The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 20, 1859, Image 1

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    -- --------- 1 1 [ 11131120
- b o o of THE J0132,111A1i.
' 4 , -• eisois srearitrrunt: - ,
. . ,
1 D it,t,Alti 'Der nonnot. payed:dela advanee—•
T'S ., f n , t o pt ell hie al: Subittgra- , -aad 101 si) le
i 0 t ate the . .17',er. ~. ',- ' . ...
~,I a tort.vilt4-1., -
to o eddnef,(lnfelnewee„) •- • is 00 ,
, Jo
r"2: .01torriplIon mutt* ipeartibly Pad la id
u o - / entito 0 ° addr.eall: -:' - -... : •,,
,'"* ro caftan:is eire eletili,i ..' : ' 4 , -
t,,,,;wiii cash lehed to Cenittee e id i ictiio
D,. 3 ~, opie4 oU ISatilery. . , • . -
„V.v.' , : ~,,4 end 504031 reaaharkeapitlied with the
er ',l i t la adrt aro, , . .• •
3 ..,0 1 '" . . tag Lae Or Nllll3TAkait
. ~,_ r ft ,l4 order lhe discord looarooe renal& nein".
I 'i t e roth.lot may reaUntor to thaw until
~,,,.. ~,,,.,..f diet ~ .. .
, i . : : t0riw .,..,, , ,11iet or rifts, lo take -their wewipe.
I ; K e sto..dle to width they ate dinteted, they ere
r„ow until they have settle* the billsand
, , tt o dleeontleaed. ..
~.r.o witer, more ht other places Without loran:dog
4 ,, i ,,„,, end the newspapers are sent. to the former
t *ehoy are hell reeptortajble.
,t. hated:Ailed ;tut refuideg tn take tiewept.
;''.„,the Ake, or nowOring, and' hearing th
t ... ; , I, printalaele evidipee of letentionel tread.
;iv3 re oflollnes, 50 Centefor oue
,sertlos2s cents thick. 3 line one litne.4:s
it",_,,ibsequen n t , insertionti,42l4 cents *
each. MI ad- 1
la over 3 liOnt: 4nlattort periods, eharzed as a
oat. two. i :dux. sm. .Trinyt.
iars, • 83 88 • $1 25 s7r2 23 • $3 00 ,
.60 126 175 ' --2 75 , 4'oo.
r' tiu „,, 100. 1. 60 200 300 500
' 125 2 25 - 1 2¢p 4' 00 600
l ies, 1'25 225 2-70 450 7 001
lee., 1'2 5 223 • 285 500-8 00
:in" 125 2 25, • -8 00. 0.50 9'04
;cis CLINES COC*TE7IO An A Ildindin et TEN LEW. t ,
;,plre, 1 25' 25 4. - 350 ' 00 10 00 1
4'.:i'ruytes, 2 . 490 500 • 900 14,00
quires, 350 600 b 7 60' 12 00. 18 00
450 800 800 14 Ot 20 00
, „ Le to!, ,6 Pi 9'oo • 13 00 18 00 30 h 0
`l . st A rrer space for, short perinds„ as per agreement. •
el-adness Notices, $1 each--ateempanied with an
i nirttsratent, 50 orate each..' .•
,ts<rtle•mente beforeldiiiiager and Dentbi, 10 rents
r .Jar f)r firstinsertion—subsequent inlertions,fteen I s
N I wonis 4re counted at a line in adyertising.
i,vbant* And others, adverliai ma fly the Sear, with
and a standing advertisement nothiceeding 16
rill be charged, lath:1(111w r,uhsCrlption,4 $l9 00
stionnt of four squares, with Chan
,,, and subscription, „ • t 23 00
f l out changes, at the rates designated abete.
Alrrrtitementa tel in larger, type thin usual will be
~,,0150sper cent. adiance, on these prices. -All Cuts
; .I rharged the Kline aa letter preen.
1,.. Trade advertisements reeelTe,d from AdYerlisirft
A broad, except at 25 Otti• eettLadranpion these
„ c a. unless by special agreement with the publisher.
' rt „ r i, 4 o 2.5 cents each. Deaths accompanied with no
„, relitlc without aotitues„no charge. ,
A:lac:tires. e xcepttbAss Of !a religious character and
o tarsilional purposes. will he charged 25 roots; f o r' g uy
onbsr of lines under 10. trier 10 lines, 4 emits per line
!ttioost , * •
i`rueredings of Meetings dot :ofi gaserea or public
to,,tsa charged at 4 cent& per line for each insertion.
Wilitate calculations we will atria that 328 lines
e a coiumn-181 lines a balf column—sod 112 !loess
astierrolumn. 2352 wordeniske a eolninn--.1478 a hilt
.e. or—And 138 a quarter column. All odd lines over
r oue. the rate of ,4 tents per line, for
and 8 cents per line forthves times. .
i.srly advertisers must confine their advertising to
business. Agencieis for others, stle.of Real
•. At.. tr., are not Included la business advertisements:
aaC. iv; 'Brill
ii.cancasst erxia Tll.-1.1.01
a. E. Corner Centre.andlionveidau!
t2.LE A ,k PERRIIVS ed•teliiro
hire Sililet," eunstatitly onland.
..,th 5. '59
.. .
. .
iiyer s Sarsapar,
c'ompq,uND : itemedv - , iij
1" have labored to prolate the 'moat t
n ot that tau be made. r dt ia a cnneent ra
. siecinntrined;iiith ether
ester alteratirt. iiowrr ,to afford
;.:,te for the Sartsparilla Ir repu
• .leleyed that, such it remedy it %tante'
rots r, hem, Struntous ret.u.Olaint4. an.
their cure must prose_
{u thin larie.class of Our atilic'ed felh
.eoinpleteli this compound will du it bai t
'(•r experiment nu many kir L ihe wood !axes
.11oul,m; complaints:' `` • ,• .
So,fulmts ennitta OA. .Eri
-• :.:g.e . DiA•4 al. Ulcers, Bkrch
11.,141, Syrtis Syp i ,
ial Diserisr, Nemr , iimic •
14141 it y. silt tod inctig.stiart.
A ra..ny'it and iii4eed the
:mid:tints arising from /*parity of Me
; hi. romvouret 'will be Oland a 'great
•••••.h. o leen taken In the spring; to expel
• sla,•11 lest 4 in the Mood at that se
•• by the timely expulsion of them ma
••• •1 - ; - - st es nipped in the bog. luilt
• ill of thikrenusly, spard tiasinseives fro
• .•.• of foul eruptions and niCerous. Nil
t It the system wilt strire. to rid Itself of
- e •essisted to do ihts.thrioighl the natu .
'•!•t• tode , by an alterative Medicine efee i
• : ,.....1 bir.o.l whenever son tied-its impu
Ihroetth the skin in pinipl.4,eruptio
-1.1-. It when you timid ii is obstructed O •
, , 1 , .. , ,,i0..; ebianse it ;wheneter it Is to
- • .111 tell you wh ht, l% en where n •
,sir I. Mt. people enjoy, heifer bean
,c, to. cleansing the 1.1,4)1. Ketql the bi
• I al; i. well; but rash t hi-•i,
pabuluni M o tif
••••in be no lasting boa tli. _Sooner IT
sz Ina-; go es rong. and ti le great Hoch[
• , pt oed or overthrown. 1.
o.epatills has. and tte,, ves much, the
j r
T.-mph-Ling these end,., • hen the w o
-_tously deceived by mbparatioui of I
...Oe drug alone bus {not all the xi
~,, o for it, brit more .. use utany press
_1: to-be creccentextedi extracts of it.
- • , .f the virtue of Sariap..rilla:oranythi
,in; late years thetit.lie hate bee
••• bottles. pretending t,, give a ,qtart e
'ciparilla for one dollo .. Most of t.
:.:. upon the sick. for tbey riot only eon
• .:•orsaParlita. but often:uoCuMtive pro
- lictice, bitter and patutut disappo
..,,t1 the use of the l'Ariina, ixtrNets of
'ls hood the market, until the UNIDO it
•:•ised_ and has become synonymous Kit .
i.: hest. Still worst' thisectopounil Sara
•••lid to supply such a remedy as shall re •
:it the had of obloquy Which rests ripen
oak . we hare grouuddlir lieliet in; it ba. s
- irresistable by the ordipary run of the
',tided to cure. lu order to secure eh
etiration fn,m the systein, the remedy s
ljuily taken according to directiOna on
DR...J C. AYRE 4 1 k.
, * Lowel.l. Mass.
Frice„sl per Bottlq; Six Bottlot
• '
Ayer 9 s :Cher* Pee
~ s on for - Itself such a renown for the t
~..ty ot"lhrost and I,ungComplahat, /Nal
- •
for um to recount the evidence.
• .rr ,r.r. it has been emplored. 'As I t hag
i t
...tant u e thuitout this section. we
• •-e :tom rsure the people its' quality I
b. •t it ter has beet. and that it may b
. r thdr relief all it has l ever been foun
. .
. , Fait Tit t: CURE OP
. .• , , Dyrieptia, htdigesti,
• .k7r.sch. Erympeleit, Headache. Pad.
. • IT, !..9 find &tie nit•liff.t. Liter Chraph
" • r.'itt.e ms 'wet Sal Rheurn,'lroraos.
I .111 ?I it •r . Pitt, and fitr i'tertfying eh .
h., are •ti;:araaaated. mi that thttenes - t
lScia pleaxantiy, a nd they era the het
ttuzi4 h.r 311 the purir4es of, se . fsently p.
?lee. 2.5 cents per 8o:; Fiire Box.
- -..";,et outlier: . of Clern.iitoen; Physician
p-I,UtineS. IlSre lent their n
'he unisaralle , ed usefulness of these
here 1.111 ont period the Insertio
belnyr hauled. tarnish gratis n
which they ate yth•en: with•
- - itho• .1 the above c..toptaints. and t •
at shnuld be folluweik.for t•Frir iure
.• hot be put off b. deale r
tl.ey make more pre fit on. be
ist ‘ e no others. Th..iek "not the bee
• th-Lo,•ougl they ibould bare •[[. • •
‘,‘ eor Ilemediex are fir tale re names
. by Pruzgiot.s aod
‘,.. , 0z.11,••nt the country.
A NT, 0 .
- fror Ilitlinuniatory Ithsense
. t Medical Salt ! Neiv Med
Infiamnu4oty D4ease 1
11. U(I(;(SWELL'S NE
PiL ALT, instead beiri: a rem
but one ill, has bait one
- , u , :ishes but ~rie thing. to wit: stisurte
3 :3 3 .-4.1, A, s lamry, be it • Prot
b.• .1. I hnktt, ml-1-men, extreotttie."'r
N k ' E AV' NI II)IC A SAL'f. . 1
.. la. that withind thf , • '
' h. It effeer Wally cuhit
' r•; au rent
• 1 , ".1. , 1a •the,le,de, the leant of whi4 . -
•=. afatu , l4• n
.. 1•• , 1 a tarme orLiAlLi the: unl•ett.olj
)'•'• im.i many net•rdatioa.,l.jtim.
'•• , .••r t, rain, sir as r{avily auLdura '
Li , I 4 :AL SALT,. as Axe li. extEnguisla '
it : Crain pryer, Ilea4larbri. flub of liki.
-,7 ilFart.' I'll 4. Inflame-41 4,•yea. 'eata. -re
'•,. Nrursi,;ia. e:pinal affelations; Er) al
• i'.• or i 4y. .I.4hurt; en ric4 4 .. DY s Pei , ii•
• - •. I.l.mulaa i irra,a i-out. SFimfula., and a
".. : rt:titomAis eruotWoNj t . ' ' '
I f !CAL SALT exerts, tij.e . thelirAicin•e
' i•i 11 nal, Pad ern re. aver the v.lllll and '
{. 3 g72c1031 Arrliur “flonamsoallati
m put... irl)rh gmle ri.stames lea Data
.4%1 pain arAl frier d 14.31114 sr. - ' , '
• -
I ../ !CAL SALT day jast übat II
• ~ no lOra--equalfira he h+Bahia .
• '' , 1 . ,% .Itvo aH •rterial and veneua oLI
'' , e • f.'irraturs may he p e.ined Irsm
••••• ; • . $l,. !Me valuable med De for Pale.
