The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 26, 1856, Image 3

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    7-:±"1", •
st.TVIIDAY: Ai EIL 26, 1656. e
.Tat: circulation of the .. .4OEIOP JorII2IAL Is equal to'
zrecAte circuit' n any THREE other Ea:its:l
,pithikhe , litt the oun y4ittni as!! cirrulatr , l Mona
..,t poilion of the po 'lotion. an aelvertisentent in
, in 11). colutinci Is; of c n urse , worth as much to the
7 1 . 1sra I.IS it puhli.htti - th any three o th er paperel. In`
r 1 iey the rate, of :ti , lA'r Using are IlbraY% graded In
Accordion to the cirri, note of the piper.
nvsluciiis NOTICES; • . ..
.C.. \ °TICE of Leads Royer.
t . IF CI, )Vitlt :•;KED FJUND.-- , :ess advertisement..
si'llAN'S GOUlit SALE.—See !cotire , signed' Jacob
~i;vr: TrW4tee.
tl,f,Y PLANTA. ran h. obtained of G. E. Itc.rlicher
iirl•Ill'I! -f-nek Farm. See adv..ertlseinent. ,
~. 1.. Ii.'CURIST, offers himself as a candidate f..r
~f 'lttir44-4k of this Itors.uah.
p. Pi:ooi, Esq...of the Ashland Es.tato. offers to
;,t less,•son the Dig itun...- , 1, advi•rliscroeui, •
\ 4..,..
- 1 , 1 Shephard Nan narlingen, No. rs
::: ,tret. Philadelphia. - '
‘1 , ,.11:5.' r EVEII AND AG C Cf:RE.—S,e advertise=
't of is , A. Rhodes. prom or of this celebrated
r. LEWIS REF:SEP. displays his card as Magistrate
it-nveyaneer. In t•etlayli paps , r. You .'sill find it
ng the advert iSettlen t tt• .
I t ANC'S SPENCER. Esq., Magistrate and Real Es-
Agent. offers for sale. a tract 'of land sit the Broad
, ntaiv. on'easy terms. t
r'LLEIIIIEN V AN' , c't - M BIT I4ND COAL can bk . ‘ 4 "
d of Thos. E. Cahill. 101 Walnut street. Philatieb
See advertisement.
DLP:10( AND .t
' at t ~.1 0 i,,u to the advertisement of:Phillip %Vowls
„' ho has revived the business the - o
tld tand. - , e ,N,,
':' er of Sogond and 'Market streets, this BOrOUSIL
t.' , 'l - W3f. M. WEAVER.. the nellr&r."o proprieter,of
, - ational Hotel, at Shanedtin..tts refitted that old
''''; 'stand and increased his tacilities for ace,,rnme
'rt. See advertisement in to-.10 • a I.Pe r • . '7
• r• B, L. Et , TEll EY having removed his Hardware Store
the eorns , r of Centre and alark,el streets. 'l',,e Fry &
s's 03,1 stand. nearlynppo , ite. infornfts lit. pul.lie of
Ise thr•ongli our rolumns. See,adverfisement.
1,:II ONI \G lit4ll , s.—We refit , ' tbe attention of the
,t , the advertisettient of Thomas A rinitaje. in
tor of the superior Electric Mazi,letic LLltt nin t* It , t's.
eltre or . business Is Vine street above Cwt-lfth. 1%11-
HE Five Per'esent. Saving Fund,of the National Safe
a temv. Walnui -street. southnest 'corner of Third
rt. Phiiadedphia. now has ?mire than One Million of
: ist all lit Mortgazes, tiround tents and other first
-4 serurit es. for the benefit of depositors.
TILL GI EATER ATTU teTlitN.-4 fur .young‘trwns
it of the 'its' lilt and Cita Store. Mr. Stifnuel C. Tao,
is still to ding to:his fose stock.tundis ll.itV: a ran,
inz businAs. 014 ,, him a 'edit 'and .ricamine the su
1-r artieles in his line 'which be offers for sale, '
ITA'he Americans of the Borough of Potts.
Irtit.: and all others opposed to the National
lioistration: and tho.lo in favor of -tile
4 i en . ,:";:ctiott of FILLNIORE t 110 NELSON.
t •
requested Ti)' tititet at the frotse of Daniel
on 7tfoqay 29.0 z; next.
P. M., for the , purpose . nt toi'ming
,I;(.4 to I.e supported at the ensuiti , z 13orough
all the tirs!:Nrind iv of May.
it :Tile vilizen.'; of the different wards . , will cc.
"I the candidates for the ward .41-leers. to I, e
tP u t .'•p Tted to the tneetin , —and edlididatis for
'rough, large. will he nominated
the trwetitlLT. /iikordr eo t the ci ll pvn /Wee.
- .
W`:l,l(' MM. .:1. Dcitiff
Jamps H 1"71m1A., , 11 A 'lll, , sqrs
etz, Lebo and Hippie we are iadebtcd forpnh
B -hell above, it will be Perceived that those
ttl;.: Tl , lr,oryl) oppa.ed to the pre.
nt' imbecile National Administration, and
:vorahle to the IThion principles adopted at
llarrishnnz Convention, are called upon
meet at 111 1 1 . S in thin Boron 4. on Tnralay
for. a l e Imtrose of forming a ticket
he so-fir:mea at the ensning Borough
on. As the call is a: liberal one, entirely
tO,lie in character, and admitting of no se
ey whatever, in these preliminary more
.ents.'every citizen who sympathizes with
merican principles and feels ail interes• in
welfare of -)ur Borough affair, should
alie it a point to he present. It is all im
rtant that reliable, capable wen be selected
s candidates fo r r Borough, offices. By per's°
al endeavors itic,ne, can such n gratifying. re
ilt be secured.
I.Z THE MONT(Irrt InnsWontcs.4--These wnrks
:- Alkt -I Danville. we are pleased to 1, ft — , 1,. • c
~ Ittfen out 'lop °pet Minn again. the difficulties
o,v een thAcompanv enil the workmen who
• V `
1, -- I, •
beenlT A the
, =
`ere On n strt -e. having rt . piste to ti
m .448,tisfaction of all concerned. We congratto
liiiie . :our Danville neighbors upon the terini
;yition of a "strike" which tnnSt have affitct
- 1 0 the bus:-- -- • ' -onyh.
Er ftdPEAN INTF.I,T.TGE:SCEtO the 9th jnst., has
been received by the.'AraQo at New York.—
Mr. Ilnehn an came pv.eri , .mr in her.. Bread .
stairs had ex'perieticed a further decline irj
Price. , tidinzs yet of the missinr, steam
;hip Pacific. Commercial intercourse has'ye
eornmenced lwiweeu . RtlSSia nil , ' the allies.—
The te 7 ., of the treaty of pence have -been
promulgated. and are said to be satisfactory to
all. B. ssia eontledes much to the allies--
more we think, .than it -vas anticipated clue
untild be willing' to yield. IThe news hy this
arrival is not important. I,
,titykr.ActA- —Novs- from San Juati to the
I , lth inst., confines he intelligpme or Col.
defeat. ;He lost 50 killed.
The defeat is , said to have been caused
throw+ the tte, , q , t_etice cif Col. Schles'singer.
Th. remnant of!hig party' had arrived at Rivas.
The men • Were loud in their curses of 'the
eowardlvyf din el: : Calm. Thorpe fa*vedSellles
,in).-ter in the field with pistOls. and threatened
to sit 4 hint. but his gallantry proved Ilse ,
I, , ss. the ieefficiencytif their commander had
ere:.ted n Panic: None of the canal precalt
li,ts had been, taken against Surprise, though
v*hin Ow heart of the enemy's country.-
Ira;lier's pro , :peets are improving.. Another
.1,-ittle had taken plane hetween•l4 Americans
and 200 Ilie;trei. The licit r were de.
rated, with a loss of '3O Men—the Atnericans
,dog only 2 men. Walker's ease does not
seem so desperate as at last accounts. „
A ssoct ATioN roll THE PREVENTION or
STEAM MIII.ER vr;,Ociklion.
co- Ooset,of persons who steikm boilers
in the prosecution (;1 theirhasiness. is in ac.
tive operation in Manchester. England. - It
appears that during last month; the chief in
,.peet.a. of the Association made 157 . visit's to
the works of members, and inspected -15.1
boilers. The result of the bettors of Uit ,
ifughly organized associations in mannfhctnr
ing districts, where '' i they do no ,
exist, similar to the one noticed ahove, would
he most satisfactory. In Schutikill—a coup
f!,' which has in daily use more steam boilers,
than any other .county in the State. except
Philttdelphia—an association for the rigid in.
spec-lion of the Steam boilers of tneyibefs.
Would be'useful, and afford a feeling ct
ritr to operatiVeS, which at pre;ent theyean
not possess. The matter is iritportart, and
w e trust will attract the attention of those
having in use steam boilers.
LIN)..; TO THE Rem LEAGUE.—On Tuesday the
of this State adjourned sine
hue;,,.. ~ ,wing to the controlling power held
by the Senate, enacted . much less mischief
04t was threatened. The-importance of an
conservative. reliatle Senate. wfls.
!lig-cc more powerfully exemplified than du
ring. the hession just closed. The reckless,
anzi-Anicrican, Rum feeling which character
-41 every movement of the beer House, was
Pnimptly met hy -the !Senate, and rebuked
tr-inner worthy of the dignity of that body.
Even at the eleventh hour the iepresentatives,
et the Rum 'interests, endeavored to force
tinougba new License hill, ostensiblk
to li
tet,se beer houses, hut practically, fbr the pur.
vo, of repealing some of the must important
of the new Liquor Law which has
,tu.,t gone into :Ms disgraceful
enactment was ddletited in the Senate, after
it hal passed the House—spite of the manly .
effOrtsof Messrs. Morris, Dock, McComb and
rt7lier• to defeat it—by the auritx.esl Wile.
Let the people of Pennsylvania—that portion
,t-tii'!sed to 'the indiScriminate licensing of
rt, shops—tuake a note of those who voted
ttlth. /Arrest:a in tiro on' tto2sototo ottNimrt to
. . ... ~„
threw open again the thousands of 'Yile.Ftotn -- ' L - aos: 'PactitENT.!--The: Loh&in no
dens, which foryears polluted the fair fao.e of : . virities are discussing the merits 'of a new
) ,
~ ' ind of iron carriage-way_.Pavt.onent, which is
I,Peunsvivania. Remember them.. ' ! , .lid to affard a better footing for liOrses than
1- F , A .....m
s e ,i s r,,. Itft e k, iLroomin4Rork, (17.4 k ,, : • ranite; is free from noise 'and dust s and, is i
, Bernlntrd. Moser, /3 ?V `I!. Camnt.cll. r: irtv. co.: - ' ~th lariblvi ftval 'Pct Inninictil.:: , 2 .
bourn. Crtg. Edinger. Fulton; gets. )1 amet Ilan.. ! i i mm , . ' • - •
cocd.:,'llems. Hibbs. Hillegas. RIPPLE. Ilubanr.' 7- 7 --
Innis, Johns, LEBO. tel Longalesv ! M''...' . 's.
Cartby, lilst.,e. 2.l4near. Ntinnernachrv. Patterson,; • -.. '1
Pearson, Ramsey, ~Reinhal, i . Roberts,. &fishery, „,,,,,,,. _ ~ .1.77- ! - ' 1...„.
Shenk, Smith (Allegheny,) Smith, (Caml , ii . ..) ottagiNeiß
Smith. (Phila..) Thompson, 'Waktr, Whallon.i - ,". - ,
Wright, (Luzente„) Yearsley, - Zimmerman, and ' The gnaw' , sent by Railroad this WCta: is 49,-
Wright. Speaker.. • •' . •
.7 : w 52 15—by &nal' .33,116, for the week 82,143.11
Nat's-. Anzustilie, Backlit... Ril.rwin„ .
s k feisty h R -
6 - '
r Woad .765, 97. l 9 agaiost 60,-
Bo rry. Tt,,yli. Brown: Buchanan. Caldwell. Clover, - -". ‘'''' - 2 '
Crawford. D.A. Drsdall..nntsebt.'Claylord. (lib-t`9 10 tons: ,Tote! by 'Coat 504,0 , against
honey. Raines. Hamilton. Hill. lloleoinh, 11;m1e.„.165,473._12. tomt to same • peribd last yam, The
keepet: Ilunsesker. fmbrie. Ingham, Johnson. ha- "sliipinents this week are.7,leo 06 tons . ten than
Torte, Lovett, :11:Calmont„ NrComb. ,Ifnugle7. lifll - ' ,
--40 , - the viirespanding.week lust pear.
