The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 20, 1858, Image 1

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, . WOW inAl arWLI:
TWO 'DOLLARS per annum. syable rulvanre—
sl 2 3 2 ,,,, v0 4 s ix mot a hs—ma $ 30 If
pot petd taltlito th*ruiir.
”10 MCP:.
Three topic; to one addirodinlidianc49 , • iS 00
r , ren do , do - ' . • do 10 00
Fifteen-do do • , 2.1 00 ,
Club substriptions mast be invariably paid in ad
Ting*, and Olga to One addrettf ,
. - To' etinthene AND OTWM: .. "..
pill be furnished to Carders and Obeys
The YotiEtat
at , „„4. 1 0 0 N rideeessh. on delivery.
.1 - .
Zi p . - and Sabo( Trackers supplied. with the
in advance
Jotrasst at $l. e.
,it subscrlbere Seder the discontinuance of , their news
pipet's, the publisher tray continue to send them until
all arrearagrs are paid. .
' II enbscrlbere n, , ,tlert or refuse to take' 'their newspa
pers G um the-taco to which tney ere dlreiled. they are
held respon Aide until they hare settlW the bills and_
ordered them dttwontinued. • .
- If etthe•rlbers more to other Odra* eithowtinformln
the publisher, and the neiropipere are Son
direction, they are held responsible. - '-'.
.The courts hare deckled that refuting to tAO
pert from tl* office. or retooling, and latrjr.., pn
elliel foray pri,o a Lola evidence of Intontiou .. -d.
• •
One quart. of Iblines.s o cents for one insertion—sab - .
•'se2uent l n sertions, l l s cents each. 3 lines one time:2.l2 s
tizotertiorts.ll.34 , ent s ear b. Alladver
it,,,,,evita over 3 lines, for short periods, charged as a ,
' square . . •
,ST as. 0S Tire. yitatz.. all. StrELTZ.
'Vtirceltaea, 03 ; efi. $1 25 $2 25 •$3 00
.Pour lines, ' 50 123 178 275 4 00 .
Vice lines, 100 I'so 00 3 110 5.00
Six Ones; . 24 25 260 400; 6 00
'denim Rues, 125 225 270 450 7
Eight line., 1252 25 2 bOO .
Nine liars, . • 225 300 - 5 50 :9 OD
• ' ALL °Vt.& /Aft. LINak_COUNSIDAS A 1101:4E OP TLS !AXES.
One „plate 125 225 350 . 600 10 00
T„„ „plates. 22 5 400 590 900 00
Ts,4o,,,tuaree, 350 500 •7 50 12 00 •"18 00
450 600 :06 00 14 00 'CO 00
Font 5 , 1 01,0, 4
'Quarter tot. tl , OO 9. 00 12 00 .18 00 00
.Larger 4p1C.0 for short perlols, as peragreentent.
- a- Waviness , ;(ttlevg, $1 each--accompanied with an cents each. •
.blrert aementa beforyllarrlagefia n.l Deatha.lo vents
psrlinetar first insertion—subsequent insertions. Scents
per . N ine srordsreuntedas a l
by the year ine in advertisl ng.
o th a ,ra, c a o dvertising ' with
changes, mud a standing advertisement not exceedin g 16
lines, will's) charge:l. inCluding aubscription, $l6 00.
Space to thr amount ortourequares, with chart
gee and gehycrlptiot, • ~ • • 20 00
'Without changes, at the . rittes deilgpated above.
4,l,,,,ti.,enen'ts set in larger type than usual will be
willso err rentativanco: tin these prices. All cuts
will he charged the came se letter press. -
N. Trade advertisements received from,, Advertising ,1
Agonts abroad. except at 215.p0r cant. advance on these Pi
}tices, nobs* bv special' agreement with the publisher: at
ki.,rclaccy 25 cent a. each. Deaths accompanied with no-
t 14.4.25 colts, Without notices, no charge.
All notirmt:exeept those of a religinus chersetenena
for educational purpsses. will be.charged 25 cents reran,'
numh.r of lines under 10. Over 10 lines, 4 cents per lin e I
I additional. •
Proceedings of meetings not of a general or pnbliechar-
actor. charged at-4 cents per line for each insertion.
'foliellitate calculations we will state 'that 828 lines
make a column-164 hints a half column—and SO lines a
Ina rter column. 2952 wor d y make colutnri—l47 6 a half
,uumn—and 73S a qua`rter Column. All odd linos over
: inch sqUare, c h arged at the rate of ceents per line, for
one time, and 5 rents,per line for three time..
Yearly advertisers must confine their advertising to
their own business. AgencleS for others: ealeof Real E..
late. kr.. era not itiel nde,l hnsinessadVertisements,
• ___
11S I' received a large and eleg nt as
', .drtment of 'Window Shadoo. new and teauttrul do
Mane, Inrinding.auld ltordeeed.ollrd. Landscape of Flo
ral, lAnthlc fr.V., Lc., cheaper than over. .
ALSO . .
11;:ured. Claud Iln.l Plain Paper, Shades,. of every tie
s.!ription Yor Sale by . BENJ.IIANNAN.
Centre Street, opposite Episcopal Church.
14.'4' 11-
New Styles Paper.llangings, ".
11 "Ward Prints, Cattnln Pn• • • • o
O , re. Lt. Nees from 6 cents to
$2, 0 0. watch we am prepared to r V. V.
pot tip al4ttort not tie.
Hansa and Sign Painting, Glasing,
Stained and Enamelled +renal 'and Ant rlpan double
thick, ehrystal,Stfeet and Plate Glass, An filed to or
All orders promptly at tended i.e.
31 k TIO*EN.,:
Centre street, 2 deers above A 'ocean Muse.
.N 7 • • 12-tf
March `2..1,'57
iiitb Aittbo 4 4l ICES.
Wo4l..M'avror ,CfkLoario.
I iLIE. subscriber has a largo lot ,f
Y 1 very choice leternn of .
N a Patier,..l.Ultable - Toi Wang
Parlors, Dining ilomen. Chain.
berg and I.;ublie llhildlogswltirh
he will nell at greatly .redueeel
Imlees. The Stock embrdeen the'- , .
-F-- -- r
1 and moot. ebteemed Pattertog.. Paperchealoas 5
routs a Vlore. ' i •
Now In the time for Ilarialfin, for Paper I nitglop!aed
hooka at U. ft N AN'S
teheap Wholesale and Retail Alper and Beck Store..
- Airl'A Pillt 111N6E118 81.1PI'lti OD VllltY CHEAP.
Ortol.•r 310-167 ' . • -
~. ••
..,.. ,2. -_ ___,...._____.--,_
fit OLTEIt Pt:II4 . I.TV %1.., 7 . •1, IN( oiIIPORATED V( thsll.
Company of Penna.
7 -92 Market Street,llarris
0 1 .ur5.T5 Cap!tal 380.000 dellors.'.:
Pi L nstire all the miler elaie‘es proiwity nOinst LossLi
a ,
perils a Inland and Transportation.
I ' INIOIIN P. E. ITIIEltE0111), I're-rid:rot.
8. WARN S'areAry. i. • L. Mortox, Fier Praidepit.
BENJ. BANNAN, ap leen appointed went for tht
4 ' Company in leelluylkili - cointy;and is pro, red toinsura
all kind; of prone! nt the lowest niter witlFtre,gard to
sernrlty. The natio can be inieertalued at his Bookstore,
' Pottsville. .
Itt l ltit3NA.?: tWals Agent for LIFE as well as FIRE
I wuraarin. , [Dee. 5.'57 04 • '
--. ---.----.----
• • • P ,
rIS r C. .ered by life
Legislatunk th ft capital of One-
I andrud Tbousat Ily or,tanised, akid
has commeneed b any Is prepared to'
receive ruoneo at in trust, and allow
Interest on' all•nn trust, sit the`rnfe of
• live per eene:•-per annum; pm. ~a 1 dud interest payable
on detnand. Fur rates of Premium abLife.l nsurance',
a'ee the priuteitTablea supplied at the office of the' Com
patty, Centre street, Pottsville. three doors south of the
liarhangelLotel. JACOB 11UNTZING En, jr., Pru't.
• WaLitsorns iftme. Secretary and Treasurer; . .
' Uspril 1.'57• . 13 tt
t-• •
Authorized' Capital, 8400000. •
il RA It'PER I'ERPETUAL--Office,
k J Nc. 91 Walnut street. betartmn [hied and. Fourth
streets, Philadelphia.. This Company will insult against
loss or damage by Fire. Buildings. Furnitore. and Men.
chandise generally. Also .11 %UNE 19i1ti1t..4.1., o,4iN'eu,l4
Cargoes and Freights. IstaND • INSUB.33cr. to all parts of
the Union. • DIRECTIIIIS :.
.11. Luther. - . Davis P , ieraon. , • !:
• Lewis Mrtenried, • Joseph )laxileld. .. '
Peter Silger. • Dr. (ien. N. Eckert,
• .John If...lllscltlaton, It. Hammett.
. ,
• Samuel 11. Itothermel, .• Win. F. Dean. , •" ~
D. LUTIIEIt, President.
• . Wm. g, Devi, Vi . c.e. Presideht.
W. )1. Smith, Secretary.
&IF!' .1). LUIIIEIL heel been appolate.d 'accnt for Mit
shove Contpsny In Schuylkill county to Whom persons
desiring Insurance can apply. . t
' Jan - Lary 1, 'Si ittpriiil,'".l4 .14-1 7- 1- .' '•
rrHE Frdinklin Fire Insurance Conf-.
I . psny. of Philadelphia. Office, .- , i'o, 16.1% Cheinut
streets, near:fifth street. .•
Chutes N. Dsneker, George W. Ric rds,
Timms Hart, ' Mot-devil D. Le rte,
. l'ohlAv. W3pior, Adolphe E, Ile ei 1, .
David S. limtro
ti.lQlUtIl t, r ant, darki •,.
Jacob It. Smith. 'Morris Pattern.,
Continue to oaseelnsurince,"pernianent or limited on
arcry description of propeip, In town and country, et
as Inw as are consistent with security.
h•. Company have reAerviel a large contingent Fund l ,-,
which, with their Capital and PremiUMP, safely ineeited,.
*Tied ample'protealen to the Insured. Since their In
corporation. a period of ISyears, they hive paid upwirda
of ont bon hundred thous/nut dollars, hisses by
tire, thereby affording evidence of the ad vantagea of In
surance. as well as the ability and disposition to meet
with piompt (IWO, alt liabilities. •'. • • . •
CItAS. N. 11.1.tietiEtt, President.;
ri.lltsexstt 3 Secretary.
The sitbstriber hasheenepPointed ngent for the:those
mantione4 I nstitu tion. , dill is now prepared to make In
euranco. on every . detierlPtion of property. at the lowest
rates. - ' ANDREA - RUSSEL, Azint. -
Pot tsville...f.a.ia. IA: S5l
_ .
A UTIIOnIZED CAPITA L--.£2,01111.00 0 , or $10,00 . 0,000.
Paid up Caoltali tritrptus, and Reserved Fulids,
• • 54,()0() 000
• 1,
Nearly Vs *HI.IOI infested in this'entiritry.
ids/4111y of the nharebolders unlimited.
,The inrs,me of this Cnuipsn . y in N-w York, for 1557,
v.r upwards of ,ftleii.lgst.-
.the undersigned having teen appointed agents of the
shore Cotnpany, ore prepared to ry.,•elee applirationa Sr
111,.UrAn, egainst Fire, not every description or build
o zs and Properly, inc.tling mil breakers and t he strue
t ores connected with rollieries. All those 'parties rte
Insurance ate respectfully Invited th ell!l at the
rdtlee where pirtfrulin will be given. together with She
Vonipany's circular, and detellall statement of the rose
dition of this well known and thol:ougbly reliable come.
