ISlMMil==M!== ~-,~ ~. Air* POTTSVILLE, PA.: aaTanaDAT,.OO -- To - isisi A. [Ili& ROL 111.111111 R. CAIIOII3IIZ Tiutrpg.t - t • Ttri Mh ererille "Cabe" Adrireerne or !Ms Walt, reitibibbes from 'the "Cake" ska 'k• J . 1 11110 oNrilta an ierticia on the sibject of Hoe. James 11. Camp course In Cottgresit, tell of the . most sbarne ! ten nod bare-faced falsehoodiT soot of arida we •• enumerate: ' Lie No. 1.--" A bill wee reportodls rbeConsmit •'see et Way. end Meatis, ( oe, wbif it Mr. Ceinpbell• was s member)' reducing the' defy en- Railroad Iron trots SO per vent. dower to- 24 per cent"— This falsehood is nailed b l y the - record of the , ~, •yroccedinp of Coupe's, *bleb shows that no t reduetinn was made on.lronhy the Rill reported • • by the Comtalfste ; of Ways and Means. Sc. Coo vressional 611+; Feb. 113,1827, page 742. - •'• Lie No.l.—"Mr..Campbt;ll bad It in hie power . . In diteat the Free Trade Bill' in the Committee of AV-sya and Mead, and wail silent 'on the a;ubJect, and suffered it to pers. the Committee, end come up before the Douse, where it was nalsired through, and became the law of he 'land." The record thews that the preitint TO' Bill arse framed by the Plaines Committee ofSIM Beebanan Free Trade Bennie, modified by a C.,;ttimittee of Cutiferenee, and.pauv4 in she Beasts by a vote of 33 to 8, end in the' House offer Mr. Campbell's negative vote. -TheApnea Committee of Ways and Means were not the authors of the Preseot.Teriff Bill, ) built is tbs`areetsro•of the Dewart and Cake Demticratia party. Lie No. 3.—" The present Tariff Bill originated , • 1: ' in the Committee of Ways; and Means, which was 11 ' composed of alt TOE men ands three Free, Tra ders,. arta its passage'wes the fault of the sic Tai , Iff men, of.,wbons'Mi. Citinpbell, wee one." We have already shown that this falsehOod is made out of the wholeicloth—that no etich Bill was re ' prtcd by the Committee f Ways and .dearis. Lit No I.—"Mr.Cintp,bell entered into the con teat for N..k: orns, of hialaaebaSettS, en avowed Free Trader, opposed to' the'3WOßtetive system ! aid - Penesylvaula interest. /if into." • This is die " proved by the feet that lOappointing the Commit: , tee of Ways and Means, Gpenier.Binza appoint ': al a Protective Tariff majority on that Censinittee, who stood firmly by Petnisylvisala interests, Lie No. 5.-L-"Mr. Basis; when elected Speaker; tq preside over an American Congress, was Agent of a Driii4 !Elouss,to teaks large sales in .this country cf Railroad Ironi and break - down Amer ican ,Rolling Milia , Furnaces, Le., Ac." Tbia bold, bald, unblushing falsehood originated-in the wicked brain ef the Shainokin editor, and. is re peated only , by such men s the purchased "Price" of the Cake and Gee :Adrocare. • , Whit can an insulted Community •do to rebuke these bold libellers? The strung anti of the law . seems powerless to restynin them. Let an Indig nant people phve the - disil of cendeinnation upon their faitehoodu on 1141 .Twelfth of the present month, at the ballot-bitt a iliOting with an fwerirli el in i g wujoriti.:--T,f!ery candidate onlthe 'People's Ticket, troni the hon. James H. Camp. hell down. It will give•ithe libellers some slight idea of the contempt in Which they are held hero. OVERWHELMING.TESTIMONY, *CE. GEO. N. ECICERT &EiRY O. CAM'S • ' Teetimossi in :Ferro; of- ' .atairitiem. 33t.1 Campbell. Ic..iiD g that the altitve n :reed gcntleinen. took 4 lively interest in fay.;fr of Protection to Atneri- N li . latlitietrj, ;rid userT•ettery effort to defeat the : Ziff hill of 1357—Hint they .frequently visited • :Ittitik‘ott 'and also kept up s correspondence. ''''' Iliustkerit for that p urpose , wci . addieseed a '':":"% iltilillip. ;asking whet wee the . course of the 'lfs 44 itil• Castitint.t. while . that Dill was i ' -n—nit 'tlAgrrsai, st:OO , whether he favored itti P'" ll ge t "4iptieed it.l To this note we received th l un " *l hiktikielt replies which, will satisfy every' hottest,aaei rs - 4. 4r .h the t> • \ „., v r, of Truth .., on this point : M ' R. n.;it E ., • 't , r , j, 4 PHILIDA... &pi. 21). r 8.511 1, ai r . ; t 7 d - i , ,, . e „ - `,..„GthiP :a... 114 1 . . r. : q , ;- .. 1 our favor of 27th inst. end to mySelf, was duly tete' red. 1 wee net& "'l..•" e ' S Weesuogtou et the time of the pate ".,,,,en t h t . hetil l c,...1.,i55r 'l.t,t v.. InCorresponderiee -"- i*-- lint, . -- '-- boi derltu ( l he pendency of the hill before , 41 l em ' ""d of the p re g gili'lf t hil iri 4ili,l el . ni al l d bei m i a k t e l p fes t b t:::: o t a h n d o e . . l "mn"st desire i dtftnt ' insielt • to me together with his votes an pl4Asu l ._ ~ ,,8 4 7 ,..„, Pm "' 1 . the most able.. reltshie. c Niatteit andteltht !Minds Of the protective p011...1110 isit l ,,, t , .- Mesa s. fl, lie should rendre the vote of - : a 4,:;;,,,, ent friend of a vtd, souudtjtrotsetill'ain jour cony., Olollai Disfrkt. Ia , very rei n , 1 c 7 - ____, -4 .o ° .lloE7lTiliT. . 1 • - Pendia' /1 r . r &&r:' ' li. Italstrast. Esq.—Dour .-Itorte; re u ~,,,,,u t . 2 ,,, ilsts me his l e tter in reply 14 the inqUiries e,u, ms to him and. myself, nod :I most heartily , youb. •WOld that he ha* said. 1 The people of rich, nonE : a v t e l e t tl., 'wed awqro no hotter friend to nu their tic. •,- . th ,L. Mr. Campbell has; on !every ocessioM,pro. mu lets , HEN It Y.. 0 ., tAilt. The stove te!ctitifiiny, from Mr. Carey,,,,i 54 .. thy successor of the Pusher of An i trican 1.,„ .: Linn-lletiry Clay-4od from Dr. Eckert, fit ui t ;;;;. 'nbeltning. In buthl those gentlemen) the ok., m i ir en ofePennsylannia have ;nlitnitell' conti' ene ‘ ; pod 'their opprovai of Mr.: ittripbell'a course% in iborigress, will 11.e'hIht ,yet inure firmly .j tba4str fel•tion of . the men tf . the' #leventlt Conkiessionr of bistilot.• Let Itfr, ffautf.hell's jrlitleal -intag t i.oists falsify his poititi4 on the Tariff question, never so much is . ..;tew,',the Peo'ple of thistiDia triet will rebuke Or, at the liallottliox;a'neshon that •theif great•lione,for relief is ,in the election of of ruch men ie. Cling:ors, as the , Don. James D. L • I Cemphell. . • .. - . JOIN N. READ, , Attother.L4 of r!litkr . ree Traders NsMO. . , The Democratic (Srees!ureertihat John M. Rend, /he re:Oil . ie'e gaplittate for Judge of Supreme Court, signed nfetler M Mr. Dallas; congratulit tlng him for bnvihF voted for thejariff of 1846. The_Orerti, a' ia.faftr,•me tbe''perroti who, was John F. Rend, a respectable 'detnoerntie eiti;, , , leo of tbie34o l ,o-;, *Jar tieu . 'reeided in Chester.. street, Diet city.. n'aififilion.• to'thet, M. John 1 M. Read 'Faye. 'dint. he was not In the eity of . Phff% . :,.odelphia wlrte the; letter of 'the 2etto of July, '05 . ... end he ainfriir of /dr. -I4ttaa of,therlot if A 6:, _gnat,v.eis:watten; snit tliatir never .ro w nv the original of thelet4r of th'e 29th In v July;needid, he ewer eigri ignii autl)orize*,, tiny one' to sign it for him. - Mr. Carey pap : ? ..,..—..1 hear examined the Penney/mitt of 'yedneaday, lith - Almon, 1 1,546, 'a :al attach 'to the4etter'?pf 2gt.b.Tutiliol Mr. Dallue; Oil:toif by Atbanuklue ku,rd abd otherel I fi nd the, tisane 'nf John F. Arad, but not tho name of John M.P. Iltiod: 6 pips. ii4onother fie I nailed.. - . ••• ' ' . B.ince the above, has been prepared for publicti lion; wo ita . ss +circa', 'cootinanicatit.n Irani Maury C. Carry Janata Milliken; William D. /Alt il., G. N. Irekkrt, 'Julio WY,' O'Neill, William' Elder and lbornas Balch, ceinunittna of Comes- potdence, dappoirjted. wider •the reioltitiocis of i meeting, on'the 151 h of June . l24 of the frienda of Plutaction 'to Domestic Industry, containing ;be loilowilag tvototign: 4' .: ffaao/ped/Ttiatwe hold Jona M. READ to be a derided and earn st friend toTannatilua to Man LABOR; hnd as so It entitled to Clain) the inter, tit . 1 . illopo of his fella*. citizen! who • adanente that iliolicy ; and iha we therefore cordially ream:- wend hint •to the support of all, who desire a re. visi..a of the tali... • • , . ' The pioLity of redo rse John' M. f the Proteetive.Teriff men who . Eesd, cannot be questioned:l tlis moment one of the ablest and Ihrocatca l of Protectipn in the e servietlV of G. N. Eckert,. in ;II ill . of tt 842; ire gra tetra ly TV' Worsen:iota of such men , is the Mr./Itio'd Icon receive. TVs iladelgbia Pewityleftmian against l eak invention of the enemy." ~ 31r. Cui r ey, is at, t m4t ebviro country, whit* t framing the Tail numbered. The highert teatim4,o "rhurge of the Ph ly: Rend, in "n ~".Jtosrcnr M , I Xan.—Tbe Record reckon, :.itith . out Its host, If it repposer Cal we have...not • t 1 he:bighert rupee - tint the gentleman Wholeness, heads this paragraph. and will i l oof suPpert him tor pienatim earnestly and warmly: Variesincewhin Air. Palmer allied with the Demecraey, and herors it 6.1 . 44°41i:be" corrupt, one man power ;sr .yrattisition it s l b 4, we had many tilts with him, • each entertainin g • g an honest ' difference of. opinion. The Demiwmatie ( party In departirtifront . the prin. ciples of JeffersOn'ind Jackaon, lost as fir al this tiOanty Is concerned, one ofits-beightest tights, and they =would; glldly bare. regained it at any peke : . Sine's Idr: Palmer. has 6ten identified with ' the Opposition to that safritipt party; he bits been o faithful soldler'irt the :finks',awd b q awrita• and , Tereiv'es nor resPectl,n'd , ounOence,.. lAnd should rim 144: 1 ,1 0 11,la Oostnty 'select him to Represent' thf Ir . inlertris in the *fiats Sertatoora holler° that Le 1011 Ainbarge Ole inlet In. manlier that, will tend to their han+lii. and One thing • i- cevain, ete l 'hato a snueb.Gic'ltri • opinlol; of Ife. Paltuer, , fpney eta will ever teniertaits of the writer In • • - errtllllEVOlYitet 811401. - .40 veiled to the totem:Mentions of "Interior." pub lished In the l'ltadelphla Nese, sod sloes kart bad oar a ttend , caned to fowl; silkUlatkil of the; Lebanon Adeer#rer on the same' eolioet. Th . * Adoeriiiter ehou!.t hoop If It deeti',letat, that tY atop taken by the Pidhidelpida Eatilli IRO ted by the l oos e try par _Ban*, orpatitai an set ofjeatitin to the filer *inherit(' the !tilti .Isicaupe tinder the nos-eildetiiiilitiiiitite, the soT der.par Beak atom wars usurping thichenhition of the State, pti)rtfeelarly of the per Bank locali itieo through the instrumentality of country br . ol. hem as we mentioned hit"oeir last. If the -.Mimi time will ttientee the sabieer, ft will di llie eittil enlativa of the reenty-twu Bents with'enpftelsif . , upwards of lien millions, In th e hiterior, now r , deeming their ;totes at Philadelphik, , go, pupil thatithe sixteen cop-redeentiotßankn„nitheMpl.: tab of only twn and a half millions. 