The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 19, 1857, Image 4

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    Wit at.
•I FYti, 04.'N'tio 11'4 bikpakii
korrildi 110 coarrioN.
battrut Err. n eiti cue night
Wt• Wu *grapevine bower. Full bright
• The In'oolOsnna wen: , The ta lakiluetere
Cat peer earth *herr goldre tato, •s•
.." Veen tinerleres "that breast •
A rop y -the elt, nee pleat • •
While matter green leases of the heel
• hawed the light epirhs of the bream ,
entinds sore toordsedi woe where song boy"
At .4olde end wt." were making whet'
And sere +ben* Phoning to her Pent •
A Vim Racy-anted now aud•then.
' Charmed by such acenes•and sounds, they We
Within that boner the trod' of lore:
WitAko that better the treacting the
Was beard; and sighs which epic* of My*
--st• Dear Jong" wtd he..ildear Jini •
want to slimy- 0 24e raid • t ,
Pines haps ; but neerthelem
'Will yon•—•'. maybe yoif will guess -
- What lf —emir-what I ovoid me.
Wilt you be mine? . Say. ye*? pray."
Down fell the blessed madden* bead. • • '
And Runlet she trembled. still she said.
uo,'deenst Thomas. aloes Toni" rnred —
Aluee from your loving ,lips hat dropped
The qiestion—may be you eau gum* 4
abort response; 'thi es—.ails yeti" ,-
• And even as she "said that word
• The roosters as by Imputes stirred, -
Yapped hard their wings and loudly crew
While through the arbor soft winds blew;
E'en Mir Rag turned ,ernund once more, -
Gave one long punt and one long adore; •
Witte the old watch dog said, "bow•irotr,"
And some old tom-eat add, “neryoy."
Thos when the question la•let out
A 'rumpus' is *ticked hp' 'about': ' , •
And eiteologs,toosters—all creation ' •
dive one lumen* congratulation. '.' (Posinoot.
a►mroX• 4 jorn
Wit,think it high tithe that Cousin Bally Tlilii• L
arry k Captain niceCpi, were again brought to
the r memory of the 'public. They d ve to be!
reproduced , every few 'yirtr4s. Bapecii ill W they
keep oar friends in a good bUTOt with themselvea
for a week after the reading: ,
Scene Li t Court of Justice in iorth 'Carolina::
.. .. .
. 'A
beardless - disciple of Theseis ilseeand thui
addl./tee the Conrll-:"May it.please your • wor' 7 , '
xhipa, and' you, gentlemen',Uf the jury, sines
1 '
has been my forturMr(good or bad I will not nay)
.to eiereise;mysellin•lngal discpsi • 'ens, is Ike
tumor befallen me to be•obliged to prosecute e'o•
dueled, marked, and Intiielous an assault.. l A.,
more willful, violent, dangerous battery, end I
finally a more diabOlical breach, of ' the peace hits i
'seldoni happened in a civilised country, and •If
date say It has seldom jestea your duty to pa} '
1 upon one so shoelting to benevolent'ibeiioge; l s
this which took plice*over to . Captain ' Rice's, d '
this county. But. you will hear from the . wit
The witnesses keing sworn, two or ibree went
examined and deposed. One said, that .he heerd
• the 'noise and did! not see the figs, smatter Suit 'i
he Wad seen the wiz but did'ut know whO struck
'first, and a thirdj that he was very drunk end
baulln't say meat about the skirnage. , . :1
' Lswyer. ChoPe-I ate sorry, gentlemen, to.hate
oteupied your time with the 'tepidity of the vs . .
nesset examined . It arises, gentlemen, altogeth r
from misUpwhension on my part. Mad I koala
' as I now do, 11'14 I had a witness iii attendance
wifit'wes well acriotedwith all the eircumst+-
. cis of the ettairia d rho was able to make him
- self clearly' bud:reined by tits 4nuri, and jurytl.
sheiuld' not so long have trespassed upon ydrir'
'. titne.and patience. Come forward, :Mr. Ma r is,
I '
. , and -be itiorn. i
, - I :SCl,lot:ward coiner the wiltwee, a fut sbuttlyr old
man; a "little. creed, and took his oath with i lan
air. '." ' t - . • ''
Chnplii-thlribi, we WWI • you telkati nhot the
riot thaehippenCd the other day at Captain Ili, c's
and, at, a good deal of time him already been . ISt.
ed in circutnlociion, wo wish yint to' bi-:compen
dious, and at the romp time as explicit as' , . me
,.,-. • . •
111 Me. :t
• . I arris-4Aoxt4kly, (giving the lawier..a it ' °w
in , Wink, end: at the mote timeAlrinil.his
• throat.) Captain Rice' be gin a trey nod cluein
- Sally Itilliard the 60'11mo:icor to - our housii- and
axed sue i'f . my.:wife ebe itautn't gm t .. I told leou
. lin Sally Dillinrd that my trice nita prolily, being.
lily how she had a touch of the rheuntates in We
hip, and the tig swamp was inihe road, old the
, big swamp we up, 'fol• there had been a heap of
rain lately, bu(bowsotnever, as it nap ble, iiOusiti .
' Sally •Dilliard,!my wife she moot 7;0.... Weil Tu.
sin Sally Milliard them axed me if Muse hitnoat
go. I told cittetn Sally Dilliani, that he w e the
foreman of the crap, and the crap r ats samOy in
the grass ; but homed:lever, as it was 'she,-
Sally Dilliardß Mose hemout go—
Chops—ln 'the ,name •of common se2llol Mr.
'.+ n ltucab—svavistvirce
sin Sally Dilliurd she came over to-our ho so and
axed me if my who ate mini% .go. tul cousin
Sally' Dißiard . • , - . •
Chops—Stop, sir, if you'please, we don ' want
• to hear .anything about your cousin Say Dil
ljard. and your wife; tell ass about tba ght at
Rice's. : • • r
• Witness—Welt I will, air, if you; will le me.
Chopi r7 Wef4, sir, go nn.„
Witness—Well, sir, Captain Rice lie gi a a treat,
and cousin Sally Dullard she emits civet to our
house gad axed me if orty wife She uieun't go—
Chop's—There it it again. Witneia
Witseki.—li'ell r eir, itlitit do you want
Chops—ii i ii want,to 'know about the
you moat not proceed in-this iinfiertinen
Do ion. knOve anythingabout the matt
the Court 7
. .
W,itness—lo' be sui.e I do.- • . '
Chope—Wiill, you go on and'tell it, an
,-,.. .
. . .
Witness-+' Captain:Rice' 'he ginl
• Chops—thil iseintellerable. May it
Court, I mo t 's° thit this witness b cons
a contempt; be e'en's' to be Tilting
Court. ,[, , - • .. , 4 1
Cotiti—Witness; you are before a, eourt of Jim.
tic*, and unless - You behave Yourself ti a more
becoining Manner you will be sent to jail ; so bo
ginand tell what you know about tlitr fight at
. Captain lice's., • • .. • t i .
Witness i , (ularmed)—Well, get:taunt:a; Captain
nice he. 'gig a treat, and. cousin Onity Dl
liard-7 i • •'•
• • 'll , •
Chops. 7 -i hope that the 'witness tuayibe ordered
' into custody.', = 171 • 1 • IlIl '
• ;Court (after: deliberating)—Mr. At crony ' the
Court is of the opinion that We mato ,, ve time by
' letting the Witneis go on in his, own way. Pro.
seed Mt. Harris with youi story,tue ` stick to the
point. . -:! - • .-- ' •
. •WitnesS—Yes, gentlemen. Welf r C plaits Elise
be gin a !teat, and condo Sally Ditliard-abe +le
. over to nite hoots, and axed me it ri t , wife the
montn't go f I tOld,yousin Sally Liillie l ril that °a
wife ihe , rus poorly, 1/einir, as how :she had the
rheum:Alf% in the hip, and the big swamp Was up;
but balrintrar, as itAltati she, cousitiSally Did.
Hard, my wife She moot go. Well, cousin, Silly .
' , Millard then axed'me if Mole he nitiiibtu'i g 0...---
i•toki cc nsin Sally billiard es how Mose be was
the foreman,of the crap, and the ciali'w is smart
ly in tbeltrasa, tuf,filowsomeeerrikdt was she
. eonsin gaily Dillierit, Masai he moot "O. So they
• t, goissyn together, Muse; my wife, eindcousin Bally
..., - .,Milliardi, tin d they come to the big illmur44" audit
Val SO ;ill Isst i sstelling you; but, biting 011 hew
this, was a kg serves the big e4tep, cousin
Sally Milliard and Mose, like genteeill fulkr; they
r i walked the log, lint m a y wife beiatedlber c4te and
waded *Sough— • . •,1 1 ', •
, • Chore—Beaten and serth,,that ill I tpo bad; hut
goon., :" • „.:" • ', di'
- , Witness—Well, Liat's•ell I kwow GS
' . •........---.-111.
1;1 , .. , ..
A Touce or DOMILITIO SMlTlitilrt7".l, love,T
.• said Mrantealaat to his wife, as be sat 'cudgeling
his b4lea for a subject-AM
. abieh4is eompresi
""firstpreta artielezior ibis paper.
,i"lNy liSel I
welt to j tirrite sonnitiiit .for,,qte Pie p l Mid I must
hires! bright ideal . Can't you help me r
. "WhYtKrist7." respOeded the eniat little wo.
0340, maim olose to hint and layint her hand on .
hiashoelder, "didn't yottmit a Brig t•eyed Deer
when 'pis teatried mar . - 1 1 • . ,
And Kratitsalaat rather thought he did..l7. I:
' Pie. , : 4. i
Gapingloof Spain banding ,some refresh
minute eircle:of ladles, observed one with a
mist brillian tlibg, eta' wee ride enough to say
in her bearing, "I ohm/id prefer tb ring to the
• H:
"And f," said the 154y:inching eteetifestii . it
lb. glitterbig' order enspeaded the Derl? '
neck, , febusld prefer the collar to thii beast."
A didn't you whip ms for biting ignnny /
Yes, of child, for you hurt him 1'47 much."--
"Well!then. Ps, you ought to whip Mein ina7/1 music
Weber too; for be bit her yeatenki . right in the
•mouthli' and I know it kart her; 14raose dm put
her 11,64 around his nonk•and itiekn; choke him."
trincnne—filoy at for toot, spilt admittance: -
110 —"Ad•alt-tanec, edmitiener 7 4 :
Timither—"Give tbe*linitien4:-,_ • •
goir—".eat, dye canto •-•deigfr and Children
halt *dear
. I' • .
„ • • •
Mtfocoest lariat Mr. aritai. Om chairman
.444 m4 ignit4ch ri4'keltario49Q4 ::7-7,l4lmukacen;
irMale VIM on acati:an your Ilk of mils for
• i 130"0T/3...SHOE8, TRUNKS.'iIiC.'
PHE Sabstriher begs leave tol inform
IL, his rind rimers and the rommunity at innee that n.
has ,inet relursed from the MS • w ith a .
Eine cAlect ion ef articles ici hialloe, cone .
i i ig gliiirleting. of " : ., \.I le%
- '
I . DUMPS, Lc, I '
01l all . descriptions. CS Ltiallex, gentlemen and children..
Rea / elegant article of Mimes' and etilidnang buttoned
ogees, rimel liking new in the latest style.
Mao, a new let of trunks, yaliamt, Carpet.. gs,• Batch
el., Re, kr. . ~
*ark neatly and expeditiously attends , ' to:
Store and Shop in Conics, one door above With street.
' air:Zest deer to the Red Front:Vl
Vattirrille, Lay A7;l'4' ibldy,l • DANIELSCIIEKTLEr
. ,
Borough of Port Carbon: Apply - go I • -
. . .
Yeti 14 II . • I- I 74f
r • Lands In 'McKean Coasty,Tesins.
loiE RS ONS wishing to procure lands
i . j. Au McKean or any of the adjoining Counties. at very
low ratektutt - be supplied by addressing the undersrAtt
id. t'l'he McKean Coal region. now about , being opened
S . the mitten. of Western New York, offers superior in
duciulents to settlers With abundance of Coal and Iron,
a fertile tell and hisitffly climate, it is unsuspassed u •
,looslity fur investment or settlement.
1.• + WIC K...Kll4o,4lusithporg,
' August t 2, II 31 - 3 m McKean Chinas, /is.
+.---- • . .
F a
1000 Acres o no e
pfii LL . -,
Coal Land.
i NE - THOUSAND Actes of the
t valuable Rimed Mountain Coil landsotitaxted in
Ostler and Parry towmeldps, Schuylkill county, PA.. is
• idoeby offered at private rale. She 'Ashland ,Extenshin
..Itisifroad runs through part of the property, which bun.
lisrlaid -w It h Omit seams and well timbered.. Pot refer
ence or in tbrtitatiorrupply to Simnel Lewis . EM.. Centre
- street, or to the subscriber, at hie Reel; Estate Agency,
in Ruffniad street,Pottavllle, • Pa. The term, are halt,
...ash. ond half mortgage bonds. FRANC'S SPENCER:
' Pottsville. April IS. 1956 , 164 f • •
• FORSALE:f . •.'
