/ j~! j~2)■}w] . . , wALtzt AND TIM • a • - it.. Vii{ t f s.? h 7, 1 ,) • , I,t'• avr v Ntfore-d- , ." - •• u .!ry tit"- Sims , (mitt , tin grUw) n au 40. inns 4_, dicrplay. r rs " Si alt cnre for Kinney th , ugli valiant he ter. : ran eaay and forty isuch be t NV , I c•-,u afo.o tablet tht natireß sihates er ti:k;s way .ay-- ;O -let as gti la totrioan for .left-ra-gu-d..” th'Sittalk the gallant #Tacker attempted for to land. l 11, Nave ten atotuntnfi:grisasers all ranged upon the wind y Ten thoutandl , panish gretm,ra and the Captain hid did .•W• J 'lt ,;,tive glira I reckon In Nlearogir-a ltitldly we lauded and lartalialy we did ti ht, il i..{4,...r.tupzut bad enlivened iu ii eitztitil at their uuluber all &tad or d; Lig lays A zid -.re entered all iu 0017 In Tti 4 tiql. l o4 Colonel Wheeler our bravery did cheer, S.tyv it .1 —my noble berove. I'm glad to see you here:" A fl are u lota of brandy In tumor of the day._ NY item he ra'ognized our government in Niatniku.a. Thtn-Farker French as }Haider to W thineton did go, A .treat attention to him the Preatleat di,l2*how. ' trtrk and hide your hand - whiffle: - great Franklin Pierce did nay. By dna bye I'll et cognize you to Ntcaragrea." Then hurrah ye Filibtrders! the enemy comes on a en el couabate—ritnbounut el Canon a!4 4 ) / 4 14. ms .res del N arl .n A ad viva el Colonel Walker de Mearagn-al DIE reply of Mr. Prentice, of the Louis•. rifle (Kentucky) , Journat, tonne months since, to a person who had challenged him while on a hnsittess visit at Little Rock, Arkansas, has beet, much .csminented upon by the public preis North and South. In that reply Mr. Prentice said:. • "I'tesuming that yonenotes are written to me with a view to a duel, I may as well say here,-that I ha% nut the leaSt idea of aceept= ing a challenge from you . There art nnitiy persons - Jo whom my life is valuable; and however little or much value I may at lath to it, Qll tnY own account, I do not beal tit at pres4nt to put-it voluntarily against vents • dull% 'waut.your blood upon . 70 'hands, and I doilt want mine upon any body's. - I hare nut the iezi.,t desire to kilt you, r t hartn,a hair of your head, and lam not of *ing dune any thing to make wish to kilt tile:: etc., etc. When we tirst i s:tw this correspondence is the daily newspapers, we called to mind a vi r: I..ttittab:e circumstance said to hare cc c.a. ed iii Alltaniv, during a session of the Le• g...lat m.• at the Capitol, several y l ears agu-- 7 of c t,its`t; before 414' pri)l,ibiton - of duelling -by statttie in New York, Sutte. , ‘....,, It w.,. -.::,.xvit..it„l ! ",tical time,iiido intflo "Nrovils'-i ;•.:. ,•• •' 'O.: - by a 11,•;,t. ql mem "- - tl,.• •• •11 - .•..tt,' ' tcrm," touchitt; some. b - I charitter 11. I ! rgilier Ci • ,e rim ith d i r:;.o 4 r.no-rni.tr.liv a"a frieqii as •htler ealied ut the'latigqii - 2e of =1 chef:.. • ... I , it once, neeept P:•.:,5,..1 . 0...01 . th1s - f n.:lrv:tens, the Mel . ° lli • expvet yulor friend?" •"11,r:.': want 1.-t'Lly• friend, - said the chat 1 ; 3;7. "I waivit all such advantages hair 3 it he I k ut It is . not accord to cou- —%, l a,a N vaponts?" t, it a;r id Jr ', .•'l,,v al.( r'to.tilOrrSoN, ut twZ.lvto o'clock at "}hl t die Saint Lavirepee. Yot l ir 1 4 4.11 un, Hide of the river, .t .111 I ~;(11.1 VII the oilier, and Wt . ! will cr9w•ned: This is no je,,ting nuc!, , r, tiir. y",) are ma st-ritisr iy;' yes I the Oa. I .o. f .j.l,ltatly a rittqa to the choice of weapotis. 1 -- -livil—ves--:Sir: but not to unusual wea• you:" in unusual pl. Lees." , V,•ry pistols will not be objected to, PLC c~uu'~r~ -.lBAl:redly : nut : dip gentleman:B wlapn." ; -Very, gond then. We will meet to-morrow the little village of and at - twelve ; ',::‘,cl,, precisely:, we will fight:ontfte top of :;,,:z.u-Flat' standing back to batdc, .nhirching ten paces, then turnag and firing. 1-1:1 /fiat arrangenient be satisfactory?" • "it will. We shall 'he there." - Atiti the parties separated. Now "Sugar , -at - the place af'Ore',aitl,'" %vat ex. actl ) what it's . name izupqrts; a nharp, coni- cal pillar of ground, remarkable all the ins nodal& country: round fur its peculiar furnia- =II The tiine . arrived, and "the Parties" appear. e.l oil the grouttd; 'but the state of the ease •• • .,;;anrd out' verytptiek. •+.ir'" said the stteuntl, as fie arrived with :tiinwt breathless . ..principal" at the apex. the Sugar loaf, s.titi surveyed the ground tuts is a/I'd/Ler ' subterfuge: What apiece i, this for a duel with pistols, 's to back. awl is rur , Arieni march of ten Sir, both parties would be out crypt prees,let al, ue ten; and. in t to ',ire y. 1.1 wu,t fire ititu the, gide- ME S uch the ttltt r fur toth es:" all. „~, r_• , l i6~, , pail) . 0( ti.e ,atonal part:" "wo la,rha:t cl l ualitc, thehq %%Ich it, hot al theoh.l*.ril 00%41:1: - •, ih.cll.:.ll,,.,:jaii••prin•ripar then, - • /inalei;Kto4)(l: :•' "prlncipal," ,Laggers at him; =ZEE , =III =I \\ ,. .t . :;! A ,1 mej" ..flit ~ (.., ,-,a2:- . t', it the tiv , , •liarlies" that ..,.i.t down 1:.:..: ~z,:ep 6;,i,.... , ,t . Sugar-iiatf liill. a .. .Jr ihle .ocr,: idioa; ere :LS diffiCUlt (.( \4O .iii , ta a+ W . 1...11 : Ile V aseeti .d it jos; a:,...i, in ,ro. , .er', that they were a. - e dit. -retir-1:1 !cut lir .3, 0 •i•i' , ...i. 0,,e party_ :as 111:l I a_, Ltilti :it.: 01:It!C %, ,V.LS .. i I rt!"1. I[l.lil;.f Mt 0 I • . • t t• I t . came ;A:ter alt. height 01 that duel. rvgarled, it seems to Et. I 3kitnelliing leB3o l, in %ell"x9 wa h.tv6 set the as Leh re ot,r reailerS. W,.; H ;.t.trr whu urly we.u r b , ,ell./01 :1 • tilt. 11 . 41 g!it •%vaili7t there, kv.i; uu the ti =use tiiftis cluwii,) ask a "how• Joho:Rogers gut bona arSthe au,' whether he was to in; to" cook it tice,•udicg his iiitg . ers tar a grid- ;-,J1.1,.?“ • Fact (..)imistrtP.—"Pap, I phtiited, some pots. Hi our garden,'' . rmici one of The snout youil!s of this generation tp his futher, • Wha:t. you think eittite=4tr .!'whypoixtoes. of cootie:: • "No sir•vp! Thi:re came-, up a drol'e of hug,' and eat theai ail The "man gin in." lutist, PARAnox.—A thirst for gohl is tie- Aointed as uoreasonahle by those who never. theleas tipny teat it ;s a thirs(fur •buinething EMI :.oun itivocerate says that, although the cold weather augurs well fir it is deci .L. ( I ...dry - a • . . . . . - . "."iiii.tiirNiTi;l:t.oic who camposedr - tbe•lli. amiimem.-iirnint-e ngaged uroin a poenventitted ; h e I.ji4lliyia. . Esc EITRAORDIXAIM.—LRet week Inrotlulled a :door, and threw up a window!' . • a . .Nii;tl owe t4i lie 1i944e, 6 . 4(0 : i4!"-w'ants to by repairitl. ref: uY Ir;tit.7cyr.—•An , it•ftirrd ' • • • WHOLESALE CLO hitH., Simon EL: Snyder. J. W. Grubb: So. 262 Arorth &c d . Street (welt tidr). October 20.'35. 42-1 y - ._. BOYS' CLOTHING. TLIE Sti 11,3 It 113 E R,, %Youl d respec,s' i - fully ini min th -' -ir numerous ft:i n - ids and enstomera oil • ...ylkill County. that their assortment of Clothing lb; i Y.mitg; t.trutlemen it lumil larger than .ever. and the i lk are7.lit poet! to tell 60,2 p. yeraorni 11.14 :it a lists:nee . have the privileg,e of exchanging clot hint; - purihit.sed ail er..rner of Third stri;et.„ l'hiladelithia. Inenrpora led , iy the State of i'engssilvanis in'P-4t... . 1 , this store, if_ they do not suit. .- F. A. 119 Yr A - uttoTnEtt. ', wive per cent ioterest ts give ri andy'lle money is always O-o• .1. Chestnut St, corner il Tenth, PhiLsda. paid back whenever it is called for without the neeessity h April 22. 1e:55 . ~. , i r of 41%ing notlct , or it beforehand. ~. ~. .. I ".` . 1 People who bate large sutras put their: ninney in this BOYS' CLOTHINC. . .1, Saving Fund. on account of the ; surattior;safety arid con ..., imolai - tee It affords. but'any 111.1111. til- , i RI smal Is re THOMAS & TILIACK.RAY) - ' ~ ~ 1. eels ed. 1 . t' .1;0. :Itil.i . f.' , ,r.saut S.'rvet. above kite, i'odutivi . phia, ii . - This Saving Fund has more than hall). million of dol 1-lA‘.E constantly. pit hand and intake. tars securely Invested for the aafety dripotditors. to ord Ih er iT'S ClATiri NG. id' the most Itnprered The office iv open to receive, and ply - .itiottey eve day ctv es. Personpt fro - m a dlitanee pinehaFing at this ev ' froto 9 o'clock in the morning WI 7 6 .. .d0ck In th nitics. till p, ,clack even l labllshment. have the pelt age of changing any artlelei ign. and on Nlonday and Thursday eve ~ I People who have money to in. are kniitend to.call at N. B.—A large ass.rtment of. Paten which may 11.4 anis. •r: - Patent Shoulde - r-seam • ' i the ale.. for further infortuaftep. ;:i; .;,, . • . , Boys' Shirts. together with a general att..rtmenti r 4 I HENRY 1, - . BENNER. 1-N4filent. Youth? Furni , hint fic.c.di. whkh ice are prepared to seh : . ROBERT SELERIDG E.' r, ci, Preridetit,. ...• wm...t. REED. Sscrotori%. . 1 ' • ; at low firh.em tiflr rash. '. . &Member 1.'55 . 35. e. _ .., 1 : Nair 1.4.1f5.5 'Noir. 'IL liffia. it-A' : 20- m . DECOU a MIDDLETON. ,-,%11./1 BOXES (.11E:111c1.1. OLIVIP . . •., , NI PORTERS of, and dt;,:altiriitt L eilili SIP .l extra .".,, bvxei Chemical 011ie Soap. medium quality; i : LAND STEEL .A - 0.13 Nurth Warr Street, aim WO ••• Brown. Pale and Family Soap; . • . • i• , nude/pit - a. April 7; litiS 14-1; - : . 100. ‘• • Genuine Castile Soap. mottled; ' C F SH-OEN ;•• . white; . F . E — R. .".. -\. 200 - Stuariiie and Adamantine Candles; . Mr holekale Dealer lis Booisailioes. vio - Tallow Candles: • -. , ;. ; E ; t'l •- I RAW AND 14141 LEAF II , . : tcy, rusks Sal Soda ; for sale In lots to edit enrchi _V, I VI.; Ar...rth Third •S red i:l"l4ladelphirt Fe PK, by 1 ..... MAULE & DIXON., ; 1 3ann , rw ill liisfl t t] ,'! i 3-1 i',l,m)ais..tioa Jib rella tat. No. Z-' .South Irhurrr.s, Id does etie.r.t Ce-otot street; Plapterphla. Ja..19,'56 :34;m . . ._ . IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME I d. Th. be tad chel,i)c,l br direr in use . DIPLOMAS have been awarded foil the abate b; the Peuris%ls till t h ate A erieultura• • octet) the New Jettoo, state Agricultural Soaleta tin Schuylkill counts txrit ul tur 11 tsni, ty, the Berke cohn N B Miners'claims given particular attention ty Agrkultural Society. Bucks eountA Acricultural 'spel ' energettcxxUe puolud ety and the New Castle Agricultural •. 1 a.iett Delawarw i Philadelphia. Pet 22, 'SS //kk-Prite- $ lO per tam of 20.1 Ms 'lda ' t• ......_ _ ALL & \ IihDLIN I NOTICE. 23 s Wharves and 3.i q Ni AA•t stre*lt Philailelphi`t• 1 Bea ,nr a I.tv CII, Agents in P dtsville TI SA T ING purchased the entire This tertiltzer has been used to a gn at extent II ill* Or the late UFO. w.ltllltili AI & 00 we shalt thAnkful for a continuants aif the Me farmers or ii.rkg and._`!,hll,lkill COUli 11 II with great sue I ralpAtrona.” tastowekupon Jir. Itidlota); a d ese It only needs a trial to commend itself. Bee 2q, .i& , 6,,, j , having nindt 'trringenients to be tri entietaut re. ipi of 5 a full Ass. 'intent of OILS we rid confident we eau ,five YOUNDRYNEN,MACHINISTS& u. .- --.—...—- Tataix - I e n ure cstisfaction tn the customer, et the late Ihouse a t . PURI, ES, N. E. corner South andl an , respeettull% k brit the trade in general to call and exam hie lur stik It is fore pureh.sing elsewhere I .: Penn .tret ti, Hill tdeliihin fin nt.his in 4'ol C011ptI) Nllfellt.l, a el: IASI) al,' ant Oh pt: Tr .c] she t iron Si ld r, • tyre bricks. p, it . 4, P1 22 Is '•:. 'IT No. 1.. N 'il irtnes 1 able Gorges .1 , It,•r block tin Teed bun try inouldlnzi • PEELLADA - SITROEONS' BANDAGE INSTII mull: , who 4s antimony.lttiltrat nut I mind of Al 1 ..