Alitters' )ournal. POTTSVILLE, PA. SATURDAY. JUNE 9. 1855. THE PORTLAND RIOT. A species of~ fanaticism attaches to the' manoeuvres of the Rum party, in every see-0 tion of the country, where it exists to nny'de grec. In The height of its madness, when Curbell by the: powerful Temperance feeling of the mass of the people, it resorts to mea sores, which place it beyond the pale of the law, while al voluntary delusion, actuates an impudent claim to the protection of the low, which it has the temerity to violate. A strik ing illustration of the truth , of this assertion, is exhibited in the - Liquor Riot which took place in Portland, Me., on Saturday night last. A bruta 4 l mob, composed of rum-sellers and their friends, set at defiance, the munici• pal laws of Portland, render themseles 'out laws, and estrange'themselves from every feel ineof sympathy which we might naturally en; tertain for a body of misguided men, by a pre meditated and armed opposition to the author ities 'of that city; the principal object, the eiushingof Neal Dow. • No person acquainted in the least with the character of Mr. Dow; the *adorn and cau- _ . tion exhibited by him in drating the celebra ted Maine Liquor Law bill, (which has been ,distinguished by eminent legal gentlemen, as • the most able document of the character ever prepared,) and the policy which has actuated his course, while Chief Magistrate of the city of Portland, can be, induced to credit even for an instant that he would be guilty of an act inconsistent with his distinctly marked, ever- getic character. Nol every account which reaches us in regard to the affair, of Saturday night in Portland, more_ firmly that the most intense animosity both .'toward Mr. Dow, and the cause with which he is iden tified, meth - cited the riot ; and spreadihrough out the tiniim, by means of the Democratic and Irish Roman Catholic prints of Portland, tha false statements in regard to the action of Mr. Dow, which have reached us during the past week. Now, it cannot be asserted, and is not, ex- cept by the rum-sellers, and those interested in the traffic, that Mayor Dow made even 'mistake in regard to the pufchase of the li quor for the city Agency; and the whole thing centres in•the fact that the rummies of Port land • determined upon a demonstration; that' they made it, and that they found in May or Dow, a resolute ,ppponent to • their un lawful proceeding. The man killed by the fire' of the military; • is proven .to have been the leader of -the. mob; and those wounded *ere aiding and abetting his designs. New, the idea of a rum paper—the Portland Ar , gits—to the effect that the killing of a nian ' by the nuthoritie,s while endeavoring to -put down a•riot, can be regarded as murder, is preposterous. 'it is .our fixed opinion that lever) , man engaged in a riot—no matter what the cause; what the provocation—would meet with but his just:tleserts, if killed in the act. liemerits no more honorable fate, than to be shot down like a doe. This may be 'strong ;language; but we ask what mercy does a mau &serve, while engaged in an.act, which if al lowed to beconni a precedent . , will plant anar . - chy and discord, where 'peace and,happiness ••• reigned before? With this view of the ques tion; and assured :IS we are that Mayor Dow • committed .no act proocative of the quiet of Portland, on the recent occasion, we cannot • bat regret that the lesson. he adininistered was not more severe.. The Portland rumsellers and their friends, • to jadgelrorn their recent actio , should be • classed among those,— . .•Whoui fire gods would destrtly, they rest Duke mr.d." for nothing short of insane infatuation; a madman's love of the vile stuff for which they fight RO readily, would have indneed so sense less an affair, as that in which they engaged, on. Saturday night last. Did they hope to gain a single privilege for their vile traffic by the riot? Was it possible to crush that btil liant champion of Temperance, Neal Dow, by the riot? Did Mayor Dow's conduct warrant the riot? W 4 rather incline to the opinion • that their advocates in all quarters feel some what ashamed of the insane frenzy which ac tuated the rummies_ou the occasion, and that. their organs, the Democratit and Irish •Ro • Man Catholic press of the country, will be compelled to propagate the 'false accounts of the affair, started by their Portland cotempo ranks, in order to screen them from •genetal ridicule, and place Mayor Dow if possiblejn a false position, before the people of the United States. In connection with this, we desire to express our surprise that many respectable and Feuer ally correct newspapers in our State, appear disposed to credit the erroneous impression that under the operalions of the Maine Liquor Law, liquor is freely drunk in that State; that crime increases, and that morality suffers.—• Would that those*apers could be induced to 'gaze at the•real state of affairs here, through other than rum spectacles. Interested corres pondents may state that liquor is imbibed to ex cess in the streets of Portland; but we know that when\ done, it, is the work of hired tools of the rumsellei; who smuggle the liquor into Maine from other States, and then blazon 4, A ~irtli die fact through the columns of a too -":" redulous press for effect. Maine statistics ~..4 prove how beneficial iii its effects has been ' - the much traduced Prohibitory Liquor Law, and Portland y is a brilliantexample of what a city may become morally, under midi a Law, and such a Mayor as Neal Dow. When the full merits - of the case which called forth these remarks, are ill our possession, we shall esteem it onr.duty to lay them before-our readers, to. let them see what shifts are resorted to by the enemies of Temperance; men,arho we 'doubt not, would sell a man a glass of rum even if they knew the money which purchased it, de prived a starving child of bread; and to , warn our readers against those professors of Tem perance, whose influence is detrimental to all those interests cherished •ito warmly by every true friend of the Cause. THE SCHUYLKILL COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Soctrnr.—lt is with regret that we observe • the difficulty which has sprang up in this So eiety,- growing out of local interests prinepal ly. The . Society originated in Oraigsbarg; but the two efxhibitiona_were,given mid way between Orstigsburg and :the Coal Re gion. The third exhibition was given in Or wigsburg, and the receipts we believe, were • not much more than one-balf the amount'ye • ceived at the other. point. This induced the active members, who iitriginated the Society, and carried it through, to look out for a more eligible site to hold future exhibitions, and. Schuylkill Haven was recommended, with a 'view of establishing that point ~as a perms. nent place for future exhibitions, from the fact of it being accessible from all parts of the Coal Region ,by railway, and especially convenient to those points which proye pecu niarily beneficial to the interests of the Socie ty,,in the way of visitors, etc. In the controversy we allude to, we have no prejudiced feelings; we are impartial, and are not interested intitherOrwigsburg, or Schuyl- . • kill Haven, as a place of; location for the So • ciety's exhibition's; bit we cannot refrain - _froth giving as our unbiassed opinion;that Schuylkill Haven is decidedly the most 'gape rior point of the two for the purpose named. 'N,,•We think so, from the fact that it ititmore eon / veuient for vibitora from various sections ,Of • • the- county; will insure treble the usual at• tendade, - and doubly increase the revenue of the Societ l y. If these ends atk not attempted,' the Association, would do *elt to dissolve im mediately. The revenue of the last State Agri cuiural Exhibition, held at Philadelphia,, eias inore than doubled; and it is an o ß seriabje fact—r immensely beneficial to them: revertn I ,e— r that. in all merely agricultural counties, the Agri cultural Exhibitious are :held either at the Seats of Justice, or in the most populous towns of-the counties. In Berks county, exhilittions of this character are held at Heading, ; - caster 'county at Lancaster city, and so As Pottsville is not located in the AgritolttW ral section (if Schuylkill County, we 4 not . ask nor want the Society to Select this place for Ita Exhibition; but at the - same; time, Ice' esteem it our right and (1114- to suggest, the' most proper place in the County, for the Exhi-! bitien purposes of the Society. ThatOlace we believe to be Schuylkill Haven ; undl fret* .the claims to the consideratien of the SOcietY which it possesses, we can perceive no reason why grounds should not be itpprokiatTi for, their Exhibition, on the Pooti House Fat•tii, at that place. This farm should be the model farm of the County, and *hil t e renderit4 its the Society will be immensely benefitted, by the collection of farmers and citizens gdneral ly, who will be induced to assmble thet4 yeat r ly, by. the attractions 'offered by the loaatiodl The Farm is the property the Countr, and -the Association *as organized to fOrward the Agricultural' interests of •the County. big so, all mere local interests should ;be en.- tirely discarded. These a 4, our sentintentit, I upon the question in dispute. GoyEaxon WisF..