The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 20, 1857, Image 3

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limfo , .VIII' r• •
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41 1 A ~a vs z so, 1637.
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J0*14 9.4 11:4‘1141
the aranatate tirouletloo Oran) . THllll6_4tbec
papers .published tu 'the) Coevity!•-••Iwnt• 'sat etrelkhtteit
MOOR the beet porthnf of the population:in &owl*
rtwattprtertett tt-trOluntos Is. or course. walk aS =ugh
to the itAttertlsor Go tc• puhliohod In guy three .Other
Ve 3.11 our cities the rotes of advatilidtin are alttitYngra
• .04 IA price socontln: to the clivulatlon of the Riper_. .
• : 'ret
.ths ter a dvertisements in the Jtstsns t t i. 'this
' , eneentale, we sok attention., , Want ot epee pre=
~. . ,
4 1,j es , ikkplaqqhly of ziotleing eiiptt in detail:
____L_• ._ ..., . ...
. . _
' IfOtiorustr.--There ir, thanks to •Christbm'
. .
-.sentiment of 'the wades , a. nhanimous .feeling, of
indignation, at the outrages'againtit law andmti.
runty, pe rpetrated td bythe Mortnelfr in. Utah; mud
powerful 'arm Of the United States gerern
,tnent will ere lea& . each: . thetlicenticirs tale of.
Brigham Young., At thiS.rawget 4 . 0 14 .be well.
riadcf# loo4l- 0 , Wilrzi4 , ll 3l * IPPrC4II44 rally, .so,
• groat is practical evil Al ,3Lortanadstn, las k
;Mitattoution of•the reader to the annezed,adviala
: o ittitteubject,frain the • Philadelphl; ,E l ii., :va t
-- .
.4 16 Firratr• .. •t7*-. .. * ~ • ..., t: u ' i,,:'
, ':.,.l&• . eras racentty.anposuteed:'lthat the ,United
7S. tatertloreinnient had determined to assert its
,authority in the regr•niltt arldchil'd'itreithistit "hip
erected its hideous throne, and that a ruilltary
gowerner. with. a sufficient Military ropm r , would
'' be shititly tent thitlier.* - This seeming dawn of a
*;*' bitter Any has /loiterer; hclin'irti trust bit `fir a.
titaeoveralmided. ;The mighty , bend of ttbo'
Nlrc,l ltepublie7 trembles. *beck praised ta.ritiPe
• this plague sniut [M tier brow. m 1. sanioc
_ . ,.ti1l
Migns, and the tuition must be co (telt to 'Mate
• lite cheeks anilAtttar.big -boasts of ,the star *pan
" sled lainner,4 while , no, cititten dares to ,wurprl
, ,that banner, itr,.eyers to neknoWledge it, within 'the
''panderatinlunr of ,fdonbon. • that annotincitabit
bar howeterAellti attended witli 000 blessed tvil•
!suit,. 'lt has ; elicited -a, Papa mutiment , upon
, tlia anhjeataninicauus, ror,olred, and itupationy
in firer of energelia aerliin. , This' lien timenfibp„
'rises. from' the *bead of the whale nation; -tkier , ,
1 totarwall'par ty-distrootioneomd.demends that the
i cause at' tho
,gispublic; of eivilimtign AO .of •taw ,
' • shairbeat once
an effectually iirkilierited., .'l, at
voice, must be, arid by a statesman so enlightenaid
las the-present chief. magistrate, nn doubt:milli be
;.re peeled.' . Any administration. that shnurkliti
, ter ,with this subject would be, in the Present,
.iiratilifed* under the feet er. T. an outraged people,
latotta the-future immortalised to iufamy,,•...h.:lg
a marvel that we hare looked till not au-timely
upon this immeasurable, wrong: but - civilization
and'ehristlanity title noVdend r the tiniat and eon.
seitutiotte millioue whofiiar, God. and love,their'
country am aroused hi a sense of their : Altar. aid
it will not tic welt with ffitiie who trifle trills their
justexpeoh,tflons.;. ,
course, the Inuit will give the country trouble.
National iniquitY alwaydia thepmvitience of.ged
induces 'national. uaritinity.: havo.Consoutell
to el crish this 'cancer in our and Must
bear, thd laceration thatr.cridicates it. 7 Bat the
sooner the better.• It spreads its routs day by,d a y :s
they 7eiti , -now tiverstretch.the broad breaatiof the
republic; timbale penalty of our erbininal neglect
Wilt be lighter pow than hereafter. This staff.'
nation has been permitted to reach its preseutex,,
tent, becauso.wrapped in'our national ranity i iWo'
• c'o
presume tumunity c..uld not'
incur theireprosch; tar Christian a people' the . tin;
au enlightened &republic the Wrong, of 'thisr.mon.
st e co endsuilty'absurdity, The.result indicates
how far:human enlightenment, enabled,. ie. to be'
relied "upon to suum:a People from the "derleci - of
the deviL". AFor never did Int,Wattire wear a
liveak iu. transperent,mor as n 470 a shape so moral
ly h ilhonent as ,Mortitenitut ; and yet it is Jaid to
hak - egatheredand garnered for pj-litima-TroM the
most enlightened peep es_ iTtluropelind Aincrica,
mind) , half a million •of unhappy *settle.. Fey
their unopposed religioui operations in this coun
try, the Christians of the litudiare d not wholly ir
responsible.' It is trod that the. original Mormon
communities wore broken up and hunted beyond
the ontposta of cirdisation ; but that . ..was doe. to.
. .
the Irrepressible rage of their plundered neigh
bors, who recognised thcfp only as banditti, out.
law", robbers and murderers.. 'Tkeiereligious im.
posture was to gross aslci he despised—is' if
was ever to monstrous too.he dangerous; the evi
dences. of that imi+ture were then, and even now
are.lnost patent anti attainable, known to hun
dreds of living witnesses ; yet not na . effort_has
been multi to gathnr, embody. and Perpetuate that
evidence.' I , !pon an issue easily raised before one
of the courts of - the district in which the fraud
originated; `this might have been elected;' for
Soli 11.13ituself, both whZu drunk and when sober,
Las , ven known to acknowledge and laugh ,at the
tri ;as an experiment upon human cretliility.—
, II Of a ectitury . henee, when time and what will
be termed persecution shall hate done theirlibrk
In its behalf, when subtl*r. diseipke 4liallqiveg
pruned its absurdities, and Mormonism shall hare
become, if it be not now, a power in tho.worid,
we of the present generation wilt he held is ic
.eount for our false security anti culpable indif
ference.- "Let it alone, and, it will burn out of
'4t elf," was the 'ext'use. Would 'any Chris.
firmbe content that the counsel should be niTlied
to a' , tiro discorerea in his oicu abode' No fully
is to gross for ignorance, when it offers license to
rice/ and lifts advanturous gulit to wealth and
The' , 1 M- tic
rrand n,-
put r. The' extravagance of otormonitin is as ctfairittori
bit and .th,ot otii3l.•al.ornmell; and lion—that
its policy ill a thousand fold Mere.refined and for- , r • lad I k•The earthly tire nipotence et' the..msent„i' *,. A * P
agt; is °ROAM/LA*IO:C In Ibis,'the Mormons'' •,!iiist . -ebeeb
' , beast that they, transcend,' in seemly, ualon,itiriii Another,'
eritrg, the,Masonic institution. Their erginiaa-• subject. o f . 1
:,on.morereseuables That of the :Asirtie tribe 'ef ,
rte Ar:ussinr; in ,the time of the CrUsailes t and .t_
like that, it is based ,ssisou The inist4 insenstate. jib Laid bet
bigstry, and rises, through various different grades tut.a.w .
t:, Atheism Aral utter irresponsibility.' Like that, ; 10.4j , co
13.40.. it is a des - imaged—the High-priest of the.; II •
k..lll.lUtil, lilie'tx,4w, t/iii , Nom or i / ke iloasiterios," I • i• hard of ,'
:lasing entire sway over the, frOperty:and,even i 6,3114..1 t?
Ito •II vs•ii of the • c srutiligialty. Il'ge try, '.sceresy t s ct . / Yb oa t,
' art abertirnce; nro the'real sources of M mon i-
• i...- , 0
military Clii.iiniksethp
' lower. Religion , J. 3 ' 4ht instrument, miy ,
',wee; the' object. - ..Every Mormon ,is .a . taddier, I t•° I t. i . f
aliscii lined, hardy and actiets, frantic iu 'twat, and f eash.pri •
4,l , jeet in'obeilirnee. , This . , rust -conglomerate of 1 L T4 i nt ;.l
frenzy, fraud, iiretligacy anth crime, this organ).* s t ••• a i11,,,,
ized, is in the bands of bold. desperate. an`d eon} L arge ta..,
uing tnen: Raise vices hare sePanatiid tk,ora frock snail Eg,
t'ee faintly of vivilliatiom•and,isho proclahri eter. . st ore or •N,
nal war tigainSt the Gentiiess." . • ch e ut , •
.11at the issue, ferced upon the ceentry.hy 31or• . • • •i, •
"non 'arrogate - cc:El tilininalscrest is - utrqrgea 'arid in • 1 A r im. " . '
lull,. and by the open defiance ioliAatimal :in-,' ped rid: t,
• th,•rity,_ is selely_wstsclitical, via% ar,rbap.l. al 'bliTereit +
• r t ,' tior AI ',PIO. ever :LT:vetted inte'resil, pro-,,i7, 4 „,,0. it
found, i•r ~,, ,i ssliteraillins mem motnetrtims. tq, i•• r . • ,
End. this Iwunlit established within o ti ii:::,,,i r i., : „.".:a-fidlows :
; %et bearing a el...gamer, and marupying a posit.i6n ' L . u PPI .
1 fer'e ii•ich hishirs can furnish no parallel. Au i :', 1 ,.. , i n V.
•..s. ',mina; fee of their character.:Zs . a i.c. I-le.i.f.their ~....3 ' : 1, 7. A '.
.vcrttmciit an,l hi,t,•6', i 5 twice , siry tt.tklrtertaiut 1 ' mall —.lg.
, 1 St.% e, .
L a : sb: id be , ime prihry t•••sinrels sly:li. • • •
• ti ‘• r e .......rnise it; dm 'Mormons, 5 pedle .•i Chestnut.
I •••tt.e.lle de of iiierals, as ;abet ier.e?d by lie. sent i • : Goal is.
1 •, 5 t., - tsinsistriat ssids Chri'stiarity aril at ear ''. City hart s
a i.t, e••111, e . i at! is use noxiq.ins'ainte,CstrucCr.e. tf,at ; 5 , -„,...?„„ . .. i
' sme ..s, ...rmi:saileith tieisi wenidttae a .I...F.Lqcr; a -:
' '
. , ::.16 . a •.l au Mfamy. 4 Tim sacred instittiti,r, ,4, i 4 `hOliuthalt•
; tn . . a . 1.1: 1%4:4. 1;,. ...V erk . ../ ;,,, ..."„.... 7 ,. 7 . ti n ti-, e t Antrel
. .., .•: f ,: q.:.a: litCnti sus ii,... ,. 5; evil i5 .. 5 . .,:ii.„;1:1 .II: ; I'll. , lid a pir re ,
• : I: 'I., ;8,1 Os ;4.11 : i'l •Iligney tilt, airsd. simir. C•?,. ( ._ ,
.. ' •• Hil in :.• rir :- and the' saving, rules a 1i..-11 1 '''''' ,3- ir''
i : %sill cis . ..l iod••••niter.r.ities are re•ersed. , 4. l:Ch i . r.)i" 1 . 5 :
: • a , civl.y . rat. t, k ., .1... s rq,1n.1% . •1 as a act . , ...f i...7pcs. ' ' 1 ,1 . " V )-f- '"` : )
l' il a ~m.uraiiity ; 4 4 satyrs, tip. V. the . sil••eific ar. . ( ,';'"• *-47 ' 111;
tir. , , , i• i , •1:: s t,.. t t• ,. . , . t'aat. to•tir Om thir... , :,!. , : e ir• ',,Ji1n,...6...Z..
4! . 1,;o,„- LlO , v , ...,r N r Zist,Le . %:.l .1 ! :.: 'i ,ar c.,u snruive. in 4 Intel'. ''z'"..hi
an ai...5,..,,1ii• ti s- 5.m. : 4%1,74 . 4 .- ...,..4...y, ae, ',.: jilt. 2 .." .
i . a ' . ( . 1 e..:"i1 , 11,.. it Lawn tmol.kklua,' 3:1 tl:_a:. 's 1 ' ncr ,""
!• f r...1;.e , i f •sticietv`: is tr,tie cat ura:::,.. 4 1 d.•...i ' d , . There i
I: e I:: • , sti•it:,... ~ i VA 1 -, . •.•,1 •Sr. ••• , ~'
0 :. .see , s , :
.:'. sta r '4l tile i.s'r.fesleia,7 a :.,...
:".. ,, .. - : - ...t.,.1:1. T ... C • : gf....Tet :,11r:elit 't . roe •O m ,S 1 • ...,
.y. a der iti,e.i;,,.......{1t - C , Pl3.lti Of . h, li; ..
1 ,7,4
:.•,!... ...: 11,"..:!, pries: covets .3.1c7 , , , , , :.: , -, ,
~ 7 .•
l'..71'1::1 ari.itri:y tliirin that e'r liflsia2.:- .1' , ' -.'''
, 1..i..5d.
rizy s ettabdi , lred ,11. c • - y
u cver:l,l.,thert
f-s 4
r;rAi , uirf
ururl‘i it.o• Itt'e -r •
ar I trA,.-r, , r sm tPV it
• AUt
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( :....., v. , a ( ~...., T ifil FrOr% •••• B , l t ; i k ''''l2.•
; ,•!:,3111k, of 0: -u : " -5-3, ' -
•*,,:.:', t :...f - rt`',...,.."t!!!.% tb,it ttt ; 4'' : . ' l' " ..
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r T. -,. rt•lie.: .)2.4 Rtr r---: , ..;.„
r,.. 1tey....-xt kt,Tht. tf, 1.
1.1f111 , i r c.:ir I e :1: . :.•.
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,d::y,13., t7.3.,...,f, g,
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••••• , t ,- f• ''''. l r ' l l'.`!' '. , 33., , ,..1.• t,, i
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:,-.= rt , ... .. 7 %e ''''''
evc+plit.i . tis.A.elicrt-.1
th . e.5' 4 1 1 ;,, , t ,, , „ l i,: i
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:ITe aircat
!h i
'7. i35...f.: i
41 ,
af, f
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F• 6: • }•{„ 1. •"
J t T.. •
. .
• ~.• ;
tctu , r.-..ef the rve.: 1 vskr.4.'