\ ,4 a r.h WI 4 reef is.ote 31 el• rl I kiml.. bra.::. ld capper. Ace ,de Its is Also, td, ski' ii wrought suit it F, rip iron nid Adler natal, It is hi • ) C. •EN EREI " I " S Patent (4iiindu d,,ii,•t ‘ a , Atm .41tYttr1 hind aft and nthers at idistAngi )6 atin • Prtr , tin Tru-s IA 11l cute } illi - ...,. (r ,u 1 the city. lir turtn,hing an tint, le they may warp tun . after a van other ii struinynt bestial „... . t 57 in their business. Aril Its not tllCllliillt It 1114 h, nb ,tt i eel %moll an And kr, nth I'. usf. A 51i3lIn111) will be p.,•inn•l a d brwarded ant• inquiry in thi I applied,A superior Article of silk;ii d ..rtt I, elnsii. above line will be promptly Answered. ' etn•king• kt,ee cape 1.1 t• de_ me trth leFr f binitdaits A. • l'elt‘ It shoulder breees supporters. awl instruments Cori defor .r . • N. E corner South and Penn street!, i with, I,.'s ' l'hlltil,lphyi 1.• 1.4 2.-' to," I 3S-rin ---.-- I PHRENOLOGICAL CABI NET . FowLER. , , u Llt 4 ; A i 0., •.r.z., ,iliben nologpt s and Pul lish, rs 11l an ir Was 111 1 ' 1 I off S.v nth Phil tli,lphis (urna works on Phrenolo•.t. I kit slot° •) 4 Cure. Meg netiqn and Ph , tiographv ...Ile and retAll, at `sew flak pile, • , ussionAl exanunntt•nor isith liert , full written dte ripti , [l4 tit l hunch - toil ••toning Vithniet fro , Pinta tetthi t February 24 1 , ) , a•I ' COLEMAN'S CUTLERY STOr ) " CLOTHING PALACE-CARD. CL.oilltan OP A , ILTE.P.IoR !.a.U.ITI. IT THOMAS P. DILL & CO.'S ~• . -, Gh\E.4T CIIEsSr 1' STREET C3lCot4iXlg* Eaniztoie. 0. 165, one door beloiv 501„nor't111 side. in the new Iron building. ...en-wants alei %pant to purvhose a finer article of reit . dY - Luada dot hing than ha. , i:ver bef,re !wen offered.dit , d, gentlemen who would please theinselrei: in any garntent ' for then wad driifves. or in nail for their sons. Orniulif I b, ihiseistalili,litnent. an admirably in keeping hrough ; nut. with tbe Street of !la whic h \it is lb rated. and purcha, the twat% whien ..an alone satisfy !a : LiFte. rinks er single garinelit9 tit& ,U.der nt, .th. str,rte,.! hotie. A in!! rnrniaiL .11%14A-rod. tbjw:l, the:larest si j Fashion. and tj,:ket-inario. , l with the inwi•Kt :^nalopriT. Ir l j jilatn't.nzurog. l'hilatra.lirtninl . :3, • • U. S. Insurance. Annuity and Trust Co„ QOUTII E. ourn 2r Third 'a.nd ('he.4• ; 04ut street's. Philadelphia.—Capital sl:so.na)ib Mime , is received un .41 daily. Th,- deposi , ed i erroil in 1)011:111bit Itavk And given to the Depoaltorpir if o prefurrud, a eertitieate will be gi ten. &II SUMS. large allilsalail..trvrcieeived. and the itmouiiii paid back on demand. without n o tje e . `;. Interest lb paid at the rate of fist per crul canniiieh tram the day of &pied t. and ceasing fourteen dais; previcius to the withdrawal of the • oney. i . 1 1 ilb the first day iil..lannary. eacli'year. the interne 1 of each dep sit is paid to the dep•fsitor, or added to 'tiu priii;•i pal as tii% may Cher , :npanc i1r1 . 1,1, now up W:11 ., 1S , if 1.T.,00 depomitore ‘ li the -its of Philadelphia alone. ~ 11.Fi'lliti EIIAT'RS AN h WATER kILTEIII . EVAN . , prevniont Ventilated' Itefrixera tors he and pt.-serving Meat. Butter. ;Nlill,:r. :Der. and 6.3, for cult oar) purp set.. '. at er. I lit ercrs I. ill iris; brackish or . muddy water. ran .14...104 .eparat4 Etched to the Itt.frigrranes-',a 11311:.itIatitil.) ~/ P log the e hole in I it, vvarnteit it ea: hiq , ,i ! hp,. in Slot v : unti fri'f:, A:/e, Portable Sliewer Maths, arranged ft ..r . ; wetm or cold Water Coelers..or betels. st•tres and Xtv.ellitigt Trucks, for utoviog boxes, balet:..erateS.:B.c.; Seal Copying Pres , es, and Druggists' POi.vea. • Establisbed in Is:t;,.) !- ' ThhlVEl l EV. 01 S. Seeend street, '2,dsterX below t , . . C O., Phil.ele'llia. lel:to:try il."01 ' ', , i ' . tr-1 M. W. BALDWIN & C -' , . • ---- MUSIC PUBLISHIN 0 SE ' - "Cli - . 1.1 Etiginieers, • ' i I ! .. - El , si i , ,C,,,,,- - , , t 1 . , . 11, ' 0,14 . at•• 1 Ulm i.'t" , ~ .r.'ls• l'" l,, i;lP' ,l a• ittlaite ' 1 i "11_1. ,wpe_ ~,-Iftl.'sr.','.L.,;',-,—,,-,,-.t.,--hul-„,'! „ e - t -..u,; i ,,, , , ru , s . , ,,,fri rn il l i n d,o, li p w lii tos a t re po co pl i i \V road heir it.hletli:ltt ( us . .n i t lon e a oiTII RR.14i.!4-1 1 'publishing th ' e lia la h tes i thore in . the United States, in a siile . fhs ' i will % Property. le their Sp!, m. ,if L.r . ..,,,,,,,ti,... Enyi es. I:1 whiat f toy' issued at any other house, either in this . they are tainted to the p trticti ar be A t t ie t ,„, , fer vii i i t l i i i ' : :.f. ' 1 they tots 1.., required: by the use of one. two. time Jr ' br , r k i i ' u e N , L e i ; e also t.ti ,; plmsitte to an i wo i nc ,.. to t h, Prue ptir of &Ding wheels : and the use of the whid,,i, 1 that tinvilv - stoek of Sheet MUsie onlianti,:eonsist ors. tit ueli of the w - eight as s on; and in necoututtelating .ullS be dAr3ble for aLlh' i artiest and west. complete assertmetrt WI be faun them to the grades. cur 'et, vuntry; they are constantly tultlinkeio th eir at. c strong h of nape, .trocti6n.' and roll and work toTl.l t . i t New M usie•published in New York. :iinsiinl. &e. done. fly these me iit •-, the maximum useful effect of the , ' ' They also Publish several Instrueththiltioka.wl power to secured - 1v ith the least expentet far attentlatica.l cost of raei. And :ep.iii, to itoad and Engine; With thine, 1 D.general use throughout the rountry.ir: PI ANUS— A fine assortuient of thji• beat mannfa objeets in View. and :is the result of "emit virarLai prartie t il eNperieliCt; In the lole.itlesS by our outer part- i , I: New York: 3101 80,t1,11, at the loweat'(.heap prici ' MUSICAL I NSTCUNIENTS. I me. e ems:lota:tore 17, e ail% rt rat kinds of - En7in,s. duet several class...a or site!. of en-11 kind. Particular atern : ;Abt, a general asvortmenter Gni ta.taiiViollns 11 lion nail to the strength ot the nutchinein the Plan anti i riut,”.. A ecordefmg. kc., Violin. Guitar and harp S, workmanship of all the detail, inn. long ~,t „ ,,q.„. „ 4„.; of the best Italian qualities. 'all of which will to ft and opie,ritte - lti,e , e,' Ght , tlltil/ : lorectilition enables' u;.l ett to the public and the trade at .014 ItOlext ratea.l t o ~11z . r th ese ett :.e lic , t,w it Is ;II :rem entire that in etitel'eti. 1 Orders punctually attended to. . T ::. i I', ' • my. ,eitenty and 4 trabilit 2.. the: "Jill compare fi t y,,,,,1A',1 - SO" All Lee ft Walker's Musie add Vall, ,, l+L:l/ , nil , l th ...- - - , -f an v': , tlicr Lief in . ns... W e also furnish f.t 1 duainutl at 11 cANN A N's lua k aIN Alti.i.• h t otd,r w h. , I=.'. v . , , iri.; ,r 1..0 I: ,br tire Its , It 6.6 1 rill":„ . tr.-. ',1,1/ ~ I. h.. 1*!... , L,Liirol..iti.ol ca,tillt!F, f r Learittga •i. '''''''' i n'' s r. ' F '' 4 ' ' '. e0,..v . ,1-...r,V1 ?, 4., ' , ..i:t . Per ~.1 1., -t Ic et and burr W.lrlt and. tarry at ti-le .np rtainine t, tit- r•letir 4,r ri•ne' , .4: of I:e et..,ti;,• 1:it,4111 ,, ., ' M. \t 11.1 I,l'lW IN. : I _, Nt A rrit El,s . it yi RD.! •• _ • - i-t r • ' Aoy nAttitius.l ntforamtion will L. given lty . : uldressihp! tho Troasorer. i tSlllialn '4. twin, 1 , 3 ,1; B. ti(hhird. ; DeVeretil. , tillAtarus 4 F/SE: .1. C. 0 EirLSC/iL.i GER i Ste•ph=u It. t'r.rw6•:d. .101111M.J1.1. 1 i.., 4.111111" , ,Se W. Ilmutpsoli. - W. Tiucl.•c, • a'co!, 1.. Fl.,ranot,. *STrelar9 end Tro coat, Tel:er aid I Hi erprrt , .r Septorulwr 5.'55 JOON WM. GUIRIT.Y Ida CO., BANKER 3 -4. Nos, 45 and 47 South lhird•Stitlet, Phill .; , i • •'; i 1 1 01 f E1( 1 and Donte.4tw. bxeli i : I• . _ 4 RFI'vIOVAL. , •: ;.. t 7 11,.1.1 and Silver Coin and 'all irtzett re I ' ' . N. oft, rirA , tof I at the hest rateti I - Exchange eIIARLES 111AGARGIE: di. CO., i i vallable - i din; ill 1110 Cnited Stet: s' j'or . all HAVis..- 0, XOVI.I. !Ito)! ,0.. ::...k ,MM,II.CE.,TY.EQ. 'lO 111 r( Lan in id " . with prompt liliSe. out retitl.td at ..'"" ' -11- ' -'t ' ' ' r" ' r "..' rf" ''" J- r ' tr l" frr ' Cl '" (s i 1 .: rates of Exchange. mark/ it phonie.iixittipt when! • Philadelphia, " , '. ruin TIMM 2413t1 Call lOv.sit , , ion h Bit est wil l )Et; to . .. - all the attention of imeeliai+ : '. , kynoi As the state of the Imo Illitib:Pi warren il),rs ;" t.li,.ir extensive asi.erttnteni of Pat...rand Pepe: obi. and Arne, bean Coin furnislied4elrithippitiga Voices'..nut i''.•: Wit .". VC., tile: Pal,rl.---f r th.4,ks,lelnrl. t•mi liens,. purposes. Exitratige available any w Sew•t: Water leaf. ...U.. d. nocallendered and 1,11161 • the British Kt Ktbui ; sialt.wr a .StY , llaYgr in , . d..eed, (dar t • itta lit i.., and prices' ale etc on haul: }laid I' 1/ , , a ,,, 1 nP. arts ,l VIA e RIO i M 3211114 Paper,.'! runt:. Et apts. itinder's IWaritri . Sales of Stock by AnOtiou. . hanging Papers . A, ..1, .I,erills. W‘l.tll, 1t1.17.0 Parti-ular att.mtirvi is inv it-d to their ex,ten.iivr a••• • Atactlitnecr . 'of Steeper only, vrtnomt ~ f '.• , l' ' " Will hold. al the ' hiirid Iphia La. 1i,, - txte rgu ar . , • 1,11 Eft PAPEBS. I 1 Sto k,s, Bo& an' SWuriti P gOTOI,IIIy. To ill . ' p r . a ,.(1,,. ~,, tr: -4.4.r,rr, ,, m.ar,fr,/, rirs ro '^rr - rrorffis ' re s. hew to Philadelphia). he will:141e on ern Anon; their. ,vsiri•-; P.lP's slois. may he tonna l ' .k.iition. :it'd solirdlsor era for rsalrl:r.r;:pufeha e Com. Note. foie, N.J . - Atlantic .Nottl, . Partite, :1 biting athatice•, ran eV iiyi , draw at This Modiuto, With Post. Perry. ; the antou tof 75 per c nt.'of arloit,;va lie: of . Quarto l'ost, ”..dintur l- - , . P . °: l'N Cal , i I the positive. unrestricted sale accaMpanying the ' - !loyal. •i' , Flat Cap. , Sup. lit," al, 1 Coinuiia.lon, tincluding every Ditrite 1. 1 4 of 11 . ' imperial. I I I upon par value, except inzart, of advance, tithe Peale /tams of every . .descriptiob. size and quality: • . per root. upon nob a 11 , 1t1 re, with etrrent rat Map P. , p , rs in groat 'variety...E'er:l , Tc J'apors. wltiit• terest. will be charged. . i:i: ii buff it it gold• tit lir laid or wove. (I,fruyti , rdperi., ftli , . N. U. A list of slkockt, Le ,in tha ilTnited Ste' glaz e d. and other var'elles, . ' ; • latest notations, can be a-OD at the' lifftre. lost • Manufacturers are twitted' to examino their stork ..' Smith- bird street. . ~I! rii • H ag ,. f, , ,, , ,j1j ) 21111 doniet.lk. Bleaching Powders, nfiat ' Philadelphia. Dec. 22.'53 proved brands : Alum, ground or crate: Fel :Soda :Sial or Ash. p e ltingA. Wire Cloths. Ultramarine, and Paper Ins .: tier's materials p.merally,. , n-g- 'I LO) a r•' als i pr. - pared to tapeorder!, of odd: siz• and weights of any of the abut, e deierlption of p al ... r i.. 11111.01. February :4, 1..,1,0. ' L j i . • •-- -- --, 1.-- • , , COLBERT'S ~ Envblai)e Manufactory & Printing Oftioe,l ":„,:".„ South Fourtlh- street (opposite: LI - qt . ) Orary .tweet t. Philailelpbia. Die sinking• eingrai tug. printing. enders-lug. tic. Original deigns. buiiinee de, lee.. notes. l•ill-brads. 151a.1.-.S,llS.Vl,•Of.”(bnildinr, store,. in whiner,., I.c. 2::::drately drawn and erniravloloru reas•olableli..rtio , . l'crSolik at ait i4tance flan hate the I. !engravings eseeuted froio daguerreoimpoe. by beirdin: ) :loco per ea pr. , or othere ice. Pie sinking 31“11.100 , 'i , •111;;;,. NO, f,,r t.u,in.. , s !: , tri15...L.,1 , 1 , 1),...1at , e1e..t.c.1.5!..1t,• I f , t . 4 Id It,: eorti •ratiens a nd•eoinpatiles. engraved au: . .tuil••••...o•l. on ..;,a.i or i•raiei, inliee seal pi ekses. heads: • • neaa.paper , foe no u ns n printing i•r cylinder presses.