—lt is a i`notable faCt, that I 1 the election of Henry A. Wi4,e, does' not pro;ie 1 , . so palatable to be genuine t/entocrach asth'e gentleman himself might di:sire. ' As` sail- pie of the dissatisfaction openlyexPresSed, We I make the following extract from a leading ed itorial of ,que of their prio'clpal organs, ttie , New York TreniniPost oft June Ist :4 L• I • "That the Know Nothings are defchted in ! Virginia is, %'e admit, agreeable inielligenq ; that Mr. Wise is elected Goternor seems to us no good cause of rejoicin g .l The betnocrats of •Virginia must hard chnnged eery much 1 from what they were twenty Ilears since, to haite gone into the late election.ith suCh a eandi- date to 'represent their parts'as Mr. Wise. 1 I The political history of this man is before I • the conntry. He; was one of the most! violent . opposers of the adrainisttion Of Oeneritl Jackson. He was equally violent inl his position to the measure's oc•Mr. Van Pura's i administration. • Violent :is almost td feeble and quiet a term to expreas the intensityhnf I ' hitreal 'manifested by him to the political s'.'ts tem of those two eminent Istatesmen.i No i h 'frig. could exceed the vehemence of w di which he assailed them, at d their principles,' andttheir friends. The great sewer of 42tatial street does not pour daily Into ; the Olson a tide of more offensive feenlenee than flowed at that period in the harar gue? of Mr. wiL n; It was pure unmixed mail g, an inierminable . fluency of viturperation, a nechanicali facility I of abuse, and nothing more ' ; there' wtlS neither argument nor 'enthusiasm' in it; it *as {he', 1 mere volubility of a scold.l His dispcisitioti to ! seemedviturperate, seem a sort of moral disease ; he threw everything at his opponent's which lay in his way, without discrimination, sticks, stones, .dirt, the scrapings of the 'sgutters, clawed up hastily with hands that. scorned: all t nicety,of selection." I _, The election of a man, 'hose pOlitical char acter is worthy of such comment, can hardly be esteemed a triumph bi the Pfmocracy Defeat were preferable to' success With such I a candidate. , ti, • : I , , • FANATICS Ili THOSE DAY.—The &WU 1 ' Chief i ( . .4. says that the readers of -the ruin papers s t ind. the listeners of bar•room logic; would con- elude, if they believed 'W I at they heard, that l "oer forefathers" fought, piled, and died, that a few Incji in 1855, might sell ruin and curse the land with pauperism Ind..crinie....44yet some of those "fathers".. ere strangely tinc tured with fanaticism, ev 11 at that early day. The first coatineutal 6nress, before the dec laration of our National lildependence, uttered their manifesto against rim, in the folloWing emphatic. Ititiue Law lEnglish. ;The detifiot, ism of intemperance, as lwell as . thro of the mother country, claimed !the attention oil the men of the Revolution : Ii ! . Resolved, That it be recommended 'the several Legislatures of the United States“m mefliately to pass laws le most :effectuatZor putting an immediate st p to the fierniejous practice of distilling, by4r, hich the most elil;en sire evils are likely to be derived, 'if not Oft*. 4/ prevented." i Such was .the "opinion" of the , rum traffic on the 27th of February-J.1774..1 THE PHNikNY.LWANIA 4EDICAL . This Society held its annual session in Holli daysburg last week— , Drl. John M. Geminill, of Huntingdon, presided'', Delegates wee in 'attendance from most oft the county medical societies in the State, and a number of highly interesting and valuable' eports on the disea ses which have prevailed iu those counties, during the year were presented and read; and ordered to be .pnblished in the earning volume of trensactions. A Committee, eonsisting of Drs. Kennedy, Condie and Holiingsviorth, of presentedl.a forin of printed blanks for these reports, designed to render them more full and comprehensive than .they have yet been, and to represent; annnallilhe comparative behlthfulneas of every section of the State. and the effect 4 of the climate; soil, water, surface and geological formation ni that section, and the 'health id its inhabitants.— The proceedings of the late session were Char acteriied by great unaniMity. Dr. Jas. &Car penter, of Schuylkill con nty, -waS elected i'res ident for the ensuing 3.4 r, and the Society ad journed to' meet in Philadelphiis on the last Wednesday in May next. THE i'VGITIVE SLATE Low.—The Louisville Journal states that Henry' Clay,', directly:after the passage of this Lan!, expressed his disap probation of some of its provisions, and de clared his belief that if 11 -health had not pre- vented his remaining ia-Washington and act ' ing on the committee that repoited the bill, it , might have been repotted and passed- in a form far less offensive to the Ninth, and per haps satisfactory, to both North 'and Sitth.— Mr. Clay declared hiatielf in favor of a trial by jury to test the alledged slave's right to freedom, in the neighbOrhood from which he was alleged to have ekcaped. What heart. burnings and ill feelilig• wonid have! . been saved the country, the distinga'Aed Statesman been enabbid to mo'clify the ohjec tionable feature of that odioui law. It is a • matter of regret that h i s hand , was not promi nent in its enactment. We mielt thee . have been in possession of alFugitive Slave Law to which the North could, have yielded without derogation. . 'Toe Vtiorata 'Etti'ortox.-I4The Cumber land.Mairs' Journal thinks that the Ameri cano •• party halm reason to be discouraged at the result of the election in yi•rginia. They accomplished the work' set before theta and more. In speaking of Mr. wiso's success, the Journal is sure that but for the acciffent of certain anomalous profeedinga of the .Legis lature of Massachusetts, the "sound and fury" of Mr. liVise's hamngties would have passed over Virginia ns the idle wind,!which ao. man heeds. - His one 'hundred and twenty-seven speeches, or his one speech repeated one hun dred and twenty-six tiMes, would have Produc ed no more effect than!st squiit upon the 'fires of Mount Vesuvius. , j CALIFORNIA INTELLtna.xea.i—The worth-1 ern Light," at' New York, brings Over,half a i million The Central. American Gov.i . , 1 1 ernment party had agnm invested Leon, and had determine& to rednee it before the arrival I of Col. Walker and his friends. ! Business was, dull throughout California, and large 'les of, it I Hour had been madelfor shipment New I York, 'Liverpool and lAnstralia. Ch . i and California flour was s4lling at six , dollars. 1 There had been abundant mini and the, crops looked well. The mines welei yielding well Ern I= anriews TABLE. PESSZTLVAINIA FARM Jounaial.—The numbered this excellent egrieultiral annalist the high ; :reritatien it bears :agog fat:, mars, avid irorca that it is fully, worthy of. Oie pattimage it . receives from that clash of ear indus trial population.- _The masa of information it initta is invaluable. , To be obtained at itannatii.f, Btacnwoon's Hsitaztas.—Tbe Ame'riean e!li tion of HO .Edinbargh publication for May, hits been received.: The contents which .as 'icsnal are i varied szid interesting. comprise an entertaining 1 SY paper on "The Length of Human Life;" "Poe:ity °,,' of Car, reviewed before Selwtopol;"' Noteis en d Canada ;" "Story of the Crimean Campnign r etc. For sale at Hannan's. till !,F • I ... Tuts ANEIT.I.I:I Mimc& Curiostmi—We pii terve that this reliable Journal, widely knOtenfor' en, its devotion to Iron Manufacturing and Rail ay ku interests, has established a branch publicatiokef flee in Phil'adelphia. By this course the ChroeiMe will be enabled to enlarge its sphere of iisefultitiss, 'a n sad render that justice to Pennsylvania, which-as els a prominent mining State, it should receive aOhe. prt hands of that publication. We congratulate'ithe publishere.upon the enterprise which induced them rai to effect .the new establishinent, and trust 'their' da success in the future 'may equal their_ most San- aa , guine expectations. • • • 1, tal NEW PUBLICATIONS'. ..,•,?=. ft THE Any QI 7 STAIR BUILDING—By J. R. Perry, in A Practical Hechanie.—This invaluable work, is an designed by the author, who is a praCtical thair pri Builder, 'to exhibit the art of Stair Building *ith tak original improvements, and, enable every carpen- imi ter in the country , to learn the businesS in the Most fo i perfect manner, by the easiest methods. .': - Yhe nei book is beautifully printed and illastinted ant •triiraLly, that a glance will exhibit the diffieult parts' of. and make all plain and con4Pre hensive. Most authors treat • such 'subjec(k . in I so professedly a scientific manner as; to obkeure do it for the common mind. Such is nt'it the ,Fuse with this,, book.. The work is pronounced good 1.11 and practical by toaster carpenters, and wean P ° recommend the book to those interceqd. 71:ie' re- wl tail price of the work is $2,50, which lays it frith " in the reach of 'all. Application fOt. the Work co must be made to Perry & Fitsit;alds,Cor. , Ceritre I th and Canal streets, ICtir York, or to the Autlqik, at ne Port Clinton, in this County. It can also bfi.:had fir at Bannan's Book Store. . •ra IRVING'S Lirr or WASHINGTON.—It was flared I 0: that by'the Partial destruction of John F. TrOw's the publishing establishment in New York last iseek, j mony. .; - •i 1 ' by fire, on which occasion twelve thousand,: five TajorunfromWilliamsporttoElmiraisthrOugh,, hundred copies of the 12 too. edition of Irtiing's the most fertile, wheat },rowing sections of our 1 1 Life of Washington , was destroyed, that a serious land the traveller pas•eing the • great Genesse, delay would be experienced in, issuing tiiii < rlt Veil y beyond Elmira, it`nd at Elmira chinge cars volume of the work. Through great precautiops to c o Broad gene of the Erie Railroad , thence however, this has been avoided, and subscilbers to th Falls of Niagara, 'i.onstantly passing objects can noiv be supplied with the Work. 10f tho':Mer- .plea...ingto the eye, to tile very doors of the hotels its of this lICNV. work, the Literary Editor •ilt the I whf h. by the way we see are filling tip rapidly ,New York Tribune, who. perused the adtonce Sheets, says its publication will fi . irm hn important I d • epoch•in American literature. The life bug In- c bora of its illustrious author could not haviiheen w crowned with a inure appropriate tertriinatiolV Ins name will henceforth be indissolubly connected : e t with that•of Washington, nut only bt his liiptis-. ht ..