'While Mein., .finn,.'lieder the pew system; the circulation of "el size:ClO : tnitiMiniettioleg Banks will be redunsd,.l . that of th e t wanly : two wilt naturally , be en *, asitilnitildinit' 'Vera will then, be'no iedueti n of the eirculattng mediitut, sr is alleged, ' Iris useleimlto deny the fiat that mider the nob.' redeeminge4tiate, the meehenie, tniner,larnor sod others, ere the sulrerers, not thdthon-rellomenH lc% Banks not the . chy dealer. 'The' fOrrstir ei,tin pay the cipe-hif or one percent "shaver.% Theis.. fore, they see interested in sod Inurt'spprove of' ii .... . the redetopti n syste m: ,. 1 The objection that is made telbe Philo:6lp is Banks taking the notes of the interior at Par; is based, upon the fact that under it. operation netin.l try broker' eto 100 longer bey them notes it.adis count ini , Pit lalielphia, to eirmilatirthem in the ecnotry. Itlrey be urged that there- is nu objec tion to the P hiladelphia Banks taking those ittea at pap hut lid there lean objection to the c kv Banks sendi the the notes home for redeutptiv . What ere the city Banks to do with those note'? L I Perhapsthe Loaner will be, they afosold not ifeke the notes. II is 1 , poor rule that trill ' nut orlork, botb..; : ways.r We will 'Ake Philadelphia Blank notesiend . r o d them home fur redeutptionjbut the City Banks must either not send our not boom fur rnileception, or out take them at •!ft ."Let us alone I"—is the cry from - the noNted e - in . 4 1 log ,Banks-="wa can manage our own business!" "Agreed," reply the . Philadelphia Banke, "ma do not wistitolinteifere with your management ' we 1 have nut done so. You are .i, interfering wit4.our mapagement of our own hominess , . Our ma ' age went multi in preventing ibe people paying rota upe half to,' one per cent. on -"your Bank nut s at eery Step they lake in this serpentine edursi ; ,"— •We have known a truker "shave" the same ank notes ihreelor (nor times in a., aingle• day. i Say that it amounts to .one-half per cent only. *she I . a calculation, friend Advertiser, what.per ce a i. per annum tht4 wouldle, nod see who suffers: As I auredly'it is the working dam to whom we hare, *heady referred. As regards the ,Atireitiiseeel charges of conspiracy, oppression an'dpersec` niion; they are .unfounded. And we hart a is4A of warning for our coteouporary. If to the next' Le gislature, you send a bill of indictment, yolk will IM.cotepelled to include thecountry par lanky, and if you I :ire:tot careful in framing the bill--so', A that it s ! contain defaces of the case, anti not your vi s i tery. ideas—you may be 'compelled to pay the co l ts in the form'of an increased iStsitt taien'your Orofatten. I . • Nut theenst• i terertint feature of the excite. ment erencd by be "sharing" clique, is 'the fact . that the majority of those eatablishtients ro a in ti t the bandslel De w erotic managers, The Pemo r„: it eratic party pis pro‘•erbially, hostile to limit . 1 Ilion, yet we Said its leaders et the head or tutions thkt tucks the business life-blood people. 'Consistency, thou art a jowel !" Asomi e. . A ••• . DiezimoulliflLlE To OF In his present effort: to Seenre the vote t Ehis District, Joseph Cuko gets lip' the wry—" a sp ! Tariff!!" It is palpably, a deception, yet we do I,‘ not want . singie workingman to •go to the po ll s on the' P2th of ihe pre.;ent month, ignorant of the true posi iOn 0~ . i' i thiswily tiler, i on Ithe• tieestion of a Protective Tariff to Americas? Industry. The Colobel we suppose, ,would like to have • wood piano liKer, But the iiiiiligi is stale, and won't ittark this time.-- Now noktnen,•see tai what ar beautifur-iFrce P, m Trade icros. Josy Cake, the G Rao; Tariff i canditly 'naiads. In the drat place the Conven tion nt C neinati that nori4nated intact. Buchan an toff-tit • Presidency, patted theirollowilg reso- I utlnt;: ~ •i,: , • , , les& I , At epol yi if, That the time, heti mime for the peo ple of the United States to, declar:a thenit t h e in savor et Free Seas and s Progressive FREE TRADE throughout the world, and bysolemn m : anifestetions to place 'their moral influ nee at the sidef their suceessfulexatnlife ; . ) 1. i That true - Democratic' doeftine, nail: l ne mis take. ow read a resolution 84 4 t e 0 by the Co'n- I vend 'a 'at Scharlkill 'flaxen; 'Which' al l ayed in -1 • - t 1 • nomination for Congress, the tr i emenUaus Tariff candidate, Joseph Coke: . . Resol4d, That the Detuocratic pnityaf Schuyl fiqcounly in delegate Convention asoeml?led, do' re assertiand declare .that we are unalterably at mehed tv, and will'nurintlin inviolate thtprinei pies avowed by the Democratic i, eir na. tional.vinveution held at Cincinnati in. iliac, 'Pli. So you fee, wet of Schuylkill and Nthem bet land f rounties, that you can frast 'milli r Detr act nor Fake, et this time, Bulb Stand; p a a Free . .or Tnde i latform, and if ycM• ele , l,'Oithialeit them la Congrem.liii'ean du Ailing' for yoo. Vote thetrlo ' a man in l whow yi,i, hare cochidence v aliosis'tad ; ii. right,' andlatio Willi sent to l ee t:ob t re a,' wink 'untiringly-6r a change in the Pr.ient di,Sestsvult' policy. Let your %oie. tell IliP." 4 *.t Ily,, , ,!thiy Fall,- in favor of Piot... l etbln!, You lotreilitt •iq say you will, .and4,awits 11. CA311.114,1,, the People's standard bearer„ will lead You 6 19 victory near Fiee - Tiado old 'slavery. Above all v thin, t he not deeeiied by suCh . empty ?alb* is ...lhare which ethatiale from the lanes id'the.irbangdoodles” rind tike jaoro• :. r • ,„, , t r . . . . ~ • , a i s, %tie fled the.tolloileg mean and falreinsinua. • .- that,' i the /f,ecord ,, r - t!lk2ktb ult.. , ~,., . l' • The ewes sts`nieth:pirrupt" as praet,iied-hi iho I:corig.ossesofiwitieb,'Nr. Oitabeil wits a l k usetibcr, 1 thitta.committse of itlretig don 11111 i nivninta and, several of Csinpbel'a fr . ntis were „bipelled. 1 . Winne' by,tbe disineor'ltstseso ni rivet, jt he State 1 ,of Neat Torkc . iins,et„ tba head, of what;the. New '2Yore i llee,./41 , . collethat_thetini e !sir hand .of t» sly • I Mier' f.".. Ciranhell tr is sin , tlietomnii t tee ot• Ways • ;ilia Mean's, end all of Miittelo,alol.lalphine!:.;riere iepot,4ed favorably - te .. the s gatuarby . 'that _COW,' { iti itielfilefitil, a stop WAS 11.14 10 ; 14 410111(Ilefait cur iTh ;,.oaiiiteitteenf , Ways:'itral Mesita here refer-. i ed to.' ware Mr. , eil , bcilibe,.rgigt• ' so e- - • , sitar 'of the, Trees4y,, and- Mr: - Le sit*, Osinitu; , l 1;11; Ohio, Vi'illipirr 'A....111,1,414. M)sh.. John i I;ateher, Va....p: *hue ! , Da,a; tr:; , Rirts e t Sage,, 1 N. Y. , lutln 81 -illelos, Moi, Joules ;1111 Ctaphell, I Penn t , and ':'Alciataler De"' -Witt, Ma l i's: * Their Iprovince was tr, report the rippropritidn bill. Stir 11Z44turtiht, aPd they teiecharge ilf ,Tariff Bills;, ,because ihey . si're considered revenue Oils. The y diaanot, and,"coultlinuil report ally ;plicate, or \ o (lalph,ipa" . bills; nail thwatithor of thetibote false. hoo,d must 'briVe known that factiti the time he Dann` d the article referrVd to, been wretch edly i gnorant . .Matteson was disgraced bs , caese be st lased the nicer corrupt saltllDli to procure legit allots, 'and' was justly oxpelled.' 1 Ille. Caine-- 1 bell voted to raise a 4oceinittee 9f investigation and o expel Mittteron. Why does ae, slanderer w h*role thClaqmet chi/ 7 4 11 11te012 . 01214i "bataß , bell i friends?" Why Saylbat the doeirnittee of Wa s and Means reported favorablit on Matteson's "Gat phial when that Committee noise reported I any •Galpsln" or prirate bill wharstierer! Ifni it co ato this that when any fate Tito is placed , inn minutiae by his fell fellow eitiient i illet he sha ll 1 n be t duct;dand villified by hirelings, gqid low, base i trio store 7. If you have any , charge to make I • ago net 3,,jr..,C., make' it like men, andbriel: Jour price, but t Amine on theta dastardly outrages.. The recttil on the heads of Mote *hi? ma k e is!l , of heat and will be settled at'-Ih-`ball ot ballet but.i Mark that.,. • I cismnatiT Pings.:--The'reCurronto of Morin. , t , 'die 'fires tot only to tbis thirought ut through out he eouuty, shows the existence f a reckless nod, 'wanton spirit of destruction. Tlsts• ere of peal rda l ie ; y uttirulog-4e refer to Cho i barging/of Mr. Mortimer's stable - war n aro! l plena of work; Int feting as it did, the Ices of animal life in - altos... ribl a l l Mapper, and would hara been Incite iferitiui, the fire. cowponies net been itooKeil co•ilollIP:, the Mee Kith ' water. :, Irthifiri hedocenrred- on Mo day. night would here kettet• dlqicalt to ' thuate where jeteriabhharestapPed. in emme• I queue of thit'.searClty..uf tretni. Al 'far as our! Ma ough Is eoncernetfimith the tpirkt of Inostadi.i art ,• preritillog,oar , eitizetis must be witellfttl,mr i it 4 stiotroui: coeflegratitin -May be the residf;ofi the e'.repeated nets of ispotu. Inaerauos' rout. pa 'lei wololel' also' do weli„.io' i=restigete,' ou Illy, t h i origin of kit: flies - M i i «146' 'boil ere ioteretteil.' It laromen.bat Amiga thatbuild:. ;M.. after building cat to: fired in •tids i flortargo,l an pet the tnectsdiairies remain undetected. ' • 1 'eTtl3o A' FIN! POliflrtlii* 11';•••••••114errite• idly; in openk lig or the voted 041143. ray'. it g a Itogetberii 'more ilittlettiatile hotly than the • hiroc trAtiv ' tiet padriii'..• •' - *, • t knstleitic Maurer, Em., was elected President of this !natl.' fusion, to till the vaesupy oeesitoaad by the twig. nation of J.,IL Bianca/also, srq..ThiShamokin Bank has rir cenunisieed is pew fine of notes of a diteranifint fronsslia:adi aims ; is Offset!, sal. rant, ain,i it la *ll restarts, ist as good Senditleilas •nny eonsSri' hank in pentisytnnia. • Tll2 summits MIK . 1854 !geese*: Campbell, Cake aid ; , Deirart yeteleunildafeilieteregieesli thts sal, the lutlotrths tn.: vole'olBl .eoun:y, which we pnbliekcor Terence': : Dbhicts -- . South Ward, Atkrilie': " Wikni ' I ... . * IMO* Irani, • , _ N. W. Ward, , . - , - , . . ' Total; • - ; • Blount Carbon, s, . ~. . . Polo Alto, - ..: . , - . - , Norwegtan . ;, • I Kul ?ionitigtim., ' :.Port atrium, , . j - .. . • ' Bret Castle, r ' _. . i' - 21 111Crteilit . l E ' 111.1^ '• ' . .._.l . : W. ward, , Branch, Tremont ' '' . - ntythe. bley Mo. Ilehtliblll. .'