In'enso the ntnennt of Inguran,vdegired exreeds the
tut' a'nf the Liverpool 311 d London. 1.11, , land:m(lolnd are
nut h , ”1 . 7..1 In nlnnin it in other relinhte crlmpiniett.
11.4..r.ntre to permitted to be mole to th e following
goutiOnen 1
y John Turiter.r.q:, John Shlppen.
• 3amell)no%me. - W. r, yap.% }.14..
John It. White. EN., llon..ltlViltg 11. Cathrbel).
1101tAetZ P. SMITH and lIHNitY.W. POOLV. Agen , 4 :
At Unite NTH. W. Poole. EnAitie?t, C..ntre Ft., Not Lev
Jan. ill), 5-tf ,
• .
rIIE Girard In.suraraT,.Aantiity
1_ mutt Trust CoUtpauy of Phil:l44lphi*. oft re ...N o .
Chesnut street, the first door $.,,t of the Custoth
House, . • •
•loot,lnti o to (nuke Inionspeei on Denson the meet furor.
4144 ortne. - .
1 t . vhf up and inveate4.tocether el,th,.
1 Ter . onpitn. Cal., p , . .
... e
....A l 3 ~,.•
cot constantly increasing reserved fund.
v s l..rfoct fo:e urity to t he ineurett.
T. t pre:ate:et may be paid yearly, halfyrerly o
gunttorly. • t [
The ootep thy 344 a Boxes periodically to the Insurer'
r«. far Iliv : The find Bonne appropriated In December
I , %ti. and thrt woe , ' limekiln December. 184%. (moon
to an addition of 52;2 50 to every $l,OOO Insured elide
the ohleet poliebe. making 51.262 50 which will be pr,l ,
.when it *hall become, . etaim, instead 013 1 .0 4 P 0 riten
idly InNoleckthenett oldest.araoutt t to $1427 brAlban"
In age, tl, 3i.21/ IN fee every $1,0,101 the (there In: th.
,e,ttne.preportion according to the 1111110110( and time 'o' ,
standing. which additions make an are rage of more tha h
tin per cont. upon the prune paid, without increas-
In'; the annual prorate . ,
xi:crank • •
' . -- • .. . •
Thomas ttlittiray, inhn A.Brown,
Anion Itnyi ff. I). thinner.
J ,, hn Jaj rhnith, • Veodertokl i
hohort ih,ars4ll, • . 9eora, ratan..
• J01,.,ph yenzar. • . John h. tatltner,...
ThIWO i . .,3160F, :, Wharton boleti, .!
liie t h T. Bliley. John R. Flack.
.Cho ophintcr,mtlinintital•trof•l'rxplaniithrne.
, 6, 1 ~, ~ 3 1.1iemtlo ond ferther • inforinlflon raifaw hut
at tho rat, r- TIIONIAS RID4WAY, Preahirni,
3 ' , u't V. J vita. Act/ Lars.'
, x, 'l. r . tho ighVriber Ii a , ..tent for the above Comras ...
' lkllle,ountr. arid will effect ; Insurancea, an
• t"'li'ht,texiarit Information on the auhjert.
‘ ,4 \ l ' , • IRP 't5.1.• lt HANNAN.
qui., ~;
ot . John Edward Corderoy
Anthe Unlit nankin: re, (4 Ire
Nfld./41ND t . t on
*k In anma (man £1 no to IMlO.liatE.
h ". . t' va te n ii n t iThit t .,. 4 l* ilkynkateire. Pottrrille. Throw ilrta
'''''Helth (h. Pawkinyar Line**. nnd tbr
rurop e , houses In thia mnnftad I .
.671 . ... --' l**.iDS - eiN, d
. en .' -
• flat, Market: . Street, threi
ao lifig i
'third, fouth okle. [Pottarlile. Jan. In. 'Ed 4: f y ,
q). K. SMITH; Mining Engiyeer
and 6rillery Vl4aer, Pottsville, Pa.
-,14, '417
SEPH W.IGEAltic; Civil
- Engineer. Mee—Norwegian ef.reet, Potts,
p a . , [January 10 2
NV. SHEAFFER, Pottsville, Pa.,
late of the reansylrania State Geological Suisey,
ren lands, mine*, ke. 'October Itt. '66 41-tt
E Eolt GE BROWN, Mineli3pector;
0 I Pottsville. Insrieat'l
Fts Coal lands and Mines. Partk
e tention paid tolentilation. [August, 1. '.57 814(
MlOng kuglmter, 4114DTTSVILLE.
cs—Market stidet,V o
rth side, between Centre and
d. • • [August. 8, '6 32-Gm
, -
Surgeon aiad Aceoucher '
C Wlo3llUll4i—Opeolite thrAreaglanlnsillute.
at 29, qa , . • 35-1 y
i; •ft .', SYM 0 N8 4 Civil, !Popo
*graphical iii3d inning Engineer. Centre street,
, 'Ole, l'a., offerable- aersices to Perrone requiring
, rate surveys arid; drat class Maps. [Feb. 2,"58 7-Iy
V 'l' K I ;N. SON ' S .
General;Land Agency and
,„ • Surveying Olite - e,
npary V>, Twti
1 R in A g
E N . K ginee C , ILR: jle r y E or it ze.. C .t i l v ia i t i te ad
. ods, mines. tow n Olt o.; ae. Office with lima Lewis,
first dour below Silver Terrace, Pottsville. Pa.
ay 11, '57 , • . ' 19 - -tf
t ,•- 0 -
• ,A o. • '
- . r•
I ni
it:antly tmantfacturing
,rarlous sizes of
l'l(illiers' Rolls. weighing 22. 25.28, 30.32
Ind 40 pounds per yard. Also. large
Rails of the meat approved materna,
„tau, 56 and 00 pounds per yard.. Pruitt the
,ti.rhinee of the:paat five yara.• we feel confident of.
tking Italia 'unsarpaseed In 'qinifity by any trtillinetbe
entry. ' All htiableas cemmunirations addrtVott4 to
fwars TARDIXT & Sox.' Iron Factors. Piataville. will
et with prompt attention. • JINO,III3IINIEII 6 CO.
non 20. '57
subscribers respecttulty' iartte
1 Hie attention of linstnerk entrimunity
to'thatr new foil ndry and Machine Shop,
In the 'town of S t.Cialr, Schuylkill emu]-
4.y. where they are prepared to b: , 11 .
Meant Engines, Clout Dreak.ers. Pumps and machinery or
t.rery pattern. Alpo, Drift Cars, Iron or and.
• f any size or pattern. Bang . practlral meat:mint, Coal
perators and others who watitnincliinery would do well
td give them a call and examine their work. Orders
I hankfully received and executed at the shortest notice
~d on ressonside tering.. CftIFFITiI SECO.
St. Clair. J uly' I]. '57-r - •
7 7
t ,
TUE Subscriber! , bog leave o nn
' isor,
flounce to their friends andtlie public,
6. " generally,that their new Rolling :Mil at
v irry,„„ Palo Alto Is now complete, and ht
;11111A - , operation, and that they are prepared to
urnlsh T rat Is of various patterns. weighing trom 22 to
u RI" per yard. Also, different rises of Oat, myelitis and
ound merchants' bar iron; • ,
Orders for rails or bar iron are respectfully solicited,
tut will meet With prompt attention if lett either at
he Rolling !init. Bright k Lerch's Hardware store.
lentroi Ftreet, nr nt their ntlire. IV. E. Corner of Centre
nil Market streets, 2d story. It ATWOOD, LEE W
& CO.
ann. I. '57 ; •
(TT6O Pki.
eer PE R AOlRBHolier 16 MINERS.
pion MINERS.
The eubseriber respectfully invite the
attention of the businese community:to
tie Boller_Works,on Railroad.
-1111.•• Itw the Paiisenger. Depot, Pottsville, Pa.,
here he Isprepared to manufacture
Trinket Staeks,.Air Stacks. Blast Pipes. Gasouteters,Drltt
`at*, BOilers on hand.
Being. a practical mee Me anti having for yearsileeoted
himself entirelylto this ranrh of the business. he Bei
er?, himself thet work one et his estabilihnietit will
give sstisfeetion An nil wh may favor ban with a call.—
I ndl rlduals and'Conietnie find it greatly to their ad
vantage to exatelne his w .rk before 'engaging ehowhere.
Nov. 'NI !i7.-tf - JOHN T. NOBLE.
icusoN wan •IL,lron and Brass
Lt. 1 ...„ tonrd;ers, r peetfUlly Inform their pa
' 6 '" trona. and th `public generally, that they
.=:: are fully prep. at the above establish
• , - - Omni, to man 41cture Steam Engines of
every s s izet Pumps, ilaiircsul id Drift Cars, and every
other descriptisu of Iron and Blass Castings suitablefor
the Coal reining:or other Ipsiness, on the mat maseneme
tervos. Also. Blowing Cylinders. for Bloat Fumaces'6n4
slachine work ia general.
Repairing of all kinds done.with neatness and despatch
at the lowest . rices. All work furnished by them war
'• ranted to perfortn well., whey would solicit the custom of
those who may *ant articles In their line In thisvielitity.
A.l orders will 'meet with itaniedlate and prompt atten.
Um. • • S. W. lIIIDSON,
?larch 4,1a57; 9-ly . W. 8.. IIUDSON
Saddle and Harness aianiallsetary.
1 - - HE , WITH invite your especial
i attentlo to my very extensive Week or. Ready:Made
. . Saddlery, (tracts, Cellars. de.. etinlratint,' the largest
ASH.LAND;IRON WORKS. variety of stYlee and qualities ever offered for sale In
' THE SiIIDSCIUDERS are how folly, lisle ninety. and at pried that will comPare.favordly
..... Ida prepared to furnish. it the Ashland lion with those of any other house in the trade.
...., 27:- Works. Steam En ginee and Pumpe of any a , - 114viug been, for Novae years pact,
~.."72:eW. , ,',,„. , power and capacity. feminine. and other . k in the habit of purchasing my
''...,... p ueposes. Coal Weaken, of every size and .1 ' A i r m, - ,k r i a l„,i,,,,fr e ry . :f a r me i ,
pattern new in. use. together with coatings and forgings -
of every descriptions. Coal and Drift, Cars of all sizes 1 find mys4'l4 tin' In the possession of advantages from
and patterns. large Truck and Horse Care,—all furnished' thin canoe not enjoyed by the trade geeerally, and feel
at the phorteat i netiee. • The subscribers flatter them- that I ran, With confldence.eolleit the trade of all claws
solvesthat, iwisinuch as every member of therni is a of dealer's: And my arrangements for the coming sea
nly will be able to furulih nrichl- son's trade de based upon even a larger amountof bun
nel.y that will compare favorably. with any In the p r . , nr-rs than I Fume hitherto done: you can -therefore rely,
don. All orders directed to L. b. Garvey it Beep.. Ash. upon,flodin4 at my establishment tverything that Is re.
lied: Schuylkill county, l'a will receive prompt often- q uired In my line. ' -
D. P. GARNER. • Ordain by malt aro reepectfully zonated. and good*
bIiCHA Eh GARNER, - Sent warrantied to give estisfact ion, both as to mire lud
fla . • Oppotste gpiscopal Church, Cenfrestred, Pottsville.
