. • s of jig - tt•s4=sQ I ristott ivivatarTlON X • • T‘C ) 1)LI, o . lft.t. anti mei- trAY3 1, , 1 . ; . 11 ti a.t 411 +Vow -414 at /AMA—. Lid , w.thittthe?,.‘a!, . To 400: - • Titroe rapt! , to oho addrox, In l irinee, Seven o do t do Iritheen d.' . n • l'ovriptiln•ind .the ! and sent te ouf v aa d e d , ree r : lgo The lora xt-w 411 IT 1 . 4 , 1 , 1'410 cirt too e.wdex: caxlion,dellrnm,. (I,,gymesanJ „f_rf - aRI ioexxit, xt $l, ldadtaner , - I,or Olk Xellthixecht ir,mhxcribersiwder thodikotoutinmat the pii!,ll.lq , :v may ontittati to werrArancenro watt. • aohectitennt neAlort nr rotutto to;1 rn . nn ofiltill to which they ore 1 ,41 r,xp xnxihle until I hoy haroX4l.l( them if tobterthers tnoieto other ohm** wi he inildieher.ood t. oltowit.tpero ore d tNI they 'are eld rm, The courts. hire d - rieol t hat refO.drn wee (rim tine n'Tlce,' or rkon•ointt and I • dial for, ix piton richt erldeoroof hitt • —RATES OF ADVERTISING. One toare ot llueZZ.o cents for ogle ins,' mss ' 15 rents each. 3 lids* won-time. 25 ~.,„“,,—T ut esetbentid. s erlions.l 2! , ,i cents:each. Alladver• 'llsements ore! 3 1100. 116- short periods, charged as a isquMn ; • • al Inil4. loxx. Two. Tants. ; six. maws. ;Three lloea. 01 1 4 1..; 1 4 $1 s r,l 23 $3 00 Four lines, o;,t I• 11 175•2 75 • 400 l'El" e lines, 1 001 1 2'oo , 330 500 lALL qVIEn tty'CLllei coglrc Die anitrAIiZOPTIIN LINES. bnc teitiare, 1'23 223 '360 f 0(0 10 00 ' T.1 , 1 'wares. 2 25- 4 Oct . bpp 0 . 00 14 00 :Three sinints,. 3 500 i3O 12 00 is pp poo l SIUVVIII, 130 uo 600 •,F.,.14 00 , 20'00: col: 603 000 12 00 •56 00 30 ' 00 'Nal! colutstn, 10 00 13 00 20 00 - I iILS 00 -50 00 s.etar:er space Ow short petiols. as PernXTeensent. ttaTioess ?toners, bt 6.trh—areottipani!ed 'lto an l ad rertiseutent,l6) cents cacti. Adrertisoments SefOre Marriages end wes tinkle cents p e rllnelurnrktlnneklen—eutAnquenthisertlonn. 5 cents recline. 'liinewordsiereenunted as it !Litwin adrertiting. Merchants and others, advertising by ;the pear. with changes. and a standink advertisem.:-.403 etenedin g 115 liras, will Ice chanted. Including subserrid ion.' $lB OO. e pl. , to the s mount °flour squires, 'with ehare, cog and subscription., h. 20 00 :Without changes, at the rates,deal gloated *bore:' Adsernsensents set . In larger type usual Will be 'ehlrted 14 per cent ad4 . anee, on there briber. • 811 cuts Will be charged (hens as letter WOOS; - ; , Trade a tvortirensents received from Allrertlshig Azents abrrad, except at 23 per cent, advance on these price, Unless by special agreement with the publisher. )larrla•ze2Scents.each. Deaths Me. glo pot led within,. t krs. 23 c4nts, wit taut notices, no charge. . A not tent. except thine of a 'religions character and for educallflnal purposes, will beehargo 23 cents (many 'number orfines under 10. neer 10 line& 4 mutt per llne tonal. Procontlln;.§ot useetloits not of egenerali?r public char actor; charged At 4 rents per line for eseh ligseetion. To facilitate eakulatiOns we will state that:l2B Ilnes !makes column-163 lines a half c'olumn--and 82 lines a :quartet belnmnr 2951 words wake &cot utun-1476 a half ..olumn—and 788 muarter column. i All odd grace deer each squa'i-e, charged at the rate oft recite per line. Pearly aliesethert ultra confide tit:lr advertising to r heir own bagmen: ' Agencies for IA herS. talc , ot Itcal &- d ate. &e.. inn not tad adr..l In buolnons advertisement'. WIRE SCRUM. , RODCERS_, ENT & CO.'S , iiIRON RAILING WGRKS." • . . . . . : Itttlalain& ENT.A t..l3...tnanurarturers I , pa l of t.st and. Wntughi•JitON HAILING, •. ..kils* . ••—• of entry description,intitethe attention .-ry., l - • • • • .tt• (bent:trifle to thoir.britnehot ''nine a, *Lich is conducted in dbe building for . norly oc.ospitheby ....t..; a s a 'Coach In dati street, Pntte. ..rillt , , Penn • i . • - - , 1 Th•! CAR turntah Ve uthig, Trellis:Work. fee Arbors, Ae.. Flower Traltiers4 ee 8n1.111.4tr.. In ..very varlets , of ' Istrl ,, , %lintel. , " 'attar:ls. Cellartirwling and Wire Netting 4'ol kit 4,4 r.t I hie Whordest notice Auld t n the lowest 't.. 4 lus. to • her with iron bedsteads, Firm, Dot and Gat 'l.• Fon: s, Eki,,;lll%h liurdle, Vence. kel. he.. buoy city • ',pries. , 4 - '' .:• ... •S. 11.-{Cerrieteq lota neatly.. enclosed. Designs "got Juit" to silt flustotuers. Everything in theirllne oh hand a i ,„ :or',lrdereld. 111 hti furnished at the shrirtest notice: We not p Tart.) t s do al; kinds of iesstings, such in i nil r meek& rs, wnter Ores. ie. ' ; ; • , lehru try '; lSlik , • ' ..: S-ly , • _____.,_..• _.; .4.5,___ _________ . 3kINFeIt3VILLE.. . . KURTZ di.MEISLRi_ ' , (Late *Ariz, iseyerle: ik, vo,) :., ._ . ' ',, ,Manufactirersof -' .. 01 F 617 R I li i , bitn Ct s..l l ol7. l , ' 4l, ,c :. ', il ' i ' elt e L ,. ;f:ili . • „....,. cd „, tity. j _.......- . - • haiskinl for thel literal patronagethey • `dare recr red front the Coal DAlller* and others. In the .. , e ,„,t,. wonitt alma respectfully solicittlielr custom iwthe trot ore. All wofk ilotO fit'our shispwill he warranted; so tlt 'tt no one need be afcsid of getting et had job... . • , • .Ir. Kinds beind'im• oflho oldest. itOd Me tined ex po I rietiVed Wirt W;rier in the (runty. web feel sure. that sl'e .I,.n.tar'n•out the Ist.st 'Coal :jereetts In the It e;Wri. • tit qilleri , atltlnimed to J'ALlturew.lllllnfrimtlld.to W: 11. noisier, Pottsrille'or Kurt* A Holster. Mineraville.- '; t;lll,,he promptly ;attended to. liefd &remote repaired. ' 'thy. It. 1.t.V0. i. - ~ , ' i. , 24., .1 INSURANCE. 7 COIIIMOMPtiVrit . riinaWl ' OE comperr, It St.. ilarriairiv, Promo. (/,Insure A It' r 1.1 It C A P 8 306,000. more huilaingnt Una o th er p a rts. aluiust les or daopa,ze by Firt, dLm, aguitut pe.riitid the S.:a. In land X3sWition 'gild Transportation. SMON CAMERON ti. s,Cesateu 54rrtary. • Prtiideni. I .! _ . Agent. lot a fle, Schuylkill county, Penna. PottiatAtr Z.', 'Z. ' ablf • I mirrippr LIFONIMANCE AND TRUST Co., I , r "L 4 . :PottaylipiOtejea st ,„_,, - . ' ./ . .1PIT.41004:100-CHAAT.:E IPEILW • 6 rill` • C g - chartred by the I..: 4 6lature o fennsylraniS, with a rapitsl of One ' II didird Thous:in Is now fatly organised: and h eommeneed bulini•ss. The Compahy Is prepared to movies+. Amt,to ' er pro-erty trust. and allow . int:vest on all utonqtysilepeslted' In )rust. at the rate of per rent. per arinum: prlnelpatsnd Interest twYshle I •oh &man& For Thies of Pretniuni 1.,1fe Insuranee, the printed TablrF supplied at the; 'peke of the OMll fatnt re stre_tl: Pottsville. three tinny* south of the t;a; banes lintel.' O r ACOII [LLINCITON KLINt. 3eerttarif=4lllll Titiuturer, _April I, '54 Id • • . .13 tf _ . THE POTTtVICELE UTE IRETRULEITE AND 1 - .. ' . Tiara Company-. . ' , rt7r.F; ant IL.,lsfe..t. , bd.•ff ohms Green's Jere/rip S I ore. 1 „.__.:. _,.•:_.___ _—__......__.. ___,..___________ -________ CAPITAL. tioy,OOD—CHARTER P 6 ntI'ETUAL. i c -. IOPII.WI ' NERSIIIP,-4ASICS M. rilinS tottlianv, recently chartered 1 • , 11E/1 ,of Lb* late flrin of Beatty k Tbomia, bas Is '' hr tho Le.,:isLiturjo Pennsylvarila.is fdlly organ. i wociated ith hint ThiPslore!, arret,on and James ii. .i 5...1. Th e Compan'ttaprepared to effoet Ir.nranee OPoll f , Beatty. to t 'Com hnslnesa. Under-Abe -Orin ot Jame/ i I o ... nd to rereireand execure tittstri, and to all or in. , M. ik vitt ., 1 _ w h o w ig ...o,,,wi n . t . lb e m i i o n : r o n a t o, t,,-...0 minvprkey.4 4 , 61. at their - ate of. tire per caul. ; 11„ g ,4c6„1,,,,,,„..,,L. 1•• ~ :oAtt icsiorrm ,r, . , p., annum.' unle.‘ otherwise :s.teeett , ntion. Principal - . 1 "I',IIICODOIthIIiAIIRET6O6I, - ! , ant intones paya1 . ..1 , , on demand.. Csipital. and nwitsts 1 • •• , .1.. i i- , JAS. B. DEATTY. , " or ...,felrinre4ed in Drudi and 31ortenos, and other go:Id .. •pottsrille" Jane 26,166 1' '• • .