, _ EOM filar? )ountd. MMMS POTTSVILLE, PA, NATIIILDAT, EMT 51 8 . 1855. _ 888 nrizuns. t weutive observer of the affairs of the inetropolis - of Pennsylvania; _ cannot fail to be l ' come cognizant of the erroneous policy Which , onatei the course of-thosewho control her destinies, audalscalld contribute to-her greati., ~near, as a commercial emporium, as she nowf rinks first in the world in point eif science; . it rrnin and li t erature. Thel , re43,,or delpi.la is continually mourning over the lack of energy, and the apparent apathy which hang like a pall upon its , bttsiness,Prosperity. The.terml "village" is applied. to Philadelphia, - by New York; in a . tone of pity, rather, than JeslouSy, for it haiOittle to fear „front the -ri xalry of 's city, which is as. a - house divided against itself, in all that concerns its business prosperity. 'Philadelphia' tndoubtedly owes much of her disastrous career, to her opposition to the interests of the interior, and the want °tuna- . nimity of sentiment in her press:' There is a Marked difference in the conduct of the'Phil-- adelphia press, and that . of New York, as far, as, 'Concerns unity of action, for , the I,re neral: 'welfare of the respectivevities. The press of New York may differ about petty - local , mat terti hut . When,a great public object is to be accomplished,-and the good ot the whole is _concerned, they -are united, and add their powe'Thful, :influence,: as -Tie. No faction, or itidividtialiatereat, cOuiroli the press of „New York in . such an ,entergetiey. . It would be - ' well if Philadelphia, were 'clutracterieed by ' the wine reeling as fir n'ithe Press and btisi- COMITIII/44 ate cosperped;. The' illiberal, laggard policy of Philadel phia, which lms permitted steamship after steamship to be vrithdrawn from its trade by nn enterpri#g sister city, and thereby crush ed lines of importance -to the commercial - prosperity of the city, has also arrayed it in opposition to the interior of the State. Penn sylvania, hs considered Merely:: it colony 'of Philadelphia, by its 'narrow minded business men, and Short-sighted press; and satisfied with the Self-awarded honor, she is content fill slumber on in; Castilian inactivity, while her mire wide-awake' 'neiglbors, std quietly, but surely, attracting that trade frem Philadelphia, which his so . far, becit the chief source ;of its commercial prosperity. In place tfor instance, of the harmony which Phil tdelpli~t . should endeavor to cultivate with Schuylkill Omnty, for their Mutual in-. terest,She . snbstitutesa hostility, which is dis played,not onlywithin her walls, but in the halls of legialation. Corporations so inimical to the pros-pe'riry of this Region, in the Coal business, are advocated - with a warmth by Vhiladelphians, which proves that individual influence 4 is 'Paramount to those interests which should bind the Coal Region and Phil adelphia, with .that closeness, necessary to their Mutual 'Prosperity. People of this section it is well known„ would rather deal with New York than Phila. delflpia, from the fact • that they experience better treatment at the hands of the citizens of the former city. )1 is to be regretted that Philadelphia will continue blind to her own intere.stsi and dais permit all: those' links which might render her the first commercial emporium 0 . 1; this continent, to be severed. - press imbued with proper spirit, might in a great measure, rectify the' error, by cultiva- - ting those amenities of business life, and urg ing action in matters of vital interest lOW commercial existence. With possibly, one or two: exceptions, Philadelphia contains no fa-. per ,fice. from petty factional influence ;• no paper. so, unfettered, that it dare speak the truth, fearless. or the ;nonsequenCes. Some lot a) interest of minor importance ; some pri vate patronage or influence, deters that open, Manly course, which if adopted .by the press of Philadelphia, would rebuild to its credit, and eop?fer unexampled prosperity on a city, in witha,_we feel much pride, and which we know from its poilition, might be rendered a formidable rival of neighboring cities. Cala such a course i 3 adopted; until : the businesa, community of Philadelphia perceives the im ptailee of'eultivating that proper intercourse with the interior, which distinguishes New York so , eminently, and until she discards the ridiculous, idea thakshe alone is the State, we tear , she will 'still sleep, a /a Rip Van'Winkle, and still quietly permit. that trade—:-Which is her life blood—to be, withdrawn by wore ad venturous, liberal and far-seeing rivals. SUM, POPZ AND DEMOCRACY lue time ago when' we headed an article with the above caption, some persons seemed to bp a little horrified at the idea, aid believ ed that we were doing iiijusfice in us coup ling the two together. But Freceht events prove that we were curre-t. Throughout the whille coubtry, the sham Democracy, particu larly that portion, which, adhering to Presi, dent Pie'ree, as a party, takes ground against a Prohibitory Law. Every Roman Catholic l'ress is the country opposes the Maine Law and Prohibition. Nearly every Roman Cath nlie- votes against Prohibition, and , three-' fourths of the worst and Most debased Rum sellers in the country are Catholics and Dem ocrats. The consequence is that nearly all the decent portion of those who have hereto fore acted with the DernOeratic party, except the othee-Lcekers and their dependents, are leaving it. in disgust, and uniting themselves with those who profess and advocate Amer-- can principles, and defend American inititit- Lions, in,tipposition to the flood of ignorance, superstition And -degradation which has flown into our !country so .rapidly within the last few years, threatening to break down all the land-marks left by our forefathers.. We are aware tht there are many good and worthy Catholics, and also Democrats; but we speak of them as a party, and . it religious body.. In some places the sham-Democratic Press even go so far as to attack Prote.stantism, and ask the question whether ih'd race any better off fur haray uervited her fdeihr is from the organ of the sham Democracy in leuttetSec, the Nalltritli baba: , A church that can-boast of an existence of thirteen ceuturitm--passing through all the various vicissitudes of heeeventful earner,, unscathed, can certainly show, with all.her atrocious bdrharity, many bright spots:which may. bcplavd in favorable contrast with the Protestant church, with its. thousand , and'one wrangling sects., Men are. beginning to see through the rauspaient gauze that veilithis Know Nothing movement._ They are begiit; fling to 'ask what has Protestantism done for the Airld ? What has she done to alleviate and elevate the down-trodden? • Is the race any better off for having accepted herluith? .fh-se reverend hypocrites—these: scribes and phariseci art treading on a terrible voice- . no. rimy will find their treasonable schemes an infernal plottings against,the•liberties of man tried and condemned; by the pure light 0c that's own truth .and love, which , shin's unit throb 4 in every puls a ti o n- o f h uman ity' s heart. If Protestantism °proves recreant to her high trust,.she will have to passthe.or ,leal of enlightened public opinion and •be consigned:to her merited `obscurity. Popery, with all its .critueS against God; and..mati, :adapts ititelt to the times and to circumstances dull thu saves itself from being absorbed in the mass id - conflicting elements. .lieutsiEttro LerrEas.- 7 -Persons sending valuable letters by mail, should in all eitse,a 11 . 4ve'tlietri Poi :Wee. fpinv they are. thenew postage law valuable letters- way bet sent in this(way with Perf!ect safety at-an-expense of five tents fir regiteritig. Sitbsenitersitt a disttenee fel mittilig Hawley to us will. givOly;iniqre, their N ato tlf•liyPrenne by having them vegiatinwl. • 74Z1M4-.4...74A.N1.3r.1,WV4A,W.M.6- .• . • -•• • =:11210110111MINUM. Tire PeANGISIIeAIa 31aomtrut 'Or July is upon our table. The contents which** turfed mud in westing, reflect credit upon 4,*de and Aieity of the editor,"Ree. Charles st4liutith. ThiS-As s Christian publication which *Oa find its rosy into every home in the hind. • MART I.3ll)ol.j . ,MrAighEfigirignaiiiill bait received from Stringer k, Townsend, the New York publishers, a cop) of a new work,! entitled ' II E O 7 Lyndon, or the Revelations of s Life." The work' it is thought, will mike a powerfril impression.— .1 1 1 n 6 ts l r7,is.°P.e?rSrefi4, l4t Mik 744l,lu*C t o, woman 's wrongs. The chaste' terSvand - incidents are drawn from real life, etereen depleted '11.4" power et Aem , ....otion of the roost vivid intenea; ness I T. JoUaNAL .0? Tug FRASr I aeries. for duly„ 4f this Journal bits, teen receive& TX4,,34.ligaWit is devoted to mechanical and physical s c ience, civil engineering, the arts and Mainfael - arel4itnd the recordingef American and other patented inventions, It is edited by John F. Frazer, Est 4:, assisted by the 'Committee on Publication of .the Fmnklin Institute: The neat ber, hefore ns contains' an' extended, notice if American patents. Weed in May, iBss,and-ti num her of scieutite aid able papers, finely illustrate& The journal is on of the most iiieful and intelr isting pablieitines of -the character published in the United States; and is.extensitiely circulated in mechanical and scientiEe ClrClea. ; - Tn Misrsa lifioatiln.