into' jountal POTTSVILLE, PA. SATVIIIIAT. 1F1C1311.1741.RT 10. 1035. :Nl` PAR it/NR,RS' JOURNAL haw a litryie 44744antio* Ong onv uthor 21reiespoper pnUished in 1 1 4', rtheri reonsytennics. h ci - rrol.attio autooy the Old, Imo and linsinese men. i#et «otly in this ;nu/ the. coljnisilig I.:cmfier, est in art -our Citise; and it .taro cfrrnialce largely among'the slaws in Schuyl kill Cotvity; which readers it axe of the root ea/u -m/as Advertising 'mediums in the Country. lila fete PripG4i hare so 'many Capitalists enrolled on their outnpeliption seir FuRE/ON MILITARY CORPARIES-411- _ PERTINEYTI AND INCENDIA RY SENTIIIEETIL- • Some days ago a leading niticle appeared in '' the New York- Citizen, supposed to be from the pen of its late editor, John Mitchel, an nanaturalized resident," commenting in se vere and brigand-like terms upon the recent ordet. of Governor;Gardner, of Massachusetts, disbanding all military companies composed of foreigners in that State. We make - a few extracts: '• For •every musket given to the State Armory, let ihree be purchased forthwith; let independent companies be fon:lied, thrice as numerous as the disbanded corps—there are' no Arm Acts here yet—and let every 'foreign er' be drilled and trained, and have hie arms always ready. For you may be sure (having some experience in the mater) that those who begin by disarming you, mean to do you mis chief. '• Be careful not to truckle in the smallest particular to American prejudice. Yield not e. single jot of your own; for you have as good a right to your prejudices as they. Do not, by any means, suffer Gardner's Bible, (the Protestant Bible) to be thrust down your throat. Do not abandon your posts or re aounce your functions as citizens or as sol diers, but ever resort to the last and highest tribunal of law open to you.; keep the peace; -attempt no `demonstrations;' discourage drunkenness, and stand to your arms. "Is it to be conceived that the Madness of ' faction and the insolence of race will proceed . to such a length' as to disarm independent companies or private men. If they do, then the Constitution is at an end—the allerancc you hare sworn to this Republic is at a t end. ii I Would to God that thoughtful an just Americans would' bethink themselves i time. They are strong—they far outnumber t e for. eign born; they are proud, and flushed with national ,glory and prosperity ; doubtlets they can, if they iwill, do great and grevions wrong to a race that has never wronged them_; but seriously, earnestly, we assure them* that nat uralized citizens will not submit- This sense: • ressfaed must he reconcile 4 there must he eace—peace, or else : a war of extermination.. ~Ve are here,: 4 .op American ground, either as . citizens or us enemies." Now, it'is the unquestionable. prerogative `Of the Governor of any State, as Commander in-chief, to make such disposition of its mili tart' forces as may to him - seem proper and Necessary for the ,safety and well-being of the people, restricted' only by the Constitutional authority which he has sworn to preserve in violate. 'Hence, if Governor Gardner, in his Executive wisdom, sees fit fdr the better prey - ervation of the pence of the• Commonwealth over which he presides, to disband every mil itary company in it—native as well as for eign; we know no foster competent . to stay . such proceedings; provided the mode of pro cedure be regulai and within the prescribed limits of his official jurisdiction' play •did i not introduce this matter, to • play the champion for Governor Gardner--- .he is.amply abli to take care of himself, or judging by thi; vote with which he was elec ted, he has friends enough in. the old Bay State to do it for him. What we want to call the especial attention . of onr readers to, i is the nature and intent 'of the eomments'above quotckl; and the character of their alleged .Bource John Mitchell is an Irishman, but lately landed "upon our shores and net yet possessed of the rights of a citizen. But he nsAutnea to dictate our governmental policy, and dares to counsel the rankest 'treason to a portion of the people 1 In theforeible words of a con temporary. (Jersey City Sentinel),--, ".Here, fellow Americans, you have the treasonable sentiments' of a man whom you received into this country with open arms, be. cause he was an exile and an outcast from . the land that gave him birth. You lent, him your sympathies and your prayers, upon the principle that he was one of the oppressed, 'fleeing from the oppressor--:trom a slavish bondage more terrible than death—to this glorious land of refuge for the .down-trodden and :opprissed of all the nations of the earth. And as he stepped •his foot upon this blood - bought soil of the free, and • home of the brave,' you greeted' him, almost universally, with a hearty 'God speed.' But was .ever more traitorous languagef penned or printed ;than the above extract? Was eves blacker 'ingratitude.exhibiteeor expressed by mortal man,-than is herein portrayed? What, think Sou, American freemen, of this Adviser' and • advicC' Let us look atone or two of his positions.. He in the first place advises aliens to band themselves together in distinctive and • exclusive military organizations. foreign to the genius of America and her 'free inatitu, tions, and then exhorts them to set at defiance . the laws of our land. We need not recapitu late; his infiamable and insulting counsel and , threats stand out. in bold. relief, in almost everylline of the foregoing extract." We'have only a word or two to add. Is it 'any wonder the Know Nothings flourish? Is it any wonder .that \ with such leaders and counsellors, our lien citizens find themselves regarded with, s tspicion,• it not positive dis trust Is it an} wonder that our native-born population talk ; abottt the necessity of becom ing more Amert:canizscr—of reserving that most precious ;fp-guard of our national in stitutions—the right of the elective franchise '—to themselves slow: aud of placing "none but Americans on hard'' in our political watch-towers? .., _1 SfirJCDGE iiELrESSTEINB DONATION.- We have. been Carol bed with a Report, in .pamphlet form, of t 4 proceedings and speech es at the late dedication of certain Coal es tates at Shamoken by Judge Regenstein for charitable purposes. It contains the address of Judge Regenstein, . Governor Bigler and the Rev. Mr. Washburn. We have room but for the following from the Judge's address on the occasion, showing his reasons for this henefi- CC El C. , .: : Parsinsicr:—lt behooves me to speak on this occasion with great modesty and diffidence, as an humble agent, used by a iv* Providence, in, accomplishing, in my limited sphere, his purposes ' of good: It has seemed to ins that, in this age of iseqesi_ . olent enterprise ' when the hearts of men are 'be ginning to respond in some better. and higher de gree, yet I fear, far, coy jar, short" of the high standard of our duty to the wants of our common brotherhood, that antiquated and traditional er ror of Dying bequests, tends often to mutilate, if not dcdtroy, the noblest charities. WhY wait'lor death to consummate' a benevo lent purpose ? Why hold the gifts and trusts of a kind Providence for years dormant and useless, waiting till death shall relax our hold upon them, and'open this door for their application ?The dis mal consequences of this common and popular er ror are almost beyond computation. if such . ' sacred trust is created and applied in full life and health, under. the .direction and the system of the living donor, his intentions are like ly to be carried out. There is no misapplication, no'suis-constructiou' of intentions, no litigation and contesting of wills, no interference of selfish and interested heirs—none of the delay and gig . - Titles uncertainty of the law ! What a history, painful and gloomy, is the sad story of posthu mous bequests, with , their selfish and ignorant per-,, version, in the defeat of the most liberal inteu- ' tions,i-in the squandering Aire' , of the most mu- - tilficent means. 'How diffircot the executionfrom_ the iutention ! the reality from the hope !. The ono beautiful in Its charity and love, and in its prae ,ticaland efficient banevolince—and the other, the execution, whet a distorted ogre—a meagre, fright ful spsctro! Who will allow such sinful squander ing orthe sacred charities ho designs to live long after be is forgotten, or known only as hie name may be connected with them ? -13ut why defer the execution of benevolent pur poses for poithutnous eseetitiun ? Death and the grave impart to them no new,puvret our °Moloney. Les death hold the only key to unloa our ca ll rs, nud to open our hearts to the present, Mno -4 late, importunate demand fur help. that comes tip in that deep wailing er.r for brand and for lire, from Po.many of our unfortunate brethren, Away down. in th e dirk pieces, the ' freefuic teolattlY Ibodts of -retched priory, or shrinking desper ate guilt.? ...Are ell these,onlv future, wants? Cars all this human woe be postponed for tee or twentfyears, tilt the donut ' has splint his ItPcfrt mirror, and7Aiper.ohniutint wealth? T 3 Rai What if ho take, the „ poor akd deserving youth, whom Providence has endowed with superior in- collect, from the narrow lunita of an obscure life r and train hini-up and send him out, accoutred in heart and intellect, for the great mission et hie life, to du manly battle in the cause of truth and humanity 1 What it, as his career progretnis, he ,sends out upon the theatre of life ' many;, thus equipped, and witnesses the thrice blessed:influ ences they aro throwing all around thorn! ;'.What if his means educate those who are to ho tlM:ilrom en and the inotlier:,-auti prepare them to fulfill the high mission of an American woman of the nineteenth century,in the modest circle ofherhome ! highly educated and accomplished, wielding tho mighty sceptre of lon- queenly power, which, con trols the world's destinies, whether in monarchies or republics, either for weal or for wee! _What if he beaus injured Africa---depressid and stricken down under the woes awl curses et cen turies---begin to home - her wandering sons and daughters from afar, and lie sees golden light be ginning to tinge the deep gloom that has settled down upon her whole continent; and if he can aid iu her redemption, and if he can, from year to year, send his humble contribution to her rescue, and see the temple and the school-house, and all, the bright host of Christianity and eiviliiation . springing up within her borders, and her return ing children laden with the rich blessing of Chris tian and civil liberty What, toe ' if in all this ho traces the footitsrps of a Higher Wisdom, and feels that, in those won derful developments, he is, though an humble, yet an honored instrument! When the first car goes of human beings were sailing, in slavery, to our shores, and thus commencing that fearful night of terrible glouni.thet has since hungever ua, he would have asked for the thunderbolt to strike the slayer, or the ocean to swallow hits np ; yet, even then, if hi had foreseen the present, he might have hoard a voice telling of hope for Af rica--of n now republic in this infant Went.