4. IT ft-
publics itli ., , ~• , , ... •, . hail
three biliul .4 tbo ll iand.utipitioilriti . OrilitidentY
and trehtSut shatterell 4 throo.titihtvllieSlebutury.
Its' proselyt)sin ii.'stetiiiriall ru&osal. The
. restileneeis 4. not evotine‘st4,:Utah—it is !at, out
doors, in ou • dwellifitirthits and in / resting
ere? villas In the.i, , _fii - ...; 14 4Prit14.t0e is as se.
real* ic isoetiv4jos
. 1,11,11 - :14 is r a ta ; unit
It behooves' thesoArAtesbat In the
eause'of truth an t elkle 'to*. • '
' Naitritintiudieielf . •" , there
are awe witowout
_dimittitt*V tieACtitis_putrs_ige
rpm:03041114 lmmustlyst ,
ii, potkirar upon -the
nation, but *Mild ellititelitieriVlNl estgerartne of
the rapullite 1 4e 4 ssP„Ns 11 .0 Sencilto the bo
lero V thettleten. - UFpoti wb specious plea
a ortibg so Mirightioes, A = 417siegrading
may be stemmed; ce repeat; thir:tite gown maul
which attempts it i teliViii theisiipent, be trampled
under the feet or aim outraipet,putipie,, -aud, in the
future, be Inievortilised to infatly::, 13eforo - Utah
can 6V rem:flied into - Abe kaireopuk etaiitiatt rider
hootef Ateerictirkt3tatesi alio Multi* as thary are;
1 and fore there's belrbtk •limierksgo ell heaven
1 sad 4 mho natiiii,' tifitietiatild*, Um lair of
the Saints' . nit lis t : • ir44.l)..dilav:: -: .1 _. .: -
- fatoit-'. 7 , ' - 1 --7 '•
.. ~. - - Tito
. ~.
- - -
. Pottevilf‘,.giiiii 20T11.114. - "
The qua tit; ',SCet: by Railroad : this week. is
4 ,
4 P -v
93 g
:4-t?4rt.4, 30 3 3
1t i 1
k o— r '4B9
TA e.
;r r k.
, agairtet 04,274 00 ton!:;pu. by CaWalll.s ,3*() ll : 1
-agr4 143 9 9 ,- ,3 A 6 9 9, 0 " t, ° _.vaie Rek!, , ?4, 1 ovit.
The ship metits this week, exCeixi • thus •Of 110
• Creek - only
, 4i4 tons ' ;
and fall short of ilie• Vauiity
,a f ef.fer - ttil iimiitpbOiiii 4.eiodip Ai , 1143
The tradp sums up for the week airfollows: ' '
-14 .-- . erica ; TotilL. ~ cm . - am
Seboylkta Railroad.- *Es • 84,401 - , . , 81.774
- . Cased. :: • 33.0.4 , .30',X0 • 1 .. .j 10,97.6
IthisttCanat • • 31.973 • , 181697 . ~ ' lox:
Raunk .•
.... 0.052 , 1a.744 - 14702 1 .•-
Del A /kabob 03.. - 2G..TDD 61. 37 3 .. .1 ' 447
1 n tif".l:Ni: : rti1a ,. . T. 1: 0 4 / : 132.7 , 3 4 " 48 'iiii:04:4 14 ef
'k . 3-• ; ~.- , 4--.. d, , ~..:.---,.', • -4+4- -....6 '
. -,..; . 4 . . - 170.1.11 . -MOM 0 01*.k.:2-1,0 241
re-`,.-; •
.evest.'7o4o -- ' ' Nl* •
..--zi ffi a: b'e l obese it appearictliat
. see!!hare lost,
compared with the iorrespoudiet weels. laat year,
,2S;s4ll,Lcui . i 'redUclig 'the inercUsa to Only. 8,1150
tone, all•of whieh,lind mor e too, will imeoves:etu
the econiin week. - . taii:Aprt '4!ei inc l reatiO (roil
these regie s wee about 200,000 coos.! -ir-- f: ,
IC is-no • eg but rain :said I l rainl ll we hare
• not' had,a . ingle clear day !or the last week, and
'Ol 7 -11144iR1i4 , 'di Ale' leli ittlibiritili;sbarlliiis
~S.6l`tlio water ln the hicnis;•sitid ago
will Obsyclut the iiayigtitioii by a Camel for i day
,or "?. - W . e lear,n from as-gentlemasi Whci clone
inertia cars, that the rain wee niWoli . hOOvier Lela*
than'in this Region, and:l:tics In 0 prohaihHify
woulil, be detained fur leitt .I.l4l:Liayi in coin-
log up. _
The great: quantity' of water has canna our
oPenttors.t W 4 sheet procuring better facilities
to rid their 'mines of water, than those now nse.-L
R.': ' — ".,..t Cif. ratekul finding , IC titan' itt" the
iii sr est - part l f of ' tiur !Stein in which ahey Work; tyll
bare - contracted withlilkSleerge W. ,. ..tinyder for
the . buildin of a flOO llorse ToWer,:. Engine 'for
primping t 'l:i 'ff : ll te r, t wbi eh they' think! will be . of
sufEcielt e inicitY. Ail any emergency.. .'. , -•
Vessels re scarce at Port Riehmewri for the
: East, and Mae of; the dealeri in 'Nevi : England,
are Dmitin freighle even as low as $t 25, whin
they lumw that nothing I.* short. of $ to $1,60
i im„
willtnore Itn pay eipensts.. We Ateliers that
some of tb dealets prefer hiving a;ehert sup.
ply. of Cod .itt market, in'order to reap enormous
profits in t J - win ter 1 ' season. • The quantity 0:
Coal whie• has refintied Boston this; season, is
only about hilf•titslikt*h as:lise 'ye a r titearaepc
riodoind t 'ere 'are orders far every . j ti of ,Ceal
I.i l
at Port iti hosend, but ne . Iressols . til t .. carry' ii
aay, par leularly 'to thew . . East. Freight! are
new 35 cents a ton less than they' were, this
time last 'ear and' rho. freight from Pottkille
to Philadlphia is '2O. cents less; matting 55'
ceuta less than last yenr-jyet the' r✓ tall, Price
of, Coal in Iloabm is qmited the came as last year.
Under th o cirenuanances, the dealer that would
limit fret ht at less than $1 50, or at less . than
the actual spouses of carrying, Must hate a very
'contracted soul. to say the least. of:lt. Fur the
last,two . y are, the consuMers,hava been inked' at
!castcc t5O ti a ton on the prices of Cual,hy this
skinning's stem of limiting freights, below scitit
they ough to be in the summer reason.,dririaz
off the c els into other ebannelt of business ,
andTsubje tlug the whole train to (derangement
and emba ssmerit.
. 4 meet' g of, the' Coal operators was hold yes
terday, be owing to tilottbseatts of rovirri9 heavy
shipimrs, tiM i diiilsaltlei at the'cullieriesi; causal
by water' aii—etis not very well attended. Mr.
Tucker intitatentent of the trade, showing
that the s pply: iyould be unquestionably short
iti .....
this seasoe, that na.atir,anee ought to take place
in the pri of Seltuy/kill.Coal, to nutunevate the
cPr: ' :he increased . - -.-. of '
eh 1%
1'~..,is _..,%,
•Wt . . r;"
luor the increased. expvases of pro...iu6-
there were ahundant orders' for'Coal at
a, bat the siareity of vessels for the
a Shipments: •.. : i .
meeting will be held shortly, when the
general advance, together with other
sinoss eonnezted with the'tr4e, will
t;,.. them.
•• i I
PANT.—A I a recent tneetitik .of the
373; , , , ,CT0 of. this Company, -iti W
:ri M
:th re
aree' the price of its ;An p and
Cop!, delivered On bolsi:1; uf Vessels at
1 't, N. J., te , ;
take effect on, a l od after
pt.., Annexed . is a list of the Ipresent
of theCuaparly. at 'Elisaltetbiirtr
° ' -- • • ••• • $4 00
Si,. • . , 4'oo
E •'4 00 .
• '4 45
, r ee ship
of Coal
of the Company's Coal is II
o itorri* Cabal. The peieos
1 canal b , ata l or from wharf,
Jer4y City: by the Cocuinll)
- •
tlivert4i alongside rearels
as tb'e Illorria Canal thiati.
cents; total, 1.3 co
if a f•tatt:nert: of tte shipm
L3ckawaaaa •
.•• •
a l to the dzt
ta.:11 , 61. • , f
1.1t4 1u ,Jan
Y, the vices
trance. •
douht. dh
t1;1 furtbe; "hi
a Cana! :
Irofr ( . .)r. ,
4z 11;;;;;I
re - fmr, the
s t.
ig4t. i !ma.
r: ;t, Y.
. .tcy hat ad&al
$3! z.. 4 • r
Cht i
-Nt•R orh4ps,
• •
3 .;
4 0
4.aii c
4 4 r
7 4.,
. 4i
" I t 7:i
I!. 1: !
r , •3 L7/hit'. • T
Ty iJtti
ty lea; p-..
:11. 11-
, tew.. a tar
tbit c tt*T-41:1.
La.t t;
e En:ci(
r rrac , .:istz r.
y: a.r .. r
.a is 23~a S~a.'~,
r •
4t,i, alit
r 5 1 .6. ! jaiy. A D.
rarr..sed I.ay
I 1
zra , s ! r.i az4t
1%`4,%r• T 6,1
Lt An tn,,,,s.rt
lilt , j, ,, t . - `l. '''..., i; ' hii,
markci - Schaayikil
a ~toubje rvzt
.41PItt3 laDre
itiv . the!.tsktries s ,
•• . "
t a.,ct
IsurS 's
talq t4434e5,:t
= sTaow a 4
-To . —, r . 114 " e name of
- 1141 1ta. 1 W l 4 4i f 6 1 ° 1 ug . , , #),,_ 0 - 4. l Mus., , i willt_iii
Tremont, this co rtfy,'lsnd 4 ' lalles4 I t
11 41--
The tuneonill penetrates the Manniteth Vein
On tha proPerty t enry IL p Strong's ;563 airrits—
Is 100 vitaeloni and was 'munmenrssiy , ryears
"sisica IsylL,lleil r the firnta*# IlSillter-
The Ifeinmeth Veitil‘Witiati bees *ask
in a section of r eounty,sompsratis* tie* fh
, _
reining Operations, wimps there 23 fait in
i m
thickness; and tut ors the proputy,A I
t : hao , 2
miles. o The Veial "- pitches,abont 35 dice , 4.l 4 This
breast above.water level is fiout it t 91141 i yasati,
averaging about (0 yarde in that distant's. The
Mine Hill Estuution to this propertyiabont 4
'minim long was mpleted on Sateiday last—being
a part Of the T re mont and Blount Nagle Railligsd,
—and • s t lp ping ` operationt('at the Co lliery,
eomme4ed on onday last: , The Coal of the
Ilifitemoll; Vein at 'this,,,..r. ongville Colliery, is
quite , hard, and may Va. eormidered am sag , the •
finest mined in the Rozion. It is well adapted
to the manufu -urn of Iron. Marais:UMW ct
liammciirre Is vr tEnTLIAaiiVeTZIC;"I7:
ittativej4 di* likiiihioVnectrt respitalatof the
Region hi the v tint of of Tremont, have peculi,
• adiaitigerr fillibeMok44'ileistriei for , t 414.
product. `By cintleand raitroldrilivergins fi4re
the gwithle Real, gieican_ have, their CAI
frith i
.to Ainturroeir Philtdel hia ,, ef
' ••• • , P
atlllati W-With a fine Ilualitp,.of
Ort .
Harty advantasions feeilitifi'lar its transporta
tion, and care ift ther44gimiution of their product,
it iatutt ,we are' Fire; • hasar4orcs to predict, mm
Muer", Heil 4 Mummer- wed- Ise amply, rewarded
for their enerjoi akCispriditimye ia • developing
the hfamnioth ein
in the Swatara Region. ' - .
fres tim'arcates' sovessul ,
oit ritOrriLaTto‘ OF cum 4 anima,
, , r t 41140,,t, PICIERCIROUPIR . WORKS.
, '-....=-•••••••" , ..- - -t• , ---.'13 0 . -,,,=-----,-*--..,--"----.
I t il IT
ttoft II i It Ise 4,11
Mining EN11114,111 orinergYarei *Unity may be trust,
ed,withethe Int rodent hut elf elliberent sys t em snitial rk
lug hatiother•Mal Fields Moth mut' the ordlnaryibi-
Jlery Viewer, she has served most of, his apprenticeship
with drew* sad surveylog Instruments, and at the
intern* same gertteularcess Field, where the sorting*
eri t es t ematnessee copied from *Dottier, Mid where the
gmehtlittwith anything of an eneammatite
cameo), to tax his 4ngeseelty and original ado: A
'Viewer who is broeght ap In the Newham!. Coal Field,
muleg i
snide.' wltneetimuch dillienity teethe working oftthal
mines, ittatta eettooterwsentmoder of working were
adopted in that Carel Field. Mt beeemes well 'Versed in
the systems of working three is wet but these system.
issuer be applied to all other that Fields, or totbeSate
eseidniCoel Field, which tam More dielenititik to the
vetting of the Minerithan are usually met with la the
Newcastle Oastlett. Then the Northern Viewers' ;Oho
have not ext. tied their explode:my into other Coal
afield'. are very *likely to mtoberl better than their
neighborg. * persons ceasing IntO the Laneashfre
Coal Field tbr the epode' purples of making improve
limits Ithostallyi login with their alterattehe at oboe,
sad bare they have becomeanih u talited with the' ven
mat system ot'allirc In use. methane% ewe to
All in their they bestial it busied afterie
times. • As we remarited, the gen rat •system of
working to the Latioughlre Oral lanes is vett! adepted to
the by of the beds. (nith the eureption of • berth
nine thebroLvet on lb. dip isesteadeaf the Asa) but
there are great ski run In breaking off this system to
adopt'setae of *bleb may prove woree. and the great
est powitthreare la reqatredin-making tropertani attire
-1 Cone to world soy pal mine. It it rarely the ere
\,....i.,..i.,., ht the latwashere Collieries, produces
half the quantity of Coals ?Jeweled!. Colliery demand
.10 raise an stoat amount of Coal In the time time as it
.te raised In the Newcastle Confides. A Neweestie Col
liery Viewer h nicht an Indiapensable agent. But an
actin tiveresea tam the 'same quarter, would be far
moon likely fro hie underground experiencat to pro.
dues the awl results Tad Nate, the demands of the
Lancsahire Coil_ Owner. If the Viewer opened the
mines more nteirely, and worked them In several
grand &videos nil districts, oil the Lancashire eyelets
eallatteebilameit. hassesrwwseisitssny af
lug, than by al l ey tie; sitiet, liweret, wool
recommend atr at Net 11l Lenea.hire Col
lieries. If thit wet, . , 'think It would
answer thetr p, ;tp Nal la system would
coat unthlnth , *VIM. i adapted, Le, the
mines. it rutl q 4alilly. he left elf. lentt cork le pm' U sed with s in the largest Bier:tea in several
puta et Engle and Wales. .
