' . bit ,44 .44.. 3 •P:F!,,: i . II 116 , 1iNti8 4}1.1 . , rpatrAva. nye. ; 4::01r. CEAclztti.t.'" " • • ; 111111 • . 'CIELPTEI, 1.„ • 'And I Salted in ,tbe drawing-room. till I thought = titY heti would grow grey before, - she 'isould appear.. The carriage wu at the doo r; it was a MOW cold eight F. coul d Rear the easels. • titan Swinging and siappritg his arms to keep hi m heeds warm. I bad wound up' the musing hot Ter eleitatnent, and listened lo its sonilessilngle for occupation • t had made the little ',Chltr4 la spaniel sta nd eshia hind legs till be began to think that was bis normal position. I tried with my' right 'hand to coax 'Uncle Bled' out of the ' piano—m.llth to the cher& of Mit grand , in . strumeet;whOisiiiiisolon was eleisical music I cheat atittt,from th e realist of sweat sounds to . that of i t fielings--My patent-leather boots were areal tight. In blissful, agony I beard, at, - 'last, lE. opening of a door,%s mutual, laugh, the vast/0 of slats, and there before ate,! just giving ,the list tightening to her.glove-laceoras Blanche 'Carcase., Bitch a seraphic smile, such a cooing voice. ' „ • • "And did I keep him waiting?—the 4ear little . Arthur I And did he grow fretful r "In the lesion, of Pgditeness which Fate has ordained foes brightnuitt-of-the.world, there is no suck word its FratfulPl answered. I had beei studying Ws inswerar tits,bears—lttleegave the lesson . — Ail re thy eyes ' fell ob the ball-costume of libinchei', the Pyramids of Egypt were evidently intended,to - be represented by that dress, her head the apex, and the'buttom of her • skirt the tame. I bad to open my eyes twice to take, in. the full 'elicumferenee, there was no end to that lower hoop! 'Can •ibe. get out of the front-doert thought I; 'granted, yet Can she ttet into the; carriage? Hadn't I better/ride outside with the driver P I mildly, asked tier this last • thought. She answered::o - dear Arthur, on such a night 21$‘ this Ride inside, only put your feet up on the ctish lons ; then I can stand up." "Rind-hearted Blanche,' thought I,''wbat saeri. flees you, make for .ono yytt lure!' I entered the Carriage;first, it was not gallant; but then she in sists:bon it/ Then she came in—hitor 1 can't tell, 'but she did it. And standing up like a Hippo drome girl in her chailot, and bolding on to the hand-straps, off we ,started to attend Madame Raverteoarth grand bon.- • - gatarrEti U. "It wtus a fall house;; how it would hare glad doped Ih3 bean' of a iirima.tionna, at s dollar a head,! Through the erosh of humati, beings I ; swept ottward with Blanche; oboe only Itbutigbt 'it was all op with the whalc.bones, but we got. through, a little bent, hut still Mitotic; occasional i I ly a passer-by would swetn - the skirts round till I :.. saw those daintily ekuisere,tiny feet, and her sg. Aire loOked like' a dinner-lel cut its two; but the ware swept on, and the pyramid was a pyramid., "Will you 1-said 'to ter as the music .sounded. . _ , 4 'o 4 no! I never waltz now!! Confound those hoops,' thorigbLl But I wo 'did' a quadrille-,..very easily. Only two ileps, and the ' figure was corn. plate ;'an awkward 'atop from the gentleman via ' a-vls, and rip went rho lady's skirts, hoops, etc., lbeit came apoli,gies, retreat to the dressing-room • • —repairs impossible—laid, to seud home for the carriage—end instead of having a splendid *Oen . Mg Blanche and.l—L.she sit dun on the seat now, 'and( I took hir dear . littre gloved hand in mine and poured ennsolati . on.into her hMtrt—rode home • before eleven o'clock. 'torture! • i ellitTE ft*. • , •, , ~. 'ln a few days'nlanclie , and I will be married. , ; Hoop, hurrah!. - The, wedding -ring-I high it was , some •Mber,'shkpe, it reminds me so much of borrps r =how lies on any sable. Aud that cort-load. of ..; ' whalc.bono I aia 4..1ag into her h. , tiett, one day hot week: '!Brittle,' ..ai,l I , i, 0., r.. an umbrella , how , a factory ,lear. 'pin ? . ..-rerhitvlß. me that .thl . 1 bridal dreP. , et.'—q ta- .Iktramins . ,,f .I;,:ypt--itte be ! Fog built: ..: . . '\ ' i , *lihtuebe ImPu'r4eirtirVliureb 4 . .. r th•ree months , -Lowing 1 , ) thu tutrir , v , veit.4 of 1..1;e t ‘•.! A 15. and rho ; • . . .- w i..1 01 of-her u,....pf. .. 4, ~\ .! ; • , • ' ' ' NIIIA.hf: li';... .. ' .. ' . ' Ind I )11 ir•sv):ll33 my 1 na•c)iiir, rani .Iy/butler . f!' ~ :10, !';•,,,.e.can be. p. ,, eo , ie, enc. :1 , .‘l hat nili, ,7. , , i.::ia.. And l'ro como , Cu tio conclusive. flint [ • r , 1 . . - ; thing•is that O.: , • My wedding•tlavl .• ',,Ntiii; old bay!' I. s o lllo_ unit. il, 'pin can only gq through this operation , . .'we in year life-,three . or four times at,the out ( rape. Ju t raise the window, and see4tle. iare are oily •unus al operations goiug.ott in the, leavens above, on in the garden below, or over l ie the neighbor I.bousett the other side of the, street .= j 'Nothingl Then' 'cetera is inauspicious. There'll be a.row to;day,, somewhere I V' rophetio words! We were to be married in ... . church en groade reuses, et ten o'clock id the morn , ' i rig. The boureame,carriages, frionds;'ate., along' , . with it we Went to elidrch; We descended, walked up to the dooiside-dour"—eery narrow—bride , couldn't get_ throngh—cotildn't get into church. • Hoops too large, door too small. 1 grow as red in the face to a boiled lobster. 'rut her through, I gasp ed, confused, agitated and vulgar! . 'Sie-r-r!' said Illauele, 'such lan,guage at such. a thou!' . . I 'We re-uttered Mel earrisige,,dftto the friends theirs, returned to the bride's house, and then I, Arthur 071andylegge; received a lormal dismissal. I got the rack, Mlle. Blanche Cerecau retains the hoops. -Shall I not write: .. '',•§Thlers as thy. e! - , 1 }ire id : '.),rh/' ' .• . • ' j Puogabt, gli Last.—Tbil full Owing squib, amusingly t lent custom of giving testa upon alfaorts of occasions, things := r` Aav D:ARD SITARS/1M CALI ORNIA, PARANA. J To Copt, R. DEAR Saw—l, the undersigned, cabin passenger on board the steamship California during her late trip from San Francisco, beg to tender you. on be'. 'half of myself, rey'heatty add sincere neknowl. edgethents of your shill 'art a seaman, and varied courtesy as gentleman. To your skill and fore. sight I attribute, entirely the favorable weath l er that we have enjoyed. and quer polite nttentio l m einvariably giving me the second join t. Alone'', yetir liberality imbidping n 1 to pie 11 second time, and the noble.bearted generosity with which you have at_tirnee presented me, with one, and even two cigar., can never be forgotten *bile memory holds her seat. • I beg you trill accept, as a slight token of my, esteem and gratitude, a large silver mounted gut. to perch° car treamet,:which I shall procure, for, , you, with a suitable inscription, (as soon as I can borrow money enough for the purpoic,) and that you may hayst long life to enjoy it, in shia poble ship which yoh command, is my earnest, cons nt , , • and daily prayer.. ~.I cannot conclude better. than by a nnota ion from these 'beautiful lines in, "Popes, Paradise ,Lost":-- 4s•-• j"The star anent' d banner„ • . . ,Oh„ long may It wave, ', - O'er the land of the free,- And the home of the brave." • With the highest sentiments of gratitude and esteem; I impair; your sincere friend and most ob sequious acid vorp•hunihlo servant. • JOHN PHOENIX, or SQLTIBOHS. 1 Samar, deir; hold up your head and 'taW' l the gentleman bow much twice nine,mulm. "Ten !" "Oh! fle, vete again:* "Eleven!" - • "No." "Twice!" "Thliteen,!". , • • . • '"Fouiteenr :" i xteot !" ' z I•:!sevts‘ten own darling'. That boy I'm I'a.•6i;;;, will inalcp_alkure in ilio world." j ' THE "EAGLE HOTEL," Eayte Buildings, earner of Clanbirland and Mar ,i ket vs., - Lebanon, Pa. • . . T,T- IR tt,:pul,lie:in friend, Joe al•li----,.ererylvolyx, Adam Ratak, Proprletpr: -- : , ,,.,),,e—Aa Of a pretty pottl thing: the other • ' Nitla is the lamest and most cotntaqollotu; hotel In Leb. ~ ...":11 o:,Wrolk.rn town, atshe expense or the ~un. anon, w" mini, " nve°l "" f o r fim/lies , si°l 6 ° boar ::!firtr'of I nooriordout.' • A Jrure of hugs 'wpm der.• and the isublie remerally j3 l oy .1.-7.6 IR4yo t n-/ing through the street, when a on of Erin, .who count* bial!elf among' the I;nion:saven4 feel• tog exultant over Duck's °election, adethink, ing to make a hit,; turned and remarked to — Joe, staudingsa,hie side= . "Anchy the'. holy Se. Patrick. the swine are i t absout 6$ thin ; in the strata, an the blessed . Dim. uycrats : ill I,n piny." , . :. ,Pl "Yesreto ted Joe , very Mitch like the 'lndyani Dt yerata' in anOthet ;respect—all sti ll fed." :1-.:.. *- The gentle tn front'Erie felt his dander rising, end—sio*l 'A Sostaca linsawso.—Siteire J— recently 'aspired to represent his place in the next legisla• tare, and, in hopes of obtaining the :nomination, he Deices all favorable 'oppartunities to address the million. A few nights since, there was a caucus :at the school bonne, when squired-4 . delivered one of• his .bowery speeches, which' terminated -rotheibat as follows:—".1 say, :fellow citizens, that the inalienable rightly!' man are parauloont find catamount to. all others, and: he who cannot put Isle hand on his heart and 'thank,,Ged that . nothing is ranking within, deserves to Ho a bed —in a bed-4 say,.gentlenann, he deser,ves 'to lie in I.bed—in erackei crumbs in H," shouted out the voice of a person'ansions to round the period. - The laugh was tremendous. Ihrtatan:—An exchange contains the following notiect”Allroke lop thopocket of the editi3r, of • this paper sometime dkriog the , Week, a , ten .Cont piece. Who It belougs to or ithere it ratite from' is.ai'mptery kin*, and , we. carnostly' request the, owner to alms and take it away; we hate been without money so long, that its ate Is entirely for. ratan; Upon Oneeidele a beautiful yoUng lady with a handkerchief to Introyea—weeplot to think that she ',iltas no Mate, and a night cap Mx a p o l o alit stipagl of distress.* , , Couvittauve.., ,, ArbeS Rowan fienotal:cto Ora Adler ask. for .l.te trip year? Ansirei—rhfarius (inorry,l4.) Why does the cook rade more incise then the '• Adv.—Because the one makes idly, but lboo other dia.ner. • Why's.* oort's tale Wee the letter F? 4nl.&rouse 11.1 s the end of bat 1 • • ABOUT -, lfooPaHero is the * B( ''/Ited thiat &Witt the hot.pit . E' E • whet ii hut& r • ..why, my dear? why do you ' • f'Recamaw-1. totted Astor" lane ;Catenary Whet Fulda her dress 'flak Oit 16 I' slid she milk sail! ' The Veins included in the lease, have each about:T*o thousand yards arum • The low' which Is made on more flivourable terms than could now be procured, embrkeS an unexpired period of between elesms and twelveiears. The ImprofemenbVconsist of . - Pcnr pumping , and hoisting, and Pout breaking. ErWites, Three slope*, One id mgt. nod one double Breaker. Platy houses pew and in good. sepalr. About Three hundred thousadit4s 4,4 coat are now opened, by.uenuisexe ...At tunnels. The capacity of the Collieries le estimated at Two hnudred thousand tons per 4121111314 t . ,4010 of them is believed to be capable of polducing In the avreptte, seven ,mill.ons Onions with little additional expense, the taa;ch I ne ry erect‘d, iwind calculated for.that purpose. Per teripo *O., apply ter . • J. r Polito - file. Penns a • or BUBB PATTEIISON. Eat; cokktgakcs FORIIALE., F o R SALK, —1 wo of ific most valui. • able Collierita in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvaubt. viz ; ulAcit smut COLLIERY-at. Pottsville, wed the BROCKVILLE COLLIERY at Brockville. The subscriber now residing in this city, and beirlif - unable from other occupations to give I& these Collieries the personal attention which they require, hasbeen in duced to offer them for sale at the opening of one of the hest seasons.