WILL BE SOLD at. private - sale a
i•tuable tract of CiniiiiiallfilboAinS.4-known
as the Amos Wickersham: : Tract. lu Columbia punt,
Pennsylvania. and located al the Eastern termination 451
the • Mount Carmel and Shamokin Coal Banjo. Said
tract contains about 100 saes, more of less, Is well tim
bered, believed to contain the same Telus of coal run
ning through the Shamokin Coal Beau. Title indispu
table. For tongs and Other:particulars apply to the sub
scriber, - Fit AtiClB Spiesaut
.Real State Agent, Pollwille,
6.1 f
February 7,
riIHE subscriber willoffer for sale, at
the Court House in SoinburY, Northumberland
coudty, on Wednesday, the ith day of October neat, at
11 o'clock, Jr. )1., the ono uudlvided (AM111111) part of
a valuable Tract of Coal Lakid t kituate in Coal
township, Northumberland county. Surveyed on a war.
. rant bribe unine 01 -LUSK FIDLER. containing In the
whole, Fire - Hundred and 'Fifty Acres, or thereabout.,
bounded by lands surveyed he the name of John Brady,
Samuel' Clark, IVlllinna Lambert and others. The lin
provemeuts m a ths said tract of lead, are three two story
frame dwellitscat,one log dwelling house, two shellfire:,
sn dm n' arksma shop. Crinnected with the wad tract
of land a lug COAL BRKARER.:
.The terms and conditions of sale VIM lie etude known
on the day of sale. A.4OIIDAIV, Traistre.
, dunbuty, September 6, '57
3G 3t
tIIII,E . - subscriber, beipgdesirous of re
firing from the mining business offers his Milford
iery at private sale. This coillity is situatetton the
Schuylkill. Valley Railroad. about One mil..a bore Middle
port. The Cmil is .of a deep Red 'Ash. and. of superior
quail ty. andiron adapted to theliew York and Eastern
i l
markets. All the improvements are of the mos approv
ed construction—tvordsting in part of one 75 Is me pow
er pumping and hoisting engine, with pumps deli the
'necessary mechinery. ih perf,Tt order: one '25 orse en ,
sine and bleaker; schutes. bins. screens: hoisting/daub
and gearing complete, ears. tooth. and stock. all in toed
order. :',..Tba rbUiery comprises the celebrated Spnbn
Weis Vales. above and below water level. all op hid and
renily , to commence immediate operations true further
particular's inquire oi" the subscriber, at Pet tunic. or .1
'ALEX. S. FISLEiL at the works'. !
. Zday-31. '56 .'22,tri . 13A3111111._ , 51 LLYMAN.
PRIVATE SALE.—That Celebrated tract of splen :
did p.fland known as the "Stiohn T act," containing
the justly celebratedownd Spohn Velar also what le
,renerally known as the “Seventy-five acre tritct."ad.
joining. on the Mt. Carbon Hail madlind In West Ilrr
weglan Township, owned by Nichol/tit E..Thouron Ealk
Is hereby offered at private &Aeon thrrinost advanta
geous terns. •
. The tract contains all The Coal Twins in theft; eat
southern Anthracite Regions—inclnding. besides other.
tracts. thasegenerally know tl.ll/t the Paltaer,Chorley
Curixon. /toca Orchard. Orchrird. Primrose and Rowe
malh, with all the underlying. !ttough yet unexploied.
bells of coal which are known to exist lu thelhrtuation.
voraAing when . proved. over a hundred feet of solid
Coil. In fact, the tracts now offered. cantabile
the t•lchest - Coal .deposits in the County.
For information. apply to Era:net.. tzpencer. Esq.. agent
for Coal hinds, and real estate generally. Oflice in pail
road street above E. Market street, Pottsville, ra.
irrh 22. I Rho 12.1 f
fTHE new Justices' Fee - HMS, Revised
• and,Corrected by the Legislature of pennsylvania
just printed. and for sale by BAN.IpI.
PAPcR 13k9S.
11.HINE MADE Paper
g ts and others, toy levy G. IUV
Centre street, Pottsville.
4f,r4f .
TAYLOIt [wishes to call *the
t i !l i l i i i:e n n e t w in i t l i ty nf e h s l ;r c i an n. tn i t rA e tza i s th public In gen•
corner of Centre and Nahantongo styrl:e
nay 2;'57
Bankers and Dealers In Exchange,
Opposite the , Episcopui , Oharek.Srlite.
Warrants bought and Mid. Will, give strict at.
t not inn to all Collections alit rust. d to them.
August. 8, let I 4pril 19.'60 '14:1 3.
Bankers dr, "ilia Exchange..
I . I I.Ih4QUA,TA.
fer sale an all‘be principal 'cities In tbn
' lon. Mn,alrafti , for sale on England, Ireland, Scut-
laud and Wale,. June 11.'56
,ght; and
r before
• ' IROPi'9Rg ••: •
1 r
attention of Capitalists and iron
nii/rtetll is caled to the valuable deposit of IRON,
o tft,lately discovered in the immediate vieinftv of the.
'Wyoming Coal Field. The pftecovery of 'lron Ore in con
inktlon with the Immense 'deposits of Anthraelte Coal,
'has long been a gnat deriderateuss kmong persona en.
gaged in the business of ma n ufactining Iron.
The deposit In question lies In the North Mountain
boundary of the Valley of the... Wyoming, entirely out
aide of the Coalmussnres, yet within a few hundred
r6da of the Cull. and distant only nne mile from the
Lickmantnna and Illoomaburn nattered:
The quality and tichtteas of the _One has been fully
and practically bated In a Furnace, 'yielding Nine forty
per cent. of superior metal. and working admirably tu6
-mixed with other neve. The development of the depre
sit exhibits a faee of ..
feet of Ore, somposed two
veins. one' lbw feet in thickness. the other three feet. ly
ing sieve water level, at an angle of fifteen degrees,
thus affordlngfacillt Jell fir mining, rarely excelled. •
l'iropositto7ll/,' for leasing the °reit) the mine,
'or for delivering it at a certain rate per tun, lon the tiny
of the Lackawanna trod itioomeburg liallroul, will beeriihrt di until the heal 6f October next.
' Any communlcationsaddreseed to Dr. WILLIA
BANE: Wilkesbatre, to GF.OIItIE. 11. DICKINO.
En., No. 414 Market tweet:Philadelphia, will meet with
August 29,'67 I
a treat—
e the
.itted for
frith tbis
1111.. H. GRESSANG has been.ap-
SE'S PATE N T 31ETA L for thUis C
0,1) ! y count A fo L C , rUs
yt e sale of
Which supereede all otberk in& In use. Eel ng perfect')
ir•fight, it
. obviat et the tit rots!' I y of hasty burin) s. an t ,
sisopreserses the'wdyfrorn innediatedeemposition.,—
They arepartienlarly suitable fur transporting thebody
from one place, to another. The face Is eotereilwith a
I hick glass. wttb rental top, which can be removed at any'
hoe and the face of the corpse seen by its friendkorre ,
Wives. ire inightgiVe you hundreds ofeertlecates.l.
Corroborate our statement,s's to the advantages the Ile.
tallir CoIDa has orertheWooden,hnt t hefollorr log will
Wssatvorog, April ft h.
(ienilesam---We ..ultuessed the unlit) olyour orris
mental "patent Metallic fluvial Cases."nred to convey
I be remainsof the late llonJohn C.Calhoun to theflon.
gressionalCemetery, which impressed us with the belle t
that it Is the best artlele known to us for transporting
the dead to their Anal Vesting plate.
With respect. ire subscribe ourselves. rms. etc..
(Signed). Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, Dan. Webster. Wm.
R. King, Jeff. Davis. J. M. Berrien, J. V. Mason. D. R.
Atchinven. A. p.a Teen ,Wm. P.Man gum ,Ileory . Dodge,
D. S. Dickinson.
Similar test imonill tt might be 'added without num
bee. Apply : to 1 li.ORKSSAhO, ,
' Ciptfee ft reet,cerwer of Mims.
2A4 f
Pntt /MA
AnwAlwav, New York. _
mieco sizth i Streladoiphla.
Sty/es for thAarts . insi•Apatisier st
Es 7 fp
Glinves 1 • .
- - , Wow's'
• . Glevan I
_ •, •.• 4 _Olonrest
OLoYES als On sr (new style for the Ladles ;),,
GLOVES Made by I uvra who the best in the trod* re:
GLOVES of Elm and R o ves of Ekon: •
GLOVES of Hogssymttorn and Cammaltv.
GLOVES of Word nod Silk and Cotton:
GLOVES of BtoMskln. (a iArit• lot 't* '
GLOVES for artvtnp. Gloves.lbr walking; •
(MOVES of White Kid. fine Black Hoskin: •
(LIVES Imitation, which much resembles this.
GLOVES to be worn at the coming Aseemblieg'. •
GLOVES of Retskin. (very Ans.)
GLOVES all slam. of every bled:
GLOVES to suit the young and old; •
WAIVES to be, out the Winter's col&
GLOVES in great numbers, In style very sire
MACES width I'm selling at • very low rime
GLOVER. if you want them. bw emtain to rail • '
At the City Hat Stem and Gents' ?meddling Hall—
Nut Dm, feth4 pattrriilir iform. Otters sr., PettsrOls
N. IL—Jed twelve& a small lot of Hunt', Pabst ES
'undo paper coviswook new article for Gent*,
• n. fe'sNAWLS,ShswiMna Cashmere Feeds. gr.
IN..ember ill, IA- •
Iv o ll g r i tCil dlo an a d wou by it agi o a t Tt r tt p hg n eneral e A n sztobly
"An Art netting the Maori Election within this
Occonsonweol paged the 2d doe of July. 1839," it is
ride the duty of the Sheriff of every county to give
puhtle notice tif sash election to be holden. and awake
known In such gotta what omasre are to be elected:—
Theodore. I,' WILLIAM MATE . Mich Sheriff if the
county of 8-buyiklll; do mate bans. he this advertise
ment to the electors of said county of Schuylkill, that a.
(WIRRAL ELECTION will he held In the mid county,
on TUESDAY, the 13th day of October nest, at the sev-
eral districts thereoKaa foliate. to wit: ~
The electors of thelecough of Oragsburg will bold
their eteetioris at the public house of Daniel Boyce, In !
the borough tif Orwigiburg. 1
The Aortae raiding In the Lilting desseribed bout.
dada of West Brunortg township, Schuylkill county,
lattnning on the township line of Kest Brunseig, on
the land of Daniel:Dreher; thence along a public road
lending to Diniel Pousee mitt and dwelling, Including
the same. thence to Zion's - Church; thence "ion=
public road, leading put the dwelling house of
K. Moyer,. including the woe; thence oking•said "root
until it intersects the tp. line Of fiorth'llenbetni tp.,
including all the voters residing north of sold roati„ .in
the towns* ot West Brunewig, aforesaid. shall hitivit
ter, st all general and special tie/Ilona, a also At 'all
elections toe judges and Inspectors, vote at this ?mime
times stud plates and in the same box with the voters of
this borough of Orrigibisrg. in the county of •
The electors residing in that part of West Branswig
thrush*, lying Lad beingeest et the following dearthet
line, shall her after, at all Otero', special, and at else
pone for 3ridges and inspectors. vote in the ante box'
rills the audited voters , in tie borough of Port Clinton,
at the hones of Samuel Boyer, note. nempted bye A. D.
Range: eammencing at the river Sehxylkillat theleek-. 1
house of the Schuylkill lievlgation•Cornitanyorthmber
twentygour, now otettpleaby 301111 Leah, including the
same; thrOiNe in a straight Bart to the Ilona of Jacob
Mengle. Including, the some; thawt to the bons of
't mad Slagle, now occupied by Man Malta in-
'eluding the Same; thence to the taut of John ;Scholl,
;'now oxen ad by Henry Mabel, lad ding the( same
t beets to be fur of the heirs of John Bond, deceased,
two ti'eni WS by George . Moneta Including the same;
thence lel: biome of the widow Treriklin, including
the same therm smiths farm of Ifiturt KetnerAltolud
leg the ; thence to the farm of Sawed Miller, In
cluding the sane; tbetwato the form of Berohmaln Moll,
including the same; thanes to lb' Miami Point Mill,
and the dwellingf,houses Wong uto theist*, owned by
French'* Richard*. excluding tb game; thence to the
bona. of , Georew Baer. excluding the sexemw thence to
farm f Charles Miller, IncloToS th e sane: thanes
nt straigh tline to • the sand hobs j et or new the Berke
county line. m ators of West Brunswigit i ownship tottorinded
In the above loundatios, will hot their 'Satiate st the
public house of Joseph Uorbnger. in mid township. ..
, The electors of the Wrough of Port Castello will hold
their elections at the house of, A D. Snaps fa aid:bco
rough. ' ' •
The electors of East Draw' ig township Will bold
their elections at the house of J uo Boyer, lathe town
of McKeensburg.. . • 7: '.. . C
.. The closeout of Pluegrove I whip will hold 'their
elections at the house of. Ken y Robinson, to the bo
rough of Pictograms; and the e tat of the ber.ugh cf
l'inegrove will hold their ekcili us at the Mina holm. '
The electors of Wayne towns tip will bold their elec
tions at the haute of Johu Ora er, In the tacit of Frig
denalmig. ,
The electors of:Washington ownehlp will bold their
general electing at the public b use of Isaac Datdorf, in
said township.? 1 ,
'The electors of Porter towns ip will hold 'their elec
tions at the beam of Daniel U b, in said tosenship.
The Wireless of Ilegicia *oat hip will bold ':their else
tlons at the houseof John O. eon, In said tOwnthla .
The electors of ilubley town hip will hold their rift--
Monist the houie of Wargo F Webt, in salt township.