, 11r, Coggswoll's
„ t t phlogut
1 47; T-::, - A 44 - •aa. SI : Ono IC 0 ( 4 P V '
S. A: l'y ov,:iL free 44 e . as mei
7 r...ali v 4 iritla ch-nunieor Loos staa.ll44 4
," ,- 4 , •.t.lera r h ionic par , ,,,alpt . i • .
fv I , stiutonif.v and dive .11uusaeu vi
1 :.
TA A CO- &ea. Asmicts,:o2 ,Jr ,
• ?.C ry Agynt_.• nahled in every city.Ta'
....•. . .
, , •
e()G.aswELI. , B N
I. It.lL SALT tR Er sr Sto la Pettit!!
• * • . in it.; F. Ptireirr:
in Port Cart*.
ae ~ i n at K 1 tr.l'.3; is tiSliddle
• t!rx:
•-• taSle D!•,;„ti:t. • tktrilir t
net patnsca brit the
no l alto 'beak/
"43 •
rry.)P..subserkeep itnioun e .
-. 11 , ,,,i,..a.: thr t r. :thins cr Kttii'l '
.1:,.: th.y h.a.l4t-..a, i , • '
-.H.lor.itrAuts OLT; - ..1'.1 . !C
. ' 41,rarr tlr Soc , ,Pinp i l M
. V t“-rx• :reit ale aye tie Coati a ;:er,ol;i•r.rt
Dry Goals, orapeerleii tiara
"1 n , arirt r of art Irks * aay • ket.t it a
:•' re. esetemtatdint . their ,intri
! vltli:nr a custom eta: ,1...hj avio, at:
r'- , *tt fair dealint, Untie:x:4th A.a
i'resh Goods, Coistan , ily
• .. :,....T fixtLieA air aye a hallit ib*
• C. 411. -
1 • 1 ll s-l i/. ‘
" '''' CA 1. L A ND E.V.4',MLVE : rd i
,voL:'xXxV.,4l, -. '
• . „
. ,
• 4- , L. -' ,77: - .r.• ,;....,- .----,-- --.:• - = -- ..7 - - -7 1 - .
• ~.;',-:- ~,,._., .7.. - -,- - E=. --. 1.7 . .. - ' , -41-...--- ••••: 7' --;•••=-•• -- ' 2 '' 4;1:.•.-- -=' 47 -- -
- • ' N
.-t7rVil•cW-:-:;-•t,f-•-;--' 11:-•-•=-•47_,:••=----7.---4r.:•-fe-2.7---. _
..7„--,;.-,-.,,,,X;`,..A..-• - ••".„*,,,,f „ • 7, :-.. Z-J::::f :;'• _,
e.....-rj,-241,t,,, 14,...V , - .. . ..--_r.r-_,,...- =-,-
••,...:--f..•,•;E:4-:,•...17..,,,,,-,1;74- ~---__ • '''
- -.-!-.,71. ' ":• ••••
-4:-.--'-72--k•"' ''''W4-•-• -•- . TZ -4
•••.--, - ...0. , ;•-.4--.)",
•-•-- -,..i.-'-Ut.'"
.of the Phllad,a
. - '' Pier No. 1, .' r'
1,43 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
OFFICES: Mt Liberty street, New York. •
5 it...3n° street. ilretion.
..-. ~ • : Atte , ' sale. Agents furs s
Lehigh Coil! end Nit re'tttinit Cliiitpre :8;4.
.1' 8-12
-111011 COAL.
(217 Walnut greet,' Philadelphia. ,
OFFICES: " 4 Ncw street. NeW York, ,
1 . 17 Doannatreet.ltoston, , MO 42
. , .
. , 111,VETI Amp IF HlPrEas As
271„..41.31007.113C1rM" r C20,14.Z.N.
- leirilt Quality .Ited Ash Cnale • .
( No. U 3 Wstnol sties!. Philadelphia.
OFFICES:: No. TO :Irate 'etrjet. Beßtoo.
t No. ISO Drondway; New York. ' 0 r 3414
lit ..
i silist.
Sts., •
Pier No. -
• _ MINCES Ainantrotna or-c , t44
Red 110SpiTAIN, LUTSES, and oth•
•r choir. , I •
oFr i ce i zi: a n t . s t trce t t :
r t 7 i .e it.;
o e r lr
cr - b - bSH — A L,
anIPPKIL9 or J
Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, at RcialL
T A I:ll—Cnrner and A rch' aireoto.
OFFICE-I . o3)Valuut xl reet, Phihdriphis. [7,8.412
W hie ir,
itrtwtUli 311-
rd ell fart
I.y thn.e
flint one
n• eitlzrnr.
jib et, prOy
o bu found
Delaware flyer, Phtlade
14iem, and
a. Tame•rs,
11,tie ajGo-
'•r Ite 11u11-
Fry rpilar,
whole clam
Whiiir No. i. • r
Rtym.tviii., POTTS & CO.
• 1 . - • j
.(v.., svAmit Street: Phlladulph I.
.OFFICES := 110 IlrrAway. New
; . /,, ' I State Street. nd Met
theiulti- ; / .
~noon.. Wharf No. :
- ' • REPPLIER &
at elms It•IS N. h. con .
• ,• „ •
• • i. Walnut & Foiirtti•ltts., Pldlada.
e" out the' •OFFICES :1 3 Pine Buret, Nev York:
lilies burpt ; • • (tleratants: Bank •Bnildi ug, Provident!.
or 1•101 - en , ; . ••• • •
1 4 , :rk i " d gi yo b n " r
. particular i . . .
d health", ' • -` SI.OIIN VEIN
I dj r " d'"'
'l '
...F .. - Oro. I ,
r'i of Ilia . '
.. CND. /39 Walnut Street; Phllatt,ph is.
OFF-ICE: ..r No. .9 WIIII•im Street. New York.
(No. .11 Doane Street. &Mod. .
mmrnter of,
,h« foul flu-
alder, ran. by
/ ,l has be-tt
partly he,
cue that •is '
. pens.
e . : l a so tu . IT.
inisle4 by
i Extraci of
have been .
in littl:;. if ~
rites what , . 1
ntinTnt has
Sarktparilla ;
If la justly
;parillsk, and i
ue the name '
lit. 'And we"
1 t nos .‘• Melt ,
iSt,lSt`i it is''
, It complete
• oUld IV jU.
he bcttle. '
.1 , 1. P. ouszcs . .
Wharf Na. 3. .
.. .
. .
. ,
.. ITE ASH I • . • -
From the I'INE Kmyr and MT. LA EFA COLLIERIES;
OFFICE :1-..!io.losWalitu4treet, Plalsdefphia.
April 9, 59
Locust and Broad Mountain White Aida
CO:A L ~ • .
Alo. RED AS,II, fmni the rill M ' ountain and t'al
mer veins. 4 . .../ r Ytonr and Peed; aken In exekLanle 'ts.
Coal. . EDW. It'. I'ATTER*IN,
. W‘l. F. PAITtIWN„ .
timer every
lit Is entirety
I I Its virtues,
lonx been in . ,
.red not doh
kept up to
relied PU ID
! to do.
Office C. BarrAmick Railroad itr.d , /Wreak. Pd.
U r. 4). P Art E1t...40.N.
Bridrport, l'aufarmtery Cbtin/y,
J 34 21. 'kV •
Pil l si~
F lei... the
i fr. „ l,,,, ,w ia d d ph a. a. 7 tl. !t.
u. 90.„'
Xba ratesof Freight and Toth( on Coal transported by
this Ca oipauy. will ire at follow sdrum kst - J uly, IDii9, un
til lUrtiarr aotiee: . • .
• 1
I . pyrferry. t
heminatiods, i
64, Drwary, ;
,• at. I Ilieti ral
.62.xvi, 1
1 -zisitiTe can
.apolent in
I. 1
. for $l5O. I
e i
mes to c elf- !
.ti,1 , ,d1 but;
. I
r lAxtit est(
alio .'IUI de
.4l trestureat
, • t . 1'
, with other II
and AT - KV:4:I
1 mitt there is!
" Philadelphia. •
. Nicetoun,
dermaotown R. R.,
....11nnainnk. • 1 60 1 4.1
.. Spring !dills, ~ 1 c 35 ' 1 CO i
"Con.heborken and Ply-
• month Railroad. , 135 I CO.
". %limbo's and .I'ntta' and 1 . '.
Jontle. -' -: .. .1 . 30 125 1 115.
" Norrisinwnnrllridgennit. ISO 1,25 ` 1.15
" -Port Kennedy, , ' A 125 ..-1 ;20
r it. 10
.• 'Pallor Force. ' . 4 . 1 25 I'2o ';,, - T 10
“; Phirill 'trifle. , • ; 1 15' 110 - , .11 00
”BO V Pr . ..T4 Font, , • l' I:, . 1 10 t, 100
hoitf•tr-4.n. .. 115 1 10..41 GO
"., ' '.1 1 5'1 10 I 1 00
f' 01r.l+boio' • ; • 1 10 100 . 0 5
.., heading, - 'OO 00 !i- FO
.. Detsrtvn Tt.e.ading , and
•I -- Itkrille, 03 ; 00j 50
'` Mnlirv‘'. l l.,, . • 11:1 , ', PO i 50
'...., Il3mbur:. . 00 i Pc) it tui)
. 4 . Orariniturg, •
•I. s : . :
'cal Salt
LL 1
for all in&
aim. and at ,
.abather in
By order of the Board of Mmnace.i. ,
Jont'll. '49 21 1 P.ll. )IeILTIENNBT.fIee'y
Vice of the Schuylkill Isovigatieni
CZnarmny..lllna.t. and alter July 11,1,:h,
clovp, for thA visa. of Cora and for Toil on Sul/19161e
nn t hr Irbuyi till Nit irattnn will be aM fol.
Was aid then-Auer .n.antlina«. until turtbre+ not 10 , «:
; 7..
ri n
7.• C
Its pecu
tele.* loss of
efi , stetatAry •
t. the male
!—The •
. ii.orie Of
by t be:Y. ENV
by w Ater, b,
tnlbt. Ikad
. anti
4 4+ , ++, Ntoutil++
1 ;+.1 - +t+++,:t1
ittbiag laud
To Plittittelptsti; •
!thwtroolt: •
Spring 31ii4; .
t'' , .+:llohnekro.
ri V month D2lll,
, Port, Keno:elf, '
tor Worse.
l'avrting'• tyro,
Port l‘rn, iibettflh •
' Ptutolva, 11 le.
.IZnyPr's ,
Pottstown lA,thtleg„
Alt frout.oc•
' . •
OrtrlzAttt:g lAndlne
.------- -- •
att!.r t an t•‘•
Intli,bikb4l by
li 4 the
- •
.W, NIE1)-1
1...t0 du—no:
•.rnity.; frv , m;
. any Dru,:,l„l.t ,
Et' ILT do, fl.
Lowta.,-4, /4.10 .
may. I
Sher eher::e iltbe per tre!.....t1:.=10 1t
to hwo 4 11, Per
alleeenre fix vas mot rim rge ltw
than.tweet .45a e fentepre ‘,ll b e =a, j , D y
taere. - I.B;ielerof tblializzegets.
F. 111. AMY. a t.
f ;
' 67, "11 , 4 I:
a apt! Villa .11
r - 4t
- • Ells= ILLItt;ILAN
MARClitst; 1€150..,
ON and'. IFT,EIL
utetiltur"notice; the fullowier Ratetul Fr/4;M
twill,tro theried,pe r loci pou edit:
br IL Smut,ll
- J. It,.
end 41011 rei.l
is mad
II lo lef t
day • 11
t• 4 li)
k . Z I . - :••••sa;
Dry 0 043.1x.,CodreetIoneinienoks.13arliel- 1 sp . ' is ,
i op,* ,Cir,.iri,'Fre*h Mrai. Fish.l.ll/A, CC ) !..
A a Tit& Alwa. Gaffer. Copper,. lt..,viCtius I
t2ltalrart,,Grirs.lsl4.4sllrbrerivr-liemp 1 • . " t.