•which has ever occurred in the mining of? Anthracite Coal. VIE BLACK VINE or York Farm Colliery at Potts ;Me, eznbraces'all the free burning lied Ash reins of, Coal in in' county, - and the product Ras always been in great demand and met - with a ready sale at the • laichest prices in the New York and New ngland Mar! kets, During tbeuast rummer, an expenditure of $20.., NM, was ma de at this Colliery In taking • a new lilt on the. Black Mine velal. ;The property is now in a splendid condition, and caieble of producingannually 40,000 tons of .very auperlorlted Ash coal. The Slope; hat a roll;and t !leveed' on them:lolde are laid down in. the same shlartantial manner. It has a breaker operated by a twenty horse engine, with rob-, tens. lame screetis,'auct all the fixtums necessary to do, the work In the best and most economical manner.— There is s large Xtu_eighttif other personal property. such as ekes. Wegoniy Wawa, Mules kr., which will be sold with it. •!.. . . At the BROCK - VILLE COLIitERY, la tunnel has re cently heeit driven to cut the celebrated Tuscarora vein which ru through the whole estate for nearly one anll vixich ts.now in a very Site standition. Thu two engines at the Slope and the. Breaker, and the (run Drift Cars (of which these is a large number) were Made 'by Ilaywiaid A: Snyder., AB the. roads have been laid 'down with the T rail, and all th. fixtures and Improve ments which have bee" made upon thin valuable proper ty-are verVadviinta,geously arranged for cheap working. Under a careful and :salve management, thin Colliery sill,l prod uce,annually a huge guan et Coal. for many year. to come. • The stone Storehouse and other proper ty In the town of Brockville, will (If wanted) be Included In the sale. •• 'apply la Mr: George C. Pottx. at rottemi, or the subscriber is this city nt tO Broadway: . yor; . March 22, 12- GEO. W. POTTS: • -r UNION COUNTY se, mmouwea Pennsymanla to EH. { S zaketh ;leftward widow of Leiria iteihrim, late k„.!..-.•*. c of White Deer tp,'Union minty, demised.— To i children of Anthony Belli:maro, der:assed—John Holtman/. -Othiiny Rellnam. Jacob !Wheat% and IleAta% ptih,hteibaim. To the children of John Relbsam. deceas ed—William itelbsarn, Henry itellwm and Charlotte Reif:earn, To the children of Peter RelbSlllll. deceased— Philip Deibssm, William, John, refer, Farah. Catharine andslietty Habana To the children ofrhitlp deceased—Joseph Reitman, Reedy, Irwin and nortrietta• To the child of Catharine Hellman), deceased—Jacob Mil ler, GRELTING Whereas. at an Orphans' Court held at Lettiehteren (be 19th day of September. A. D 0856, beforc t h e Ilon. A. 8. Wilson. President. and Jame. Marshall and rbilipltuhl • Esquines. Judo.. of the anus Court. Elisabeth Eelbsia - t,o7;A%rp:titlonlFforitla: terjnsbai:winiateof VleLertownhip,.ion:. dec aged, died seized In his demesne ac of fee of and in all that-certain tract of land "Kunio in White Deer tp, Unite county, botaided on' the north by lands of Culp.:on the south by lands of John !Inverting, on the east bi- lands. --, and on the wegt by lands ofJohn Ilaverling, rontaining fortydwo acres more or less, hay , ing -first made his last will-'and testament., 'That said ; d4eedent left your petition a Widei without 1613 e—else I the followlogeollatera I hetro—childreu of Anthony Beth , sant. deceased. John itellesm, Anthony iteibsam. Jaeob l l lteihsnan. and Benjamin Reibrato, children of John Seib. , ram, deceased . William Beibrant; near,' Reitman+. nod 1 Charlotte ltelbsam. children of Peter Selbeam, deceased, Philip itelbgarn,`Williatn, lobo. Peter, Sarah, Catharine, and Dotty lleibeam children 'of Philip Itelb&m, deceased. Joseph Reitesam, R eedy, Irwin, and Henrietta, children !of Catharine Re /learn. deceased, Jacob Miller ;Abet in • his last will and testament aforesaid this said testator -, .made the following 'devise and bequests:—.l will and bequest all my` property. real h e r n atural to my loved wife Elizabeth, during her natural life. so long no sbe shaU-retnsin my widow," and then this my propeyty . shall 14 at my wife's privilege to will it to whom she . Pleases. • , - • a • Your,. petitioner further' represents that shell' still a' widow, and that the tract of land is inuimductiee, and that it would be for her Interest, and also thpse who mar have conflngeut luteinst, to havelhe estate add. She thereihre preys your honors to decree n Sale of the Ma" I under Cle , provisions Of the act of April 18.1853, fn each ' cases provided.' •• , ' , • ,fr 1 We therefore hereby ce r mrannd you and each oryanto , be and appear.betere our Judge of the Omban's fbert of ; said colinty, at .Court to be held a t ',Lewisburg, on 1d6n.1 - day, the 15th day of December n ext, fur the hearing of; the parties In interest cat this Application, and show canto why an order of sAle of the premises'sbould not be made. • * ' - , HT TB6 *out. Wittiem my band and seal of the said Court at Lewbe burg, Ibisi2el day of October, X. D.. 1855. 1 BA3W.EL ROUSH', Clerk. • Oct. 25 '56. • , . 43 6t clover wit, in the key off the' prove onials to everybody nd for all sort of • ... HOTELS. - _ . - . ___ __ _. _ WATIOMAL . HOTEL;. Corner or Commerce dr, Shainolleln Sten SECOND nova' zfelern - or fir SilititlAD• Sbamoktn, Northumberland Co., Pa. - - , . i. iitl.'3l.lVEAyElt; ;Proprietor. 17-ly . April 26. 'ISMS THE "BUCK HOTEL" • Sea Ply ipmite the Court How, Le6a#on, Po. George P. Reinhart, Proprietor. This lore!, so 1014 eidebr•ted for Its generomkboard and good , ftecentinodal ions. bas been recently Itnynired, and cnotlnnes to La thi, Maga and Oeneral Head Qua tern. • • May 3.1856 la•ly • II 66 --- , - L." WHITE HORSE HOTE Vor..i. of (renirr nd jfaltantongnentecoilte. Joseph M. FeHer, Proprietor. Entertainments and arof A mmodations or tbebo.t kind ; and every attention will bo paid by the boat and his at tendants to make guestrand trateleis comfortable. Pottsville. 3fay.lo,'"mi NM El SCREEN RODGERS, EN 1! CO.'S •AIRON an.zsaato w mcs. 4 • ttrM • IitEDGE/W, ENT k atanuthertcirent ' of Cnit end Wrought I tON HAILING, : A. ,g 941 of erety descrlptionJuelte the attention ' oda of the public to their brunch of business, which le conducted( In the building for _ ninny occupied py Ktu at a Coach In Coal street, Potts ville, Penna. ;They can furnish Terindas, i'rellts•Wock for Arbors, Fiowar Trainers; Tree Boxes, dc., in every iltriety• of style; Window Guards,. Cellarg rating and Wire Netting or all kinds, at the shortest notice and an, the lowest tonne, together with iron Bedsteads, i'arm, Lot and Gar , den Fences, English ilublie Vetre, de., de., below city prices. Y. IL—Cdraetery lota. neatly eiselosed. Designs "got to /jolt customers. - Ererythingititheirltuecin hand or ordered, will beturniebed at the shortest notior.. We ero prepared to do all kinds or castings, each as • railroad chairs, water. pipes, as. Yebrairy 2. liis4 . 6.13 r.• • - - WIRE SCREEN FA I CTORY. hauge o ropr otors. THE undersigned haa as :• maned the proprietorship of the .Whti • •• • . Screen Factory in Cosi street, lately con{ "" ducted by 11. L. Cake,aud desires Wadi th 3 atteut ice u 'Coal trpordors and the publlcgeneralti,) to hie extensiretratablivliment. Arrangements are made for procuring the very best of materials, and orders fort 'Gnirk to.a large amount sin be ailed at the rhOrteat um, aria on the Most Satisfactory terms, • • - The enbcrlber, moreover, haring secured the serrieeii or skinfutrind experienced workmen incites the most alai:attrition or Mato( hiiiiscntens. promisfugthem equal to thaderst turned out othermanufartocies. fau.ll,l l MV I-tf - ' 'gentle ARLAN. , • U- TZ it i rEistv t , ,i 16.1. /Kurtz. •*pearls Kiltattattrun Of 1 1 . Z Wire Cal/ Poreerea. Cost Riddles. Wire `lug; Co Brous', *c., ilinersviiierk Schuylkill unty. Thanktuffor the liberalpetiole:e, hero received trortt"ttio, Oral Dealers And others. lu t vib he Plats awed moat respectfully solicit their custom In the nature. Ali work done at outehop will be warranted, so that an one awed btafeeld orKetung tod /ex _ Ku2tx being one of the oldest, and the most expe- I nettrea Win Worker in the misty, we feel tun, theists an thin out the teat Coal derma tor, the ileidad• orders add:wised to Kortldinermille, to W. Efeleter, Pottering!' or Kurt: A Welder, MloarriTio, will be promptly attended to. Old gym erepotral.. Shy 19,1155 An kinds at ocria lhavikts itpideas cealii44 The patrowe atthe public stroperthAly solieltet Jnly 211,14 . • • • ' ZOl7 RI AL :SALES VALUA BLE TOWN - LOT for Sale ort Sanbary street, kr , the borough of Minoraville. containing 60 het !hot, tansibiog trick to South street, tI feet. hatrinS, a bnibling on it renting for $100: and the foundation laid for a large drdUuF heuse--fixing Me of the best 'mignon; locations to the bor , ugh. for tortes apply to: . . B.D:ItALL. Natember.l. tt . - 44-the FOR nos e . I 1000 Aerie ot_vaassaose Coal Laud. ONE THOUSAND - 'Acres .tlf- the! Tat natio' D &lion:than landi.altuated Ld Butler and ilarry ma toonshlriSchuyikill county, Pa,. is hereby offered - at print& ode; • The Ashland &tempo , - llMlzond runs through parlor the property, which is un derbid With Coal utaluSiteid well himb red. 'For jtw&r. mice, or information apply to Samuel teats, Emintrr street. or to the rubseriber. at his EMI; }Waft Agency, in Unread 'street, Pottsville — , - . The terms me cash, Mid half mortgage bonds; rEANCLS SPE:get-I!. Pottsville. AprillO. 1554 ' 144 f A YALOABLIRIV COLLIERY • • 0 rE scihseilb6r, being ` d esirous: t:lf re , tiring from the Mining business oTere hlisifflford at private sale- This colliery Is situated on the Schuylkill Valley Railroad, ateut mei:tile above WM& • port.. The Coal Is of a deep Red Ash, and - of funkier' quality, and vrelliebtpted to the New York mud Eastern markets. AU the luiproretnents are of the moat eppon , ed esestruction—reoslstleg to pert of one 75 home'pow., l or pumping and hoisting engine, with pumps And all the necessary machinery, in pert: et order; one 4 E,;llnreit ginctstut Weaker: imputes. Was, screens, hoisting plane I and paring complete, cars. tools and stock, ail in good order. The colliery comprises tools, celebrated Spohn't bey li Veins, above and Woe water lerel, all op.med and ready to commence immediate operations. Vat further particulars Inquire 01' the subseriber, itt Pottsville, °r o of Aux_ S. risLEI, at theliOrke. ze - • May 31450 CI)AI.Npvt.FPR .A 13AAI: . L u ABLE:4I; U 4.14 .I,A Di VS :AT PIT.PASit RAILit-ThatCelebratal tract or Sete°. didiLkel land known as the "Spohn rset,"eontatnloff the, ;ugly adebrated " Spahr'. Vela," also what is generally .known :as the ibEerventy,free acre tract," ad joining. on, de .ift. Carbon Rail and and in feat Mrs' wesjan Township, owned by Nicholas it. Thourorr Esq., is hereby alerted at private mkt, on th e most advanta • geomi terms, . j The tract contains all the Coal Veins In the (heat Southern ',anthracite Rogions—inelndling. besides 'other , tracts, those generally known as the Pabner, Model Add Carlson. It,rch Orchard, Orchard, Priseroie and itaaa , siothi with all the underlying, though yet unexplored, ; beds of coil which are known to exist in the formatfon, aseraAing when proved, over a hundtrd feet of solid Coal.