• • • 26 - ' , ...uritlelt. ,Au t: uslid:Tldend of the profilA.WM be, wade 1 , ----- --;,,--...,.-----ii,;;T i . l .-3-,i,„---..,-;i ;- i i,---.,-- 7 ,-......--- 7 ,-,,-;._,. , -- : ---...- payable in cask. or ppmpriated to the payment of pie- 1 111 Wll.Ollll . The ti We r .miums. For rats of premium. on. Lift Insurawe, SW' 1 ,'" ;I . 4rneeillni'l!thrg day . (January 2.lst. 1656.) entered ' C UrAlt p r in IA Sablee4 supikied it the Comp,iny's 06i,.e. . . intn ci . 3 ,..„., er . hir r0 ,.: 11 4 , r ,,,, n ,,, aeti0l i l i ocri . rail) . l • . ' ',.. , • I,,,.NATIIAN EN AN); President. - ; comndisto linsiness.and alto furthe parrbartondsale 1.. SOL I I3ION FOSTEIR, Tye. Pres'''. jor Coal. tin er the firm or W. M 4 Rootcßs k CO. • 11. Y. T knot'. Sees owl Treder. •1 • . i . itlffirev-- 5 lima Tway. 'err York.srld In Centrestrret il,mtember 16, - 541 , L \ - ; • ..: 37 .tr \_. . 1 oppieltet Antri,..lin toi.pottilli.. - ' • ' , • • 1 ANTHRACITE IIatrIPANCHCOMPAn. . , . ' , . •.. i r)1. M. Ii(IGERS. New York. . I • I', D . LBTLlKR,Pottsurllle. . Ant horl itd. Capital, $lOO.OOO. 1 February 0: 1 66 , 6.tf ' 'qIA.V.TEItL PEIZI'E'TUAL.;---Otrice. - • __l. ~ .............,_.+_---;—______:,• _I \-:, Ne. 311 M'allll4 R , 1•001.1;14.0011 third and Fourth t C ' - 'lO-P..4RTNERSHI4 3 .-7-7 the • tinder , • : , c 0'.4-to. Philadelphia. Thlaeorariany *III inmate aeal rust I 'signed hart emaciated. theraelses together for 'too I ..e, or damage. ter,Ore. Itnildings. FOrnitnn.: and Mil' Ipurpose of 'John; all saint Coal, under this Atli of •• handlse eenerall r y. t Also M Lass 17061s:ice, on Yesseds. '. ), B. IeC.R ARV k CO...t AUDEN HIED and are now 'Car•oes end V.reigh 'l. din tin Ivo:asset to all - parts of I prepared to 611 orders ikw [the eelehrated North Spring the Union: InTICTORS: i )/0114Iihin (Lehigh) Coal. l'..itidnifp.J•Rovilli.Losteres D. Luther, ' VII is Ilerson. : 1 !minty, PA. 'I . I ' Ji111.:)i B. SIeCiIKARY. . Lewis A udenrh I. ..loaep Maxfield'. 4 . I -. i • 1 AIIKAIIi L. !iirmrpt.„_ peter sitter: • 1:. • Pr. ties. N. Ecker, I '. I ''' ..- JACOB .. MYERS: . John K. Blacklaton, 11. Ilainvett. • l,. Fe,brnaryLll. 'SI'. .) 1 . ,i. .1. ' . I ; . T fan ' Samuel IL not hFroirl, . Wm. F.. Deal., ~, , .1). LtIYIIEB, Prrswiest. Ws. IF..tlt ti, 1 - .,14.re sarat. . AV. M. Smith, . I sr-errtary. ' • 5? I'. D. Lucius 'itiaT item appointed asent for the I .',... P.,nip n inT in IFehuyll4lll cocpityl to whom persons 1 , 1-'l' in: InsiLrance lean apple. • ;. . J mmary 1,.'57 "[April 5 . 1 64 161 ;1. . 1 -%, •STA:TE MUTUAL - INSUNANCE COMPANY.. ...' l OU wrii.k KIN LT A I:ST:A*IT m ENT ~ „_..., ,_ ~ , t, ait a.n.4.-• übacu. ,” -- -- POTIFSVIL LE. " • - -- oils to wastiomathat haseverbeen offered lit this part of the country ,Me inviter tils Wends and 4ciastowers 1 ilsv I - 4 . .1••::',1: ', , i • 1 I WILLIAM E. glikkE. ', , r•- -'---- " .l Settler Potter - Me be 7. C. C, Ilitgb F. &nderson and k... , !. , 111 1.4. Iliri • • . S3;,,,SZ • Ii TO / May 9;' i • 19ff, i POTTSVILLE ROLLIIIP MILL. I Henry Sayler; Tanaritta—E.3. Fry ; Rebuyikill Haves-1 I n ,11 and cum i n , f or i l e r w i ror. f ee li ng con f i d ent voi oreenums and iiterekt: reels- . • - I, Dr- 1 5.Chlehleahm apa hY all twaPertehte Ettuftilith , 016 0* -that he nal alit theta in quality and price; be fatten ' .•1 the past y4 , ar,Mutual dryrt. ' I V. 41,I r A AND and IMA HA NOY COAI,i, • Cr "lastly maitufarturing various alms of . *hens. .. 4 rids 21, '47 *elf I himself that he hashed malt expetissee in his lino of -113,0 t I , s"• 64 s 32 {AC —Thiundersined are prepared Ito receive orders' 4... ...." t ' e llie r /tan ' weld", t, 2 • 5 - 28 . 1 °1 32 i _r' . business, therefore he feet* emblems tirathe moot lie sea. recelreable in, mime, • , :2.MT 91 4 fe e th e or ki ni r d A 4 rbi. i i,44 co l a frea s ih o on o r ino n pi.l :7cl .., ,„„ Ind 4 pounds per yard. Also. ttero laMe i Important Discovery: ' 'surt-- dig.itu=s;drutprZi. . . , all kind of jobblas• +-.11 IN simians. owe, Da raft ; „to ,',„'"a„; :XI .. , •Cotterre•Aiioll: . ... yrallibe extensive altendlonsand is, 4 . _, _ Rails of Ibis T13041t treProved pa i/A, ... '• • 1 'I ng the Coo . tlitv feel b alien lu offerlos It to the , exPerieunt of the past .five poem we liaril amddiat of • • ' CONSUIVION, • • . -.7. Citarre serer!.. &Wet abets MAW: Ired side, Pbilthille„ 1 . 542 4 ,,F53 At 1 traewm an rt i t i r t h 3 l ran h aT i n ,,, super i„ i n th onyikr .. making Rails unsui passed In quality by any will in th e I. 'era March .1, 1. " 00 . "%Deese'' , "iwiet‘ttoes• ^` 1 -- tel. both ims,te quality and freedom Rem 'd irt. Cate and 4 emtettr• All business ermmuniratione addressed to , ' DIFELEISOE,TEDE LUGS AND UMW- , , ....unsure, mutual department, 141.3tki :.3 'if re. Vatorrt & SIT Iron Factors, P o tts- in will II l other i mparitink Tht re y are also prepare' b. make ceso , --"'• . • - 1 IRE poiltively et:rabic by I n h a l ation TO CA/IPENTEM3 AID -BUILDERS. - -it ...A.:- 1 - ..17...-.4 9.) I Melt (Or I.lhigh and burit 111 eked from other mined 014 ' 4 e t.t,t: r - iiir*tteettot. JNO• 801 N/F ll & CO. i 4. which conveys theretnedies tothe catlike in the I •/ l . - - z. • ..., : , , . I • 'IANCROrf. LEW'S A CO.. ' ' le !! L' e '' __ --- ' 1 —•-• , lungs through the ab.paseages.and ceasing/et direcacon••• . 1 st.res4 i 1 • • 'F'.. 19 te a l` at street,-Commerclal Ruildlng.', , • FOUNDRY AIID feACHINF. SHOP. ' tnet W ith the disease, heutt 6 ities the lattertiatae *Wort Ii•r: P• Twirl...n:4k slikk and ether I ; l Feliroare 9,*5: • ` . ti-ly '. , k ill " the cough : ray" a lie. end e i i3 Y Wet t "imt; ‘ SCHUYLKIU. , COUNTY MOB Steam Car Factory, it.e. , ..1 securitic, ' 1:3,135 71' ' , •I. , 4 • :maws Ni•TICE.-Thebutimmset the late firm i heals the hint& purifies the blood. Intgarta renewr4 al- `; •'•'• r , ris arv.c. I , •taiON ..44 I , CZ:, HACKER'S, COOK. i 4 of .••;:ati DER I MILNE& will be "curia tarty to the "Penni* system. Flying tt• tone and 'ger. ! , ••••, ` 0 band and In hand* 14 , • •• • ' • antrsi Sao warns os ' ', :,.." 7 tied by MANUFACTURINC COMPANY 1e.1.:J. 5-` , "twill" . /e Ili its earl* " iKY I* leitle P teelehte re l . theteeteeet t ee t er heelth': ‘• - re h . II tYr. on hand at theli ettenTive esliUisiatent. on =o , roi i f , I 33 1.11. 3X06114331. C 1 4011112s t rail:. branches ' sou Such* braiding, Irna r able ta state coMiden 11l that CousuMptioa le enrible I:.i ii rrndo i r d 4 4 . , „,..i - - t i t ,. , : ,r i nin 'b or , ni dyer ,. kind d,' l . Also. deaten; ill ether find qualities .r .', .I, , t4nde , et ariVaurer of all kinds of I lay italkalaikin, la to me„,* warm. of urkqed. platalte. ~,d d onn i p ti o ,„; k i o i, 0 ,,,,,, i I o pt i ma .; , _ tan aupp y 0 t . r I,—, t.11611 • i lll•urztnee. apply' to i " . White wa r d Red A • sh Coals. ditsehinery, so, int mi zet Furnaces, Kinnard ,It 13•3/ , murb Unde the control of tm real treatment AN , , v ,„,"...., a s u n der , a s k .... rant own it am be MI sr other Prtrufdable disease: rifler ra t of er , rr hnn- • -1- •" ----- -- - a 11. AlitiNfri/N...l 4 erad. ; „Ve mi tlelf,,er ors". rrolerk/pAid. oaf Woodtand 4 Cars, tae s r• fie 11 l el ge °ne e the he4tee " er -e 1 le • ' • ' • • bought elsewhere- They axe alto ready to supply, i J .0, 1% 1••44'. I I 224 y .. .4 • , I n - h47 ,, r ,„. ~t 4, „. .#1• ,n, . , Inc and Selling the celebrated P iet Arca 113ile /shad drol caws can be cured in the first stages. and fifty per t thrcugh the means of their extensive business. and 4. • i I 'i f.nris mod :pd.,' Vries Red Ask (kers:being stile monde I cent. in the weerod; but in ttie tbird,Stage It is impow i.m.;..ving machines, rnsunbrinred „ dirt , s in th eir Line .., , IMMOITTY. I Trott ct V, MMUS Itketri. Jaw M. Ceps. i for of these Collieries .