• . •,- .• f B t ; Mirard,.• • - ' .• •' Terelwa: . Ward,' • . E. Wird. • •. , • . ill'elair. . ' - " Sebuypcill Lismen,•, . , - • Frailty - •' - ' . • Orwlasitourp,,, , ,LandlUrrllle, ' Rush, • .. 1 . • 31absuoy,. • • Union, West Celia, ; • %uith Mantielm. - I' - - Borth Minhelar, i • Port Clinton. • • Wind Bra uswig,• I ; , - • East Bronswis, ' . ,' Warn,' 'l ,. ... .. , ' Plnegrove Borough. ,• Pinto:ire Township, .•••• . , .. . Pm•fer,, Upper 3.lahantango, . . .. ,I El .. . Barri, , • Butler, Regina, = Total, Northumbetli!nd, • 'll/4cnrity. *,• l.tmber Clearer received 182 votes and 160 In Nortbnorlserlsod Counties, Mstriet. • EDITOR'S TABLE' , • • , Artnint.'s lions liaossmx.—The October number of this capital publication containai a beantiful steel an graiing, entitled, "Elopement of Clan' Cierpallo," and a remarkably fine fashion plate. The t,t l nalutber of Illustrations is, fifteen. The literary nikttirr Is from the pins of favorite contributors. It is choke and racy.-- The Home ilizpasivar has Improved vary much, of- late, and to cheap a the prlee of *abaci:lolou, per annum. Publishers. T. 8: i.rthur 4 Co., 323 Walnut , street, Phila. delobla. Coyle. ran be 'obtained at liannap's store. focal Afairo.l' trirOwnterfeit quarter * and bsliellollarS, are as 'ban ds/It here as hlackherrles la August: Sistalas well the money you tilts, j • Jair•The alarm nt Are on Wednesday night was e eansed by the partial' horning of an, unoccupied building In Centre street, near Mr. Ruppller's resldelke. iifirPire of Cuotbolo.-. 4 We learn that iseveral• miners, bodges were destroyed by: lire, at Curnbals; this Cutinty, on Thursday night. )Po - have not learned any partku.. tars. • . 1111101. the @Z - rfe Water Company bap extended itspipe; to the new' am on Xllll Creek. Considerable .Miter hse ' 4 been brovep nto the reservoir, and now there II a full supply . This;is satisfactory. .-- - - irl'olltrille Laertrry-Smirly.—A meth:ninety meef ing of this Society aill be herd at the etCO of the preack dent. (Sir. C. Little.) on Tuesday eveninit,isth Inst., at 7 • o'clock. ily order Of the President. ii... 1 B. GOMM, 1 Secretary'. 4tisA night or two sinee,an trishu4n presented* boa le knife to the breast of a Coal openttor, and if his band bad not been arrested. he monist ;Probably, have used it. The only provocation given,. wps a remark fix regard to the Roman Catholic priest of ills Borough. • t •If 7'rentend4v: People ' s Mao Aleetlttg will be hold at Palo Alto, this ereulog, at 3fmer's Liolel. The, bone end ' , Mew of the county will be there: Maywood, eat mew, ltartholomsw, liaten, and others well speek._Whon Palo Alto *peeks, the Shim Democrat.* tramble. oir-rmstruction of n QaZ nrenker..lghe breaker at tutted to the Coal Operation of T. U. Sahallenberger, at Wolf. Creek, this County, was totallyyd t hstroyed by lira on gairirday morning last. • The orilln or bre is not known. Loss exi I rye ed a t $5.P00. irmuntnee. Ara - Enthusio;tie ineatinga of the PaoPle's Party hare -been held diming the area. On Monday evening a totabiled procemlon proceeded from i rotten dle to Port Carbon. and darned to %peeebea trod! Itenjamin flay wood, James If. Campbell, Robert dl. Palhier,and others. The meeting was large and reipectabl4. 49 At a meoting of the Sons of - -Teninerance. held In Pottaritles - September 25th, ISM, the: /alloying edit:ere were eleited tbr the eneufog quarter ;.--10FaT: W. BECK, • W. P,.; Jpe. P. Ifoneh, W. A.; •ll.Johneoti, 8.5.; U. Walk; er, A. It. Go O. C. s lto4yeheil, P. S. ,7. 5. Hawley, T.; d'e*oiatt d.ord, C4.l.rta. Spencer, A.p.i Geo. G. Boyer, C. A r •BeebyahAl, than.; Chao B, Beek, (re,..,, i i t .ai,d4 Avid, Chan: - 1 • .1 /14; The ed In tint Ball ikext plesAity ayeolng, prim lerotto be i'..grind 'Adak, In addltlpn to the regular rltitlta el..tre are laforemedpeat the m anagement hare engaged KI ney; a eetebteted Bao4 , infier, who will re-. Mee the tiped,:old faattiotied,ltia,tiet, mmtitef tittove to ,Nrhlch our giandfatheraturd td d euce lbefore polka.; and mazurkas 'Nile thou3ht of. We,iould advise theAcoi ere of (landing and good must' to 3 4ehd. sip -A 04;atatAy outrage wis_perpetrited an a People's Meeting o peld near Tremontion Thursday of last week, • by a partylof Dowart lriabmoo. 'Th'e !speakers wore In terrupted ikequen tty, and Spiry while pusredlelgbome• ward al; the ....Merlin& were osaan)led with- atone., etc.f i ree;d two of theli ntinthei, paverety beaten.— If these ire the , onlyiirgumee;le :the' fecitoutste bring, we gb In k they. ‘lll. to ober/Inca .respectable Men to vote for•thetr eandi;lates. • 1: . 4ar 714 frailang6m Chteixeni;-Duting the -e •Coenlng !reek a general att e ndance` otthe• members of corps, Is rojuetted on Taetdu*.engtThurielay 'eye at the Armor*, ter the' pertue 'drtllttig.- - Eignaci drllle for new'mombeis wilt 10.0 flare on Monday and Wedn esday evening's.- It Is leaPoiiint•thst every membi.r.sheal4 be presibt, and we hipe tiPpee a taiga attendanceon' tot evenings named.; The company is electing' new : members weekly. and ytill shortly en`' able tn parade onehenitrid mneket4. r` • .;•,. • • ; Adrift! the Ninth Annual Commelerdelit the•Wor• !legion (N..t.)College,leptemberXl,lB4ll: {he Gertilan Oiation—Ule t lllidingde;Saiweizeibiehen,Bundes 7 and the Valedirlem.Oration . —klmila end' Upward—were dell:cried- by Arcory C. itteiier on of Apdrdw. !Wesel, liorpugh. Mr. libeaef Xcadisated with the hicheet Lenore, and a.gendeman of ibis County irbo wag Prerept.intorMa us that • the 4 Valedictory reduced • a• marked serixatton, and was 011 . 13 t•of "tbe • .. bappleet to • bleb be ever hadthe pteaeure of keening: We con. •""gratulate the young graduate upon the brilliant manner in'whicii he ckeed bie collegiate tontei.' • AV - AnnOtr,lneendiarg Pire.—Teiterds7 morning, at ' • 11% o clock, an Incendiary fire (availed in Norwegian Strect,.west of. Centre, thli Borough.l llre Wak commit :liicated to the stable of Wm. Mortimer, Jr.cwhith An a abort time was enveloped in flames. tiro Are companies went on thckgronod quickly, ARIL succeeded in preveal jt itg the lire froniaprtading to sttiolitiog buildings, and suniu saving the Cable from total' destruction: The Atiblekeolliedapl a valusbis horse ! Crows, 6 tons of hay; - 2•caniagee,2sleighs and 2 sets oflluirness. The animals could not be reamed. Their ladieS [presented a host-Mit, I P ec `amlutetdaY , being in a heletOss•txt Condition.— idr.illoctisvreitimates his loss at #2OO ,on whieb there •is no instuulae,' - •° , , • • • , Apieural.Fair ort Schuylkill Haven will jr commence oulasmuy next. `4 aidition'to a fine nab!- ! bitten of stock,,yrlornitural impleMenta, manufactured articles, an lnterntlJg feature of the programme wilt be a match game of Cricket, between t tie various Cinbs'of the Qoanty, fora boatiful and !Minable sliver Medal, rdpreseating a geld otil*keteri . or;one aide, and on the I reeerin an appropriate u . siis,lplion.l The prim will be exhibited at the it6re eldirtn 110 Thnan, Celli re this Borough, on Monday sip.. AL the match will Bone three days,/ dn. opt*a r. ilti .he given there who here never seen the ataitlivtMe. to witness an ox. citing contest. On the list thVgalthe Pair the Annual Addiess.will be delivered by iblausei 421-Hold teepees hero eompiM;k*Mt bruises' with . . them is dull Strangers and rrittaßß . s are scarce. No wonder. People 'void a townoskAitdge throtl.lbe streets to the infinite disgust isedlat4reerijene w - of ,p e . ideetriens, Wide end female. And yet 'h otel keepers themseiree—inram h'appyto esctpt Ceti. her of the .. .eschsese,"ind two or three otketf hotett/e-hare trams of pigs rio,aftsjg at large , ,lNo good Isiiise thinks jr to hie it to let his pigs Mu at latge.mat we are surprised that self interest apes riot leach °wearers( pigu, that tp pen them Is the most pratitable to the-and.—. lyiStever, the es Isenreexlstoisad .dtir eittsenil tousle know it It will aver be eappre‘ed. Why melt..r. Alt to the Overstate 0 the Poor, swine bend extrolt* _attain? It is donehiesatberii. . • iliqp.Xibraar remarkable to Deli la the * weather that . Irerk - Whi t tile exception of tie !Ist two evader', h 11; va bleen Mutable fortheetvina: the which his Ind to .be and brialitneeito a remark bit degree tau Wednesday emit% Its toff,: occupied *hunt !Mesa. decrees of the heavene. If It ;gets much Mager, and f f bould bs spildenly trerliebed initbis direction, alas, for aerne Of us pier bipeds r, •W. sho r Al be swept ot,tems !Brun. la a "Juts." Oar thertneinetzkal etuoyd fort , the week follows: .4 P.R. 2 P..T,lltsnearn.Ovsten. •• , Prenesitat trail. Aandtk. •Po , Psi.' &Id; 33,-46P ✓ :,4= 5, .• Von.. • 21.-0 PO • • ' 42; 6 6 a._ • ' Tow., Vlr-40 •+ ' . " "i att Thar* ' 304-14 •• f 44 . F'Oet. li-40 ,-eioudy. Pat rOw Itonatay• Dt6bt, tiro WSal t , ltwqr lot: D ania Edwards, at Ms opetatket neat. Otto. thlCCority, den roytl bj Ike. It wnsrtldnitli the-work' qt an In oeadtary,ax rho breaker had not toes op#ratioa ler wend maths past. Lora, $14,000. There' 4 an Joao. Isom apos If; hot to whit amount we 44 wot kernel. Affir-17m , Cinnetr...kreiy; evening the, meet 'grove brighterysaditsntletl*l4ll stretches Audit* htto . Nits nod starry sky., Pow the following It . ocybialei: punt that its brilliance will berms* nod! tmdreleetbni 4a1a , ...„,,r, of Les_itetten ,Adecrtisere-4:tosatise I *4 is ■ fed days. *gear to inerseadmeidly' tat id brilammy. It will, no nearest thkoorth WM* 'ofOrtpher t nt width time its brilliancy will beemerly th 4 times as "mates ors the =I of PepterrtirMinna kit .d/sUneo hop as ;tont fitly -teroisillkes of idiom " Amon:Wig to bir.Voll's contentedly. ther;tall 'of this Comet, on the 2342 instant. extended to the length of fif teen iditioneng mites. .-The nutlet' trill to smith. bright star Areinrus, Oct. Ith, and nearest ithy earth's orbit on lb* 20111. - ' Some etnahrsion sleets to prevail to , togrogto ttone be ing two comets, !ladles' In appearance, now *Ole loth* witted eye; bat such is not the MOP: Donati's, which Is ere ti in the northiestaftereon set, is the MAO which &a +Oen men in the northeast befemisnorire in the morning. This is owiogto the donelderible northern , declination orthoromet. with a right asconslon diftertkg bat iletto from that of the sun. 1 mention this terinny I bare seen emend letters from different parts of slueeonntry, making the Inquiry slothsr there are two comets now 7 to he seen by the naked eye. = ; Eneire's cornet is barely , visible to the naked eye-- , Tattle's third comet of IS6B era sow be loin only with the assletamm of a telescope. ; Borvard College Ohsematory, September U. 2 . tar The Oryagilturg Shir.