The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 21, 1859, Image 6

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• 'tall g mot.
IWODEL. srisccu. is' Tub
t.yrunte.!-Wo find the folio
of the proceedings of' the
tare on, the 7th,J4n6wry. .
cur to the rendir d Mr. Pi
is, as erout#
cendasit of Lard Ct,ttutnt.
Mance to Wit distioluisbe4
'consist, !it tbe, possession o.
heed with A, Doswell -it..
sprzch •
Mr.' Pitt offered the folio
That the epee
to cause to be printel and
deed : bills, announcing the{
1859[ • .
nny—l MOM to..
on the tabie. .
*Mr. Pitt—Mr. Speaker,4ll4
resoiritions,airito nelebrateß
manner, the Bth of`, Januari.
latiou . kiinply asking that +I
the public of that day. .
intention;and now, when 11:e
!I it, some gentlenmn is soap(
tire,trenclinient gripes,' sitl
liki a long red worm on a pi
ter.] Gentlemen` keep 4:s
about economy. I, myselel
tying the pnblicint?se - wit)! cob-web airings,
but when retreneltinentemne in contadt with
patricttism, it pastimes tbetoim of smallness.
Such 'economy is like that of Old Skinflint,
: who had's pair ofbnots • that
e for his liitle
, boy, ssthout solda, that tree might last the
loner. [Laughter] I riverence !'the day
we celebrate." It is fraugittlwith remiairenL
ces tbA most stirring ; it bkings to mind one
• of the grandest efents evel . recorded inletters
ofliving fire upon the waOs of the temple of
fame by the strong right Sr of the god of
', 4 warli On sneh'occasions+ hould rise above
party lines and p'elitical 'tilt ction. I. never
fought Ander thesanner qf - illd Hickory, but
"by,the Uternal," I wish I had. . [Laughter
i f
and- applanse. ] -If the old war horse was,
berStiovr, he *or i tld not k 4 0% ids - otvA . child
rets, from the side of Josep 's coat of many
eolers—Whigs, K.ttotir-N h ngs, Democrats,
intld, soft.boiled; scramb and fried, Lin
' t , eolnites, IfouglaSites and 'le i heri kites. I be
long to no,partr; I am tee, unbridled; Un
saddled in the political . p4stare. Like a bob
tailed ball' in fly time, chfrie around in the
high grass and fight my pain flies. "[Great
Laughter.] Gentlemen, let us show our lib
erality on _patriotic occattions. Why, some
. men have no more patri4isu than you could
staff in the eie of a kailting kneedle. Let
us not squeeze five cental till the eagle on it
squeals like a locomotive or an pld i l maid,—
...a - Let us printhe bills and it inforin the cottntry
that we' are as toll o. patriotiem Its are Illinois
. swamps of tadpoles. [Latighter.] .I don't
' believe in doing things thi halves. Permit
me; Mr. Speaker, to mal. a poetical (petit
' tioo from oneofour noblest authors':
.4 ;nee to Ree'lhe van =ow; i fhe red Ma y rosele4
. I love to see an old horse, or when he goes he pare
[Convulsive laughter.. . .;
- After the above speech the House refused
to lay the resolution on t ie table. •
t — l ,
. . A SM . AIII. WOMAN. -4 nice, respeCtable la•
dy, not a thousand mile) away, had long nco
ticcd, to her dismay, th 4 her '"wor4er half"
\ was growing foolishly
teach him suipieiois and' jealous :17, r ,
of her. She resolve t
-', resolved td h."
.... f.,• . F 611
' Some eV p
enings since as he. Was ; . i leavfng, on $
8 . 1143 told him he need Imt hurrpliack—she 'itt l ,
would not be lonely-4 wished Leer. ducky :.I, f j
to enjoy himself, etc.ifettellict smelt a ver- N';'; '
i table mice, utider that ht poerisy, and 'resolved 't';.
to bo avenged.. About ii o'clock, "an individ:
• tfal," about his size, mkt have' been seen
cautiously creeping al g to the I door,-and
noiselessly Benedict peed in. Just as' he
expected;. there they vtre—a pair of hoots
----a cent on the back o(a f:hair, and a hat'ott
-the table. Benedict shire'red like an aspen
leaf as he stopped, puli`edinff his boas, and
' drew a pistol from hisi clot pocket: With
"resolutiOn flashing froln his, eye," . he made
, Amelia fiir the . bed.roim. ; There' he was,
kneeling at the bed-siy, coat and vest off,
. and his head on the pilaw. Miimritble villain
. ~ II
4—his time.had come. )1 I . •' j : .
"Say . your prayers,EVillain—you time is
abort",-and a flash anD, report told that the
bullet had sped on its ''' ' mission. • - ' '
. "Help,' murder 1 eh ! ! It, is that you ?"
Ell •
and Madame po ed her ittle head, up croin
the foot of the btid. 11'
. •
. Benedict seized' the ti'dl
eellaneout collection or, p
' lows, handkerchiefs, aiid
fur the oceasion. -
"I say, my dear, whit 4:1
-. 'exclaimed. the lufsbanS l W
ish 100 k..:.. i 1 • . 1
•-• • . "Well, dear," replie d tl
lonely, after all, And stl
p f
. dressing IT. that :pup ,
you were athome. I , . •
• you'd suspect." r.
1 1 - . .
*""There, there," pa ` I . l the'. chagrined -I.
• hand, "Inv no more nOutlit; 'I tho l ught it was
a robber ; dear tweet n,!.i'm so gltukit didn't
hit you. ' ! . ' ' I 1 .•`; t . • .
, •. Benedict repe ated , *tv-'l..lay' !de'," etc.;
. and went to bed; resed not iti'wattl any
‘ . more at . presenv.:
_I 11 • • it
i I
. cr "ln Judge L.'s office.
i "ea always kept:for p, yate entertaitimentand
'[:i I
solace, a demijohn or „‘good old Jamaica."—
Isis honor noticed t lt t every MotlaYMorn
ing it was a lighter; more abstracted 'john'
[ t than I-o left it on Sal [ irday night. Sam was
[ - . also missing from hi' [usual seat'in the ortho
' .dox paternal pew. [ [li
; Oa Sunday aftert,', l l,n Sam came in .nbout
•'''!''''', five o'clock, and (': tit e r heavityY i Went up
i , 's ta re; '
:The JudgeA , lled after him : "Sam,
.J where have you beeoi ' ' .
"To church, eir."t, :
1 "What church, Salt: r' ,
"The Second MethUdisi, air."
"Have a gOod se4ott,i Sutra 7" ,
"Very, powerful, stil; lignite titagge,red me,
.. flir". •, . ii ll 'l• •I.
• "Ah; I ace," saidpe judge, . I "quite power
fal, "eh, Sam ?" _ j.. 1, ' , •
• The nest% Sunday t i e sint_cante tome rattier
earlier than "ustial,'land apparently not so
• mach "under the Want-her."'
1 'His father hitill.4 l :,,iim• with : "Well, Sam,
been to the •SeCoti ' d Meth: , again, today 7"
',,,;'Yes, 5ii.",_ , 1,1• , 1 c ' , •
"Good sermon. 4 boy?" '
, ,
"Fact was, fathe'r'ilthat I couldni get in;
•' church shut ap and ticket on the door."
' "Sorry; Sam
_; Ittl i p going, you' may get
good by it yeti" ;,1 ' i.
, ~
. Sam , says,'on g4g to ) tlte nkice for his
' ulna spirit-U . O refiestm ma i by found the
lobe empty, and I .,earin this label: "'there
will beho service lire to-day, this church be
ing `closed for repais!", ' '-. '. , ,
Sam departed a! ' % i sadde and a wiser," but
(With his bibulonei'llproclrities) not a better
~i'l r • ‘1
gtiriV2l calledin at a neighbor's and
was urged to Rake SUpper, which` he did, the
old lady ill the saying:
"Pan Mr.ilclroarn, you not make
a sopperA"you •h eaten nothing, do eat
B erner - • . :
After he ha st4ped out, be :heard the old
lady say to her Las • •
!zing, I du, deekt . e,-IshOultl!think that Mr.
en had ei44irmything pr a mouth."
~ 2791tril l ti I tell ihu what a tint° I had with
' roy:littlti - ' 0, ; ' 1 - • ' ' - •
. 0,,,.. ~,,, „,..? . .__.
”Whiit::traa:sficering him the, picture of
the rourt-jrre'.6oWit .to the, lions; aid Was Wk.?
iteyeetsoleinnli *,, him, trying to melte him .
I.W whej.kterriblt thin. , t wait. 4 •Mer . enid
' he ell O'tittp,., "Of i tria fjaat ltiok' et tlint . pcioy
lit,tle4tott, we bb Jail ther&-flte won't get
i'l'O.V W '' ' . '
siiißlFV!.;_i§t4l,E.s;' , ' , .:
1.) VIRTUE of 'f sundry ~:Wriuti of
I ) &tient keposas Ott • lerrecti Thri ft Inn*
051 of he Court. of Cataluna Perri of tehirtkitl • Omar
iy. a lo medirected. theme pill la, 011 1104 MI 61 " I t
public endue or matey: On
..-- - • .. 1 :
I `SatliirdaY, fl*y Rtiltts;llllii.r , '
At 10 n'elock in the loomed, al the AM EaICAS HOUSE
kept by ,Ittbutbreth Lomax. in the IllenaUgh of Pottsville.
Schuylkill Width Ms 441944 4 doec r il k4 real i' 4 - I "'s
All 'tit certain firm or tend of land. Idtuate In El
dred tositishiprEchuyiklll ennuty, bminded by lauds of
Daniel Ilivb, George Boyer and Ettniellillest. containing
13 acres,innre Ur less ' with Ike appurtenancm ,
consisting of a: etoryfratnedwelling'houwa 11-70.
story frame dwelling house. and 1 a tog taw
Darnheor the property of ./01LN K. WAGNER. '
Atto; Ali that certain lot of ground. 'situate In the
Deroogh of Pottsville,' Schuylkill Cottnty. bounded In
front by Mitierevllle to rect. on the watt by lot of Lewis
Stehter, do the south by the colored grave yard. aba on
the east by lot of "Jortoph Richter. being 20 fret In J UL
front andtSo feel In depth. more or lets, with the
apparteninent. consisting of st 1% story frame
dwelling-hocusehas the property of CHARLES WASII
IXGTON. &reared; in , the Immix of John T. Shoener4
Esq., his edodstietnanr. , I
Air, 'All that certain tot or Piece of ground, abut*
In the Borough of Pottsville. Schuylkill County, boon
' ded on theenuth hr Norwegian street. on the west by
lot 4 Darnel Aridly, nu the east by , lot of Henry Wa.
terso end nn the north bye 11l feet wide aliels . ft
et'lphlilling in frimt or width 10 feet.l2lnches.atol
in depth' 60feet46 inches. with the applirt glances.
consisting of a 2story frame dreellingdionse. with a 1%
glory frau* kitchen altaelted—as the property'of ED
Also, A.ll:thtt certain lot or piece Of ground, on
Mincrsvillelnuitin the Borough of Pottsillle.Cotinty
elf Schuylkill , being part of Ist :No. 14. In Pott A Patter
ton's addlti ma In !the said 11 , rough, bohnded and de
scribed as Idiots: Commenting al a stake on thesouth
1 side of theit Unwd& Road. and east side of a 20 feet
wide alley. 'root Ithence eastward ly along the Moor the
Minerseid Roll tket toe pest, fruit thence, south
, i ,
easterly buck bile gth or depth 80 feet to a line of lot
of James hi 3to n , from thence westwardly along
said lingual toe post, free thence northwardty
along I. eis sr of the aforesaid alley SO feet to:A
the pia ,of mann. erntainiug In trout 20 feet T- 4 ;
ai'd to le igi drplh SO feet, with the appurte
naalenik bill t kr pf a double two story (ratan dwelling
house wl h sto elrsement , and a frame tdackstnith
shnp—a the p Pe ty of THOMAS JONES.
Also. II th certain lot or pirCe of ground. situate
In the 'ugh ti A üburn. (formerly in Smith Mankato
!outwit' .) Rrh F end
county, as laid o ff in the plan of
Auburn by Mil t Wanner. containing 2 acres and
CZ pert. sr, (roiling on Market street about HO fed,
bound, on the'Vret by Franklin street. north by Ore&
ard str . ea} 4 • by the Philadelphia and Reading
Rattiest it be the same , premises conveyed by Samu
el Wan r and nthnny . F.lllller to Joseph Berger, by
deeJ da !tit 2u4,lWarl, with the IMlTlortolianorst
tensist I of _ ree strawy frame tavern stand and
1:1 1 :
dwellin out with with a atom room on the first
flaw; a eMr Name warehouse thereto al tarb
ed. frail trim r kitchen . frame suable. and frame wa
gon elk, vast poverty ofJOSEPti REHR r.n... ,
Alan. vAll tll6 certain lot or piece of gmund.oltuate
in the net ' f PortlCarlmn, Schuylkill county, bola
ded in : ut tor Acre street. eastwardly be lot of the
heirs of p att.,* Ben ke. deed. greet wardly be lot of Wig
Item Coe ,bind in tire rear by lot of Itolert•Thnot
.., )1
as. deews. 4, containing in width 40 tent. and in rfe
depth 11. feetlwit b the anpurtenanree. amidst{ ng
of a doub e two story frame dwelling house, with a two
Riney fro e and brick Aihoemaker shop thereto attached
"-RN the tbroperty ofJ All Eal E. GI litillN. . I
11, }hat certain farm or tract of land. situate In
Washing on ,township, Schuylkill county, bounded by
laud of Iniry Mehra, William Emeriti'. John
Wets. and others. containing Ui acres, with the
appurtentintyrif crinarding iir a one %tory log dart. '
ling 11P11 e. ,a log barn. and a log pig pen-93 the proper
ty of SA. vy.i. Sell AEFF Elt. 1.