Tbe electors of Upper Mika tango township will Wild'
their 'factious at the house of ohn W. : !tenter, in said
township o .
ThiAdeetors of Eldred town leanly hold their eke
lions at the bowie of John W es el, in said township.
Thu electors of Barry townp will hold! their elec.
*Mg at the house of Frkinis &tier. In old township.
The electors ef West Penntownship wilt hold their
elections at the house of Gldeou Rhetstenie, In said
The electors of-Colon town!
lions at the house of C. W. rl
The electors of ltuoh town
at the house of Samuel Date
The eloctora of Slatutnoy, to .
t kots at the hooaeof iloory
Thiiteleet<'rs of the East .1V
neritrllle, will hold their eke
The electoreof the Weld M,
nereville will hold their elect,
-- tieelecto'rs of 'Si-hi:ilkMl
elections At: the house of IL
township. , -
The chnose of Reilly fewnihipwlfl hold tlielrelectioti
st the hou"e of Edward °meet Into said tqwnehip.
The ehetore of the borou.fh of kebland will hold theft
eleethms at the bane of Michael Doren, in Said borough.
The eqectors of New Castle township will bold their
elections at the hone now occupied by Epbriam Philips,
In the town of Newcastle.
The electors of Branch township Will hold their . elec.-
thin at the house of J. Sealer, In the town'id Llewellyn.
The electors of the borough of Port Carbdn will hold
their election's at the Port limn hours, inlaid borough.
The electors of,Alla Nur rate township will bold
their elections at the house lately occupied by Wm. C.
Barber in said township.
The electors of Names* township will bold their
elections at Deer Perk; iif id townsbiNet the, hone
110W occuilledl4:o.4'. Wuhrker, .• :/.
The electors of Edythe nahip will bold their elec
tion at ihe houlk; of John lvergesloth,in the town of
II Millet/on. / x
The electore of Tremont ownehip will hold their Oen.
tloos at, Ihe hewn. of Edward Y. Weld, itt Abe town of
Tremont. -J
Thelfelecters of the' Sou
Pottsville, hill hold their el
M. Feger.
Th • electors of the North
will hold Shelf elections at
said ward. ---, • .
The electors of the Noel
will bold their elections at
in said ward.
The electors of the Mid
hold their elections at the
)11 *aid ward. ,
The ilelton of the bo ugh of .Palo'Alto will bold
their eleetions at the how of Daniel Devine, 15 said bo
rough. ..
The electors of Poster t4ernabip Will bold their elec . -
tlons at the borne of Joseph Hellner, DS odd township.
The electors of Cass township will hold their electious
at the bone of Anbibal Miller, in said townshi p. ne Th i e n e=clage n. f i t i e non ern district of Can township
The/electors of Weiler wilthip will hbld their elec
t ions at the - hone- now pied by Wm: n. Ilimtnel
right, in said township.
The electors of Franey township will bold their Mee
tions at lbe bons. of Da id Lomison, lathe town °Mon
nideon. In said tuwinhipi d - '-- r . ' . ,
electors Th e of South anhelin too nshlp will hold
their elections at' the public house own oecitried by Joe.
The electors of the honotigh of Schuylkill Haven will
bold their elections at t e public house or Phlllpflocous,
in add borough.
The elettews of the N th Ward of. the borough of ra
tan= will bold !ban labs at the I,pliblic heave of
Michael Beard, in said ard.
The electors of the So th.Wrird In the borough of Ta
maqua. shall bold their actions at the Union Motel,
kept by Ilene ltepner, said ward.:
The electors in the • Ward to the bprotith of Ta
maqua, and those residi g north of the Sharp ountain,
In the township of W Penn; bernalbre meting at the
Public &hod Done, in the borough Mr , Tamsqua, shall
bold their elections a the public.,bouse of Lewis It
Buehler in said ward.
The qu.sliSed 'voters f that part ofiNorth Ilanheim
twltisblPOttm sonnet) nOted I . oBaiiko Ward, in the
borough ed Pattnille, nd ail thatlerliteirjtem . the east
side of the river &buy MIL Cud n 11011 1 2: tin. Penman
election:line, the south ly line of thehornMell of Potts
ville, and the old lin of the township of Mattheim,
whop electors have hi hart° voted in the Norwegian
- election district, shall id theiraleetlen at the public
howls of George Grim, n said townebtp.
• The qualified totem n that part df, North Michelin
township, wha
_formed voted Ia the borough -of Or
wigsburg. /Mail hold !rein:lints &Übe boost °Mae
Oraree,it ILantlingvill
The quallSed voters North Manhelitt townablp, riot
embraced In the foreg oft, shanbollif their. 'elections at
the noose now kept I y *Mrs. Susanne 'Moyer, hi slid
township. ,
The electors of . orth Ward of the borough of St.
Clair will bold their e Oohs at the public house of
Jonathan Jolateem. In said Ward. '. / , • *, .
: The electors of the South Ward of the borough of St.
Clair will bold their elections at the pitbile house of John
Ehda,rin said ward.. . .. ,
.. . .
it which timiend Mee are to be elected by the free
' men of the County of buylkill. to' wit; ' . •
' One person to fill tb ofilee of GOVURNOIioi the Com
monweellb cf Penney tibia.. • : , • t ,
Two pers o ns to fili be office uf JUOOKS of th e So- i
memo Court of Pen , 'Tanis. f I
h 'of fief Co --'
One person for CAN t; commissi,,NEß.
,ef . In- ,
monweatoepenuo limb,. • , : • ..
Three persons for I PIKERS of Om limier of bepnel
seutatires of the 0 rid Anserebtied Penneylvutis, to
npreeent Ibe County f Schuylkill itt 'honor. at temp
fen tatives of the fiebival Assembly OfPetinsylvanis.
• One person to WI of PALO ON of the
. County et *biretta ••- -' • -:• -.: . -.• • ,'
One permit hill% t 'odle t of I'IMQORDNR. Of DEMOS'
of the County of *bpi Mill.: ....- 'i. , ••'" '' f
One p.,,,, to All oho office of CLERK (IV TIDE ' Ofti
PIIANO` , WVIIT snit itiXtlSTßit 1 01 f- WILLS of the!
County of Schuylkill). 1 „ ..:
• One person kttlitt r AMMO CLIF.IeIf Or theCourte of
C enerat Quarter :less us and Oyer end Permitter of the
i -
County of Schuytkili. . , i
lllco o • ayurrry
Oce pet eon fool t . o „ TIiff.APCUIP.Ii
of the Ciasity •.f Sc uylkill. • ;:. . ~ :. ;
(life person to fill t le Mee of (VIM COMMiItSION
EL for the County o Schuylkill. • , r r
One person to All he o ff ice of DIANCTOR OP TllE'
POOR. of the County of Fehuylklll.l
One person to AU I Wake of AtJUITOLLet theCoonl;
' of.Scbuylkill.. .. , . , . i , , ‘
I also l iteral [bel l e known that it the tame-lime and
place the fidie* log moposed Anaeiniments to tisConsti
lotion will be rote. upon , in acoirdenee with on Act of
Assembly:4 berm the 12th days of May, ISM', as foi
loos :—.ernesels„! pint resolution Drawing certain
• Amendments to th Constltutkm.Of thisContruonwesith
has been agreed to y a majority Of the members e eetad'
to tech, hn we of tb kegistatui e,. it two euceeseive see.
Fiona of the same, i e first sessio* commencing' 00. the
first Tuesday of Japuary, In the year of oar Lord one
thousand eight huildred and etly-six, and the seemid
melon commencing on the first Validity of January In
the year of our bold one thousand eight hundred and
, fifty-wren : 1 .. 1
And lfhereos. It is provided In :the tenth it rtkie oft
the Constitution, tMt any ensmodinent so agreed upon
shall be oubmitted to tbsymyte in such a manner aid.;
et sorb tame, at least three montliaatter being so agreed!
tothee by y the
e.. two Mile, as the Leglidature shall presoribel.;
Sic. I. !k if enacted by M 3..
r .naiit end ,/fintee . of Repre. ;
sadittirot of the eteememosofile of. Z'orstsyleeate in Oen.;
trot .ASseMOY WI. find .ig is berebiresectest by Ms contareri
ay qf Wayne. That for the purpose of ascertaining the
tense of tbe eilisemeld this Colauloownilib PI Ivil*rd
to the adoption or edeetion of said ametvimeeta. or ell
thee of them, the Governor of thisOommonwealtb shalt
Wee a writ of ton direetedito the *Wit of with
1 and every county f tid Comnumweeith, commanding.
n l ii,
them to give not e
In the Ostia) manner, In not lees
than two now pen in each ninety, provided that lei
many , are ;Inhibit therein, that an elect on will Ihi
battle each of the townships, wards and districts lb :re!
in, owthe *mond uesday in,Oetnber, in the' year of Our
Lord on. thOUXID eight hundred and tlfty-seven.
the purpose of d ling upon the adoption . or rejeetiod
of the mid amendments, or any. of %been nhleh gild'
election shall he held at tbe pleees,', and opened Ind
elreadat the time at and wilbitewhich tbe general eleo:
*lons of eld t Commonwealth are held, opened and cheat , '
and It shall be the duty of the judges, impeders and
elerks of each of Id townshipe, wants and district' MI
receive et the as election tickets either written', or
printed, or partly written and partly printed, from titi.
mate duly qualified to vote for members of the General
Assembly. and tti deposit them lea box or boxes to be ,
. for that purpose provided by Um proper officers; which
tickets shall be respectively labilled on tbeoutsidellnit
amendment," 'pecormi amendment t,"‘ third motatdineut:
and fourth amdment," and those who are favorable
to mid amendm ee ents, or any of them, may express their
desire by voting
wr tau
es many separate written or prin
ted, or partly au or printed: ballots or tickets, co-.
i tafulog on the I de thereof the words,"ftw thee/Bend-
meet," and t who ate opposed to inch smendmenhe i
or any of them, y express; the)r opposition by voting
mull as many to written or printed bellotsor tick
ets containing° th e inside tin not the words,'Motined
the amendment . .. . - i I
, .
StC. P. That th eleitlon on the said proposed amend:
meets shall In a respects be the general ,
elections of thisiOnsomonvealitiare nevi onnducteital4.
', it Malt be the dtity of the rettun ledges of the reMsse
. ttrearent ea and districts thereof first havingeerefully
aseertalned the number cf votes giren for or against
each of the Mid pmendmente In - the manner albrentl4,,
to oak, out, dap pr ate Munn' Aercof,expresPed In Words
at length and n t In fi gures cody,.otreot which returns
so made phalli lodged In Ma- prothenotery's *Mei lef
the Court of totemon pleas of the Propercoenty, acid the
other sealed and directed to the 'Secretary Of the Coin
. mon arestith, ca rd by owe of mid judges deposited lisrth-
With In the cenvenleet root tem. r.
.' i
Sam Li 6. Abell further be tb• duty et tat Ileene
tary of the
iretviillesgthepaid r teens
for and Neatest lb e said amendment,. todelfvertheeattee
totter eperibey , iil s ' the Renate ou or betties tbe first 'Mine
day id* the u - nindlort of the next Legialatnte tiler
the AM reionelthall set* sweileed, odor shall gem
polAisii - the nth's% the pr avow of the teethes of the
Renate and .lionse of Representative. cm the neat TIM*
day thereafter: and when tilt number of voter glees fbr
and the nombee of votes given against the said amends
went shall haver be en summed op and aseertalned, do.
plicate eertllVitet thereof shall be signed by the Speak.
ere( the Senate and the Speaker of the Goose of Reprnr
mentatives. one of which shall be filed In the office of
the Secretary of the Conimunwealth.aed. the other des
liveredlo tbetleirerner. whose duty-it . ehall Le to de.
dare hy.proelitmetion whether th • amendments, or any
of them, bars brisda or have nettle:en approved and rata
fled by the citizeni tel this Commonwealth.
fist. 4. 'r het the Sheriff and Commissioners of the city
end county of Philadelphia and the several twenties of
this Conunernwisalttfferhall do and perform all the dales
aid acts neeessit* Dy them to be - done to give _effect to
and carry out thie provisions of this Act.
. Ankara of Lye Howe of .110priatlalincs.
• . ; ; - . • - Spottier If the Scrods.
Areeovers•=-The twilit!' day of May, Anon Domini one,
thous lid eight h u ndred alidlifty-seven.
i 1 . •
• ~ '' •
. .
Proposing Amendments C. the Cenral.
tsitten elf the Commenweelitla , -
Rearituf 6* the &tate end MUM of Representalf au of ]
the ChnimenstmOnt of Item:stemma in &surd Assembly ]
met: That the TollOwino amendments are. proposed to
the icautitatiou of the commonwealth, in aceotdanee
with the provialonsuf the tenth article thereof. . •
• 11 ; riser agroexese. • ,_.
There shall be su additional article fo ol d constitu
tion tohe diedgnated as article eleven e as follows:
. 1 I ARTICLE: XI. •re
I. 4 ,, , i or Eptac DIOTS.
Escrion !. otitis may contract debts, to supply
casual del itsor failure's In revenues, or to meet expan
ses not otherebte provided for; but the aggregate
:mount of i tudi debts direct and 'contingent, whether
contracted y ;virtue Of one er more nets of the •gerserd
asrembly. or at different period. of time, shall never ea.
teed seven jbaUdred and fifty thousand dollars. sod , the
money artain(l from the creation of pelt debts, shall be
applied to he purpose for which it was obtained, or to
repay the l aso contracted, and to no other purpose
whateger. i .
