The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 28, 1855, Image 4

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111*. f r 3 \s r
ling lit the egrtm. ' • • ~•••'-
Airlattlays" -
ith a taperitiger: '"•' - 1 •
satin* on your steer% • •
artiag eye! are esstiug
i Your faee their ligbt; •
to me! this is. pleseaut—
barking Sunday:Sight!
tow your heart is
Sunday re st—
()ain't your
* ow wickedly 'tis working
On this Asy of rest;
Mars seem but minutes
As they take their flight;
Bless me 7 my's it pleasant—
Sparking Sunday Night?
Ds4 anti Mem are sleeping
On their peaceful bed,:
Dreaming of the things
The fulke in meeting raid—
Loge ye one another,"
:14.,1 Minister? recite;
Bless me! Doti We do it—
Sparking Sunday Night?
Ono arm with gentle pressure,
Lingers round her waist, •
You squeeze her dimpled 'band,
Her pontirg lip you taste,
She freely slaps your face,
But more id love than spite;
Oh, thunder! ain't it pleasant—
,Sparking Sunday sight?
But hark! the clock is strikinifr
It's }two o'clock, I swim,
• As dare as I'as a sinner •
The time to go has cot'
You ask with spiteST .
• •If "That old elm :Anse,
Anil wonderl oo k - r -
Sparked ets„Jou rob her,
J you took;
One.,ti you hurry
Fcrtair one's eight,
~gu wish each day was ,
- ,'Sauday Night!
. . - .
bone and Wood handles; einem and Forks, Dirks, .
ll rr HIS Article. is absolutely • thebest
Kuivt.r...lo.. - Tanta,,L4a, January '-'7l
. 1 . i
._. i
... _
q i con i t • i , i r y ia i le ktil t .dta nk Tai s d,i ts dn. n i a tiii iii:i l. F l 7 etw, n tr, -.: (0... 1 0, a 0 ,
A 1,44,1--a very extenthe asSoriraent or it altera, Tk , ril i
Tray's, &c:; • • BEAVER MEADOWS. ►
~. 1
..., -
Fine Etiglish (inns. Colt'S Pistols, Allan's lter,oleerat,. - ; - 1 -
and Singlt• and Douhla-larr e lled: Pistols. with :I:general • .
BEAVER - MEADOW IRON WORKS. , traveling In nficri:tusr4l7.llti
litatSoN at uturrircn, Iron, and Braes t i ma.ded. for any at ick.sharpened to a point, writes e q ually
stock of. Fancy Hardware. coustantlron hand. . r 1M Pounders. re, pet:tinily Infirm their pa- ! as wall as the hest palyi pen in the universe. • For draw-
J 1 MN M. COLEMAN, impeder, ;,' ar :'.
Philadelphia. NT. ILA il ti114.2i - ,'S:l-521 5•14 f . ,7 7 -6,••••.M.' - trot,,: and tbe•publie g enerally, that th e y I ink it hi indispensable. It is. indeed. the whole art of
~ •_._._.. ._. , --,!. 1 rliniri , '; are frilly iinl.par r gi•Tut the above establish- , 1 ' drawing. and }.tinting;-ttrapht fn one It.own. Any k a t• • •
..-.1.1LE, TI3.OIIIILE, 8011. AND BUBBLE.— IILtRGAINS IN CATIP'F.TiIg -... i -•-. •• Ment, to manutaiit tire Steam Engines ill plant or tiowp ran heti amderred to the pages of an Al
4''s' gOt the, measles, second. boy is droop- /AII ' ..EY & 11110' 'IIER Chesnut fill ` ev,r.vl•l4o: Pumps. flatiltand anti Drift Cara.' and 1 every - : 1 1 , % a ri n t
h i 7t i t u, h .,,i a t •Li i i i n it n y te p ta t LAll:t a l i n id rt e r in tce i,r, m i l a d ‘ a r y p e i, t t n t, N n a , t , u ar re e .
- atx.'fri Ninth. Philadelp i• now °MTN.: a eer!;/ . ;,1 , ^ 0 , , i't iirs',lTlPllsi.„.l of iron, and lira r l'S Civililga suitable for'
/ Sthird uni . do ,, wu. on trundle sbed, with large moth of CARPETIMIr. at; greatly mduced prifego emend have
the hi-he , t enlogiums
ailfra the
fl' th r 44 ti t it fla . I f' ll ", l s`l:i',' 'b 'ic i fl' e ltr u its i t ' 7l.7. , s mo l d t it se: and ineed.; a m • ta'st;ful presnt . for l
ughfs whooping." Mercury (bra consittile„; of , ' - •
--i fl: Machine •I'/:tk in LI:01.111i. COnid not be pr gluct.d.
%civet. Tapeatry it'd firuspgds:.
. . .
.. • Ai n ,. Ply. Ingrain and Venetians: • - '!,j ltepairin g Of all kinds done with neatness and (I,.patch This .Magie Paper gill also mark linen and other aril
- woud pile 'some - below it ; mad tries
. ~. ..4 .1 . . at the POrest prices. AD work .furnished by them wilt- des. 1./ at . to remain prfeetly indelible. Ali the washing
• . none Oil Cloths. Dru-g.tx IMtv •
. . o m i.„,i, i nt i,,; . ' . &,-,. 3 , n y . ,... g il r - iti i ii.: 7,;; ,1 ranted hip,rform. well. They ioil . d solloit the utot of In the ire.thl falls to brim. It 'out. Any chifel can Mal it
a hero, but feels. he cannot "go it. - ~
'; Also, American Ingrains. :,•,-. those w-,11, Ina , Avant artielp. in their line in t Ids poin t ity. with perfect ease. With ' this' 311;tic Paper. likewii,e, ,ill
:- ife is busy Washing a host of diity "amis.(' ,
, o etio ard of new stylei at :al, t ,.,..,. and 75 cents. biklt
•... . y s All orderis will unet with inituOiate and prompt,
or lour copies of h ale l e tter can 15. secured apes
• 4.• t% lIIIDSO • . additional labor w•ier, Making it the cheapest ati4
. _ ,4 B . w.nui,l,,,N. [ toast wiiverdent artiklle extant. It is used to gnat ad
st ever and anon a tear , ails in the i - . tem I
lag the lg at It.o..nrtment ever tdreted at the prices. )141
t r , n t; r h i l. , -ge ri, • ,, iror.ti ... s are reduced lhout2s c,•nts a card from coif.: 313rch .4. DiNi illy
r v a a t t . t , t r a , ge n ; n b , „ i v
i r ;, l ,l ..r . t o e t ri. m i; t l ip t n lit : public press, telegraphic ope
" - I•errid "
- ' ds: Husband rocks the cradle, b., i . .. BA %LEY Iv. liniiilLElt, -.. 1 , • 4.,,-----
11-flo No ` , 5 - ' i'lle , not Q , .t tils.i e littu 1 • T i
MIN. ' FRS% lI.LE. - , _ _ !; ,Eachl pa, ka g e contains f,tUr different colors-Black,
- i MB . lap, soothes the "third . ' One with a hiss, ' 111 11 .•• Given and lied.:‘ , ttli full and printed hi...tractions;
I No. 252 Chesnut St., above Ninth. Philadelphia, , SAMUEL S. FET.HERSTON. '' t - •
hits the fourth a slap. §o front melon-'i
. nwr - ,, wr •,; t, DEALER IN I.NNI I'S. I,AN'I'ERNS. 1. D,EHAVEN'S IRON WORKS,' 1 for all ;to use. avid will las, sufficiently to obtain 1.7,-;' 1
I A I„.ARCilif STOCK OF CARPETINOS, ~ -,•?,, I. t• 31inerieville. 1
' IT ' l l A ri' l ' in i a t i t'l l p il in' t h, l - I n i n f 't re if s u' l l'l;o‘,n . smplied colored encelopei
111401.17diert, curl t:andelabras• No. 152 S. ;24 street:l -
-1...6a1y means, and starting, troubletl drearyng z
i '' 1,1 itRA ONG. the new land leading • ,-,t• Y -: •, • . • THE. Subseribiir is prepared to , mann- i l l,.
nose r.prit,e. i ha:Ad.:ll , h Li. Ilitvinir. enlarg , •,l -and 101.? , ' pime, facture i•TEA: I I C.:sill N 1.-S ot nay power, 1 1 with a truthful lit:oil...rot' the propriend• AU:min-it F..lch
.' '';7; .t tune is elot;iged to groans, stifled Subs i 4 , 4 - ..tylet Ift V e lcet. Tapestry. Bruss.ds. Ingrains and I pro% eft his ~ t, Pre. and sachet one of the larAterd .ir.....1114 t. ''. -- i' • ." •": '":•" - l•nnip.Cni:lny raolnity.r.nd Cmtl ilrenkrra. l an d e vo r y prig.ka.,,. ; wAreanted.
j , e i..,;,-*-2. p e r thlten,er tivtl for ;a. Sin g le packages. 215. 1 1
•;•,, • ,
It . screaming. - Patkrice all exlman:fted, he
, the I.)we,t t A.-11 PPM. 1.,-.: - '
: - I nigh Pi n . : toil.. taniplicne. liiirning ;Fluid. Larq and I,en ! ~ -g-,....,_ . „, : 0 other /, - ind of marniner.; to-ed In MIIIII , d (T ilts. . 1:111,.,.1 to all part, ..1 4 , th,. - wi... 1 .1,1, ~,i rh .. L .,„ep i i. ir ,
- ' 4the lit-
..., ghlrepeeds' the rocking, and jolts, . .
-:.'". ff ••• h • 1 's tI it is shiwking• 1 - -:- `ll - -------- •
-,- u erer uit a rtn enes -t. . ,
i, ,
• '' •I I I.
' '-', fusion • worse confounded ' . A neat , 1 tor . i
. -,
8 the door, and with voice :via f:tee as- . •
l i ,
~ ,
'..14 - )
' '•1 -iv : - lily.. v , ,0 - be . i.rd the - Prive tit 1
' 2.- J. ! "Nor Ittisintn.l bnally 1 il•
'' t t est liewts'?.." .. "I'lour ' s thirteen dollars; 'nt -
..: , ,
; A 1 - has - ...stair Carpet . s. !Ili Cl , :th , F,
, a.e.. ail Of uhi'll will l"" '.:l'ld 4 1 1 molts .4 1 ; Limp. in Philaki; ll •l: ,, h i l t .i: 7 . r i i s , t : s:: l; : , : i ii . l , 7::;: y f t W ) , l -. 1 ::,
lir, s .it. l;tillt .i. l , ':' , 4 „ :::: : ::: iii -
i d ir., ''' se m l ": l 444 ': i. i '. s 4 : l : , • t s i iii :l 4 : l ,t i c .': 44 . 4 : 74 ' r34ll
, ~,
Wholesale or Retail. '••• . i Lamp., ahet Lanterns 0 1
STORE ''sI.2. ARCH STREET HAT , , .•. ••
i t ai,ka : 4... , .:,t a •Inall ad,:tt... l ov e r auction pri..,.... Delhi: i! }'rota aloe faviliti, tr,s.essed for tonnufa , darlanr. autl i , ,
it inanufitet in-or and do tt ier .4 H,,, tql,•iturnicz krlti‘i ;1' fn;la Intitt ~ , praii"lire Ur the busiipary work f•an he turned ;
. 1 and Aiek.le.i. e will lel furoisln4 to ; 31errhantq . lit ' •-, i • •ir 1 .t. t 1 I - s. N• 'V IoW -4 priie., and I
, . ~1 gm, .A, il. , sta •Isum n . a 1,.. A r . ,, c.
'' i ,
~,% N.E. e or, Silt ii;„ Arch*Sts., Killiodelplio• , such pric-es th.;At tang rill idol it to their advanta.x r' tg : i ;I ~f aAm . 1 j, r itainl It . . ti
rv,, ~ • 1 i ' .
of the above • prices. lAddressl. rs st i•iid '- - t
I .
.1 • 'N. lir Blilii,r,-, '-,--„;
qty; itr; , ,,,,/, , 0r ;Vow V.:./..'" l
I eat ' •
6P1N1G!.... oniiti; ...,, "
' 11er0, , ,.T.: Mali , lapr. ta,"111:1). r.-We refer eta- read- .
. ,A 1 ti r , .0,,,.. est ildt•hat•II:1 ma , . , I buy. Lilt,. llottsel, 'ld tllass‘yare. of all description.. It'Sl l Per...! s .151, of putting Illirnadline .f • 113. kitici-,1 , 7,, to Om rid cert istervit. in ttnot her rolutnn.,:ettinc; ferth .
7 1,,• f iilsl a r ,Inploto ....o....rtaii..nt Id •.
' ; th , Iro.elst van 'art • prp...,
. //:,.. ' , *.p... ra.',/ , ://,..c. 1a..... 4:- ' '
.1 ,t . , I ........... ...._ of rYerrah.creript ion. re prie,is whieh , ' I - 1 ' hi13414.1i.iii3.44 ' 14 l'r '''''' 1 ' I '
.14--"l" , i'it''‘Va'a'' 1 ,•.,tinot fail hap), ase. V.Very artide is; man nfaet nied on I
1 .,..mi.,..; std n ,, T get, are allowed to soave thl , , store' '
.evory respect. 1 1.1 . 11/t irUlar altel, 1
1 , 4 : , : -. I
N 4 EW SPRiNt ditiODS -
At Wsirburiolt , s Cheap Store:. 2e : : 17 :7
'r llLltl '
been refused. A scream! its 1 ti,,,, 1,. 't , ill, 31„,..: ~, rrttf- to. rr,r. • r . ,r • . , . , ima a
.., , h,
'A %rill be found a splend;nl ,
...,,,- ~.,-,,. r • " ' •I , i , , - roll/ `5.1.1.. -
1 II k I 1 ,11% It pa lir II . .
' I whi•h for beauty end durability %sill Iptanpare favoraLlV 1• y , -, , 1 11 • ,:- . • • „,, „,. ,„„.„.,%., , I
- •
1 . ... •
1 '' voice; soin-thiiiis conic athwart her. t
' 1 ' - "fill I. d and , .
comes; covere , oer u 1 ~1 0 / . , a i•li 1 ho.C. 5..1:1 oho, here f d fnur ,1, - ,1k,r,.
• '
..i.r.l 1 1.1 , 55 1.,-.'ili -
W. I 1 AV 11.1,MMITIL `
, • , .4%, me, eill ade p sla Ant t1.:11... (4 r.. 111 Itto./1/11 II 1/.. , ‘1 "
I In all the n•- , est de.i....ns ef ~ ; ;;I• • I - ' •• '
I •:,:.,-,: are ink) eort; eall • ,geol esatrii..l.l , iii'rtr. and ) "'"t"'""le'i the in, rit.rattlii4 plere , ing add iii.2llli: , u.inventiert. l'he ;
.A tt, • quaint.. ait h prhes before conthi e titig: ..lse where.
t;%'. , Order of ••• ,•ry kind are sr , li,iled. and strict attention ] li ‘ j - , h 6 ; . -a , i , l i l f ir. n s , id u o; t uld
; induce all to ah•e it t.i trial.- Ph Man- I i t unsarpaaliedlllir tie:dm...sand utilitv. and should i
v. : 1. - , ILLI AM DEIPLVEN• I meet with the sal e itirichlyd,,sers - es. - •_rfdome I
, , will I'.• Ilyell to their prompt teee..ut len.
, .
''' • ' :
;, k
- •.•1 • -,
1; - at pt i• ki. which eannot fail t;. a st2nish''a r i l , i d t p l "l'e l as t e ll '. l 7 !' i s t I . --- ; - - 'l 4-
.1,1 ; ~,,,,/,,,... ~,
.ti, . 11,11-est patterns , f EngliMi. , Tremont, 4 , t f
TREMONT IRON WORKS,. ...lil,o whit lb , ' litablip Ins. hay.: ,leir.../.1. and r..,•, , i11• :
. ~ ~,
- nt li nds , l , l , se d 1 , 1 , 1 , ;;;.•:' ,„ 73 ,,, ,,1i? .. ..iividual of tasteand refinement" 1
at I'
' New York. Xlareh ill. lsf,:i 1:1:11.11
• .
0.^ .... 1 ,11/irty ► - writer. "Oid Brindle .
i•t r,. .tore,l the net•er,
1 . 1 . 1 ne.' - -.‘ rd y•I SWIETIIING NKW: • ~.1.1'.' AND I . L
1„,p,.,„.,t- : : i r*::. 11 tic a , i t .rint:th.m.i..ll selr•Pted and extensive:A st,.'s:it ' ,
_out, Se,lan.,yl.lcirll,,Corinty; Penna. ,
~-,_ it:lA:Eric,
MIL L ER'S , Suring las ..411 Ir . /. fr•lird iil i Ile kity. . ...maw i ,i, .ito ,„
~ , ,
II r re Teetfully invite 1
, . g . ‘ ‘ ;
! g i, „. , 1 .11 , ,V.4,. 11/rSierV. Imp, rted Muslin. and l'.llloV ro/.411. / -
C' ' tioke the yearlintg's thigh, knocked Sissy dov,•ii ~,, . •, ,
. 1, 0a55,...,...4th,, at,etion ~.; 11, otts,nesscommunity `.
. .., . wif; ,l
, ! 1 1. . , r i l', , i'' A - .„.,,,1„.!,--ei,:n. et ”vt. , , vi n , " ' ,",.-- ' m•• ' •d . 'II I • ‘ . '''' r . " f„„....,.'" th ' ir ''' w • N i" . ' l ' , '" ';'„' '''"l Fran- , VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY.
nanery hoe , cot at c• V. erd e priers. , n ottenitlVe. • .•
St h St., bet.NOrsvegian A: Mahantango.
'`.' ••• arta cut her, and seared a p3Sier 1 - ):,. 1 t t„t.. i ~ . ..ttnr•••• ,
Tts ,• . . ~ ~-. , , ~ , •,,,•ks • . It s, ~ ~,,, ~,,Irv• el eMed in tee t (Art: 6: .•reTrad , nt. and :
--- •,1"11 T. or ,
: 0---_
OL•red nia the ad, auta.f...%tts terms. at
11 . .1 I: 11FRTON.,i'l.: ~ ..-a...., -, ........unaer hi, superu, ,n. n . . :t. /a Ine...