- rltutiossiel printing. f' r busiret, earl*. envelopes label. • Sr. PlAin and .irnatnetrtal ..h.l, Printing, husin,,,, i.,,,,, r d. eirrul tr , 11..41..04 bill heads pr0tah.,....-ry notes. Driv4;:ist. and Afritlivearii r",laliels plain and emlairsed, triennia: - tureo,',olZls. tabs at d tickets. . tattling in gild-. silver and colors., envelope printin: salt and flour 1.. a,,;:., Sc.. manufactured and printed ft i th al:tartest notpe la all' colon. Paler law manuLacton : gnxers'. lAkors , ..confectloners'. and all kinds 0f : T:4154,i ~,a v. fet sale Envelopes of ill qualitiesand des:11016n: ; 'OO4 f T h wunw.ipathiem.ti'laftegl aelf.aealed and I printe I directions. I:wetting up medicines for sending abroad , Weddim; and visitinireardsenuraved and printed. :Ala , ' envelepes of the ;inert English vd Preach ,paper i ti . , fir : exactly ney cull. circular or in-4Vation. Conveyancers ..nvelop ,, s t-t fit deeds. bonds,nsortgages. kr.. made In tit best taa clor. %Vlt. fa iLBEET, N . g . .._. ()rd.'? r seat I.v Ex prels. ai per ajrtement.: 1 S.. t,t. 2-1.':.5 inntutry ME ' kneto 1 was, ilillbibELNlLA:. SAVING FUND MIMI . A. L. ARCHANISAUL7S v q:TAIII 17 , TT HOISTING AND PUMPING ENGINI;g, 31antifsetory S. F,. Coe. I;ith and Haitill•-' ton Streets, Philadelphia,- NEW II A IIDWAItE StOIIE T ,t 3 litlow Mats' lint sdanil fir itrl y ripped flees' 11.30 i., Pottsville: LT ben:, wil an ext-elli.nt assort.trisnd of !Islip il....e•hl`rintrniT/gs, : ,Filed, ; . :Springs, - ;Fine:Times. , Saddlery, I 'l6l4lmila*, Warr, 3 home:thee,. Toni..,..ilawattnent of fine ilarpolter'a Twit., i Table Cultlery. tilnakand Paint. ~.%; /,, iPoLitathltiery. Dar Iron erall sizeit, Table Six's-ins. tw 1 ied ~ ~ Ait4S itt%,T,ltsne' i l l L Slit Loading . and Discharging ' es. tsar , .11../soke, l i g.,. 1 , 11, - no, kez. 11.31115. G.. Tr o n Ore frnm .pillnes Rallro.vl Irtmt and tiaile, i latteei Iren Crucib 1 4 dmphig Water. , Orit,ing• Ore l'i .. fishers, I'mtaLlt• ,Saie ,:, titnith Trois. iIS Irp. Ile rtm,, It ill r‘. Al,-. Tter , -, Machines •.an le 3 erroisad by a icant co , ituilding !dated:l.la. ; 'trait,al ii,it tier, an nill ,, Arrr_td. Iletirst peered= (Sliver !ileillill ors • ;dot Steel. Sad trona. trtird..A tr.' Iho Fiatidin 1 r.stit M., at their Eabibilin , . sh ear sl oa l,. ' : p a pa A n t i B o n en . in 1 5 51 4111 , 1153 and Iry the Pertayltanta,tati , Agri ' 'Arm flirter, ;Chatila. ' cultural Nig., at Philadelphia. in 1554: the Philadelphl . .ati li p,.a a, 1 fratihnead revea. enmity rin , . .1t Philadelphia. in . 1834. Alto, the .NO 1 7re.a-'ut 4 a.ra. •' • frothier Anil Shot. Jersey - nate Vittr,' at C.ntiden...,ti. J. ' I '. Fine ILAncl-asai. A INN tun tiftst urea to urder,L•latienaribiginea, tarp 2 G. D. rata rn a h'ia thanks tn the tjuhlic far the I T- 6 1 4 311 . Lid& , L i ti + Oll %l , Mil 6 0atin64 larnt‘ anti - awl . they o'tt. int ad, t,.131,n in hi aindivittualcaparity preen•:•.T ii , a,.r+r. riZ ii irt.l 4 '4 , l2lolnLm. - and. Maehltrty i, eb Q new Gien...l%; the quality .of-iheie geoda. sti zinieral. iiepa (ring pretn!dly mite:land 10. • 1 lino to inhineee, and atenmoludatinii%Orleail, lei Three Ewtne3 ri ,, q ta. '-snn al lint -1 . ...i.4 - Y. AN. .nte> • uel coat/nail,' ti etrenntinised tappett..* are rntv.t•lnttv f.".1:)1 tISIA. dr. tillro ‘‘ la be aept 4 Irmo • • , . ;:liktilllT lo a lion vole in-t. vi li 10: aIN,• . pi n.t. , 1 t/Pnu. , • i ;-. /). 11.-ex ;.1 Ilanbmi . 4 1,, , •of/ L .41. (3 1.1111,101).1,; 4 ~, n o.r, l'.. Z -', . ''''' ' . 4 , • .' l . , Jan,eary 4,1 4 1 ., F .. .' ! '"-- -_ .PilitiADavEtlA.. ; 5 FIVE PERCE.P4T, ' EAVIIier ' FWA4:I.. .1 NATHAN U. SUARPLUSI. • &Tr , Po. 2 York Buildinit'Pki.lailelphia RITLICE,NLYS: .1. it. Carter,Taroaqtra. Jones & Cole. Philndelflt La. Shinano, Norton & Co.. t ••• • . , . No. '2l North Third Street. riONSI'A L N I'LY on tiiind,.4alarti ‘,./ sorttnent ~f l'en and i'ocket.Knixt;Plicista Razors. Tabl.• Knives and Forks. In ilii!.ry,..tini.3 hunt. and wi , 04.1 handli.s; Carers and F.',rks. Dirk Knives. Se. i A 1.- , ft—a ply eaten/die assurtriti-nt !of Wait. i Trays. Ac."it , i •., .: Finn I.:nglish li ans. Colri Pistolk: Allen's EDI and 'Single and licuildr barrelled l'ii.tUis ~,, it h a stock of Fancy Hardware. ennstantl3 ott hand. JOIIN ti. COLEMAN. ling l' h Iladolphin , Del.". 30, 165 F i Dee. '',', 76:-62].:,,!•1 PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEME Evans Fire and Thief Fronf Safes I (IFF all gizes, suitable . .inri,,Mervli: 4 , ~ r , F.:riners, and other* , 64. log I',<., `, persor other valuables to preserve.ftnniiFire or By .A CARD.--The Firn Unica t 4 af.4 that present 1/o.lil, Pag.us ,tic.. during tDr gr.uthfirigrit Hares! Inds, was purchased of ()wan' Evain. ill rA. St.e.ll Philadi•lphis. 1 , ... (ATZ 1: AO .. MEI ; -,- ' HARDW HARDWARE ANDARO, DEP l OT. gwrii'NlL SlillSCßlßtlt:ll:tritig now' arrant.- ed his goods at his new4lace,of .business and with a tiew deti7Mination pt furnish ing all such gbuds ';jis , !the bushrs of the Cori It,•gion may re q uire. itt their:dotcrat market value, ,;olirits the inspect ion of the l'ublic:i l shall he. always on h.ind:tmi haveon hand a full• iitroit o f star 11,41. I Ch,Jpplui.iA.a,, Hue ton, ! C, , al: l huplg., Cast Steel. . 1 Traro:ClM,itis, ' Slit Inn. .. Nailli4nd ! Spilt.:-:, - I:op,1 Taelilcc 111 . 4:!k. I Bellows. ' ! Ato ilia MI V i.c.s. iti-... ilardwaro and iron Itep9t, (7K.Nne.a::: , :titr.k.i. three doors •thov.• Market. East sides. i . ..i. !I,ERA,,iii 4 ' I'OTT. July 15.15:A . I r ;! W - 2,5-If CLEMENS I.•HEISLen, ~.. • ILA 8.1.1 WA lik; .t. U: IRO a"1"014:. Centre Btreet. a law dootit Above Mariset (hpsi side) have wnstantly WI band a full ansort• meat of ,f ••,, ! _ . • Axlili and Spring, Tahle Ott lery. Poellibtlentlery, Carpenti , r n Tool,, Britinii Ware. I 1 illen s e Revolver,: 1 itirt4 ntirra., ,Table and Tea Sin , ' II 'and i n .no I ' .tltilc: I pati.,„ !ndiere.4 Tet , k kettles. IHi re".l. !ftail road Txmces. aq t ,- iron and Splkee, rilotthlii lind :;Ingre (luny, IMnblei c kind SI ogre PistolF, 'Shot r oil Carle Elam • l'oloicler:Vlasim 1 Poidt+tinti :shot! Wftiet = PFoof L . Vapp. 1 'KW S2cruotingft.l Netfplly 4nvlte thejattentinn 3 stae ttnd other articles of. 'alcohol', ttp , they Iftrh deter ,nreep 9ut of Philadelphia.. Sinith s tww; ItuiWing Materiala. • 1 Shoemaker's lonia, '• Mum and I aepa.' I Spllsui and ilrads, Ontinter and Platlwnt Scalea, Liar and nulled iron, Ilua and Silent - • Cast,:-h,ar and Blister Stoel, Tin, Plat. and Sheet 'Lint. Oar, Cr,ppor and Sts.-:-et Ilmum l'ig•ond Bar Load. Coalinga oral' daseriptions. ail 11. X-cut and Circular :isms, BUtcheer Clintsperr, CIOWIVIS and Knives. Anvils aml Black' sml Twides,. 17,116.1 n l'untpc, trms. Copper ncl Boas Wiry ; ; Coseh Trlmmirms, Tha SUbserirsmr wool,' snipe nt tho nut** over:Illy. to the thr:ivrarn. Mn numerous to- r tn:ne4 tn. s.:11 as tow as ally Cu, ku;ust szft, 614 EtEl BRIGHT & LERCH'S WAGON-MAKING. •• • i , •CARRIACEL -•:- , - • Illo• subscriloere k triaepntrhuc4 be ' • 1 111101 k ' ' carriage shat .„ t• Mr: G:J . ent !rigs. mold t koc 4. o • respectftiliy lgolk-it tier gretreave of hie id customers and tai puhlk• i.i r:eneral. &le *. d,...m....ieed to keep tip the r..piatation or - the *orb wade by sir.. Jenut4ga. Wu 14,41.enialtlY (June but thub"ti !Ulla! aad inaterial.. Call au . 4 gire na a 144., Allqaurk . : .... wade by us *armored.' • ARBIL= a 111311/111AIRD: , •• Shop: 31 oris' Addition, nearly opposite Yardley a son. Patirrille. - 31ay .5. HAS ” . -.'. : 4. -•-: ,', " :" .14.tv. WthicuintßiCHT. & CAR FACTORY: , Catritatise jfr. IMMO It.ES PrcerFU LLY informs the citi zens of Bd : in . :lUD county and elsewhere. that atm Intends continuing the Wheelwright, and Car Ilanufac tuning business of her late husband, • Anthony IL kiline, in her own name. = ~.,;•=7 liarestabllebmentisoppositePnit!_ Vastlne's Foundry, where she will be hatpv to receive orders for all kind. of W 1,140111. a's well to Drift and other Cars and all kinds of work attached to the bu,ineu of a Wheelwright For the charecter of the .02rk reference ls =a& to_ _ - CUBA. HAS FALLEN ...T ,. f(o hoithe Price - of Hots and Cape. , I . ...4 W.:would eialu :twit revottiali,y tu; .41...... 1 " rite the attentkoi of the citizens o . PottuilLe and country In general; to CARRIACES! :4pARRIACES!! _. . I ~ oar largo and ifie*o asaortment of all kind' ' '. ,_..— - ' I -- :- - 1111 - 4, solo ilbril itntlttrtiliwir sinettr*, of itcsais in our line. that ' we hare now received, and at* Z 1 ,_,J,..1 - thaulietothelrfrieirdsforpast pstrenatre.; in daily rettviltt of- compriSed of Hata. Caps Furs.,ltc. 1 6 ! .. - 7,:reok ! . ajld would respectfully call the attention ! Gtintletneu s. Fine Mole4kin -Gals, always on hand. o 4 of tbepablic in general to their new es- I made to order of the latent styles. Otter Caps_ Kossuth sortment of 4 1:AltRIAGs.1.1 on hand:consisting of on e and • Usti. •• - bangbales—in shOrt, anything in the net and ! two seat d ileiany Linda. DrlgijiPs. Sullies. de- of every Capllne. • , description. all of which are todsbed in the mot approv - . W would also ittritsathe particular attention of the Lay ea style'. and Made of the beat material. .11avibu secured ; 'UM to mar assortment of FUNS. which have been seletted the services of experienced workmen and being , prartieel ' drith :treat ear.. from the largest sheiks in the country.:-4: coechanits themselves. they feel :muted that they ram ; Nothing shall be left undone on our part, to give satbr: reader full satisfaction to those who may favor them with , fani , in. Call and glie us a trial. nest dor to Pottst ille their Patronage. All thek. work is warranted to glee en. ; 11,4 s t*, • ... , .G. e. I,ITEZLY & CO. ‘., 'tire satisfaction. Secon.soded Carriages °fall deserip- ' N 4 8.,-,--A lam -etyma-I mantof Buffaiollobes on handsa!! (ions On hand which will be -Ad •hesp, ltepairino neat- rim* to suit the !hu e s. !! s _ ly dace.'Orders from a 4lstanee .rnmptiv etteedett to. N'svocaber IA. 1.54! 13.1ay 204 iif l l , ;' • 45- .! a. their manufactory corner ot Coal sod Norwegian Ste.. —.;-- .Pottsrille . n. ! 11.4. ii. DRII,LERO.IIIIICHINEB FOR NOM& eir.''The timber used for our wort, is of the hest New Jerset Hickory. 10:11111,1 A 111 7 E11 AN. 1 • ;,_. G,ARDICER'S PATENT ~ • • I Mail+ 1 0,1'55 , t,..1. 1 o II tun neting:or sharting-7-operateti 4 , : Ibc 13,01 , 1 al MO. "r Ftimm iNAver- entitles* form ol L - EGAI - CARDS. • ' ~..„,..]•,,,,,,..: “ ..i. , ,,,, but , o pounds. ran le operated bi one non ..2..,1 atrthes 120 - Molts per toil ute. The 14,M !. .--!--... —: , 4,, „14 , 1_,,..,1 !..s toe compression et at, India IlubitrSprintei A 1 Y.,ER SFRO.USE, Attorney pt Lau. eiti.h. exp.' t. , 1 tog illoot II the Drill with enst the r e . HI IT" . Office---Cer ire street. opt. suite the Town Hall ! eno,. t lonters,, , nc.k on e min ran deli a fiche i!4 'oche,. hi l'otlsTille. - ' [raruarY P. '6 6 6 - * tllnneter. o inch- :.• in S. Oh per h. or-11 I ci.lb,j r) sand l ~* atot!c2 2to 3 fc.4 per bytt ti ! it drills ,Nuail • well 111 ' .1%, , . D,A,,,tltm'l,l)ine,lll,...GOßffiEceEinll,ncrltett(onri:eetya opp o site a Sttb"; the; Cana.. da,,,. fi l i f t w l , l , , rk a t, , d lr . t fi n e! :s m. .' ~ A ,ri ; : so l f h , y b it . ' . n t , a 4 : h ol n l , he r se ar t k n i a ,t ch s i: „.. ... Post Office. 'i July'll. ',55 'l , -ly '; at tAlet's Tunnel. on Port, Carbon nail. a here it litasvil -' IllbUe..l. Machine, can be furnl4nll of in . T.".f.ell pcit et", I I (..I.' THO:%IPSON: Attorney an d . .. talit , d . • I 1,4 4 0;, , un5e110r at Law. Office. below T. J. Al.b7.n's slat ; The Patent night for !AChuylkill and other counties is 61... re.