• SteM, addition to the. almve Malted power the
i tebt
state' mayritiad debts to repel' lialiklit, suppress he
sorrectioi ,:tleijoid the state in war, or to eadeenalor Poe•
'peatOntstam a log indebtednesiof the state; bat the mo
pney arising Dein the contracting of such debts, dell be
applied bitter wpm' for which it was raised, or to repay
sneb debtk, anti to no ether purpose whatever.
Sea S. Exeept the debts above specified, in sections l
and 2of this article, no debt whatefer shalt be created •
by. Or on behalf of the state. '
Ste. 4. To pmelds for the payment of the present debt,
and any additional debt contracted as afbresaid, the Leg
islature;Lail; it its end _session, after the adoption -of
this amendment:create a sinking fund, whit!' shall be
saffieledi to, lay the acrrial to littered on each debt, and
annually tandoori tbdpriecipil thereof by a snits not
leas tilt twn hundred an d fi tly thoomnd dollars owhieb
slokin hied shall consist of the net annual income of
the p ublic works, Dorn time to time owned by the state.
or the ptoceeds of the ruled the seme,oranT Part thertr
of, and Of the income or proceeds of ale of steekeowned
by the 'tate, together with other funds, or resources.
that may be designated bylaw. The said slaking fund
may bejuneesedi,,fron. time to time, by asaigni to it
any part ecthe taxes, or other revenue, of the s tate, not
require) fir the ordinary and current expen s es of gee
erument, and tankers In case of war, invasion or insur
rection: DO part of the said sinking fund shall besueed
or applied; otherwise than In extinguishment of the
put Ale dellt, tantll the amount of such debt is reduced
below the sad of the nililirins of dollars. ,
Sze, ft. The credit of the commonwealth shall not lad
any minuet. or event, be pledged, or loaned, to, any he
dividoal. Company, t orporatien, or association; nor shall'
the cortnitlinwealth hereafter, hecome a joint owner, or
stockhOlder. In any,company,essoclation,or corporation.
Soc. G. The commonwealth thill o nd assume the debt,
or au?, Tart, thereof, of any Nutty:ell , buresudo or
township; or any corporation , or association; unless
such d;ebt shall have been contracted to enable the state
to repo) iuvasiou, suppress *medic lissorreotina, de.
tend Meat in time of warfiir to medal the slate In !be
disebtri of any portion of tie prevent-indebtedness
. See. I t . The legislature shall net authorise any county.
city, lionfoirE e tternshi Ts eel ecorporated district. by airs
tue of a trete OM* citisens; Of otherwise, tirtecomi3 a
atockholder In any Company. issidation, or corSmation;
or to obtain money for, or loan its -credit. to, any .corpee
I ration, akesriation. institution. or party.
There shall fee an additional article to sail conatilei
t lon, to be. derstOated as article twelve, ars follows :
, ; 1c". ARTICLE XJI. 7
i !
or saw COD:MEP. .
:11.1 hobL their Wee
hitt, In said township..
Ip willhold tludreloctfons
port, In said township.
nnshlp will hold tbelr eke..
nyder. In ouddtormbbiP-
Md of the bo r ough of tlb
ons it the hi nee of Erase
rd in the lx•n;,:ongh of 311-
ex at the house of Charles
township ° will hold:their
annsh lisusttiger, hi. said
it7ard of the borGugh .of
odious at the:house of Jos.
West Ward tia said borough
the house of viOn O. pets ha
' .
h East . 'Ward In said borough
the house or i'atrlek Curry,
le Ward lErraid borough wil
house of Matthew Itsmegan
No Irotinty shall be divided by a line cutting off over
one.tenth Cl Its populatlon .( elther to form a new county
or otherriste.) e 'theta the express Leered of such coun.
ty, bYatvote of the electors thereof:, nor shall any new ,
tounly be established, containing less than four hun- I
died iqUare miles. !
, -
14inket1011 two of the first allele 'Of the constif ce
Lion, ist like Mit the words. "of the city of Philadelphia,
old infietiel. , 'OultlY aurrliFFlF ;" trein section five,
same article. strike out the wotdsi.t.of .Philadelphia i
and if he seeeral counties;" from seetioe, sev e n, same
article,rite out the words, " further the dry .of Phila.'
nee de/Ala n any." and Insert In lien thereof the words, I
i it
"and nor aad strike out -section four, same artier"? i
and in
. !iett thereof insert the tbfinufng :
.r.c 4: in the year one thousand eight hundred find •
1.1.10-ittar: and In ere', seventh year thereafter. retkre; ;,
sentattees, to the number of one hundred, shall be ap
portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state,
by dlstiirte, in proportion to the number of taxable in
habitants in the enteral parts thereof; except that any I
counter containing at least three thousand five hundred i
tatusb. may be allowed a separate representation; but
no m than three counties shall be, joined, and' no I
connty shall be divided. in the formation or a district.:
Any city containing a sufficient number of taxable& to I
entithi It to at least two representatives, shall have a I
separnle' representation assigned Wand shall be divided !
Intl , 'cOnieulent - distriets' of contiguous territory. of
eqUal taxable population es near as may te, - each of i
whictiidistricts obeli elect one representative."
At the end of auction seven. same article. Insert these'
wordsl •ilhe city of Philadelphia shall be divided into sin. ,
gl•lrcalforiat distriers, ofemdigpoar territory us warty
eliodin'tazoble population as po*tible ; but no ward shad '
be 'die Jed in thelwasetion there 4" • I
'lra legislature, at its first session, after the adoption I
of this amendment. shalt divide the city of Plilladel.,
phis Into Senatorial and representative districts in the
manner shove provided; antli district* to remelt* vnts,l
changAl until the apportionthent In the dear one thott-I1
sand light hundred and
i 1 roetm amtarOOLF
li T.
' There shall bo an additional wettest to the first article'
of ;saki Constitution, which shall he oir.bentd and read'
sutlfitilows: 1
ill 26. The legislature shall have the power to alter,
reyo 'e, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter
conferred by, or under. any special, orgeneral law.
.4.,,,,,,‘,......ta_uwe onset.. t.t. may be inflations la th e
e ver; that no injustice shall be dons to - the twee.
' f In Seam, Nardi .:1114,1'.
ißamieed, That this resolution pass. On the .first
amendment, yeas 24', nays 'II on the second amendment,
ye:L.6'23, nays R; on the third antuntlment. yeas 24, nays
4 f oft the fourth amendment. yeas 23, nx4.
'I ' • .[Extract the Journal.
from_ ILO. IV. [4ll LIF, Chrk.
1 1
1 1 Is yes LIMBO/ RtrazarreArtvzs,
April 2D. 1847.
i Resdred. That this resolution pa'ss. On the that.
amendment.. yeas 78. nays 12; on the se!ond amend-
Ment, yeas 67, L frays 31; on the third amendment, yea.
:2, Sly' 22; on the fourth amendment. yeas 33, nafk 7.
' 1 I [Extract from the Journal.' ,
Flied In Secretary's Office, May Z..11167...__ •
i 1 i • !""''' ;I.'O:CURTIN.
; i &smear:l% of The Offlowatwealth:
1 .
i ' -'' &Vint% VII 0171C2,1
1 ,J,
I • Ilderieloirg. June 2 . 2,1147 i
aryfranal.2l; 5
1 do certify that the above and Corer:dug is a true and
6:avid copy of the original-.`• Resolution "reposing
7tmendments to th °Coo stlt utitin of t he Copitsonwealth,”
'with the vote in each branch oft o,Lesiefifuro upon
nthelinal passage thereof, as appears from the originals',
ori die In this office. 1
. .1--"-- i
.. Inestimony vrbflls4 I have ha, m . otto ~,,t 1
~ my heed and caused to be affixed the peal of
1 i, / ** °"*, j the Sieretary's °Mee, the day and year above
"•••-•,--, written. ' A. O. CURTIN,
1 ' Secrsbxrp of the CaramonweaUh.
! ,
I ! • • ;Ix SZNA7g, Moroi 27, HU.
The resolution proper- - mg amendments to the Constb
f t tlon ottheCommonwwltbbetagunderconsideration,
; — On the questkoi,
,Of{ill the Senate agree to the First emendmentt , I
,If be yeas and Dept were taksn agnsoably to the prortz'
dens of the Constitution, and were as follow. Till:
IYaas—Messint. Brewer. Browne. Coffey. Ely. Evans. ;
Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram. Jordan. KBlinxer, !
Laubach, Lewis. Myer, Soralleid, Sellers, Shuman.
• Steele, Straits, 'Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart,
.s}froLer-24. .
• Illsr*--Mesars.Crabo.Cresswoll, Finney, Gregg, Harris,'
Penns. and Souther-7
So the question was deterred*. d in (be affirmative.
0n the questkm.
!Will the Senate agree. to the Second amendment I
1 The yeas and nays were taken egreeszbiy to the.ptori
'Minn of the Conetitnilten, and were as follow, ylz : • ;
I !TXxtM
e—etars.• Brewer. Braille, Cresswell, lilp br a ns
- Fetter. Money, Flendiken. Ingram, Jordan; Knox. Lan.
Lewis, Myer. Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele,
Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart; Speaker
NAYS— s ilvans Coffey, Cribb, Frazer, Gregg, Bards,
Sniffler, renters and Seolield—R.
I So the question was determined in the . afflrmattlie.
On the question,
the Senate agree to third amendment?
! the yens and nays were taken agreeably to the proril
itioni of the Constitution, aid were as follow,
Yeas—Messrs, Brefrer. Browne. Cribb, Cmesweit,
Frame, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan. Killiuger,
Xnoz, Unhitch, Lewis, Myer, &Wield, Sellers. Shuman,
1 40fither, Steele, Straub, and Wright
ilarS—Meaulf. Coffey. Gregg. Linde audyntoae-4.
So the queet ion was determined in the • menthe.
On the
;• • Will the Bennie 'tree 'to the 'Battik amendment?
The yea' and nays were taken agreeably to the .prodi
!Mons ot . the Constitution, and were as follow.
Itras—Messrs. Brewer, Browne. Coffey, Cresawell. Ely,
"trona, Flenniken, Frazer. Ingram,' Killlnger.
Limbach, Lewis. Myer, Scofield, Sellers. Shuman. South.
er;gessfe,Stieffb, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—Ta.•
Karr illesars.Crath, Finney, Jordan and peer
So the gumlike was determined in the afflrmatlll.
, .
' IN sue lam or Rtmgass•corcia.l .
April di, 11,67. •f,
The resolution proposing amendments to the 'Conkti
tidies of the Commonwealth being under consideration.
.' On Uniquestlon,.. • •
Wei lint Home agree to the drat amendat I ,
The Tess and oats were taken agreeable o the . penal
done of the Omstitotlon.and•were as frilion, Ha t
, Tias—Mearrs. Antler* Aithrtr, Backbones, Rail.
Hoek, Glehep, Hewer. Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase,
' Olsever, Crawford, Dickey. G u t . i4sion, Fausold. Foster,
Gliotioney.Clildea. Hamel, Hareweßlelna, ileistand, II
mimes, Hotels* (Berke") Lunde. Junes.,',len•
kilts. Johns, Johnee*Kinelfman, Kerr, Knight. Leiser'.
ring, Loneakee. Linrett..tfarwer, Yields, WCalniont,
It'llfelos, Moorehead. Mumma. Ninsiehean
Nkholson, Nunemsober, Prang*; " Pei re. PeOrlite.
Towns% Pureed. Ramsey, ridlailelphia.) Ramsey,
(York.) Reamer. Reed. Roberta, Rupp, Iftsaw, gPlcao,
gistitn,.(Cannbrion,).Blaltb,(Canins,) Sreneturen, Toles,
Vail, Vanyonehis, VickerLYnebiey, Walter. Westbrook,
Wharton, Williston. Wltherow, Wright, Zimmerman
and shit& itioenter—TlL
Naire—Sleasre. Backus, Benson. Dock. Mediae, Hun
cock:Hl rre. Hoßotao. (Labe no u.)Lede Zku thoon, orn,
Waromeand Whotonde-41. • •
Bo the question was determined laitike edirmatfte,
On the question,
Will the lloussaarce to the Pemba amendment!
The yeas and nay - 011CM taken agreeably to the provi
sion, of the Constitution. and were as allow, nit:
Yess—Messrs. Anderson . deckhouses. hall , Mow:
W. Calhoun, Campbell. Carty. Brat, laueold, Voter. Gli
(Renick) Housekeeper. !subtle,. Tunes, Jenkins, Abbe,
Jobnson, Kilatßart , Moofeht, Leisenring; Lao/esker.
tett. Meow. Mangle. M'llmoln, Mamboed, Musschnan,
Nichols, Nicholson. Nuneniarber, Pearson, Peters, Petri
kfa,'lbwnaU, Purcell , (Philadelphts.) Ramsey,
(York.) Ramer,ltot erlti Rupp, /thaw, Moan. Taboo. Vail,
Yoeshley, .Walter, Westbrook, Inert* Zimmerman
end Gets. elsenicr—b 7 -
Nsms—liteatur. Arthur. Augustine,Backus, Munson,
Bishop. Brown, Chase; Cleaver, CrevronV Exeter, (
honey, Hamilton, Hancock. Hill. illemOlotiman“Letes
mu.) Jacoby, Kerr, .Lebo, Ilona* Heed,
fblUb,ilambria,) Smith. (Centre.) • Steemmon, Mouth,
ere, Thorn. Vantoorhis, Viceroy: Wagonseller, Warner`,. LWlntrrda. Wlthenaw and Wright-3C
Bo the question was oistermlned lathe afirmatien,
' .0n the quett lon, •
Will the Home Wee teller third amendment)
The yeas and nays were liken agreeably to the prori-
Amur of the Constitullolt, and were as foilmroo. els:
Ys—Messis. Anderson. Blekhouse. BAIL peck. KIM
son, Bower. Brown, Calbouo,.Campbell. Chase,. Cleaver,
Crawford. DI hey, Eat, Erste. ,;isesold. Feeler, Gibbon !
ey, Memel. Harper. Heins, Illestand. Ilull, UlUexas, llne
man. (Berke) liollmau, (Lebenourillonsekeeper.Labrie,i
lama, Jacobs. Johns,' Johnson, Kauffman. K re.