—Thei May andl.Tune numbers of this well known and' polntles Maga zine have been received. Theleontents are ias usual, exceedingly interesting td, the .. miner and seientific reader. As the ilthrinst;ifarasiacia pub. lishixi for:subscribers Only, those ,wiebing to re ceire-the Publication regularly,- Would do moll to send their names to Wm. F. TenneY, No. 98 Broad way, N. York. • 'By the way, the 'Oita:. maken:toe assexide to the Miners' joilreof in a graceful min ner, in aeknolledgink rho source frOm which it . recently gleaned :valuable Coal statistics. The publication of the . t ifiliin,4 Magaiiie has been de layed by fire which iliotTo7k the printing este*. lishment of Mr. iraa w, which-the Mag azine was printed. It is re-issued,lowever, more interesting than , ' - • :mil Again. 311ETE01101,0OICAL NOTATIONS. Deported by Dr. 4. Deyer,of Poitire. • ~a; 1t p3L3ZW.UMz*vaitos6. UM Ith e. 31 days, • ,41 I 4 , 11 1 bPograPh• G02 1,2 1 44 ^at , 641 , 'M.02 ; 1 Reight . ofPottstille(reiner 69 ./.1.0ii1:4 Market a W:sta.)abtnre 76 ?9J38 4 mesa Mda,63a.947 lv.49l, l tarirt, r Phlladeipbbt, 95 4 .o.o4frAnties.:- 4 -lettitude, - 40° - 44 93 'l ' l . Z.91i115".--tcrpulation in 1850, 00 12.1 g. TAX). ••. • Saturd. 14 S 4, Sunday Monday 72 Tnosify : 82'; Wodn'y IV 83 ' Thum', 19,1 82. Friday '2 i t fresh; ralny-.elorsiy, . ' ditto 4 . ehanged ;34 redny--elentdi. " • W.light; rattier cloudy—lieary gbinnin 2,5,8. W. limb; rather dowdy all day. - od ditto ditto shtor'r at. night 21.-N. IC fresh; rather dorty. .s.V.Danage by Liyhtuisyer;Daring the' storm of Tuesday evening; lightningietruek a barn at Middleport, and injured a mai named Miteavoy. The lightning aim Istruck a piist in New Phila delphia; and did other' damage in the neighbor: bond. The rain, at, both points fell for a long time and in torrents. taP•ltyißag Ciiductore:—.4t is. proper that the rods ahouLthe frequent* Otaniined,' or they maynctnidly foierce the dander from electricity. The rod should ho of couiPetent thickness, and the point and insulators in order. it is estimated that the rod will protect an area equal to twice the distance it is elevate& abOtm the top of the building. Concert.—Mr.. Kemmerer will giro a grand musical entertainment at the Court House in this B oroa-1 on Monday evening next. The programme for the occasion is of the most l interesfing charac ter, and we anticipate for Mr. ;K. a flee audience. Three hundred pupils will assist Mr. K., and sev eral choice ballads will be sung by Muster Castle, a fine'vuealist of Philadelphia; • 114. the Mum—A! man whose name we have not learned, was killed u, the-mines of the Messrs. Brown at, Oak fill on ,Monday last.— Ile went to get his toots, aja. moved some slate nud rubbish' which was in , .15 :way in procuring them, which caused soreral hundred weight of elate to fall upon and bury him. He was taken out as rapidly as - possible, but died a minute cii• two after his .extrication. 2r.,.4:r New Hose Carritvie:—;—, The "Rough and Ready" Fire Company, of this Borough, received their tier: carriage from Philadelphia yesterday; and escorted it with music; felts now quarteis. = The earring() was purchased ft!om the Carroll Hose Cant:lily of Philadelphia,; is 'quite neat in its Up= pearanee, and wears a serviceable look. We con gratulate the company ,upon file, desirable acqui sition. i • pfritetreutpection.—A communicant: sends us the following stanzas, and requests a corner for them. 'We yield it with pleasure, and only regret that in this instance, to judge from the heart. breaking tone,of the, linos, that the course of true love has'run so roughly: _ TO- . • Oh coi4 *at atraln, It wakes me sad, To ttaeo those mem'rles uer ; Though thy heart, "—," It maketh glid, , =las filled with sorrows flow. We parted thereat stilly eve,. Two Manta that loved MO Far %vomit', d.vts of falsegt friends • Drove to that bud farewell. .yrdiT•The .Btorni of Tue.day flrening.--.lt is a remarkable fait that daring the prevalence of the severe storm of Tuesday evcalng last, throe build ings in our Borough were struck by lightuing.—' No loss of human life ensued, nor was any mate. rial ditmege done to property. It is a singu lar:lad, in connection with the death of Mr. Beatty's horse, noticed , in the Dollar Journal, that within the space of a year he ids lost two valuable animals at the maim) 'spot, in Ilelberstadt's stable. Last October, the fire whiCh destroyed our office, burned Mr. B's horse to death, and on Tuesday evening a favorite mete . was struck by lightning, and instantly killed. Peculiarly situated 'as Pottss4lle is, it la , but rarely that lightning strikes ikny object within the Borough liinits. The elevated points iu the im mediate vicinity are more eiposed, and liable .to bo 'struck., tho fact . then, of, three places in the Borough being struck by lightning during the prevalence of a single etorm, is singular, and wor thy of record. .VrDreilenifig aise.—Ori Thursday morning, the body of a man was discovered in the Dam be tween this Borough and Port Carbon. It bore the appearance of having lain in tho water for a .length, of time., As 'the body bar nut been.identi fied, and no person as far att we can learn, is mis sing from this neighborhood, the supposition is, it - must be the body of a stranger. . P. B.—Since the'above was placed in type, we understand that the body has been - identified as that of Michael Gibbons, &boatman, and that sus-. .picions of foul 'play in the ease are excited, from the, fact, that on Friday night last,cries of murder were heardlu the which did Cut attract particular ettention, as disturbances thre are of frequent occurrence. An inquest,has been held, ;Oho h0 1 17,-skiia.ftem e.vidiame Ala rem: dared certain that Gibbous: wet lint kitled, and then thrown into the etitaal.,. The affair should be thonnOli investigated, tild if murder bait been committed the guilty parties shoild be brouOt to justice. The di:teased ' was a young, titne4ied man. • • , . . SMP'Pistrtfioeg Droteniiiy Nee.—On Thursday afternoon; Thomas:Rowland, aged 2$ years, in the', employ of , hit uncle, Mr. Davis, at his . litery •etas thiatorough, rotteiveral ,hersits down to Laiier's da!a,fOrthor purpose of swirinning them, Ife weiin the habit of doing, it, and as was an ,excelleet sw i mmer, no toiler wee , apprehended (meta-tbe prantica: %Tiara that is Thardayi • hoieveri, , while swittraing, ono , of the tiorees, i .tio Oipted4roat the-hack of the :wheel, end wed pre: eipiteitd int& the Water. Re could easily `bn4t; reaCheffthe'shore in safety r but in rashly attempt= lug tei save his cap, which was floating doviii with, the current, he became , undoubtedly exhausted, in • • consequence, of . the weight of his clothing, and lank body wait recovered, after much exertion, in the space of a neuple of hours, and an inqtest 'was - upon*, if.. • The verdict rendered “aecidentallplrownine Rowland was, we nr4eritithil; an tilthitatio •*onng industrious, sober and stea4,- 7 , and'hieentitnely &lola' sincerely regretted 4.,/'a hirge ntimler of friends.: • 40,1 Was . a. natire ia, , "griglane i .irtiere his father titres; and , at, the time of,thkunterittnata occurrence, had only resided' in'. itibr'-eountry couple of years. - • - t....grr....wmr , ..tmera-T--- -•,--, .—..r.r: _ ~--f .-,--t4...-4 - 7- - -,--7 , I - • Oillr. - Thiiiiii•iii 7 di Aiiiiit---Ai esploami *Cok Om* Id OUVees Co ll e 2 Yi IPA ikeitidgesoll Well , ;: 11°14 " 1 4 10; 141110*—Wir,i-latk-baiktia".l 0- Irbileh mos Davit,:bu dpi . Wilialrs*, 16(iise4, it's esassipt the 1601M:tit. i 1 ,,;;;. -, piltkOei Norketor4tirriAlotut are kept ottc 4 amo* . priette i thlis.ptietirely, to high eiselthete;, ' : .:lCan:-.4 our eitizenCtalk a:INN; for 7thei - innposoo 'of senate •. abroad to get their provisions. The people wool, standtj,l4 {_,lliatiprove di* prose but itrujegtryttse graduceiestotit;, er. LOoi to it in tine, dealers. ME Mae pcieet of Coal delivered to saw citizens 'sub* kept up to . last, lrinter's pricesr—although price ;of Vaal is eonMerably less than it was yearn li theta any came for . this? Vfn_ enni get uoy.tUoret printing thwr :we', did t,e:yattlit 11,10 1 The taet if, that 'while everything era ariul high last year, wo were eounielled to work at, !hit usual - rates notwithstanding the advance in pt sitions, Ate. =III 12cr-Fri s aittint Accident at Bctatante4 A fearful neeidentpeterred on Tuesday morning Last,: about half-past sev.en o'clock, at' Mr. AgedPs Debdont Colliery, .in this County—the place Si better known.by the old Fame of the Five Points. Four personi, two men rind two boys, have bee* taken out of the slope, dead and tbreliAtally toad, glod—one more is not likely to live, and - six ofii-1 . ers are seriously injured. It has bdin, add may be denoMinated an explosion of g ee ; .but more proPerly.itwas a powder explosion; for the latiiir did the most injury, though the "fire damp," aiit is generally called,. exploded first and ignited &e• . The facts Of the occurrence are as fullo4s The mining boss, Mr. John W., Davis, went ittba the mines early in - the morning as usual, and eX amined the'svorks carefully 'before any of the tiii- - neri were at work. Ile found "lire" in one of the "breasts"- near the face of the :gangway. This breast was 'treated by James Bilverthern and and was the only part of the mineconsidered dan gerous. Mr: Davis met Bilierthom and told hits trace, iery emphatically, that his place' was fill of &re, and that he should not venture in it With a. nakedlamp until the put was driven out. .tic cordingly Bilverthorn took the Davy or saibiy lamp, and commenced, to brush - fire out of' qui breast But unfortunately, several of thetninfrs wore seated around the bottom of the breasi,:in the gangway with their naked lamps, taking their customary "whiff' and chat before commenting work, and near theta were between two and th'r,eo kegs of powder, open and unprotected. "'The gdsbelig driven down - the shitte Past the cress -heading, penetrated to the' gangway, where the miners were seated , and as might be expect d, it took fire