• tower end 'of Brt.ad street. Trunaqua. • ' for Sale. Apply to the *Stouts.. February 2, ih.1,6,_ '5-Iy. , . .i .O. MITIGJR GARDNEG. . .•- I. '. Trinity Buttd.:nr Nee "net 101 I N'P. I - 1013A Rl', Attorney at Law. - Ato,..it •tr...• i 725-ly • I COminirsioner for '4l York. -,i'sf..>--.APp .tit,. Itocri • --. 2 ;- 'an II use. Centre street. Pottsville,. I'. no a Apr)] 2-1. I $.1.2 IMVID P. ilkOws, P4tinllle..aly 32.183 s {Mat 31..55 13411 ill. ON Mar and --- •• CHEAT IMPROVEMENT IN PUMPS. - THA7CHER'S R. HOMAS R BANN.IN. irate Mulv :1 1 • - \ Lim. Ifficelir Centre Street. ;.pp_sit... tee :.:ph,cc.l al' C oral, Pottsville. Penna. • T ;. Üblible Action. Forcing and Suction Pampa. . ~ ..IIIE suliscriber informs - the citizens, so.. :M. 1k5.1 , 47 Is .. . t, of Sehth Mill county:that he has purchased the ea / I EORGE den. IiEIM, Alleiritt•V at lLlee ri ' it to vend these eelebrated Puupa ii Sehuyl kilt e y. There are vari;•usitinds of these Pumps made X 7 Law. Pottsville. Penna.. will al tents t. 1.6. at be - somas o - n tote it e no; priveiple.SuCh as the Double Actiou Fore, in Seltuylkill county and elsew here. tee, it. C. utre . int and SUe'll.ll Pump the Surtion and UR Well Pump ; street: nearly oppusite the Nliuers" Lank. ;. Well Pump with set length. to prevent freezing. Cistern , July 7. ":4 '27- ; ; For4e rump. with ronneetions to supply upper storiew., kr. , They are arranged for deep and shallow Wells—car ; NEVILLE & RICHARDS. Attorneys' b. liseal RP an Engine in furring the' water on thetopuf „ at Lai; will attend to all busineSS ilttruSt. al ti. them ; the - lions- in I . llw of tire--tO water gardens or wash Win. with dilligence and care: %Ore Centre ,Street tars: ,1"..r dewy.: Ih. sr who have tried these Pumps pronounce to K. It. Merritt' store. Pottv.Alle. th;111 the ..heapext the meat simple in theireonstruction.' June 11 1;•;:,:t '.Tao " : I : 4 . 'VI , ' 'l' 1 11 a ;filth 111 Pi ell . ..rlive ever use 1. and not liable to gel our . rd; r. The following ix one of the many Certifi. I A3I l'.:ii It. Cli.l t - ,1 - 4 . , Anoint-, :at rill'.} it oby t h•;.- who have nsed these Pumps. :•. 'w`' h,• tv .,,t. e ..ign; t i ; i n; hereby certify that we have; / Law ha ` in t' '''''" ° "' d t o P( ' ‘lt " Ilk .b e ""P" r '" " """ .• 'ion .4 end ceet in op esti; n Thatcher's Patent Force fba; wryly: - the Zeleitriaph /flier. C.o.' r. Street .iltr sit. he andi. , ‘...ti. n 'unit.: manufactured by Messrs. Rogers d'. Miters . hank.. F-t • f 'Io ,P 131.. tied tate p l easure i n reeornmending • liertlllberci. Isitl .- , 4ts.ly : th;;s• n• the put•lir as brine the most durable and eta Q'''' AMEEL GARRETT. Mnfristr , t , , 6, 1 11 means f• r raising 4.4 furring water that bra ever vete• to roar notice. , 11.,3eonveyanrer and Grovral Cope tor. - will nth! 4to ail', .y. It Sherwood. G. W : . Griswold. N. It. firlswold business entrusted to hint wi h 1101 i: we and t:a.. 1 ; ii..M. lir-ens-IL ' Z. II: Rum-11. C. P Waller. tire. Crlitrc. al reel. a'ot is, iilr. l'a.. .-j,tp , sii , lhel; ,, i. li. 11. 1 p. 1 1. Brown. 11. W.. Stone. .1. II- Dunning. . N. 11.—Th, 'Dockets of N. M. t'l Mom - . Esti.. are in P..a- 1 • orders by mail for Pallor , thing the depth of the: .ession ill Samuel Carrot. I.sl. L.luly 14.'56 Ila- ' I el). tr... 111 b; nromptittitendt d to. f'. C. CA LTl.lt. IF -- - . .- : -:. .. I...Trief.r ,r it). Right 14 Selazylhetcoutlfy4 1 1 () THE PUBLIC.— Ravin impair i —:....... ~ ... --7 • • - i. , ...i. 1.0 .0 m 2, health by close e:ntf urmrup to my office and amitawsmoommena, !mein,: nnwl , reCtlVer.i aill,F , ,Tlt fro% t,. av, id , ri•lny.... I into a state of awry' it , irri'al'illiy I II Yr dew-mit:ell ' tai 1 .INSURANUE. change t..; slme eNtent the manner in vild.l. 1 hair hith-; ' ; ... art.. practiced m• pr,.tetssi-a, C4MR/NWEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY. I take this me' In dof in:multit my friends I ••;rhuyi. Union Building., 3d street, kill enmity; the gentlemen ;;f thr `bar iI. its 't..ot :, at d •,. • It 11A ..,1, . l'A. the MP li • , ;11..r•all I irli after the t rs.l.lay of .in • ... rat. I tri'l a;:nlarly attend the terms of th;•;! 'on r t;f t 'on; tenn i ; 1 IIA RTER D " CA I'ITAL $360.000.1 Pleas mid 1. - ractLe th.-rein. i wilt oneet mill: a ttend to. k_ . ,/ r.stare buitd tags and other property. against loss ot! such teml totsinesit as tuns Lt.' etinfdrd -Ir tee. j ..16;tire , e to' tLe 1,..0 aga-ii•st perils of the' sea. Inland 1 JtlliN IVEI IiNI AN. : ' 5..0J.4.i. 1 11 and re importation. 'SIMON CAMERON. 1 1 • ....1 r S: S. Cs. al 1.11. Serrli. ry. ';' 'Prtwident; .':? : 1. F. WIIITNt,Y, . neat, BUSINESS titlll)S. • .; . . Pottsville. Seim) lkill CUu ty. Penne' ? Der. - 22 '55 _ - 51-tf ; MINERS' Ll'OE INSURANCE . DR. J. T. NICHOLAS. , i t.O e .t.;.-T 0 011. 1 A.., T. P.r.fT.SVILLE. PA. • f • • PHYSICIAN. S11 • 11,111.:11 A At COVIIIET11: ii k 1 ) 1. r ti. stut) uoo—C II A RTE.Ii , . Office—Market St., above'Secoad. k .. / ...trivet nal. , . . Pottarine. D e c. it _1;5.1 . i y,,a, ...I,__., J - ~,,.1 1, . . ~. 1)6 , :0;up.....y. dos:tared by the Legislature of Penn! r" -'I DII. - G; N. BOWMAN. Sur- ...ii....113. wilt. a Japital Of One Hundred Thousand Dol; 17n-t .. is now fully organised, and Mut commenced . bust; . . geta Dentist. 'flirt in Brie!, iluildinE.. :-roe, mesh, I . ; Niarket and ,SttOnd Streets l'l.ltst ille l'a. i lit . l , IBTrinv is prepared to receive, ironies and other lel,o er 1; I.f:n. : 40-11 pr .perty in Crust. and allow interest on all niouies de ii .11,-4 In trust. at the rate II five percent per annum: ) lii: SIit:AI : FEU, P4)ttsville, Pa., *late Of the Penns) fvaula State lieologiral survey. I oriticipal and interest payable on demand. ' v Fin. rites •if .'retnium op Life Insurance seethe printed e .ploret; lands mines. etc. Cables supplied at the office of the Company. Centre ; tetoker 13.'53 41-11 i Stetiet. Pottsville. three doors snith of the Exchange II.:. • - , ...I.'; • J.-ter/If 111.1 •T 7.1 NG r: .Jr., President. 1 • tripl.' F. IVI. DIXON, DOCTOR of .liltt A 9. Antll. SetYry and Tn:aPurer. Dental Surgery. has removed to the North- ' - A I. Vil I I's4' 13.tf ...VG corner ni Second and Norwegian streets. Pottsville. • 1 THE ' POTTSVILLE MUTUAL l• september 'Z. 1h54 ,35-tt AND .1 ot T I.oCli LIVE. lA.AiIiAM 1 17.1.11PANV • : a IEI.7'E CENTRE I - STREET, next I EWIS J. ;MARTIN rind Frank Car 7 ..., , . x_. doer a/rave il even . * Jewelry Store. 'Ater. surveyors and fill tx.g. it eers. ill conmaliou ; •.;OA PI NI, iloo.noto.-L.CliAitTEll. PERPETUAL. • ,;; ..1.11:1'..W sheaf. r; of l'ottsvil r. will aria id to Nutley* oi -.. ~ , .. I IP ~, 1 111.14./). • t 11.411111 v "bartered by the Leglalature or .I lauds. mini,. towns and all (AM r b 111,11,14 in the lilltl, .. •alisyl v.( ;it. is fully organised. d' tho , tarallessiaat. ... , __. _ , ' .' Ili, 114 , 111011 Y is prepared to effect insurance I.lj , 0, and Mock bilti lITE Ph re. , tie t. .14, :01 IVntrr iv 1.- . Pr,- oc and " ' LrF as ntid 111frall, BOWII MEE MEI 1.71=1 = CU lull's, ffcs. I - i irelarr, t 4.1 Our kthild aid .1., felt." 1. ling II IN i put it ear ll i Pot dabuary 1 . F.0. K. SMITH. I\lll\ll\ (4- ENGI-, Xu. er and : , I t irv e yor. tilt er T.Tritre. Centr. !t!treet, , r•dtag , ea. r.xantivation, i:ejs..tts • urreys and ”f 0.)al Mines Coal 1.31111 S Aaehher3 dr" 0.1 , 304(01 , 41th , shortest notiec, Agent (cot'. 7•1 hie' , b. •.,ptetaiber 1•••:.:;. i4rtt ! • TEN 12.1' NV t)t/1.1 t , t. p•tgaziptit ta• it' d 1. at ~ a• at a I t.r., tit; . It 1.• i• to •to t •1, 'lt ht. r i , nStitt , al,l:ud".l ,, 1, ,• , t t•t, , MI 0,11111 , • a. d b , this ,Ula•ilt-tal dt , tot U. (I water St r rnnut URGE pler thr wand) lar Au ultti ouutry iFf p. ief ton: t.S Fo,ruarr 'aft IJti I GENCY—For the l'urrhatq• And 1,n 2 L., 21111 j C/ to large lAiitts inn.... dr.. at d public of t h... l❑ do all tL&e ==3= 1% ,Ilkfacti,,n. unme )Inhanpinp. -trert I'D :11. HILL. 11-tt t -- Al4l , 6. 1,5(1 MIMI I.E1). 111?()WN. Inspector of Min'e's; fnlifor, Ith 4..rvie.s to laind•oret.ori• •nd herr, •14 re - p rti. An.. of Mil 1 ., 111 d I.w - oh , . From his knovr;rdg.. of Volt 14 And oy p o rh,... in .t.f. hat fit: 14.rn- h. Oh. e. mit, 14 Mino. th. last in o ar% h o hp. ••• {anent , it to nil tt h. 0.a . !, Mit • SE fnnja•r urnish !:1-:3 , F.1;., :` ..11.i. and i.. ‘lll.sr , and t!1 I ,T , l' I'hilndr•ip6ia 6 r apir flirt at 3 rap to Potts En;k . dul.e.:;ll M. D. I.". 1)11 )si tire and Me 4 hanieal Derlf t s , i f , r• 4f the lest Dental Katalli•htt , 01., 4,444 4• , and intends In MT , rd hie ,at t 4, nef '44 f ert wry itnprnentent in the Art. II.• - ;1111 , 1 1 .•• •T' nAttiv• to. nicety in the sdartat I , AV.! ~,t et TernrtnetalicerVitretwent Teeth - , hilt nets on Atanwpwrie prr.esurr entit. 441,.‘int, 44 , piralstwituRv• extras-iv (had teed and r 4 e,'• v itl fa• end thi , aytno teeth with reit, render inp utu 1111 durim ME nk nn ol Coline ourrrn 01 nor I I e , %1 F. For 'mien% liere I num of 411 , tarket street •we • • hey. 'entr• Nora, One' A • • EDUCATIONAL. KisWlaK INSTITUTE. scli()()I. is establii , lietl prin. {plea. I/ LA 10 pliw e d h e r e eau attend to any 71 I el all the u , ull nr, fietAal t;ranrhes. inrlu4hg flabelev at A urat.r the eti reetbm of the un , at experlerred mneters. vret ertk rlxerri.ex are ilittzht by a reaular ph , sieiau, These ea , er,itwe will be felled an htdiepemat addilVe to the :draft ta:..ts of 'the /I;2.frdirai.Settnel; le they both It:apart. ;pace nd prumete the 4. , 41th.' For egret:tiara addrees P AS. LA NCASTr;Ie, Principal. , • Nerriatawn. Pa- February 2.'511 , 5•2 m %M et of iM buta ;tting t- ,ieht to den , ti r St, rk. •r cent. 1 4 of of in. ten. with 4 & 47 POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, PENN SQUARE, I RGAN IZED plan of the IN Irt:STRIAL C , G,LEGEB or mtinertal Europe, and atT;nlino; a thorouzb profood , nal education in CIVIL ENGIN KERING , . Mi N !NG ENG N II ME eII,ANICAL ENGINEER] ls 51} 'FAUX, GT. Ixticiti.: rEeTuRE and PIIEIIISTRV. The Sixth S;•mi An nun) SESSION will eemmenee nn MI IN DA Y. Feb.'. mat"' II th. 1556. and the Commencement for eon freeing Th...treex. and Certificates of proficiency will held on the lat day of June. FACULTY. Maf hemat leg and E dnere ri nit, Pm?. Q. 1 f . General and Applied Uhendery. • .• A. L. Kennel:O.,' )I.4hanies and Nlnehinerv. . 4. 11. It. , ucherl , GeMney. Mlneraltr.o. ftna ,finin g . W. S. Itoloori.:, A oliiteet ural and ropog'l Drawing, .1. Kern. t 14 - ‘,lern Languages. , •• V. DeAmarelll. ArilWants for stitnlssion should present thernselre* for:examination on or before February 9th. Catalogues: an.t further liar ,rmation at *he College. . Al.. AENNFDY NI. D. President of the Faculty. Thlladi•lrhit Feb.9lll's 6emintrtial ttrlr S. Cor. lan and Chesnut Streets. rIaHIS Institutiun which .was first es tabliattal in Sept- 1844, and nnudWrs among Its graduates hundreds of the business m e u In this mi d of b. or rities.! was On une Bth 18:4. elturtro , d and establish ed as a 'Wirer, In accordance with Act of Legislature.. Thy 17,er4. .In4ructinn is of a thoroughl practical eh:under and contains all those branches necessary fair itRF In busi”ess: besides which. the pupils have the pa l...liege attendance upon a course of LSCTURFS UPON (MINIM:CI A L LAW. delivered for their especial use by eminent pra clic tier..' For the presen t season . .the /fon. Judge Siarnmes ser . ices are engaged in this department S. H. CRI'ETENDEN. onlig, 'pled Ket e.rcusston eireatalnmes will be aentin any address. no applies lion by letter. Alm). ecittencleu's 11.41 , tiesping....m rec eeipt. per mail, of the price, $1 SO. Key to time. SO eta. Phil 113. Oct 6.195 t . 