—The exhibits ru ithis year 9 of the Schuylkill County Agrkaftan al wu very 12 toe ;everything wag managed capitally, Id theattud; 17 • .. • s °nee was unpr.cetlentedly large;:. 92 On Tuesday flu Military emnpardeir of tie:Counly -33 the ITalhington Artilleriete, PhltavlDe; Waykoop 90 111 Artilleilits, of Silver Creek;'Siott Difie• PC Patin/ 1 0i 44 -Ringgold Bides of allnersville, and /Lott Mlles of Tam " aqua—lrere present, thr the purpue of e.6leteitding by 44 5) target rut ice, for beautiful ameba ank a 'line ride, . . 'ollered'as prises by the Society to thetwit lost single 33 shots. The shooting wei r well conducted, ad *a Hue ,ffnil/y were awarded as Minnie—the mailtat to s throrge 19 Roffman of the Washington Artille; a tts, and the rifisto 73 Elia, Oaten of the Scott Mite' Com y o Pottsville. Thepreientitlon was nude by George :Boyer, Bal, WI In ■ few neat and appropriate rentarlis, end the nnisitet es received on behalf of the Waidtingicet .llvillertsta r in a 4 . 13 , brief speech, by Franck IL Wallace, Smi: 6 • Subsequently at the Armory al the pany In Poll'. 3 ville, on ; motion a °enmities tun c"Prancis B. . . , .Wa B. K. Kepner and Rena C.. a rper, was sp. pointed to draft resolutions extrusive of be sentiments " of the Company. The following yeti aditpted:= 15 WnEaltAn, Pursuant to Invitation of he Sctirtylkill 3 County Agricultural Society, the Warid glen Artillery Company visited Otwirgsburg. on Tu y, September 25th, 15.51, for purpose of engagingl n trial at skill at target practice. with brother merobersr the military of athuyikillCorinty, and . trusetas, The 'reception and kind treatment we ex perienced on that day, warrant more (nab a mere verbal expression of thanks. thin efore - Rerlecd, That we return oursincereacllnnwk.dgmente to Meows. George D. Boyer and Williant,illekei. the St eetra military Committee of A ngerunlve - for their courtesy and attention to our wedle, arid': f* this able and impartial manner lifwhieh they discharged the du ties devolving upon them as judges of the shooting. Resolved, That the iespard M own by e Schuylkill 'County Agricultural Soddy 1 the rainier, ref Schuyi kill County, proves that the fraternal feeling between the farmer and the citizen soldier, existij in as Patriotic! a degree as when the -former ed the heights of Bunker 11111, and abed his best bleed at -Oforktown ; and that its practical exercise as exhibited oh Tuesday, can not but he advantageous to the Society rind toe Book d. That we return our thanks t Charles' Reim and Seth Leyroaster for attention shown the Cone puny at Orwigeburg. Resolved, That these prOeeedlngs be pibthshed In the papers of the Borough. ' All the companies present had their ilia Well , 'with the exception of the Scott Vallee oitids Borough, the members of which however, deservel great credit for their /pica in marching the eutiredistance down; with but thir teen. • tc ) I 101 11- 1114 e2O - • &baylklll, I{rg34llh the The distance tired was slaty yards: r he Washington Artillerists had au ow'eelleut 'target also baa" !he Tamaqua T.lfle Company. ' Ou Wednesday, the Annual Address was delivered, by the lion. Jas. IL Campbell, tog large %auinher °taper . tators. . The,Palr of the Society has been It decided novels, this year, which will encourage it to renewed exertion' lo the future. ritoenzwEas OF crvair.. RtPORTLD TO! VIE viistr.e Jprwrat. Juok.ifottliarot. J4sepPi .Yrmkrron bra wife, S2Muel4 Chnylen,!Buretlienon, Ildiacos amt laiNfraian vi. Irkw rr anc(Rol)crt A. Ito , rish.thls vs au action of Ejeetanortt , for about 150 acres of land situate in Branch Townyidpoind adjoining what la generally kithwOns the 31arrAll tract, ot the] .North, a part of wi4037-act. It win Cil i ated to be. The plaint len clalltiftel title to the LI 4 ander a war riot hurn the Sl)tio to Ebenezer Maoism. dated August 1101, for4oo %ores of tend, and a k miy thereon on theltith of March, 17013. The returrof survey called. for Jacob °tinkle is an adjoiner on th ' west, 000. Royer and Jacob Gunklor on the berth, and i amb Pankle on the east, and meant on the south, T ere was no Jacob Ounkle'on the east, but a Michael Otinkle, which' was probablylntendid Instead ofJacob Gu4kle. The surrey, accordlag io the-return was 13r 274 acresand 121 perches, and allowance. A Patent for the land; included to this survey was granted to Jamb diarshaltnn March' .18*, and by various deeds and emniyamie; this title to the laid hO;Muste :rested in thdpiaintjffs. A • ' i S One of thedefte, Robert A. Parrlfile(ChrtstepherJilfer ' ner, the other delL being merely a tenant under Par rish) claimed; Otte to the land und; i warrant to Jacob Slinnlch, dated April 12,18 . 20, f i r 21j acres of land, an der an irennitrement right comment on the : lst June,: 1810; whikikihe warrant was granted therewet a honsel and barn eieeted on the land and WM. 40' acres of land were itoprord.4' It was surveyed o4the 24th of June, m 1825, etal ingl3l acres and 141 cties , sail adjoin. ingl !Might an:OA:bort on the nor li,„ jamb Adamson v the east , Jno.iSclia . 11 on the south and,Jno.tunkle on 'the west. Teti4 by sundry MniePanees It becamevee ,:ted In Robe /411'arrish, one of the Odle: The evidence :'showed an ac 41pmsemion et theVreperly from 1810. '.- 1' The panel 14nestion of fact . lonebl, Ted in the Ma iu was as to the ittne location of the Branham surrey under I which theydeltit.lffs claimed ; if Incited as the plaintiffs contended itißhooild be, It would corer the Mlnnirh stirl Ye; under 1: ichideßs. claimed; end! In 3ho abreore ot any thing el , t tirtherntrasy wool,{ bad the land as against the: . ou tiger warrant ands w trity. The evidence showed that She Branham serve'', I( what is railed a chamber anrvey,i'lait is, the linei oe:thie tract were not inn upon the grimed, and the pial4ilit contended' that I: as there were nriMirks upon the ground to limit them they. had a right to extend the mai-4y up to thin adjoin era called for Inlthe - return of survey, which adjolnlog tracts, were oldOrell 'marked treed. ; This would give, the plaintiffeet4tlsoacree more 'pap the returns:l: `au Frey called R . :, and ,rto aid coierl the land Intl:ad:el I witbjn the 311eteservey. Defteicouteorled' that the l i surveyor hadal Opted:Lei:dein Philp oak earner of the MI 4:24 0 unkle as one of the comers'of the Brady:am * about 71percrie 44.1 tie south of Roier and Ounkle Ireet p l' and from that po'iit hr run his tiara in, the ndorronf l , surrey mOllBl,lOl th'a Royerand 0 mat id, aekdistence • et peril:et find It, tolheJaeoh It:ankle, limiing the &terve:Mg apa# to be tilled rap ty l ,thelr mttvey.: , The principal lineation of law-tnVulred was seto the effect of stitpte of liteltallehe:r The Improvement under 'which the Mionleh warrant wee subsequently greeted, ara#iiiptuenced In Stzhe,llBlo, and eraajkapt op Art thaktione foyvrard.. Ott the 10th' of May, 1831, Jamb Maistikit, the then owner of ifffs. title, instituted' en ration cit:ketnientlagainit John &hall end- other'' for the r4ortiri, of tbliland Included withM the ,Itrau-1 bath . suiveytiitid In July; 1837, rkoieir4 : the rater, portion ot ttlitAand,..l'lle 'part iiclnded' within. the Minnick: stittey - be dlti not reMrer, .except . about '2? yes. ' The Resent action of ejectinent iii instituted iMitii : Thiptilutiffs Contended that by the indorsing .1 of the actiod,'n oeetmtt for the lipid in May, 1831, the running of PR4stettltitai stopped, and pp to that time I no title had Milyetibmilis acqurred,'' u the twenty one.l years requireoipp lake a title by? posse:salon, had not! 'expired- l'ileAlefkellanis contended that as Marshall' In thenrevioaaet P bad fulled ti recover the land in t.. dispute, It vrii4ld or t stop the running of the statute of ! ilmiiations in 4. - m oirit aver , and thit, therefore ; they had' t o acquired eicl 'by 'bine of their twenty-one yearn' possession. Thlint of law the i .i COlnt decided in fa vor of thiplaint These werehhe principal points which arose In 110tie...4 tier eaable charge how /ha l Curt, the JuryWnd fu Law ofthe plaintiffs. 'A rulei for a ne' trial weictiaked for by. the defendants, which has not yet been ditimsad at; I i : • - 1 At:moron we had reshive4 to amid noticing Cote's:hireling, Price, et,leneh, yet the nboexrd , . v commonication from a w o r kingman la ad peril ' netit;that we cannot refuse itkroont : •• .- ' • • hew tteze.,Sept. 22.1849. ' To T. 0. PRICE. Zilif or of fht ,Irorkman's Adrenals— kr :—I n your issue of Septa under the titleof 'Where -lYe &nod," you gave the public fyour prombni.l article on yorir past political position. f t wan neireely needed. for as some Moho ii, "taming prig Mot their shadow' before," and lour .pcuttion was clearly dittoed by the' course you pursued previoni to he force of the Work ingmen's Convention. You ray i lt IR known to many that you were Republican in pr neiple. fit may be an; but can facts bear out yourion! 11 en, why net, adduce them? , II daffy knew o you being Republican err In principle , there lie also a few whom you en li ghtened In an uorrartrdedanotnent,) Who ~ now that you ant tinJ so mach so as rut and lo be. Theta , are your own words, honest Tom ; and when taken Id connection with your stibiequent doings. would fully bear you out If you had the manlineratoeon 'au that yeti were no longer the Be, publican you hear, been. You shy it is also known that the lion: James 11.,Campliell Wall, your lawyer and favor ite; bone . you .da tbegvnerel belief that you would'Es vor his rumination. • 81. r,, sta midic meeting, whoreaou believed Mr. CempbeiLhail many friends, you anneried tbit you were fictionally In favor of Mtn, and added, .with apparent enthusiasm, that !If be were nominate!. _you would work for him with yOur coat at flow hare you favored him personally? Rid you not pereorrily. traduce him to' some (if not Woe) of tbe,delecate In Allnersvills,jonY prepping to.yettr Convention being or ganised, trying to persuade them that he (Sfr.Canothchi) was nn proper person to nominate?. The My Inv per-1 gamily favored, tam may bereheen Profitable rod yeti: it aertehdy was not ereditahtt. !Ili abeam where is, thy bluster 11 cell your own Bowen beano, it to on *pm. priate,) Yon gay Mr. Campbell his no other chimp on the majority id the laboring peeple than , his baring be. Mended port lea limner need.' Tour effrontery la only, , equalled by your besmear. To:the public be sage gin end eatirthetion during his whole course In Comma, which was surely one small Stein to repaninaend him' In addhlen to hie bating aided yob, Yon.edd, to the non Jorlty ha his hatefuE (you have ;a choice roma:Mkt, and .make a free use of 84 and ask how Mee be "e g e r!e ornagb tbe country abusing y rhamen heesuset boy, were ' illihmenan<eman Catholles. This Kit broad appeal tahlreprrjudieek oldie Wait portion of the entumuulty• .Iclitvo r ,trsexpitrent; to benefit Yon Murk: Allow are 'to ' f"/ A m -yet b has behaved to a community where rMpen an 'Mtn Chtthellee' termed the 'majority.