Mum, Hardware. 11141,es,nollajOilire, I . 32 11. •
teatbir44.lchintri.o7l. l fro•ReFrE•4l}F»
Ac ; ,. ... ' • .i.
C.ol.oi..CAreeJlitpia.BX lie-P.lokt d. 317, , i -
Ismtp,..Nsilp„Apiker.. Rum„, Salt, Bred, I$ 1I ,
sics.oll... W.,
tir. Is-k! '. '' • • .
Oro.nts; Firm griek.i. Guano. /1111 Stolies. . .
' rittitziAd riZ Salt ' Strap iraitirigeber ...
owl Luntktr.lo...., U. • Vf
11,1,1,8, Coker, Cnr.l„Woeill,i2ap, ariie%
It*, Irma .pre. LIMOS alter Wan UN, Fil ,
troll. pi:4w. Slat*, 3 biat UAW' s, dre " '-••-• '
Flour. prr barn*, , • 7....5 U
1/Arch 31, '.57• 15.
. .
to thei
Ild t Irina
' , t 3t•rt le.~
stems, to ' b •
.",•' • '
• 44t. Pince; 1
~ IV. Ett', '
• • • • • 0:43- 4=l =.r
' ' , • - ' "" •;. ,
~„„43 3. .1,3,3-tt3 z
tri ,
- , , -
. y" - , 4 0 2.. , vt f tits . . e• - • "::"; ri
S: 4 ,- • -
• r r 4,4 - ;‘. 5; , 1 ,
. ;t7
f ,
_ i 44
I • k '"
fiii,IA r. VTOt I TO r/Si 10.14 M 411L1 U TIM CAVERSiOII , MIOUNTAiISII,
- -
Reading R. Ili, on the Delawtreot Philidelphia.---Piera for the Shipmen‘Of Ante
Plea No. 3.
. .
-, ... -..,...i t E -5
" R • W c i = ..- .3
=.- • ^i• I A - 0 .7. .
a + +0
•1 50 14 1 Z. 3
10 145 ; 1.16
1 50 „1'45 1 1 ZS
13J,143 ,
:I id) 4.5 t
'3 'So . 1 CS':
7f,74 '6O
60 .54 ±
60 .19. i 57 jso
r 59 6 j5O
4.2 z i 45
65 j 54. 52 ; 45
1,50 441 47 ;0,
~ ,47.t 40
iso 49 '47i40
150 ; 47 . 40
• 45 /44 ' t
i 45 1„ 44.; a 1 37
45V. ! 37.
•43 40 40 36
41;3.1 34
33. :137 33 131
as 3 1
•' 37 • 4$ ; 31
55 34
29 ; , 33• 35
mucus 40r rralcsis
.. Timea,_ sworn & CO.; I.
.DZALLIMIN Vatuari DF3rairnoas or
- lied mad White Ask-
'32d Walnut street, Philadelphia. '.• .4-
OFFICES: - ,-Wsehinsten Building, Prorideties. '
10 Broadway, Year tort.
. PIER so:s, raid liICLIMOXD. r 4842.
•• - Pier No. e. •
• 1. DIAL= AND 111111Wa or COAL.
Offerefor 410 by the Canro. the hAt gaalitle of
"„ j3lß ,, Welnut street , Philadelphia.
. 13F ` . "- ----- *./ 10 Exchange street. 110$011. I 5842
Pier No. 9. •
SPINTCIAN Dr, inontx.
Lehigh and Meansloons Coals.:-,
OFFICES: 1 No. in Walnut street. FR 11AdelPhiai.
01J Sistellouss Bssnmest, Onstoo.
WHARF N 0.9, FIHLT• IllOHMONH,FhIlad'a.•
• , rierlgo. 11. -I. '
Antb.ritolte & Bib:limb:lona , Coals.
214 Walnut street. Philadelphia. '
OFFICES. :110 Broadnay. Near )fork.. . .
SO State atreet. 13osgen.
Pionery Shirpers 'from PiritalhPorty
erA,Jvattint strret;rlllLA DLIVII.I A.
119 Broadway NSW YOREC.•
86 State Moot, BOSTON
WhOreserre Dealtre . rn 'varieties of 110311thric
I.IOALS—SJe Proprikars Creek Oaicry. capa-
Me of producing over, 1.50.003,kiu a year .1/ the cerebra:
tea ißed Ash.) and Ithaca. ( hits Ash.)
' • • , ALSO.
Eicluvive A: is for the ..ale of the purely genuine Lo
cust Motuttaigi Coal. from the Lomat .bole 03111ery of
it to. C.: Peresa, Co.. AU of,which will be shipped direct
to New Tork.; via C 31111; or eatuawiseoria Greeuwlch
I'i:rs ; (below Navy Tara', Philadelphia.)
At Philadelphia', from Pier •No. U, Port Rich
.`. mond.
The choicest - qu . slities of. RED and WHITE ASII
MALS•fecint • Itehoyloll Cootty. selected with 'pedal
we, and shipped under our personsi superiotendettee.
At Nlizabothport, N. J.
The:celebrated llPlViltittE ISITUNIOCOUS COAL.
At JeOey City, N.J.
(ria Lehigh end ,Marris Quiets.)
The very superit:tr'‘Vil.HESllAltitE CbAL, from ,the
Baltimore rein. taken fretn "the And :tatted Improve
-na;nt and Coal Company's Eit:tte," ;tear Wilketbarre;
alsn i ti COUNCIL RIDGE (XLAL; bbth•ot which; for
ste. mopes and for fa mily use, are usiiul ' •
We 014 certificates II our offices. from parties who ,
have itsed and lolly tested these Coals. sod pronounce
them the ntrr A TIINACITT. Coals torottcarti in use. pro.,
dit`cing no clitilter.less ashes and greater blaze, thawing,
other kinds no. before the public.
May 15, 'SS
Franklin B 9
,:, GoWen
Miner and Sn l ipper of ', -
WHITE ASII COAL from the East and West Mount
ballot Collierl-dt AM3IOTII &It LACK Ilk:AIM VEINS.
times—Cent'stteet...opposdte Episcopal Church.;
Posville, A 111 10, 'AS . •
i. ,
SELTZER; Agent for the eel
' brats." A 'bland 'Coal, coined by' Bancroft, Lewitt '',lt
'en.. has reCons.-d tiiKtate• to TT erd•ir Street, between
Broadway and iliaMiAU %tree, NeW York. Has also the
atteney for the .sat.. of Foehro. Patent Coal Told; and
blocks. All dritera in Oral will 2nd it to their Interest
hind ore this fiew 'article for saving' labor.
,Now York. Jily 2.'i'l • 274 , m0 I
_..,_....._ ~. .._,. ._... ___
Es,tablishlment, ..
-- s:.rorrsvii.i.e,r4.
be underslotetirespectfully
fortur the 'r i: teens of Pot te
lle sad. Intuit', . that haring.
are,hased the Preerntring „Er.,
adishotenfrpt Henry Dick.'
neon. and attached it to hii
as-Elting /last nessornihere.
ler, carry on faith bratiehes,
id hopes, 14 strict attantion
tnd illarge and well selected
Aock.etnployior coal potent
storksion, and - Oleg. work - at
otayelirsinerdeini.prices--te re ,
'etre JO pinion of the public
,at renege.
Ilier stock will constai of Wa
,r Closets. lron. Copper _and
•ad Bath Tabs. PoraelaleVand
Iper Wash Basins Iron and
I,:neti t Plugs. Brass rocks for
_ . . and Leather [lose for pare'
mends. Braneh Pipes and fonplings for parentents.lroa
and Lead , I*lpe of all Alex. flas.lflit rarer of ereei kind,
etnttra Ins.' a full arsorl inept of Chandeliers. Pendants,
Bra le.' ie.. de.. te+- estattfaetneed of the best quality
of en erials, and of M914'14:4 and iciest approved pat
.. DAN OL D. 510111.1 - 01 i, .
in 11.'59 .' . 15
,1 30
1 30
1 1 30
1 30
I 00
I ?..40
1 10
1 10
1 10
1 10
1 00
1 .00
1 0 0
1 00
1 1 C, D. b. DODSON, pen- .0- ---,- -
ly . HM, ?Market Street, three. deers /1 1 1: ".- 7, •
abone Third. south side. Watt/Mlle. 2an. `a. '3B 4:ly .
'' - F
- V. SHp.AFFER.Iotts , v ile ,:a.,p reiateorthei....l,,masto l o l i‘y
.lands. mines.Ae. tfletaber 13.'55 4141
ta r
• in tolniEngineer. POT I NVILLF:.-
I:.oep e c 7 4-oe r.. utere street, wef t'Slde. bet ween/Isrkel and
' jAnpsst 6.'57 32-6 m
a VItANK Q.AirrEft, Civil.and Min
-1 do Etigi nocr. Sormeyos. tr.. sill attend to slimy ,
el - nds..calnes. town. plots. , ac- • Mee Silver. Terrace,
Pot t” Me. pa. I March 19, ..;..9 22- .
' tGE NC li—For 'the Pprehsase attil
- t.
• k Sale of. Real RAM*: buying and selling Coil; lit ,
zing charge of Oa! I.3rids, Hine*, .t e—and collecting
rents. Amory Meltintango Street. rotteTHle.
[April f.. 'SS' 14-i ,- .CHAS. 31. lIILL.
. .
FORGE B. }ISLE.% Mechinicai
T Engineer sod DrstOtsinso, snoods to OW sale
suit pombsii, of =ow-Misery. sad to the rebut:tilng sod
Pulti",f up .14 Insebtosrv. •
Pi;rt Cart On. ilsreb , •'` 10 If
Juliana igual c t i tit e a r; d v ,. ,
V.Dresses' ber 11. '49
II: McElwain, . Civil and' Mining
pp aSEagineer_Ashlaint, Pa.attends teSuraeging and
.taikperllvi ll& ['Toying and' illy la); Ispd,rego•
1 1
,as Town Letle-and an other business in *henpeck(
hi prats:4m, Letteraddnras, Fountain Spring P. 0.,
Se aYlkinecninty, Pa... ' ..F41.23.154, S-ly
• Wholesale &Estill CO., eiden;
IN •
N_JDr w Shirtinwes lintel. IPot
etE." RE • STREET, Three' doors
',l l "rmr"::::7"Perir T terf 01-1
gaI:4LX! g s s ;ell)% g ilhili;dritili or fie , \li l t-4'5
ltiodln,e , Work. fOr Men. Nte
men's. or Children', Wear
• nuinurart ore and-are prepared to farnbh our rue
tomes with a superb..r artier , alien& Freffrh or Amer
ican Colt Scots: Cisiters and Wall:keg Water
Prin.! and Kip Poets. weitabio tew Xngititiers: and •Ste-
ehsnirs'. Minns'-and laborere Working Clots and
Stews. I.adlrj 'French er tnelish Listing Gaiters, 4u l '
tni a lam Studs, hashina.rilipp t sa. de, - .
CirTriterling sod - Parkin?."grunts, Valises: Cirri
and 040411 Travelina hats, gays* and Mimeo Sorel
'hatchets; and ani.ostallent 4,llltif cn tt c ir umbrellas
allia}s istitoird at our ratablishment,st igalitrals
• I• Coantry Si r inglutnis Will bs suppilied with any
sandal° ourlin• fiord' quantities as thay raqsdrs t ,
a trialagadvanns on city prier.
Tbsaktial to oar Wands fir pot Erirms, vs am Oita..
Ward to lawn a osistinnabees of pnbiitr patrinssra by
sot plying good artieles upon the sonatinasciaatitttsrsap.
INA is a.‘. -;) -
: ,SAT,,,I/"4.,,Y . 'APRNINP...AUGtIST
; • • ; No. T.
pprn es>
~ .7 -7 1rinrs71', Post IMIIMOND.
oprirs:, fNo..3lVlllaltrat ri 4. ;EltUadclobt
N 0.300 Weßt. Thirteen ; . Itterr Y,
October 1 6 , - 42.1
1 •
Pler No. 20.
_MINIM' AND bliltrille Or Tat
OFFICE—III Walnut,' street. Commercial Du ding,
New York Odtee-79 Cedar street. 134eiton Mee-23
lby street. c . 43.1
No. 12. •
Scab fttarjevart.- 7 .10 t. !da.Rfirl'd.—Chas. Wino eller.