-- , GEOIItIE W. SNYDER.. Aide to save more than fire per cent- for the lanyCare ~,, „ iring ,, rd . 41 ,, ref . „ eni.nn „ la . atm • • I I LIE VYanklut Fire Mot t irance Coin- i' schrbarv - .. '57 ' • 1, ' 3-1 y . ! January 31.../St: , , 34f ma cut up try the di-smite as Co lid dell nto meffleat , * -ee ---; - Their itante Workshops have been to so - Seoul@ opera , skirl Leen, however, in the bort stves,, inhalation, at , tiou forthepard year. attelarg out vest quantities of ill„ ;••oir 4.f l'hilid,eph la .. Offirc. '.k0.1 6 1 1 .!•6 Chwstillt ' i . mil ILATOILS &MINERS. • Innis extraordinary relief to the lering attending •• 4.• ;.; ir rilthstrt t. •-.1 '' ; ff .- AYES, i SMI . I 11, '& CO ' . 1 ; 1 TO CO CCIV OP , iblicor of er °ran' i this iberful scoase. width' annual destroys ninety.: D'abret Window Primes, , n.rtres: 1 The subscribers respectfully invite the 1 dre thousand personcin the United not.shates and a Saab , ' Panel Work, '''', I‘;‘ ", Ran,-:,et, ~ tlser tt -o W. Itirhards, I ; CCial Ireferchant:s. ~ I e .. attention 'of he t business community to ' comet calculation show" that of theprwsitnt popettities ; . mouldinleir Bed - Pest% , thili,beil=ko.ou railroad alreee.be-, of the earth. eighty willies" andilled to fl/ thel nialkast id ayisiloL. ~„ nrierai D. le•rris, 1 So. 107 pate 14) Wallace* Street, Pitalaira,o ( • •• • - • -• • ••Bannisters, .',,, ‘. Wt.:••,r, . 1 .. = Adolphe E. folic, Are now redrawing...4ll4, et erenrJess lk inertia" ['nark.; 1--•:•in,,- gr= low the ger'lirpet, Preterit/it, Pa. , Convutoptire's grant ,- I I , ,• ' Shatters, . t,' - ' l ''''";• i ' r t l'ittl , '"_• !he w n. i a full supply of Gnenpool Coal, ir lair hwe offer at the ' whervikhey are prepared to manufacture ' Truly the goiter erdeathe no mmow to falai as . 1 nit na UN& 4r- Fused, iintellf‘f and Termed Week. la.. it A•ilih. . )Inuit rat tersen. loWed t -oirk; - it Bill LEltB OF EVERT DWI/IPPON , ComuloPiloia In all -- os- - -----' Which they have -.stoutly e- ~__. ~___ .... .- - -•-- ,-.-- - ... _, _ . _ .. -etreelas -In all arse it ha* tier kreekretemy t Oct- 0 1 3 hare curlstaritlY 411.0 . 444 1. 40 E7 me treaty bran emceed for home-stoelmg. lam. trashed, to • 1 . . i e k qi;rkiCs - , Mr Stacks. Mast BlPre. Glaconsliers,,Thift ' -- i4• ifs. ford s pa re . r i o ish ermi bor , s b iLit . imm * ar 3 „ si t eutp orders 0 the atertest ncr-ies (many tostittitY retain me nn the , lefeose. ' I sated . her wily t he ~, . .i wt. , 1.., :u,.., lit.urinro. pertainent er limited cot ()Hen oi l y t in, a I,t resso r te os or to onr Agra., ':Tipper *- c , 1 , 11 1L .,,,, L , . • 2 alike Um brave. the beautiful. the nt. and l ib. ; or quilitY la wrest" sus, stscirsua siuff- • _, . • _ , _ t , ry 4r , -ript On ef or . iertr. In tool? end country, at 1. it ,. t h e m. 1...,..i,,,,,,r tai s, ti. 'II i VCKEtt, • ; Cars. kr.. k . era on e, ..te. A . 1 ,, r. %. 4,, eotOd. , (.nt with seMitr. prattleal nteassoks, and hiring for yearvdevotea gifted. By the help of that initirme 'lng e firma when , Der slot STSses nustaoch. of sit hictsis. for honalor put'. , did not r ° t o Jad g l 8 -t• al ( .°3 . 1- S;ltlaturf of the T'''': 5' ',` a , r•• r--,,,a• . tar;:* e h o ti o rent • pond. : 1, m sy , 23 .4. ' . . 1 7 .1 "'''` .**e. * Rll ' t '-th ik evau h li,a entirely " to this branch ofthusine4.- they Bat- , cometh retry rood and petted Ott T =enabled to offer! tseesk Oak,-Maple: l'Orgar, chair, plastic. and iteantling ; United . Statee;WhOei ettire was in the same tort': ~ , 21.tf i n 4 harda; Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Ite for eablart . I Meta her fleet' I was a young Mari at ibe her; SM. otii,h. oit'n,l?it Pr • Co OW and l'oemionts. s a;e l l l ssossiat - - --2- "•" - -- I . "' ---- -- - ---- - - ------ 1 ler tbenteelyw that work done at theirratabilahment tern 1,- to laie cted a permanent and 9+ 1 + 1 4 core t i - •_ _ . . _ _ joic pumboara‘ *pi -, . . , , _ Iffr, I ample rotttet Ott t•t IV. Insured.' ilece their, In. A t. sire mtbtfactirtu to all who may :lnx them rich a eall.- ; soillitlatt,, negro imasoef inberose so,' ft.an km work, ++ bite and sr 1. -Isw*" Sbe mournfully said that be bad ,seked +Ores's-- - -I , ratl•sti. a ...sioi if Is :tests. the ? itere'ptlO upeirda i • 11.0 VAN " 'LIUSEN, ' A RTON &CO ; Ind ...Wash and'ectrepanies wilt end it greatly to their ad- blood, and the immediate alert. predated by their Iste.', OMIT "0 . ......... Whit l e . line plait. a• - • 11, 1 . 1 " 2. 14.1 1 4.14 he tie I*, meyaa. and th is ki wi s t a , 144 ____,. In r! •f , ~e Si . fiu,sk, te. hioqn , i'vteas,:;.l .tettars looses LY 1 sm. exacalree their irork hersie env:Arlin elsewhere. ! plaice In the Mime. is to prevent the free atheist/ow t . and 1 ° 44 BaU*- 1 - • weirs toady; ohtv plank, beams. t 0 " ...., ,_ _ -, ',only tiffordittO eelten.triektho a iseatk - ze+ of 1 1 1'- - 1 . B°4 liirliatil for th° 844 of the. • r 'p ' 4 ; ntA s Y .- Il t , ° 11 , 4 1 : Int! : Jonv , t ~.ILtars . NOBLE. , 1.,4 sir Into the sir cella, which mune* a weakened villa- rails , sciptti° g• r d. " °nue" lilt, Ina lg l anbt/S. ll- 44 6" II " 421114 lor her-imsb3nd 111 " n 'tP sdrm • •1 - t 0 et, ....WI as the: ebilitY IQ Ai.,;. - eitirm to t i • J , • MaZititile3rlEl. ' ; --' k - . • ;•ty thi,orgh the ratter syMa. Then anrely it ill nitre ' ' or,: Zr -: Cr. '- ' of belonging to an eatetutivo band- id bone/ ~:h tont-Orreetx all Iklifitir.. ! uter • ' . • t0 i..., ......o,,_ • ' _m: ••':- - , WASHINATON 1;1011 WORKS • nakossaro e xp er t g i vo r ierx d r eam toe dwt ow e oo ri o o tr . crisql too of mewl star and everything , iiitheir Hike • adept:amid, tountetteiteis. ,eihose bead. Onetime ' a . Olifki . S . IIAIVIIt mt. Poeitl.int.- ...,:..COal. At"' ..Na ' tion uo. a VOIU ' • ' °4l " li .: ' 11 " fl, _ . ' I the rasithe of the lin* thus haw Maim mhaalistemed -no toad or to order. at ths shortest mono.: , t ' • • as e . . . well Anioaeare * pram,. _ .. ~ ; , , • . VIM. t JAB ++ - 1 1 EX rosPectfunT Janis t thronsa, the ereerneht thepatient wilralwaye Saajthe . Hotteville,March 2 8 '/.2 r 111. - I • I - ..1 ts ‘l, Tttritalaises-retary. . ' I sated her to tell me the ; w e troth !of the I , b., rib. • r has let n ewe itit , xt peent tor the stove ; lungs -free and the bromide; easy after inhaling _mew: . . _________„' ', the attintion cf. the laustnesoroarasnaity t Meat Red ad, Walt. Asir Coil. .' - ' 7,- -. -" to their ?Wit Machine notelet! rovissfrY AI inhalation Ista kcal remedy neresibiletelt • ' matter, aid If it was tree that her 'P aehaaft Oahe- ' ~, .1 ~,,:. I iatlto Mut, sal la new ptllored to make In ! •--- - ' I . -.., - • Ah, sir " mid the "a better man at hes i rt.lbits t '-,,,,,.. ~ n ,erry ,leription of prr2ert r. at thlooe, o s ~ I , i•INe. 2V:Wa mat street. PIIILADBLIIII,I. t` 4 - F- -- 21-r . ....-. erectedbetwten C mlandk*ll,eedatreets, between kus - I sud MullsOodot- - -s -e " !sc -elL Moon Th strtuitents"" Sy., and with more' :power ' and . tt. 'N. Siallagili6 aninalsOin igninia. lon to soeh aha dr. ' '- . • !* - i Siorwe-ian alma where 1 • t't ANnitior ixtssr.i.. Agent_ f,, 0 'tots : Nu. ~54 Übertr 'it.. ma Xiosau, N. YORK._ i,„ - ''''!•-:_ ... and (ranting On . ~ ~ ty -thee temedhe adtataistreet bp leo mentote. I re, . HE sukscriber is •Atrent for the sale . , :t.ti',!,•; Jan. 11. 1531 • -••• • 2-rf • • . No. : $ Dolt* 4 . .. et, 110:10.14 ~ --• / 1 hey- lira Wallowed to parents all scaors_.&.. l, sc„.hiUV__°_l ; pro:mths pemerfal and direct bralmerearif this Mai ot c il -lit : 0 -.- ,- -'t r' , - --- I my 6444 ,i e ' in k. ' 14, i te ; b a t be lik e d • al ia s and t 5.....