}nail appellation, but by the noble monument Which • iar i l 9he has reared to hie memory. It Ittis a befitting dil l : , task that the writer who has left such a biPliant ti 4 'impress of his genius on the nascent literatitre of i „ if ' his country-- hose Tame is devoutly cherished in 3/ the hearts of the Ainerican people—held in :0- i tuqT y , 'ly affectionate remembrance in the rude eaqii of . ~i the frontier, the halls , of universities, and the en. I r , loons of fashionable life, whose successes :lts the 1 y , varied walks of classical composition ltvn'done I s i as much to illustrate the character •.:;f America in 1 ti the eye of the world as the eloquence of het'i See. , o f atom or her prowess in arm4.--sliould ereate,h per- i w nlanent memorial of Washington in a style. ' - iorthy : el the dignity of the subject' and the reputaCion of i . 01 the author. • . Weersire to state that this work is . pittdished only.-for subscribers, and as.the first 'volumene now ready for delivery to subscribers at Our stoii.; those wishing to subscribe, would do well;to leaVe their names immediately. . , focal Alfons. • I `L'l METEOROLOGICAL NOTATIONS. Reported by Dr. A. Ifeyer,of Potter: gpi.: Airfocits. c - - 20 AT. I OAIOI.I , G E.NERALraxgrtoms . . 1 sth mo, ,:, • illbpo g raph. Gecii.eiph-icai. °/ 3pdays. , j, It it • • 01 8.81 !! Height of Pottsville fawner 28.83 ;of Market a 2d. ate) above 'JAM it mean tide,. '9:41.95 . 4 . Lir 28.85 ! i tance from Philadeljahts: 95 28.98 ilmilea.—Latitbde; I.4iP 41 M63lls".—Popelation • 25.77;57,80n. i •T, aturd. Sunday Monday Tuesd'y ,Wedn'y Thurs'y Friday 2.—S. W. fresh Breeze; rainy-3.266 3.—W. S. W. light " cloudy, eve. rain'4.oil2 in. 4.—N. W. fresh ," slightly cloudy. 5.—N. W. fresh wind ; ditto. 6.—N. W. light breeze; 7.—S. E. do.; rainy, cloutly--1.488-ini.. B.—N.'W. fresh wind; cloudy—a few'Arol3-ii rain ~723•• A glorious shower was with , uS °O hm day niternoon. The weather here lis ;growing warm, apd decidedly more agreeable.l Oran!, 3forttiment iteeting.—Thy tene of Pottaville and vicinity will meet thb •change Hotel ihia evening, when the Pnilding CoMinittee will present a full statement of their Ipreeeedings in the erection of the beautiful teatimoni;tl to the memory of Henry Clay: Air Drowsed.-.lacob Schaner,:a Oernian was drowned in the Norwegian Creek, at this Herough; on Suudsty morning last about 1 o'cicck,iWhile in 1 an intoxicated condition. His body haalpot yet been recovered. 'At th,e, time of the k cctilience, a • li• freshet prevailed in the Creek. I . .• , ~, -c . •- Air Ercelleet Appointutesst.--bui tOSi? sman; Josiah I. Reif, has received ass . ari)oiiynecit of Aid to the Governor, with the tank o Identenant Colonel. Col. Reif, in view of the happy event, will "accept the assurances of our imOst. distin guished consideration," ' ' ; ; Or The Fair held in the basemetil, of the Episcopal Church this week, for the benefit, of the Church of the Holy Apostles, at St. alairi wee we are pleased to knaw, quite auccessfuli peentdarily. The young ladies of, the church exerted themselves zealously, to ensure the succeed ,:the ;6.derta king ; and we award , there due credit 'Or. Killed by the Falling of a rree.4.."-,IVe are informed that a Garman physician, 4 resident of Patterson, while driving in a carriage , near :Mid dleport yesterday, was instantly killed by the fall ing of a dead tree upon him. ; • •P. B.—We have been informed thitit#o Doct. Weiser of Patterson. • A boy sittimi by hTi side in the vehicle escaped without injury. SiffPark Beejantin.—Thia disti.gniahed lee turti conteplate, delivering's series, of 4.ectures in this bo agh next week. Due nbticwill be w giveof he time decided upon by i t eir.* for the co , delivery o the first Lecture. Theme wkaletijoyed the rick lilerary treat afforded then by Cdr. Ben jamin on the occasion of his late viiit telhe Coal Region, will heartily wefcome him bailt...' • • it* hi , atio in the Mines.-:-At the! McGinnes' Shaft, St. Clair, an explosion 'of file• di np took. place .on Thursday last, ireadfullyi bursting fiv e miners, twe'of whom hare slice died. "Repo fur ther particulars' of the occurrence haiu.:reached 'us, Ire are unable to state the Cllll,O ik , thi Matra. sing accident, or give the names of the; dead and wounded men. .1011/"Rcentiting Sidflon.-4ieut. .Isl, of the United States dens opened 'a teriicting sta tion in this BorAgh, fur) the enlist entinto the Army, of men between the ages if 1k and 35 years. Those who love the "shrill tife 4 ,and the spirit-stirring drum," and have:nti objtietion soldier to go," will we suppose be aieePMble, vizi tars to Lieut. Ithsell, at present IsfrATr.. Cussisgkirsi.--This%favorite actress, and estimable lady annorinces her benefit for Monday evening next. The the i occasion is Roiaeo and Juliet, with Mrs. liroter . , is Romeo, and Mrs. Cunningham as Juliet., ?Grail& Brig," a Scottish Drama, concludes the enlertalpreent.— As Monday evening will corclade the- : engage ment of Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham l t it is hardly necessary to predict the:l:the Town Hall will be' crowded on that evening. ' Or The Clay. Monisment.—Eig i bt, sections of the iron columns hare been placed in their proper position. The cap of the column) ati4 . ;the iron statue of Mr. Clay alone remains tfi he itilsech On the coming Fourth of July (lestr, I thaei:A month from this,) the Monument will be fally.e..ompleted and will be inaugurated with vary intoriSting cere, monies. It is a notable and creditablelact, that on-the 4th of July, 1855, Pottsville ikill be the only place in the United States "postiessilai a eop plated Monnment to the menturs Olt* illustri ,• _ • ons deceased. , • • ii i Military tret:ilanc , !--At. as steelier' - tin, 'Goes . vs.- Af.iitaiier . Coorly—RiOt.. Ignorednnd r evening last, of tte Scott Bice L'oniW prosecution pay 04/1* broseLoeser was daly elected Cain - Otis bf !"., COM. e....Sotossi?a Moyer—Furnishing intoxica. Inparq. Mr. Loeseireili no dorl(!eash 4lng drinks - to - Minors. Bill ignored; and prose. leer ; and as the Ilaropsny is on* of 4e cuter PO emstil of , suit - drary ergantraticius ;in the exurrity;:we coil* Oni• is. Terrence 0 . -yeal—Larceny and Assault , Air. Loeser upon his election. .i - and Battery. On , the C har g e of Larceny acquit , - i I id; bet convicted of Assault and Battery. Dist. Airy for Cont., Walker and Geer for deft. - - Coo: es. Sara/ ilcVaisayle--:Difurderly House. Verdict Fillip; .!, Senfence, six coots fine, pay costs of - prosecution, and undergo on ii!'prison meet of three months in the COunty prison. Corn. re. Sarah; 3fcGou!rg/e- r fornicatinri. Ver dict, not guilty;' but deft. pay costs of prosecu tion. Dist. Attorney for Corn., E. M. Richards for JriS L‘ I 1 Tues, ny, Am as" Co good tr best mi gratula v;: , .. : ,e.. The rz l ibiao. at,„lrostertey.--Thii loesof Mes Graham, Brown A'• o.; by the roewit l Mt plosion of a boiler at thoi mines, hail tateawon. err eidera y over-estimated. Weihave goodieillsoid for. toting that their loss is only from STOOO to 1 000. Through the e.evidone of machinists and Ser, orkmen, the michtnery anti other works ma' by the explosicin, aro so far ropaisTd , at b Monday next they will be in . nperalion .ain. nd on that day they will rereommenee ship. u,;*, al. lly Wednesday next, their pumping gin wi ll be iu operatic:4i. Wo are pleased to tow hat the loss of Me3isrs. Graham, Brown, & i., b i the accident, has keen much exaitgeratcd. Trionairta improrenients.--,Unintentionally,l W neidity,we'did notirender our enterprising er orough full jtiaticei in speaking of her lin.i s..e cuts . We now hasten to rectify the error. 1 t o ly, has gas been •introduced, but`, the 80-! gh has enjoyed for nearly three yearsnn abim; t . ppljt of Water, dizPensed by Works which .t Ter Thirty Thousii , nd dollar. We again e casion to congratulate the citizens of Ta qn ,on the advantagea which accrue ; to them in, n abundant supply:ef water and light, both la pdr nt requisites to health and comfort. It is ob ervable fact that T4anaqua possesSes enter sin business men, ever ready and Trilling to to lead in those platers, pertaining to an r etnent . of its social ;condition; and who step Ale rom thc; paths •Of business to benefit their igh ors; by projecting dommendable enterpri&es, ' 4inging them to a 54Fcessful termieation The Trip to Niagara via. &hut / all/leo.: No v that it is generally known ,that 'fort ton I , Ila s and in the short apace of seventeen hOurs, ti t e tip can be made fruni Philadelphia to Niage. I F lls, via. the Readirik, Catawissa, Williams .rt nd Elmira 'Unreels, it• is c4cedell by all' ho fitive pawed over: the route, that the trip is .e,clf the most beauti(ul and romantic in, the untry. Passing up 'thls Schuylkill, thence oni lelCatawittsa Railroad to Willinmsport,.the:sce crY is conantly changing, and is as, wild and ran las any one can desire. Whirlingat a rapid Ito upon the mountain top, and crossing theval i Is ipon treasle work 4 a great elevation, the •av ller is more than repaid by 'the sublimity, of scenery, for his expenditure of time and 4 i r• Fatal tAccideti t itl the ifinee.—.4. sad :tea- tent happened at thi r nAnes of Messrs. ;Tulin 1 :t It. l "art r, at Tamaqua, on . Ttiesday Morning last, phi h resulted in tbd• qath; of three ' promising ou' g men named ,ThodiusFaull, Thomas 11:, Tip ett and Alexander florse. We understand) that 1 ,; , ; Lei death was ocesisitmed by the - presence in! l• .g quantities, of sulolurie hydrogen gas, pro.! d by the burning (~ Coal at the ioit-crop of! i • vein, where a fire bad been liindlet i l six j ,o the since, by tioidp thoughtless !person:s.-1 ith h sympathy is exiirCssed for till family of , on ig Faull, ; their caseibeing peculiarly tliStres in!, from the fact anti be 'was their: maid sup ,or . Mrs. Faull'a husband was trilled 'soma , ca s since in the mints of the Messrs. Carter; in ,a which time she hap been suffering front par , il aberration of nand, occasioned by the t,hock f' ;'or husband's death] Iler sou Thomas', who ;a. a joung xuan of; vigoroui constitution, had by ie tions been 'enabled : to purchase a )tit of ground ;at • hich he intended anon erecting a bouse. On Mu, day he brought; 14 deed to Pottavillel to be . I rec rded ; returned home on Monday evening, I on Tuesday morning, as stated, death iernii t d all the prospeCt4whieh praiseworthy exer- Li) s were enabling him to realise. - 1 , Court Week:-Annexed will bafound a list i if he cases; and the gsposition made of them by th Court; Judge Begins presiding; which has ben in session the' whole of the present week.