thebee north 75 de grees perchtli to a tone; thence north 41 deereies what i perclutelon erg ace, tinned north.l2 degrees:god 1 perches to a Pine, thence mottle 2.1 degrees west 27 Weise' , to a speuee. north Id depute , last 18 iterates to a ' ; o ne. thew. north a legreli ease 101,4 2 ' perches to a thence. north 10 degrees east 14 perches to a post and spruce, thence nortielf. degrees west 16 perches to • pint. thence north 63'degreee west - 62 perches too !none, thence youth 62 degrees weed pretties to a Maple., thenee month 62 'degrees, west 62 per,.hes to a Stone,' 'thence south KZ degrees west 74% perches to a birch,' thsum nurt It 14 degrees west I, I perchei In a cbesnut oak, thence north el deertey west Ig. perelteirlto aNhirch, thence north 17, ,degrees west 35.% pretties to a stone, tbeuce south 72'deeteees west 45, E perches to a Mee, thence .south IS degrees out 2483. e perches to a stone, and, thence north 72 4egrees *JAL 212 loemThet , to, the place of begiouing. eonlaluing Iti the 222 ores and 5.1 perches; being the same undivided third part of the e tid I ract of laud. which was nativeyed to fir. Diller Luther. In fee eiM Edward ple by Edrd U, nabs, and Wife, by deed dated August Ist, 1857, recorded In Selkusikill county, In Deed. Iktok No. 16, page 2.A0. with nt are appare:snore, conelsting of a two story atone ' dwelling house.lo one story tenant houses,snd23 one story la; and frame tenant &MM.. . • Atto, MI that certain undivided moiety or half pert, the whole into two equal parts to be divided. o( all that motile* messnages;,Mnement and tiies Eltitite . In Sehnelkill tOstuship. Erhuyikill tinnily, bounded and drecribed as frllows,to wit : Otte of theut beginning at a chestnut corner eland. late inched_ Mosby, themes, by land of Adam Stattio-tuth 72 degrentvlot elt},e2 porches to a stone. ttionco,l)y land of theseahl Diller,buther and J(tvreh If. Spar!, north 03 degreeti - wem,lB% perthrs to EMS, thous' troth - 75 do-emu west '26 perches to stone, thence north 47 dente* west 4- perches to a *prom, thence ninth 12 "degrees west 15 percher , to a pine, ;thence north 23 degi Res nest 23 perches to a spinet, Money - north 10 s ,degreges' vest IF Perches to a stone, thence north Mt degreee east 10% perches to a purl, thence meals lible&reps Rest 14 percher to n 'eructs, thence north , tit denveew• vest , lotwereheisitoa post,thenee northsta dee:resat vette 02 seethes tea stone, thenneneueb eldegteesweell-24 patches to it maple. thenc e aoutb Ogl degrees west S perches to a pine, then 4 south 60 des grees nese f434ptirtte. to a- bi eth, thence • north A 4 do grees weatll perching to ticheetuut Oak, thenrenorth 47 degrees west IS perches to Ft,blrch, thence north 17 do guiles wed BStY 4 '" perches toe , * stone, themes by land of Edo:walk 11 utility,. nerth'l'. degrees ea5t.224 1 4 perches to a Floneptbeace by I and late of Itschn-lJeunings. An drew Long. Michael flesh. slid Michael Frits, sontb 18 degrees east 2-18.;l y perches to the place of begin Mug. containing two hundred acres and 112 perches. more or boss, with the appurtenances, consisting of 1 frame e l o p e house and sham PAW millottone engine house. end-(name breaker, 20 one add a hal f.story train dwelling house e, lu one and a half - story stonea . awalint houses. I double 2 etoryistotte'd lug holm% frown hi ~krnoitti shop, frames carpenter shop. 2 frame et ables. one Flory log dwelling houses. I two story log dwelling houso. with 1 'story fog kitchen attached, A I -story stone sch of house.. 