There are w . e COW C9lltiirlel in the Lenevileire Ceal
Tield: condwett tl Melee aril! food .' rigglis oes, which
12 1 ,
'eld trim eve ~ lx bundr4dteroot Oeatdalty. /Wale
these we-may intion the celebrated illacklanoke Wi
llem near St e I dent: ThhaChilieri Is named by Daild
Itrlintlew. Elbe of St. 'Werke, Wilt:Chas rears! neither
pains nor eSp.t .to have the. workitige Tata omit and
• conducted in ,t .best manner., ' the tenttletlen rinks
with nut of ' A Newcastle Alolltevitet and the order of
eneklog ont t Coal maybe entneatred with the work
irii of the lan shire Co;t1 nitride. The tatieashire syet
Uhl of workin • IS timeliest. but sereral district. ling
worked at the, • , ci time. The machinery for rabble
th • Coal 1e a well Worthy of uotice„ It musists clam
,males chain. r rather fere endless chains conoteted
together by s ocher. or tan of hen, of the mm,
length the eh as ate mart , • Them pa w,siver t ea, eu l
lies- otia on or • side of the a nunith of the elm& They
-are enitinned o the' bottler of the shaft, when they
pass round uq- erneeth two other putties, Minded an
equal distance part as those on the armlike( the abaft_
When the :tea •. engine is set to work It imparts no.
tion tO the p on the top or mouth of the abaft,
which wpm to constructed. that •they arty with
then tke dot , a which ascend one side of the shaft.
prig over the allies. end &trend On the °Weav e Ad e
of the abaft;. a the chains are amending, the wagons,
while carry' a • at I. or 6 cwt. of Coal, are hooked to
every alienist creme bar or strraeher by light, yet mu
tate:My strbn chains about four feet long. which are
tirst attached • roperty to the wasene„ then hooked to
themes, tar , the moving chain after it has turned
the pullies on • bottom of the shaft to aims& The
mouth of the eta parttellyniestel ist r aLiewise g . how
ever; seta *wit sleit of tits *ball, to; tutiiiit the
leaded wagon Ito ascend through the open space on one
side of the she and the empty ones to defend through
that on the et en and opeehite side of the shaft. The
manner in wh eh the leaded wagons are detached. and
the empty on attached to the chain on the mouth of
• the shaft. is a once aimpleenit novel to the stranger.
i t who has not hire witnessed the operation of raisin::
Cool with an tidies. chain. The work on the month
, is performed r Lady and sileutly, the attendants, who
1 are mostly woneu and'mi.. having to be as rerolar in
their moreme •is se the machine Itself.' and who: have
enough to do o attend to their lueiness, er,thont thing
their unruly member Immoderately, ,ew which their
Lind is tometi •es 7.111111 , 111‘. We cannot ray anything
here in rega to the testimony practiee of employing
females at the Collieries in Zeeland, but we regret to
note that the is such s practice. an extensive one, and
we feel heed& for the Faugfeeitabale alert.
The leaded 'wagons after they nerend through the
opening on month of the abaft , are tarried a few
feet above the level of the platform on which the enrolls
are landed. hey are then passed over with thechain to
Itaroppaiite a of the sha ft , ~•Whoet the/ tunand they
I ,
strike the ph Cam hid km the. Awls attaching the
wagons trete moving Akita dickens, they are quickly
out:looked. an the rations forraiiikel to the Ileakey Cs
nal. 'bleb is n ot for distant from the, month of the
s h a ft W e a tisel that the loaded gramme wens only
attached to r try alternate CUM ter. Then as one roses
tar ascends t e shaft without a foal for every' other
cr .e. tar that ewes& with a lead. we may conceive that
this I. th 4in y method by which the empty wer ea
Ii I
ran be bents to the moving chain. on the mouth of the
shaft, by tic. toe en the- wagons as theme empty bus
aearids torn -la the opening. The mamma are thee
. raised f.-em e platform and carried to the opposite rile
of the shaft, here they descend threcqh the opening.
en i d urn lb abaft with the chain. At the tottont
they are mit eel In a similar manner as the leaded
oars are WI .ikeihri tli -, mouth of the shaft. , In this
manner the e al 1. raised up the dealt with great reru, -
Loire. AEA so minty. are the underground arrao icemen ts
that it le sk.ld - the it's that tint COOS tors *hitt are
intended. L. b 'ne the loaded wagons to the surface. tail
to pr xttire th it accustoreary load. and deliver a loaded
e as uon the pfstfonn. Dut this mode of mimic Coal
eon: .1 rot be --teetotally applied to raise Coal from
.l-a. mines. •
a bodrti
St 07
4 62
4 7a
3 ti. 7
no change to note in vices at Pt i3a.
lash i 1;t1 I, , ,zrti from $4 (iisl 25. -
renn $3 St) to Si nO and 14: tume
C. $4 IS'is,A,
ch:! pill& Re
Whit" AA;
kiiids :4 1
Con...llsuKr?. Jute Lit
Datnevie for..the. East
• the kw rake
a en , Aiderate a+irttatag
f r ,i g h t , The deman
ti tied itetit
la , Aneel , has
cargoes and
The arrivals
4; r.f.eaki,tl
11.1t!it •
~.-,. -•
n 1 y c . ...., ' 5q.: , , r•
pi 1 •
,,•-t: .•_. :.• , .:11:1e
....k l ,ll. • .
; oat on Coal Market.
ce4-2:4- fro-a 1.4., C
•In.l Pki‹ , n mit 5 iR
A 1 •, Freir•ts C
r!, t!..irrys, e1...h. '
4 :10
i tl~ri rrr~
ell r ,421
T )!7•.
t 3,277
1.1 a.;
4.44 t.
d , •
I,bizh. Nu*.
• VB'
- •
l':fc 2
. i • f:, -
, Mt ,- ;: 1 , , tt•; , :t . a.l
Jaiga . l. Lurars
_ 1" , , , , n4r--.4 wb 1:
tAIPA. T. _____ .
4.. C .A 1 r •
f , r the .11
I 10 el a
HR f't
Lit Ile schxylia
; so tntr . fru
Lave 69aa lit.eral but t.
and the ectilttetrteti
easigationle:. , been awn•
rear, the niatber
Le peae , 4l. Foreign i in
•are tomi!lai for Liceri.
niiiter„,4l'hantit at ica
cc::iii lcs,
az .1 . 34'1
4 • urs. :
111 Coal Trade for 1[537.
.31 Ana f. -- T :11?
:"...; • 1..
:. 1 ` . ••,,
I: 41 X 2
t ."_ :
4,563 t-
i , 71 , !.:-':i...:
1.2t.4. , :, 1.:
1 Co sits 4 t..
IttOk . 51 :
11.14 Lits• C. , saran,proviNt Av.!,
a I wit) At tilt tri
-1.2"5 :+l4.rulag Ca.:.
i 7
1.....4 a:
114.:,..4 61'
, . -, *rig r.
_,R •_ . 1 4
_. • , me 1
. - .e.ut.sasts intilte.' a zo;isurs.."..':-.. —•
qiNl ikl ..34,4 4.l l katni'PMitiii-Usibursl.l
Pereietemnnd, 11 8d g1...18,1 65. 51 Co
tothllad'a., 1 Eni " 7 116 . k .,,, IIA 160
ten 8 /lils, 153 -". , _t':lo 3b
~,,1 33 1•40
'Wading, . , 1 10',.. • 1 Ot i ' 1t4,05 408
Rites of Toillsgisitanaltor ' present,
, -
, '"•.--
Frost Pt. areeke4ll/I.okrial. 11 ./1. 1 1ip.,
1 Tlgilillad'a. ,ttliv .f',..-7r.„Ni; , , -..... ,
Wog Mill. ,
_N AV ' t -. ,.':i ...
Riodine ~....."Fißine-A; r 'yam , , .
44. Ratter of re .
___' Prows it a mt. a - B,= 1 / 4
TO hear York, •'...: 80 1 irtIP67O;.Y,J
4. 4 .,
T0phi. , ....,,,..., .0 .i ~._.;,....___, i ..„....,,,,,,v,r,,
~... ~
.. — sii
A„t_0 5 603.1.:
. _For the weekinitecnownliv*-, :z. 1
~, -- . •.„,.._ imu•••,,,, 1
febigtiCoal and Nast . Co., . ''. ' ' PB $* I 4 , 141p9 my
A•• Lathrop and 9thers, ~, .• : 4 150
. 10
~ .
_1 'TIM a
*int MOUtallilkr--- :- I.= Alf RI ', '41110158 00
Zest SU": Loikt4l • 1 441414-0111"::1 -405 9 ul,
Colirsino . aft; - - .1. ijW., 33 . - rl., , Wi
gigr or l, ot,: g o " • - ,...,.-,..,..f, i __ ~.. ,- ;,,,,f ... OIL
it... York and grAiL-h Cos ips; ! ! ..l ; l ,72l# l f -.. .r.... 4 2
Gilman Peolii:Coal n Co, • - tA ~,, .-, , , t , !
fianta spritiltrm. 111
~,.... 1, 11
Hazleton Coal clis., ..•.- .. , L1
r ....- 4i.Ed. 11 % 73 VS
.ceitemrmia, .' , ZA ' '-. Mr 17 -,,f ' -03
Diamond do. • ....vs . :4l '
...471.1414 elf:, , , ' - VS
Clinell Ridge, \ . '_ • f . 5 . 4":4,10101 02 4.. r• •. 02
Beak Mountain Giti Co., 1:...- 4 '.4 . 4056i•011ki4 . :- ' (24
wuk.b.cre coakisN l ,,, „,,,... ~.., br,',i : ! • : '.:."., ': t;-- - -
.....2 4 L 58 , 11,
Uattibld C 4 IO t P 9I - . 2, ' '''''.: .. i -1 N : IP 5"46
.Cona. --- --
~..' ...,:-,,... AT •',61 46 ptikae.; "'
-•. :.'Th- gitielB ' 183,31% , it
roslaigbilO n *R. _ - • ‘
-, Week e "May last:
Sgbg Moroi nes, 2,133 03 • 50,202 08
R'lit Segar Ulatr : B° ,t .- • ••:ri. , r 1 431 211 '' trite
ir. Teak it tetigoi" do •-'. .' . • el , _
Ootineli Ridge- .-' ..doiL.:* . - - -v_ .14011 , 02 ,, 110180 .2
Gitinuoilintele - 2 doi , '.' - - ......'... , ,'.it 510:01 --, rl-.9110 17.
Colotaineifiedittidda' , *--- :, .0' ib feR ,O B ': 1 / 4 990 1
Dolido.RDainiven.- do
.., , -• ,' t. 111.164: . - .I'oZr_
Haaletcm _ .. :,• -;+k #0 , ` ,, . ..
~...1.501107501 IN
.1.-11.51ECroset k. 94,,,,;,.• - . '•• • :-..., •-1810,-- - • , 15/11:61.
c ' , .."...,:z-• :',.............. .. -......*:,
: • - 11,051 . 11 150.26 i 00
To r,s;
11,936 16 163.596 11
Ipmer4 WifivOrr:yyTe t ir..4 36 6 e , ti - ). , n , * AL,
iiitan" - i i-'!. , *.tii,ll).Ectl % ~, . .11)744. 6 eg 05 -". •)** --- Wir
Ely es6al ,
.4 `. '.' •-', ---.--',. , -,,•": • ia,ease As.: ses,secoo
3 . , ; 43413 03 8511
;Rates of Tat 1.1.844 TikattspattoalilaSt I
iiiti,elsCh c := lx ," sta",
- dq . ' ' 2. is
•do Morris Goal 11Stdri at PhtnlPiß.
-1: . &--
Pl l l ll o4o l oPlDEll et t i rwirmhe
86 canto. -oaCatmlii 0 4, is
-• •" ' --" '" " t • • '". • 4 ;_
~ and Freight from 'lll.lltetbarrevindotrunrilt,
-llockvort4Petni Baton and I)lauthObamk esistoll
' " Snlltest,lL It. '4. eidia?p.tior,..nifit
ivnicabstri, (taLy 25 • 64 •• 'l6 a -
Itielattfroni WldtelLaveu to Bristol, 1 08
From/rck Port, . _ 61_._: ;
From do 1 11 Prl' 7 . A' T 102
,Filon „Penn 11..ir0, 0 n.7 •
.r( 21 : 1 _ sq
Prom do 'do , ( 404,5 f. i !/ 1
Front Mauch Chunk, (toll,), .81. - 30 81
Prom do _de (fr.lgb) - .. - .15
tralglit.frosn March Choi* to X. York. , US$
044'114 the.liust passAneovir the Wlliontsnre 11.Ronl.
short of tldiA:ptvlAiosirail of_ASeants toll and 2(001
Amount tranaptriod during the month ot slay 1g67:
2471111 , ,!=n
/.4.92.4:9;k 4a.,9 n
.Lykeu.swk Ceid lor9 OHM ; 1
, TOTAL. : 4
Lykene T , alloy.Coal Co. , 536 , "4.111
abort Mountain tom, 174
Totat;, , . • 31,740
rtnight and toll InanillillorahuN to Itaitlmont, $.l 10
riot...rot* • 't - 210
~,„. .
If MS are &datuml.44l4ra angOI 3 PIN4 I O 'OW ride*
an, 12 edits add ittrail to the above.... . .
.§.blpineptsfortitelastlifedi,: • .
Nortti, j *363 S 2 .S4O
2 '" 6 :u s t4i.t , nit;,7,Xe2
, ; el it ii". 1.1
Delaware sad Hudson Cote Chiarreads.
Far tt* week,.
Last year.
_Dor . rim‘44}ll:iirept . OAP
riivorton Coal Trade toe ;,
REM. •
. , .
For the meek., , • 2.720:13 - 29.143 .13
retina. Coal CO's - Coal Trade.:
For thr last work, 2114:14 IV • . .19.1,46
Last year, • 04.451 00
%cream no Ear, thin year,
Plitis!b! rliwi-CoRA,AI4":
FnT, the .
1 .; 1 :7 11111
7 1...
Lot year ' • " Z).70-1
ilalmrsimo to Ik5T. on 9t. , fIAtA
itARGr. assortment° • motanuisesed,
• Roped, Silt, Pbeet• - sid Floe Imo: on hand and
r silo, by BRIGHT& LERCII, Centre tietreet.
