The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 20, 1855, Image 1

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    linit•Vs , _
immix.turshthirilmtt; ,
_,' : • i
IVO DOLLIES pm annum. psyst4. in adwanow..-P
1:5 if
ant psid within *it niontits—pdt: cif - not paid w ithin
the year,
• • To oxras t. • - • ,
nave , w il e s to (Jaw address, inadveinee, • .• . WOO .
. • -do . • 10 00.
de do do ". •
1144. • •;• .- 0 0
ciet , e ,
& v ox& iptiOnitnilrrt b11 . 147.910#4 to &drums
• TO witurizas ASO omen:-
Jecr.isi will be turd to Cordaro sad etbine at
tlw'pa 2.00 copies: cationtm%
end shun( r eae h, re supplied with the Ate.
:Rt. at $.l to advance.: -
• VIC L 81V 1 •
it auteurtbers order the discontlauance of their neer e•
pspara, the publisheF may =dirket, to steam them until
arret tnes . ara pald
ff . •
entealbers edited or retina to take their mama.
De , from th e (daces to which they are directed. they sae
130 d respeollblif until they here settled the bllls and • or
der,,l them diseontinued.
If s uburibera remove to other pleas without Inform
ing the publisher, and the tietrapapets are sent-to the for.
vier dinallott. they see held nopousible- -
The courts here decided that refusing to - take newt*.
per 4 from the °Mee, or remorlug , and leaving them un
called fir, is prima etfia evidence of Intentional
(Ms sisters of hi lines. 50 tents for oue insertion—sub- l :
i m-tvet insertions. 'A cente each, 3 lines. ono time. 25 !.
cerit..—subsequont Insertion , . 12 1 .; mots each. All adver. , KURTZ, BEYERLE b. 100.,
tlan-nts over o Dees. for short periods, charpal es a eiutz .
Three ones, 6-94 b4l l Wire Der ern Nasratflacturora t -
eases. ' 01 !r- 191 2' • $ 1 °t> E - -4 7 ; 18fT " tt- , $• rt.
00 . xriNERsviLLE, Schuylkill County,
' - i iyi
Five lines. 100 150 -2 00 350 4 00 Pa., continue to manufacture to order, all sizes ot
ALI, ern FIVE LiNE3 COUNTED AS A4OUm oF tc:e Ll:er..._ . cod Screens and
fine square, 1 2t ., 200 3 06 5 V .. 8 ,. Q 2, I , Orders left at their Shrp, in Mime :setae, or with W: L
500 800. 14 W l HEISLER, at Clement ik Heisler's Hardware and Iron
Two slosr , s, 200 350
6so P z . (X ! , r l , 3 _ ( oi l° , t, Store; Centre street, Yetis:lllo, will he prtmiptly attended
Three silt:vex, ",- 00 450
(touter col.. sOn 050 . 800 .-.' ' ' ! to. old Sereons repaired at the shortest notice.
Half column, '3 0.3 12 00 16 00 .lo 09 40 00-
One column, 16 00 '25 0..) -30 004,5 00 00 00 Defei ,...,,,.. 7 . 30.1c. ,.. ,4 Kunz, nrx.EILLE & CO.
51-3 m. '
Or Ilusimrs Notices, $1 each—accompanied with an I
advertisement, 50 cents tack , POTTSVILLE IRON WORKS.
Adeertisoments befwe AriLtliageS and &a:hs, /0 cents .
I".r ihee for first insertion--eak 4 equefit insertions, 5 cents gt ' GEORGE MASON & CO., respectfealy
gm annOunce to the public that they hare
per lice, Ni ne words are count. 4 as aline iu ruirerthdog. . •
...,N, •..
.. taken the
Iron Works, on Norwegian st.,
~,,m , ,,,4 e t 20 Hoek, will IV Cbarg44, Including inhaled ' p. -.--" e, ..- •-.., where they are prepared to build all kinds
$,5 00 i a htoam Lagmes. manufacture Raiinaul Cars, and Ida-
Con. ,:t. . . ,
space to, the amount of one quarter eeletallt with 1 : chine of almost eve st ry descript l ion te , at the
changes and guissaription, VO 00 i Coe, and on the mo reasortab 0 rms.., „emus from
Without ,banges, at the sacs designated above. I abroad, in want of Steam Erq.dnek, will llnd it to their
Advertisements set in larger typo than usual will be advantage to give them a call before engaging elsewhere.
eh% ~,e4 SO per cent. advance on these prices. All cuts
_Pottsville, May 11 — __ _____
___lo l tf_
win bochlrl,:ed the same as letterpress. POTTSViLLE IRON WORKS.
No Trade Advertisements received frets Advertishig
Ape's abroad. except at 25 per cent. advance on. theist Foundry and Machine Business.
prices. unless by special agreement with the publisher. NOTICE.—The Subscribers bate this
Marriageg 25 cents each. heaths wenn:Traded with no- f 11: iii . a, day. funned a copartnership, under the
tired. t 5 rents, without notl'ei no charge. :,.... '.. '.' fuss of .P,O. ROI, SMITH Sc l',olltOY,
AN Not his. except three of a religious character and -- r rrr iy r - fur the t section of a general Foundry
for educational purposes , wilt be charged. 25 cents for any t ... , .et i -Tr'"end. ./1 ins Business, at the oldsestab
number of lines under 10. ,Over 10 lines 4 rents per line listed -rouse:lle Iron Works," corner of Norwegian and
sidttional. Coal streets. D. It. POMNOYI
l'i,)CeNktiLlgil of meetings, not of a genera .er public char - i WIL SMITH.
serer. charged et 4 cents per line for bach Insertion.' CLIFFORD POMMY.