Loutaker, Lovett, • Mane* Mangle, WCsicarnit.. Moor
head, Mumma. Mossehain. dicluds; Nicholson- donne-I
masher, Pearson, Petern Petrinin. Pownell. Purcell,
Mousey, (Verb.) Ileaute,r Hemp, dime, Sham,
(Canthria,.) 'heath. (Centre.) fitesenantLTubm.
Vail, - Vanvorathis, Vlekera, tlenble. Wagonedier. West
brook, Williston- Wilburn,. !fright. ZOnmennan and
limaker-72. - .
Nate—Messrs. -Mbar. Augustine. Baekm, jasaitis
Carty. Dock. ullera, Hamilton, Ranieri, Moe, Jrnkins.
Knight. trisenring; 'rifest*, dernary, (ridladellokda.)
Robert!, Strut hiano,Thom, Waller, Warner, Wharton and
ea thatiodostlon was deissuoinud in Hut startnattm
Oil the questlint,
Will the /louse woe In the Mirth actiendteent? - •
The v - eas nod nava wereashim agreeably to the proTi
dons of the ihnuttlintion, Ind. were 116 fnlloW,
Yeas--hinvera.Anderw , n, Arthur, Rachltonse, Rack us,
Dills flea. Benson, Bishop. Hewer, -111rMill, CAlbOOll.
Carty. Maw. Clearer. Crawford. Richey; lint,
Eyster, Vansold. Fake r. ihboti ey,ii I idea. Hamel. Harper,
Heins. flisstand.llol, liillearts, Hoffman. (Leas.) Hoff
man. (fabctintiO Hontek.reper. Inibrie, /canes, Jeanbry
Jenkins, Johnson, ILVintfreau. Kerr, Lebo. Reisece ,
rind. Lon paker, Lovett, Manta,. Manes. llCCatment,
hlualtn2,lltuarlinati. Nichols. li:fet:then. Nye
nernacher. Pearson. Peters. Petriltin: Pannell, Purcell,
- Hamm*. (liallatier il la4 Helmer. ( Voik4 Hemmer, Reed,
Roberts. Itupp. s. Elmo. eadth. (Cantbria.) cmitb r
(Centre.) Stevenson, •Xolan. Vail. Vanvoorhis. Vickers.
vo c oley, Waßtwaveller. Walter. Harney. "Westbrook.
- \ 7lsarton. Wiiilitrin, Within ow, Sinamerman and /late,
Speaker-4S'. .
sus—Dews. Dock. Munilloon,. Hancock, Struthers,
Thorn. Hintrode and WI fght-7.
Bo the leestlon was dwtTrtnined la the aifirmalivs. •
• • .. •-. Saiintratted 05041
liamitnrrg, Jame /2,1851. • f
• . .
1 do cetif.v that the above arid ruirt*okli Is a t r u e a nd
correct fewer the "Yeas" and " N iya" taken on the
reeOlutletrilevrpnahvg amendments to the Constitution or.
the Comma% wealth, as the same appears on Oka Journals
Of the two Rouses of the General Assembly of this Ono
mealrealth for She venial of 1614. . r ,
~..-A-...r , %Thews my Baud and the seal of gala of
‘ IL - 1 thist e e :A A:L I S tra p :4 l g I j P*6' one
' ' A. a. CURTIN. '
ISetretary of Re Chounintaceohk.
July 4, 'ST ' . = .- 27-3eu
That thei qielilled.olectors of Schuylkill county are to
Tote at the said election in the manner prescribed' by
thritirst section of ttielet entitled "Aix Act regulating'
the manner of voting of the general, election in the
Counties et Way pe and. 8.hooll.111." approved the
day of Apil, A.D., ISS7, whibh section is to the words
following. to wit
..That from and after the passage of this net It obeli
he lawful for the qualified Ocelots of Wayne and SA 'WI.
kiricounties to licit general elm-Goss Si' Gov
ernor, Canal Commissioner, Surveyor-Omen!. Auditor
Cenral, ',Mother or members of Congress, Senators and
members of the General Amenably, upon one slip or tick
et, and alf county officers. including the judges of the
COOTS , Of Cbmmon Pleas. also upon one separate slip or
ticket; Provided, That the °glee tm- which every candi
date is voted for steal-be designated as mull ed 114 the
exlstiog Imre of this Commonwealth: And Presided,
farther. That the State and County eta shall each
e° folded as to conceal the names of the nivoted
foe, and on the outside°, the State Octal s be writ.
ten or printed the words--`l.tate :" and„ o nn .the
outside 'of the County ticket shall also he written or
printed the words--Vmunty Ofileeno” '
The general election - to be opened between thehours of
8 and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and shall contiticie
.withotit interruption or adjournment nutil 7 o'clock, in
the evening, when the pone 'Mall be dosed. .
in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of the
• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Aet tele.
ti..g to elect lens of this Commonwealth," passed the
second day ofJuly, A. D.,18,19. notice Is hereby given :
“That the Inspectors and Judges, chosen as aforesaid,
shall meet at the refrectiee places appointed for holding
the election In thedistriets to which they respet4leely be
tong, before nine o'cleek In the morning -of limb second
&Tuesday in October. in each and every year, sod each of
said limpbctors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be o
qualified voter of such dlitrict.
MO the person who shall have remind thesecond
highest number of votes for'lnspector shall 661 attend
on the day of.elettion, then the prom who shall have
received the second highest number - of votes for Judge
at the next proceeding election shall act as Inspector - la
bin place. And in cue the person who shill ILIPO - PO.
colved the highest, mollifier of votes for Inspector shall
not attend. the person elected Judge shell appoint an In.
spector in his place, and in CAM I.llEP4llooleLectedJudge
' shall not attend, then the Inspector who received, the
.highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge hi his
place: and if any vacancy shall continue in the Word
for the space of -one hour alter the, time fixed by la* Cr
the opening ef the electron. the qualified voters of th e
township, ward or district. for which h officer shill
have been elected, present at this piece of el e ethoe,ah'all
elect one of theirnuniter to fill such vacancy.
"“It shall 'be theduty of said Memos* respectively to
attend at the place of holdieg every general, special or
township election, during the *hole time mid elortion Is 1
kept open. for the purpose of giving Information tothe
Inspectors and Judges, whet. called on, in relatiou to the
right of any person assessed h,y them to vole' at such
election, and emit other matters in relation t, therm.
seesmente or voters as the said Inspectors or Judge; or
' either of them shall. from time to time require.
'That no permit shall be permitted- tia vole at any
election 4111 aforesaid, other duce a white freeman of - the
age of twenty-one years or more, who steal} have resided
In the State at least one year, end in the election district
where he °Remo to vote, lit least ten dip.' preceding euch-1,
election, and within two yeare Todd e State or County tax,g
which shall have been assessed at Imo.. teo days before
the election. but citmen of the tiOilted mated, who
had prevloindy been a qualified voter of tide st a t e , dud'
removed therefrom and returned, rod w ho shall have re
aid.' in the election distriet, and paid lax. as aforesaid,
ehall - be entitled to a vote after residing in this Staloff*
menthe; provided tlmat e tbewhite freemen citizen's of th e
' United States, hetwev if tie ages of twentyonme and twen
ty-two yeano who haver resided in this State one year
and In the election district ten dam aforesaid. ahall be
enfilledto vote. although they shell not have paid tares.
"No person Obeli be permitted to veto whose name Is
not cootained in the list of taxable inhabitants turn ish
edby the Commissioners as &foretold. unless first he one
dures a rebeipt fur the payment within two years, of it
State or County tax assessed.agreeably to the constitp
-1 ion, and site ealiefactory evidence. either cn his non
oath, es affirmation of another, that beihas paid su. h a
tax, or on failing to produce a receipt, shall nlakeloath to
the payment thereof; or second. it he claims a tight to
vote by being au elector between the l o kt tweinty-one
and twenty-two years. he shall dere,* tb °emelt-ma
tiou that he has resided In the Stele east One year,
next before his applfration, and maks such proof of res
idence in Ids distrlcias h. required by this act, and that
be does molly believe Imen the account given bin that
he is of the age afimotaidond give such other evidence
as is required by this act, whereupon, the nand of the
person imo admitted to vote. shall he inserted to the
phabetiod list by the Inspectors. and %note made °pro
eltetherelo by writing the word °tax," if be: shall be
admitted lo vote by intern of having paid a tax. or the
word '-agerif he shall be admitted to vote on account
of his agd, and in either ease the reason of Such vote
shall be called out to the deck* Whim shall mesh it In the
list of voters kept by them.
In all elms wearer the name of the person claiming to
vote Is not found on the list furnished by the Corned*.
Maness and Assessors, e'lmts right nivel e. whether found
thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified cioisen. it
shall be the duty utShe Inspectors. to examine such
pursers on oath as to his qualifiratioes- and if he claims
-to have resided within the State for one year or more,
leeke greed by at least one competent wltnese who shell
tea qualified elector, that be has resided within the al.
• trict for wore than ten days next immediate!) , poceding
said election. Sod shall also swear t at his booa tide res
idence, in 'punnaance of his leveret calling, Is within the
dishier, and that be dicinot remove in mid' district. for
the purpose of voting therein.
Every person qualified 'as aforimind4 - and who shall
make doe proof. It required, of residence and payment of
taxes, aforesaid. shall be permitted to voteln the tow n
-ship, ward, or diet riet In which he shall reside.
. -if any person shall prevent or attempt toprerent any
officer of en election tender this act from fielding such
election, or use or threaten any violence to any such of-
Seer, or shall interrupt or impropeely interfere with him
in the execution of hii duty, or shill block op or attempt
to block the window or Krems, to any window where the
mate may be holden. or elicit riotodsly disturb the peace
to such election or shalt 'use' of practice 'intitnidation,
threats, fever or violence, with the design to influence
unduly or ore, awe any 'decks., or to prevent him from
voting, fir to rektrain the freedom of choice such parson! ,
on eousktion obeli be fined la any sum hot exceeding
fire hundred dollars. and be imprisoned for any time not
lira than one nor more than twelve months. And if it
shall be shown to the court gbere the trial of such of
fence shad be had that the person en offending was not
ti resident of the city, ward,' district, township, where
the said offense was, committed and not entitled ton tote
therein, then on conviction, ho "Ilan be aenteneed to pay
a tine of not leas than one hundred doilw,and be tom•
priponed not Ina than a 1 'booth', nor ~.*re than two
"lf any person of PeIMMIX ;than make any bet or wa
ger upon the result GI any election within thliCommou
wealth, of stall offer to make any 'nib bet or wager,
either by worts' proclamation thereof, or by any written
or printed advertisement, challenge or invite any per
or persons to make sueb bet or wager, VI fon collide'
lion thereof be or they Mall forfeit and pay three 'lines
the amount to bet or offered to be let:e
The judges are to make their retiarnS tor the county
of Schuylkill, at the Court Hot* In Pntisehle.on FRI
DAY, the 18th day of October, A. D., 1837, at 'l2 o'clock
lit, of said day.
Given undernsy hand and seal at the Sheriff's Dffice.-
Pottsville. and dated Sept ..9th,ln the ,year 'or our Lord.
one thousand, eight hundred and Shy -Seven, and eighty-,
first year of the Independence of ;the:United States of
Cod sure 'The. Onn ;aim width ,
~hrrltTsOrnce, Poltsltne. 1, • AIM.IMATZ..4Iertt
Sept. 9, 1847. f 5-61
UST. received a large f ind eleg at as
• I sortment of Window Shades. new and heagful dge
slew., Including fold Bordered. Oiled, handsca of Flo
ral, Gothic &c., &r, cheaper than ever.
Figured, Glazed ant Plain Paper . Shade, of every de
acriptlon For Sale hy • ' BENJ. BANNAN.
. • Centre Street,oppendte Episcopal Church. r
March 14.'37 - • . . • 11- •
New Styies raper Ganging.,
11 Board Prints. Cm fain „,, • a
th•ra, Pieces from 6 rents to • • •
. '
wbiett we are prepared to to ° '
mittip at shor,t unties.
lions. and Sign Painting, Glazing kis.
Stained and Enamelled French land American doable
thick, Chryatal, Sheet and Plato tilasa, furnished! to or
der. All ordent promptly attended to.
a Centre, street,/ doors above American Unse,
Mara 21, '67 1 • 12.0
Borders, lutartatips, i
II .
f IHE subscriber_ is now reeeivink his
newratterns of Paper Ifangings and llonitlrs. for
ha INparlors and lemma, etalwarlng the newest arid most
Imitable patterns—selected for ho 't usual sized hofises to
h.; papered In the errantry. The subscriber take; great
tare In selecting Ills papers to lull the houses to lbe Pa"
wr e d: Among the lot area feW elegant patterns of gold,
thr halls and marten,* .