- .In fact, ' the tracts now offered, contains the richest Coal deposits in the Co unty. For information. apply to Francis Lipman.. Esq.. vent for Coal latuts, and zeal estate generally, Oak° In Ran road street above R. Market street, IN:1401111e, Pa. blarch ..n.10358 12-tf . COAL MINE FOR SAE. „1. the interest of the. Lessee in Three celebrated Tetns,of Coal, to the Gott An: three to Cont Region, eta distance of about Threw rages from the town of Pott eville. .SOTTBVILLE UMBER - `FOR - 8 ALE," : —.SeVCIIII thousand fset of seasnoulladnber fos soduth , tbe It of Mtherestlle. Poo desiring _to purchase . will APPlrtd. ,- • 8. D. !RA Mtheerslate. %otembor I 'A , , , 441,2na • - LUMBER! ixNg:pelf7 - -. , ic. he subscriber respectfully announces .. V, the public Millie bas sosiplsted talsi Steam ar ea Earmillin !recast Valley. Schuylkill cnanlY, and Is UMW, prepared to furnish all ktrids of Lnoiber at the lowesAprlems—on e D u Pine, Ircrac t 4 and White Oak of evernire and description. ' • . 'S;?' Rids ut Lumber slit to order at lbe shortest cloth* ' . fi0t.1715.3 46-11. . EDWARD Z. ELAND. . --- WitllikeidOcifit PL A NINGI MILL, . lIFTWCY-4 . lilt, dos bary st Erie Railroad sue the dial, : . Op sits da Farstace,Williazosport, Paula. , . irl_l 0:: 8: BANGER & &O.; Whole- ILA sale wad Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of White and yellow pine flooring boards, sub- doors. land!, sbut• tem. aiding. wood niontdingg. de. .11; and se I *swing.. fancy And Oslo- An descriptions Of turnip V; and planing doni with promptness. and Icitbe best manner. i eb. 9-16 . ' 7 . . . ~. _, , , ....• . • -,C4y- I! rt INSEED OIL, Patent Paint ,Oil angsbes, ke— fin. sale by 'J. r. avlkW Ibmett, Angurt 23,44 34. ALL sorts of T - Rail6 s ;irom 22'0 60 pounds per pad, On band and for oak b r ; Lee. S. 1S 44- resous. t BON. m.cOROL, Fluid,: Campbene,.Tur wine. le.. for skis byH /T. BANNIIII. Scbuylkill Raven, August A . 56 Si BAMTEL Zktf TONS • Zigc .. Paints,. axid , White. • tend. Pit mite by —.' ' ' --' 1: J. 741A,Mi11if 1 4,:: . • uyikill ibmen, Acrid:3,ll ' - ' :44- 19 I- V OR ,SALE--A — lati ( quantity of .2 . d OR dope ebsln far Ale, 'Or Tilflolo Mies from 34 loth to 11,4 inches In dLtabytee. i • , Doe. 4,1853: 49. - E. VARDLIN &130 N. , tIHIO Mineral 'Paints; Chrome Green',' chrome yenow-4 u , sod ti-011,and 0111.011 S at every descried:A ;ler agile by .7, T. IlVitil7)l. • Schuylkill Ilaron Angast23. '56 , 31- 1.00000 lbs: ryTta L vi ro l rt u Te l s.. 'o .tit r i bill naven. by , • -9-1, flown firmyn. Micas( 23.'1% ' 24. 9 0 000 Fiarr Window Glass; al .y 9 so, Looking MAU Oates, and Putty for sale by •'_ -. • . T. nANNErk. &huglalll Raven, August •.; 'ilf, 1 • U rn) MgC.IIA - NICS! - -14--S'hip Augurg, Fifirlt Levet Squarea, tri , oad anti attlu7llng Hatch, ets, Braree and Bltta„Caalking leans and Ma!tete, 31or• ticlug 4U d ltnrlitg3lacklueo:Plattet,Bollrmaatod Itoundai lu setik, front .:,., 0.1..rt01k, at StICIITEJL k Tltostri , oslt. pk , ttFritle..tuza.4 v.'sti _l_, td..." -,- -- / IToII - 0 - US - E - tE -- iPEI&!. . T - Clirtaili Pins and Kilda, Zak. Castora. tine Ivory carved handle Table Cutlery. Plat* Tealararable g r ee,..us, Roil. en, and tiarteepana, rreserrlue. keell.e4t)d . tret"b Conk' iug Ware, at • aTI - C1.1711 . kTIIO3IPS.O.:ti'S l'ort.mtitt., .auptit P. '56 - ' lO SPORTSAIEN !7:-Come qtici-oce fi . . ow-large stork of auglo and ttouttletLrreited guns, -a so,..ColVe I:evolvers, and Cale,i imprarect,atnglet and double barrelled l'ldola, Parlor , Ilst.)11. Glt end water proof ropi. at STICIITEtt k TIIOIIIISON'S. Pottetille..lnly 26.'66 - 1 . 36. 110 'MACIIIN ISTSI and DR API'S 3IES.-41revuan Stivertiatvaultedfiriangularfealea, unrivalled. Flfel Squares. Stiarbt and Devoted edge SI might age's. Rules - ewittlited , reitnally front 59 to tOO., combined 'G naf,:o and Callipers. a / U. S. slanulard. at STRAITS:I ♦ Tgoismvs, Pottsville, Autl'ait 9,'L9 8 . 1. —7— GENCY • for 1 mw rtil-aht:hlta> wideiyeeleinuteaAgricalturall at 11315 *hop, I invite the attea far niph therit with tbeN-lrods —ll4•lght added. • Pottsville, June tIONTNINO RODS A ND POINTS. • UST received, a : ustfortnient 01 lit Lightning Reds and Pointa,iwith fixturys (Tinplate, :which any farmer tan put up74ad for sea abeatr_by June 21. '56, ! 25-lf , !,..- j BRIGH7IT LXECIL ' • HANNUM uTHOLESALE. Dealer T . in Paints, Oils., Tarniahes, Turientine; Cam phone, AlenboL Burning Looking Glass Plates, Window Glisas,Putty, Gum !foie, Gum Belting, Peruvian Guano, Oakum, Pitch. Tar. Basin, he., kc., at Philadel phia pricei-oppcisite the Suattliotel„ Schuylkill Haven. N. B —The patronage °Cretan dealers, nod the nubile generally, is respectfully solicited. Orderatiled and sent with.dispatell to all parts of the conntry, Schuylkill Ibsen, August 4.74. . PckrIFORIVII SCALES — ---- ipF,,EVERY desetiption, suitable for Rediroads. &t „weighing lacy. Coal. On), and Mew r andifie generally. Purehasers.run no risk, every scale I guanintled correct. and if, after trial, nct found sat iStsc eau be returned "Mimi! rluirge. `44, — .• actor, at the Old Stabd,... established for genre than nty years, turner !Sin h and 3lelou /Streets, ffial ftdelph la. ABBOTT It Cm. • - Sueresrorn to &Meats & Abbe t. ,Flzept.l3, - r- MbRRIS, 3 - ONES & CO., ' t IRON & STEEL lIRRICRANTP, Market and Stizletnth Strects..Philtukiphia, • Mare always on hand and for sale ' • BEST ENGLISH REFINED IRON—SuI) assortments of "Burial's," and other favorite brands. „BEST AMERI CAN BAILS--urdlnary sima. or roiled to order Or bridge purposes,&c. PENNSYLVANIA BOILER PLATE— Prom:Peados sixes, or - rit toy required size. BOILER RIVSTS--:DoSer brand, ltlad!> i in acdid Wes- BEST Kt (MISR CAR AXLES—Amerman cod English. FLUE A EIIIIET IRON—For coverinitischutes, &e. AMERICA? & SCOTCU PIO IRON. RAILROAD 1110N- , T rails sowa Sat ham suitable for mines. , turnouts4c. aun IATA. ENGLISH A NORWAY SLIT' ROW, lipad, -, NUTFralad:- IV.ollEits—per te,ia,cce, ears. and machinery gurhosea STEEL. CAST, SMEAR, MACHINE and BLISTER STEEL. Allso, as extra quality for taps and dies. The above, together with a full assortruent.offlrtro, steel, Tft ails and Spikes, Ao which the attention of dealers, railroad cooripaales;eaticeeri, miners, fouhders and ma - rhinirts Is invited. May 10. 1815 ?10-ly . • c FOR THE PEOPLE r ' • 4 - - .. , Read and RelectAefore you Buy. STICH,TER & THOMPSON take pleasure in announcing that they have Opened a new 0 Hardware and Iron Store, On the corner q Centre., and Market streets, And invite the attention of their friendsind the public generally loan Inspection of their large and verisd assortment hf goods, which will consist in•part of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Boilers saucepans. Brass and Iron Kettles, Rifles, Guns and Pistols, Rile Barrels, Powder and- Shot,'Percussion Cltpa, Iron, Brass and Copper Wire,tfron, Steel, liellowS, Anvils, Flees, Files And Resits, Traces, Nails and Spikes; Muley, Min, X Cur and circular - saws, English, American and Ger man Grass Scythe's, Sickles; Scythe Stones and Rifles, iloes, Rnices,lSpadew and Shovels; Hay _and , Manure , Forks; Riddles Sloves,-Axes, Ratchet sAlammers,Plan ea, Saws, Ropes. White Lead, Oil, Glass, Locks, Latches and 'Hinges; Butcher Saws, Choppers, Cleavers, Dial mime with Bow and Swivel, expressly tbr Butchers, IRON of all kinds and.doscriptions. Our foreign oods are maixutactured h) , the best makere.land the o attic et , tides for the most part obtained dirMly from - rumnt j &aurora, comprising Cabinet • and Building 'illaterials; Carpedter and •Shoemaker ;Tools; Smith add Miners' Tools; Moulders', Plumbers and Gas Fitters' Tools; Ag ricultural and' t)ixtnin g Iturilemen I s ; .lionse Furnishing Goods of ; every rlescriptien, and in groat varletyin short, every article in our line can always be found with us. - liurgooda are purchased at the lowest pikes ler .CASII, and. as we intend to put on but *Ararat advance, It will enable us to sell goods lower thin they have ever been offered In this market. Under this cenvielion we contemplate opening a OTTPRICk stoat, and take the liberty or submitting this proposition to you for your centilderation. Being •eatlidied that a business based upon these principles will meet alike with the .support and approbation of all our friends, we therefore propose to sell goods LOW, for one price, with no doviatiororhich we are drmty convinced will result in mutual benefit to ,all who practice it. We take this opportunity of res pectfully al:inciting your patronage, assuring you that Ito pains or exertion will be spared to please, nor any effort withheld to promote the interest or secure the approba tion and support of all our friendifandipatrons. Give us a call at the corner of Centre and Market. Street.— Storeformerly occurfled by:John S. l lllorrts. . _.. • l ST/CIITEK A TUOMPSON . Pottsville, lifay4li, Isso l ' ' • 22.tf ikk Of D. L. E'ater y i sms o lyarovirsre Store. El AVlNG_remoyed from the corner Of Centre and Market streets, to Fir& Marts's old man , nearly opposite, Mr. Esterly would Inform his friends 'and thernhalltantsof this and adjoining coun ties, that et,erything in the hardware line will ilways be found at hil l estithilshment,Where they may be certain of getting superior articles at the lowest pricex torite. member to raft at D. L. F.sterly's Hardware Store, Centre street. below Market—ft , I N n.— : Orders for cast, screen R, of Esterly A Prick's man ufacture. recolrerFand promptly attended to. Pot tsville. Aprirl9. I RIM 4 1d- FAIRUANIK'S SC . 4EB , pHE subseribere, agents; tor the man `: ufactarers, have juirt 'received anew article, celled 114 e "Union Counter Beale," calculated to ItOatt frotn an Duce to 240 The. For role at tkettroilcStore. E. Y.414:01.EY ' °tingle, April 28th;4855f . I'l l- ~J • COL L -4 ENIAPEB QUILERYSTORE, 1 Norte whlret stivet. CONBT. ANTLY on hancli a large as 4fortnient of Pen and Pocket Knives, &Wars. and Razors, Table Knives and Forks, in libry,stas, bone and wood liandlesi Carvers and Forks, Divk f r Doyle Knives, Lc. ALSO—a ivy,' extensive assortsaent 'of Walters, Tea =Trays, &e. Fine English Guns. Colt's Pistols Allen's "Iterolunsi and Single and lkruble hurdled plitols, with a general stock - of Fancy Hardware. constantly on band. JOHN X. COIX3IAN, Importer. Philadelphi.a,Doe.3o, 1854 I - Doc. bl•tf IRON COMMISSION WARE HOUSE STR.EET,- Pottsville. -- v The sabseribera are prepared.ie furnish the Trade Machin ista and Operators at Philadelphia prices, (freight added) whcdei‘leer real!. hest.A - therican Dar Iron, man atee-hired at rottertne, end warnattglof superibrqludity Mao. light T rails „suitable for Mites, and Cable Chains farelohed at short notice direct tram the Importer. E. YAILDLEY /6 SON. York Store, Nov. 1153 47-tf 'HARDWAREtND IRON DEPOT. lit nu ,S WA:tilDhli, harlng nor arrank ed his goods et his new plate of , hostiles* and withia new determination of furnimdt. Ins all sash goods as ,the bittlinvot ot the Onal IleOon may regain', at their lowest market Twine, lentils the inspection Of the Public. I shall be always On hand and have on hand a full stock of ; . Bar Iron, Chopping Axes, , - .r , Flue Iron, 1 Coal Shovels, . . , Cast Steel, i , ' Trae*Cheine, .: Slitlron, . .