• N. STURTEWT, di. - CO,
I,cEenniG T t n, Bro. VARIETiltft OF
e. 4
RED & WRITS &MME UTIAVL 4 / 4 21111311. ALS t
CUMIkg !MASH, from OA Frostburg Company's C
Crook Ulna. •
No.llloVateritiariset Pillidefpbta.
OFFICES:No. ' YS Klltly 'brat, Boatop.
No. 111 i Oroastray,tror. ar Cedar st..N. '
/17-Shipluints from' irbarres ?cm: 12 & IS, Port
stood, Etlzabetbport, N. J., Baltimore. Md., and
*lidilit, Va. [Aprll 1E4'19 16.
r Pier tie. 14.
0irv,...„ I 45 S.onlb Mreel, N f tw York.
'`"'• W4lout street, Philadelphia.
New Concern.
T HE untinOi pled, having -leased
Spirt rig. Mount al at Alin es,
G LT.J.EVisV 1 L LE,
Hitherto wolrked by Wu. Mlusus 2 Co..a ow now pfl,
to supply ibis justly celebrated 1941161! COA
. . I
respectfully Inwlte orders. ...._
• ' 'THEO. P. it ANDOLPI
dppllcatiOns tii be iiddressisd to
Randolph . * Co.,
- t 111 trasd way, New York. Rom
.• 205 Walfint street; Ptlladelpida :
Easton, Penn's. ,
• Trenton. NeW Jer.ey.
AND To Randolphs ft Hampshire,
, . .1 ea u• T Me. Pl.
.. ,
;snsary I;n9 . ' 4-1 y d
wrsrrr min sturrhr or
. .
. 33.15)43.1‘.7Ei105iit32. Coal.
Also, dealers In other tired qualities of
White and Red'Wilt Coals:
, No. 13e , Walnut street. rrtitoderphic. cud= Maraud
inarres. Schig/Lilt.-
Tnoisss 6Am Moans Melts.. 1 JEsss M. Coot.
Fehruerr 27.*A9 . ' l' 9.1
• ; I. F: V 0 0 - RH. lES. , 'I"
utssi AND Sult•sci . os rite cmarensrso
o Lextris ,Vein Keil Ash. C oil .
From the I •NEW DiLlid,AN CVL1.1.E11..Y." ' _,
He mines no other Coarhich a!esures Ita.porlly.
&JrCargo salts by . ' JOIE FRAY, .toest
. . ~, . ' ' - • ' 'rm. 1. V. V001t111.1".3
No:11 Pine street. New Sorlt
Pottsville. 'Mirth 12.'60 IJ use ,b. 'S6 •.1y) 11-
Lo cu st Mountain. Coal.
Schuylkill County, Pa. Ewe 2;43-
From the - Haas-ea&le and Bdokolllti Collieries.
OFFICE—No. 324.1Va10ut street, Philadelphia.
eirCoal forwarded from Port Clinton by ileadinz
nail read; or in 'loafs by tichuylki . ll Canal. L ridiao
• . .
CHEAP . • •
• .
'PRE best ROOFING now intise--L,
1_ about hid( the price of tin, and will outlast at least
two or three tin roofs.- Poe ow - at short nci ice, and
Ong:ye:red by , I:ANNAN k -llalil.llN.
• Agents for IL M. Waxes a Go.
4a-la tin and Other worn nut roofs covered 'also.
!REFER TO:—Mattson bßaber. Port Carbon: Theo.
lore Th o rn.. Si Chic; 11. Adams, Ashland:, Abdrew
Merl finer, Cessona: and, Wm.; Mortimer, Jr., N. I.
Loose, Wenry Chambers and floury Webber, Pottsvilid:
r UHE undersigned *m i ld respeCt(6 Ily
ponoooeelo his
that he has opened,'
Saddle, flarnexa
Trunk Votabliahno
no the west Fide of (
po•ite the Town M
burp he Is prepared
do an Mods of work
bit branch of basin
and krepaon hands
era( awortrnent of
!farness. ('4l
Bridles. lybip*.travel
nkp, traveling ha;
Ile ai,o has au acre.
gias, rtrat4P,
otbrr fancy artirlrila itke.toy lino too usurious to
torntino. _
lie has also on band an asaprtment of P.O. Regalia of
I. O. of 0. F., and will be prepared to make their to or
der semolina to style and taste., •
blear's; thankful ins past favors at Ids_ old iatand in
Port Carbon, and feeling swatted. that satisfaction milt
be reside/ad to all who give him a call at
• Ititr nre estab
Ai rit ln, nis IC.CroI - •
, .
Patent Washing . Machin...l l
rPIIIS celebrated • machine Has ob
talne t a charmed...l. unequalled by any iravidris
ehi Aw before nerd. It vitt not freer the clothes. or
break buttAtv '4. it will wash' thorottable,tbe
rate as well lathe roughest elolhltbd; it will rho...clear;
Ss very easy to Operate:. It will 14TO arm than Fall the
Haw. labor and expense of was Sing!, and theiefore
Nerves a place in every dwelling Must in the :nate, and
is enaritatwed to every to de the wort In the
'toted sitivtietory manner. Allernien MlO. •
Mir* aa FETHEROLY # NUN, 'Tamagni, Pa.
.This simple machine 0111 be men in opirailon atiaur
ref Mem+ every' Monday f, renoon. B. lIASNAN.
&Wit. riannan Ss also saihorinedio metro omens foe
it in Pntbrillie sad vicinity... . „
A pill '59. _ . r.
POTatrifiLkE .
Venettau 1 is setory:
71 - IHE' SUBSCRIBER respectfully
I - announces to the adieus of Pat sane and
•ty 162 E be ha* recuoved his Venetian Blind Foetal 10
Marisa street, bane doors above Centre, ma. done. to:
donsosis cabinet Corium, where belkeeps eszerfatly.on
! baud and soannfactures to order ell kinds of fetiensto
.Window itilods. Wialow Eche do, Carta ns, Triosieinise
forliands and Shades, together with eserithlog In his
.atie of buotirs;. all of which will be gold alibi lowest
saes. lii loins* the cillzenato call at railings.
area, &ono* conddeo [ghat he tan (wail& as good wale
ries *IPCIIk be obtained - 26mA. no also alkyds to is.
paring all kinds of Minds add node* and . puts thews
op when desired dn so. ' 31. ZETIIII3. .
. '
A Mupeekor A title. • j
TILE SUBSCRIBER ha.s, j east re
relvml, from blew Cutts, Eagan& a" lit of riary'r
Safety Workiing tamps, made under I,hednapertion
the Knallsb Government Anent. of the hest gastlty
vtine.gaime. Alm, Gauze Corers mad* ready Swam-fee
these Lamps. These mie — lhe. best Safely Lamp *ter le.
tr , dated into this Connty.and sailor sale wkolevaleand
•etalf at about the cost 44 infori4r Limps. SiskWire
glans by the yard. and Lamp Beeches ty endears oi;
/Intl& lb* Gaup., Lamp for tormeand Xing
Vlssers. MIA Ladtp Is eavred with a thkk'llLtsa. and
;ices an Ice eiatis64 light wild' Is of imp. iater to Moo
&Tinkles@ Liam can be put loto a box filled with ex
pl,nsive pi. and moved rapidly tax:bawls and Laswirls
wit haat an (-Avowing, and UM sot' explode. •
• August A.'S: • • •
Tthe beet .eatataufacture..w nte
tatarriber. ail Pianossad
,itrier . rell by hie) will be earrante4-1
Dot ebtt they are repreeetded, they Mt 14 - Iireil•011,-1
All *teeter aleto.irena will be said at Manilla • •
nisi prices in entwine,. bY 'which lbe pa. cree l 'D r y died'
tbotarriveliiia nett of trsturportition. Pinta,' ill beyc%
Irndl Mal SID tto
le molar eitYpeteoit Its • WiderSign6d .has t
tog to the value uf the lestrninaut. • Thaw Witt - -a" Worthy Gkent4 Sm. 61,711
be tallies on as. and rerairleg * tether of' ma! eery 'Store. tu itiorbetbitag etetbattu=
vastetheltown seleetloastattbenlaufart . • itrtetatest lattageee Rata. .
the Mee!. mei tee will ['Grubb ttu lasteenten' outorteit` 'engird by Mono" b e . __-
at the aboseestes. IL therehl soy Arnala la • tes t- ..Htinged Melds 1 011 be it na g s
• ter.--all *mbar* to say Ie=TRY ES. Li . CAM , - 8.114 IsSISATS.
SINNAN. Pottsville, July 18 4 , • '
trims lama Inca. errs enumovi
- . SAItt!L SS`TDMI.
Mtwara!** Tit kirtle=a
Pram Wididaptitatarbotta,w
villa and ream will br sold it .POl
diy, and Sundam it $3 75 "deb,
as tlhaakda,maial au tbaaaavedli
' 31464 6, )57
_Es s.. ... .ssess a.
y s , sisEss:'
r - • •
ttEilabseriber is ' ant tong ed •
ittobikirp.....ter.4y 43 1•4 • - t. ,,, tad a
horn .Etatope l• the- that Pei second bats and t t
eteertio'at.lbe brevet rates. A Sti goer oath from Melt
York thr Lletrpool ea the Seth'. • . - live o ne p a ,
eotigere,.g.s,-tatird class, po, too .11 lo Provisioner—
Putimprealso brought out by it -en. Apply to • -
. •• - - - . •1 B. 13A591A1t,, .„
. , .. . .. , .
Who oho telh d!ofts od 'ttropto . ,.lll sum of f.t : atm'
upwards.. ' ' • - •' • , ' Watch 11,'t.9 ,• It
_ .
lice, 321 routb FOUR/114troet. = • • -
Pert.aDctrptii. April 161b.18p.
. .
• On and - attar M lißs. InitAnt. TWO Possoniotr
Train. de run DAlL oods'', Y
(Sutulays excepted) to Um ,
'Waxed via Reading and interce . eltekto potadx;
-' . 3100,2i1NG LlNfri. .. - " • .....
Leaves the Depot, sf. Broad and
"line skeet; at 7.30
.Aestring - at t liatehlumg at 12.30.
.., . .62TEKNOON LI:
Limier` the Depot, at Woad and-1
A rrl ring In llarrlrbtarg at ARO P.
- • • Pare to Urirtabur& let Alai' -
" " 24 clam,
• •,..Ry order of Ihe Board. IV. IL
- LAinil 304'69 164Q1d.] • • ,-' '• '
- '
Established id nal. •Carryis
s , ,iiiNg Polilieety or the .D,
rllE Bowlful new;, A
E l
-per pbIp 4 ELIZA AND MATH,
Sufi barthen, NORD rasa; -Nasty
Ins - at Ykr, No.ll, North Meer, as
Of her rapacity engaged, will bare
for Melbourne. be has magnifiers,
usodatlons for Sword Cubits Parfet%
• • Usti , / of Passage
Nest Cello Saloon-2=f 'itera
Children in arms, free; t i
t writ*. half prim. , '
. Inc lireight or Paougs, apply on b
R. W. CA.IIE RON, 6 Bowling
Right Bali for sale; and .eaah id'
slanafrols. .. .. !' , - -
Consignee. In kastralia: Mears. VI
Jule 16.'b9 ' (lone VI. IS
l'aasenrer Trains will run ea this
with trains at Allentesh t.s. Nei
tirmedbte Ware*: and at Reading'
l'hiladelidda and Putt's!!!
Trains gclog Eat will lest.
Ill.: arriving' In New Turk at 12 30
The trains eontlnil•W'rst will leave
M., arlirlisg In Reading at 6 P. M
lasts Easton at 7 A. 11.. and Atte
arriving In heading at 10 A. 31. • '
Fares from Re
Temple, Er 15 To M
Int ndan, ' '25 E
Fleet wmd, „ 35 AI
Lyonr, . 45 Br
Topton, 55 EA
Ilacurock, (5 lie
Freight trains will she run
. 041
and :vow Turk, leaving !trading at
Aug 4 I& '49
Only Direct Line
TEAM . .t.o all. P A-P T
Foi $3O I.