2 story trams dwelling house and frame etaltie, ' two- story (none storehouse with stone beeement, end ''2' one story frame additinuerwith stone hinements attached, frame office and 'stone powder house. Abe, All that certain tract of land. eittiale In &hull. um • ineuehiti, adjointirg the above. described pre nixes on the north. and described as fob lows. to wit: lirginning ht a - -stone,thetinebyjigrid of m i ney Cochran and Fachael Jennings, north 70Tegreee east 2 , 7 perches to n stmr. t bend.) by bend of Bichsel Jeunings south 20 degrees east 48 perches to a stone. thence by landpaleurge Oblinger moth 70 degrees west perches to eartorir, thence by land of Daniel 'Kocher north 20 decree { west 46 , perches to the pla c e of nine; coutacninit 72 acres and 66 perches and allowan c e —as the property of DILLER LUTHER, '• • , • ..11m, All thatitertaltiamal imdivided One sixth pirt of , the tenoning described tracts of land. efluate in Schuylkill township. Srhuylkill_cotinty, and. State ot Penury Iva Ma. bouo dedand described as follows, to wit: One of them beginnine at &chestnut corner of land late Michael Bushy, thence by land of Ada l& Stahl math 72 d,erees weer 5S t ; perches to a stone: thenee by fond of the said Diller Luther and Joseph' th Spayd. north 63 degrees west 18.4 perches to a pine. thence north-75 de Frees west 21 perches to's stone, thence north 47 degrees west 4 perebel to a stornagi;thencemorth 12 deepen west 15 perches to a pin, thence north .23 degrees west :I) per to a spruce. thence nortb_lo degree+ root IS . perehM. ton MOAN thence north 32 deg r, res 50410! 11.555 haft to a post .7, t nence north 10 degmfe east .14 perch. 'eft to groomer; thenee worth 18 degreeis west 16 perches to a pest, thenre north 63 degrees west 62 perehes In a stone. thence south 82 degreee weer 24 perches to a eta. ple„thenee south 62.01mrees west 8 perches to a pine, thence,enuth se de: reel west 7414 perches In a tirch, thence north I.l'4ement- west 11 perches to a chestnut oak. therms north 6I degrees writ 18 perches to a birch. theatee north a ,de g rees west. 38N perches In smut, thence by land of Edward R. 11u.Iey north '72 degrees east 214 1 4 perches to a stone, thence by land late of Rae ' chael JenttlogicAndrew, Lon. Michael i 1 shy. and Mt chkel Fells, sonlititi'degrees'eist 2581/ - p e rches to th e e 4 4 VJICS of beginning, eantaioltiglo the whole Mtn tares and 112 perchee more or leas. with the appurtenances, condoling of 1 flame elope house and etettin eats Mill e , etuneengine house, stone ermine house and fracriel... bnetter. V one and a half story frame 'llWelling Tee . s, 10 one and a half story stone dwellin ~ 01. 1 hotises, 1 double 2! story stone dwelling house, fracas blacksmith 'Men. frame carpenter shop. 2 &moo stables, 2Pone story log dwelling houses. 1 two 'story leg dwel. ling hose, with 1 story log kitchen enriched. a one sto ry stone echoM house, a two story frame dwelling heave and frame stable, e two story frame etore hems, with stone basement, and 2 one. lane, Mims, tteditlnee, with stone basements attached, frame office and stone powder house. . Als ,, , All that certain tract of land. situate to the township and moat; sill,ratatd. adjoinina the chore de., scribed premixes ou the itoreh,anddrwribed no roliow., to w it :-11 rA ittnirm at &stone. thence by land of money COettrao acid It:wheel Jennings north 70 degrees east 2671terehes to a stone, thence ,by land 4 Haebaci JIM. IllinSCS math 20 de reel mot 46 perches to a stone, thence by lind of OeorgeOblingir squib 70 degrees west MI perches to a none. and thence by Land of Daniel Kereher north 20 degrees west 46 perehes to the See of begin ning, - tort 12 . acres and 66 per t . sad alley. .. . _.._ ._ .., arteWbeitig then itut Promisee which . Diller2Lulholw find wife by t heir tridentpre.dsted the 29th day of SlPtember, 1851. and recordedrt the office ibirtic wiling of deeds In and for the Count} of, Schuylkill, granted unto Wit than M. It ,irmrs, in oe,--as the property of WILLIAM M. ROGERS. - ~ •. • ii - : dam, The oxeluiire right to dig and mine atone rent from almveund below the water level an the right and property of 1111113111 V.