Ter. Mantgemery, noorlielid, Iforris.Momma 4 ,Ori.: ' ..
. Phelps, Pareell. Reed, Riddle. Smith, ( Wyoming ,)'.. The deficiency from the SehttYlkill" Region so
St rouse, ail; Win trude and Wright, (PaulAirq—
-far is 177,479- 16 tons—from iheLebigh, including
V i
44. ; , . shipments by itai1r0ad,..16,207. Thellaueh Chunk
Mr. Leisenting 'of PhilaAelphiti, has- th - e" Gazette hays that the high Water for the present
'week, ha. almost totally suspended-theshipments
honor of being, the author of the disgracefhl if
. Af.Viiiii,wiielr. wilt make the tha
hill. We wish him jay . ( if the harvest' whitil,
1 end of this.e,,ion.
week. in the ne ih' , hborhood 'of - 40 . .000
the reed he has sown will produce him..,• from that - . ~
Many Democratic Partizans who ppentfaht_o,,,,.....
eir fourh : ' - - 1.
.. y e moat
, s,,or unit the first of
unblushioptly array themselves on the side ot Septe:_ther-tiext, at an increase of 10,000 per week
the Liquor League, will if we mistakenot ; the° to make up the deficiency ; of this regioii. . This
I ,signs of the' times. yet. And t selves in 'a week we have lust upWards of 'P.IBO as, and,'
predicament—in fact deserted' by, the lykriii - M-'--frottil present appearances tie will lose again eon-
. •
of their party which is thoroughlolisguitei - -sf3tvraltiy Me ensuing neek:', If we' lose for a
---.• _
o f f lf-o - 8 --few'wee h foxier, it is
with the unscrupulous mancenvring. extremely' doubtful wiled!-
, .. r& o
.. From ,the er = e
iiifan mire than make up :the shipments nl'
devoted to the inlereSts f ---- R Burn.` '
_ ."-
~ f .• ' .
wily drastiol-the demenottieait. ont•thiia of 'last year.from this region.:
• -... • ---- • - -- •.- The trade is in a complete snarl—there is but
the members ofiteDemooratie"Srtv-in..:the Bate demand for Cal with the markets nearly all
State, are .diSengaging....themselves, liir-44-:-y,„,..
.E. The want of an understanding on the part .
ti has arrived when they must deeitle'vf--the transpoititi.;coutpahies, .and the delay in
whether hey will continue the advocates of a filing the priee of tolls . and transportation
traffic whieh'bring.s poverty, disgrace'and re. itt drool and Canal, haslargelyeontributed to the
,in to thousands, or determine to: shake off the present state of affairs. We firmly believe that'll
shackles of an unpitying tvrant; Throughout
is utteLly.impossible - to supply the market this
year, tieing ro• lateness.. in the commeneemeOt,
Pentisvlvania the respectable portion of the
. of the triide—and we state in advance that no
Democratic party. is.arraying. itself on the; side fault, will rest with the Coal itegions—the market
of Temperance. Shortly, it. will be certain is, comparatively
. speaking, bare of Coal—and
political death - to the man who essays to de- teany of oar Operators i have scarcely-any or
fend Rum—as fatal as to applaud anti-Itepub.',.&ril for Cosi. Shipment.S" from Port 'n4• - h
have also considerably .fallen off. It is a most
bean encroachttents. of Papacy:.l.Tnfurtu
singular state of uffairsind the consumers will
natkly, - the cause of' Temperance had in pastl
• • have: to pay for it in the end.
year to contend with that greatest curse of a
'be Coal Operators tare rutted ameeti •
ng to be
Community, an,! ; unprincipled,. uoscruptalous
heal on Tuesday next,.to . take solos steps to pro
politician, who is willing to serve any master,
sect themselves. and remedy soon of the vesent
and engage in anyamworthY work, for Owl.' 'evils. if possihie.: Soule of the Operators have
ument; hut _their, days are numbtle,l 7 4he , -found' it • necessary to -hospital win:it, of their.
hand writing is on the wall. .., ' . blinds. •We append the Call for the meeting: -,
• .4.
At the time of the adjoarntnenr:: of the Leg
islature, the Annual Appropriation bill:had
not received the approval of the Governor.—
It is unde . rsto.•d that the reason for this is,
that thereis.conittinrd in it a snake. which has
been placed there for the bepe'fit of the:Canal.
Cem-i,:s•iners and the Democratic party
generally: it is a propasition or - authority
en to the C-tnal Board, to lease - any portidn
'of,„ the Main 'Line without any restriction
whatever, and not even providing thai, the
highest bid 'shall have the preference; The
Governor has, doubtless, detected in this
another attempt to plunder the State,,,Tui has
very properly withheld his signature from tiM
entire bill:
• Ainotig' the few grd bilk which passed
both. Houses, and received the signature of
the Governor, is the following in relation to
the Libel• Law—a measure long needed:
SEC. 1. Be it enneted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylv 11 13 in General Asselobly met, and it is here
by enacted by authority of the same, That 1 , 'on
and after the passage of this net, on the trial of
indictments tor writing or publishing a libel, the
truth of'l he matter 'charged as biladlous ma y to
'Liven in evidence: atne'_if the jury in any such
ease shall find that the same was written or puh
lished properly for public information, and the act
wa s i n d u ced by good motives and withno malici
ous intent, and that the 'natter so ckarged is true,
it shall operate to the acquittal of defendant or
Ste. 2. That in actiona for dninazes , . I , r the
writing or puhli,hing it libel, where the 'Anal; i.
pleaded And givetrin evidence, if it he found that
,the same was written or tiublisbeti properly for
information, and with no Oti,chievoult or
Malicious motives, the jury may find for the de
fendant or defendants.
No one will regret that the Legislature has
adjourned, and all feel thankful that their
bungled jumble of legislation has resulted
no worse,
LF.etst..trtrF:.—The bill relative to libels
was, amended in the Senate, so as refer
only to criminal prosecutions, and was tlic
cedA to in that shape. We agree with the
Harrisburg correspondent of the Ledger, that
the passage of the bill is a redeeming feature
in the history of the Legislature. h will pre
fect honest minded newspaper publishers, to a
cousidertth'e extent, and relieve them of the
risks to which they have constantly been sub
ject under the antiquated and unsettled. law
upon the 'subject. This reform is in imita
tion of the example of several of : the:States of.
the Union; and will he cordially welcomed by
the community generally—by all who know.
the value of' a fearless, well conducted news
paper press. Mr. Getz deserves'much praise.
ibr his efforts, to effect the passale of the bill.
His, speech in
.the House on the feattires
the bill—for a copy 61 which we are mdebt
ea t o hi t O— w * e vi , ijj publish next week.
The Senate. on Monday evening placed a •
TO Phitadetplll3.
decided veto on •the Lager Beer Bill. The •' 3tnnyunk. •
cot.' _;.:tit‘st it was more than two to one. It . 173 P o r nTlinh i oc i tn,
sig.nificent fact that in spite of the' 'Men tlr.ya4outteun,
and money that were, sent to Harrisbur' by
r `• Port Kenruvty.
the Rumites to defeat the election of Nathan• "-Valley Forge:
iel P. BrOWne to thg. Speaker:4Np, that he was
elected .by the of six..,Demticrats,
Am ±ricansand 11r. Price, Republican. • The
decent portion ofAe Democracy are,2: desert
ing the Liquor League. Its doom is ,- sealed.
Eleven .Senattit's have retired. Of 'eleven,
~even are Democrats. But two of these dis•
tricts are at all likely to elect Democrats
next, Fall, so that the next•Senate. r nill al
most surely be loSt to the'Democrats, •
The Governor still refuses toAgn the A
proprialion bill, As it containi ,m4ny odious
provisions, land was not - presented to him'
until the day before adjournment.; The game
was atteMpled last yearito smuggle, some uu•
popnlalr measure -, into the ApproPrhstion Bill,
which was promptly met by the Governor.—
This year, ille'peopie will sastain the Govern' •
or in his refuSal to sanction wrong.
Bt:cor No 'FOR Par Nriivi:.—T ivo weeks 'since
we published* article on the subject of the . ;
disreputable.kystem which has grown up in
our midst, in cornection with begging for,
printintr. As the article was hastily .written
we did not fully explain at the titne, the ob•:
ject - we,had in . view in calling the attention of
the- communitY'to the matter. The eiroula•
tion of the Miners' Journal
: has increased to
that extent, that the'. use, of its. coluinns is
knight by tho-e, whose interests;vre.haee
vanced by according it to them .gratuitously.-;
Very,tiaturally, we expected in,return for the
favor accorded, any printing which they might
have to bestow. And the only :reason why
we have not in many instances, executed
printing for them, as they 'would have de:
sired, was, that the Gazette had run in debt . to
,them, and they were compelled to have their .
printing done at that.otlice.te have the in
debtedness liquidated. This is the plain En-' TRE.LACKAvriNrie COAL REGION "AND try OL'
glish of the' matter. If 'we were to run up, ters.—The Honesdale Democrat, speaking of. the
hills • with ,everybody, and adopt the same morementesiri,tbut quarter &the Coal Region,
plan of paying thern, , the Journal might, he Pehli•shei the following:
enabled to increase its business hugely: -• Re.
saying o it he '—We were in
theerror 4e sP
President of Lackuseozenthe Now York
ciprocity in trade IS fair, and any person has and Erie Rail-ond Company, in his late Annual
a perfect right tii'iake printing to the Gazette Report, stated he bad entered into a definite
,ar 7
ronytient with another furthe frals.othce; but we ask calmly, is it not stretching rort r : ri theehunaei;husant
a point -in the strict law of fair, • honorable of Coal from !u tile point to Piermont. What• he
that negotiations-were progressing to
trade; to force any portion' of*the eoinmtinity
into having printing executed on the terms ,It is understood that the party propositig to en
propounded? In regard tO those who have g .,,, a r ni t t c ,": l ou g of transportation is the Pe r"
have heretofore • had the free 'use of the col- they enntearl i tat: . pe n t n tin. th i a t t ui t i h o t o ' tt n Er7e t
twins of the Journal, Ind whO countenance Railroad is C h ic mouth the Ilekawaxen.
the disreputable system introduced and main- n t 7, c , u e r u a p tel t o t iialftec„ngwhiocrh therni n lroad i.:yory
tailed by the proprietor of the Gazette, we re. Coal Company Its authority to do under their
clo uds. assert that in the Imam oureolturms are closed charter as it clouds.
It is further Understood the 'Delaware and Rad-
to them on the terms at which they formerly son Canal Company are not , ' disputed: on 'My.;
used them. In conclusion, we do not wonder: terms, to continue the railroad from Hawley to`,
Honesdale. , contrary to the prevalent im.
, Thls 'a _
that the edror of the Gazette has lost all in- presAon, grnwmarout of the operations of the
dependence. His plan of goingarOund and I. in,-rnlayyiag
their rallroaitAtnelc aith
heavy, iron ,4lotibling the planes acrnrs the summit,. 1
begging for . printing, has that effect. What and extending the road. several miles -below its 1
rr rritiabloriQYCMtn ,
• • prtietnit c , tobern terminus., All n
MEI:TING of in COAL t a meet-.
jng of The C.,41 Assu'intion, held at their room,
Pottsville, April 2tith, IBa6, the•folloiving resolu
ti was unanimously adopted.: . , •
On motioti of D. I'. LinoWN seconded by F. T.