NI . ZE11.111 . : ant - 1(1111W I'S to the rit- I
.- 4:,... sits her dowo de,pairin , _ , , wettry of' her life: .dikor , itch (lazed W Indus's - Shades
A., 1110 •re,l .a:traeli.../ in., ..1 I 11 , 1 ' ,l l' 4,, dllit - • I ! I , l:ent .1' tlessr!...7.• Laniard an I.ti Hip 1 ne . lt i r i . white' W
... - - i ..te, ar ' prep,: iLi ttr eNel.llle ha eruers ter ...ic 1 net ym
husband Itolliovy euritio' for the quatiruliedui i tlold R....1,r :•11...1,-.. Full 1.:::::Ink•ap. , Ili:rder ."11:. - nit f, I
.' 11'.10, '. S' , or. .N1r , , ,,, S'..: r, .: , :tvi •1•,,,r1,, ,,, te. Z•prty:. ~ , , t , : • iLens of Ordtsville and cicinity. that he is pr- 1
• r - 'r ' '''' r ' ll 1 l 'I d ""l" '''''''''' 11 L '"' l ''''' l '`' ' l " ti I ' l "'''"'• t A r ''''' Phil-mh•lphil. I:trelt :11. 1"a:,1 lit-L:rn ..:,?. I ''''''''' ' nt .„ l l If ' l '• " fri r i n. " St ", :" .i ' , Ent'i'' ' ''' , " ! 'n'at''''',.r• pared to indtadlodur,• r'itetiav /ti dy: 1,4,14 Bern ,ite. col , r •
-.•11 , t• i i'll 111 1•` " 1 I '''''' . - 1(1 11,0 ‘ • r"II: Ilro.d, , r'": - "vel''"‘"T'rl - I noel style. at shore: isotire and at the 1,,,•,..:i rate" lie i
strite-wunder.s whether ••Lult. the mall o. -many
IVA %',Ari ,' ..1.% ..11 I' 1,1 o. r•lt %she. I 1 •••in., - '' :. 1A.., 1.. . _ _ ~, .
~. ,• l 1 1, • 11 i ~...v tj u „ 1,,d in, A r,,,55,,,,, i i , ,,,, , ,,at. 1,,,,i.,,..R.,04 a nd , itwr"•....hades I FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! ,i;' •
th,,l. a i kited. •,t - Ilearin,i f r. 01 ., linti: Mill, lI T i-t . and '
Err:- I'l/id:dela thiai a trial alone I, :•11 111,1,411 to he con-
- ,aores,, when 111, \ll.e .1.1‘ . .. . 1 ,_.• , , , _
I taint , tr•e'rder, at • I `l 1.1;1.11'S , fi -- " -- -:: ll. F. Hoover AI ••;• 4 • • ni y MI 1.. Vein .•ar.. and all S - ind , of Railroad I;astings. • so, •
, •-,,1 of the adkanta,.,•.•t,ing Ilik Blind,
I.:: Ips , , , - ll' a ••'•.:e .1' , air -lldutr.:" , r' , • I ' t 11,1,parfalliv" inhytas his r:a.toiliCY , •ot • •' 's.
..t r li i i i t 1 1 : t i" , I , 1 , i i !":„ ..- ..., f i t' , 7 , : d 11 \ 1 ‘ . 1 , 1 . :::: ... ; h r t l l l ,i i i i ,t t :' , ,, , „I ' b r ' ,, ;.; i , ;, : ' , 11 . ' ~b t , • • • • I t ‘- r n ,' I . , . A . 1111 , .. M......01t1tint , ,, 1 Riittd , ,,tatill. ta.t ,
. bV , Id.. lie '
' Such 'a
life in•dours. • . ,
• . • 1 . t.cit'• I.; rad. .:11 11 We..l ....::::ar ~..., iid and :tr. II rtreets . , . _ Pott...llle. and the t1e,P1 , 1,. uencirally of
~, , .., ,„, , , is :.,•,, pr, pnr. , ,, 11/ .110.11 r point :11, (11111 "11l 1;111,1 , 111
.'Sleatitime tue Ict,otrny llv.• 111( .:r, , Iti- 11l " • ' r 11,na,i,dpida %, -i: •2.1 I 1 -. ,:, 1,-...1. - . , ~.„
1 4 ..... • • :///l/11U It 111 I,llfily ili Wala 1,1 F•nritidure. ,• . holt - , 1. 411.1 n prtrtlea:. Meonaid.:.aam mil ma 1134 l/nr(r011. i I , ,
s ,
~,,,, . I, ,
. P•111r 11 pi:11111er 11S to renip.r them ii 1 a ~ a ..Appr:Ar- •I
• ' tit 0 thy ) :ail nitsi it coati . % lo ita it ad,..nnt'ze t/: PlO- . tj .1 " 1 "" - .'"l "`l'li'''''''" La i • '
many ; , ..--tr-lio Ile. t•,,al Iteza.o.
• • , •r , ind r 310 v. (•/iile V: . Jan. '..IT, 1":... 4-t,
easy claltir, oil It.; nun enthr. , ~ .
' l ' l '' ' ' d c' ' '.' " - NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS, , ,
• , . ; (qui.- ::". hi , W:neileti , ..: ~.11.•:, lin, , ill i.n.l aj.:trZo 5r...,..t , d,., I" r`"n dl '"il . ' "''' ", 1":• ur `tr' hin'trY ''t one kind. , :
1 ' ther ,
comfort evert - xhertt. told w new., tt .itt., . ... , For the Spring of 11*55. . , ,nf t 1,. ir,,,,d 1 . 1 . 4. rn st . Z.I., to stiel lis•ao. Th.':',0) , ,..ai1-;-'r ' "n . .' , ' i'.'` t'•l `" -- ' ll '"' N , ? -1 , " i " ..1 Ur / .. .' " .' , :, r . r. 'i. * : - : d . ;;;' r 9,„' . ! . , 1 !.r ' . CODFREY CRAF, 1 Cie!, r... Ili ~,, i.,,,,,,- . , „
1 ... ,
~ , 1
.1 , , r _
of! ,, y F t i : :
~, v . LA •. . N . Di.... , DD, ~...‘. .
.r •. 1„,,,,,,,aa that hi, r.,- ilitiPS ler triatraltaeturiny 101 l lao .• a tialth of '‘,•-1, - . and 1.• r . ate rteettalll' I vtl n 1 1 "d'
' '• 'kV 'Pt c of 1 it.DEit. il.,„,kina-Glass. l'icture, • 1 ;
• 1 , 41 11% e a.,,,,,• e.,- rho I.lMor ;is i•itlintly.d..e..j....m
he: 1.14. parderi:ds 1,-r eash and tau in:: no Xtn . p ‘ reutl ' rr't.S.. % 111 ' , "'' \lt 't , ' '''' I '''"'r - • . - " 1 1- " 11 "1-l't 1 ' 1 ". 1 ''''• ' 'll.l. Ins, ''i 't'l 1
mean-t [life. peoii,e !/.1 . 1 1., t ot . 4 - : I 11.10 at hmtl. n‘‘ ill lle i1,t,!..1.,..:rii7.5i1„a.,t,1tti , one eipt id t 11,1. .11 , 1 a to I 1..., othcal, tokranu, the pharNetpr
1; 4 1 '.,,,,..1% alai Ar,it st r.,•t-. l'i:•13 , 1• l;.1.1 I• 1 - 1111... I but oarpl...N lug tho 1,4 .4 word,immen:ll.l,, ,, him 1.; iii4r• Inn' 1 1 i I ' l ' l ' lo ' lll4 Y r''''' l'''' .l tll't`• ' .. ~ lar t •l u i r i t i y z .r i a ,, tl , l , td . at
f ill: . ;
. t. , 3, 7 • .
r i :I•. •, , , . , ~ .
tint ah.'at ,j* it N /lir n4.1.1,1 , :i1i01t. It it ~.areelt
their trmiti:i:,„ ~ viiich tile , ' Li:;n% Cif :'r eudure. „ . .., ,„ :., t t , 1•,1, • 1 / 7 ". 11r ~, cc', %Cl,' 1,, , , /r. wil gr ,,,1, 1 ~: r ,-,.; ' ,1 ii„h, 0 ,,,,,,.., to Ili , A.e in ,a10,..t reall:, ;I
ii 1 - 14.-11. , tzit•••... •1 It, ir prMnta o';ectltil.n. hattlat'ilral 15:1.T. h„' 11 1 ,,,, ' , " , ' , 4 1„:,,j .1 ,, i i i .„., 1 ,
i I', • o .. • i i,,, 3 . l ,eie 4 11 0, I 11 / 13.1, it 1.:00Wirk..1111 , 11L; ,111. 31111 1111,1 US.
r • Il t, • 3.1 ti t••I•'. , ' l ,l , In , ... :sill •I 11, ~.• . tin, at I .;,, pri .. s. a- -.1; • mileh prefels 'eldllll. l ,•„i* ; '''' •• ' 1""I • . " li' tr "" E 11 ; 1 ""' 1 11 1 ' 1 " 1 • _ . . I Mnrors. Pict um. a n d fancy tram,. ;.f all plrtterns and 'i t 1 ,,,,, „ 1 ,,,,,„,„1 „,,,,.„ r . 0,,,,,,„. 4 '2 1 , I ~ -,
"If they only bad A. - I . tria,-, -.. new ‘l,lla, s , L . ,v..,...,L.'..., I . , v•-p. 0Rn..2.,. : • IN•11., • 1 , 1 I il" , Irr." • •11illini .." Ali rr.,,./.1 1.-it / :lii at•ltig , •I';n• e'• 1 I ':':' 1-1 V I'-'IA-. .1. A. M. .. - ELTZLR.I ,i,,.. I tbi :ram', .*. ; .i11. an d a ll •„i' ; ,,i,, , I ,p l 4 -1 1,-
. th, n ,.,
~..1, . . ~ , - . •' , ",,an'' ", l" ''' '''.• l '
. • '. .....„.•,,,,, i t , 1.a..•,,-. (1..,• , 1 I iu.:,..5. • Xwar,•., w i ll I,..,:trr.otted af,rl if Intended f.rth, , iiil3l- - 1 e: _ lu. . :.t: a I'Lrir , r,
n'l ' '• 1 ' f ! 111 t•t•. , -;1 ..•F% -t tt, ,, tthr at tit- low,,iit prieesl !, I
tinderweet, tin:: 'I thipii. I:1 it 1i.., ~it. 1 1,...a it , • . •! , • 1111-I.M.tco Il• ‘‘• AY. i
I l'anc , :i1, , , liriosh Prott,, .'I a1.n.11,114,11.. , try ~ 11l tr., pa-Sed with care and de-pat, h. ;_' • . • ••••.t ' • PORT (7,Attil()N. . • i .)..1 , 1:1:1" GRAF. I:u.Pffr. I
- P. (7 1 r',....) 7,., Tt lin ~ E,Y , .• , 1 , . 1:e•lil , , , I. ll'. '
- • ' . 'l ' .L . 'l's .
wriith were oil I . llelti-A , en , ; As i s :,.. .., • . ..c.„, 0,•,,,,,, L i0ni5.. :N0,,,, • cle-unt ,nawl , . I 1..1,1:ai4,..,i1aa0,. i , .
• lie I '. 1 1/10 1 . - Etld .I. -..----- ----.---,- '- :;',..... Cbrner /.f Anti and Xa•-•la a .:... N'•% , lock.
\ •
1 .
. .\-...L..., :,,,,,;, ~. ~..i i.r,- f, ild. , r. It , ... es:: " 1 1 . 1"?'• : FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP,: i;,,, ilainmer s Y.arlaine c.n-1.4. ii..n, Phil:M..l_ . A „
~,,„ ~ ~ ,
~. ~, , 1 .. ~, . .. i
think:l , l , r. r.c.l-1, , r. tintl,. 11 i 1..•::..:. 0,1i1wi1 , • , 1. :
;; N. 11.-hartr,,..- ,1,,1, treelle I tr;•1: ':h.• sti..ti•;i:• of '• Philp I, li.lux. 11,Andi 111. 1 , 7 I. 10.1111 .•:': 'ti • ' , I L hhia all•as , 0: hal d. and enh r., roo, i‘,..1 at the tame -, ." " ~. I ; '... ' '''' •
-'''-'• I.::'' - , .
T•ort Carbon, ,Sehtiyikill Co., Pa. ' • . . . , . (Al , • , t 01, trr leap 11e. 1% ..I. i.pi.:1....... 0 Hurd:, tllp.
t ..._ . —, . -4-.7,
- I • pi i. ps a. in 111. I- aet, r%':
0ne 1 i&i 1f;,...;.,11„,,,, ~,,•,..,,,,,,, „,,,,... ..,,,,,r,y ti verr,. , ',-,L. old P1ir...4.•:i.h. I. .:11 R. 11..1 11:a.... :.., -.17,-,.1,:. . - ].t, t' Xor:1,1 an itna.',l •r1..'1at,41 \ ra, :, 1 , ..t1.1",:::' , .
led 1,,,t t . cut iu a nn.. I. 5t.... -I, •p •:-..uppli.'d ,11 la M.o.*. 1 . It. D:l'EliST EL.\ wilittlun.r.. '. . t• .
i.....t , tm.z..t 1 ,11 1 r. I -1,. ' 1, - ,:;o k .
,in..l,lloP+ ••=. Ili , readine.: . , trell. tn . .: ••• niplel.• .- Id i t a 1 __. _ . _ .. .
, T., pre, ... ,t.., - ,,1, " /1f ' , 1 , ) ,,, 1 , 1 T ; ' ,
~__" ‘, .‘ , ,l..__W i i" j i . ..l I /.....,:' ' 1 1 ,1:. .. - 11.1 t.,
feel. Awl I.llcl til ,, ra: •,.1 ,r,'.•• rl' . -tlilil. Illd'a',.'ll : th , s• a, 'l. ie" r,•:',1,...1 , . . - ''' ..',....'''' .i . i1t...0 ,, 1.. n a nted;•.iabli-htnent to s,ie THOMAS JACKSON,
, no eielpiii, :',la• it :',. I ,:.• •
••- • Wk., bni ------ --- ‘-; •. - -- 1;,...;,,.• notort i ,ii'.... noith. : i.... t 11.. I%•t•er wri: ten f•ir • tie'
.0; ___ __....
HARNESS ! HARNESS : ! iL1.,,-1 t ... ,. . -,,,,,,,,„, ply .alr ordersilht iii.: line et 1 , 11,110 ,, 5,/-- ,
•-1,:....../r.:•*,-y . , 11 . 1•1t ay f r St.,,,lAnt I.p.iiries. nailr , ad a:1,1 .4 " I . s .-I . l ' 111111 ;fit/1111d 1;01ir .Nlitkyr. Re:RI- in........ , ke.;4 a rititz. bet , -....a.; t l, ;.6 °Ur' 4 1 .:flt,.lit, , ;t1ri-ii
I are . Pumps. Ceal 13R.aho'F. l'Oti111.:S. 111111 -Nltteltide- log.- Pa. It hit, 'I Ari...l. mob Ilmilla i1:1e...1 anv in" ' l. ''';'.. ": tH u'l..-', 1 . - T .l ".i '-i'l . "' - ‘ ,... 'ii- . .. -. 4 11 1' 1.
1 e ,, i... .. 1 .- - 71"\ ,... -i; teat at Itari;alOs: ...• s' ; th•-h , heir 74‘. amt .Ilil•!L ,T;I••' , E 1,1.1 Ir•III'l lad ...1.::.1.1te ,
' ' - 1 T 1 LACY &. PHILLIPS, 2';'.. I , ,er., p...tt00:/. 11,. ol
ivine (Is 1,..11,e ....11.- dim,•::..i,....... 1
' 1 - i . :Intl ae..0.1in:21". ~ ,l ivid ptort -, 1,8t. - 0 ahunt and . it 0 u. 1.., t'' ,AI ir it, -or ,al e • t - 1 , 1 ,-•,...,..... T„,,i,,,,i.„., Ine•to 1 , PittAr.-IA. I•:yetet the r., al 11 ~I,M,....ti•dred • Fir
A : GII.I,I• 1.:: L.,.., . -.1. •••Ir.ior wh•! I . , .:" 1 , 1 /4 ; kI) D.i:E :mil I Ltriless tuantitto.titft•rs. • :. Jan •.!7 1.7,.. 4.-1% : 4 ,0 ,',pa ~,,,t.,,,. j. l Ai ki n d,. ' . 1. '. .
aloe , oft:- I file .ttri , [• •! -...i'h - ni••.•:the ne -1 oothl and
, ----- -- - '-'----• . 1---- ,--t-- • trouble...ate- ..11ror " , r, 111. rt •r• '1 11 ti , tn.. Li ' ,l ' l,l ' , l'• ''lot
1- . k Poot-11.1..... 1% 3:41-1.11-S. r'a , 11,,,:d. &•-• Slipordir fr.r,../. : .'-' . ' , '
latolv 11,:. )111,. :t . .v,-1 ex-r WA.; :Ai , 1.. , .. - 1 .tt . mu ,
_.. !'ir•l, 1,-,.1 mu, - - , reet... Phil •dalpflia,dez t.) call tho . DVELS! SHOVELS!! SHOVELS!!! ~„, I , ~. ~, t,, ,, , ,,, 1. ,,',.,,,,,, A 1 „. .,,. p ,,,,,,,, 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 .,,,,,,
.after trim.: eHry ntedi• nil. 1 )1,1 -.or h0.t.,1 of I :'....i1.-
~ , I ....: •:.:1 ael their I. •:,•,•1.• :And ihp pub.i • • gerejrall2,, to I • , • I 1 , ,
II l'4lll 1 l';' 'o l ' l I'm I 1 ': 11-! ..•:. •'' II li ' l "' 2. • 6 " ' tip Ir pr.....nt 1•..,,:i a.. ::o1 1.. '1:.,. 1,..• i.n. ,li I )I,i, .... ',".., ~fltele, The :-tilc•-efil , er , lia voq.: p0r , i,a ,, ,, ea, ,21,„:-. a la.ry --11 1..1rtl , .11.1ir !. .. 1 :/1,...:,,/, ~ jll, , ..,, 101 ,,:. ' .4 ill .I , t-Pail It:11)01". PI Isd“...t eirP-1 hut a friend hr, antht
' • . • . t I ,Ii ~,"...,,..., I ~,,•,,,,,,, 10 ,.. , arm.. /1 Iho p d':..l: ..1 111, :: ...i • •1. 1... , •1 fl 1:1; I lo• lah. ~.,,,L1 !Alrint,i•lo. Port' Carle in .1 1 .,,,d 1..,,t,re.teen,.•0 : , tit i• A wide); ni;is t..ni0.,...: i t, .ap :11 s ty 1.....1/311/1 iri , tioo. ' 'n" .` '' "Pli' "; iar'.'" I.".lt'' 1 !." , lr'" 1111 nlold. 5•h1.:11' , `. 11 .1:' ,1
~ •, • -1 9 ~ , ~ , I ft, it n,,,,,, ,x t , c 'ontiode, and ii.sito- nsprelervie , s‘ hero,. it 1:z...1...en trir•d• Ili' I ti '''' s ''' r ' - '"" ''' I. ''' ".' 1 " ...i. "2' ll . I e'',it.'-4-s. r"-:"1'1'..V.1.1.t
~•_____': ...,.. ' ""." , ,',;• ' '-- •. ' toolllll to 111,% a....r.0.1 1 .1.• ....rpr...l amide 11_`111. ainllt.. Vit.