Pottsville. 7tnte 20:'57 "1 -
C.LC 'NED PLA.S."IT.I4 Phosphate
f of Limo. Cement &e.,
far male by. Bar su
RIGRcu, Cestzt4toct.
IN:lnnate, Jatie 30,'57 ; .
Corpoissionets of the. County
of Seho? IBM mill hold a public sale, on %VERNE:S
RA. '', the 13th day of Aurno nett, at the Court House
in the borough or Pottsville. fee the purpose of sUlling
all such unseated lands,'that were purchased by
tberuitt th*MeaSUMß' Rak*Stildtbaillueft ball t*T
theof tbrbte yo.ri 'and' iipmerdi, 4; .reWAy to the Act of
Aseenably. •
':ale tu com4renee it id ..1- A.." , A. 31., and continue
from dal fa . daT Mtfladl tbe follontas' plug - 41.0 fa:Sold:
• ; --•
~.,4 i Agit Iferrsuarilaip.• : , , , : :., ' ~ ,
40 an John Shaener it tot Stephen Ringer
ece Etapbein Arterman ft .11411 tot ttlifbiltri '
S ace deem Hiller' ... it lots:Jacob littutzts. , r, Jr
• . Riyibe bottaahip.
250 ties Tett* Batman • -tl lot Michael Connelly '
1 house& lot Wm Pfialf,or ins nes .4 Steloberger
1. t" , ` Rota Canfield ll'A act Third Patient= •
1 " "..' Wei MeDonnell 1 Jot 3liehiel tjaltacheir -
.. _.. .
Branch iinanchip. - . - .
: j',;;'of• 2.34 *a Ilad, John ha 1 1 ..&
' Bailer tiitip., • I
401 4=3:Kunkle.l • . :..0 sea bleb° Allen '
1 - liars Cbainha aom
t' • : M ara Mari knaikle
-400 ace Ifiti.basa Ertilla • 404 aerCharlos Let enborr,
171 art , Uouty lieriaal , • l lot No..l:llJllinsk a COZ
402 / .
acw`luttrrw If ehris , 4 lot N 0.121
4nont,lneoh Wiii ,• 1 lot John fi , toodkCo,No.T.27 .1.
T" - ..27... Watt Bra wan. Gaioauhip.
Idaina 11."‘""er a Igo .. A 20 sea John Heim 4
ttacs John itboaver Wad John Rickert.
",, , - Darr, tarn:dip.
1 t a hoops Adant Iletringl 'Mara land a bona. --.
..... Dunabros
'TUC U. S. or Arnica AND TIM U. It. or Cana
'fliol.-de Airelysii of ilive/riliee.-We frequeutly
sheered wpon.esmainutietra. stress* wake sad
similitude between subjesta, seperlielialy suttee:-
nistie and - di - Vida It le a Iraq serviceable men
tal esereire tti trace oat these eliential, though
not talent similarities; wed it no better purpose
is sebeerved, it it-karst quickens the wit and &f
-jord- us rational amusement. ,'Au analogy of
more tba -.. usual interest, and between sullects
~ more tha 'unnottlY divided, has jest odeurred
,to us, ind: •exaso pie take. we aball end/ism te
1 follow it and see how tar it leuls:
1 / 4....
Who maid believe, for iiketanW, that analogy'
subsisted between' ur emretry and a Pill! ,And
t yet there is, in Miley points at radical mallltude=
las weab*U now prove. ' • ', ~ ,
Eln every , breach of I:lyrical developunint ie•
Seems to be our 'desilny , to conqunr. In stray
itiranell •ot - phyrieal di•eise. the Pills and Obit
-1 meat ilt Profeoor Gelb sway• hale-primed etl6-
', elisions Mr a c,are.
' With a ..t.s t -alsti..n inferior to Great Britain,
I we have 'more cni!es of telegraph and railroad
, than Er;;;;Lind. F:ic.ce and Austria combined.-
1 From it s e t ntrat a...lshii/lament in Lon.fort.
Galloway has rescue , / and restored to lusalthltaute
~ patient s than the united physicians of the ens' rid.
O ur commerce and oar lame toyer every Hir& - -:--
Ins Pins are in tbs. retiell'ind his praiser is on the
' tonz<ne of every nation•on the globe. ,
The clast:c charade:pi s l ue institutions enables
• es v., ace ...nod ye kor.gpaatt,tt ,to, tba acceseions
1 sibirbire us arilartlylnAleire Tor d.. 4. .-• ?ha atrirt
ly tir.,versal priohtpits upon which llollaway'r
Iter..olles are eoespoundad, midge them' to pap
; r i t with aoefl overessme every variety of disease: ,
- - . ti -1 ,
" IA N .L 0 It S C 01.0 G.Nki.- ;her destroy the manifestations Of ailment by
- • •
, era ih .e c l re -n in 4 si 'u nail l irtPdaitiliy in store for the Ifni.
I ..Itetto Hoary carli-ell . I
1 dp da
Waits lits.n i Tit %At:PAM-AT :4)ArE., ...
SIPONACIIArS STIXIINr.; C4•IIPOUND. ted Statte; they will -ale-eh eventfully every
: 4.. do Jotin Fr. , ro, '
sh. i .HAVING PilEAste. • e vreakei g:Overnmlnt by the Prree of the democrat
-1 * i r do j '''' a n ' Luna 1 Litile= TiMLET SO il' ,
t . e.A. LLAMA Lorints , . it. i•iet. The idvm 6f -Protl.64loway../ Universal
t &.< Ido J--tin !:.,its ;s, I larye rarAey. , 4, Efin e dies is one essentially democratic; it !lees
' F , . - 1 . =AR. 1111 , 44.1i1e .10. the JOanufactort
ido ISe ':'. irsar - las McCarty 1 ~, ....i . , • 3 . ~, ) 3 - y -''-e e 7 1 3 ! not, health baarealth but given it a Cr., boon
ti....4 , A1it.p....zus ititt.ards . -''' - • 113 •••• •• r' • ,-.1 street_ Pb;• , •4l , la
n. ...t V1"..4.T.1.11.4) .is res•c• ar•st l•-rfona-ro. to ar.'wlio ask for and employ, it. l It also will
toil No 14'6 olpa iflain 0113
140 JAn Itandstert ; The atc..-es. , ...t, r rfatmery are at• sale in .Potts- eventually absorb all inferior te.htt of pretties,
I silt; st BANNAN - raxt and Eta arc Store. ,isiii tse. regarded universally, 's.l ' alraaar LI by
cf.irsi;p: : , January. 3,1.7 • ~ l'.l-y 1 ' IXPE OF lIIE AUTHOR OF JANE, EYRE. ; the wise) es s
and only . remedy.
Drentie t ,
,; t•-t-tes:4 - :.
.1- o ^/i si s t,, LE : re csL eat t7iro r npl e; e 3 , 7
C y r o ,
4 A•E L ••• 1
1. ./1
L.. - L.t.3 OP aii - Kr f_V s , :irr - rzKILL ro. .
, IFE of Charlotte Broute, author of
. th .:oT .3 l 7: l r:rm o r r ee .4„ . k tr t ti .4 tr,.. tb;. l 7 3 1 .2 t r i . .::,,t_ ''h L r
' ff l e l. ; by ?' y t o tt l l author et 1 Our country it meth given to ari . ncution,.but
{, , ...1.a.- - 1 - regulating the practice ' of ' -'• WWI vhaterer power ii may acquire eiehatively
Inc the benefit of the annexed. Prof. Holloway
bat extended his medicinal' ducat:don ever the;
teti ~.. 5..1:717 Zerts , the 4,.4-4 4 t4s in ftehnytastl eammtv. trae,:hae , 4th Was Lititn F e ropt and Sable: ts. Woo C. Prime. ' Pte . -
four gas rtert °Cita eartb4-be brut peneentsed even', r...„. e i..,.. 1 ,, der i.n,.. Haw of hartiv cf the Soprmo- f<stist, and of the Mat. ant Mast:Lan, or the d-s; i edited by hank Parrs.. .1V '''' t.„...••••
the ,ternoteit haunts ..el.stie baiburian ; and yet
•A raa Laamermat a Bechtel le. 7 .2•l 7 :•snets of .c ,,a Pies* et that:tee of Penney I. ter. - v - -
3 , ) at, . Sacra Snarls - Tiais• to ankh i.. 3 d4c..1 the 1,..ci1 r3 r , 31 4,,,,,rj u i p iper C'riumons taus. Apr0...1 t..., r.,11 o,a, by listlierine t.. ( • zffx CELEpR,AT EP 1113,41-4.57) REJTEDT FOR he hltatin„,.- in nis band skid the only hut
io7 mns Bumßumpier d A ratUnn , B.A.A.F te , Snprema ealr• t`rt,oa*,! ~..e.' *fast pektitahed, ' Beecher. ' der... , he impose:wed:l.oM of hlppitieis and health.
is Lev styls. retro. end ter sale !p ' • nee Trappers et Tnbort--.T.
:be Th"p..Cll. ' . ''
: .--
.. We could tarry out the remarkable simileudea
nr.".v.r. B ANNAN, ' Aare:Mere* and 1410estIms•in Wm-turas; t 1 him. V.• , Dis ea se i . ef the gidne-s : , -f there aPl.artn'l/ ( ils"'"e'll.e . / fabiftla iota t0•0'.7.,
•o'.7., f 4 .7e, ne.„4 tAa.: ti *,,,., Wells-oils map and ltristrationc-just pabliattsd. end • . y t
- 6:r 'sale at a. ILL.N.A.AIaI , - , LlipEß aIIIPLAINT,
. _ , i: u amt .tu zat, A r styrr.... 7 ' WEAKNESS' tif , .t.NT 'KIND.
' a l f :::=, ' :;.i . .;•:.: l h t e ,, /;:e: 'l b, % : :_ t b t w e a n i t i t l e i.o p e n7 li o b l il le ttte bu t
i ' cl re k 7
t i n . e. f.l l 77lr .. d r lY
, i s:::v l t e h r ' Y:
' ' FEVER AND AGUE, • • train tf meditation we have started. rte trend
V . OW in o cw -ra l" tro k ri e t;77 t lf ? E ITE -t. RS A na the rrartons I...l,:a.tientl-snolatt.tant upon a dta•alere4 e::„..e.1-i.e.12,..:4.inyy
we :r at : iiinh
. 1 -: t e i.c te p s th. t. , , ,
...I " 4 hi'e lE L Ler mad. any ams•-csinent on their' - i.-7 .1 ' 1a If . ene i hrr r l us el lita Zoos 4Cll 'o ml fs tv- pps ß4 tit h "cr'4 - po P ' e nde b- ss e rf l • kt exi ; erne wi rs7 t tn ki th ug e u irNi f V Dclu pSy y si f .sa tb i l I i.e F t - ct:t Ell a T ta cr los- **l
n n "NA S; : , r e .,..__7 t4tn a , S " t,. Rive". c.=•cd ~,C ital or Deer SIW" I ;0. , 1. 7 ........ KIM set Me.c.lin4 :Ilse. to all Nervcar. , ea 1: ...,.. a 2 „ it and see t h at we n O s -t out tripped,
Malt XL , tr l'aake4eller anl Statisrer. •••••-••• .n.V11 , 1. el thew eat . Thiel - am-4 Itheoattlatec 11.64 2c-Uril-eis . Affeoti. , *•.'st too to nismeee-us "* 4 ,.. . 44. ,
~. , ~,,. . r . .
. ,
,-,., ..-,• ~...„,!„.
NEW PORTABtE LETTER COPYING L i fl Y n a , l ''' lnsul " r '' r c't- two or three 7"n with f t : i 44 " *6 .Frn*- 414i g hl, b*lee P •nat "' n ' t It ' btb " ltile ' l ' i'.....:.. 1 . ......;:..........- -t •
PRESS. ' a prem-ticen nate. at raven lower rates than soy 4 3 3 4, 4 -1,..,,,,1 estre ;,
, cash company .1-..e5.. Ai-pinto to " '" . Thi s i s s r,u,... 4 11 yereigLia eLctrALL 34 . .^.7P 4 L'ed '' 0 I . ---
usT the article wanted--a convent-
s., , tsta - ,71. 11:4tpc tireeei,*A. ' • eat Pottr.t MA; 0 7 PTINii 11111...5..a. made rat Mt. „te e .. 6. -1,1" • .1• 4 i, „'„,,,•• , • the L.:repo:in 14....1.r... I . * ilbil.4oCli'S i .
i - .7 2 - I.`l Berri DI 4.V.. J . C‘'.'' : 7 s. .s .P. , ..bU1 • id -• ••••••• _,
t:;*.**.. --_my I , ,,a.eneet lo a treu.k : r sillse--42er t - oese 4 ,l FARMERS i HORSE DEALERS!. L ''''' ar t i ''''''-- ' e ienot r , ,4 .-rv. am tarreta ,, r tie t • " TVILR MAIIKETS.I.
• '. i.: • • PI u •••• L'x' 3,3 r• 1 -‘ 4 P`••••••1:te! a''.l the Alvan taxes *t the. lic.n - - s t'''' '''' - t -tate. sm.s :liter:Jest LZo re efpreir.:4 Ict
1 4e t'kej 1•4-'n.t
„,e • 1 1 st. Jesept P.Lont.•ll A T : , , - 1 -. .. ; ,, T 1 1 11. 7 4 417"; t..a.i ..7 . ,,,, t- so. . .I"Zet;4l:tilesien....2....,ittnert,,Fl.,..celettaleo.r.tiler:...he: ana p.,, aree „ . ey.. r t i hs ,,x.„ %e/e t ,
1 h - osso a -... e.ea siso -I.'"Alest-liota si , 4 0121 , 11.144. is :be litcary or colter. Cail and earn it at Net tee. ,‘„irb o ltsale Price /
'arc , •il Va 4 A ,:tart John t-lerr 1. 4 *ha , mtMta'a a'AM: 7 I. • *l ='"li n g . i lb "" llw " • -- ~ 's , 1.• t•G• tried
P e
peed Si ts:
, ••D-LNI. tN - zt D'...'l 0-.4 ..V. , •:mosscir gars. 'ING-BONE. BONE and BLOOD c ''' '' ' I - rlt Leib •ltwZ s Pull"t. v-- -‘ - j ti ''' ''.l' '- - - - ' - -fr.
llblle.ltfC sur talb• I' ll
~ .os.x=."2: , r-- 4. tier , -‘ , " •sr . • e. . l. W I ilo de • napless. ll' ''_-
: 1 0a,,...1,4 sal..h,TCross ii to avtd Li' wharf John -- --:;---- -
lix a wharf Km Pries . Ira best, estate POTTSVILLE QUADRILLE BAND. ' ' .." 41rAVIN41-.4 ° SEN TO Ir * 4 '' l 'N: ll . 6 /s•`-1 1 “ , - i'si ' stlesitv•laattss •soty
' '' - • as aderAllasembeissal eves mass < R.**"!...:•12.•_L'.. 1 - ,
1 . l e ,. • t.....},..1.,1 '..'..••:. 1 'tat Dried Apples, paid.: lsr•
, •
T HIS R i Nil ; ,(3,,,.....,:, eats? secitedid. IT matters relt4thetio e mans i.e.:Ka-W. 5 04' 4 1 • - - ". . ""•• -• . 1 rea,riet.eteett, , 11
. ri-.1-,..! fp:else-lip.