— iihm *mord laudable reenlidlon of haring a Librari I whe and tending enem a and appealed to the public fie aid; and aqiumet Others to the llon. James 11. Cruripbcll. Ifedle s t abaft thenttor being Irirednell • ochd Unmet) Cithott • bit se ttnim Monk liberally. hang orte.of the 12t , tribecrlbets. , botidpo'abesdily *undying them with newrgepora and the; ,Important‘ state Docu ments. ~ • ' • 3.1 -.-- A word ri*tt the Matinee ' 'a Onnegotkot,•'. I only . -, iltptv RI IJINIRIIIIMOtIII of ib4 nriiktmen AL 0 # 1 4.100 14 ,1 • 41 when I laity% 11 was no Mb . than alt 4114,0111twee.' flew many attended as .de es whir•Mrd r. intekni• Halt?. You pain* the ester pi tertr`ftemible Pieely."' It they, altcuclartt wan without &Oakdale, and final that Ws inert that you would have arany more of a suita ble strip* admitted uuderi:wellar eireurastaaree. Judas readied thirty piman deliver for betraying his master; Dot. J; Cake should reward yon with 110, sod in pleb for you bare dorm your best to betray a cumemeDity. • Yours. AN 01011INF.H. -a card.; Insarsus Caiipasiss vs. Politics. .. wativaa.)fitirtfele Wu* the above caption *Amts. is the Mats/ lama istaiturdss; the 26th Inst., atot hi lett& the miter seemed eaceedi oily eletchod in reoPett to the kaluenee *Melt certain Jemmy,* Comma adahtesiit on the panned of P ail l i ee i aTinieis th the preeeut Wilke! mutest:aril It 'lrma'. the writior WWI I at onto rates at lbkh *depot tr awl ears thidi mindtdatee.niay swore ttiktisolv aided, Illis haor of their Warta, in event of defeat; t under. *and has been tnittructed to make public the knowing hehadtde of priors for-the beneet of add ettfter and each other persona as may feel an I Dter6l4`lll a ilkif direction. !pantie:it candidates Itt the Meant "Dr"' sill be le mated sphast defeat to eaffizat not rantedlat 14,000, at Atie following mei of ettatiteat , . . . .•Ortsl ncirt. .• toria l CottateidoadOiltm Istreent• Preadult Sena DApresentatire " • • S " • " • . • _ rearomtmc maw. • Whenisfewile Mao Oditressfotull Mee, eenalorial Itorareentelire . . 4 : ' Eberidhlty Gueraks Mpg: • Concresslonal otl ee,' Boo r Senatorial SheritAelltttl , ' 201 • 44 k• ' ' lO •" . • mr pp ew:o►roow " " • an 0 1 104' a dminelMt Of pereent.*lll be Wowed in savor of yealkssional candidates, and doable lb• abase rate. will be demanded frets any candidate necupyins the ;Mahlon of flank • emblem trovided, however, that where any Bank Cashier nay come down handsomely with the ready John lberis, en edrenee of only 100 per rent. wl l herb/tied. Jamas McComas. . •Ageal'A'utipant .Trater Pipe husrases auspasy. • PEOPLE'S TARIFF MEETING. A meeting of the friends_ of Protection American . Industry; wee held it tberPublie Nouse of Stijab Beweinger,'Ashland; on Saturday teen ling; Sept: 25,1858.. .Tbe following persons were selected oaken of the meeting : , Rreffistent-401IN C..9ARBER.' Rai Fred. Gainor,..t. L. ShumanALtorgehlort, Owlet . ' Vinci's!, Isaac Biarkbard, Samuel %top, Blijab P. Darker!, Jpshaa Weimer, Wm. Levy,' Jonathan Baihman, Delay James, Wm. A. 1114- melright, Abner K. Walton, . Wur. Christian and Werleg r ilanley; 'Serretariea-3aostgn ll.lieLlr, War abd Dastri D. LAM' t . . , , • The me eting was then ably .addrestied by Hoe. ~ James'.ll, Campbell , Robert M. Palmer anCLIn Barthidutues, Esqrs. ,Mr. cintTpbell - referredlo and read dueninels to illustrate dad vindicate his:course In Cengrtss. Die remarliS were will. 'received, and to adoniredhis frankness. Be also read theldedges given, by the candidatei fur•the, Legisleture. Mr. Palmer 'explainedt the pledges ; given and , the ;position' Of the - candidates on the People's Ticket: `• . The! Citizen's, ntlyill 'Band watt4o,,,fittendaneo, and disrouised moat eloquent music. Ever:lo3lh passed off in the best manner it/tilde, and 'cloied with three been; cheers roe Pi,;tection - jib,' the whele Peopleit Ticket. 1 i'9 l- 41 Election--Tueidiy, October 12 , 1858 . 4 .1••• • PEOPLE'S ANTI-LECOMPTON TICKET. 1 _____ ST.4 r. k; TICKET. 1 ,f-- , - Jrnet OP SUPREXP: CO - a?. • John IC Read, or Philadelphia. CA7AL CONIIIISHOIIrt . , WM E. F ,of Fayette. 1 cnyaszss: JAMES WeA3llllELL,Totttville. arise et.NATEI nor.,El:l 31. PALM EN, l'ottrrllle. .• \ lemmata': I'. P. fl PA 01..Sebnylkill iirtren. JOIV , I. BOY RIL Tamaqua. CY ItbS L. PIN MERTON, Tremont, CO VNT.r TICKET. • 6110117: JOLCY P.IIOIIART. PottselllC. • rommilFtwfs.D.: • SAMUEL . KAU rkM AN, 3Ffnerwrille, i .t DMECF9F of Fin FOOlt: Clt It LES FOCHT, RiuggoLl. • . 4 . Armi•nß • . 3/1 KAM. 3j. KISTLER, Uulon. •T ..z.s 1 - , . . Ja , ( l6 OF : 4 •11PIMIE COM. . Wm. A. Porter, of Philadelphia. \ I I CANkt. C.113(IMONIM; - . 4 t Weiler Prost, at' Payette. LECOMPTON DEMOCRAT/0 TICKETS ' , ( t THE: CASE. TICKET. . , . • COngresi--jo4,Pli W. CAKE. of Pottsville. Semate-51.411,IEI.COCIlltiiig, of Pottsville. - ' • Atfteetbly-4.1. 0 filt.or Butler; BERNARIXEISEN lIIITII. of Clitoll JOHN' 1108 N, Jo. of Port Clinton. !Sherif—WTl 1..0 SElTZTviEtt:ofTnlnaqua..., , riminussion , r4 - 4 . ./ ACOB fi LINE. or Pon/with& . i Dirmbri• of Me Iiww—JOIES II ECK, of West Brim:twig Auditor—FRANCIS YAILNALL, of Barry: DEWART TpICET. • cimgress4- H 4r.u. DEWAHT, of Srtibury. Sirmte-4.9?1. WETHEI:II,I,„ or Pottsville. Assembly', OLIN 6. HENN, of Ifegios; PAMVEL HOYER, of t Clinton: 11ENEY P. HAAS, of Tuscaro ra. f serif,-.431V3 McK EMS, of Pottsville.' Onntalvii sr—JACOB LINDNER. of Wes( Penn. pireclor Me Phor—FWEDEiIfCK BECK, of North , lanbeiro. .4uaitlsA AC P. lIECIITE;,. 5 j PEN, PASTE AND SCISSORS I- jittr..treaths in Philo&lplia hot week, 171.' 1, ' „vir.Pike Peak gold dust is said :to be 'worth $2l per ounce. p'l' The Yellow'Fever beamed° its appearance thitra veotrin, Texas. : ... 1 Fuer suitides, in as man; days , incurred P. , • ' iniCincionati, hist week. • AIRY.' Maids nant nothing but husbands, and , , teen they want everything. *fir A monument is to he erected at Needle:, Miss., itibortor of General' Quitman. AlitThe first city pereenger railway company isintotalbeilg organized in Baltimore. Ifigfrln the'-New York cattle market, heel, good ganlity ; btunght 81 and 8 centr=cinap very. . i .. /4r•The individual wha "stood on his own re• ePonsibility," is tote indicted for intabtieide. !filif-Alwaye doubt the rincerily,:of a girl when you pee berwipe, her mookls atter you hies. her: 140 - Win. J. Clark • was executed at Danville, o? Friday last. llidied protesting his innocence. jafir9l female' pickpocket in: Philadelphi t is. worth' $2.5,000,- all innde in the inching .busine , s. ~. Lptl-The grape crop of soma !portions of Con ' necticut and Massachusetts is - euffering from the ~ • vat. . • ' . I /02,-License in Marysville, pal., ere payable Monthly ;ten pinollies and billiard tables $3 per I month. . erlt is said tint the corn at the West is so renartive that "shocked" at the approach of JackOrest. - "---c!.. . 1 - 521J'A men named Rear; died - last Week in More" eel fronilnekjiw, caused; by a waned iti_hie heel y a rusty nail. , " ' '' ' --, ,i •: - The nun of the late Rev. E. Wilipmrs, • and 4 I the r'extdmir to the rthrone otyranee, ik a pilot on Lat Like W,innebego stionier. , , ' I ~ I. '-Ati• "'ado Providence Transcript anvi l . there is a lady en aristocratic that site refines to tate a news. % paper,hteense it is made . pf roes. • , t,l ' jtail - Mr. and Ma Barney' William, ' , roadie a .. r few representotinns . in 'Pee. Jenny Lind is in 'nciatid.e Mme.' Anna Mme.nna Billion also. , r'' i‘ ,• - 1„ I- JcifieiThere are boats now navigating the ' lltie - Canal with greater tonnage than Ihe Ship poiserred with e tacit Columbus dtscoverect Ameriea. ' ,! : 41flf - Wer. Cornelius, of Ghin,'had his head-ta• ken smooth); off, a few days since, by the 'burst. intiot the cylinder at a threshing machine. , ! p' ,fitill - A New Orleans doctor says (lA A dirt has nothing (ado with propagating yellow elver:4 I De thinks that dirt rather helps to keep neopletellitiy. - i /SO-Jas. Stephenson, n mechanic, is tender ar-' leaf, in New York, for poisoning hiewifeantreeduc.. log (meld' his nieces, and 'attempting to , smooc hfrinether: • - r • ArThe wife of a New York,tnerelient weighs when , in full dresr---I. e., hoops braked—but oar. enty.three pounds; and yet the ie in 4 healthy , . condition.. • ~ . 1 ~SFer Therels a hill in Nebrtisk aso steep that arhet“driving does' it the driver on his box eon I only See, one belt the time; the ears of bis lead ;Mg Mules. ' ... -.. 7 " .: 1 1' hY IN n droim of liogr, .driveriby two men, j unlike a red box, with yellow eyes, blue legs and . crimson tail ? - DOMINO one is a herd of swine a'ed , . . the ether an unheard-of swine, , - ' : • 1 ADV ^ Spurgernsomethires copier out , with a pied thinly .. "Brethren," raid be i ..if Gm! had referred . the ark to It committee of naval strain", Ws my , opinion it wouldn't hav e been intik yet !" ' • „Selfrlttons. Godard, has challenged Prof. Stein er, of Philadelphia, to race With balloons at Cin cinnati—tit:a balloon going the ;farthest distanCe to be deelared.witmer. ) Mr. 8t fi rer has aseepted the challenge. ' , - AV' In a prise .fight.near 1 - etroit, lately, one man's ear was ekeived off by the gentlemanly an. tagonist with - whom be was fighting. ' A spectator . 4 wrapped the piece' in a bit of paper and put it - into the rooket of the owner. . . ($-People shudder andschill overdeath by hy drophobia. Delirium tremeas is quite as terrible, yet the community sleeps over 0 curse which entails that - disease. Man atter man falls before the scourge, and still the work goes 01. ,'Shun a man who' does not pay 'hie cornett - Mutts td the ladies. Ile whole wanting In honor tewards curls, wilt invariably attempt to dodge the grocer, tsilar and butcher... Faithlessness to the dimity Institution is a sure sign of a want of principle. - , .. . . • jar epra 'otitis ) nothing- to furs.: except bis wite', crinoline and Mr..ile's hoop!. "If they lore no other advantage), . sneered Lady Cole,' uthey keep the men at , roper . - dietenerst'end _that's a great blessittg."