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; ~.t., k p., ..d. rt.' ' ', ii ,I , I, i' .., • 1,1 .1 1 .1 ., 4 . 1, $1,1in....f .
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„ u th ,, ~ , ..1 An Extraordinary Coote of a Rad Breast.
when _Nearly mei ile , Roint of liir (111. -
11, Ind /111.-adilil , , ~.:11;.:.: 1..• pa....... 1 I
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Irr PI /It,. , T 1101 I.:•:, , , • .. .
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! g 1.1.1105. , Idol. 11.• - .111:s/4120 ur. iv .1,-,1.• and retail. , hr •I lIIg 'col -ilo•al•le 'I hp I , itt , ra. are. , Ari .01- 'lnd of
... ( , met ,*.f .1 ari and .N.,...111 c:••• N 'V
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.. , a.. n, C. ,f i,,,,.,t,t, ~.itt titt.-iftw,t I.:ON/Ili , : 311 rf g Id. It can b. , ex- I' , l .! c.,'' . ' ll ,r . ;,; • '''L,w , ,:i,e,i,;,,rn_"P- - ,,,‘;;;": 14 ,,',',',1, ' . l :'
FRANKLIN IRbN 111114.1MIN.Q• ,l• „,, i,,,.,1 ,it't,k fifties p,,„,„,.... ~,,.,,,,,_ ~, ,•,.,,,„
~,,,,i 1 ~,,,,, .. r II .irr. 11, • . 1. .. ir, 1 11. // 11111111- / 11, .Iyr L. r
i ' '' - ...lit. N‘,11,, 11.1 , 51 11111111•4 Ito 11 ,, ‘,/,/, ur (hot melit 11111 rill!.
rrir!..sesss., TUT , abs. 0 1 . ,,, ~,,,,,. +"‘, .1 , , Ill • i • lc' stre.a, lir ark. 6.111,4 41 , , II,• El/i...1,1,11 ,'Lurc h --a ll of / . , 1 , ,
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1 0 61 ....d WWI In tits ! lito y.::,,,• th e . Pr. to i. I, r• .4 !Ito wit:. hv El 1..• ~.1.1 at t h.• iery 1..%,.-1 rat., ~ • • '
:"1..,.,_ 11,' '" 1...-41,41 i., W.,',..k... 1...1.1' l'arl.,:n. latoly ear
zz._ . ..Itk , , • '- . 4t . ‘-- , , .., ~
":" I tt ."-- 1- :1., ..11 t er ~ ,i,.• 1117111. V. lir rt• 111/ ) I'l,- . r 11 '
I. it;,......,41/1 . 11.• Ir. /1 . 4111 - .1. III,: I, ~rd. ;at 'tle• \Ht.'.
4 ,' l.' P " O r TTSVIL I I 1 1. .' N E E V " ' .
„A:7, . Y /1:.• 1' .111 , ,d/r 111, ~"I..nishin,llo. .1' . :111 ••••11: , 1..114•V"11 ,
- I/ ,V., ....., t
/11 -: /I II .• '4..4.1 I 1,•,1!.1r, 1...1p• C• .II it.' alai: , and Satitllt• and Hairnet.. 31asinfoetory. -
7 ';:u 1 : .7 , 1•I. k 1 ,..1
:o. ~ 1 ~,, .1 ,0, ,,, •-• e. , - , 11 • • • 1 .- • .--,••••• I • 1 • 4, i• , e" -- ,Y)„, the •, - - , 0i , ,,ri1,cr \N .11l hl • , :=1
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_,,„., ~, i ,,,,,,,„, „ T .,,,,,„..,, i ... ~ .:
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'''1'1r. , ' ,..•. ' .1 . ‘.
..Idltod -I P F: "' 1.•
,l,: , . 7,1:1 l ' I ' :: :' C. :i ' ' NI . Z i l t ',.., ' i ' :, ' ',.::::•,"!. I I. ;:;''.....: ~" , • ...
31. • I 1 i, l l l ll '. •: ' ,... ,'I I ' l ' il l i. "L ;•1?•. ) :I; i;:: .. . 1 • 1 1:•• • •• n t . '''
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' '''''''
• : 1 . /AI ...lii•l•ti I/ ..II:, ••i '.• 11 , 11 1.1 all kird.ol Pad 1., .1. . :.
,Carria,ge and Tram Itarnes«, 1:t.•1 14..1....
'tar 'nf all lt.i- , ipti , 1,,, loin Dame- .s,. IL , de-.
7 . 5
prosily it rims,
take it a'it cuma..i•
.t 1111 a ill . i• • • 1 , 1 a , • tr ,,
Ow titr110 , 1.41.:1 , 1- ' n”.l
t s ,• I,:ile. it,i , l liit liadt,- - 1 .1 . ,': "..x;tit . 1•1:-!!In:ty:. ! Ph:: , :1!•Ivio•• I'-' , - 1 -
11 ; •. it.,,v , .v,r. e,e,criv , • I,t , i " eim•:ii.ite. - 11! y!!I I _ BARLOW'S Itr:DIC.O BLUE
.. cv,
,• ill. , Ir on '. ;• it -raf:. if the dv vil villl- I , 1r...n0w well est ai,i it•lleit ;1!- , tilt' lir`t ;tr
y i ti 1.• 4.1, , 11 , •:...1 t... - ft .• • • ,-,, 0 ~It i- aoatir,•lN
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:1•;.I ... lar ,li,i:i• ‘iti• i::,inc , rant liii, ^ra ' vo :r" .... '
• Aii li-n- •,•1•••i i , •h'. h asi• not ii•-•..i it will ci l ia it
t, i arit via lea, - to marry M.tria .N.—. ,to I ninth 'aril', ail I ~.,:l a,, 1 •.,1, an 11..11.4. , ao• un -th-r ,
, :lra I, 1, :11. i il, ,:•••:.• •.1..;• it . Il ii 1.• 1.1"..,ht ...111 .
..% ;I ;111 yjd 1,, , ,0 'lll Naas,.; I }Vit. ' c ll.: Ottly . , WI, : 5 ,,,,,„ ,„-,,,,,•, ,„%. :: ~ ,„ , ,
~, i „.. ~,,, a n ~iii 1...
~,,'I v.,,,,a:• , •ev. 4 1 in.. i, Hotar• •, : ,•t::: - , 11---, M,,,,r.. '.1.1t-v,',,f,0,i‘i::,,,0.,2,.iaa , ;:5.1 . 1. i‘r ',... put op ai ,1.7',.• 4 !
r,- ii... .o . ti,r 4 ,- , 16 in 101 l etoiatal : 'rote:At !--1-,:til ! 1 . 1‘;;! , 4-!,!!! 1, :•-1!:! , -k!.•1!.. - ..., .4!.•t owl , ,-aik-i - ,.'- , I, ~,, !
:-• • . ~,,, ~,t tarti_,,- - - •,.,t- n•sili n oh. at pri,•,••• that el.i.inir liii,i ~ t raiig, , iel.ires , fri - on ' ..i . , ~,.. ii,..i.i.,.,. 0. - I. .. .
• . , a ~ ~.• • .
~ ,• 1 larii.,-. i t,,,,,,...a.. I .till;. , A arla:sil-s. 19.0 :.'i U:t-•• :.....
ti!' ,1.1,1111, 11l It,!:l• ' I..• /; •• {I,III I,', I:12 . • tl.. inroier, '
..,-- , v oh a in-- , ra,•-ii... :an:, nt nt I,vials. iii,li,:. in In,. tin,
l'h , Ori tn.- i , a 'I tacit 1. rat - •- -,i , ,' a .1 -a
ri'',..areti his eqrtrage. 111 accoriiibgly rushed i' ''''-',....i.,.-- .- ~. •• ..
r••:1- ,, ai• rat, :-. Add \lli.Tlidha • at', tat al.r.:i.t. :
•ili tio , ta gliustli ‘i,iitor, ;mil, ,triliping , (lII' i 1. ., I . ...• ,ii _v..- , •••,• ~,,/,,,,,•. :.4.
14. , ,ii.
1i• , ..,:, ilisci.iv.iced the fAir lipnrietta.4=-';-L-"1 ----.i'r" " ' • •
il - --' ',• i : ita ,FIVE PER-CENT. - SAVING FUND,
1, , ,.-„1e, I,,,,king,,extrenuAy f...libii. ...-,5....,36.i.. - _,.. ) _ • •
, I (_, f Idle 'Nut tonal Saft. , l yat omptial3 - . :
: a!ad 1:11 , naraler italohitin:Lr the L.,iri ' s tri.:1;?1:,...-; :, \lv Al.:\ I: l! S'IREET, :-;,)1011-1Vest.._,
,LI Ow Itaiii Iri l lll-;10; , 1.1-Ar hp, marriage '% . .itli : ...,,,, • ; Thil".l ..•:' , "I 1 . 1111.i,i4pf1i.: 11, ,. .r . r..r3-
‘ ' ! , "41 I, fli." 7 . i.t . .. 4 Volill , l . 1:11.1 111 l'"i I , 1
. ::. — ( 2 ; i!"'. ,, it , / a /s, ay. 1 (P,..erl';'. . 1. 1.1". , - 14•1"..v111 i..f , ..r.•.; i",',"1 , ••1i .‘ll.l th, na'ao•y la-'Tilts.
paid tas,•i, a t,,,,,... r i, :-. •-aaa• I f. , T. si i • 1i , .11 , 11, ti..... , ....,i:,
• , 4 ;i , int! I." -, 1 , .. I .1 - at 15.-1 ti ii iii-1
THE 'V Ili.tTLit.' , ; al - • ot ! I * .i. - .1, , , may he. divi.leil I, 1 . •••••1 , :.. aria. w.,,..1,-.-,... , tinv•_liat thadr nalan.,y in :lilt.
5'‘ , 1 ,, ,:: Fillut. ;41 ;V, WO ~ 1" Ow 1..t1pe.i..1 . s?.f.-1 v arot r;aTI:-.
• . 1... v.) cla,ses—tli,i.;c. wlata know they are .i
"iii.•iiia• at .‘il .iit. , :, ,iut ii,i: :iiiii, iiii , ;e• ar ,iin,!:, it rat ,
3!.•1 ill KC wl,i . 1 idt. ftij . latter cia , .., r, ' M v ,
•-•:, . "-N II:: I'l.l'o li'i. , 1 , 1".• limit Intl: n •In•,:i , ot , d• .1.1-
1 l'k - ; 111 ,-;!. i'..i.pc? f.ijies
~ s li., can i htr....,,i...1.,1,,,..-I. at .1 If , ' - ail',‘ ...f•I'T , 'o;4^.
: Hi , ~ alt, - , as ~, • • ••ri ta , reeol , - „ita.l 1.., ri. , 11..y ..,..,!:' (Illy.
, ~ • 111. tor a +!,-_ , iiLi., tipiiii'llie germinating i . r . ti- i
. f i r4 i iii ,,. ..: , :i 6 ;: ,- , \ '- i lli i i ii:- ‘ , ..,:ii ,, , , i t ii , , , , ..;ta i 1l 7 ~r, 1 ,, , , - i 1 1 it r. , ., i , ,,, , . .,
.• •• •r:i , t of ii he ikprik-ealiiia2e, \ - vhf : ii they ; ' "e,.... ) ,,,,,,,,,,,:v,,, ' ,„ „ ' ‘ ,.;,,, 2 ,• l ii 1 ' ,,,, 1 1 ' ,1?:,,,, 1 . i„,it,.,l t u . , ~..,i' i :sat
•• la:1
t)'.! Z ZlPai to aktialt` Vil:ld. relitti atia4 : llla : 111 " " lit ' : • • • • 1 : :::; , 'lta'ri r tf , " a ' aaal-t •
: II i. \ RN Ihit. l' , xe.kht,
, - Lunt be tr. , . t , i a i. , ..r.tieitnorlier. 15...iiiiiv: . - n• :,-i.riiii..ii . ., 1 -,, .. I',,identi
• I'. NI. J. ltd.t.D. .'Z'Cr , ittl' , l
A 'nu ~.ii,gle. he-kit:ad :salaries; %silo take can ‘,, N..,,,,,, ~,,, 11 1,1 . '4
o• . loolal.: ,ita'al-ir With salt pof , !•iiii:try I : l "r .. a''' 1 LEATHER AND, FINDINGS . .
. t - - 1
a - d-i-, ~ f till: ,-.1-.,..,:. - st r .li.zi , , ain't it. that I Tll E•Sl'l3:-;(10.131.:1Z resipuotfully in- i
iii- ,i.i• .01. , t11i01l 4 11.6. ~ ~,,,, ~:ii, -.. :... hi.;
1 I a 1 'Xi' ' , ',.) 41 taataa all I:iii.l . ; of fuoliAuliv,;:- , ,
v . v 0...... :nil i.. o ~,,••, . .1 ...1., ~ ~i 1,,,,,v1,,, ~,,,i, vi,„1i,,,,, I
a SWOP , piii-1 Curl ilaulines ruio,ting i , tat .ii 1- -.1. , ''•aa' , ! , :d ,, ta. ,11,1 •Y .1-at:a , ' dr•titta aala'al: a
thi• ai, , ,,, , a, a inr-r. ,if 'hat raaint , as anal ad Fair , lk ..11s.1
tVIIII . : Ions? Well. IL I, .1.11•11 I••• w. , 1•• tip in art ~ 1 tilt i alhan nil; Nr;l , /.. , . , le. "-- 1
; Ili.. I ......, •“I. t 1 1 ,; a ' ."-f :• .I.• . - iau...1,1,.r......ir1i , ... all.l 1:111-1 ,
3,..:1:4 4 , ... 11.11"11 , :•,, lit. ii. 1:' , 1,1•1 and 1.1....11. 1,,,, , ,1i.,,...,
ThOii.f. 3114 i.....V.A1/..: d ... 11't1 ',pa:it, tt , - , t. tiialit, I:Lltt and
, Idit -1,. City Slit:1;110 r Kip , . -a1:, ,, 1 kn.& C.,la ar it , ,,i I
l'it. : C•anittr. dr,•ncli, anal , (' t.i 7 . 4..1.0.. it .4 11%.,•••• 1
VI ar•-• ••••• Liu •k I-kills:l' id -kin', a", 11.1 , 1', anal Ma r.vo.s: '
Itin , ll , lL,- aani Lint:iv:tut atian ~ t r•',..r:: d--"ripti•an . :qr.,
qtr., I. i'oiritt tiny:id: asilk trial , :••rd I ~ • ,-t, :onl Fill,'
.1.71,1 , 11 a;allonnti Ilia.;: and I •,•ini a-ti I, istin.,:.
NV,,, , ,it.1 Upper. and critat..l Fa-Ms:tart Fav:ting - ,-; An, : it:
T,,......-. , 11-. 7-..y,-1.-t :opt I rimps.;, nt•trlihnrs nant hy, , -,
1,: , ... -,,•.: 1,-,.,,...,,,' , iii,,r an , l Zan , : Nlii . ... Fairs. 1;:i41,...:,
.)N ill' , - iiiii•Lt•r•:, 1 , •., Iti - 1 , :;•- , ~ ,i , i lt , iut IV , I, II•i•ii-i
, i p i r•:. 1:•.,.t and. 7 , 11 , :i. Tr,... ' 1,:04,: rrytip.. ei.init. , . Than,
..ii,s isitiii. 4 ••:, r. c•- , 1 dr.,. and Tatila , , a ,a,,a, : td,,,,,
T , a,t :, •• and ourrdn't T ,,,, 1r -1 nit
: • danals rao , t , Cra us, I i•:
, d,t,•s ni o, y aa , ir•rn , a ~ ,• ,i, o ~,,,rii., , , , ,,-.1 ,a1....a .., Mill all
of will -1 - , V. CI 1, , !•• •I'l . al •.
111 , ;•-• , 5...'t 111311“1 ;V.',
doll N WHITE.
1,1,, ,, ,ri , •, - nail la , ai••r. 4": Marta ,4 z'O.. nt ,, 0 V:th.
; ! s ti ;
1111; •••;!,!; ! q! tae a•i;l: a fir,• ;
c";, •
t•; .1.;; 1;;Ir .11-1 - ❑ 110 V
love, that wa: n ritiipz. I iqeaut that
wt.r. fon , l of hu(zain;r:'
Y lath
i•tr—fr‘ts seeini to me I havi
•- :;;./ pllt".• I i.! .11111t:W11...!re bf.tfOre, hut
I . vilwrt
I t ';flv, 1 I, 3 vi, I,,:eq. a keeper ot.a Kris
f,r ttisCar.lS .•E tWolitv v.•ar:
shaving soap,
1 . 1*; 1;1,1.