from their lambs. But the exploston organ would have item trifling, in comparisti*-to the amount of &magi; done, had not the puvider, which was in close proximity to the men, nited and expleded, crushing and bruising of sty thing in the vicinity, and doing csnsiderable age to the mines. The effect of the shock - felt at a great distance from the scene, ankihe mines throughout trembled with the concuse4n. 1 Coal, rocks and material, were hurled yritkdrisad flit velocity far out towards the slope. Dutilhe . dimage dune to the work, the amount of Which cannot, yet be fully, ascertained, is nothing in ifirstn parist.n to the dreadful loss of life 'and limb4ibe horrid suffering which the fearful occident 04ett , sighed. . ;Frederick Ezatierhrey, and James Devlin;:ho tiro men who were killed i leave behind them Am ities to lament their kiss. The two boys killed were named David Alvrgan and Enoch Si4er tkorn. James Silveraorn, the lather of Etieteit, iknot expected to live—Eines, dead. Bowe ofloe othersis are severely injured: . There are eiiirea killed and wounded. The dead wore 1)064 on Wednesday. No blame can be attached to the operator di the bosses, if we except their 'culpability Of allqwing the mem to Mke . such largo quantities of pgiFder into the mines. In this respect they plead guilty. Otherwise the mine was in good under, as tatteh so vrobaly us tho gersetality of deep mines ist;this Country, sod the toss miner did his duty, aitythe men: themselves acknowledge. If blame moat fall on any perion or persona, it seems IliciAnen who suffered most, nust beer it: It was certainly a dangerous place to sit with naked lamps, at - 'the entrance of a breast, from which they' conlct not but know, that the wine'r was at the; time, deif lug . . . the fire. Miners generally are far Lou careltubLit i 8 be rious thin when the lives, perhaps of handitals, in many i statims, rest in the hands or netiotia of one own; ins ono carcleis person, in An tinthink. ing mom t, might bend a mine and all it) in mates to 'destruction. Those who ,work iri;:_sul phurous mines arc always more of lees in da4mr. A great responsibility also rests on the operaibr 'good ventilation is imperatively requireill it would be both safer and chcciper in the end.' We can say nuthing against Mr. Agard inj:this respect, nut being aiquainted with the mines It is acknowledged that they were in good wOrking ordur, and that they contained no more gas aE the time of the explosion, than at otheiAlnies:,When . they were considered safe. It seems that none of the men were badly tiurn ed, except Silvertl ern, who was in the mail , of the gas when it ex doded. . The rest were miitila tedby the powder which tore out the prop.i and covered the melt i the vicinity with fragmeikto of rock and coal. T,ey were, Wrribly mangle4.' The habit of ying powder into the mines by the keg full, has • een too long tolerated in this -4 region. We cent point out a great nuraqr of accidents which h ve been occasioned bylidWder explosions alone, . nd which would have be*: pre vented, Were the i inert forced to carry trhat.l-ipnw- , . . . der they • want c Leh day into tho ininesi ~ n a ,opowdar can." 'l.e troaUe of doing this 1p the prinisipitl objectio., for, the cat of a can jii Wt trifling. Wo,hav • often Seen - theta knock .itt tkie cod of a keg of p elder with a sparkling leOp on their beads above it. -It is not lung since,'o Will be recollected, Lb • t, three men were killed at; Bel -1 mord, by a powd f explosion . Ono ivoulOhink that such acciden would be forewarning erMagh ; bat throughout he Whole of the Coal Wergion; carelessness in th s and other ro•pects, coda:rigor ing lives and - pr erty i is predominant... ;lte are only surprised th t such calamitous aceidoutsi are nut more frequerk '% I , Mr. Agard stn es that the damage dodh hit mines is trifling, ~ ..xcePtin the immediate 4;4 of where the exp osiott of powder took plein. MESSRS. EDS.: markably in the vicinity ft Friday evening house by an ele. nor of the bu slightly, and doe I besides killing a so report has it, shocked at ono of was struck and Several withercti out to ine ne 11: shoji. period of 'Moro is not a place !! - Silver Crick; • DEAn Jotraslst:•+llaving dropped itqo hot water, I must el, like tho great orator of-Pntriot ie. renown "sinkor stir hn, liner die ;"and iletonly `that, but must "paddle" out in "lay own 'ianee" the best way Iran. . Who ever W i lo mid late supposed that this /info place contained itch it "big spirit." il, Wedo n mean the'spirit Ateuli 1; for be, like the devil which en tered the swirl olden times, is daily,going through aueh ratilnis here ; yet we donotwish to be understood say, that he resides perminently here, to the exclusioU of , other - "great 'places." 0 • no ! be is omnipresent in the Coal legion:; I had no to of . a/iyhtifig St Clidiln may letter,. or ra or, uotei from thisplace on tha - sth or inlY; indee& I In iluite 'willing and tem*, to - do St, Clair 'justice . in! every respect, not ' because '4lnte" threatens to 'Tull, box, pinch; orq!'grok" my earsi but for "chitrity's esker for she4orscira &Wares that St. Clair ,has antlered eonsid*bly of flieporteis, and. ptherti" but ',Mine we think s- from being'-iinnotieed time notieed OW ore know that "Kate ottis about," ; fee cer., . firmly should have said somethie aboutg- the telligeot ladies, and i lpretty ones' too;"- . .ligt being In the dark on, this S u bject, as well as orhOt, 'were that Peat the' best eteke." ; i tftWough . - we heard the beirmkgraMbling aboot it, 'to r , be ex- „if Sate had semi iyrith as Munk pereep_lion As .vengeance, she would have seen that the teoldiers and the dial , little Children” were' spoken: of in 4 `that letter," hut that about the '"SI:M*I" we Must confess I - Merano I had not the 14st idea ithmt there Were anyiSonniel in St. Clair,-emd not ispending nut l'nuttla here 'we - did not set) il a tem. for inlfthera eantin i t be many, there ifre, who ipatronises the thirty grog ,shops and norikr holm les, not to mention the fire hotels? And, tiere. we `pay remark, that We do not wish Rate oilany.one Urn AFFM3B. ' • -T is plice has of late hien re by lightning. It. has ittruck e ti es within two weelig On woMiin was struck dead: lit her •trio flash. It entered one cur- Idin —tt . shanty—ilaugeting it toyed some dolt in the iuAoard, woman, a hog and a pigMM —or Ytsterulay , a boy was . oightly the Coal Breakers and Mishovel estrOyml near one of the , Fltips." antblasted trees were giiiuteil ving been •struck within.ii very me, and quite close ti)thMirdilts. i sinOis lightning conductoiln the fity psth, 1855. 1 -CLVTit AFFAIRS. , ."‘ i:,: IZE Uttar. One or two7seriU2a444aettaii tiow i loa* I.or hi* this. ; l a lilltil ** l *** thsWa 1 !radii nokirisit to light -1 perSiar;fofbe old Song ea,* s.isiiti:Vtiktili I „.its*b - 3t; but worn it Tom , pb*or:' —not meaning tti,alrol4 0 111 ) . 73 1 110101600 : _b0' 'war . on a sotill-aiwie, sinea,)'' 4 ol , •thi-**l . 4 tightin? have :mead hat to bet but it;'ltate7a boonit is - t*Lng,ln - weii":44ltO it— , 4lcOet 1614 boa flop it now- 77 i will bot my, '4lriosis sind P.aade . against it,, that St. &air etini:•efieiv4i3 ate riot snaking money quiti as fast 4s ibey did last year iat this time. - • i• - • --.-• • - I do not 4set4tet or ever *ling - s'• Monumett w Wet( Was 'tutu:tea t 4 the ' ipetnory nr a.tsonoari outside of rburehyards, and therefore suppose that they have never hisert rightly 'appreciated by Mother Ere an 4 Helen of Troy, - did thinP whieb tcs4o tims itatipattal, but .we roes& lect their deeds so well, that . We live them over every . day. We incief cel4rated Monument or statue, that I baVO ever. heard !or--exeePting thor Greek Slavo—wasartited tiittio "good woman ;" but whit was singular is—and !hat would borate now-a-days—she had no toe re. Thera is certainly roost e4oUgh is St. Mali for !early an improvement in immoral, as well as a business ,point of view, arid we eertainly hope that they may take place. - For instance, the por ter fouetaies should be sifopped off, and good, pure water - foesOt7r Portsriffe Water Workitebore St. Clair! used instead. • There should be trees plaited is First and Sec ond streets, and the boles ixs the Bide walks filled up and Leveled. There Aphid be * night or even ing schools; and the Lyeen4 should be supported, instead of "Women's Right i Cenventions;" these things would keep the yoling folks oat of mis chief. The proverb says, "that Satan finds some mischief soli for idle tp do," There will. be lib danger of Kato dying an old maid, since she loves the printers iso well; their's are generous natural, and directions of that kind are spontaneous with thern::: , We will say nothing abontietting the type into pie at present—print ers pay very :dear for thefr knowledge on , that subject, and we cannot be expected to impart in formation of that kind graiis: If . Kate goes part ner with FOMO "printer's bey" she will find that out; and in this conneetimi we may remark, that there, is . a paper conducted_ itt the .Coal - Region, and a'good 'one too . , by a printer and his Wife.— They have no "hands" In'their office, 'bat do the editing and press work, and set the types them selves—Alr.--;---- is a fast bind; bet Mrs.--- can beat him L. In coaclailon, though wa did not intend to say so much-about Kate vrben'eve began this letter, ,we beg to remark, that herspirit is one to admire• It is'really refreshing to find a rara arts now and then, even if they do "pec.4 at a felloter Butais the boys used to soy at school, if Kate will let me alone, 11l let her atone... f railly think it danger ous to get into "scrapes" sitth such sharp writers aii(Kate and Ella. It is pOssible that we might La forced to creep out utl4he end of the born." St. Clair, July 234,1854. j. [FROM Of/ft TRAY/RV:fa FISPOITTERJ =I Btage-coacke*egain—...l7o till so bad as ire seerm ilinersrille a buoy place' r -.l.Metars and Lusificsd —hop . rocciments--AVeic rout works—linpivred tit( hammer—.Wodet sap.' house—Gelintin Ito man Catholic bitten Areident in the Nina. . 