*, Nails and ncest, , Rope, I • 'Tackle Blo cs, , Bellows.' ] Armlike,' d Sikes; &e., Hardware and Iron Depot,, pima iiraiczr: three doom above Harket. East side,, * Inas K Parr, July 13,1851 1.- . 2.5-tf ' BRI VT C 'I I,ERti • ri.iV ARDIV.Ascr. 74WO g IL ir E TWO doers be ids Mate Lim el.and nearly epposi te the MI • nerte.lteitilt, Putt/snit, wlie edit ha found ituMmealmatimaistinentatUrsaltaisz: • °soh Trhimittgi, , ' i Plies. . , . 11 21 sprie l ie, , • Fine Tnityt_t, " Willem' : , ; Britania Ware, _ _ 4 hoemakeniroole. . ' Aurcrtmetitor floe Lo Cccrenter'altiolti, -'' ), . Table CutterY, • , Maas and Paint,, • Pocket Claim, 'f , Bar trim Grail sites, : Tilble illicelm . . Coiled ~ it - Anvils and Vices. Nails and Spikes. • ' Asicrtment of fine Guns, Baliroad Iron and Wane, Sheet Iron Crucibles, : Smith Tonle. wh. e, Tin plate, . Building Materials, - ' ' brass Kettles, . , ' Pane and 1 . . Sad Irene. Cut Steel. - ' Shear Steel,' Dollars, Arm ander,' 1 Chains. kill Saes. .c, ; Railroad Tivres, ' ' • Cromisnt Strirs, ' ' '', ' - Powder and Shot.. • fine fiattdsawa, - , - 0. B. returns itis thanks to the public PM tbe plihnilitil theyseteeded kid= ittilleindirideataparity.andtuipee the new Oro, by the fidelity of their minds, strict iiittelP non tii Widnes& end mickittrotedatittirprieee, Milt Iseettre' i oill manumit tbsiremstlnued suptiort. , . '-- ••. -1 - ' Nam= Aulteu r ,-•-v •'!:Ehiatirshirilesti,irtainii,ThilleoaribilleA*. , . Pottslillit, "salary 8.1056 r '''' - : ' .i. .TO,BUILOEM.,:,' HARDWARE. ME Zading Agricul !ring the agency for the plementstuattatseturod n of fanners, and no t annhiersrer's priees FRAtiIi.POTT. bL •••, t • t' t":6‘ • MEDICIN 15 W er HUM ' , " 0 ;It frry T drug. .I:utat far S. C. Itsettn. ,+.ettatir asomsorso to t publlo Hutt bau east/Lead tto the SipotU , tiary boalosia, sod Ousted a nal/ drugstore, near W.& A. 101204 cabinet icarerooms, Alrertal street, dote 5.14 , 5nd, and Wallas the patronage of those who .13337 moth, anytktou to La Hoes Übe that every tap!, ac tend o n that hts _ ezperleoes 4tataa tai re, arid that' tbe wt tura ot laulutst oacuinas. . t Ros I sTille.4praz24l666 2544 ' ' itY§lBB , KAILIAIR,B. h . i TfAor - the bslr? It b ils th e ti most I Y . d ° o l ll-tt la - Utt .n-a l t i ol:t tr" r a Ir, silo world stud Is prim-tabu:nth , bineerlal for Grey and 'Said headt.,The Eathstron fully restored' zity hair after a balduessly twelve years. Yours truly, • - -. . L - ' IL L. ATWATER. I. . , -• : . -zr Nei. 66W:treat StioeLllew York. Alio, Lions' Eitrset of PureJamslm ahiger. for dr* papa/rood general nervous debility; ke., can be had at , c. astaxra:, Parfamery and V a riety E i tare,Cetttr*Street,Pottsiine. Oztober tl. I 853! . i - 4141 OUT CUZIE FOB Dymnal J; S. Hr ICE. rug TIMM DIGISTrit FLUID. OASITYIO'3V D REPA.RED from RENNET, or . the fourth aboroarl of the OX. after directionsuf Baron Lie kr. the great PhvatologlcalChernist, by./. &110'.411- YON, M. D:. PhiladelphYs. Pa. This Is Alearre's ortm Remedy foe an unhekthy (stow Noun of man can equal its euratire powers. It mown, oo Alcohol, bitters. acids, or masons drugs.-- It is extremely agreeable tot a toile, and may be taken by the moat froblepationts w o cannot eats waterersek er without acute distrese. areof drugged Imitations: Perin is sofa drug. Call on the agent and got a eseriptireelreular,gratha giving a large amount of se eon& evidence. front Lte biFs Animal Cbernlayry; Dr. Ounbe's Physiology of Di gestion; Dr. , Perelra on Food and Diet; Dr. - John .W. thanes.: of Now York University : Prof. Dungibron'aPhys ielegy. : Prof. Sillitosti, of Yale. College; Dr. Orrrottert Pbyslolog,y; Le.. together with reports of enroll from all parts of the Bolted States. . JFlrrSold by all druggists and dealers In [ Medielneso— Price ONE DOLLA 11' pew bottle. - BANNAti, Whole—lle and Reim ApeaL Potanrille Nl24.eh 8,16 • GRAS. =W. EPTING, I Wholesale aiid. Vatail imoz-turalmire:etuti4:xtiedxsailit. S. IL Cinier Sentra and liarvaal Sta., Mgrtioree• Hotel, PO TIIITILLE, at`. The subscriber, having taken peaseackra of • the heti* formerly occupied byMrs. t. M. Beatty, has converted the mute into • Drug sand Apotbecary ptore, anch as he thinks trill rove lathifitetore to purchasers. and respectfully' calls the at• tentbDU o f his friends and the public to his nice stock. lie has taken great care in the 1101•CtiO0 of his/Mem Medicines,;Ac., and can therefore cheerfhlly tecOmmend each and every one as beton PUNE' AND lINADULTBRATIEA We is detanziluecl to give his undivided personal at tention to his business, at all bonnet the day and night when required, beihnins Mat the moan end reinaaNan of pay/leans *smell as the invaluable tires of their pa tients depends in a giest measure o 0 this wire of the Apothecary and the quality of his drugs and mixture,: and he feels confident that CR tAPNESE, wbeto obtained at the expense of virtue and health, will not be the only question With his customers: when once his reputation ass carefUl and competent Apothecary, shall be satisike torily establiddied• Ills reputation hi hi determined to builtkup, with the asslstantr of a share of the vitae patronaecr. It'll' Pro- portion of which is guaranteed to him by numerous friends. Independently of that which be hopes, to obtain by close attention to business and - strict attaDon in tutaing prescriptions which may affect the 'health and lives of hie cusMmers. - Deception In preparing and compounding of medicines for ruthless speculation be will never resort to, though it is notoriously true that such a dangemus,deeeptlon is tenet morn extensively and successfully:intent:id by ca druggists than nbe teadily Imaged.: Confident of obbduing's mane and rank mongst the first of his rotemnoraties, he only asks attentkot -to presto his will to serve, and his ability to sat*fy the most exacting. " . alir•Patnins may with eentldeneerely npon l the prompt and faithful-execution of their orders, eedt by mail or .otherwise. CMS. IV.' Drrniq m , . • . Darooe Curlew. c. S. E. Corner (if (bistro and ilrorsocipan ibarrate. Potstilio, dine 31.'66. 25.1 y EMS A mgotgAtiptEvOUUTlO N 1, TAO 11111111111 UnaIIIMOUS t The Great COu t lttllT .ZrritatiLl The virus of disease offen makes; Its way to the toter nil ors/um through the pores of theskin. This prnetrat-, tog Ointment. Inciting under the bind as it is rubbed ' to, &absorbed through the inuneehannels,andashehing the seat of inflammation, jprnruptli and invariably sub, dues it, whelbcr 312 the kidneys, the • liver, the loom or any other Important organ. It penetrates the surface to the interior, through the countless tubes that eoulinurdeitsr witb•the skin as eurnr.er rain puma into the . fevered earth, diffusing Its cool and regenerating in fluence. Skin Diseases and Glandular Swellings. Every species of esterioreirritation fsquicklyreduced by the *nil-Inflammatory actlani of thli Ointment. An gry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Totter Ringworm; Scald Read, Nettle Rash, Scabies, or Itch; de... die out, to return no more, under Its application.— ' Ilarpitel experience in all parts of the world prove* its infailibUity in diseases' of the skin, the museles, the Joints and the glands. Ulcers, Sores and Tumors. • - The effect of this unrivaled external , remedy upon Bernfeld, and other virulent ulcers and - Peres, Is-almost miraculous. It Ant discharges the polean r ralliell' Pram' ens suppuration and proud Seth, and thin! the ewes, which ifs healing properties afterward complete, are safe I as well as permanent. , ' Vl:ends, Bsuises, Burns and Scads. i In cases ot 'the:near. of the benes,ll4lnisa Caused Iby steam explosions. Cruises, Burns, Scalds, Rheumga- Ram. Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin ors, it is employed and warmly recommended by the fa culty. This marvelous remedy has been Introduced by .....Its'inventor In person Into all the leading hospitals of Europe, and no private household should be without it. Undeniable Testimony., I. The Mental Staff of the Peened and Englith Annie, In the Crimea bare officially signed their approval of Renewers Ointment; aelbe most reliable dreludng for • sabre cute, Realm!, end gunshot woundta It is also used by the surgeons of We Allied Navies., Both the Ointmeot - aod the Pill* ikon & be' wad " in the follotriseg wive: I • Bunions • , Skin Diseases •. -- 1 Burns Swelled Glands , Chapped lands - Sore Legs' Chilblains Sore Breasts . Fistula &we Heads Gout( - ' Sore Throats Lumbago ' • &ores of ailkin‘ds : Mercurial Eruptions Spins Piles Miff yoints • Rh :umatism , Tette %, Ringworm Ulcers Salt Rbeum Venereal Sores Scalds _ - Wounds of all kinds. Sold at the Manufacteries of Professoi lioLwvratt , SO Malden Lane, New York, 244 Strand, London, and by SIC respectable druggists and dealers In medicine through out the United States' and the civilized world, In Paha at 25 cents, 62% mete, and ti each. dffit - There is a con siderable seethe by taking the larger sizes.- N. EL—Directions for the gliktance of patients In avert' disorder are affixed to each pct. . Jane 21, '5O THE GREATEST . Diediew Discovery of Ittte Age. DR. KENSTEDY; of Roxbury,. has, discovered in ono of our comosen pasture weeds a remedy - that ewes Every Mud of Rumor, • from the worst scrofula down to a common pimple. Mr has tried it in over 1100 eases and never failed ex tent to two eases (both thunder - humor). lie has now in his possession over two hundred eevtificatesof Its virtue, alt within twenty miles or Boston., Two bottles aro warranted to ware a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottle! will cure the worstklnd of pimplei on the face. • Two to three bottles will cure the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to sore the worst canker in the month and stomach. Three to Use bottlevare warranted to tore the worst ease of trysipeldi. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor In he eyes. Two bottlesare warranted to cure running C.f the oars end blotches among the hair. • Pour to Ida bottles are warranhnl to cure corrupt and running ulcers. • - . • • One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottleg are warranted to .cure the worst ewe of rtngwo .• i• • LI Two or three f, Wes are wananted tare the most desperate case of_rheumarbon.. - . • • Three to toOr bott/ee are warranted to car e the - salt . . rheum. Flee to eight - bottles wilt cure the worst 60434 scrofula. A benefit is !always experililleed froze, the best bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken.. • Reader, I peddled overia thimund botilesil tills In the vicinity of Boston. I know the effects of It In every ewse. Sonoma, water wilt extinguishfire, so sum will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that soldanotherr after a trial It always speaks for Itself:— There are two things about this' herb that appear to me surprising; tient that It•grows' itt our ,pastuns, In som places quite plentiful. and Yet its value has never been known - until I . discovered It in 1848—second, that it should cure all kinds of humor. Xrs order bt giro some idea of thettradden riseand great Warn, of the discovery, I 'win state that in April, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—lo April,l4ll. I Wad over ono thousand bottlesper day aft, home of the wholesale druggists who have been In the business twenty and thirty years), say that nothing In the annals of patent, Medicines was ever like It. There Is I universal praise of It from all quarters. Ia myown practice!' always it Welt strictly for humors =but spice Its latrodnetion ass general family medicine, 4reat and wonderful virtues have been found in ft that I never suspected. Several cues of epileptic flts--e disease Which liar al ways considered incurable. have been cured hy a few ..ot• the, 0, what "A mercy if It will prove effectual In all sties Of that awful malady—there are but few who have seen more of it than I have. ' * • ' • know of several cases 'of Dropsy. VI fittheist aged ' pesplecured /1 It. • for the rations illseasesof the Liver. Ilaadarbe,llTsPeptia, Asthma. Fevers er r and Altus, Pai hi the aide. Messes of the Sploe.and partketarly to dl,.a? Ames of the kidneys. Le., the - difieoyery has done more , good than any medicine ever known. No change of dletimeassary—eat the beet yen get, and mooch of it. Diratiostsfor mi.