--from whose work-shops, and broad fields and rich for ests, help would come!to Africa; and away in the dark forestsef the strange land, and in thelever. lasting hills, wore prepared mines of wealth, of which Providence hid appointed and reserved some for Africa, and teat, in due time, they }could be developed, anti all things,would he so Over ruled and directed, that through some.obseure and unexpected agency, the very mines should be mile to contribute to the glorious work of Afri ca's redemption. One must almost sek in surprise, can wealth purchase such pleasure ? Can she buy such i loys? Can she thus bathe the meridian of life in nun- , shine orightness,'and throw into its decline the! mellow and benntiful light of such a sunset I Then, why not make purchases now ? Why de fer the sure and promising investment ? , Ili the shrewd spirit, of our countrymen, are such ePpor tunitiea of investment to go by unite - proved Why lose's() "good a targain f" • i ; . Btu' A SPin is MASSACHUSETTS WHERE TUERE is No Caws.—The rum traffic on Mar tha's Vineyard has been outlawed for more Wan eighteen years. Rum selling is noilsnoOni in that locality: What has been the result?-•,- Crime has not only diminished •, but it to have almost entirely left the Vineyard. • IVe areinformed that no case of crime has come before the Courts for something like . sixteen Fears. The Judges go down in one boat , atid back in the next. While the tratlic in llipior I continued, the Courts were in session for about two weeks in each term. Civil calms itave ;been greatly diminished and there are :now very few that come up for trial. Bemis a; fact of immense importance. Crime and the' grpg.sliops always go together. Stop ium salbng, and nearly all kinds of Misdemeanors .and Offeiscas against de; law will, instantly i cease. 'This fact furnishes an argument in favor of- prohibiting the rum traffic, against which no man can lay n word. • 7. •.1 , thatthe condition on which. a mere stew ard and agedt betas his trust? surely, such fq, not the purpose of his lieuevulent grincipal..ll Surely, a Merciful parent never gave sire a defier for the benefit of my suffering brother; who erieeferhelp, anti!iu his deep misery muans4lteously,"ind loud enough to thrill and melt thelteart of .01ithiten dein, and yet bids me luck it 414 and rat*" it till death loosen my held ppou it:' Such bannot be the lutentiun of ontetnianten Pnrent XL His will etniimercifcd design were obeyed and 'executed by us, oh !. what a change, so bright,' SO grand, that! imesinatton is dassied at the merest glimpse of t—every dollar of the surplus hundreds o( jutiteiously and faithfully and affection atetjt applied in rescuing and elevating the poor, the ektorte and the euteast I • It c4ery noble mansion. the abode' dr wealth, refinement and luxury, contained a generous halt, Wei throbbed in noble, daily and ettir..ie4 response to a brother's woes—if every estate. weee'.uusda alive. ith newemilref, b y the igripa,LPrit "leiPlSOat• it isigiven and held for my suffering bibther, as welt as mysislf—cf every enterpiiite and operation ware stimulated and energized byi the higher mo wer of benevolent, as a scheme, not BR selfish purposes, but for the good ofas many as , could be brosight , within the beneficent range of profits —iftthe claims of our common brotherhood, in its wants and won, were to press upon every man as the Blain s acid wants of one common family, of whiCh be is a mimber, and in which he it !slather, a brinher or n son—if the great labor anti 'struggle of every mer.'s life were for his suffering: brother, as Well sift) , himself--If all the talent, the wealth, the e ecru, We enterprise, the business of the would were to recognize this one great and lean faithfully for the common good;and, fur our common saflertng humanity; if everyman re meathered that bread and fuel, and clothing and comfort and refinement, for himself and•liis fam ily, were not his only duties,. but that he has in charge means for others, nut of his own .sdomeistic circle, but still of his jantily—his brothien, who are meeting every terrible form of human woe and suffering, and that as he neglects theta ha le faith.' less to one of the noblest and' most sacred of ha manic:tuts; what a transforniation in this great family ! The filth and rags r and gaunt fatnine;and all the fearful spectral forms of abject poeerty and vice,and the hideous shapes of human weltering and abaudonment, all gone; and hope, andpeace.„- and Comfort in the neat abodes of poverty; and in the gladdened and sunlit homes of lowly:life, and one glad song ever proclaiming that our ,Father's benevolent intentions are, that every dark. den of abjent poverty and vice and suffering shbnld be closed up forever.' Oh ! let not the talent, the wealth, the energy, the enterprise, the bitsiness of 'the world, lay the flattering unction to their soul, that the dire sufferings of our common :brother hood'are necessary and unavoidable evils, when I 1 they themselves hold the sacred trust for their 1 relief. s • t 1 And then, what new energies, what giant pow-1 er, what noble angelic life, would be infused into the Omit heart and mind of the world, le all its varied and diversified labors and projects; and en terprise and huffiness. Then, selfish ambition and sordid avarice would be . trizisformed inoiiies worthy of a Seraph's bosom ; and wealth,=., in such a noble application, would'tiot be unworthy of-sin angel's efforts. , But benevolent- means pre-eminently: require whatever sagacity, talent and system can-ho com manded, not only to guard and protect the tron ure, bat to mature and perfect- the method and plan Of their use, and to place it all en a 'perms nent,aad abiding basis. If to acquire an estate requires intinstry; eyatenk, thought, untiring energy, then in:itich se quisitiou all those qUalities are eultivateCtind proved, and no,one, therefore, better qualified to applY thu 1310a13 thus acquired, to a now enter prise, .than he Vile, by long perseverauce,.,has de veloped and improved them. If these 'qualities have iccured to him success, who better qualified than he to apply bis weans to new subjects requi ring the same qualitics• fur their succetil ? who more ,likely to give praCtical efficiency to Ida plaits, and to understand and perfect all their detail than I he ? who more like!): than lie to give such eifte ieney; who, in acquiring an ii estate ' - mtalmost necessarily become it practical, calculating, think ing, plodding deity laborer? Who More likely 'to look to-ipractiCal results than he? Who mere-like ly to .look to stn wise and practical appliCatiop, than the man - whose severe experience intiOatight him the cost of wealth, which alter all iAmie of the must dear and vestly commodities that our world' offers for sale. The daily and hiSorious toil—the sleepless vigilance, the Care and ktnxieiy, wearing away mind and body by its ever y.arying excitement—the early end nightly thought; often, the rude encounters with the selfiehness,And,cli pidity of ignoble competitors, or of envitins ma. ligners, nod then its engrossing, unrelenting and tyrannical absorption of the whole minkto the neglect, of so many of the gentle, relining and de- ; voting pleasures of life--,the iron rule of a self discipline, that makes business first and teat, the ; Sfoladt before whom is offered a becaton4!:of su Mal and domestic pleasures, and, intellectual and liteiary enjoyments; who more likely tin lie, that has acquired an estate-at, .10i a cost, itta look to its economical application, to toe that it produce mutt pr,MO•, some dividends, and; prove to be a productive and paying, and not stock?" No executors, no posthumous trustees, can ev or understand his intention, or execute hitirpurpO SC3 as well as liituelf. But atniing the lowest, and most insaucaspects of wealth, is the pleasure of clutching and'gloat. I ing over it, and hugging it to' the heart', as its . l clearest treasure—or to gratify - a selfish atitbition; for the reputation of riches--or to indnigilin tentationa airplay. Lase'. tiilplay, shining equipage, bripinrit, cost- ly and ambitious expenditure arc vulgtir show!- Arc these the rational enjoyment of wealth; when amid the glitter and cost and splendor of - ..suclia scene, it is 'remembered, that. often within. sight and sound of it, are the Woe-stricken haithts of frightful poverty, or Wretched vice, where famine, Of disease, or want, or guilt, hold- their haggard and death-stricken revels ? Oh ! if the dying neg lected man, his two tyrant iO6, vice and?ward, having set their lust sad signet on his brotias he . lay - on his filthy pallet, could suddenly be trans ported, with the gloom and the groans of hls laSt suffering, into such a, circle, anti could melte his dying appeal to the last gloat Tribunal, and . sunt- mon us to meet him than, to answer for the prod- 1 titution arid perversion of the means entrusted to i us for his Safety, and his rescue—for the t ' adful i le and stupendous fraud committed against . in, to administer to our own passions and our o van-i by ! And what is this but one of ten thousand I times ten thousand appeals and remonstrance's made against the perversion of wealth ?' c: I But there is a pleasure that an angel tnig,lit coy- I et, in the' wise and worthy acquisition of Wealth, I - so that during long years of a happy life,,the true ; enjoyment of it may be secured. . . ,-.