31Essus. .strata ts---3ly.,::firit letter ftout Miners ville—that stage letter—was like a tune harped of one string; but I wrote iOttuler the influence of the fumes of the rum anti tobacco, Which I was very reluctantly forced O' partake of, and those who. occasioned it, being the only persons cenrur- - ed, certainly have no right to complain of its se verity; for worse might by raid of the vulgar and disgusting habit of suadkiw , ° in stage-coaches, • and dram-drinking Meyer) , shop and tavern on Abe road. • - But no one will understand us to 'say that such is invariably 114 case. It is only oeca stormily that !Itch nuisances are to bp borne, but they are much too freqUent. There are many gentleMardy stage driver 4 and think-heaven! all the traveling public are nh so loit to decency and common sense. • Minersvillenhile it is the cleanest, is undoubt edly one of the most busyi towns in, the Coal Re gion, and it contains to Many apethecary's shops as ought to be tolerated ire the county. The peo ple here seems'to depend entirely on doctors and drugs fur their lives. .Wo said illinersville is in busy town, and it is particularly so. Every slore-keeper, tailor, shoe maker, hatcher, huckster :and tavern-keeper seems to be doing -a good business; stores. and streets aro constantly full, anti people are constantly pouring-in and out—in fact Alincrsville is. a big hive, and very few tit-ones'' about it; buL Money— ali! it is almost as scares as elsewhere. It is impossible to mention every thing worth noticing Omni this plaeecat present, and therefore we must merely glance at, some of the mostinter esting ; promising at flip same tithe, something better in future. The Messrs. L'rittans linve been putting up some heavy and extensive works on their diamond vein, commonly known as the'Peach mountain, in the vicinity—the works are 'Within the' borough. It will cost them when finished about seventy thou sand &Mari., but they i ijl . be able to mine a large quantity of the beet redhsh Coal next season.— There is no better Coal tlinn this for domestic pur potesyi—propare it well, and it will answer fur it self. The new tilt • bamtnetirr Mr. Peliavons' iron works; is well worthy of : :more attention than wo can give it at present. 71143 fureinan was not at Louie ,when we visited it and we .did not attempt to obtain the nuclear) , information (rota - any ono else. This hammer urtfrks on a now principle, which is the invention,iwe think, of Mr. Taylor. Instead of falling, and :: - applying its own weight alone to the blow, this li'Fnmer is forced down _as well as raised, - bar Ocala power. Thus a small hammer with thii invention, can do the work of a very large one under t*itOld system, and the quan tity of power used is noi, materially increased, for the force used in raising;tbe hammer, if added to its impetus, ur iu eier(i weight in falling would enable it to strike a tremendous blow.' I watched it working for a . while, sad thought of the invisi ble power which lutuusged out the great iron bars, with the strength of a little army. The young vulcans art, stronger than the old! - The Minersvillapeopio are building a splendid new School-house, capahle of holding nearly sev en hundred scholars. It is to be • three stories high, and sixty feet loit:g by forty feet wide.— tech story is to be divided into two rooms. The lower rooms are for theyounger children, which, being on a level with the ground will enable them to run in and out without any danger of breaking their necks. The uppei: stories are to be cut. in from the sides, where platforms are to be erected with high and strong railing to prevent accidents. This School-house whek finished will be a model, The plan was taken, with some alteration, from the Werner Grammer i:School of Philadelphia.— Much credit is due to iifr. Detwiler and his co leagues for their' enterprise and taste in the ar rangement and forwa4ling of this building, and their enlarged views ot) tbo subject of education generally. The building material is brick. - The corner stone ot a now German Roman Catholic Church Was laid but a few days ago at the bead of Second sheet; when finished it rill be au ornament to the.awn. On Tuesday a child vas bitten by a snake ,at Forristville. and brought into town immediately by its parenti;for niedicaftreatment. It was thought to be a copper head, commonly called house snakes; brit Doctor Hale does not think it could have been a poisonous reptile—ho supposes that it was a common black Snake. It came out of the wall in the.basement of the heuse and bit the child on the thigh. Immediately in a partici' being bitten by a snake, a binda,ge sh@rold 'be 'drawn tight above the wound if possible r =and a poUlticepf pounded plantain leavel applied; or the' wounded`part; eov ored with fresh lard. - ;Doetatilsle twilled a ,cop. per-bead biteauccessfrilly; sorno - sii years ago, by 'the - application of plantain externally . and-intei pally. The bite,'.of 4 copper-heirdithougli not quickly fatal as that 4 a rattle anake c ia extreme ly. dangerous, and unless a remedy be applied.at an early stage; ttreli4usmation i ill spead beyond the power of control. • . . On Saturday a inaritiiy • the =no 'of Wm. Bush !ad Serionsly„thouglVnet fatally, injured in the niines of Sutton k,Nffright, at the. Black Valley, near ldinersville. EfiOras etushed on the back and. Lips by a fall of Coal, when in dio act of stooping to pick up the last "leggin," which was to prevent it front feign. Yours truly, • • :liiicruns Daow. , Julg 254,1854:.' UMW, AYMEIL FROM OCR IttOtitAßMOgniglOSDON't ..,111a86nIi. , ,Ens.:-- 2 1$o• gang of ,young rowdies spoiro:n'tlf fip gi,nr crleliponfient ' , Sam" laid Wadi, -" vv st P. 1 41 ,1 - ale 1 7411trffihtiesti: _thiihrolist Into Mr. hisekeY'i Shoo :: ; :**.iiilPMA:4thei coati F . 2 401 the iAloor:**lesta.the store roonsiras Melt Nana, hap, lift the plata mote heavily la- oyster saloons have beit.iinter :*hied ape.; sign Pe#4en der* :.iiiisnate'india.idhitance from the faces where i . l . o4lo44`:'..is4lr;tnany of these boyorazeireli . Jaiewaiiskt*iithieria, but through mistaken kind westatai‘fedineidttpitby, they are left to istrsatill,7 intiiiithite . Willuitintatelilead them to theStefe `Prisenor the Gatiotes. They receive co Moral in attsotion et home; ;indeed the poor youth : that Was found Insensible by the whiskey barrel, and . I•tieliere, the . Seitionledgedleader of this gang; - has been fed on "lento' in some shape ever since" hie birth; turd WhenitriberJegrets 'his errors, - - but his not 'strength enough to iesist strong drink. When he tele it, he is ready to take the lead in all .manner. of Wickednisa., Be . 01143 if ke L eCr' ofd get aging fra4 kis cestixruions rt , year or so, he could do better... As ilittle: amain to be known throughout the country in regard to the House of Refuge;eSeept rota pieced piels.hment for young offenders; perhaps a fel' words in re gard to it will not tie out of place. It is a great mistake to consider . ; it merely a place' of punish ment- It was built for the reformation and in struction of youth Who have been neglected and led Into evil ways... True, the children are not at liberty to run out of the inetitutionand mix with the'rest of the World intil they are of age, or . by . their good conducthave gained the confidence of the officers, and a geod situation is secured P. 4 them. • They .receiine. religious instillation with out sectarianism. They have a Chapel where every ,Sabbath a minister of a different persuasion offici sates. They are taught _the . rules of the different churches, and to . : ebserve them. Sometimes the ! Friends have a meeting there; but the children get Very tired of Quaker meetings. They have their Bible Classei and:Sabbath. Schools,and often. a Catholie Priest orLayman visits t in ; and al ithough the officerief the institution are all Prot estant, fish is used, every Friday for the sake of the Catholic children _that are there.., When the children are ofd Minitel" to chease . Tor them= selves they eau unite with any church- their. con. science dictates. In the morning they are all called together foifamili worship; then breakfast. The boys then praeeed to the school room 'Where they 'are learned all the different branches taught in oar Common Sclooli; after that the workshops, where they are instructed in the mysteries of Cain-scat ChairsDand Box, Shoemaking, .4e. Theneomes the hour for play; and it would do any visitor good to sctir the hundred happy faces rush • lag into the largo used foi play and. recren . Oen: If you should see one with sullen and downcast look, tirnai inquiry, you will find he has been doing wrong and expects punishment But It would make my letter toe long' to speak of all the blessings and privileges enjoyed by' Poor nog-' looted children in this institution. • 'There are many very excellentiotingmen now filling lain orable stations in society, who daily thank (led that he put it In the hear& of benevolent persons to build 4 refago from the snares add temptations of the world, where the young like themselves, had been led lute error, might receive good in struction and became useful, respectable men. Tamaqua, July;26, 1855. 8.- ItiSFORTE/L. AFFAIRS. • ICOIMESPONDESCB OF TOIL NViERS' JOURNAL.] Masses. Ens. 