— Niuch business has imin brought befare it, and it k i not possible for it to get through.with all the *lnal business trhi4 claims its attention, this seek. It is an obserilible fact, that the majority 1 of the cases which tirelinoted below, ererho fruits bf thc'use of rum; in tact, more than two-thirds if the cases brtiv a ndit io the notice of the Court, , Fre -e induced by runt. ,The conviction of persons Charged with selling ;liquor 'to minors, should prove a warning to those engaged in' the satho bu mat Besides the other inconveniences attend.: ant, upon a convictloaof this diameter, itlis not • • remarkably' pleasant t. • i go to jail ; a ndgo to jail those persons will, win? infringe zthe !lair on this ph nt. lire advise.Our l store -keepers who deal in th stuff, to stop the b usiness . In tc,ine States it is n unlawful bushies t t, and a penitentiary offence to cal in liquor. AS4nredly, it is an unpleasant 1, b:ti iness, which in :sortie places, the !engaging in Pu s a man iin a pari with a thief or house-br eaker. I I ink not, rum-seller,:that a brilliant Saloon 'makes an difference in thii offence. As in the loti grog. sat, so the man who gets drunk there, is; worse th a beast. Stoll Oil) unhallowed busineis, and you stop, in a measure, degrading spectacles 1 ke those witnessed in onr Court House durilig he iresent week: Tho crl"minal cases of, the w6ek we I I .0 %join . Corn. 're. John /CeOey--:-Surety of, the mpbell.tor Com.;'aid Hughes for deft. r~Con. re. Fred. ireefing—Porniention an, ly.. The. plea of, g4ilty withdrawn, and t guilty enbatituteiti Dist. Attorney an •rry for Com., and Slronee for deft., Cont. ca. Asstkoriy llquo . I rk—found guilty. 1 4111otion to arrest ju I L er-ruled, and deft:'j sentenced to pay a l itne' of •• $ 0, costs of prosocation, and he imprisbned in e jail of the comity for a period of tab days.l D st. Attorney and Pslmiir for Com, and Hughes a; d Campbell for deli. 1 : • , t iCam. vs.' Geor9el4uaiti and Jacob Boisard— s tno offence. FoUndiguilty, and sentenced to pay afine of $lO each, costs of prosecution, and un- i d i rgo an i4risoniiieftt of twenty diys in 'the Co. I 1 1. • pnson. Dist. Att'y fbr , c i t ' om„.llughes for deft. Com. re. John Bertikger, et aL—lliot. Not gull- 3 1 i , but pay the costs t.i. piosecution. ! Palmer and l i Ottnpbell for Com., f.Htighes, Bartholomew and 1 ; Grouse for deft. ICotn. co. Win. Reinike—Assault with attempt to mmit a Dupe. 'Not guilty, and connty for costa. Dist. Att'y for Coln.,Bchoener for deft. ;• Com. re. Jerensiuhi S. Trout—Fornication and ii.tardy. Found;g4ilty, and received th'e usual • entence. Dist. AtCy; fur Com., Campbell for deft. Com. co. James•!Bastsil—Assault:and Battery. The plea of 'guiltiwtls entered, and deft. sentenc ed to pay a fine of $.5 and costs. ; Campbell for ir m. ,_ • 1.1 vu • 1 i. Com. co. Willician .K•ear--Assault and Battery. c ; erdict guittz. Bartholomew for Com, Parry for • • i • deft. • ', :: .- : • , 1 Corn. cs.'Zacniia4 Pott—Assault and Battery.. I erdict, Ntnot guilty, tiut deft. to paieosts of pros. ! I ecution. Palmer and Roseberry for tom., llughes i . I_ I for deft. 2... . Com. cc Jobe GreN4—Assault and Battery.-Ver- I. 1 1 . I let guilty, Sentence, $lO fine s an d costs of pros ecution. Hughes. foi Com., pal mer and Rbseberty ice, defendant. Thelabove Ina cases were cross ele`tions. .. : ! I . 1 I Com. re, 'helmet; Ife.Vinactetaal—Assault. and attery. Verdict Oilty. ScnteoCe, pay costs of • prosecution; and gi v e bonds to keep the peace one! year. I Leyburn for tout., Campbell for deft. ° ' 61' v s . Win. '• l 4e!'"*" — Lateerly. I' L lto 'true! . tills r were found i lint no .prosecutiors appeating,i the bills were submitted without evidence, and the deft. found not guilt, and discharged on procla. t r . 1 relation. -., Coln. et. TAosuts ;este erniention and Bast. ardY. Verdict not !guilty ut deft. pay costs of Prosecution. Marsden r Com., Palmerlfor deft. Com. -es, Mary; Ill ! :gg ' Assault - and Battery.' Bill ignoredebut deft. opt of ,prosecution. Own. re. iftirgoireOforan—Aistinlt and, Battery. Bill ignored, but deft. pay eosts of prosecution. Com. at. Bartly.:Nedlenn—Robbery. ; A trial' '' y jury, resulted lrii a verdict of guilty, and sen tence of defendant to 1 year's imprisontnent, Ilis cents tine, and pay costs of I prosecution. ,Marsden , • for Com., Palmer. foi deft. -- 1 . I,piCota. rs. BartleOfealena—Lareeny. ' Verdict ilty. Sentence, six cents, costs; and ten days' imprisonment. Mirsden for Coin., Palmer for i • , deft. • , ; . Mill INMIS Com. re. Cathari4 Heaton and .Vary Larceny, Verdi c t, not guilty.' Le Com., Campbell torliefls. Com. CO. teme Filter and Willirim fl ceny. Vedict, ,ntt guilty. nipple !Campbell far deq. ' Cam. ra...hma! .10imer, • nosed, and Pronottutpr pity obits, of ittait.. Conk vs. Jnettb Reid, et ttt.—Riot; Bil proseeutiOn con:tor emit. i • • deft. • . Coot, re. Al:guilt-at 0. ficyer—Assault and Bat- 1 tery. The deft. ,was acctiiitte4 on the ground of insanity, and county pay costs of prosecution.— Dist. Att'y for Cum., pannan for deft. Cow, rs; Hen►y Artider-:-Larceny. Verdict, k guilty. Marsden for Com., Sheen= for deft. Corn. re. Daniell May—Malicious Mischief. Ver diet, not guilty, and prosecution pay costs. Com. vs. Watkin LlValkins,-Lareeny... , Found guilty, and sent :to the House of Refuge, at Phil adelphia. , Dist.:Att'y for Can, Heim for deft. Com. vs. Mary Britton—DiswiiiabrAlouse.— Found guilty, and sentenced "to pay a-fine of six cents, costs of prosecntion,and tuiffergo an impri sonment of 3 months. Dist. Att'y for eam., Clay and Marsden for deft. Com. rs. ArAnr Connelly—Adultery.;, Verdict, guilty. Not sentenced. Marsden for Com., Geer . for deft. Com. rs. 31,:ary, licKnetn—Adultery. Found guilty, but not sentenced. 31arsden for Com., Campbell for deft. • Com. rs. IfcQuaitt-LRiot and Assault and Bat tery with intent, to kill. This case is connected with the recent Branebdalo affair, a full report of •which' we guTe:et the time of the occurrence:— The ease was opened. on Thursday evening and was. still progressing when we went to press. I d ~( couste.4lco a rzo.) . . . Manna: Ens.:—By apreamble.and resolutions published is some of the papers of this county, and passed by a set Of,outside disorganizers and spoilers, I feel called upon to make un explana tion to the public, in Order to prevent a wrong im pression. Ilatt.l. only to deal with the contemp-' table creatures, who compose, the Would-bes, I wouldlspare yott the trouble to publish this arti cle. The statements made in that filthy produc tion, I pronounce a tissue of falsehoods front be ginning to eud,and the,author and its supporters a parole of knaves unworthy to be noticed. As to the authority they assume to give me a hearing, and the requeSt that I should. resign, I do no, more acknowledge, than I do that of the Euiperor of R1131311i; and : shall treat with the deeppt con tempt all. like'things coming from them. The statement that I tan in the habit of granting or-' ders oaths treasury without the "Knowledge or. consent of the Society," is mean and lame. The fact of the case is this : I made out an order fur a man whom I knew to he justly entitled to it, and had it passed at the next meeting following; this is done in 'many well regulated bodies, although not strictly legal, it is. done for accommodation •without any adyantitge to the'drawer. ' . • And the charge that I. refused making out an order "justly tine Land so ordered." • Of that case the plain trutlOsthis:.that it was agreed , that the laborers should be paid $1 a day, and the mechan ics $1,50. It tm:happened that President Ham" mer and both. Vice Presidents were absent at (tt meeting, when' ;Mother person, (now largely fig uring with the'sPoilers) had the chair, when a cer tain individual, who did common labor presented his bill for $1,50 a day, the vote being taken 'it was n tic, and the person in the chair decided it iu his favor.' I was then . advised by the real friends of the Society, not to make out the order till after another meeting, in order to give an op portunity for ~'a reconsideration. suit was then brought, and to avoid further litigation, the plain tiff paid the cost, and the , Society paid the bill.— The -ignoranrnssumption of ,power" I am charg ed with, is this; that the presiding ,officers and myself haie eiiintnitted the unpardonable offence, „teethe spoilerit;Mould have it,) of fi xing the SO .lety''s meeting!ut places out of Orwigsbiag, and iy doing so, w,p have followed precedents sanc tioned by the urge of the Society from its begin ning. In all ;Gases where a meeting adjoureed without fixing'on a place and time of meeting, the President and.,Hecording Secretary were expected, and invariably; fixed on such place and time, and no fault was found till these slandering.disorgani zerS took it into their smart heads to attempt to control, what some of them tineeredmt in the be ginning. 'ir ' The charge that I was willing to sell the Socie ty a piece of ray land, at $2OO per acre, and the hint thiewn out, that the refusal to buy, made too opposed to the Orwigsburg movement, is a false hood of the darkest kind, which I am able to prove .whenever required to do so. The fact is this; I refused selling at any Klee, except 3tr. Fulmer who jiiins me, would sell one half of the ground wanted, and then I would not sell for less than $250 per . acre, and even at that preferred keeping it, whereupon the person (if I judge4ar reedy from thit bombastic, style used) who is the author of the praiseworthy preamble and 'rosolu tips replied, that ho expected; my wishes would be gratified. i ;• - I am one cirthe originators of the •Schuylkill County Agrictillural Society, and will not act with men whose sole object it is, either willfully or ig norantly to cement it into an .engine for selfish motives. Thb principal movers at Orwigsburg, are not farmers, they are tavern-keepers and some shop-keepersovho contemplate to allure 'custom ers to their different trades, so that the term mer cenary, will tip fly more correctly to them than to me. I individukdly, have as little benefit from the exhibition at .E.huylkill Haven as at Orgigsburg, but the AgricUll oral community of the county at large demands hat it be located where it will be sustained. 