- ? ,
Our stoek embraces assortments from four different
manufacturers, which glees, a, great variety of patterns
to thecae from.
juin t olinsp.Papers, in Gnat Viaisty,
!tali prices, sonsewa low ai 8 cants* piece.
ilipar Curtains in 4nat tras , idy, 118ol'esaleandR lair.
asir Piper Masers tarniihed with paper at wholesale
pikes: ` Good paper hangera also tarnished . when re
qulred. . .
, Our varied asagetnient of paper hanginipm. bindiers: and
pp shades. preownt peculiar attractions to three who
desire to purchase, and as nip steel is the larva! In this
liertiott of the innintw. peewina can alum! always to ne
rounoodated by calling at B. lIANNAN't
, - Cheap Book raper /Bore.
yottoTlN. Mire!' Rib 1854 f. ' • 14 , •
• Is Great Vpriety.
" JIARKET STIcICET .570,11E."f . •
3T , lIE subscriber, bay.
log enlarged his storeln APES'
ark street, between Second " •
and Third streets, and riTlen• • I ;',7.
Isbed his stack, takes the liberty' •v• •• et • .
of stating that he Is better prepared than eta' to semen
toodatether public In Wall Paper, having just received
from New York and Philadelphia, a large and well selec
ted stock (ou tran. belle, of fi ces, public houses, tr.. to
gether with and TelTrt border of widat will bet
sold and bong at the very-lowest rates, embracing the
newest and most *shippable patterns. The imisteriber
taken groat tare in selecting' his papers floe different
manufacturers, which gives a great t
n oriety or patterns
'to from.
Paper Shades and Firetkoati Ptints.. - In great , variety,
mbracing the latest styles and patterns. Persona In
rant piper should glee him a tali before ping -else.
ere: • - ' •
iriePuper hung wt the shortest solicr. - 101 .
The aulawather also continues tbcr atone lataliteaa in
all lie branches. at the mane place, and win he loopy to
meet* • the ceders of to ve who desire work done In this.
branch baudncee. Oil, and. Oyler. plain -umi
enamelled. furnlched at the lowe , d retell., Thankful for
past patronage, be wialice a continuance sf the wane.
POtts7ll4. blanch .111.1!AT I.4das
• ' mese
TUST the arm.% tranted—a eenveni
ej Alt rosTettuticonitsit•, omits of. itia•
hominy, mid pommedwit tb.'adt.btiges of the Iron
Pro.--may as nk to a frank or Tailor-, eguky Loused
to th.llbrary or (dee. Call and ore It 41
lA ILINNAN'S fl ' and Slalom.," wort.
t.portsrscr,k; iti;
ate nrotersi.rised rellPecetlill. ,
r• 'MP the el:lsensj.of Pon
Ile and vicltspy.that barb
ttehaard thel flayabiip
VW auntoilletary DiCk4
lien, and attacked It to AO
As-Fitting flainausiorlll her* '
ter carry on; both' branela
id impel, 4.4,14,41 ett t ..4
And a large and well selected
lock. emplrytittt fo u r pet • tit
•Arkraen, ar.t del work t
to reta orner,AtieppWeri—to #
l i t
lee a lordly* of )he polae
I rousts. I 1 .
Ilia ;dock wllleotialat of
T tictoefir, Jean.' Copper a 4
old iutb Tut's. Pojrcelain avid
Appel. Wok psi* Iron slid I
Mal i Pleici, Brag Cooke sar
awl Whig . ni.4o. kg. pa, a
.... Cooplloss for pateinerita,l+a
and Lead Plpioaal elsjo. tlakElsturea of every; kl4d.
ecubriciug a full 4.Porttadni of Chandellen• Products,
liateketa le., le.. le- man u trrt toed of the best quality
of 'materials, and lof the latest and oiost approved. pat
torni. : , 1 • / DA:ll lEI IA MORIVION;
Alt ~l t:P. l lj_' ' I . r" • 16',- l'
' i rd...Ainsysi i •
(7 . IIIEAP 3.atch &=. Jew- ' '
X_jelry Store ,N 72 North Second
greet, ("owed to t he Mt. Verwon
flow") Phliadel bas. I •" ' .•I
• Gold Lever tea hew, full jeweled.lB K eines, $ - .14:
ver Lever; futile sled. SU; Silver Leine, $9;
$S to $7; gold : taeles.s4 Soto Pt; silver glee,
$1 50; Sliver Tab a Spoons. per seLsl4 to VS; I rStere
,sett Spoons. t $11; Silver Tea Spcione, tit 7!. to $i So;
Gold lens and old Cates. $3 20 hal:it-gold IferOnd•
Meer;Oise with a Tidily of One Gold Sew
elry.Oold Curb. nerd and Yob Chains . oine. AU Kcida*s
raided to .be alt tepreeentod. Watches and Jeeelrjt re
placed In the be manner. Also, Minonla blats, rum.
de.; med e too td r.
N.ll.—All o n sent by mull cirotttsrls{,,
l O,U°
r f
punet/y Atte ded to.
S.PII 20, 'SO. :_-
q'oi tP re sla c ittl I I ',,:.• Vra
• p„,„. With * Jerefity f' No.
90 North Second street. corner of gitarry; : rhillttlai.l
Gold Lerer-Iltdelict. ell Ain lied, it carats in* $2B 00,
Gold Levine Watcher., $lB 40 to $24 Ult. :i
Silver. Lever, Tull jewelled,
•-,. : : -;. -1 , 02 00
Silver Le pine. jewels, '••• '47 t -1 900
thip!riorgnartiers, ''' :I' ' 4 t : I . l 7(l0
1 1a "
Gold - Bracelets,
Gold Spectacles, -
fine Silver do-,
Ladles' fold Pencils.
-1 - 7
. .
, .
SileeeTeeespoons. est . ! - I. . .- 1 -, OO
. Gold Pone . with Pencil ; and Silver Holdl re. 41.
Gold Flnter-riara.3734 cents . to 480: Water Gls**,
plain, 22% cent, r pitfut; lb% mu '245, tat Ltmet4 Joint*:
other articles to pro - rtlon. • Al: Mode warrt lied to be
what they are wad or. STAl.lll7git 2lt AttLEY.
Oa band—some Unit and Silver' Laren; atil Laphara,
still lower than the 'aboraprkes. : I it. . t
. . .
October 4.1 , 4 AA. ; .I , ls! '.
--,.. ED
b Meyer, Organist, gives tnstru ..-I'7""'- .1. 4 -(...
• lion no the Piano Forte and Mel.. ' ,f. i
on, in Pottsville and neighboring( town i e.
.Terms ',tolerate. Apply et his Wilco. second_ lltnn t . hue
the Vust Onlee, Pottsville. ,
[July 1:1,'.1 Zis . .
• NAZARETH -HA.L,L, :! --- 1 •
N lb. NorthamploW ( Countr, Po.
' 1 H E 73d Annual Sesiorw of ' . ....
j . siltation for wing gentlemen . ceinme ce4 on the
ittn lust. Applicallims received by the , - ' • 1
Rev. LDWAR I) 11. 111.1ta1r.1., ortiepal.
Wilmington, Deferrer ,
rrHIS INSTI'T'UTION; s pla'llered
_ i ultli foil eelleslate pnworsto grant apktLok and
- eon Gar degreo.. is desirtned to meet the derul ds f•Ltbr
end Female Education.
I.t) axpeuso has been 'Tonal i ty snake I l a F l
at Cass
. A FULL 110AltO ftp Esiginuolos is !mono,
employed, aft irding facilities Neap eitendri nod tiler.
ough education. such as cat, only he hod li the hest in
stitutions. , .
isar b' ColletilaW Year volumencra FEI: ENDER ht,
• • eat/Angus% may be inquiring •nf t e• rival
dent. LT lAKOlitt, or of.the Financial Apitit, T. J.
TIRIMPRON. i , {S nit/ 2.1. * IV atfm
Pottstown. Moptignmerr es, Tat. ,
rpllE *CIIOI,ASTIC AE V lot' this'
11 In s titution to diiided into two s. : loop of eitth;
teen week. each. and commences the but ,Wednesday of
F..eptember. 1 At the close of thii float tweleu.ariwka there
will be a public examination of the pupllsiu thelreart
ons at ufliea," end • a recent of two weeks given, A,t,t his'
arrangement will give to the pupil the entH elgisteen I
weeks of unbroken l hoe, an d exclude!the monthin of J %sly
Clint dmrast. it will, It to t4.4leWed?trealfy peomotn e the
Wealth ant comfort of flan IneMbern, et thethod, hOol, and
securealt.that could be desired in the way of mental
culture. ' 1 1 1 *
i Texma I
Tuition. lloardlng, Feel and Lights, per arm*, $llO 00,
r• '•• seseou C 0 00
Ingrurlinn lu Ullote• A ; i '.... ' 1 5 . : ( 4
A orient it Modern I:menages; each., . `•• •
flower Painting, •, I I " . "I
l'encil Drawling, , ; : " 1
Washing :T;34. cents per doseu' or 1 " •
Books at city prices or for the' me of ' l•
books, 1
Mlle payable—t4o in advance. for tbe 1.4".ae10d.
Ilev..W. IL WORK. '
riplAlßMFanislupsl forming
the above Line will sail Item 1.1f3Y p/IK as fob,
and every a Rewrote TRursdaT. '
from LIVEBPINN.. ebery alternate Wethirday., • ,
Pare from New York, Cabin $ 75. Third Chisa
Liversool, Cabin 8105,1:MA7_6:0A Cholls4o.
RETURN TICKETS available for 4iX Months by any
Steamer of the Line.
Otblo,ll*--.4111rd Class, s66i. • -
These Steamers arerupplied with Improved Water
tight compartments, _ carry cairry'Aperlenei9 Su rgeoni x
Persons about proo4ling- to . Europe, dr wishing ' to
fend for tbelr_friendefrom the,bld couritd. cap purchase
Tickets and obtain all infoOtnation by arrplyitlit tof 0.
LW*, 13 Broadway, N. T. Sabel & ConleyEl - Road way,
N. T., to J. IT. RICIIA
end to RICUARD'EDWARDt, potteattt
Passage Ceti/Rohe by dist Cleat Sailing. Packets be
tween New York arol Liverpool. alai) Drafts - odd by Ur ,
above. , (April 25, '57 :I „ray •
.AKH. A N p h,; Ai E N I I
. :of Pas-
LI 'tenger halms! Commencing - WETESDAY4u I ,I
8, 1851., -
- • . DOwni.Trabss. •
Leare Mauch Chunk at 7.15 A. 31.,and 1.08 P. U.
" Slatingtow i .3.1i5 .. ' 1 . 1.40' '•
. Calakturota ' '.41 4; ' 217 ~ •
" ,Alksatowii . 8.61 a. - L 27 .4
" 'nethlebVlT ' .'.).( oi ." ! 2.43. .. •
Freemausborg . - 1L24• .. i 2..52 .
Arrive Re 514.411 . ; 11 4 0 " i i 3 .18 1"
Lip Tral! - ' . q !' • . i
Leave F.nston - ei.zo A. 31.1 and 4.44) P 1.31
Freemertsbarg j 41.05 5.04
•'• llotbleherm /413
Allentown . 943 " •6.32 j
Cgttasa aqua ; 9.36 " 0:43
•. ifiatinzton ' 10 ; 70- 4.21 r.-
Arrive Manch Chunk ; 1144 .7.111
Both Trains connect at Manch Chnuiderltb.tralua run
ning on the Bataan Braden. Itallowd WI Weatherly end
Beaver Meadow, alko, at Bethlehemwith .trains•rno
nth; on the North PennSylvaoht lialirred. The morn
ing TAW down will connect with trains on the Belvi
dere. Delaware and Lackananria t Western Railroads to'
Belvidere and Scranton. , , 7 , I r.
The afternoon Train ;will connect ,with the trains
on the Belvidere 3 Central : Railroad in - Philadelphia
Yew York,
The afternoon Train up wit' eonnevt wlpa trains on
the Belvidere • Delaware Railroad, froin &ranter) and
elThiere— I
There wfl be but ohe connection'tetneen Easton and
htlndrlptls byway or North Poway:haul t railroad,
bleb will be IWO. morning.; ROBIOT It. fLAYRE...
August A. 57 ' 7 Fa t. Epp.
)ENCEI PANES; MoaAling Plating,
ji.) Sash Planes, llnliew hounds, ;Beads,Astragles,
at the Ilarditare and lenn Denid. ' ;PRANK POIT.
A twist. 1 '61 . , 91
. 7 - LOCKS; • 1-
11) I M, Fropt tWo.r, 431tiset,INight-lat*
?k, with StlvapiLvt;i4t, limy:via% ' t itt dark Melee:al
none. a very large- iPsortalent,.. nt 1°V- 7- artery, at Oa
Hardware and lion De pot . ! * iiRANK parr:
August 4'51 I A 31 •:. 1
____. _ ......
‘U'Af ' .
fi Ch. 1
I •_L Stand:lld, linl4 . .ena ,rora. Shrinkage 'Rules. Bee
. ,
Yndertora, CJ 11 perai Spring dirldvp. St His Hardware
and Iron Deralt.'• , I fir.INIC POTT.