II • •,Ir. lirref s i 8 Itlrt Ic-I catl
. fa. -1 ,::••• it
rv.l li lir are to fall itt love
itit'e.l-:;ty•).;t11 haVifpr
fir.;lK'I~:1:fol, awl four tittles
, .
1 NEW YoEE p ,per, In a tit' or -revolnti , ,ll. "'.,,."',' "' "I" "r,""" 6. 1• 1 ""
‘,1,-..• 11,11t , r1Pf Hr. , p irkolt ~, 1 Itht .11.. Zirr,s.,or ftlf.T..Tll:tY
;try ,tithits;:t4tti, •,:tvs,, 'II urra.l, for the
- . v i r l ii o f ; 1 , -..-Lit , !•••1 t , ‘ any pttrt , 1 1 It.• w-rlti with rwrf , rt :-:114 - •ty.
. •
.r;pl, , :, ri.,k. tt,rll.•lll4. ,, l) , Utrlrti c al.
Nil, 14r)--say we —lnirrn e Ji for tin: girls ' ' n,i ttl, -•.,111,ra alid lt 1 , 4,-nit ottuiwtr that bar- - .!veri
• :- 1.,,..tti,,,,,t,.t 1 , r. 311.1 Niipii , rf Will , 10 W , •11 tW ,11.1 ,111.1••7.:1Illille I
, 4,... . r-r th-,,, , ,,,,•
4 :. ~ a „.,.,,,..ati,„ t , ,e(t a g•iod-i.itiking ! / bi- T-.". noierl.., ~, ll' I ft A NTED to ioe ilfi • ri , r to
, I , U.Vi.. , .9' 1 .• , b1.,/ , ,) , : ,, ...1; r , , 1 b• fi , l'ill,lie.
lIIMI wr,...-,tling• with your win: in a, waltz, with- 1
I - .l ; .nis IHNNI:t Cr.
too :•:,.rth Fourth Ftrvet. l'itilad tlpili:t
(Mt IVIVIIIg the- privilue of ',tiling up ~.,,
,and t) , -;1„, •,. is: , 4
'' • I • . 4'.' 1.1
tLt'l2,, ,, iting hi.i. ttf•ckeychittf. .4C • A. L. ARCHAMBAULT'S
1 Portable Steam Heisting and Pumping Eit
',Viivr ii the cittlertittee betweesi a sellool- 1
master and an •-ntritie driver?
1 • - i
clue tritins the )ni . n(l, the ether minds the
t . a u=—+nm( IftlC .
THE in Park, who lately made
I:ortieth.aivent in a balloon, has certainly '
Inoving . -in thc. upper circles.
PAILTINGTOY says that there must be
s•irt rif kin between -poets and pullets,
they are alwari chanting their lays.
Wtimgs have no beard, beeattie 'they would
have been able to keep from talking long
ea:ltigh to he shaved
~g.~~~ ;
YANKER hal invent
.Al.l Lila' , . 1 ....._____ ..... . ~..-A--.......,..--.....7.7„„
— ______l_—_ —i
801'8' CLOTfrOPIC. LEATHER. rt .,.
\l 'TIRE SliticßlßEß..would irespect-i RITZ, HENDRY &Cti 22_ ,..i
faiil infer their numerous friends andel:LA=oler I
1 Scuuylkill County. that their ant of Clothirk i
es ti
n *kan an d Im t i= ll46l3ll _ ol rat3_ l2 : Tr ctt lib
Y°ll "" eutielhgn is t ' lat I ' ll"' than era. = 431 i l' i till=lca tll fora .4lllU3V
11 Oicap. Pergolas ibis* at • , 00. f
_______ _
_ 2___
are MlP :me 4 to o f ha :ins clothing Past haaed • at
i kayo tin, prirtlesn exc. n
I this it 6 "l if theTd6 not F. A., nor! a saerruEß,
i 272 Chestnut se r , como i cl T•atb • rhUs"
I Aprll2llB%
oth r r I
Spring Sales, 1853:. . •
hit JOHN S I'ONE spNs,
43 South Second Street. Philadelphia. have just
e opened their Fpring imp..rtatiensiof
RiVemt, FPneeee; A tcleee.. Croy. Including a
general amrtment or :.trticles ut the Moat fash
lenahle styles.
The above goods have horn imported (;xpressly for our
Spring' sales, and comprise the largest andbest assortheut
In our line to belound in this market.
Philadelphia. March 10. 10.fim
.e r im Sulseriber, determined to close
his Carpetibusinegg. offers the entire t•tock, consist
ing of all the new sty lea of Enzligh Vi•lvets. Tate+trv.
Brussels. Ingrain. and 3 Ply and Venetian Carpet. Made
by the celehratkil John C nwsley Et14:Irlfl; toFeth
er with an immenge stock:4- Imtrain. 3 Ply and Venetian
earpo, of demastie manufacture. :. , tair ftods.
Drugt:kg. tilleetp kin below
cost. ta. eagh. ',Now is the tjThe h.trzding.
. 2 4 T"p,to Chrrn ut.strrr!,
Philadelphia 4 March 10, . j ln.3m
I 11:r. e no five, le n t
I AI i A N ." e the largest Stock to
t. 41.100:ia*ylayeatnite0.- .
Jr , w an ,
atess** ern — 4
• • 111kolessilie'ilfed'itetati. - - Fac ra trYs
I , ,l tset t,l:;! a t n it a tt ai ll er t t t l ii j
I greitl
Bonnet y.
Go°6ltitFeneriL .171321'4".a*en-tilgitettz:iiTed.L4o4l' ~e7aAtt:eittrl-u:'*".h.letrmttreintri
_ ital&red. Or, 1. ela Ty; y.
- - .
loaf Nubia. mutt ilde, &near oppnalt.- ,_, ___ ,_
_, _
and bora, (11Are to cull
BOUM Philadelphia .' bete; he fortud mksrierieatrairmille-lopr, Poring Toombi and Ironwoods, att, ,
. .4)..ii11e • - •:r,Mt.7lift d hS uct all b itlet : Nt' 61‘.4' vtlati
extensive assortment of goods in the above linm to iv _ te. Opp'' , gr a m u po n nos p rim blesetas it: ._ ,
the attention of Conntrf ,
and Hue Philadelphia...March J.Q. 1!o I ; : . , : she att ention of C,Ol Operator* and, ihe puidiegunerany.
prrtieularly, intited. /Kr • • At4tl=a4 et -- 1 _. • • OLATFORNI SCALES
,' . tbe Very test Of matigiale. and. orders for
cash Prical l -sLI t -----1--.. 1v" 1 —, i . (y.
ever . ...
.. .. . ..
r .b4 y description; suitable for • Rail= ` t e r : • Prom
r oatenstTe establishment. ..,. 'Fangornenta are made
CALEB MILLER, -c , 1e,..-tr w Z I,'
irii4i !
e a rl e ily zo! weights:lg ll*, Coal. Ore awl ILer- l ; 11 " 0 * i.1 1 7e mono will be 111141 at the ahorteq no .
lie. 211 South' Sixth Stircea,-13,"te.
. 4. , c , k ,i 1 Purchasers run no risk . ercry Scak iPt. ' and " the """L"AtiPtn4."it'. t O n" '" .
I AJRKISII Emery, ,S la nd asning I is. f t, l7 r =fi l ,. enrrtzt. nod if. allerilitiL not fund saes... t. , ,, ' fTstiiLutlll)," t r ta n iZelA'o ll F ffiliCiFf4 the , tirievi
poem, st,vsni Glue, 0 004- . . • ,Ite..; j. wash. lnc . :be returned without hime. .• • .
P Po workmen. Invite the meet a
e7' ;rat the' OM Stan d. established for More than kid eamin tier* or test of their miterut. promising them'
:u u t ,lx
at y
comer a sinat
4.0. sietm
„trees, Ha. , p : riu t h turned out in othhr manufactories.
proms. Tarim, Burlaps. ae...,11"01114 05 : 11 Excel.:
Piano Forte Hardware. Nitool C 1 011; et the lowest l i t wen t y
..... ears,
(Lemma. .• ABBOTT a CU, ii• • .- iii.:IKRY K. NielloL,W.,
Aunt for the illowine, - , . , • •'',.
1 4 .. - -45 , bzw. • stee,asost. mama & . Aheett. t•- .Tan. G. 1 - 74 f - JOHN; HAMAN.
Ge r a Piano Forte 10'• 1 6.3 m ,
bun .X,co.'s Pape - ' . *Mom tt m r •rrr.
sloe sand ank:PUlf it' SONS,
phibut Ortil Second Street, befell -
, --- ,7 1 and Sonlletrest corner Itighth lt. Spring.
.•79, Pailaekiplda. iiould rosPortfully inform
7. 4 4
.7tyilittomen,!tiannendtootth47. tbiate.; 7 l r t j az just
Afindow Seder. Their yifitt, d'r., Art s .
de r , et very mime
lees. wholesale and retail. I
LE NYLVE- - We wilt FM. fair Trete gas clomr'as any
. .V7lf }Y. ref* flee kind in thi. rity. - •- - 1 ' ,• i
Itsdelphia. April 7,1 1 65 bar _ 14.61 n
.1 .~,:. i.~ l~ld
. -
()IL\ 1)(1NN EJA,Y.
• ~„ , i+ ~d .%;i4r•trt.
I •
-• V.rt!,
,r,•h•• , irt.ttNions3l.ll.
artirl , in aft.-r a em-at A-11 , 1
•11 ,1 ,!.•.1 r t , . :1:•• Pviri ii'
1 ,,t nti , l • •,. 11q•i
11110,11-T II •r 31.I,••11,11 4 1• , 1 .111 1,1 , 11T12
inarliwr in 11.1trlt,t , are
# .,1 in tt, St.-mll
in MI 1 1 . 74 I
071+ rPri;:phl {V 'd ; ;kis tztr itrvf-rl l, lc.
more than tlv•
ronn•l si IV! r.,,,,11 /It fruAt I
OliMl atl-*
I vant.,,, , • it is now. in-icture•
and sp rtitnw.ow . , f•olal;‘0.1 , 1,, and fill is All nit
.rllO.l, rlel.rl; v.•-anti any
11 1 0 i? 101oling and Cargoes, '
raisin;.! Iron Ore from Mines. pumping' .
ater,..tri‘imi.iire-washen.. Mr.°, arraiiii...d express,
`' foe fritrint: portabl ,, aini stationary r'aw AlUls. Also,
1.1t..3411 Olen) to !%lilis IValer-paver Las failed
` CAN CSI-:11 VOW rur.L.
SPRING GOODS, isss. .- : •
• Ei. !PREEN has now in his store l'i
?I • a large and choke stock of ..;;Plik.Ntl l Dll.l:SStlit)ol ) .S.,..l .)
to - which he particularly ;Ai: the attenth.n of the ladiea 1.1.
of Potuctilla: Beautiful spring. silks. from $2 . 7 ,41i. to $2.50,.3, ,:
Iterege andiCireitadlne robes. Is each Lawrie ana.t.conctiyi. GARTIERS & ALLEN'S IRON WORKS,
Plain Camliricke and Percale,' British and French prints,
.; , Tsumq . sa , sehny i k ilt County, Pa.
itareize de dines, Sattunr Ila.uftelit ke. Bischoff' s sup!u ,, •: ' . I . The Subscribe s, proprietori of the
M ack, Filiglgi unequalled in color and quality . lzhanis and
~ i , amia, abore tn
-I"tilb* i j r I lre ' ai. 4l4riet)' ' ant at the bCa'tat P ilmat ''
i ' 'M
' annum to the citliens of *chuylitill cola'.
.1 D. Go+oe has but ONE Pitler, and that thaLOW,.;I7. r ,6, . . A - .: •'. • - ... - Iv, and the. pnblia 'generally. their TOM
ES kti
T for Cll. Corner of Ninth - and Arch strertn Phila. , : : - 113X`,
neistn turn oat itris .- and all - kindlier Irork
delphia. k Bisect( 17, IMS 11-31 d ° ~, -Jts --.-- --- .
their lifer. at tlia shortest &wilco, and in the moat sat
`f' isfactoryinner—sucha:. tndlditig Stevan Engines. man
' &act urin Bail read and Drift Cacti Prunes , Caetiege and -,. - - 3 kinds.
lio.lll, North Third Street.
( - 10N$1'AN'FLY cn% Sland. a large asli
sortn;ent of Pen and Peekoi Knlves:Seissom anti:
Runts, Table'Jinivrs and Fprini.. in ivory. stag, builaitt3
i 1 1? EAT itaraai to:, at No T2l. NO't t;11 1 Pl' l ll
f :,...
. 11, 114
it ‘ i
;t- , -0,4t ,t 1,4. :ll', e , \ ihr. Phil:o,lo,in ..i . , . .. 1
il, 'suds. , 1 1..r.,dh• j er. I Ile tr.tdo.and init.lig In, i _ _
',./. t h-Ir ~" Il m: 111-1 f in :1111 it, , :II i.,11 , 11101011144, , 11i i D I III (
tat, -I ~ .1- y le and Ih:hit. t:a... tltand.dh.r.. 1' , ndant,...1 .4 id.• I 'r. .1 4,
Dr:ti.1,1 , ... lirw r o I.i.Alt•i; Pillar : I.i.:111:-..1 , .. &,. .Vl,, Itli.‘ , .* i , l
: ,,,i ,i,1....i,c.i, ;0 01,.,:o., , f 1.1,1 p I 11-11.,1t :I,.rs. 'i i.. 11i . , ..1,11.- ni.r.,.
ot•. l'•lii.t.kiil,. I ttpr.,c,l l'in.. t•Il I..ta . T. Fluid. Lat.t; 'hi. •-.....-..
Sll-1,,i:.r0.... 7.1“11 .m.. 1 7_ht 1....ta1.... I,lli fan \ .. ..a;tld ' Wit,
1.;•.,..; .uitahl, 1 ,, t - all purp , l , . , a lit.r.• liOli way 1... 'r...
,-.11r,..1. 1.11.1,11 , ',,•.. ii ; i1 1 11, 1 11.1.1,, \ ari,. litr.:,,Aa j: . . i A4 1,4,d
.., , t,i' . ,' 1.1 ,, P..• i:ini , ..l. 7—..1•• :LP,I `rand lamp , .A It ..rte: t.:Lijj
1,,./1, ,',.••% :Illit pri , •• , ...PI, Ili. U. ~ ..5,..00.1., .1 I.lo_ iitt: I
extf•ilis .. ricidaill. , 5 •1,1,1 14.11:i'r ~,.. / 11,.,-1,,,,...1 . ,5,.. kr . ,
w ....
I n ti l .., a tt,,rti,,n to li t -. nth'. wlt, ;Airing part : H. , :.i , :..4 I. r „ I I 511
thll ad, •n0n.,1•111 H .....1'. 11.1.•ni.Tio.
EIDI: Irk-11 ,1 11N I's C. ..k: 111': , \TII rdt. m it, I
N IT. , . hia. ‘l...r•'n •.1. 1:•:, • I. :td ' I
' 1...-;„'
Port •Monnaies, Pocket Books & Drespyg Cis s.
•VIAV Slw hand. :I I:lrVe 111111
fitsi !,,,1:;1N..,,y1,,...
I) •
. r.!!. ry.
-Jo.. ••• third
,r• 'or t •
r.,4 . n t , tip,rkr 'dl P.ll rrikt
cdi,t .00• .4 • q irs
1 . 0,:t - tufb.l.. it ;.
i -
‘iii--:.I AUS t .
C 4 :.IT & Vo -
11 ,
11 - 1: -111,...,,1.1„ GP ' tV
i :
-INN 11.1.1 h. \, ~ h•• , ntt .trf..l. tlli (.. illy
I tall 11• , 41. , e.1 . 11111.1.•:1•11i.t. A•••1•.•11.4!,rttly
P'! r)-110 , 1:. U. • 1.1'1•••1 ' troto tli• - • ili.1•;:t 1.1•11Iit4 Au
di ,r, :•t 11,- i I .t.-.t ,tart...:,i,i ,4 - -t> iv tliai Hill ,i'i.:l:4, it la
aily::-.u...1 at :r..; lii-r lieu . ... - 11t11 ,- r 111 lIIIS ri ' 4ipti's
tir. lii:iir pi. - „
TIS-s. tris• , i`o-• Ih. , !•:,•1 , 111-,‘ 1•• aryl •unr•• te• it,: .0.11• Ii••
th.v; ;heir •t.e•ii •,f :.!1....? M 1.1 ,, nu II CA ... , , , i.t%:;0; th.•
:. e .. t .",,
i a ,,,i ,”...., ~,n,pio ~:•,
~ ~,f .ti,..,,,i 1.. In- fi , 1111.1.16 the
.• , !'lltr.. !II _, 'A. , . 11,1..111ti1 . ..:41.1i114 to ilioir i•Tiich. ii.i.a iiie
\ ow . 3 ,
)1 i.i.i li•ii , 'lslit .1 in . % i•iri. .t 1.4. itostow ~.... :.4
. .
21 •••,•1 . 3
U.! .',1•111•1:t1 01,11:il Alt Itt•• • 04:/lr • itr
k !!.!. •rull•-ifi :4 Iv!! !! ,, t Utnnnt
‘,l I -rk hi, !1 I;,,thh.ih. l‘hh,s.t priecin4 •
. •
„,,31 , turlit. ;.! ;In
....;1.1; If.ilp : , tritz=.
. - .t
the lite snide nt the l ,, weSt rat t.q.; t
•!..r% I;l:merit:tit!: ;011114 , 1 I.
\I; L s .;:"1, and, /';tl.iirat I;;14,;,4t11
OF.?;11,:. ri .1 , 11. \ \\ Mii•i.•
F,1,. 4. I ,
Of Put tai lair unit Vicinity. *.. !.