- ._ Brass and Iron? such us l l 'huls Eurim"" 414 ° 444 . 444. _ .. . administration. chloroform inhaled Willenthely deetnsy i,. ; , utttmors MlLArlittl-TIMISACM Sew Ihmther heree -• d r a std .' s , . 4 ,. ' Lin nirmuicz. . . , PPulg V ir r iatni • lialiataWtt anti ' ee. , l - log fog llolllug Wis. Grist and Saw Mina Singh nes to sosi nahry la i s, fry mp l iqu e , po r a] Ti mp g th e roo m so, , wa s WEI. 'awn' booms, pobik hatittlow, to. It dsse. .• •• - lei r-Illid they toads bile - t - sta Au be" I • • , lie ~. 1 i chmond. ; . Itonhlesaing Troupe; Coal Breaker*. MR 0414 . Alin* . woos .. .Tides"; so ft:W.l'llmb may to, empotaled• without net barn the air, and ohms an nem' ble hwt-eti litss ' ca ner would hove dome if be Wet • see MOIL 1 ' , - I,are. . rik.t urAiniee, Aii nu ity no ..b ... '3l .• • . •*- I is ' o r sonme awnings. sorb as Chairs for Flat and T hall; sho mou s e wan:: labeling the ordinary bwreelogl gas: - Wads* matter. W e surettideudyeattlog thence up kilt Matta ihat.it ass !os! proved that be had the itiond; 1. o v aPEr .,- - ~..,---;„•• ..,-,..,,' ---------., ~,,,,,,,_----- ~...... 1 . „,.. c ., ------- ' • i ,r, 0 0, 6 paitabes,tr.; all kbadsof east and wrested /rem ; you s t e amy Um in atm hestral '•' ' - t 1- it pet mp by ber,dirietitini.vilt money tbme to te'atan't. went I- as iw a v i c did . . awil }w ill jr to .. ow 1 - 31 .4 or the Custom : 14.r..i 1i.1.0.1i. Li DENitirsD 6; CA.I . r ' ''lssittli Brink !newel menhankr. , and harts,: made sr 'he letsitailsto. et /ammo& win teem the a* ; t work...! up Put th em wp miaow to•34 , fites reponse ,b- - . i ~, .1 st 1, if . . 11, • 't• 1 , I ' , I •. t her'amsnd' o f the C°ll Re f* * their stud y ter 313211 ' 1 'Oka febotilt ft aigareo/1 dad. The Ade* of .molly., Maul!' put up b y Perseus froth abroad; - .wa tatskik tie, nis* . . • ' . 1 eifiiRTER PfiRPSITTA 1. :An la i Shti rs of dirt 41,11,-.1% oleo o n Mocha Marktinery In *twirl/me of business. they {or th e coodrawoolop o o. n frol o in rbo Ale a few silk ~ Furnakr t alt , stiete, mot Jtosistars; .also.-et• manistee. .. , . , • • I &dot like raft, I knew that theattelles i . .new. on tioniOn the meet savor- . 's • fler s Jut , 1 great dislike to he gang heated where sbe Meowed, 1:1 l j e . -- . -. -- - '''..- .... t e rti w gin t""i eetblett Te lea t to " V al ho " ma at y t hemor bsi" rbees i trliet ; '- ret ut 7w il tt l'' binset. l4l" * 4-i r *ors "ja rnatrtoof ittunedi er t ' l:r eousen eet t eci te: ' I : , . 1113 raWf ili tlff0 6 /f Illtlitilkt "UMW; la liatitatieS or and framed to list-tiser.rate Wont.* i r ellti .4r.ho , : 1 111 0 '.0 ebrated op atIW inveetedt icertother with i. , a , , . „at . All p r a m y. emeired sod' porptlyertm e Omni earth Kibleabakes. lathe WI float Meknes' is•, - . 1 LMberallelphyry,'Pyreswea ItaotObis. Ilsonstelta, wen - t i e e tit o . to - ab ip i rm - -t t • to t o m, the cas e , - anY 111 Ol T n .- ' re ' I cresshstr fuser, rod tslud. tern ', • AIv`,TBRAOYE coA,r,s; : , 4 uted.on the soad- Wm Maim •' ' I always yew teed by treethlterfoolak, lasesslttids fowl- i-. dmitiseatoteireeeteholtsimartraudesiodetbersea t bie, a _ .. , b,ucst into tea. ,_ . ;., . ... . - •., . ~F, - 1.,:t ;inttoost: t' - f ' • .- r 'THOMAS ire-' ',. " ' JAMES, InIX.B. • ' . I tire evidence _that proper•rernedlea eareciabr, • Thee! tottetkete efeeelothot„ thoe -- e&y•ozot oto th e ..'. '''' / ' - ' Im said 'wail' halt yearly or ; - ' t5, ft. v,...1 0 3 -••\ , • . • . ,4T-tf • I and ledicimarTe adroleastered tbrma tie lam sloold etweet strut*. I testyle and Sable they amondtatled. • 4 ni°6;•ntinli - O ne .1/ ; ° " 1. ire " ' 146 . fret il, !,, .6 . , • • 4 Pram _ ELYRIA and the 111111018.„ • - - g•Pesdtam the hippie-4; remittal ; Dudes eighteen vim? ' limy ' hid esti highly polished that they trtale:tbeir hat . u:: hst like a wash (wet la sett If. ft Ilisdat..„ 'for I: tz rs pertrueony t o ibelos o mr.. LOA' Mrelt, -urn tsn KA tlt:ATLTerroAa: ... PALOALTO IVOLLINO MILL. _ , . , •prardes, many' tinetsumbi.'sfarriag Wool diseases et ty ametiletterr Atm emote-tad ate ma injured _ ! eyes brightened:ly flatortY.boalltr Waif eferl l6 '; .-10i,..t.m0n t 0t...1 j o i rk„0„,,,,, 2 sl , ottx. --i - - •do . LOCCST MT, - do . 1 THE Saletertaert big leave I° as . 1 the hangs-and . Unmet. bare leen trader MY oust. lsa '. Istooll Clog Goo °e atlas- Ile , es* lis Ifs's**. shuss2th I ~. m tn . . to ■ . 54 , to 12Orial/o r . Imo, amount ••• Dl Asttll , •-- • d 6 sl l tlnn IsIT, - traton. ' • *1111( Don n e a to their trieniM and the Public. 1 I biro effected many magutuile rens. 'yea athLri the .. .f ,Mortif I.; sod ad Ow Was veer catch my dr parr rl , ..„ , k..... • the lino or Miami that made thi Mal rubies by.sitablag t; 4 t•. , ~ r.-4,t- - .0,10, i 0 . 0 .,,d un d er 'i ogOCKVIL R. -wet ettn. IT - TtI3IIISti . VAL. do s - - eiZ 7 az;;P. araeroll.f.that their new Ratline-11111 at , ',Am% hag been pronameord pa the Mateta,„,me, which , ;Marble. ;• - • . s y :thug-1g -1 _OS - ; ~,„ _ in: lia.: I :l•4olbicik will ly paid ; • ~ ; -.- ---.....-• ----------- - ' rrr - Palo. Alto Is now rontkikete. and in MI tally aitieffes me that' cohonaption Is es looser a fatal •_ Them Eantel* range in prim:host ttito st.,%.areati:Sk I wa il ,; ikaal n; 11 1.1114Wa1l coot f r oaProttlf - elio 1 . , / .I.tira s tusered of tlMlCtorizle. i ' .• •_ Treat nuans-onistrunT, - -"•••••:__ • . operative.' and that the* are prepared to , disease, ' My' trentioeut of efaxaiimpikai ilarklaat :I tog to elm end Staab- A rpeelares of loiterer and sieve I' bandkercbie: that Lid; hm . l sircemins aye* i then i 1 " 1 -autookot toil= lieithetiest S. tistmin, Irene J1.•.e.. io.,t C I 3IINCT I. El ISM, era AS& tursish T Tanta various ratterns. 'writhing from 22 to f eu ow Swag ozpsrbsero tied a tholes" to • 'ma be seen at Me Mora Pottsville. •- • -.' ' ' • bide' Sr h MA Itmand het 'nosy ;monk . rate alk4 ~,,, Sl.oau, the Mitten In the ; - - 117 - or t it.... -- ,...... - • ---- moerfis. ----'-- ' . TO Ns per yard.. Also. different sties of Eat , tore and , t w it:m. loo6 ll b % perhat imabia req ati nal t n e ta iusti onewlits the man aatra u, of I* : la ut p, suß tbich s d t m vitom sid ahr ldl esA TOTl ci ll. ixthi llur t rwletflid ers. ae rt aise btalbl- ear. 1 v fo . i L ik ,e...._ ,:„l iite gn ii in ignite ,or id.' oft - Ns. ' ! ~, to th e amount and time of ; • ' • I -,---•". ' ''''' veer superior -, ' ' t mod meerhantd. bar Iron: • . . • l': ma mike itn eremze of more tb an ; 1 ' ' ' - in.:mums wadi ;with jot 1L1C043- r. 1 ~.. .._ .. • ! ciCir;IIIEIERLAND COAL. ,__ ~, Orders fir rang or Mr hOtl ire ra/PeCtrulkY Plieited; • rims &Tess of Orate that obsolete cesmitaptisa. mkt ; smoky rAtimmys: :With one et Ursa Teatilstas placed i s .I °'s sus "O and the. Ce . sad will ,taot with proamt attralleo if left either st : apply the peeper teloudirt rarely burg evistalen even' no a chimney ho current of air me pair ikere the sem i i. . The warm of 'bide be was not a meal ar hint , ; ~'' • / •-N itte 4 u Tih a e , I *l4l4bir *" ,a d fi!*4 '''' .° P °l7 ' the Ratios Mil. Bright a' lks - Ifts llstrassre 'Store. -12 astute rue. Th is fitortisrity to restateetke title . ' -Ind it makes no dteeresee obese the tried ma:strike 1 pan aadmi him to take dm beta: 'lb tittle tha t • 5 ,. . :. Teettietreet. oe at their odieo. X. 14 Crier. of (Ware certain paihologiral and takicoospieldies. wmolkiiirrib• renaillistor. It tames a cermet "prangs. it' Er "at tit was, stolen, o d 'H ie t ' bras ieki,,,,irharedi ft - • • It -14. silent 4l te t -s P IMAnaLPITIa• and Maxtot streets, M i s or y -tu r w ooD , LEz 4k tx ) - - - inn ki rrik , lb.. burgs ever the rtheree ofehaCtairt4l *a alipublie bultdterm sod peopedytwo~ed dealt. I w e....../........, -,,• bail rho- 1 i '2 ' 01/11e44 **btu,* sinotAlantM):%. , Worse still-be . . Jae. t. 