Alm,'Litho' certain tot or piece of iftronnd. ',Rasta
i n r " --,.., or Liewelfrh, Schuylkill rOunty. bounded on • the east by Int of Sa
r-4 20 feetl wide alley. and
lance. Egg , containing in'
feet, with the ap-fi
!CO story fraine den
bt. a fraute famish*
-as the pnipqrty of DAVID
r piece of ground, situate'
buylkill county, bounded
an the weld by Ittli street,
on the vrabit by Int of The'
Rh 25 f4et; and la n ti
mouse. with a base
te stable—an the proper; y
!lases:rot Lccsa.
lig in the reports
istoun.. Legisla
will once oc
asspeetfit that he .
it veritable des-
Hie hietesem
',rotator is said to
Ito legs, sad a
ead Mr.. Pitta
r be authorized
led, one bun
:th of January,
tki,t resolution
House passed
an appropriate
• This is a resci
ice 1 f given to
vcdeclared an
come to;
my seized with
squitmi round,
hook. [Laugh.'
tinually tplking
not behuvo in
.• story frame or stood dere)•
tg bonsai,. --,...-__. -,ntaining in front 40 feet,il
nd in'tiergh 40 feet. and *two story frame kitch-
n t beinDyrittaklied. situate in the upper Cats .
a Talleein : 'Won township. In - the county n '. chuyi.
ill. arold,SNit ,of Penneylvanie, upon :Leer/at met of
nd Mart :by the heirs of. Stephen tlim . deed.,
w lehla 4
.. ct of land in commonly called and known
as the 'SM 1.1 Beatty, tract, and the Said house, Ac.,
,i t
was werlhar ocenelid lty' the said Franels M. Wynkoop
and family a I a resittkeicend. - .dwelling, and the lot or ,
pie... of g,reu 4 and turf I age appurtenant thereto-.-as
the vapid y 400 , i N A Slc . . - WYNKOOP, adtuinistrat. ix
of Fraud* M. WY nkpop, deed. 1
.if.m,i.All that 'certain ,lot or piece of ground. eitnaltt'
in the of Cretsrma,Scouylkillcounty. bound/Li
lUDs - tot 111W/bal.. street.;westwavity. by lot, of Wu/. Heir.
i r
supler r ettuthwardli by lot of John Ca r. in the rear by
Centro: u lte i, containing In width 50 eet, and InSal l.
depth 1. . :f et, with the appurtettancerd,consisting
i, 44;
of, a twle, a ry frame dwelling house with a one
story (OA' sitop thereto 'niched— the property of
JOIIN 5T117.1711. - " - • ; . :
Lilso,' . ,A Hit homacerta in $ into tv pie es of prodmi, shin.
lo o 1 borough of Cremona, Schuylkill - county.
eked' ith the mintbelos 13. 14 and 14. in a plan of
laid; titlby Benjamin Hessler, oh& bouce.ed nntllde
ibed sjoltows: itegitining. TT a coiner of lot No. 19,
a 33 !S4 wide read, thence along said road south 52%
:mars we .1 134 feet, tfienve by land now or late of
njoin re 1 ossier south 1 1,4 degrees *est IGO feet ttra'
feet id alloy, thence along said alley north' cl
is,d east 137 feet 0 inchoate the sald lot /../.‘zi
Id, i ,once alongt he same north 2 the,zreesi 51
ant , it.+:l.lC-0 foci to. the place of beginning;with
on op urtenances, consisting of a Iwo l story frame
drtellin Ininsit—as the property of BOAS 1/1:1:111:1t.
'Ales, klithat certain lot or pirre xs if tv ground, situate
Ia the piey.ugh of Port Carietn.Scht I county; boon.
deli on ile,stettli by Jackom street. !be wog try, lot
of Gen' J• °winner. - north Ilene A lt ey, west b y lot of
SI Die t • !Melton/441h, conial nein v 0011127 feet. fi,
and lellepth DO fed. With• the apptirtentineee, ~..
cons 411 1,,/ of a double' two story Ira ire tneern '''' -
lionsete-ae the property of TMOSI AS QUINN. .n
-1 Atini.
,All•that certain later piece of ground. situate In
Phlegm 'ft township, Schtrylkill county, bounded north
wardlyby an alley. eastwarditi by Int. now .r late of
.I'nho Bressler, touthwardly Ny,,a Ille road leading
from Pi l itegrove to Sbinhepe Fermin - , rid westwardly by
I=4 „ 0,,,,eg e Berger. euntdirting i width atm
feeterniand in depth 135 feet.'w stir the a purtetian•
rtes. sisting of-a.l Story. frame dart ing house.
with basement, a frame summer kite en, nod frame sta.-
le 4
4M - All that certain glees or no. lof land. pit nate
in 'lnegrore township. Sehitylitill county, bounded
. northwanity by land -of Oliver D. Pbreoner. eestrvirdly
by fand of George Markey. soul hoerlly by an alley. and
*West went) yby land of George Borger rontel Mtn: 2 aelall
and 02 perches of land—as the property' of GEORGE 'W.
1 Alen, All thet cerfain int or pier* of ground-salmis
In the Borough of St. Clair. r. , rhuylkalleounte,boistiilsel
In erect or went by Second sheet. on the south by cars
tilt street. on the east by lot of Johr-lletherington. de
atted. on the north by lot of Anthony Erwin.'rontain.
the In Width 32 feet and In depth I. feet, morn onlin
leas, with the appurtenances', consts Me of a don •In
bre two story frame dwelling hone, of two frame sheds
4,as Gib pn - ^,erty of AOIIN SIIITZI 'ilEit ; Executorof
Edward Iletlferington. deceased. • ~
[MTN All th a cal lain hd or pier of ground' situate
in the Itorowth of Potterille. Omni of SclauYlkilt: on
the sintthwardly side of ti lamest Ile A not or SI inersvillle
ht t .l,l„ being comer/eel of plhe of th lots 'Mniniteis ill,:
Zt, nod2l . in Pon A Patter:tufa mid lion VI Potteville,
and i bounded and /lestrihed am fog own. to wit: Begin
ning', t a pnint is feet tv.twordly mu the WPM efn side
of swore at ley. t hence westwardly . lone the la'lihtsard
le situ of said NlinersvilleStrect one nndnel feet. thence
's - dinll \vanity by ground !New 'or late Ge , r.teS. Patter
aon CO feet to a2O =feet wine elle thence eastwanily
along, the northent'sitie of said alle one hundred feet.
thence iterthwardlY by ground nn or late of William
Carter eighty lest to the place of beginning, westerm
need part of sold lot or piers of 'ground containing
'eighty feet in front and extending rack to sold al. el
'ley:with the anpurtenoncee, consi tinstrol 7 two IN ;
IstoYy frame dwelling houses—as t property of BUB
FEET T. DAVI/IS. ~ • , •
' Also. Ail that cortain later pie,. o r ground, situate
nn'the northwest Corner of St. Jett st not and Market
street. In the Ilnroulh of Sehuylkil haven. Schuylkill
Contity, cents ining in width 11 fee and in depth 110
iferii. mdre nr lege. Intended on the net hby lot of Men.
den P. I,bilniz,.on The east by St. ohn street; on the
south. by Market street. and on the wr.t by the Phil,
ifolphla and Beading Railroad. wit OA , apPurtenanrea,
consisting of a twee story beck dwellinc amuse, .:
,with store mull on the first floor. mid al% story '-
lframe track building attached—lts the property of S Atte
' TIIA A. NICE. . . . ,1
Also. Al) that certain lot or piece of got -tuna. situate
on the wavily side of Slain Street. at the distance
Of D 5 feet from the westwardly side of itriiok street. in
Nalledd's part of the town of eor • Carbon, Schuylkill
Cottyty being the westwardly part rif the Int which is
marked N 0.17 nn,. the plan of Niraitailit's part of Port -
CarbOn aforetaidpae bid ont In lhyear 1845, ,ertntain
lug in front or breadth on said Sian street 55; feet and
'extending of that width-between 1 mile' 'inns at right
t i.
.angles with said Slain street north ardly lo 'AValdting
tau street. containing du length o depth on the eastern
! I:ne of Mid let - 110 feet. 4 inches. nd on the western
side thetteof 112;feet, 4 inches, Lou ded westwardly by
lot marked No. 10 no the a toresaid lan. late the proper
[ty of . .. Albert (1, Unwire, northwe dip by Washingtob
street atoresabl,,east wardly by the other part of raid lot
No. 17. and seutlisrardly by Main levet aforesaid. being
the sumelot oripieee of ground a ieh .loseph 11. New
bold by Deed doted litth Deremb r. 1845. granted and
conveyed to Albert.G. 'Brook. his eirs and sowigne,Tte
Feriitl2 all stone or fossil coal rind r said lot of ground,
Sint alt the righte, Interests and rivileees Incident to
the same as fully set out In wild i vd.wlth thella
ptartenances, coneist I fig of a one tnry ,torte build.
ing'uo; d As a -foundry with a b lel; dry-house - mid a
' brick Cupola attached and a one tory frigate offleb—as
-the properly of JOEL. CADBURY
Also, No. 1.-All thit r eertain 11
llubley township, Seltuyiklll Co
Of Jacob Arts, Joeeph Arts slid
items more or ile.s, with appurte
ing of a two story frame tavertt
two story frame 'hitched, attach
basement. and 4 Ida uk . store hou
house. a frame barn, and a fr.une
buildings. , •
• No. 2. A it: that ,rertain piece or parcel of land. situate i
in!llublay tOwnship. Schuylkill County. loun •
deal by other lands of Georg'. W. What and Jonas 1
Slitter, containing aletut sale erter of an acre.
with the apgurtenences t eenslst og of a 1M story frontal
duelling. borne and a frame stable. ' .
; No, 3.,-An that certain t net . of timber land, altuatei
in llnbley township. Schrtylkil) County. bauuderl 133 , 1
linde of Jacob Art!„ Daniel Wiest, deceased and others'
containing 50 acres, more or lera . " •' - '
.Nri. 4.—A1l ;the right title Anil interest of George F.
mot o 1 in and to all that certain tract or piece of land
'dictate in Ilubley township. Schuylkill County, bound
ed by lauds of Munkoti and Gimpany. Philip Dieter,
Sloilee Dieter rind others. conteiniug 356 acres—aa the
property of GEORGE F.:WIEST: :
, ,4tso.• Ail that certain farm pr tract of land, pittralel
An'llubler township, Echuylkstl Cowniy. bounded by
'lands of t barter, Tot las; Jacolatoug :Mal Jonas rn, I
31 filer. containing lit 'terra loonier lees, witlfthe
appurtenances, consbding of a two story" log
d welling:house and a log barne-las the property' of JUS• I
'Also. All that certain tan efetiy frame brio Or build
ing; situate in the .town of Ashland,' Butler
township. Schuylkill County; ten the gollith. ,
L ...,..
east corner of Walnut and Foortecnt It streeliki gi l!
in-Suction No. 7A. lot No. 2 - 2 R, t•entelottnt iota,
front on said Walnut sheet,i 23 feet. and Wdeptlil
trait.. and the lot or ;decent grinitid and curtftigeapour.
-tenant to said buliding—as the property of - Jo:4TH
KEEFE. owner. Ae.. and Abraham Lytle. rout rector.
Also, No.l.—All that rertainiot or pieeraf ground, lif•
note in the Borough ofAshland. Schuylkill County,
hounded nn the south by Centre street, on the west by
lot. No. 125. on the north by Cbesnut street and on the
.east by lot now or late et Washington Itelfsnyder, com
tabling in width It feet end In d epth 125 I,'
with theappurtenances, venni , Ing of awn ,: iiaa
story frame dwelling' Dense, with! etort-t in ilit!..'
on the first door. And a two stoatframe Dark.
building with acne story bowie kitchen alached, frame
storehouse, mud a frame stable. 1 -
No. 2.—A1l that certain lot or {deeper et
In the Borough of Ashiand, Schuylkill Cr
w d sot n ir u er O t du,st "street,lrub loans
' n i :
D. I:
i b t 4
e h h t r e r y s w t C : L e weal :I O u, No, it o g tt n : l t. l n t' s e t:1 1 1 1
th 121 first, with Wrap
tenanees. cottsbnittg of n double OM t.
frame /tootling house with *torte *name
haulm dwelling house with a or story Ito
rbed.. - •
in3:—:%ll that certain lot, piece. of rinunt,altillen
in the ikiton4h of Addend, &buy ikill Only, hound.
,p oa I'm - pooh by. Walnut, Street; on the. .: ii. '..
smith by RPruar 'atiiert,.oli lite] V igt, t;i" of alma -
I f
Tlibino Monroe., and-erf "he itpst by to . tit' 9 ."
shirt, ..coultaiiiing i le ifitli4,lso fertatd hi- • . • .:.
depth 11% feet; with /be *PIM rteusatees, sirdlsgo(4
one ands halt story frame dw ailing hon .- . • -
, No. I.—All-Mate tortoni 2 I-Woe t I' !ground.
.satiate hi Mu &dough of Arldand.J.ehn ill County,
hounded on thee:nil tx hjillkeenut street. ,nithanastby
Seventh street, on t heindih to land Miceli by thall ion
11111 aintdcliuyll.lll Mani 11,411re0l WAND/. gild ens.
, and it was—a mis
d coats; vests, pit
the lik,e, - made up
oescall' this mean?"