, V(;NE \V & (:();. 191; (licAliktit SII - cet,
,z Phii.l,l , '.1 , 1,,a. are i. , dr oll.din:.• to pur...bit •::-.. a
spli•it,li.i .t.. - I, t' st . ..t , ,- -. 14 . 11.: 511.1,1. Al:totill4 'll,l
lirtl,. (tool.: their :issort Incr.* of l'a th
risdha, ‘..niiltill Is
is i-ery • ,, ,t,dish',.. e dardidi,..• .dle g• 1 the 14,4 :tit t eyed
f.tid.s in th..•d.v.. :not at ea+7 ,, 1,1.., yd., s, .' i ,
;$.;,, ~r(,..-1.1re:.-11.1. i 'aslthior, 11.11 d ii,1 , 1 hord e rrd . 5.ik,,,,1i,
1.11...1,1 , 1aa,... A 1 . ,. a !:. - trr,:., as •, rltio , :a of M , ,,i Eta
brdplered and l'lalr, ra - nr,d, ('rip' Shut, is. . • :
." ' - —Part 1..1111114 4111.41.114 11 iq requested to our - , stork
,1 - !lte , s• ;de, l'.;:till , 1'3..: , 1. -drip-. l'slorat, .1 rill pie aifl:ltek
silk, i f all . 1 ,..,1j1... yr,i'l pri..,•,.i. • It ach
.Sili--. id . : ~:r eat
'O:, t.,.
r: . f;....i• —FI. ome , 4 Iltar , ::•• P 01.... g,,,,,,,,ii.1,4,:. , ri,..
sak 1:.,,,,, .I, ~,,tif %).•,1,1,.•!,4 I tllllti , 114411111 1 i. PHI
-1i:60...1 14.•111111 1.1 , 41 1.114.111 4 .:11-( 1111111, a.- E111i , [ 4141 1 14 - 471141,
leflllll 414•4' , 4,34,11i4•1144. C 4 ,11111"... Ti."4l •S. Th1tr.14'...111'14, ithr.ll4.
NI 1 . ,111 41 1911 , 41... i. of 1ti1,1, , ,115. 1.:0it... ,11,4 Illonllniol's
ails.`. 11t,...i0t. 01.. ,
• .
C.,,,tatitiy r.,....1% in:: frlLli .r.up1;.......f .0..3....,na1qtr ,,,,, ts
T., q.nme.r. front . I la,n•4 I,il.•rpot.l. `‘,.v: Y , .rk ?ID It Phii
-8(,1111‘1...%11-1i,71 rule. 1:11,11::..vrA Nr. r...1up5t, , i1; . t., ..all
and ..velin.• ~ l ir , t , .. - 4. , I , 14 1 ." 111 1i.1 .'.'1 , 1111:•1; ,' 4 ,1.0;.11 ,
p?!... Ivlsinlt 11.; N,F.1.1",1 111.
Ai tr, 1 1 .'.1. '...ip I:',-*.:ln 11.; !''r. -rori . 0 .1 I'".i/..i.4,11,4'„).
hei airwoil tit Rolling ';:410t1)
(io horizontal.
fii.*( 1;44 st r.•ke..wi t Ivo forre pum r ,,,:veopper
air "t•xlinu. , l Icl tt. r
how.. z fat iron vi it liont
entinti-r .haft, and With
olot and I , * : rat,..l nt res.l.t:.-fitt. 11 , .144.
p(iwor. Sul talhh fora Crilliery
m k ....itm4l Upright. finAine...--ten Inc ii,..lli‘der,
lir (an and a kill hirlio , :fO . l—thi.
ttii iron 1,0,1-Itititt and ti.l nin witlrlit ltttutp
rtt.t:d at toil Itt , r••• 1.04-
. .11nifines ixer(i built 1 .7.
Sl•l•ii iu .I,rAtit zt at 311 V till),
Th-y (it , to I. to tit
! au Tiiiliar fi; e t n'thimter.
ft . aq iiisn;ty.t wr . ;
one and warn -eieliths iliamoier:sti ri I)I•IV ;
01141,11 fili11;111.? ;
1.. r and thirty-tict..f.- , t hi;fh. ttivin;:: a draft 4.
feet fr..n; 11;4:I -ate 1 , 31-;. - ;
win %,” 5..141 itletrat«iy.
h.leth«r. ,;tahle the n;4•1;
in Jule Thenith IMil«r is; milt; us« 1.«
11. tir - ercd sissy time. Althhis E. :s IThii & CO.
Mrtreh ; 11::ttlt
'rlhomitioti Fire Proof
With Hall's Pate . tit
Pr..ef I.orkP. whkh award
,«Tir:it« t Ivorl;rf,
sir !ga l lica), 1 , 451, and iiii•tt'itt. the
:•;el.l s Fnie. +mil
;4. 'fite etibstritnift: e , the one
ittld roit's)ntoN in
tit. State or th« ales r titiequallint
Ifet. timl hock.. Ti.' ,i.iplitntifin
'the ip-n niTir , •11erilnOl
°rid Ithle,ml4l for thelitAt
the- tortothtlin Ottillouttity
10 tet , t knotty toln:it rOnlr
lie than 12.0011 of these' r , itti.; have
hrer t hintelrod totvt ting Ned tri-
Ininohantlyihmtuth te•ti4 , lental fires. ,The le are as..
!snre,itblit ineinuthcttsre,l t.y are
not only putrante, , i tole fully equal.' hut in pinny ren
4,ten tiuterior to those lm c.- been '6l; i.i.verely
11,41 Ity flrti. --Few alll'forvet their .errire Itt:kle burn
-14, of the itTribunn Pitabllnfinwlit, " New Yrwli.'nnii nt
the Great cite In Stniefberry street. nt the large: fire butt-
July, opyr4ite the taraid Honse; and 'still morr, recently
5 in tho fire At Filthnnett:hesnut Os, in thin rit}.o which.
these Pafenruneforth the-ncknowtodgett rhamlyton. when:
many other; Securities fille4l. FARTItlik
Iron Silt and Hank 1.+1,." Makers. 31. Walnut itfi
Iron Safes, nit!' Ponder Proof .ke
inniut, Br& -
i Wholesale
AND TAY4E 011.
Itird'atiett; 8.-W.
NV ,rl,
It If a re
c 13,--sctc•ci.
P.crt:ll.l. D.
Cizccr A
.1 tli L
1.1-1/RI Z. BEYERLE &
!Mike Scrims Ilaautseturers, ,
IitINERSVILLE;?, Schuylkill Coa,
to tuanulketure &vadat,
• Pe, . 1 44 dn. of • , , •
; :TTML; III3I i SetengiPaddleiMire Bl'to.otlill,
Wert lett at their 13110 P. la Minim:
*ill, or vri h Clemens & Itelater's
nardirary s lean Fitote.Alentie stea: Perhaille.ufil
I;e; atteudol to OM Sauens repaired at the
net re. ItrUTZ.'!UrItERLI: & CO.
April '4l „ , 'Dee. 39, ".,54,1.*] „ -144 in
(Change of Proprietors.
ON*. TILE uilders,igned ,have as
-4 4*v slimed the proprietorship or the Wire
••• • rvrettn* Vtietv 1:1041 atree!. titrly con.
..; itaebiner.,i of all lam— . , . .
' Only thfr best it,,rkuien are em ployed. and s a tisfaction 1 Piper; for Writing without Pen dr Inks
may there le irately guar3riteed. Orders from rd,road , 1 Cloyoo L , dres. Plants. r7me,rx, PAurri. Betiern.t prr
r" promptly tal.i. ' Cet.RTERt." & ALLEN.. _ ./rnbrwirlery, .Varking Linn 1,1,14,14. and
1'•:k "r 4-tt . .lArarlorrt IVrding.
1,111. I'. 1'7,3
ill i.
Franklin SlaOltel
t i Itt,l
t' t•cliti .11_10 i' } ttitlt .'t • .
.• I •tt..•••,t Attotti-ii p.trti , li 1 -1,, ' .11 in 3 1,1, lir,
31'. 1 t jr ht. tttt•A 4 , t-tt lott- , lta•thz tt.
t ,
it.. 141Ttoii promittlyotten.u.t , ;_ rttlt I.t. It. i•lt , S1,1:1: 1:1. i r 41....y. 14. a. nod On 1,1,111:114,
, t .11 I.\ 1.11
a t .
I irt,
! ('•ti}~' il. 1U!lt
. • MOROCCO FACTORY. ri. , Id:v. th. ti- , 31-'i-imi.nt -,1 1 .,-,r,...,,,.. '11,,t,i,
POTTSVILLEIRON WORKS. : - . 1)1Z(1('I'-4 I 1,1.:.1'11-1E1? ;Intl SII1)E 11 •",i . ''',‘ 1 ""'' 1 • : !'"' \ ''. \1": 1- ' ', - , t'' Thl'ot i•• ,-1 '
tii.,•0,4:1•1 '. l l Ire) \ A, 4*" : . r••••.1.•ornil,
voillitillii1111 , i• I , i ' t hi. - lath& that thi.v 1,3 ,-, 1 Fdidirerz4nre. at Dern , old •itanti,.• - al itailt , af .rt , 't‘tl,-;,:ni‘..l;'::J.l:::;',.::;'_'.'-'1:2:,:... :ri',,';:::l::'l,:t.;',-.l'i'trl','...l.i,:;
• ..•,,f il Atai.ol , 111, itl.ial•li-1111,.-ilt ltilltiwti ititt iiit• i..•i11-,iii.. O.
, , . 1 , 1 Itti i._ ,' 1,, i. , 'ltl , t T..•., LI i
•••• ,.1 ,,,,,,,., 04,, Hi m w „ r1 ,,,.,,,,N 0rw ,,i i i, ‘,,.. The we1er,,t it - - f , r - tfttl,‘ in , li.• .•u.ton,,, r, ot ' .ri,,,,.“ 0 i ,„,,,„,„„L,r.,01,,,,, i : i, 1,.,.t n 1 ... it,,,,,, 1,,,L. , ,. 4 . ,
~ 111.4,,1it.,.,. th,S 4i, 1 ,11 1 . ' " ' .4 4" litill."11 kind, 11, ,0.,,,• NV t•li WU ~1 1 •0 , :a 1. 11 , 1 , 1n1 .1, 4, 110 , ili Cilitill - , N 'lt -.1d," ti •r- ..r' . ..t- _-,i,i,r,,,..,.,. ~f 1 ,,:,,..,,t,r,,
•iiiiiiii I tt_ it tt- Oiit.ittili . iil or, Itailroaf Cit." , illytt NI, ' 1.1 t• Oli•,ilit• tti :ill kin.), .1 - , . . . .
i •-ry of :ilit itcery dokriptinn, at the xhorte-t fiti.• I Niiiiiiitrii.ll.
. i
. • .i i i 6 . •. it , ti r ill , itej, :i . ti Ki•l.: 4, rpit, Fre', ii 1 1 , 1 , (T0.5iv.... fiat a.0•11tooir
•. ai,.l ,a, Ilo• ol,i I, im,,,,a ~.. 1ay.... c i.... ~. o •
~,i. i,, -maw of rltr:iia• ii!t,iii -..., vt ill tind it ~,• th.-ir Ilin'lilna , Iluklll-IId"t- , '• ,0. -• •N`r•r N''l n' In '' - ' , I , ‘IIIIN
valllatt , fo ~:Ivr l ' ii,., a c•ii.l I.,f , r..i.ari,a e .tiii,.: vii.,,N11,,,, , laar•o, haul, ii-11, raja— •r-To.•ol tti ,C.lL,iii t i, ~1 4 . ,....v,
c ll_
P air, ill.•. V.,,% 11 *1:. . I fif •• : •I'III.t ti, II 1 , . , ',,X;Tariii,-.1 h.'. re,l - :•,:le Leath. r, :lan_ iit•ir I
. ~,
POTTSVILLEIR....n WOR KS. I Nlitirr. riir,r 1,....i11wr. atni a Narit , ty of Shoe Vitl , lill,:f."
1 vottitellrynrid:Ocliiiirlittsilirsoi. ) sllt - Ii :is Tlirlsa.ll.:lN , ail-. 1'....s • litnir.: Ai.. Arr.. all of .i hip h
, TicE•J - The "titiNrrib , r , ba,..• thi. : Ni Ili it.. add al rA,,.1 , ,-.v.0.t ••,li F ri . ..
),,7. ,r . " . " .. Fa11e. ,ll..Sy . i'l. vrm.d .. r .fiArol, 4, rtt,r , hip . . iiiif • ' i- Ili. II _ .11.11 N L. MINNIt.. '
..' '' t • ' Nun •,f I. illfti•b". :.t NiiTII 3. ft,iii)liilty. • ff.t: - An 1,11,1:1 ..r :.-1,j!,. sna , h 3, :=1,... , p ~; v.. 1,, ,•,...,,,,,
6 ,„ -. 7 ., :., lb. trad , ..e , i :,••r a 4. e••,•,T if".,;•,./,* ' alitil AS , . Slltillti. 1..i11i.i•1l ill ,‘,ll:tri,i- for 4..,itla•r. at Ow
r - r :1.,• 4 !ad .110,, i;:. ft,,,, ~ t: ' , at . 1 , 1 . i. Itigli.oe iii,,rir , .-. ~r paid I,r in •,, -ii.
4...1 ,-,I -1.. a ,... 1 1,.. I:•.ii It ..iii,-; .. ri• ,rof \ r' alld , i'. ' "Viii.‘ 'frt; .2".l'"' i 1 l-t f
•,, I •trootl , ' I; 11 I' I' , NllitaY. - ! ,
. .
- - , . VI NI. SMITH.
" - - _- - - - ''
I. lititilt.lNlol - 1,1 , 1,N,f,,,t; It. It. tail FAI - rorzy Al'
1 -I.rll ' 1 , ..": V2-t 1 ;I C1.1 1 ,1;.1Zli 1 ::”11:11". SA -}•• •
I • 1, 1 St. Clair, schitilkill County, Pn.,
FOUNDRY AND AC SHOP, THE SlLll,eriher. y)t tho,l:ity tirni .
'St eclat Car ;Factory, itc. ,
Brik:fit A. 'l,:tN‘t , `k'n .113%1.1,2: fir, lii, Al rlnfart , r, in
...e"..... N. reit:K...l_llw 1n,in,..., , ,t the lute firm ,
i,17 . 7 . 0 31 0 4
~ ..,..,N yomi , mi.,,,,:...
will ~,,
~,,none, c „„, 1 ,1t„,,,1,••:.i, 1 .,,p..•,•1 1.. I.l..imi:•,th, 1• ) n.,...hir1.-
, 7. ••' " •1•••1 I.) th•:,.,..1.8• (I • • II ' t • r, , 11",, ,,,,,, I•••:•••”... 5•. , . , b., br ~,r, ..,„,,,, B.•„.
.. • . •••••r ;II ,i i s rani. 11,
.....- .... l, t k , i ing I's, I ~:1.1.1 L" , Itt•r- . '„c...ira ,
4i I It:i: ~r ‘7l li. s of, :-.l,3iii I ,k,,:i is.. laiildind 11,' , 1,
".skietr. vouli,der. itiniidfa4 furor (it all kinds sit '-'2W.,,,..,._,., ,11 1 ', 11 ,.','",`" z !" 11-- " i '„, l 1i :"%.,,ii,v -- „,,,..
M. , !lima , f , ,r 11 , ,l'ink.: ~ 1111, . 111 .t 1 lital.i , •vs. Itaiir ad , ' Ali*" ° "1,• / , ; ". ':"'"'"" ' '','.' ",.'' ii "' . .-, 7 ' 7'
4 ;..........
r,i'•• eok..,ki.n. He ,i HI 31. , }l3, , ,timi, th,. I visit,' ..,.. "f" Ili, 11 ,, 1. , I i... , ini.l.,q-. A... et , .. at tiii• sii ,, rt, ..(11 , 41 , •,
111 awl -ikiiii,z 111 , - 5k,1,1 ini„,l f , ,,,, , „f • gh,t, j, ~,,,,i , 11 , • 113. ,f. , r ',11.• laittil , , , r , , f ittr. ,1 , ---rilai , al. 3i,,1 ,katt
L,1,,,,, ~,,i ~,,,,,,, 1 ,, ,,„.. 1 . ,,,,i
,1 ,1, , ,„, I
,_ 1,.,i,,,z ~,L, Fr , rr i,„ ;' furni , lll:ilis of laiml ..1 M 41.1 t iodi ~. Alk. , ..ttii iirs..rt
• kkt 'll , -, C , Ili, r' , .. ; 1, k . ,4 'L{4l-, w f..N y I)Eit . mi. lit .4 1),. , k, 5T ,, ,,h .113, d stint pri,,,,1 . 1t..1 7 , ,,..1., A,.
i s :, It. & r ,3,tista, tivli , p liand .
, l', rs ,, i, , Ivsir ,, tis ~ f par , liki , liar •vs ti , l , a , in his lin, ,
TO COAL OPERATORS &, MINER . 1.1.11‘,..1i Arr. iil , it. , I to , all awl latin, his st , rii an
Pioneer BOiler Worka. I wort,iiiititsliii, ik,•t,,i, pm, basin.: i 1.,•,hi1.•
Tr.m - '....... 4- '1 11, sul,kioril,, , rs ik, .1,, , ktfiiiiv Inuit.. the; i , 1.1 , T. M , .91i. 1ti..1 Mot ~ .tri,kt at tort ion mill 1•k :iv,
ri'9;l!misl:l:3.itt, nti,ll, i.if ft,. 1 ~,,,...:,, r .„ . 11 , 7 „,,1, , t„, to !Ili ir faitikftao and tirifitipt vklvsaitikkr,. ~
4S" htli'` , . ,,, , their VI nil %%, , ths ~,i I , 3drund vtriskt . . 11- i ' 1'11AI:1.1> 1, k NI - I' , .N.. 111
, i 1.1.;',. ~,,,, , 1- , t 1,0 pii.....,„ . .,,, U. p„t 1 , ,,,,,, i 11,.. 1%, . i ... 1. Clair. FA ,, vit Iry :1. Pi:,:',
jhr.',LßAM's? kit her; , t ki elf as, pn; to Dian ufart tin ,
11 .11.1.;;;- , 4)1 1 Vl.l.'i 111 ~ I 1:11 TO IN. :,-1 v
5,, , ,,,k,• sta.-I.t .lir Startkv!l:liist Tip,-v, (433 , in, , tiii v. Prift
Ca r , A.. f... Its 11.. Oil lin I 1 'I. I . 1
14 1,,.. , pr -, . ii :31 ia , • , imillki, la.' f , ...,r , ..‘1,,,, , t, ,i !