, te:•:: At". J.:la 5 E:keet " il l,.
4. 1:
l a:
i,i.x.r0trc.,..0 ;: rd f c, , ,,, 1 , : i... " ,,, , : ju T " , " .: 4 ; ,,,, , .:;: „4 ,; : ' ,,,,,, r. ,... :1: ,,,....„ 1:1. 1 1:4 L t1 Z tii=t ti 0., ° .: 1 5 .. .i fi i i :11 11 Fa i L.: : .... W .:: : . : 4 1... e n i..g .
t. 4 . 1: ~: Y •••• 0 7: 23.. .1 14and a5 5 •5a ... " Laid i e4-71 7 : W el g aCit t et =e• iriM illuAt in ' beilus i; ; ' ei.t..setat " 5"1rt1 ic: 4 ":4 7 r :r .42 ° r "' n ' C'""ll '" lS° " " Ithe'`irr7..semt-r-117.- ';'''"..- . a ' .
..e 94• pound. • :::
! 1.4 s_-* rcr LltenLys 1! ett• NO.: : ease at•tftle . I. M. Dalt& tiV47 .1-
' cos coo otarefont aperst4orol veins of &so:patine 7 r , i - 1 ,
4,. tn. : Shoe- St , ' I: ,
Waltareme, .1a 14 sit I.
4••••%. art J. hn Kidd , 'I do Jat.,- is'-bit%iszum
T's! si Peter Filbert Ectatimery Perreei• *mei &tires- t;einerally testaulauecAwiri -it II . "' 11 .31 atrYt- a l --' 'sit-:. dc'
• • ti.t.m. - 1. 7 4,, a , • - • 11 ,
, ;1 ,1 i n , "as . 's -a 1. •" 4 .. Marti, ti" d , ;:i. i.,...: 17.. ,,v4 .1 L a ln t ra i lt u k u r te. .
T - R - E -ii iii i rr - 0110 -
FELL - -- ow e %
fiiii.l: 115.,..7.=.:!.-All tette'res ti llalra " , f. .r.m ut :T . : l-1 1 .117 2 : 43':' • - rx. TaL P . I i- Sza
ut eet TAl L l ai i i :e.e: J A:t ri ll . ,. li c *tr' f' :e.:pLnet il s stelat a 3- Te lQic4 ! ".l :::f ir.ri t - ::7 7 7 1,, it46" ,....=e itt •- c i
1 1 .t ie„, t ,;;!p., i'''''' rt , : l 4:: ~
4 ::: . x .. /
.. t" ...... ____ : ____; 4 . , lc-, ...
1 : $ / 5747. ;
; I 1•t Xa 7 Ate! Witless. ',_ll'.• TIIE TRESTEES luere thi=4 day (1 . . ..,, •.',‘ lvAle , s- - ,‘ 11, /''vtl- ' - ' 4 " --t "'' "
•• Strienter. Li AVs t: .4., No. "4 etre tbsteten e- f• . ExTEksivip
1 1. - t N•a Ja oath* n 31111. r 1. A. 5... e".`; Jaeoe, natures .2. atal" -1 • "Ifs - A.:ls : Ssv•- , v•e-csnt css th:r . Mr•em- I n 1 -EX
J, Rl"' • ~;.mi''''..irti.!..k.;VF:”.4.7.,‘,..44,-..'lt.ftul."`l':;--t‘117:1=1:11:-' ' v°7116)-I.lLii ritet r a lit teP p v il i v ve .E .-'. 2l ' ALIKT •
z• i 4, • 1, ii ~..f, -
,a, , •,, ,r 4, j, 4 14-,..... 1 „, it -, am ,r-4 , 11** - Han Af Voare,4, ea.3lle co or stt.„..- - I. , t••• e•• le , Lee e
1 ,e tt ee e.,•,-A, C . ~ . '•
' r '
I. -, . , 1. , 41.1.s ~0,70-j-r. /h.,* 1 fltiAl6,l_ TA, t ktiefit, T . r,, , ,,,,, , .... i lII'. SI , h-r ro.t r Is, iirp i i•trt.-ti, ....• at, pits .4, simios tar. cs , •••
~ , ...
.-,..„ ,h, „,A -! . }..t0f... j. 1 . .
. i. - , , _
.... 1 ~ 0 ,
_„ ..1... ,
. 44 4.4,,,
r.' • flow :--1 - 1.: c.a. ea 4-a...<0, ee ~ altar:,,, ;4' 'A , - ` l ‘... e tb•
: : , •7 .1.,.. , - , 4 .1.7.,,, 1a 7 Itirsta Int-turn Traencon.J=Po C. -X.7 - .11,1% st.ea.4, t 1 , ..te,.....h a!•; a i•-...t. e*: =eerie!, it* tat* Iv. ' ,--aa , . • . - • Li e,„„,., eat teh lb** p.nake- ;•!..,4 ~..1 ...A) 4, .4
k b.a,., V01:4,d Retest I = , • „ • ....
- ---------- 0 - 40 ER Tcc o : d1 ----...-.________.
.I* . a• I Pr. 11, :, r•C11 , ... , ..-c-fi” .; /A ••••ret_enualet .• 1 .. 1 ' sa , . .1 4 `,.:1 r, . 4 4 4 _ 3 ..„,„, a1 ro e b**, e ..: Le te a ",,--aeas-77 1 L.', , OliAl V.- tajtalte la U. at ..11* et t 2 •*A‘ 7 a ..• seal Vali ,
. . .
“-,4. \ - Ile A ml.:* o Plate*
••, ~ 01TENTm ,, wilis.E.,i11) „.„.„,. . : .. e r... 1 tli , 1711: ...'t Cc t-t 5c 'l,l tol4 t . ..1 , :fr'.N17..7L , 5. , 1".. a 1 4 : -..e - , 72.7 , _
~_ ~..., _ o .i. i ,
~ .f„. . . ~,,,,,,1 , ~, , .I . ~,, 0, 4 .,,
_L- 4 A .**., a ,
. 33 II ••:::,,,„ 3 „,..... R .7.0!„ 5 „ " 1 „,...,-,..., 05 „ : ,,, ~..,, 44, „3_, I
new- 1 w area., ..
I 1- • la fimfas C. , •-rce.4l,e .1 Leta Lesimed Stool
.4,,,, i t
....k. , .
, r... I ..ipt. r, p .-.,,.. , . b. , a.,,,,ct. , , , t... r, . The . e'en ..te hal it. . •.,;:a: .. 7
s .z e 4
st e t a i , ;; ; ; ; ;4 .,, ,a 7 :1 7 1e . ...0ed . wr, ••••?ftr , ..4 tweet ty. :ft. Neat" t • . : 3 .- 9 4 7: i T . : ' '' . !:;"" t a ..,,, • ',4 1 ..!,.:.:7 ' :: ... " ; - : " ..,,Ti al iL a l: - icr i' LLO: l : ll'"- ; !' 1 ~...3 1;; I t i 2 . 1: ;- : : I P:0 .1 iI. :I A 4 41 .. 1 ....;. - 1.!; 1-.1 ;I LI L i' . .117, , 1 11 ;I. ' .
Wes t: as t*Zoskai,* .et.steas4 ”t/e•-t•.. tker l ceee AI i4* *a.Amit,t2l„,,... , 1 a.!•: t...i , C...ifts any - aa_aint•A eteele hat, .2 n f 3.r.. ettee-,4 •
,4 of ~.4 .,
p„ ,,,. 4 ,, ,,,.. .,. ri ,, )..,,,,:„.,.,.,;„„ k.. .* I . 1, ,.. 1._ ,, ,,, ,... r....,,,,,, ,.. 0.:.,
'A. , ta, nuns "4.m...treen an !!e ana Jots 14:4‘.4 ; ttelLN 'l' LA:M._ .
• Nal tetle.e'r a, '' '''.'e.' '
ERSO R N U S lL d D L N lr C in a g r iu N irtfinz Stone i i IT. 1 'l7-te Vi th • **ye 're, Snit" 4. V- II • ,
! q . ..:' I - ''' . .ti”.7.2. , --1.C . 15 , a.l.* fur ::: t•••• ::: ate- c a ,
, 2.'.'; am Joke 1.1 Harriet .#3 tr. Ssaseatel Hain - - • t*2 it.'S --Cute. 1 4•:. I' .rt II." , I"'' '•lea ''. A" VI tete
' • 71 , -: ' --- OILS It '•• • • 1 .vt.,,,:f.t.lvrip.L7 fv. :2-.4•171. li.f r vtia tl.r.fflusfs, . , :, A . 1.-7 . .. - 4 ,
fA are TlSrkeel nrultar '1 ers Jia,a, Kr_
~ ' • BENJAMIN PACE, JR . ii. co'.. 1 u..e.., is am 1'.;•,•,-,.s If ••42...* ilia. '
% !-Ptltsbctig, pa. • 111 ~!•-,. trial sus riaL*Tr...44 /6 4.1.. L,
1.1'.!.5....'3.6••• - t1,44 Streseitar 43 act Beal gatts-lielltatim & j 11:5.M....-Vali.. , mat AV., dila lb. ?alter l':.* l -ds..ins:k
r,...,5..a1e n Phaasiejhia, h' , .. the si k •ra .
Lac env-Frederica Ali mute j
- ''"
167" a
Ilk* Quju ' T '' e..* i ' W ` m " .° ‘ .4 ! 1-1- ' l.ll "'"im with N V l ' lteiS il' i ":"" re du e t -. -kg. aim of tha D-..r.mal• .;‘,LaJD-Nna,sr: Raw . 1'..1 •to 11 .I*-.Treest 133 to Lt..i, a eetoz.
ANDLEW It Wir„,,) ' haeA at Cool crust. at a ree , ll , ahr-le WC, which - sill 'acat. l •4 La tsr/4 1 •41t. 7 • 47 :PAS *l.---Ptzv' as - ---!'''' ‘ ...1 . , 1 ,, t k sms, 1.; •, 4 3 , 4tr ib Is Kno t. 4, 4 tai f_rrr AND cpwra .. v-r..... 1. 9 ,2 teoctw. a•-•
A'SINd facilities unsurpassed, ow- • 1
rtrt, IsNuct..- •, • ,,,,,,,,,, A4 .„.„..„ , be , rtaay in akw it'''. Ansy a u ti_ n. t .5,,..... a y 1 Leached Stm t lift.,. at za e i•~A. - .; - %--44-taaske4 re l• at -,i aw ,,,,, r k c. „ . ,, j,„',,,,,, A , r „,,,t 5 Joink F. Lew -3., ,aate4 3tol &L IStetatee 15 .... ' Paaa•teell 3 L 4 4
t' , 1:1...,. 1 * I.:V i t . tilt_ ) ' TIN HAND C'WIIPS, t tiatian ler tots& lona- fassoles. BAN" A ISILLIr..., , , .-..
k. rem .11 , ..i .6... re, ,fro
ad Alt the papor• as leer Wrote' are racusersd to putt- "s r .
.. .
H . a in,, stove sato alba aa1 ....1, and atad th eir N i b to o w : Fun. washinr, winuovts, shrubbery ; 7,p..:. *:'a r l c:::ai ti 2; sef taup- '73ll .,.: te r w aim stt .: B"T o. 64 ' 4aL w : ru tr ta trt aao ari-7.1 i • S ta : : K wc iserattia 4' . i j" hi sl ik a".:°'b ral ilZajßa:"V " l.ll73;lll"rwril*'- ' 7. 411.%7)***- ' .l"Zaad I' l -- " 4..' 4:-I'.t:PC : latik .:;;; ' ''r! 4-t!". 7 l :•: °: : 4ll.&rt : * : ::‘' ' ‘..-1 ' : "" I % .1e4.1"1 "" 1:::74
. ,
t...maseisedeoar4ldlor- 1 ' 1 ie. Win thrum inal,.l num d b o a t s .to seco;f4 i Ringeß.C.oll AtiiiLetwA tio New Tort 1 tlir.Lee. _ _
... , . ! 1••••• T L.'s..
1 Pleterilio. Joe. JO, 'Z''' I'-. - • -.!3•111% •:- 1 etan , miosanas ro t sale by IL ralituy, 1 J ute& -,,... 7 ~. 7 •- ' ' 'it; *• 1 'yid, 4.i.":4- . 1 : ,-.. '1• ' '
.va- . 21... A 4,11L 7_, 1 0 0 iii ii i iH-' iiiiiillilli , " •
Fr. aty, lAraihip.
1 Illtm`: s tut John roomy
1.407 r .110.4utingiv tewouhtp.
19 qito Ilutstringer 11 tot a twri.e .launder
if Jetirion
at, lind
• , ;"": - • 10.1
.ty,Fr, , ,teritl: ' 3ktv-leet'Li7",,
• ls.,Z.—
h:t4 con.
hetet t
end the
iaskepoliat !Vac
14 .es U I. l .4ltett.c(bift`
11 141,0 •
13 trs tirivo
2.• 10.5. r 1,13 JoAttr
9 a, Jahn Biddle •
1 lot It .h•ouv. IC 117 Noreat
1 Lou+ Jolty Mannar
- 1 akodytt Prtrirk Dknroboe
1 lot al&tuse Wen M.unren
1 Int Par.,
ct rmr.,4 3 , ibn ttArr
I ~to . t , Lantuvt !k•Pryet•
Ido I; 11-dlttlan
! Atth Aap.ilont ,
1 Atmore
Id:. Arthur Roils
Wei thorn
the c
nrnbly in
A car
-t 1 fun,
ntrir .1
ID 1:1
. .