Ma:lull, , . 31
• • AND sawq.
DisS.rtmisi Cfr.issoro, Spcar
Jackson* ih r d. l'huel mad, 14 &me, the beet
assartmeat in town. Yet No at low Odom at the Bud :
want and Iron ltepott VRANK POTT.
itagustai7a y Y ; -
Preserve lan' ItiKettles,
ar. mart MarAel, ('Slate ov tax say..
7 •
somas; sato= 6uasB, l liioll CARS
tai :Sass. ,
SUBSCMIERS I are. prepared
1 to yarnbh tits above irtlat;a, o! Batt Matilda' sad
srodttrutosbtp at the 4horteat notice Bolles- and Vans
constantly on hand. 0 - a J: stAnits.
Aux. R. IT .3241n1 , (Nig Sited, F4tstille.
FAIRBANKS 804k1,E1E1 .
TIIE subscrlbers4 agents tot th: man.
u r ic tu rer n, harejoat raceiretisi new. artieles,callad'
ibc. "Union Connter,;4cali,7 ealculatO to weighty= 3
in once to 24010 e. f mile at the Mork Store.:
ARD - 141489Pf.
eutterille, April teth. 11 4 , 14 . • ' -< ii ,
Sainpso4 , ll - Pittlatot... " -
ial AII,ROA D Track Sca)cs, Hay . and
it) 43.4 81 ,1 * , . Platiintia and Codafri. Reales. Rasa
factored telly by the Vergennes grate Co: :
Orders addreesed to ! , 0 W. b. SPRAGUE.
; , ; Sec nit, raptaaca. i 7 :
ar -
Rmitiicts le Volortmu. Co RA...Alright a Loeb,
Pottmille: M. Bright.. rpt. or. ti. Carhop Rail Road;
Wm. If. Johan. tit. Clair.; '; ~ '• , • ,-
Aimed l. 'AT 5 : i i i 314110 - -
IRON commissiow ARE, HOUSE. rtENTRE s STser,T,l Potter ille:-
ki The subarribeiiare Prepared to furnish the Trade.
Marhin ids sa I Opetafore at Philadilphla prices, ((taiga t
added) whilheate or retell,' hest Amerlo e liar iron. man
athetaareitatfottarilie. prod warrititedokaperloromplity.
Alas. light T raUs.imitahla for Weal:and Cable (*alas
at shot foollieetdirert froin thei JO potter.
' York Rtore.Nirri W.; liss , , , g7.ty -
foichtei Thompson,
fr - fie =
Ifardwa*"Cotlori. Uotioe fortibblog floodit, Plated
•' Ware, tdoelltanlee TOO , . CabloOt foraltaro,
tldt.g sod Hmint I t bimbimek. Lock,. Ladies
oat illuovoc - AirrUs. bolloOro,
Cu. Ulnas; $1•04. Paeldrg, sad • : -.!
Arai firlorintout. of ,Tormtug m 241,
Aviteuthird Imphimufp. • • •
• k 11103111•011%
' - • LM. Alvaro eilOrilf, 4 lora or roc amt."
• Aupot.l,';:4 ; ; • • -
Toot able...
PII MAI) A . •
, .No . ember 8,1858
c 0.,.
Cheese and Provision Illsweluthts;'
OS. 39 and 40 Notth Wharves, half
between Arcii siod.ltaao Weals PiItLADE,L.
Much 11, Illy •
-11 - EN.R - y w. OVERMAN, mpoiter
of vitzsen SK and putrid . Leather
Dealer, No R South 341 at.. Phltalletptila. ' , •
A general assortment of all aluilsof Laterula t AlL
utr., ate. ,itErt and OAN SOLE LEA.Tpzit.
ebruary 25. 'n • ; . • -
The.:Great Remedy .of the
- turn' - - •
. .
14' 1 011.01C cure of a ers and. Sniof
uloni diseases, Tetter, White Swelling, Malignant,
errs and oldkores, sod 311 i dimmers originating is- au
Imprita Mater of the cloud. 'For dims*. Of the Stomach
and Liver this prepared !Ott has no equal, and is especi
ally valuable to Females of a weak, and debilitated ha
bit. • This•is the celebrated rennely userllbf Dr. Lorime
r's:say k Co.; in their suceeisful treatment of Cancers,
Scrofula, ire, It ti a highly coneentratid and pure rem
edy, and large doom or long use of It is not nercesse4.—
Those using this remedy are entitled to medical advice!!
from the printipab °Mee. free of charge ' D6pOT, Nei
60 North sth streeL . Plallsdelphia. - -
July . put 0.'51 '23oual
'..A - PURVES; N. X. cotter Sootl
'..M5, and Penn Sts.,.Phlliddphie.far-
In ingot copper and brims; pig Iron,
sheet iron, bricks, portable for
ma,speiter.bleca tin.lead.foondry mould
ings. fa.ings. crucibles, antimony, babbitt mend, ,and
of all kinds. brass. old eopiter. t ic., ie. Ile Is also a deab
cr in wrought and cast'senp, Iron and other metals. ,1!
is his desire to accommOdat le mgebintst a and - others at
diatance bon* the oily; by furnisbing any *Aide thej
- may want In their business: 'Articles, not tdenti:med in
the aterr; will be pnvorrd and for Ward d. .Any inquiry
in thS above line will be promptly.y.nowered,
. : • • A. I , 7lirrgF, - }
. .... .
. ,
N. E. corner South and Peun stnets. -
February 14.17 : I _ 7- .. ~
1Y RE S: I,SN I) 'LI., Fourth t&-Arch
streets, Philadelphia. '.resp, ctfully reoest ca•
buyer , to examiner flue stock of rusmorbil. frxdr, add,
ted to best -Pennsylvania trade.
+all MOP CI Fall PerKs floods. '
New design,' of Fall Showli. . I
1116 Silka of, Newest Styles..
' - Good black Silks rf all widths. '..,:,
• ' a calls asaorted'Frerich teripoes. -
7", roil de Clussres. New Goods. —
' IfritiAt and Anierirtur Park Print's.
tiatinettr, Cassitut , its..Cletho and Vesting',
Muslin., IdnensiFlastnels.ydankets, i
' N. o. l —Auction Bargains' from ,liessYork and this
daily received. Particular artentkdrigir to to country
• orders for desirable Iroods.—terair net Farb.
August 2i'i, '57. . . , 7;5-21m
• 1
x HE subscribers ' tould invite the
. apeclal 'attention of Architects linildera and the
pu 11c. to our superior assortment of Warm Air Furna
ces, Ventibiting anpaiatua. Eatb. Boilers. bias Grohs.,
Patent - Lowdown q 111 tr... aid others of thr, latest sty les; '
also, a large assortment of Ventilator , . black. gold. I
biorned and white .enamel Registers ; . l'oek in,t Rangel,
of superior merits; warranted -to ,perforrn well: e b,,,1
Prrtable Menges tor. summer use; J..S. Hirer's Air Tight :
Gas Consumer. made in the.6:l4 manner. and aceordinki .
~ to the original - invention: Mir Agents foreollin'a Patent ~
Chimney-Caps, for vent lilt lug 54' classes of buildiage .
,and for the cure of smoky adulator:. Personal et tenti,n'
given to all vr. , rk entrusted to ns. the public am re.
qdratedlo call and examii,e. out large and. complete
[ stork, as . we knew the ran give satii‘fiction.•
, •
Not 11:12 (old Nu. 405) Market strict,'
May 10.'67 VS•fm], — . Eleventh; Glrind it01.,.,_
. .
.1111'01:T r Fat:S ANJ., MANUFACTURE:I;3
OP •
Nistn,No AeArturent. 'may b found a and
Clastplete Sloth 41;44d5, including all thq meat angroted
YAIIIIttea and LAlLtir strt.a.e.thgrthEr itki the 11.40 aer
Sortment of domestic and et bill trends, to which l i e- are
daily making additions fre,m Naar York and Philad phia
Auctions. I:orcharing and Sediag exclusively for ChSh.
to flier an 14 Pa 1 1.• Lhltt ,
era-1111QL gSA LE and itEruitoudi Scre e , 7 .
Ite".\?yfb S'tht'sr:herry street, PlidladeiP . 1 *• •
Septemher 6, '57 • . r • 36 Stn
UEZ: 7 :,th June
• . Kids. •,•
rf ETNA U,' S, Supe r .1119spliate 91
xj Lime. 7000 TONS. • ' .5.a......
- art es
- • ' sa-vA HVY.IO3I"“ ' ;
Iroi Your Wheat Crops. use LEIN AU'S Super 1: ' '•-• v
Phosphate 05f Lime, 'at - lly,-.Cts. a tb or itit) .s Ton •.:or use
pr $25 a too. -.
One han oreither Is sufficient/or an acre heat.
These are Permanent Manurelade of reihsto Che
mical Elements, and have heCn In uccessful new lorlbst
pest Sxx Tues. Improving the and.lnevess lir the
value of the land. i . .
ItoorDiplomas from thd State AXticultetal SoCirty 'or
pi , un,yyranta. New Jersey. Delaware and the :Crystal
Palace' Ateutietlon of. the city of New 'Nark, bale been
received ferttmae Veluatle Fertilisers. - • i .-*
- Pamphlets la the English cad German Linittatreacau
be had by applleattnn at the Mee.. . 1. •
The above Fertillsent,tfetirered Past' of thytuyo to
ally wharf In the old City ['roper.
Orders sent by Mail accompanied with Cash o 1 Brafts.
will be promptly Flapped- to any part of the tt rid.
6' DIRGE A. Lr,',lN All. Proprt tar.,
No, Itt South FRONT street, Fhiladei phi Cityri"
Pidladclphirt, July I B.'al 2 94 •
' . M. W. BALDWINhas' C 0,,, . '
Eng' agora,
1 ' !Mad and-Hamilton str_refo. fililadelyhia , ftnno... -
W V OULD call the Ran
i, road Managers.; and those lute rated intßallrved
• Property, to their Spice. olf Locootoitt+ Engiucsilu it 111,11
they are adapted to the particular business !Or which
they may bereunlred; by the use of one. ttrot , threw or
four pair - of, driving wheels; find the use of ti e whole,
' or so Much of the weight as may be desirable or :Ohr
e on; and hi accommodating them to thegradea• curves.
atirengils of supeostructiOn, and rail and work , to 1*
.done. By these means the maximum useful effectiff the
pouler is secured with the least expense forertendancro.
;cost of lite . and repairs to Road and Engine. 'With these
:Objects In v,rw. and as the result of twenty-three' years
pi/tenni experience In the butiness by our •enior port
ner, we manntacinrefiretiarrrent kinds of Engitte{. and
-several classes or Fite* of Bach kind. Part iru a r atten
tion paid to the strength of the martelneln th pi/tonna
.workmanship of all the details. Our long e perioney
andopportmaltlea of obtaining information s ham.. e.
to Mir* these eng nes with th, assurance that' lir °Olden.
cy.IIIeOtIOLUY and durability. t hoy will comparr favorably
. with those of any other kind in use: V. also furnish to
-order wheels axles.boyling or low moor tire Ir . ; At ceo.
tree without boring.) composition castings for arlngs;
every description of Copper Sheet I on and Roller Works;
and every article appertalningto the repair or renewal
of Locomotive ratAinee. , 11. W. BALD WIN . .
Jannary S. 'X/ 1--tf
ALN UT . STREET; 80,011-west
coiner,of TH I RD.Philmaii tplii I
Ineoeliorated by the State of.Penueglirttrair.)
Money is received in any um, larke-or email. and in
fermi paid from the -ddy of, deposit wthe thiy of wilt
The office Is open erery day from Do'clock 14 the morn
ing till 7 O'clock ih the evening: and . on Monday and
Thitr*day eveninse:llllo o'clock.:
All sums, large or small, ate paid back In GOLD, on
demand, wttbnut any amount. I
flos. HENRY L. 111-INNEit, Prrithient.
RithitllT d HLFRI DO E. Vice l're4ld.ent.
ICN.J. its ut,Seerei sry..
• ' Dierotorss •
henry L. Helmer.' C. Landreth M enu.,
Uinta L, Carter, , F-Carrot lireweteti
Bohol felfridge. Joseph 11. parry, .
Samuel K. Ashton, .henry D.rlitirrtiiiien,
James D. Rmitb. L Francis Lee. .
This company confines (Sc business entirely to I the re
ceiving of =pony onanterest The investinentes meant
ing to over
One and a .half Mllll6lO of Rollers!
Are made in eonformity with the prntioiosioi of the rhier
and . such lint elms meurit les, as will always , ensine per
feet security to the depositors; and which cannot fail to
give p •tinortnimey and stability to this Institution. ,
March 7,'b7 : 1"Y
4111'10N.—Be particular to Obserye
nut any barber of our artleto haft our Mlle aai
that of Alie branded of the baud. Thus naw
Gar to realderad mammary. 15 throe aro. ao mas/ articles
of doubtful salmi mold undrr the Daum of.Voyfr•ilme
plate of, Line, as to mislead those who are unacquaint
ed with the value of
_ .
Price WO per 2000 lbs. (2,4 cts per
A liirerabdeducgoo made to DEALERS. .
* Otttern Ow thin TeduabiAirerlitittr dlendrd to prompts.
Pintplilingt describing It, And lb* 'Ando f Applying,
ran be find grataltous/y it. our Stores, will whin
dished. .- •
/Ibis as MAXUAII far '
and all alba? trope eqabiag At Tleolval and.. .