• It hut, if his means are made to warm, arid feed; and clothe the poor—to baffle the advances oftheir ! great destroyers, vice and want, and rescdOhetri from it pauper's grave, and a felon's fate; to„pluek them from impending ruin, and to retain.; theta I Within the circle of the hopes and the- affeetions! of our common brotherhood; and if thus lie wit': I um the daily blessings of his charities, and: daily finds springing up inl.lliiii heart, the glad erinalon arising from the sweet reflection that he ,is ieliev;.l iug his fallen brothers' woes! Shall this Seward 1 be his :tow—to throw its sunny influence into his heart as long as he lives, or shall he forego all this, and hold ou to his means till death? ' l . ' I FIDITORM TAB IVE have put" M.tat b. commi9l they will keep; and aS down es will hi a long tth supposes be tries hte t so " - bead n —Metter of towtOte l rea; aceide It Would be far Mimi lies*able orly dished up (surio- . l3tdieye Mil to do), we will guantntie it tea 3 would wade.tbrough titapresent ' - , "A ratrt.x 'mime:tire tiew Ie relished by the irisest, - To glue our readers* . idea - Of which Editors are ocei4ionally a ring writers, we print the follow came from tho writer'sflhand—pr rfly, that it teas interlett for. Byron, for g ive na litteigiAtng• Oh ! see the snow in all grand. With its fleecy white. , coat a fah Listen to the cheerful topic, In our inirN resounding. Ob! bow many a heart'fs cbeare With the cispectatictes of goirt... , But to their great misfortune's, Their lover's coma's and tell th i but no sleigh.' Why dont you pi and ifro,a slel She says to him halOext, But why dont you giveiine moue And thou a sleigh ride we bet As you walk :down. cßeestreets, In eery parlow win Ow a lady Anctionsly waiting forisetim dan . To ask her to go a sleighing. When presently to her 'great scarp In steps a fine.younglooking But when she anylizes She finds him to bea Batchlor SIGNISD Sbi'PORTER I and :. NETEOBALOGiVii N TIONS. Reported hy Dr. A. HeijO, of Pot ar. &i. Associ'n. ontEltlelVl BAP.NIT t3cvttsyt ÜBSIIIVATIO%N. ..: . i0 - 1 1 41 MO, ; 28 . days. I t2i,.9.-:11.-F"' T 3.8 28$ 28.74 28.943 28.1)0 .1 213.13 '284 j daturd.. 20 16 Sunday 41 ,11 s'.i, Monday .5!I 15 13 I Tuesd'y 01 6 161, NVedn'y 71 I 7lj Thurs'y 13; 20 I 7 Vriday 911 25 423 11 2 7si7`Our fricod.P.3tii Ash, of eeiyed tho appointmetit'9i Aid to A Merited compliment. far The ball on Thursday even at Minersrille, was largely atten l off most pleasantly* T -st! the Mal '10" The Treasurer nf the Be acknowledges 'Reieial cvntribut'ons this wecle, l'eft-Election4.-LOn Friday net Peace, Judges and Intiectory of Constables are to be ele;lk.d for. th of this Borough, and alit an Assail sistants for the Borougil ; Sit large. or of the birth 'of the '.'Father will be'given at the Pfittusylvan evening of Monday, 190.' The 5 , are,--Jamen B. Beatty, ; Col. J. 51. M. B. Richards, t;corge:+:W. Snydo COL John Hobart and Br. A. By a resolution of the'Botird, tleinen ore requeste , l to sppenr in? ft'rAt an election the Sell Agrienltural Society, JO:hary ing officers were electe4 for the c Hon. .Tacoh Hammer, :President and PRZCSoiI, Vic'el'residen Recording Secretary'noLibrarin den. Corresponding E.eciciary; 34. Treasurer ; Rubens Peak and Dr., Curatyrs. Iretil. - The attendance at the liter: evening.WedneSday tlitte!gli small ger than expected from f/ie clin.ract. Howell 'Fisher, klA.,:lecture , i Government of our couniry. It ten and interesting . prelluction; more extensive ouldnai Mr. Ilelfenstein, of Skatliokin, is Ninted tor next week. jal`Pmf. Tiffany a (4tol. from this place, on Thurelavtriorning, and Susquehanna road, lint the tra out sonic four hours wit. 'Obliged to, count of the snow on thfitinek. was a groat disappointre(tint, ns arrl been made, we understand, for tar.' various parts of the Cotinty;to h Another timid, we presutift., will he due notice will be given.EF: . to Port Carhtio llo6iugh Elee rough Election, on Moitday last, election of the following,iersonr, • larly nominated. Tho on th, ed about 60 majority. Chit/ Burgers, Ross Brill ; Connc •her, Peter Cox, and Tobfis' 11. Win! years; Michael Weand, t 4.6 years; son, ouo year; School DiSietors, Charles Holder, three genii; Leone l years; George B. Fisleti7:!lind Tub stems, ono year; Town Merl, Orl High Ponstable; Uriah Gkee ; Asses' ley; Assistant Assessors,4oshua K. Jacob Krohs ; Auditor*, Bolton and Philip Steinbach; 141tice of ti Bull. - f - Coal Sctilpturr.—Pitr friend not having An outlet fez their Co,' here converted a to a noticed a bust of an Africa"ncarved op Coal by a Mr. McAndroW'.';:in the een .1. J. Connor, a short tit. since-li] we were shown another :Ppecinsen-i -bust. of "Charier of the Ptinneylvatt pipe in mouth, &c., carvetleut of Cop ing,enious artist. Tho luMp is Iron of Col. Connor, of Ashlarrai, and is his mammoth vein .CoaL by Mr. C. F. Norton, Coaidealer of and it can be - seen at his Jtrfce, No. Street, next week. .'s4c MeAndl possesses a remarkabla . ttilent for Sculpture, or the "black ;o:rt, - and he has orders for Several iMStsof si mail" at the rate of $5O Per bust. new. ifnm following is the official report of a Ohlie met ing. hold on I ,Thursday evening, to organize a new HOSCI com pany in this place--a cortiltiondablo enterprise: Ate meeting of the ettizons helFl at the Ex change Saloon. Feb. 8, 1845,. Mr. A l ms MeClon nen called to the chair AO L. C. 4.ib appointed Secretary. The followinkwas edop ed Wriznass, We have seep ,with de :p regret, the want of another efficient Hose- comnany, to pro teea the lives and proportfof our fellow citizens. Bemired, That we orga)ilze the satie, to be cal led the Northern Liberty, I tnse Co mpa yof Schuyl: kill County.) The otkeersf the celeetY shall be a President, Secretary and Treasure : to serve un til( we have a new eleetioii; • • On motion, the followinkoffteersw John L. Mennig, Prmiderp L. C.Le Nieholas•Fox, Treasurer:: ' : On motion. 'Jerome Thit'ner, Joht L. C. Leib, were appoint4l. -a cow care members. 'o n motion,, we tuljourno to meet place on Thursday' ee,cni44 Fob. 15,1 L. C. Leta, Sec. ?iii•Cr.ea4 Air The WcatAcr.—Tlocis, so far, cold week of the season. ;On Mon the mercury ran down to po below noon, on the day following, Tuesday at 3° below, though the *icy was p and the sun shining hrigirtly ! Th y proper to remark, was registered eters furnished by the Pbfladelphia stitute- , --most carefully gOduated now in use by the Scientific ;Assoc; /place. The observations WO taken Store, Centre street. 'fticke is now Inches of snow on the gr'ound,. and ,moro falling at the time We write (F Besides our weekly .11:0'teorologi friend in Norwegian streWhas furni the following: Tuesday morning, Feb. 1 6th., the facing the north undercover, was at lowing morning at 7 o'clut;k it was 4' in'the evening the vreathir, began and on Thursday morning4he mercy and 22 in the afternoon, btriy, thick some snow falling all day,:*hieh wit tyro previous days may be:.,estimate. Inches deep. This inernink(Fridtiy) iture at 1 o'clock is 24° abaye zero. day morning, Deeemoer 20tb., the 4 0 ., below sere, but rose to 18 in the gier•Xeiling of the frieillie .of the Bihle.4-The following are the proceedings of the minty - Bible „ Convention, and of the, Almirersari of the Fe aisle Bible Society, held 'Obis place on Monday last, as reported gespectiveli by the S rctary: A convention of the friends of he`Rible in Schuylkill county, met in Mr. Stack's choral, Feb, 6, at 21 o'clock, PI •/: and °Tithed by the appointment of ANDuzwittMitt., Eon , Chairman, and Rev. T. Browner Tno•,tti, Secretary. Prayer was Otero& ICY Tte'e; Ci)ok, of MI- A:, after which, on motion , of Rer.l4 Washburn, *committee consisting of Reir.ldesare ' Steck Ater. - edltb, - Williams, Stone, .Tentllngs,' an d Dr. Hensel; icatione on Me— re have *me, Irv ! iln theinesntintii, ething. - yraerievii rt;e b t e if u ;nro ac i , Ltl taw the ebil4ty mailers where one eontritrations. land !lien IMES the inilietionslo bject from aspi ng effesion .as it aecessa- I fry! (Shade of sleighing m he has a horse dear,k will take , f ninety. THE PRP.M9 The annual meeting Otitill County ;Female Bible Society costive English Lutheran Church at 71} Ai, Feb. sth'. Andrew Russel, Egli weal" chair, and ReY.• T. Snosiden Thom -. 1 Secretary. Prtiyer was then addressed eof Grace, Wiley. Tamen E.:Meredi , i Hilo; after toj oi which the third chapter °rt. the Phil. lippians, 3V115 read by Revamce, agent of the Penna. Bible Soeletor.fid Annual Report of the Society IRO by Rev. Iniptel Washburn, Cor. Seiio;'in increas ing interest in its behalf thrhe °minty. From it we. take the follow% Nuinber of families visitedtnb utoiduring the year. , pf Number of Bibles distriliOng the Tamaqua and . Setplacn auxiliaries," , •.• • , Amount contributed in innitithe . • 1 same time, i s76B 30 Number of families foundAihe Bible, ; 1; 52? , of those visited 2394 wont of Protcsf tant churches; 748 members man Cath olk church; and 202 belonsiiharcb. ' [ The Rev. J. Wheaton doliladelphii, then delivered a very chasdat and elo quent addres.-. Rev. I. Followed in an earnest appeal in behalr a idests of the 4 Society. . = ' ; 1 On motion, is basket collkHtlen up 'in aidiof the Society, amoundbP. , • qn motion , ; Rev. J. Whian, Andrew RuSecl. Esq., Rey. D. Waytlil ltev. ;J; Neill were made Life Mcmhannna. Bible . . Society. by the contributioe, On motion of Rev. J. N e!Uent Board of Managers were unaniinotidded. tin motion of Rev. A. Lottra resolved to hold the next meeting inithMethodist Episcopal church. •i•i: Gmgraphicar. Height . of Mark mean tl• tanee f . • ]b".—Po! 7,5(). f Pottsville (corner k 2d. Me.) above 63,957 ft.—Dis- Plifledelphla, 95 tltude, 40°. 44' .ulatlon In 1850,. =aqua, In! re he Governor.— ng of lart week, ed, and parsed OEM 'esolent Society highly liberal, =I ejections,. and . e several svards l iurand two !nal ball, in.hon- f 116 country," u• Hall, on the onagers elected INYetherill, Maj. ~T..L Atwood, ger. 1 1 military gen ? Alarm. • ..kgr - Silrer Creek in a b/a-4443 alarmed, realer--wo mean to to tikiroliterely. ,It, seeing the folks therealioutsteting some evenings ago, to organize aPPociety in t I that place (nothing more Op , i which to connect a Library. itiii I: - much, us it may puzzle the unsophist: r to dis;: cover the fact from the ofliciii4 I the . pro ceedings annexed. They hatacuished uS with a request for publietitiottre are al . • wayis glad to lend our columna'ncourage meni of all laudable enterprisalt - of course incl!'led), with an eye at thi'ie toward the instruction" or amusemekaders, we comply: • . .•.• - • , uylkill County :55, the follow.- .euing.year:— Joshua Bock • ; J. S. Keller, 1; S. 11. Mad teph Ilamtner, F. Treichler. If) , Society, oh was much larl pr of the weath d—subject, the - l as a well writ- I nd- deserved . a 4 .1 be repeated? . Llteratztish The organization of a Litpiety took place in the Silver Creek Sehonan Friday eveuing, the 241inid.