, 11-A .4 b:415,..,:cb.. - .- I.:;lark. '
'.I d: , di 111. - .nlar Maadeu
I ,t , ' ;I"; ':i 14,4.4 7..1' , ..-4,
I d - ) 4,i, 1171 d W.,,D.,,t..,..,
I 41) . ..1 Llvoid.tialitnis.4 :
-I 4 , . , 1-.."11 , 40 , ,T.,,.. Fraxit
1 d, cL.. an,.l:c4r .1....U.14
I .1, , t 1 :I i:striA C.o.e
, 1.1 .141 William &twat
' 1 du doiiim Liribanirie
!New. (".a..c ; 44
ci . .: az,.. , La=d ..111
' ..., '../•,..
.t7.—Ta 0..! 7 , ' ves. tbilszlati
4 • 1 , 4144-..te. .
") Ars I' c It.-+lt .
. r 247 S Fe. r In ,
• 1r.:0 sea I.;e!er F La.. 041; and
i IN' t,r liitrti.
104 4,. - F.e.....itnitvr
1....; a:!.s 4.;...0 124th
• 1 . 46 IC..s Philip. Zer44. deed
we ear
: • ,r4l,:t I Liw,454.
.1 , -4.4 Is *l - 14...1 , Enaiehatt 4 I 'lot Caries Eillinrtou
ri la Ito 0 Land ',"l. ' .
, ,
Prttr tztr.1.41,..k.
. ' 4.1 ILIA Willual Itr,rm.
l'il.SA G.ius - rcrA.t
. .p.
17C.3k: s tleCti a . Siaen 1.4..Lar...;.4..k1 .1. - t , Win halite
I`.o a., CIL ar.e.... Wit:.^ I 7,,...3 Act. 31,:tleA iagiari
i :::".1.:- Frank., 4 LI untsing.trr:4l: so," San4ll Green
1.5 "
•. •
- -
am , J"a•tra Mitcbe.l
h , " Ar 23 J,ian :44trizsack
e:A LaJ. igs 11 u atticm
1 hwta taArro Jr: Ca.w..i.e , 21.
1 1,3 a Jottaztt pbre,
•• 7 •, 32
- _
Illortkistzllachl4es. Augert, Salernatr, Chblebt, MIT
!area &yeas. kohl ' „ Gano "- rW i e..a
k e tr i t i ghA
Ve = itil* ' ' — * Welfare ` I
I FARMERO, RE*DI - " , t , "! 4
takeir; 801bilieviiii14451414
- ._a144 - 216.
i -,
E 14 , 1 „ 0 - 'ald4.+2 Atkiig;"r ' • 4 1 4)1 *
Man BUstmasia epring Seed of aft deb', farmlo
.Pottattt*, SaD P; .
1 iwi
nt fld
an u
I ter4r-tatri ,
*oar the
OE& •
t9&11 - t57
a: bier*,
i' V I '
CoN , "NEN'.
Retiree Ily annoni
their oNr. .0 - ,ENCERT'
'rcrnsvict -at the
•.. - To ' U.U,
en WEDS' SPA 1 - Er
117NG. Sun ' Cith. 'el
thity, RH? - t , inlets:l
YoMil /,LE'N'TS,
the . talented:rand .pnpul
Sot) Violin ' ; and lir
nreeent an e tire new
' irelfest of pular' Or
Mortmot, n Met .
tinier modem noweitlew. ,
Particulate 1 progrannees
rickets, II rents, IV-
14.703 00
;tatersaltip. • ~..
John iloaboar
II rowniVp. .
4612 i SPelleei 1 ..-- --.- --- ... .
,iiNg! 4311110.444, T''''''' 'I .1 !it
- 4, f ---
11000.*5e9.7.102.1C4i1i1 and JAMES ...QILENN _REMOVED,
1 isnitt s iiite Krim :. , spriim mill anti weed Store. •
, r
rtiglirlsonisteits. - ' • . !-%I HE I 'S.1. 1 11SCRIIIEI? anthlunces to
Ilialitty . 13 .4W4 EU:4 , r '
..1 . %b.f. lii. th-li bf• ba: , rem 41'e I frrtia %
' , tete, .r , MilletlND , ' nen , eorn,r of e.„ .tre'an.l.NorW.Erian la. Hn
I illvfl'AtJani , x .14,-Cort•rti'k 1 Steam 11111;,41 the tir t oownod re•npeety . dielenly
1 abanra f-bn MeGrrrerti , i opv , fite Ibe
' 1 ..4 " 1: " i ' 4 " 1 11 "‘" 11 • P I tibnieiPtin *end fielding li'rtalea . 74-r„,y,
li,u3v , a 1,,i }ins. Keay - - •
',l... ci ty Tb.,,,,, g a ii„d y , iihr•str b. is pnlsnr."l tolurrilsh all laud,' of flour and
*ruse Matthew 611;", , ,5as 'r Foil a/ tbi fiwest Twirl! et bk own nal nufarturriiblch
14:i hmae NI ~,,11,,a, : k( . .rty th , ran w'srrant. He will siu.iy, kesp :11 basal 1 r
I.'rt • lieu iris WAsh
ltd Martin NeVan
, f. 11,e. , :w4.
HALF: HAY, ixo .s.atz.
' .bleh he *ill ..11 . rriri.irsils. And rtl.lll .1t t h e hyrte,t
i 1 prire". lij 1.4 r... , t t•• Ir utyler. , l4 f.-r eii4.• . .
ietein r y i r.!.:., 4i g 1,1 c.r3.4 vrtors paid tea q
f,ry, in
;TA 1 1 ,,, L . 11.5.i Ir. ' ! nir Th.., FII lkirribVf is aissre4c - re . is lap all abuts rf Flour,
1 list No. •-, IVci ilanr..l ; Fami. 4 , -rnieuturni...i4n, whirtiv..•,him - ts,-liities f,i
I , fq Jain liri-flit ' sellim at lbe very lo , nest rats f”i• czyLb
2 cl' 3 , -, , , , ti1i F...r. 1 ,
'IJA.3II::s, 111,1-`riN. - .1. :rent,
i 4, A rrbur Mane! 'i • Apia , 4,, '4 .• ' l4-If
,1 liniltri,: X. b 11i:L.41 .
I wtra.t.s
1 it , (14 , 11,:;) tiratri
da do Cluzies Reit
Ido w tyrr I
ClitiAilyaS a Juzes
1 lot Vr Ezinhast
Forties , • tion:daditistimithourPoll4.
Liii t4
.T 4eni . ' inoenous To :whi fps. th 6 di
• " g ig*
"' -*ibis it fm Kilt ItO
. • .. •c, - Cbitivatkeiti - WALE; Ili*
Ai3o. - 1314eib 'i L. "k'laot j..,11i Ptah' billrowki
aild'Atatielett4 . ..: lair rnqi or ffive ebl linen
*bleb Its partidas ease b. eacittek....l3dals ikahltuther.
masa aadtir lie,pmaill ..,We•aell Abollimukifte *dial So
•.i . ..5 cents, at , .. j 4 1,4. ;,,, ;1t.,.114,11.N/Mfibekitora.-r
M. 4,-- E. ALLEN, corner Of ' (Vatic
( . t er a d Nialeiree#4 l ‘ llll3l, 4ooWaced
ta g
i ekad
a . ri tor; 4plitudidpbertet= AV
rugsk r1tieZbj.04.744.10.4...1 , . pit
heti Ag eil; an be ktied Atid'placal In the t,
r.,ol . r4lntreptismgres ;villas, pirt:
ft f: mi. Olfet , lersi a -.1, and eXascana Ws
eit- 4i3 '4 W 14TentrOo: ;-, - •
NU! Aarli P 267 .1 ,'• :- 'l',_ '
ins ieottt • c
fog y4rious size* of l
NWfifi. 2 o,l lo t • " r "....
! 4 9 4 late• - 7:111c,"-`u;
Pcivida.liscoold,.. kaaakthe
• ii-laa,tia -pas Art imildeat of .
Alia in quality by any mill this
Asa jacmpuitrautiosut uttai his
iitta u g ll9ll - iIaNISLL Oral
past ii+,
•qr 'l. P,
; p '
.e e • rateer
, he ' h•
sir ll.oniciriii, be •• • - • ~,'r
of atto j aixlr flat.
la J istOft. 61,1 a
144- a
todAvilogdbia* •
pliop.tdo umviejmnpo
4. .S
flarritlin 4.16,11.31:,tetr
;40, find by tralsewhiek e
totorroloe tocAltboto b ism; P.
Ito tootaTmo ormatoit frith; ifthird
-otoriffoi Ned as apportottity of
Tatipoolily.' Ala Dints us, te.flae
ld aprisig;Likiagst Olusfy,
n o
WV" Ha
ardor ,
- 1 l
;11 49 4 1 .11
1 , Ode
I=i •
!, , COiPA
yea 'Celli+
014445. -
r t, ilartlV)
snit 0-
. . _
,ARThat ,
ringe,sect ~h avp:-this *day,
tetteredlate .044taishlis.
fft4altkiletng Bashwis Alit the :Col ,
d.wocked ,by OFstae,loe Bebelhei
!trio YoirmEtt Se,o4lkUl County,
voarmie •=IOEXIDTEZB,
• '
creni ri* ti I
pitert - 90, lakrtt Oiddl (June
MAM 'B2bellen aT. berger
Intoned nG to And twit 'citithin
urkegiby him; situate In Myatt, Tii to.
dant', hiptiter with Mt idtwe;s!dhiAl
Toms, .ears. • inhwhiery,Midtarei, and
•Itfid ilaintatablitisogittn sibonf, -
'• with ye ititOilrefelknt geld
hevie . emptoyed the said thudarm
iZt s itir ntrier=
1 1 :Y.; 252
ntly rot
kilt Coital
4G l ' 4 4711 1 eWirigiulaes.
, • -
ITEDL , a First-aass Pictorial Astall?
Leith litieTUFM-1144eacerth4
prinroita. ;..‘LA Ucts.
Paibliabed weakly at a yea,
Tax ,natuHwz4 ,DECD ;•ttir
: Ntitian; '•— , " '
JIM,JOURN detotti•hiltygrop•
ly and Pi-Artie./ ; PhsidniNtY. Amin:Penn
Ste aftd ilieaUh. IlinstEntr4 Monthly.
earners, hylth Intectiortn S.or AN, Coati
tenest lot Mankind. Illustrate& $1
WELLS, 3 S Brwutwiy. New relit.
.Isis • 23,
. •,
es:a Ttl: pram. unsirmat.
Otree il;
tips s "pm Gnat Ltliacaas,
ea r Th. arm Lars lat.
._,=.1.~q.R,p,.,, `..
es 114 Gm* Lialmeati
6." m Tto Grose Lis anon;
id soaks, Um enias
alto wadtro time mumpm.! is Wasik,.
recommended; .
• atlie Gnu Upimuij
Atm., penatnieks. is Ma besi Lai
.. Witale Mir areN*Nal
0 Imago Qlll-11Sipstiall lbe tha
• opozidir paG slit Upon tits
, and bill - U1 stink : ta d is doott-ta
. sad Wetlybin •.. - •54 'boa wad spas
, it:Mara aloatiostaa /taw sad dont te
tt:oft who aro had. or likely to longs.
ralustdo 'sad to rodie;aa taiidossooP,
ly rocrostatraded.
ttst ,
ao. it is
b •
Eidorseatlia, The Grab Lialsbeabr
• • brim. fire 4 ler tber lair.
.rend. by
1 . Sift/ reedmreptetable Siete
aad Is prepared b y 410•4• IL ket rPi
L Oman. liTheiegreek.Debrawe:
.43 - 144;tain in l'uttswith. by,t.IIAIILE.S W. E.PITSG,
.tor site' y an ti
the rua.,--tra in Reading, Norristown;
and4httlie eat the ern:lnter ' - -
rIIHE has a lot of t,tie
4 -
I • Views is a l*au:lfti! Aie4
1-. <, *li! <4l at the
• . ',-
tater: t 11.1 tet, rh•er
pat 1.4,11 It it 4.1) c
:•••••••,‘ tc.) p:l:cttre a
is., as bud k. re•raaiu -• •
.. •
Ai. A .. Tar' •-•-- • - .
,:.!:I'..' , • -
- .
....1„ ~ . $3 . 1....a: . . ~. ...,rt.
/.. 7 • . 7'7; t
:7-7 1 7.: ,, _ — ,... - 3.7 .. '_•1 :., ~.; - ' ';
I -..".. 71: +/Mil:7 . .:...; . • ,7. - i
4 ,
.Vtr ORAN • - .
":1 a 0 ( T i
..,:t.. , 1 v : :, - , ..i.
....p-q -is Iv, ~•,1!. q. 1
'i • ' ':', , ii• Crt:li. , ..t !....ttl , ..•:,
' • - . ......:',lt i;•••! 1
. ,- ) 1 I 1 • 1, -
,f ,' -4 11,..11 7 , I ti 01 . ' , ..••i I,li !ft
. . ~... .„ .
..--,:.•.,.. .
:,..-. -:..A: 4.,..•!!..f - - -, •;...t..<,".., -. ,
!-... .!, , ' ~ ., . -, ~ ! , .:1:,: ~.. - 4 - sf , tn., ..,,,
Gnagass...' ...•,,,. ~:•1 , - ....,..iri!..!'... , ... , !:: , ,, , ... - ;,:.c..,,,-;,,,
rI PAIICAL%--: - 1..' :" . t: 1 1t ,
Di cc - Cr/Nttjtit's
.1,--ctitloultuttituit A . l -, i:Whi
01 4 11Wrignr: i 11 1 1 14'11
- • • '•,1 1 Mill;
, 1 •! , :i Oloyllikl( • I. • i_ I.X . • • , ~ • -, .1 )
Oleries 1 - i
• • , Ti• -, , •;.
:14.11. 4 0 1 .FM1 1 *
.1 1 : :1 .11 !! ! . ! . Ore, Z. ,0 , ..
. $...r..(,,..' - ,., l i T ) :-. i A ;.., asaililriNg 7
. 17Agi ii Ifilarattar (tam la 604 wa w a ,: .•
OLOIMI-Volairely lac vis, wl i ti l ktu un tgatlii ilio trade (S °LOVES of Kro,additibtipM . •
0 LOT of.Dootsti 3 Ooot: op okittaig c, . • _
GLOVE:3' od s lrOol atilt lAlt a* OpUppz. ~' -I' t 4 ):
GLOVES. ot 11qeMaritc;(te Itirm, Mt 'tot- ~
.... .
GLOM lee &Mine,
,Oloies fbr walking: - • -'• t' , ' ••
GLOyttt at.araltaKtiLlietaillarklladttie .-•;-..,•-••• -4 2 1
GioVicSitultatiotiorbkb araeltrupeislate 71717.1.04"i , .. , S
GLOVE.; to be woriklit lbeisidna Alammillieg" -•.•••••• - i"
6 W l T t oritsieldn• 0 1 17:110a) . : .4: ---, ';„'. , , • -..; % •
Glifil, all misfit. teili Ma :a • • • *
• G LAVIN to suit th e you r end old;' ' " , , ",* • ?...