—Adult*, one tabloillonda aSS --children over ten years, a deftest upoonfial—g from tise to eight Team tesopdonini. As nodirectioos con be applicable loan vinstitutitins, tab, oilltittleat to veratetm the %wale twice a der._ Mantactured by - , • ' • DONALD 6X YKDY. , 1r5.120, Worm Ore.:l.'B*mq; .Neu. Pike, O. Dallas. . $ r*inslesaSeAgengi:—lcev Yoit Cite :81 'clay street; C. O. Rios, 192 lrteddissJt ititilkiton Ciffit,2ll &pony; , 4t: 8, kJ:0402;100 baton Aft, , •61$1imate neut. for TenturrlTSll/14y. ,Wr.. Prifirt.B ifolvi.l32 Forth 2atil4iet; • . . For stao 11#11131081, ' Say NANUF4 TOBACCO, CICARS AND OATS, Hamboirg Smokintrobacco and Iturat4ary 14 prime s: 1.00 barrels 13snoking go lt; 900,000 (pan g e Cigars; laVou tiPanistillses) IMMO I...subs rztras. JAktE3B.MlolEtat. sa Ups 22. - llszatun, Borks counts. . T .01141.LSON'fi N -A INC FURNACES, • iseiglitters, &v. -TIMM SUBSCAIBER is Agint :foi iithe tile et Chillemi•s Furnaces, lbr beetinte Dwell- Ink Start* Public ileire..stc , together with Regis tere„ he., et ever - 1.46 and size- Itiweie Furcsers are sape)or .1 a ml etbeek d new to we'll* heeling per ,i. Imp,. The skit not burned, will is ronseitumtly as russets the epee ati: We —ix. * utStee titres Feraseele, end at , w sepertuteast it patties up, which- *ayes about. ID per twit. oa ti, cost. 04. 24, •ass. , ST. CLAM C ES'FA, I..piepsied teeniire &musky number ,f ter4141013. inebittery Is k of ..szel the mstertalwat prk&or can gutrratea 'tared ier the Vetted ht.l —The Chilled PLR from ibis Celebrated Y toe reeelleuee have nu AA. Oct. 4, t:l4 PO TSVIILI.E ' • 4 • Saddle and a rues* manufaetory. { fiii itimA The S bseliber - wouhl - td 46 In most ~ .. iyi n yi teth . , - attention of the citizens of Vett& * Ile and the Coal ite• on In general. to hie /argot and Well *elected Hock of " ADDLEItY, all kinds of I Carriage itiid Team Ilarlaess i . 1 Ooltare of all deseriptbrut, Drift Payless, *e. lie de Hres all who may need anythin gin the above line to tail and tee his goods. be parchaaing elsewhere, as therk tan be nothing lost, Orders ter llamas, t., promptly fluid as reasonable terms.. , LEVEiltit WOSIZIADO.TINIt. • . —Opposite Episto / aturelt. Centrevtreet, PottivOk. Slareb.O. 1855 . . [May 13,'541 k - ii.ti i SPXPRXSr. • • §TOVES, Tl; . and - HOLLUVV , Ware,' Brittarmis and B Ware, Cutlery, h e.* hest Ranges. Ran Boilers, Portable Rao ;lV*, Ou Ovens, Heaters, he. Having en -1 lifted his store hi :laS added to his former stock a large variety l r new patients of took. parlor ,otice and hall stoves, and be has • now the laigest stoe that has ever been offered4fi this twenty. Lie invite: mi t friends and customers to can tlild esuninefor th ves foaling confident that beaus snit them in quality and price. ‘, . 11 , 4 r• Ile calls their' particular attention to his' sheet Aron: Parlor Stoves, which be warrants to give more heat, 'ilthiese feel than any other stove ininse. Ile has also a splendid article of llitehen Ranges, which he can give the higheat recommit dation. . Pottsville. M 4110 , 130, 'ss' 48. YAM AQUA COACTOFiT Ass fi Hmitit'a H FAC bop, CORNER of Broad and Centre si l ts:. kI.LA•FOSTER it p t i ßAN, Proprietent. MaMs 7 lroster a n having entered * f• • I nto-Partoersidp. Carria„le Making, liotunktidng,Ellac thing businesakc. I 4 J *add rufonn the pu h. through the MULL. thattbs, henceforth carry on all the above named bninehuat their workshop In Tamaqua, at the old stand. itir. Foe. tee is welt known as ,'a blacksmith, ac and Mr. beanie • professional Conch Baker—both are Pi l acticel ineebanies. .and by a eorableat s i . r r :f their skill, they intend to add to their favorable d well known reputations si,t4trito smith and carriage ker. feeling coadent that their .prodnethe at cannot be extolled. • -. • ld'essrs. Foster a Veen will keep leurstintly on hand every variety of Carriages, Coach, and Wagons, and hold themselves In readiness to execute all' orders jobbing or atherwise—with good workman, at abort notice, on the easiest terut k and In the pest. anner. - Orders from ell parts of the surrounding Comity son eft/dr—address! Foster h Dean, Coach makers, he., Tams. Zgas, Ps.. July MI6 - ' INTYIAIMBER • . _ _ _ • -AND-. NANUF CTRINC CONVANY RAVEon hand at their exten-ive esta Velment, on ilatiroaditreet, a great quantity of lumber of every kind' and description , bleb they l'in supply to Operatori, Carpenters and iders. at lower rates than it can be bought ' eliewhe i They are also ready_ to_supply, through the mea i of their extensive business, and-la— borsaving mach es, manufactured articles in their line eta Living of 25 per cent. on former cost. • aeirlargo s h ops have been in unicameral opera . - n for . Malmo. , tw:wfwg uut wort quantities of Doors, 'Window Frames, . Bash, : t :Panel 'Work, . j • . Blind , . Bannisters, . • 'llouldi 4 ": 4 m 11 hutt li or td s: P7sts' '' i And ail kinds ir . framed, Paneled ma Zona Work, bar constantly on band. They are reedy b‘exeente ordeni at the shortest notice, for any quantity or quality of sawed or manufactured stuff. Dry and greetillemlock, of all kinds, for building pi - I.r , -.lnoses. Oak,Maple, Poplar, chair, plank and scantling 0-earls: Chrry4 Walnut, Mahominy, ke., for cabbie - 1 ' work ;--White and Yellow Pine boards for flooring, raw or made to order; White Pine plank, 3,2%, 2, IN, 'l4', and $4 inch panel, always ready; also, plank; beams, rails, searitling,; posts, shingles , ceiling la th, pall- Mfg, ke., kn. I- . . i Qty a ills of. sawed *tuff and everything in their line on hand - or to order ' at the shortest notice. • • Pottsville, March 29 '26 l.. lO. I aura, PATENT =Faso I -The Great Invention' of the Day. g THE subscriber announcer to the cid , - settapt Schuylkill county that he las secured the I t,to sell EDWIN and JAMES 11 'CLARK'S new Pa lent Flouring Mill, which Is pronounced the greatest ' American invention of the day. The subscriber lemons of these Mills In full operation now, In Tremont, where - ho Invitee All persons to call and see it in operation. • Tide highly ingenioni, end much needed Invention, forma an entirinew Baton; in the manufactureof Wheat Inte-Elourt And the splendid manner In which It per forms lie wort, ()ducting, Bolting; and separating the at a single operation into seven different qualities i cg l our and Yeed, and that within a space of only twen ty See het in length by four feet in breadth, at the ra pidity of twelve bushels per hoorons a. pear of French burr vnillstenti,only thirty Inches In diameter. The Brain Is converted at a single operation into Extra and Superfine Flonr,Vine Flour, Middlings,Shifertuffs, Shorts and, B mn, any 'power being appliCable to propel It, from a four herie up to any *of her desired. The small space It occupies would not be missed when placed in a room with other machinery, and the entail amount of power it re quires to propel it, makes it certain that, ere long. It will supercede and revolutionise ill other Flouring So applicable is this Rill-to the wants of the world. that every saw-milionsehtne shop, locomotive shop, foundry; Huge, telling ruin, ot any building haying a power all dy erected, can now have within its wails& complete Me chant Fier= Mill.,st the trifling cost of from four im seven h dollars, and thus the enormous amount of Driln raised within the United States, can be censer. , "led into /lout , within its limits.' • With one of thSse nearly every large Colliery es tablislunentju this county where steam power Is need for pumping, should be supplied. They could be erected at a small expense and would enable Mark t* maniac are their own Sony: This Mill only occupies the spsceOf 21 feet in length, by 4ln ,Vridtlt. It is also portable and When put up can be placed in a wagon or dray, eta with a single horn hulled to any part where they desire to use It. Its con struction is an simple that It can to connected with any engine by a single shaft. Single or Township Rights will be disposed of by the subscriber, residing at Tremont. Hundreds of weft& sates from Millers and others who have seen the Mill in operation, can be aeeni at the residence of the subscriber, J. A. L. TICE. . . Dee. 22.'55 514 f EMI romoiszeilim ..41 . .'9,11110 CV ER _REDI CIA.NCEKb TMORS, WENS, UL , IL) OM, sellortm.4, WHITE SWELLINGS. ke., cured without enrglealoperations, by Dr. Loussr,snay. pr. L.'s pamphlet (25 and SO on the treatment and cure 'of (linear ! , Tutnors, de., will be sent to any address No. • on receipt of a postage stamp.. °thee, 11W,d 'Walnut at - 3 Phtlecrn lila, Sept. 0, '6O , . till 30-I.ln . - ,BRDWN'S . . .49.-ko co time actor .3r. : rtiouGli .it thunders. and light. , aings In ill corners or Schuylkill county, and rains new g Stores, the undersigned still maintains In', arm Wanner, his old establishment as heretotorej and will continue to accommodate his easterners In such a prompt and satisfactory manner as to warrant and Se• cure theirentire'renEdenre. At the same time he Alike:l.ols opportunity to return to his frioudsand patrons his grateful acknowledgernents brn the very . substantial manner in which they hare, drat. , log many years, &eared him with their patronage, and ' hope they will continue to appreciate our humble efforts .to setts there. Our Drug . Sterols it ted up In a superior manner and la well stocked with all kinds of drugs. In • this respect our establishment cannot be excelled by any • ether similar concern. _JOHN G. DROWN, i Druggist and awaits& I - Pottivine, June 21, 'O6 25-tf t . mom WILBORI COMPOUND OP . PITRE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. A CUDEPOit CONSTIMPTION:C01110118, COLDS. ASTII -JIA, BBOYCUIRI9 GENERAL DEBILITY, • AND ALLECROFULOUS Heave Yaw Tried ter Thtsfinportadt question should hawked every Invalid who is suffering from pulmonary trouble In this tickle' climate: flare you tried WILDOWS COMPOUND OF COD LITER OIL AND LIME? It will not nasfeatellke the plain OIL; hit Is on. the contrary, pleasant to the taste; moreover, the Phosphate of Mee is, In this com bination, a most remarkable and to the healing proper ties of the Pure Cod Liver 011, as the following cerild eates mats from a host of like grateful acknowledge. eels will amply show. No person , hould neglect, for a stag e hour, a cough, or any affection of the tun tug. lest . the mutt aerie= consequences Aglow. Dr. Wilber's pretaration :It both nib and simple, and sure in all ordl nary cum, and has performed some surprising cures In decided contromptiotiorhara ordleary medical aid has Da. Wilma :--Durint nearly the whole of the pest winter, LIM sneered seriously with a cough, which. had sot rritest my lungs, that my physician frankly admit -. hid his tear of consumption following this troubles the ttpri..g weather sot In. Medicine Seemed to effort me little relief, until 1 tried your preparation of Cod Liver 011 and Lime: The effect - I sal Saved he farts to admit, was almost magical. and I.,a,tre the pleasure cf saytult at this Ispji lan entirely fine fano any Wit co Do° me ' With:thanks id.yOu for your Calualqo axon-ivy, eoi , OW iftoeonntotnd it to an, 111110 are thus emitted. ...Muria C. Um, ' ' ..Cliataberstreet. Wagon. Mantratiettirild b* r ;AV O IAN PER n• W gat) R. - - • : " Carotid, - , ' ' 11 1 6teurtlitrteL Dutton, nittiefgait Dion .4 tan; ni iotottft *Wig rottitfilot by, . o PPdtttoll4l e.9trri n- t, °. iek 3. '4O IlOgi` „ . CTURES. BENJ,ALANNA24: 43. .11 MANUFACTORti chuylkill Co., Pa.. LASH 31EN 1' is rio iv :: I with Retired Co's.