+ Rogers, Charles ttlinilekten t Drinton Jaeohn. DHler Luther and French, Uintal. CQII - tilitig the firm oft Rogers, di nnteknon ;4 xo„, ori a tract of 1 .ntl known an ‘Mtude 11111 Tree." in the County of, Schuylkill and State of Pennityleants for and &King the term of it yearafrom the 9th day of Jannary, 18U, as the came was detained ti the mid parties by J.weph it. Steiyxl. Diller Luther and Cithert no X Brooke by I se. Helen-of agreement. dated oth day of January, 1817 (nulled:however to the proetdons of a certain tab lease made on the 29th dray of August, 1807,} of al! the lease . o laid estate by the'tald William ?CR - en'. Chartentiln niekeou, Drintiin Jarobil, Diller Luther and Francis Daniell, to Petxr Di Luther, 'ranch Daniell and Henry Gable, for the period of Pig yearn '.from, the said 21111 day of Auxust. A: I), 1 , M7. and all the right, title. later. eet cud term of yeam vet to come and unexpired Of them the mild William IL Rolm*, Chatl-m Binnicknon. Drift. ton Jacobi. Diller Luther, and Friaeis Denten of hiliand to the paid tract of land find lease of. the seem the the term of 20 years from the 9th day of, , January, A. •D, tXU; above recited. together with ad the michtnety and fixtures appurtenant or belonglnix to the .aid prendnen r.r tined to the enjoyment of the mine, connintlng of 1 misty hot se power painting engine. one iti horse power Isolating engine, one 410 hon..' power pimping ermine. one 10 borne power hoisting engine, one 30 horse' potter i n tqe: ,„..s...atrinous„,,. WM! miTmq, eHANCE m0h,,,mui.,2413; rso - Toilitwolo4 , „ -MikIINIDO. 1 4/4"imilprli , sli farauthed cheap; efOr.,ttikt tithe my, . • , BANNo, .IROPETAStIte;i•q - ' , v rat , th use of -Workitri In Trim.: Thh , fir a eomplate 1104 book * : it fa Dotikrbe!Viand thr sole by 82,11,1174NA11. INTEREST TABLES.' j[tEADY CALCULATING INTER tar Tuat*-44iiiiiinal-syr um' - Me*, eta? cqn ts web. .1 ast y1214 , 11E4. and for sol* *balm ( ' .arsi mall, by ' ' B. iIANNAN. • ArkAPIMMI TAlRitcbeeigsalliv,lll9o per 1090. ' 10.000 .11,LLES , S UAILLY It ASDIER no qr.. - GratiClll3 • • ViILLIAN PARRY, Cifiumaimiluine, N..forKIF. , . 13RACIS_ERS. X11:11.NC111; Soda, 'Water, Steel, Gin , wee imd W.ine Markets,. received Greta every weak tow Plithedeipbla.try ~: - . . , ii. 21. SEMI. „ hottivine. Jal2 l6 , 'SR •, : . - 213. • VINCE TC44,4 I JIMAIM AND DREEN t . , M. - BEA ui: i. - . ilas . received and • for ode, :very dotes Black and Orem Teas, w ch he deers td hie el:Weiner' at .211 r tato. Penitents, Jaty 16.12 . - , 2Q. • FLAT RAILROAD IRON. LOT of very goal second hand. t nett Flat 11an:433d Irnn (113 bind. end in.ll rresnnstdy lIATWOQD, L} & co. Pottsville limed '5O 23. ' • ORCHARD MILL. THE subscribers having taken the Or chard 11111, is the /Waugh of l'Ultssillm WIT* ao• tleelhat they have removed their flour aed reed Moines, to that *me. where they will be happy to imam:l4l4e their aid Meade end customers, Price- low. Vet.: 26,10 9 .110111MUCIElt a 1114111. . . ISTRY." JOSEPH: F. DENST RSEIDE. Will after : thlbis date divot* lib entire attention to e Dentistry `business.' Oflice—tiahanton- Ra street adjoining fhe oaten! tbe Pottsrills 11 1 aa es lias Worts. Ile solicits a rontinnanee of lbra patronage herelobtes so liberally monied bin), in Mk profaasion. April ft, 1559 • , - i 15.tf NEWT - QRACCQ__*. f_T - SRE. / IRAWFURD .ruLLAKToN . ka, just *petted. h CiiNTRE street4atervre Mabantenge. POTTSTILLIC,• ir balm's le and - retail To battle end -Cittrat Store, where all sulkies La hI line, bosh Toiperted and Domestic, ran be obtained., at rea son:lW prices: elirGlirettim t October 'A, , ' • - Wit PRES FiVE -YOUR. TEETH! r • Mlin mtb i , 2) te. o ro i i ib e ' ,4l o . N2 \ b li au e t i l e rl tr:t a eti nd prevervlnz lbe T-EETIL stands unrivaled ua deptl- Mee, and Is undoubtedly tire 'floret article oof le kind ever offered. TO be bad of the, prJorle tor, or .of henry Saylor; Pru.xlrt. Pottsril lr. Jelly 31;138 Buy the WAMSUTTA Prints. PIIHEY are the Best Calicoes yet oil fared in the public fbr Stu, mcmey. TparmAts, t - DEFOREST.