'ST . . , 1-tf Amidst SO enh,nte the ebeit s petrify the blood. itammt tes_.: lona vierea system id irotibliva la node& sat ...,* _ ,- ---- , L , -- "-" - . teteel" I'l 1 ; , tug orachte7..wil vina . ..• - • i ' : nom, it.q.: '•, • i • • ; , k • • • tat. - • ,• it teeeeet Vitality, gisint mem and tone to threat's, .; A .il.a.. ries' Blabs. tilde Teem Carta Tema, Sopa liar 'us Ills buss. 'a I and no" In eh" Me i l - . 1, , - - .• z• Wish Orlando. Math llama, ler Seleser.,*egletar Irel _ ante. ebb lb* _. " ml 4 "milk it., . . li - ' ! '' t' ' .. barbs* Leetta, • -4•-•-- NEM' . 'wigs - or °timer ry SCIWYZAILL Va.; M^ndetelMh rolfdletelloo, lo **al.l 6o lPlet OM.. Knnitu Tali* COrbtos le: o t urcsy lle- • -' • as Beited•fitatrs and ttristsdas by v•thista:itamosziertuir , OLSANIORIXIMITSC l'elli tee test- r 4 T o b r e t t E , 6 2"... "... s ,:i r pik ; 4 !,:b li n dr . h i 1. i11i ,..1 t bsiiit--.... j.- [ john it:Stoek. 1„ .. ' V . • lIEWS OF POTTSVILLE. R uftEs re-Plating the Praetiee• or ' their symptamitry Irlttr. • Bat dre tare arrald.bie anew-- loot loose Math. thaws* slam. sia alllithMetblwitss - t 1.- -- ''' t t • 'M' ---` 1....2 - 141 . tittltell iii 4 0 1 141 6. tit.lf, of titel .4ll4o 4fhltattOOS. t I N I I E ' SVEISCRIBER has'a lot Of the • t ' lather InStratia 'lon ean to but ' I tip' Colarlis in Schuylkill cOwlttY. together .wilb : mtaist If tbspalleat sksol4Plir lora " 4 4 nlikti On" , kicr. - ni doet renews selakitiftS• •- . .. -. 1 " 11 ' 8- - ‘• a ° 0 '"' e" set Viol,: ,it rottselt w Mat Is a leautifirtiew Of, : the auks of therein, of lb* Supreme Custtlkg spa .slt th• ', Rite 00 44 •Prottu"Kr Ia goolnanu. taut° and sea ' ` M._•___X :ll A /14 .. CE/1/515 m bliff "^ anw aslusnuir * ** Ps I• o lIITI°2°°IL or (allow tar. labriathil!r aa'2"! a 1 Miens te * 4 1 1 4 Sit 1- 4 ' 114 kt t RID.; WAY,, Prelichrwi. 1 the leatter, etteaerT:i _ whk-h he 111 roll at the low ; serest *arta e.f Cansamt Maier the:stater( renrsyl- : Wine to persrrihr wish raueb' greater' rethilltti,•-: sod; lan rm.: 4. e- 'Ague& etlebleb -11 111 be terotishet ist I. tho low. Mitt .folll .4 11. ill Pl= ,-....- .. ~- - • Id, . ' 4 . "ll° i'f•ltZ- reta , atb. (oche.. cot ft: kt.. ' they "mot eeeli, to awls , .is L adde.t . , tbe it ales , respertitts paper thee tioresee reel 14.yettivted Thoth ' ..siyßesin' the. AllsethaisilhomMis emititeiesity oder& • -''. ' i p i , Ws4f.lar,' pretty • milei measly ...lter, 1 1 11 .,„,,r , .., ~4'l 11 ..s. ". L. 4 't Ow ' : 4 t.'" - . E . ..ttapany } path 414 At t 54 ..,tt: . ..r ta t .. the:fie:telt+ 'pr . Wlt/r" aI•It 1 f 4 • enure Prier it OU'''. - 300 shhellst.: - 16 '. 1 4 t 4 . 14 - '' 41 ' 11.- " 4lt-4 / 4 /431 . 1 1 j- ;" 1 ' 'l."l" ` k I°3l4l°llkm ' ikkkl4l.-6111 " 4 " .24.611 " 1t1e4 .1 quite diirtfr`eite: tiellielt -" * as 1 " E ~ , : 4, 4 1;,:" 1 c !.. 41 th ":, d ,.' L' uri, .. 4 e , `- .. ..iki •cs Pl . - **A.& al rem. ' in . ;wet ' 4J. • 4 ' ''' . - -f - ^ IE:1/:, :}-7;l P e, Pe A "n aro, and sow Gale by '' ' i .P . • ;ter, MI /Mart sPertf. , t'iarti .. silo pit let zi t hchss olarit irS4 l ii, •_ .; ilib l " m ed y 4 si ns tory ssu um ueuf rocm usefla, , 1.114 sad et a i s s a a ;ttold . ameeh bar ro d : te r m & he wi t ra p 7 1110111111 , Ilat r,sni nd , ~ ' ..., B t.t.Mis... '. lei iki '-'•"'l - n. ntNistV: I Isri'l. II AIfNA N. , . ttle - . •- - ' `'l . ' hmtatelter and 4 1 . talk:tea Boo: eat,* Lad I , :asliacr. 5 I Jana C r '37. !Atm* lil, VT kt•lrl *s . .' • , - • - • _ ..... —....._ . , ' ' • ''''' ' ' ;• • • tiilottlitici—V t...t •—•-• r• - , ,' , - 01. k oki l itetx t ,, - 4 , ._ „. . , , - • ~ , = . _ ', !I , • . 3., - ;I' _ STEAM VitirrngfrOket . 5 ,..... I t ..... pid • ~ ! , , , ' - - - ', • . • • f ,:,, 5 - s , ...... ,b , w . ... 4,:,,t.:x, .. 0 . .ir • • ' ' - ' , .., , ~,, .: . , . , ,„ .. . . j... 1 , , axon grocartguirse preem,wears ow prvand. / . D . ~, -'"- • - ' .•.;--.''-• .I . — *, ..4 ,"- -4; - - - --- r ,r . -:, : .'. i... ,' • • meat* ' i 4 PrTINTi.". i • i . . i i ' t on e ° ' 0 ~ i ~, . a Is ~ , „ . . ' . ~. . ; r • _ ; , . .i '' re ; '- ' ' •?1 , ..;N: ~.: \ • ' ' • '' : • • , ' ." hasn't , • ~.. a , - •,,. • i • nook*, Paumpitits, ~... : ly liald in 'dram* , i ' ' -' I . ‘: •1' . . ~ • • . , war ~ • , '' ' . mir • - ' ! ' • .-: • •II , 41 111 ' ' , ' dlt Lar ling re P . o4 u. ihri • -, PiiiPaPAßdilme. . 1 1 - i 'l,, ' l A, • ".' , ` .. • . • 4 , -,,.., .t : .„..,.. __ .._ , .., . 1 _ • - "I T v v i r r iTckup t - i .. 1 i : ' c - '-: ' ' ' ,"' ' 1 't ,' 1 A tdetteof . l igreaniiii,` 7 coeaboriee ri v i t r47; o re r .t • :, .-- . ' -1., , . , ' AND- PO „.... ~ . ....., 4 A. , s * n . -ui VP IR AT- - ',.', . , „ 4, • IFII ff d Paper .i - - 1 ' 1 ..' ' I ',-", 1 , 't . " .. f ,•, .t - - I eft ti, , ' Onkr Book*, Ike. ..,. .. , - . • , NO 1 . • Ilk 6 ! ' ' ' _ . . ..,„ - . - 4 , 1 -.),. k;1 - _,I.011. , a , A.I 1 .n..-U , V -ELLIN', 1.1J.E/R e:- , : •,t,, , . - • • ,-, ~ r,,,,,,,. -, ' i ATtiiiiikyiibitifeie 664. Ourideek etkiii TIMM is' , ' :4 - : : f • .' : ' ' ' , 11. , -•- ; '1 _' -, . i . ' • : ~- - - t7 1 1,. : 1 ' '-;, : -, ' 4 •• - . 7 . -.• ',. 1 " ' '' —• ' , • - - 14 " 4 '':—-11.' , ' ' • ' . 11 - ' - -:' . 1 ' - f l ` ", k , *Dor. eitrasli, thaittlAt 4627 gilier elkii :manor ALL TuTtria TO 001 ors Aso rtiasOut:- 4 4 , 02: '•- - ' -• . ii . rvi i . tortrorthe tr . • __________ ____-_- ....._—_— __________ . ' cif VW ildito Pi Mid in: :esp . 42 1: liopirplidl ; fond th ew . • , , . , f, 4 ' ' ' •• '` • . ' aillibhg. , tieing elisetleal 1114114er our . t ' .„ ,_.' . o' I 'WILL TEACH . TOO TO RIERUE T HE BOITCLS OF THE BANTU, AND DRUG OUT 111031 , THZ ei.TENT3 - 0N MOUNT 8, =TAM WIDC*IIIII,I4,4IITN IMRINGTD TO Out MINDS AND „ talcs thetrmlTl •,/,, e directed. theseepa, a t - .7 ,...______ ' . . . r -- 7 ,-, * 11 -•-., • ... ~,,. , ,-..1- . i. ' Attars ' qU1. 4 9 1 . 1 i. ni!inNCl/X Ca rathe Ws and-or- , , MORNING, _ • , I- , , l i thout Informing PUBLISHED 'EVERY SATURDAY :;BY BENJANIIII'BANNAN;r POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL ODUNTY ; .) ..ENNSYLVINIA.: , . • •.....4 : -. 30 , —-- ' ~..., to like rornter t - ~ t ? :BEY: , - 11i!:!, ?":I,""Pa* * VOL XXXII . , _ _ . . . _,, . . •.. ' . - - . -NO $2 - 0r...14...i5ks topficlol fraud! n. ' • ' 1 „ • ~.__ SATIMPAY MORNING . ,AUGUST 8; 1857 • . - - - . I '' • 1 - . „ . aid& at saterkallars '• • 1114 Z ,A. •-- Aav EitTISI USUA I. 6.3.1 : 01 7 and 8 South Wharves, Philadelphia, DEALERS IN June 6. - • 1;347 .0 I .! OILS!.! 0=11! HQEICSON & KEAN, Nog, 5 4q7 lii• - 9. illbarnes, Philaba., Generalt Commission Merchants, and Dealers in .11•11,11,11".11ND.SPRIIM. OIL •FOR JIINING '.. AND NECIIANICAL PUIIPOPES. , ' . ' Stpi .22.'6 . • ~ . 384 f • • • GEO. W. POJEBIIOY &co., ' 4: Dian 6' T • N • ' • - 0/ 0A Pi CANDLES, AC N"- 6 8 south- Water street:below Marke Philadelphia 'l.' '-. ._ ' .." • ~ . . . . . . ... Sperns, lo Elephant; Whale, Tanners' tied Airehinery Oil Sperm and Adamantine Candles. •.. . ' ilimuel T. Millar . ' Salaams. , Philadelp la, January 6, '67 • " , .I.lx . f " 'II It & BROTHER, • ' Ra tag Removed To.Their', . • .. . ENV STORE' NO: 9. 0 OfiESNITT ..BTRE . tV: . • (o . wGE 4tNTll AND : Tr.NTIL) Philadelph i a, 'I : . r Are new opening a splendid stick of . CAREETING,S•,,' Enthrarins every variety of ' `' ••• • .- • ENGLISIL BRWELS, ' 'NORA ' rge " TAPb:STRN, IMPIKRIAL. - - and i . '• . '. VELVET, Tilittillt-PLY, _.ckt RTI A Nat I tI N C • AMERICAARPETIi, - { Of theft 'or; ntsouralitm, which they, warrant to be: *Oak teenymods made In this reentry. i F LO s- R -OIL C LOT:if tii, - : 1 : :::• Of es-err varhetyoestyhtrand width.' - ' _ CANTON ATTINGet.COCOA MATS, RUGS. DRUG- . 