'fhb* blank, sheep
wire,.P.l id get
laninsed My 'lf by
Find making b ieve
did'ri't think
the let No- St bend Inri totted No. l 1012 2 in
plan at sad town, c mtalgtar, together in width 603 fed'
and In depth it 1 *et; meteor.teth to the tend
o r ti t . 1. 1 0,1760 Dina 11111 and &ItiltAk 2 i o e'
nth' Rediroad= with the appends. 111
xanrea, consist g oft &Mae Jaabte and a
Pl".."1"1- th e, POPertl J 05411.0
ketlei,:nte uoitrided moUV orbit"' put of all Wet eve
bin Pithe or les4othen4, sitalthila Mauch tonteship,
gthartkUl Countnboundsdsted - illestrthed as totte"ss:
Ikeiniting at a stoat corner the Use of the :hart. York
and Sehnilkill Deal Campanile/eland. and corner of
Philip Vonmertnan'a tract. therownoeth twenty-dre
gnarl west one hiendrael and flaredittesand ere tenths
perches to stone", thanes north fitipetadegralaleasSone
hundred wets, to a math mesh: tree.thence +oath
tbirty-four doglegs that one hundred and "twenty-oda
dad ten perehra d n !don*. thence mouth rtzty-tite drs
grecs east one h andred and teentyeds and emetentim
perches tallse p ate of beginning onntalning one hum
dud And eleven gie mix an d allornnen and tring I he "Me
tenet of lend which was Slirrelred•ln purintancetof
warrant dated Awed td, A. 11..18:3, granted to gam
ut! D. Franks, Etl, with, the. appurtenances—as the
property of St Allgt: B. OULL
Xso, All that two story frame ',Odin:, tritnatfi in
the township of North the C 44111. _
ty of frehtrylkilll on the north Meat' public e i's
road leading froth Scbuylklti - Meru to West nal
Hares containing in front on said road then
ty andooetalf feet. and extending In length or depth
sixteen and entail fret, and the tot or piece aground
and rtirtilage appurtenant to said building. which said
-lot or piece of grou'ud is bounded and described .is fol
lows: Easterly 6y other lot of raid Marls Eckert, north
erly be the Btrauch WI property. westerly bY lhoestate
hitt. rt Jacob Layordoteceseed, and southerly by the
public toed. ahweruid; containing to front on raid mad.
forly feet. more,er kiut.ntsd extending in length or depth
that width 120 Bret. more or tree. to the Fdrauch
—as the property ALA ECREUT, owner, ee,
contractor. I 4 .! •
,Seised, and taken In axecation, and will he sold by
559. j • 193 t •
May 7,
jiY VIRTUP — of A • Writ of l'herics
warf iai;betned by the Court of Common
teas of Sehu . kin county, and to me directed, theta
will be expeeectlito rate, by, public Tenths.. and tinter.. on
Saturday, lab's: 2 tat Day of moo. - 1859,
at 10 o'eleek in the forenoon, at the Pineens.vaala nett,
in the borough Of Pottsville. Schuylkill county, the 10l
lowing described real estate. to wit:
• All the I wenty.three two hundred and tenths parts of
PETEIt 514150 N, of andth the three following adjoin
ing tracts of Coal Land, containing together nine bonds
,redund nthelyirour arms' and thirty perches . and allow-,
core of fix pet rent. fot mads;.te., situate now partly in
;Cass and part] lo Niw Castle. township, (formerly in*
the township,'of Norweg ) ancand Schuylkill) in,the
County of S.chai lk ill. bounded and described as fellows,
to alt.:, Thb forst of which beginning at a chestnut oak.
thence by land. of !leery nettle and Philip Wm:toner
north elity•see*trdegrees.eist two hundred and ninety
seven and a half perches" to a post. nnrtb .twenty-three
degrees west .s xteen perches to a post', thence by land
of nettle and fawner and vacant Land north slat
Inine degrees e ft three hundred and tbirty•three perch
es to a pine, thence by vaeant land north twenty-three
degree.'west.nlnety perches tri- a white oak: . south ri xty
nye degree wris t one hundred and thirtY•lsreperelwit to
repine. north weutyetne .degreett West MOWS -toot Per
cites 'to a corner, smith slatymine dembu welt tour
hundred and elaty.thrtf perches to a pineittience by land,
latent Chrietbrher Wegner, now , the .seiond 151 sald,,
tracts. and land ' of Lenard l ived south one degree east. I
eighty-four perches to a white .eak.Und thenceity vacant
laud salt h twenty-three degrees east fifty-tern' perches.
• to the - piaci/of beginning. containing Soar huddred and. armsrand nue hundred and fifty-two parches
antallowatir ',dale per cent. for wilds.
The second f which said tracts beginning t a post,
thence by lan leteof Henry nett le, now that rd or Kati
• tracts,Soutti b.:toy-flee degrees east one hu 'tired and
sixty four per haw to a pine, south twenty-th degree'',
mutt eevente perches to:a stone, thence by land of
, Leonard It north eight ' , nine degrees east.fiftrfour
perches to a.s one thence - by thatind detertled tract o
land and ye rat land north flee degrees east one hun
dred and fort -eight and at half perc hes to a itone, thence
by vacant lan north eighty-ore degree west two litth
dred.,and tw nty seven, and ' one-tourth ' perthes to a
- stone, south Ile degrees west one hundred and three
perrhea to a metier. south eighty-five degrees emu four
perehea to a pine. and south . flee degree* dent sixty
perches to t„.. place of beginning, containing two hun
dred ktes e . eighty percher.m7.l allowance or silt, per
cent. be road'.
Andthe ti trd of which said tenets beetnningat a
post, thence •y.landsurveyid to William Waggoner and
claimed by . 1 nye Diodes. and lend of Ltemard Reed
north bead.. ree west one hundred aril nine perches to
a stone: then : by wand of said tracts north twenty
threetle-ree west etiventeen perches to a pinelhenee
be sat and vaeStit land north eighty-tive decrees is est,
three hundo . lind two perches to at pine. thenreby lend
er John Me er and Company south nth - drone degrees
' west two hue deed and nineteen perches to a, stonedetuth
one decree , e st fifteen perches to gastrin° by a pine. and
'north eight. three dearest rind four hundred and nine
ty five pyre es to the place of heginoing. containing
' three Lunde it and fifty-orteacree and twenty perchesand
allowance ot six per cent. for reade,zitc.' The premises
above deocri .ed being the saute whleh was Conveyed to
' the said Pet r „Mabee) by two separate Indentures. one
of them fen ,
.Ssrah 11. Kinsey by indenture dated the
• twenty-Mir day or Peretraher. A. V., liCiti. recorded in
Wichuylkill . only in Deed Bonk N 0.20, page eset. Ac.,
wherein see nteeit hrty•eilthe thereof was granted and
convey. d ill to Charles. Miller. Mut rls Vett rson and the
sal Peter 5 'deem In fee ens rontaiblog One thousand
one hand • and firty.thife acres and oneliundrid and
.for' nine . relies. 'am% or bee. an d excepti tig out dead
pan plea of land conveyed to John C.c./Kerman. of
three ne •' end alio excepting nll town lots to the' town
of New Ca . which had been sold or cenveyed w ith
the right's swim '. 'ant thereto, and the other of them
from Timothy Mu, iryan. Administrator. lee... by inden
ture dated the T.; . day of. December. A. li.; ISIS, re.
corded In thuplkill county lit Peed Book No. 32. page
39, Lc., gre ted and conveyed unto the said Peter Mal
, eon one-st nth theradoind the said Peter Mahan'
bath since • ild and couveyeal certain portioned add
onoslx teen h.
The abet described three parcel,' of land moony field '
by the own etc as one tract Cr. bedy of ~litid, and, are
called and known as the Getkle and Wagner la nds—
Peter Moist n's said undivided interest!. in the titres par-
Cris or 901 tree and dtr perdue and allowanea, will be
snit! Ingeth r.. This land bag in it the Jugular vein of
tied, the 51 ntinoth vein, thuSeren Foot vein, the Crosty
a eiu. aud her_ teins. L. -
'One colt ere on the said premises now opened anp
worked by Mien' P. 31111er A. Co.. and called the West
pine Knot Cottlecy,"itaa a shme one hundred nod ten
yard; long on the south dip of the 31,ounintli vein, with.
dotible tea k rallmad, one fin horse peersr engine for .
hoisting, o is 30 horse power breaker env ce. and a new
coal break. r. Theater,frten thir colliery is puutped at
the East P ne Ktin Colliery herein •tter mentinned. A
tunnel is. tuned f ein the slatnturith vein to the f t
Seven Foci vein and the Coetby,vein. The Mann leg
moth vein is said to have at some eerie twenty feet
thickness ( mil, Ind at other places fifty het thickness
ot coal—l e Crosby Finn about nine . and the Seven Foot
'vein aton seven feet t lark rit4s of coal.
. Williom P. Sillier Jr. Co., ere also mining emilmn 'the
said preen. a In the said .Mammoth or Itartiels'e reini
from ulta they call the East Pine Knot Colliery, ..a .
but the et .1 in this colliery if , heisted at a slope eg-
on the Jai les bang tract ut land, and which 'dot, '
le one hu • deed mid ion ynrde on the south dip ot the j
vein-, a it• a . double 'track railroad, oneted horse power
puniplinv engine, one 40 horse power hoisting engine,
one coar reaker. one ttO horse power breaker engine,
and a fr me store house;all bit the James Laintkract,
(in *hie • tract the %aid Peter Mahon has no Intent-it.)
But belo lug to this East i'ine Knot Colliery ,ptid on
the Gan anti Wegner Linda. is one large frame dwel
ling 11011 fain and adialf stories high. ten leg miners'
house* a d thirty nine frame miners' bonsee. From
the foot ' I this last menu nod skew, and on the James
Lang tra•t, a tunnel has been opened to the Seveti Foot
and ere, y reins, and it is intended that these two last
mention -• Veins shall be worked In the tiettleand Wag
, tier land through this tunno I.
One rat er colliery on the premises opened' and worked
is Richer. Kear's Collhel. at Shine 11111 leap, at uhieli
the )lam • nth vein and, Seven Font. Tele are worked.
The slop Is on th. north dip of the 31ammol It vein 140
yards 10 'gond ,altunfiel "opened from the Mammoth
rein to he dertnil Sod vein. 32 yards long. The fin- •
proreine is are oneileo hone, power pumping engine.
,one 40 1 net power hoisting engine, one cold Inesker,
and fine • horse Power breaker. engine, 14 Iranian
miner's' . ones , one Inc miners' house. one stable. i'l,';
and one locksmith shop.' The cent In the Ilene
moth ve at this nelliery Is said to lie twenty feet thick;
anal in tie Seven Foot vein eight feet thick. The coal
breaker od hreker engines at this colliery' ara net on
the Lid I o and Wa4rfer lands, but on an adjoining tract
called tl a 01. acre M• erpbau tract.
One ot er retitle" on the premise. to John Mnitinnies
colliery, now Opened and nor ted. There is a slop.,A_
on the ugnior vein south dip 57 yards long. one 7 , g;
45 fin • power.pumping amt. hoisting engine,
ono 10 .rse power breaker engine.. eltht frame miners'
honsea, ne frame stere bonee,oue stable,aud one mgr.
tenter i &blacksmith shop. , '
. Mich:a d' Ileekscher at Co. have on the said premiere;
enacted breaker and 20 horse power breaker engine. but
no Coal aat present mined tenni this land at this point.
John "oliwrt alai has a risst breaker and one 10 horse
power b . ker engine , ott the prembek. but no'coal at
present dried from the nid at thifplaoe. ', .
Leal C. nouelierty's colliery is aloe 'on the pre:deem,
and at t Is the Improve:Mints are a slope on the Mona
moth V a north diro;'fian:nr-ly driven on the Mammoth
Vein a . 4 nit the Seven kgret vele, one 45 horse power
engine. coat breaker and &Oen horse power break-n
... er eilgl ie. rine two story dwelline ^ home. four
(maned ening. houees, and nue stable. The coal
. breake and breaker en4tue are not on the nettle end
Wagne • lands. but are on an adjoining trict called the
'....9 acre •r orphan tract. 'This colliery la out worked at
Willi ut Llttlehnin's improvements are eiluated nn
the Pre • Mee-and minsist of one coal breaker and
12 hot power breaker engine, One trains dwelling
!ilifittly, red nnektable, lint the real milted b y him
. is hem • it adjoining tract, and not free/ the nettle and
Wsigne laudee I, p --... .• :
, Gem e El. !flintier base etilliery Mt the "Pon Rind
i i
Donna tract ot land. whith tract adjoin,. the nettle iind
Wagne lands, and he hes from his elo p e on the POlt
and r n oon tract, heretotore mined coal front the
nettle and Wagner landslbut to tint minim : from there
now. le: Ilepplier Is about sinking a slope on the l'ott
and nen tract to the bottom of the basin. and fi ner
that M pe he lies al, right to mine coal from the nettle
and W pier lands from both th e north and smith dins
ot th e lannitoth vein, and from the Seven Foot rein,
and f in the Crosby rein; .Itepplier present on
the Pi t and Batman tract one slope, ou6oo horsepower
punii4 g 'cumin; one to horse power hoisting engine,
-•••• m I breaker nue 30 horse power breaking engine,
. .... .
et or land. situate In
ty, bounded by lands'
othee, containing 14
anevi, consist •
with a
ed.with ,stond
I se. a roadie 'Elam:bier
shed, and other out-
I that certain lOt:nr. pier+ of groom], situate in the
Born ofh.fir MinenOrille. Schuylkill County. iriondled
and.. enalhed 40 Mitossi t• to .Fit : Beginning, 'at the
,nort eastward cornet of a lot ot, ground. number one,
i a plan at 'tote laid out partly ' I. vela . 11 , ,r0u ,
and oartly adjoining it by lands of Jresephl4l Ship
pen. Nathan r.vano, John Ship and the kulers'
Ban of ~ Pcitterillo. in Sebuyikla County. thence
Rout ittfho n: and one-half. dev i ces con thirty-11re
and one-half Pet, thence south sixty-seren Rua
Ilit naiteracercen west two hundred ant) two feet
two nebee, thence north fifteen and onehtilf degreOl
wes .eleree reet and *ix timbre. thence north sixty-ono
d mat two hundred Mod seven feet to the place of
both diem the Rome being the north easterly _
halt art of sold lot number one. (t) in: the' ass
plan of Into aforecnid. • ith theappartenaneux at 1-
„roe sting of a double two story frame dwell,
lug use with stone basement. and a 1.1.4 story frame
kite ea—as the property of J! ti ElSladiftt.