'i—The passengers by the last Sunday, evening train made . a moat remarkable es. cape. The train was running at a rapid rate and as they approached the bridoe at Centreville, about > Eve miles below Tunistol, there was a cow on the track, ae or very hear the bridge. The engine pass ed over her withent sustaining any serious dam age; and the baggage and passenger cars on coming in contact with hkr, were thrown Crum the track, on the bridge into the river, a distance of S or 10 ft. The latter,eontaiite.l about twelity five passengers, among whom were Several ladies and children. The passenger car was exactly reverted in the fall, lodging with the: top in' the river. The scene of confusion and terror that ensued it would be im possible to describe. After the usual delay attend ing these unfor4een occurrences the passengers were all extricated from their awkward positions, and strange to say none were dangerously injured. Fortunately the 'river was very low at the time,. or they would hardly have escaped drowning.. And now Mr. Editor permit me to bay a word to your fair correSPondent Kate, of St. Clair. I could not help sighing as I read the paragraph, "St. Clair's going to be a city before I am an old maid." Olf how; significant that sentence. Sot that I think St. Clair will ever be a city, nor do I believe that you.do Kate; but am strongly inclined to believe that you have pretty positive evidence that you never dill be an old maid—and I felt sad as I read,—not because you are nelgoing to be an old maid, but lw,eattse some lucky fellow has showed his good sense by intending to preventlt. Sam thinks of ',visiting St. Clair Coon, and the pleasure of meeting Kate would amply repay him for . a pilgrimage", to Mecca. And that reporter who said "St. Clair iras, not,,worth noticing," has no • more taste than `':an Escinimaux or an inhabitant of Timbucfoo. He would walk through a group of Greek Slaves anti Venus's, and mistake them fur scare crows. 'o' . e can only 'forgive him by an honest confessidh that he did not know that Kate • lived its . SCClali i and, that any place where angels dwell is Paradise. , Mr. Maiugayis still continuing his efforts to extinguish the tirning vein at this place. His ex periment is regarded with much interest, and he should receive hearty co-operation of all; yet strange, a fiendish effort was made last week to thwart his purp.i ! se, byplacing gum in the pipes used,, almost instantly Closing them up, which after some delay was forttinateiy di:=.covered; The perpetrators or so satanical tin net are unworthy a civilized coMiuunity. The Schuylkill convocation of \ the .Episcopal Church has been holding its session \ hero during the week, begiiiing on Tnesday.evening. It will terminate on Fkiday evening. I . . 'Bawl Tamaqua,26th, 1855. * \ Ono hundred_ and eleven head of fine.. sleek, fat looking, beef-making, steak-bearing, surloiti-car rying, cattle were driven through Pottsville'to day, (June 19,) hut very few„ if any of them, wilt go into our "flesh pots° or frying-pans. The drovers ask six cents per lb: standing. One hundred lb. stand ing will make about sixty lbs. of beef, when butchered, besides talhiw, skin,. hbrns and tripe. I think you give from twelve to fourteen cents per lb. to the Butcher, don't you? Fuss tkey are gutting rich—ain't they? Thera cattle:.wite brought from Crawford Conn ty—a fine 13W growing country—flowing with milk and runpie sap, and "roast beef" at sixpence a pound. Well, let thelu pass—they are too young and fat for our markit . ; a good tough bit of ex" will go t W Lib fie in a family; and then, we have the pleasure' or masticating—we get the taste you know, and when "aunty pounds it well," 'tie , not en bad. HoubwAir's Plus, an unfailin g 'Remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs:-- Oliver Thompson, of Little Falls, New York, was certainly in a most deplorable state of health ten weeks ago; his lungs, so the doctors told him, were completely gone, his chest, and in fact his body generally, had scarcely an atom of flesh on it, so thin had he become. In ad dition to thiS; he had a cough whicheompletely shook him to;pieeesphese are his own words); he has just called, on Professor Holloway to informhim, that all these complinrshave been re Moved , by loway's Pills, after he had used. them for seven weeks and two days; and he now feels better than ever he did in:his life, These Pills , will readily remove all diseases of tho stomaeh and bowels. AIPTlfb ,banking. capital of. Philadelphia. Omit eleveti' millions - or , dollars, • - • [COIIII.U.NICATED.] N ao.air Bier vs. DOLL6BB AND czwrs. PEN, PASTE AND SCISSORS. pirßachel will soon be bore. ..frDeaths in Baltimore laSt Week, 162. 04f1•Tho Kedah Museum has reached Paris. - Ires.l"The largest pin manufactory in the United States turns out four million pins per day. The fashion for flounces has been attacked, and proved victorious. . and fame from no condition rise, Act well yotir part—there all the honor lies." 3 Air Tlie Bank of England is about to establish a branch at the West Eud of London.' AirA married lady soubided a yoUng doctor in Atlanta, Georgia, a tow days ago.. aro about tiro thousand browera in the British Islands.' _Vt. A ituitian nohletalui, ineog., is among 'the guests at. tholiount Vernon Ilotel,• Cape Island. P6lladelpliia last. week,lsat!ellallicCar roll ceumnitted infanticide and then suicide. 1j New ,flay is selling in Syracuse, N. Y., at front $9 to $l2 par ton. " • spirybol;ing of Siam has a - printing press in ,operation lulls palace. L Chester, Esq., is associated with Col. Wallace, in the entails' management of 'the l'ikihicielphia; Aga. iii:441,000,r411 re- . exasly,been taintairntn Ota Aa r Mil Hines in "6"4"1011:54,904"1; --r- Ate*Capttel And r aro agothoreft UAW vemponsated in tlincottopPlOtil.ig relo 4- d, Ilatillnited 8144. , . , ,ftsittti4asenth stir ha only tbakwith hya when liniintA SU* ale* hust4tekl.-!thillnia, —1 stun lies th.iti be brought who:p he arrived. 'Aftitpril aPPolattheit to tit° Gov - Oriattooperal.s.l4 01,1adia is no!, well r r Oceived , tey'tho '"„oralrln Philad b lphia, ok,',Taexaciay,. the Pffice of, I the .National.Delender iris Partially destriled by fire. - P!-The Legj i r makes the 'alma* Aosorelds* o the 17etis of Philadelphia: Much better than rflyiniti the Is* for redress. - 4 ; figrAnthon'y 30: - S.ears, ata nelina Sullisatl;l3 years old, ware. killed in, Neer:l York on Monday,; by the falling 4f tt 07• In ilosioni the whole number of ehildrenl . 1 between the' nges, , of four an& fifteen ?ears is! 1 23,523. ' • ! ' • • _4l37`Smooth M r O oily, tongueS, are, generallyi speaking, indiCative of:deceit, and should be es.. Crusted aecordin' gly. • bc4 field of corn in Toils is said to, be-four inandredi acres on Stoni's Ranch, upon: the cloar forit;of !the Brazos. The full returns of the election in Lonisi4 ana, for Chid distice, exhibit. a:majoritY of 1672 for Merrick, the know Nothing eandidate. I • M-ProfeAorllaswell, late gngincer in Chief of the United. States INevy, pits down 1 1 of Coal as equal to 2/ and 23 lbs . of Wood itt 'genera = ting stdam. • ,IRP-Thero Is 4 pumpkin vine growing in 3.10-1 nongahela city, ; 2 4,., that hay already attained the enormonaJengtkof two huntirc4 and twenty-ftvl feet. The vino Itas twenty-two'ptimpkins on it. 's:gratin *mime of ,euickice occurring through:. out the eountiy has directed attention to the fact , • that the dispOsition . thus to escape from the ill; and trials of lifais alarmingly on the increase. /RI - There is "a Loy in ALabama, fifteen year; old, in April? bit, who weighs ,wo hundred and twelve pounds, Is five feet tan; inches high, and well propoitioneg.,, • Ofr•Thera fah() single exhib'tion in which hu man vanity se (iften ,overleaps t its.elf and entails misery upun ot4rs, as in the Propensity of pa., rents Mbring up their children to what are term ed the learneA professions" ;I Utligitins Jutelligtort. NO IDES.; .. : . . , .. Sar SECOND MEMODIST- . EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Market Street:Pottsville, Herr. Amami! lenaarsit, Pasty*. Divine aeralee . avery Sebboth at 10 A. 31. and 0 P. N. -FIRST MI3IIODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, See end Street, Pottsville,. Rev. T. Ssowrirr ToorsAis, Paster;— Divine eeerire *very .iabbith at In.A. SE and 7% P. 11. 1 'Mr BAPTIST Ull DUCH, Bev-4.11. , CArkag, Pastor. Service every SaLLath at 103.4 cecliKk, A. IL, and IY, o - duck, P. M. • ' E ) •.. • !,1•,; . Assoclazu itEvonm.Er, PItESBYTIC Market street,•Ret. Wrw.tx U. Pattcrisr, Pastor. Mine , e 1 " 65, 3 evrrY Sabbath at 103.4: 1 o'clock, A. 31..; and at. 73i ticiock, P. 3L. ; • • Alai- ENGLISH LUTHERAN' elle RCM Market Square, Pottsville. MeV. Damn. STECK. Paster. Divine servick , in this Church Oeroilariy every Sunday.. Morning. at 10% o'clock: eveolktr,M, 11 o'clock. Wetkly buyer Meeting, Thursday evening, at S o'clock_ Atir WOODS 3 Y,CrINO . .-73iere rill be a WoSods Meet ing In a grove fu,;the borough nf.P6rt Clinton. 'recom mence on Friday', 74 of August. arra continue over Sal/ bath. Several able preachers are ekpected to be in atten dance. Mani will be preaching every morning an ODA.- noon. during ;the: meeting., All- area Invited :to attend 4 'JOSEPH HAY.', Preache - r in charge, 47 1 -IVELSit dONGraIiATIONAL CII ILCU, sliners ville road, Pettatille. -Rev. Cittatias Wm. EWALD& Pas tor. Divine service in thisthnrch every eabhath. Morn ing. at 10 o*chiek.ievening at tio'cloeli...prayer Meeting at 9 A. 31. School tilr small .children; to teach then in the theories and doctrines of the Bible;at o'clock. School fir resoling the Bible, &a., at 2 o'elafiL. ninging School at ; if . , - • -- - INERY liMiLY sciftrYt..tuu. co. 