Bcootred, That the President he instructed to i
issue a Ali for all the Optirators to meet on Tues:y
day, the 2fth day of April, at , It) o'clock, A. M., i
to con,ult on 'the depressed state' of the Cat
Trade, with a 'view of devising sumo plan to rem'.
.the evils under which it labors. Be it also,
ftdoired, That the President irvite the Rich.
mond Trade or meet wand consult on the best
mode of accomplishing the object in viosr.
Punctual attendahce-is requested.
S. SILLYMAN, President.
• Tbo Hail Road Compuy promulgated the mine
rates as. charged dust - year, on Thursday, until
July 1-I.laltit is understood that they allow a
drawback of 15 rent, (which it is said is given to
the trade at 11iehr4ond.) while the rates of toll are
n i t o n t a i ne d oil tl4. This is in additi..n to
the MO per tent. drawback allowed in favor'of the
* Coal that goes' u poilits rea,hed by Schuylkill
IC:it:wants virtually to a redaction
of lsLents peens uu the tolls. The fidlowing-0 ,
the takde
ItAttlktl‘D CoMPANY.+Phaqdephi,,, April 23,
IS;16:----The Rates of i'reizht and Tolls on 041
tianrpt;;lol by this C‘itpany, will be as tolloas,
from April 2S to June 30, 18504
to Richmond.
" Inc!M o od Plane, ' '
" Nlret.otr,
" Germantown IL IL ,
" Falls of Sohnylkill,
" . Manayunk.
" Spring. 31111: , .
Conshohocken and Ply
ttitiatti Ilallroad,
" Rambo 's and Potts' and
" No'irktown or lirid7,opnrt,
." Port Kennedy,
" Form.. • ; '
" Royer's Ford,
" Pottstown. • , : 1
" - t P
" Reading and
By order of the Board of il,,.lattagers,-
W. NEcIPI9.I.siTY, Stiey.
The .sebnyikill Nacigntinu Company, yesterday
pronaolgated the following table of tolls. reducing
the toll fr. in 86 to fis cents until the first 14
to meet tbe.4l,ftschark en the part oft he Rail itoa4
Company. The f o llowing are the rates: •
- OPrECCTIM Scrturcx - rt..r. NAVIGATION COSi-
PANV, April 25th, ISss.—The charge for the use .
ear;.und for on Autbreeite Cool, earrieJ
,en,ihe Niivigatiou, i will he as fellows,
"until July 1556
. .
Port Providence,
Pottvlown Lauding.
Port Upton.
IlirdAher•ough, •
" Rending.:
" !tlth.u4u e,
3loorevllla,. '
', Hamburg.'
ITipburg Landing
• The charge . will be per ton of 2240 kb?., les, fire
per cent. 'allowance, fut . waste, as•.utual, and•oo
charge less than twenty'-five cents:per tuti will be
marlo'for atifdijtfinee; By order of - the Munn :
AtEr, PreAient
It is h.,pe4l that the trade Wlll now.tar;re tyt earne,f,
If it does nut s..qn
„take a start. Coal will eauttnalttll
a high figure next;winter, and we.will have a tre- 1
act,,bot, rush in:Atlie fall, i . --
Pour llictimosn.CoAL Trtsug—April 24, 18.16.
, of Coal board, range from $4.25,
fur priine White Ash, t. $l. 50 for Red. Ash. ;
NEW YORK. April 24, 1556. - L
-The trade is with
out change; dmnand not very brisk.
BosTos. April" :24, 1856,--Sales of Pietou at' $7 50 :6 1 . chtildrou ; and a cargo of Syd.
ney on private teruis. Anthracite, $8 f r Lump. ;
prepared $7 retain.
Fr/on Lon( •Journof of 31; * tel 4 29.
2S.—The preliminary meeting of irentnasters was
held in Birmingham yesterday (Thursday), and as
we Inst week contidently anticipated,': it 'was do.:
cided to maintain, the, prices agreed upon six •
months ugu—nauiely, 91: for bars,'uther qualities'
bearing the 'ordinary proportion. The general
. r a tio has been fur hoops to be 11., and t.hCeis
"dearer thaii bars; but with respect'. - to the latter
.kind of iron, the quality varies so'jmuch that it.
would he difficult to 4 apY-Precise . proportion.
The meeting was fully nttended, and the proeeed%
Tugs only occupied a short time.
,There was not a dissenting voice to the resolu
tion for maintaining rates, and you may restoisr
sured that pricetv:will not be nisturbed at present.
Pig iron of the best makes is' not increasing in .
stock ; it is only' inferior. qualities' that nre,not
being sold. tfeet assure that pig hen is' es low
as it Will he WU. is the continuing price for,
marked iron. ; . • .
E 4
Cf. Z.
45 C 1 95 '1 S 0
1 90 1 85 I 1 70
190 c 85 170
1.50 155 c 1 70
I'9o ISS 170
1 90 C I 1 70
190 ! 1'45 170
1 65 1 1 60 11 .15
1 .r I 45
160 1 Sty 145
1.40 i 1 55 I 1 45,
1(33 ISO 1 40
1 45 1 50', 1 40
145 140 1 1 :10
145 140 1 '25
140 1 ::5 C 1 25
140 , 1 :15 1.25
1 :10 1 25 I 1.15
120 115 1:05
I :5
1 1,5
1 IL-)
I e).l
I ths
1 1 ; 1
1 • a
I 4.)
1 20 1 15 1 1. 05
20 ! 1 15 105
120 115
1 05
1 05
;5 !
C I e a '
r,-, I
Ci;t;* Cl+
65 64
1 60 1' 59*
60 1 59
60 1 59
55 . 51.
. s:i 1 54
511 1 49
50 1 - .49:
50 1 49
50 1. ,43
45 ' 1 44
45 .1 44.
45 c 44..
43 1 40
415 • 4(1
:IA 1
st+ .1 37
t l l 1 fi
i 0 '29
~.•h'avlklll N . .
avn..-nthot - • -
9 , chir,l,lioll Vtvilmtion. Preferred -
Union .. . Canal • - • -
Union• Canal. PCeferred
Del.kiludson 41.131 k TransPartarn
Littleikehuyikill Nay.. it. R. & Cory/ Co. •
Leitittli Coal & !fay Co. --
tinvietinn Coal - -- • -
Buck ;Slountaitt Coal Co. -
Pen nSiittnnia Coal & R. R. Co.
Dinpliln Coal 4R. R. Co. - -
Valley coal &,R.. R. Co. •
Retve'i )iettlilllrlt Coal &. R. R. Co. .
Fares; Improvement Co. -
tiorthlAmeritan Coal Co., Preferred -
:•• •i; '" Common
Dclatvaie Coal co.
Cntulterland Coal - •
NOW creek CoarCo. -
NfinetVe Rank J - •- . - • - 60 138
Fanners' Rank l - - 60 1 6 5
POt bytille GAS ;C.). 60 25
rtatsilließat Co. - - 25 i ryd 21,
• . I
Iffiff The StoCk of all Coal Companies will be added to
th e at t ovi *he,tt furnished by those who desire their
ptibliCat ion. •
BOAIRDING and Dajr-School for
small girls will be opened on the 12th of May. at
the renitence
( 11 the subscriber, near . Oewireburg- The
situation be pl anent and healthy; thebuiltUngs arelarge
*mmotlipus. with extensive grounds. handnomely
laid nut, and plenty of shade. The usual branches of
ah tingilsh *di:leaden ‘ will be taught; also, French,
ZenhYr-work And Embroidery.
The government will be firm but parental,and the ma
rill and physical requirements of the pupils will be
strictly attended to: and no pains will he spared to make
theta. feel. as Hills as possible. the absence from home.—
(MP.* limited number of Boarding Scholars will be ta
ken. _.
Tglints-Ifor iultiort, board and washing. CO Dollars per
iiimrler of 12 weeks; Poyable half in advance, the re.
malodor at the end of the term: Needleiwork. extra:-
Tering fir dap orbiters, $1 pep month. payable monthly.
For further particulars dill 'on, or address the principal.
Optigsburg, April 25.1536 .
0I TnP.
AT 'l'l!E OLD STAND, N. E. cor
ner of :Id and Market streets.streets. Pottsville. The un
t sued respertfullo announces to the chi
lent of Potticide. and Schuvlkill county in L ,
general thsthe hie again resumed the tnan
ufseture of Kiddies, rtritiles.tiig.Cerrisce. Bog-
Uv. Team and Railroad Harness: Hair and Straw
la , for !lc ht orboary dmucht: and has on hand the
best assortment of Mips. limes. Fly Netts. Blankets.
and every . variety of rods In his line of business. lie
trusts that his long and emeriti experience with the
- trade of this ronnh. will be a committee that his assort.
.Thent of Plods wtli ho of the first quality. as to material
:and tnanitfarture. and reapectfolly sollcits the patronage
of all his old friends and ths public, and invites the It tw
4.40111 of every one desirous of env article In his floe
to call and examine his stud: before purchasing else.
whore. Ills terms will tw found as reasonable as any es
tablishmentln the manly.
CS,I es I geed heeds wanted to work at the 100.1-
I Dist *mill% April 24, I Eft 17.Atri
^ "
• . :___ ____
' lAAtivo"Ailithilial or titti' ' - Bid
r '. . 1116111 AI NEW ADVERT'IVIENTS
.Company inadst that theefr tuelltnes• r vr et -la me d : .
operatiOns aro, Ot tt4l* " .l .i b : 6 l l , with referenee to i
the rapacity ]tir To eine!. Law,,,yen t ail fent I
tho . atn'one laundl . ° 4 6134 fi ty thousand tins , mo t * ,
than a mirkOwlns f° 4 rol for. notwithstiuding tborl
remarkable lehgai and evenly of thrt cold du.,4
creased the tilusttuiption of fuel; and the excess':
coal have beco'ntade in ell larger had thi boats I
been keties fully occu led as they might hove '
1 1
been. I. Attic the cartel o itt utmost /Milt, the
Company have yards Sufficient to store the accu
mulated stock. , Besidesl the Lehigh Valle) , Rail 111111
road, from Mauch Chunk , by- way of Easton to
Nei" York, will coma) ace full , operations this
,spring, while the Scrim! n Railroad with its con.
nectinns will belnished early
, in - the summer, fur-
Dishing an nutlet throe h ti Elizahethpoint on I
.Newark H. ',' These additional channels. it is •
held, are much More than comuivn-urate with the'',
inerTftee4 demtin i. }lbw these repre..enta , ions i
tally.with the obvious ' rangements of the Com.i
tiany for,eztended tract ctions, every one multi
.solve for himself.
• The ,New; York and Erie . Railroad Company 1
,have closed their Cons ruction Account, and the 1
imperative necessities fir their financial Condition I
will keep it elM'ed unti they shall have great) ,
reduced tbehylk of their in,lehteilneAi and eon-
[ - unimaterl the'..regular payment of itividen,l4.—`
Any other policy wool. be swiftly fatal, While,
therefore, ther.Company would he pleased to have i
connections, mode, bet i nteen their road:ilia the ;
roads of the PConsYlvinia Coal ComPany and the)
Delaware and iludson Canal Company tiny are - ,
so hemmed 'in , and b dengue , ' by mountains of i
peennia'ry difficulty\ th y eannht. deviate from the!
path fate bps tracedgo , them. ;
' [ ,
Freights - fro - 0
New Tark, ".! -
Boston,. .
New [Liven, -
•;l - -
- Albany.
7 • lOO7,
- • 1 T.AI
- -
I 25 lj
. . , go
rots Richmond.
jvg Saturday.l.April Nth, ts:,6: .
N 3., TO ~, . , - T , )Y.3.
• ii.Veli Bedford, •
f, , leer Theca, ,
,siNeirburg, 150
. •.:15
•ill.f.Newport. . 195
1851Nearburyport; , H 145
5.1, , Nantucket, -. ..
',',o;Nlew London, , 16h
Io3 l Prnvldenee. - 1,814
95 1 Philadelphis,: .. 3 6
224', v .. ersburg. Va., . 75
271 1 1 Poughkeepsie. i 4oti.