1111,1 , ••1v , . u•lif in i% 1., tiar 1 , 1,1110 td 1.11. i i, .t. 11,- , 3. Plat
t. th.•
t .
~5...1‘..- thi , ~, r1..14;n. ...t lli , ir ~..t,i0,0,1,,,,ii us 11l
g i •, siti-fii,ll,,'Ti VI all V. lir) It,LIV l ' ill• , r th, ill 45111, fik, an.—
I ti.iiv flit tis it , -1 - o , ititvukt. ,•.ill 1 ...1 it ~....01, t „ t h,i r 5 ,,1
I ,1103: , 1. , r•Vtliiillo• 111. 11 Wt.rb l“ tM1,:1•11trl "illff ”I,, , lio`ri•
; 1M ly ... 1, , i.. P. , tf . ',.1 ,1 ,, f1N it .1.1)1,1-4 \(d11,11
.. 447 TILE ScllSCillitlA.S rh.e•prOttill.. , ae
:. nouner it;the Ittli , .: that theirieru...n.olt
' " '-: - in,.. ,, Xllll-it n it etoriplete4 Atel'hi tlill ope.
Z se
II iei,tee. retion. littii thnt they are iwrparett to vup.. I
.0 ply 311 Mild, of !tar I r“lt of i.ititais Azi, :
villieh (11!•V will warrant fo I”. siiperior Inhhituill)y to tiny,
iii.iiiied lent afroaol. at the •-aine Pri-es. . I
Tl l ,. al,. thianuf ,turfhhif llail , h. for Il e.
e, i• of the (N
-il hries mud LateraHtoad , ,hweih;hlnz fruit 111 1 ,, ciii lio, per
ntl. Mete i ( the i-vt lktin. and iviti-li trill be fund
inh cheap , licit! the linprt.-1 till Me.
hhiein.: pray? me , .7limie.....itel having hi d ootehteral.le .
n p h •re•tehe in the trhin lautio. , : i . they flatter theliewlve.,
titat they ran cite etilfre: ralt,:!le'li , ql 1 , pirrli3S , rot
3 ,e mai., it thei: ihtter..4t thh lhatrhall, 11 , -fo;i , fry t flfit: ‘ ,- '
tirh,..h. • h . .ft OP , : III'IINISII ,t CO. h
Dech-nilahr t, 1 , :,I .. '.. l .' ; hilflf. . ~
1 'of • .N.titih.Trltlcktruli.l.)..un-issili'l'i:..fet..triot*Slt.[uteml.firinhy.!
c r
.... • ~,. WILLI .1.:',.1 .f. MA 11T7., at Ilk lit. F! , 111,1
. 1 ir.ifatfl dry end tiaehitte :flog), oil M au d, - ch un k
Z ik4
...sai-howm , o h , i, iti tie, Ishrotezil of l'hhttsville. all- I '
j i ,,i „II,: E . E. ill,A NtiSiriStititii , Shop. lbe will inantlinc• I
tun -ail Hods of ~ T EA NV ENt hIN ES mid .1•CI:p;:. ~f A„ 3 . ,
power an.lcapacity for ri'i,ill; or tre:thity.t. Coal. ptiticping
hr other tilivi!'r , "f: f: ll 4liii'i'i iljawilox Cylinder*. Pater
',oven. pi n t .th , r true - liiiter) fir Mae! Vitro:lees. of the'
6h...1 and I n ept :ilint,r..lionnstrurtion. lie will al,. mate !
lii order RAI Lite lAD an DIU PI l''.% RS.
I Min.,: a pr .tint ionellintst atelattenhlian pert:really to l
every - department of Ilti.z.yrtahliAtuelit. , per.eniti giving
him ord.-r• - tsar rely titre perfect safety hai patine nu ir
work prrfenned prompt ti - . and in the very best manner. ,
All persoiot batiter eI3IMS arniti , t the Ilrin ' i f 7,1 , 3 etz A'
ntrikrn. will pre,ent the sante for srttloteent to the un- ,
lershrnell, and lilt 1,0 ; f-wills °icing silt firm will .pay the!
~_ _
ltanie to the ninh4sl . lneddliii belin: anthart rod to krill° the b e r .7 l : - . 7 , - . ...-
basin... , of the Lib , Mot. ' It ILLIAM .I . ..NIARTZ.
' Sept. 9, 1• , 7h I - ,.iii i n,i . 23, 1c.4 . ...,',-tt" I' • t,e,'
.- ..._ ~.._.
WASHINGTON IRON WORKS. • --- • • - ----
pottfiviue, Pa., '. • F 1 Willis Reaper Attachment.
I. ft 'tiros. & Co:.respeel fully invite w- , r I '6
i • Mr'. althlntirhn of the basineaa re rumwory I I t E 1 .CIII_VNI' S veiebritleti 'Mow in ir
. I I ''''-''
.. r•••
' In their:Now liewhitie :Shop end Ff.liiidry . - a h ... lifarlilini has been itriprovi.hd by the addlth.n of a
lit» .ererthal the; we e ,. Chi) and Ilaftroatlstrrets, i ; Itealahr A t tathinent. and il is new effertat as a Mower. or
and fronting on Norwegian street. where! as a 'Mower, and iteaper combho.d. allh full „...,,th,t,,,,,,,
they are prrietred to i.;.;ponte all orders for It .4 Hint it is the tuotit perfect and nrtrressfttl Machine' now
Brass and Iron:sorh as ! Stratn Pi:triers. all kinds of flear- In list'. !
,!lag . for ItOiliiii: Mills. lift-f and Saw MIN, Single anti Thisahlhillion of the reaper -has tarn rifeetral by en
' ipoulde aiding l'itions..(oal hreakers. Drill Cars. all kind.; larking the tlNtill wheel. by circular waetions bolted to the
'Of ttailmad Castings. siti!h ns Chairs for Flat-and T 11011; rho of the ttlehel. Crbis 'has been patente4.'t It can the
;Fro7,g. ?witches, 4r.: Midi Mils of east and wrifight Iron changed to the geaper in it few ruinutus, eithout injury
Shafting. Ikltirh prieliral ntiochanirs. and harlin.f made 1 to the Meier. '
the demands of. the COI' Re Bien their ;study for years. The saeno for the sale of this well-known machine is
!also all kinds of -Machinery in their line Of huslness. they still retalno ty us. and may Ire tern at the noire. N 0.78
;flatter themselves thati.,*ork done at that e'atithlishment South Wharres, Philadelphia-where-they will le dear.
- - --Lthr-limn tit' all who may honor them with a ered to puitubnsers after the nth of sth moutivkllay)
-driliThr_raeedred and promptly ese. Dort, by one of utu In person.
,V-..;,....- ---, , ,,,,, r - ---,..._ - Prim of ostors . slls; Mower and Reaper enmbined,
Vi JO j e o , L , :2' '. - ''.';',..',..". - ..: 7 ' ' unleatlons to be tuldraiSed
4iilffterteeatifia' ' ..-."',::. • ,-,,:..-.„. , ...-.• --,',..', ''''-.?:;771.f 1 -.op_tottpstmoth 2ti./4
4"t riart . '- - --
~. -.. ,,,,- "3. , ..eawaer--- . '
• ,' ' FOWLERS, WELLS...a Co.4'Phre.
m. nob:gists iitil-liatdisbArA. 211 Arch street.
0, et below Seventh, Philadelpbb, all
• workittms ,Phtesalom,klipkginy, Water
• ' Cure, Stignitkina• eaCktbonegrephy,
Sao and retadi at Ncw Farb prices. Pro
• ' teirtional eiradrttions. with charts: And
tuli emitted destription• ot" elbaricur, day
and evening. Cabinet tree.
FhlhAleitatis, February 24,1865 '
333 Broaiway, Opposition to Combination!
; 4.),
•• A Nottiithitanding the corn-
1 .. '...., hination of, f &tusk Waters to keep up the
1 prices of non-copyht Music egetinit the
i interests' of- p
ike simperer& and their
refusal to, exteud to M I
g. WATERS the courtesies of the
trado, .be ht making immense intlescr-having abundant !
evidence that he •harinablic cow:dew:Mae and support In
his opposition to the trrOst monopoly. and In his efforts 1
to aid :relict, Atlenlandadapt the it'dtiottai Currency--1
Ills stbek'of Anierican slid European Music is immense, f
and the catalocue of Dia own publication is ooe of the I
Largest aid best selected In the United States. lie has ;
op !
I also made It great reduction in the prices';
of PLANO'S, MezostoNs, and Mcetced. - IN- s
STRCRIENTS of a ll kinds. Superior toned'
ti 34 octsce Pianos for $1:5.. Side and fft r s , I
' Interior of as stood quaiity. and Instruments as strong
land durable as, hose which east vieo. 'Pianos of every I
',variety of style and priee, up to ,4.1,000, comprising those ,
;of different mainsfactories; among thew the celebro.
Jed modern improved HORACE,WATER.S . Pastes, and the
.first premium .4:OTRAN PIANOS Or T. Gilbert k Co.'s make.
'owners of the - .f., Patent. Emcomedisso Pismo! at
. yr....ut inrigains. Prices; front $44- .. t0 .3150, mry.,Dwris
tom fire. different IRS'nnfetctnries. including the well
known $. D. et H. V. . : Stiiithit Melodeons. 'tuned to the
equal temperament.) SO to..n male in Mr United Stales,. ;
Prices, SKI. SW, $75. 5.104, $115,, $l5O. Fmitli's
Double Dank Melodeons. pio. Each i'iono and Melode
on guaranteed, - The best terms to the trade. sclexds. te.
112 1 ,4 per Cent. discount ',to Ch niymerrund Churches- All
orders promptly attended to. Musk sent to all parts of
the country, post-paldi at the induced rides . General
and Select eatalogues and Schedules of prices of Musical
1 Instruments forwarded to any address, free, of charge.
'Nei! York, Februaryt24. 1555 , , ; 6-10 t
Potent Moulding'
rril!':. riopriet ors this jfist Iv
14d o nt ha vine rifinhlot. d arranoomont. , !...i .
tin . int .4-111.•ir n. tt z1n..11131.n0% .V. 3. h1n.•.14•1
Icst.•,t:•earl tile. at 1.4.1 tho 10.1 h. 11 , it..
r • or r,el
. / . ..o•
f,"i” it boil,: 0np311... tp•r,
+lll!fi,..a•llitl , ',lte 4 the char:odor of till• f'411.1, inrit
dr•••tn , ikk• propried..l.. a, p 1, 4 ,4 a guar:lntel: n 1 their
shrt.• 3..1 u.nt .•:-. wlikh ...L71.0 1, ...oho-t o o,
rp , n, inirtimir iu their 1.....505,d0n.. front prallh'al and ex
hdlsi !..1.31:..1, -
%V.03i1,17 , kti. ft. C P. 0. 13 I‘. ?.:1,
hat .• this day wile. : .. ed
111,14,0 i411,15,111 , f , A Patotd 11.,10.1•
hinn• tout alll tthny Vnli>nrd that it 114 equal
r in Ow it,
N,(0,111,4 Cat , ttn•r.d..r.. ch....H . 1111v :spd con ndrntly
nom mond it O. 31+ p••r.o.n tr , purd.:”...
machin.•. 1:.-1“..1f11113.. EES,
p 6.1,•• tr. ~ . .op-artf,,, y it..
500... It. 11. ! ,, T.‘ NTl‘N.ll.c.fif
All npp1i,81.1.145P.1-:4t3i.. y... t . 1:11:11t4. with
Mewhi tie , . ',Will 1.0 1 113 0 , (p.,4:1.31,1
• SA
4- 7 1 n .1*". 3 KAI/ /4e.e7on. Matt
E 33
;_ ''.IgED.CINit
% c )
rtlit SII.LE at:mAaTlN7s Drag Store,
WI UsortOen t of %nits 101prorett Trutt.
sec among which an Double- euti,Sirtr,ie
, Imieercdt Trusses, Double bud Mutts old
style Truitses. Otero Ahtiatainal support
ers. Ladies' Shoulder Brak.s. Gentlemen's Mastic Suspen
der Shoulder ,Draces, thuipentory TiatulageS, Snit and-Cot
ton. : j
.• - .4011 S S. C.-311ARTIN. Ayala.
P..plernbrelP s i - : 12 . 41
- AVE', YOU Used Lyons' Ikathaironi
for thti hair?: It l 4; the most ddirrtitfni toilet arts-1
c a
e In the world and Is preeminently imnetcial ter tirryl
and Bahl heads, The. Eatintiron fuli:i. : retdored my hale I
It baldness of twelv/T. years. Your* trill.
R. L..ATWATER. - ...
; - i , ; Nri.66 Warm% Street. NOW York.
;Also, Lyons' Extract of Pure -4111114 Winger, for dysi
prpeda atwbgerterral nerstins debility, At, ran be had at
1 . i C. tAncrs ;
. ,
Perfniaery and Varletv; Storti,f`entri Sheet, Potistille.i,
.Ortrilwr 23,11t , 44 i ! 1 ' i 41-if
TIR. N AiNHORN, the. 014brated Ss- 1 .,
1.....1,trm0xer , ;( the d9fh centuri:hds the sdend which
gnides the .11hghl'ao a happy diarria„...-.4 arid to make Md.
)tarried happy. Ladies; who were unhapPy through troll=
ble. misfortune. dliapp4inted hopes and I false 'premiers: l .
hate been intele happy by him. lils - Medical advien watt
never known: to fail. IN Is atuarrielman, a man of fant';
fly, which mikes. the Wire consult hilitin the most 01.
itlitn 4.%ises with perfect ~ . ..sef, ileum,. If f .fs th e mulled and'
sliagle ladies'' , cenAdentiat IkKtor and adx4ser. HP F/101ill
Wt iikemsc of your .future //u.i/eindilr I - _ •
I .
E m inence aird tim hal 3D urin 4l l. l T ..are trsE w — i W thin YA l T tia l :Pnnurh of all.--, 1
Thole who had had lad luck. and found the mock. they I
tried to get forward thei mote things'went. atzatnit• thoni..l
i taunt: fed blot: their bird lurk has left them. and - they I
are now fortunate-rich and happy 4 Ile has thtiserret
that stops the slander 41111 envy of ydur i;enetuida
!GENTLEMEN!—Look to your interests before it too
t hite.• Men Who have hiteu Unfortunate and- unsuccessfil .
in life and In buslnessmen who hat e Worked hard and'
struggled again id adversity and Misfortune. the ureator
part of, lives. and; found the mire they tried to gst
Arrward, the more thins went aaralm.t timm—theie men
I have consulted hint tor the last thitty Years. AUdhosie
1 who have followed hit adi be are flow !rich and happy:
1 while these blinded tryiprejudb* and ignorance. !neglect
-1 ed his advice, em still laboring aguintt adversity and
poverty. lie shows the JiArnrss .1
. v4tir:fidunt Wire. ;
fre.all interviews are strictly iirivatoisiol mntidential.
i pr..Vanhorti has chanded his rosidctita , and (Mire tri Ni..
I IA Lombard street. Juniper and Mad, the lth
house fried Juniper. i.,n the South side, opposite the
•1 Church. 11,114 g the mihmurnt Ogre neil.'
1 July s. Vili.4 I. ' ~' • I
vrrrans COMM* OF
. ~
S. ~..,-
„. - '• S. WILLIAMS,. Siiporintendent.
ACURE FOR CONSUNIMOIN ' . i i p* , ,-4' -' ig lfi-tf. -i
fi mg} 43. Colds. Asa nia,lirr - fricliitis;lA -wrai Dddi7 it y.. - '
• - _
,I !o, all N.:i . :•4114 , 1113. IMMO,' Iq. - ' 1 , PHILAD A .- & READING RAIL ROAD.
i .
f• • The Pr„ has a:tweet...led ((ri,itu intik-tinily:cif Pier t r . r . : „ fr , ----
P- ' .ak . TtEr. ,- - 7." - ,...............*:=.....
i fe'is. , r Stnnt... in o , uibinin....- tile. Oil 4nd ILinni: se perfectly 41W WA-4.r 4 1 . sirc.o:siiir
Mai the Mute of the Oil. Which 1: im 11a:takeAI, to perioll4 ; . ItATEs .4%1:K10011i 4)N Millli'llA.NPlZr..
! Feuer:illy-it:entirely riverelime. and itytan he tiikeniby • 0
i She most itelicate fothithis with pleaituret 1 A nii . as regard's' .
the liemcflti if this Artie'', °Yet. thir o.i . re;ciii. ttni f illowini. , i 15.7;1, until further: hutice. tile, following Hates of
' ejee. by Prof. Sinne. is suflieient to cianvimai the :most : Fll.{.4tlt will ' , nettle:gill pe.r 1. pounii::
1 'sceptical. 'lite yiiiing lady %sae 2..1).„..j.i,'ne,u,. i - 1
'nlll4 iiiiiiase was tine of immiceli 0 oi:is:which Lid 1 -
i :leionoxpeCttel to terminate in CM , cinirki of it itirr inontins ,
(fatally. The upper port (4 both:ll4 lobes was filled with ', •'.
tubercles:, and in some plareifwere; litizinning in siittei. ' .
iiThe ca:e WAS oridently a hail one. iTlin treatment:of kid „ 'ii
Oilier ,II Isii At fa - 4 u. , , , 1. hut uithimi inarLial iinprOve- Dry Gie - rts.l'enr,tirinery. Tlnok: Carpet- ).
milli. The phosphate ,lf Hum •si its flied milmilijsteied ingifi, Cigars. Fresh Meat. Fish.(ilassi.. ite)
with the till, and their...nit. a: in a ii: Lei... of rasp tathiiris, , Ansi!, Brim Putter. i'epper. Egg:. Par.
. was soon dmarent. 't,lp. patient vi ill ratiiille riot ling' WA." . t lienwaro I /ritirbitnne. flre,,rie, Hemp i
i, , CAI'TION.—tin ac,; of the cienatireimmiii at of this' limn: limile are. Ilides ili llon.n'are. ii 4
'• Compnu nil fir all Luieg Ilian plaint 4. the r ut ii- -rllwr smithd leatfir.Nlaiiilioiry.i 0 :ter' , 0115.5..i.;i15..