—,•• o the men, i ' greeted Sir Theurer. ,' I , JIZIP - Denroothetter i , thatiloor, stuttering sot, of a - yeller; became the most lemons waterer ancient Umiak. .:Virgil, the eon ore. baker, was the most celebrated orthe Latin peits. /Drop, the son- of a slave, a slave bitaself,i.-Managed to acquire innperishaliletfame. otie"tinvernor Deriver, of-Kansas, in a recent -letter to the Secretary of. the bled", flip ; ',... fines the reports of the richness td-the 'Pike's Peak gold mines, nod adviies that -the land be treed from urrottaption, mid loft epee for'all who wish to work the mine*, settle., stein 'California. Affir•Fortrirle's lost, a retied, that not only re. Ferri. but (444 CoosomptiOu red its; numerous inWitte', uhlat violet" shout in the shape ,of , coughs, colds. .itilleepla s bionchill44co; This ranted; it. Dr. Wistat's Belsatn of Wild Cherry. : -' , l l 4 l tley Mine enters' it bat the IVrinee sign/I.( intro!' 'II. &ter . ' on the "ripper. • ' r • • • • r jarAstronomiei,,noreitirs abound just nt pre l rent. Besides the three comets, two' of theta tel l escopic, trite ilashing`throash. the aka, * daylight vicelsay be bad, with miogood pair or Igoe, of tbd, planet esiteini4 etsroseur, at tbe height of ber Der (.position , Io 'somberly; about 30 deities front tho'lini• Nod /2'many front the horizon :OA rough etileulation. •: ie- 4 'Na yen Noon a d emit fed without pati teleran t on. Thu isoticarwas parted among other"ruleu far the g 404 Cererettrient of A select balrebieb eama off la' Mceico (haring the. but Frei) la lari Jake.. It iOnticmen who Jere rre.ent, danced with tied, *tit, viona nothiaig,bat a bine; ribbon end rins pf beetle. lines* country, that land - orate. ahintiorid eg.prealtients !, isn't it? ; ,41ligrTheL.Conlet if . tolist,itired sting .exprera between,Potterille Not a.had idea: that. dia the Cots miles an hour, it would jerk a trai Pottsville te Tamaqua (piers time say . o 'oo it a kob.tailid 'kitties. I the &diet in - great that it Would around the earth in about ten Inlaid to a train of earaj and all'the would trt . Ifteep it inf worlt ever hill i . - - orbit hi knord• that Sigismund Thatherg, the pianist, left his Coneert troupe in I linois and di. parted for EnroPa - tectelly and is iwatee. The cause of Iths flight was wirer ilublilillf sl4 f ed ; t i l ." ll ; hot foreign papers., aineeibis retard to Paris, anti. mate that ft was the sednetinn of **dame Whit vf ITN youthful dunkbter; I The an Cortuite xis 'disposed td. twirl the • • ad hied upOn sk her child, by plata /bet, but the reseal: *seated that, is will as the WriAW issued 't4lhiii absent, ~.9 • 'fitr,Tint trade of tbeljnited States with Brit fob India lantonntsito 1it.1.660,0000 . r m4,re thisn 114 ( 1 0 01 6 . wb , ,la!'eorataeree - of ' ndia ;in 1811. ?Vitt' a Werke liberal radian Gore tnsal, we Min expect a great incrdarells our trail* and, with in improvement in theipenide, the prietien of hastSt• lag, which. wade .todisi a meepttiiito for! precidus metals; wilt be.gireli upi The 1444 to thit country. alone, front this practice. ow the , •tlaneolof Multi with I tsi N ndityfeno 0 1 ,1837, was $67,000,0044 $67,000,0044 II .., . K 4 .. Ad $. - y.l . . 1 i , 3 (Wraits orrini t i Cntitr or Potade.—it/ . Mg gip, lest hight. attemp(ted to Rtteit su•liulisid..l' l mils wro Werelrowdyingin the stree t, -When ids party tunied upon him and not nmy Maltreated him in other leays,jhat the y taro his cost off Ishii back. - We sytripathiseith our Whribf.khief, and would adilet him in a !friendly , ray ti) . lose log, - time in nioetatingli ne7 and bet et etri like-)1 1 /,' Brown Siena Clot h ing lalLotilt+khill*-Wilion I Boa. OS Wed ISO 0 hea nut streeirbovellth, Phi ; adelphia. I 1 - t• - I- .t , . . 1 • ............. , 1 I I W 1. / kV l)T herst . the t at e u:t.. preha . rat o i t en is I l t i nowle, it ill s. l l mall tato littled as tall infalihle Rem y for the . tire of, Colds,l;Sure Ti a!, - farrier esti 1 Bronchi:Tr, S;oittlity of Blood , l', in in the Br si r i r i i Croup, Illoopiiii,Cou h, and ev ry facto o& .01 / ..' monary ponplaint, that it were waritor as 11 , , erogation to epoliff of As merits. - I . ~.. 11 3 , Diseutureil ;by a well knitain ph i s icianporo tb 41 twenty Years inc,Se it as bj .thet wiinderful 4rt's it has erected, Been onstanily lapprriciating in t public ftivor c hntil its se and it s reputation lore I alike univetsel; and it is now knuWo an chars bid I by all (and their unntrie ie legion" ) wh hare bee ' 'eaten:Alto health by Its use as tto GR, AT Il.tiai.• Dr forap the disensest,which. it iofeaties'. tottre. Sir Japes Clark, physician to e lQ-teeti Ariet4ria, has given it es his onjoien that.l i ' coeswasgtato l va can b 'Cisrtigt . ' ll The *bet e ; history +f this Medicine; fully eon; firtus thii oPinion• of that =inlet lin. -Thoti'. .and. erin -testily; and •titive .tes ffied, that When till other reuM , lieslhati foiled,. th i has cottiplitely I cured; that 'rhea the 'stutterer ha welll nigh ides. paired, his has .lifTuriled lERUltiate- relief; !that ii.i when the physician ' had prod', nced, ithe dilease incurable, this has reinored it entirely. 2 The virtues of this; //ohoin : re elite applioi ble to dire a blig,l) t Cidd,or a Co . firm'e l i tt Coti+etp t ion, trtitd its powers oe a sole eert.iin, spody, 1 1. pleoeannud tot f efeet remedy . e nootim equ4iled. Air% AUTWX t • P trebitee un 6 tod sr it kit de . Winne( siffitOttirfitoje "I. Rura l ' on the wraj,her, as well es the 'printe .1261130 :of iho,pmpriot r0..-'- • 1 .! , j. , S. W. FOi V I E-1 CO.,i i'..t t opr : r ra, •,- ; - I ,• ; Boaters. • j: or Ole b y their agents everywherei. . 1 . ~ AGERTIS'2—J6tIII (.4 Brown, J. C. Itughed, end lloury I Sity i for; I%n/trate ; C. lik. L.llluntitneer; Sehuyikill Itaren ; B. W. Prefrost. iStifiaralville ; E. J.r3t and - Sleditigan lb Foarier,'antitt;ll. Shissl r, Pert Carb n ; Paul Alit, jiirae rove; G. Re On! A Son , Tuseatori; Chdrlei".4arih Nees hiladelptlia; . ones Ry9uholct. Porh (lin. l i . ton ; it. ll.'' t. Gust'; E . P4itiip,,,l..:cov Cavil: t. Jub'n Williams, Micjill port.' ' , , i JulSl-4iP, , 1 IASB. 1 '' 4 31:-eouly ; , • - -Lc , '" * , ix d 0)t: • • --- , iwaoklowerg Ofnt,entt----• .aod P(110... Wondef tut elites of bi disease, stli . kinqi.paraliaat ion, of the limbsd and othe esippling disilistl i s of th e bones slnowa ners and ntoscles, los e i beeni aceo4lished duringithe , past: year by a brut arid . regtlar uselot poll. -loway's Ointinent. Itls the only latiaqee - vitt, pro• duces 4nyluipreisbiii n tbesof 'tic . Ilit. Pills silso are (Wog tiondeni lySpepsia, • , Lowe! tow plain ti or lier alseat lelitintta ry operation:' Wry stiontd any iutes from thee*? tnaladles, then he inesiro , relief airs, . . to be finitid hi every c ty and ti f ,. fed fistes. 4_,,._._ e - i - Zaiel mine P. Eaci 11 . ir /Me. novailtoi fs thb gre. l teet diseor47 as most idniired artlrle!ererla!rodaer to the pti Me for in partlt4he6ith. I. . . ,' I b , aats and.rlo to t e hair. Iti one „ irill pr,fetr or entirely remere mitin 'IN Pr gaily airs, na 'teller', the hair elt, nd l siatifully tiright, 1 Comp . orel 7 en. finely Of segeta m terktl.ft 14 free Ifrinn eiernimire propeller atni n rer f%lll to - expo rixe a eallnt:try l‘ititienre on thel halr.; SO dby jkli reepecia:ble ;114tufglxtrian j oi s at the..l4'horatolry f Jr. i r.e IlAcst. 44 C 0.,. Pe/Tomlin i f aid 1.1 d Impoikers..N:o; 7 1,C.2.4 ~ . ..vr Streektbilddelphlx!. For kle .1.,n. wh, ,. SIS':.I liras enclicp,tr • .oz 4 ThelGs•jeait. it..... JAM CIA fa i rs cELFinii,. Preenfrom al er;si•riptlon .of IBlr J, Physi len r!xtraordhiary to the queen, ThOnmiluabe 'Snappier Ip uotilling, tbosolpabifel aml dallairou.tibeases to' conatltutiott Is auttiort: It uotdetatesall moves all ohstrition t , nod a spetfdy Mir on. Irm Marri e d liadlei it, If .pecu! trl.l, !rt a short Imo, riot. on the moo' rogularity.'l. 1 • .i.' 1 I `Ea 'lt bottle, ,rire i pue Pollar,ibrata Slam of Great Ittrilu, to prereet oat 7701 i TS is shr ail rust, be Ilkenlb . the 1 7 1113 i. TI II Alf .110117.11i'ff art mare to bri gon I.Viscarn'a, iiik,ci ikeylre resole. rn ii earn 4 Neri•oas and Sp nal A the . Mt 'mid 'Anibal lloti4tieron alight tion hf thedlt. Illsterics; au Whitt) elTrei a curee on 11 other :lie ps lia• e. l r thou.ll a Owerfullrtmedy. do not' tont anti 'My, or ahyth F por hurtful o' the +d.'tbla Eiwnty, will be sywnett for Melee New eke, Eundsy, Oetobir 1:111. Tot Protestant Episcopal' Mardi. in Ashland, ibis County', that bite been at a Mandell° ST the paakreor, for want of money. has apiln been resented. and. ts 114 rrbritoralr rocapiet ion. Its plena., the hat. 3trillart• tett, is twins 11l lila energies . to h lye It Oniebed and opened for wondilp as won st possible. as tits onneeerne ten hate no pt place formaailnß, The Aura ta Woe hone online:le or the Gentle. style of architecture: and, when fi nished. wilt eoznisre /trembly with any Meech esithele to the rouoty. `NOTICES. . Er•ME/11001112 ItPIECtit•Al. P•eead Streets Path/alai, Ray. "U. R..4auxoY, Pastor. 01- VOlitilervice every Eabbath 'ist 10 A. M.saao at 7}t" P.M. 412.11 UNITY ErECII SESSICES:—Srpeow'r, ISSN: The hour of kornlair Service sottish:is at'lo34. The bout of Evening Service auSuidayalllf Vridey, is 7! o'clock. • . D. WASIMUILN, Rector. • ENGUSTI LISTENS A SCIIUSCO, Market:squart Pottsville, Hoy. W. 11. Lacurvaieu,, Pastor. Divit i e sev. vire In this Church regularly everySnday. Morning, Ai 103,4 4' clock ' sivaultla, at, 7 o'cloclt. Weekly Prayer 3 1 0 4 11 4, rbanday oveolog. at 7 Wel ca.k. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .111 worthlp regalarly at the Associate lialbrraed Church Building; Market irtreer..-Itev. Saliva COLT. Pastor._ Sabbath - taoialog. it 1034 o'clock; voreultigta, at It o% clock.; Weekly Lett are, 8 cielora. MARRIED. Eabbath evening., :Gib "tilt.. by Ref. W. 1.1. Liwkenbdeb, 114aiusos HUARD to MARTHA Jana HtTCHTSWAr. , • DISSOLUTIONS. _ • • jyssoLuTioN.