1 .1011 N A. M ' 7 RE.j tiLKllkiPt.l ikl. . '.Le t:p. as'a i c :x Y ;rl wi IlAos. I MO RE. 0, sWILLIA' 11111 S;. I. i Genera Comesion, Merchants, . • i ANDIiMALeitdIIN , , . , MINERS', SUPPLIES, -• • ' .. 1 No. 3415. Wats* ,:Pielleedelpbta. • '., , The sobsOibee tuning been aseaciated , wltiC she coal's trade and Mining operations poserolly, for several years, t ant impairer( to supply orders for all artirlee omti rt. ` ent :• in milting flowers atithe lowest , rates. with Atari, and. despatch. gar stock comprisits the relieving articles; 1 113111aeetSpeAn, -- Sarety Lamps, Thornier, celebratedl . • Mak. . Fusot, ,- , Onto tithing, F.l4hant. Wasting Palter, - wwabionltl ' .I ithlehed, ;Slope Chaios. ~,... Perking., . ! Ite ed. Royos, all sizerii:t Muse. 1 ' La . Parry*: - Blasting and other; . /oFitt. 'Wicking, , , Pnwders,l .. , - G wiirthin." 'wire ROM . &Sp. 1 , Linseed. yarlind i'lieb. .. (Smiles, Ate. te. $ j mass:Nen : • • I .11odmon A Keen. J. it.: A. At S. Allen, Chariest 'Miller A . Co.. S. , r.ot h rater. Rat!. and John Thornley, NM. Phila.' atielphiat on. VT. Donaldson, lion. C. W..Pltntae, Oen. I W. Snyder. ' ~, D. I• Drown, Esq.. and L. P. Brooke. Ersi-.:'ottss Ile: W iDellaren, Esq.,Allinersellle; and J. J. Conn Ashisn 1, [tannery 17; '57 rely Sciu INSi col !ZEE Nice in 2 doors, CAPI ; Thla Com Pr the Lezt insoisrd AU. nn Finc. an.l Ings.Furul kinds. I • Also on I I ranee on timore. Le promptly. a the public. . . i Direct/keel • ' , ' ... ' gAIIIIEL Ezi LLY id A IN,. iJ. -11. ADAM, • -. tit I lit 1A . 4 1, 1011T131110.. J r.l J 011 .N • P. DETB EDT, JACOB 1110 1 NTZrialp.„ Jr JOHN • REXPRICKS, OF.oll(lllc,itr}:}* , ,,-.1 J.„,E GB A EFF. . ' W. P. 3111111. '' ' . 11.11:111INTZINGER, nourrirm rALMii, a /1011011 J. ttEnn. ' • ... i - 84 =EL t I II.I.TM AX, Pnisldenti W. Y. Sld IT. Seer stary and General Agent.. Pottsville January 1. B. t , ~, , , „ , , 1.. C "—P The and after th STON X a in thof. as a No. i Sri Nevi . York I 1 4111 4 08nrfra.. 're..rkikettrer, rivbriok grown,. '7Meln Caber. JAhn R. ' Wliartee 11== . T..y.....T7: 1, , • lENTS 811 . IN LARGKIL TIRE TWI ! TILL 111:.CIIABOED 60 PER' MINT. AD. I .0110 'USUAL, BATES. • I A. & S. ALLEN, ylkffi Fire ..& Marine ' " ANCE COMPANY. IMZ;=2 ymaa's Itithantonge !Above Ceft.e it, Pottsville, Pa: i AL AUTHORIZE!) UT LAW; $11200.000., RTER PERPETUAL. Iny obt Ailed its Charter at the last Ses a lou I,ntu e of Pennsylvania:and la now fully or • prepareoo b , sue PoHelm at liberal rates, inland risks. on Pliblier,and Private flulld,- se,titockitafGoods and Merchandise of all i 1 Itrrakersisn,d NarlaitietycJetland Ins*. 1 Boatfuludltargeti. by Canals arid Myers; to laddatilia Man Pak._ .mliany inarptiteeatolVirktall d therebyl hew t Merit the patronage of COAL, It '- : FINE R. t . lIIP NOTICE, .:-,-- I bscribers ;base assoctstedAhetosolson fines . 'is detc, 'mike t hit name and style of TYLER, • .:. end stili eteldnet the bilitillet , of Muting peewees,T. .: It ft KitititlCK - !TYLER t et.L. at twat stn. 4 • Ehliseciphis :. DM Cranleay t Tier No. - . Port Richmond. vst:Damort TY/ER, tt LIMON .IE. TYLER. . '.4 4 ^ CE=ME IRON, WORKS T. IIL/117111.. • T. caps, IRON WORKS. •• HE subscriber* respectfully Write the ettent lob of thelnisiness eotuMunity 'my —^ to their new foundry and Machine Shop, in the town of3t.thdr,Schufltilli mon ty. where they are pretested to irrild Steam Engines, CAM Dreakresittllnils and machinery of, 'every pattern: Ato, Drift emu, Trod . re Dress au dings Inf any site or pattern. Deng prsitkul merhinits, Oo& pperatorm and others who want machinery would deweU Ito 'Om them a call and examine their work. Orders thankfully remised and executed at the shortest notice and on renamseble terms. ',CATII Ell, Itoo, .81. Clair. July 11, IT • AIULAND. AS LAND IRON WORKS TILE SUBSCRIBERS are now'•ilalli et' . 4 ;44. prepared to furnish. at the Ashland-Iron Works, Steam Engines and Putupsufang r.'.. 21 i = power and cipseity,forminingend other '''''" .. purposes, Coal Breakers of eves" . *brand pattecp Pow, la use, together with eastinpAnd furgings '1 of every - dew:4l4lons. Coal and Drift Cars, of all slur r and 4aati g rus, large Truck smolllorsoCars.;--all furnished' Est the shortest. notles: ' The ant:withers flatter theue selves that, inasmuch as errry member of the Orin is a pisetlialliii'Whinie,.they will be able to furnish m'irlii nary that wlll.eomparo laroratily with Any io the Ito , 'don.. All 'ordeitilireeted to L. P. G.tako,4 Illtre4 Sale land, &Nu - 3.MM "esstity, Pa , wilt recelee prompt ptten- I MIL Agamd,..iltarr IS, Tr; I.. P. Claithi ER. ... •.. . ..• 'IIIOKAEL °Mr, • • .I.OSEHUGAREEIL. • . AM AguA. ' CARTER - f, ALLEPVEI uatit ßON WORKS.. aamresaa, Eceurr c.natr,l7..4 The Subseribera,.propiielont of the tKiir abovetiamed extensisesiatablishmentran • 10 1 43 1 manner to the chimer of Scheylkillroam , :Ea ty, 0'6;4 the publicpnerally,theirrtwdi neesfo turn out any and all Undo of work 'ln their line, at the shortest notice, and in the must sat lartetcry insionerh as bending Steam Mnglnes,matt• utact tiling Railroad and Drift Can, PLunpa,Castln;s and Machinery of all Units: • '• • hili - the best workmen are employed, and sattAtlictlen may therefore' beia&ly guaranteed. Orders from abroad promptly ellod, "CARTERS"! ALLEN. ramaqua,„lmutary 11,057 , , - 4-tt MA VEX. MEADOWS. AV it i ttw avw war WORK DR iron and Founders, niapertfully inform Iberia.. ----, tram au4 thei publie generally, that they 132, 2 ; ; are fully prapiinvi at the above establitlr inert, to manUfaeture Steam llngliserrof rem Pvirapa, itaihnssf and Drift Cara, and every other dearriptisn of lion and 'Dram , Castln-s imitable fat I ha Oeni vaistingaianherbeslintennertincininevem~le lends. Also, Itloaing dirufrri /11 . ast .,... Furnaces and , Itepairing of all kinds dmse with deiltuesti and deapateh at the lowest' pelera. Alt wotk furnished by' them war nted to perform well, Thar would acliclt thectistnni of those who mar want irtieles in' their line ht t his rhinity. Al orders will tiireflrlth imatediate and prempt atten• lien... HUDSON, March Al, W. A. IIUDBOS'. DONALDSON. DONALDSON IRON WORKS. COX. JO:Nb A CO. respectful. ly Invite the, attention of the buoluese j -% 4 Rlrt community to their new Foundry and 11121.. t, •• M 6l- hilte' Shot , . in the town of Dinald; son. Schuylkill county. - They are now toady to execute. all..ordcrs, for machinery, ouch as Clean engines. pumps. coal breakers, mill taring furl grist and 1 , 3 M mitla, Tarim:4 and drift ears, ke-lc, Being prietleal merhantes. we tatter mirselve, that all work done at the Donaldson fronlVorks. will give suck satisfril..n. as will serure the future custom °v.', their patrons Orders - thattkAolly . roccired and exam- I fed e the shortest notice, and.on reasonable tents. February.'_'; 1837 , . MI NERSVI • DEHAVKR'S IRON WORKS, mainervilke. • tr' !damp Tllfact ure E - Subarribtor is prepared to 11113011 facture ,STEA3I , ENG I la: of any power, t Pumpsdattycaracity,andecol Breakres • -- of eve:, doortilltion i as well aa every other kind of machinery used In Mines, lire nhFurnacuttlidling, killia, SIMI .11111s.dr. t From the facilities possessed for manufacturing. cud rem long experience in the business,work can he t tuned out at thLvestablishatent,at the very towed priersoud of a superior quality- , Persons destroys of put thic• tAtniarh,lnery of any kind, are iIIT lied to call and ocainlne jia/leni. and lavolue cc pu•lnted with prices lwrore eontraCt lug elsewhere. , 7 Orders of every kind arermlidted. and Strict Idea lion 'I 1111 he ten to their prompt execution. , WiL4.l4lil:ll:lldYElr. Mhtlwarille.Occessaber.9,ls St Asir 4 / 6 26 4.