- . 'March 7. 1 4 ,557 141 y . '
all uerowille. - • : • --."—. .: Wholesale and Retail
i de a, Titli Subscriber is prepared. to nahn , . ' BALER in. Stoves, Ranges, . ~
et r, facture STEMI ENGINES of any power, 11)
~., , • Punipsof any capaelty,ind Coal Breakm ileaterS, Tin_ Ware, Hollow Ware,. kfri.' "....kik.
..".' . ' cif e,very description ;as well as every, - lania Ware, Miami Ware. French Ware, and 4 ars.
. "other kind of machinery need in blinee,. Catlett' , ltane Boners- Portable Banges,Oae
Breakeee. F unlaces, Polling Mills. Sawidills. hr. J Oven., Sunnier Furnace, Ac. , die., has added . -- .l o '
From the H
Hitler possessed for matinfactaring. Kira' to his forted. stork of StoVes a' yariety of new ret
1 rom ion • xperience in the can Upturned terns of Kifcheri- Ranges of which• he 'can give the
oat at th sestibUshmentod the very lowest highest reemiimendation.
ofa superior quality, ! Ile calls particular attention to hie new style of Ilea-
Persons desirouti of putting up Ma eillnery of any kind. ter which hells confident will make the best treater that
*re invited to call and examine patterns and become at. lies ever been used in this part of the country. also. a
pual Med witit;priceabsifore o.ntrarting elsewhere.,.. • variety, of nips, patterns of Cooking, Parlor, and Hall
Orders of every kind are solicited, and strict, attention Stoves. Ile calls particular attention:to his sheet iron
!snit* given 03 theirprompt execution. • . parlor Stoyd p it is an improvement on the Kisterbath.
• WILLIAM DLEAVEN. , . which he is confident to the best stove in use. Ile has'
M iineniville.leeember 0.1557 • 4144 f ' now the largest stock of the above articles :( too tinnier
._ • - ons to mention,) that boa ever been offered in. this part
of the country. lie invites his..frlends and customers
to call and examine for themselves. feeling confident
that he eanault them in quality and price: he-flatters
himself that he has had much experience in his line of
bustard IhiWefore he feels confident that bireatinot be
surpassed in qualify or cheapness. • ,
ifirltoofing and Spouting and all kind of Jobbing
done at the shorted notice.
anfre street. 5 doors abort Markel, wed, tide, Marais.
blarch 21, 44 , • - - . . ~ -0. 11-
a., •
matoerected TllitS. JAS Wltes respectfully invite
the attention of the htudness community
/I 1, M' "'", to their New Machine Shop and Foundrf
-• between Coal and Heil roadktreets,
and fronting on Norwegian street} where
they are pr4red to execute all orders for machinery of
Brass and I laci, such as Steam Engines, ell It Indio of Gear•
ing for Rolling Jtilis. Grist and Saw MID. Single and
Double acting Pumps, Coal DrAskers, Drift Care, Ai I kind,
of Railroad Casfings. such as Chairs for Flat and - T Ball ;
Frogs. Switches, At.; all kinds of east-and wrought Iron
Shafting,. Itcln. , practical mechanics. and haring made
the demands of thil Coal Revlon their study for years,'
alp" all , kinds of Machinery in th eir Me of bust nese. th ey
tlatterthemeelyes that work done it their establishment
will ete eattsfseti4n to all Who may honor them with ■
call. All orders thankfully received and promptly eim
ented,on the . most reasonable terms.
• N0r.22, 's4'. "i • ' • . • 474 f
'Tremont,Su buy' I 1. manly, Penna.
' ''Th e 'Subscribers reepectfullY inyite.
Cll.' - the attention Of the buslneiscommunlty
. to their New Machine Shop and Faun.
•-,m . , 1 ' dry. ereeted latter town of Tremont. and
• .`.'"'''.,- . . . under the a uperintendenceand manage.
terra of etaima.. llatdorff and Philip Umboits, where
they are prepare to execute ail ordure for Machinery of
Prase and Irtn, (Inch as Steam Itnglnee of any power,
l'ntaps of any I ellipticity.
Gearing for
MAI. all kinds n ,
Coal Brehlters of every dean ip-
Rolling_Mltia. brief and
Saw !WILDA!. Cam. aud athltindeor• Itatiread Cast Ina's:
t curb as C:Wrs for-Fiat and T' Italia, royo. Switches. And
lln kinds of Castainittimught hron'Shaftings. Mr. Um
- "Itl bong a Practical Itimilanleatnd having bad theeort-
Nene. andexperiersee for manic years In the Coal Becht!,
penema desirous of •patting up, iltsChlrlerkAr."." kind,.
1 ere invited to call and exunlnt MI, angora/toad superior
1 quality of wo s rlc. and heroine arrianinted with price' , at
these Works , : before contracting elsewhere. 'Ord/marten..
try kind thankfully recetsed. and strirtat i ontion Wink*
Mien to their prompt *creation. honing nevernillt,2o,
Zot 40 . and Cn. hones tegines nit hand.
1 Jan.G,•15.57, 1 •ly C. A. &A. ?J. I3SLTZER. •
- .
. .. .
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b.:4 (..) ~, '' ' . - 6-6 A i • . . .
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• ?' . I .
j I WILL TF4CII TOtr TO PIERCE THE 140WILS OP rig Jinni, HOMO OUT PUN 21111 , Ci112341 OP.IIOI7IIpAINgi maiLikliMOll-IPILL fan OTLITOTA TO 0171 a4NO 3 ALLIATIIIIiTO 01711, pljusztlx—Dr„johlutoft.
'•. . .
,EAVER ; k., 1 CLAPP, Geological;
and Mining Engineers, Canseisneers, and
Agente---nppoelte the Wyoming Ifonse,
IiCRANroN. Pa. .
DGKKS, Mining Engt
reyor, Centre St., Potts Ville, Pa.. at
,and Exploring Coal Lands. lnApect
,go'nt for the rare4se and aslant Real
of tents, &c. •A a • L =A-A
. !I • 12-tf.
Vlb. POOLE, Geological,
tat and 3f (din g. Engineer. Cen t rest rret,
n t
eil rate (ion to rerveys end examinn-
Is. to PM ,
eys of miner requiringpo s
t to tho t•upertutendenee and, entire
tAirtin(ootAtoL . 1 ,
i. t J #ly 1,..
'the PliiAaseland
Estai4; buying and selling Co'sll ta:
;0111.1,inds. Mines, ke.. and collecting
nty - t•eri!,rs experience 'ti th e County be
stlSlsctlon% Office Msbitntsngo Street,
, • 14,4f
In. Se flny ACKINE. SHQP.,
is ii min YiFt•
If. 1 1 1 14; TERSTE Iflkl nnnotinc,
111 E ruadtnesa, from the rowels teuutlit'
:theibove named establiAment,tosup .
ly, all otiora in his lloe or business—
teb as for Steam Engines; Railroad end
R., coal Breakrrs. Castings an elathi ne
rd. Ile,warmnts his wot kto give ant Is
%tingly solkifs patronage , at home and'
• hian. •21.1,537 413+
. it - riti - iliii - ciiifirgi•lin - r - .
int Car victory, e. '• • ' •
NOTlCtl.—Thebusinesvf the late firm
fiNYDEIt & MILNE:. rill be irontin
ial by the subscriber in all ite various
Ar ...\11.
ranitis ot Stow finglite building, on
'Under, manufacturer of all kltids
itching :lints. past Furnaces. ltaltroa
. ite will ids° contlntte the businnts of Min'
Ming tht. cidebrated i'ine Foresi IVhile Ash and
'1,..141, rrins 11•11-Ach Con7s, being sole proprie
, e Collieries GEOIt9E Vi;. EN YDEllt. •
2.1.15 n.
- SUIS:sIAtIISERS ure run
Aiihland:Mir 10. '57
Charles - mania, ProprArsor. •
All kiwis of coal shovels, spades, coaltiddles,
The oelreolgeof the pabilelsrespeettully pollens&
January 10,'67 6-tt
PHE Subscr i ber having been author—
I: lied by the maattfactarets of Water Metres, Will
supply all millers left with them, at their prime.
PottirTllte. August 80, '5!
. .
• PAP • . .
ate MAu g I MADE Piiper
• %V; to hold from. Ito in Po - ..pfln forGloners-DrOg
and others, for sale by . Z. OARRIGIIItS, .;
Centre streetMotteville.
45.4 f
November 11. 'lie
W_ th
Tsubscriber is authorized to re-'
I cave orders for all kinds of Iron VIM. Eettoes,
Chairs. Braekets, Points. &e..le..inannfletnred•byWoon
is Prior, late' ROZIZT Wool), Ridge Avenue, Philadel
phis,andmili furnish nista at their,can prim—car
riage only added. A. book of apreimsas can be seen at
oar atom, together with the , prices of the different aril.
etes. BENJ. BANNAN..
TUS'r,issued and - received by the Abb.
11 1 'scribers' A Patent Ginage Attachment
FlandfSaw, for cutting anything where a -certain
depth Is required. Among themany purposes to snitch
this tool ran beapiAied profitably. the most - prominent
are Tenoning, Shouldering, Dovetailing,
Cog Cutting all kindsor pattern making and enr-
Sing. Call and see it at STICUTEIt TrjoSIPSON'S.
Oct. 17, 'SI ' 42-' ' Cbrien &idle and Market streets.
Maantango titres rotatsvalgt ll .
THE subscriber Is prepared, at his old
stand, to furnbdi all kinds of materials in hhiline,
for .building—purposes—plain and ornamental.. Tie /0•
sizes particular attention to the Tomb Stones and Monti ,
moots of his manufacture. They can be t tad in every
variety of and will compare favorably. in beauty
and finish, with any obtained elsewhere. and are offered
at cheaper rates. ... f. - JOHN T. GANG.
June 6. lei •41.1y
Apr Hydrants, Loomltro. ?ire Enginet, and other purr
gisTHIS HOSE has great • advantages
over leather ? as It needs no olllng,ll perfectly
t t, will stand avery high degree of heat without In
jury, and by not airee.ted by the severest cold. It ran be
bad of any else.froto' l / 1 Inch to 3 Indio; Inside diame
ter—larger sizes made toorder. Also,Conplings..llraneh
Noel.. &e. For vale by It. BANNAN.
Pottaville, May 23. '47 4 21-
To Coal Operators as ohnylkill.coun.
ty Merchants..
power—f.ooMa a day, at Hamburg. Smoking -Tobac•
cu and :kgar Manufactory, on, band and randy foLaale.
2UO barreli sweet scented Smoking Tobacco.
2 , 10,000.1,I:i f Spanish Segal's. •
200,000 Ma es, Spanish Serars. '
100.000 Sled and Extra Sugars.
Orders th.tkfully received and protraptly attended to.
Terms easy: MAIO," ANN 310YER. '
I , Ramburg. IterkaCounty, Pa.
Sept. 5.'51 .16-tf
, 1
Of the best anafaCtitre..ww etrranted,
I A I 0 R
r t A . I.E BY THE
• ,-, Sohae er. 'All' Matins and Me o
dc,,,ne said by him will be warranted-1f
not what, thdy are represented. the ,y can be returned.—
An kindoi onlltandeons will he sold at - Manufacturers'
cash prices 14 Pottsville. by which *be purchasers save
the carriagend risk of-transportation. Nance . will be
,sold from $1 to $2O 1610 than regular city pieta accord
to the ue of the instrument . Those wh, 'meter It
by calling o TIP, and receiving a letter of credit, can
make their elm seleit loki it the 31in ufacturenti ascertain
the pric'es. and.** will furnish the ipetramenthOected
at the nbove4atea. If there IF any doubt in this mat
tor—sll'we have to ady is—TRY LS ,
Wirel Rope Nanufactoiy,
Illisisor Zia= vircl.