• , The the*composed of a:numerous collection of thitif Blythe township and immediately of.fliek. The I meting having been called tO;ti. WilliaM BroWn was unanimously !voted - president —Vice Presidents, Messrs. ThawWn, Jnu.; Berta; • Acting Secretary, • Mr, Franchi , Bilden The house' being eaTider,. Mn W. brown addressed the SocioOpost glowl ing 4xpressiene,' which were intlitiastiently received by the Society. Mr. Wafter nta= king many splendid remarks natittions ori the innumerable Gene : fits that re to the risingt, generation of Silver Creflt the lit erarY, spirit and enterprise in rhers..and mothers would share; took his.lnist lout,, .;•; •;acelamattons. . , I , • , 1 lMr. Richard Weitleck beings said, --1 Mr. president and Gentlemen, It inter- i I emmoe me to have the happiirehoner te.l address so large an respectabl9g as this; I much snore, when observe theitaut and 1 Cathifrlic unite hand in hand, tOte devil- 1 tion id this, ourgle ions instituOntlemen: 1. the hooks which we are about tai as !loon no our funds boom more enlaritho suita- 1 ble for all classes i n society to pets it has I been p•evionsly sug stet! to yo*rary will 1 i v compose the molt s lest books, Ir .? betarian principles; and tha those perms; may he netniltated by the society, tomignerchasp, will, T hope, leave tn) - stone unt* procure edifyingthe Most whtks'that hatitiu circu- ' lotion since the fall of - Mir greatOr, Adam. Mr. President and Gentlemen of •Aociation, when; wo ire launched forth on thief eter nity, ;our children and grand chili receive a ten z fold benefit. film our exert* impor-, ant an enterprise. Mr. R. Welt conele-', sion,mndo impressive observatio multi:, furious and salutaryleffects whichalesult tot the society; when he took his..stilst, loud! cheering. . , . •:,...A. t., 1 . A number , of subsenbers.came iii i .ed eon- I trib43d largely toward the funds - clay: .' 1 4 • Mril John.O'Donnell rose and the so ciety ;in expressive words. Sever. gentle; men also spoke, amo ng i whom were,. Wm! Wenlink, Griffith Jones, James Cup . I The house being n little excited * nomi. nation of a Treasurer, W:Brown . - . order: .when',J. Raval rose'and moved t enlock be appointed Treasurer, seconded juicnip W. Brown put the tinustion to th after which the members divided, and Itlek was elected by one of a majority—staoting! Mr. William Barns was appointed bi. Ili fine, the tweeting appointed a com*f nine, Mollifiers, whose duty it is to collect o r the societY, titzfl to investigate other The follosting committee Were appoinlllfichard Venlbek. William Barns, Patrick t. John Royal, John O'Donnel, James Cudi)epnis Francis Butler; Patrick ReddingtotiOaniel McAllister., I . • A v,oto of thanks Ivaktaken in farllessis::. Brown,, McGown, Raval and Butler,lF sati's factory manner in which they condna busb, ness 4f the evening. 1 The Society adk until Friday evening, the,l,4 of March4-d4mber retiring with a deep ;impression- of titmard. thousand enterprising !object which :•orhem together. . I'. t. Y.: Sigis'd,—W. Bro , -- , . ',F. Me' ct lectuter. ap- I larrisburg for I n the Dauphin n after being return, on ac is non-arrival ngements had' crowds from r hie lecture. axed, of which ion.‘—The lin esulted in tife tho weio rept ticket:receiv- 1, Charles lia ersteen, three ame; E. Gib .. uel Pry and rd Martz, two H. Winter.; 16 Templin; or, John Bat- Seigfried and A. Heebner, l e Arm'', Roits I . at Ashland, 1 at present, .cw use. We 1 of a block of .ploy of Col. nd yesterday being a full I . Hall, with 1 . by the sante the Colliery F. specimen of ' was purcbas- Philadelphin; 52 Walnut ew evidently` I bis species of e undeistand lored.getitle- , :917 , (1,- 4n, F. Butler.i ~, c. ' Thl writer now. lets himself looseij•eu si , • , ; regular literary "bnit''.--tears .thingst: e tre. , sion it; too rich to spoil with any pncr4touis l so w& print it verhitim as to the 43 only .. changing the orthoraphy and the pitiee hero end there, bat through !which lii 3 a glory rhinos in unmistakeable effulginveil thelcss: * - II • t., Silver Creek is located seven miles Iffrott's vile, 'ln a beautiful' undulating con thus mineral mountains throw resplendedl4 Oil that aspiring village.! The songsters:lF...tit: are heard chanting fi?rth their re,ech 3 i l l the rising and settles of that brig)t ,' l d u i (Sel),!and the 41enicis of the mounts ii,4 • spired. the inhabitant with a thirst fottiliti olg l which', she can appease with salutary ' I ,l l i by hey magical incantations, from life - tt r., sus, in Asia. Happy Were it for those 3 0 vf the midnight oil in revelry, to have so :16,4 correspondent as the' Silver Creek fie ,t lit not this alone that Silver Creek is; The mighty hand . oflProVidenee hasl 4 spirit, if inspiration amongst the peep! ingl ti, ing toitheir respective abodes the works hVY and renowned inen—Lthe prodUctions (lt aer ! Virgil; Salust, Euclid, Arcidentea andr,ti4. l . mount luminary, Sir Isaac Newton, co tee largely with others. In a word, Silver ill become the grand theatre of the Nine, si l l preclude men' who from their Own per vet can at drisg. any . reasonable community itt.: epee. . This shales whet man can do—w WI j ' . c t l noldesi of God's ertaturea? ; -'.. , The opening of our institution in Siliiiet:l will. dti . we expect, take place abOnt the c. c ..,..1 meet o"f next , Spring.! The effect prodne rei by, Wn . hope, Will eradidate l oilions bah ; Ili vociferation, .and :wielder into dust p ,u:i , plants;;' from the ashes of Which, may i,lic Phoenix of intellect and intelligence..4', Aron of this happy village will he seen w at strides!.approaching, perchance, the ins Of this, our glorious Reptthlie, with uplifted =ii, of Libiirty, crying out,—i"Our land is a f ej our motto Is Liberty, our fathers before u iej. lied the path that our great progenitor an • 1 1.; er of Pennsylvania had marked out. We ,r! the mightiest nation* on the earth, our int' de. 1 has reached from Pole to Pcle. This Co iFt impenetrable. Therefore as lung as we 'ti unitedl?rithout any internal, broils, impo it' will be, to make inrcopis into otir coon ~ci have been well instruted from the eerlie N. , of oar infancy ,. i to he teadfalit to , the prin Of our glorious Constitution." , i Those are the sentiments our children w' -1 sass.' kgood educaticn is what Makes a _'y prosperous, end fits wan for liociety and' TI lei purposes. We expect,!when One library s is A for the benefit of the qociery; that ladies ' - ,tlemen.will advance their respective aid t a t out ceders, as did-thi Tolman of *saris. , ro elected ib, qeereta I Kohler and itteo to pro- at the same at-8 o'clock, FAN, Prem. has been the night lad. zero ! and at 6th. it Stood erfeetly dear it may ho the thermom, Franklin In nstruments— talon of this at the. York . • some 14-15 I a felt , spits idny). ! n shed " rg rt. l . ritl a i thermometer ere: the foi -1 below zero; o moderate, • rose to 15 eather with that on the at 12 or 14 the temper. Wednes. 1 . emu. was , moon. T rE. i. 0.4401 to I • 'mos bi of 14 the course Countyli. , dent ported, he 3.* d the oral*. latoo . of this • • t pre r 13 ? ,1 , ) 11 1 • ware appointed to press Vas convention. , ion motion,. Rer. Mr, the committee. at the ableace of. the reply, State. Agent, gal tasseling irttilligenee t DNS Secielgi)throughot of; ishich hsitatsid that! male Bible *le r was iary in the State." The committee . ha% following for dbiettssion 184 That tills - soave& aiun •ot the wore "Per society. That( &hideout - 4 ramose of (lensing mt. Bible Soeioty morel mere general formation( lid. That a mote then aaMliary soCiatlea in the seeiety is brienti4lly 'et the latter. 'On motion, the: report The. first recootmen &Mutated dissuasion. *as pirt to vo The conatitution,and ' County Sa ciety were , then read for';., tiou of the : cobvention. : Daring the discasilonlL irecommen dation, R lieu. Mr. Cistle o tide, which ( being withdrawn, Rev. MWroposed the . following, which was ado Resolved, That this co mend the, foipation immediately oies in this county, and that a !convev3 societies bee:tiled to form rt;Sehuy , ible Soeii ctY auxiliary - to the Penn So'ciety: i . 'On motion of Rev. MIQ it was. re= solved that we recommenOmatiounti satiety express its willingpsits present name as soon as the prortsitast risoiu 7 tiell are fulfilled. , On motion, the-third pliii!n was laid owthe table; • 1 'a, On motion, the procee*gered to bo printed.. On motion, adjourned sfiss *lair:a/o; T. S. THOMAS, Secretor* . ! ' 3., On motion the meeting e,44t A. a;rman 1 4 , SmowDEN THOMAS Cri . • , 1 r then, from, the well disposed and informed, we ex root reasonable subscriptions, as they, see the ob ject of our perseverance, and industry. 0! Lib erty, Liberty, Liberty !I a sound delightful to every Adierican ear. ' '" iscrission by TAMAQUA AFFAIRS. jlllll•Gets.. 17. McCabe, Esq.,' ba.! received" from the M. E. High Priest of the Grant H. , R. A. Chap= ter of Pennsylvania, the appointment of District Deputy Grand High' Priest for this County: • (rnou, connt9iommT4 Massa. Earroasi-kYon Sontb-western can form no idea of the intense cold we exn,ri ince ;tray up here in ttlese regions ; TherMom eter stands at Six degrees below zero. I - hard a gentleman yesterday affirm, that bis ylMrmoizieter Was ten degrees below' zero at Mid-day. Phew! don't you call that 'cold weather 4 . . _ for the jug the Co. flitriend this aries. lation of the nho County • sueeess of .SharPley's Ethiopian Minstrels performed in Boyer 's Hall on last Friday,. Saturday and Mon day evenings, to the great amusement of the gen tlemen of onr Town. All things are'. now ready. four the introduction of Gas, and our citizen's expect soon to ho enjoy ing its tailliant light. I, A man named Pinscoo was. seriously injured in Heaton h Carter's mines, Tuesday 6th inst.; hare -nut learned the particulars. Ernst!. Tamaqua, Feb. 7, 1555. , , • „OP The Ilinersville.lans want . gas. Aye, sye j,—nothing like it; but; try to get a cheaper com modity neighbors, thkis i'ottsvillo is furnished With. No charge for this •bit of advice. - , . 4 7gr-One of the boilers at the White Ash mines of d. Bast do Co., 'near Idinersville, accidentally exploded on Tuesday of last week, removing the other Boilers from their foundation and blowing the entire roof off the tbtilding. No lives lost, and but one man slightly injured. ;4-Mining prepayiions.—Tho Bulletin gives a further account of tlio preparations of Coal Cp orators in that neighborhood fur the next seasea's $113111051+, as follows: I _ 1 "The Messrs. Harper 41t. Co. ore now sinking What is denominated by miners a second lift, that to say, they have foi some time been working down a slope eighty r fiye yards below the surface, and are now sinking nn additional depth of seven ty yards, which will Make in all one hundred and fifty-five yards below the surface of the ground.