- • 3 ••• _ . TREMONT IRON WORKS.' Treessialf *iiiketraiLiu ilkeSpbitoriberkrespotutfull,viovite, Cthy' attenthinVif tweFtinsiiestiinitnfintty , • to their Newilactifne :Thep aid - - c4 dry:erected I o the town of Trement,, tni _- tinder thesttpetiutendener and thanhge• men t of , 3lessrs.F.t. [letdown and Fkillp litsbolta, whelp they acet'p ad to content, all .11111TPAT liaeldnery of . Prase and rent each av &man Enrdnelt of any Yolnect" Pumps of •and ospacity. Coal ilteniter sof eve', deactip: all kindly. of Gekukttglor litolling Mills. Oriel and . Saw InifiC.ar.. and all Id 'lst; Xsilrcad Catalogs. , such aiddrainstisetkiniand .J4-'0,46E014180' IN n , .....,, ... ....•••tr • I t.. o doubt , the must' sedudertul Warm of this age of t progress- !brit will restore. Pernumently,g y hair to, its .original enfor. - coree, the head of. the Ited with a mat I usurient growth . remove at'onre all din sad Deli-} log. curs all eserotnia.. and other eon ' eruptions. curb as Budd heel& etr.. It will earn. a if by ma4le, lierr/US of iteriOdleal headache; make the at{ son. glsre my, and wiry, and peewee :nap e fly, trod the noraa hide Om& fold*, to ettreeneeddP ; - ' The Adiewlamr Mihail C d ed Inv el tale medical proiskasc ~ • .I'. -. • - e - .., . •..-.• .7 !•-f -:• . . - ~.: St. part; Jag - 1,-ISSA., - r ItOFESSOit,O. J. WOOD•:-.. . • Pi et,} 0 1,, Dean Sire-'•L'Unsollcited.'l lend' yf3a th eirtlfleate.-- After being nearly Imild for I lag tfineAtid hatter. tried I all the bait niettoralimis extend sad !mete, to ARV i a I apy,ll24riluilUtt4. up heltrilpt 4‘,youto Waite Ito tiiaL r -i , L I placed myself in the:hand& of 2 Mother. and had My . 1. bead rubbed Kith a pod stiff bieumh,' and the Respire. Welfare applied and well rubbed in, till the wain ups I :Aglow This I repeated every tooreing.'and hi' ditto I. esetisthe mote hate appeared and rise rapidly foal , A u;ust last till the present tinie.and is newiliick. Reek f ' stet strong-see andideatant to the brach: wters:ave j beforwil, was harsh and pity, what little ',hire War of ii, thudthee littre`iiiii'dlsappeariag req. iaplellk: 11011 t . nap your Itestnrattre about twice a week. and shall-knout bargained and prdois trip of hair.- how, I had. riad • • of Omar lltioelPre•lota who has .Paz_ hitt bare Slat teen.; 'hitherto ally emons,,st here air perwptis hair erats.rwagy 1 ,. erbm e gted try any a (lie ha - ff. - I ,OUie AC.: of the day :Itnif i 1 it eteilb . ermine yteaSttle; hi reer;rd the restdOlt ttly ext.,l periseter. t ti. haso:seroimosetheV, year ,prepandlen f , others. and It already has s'llerge and. nenend: valet 'ltussughoni, Alm Territt4. •. Ma peo l piothfri holds Ile eij ''lk'etsiSftitalletnaddeneep in it. he eppply you debi t Us, Si ettelettake *pieta fir .The 'Territory. Is searlY 'es- •, •"' POUT CAIIIIION: - ' •-- - --.lbansted. and daily inetuirlei are - made 4. it. Yot de-r F 0 U NAIRN 41 iMA ' *tt ' iti*P. I lw o r e vs M i r tha ik t ir k lnur ibiehltwetedt;tlne 'ind tki i° on ...imr. bet l um me. ; • Port Calrbsaa wean vO4 r.h; t,i ti a ik imukgespeireei *mg amp of eTer re lug anguish i ' ewers, •. T. 11-• i> : f\ 4145TEra..8419 . 000,iiraalt. - ;Yours,: hastily. . . e ,al t hh:ritedidese... iiirk4freimetimpleleouttlt • , J.' W. UOlttl, -• • I, - o'll'oal , of theabovenamedestabiltimest.tozup. ' Thar of ikeid - elfeiley. Dregasists: St. Peel. • , : . .. „ .. . -..an:' , ...: ply • all orders la' ht' line of Itemisers- ; i ........L. , - - swell as for Steam .F.erri. nes. RarvesiLmd- t lin= the !hiller of ibelbsal Estate AdcattlestAL '- i Drill lure , Pumps . Cca I Itreakerie. Castings and Merhirte- . ' , items, ....r: School mytref. Vara 2)4 # 5 4.1- , ry of every palterer. Ile warra Os his woek to give sans. • ~ Drsi - flu:-ITlarlergberl. ine pramatunply quite Pay. I Cartion. and according: l ly sulieltMpatronap at honte*and 'wasloduced. some dm. works stook to make a trial of abroad. • . .-. . ... , j a y_ r,.. my . 4.1 3 , . _., your Resletat Ira , : N ,,, :tr . hos ths ro l boft11;. but ' 'FRAM nisoacroi vvoltics;,.., .-. IltrUebaarrircitcr altaistrdit=ial sol os, yet ' ,M Y ; .1 in mattatmitters anurtume to Pub. proceis'ef Eta' ngeti'-'gradmilly going oh„ and I 2t2 to rt m ,___ l ie omit. tlik7 are the Peeetore a the Igoe:t hopes that in a ..p...1 time my hal will I* ii! dark ' . N . " . "."1 Franklin Blurts; Fort'ea on, IntelY•mi• as formerly. I have.elso. been notch gratitled at the . -EU' -. a tied "t„ ' by ' S. sAlimaii• ' , brit . kiwi mu" healthy motet's' and sheer of the ha r, which lopes • •. • _.." .- _ [lune to., etaunlicone to_rordit. at the-ores harsh and thy, nd it has ceased to e out as fen •ah • t notice. ifeatnYtoineeMorups:Crol Dreakens and ' merly - I. . 'lteeperMall Ilarhinerj•efHaltacet i rry rise 00,.descriatv. rot 340 ~j )c.,. ~ . , . ~ . 3,1 n% i „, Ru 1 n other peepers. mt. Ilidircelliad art earhason or • Professor Wadi.' ' • ' . . . brow Carriers of any alai or pattern. Orders are respect % - , , ". '' ----- . i Tully 'Whiled. , OW.' R. 1/115SLEtt A BRO. 1' —,' Amax. Anatole. Area 'IL ISM. , 1 . . .• " It thirre awed praasser. Wood's fl air Ilesterative. and , primi g lin whore' *rinks. . 1 hare admired-1m ironftrful effect, .My hair seas begun- . The snbeeribers monitor et, Conde!' the Cellient wadtug. as I Iholliht4teutatoiall My. hat by' the nee of' ' ! Dealers of Schuylkill Chanty. with Shovels of all kinds, wad - tug. his "Mal Orallte," tt leaf reStitneit its 0 foal 'color, and at the lowest littisdelphkt prink Attention la pastiest. I I have,no doubt. permanently co. I IArIY tailed to their - Coal Shovels. Orders for Shortie of 1 . ' .... :- rI r. -•, . - SIDS SEWS, • ; any Mara! pattern promptly attended to. • , 1• , Ex....tenet° Visited, States., I . ' CEO. It. VISSI.git A BRO.. - . Pert esthete. August 21. Ina. ' - :441' 5,.;„ o. J . 5005 t CO.; ; Per. prietors. h 2 Itreedsra t fi. : Y, — i . and 111 Market street, St.l.sitdit, 111122011 %kids nf Cast and Cz. 11411owShallinus. nu bolti being.* practical. ethany.andkaving had the .-on blew,. and experience itunlyiyectribt tile Coal Wen, persobkdeafroui of up lisebincry °ran/ Pod,. arc I Welhed - t4 call and exasainewarpall ecus d saparlior •Inants - ',lnt . :- and . 'bernine.aeystaluted with prkese theselV'4iTfs,beforeeontrnatlagrrlPewhere• nr4erf try hind thankfully 4^ereiveL and strict attentlan r 111 +given to. their prompt execution'. havlag sererukifs 214 SO. 40. and horse Eagilicaon r ilmad• • ' 1an.6,1147, 14y C... 1: A: 54:07.Ea5. • ..;--., . T ET: the world kn id that liir ill "xjt.• Ak ‘t a, odoplO proriefat =tire Agtitel iti tiVlregesable or Dridoical Kingdoms, irl!boat th*naaof Ptlaranibat Woeful Agadir!! DR. D. S. EPA RE'D-16orr b ltt the.leorual . . 14010! and East Market Streets, yot . tmusii.. Cuallinran a Advice snits. , • , ' -August 1, • - . .3 g • LYONS' KATHARION: .., AVE I.YOU used Lions' Ka hairon for the hair t It t is the meet delight ft l ailet, !ali t n the world and is reenrinently`benetela for . Grey and Mild heads. "'The Mahatma fully restored my hair after a baldness of twelve years. I Tours truly, , ," '• , I RA.. ATWAYttI. 1 _ No. 46 Warren litreet, - N4w York. Also, Lyone Extracted' Pure Jamaica Ginger,lor dys impala and general nem* dablilthAe.. tan ikt had at _ _. O. BALLETS a. , Perfumery and Variety Stosso,VantreNtnet,Pottaellle. , October'. 1858 : , ' ' 414 ' CHAS. W. WW:(I6,:-. Widesale.salletaal. 1.70x-s,imigliit iiisicact Crime'4slart. &E. Cediiio OWN . sad liontsgisa Sts4 - 1 1 T i pporite irortimees .liegel,) I I PO TISVILiLE v itre 111 A Ke . i i , .i..