Ms Vex Itore. N..3.,', 70
10:1Pori Chester,' ' ':3l'i
20911'ortiand. ' • ifil
201 Portsmouth,. b1:1
151 Quincy. , ' 171
10,Quarantine. L. 1., 371
89t; Rondout, . 1 549
400 Riverton, N. J.; i 82
418 Richmond, Va.. , 100
201 Stapleton. .4. 1., . 200
lot) Salem. N. J., • ' 50
175 Sing 6ing. N ''''' 71 7
SO Salem, Mass.. l i 1,21.10
184'Staten Island, , 212
50 Trn. ' I , 311
410 Tarrytown,
124 Tat rensdalo, V. J., 20
21,2 Tarren t.m. , ' 70
3801ilmln gton, Del... 111
446' Wilmington, N. C., 29S
161 ,
570 Total for week. •29,7:12
4127'1'revions this year.. 161 494
1:17 t , , •
,Shipmentsi'v #eekendi
1111,tny. v ,
Bristol. K.
Braintree. r •.)
itrid.r.port. Cohn,
Chester, ',•)!
Camden. •!;
CAtnhridleoortl '
C.umbritiatTorti Ct.,
Verrv.. , N;: Y.,
Dam versixirt.
Past Cainbri&O,
Frittkford. • ; '
Gowan's Creek; N. J.,
Greep P6int, li. 1,,
Georzetpwtz, Va., •
liaine,vphint,3N. J.;
llnvamt. f .
llolmesblirg,'; •
Key West:
Newark.: '
'Nertonsot, •
Now lirutiswti.k.
New York k .orooklyin
5,.:137 Last year
Ras by Canal.
Shlpin l
• Fur undltr i
netivcitcli. , •
On the Line, - . • . I
Vt , itiltj';pf
Jemey,C'ity.' • -
New York nitil*ielnit
• - I
April 24th. Isriti
ITN 1111
- ' • 1 - 18.1111 11
34ti 00
Total km week,
By Rat
road and Canal.
Quantity Lf
week ett4in;.; ..n Chu
•Tit by Gitial. t r th
Sac er'ollll4 13.1 '
Port Cztrikon o .
Pot t•irille.. r!`
iebuytkill thyon
Port CI toti.
Totitt foat ttiel week
Total Gf Itallrond ih
,•• '.• CAiml I
Total 1:6 elitist and
rind last year
55.05 10 F.Ol .44U 10
42-2 s 01 • 14A414 12
By CaTd,::
Rittes . of Tot
i an d . Transportation on
11,n i) P on TUC PR E.,i. NI,
One ' Prom Fronk P , .vt
I rixm. S. llar.n. Pt .rrintmr'. .4,,fiurn.
. .$1 95 ta so $1 75
90 1,256 1 70 1 i's
rz 1 09 1 46 1 45
. a 16 1 U:) . 1 05
. _ .
Aprinw Mills,
Rates of Tett
'by.Canal for the present.
"I. Mt. Clrhon. S. [(teen. P. (7'i - idol.
•1) 79 77; &i
Flyrnt Cir'.
To Phhlsd'n..
Rates .!
f Prelgllt by Canall
iktrA, e.
To Nci;v Volt, $,
S. !Liven
90 51 $5
County Railroado.r.lB36;
quantityll;;, of. Coal tranFported raver
ads In gchtlyik ill Cnunty. tor theweek
y evening ta.t
Thrifolintrinz is
hr ttTerimt
ending cpiiThursd.
wrrt. .TOT4f..
aven 11. It., 42,076 00 '23.5.017 13
40,786 05
12:003 10 73.0:0; 113
10.154 02 153 f 5, NI
14 626 00 115.731 06
10.957 17!
1 11n , (11111'snd.S. it
111.1'irh ,fl
4 01004011 Valley
If t. , iartion & Pt.grbou
ATM Ci...e&
ftn crjipdkfll
_ - - -
Lehlkh Cavil Trade for 1856 by Canal.
P4r the, week SArtir•lay tut :
V.EK. TAT kt,.
Nay. Co: -.
Tan.. Cwt. Tons. Cot
Siihiin f:Mineg•
F:n14..: Leh i 4 h 31 i n
sprtivi %fount:tin
E.l Siiiar Loaf
Culefr•al rt. •
Y, Lt4il 1i Cap
ri.;.”re is, wi
Leaf I
I.i' ir
, -
For tlio week ' 4
, - wr.v.e. r
. 2.IiPS 1::
z7"" ---- t - ' , I ,
VOloq Canal R. R. Cool Tiatisportattop
Ahipurit transp4ted dprjng the wontl‘ .1 F e b. 'bp :
I, movr 111 . TOTAL.
I.llohln 6innl l' s .1 , ,',:l 01 37.21.,:i OR
Sw4lai7i Itallt , 4o. r .5:;1 co 17,46.1.07
nding on Soturdny last;
~aadab eland
Coal Trade, 1800.
12 453 sltan
1 , 4 r Itkt
At fear,
uT 11141ICSON & DENG
thniperED n•
It A / 11.1tilADS
mine um and uytklll Haven .
Thinnti'arbon -
Mount Carbon and Port Carbon
Miil Cfpek - - -
VaHoy •
borbrrry Cra4,l;
Srratata _
• , ' , EARLY PLANTS..i . •
. . ,
re - iirtiletiigned begs'inm .
hill TrOada and the public that tu. hhe' to
'al aat the Ilmnbrim Tr atk PArta. all kltIU €ll'
Given and Rd U Ilk- l'llat% such as cat,hAge, (a ,
rarialimt ) Pepark romateea.'Egz' blast, bat t nee. —..
de... Which he will lAA reaaunabg priori kr the doarM,
hundred or *immune& imd guarantees. all .kinds to to
snekha sold for AU entrant promptly attehded to by ap
plying to the proprietor. 4 G. F,.. UORLICMIA,
I:Limburg Troth Yam:
• April 2.13, 110 ' , - ~ . ; IT-lin
A Shaft has been stink nn the tiluknf (he CanalAlberti
90 feet deep. thmugh three veins sf etrOlent feat. ands
new and powerful engine erected. which; is now in sue
.ressfut operati , n, The suroire rif the lanais in a high
Matra Vultivation. and then" are_ numerous dwelling
• houses. barns, ont-Intihilnfia. ,, teh3rds". A. The property
-Is in a condition to' an. Immediate coat Inasinoss. and
presents cereral otltt>r nolnts , -.tor sinking shafts - and
working the eoa) veins that underlie the whole of
fhe canal id now in use. and theeoutereplated railroad.
with its connectionS, will ittTord outlet s the markets
O r th e cnun r r y. Th e I,envsnal,,propertyl consists of hoc
see. see. mutes . wagons. carte. mining Implements. Ac.
A`mOre attractive, valuable and 'flora adrantageously
- located body of Coal lands. nf equal fixe,cann“t be found
i n Wyrnning Valley and has never been Offered in market.
The subscriber invites the attentinn bf individuals or
companies wishing to thirst in real lands. to this pro.
party. which he will he prepared to exhibit to all inat i.
rem and he requests pmposals of pnretiaseetthernf the
while nr anr part of the lands,. with or. without the per
sonal property and the charter of Incoyieration
inquiries and pmposals may be addressed to, him at
Wilkesharre, or tn John D. Taylor, EL.41., \O9 S.Water
street, Philadelphia.
STANLEY' WOODWARD, Wilkesbarre. Pa.
April 2A f 6 -174 f
0 ," Small gore.. Small Err wnst,, PiTits 5m4117 ,
Lary , S'nr , , G.- .t "Expe,n,, Prroill,g Enormous!
LSD! t.7,:i . I:II)ING,RATS k \ t*N" et(/' ie.l.
I 32313,1
855 I. 5
- 33,110 to
Q, 11.327 04
74q 14 1 107 11
12 4:11 10 1S 1:15 t. 5
OW 01)
119 .2.4 w,
49 , ).12
33110 16
(112 15
56-+J:97' •i
tons, W 0.41 iti;
a 9,32.1 17 I S'.!ti,9lL4 tr 2
649.45 S reZ.
tolls. IT7 4;• 16
*39 67,
l't Cent m
11 S 1
a. 10.0 (17
I'7 14
1.1,79 (,7
0 s
3go Oft •
74 11 .
r 9 10
.64 (10
SG 13 • '
7,95'7 17
957 17
4111* 17
31;.72 )
:D4.415 01
TConces of Talented Arti-tte: I And fwo Studs t•ir Per
- forming Ponies! These oust ;Minted O'ompantes
- at POTTS %ILIA:. on FRIDAY, Hay In h. lartt.
' 5 %6 a" , 01 1 ' oPad at 2 and 7 .t'el , tek. P. W. Performance% to
tr-1 rottner...v. h tlf an hour after:opening. Price of adults,
(! c nts ~ No half price.
42 Among ;he et elf protocol !Crites attached to
t l- 2. S 4T10.V.4L
b. ) Will be f-nod the natnea of IL Sr. Franklin. the Chain
!' Pioil vallitcr• ah.t - the nrst yermllle pereriner In the
world: 'dad. ' LldliCe nroWer. d Grareull 'and ba'ring•
207 1 FAtteatrienne: J. it. Cadwalladm. the great 1 and gia
: 31 ' 1 4, horse rider: Frank Brower. , the original and.popular
10 clown;-W.. .b , hnw.n. the feta:lies. lore bark rider and
bur lie leaner: W. iiiinfoide. the great pertlyming am,"
i and unrivalled gymnast: Medlie Pauline. llad'lle Ant
! geline, R. toldhana. J. Kinnevf and a full cortpot of Acre.
• bats. The leading members Of
lAre Mad. Virzinta Shtrwiand. a lady alqmetrien..unri.
- sated far intrepidity and skill;'.). E. Wants, the areal'
musket clown and Stump C. -E. Stertrood. the
great character Luke 'fivers. the "lightning ri
der:" 11. Itertin. the celebrated acrobat and equilibrist;
Master Cbarlea. the infant ile,Wander ; H. F. Nichols. the
accomplished M., ,, t,e•01• anfur ; 31adliel Virginia 31.,,
ere; The Sherwood Sister*: he Jenne Grimaldi. the Lil
liputian clown; B. IlVynhald; Master Roberts; Master
Hubert. and any others of acknowledged ability.
N. B.—Thetis companies will not divide at any time
ddring the semen. under any cirruntetances Whateter.
. -and the entire strength of the double establishment Will
be brought fosward. at every place where they may be"
advertised. •
Tbet Ifinmensit Resource.
Obtained by combining thmot two extentive and w
known troupe& will allow the utanamemedt to give their
entertainments upon a scale - of-mactlitude nd splendrr
unequaled In this country. end unsel:tossed in any oth
er. A great variety of perfoimances new in this : country
and peculiar to this exhibition. will be found committed
In the bills, and for nevelty.ivariety. and et, rlina
live power, the proprietors Challenge comparison. as It
. would be impassable for enfesta listment organised on
a lees extensive scale to sife;rd newly the same variety
in their routine of enteetalm n , D i p .
The Collection of Highly,Trained'Hotses
In of itself an Eiliihition tv6itty the educated Ponies.
Romeo, Juliet. SMAlbark, Bjack Hawk, Young America,
Jack Cade. January. and Beesoring, ate unequalled for
beauty. sagacity. end perfect training.
including all the; performing florae and PlMies.. the ,
Carriages of the performers and the luggage vans Used
by bath companiele..w ill enter town early: on the day of
Exhibitien, and parade the 'principal streets. headed by
Prawn by Ten itteantiful Cream entered /formic forming
pageant of linpoting splendor. The public era earnest
ly to witness the public entree, in order to gain
au idea of t his metemot h establishment. The AA Wilratde
performances Or Vito floras Corne t
, Bsitad I
the beat that eseritraveled,:will milieu Ste progress of
the Grand Procession. while the String Band, including
the Entire Grand OreheitinSfrotn the National Theatre,
Philadelphia, will furnish appropriate accompaniments
to the eXerclees of its Arena.