1- 1i' z .k..... t , I El Let!the matte be examined calmly. The Ex- hibitiun during 3 days at Orwigsburg produced $235 33 both or member fees and. admission tickets. This must be seen, will not begin to pay premiums, mice less the interest on a debt of from $3OOO to $.lOOO which it will be necessary to con tract to buy ground at this place, and put it in ;if for exhibi4n, oven if on a modified scale the Berill'County improvements are imitated, which have en exaniined, as a pattern by these disin terested persenii. The 'Jerks County improve ments, belt reatembered, cost about $6OOO, inde pendent of tbell ground, which that Society has from the Connt Commissioners for $1 a year. It is well known, hat at a previous meeting, a pro position rerpiesting the citizens of Orwigsburg' to raise $2OO towai•ds the Society's expenses to locate the exhibitiolis t ipermanently at that place was de feated, and at subsequent one, one to give 'it to where the beZt inducements are he'd 'out, as well' as a motion to increase a Committee, to give equal chance to both-Orwigsburg and Schuylkill Haven. This is equivalent to three open declarations that these desperadoes insist upon having the exhibi tion right ori wrong; without being willing to eon, tribute the first) cent over and , above their tnem borship [cm! Who are these would-be controllers? They are a lia t tcel of outsiders without a single legal officer ea: boo, and that office has so far ! bean one in imam only; they have none of the re- i=l Bast- Idekof Rose- to Mi. gment cords becausi they have no right to them, although ,they have mnrie the attempt to obtain them from me. . If I am correctly informed they have also bor rowed mcinej tb, the right of which the Charter is Silent. ° Whit then has committed the greatest pal pable violatfolif law? I. for not strietly to the letter of theX Laws making out an order, but nevertheless_Jh or those who•borrow money mi the Society credit without a shadow of right? for which theyns Base probably be implicated to ob tain it uuder Rase •pretences. The whole offence lays in this,:thet they are outmarshalled by what they are•pleinirfil to term incompetent officers and farmers, for rillithe officers are against them save one, as well `aslts majority of the members. The legal dfficeni are B: W. Hughes, President; J. J. Paxson and cosh. Bock, -Vice Presidents; J, S. Keller, R. sind.Librarian ;,S. IL Madden; Cor responding iseCretary Joseph ,Ilammer, Treasurer;. J. F. Treichler and R. Peale, Curatots; and all the movements, at Orwigsbnrg, not conducted, by these.officerti acre farcical and invalid. • . II J. 8. KELLZa.. II [COMMUNICATED.] 'COUNTY TREASII222.' Messas. n i a.—Permit me through your paper to reCommeitillhie. Daniel Knercher of Schuylkill Haven, as a suitable person for the office of Coon' iy Treasurer tor Schuylkill County at the next election. Mr." Kaeichcr is a native born citizen of this CoutitY and well known by, many as an honest and 'qualified person for said office. His election would give general 'satisfaction to . the public and especially to the voters of Nbwro. Ma:mem • The folloVring communication in reference to the claims of :ibis well known house to the pat. h renege of toe public , we publish wi th _ pleasure.-- It is from Ouelwho we know, would not recom mend any Public House, unless it was deserving: Pntt.aneLPsts, June 4th, 1855. 2 Measna.lEns.:-z-Permit me through the Jour nal to directl public attention to' the. Tremont House, (formerly kept by Mr. 'fipple) in Tremont, SchnylkilPeennty, now kept by Major Philip Koons, late of Pinegrove. It is a matter oCcon sideration : . to!I travellers to find a resting place where the comforts of home may be enjoyed. I can speak 606 personal knowledge that at the house referled to, not only a home for thestranger is'available Nit the best of fare and' the kindest attention on the most moderate terms. Those who have once Called with Major Koons, will unite with mein` recommending his •house as one de serving the pUblie patronage. • • PHILADELPHIA. HOLLOI!AN 8 OINTMENT AND PILLS, an in fallible Remedy for Blotches on the Skin.— Edgar Mortimer, • aged 25 f of Third-street, Philadelphia, was for five years a severe suf ferer with blotches on the skin, the whole of his face, neck, aims, and hands, being disfig ured with .them like small pox; he consulted several vericlever medical men, who told him it was the predicating symptons of some, dis ease,which alarmed him exceedingly; however hd took golloway's Pills immediately, and rube bed the; Ointment cm the parts affected, and in two weeks :the whole of the blotches 4isilp. peered, aid his health was considered improv ed. These remedies will cure the most deeply seated old wounds and ulcerk, even of t enty years standing. McGinn burn for MM f or Cool., .11111 Ignored, THE =MOW IMO. litligious )tittiligence. NOTICES. /1-r•EAPTI:ST Hay.,looll- H. CASTLE, Pattor. Service eseryiSabtedb at 10% o'clogh, h. _ll, and 7,1 dock, P. M 4• ) i• • • 54-SEL'o'.4D 31EMODISp EPO4.IOPhE CIVCREM Markettireer, Pottsville, Rev. ANDRA* LOIOACRX, Pastor. ,Divine nervied every Sabboth at 10 .114 M. s l ed G P. M. •••••• 3EKTIIDDIST EPISCtiPAL C111;RCII. Bee and Street, POttsville. Rev. T. SYORDbt Trion.vv. Pastor.— Divine semi,* evvry Sabbstli at 10 d' . 4 E. And 734 P. .11. CreASSOMATE REFORMED rapsnyvi cutitcm Market street: IleT. WILLI UM 11. Pntsl,l.ET, Pastor.'Divine service erwry Sabbath at 10% cloclc, A. 31., and at 7% o'clock, P. SV • .4r. ENGLISH LUTIIF.RAN ClltitCil. Market Square, t POttrrille,Rey.ljectri.Srlei, Pastel. Divine service In l this Church _regularly every , Sunday. 31orning, at 10% I o'clock; evening, at 8 ceeka-k. Weekly Prayer Meeting, i Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, 1 1 1 , int- tr,BLII CONGREGATIONAL CITUECIT, Miners- villa road, Pildtsefile. lii.'. Ciliate:is Ww.'iMwtabss Pa* i tor. Divine Service in this Church eery Sabbath. )lorn- 1 leg at Id ricits-k, evening at 0 o'clock.: Prayer Meeting at P I A. M. Schaal far small chlldren,lto teach them in the i theories shit doctrines of th'y Bible, at lt.:',' o'rlrick. School i for reading the Bible, Ac.. at 3 o'clock. :diking School at 5 o'clock. i ! li I EVERT FAMILY IN 6currLFlLt, CO. SHOULD READ TIIIS' i DR.. SWariii—Dear $Vr-- , Yor thek . ood of the ;intik.. I feel myself in duty betund to testif y to 6414:Mat cure i which your Compound Syrup of Wild Chtirryt'erformed on me. Yoe: my part;', I feel as ter-'.everybody ought to khow it. I Was afflicted with a vidient Cough, Spitting ' of Blood. Night Sweats: floarseneia, anti sound of the voice. indicating an alarming state;bf disease: my apps'- the waggoner and my strength haCto faefailed me that my °friends Slid physician 'were persuaded I could not survive many days. My sister, who wait my anxious caretaker, made inquiry where ellii would be likely. to procure the 13:10%i certain relief. Riti was told that if Dr- Swayne's Coinpound Syrup of Wild;Cherry failed in the cure, my tifii was thallnia - 1t^.66. ]'fur medicine was im mediately procured. add the first Bottle gave relief, and by the time I had commented the Watt brittle. my rough had left me. and my strength was such improved.. In short, it haS made a perfect cure reme. arid 1 am at this present (line as hearty a man as Orish. and have good I reason to believe that the use of yotii.nusileine has saved me from a prematuregraVe. 1 shat be pleased to give any information ropecting„myraiell You ' M. rs with respect. "I 1. REEVES. No. 8 PM, street. brtuern Nrcend if I„Taird,l (Linden, N. J. Sir IN rttßellASlNti. - be 14rtienlarlio hear insnind that the -oriaindr and only genuine "OYU Cherry Prepara tion" Is prepared by DR. SWAY N E 4. SON Philadelphia. and for saleiby . their authorized A6hts. JlO. Brown and J. S. C. Martin. Pottsville; t.i. a Wjilunt Inger, Schuyl kill Haven:: Eckel & Bartillt, Trettiont. ike,See large advertisement for additional testi ; my, [21.1-Iyl lll(lEANA.—Brouoht Iviiise to Milano r,,of the Million A wonderful discovery has'recennlbeen Made by Dr.Cut tis, of this city. in the treatment altlonstimptien. Asth ma and all diseases of _the Lungs. 'e s liVe refer to -Dr. Cur tis' Ilyawans, or Inharti Ilygean-L,'apor ind Cherry Syr up." Withlhis new method Dr. fi has !restored many afflicted otitis to perfect health: as an evidence of which he has innumerable certiffeates, Nieaking of the treat ment, a physician remarks; •; It is OVident that inhaling —eonstantly breathing an' agreeable), 'healing vapor,. the . medicinal properties must come In direet contact with the whole of the arias cavity of the luni* and; thus escape the many and varied changes Produced !upon them when in troduocci Into the stomachoindstNectedio the process of digestion. The Ilygeann tic for saldlat al the druggists throughout the country:L.:Yen , liirrkchaaan of Jan uary 14. - ' • 1 The Inhaler Is worn oft'. the ',rya st u der the linen without t h'i least inconvenience--the heat .of the body being sufficient to evaporate the tljald. Hundred.' of cases of Cures like the following might he named. One package of Itygeansi.luts crinpi me of the dsthma'of six years standing.—. 744. F. 'gees/nay. 2'. If., of Palmation. Pet. . . lam cured of the Asthma of-MI-ears 'Landing. by Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana"-3fargard Easn4.; firocildyn. T. Mr. Paul, of No. 5, Mammond Street. New York, was cured of it severe caPt.ltroneh it - nit, by t hi• Ilya-cans. sister has been cared of a Diitressing Cough of sev eral years Standing„ and decided DA be Wearable by' her physicians. She was cured in rinrOnnntti by the Ifyge , ana.