-.... , r 'Fbelsubferlber. having taken pher. askin i ot the howaa.Agimuta..gaggaigai&./kki dirs. E. M. Enatt7 . , has concerted the same Ito s I , :Drefkakid A pet iheleary Itiiiie i l • • such as be thinks -will . prove sat eiskory ,hi all pnrrhasere.l and reeneetfally tulle the St• teatime of his friend* ant the public lo his eitoire etoek. Ile bal taken great care in the Motion of Wolin* %wilting* dr.. litid an therefore eheirfaVy aenfeausend inch and every mamas bettor • , PVIII 1 AND VIVADirLrERA . " 1 Ile le determined to glee hie undivided *weal t- 'hantiest to hlit buidnena. at ell houreef the dry and Wed when regained. believing that thersuocese end ruokradtin: . At phyrriensps well as the Onfoleable lives f t heir pia ands depends in I a great: niesettre an the re, of the Apothecary and the quality 'of hie drugs tin wain Ms; 1 and he feelsCrOnfident that clitaraitse.wheo obtadned l iti the expense of virtue aisit health. will no t the eaoly I question with hieeuidnertmen.ortes- Id' reputatket. as a caret al and eersoetent Apotbeeary,stis be Widen tority established. _ ~ ,' • the . Thlerequttatlon be le didermlied rebui ld .. filth the p i ,reletaciete of 6 share of the patine 'aroma, hairpin. portion of which he gueranteni•An hint numern,ue I frkutts. Independently of Dial which he ' to obtain, by elope attention. to Lushness and strict tteutiou ,in mixing' porerrintlons whirli may affect the health .apd (...r i jives of !At custcnnta a. ' • Deception to the preptirlonaied hic of nit ' Knee for ruthless spessal;stion be will dry . nowt though It is nohe*iusly teed shag astelin Deems do'; rev ion ,iii meth more eatenehroly and PU folly pre!. a ci d be 6rigiuhte, than gain be rte 644 imatir '• . oddest el/v . 1431614 tr name and .ritik' mop; the drat of his eotempnrai le . , he only alike aften lon fo mire his will to servo -and hisibilliyite satisfy toe most .ii acting: -•. 1:,• " ' -':" •• • - •'- " ' 4 • ' fat • eattnititaiiiiiiiii‘idegligt:.4juiant the peon 44 lad faithful e-eitution of their ortigr. - -. iv mail ',o- 193 . 1.11 COX. ALFRED JONES, LEWIS' )lILLUI. EBICINAL =CI i' - . , XtNUEA,CTURES. PO R TZAR 80 . SHOVEL, FACTORY- Charles - Smith, proOrletot.t All Idnis afoul alma*, sped" The patronie oc. qua public Ix respectb4l3 splkited.. ; Japan' 10,, 5T MOORE'S PATENT !MEW:MILLS, • jriOß planting •Wheat; :Rye - and all. . kinest.f rood: 'Pot aw at metro tiefirrirs', prinuir' ,' , z - Meath! BUM; Aptui. • east Bruns■kk Tp., 2 Wks ems of Orwrigsbang, - Juarri.VDT;, .•- •,, •„ T , , ..:,; : I.Ticairs .. - . THATCHER'S. ••• Double Aetioirsoiceliii ikilasictlmiTiorip... • rr]LEST Pump!, kom .eXpetivnce; are J ackliowkage.d tot,. superior to any In or. = They ',giro droclornp and durable. Vor mat by C.C. CARDER. • I • Propriebr w f MP' Right for .I!khorgli•ilt amity. Pottrvilli. November 15.!56 • • • 414 7 • TOBACCO,GICARS ANIPOATS. , A T;: the tiatubtirg Smoking Tobacco fkraid Char Manutnelary • ,• , • 10,000.buattels prime Oati; 230 barniliSuroklug Yobs,- ; A/0,000 Alan SpanlsliClgari; MA* Spanlth Stirs, t 5,000 Cuba Extras. JAMES 14., MOYER. " llanibutg, Dirk, county. S e pt, it! . WILLIAMSPORT PLANIAO MILL:" • . . • Mares* the • • Sunbury & Erie Railroad and the Canal, tOrtewitithe liturnaTe . . wunsaisport Penna.) CIEO. S. BANGER S CO., Whole- X_A sale and /Wail Destersatid Sisonftettria of whits. and yellow pine dooringlseards.sash. doora. blinds-shut tem siding...wood uswiddinda tte. 'Jig dad scroll lawilltrr fancy and plain. All description friliaratuaralld dose with IMMO ii . t r iicsit, and In the best manner. tab. 7, 'Si • • . et* . EXTENSIVE;VIARBLE YARD. liCaltaitoogo Street, Pottsville, Pa. 911flOsubscribeiris prepared, at his obi IL stand, 4 o tarnish all kinds of togerials In Hi line, for !ladles indponislalst and ornatistatal. Ile . in. i *ea particular : it toutiost to the lisanhatattes aad)ionn merits of hicsnandiaeture.They, can be hid Ja every variety of style. awl will roinpare favorably, in beinty andTrolsk with aajobtai r ired ebiewhin., and are offered ebasper nrrs. JOKY T. LANG.' .laced, '67 • ' • • • ' . 2.3.1 e! • SL,CLAIR BARIttAtfIUFACTiat : Yriiijl6s •E z STARLISHAIVNT, is now prepoinea to •egutmet•iiiih cattroad Ci's. aW ofbevi rof sur 11tuLry tt•ell,bt ru4 ,Ccat of every Altc, per lotion. _ " , • The aiehinecy:b of MC' mad tiipioseti ettriitittetioo, and the material* s* , ttl of thebasa quality: the Paw parlor cam guarantee-0e week egad -,to' say -ssair,afac lured la the Vatted Flatea . ..__ • , • . ' , The Chilled' Plaits Wheels isard lan see tbeCelehratett F , '•ondirof Vtati linr escalate* hat* ito ailtatot. - • ' • C AllltOTVPlcpitetre.• ' • • • ' • ; • , , jr, Jen. )0. .• • - , , ,' .. - • ' - ' PitI'TSVILCE '' - • lisiffiatitstotwarrest rianlitievrer.. , : 4 1 . ER EW rrit . iii*itd *vitt - evaptcinr . aliiiitirnifd. my ter natenOreVnA, of Praoylklar t a offeritess. Oshiltri; 'dr- et - Ohirmidt , • the bigest .Tatiety at stew, ontforaalities alter ethanol hor astir lir „this founts., oat ittailtat. will cesepape•teirerobiji with those or Any. other j itenta iplthetawale t • ; ; • , . • , . . Ikring tberSk. kW 4 ' 4 0 3, 7 lF, P l i gt E: " 1- • 6... " bathe. habit ,nt, prehosing sm.- • • . ' . Ei'eteifutiralezehaketyfur auk • ... , I aliOnf if•imi: lu the poseeasion ofairaut - thi. ea nan.p.ot rroyed by the. Undo ;:enetelly, nit.feet that 7 'inn. with intifiderne. solicit the tralenta elasoil 7'.1 .1.-.lna: and nil arrangeincnnt Pw thi, eeo n..... me , a- ' nn's trace ant hied wpm ere* a Mims+. esuisisstretbage% . i . 11,44 ilagg I,4leaPc hitkeee. *t roses thersft 4 Y , upon IlitilLow at ay establishanot reetittilog thatiota, iv:pod lii my lino. Orderstry stall's** , earthen:l7i sni felted. end there& • sent warnatiii. to pile wifisfai•liwil both sis to to lea eat ' liwitY , t -- 'I./MEYER •Wt>3I.KURIOR VV. 1 Oppoird* Spinailie/ Clara., Cestresareet..trieltnae. . . girth 7.1657, „.: . . .. . - Itlll • • . . • '(SOLOMON HOOVER. .... ' . • 'Wholesale and Metall ' - ' 12 EALER-in 'Stovei,', ,Ranges,,' linters; Tin Vire, Ilolkon Ware, WI: ta Were: - Masi Wens. leenell Ware. and .. endow. Rom" liellera. , Potable; Iturgeolisrs ovinr. Sanumer Farman: Ate...&e.:, hes adtaid-• in ;his know stock Ilf :tors i , norlety. 44 nor set terns of Kitchen Ranges of Flue's be can Abe, tha it igtte.tt neremmendatien. ' - Us mile viatilinslar attentitni to hle title i style of Ws , ter's hich he Is confident will make the bint Mater that Laister baselissed flo/Itle paft nrtha country. alto. a variety of new.xottents et emaking. rather, and Mall S. hoes.. Ile calla part icnise attentom to bls ' , beet inn ratter Elnyedit - it an improvement on thelilstertecli. width bi is entideot Is Waist stoin'ho nee. • Ile baa tone the lamest stock of the ekes* articles (tee nnasso ... . . . —. _ —. . . , . , . 1 ' . . .. . • , 1 rt i.„l:-, 7 , , ,,,,,,,i,• 7 • 4 4 ~.• ~• •.; ~; . ~,..- . 2, -. , .. ."—.e.;•.• . .-•1- - e.1,,, . ..r., 4-.•--',.., ....,..,...,••• . .. 1 , 04 . il ...UMW 321' .....7.1.3....61 i •^.. - ..1 444 10` , 110, — ..Nkt , . „. , pottri . . .. ~ .: 1 • + • - - Alm G el llkifd.' pi, Sandie: . , ' pECK.' , .. inrrixn..•• • 1 - ! . . : esta. mum u 01111,301 T man oorram ann..; Oe .., . . Br. W . , A. Buttur, if Trhaty sigii., - - - • U. publidmi a Popather ports, •, • • • ' . „. . • ;Caged — Notbsog to Wear," • : Ist Odds be lays bus • 4 - Thincessense of tashkot and ladike air, ' ~ ; ,f'' , lludreking their ktly to Oboes 'eat. - Wow Baal popular poem bad had a groat run, . Thitt *tient Bulk r hadjust begun - • To be imded andnraiaed mot 'lceland, . - . . -. ' . igenmeed and lounrtiod andiddiasd. . - , .. ; • - ~ By ladle: fair. , 'Who bad ...Nothing to Wear." ' . • ' '... And tier Irtudands, km übohad otothlolt to spa,.; • Wham aU at only a