!' eantii.n. the aM I-ted Arta ins' u-lug ltnyi, ex:opt that Man- - Aii.. ,
• tifactured•by him. a:, he has The. itilyi r• rip, in rhe I' .. Al. Beer. rertr,iii.i . oflve Grain. liar 4 , 11.1, .
States rorcombining; th e i,,,,, , Oa ditto Lil,ll in agriper . 1. , 1 , 1. 1 1.1A.5r.5.NAD! , ,:pik... ri.;ii. Salt. 'i• . l''. l
Manner. ;Therefore 'p.: you value itientli health. puniliase '.. Pis, isi ns. :iimar. whi-liey• , he.. • i 1
none except that mart.tramur,u I .t' -1 % -,' - , L Br• aus..Fire Prick, Guano Mill Stnnes. ,
.11,1-'XANIllill: 11.'11il4Ilialt. ~ 7ireiire.! , .Piteh and Tar, z-c,r , p Iron. Tinitier i r. IS'
i ,
i ~.i v e, o , ,lii't Strict. Iti.i.tofi. and imitil.m, An.,
F•ir salt! in Phil:l,l4ll+h by-T, tt; 101' , irr ,t- sox s la_'' - 111ri.k..,Ciike, Pent' Wok', Clay. Gravel. `i
North, setainii Streit. Frii sale in Pottiiville by .1 C. -1.., iron .Itro. Lilll,Sti4le, Manure. l'i4 i t 12
if Pt :111:::. Drulgi,t.i ,, pp ,,, lik , Episiinisi rhilre.ll. - ... _ frnn. ph:ter, Slate. Sr..
Piitri-i Oh, Net ellllier 11. 15:),4 - i 41....ri n . : Fl, ,ur piir'l,lll.l. '
. '
"'" et he •
• .
' ' 0 , r.'11. )<4 : ..
. .
‘ 1 % i 7‘1" ,1-1. ".
t rtn...;;;:rt,t, :11 , 1v tlri.,lllo 1. , 'l.l nil- fr.'wl' 11L.14.1!
1'4 , 1 ., •'• i• h.( :It •
. •
Ot01.1:11,. 1
COW, ,4it4 , 1 A. 'tiff
11-4:11 . 040.4 . , • :
4 L
tii rilor°!itt• I.r:t
IA • ocirlif;ii i,
CURE OF A METHODIST MINISTER'..„O'•' . " -, " ' ( "" """ - ''' lvii . jll4/ `-'''" ;
til? . S11'.11" \l;''i (' el (.!) rat vit l'. - ':i in i 1
.- . ! , i , ,. ,i..',.: ~. i-, , -i - ~..... f,- ,--.. v.,l lf r:::;. ' ' l l l 1 \.:.1 '.
i •Ik:I0 i,,---1. , Lunily sty,lald I. with.ut :Lem: 1 ' 6 1 .•.1 , ni . 4r71 , ;!: r ' ; (1,...-4.111; , ..1ki11 ' Nat i.'it ' l.,; ' . ' n in ' i. t rr .•i 't .
:/,, ~,,,,,,„
~ c,,,,p,,,,,,"...,, rtp ,!, Wo 1 , 1 ( . .ei . • 1', , ,,,, . , fHl;' , , , t . 111,1i1:111I:. 1-t. • I'":1
Tho _ ! • ' ; _ _.
:ml, ~,tkita, i trt
- r ar:tti.,n. -.' i ' 1 —
... - _.
' '''' " 1- ..' ; I ---; ; ... -7:
‘r,lol.•rtut 4•111. • i;l7-
1 - 3112:.11. 1110i1 , 111., its rili11101ar) ( .12 t1411S
I iti rIPII,I/3.
Ili,- .i.l I.i, • i " i . ir.. Phila.l.lrilia.
t.: I . :11101;0. I'3lll ila Ow Sl,l, 3,1 11t3 ,4 c.t. Tj'•%llnt:ll'. l • •• :VI 111, , 1:7114.
rti,11..111,"1,1, 11111p:it. .ttl,l' all dir....:i., t , t the butt:, wild ... , prii ,; `iii;.
Itt,:t•l h•ts - .. , ,ii, 'I ',II, :,-.P.1ii , t011.•,1 ~I '.‘ll Is, h. , h.o ~. i,. c , ~,..),,,h.,. 1.,r
, i, it ii, —....11 it. tiins.,2ll-L0..•1!..'!•c .. 0,, t , li. , :t ..'..tkilt ~,i a
... rf s ~,„„t h 1..„
tooth. 111,.;11. in b,. -4 1.1,, 0,11,01-bb,.-, a r ,, ra ;cl,,i..
: • Itl,lll. Tlll, ITT /.e.r.IIN ; , •._
1/1. :•ir; I I'l , l it ,fraiilllll,
1., 2.! 41.1.0: 1.. Tit, • .0 , 1'.61::
ill 1.1v,r .f litp—ulso
%%111E1 I,r, t1:1- 4,111 N
1: 1 ,1..41,1111 •-f tb,
with 111-1 r,---Us 41.11i1 I,IIYI
In I lo• , :L 1 •,t• :
mitcvtls Iny
%it-alter. ti Muter At lint I to'rl
a l„,‘,. a chirp. r....1,•it .a. , 1,11.... , ,. , edit._: n IVn ' ll. , . 1 ; II:.
io3/).3'..'...... PWi11 . ..! i)Ii 3 1111!. I ).1.1,1J13:il ,al i .3. , 1111..3 1.:1i31' ,
3110: I,3•.•ripti , .a.r. but I . . , iind le. 1 . ..iit9-- 4,... , 0.1:: 311 hit
' lint:, 1A13 , ..;•, ' .111,4 11, r• I ,11,1‘11 1... de11. , 1 1.. 1 . 3131..1 li) a
.1, , ,,d iriend in • ri, ,, ni t,, 111;1::c. I i'i ..1 ..1 4 , ...r 5..... hip
of illl,l . it, 1.!. . 1 itliz.t .:•,lit•• , - 'l,l pr,, t." 1 ,1? I 13'1
i,„!,, 1 ,, meij, ~I a:,..111,1 Ni;t -111 It i,ll. in, ..:mil I..vtil 4 , i1l
a ,t,iil , l th,--.• t ~ 1.311,,. III; ~Ity111.• 1,31 811 - of ,•,,.,: r. ,, r i,., ~u t
i under•latelin.2 yetir elainis'itn the in -,t,,t.•ti a,...1 rrar)j,
ol (1,..h.'01.•:'. 11 ni ha, log 1,1110. i. V. fl , ii iti thi• ....% iii,4....1 .
' ii.,,friell , l. I 1,,r111.‘ ith inip.41.. , •,- , 1 'I In. silal 3;,1•.. f y. : ,,,r
I , ~,i,o, a lee, 1,111., :.1,,1 ~,iiwt....•,..,, , t it. lie, i \lt ii, , ,,,, .
1,,,,i, it 1 W. ; ti,,,.• .1 :"•t' 2.11) , .1iti0: ...tni,,iii,..trl ~,l,s, ,
~w . u t pi ,as deeply seated.; I round lefnet,... e.,ll.:i.fern
-1.1,{ relief fr.. 11., ii , ~ f lei. tires 631. ..1. , 11‘ , 1,,di1,...,. •
g ut 1,0, 1 a piihlie ,peal,o-r. I Fre Inenti alten,ple to'
1 prthell '.l it I. in') inere.iling.....rengt 1.. and illerei.s rupt 0r
,..1'iti..:..i• 5....5..1 , that hat t'„lt . ,..udy Is-inn I. lien': in 't his
I syll' ,, .. my care. ,vi,p; ;..r,ittliietttrtivd. 'ln [3i11k.. , ..
iittinice el aetil . thtis inipttitlent!. I had t. , 111 , ,,• 12.1 r 1:. '
! 1,,,111es be .I.•inre nas pert,itlyro•tored. - I -hAN,. ft...qui.,
time i, cub tinaller nuti.l4.r. et . 1, , ,i i le, would'. has,. t i, a d,.
Inu}..mild. lot for the ai1...,•
,11 , ,1i....reti,,n. 'lite S, raj. al
-1 lAst..l the f,,,,Th,11. , 1 itahit,lia zr.,,,y %%MI thi..fli.inlisittg
e..h.11. i.llt 3 ...t. p I. 111,1 di , -.11... - -ze ef mattli 1,..,m; it,
1 1 6-,, mud 1:;Vo then' :ILO, ;the entire syston i1„,..1 hit 11l
I 6 3%,',i v fvr rIA ...!it ing tlipi ...Trill , ;it , :ill ti,,, f.r t 11.•;:pitr
i piTi. ~f heit.c p rteetly .4.1i1..11,11. ~,illl tit.• p.i.Tanti;•lli, of
the liiin't. 411.1 11 , ~,, that I lloi 10-rt. , fly ~- , 11.. I it,tfcr it ' - ,t it h
1 1,10,,i.i.. _ . t.1'...1. 1..!.101:11.0.
Ihttpliit C.lunt‘..N. C.,, i
. i ,
1 .thi Stt vt \ f-ithe 1:. s ..I. P..1.. , 1.0t is a liii:hly r . ..4,-. 1 -
alit,. 'llll . l_ , t , r a Inibli'll . t.itilltY. 'in till , . Stat.'', he def , ire.i.
! Imi. 1„nr,,,,i.t 1., 2,,.11 II), 13-r.."-ii,z,,., tit;••.,t.i. 1... it,:. i . till]; . '
,a,itimftih.,l is itti tit.. 1a.14. 1 rant,:tily thit the .'..;', - I:it,
mi-nt it:correct. I .hallf , l1l•ii,11 it iii".••iii pa . per, 3:-. 1/0 i.,
i 1;3`.1111311V 1.;;1.%/11 ill;131111 ,', 11; "lir .......;1-31.
' ;Very , :resp,. , 7tfully. Ult. 1% NI. SI! t 1V; I)iltzgiNt..,
t% itwi1,:t..,... -,N. C.
1 . 11,; liPa. .1. P i Jffialari 1:.w1-11 I.7lilirli i's tic: ,11,3f,,,.i.
ho Mat , state Ilia) Lit !..iii.•ii , iri•li.•ol ir..:l. I
. - I
, I . i . . .1: li. Ifll'llt J 1,1. 1 ,441..
1 I 1 Wilotto,floo. N. C.
LOok teen to tlti , .5.111 ( , -ot the 6, ,, ,, , ,nr.i
A ri,•iNolt: I la: If iimet:i..‘ it I,l' -i:. 1 i
1)1.. t...,v4yrit.', I 'omp..ttint 5t,, ,. .'t op of VI ,ii,l ('beset. the 1.,,,i...i.,
mil and only fn.tlniffe; it
, i, (pit tip to s,iutro
Wttles. , covered anti a It.totiful b t.ifTbr. Cf,f,,,f ~,,T . ,,,.,
biz), Stith o iilltirltZ of Dt 7., 4y114 , 11.•rt,.11;I:11!.•• lii, ,iit•
nature! , I
. , • 11i - SPEP: -- lA !di \tilt:Ms. i 1
.., yr..-y,',.t riii.Vlll ii Kr , Vr.ltailYro.Y i., ,a.ri.itilly the'ntott
plommut• and ettectual tritnedy for tise di -Arm-1101i 01
itern.:or 010 f:1111. ‘ , l* that tive:t 1101•!0:1 - 4.9t eraiii l :t i n t .
k y .,,,,.. i i.cia, th. t bat. yet lt.toft ollerol to tbo fluidic. !Nor ..`.
0111ilsi . Ca , i , pl that. in• bittfle4. ti It ptir•T it
of nr..Svcay'ne on 10.tott wrapper. • i
• •
I IM. 'SWAN al.',". t'i. 'ill. i,.......V1.:t rikt ~.k r . , Li p . ,
; ,, i . „ a ,
Pats. P.r irrte:ularitirs inident to fonalett. Pm r lops-, • 1.2. 8 .._ --- - --- ----- ---- - -
kr. No inedititte mak:, , !••llch certain tiros lit Pr. . . ' ' TRADE SALE BOOKS, coATE3) s.‘r,:=At..tioLLA ; .AND - • -At to;t• Pricer.
'llAlt PILLS. They. aet t:a on alternatiVr. proltueo a !'
healthy state • - •t' the soccfdi..m....r'et tpe. toff alll bbst rtb!t lus. lIE subsvriber Ims jusi reve ivy(' from
Pr. rlisayno's Ch. torn Nl , ortnt:. Ina crlnca. anti tbst.i•titcet' . tls , tote Sal, a tato:111- nt.ort men tof Selio..l.
( ioltliid• 3 FP,'''‘lY and &ffoctll"I o'll , f"IY r'' ', ' ASIITIC I ! ,:twaiol Miseollaneous 111.. d . ,. which %111 I!•• viii at very
Clitti,Dit A, common l'lltleca "Morhot. DMlTlitin. ftycen-' my fo ' deo , ... Anton...! litany t.-ent pubtleations a+ fettoco.t
hwy. Cholera Intatttum in , t 4 nuinter t',•raptalut. Pains in ! -sites. sirs--- .! • .
Stomneh and ittiwels. Voittifine.. So* !"ickftett..filchboof ' tlitth Mil: I,y !dotty Fora, •
the Stomach. Lownesm of Spirits. and all atTeidlottet:of the • Life ,ff Horace tire. , "
Stonmeh mid Dowels.. 1 - Lir. 'ef Barnum.
' Vol SALE PT ..=. ' ''. ' Sketrlo-s ler Farm:
.101IN ! tl.11130W - N, I ' ' ;•- - , tda May.
,PM 41'1110. i ' •
t .. JIM NS. C. IIIAIITIN. 1 1 ' , ' Ilt•to and the Ring,
.•. - - li. kW. iillt:TV.l 'tl' ER. Sehttylikill lhtvett. i ICo;tlfert'. (most. I
. ECKEL Sz RAJCCDT, Tremont.' 1- • ' Cal:yr:tr. dy "Dr. Illt
1 ,
.1. k. FICTINS. • Bayard Taylor's tl:
.1. ldinersyillo, I
it, ,IV. Pit DynST, ! • -Bayard Taylor's Tt
. ,
? . •E. J. FRY, Tamaqua. • •I - Dollars and Cents,
; • 'A. It. I'itSRDSF.. Delver MO/IflisW. i a . 'Torpor's :slew Oast
And by all the Miticipallbtorekes:ters,lzi fiChttylkill alai Kith uumarxulaS nth%
lidjacen 9o, t connU
1.854. es.', . .
~-. ., •. • - • • 20:15 V - Ittiels 21,1f135
-.. 1 , • .. ~
.S • I
() Filek: OF THE 11. ADE IA
,and ReadinlLg. TELL ' lIIA Rallooad.—Sturnapr Arrangement
On .
and sifter May 17, lb5:1. there will he two Passenger
Trains daily. (Sunday's .excepte,ll, between Philadelphia,
Reading and rolkolfkk
MuhNiNo - 1.1
The xprris Train leaYee Ph iladelpdla ateept Sun
days. at' 3.4,c o'clock; A. The tr ay .Train rotts
`Ville daily, Sumlaya eieepted, at 7 .4 o'clock. A. M.
AFTllliNta!!‘ LINE.
The Way Train, leaves _Philadelphia daily. eveept Sun-.
days, at
. if 4,4 o'clock, P. 3! •
. The Rapers Train leaves
•P.ottayille daily. rsrept S. n days. o clock,. P.
1101.71:3 uF PASSLNO R.r.ArtiNa. .•
• Foi Philasielphis, at 9 o'clock lo minutes, A. M.. and pi
o'clock 51 minutes. P. M. For Pottsville, at 9 o'rlock
minntire, - A. M., and 6 o'clock, P. 31. .
lloth Trains stop at all the Stations along; tho Line.
• YAR.F.S: •
I . .
lsv-rtvas CARS. 2D mass CARA.
neldillg te. PhrlidOtalifi. -0 Sb - . ti 4
Reading to Pottavillo. •1 tes SS
I Philadelphia to Pottvrale." '2 75' "'2 '1
'. prpot in. Pottimille. corner of J.lnion and Railroad Sta..
near of American' House. Patmengers cannot enter the
gin unless provided with A tititet.
'Fifty pound.% of .Ita=r,;:e will be allowed to rah •%n•
i goa: in thi-se linew.'and passenger% are evpressly probibited
I from taking a4thin't as nairgage but their own wearing
1 . apparel, whi,•h will be at the risk of it x ,,,. e ,,,,...
1 • fitandlay Excursion Trains.
! A -Train. lea% es Philadelphia every it•tui.dal at 734 A. 31.
I And Pottsville at 4P. 31- stopping at the following points:.
i • • VP. TRAIN. , LboWN TRAIN.
--------= - .
Lances PifinCa
Pts.q.'s - Plueulxviljo 5.31
" :Pottstown' B.$A
' heading ' P.M
`.haven , 10.43
= " Mt. Cartwii,t 1932
Arrives It Vot tin tll.e 11.99
' FARES, ' • •
Rim Mr Reurint 'Trip. up and down, in 1'0..,1-Cars:
Fmoll'hilacrit to l'io - tn ilYille and tack gam" 41.11, .ft 40
-- ' - h l ttstnwn: • - " 175
. - ..“ . Iteadlng. , .." ~ - .2 5o
. haven, Mt. Carbon k Pottsville. 4 lit)
•." filvdlliltl: to . Pottsville and F.ark Fatn4 , day. 1 flp
qs -\o I!..i , :g.ACt• with the:. Trni.... All Tickets
mint N. Run-113441 benve elttcril/g the Cars. .
Ity tsvlcr of ttiu Board of 3lans,Ters.
.t.... BRADFORD, Se,retary.