'MOULD RE :AD TIII.SI I . be. Swam—Dear th 4 good nf the publie, I feel myself lb duty bound to testify , to the great rub which yotir Compound Syrup of Ayild Cherry performed on me. For my;. part, I. feel , as II everybody ought know it. 1 Wasattlicted•with a violent lough. Spitting- 1 of Night; :Sweats, iloarsenoa, and 110 tUld Of the I voice. Indicating an alarming state of disease; any appe. tine was cone. and my strength had so'far failed me that my friends and physician were Persuaded 1 amid hot survive many days. My sister, Who was my anxious care-taker.. triadic inquiry when, SIM would Le likely to procure the Most certain relief. Flie'wasteld that if 'Dr dwayne's Compound Syrup of Mll,l Cherry ladled in the care. my lite was they hopeless. Your medicine was im mediately poe•dred, and, the first ;bottle gave relief, and • bY the time I hid commenced theAxth bottle,ali cough had left me anti my strength was much iraproved. In short, it bas made a perfect cure of tae, and: 1 Mg at this present time as hearty a man as s i ge e d reason to believe thaPthe woof year medicine has saved me from a premature grave. I shall be Pleased ; to givu any information respecting set ease. Yours with respect. 1.,M. REEVES, No. S strel, Watt(); Seca ~ 4- Third, i;lnsden, 21". J. il"• PrtteitAFlNa, be particular to Warta mind that the -eriginor and only genuine Wad cherry PriTiara- Gm" is prepardit by DR. n‘llllNl7. - .k and for sale by their authorized .ii ents,.l. G. Brawn:and .1. F. C. Itiartinottsville; ti. Iluntzitmer. .S.elinyl kill Haven t• Eekel do Itarndt, Tremont. dee large advertisement liar additional testimony. itietEANit ,- Brovght home ae door It" the ,l/f/tien ' A wonderful descry has recently noeu to-Welty Dr.Cui tis, of this eltiri in the trtsf mrnt ofCensudrption. Asth ma and all diseases Of the Lungs; We reftir fe "Dr.:Cun tis' lirmant, or Inhaling Ilygeait Taper add Cherry' Syr up." With tl;. , Ilt.if method Dr: C. has ritstored thany afflicted ones tEi perfect health: a$ an evidence of which he has innumerable ciTtiiiMtea Speaking of the instil ment, a phyiddan remarks; ...it IS evident that inhaling —constantly bieathing. an wend& healing vapor. the medicinal propisrties;mtuct come In direct cantact with the whole of the Mini cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produi*l upon them when in trod mud into fhe stomach, and subjected t 4 the prodessot digestion. TIM Hygeaua Is for sale at all the drtoigists throughoutf SIM country.—Veto ;PA* Dulthsaan of. Jan uary 14. ; Inhaler is worn on the breast under the linen without' the least isconvenieneethe heat of the:body being sufftelent to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of cases of Cane , like the following; might be named. One Package of Ifygeana has cured me of the Asthma of siv.learalstandlng.—Jed. F. Kteabury,..P. of Done.tomoli, Pa. I am cured cif the Asthma of In . yearastandlng t+y Dr. Curtis',lfygeatia.—Ntrryard Listen. Bronklyn: .1. Mr. l'aul,iof:No. i, Hammond. Street. Nest Corky was cured of a !tx•TCI:o case of Bronchitis by thiilly.umna. My sister:htts been cured of a Distressing Cough s of sev eral years staadinA, and decided to be ineurable by her PhYskittns.i title Was cured in one month by the llyge arm—J.l/4 Ga ithert, AL. le ichipond, • Prim , three, dollars a package :Sold by Curtis, Peikins. Boyd l'anh No. 149 Chambers:street. , Notr packages seat Tress by express to any, part of the (tolled States for Ten: Dull. N. tlurtls' Ifygrana is': the original and only genuine artlet,e,nll others are bate imitation's or site and injurious counterfeits. Shun them as you would liaison. . [37491 . , .. • , ~; - - 4 - MARRIED. ' • i - BOWEN-LJONES—On. the 2.5 th inst., by the Rev' ' , Wm. MoirstL EllgO3 Powix to Sanatt.,fosm, bOth of SL Clair.* . WATERICIIARDS.--On the 21st hist., by the Rev. Joseph Merobl, SAMUEL WATZEi to CAROLINE I:I6ILIXDS, 411 (4 . thIS tarre. " . . '' 4•• i ' . ' \ ' DIED. , • . PARKIN.---Rerently., at Olien's 3.11.10 Creek, SauthsAustralls. ettaimas secured eon ' l ot' }tr. Jo,iah Parkin, of this town, ta tba 30th year of lits 2t;;F- CORRECTED WEEKL Wheat Inouri bbl" $lI 50 Rye Flour.: bbl„ 700 Wheat, bulilt4 , l, 2 00 Rye. ."' da . 135 Vora,. f 0.4 i. : I'lo bate. „(1 70 14vtatmas, - H.6 - 1 25 Timothy Seed,, -2 25 Clover Beoo,i 4 00 I : FOlt SALE & TO LET. 12 FOR screws; natal:4 4bn:tresses of onideocription.. Apply . 1.0 •! B.DANICAN. • 313,3 r : 20- HARD TIMES. A GOAT lIARGAIIN OFFERED -11 them:le-half Interest in a; tlrstrcht.is Operation. Ap ply at . WM. ';•.P. STEINBI.3IO E3t.'S Msrch 447,at.x1y Offiio, Silver Terrire. LOPR, of thd choicest Oliiii and New. Y:ailt brands, neatly put up hi i and Newt. sacks, c.i•prt's., , ,ty for family we, for saleat •. CHICTIEFITII anunitsion rtour.D9ot; tbare stmt. Pottsville, June 30,'55 1 . i 1' OR S -- ENV PERPEN k:a7ine of I 0 FIOIS power with MIME com plete—the Ikhole occupying ' a Spam tire feet "(mare. To be seen at tte York Store . . • . E. YARDLI Y 414 SON. PottssiN. Xeseus . ber 8., 155; - • 44-ti UtiF i '.s3 FOR SALE.-4 ex-. ICaniessl' teapot and a ecessary . comp c is, or. 11., , ,,111111s: wood tiatiOnMay have beer' use; but a short tuue. This is Qua. of the Cutest to:law:in the chanty. :Apply at this oilicet; July OPELLOWS% CEMETERY. = IL/Perrot:4 dextrins of ruralising lota tho Odd Bellow' C4aketery, will apply to • kluzot Port, ,at the Item our, Tqlm Bouriqui , itowrza, Centre street; or Srteatn4. Ronan; Callowlitll Stteat. • Noyu.:lo3 • 44-tf. VOW I, SALE:—Twelve smalt. , Cars, 13 Dir . !. li • wbeels, sUitable 'ter .Cetitranters.l.Poundry men and Iliehsts. or - for Railroad Cmapanies; to use oil repairs oi'aliout their freight &pots. •Apply to: CANDEE, WWII Bro., .1 Delaware City. Detober , ,2 . 3241 "ALE-Theh j` snsseriGer oQers for „,, bro en, kind and gentie loUteas; siarrantNlitorma and wtlliug to Murk, and aro largo: tuttletC ...Withltlg . to sal, be now ci(tois" a bargain. l'erantar 'wishing to buy call nponi this subscriber at Oiwirturg. 3 I • AI ALIIO.I jf. tt.CItALL. 2 July rj 't t a' • - ,VI••tt" t'Oß ‘ RENT-4 New Brick Store linitao:On Mauch Chunk street; built foi a Flour k Store.l The toternent is admirably adapted to stor ing Bale:blay„ A Railcard Fltieing adjoining the build ing. rins , 4stoot given on , the Is of .Aprit, or earlier it desired, by applicnUon to the rutscribera at the York Store, j E/Y.,I4DLET k SON. rotterilleilanuary G, 1855 .1-tf f.FOR, ALE.—Thrme best ftniShSteam Fn 4 manufeetaired Burden, of Brook' yo, Nuw Nerk, of ten, twain and fifteen item power, with Leiontotive boilers, snap) first rate running order, havingbee. in use but one you are new In opera tion on the new Docks of the Ctiem k Delaware Ca nal, one at Delaware City, one at > George and one at Chest potke City, where they ran be seen at any time, and any inibireatlon given that leap be requiredt They will be sold at a; bargain, by • rea p MIDGE k Co, Delaware City. Oefoi.ir 4241 MARKETS. POTTSVILL _frit 'TIM' JOURNAL. Dried Ilea** par'd4 $4 75 do- do impar'4, 200 blot" APPIO, Pared/1 200 E*o, dozen. • 14 'hitter, per pound, j • 10 Elionlders, ; do 41 10 Him' as, d 014.10,10 nety, per ton, Z:u 00 . Pl*ster, do '; 600 IffRATION. ADIVIUNIITRATION NOTICE.-- - VilnaitO, letters of Administration on the estate £14A116-111.1111.ES.q0ONIN ELL, tate of CUM town OtapilelineklU eouritytetaaseti, has been granted by the BritittnO: of &hay ' toasty, to the subeeriber , thertdteok indebted to the estate el said deceived: are requested to make payment, and these having claims till ptottettt thorn for settlement. O'OONNELL, Aden,isinarir. '55 - • • MIR ADMINISTRATOR'S - NOTICE. .112 The subscriber harittn been.airpolnted -Admin istra oor to the estate of CHARLES D'IRAUCII. &mask!, late f the borough or Pottsville, &buyikiii cout ,iy, an 1 , 1 , sous indebted to sphl estate are requested to nuke Imme diate payment, sad all persons having claims are reques ted to preaient:theits forpettiettreert to - • • ISAAC b711A.V.111, .Administrator. Branch Wiry, , June '65 " =43 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Tbe under:dusted, haring been appointed Admlu :tester Of the Estate at ANDREW, WILLtuElt. dreca . F ed, late o 1 Schuylkill Ilareit, Sthirtkill county, notk:ects herety given to all person: inileided to said Eatite4to make immediatei payment, and all tinew haring claims said Estate. to Present them for payment, to , MARIA WILIZICER. Administratria, June 6, 1834,1 Schuylkill Haven, fts WANTED. N • OTICE' to Teachers.---Wanted-- I Niue Male" and Three temple Teachers, tn. the t'cbools In Blythe township. An 'examination , will be held in tha Selma House, In Nor Philadelphia, caTtunt, day, August it 10 o'clock, A. 31; Schobls commute en the first Monday ofSeptember; and continue nitte months, JAMES IC-NOWLIN, .sx*.y. July 2 , 3, ' 30.3 t NI I WANT - t . A situation as Postural . y y outdooe: Agent, Superintendent Of Coal Colliery, Or in any other respectalle capacity—by a middle aged rtuarriwl inert, now redding In Philadelphia. Any 14f -1 . tteg &limo of securing the services of A person every way competent, ;wilt please addres, ler further part/ea ten!, "U. F.. itut B, Pottsville P. O." July" .tl -1 0, TEACHERS -4IVAM'ED.- Marten Male Teachers for the SehteAs in Casa talen t a p. An Iristalcation will be bold at Primrose. In said I township, on fadtmisy. July: Mb, at 1.2 o'clock, M. One Female and six Male Teachers, for the ttclux,b4 In ' Branch townshiP.• An examination trill be held in Llev i .ellyn, on Patttrds*. Anenst. 4th, at 1 o'clock. It M. '.. Six Teachers for the Schools In the borough 'of Miner* sine: i • ! : . . . . One Male. salsii,l4.o per month. . .