-ARMSTRONG & 41). April 16, SA 164}cu1 - N Richter & Thompson, DRAMS N . • • . HARDWARE,. CUTLERVi I -• IRON, • TOOLS. &O. L Corner Coign and Nerket, "Sign of the Saw;" i '. I , POT rswiL4E, P A. ' Januaryy A, 'WI . . ' - 6-tf ia . Q 4 PARTNERSHIP FORMED, t PAL M . ;ind, CO K N Erd i uq . • i.OOB la day fo r med a' releirtliwahin tit the 'TA M E s V ., P, erth inenter beeineet;under thee:doe of 1'. , 1 1.31 & LOW 4 .and will continue the butane,. at the old Maud. Where they hope to receive a 'continuance of the Patro' which haft heretofore been en liberally eateided to t hen 1 30 4 trill eeflotoell'i tent Co basil 1111 kande of WbII Phi" and Ilarnlock lumber-44•0, ready hooting, Dooni, Sash, lih utters. Shinalee, &c., tlte- , . ti Sas CASH BUYERS aro rustler' full reel nested tio ea% as we bare determined not, to be undersold by anybod • I J. P. Par..% • C.I.OOSE. -Eebuylkill Haven, March 210, •!;94.. / . 13-6 tn • , ALE . W STOR • " (ARE sulerriber informk his friends I and the public, that be har ppelii f d. nest door to Frank Pott's liardurs4 Store. in Centre street. new • Dry Goods, Grocery' end Provision. Store, l Where, ran always bu bad at rates tut CI!, 'Prime Artinfor fur Fmni .31 Use: He .111 be conateoll, remising tront:l'hiladelpbia• Now York. and will always haven't band a One select' n of FANCY Dlitk:SS GOODS. Id-By gi rink bia business, his personal and strict t. t en Hem he hopere,tit merit and receive a lair share tit I.e patronage or theeltizens of !Mizell:a and vicinity. S. 31.110,NALD per Call at the New Stare.." 64 April = '5O 11'4 • EXTENSIIIt alattautauso T 115: subscriber I prepared, at his of stand, to e ,farnish 4 )(Inds of materials -his line, for baildh parposes—plain and naatantal. lie lush [Articular attention tb Torah Si01:1011411 3IMILIIIIIMOOrbhan3I, I'ntacture. Theyrau had in every variety i,tyle, and will comp* fiverably.in beauty a Wberv.end areoffere.. • Jane 5. '55 ZI•ly) ORGANIZATION or THE , Piavlßation Railroad Company. , B "t) KS OPENED. -- , -Th is (om pa y Is rinse lly oeginized. BERNARD REILLY *IW been elected President. and N.J. MARI end John II tn. Jr.. )hansperit—She litter also ettfterretsry and Tre sq. rer. At atneetinS of the Limed Of Managers, on od day,;Auxust tet , it Ira% . i 1 - Rerolrof,.That the Submnlption Rook be And. rpen, to receive Subseription In !lie stitek of said,rsil d nntll the twentieth 01'011. month at the noose of hn Horn. Jr-or at .the °Mee of E !Mint in the otrth. of Port Clinton, where ill those d irons of tilt in b ei oak . can .do so. 40TIN HORN; Js tai r;y 4 ,4, • -P R. R.lb: &crelarq an, Jurer..,N N. 11.4-ThIR etessler an thoriamo the rOPPtrnel lon of a:, =Word frcim AS3bwitt wegmard lei tars. • I • $ .Aacust rr. 32 • FARMERS OF SCHIFYLKItL CO 1 E ' r ATTENTION ! i T7ARAIrEIIS who wish to raisd I large emps of . grain. tree LEINAtrsavANo. 1, FERTILIZBiIt and 1M Pli0V1:11 SUPER-MOS. , 1 3 11ATB Ott DIME. Analyzed by ,Prolereor Char . ' Jackson of th e United States Patent °fare, (Che Ist) and by. him rerrannerded for the grain crop, au ihae hero in roceerefut use for years. I Prima Fertilizer./ 1 . , • $25 Item 1 " . I mproved Boper-Phosphat of Litne, ,40 s'`' l " Nitromed "- - - •!. 