--The cio-part n er shlii. hereiethre elistlng under the ' Brin' of WAT NS. JItTPKWYS A 3101t,OANS. In the Plastering, Itticktlying rind 31assury business. In St-Cbdr. Schuyl rill coouty. is thIP otiy, August 11tth,18,521, ilbssoleed by mutual Nisieat. The business of the Ono will beeettlod by WutlOns A Siorgao. who NM continue In the bust. tutu Iterimiter ou thalt Oita swe'.uut. • • -.--- - • , " THOMAS wArictm, • BAMIHIL JEFF/M1*14,, . . Augu t.„21,"413 3444*1 JOHN L. 11OROANIt. WANTED. tNYye b • .:; • Germain. this allre Ttr itten sr .N'FED—A situation as •ales aso Ina Retail Dry t➢onss ictore: tadeastinds newt . pattlatly, anti llama* both English and 'Boot of rekreaers given. 'Address "SI," at [Pon/tante:A tar:l4; 'MI 33.2 ma. NTEDS Male and 2 Female .freaeliers forlhe Foblie Schools; to As;hiand Do. rough.l l IPe die making application wIU attend the ex• analnatlen o Mondsy,October tth, In said itotou;h.— Schuolisi to pen abbot the rith of October. Term—l tuouths ' BE NJ.. F. GRIFFITH, 1 Secretary of the Huard of Directors. ' Septet:l/v5 . ..25, '4B 59.13 ' OST , & FOUND. S T 'I . AY COW.—Came to the'prem ,e . I ' of ,kho subscriber, on . the Fith , of , Se pt r wr, in Innegrore.Towoship, • Brio. .1541 die Cow with a large bell. The ownerls re. quest to roll and prove property,. pay I Ira charges ant.takelor away, or oho will bw.wolti seconding t0.1aw.4 : i,. . - JOSEPH MILLER. _pine, rowii Township, Ort. - 9'.91 , ": 40.1i* -__ S" i fCOW.--Cameto- the:* primi.e t a nt,the subscriber, on the 11th , lust.. alit ED COW, about ten years old, black thee. one horn [erred„' and bell en her neck. The owner is reques ted triAremore her and pay ehereeft. Or She NW be enld aceordlug to taw. • N4IZALIETII PRICY.. • Barber's Tarern;3lll, Creek. Septimi4r 111,'5.4 • • - .1.1.3t* STRi-Y COW. -- Straye4awaypt 6otit the pubserther, residing at St. Cialr. 6 , huylkllUeennty.abont ten days ago; a renal uLACK Cf./1C..41th a whiti• Aril* running over her bark, and a. white tail*bas a plere of the rigid ear,crit llqu Ire W— and has on . *c..i.sit roare belt. IVhoiver Is 111 return wild cow to the subscriber. t•l' give , him inr•rmation whensbercitis get her again; will be reasonably rewarded, I . EVAN D. EVANS. st: mate; September IS. 7,53 : .7; tlts 1 . .FOR SALE 81, TO LET. , r 4 Our RENT—A Three Story r.r.l* i ' - Brick House,. tu 3larket street. ahn , re Mira* 'AiMly to ti k.O. IIALLIP.I4 , TA . ' I' , l9her 2, '5B ' .14-tt I --- li' IR BRICKS for Cepolas, Puddling ; and Ind rtirruce.x. from the 8,1,1197 Workx. for Fate I,iw. t the Nest:En FUENACE, OR txvi 1e..% n. 12; 18 3-If ----, 1 10A m T Reams Foolscap, Letter, Coot . v i ercill Note. Note and Hill Tapers, jest re ca ve..l, a d for WC. wholesale and retAll, at IL DANNA.N . S. Book and Stn I loner! Stnrs.. CAtk,FlJEL.— . —Cnke,' for sale, in : I tV. Or small quantities. at the lOW Wren( 5 cents per bull-. Ingaireelther at therate, or works of the Put tarill litukeoropany., L Nor. 111, '57 4.7•11 .14 1 04 - RENT,--The Old Orchard = flour 31111. It Is now la find rata tlifiltit4! order. Apply to 31. 11. 31ATZ, on the preuilses, or iv I'. .11..SCIIOLL.63111ACIElt. Pottsville; Jul '''Vf. '3B • ' nt•tt 1 . OR 811..E 1 ---Si . x pairs of.l.timb 1: 4 1 ec . . "Truck"; Will Le sad ebesp o.r rash. or note with sp. proved security. ,Alsti, a valuable MULE. wa the swum bums. Apply•to - J.OIIN llUtatE:t. Trustee. Po!..tss ille, Alay.l2, 'LB . 1:.,-tt • 10R ALE—One . sup'erinr 8 'inch J~ple , pomp. wltt; column plpolt and el-mm.ol,los— riendy.lo be nut. Into lb* odors. W1:1 - be sold low.— A y the Tamaqua Iron Works (or furthrr InEnms• *lon - ) . CARTE[( & ALLEN. A 'Oast 21,'53; - 117 OR It EN'l' - .—A CcinveeientEA _vi dwelling house, With stable. situ:l44 . ln :Nor t• weglan street. Above Seventh. formerly nretirle. by John L. - Marlin. Possession glren!tlie first of october next.Kneinini of - .. • ! .J.r.e.fltt,F(lSTElt. ... .. . . . ._... . Pottsville, tteptern bee 4 '5 , , — p OR OFIEAP:--It fine rop y ji: • of Ni:hoison's Dictionary Of the . S.;ioneepf Arrhi lecittre, Ditilditnt, Carpentry, ke.. from the earliest agmt to the present lime...forming - a coraprehenxiire. , wmt of Reference—Dlnstrated with ...20 engravings on F tvl. For Bali at IL DANN AN'S•liook .t Stationery 'tore.. 7-- 11012 SALE, 'VERY LOW—A - small SOAP PACTOIt Y. with Beilei-Fr-amt." and fix torus fw carrying on the Soap Business. A rani chance for a small Unvcsiment. For particulars repaint of JILS.. 01:4.V.V. Thinl street; Pottsville. tF•rptember IN, '5B . . .A WOHINGTON : IRESS' FOR , - SAILIi—A . areami-hind Wa.hleclan l'rela, N 0.6 in platen..4”.4 x. 2C Inc bee—bal. 11l .w 294 Inrhea—in le order.. ini4Cl her with an Ink stan4 will rollers at. •tAebtal.' will .ba wild at a reasonable pri,:x. The l're4a can be retln at Mull& IClrk's,atorv. Arch "(reel. able Front, l'bllatirlirbla.. Adctrcas. N. D. C9I:I7(IGUT & CO.. Trenton: N. . 1 4 September 2.5; 'b'i 39.110 • eacOAL YARD AT SCHUYLKILL itArr.N trtg.s.tuil-Tbe underal:crd olTerr for their Dial rd, togrther with the fixture,. gnal will 3ndtleaseir-mlin the buildings, cnnalaling of x /been, Sfiedbrw, t, Thie ,la otse of the tuoat.deocabie burinen penes In the county. The yard Is just oppredto the larhuylkin nevem coal landfnga: has an excellent •run of rOotoin-Lat' large Noportlon nr tbrut Nina' farm era: owlln:.*to the rime Iproxlmley to Se.eprec .Ve:tat Mill. T a shedding is authelent to abillvr a large stork of &rd. The other clad yard hai no sheds. The htilld log and ;-cality . aro well Calculated 14r egowery. There is also a good /say acute, cinch used by Lament going to Pot Lawn C: The atoek ot mal la swab? Poste. Joii.givon Immedisteiy. A pplton rho ;seem! Ir.: or •d. bie. P. It. PALM. •. A (3N; Haven, tsept. '25, Nift , s'j-21n NOTICES. AbiIm"I'ATED.MEETING of the Pro.-' - tertlte Fire l'olire -j witt be ht 44: At the Council b4r, on. WEDNESDAY EVENING next, at 7% 'o'elock.l - 31:14.N1C/191.3.5ee. Puttmrllle:Oetobrr 2,'51 -. 4041 . 1 1 1 0 TEACHERS'.---An'Exainination of applicants for the New County • Cerliticato - will be' ahl on Friday stn.! Saturday; October Witt and 30th,, 1858: - f Due„nidice of rteco,*e , wilt bo Oxen at a totura time.' , J. K. KItCWS.O.N.ConuIy Sup:. 31inersville, Attzuo /0; 4 53 : . 31.enwtf •• .• 4 10 . arriAtiV•itraisch Its knot," IVASIIINGTON CAII r, No. 14, of J. S. of A.. of Pa., r M4ll , every Monday Evening. n thit story Thennp snn's MIL S. .I;:enriler Its rant and &send at meta. POtts• villa; la. Ward a Correapoodenee—.L. R. II AT; Ww. Stara!; CILLY. CHIIIS7II2.'IP. 31AIZC, 1'. W, Moamar!. January 3:ty • NoT.IoE -To "THE PUBLIG.--1 have thin 22d day of September, lAA bought of •Jonvthan Eimutner; one DAY Se_ and one MACK RAY BULK, and have looted thi tame to him during my ;demure—and warn ail perilous not meddle. with :them: • Wit. KOCIL Schuylkill Haven, 5ept...23..1S ADMINIS'ITAI'OR'S NOTICE.- Notice Is hereby given that Letters of kitninlstra• tam nee° been punted. by the Register of Wills, rte.. of the county at Schuylkill. to the undersigned. on the Es. late Of Dr. MARV DOVULASS, late of the borough of osetliptburg deceased. All omens itodelstisi to the aid Es• tate, are tegneated to make payment, and those baring deigns against the Said Ratete will present thessrne to the undersigned without delay. J. W. 110FIEDETtItY. Pottsville, Sept. 1; '59 atl-Ctoi ' A ati a Ist rat Of. • TN thit , Orphans' Court, 6C-Schtlytkill Conatr—rd the matter of the acconnt 4 Charles W. itar, Aduktatatrator of PHILIP DELCAIIP. &einem]. .The dnderaigned'Auditer appointed by said Conn in *IAN re-atata re-nettle the etattl account. will attend to the duties of hl ap put n I wen t, *tibia office. in Miner* elite, at 9 A. M of-ThorodaT.tbe 7th of October neAl, tr hero all patties interested are nottlted to attend. ttOwELG lISITZII, Auditor.' - Pepteitiber 25, • 39 tit N the Oiphiings! Court orSetiulkill tbo Matter of the Estate, et tomom 11 11111,EL, deeelsed.-- The ondemipted Audit*, appointed by the mid Collet 'to matte dlstrlbot kph of thollitanee In the hinds of the Adtolnletrator, en er *men tt4 hereby sleet no tice to all partlealtdate.ted that be will meet them at his *Mee, to the tl^-...rotngh of 14 ....1tat11it0 on Thursday, the 44th !duty of (I , tobty, VILA. at 10 n'elork, A. )1..-to uwka sorlidistrihtitioo. P. li011AltT; Auditor. septireOtt: In, le. ZS 3t • I j ! the Orphans ' Court , of Schuylkill 'County—le tqt+matter of the /Ate* of ..1011N deemed—•,• The uoderslatell ,t natter appeloted by the add Court to distribute the behave Itt the hands of Aneeilne iht• ler elf! livery Hader, Adraltddraters of Jana nosier, detwateel v Ai and aeons' the, ereditors emitted to the ma*, twrvby ono notice that he will tweet thy Tot ii" Interest-d. at I, a Gate. In the Iterough et Pennine. en ile4nreday. tit t 13th day of (*.tuber.. IS:.1„ at In cieloek, A. M. , .10tRi P. MBA KT. Auditor. brptemher 'nB - :re:A p.OATAIEN TAKE 'NOTICE. -- -As there has been it rep` ott put Is etc elation by Pene. re aria4ed peeper tbenetheut the %linen that there Are no Stables key at this place. I new wish to intutui tuy Meade and the public generally, that I' do keep Stables t•W' the secoastooOtieg of Umunen.mut win keep Mules = aud. Hones as cheap as the ehrspest. and ascend as the beat. ilfir•A Amintaln of spring water entitle.; at the Stable doer. , • "ELKIN'S HOTEL.", • Beaueellelk. New jeisei r '• . MAIM. enyeel, r. la•4ol(lnielre G. ALLDILIC/1 bas charge of tiro Par. Eeptember 19,:39 ;Li MEDICINAL. IiQERIIAVIVS II (ft LA Ali It ITT ERS 71111 - C:ll.Efte.treD HOLLAND RENIRbir .t.,44S.E.E.StA • DISEASE . ;OP LtVE.R dOtviPt-Aps.rr, WEAKNESS'. OF AN)" • rtzvz.`Aß 1.7:10 ACt1,77.-• . FITERY FARMER AND EVERY ‘.a TAIIILY bus its peculiir Blttore.eorupnuntled 3t eonit,ig to so m e favor He *etre. handed dow n from tether to ann. perbapi. The principle that a tonic ' , flatulent is fteenseary In every house. Is ut , lisputed, yet. tdb r „„„. pounded by oneklllfcil handl., oflin e 013 (11Ell elem. or, I both inermapiliblendlor,.nriereoj_k.,..tho,poom... ly hurtful. We here oder to tbe-iktilic in el highly eve. eentrated form, what will exactty supply this e sof, pre pared upOn scientific principler. corr.:o'l'4rd rf .inr,r, act ILK In barmony. yet each fulElling Ito 1,0401.1' office. s:'., To Tae Ptfvfter I,:( It! here artnrenlent form, yet perfectly Pile on facitnal. whith.s,tie g wpm th e ireulation. refl..), the action of the I.\ 'lon, t o ti,t,...,,. and of health. 