— ThosO deep, subterranitous caverns, hewed the Skill and ingenuiti of the miner, would appear to a stranger as a distant, gloomy place, but the miner prefers being there, to being engaged on the surface, and why ? because he is at all times pro tected from the intluetice. of the leather, and all thatis . r6quired to makehis situation at all times safe, is care and strict attention to the proper ar rangement of their work: We are happy to say that during our short visit to Mr. Harper's mines, everything indicated such an Urrangement. The men engaged, appeared to bo all Leber and intel ligent men, and appeared to have the interest of their employers 'at heart. It would be well if some of our other Operators; could have L it said of them, that their works were Supplied with sober men, so that they, too, would feel a greater interest in their employer's welfare than in the bottle. We ascertained that Messrs. Harper a Co. will be pre pared and expect to ship, the ensuing season, six ty thousand tons, and have no doubt of the fact of their being able, as. their vein of Coal isof very unusual thicknesii, ranging from ten to twen ty feot thick; of pure red ash. They have a set of schutes in the course of erection, which, when completed, will contain one thousand tons of pre pared Coal. We design visiting some of the.oth erSoal Oporations shortly, anal shalt continue .from time to time, to give our ieaders all the in formation we can collect in relation to there." 4,334 ME gr WE publish the following communica tion at the _request of the writer, with pleas ure. The acrtiele ii i linded to was copied into our paper from ani exchange, as any other iteni of news, without even. knowing who, the author was: "ORIGIN or CAMP-MEETINGS." EDITOR Or :NI iNzus t JoustNAL: -/) car Sir:—ln your paper tif last week, a prominent place on the first page was 'occupied by an article having the above caption, ),itli u 4 introductory heading, 'Re ligious." In the column of printed matter so her, dldca, the subject announced received the meagre attraction of , a Single paragraph, the greater part of the remainder being devoted to an account of various Fingerer species 'of mental and physical excitement; ' , which, while they preceded the era of camp-ineetingS were alio peculiar to no sect, • norto any especial time or place of meeting. It will wot perhaps be necessary to notice further the ',subject which little space, in the article `referred to: for it is not to'so light a mutter. as Julie caption, I mean to call your attention, nor to the tacit insinuation that would. connect the sub ject twined, with the . rsubjeet treated . --it is to a• matter More serious: • The mass Of Christian_ ministers intended by the epithet t•Saddle-bags;',' Will be easily recognized . by ypur readers. TIM name is doubtless inelegant, but its Use Indicates ith sufficient clearness, the life id almost'Aptattone devotion and toil- 7 --the pa tient endurance, and the unwearied zeal, which so strikingly characterised those first. Evangelists 'of ttiOrilderness, It -may indeed amuse or offend the fastidious delicacY of modern refinement and ' piety, but it cannot fail to excite the honest admi ration of every true-hearted man. It is against this ,dass that the author of your article, on the authority of a, historY.wrapped in the same obscu rity ,as himself, prefers a grave and - dark accusa tion, as false as it is bold. lle says,—"The writer to whom I referred, says 'nearly h alf of the min iefteitt of that peiiod were st one one time and another, subject to church cemiiires-yor various faults.' I have characterized this charge as false, and I am 'supported in, se doing. "Church censures" /de matters otrecord, and the only authority which would be definitive dna positive on this point; giros no such testiinotiy. For the support of this statement, I refer your-writer 'and readers to a -history whose name I have no hesitation in giv dng,•—"Bang'e list. Of the M. E. Church,',' the writer of which had full access. to nll'records of. church action, as well as • the external - Sources .of ' general information ; ,there they will (Ind not only authoritative refutations of such charges, but many "other" interesting statements with regard .to that early time._ It may be, a matter of infer-. mation to your anonymous contributor, to know that, each one of those "Saddle-bag" ministers .wal required to pass (as do,their - succeesors of the preient day) an'anniiitl - examination with his pri vate and ministerial Character, which would have, , secured effectually the "church censure" when mer ited and have prevetited at, leak, the more than , temporary continuanCe of any eyil practice. It is notritfirmed that those ment.werii all immacu late; bodies of men never haim - heen so ;.but whe ther bishops or ministers, they will compare, and not. unfaverablY,• with similar officers in other churches. The denomination, now the largest in this free and enlightened nation; directly affecting . unradifth of the entire 'population, and which is ramited to look upon those venerable men as "Fa their," has nowhere it higher place in the affec ' time of the community, and in its consequent to chit inflaienee than in the State of Kentucky, which, Is said to have boon'the scene of such astonishing ministerial defection, and also with equal truth of "intestine feuds" and "dissentious," by which the church was "torn, wasted," and infidelity made generally prevalent. Were these grave accuse ' tioas of your contributor at ell correct, it ,would , be a matter of extreme surprise, that the Antelli , gent people of that community should have been able to forget or lose eight of the very gloomy an tecedent of the church they lov i e, and the minis tens they sustain. You mill confer a favor on some of your read ers- and correct tho false impressions of many more, if you will givia place to y these remarks in your next issue. ; Yours, Thum. sown, 4:A D NEW YORK LEITER. 1 [yßom OUR OWN colincsrommsr.l • ' .1 [On account of the ,detention of the mail this week ' our New York Letter did !not reach 'us till late—we can therefore publish only the mOst itn ' me,diaiely, important parts of Joullinf.] DEA it Joriaist.:-.The all-absoibing topic among our citizen circles for the past Month has been the appreuching:electiou of United States Senator, in place of Wm. 11. Seward, whose! terat will expire onithe 4th of March next.' This very day has been appointed by the "powers that are," in Al balsY, fur the electilm. Beaten and earth have been moved by the friends of tlie present incum bent to secure his success, with 'what effect time mast very soon determine. Probably never :has the political cauldron foamed and soothed with such vigor as at present—the one topic swallow. ing up all minor Subjects of every line or size. Even the Liquor question has Upon Cast into the -shade; while very niany are prone to believe that this wholesome measure has been sold. bodily to the anti-Rum interest for the sate ofa few votes for the candidate of the ruling dynasty of the, 'Empire State; however:that lieu! be, if the arch agitator ho not returned to his in•esent position, it will not be for lack !of efforts eni the part of his friends—they have left no meaneltin tried—no stone unturned—all the engines of political patronage have Lean brimght to bear un Wavering or obsti nate opponents—fat; prizes of canal jobs and otlice 'appointments have been temptingly put forth— euntitry members have been fouSted and flattered in private circles. and the uuturiens wine collars of. Tburlow Weed have yielded up their sparking contents to fuddle the brains of ihesitating voters. • Thus much and infinitely more fur that side oil thb house. On the either side fuptahuinan exer'. tiens art%baing mild to defeat the wily wire-puller. "Sam's" legions era' on the March, and though thiiir numerical strength in the house may be a minority, that outside and around the building and its lobbies is enormous. We are told that a delegation of five bUndreil outsiders are at present at the Capital to further the good cause—'so we are informed, of coarse we."dou'r know." Financial affairs are deeidedlf brightening ; al though there is still, that iaek of confidence, which is the main thing to' contend against. Our banks 'are very close in their accommodation on business vaper, while Wall street is urged to accept mil,. lions on call, actually begged to accept the money. Zio, specie strength of our banks is very groat, ' hang seventeen and one million, greater by sev eral million than when the AlMento money (Seven' millions to the Mexican government: on •Ilesilla Valley steneurit,) was disbursed from the Treasury and went into our banks, and greater '.we than it ims ever been since the System et I weekly Lank statements base given us a chance of know ing the faits of the,ease. :450:41:141AA:f.Erti1:ill (Fon THE MlNEReJounsm..) • B. Sax:van Esq.:—The question put a few weeks age. whether wheat turns into cheat, has not been answered; however numerous the advocates on :the affirmative= are I 'will therefore give at least Some of what they ,eonsider reasons. - Some say. ;that shriveled dwarflah wheatil the reason of such transmutation;. Others - say that whiteheads, or 'that wheat which has part of the chaff around it ;When town: others againsai that close cropping by .fowls, ,Le.; brings!, about sech . a change, and ,still others contend that moist locations and wet :weather bring about such's herbal' revolution. Now-4 will briefly notice theui in succession: nny sane; man contend' that-a shrivelled chstnitt, or one with the 'enclosing it when Platted, would undergo a transmutation end pro duce an oak, or that the cutting off repeatedly- the eprbuts of an'apple tree, that in the end it would produce a cherry; or that Indian corn planted in a wet pine", or in a mei season; would change into pumpkins• ' or if a raspberry bush be , covered by a snow- drift - undergo the change into a 'com mon wild blackberry. Now these changes - are just as reasonable as:the transmutation of wheat or rye iota. cheat, for they are governed by 'the same laws of nature. That crosses are; occasion ally effectei'l. no one of. the lesit experience de nies; but such erosies will never step _beyond the family tO which they belong: for instance corn will amargainate, - but it will always be corn and no flax; wheat may be arose& but will never become timothy; all seeds produce their like or nothing. Who ever heard of a shriireled horse, or ono closely cropped off—say both earScnt off, a leg or two fractured—betome a fine fat cow ; or a mis arable cow, a fat, thrifty sheep? Orlastef all, who has ever ,heard of, or seen a 'man: undergo the transmutation ; and become a certain animal fre quently dressed_in men's cloihieg, and called mon key? If stteh be the case, it is leftfor the friends of transenitation, to bring it to notice. A PRACTICAL FARMER. • littigious Atelligence. Afsr-Tne Sarni:runes Ix Si:kmEsE.