0 ' favr " Gnaw , ' Colombhut.Bm 1,- 40'. ~, I , 11 1 " Soft Phosphene, ditto I • I 60 I" I 1 No.l Government Paruvren Guano, Pure DoteeDurA l and Pbt Ash In barrels. . i 1 Blood and (Pone Manure. 'Alan, Fruit Tree. rpe Tine and Grata lawn Pertiliver In i keys . at St 2:+ Bret- To there who boy to sell avail,* iberal discOunt t De livered tree of pnrtav M to any polo In a Old C it y • 4 . • arz-Pamptdata ean%• had at th office and full slime. tiona for wing it. •• 0. i LIGNAD.- =, 1V o. 21 South. Front (red, Ph 41clelphict Cita EIJI.. Yntyi-10. '59 1 SPORTSMEN! Yi SPOILT/ ME aurE. latest an d inuattcm. for iittehlog mato! ' IILEUTIIt 9 B '=Patent'-ittilinal Tra Small oncost' to be carried , pocket, and as , effective Ws a It orill kill s bear or a Am r 11.7 as a rat. Alretall anti tee flietrext., lion, at SSW KT tllittel Eardware dt /mu Centre street, vorrsr April 23, IT. 17 , wM. liviaitEß. ~ 1 i 1 Stone-Ware Mainfacturdr, 1 i . lilstriciablarora• ,t puma ass ortment of WAR Eetin..l J , P zi. alantly on band. ! Ali kind of Ware madd In Pc. , der. For price lista. addreas the roprietor. (Hen, _by Utah promptly attended to. , '- I T ! I ' 11A itRIS/lURG STONE—WA E. 1 - This Ware I* cleft rof all poiltoionit matter. •T tr ea :lna is made of common salt and clay.,,. A polo ft 'tot or anything else may be kept in It 1/P b ms/et s frty.—' Were la NO POISIN In It, as there Pt in common _red llartben•lrare.. Milk aid Dotter keep much be fee ;In this material thin It does its Xerthen-Ware. Ills bun( to& dint body. and still net absorb soy pert'pt what may be pat Into It, and Is not ilable to break. oil crack In tilting. - - • . , - - 1 ' I '- //ilf*Add . by storekeepers In It TTSTILLE;afad nalso. chants tbrottehont th e &Ate. 4 . /Pr A Warnlng.*** , A - tally scalding u MatO cock, Pa, wars recently. POISO,'ICD by Witt Apple notteefsbich bad been keptin Earthen Crocke.thefils sing of which is POISONOOEY-fklatttie Moiioi Tear. uni..lnly. Ink . - . • * * *)lanufactory lo FlLlllMlTs4reet,lattureert df ails and North atreeta. near tbstilita CeOtai Steam Flour Mills, II All IMMItEIIo. PA. I Aptiligt, 761 Is4lin : • • WM. THOMP3ON. , I r ' !. Banker-ausit Dealer 4 n . Micah sais ICA Opposite the Oisespat ClosOch ablesei Ile, .4 1 1a : e UNCUItRENT Moiney, Gol4 knd. Slicer. Land Warrants, &cinema lit and sOlgi. Will strictly attend toad collection,' sit rw-led to b r rare-- nespotlate bietness paper, loans, , oats, and all Me, soe• .edritles. Money readied on deposit and intents!. al. lowed. • I litertrences-31esirs.DUMIk po., Plilladelpbla; littnj igefer,j po . o:..V.Ustivis, Pour/IL* .Inelrltla7rrni, Eniatiient MVI 1341111' BS at, Petrollle; BCIIID PAlMlRLOOX,Esq.,l"itsvinipil suid C. Loess, EMI., POttint li le. 1 Pottsville, November 7,'57 111111AUCH CHUNKd Wii.et /tope' tilliznifaatffitY:'l InOzer '.l7.CadaArciL '46, co., Mincifamtatrairof Win Itopedoriluein,d ih afts , s l o p e% ,rosibs Its DLit bar bit Rol VP*, pared to make ALL KINDS, L . E2VOTAM . O FLAT - - ITOUNLIIIOI'.E. At the aborts at-nottee, of aupador quality, and on ttui, Witt liberal terms. at Malik. none flattery, I • Mauch Chunk, CArbon Co., .ea.l Itatatenne an balsa& to Illeisra:E:A. Dough', N. b. , Cortright and A. 0 BroadhenCat Now)* Chnok to N., Palternon, Summit NW. to /Thalia", Leisanring more, Camerae county, Pa..an4 In fact, nearly all theop." endow' In the Reston who haTeibeen ninny blakopes. Angwat lA. 'LS '(Augnat 2...1y) • I A 000 D BARGAIN CAN r E .BUBECRIBER offers ot ?ri vote sale the did establtabadlirorka known a The Vrankllin Iron-Work/4 i situated in the dorm& ogi'O Parbohr Schr 4 7 lll l l oc4 Penna. • . t , The property ronsl.te pf oon eat nem, thy.