A new and extremely attiaOlie feature In the represen
tations of this C. to will be found to consist in the
Grata Itagio Pantomime, •
WlTTri.t TD)' ,
A plate replete with IFanderfni Transfortnattans. Magic
,Tricks and Illusion,. Lonstable Incidents and Setrprito
ing Effects, and which will be produced with all timbal
enetumes. priapert les. and appointments used during
Ale trjumpbant career of mier our. bemired comment's,'
nights in the city of Philadelphia. wihre It was unani
mausly.prancunced the Met laughable and perfect pan
tomimic epeetacleerer. brought out. In Amelia. Tbls
pantomime is entirely different from, and is on a greater
scale of magnitude than anything ova pruriently at
tempted In any travelingi exhibltlnto. - The "Miser of
Bagdad" will ecritilu I. feeil 'evening's entertainment. '
'— Air VDT fUrtAer partlealals, see larpaad small Ws, at
ills hotel&
Will stela. ezhlldt at
50 16%
• 50
St) 60
ill stt
50 00
50 7
5( ; •21 1 , ,,
150 al;
; 12
541 t 451 i
50 S 4
4 r,
10 110(1 1
100 t iR
50 54
25 25
25 8
50 00 I
50 I I%
viIuABLE , coAL_,l.Vinp FOR
sale. In wrmaint vauni, Liizerne:manie. Penn
aylvaniit.—The Fubsertber has -been 'appointed - by She
stockholders of the North Pennsylvania ('cal Company.
and is fully empowered to nuke sale of &lithe - properties
ortaid Oompany. They are a ditty incirporated Com
pany. and their charter , . as well as their lands and per.
sems3 property, is offered for a&/e. • '
Their lands consist of about i l acres. situate 254 miles
northeast from . the town of Wilkesbarre• extruding from
the Susquphouna river on the west, to Mill Creek on the
east. cromed-by the North branch of the Pennsylvania
Canal. by the plank rosePfrout Willieshatlre to Pittston,
and by the route of a thartered Itailrowk expected to be
soOn built. from Scranton to the Nauticeke Dana 9 miles
Woo Wilkesharre: They are chtdre• and cnretn]ly
lectdd coat snd faint lands.
$l,OOO RENT.A.ab
HPREIS in consequenoe of it
havinz been made known to the subscriber that
some 'relies,: person or penoms did with malice afore
thou:lit circulate rumors ta the effect) t hat Fashionable
Ibffi. Capa and 'lent letnen'sd.' urnishln; Goods have been
f .rtnerly kept in Pottsville is good and an cheap as now
toid by the suhicriher. at the New Store. next deer to
the Pottsville sense," In the boronz'i of Pottsville.
aforecaid. Notice is hereby 'riven tits, said rumors hay.:
inz no toitnriation in fact. the above leeward will be tin
diately paid to any person or persons Who shall thorough
.l4 eti'c.ed in suppro , slnit sash fraudulent rumors. or to
any person or persatis who shall lead la the dkeovery of
any establishment where Ch,per o irnore Fashionable
II Its and raps can be pun•liased than at
,1 11/7EL C..' TA Ytt)
?u• ril y Ital. Qtp Lind Gnntlemen'si Furnish ing Share.
Next c1 . .0r.t0 the ••Pnttsvitld louse." in the lairou.4h of
Pottsville. aforesaid. REM .
At the City flat k C Store, nest tiodr to the — Pottsville
Uoit.e." Pottsville, I.
April 26, 156
Artniteigelos Pat4nt.
'll l /1E SUBSCRIBER etills the attett
tiootof the pull to. his superbir
N1:11.11111NINi.; , 1t.,1s nett fully admitted on
all bands, that every building. to hefr‘erure from the des.
tructb.e. Influences of I.l.4lttnimt.. Should he provided
yri , h ago d conductor. The large tcuteberof Tombless
Reda that are put up makes neeelaory for purcha-era
to exattane the merits of the difteroint Reis offere4 for
sate. 1 earbestiv Invite. a riald ciaanduatiou or the
principles orrwhich toy Ileac are cobstru •ted. 1 have
put up nearly 6,000 . 1R.041a t and have never bevinl of
the he, of one d'ollar's Is of Tirtipecty by Lightninl.
1 , 1 any huibibez. to which one of nal lids has been at
-I.t, hed. I. therefore. feel _Heart I , ';uflene in ref n
mending' h , .m. not only as the bests but as the only safe
1;d it use.
following gentleinen ha% log evanilned tin,e
and given them tNdr uniti:ilitied approl , nit.n,
hive kindly n e andh p,ruil l / 4 451. to rrr,i-
ii't of Prtf.4llll
11. McNICItTItIE. M. I). 7 T Al.l.Eat. M. D.
For w.tte wholesale and ratan. at the Ficlurv. fine wt..
wl) I MI. Orden; lirronptly atteiwied
an 4 It' the lowest cash prices. Til i‘lAti A 1:11ITIOF.l.
pt tl)). lwati 174:in
I 1 AVING removed to their NEW
I, and S - PACPWS Srplt E. NO. Chesnut street.
fourt hd,or attire Tenth. tire now nrepare4l buffers large
and well select,/ st•sdt ,if -the filLiwing fresh and dela
gisets. prhirlpally of their:own lamortatl u . or
irvht at auction. which they aieMble to sell at the im
p-went' prima and tee which' thilSil 'eatiailally Davit!" the
attention of country, merchants. hidel-lieepers, and
giMerally. Green arid lenitian indovr
Shading. Barnsley and Irish Liiion Sheeting..
1(1-4. 11-4. 124 wide. Itolsterl;an.l Pillow Linens of
seyeril choke ideaebers. tared all ix tilt its,trilit 3S to 54
inches. lied itlntikets of all slet , .and gatilliti e , crib
and Cradle Blankets. ItO Quilt:tot the, following v eel
eties. viz eking. Register. Al
liantbra.'Allenttale and Laneastiti% of an the desirable
sixes. Bureau Covers. Tible 'ovi‘rs ; Window Curtain
3lnctin. Towels and Toe idling of dvery variety: Trainask
Table Cloth., and Napkins: Shirtlng Linens and Mut:.
Ifut CantbriZ
Sr. Br .:del. Damasks. Moreens.;lituliroiMe t .d Lar e and
Muslin Curtains: Gilt I.7trilices. hands Cord.4e...
Sli;:t.,PA it lr.t HARLINt; 1.;!e .
litinorterq and Dealers in Linen and Ilouse kurni.hine
(Saudis. :10. '27a 7 , 1111 " .
Philadelphia. A pri) :"!o; tuei
I)IiIiSUINT to au Order of the Or
phsn's Court of the cout.o of Schuylkill. In the
etlmmouirenith r f Pennavhrania. the subscriber. trustee
appointed by the ttrohan's Court:to make ado of thereat
emate of Jacob .P.tust.i late of the township 'cf West
itrunswig, In the C. only of Schuylkill. deceased... All to sale by public", vendue.Mn 'Saturday, the 131st
day of May nest. at cop o'clock o the attenuat. at the
Pennsyhania hLail. in the borough cif Pott‘ville. in the
enmity of Schuylkil afiresaid,--All that certain undi
'vided one-fourth part. of all GO rennin tract of land
situate formerly hi the tow ut•hip;of tower Mahantoneo,
in the runty of Schuylkill and,', Slate of Pens sylvarda.
to wit:—now in the township of bounded by
land surveyed to Franlis Spatter, Philip Zimmerman,
John [Luber. Michael S...+ltzer. BO John Lecher, coats , n.
in t o 0f.2. acres and 151 porches, strict measure. surveyed
on three adjoining warrants and surveys. and known es'
the Keifer T.tvern Trart. And also. the undivided half
part of two huride. d add tweutyl,-six acrfa of unimproved
land in Barry VatVll4lll.l.lll the county aforesaid. bou n d..
'Ol by land surveyed to Philip Woyer, Susanna sill s man,
Salomon Christ, John Shoener. ;Jr.. George Detralt and
nt hers, 'wink on two warrants. one to Jchn Fidler. d tied
th e :41 of Au Mst, 1c294 and toieto John Kiesser. and be+
log all that pail of theaaid survey n o t interfered with
by older rithts. and, sitrveyed . .under art order of the
11;.,ard of Property: late the estate of said deceased.—
Terms and conditions inside knciWn :It the time and placil
of sate Gy , JAC! /At II AMME t:, Tr. lista. order of the'orphati!s C"urt.s, Justine Born,
•Pottaville, .
Two arrecit
Grand Contioliditth.n sif the Two Lar,:est;and
must p,pular t irrus etirnpaniesin Ameriea. It. Welch's
NIT/sl.\.tL CLIZOVS. and L. It. Lent's
..VEW Ith: CfßClrti. foaming Two Diitioet Exidhi•
thun. far eNi: MICE my ADMIS.M(I,I{!
M4llOlllll mill:traveling together. and exhll , lting in
ouP telit.nll o , .rtorinericattnehed to both troupo,
appearing duringearit.and every avpiesentatinn of the .4
double estalltishment
hamburg. • • • • May Bth.''
Vittosqua t .• .: • ' . '• - 10th
is4r .
• • •i ILtxasza & /10111. 4428741.
P.ft, ll litt •
ti , great , variety, for sale by the SO,-
scriber. etztbrs , inr:
4. tiles' 41 , 3:11 Like!' snd nem. -.
\S. 4t Pruning , hvars: with or vitt:mist isvnilles,
...• ‘, %seed/az and Trsasplaistiug Fret, -•-. -;
, vast Praxing titivars, - - ... 1
. -Gnuta Cattal.; Knife, : i,-. ' -- - -
Thirr Woks. 010 0 4 TX :Mat . invtilrass Lan Rakes.
For sale at -- ,- •;- i .4 L taItANNANI3
• : ,' . Garde& See: kaki Iropleatant /kora.
Pottsville. Ail 26.165 8 1. , , l7 -, 1
Corner of Commerce & Shamokin shk,
stowcp noun Nostra or TOI ILlVLltairg.
Shamokin, Northumberland Ca, Ps.
• • . , W3I. WHAT EFL Proprietor.
3fr. Weaver would tar trm the traveling mablle,thal he
has fitted up. remldeled. and othorwlse Improved his old
and well-known tat/ern steed at Shamokin, and made it
equal. thr comlbrt and convenience. to any hotel in the
Interior of the State. He Pets (madden t • that' with the
.new fspilities thine acquired. be will be able to casket&
mega end visitors feast home. To accommodate those
who may wish to make the-National" their place of re
sort. while visiting the young and prospering town of
Sbentokln„nothinx will be neglected that hie experience
and well-known abilities as host cangurnisb: and. thank
ful - fur Foot favons,he still solicits a continuation of pub
lic patronage, April 2'. '1856- 17-Iyelt
IS,sragtac. Mich.,. March IL 1858.
T A. 13.140DE5„ Eiq :—.Dear Sir :
I • SAI tank Your'medielne to sell 'on consig.nment.
no eurtlin pay." I take pleasure it% stating its eflrwt s as
wted to me by three brothers Nt LI, lire in this place.
and the!r testimony is a fair specimen of alll have re
ceived: •
sz. Conklin told have taken ninehottles of
Christie's Ague Balsam and continually run down while
using it until my.lnogs and liver were congested to that
'degree that blood discliar,:ed'from my mouth :inn bowels.
so that all t bomht it impossible forme toiler thromh an
other chill. Th.: doctors. too. did all they could forme,
but thought I must die. Nothing di Ime any god ctn.
till got Rhodes' Fever and Adtte Cure. which at once
relieved me of the (listless and nsUset at my stoma7h,
and pain in inc
.head and bowels.: and produced a per.
manent cure In a short time."
11. M. Conklin says:—'l had been. taking medicine of
as good a doctor as we hare In Orr county. and taken
any quantity of quinine and specifics without any good
result. from '_'sth August to 17th December. Hut Peeing
how nicely It operated on my brother.] got a bottle of
Rhodes' Ferer and Ague Cure. which effected a perma
nent cum by using two (birds of a bottle."