A , Att that certain lot or piece of graded. ottani.'
In t o Biornugb of Mintrocrille, Schuylkill County, coter
me leg at a stake at the soulhhistwaraly pryer of
Yro Land Sunbury street, thence tout herardly atone
the foe of Front street eighty'leet, thence eastwao dly
end railed with - Sentrary 'street woreolf.iitat feel to
lot IV111( lAttel'otelm# Monit,;then northward.
ly aloud the Huard the mid Tobias 31ourro lot and par
*Oh "mat attest sighty: feet. to Strilairy Ars, t.
the ea rotors rdly aloogt 4 Wain , attest imigai t ty, c i g ht,
feet lithe pleat of bedidiatim, he , n.atirta-z t
na rIMPIRiI3,7OI . a two story frame Tarere
itlthetrinelinsettocita,with moat*, Nos,
1-riut thew:petty otIaAAC WARD: , •
, All lbAtZeortala tirwstorsilatne
leg With Mons bunianut, UAW)* Coal-relit rod
in he Ilootionh of Ashland, to fkbaylkiltroaagy, •
Cantifot In front on said Centresitriad,eatenteen MOS,
an Ik
n depth thirty-tan hat; bounden!. an t he nontirs tut
nty. bonnd
thpy Chen-
:, ifla;
e• kJ I ,
two smiry
! a
orertker,-. ,
e 'X honk, power engine for bobdinwealdiri.
et the bouret ;store mentioned, there are on the
moires one double truce Ileum.. one other „,
mine house,' Occupied by threaten:tines. one 13
tire'; occupied by two runillex, one . otbe
n yore, occupied by two - fantille,t, end large frame
rAuccuotell by . 3liclutel Sendel, one other (rem°
It." °erupt 'd by two rootlike, one ,Hine house
•d by .lelt 3 awe, two public echool bonnet, one
. rentrd t 'Mack 'Conner, and: one raw, mill,
• to Lira is 1:i. eugtyrty. -
des all.the ti taes and buildings ebore.tnentlenet,
re nue imudred and tee Other
}upon tare id doellinelei
‘upee im premixes, erected unde r •,1;i,
ti rout leases: ! Thirteen of these are rtotte
, twenty-eight ere:frame bulimic *wet siztrulgto
bouses. .c , '• •\ - .
. . ,
4.4Aken in tecutinn. ind to be told es the pro-
of PET tilt 31 SON. by Jollii P.11013.111iT. .
rife (Alice. rotrpelll6l. I Sherilt•
4p01:23d, i 8.9. - J. . - ' 1:•zt
. _
• VIRTUE of iiiiptior Writs of
F...tratmx and L,rari At tront.4 nut
. Court of Common Pleas of t4huyikillebuntl And
directed, there :sill be exposed to Public vcaduo
ute y, on • " •
'Saturday, Jane • 4th 185 0,
eluchin the torehooe, at the EXCHANGE IRS.
kettibi Frankltn It Kaerrher, in the Wonutitt of
1114 tlehuylkill County, tho foilonlng describe!
agate, to wit:
itChaist:Cimiii;issepte thilet at sera te omit
ant ittrilleXt:triettent to said istg—as UM,
410.1, 1 4,1/1100 cabals lot , or *a Of Crelltstas{
Situate - ISt the &MOO of tottelliirtikituytkill county,
beandiataa the tint by Centre street, ottAits;nortli by I
Lather Verdi rAtAitshts Itulottt. *Witte est br
iderrefOttet etie month by property of Edwatdrgraitejr. eon.
tat Mau ba fnant rui Centre *tiled ti feet, and In de pth „
yhy feeratith the apportensucca„ccmshrt Of tnrVel
story brick dwrilluz tbstnie, with int& breasts MO'
No "4—All that certain tot or Omen! ground,litarafst
in the Borough of POtbrtillt.iebttylltittelatintrtbill* t
,'eel on the wed by Centre st net. 'eatt the north by preelaW
ty of William Carter,on amend by Otasi street, ended
the South by other property ot James itsisseit. toite3tea
lag hr (Mut cm pen tre street's) feet. and'ln.depth .10
fmat.kith thr appurtenances, 0:m44111,3.d IAP 10 ”.
arith a tbye story sr , MA " 1 "
building thereto +tibiae - be& with hetet. basement. ind
brick st a ble — as th e plupoity of JAMES RUSSELL.
• 'Atte. All Ulla certsin lot oe piecauf mnlnel. situate
In the Borough of datum, in Weal itninsarlek town.
ship. Schuylkill County, bounded on Abe north by lot
of William Mengte, fist the south by lot of :Samuel K.
Moyer, on the said by lands of the Dauphin and empire*.
banns Coal Company, and or. the west by a newly laid
out putdie road, remaining let width , bar feet, and in
depth 65 Feet. more or low with the apptirtetuumes, con
sisting of a two story brick dwelling bows* with a stone
basement and a fame wash-house--as the property ul
Alta; Ail that. certain Ind or pieee of land. dictate in .
Washington township.SchoyikiliCeunty.couteitaiug 109
acres More or has. bounded by tends of George W. Mat.
chin, Christian Ensue*, land late of John BRIM and
other!—as the property of JORN T. StIOENKIL.
. Also, No. that certain lot of ensued. situate
in the town of Llewellyn, Schuylkill County. Insulated"
on the south by Bunting Street. on the eas; by Sheller
street. on the north by lot of Elias Diteamp;,asd on the
west by lot of-John Roth:err, coateining wldah eu
'feeteand in depth 50 fret. or thereabouts, with the ape
purtenaneee, consisting of a two story frame dwelling
house with stone basement
No. 2.—A1l that certain tot of gleaned. situate In the
.towtint Llewellyn, Schuylkill County. bounded on the
'north by Routing street. on the west by Ilaiirnad street,
on the south by lot of Andrew Miller, and on the east
by another lot of Philip Gehrts. •centainiug ill width
'5O fed, and lo depth 50 feet with the appurtenances.
conaistiteg of a two story tog ,dvielling house.
No. 3.—A1l that certain lot of ground, situate la the
town of Llewellyo, Schuylkill County, bounded on the
north be Bunting street, on the west ,y another tot of
PhElp Getters, and on the south by another lot of Are
drew &tiller, and on the east by lot of Thomas Colt, con
taining in width 50 feet and in depth 50 Vet, or there.
abaci& with the appurtenances, conaletit g of a two
story log dwelling beam, (weal herhearded.) .
No. 4.—Alt that aerteitt lot of ground. situate In the
town of Llewellyn. Schuylkill County, bounded on the
north by Bunting street, on the west by lot of James
here. on the ninth by a 2e. fort wide Able and on the
east by tot of James Bush. containing In width 50 feet.
and in depth 150 het, with the appurtenancea, consist
ing of a one story frame dwelling house.
thet certain lot or piece of gronad. rituire
In thelown of Llewellyn. Scbuylkill County. bounded
on the west by-,Loweretlehsutango Road, on the Keith
by lot of Johaman tsackill:on the east by Railroad street,
and on the north by lot of Jacob Staler. containing to
width „et) feet, and in depth 115 feet, with the appurte
neneere chasbning of a I% story log dwelling buten.,
with a one story frame kitchen thereto attached, Gout-
Ingon Railroad street. and a 1% story log dwelling
beam fronting on bower Mahantangia Itoad—as the prop
arty of L'ILLLIP tlellitW. •
Alm, All that rertain lot or piste of ground. situate
in the Boroneh of Pineenwe,Schuglkill C,unty.boutrt
ed on the east by Tulpehecken et tier, on the north - by
Jute( Gongs Anthony, on The west by a public Menet.
On the south ,prupert/ ot the United" line h Omura
nation and lot now or late of the he of Peter Eckert,
des-reseed, containing In width 411 feet. and in depth 216
fent, more or le.e, with the appurtenatinni. coneleting of
a two story frame dwelling house,wit h aon e story frame
kitchen attachtel therein: rind a flame Wash, houm—as
the properly sat ORURO E IIOPPEN HAVER.. ,
Also, All that certain tarot car tract of land; eituste In
Washington township, Schuylkill County. bounded by
tends of Simon Scheme, 141111.un Mho. and Daniel eny.
der, containing 64 acres, More er less; .Fuln the emulate•
naiades, censist lug of a one story log dwelling house with
a m a a story dame kitchen thereto ellaehed and a frame
bank limn. with stone basement—es the property of AB.
SOL Etal 11E11N. _ \
.efse. All the right, title and interest of the Rev.
Daniel tiagorien of, in and fo alt those certain two lots
6r ground. sit uate Ihe thwartily side of North
street, In the Borough of Port Carbon. SchuyikillCoou
ty. being the lots marked No. 138 and 140 on the, gene
ral plan of wild Borough as leld out by eeltzinger, Keine,
A Co., Isoundi westwardly by ilegel a thy, eouthwa,rdly
lay Cherry alley, east werdly by lot 'So. nn the afor.-
said plan, and northwatterby North street aforesaid.
containine in width on said Noi•tli street 121) feet (each
lot 60 feet)aud In depth 240 feet to Cherry alley, with
the appurtenance:a, consistiorAf a double 2 dory brick
dwelling Ileum, with a tea story elope Wit beu thereto
at thehed. a one story stone clittreh. made frame stable—
as the property of Rev. DANIEL 3IAGORIEN.
ohm, All that certain -tract or pieceeof Coll land. silt-
Mite iu Reilly township (forwerlyeitrancit township)
echttylkill County. bounded end deecribed as follows:
Reginulam at a sham. thence by land now or late of
it ever and Berger. and William Grief acid others, south
30 deget•ee east k 7 perches to a post, thence by land Cl
Martin Weaver the two following cenmee and distanet.S:
Neve h 59' aleerees red 2:7 precise' , th a since, farmerly a
white oak, mirth half a degree cost 153 perches to a
stone, thence by land of The Forest 'menace:tient Com•
vane., formerly Otro's hells, militia 41- i degkeee west 394
perches In the piney Of beeinultr, containing by a Sur.
ley thereof umle.hy eatnuel B. Fisher, Eel., of the
ninth of May, 186,1,214 acres anal 47 perches, with the
appurtenances. coneleting of 5 blacks of frame houses,
containing lu dereiliame.3 blocks of done houses. cot,-
tabling 6 deadness, meal 1 wocid davelliog end coal break
er eutieLstieg of breaking toilers ' end doubts revolving
„servo's winked by a high pressure 'aeon engineer about
25 horse power. The coati vein hitherto minciartily
• worked (but only a small part tar its area exbausted) is
the well known .'poise vela. r e d anti emit, which has an
excellent market reputation and bears the bighead price,
in OW mayket. lkdow the Spelm vein is the valuable
real ash vein now ern Feed very exteneteely and with great
advantage In the Adjoleina land of the Forest Improve
meet Company. itelmethe last mulationed vein is the
big white ash vein. also worked exteiisirely and prone
ble in the nalinining 1311(14 i t mid Coinpluy. Beelees the
toregetieg there nee otherfratunbie 1,031, in the property
. Inetudine the well known Peach Mountain vein.
One hdr of the coal breaker. ma:raves. and death en
gine ale, re nem t toned belongs to William L. Ivewart. to
get her with the ra Blonde ou the land. the otleer half be
banging to Martha WO3V(t i. wner of the adjeining land
on whirls land is a 40 ho wear steam pumping and
wineing engine. all h pdaips in the elope there, chains,
fie., one half ef all which belomm to acid' s m. C. Desert
—as the property of WILLIAM L DEWART.
Also. Alt those certain 4 adjoinine tote ef groitnal sit
uate in the town of New Castle. Schuylkill Ceunt v,
milked in the plan of mid tech with the numbers 191,
194 103 and 191, bounded in front by Itroaddreet. ma st
werdly by Unita., street, met hwirdly by lanai of Charles
31 filer. Morris lenterson and others, acid in the r etar by
a 12 feet 'wide alley. enn'alning in width ifet 'feet (ea&
:lot 4U feet)aud in depth 171 feet, with the apportentnees,
eonsid mg of a two dory log dwelling !Mums ( weather.
le et rded) with a ”istory frame kitchen thereto attached,
and a frame stable—as the property of PETRI: BECKER.
Ate,, No .1. Alt that certain tease or piece of lani.
uato In Branch tnemship, Schue Mill county. bounded
on the east by a public road leading limn Pottsville to
31inereville, on the north by lot of 'Philip Lewis. and
lends claimed lay Samuel Reiner, and Oh the south and
wed by land claimed lay eansuel Heffner. containing 3
acres, merabe.• toe., with the appurtenences, conshatiug
of a double Iwo story frame deadline house.