0 LA ViTS tolp a talL s . ir tr i g e, au 1 j ' '
ILt. -- Z - 11- - Wa..
t:t th 4
tu B=l4liir 1:=41,10414•-•
• , .•• . reeptitql,li o rt lot of Itaira .
smiled Paper Calla a oar article let
Gout? BlLAWL3pliiimrt usAilmiisioro &arta tr.
.T - Deimaito, , ,ia. ..:. ..-. -. . I. 4-4, .. ' .7 - 11,17117.....1.- 7
THE B,bsoik ex Agent:Al' thr tide
- tinusc,:vy rcauciai4.l Nilotic . Aliso
lies, halls, school boases,p4bile..beidings, At. It does
not burn the air, knd lides 'in lendable hat.—an im
portant atattir.^ "Weimperitttend puttiox them' sit.' had
If put, tip. by one dirkelmut, will - guirantdri them to
work. also pu4sp at about k Wi.hxyease
thin uII by Irons abroad: Ire Weak the
FOrta2all sizes, 11.13 " pesters; idscs:itt" tkannfac
toyer? ors.
CA ETON 311R1Ini 7 MANTIILS,' in' tidatfoirdf
aatioccoitala,Stenieh,Qchay Blicimmdtdiser sasbik,
Them ladogiame aro sorpsidentithaS tier chididnew the
rieessiediti tiny. ityleaad Ina* they "Ire trades/lett.
They arllobigblypolishedtbat they nano their bets.
ty 'mach loate! thenaaechhm Lad nmer-lece Sella . lidded_ by
smoke, Coal Gas or timetterieniVll
spri , Nest* triicallerTidelewskriseAsrjirdde qf
Arseidd: , re-,1
These Mantels ran eln price from 112 to $1.26, meecri.
Esktisfse stadlnitho , -Allpecinknireptsdentstadakes
as be emu at Wriggler, imindriikk--.4. P... ..>
VENTLLATOII2, for ventibitlig
lugs, widths's/ay taxi Wrest otesidtillitillii gig ammo
inaoky Mousers. Wit* meld these Niartitaibsca Tumid
outs Ramey nil MONA °Cairene' priardcans tbe - sassa
-.and it snakes no difference where the wind ntayetHke
the Y lsu
entiO i g ' =wards. It is' put
on all pulps - aitisitPusted cimll-
1000aUkte **Meta 'of t tint: '
-.Alan. liar +9.4abs, Tabbt-Teps, Burma Teips a jiterlbr
Wisidt Stands,Ps*lbiluirdeibeAeft*Auffiiiiblillilla,
Kigl4-agQal ft*Aftie 9 ;l/4
pLim,. vie blotitiffilnint anddesstis;eiar
brick.. and don't rOquire repaininto, ,
r'l%)* hi aIIiACKI.T4 for buildings. calumet:ling door*.
win teem Le. OIL kirks of :which will be tarnished si
the saapplocturera',.pdeesoarriageonly added. .
Proems beilldbm bad better eall and examine dime ar
tides. whSeh an, ter t useful And grbamental. and fur.-
lashed at. eery loseprices. it. BAN AN.
; e Autook, &hegyLkill county.
!THE" Eilil gRaGNED: takes plesA
JL sure le annour.ring to his and the peddle
In general. that he lay. perch/Med :of Samuel C. :Taylor.
the entire sleek of Hits, Cepa, Ilii0; and 43entleinen'i
fern liddd' rode contained in theeitom lately occupied
by him. '.
Ttie abor,e stuck Is.ieur agatt.frse44eledtiod t - from the
very 'toot lion** in the dilator New T'irk and Phila.
dslphia.and wilibesAid at' prima perfectly liathdamory
to all perions that may ahtt this mdaidishmont. Re
meaborthis ta - the only establisht of the kind in
teheylkill*ro Oentleinso pin be fertilahed
With goods equal to day City Wardrobe. kr • .
: ~.. - •• , • ,•• •- - i• : kIiWARD T. TAI LOR. . •
~.,....rationemor to sem - rm. c. Tamicia,
city Hat and Cap Stem: •
_&:-.The aerriresElr. Gem C. Waylay Mee been en
mired to sopetintend department ha has so ably fill
ed for Favaral yen Ills make and style of Hate
are altoeNtber FnperiOto any other make in this plans
4,0 3
for Swain! ity'aud : -Priam tie kir Make of Hato
are from Sa. 60 to $4 In. additional° the above. we
aro in ton: Lot theatior style' Hata and Cates
tram arch /loam as fel/awing: Suilender A Pudic
imbitord. lioltek Co.. htfoot. Pete, Patton It Co.7.atod
other Ilowesilf Reassethere . .
• ,
.. CoencoliCentre and Mebane:ono streets --
. Potssiiik,7aa,Zl46.K. ' . . t-tf
Saw Sestelllo norm ssoeirrimPlasull•
einsito. SIP. pages, 22. nava: heantiPally
itottnhol- Thewcr i tts &seri way adapted to the cape-,
city and.itanta young beginner. Can has, bean
taksoup *void crow lug abide should be reseresdiCir
the more adianeed pdpil. The maps have only therein
cipal featernedellneetest, hence they can be eestly ste
eliest. ' The lessons arn copionsly Illustrated eh is 'awe.
Pane ongtoviogo- Y r bootoltre, in treating of an Lki.
the subject le illustritel by a soap and a picture of an
10.0 SO_ of a and of other physical few
G A.
PEIT.-4iarte. :quatte f .l3l, 40 maps . and, name
out on- I ' lOlOl W I) , PtiVied for that very Lure dais of
pupils in seer sedteolstehe wish:to learn the mere how&
tant fseht..of 'Geography. bat here not thee to goisseh
Abe tnorablaborate tst:stlses. In this book. greit talus
hareheen taken, by Orpions new-be* to =ate the Po pn
tborour,dly acquainted with the sea*, and fatedllar with
localities. It embraces the whole subject f Geography
as ordinarily bartghthned at is too amp et err* hi itself: :
reeled. by 2 LIE.V. NNAN, .
ASPolf Art'at Pubtisheri.
',NielS . 4st and others supplied it the publishers
ze.-ttlir 'wholesale priers.
- Pottsville, Anse 11,'17. '
arum:BEM CO.
.r IBE Splendid Steimships forming _
1 : the alacAre Line Alin non Rom Nnir rem' 23 ta•
low.; •
KANGAROO. cart; Jeffrey; WU' Jane,
• FITT OF WAAMINGTON; .•, 'irle, tth Aug.
and *very alternate , Thuradny.
v• hem t;IVERPDOL every aiternate WethWday.• •
Pare tram 'Sow York. Cabin r. 6; Third Class s3o_ ~.
• ••• Liverpool. Cabin 11105, SS. A 7Wrie Clue SW
1.111111311 N, mourn Insitatoya ft* viet
Stour of the-Lne, • , - - •
we4,tAtZ . 6t1 4 14 ,44 1 L ie
~,,.piktPagiallsomti warp exporlced au
norsent , repot preemettlig• to- ham* or ater
•Weg to
Pond .•ovtbeir frk.uoi . frialleallt 44 country, eanysizehaor
tirieta and Obtain ail inartsaiio'n by applyinr to'.. G.
Dale, 13•11t0g4tray, N.Y. Sabel * Curtis, In Brnadwar,
1 , 2 i. 'L., V-my'r
Cestileates b•y• first Cass Sailing Packets be
tlieen Nee York and Lirettoot. also Drafts sold by th•• 1
• • o !April 25, '57, 17-1 Y
r4OR the' 4pid cure or Criughs,Coldi,
' Ihturrorai4Browehitir.WhooßtosComb. AstliOlll i
:sod Cotinnattdon. toutdvetsalli known as tbo boot reas-i
e 4 over yet diaOssened Lori ostry.sariskr of Pulmonary, ,
diem. no wide litho kohl Of Its tossfai nose and so nu. .!
indronatke tans Of Its earns: that *boost orrery NAM:2
et ;the restate,' ationads:ln tanocins &Lately know", who 1
tt le looestsestmod front alarming sad wort, dosporato ,I
' 4 oribiliftiri.!„ * -1 11 9140 - seszte: trial Lls i
•ad - riti crweifer of 11l tied Is, tat ;
- sprit-ant to online r wade ~.ndtwoo tea suborn
stn known, tle public as . bowitidowbat. in)fdoto
nioasploy kw th ediotresatour dannewonly sttentkuno 1
of rtbo palmonaryi begun irbi^ are ink-West to oar di
. mit*. ; By its timely Use many, ray alt all attacks
• ofi . c uPois thy. 1.7.0,71 or mat, ars arrested awl,
tiros are ratt4 mazy. tbonwas every par inns a pro
natal* grans., „Ss family td be without it, and
113toelwho do 1,--ort, to proridel thatorelwes with a rem
titydltttw to wadi as sm. 41.agerais eta , . of dime... will
hair, - Jorikp re it rhea it is too Late. Prweit
the ettlra . ey of the eberli Poctorat owed not
I..i:cloon -to . Um ,Aislogrifr aix rphify--thwy *TO tiring
pones. in Poor?. nOireAbor Bat thane lan Tied to
!: r 4.1 the titattssbeeths ot.ttioar a , 44•0 bwaltb YANA horla , I"
e %terfrd and • --
_ i Shad them'
1 )
THOIVIPSQN & DENCLES, -, 1. ''' l, r , stri.- - - 1
franker. and Exalters in Exesmaige, ?'.-peed
; 2
doors Soma of tkO , Ezpoo , .. Office,Cestrei.Strea, b.hl!ratil'
I P. - 4tcri‘le., Prt:, 1•
IV ILI, strictly aftenel toalledlectis litalth and
4 y y entraded To t . h.....=. wero. !tate twslor rs
I:nips. Stoils, lad an other !emitter- -
.311 m- , ,, Taylor. R. , 4b4rii - fiabicers.:Nr. Yon, Draft.* H
in 1
am T'al , at.tiik. ~f Lon 100.-M - fail tiiia kin: C.-Tort:3' id : •
trehml.:Caticzai Bank of S.ei)tlandi also at the cess of 11l L.
VeverroGrien liThylor.i.trerpod,' •• . ' i . I
i. . . Mona,. Taylor, Stan &go, firth, Scotland. !' , , . f
r c.a.:anti. oa band sod Car 'sale tar anfiiiiimmt.trtwo ( '
fa ooraras. it% stuns to salt parch-mem y'
' Prhe•e drar a are payable at lizht. and are 7.•.00d.14 tie- : ' I -
ry ydrt of 1:011211. Irrian 1, s....ntland. and W - aloo. rek- ' I
oarrett that Neltese_trbam);;ed at tb," best rates. toad: 'I 4 ,
Warra=t. boocht and PA.!, I •
Pattstilk-,.Arzil D.':-.3 Pan. Itt,lktol 7,1 1G- ) ' 1,/'
- -- - ' •
To FE ers an RTiL a G lZk arde ßt.
IIE 'T Farm SUBSCRIBER has recei ve,.
the ..t:eoey.atta will hereafter keep for sale the
fonowine: fertilisenv. abiels **U he sold by the tan, has.
Cr tat NI. at the Itaporters and Minufarturera ,kriork,
earrtaite adief. The folkosing-are the prices fiutished
at his if:Mt-ewe to Pottsville :
Pouttrett#. per barrel.
, Do. per bag. -
Land Dtar.ter, test- per barrel.
BOne Chlrpinp. hr tarrel,
Po Sawil.r. , .9en4. semi. -
q,..,-ph ,- .,,ate of Lime. by the barrel, re; eta. per ri
pertivisa ti6cao:aranFetrd Tentlitte ?Ai I,(by the
3 . 1 ,4 tents cr• tb.l Dee ton. -
CAnnibian Gushr,, warrante4 genuine No. I, (by .
th, tag. :0 f, per lb) ; Pert ea, - AS to
Iletiean Guanr..rr ton. Cs).'
These ism: , will be gun,' cheaper ilea mattart:i
that has - to be parcha..ed and hxttled any dist Ante.
• Jcae
hornfisrsh-.., so **pegs iftwiPt — -)
, toost4 Wes at Roallsor_ •
tit lidirtili 6ls 111 IV iGlis lb hi•
atittns met to ?fitness 9 "°b 2 end l'a r
, costi r V l l=sdlswe 1
Is I:sleis
ileo74eyonsolnifssjosses 0 1 1 Markamlit"...;
andborrnleir fbe fro • • • theyborehon
•WatoOn arm b - ' 44 •:'i t 1",'"...... t. ik it
orb Oh; len • •, • , "“"'" ,
b 4 t bi lliat9r t , : ikge fkaiprorititrW
con T ifine o- -
' . wookarits - .44 ' ithiiittai l .70;44114 , 4.0 I
piths.. osl Arty bents mesas osbehtteAl4 •thg = O ,
'tom of Use
moodbabsyteetK /4' y to the tenth Mar anon
mnd ' .--•''''-• Ara A
i rolloblaPoim" AL
` - ilidliii:.: - - ),; -1- - - r ' 1 • • r "'" l "4 w rint . lit
.. . s s s t lo..sxMajo...
^I 1.4. • iil i gialrallingrillaWniliel "Ail l
liF Z -:1.... ‘• '..,, - •••, 411-• ; s
lajouncuas rest,mine , o6,
~. , ~ S
Avon pAwiikiti 3110eyttibeeet Z t ~,r
... . ..,..„.„.....„...,.
, ~ ....„ _ ,_, .______,,, •
.• ~ , ,„.......,.............24.11cA - ...1:
Rfriscrillo , asitantee iioeredit de egeedi the
d !nu! in of am hots SAS at Reasti/ig i
is' 1 ..4,1-..'%thi - 1811:1 ' ; .11 • •
Itsiono,*eriA tik. f
:::tetelliiiiiiod;*ditek of th e _
ttoe, "do negieellelke repose;
gust we sow the too &Ike orisitualy - - - •
* Win tfiteeo idinsi gt 4 4 4lB4
Mite 11insideodie Tbe",eue io .-
,t; the . aluitet , or the •Ithlles 4
lo oltjoittlatiOssiltatlVAll•4oo4li:l44l by r "b l 4 174 i"
k a z i
' tie 'sad tho MA 4‘1 1 19.V1. i• St a. th Ma SthillY
ss u s siownond by Roans k otion, arid pot In bonbons/J.