Sfinutacturee of WirePe, for inclined planes. shafts,
~topes. Lc.. would loterm the public that be is now pre
pared to make.
At the Fborteid notice. of superior quality, Wed on the
Most I ihoral terms, at his Win, Rope Factory,
Dialthh Chunk', Carbon to., Pa;
neferetiie be made to ?debars. E. A. Douglas, N. 1).•
- Cortrlght and A.ll. liroadhrad,lat )lauch Chunk; to N.
Patterson:Summit 11111. to Sharpe, Leisenring # Co., Til
more, Luzerne county, Pa.. andlin fact. nearly all the, op
eratoni in the Region who have been ailing his ropes.:
• AngustS. —3-1 y
A Superior Article. .
r'rE SUBSCRIBER has just re
easel from Ripe Castl4..Figland, a lot, of
Safety Working Lamps, made under. the in,speetton of
the thiglish Government Agent.' of the lest
wire gauze. 'Alen, Gauze Covers node ready for use. for
three Lamps. ' there are the best Safety Lamps ecer in
troduced into this County, and tire for sale rhoiesaleand
•etail at about the cost of Inferior Lamps. Atso, Wire
Gauze by the yard. and Lamp Brushes by the dozen or
shrtie. Also. the Clanney Limp for Bosses and Mine
Viewfrs:• This Lamp is covered with a thick Glass,and
give+ au increases.' light which is of Importance to Mite
ay-Thcee L amps can be pot Into &box filled with ex
plosive gas. and moved rapidly backwards : and forwards
without any revering, and will rot explode. •
'August 5.1,57
illiE Undersigned respectfully am-.
i . brace t lila opportunity of inforrolink
the public that they have removed their ~!..4.'-'..i.. -
extensive Carriage/Amory, from Slouch , 7',=,..1...... 77
Chunk str4t. where they have been 42 . 011111 :"`
since the leer, fire, to their New, Large and commodious
I ,
building, it Me.rris' Addition, on the old site. where
are pre pared to turn out CAItRI&GES EQUAL TO
TII E BEST N TIIE STATE and reaCM , accommodate
Jim& custom i rs and all those who may favor-them with
their patn ge. An entire new and well selected stock
of materials and the Mine old hand% will enable then'
to do work Uhi.h Inelegance and durability cannot be
surpassed. ll_
• They will continue to attendlo the buslnewsbereafter
as before, with determination to give general satisfac
.O-B-All b era will receive prompt attention. ,
Zirltepal le g done at the shortest notice.
INTHLREAS, Letters Patent of the
Unqed State., bearing date the Mr day of No.
vember. A. D.. 1857, were granted to the undersigned fo r s
"A New WWI improve/1 Machine for ,Slatinq
NOTICE ie therefore, hereby given that coal operators,
and ahem, can now purchase ••Itights" to build and use
the said Slating Machines for counties or striate collier.
lea. Parties t nterested in this labor-saying , userdi and
economical i t rention. can see the "Slater' , in operation
at Trevorto ... Northumberland enunty.,Pa. Any in.
fringewent. directly or indirectly, of thirptaid Patent,
will he pnelmmted to the fulreatont of thi laws of the
United State, relating to Patents and Patehtees.
tIEOIIO/1 HOWTON.l ritenteel '
Trevorton,(lorthumberland county, Pa.
alir A w riting Mkt,' of the above machine may be
examine(lat C. Smith's Machine Works. at Potts•
.villa. For tt 4ma, Lc., to Schuylkill county, apply to
GEORGIE MAltf7., Pottsville.
February 21.), . tn
- -
- -AND
HATA on • and at the r exten s ive este mint, on
Railroad street, a grant qtranOty of lumber of freighted
- slid description, which they ran supply to Operated*
Carpenters and Builders,: at lower rates than It can be
bought elsewhere. They are also ready to supply,
through the means of their extensive: business. end-la
borsaving machines, manufactured 'tildes In their line
eta oaring of 25 per rent. ou felines. cost.,
Their large..shope have been In sueeeesfel opera
tion tor the pm( year, turning out vast quantities of
Doors, r . Window Frames,
Sash, Panel Work,
• Illoaldings, Boil-pests,
Blinds, Bannisters,
lihniters, _
And oil kinds of Framed, Itinclod and Tamed Work,
Which they have constantly on hand. They are reedy
ermeate orders at the shorteit neglee.fer any quantity
.or quality of Saved or mannOictored Aug.: .
Dry and green Hemlock. of all kinds, for bulldingpar
e='Oak. 51aple. Poplar, chair. plank and seantHog
t, Cherry, .Walout. Iltehomany, tbr cabinet
work; While and Yellow Pine boards for doming, moor
„mutt to order; Whits. Pine .plank,3. 2A, 2,1% ,
- old Y v inets panel, always ready ; Mao. plan beanie.
rails, scantling. posta,slalnglert, lath,- plan ,
tr...*e. he.,. .;
kr it Ills of sawed stuff' and everything In their line
on nr to order. at fhtistinrteat notice •
Potts - • ' 10. .•
THIS PUMP iirmade of Iron; : rass,
lt edi
resze, or Gan Metal eating!, design t and ex.
t , 11.. . . sod for Steamboat, Railroad, Facto an d WM
, Ipg purposes. and gives great satisistian as a. Miler
eed Pump. They are vely easily repaired, a ' ' being
kss.compiaeakd thaw any other seas Pimp inset they
'#* Lunch lets liable to get cal of order. 'For references
nd teatilmonlals, with circular- ruts. de.. apply to
liareh '21.'51 11:ly Springgeld. Mass.
ooincnoNstes. BAKERS; &e.-The liubeeilber
respectfully informs his friends and the public that he
has been appointed Agent for the vale of 1
Patent Machine :made Paper Rage,,
Nessro.l John Lewin & Co., of Philadelphia.
Theme Bags are of SUSS and qualities of pope} sellable
for ALL rinvoxs who use - the article. and are &red at
such priers as will- at once commend them tel the sou-
Sumer. •
There are many advAgfiXages in purchasing and using
ready made Bags. Where no hags are aped, It requires
double the quantity of paper and string to pack the same
number of pounds, and more time)n putting up a pack
Where an extensive business Is done and Bags made
by band, by buying ready made Bogy; one hand can 'be
dispensed with. Ily using them, you will not only save
time anOtoney. but-elways hare r convenient seaside.
de in which to put up jour goods.
Whereter these Haas have been introduced, they hate
given attire satisfaction.
'For sale at Ifustufacturcre prices by
Paper and honk Dealer and Stationer. '1
Centre street, opposite Episcopal Church. Pottsville.
A first rate assortment of WRAPPING PAPER al
ways on hand. Feb. 21. '37 ft-
' I S. D. & H. W. SMITH„I
Melodeons, Organ Melodeons, and Pedal Soli-
Bus 'Harmoniums,
511 Washington Street, Boston.
THE ATTENTION of Clergymen, '
Committees. Schools, Lodges, itc.„ invited to the
now Pedal Sub-Bast, Harmoniums, made solely *by the
tianursicttwers. •.
It Is arranged with two manuals or .ban k s of Keys,
the lowest set running an octave higher than the other,
and may be used separately, and thus get id' one cue
two distinct instruments; or. by the use of the coupler,
the two bante,of keys may be played at the ; same time .
by use of ithe front set only.. This connected with the
Sub-Itsgs.. will Produce the effect of alarge organ. and is
sufficiently helvy to Ell a house that seats from 1000 to •
1300 persons.
Rs detigned for parlor' and private use. The cobstrue
tion Is similar to the Church Instrument. being arrang
ed with two Intik', of Keys, and when used together, by
means of the coupler, is, capable of as great •olurrie of
power as the Church histrumeat, when used • without
the Pedals. a
Also, every variety of M ELODEONS for Parlor Urrk. •
Purchasers may rely upon Instruments from our Mao
lafactory, being made In the most completer. and thau
ough manner. Daring removed toe the spavions.llwils
fogs. All WASHINGTON STREET, we have evieryNnelit•
ty for manufacturing purposety and employ node bet
the moat experienced and skillful
in short, we will promise ourcustoutens an /netrtulaoln
equal If not superlorto any Mantxtieturer, and giaaran
Meath TEACH ERii, LEADERS or Camas, and others inter.
ested in musical matters, are respectfully invited to visit
our rooms at any.time and examine or test the Instru
ments on exhibition,for sale, at their pleasure.
.As a null l furl her guarantee to the public as to theexcel
dur Stanufactory, we beg leave to reTer, by remission,
to the following
Who have examined our Instruments and will giTe
their opinion when called upon: .
CUICEERTSIr& SODS, HALLER A CuasTo x, T. Ottaxork Co.
Ww. P. Daimon, BROWN A ALUM. A. K'. LADD &Cc'.
. Idelndeons oft Harmoninma Rented. •
Versons whd wish to hire Melodeons and Harmoniums
with a view of purchasing at the end Of the year. can
have the', rent credited as part-tayment.of the imams*
money. 'This matter is worthy of special note, as it
enables those wh? desire a fair-lett of the Instruments
before purchasing. to obtain It at the .expense of the
manufacturers. to the extent at least of a year's' rent.
Orders from any part of the 'country or world, emit di=
rect to the manufactriry in Boston, with cash or PM DU&
tore referenreovill Le pfmnptly attended to, and at
faithfully executed as if the parties were present_ or
employed nit agent to select, and on as reasonable terms
-I • •Price Lists
'rA octave: - - - • -
_ _
Scroll leg. 5 octave,
Plano,style, 5 octave. 100
Piano style, extra dniab, 6 outlive, • - • - 116
Plano style, carved leg, • - - - • •• , 125
Piano style, 2 pets °tends, - - • •-) 150
Piano style, 6 octets', - - • - - .135
Organ Melodeon, - vr • 200
Organ Melodeon. extra finish, - 250
ltedal Sub•Batue Harmonium, . - I. 2;5
\Letidra. Certificates and notices from the prom, from
all•parts of the world, may also be seen at our salesroom.
Descriptive circulars sent free to any address:
• 8. 1). L U. W. SMITH. -
511 Washington Street, (Near Boylston Market.) Boston.
June 'Si • - 2641
Clisoeirs XLcocoltilamig,
Both Water and Eire Proof. '
Ir ll HE SUBSCRIBER has been ap
pointed Agent, and le prepared to put on 11. M.
% arren to Cuss celebrated Fire and Water Proof Rooting,
—it 'is composed of Veil, Composition and Gravel—
It is more durable than either Shingles, tin, zinc or Iron
--requires no painting. and•can be paten , complete at
a little over one-half the eipense of other roofing.—
The advantage's of this itooflug may be summed up as
follows: ' .
It will 'not 'expand and contract, with heat and cold,
like-metal mole. ' • _
One Snell to the foot Is all thednelination required.
The roof can be walked upon without injury.
It can be used for drying purposes.
It is of great advantage to firemen When adjoining
buildings are on fire.
tits not Juju clonal) , affected Id the least by. changes
of temperature. . .e
It is adapted to every tiittlateo
It is not affected by the jarring of machinery. -
It willbear morn than double the heat of sine, tin, or
galtanizial iron, without danger to the boarding beneath
It le easily and quickly repaired, If injured. •
Gutters of the name material can be formed on the
roof. I
Insurance is effected at the Name rates aeon buildings
covered with.other fireproof materials.
ilitn4eds of certificates can b,seen at Ikinnan's
nook store. We append one or two to show that it is
no humbug:
We, the undersigned, had our Banking Rouse roofed
with Warren's ?ire and Witer-Proof Roofing about three
years ago, and en far have had no reason to doubt nee'
ficluty and durability; nor regret baying used • it, and
should In building hereafter prefer It to any other root
ing. DUEXEL & CO.