() and We're . , tit lied Coal b:are4-esarytit , NI be most appleeed conatruelbek, : or tbe best quality, the Pro e work mial to . opi roarrufar. tes.___ . . ._. i i e Wheel* need . _by btu ere i • miry cf limb k Litiniatt, -width , l'roptietor. cuss. LAWTON, . Pup • 44.14 m ' ER ore*, Tiotware dc. , is:or 'ICHTER'S Odd .ottiTute, 'nearly opposite ire helms now on band refild/ose irate, de ale and retell, , ding with the twit be enrpas ebettpness and „ son be will pay piitleister of an kinds, via; Cooking oyes, &e. Ile has made *r inser to tarnish the same 71; are furnished at Derr's et and most approved kind no family should be with- Ages are tarnished at al} Old stoves taken In ox. delivered witheutelons The undersigned being dwell' to be able to give always on band. lEDRG li IL sTicirsag. V.VS41:19101: 'TSF7. OFFICIAL: MI PROCLAMATION. OTICE is hereby given that ;Ft Court :. of Common Meer for the Irbil of tatters pending, et !tie ikeld et Pothaille,in anti Pr theeonnty otSehtegt. kill, on 311).NDA I, tin' ter 13th. Me, at 10 Weleek in the peewit:a, , o tootle ue car week. ' Sliciifrir Office. Potbtrille, t N0r..15. ISM. • I PROCLAMATION,. IN THE .4 REAS i , the the Court a C e la , rle a s p W. I 'of Schuylkill county. In Penosylvania, and Justles-of the several Coirts of Quarter Aesslene of the Noce. Oyer and Terminer snd General Goal Delivery in arid county., the it et. F. S. Iluble, and tbatornon Fester. Judges of the Collet Of Quarter Sessions of peace. - °yet" end Terminer. and Gettcral Goal Delivery. for the trial of all 6.041 and other offences In the said rounty or Schap kill, by dirk • prEcept st to me directed, have ordered a Court of Gyeroyed Terudner and General Gaol Delivery and Quarter &obit.* of the Peace, to be hoiden In Potts villa. on MONDAY, the or, day of Deeerniil neat, ei 10 o' ark, to con: in ni two weeks. fl • ht therefore hereby Oven to thei Coroner. the ,Jystices of the Nam and Coastal:les of the said county I : of Schuylkill. that they are. by the solid precepts cone I Intended in be then and there at 10 O'cleek In the limo noon of the wild day; with their rulla, reeot4e. Ingutsi Alone; eXelintations and - ell ether. remenytrancevs. to do those thlngsarbleb. in their amend O&a, appertain to lbe done; and against the prisoners that are or then shall be.ia:the gaol of rvviik county of Schuylkill; are to ..Ix , then and (bete to prWrate theta its shill be Just. _ _ itirackiatg Lf : f qi.msuar Eberirs Office, Pfitlisille,l VAT; Sheriff. N . OT. ISM ' , 40.ta N. N.—The Witneeeee and Jurors the as 11:titttio:ned to attend veld Coact ate rokinlred to, attend - punctually. In ease of nonlittendanee.the 11.'013 Inds woe made and prodded, will be rigidly entossed. This notice , h pahllshed 1 , 3 r order of4e. Court; those concerned will gosern thesoselees ac , • • „ PHILADELPHIA: raiZER! J,EATHERI I.NATHER I it ir,y , ci VERII , IA Di , IMpotter j_ of FRENCH:CALF' iiiil NS. and general Leather 4r, No 6 South "Id at., Philadelphia. • A general assortment of all kinds of LPATIIXI, MaIuX•COIS, etc., ete. RED anC/AE SOLE LEATHER. i. Ale. 23. 1856. ;• - e.,en - 14. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, L i - A X fe- Hatt, CheMut that, (below '6th.) Ps4o,cialphia. VE opened' -a ;la rge and' splendid. . ..1 stork of Velvet,. Tapestry, Brussels, Three P. 7, In amain and Vfmitgaz CARPETINGS. • Also. Floor otroothi,ldattin g s. Hearth gyp, Door Mats. Dru,Neta, Stale llods, Table and Plan 1 COTC3II, &C. arhkh they are selling very low for eash, wholesale and retail. . - • . • September 6,'66 , • '' • Stslm .. ' t f.IC:4II `IC T!! LICHTU I firl HAINGFIXID;ANMmDmg _histo' itad Perfumery- Amnia ; C. 4 3IPIIINE, - or ' NE: OIL; PHOSGENk OAS, and SPIRITS. - i•OP nit. PE'...MINZ ; all of whkti, ens of a superior quality.—. Bianufnetured and kw al e at, the lowest Usaufseturer'S Priem% bY , 1 lgataNALL k OGDEN. , .... Noe. 274 and 280 !Nth 34 (IL, above Noble. Phllso. •.1%-Orderi reepeeitally; .; 'Belted. will he filled: with promptness. and deliiormi ray ot the. Depots fn the wily the of charge. ; ; : . • , &if pt. 13,1856. • • ' - 1174a1 , OILS 1 OILS - I X OilL4l.ltf • . Ile B. A,_ 8, 8. ALLgic h i i f .aad II south w /*wryest wnligwawlPlhisity .pEALERSAN OIL, have .;fuss re ceived, direct fit= New Bedford ; ilieroNoll'iwitraii• p l e a Oilorldelt tliep offer for midget the lowest market WlnteirSperm oflAiMpd. 1 Mater Whatiol4ll2,lsooipit do klephantall,9,6oo do 1 itseked do do 7,000 do Also, in store.afeai4oo OD, Pale and nrgwn . Soap. Sperm and Adamantine Candle.. is - :Feb.23,14. -- • t , , a ~ . B.ly Lamm! viNoy. FURL TOHN FAR • tart No. 284: market street. above Bth, Philadelphia. ISIPOBTEP., St rAertrittil and DEA LBR in all kinds and finalities of 'FANCY liffßS. kir Ladies and Children. J. P. would rail the attention o the Ladles and others to his immense assort ment, beina the - direct Importer' and kLanulketurerjot all my FURS. I feel confident in saying that jean offer the greatest inducements to those In want, and at he same time will have one•otthe largest anortmants to eel led, from. ' • I . Storekeepers and the trade will plane give in. a I before purchasing, as my Wholesale department Is *ell supplied to meet the amend ,for every article in its fur line, and at the lowearpossikle Manufacturer's prates. . Sept. 6, JOHN .FAREIRA, 284 Market st. - 1.0c•KII;00K71LooKpl . VVI'S lit, and dining the tielida .; 8, • I willsen Gold find illrer WATC`IIES,! CRAWS, :It ELRY,VACHB.:or any -*Aber tirtfele la ma r l cheaper than they can WI bought at anctlon: article w3rrsoted to he strictly ; as represented, or the money - setur6ed. ' ' ;" 14 - ;LOOK AT Tarsst PR/CT/Int ! e ,, _ Bolld 18 lutist Gold Patent Loma* 16 Jewels , warranted two years, only `, $25 00 Silver Levers. 16 JeW4s„warranted 1 yr. 6 mos., 12 00 Cameo Sete (Eaerintlfidl Pin.) entire new styles, 1 00 Other styles of Enr-rlpgs and Plus, In sets, as !- low as ~ .rw'n t . ' ' 225. Brass clocks from $1 to SRO: '' ! ' ' II! The reputailon thiestoretutsseqUined Go;fair dealing selling cheap and be/Pg accommodating, should igloos purchasers to call anti eec gualityc style and _nits of Goods, before going elpeohere. ..., k Remember name apd location. R. Wc3IASSON, 111711:Bidge Avenue:l ' • Nwr. 22, '26 . V 41-Of , -:. CARPETS A ND OiL CLOTHS. gowbeap4srpesstore., DERSONS ;scan purchasec,ifillefK ,i. 411 Cloths. Matilogs, he, very cheap, holesiiie,Se retell, as the subeeriAer is tinder a very to 'rout arid light store expenseetilnd Is enabled to sell at the ray lowest pricer.. He anh ld . call attention to hi - fL • . tteautifut iniperieN 3 PIT, if • I_, , . Suierilue Lorrain , 0,--- .- -- OAIIPETS. :,, Fine end Mediiicelogralo 2 PIT. •• , - .•_, - yew mans of all kinds. , And OIL Cortst trip 2t02,1 feet wide, tO eit for Mina; halls, Ac., with a gist variety of low priced Ingrain Carpets, from 25 to rents, and Entry and Stafr tsar pets from 10 to 50 t o is per yard; also. Majtinini of all widths, hearth It :.. , Table Covers, •Floor ittleths. Rail' Carpets, he. . '4 .I.t. '• IL IL ELDRIDGE, ri , No-41 STltAWDEMstreet, one door &WV.' Chestnut ; lit street west of ' d street, Fhiladelf , b T. , •: , Sept. 20, '6O! 4 . . , , - _ m '. 01 - 107 -- . ~.- , : 1858. PAL STIIK. OP NE** OBS._ :,. lIBENCti :5 . all cvlois, . , , ..r . Fashion' le - k Cloths, \ • ' Fall Silks. MO .ow styles,' - • . .•.• Magnificent #` ' Delaloro, . - ..Ileet styles I (Nieces, Very large e t , of new Shawls., „, Flannels, 'W'' English and Americim '''' Cloths, Vest - and all kinds Men's Weer; , ! Sheeting., •• Linens, Towelings, Ac. ! ~•• ,„--.,, . L'Elti! lt LANDELL, I 4 ' F.4 - ifh and Arth 'streets, Philadelphia., • Storekeepers arofsrited to examine our New Goodisc , — Fernlike can be well stilted in every kind 'Of Dry Goods. Wemake Black #ilkii and Shawls leading . articles for wholesaling. Rl, . I - ' I'. S.—Jobs recOiced daily f ro lth the Auctions of New Ycrk and Philadeph. Witt-Terms, am CAM I , Philadeliada,•*reintre , If, '66' 1 35-2 m j' , . . . STall FER a HARLEY. , . • "._ .; W " • ' , 7 ,t.:4P wArcinsl 5Em - Eutir4- ' - ~.s . 7._ -'NWhoksale and retail—at the"Philto . . ,-...._!.....- -:-... plita Watch A Jewelry Store," No. 96 North •Seeen ' sh)jeet, corner of Quarry. thtlade. ! I Cold Law W - ..04ttt l.reteetted,lB carats fief; Ira !00, - GoldGoldLoplitliWafitiel, $lB (to tos24 90.. H I +.i Silver Lever; fail jr/relied; . . ' - . ,- , $1.2 00 Sliver Levine. „ewels, .. • • - - -. -,9 00 ' Superior Quertiers,N l . t.l- - • - L! •T 00 Gold Braceleliti` ''`!: - I '''' - - ''' ' Gold 24'50404 '.;! i , . - - - • -• • Fine Stlreejlo r i- ...' 1 : , ri . ''' , • ! •"4 Ladles' Cohn - loci'', ',°, e li , ' • -- -. iii Silver Tea-ifooles. tef,.2; .--- - - - )<. OO , Gold Pere with litincilgrid Silver Holders- s it 1 • . Gold Ftnger.ringe. Si% rents to $80; Watch Maws, plain, 12 cents; patent, lb% cents; Lunet, 25 cents; other articles, lis propoction. All gods warranted to doe whet they ate sold for.'i i STAUFFER itIIARLEV,. , 0,, hang—wane tiold'aild Silver Levers and. Lepines, dill lower than tholabtre prices. October 4,12156:! 'I , - ;40. I! . • NEW FALL OCIODK AT THE CHEAP STORE!!- THORNLEYA QHIgM, on the North East Center of 140IITII and SPRING{ ; GARDEN kui..,l(flarrisou's White Building.) PLIILADELPHIA, hare now on hand the gamest, best *est rtad and cheap est stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, in this or any other city in tht, Union!! We have purchased, all for CASH, and will sell them very cheap for cash. Will our friends call and jctdge for themselves? ; SILKS! SIIAWLSI I' DBMS GOODS! I Rich Dress Silks. Stripes. Plaids and Plain Colors: Rest Oil lloll'd Black Silks, Imported. . . French lifertrums, plaid Cashmeres and all Wahl De tains. Long and Square Brocba_ Shawls. Crape Shawls; Stella Ehawlit,&c., ac. , I DeLanes, Chintzes.. 0 ugbants, Paramattsa.J "' • Embroideries, hid Gloves, hosiery and 11'dkrii. ' • ; AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STAPLE GOODB.III • Shirting and Sheeting Iluslinikesea7 quality and Width. Flannels, Blankets, ickings, Cradies,„dc. 1 Best Irish Linens: Table Cloths, Quilts...eta.: I Cloths,Cassimeres,Mittinetts and Vesting,: I 1 Carpets, 011 Cloths, Druggetts, Matting, etc. I TIIORNLEY ti counr,i - R. Oar. ZVI ih and Spring Garden 5154411.