- .
. - . • .
inviturtng not Only'l hamlet. "it.ld of Groin-than TY,
And. WIM, arsiNO, but rtlatity GU 'erase to. arppert the
• •
- •
4:3;z i viasiet'lElleecil. ~ • .
mire, fails to taki until whips our Phosphsti Is spend
to Meat Lao& •'
A *apply of tbt o valuable ankle for 4ale. '
Prlee $3O per 0000 Ibis. (104 tent per lb.)
10,1 Oovernment Peruvian Gunn
fir . MT. at the ;attest rotes.
Sir The igrkitterat learttals cri4 Nitespa.
pert are nyittiartiuttai of oar offioofor alo out dif 1 4 "Mitn•
Gtiadt *lf* les leedret at either front 'if Mel . Wertheemes.
Amer* Sr. neswnradal'te don Se Ifitar Snot mod
avoid GU , crrorriod Wart Ample fire4lities ere afortini
•is teadVagaragaitiaad!ttisstetioty is the Ibreheei. .
.0. a spar. imorga i anii Ow* ese , ) 1440 wow
. VIM etorc abaseLlutout At.. Phllatta,
• • - • r at '••
- . 0/
I;no6nming oil the of the Sewloso,"7
PACIFIC' N . 40 . 0 E AN ' GUANO.
We have , a sisalksgalatit, min :; : •
• nin,
fig efamti.
Agricultural laapleinesits, *.e.
ifitTHE autritriber ' . lll keep •,'
oishnud Clowier,ll of ed nt her time
. seeds, -White' Clot ran awn thsei
' s, together with garden and fe seeds, eh . wt
win 4 - arrant to be fresh and lord. 1 e wit: also retell.
orders SW° sat kinds it fruit trees. (a a sand to 1 e *hat
they sire )0. rtsented.lecrietiltentl irupiwmert tr. ;Se., an
of I, 'kV . - hei furnished St snanutarturrril 111...._.
rb, 4. - Ceres }old 11 !tar subsoil er sr* prlvird
1 11 3 1 h 2h To, OttlY ftiltOirtortO of rjevitalli. 0., a
II inMiTitilh• is does not drat seeds prnrurod pre Iris,
. sly In t e Insilet. frcen lin sr who sell ehrttp.sttl.. Hi
riegitrd tp Che ebatiteti-r t‘i the ere el ',Ad. !, or clo., t.,„
pure httse nr sell seed, * grown 'prntal sruntssly. In *rein ea..
eines. where their . too dosejirts/1011 . t.Y . deterlbrystra tt,..4,
tinellly. rat" feularly these., f the lame turbo. "itlit'i,
eu . Irpi.. , rtint,ronr , lderilltion totter. who porch:er e . sit he.
ItnelAtt pr frult frees. Per totes. kr.. send in or , rerts . pity
o --. • . , ° ' 21EINJAMENt• ItANNAN.
I 'f.
Toll on. bravo min.throughlun snff& V.V.
, i Thou 'bait not toll in vallt I .
, t i raki,, thy servant ; emu% to pour,
11er-wealth of autumn-init.
0, linnet steal her bosom fan,
Tilt-man disdains the plough.
; with his gracion; bounty seen,
I we behold it to ' .
For thee. the rareninidews descend,
$ •,„ Yor thee _ the raindrova fall:
\Ter they. toe golden harvest bind;
nebuld thy God in all I -
look un and smile rim) menial task
• . la thine, to till the field;
IV hat nobler calling can yuu ask!
' What inratilier conquest yield!,
' On to thellisin of death, and Item
; • , The glory her es gain;
Base on reed , khsatly brap, snit rpurn
Thera rquiirir'a broody train' i
-ei• •
.'Ti. thkel to IneAk the virgin I'M:
I Subdue the pat ttleei wild; , i
, ! 'Where toile. rectsitutng tint e b • e . r tr c a, i
i ' And t.eisuts &ler ;milted. , ?'
• •
-.. ' Q. stork,* mte, when man no iia,M,.
The artna or war slain istentt , ,
,' .. , • !tut, prnutty own ,a.,, t e r y ,t,,,,„ . . .
the'phrth; his spew sod shmid.
• ENG SR PLamoo. .t . 4
. . .
;The rtilkon leg, iisc?unt of Mr . sleebes. fattninziM,
'taken remit' tfpn, Yew A's glatirl For b.. n, a NI; '1 1 ;1.4'
*rimer' hy lli F. French , Nil., ona of t h e ..,, •
e , •
.1 - to editors or that paper, now traveling in Cu;
land: ' .
...' I have reedntly visited the fu n s or Mr. Meelii
iironol ll, ced ?iri:k'k3 b nbout forty mile; fr.,' 1, .n
dim. `lt eon j ets of 175, acres , origlnally nearly
harren, but n ivy, by thorough draining clad
,ii ~:b ".
Alt iva tion,;ils 'prnillic:tise, perhaps, as any in E...;.
hind. Mr. Mechi stales his avettige erot, f.,r ~,.:
,erarytnrs lo liti!iti becn . 4o bushels of.whoatl
. S.r
tiarley, stv,l 44r outs per sere; and f 1 ) 11, 6 n ,
daunt, Irma %rilninittion, that hie , crops this sea r
tall come up to these quatt l itics. He has 5.1-,i , r,s .
iof trt. r e'at Nn trine., which wilt probably ['ZIT! 1 Kis
Isuslicli ta cre, - 1
1 - the to io
' ilia a low ts,o
'ls. In Ilia first Ware- the 'chide 175
erdrainel with tiles. generally 1.11.1
tl!ltic !cis
.than three, and all. ur
Ile lint; his hen enhsniled. ffe' ha !I
unaerground vlsterne2b feet drei.
3 meter, bolding $.0,00q
,gallon!, iron
l e manure made en the farui' is put
lie has a small steam - engine of r)t
, nbieh, niter pumping tho ? water into
pumps it out, and distributes 1r,10.11
tlisas.l veil. • • •
acres ioCond
tour feet de,
mutt 911, t
a largo ,hrie
anvil 29
which ull t
with writer.,
'horse 1.0. e
the mtnur
To Jo th
Is, iron pipet are laid. ttiojer growl,
~to every field. terndrinting in centre,
ttl, and iipon theso irno. pipes gotta
Aro t•ercered, the engine met eyeark
Watered as occasion retittirce. • The
ley, and eat croptt e are not watered in
"Wet btu? showering-it confined' to 'the
r „tetches, turnips', and ,ether green
row-large crops of grass are prelect4
this way,
.Btheittitnenee vel , of
:,iborfilireat •
pereha ho
and the fit
whent, bar
this Irv,
grael , , ben
eropr. T.
other kin.
hi 1/11 ft (el that i.e cipe , ..41. 1 anal , ly,
m. $3B 50 tt nnw,.tio de coat o f cittti;,-
1(1:oog rent, laic', and 411: vther eha,r4,
Liutiune that n nil mere ilatattnirianf ,qp•
01 . .b0r. it is a javita bre r i>ne owl
))osier Ih .ut tad Sit . 4,11.1 is Sea Fo , t•
A;r4ti,":;:re."l7,4,:e trurti
Le 'and, a n d war there nr e fctc T 7 re
'ttelf; erts'a
pi from one to two httn.ireT7,teer, and
crolopor .grai4, of vetebet,
irLar •no.
on his fir
tiny, incl.,
ifia mid
es tofilaly
bind. 'I
eb; trher
and fed
di hurdle*, and kept on an acre or ;esti
intil they have sufficientty tnanured the
and, then inured to smother piece, and
,l'inrge fields are thus fertilized. This
keepidg is ona of the principal eecre's of
husbandry. I shall he able to give the
Elora in . dettiii in the course of the.selson.
t that we !nay profit by this example of
farmers; bet I Am not Wepared to s peak
rtninty till I !laic visited the best sheep.
eir , untiew.lA - '
/ rn. 4701 siay that the e.t.,,p4 , 1
chi is, by , ak , means, one and tta
oar rotaeo
coo ld inotto • They hole tad the earitat,.
. 1 4aps, teo they bent Icopttly
41, it, Yet is a arts are ',worthy" 4relt
ns givi us n w WWI!, which luny be, in'
a stye , urne to good ac'etount.
rive engne this extract for two 4crtal res
n nit :—First, to gW o ,,ty,tur reathirr lott:e
a good English ferlrer's "modes of tillage,
log, stocking, feeling, se.; also to eurr,et
cents to he an vrt. , r into whbhthe cunt.
bnt bad' fallen.. We hare It.* llented the two
ris of this letter 17) which particular ntlet:
Onvitcd.' After stating thal• the orapital
Thor thus - invested is itrafitahlr," he rent
Paving that "common formers
for "they have not - . olor:trite!, tat
qi it be the beat 11114 bn enplog it if th.ry
t i Fis fallacy is coristaotly repeated in our
ral papers, tit our farmers' clubs, tot!'
so on, ti
moth) of
It mem!
East, .1
with co,'
kr. JJc
nor, p
they 71
opond l
tion i
'bulk' '
lediUii l
eultu 4 ,
!ho r, ;tato (air!, and In enisrersith,n,
':.oatleveryhndy i perouadetr f(• rit
ie and Md maxim, thai, " .ayt
he trhe." There are, fioareTt4. n,rea ,•in;
and 4hrewd farmers who deny-the nmonmam,mo moo. mm
thathigii farming will noijiity," atmd Mluemmn
•etrnte, nsi.3lr, Menhi has done imi,lii .or tome ,
sive rarming trill pay.- Thee ,nre -..soatm' -are,imm
this rate .anti over New England, antraie to
em that'we look. as to •piontmers., 1 . .. r imiL. T....
eel in agrieul'ore. Stich Might im•• tmmooe 3 I'l
- neetning to .app'enr invidion.. They ire '''..
t. • • .
aerv'etl, - however, and good is hegintotizito semma::
5 I 1
from so esperinienteys' good exanmimie•-
. picituou way among forunmrs is to Itre.t
. the Money `siceutoulated by rural ecurran: , ,i,
stoOm---hank, railrOad, or noose' ether. to this
way,.ley tltitth they shall increase in g ., . .1' and
grosr 'ch. itut is •it so? Cm a man vole i'4
-firm a d inirrove Jibe i'm rtone r. th o rn ,seas
metes' execs that sunk to at:m.41014;6W Ihis (.41;J•
clubs to;tioti. , titockS oftelaiosm provii tour , I,ri
tire; Money lotned is Out unfrequently 1“,1..4 1
Ir*e isr cent. of it. .);ioir, instead of atoll .
geAtiLg , ii, bad _they. etiployed is it iewproal
their farms by thorough drainiag, deesmmod tee.
s o il ',hewing, making and saving tannuree'.ei
feriiliters—pisrehasing additional oneo, it neat::
nary to high culture—how Mich bettee, and rc , r
not:only, but litiw much pore ratisfUetory to' toe
eye and the mind. Where thirty brthel, of c .r:
was deemed an average crop, week, Ilel,e time mm '
.prbrell: . system, eighty hnshelsr Are I
grOurid this scarcely produced terilon.helt of r!'
per 'entree'''. yields thirty ; oats, formerly total! ,
ritite fifty; wheat that could hot he raised. o'ot
•6.irtY bushels per acre are hrtriested; rut /ID!
eerier one. averaged OGG- triti. per !wry, ono ;eft'
two or three tons, and so of All other er-tmom
bruit of choice and varied torts are nms , r , "
diced In abiandenee. lIIe live
Petit?) jail throngh nll the species anti rant , •••
ie Greatly Improved by the procuring of tlioroa;k
or Well bred varieties. llere-are Some of taw rc"
state, of high farniing, protitieeit hr torot.i . :
_ .
money in this wise, Initeileof•oviiii4
!Wit imphatically filen doctrine,. it will
Inty - to "Imitate" such example.
,at tktt
FaCii beshle hit case,attitulantly • t ri:-
thittliiih Liming will not ri,,y. con r 3
tifforti to raise 7 huslie/s of rye per artr;:i''
Indian Corn, 20 of ea:ri 73. of p"tmoes, 1500
4 hay, _ie. At, ,
It is deeply to be 're geetted that oar o grioulto .
writers and prase* will eutettibute to the irtl• 4o "
Oyu aad ertoreentent of,eueli utitiUlle as that
ni combatting. Bat it is so.
In what we have euda in tivor of high.fineij z r
,Itte . would not he undorittoolto ar.6varrgo re.r.0.1.•
ant OWNS/ to proutioo rustics
~,finey &rasing tinder the direetion .cif r" 4 "'`
ea, ignorant directors. 3loncy invertel her„til
'order-nobeOtaliietive hil'other tairincrr , lum"
'!©der thigui;..nce , et skill and sg tinil rural (eve
my. iloaluing . is a l'Oestion that drwan'is
tattling' i t ' ll that ut a high obit Renal chatac
'roe the 'went of this. many fill to orh . cve
. I , woo
)I•raetfafrol; and their OW fp it ilroilitt, jcs
init;iiither than to igeosavevi , f.d!en'j
otnler. . Capitol ittietted sad ieP!!! l .,',„'
'on ,tntelkigent. inlet tiviving. owl rk , ),"u „ 0 ,
Tiroitortivr, ellen ift-veviett te4.1.1.:d
iPo• • .
"ent.ire9 o f his system nine lso stated