Nrael. All that certain lot or piece of gteund, situate
in the'townehip of Norwegian, Schuylkill &aunty. holm.
ded oclahe south lay Fiebbacia stroit,oft the east lay tot
of Edward Freeland. a m the 'berth by . 30 l ea W id e ,
dread, and on ths west by lot of Jemee Thomas. con
taining In width 66 fort, mid In depth 'XXI feet, more air
less, with the appurtenances, consisting of a dIII/110 two
stnrysfretne dwelling tonne with stone teteentent.
Nn .e." 411 that certain lot or piers of ground. situate
In Norwegian township. Schuylkill county, bounded on
the %yet by the 31ount Cartion Railroad, and on the
north, eastenud moth, by Lands of Nicholas Theartnic,
conteinineZn width 151) feet, and in depth:l2s feetonore
par less, with the aeptirtenences. connoting of a I% story
frame dwelling hones with stone ba,setuent, fame sum
mer kitchen and frame stable. .
N 0.6. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate
Inc the toweehip of Norwegien, Schuylkill county, Loon
did on the east by Peacock street, on the south by land
of Archibald Ron:Odeon, on the want by Linda of the
Truetees of the Turk Farm, sod on the north by
cdntaining In width feet. and in depth WO tee, morn
or lees, with the apperienances. consist log of ft two Flory.
[came dwelling house with stone basement, and (mete
summer kitchen. •
N 0.7. All that certain lot or piece of ground sitnatet
in the Blameable of Norwegian, nebuylkill miunty, bean
deal on the north by Peacock root, en the east by lot of
Ortante May, on the smith by the Mount Carbon hail
, recd. on the vrest l by 'ot , aal Archibald Ronaldwan, con-1
, teininw in width feet. and in depth 2'25 feet, mnri.or
less, with the apput 'ensue's, consist log of a double two
' story frame deellinithouse with stunt basement—as the
• property of FRANCIe SPENCER.
Atea, All thet curtain let or piece of around eituale
In the borough of St. Clair, Schuylkill count v, bounded
northwardly by lot of John 11 Ind), mist wardly by lot rat
eouthwardly lay lot of Thomas C. Eire.,
and westwardly by Mitt street. cunt:Outlet to width It
fret. and in depth 100 feet, with the appurtenanceas con.
Meting of a one and a hal story frame dwelling beats
'" —as the property of-JOEL 31E14.
Felted, acid taken in execut i on, and will be sold by
301 IN I'. 11011.% UT.
Sheriffs Office. Pottsville,] Steel:
WIT 14. in'ed. 20.1 t,
1 471ARTElt Pa/PT:MA4I • 4 ,I:ItORPONITE T, IN I$ I.
Company of Penna.
(f)FFICE--92 Market Street, Ilarria•
. burg. Pa. 0gal:11380.000 donuts. ' A
noure all the Niro( elsr.soo of
and T ii proper ti again ot Lou,by ,
Fire, pallA of (viand NAT Ignth at .poriatiou.
Jun:: micurasitroitu, !' r sirlent. I
S. WAnD, Se,r<elary. L., - .31.0rr0:e, Vici Prutdent
BENJ. BANNANhai been, appointed Agent for this
Company in Schuylkill eounty,and Is prepared tolusare
all I:lndent propert y at the lowest rates with re...ant to
seturity..,Jhe rate iean be ascertained at his Mill:store,
B. DAN 'SAN Is also Agent for LIFE as it'll as FIRE
Insurance. . [Dee. A..AT 49.
Authorized Capital,-410.009.000.
rtl id up en pita,. u rpl usi, au d Itmeerved nude, .
$5 000 000 •
, • •
Liability of the nharettnblunt unlimited.
.Ifavinc been appointed .leant In this Dintriet by the
Liverpool and London Fh e mid Lifeltreur.inCe Company.
and for other reilabio The and Life Insurance Companies
or Philadelphia: I ant prepleed to recoil* a pplimgiona fur
Insurance, acalnet tm every desetiption' of build
, Ina and poverty,
.Cnal Operators would find It edvantageoun to Inouro
their colliery ' , true( urea In reliable Companies.. tor which
. .
set ap Avnt.
Parties decking Innuramm 'are renpretfolly%invited to
call at my office, where paytieu tarn will be riven.lemeth•
.er with the Tespertive rirrutars of the. Ctompenies,- and
detailed ;fated:kits od their priamut amdition. •
• mina P. ebtrrpr;
• cont. arra, about 141-me :Alan.
• • prat Pennsylvania halt, Pot '''
. , .
11..EFEUENCES: • - • • • _
• Phira , ,riph la. PrUarille.
Joint Tnekur, Eiq., Johmtibippen,
James Duals; Esq., • Geo. W. Binder. Esq.. •
Jobli It. White. Esq., • flop: Jaynes U. emnpbell,
Dastld .133 na, dl. D.. • lion. C. tr: u
104bstil S. sasith,3l.-Pa Imes, Esq.
January t 9, t
V IIE Girard Life Int=urance, Annuity
.„1. and Trost Company of Philadelphia. (qtrs. No.
I:.r.:Chwrat street, the. drat door East of the Custom
CAPITAL t300,000 7 - -6.1/.4477.1? P,ERPETITAL.
:butt Inge to make In alliances on lives on, the meat
able terms.
The capital' clog paid up and ItiVested, together with
alarge and constantly increasing reserved tOndi offers •
a perfect security to theinsured. -;
The_oremiume may be paid yeailg, hatr.yArly or
quarterly. •, •
The cis m pan y ail,l a 'Dor us periodically to the Ins uran..l
&safer life. The first Ekmas.approPriated in -December,.
1614. and the eeemid Conneln Ikrember, 1849, amount{
to an addition of $262 60 to every 61,000 Insured under
the oldest polh hea, making 61.202 S 0 which will paid
when It shall become it claim. instead ofsl4oooUrigin-:
al lyi ton red:the nextoldest. a mon nt to SIX; 40;theneit
in ale to $1.212 66 for every St,000: thee *Mks in the •
'game proportion a ecordin g to the amount attime of ,
ttendinit,whlch additions make an averare ef more t ban
do per cont. upon lb., premiums paid, without Inertar'
log the annual premium. •• • .' •••
ThomasTildge ay, . . inbred .11rown, •
Armort - - Pawner. '
John Jar smith, - Icreddr6elt Tteciiin;:
Robert . - GeerreTaber; •
• Joseph Tearer. _• „ John Letinterr ,
Thomas P.:Tames; . ;:l .Wharton Levie r ,.
' • 11:-'81ark. '
ern, of entollentlemend fartherieformatforrean be had
'et the - ".1110/141,11tDc1if . 4.14 Preside:4 r _
Joint leites;:lefnary: • • • •
irTheattieW~leagont -foe thi above -Company
In BchnTllllll nanteC. , and effect Inetirancee r ,,and
event' nOelimlrY Infonnutitrion theNfOltiort:' • -
Apr119;1868: 16-1 v • . 11 IidNNAN.
44154464141 141 7** raw.
- -,-
~....,...-_.- - ~..: .._-.::.-'.'.:'
..-laAlir:2: - A Allea - - -
-..:,..-:-....qc1:-.--. -i,, • - ..- ....._,-
-24 Sma* Delaware lveauef
._ . ..
• -.
' - ",- ' r::.; -,
. ' ' i ' ' ......:. •
naltikpriztu , a, ..-
aPf Caadjes
PhliadeipM e, February :6,'59
No. 134 South' Whsives, •
And 323, - North Wharves*
- •
Ashton's nne. tiverpnot Orottnet.Turksistaud. Ashton's
medlar ) 1i1t5 .11417 7 Iwiwyted bize.,coottaally on bind,
and - tr sale' In lots to, Felt the, trade;
j.. --Orders matched. AM11,16. '59 Itenn*
Wire Rope Works.of
Trenton, New'Jerity.
iiirA bums 111Findment of Wire 'tope entfr.tamtly on
bind . Orders Elle,' with desphtch. rot Plse.'stiTogth,
and cost, are Aro:flair. [Feb.`2.7.'59 4.1.y*
. OLLS!, OILS!! - OILS!!!
Nos, 5St s—Wharvio,-philaba.,
General Commission Merchants, and Dealers in
' Sept.22;lB • - 38-tf
Lubricating Grease !
She ehrapeat, mot reliable and durable compotind need
fur Inbrientlas Heavy - Mach Itacry., and the axle*
of Ontolbuses, earflaps, Carle, Drays and I:qgana.
not Gain. and In not afferted'a4 beat br
cold. Manufadt need - and fpr Nile In Tiu Caen. I gla and
I.l.lrrole, by, TAW A DEERS. Philadelphia.
l je.."&ft • v
GEC --
- -
0.,. 1.2 South- Water street, below
NMarket. ac,Padulp4M
Sperm, Lard. Elephant.Whert Tannere'amt Aliehlpery
' Oil, Sperm mud Ads ine Ca ndles. t
Samuel T. Miller, Salesman.
indlarlelpials. Jen wiry 5.-'sxl=lT•.
I OLIN IL ICU wiz, (late of 'and site=
• err to Kenn & tlEfst.rat.j would respectfully call
the a'..tent lon of persons eneam‘d In the Coal BlSfigleff,
to hls .Maoullictury of WIRE COAL AND SLATE
SCR EE'NS. COAL RI DDI.F.S, WIRE 111:0031S. Ac..
at the old establishment. Minerscille. Schuylkill Co.. Ca.
Ilatini been emixofed in the bust .ess of Screen mak-
In% for u pwa rda of twelve years. I th..ter myself that I
can t atm.:int asimod work as In done anywhen , lli the
eannty. and would refer to the quality of my work in the
past. asilruaranteeof what It will be in thelutnre.
pledcing tni.self that I will spare Mt pains to mike my
work witisf.mtot y : to all who may girt. me a trial.
3011:4 11. KURTZ.;
30 it
nibrpvtile. July : 24. 'sg
' ;Manufactarers of Wire etna Scieens, . -
NIT QtYI,D respectr4lly call the ;men
vfiat) of gen. • .. -
..,__ --,.,7'--7- .
in . ...,,
petnen .enc.ageil J. ., -- - --,-.„.; , -',... ~ .7..3.- . :...-:77-
the - Co.sltratte to their .--.-*. ..,.'..: .:' '.4
\ :screen. of the /7. 7' * " e 74) 1 • . i : ~ • `l. '......, .
various;!,. -
qlux. They 1 '2, 1 . 1 _ . ir..i.7v A tr - ,..,' , ,,-,,-.:._
hare increased aril. ~- - t 1. . „•, . :' 2..
,„,' •,A - ...- r _' : g -l .
s thr:turn lug' on , jitf - 44,-.' , -
tie''',7 1 .- -
the beAUt
,":"/-....?..ti..t..4,,,.:.,4!.,-;,:,•1 --z3
prompthess and di.- " : ,..7,,,,,,- , !' - ' ll "''''''' - - 1. - ... - ':-:
patch..' Hari - rig the ...i.. 4 --t. - • ~._,,,
moat kper len ced .. 1 0: - . ,, ..i -,' . ' ''-.-
lidtttlit in the-Seatu -- -
they ran zuitrantee .-......,-- -,_.- --,--
all work done at their Factory. •- , , ,
natatring neatlya ud substantially done, at She Al,ortuf
st Wee:
Screen Bolt a. Cogwheels. E.leaway Itings, Shafts, g,tio.l: .
germs. Are.. d:e..r,lvnys on Wild.
All milers dine egt to t tie -firm by mall t , r lett at T. L.
EsterlYs liarilwa re stor,4 *lll receive' prompt attention.
111.trelt pull 4. 'LS L. 1 1l•
FreNcu Pnineer.
M .
Glaxior, raper Hanger and General Decorator.
,i'er t y n.l; sria,Er, ~,,rry•ppn, it! Me .I,nel - tea/I
ibus , •!, 11441411 - •• 1, (April 2. VJ 14-Gut
Window Shades—Gold Bothers.
•G and '7 Feet tong.
te \ en t ti .,, 4 \ t 's•nity AV City ilefit i i r, /
I cr As i . e;s ;:i.4
P.. per and RoOkstore. Pottsville.
l*r•Cell and see thew. •
l y PA eES,
• *AM -
Paper Hangings, Wit.w, ,
• Decorations. &o.
once Window Shades, Pl:Alice., &c.
Pointers and Paper Iloisgers,
(retire Street. rottrriile,2 doors acne ...IMCliCtin Matte
fAlnr, It 26, '69 14-
• .
Vfliirca3l. 3e - tavrocor C.113.434wv0.
Tilig , :subsenjaer lids a large lot of
, :
rem tilde.) Pitkit•nx .r:
Pan 't a I Taper. suitable for Ilalls, , . , ^-
Parlors. Moine Itnoms„Cham. ,i,pkef,.,,,,
bera and Vuldlellulldings wldrh ' AN: =Pan
pe alit scll at:greatly rdacod e •• • • ....--_ 3:0.4 6‘ 4 •
prices. The Stock embra es the • 0 * N....A .' -
tat. at and moot °steeped Patferna. Paper as cbrai) as 5
cents a Piero.
Now in tho thno for Bargnl ns, for Parer Hany.lnnsand
Boot r ntAI. DANN AN'S
prop Motes and Retail PT - rr and Rank Stnrr.
al l
April 1. ',59114.
rrHE SUBSCRIAIK% would respect.:
fullyrufenh their numemu friends andcustoniers
ut Schuylkill Cduniy, that their assort mentuf Clothing .
Inc Irounc Gentlemen is much targcrthan ever: anal
they aredisposed torch cheap. Perrns Min.:. at a d
tanee hare the privilege of earhankint clothing putn
eluted althissture,if they do not suit.
' F. A.llOliT *IIIIOTifFR.
212 Chestnut St.,corner otTenib,Philada.
May 14.'59 • -
(IF the beat quality, at t 4 Mania c.