* neer - engirt*, Week rot Mts:. tooti, foygdry toot. and de aka . , with other foota of 'every dftrilptiOn tor. eesterr for cendoetton the bnetnesa, a large led 'ales. bleaafertanaot of patterns ofithe mon api , ioved et:riflery no* need hi tho rer.l.l, and abirgo stock of new . donnas shit raw niaterill.t lr Tssosktoti ;heti tosinedi• airily. Th• • , h ie - I *property witthesold ri reasonable to • ' acid to any person wishing to eisirsoln the I,tu,Leists prOsanta OD Opportunity Fehiola oftro4. ' Par farther pirtirril ars ingitircror thisindirslleed at St nr between the boors Of 11 A. It. and P.M., at Kirk * Mono's wae. Pottslith. ' ,J. $. KIRK Kt. Clatr; ow • • . ..!: • OUN T. LANt4. =EI .64 , r1 1,25.-"rt , M7,. .VIIIk .. ,- 1.2, ,, 4 , :V.W., ~, r ,i...Yph, '1 , ~. p . rI, 1 P • E _NEINGISIBIELE 4t4osststmermodia 4 e4oo.l4ooll444ithot , Ptioldtirotelt stibitt~ IN: MI wily istoltiag MaoltetiopAo cony*, Rik moot Incredulous of Ito Ofttl p o priorily ow guitlitog YotltMoktodl tot:Matt to to, ' r. ~....: . . Ceittm Ottlotaottirlll4k. P•OltiiCkstitilitAt'lliikii- , , - - „ r vi r ty • • 4SPISO . ! 1 ". RN,". Opticum,,,froin. =rcaiouwtisblisbilialhAMlA. id nplirOmmlost • jlrmalf: . Aoa/G a: ,ivitb 0 0 !bled Palinen" - ,41 46 - tiMmfait •114 proorviog the moat silt fropithoo Nridem.ranrset2=id ocitatillosny afljosted irOU,IIO2I ttarAtldek ot thiParioltideOt . Int siute tbriooffonlve Sonoma ter MMUS vealEtßefi ESlNgiglis SO Ow tallness of prime efee, !has own deservedly acknowledged by peedhad,d yiwp .;acol ittapariinhacatiug public to amoral. , ' STUN is Ogden* to giro amatiCiolion foal mho win try bit laspeavell Speetaclet sad Mts... Glaiesesk . garPARZSCOtiLLASSEk sa in "anis dV r tho. aka renttnies!. 1114cronsoprn, and Star. frore.pk• Urns for 1 IlEirOffice—vindi deny. to Jobn W. Welt Is Onifiction -07 tPottirtille, Algoma 13,14 23. IsB , RDWARE ' & IRON' sELLIiiO OFF BELOW COSTS lag SUTCRIBER, intending 5 L t . 1 1 1 l i Vel3 n alan ea t b r e d' I t i r i gel to the tete . it 1 buillllog ha Norwegian Mere. between Centre end , loall. roastatteets, &dialling the Liquor store of Dr. Jas. ' l &Alb, where he * vow tinging out bls goo& with &. out Maid to Net lie would rereeettelly an the = &Merinos of Ilocuspkeepers, 3lhebat:llr% Miners cud others tee hip stock, Wog satlened that Weill be to the* ad entego to Ore him a rata ,las be Is detenained to the business. Amongst his stork will be ?mind a 1 aeaortroent gnat as Ensue!),! kept In'llardware ree. pleas will be found—' • • Leeks, • V Magee,. ; nand end Panel Sawa, X Crit and•Mlll Sart, Tiles and Rasp, knells, • ' .= - Balmily toelt and Dles; "Chtsele, 't Angers, = '' Braves and Dins, - nee or a l! kinds, , Tacks. , - Bi • Brds. Chains. t . - Shovels and Spades, Saddler"' hardware. Saddler's Tools, ;Waxen Doses, ie., i.e. 014—Atet on band, a lot of Brat gate Cabinet and Coach. snake?* Vert:lA and Japan, together with lon i a and Ichred Iron. Sheer, Csat and Spring Steel, de . of the beak raa nublet one. • C 11,33. W. CLEMENS. 1 . I Ml, '39 test , • THU CELEBRATED COPPER TOE 1 -.1 • MITCHELL:S PATENT METAL LIC Till'. designed 'especially tot Boys', Youth's tilldren's toots and Shu t e. Jin Improvement has been applied to Boots and Shoes, by which a satin g of• expense to the consumer. of twd-thirde, is realized, by etlust experiment. • HE COOplatra of ' s piece of T copper or uglier Indestructible imp tells'. Nett; fastened to the toe of the boot or shoo, AO:dog* complete protection. .This inset:akin is now presented to the public, with the tallest knowledge of itaipraetlcal utility. 14ving been tested over :yams awe is destined entlftly to OOPotOItIO !kW/ old stile, for Bere'ount Forth, Boots mod. . The lOtiortaneeot this invention' will be readily ap. presided. at It Is sell k now ng hat children inreriably et Or out !heir boots and shoes First at 1310 Tot, witht this protection. they . nig upon an inferno st_ogr at least two or Wee times an lung as the old pixie, Age the expellee istET A Tillaß .110.4% !Vble toreottoucts also especially applicable to li foerK Dada and all occupations subjecting the toe of the boa °lrish°. to be cut or worn. • • Merchants, and the public generally, wilr 10e the lm. 