Th. 1.0... trial Iron Str,
Will sill from New York for CORK
k:It1 , 00L. '
• ißrßerry - Altnnatt Set
Pammge hula Nev .
Cabin, - - -$ . 75 Third
• ' l'airage from Liverpool
Cabin. . . tió ird
Ca - Paysengera forwarded to Har
and ilamborrifor >trs in Cabin; 1351
To PARISI:in 2tl houra,from Li,
Third Clam, $.
The above it amabipu ire built o
compartmentx: carry each an ex •
every requisite for the immediate e
For Pounce appirle R. J; CerAhl
N. r.; John U. Dtq, 15 Broadway#
•• 11. ROW
• , Or% • •• J.11•Rill
N. 8,-Pasmeagers by this Lln•
lay of minor, at Ila Mai and 11.4
*roved liked to Net.
aig nmge
:--;. - ----___7l- - - ::-----__----:-:
Stammer moats, of eager 1 . .
)N mad - alter MONDA . MAY 16th,
IPA. the Passenger Train. the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company still run al the unwiring hours:
Davin Trial
_s !. ... •
1 Aril. , IS' s. .Atn , ne. -
Mauch Chunk at 6.00 A 131.4 1" P. M.. 12.33 1.. 11.
L Stilington 6.4 n " 1. 8 " 1.29 "
r Bildt! Hall ..... 7.12 " 1. ." 2.25 . - a
Catassnlna 7.1.1 " 1. 4 . 2.y2 , _ 66
Allentown \-, 1.40 " 10 ." 313 ' a
Bethlehem ;am .. 2. I a 34»': "
Freemansbneg 8.01 % 2. " 357 " '
Arrive at Easton 8.30 " 4 " 4.45 ' a
-, Up Trail* . ~ - ,
Lear* . Axon.. , G. Meanest.
Easton at .0.00 A.M., 11.. A. 31. 2.11 P. M.
Vrermanelonrg 6.40 " 12 ' ' 331 "
Bethlehem 1.00 " 12 9 " . 4.08 !".
Allentown 7.40 " 12. 4 " - 4.51 -a
Catairanqua &a; • 4 1 0 6d ' t a _a'
White 11411 a.% " •1 * .... 4.32 "
Sisilogton 0.04 " ' 1 " 5:26 a
Arr. Meet+ Chunklo.oo a ' 15 a o.lo' ''' l '.
Tile CIO A. M. Mail Train will r nin connection with
the Celan lowa, Williamsport and train from.fintite,
Williamsport, Danrill. and 'Omni ,and will connect at
AlleutTorn with the East Penn. t n for Beading liar.
risharg and Pettnrille: at Beth withers* Mortis
Penn. train for Philadelphia; at *ton With the CHI..
trill of New Jersey train for New ork. and at Philips
burg with the Bel. MI train for leividere. Thin train
will also enable passenger% to to site Water. Gap,
Prranten and,Grrat (tend, either the Bel. Del. or the
Central of New. Jitney , train.'
The 1250 P. M. Express traits n
with the Beaver Meadow train fed
RATIO. Hazleton and Weatherly!
Penn. train from Harrisburg, psi
and will colonel with the North
datable, with the Central of New
Turk. and. with the Be(. DA: tr
Trenton and Philadelphia.-._ ...
• Tile 6.00 A. M. Aceommodation f
the Easi,Penn. train let Reeding,;
The -- t rain
11.43 A. Mall will
the Bel. Del 'train twin Philadelp
Derivate, with the Cents? lof New
York, with' the North Penn tra
and will "Ms 'the' Bea
12 eetheriv. Hazleton. White iiesel
The t.: - .5 P.M. Expresa train el
with the C.:Wiwi of Sew Jett
and will inspect with the h at P
Pettily ille and Harrisburg, and r
and X. train fte Rupert, Dana War
Bethlehem, May 16th, ISM
Wumusser As sa,geissielato
I.eare Ponstilleotsili..(eseept
61)1 3.1) P. ST.—Palming ReadlpA
P. M. Arriving to Philiaielpbis
1.10 P. M.
Leavirtibllidelpllia, daily ; (es
M., au6lAl P. M.—Pspai oft Res
6.05 P. )1. L Artiring lit Pottsell
7.50 P. M.
- Botb Up and Dorn Paotoorre
alotcot aiIL Tritlas to awl
Williamsport and 'EI !Kira. Si
rayeaantkelt it Tafteliataa
and 17ltatou.
" . Pikapinwelt art '•• . • by the Catawba&
Rallereni„NSAßSloy at `Alp e . , connect with a yap.
. :entre, Testa l ee'ring Porttlint ,nat• 4= A. SI- anise.'
at Reading at A.*, breakfast. an papered direr; to PhlV'
I , adalphia by . he 68. D. &ending AcnnansodatioM Teaks.
--,-, • - 'l. '
Passenger nein Jewerwitaao at 10.. m A. 3L. .
after I
arrival of Cgind Down Storni Paseetimr Trains trim I
Pleiladelphkg and Potts - WM. • duffing at flarrhdamg at')
I, 12-40 noon. and entooding with Plumage? Frain' on the
!' Northern °Stant. ..-Peensylvan le' and '*Cumberland,!
F ol
1., Tjaire 14 1*- 840110/021.'WUnsiqtpart..1330.06,;;
Pilaster caster, naltimore and Membership,. . 1
i‘ ' Ritmo ~I tionew Harrisharg at 2.43 P. St; after Se*
' nal of Teat a fro ., aboTe points. Attiring. at , Beadle/
• .at 3,00 P. M. andeonossetiog wi hCp and Down Trains-,
e for Pottawilleasid . Philadalphta the Matt evening. ife
Praises rases Sande's.
, -
I - ifetTrmestieeirran Prermilleand'Pkilatiettplida.S2 TS .
, and $2 23; Beading and Philadelphia,Sl 24 and St 43;
Harrisburgand Pkinadsiphia.43-21asdfd TO; Dettanow
awl Philadelplab.42 CO and sl 10; Reading and • fler
rata& $t am and 51 . 30; *Waling and Ramapo, $1 04
1 a nd} g. 043; Rending and tentnow.l. Id' wadl9. midst
I Pottsville Sod ThwrisburMlS Cl awe y 2 lit Pottsville ,
I atithisrbanOnsl6l.4ard St 14.• 1,... . : .-
' .
TR . :swab No. 1 Tiekets-T.Pesurritlein ilaitiomer,S3
r, Pottsville ty Gettysheng. St 304 Reeding to Baltimore,
1 Si ; Reading to Lancaster.:.'' 25:, .. i
1 Dan 80 pounds of Baggage showed each Pmenagee. -
The -Second Om Cars run tr=alinte'llegniat
Pastanger ?Talent. . . . , .
nir.Rorning Tref/03mm sod Train Upstate , '
run on Sundays., , . • - . . , . .
. ~ • - ,
Thome' First Class Tiekettc tredneed Tates ; to 'Slag
.an falla, fletban. Detroit.Ctileign, and all lb. principal
ta.ints in the West, North West; and the Can,l33. as
Ensitestat Ticket*. at loner fart* to alithe above. plum,
can be had so /110Batinotta . 4314 i t t ion Agent. •
SarA 8 Tklusta Will he' pi before the' Trains
start.. Righter ftwastbargettlf yaid in ram ' . :
G. A. SICOLLS,Eng.f. Gee. Ent:
their bantams 40 a Mier ' , hawk% -casatry. a - Nri
Setibaaast, witera baobab ant vim!. Mier* the .elt ,
mite to mina mat aellaattal. see sdrirtiartest , Of
namasaaaa flottkaast, =at* cairns. , -
otritaalriatAarD quitager ALL , misttlltle avz tam
0, 1859.
lasso baby, Rana, ,
itilittteruna tb• . t a rs that rim'
./* the dodgy arealint ak ,
Rflynner that' Utalabla'a wing,
'Clearer than a woodland sprit: f.
.trethet wean/ baby Bean—
• • ;Mamas baby Banal
ElPilatineitef.tlialiel... •
1 .:" . Tainting softly the akin*
Ora leader, Wade day. •-.•••-
:Rhea the dark hike that
Olthe cherub on year knee.
Stole year gilt& heart ana. •
.0111 the eyes of baby Bann ;
• Rarest roleehlef they *id de, I •
• Arbon. mos oblation& ;onkel •
Wind their fatheea stole from you
^ -
ladle, mother, amine!'
41' MINE
!ass..pass, ma estop
(good for 'ass Us*
- •
. .
baby' B
• Wilk-erldre Mao bolt na ma
Sot In calyces' , of gold.
. Coaaot motet Ms forehead fair;
Rim VA tins or yettow bats4 A .
_ leorlo:kerry cleft in t 'rola
kw. itreett, at SAD
the V. e: Yai3L
41 C111)- 1 11/
fin.A° DO
O. now rapidly lea.
having two4blrde
etediate deepetck
Stale Roos nook:-
re, all on Deck.
:Wipeout., little baby-Dino
Not the sea-shell's pal .t nom
Not the daley'e rote's/bile lenge,
. Net the softyyt, hointest plow
Ofithe runlet on the mow,
' U bet/nitro] end greet
-Then Moues pink hands sad fee
9f the UtUo bsbytionn— -
• . Wiesoine baby Bopp!
; • d Cabin, $1604
ya*ra, and . under
rw rd' ir, Irev
nevi aisdi °trete.
. Prey.tOtither, prey I, '
• Viet ilk* theiM uuty lota thiNtsty.•
Wandering hlindly bola the right.
Yrty, cod itumitltue slltyour prayers
Ile to him lite golden stew . '
• Built through &dorm Into. light, •
: Oh! the dimpled fret of Cane '
lit their eines eteektese dreuedl i -• •
Oh! the dainty fluids et Minn!
• ma The rneelettes In ydur tines; I
- This silt rnurp it Jevreht rare.. i
- But to Ifind.tbrut empty
Theme shall hitter many a day, 1 '
31/Weed and blue ding by the way: .
Ere they teach the land of Feet I
• • NO, !nether, play/
llklnto% tires. t Co.
23-177 , • 19:
A - DAY; • May lith,
ork, Kaman and fa
: Ith balsa for liar
nit at 6 A: M. andl2
and .7 P. M
w Tack at 11A6 A.
A train will also
,owir at 816 A.M.,
1 ,
tbitt• if ' I
Frans the Fhasidelphial Nord taericent.
From the mnteniplat ion of the terrible drama
which, is now being acted in Eutope, wi may turn
to the inmeful scenes of our own bapnir find with
pedeand with profit. This is theseason forenjoy
meet, nod for the pursuit of health amid the hema
tite .t niters or the invigorating breezes - of the
coast. Butts the y,,ntsg men of Anted., and espe
cially to those vtbo live in large cities and.wbutos
eecupations are sedeStary, something more than air
ie.:mem:sty. Exercise, good *holey.o e xc l ai m
is as machej needed'; , and though the CURl3Sitial
s t y
may base; its use in developing the mantes; the
friendly competition, cheerful rocapandinship, ate
sociability produced by manly gameli, are moth
ecaidtieive to health sad ;strength then soy arti
ficial system of training.'- Pre -eminenk among the ,
games in which men can contend,.iii cricket.—
This noble pastime brings hail plaY both mind
and muscle. The quick eye, and he • rapidle ;
formed judgment, the strung , arm at
d the alit'
foot, are essentials to the formation of a 'good
cricketer; and there are sufficient intei vats of-g
-rin doting, the p'iy•to prevent the; labot from
becoming harassing ,or exhausting. Thus amen
-may howl in 's match for righter awn !lionsastith•
out being exhausted, because he , bas t * few min
utes' repose et inery"ever." l- Ittistkot an uncom
mon thing for a . ptayee to hare "itintish" that Ire'
a day, during' Which timilie will have attack some
hundreds of hard tolowe'wlth„ a heavy hat, and
base run: severatmiler at the top of his epeed..—
In , Englund thozgrent batstinth, Flie4 and Boat
base on **Tara ,ustasione kept their issiekets two
whole days against tbi best bowling ihi, could
be had; and in -a match at Bath, shoot twelve
years since, they. ninitleed in three days. Those
itho are conversant with' shogun* will readily ap
preciste the quickness of the eye, andleorreetness
ofjudgment which it would requital to do this
against every variety of bowling, e nonitd arm,"
slow, Rail twist. I Every pitioo on the field re
quires -certain qualities to ono4:0 1 tie
_481414110$ 10
•fill it tenperly. Thus the wicket keeper reqiiites
ibis tamest quickness of eye in watching the ball
frnmibe instant it leaves the bow Ilertsland Li be
must be able Jo , jtolge inetentil, trout the, pitch, s 1,.,.„.„,as OP CIL
'Fens y ra ra t i r r 7: fritome.