Philadelphia, March L 2,1111.7.
. PnwriPuTA,4une2o,lBs7.'
IT. N. Warren fb.—Gooth.threlirl•--I was pre
sent by invitation. at an experiment with your Improved
Vire an,d Water Proof Composition Roofing, on the 21st
of Meg last. The object, I suppose, was to give persons
not acquainted with the nature of the rooting, an:oppor
tunity to_see - It tested. I arrived on the ground about 1
o'clock add saw the hoards put on tie roof; they were
inu rough state. the edges not ininted. or grouted and
matched. After,the boards were on they were emend
'with three layers of felt, and then by a coating of Com- :
position. and the whole covered with gravel.
A quantity of combustible materiel was placed within,
and at the appointed time a match was applied. A furl
oue fire soon burst from all sides of the house, and en
*eloped the whole building In a dame. It continued to
born for at least three quarters of an hour. At that
stage of the lire, I felt a desire to know bow the roof
would stand if water was thrown upon it, and silted per
mission to try the experiment. which' was grunted, and,
I applied three or four buckets of water on the roof
which run oil as though :there was no fire under or
around it.
Gent' 'eaten. my Opinion is. that PO ' the as fire Is eon
thorned. it is kind of a worrf,friim the tact that Ito
?air tightness prevent s combustion In auto of l tire in a
building where -the roof Is of your 'ataterhtl,' the the
would not be likely to extend to the adjoining
togs. LW& an example of this kind list winter; on the
4th day of January, at 4 o'clxk.ln the' morning.. A fire
broke out in a row of Brick Rouses. on the•south side of
deybert tzt.. west 'or 22nd street Ti had d roof of your
CouPpositlon. and the fire was congaed to the..houao
wherelt originated. - I have no besitat ion saying that
if It had been an 'ordinary roof, the whole row woolli
have burned down, from - the fact • that•tt wan one of the
coldest mornings we had last winter,and the wind blew
a hurricane at the time. Feyhert street la tiorth of the
Chard College wall, and at that tithe of the morning,
. together with the coldness of the weather. made It a
long time before*, could , get , water op the bhliding,—
Notwithstandlng this, we extinguished the Ste without
injury to the idjoitling buildlega. _
thereforerecommend your rtading to the community
as a superior preventive • ..• .
Very Respectfully Yours._
_•• •
' . CAW EnKiteerof the Mt* Deparhstnet..
Any MANN. Infant:Mon with word to this Rooting
ton be Ws leftt to gabbles the Subseribes aids Boot
PDX!. l'ottswille. IIEN;. DAWN. Or J I
• -- 408 J Di 122411; '
• - illitywnter to tkii Orskert. Plotithrin4
Who trill pot or tbir Radios Wilbert mother.
/or, Colliery Establish:ants, hilhers',lsooses,, Zoete,
ienises, Breakers. . itt this Retitle, thiii isjest the
nor required, its It is fire proof, and no spetlisngoti
tenni *et it en into , , • „ •
,ioittiptile end, tin roofs covered trlYi Piatifia)
tho OA is not too at ter,
ely : 401.1 •
ffiVaiithe Latrine Jeurnal:
Sr =ILA au= Esown. • .
1 A ' ••• •. • , • i •
uNisime, with'yourSoldmd mouth— • • -
-the ilkaritiAtbe town
If the winds ow from the South • •
They will watt the good ship down— •
It Mamma triads northward blit7 - 1—...
..• Till the night # owes wane
4, thins eand'e ridgy snow
shall eee'the ship airaint" ,
. 31Md. the esesibli tamest" isalls, "
Saith the solliog- - It is best, .
tsball Seiodise botoetrand
(But :the grind blows from the sies2,)
, 6 •Ail night long the ships go by—
' Help, my sister, hold my hand] •
And I bear the ielery • • .
Rhea the keel grates po the sand.
- ,
"Pren the roey.Boutbicweet Tied,' •
Blow and bring me gala for loss—.
• Ali lab dark is sileeraned •
Thal. the lioetbasitni blows across!
.Thinie.,Uisula told saw so ,
Yester niglitibli by ray bid—
But shaken( repotting low :
Seele;c4l. Jested oft the dead,
"How a lady'walted long
For a lord who serer' cape
Till the blirdeni of hit. song
Narrowed to a word or blame—
Welll stuswu a. lady Ana
lam but a situp!. maid: •
. And a lover true Is faints
Therefore am not afraid!,
"Wealth and pride have tenth forsworn—'
_ Smiling at per rugged worth—
And kva`a coma 14 brightiat worn • -
.By a maid Of korty.tirth I . • .•
Look. good Alice.iLtbe Ones
Loan to northward down the taiwir
For the twalght falter shimmy
• And I Bow the Welt* Will"
Out sermon the lonesome moor
Alice lookethvbere the 'lroOd,
," Sloping to the sandy shore,
Meets the eresteti ocean flood. •
. &Dear, the wild wind's stormy swells
lboirefjt Ps of June,
:And sewn the aortLirn hills
Burn the splendors of the moont—
For her smiling proud and pale
T. The blue tides enrol, eagerly. .
..With a passionate sob and
, wait
Edith, this la al 7 seer .„.
ab, *ell!' if that be all I ,
It la woman's destiny,
If ter heart to ashes fall ' '
iler strong faith cart never diet '
. "Bring me, dear, my wedding gown
Hs will never see me urar
- Sting me Mks, fully Morin
' Audi pale row *army hair;
, Sol sweet, help me put them on.
Ailles-4m% of loving youth—
And this i robe of dainty lawn
Are not whites than my truth."
Wild the sea floods best the shore— •
“it toLIVIIIIe Comes again,
Smiling meet him at the door,
• tayipg—she is One with pain—
That r nal steleep i serene • .
1t Ith my bandit stint softly down, ..
And the ring of
That tielxaagbt in,Wexhird tostr!
6 •Tell hlm—Aough idnidow Iles
On toy sate from deathly store
Far beyond the purple skies—
I will lure him evermore!"
Norolug brealia , —sweet Edith Lowe
e'er shall watch apd wait In vain—
And the altar/owe on her brow ••
Are of dowers and not of palm— , .
And a stolleis on her lips •
That Shall linger there always
Though of all the sunken ships,
" . Deepest Iles poor Willie;Oray'si Far
political Croatian).
Litter Eleietstla.. •
. Aii men Mr. President, desire to maintain nom
men" milk each other—eseitinging ideas and ser
vices, or tommodities in which thus° services are
=bullied.- Some loan desire to ho employed in
effecting, cbangca for other men—standing be
tween them in the various capacities of sailor and
wagoner, trader and traisportef, all of whom are
•ineredy isstroiteitti to tro. used by commerce.
The greater *or - diversity In the employments
of simiety, the greateria the. power, to maintaiu
commerce and the less is thu use of the
•Istuktit above refeiled tip—the greater: li the tent ,
deny toward increase in the productiveness of
the soil—the larger re the return to agricisltural
'labor-kilo higher are the prima of the rude pro
ducts of the laud—the cheaper ,become those
finished commodities raquiredi. for thi , Use of the
farmer—nod the greater Is the tendency toward
that improvement of human condition to which
we are accustomed to attach tie idea of civilisa
The less, Mr. President, the diversity of ointoloy
incnts the grdater is the neves/illy fur tbezervices of
theship•and the Wagon:the trader end the transpor4
ter—the less is•the commerce—the greater is the
tendency towardlthe exhaustion of the soil—the
'smaller is Lbw return , to agricultural labor—the
lower are tbeprices of the rode kroduets of the
land—the dearer are clothing, knives, axes, and
other finished products—and the greater is the
tendency toward that deterioration of man's con
dition to which we are 'accustomed to attach the
'idea of barbarism. •
-The grout ,fact is thus presented to us, that
where the land yields - most largely, there the pri
ces of the products of thoj farm are , highest;
whereas,. where it yields least ,in quantity, there
the prices are lowest. In Germany' and Prance,
the yield of the land Is steadily increasing, while
prices' regularly advance. In this country, the
yield decreases, while prices as steadily decline.
Hence. is is, Mr. President, that the. phenomena
irese'nted to view by French and German society,
are those of growing civilisation; while-those we
meet among ourselves, are these, of-advancing
Approximation in the prices of the rude pro
ducts of the earth, and of the finished commodi
tics required for human purposes is, Mr.' Presi
dent, the must conchisive proof of growth in eivl.
lizatlun. The more nearly they conic together,
the more does society teudto assume its natural
form—the the tendency toward situp.
ness and regularity of movement—and the more
rapid is the adygnee: in, wealth and power. The
more tlfey recede from each ether, the more dues
society tentliotake•the lona of an inverted pyr
amid, the less it the regularity of movement, the
greater is the tendency toward barbarism, and the •
more rapid is the decline in Wealth' and 'power.—
With us, as you h4YO 'seen, those prices do recede
—wore cotton and more flour being, as a rule, re
quired to pay Sur any given quantity of iron, cop.
per, tin, or lead—the most essential of the cont.
modities required for adearice in civilization—than
as needed fd tbut purpose half a century since.
The closer 'that - approximation,• the greater is
everywhere the tendency to increase "in the pro
dactiveness of the soil—with growing 'power of
association and combination. The more remote
they are, the greater is the tendency toward ex'
haustion of the snit, with doclining.poirer Of com
bination. • Throughout the Union that power is
decliningt andthus are we presented with anoth
er of the phenomena which,everywhere.elte, have
attended declining civilization.
The more the soil becomes enriched; the great.
er ie its porter of attraction, the more rapid is the
growth of commerce, and the more civilizing are
the tendencies of the time. The more it, is im
poverished, the greater is its repulsive power, the
slower becomes the movement of Society, and the
more rapid Is the • detline , of eivilisation.:; With
us, Mi. President, as iluu have seen, the attractive
p mer of the soil diminishes, and men ate almost
everywhere flyfrig 'troth each other, as if from pes
tilence—the enormous emigrations of the barins.
roes ages of Pirope
,being here. reproduced, and
'affording Conclusive evidence of declinedawealth,
'strength, and power. What see the leseer Phe
nomena by which decay is mantlested,', Intl bow
they influence the various portions of edektty i wo
may 'now inquire. '
At the 'return of peace in 1315, land will high
in 'price4a market baring been' already mide et
home for] the*ost important of. its product:B.-I-I-
Protecticivi being discontinued , market Wimp
peered, end the resell was Veen; sit years. later,
is tbeelinost pnlversel ruin a. the termenjudg.
meats being iverywhere entered up—martgeges
being foreclosed--sheriffs' sales abounding tesuele
an eztcritir, at length, to force. the people of the
agrfteltaral States to the adoption of: laws for
staying the execution of the judgments of - their
courts—and lend failing to iv-fourth of the ptiie
at which it had riot], but seven years before: :The
saleeof public land, end. the revenue lberafremi
barltrobled in-the perititt from 1814 to 18.18j19
• tbits hie:vagina-the .cumber -of. of. farmers 6 at. the
. moment when the -placket
. for their products' was
gradually diiappeiring—and thits preparing the
way fur that decline in the price of theproducts
L• of the 'farm, whose steady progress Is exhibited
in Ike figurer'. already, Mr.. President, laid Wore
you. 11 . 4 ' I I
By .1824 1 ' the land revenue bad fallen toless
than a third of the amount at iihich'iffied stood
in 1819..' Theneeforwerdprotection having:beee
reestablished—it vent gently 'up, until, 1E1'1832
and 1833, itaveregsd 53,293,8110, or-almost pie.'