40-f,m ARCADIAN INSTITUTE. r r liiS FLOURISII,ING Institution. located at Orwigsburtr. Pa.. has entered upon the second Sear of Its existence. The fine scenery of the cirmundinr.emuttry. the healthy quiet and retired loca- I lon of the villageare not surpassed by any in the State. it is easy of access being within two mile. of t h.• Phila delphia and Readinl Railroad. to and from shidh &stage .run twtettevery day. • J, doors be Ite tbe 311 I be found ARR. The tanks end foiled's are Lattr,ht and boarded In Aep irate tqgartments. lIMEM The Philoeoptdeti apparatus eomprieee instrnmentel 01 the finned and mom Improved style- klaeb student should hays several spite of elothhig of a plain Ingle a 111ble. few towels. napkins. an umbrella. a pair of !dippers. blacking and ahoiebruettes. and very little spending money., ' 011f3S, es , • Theseholaatte year la dlrlded Into two trowlors. Tbr sention of the year con-mamma on the lath of AWL and.contfnues 22 weeks; the attend own on lbr 151 h of October: and rantintiro= week. :- Therein a vacation of i.Meeks the end of each kosadou. -:Paella can enter at any arse. . • raft wenn.. Terms dectleh and Mathematical . - die DO headlines idth the I'm. d Matt . # , 20 00 festroattea en the-Piano Vast', extra '.'R'oo thie.of instrument t-; 6 • '• • 7 500 Ildardltur. ($2 00 per stialt.) e - .• 511 4;fpftranneat be tailde Qaertals. fa adeance..lol. # "or further Infonnation. addreito ' • • tronagi ndhoper ffil ERCH, iresire4 I #ll. 8 MIS 11101INSIDOR; Principal -.1 ,...trar.a4. ; Fiti;ll COVIIiIII, Joaa TEMPLE, JOUN Miro. - 54 -'27-tri ,Il,..rtit g =I MA.NUFACTI-RCS.' , - PORT CARSON SHOVEL FACTOR" Charlem Mule by ProptioAri. .:; All kinds o; coal ahovas, quits, coatriadles, &c • nut our-415,,u Or taw puLlic t o erspecttialljnairited: , Jaiy :54 . 3O--1) • • .- ; ••i:• : ; .- POrtSVILLE , .... , . . - • -,. , SIOIdIT and Harass* Pillains!fac,tory:, @lit _.. . . rile .z•-;o„scrkber,ill.9l.ll.o e , e=lts 'moat etarieet Alai/ invite the attention at the eltitina a. PlittA. - i .: . eilleaind the Coal 'legion in -general. In his largoand well iieletted eitrt nt•SaiIDLPIY. all hinged' - " Carriage and 11.4eiitai iiatateas, - Collies of all' itrouliationa. Drift Ilitrnear. Le: He d. eireaAl rho may nerd salable.: in the obese line to tan act *or his ..reocbt before purebaxing tilsewbers, as there' tan tie nothing lest. • • - - - I thilers &sr Ilstmeis-te.4promptly Ailed ott reannitable; tarots. 144% 1 1 - . 1311 WWIELSPIVIL Opperlfi Episcopal r',Nrch. Centiestred. *tea 3. 1866 [Mar lit 611 ,11/4,f .- • • _ ! poll a. 11 rt. to receive and execute trusts. and to allow interest on ' monies race fired at the' rat. 14-five per root. per slam& nuli.as otherwise agreedlipon. Principal and Interest pay on d•onand. capital and aasets safely inv a sted In Bonds and Mort :. ...Ater,. and Aber ;nod securities. tneeal ltr d e md of thi• profit will be made payable Io • or Appr •prl-thol to the p4yinemt of premiums. Fir rab.p. t •,,,,,iums on Life Insurance. see printed I••• • apoll,d at he annpanyts ofnee.' %.ICII-AN EVANS. Pr,it. _ 4th PT 0: 1 , ISTEIt, Preil. fr,txurrr. •37 -ti : STATE MUTUAL INSURANCE I I. IT.:111EN",1 promiiitias eu l it tnjr jt rei., iv 4. . ire e 4,k.41t • • ; 4 ,51!1..74 , II 4ivechatl..l:4 6.311 , C, 44 C 4114 I.'l:4uituilin, OtoCK irepartt 't oxpetors. 1 1 3Nurstice. tualit . 3l 41i,ortmeut, 101,506 53 •• -• 1.'7.031 9S IME 1 .,„ 1 „1_ t,,•... other BM and 411.1 IP: handx of MEM S'r.r , 'lll.tna Inlntoner apply to • JNO. T. 611 lENER. Agent. 2g-ly lilvls !SA • -PENN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, I. x B. corner of initd. Ana Dock; railadi. Alin' Al, $500.000 . -Charter ter 1 0.1 ital. All the reit' divided among the polie s ) iie4dert, every year. tun only truly unitual etunpany it t Itt , • 1t ; .r Instice lives T.Pr %borltterllaS. or 114. tY(.. W 11. le tern. of life. .traut Inuuitirs mitt Hildowtnentti purchati lit. interestsl foal r.htste, and Wake 811 COll - der.:.diug on the . rout Ingethies t , f life. lhey 1.6 •41.ee0t ... ..rt : Ad. let.ratt,rf. Abalguoes, trustees, sult .. RU 'Tx KS , 1 lia,)iell.. Miller, : Joseph M. Thomas. ' , ‘Vil.i.ito .I.trii•.,• i, Edinut.d A. Sootier. ~ , ..a.ndel . ilaey . Charke Ilallt.eell. 5 ihe philas.'adillng, Ilich-trd zi. , :SE/VeNlid, : :•atutp... I. ..11t1.1iIIII, VII !Wain ii. Carr. i ..11is . 4 . Ar her. . William I'. I.la , ker. .r - • John J. &either, Joules B. 'McFarland, 1 . %t Bann 11. Kern. Waroer M. Basin, - &into,' IL frotter,; 11. C. Towto‘rod. ' i . An_witus W. Ilseker. John W. Horner ' ,' t. M totan.....iwrison,.l, :taut uel M. Meer, , B t'. etqatnin .ottes. ' ' Danj..l L.Mot. bison, , !-•, Samuel a... :stoke., - hod , Alph UR Keut, ' Peter :;.' Miohler. i.aston. - - DV.iIF.L L. MII . Lr.IL President. • r,'. ,:•!..i)lt.: ..L E.. i . . tili...ti, / . . ce ,President. - . JOHN W. noliNoTt. Stfy. 'she s.4'.scriber Is agent for the above Compiny. in ?taw .11.. Li e,ti..ty. and'.. ill effect 1.......0rance5t04 given!i carnialry ioforinati ,, u on the aiihjeet. .1.11. IaCIIARBS. Agent:,; 45-tf :,' blinprsville. No.. 10. 'lb INDEMNITY. rilllE FRA A Kl,ll\ Fire l isurane9 Cii. of OtilladelpUia, Mom, No. Itid,!, 2 Chesnut street, udar Fifth stavet. . , 1 2 DITLICTORB. 11 Charles S. liancker, George NV. Richards, 1,. 1 Thmnas Hart, 3lordecai U. Lewis, 1:. 4 T o bias %Vaguer, Adolphe h. Writ., i': ' s'anittel t ;rant, . timid s. Broan, t, Jseob It. eolith, ; . Morris Patterson, . Continue to wake insurance, permanent or limited On .eery description of property. in town and country root as lOw as are consistent with security. i. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Putt& old r at with their Capital anti erosion's, safely loves:hat. t. ord ample protect onto the Insured., r .. • .. he assets of ' he Coui pany on Jantr,ry lst, - 1848, is pitle liihed, agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as ((divas. ifs : l' 1 :Mortgages, $500,558 65 Stocks, 1.51,51-3 24. , .t.eal estate, 109,:358 90 Cash, ke.. 45.157 R i . st. i . , sialli,trdi . 6,,. ~ ;Temporary. Loans, • 1•25.459 r 0 .'Since their incorporation, 4 period of eighteen yetww. they hale paid upwards of one otolion two hundred th Liu dint dollars. losses by -flre, thereby affording evidenei: of the .tvantages of insurance. as well as the ability Slid distanrition to meet with prenetness. all Rabiliiies. 1"4 CIIARCES N. 08 NCKER. President. -ieIIARAES G. that:KER. Secretary.' I' :The subscriber has been eppoinfed attent for the Atjerre nlentiontd Itistitutionand is now prepared to 'anakei in :late:tea, on every description of property. at the to test rites. ANDREW RUSSEL, Age i.i Tottsville. Jan. 11.1851. 2 - if l' , . LIFE INSURANCE. THE ..., i l GIR4RD LIFE INSITtN 4: i Annuity and Trust Company of Chili elphia. ',of fice, :So. 132Chtunut street, the First door st o tbe dustom Rouse. I' CAPITAL S3OO,OOO—CIIARTEII PERPETUAL! dontinue to make lagaraoces on lives on the most fsior elite terms. !! t The Capital halo; ptid up and invested. togetheyjeith M large And constantly increasing resorted fund. ti& - rs perfect security to the insured. - I The premium may he paid yearly. haityratly cEr gnat the Carnpativ li•onTs periodically to the 11 3gUnin tat for life. The first Bonus. appropriated In 1 / 4 4tuber, 044. and th•adeond Bonus itillerataber IR49.a i innutit to an addition rl f..Yr4 fmi, to every $l.OlO insured ntierthe Oldest pliiries, maklnpf 31.2 0 02 50 whl^ . h will hypllti irifen It shall become a clairO,,ictstral erteineii,y i u zur. iki; the Oat ohlest.stiount to fI.IMT :in: the neat in'age to $1.212 54 for every flAllt; the others in the *Me tete i**Titan wording to the amount sod time irhieh additions mid. au IlYerwe of more than fej per ,gent. upou the Ors miuois paid. without inereasittoha an 6 !age, premium. ' • 4" ,I NO intr.!: '. Thrimrta 1114,0,41. - Jobn A. rtrown, .-. i ' i' Aram Davis r . • D. Danntr, ' :... . .Inhn Jav grnlth, , frederidi - Thalr,,` ,' , 1 Rnherk Pwlrvilt, '; - Geom. Taber. - -- , 4 Jaseph Yeager. ,Jaha U. 14+2.1E110i i.. ' Thomit P. JVTIVA; 11'113Am Lbarlg, ~- .Impish T. Raltdv., Jolin R. SOL, .`; .. 1 Pamphlets rnttNpz. ttMe nt ratet anti exitUnattrel. farm nf ap,lViallon. araertiirthoillirminattriviran. belied at l'hotallew: , 7,lll)Slip IttiXFlVAltillitlitatlt, , :.; Joni 'P. Itiiie: Aitaar*. 1 , ga r Tb e *ea aitrtbs . la metro far tits abort CatelpitO to ' Schsylktllcounty. and glti fifoct Insuranees. atid .. o7B ' 01 neettosty Information nri ihofutoket. . .. itor4l9,lttl 1: - . it R PANltik". , .. . , El • - KURTriti. HEISLER, • .Late Karts, ishkerle Co,) l i . woe, Ail.. . :ke llian -Le ilia :ll: i 2 emr:l o e. r :serhuytk l ll 7% - mcciu till 11 . . ; the I iberet tett rot) ace they pk tek l ee e and ttthere.:ttt the 21cit their custom lu the ttmp.rllt h wuranted. ao -otthpfria hiajoh.. idait.ap4l Fe most expo ,uUtv...we reeYsure. that we .ert in the Reim. . Kahl, Mitterwetnes. to W. cz Jtc frehder. xihrenvi3le, Lnl &rem 0 0 .vi l v t pist, Irciuld lttitltt.' :.11 (bit tio3air L;Af . r.- Karts fiier4 Wire ran turn our tit orders:, 1;110$10r.P) r{ll br promp' - Slay 19. ISS 1- WIRE S REEN FACTORY. . . , CJiaug et Piopttefesi . t. - 'l'llE iAnderstgutd has na , •,... ---- smiled- the ; prOprle.torilo of the Whir ' 4 - - , - : - qrrevn Factory Tn Coal Alfieri., lately' con -1[1;.,•.'"9. darted by 11. L. Cake. ana dexthsat h yal I 6 raitentb ni, of Carl 'toirs and the ptiabltr generally, to. hts estettslv•ASsTab Isetit. - Arrttragemetitsaretnask feetweenrindthesett . fielder Materials. - and nniers . for work to a lath. amount Wlll .Iw - filled at the shortest to:A- C - re. and on the meat ; satisfactory terms, thel . t k subertber. merenver..having soeuron tho:seretrie or skillful a-ill exp.-rt.:Moen workmen Invites the most rt.. gtd exatnination or test of his arreens: promlstne. them yin:Alto the hest tiantied oat ln othermanufaetoriss. Van. 4,155,1 1-tf t 3111iN HARLAN. ' : ROOCE A S. ENT 41. CO.'S "IRON B AILING WORES." . ' it.., ...JO!. EAT .t C , A.. Atiantituntwers j a i, of Ciet at* %%n TWOS ILA ILI NO, •.,,, , • ,--.: 4 v sry description: Invite the attention Ar..,.....--.-- o 1 f td • public t• • th it branCh of busines s . - I l-ald.'ll.wa"' 4 111 , 151 .- -roniltirted In lour llastaa'S •...Arreei; i aeb-r - it. (3 , al On tort. 1..110111115. ileum. • 1 i They can furnish' Fined:ls. 'frellis.Wrk Tbr Arbors. Lc.. Flower T17111,-.11,. Tote 11.X.11 A..: in ,r.:ry vArkit of layle• ' Wl,-(1..w lin* as. C.. 1 lar (i . ra , int! ar.1.1 Wire '.i.; ell big 4 all th:ds ;at the 8 1 ,, (14. - 81 . 11 - Ik.. AAA • n the barest tart,,, together wl•hlllrun Feeb.t, ads Farm. L. -t aLftlllar len Fences, English hurdl e Sei.re. kr.. kr.. beiow ;city prices..," - , I C. IS.—f", ouster' Irk :rrAllr ~, e 1:. ,i..a. ;.1 4- esh-.I•S "'got Up" to suit ruaotnera. Ererythiug h- thAir line on baud • r •.r.lerell .b 1 het furbished at the shortela •notiee. ;. eel rn ry :1 tsfol ;.fl ' r - --- .' , IRON. IN ORKS . ... , . ~. :.,,,.....-.. -- TAPIAtIVA. CAR7*;!S < * .v'. ALLEN'S IRON WORKS, • T........ 114,.. schwyikati County, Pa. , .. ... 4 .. 4 ., ; ;, i .... 1.„ • "tor. ritiers,lotohriutorA ot the -4;:fires,„ A:-....- nansed extenstri+esn‘bll:hinens. an •-'. 