es to when it kill_ rise, and be in si positing. tie 1 1 THE heutw
catch it as eititnlo the wicket as possible. 50 as to ,It. the war got ae t by.Ltnalit Napoleon the biter:
"stump oat" din unlortunite ha:semi who incite- 't w e r nar w r s Te a r: i t i tr i t rf t , l 4 l4 l 4 - aZt s t a ° 4 : t r:g i m er
t atia:t i° of
finality 'ventures an, inch over the Creme: Ile , ve il and r u n , oil b o , a , rin , m4 tw thw litotry of si , 4,
must he an adept at catching tba hall when r npa,ihe peace of Villatransa bas broken tbs. fatal spell.
thrown np from a dietetics; and he o linght to tie Whatever maybes. barn eaki oy Louis ltspolmeima
an holiest man , and not frighten y - , user. hands itiltraner that Peen bal. denterd his prestige. sod toms
at the bat than himself, by shoutingl out "how's , alien ef
1 reifi t woo r m It Id e m as burble; p e ople to at tb. ir to y e s
•that, umpire?" when be has stopped the bid! and i iti m oroy„ When b e taus that army that e saatfrywara I
booked one of the beds off wi th his tittle fi nger.-1" +f ro m Par, b ath of litusdaand Ilse dm quadrangle, I
"Point"" and "mid-wicket" require 4erite -and he tend them what can only awaken NI ust In their
great q u ickness of eve„,,iirlib undinchi ( + anise . Illearia. And when ha teas Mit nopte,every tate of
, whom is born a revoltitionist. that be was checked In
for they bare to stop tbe ball when strtiek ferware
his vterto t ooo rore O, on l y by t h e het that in", of,xt step
off the bat, and usually these e the ardent bite, Its advaxnainuet have beentakenwithiteriolotheh welds
The "tong 1 eft" and "ceverpoint" sesisi -- ,be able asps may be role that they will regard him with tar
;o l eos Amy. t a ` es t c h v er y .I,,b i r t i ll e .la a a t o greater distrust and eversion thin the bugbear with
thro w to a considerable.dinewee • - se t i r e g j e I bli t_., b li." ere T i sto t9 t r e i r b it' :
l ailt i e n e all ait t rA=t. Pf x 1
moraridicalous Ili cricket, than thr owing ball in with' his Italian ;tar. The humbug exploded at tills.
- balf-way, or letting down a point bl.thk catch.,es i frames, - Tha spec interior the, gloat itarlianaw earatit at
the unlucky culprit will find from the ,stoats of ` it. the rhoptall e n emagosnee st a nd 's heet, tb e betrayed
"Bluff," "bumhog," ohnitered 0 agoirrY With Which 'IL Italians tteatbill with rage, the .aseibting ;metre sot
be will be greeted. We mightenninendelbeeds- 4 rr o g o e g na al fla k, * AV' i l l :lr ish democratic b i e L iel r enis In
et bate.
Poeitittos Cu the gelds and 111,1 1. blt.ilich •Of 1 fis unmeaning p:Mestasedlogeekiusesp reallems; bat
them requires peculiar ;patinae, but Re:titre not thaw wird &rod t opposes deities of If deinsitni. at
space to „do 'more 141 point out tow ' bisrfirot / ther r il even of Mg amused of dint n sympathies,
game develot s snide of thenoblestfa „a i l s o f our , STO nand to hate twee alone to the ghs. ~
nature. The weight and respond They 'et the it ,wic4i= neat manner le m ett t eN,he 141 4 "" t Y wa s
hallo teran I inarrenders,loyntairdy so Bensparte, wit make' • pre
hum test mainly on the bowlegs. sth
more constantly, and to keep an tb di we- more rent of it to victor Emanuel, wbe. in his urn, although
than any others of the plairen. pm . modern I the apparent prineipal in the war, Is not even admitted
miff. or 'round arm" bowling requltehe trairdi. 4to toe frtelter ; w hich "Wee 'terr a
c l o t: lenam, the
nary skill and strength ; it has she ionensted the , 'Ll i tl e ,,: o rfig io n t g os U r t= n ;r a y, is ashy/1e
post of "long stop" into OD* of heist diver as 1 teetiontemitors. Erma* Joseph nlscromoof. bin peeler
i well as great erepoisibility, for the 4i, ice - nil tip Itr ; ; fts does Napoleon 111. If the transfer of an estate
fearfully when this, toot is ineffielentlyNfilied, !ectr e l 41 04 m e • t i he ep Ti m encr u 'Le re w = b e e r r id w
Weare delighted to find cricket taking a perms- '"l.i_
inatmensidde. n such thing In the t=der of fines
Ceti place among our r ationatheithe : \ . lint the i m at k0 ,,, 41 ,,,,,,,, N ei seen the w0w,,,,,, Victor Emote.
least amusing ind agreeable feature to It is the I Cl, the indiddiaal i pon whom the property was anal
playing of matches with tithes ehibs ;Pend. • as : Petted:le asked . Such Iturolttanco was too truth fr
Ph itsderphians. we bat aresenn to Reed eftbe I fi e e)llotwor- mid carom' magnet' A Star, ofeeeno.
P of greatness given by theyvta li Glitter eity. I uert,2lol,*"""wee,trZadereed that the m ike : w e bw re i w t i t,
The Germantown Clab—e Ione" Ints,!tio—al- , re t owo . olooso „tt e gi a j or y te r m., ,
ready boasts of its triumphs over tb veterans of 1 Tb, is, we i gp f .... , I. whittle railed In the vecabular•
New York. the eotopetitors and-rti le o? the fa- 1 es- the ide"l 7a lr o u t....grem _7 4 ewa•Wo air , s:: ,v th ien e
nai **re. i e ftet owi r t . low if of
a r in ti mw ng:
h / a l
i l Os be n romper with the Villefrancajoh, may sell be
moot St. Geettgers Cloth, an, Englieh Clals, whic
at present holds the he hers reek- bet* pin I iteitieeeted of rev, adman' mindodes wed revel , r syn..:
l ud
gentlemen recently declined a ;imolai frum tos 1 , panda. /pills tonelity hi te be teammate! by the
New Yorkers to play 22 to 11, thee, ii, , ;allowing 1 , shidled Insult of a convention *bleb declares in broad
ehinseters, thatltaly had no part It the war 'plan
Germantown two men to one of New Yin& ?heel;
spiritedly re p lied that * if the y VeYteet all , they I to hoer i e nttl ' il n ° 7 ll p,: j ee etei wititiZa bes . a i nti T V,
would play even , and *Mild • Peeler , ' 4 4 - *wet" 1 with his bold taZattuiewersiiheln.urreciSnits pr Toe.
at that, to winning net e natal'. terms; Nose York, ' t caSy. Palms, Moder*. and the 1 1 ^InstrnItt Victor Sams
with its usual connimptemes beeriest, dared thath ! net oideelf with hi. epuntry invaded. his financeedi•
to acme on. 'They did go on, seat they . won, to 1 istAdat, 60. wed his army deelniated; all this W ants for
I. nothdog There was a war between aft*
the amusement of their tidemarks. If therefore, o 5 8 ... u., i w. Th,„4. was iwatiotow war. Ti ft%" 4 : l
Germantown een whip New York aribieh is ail, esiriZilay - 6 t o ta s , t o os osso r olo ,ag tors :Nl y .
-match fee St. bleatipe,,it is reesettebti to infer that i t' Navas no party to thy stra4le; he - was is, ly an Webs.
they eau whip the fatter ; and, if 164' `Min dodder I meet, and b , therefor*. I ozeteded from those rights
then it follows thaS,...thay.are the best players in
. 7!bellig a erene. bow eg' to re t er be tto w ilative l . Its talks =of
'America- New Yolk. by the wilt heal elleenl'Y the honors granted to the German mediatiud erten at
had its pride taken doers si . peg by the ! Montreal thetfeaceiblißle. •A modest peer maids*. bet kiusda
'teen. ' This it ,erielket, as - well le la , 'chess,we tonr In *ileum the crumbs dropped :tom the tabled
cent "the etetrepilis nit Aseerltia," ais we- r hell hip . " and P ew e rwe sow ttrettel°-
one day de in ether things. more 18111Witant• 1, contents—of the hasty et Vntatranca. w a tt t e h h ai all and t
Cliche( is a maPaealleelY Modern piney that is Was gilt* In longest milt's the tied of its settle ,
to say , a '
ostiosid pastime- for thotigla trace:lief meet. Lombardy is to be ceded t Piedmont, bat the
It are to he met atithitt Etigiared to fel•lback 18 the Identical offer, in Watt MOM iiinre. . and not shwa
tiew a H" r izi . ( I L y k, 016_1T:2 )do goo , by drrbecinotnetrie hiedpepewed-to Charles Albert
Vas not then played In ittprlllOnt WWII llt probe- r o t.„, e g a l td = w ere ' i twi le i r t i, r o t ir uvulae no
Nt Arigiaa _led in another. Sate! e called, .. ' eleh - hall. ' aides ems siiiietsade todasdlnte. mit to Inoue:•Tee
which felBlllbled the single toe—the ball fee,' was to be reining! nom to o ea r t r iao territories
Wag pliebed at ors *W e t; or stamp, as la sod to oo,
he cometttated into an hor t rident Italian • State
"reonedent.W to 01418 of the ststadei ot 'Schmid IV not wi th lb. Austrian Empeser, with as A altrina
1(1461443.3 1 ) against gaming 'tad unlawful games, m in e , e i :4:4 4 h r' ir ' w zbeee mmu e h e t=pr e ow „, l*l 7, 4
'mention is made of a game, veiled heads* and who migmattud them - as teri tame :: conatudats air the
hendoete, whieb wait played with n tall, welsh, Italian war fro itidepenainim. The sums Lombardy le
and two stomps with a bail. These stamps teeny noelilren as a French gift to , the Savoy dynasty, while
twenty-two inches high, fixed into the greet le _Tar: - - :o e s 3ht•endreett: i t r i e w = t w h i e r we r, l 2° i
PerPend t eelarlit Ili luchelt apart , ao that the halt - ;The %deviate:we of Italy is thus converted Into lb*
etald pass lyetweew them.- We esti only gteen,a tespaccers co or Latobady u* - Pietbeent alit tlll Arend.
law partieslant of tbiegeme Item ocenstanel natio, erector Piedmont on envier. White anstris'spride may
ens by old' *titer,. soch salt * Cheerer sad lie "ndluded by lb ' "elated of '''' shud l' 1" real
gate, and cabin. It does not eipeer t o have beenti • Il W omri lre t r ory ie te sb tba teb r ' a e p or rul td bepea par i t te ' e r lbil h er glw a ur a t .: l " 7 * w i fe , " a
a game math thou:hi of la the middle tiger, wheat imbed being defensible against tonic* Invasion. and I
etch fightitig; dog fighting, bell t iting.'hcaing, wilboat pasia:tho matted ittehtMekttelemem i Mires
wrestling, lignite, shooting with th t a ns , qua r ter t sources vainly spent In Lombardy may tow be tinned 1
KA mid Owner exertion were n, • favorite peel : wi n wes ,,....„ o emel wala . et eh r„ he ww4 " - what "' till kl " b tLe I
Ova frotawhkh.onallY favor
floser of OM people of England. The wan oftbei 01. ---- 1%,7,,,i - o -- '' — o o n b.... week OsittibOir, 1
Bove, minverted the teed into a leOr hider,: SitAt whi. has in esetriely gai ned i an toeteusof wintame--.
deettoyell what little tefieetnect th4e was in it.—. , l an exposed trot* with higtmhstedisalktirti audiest-
Then Came the: Reformittien ' aid' th e recital oi em soldeets—weile is • bay lest even the pretest of , rep.