Eifel) , the amount- it bad 10 suddenly attained
thirteen yeari before. Ilfthe mean time the Pop•.
elation ' Dad increased about two-thirdi ; and so
regular had 'been - the Warsaw . in the ..home de
mand for food, that now, tor the first,', time in: the
cuuetry's history, its price was wholly
by-the fall of foreign markets.. Frinn 1828
to 1831. wheat in Eligland had been, high, .vain
grog £3 413 per quarter; or $ t 72 per 1)044
From that peeled Ulan tegUlarly,'lnitil Year, yeura
later it wits. , Lati 11114„or 41 - 85. pert bitsbel ;.]
and yet thepcipeet,llout: l in the: fEmeticani porto,
remained entirely,nnadfitatedi evieeltowe'brthe
trial, dirtied Irouiliciiiehilliaituo
.- ite p a t t , • ,t
: , Averap 182Ltu4831.•
11822.,. $387:. „ j$ ssl pu
1833 ; 140 4835 " 'O4O - j]
begipi teeperetei.taille,.eseaofi'les,:lre.-14.124.44101
importation rapidly* Newland. The mechanic:
arcs no longer'affording en outlet for the-Ft:twit:4 * •
pepithithin r emigiatioe to the . West - grew "rapidly, • .• - ** •
actomPanied by.enormous speceditlons in the pub. . i ABCIIIII' Of' OPOtheaa t s ......._
IC latular-the speculators always desiring to go .. • , , - •
JP advall" of 66 poor settler, and to Prat
_at To vat alma of ins Murata ` ,Totratiaa-Sir:
Ids expense: The land Xerellize rose from S Q... . • .. 1 .
000,000 to , $14,000,000, and $24,000,080 ; after . seta P rat.A7 Mut* , the toteemPan.ltad account
whiebEfor.:fear succeeding jeers, it averaged ;
by Dr. 8. W. Crawford of the 11..8. Army, of hi.
! $5,000,000; and that, In six years, was more lint anent of PepocatePeti. Which, so far ca I atiow,
has net; been published ' hr. th i s Notary,—
ultimata of than had been sold hi the forty pre.
ing ones. The consequeneei were such es Dena 1_
among our
hen hatelmen * expeited. While the new farces ste the last year there prevailed
Irent biting Nutted, by helper labor diverted fro M countrymen whO Were in *ellen during my stay
the oideoes,-food was Naxos and high I hat by there; an extraitirdleit7 aMbition to climb that
mountain; which has' retie welt' jean totem
the time they were ready to furnish supplies, their ,
owners found their, market had dieepPeaNd---, , - - . ,
• plished. Dr. Crawford, h i would appeekexperi-
Landagekt falling In price, mortgages were fun- ,
closed; and once again were farmers, Illtens bf eneed morn,.of *difficulty than myself; which i s
thousands, turned adrift upon the world, to re- probably attributable to hie hawing beeriless nig,.
commenee their labors as they 'might. We hate
.p`ro-peredi and trained for the work, I have
here the second ' great stage of preparatfon. ior , _,_ „„. ... ; ... • _..
the extraordinary fall la the price off * that also an °O"?" q" • a - earn. Esq., B. S. Secrete.
his bean exhibited -
,•I .ry of Legetion. in Mexico ; of his ascent. which I
The land revenue now (184216 1 1 to lit is ma ke *• ' * ' nine are tie happy to furnishilf your readers are ht = i
than • sin g le mn"°°' from which P i ' indlic - tenisted l larther.- - ' lam respeelfullY yews; •
I , rtt
the protective tariff of chit year, it rose udal-
.; .. ,-_ . .-_- , • • I el _;_- ....; ~ • J
1 ,: : „ 1 salltrit7 vv. rooms. .
ly,„lnitil, five years, later, it stood eget le $S,' I •
000,000. Soon after, the discovery of the tree. i. potteefile, March in,*lo,' lBsB . • I • ; - ;:
sores of California came In to make demand . for ..* : iinxt64.latiunry 24th, 1857. ;
manufactures and to give activity to commerem if P. a . ,: Sr i-In eocutequitace of a polite : Nl
So long as that activity continued, di l l sales or . „lima that I would - w rit i c h you w i t h iii * „count of
public Muds continued smalf, hi now- a filar build. the Negation of{ the' volicluctiPopoeutepetl,i Made
lug of mills and furnaces having ceosed4the ! e V . by myself on-the 18th haat, I have the honer to
elms from %hit source, in the three yeareendiag submit the following: • I .I • I
with 1856, had attained an average of nearly .Our party, originally consisting of eight, with
$10,000,000. If to this ho added the sales; oflitcd „ rum% - A c , • arr i ve d go Ametcantemt upon SO
glanced te railroad companies, we obtain, a to, eyening of- the lleibiipst,l, Foot of oar numb*
for those years of at least $50,000,000; lor MK* had been obliged to refine, and enother, with set
the amount of the twelve years from latq to 1852 i tams, left us at Amo u gmg . At! thi c . po l o t.
11 " . '" aal" are an Index to the "haultlea of the through the kindness of oar hospitable; friends.uhs
soil, the dispersion of the people, the_ tice!ina of procured , our guides and made the necessary it.•.•
, commerce; and the growth of the power of the rangements for the ascent-lot the mountain. When
trader; and as those of 1818 were followed by, our object husam.4oo ,4 :wu wet , „pm, joined
the agricultural ruin of 1821, and those of 1038 by a number of .volunteere, all anxious to-acemi
by the ruin of 1841, sit mint `those 0fi a 185.4.-i'36 ?any is to the-eummit While some spoke of the
Ibe followed by Similar effects, *LW per' that is • season of the year and Of the intense gold we
now but little distant. As a Azle, th highest might anticipate, others told us of a pith to the
I prima have always been followed by the lowest crater, made by the Indigos going up and retail.
: ones-those of the free trade period of '1822 her- tog with the sulphur, and assured us, that at sate
ing followed those of the protective one Of 1816 , --:
. . ,
the ruinous prices of 1842. and 1843 hiving Su l-
.imagined.' 'llut we found that bul l few of our
levied those of 1837 and 1838.1-end the exceed- friends 'bad been beyond; the somiti.lies, and thee
iugly low one of 1852 having followed eloaely up- the Mountain had; not bein *imiebded ; by Sven in
on the elevated ones of 1847 and 1848: With Indian for. mouth*-thelworking of the sulphia
each successive crisis, too, the price established at ceasing with the commencement of the rainy sea
its close has bee°, 'lower than that 'I previous, sone As we - ma at night Watching the to-Con slow
periods. As yet., so.a occupies too lowest piece ; iy.iin i n4, behind the wouuta i uroco d li g h t i ng w i t h
bat the day is fast ipprifloching, Mr. President, a ghastly glare their froten 'summits, stretchitig
when, should Heaven smile upon the; labors of away in sublime beauty to the clouds; we felethat
our formers, they will look with regret even to the the task we had undertaken was no light one; tint
low prices Of the years front 1850 to 1852. The there was a fascination about the undertaking - that
more they exhaust the soil, the greater will be this we all felt. There, in
- bar cold;shroud, lay thi 11.
tendency toward decline of price. • I , tachibuatl, orwbite Woman, while then, In silent
Instability and irregularity being the essentia l wittch,'lrrapped in his icy mantle, stood the mon
characteristics of barbarism, there can I bitto Ted arch of mountains of North Ameriert:* An effete
agrieblture where they-are found. The- farmer, civilization had.invested him with a mystery. that
mute than any other member of the community, rivalled In its poetical wildness the mythology of
requires stability-his investment .,„ being generally theiAnClect Gr,ecks. „ A God had -dwelled there,
muomudsa year, or more, in a d vance . The trader said for ages had controlled the sentiments of Mil
buysileurtone day and sells it ou the next; but Bonn': The' lion heart a Cortes hats 'ldentified it
the farmer needs to deterniine in the Autumn in with his wondrous career, and the genius of Bum
what manner be will appropriate his land for the bohlt has consecrated It to science: r -
year to come. The price of wheat falling and
; ; The morning dawned 'beautifully, end agent ar
that of tobacco riaipg,l he can make no chaosNegotiants were not yet completed, we rambles'
but theitrader ,can- , selling the one at the ant ap-
pearance of a downward movement, and baying -over the Sacramento, et the back of the town and
visited the beautiful vette upon its summit.! A
the other at the first Oppearance of an upward lovely view awaited us ;.and we have rarely Peen
one. -The skillful trader desires change, and the a wore, enchanting sliot. At - Amecaineca our!ob.
More frequent its recurrence the more numerous Bavarians showed an ascent from the city of go-s
-ere his ; chanees for accumulating fortune; but in- i eo of some 500. feet, and the increasing colilles.
-stability is ruinou s to the farmer and the planter. seared us of the fact. _At noon we took leave of
The objets of the '-farmer 'nod trader are thus
widely different; and yet the foimer appears most ' ouritind host and turned our hones' bends' to
wel(' the mountains. We soon rev toed Tempe&
generally before the world as the advocate of his cal a small rancho. where a good mill is in opera
ovni subjection. to the dominion of trade, and as . tion; turned by a beautiful stream From Istechi.
the opponent of the policy that la based upon the b eett . W e were hied Joined byre' party, among
idea of the extension of domestic commerce, and whonf was Don Pablo Peres,n gentleman who-had
consequent emancipation of the land from the op• beenangaged in extracting the solpherfroml the
pressire tax of transportation, Hence it is, that volcano, and who bad pursued the occupation for
we meet with these'conclosive evidences of decd - years. His aseems bad been frequent, and ad Felt
tibia civilisation which are, in -one part ofh
. 1 -0 re - assured by his resolution to accompany its.-
Union, sopplied by the growing belief in the di- Our road now wes up, over steep ascents, thrOugh
vine origin of - Slavery, and in the necessity for Its the Cedars and pints; wild flowers of every hue
euntitiminee; and in, she other, by the fasts, that gre through the tangled shrubbery. The labored
in the older States, property . , in land becomes breathing - of our horses, plain!' told of thipabinge
more consolidated; thatin all of thee), the poor of ;atmosphere, at our path gradually ; -led us
-rent-paying tenant is taking - the place of the - through the clustering pine -trees th Tlansaces.-1
small proprietor; that. almost * alrer3wherat ex. We were now- ascending. the mountain, and thsl
baustion of the toil Is proceeding with settlers,: . rich; loamy soil and ashy earth through which our
tad rapidity; and - that menus°, evererberei l mere way ; l e d gate evidence of the r en t,, , i •. • ' )• -
and more compelled to Cava tape* -13 y sun-dean we arrived, mach! : fatigued PPal
of that combination with' their fellow-Men, to our day!. journey; at Tlemacas, a settlement crew '
• which, alone, they can look fns-power to Call the . 4
teaser the convenience of those engaged in the I
great forces 4f nature to their aid. i extraction of the sulphur. Thenight was eximed- 1
The Coal-miner, the smelter of ore,,, the gotten ingty cold and -comfortless. - The *thermometer
and woolen manufacturer, and all-others engaged Mood at 28 Farenheit; while our barometrical ob. •
in the, work.' of
. production; are, Mr, Pre.ident, ideation showed an ascent from 'Amoco of over •
like the fernier in the fact that they Petal stkbil4 . 5,000 feet. Instead of the rest so necessary to us,'
And regulariti-giving a steady circtilatioulof la , ,- we passed another disterhed nighty but day at last'
bor and its prodefote, and increaaingitheir ability dawned-beautiful and Clear and our guides aroused I
cif add the machinery required tori - their Opera- • „ t o,t h„ accut , .. i : I : - •
think That haring been obtained, th ey are . en- Our party numbered 20, Including guides, and'
ableid, in each successive year, to proOt by be ex- peons. •We set out from Tlaameat on horseback
perience of the past. and to give to the farmer A 1 as fir as La Cris,-some 'thousand feet shore.-
°unhandy increasing quantity of_ Cloth, In ex- Here, with two of mi mpanfoni, I set ,opt on
change for a'constanUy sliininishiquantity of ; fool; the remainder r eon some ilistaoce.l. At
food and wool-the prices of the wo tending the; same time w oineaiotadafiar our analar
. steadily and regularly to approach ash other.- musemente o f oar -p oc k s , i,ll44ese grasped our
That 'stability, and that regularity of eirceintion, , spears, and protectiog our eyes frdm the reflerition
harmihowever, been to the people - Q the pelted set out upon the snow, our guldes'attattL7theln-
States, things entirely unknown. ! I time!, asis Aisne. withdur packs { following. '
i Our first start
the two periodic ending in 1835 acid 1847; it hat oat was steep and-amid frozen Now. •- The piaci
been approached, but, in everyt cite thee 'Proved arid Indians, struck boldly out without spear or
;.but a mere lore,' ter inducing 'menial skill and gaff; the rest 'of us clinging to our anow.epeare
enterprise to mato-their fortune! aid their time *leafy - followed. it we went Isome 800 feet,
in the the interests Oflia, com- ; when, getting in advance of the party, we balled
menity, with ruin to themselves. ' i I : : `to-take breath-respiration bad ;become labored
Front 1310 to }Bl5, mills and- furnaces were and difficult-and ael,sat exhausted on the snow
built, but with theuicturnot peace, their miners- 1 - ,i- At e If.. I.: 1
a o cno,y ,ce.,',.0 seasickness CAMS over me.