__^, Two; remales,"i 22 • _ 1 Three " " i 18 . ~ ' • ,Afidxstobsstbsti will be held in.the atone school hems% on Wednesday, Angust, 15th, at 1 o'clock P. M. ' • Two Male and throelrentaht Teschentirt Tamaqua. An examination 101 he held in the school home on Broad street.: on Tintotlity, August 16th, at 10 o'clock, A. 31. Fled Male Teachers for the Sehoolain Norwegiadtown ship. 1 examination at Iteed's school house, oho-re Potts,- villa. an Itaturday, August inth, at 1 o'clock. It M. The schools of. Branch township to ho kept open nine mouths, all othrrs ten mouths. Those of Case township, to welt on the let of August, all others on the 14 of Salaries Salaries Of Mitips from V.:2 to 14of Emurtes,frotall6 to s22 . per month& . Applicant's test 'well known to the Directors must pro (Dust testimeet4le of rood moral character, and all who cltsiroit priratd examination. muss obtain the consent of l a la ma! May rt . itipypo:F f . th i Board. of Directors of the district where , AIiEIVSON. • 11424y_Superintendeit. . Innerly - 111e, ttly 21, '55 tt3,3t HARDWARE. - (IRAIN !CRADLES; Glass Scythes; . , Scythe Stich', Graid Meltlet Juad Hay and Grain Rake* at the Hardware t Iron Dept. }TANK )'t7VI. ' June 9, '5 . 5 ; 4 , , C gROUNI) LAND PLASTER, by the • bushel mr . ill smaller inantities. Hydrant Cement, ~ tined Plaster, White Sand, at the Hardware and iron Depot. . FLUNK POW. June 9,'65 ; ;ten-tr DE MAR VARN I SH—a beau flint O artislr, for wall paper or China Glass painting s BLAOi VAR.:SH, fur Iron Itailinginifalde fur cemetery lots, at the Llattlwaru aud Iron Depot. I , II,ANK FQTL dune : ' PA'I'ENT EXPANDING Window Jspriwz---ttio cheapest and mort simple Springin war, Me Gnat, articlq Utter you lay away *tights and pulley - a. You ran appty:a; the hardware and Iron tkpot. - FRANK POTT. June 9„ ; • tf A.MERIC AN and English 'fable Cut ' kry. Doti...iors' and IVest , nbt‘itu's ' Pocket Knife's., silver plated Spoons and Forks. Tin Trays and Walters, Donont, Saurtfnans, Orldirorus and Coffee Mills at the Hardware and tren Depot. FRASK POTT. June 9,'5. =if Ti — LISI 11ACKING, Blacksnaith'. ,Bel ark.... AaVilp, Liana Liamthere, Shoeioß linivea, 'louse Nails, 'trate Chains, Itr•pe, /letup Parking:rumps, White 1.1.. d arid oils, at the Hardware/Ind Irf , n Depot. i1t,A...N.12 .P01"T. • . . Jtine %%55 1 b ,_ - : 24, tr. CuLTI.V ATIoN Plovs, Plow Points, Sboyels. i , Padetc. Manure Fore. of the taostlpprorad patterns, suitable for private and the moat e-stem•ive farming, at ttiei Ifardware and Iron Depot. , I i'ILOK parr. Juno 9, '55 . ~. i - ,:.Z•tr, - ITAIIDN ARE of 411 Descriptions, I I I_l'6o L.S. c t the most celebrated makers. Spear and Jackson's Smirk locks.•Latclies. lUdts, a faritti and large I assortnaleit of. Ilousekeeplng klaninan., to which the at, tendion of HMI public is. invited, at the Hartle - ire, and ; Iron Depot. : I, YEANK I'OTT. • Jttue 9, '.s:t i 1 . al.tf NOTICES. STATED .Meetitg of the Schuvl -1 kill gennty 31edie.al Si - ,eloty will be - held- in the Council Cletw&r of the llorough of Pottsville, on Wed nesday. Auzint Ist, at 3' o'clock P., 31. • o 1 It/E.—We hereby, • inform the 1. putlictitatM.- A. FULLEII . .1.5 no longer our agent. i BENJAMIN MILNES k CO., Afinris and Ship era of that. . , l'hilaira, ;rule 2 , e, iIISSOI,UTION.— , The' partnership . Ij/heretoibie existing between the undersigned and itt.N ICY LEIB, in the , : our, and tirocery business. is tii,srlved from this dat • be InsinesS will to con ducted hereafter by the un ecstatic& •-• . • t TfittllAS. CIIRISM PottsvillenlF IR, .'3S tAUTION .—All persons are hereby-. jeantirinrd against uegtd iating a - note, drawn by Saul ksblemau, go the order of Jacob hretz and by hint en dorsed to thirsubseriber, dated June 15th, 1t.55, ter Fifty payable sixty days after date, as the. mane has been lost and-payment thereof stopped, to any person ex rept the subscriber er his ...4.ltOrney, - John; T. Shoener, Es - t- Pottsville. '• • t C. BALL. ' !Phil:am Only 2ti,-'55 • ;34- , I.II)IT . POR'S 'NO'l 7 lOE.—Tlle un's:' dersb;n:al. an Auditor n ppoir,ted by the Orphans' Court of Sealykill county, to audit, resettle and restate the account 'of CHRISTIAN 13: II ALDERMAN. lluardian of I'ItISCILbA NKI:SCIINVENDEIL later Priscilla Balder man. wiLlattend for that purp'eto at hi t s office, in Market street, two tioora above Third, ott Friday, 17th August, at 9 o'clock, A.M. . . W.ll. It. POTTS. . . . :July '...•5.‘".1.5 . &kit -_______._....- A UDITOR'S. NOTlCE.—Notice is . 11LherebY given that the tiliders•friled Auditor, ap ixduied by the Orphans' Court • t of Sch uylkill comfy, to distribute the balance in the hands of Jchn Bertnun, Administrator of the Estate of TMAN ILTI; I:EIITRA3I, deeeased. to and among. therreditors, will attend to the duties Of his appointinentat his Office lit Centre street, Pottsville, tin Monday, the :Mai • day of 'Auircist next, at 10 n'eloet. • HOWELL FISHER, Auditor. July :7 ,155 • UDITOR'S NO'T'ICE.—The un- JA. dersined, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of tichttylkill county to distribute the, balauce re rnaining iti:the hands of Joel Kistler, administrator, be., of JACOB 'RAPP, late of the township of Colon. de ceased, as shown by the account of said administrator filed id thellegister's Office, to and among the persons entitled to:the same: hereby gives notice, that he will at tend to t he'duties of his appointment, at his oilier, irrtbe florough'of Pottssilbt, on Tuesday, August l4th, IS : , .5, at 10 o'clock, A.m.. whew and Whiall an penons interelded may attend, MYKIL 3l'llOnti , ., Auditor. July 2S, 705 - , 34.3 e . --- XTOI'IOE . .----The: Subscribers have , 11 this day assodatctl with them, in The Lumbe'r bus iness-at Mount Hope, Schuylkill county, It: C, IitISSF.LIy under the name and firm of 11.4.111 i le. SEVERN .i 7 CO. HARRIS tt.'6.l:V ERN. 'June 16,754' : --." : ...le . .. liiidersign'd has been appnhtted the agent of the own - rs of "The Ward r Property:' !tad offers for sale biablin;lots in the boron& of Fain Mtp, on reasonable toms. Office, Morris Addl. tion. ! : • L. P. BROOKE. • Pottarill, February 3.18.15 5-tf • VOTlCE.—Proposals will be r e-11 caved at thetouttnlasieners Office for the erection of a bridgeacross Pine Creek, with a roof, near Joseph onesse,s, in liegins‘townshigfthoylkill eounty.lo the 3Oth of dull. Specifications can be seen at the COninds donors' (Mee. By order of ate Beard. ' LC.A. 51..KEPNEB., Ckri:. Pottsiille, July 1.4,'65 TOTICE is hereby given that .an plicatlon will be =do at the next 130:4k,n •ot the Lt.gislatur.) of Pennsylvania, Gar the inTorprrration of a Savings Batik, with the usual priilleges. said Bank to be railed "The Swatara Savings /lank - with a capital of Twenty Thousand Dollars, with the privilege to increase the stun to One Ilundred Thousand Dollars, and to be he cat in the town of Ikanaldenn, &tinylkili teunty. • Oonaldwan, Juno 30, NrnOTlCE.—Letters:'l'estaentary up; •on' Uio will of SAMUEL 11. NEWBOLD, late of Burlington county, Not Jersey, deceased. hare been granted by the Register of -Willa of s.ehtiyrlkill county, Pennsylvania to Thomas IL Trotter and Christopher Lae tier,. the &tem:aunt named to :the Will, Awl they nnuesli all persona haring claims or demands against the EMate of the said SA3IU.EL li. NEWBOLD,.to make known. he mane to them without delay. 'llium AS IL TIP VITEN, 82 Walnut street. PhihuielphLs. CIIRItiTOPRER tor-srit, Centre i•tri44, Pottsville inn° '55.; Cat* TO'rICE to all the tieirs and Itepre sentittives of JACOB FAUST, thito of the Voir:ship of West drunswick in the county of Schuylkill, deceased. peasuaie to an order of the Orphans' Court of 'the county of:Schuylkill, an inquest will be held at the pub. lie house of Jacob KimmeL ld the township of Porter, in the rounlY aformid. on Tuesday,ine 28th day of August. 1845, at 10 o'clock in the fonmoon, to make partition of the roar ettato of the said thenseed, to and among his children and legal representatives, it that can be done without Prejudice to and spoling of the whole. otherwise to value and appraise the fume; whim and a here you may attend If you think proper. JAMES NAGLL Sheriff's frtilec, Pottsville, • - ' Mai". July 21st, 11555. l . • Eiri NOTICE OIL APPLICATION FOR Increase of Ca ldtal.-It is the lolentlon of ' , the stockholders of "The Miners' Bank of Pottsville, In the. county Schuylkill" hianply to the next- Le; ststure fur au extension of their corporate banking and disizunt lug privileges. The IMMO and style of the said rorpcvs.. holt is The 311nene.hank of Pottsville, in the ( L OAMY oh gCbUYIkIIL " It Is located in the tcrough of Pottsville, Setruyliall county. It wax created fqr a batik of disconut, deposit and issue, sod with a capital of Two hundred Thousand Dollars, and the Intention is to ask ttr au in. crease•otrapital of Three hundred Thousand Dollars, so that *het:rafter the capital of tho said lank shall he Vise 1/111111F0 Thousand Dollars. " JOHN SUIPPEN, (111:1$ town, Cashier. • Pr4.141..cnt. • Juuu al, 1115 • • 254 sal nJ I)ISS'OI..UTION.—The partnership heretofore minting between liettry Eckel acid John emit. trading under the ftruk.of ECKEL k 11.1.1CIPT, fin Tretwillt, hcLuYikill Cuuuty, was dissolved by mutual morsel, on the 30th day of June tact. All threw ituleht '44 theUt, will matte payment without delay, and those ba% lug claims against said finn,.will prevnt the runs to either of them, ' AiSNILY ECKEL, . . .... . The nod,araigned will continue thetnertantlle bdslue.es al; heretofore at the old ataud, and wilt iu.,ep ea hand ,a full assortmentar dry galas. grereriet., qu,h•usanre,haril: ar,,ru, notions, etc. % and la determined to welt at genii piii fits and quick natural,. '4'liame call "dna and all" and ca w:nine AV ,yourkeircb.„ ..-JOUN HAMM. • Julyl4, '.55 s -,:•-4`t .COVV.---Strayed away, , at itt . ut 4 mamba 'am, a LIGHT RXD C9W a Dynan with big horns—she no haP 1 ; 4,, tali. 