- Orantbiagras run past our door emery ten minutes; from the 'Exchange. in which our enstOmerti aml Ms free of charge. To them we tumid' - 1 N. WE nava ace our. rates." ; , 1 Sept. 6,1800, • . j S6--dmi • Neeietes,de tun mandis Asersiclia. ;i I THE FURNISHING STORE . , xo.loo-ataxnair sr., CORXLIt or resat. Sr., saw roam, .BMBRACES an extensive and Own . .plete assoriment of the lattlgt imPortationa and t, manufactures of GENTLEMEN'S - If unNisinNo Goons, equal material. make, texture; durability and style, to any stork ever offered in this country—and at prices which cannot fail to secure the attention or close ! elan Borns. consisting of Slllttn.--111th linen brooms, collars! Mut ' wristhands, of the best and finest q uallUes, and newandehoice4tyles. CALICO BIDETS—The latest and most at' rartlie pat. terns. LINDERSIIIRTS and PRAWNIII3-ot, wool. Merino, cashmere, silk and cotton, of desirable and dttrabloquall- Tlies—andshe Teviot Wool Undergarments, ao highly ap proved by physicians. Also, the Stotker Shirts and Drnwees.; j • - CRAVATE—Superior quality and beautiful styles, and a fall nssortMent of Storks. Collars, Necklyea. plows, Scarfs and Xlutners of tin richest kinds.; • SUSPENDERS—An almost endless variety, luiluding the finest and most durallto. ; POCH ET-MANISK ERCLITEFS—SiIk acid eotton . --plain and printed—en unrivalled assortment. ' ; • ; . , HALF 11081.1—itiool and cotton, ; ; of tb,o host texture, 'selected expressly for retail trade. . morortho,ROßES, and GOWNS4Elcint pattems, ex eellent material. and of tht best make. "This Stock tetupriata all grades, from the lowest to the riehert4 that can be produced—and haying errer3rifaeility brimportlnatand taxnufacturing,not exceeded Ityanye , th. or establishment in theEnited States—berms, tbserelbro, wtll consult tbelrjaterest by examining thegooda arf sold at the LOW11:61. rosin= COB PRIME. ire Goods promptly delivered at all the.!R alined:De. pots, Steimboate, Ac , and In any part of thotity,trithont charge.. Shirt? made to enter by experienced ban*. !men- miler style; at abort nntlee, warranted ; te !IL %Dr No Machine wstrk done lu this vttablisisment.' Sal L13,185n. • ! Llyin M. lc itm.pwspi a..CO ~ i i .musfisteers, , 1 i Broad flted I.l4milion street,. Philadelpaia,Thma., AV . OULD call the attention ofillail y T road Managers, and those inte t ested hallallroad Property, to their Systest stLeesettohießnsewes, n which they are adapted to the particular busier* tbr width they witty he Wilma; by the use of one, two s, or fhor pair of driving wheels; and the pee; of the whole, or so much of the weight as rosy be .dealtabien. alibi". s on; and in accommodating them to the 'grade curves, strength of supatstroetion, and 'rail 'And wo k to be done. BY thee* mesas the maximum nacral e ff ect of the ti . power is seemed with the twist 4pen.act tar attendant*. worst of fatal, and reptant to Road and Eugloa. . tilt th these objetts in view. and es the result of ttrenty-th Pee. Year , practical esperlenee In the Ansi nese try our , viler part . flee, ve mannotetnre.atte di/rem ii was tir F* 73 ,11.. .0 leveret classes or sixes of each kind. j ratitrehir attest Heft paid to the strength of the tuseblocits the plan and workmanship of ail' the detaili. ' Our long .experience and opportunities of obtaining information, enable* lir to hirer theca tin nes with the asettranet thatin effleien ey. economy and durability. they will ettettles4favorably nith twos of any other kind In-use...l We elm tarnish to 'Oder stbeels.antles,b(tanit' Or /ow -I'mtlYst Up , et 062. us , *ithot hoeing.) compoeltkni etultintaihrirlus I . iirimr desmiption oft:chore Sheet I . ets end tattier Workir, ,gad graryartkitt Appbetaining to the nrpnierWwwnearal _of fortlenottte Elutheir.: -• .1; i , 11.1W.1 BALablifilff.. .' Jacteerte, It, 14E ' U4Trintile M1.A.1111%.: , • . . l• I • I. - • . . f • jTRIMBLE WM. MATT.. Sheriff. ♦s.ce 2 i a iF ' N 0.42 . . , . .e.SIGIt OF . TILE GfiLDICIII,I4II.IIPPALO.I ITy A tt,Fir tale..i at r. 09 /ma prkra, a larg e ma. ur umat of . , DaV IPA: a tat SI Nil; L BARI:LI.. I.ll.;:siS, ! I * ' BOOT PAGS. 1 i 1 . 3. . . I (MILK BAGS , •:•.: . , • . i, I • ~,. -f.g i • i 1 SIVERI OTt 91,.ASKP, . •- 1 1 - l 'll - ' • ' ! ' pow Win,•• - .•' ••• • i. , - 0111 _ i ' .....,.• Aurs,,ite. ~ P. It•-,411. kladaiepairing dote at the sharked ;settee: . 1 pbtleetelpbLa. A tignst 9„ 56 ' c ' ' 32-tta , . . , 1 - - L.§ll - 11.7611 - • I : 1 - , , , 1 e t . 0, I N , s" La l 2 , ~,,,' 4 ...i n gen y t w f ho lit; .A. A i. fsf i Sr n• I YE, and CA NDLEd: No: 124 year!, and S S' Watit street. Nei, York.-1 All °Mims., left et the ottlee of James .1/. Orme} Esq.. oret the ll:change; Hotel, 'ir 11/ revert, 'prompt *Notion. i Septrifber 28, %a ' I ' , . . -...,---' _ . ..__. rloitA.T.l-IAN - 11: SlittilitTiLlESS, ATTOICOW AT LAW, d . Tic,. 2 York Buildinga, Philadelphia. i . 111:1111nad : 1 ' • J r ...1 4 1.Carter,Tamrqa. -- Jones'.t Cols. . i Ottiman, Norton a. CO•I 1 Pidldeil) k la. :' 1 rhllitelphts, Dee. 2`2, 1. 1 4tf. , 0 " • ff LEAF TOBACCO AND CICARS. ;. DENSLIVIArib CO., 2 - . O: 21 South Front Street, Ciammlaelin Merchants, and wholesale 1 ZaderS I all hinds - ; ; • eaj ralgiecol c • NonisActured Tobacco 6 Cigar', I Tla4conitantly on band and for rile low, all kinds of ' JIMERYCAN and SPANISH LEAF TOBACCOS, selected irith special reference to Manta rtirers'. use. • i .1 AU articles sold, warranted to be as represented and '; av i e=t ra n i lt i nt i li t a a rd ce ed t e te n exa t r ie Ingt7. 1 .ard . y upon being fait Itserved as 11 the goods werewere ',elected In pert". Aprld 12, '56 ; ' 154 y I JOSEPH .A. • NEEKES, TYACTIMPO OP • 1 4:1 Wire,and illiwiewCioth Sieves, - - ! °ASE, medium and .fine in mesh ; hihre, toltbile , stre and small In diameter., Metellk Clotha or woven wire, of the best , qualities, various shies of mesh, from Nos, I to SO. Inclusive, and from one tolda j feet In width:. They are numbered so many spaces to a Itheallinch, and cut to Milt. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand SCREENS, foi Cost. Sand. Cre, Lime, 'i.Grairq Gravel, Guano. Surnse,Supsr, Salt: Bone; Coffee. 1 j Splce,Dthes. Ilye-Stuffs Towether. with an assort ment of brlght'and annealed iron Wire. • Al) of the above sold Wholesale or retrolv by • A. NEEDLES: 9jorth Front street, Philadelphia May 31, T 43 •:' 22-9m ---7 •TNCTCO WONG gitEkr. PFerrailti9no, •Fty,, in returning thanks to' his numerous friends and donee of Pottatllle arid vicinity, for their very liberal patronage. and anticipating en increased demand for a:Bokser his own! Manufacture 'and Importation. has =de n ! eztensire preparations to supply the same In his stocr(surpassed by nand in the cily, and to :Mich A , it is comantly err-tiring additions/roes itrrope.c. of the' flame itylei,) can always be found a choice selection of articles suitable for Bridal, Birthday and Holiday Presents, of the most recherche and unique description, comprising In part Rich..Dreirsing Cirea, Writing beak : Cabals. Fans, , Bronze Bisque and Pa r t Figures, Musical Boxes; Opera Giessen, and rich Ta Ly of th e useful and ornamental in Ormolu,. Bronze,. ell, Movale, Papier Mathe, tre., Also Combs Oroehes and toliet Article,. WM. T. FRY, 128 ArettStrevt,(opposite the Thralre) Philadelphia. Oct. 4,1856. , • 40s3m • LADIES' L FANC — Y' 'FURS ! WIIE,N visiting the City, our friends In the country 'should not riot to call at the FHB Stow of..M. 49177.. So. t south Second etre, t. Being the direct Importer enO -giring his whole at tentlen to' the Manufacium of Flits he cannot fall of 'poleaxing an who.urill glee hitcta call. 111 k stock lathe largest and most complete In the l 'Alty; I hia trines will be found as low as any establlehroeht in this country. :Every style of Cardinals!' Taimas; Capes, Vieterintvt, Le.. made of the • following Pura Russian rable. • iludvm Bay Sthie; beria Squirrel. Fitch.' &WM, Martin, Stone Martin, Preach Ma - Hitt:Silver )lartin, .ac..; de. lias FURS altered SO repaired.: M. GETZ. , No. 114 South Second St. (beloirlfarket,) Philadelphia. Oct. IS, letsB • , J - ' . • CLOT/ONC! CLOTitINCILCI.OTHINO! w11.142.1LE, .AND PLTAIL. rHE i3ubscrdoper would . . - xe'speetfull,.y.' I Inform the rettOnt of the 7.3liners' Journal" that • be schist Opened a new , •Iterertned Ciothln.Stoie," et No. zes Market street:(2 doors loin* Ninth, south side.) Phiiadelphii: where he keeps constantly on hand one of the best assortments of Ready 'Made Clothing In the city:' also. a largeJaseortment of Cloths. Cassimers, de., whleh will be made to ceder in this , best manner, and at the 'shortest notice; all of which' will be sold at the lowest essi; prices: Reader, *rill yon please Ore us a call! • 1 j 'D AVID MAUL. 298 Market street. Sztarranca will be pie/teed to see his friends at the above Clothing Store., Cictober 18, 'SO • 42-2 m I I :V R ! V IfLMATI.L rnerBth, aid Arch streets, Philadelphia, has opened his. splendid stock of Fancy Furl of ever." description far las dles and children, and wbbts the public to examine theta before . purchasing elsewhere. As ibey are all manse factared under his own supervision, he warrants them to be perfect in every . respect anti as Cheap iss' those of any other establishment in the city. no has alto' on hard a magnificent assortment of children's Faney flits and (lens of the latest styles, beautifully trimmed aisii; esery variety of SlcdosslOn and Felt lists for gents; dies 'Riding flats Umbrellas, itc., all of which will be sold at prices to suit the mod careful p arcloses persons purchasing, goods at I his establish.. moot for friends enrol the city, can b ee them exchsoged If not Suited. W. C. Wl LLUARTU. North East corner of Eighth and Arch streets. october"lB . 424 rn • FALL AND WINYER Cash DRY GOODS. - CheaMi P r. • , EI.L.E.Y& BROWN, No.' 1-3, NOKTII 813XIND St,. Philadelphia, would pulled riy callthe attention of their custorneri to their lams aaeortmeikt of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, cOdilsiling hs part '; I' • ' • i Ladles axes': Goods.; - • Dlrick -Bilks. , Mous .de Lalnes. _,, 0 ,I Plaid Cashmeres. • Docatesines. ' .Il# • 1 Coliourgs.: - • - Mesas de liege. • 1 st car. Ali , . • :- Oinghsins, Print*, de:\ : Shawls: ., St s. D roebe, • Long and Square. Lc B and Square; , • Black Thibet. ( 11 ket. , ' '. Cashmeres. de., Fur Goods. ' iltinkets.: - Linen Dain'ask. . . TlOkings.', :- • Table Covers. Sbeetings.. Kai kins. Counterpanes. . I' : Toweling, ke. Mans and Bora Wear. Cloths. Cassinteres. ~ • Cords. Deaskicena. Ealinets,yeatlngs. . , : Kentucky Jeans,.te. .. ___ _ Flannels. I Ittd,White and Yellow. /lay State Opera in all ildtha !and Sackings, in all Fbades. OW. goods being bought.ariil sold esclusisAy for cash, enable us to distance all competition. Pnrcbaskrs. ebarged Lut a small advance on Auction cbst; no goods ralse.preseated to effect mica. and no abatement in Ptieel• KSLLSY nnowN. North :Id Si., above 3larket t P1;1114114. ~..itept.l.o. '56. . - ' . , • 1311,0 m • -, f•• L • MUSIC 'PUBLISHING HOUSE. • _. .., L EK , 3.4l. , fi..u.succetiorst.ti Ethos E i ' 44 S WI LUG; No.lBo Chesnut street, unties the Utah Mons . Phlladephlaore constantly ptiblishing the latest Mum e, from the' most popular An thers In the United Staten, in asstyle that Mil yle with stay Issued at any : t her Rousts, either In this country ; nr Europe. • • ' .They hare also tit pleasure to announce to the public that thelr stock of Rheet Mast- on hand.,eanalsts of the asgest mid most cmnplete SIASOM e• t to tie found !nth* ,-Atuntry; they are constantly addle; tr• thelrstock all the New Musk published Inliew York, to ton, ke. r ;They also publish iseverel Instrurtion Book., which are It general Use thretighent the country. • • ', . • I ffryt I ,PIANOS.