-4. IL Contort, A M-Micninfnui.'ME. Price three dollars a package byl Curtis. Perkins. Boyd k Paul,. No. 149 Chamberfistrl New Yorly.--4 I packages "tont free by express to afty pa • of the United States for Ten Doll. •. t I 1 N. Curtis' Ilyellans ilia original and only genuine article, all otheni ate hastOntitations or tile, and injurious counterfeits. " Shun then 4 yen would pslion; ." • [37-Iyl ' _ ... . . MARI:LIE/1 1 . I . , lIEMPHREICS--TIIO3iAS.-- (l 4lthe 'ld 14st. by Rev. John W. Arthur, EDWARD llch4tintrs;l - of Ashlanti, to Maar Avt,TuoltAs, of I'ort Carbori' • , . • 1 i I JOIINS—CARTF:R.--it 'Lamaism, on ihe 2,'Sth ult., by Rev. John4teach. WILLIAM JoUNS lo CA4ll.4.ltVit CAZIT.R. both of Tamaqua , ; 1 1 . . s, LE].--ThEW,— At St .1 Clair. of the ith 'Md.. by'the same, Wn.unx tzz, to !Mrs. J.Viin Takw, both of SC. Clair.F 1: • - by the wllljAm9—moßGA_NB.--091 -14 b Intd. by a _ Rev: Wm; Morgan, Nati, Wmmaam, of Eagle Mill,: to Manaaarf. Mom la. of Bellmont. DEAKY:IE-L..STAATC--On th§ 24th hilt., by , nee. A. Longaere, ALBERT 0. DRAKEN Castle. county. tpelawara, to ELIZA A. ST.Ef. TS, of tottssilli. •i . ---,••••••••••••• , ;.` DIED.S sTRAI.7OI.—On the 3d inst., Cltaams•Stltarcn, aged 41 , years. 4 months end 22days ; , • WASSl•lit.—nn'the 4th Inst.,ll-iNar ASAT.R.; of Putter townstdp.iaged 72 years, 4 tnopttilt, and 19. days. POT TSVIL.L i7ORR:IVCAD WEEKL Wheat Flnur, bbl., 50 nye Floue. bbl., ' 7 00 Wheat, bushel, • 2; 66 nye, , do 135 , orn, ,do • 110 hats, do • 70 I.otatnes, do 1 25 •taiothq seod, 2 25 Clover Seed. 4 00 fammasalr mmemsimma WANTED. TOOK AND READ — .—lihe Subscri te' lidera his services as chlrk. sale man, storeketp er, collectiir superintendent. oTekseer, Arnt, or dealer at home tih;oad. to any who " may ; wish t hem, at a fair, red sonable :Ompensation. ; Residence—Second and Callotrhlll Dime, Pottirrillq, Schuylkill county. • I June 2: : rbs 1 4 I .AL WILSON. V Ad - k 111 IN ER$ WANTED at the Lani 'T.l,3 Mister Collie . ry, fitiatnnidn, : to whom constant eni ploymene and good wages will hii girenl. : • . ShaMoiln. May 26, t -EACHER..., . Teacher as an Assiatsnt fi, ~__ byrougli if l'ottsvi,lie. is ictintea None hut one who ?is, competent and has had consideMble ealierience in teach-, ing can;rtceire the appointznenti Faiaty. 318 a montht paid the Whole year. dly order Wf the Board. 4 Applicants mast present it Certificate of Examina tion from - the County 4uperintendent. I 'i : Ili' DANNAN, President. May fit, 16,56 i c 1 HARDWARE. GR 'N,IN CRADLEB,, - (4la' ss Scythes,. :kith° Snaths,"Grain Stelites ani flay .and Grain rakes, at the llardtran,') A Iron , ) epot., }"II,ANK PUTT.] Juno 9, 's6' ;; j . 234f _ . i ... 2:0 1 A1 DENIAIt VAitNlgH—a beati , Vfi tiftil article for wallpaper Pr Chini Glass painting, • BLACK YABNISH, for Iron Balling suitable for cemetery lota, at the Hardwire and Iron Pepot. ,- FILANK I'(YI ' ! lionoV. '55 ,: il : 234 f •--, . • . ROUND LAND PLASTER, by the ' buShel or in; smaller nnatitllies. Hydrant Cement. C Lined Plaster, iii'lthe Sand, tit the hardware and Iron Depot. • 1 i.FILANK (WT. June l!, '55 ; , . l; : . , 23-tf 3ATEN'I' EXPANDING Windoiv Spring—The 'cheapest and Ii ost sitnplo Spring intse: the hest article - after you lay away weights and pnlicles. You eau apply at .the IlardwarcAtud Iron Depot. FRANK POTT.. June?, . tf A --- Sittilirk& and g.agiiioh Table Cut eiy, Rodgers` and Wostenholm's Pocket Knives, tither plated Spa s ms and ForksiTln Trays and Waiters, Boilers, ..Sarcepans, Gridlionouid Coffee Mills at the Hardware wad Iron e rtepq. FRANK NTT. June% ; . GLLM . PICCKING, i3lapksmiths' Bel osrs. Anvils. 'Hand Hammers; Shoeing Knives, House Nails, Trade Chains, Rope, Hemp Packing, Pumps, White Lead and oils, elite Hardware and Iron Depot: FRANK POTTt 23-tt June 9, '55 1 - otititiv, ATIoN Plbw, Plow Points. , , IL,/ Shovelt. Freida. Manure Ilbrits. of the most aPproled pattern!, -suitable for prieati.. and the must extensile &ming, at the Hardware and Iron Depot. '.. , i ..., FRANK YOTT, -June . 0, '55 t i' • • :. IZ-tf lacTARDWARE • of ti all Descriptions; . , Toots of the moat celebrated makers. Spear and kson's Saws, Locks. Late/lei, Bolts, a saried and large assortment of Hdusekeeging lisrdware, to which the at tention! of tim_pnblie is inviced, at the Hardware and Iron Depot. • "-, ;I • FRANK POTT. Jnne'll, 'SS • ; _ il . ' '.3-tf - V ARDWARE ANXI IRON . Depot, Centre stniet, 1.l doom obits Miiket.: full •of useful an ortiamental (Mods. Bar Inn) of all 'sizes, Steel . and Flue Inns of all ithicknes.„ses, Hnllding flardware of All the various descriptions, Tbolelfor working In Shopi or Fields, are oßeretil to the public at lowest prices. . 1` - .• FRANK POT'. June 9, 'SS : . • 2341 ' • ; ' ~• ' ~..- _,-•._ ' - ' t DISSOLVTI___. .._ 81DISSOLUTION. --- The partnership tieretolore existing betweint N. Wilson and IL IL utterer, trading; nnder the fltutn of WILSON di STAUF FER, dealing in 'Abe Ash, truck and kreen poeery busi ness. hi Pottsville, SehnylkilliSonnty, was dissolved on the ith inst.. by; the: withdrattal of N. M. Wilson. All claims amtinst said late firm will be Mesented to and paid by 11. U. Stauffer, without *rano' to me, and alb ac counts duo said firin *ill also be paid to him. ' • 1 ' • , h ill also & STAUFFER, Po tt4ville, Jane 9, 1 r.5 . 5 i: : : ' ' - P : r N. M. 23.2 t WILSON. IySSOLVTION.4. Tie partners' hinetofote existing between DeAtty, Thomas k sing: been dissolved on the re t Met-, by the withillitent of James B. Beatty, the btudniiia will in future be con ducted by the underehmed, wider the Srm of BFATTY THOMAS, by whom all the;; accounts of Ake late term will be adjusted. l JAMES H. BEATTY, . JAMES THOMAS. Pottatine, May 1,1835 j • 184 A I)ISS(K.U'r . lON :Of Partnership . pirtnersltip heretofore existing between J. H. tuts; Oeorge Bey - erie and W.: L. Heisler, trading tinder the Arta of KURTZ,IHEYEHLIE & CO., is this day, May 7th, IeSS, dissolved by mutual consent. AR Persons hay ing rixims againstthe late thin, will present them to J. H. Kurtz, Millersville,' or Tro; L. Heider, Pottsville, for aettleMent; and those indebted to the late dm will make pa e at to th e lulderlsign KURTZ k HEISLER. , Y. lt.—The Wire Screen Milani; will be carried on u natal it their old stand In ilneratfille. &e Advertise meet.: KURTZ& 111113LEH. Mai:l9, 1 5 55 - w-c t • -- 1 • . XthiI3TICE.-- 1 -, The iarinersliip exitipg between BANCROFT k BRETTA.IIOII, at Ashland. s sday, May 10th,18.53, dlisolved by tantl consent, John Bancroft having purcliOed the entire interest of John .Brettargh, In the Pioneer Colliery at Ashland.— The business of the old Orin will be settled by John BancrOft. i JOIN BANCROFT. - '.!, JOIN BRETTARGIFI. N.ll-1 . shall continue to operate I the,Pioneer Colliery to its fullest extent'and shaltendearor to_furnish as good an article of Coal and at as low a price :tithe market can prodtice. i 1 JOHN BANCROFT. • shiand, May 19;18S5 .Si - ! 2044 • --The undersigned, doing businesa under the Erni of AYRES. LEWIS CO.. have dissolved partttership,' this day, May sth. 1855, by mutual cohsent. All debts connected with or contracted for the store, wl.ll to settled by D. J. Lewis: thaw: connected with, or contracted for the mince; will be settled Ayers.! Who 1,111 continue mining under that lino. AliitAll - A5l AYERS, D. J.ILLIVI9. ItIMIARD MILLI OS, I . JOHN . I.AZURUP, .tIYRED FORD. firCen 111479 CAllt•ry.-.MayIII. 5t55 . .:'4-Ft . . A DNILNIS'IItA'I'OR'S NOTICE.-- , : I, j 4 IAMIUN FLOUR.----"l'h e , ijh , - .LI. The undeisr.ned;hating been ap_pointed Admin- _,I, has ;lust :Tetadaed a naafi consi!nt,ett t• M r' banter of the Est te of AS DREW WILL/Wu" doers,• nor, i nspected family Hoar , *elected frt r., tb 4 ; i' r ; r,,,c' ~'! elt, late of 'Aehuy.tkill Haven, Schuylkill county. notice Is -to 'the l'lslladelphts and Etalthnore insrt .t.. " q L t: -.•,), hereby given to Ini persnns indebted to said Estate •-• j it. (II:, lit,;., ..‘,., make ltutnediata . 'payment. and all those havinct claims . ; . ' i. 1,4:44444.444,44, tc.,' against said Eatate. to present them for payment, to , Pettsruje, Jong ti, •fig ):ARIA WILWeER, Adniinistratrix., • , -it .i , --,,,__ June 6,:1it1.51 ,I,:-et Schuyliill amyl, Ps• ; Ai ULES FOR Se ll Er.:—..4 , ----,- xtrn - i mules; with hainess. wagon, •d ;, ' l 2. • V OT/( ' 'E : is hereby given that letters otaug4cr.wiryfixtuiescompletr,rur w'r, " ll u r 1 1' . 1 1 o ' 111 of Administration upon the Estate of .JOHN SASE- , tug. ! They hate lx•en in use but 3 Styr: BERG EIL late of Llewellyn, in the township of Branch, ;,11me: This is one of the nest teases In tk u , Schuylkill county, have been gisntod to ha subscriber. , connty. Apply at this ntr.e. Those indebted icVstaid Estate are 2...sine:Wed to make Int- , Jane 9, '5 '''' mediate payment) and those having claims against said , il()R SA ICE—^'l A 2i • i ----:- - V 0 'Estate will present them without delay to the subscriber ' .4 , - • Ille,l serf.'' ; • residing at gebuyikill listen. ,3011.5' O. KOEHLER. , ,suitable for presses of any dos,tript k n . , -.4 '.. . „ • June '-'.1h53 .' • .....I,4tti I Mu; • —.__ , 31:iv 19, lA.-,5 11 , BAN ‘ Al, i. A.- DNI I N ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— -4--: - .' _ 4t . ( ItEAT BA RG AI N' - I /I-1 - t - iz E f j •- , - , The'tindrAltzned. having been appointed Admits. i, • listrator of the'er•htio.of Valentine Gardner derearkd. late ... theotiehalf Interest lo a 2 44 ,t r 43 4, i , p ..„. """' ... IV't I'.-.Tel's} , '''' I. '-• `!of non3idson, Frniley townshiK , Schtivikill ,connty. no• I' I Y. r. i • • 1 • • •cl:.,i.i . •,, tire is hereby. tthren t,i all rs!rs. ? int indebt.t. to 4 , , , ,,i,i, , ,4,,44., , l rte h 2.; 50 I . 2rtf .01,;:exu.y.tiM e, •i l .. - v,,,,.1, 71 It o matte immediate paymenT- and VI those ha,'lnit claims I ()USE -AND LOT FOR ;;AL E .. . 1 .. I two story Frame Ilnuse, siiiett4 in i„.. lagalust said estate; to mrsoot (kip for Lto payment ju to )fay 9 1 S3r, ofirt• •-,-,, - larnatelmn. &Axe/kilt 0,. , rn„ ear, . r the Rolling 31111—has g•.KI Neat. i. 7!u , : 4 4-•.,. feet hy;Ps). : Apply to • 31.sitE i Igo , i( ' l a t April 2!f..