'parlance of obtaining there goods immediately. as they are destined, for general use, to mspensede otnrr kinds. I the Goods may ter obtained of nearly nil the orto.k. sale deatirs in the principal cities. or of the suhecribera. • VII AB& ideKt NN CU., Bogen. tyro..a or rot irATZSTA IttlgOtt EsTATE - sAL SEAL .0 in ll d Patine and %Il nod rrf Mlles J meg being *urw frocu'al ug " growl, fro t4i, font i 114 I , inedi fu ndiunt 1F 1.1- .14 . .aty, t Ideffittllrdt iii r ru for of ibis last will and testament I ' '0 6460 E Blll i MM. Reeetn•ed, wilt ensile' to public wen.' doe on Til hi SDAY, Septet:obey 1, MO, at 2 o'clock in Ihe fte o ternoori i on the premise'', (at theithnost Hotta.) In the rough of Minersellie. all that certain Frame tav ern Stand; known as the 4 •L'ition 110014," with the into; sheds, stables l and all theretq belonging; and also, the Frame Shop and lot now ocettpled by Philips , * Moore; ~. i . the houie and lot adjoining the Post. Office. ~., rum and ionditions mile known at fbe time. i • psi,Terms .•!--Onts fourth ; the purchase money to De et the eniermatkm of the deed, the remainder on , resumaitie loam , . ', ' oEtntog w. in:lmm. z. August e,'¢9; 32-11 l ' !-- , . ,Erectdor.. • I ,FOR RALE. ; HE wlderstgned ofieri for .sale a Irankipi landileontaining titres, and alter at en fbe upper Pt. Carbbn : road..about a* halt in fr#u Pottavilla. Ttie Improvements are toil frame dwet. hod hoosrs, k small Mae., and also a erring of never fatlltki witerl j 1 one pleet or In • lota to tuft i • purrhifsers. It is Coo wei3l: 'sanded to the raising of vidotaP,lve.aild bas some Atte. young apple• Imes and grnpa i Vlnes tbereoni War further particulars enquire of GEORGE i LAUSK,Orchard lirearery. hie nisamia for selling the above aw• i i that be has par. dialled the Tumbling liuni Farm (Out the Prbuyikill Navigation Gagman/. and-irisbeitlo wake It an eaten ,* Yarns, whieb will mulls hie mire tlme.and .siri lupin& making a Sum nerreewt. thereon,,whic ti i s ill he one of t be Meat outside 444%141461phi*. ' 'Pottsville ireb.l2.lo) PUBLIC *LB of VALUABLE. , REAL =TATS. lIE NDER*rNED, Tru.4tee'ap. polo by thikcourrof Commitn Plea' of &buy'. k I Cpunty tertatn portioned the Real tatate of Robert dams, a Lon tie, for the payment of hip debta, raw public sale or outcry. on, WIDNES DAY., the . tlrty-drit day of August, 1E59. it itte Ex henge Dotal, kept by Y. R. liaereher, la the bate* s,h . of . ..tiotturlUe. lit 10 o'clock In the forstionn,—All abet eer. tale inessitage and tenement and tract or pereei of !tack s tuate In Sorth Manheint townshld.Sehuyikillscounty, Denusyleante, along the Fcen_4l Turolli a kwingal ' L P° P!e itti njalsok to 8e • d h lr i u e s : aliremj=if i t c aTt e .f m cl i t: nerieh,..eho Dagen Jacob Delbert, and the downy is e tren, eftatiloing Sigh . ty4taht anti aChlSiiiiy-tan chesty with' the appurtenances. ernsistlng of a tiro story trains deallinis hoes., with a frame Weise& attached. spank-baro *lid other out bulld Inge. ' / The abet property will be seitlettbjeet to the two t/ The 1 ,trtgages, both dated 31stilareb, L845:-.-One irons Collins to limes Reber,Charlesi Reber and. Christopher Loaner, Exeritiors of the last will and teste r:lent of JaEoh Reber. deceased. easelit totted 'belles pay- Ment of $460 09, et or upon the day of lbe decrees of Rosins licher. with interest thereon tolhe paid yettrly, from 1 Anal. IFte—being the dower of Itosini;iteher,— '. Recorded In 'Mortgage Rook F, mov en, on' JD Maack. ISIS. Theca her &owl:IDIOM Collins to T Maim LY leek, conditioned teethe payment of $1800.14. at be upon the Ylectdiyof April, 181 E with Interest for. the nuke at the rate ofj flee per rent per annum, from . 