Y torv,-New streeL aborallecond, taifween Race Rod
Vino streets, Philadelphia; it toll.. may Ow found the
Imeest assortment In the city. Old Files /I.catind mad e .
oltirl to new, of a saving of Nifty ter cknt.
•The sul.stritter begs to inform his nuon-ron• friendo•
and iL„ poblic generally that he does not rtnploy an
Airnt to solleitordera.. Communications by Mall • will
meet with prompt,t trstiott. , fl.
11 - vo street Fas Works. rhaatitt.
Man+ 4.'59
PER.. , •
. - Q Ert. CI NNAMON. ALLMCE. CLOVE.. '••' '
For Sale at the Eagle - 31111e N 0.241 and NG North
Trout street corner of New. rhltaddrhts. ... -
• IIoWARD woßn ELL •
/11 , ir Porch:tient will find it greatly to their Internal
both in quality and price to buy thew torch, which are
wa rran tad 1411 represented or toadied. Atrial La sot lofted.
Martb 19, '50 . • I'2-ly
idicior. UNION
4CIIV 3E: ' 4;1113 Jtk-.."V.
AiEIN (4, the largeßt: collection in the
counts g.—Tivey. are now publiphlng ,
A New Book Ererg Sutwilol )forning;
'Elei;wiitly Inuit: rated Catalognei may be had without
charge. by inbireftine
• - Ott. Ctir.arscr Se.. PIIILAALLPHIA.
irir A 1 I the publication!. of the Numbly i•eitoul Uuion
eau be pbtalned at Union prices at the !look store of
U. BANN•illi, Pottsville.
. get. 19, '5,4 , . • • . 42-tf -
ll\T,,th 708 (Il i ' EsiN NUT Stre et, above .
I NI 7th: prilLabr.i.rrin. Tbo anbsertbere feailtet%
folly invite the attention of Ledies to quelr rollet , inn of
Elegant Mau! Mut, adapted for Ypripg and .trio-
tern; comprising every description and variety yr rabrie
to medium and hivh prieed.goods—; . • ; . •
Build Bilk Mantillas . . • ' .
' Bilk end . Lieu MaZtiltaa. . • . - . '
Paris Lam Mantillas. ..
• Pictish Lem Mantillas. - . .
- (Chantilly Lare %OWN.. _ -, • .
. - - - Guipure Lace Mantillas. de., tr.
• This dr:pertinent of Lori.' attire, being a speci.lity
with thlietabscribersthq ere enabled to Ater adulate.
gee not to he met with to Dry lined. kiStablishatenis.
J. W. I'llOtiTfllt k CO.. • .
• . • No. 7Orl . Chestnut Street;Philadelpitht.
March 1: 1 . 'a9 „ ' , - '11.3m '.
. 1: 11 '11cO0::
8 W.copier-CIIXONtrf and 12th its, '•
, Philadelphia.
Thai on hied and lieoarlavittrre4elng a theta and
aeueral aesartineut Votinl)y..flramtriet4 midst
ot Enrols'? Biota: 20 - due?' 7. 0 0, 1 Coffer , E'aslOr•
Rice, llama, Tongue?. Beet; La rd.' Fhb 'Erigliati Tickle",
Satteati-Peraetaes, Potted' bleatie Lilittsne, ie.
Ati itt.ableketill bra* at taus Most tuaineattb, pekes
few ' 1 . • . •
alrOnlire Ty mall or oi bent btu peoutptlr atten4ed. to;
atut,4ollreual to ally part of tbe eiti : fro ty4.arge.
Veataleittes ieut abeu &Plead:
4aouirr '41i450
‘lvalLs von iiALLittlADS.ite.:OW selAblo3 ,
tel. twit, On. and mertbarailtre puterally. rumba.
yeti rua no tiPk; every 'emir lei wur mislead forme
and Icailer trhi, odt foutt4rathrattdre can be raturtwil
• without dyne. • •
apiteetnry at the old hand, nda laird irer mare
than ihiriptive pert, Attu TT W -
Cornet or Niuth arid Strtot leblbeirrobbt.
Stank 03,10 ' 13
• STEAM - TOWtle •
Between Philadelphia And Baltimore.
HE vgdemigned p
is now preped
. I . '
Tii4 Canal Bente promptly between Phil
adelphia and Baltimore.. -
A, Tow Boat will be sent at ant. time Sir tarn I ~ ,
Bore., -Etedle Boats will he picked up twice
' a'
a Week at VIVA Itleett CA piaius can +Kale thee by In
forming me by letter before they leave the in matain
when they expect tote nt Philatielphi :
My Tow Boats am very powerful an (.onm:l4rd:A by
men of greats* nee In cbraapeak Bay i and on the
Mrlaware. ..1 - , IirIiEBEBIC A. Pll I I.'P.
April 245:1 1 - m• ' Baltimore. .
-11 - • CHEAP.OR CASH: '
33. 97. ;WEI,
Aro. 1O sorlit size h s • hiladelphia,
la the largest manufacturer of tti YD..IIV 'MOD*.
and dealer in WINDOW-SHADES. of rerY Tatirti•
lie la the ortzinator of all Near and has ti floe
stock to t r . add at IttIICCLI) Pawls.
sa- non R.bil iIIES pain o er.
* s q. B. J. %V. torltee'ritlitens of this usty to call st.
hare purchasing. and aasuret them he 0 sell a better
art irle for the money thus - any other Estatdieltmeut iu
the Baited States. rObitad'a, Harrh,'SD 134 m
Gentlemen's Furnishl
Patent Shoulder Seat. Shgt
1" - PHE OIN
LLout street, PIIItADEZYIII.A.o
Ington !louse."
A. WINCIIFIATETt twill tire. as her
el ' , briery isien 44 . the Cr.ting mill .
pirtrn. Ms. Orders for his edetirsted
!dollars filled at the shortest notice..
IT Persons desiring to Order 4 birts.r2,
titte tkruauls for measurenie t. onsp •
.; Constantly on hand. a is led and
%tenon's Furnishing oOo4ls.
• ta-Wholeirde orders,snp lied on I
September 4, 'SS •
SI la 401,11111115 AND nIPUIITHICS Ur
PAPER'PTV , -rTa-irrcas,
No. 17 South Fourth) Sireoi,
(Below Markel, nod lippointe .illerehnnt Sire.t.
I( F fir is?„r ° tn lt ion il l i o n f a i .n AP i r a u r VA 1 1 / 1 1,t1 d bBqaTIOURDII
- FIRP LUAU) 111111,1 , 1t\ 4 , de., which they ate ',
kiting et rery low prhys 'Country merchants eupplted j
at the lowest r tiro ltWm papered at *hot t notice by
careful w, rucwn
The citizens of schuylki county la to invited to exam - I
• lee their eptendidateorpotrit of Paperbaore purchasing
elsewhere.and judge for II emgelvda
iffri.leTtnt new 'dyke yet teethed
Mart te .r.' 9 il3 Cut
Apußvos, Scrap Iron and Me
o bi Iterchont.phr hie and Fenn
dry k mob her he rhe at Corner 01
South and Penn Stet t, PIIILADM.
I s pr e pasrd e, f in .o4 A, rmdryints. Ilficlifnirtt wadi
elhers, w h it 1,,e Allowing grncl,s 1
Ingot Copper, rtehly !Ind e elc 3laehltte
Int r t Itrtea, Ilot II pont
III•wk Tin, • Crib il 1.. , Sheet and Italie, p.
IA . th 1 elder Faeln . e. per .
crelter. A is} . ltsl% les I . Ile ~shet t and Lod
Ant Inv ivr k+ 1 1 NSA
Ball Mt Metal,. (lid M..k. tla, Sheet Lead .
Mao nib, lt Per Plato Sheet /tor,
c I.leta I. !ts I trait, M mualit Iron Tub
Pit Inn, Ft en I Ire, Inc tnrUayr teau l
1 ar lion, Lead Pipe. or Mater .'
Sheet Iron, I% valeta and \ ule Steam kcltit g
ed-Artirlon 01 erl. et &L. t eittittril Verity Mto b ID'S
and tin Iry nett tutul.l rd to tr It
.rllose't h paid for ,wrap rot and a 1 Until , of doh!.
l if
I ,1 Ipttla Morels r f
a ll It
Will find , it greatly- ON illvir' aAN tiltlge t 43 pIItrIAZ
CHINA .r $S •' •
• AND t
ccerAmvxipvzr -1: .a.ittmei
. •
I 1
xm i gc:iri WISC. ,
, .
' 1
PtiIi.ADAPHIA, ' ' 1
. - :who bare a spsteui q aLini' b ?doom petCullar to
tiflosol!re!. • .1
They Iniii44tair,llll el direct ' • 1
Fttrnt 'VIE 1114 N1. , ..f1U AUTUItEIIS, . 1 .
JUST AS ellF.Al'it ~.},hi!v 2,4 N be linuL;ht ii; large 1
quantithi a 11W)1(11.1.lAAI.K ' by the
0 COUFIIIII 311illellAN.T.. .._
T. k )t.'s ruatauntit7hato lite double :Ova - Otago J
l iA
Purehashag dlie f : front. the Intperter•
Anil of Set-cting..frAi , i &Z. t,ry Lorge . and, Beautiful
S; . ri•ne of - a 1
' April 9, 7.0 ..h ie, - _. - 11:3m
'ii 3
Near Trade i pry Gooils li
156'213 Dia lk*
st., Philadelphia% I
iis, GOODSpN All
Pa Drorke i ti:-iid Print , Boidered . .! '
Stell4! Shpowls; : .
And ihe:i iLlest a m.orithent 4' ,
Merrtmack prints
li ! ,,,,rif uniw mks. . . • ,
Black Silk.. and 3loßrding (lands. Trish Tahleand Shirt.
lug 'Anon& 3101 , iind IS ,, y's Wear. In - .
' Narinty, Fian ird Mat - es of - Biesched
• and Ten) n 4..iods. Checks,
. • Tio ngs.)' Sttinrs, ,
-t lidins.'&c. ~ . , •
PI imea Clofrin, and made to soil.' . . '
323' Market Street,
invite the attention of liu) creole an Eating Now and
eetnolete atOrlt of
. 61.01VERS, &C.,
. ~
OR 1
Vlach they °ger fur cash. or on the weal I nsti t. L' -
toficentrated Animal 31anare: ' • . II::N RV Gill', 1131 AN, 1
IV.II. Y. Attain. is
• 50 , Pcs l i eut. C:a.aper non I ltlarch 19, ':.9 12-2 m
1 --
- AnY Known Fertilizer! , , FARMERS, ATTENTION ! a .
-1-,AR:,..-....,,A,..,.,,i., buy this va,„,.. ,e . . ... . . . ,
manure with the fullest confidence of te log re bi a -..5t,,... The ton I Arty/. in ihr Iltrblilr• tan ot s . r
the toted , cost by the incnetsed production ul the st r'l CO's - , 0.1 T.'. PO fl TOES, .k e.,. ce •
crop, besides raphify.epnthint fht,r land- 4 - • LEI NAU'S
.Read .3 11
, Super-Phosphate lIIE ANALYSIS OP PROI,E:41I1 L. STEYENitiI ..,...per-Phosphate of
.1 hereby certify that I Imre analyzed a lot of Phaine. At SW per ton; or 2 i cis per pound. by the torrel.. 1
for Fri`nen, itit horde & Co.. corner of York lined and i • '
Callowhlll streets, Ph itidelythia, and find Its componen hi ter-dziyzed . aed recomr.,:nol,d by Prof. CUALLIs T.
to be aa fellows: ; i yvx 0 Chem wt 01 thu Lulled Status Patent liftice,
anitysts Or Vitra.. 1 Washingtou.D.v. Also,
Animal matter. containing 8 pui cent. dried blood, ILOO Le luau's American 'Fertilizer I ~.
Phosphate of Lime. 3i,00 at 125 a tun: stno a buret It has been in succt aqui.
Sulphate of Ammonia. . 4.10 USE forthe past '7 years. , ,
M oriole. Phosphate and Co rbotiakssof Ammonia, 3.30 Soutlatoto awl CO Itnatto Hard and Soft Phospha 116 1
Nit rate and Su'lrthatentScdt. - &On
Sulphate of 1 assa, ' • r 2:st • . .
luriate. Pin hate and Carbonate of Potassa, ii,so by the ton or cargo. r ,
Chloride cat , tlitttn. aOt Pot• Ash. Rolle Dustlond l'i aster, Nitrate of Sods and
Sulphates of Lime and Ilagnesia,, • .„, o , Sulphate of Amenia. ' la ß - A liberal discount to ti hole-
Silica and Sulphur (soluble), 1. sale Dealers.. L‘ 01.01:GE A LIANA'',
'L. STEt F.N§...i,' 9 Ne. 21 &nth FRONT Philadelphiastreet, t ity. In.
The above proves, conclusively, that PHRINE le to February 215'10
.. 94t0
the Fanner and Land corner. TIM dlocnvery of tho hr : - 7 - - -
containing all the necessaiy constituents for produc or ISIR. E. T. TA, I II.OR, ,
I:ARG. CROPS, at - a small expense. The prics,tg.miny
within the reach of all, Is hut 2 cents per lb., FORltrt LT or Tilt FIRM er
or $lO per 2tn6 1t.... with a discount to. divalent. ea' Li PrINCoTT .t TAYLOR, AND IA PPICOTT.,TAYI.O_II
and see it. Send your orders to ' & CO..