Literature, and with them returns Meat of ibi'. rwel t ; h :t e l t .°; s iso eiltel3 " . ":,"""*"' ' d7 t agtie I
lite eta neat *porta of "Menlo Englande."-- 1 ,4 it ar ro t al o o n ; t o "d,,,,tg oot M i nt o r ko t o l l 2,l: l b u = s , l
4tMewl' VIII its much nildietml i then BWortol toe litesema ,erkieh. ea bold Ifs awn• a nni lo nt ,
and greatly encoareged them; and Qiteen Eli za -ii Its foe in the * at, stalk mots Mora iteProtactor la 1
tett delighted in theta tie less. Edt with the Tail ( hewed- ' .
dory went bet nioeb or the hens sp irit orthil alg ". " th"" "` it me tnil ' i r 164-
glie lifter the pact of lb& Herman toslbgetatires. ► s to he
Englithi The orogen for lihertifr apd the et`n-' 'Countrified fn at Italics. Confedetstionoteder the
tests with estbolle supremacy, gave diem, stionii y pausideee yet the Area Time now seams to
;Ireton* employmetit ; and 'Crowe:ll sad IliaFeZ -, 1 • 460 difhtlettY ill Twanzinttbil X8,8119.15e idea, VW
rilEtlestisseithed all kiwis of eta seteinTaniongt` fieheir4L,wwer to 't ut u hine . w he l e detan h . „.. , In w wi lltee llw i th
the People- Bibles lad lest re c berate, lb. l - Scr, - 4:tieTeS -- bitihe. a lt - — i .l" ens 1-1;"--nowSLIClial--...
i'sed -
eider of the day, Ind Figlittli mad -fight off a ecnitsderaer, Ili Lb:lU at its heed. is Ms bobbs.—
falth.Teciplins, and Sheet fr oca-t -traliti•otZ it ~. rag the *Lam mai d Wenn* itaceoh".at'
au t ims
de - Jones delieeredids.hoin di - 'on litildl4 l w ay' here etas ea thementrtte wee T ime ' "' le'
anises Wild' Kelsey: ' ' •''! ' . y- 4 -.... , Scelkieedlalnitts history - el Menne
', ' ?rent tliis frith- stets ar titbit -1 iliotife, I . 2t vi t ge 'dsasse " " " n.. l4l the s- " id 448111 " 1 .iji..swarici
- -- - - - . 1 0 - 4 - r -- .- 01 1 r, MI th e purpose at Laois Nso
might have ton expected pleased hp/title seem instead thisitemegisa intim fined. the *bole
site Iltiliwinf„ fin the resteralets ofithn Start*. Of URI" big. ashiednitaa the assess sewed the
Knew hind of "irysterthe was noindelged int. Pe al - In hter, f the° s atretteesef **weld crew 14 a"*. "
• . hoe& the papd bon Ida b. tail 'het/cation of•wwelan
earyeloh..t.efintit eve ket ei - destt beld op died lostkoAtirt did Austria aim at by her primate
beads. The e'en (the'Ssaut fer 'esduktd Ida, ruses w , . spies; g,,eo r , Tiasamy.Parmat Milo=
' ding
lentown. ' •$0 RO
las, . , 5.5
entlrm .'1 CO
Illehem, , .1 1:',
ton. - 1 15
York, 3 a
Vbetween gelding
.111 A. M.
r Ireland !
: of GREAT
tn b 1
nd Mecca to LIT-
od Ccml6
e. Antwerp. Bremen
Third ChM,.
erponlj Cablnl !On
leoi, In vateetlght
Surgeon, sod'
tinetinn or IS ie.
C0...117 Broadway,
. Y.: to
KW, Pottsville;
HARM; innenorllle
olittbet elPic and de
ns. es the Members
111 . 6,19 16.
HI 'run in connerthion
~ .Wllkerberrr,llfltte
and with the nut
tiville and Reading,
Awn,. train for Phil*.
Jorge, train for New
n fur Lembertrille,
hi vitt misaert wllb
antn enineetlon with
I. Trantoa and ban*.
a,raey, train *ens Wet►
Man PhiladAphia,
Meadow train for
and WlStrabarra.
;ill run lo renneetion
rain -hole New lark,
no. train for Reading,
fth the Catawbileg. W.
IVilliatpapnet end
Apri.l. IMO.
' umisys) at 9,7) A. M.:
tlO.lO and 5.00
I: 17252 OCUIS, WA at
' 80 11 ; 1 1 11 M At T3O A.
ug at ibd
02.03 sore, and at
fns tenneet at Tort
toosiutos o Catawfssa.
inc rassenarr trains
Bi a wedge at pearly itildht •
la the mouth of baby Basal
Ultima" Lab, lloan;
" •
mr4la l f : walla
yii tho Itiila on. i!kep
With U. hod egaluet yierirreitst
Never Itt the coming years.
TFoegh he — re ek for it with teere,
_ .
Inn Dp !kid o pWMI a' red.
brmi of baby Suomi
Üb. the !Cadet mouth of BtMo!i
One WSW. Wear its mown of thor ns
Dank Us cop of gaUl must one!
Tbougb the tremblios lips AA el
Whits 1:11b anguithas they adtall
And thertemplo smut with pals
Drops of blood Ilks purple lulu;
• • , WeFpottotboromorpl
xa mu . str4.—DrJah
whence that:same l '. ricks!" is detrived,)limalald
aside for the Ideals t tat; three stomps iimeoptio
itiftead of two, an they were placed- tielier to
r f
tenth others so that the ball could not pas Miteagla
thfet. Single wicketwas the regular, los bell
daub,* wicket was oceasionaily playid. nod call.:
the game of eat and dog," by whioblitante it •
ells karma and became very popular la Seotlaid,
*Oka beginning of the eighteenth moiety. „The
unite of .crlektt we a given to it about te..end of
o,7seventeenth century. lad is drat ineritiOned,lts
IForkioahlished in 1635 , culled "The .Illystedett
0 iLuv and Eloquence," written 4 Edward
P illip p lheneplio a Milton. Repeated allo
t! Os arp 'nide to in subsequent writCri, la the
Owe of William . II arid Queen Ais y r. Sam
Iqrfey Pope, Do come and Soma JIM qls wen
ti k t e n it tr name. t 'gradually grew in Ivor with
t peo le of Eng d, espeeially in the mother])
collude Kent, Surrey. Sparest tiled Hampshire.—
Ai the elote of. theillest century,- the Ilatobledon
clpb watt formed by{ a newilser of gentlemen SOM..
tart% wh o iostitatnd role. and regulations for the
playing of matches; which were very generally.
*jilted; and the gime assumed tbe'digatty of en:
art.: Prom tbo volithern: counties it spirted over
the western and Midland euuntiet, rd. became
theleading amarement itf:getitleasen Ins pub.
lie schoels and uniiersities took it op 1 Ith intim
-044, and from th time Cricket heel, the na
demi! gime,'
'The *lslip, slow- and _ "under Sand," I. Co
witit that beck of th; baud turned ante •Mdefiver
big the hall. until boat twenty years , ago, whets.
Jehn Lilly:white, the thew pions of, erieketers In
Easgland adopted the "round, arm" stile of Wal
let.. This consists in, delivering the ball from the
band bj, .a rapid, ilirisuntal, and_ seta-circular
niovelosint - of the *rut 'distil:let from the act of
throwing which is 'contrary to the rules 44 cricket.
It was found that cowling of this deacilptlon was
much swifter . , 111 c difficult to • hit, and *On 1411
tO expoSe the bars an to catches, the the old
style. ;t added t', the danger cod exe tement,of
the giutle:eindioiori became popular. 'e Mary
htboaetil,ohndopted it and framed's series of roles
for II il job are the standard of the gime son.
and bait% the leading Motile England. they. set
tbo fas 'i on. Their paid
,bowlers undertook to
study a d pnictien the new howling, and roan - 40-
MM, r adsock-iy; -. Tbis Dente* of Dean. Hill- -
yes Wildeo, MO Andy soon llteitMl_ Ili 'IMOD{
as ;. ' hat f old Lill white; and the gitatlittnets of .
e l
Englan4 *ere nut far behind thetit fur he names'
'pt sir Prederiek Bathurst , Mr; Myna . Mr. 'Fel
owes, istil Mr. Taylor were to be fee tottery.
t i
Anateh. cricketia has become an es osiva af
fair in I;nglad`d;.. he great. matches
; re played
nrincipoily by poi players, who get th . M teniLd.
. ilte
lame day and the r triveliog and othe expenieta 1
and as a match us ' fly lasts two day , it Boum.
i iimeetosts '52064 All amusements b otos es !
' pensive thera4bel.moment. the edit racy.,.take
them up; but still every village, has its common
end its hamble ceret club • ..i. .. . •
l il i
We 10 condo by recording th. . net sun-
ileriel hit It crick t that wosseer, ma le - Ti oc- ,
carted it a Match I t Bright*: The erie et gr wad i
[here isle large teeangular spare enelos by walls' 1
yr-Ith g' tee opening Into the main road aiding In !
to the twn from the north. There ne sat Ms
ppetted when a roatch is played, sod o t e clew-,
t k e
'stun w are speaking of, the ball had e street;
in thedirection of one of , then!. It ell to old
a. ./
Lillie ito WhO ran standing "long gid,' te Mil
it. !II • was ob ' dto eon to the gate, then
threng it, and then . dart ! lite a ma dman down
/ i
the halt after a gentioMao'; carriage, which was
patuiln At flltpeed- Some 4 the sp otators be
gen; to itiit be bad found his long - I st:' father ;
. others list h e had seen in ;the eartiag the broth
ers qb //WIN end was. beiginsethem'l to provide
' hiM wit a sang situation • ushers that. he . had
taken i suddeo fancy to the 'camas* lira horses,
,and was determined to here theta, rest Whit ft
itnightd 'Away.weat the ten lige, and away Went
.Lillywhile slier it; meanwhile kthe en in" kept
' on runp itt!
ing v scoring,entil their, br di failed:
their eYeS started Irian their sockets; t eir legs aI ,
-moat refusrittheir office, and they be . n to con
,der rhatborr a Envy judgment had a t been pro
, noionceld upott`thMo for neglecting_ grislier affairs,
when the exhausted Lidlywhito ma y ibis appear
ands at the gate, *mid' the Cheers:a dllanghter of
the spimaisors, and . threw the bail id 'to Ci t e- be
e dilated wicket ' keeper. What bad he been about?
That t gp 4 ite pasty. had scared 17, w I s be bad
'... been , e'brant. The mystery ' was soon explained.,
'Thebopl in paseleg thiotigh the gait, ad band
ed Wits/ the Weed is the carriage was slog mad
theses, tt had lodged in . the - lies of one ;tof .the
wheels, whore it-etuek., l ii we, mime , lute before
litilyerhite could induce 'the driver. t *toe: the
latter eueld not at Instrinikerstend what a man in
his! shirt thieves,' aud without ii-hat, eh! Went,
mon iniand shoollog. after rtiti awl Ire', bit at
,letigttl he }tolled 'op,,aati enabled bis hill to
.eitrWate he ball - It lies itidiosillile t"lost
lball,iltor *be bell -was i*liight of th ' heldiarsan
the whole tine, so the empires allow d the wore.
The adventure , famished • joke agai l the old
hoe, I.,illyishlteY for Many u doy, '
fltrtritb jib*.
IZ. ..
fsxi t~rr
,ti".N .t ;v.l i
±: :l. i
%;%:: k ~,
s •
Trowiiirazwa p." ft a
ttwattt.ooc !be Mame Joirsktt,ebes per tha
n OS. 114401104411.43rialitietaitailalielida elllootltt y
Debar •••• • ".
' JlNthof totheo.