23-tf •
JUN , 1145'2
274 v 1
I Tttly line (:+nitin•tAdally with all their. rot South- I
ern arid Wez. , terti it.tttes. lly arrangenkint their pla,” of INdheville will Olive of 'lowan! lc'
I I Cn. Tho'se hatiiig &aides for transtuh.i ,, u by said
- I will call:upa C. B. el rftElt. Ailanir,a 01.1.. t. Agent, at
Pottsville .. Reading to:llnrri.!nirg,'
- Lnuca %ter. fit.
91 1 11.1 : , TR.llN,establfshed I /II
1. the. 1:...01itz 1,1117 . 101 ! .
y6llllllo' 1 , fiffollo!/-,tof.`11(.. , rieirall'!?1 ,, atld
. IOWN, .11:P•. r - pri 11 1 , -.
Letl.Vt'S 1. M. - Liar , 17. , tikPq IP. N.
•• •• • " . t 4 ••
Arilyt.;.• Tint••
Thr. , gl.,lt tlth L • , 11 Train. tfie 11...1113r Trnins of
Ileattin , z .turrtr,_ th e t.'rn.,thlt,',l th, Pen
(t- I:
fr - qn the V.tliev .t the 1 ill. 3114 t
. . . . . . .
tiro null a tiltily ••••IIIII!111 , ii.•:. 1 i•• 1 1.. both urt . ls.i.• ITlaifiT3lTl- : • • • •
, , . , ,
eft S111).1,1•••• t•\ ••• ; 1.1...i.t.V111, Itarri.l ur,r.:l-an,04,1 I knit- l'llt:lii (a diritaitlt•h(a' tit Ili , 11.1.; 11 I , i 1: ,•••• ; ~.
ber..l•llr..r. Ilaltin, re. 4‘ , . il all jy•inti- in that diri. , -ti , •li. .. 1
1 • i 1 , 1 ..
.- i . .-...., ,c, !..1•. - ir r ;:,, 1.. - r-t,,,,,,., \ :,;., 1i,;;},!.,i,t 1.,. 4 ,- . ttill:, -,Zir II:l.••• 131 . 1.•‘!•Iit1. : : , 1 Il fr.!' .1•1•.•
1,••:3 , ..1' , 1 1 ••Vill. , :' • .::•I I' M Arrivo Ilarri-.1 lir.; 7 -0 , l' 74. .
:tlatti'll. pal 1 1 I:1 lir!1 lllinli,.! tilt!. 1:1•4 lt.w. i•••
••••,t 1,11. w.:. 7 1 .1: 1 ..1. M. •• l'• 'T., ill.- i 1 :.0 A.:11 , , -
" r•••••-rs.• 1 1., 11. , •!.. •••,,p1: 0 ,. kNi. u ••./11•111. , t.. 181161 it, extra ,r , ) p. r..,i,dr, ,, 1 t...u. - t vAI7
Lomvi• “..311111:: ;2. l: . ; I'. M. .i. rrit,•l 1v risl nrt; 7 4 11 P. 31. , :. • . .. .
. ..• I 1 Irri.lairi 7.1 - ,,1: M. '• 1.:,,,,.. 1 1:,; I•..tlT;' , t,•: it. tilt' i Cfl I.t•tilt: I illul 1 t.'4 l the ha „ .l tuti, ,
1.;. ..:
A 1.:-. , :.-,:;•,:r t ear ritr,s with 1 1 11:. Fr , •i.:ll 1 Train. I.•as la i r , .
.1, ~,;,. ~i - 1,1 A. M ..lci,l rv,turvill.... I l,;•t,: at ::1 0 . l': NI.. • griOt:'l - Ilat' ''!''n a rtlnli , .ll 41. , 1 tt 1,:t:1 "t ', •
••.•ro..•••11,1,..• 111111 if '7, •I•rtrq al. x l t I) , , ~,111 w ith 'l,l.
~ i . I •
1,7.111•1 inoritillit: and ,-, , l,inir train- , :f 1 lin. Ilia:Jill,: ltmil- .t''' .l'€'l. I ll " ' II"' r'i r , ' lm.n"'l ' l q "t: Ti " ' : r u v,
, • ~ ,
. r•tt.l. ~ . „ Vi.:ll i'. rtild Wlllicli t at : I
toe a.,...ra:_te cr..l. ..,. :
'I 11 , •••••'4 , •tin•- rut, , i! 1:...,,1i,,..,11 - 1
~iii.,,, fin:, lilii,ll t= ' • - i . I
T:., Ill•. ',,-, f '' , f, lila tr I 'Lit ~f: tin , l' , •11 11•••‘ It 11, In I ail- I,tl-11t:',., 1.. T titre. v6,,. ', 11:111 : . e,ii,ir, 1. - ,.0 1 ' ,1 .,
1".• , •1. - , r 11.rrri••1.;:r.r this , - Er.I.N% WA , 1 1. 0:1:1S..
I: of r. ti I'.r On •ir ••• I. t., Ti •••• ;-• • '
L- E „,, a
~ ~,,. 1..", C,,, ,f ,•.,,,.!.....lterr+r, I:. .. '.' t i ' ''' '' ' "."
. . '''
" ' '.
• N ~,,- ',Olisc;410 , o11 .ils , rti•-• ,t 1 1 11; f'r,, ~,,,,.,..., ~ ~
~ 1 I .. .1 , , ~,
Lltlt! al pI•liiIIII..., 1911 I/I 41,IIII•r 1,,1 , ,,, ~,.• (
7.1.:••/.1 it in r•••411•-51..4 th.i.: aliv..rti•vin.•llt ,011 not
..• •• , 1.1,• - •t 1.% :so.: 1.•11,• , 1ii1.....i.•••1.i.ti-iiiir•lll. , th.• 15r..,••% : • stiniiittlift t,l . ~iiic4 1 iS lII'S. ,••.1*: tue.r,•:, , .:7
. 5 4
it.' :,, '. \.• 31,1 that all •1•I :nlv , •rti,allent.lll , ll 511 p, r , ..-
11••.1 • 1 , 01', ..i3!iitu , .i. L. '‘!. , tile , s;inli.: cati,.., bill tri.i.n ~ • 1 1. 111111 I ,'t2
.i:lititat, '.:'..1•".:) . .";-nll l.
. • I.lll)ritiliZ .4- :ffii% :114 . 01 that a i;tr..r..r pr
PHILAD'A .& READING ' RAILROAD. ' uf 0 ,, , ,
~.,,; 0 ,1,: . ,I; ; , t , ,i,„
. ( ,,i t .;,,. t „ ,„.u.,... mv.,l;7:7;:ti-----k-...: 7, - ----- -" .1- 4 ' t ', -- cr 11 . ers - ii rel lit ~ r vi stithle li,•. , •.r
ill . ll (*E . 11 , 1 . th..: I ' llll.A , - ~...• It. K. I. "— • let , ,ifi , rin,t , Immeliii,:rilliv t.l;•att't 3:
1,., 7 ' •r• ,i, ~•.,,,,,, r!,,,,, 7 ._:-. 1.,:, ; - , •
'- -- - Ls ~..t :r.,:1, ~, r ~! 1,1.1,1” rt..l 1.. s ; , ..i..,..; and a.; :t Nqpip. i tier;(•••• 0 :117 ,, t ,:. ;,..
, 6;Il , :r.• fri,tn :11 tr.•11:411
is ~.~,,,. ., ~. r,. =n❑ ~
Ltril..*•..-t. I
hr, '
_ _ _
•• rl
I ••
I "
The rhar.:i.• 14:. p, r 1 , 41 ,•f 11,. hs.•
r 31,1 . 11 , / 1 • 1t.,...,i, 111:1,
•• 4 - 111,. 1` 1• r t. :•,.1.• 1:
Rater of Tolls.
• 1... ~11 f
Iron 01...e1ay. Sand. i i rai t . .11.'r , t1,911 , !• 11,
Idate..(,:ll.trr • Id
and Lall..
and a 114lf 111.• ?•r , tt. a Mil . 4 3,4 a
lailr a cop! rwr 1..11 r I.r •• addi•i• n.O tidd. but
nu 4. h! , rVi . '41 , 111 1 54. • inadr 1, , r any 1)111-
ty iwr ti
reu:ht St , , , ne.
ttunile.te: reAl. all's C4.1 , 12r tfrr,
two centF per ten rt.!' for th- I.r4t t..n Amin
for e a. 11 tfrolditi n l mile. tort no
•:m:1 I , e in.ele. for all:. t h,lapet•
.t r c. di h. t :rly
cent.: pt•r ten
Irnrr Al!Lin,l , l!,ll,y m+nttfm.tun•lri'ond tho
a,l tl•h cent p , •t NI) t'or the tir , t
410111.11 f r.•u' bq: }.••' In i ele 11 nil
-111 uo chnn: ,. ...11 , 01 f-ranpii•taucr
rut.• 'Tun.
rot P. 1,1
Flour. Timber. r•ittnl anti .tiulct, Saffttti
E t i tt o,r.: p 1•••1•••••••. tthinztes Laths 31111: , .tar,,in
list and in 1,14... Nkroltandise of 311 •Isind, and :dl
art iclt , ot hot t, .p..oihoitily int unternt• - d. Iw., o•ntt,
p,;r t. , typt, t.titef• r thot r , t ton miles. 3n•11131!3 ..t•11 t p. r
t‘.ll per llvil,f , r(..v . h i mil, kit no rhart:o ...kill be
fir, 'AV runts per tt , n. Tint
-1..r, r.. t ind nod squary. ed Lumber, lir< p
and raft, shall lv chnr,:od
t e rito, in •tl. 1.1•0% ti (11 , to:v. :i ::1:1.••••til
raft .101 I, Allomunt tit nitornnt , i'th any t‘ , .-
I•en , lintz .1,-xendhp: nt • that unlit rt•ntir tlt
otliorwii.e.ll(ll rafts shall he ebnintinfth , full eh:trier rutlos
ill per ton per k.s.k tho t-ity at ttndirt.r...
t•-tat contr. per tutu per lt•tit ,tin - .
NQlc. ,— ltt•all st on, •.r locks lira
and thr onrriod .•11311 It. 111:1'11 tire ntilos. the
eliar_to for Toll Is , for to , . milos tt.•••••tliur t•• the
to:stitieh s artitlos .1: my hokt:::.
And in all ci‘es hon. the I:.rotzlint: Pato, for T.ll .•u•
s hnli .t .‘,.,..d t u t in.nts p•r t• • • 1: :I••Trt:lifltul, 1 '1..-
II:W-.0-01e 3-11, I:•-aline.,-r4
, ents• pet ton above the Tot! , •Irtli rirtr•Ps lat
.hear hpot I:ntos all Articles.
1:y order - of the 3lntinp•rs. -F. ITALIA".
•Ir.hin. - Ito. 1,:: 1••-•
, . • ! •
Leaves Pottsville
Pus,* Mt. Carbcin
•• S. Haven
•+ .Phrenixville at Phllakr-a
1..1t., 1
Ito 1- ••
11 ,, - 1 -
l .~ 1
J, -1
1 r 14 , 1
I'l 1 1
1 11 , 1 1
1 .jc, 1 1:.
1 1 15
40 '
Aortertatesral Implements,
Tilt: subscriber will lull) 4;••
oil hand Omer. Tithothy and :her Goa„
/we d s , White elover and Latin tin s ,
toOther with Garden and sted, t.
sell warrin tto be herb and mod. lie will ale,
orders Neal' kinds or Fruit. Trees. warranted 4.1,
• t
they are iepresentedl Noir ultural id;•tneno.
or .ta,tkwili be furnithed at manufm , tutera prior.
seeds anditrtx•it sold by the stits , rlter ant seloit e l
treat carts only from *mowers of reputation and otanot i ,,..
He tell% no foods sold proinisein.way
h i the markr • I.llr
Ch15....1 h¢ thtAr VIA. cell rheap. wirhr at r•vard t.,
eharactenof. the peer., told. • Nor dies
seeds ariwn pmutikruously in small carder,, •h,-;
their t. rlo'e proandt) deterb rates their
tkularly ef the tame it if AT: it..q>. 4 ,
oonsidern.ll , n to th , se who pnrohfiww Other , r
trees. truer. Elbe.. send In orders carli to
important topic. Thpfollowing remark:, ir.
referenCe to the prepurathm of the :mil for th e
potatoe crop, are from Ir. John R. qiptnan,
of Madison county,. New York, commanirs.
fed, with many other suggestions, to the
.fry Gekleman:
The best soil, in my : opinion, for
growth of sound potatoes, under all
is a sandy loam, resting-upon a porous
soil. with the Surfa?.e flat it'd sloping.
enough to carry away the water prcieeedi,„
from a heavy tall of rain. But as every fang,
will opt give. us this peculiar soil and
ation,'We must make the best use of alts, a
have4eeping itt view o re fact,, 4
it is useless to plattpotatoes in' low
ground, for they will "surely rot. The bot
plan i 4 for a farmer to set apart four aere,rr
his highest,dryest and strongest land,
plant One-half of it the first y e ar 'with . ci rn,
taking care to plow under a heaty c,ott of
cow dung; the renutining halt he ea t ,
with ii:ny grain that will give a fair crp.
the soil had been run hard previously, lit a
top-dressing of twenty bushels of lino , to ! La
•lacre lie applied. The year after let him 1 , 141.:
with Potatoes the half that was corn, it , el Is t
the Milt* that was grass be planted witl,
and manured if necessary. When plo‘o-i
'for potatoes, the lands ought not tulle :air,.
thin 'se:eu paces wide, and plowed' e i-A•
inch6, - ileep, and after planting, the dead
roWs ought to be plowed •out heam deep.
IM:slaking an alternate ertip of con,
.toes trod grain,•and manuring for the cur::
only,;he will keep one-half this patch of lan.;
in.m4st suitable condition for raising o i i:
poti,Mes. „This system will require the
to I,e!rnanured every five years, enough.
goiiil!hcavy -tv be plowed under."
Alholiag ti the itt.tatoe in general
tlo• for April, make, •;.,.
1 Tirue
G., 1 le. t's. i,i lg. n. , m a rl:s-
t lure quantity of :European •pon.: - .. ;
wore :sold a Tew ilay3 nllt'th•ll.
17:,rk, %hie!' would pa
eign';farrner a very large
. protit heyond
16.1:11t. etc.. 11'1.1 thi;'. too. in a
‘klict!t. they 'night 1.4.! pruduced le. "La:.
th e 11. e foreign taruier. lit r.
ve'Ll 4 , l l co our ell'l,lllef';(l:' , Ae :47
that they feareh .1
tho Ni !‘r Yorl: nntrl;f4
6 , r111,.r
I. ETA F ‘‘'
.tie l / 1 •• , .
111,1, , 411 i
tIA tit .:LrNi.,is
1 4 '
1 1 i.
11 ill filriti , ll ai,
iui, :pmt ,tar.sali..ll .•-
t. .1;, •
tllill pr.,(11;;•1.; t;) 1;1;thi.
ti,•;11 c:;:r%c-r ctrrc s;;;;; do,
lqat, or hea-1, h,aii
1 . 0 ` 4 111.1c ‘EW Fl 0(t
aiwav ,
111:1 , 11 , ur. that it 11,:l
tzn•r«riu_ it'imly
:i' , ol
h4-li 1... t
•W .2 .1. ;t:
pie Ce. :o.(1 ral, it With I,
I:I I r
1-I.;:isr• :lila Ow
' 4 -
~ ~ ,
:,, ~_
:111.011. r
tiltatt 1111:.;%\ :ienl
on4l .1z., : t.•/!- it
1:1 ILt• •
it I , t ,
r , .;l,ipttzldiy t:11
t l!r;i:t I may
lic~ ~~:~;u:_
'yerl 11131i1Xl",
ti;,.1,0;ki..r, will. Its
an•l a jar:
of uii - ur :1; mond Aft; •
11. Q. L
' 1
p.‘,.ordit . l , It; tilt. j.
Om, i1it0..• , ..: 1 , •
1 t11111.:Ii with flit! V°1:16 1 (' pr'tl6l .l, ' • ' l
to 1 , 111111 rlt u.
; Farr rectified ,pirit, and •df'.o•ll e‘*ry
rortriight it way h e
As O wse a,(lll t; sv..eet
corn; j.;'iiilsCitrpealieliinv.iiii , incll.f .. 1 : , . , ICH
. I;racti`eallv• te,teik. and Ix i l lpo i t :1 ..v ...-,' .4,/
• 'Oa iti
trouble or It. w o abi a dtl ;d.'_'; .'llitioim
:interest to the voltivation of Ihmor•. *go
_ . Elleu i
TE:A H.. 1 in IVAsa —The iufasi..n et''' 2 4 1
fwbeit not•too strum', i> said t;; be NOTLV li.,*
;' [ - -
. wit.]
i. jirer4.eting, ttie hair front iiiiiiiez et-
' best plan is to pour boiliie: waftr; nth e :tr- i
,1 Ng
after they have been used tier a ine ai. It: :t , a
1 or twelve hot,r,i it edit lie draiiii ...6...:.
1 pl teed in a bottle to use :is re gt.:rei. Ir,
table.spouEitul of any I .erfunieil ,liiriii, (:,; -.
, rum, should be added to ~.,%i•l' kill 1 . :: . .:14:1 '
; the wash Iadl;. It 'h,eo,l be , 1 . 1 .1 "•' 1 l '' .'',..
it scalp With ir (it' ,i , ,,,,,,,--i , r iL \ crS '
brush. • . .-- ' 4d
il titi
1 I 0
1.1 4 f•Il
tl;t• a
. ,-)
It I ,1 1 1. 1
%kin , I.t:A
To ci.IAN
''''.,. -
Ole:. Tr
a pi
pa •
sistj J
10 •
msee kamo• ll
* Mai
7400.6 ii
idabe eciSi
• ircl
O 4
above to
Jr4 i
• CM
re BOA
ke u ampai
no be 1114
wit sit
nowt 1
Ids Caw
to Oca
Petty b
Ind la
oaPal t
of rota
a on,
tet, pot
al 11.
.741 I.
,D 1 1 . 4 7
) Fi
rx. C.
li' Pi
t OM
ii 4e141
iptil 8
„„,.. 'TA'
d tau
is Ree
Is Pre
Etai, a
%K 4 0
to roo
et on
: of
ir.; bt,t4o
P li
I slit