31errhani Tailnrs and ExteuxicE Clnihiers,
French, Richards ISt C0..11 of thi, City, and the fullow ing Cities and 'Countlest, to
CI% Tor:: Reed A; a j o g ibriat.:b.e,ts, rill L;I" DEL l'l7lA. , oil-
, 'l, vermnrry A: T ition. of Pottsville, Schuylkill Co„ Pa.
.11C-The abare article can also be oldaintel from ' the
Ltrrascort, Taet.oa A L . ii2., , 01t u :..mkt . 41 1 1 1 . u. 5 . 0 .m rt ,.. 11 . 2 , 1 ,, ,i n 'e r e C c :: : ' p .a . : . i i
eule.ei INT at manufact urerorqtrictos, by the log or ion,
Pottsville, April 2.'10 it 2rn D. it tNN AN, 1 ' •
it o " of Alauch Chunk. Lehigh Co „o
TO FARMERS AND OTHERS .. 1 1 .. .. $, of Reading, i erks County, Pa.
'X' ce. ssi lic. CP X' resl C 0 leh x‘ lv. P rai of Cincinnati. Ohio.
n \ ,IA " of No. 2no 'Markst st-Plillas. ,
Phosphatic Fertilizer. 1 i i , .
! Would respectfully intern, his numerous friends. suit
T RE,,y.anillaettirers would must( i.e.
, the public,,that he has asseciated himself in business
spectfully incite the/M tn
ontle° of Wart•ra,Ga demi with the ~,. ,ii t • v. nOIT El 1101114 O f
ere and others, to their Phosphatie Fertilizer. i GRANVILLE STOKES
',not Inx that nn Impartial trial of the erne', - I
will prove It to be the best and cheapest &rill. :11,t. 007 Cher/nal .Vred beftn , a Ni.riA 11,1 , / &Tenth.
Izer now uttered to the public torah kinds of en pit. such Where his entire and part iculariattentien will be IiPTO.
NM i% ilr:11, it) C, (tot &I Curti. Grass. Potatoes at d vt.l i geta tel to the Ale t chant 1 allot I tig and Fine Reatly.3lade Ru
bles el all - description,. It contains' ice due propiwthal partruenta
thu following fertilizing ingredients. viz: l'hospfiati re. , Mr. E. T T. - solicits a cell from- his former numerous,
Lime, Ammonia. Phosphoric Acid, Nitro: Pure Animal eustomens. end from all who wish eh ,bloc of superior
Charcoal. 'Mullett of &Alum, Potot`,Carbonate 0 Limo St) le. Quality Mid WOrtma nett Ip, either read) ut.tht--er
and Gypsum. t. - made to order.
For Grass as a top siressing.lesper ally to tfios who , .oef-Stratiz,ere •IFIII DI the city will please term miter
Adlow the milk huslisess.) it hi at lee and for ye rel. de- the Temple of p.hion. N'o. r.r; vio-sq,ut sine I Just one
ildedly promotive of, the very i
. perties In th gram squaw I clo r the ts•nutiftil • 3ltlsOnic TerPle. site utted on
that the Corr requiros, I • the Fame street. , The u tido stztont s ill be to,ppy to meet
itellerim; that ounPertillzet Is a superior ooe. coffer his friends and , mere flown with the b4st and most lash.
it to the petitewilli that deg ce of confidence a ith a triable style of Ready-M tde Ch•thing dhat can he mot
!mewled:o of its In tingle earellen - ce Inspires. price with in any city in the . Colon. E. T. TAYLOR.
$lO per ton. or 2. eon s per pound. Terms malt. _ ‘ Philadelphia, Septenot er 4, 'IA 20.
-lion net and Gunner: [ - C O., MORIIIS JONES & C We also terp e• ns antsy midland Peruvian and oiher
choice (Inane. whir we will furnish at fair prier 4 e.lso- • 0
a very mtperior article of GROUND !lONE mermaid It ht i - a
great cart. Price of Mute dust, coarse, ..140-11nel $lO , 111.031 lb STEEL 4 DiEncii 8,
,p..... tots of ZO‘ltioutb . , lu Pottsville.. Addreas , ..11,trkrf nisi S , .rte-ntfs htreets, Ph • delphia,
. TASEEIL & CLARI{, - ilare alw aye nu hand and for sale
~ , ln.?, South Fifth street. Philedelidala. nr.sT Eva Litltt itF.tls ED IRON-Full assortments of
EZ - The subscribirs have twen appointed Ag uts In
... "Itagnalls,P and other favorite brands. BEST AM Eill-
Pottsville for the ssie of th e i ab o ve.. p,rtittzers. where L'. °AYR.% I:A-ordinary sizes. or rolled to order for bridge
samples can be swill They relioNtfulir Invite. partners,' 4c. PENNSYLVANIA BOILER PLATE
and others to call nod examine It at their II 'rdware • from seuntoesizesor nat to required size. BOILER
store. , 111110 UT &LE tell. RIC litcl--Dove'r brand, made in solid dies. REST EN.
--- Vaill - E6LiGii - thili - larelikeN ' irti --
Oriental !Detersive ,Spap,.
P"istme,` f
h P i 1 : I I
:1 4 ad elph 1 a .. , 1 . 14:
i t
1 i - (114 % 1. ::,
. 1 1 1 1 G CT : Ih ! l : T1 7 1 : E S C? IT I I: .
i_... ‘31 1 11:11 . 4 11 )1: 1: 0: 11 :11. 811 " in. 1 ° T r
I °S : . ° 7l Y ,
.. 414 . .
p tiv ; ; ;l :A : l l: ll T ni r ict . : l ir :l :\ n i: e l r u b D i 'ai l::
1. 41 1 I t 1 : 1 O .E : ° 11: 11 . Ne T e :::•1 1 : 11 , s r al r : b y t FLUEI' U T : NIs T II . IIII :% e i A n t
. ‘N1 1 :
. - trad.len sun sorb,
-Dufour Aguas en hcerby aut:oorizrd in iri' ri/e.gooth ' an . 3111,oErte..,4104.A,sit"'w„r•Inwl,Ihtraaqt-nuililitZl:rritna,trntannill'lnir4: stTeehle,
f Tann , pr it at nhr expenre. .
... 4 , Nails and which the attention of dealers.
VAN !IA AG EN being 5 a prnett, rnilroad comzemies,ongineers.mlners. founders and toa
rl.• vol Estop Maker. and haring for the last twelv, ehlnixes icilcited. Mar 10. Iftitti 19-ly
years mt different i tides) ezperiniented open and tester
this particular Soap.ln various ways.mter offer, IL r,, ft., M . W . DA L D WIN & C 0 ow..
public tura Soap which will save T111;141.311. And arOxxt • „ 'ENGINEERS. 0 '
We are willing it shoed rest upon Its own merits ' Al ,Bor ed and naatillne sfrtels,4 l hartefelphio,ollita. ,
we ask is 10 ;lan It a fair trial. and use it-a Tordingle , _ 'c r. WOUI4 Vat - the II tiellilUn 01 it , itra.d
our• directions, Ifeund In each bob .) and If it doe* no , • 6 ir ll 1 1.1.nagers.and tboso Into relied in Rail'
give full satisfaction. the money will'he refuelled. . I ::,.,,, ..P.ktl' "" road Property. to their Systeme/ live-
Artteltal the , many advantages over other Wagtail{{ • ,-,7 „ -.T:' .- asoliecingirsooln'whishthey *readapted
&ni*, the following. may bonnmed : I i 4 : ..- r., 'lir - to the particular business for width
1-Clothes nestle* Minn*. and eery little riabbing they may tie required:, by the nos of one. two. three Or
(gloat articles none.)'four pair Isf driving whirls; and she use of Gm whole,
2. Dna pound will go as Car, for use. as Ouse pound or so ninth of the weight as may
be desirable for san
of rerolooll rosin map. or two pounds hest faml •soap , f fon; sn i tleasesnunsdat tsp. them to the !rade*. etlrree,
3. It requires lem than one-bolt the 'Dna and ellor tr ' strength of Wu perstruct Inn, and rail and work to be, do the washitig of a family. that it requires Oh 111., dime. • lly these means e tufiti.axia, gm wev MI effect of the
- heal fatally soap, and is warranted not to In: re the taWer IF secured with the least expense for a 'fetal Ittret
f t hrtr. ' - ' ) end of fuel. and repairs to Read sad iingine. with thew,
-L For rimming Paint" and removing 13rwve, Tar ant oldem aln flew. a 13.1 no the result of twent).t It rep years
Printres lok. It is moontrpa•sed. Ilischltdsta, Printers • practical experience in the twinge.* by one senior pert.
and Painters; ill find it ate invaluable utter.,flex wash". nor, lee d'lT''''''' // it ' d: 'f E ''• 51.. " 3. lind
lag hands, asit der not Asp, but - greatly RO US the several ehisms of slim of each Lind. Per lonia r atten- i
akin, '' -1 • . • - • %lon paid to the strength of ths marlilnein the Omuta
6. The anperforityof the untitled, uardond i begon workmanship •ot all the details. Our long experience i
xot Otectattnara Atli otcas or ALWALlSP,lllergorem Id thin and onpoltuni lies of olosinlnglnformation. soul _
blot us
guy lOW linmen Washing Soap, and undoubtedly tin to offer them eaglet a with the assurance that In minden-
boat *darted for white and colored Chetitheg. etel wen a. ey, economy and d aval'ilitT• l hey win on"V rek " l 'l lid Y
Gambrklit arid Luca, and is Sourrenfetl eatt 14 red, th. , with thosentanyother Mod in use, ,We oleo furnish.
441117 ` . ' '.
• l' '.l _I 1 to order. wheels'. axles, bowl Inn or low moor Ilre (telt
Vann% id Ali tealmetable (Imre?"' $lOll , ll In the ell! eauirlowiiikont boring-jeomposition castings for beer
inetneighbnring tow n il to twato OAT ley II; ingeLearery description ofCopper, Shout . ] ran and toiler
isi.' TRAIN & litKßONW4dc l ontb W baile r +, . Works: and every arlieleopportaloing to the royale or
itessor .41.1 at( anti (.rataid Xs, FliareisapAist. ' rattawat or lateornotiv•no;loos. M. W. 11.A1,01110.4
rsits l P.'n ' I' - t St° 1 . Jannaw7=,'OS 141 )lATTIif.W bAIRD.
fre Orders (rata It
'Will he tilled with Pro
Loweat Market Priri
!1. Money le received every day, and in Any wrwohot.
Oars" ay small. '
Five POr Cent. Interest Is paid !be moray
from Ihr day it Is pal ia.
'1 v.. ..n. l I.alwaye r tlll Lark In Gold, whenever
is called for. end wll Imo notice.
4.. Money I. rm....lied from, hieriairird'ort,
Cuartaxs and otbwrs 'run dr.lro 1.. have It In m ptire
qt perfect safety, and where intemet can be °Waived for
It. s ` • '
5. The money received firm depcsOrs Is Lnvestrd In
RKAL le.:..TATF 4 .3.loltlllA(likt,tittOtlND,
each other first class securities as the Charter directs.
' I e. °Mew /lour.—diary day fmmi t 1 till S o'clock. and
e t ot Mocthlyi slid rhurmleyi till 8/ ID the eicniurt:
e ,reThlsoli and well estahlished SAVING PILID has
more Oen MILLIONS ordullars from
'nearly thirty thouernd depositors.
. - • lON:HENRY nmsNEft,
WILLIAM J. Km, Secretary. ' •
d: s.
g Stare,
706 Chest
posit. the Wash-
I totbrp,the person
la nut:tel tirla gt de
style of Starts and
be onpplied , with
fent ion by
.legit stork of lien-
beial terms.
. .. . . _
. A full asSortmank of Sheetinlir,Athiriiiiits. Tiektn.p.,
Priuts.Gingliatioseoutiteroarios,T3 l,l o Liticos,Napkios.
'itc . kr. , Also. . -
JJi'. nod 110 1x1 WEA It, in Great raritly.
•Cl.fri3orslii hou4it and •! it osrinirrly for e.1: 4 11.
one , .ol'i, mot an ctirtf,sood. ii.ELLEV 4". li•IZOW N.
\o.o. li,i N. Sinnott stniet. abort, M•ithol Philmtekplils.
. , ,
• April 21.'59 • 1741111 -
NET CAO ;— y 5
r - e i iCC
n t d i e — b I tiCUSE: —
01111TH :,in(1 . ..1 re h S,tt fe tt s, 'l' h ila.
, , 4 , 10 , 1 ,-. o r . ~,,, ( 1 ,,,,,, i .n...7 is full assor.tuirot of
I NEW 11l O Ili Dili i..WILISii tiF 1830.
2 i :prin.; Silks 4. N.,.. Styl.A.
• i
I Es.himoil..l.-D - itil•le ,Sliirt Robes.
1 • 'bawl. ,it Iho Now Slung' iityles. ,
-• ; .
D01..-tinc% and Palmy lircro ilis•,l4 _ _.,'
.inintorr l'ortiii.i. :111.1 Valt•tii•imi. .
' iy,,,, , ,,iiii-n• linos hoods toll sarl,•ty.
• Dhoti,. ts. i•itiret'rtir k Illimio-A,,, oily; floods.
.N• 8 S'"r" r "lr'fi' iiro•riomi•rt full, reiiiii•si,.,l to.mmto•
the our Stork of BLACS. SILK' and- BllAlll..S,poiqe
pureloAug. . •
I'. :::,_ Nem , (looil4 rerotrool Dolls. and 0 „,,I Wirgains
from the Aut-tion".4.l' Nfw York :mil this City.
en - Ter .., _N.( cu.?, and prO;rs,roto.
)larch S;',KI •
yi --.