• Itoittotd
1.464.84/1, ' •
- 'ArticissiV:.itroolosof ,Ittotlittots, ,
*Ma*, , aril" Asks. 4t. •
At titivoty . shoetiol settee. '.olot idiot or JOS :Irtijis
lOOntottaitlyotkia quit of asy *Ow also to tlitoooo.
eto: of thOlltato, vip b44eompin4loammtp ,
7hap1144•1-, , felail • oroatiol Pstotior Derma **tent
pusatesoor work to b. as molt es a-s*y Mot Ise be
tsassaoeltis the titloo. nuituul ooLtlmisibm•
tkosboitost ootko. . •
• )I(I . LRIIITIPT.. ,
g oo k s bOind (I Ts daty otitalt. Mimi AWN
of every droarlptio4 osoOlofigoturedlAveril nod r 0 1 ,144.
order at shortest soles.
At & eanfrderalkna of Mem Flaw grider Agebleolk'
Tbo Meaty of Ifillabasen mine ibt/billenr
Confederation, hi whkit tbo Pope,Atmitimsd Oise*
Mond - Delow—tf, Indere& fiery car got
Mambo party, sod PiodbOst tbe'saderj.elliPtlb lien
. bolded brews of Austria. Padeedritt,wwes Milk
• gem a Goaledwary of Dalin Wheys wheel Itialseate
am say now soVect . Piedmont limit ;he legfloline•
perish the vital Ipricertplo of that little nide In . a Candird..
emery of Whkle the Pope who has egcontatieslotteglaTe
disk. will be nein Mal Lend, and at whkbliaillf &MY
angtelog money wilt he Um real Matter. ,It lbws**
not Italy that boo beeneemencipttokhed Melt
luta been crushed. !gam to free with ,*entry, pi o sto ook t .
to so t t o ploy tin part of Preset& put 'Rhos/t>ta now
elm that here otableil lien latter State to pi mimes bes
that In the (iirman -Diet. Yeast& ea ber_pert. may alb
ter hermit with having meensed toward. ltaly the pm*
tloo which Ronk holds with regard to thedlennem
tederitlott. lost. Mad, thergnaelan legamme he flemsersit
Is hued' trpon lb* balmier or *ewer, between tie Hews.
barge and the Uobmsolterus. TM only way fa which
Piedmont cur restore her prestige Is aloofly Imbet
her by her protector. la hiepembisation to aolb
dims, Louts Napoleon Nays "The Woe Leisisity •
with Piedniont create* for no (lheDonare.he
wrertul ally who will owe to vs Ha paapnaniall
Wm declaring that independest Piedison1)11111 . 01141111
place to 4 Napoleonic satrapy. -To cabin% htssiff Mos
this degradiag pordikin, Mee *monad is wiliest am
mom& He can only appeal to ltaly t ol. whialt be but
betrayed the eoulldeote, or to duffle, with whom/ Spell.
be has bop fol. Very powlbly. hemmer. an Italian le.
volotloo May Intervene to chimp the leaped of ,the
whole pailmalo, sad to being Mamba ass thelopefir.
lkaus °Q°, aloe aPoalhe Sella& , . r
- ••••••
ut Berme Ituuunta.,—Tb• Whale
ing (Vs.,) labaligateer has the following Miele
in relation to slave boor: • • '
4 .Thipresent great :sod presehig want'of cue
State, - like that of the United States, is guides
tion and. improvement, not enlargement or annex
ation, and the obriclus and only mode of a rapid
growth of out Stale or city is• such albange of
public Policy as 'ball invite to our aid sad cat,oy
oration our Caucasian cactus,' intelligent; moral'
and industrious irtisans, mechanics misers, teen.
ofseturers, farmers and 'murausicial met) et Ea t
rope sod the Noriherti &strict* shariour tax
ation, develop our runerees.. and make curs w
whits man's country, with all the allergy, educa
tion, loin of order, of freedom ll sod 01 prop..., characteristie elf the Aoglo-Saion meta; The his-
tory of the timid; and especially of the States of
this Union, shows most emaelosively that 'palate ••
prosperity bears an almost snaltemetical proper-
tloo to the degree of freedom enjoyed by all the
inhabitants'of the State.' Nee will always work
bet* for the cash than Nur the lath. The fr.,* -
laborer will produce and , save as mesh. end
stimutind wastites little, ~.,be eau,
.The stavesou the itititiiiry; will produce sod savisai
. end Consume and ware as .maeli, ai possible —'
Banco &use and countiei stied wh s the former
etass must nomusarily flourish • 'teem** in
population, arts, manofectures, ire 'and educe,
lion, beeittse they • are animated an it incited' by
ell the Vigor of this will; while Stateirtilled with
the latter class, must exhibit eoupparitive stagna
tion, because it is the universal law of nature that
force and fear, end iniruitt and decity. Na have
an instructive example of the one.elass In.the at -
tivity,uaterprise, prosperity' - sod
New England; sod of llist other- le this. pitish
conditiou of South C.arolista, that by nstittstiolf
the enlightened teachings of her noble Marion*,
and following her Do tiers, , her Breott rest her
:Neat& and Quattlebutor,in the race of
aristocracy and Afrieristilun, is rapidly Maki*,
into agricultural sterility; bloated egotism and
brutal barttatistn, unlit site bas most signiXesiotlY.
sainted a cane fur her emblem, whlib equally sod'
strikingly typist's nut only her military rmitureei;
but that imbecility 45.1 deerepitude which, with.
Out ititne•blog to lean upon, must eventually 141
into simedy death aid dissolution."
lew Less Runs Cuoatz.-13.40e of the pews
'and orateiti. hire greatly lauded the talents of
this Individual lately deeeised, and
his sunders was held -op as worthy of isioitation
by the youth of this• otiosity. :The Springfield'
(filasosehosetto4 owe' of the Meal
puma its; that Stat 4 after - dialog full jt . .stlets t hie
- pains , mod abilities, ratites ,doubts Whether - Ma
example is wonhy of the Itoltatiee of the youth
of the eouutry, is the faltering' otioetuton of el
astichs 'sabjeett ,
r , -"As a politician or a statesmen, he wit a
.'ore, beaters Ac laciest einiociettee, ealmeess and
courage, Hewas erratk, 'aspen's°, Dowarily, ,
insincere? "It is the highest _evidence of hits
'genies and hit industry that they • moralised fair
him thisapositioe, le settee( tie quote't failing
ockiti a filmier CON Asia°..Ws reftsrAtt abet
eutorioas la the profession, to what, in One fo
bad parsed into a bye-word with , the pebile— is
dbre7ard•ef troth mad ,lustke le the estlertakin
and trial of. MOMS. lan sasemiog a soh, ern . die
fence, be 'never named to ask, is this right! .Acese
e) client seek the end. of justice and troth?
Nor,ie the prosecbtion of a este, did ha seem to
hesitate in the. eof doubtful and 'di/bonen.
means to,sorre !listed." "No maim smiesint so
despenott, or so bad, thatlm reoahl wet owdertatito
its defence ; no .sugigution 'of. lea, 00, trick er g
torrid , . so' shallow or puerile - that 'be would not
twat it "ate 'rendes for his ports s." was a
,ttlflawe to -kWh white /brie% it is a &fee upon: lie
brilliant fitilrsehes dead."
SWOI El • CrAri or /Nrirrfrrili Unitas
viva ish tobacco is making on the bodies
ands lids of the Jenne: KOMI I. be attssurtlest
therattention of medical men in various parts
the World: In. a pamphlet just, lisned 'kW
men, of iLonton '
on private Lunatic !keyless/
and She eases of insanity of lat. years.' IMIDen:
_tor desoisnees_wittLemphasis. IWO one of the "gor•-
dicing sautes the .intinuderath sleeking' indulged
In l•eys and, young 'into it, universities sad
"larger schools; n o w : called Cellegee." The Dot.-
tor'sivemarks are as applicable to the
,Youths of
thisleountry as those of Europe. No one eetioar
'smq With-disease can doubt that misfire amok
ing, especially in ibs eats of young people, - mass
be highly injorioni '
to both mind and body. ' Iu
.. effe4t Isle depress the etreelition—tbe heart be.
corals' nut, irregular in its:acti,.n, and the pals*
is itareely to be felt. The victim become., incr.:
elate and "and servant, his appetite fails, end his mind
allied* intermits evils. This may *entities
ofer Years, hit •t length the smaller Mrs, ohms
soddenly ' • then the rthautimetkin has shown this
the miseular stricture of_ the heart is Imperfect
in its rodeo • theleft ride it this. sad in' /WOO
e/1904 whi ch saddle death hes eeenensd, thews
bar been forndlittie'mer• thaws iitrip of sonsci
tar fibreleft on that side.—N. T. Waeerfar. , •
D(tstrsnt ass s e ro tsaßirrieesit Lone narotkort.
Asti Vinton Eireann:rat. Gaillaidet;the Pith
eontesp"ondeett of the Neur . York Cheri*. der' Meta
Milo, salt sue of ft* beet int* ined Irritate
for the - Auseriesra 'prive t nitrites the Silent piaci.
*along otlw% tbieks; taiiinderstand
incbehreen Kayak** and Pieter Ilaseneel. This
latter.falt offisiled keelson ittperannalisarantri
and that- 14 h lll ilie baffle: of Palestro,
were not eotieVd in Nspoleee'a *nitre! the day.
114 eagerenis so greai distal this tattle of Me
stilts be delayed Wimpy the position aisigued
biro, led left the Imperial flinerd to *estate for
tiro bowie, unsupported, the shock of the Austrian
Amy.' nearly los: the tittle by his delay, and
tke Saiterer did not:hesitate to thane leis *hk
it, as be believed it was done on purpose.
:lops G. EASIC, the Poet, bar brae awaliaarad
for Gareraor r ky 14,1=811 relics - at of Dciaarraly
!aft is Wilson!. Sioe•-libaAanalaation fuse po
eticalsag bas perpetrated follasios: ,
ILIIX/011 .110.11INATIell roi Gov:Naxos—Ml TALC' so
of •Teliaast.'betag telt littbar day; ' '
It ma elderly d,luyoartiltay way, •
That theash his &nab:swats Vera massy aid rare, ,
Ile was sasethhty beeyetaly birth* fielnirotetrebairt
• • Ito matter." goon' Joan,..ihat vier tie littabt,,l
yoilittrartlt Obiptattera abase;,
Tor. as to the.ibiabr. the tatiumbent may het lb.
• Mb* tbd *bough tart by tie Haw that I'd it
. 11. Llacnsiss, is kis annual manage Lain issr.
.4,rb• pOei s ie aipeaditsts. deting aloe NINO
Tear sanwentad to $31,335.18Z ..U.stat. sU
vaat...aninsit ths ontstialiaCT
sots Sod tb• unpaid indebta lbsillOmem
saint„ 1444 will Ewa wet kaftans Itteidted
,1 &liars. Anil* ths...Dsmonradslps-
Ws lung tb. sigewilW7 10 elkidg* gbatOw
anion Waif/ asseti wide ills, oat wit IS
anuninuna ppblia sziandlussa., s 1 1,)
• •
. .
s'ouneu so. ,Rsucters..—Tha Re,. .Tit
Egbindel, übis hat pimeitt a member of : eh:74
Sensfir;;ltoleldeit tho'
time a 'tittles :es
, of the zeoTel. h the Lathers* Church. The
Sjitted of his Chsreh bare notated his that' Ile
musteither quit'poliOrs of resit. ; TM nil'
aristrgeutlemin to a Democrat of caissidarobis
ifillsesett is his dleteiet, sad bits concluded to
. 116ennion the gospel fest the= dirty Owl' of politico.
EwthJa end be Ras gives ague' *Attie go will va
cate his pairit, as sees as the conxreitelloo se
feets suceestur.;-Del. P . P. (Pa.) Repeblicas.
e- S o..
Cherier Nerd limit galena reeetatlyirpos
its featly-vernal' !elates, ?be pelaislierveys
thst the 'piper wad SW* is • mere iirorpirovi
cdoditioo. ldtb'feetws reediii treaty*, we ient.
rider tie Repaid:end ells of ibit : 'stolen and son
reiiobieleeekty payers peblielied is the State.—
Wil 'iris% Ito Repstilteercstioy awe • yeett of
preskritieedet its iiireieet editor.'
tbst a pi:lo4*k. ir-Ls,i.ritiw Ky,. baa
lulls the diseatrirry ilia I, littiag priasipatly
batteitaijk a banal' beingstitsy'prototig life to the,
period of 200 jc.slz Burn f-ri.,!rfrn,