—The Amer ican Bible 'Society has received for it's library the Four Gospels it; the Siatnese tangange, from Rev. S. Mattoon ; two copies of .the New7restament in Chinese, one.prlnted on metal types and the other on wooden blocks,-from Roy. S. W. Bonney. fa-FIRST METHODIST EPISCCH'AI; CH CECIL fee and street, Pottsville, Res. T. :57(oworx THOMAS. Paster: Divine service in thl Church every Sabbath, at In A. M and? P. M. . • faze-minim LUTHERAN CHURCH . , Market &inure: Pottsville, Bel: DANIEL Sink, Pastor. • Divine 'orrice in this Church regularly every Sunday. Morning, at 10 1 A o'clock: evening, at 7 o'clock: Weekly Prayer Meeting. Thursday evening, rit 7% o'clock. ~ • - Are - 11 • APTIST ClitißCH, Rev. Joiri - 11. Currie, Pmtnr. Serrier every' Sabbath at 101 1 :: o'clock, A.M., and 7 o ' clock, P. M. , To-morrow, A. 31., February 11, new members rorelved by the right hand of fellowship. In tbe ken ing. Sermon by Rev. dAtItS There will also be preachin; every evening of next Week, at 7?,2 o'clock. • • far ,CitINI:AVLEDGE3IEN.M.---The Treasurer •of the Benevolent Society at:knovtletlge.s the receipt of the fol lowing stuns for the relief of the Poor, viz: • o h - WELSH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Mi . I3eISI vale road, Pottsville. Rev. CUARIES W. EDWARDS, Pas tor. Pivlne N 1 %'ICA In this Church every Sabbath. Morn': ing at 19 o'clock, evening at 6 o'clock. Prayer Meeting ai -9 o'clock. School for etruill children, to (each them in tbo theories and doctrinfs of the bible, at 114 o'clock. School for reading the Bibb%kc., at - '= o'clock. il - ngiug:'cle 'Ol at 5 o'clock. . ' //Z . PIIISBYTERIAN Port Carbon, Res A. M. 1,43 a RY. Pastor. Ter. S. 8: SIIEDDAN, of Itabway,, Sk:J.,,ls expected tn. preach in this Chnreh on Friday-evening, February 10th. 'at 7 o'clock. Also on Saturday evening. at 7 oVock, and on Sabbatlimornlng - aelOq, and ercning- at '7. Also on Monday and Tuesday'erenings. - The . SaerurriaMt of the I:ortrs Suppe; will be adminis tem' on Sabbath morning. - Atir TRINITY • CHURCH_ SERVICF.S FOR FEBRUA RY.— 11th. Sunday. and 7 , 4 P. M. .I . Sexagesitt)a). 16th. Friday evening acrvice and locture.l% o'clock. 18th. A. M. service., 10?< : o'clock, and 'evening sere ico at o'clock, Zlst. Ash ypdttcv.tay,lo,, , r A. }l., and 7 . ,,'41 P. M. tihd. Fridip uyrning aortic g and lectltre. VAco'cltr.k. 24th. Evening 73.4 . "... Prater for 'Abe faiihrul and true . .. • Pastori." Ps. cx.x. : ' . 25th. A. M. t 1 ' 61.1, '(.ler.'";:and 31at t. JO). I'. M.. 7?,..:, (Jer D and Ephi 4).. ' . 2stb.. A. )1.., 'tole.. rirLial prayer for candidates, for ho. ly orders. , :I). WAYIUICRN, ilfrtOi% Emanuel German Lutheran Church collection,: ;56 04 Trinity Episcopal hurclt, - Presbyterian 7 • l'rc.byh:rinn Church Sundayd 14..11c,..1, HOLLOWAY'S I!ILLS. are the , best-Medicine now on sale in the United States.- The ingredfents of which they' are eompokedlare ie uninjurious, that they cannot harm the most delicate constitutions. Tu yaletudivarians they cannot fail tO be of the utmost service, being composed entirely of medical, herbs, the production of the proprie tor, who. has made it his study to alleviate. the ills to which the human family are subjeZd,', they must, there-, fore, be hailed witti'delight, as supplying a want long felt in this countiy, and therefore may be n:lied on in all ca ses of disorders of the liver and stomach. • 11. t WAYNE, M. D., an eminent phj•sichin of Philtulet; pith, las given teth'e world the benefit of his ovperienre l'Y Preparing r eintAtes suitable-to almost efery disease.— Dr. : 4 1N ayne's Com pound•:4yrup of Wild Chltrrv. for V3ltinr, coughs. eolds.i consumption. and all diS3S(.•:4 of,t he threat; breast and rungs. • It is Tertainly'unsiririssed by any r inedy yet known: Physicians. clergymen, the press, all pronounce it "a triumph in the healing art. l It givel.a tone to the stottv_ii. strengthens the digets, tive organs, and is the originitl; and only tnteprepamtieh of, Wild Cherry manuf:utir.A. iihserto particularly the portrait of Dr.. Swayne is on the ;•raplier around eiteh.blAtle. • Dr. Swayno's Vermifuge, for destroying WorMs. curing Dyspepsia, Ac. Dr..S.waynes imar-costed iiarsapirilla and Tar Pills, a gentle purgative and alterative medicine, far etttperior td the pills In giineral rise. Dr. liwayne's Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea and Dyssentery Cordial, a never falling. remedy. Dr. Swayne's Fiver and Ago,. Pills. for chills. Laboratory for the mifuttfaeture and, sale of all of Dr. Srayne's Faintly Medicines, N0..4 North Seventh atreet, Philadelphia; mild for'salehy his Agents, J. 0. Brach and J. S. C. Miran; i'ettsville; G. ce W.. Heinizinger,-Schuyt kill haven. and all the principal storekeris.6. - See ad vertisement. (29431 • . . IliflEANA.—Brought home to the door of thc Million. ' ~ A wonderful dim...every . ..l3as reeently hgen made It) I'o'. Cur-; ' tis, of this city, in the treatment of Consumption', :lath ,ma at 4 all ! Ukases of the Lungs. We refer to "Dr. Curt; the II geani, or Inhaling Ilygoan TaPer,and Cherry Syr- • up?' With this new method Dr., C. hop restored many ::: afflicted ones to perfect health'', as an etidence of which t , the has innuMerabfe rertificates Spe.skingof the treat- t r merit; a phygician remarks:: "It is evident that inhaling 1 —constantly breathing an, agreeable, healing vapor. the • i medicinal properties must 'come in direct contact with the ! ; whole of the arial cavity of the lungs,,alad thus escape the i raanrand varied changes produced upon them when in- " . troduced into the ,tontrh, and sdbjected Ito the process of digestion. The Hygeanit Is for sale at all the druggists ;;t throughouti the conntry.—Xer6 l'ork 'thetc.'in:an- r,f Jan-.i . nary 14. 1 !-- , t li ' -i ' The Inhaler (is - worn - on the - yeah .under the linen : t without the leAst incvmvenientm—the Peat 'of the body t IF being sufficient In - evapegate.the fluid. • !,! Hundreds of MieS.of.Cures like the following might be , ' named. One package of Hygmna hits Cured me of the ; ; Asthma of six years standing.—Jar. P. Keesbury, P. .11.,i' of Duitcannon, Pa. i; .. , lam cured, of the Asthini of 10 years standin; fiv - Dr. j", Curtie Ilygetna.—.lfaraaret Easton, Brooklyn,'..A. It • Mr. Paul, of No, 5. Marrnand Street; New York, was , a re cured of seve case Brenehltis by thellygeana. ' ' 3ty Plater harbeen cured of a Dist InKsing Cough of yes-' era years i.ltandiug. and decided to be incurable by her,' physicians.-S She was' cured In one month_ by the ana.—J: fraoltbert, P. M., Richmond. Mi., .1 Price throe dollars a psckago—Sold byßnrtis, ;Perkins, 'Boyd & Paul; .N.o.ql3 , .l,Chnruto'n's street. New York.-1 , packa7 .; es Intiree by express to any part of the United States fur Ten 'Wil t "• Curtis' liygezni is the original and only genuine akilcle, all rltherti are base imitations or vile_ and. injurious counterfeits. Shun them as you would poison. (37-Iyl • • • ' I •' . POTTSVILLE REAIIKET.S. L , . CORRECTED WEEKLY FOR TRll MINERS' JOURN44, Wheat Flour. Dbl., $lO 00 Drle,l Poiehes, par'd.• $4 71 •; Ryo Flour, bhl., .'` - 1 00 tlo do unpar'd, 1.. 00 • Wheat, bushel. 210 DOied Apples, pared, 1 f,O Rye, do - 1 10 Rm., dozetr, • 17 , . Cprn, do -.. 91 Butter. per pound, 18 ChilF. - , , do be , Shouldery. _do . . 7 .; l'4 , tntonfi,l do ' I 20Hams, do 11 to 12 Timothy Feed, ; . 2 r..,5 Rutz'. per ton, .20 00 ; Closer Semi,- ' - 4 00 Plnstei,• do ' 5 00-, I THE COURTS. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT.; SCITUYLKILL COUNTY, sr.' • , i 1 - 7; - • "he Commonwealth of S. Pennsvl ' • anis to the Sheriff of Schuylkill. eounty, Omet lug:— Winatras, at an Orphans Court held. at Pottsville, in and for the county of Nchnylklll, on the '-'7th day of Jan uary, A. D., 1555, before the Honorable C. W., Ilegins and his Associate justice Foster. the poreedin,gs of. the lal - of the Real Estate of Francis .C. Knehnle. late-of the township of .East iirunswig,,in the musty pf llchnyl- MIL deceased, being presented and confirmed by the said Court, on motion of John Batman, Esij., the Court grant a Ituie on 4,11 the heirs and legal representattres of the said decelt , ed, to 'wit: Maria .Magdalena litiChnle,"the widow of said Francis C. Knohnle, deceased, a sister nam ed Anna Marta Magdalena Kern, a widow, and two in.-; phews, sons of Another sister now deceased, to wit; Fran cis Lieber and John George Hebei-, these two last named being natives of Wurtemburg, Gerthany, that they bo mei appear at an Orphans' Court, to tie held 'at Potts ?Me, in and furl the county of Schulicill, on the lire: MONDAY of 3latch next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, 1 to accept or rituse the final Estate of the said deceased at 1 the valuation thereof. or shlvir.eAtiA , why an order of sale,. shalt not be granted by the said Court.,l4 conformity with ;, the laws of this Corinnon wealth, and .that notice of thr little be served by publication In one'tlermatt: and one English newspaper printed in the said county. for four" successive wmks, prior ti.etho return day of said Kula-, Witness the Honorable C. W. ilegins. President of our.. said Court; at Pottsville, the 27th day of January. A. O.,1; 1655. - ; JOSIICA .119YElt. Creek_ Pottsville, February i 0 . - :AA , PROCLAMATION._ ;I WIIEREO, the lion. Charles IV..r Ileginse President of the Court of Common Plerte;! .o f ;2,11 liyik in County. In PertneyP‘ania. and "Justice of the several Ceuta of Quarter Sessions of the.Peare. flyer and Terminer and General Delivery i n sa id c onn f y, a the lion. F. 8. Ilublej and Solomon Foster. Judges of the; Court of Quarter Sessions of thePi•ace, OVer and Tertnine er, and General Gaol Delivery, far the trial of all capital and other offence/4 in the sald County of Schuylkill, to; their precepts tome directed. have ordered a Court 'et: Oyerand Terminer and General Gaol Delivery and Quay ter Sessions of the Peace, to be holdenin Pottsville, or MONDAY; the sth day of MARCH next, 14 10 o'clock, A: . M. to continue two weeks. • - Notice ':lq thr;refire hereby given to the Coriner; the; Justices of the Peace. and Constables of the said County', of Schuylkill, that they any, bi the said precepts .cour%. mended to he then and there at 10 o'clock: in th. forenoon . of the said day, with their rolls,, records, inquisitions, ex' amlnat ions and air other remembrances. to do those things which, in their several (VII,' appertain to be done: and all those that are bound by rocognizances.• to prosocutri ' szalust the Prisoners that are or then shall bo in the gaol of said County of Schnyiklll, are to be then and there td proeccute them as shall be just. CM sure the emanrousam/tA: - • JAMES NAGLE, Fheriff. Sherifrs nfilee. pottecllle. t I . February 10. 1555. • n-lt • • N. B.—The Witncrises and Jurors who are summoned to attendlsald Court are required to attend purretually.- 1 , In esti of Inon-attendsuce, the law, In such eases made and provided, will' be rigidly enforced. Thla notice is published by order of the Court: theta concerned will govern themselves accordingly. • .. 11111 NOTICES. it.