41,11,11 r to the cilisensvf :!.chuvlkill mum. r ,7,,• . - ,,ty. and the publie nun-rally.• their readb " 4 ' ''' '....:`,.... Heston turn out any and all kinds of work in iti•n: :J' e. at the Inttest not h., m i d i n Ai e most sate istsituri ifianner—su li as building... Steam F.ntrinss:alan• tdartairin - V it - Allman ants hitt Cara, l'utups, CalittilOand lifievitiOncr4 all kinds.' . • - - - luli,"•the Wsf.workinen are omployed, and satlsthctinn tn.S . A . ,' elnlrefori , .bi safely guaranteed. Orders from abroad prang:oy- filied.,-• ' V ' CARTERS A ALLEN.. Faut&biu:s : .7:inuary'2.7.l4tsA , 4-tf . , 1 - ' BEAVER MEADOWS. BEAN.E.R %MEADOW IRON WORKS. •,.. E .. Fnunders. -respectfully inf..rus their pa. inn's:and the public generally, that they 'at`ettilly preipared at the above establish .. 'rent. to manufacture Stearn Engines of iA••••1 • . 41npr... Railroad 'snit Drift Cars. null: every' %therctii!!C'ettitiatt,:oflron and Bruits Ca. tins suitable for itetCont Jniiq,mr or tither business. on the twat reasonatda ltirtria.,':Alsd.-111n 1 4 , 11n1 Cylinders for Illast .Furnaces and . 31stetl. i tie .*tiCk era 1. • fitni . ,,b•inT.ofaftklOs done with neat nessAnd despatch Ltlie'lwir;;setrirt?s. All work furnished by them MAP cintit,i'vc:rydrin'W4ll. Then would s,lkit the custom of thoio , Vel:lnftv.: - .wrant articles in their line in this vicinity. .:. ‘ tl- . ..9idrsAillrineel with Immediate and prompt atter'- . , . 9-1 v 11:1 RAU:ISOR IRON WORKS. LtI}:DER. COX Jr CO. reeportful. isilk iv Inti . te the attention of the bus.ines 45".- •• •ornntunlte to t4-It new;Foundry arid - 0.0 - klartilne shop in the toitrot Donald • son. t 4 r.huvli.ill county. :They are now ready to exe•ute all i order.' m'Whlnery. ouch as steatn ettvirei. pomiis • real breakers. trill Fearing for ~e 1.4 and ea..si nillla. railroad and drift eats. kc.. kr. 1 Rein: oraetical nietbanlex. 'ire Hatter onnielval that all 4. tit done at.h •e al&on IF m Wdrita: will uirc ouch ,n. j as will oerurn the Noire custom of ')lair na.r :)rd dit 'fitank • 411 y receijed and execu ted at the shortest nottes, and on•rertsontible terms. ' AM1113081 , . LOESER, • PETER COX. • ALFRED JONES. U.WIS MILLER. his ie in proved in all parts of t e war that no lug has bent [mode t ual to than in eases trf dieorders •.1 the turd is a• Suie nee, aiill that its IP , . liver, dyspepsia, add 'stomach comit:aint a ...em.rally.- l 1: nown ,and „a ['pied. uil , seen re ri•sult , e. They s set give a healthy tune to theao orgatui. how eyer much-d.ranced tood.wheo all other Means bate tailed: in its any ih„i a14 , 1 ".f -, the apiaiesli„, General Debility. 11l Health. a . Many of the in ,st despotic thiveruipeuta bate opened, laws of Hydraulics in Miteltitterv.,iir Ih, .. their Custom Mu's,: to the 'I ptroducltion of these Pills, • that they um!,' , Sainte the medielue of the masses.- light and chemistry in the beautiful i • -4 " LeVyrned Collars admit that this.linedieine Is the heat ,-, , • t-,. , 1 01 Inc If qgiserre:lii art. • remedy ever kn iWn for persons rordeli.ate health. or • '"' S where the system has beet, impairedins lie invigorating . 2 Because it (/Sir 1)w...0p', a. , otee, with',ilie turd/u/ . raution am! I , prop:flies never fail to ad. ild r e lit f ? -. . I I !,- Fewisle Completnts. NO Itentile.yoati, 4 .4 oil, ihiuthtl ire wit h• ut this rade.. . t - abes February tt. Isms t.... . • r est , d me „th.i ne .-- , u t e ri -ea, rind regulate*. he monthly 1 ra"re, is tt smiree '1 MG higiu 8( c -, . , : : er. .:m ou lh t : - ----- ----. ,- - ---- • ' HINERSVILLE. eourtiesat .1.1 pert•Sts acting In- Ina 1 eases like a chant, , i i • / • CO/is MI pull Ail IT. . Oullilit, ---, It Isiah' , the beat and safest mettich b that . an be gi,en • '..^ ' 81.1‘,1111 DEHAVEAVS IRON WORKS., to children of all! a.. h rs, aiud toe m 4 rouiplaiht; noble - NII 111 . 1111illig, : (4i'le lli j i .d is , ,•.,.. Filo , io mersville. T quently on famil y %Mould be with. tit it . LeollitteLy's Pith ore the brit remedy knout, .t n the world were Pr''ci`"se 4 ' 1 ill" , filtiar • ~/,';•;-;:''''' t ..2431I'L'' Tliti suhis.ritier is-prepared to manu facture STEAM EN(ll:it.,S of any power, - . j,,, th e /eiliite lag' Vol , ',,, : ,' _, ar an, .„' ., ' .. id:••• .:'.." ' .'uninitof any eapacity.and Coal Breakrrs Cithnia. . li..ettaeliss. ! I ) ;: d fl i u t l ' ont ti t ' s ' t n- • - a mind, the trea , lmlll •l 'it r litriner's woe. i n . at - ...... sued fronr geherittielti to getierAtion. i• ' 1 "' ..1 -riliTT. " - "'''..!-... nlar Ih e e * r7lan ' t i l ' o t i r t i l l iet t ( i •hl i ney7 well yat in .;ii s t .l' ea ri : 'Cl'lC:7l'4etti,'N:MPl7-in't.'. in, pi: -. itreaseis cdi nacre. (Odling Mills saw Milk. ,t e . "Colds. . ./.. • ! I infialhatioi.. game un en r*llll'lnotarfoity, IN tin•sonie err, Co . limn the fat•ilitleit prltsessed for tnenufacturlng. and' ' Chest Dlsoasea,. i 1 Inward Weakness. 1 Th.. hill become& doubly - toilsonje, lay., - I tn n * ' i ota loin: ea•perience in the bitsiness. wesk eau he turned - CoStiven.--ss:- • . Livt•et•emplairts. .- 111, ut at this •stahlishtnent. at the v er y : l o w es t pric e s. and '.i 1 -/Pl , .'losia, _ _ : r LoWqeSS Of Spirits, ! iseillive tied by no living and iniluiring ill . 41*,' ~..h X , , •f a ‘liperini t uality .1 • . i Piles Diarrhtea, . - „ . Person , delirious of putting up machinery it , any kind, .hr psv, . ' Steno and Gravel. !! Ana tbe tarmer himself becomes alt; ---" an ; i t ae ,,, I n . li e d to call and examine pattern% anti beet - one -me- Debility, . - , , Secondary Symptoms i . -,../ ' L I 1 1 1 ~. inirtintell with pricef..letbre contracting elsewhere.. • . Fever and Arlie. . ~. Yene,real affectli ns. '!' 'SI II PU . IIS Inc Oath le hr ii. cos, ext.* pt I. _ iglorks orders of ev e ry . - kitid'area , olit•lted and strict attention - Female Complaints. '• I , Worths of all kinds. - ior litei - attire, Or filigion; ailed at in:* r , ..i,.‘,,,ip o akull o , n c Will be given to their brompt execution. , . . • Fold at the manufactories s nf Prtifeinonr-ilnilewsr,,,So , , WILLIAM DERAVEN: Maiden Lane. New York, and '244 Strard. London. 'Cud '' from. afar, a beam of eheerful light Ilinersville, December 9.18.54 ! . ' aft-tf, • by , all resp.rtoble Wiegglsts and Peelers of me di c i ne s . - . . ''! if 136.1“. Th h e 1 1 , . . TjEtEMONT.." ,' - . the 'us:hoot-the United atitee.and thitivillsed world.in , mind. But let every proeess have.ite ~.., -gitth•• I boxes. at 2/) t-eafit. 621.4 rev's. antl-$1 each. ' I ~, - •Rarlw 1 - - / . TREMONT IRON WORKS • . iri- there is& konsidril+lesivint by tfikinr thrlarger • • • ' • • . • • • al''' . ii •• •1 T - , Ana . d 01... n 11,111111...n11d moot 1•11 : 1 1- 11 . 111' Vi , r! . - I___ Trentont. Schuylkill, County, Penn IL 'l.—Direr - Unit, for,the !,, tildanc'eof patient , In every • • Thil Step,. rioers respeetfully in Al 1 --aoruer are dratted to each box. • • he an eik!.erinient a'pis'h ••• opt-- 1 ' ,.. , . ' • yam the attention of the lutsineesetommu sty . Slav VI. 1 , 4:;:',9.... t •/I.lv 2 " . ' to th4r _ley nachlue :quip and, min- ' • - : modes of. mantirit,,2 or , a in.tine.. , , ~ -rrgr.2Z.umix get!te In the town ef-Tn•riont..THE GREATEST ' dinisgt• I•e in•lai• IA, -oilier thiiii il 7.:',. '. ".• - •'''.."l: - ;! • - u the" superintendence and manage- - *Siledlr al Die'covery el . the age. mew 44 /1• , , ,, r5. Z. Ilaftiorti and Philip tutu -Ito where . ~... . -- tt lid! ',tor(t It.,',gt t.l ti. e tti it ti. I . • Oos•h. they are Prepared to 'elirrute.all orders for alarhinery of p : It-. K:EN NEI) V I' lit xbury IF i , 1 i - Sprin t Peas. and ;Sena attelt a• Atealn Eneint•S of any power, .-, t./ .. / -- ,„, i. IF a nt, to, 1,Ne....:1 .. .,t ;11.11 1•11e , 11 1s: 1111 !..1.• o , , &Mr Pumps of any capacity. Coal itreake'rSof every desert!, lisrovered ill one ../ .Olf C.,,i'ol.ri plant t tout, a , 1 lice, all i i i e ds / of bloring.` for Wiling- Mills lirist and - rotor that . "" . . ' - in , 114 . 11 t : ill ,1101 i, ICI. 11. e life i• 1 :i •t i, - - ho'gr -.• arpei :itaiv culls Drift Car-. wilt nil %I'M. sf ,1•1 1 1 1 ..' 3 .1 • ;(solo.,; -• Eve - 3r Bind of humor, - cm e send its 1,14.111)* pulsation , 11, , ~' -• 13 "' 'sce•ha.i . hairs for Flat and 't i;aits Fr ~..• ~ ;,•itehes a nd from ihe •.% es, • , ..e. tufa .i vita tei , a ~,,um u pimple'. •;-' ..„' - ! _"J'ilar Ir ill kinds .a .. c,...,, awl tWr.d.....hi Iron S'hardliars. Mr. Um- : 1 . A hole St-tetra of a film t C s '.O /,,,.0 -! 1,. --'' nee it"I 1-1 ladn2 aPc /oh's; Mo'-'h , tnie laid lo.tt high td the ;on- 11-• ha , t; Ittit in ~ ter ills case , :iatol lower :.,i.:-ti ex- joy , . - "itacit !,1. , !, re - in ,:* et Ae , .s' I ''•'.'., 4 1 1 1 1 to or !Menet. a nd ~, peri,mel: f, 4. niftily vei , ,,in !h./N.Bl : . .e.r.it•tt., • ee i tt in teo ease. k 14.1.11 EMMat:, Illation). tit- has m e tit / 1 ; persons tleyirous of Potting tip , 1a: hinny or any toed, \ his I , .ss 5,i...........1 ix.. huoured h . ate, ..,1 I, 1 i.ii.e, 1 ,1 - I . 1 l 1 !. I . . I 1'..... math • ate,st- s !IS I,ilit . . Is al 11l ” - l." 66 •• -- ' V.- i'lrited M -fill n'l4'.6(bOalio..Or nAtt..ros and .toperie r , alt Ii 111 twiotty nil, .•I le 5i...0 i -• ~, mild', , loath , 0ft t ,, , ; 3 -1; and; 1,,,,t0ie 4 , 01 If 'tea wi , t1.4 ,- ire. at • .r.O t5..111.11 are ‘larratittu 1.. i Curti a nun•ini: Svir • 114 , riati rv. . •The .. • p'eashi eli II 1,,- 11, 1 1 - -i• act's , lore Works 10-fl‘ro , ellitlrielin: , .I...whert.. ' , niers sr.,- ill. rat h. ' , ,„ --:;111hear y • ore kind thankfullyrieadvell and 'at -PI attentien Will h.. O'net t thie It e bellies wi ll cl.re t.:irt rkekii.d.,, owl& A 4, r ili - list, as 1,1. I,,ti in iii•i, at, -, ;I , ~- ~. ;4, ran I Ltiven to I h-ie nromid •.scru'i .1 hiving geveral 15. 211, 01J taw fat:, . - illa 1 , lot anti .',/ h•orso l•Ingl net, :tit hand. . Two 1, t tire° lad ilea e ilie u e sh,'! .4 . stem of 1 H.,. - ' ` o lit ., 1‘1111•11 ' 1.1 .- 1 , 1 - ,t 111 e Vlel..h .II.• '',' row. J i „ ..Iq - ,.., I.tyl I 1 , , kk k, NE - SELTZER. ~ 'i iii, iii,tio.- - i•ace w.irnoiteo ti, euri., the wt :at tat. het, ite ~I . . I . I".. ,1 -. : , one p i ot r.,1411 r, i 4. 1111"1J141 ii.li ~tl.l. I , the ot , 0,, It mild -tonmeti. .... . - ti. i ~ ! _ ' iv.`"?1,16 c tn.HON. Turk, U• Io .1, , ottlep. C r e Warrrtliirg to Ville the a'toset id t tint ititi., , to , lonretl I,v Ilse ;.,hot •' -,, ,I eye 1 sb . • FCiUM 7 YPY,IBI.`'.NIAir.:TIINF. SHOP, i t ' One t ,, V ., t;:;: ., 1 4 , 4 • J r, 1t " 1i...,: 5.. re.w . rtr . ratik.d 1 t ,, n cure:lll7 r . ln .;:i , o . ot i t s s .,,; 1 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 ::: !I I In ,, . .S , : i i : ::: I i l i , i r t i • ,. : , ‘ i F r . 1 7 . s e .... ,4 ; 1 r, ' ~ ..4 n r - Port LartioSs, Sean., itc,li ~.1 (70., pa. 111', - tilted to ettre ' lrilliNin - el The ears la , 1,,•e- rt.: (1 to :, ....in•i ar •ro , ult.'t Et, IL - ‘!:% - - . --.. ,1. 1 .1 1,... 115 ii.,..t.0.1.7?.N I illionlie Two '`, ,"' ••'' • •Tr 48 iti • con. 1,..te outfit mud blotch... rtumtig Ibe hair. 1 1• •• •:;, , , _ '74.=.-- ; r' f '; l `;,l-..,',,..,,r d ,.',;„, ..: • ~1,k...hm,P . ,,, /..,,,jp.. . loin . to sis b .ttleS rtre warratit,l . :to,etire el/m..4 ni a c . 44. - • , Pot , - „14%.C .- z -it •,,. 1.0 .:,lac, it. his 111104 business —. .runisitog moors. l' . tt --ietile,,lot . loin], ',. '' II 11:1',, 115 I,l‘ll 1311... , : 1,,,„„ . ....T.: ‘ ,,! . .....1 1 :; In, 1,, e , -.1.:,,,, ~e i nes. it s ii n .ad dud ote, tet!le,c ill ,•tire ..cil: vrtipti. it of tit,- st, in., ~ ''tift t '', ' 11 , , l )- ,/ ~.: ttreakto, l'as:l•,,o, and 'la •ti , 11.