• OItT '1131.P. Bri,ERS.
ern not entne . to the City.
ptnaga and Client y, and- at ithe
'(April Su, '59
',-_' : PHIJADELPM4;
kAVING, .F.1.0:11%,D;
Dirovtior• t
.11enry L. Benner; Freesia Lee. '
Ede sut I.:Parte!. • Y.enriell Ineweter,.
Itobere Selfrid=e. - ' ' Jes• - lb ti. I,3 rrie
Saml:g. A%htott,,. lo ..erdt Terkee.
C. Landreth plunna. ' I llehry, Dißendfrfer;
.onices....iyALNlTT ST.. S.W. 'order of Tut RD,
rhlladelplilue ' .
April 16, 'E9 I 16.
'rHE subscriber respectfully informs
, theipublle lbat b« Is prer,aird 11 ,-- re , dve nnd nn-
Ina. Cars eantalului Lututna, RAO:. Stare.. Fhluales,
Coal Imn, Le,' ._ , • t.!...C1111F1NF.11,
S. Ir. cot. Snad and (b.pnehalsts., rhibutriphia.
February It 'ea • . "4'
6 nnt •
Wn.l. TATLOR.) . Oni. R. Same:WM
WM. J. TXYLOR £ CO.. •
whelefido &Mora In Flab, CVite Sind Pro
viellotta, N 0.138 South Wbarr....... between Cbeatuut
and Walnut St reet rstILA DEL NI IA. •
Vis'Sle Arks j r Ilmrseseel(bra:6lriaegar:€ll
March 111,.'69 114.1ut
A NY I'ERSON,.(LatIy or (entle . -
man.)ln the United btalea, poto44l.lng a mall
.rapltal or from tt to $1 ran-enter Into clay and re..
spectalle halation., by whl.4b trout tri $4l p, r day mil
be realised. Fur purtieula,(wlth.ataalp.) .1
. W. R. AMON
Tab. VI, 's9' 0443 m) 4 North Filth St, PhltaXe.
d 7 -- A •
• • Koilet Soaps.
641 North-Ninth Street,
April 23.'59
DRY_ COODS.--.lEelley & Brown.
No. 13 DRY_
Second street, PHILADELPHIA,
A RE constantly, tly. receiving NEW all
i lk _ DES' it Alti EVgoods for Spring and Stunmer bale
P -
conspi,,ng In part
Mark Silks,
&SIN Shawls, • ,
• 'l'ol6 Ciwen•s,
Ch 3. D Lit !leg, • s
' , row
Las, It., ilam L.... Le
N. E. car. Eighth and Spring 'iparden. St:
, Ocuiving New Goods,
•I:ol.7.llituratr...q . FM: C. 101!" a od in order-in
toaiotain their 'fa r -fanie d rc r uratio n for riling Yee !'
rehr a p. 111. 1 are dol;•rtnined to roll fur 1,31ALL'11t4412:.:::
MO. Fancy': Nor Stylcil , , •
first !toiled Ill.rek SlLKS4lnrpnrteti.
Plain I'l./ y eharle runt et lee.
Ilandomuu ilayntrre SlLlil'—ire•tut Vol Cr pd..
Foulard S 1 ).K: 4 . )larreline and Florence
Shawls! Mantillas!! Dusters!!!
: 1 / 4 it, 1.11:1116.. tao,se Y a le n riay. Chen t o I tolA t urias.,te.,
- Itarages.tlrenadines, India Silks, Chin tve..te...te.
Best -Fronting &' Family Linens!
cLorni and CA:•: , 1)113tES! •
FI.IN.NEV. &e.
Plano Cov e rs, Table Covers. 'fable Cloths, 3laraelles
Qtnlts,,,klleritlale fir.
1. n.—ln lids:day of illy Railrcadp,: 1101 n. wary
friends ran travel horn any H rl of the ray to our trtore.
for rill, rents, • r •
Philadelphia. Itlarcl:t 5, '59
1859.] SPRING STYLES. Elsa
11# Arum.
43Rif 8 AliD GARDEN FEEDS. 1711:11T riz t .
Asrlerilltural Insplemente,ite. --,
'l'llE subscriber will keep
nn hand elneer.Timotby and others , a.,
eeeia. White Clover and Lows i:Hu..
serla.. lerxretherirlth garden and Bald sp• t ig. with .ii"
!ill 'arrant to he feelitvii.d good, lie pill also rve4,,
Oideri fnr all I:Ind/fruit treeLlwananled to Ir •I. t
they are repreaente lacrieultural implemente.o ~3
of which will be furnlalied at inanufsetureet, j.ii,„
The seed. and treee eobli by tho r ul "'" ib e r 1," ee1w...1
with crest eare..erly teem ar^w`tro of "Fal3llrn era
!landing. Ile does oat doll In mode proeared prombee.
busty to the taarketfrom tb,ise li he sell rbeap. , e it b, „ t
n igard to the eh:mailer of the teed fold. Nor dte, Le
purchase or sell ni4tlv onwnpnrnbenearly In mtell emi .
dent. Whet° thole Inn flog. rrnkhnitY deterh tat,.
quality, partleularl v thee.. of the ASCU. apertea. ILIA I.
an important oonslderatinn to those a ho poreheh. OF. e
reeds or fruit treed. for trees, de.. send ,IR 6rvlrr..• ...Illy
•Thoso s of,us who do our 'principal farmilig in
Vie editorial Isom:ruin," may be expected I to
avoid tunny disgraceful errors into which out ilo;:r
cultivators are prune tb ' fell. We never4t.thist
tics, burdocks, and other .noxious reel's, go to
seed on our promises i the board are not.idffroul,
our barns, and unsightly rabbis don'larearea
late on our prevaises--(this may slightly:eilK
gerated; but wo will USintne i \ tfur \orgutnentlake),
oil cattle are ii%upoorly led; our :Plowing isot
ot the. 4 .cut nod 'curer" kind, and our planting is
0 1
i l
I out of time: We are therefore the men to
e ort others to the yerfhrtnenecof duly.
. . ill you not then, Mir Sprlug, go into a gen.
Or I clearing up•nbout "'Mir Inures ,n4l buildings
ii tbeemnsightly accumulationi which intre an.
doyeil your Wife and daughters so long, and In
your wore susceptible moments, brought a ,Teri
Itttle color into your own cheeks? 'ti that tdd hay
rack is worth anything, would It not Pay to carry
it away to some shelter? :If it ti at fur wto'd,
suppose you both it indoors, and If nut, burn it
souses herer , Ditio the horse rake, plow, old sied,
old wagon, nod cultivator.; • I ,
.Are you through with those plum trees, covered
.with ; black knots and dead limbo?—theft, for your
country's sake, if owl for your oats, burn them
or by all' means, kill or cure them.
eircumniividate your whole form 'ind it yo'u
and is any fence corner a good railoout it on the
fence; and if you: find stomps, gloom broken
rails, or'bu.lies, put them out of the way. Let
every fence corner be 'reedy for the scythe; lino
you will,bii utile to gather ranch valuablefodder to
More neiny for a scarce , time,
Be sura,rcril pick op dtl sticks . and stones ur...n
your newly_ recital Will• not insult
you by tot ppottingtluit your nld tuendows fegoirs
aoilbing of the kin.l—then;Aoll them id a act
,time, nrl,you will bora a good time with your
mowing nwicklo.
If ymiihnte omitted to dig
. nbout and den;
your fruit' triter._ omit it no longer. expended on fruit trees srlituieet with a
largo roa.ord.
Be eure ni ono thing—ynnr eara and labon, sill
iffrresPe upon you as the saffron, advances, so sr. ,
tu:it that,your hay racks, reapers, - mowers, de;
are at Imre put in order; otherwise you may wait
fur thefh ,at n "serious coat. The right time tor ,
doing anyl.franch of facia work is : a britc..,time;
so rapid ore tho changes of our sefrons th it a day,
or two's dfshiy may rp , vil the; profits of a Lugo
transaction. Thereforu, lie
Lu 4k to; it that you Mu' not 4ff : tilts; l'fr somaindi,
lipsito-sfor "CUIIVA ,
That Ptne to-r r-t, r ,ou alit
C. 411 pi: to do it at a moir inconvenient
ann . . Getting a new baggy. a new hat, Hon, new:
‘vite, (iitcre'tnny t e P 1 ,11 1 ,1 dou b t
here,) will admit of deltiy—a tiew lowre may 14-,
waited for'—litit a now fcnee. a new Our . , a at I.
hay Tack, it: not pri , eitltd at Duro, may result in
BCtillll2l !VAS. •
It ran
It may not be ton late to turn Porno rtruiet on
to your parl i tuiis:oi:ittelidow, awl so Meryl's'. y u ur
grat , F. n touch tiegieeted..heyery
important 4cration in farming. Stantflag 781.1 .
however hine6eial7 to graer;c•is destructive of
grain. See that there ate no ponds on your grt n.
See that your manure is either applied to your
crops or guarded against wade froth fcruicntal
or exposure to the clemelitS. .
• Look to your miltlisosin: vegettliler, vital keep.
the ground Wore and the Weed,' unittr.''
Don't neglect to hunt the eggs, alit]
,Tret" the
hone in good 'duces, with .the right nutoLer
Keep your enttic from cold ttorma, ard let la
into 11,e 'aril on cool night* to eat 'irni
ua hay, y
way of change iron, the fiastlygraes.
Ilaeo sou a poll rain watre cistern, with go , d
treughs,and conduetitra leadin;;intb it t Th. 4 it
atn , )ng the indisputable and itntliewaldo"rightsot
Wive you ogcaid drain• to : conduit the surplus
water of the kitchen tu• thecompost beep, which.
or eaurre is well supplitiik, srith the ecrapino el
the ,nislk*, tittick, sods, t.e.. Have you getherol
up the chips from your winter choppliiir, the
splinters and swell sticks, bits of bark, lei;'which
cumber the round, and When dry are so we
to start thirlft i re ? Let these bo carefully gathers!
and put softie dry plac'nbuvatheground,seals
fur tape
that ,your potatoes are -sprouted and psi
dark, cool, dry place. See that there is as.
or other eatables left in dry placer, to le
Jtneil by rats and nice. i htake aigoroas eat
upon these enemies of the human race, before
they escape into the Holds to recruit ( . 4 nest win
, ' 1
ter's campaign.
Pitt t4ray in a dry,-airy plare, plena Yof 'ow,
rough timber, suitable for hoe bandlea, rke tee th ,
whttfletrees, wedges, pins, plow handle', ite., Sc.
Cast up and tee if your ore getting le in.l NW]
any item of I.lllAlliedlo . and If 'an, prorc roix,fl
equal P. the einergency—eunfl., , y more Ldp. or
double your diligence, and ideß up si ! uitsii tr.—
kle sure it you can't "atlas "
to doll ihi , l,: nt the
right time, you can't afford udo it at all.—ifooris
Rom! Sew Yorker.
...+_____ __...._. ,
i Woyfit A TIIIAL.—We reo It stated lira if an
onion lie planted In the rattle hill with meitins , r
cueninters, these plants willirt lie",iiiferted wi,S
bugs. This may not be. cornet—who knows ?
A friend rugger te‘ that tloonion affects the boa
fttit..eipnlly nhout'the cy.p, so that n o t tAllg 14:I
fusee clearly, they canokrind - tbelt feeding g oat..
ter's, and are starred cut, Anil die with teats :a
' their eyes at thu successfi'sl . growth of the rig'_.
Pvol6:a.—Quarter of RI roun.l .•f ( t o',
ono quirt of milk. 'Stir well - while
nearly cold, sold o 4 qrslirter p ur.d . f b•:'.
ter, rune of sugar, six eggs, ipieu to urn:.
one hour. .
To llitow3 etirrae.—d tree ilviuld l.rvivd
. 1
grail - 1101y; and only , to a ehegliut 4
tli?t alien it Is fernund it will he lively AO C/
Aroma the sided of l : the eon; ,
. 3!AXING HONCY.:--4 " au ten 16a. of zi4;ar,
'oiled in tone .poun;ls of •vr.itci, ego iu.u...ts of
honey. Wl.,tu b cooiing; ten tin/ iof
POTATO Prumsu.-:-Twu j pui
lmis of II .1.2t , A
bollcd• andsifTed, three-fourthssiffed, threeoiaths of a 1 , 4 ,4
Inger, onTliali pint of cream, seven egv . 1 51
nutmegs. •
EUXIMItLAND PUDDING.—rj,iI eggs, one piut
cream, a liiflo FRB, four' tatilblowoos of flour, 41 4
nutmeg. Bake ono pour, nod eat reith teed
Tn K co. 11.tls Nll.ll
. 1 On 6, visynn
then: Pcureiy in, rover Cl.,tiOy with
This keeps ihtsto 'N . C.:4 and protect• (ruin all
rost.zu Ptorwrir.—One quart
aggr, ieren rpoonfuls of flour, a Nub, • r,t
to a bog oßfl boil three qiiarters of an hour. .
SALVA.---Ttlke, ro a n : rut:on
and linseed oil, cqoal'quandOee,l mix vid 0 ' 1 ' ;
50 be spree) on linen.,when applied
TO TOES Stews.—Soak tbelart!rie
irooot ttiilk one day or more, thee 'pot on a la'
salt end rub it it not soaked out.
Rill: 11A17,6 TAltTs.:—Peal awl 'shoo the rho , .
*greaten to tape, sod fix as a gooseberry tot
'llley are very ilelielour.
4 4.- ------- 1
cIATARDYUDDINO.—Two F roofels of Buono
aggv, ono pint of errant, a little togor, 0 130 6 ' l '
tnej,, ',Boll baleen hoar.
Luria Pit..—The juice ut, four lemons, ds
du cracker rolled flue, four teacart of rtuw,th r "
kiarups ot,tuzar. , •