-'' -A tine - Mont of the lses' manufaCturers .of View ',York and . n. at the lowest che...p prime. ' i All,lB CAL INSTRUMENTS. I Also,* general aSsortment of Gni Cass, Vloll s.llanjorw„ Flutes,Accordeont4:Ac.; Yielin, Guitar and Item p Strings, ,41 the best Halloo qualities. all of which will he tants* ed to the publietand the trade at the lowest raters. Orders ptinctisaltrLattendell to. i AV. Al I 'Lats . & Walker's Mustr aurt Publirat.cur can be •nbtaltuid at 'II ' BANYAN'S. ilor k: and Jim:, .•tv re-Potts. stile. ' rhlladolohl' , -.V4 l:1'. : - - ! .:. r: , La.Cl_ AL rt. 3Ci , • FURNITURE & ITIRNISHING STORE. - IHE subscribers take pleasure in an- t minting tether:Mlle In genenth and tbst Coal mi ) g on is particular. that they are now prepared to maim/ y I, them with all articles In their line ot 'Maine's. .A s th. , e l intend to confine thernmelse, to - i ....„ , i 1 `FURNITURE I t man orattured rovter the Itotnectlate so- Parintendenee of hoe art he firm. oVe. P. Al. ir.t•Fßriat,t who has for triotiy years ha , ,Ltho rutin. charge 01 . 11 r Ifill• Itte't w,it work. they feel co otirtynt that.they mu l'arol4t the, public with' :truck s In their line. not ioniwtmed he any other eitabilAreent In' tiro Uoltet. States, for wtylo, r durability and linish r • . T , SILLYMAN t KA.EttefiEll, ' 4 , atinthet tram Rowels a n d Nanyradory N 9. 138 &semi strist, be.loto Thick street. .1' 3491 /rO'hia__- ___ ~ _ a. s. stiiitnasui r la. AL. .NAGTO Illtlr• , P... 9 4.4leirtriepde froas Pottsville and the Coal itegicw willtind It to their Interest ha give us a rail. As that le oar natistiplageo•wer ire determined to do menb - 11.. • pleetaihout. - Alinedres will On ptemptly attended M. ' • ralloshaPitisegtBohlat es 18 5 41 * -- • • 40-11 . , ,• 1 i 1 ' 1 , ' • • • IPHIL4AD PHIS, lout. side. ...":") 20 0 -.-J 8 E -ca C •0 C 4-3 GRAL —_ _ .-., BRUIT TBIZE4 Agrleiiltural tuiplesuesits, Ike. ttjo . • TILE sub: , eriber will keep on Itadd Clover. 'timothy and +Ahoy (7 rsss • seedsz White Clover and LawnONves Wade,A ogetheir slth Karam and field weds, stn. 1., dill warrant ;to le fresh and goad. Ile all: also T., • , i,' orders tor alidstods of .trult trves.(yearrauted to 1,.., ~1,?: they are or} , fr rented.) 3,4ri-niturat holism, to. . r.. I% of shieh al 1u fundelr-d ,t manufarlow v" i fi , The eeettear d trees rAt i.y. r,h,” ,rulwrity., .„. .er t ...,: i Will) great wt+. I , Ely'lr‘tri grassers of reputx til.li AL.I Fitt Oink # does lii., 403),1D AlVd.9 procured pr,.rt.k v.. misty Jo tb. tuaricrt. farm lb. se who sollsbrap. with. rot, 'reg.lrd to thin t harvter of the seed *AI Nor d,.,-., b e purchase or `till swede grown pe•uilsonously to man , a , Ito*. ebere'tixrte too rk4o proximity deteriorate', 11:, 1 r o-silty. part '.utarly those of the wtme speehe. Thl., I. an import - . , enhelderatidh to those? •be pyretims. eit h. , r smis Dr fru! 'Used.. Yoe Ham. J-- mod la orders .11y AO . I . BENJAMIN BANNAN. • - COIIIII SONG,. . •.. xi 4.. R. warreura ' .o . —. •••„,. , . • Rang igh the 44111104 . 11 wintry boardt ' Ito p blith the golden horn! ...‘eti4 hergift his 4 olumn poured . . i tit out Lee lavilb horn! , - - - !mother lands, e tatting. glean • /4 . app}o from the pine, ' , . • -Th T e 'range. fr,•ln if. gl4er 1 geern, I r Mutter front the vine. .. • tett.: love the hardNift - " ' or rwored talcs twetow. 'Di hoer cm when the ~t ortn than drift • ... on- harvest fields with snow. T tei vales of Enutiond meads or havers 'tor pl.. s (hats famms.mado. • 't lob. .., tbr hill. the .sti and aft .. 4 . ... '- 11! -,-1":, , • :oftd April 4.l.gy . ed. . • I C) A V ye, Willow, -1?..$ •1113.... 5 tett, stw,r ; Nuv '.l• r ,t. . t•-•• •«t 41.,Itate. NZO .• ' ' . ... , ( ..- ' • 1 A.Uffin,,7-77VJA1t,:....."-....' Ai.thil':;kr,F-it.: 1,, It/A itiANt , ... ._ . if , 34r . it.tir; . qtiq..... , . 1c„, “ r, ?...,.• • 'r.p.,; h • :'111471:•,t0,-,., .7 ' it' ..'' - • tott vapid 1•11...& ••,..t I •14, • ' • 'round in, e•,..113- t olod: , .. Ili c u... lb,: howl of +iv p pad tul; k • ' y bousaallun beauty ' poured: 17 . • All, Near tho wild old kluitton I.moid , \,. , 2:Aude up It 1. smoky rink, • • •Vitto will,not thank the kindly *moth, . -• • . - A Woos tboliensecutrle? , • :- - , „ Th dAstne on all tho proud and vain, ‘. • itrhoso folly laughe to worn ,That bkailinsto•Of our hdrdy grain; . p r,r , ..aixia otigoidea cirn. Le - ' lll',- osith v withhuld'her 17 reet, r, Let Lando, blight the de. Glee to the storm the:era:is-Xs fruit, Thelrhest NW' tolthe'lly. IL let the goad old crop adorn The hills our Where rrod , let us, for bls golden cent, serici op our thanks to GOD. tt Ii as :f.tiuiu,n • During several - yam past we haft, ,written so much tin this topic At this season, that there is lit tle new, to be said to our old weeders.. 'However, there are a, few suggestions that cannot be ropmit ed too.often ; • First -- Let, tits fattening of Ovine bo attended . to early. ' When cold. weather comes, a largo amount of food is required tokeep na the warmth of thel animal which In milder leather would be etioveited into had. This rule holds good in fat. Waning any animal. So also a warm pen and but -little exercise Will promote tbe;:aeCumulati a of fat. - Seecind—geep the pens clean. Wie hue reason', from experience as well as thscry, for saying!tbat bogs wilkiesh up much' faster.,o'n the same afloat of rued in a. cleanly pen than in one kept il i a filthy condition. • Thir —Feed the coarser , kinds of food first Such a mast, pens, berley, Ac, • These give her to theisnimal.. Finish off with corn, which r..:-_ tains ia larger supply of oil or fst producing tie. mend. This lewd rapidly fills:with fat the chinks of trk.arge frame grown on the coarse (sod.- Tbe 011004 humorous L'44 article from the ,4: Ne 4 ) , 1 , Yorker contain/fevers' valuable Suggettii:cr. ' sucl as•we hare ofted inculcated, done up in t lively style': - . i • me first requirement to succes s . in thi s tiepin me tof farm , economy is—A good mntowira. str More on which td build - the flesh. i 'nor breeds shave their owners and the; , o mulaity at inige ; longdeiged, slab 'sided annum: , , may answer for the purpose of making goul tune on the way tothe trougb.liot for-filling pork bar . rel 4 they'rere totally inadequate.. If `a farmerhe ceether . cribs in which to place hi = corn, at; , r thra pigs of this_ description will alloy -env 'att letYton that score. Furthermore, the D ora; tor..t. whietlia hog should 'run, are ears of appeadages may give on the clunkeya grove look 7 —but on a Pig! Good breeders, deliver in: . tidying briefly oitated.what we 410 not want we may its well give oar beau itleaithere is* boa* ideallin the form of a pig—and we doubt Dot it would be an object of intense interest, when well portrayed by' the brash or the chisel, as any thing in Gib higher wake of art. . ' • 'Fi(lt, swineshould he small boned and compact; the frock uniformly broad mid rounded 'along the whole body. - . The touch on the back firm hut epriaey ; legs short, loin and breast broad; neck short, thick and deer; cheeks rounded and wt,l ' fill ' out; face ,nut dishing but straight ;..nese fin d 6; eyes bright ; ears well sot, thin an. soft bi win ti; bead small in • proportion to lowly. Thu id isdeveription when fat—and can only be um .of ctured by. getting right material to con et f et it wits,* Get any pig olthis ferunitioi ca the breed what you like -- arid you, will base pr fitible porkers. - • • ' 'he pig is muniierous—will eat sh,thing tut. ev rything that is' eatable:, Regolorty. i. o. pr m e l•hgert. Give . them their weal- , .tair , peo.d.—ro.t Jill them•one dry 'end orltle l' 0 tin twat" W ,, Oar. tc..l 'of ilwoo tel.. , , ••• sh 101 , t teeiti , ,l.e . ,l plat. 1,61 it 0 ust fy• {l 4 , • , 1 --170 "get it Streak of loon and• a err,-•, .., 1.,;:: ! noit .4to ihing their hearts .desired . th.) 2•t—tic leap rtrenk. Judgment ought to be ~..l. . ua, .04,.. A 11.. g• can woes) off qn non c -te f,' to in at r M.et. time. There haring . Ng,. • e ti flit kind of music may indulge- I L-we'll e , pe. ! . il". e .' . . Goilikthein no more food than they will ' 'ewe! eat from .the trough ; over feeding is alueot , . nett of au error as too little. Clean Siatrr prli on acquisition to the sty; if a aiming went: mild be' conducted into their fl , ng qtEtttal hey would derive me h benefit th from. o Let there,ba a eerie y of fetid, at-least the in j o early staged . of.fatt ing;-- Corn, peas, bents, parsnips, pumpkins, carrots, cabbage, turnips,m. will all Le found useful. In feeding roots it wii: be well to mix two or m?im varieties—pigs et sometimes dainty ' in taste—what one rell 4.0 another may not care about. If you hate sel . i i umber of swine, a'steaming apparatus:9i will it mind ,both convenient and economical. It pre. Ares the food to be more readily acted upon by he digestive organs, and whatever will rend is ibis object diminishes the necessity of an erpcu itureeof vital force to its accomplishment, sea, o necessity enables' the animal to thrice more giidly upon a certain quantity.. Let-the fin"l be g wen warm: r at the temperature of thu. b , sif /, ,(Vd-iir frozen food in - cold weather tou.t, from illia nature of things, be attended by aloes of en' ergy and vitality on the part of the animal D :which it Is fed.' l' 'Their it, a wellms board, is a. matter ot ca' i -I , "ration. Plenty of strnw,or coarse hay /tea:! .. - given them. It :will pay better. iq the pa" uto sell in the market. ;t , -,, ,' tHeep your pigs clean. Pigs is`well.neehilkw , will exhibit their bringing up. Unclean Sirius en tie victims or a perverted taste—vanwc/ocre rondo theta thus. "As dirty as a hog." LOP ti' itheg,often 'applied to those st,tcniNh in nistte7 ' and' manners and infeiences may be righLl drawn when b ogsen maw are inchultl—bat 1,1 fir as years are coueerned,.if..4 means an)tbistr let it bo that a man as clean no your 'wins, yea.i be a respectable looking Lndividual. .1 1.4 whose rear ing ' has been what it ehwild; wilt rein forget his education And always tiefit..ia 61 , way he should go, and iit points of princii , :e w - olt titnekeheine his potriessor. ; ' • rmvonni9. LIT'TER. Otto..of the mit remarkable and inter,w/ achievements of tipiderm;rhembitt'y 'has ken :a' preparation of rerun , lisiohla posise'ssing tts core of various fruits. kilt close indeed t. 'hi Tr !iambi:m(4 that we are almost-warranted i• posing thti flavor of the (rents to 1,0. 'caused by: the pretence of R place fl liquids. ,Several of these articles ore (alp ib ceatectionury, anti aro artarenfaettlred...o 3 enibly•largescales- The acetate of amyl? *hen tliaaohtal In alz timea its hulk of sle - • ensitir mmost poirerful and agreeable odir of rot . ' and if used in flavoring. pear drops. The rsiers' of nroyle , dissolved_ in alcohol, girt!. the Arrnli t aaror of apples. Butyric-ether cosumbei , : v the darnr of the pineappke, and ip u.ry: preparation eflprious beverage:: • Various ot'' .compounds of fire so-railed fatty arid,, oxpi of .m 11.00311,1 ethylc,. posses;' very 1.: 04 "' on. , 1 JELLY CIICESt.—Ch - nu, - very ca ; reiVJ.r. eels of pigs' feet. put them into hot, t..,tc; r ' ' . flicient tu corer them. let them boil -i,,ii•i:,-.4 til pe rfe ctly tender, and the meat fel:- (rem 1 :!, /pone. Then pet them in n dish, tit..l c. 1.•.. ‘in 'the boner, rut up ‘the meat• into emili i ~