- i TVio vr turn bottles are wnlyanct4l to rule the Ist is .•'n.li, ti. EY Ir* .....11-11I1 ' ,Illis OS k 11' • , r' , ' ' , v •r .-.sere -< tterh. I !lie warrants his work to g iv e s,itis.- ra+.• 1 , 1 r1 , 1, - 1, ortn. . 1 ' -. - 0 11 111. 1 . 1 1 : 11, i 11;111:,_ u, bbd 0,;;I i, - en ,i...:, ,L , 1,1,A •eor ', 111).1ly soli. it , I, tte,tirt I' • TWo or three bottle. -rtre' IVrtrintl4l.l - ore the uloo•t. Oor r. ' I . I .Inn 27 ' desperate earut Ot rheualisin. earelitllt eti • , , eliell. lii. non.' non : - ------ ---r-------- . 1 , 1,„., i„ e,,ur bet Lit, are warranted to cure the snit ,FRANIKLIN IRON WO .-1,11.,, eil••• , ‘ ,,, r,, -,,, ,1 -I , A -. ;ot it l'r. - . .1 a; 11 i . .., .......... rut 1, sun', i• ers milieu, •/-,to th r Pub i i.ii to i•E lit l••t! les a ill i•nre tlie e-i , rst case oil. r. 41.118. . • , ' 1 - .1.„ 1 „. fir de l l they are the Prowi.4o,r , ' , 0 . : the , A Isment i•• alea.:, esperielleed Sea t the hrst twill, Ill.iti.• e! 1 Eta L. ic., s::, and a ..r. ' . • - tbe it , ~. ; ... t.. . ' ~ r attlilitt %Yorke ,. Port Carlsor...l tely ear- amts p.trfect cure is 4 ritsi.teil n twit the abey e quantity effi l s. A I , I ; 1 ,„1„ t lig a I I l i i;„_.... aii ,l ~.; -!!!!, ' ti ' Arpr Cai g ied I, ii by s. sollyttian. 1,1 here t ey eon- ilt taken. , 14 4 t, ! .....1, -- tin ti l e!,l.o manufacture to enter. t the lienaler. 1 peddled,,yer a thousand lottles of tin in the •!ill' Ito. I! 4 , . IAriNS A% 1111 1;14 . 11 l'‘i• ':‘:,, • shortes notic e Steani Engine), l'utups.C•mil Itraykeis and ' vlelnity ot Beaten. I knew the etfectS ..2 it ii, eler' ',. ' i • Ma••hiniiry of almost any mini - or. &slit:oton. fir mining ease. So sure as water will extinguish tire , so sure, will . 1111 hit iv , 1- , t in iie ma titol a ple•i- ,:, • •.: di or other purivisee. Also, Railroad and Drift Carr, Irwn or ' this cur,' humor. I never cold 'a boltle tit it I.ut that ~ . I c s' si t ri i t. t d aB iis h t t i t : i s , : i ril ",ll,, l l ; i l s ieir lll e : l l,t a t t l it ' l l ....i t' !, l: ti s - 4, : ; ;lt i tart Flrat.s Castings of anylsize or pattern. ''irdemere respect. sold another: after a trial it always socaks rot- iiscir - fully solicited. :I, '' GEt.):II.•FISSLEB k BRO. • there are two things stout this heti, that appear to Me , surpi Dine; first that It grou •in ehr pastura.s. in. some Franklin Shovel Works. - places quite plentiful. and yet ita value has never been tractions of silt' !Pe. and so piirelv l'.'r ''''• t " i Thei'SnlNerihers eolitinut• to famish th:•• Copiers and . kn,or.it until I .liSeoVered it in ii' , 4 l ,--11eConkt, that it a:li t :t o l d atilt ut d .. a an d re i1it..1., ;IS in Wail r hen if ,' : 1: :;* '' :t 1111 .} nortierc , of SeilltVikill:Coltrity. with SIIIOVeIS of all hinds, sheuld elire all hinds it humor. 1 - e , - * male at the' lowest 1 . Philadtd phia 'prieos. Attention ii, partleu. ' In order to g ive mane ides of the ;cabbie rise and great s t it l i t t. i l ii. i f: Y ir i t 3 : de ni: l ti i . h w t h i , ii .s . ( 7 l,. l ::. -7, .. '. .:. - P 4 ta r ty called 'to thole' OW Shovels. (triers for Shesels'of Popularity to the disclovery. I will vial that that in April. Mr size or patteilt promptly attended to. ' ' 0 , 53, I peddled it and still about Siri bottles per day-in - , ; . i -; OEO. B. Pi:It:LER k 8110. ! April. 1 t,:it I sold °ter i.lie 111-MS:ll.i bottle. per day alit. Port CarbOn. Aneand 21. 1)152.. ' ' w o t 1.. • i ; ;( t 1. n i ilntelt:liii c iBi iit r i l i i ti f i t , , , r ic t s, o ,(n. f ilt:t i n l::.• :,e; ri y u r - e e , , il l / 4,1 ' , :`,.--,,, ;‘,,...11 1 , 14-tf , ! =ono' of the wbolfsile , limegiat s itrho have been 'in the ü born .,. .1 . „ li t y .t i l it i y ; ...l l :t i t v t i . m ,, i i i i t: i se ha l ‘ .) . r , :ii ( t i t , s ,T, l ( l:l‘ l l: ,, l: c; , , --.hosinevosent... and thirty yearn shy that nothing in , • POTTSVILLE., ' .- ' ttav_anonls ef patent medienies was%eyer like it. :There - . . - ,, e • "univetsal praX , ..e: tor it rpm all 4 /touters. -!I ill bud POTTSVILLE IRON WO.RKS.., 4 s.' . Foundry- iud Hee ittne Business.'''• It i • k 1 •-' I - i • In ray own praett, e 8 Wrt)l. ?la t ‘titt't $ for bombes - N ,) 1 ,,.. 3 ~._.„ lie . ., i ,.,.0,.,, h. ,,, t hi s • -but since its introduction as a gottentl Walla medirihe. , have done ini , st for it.* iiiipro‘em , ; t mak lay eiratted.n rolortnrOdlifb under the nreat rind wonderful virtueshave btm found in it th at • 8 / -- 1"'" arm of etiMitiii. 6.1111 T II k P0:111t1)Y; , I never suspected, c i thin/nit/tie tf Me . farmer to 14 - • „ lizir tor t o transaction to a I.eneral PLurritry Several Caere i it:" e.iiiiercitits-1111,4?" 1 7) 11 . 41 w"! ni - ! citatory .../ 1. ' - -r/ Mtehine /foxiness. at; the old-estata %septet - Ins t ere, mum . e have -eon tun, -1, A Cosa Mir. : 110101 not twille Iron Works,r corner of Norwegian sad ties. 4). what a mercy if it will. prove effeetual in an Opal streets. i , I ft, F. 1.) , F.i1110Y, an t,: them . oases of that awful malady-there are but few who have ...., • , his lf vf i r le 'l-t t i : ) u a rs e t i l l es ° I & ;iii if: * t v ‘ i t , lt rli . simply be..,; i : a':''-• 1 wm. sNirrii.. ,• seen fabre of it th an I Gave- . I „ March '2:5, 1854 llctf . CLIFFOIll) POMILOY. ' a .s 1 V ..l : I ' lln• has *lone 80 before. or becatiso his f . ' '`•`- - 1 , •, H.-- . I k n ow of several ripe,. A "r sti n ime r"P ;ev a er il -- . People cured by it. For the Sarinuediseasesnf the Liler. . :' :FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, . )Slek litxtdache. Dyspepsia. SI earn Car Factory, &c. - , in the Side, nhieases of the Spin'eottid pa rt icula rt in die .., ~. ' ~,,irili c i-..- ih e 14,1 A matt tir the late firm oames of the kidneys. kc., ' the dLuovery has done no i re his neighbors have done so, he shn.: , ...''4''''' . ,pf NM -if •,•:' , N.l:Dlilt A. 1111. - . N Ex. 'will be contin- . 4eod than any medicine ever knowlit.; , .' ~ , ~ ' - ""- A' tl ROM•ribur in 'all Its various '- No elaanvi id diet neeeettary'-eat th e best you get 'and IMproveinent, or Cull rS(.. , I t' it e initkess..ll. ' 4, • . "S:= !wenches of Stearn i . ..ltgltie building:lron . mough of it. , 1,- blindly, .he is ninth more likely to lose ;I Founder. manufacturer of all kinds of , 11 , Meet-flaw foi use:--;.htiults , one tabb- spoonful per day ..., Machinery, for Rolling Mills. Blast Forharee. Railroad' -children over tett Years, a desseit spoonful-children gmu. - liesiiles, if he Maheb eXpefth,l , •;^ '• Ca . do.. dr. Its o'in also entitinue the business of Min- rroin tine to eight years. tea-spot - mini. _As no itireel Who'. ---. lii and Selling theicelebmted Pine . Arrvt Ilthibc - Ash and Ivan belapplicahle to all constitutions, take su ffi cient to is random, some of his iiio,;_liliors-aiiil pi •..ti. f. „ , . . r .. Ls: ni. and :pubs Vtillts Red Ash Os-tht, being sole ornerier. operate on the bowels twice a day. •; ,he litelBell.-.Will set 11..1.V1i his - tilur , •-• i, tor of thesi , Collieries', I GEORGE W.-SNYDER. 1 . Manufactured by - lONA LI) IiENNEIiY; 1. , . ' !)- J January t.'l, 1K I 4 1 3-tf . : .- .... , .V.:l2n. it'ser , n re.t. Roxbury, MnSs. ' . account of Scientific farming ; LA l' , - Mt ' L , . Pelee, One Dollar. ~ . . -- . , 1 PALO 'ALTO ROLLING MILL. • ; whoirsale A g ents:—:sew York city: t'. V. Clickni•r, al more confiriiied in th eir (11(1 way., 1 0 -t•ao,• . .:. elll 1 I 11.1. E sutseribers.beg leave,to rin. Rarclay,street; C. 11. - Bing. 1..., • .1 - ' lira twav• En , ton t . h -I hi • tolitoltiens mal 11 I-. stir . f , I . ..i• g nu 1 Ula ei itigiti a sin, : , t , 4 ,, t • rah race to their frieuds and the public . -.../.. " ...-- hatthelr, new Bolling Mill at pato Alto . ' Clark. •::7511readway: A. B. k I). )/ands, lon Fulton 1.4. 3, 'Wholesale agent. for Pennsylvsnia. T., W. (friar & 'But But it he studies, duel. hi,' I,.ittre, 0,4 •-•,. •P.,- 1:1... , North •/nd •Mreet. Philadelphia a' - '••-•.."`"" i Mae complete, and , iu• full operation ' ` l43 "' •- • " ' " , 5 i , t .. ..,. • 1 taige.pinaz - , . • 14.• sale in Pattsville. by J. a. firmer. J. r. 17v9hes alllib Or forater I - e--lalfi3Orlah M ale. aura(' 111 , •4 ' . Ma that they are prepared to supply a • ow/ /1". llohen.m. .; May do isf,F, !n..1 ~ . „ . . , , t 'tape.). o. arti..ie uf I gaits of ykrious sixes. foV the use of It Ile is en pliring obese.;; ;ii be (onset - se._ •,,, Collieries and lateral pads. -.- ' an orders for rails are rexpeet fully edicited.aindwinineet T i, Lttelligent. men. ult. bate Leen . stir, , .t. ,:,..„ with proutpt atto nf tti;a i tt .t t i f t itt i, t e i r . a t i ti t t u it t u re iii:i t g rs . s t iiii i . ,,, t i h t : , - . 'PLUMBIEING. - Hardware Store Ili . i the same 'brato h. and , a Ini - under:l4nd .1 , A s • , la villa. or address by letter to • . .., - . !lAA lYteib, L:I; & co. pourrtf. P. 0., l'a . ''' CAS-FITTING, PLUNIBINC &C. 1 -will explain to Lou the prliicipk. -, ai. , 1 ; ..,.. k T. Feb 2. 1t.,6 11. iSept. 22. '65 as.tti *' - .5. Q Mrrilt DO W NIN Gi BURNT OPT . cestirs .. Y.liich' they heti! adiii.t...ol; be , ai r . -.• it _ TO COAL OPERATORS & MINERS. oon the Mill have reopened 'An:establisitu so . •f r . . •A% 'll • their exattiple.-(Peto I - r • the,above business. In Alverrorrare. Where they will h e &Ile in tili k , i Plorkeer'lloiler 'Work*. . thankful In? orders.a,nd provithe Prompt attention and l in r „ th,i subsvril..l% retie -orally invite „ the ottiathetery work.drool ' ,tt ... CI.. attention of the business community to Pottarille.ortoher'2B.l.Bs4 . 1 , 4:14 f • ' ......i... 0 . 4.61,- I . • .4„ . _ .. ~..,,,..,. their Boller Works. on Itallnad street. be- - •- • _...._ ..—........ . _ • , , : i-riaL i za; to*[ the Paisenger, Depot. Pottsville. Pa.,. •PL MBING - AND CAS FITTING. i ••ty , where they are prepared to manufacture . l v , - . Did LER4 OF EVERY DESCR I PTION, . s, :• NEW - NAM, ! cormei Coal and Smoke snots. Atr Stacks. Blast Pipes, llasomaters, Drift ./. 1.• IN' e egitm - street Potts;ille.Penne.. hes eon- Cars. ke..le. Boilers on hand. _. 1 • 'tartly on nitis Supply of all Mies of head Pipe Sheri Being practical Meehanlca, and havingtor ymars devoted Lead. Bice Tin Bath Tuts: Roister Baths It, dran ts, themselNes entirely to this branch of businevv, they flat- Mae. nouf to and Single Acting etidips and Rater i' l / 4 •• ter themselves that!, work tonal their eittabibituttent will eta; also. ,11 kinds of B r raes oot k fur water 'out trokt - , tire raWartioll tp,xll who may f a vor them with 'b call.- Brass Oil I. psand dishes for if weines. All hint% et C, f.. that idirds told Cotapanies will find it . gr e atly to their att- per Work nd-Plutubing dun e i n lie ne,t..st •liallUer .4 vantage to elaminatheir work heron-engaging elsewhere. '.t be short, t !Intl,. - May 5, 1553 1241 1 ' .101 IN •,4 .TAM S NOBLE.. N 11.-C sl• n.ii , l for “Itt 111-s-ssaiiil Lea I ----------l' - " -- 7 - --"'"" - -- 7 -- - 1' , itscille October Sfl • -''' - POTTSVILLE ROLLING MILL. 1 4114, 2.4 - ,..