^.3 Yi frx. , 3EL. Troastertr COAL.. ^euntinne the 041 IttisineliSjAS heielefore. e•;rner of 'rent and Walnut streets, Philidelphis. and Maoist:their (Mee, Mortis' Addition. L. P, BROOKE, Pottsville. Pobrtutry 3, 1555, :rte • piEA.TTY.' THONIAS CO.,ehave '4 . moved to the office in 1 3. .Silliman's Frame Build /4,n Centro Street, n few dooriabove the Ponnaylyania Ball. where persona having; bosh:less with them will Please call. ifIOPAR'I'NEESIIIP NOTICE—The kitiveribere haring savirifited, with them GEORGE P. - NRV I N-and D.A VII) J. NEVIN. of New York. will. un der Om firm of.BLAKIs'roN. COX & CO., continue the Goal Radical as beretofere. Office. No. 1:4 Walnut alive, arar Dock. and No. 4 NE!w atrce, New York: Wharf No. "Richmond. • q)x. Phlleutelptila, January IM, 154,53-3 in CO:PARTNERSIIIP.—I,EWIS ALT- DtN RtED having resumed the selling and shipping of Coal. hai Wit day aasoclated faith him William O. An denried, John Rommel. Jr., WO fictirge 11. Pette. under the firm of I.twot Amount:to h Co.„ - at 4 Walnut 'etreet. . Wharves Noe. 7 and ti, Pori Richmond. - Ltnci* ACDENRIED. • OROROP IL Krrrs. WILLIAM 11. AUDENItIRD, JOIIN J. . 1 2-tf January' 14, 1854 WANTED. • ANTED—By :a gentleman and his W Wm, boarding in a rgspoctable,private !Apply to tho Editor. , ; Feb.lo, 155.5 fi3b • N_l WANT'E'D;—Wanted a:gtea dv, mitre per Ann, capabhi of tilting charge:4f ,tzen - oral,Storo, and keeping the Single man prererml. 'Wanted be the Ist et April. Apply to . ! YRES, 'LEWIS Aft. Cane! NorthurnberCind 1".. 1 • February lo • 15,',5 . - f.-3t; W AN'l'ED—Asituationa. in !..Itore or .fittlon, for 'a Rmhft active lad, from 'l'd to 15 . years of nge. Apply at tht% Office. Jan. 27 3t,41 .TO COAL OPERArI'ORS.-Ari! Ex pnieneed- busin wither to form an onstage. Inent in the Coil Itetch,n. either.'aslionk-keeper l er con! ;ductor of. , any' department' , which requires a .generil I...noirloclgo of business. For particulars apply to *am t:ti- Mors. I Pottsville, January '2t). 155,5. I 3-4 • _ . _ LIAT A NI ' ED -,- A. Situation. by a';'rnar -7 V V . rled man, aged atxo.t..o yearn. And has a;tamlly, Ile is - a man 51 pea moral character, and can talo chargo 'ofd Store: acid transact all tin ibusincas, pumhaso , .atock. Ac.; keep.tlie accounts. and is ati excellent salemnait. For further partieulars, apply al this I Pffi ce. December 9. 135-1. , . ! . 441 .'rK t O 'COAL OPERATORS.-Thil" Ad ; vertiSer, for m any yeariMagaged In the Coif trade t of Nee York and 'personally acquaintill with ;the dealers generally, wisheslo 'meet with an engagement 'is Agent In that City and the v..- for the tale of Coal, tither on commission neat s legfular salary. Eat li•Nctory reference given. For partimilats apply at the .Ifiriing'Re 'ffister Office. Pottsville, ; i Jan. LI - , 4-tft . , ! . .. '. HARDWARE & IRON. '-- - AOYES! ROPES !!!--' Just receiV,ed'a 1 assortment of Manilla, American rad , Italian temp . Rope of all sizes. .S.sith Cord, Twine , &c., foz i ,s c ale by January V. ISAS . .• 1 BRIGHT & U.; i 11. .1 4 1 1,A.'1' BAR RAIL; ROAD • 2.5 tons of 1 , /j... x I,*; and 2 x . !•6 Iri4h Flat ;liar Railroad Imn. „On hang and for sale by January 27, 1555 . 4- i RIIIIIIIT & LF,IICII. ',IRON AND 81'EEL:—ROinedOtoll . ed arid Hammered Bur Iron of all sites. Also, SIR oda Flue. Sheet. Hoop and Scrilll Iron. Colst. Siffittelll4 Illister Steel. Gf . all sizes. In sore and for sale by . January 27,-15,5& BRIGHT & 1 UST RECEIVED From New York , 111 large and splendid assortnnint of Axe, Ada,Pialc and .Grubbing-Hoe Handles, at C4IOIEIOI .t IIESLER'S Dee. :O. 1554 51- ' ' kfiraiteare and Ire,,' gore. ‘,l . l:lNS.—Just received,. - direct i from vfi En g land, a lar g e and ipl‘hdidlot of DonbleLbarrd ,Urine. For salt, at _7I,InIE.NS Az itEist,r,it , s_ i De,: SO, 1.554 51- _ : Iffardicare (x»et lrfiti .Sl”ke: ,- , 1 - ----,------. - 7 .el QAUSAGE CU'llT e ßid Sttitfeffs, 1 1.,..1 Ilutcher Kniros, Clicippers mind Cleavers. for isshi cheap 'ht CLIMEN'S Ss fIETST,r.It'S DPV. 30. 3,55-1 - 51- ': , :Ilarduvre and frir Sore. LLEN'S REVOLVERS, and;it va- Lcv rietti of Dontil;. and Sin* Bartel Pistols, for sale M:elMI SO. 1.54 A fATI I E 11 ATIC A 1, INSTRU.Ny TS, _o_t_ .ariong qualm.; ,tilial'll.l as. 'Holiday presimts.— tAt the lbsrdirare and Iron Peppt. FRANK POTT. I Dt.renther '23, 155.1• , i 1 I r '' Mir - -Fr iNl NIES .1. FORKS. — Cart e rs; that x: will dists;ct either i'll' key r.r.Belr ki th; linr.d wan. and Irnn Depot. • 1 .; ' FRANK port. Derenther 23, 1t,5-1 r •... - rifi ___ 1 C, 4 HOO'F I N ( 111 RqN 'N— A 11yth i n a i fr on 1 L. :, pistol to a Six-I'ounder.i Fine lkuble andi single ' lions At the Ilardl,kre and Dim Depot. ! •,. Decemtier 23: 16;t4 rat- j ; FRANK 1',..1TT. 1 - 1 rrOOL- BOXES, Qoiod & useful 'Pools, i n_ th, prrsent for Itidsiuu this ot•casion. At the I . llarrlware and Iron Depot. I i - - • }lt_' . .Nli FOTT, December 22, IS:4 , ;•,:.; ; _ - :ift. ' , 200 54 G 7 01), TOOL RACK-This 'FAMILY, RACK-This t,i Indispensable. Rack otill: holds its favor * the ! pu lic, and Akan lx,cotne a necessary piece of 1 eery household. At.,the Hardware and Iron Depot. .; December*Z, 1554 CO- I FRANK WITT. FOR SALE & TO LET. ;- T OR RENT—'flhe:"Rising corn. dine rsvllle. Schitvlklll cuunty, Pa.- I The sub . scriber, wisang to quit the business, of Tavern-king, offers for Refit, -for a term of Jean. the '"ltie.lNk.! :•UN" i ;Tavern, in the borough of Millersville, It is o,lret of the i t ' ll s e t l a o n w d „ 'i p. " lll " o r r 411 €n t i n A w: t t:11 fi l a lu la t r h g e e p liZrt T i s a i n ik a m. ! iin exten sive Stabling attaehed. atni la well of excel:lent Water at the door. • Possession given en the Ist of. April riclt. Ale s ply to Eußfi E Feb. 10, 1/355 ftf On the /itemises. - . I,i.NTO'FICE—The Undersign d liasawen ~.;..11 appointed the :went of the owners of "Th.rVarder ,4 - I'roporty, and.otTern-fur sale building lots in titiliorougla li of'Palo_Alto, on reasonable dorms. Office, MorriS' .Adds. :.fion., , L. P. BILI,IORE. -Pottsville, February 3,1835 0-tf . 1 1 1 -1 0 R SALE—The Canal Boat, Dr. J. A . i ! ti. Koehler, price two thousand dollars. ini4udinga 1 ' re ght of three hundred-and eighty-taao dollars. . Apply at Schuylkill Haven, to - JOSEPH A. DR.E11341816. December '....3., 18:Al, . stl-2t4' , . . FOR SALE-:-.2 three story: Brick .; Throning,. in 31ahantat.7.6 street. Also, a Elfin story ratue Dwelling in Church 'Alley. • Apply to ' J. ADD.I: 4 .0'!; NICOOL, - Ceidre :street, oppmile Silver.'l'errace. l'ottsille, January b, 1855 1-If . . , [ yOOO ACHES OF LAND for gale in °Clinton and Lyroniing reunties, about flye • Mitee fr too route of the Sunbury .k. Erie liallmad. Apt? to • ~.. . - , : .1. ADDIeON _Act ; L, Beal'l4, tate k Land' Agent, Centre et., op. Silver Terrace. Pottsville, December l), IVA • ' 4AII FOR SALE.-A' NEW PERPEN -1 dlcular Engine of 10 Item power with pumps com plete,—the whole occupying,' epace live feet lointre. To be roen at the York Store. Pottsville. November 11. ISM , VO-R SALE—Tt . Vo' i 2 story Brick 2 r .... , ju limits., each 'A feet front - by 32feet deep;bn the corner of Wed Norwegian and Third streets. .us. Ibr sale, of to let on ground rent, a Lot on Market street, oprasite the Market IJouse, S feet front on satci street, by 100 feet deep, to alO feet alley. Apply to i Feb. 3;1655 ,-tf ' .-, - 1.1. M. et3l.lllNti, Prt44.teale. lOR SALE:—Twelve small ;Cara, 18 inch wheels. suitable for Contractors. Voundry tuoil and Machinists. or for Railroad Conipanios.3B use on repairs or about their freight depots. Apply to ! C,A.N DEE:, poiour;.t. ed.; Delayran• City. 4f.;•tf October ;:1, ISM ADD FELLOWS' . :CE.ME'VER.Y.— kfl'orsons deslrouS iitpurehasing burial lots huUdd Ftlfows' Cemetery. will apply to j Fitaitx l'orn at the lroh Store. Town : bOLO)10:4; TM-smith, Centre street; Or JOHN S. C. MARTIN. Centre :Street. Nor. 12, 1853 ACHINE SHOP & FOUNDitY , FOR SALE.—A Machine Shop and Foundry, in Region of country, in Pennsylvania. 11 offered for sale. It is in as favorable a location for doing a prem.- pernus and profitable business as any other. perhaps, in Pennsylvania. The Shop LI now well stocked with work. Fur particulars enquire of danuary 13, 1555 Patlttalb, Pt. ¶':FOR REN'r-L—A New BrioliiStore jaLliouse., on Manch Chtinli street, built for *'Flour tea.," store. The basement ; is admirably adapted : to ator ing Bale Hay. A Railroad'. Fideling adjoining the build- Pos A e F i t ion-gicen on [the let of April. or Warner It desired, by applltation to: the zulAeribera at the York store.. ' E. YARDLEY a: Pottsville, January 6.. IS.}5 • snn y i TO .LEl':—Titc "Summit ' Hiiii4e r I „a: on the road froth Ashland to Catawiasa. theca:mlles i trent Ashland. The houseiluis been reoently rehnilt, and luta et,:ht rooms upon each Moe'. For the lastyettr It has ; Ten used as the oilke and:head quarter; of Engineers of 1 the Coal I.:un Railroad, which passes near it; and Li now being built.. It will he let as r.. lens grew. to a i good tenant. up reasonable : terms. Apply tr. .' ; 1 ALEX. W. 'REA, hent, I • codrerille, Coltimbia C. VALUABLE COAL LAND.4THE subscriber otters fn.. sale a tract of sen‘tityeane acres of Coal Land, together with the colueraE•tuad tim ber right re an adjoining tract of eighty-font Xeres, situ ate in the heart of the Schuylkill Coal Betairi, on the Mine Hill Railroad, six Miles west of Vett:sidle: 'the Lewis. tpohn and Three-fait veins afford a targpituantity of Coal above., water leveV which is directly And easily accessible- To those who have a few thousand dollars for Investment-no better Opportunity could he46ffered . .--. Address • t.LE BOWEN, l'ottaiiipc, ft. January 27, 1855 . *• 4- _ . , OR.SALE:--7-'llligee best tinish . titeam Engines, manufactured by Wm. Burden.; rd . Brook - - vit. New York, of ten, twelve and fifteen bok.., 'power, with LOonmotlve boilers. and, n first rate evening order, having beau in use but one year.- They are no4r,in opera tion on the new Docks of the Chesapeake & Di tare Ca- , nai l one at Delaware City,,one at B.r. t1e0r,., , e an one, at Chesapeake Ctty, where they can be seen at any time, and any information given that may be requimel. ',They will be sold at sbargais, by i CANDEE DODGE . .4 Co., Delaware City. - ' • October.2l;lBs 'l, ' 1. . , '.. 42t f ;;;; FOR •SA LEI or - RENT—A : louse , and Lot in Morris' Addition.