'net lelly After Amy thhtli t tt ""'.: i er itterk et disuse, after depreerfrn from brat. or at 4 teem ~, „ 0. dental coupe: on A nti:.Yporia colit. It hi. h. with a cate•rat stimulant tenrerotet. ebb npeeullor tenure,. tiva th a ~,. nervous system , esitnibliC nervime irrltati,m. she n tel.en i properly. without the LILO tendency to the brain. atA 1 i without thit dletreerlOz reaction nhich is the lam: ct most tonics—often casnriegutorelrjury t Lan t hvorigival i disease. - V; [ As a - TONIC. moderately.and permanen tlyaaelt log Mel energies of all parte of the frame: prvdtkrintrwrc, 'II rily a healthy ',arrowroot filo tietion of the alt . Vll4 010ITIP, ,el*tatently rhanttlna:t4 acidity of the etotoach. a mi.acf. Ing . nrrnialiy,upon the liver In regulating pertnanently the Millar,. reeretioes. . • Nopicx.....wb ceee x experts te MO tblvt tivrtilltP , ti El he disappointed; but to the sick, weak and law.eai r it,,v It .will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, posec•nr4 of singular remedial properties. ' Caul tote... The great popularity of this dellirl,val Aroma has induced many imilatione,which the pn`.llc shricild guard against purchasing. Ile not persua.l4 to buyanr thing else until you have given Posen tat'. Ho L UND iIITTERS a Cal. trial. One bottle wit! cone lore 3., e how Infinitely supirlor It le Wall thetrit lint ta tint., .111/"Sold at $1 per bottle, or . sig bottles f0r:C..47 the 80 ll' NI Orli II:TORS, t, BENJAMIN PACE, JR. & CO. XAXVYACTURINO pliarmaccutisto an 4rmists, • PITTSBURG,.PA. - M •-•-•••-• '' For MI: In Philadelphia by the agenta—lL tr , ln .! 31orwhr. 4 ee pf Mi. , beinncrat; John John., .: c,,.. street; D olt - S - Sona,lr.3 North &vont! .tact. Ai, to Reading. by Biller t. Co.; Lancaster. by John 1'.1,,, t It en.; Puttarllle, John Q. Drown, J. C. C. ilugli.o. ~,,,1 C. WApting; Tamaqua. hy M. .1. Fry ; RI innelvill,.. J. K. Dump, and In Schuylkill Haven; by Dr. E. et.t. cheater. —.-- '4 • 1 4 4,veruber 14.'57 4(. - - THE MIGHTY HEALER! World Known and World TrAtli, .HOLLOWAY'S ,OINTMENT. Thr pie idmivtion• of all Nat lone. at well av the yen dirt of the leadine: Ifewpitn In of theOid and New IV orK ' , temp Ma powerful rerm..dial agent ea the greatv,t ho n. preparation ever made known fr ruff. pin): 1111111.• G. PEALTIIATIVE Qe47.111), are more than ardavrara, the evlernal ortteewof the akin. In alf.P.le to the zial,,4 eve. it rear)... the tout of the terunl MAI nye: Istielni not. nil external affee ioI ta null-Inflammatory and bealln virtue, eurtaw an) titlng'elve entrecnrd.nud la Nature s great ally. •i .• I Erysipelas and Salt khan= Are t WOO? the mod C. 4 41,:oon end virul en t d fenrdera p 'talent on thin continent, to thee the tliottuent fa daily atitagon t ..tonerts tderiinds'' tret to ern!. Irate the venn4 and then rr mplete the cure. Bad .legs, Old Sores, and 1/Icors. • - ( Of many year. atandingrt that have perttnarlom4y: refuwd to )„Jetd to any other rented; or ',raiment. hale Inntrlably euccunahael to a few applleati ryis oI thlik ertnlnngent. • . Eruptions on the Skin, • • • .: Arialog fmm a 1 , 0.1 elate tit the blood or cheetah. disease / are eradiatted and a clear and Snoop. rent /artery rei. gained by thevratoratir ...action tif thia Ointment. IC surpasses. many of the co.nietirs apd`sit her, toile t apph. ancte,in Its. power to dispel rashest'aud other dishiture." . aware of the fate. 'I • - ' • Pile's and Fistulas ° . . . Every form and feature of the r, prevalent anti stol e horn disorders is enidicated live le and entirely ly the use of this emotion*: warm !Onto ' at Inns shonlit'prorecto lb. application. . Its he-sling qualities Wbe ill found to he thorough and invariable. , . Boa the °intim..? nutl Pill. .1”,..b.1 be used 4 tbejr , .//errioy eruct: Itauloai., Rhirtonatiam e r Pore Threats, Burns, liingworm: I &MA, of ell kinds L • ohapre,el Ilaritts, Fait Rheum, • , kpraine. , • - `f'hilblaitin; '• Saida, . PillY .Jointa,• • Fistula, ' Sidra Disease& Triter, . , 0.0,, Swelled lihinds, Vinery, . .... I,rtinhage.. Sore L'egs, Tent real Pores, liforeutial Erupt'a.Sore Breast/, IF ()units of all Pilo.: i Sore Heads., • ' kinds. ' 44caut t0n . 1.-74..ep aro genoine unless lie wnrlo , qt,u,...,,y, N e w y.,vb ived lemehm," are dkerritible as a mater-murir in every leaf of the took of directions around each pot or box: the same may to plainly soot. by h4chtry tbe kyr ttt the tight. A handosiof reward .. will he Oren to any cite rendertng posh its fottostbb as may lend to the detection of any party er petite:, roue. terfelt I ng, the medicines or vending the saute, knowing their to he ,trutltni%. •,,,*S.•Id at the mina ' factorka• of Profearair liottnwsi,, l) )f 0141,n Lino, )ew York. and by all erns-table I.rd ~ ' giant and Dealer. In Medicine, throughout t h e Collet fttateerind therlvilixed world, In pots at 24 . cents, G• 1 • ,' yenta. nod $1 encl.. Stsr•There la a ronalderaLle wring - I,y tat log ,thebp . ger sizes. , • :V. It — Blurt inn, tn. the_guidance of patient, inevery dhw,irder are affixed to each pot. . June 12, 'LS ( R evise / 1, _ _____... _- l , . . . THE LIVER .1-. , ' I N VI G 0 R .EIJ T-0 R 1 .. PR/TAR BY nn. s INDF•q,I. Compounded Entirely Prod G MSS, Is one of the best l'Ult(;ATIVI:; and LIVER. nuolielnea one , Lefton the pottic. that arts as'a flit/tactic. easier. milder. an I no. re elt,t oil than any other medicine known,' It Is not mules tuth 'rite, tut • a Lirer remedy. actin: test on tit.. lir , r 1 , . cj• I M'' , • bid miller, then on I stomacti and 1 , ,w01i to c +try off that mat ter. than ac It/t011...1t in: two miry s,..,rfrectu• , ally, without anyan o the eairitui teelinge s ex letter red In fr y the t...rations of reit flith.trtica, 111 airengthenk the syat , .m at the sant tint.• that it ptirees it: :nt when taken dal In moderato doses. will strotgthetififoll build . It up wit unstypal rapidity. - 'regulators' of Llver. , lti one of, the prforfp ti regulators' of the hiarin Body; and . alien it p rforma Its func tions well. the powers of . the 'pot, e' or.. fully de. Ta ,, ped.'''rbe....Suntoters 'IA ellitt , st pelt irrly)krendont on the healthy action O thi Liter for the proi-i :performance of Ito (one." lions; whet , lit.. l'l'inly'h Is at fault, the bortete matte, at tituill 'anti the st!.• I. aystem antlers In masa- queara of one cream—the Liver—haring reused toEwe dope duty. For tit, ,lie eases of that organ. one of the proprietors ha. uncle it his study, In a pro - et - n*4 of more than 211 ye Sr, to ' tind iotne remedy mbere. wjth to. ennnteta, I 11... ' Many deranawmenta lop i i which It le liable. To prirst Sim!. iii a riltieditif iiy is at' lost fnnr 1. in" , person i'cooldekkarith 1.11.* wry C'oirnptiti i or, to' oily of Its forms, has but O to !rya bottle, an i cowl, Mtn IN certain. ,Thew slums n mg./. aiie morbid or tad m»rt the systcta. supplying In their place a I of hlle. invizorating theM thread,. reusing 14,4 td . tilgest well, 'verifying.thro o brenaf, el% log Sane" and ' • .heal?h to the whole ehinery. Tv:nosing t CAUPoplthedieraer-edged tog a radical Walnut allocks Are ei;ro4l.Z teNot ?of terNecplt.. Pd. the ore Clang UPC of the Liver Inivlg4• • iN One'doeeaftereating'lA, sufficient to relieve the ' Stomach and peirrentlita food from rieltnz and fano 'lag. ' Only ohs dose taker' be-14 lore retiring. prevent s Nightetare. only one dose taken atN, looser's ate Lowrie gently, and cam Chatire oeu. - i . Onedoentaken a theteachf% tr.c.,l ant core Pyrrersin. • ittrOne done of two tear - spoonfuls *ill always re .. here Hew/ache. • One bottle taken for frt 4 male olTidroctlon-sernorts the .entv of the disease.; se end makes a prefect rare.t Only one doer ire tneli-,•11 early relieves Coke-. . One dose often - repeated Is a sure curvier (.I.4ene and a preerntire_„,, of Cholera. • . • Are'OTT 1.1 one bottle I-U1 needed to throw out of IN!!, system the effects of Med.. Seine after a long 'PAT."... ArtrOar t•ottle, taken for latintlire removes ski u lewresspr unnatural n•lorat from the akin. One duse taion SIE:rI Ilmeheferrraling;itrt'l* gee to the appetite..andt4 Makes foal dierst.erli , • One 414, awn repeated tures Chroicie It itr worst forms while .s4wri l vier add newel ()reptile , ' , • yield almost -to the Intl.' dose. • One or me doses cure abr. tacks ea taord by Worm in if children: there Is no surer,'" safer, or itpctlici'irntel! in the world, as it nererk.,, Rita ' 'excitin .g the a-a-A few battles cureigg Dropky, lay absorbents. • We take pleasure In re-141 eorumendlig this medlars as a preventive fur Ferri anti Agee. Coal Pe , e• J O4 .all. Freers V a Miamian It °prod..' with' ceriaintr..atid thousatidi" , are willing to testify to its wonderful sit-tura ; • Alt who :Ll e it are girisulhiir tatatto'imut tentinowy in ita Juror. 'Mix wafer in We routs mith the Inriymram; rt! swallow both together. • TUB LIVER INVIGORATOR to It itclentt6e 3ledleal Dloentrry, and, 1 1 dolly twee*, ahooat ton fereat to bollot e. It eau*. ma If bo re, , Vle. rent fhe .ffrst dos. print/ hortrfit, sod - .otdom Tatra than”no bottle is rogailrod -on rare any kind of ift , r. Ormplaint. from Ibe wont Joundie.• or Pyrprp.wt 1 , 1 1 trlbw..rn fifttifache, aibol which art, the ' , avail of a Pa' . toted Lire?. • I Prtee; $1 per bottle. tilt. SANSOltD,Vropelelor, an tinnidwoy, Nits -Yon: • ittirlirtall4l to all Du ttgedoß. • Sold In ridttrillo tr iIHN KY SAYLOR; and In Tamaqua, by C. J. - VI:Y. • Juno lit Oil liii-Tu al; wanting Parmi, are advert Imirent of ttus• taunton iirAnttoc to enttstrata to A M/14 r l / , ":'• *W. and fine mirky( ' teat advert !saint Ist or II tmmontli Lands. • TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS. • zzisrs rt.) TEACRERX—A rant Dem - peed firr Ildeviny lir in :c not,. THIS Oaf(' containst'uluable hints to - teacher. anti abrl reb...!pr. and a copy ought Tct fa hung up In every priblin orlionl In the rnunty., Prlce,l l rept , rrith.,:-./ ofl pubHrbr.l ut ,1 tor sale by Airl. 1 I'4l HANNAN. r FARM LANDS FOR SAL,EI Cr.', MILES - front PI) DEI,I'IIIA,. hit) by Railroad. n ibn :tali, of 'nor Jp r n.y, Pall atiodig the bald fur aarittitiural purr err, belifr Irwth a It. with a olay bot mat Thalia ani tr , byte tract. dirldrd into mood! runs.% and bottaartla tarn putt r t .„ nio ( * .Unity are ;one »,-,,lint til /WT. ....M. he oro, Anna is ' Torun. 7i, m $5..; tt, rr act , p~yahle u ith In Wur year. by I...van:motif it. Tot chit rite .. Wore—b.:lto I Ito iirrot St 1.1, at . ilitlad.dphir.Nr . 1 4111.. , MM1tt n. ity. Ile. t0 , ',0. .A.4d,rua Ac0.:,..•tu..,,1 br .tn.4herrJ