-FiCit 17.7te Mahantanr" m'•. 1 , ‘'' . . t,„... OR :s.llE.—A Steam•• -,. - i ..111,;11.,,,. 1 ; pollens, forty horse power. Al. , a 1 i In , . pump-rods aired hotowerk t,mploto. A, 1 .,,,,, , :;7: - : of the above machinery will find it to An d 1 i • '''.. before mirth:n.lll7, elsewhere. to spill,. 5.. • . ''',,,, ~ March 3.'215 ‘.4-ti JAME. , N 44141,1... R.-'4: 4 t' :": • 1 ! 0 . It SALE--A N Ely pi s ;Rp rc 1 1dicutat' Fit-ine of 10 Horse p,,e , r , s ltll r. , .. plete—t be 4 hole ~ e,supying a spare 1 t ,;.,. f,. t ''' .:' be Seen at the York 'Kure. , f IQTRAY COW.--;-Caint to the g : 41% 0 premisea of thii subscriber:ln this borouzh.' about ten days ago. a White and Yellow Cow. the owner is recluested to come forward, prose property sod take her tairay, otherwise she will be sold according to law. • ELIZARETIt 11,40 AN, June 6,1655;' 3-.3t0 ..V.. , Yr's Boiler Shop. ‘:BSCONDED front the sOb 'srrib..,r. on Tuesday:the sth inst... ALICE 31ITCIIEL. al'oOr 'louse indentured apprentice. 'She Is alxiut.l2 years of aze. All persona are 'forbidden harbOring the s:tid girl. A reasonable reward will be paid for her apprehension. and te:- lirery to me. • JACOB Kit EDS. Port Carbon. June-9,..55 . , .. . 1-- , S 1 RAYED AWAY from , the , 2 ,..... . l,' 1 übseriber. I reiLllng at the East Mimes, , about two week's ago. Two 31 ARE MULES,' , ;of a DARK BRAY; color. one about three years t(1, and , the other ale font. years old—the one a little larger Ethan the other.' The smallest one :had a ,white spot on the ne4, rubbed by the collar.; Who', ever will return (said mules to the subscriber, or giy.V him information where he can het them again, will be reasonably reward ed. '. I i JOHN SlciAlf(1111.1N. .1 June 9, '55 , . ! . '..t.141t*. 7.. !-- ; . QTRAY. HORSE.-4Came to * • : ky the preniisJsuf the subscriber. about 1 , weeks sgo, A DUN HORSE,' about 16 hands : I VA, with a white spot on his face. • The owner wil - ple.ise call. pay charges and take him away. or he will be sold Iv:cording to. law., • ' JOHN J. CIOt 4 LA ND. .. PottsvilleJtine '2. '55 - '.:24.1t* , . . . i, C1(11V LOST.—Lost; about May 'ck:i : N,Jllth. a BLACK COW, S ic.ars old. with 1 white spots °niter shoulder and near the lein, short tail, and horns.--oue of the horns was bored—hid on a bell, ,'Any person returning her, or stivictg, information to the 'subscriber, Will be suitably rewarded. ' JOHN CAMPBELL 21.v.t• • eILAY MONUMENT Meeting.—The k_,.•:ritizetiii of Pottsville and .vicinity are requested to meet at the Exchange Hotel, on Saturday, the teh.inst., at H o'clock In the evenitoe•- . 4whett the 'Wilding commit tee will pnraentlafull statement of.their rewordings in the erection of this tribute to the memory-of one of the greatest statestuen that ever adorned any, age" of the world. z. • ( ylice 4tad Mt. Imp. & R. R. - Co., nustilk June 6th, 1855. The shareholders of ! this company are requested to meet at the Pennsylvania - Han. on Tuesday. 12th. Inst., at 4 o'clock. P. M.. f l r the puritoSe of accepting or trjecting! the Act of the Legislature 'of this Commonwealth, air: prored the 135 day of . March, P5:l, and any previous supplement& o any other business, and take such action in regard there as 1 may b ' ' W a . " D i e s l sar SAL Y D a S a O d N I) , 1 l l', ' e r e .id c n 1 . t Pottsville. June 9,'55 . • -. ...n-3t • A GOO I I, CHANCE for boatnien.— Tho under, , igned,. It ishing to dispose of his Boa:1 - 1_ and stock, offeTS k good bargain to : Howe who wish to buy. • JAM S$ A. INN ES. jnno 2, 1855 2 '' , • -tf . Ql CITCYLKILL CO. Agricultural So -kleiety.-:-An adjourned meeting of this Society will be held at the . public house of,Jonathan Heisler, Schuylkill Haven, on: Satiirday, the 9th day of June, 1855, at 2 • o'clock. P. M.. S. KELLER, Rec. S , ctviary. : May 30, 14.:.51 .1 i . "146111 i." - ..."l:i:tirii, -7. 41 - ); hi:3 - 11 - eir - 5 . , -. - (.7..f • i I 1 Crithrsburg. Pa., mar hear of something to thelrad van tear. by calling upon .1 - . IV A GNERJERA)ME, Attorney at Law. No. i6l south ttb street, Philadelphia. - " • May. 26,1555' A ' 2.143 t , T' 0 311,..,NER5.-3 Veins of Coal to let to parties of good miners , by the car, delivered at t e brcakec-a tint rate chauce for good men. Apply to . . ~ ! 1 COCHRAN. PEALE & CO., , • ' - ' ,11 • Lancaster Colliery. Shamokin,!May 26, 1555- 21st EIETIEI32I R THR JOURNAL, Arced l'eacdies, par'd,, $4 75 dP,. dd unpar'd, 200 Dri#d Apidea, pared, , 00 Ego, dozl, . 14 Butter. pe pound, 24 Sholnlders,l- do Ilatna. I do 11 to 13 flat, per inn, :20 00 .Plap,ter. do 5 00 L. gMM ESTRAYS, Talley Furniu;e. Vac 26. LNOTICES. Chairman Ihr,t4inglntilltt NOTICE—The 'undersign'd has. been appoint46l the agent ot the vivrners of , The Warder Property:' an cttfferi for sale building lots in the borough . of t'alo ;Alto,'cin reasonable terms. tlmre. Morris Addi tion. • .L. P. BROOKE... • Pottsville; PehrnatY 5.1935; fp-tf • • t ,ot the S tockholders in'the Pottsville Mutual and Joint Stock: Life In surance Company, wilt be held at their °face. on Monday, the 14th lust „at o'clock. to take into consideration the propriety . of accepting the Suppletrient to their darter. approved May the kith,LSss. • It. T. TAYLOR, Secretary. June 2.'55 I . 2-''tit • hereby caution the pub .ll lie 'not to negotiate thrte Notes amounting in the agxregate to $l5OO. given In January; 1845. to Messrs. Pat rick S. Devlan Myer Strouse, and Abrabirt Uexter, by the subscriber , as he has received no value for said Notes, and will not iiay them. BENJAMIN MARBURGEB. Orwigsburg, May 25, 1g55. , • 21-3 t. VOTICE.—JOHN STEPHEN and 1- EDWIN LORISH. 'Executors of the Estate of Ben jamin Spotts, late of \Vernelstiorf. Berk's, re duty, dereased. will be. at 3lortimer's Ilotel, Pott.arine..Tuesday and )1 Wednesday. tite tttli and Itstb days . of June next, for the _ purpcso of settling up ull the business of the said de rew.ett.- These indebted will take notice and goignn, themselves accordingly. -May 2.6. I 21,1 t COPAR'FNERSHIP NOTICE.-The undersigned having arsoelated with him GEORGE LERCH, as to-partner In the Hardware business, on the lit day of January. 1855, the business will be continued In all itd various branches, : at the old stand in Centre street, under the name and Erin of BRIGHT .4'LERCII, where they twpectrully solicit a eontinuanie of their for mer cristomsrs. • GEORGE BRIGHT: Pottsville, January 6,1855; 1-tf NECUTORS' NOTlCE—Whereas I . lIVI 4 Lettersof Administration on the estate of JA v N SPOTTS, late of Womeisdorf, Betts Co., hare been granted to the Subscribers, by the Register of Berks Co., notice is, hereby given to all those indebted to said es tate, to make immediate payment to either of the Sub scribers, and all those haring claims will present. them for settlement. ' . JOHN STEPHEN, , • EDWIN LORESH, . • . • , Errculors. Womeisdori. Berks Co., May 541F55 iSti COAL. FrIO 'COAL OPERA.tORS.---l'he ,ad - J. vertiser, who is at'present, and his been for a con siderable tiros past. engaged as agent in New York, in the Coal Trade, would like to make an arrangement with Some mrpectahle concern, to,sell their Coal on commission or otherwise, in this market, wiWre he is well, and he thinks, favOrably known-amongat the dealers gene ally. ilderenriesnt the highest mpeetability'will be given. . .iddreas--"Bridgewatef," ,ter York Post Office. June 9. '35 ' •23-3 t I,TO the Coal Sellers of Schuylkill Co. kOsErcan at all times be had at the Coal Yard of J. 'LEWIS LEIGHTON, Broad St.,lst above Race, Phtli delphli.' Those in want will cull. ; Philadelphia, April 2.4, fITII9MAS & CO., .have removed to the office J. Silliman's "Frame Bulld og. in Centre street. n.few doors above the Pentisylvania where persons having business with. them wia please call., OTlCE.—Baeon,. Price & Co. will 11 . . continue the Coal Business. as heretofore, eorper OL. t and 'Walnut streets, Philadelphia, and also at*lt 011iee, Morris' Addition. L. P. BROOK}, JAL Pottsville, Februaiy 3, 1155" 5-tf 'COAL LANDS WANTED.—Parties :,/ trislnk for sale tracts lb any part of the Anthracite itegion,,whichMey know or believe to be trainable Coal lands, are Invited to - Youtinutaleate with ' .E. if. szty W. POOLE, Mining Engineer. k 16' May 05 164 - . • • • Pdtiri ik, in ()Tit:T.—The undersigned have ta il ken illhalf tio. 'I, at Rictamondorherithey Tlll eon 'stantly keep on band for - sale, best quality White and !Red Ash Coal. °taw, t'.B Walnut stmet„'Phlladelphla. JAMES SILLIMAN, March 10,4855 10.3ns C. P. NORTON: COAL! COMA—The subscriber keeps cOnstiatUy on hand a laige quantity of Allegheny and llitupatire Bituminous Coal, for side by. the ton or bushel,.at the lowest atilt prices.,lle is also prepared to receive Coal on Yardage, and to dliver the same. • Yarde, W.eorner Broad and callowhill streets, and Arch streetiWbarf. gehaylkilt. E. SCIIREINER. Philadelphia, April MOM 16.17 k 5.,1& W..L.'ROBERTS,Shippers 't • and Wens in the various deserlptiors of A? TtillAtirrE CBAL. including the beat qualities of Mite and Red Ash, from the Rain6ew,Spaan and Gate Veins.— Wharf. Loctistlareet, Schuylkill. Ofllees•i—No: At% Walnut street, Philadelphia, State street, Boston. Msreh 24,1855 CASH ADVANCES.—LiberaI Cash!' Advailetas made on consignments of Coal to our ad.; dress. Alai), We can supply, Miners at first cost with But ter, Cheese; of ot her country produce, of which we 'are re ceivinglargesuppliesdirect from the Farmers.' liming: great adVantages for making Bales of Coal, Miners wplj Ind it to their interest t to call on us. • - -W. ar:stem.r. & CO.; New:Torii. March 3,1553 ii-Vm 157 Broacheog.! DOGERS, SIN NICKSON & CO.,i JIN Miners and Shippers of Coal, by Railroad k Canal.; Offices-Na. 36 Walnut street, PldiadelFbia; Na 208 Broadway. fitly York; Ceitre Bt,'opposlte American Bons., Pottsc Ille;! Where they citier for sale by the cargo, their celebrated! reach Orchard and Peach Mousdain I?ed Ash aal, Maki itih from the Rarest and Black Heath Edits, all of which; are free burning. and adapted to family use. Also their No:Ur Date and Broad Mountain Mire wish Coal, suitable for Furnaces andiron Works. • • February 24.1886 fL6m 00-OARTNERSHIR.