-A t.litt.i,S respectfully e n .ef' ! .. Ltme notoYee to the public that their new', Roll 4. ' „,,,., iii,t Mill lit now crimplettal and in full ope 1 -11:11 11 tc= rathin and that theyire prepared to sup • „ - _ t o. a ll ki n ds of Bar Iron of %whit's sizes which they will siarrant to he superior In ifoality to any obtained Into &bit, ail. at the mute priees. , • They also utiniMacture T Palls. Pr the tin' of the rot. ;feels anti Lateral Reads. weighing froth 21 to /S) liot.,p ew yard made of the; hest inin. and .whidi 'will - be fi , und mrse.h draper thah the imported.trtlele. p.,.h ig prs o l es t' i nee t en do, atel : lnning ha-lei - insider:ll , le s • s poirience• In thi , : lion busieess,lthey flatter themselves that they - can glie entire sallefaetion to purchasers and also mate It thtlir Interest to patronize it , llle • tna•otfar tares- ' .• . I ! - ' JOID; BURNISH A Cl) Deeembor 6.19,9 i . - ' . . 40-if ITEM 7 MO o===lll :~~ ~•~~: 173,1.4 72 14.7,0t0t ..r, 19 r,:oz ..s 7041. WASHINGTON .IRON WORKS. i, , , riiF i . v ii 4 tt e li . ::l2lr ~ o i l y: s t. .t. e,,,,,i mil , invite COirAttentiqn of .=h, !.tedea,... r,ln.mueity !...-.... e l ,. .-..,.. , llwir '' ,. Pn. Marldne Stop and Vuundry FOR SALE:, . iI ~,,,----„,„;, /q , 4 ., 11 0 1, 1 4 wevi a Cosd tutd . liaiirnadatreotp.. i , • . .isii •••-,N 4 f.... lin • nit Nercrv•tin .tc...t. nbenp •,- )N easy ternis—A valua) , le r eee ( I t the x tir. pre ; i-t i rl to extvire an 6 Tdert , rnr nlichltioniht . land onitalring• [ .. ir4t Aer .. tra •,,,. or 1.1 i ,. situate it; l a ti r' c " ;); "'l Pfi l t r ill Tt . i h ilti a . ‘ 4 ' ri t' Sl .ln :ln k:" Ci 4sl,l4:Llllittielenllll.lr4.!.lTO4ltte-ritari. W Au l bil ln r u n t. ."'7n n 4 . ab . I . l }y S* ; i htl in i t kii-ilifi-‘::"."illi:i.• a '-t ' .li u ;l ' ! in t" : ll ll '6. 4 f ;u i i i . OrtutTP-teti‘tti I' itiv. Coal niv•atters• Drift Cam. all - klndt, '. queb4ona L'al•r44 • pu I. W. on 4 rininit a.. itrrn4.h th. - of Itailr ,,, t emtii,gp. such at filatis for Pit and T Ilan, awn:. The a •ii i' a pa. , 4 red grai.el• w ii water _414% . Pro . ^_"• $114.1.1-I:ttr,' A l I kinh" rant ant) wrought iconed.• and un•to 7• 1 ! a - rm :ills CoVeild e i.h pod ahaftintr. Belo :Dr:tele:ll inothatd. l :a. at d inxing inade Ohs' liu, 31,1 'her tirul , er. Ttni r r.: In a',.. , ',leo- 5M .760-! HAL: i;t:-V,..1i-::•,.--TO l lent hairtsusbi ~ thatiittainastils...fikh.i , Viol Itoeltiat th•iii-iti.wkr inr ....• . -ty al-writ , c,- tei:4 and th b ub- le 11l a ~..,, • •c'd firma u '. •10, niViltidg nil tdarhintil In their Fate of blab - tot& the, or oultica , ion. . • . .;._ :. . ill.)• , nlt.i ~,. 1 .s...kr;it>ll jilt(' Tint 0. ~ .1 itattfw.lbonny 4 •44 thnt - w.rk dripe it fliflr tist•Wlrhinont • A1..8.-iti• le n ~rlnr, . .e- tl qt. , hemi st utlie-rni. will aottfet.+tton to till ' why Mly,h•Melr thorn with . lano4 land, ati,i , llittx th- ealCralleAsii,ted h., th, n, /i • # le 7, , 1•e ,. . ; , k I , , b•I I'l Sl'''' l 'll e. I ' . II ' '? " . ;i i : ) call. Allt order" fthtinittilny reMri'd 114 prontptly ix. borh..nit of the itht , Tr d , . riled tiact. A gra.l Wit: a • i ~.1 ,' . : ' ; t -;,,,, ,- ~t,').,10 Ow ~,E ton. ~1, fitted; on the meat reaatatatietikits; ' . .. .._ p 4.4.1 n wilt be given at any than . Appli ii. - . • . • , / • ;..101IN T. WIZEN. THOMAS WRIOt, .1 • .Wayn• t,..,Wlatilp, l 4:ar Y. ti ‘ a lA S T titr . nit: 1 111 ' ii" ' lL ' 2':' ' t i """"'"k*- ii*...° r. G • j JIIIF.B WHEN. .b.•lf•lwr‘.•.ln o : , - 7 , W 1 ' mi. 111)11 dr, IP+ K. 'AP' t)rr. , , : - Ciii T :g . 6iiii - k§',. 7 IP4J TTsVII.I4X. • HOMEOPATHIC B JOKB DitorEss - ()It sItALL : II.4 . Ilersigqes ttGmrptk. itysl4 Lsorie's • erri4lt's 4:uld, • %ill in.m;!atid YaY3y 5 4t,E11- ' citio,Chosbc for naln by J, nikNAN. fan 19';,C . . ' .. i LYONS' KATHAIRON.- 1 ~ ' r , S AN 7 E. N 01 , , used 1.)-orno K zuhairon I rer th• hair t' It is uh• etz•t thillthtfuileilet Illf ti .h k. 4.0.1%. work, mai ixpr, , LnineLtiZlNzwtttil fir tiro ; and Bahl heu.da. Th t : Kettainat full}? restored my balr Alter & tahluta,i at twelve :tears. letiiii truly, .. , . . , It.I....ITWATES. . ... , Co: bit Warren Amt. :wit York. • Also, Lynn!' r.xtract et Pure J3l[ll3ika Binger, for dyth. 1 pepsia mid .zeneral nervous debility, a... eau t• had at • : : liltLtrs Perfumery and unary Story. Centre C zt rec At. Potts% Me Octuber - Zi, 11.5 - ,11-tr THE here inhelevw .meuliew eel n ie di_ clues. prepared by L ark iil4. may be had, also . (for the purPosc. w saaskr chase:) of Mr. Brown, Apothecary. tiontre rri•L P0t... - villa, and %lr. W, John, Apothecary,34's lace strl.l. Phil adelphia, to . Ist..MUSCATIN.- , -The Most excellent rrniitl; acainst complaints of the stomach, r'aalic„ mothaA• complaints a.., curing w Munn ,J5Ol. dyspepshi. if its:use ie inxieratel) cont in tied. . • 2d. diopot porrrxpni , d th. above,-but ire titoreadsphil ~k•ars wh•lrr wl* 3l, n"" Of lb , 4,:stis 1,. the ..xt1.4...121411,...b nap .t p.i4c . . mit,lll rt.incd3 tmei..uhrly' en , 'rig' Mr pird arid all lettial.• lnrlloatinu kn. &C. J.:111:• PottAdile. F , lausryl).-'46 6 :{ Gi Tayssims s TRV99E4 t! tRUSSES S I • C. H. NEEDLES Tema red lirser Eat ab:llslariaens, QOU'lsil. West Corner o f I!..tt. omdi Car streets.. - 1 4 .3113,1 at Frenoh frussra emit e *ad lUrabilit) with correet.e.,t,s:rti,A,,tt. Ileroiat or rupt ti rd p,sti-nfP -uitrd h rruTit: unrul Awn* 6.4o),•:—lendia • nunii.er th” hips. s•nd stitti tie aPrt ttleytt d. Col of si,t,Ve Truss, $l. $3, i, SS. Double—s:l. . • • instrueti.ins rts to. strAr. and how toellect a rum.. *het, paksii.ir, sent with Ow Trips. AL , for .11- SII great Dr. Banning's . Improved Pateat Body Brace, I'T 11A8 BEEN the lot Of the human rwe,.o b b.. weighed down- by disease .1114 andering.— ,I'M it'Arr...1161...... are apertall) adapted to the relict of the 0;P•, tit:J . .V . , , rrour, the It true mild the Infirm, Grail kaim,s. it,;e.r., sexett, and venstitutions. l'releastd ii '0 04 4', lOrs..nialt:, .superintends i the Inanufacture of his medicines in the rutted ,tat-es. all,' oilers theta to a free an I onti4hteued people. n s .toi be't remedy the world elver sib Per tilt . . l'i•lTV , lal. ,, llli.eane. 1- . , These Pills Pt!Afy the Mood. ',Thes . fnli .us i'ins are expressly ecnindnett to operate on ttte ;t onart. the liver. the kidiliJy.s. the Winn.. the akin. and ill, le;;Yrele.e..nyetlin; any di•rndeuletit in their functions pdrify nig the bless!: the s ry fountain of lift, and thus , urind dirense in nJi its f,rn,s. ,•-' liyogiepota aand.Liver Complalnt•- ;Nearly 11.til tho human raeojhave tdiseit .neao villa. 11 S. W. lit DSON. W. 1111IS0S. PLUNI3INC, ESTASLISH.IIIIENT. - ii„ 1110(1...0 4 I.\ r,.1,...•tfu1i± •, , ;nil. iin , i. 1., t li.. pul tic I f,. '7: .......otl,Ple hag taar.-I"iised, 010 .1 ilia ..-"' „.. ' - ' 4:-. 17:114 Pa ,,, ...: .: t s Plat Ittte firui 11l 3h, r ,.. - -_ ---- - --z-Ert .• ~,d, 1 , 11,i,.%. , ,,. n•.I in. 1 .- w .....,,. i„,,,1.....y r x..11, 0 ;v1i the iflonil.ln” - '' '' . " - . 07 - t l h ' ... i. ;: r. lti i t ' a l nci l ll i , : ::l, ' ' l 7 :l l ; ', .. h t . ', ' t i. ; vEit 11-ilge A h.q.. lie h , 1‘ ,., i ) n b t i t;7 l .:. l l , ;l , t li , , , . e : . il , t e sir: :l :: . .• 110 . ror At , vi 4, 7 , ,,, ; . , put di p,i'r.l in v. lie $4 i'.' , ,.: to; t... / soil,. Ili woil.. t , , Ile vs:, e.... 1. ',.1 1 • .": : :.A . . an -I it vt11:1-, ,1,, 1 ....,, , I sr... ~.., :i I ' ''' - ',..3 a 'n31 , 1, it•thii a. ran I e.,t, 1 1, .t'-- -- . 4 47-7 . 7 . - . - elsokhrt;:... , . . f ii...• -'-. ''''"Er tYlitivitt , rl /I . . .1 : 4 46 - ' •.. t 442-11 V . . .. \-- 11: Pottsville .ive'.r.'rx 1-1 f9t.. 1'3 , , 'A EMI MEDICINAL. VALUABLE MEDICINES. Why arii-W Sick, 'o7ji t telltriirlitof 1-11= - b d e niini A it. no e tt ,ll . . 1 . ;.; fro n . Is ~,i. :,,,,1 t i ,, i t stdd I the frot.s.ntre. Art ..... 1 rit e l fm. itmett c-tre •-til, fr..en er .1.. tea. t r.F•tit...i• .4. • "". . . ' , Ile & not n ex deal II: ~,-.t. prneUrrd 14 , 1711, 1.) , / : : 11001110 0 . 1 0 , I mae+ fit m iii.... s .... ,the .11 rh.ap ++ ith• u,.4., __. ehlmeter ofthe ....I. Lt. Ni•r d...... h. in- ._.., . Fil +4.4.1. ??....+1 prnmi+euonAlt in th all • :order • +•;‹ ' ~,,.,„ swil ~.., 6 : lmms•ximity rfeteriorater. their ntiftlitv'l, l • .. • e '''''. - ,,, - i i I ,''' .• I .‘h"" +Au.- `pee, Thl+ ian inp•r•f. ' : •;: - „,,,1 k'or`rsir. i''' lh.. 4 %1 . ...pun-hag...4th r+.44+..r 1., •-•'.. Is— trettAt 41,. .. send in order+ early +i, i+ . .- wenents '.• It. ISA N'• 1 , " r " . e . / 311(._ I REASONS'' wgiir •nrr ity FAR s " / ,, ' :7- • hree line PußttrE 111 S Bt811•11.138 t• tt?, ALL oVE! .. 11. n'O'lit `;'' .1 ; liefill If I , • , • ne non: I T. .‘ e , ~. lel( ,'' 1 WO mom AS - A " f . c , 1. - ...t ) vottllntm itAitry wan wl o Inn, lot I -I' t \ . ~v . ~, T brv....111• r Acly. the . ..;;Viet.C.. id Vt-gettiltle 111\ -. ci n c)U . . r r h ... r 4", ,.: ttliJershatt4 pt•rlettily ;bat i l lni t ,,l H it .; l i l t t il t ee oct u .o : Cr,' i.tiThrolt:lneilis it, 'r it I Ithttre 11... .- 'fir nu • nt.tdo Itettaino• no eti I :li (I t ,ot t t t l ll , ..4 r , , ,, t , ,, „' to the stt,ll it': the gittat -Ito t.t. it t it., ,0 6r I l l i t .";_ r '' , the tgrowth of I.ltii.ts ; the I ll' 1111t , ', . -Ntor•hAi . . . • mr,ex,.. wlOll Ow% littitri,ll tilt ttti , 'be ( , Awn,: • ..,.... 01 1.v..-it: of I la. ttlt tituttit: . whit II cot tniLtt.N • n ,:, tqt , . toitli in- iltt.tbliyilt it tlis ',I which tlo tt - 9 t't ehltl4 ` ‘ '• 1 . ...'", 'Mont _ teittiblo, by prointrt It.tre • and etilli • t . ;.„- Advert! Junt so it, r.tlit•t•l of tint ‘nrjolts . ..tot . 6 i a lr l f:: l et the 1111'111UP Ins it, 111 . 41k:Ag Q . 11 il,••' r ' N '''' ^ea ,,, T . r l - 01ellait al (.4:11.t.1.izt .•liii•h ttuat,,,,,e it.,t ., -; ‘ ,..,.6 tt , ti tte, w lin, b uttiolto:Ao :he tarsus itn * .t. : - -tt - ,t i a l , riil .;:t tt ":".•*, ti .t Mirit.... h. grep,‘,.lle •sili j,e. nide. it. v. - ''' . kll ...itl'A 131,11, tr , 1111, , 11.` r r 10 .161 'll.4lll.Urt . '2l 1 ,,, n a.i l ' i r i il sat'V•l:i. - 11 a I I I IC , \ c ill till that .r1;:r 1 1, lrt*" . t h " l has it. lasts, atm 111.tt acting ilt 1.1 , 1 r4..., , r, r ' f', ' ,.i 4 l with them, h; 111.41,asis of the oak Imi.• * l4lS ' s •4111Orter e farming . . bt'or ev ;ay! , wheat roma 4tutt - ti t tell :Ind March, in snub proportion., It.. t,rly . M , r ~., .n Compose nigethier .Icr , nth-tiri:: per r, - , .. th A,, its entire stilistiiiice. Now, if the - 4 t I . i ii certales to raise wheat on'a soil min, i ?`l i . 4l Z ,i : not contain the eltitteill-i of tstirch it.. i•A dttt•tut . ten, he, wil I t 4il. his soil will t;,,; 2;,. 7 l. t tat` wit l, which it does not, lanoatss„ Ilis 1,..,t i ,, : ".', ;, - , ' k 0 , wasted e*pital will be ' the }sqill', ei hi , ...... 11frie."! ranee of - the scientific eunditiu, oi.,llerut moo. \ success. lin -- the other han d-- , the l-ot:0,„„, • of these . conditions, and the appla at '''''; theta in the exercise of caution. v. .7.. HA sense and reasonable skill will bring ~ t: ---. dant reward. 1 . Every department of the great i .-1,......± ~:, „" rartning, is full of the illustration.; clfl'. : t ,',l :"",,, that we are iniw on : namely, th;lt .i.-) ''''s -1 ~, Uccipcy. • • Cu tV.t•li Iwo r . ,1 it 'lln•u h., art ~t ,i;;;.ti 01: =IIIIIIIOIIMUI -, • (Pit. liu Il l uil I li r "Amin a 01 ;1:1 1 ( 1 4 ., r m .„ 1 , 11 i• t 4 NV:thil the it :I csumt ; '-'%;,:tn•r* '1136,d 1.171 IitJAV ld I H z . ” trUlt, be lit I , li•l.i•S. ;110 1o:lit-11, n1:11.111 its f It ENT Y Fifit 1N,.4 44 rril ‘4lk.:. Aul'iatt aiti4.l4-4444 .- t44 14;•4 444'.444.•rii , • .11•.41.44 44”144.c d, it .4..,41 . .-'4,4444!44414 ri444, -I 4r 4,:•‘..4.4t.41.4 i 4,.: 414•44t.,1 4. , 40441414ipg• 44114 wi0,144..,t 31r4., 144%• [ 4:4,4• 444ir,444 applied t 44 -148144•4 it's t4y4.41'4 1 •4 4 44101:d atitt•r%%ar i 4. 1 44,4r•atit 4 ti1v01i5 1 y 14443• • .14e require 41,4 x14:1.41,1 4ytt 441:1;t1 t e4.uir 1.44' • V . • t u • , • t r - . : ,