_ -
S. M. Conklin was not here, but,both the other broth
ers say his case was the Rime as if. 3l's. I sold the med.
I doe to both the same day. and the cure was as speedy
from the same small quantity, and I tnicht so specify.
Yours. with respect, A. IiLINTINGTttN.
'the above speaks for itself. Go - d proof as, it is, it Is
of no better tenor than the cast number of lik' certifi
cates I have already published. and, the still greater
amount that la continually pouring . In to sue.
One thing more. il . .tst year I had occasion to caution
the pubUz .iu these words notice one liras who have
taken one of my geeeral circulars. saabatitnted the name
of their nostrum tor arty medicine, and then with brazen
Impudeneeend their pamphlet with the exclamation •Let
the,proprietos of any other medicine say as much if he
dares: . dc..
. .
Now I take pleasure in saying that the cautinu refer
reil to the same -Dr. Christie'si Ague Balsam" that is
mentlom-d in the above certificate.
There are auroral other ifidusttinus people whn are ap
plying to their poisonous trash all that I publish about
my Fel or and .% lie Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, except
the certificates of elites, and the certificate of th e cote
bratrd enemlst, Ur. lames H. Chilton of Now York. in 1
facer of 11 eperfeetly harmless c,haracter, which Is attach-1
ed to every bottle. 'fhese will always servo to clistin.,
gnish mr medicine from
l`roprieti,r, Providence. 1.. I
For sale be S. C. 3/ AIiTIN,`J. o. — krootVN: and by I 'rug- 1
gists cem.•lath-. .IpHl 3n. IS6II
lobs rrruTE THE MOST VAL-
I 1 1 1 ABLE jimvitorEmENT, oF TUE VW IS :tiK.
DENTI!!•:TIti. Teeth put up in till: st.lo
Ant nest. strfnrz. and beautiful; without jolntF or inter ,
sth.oK f•r the aernaludttionnf or Miler extraneous
matter. renderitur the mouth. as a ronsequener;: sweet
and pleasant, AVith these adranta•zes Greete d
ith aril% erFal favor by all wilt) lettmire hatich.,,ine and
natural inokimt teeth. Having avaikd myself of the
rizlit to 11 , 0. and almady te,l.4l.them in my pra&tle,N.
feel confident of the result in' recommen,dinr them (Jr
th, ; ; 31. D. 1,, 1,/ , >11'5+,/.N.
Pottsville. April 19. 1s:4; 10.41 in
rilllE attentton of tuversi is invite d to 1
1 our stark of the aha'Fe good's., consislial in part of
- - Ilranges. . (Irani:lts, ;; ItnNuts, ;
. . Leman& rovrianuts, , :TrPrenin uts,
Itairdtr. , ,Y - Macearni,
A Itnlmrk ; ;ehr.rolate. i
Filbert..: ; ; 4 :Swootsr.lil. Ae... I
are ,t tririrefiales. with a lite
win,h l ll' . )3' , r l :t t e :r . l: 4 , es' il . l,,en
eral diNcount for cash. lirrierri per Thai) promptly atterP
ded tr.. ' ; ;11 , lN I). eE %Rey. & 00..
.:Ito Smith IVharves, zdserd Walnut ; st, Philadelphia. j
. April 19.1 , 59
i , ; ltl-1 rn
Of O. L. Sisterly's Slordwriare Store.
I[l AXING removed •from the corner
- I of Centre and Market s treets, t& Fry & 31artes old;
stand. nearly opposite. Air. .Esterly would inform htf.!
rrielltiS and the inhabitants of this and adloining: coun
ties. that everything. in the hardware lino will niways
found at his establishment. Shen th 4 may be certain
of iretting stiperim. articles at the lovrOt prices.
metnher to earl at D. L. Kater!fa Ihrdwate Store. Centre
street. below
N B.—Orders for coal, screenp, of Est r erly & Frick's man.:
'ufacture. received and promptly attended to.
Vott,rille. April 19. Issli - le-
Platinn. Points for Lightning Rods.
(UR POINTS are tua4 of a taper-,
llnr hotly. h pure
enid to prevent the action Pf the wP t her and tipped
with rgoll,l Plat inn. They, hare been in Use for over twenty
years And has siren satistariion. PriccA.fl
el rap : 5...2. 00 1 sa 00:'e p.,lnt —the price
tryinz accordinc to this quantity of:I Platt on. Printed -
directions accontpanying each point.i Manufactured by
Mt:ALLISTER. At IfiletTil
(fistahlishell in 1790
194 (Thettnut street. Philadelphia.
airlnsulators and Iron : I ; taples fainisbini nt the low-,
est prices. April 19',1SV,
Bankers and Dealers in Exchange.,
2 doors South of the L 4 1411 . C.19 Ofiice,,Centre Street, :
Po I
1 , 117 - 1 Id, strictly attend ttiall collections
entrusted to thwai. tn.entlate Business Paper,.
Stocks. and all othet securities.
31e.srs. Ta%h.r. Itrutlate•i. Itank,•ri, New 'York. Drafts
en Union flank of London.[Uelfast Banking Company or
'lreland. Nat fermi flank of Scotland also at the ofnee of '
Messrs. nreen h Taylor. Liverpool, 1
Meesrs.. Taylor. Bru,e k Co.. Lletb. Scotland.
Vans antic on band and fir sale M i r any amount. from
£1 upwards. In sum. th suit purcbmiers.
Thiee drafts are •payable.t 'and are Rood in eye- t
ry part of rtigland. Irnituol. Scotland. and Wales. tn..
eurtent flank Notes endianged at the best rates. Land
Vat rants b , niebt and sold'.
Pidtnille. April O. 'SO tJan. 10.1 SM
el LEN N & • CO', respgeltiliv inform 1
`_j the public that they have reit:bred to:V.. 19 . 2 Chfs
wt ktr,et--.(six mores above the fortner statol.) Philadel.!
thin: where they have opened a lar're and elegant stodi i
of artiele, in their line. which they *ill sell at a small j
advance on the cost or itnnortatiou. l Among the goods
an; viz: , 1
Rich Fans for party". - bridal. and *ot4r oceasinns,
Portable,Desks. I'ort FolioS,.&e.. :
hadies . and Gent's Portable Drr'otti Cases,
Superior Fi emit Opera• Glasses. in great vatlety,
Real English Papa - ;%laelie Goods. i
Rich Decorated Frettelfand'Drildell China, i
French Cabai... s anden port Pa.'s for. traveling:-
Parisian. Basofe and Baden IVare.. 1 ..
Port Monnales and :Card Cases. la variety,
Tete a Tete and C. , rdial &LP.. in eases.
Traveling Mirrors at ,d Hand Glaakis, -
Paint llnrs on Copper. Can+ass. ke-; 1
Fine Cutlery. as' Razors, Scissors. Den Knti•,..s, Se, I
Glorrs. 4 Idor. Cl-ear. Fancy and other boxes.
Bohemia. French and Venitian GlAs 'Article.,
!Adler:Shell. Ttielt and rmiee CoinhA., ' 1
1E1)&142 and Fre4it II air: Shavinziand other Brushes.
Ileld Peneli Cases: Gold Thimhles.l.c.. gr.c.. :. i
Fine French And English:Perfumeie and Tidlet Soaps.
Alan. Mosey for the Beal Verhena Water. and the
genuine Jean Mar a Farina Eau di Cologru ,
Philadelphia, April 19.,1at.6
ut.t:s rt4I3IAN KALI ihnt„
AmnonN entirely safe and elegant prepa'-. NOTICE.
removing Tan. .strchatill. Moth or IfOr•
tor NOTICE to Boatmen and Shippers
phew. Prerkles. and other tomp4s,Ey rut:moons after- o ceal.-.,0n and after the opening of the Schuyl-
Gone; giving fairness erot elenrnots to the skin and grad- kill Navigation for the year 1656, the Rs/lowing regula ,
nallv producing a veautiful compleaion.-I'..rtre COWS do
will be enforced.
per I.ottle. GLENN'S INDIAN t:IL.
Fcrat.-'No Boat sill be put under the Salzutes'ef the
This admirable prepanstlan for the hair. has been I*-1 landings ;:f the Company for loading with Coal, unless
fore the public 11:r Terrnf,oirr y•grs. and is greatly he t....‘arealn of such boat. or some one duly authorized by
it from t 'f r,pr mimi
out. O ng the msorth I the hair. preventing, I , him for that purpose shall be present, and personally at
alling r turning gray. removing the dan- tend for keeping an account of the quantity put on board.
drug. 4:c.: it imparts to the montl silo` born hair a sot secona.-A bill of lading, in the usual' form shall be'
and glossy appearance and has tbi singular property “r , l signed by the Captain for the quantity so laden on
making it dark
ARO ark wh
MATIC ROSE TOOTH PASTE. en necessary.--i Price LSOconts.
GLENN bnar,l the boat, and no boat 'will be permitted to enter or
elearNfrom the of or landings of the Company under
A valuable preparatitM for glaing a pearly whiteness any unusual form of Bill of Lading . , or vague and lancer.
to the teeth: firmness to Ihe gum*, and let -trance to the tofu In its oUL:talons.
breath. being compo.ed of the purest Ingredients: it Third.-The Shippers of Cpal at each landing shall Per
cannot possibly injure the teeth but - on the contrary sonally, or by their duly authorized agents, keep a cor
sill preserve them Irom decay. It has been used by rect amount of all Coal laden on board each boat engaged
dentists in this and other countries In their practice:tad , by them. in such manner rs to enable the Captain or
with grant sat islactlon.—Price 2.1 cents per VA. ,1 his agent to checker tally the cargo. and thheby ensure
:rorrect hills of lading and manifests. of Cargoes for all
Thin delightful and very refreshing Toilet Water Is, , t sett
Prepared from the leaven of the'het house plant Verbe-,' °lnce Company, l, F. FRALEY, Pref.
f Lemon Tritolia: in its greeteat perfection r -it will bci; tlarch 20th, 1556. I
fk , und very useful for removing tile langour Incident to: Marrh '5O
the Spring and Summer mom hs, br for cmwded rooms.,
&r. 'Where perfumes areadmissilde. the VSybena water
will tie round very pleasant in this. sick germ. and as a j
perfuMe for the handkerchief it is equal to the best ex-
tracts. and mob more emnomleal:alan. a pirAisant change'
from ;;•ologne Water. tr, which, hi many, it is preferred.! rentsper bottle,
Price 60 centk per;bret le
As these art hies have been imitated by unscrupulous t •
persons purchasers; wishing the4en nine will please ask
for - GLENN'S." Dealers supplti , d on liberal terms.--
For sale bydhe proMietors. E GLENN A CO..
No. 192 Chesnit street. Philadelphia.:
N. R.—Perseus at a distance witching any of the above:
articles. by rending the amoartt:in postage stamps, or
otherwise, the articles will bo sent as directed,
Philadelphia. April 19 185 i 16.3 m 3
rml-. ;
, . ,
83 Dock Street,'.. Philadelphia.--
1551.—Interest five per cent. All awns of money
returned on demand. • •J' .
next door to Third Street. and adjoining the Mat Office,
receives Money on deposit daily. from 9 in the morning
until t in the afternoon : also Mrinday evenings. frcrn 7 .
t 49 o'clock. Interest is allowed On deposits at the rate
or FIVE PER CENT. per annnn. Deposits will be re• •
turned !Warhol° or in part on demand. without notice. I
The popularity of this Otficei with all Ileum, of the
community, both in town and country. and its ronse j
quent success. may be ascribed, fla part. to the following ,
entstantial reasons: .
let. It °Rem a convenient. responsible. and profitable
Depository to Executors, Adminlistratore. Assignees, Col,
lectors. Agents. and all public Oilicers---ro Attorneys,
Trustees:S.l(l.omi 'and Association,. whether intvarpora-:
ted or otherwise—tai married or Single ladies--to Stu- 1
dents, Merchants. Clerks, and boldness men generally—
Mechanises, Farmers', 511norti of either MIX. and all-who' lIICAD2 READ 1 I
have funds. much or little. to deposit, where they may I
be had at any ttme!with• Five per runt. Interest added. ' H .