:Yarae s e l, i st 3 m3 yi: . •
..- Wei # SA, finci: 4 411le s .aud o ti
=MI kyr cordsbit - • liktcry' t tor* dry ; d
biW WesaroV.rop mocol, Irak es iota
erW• • node flan icrordooye thy s
iforYideris4 the 0:1111213 SU& •YU 01421 wore tboo
. cox v.,itionitw,iitto !Idol, they wore wood, ood the
boots molt 0400, oaL by tbe eonueltise sod. Not
to MI A. Lutes stbre'for public emu t alnalloo. attar thy,
za t iiol4, aismined and sun tale¢ frogned I'l . o
u2 =Titg
Env" iod =4W lultiglgAlTY Allollieby Ma .„,..,
ri.,,tilitllareiltosithea O l e pifem6l: l oA
Pornas4 lleetleg werr•to our,jo4aleatola
ay "nevi per out. monk thea , theet Wont f
4 "'Aloft's sue' . t , I ~ . .
W=ro the 8110440 . W* loop YIIIPAynni
frA I ," plipe p Te. TWOS./ e l l" both se.tes... •
! ^ I i JAM!.
_lliorlOWbeenit doriog the burning. we Many eig.
Inridylith•Oo*As. . ter the
.Pl l . ll 4b&lfliaet i Me lli VM -
• ".. ' : •- ; • ...' 04.. lAA '
.4 iino I; ~'' s• 4 f, , T, 4 'lt - S.A. igliMUido.ABVI '
. ,
i''. bilik`ll . lg in: iii4U . 'M r " ietil4 , SN:4 ei "dAS
sasills vietnltyowba swr, To boo. hare purchased,
:Monis &xi ..Nooos * Wayso stoop tie baraW, up to .
1 tiil, MI t. ~ ~ & , - , 1,1 i,. • ,-• '- , • '
146-.Nicully 1: tepnaltbah.l: Ismoo-Ro MA; Met
& iffibdtr, 1; W. Rhoadic kEeo,lll lirwr W./11~r,
11; Its. Wm. 3loore.1; Solomon Rbosulo.l; Levi &Smith,
1; melt ir•CrekA t INILI/1144‘11 itootb4llCAAlaloo.,
1; iroi , . lierarlior, 1: Gioste 4 -*elteft , l; OA 1 4f ir
1141 ' ;_ffoek. 1; Eva 31111 or, .11 ; sTomeslamints, 1 ; . IL
A. ' 11.- Warner, 1; lamb ttebtonetoty: 1 ; Wm. Win ;
V.-81'84.fietleuberlyee, 1 ; It. It. CcrospkitY, 1 ; 'll;'slr-Idsolh,
2 , ; - vr:e. - a'P. P. Nrinantttniet t ltlnv...P sl l l nw A
Co,311111ott:11 - .1. P. brblessane. IL - '
• , .
' ' .
2 ' .4 ' s 1 EVANS . * WATSON • ,
Rare sow pa hand 200,000 ponds, er a. abort
507.9, said+ Ma tar for saioon tier terns ihmt any
ascsaufactunr to the railed s..
-May 'A, '47- • . • 21-ly
.. ,, :"IifEDI'CINAT:4 - :::: : ',,:, • „
MORS, - 40:
7114,,P.a7dite/Oia l'aiiitufe,.for. Ike Trea‘ortir
Oimeaw Zustaii. Wstti. Strafillo c Uleitriptiik
TA r R, 1.0 UNSBER RY CO.;have
triated three dimwits Nporiolig. sftera'years
paat'*ll2l4 natir sanzene biz nesse
been eituatisa. _Tboee
riseseed ssahesterarseeia di t a i l az rl' itaatareit of nth i
ltd •ateti, l . a'
Seidbea.bradsotned-by an bo bale witnessed Us Anse
coke; For bother Ittmerkos and aril - knot out pamph
let km Ow" treatment of Csacers;•pancina orM aatirre
Conc l iO , qok.." 4 .Poatoza staxag.) . DR- LOISSESZRRY CO,
l!ifs 501soetb Ira tat Slirts befit" Ugh: west 110.
,PbEraelgtia...furte IVO . :UM.
•l' 1- A CARD 70 THE LADIES!'
DRO: t repolsco , s. FEIMAIIt GOLDEN PITAII :
.I L
: • RE:- INFALLIBLP in removing
i,_ atopp.mea oilmeralarltleig of the manses. These
P , Whin nem. but tomalley. toped t tba Partor
Per yam% tooth t t - fitiner la o Moeidem - addli,Mn-,
winariedL u meMse In emery mme.l beltimisinY Pally
thousand itarrhe harp tiaard them, Jo make the. Pile
&We: ft/Ake allettation of de* ralTerine.frota anydr
re4ttlati ties whatereeos mdl ea a ptirenlTte' to those
Mdlea'wheialreeith, edit not peimit an pint*. of bad.
IT. -1 , kregulat Jistalea.oe Mimi snyttelng themselves
IP:are eatitlonedigatood today 'them I`, as Ile Paw
prtitor Maumee stotesdamilbEllty after Ilse alarm edaa
nitlon, althotigl their randomrroold present soy Lop
re to haa *
t ; °therm, them PIP are te7m meoded.r.-
Ihreetheos pan melt 1 4,, ei IPriee;sl ,Told mks*
mar and retell Q. w: PPM"( ; learn& . Ope4lan apt
Celjtna street; in.: Pt. - . . - • - '
.alloiders mold
,be ad to the' slime' General
Agenk *le yrtU sappirti. testie st.Psesefseit prices,
w4sesi4 the ircoadokiiisii i -iciAsaes. Ariassilbiry
apdapay 1.1 to WPM Itr - . &PUN% at Pottamllle,
petrayltill eounty ..Penea. '
AO-See stgaitcreao.l.'PremMt' on laett hint-41one
othersgenutne. ' I ' '•• - -"' - 7 ' • '
, PottimMa, June t t7:4 • • • ' ' - 1 244 y ''
-' . , . .
WHOS:E . .S AN S ::of Life luiiii
i— T T naludy ,run aid, disccor and, while la .11/as
,Zest ludias.4 metals oars lbo Constuppthnr. dathnia,;
tronchltim Conalus.Colds,,and (Intend Delltiy.. The
swaiudy waa discos - end by Olin when ids only child,
a ..tiumliter, wai riven op to die. , He bad baud meek
of -the wooderful,lntaton t l l / 4 .abd. healing qualities
peep.' ratimmeawalegunie Mho- Elcsop, and INS.
thou4lat occurred • bier Mat nilsht make a'remed,e
ke - his child. Ali sitilled. a cgct , iacrecat4 Wrati
iiiiir. Ms wishes. Via: child red. and Ir'scer attire
and well. He hail Adam " ' istried: thai trosiderhil thoumanda of falituars Ist all pieta of the
i ihu laitag
world. and he /WI aims WWI An ',bent acme
platelpfacattliql 4 1 01 leappy..? , do -as tench
cood as sought& ha will Nand :each o his raided frt.;
kregniamt as rolocatit, ghis rod" wit nal and imp.
eft dtrectlstis Sce mating it ',upi aid . ably using
it. :. lie requites - each applinint to #t clove him on. Alio
lidic=threw coati to be returned as poetic* on the necipc,
and the remainder to ha applied to the payment of this
ediertnemint, ~ I . Address 1 . .
• rr I .3*, IL Shitii.i, ~
~, ; , No 4) Gina at, PST City,X,J. :
' ii..11...1);:.11.1 Jamas has neither aloe nor mere
in Nei!. York, as some have pretended and &deer-
thud. ITU mini is mot from so num but kw. 1,11 ,
Grind at. &vey City, X. J... . • ;,: • I :1 -
- -..atusi 6,4 U •
'', , - -(H } i;
- NI
- 3
3 ..'
: !,..0
. . .
A do at.6l23.l l 4llMitli• iigtit, do. 4
- strayed the Mansisa Hawn Hotel and die Hand
sakati. :" 2 • 11 1 - , , --' 71 "
1 •
. r
- fkoinissonipseibisits wpeopubrietaiiink
P I O Nod
511,4 , S-.P.•;len
--- - .
-ms ;44 flecrifitraelfbeelt Direnwinaps44* " Ad
iThebifeer YAWL Iptiltie.etQln hare eitinidni. AKIN
Devlin gall bolds possosoisoinc Out alarm Pima,
conalosioner, Mr. Conoverprefinitiz tonngt
the action of the Cointriffwaseetdineevlthrtle
min ' . et:sineint.turao Wino
t'ititn 4 : .life 410 :TfrAteSelP4 be iteklin_44.l,'
is 4a
Tr i airTICAZA M f reWit t4
UP asylieni. iriincobli ° eltlholef f
ad 4editinitill4ol9: :e4114/6".
i .... Y4 0, wilr , ilkoLv4,4oll4 birAmint ! e- -
1"1-P!',." d i , , , ' A ry,i' -..: f P:. 2 . , 'I • ; .41' 'llt /din.,
7 7 .c 401.11011114 -4.0: 4 14;1 orL et;
The Fri a il m nPrjtelliefieso4 . , Wets
bia m tZiri,
sation of the y gama:tat p
a • taw
l***llllldalid sausdirialtsatiad at V4IT;E••
exardnis the l e s e ltateliel:fikfute.W4 l 4l4o9l
that the Topit4
l Vt t:tation wait :tboson
hr .
Mies that - ilea Hatt ailglitsdribi Mama wt
lonia views* evemeignty le—Xemeee.' Ars dee.
&slam It Impossible fox the tree State niea s Pt
e°t at baittutt4eetio,tte; and, ta ognalesioe,.pPU
toilatida tioapoddoti OW/Waft sedileit
ed aotheoly- ga all Amodio mil at alteasiis • 1
1 -
: 'VOX ogokrteepfei for frokayp gtt
Central 14111"44. d orlot ikelaiii•eo4.3l.lft
1 F 1U 11 °1 4. 91 .dt441%,: 41,16,11
4 .-
- Iriiiitzi—t4i tioterior for tttaii: . 2,..n" i
iiiiktsslkti• Wei one in tiii - ius!lifirpf, i iii i '
iested'ilat Ilie. Pnisiiiiiit akirittge::i
.Ipt! RD I
bodied torio . tii goverollii Territory or di We
• . -4 . •_
Tim fiersikti kratioisal Misipal jubilee a 6 6 ,
Ewtallg sad Niddle -130Itts Attlel-Ariglok via la»
Plogliinio ModpiatireAritbas,"* Abv,,
va1gA504044, priMkrouril
1 . 41 4 4 ottilkumlAbigioiliigAls:
wg, +wire( onos,
*ouvibmicitAster4ciaviakii4 intaittrad
stiiibtiee iasioeplee:aset*itahliweiNiattr ire" titieltV
aatjettiur valeableter'itheettbiei ttiliatH Mow
ractiodir, yea aggitacii. , .:oiii ow bar.
tag a certain' date, of course the Mei 41ateraisei
up to oStiteillay taelVt ate apt tit •titiVilatio et . the
ptevitasisabilattieti: 'IN very great NOM Watt
is ma aired to Iliftbstf dateombee itta date it arta
papetir Weis yes.* '
c0LD14.1412 kiwisan&
k>opijii tilasi .. lor4e4 citi ... qp . r . llg, ua .r isp l o
conti.'p#. 2 .4,ll'l4 'fur the
~.r ent. P . t ion
1 11 .: 4 47‘ * te:Tlr4til:4
SET& is l 4°l' l !'d t!I soil 13 .
Lanni Itistrpa4„tbi rip 1;14 aims of which trill
bb ioniid. column. The
place ire i s p flair , prder. We kiwi ot , oo sppt
that oxen rtkoojer irdse~genb of
pr:Li plelsintof
Dort* ltiowooo &town is the dm ors
Westland sithitott lints 'obSet, - publiskot ostr
eotsoniorary,l. L. Gots; Bsq., of otoolsos ksooni
ReWling•gosettstiesitty.' 'lto ;Moo is: two oasts
lisi , oolry. The . - *Osumi sad tre¢bis se ooslood
*poi the pabllettioW of a dolly paper i thaiwpwiJ
.tanesthwbiothiso r ileieresto , and lowsiswity
the 'Ow* to widish , itis pshliibet, tiotitlW•oit
horpitss of thli-ebtlitor to 'sportsmen - A*6 'wog
liberal oneotusgswiiiii sews trim the the ehl.
twos tit Reading Will soteod to the Waits of Yr
tied. Bemis to - Ma/4114v Deity Oeseaa. •
, .
81311OVLAR PIC:TAeLIt .—Thti Canal Countifsel;ti
ers.,rf renneitanta eisdeastoriog:tos ennui this
actli of :the g eopensenteekeee
_of the' petiole. It
te„ettortbattbey topnanettlon-irithSfsyor Wiod
fork,:arci entlesior!ng to out the gets-
t19:4:40ee in it*ePnblie; tbe
rigbt tq.rgl. tn4,ErLeke taws throiagh; their ^ . tepee:
seotatier,s4 ; whettier,they are .but tfie sleets of'
She oPcib9ldrl• g. 44! Pcopiq . :Are tol6ltettoSt.
the positioo.efsetfe l whj f dispote of theta it ones
to SosOesta sisystiadeis. As sOeso ai liet q taki;'.
lion tastter is Eatiect,"idie r tise the . info' of - lOU
tfai • eLl4,?'-e'O"in'tdo4i,ineit.
VitaAt et is T o knottroa tax Sick.—Was. Sample
asatii Rosq.,this well kaOta lithogratitier.
+lbws 1111%41mi:0y asttl.BalrbaYs's Hollars4 ga
in; ital Sad, it, iitvasiatily relieves .iadigfitios
and debility "
Raw. Simnel Balxleit says: "I , foam! •special
raid ; live: *a , . its9:l,:: a minus beatlishs,Wit , h
:hick Iliad Wag ittiffies4l.7 ' , :
- ,
J. W. Sa , oft.; - ae)e: , "I him mead
Bcerbaleis , ifolked 414tela arYiag, mad mom-
Meadivi It to pibore..kaolviag it to bo just "bat
At - le reprommted. 4 - • • - .
„kW. Jori.tleia, *betty, of. Lower Bt. Clair, ma:
4 4,,bav0 derived i.groot, benefit firom iti Iwo *
tealkomit.of tbeatc r imacb awl iodization,
_ %.7issetta i 3L; alarpby,says: "Altar skint pltysir
claps b . .41440d, licerbave's, ifollaad titters re
moved tbaisila from Abe bearkaad . side,arialag
from iatligereion.* , - , • , .
The editor of tbs Eittaaing 4::es Pre/siva:*
4, Attor of Albs best plotieians, IWO
hid I'A . iled,licerbtiv•'s rm.! as
of ,the worst form of dyspep;ia.:-
13.3 at 1
told Yedordart LL