'Whoever returns her to the sobwails:r.,, th . ' 4 l Informs:lin will taistaltably marl. A. 1 ..I.llrtersiMe, July STWAY MULES.—Carne tO---'.l the Prefaces' of the inheerilxr. at the 'L\ 11 King - Sun Tavern, in MI nem llle, on the 1:1*.4 hut, I.wd. Moles, one n STRAWBERRY ROAN , other, &DARR BAY Horse 'Aluler-lx,th gat e 18 ; : o. owner It nagneeted to tome V. , nrard, pwne prr, 1., l l* ehar,p-s, 4nd take them away. 6therwla., th,, - ; :jil sold aeroidlng to law. , J 11 . 013 RI'N ... ' ''. .1E44, 65 ' - Rit ::•:. as T - RTF i iiiiCEC - - - - S . 4 . _curie to *IL: /he Tiretalser of the Sntarrit.o., on K.,, i . r\ day, July IS Ih, a BAY STL D MULE.I , IInd hi the light eye—with a long ewiteh la)]. pn. ,A., to quested rall,proye property am pay clurze 4 4'.2 to to:sr Awls; Trier Flowery Flold,:july 21. 'n,S: • PEA.rry, TI-1031As & CO. h at;, rend to;the off.fr in J. .11111rnan;. 'int l ., t..; nit. In Centre F . trvt, a for dnc.rs st.r.s , .• ti,,, i',urni," Ilan, where pot.outt lusting irazirw A s W i th i , : __ 1, 4 v,:, plm.sa c 4,11. , . • NTHOTlCt.— = ilaCollf : Prier,: 4: C u. c*ntinne hprtVt,r, il Vrtaat niad WalOut strertr, t 003 ca, Mwrie Pottsqilte. Fet , suary 3. IK,S, • ;,;• (iO%L LANDS WANTED,—p ari haviaK tg.:gala• trarta any ikirtf tL„. A ,, Reglon, which they know or to Lln.l, incitifcl eornmunie.ite with ' IIENItI7 IV.".„ Minh : V.nris 7.‘fnys, 1.R.45 IS-tr eIOAL! 'ct•ustaatly r,n 13.311 d 3 Ine-,;‘, quantity .1 stui aminony Luidtel.bi the lowert cash twirl,. Ile is a 1.., pr,p 3; ', 1 rewire coal on :Yardage, and P, d e li.o. r th, Yam,. S. W.:corner Dn.Ad 'and Call-whi:; Arch 'groat Wharf, Philadaphla2; A ' EMI • • 4 •!! S. tt'wt; L. ROliEin 'S, 5114 ) ,, • ?A: e' and. deramt in the 'ration!. dileriptioL,'l, TllltAtllTit WM4 including the test qualiti,.. and Red .Islo,ttotu the .1 - :4t,re. , .% - e',..1,4e f,!,. ; 11 - hart, Locum rtreet, ute c c e s-No. ht.: i Walnut ktre,t, t'hi1.i..411..t, No, DS :State stivot., Boston. '' 'March 24;1644 1 . :,,,,, .., lOGETiS,. SINNICKSON t to.. Inners aid Shippers , tY, ,, a). ty na, 1 1,,,,,, ! 4 , cea-4..0. :', NO , Waln tut street. Philadelphia; l '"` ' No. Zei Itruatiuly. Ntos .fork: : ennt r t, e_ ti S ti. t- f u o i t y; a , 4;. e k , t,y ), al b w o ri c rii r l .. L .,, l ... l . l :l;: i r • r;:t „ :7 .n . :,..1. 4 Where 'they reAvh. Orrhardand year. Moto:fain 10 , 4 Au, 0.0. W 4; 401 from the Raters and Bf rte.: lii.ciA Pins. all of ‘4,, erg free burning. awl adapts'd to bunt.) , use. Alm" 'their 211c0a JM and itmod Ifounl4An Mar u i Owl, sUitable for Ttiruaelt and Iry n IA QT•loo. . • Febrnstry 24, P 5.55 -'-' ....-- , , k./.;,,, CIO-PA At, DENRLEJ basin; rant n I the .0 •Ttl:; of en3i. has this day associated with him o deurird, John 'lLi.anntel, Jr_ And 11. P, th, the ti nof Lew LS AI:DUI/LIED Walual WhArf or!, and 8,, Port Moho, ~ 7 14. /..P.W1:!: A UI:LNLIED, LIDA:GP 11. Pi rpT3, ADDISON CIIIT.II. 'WILLIAM G. A NitizT. jUIIN 1:03131.1.1 e Je, Jannarrlt,.lAs3 ..iin(lersizth:ll 1,17, VOTIOE.-7---The t6L4 d4y. May lA. I tntet,d cr-mrtr. r . t 4 underl. the nape and style V.ll. A. A. T. the ptj ry of tratootctiog 16E: of al brae.,. „ . •, . V. IIAI: , lilt Nis ERA . A Itr NUll S T. myyr iVhar_f—rAtntard start , Schuylkill. . . . • 0 . 1 1 6ici..-9. w. mrner Front 'and IVAlnut Ir. ff.& A. T. MTERs, Cola Omlen., I..orribard Str"et. 11 - harf. S4 - hti)11:11. W, ff,rnit Front and Wstaut Strei.t. ear or singli• ton. .I'hitad.lphia. May luS4 BUSINESS CARDS. PORT CARSON SHOVEL FACTORY, ChOriels Smith, Proprietor. An kinds of coal sh vela, spades, coal riddles, it The pativr4o of the public IA July zo-1T • T 41 (Ifa l. m 2 '1; h at L „ 1. Eq., name building. Marrn 11. DA VI D B. GREEN, Attorney at Lit, f`trtsvilic,ra. Office in dlari,et stroq, pp i .ra:l4 Office.. • July 14, JOHN CIIARLES. I,AYCOCK.Coz. ej. Baur and Attorney at Law, No. 73 Filth rtr,t,r Anil; Philadi4l2l4. Ifurch TQHN P. HOBART, Attorney at L: • • t . ) C4 , l7llllh.sioner I',,r New Ynrk. I e p,nit; House, Crotre liana. Apfil 4, 1.F52 'l7ly Pill -- SICIAN, SURGEON .k ACC(irCHEn. Ocoee 7 .-31aritet St., above Second, l'ottn . ilk, Der. 1;. 1 , 54",•L • Mi.- iven rt Oral L ml. JOHN .110Dtriii 'lino:; LnDr PoitFrille.•Juue ST u. llo . li t SE, , tp ll.t . c . )rn th ey ,T a , t , L n T yott*Tule, Jule 9. 'L riliialiAS IL BA Al, Attorun °Mee in Centre street, tha Cnureb, Pctiss l'enua. Nov. 7.74., 1853 • 47-1 y - 11 - 0 - ti CLAlMSprouipo N fr attewird et . ) by J. W. P.6,1•10.11itY.' 'Atiorni.c at Law - , rorner Market and S.NT. , istt. rottwrillel - March IK•S 1 -13' -- ET.TS'illiAu •s; C. Banke dinmc!,3 - per inkrpt to dep t ,-itor.. and interest d yable on demand. Mottelt 17 it , Z>s 11: beutiisurgery. eue dour abut,: C. lirtve! Jewelry atom, Centry street. Putf.srilL , . bk.pteutber ittEUHGE ( e , Attornuv k . pottgrine, l'enna.. win at i,nd fu :ichuylkill county and •ofh : ,,to Ce street, many om..elte the 3ii 'ars' Bank. July 7, *(4, G. I‘loliltlSON, Dealer _LI • waro, Lis; anti Quivusw . are aul imokin7.l,l3 wutio.ale tiud retail. Town Lail. Cvntre stmt. vUI 'Ps. Jtme _[Nov. 11, 44; tf Ifi - t7 - 'lll at LZIW Pottsville. Samylkill vauyr offee In Centre Stri:vt, early unAstte theL nets. Etattk January 4, 1-i, ‘7 . EVILLE & -I{ICHAHI)S, Attornr , 11 at Law will attend to all bllsines! , lotra'v o ll.l4 witk allllptleo and care: Office Crutry n , ;111. , to 11. It: McirrLs' :tore; • J line 11, IBSa [Jan. S. 'Zkt :2-12; ih 4l ‘-.11 W ARD SHIP.VEIN, attorney ' Condiscnor at Lac, Philadelphia, will t t , letlions, and all'otlier loga: duidunri in the lip I i delphia. adjoining Counties and efgew hen, (.rtiirn corder and aluut Streets. Phihoia, . V f ti, E FF, Attorney havitig reinoTed to rottsi inn, has opnev,l lico!unAer the;TelL%raph ortice„ I..!entreztreet,oppoc Mine ' Bank. 1*,, , ,1n1N•r 6,1.551 . QA.NIUEI: GA Rlt E'r.r Lloouveyancvr and General Collett.. business entrusted to hint :Rh dillgetik flee; Centri. street, l'ott We, I'a—opposite N.D.—The Docketai of N. all. IV awn, 14.41 fe.s l ion of Eiatanei Gariett. E.sq.. (July 13,.'l T { .., f EgitY W.' POOLE, Civi. a ee and Mining Enginr. retil i NAVIVIIIV, pa., stands to any snrverh, Eaplorat other tuglineting work connected With the Ant) Coal Region of Pen iniliTaeda, July 18.54 CI.EO. K. S% I'l'll, :11Lti I:N(1EN , neerand i.turreyor. Fiber Terme, Cvntr., Ft Po I►la Pa. Faatulnatioris, ltep,rts. SurTPjf 31aini of OW 311nes,.Coal Laii'ds, Mining. Marld , or!. exoented oh the shortest rwticc. AOnt or Gal )I;st September :".•tt AGENCY—For the Purchase . .114 of .1161 Estate: buying and se ' llin- Cr k ebange of Coal Lands, Mines, dc- and rob rents—fm twenty years experience in the cut hopes to re satisfaction. ' 011ice.31ahsntasco S Pottsville.. : . , CE,:. V. iill 4+pri 1 6,0) 1,144( 1 - URVES,..DEM.F.I? I.N SO] • Doty Copper. Brun, Bar and Itl..t•k petter Lela .te. Orders reeriTed fn V.r,t.s and ( work, and 31achlne turnishinir. rders rota with the Above line promptly attended to. ire V. Corner Venn and F.r.uth zdr.;t. • dune 11;.103, •;;.tf -- • • "lAT Ikll WILSON, (late J ustiee of • Piace,) rlll promptly attend, 1.; ben , a ll,l lir, arbitrator; administrator. ais.Dl 14 r Linn% and' saiet of bowies. ;Ma, lantlo, coal. iantfr Funeral Dierthandlso—collirtiruz bil!s. r ate. icil. fie.. togothor with an other but.ineq,. kilst friends and the community at imTe may Is' I , 'v e fiver him with..lull t! - .EO. 'BROWN, Insprutor of TL VA tenders his serykes to LAII.I-4, inTs and "d e =kite; Exatialstations. Itrporta, Ac., 3lnas Land!. Trom his knowlence of Vein , . and c sprer !Sluing; Cr,perntinr.s. hnring'l,:en in tltlSOunty 115 and zarrital ota Minim Lod p‘als. Le Is T" itelLr'dl sidtAfattion to all Who may ItEFEILi to .Tio.tan :SIMI. and It. I:..\n And livuantx 311L'irs And ILO qt . rit:it. Phil:o(4M*, for capability and inte.;rity. - Fat , t , rsenian, June 30.. L. SCOl"f, Attorney at v T j shaprkin, Northinnberiand ts..untj, ft. Rrftrear,'s: lion. Jaatas Pnidocx,4levern,r t f Peonsyltsalt. •'!"Et3ln Lams, Chief Justice of Penny :vAr, ALEX. Jonn.o, Sunbury. Nr.rthounf , r l3r4C ' ;". 1311-.V.T. PATTON. Trivorton. Nrrthundspr:s ad JOSN COOPER, tPansllle, :tkni4c.re,,D -3,". Joinn_k W. (Nome. Idesant. thrum, Lana Lt . ..., '. iTxrnix.cr. Demon:4 Jr IXAVAcIL. J %roar S. Co., ) lbeernperrai) 1.,14 r.llO . THE PUBLlC.—llaving • ed my heslh by close coufinetheot, to mf , arf having riow recovered shook entin.ly. to 3 3,,i,13 7 Into a state of nervotot ireital.i!lty. I hire det.mg change to some extent the 'hawser in w hi It I her' orto prrtetieed my profctatino. 4.1 ' take,tlsht method of inf,rmin:: A kill Cottoty, the rentlerrion of-the Nir in It% the Puhl.k coin -ally, that after. the f co. day rf/rrx, 1 will raipilirly attend the hterm- ~ f :he o.urt . er pleas, mtd pray iro therein. 1 will inilleintiir Ittlrh legal trt&ine.ini AS way be eelliitictit JoIIN wru'R. 13.1, !kiarrla T., IRgi 05 .. 4 ......._ • ~ tho M P. I i)()I)S 1 ).t , . , t t,..1 6 . If r . 7 11. 1 . 'I iv• t . anti Mt.....t.ajn.1,711 Pentl.t. I , t..., s „ ; n t t . tht '_, De fl 1")(11tal I.siiitli.lnnent. in thl 4 r ll r, ' State. non intonds to t ? Ati l t his po t , n . the 1..n ,11 On% improvement ln' thel art. 11e t rtytran to g I.` i v nature to nnieety in Ib4 adtiptatit o nn , l A rrtnr •Terrts.tnttal lc t.l. Y It rr.eal t Tr..: h : it t ., r.< twrri' l ,,. , iris on Atottowherir prt.i.nre, to tho t nth - a exel ll' t,. Iplral gliyincw; t.:t tntet A AVAtt }mill) ,r,l rotV te ‘1 lir. and - fill.. d e nying truth with nI. tviq i ''''' '' wan durinc liti.. • ittne t e ;In .31arkat at twat, two dmrs ,11,-.le Crutre. lido. , Feb.'s I°3S (July ''"..., Is;t4 I'o'-‘ JOUN BARNDT COAL. DR. J. T. NICHOLAS, Niagist will a' t 4 r and iiiiio BEI MA