AIR. PRESSANG has been ap
2d. Deprsitors receive Books. with' an abstract of the i 1. pointed Agent for this county. for the sale of
By• Laws and regulations. in which it entered their de. 1 " tfiSE.'fi PATENT META.LLICJIIDBIAL CASES,"
posits, which linolui eirvi. as voirbers. They may deslg. 1 Which aupercede all other kinds in use. Being perfectly
nate. in case of sickness, death , or abs e n c e. who abeji , ye- airtight. it obviates the necessity or hasty burials, and
ceive their deposits'. without the intervention of Execre t also preserve% the lody, from Immediate decomposition—
ton or Administnatori. Any one or more. persons may They are parUeularly suitable for transporting the body
deposit in his, her. or their name, orfor any other p erson s . from onto place to-another. The face is covered with a
or persona . . , 1, t hick glass. with metal top. which can be removed at any
3d. A IloPor' is Made each year to the Legislature and time, end the face of the wawa seen by its friends or Ile
Councils of the Cite. ' ' tatty... We might give you hundreds of certificates. to
4th. The Otileerti'are sworn before they enter upon ', corroborate our statement. se to the advantages the Me
their duties. in addition to giving ilendsorith sureties. j faille Cotrin has over_the Wooden. but the followinewlll
sth. The State Saving" Piled is a reel Savings Fund— , muffle,: - . l .l
not an Insurance and Trust Company. Our large list of ' . Wsarmomos, April 3th.
Depositors and the:Philadelphia public, bare been ears- Groitleniew—We witnessed the utility 'of your ern*•
ful to observe that'the charter avoids the busi j mental "Patent Metallic Burial Cases ," used to convey
risk of insurance. I j the remains of the lat e
lion. John C.Calhoun to the Con
fish. In order to effort every reasonede facility to De- I greesional Cemetery, whi , h impressed us with the belief
lymtore vet t o reside at a distrump from the office. their Mei that it is the best article known terns for transperting
posits are pesmitted to be withdrawn by cheeks, after the . .the dead to their bnairestlng place.
manner customary with the Ranks. $ heck Books will, With respect. we subscribe ourselves, yours. ate.,
be furnished to devalters without change. i (Signed). Maury Clay, Drills Casa, Dan. Webster. Wm.
The rooster patronage hectored Ar7ll this office by a' It. King. Jeff. Davis, J. M. Berrien, J. Y. Mason. D. R.
prlverbially eautlnns and dleeriminatingennuniseirs. and •Atchinsom A. C. Oreall, WM. P. IfAlignM, IlefitYpedr.A.
where the character of the Institution-Li best known. ii, D. S. Dieltillsolii •
a gratifying fart to which the Trustees desire in call at- i. • • ,Stuattartestiesonisisrnight be added withont number.
Mutton. r ' - GEO. U. HART, President, I Apply to ~ U. GREBBANG,
CIIAS. 'G.. 'Mit Treasurer. - 1 . -_, 2 - - Cestrestrert,corncrif Cities:
vices.h N' wt. ta.sta. • esisors4.,Tnnos, kms _ , .t - - • ..., ~. ..tied 1
• PRoci:Amatiorc
N Adjourned CourViof. Cointriois
. .LX Plows thr tlie trial of raGsen Ohne depending.edn
to held at and fn. ths manly of: Balmy/-
kill. on MONDAY, the '2Bth day of April, latoVat 10 o'•
clock in the forenoon, to continue taro weeks. -
Poltseille4Aprill9.lssll W 74. JIAT4.
CIF THE. porough or ruRT .CAR
-7R0'.41: I
. 6"ecrtos 1. Br a ordained, de., to Curb theltalowing
streets, and fill up the sidewalks of the mama, tea top to
be gravel or cinder, not less than eight inches in ;Wk.
TIPS& Main street on the south side. from the present
erotic.; to the hridte. thence on the north side to the
branch railroad leading. to Richard pones s. '— 1
Sec. 2.. Washington street, on the *tilt side, from UM
Creek to Pike street.l I
Stc.3.-Pitte street on the south ;Side. from Washing
ton street, to connect with the present curbing on Mat.
ket street. '
sec. 4., Jecks Jackson street. on t e north side. from . W
. 1
Brown's curbing. to the dill Creek Ilailinsd.'
Sic. b. Pottsville street.ou the south side, to tbeJune•
tien of Jeckson-And Pottsville streets. from the Still i
C re ek hridge,—on the north side. from the Railroad to
end apposite them:vides of the south side.
Sec. ti. Thecurbstotte not to be less ttumfour feet long,
-'and twenty inches deep, the lop to be dressed. side dreier
ed not hes than eichtinchter and, the end squired, the
curbstones not to be 1..4 than di lushes in thickness.
the curbing. to be set aerordlag to the plansmid •
laid down by the Surveyor. 1 i grade
Sec 7. The sidewalks of those streets to be filled front'
the line of the property to the Curblis. .
Sic $ 4 . & it fartitifi.ontrined. That thePsvements of.
' ei Aty font streets be not less than fifteen feet wide; sixty i
trot -treats. twelve feet;-forty fort IstreotS. seven feet ail
inches: fitly foot streets. ten l'eet, thirty foot streets S 1
feet. .
Pataed into ; an 'ordinance, November litit.,l&sB. and
directed to be enforced. 'LLACITERSIAN; C. B.
Port Carton, Apt-1119.1A56 - -J. , - 16. . '
()F' „
litures et the Borough of TORT CA11.841 4 4 - fer the
year ending February 7tb. Man: ,
DR. • ' .
For the following items. via: 1 ' _
Ttecei Veil from Udall Gene. tate Traras., 11 18 74
From .t.o,..siment Duplicate taxes: 3 006 11 - .
From Benson & Halo. as settlement. 36 12
Yuma Cbmi. Smith. Coll': of taxes; 1854: • . -
His lards at 60 days for $155.67 -.-
6111 of shovels, &c., 499 .> ,
--- 160 64
Received for flues collected, ' 1 00
• .--- fj3,.= 61
For orders cniixts'it the present oar, 451 62
Balance acct. due 0. Templin, 1 30 00
do do do Jas. Iligyins, 1 ' 400
4.1./ du do B. Marquhart, : . 23
do do do D. Roebuck, il5O.
do do do .11„ D; Mend,; - 761
. .
. ..
Ity the following liens of .Espinditurna and balances
On 4.treots and til.qhway4. vit :1
Paid Thomas Illrat. for masonry, ,.. 1,53 '6O '
Pat rick Va,zan. for labor, 4 00
(Min Elbill. carting. , ' .1-- . 62 12
lia..(rey newney, labor, 1 On
Timothy Wood, I 425 .
James Ill;nrin,g, .... . 4 08 00 i
Peter Cummings, " . • , 1 .SO
Arthur .Martiii, " 1 : . 61.00
l'brimaY Mullin, ..
1 02 OQ
Edward (\Mahan, carildg, 1 24 43
Mi , ltel Folles. " / `,. 28 .01 .
Samuel A Shepard. (cr supervistir, etc., In (3
Patrick Dougherty.cartlng, I • -. 81 50
Eiiar De lung,
91 90 .
Afilliam Calme; labor,
I . 2 50
'Jr hn I:11,v, 1 3 00
' Daniel Sweeney, ~ . 1 00
William B. Hull."* . 41 25 . ,
Thomas Doyle, 4 .
i - IS 00
Th onas Lyn...h. -6 9 OR
Ileojsmin Dutbert. labor, I 2 50
Jas. Met',,rmick, . ' 6- . I ..• 900
John Lewis.• 290
William See. carting, • I 12 74 . .
Samuel 11111. labor, • • . ''l4 00 .
ll Ittargithart, —.,.. 111 V,
I larret t Burke, cartinir. i . 1... 142
4!. McConegaii, labor, : • , .' . 750
. 1 101 no Ily'an. 3 50
. 1
Jain ils inner. " - S3l
Ileor.te Ik. Smith. surveying. etc., 40 12
Daniel 12,,doick. itiss , ...nry. I 213 50
Charles Ilaber.brldg.l , , lumber. eti... ' 470 20
M. D. Wiend. culverts. ctc • I ' 24 81 -
Henry ilititerman. spikes, etr.', . 2 OS
Philip iluber. blacl,smithing, 5 18
.1 acob.S. ilwdon, bridges. etc.. 301 S 2
John B. McCord: lime. .... 2 0.4 ,
li'harles Smith. she% els,'. - .' -: , 4 95
1,996 141
.. • .
Miscellaneous expense amount for the following. viz:. .
Paid Jacob Krebs, collector, commis.
dons on ta ve.i. 14 , 1 95
do for 41101 , 63 N ,, and attending j • .
„Borough election, . • 500 . .
Prink Nit, billets, - 1, 10 5 . .
Auditing. Borougii . accouttg, . , 9 Oft .
Benjamin Banuan.yrinting. etc.. ' 45'50 . '
J no. D. liadesty, measuring, etc., . 200
d ,,, do holding Bora' election,' 15 50
Jae. 11. Campbell. counsel fee. .25,00
U r.ah Untie, for service se constal„le, • 80 (5) .:
.. ..., ter hand euffs.... , 2 - 50
Ross Buil. for servi , e as Burgess, Lc., •57 12
4).Templin. do Town Clerk, . . 7h 00
JAI. E. tlit,son, do bras. , - al 00
Jas GiMilian. Fluid Le...'2 _ • 47 ~
John Riley cutting wood, ki...
• Town Mal Property.
.1. M. Wetherill. agt.. $1951 i 11
Paid fasts and sundry items. .36'4;
Bills P,' able,
Paid note. for nrynn '
1'4.1 o , •!o for llanielltoebnek,
To ..nlehs...qnstandiu frqm 165-1,
Itverest *taunt.'
Paid sundry item. Inierost
Act and no,,brfid D „ bt ,.
For taxt.c e't • nernted tto collector.
Paid Emanuel Strousb on account.
ilk.. T. 11. Win tersteln LalanCe of a..rount
d, , CLarlrs Holder do
Ou!,tauding Ac,...undsinr the following. ris .
EsLite Salt anger NVetherill for fillip; 90 10
Jacob lirel , s collector for balance due, 79
Jas. E. Gib, , on late Treasurer for balance due, r 26 tr 3
Ella% Do Long. do , do 2 :A)
We the subscribers, having audited and adjusted the
above tic :aunt, believe the same to ho correct
, Ag% BOLTON. .
rn, April
ELI TIIONIVSQN,} Pnrt tulitors
- _
HE subscribers, agents for the man
'. ufacturers, have just received a new article. called
tho ‘.;nloti Counter Scale." calculated to weigh from 3i
an ounce to 240 ftis. For sale et the York Store.
ottsvflle, April 25t13,1550
'f the Hamburg Smoking Tobacco
on& Cigar 'Manufactory -
10.000 bushels prime Oats: 200 barrels Smoking Tobar
; •J.0.).0,1q Half Spanish Cigars; 100.000 Spanish Sixes,
2.5,000 Cuba Extras. • JAMES S. MOYER.
Sept. 88, '55
Hamburg, Burks
S county.