—The sub,crii...t, from motives connected with blii health, is desirous ll' mos m it . WA residence to a location nearer the Court !Ouse, and otters for Sale or Rent, the large double three stery Stone , hone and Lot of Ground, his present resideece- The house i. , 10 fl'ilt alumna; and is adapted for one Sri two resi dences. well supplied with gas and pure mountain Water. tr - told, the greater part:of the purchase money may re main on the premise» for a long time. ,Poseirion given the let of April next. (15.5:. Inquire of i', WM.; it. POTTS, Attorrary!qt Law. Morrie l Addition. thanmilsir 30, 1854 • 51-tf TO LET—The new Hotel at Ash- , , ~, land, the new and flouri»hing town In Falinyl- . k Co., the principal town of the great Matianoy Field. at the terminus of the Mine Hill' and dehuylkill listen ' Raven Railroad tistension. The extensive new Hotel is arranged with every convenience for the accom ntedation of guest:and bbarderse-water introdticed into the house, every room prOPerly ventilated. and 'well suit ed for funilles who may be desirous of spending a few weeks In this new and griwing. town, beautiftilly situa ted in a valley, bdtween the Mahanoy and LoMist Moun tains. and surrounded by•magnificent acenery.l l Thereat will be moderate to a 6 iitablo tenant, who can furnish .the House. It will - be ready for occupancy early in the Spring. For terms Apply to • • ;. J. MAFLAND, JIL', Aging , '• Ashland, February 3, 1855 l. 5-if .Trt , i..2n, 1855 '24lt = f/Ardwarc. and Mere E. YARDLEY SON .444 f 1121 ESTRAYS. CONV.—Ca m ,.• premises of the stat4criberra larze ELA white un her back and belly. Th e owner come forward.;provo propeity, pay charges, .;11 away, or she will be disposed of accordinc te,.. Feb. 10, ',WV* PATRICK MOORE, TRAY' HOG.—Caine to the r. • LY ars of the , subscriber. residlrq In Norre shout two mon tits ago, a good tiled WHITE ty are no peculiar Marks about her. Tlis owner . call and take her away. Pottsville. Jammer 27. %hie: OX'.—travec-; fromithe premises of the the llith of January, ' , large tisli e OitZ. The bnder• by returning subseribnr, will be suitably rewardoet. JOIIN Jan. LI, 185:i ;3t. NOTICES. —__ THE POTTSVILLE LitPrar;si:',„i . will holdlits nest rc-,rular tieetiai i o ' n. , 1 oom of the First Presbyterian Cbur ,ll .,llsh o l ',,,,, on svednoieley i evening, February 14, lllif, at.. ,I.Y, Lederer—Robert Helfensteln, '• • :,... Reader--Jotin T. Boyle. . Qiicitivn—pooi.lVasfitngton deftrre roan ri ., _ efforts in thepose of Anwrican Inct• Nod , o ,.:' , , „. fayette.? Affirincitiis-4. A. McCool, W. L. Whit n ,„ • N , •,.iatice—s.H.- M. Kepner, W. It. Smith' fly order: i. , f tho Society, . - • • JOHN T. 80T1.i'.,.;., • . . . , CIit.TYLKILL CO. Agrirult , "-- S cloy.—Tho membors of this Society 1......,.., attend a meeting, on Saturday the '2lth dly 0 IS- - 6. at '2 o'elock. P.'M.. at the l'ulli , 11;‘,,,..! ,, , Royer, nrwigsburg. ie,,.1, 1.. I %-r.. - . P - - : NT OTI C 11.-31 v Wilt:PI:WM' ...-`. 4 . 1 bath seOunted herself fnmi me, and rt'. '..' with me again. • I caution all peraoaa 34,11inv .- or trusting her en my amount, as I will panel her vontractink from this date. TOBIAS BROSIOUS, BC , ' : . Jail - 11.4.7 13, 1555 (Feb. 10, 6-1 . N t Ol'lCE.—The Delaware& Caiial will be opened for Jim 12, 1 , 155 :1...2t n' JNO. lt, TlloMslN • qlO THE BENEVOLENT. p. , having enntribatien,te—wbether er prnvi,iens--4or the !Narrate Ern( r•lrnt - of the Borough Poer, are.requested.te flop, with the Tretsurer, Andrew Ituswd • hantange and 2nd streett.. Ily order et Pottsvilln January •.!0. Iq6 1)1880.1,17110N. --N otice is '!•... Oven that the partnership formerly ..,,,": teen tie!). Rickert and & - donsou Fidler. tl.:::zi the firm df RICKERT .t FIltLE:1„ Boat 11ui11, , , solved by mutual consent, on tfie Ist of Jantrß by the withdrawal of Solomon Fidler. The'' the late tlrin will be settled 1.1, and the budr— ter will be continued by - ti.Ett. lii fit ,January 13, 1555 2-rat. . Ortrigsbqr;.t COPARI'NERSH IP NOTICE ... i Undersigned pacing asioriated with big.. LERCH, as co.p.irtuer in the hardware intutftl; , , Ist day of January, 1i,55, the business will t. - -,4, In all Its sash:ors I.mriches, at the,old Karl 4 street, under the name and firm of BRIGET 4 C.. where they respec'fully solleit a continuar,•,,f th trier rustomats. Gr:Oiall. tRI. Pottsville. Jimoary •i. 1,'55 t DNILNISTRATUR'S NOTIC:: I i Noticv is hereby given that I,Piterksf k,,.., ,'. thin upon the Estate of itiehard Dooley. late mi Carbon, bchuyl ill county , desed. have bnr to MrA. Ellen 1 . rs.ley and Hamilton Aliztna , - debted to mid estate are -quested to make:; payment, and I ..., om.• haring claims Against Will prevent the n l uithout delay to the RVI cr 4 , ding at New Cattle. In said +ountv. 111.% NI it.roN .11M11: , . Ache". a-, January 1.3„144 . lIISSOLVTION.—=-The paitr ■ / heretofore existing between the suherril.„.. I avers and Plasterers. trading tinder • the AUM itI:ED.4: Co.. was this day dissolved ebnsent. The business of the late firm will le, 4, either of the partners. All persons having present them tor settlement, and those Indebted payment as speedily as possible.. • . SASII7EI, • • JAMFS..D. JAMES It. N. D.—The business will be continued bv th. ber. Thankfullt , r the favors extended to; the • he hopes, by strict attention to business, tot continued custom ef the. public lulls individu ty. JAMES P.„ Mlle Pottsville Jtinuary 7'.15;;5 • INERSVILLE, PORT CLIN:L':. ; iT I_ New Castle. West Penri,.Orwimibunr It er Druuswirk and'ilegins ahead! The milsenirs In these Districts have their Duplicates for tins 'emir. T 6 show th r , lectors aro prlonpt In collecting their dupit gave the County a consldsrablo turn of nra, but look at thic difference of their exoueratit, , ,, mane, the C.ninty and 31illtia Tay ret I 7 .4 Tills borough'. for IsS3. Is who,. tMr P. for the Tear The return .4 C s IV borough for lv. t is $U 50. for township for 1 , 5.1. $21.1 Ch. CT U 44, slio :2 , it, township. County Tax for County Thx. 1 0 51, SIS f.?.; Militia, v,7 r , probably be the best collection In the o tidy. TV: ship Is large. iced the State return hr . cents. in , rigsburg Borough. fur Count,Tl. for 1b54. n 5 cents. West Brunswick .$3 ; for 1.5.'4. $l2 i 7. r Begins township. January 13:155.7. j Nity. Y 4o 47,: BUSIN SS CARDS' DR. J. T. NICHOLAS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEONS ACCoCiji: °dice—Market St., above Secomt Pot ttis We, bt.c. liy IL-A play '21 , .. te ADDISON McCOOL, Court It)e iftg anti Gencrnl .17,ericy 0111ce. Cour, posit.. Hi. :311Ver Terrace. Pottsville. Ch•comtiir ISM • T MIN PAIOBART,Attornev r, , rnmire4;. , ner for New Torr. opp,c!, can House, (Vatre Street, Pottsville, Penna. April 21, IFS. G. ACO KIANE, of thf; V' IV will attend to tho er , llectlon of Accounts, ; and all the ditties app.rtaintnr to Ills office. Pottsville, Detember 1*.53 THO3IAS k:BANYAN. Attf;r: L a w. 00,, In Centre Stmt. oppesite O , !I tnurch. Pottiv Ilk Penna. Nov. 9).1,W; —. _ •.CT -,..,....- F. M. DIXON, DO Dental Surgery, one door aboreit t ".",' Jewelry store, Centry street, Pettavill4. - ... f September., 15:4 1810 0, R i 4 - 0 1:1 - 0 s - a l\ - :& Q I ' ODERD - e ,.- neeow ,awi ' ' r ' s: w hutemle and retail. Town Hall, Centre .reot rille, l'ft. - ; ... Noven - ber ;1, 1554 . wf V FAILLE & RICHARDS, .1;:or.. "- . ~,L 11 at Law, will attend to all businocint,-., ,, R. with dilligence and care. OlTicO Cf titre .••.r• f.. 1 ... to R. It. Morris' Store, Pottsville. - ' June 11: laa3 [Jan. S. 'Ztt ' NV Ii' L L i A P ( A d! at Tanta. °filen in Centro Street, nearly ners, Bank. - January 4,'1554. 1114‘DWA" SHIPPEN, Atton„, Counsellor at Law , Philadelphia, sri:i ~tions and all other legal business in the 1 7:" dolphin, adjolnin Counties and eisekho:r. corner tit h aid 1% islnut Streets, Philada. JJAMES H. GRAEFF, - .cornea Law, having removed to Pottsville, kit tire under the Telegraph Office, Centre ttuvrtorler -311uers' Bank. December 43,1551 121' F. ',WHITNEY, Exchanie. Jlectlori. Comma* lon and General nest day to Miners' liarik,Pottsville.desler :07.! money, Gold. and Sther. Drafts ou tt. New York for stile. March 20. 1 b22 ENitY W. POOLE, 11 grAphical. and Mining Engineer. Pottsville. Pa., attends to any Surreys. Erp' other Engineering work connected with the A7%1., Coal Region of Pennsylvania. July 22. ISr4 . 5N11'1,11, MINING Pt nevr and Surveyor, ?illvei Terrace. CI 'p Pottsville, Pa._ Examinations, Reports. Maps of Coal Mines, loaf Lands, Mining. )tyr. , =" executed on the shortest notice. Agent P T September Si. L 5.53. - JOHN w.brKRICILION: rart.+7lll.--• W. DERRICIiSON,4: t • I:antiwar!' Of Marble )lantele, Moriumtety. - !load Stolait. Poets, Waah-etanda. Table Trla.3: l Work genorally, Spruce xtreet, above 'Si xt., , rith. pbla. - Nesembf,r 11. 1854 AGENCY—For the l'urcha ,, Sale of Real Estate: buying and wlilnr,L. king charge Coal,,Landa Mines, Sc, and rents--fmin twenty years experionce• in the hopes to give satisfaction. Office Mahantarr: Pottsville. ; EIIAS. .Ipril 6,1 S li PITItVES, DEALER IN Sr , • Iron. Corrwr, Brass Bar ani /*di Spelter Lead, S.c.. Orders received for 8405 and work. and Marhine rdrhishintt• '' r ` kric with thq abnve line promptly to. ifEr'N. E. Corner Penn and S''!uth Ret, .tune 11, 155:.;. ----- V -L- li - I. — IS -'' Stem A.oiNt.Pftice in Brick Iluildias*. Marke and I,i.ond streets. Ir. st" side, four darn IF siulre Wilgon's Jll' r, ir)i.i.... all , pert tio n s on t.' are pert'. irnwl. and ii.iii-tceih itiscrro , l (in mudergr , lie warrants hi} his work. ' October 1, is,:s.i. o, .. QE' Tit is - GEAR,Attorney - ' .W. at 1 , 0 1,) qin..r,N ilk, Schuylkill ciinty, ru., .., REFEY.S 7 ,, ' 4 1 Hon. F.II.I*•LEWI 4 . liell. .101,74 C. !c.o.s. rth,7nrie'r 1 .1. ii. It AN.i.Ol ,i.: Co., Courtlan4 street, :VW 1 . ". 11. m. 3.smrs li. Cturbri.i., 1V?,..11 , .. M. IV Av. , 5.1.50,... 111!1,0,zspnrt. I) . _ ! March 4, IS:s4 • W • L.. SCOTT; Attorney at LI • F!llamokin, North timtwr:and county. ri Rffe. I' ites: JAMTS th , Tertior f renn‘yivinit. Chief .1115t1C0 of l'rltnglysc:'. N,,rtlltitnN : riand P,OroN, nvvorton, ilthtierrisul‘ : JOBS CqoPrr, `.' Jos . ttu C , ?mix, Mc,srs. Stet:Et, ttmit k. co., Danyill... Monirrtr 'O, Onour.:v - isr %oh JACODY A CO., Deei•lnter ZIA), IS.St • O'I'IdE.—CHARLES Esquire; late of tho borough of Orwigsburf , ' Ley at Law, and Conveyancer, bas lately remort Omrigshur• to Schuylkill Haven, *heir be MA 7- °Mee, And offers his professional ia?rtiVCS t111.,° his friend,' and others. .ho may feel diApoohl t' Iry him. Ile may be found, for the re*ent 1 of Doctor Royer, in Schuylkill Haven. where t? aeon on professional businesa. He will, besides • kinds of Instritrnenta of Writing. Such mi. I. gages. rower. of Attorney. forrerments. fere,. :Wills, and all such other Wrltin:s es may br eVoquired for any special (,t particular our , se , .lan.l3,lSM CltAltLF:.4 t. l Ell. BROWN, Inspector of i tenders his services to Land-owners tn 31.1117, Esamtnations., Reports, le., of Lands. From his knowledge o f Tow 014 Mining Operations, having been t this coupes' and carried on' Mines the last ti yearf,hro general satisfaction to all ,whe mar emr:l4 REFERS to Jamas mi. and D. E. f t: Tills. .vs, Films BLVAXIN Mims and Wri.staa • tt" phis, for cepabiitty and integrita rm i, crpoi" RESIDENCE—In Norwegia• School House, Pottsville, F. November 5,19.54' M:MI WI