-LEWIS AU; DEBATED haring resumed the selling and shipping of Coal. has this day alMoclated with him William G. Au.; denried, JOhn Itammel,'Jr.. and George 11. Pettit, wadei the firm eI Lewis Arm:mien & Co., at 42 Walnut street. Wharvea Dios. 7 and S. Port Richmond. LEWIS A CDENRIED, - GEORGE 11. PUTTS, • ADDISON CHILD. WILLIAM G. G. AUDENRIED, JOHN ROMMEL, Jfi. 14;IBS4. . .1-tf Et=l TO' l lCE.—The'undersigned. have ,L 1 this day, May Ist. DM, entered into to Linder thn name and styla - ot V. H. A A. MYERS. for the purpose of transacting the Coal business! Y. HAROLD MYERS. ARUNDIUT T. MYERS. • Wharf—Lombard street, Sehnylltill. - - Olfike--36 Walnut street. • • i V. H. & V; MYERS, I On d bealera. Lombard Street Wharf, Schuylkill. Officii . —Nn. R6Walnut Street, third story, hack mom. Philadelphia. Nay l eV. 7P Cm' FM SALF...4_TOI7ET Nroremlwr 11. 1'54 ( 1 1)1) .FEL I . OI Vs'II.I4 • Persons d-sinms of F.111..w,.. Cemetery. will npp'o . %NI( at the Inm fAjnre, Town 111:1 „st 11.101 . Y.L. Tin-smith:A linnorns. Callow:it!! St rt-0.. 12. . 4 -; ‘, - 01t, 'ALE.-I'weive small , !iq inch win4AA. Aultath , for ' , all' , - } , ' • ~ .... moi and Mietkini.ts. or 1 , , 1::0.1,a,t , ~,,::;,,,. , , : • repiin•or•abont t Ariz' freightti.-pot, A pph t ,, -, i . C.kNI/E1•:.11 ,, ;i: t c. 1 , . 1:"., 7 0 c,. i ( - O"NT , 1 , L 4 . , '7.' ` FOR RENT—A New Cbuyik t Stcre.l The i s aludial•i! I ng 4t.-de .t 1n i Ps44.l”qnn L'iTtl on the Sprit . , clE , Airvd. byl appli ation to the sul r• latn , l.tA t", Yottarlll.i, January C, 1h55 01 3 kJ' ISAND` 4 • 0 IV : II .; A. .- In th e V ( With :. k_;'l..ackaWanna Valleys. for Pale.—Ses,ral r, A : ~.:', small and large. for individual 0p•rnt,,,,,„ „ , ~ : : to the I.arkawanna .4 Western t , , N. .r .r •...., Tlise lambi are equal to any Inthe rr,..:1•1;, i,.,...., , u,.. iv and.•rlaid with the hest quality ~r c .„ 1 ,,,, ... • opMed at a small expens e. _Apply to ' i , W A I.ILI: V.E . ,, , April 14.1!•:;:i I:':tnt • ".•• Th-, , , , ,. y . f l Oll SI ALE.—Thiee best tillisi ~. 11 , • ; Em, , lnes.. manufactured by Wm p. ur . 1 ,.., ~,,, lyrr. New .Thrk. of ten. twelve and tift....i, 1,,,,..;',' with-tmeranotive hollers. and In fir.t rat, runll-; ..,..' haying hivn In use brit one year. They ar.- . [tun on thq new Dc.d of the Cho , apealse 4 nal. one at ,11,1 aware City, nno et St. (1 , ,,r0' mt,,l Chi”ialven}:e City. when• tliey can 14• sail" at t 14u • e,ietobtr CIOAL LAND TO LEASE.-Wil•• ,•A reuuld fora term of Years. to eneezetk Tenants, alhout 'L',O acres of prime Coal 1 ir.d it thdon lkisiM:adj”lnimr the East Sucar Some.of ;the mdeantaces of this tract an-1 Railroad runninz marly 2 wile through it repp of thi• Twenty Feet Yein. which is nose roll that n. other road Is repiired. but an A .('aryl; plerity of Timl4T and purl Water 1,1 mir.e...; poses: the Coal unsurpassed In quality. with the XeS, York and Philadelphis markets. I.y Railroad. i For:further particulars. call on . . A. S. .k F. 1:01tE17-, ' No. 601•- Walnut Strre, I" ,I April 7. i',55 . 1...!r '..! `c TO .I..XT--The new Hotel at A..,:;', land.!the new and nnurishinr. t.,wn In s -, bi % !..'N kill Co., Ilia principal town a the Mal,. - , - FlOl4l, at the terminug of tho Mine ilill an d ~,..,. • !Ryon Haven itailmaii Extension. The ext. t..,,.., lic:tel Is arranged with every convenicnre fr 0.,, mtidation of anvils and boarders—sratei intri4u,i flit, bouso: eyery ruom properly ventilated. ard v, e4'for familiro who may be• dcsirou+ of sywrbrzi:, weeks in Ibis new and growing town. ti. 4 in a Willey. Mt wren the Mabanoy and Len.: tains. andaurmunded by maunlfiernt scenery, Th, tnptlerate to a suitable tenant. who ran;,:. ; the House.. It will be ready br occupancy rally Spring.' For terms apply to Ashland. February 3. 15Z.:7. , . BUSINESS CARDS. IE I VER STROUSE, Attorney :. *l l ,at_. Otlim--Centru strret, oirpci , lte th; lir k, bill. !I:400311e, Pa. i June 9. '55 ' ej[ONti CIisARLES--LAYCOCK,Co4: selor and Attorney at Law, No. 74 Fifth strtr'.3,, , Arch. Philadelphia. March 31, lr i I,wt, M. B. POTTS, Attorney at Laz bite& in 31arket - stn, , Tl, adjoining .11,1n1C. , „i Esq. 4 saint. building. 1 , 5: 12.1! I DR. J. T. NICHOLAS, PFFTS[CIAN. StiftGEOV & AC6I t'llEft Ol11ee•- - 11.1.arket St., above Secomd. kitiSville, Dec. In, 1.15.1 ". [May 1• JPOUNTY-LAND CLAIMS prompil attended to by • J. W. 1:0ABila . AttOrney at Law, turner and.Semed st:to. Pottstille, March 24,1h55 STRAIT B & CO, Banken: ..irtow 5 per cent interest to depositors. Prit7i , an,l interestpayahloton demand. 3l atcb:l7 4 - OHN P. HOBART, Attorney- 12 at Law, Coininissloper for New York . Offlce opponte Witte. Centre street; Pottsville, Penna. INr j I IIOIIAS R. BANNAN, Attorney taw: Oilier in Centre Stinet, opposite the 1;o:cp. • lurch. Pottsville. Penns. • • 1 Nov. :3).1853 47-ly F. DIXON, DOCTOR —, Ne ste , . .Dental Surgery, one door alove IL C. ; Jewelry More; Centry street, rottarilla. September - 2. 1854_ 35-tf N Dealerin Chin, ;;; 11. • r . ; , , lass ind Quernaware and Look 1 11 ; - ;. 1,0 " yr toder.ale and retail. Town Ball, Centre street. 1.7% tille. June 2; 1855 ILLIAM L. WH EY, A ttorre, at Law, Yottaiffe. Schuylkill county. I'eLLF yania. 'Mee in C,entre :that, u.arly tiers, Bank. T. January 4, - 1.554 _• EVILLE d, RICIIARDS, Attornill ILI at Law will attend to all business int ruski tot. Nith-dilligetter and care. Qttlee Centre titreet, neat el 11.-It. Morris' Store, Pottsville. June 11. . [Jan. 2-Iyl %t-t; . 4 1.)NVAltl) SIIII'PEN Mtornev , i Counsellor at Law, Philadelphia, will attend letatuna'and all biller legal busiptas in the City 0111. delphia,:adjoining Counties ati'd elsewhere. ofEce cornea t.'dh and Walnut Streets, Philada. JAMES H. GRAEFF, Attorney 11 Law'. having removed to Pottsville, has opened s: / rice under the Telegraph Office, Centre Street,Opptslitt Ilinere Bank. December 60851 E NRI W. POOLE, Civil, 'l'7 ,l p. . graphical, and Vining}:ngluerr,Ceutry.. - a ottsville. Pa., attends to any Surce,ts.Lxploestuto Other Engineering work connected with the Anbac Peal llegiotiof Pennsylvania. 1212 M (Z . EO. K. SMITH, MINING , EGJ J neer Ind Surveyor, Siixer Terrain, Centre s. Pottsville, Pa. Examinations, Reports, t•urtep ,Maps Of Coal Mines, Coal Lands, Mining, 31aehintrj./ 'executed on the shortest notice. agent for Coal September Yl, 1853. EMI GENCY-For the Purchase Sale of Real Estate; baying and genic^ Crii: king charge of Coal Lands, Mines, Le., andeuge 'routs—from twenty year! , experience in Ulf Coat , hopes, to give satisfaction. °glee Maliantinco 4 ll e11A. 4 : 3!. lIIt April 8, 1600 A PURVES; DEALER IN scR. A. Jut' Iron, Copper, Brass. Bar and BI NA Tin. tit. 'hpellcr Lead. ie. Orders received_ for lira's sod CO work; 'and. Machine furnlThing. All Prikrs mut with the above line promptly attended to. Jar :C. E. Corner l'enu and South Street. Shah. June 11, 18:13. . • .”-it DR. G. N. BOWMAN. Si i 11 •••••• geon Dentist, Once in Brick Ituf !dir,:. c' r- Market and Second Streets, west side. I ,, ur &co 1 Esquire , Wilson's Once. where all Operatio7lr Cu thr VA are performed, and new teeth Inserted on imrkratev Ile warrants all his work. October 1, 1833. • , TAMES M. RICHARDS. Attorney lAw; (Mane, Centre street, nearly cppoltithe copal Church, Pottsville. . °Menem Soldiers, Musicians, Seamen, landsmen Ts stem for their widows or minor childrent eatitifd.a the recent Act of Congress, to Bounty Land. fro teen day P . 'err ice since 1790, can have their elan:fro ly attended to by calling at his oifire. . Pottsville. March 17,1&35 11,1 fEO. BROWN, Inspector of Mire :tendert his services to Lan d•oenerp lad f , thes znaidrig Ezarainatlons, Report's dr., r( 311nr. "hi CI Lands. krom his knowledge of Veln9 and exp,rko : 311ultng Operations. basing been in tale fount! and carried on Mines the last six y 'eSrs. Ilrpi general satisfaction to all who may emplry • REFERS to Jams Nnu. and 1). E. !Wt. ville, and BENJAMIN 'Simms and Wituoi Poo.. Philadelphia, for capability and integrity. RESIDLNCE—In Norwegian street, voila' the School liOnse. Pottsville, Pa. Starch 10, 1555 1243 m L.7.scorr,l Attcliney .at L3 l t • Shathok In, NOrtbnmberland,rottotl. rs. • Refercnocs: Hon.lJAslr3lNnsocit, Governor of rennpyl , 3 63 . " - .Russ Lewis, Chief Justin. of Pen! , Joitimig, Sunbury, Nortbumbnlard Cr. I. BCY T. Fsaox, Trevortnn, !Sort dumber:and (s.!, Jonn COapkia, 2 n .,, ‘ , 411 , , ntoar to. Pl ,Jositt.i. W. CoxLT. Messrs. &Lora, taxa & Co., Wartaxer, Osuoras & Co., ), Philsdrlpti i. •i A.NsPACII, JicOlir A Co., •.) • Derilnber 3).1954 51.1! rriO THE PUBLlC.—Having imp/" r‘t my bee% by close confinement tei my basing now recovered almost entirely. to arci•ls for inte state of nervous irritability. I ha. e d c terir. l 7,: ehanite to some extent th” manner iii , whirb I h l " erto practiced my prof scion. f” • I take this method of Informing my frie rh "' kW County, the gentlemen of the bar in its the puldic genecally, that after the first day ( of,tt_f, I will ragulaily attend the trims of the Ceurt if ;`, Pleas, and pra , tire therein. I will punctually nth legal business an may be rentldedte me. •JoHN IRlAnon. March 17: ISZ.S 455ga- -----------'7 M. D. L. DOPSOA. °Pe'?., five and Mechanleal Dent Ert.bas Dud tli of the best Dental Establishments in Oda part ~, State. and intends to afford his pat erns the N : ... ery Improvement In the Art. ' lie guarantees 17; nature to a nicety in the adaptation end arixtir, Terra-metalle or I - Du-scent Teeth : Insert.. gartOl' r ,,,/ sate on .11ntoryfteric pressure, to the entire richt ..y.} apical Wining: extract% dead teeth and mote 11 ' b tt ,i, Ity, and fills decaying . teeth with geld rendering woeful dnrlnz life. °Vice in Market street, two dtOTI , F"'" C " "' ' 1 1 pH?. , 1 ,;.{f felt. 24 PIM Jul ,. :::'. 1 4 : 4 ' '' I .I..4AYLAND,Jr..A «, m I= [Nov. 11.',4 441 IDE