embracing large Ind small Icapitalens, arcking-
.itallying, however , Ilooked around me for 1113
awn and others, 410 e m it w ee p fir tig e k e f the companions, and ; of all those ibis had Joined a.
community-wank everywhere _ruitiod, end the at Aineceumea not 00 remained. Two of 'day
people whit bad beimemplojed wereltunied adrift, friends with the guides were Maya Me shouting
to seek In the 'Went the •support they maid no to ou to follow; On we went, s l o wly, sad tedious•
longer and at home, Land - toles they, as •Ste have : I r . Th e diffi cu l ty of traveling i n c re as e d w ith eve.
seen, became larOind nen the farmer. tamed '
ry step t The Arrants whei bad accompanied nil
as the manufacturer had dune beret-4.1 Freya 1828 had all given oat, and taking the barometer from
to 1834, inch establishments were 'again itrected, ate who, had sank eithensted,l joined my nom- I
and the metallic treasures of the meth were being - rianiuni. above. On tie toillidaeine burdnil. yards
everywhere develiped ; but, as befoia, thelprotea-- further, and again we stopped to rest. Our emo
tive system was' Ogaia, abandoned; witleiruin •to - bee was now redeeedlte four and•our two guides.
the manfactorer, mmompactied by erarmotii sales The same sieknews I had experienced was now felt
of public land, and followed by ruin to th e farm - by others : the-oppression was extreme .. . An a,n
er• From 1842 0. 1 5 1 7. mills and lu'rnue e were gry cloud swept around the brow of the mountain
again co n structed :; nod then, from 4,848 lB5O, and It snow down stained inevitable, The cold
they were again closed ; *the effect be t eg seen, in A rea intense . "•My companions complained - loudly !
1860-'52, in the lid' of dour to a price lueterthati of their, feet, and so g rea t wa s th e i ndic t ing of one
bad ever before been known. The Perfect; harino% of them that I persdaded him to return. One on,
ny of all true interests, and the ahealtne MicessitY ly ectimpapied me for a short distance, when he
of prtitectiun to the farmer, in his lens to bring - rut rued with one gilds to folio* his descending
the artisan to-his; side, and thus relievelhintrelf co passions. •I wu now.alone with one guide and
from the heavy timation to which
Ic el is now sub- - but half way to the ',summit, and, as clinging tit
joined; are here exhibited in the strengest ;light - the ice, -I looked down at my retreating oomPtn•
No one who studios theiregolar seghence of[ these - lons and heard the shouts-of those at the foot of
facts can beak/titan to full-belief .in rod portion the mountain I almost regretted that. I hid mot
or the doctrine of "The Wealt h'
i , f Nations" - yielded to their solicitations to eccompaoy ;them.
which teaches that the 89 g lisb si° m , band eta My solitary* guide now rebelled:and I was obliged
it is upon the idea of cheapening a . the law trig.' to bribe and threaten him to induce hies to skein
terials, of manufacture; "is ama est riointion • - fum y me . Up, up, for whit. seemed au age, We
•of the most sacred rights of mankind?! "' • • atc
embered,over fields of frozen Snow. The ascent
In the last tenzyears. few milker furnaces lave had-become more and more difficult, as breaking
been erected-the Value-A' th * ollei in existence - ' t h e ' , ice at every step we Progrei d slowly end le : ee
having been, in general, so farbelbir the; colt of dioutly. Onto more I turned to' look back from
production, as to; have afforded , so' reason for bid dizzy height.. One ads.strip. and inevitable
making any addition to their number.,., • , deitructioh awaited us in the. abyss *below: _ The
The history oft industry in no civi lized Country . ct io neivo r. th e gra v e was ever everything, and no
in the world pretim h
us such scene or destruction coiling flout t h e - s i g h t c looked down no more--
as is found
: in the manufacturing;l mining . end
TO go lave for.morethan eight or ten- pima with.
railroad operatiqes Of the-Union. t:if all- the' per- `but stopping - to-take nit was impossible, io ma
concerned in making these rent ;improve- . h o d had t h lre i t •_h g e t ane.,•At one time armee° ex
manta reqiired For diminishing thi.distance ha. t r u or di o u r y exe rtion to reneh my guide I fell el
tween the curs : Muer and produceo-for enabling ha'asted, and for tome momenta was uncotiseious.
the pnidUeirs of wool, flax ' and' feed, readily to
Toe, blood gashed from my nostrils.'- Checkiiig it
exchauge for cloth and iron-mid; for {educing with the frosenenow I rallied end Clambered on.
the prices of manufactured commodities, while is t ly guidet-mpicilevered to, such trips, had now got
raising these of the raw :products of the: earth- . Far ehead.L The sickening :emotion I had*at first
a largo majority have heed ruinedl; and the re-* experienced returned with redutibled force: As I
kilt is seen in the tarts that' the Ivorlunii metals 1„,•o r , A u l t e xbsysted on the snow a heavyweight
are rising , in p ri ce, as compared with flour_ and ca u t - e dpressing upon me andoverytbing mope*
oottem-thatbne farmers, as
a rule; re Ito; grow dim again, when I win aroused by loud ,
with each succeasive year; the laza is being more I,,t„ itte fron k my guide, *extending high above me
rapidly exhausted-and that the Nontry exhibitslh e -;
shouted, "the crater, the; crater!". -Up, up
*so Many other evidence* of declining. r civilization. ! Do d o I climbed, clinging to his footprints;
-Careful stag of these faits, Mr, Persident, will Ib o og painful struggle moreillol I sank exh austed
enable you readily tainderstand Gre Nuts of- the ! u pon Its to ink. , • . . . i - _
at toil or eight
demoializationWow making Mich ritpid progress. I !What aspecteels i . The lacono- _ .
( tten, as
The policy of - the country being wholly *directs liiiiir*--b"ger a ad sold
-I rd. ld n if i g t ° ln a ,t ) ce a la
to the growth lof manufacturer; - I agridulture. re- , lying down upon the snow dunk
mains, and neiesserily, in its' rudiat state-i-offer- 'mutant draught,,
the sublimity of the • Nene.-
yawned -in herrible vastness at
lug no attraction for men of snit cultivation.-- he huge
1 -- ° eater
- s odors issued from every side. •
Seeking a piinnit, our- •yeung men shrink from I my feet; sulpharou.
- pervaded averything, ; and •I''
one that so large en amount of labor. ' lAn'ewful stillness P er ! • • • ra •h o „
• • 'its depths with feeling Ino .
and is so' badly paid. * Looking next to the pro' • lobkod. into . s tood thocout i t . w e c t,„ •
ord. • Before me
duelled of holt, or the manufacture of eloth,theY , ;fore expiates
It d •loom • huge. reeks rose from
see th at oast of the man who heel:been so stagged I ern Mailer- sad gloomy,
hile f
hero-reaped but ruin, as the result. Thus limited ;dep ths , craggy andprecipitous,
I lia at glden hue of the bunting sulphite added
in their chant *of employments, they find them
*loOwbee io d taresque and sublime scene. I ;looked
Wits driven to becoming clerks , traders; lawyer.- •
the 'around me and the • world seemed, stretched be
or doctors ; arid the eonsequencesj all Ha rt
.1 ' 1
:yet/ !t eeth my fait. The lovely Valley of Mexicii,
feet that we have.fivelimee more :Idd.ddid
h a y
hon. 'with Its lakes and mountains, ley like a map be
and doctors, than can * obltat,st a airing by if - l i:trut h we; to the south -and. limo Ley the Tierra
est means. All, however, most to-- I st
Calienie, its hills red in the setting sun. A misty
(Ifs; n,
b 4
dialmwwill if
t et'
ilaiblacklrgs; ', r im of silver showed the. Gulf of Mexico` far to
ha is that, the rice of sharpers an
specula *to and swindlers, slave•tr
rs e-fas lner:laces. ' - amity from the pundelandscape. iThoughatin.
- busters, counterfeiters and pe
ealli° President , to ' - meant withetature I had beheld her %nisch
with curb rapidity. It is safe, air.
the Central ~ *guile-Nee. ,TO remember that sight most eyes
sent . ' pond,' of
joky, that with the pre • . . s uer tie glory--tolorget it can only Near with the
ointettio a .gt ... a .
Government Is insoliarsh,l , 8. r o d a tive power*, general decay of the faculties. - ;* . •
development. I ttl. the 'enrol al)Pdellelino in the ae• ; ;I t wee fast gtwWll4 late, !ad planting, to snow
a I sm' tendcue ' l tuv ithen rail be ' found I f ie Pear I
g uilt up my Ntrometer. , I looked strutted
'malty o peril:guava PrePert 7 14610 . to ha . heldMy guidefallen • asleep. Arousing
lii any country of the world el ~ g I-; him to - a sense of his danger he Implored me to
as civilised. '' - ''''
r• PM:Meet t bat that; ;descend or we would be lost.' Not a foot would
This is a idul pleture,..fif •
.i a bundant evidence in ') he-return in se,* direction, asdeaf y ; entree- .
It is • true' One you Ita. o
al omitted you. ' ' , , tion to assist me to enter the crater, t he protested
' the proceedings of the worl d t tu ti y , • • • ' land threatened to leans me. I descended a little
-'- ' ' ' ' " Yawl ' !art 11101/X.C. CAREY. , f distance into the * enter' for some specimens of
„. • , '' • • 'I .
limo-and, basalt, mid returned to again arouse my
*. 1 )I'll - .Trin 13, 7 831 . 1 . ~. •.: , .. '1 g u id e. bp, handed (remits effort, sod •over.
• Paiiade p. : ,i
,? ....1 , ! .