1 April, Payable y rly,—Beeorded. Iddettame Ikuk B, page dil, on 1 April, 1846. • /. Altendaare will be given,and terms made ' known on tpt day otj ankh by the undsmigned.. . • M. DDGAR DICLIARDS. : Thestet. • 1 Aagmt. . 'NEW AORICIII3IIILaL Sammeart . TO ALL WANTINO. YARMS, ;A Rare Opportunity te-a firfightfai tad flarlthy Estate -4 :a Mika Soadlocut of pka l tkipAia, a Um •• • Oi.stet nod Atlantic [ Railroad, J. . iALN Old estate, consitiking of several thoisands of screen( ynitiectios sail has 'been di. Tided litt bums of radon" PIMA to loot ifs portbiaw, A populatlpn of POIMII , fifteen .gooderd, from various [parts of the 31 lddle States and Nee, Bnglandataire Palk (led' there the part rear Junproyel. Melt platen, oast !riziserl . CTlA/k/ttexpo. Ttie pike of the land le 'al the A lois sent of trout fte' to &Diger tare; the soil IA of lb. heat:quality 'for Abe pro tuella° ;neat, Clue. Core, '!'matter ' Oraymt and Evdattes. IT lb CONSIDEUED ; TUE lILIT IBM BUIL IN THU UNION.. The place perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy , of tbd termer. Crepe! grain. gram and fruit'are now growingand ran to teen. By examining the place it ; sell, a comet Judguieut can be formed of the pride*. ! thy land. The twins are wade easy to secure the, rapldlinprurentent of the laud, which la truly mold for achusi imprwaecid The result his teen, that with-- - in the pest year, some there Atiastred Abuser bare been erected, two mills, ono 'tenth four Water, movloartr ' vineyards and peach or. kw& planted, and a him', gum. her of Otter lur rovements, making it a derivable god I active place of huiln..is. . . , As ibik*der nksyereelvie [ruin Its loratkon. k am BiBT IN TUB UNION.. . prolog.* bringing donbla tho price than to Incattorts away from the city, and morn than doable the plea than the West!) It is known that the; earliest and best fruits ,and segetablea In this latitude male fro= New Jionmay, and aro annually exported to the natant of tat. Hons. In locatingArere, the settler hap =my advantaging . .., tie is within a taw hours ride of the great engem of New So land and 31141d1e Slatendie Is near his old Mende end aiwociatioas, be Is in a antiisti cetuticp sagas teary iseprocanicgi cirfort and civilisation is at hated. lin can buy carry article he giants at the cheeping primate, eal We produce fur the highest, gin the 11 elst Aida la N. cereed..) he has , schools lac, his chirdi;sn,disina iticelec; suit will enjoy an open Winter, and dallghtful'slitnate, where mu utterly unknown. The result of the change upon thole from the wrath. has generally been 10 miner them to RD excellent state of health. .. - Jo tho of building and improving. lumber can be obtalued tit the Wile at the rate of 1110 tn.sls per thou. Saud. .14kt' from the brickyard opened to the photo, every artkla can be,proeured Su the pines. good earpeu. ' teas are at band. and there is no rum to Mho Union where buildup mud improrementscan be made Omar. TbSstreader !Mat once be strock with the anegoineg here presented,o d Iwhy" D- property bag not been taken up,before. The reewn is, it was wet . lamer' in the tuaiket r. sod unless them statetneuts were correct, oci.:voe would be Invited to examine the Land before purchasing. This. all are expected to do.— They will are land under cultivation ; such to the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt ..seet persona. from their ow It neighborhood: they 1111 witness the 5n. , prorements and can ludo the , character of the pnpula.. lion. If they come with