• ' -
Reduce a Prices In Clothing!!
tre street. one door below Market street, west side,
Pottsville. The subscriber returns his grateful thanks
to his friends and the public, for the liberal manner In
which they have heretofore patronized him. and inforrna
theta that he has now on handle large stock of ready-.
made garments. newly rannufacturcd. nodes the super
intendence of en experienced workthau. and made of the
Kest matet lab , . in the newest fashions: of every variety,
which cannot fail to satisfy purchasers. ills stock con
sista of Fine Dregs. Frock and Bodi Coats, heavy knap•
ped and Winter sack Coats of all descriptions. Mack,
Blue aud striped - Cassimere Pants and itovs Clothing!
aacy Velvet Vests. Itisek and FaneV Satin Vests, Cassi
mere and Worsted of all kinds. Flannels. Striped and
Dressed ,S hirts. Green and Satinet Jackets, and a variety
of other ankles too numerous to mention. all of which
he intends to sell at the barest prices. He also makes
up all ktuds of Ch thing to order. at the shortest notice.
tom- Don't forget Centre street. one door below Market
st.. west side. Pottsville. A. GILLMOItI, Agent,
Dee. s. . 49-
Envelope Manufactory & Printing Offloe,_
5.-% South Fourth street (opposite, Li•
brary street). Philadelphia. Die sinking, engrav
ing. printing. embossing. ke. Original designs. business
devices, notes. steals. Ilona/ buildings.
stores, machinery, le. accunttely drawn and engraved. w,
reasonable terms. Persons at a distanee ran have theli
engravings executed from daguerreotypes,' by sending
them per express or otherwise. Die siniting andembc•
sing. Dies for business cards. envelopes, labels. ke..sca4
for societies, corporations and companies, engraved an.
embossed. on rood or brass. Office seal presses. heads e t
newspapers for common printing or cylinder presses.—
Embossed printing, for business cards, envelopes, labels
kc. • Plain and ornamental Job Printing; business cards.
eirculant notices, bill-heads. promissory notes. Druggist'
and Apothecaries' labels, plain and embossed, mannta• •
tunas' labels. tabs and ticketti. -
. .
Printing in gold, silver and colors.. envelope printfoy
salt and flour bags, Le., matiudietured and printed at the
shortest notice in all colors. Paper bog manufactory.
grocers'. bakers', eonfectionere, and all kinds of paper
bags for sale. Envelopes of all qualities anddeseriptloni.
viz.: for homceopathic medicines, self-sealed and printed
directions, for putting up medicines for sending abroad
Wedding and visiting cards engraved and printed. Alm..
envelopes of the finest English and French paper, to. fit
exactly any card. circular or Invitation. Conveyancer,'
envelopes, to dt deeds, bonds,tnottpges,&c., made In the
best manner. COLBERT,
N. B.—Orders tent by Express, ai per agreement
Sept. 22.'55
7o) Of)
4 ;14 37
(dot Bruit
Arm l tier Arctic Srpeditlenai
Another expedition is on the lapis—Lady
Franklin to furnish the means, and Dr. Kane
to - command
The Whigs :have withdraw their mettici
pal ticket, thereby leaving "eirery individual
of the patty to pursue such course, at the
approaching election, as will hitt promote an
honest and economical administration of city
affairs." •
Mr. Buchanan,
• This gentleman, lute American Minister to
England, reached New York in Abe Amigo ;
periencedex a public reception thereon Thurs
day, and yesterday reached Philadelphia,
where he was warmly welcomed by his per
sonal friends.
Fessing Lend W arrest&
It has been : officially ascertained at Wash •
ington, that forging and counterfeiting certift.
cates or warrants for bounty land, to defraud
both the public and the government, is eaten•:
sively practised.
Thlrt}.ionr,th Consrese»rirst sssssoa.
WAsU LNGTON, April 113.-:-Sgsars--The
Committee on Post Offices was directed to
inquire into the expediency of establishing an
uniform rate . olpostage throughout the United
liousE.—lite Committee on Etections re
ported againit Bird B. Chapman's retaining
his seat as Delegate from Nebraska, and in
favor of Hiram Pi Bennett.
April 22.- 7 Horst.—The House resumed
the considers lion on second readttig of the
Senate amendments to the deficiency appro
prLtiou bid; Of the fifty-five amendments
the greater part were rejected.
Among those adopted, was one 'appropria
ting $30,000 for the purchase of seeds and
cuttings for distribution throughout the coun
try through the Patent Office.
495 18
$3,717 IV
Ha R 1t15116 . 10 , April 18.—S ATE.- —The
Committee of Conference on the General Ap•
propriation bill made a report which was
adopted: •
The bill • to .incorporate the Schuylkill
Haven and Lehigh River Railroad' Company
passed. .
• liocSs--- 7 •The bill relative to granting
censer to !tiger beer houses in. Philudelphia,
'Allegheny, Lancaster, Berks and ;lorthamp•
ton counties, was amended by adding the
counties Monroe, Pike, Carbon, Luzerne,
Montgomery and York ; to change the mini•
inum lieintse to $5O . ; to direct' the payment of
those into the Treaury, and to repeal only the
27th section of the recentk enacted law and
passed. Yeas, 43 iyays, 44.
The Cotivaittee of Conference on the Gen•
eral Appropriation bill made a report, which
was ndoptild.
April 19.--SExstr..—The hill to prevent
Banks, S.tving, Funds, Insuratice and Trust
Co's", Irma paying out foreign bank notes,
passed finally.
April .111.--SEArr.—The amendment of
the House to the; proposed amendMents to
the Constitution' was concurred in and finally "
passed. It will now go to the GovelMor.•
The supplement to the Erie Wild North •
East Railiq,ad passed.
The tail relative to libels, allowing the -
truth to be given in evidence, wai considered .
and passed.
Tbe bill to license lager beer houses was
taken up, - and after debate was negatived— .
yeas 9, nays 19, as 101 l ws
Yeas—Messrs. Cresswell; EVan,• Ingram,
, Laubach...McClintock. Straub, Walton, Welsh,
and Wilkins. • •
Nays —tMessrs. Browne, Craltb, Ferguson,
Flettiiten;, Grejig, Hoge, Jamiosn,, , Jordan,4.
Knox, Lewis, Mullinger, Pratt, 'Price, Sellers,,'
Shuman, Souther, Taggert, Wherry, and-Platt,
Speaker.; -
The bill to repeal the twenty seventh sec
tion of the license law was then taken up, and
after debate negatived—yeas 10, nays 19.
HOcss.—The bill to authorize the erection
of school houses in Pottsville-Was then taken
up, and during its progress Messrs. Ball and
Wb a llo n ; and other Erie melt, reviewed their
struggle: to postpone business, and by every
parliamentary' stratagem to fight oft' the Erie
and North East bill, movingft reconsideration
of every vote upon every motion, every amend••
ment and every section. The bill, after a
struggle passed finally. The supple
ment tOhe act incorporating the Erie and.
North : East Railroad Company passed finally.
Apr - 22..—SENATE.—Nathaniel P. Browne
was elected speaker.
A Message was received from the Governor
and reatiCauttouncinghis approval of a num
ber of bills. The General Appropriation bill
wasnot among theni.
The Senate then, adjourned sine die.
Hor4.—A message was received from the
Governor intOrming . the House that he had
aigned the s9pplement to the act incorpora
ting the Miners• Bank of Pottsville, and the
bill to: restore the charter 'of the Erie and
Not h-East Railroad Company. The appro.
priatiOn bill, and other bank bills were .not in
the list:
Al g:
SO 00
2.1 "0
2 00
A motion was then made and agreed to
that the House adjourn sine die.
Six ;hundred arid, seventy one bills and
fourteen resolutions have passed and•been
signed by the Governor.
Vinfrous youth gradually brings forward
virtiMas manhood.
A effort is going on to organize :1
Reputaican party in Cdifornia. The effort had
bi.tter be. to unite all the opponents of the Ad
ministration in one boric.
the 4/Whets.
'• N 0.2,
Chan:oo FOndry.No.l.
Scotch TIA,No. 7.
Artaeriaati Bar, 11.innuered
Castings, ton
Boiler Ylateas,No.l, ICK, tbs.
Azles,Ant.linueered, ton
• .• Ito lfed,
It. It. S!piten.
Arnrrioan, 104 NI.
Seat blitz, 100 Iht,
Pig Galena, 100 lba
Chester County,
Foreign, '
Bar. No. 1.
Wheat sour, bbl
Rye ••
Corn meal "
Wheat. red. bueb
white "
" yellow "
Cheese, per .ft'.
Coffee; '
Hama: 66
Mesa pork.
Butter,dalry, " , "
&Inleases. per gall
oil linseed. "
*hale crude.
" " winter,
" lerd spring,
" - sperm, spring,
. winter.
Wheat Flour. Dbl., $ 02 Dried Peaches. per' 60
Rye Flour. bbl., TOO do do elapsed, 225
Wheat,busbel,l 50 @I 75 Dried Apples; par'd. 111
Rye, do 60 Eggs, dozen, , ' ' 11%
Corn, do , CO 'Ratter. per pound,
ilate, do 4O Shoulders, do .' si4 10
Potatoes, do 60 . Hams, - do 30116 10
Timothy Seed, 4 Co nay, per ton, 25 00
Cloier Seed, 8 50 - 'Plaster. do_----
• (Retail Prices.) '
Very little change, comparatiesly. has been effected
in nor Market,' during the part week, The pike of al.
meet every article remains the same. with • 'very few
ItIIRAT PLOITR—SeIIs at team $9 to $9 60
and Rye at $7 Z. Ryb Chop at $1 10, and Corn Meal at
30 eta. tit Iresbel.
GRAlN—Wbtte Wheat still sells at $1 75 and Did at
$1 50 ? be. Rye Is 90. Cote 75. and Oats 45 ets.
MEATS—No change.—Reef sells at from )2 to 14 cant..
Ib. roc choke eat& and' firm 10 to 12 for common pie-
Hatton is from 10 to 12 cents it th Veal from t
to 12. and Pork &emote to 14. 20 for hams; and 16 for
dried meats. tongue in.
Salt Meats am a little lower. Thonidets are teet h fr om 9to 10. and hams from )2) 4 to cents 10.
FRUIT AND VEDETABLES—AppIes ere selling' at
. 91'00 to SI 37 V be. fat hot 'Potatoes trret CS to ;Oda
Ootomsl. 00 end Turolps6o ets. bushel. Parsnips re.
tail at about 1 /.13.5.11 bushel. Saul) 00/t 00 for ptant.
log 20 etc per qt.
PROVI3IONS—Buttee nttaill at 23 rents
Eggs 18 etsla dozen.
°Roam Es—F Altana kr- are abcat the sere. ' Core.
mon Elenarbells at 5. good Yellow. 10 and it hits from
10r to 19 rants w tb. Cheese 1014 sod lard 14 cents* R.
Month, Rid is worth SS tO, and Cleat 950 ip tra
I and Rettne.
utr sell, at from $9lll, pt tel toe. Clover Ell is 41
I. Mixed 1t5.T.E.22- 31eadottbay the seine. ' 1111,d Ernt4to
' Sf". 11a, be the tale is sold at 9,50 pe... MHO .
- none in market. f , sit fl berAtk,
Fresh VIJS are ittirplenilfuTin otirn7arbata, 11 Plit
Sell* at 12M
eta.* !b. Calliab at 0 413 eti iiit artjak
hit 1.0 V*. , Med ms wit dr Ali*
- —O, 20 CL
*25 (40 . 4'25 U
34 004 5(,!
55 ow 4iP w
4;4 O( 50 64
55 0005 Poo
0 On@ R 5 W
45 00@ 75 cc
40 013€0 65 611
•47555 5 OL I
17554, 4Ot
- 44 --I
- '
- -
28 00_ so of,
'26 000 'l7 00
35 COO 36 00
Ct6t cE 00
I Cb 046 . 67 b 0
f' 7 beE -1 (1t0 011
10 OCC6 75 (0
4 370 60)
9 00t1 ]4OO
5 00(E6 660
- 22 00
22 00!.23 001
26 =23 50
25 006} 260 p
76(5) 7no
7_004 775
cD 891
—0 700.
--0.• i 2rl
3 00
1 65
1 65
6 121 t 9:41
4 0006 76
1 72
900 6:6 960
1 40436V46
14096 so
80(i " 93
48 a iS2
big 65
32'0 34
D %
@ M 13
11 11}f,
, 8 ce. 10
10% @I 12%
el 9
18 00
17 56
. .0 ft, 23
17 0 24
el. IN'
; i oe, 41'
SO 6 11.3
i3@ o 96
990 93
• 183
2054 210