' - .. t-, .'" °° ° ° r-- r 7-- "*. Tattoo et 1 eolae with the intemiectdi, had again fallen aalitePi
''' -'' ' ' Tonne 34 'a i d 6114 " " ' Anat. e .• I It, 'wee now highly ihmgerods to stay .aoylosert,
"•• or" The . 34e a id es,,emii beshilso. coal , or.
h tair diatribe, le es I dlatifidly taking my hartimetriesl *tad .th
taat l a °7 c°llwewdala wall; a 1 " monietriearammarenients XPrsPared to
'SatialVaar* aid'
lied, tai" • ai Y l lc "' isalliies One pr e look at the abynr Week and &astral in;
-.01en., It , OPP- ...., c omfit:Toth!' , a ntonth. I _ _
• .., I, - 4 at •
•Pli i;.lte. reap ibom'c*Mrfit
illrl, 6,ooo.Pirsotii bare been kept comfortable ibtade l iti:g o p hiida--o $ Is i s more. logging pit 4 of lotersca ... . 7
Acibtl: th• a ar t " ilirAnb tile e 7" to
I ' l o l : r eili tw il ill rr l;trad i l lef t g tr - u2 n re
1° 7 4 In bl t ; 1411414* ' 14e
f4a of
"""iiii a "
Irv.. Tata .. practical Cbristiautity. . . , s
.. s p
.... I.e c
i 7
_....• i
.4.,. , . , .
is NO. 12.
"1111 TIN. OF FIC E.
peccary* their Plystaa, aow prepared '
to aracab JOB and BOOK d'ILINTINCI of crag dioerip.
thank thy 016* at ; tho llDipr imam, chew than
it Cirri*** liA artf ethic ta tke county,
'Cathie' '•
, Perapaters, • . Baia=
Mod Nth, • ' Phlto
Arneka of lignosomt, True Biwa,
AN Bea*, flodoi
At the rory shorten! elitteo. Oar stork of JO! TIPS la
mnM than Ant d nly other sea to this Ms
tioa otqe Itotinsel r krao hands esployed expressly
tbr Jobblee. Being • proodool Mater ourself, we .111
weeeetteir eel Week. fa 'be as Ust as toy that an be
tur‘od out In the Mien PZIOUNG Dr. MIDIS dose
at thi **diet meth* . .
Books booed to miry Variety of ot7lo,
*or o s
0,417,400P1it0 tioalthotitrolilonsta otokfoloct
order, at oilOod maw.
we deseettdoirapidly as wa followed oqr amend. • ,
ing tracs, but at lut they bad fruen, and. as if
suddaoly k tbe whole mountain bad bemoan sheet
of lee: • It was this that my guide had' hand.—
Tbe son,had now set and darkness was last coming
on and our danger inereasod at every step. My
guide lost me, and I bad to Make my daagstous
,way 'lona. , The km tad our boohoo,. hart that
It woe almost Impossible to break it, and it was
with great didienitr that my snow spear subdued
my weight.• Stain It In advance of ma I laid
down gently to its foot, and sustaining my, weight
as I best could while I struck into the ice. in ad..
vanes of sie,;• on the *dr of a great Urines
art rarinocited by the pail of my .situation I
progressed rapidly on. I know not bow lug I
was In descending. At tart the black ashes' ap
peared beneath ins. and . I beard the load shouts
of the guides sent to look for me by my friends
who had thought I was lost.
Oua more slide and I was upon the solid earth.
The-perms excitement that had so long sustained
me was now gone. I had taken no food or,drink
the whole day, and an eabutstiag depression ful
iltonod.• , fai guide again joined toi and we took
oar road towards the rancho. Near La Cm I
metray horse With the-guides that my thoughtful
friend' Fear! - bad seat in search, of ms.. In a
abort Um% I.waa among my friends, and with a
'batty sapper, around a bluing are my toils were
forgotten. • Very uspeetfally yowl,
8. W. °Lawmen.
d:cl49A4s,al) 01-• 1,21AK1
A Dintoarie preached at Albany by E. A. D.
Mayo; is :published with th e title, "The Geld Dol
lar," and has for its test:—"Neither shall ya make
untoyou valor sold." And thus graptkically it
opeisp:— • . • •
"At the grit exhibition in the New Ydrk
tal rallies; I obserrod lipid dollar eovered with
g ue ly *ag ora , letters. which on the application
of a glass,were resolved into the Lord's Prayer "•
Atter an introductory remark er two, the preach.
er says :—" .•
2'de Gold .Dollar Wier:doer if reprised I
Hoii . *Ault we get UPAed.wdas atoll ws do with
it Let this be the dabjetti of oar motalog's dig. •
coarser '
"From the earliest history of min, money has
been airpowerfel u bediy. In the life •or every
people, ancientand modern. it has beetaa control. •
ling, force. 'Eighteen centuries ago, , before this
continent was discovered by civilised men, Jesus .
Christ, in Judea, told 148dt/evil/a thet the love of
money is the root of all evil: and the picket the
last i three months is the commentary the.Acnori..
can people are compelled to writ* on the margin , • i
of that awful Scripture. It is all this bemire it
is the most 'permanent representative of that rtom.
plea assemblage of 'poesessiois and powers of
- which . we call 'This World.' Money is the symbol
of material things; net in their simply material
aspect, but es they are reined to man. Wlierover
man touches this world, he Mast have* coovezil- -
eat emblem of what he anima In it, and what it
can'do for him; and tbeff emblem' is, money.
Whether a belt of wampum, a laid- of iron rings,
• bank.bill, or a gold dollar, money is always the
same; the representative of the uses of this world
to the human soul. Of no value in itself, Its val
ues are unestimated while used as the type of this
perpetual human relation. 8o 'this little Gold ;
Dollar rens ever to, and fro-over the charmed eord
that unites the soul and the world I pining from
.hand to Eland, it transmits earthly. necessities,
'comforts, luxuries; hope, energies, achievements
that terminate in worldly amaze" all individual
power of position, all public grandeur and domi
nation." •
We regret that we bare not room to quota the
whole of this eloquent add extelhont diseonne, but
we will give seethes passage as a key to its vein •
of thought:—. • ,
"True, 's -Dollar is the same• to every man as'
long es do wishes to buy bread; bat when -taken
us the repretentative of his character, what differ
eat laseriptions would it bear? , In each man's
hyoid it is a.peenliar thing, bearing the image and
superscription of his soul. For a Dollar is really
to each one of us the object prop:wed in gaining
it, acd the dative .that dictates its use. Could
ovary' Limrican, when be realm* it, behold en
grimed meite faestsone wide.* explanatory of his
mo ti ve , ja it/ acquisition, what a startling Gospel
would be read off every boor in the day, all over
the land! AVMs , man would appear the doleful
pietars ethic brother in chains, his body stamped
with the marks of property, his soul groping in
his dark prison towards a ray of God's holy light
of frqedom. Attotherwould behold a ruined home
ranee by the demon of the bottle which he has
sent in there to do' its Work of bell. To a third ,
.might appose a youth pasties into the sad blight
of th most, and honor, tamped by it, and changed
• from sinaeto a sharper. To the murderer, what
a vision dills victim lying plundered hod bleed
log is some lonely spot, lighted by flickering
flames that:will born deeper and deeper into his
writhing soul ! Let the corrupt ruler look at his
'Dollar, and see,thire a picture of his country in
sulted and disgraced before the world by his wick
ed baba , :Leath* maiden in her bridal array con
sult this mirror, and perchance to her startled via:.
• sion will appearsensuai and covetous age, leading
captive ambitious 'girlhood by, the lure of gold.
,' Might not the wearied merchant at his midnight
toil for more wealth, would be look into this eirelr,
behold his' prodigal son, his imbecile daughter,
• bli wite, • ehanged from the maid he loved to the
scheitiing matron who now leads ,film chained to
her car of foetal successes? Could nary form of
suffering, der-cant/ea, manning. crime Moisten en.
counter is gaining this Dollar appear on 'its fors
when they look into their bawd, tchat a sight were
them?, Yet is it all there as truly as if the magic
picture we discerned; for every bad man's Dollar
is the type of his sin..
'"Bat what a different thing is the Dollar when
it represents the putting forth of industry fur the
noblest uses of life I The .father who will to '
sustain his home and make. is the image of
heaven, may beheld thereon the beloved circle,
the ruddy evening glow, the sweet faces lit by
love and 'peace. 'the pier girl sewing in her
garret. weave her old,. decrepit mother from
starvation, if she remains .pore and thankful to
God, may see an • el standing in theiittle gold.
en mirror. The he • 'ls mother, saving and toil
ing for her darling - b; '•• ay set a noble man in
the Semite of his coo • •• • ring forth a nation's
rising. indignatio • again a • tel wrung, till the
pictured faacof ashingtem mosynciies afresh
frbm the walls, - • d the en • fee of man gnash
their teeth with infe • I rag*. That a dollar was
that which Fulton first .- 'Leßow Fork, for
a fare on his new eessell he says he felt half
ashamed to. take it—but' it he kept it until he
reuehed.Athany, he could have seen all the rivers, '
lakes and oceans of the world ebbing and flowing,
and his vessels flying to and fro like the minis
tering spirits of the world's nes day. The true
artist's Dollar is bat a frame, in which he beholds
new forms of lovelineseand majesty. The right-.
hearted citizens of our land, When he receives it
as the reward of a day's toll, may behold it radi
ant with a patriot's hopes. The author, leather,
minister of religion, may not fear to soil their
hands With it." • • *• • , -
"This style of getting the Gold Dollar will in
tuit, the true method of its use. Toe fortune
meanly gained will be mealy spent; for the plain
reason that the same. man who degraded himself
to obtain money, unless' de becomes a better map,
will continue to act from the same low level, and
scourge the community worse in lie use than in
the getting of his wealth." sr • re
"To sell your soul at retail to the devil, for a
Dollar a fibre, is about the most unpracticable sort
of speculation in which a shrewd men can engage."
• • • • -
"Pray spend your Dollar to gain a place where
you can be an angel of deliverance to the sorrow.
ing, the, sinful, the ,oppremed. The croaks of
earthly privilege is to occupy your own place. and
the only televise of mosey is to buy that plate."—
"Spend to organise a free and solid industry
from sea to sea.. Spend for the home; spend for
the school; speed fur a pure gospel; spend for •
trueart.eod generous manners; speed for justice,
Ind order ' , and official integrity ; oh ! speed for
fricedoirthe emancipation of man from, tyr:
minim of the post, that he may learn to obey the
eternal leWe of Gkoi." •
This is excellent preaching!
Washinkton correspondents state that Lent
has not by any means put an end to gaietiesi
andmntertahrments of Washington life; but
on: the" contrary, s fresh impetus . seems to
have been given to pefinite balls, dinners, &c.
Public men of the most oppolite political' .
sipinions are b'rought together on these Occa
sions, and social contact -on& to have and
probably has had some influence in *scar
_ink pinions' arid political asperities. It is
remarked, that notwithstanding the financial .
pressure,.thsr scale of expense in' regard to
life in Washington has'been insatly - iugment.
ed. Most of the Cabinefmembeni are rich,
and SAM is more essential, very liberal. The
foreign Ministers, or some of them, have large
sums attuned them for entertainments:" Th.ere
are besides, many Senators and members,
and also a iiumher of citizens, whose means
arc equal to their taste for such expenditures.
011 n all tbsooltlas of ladisala, lopotlats aro
hs, lag 11.13 to devise' meaps fit listening_ ill
Free &boot ammo' viblok vas lately Week domi
by s dosisloo Of ,110 1 ; AMMO* Coast. 1411 as se.
eouragialt to to soistbopeoplo taking so such
totems lalts oasis Of odooatiest.' aa u•