To focilitete calculations we *Ol state that 11fkl lines Pottsville, March 23.1554 , 124 f
mats , a colouin T -164 lines a half column,—and $t lines a ----- -----
atter column. 2.35:1 words nuke a celume-1476 a halt, An FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP,
rolumn—and 738 a quarter column, All odd liras aver Steam Car Foolery, Ope.
evh quart. charged at the rata of 6 cents per li..e. N I")T I C E.—The lewdness of the late firm
Yearly advertisers must eenfitte their adetrtishig in pi;
their own bugbear. flgencl e i for others. %air of Raid Es. ~ i g i 4 1:6 4.1 of SN YDhit & MILNES. will he mann.
este, Re.. ts not included in business artsertisenents. .1.)., ~ ' ttedelty the subscriber to all its various
brenrhes of Steam 'Engine building, Iron
a zini. o=
Pounder. manufacturer of all kinds of
Machinery. Ibr Rolling Mills, Itlalt Vurneces. fathead
Cats. ke.. krt. Ile ai❑ . also continue the business of Mtn
iv and Felling the alebrated, Pine Attest While Ash and
Meis cud Sifoh a Veins Rot AM (bets, being sole prolate.
for of theso Ceillories. .
. 3-tf
• Stoves, Tin ware, warts, Brawl ware, WM
tania ware, Cutlery.. &e.. Thankful for past pat
renisps. be hopes, by strict attention to tnwitsesa.
to merit a continuance of the favor et his old
customers and the public to general. lie has just added
to his already large stock of the above named articles, a
variety of lloctking. Parlor and Mee Atom, of the latest
and most approved style.. Also. a :variety of Household
Furniture, ouch as Tinned and Enamelled Boilers, 'Min
ed and Iron Tea. Kettles, Brass Kettles. nrittalthia Ware,
Japanned Ware, Frying and Roasting Pans, ...hid Irons,
dc, de.
Also continually on hand w Inge assortment of Tits-.
ware. te. Me has now the largest and best stock of his
line ever offered In Schuylkill County, to which he In
vites the attention of the public In general, as he feels
confident that he can suit them both in price and quail,
ty. They. would therefore do well to call and examine his
stock befits' purchasing elsewhere.
r. B.—Roofing. Spouting and Jobbing Prowll4, - atten
ded to. Also, old doves repaired, or odd plates. lire-brick
grates. de, can be had fur repldring *hosanna. Old stoves,
-and all Mawr old iron taken to exchange for new. .
,- Lim old stand, Centreostn•et, ..ouro Market,
Pottsville, Penna.
314 f
Anvist 26,1851;
Copper and Stave Manufactory. • ,
(tEORGE H. STICHTEB announces to his
numerous old friends, and the public goner
ally, that he has engaged 'in the Dove men-
Akns& beadosee angina =eh an eit l andve plan.
• " ••• that he it enabled t 5- yell hit goods at prices
, which pelmet la euePlavedin cheapness In any
other similar estabilsbinent in 'the county. Ills store is
in Centre Street, a few doors South of the place where he
wu formerly engaged with lh L. Psterly, in the Third
ware business. • '
asining the massy article* In his store, he will only
make mention of the figlostli
Stoves with pipe. Copper-ware, Comer Kettles, of all
51741: Brass Ketties, Japan-ware; Tin-ware, of army de
scription, Tin by the Box; Rooting Tin by
' thetuv. Japan. Tiu, by Use quantity or by the pounds
Sheet iron. by the quantity or otherwise; Russia ttheet
Iron by the hundred or by the pound. Also, a new Pat
ent wateroooler, which is one of the most useful ha
proveroeutsof the day, especially the facilites during hot
• weather, and. in short, all other articles belonging to a
complete ectablishment - orthe kind.
Orders for work in his line, scut Tin-roofing, Spout
ing, he.. as aim mending, will be attended to promptly at
the shnrtest notice.
r Top highest market price will be paid for old Pelt
ter and Lead. or goals given in exchange.
Avaxt 12, 3854
. ,
. .
_- • . .
, .
firMiM. ir.DMANDS, Treater ' - of Mush% has
for age superior toned plancet, fretn ,the
ldres of 'Hallett 4 Wit, Hoak= ,
4 The subscriber her also u good second
band Planewhich tie:Will sell cheap. -•
Also, a' fiirsii toned fire Octavo Melodeon fronithe Mann
rectory or C. A. Prinie ,t Co., New Eat; anltalAe Oreille.
er church or parlor, , ,
Olree over C. Towers, Es q., corner of Second and Ma,-
hlnt,oitge streets.
!A•r)t. :masa.
r-- ---, - - - - .
THRKE ILEirikus hare been
awarded to the Very elegant and superior
I 1 Piano Fortesoxhibited by the subscribers
at, the Crystal Pam making-the
aboce announcetnent, they would take this opportunity
to return their thanks to their onurnerous friends for the
extensive and liberal patronage heretofore extended to
thou. and assure them that no petrel will be spanad to
•nstain. tio flattering reputation already attained. In
”reler to most the greatly inciefted demand for their In
strunients, they 'have added lard 4y to their manufactur-
lug facilities. which they trust will enable thou, in, fu
tun", to promptly'meet every demand.
Also, on hand an assortment of ;eery supeOor Melode
ons, of every style, and at low prices.
$O3 Ilmadway, Novi. York,
(Adjoinik St. Nicholas liotel,)
N. ll.—Premiums were awarded by the Anierican In
plituto to their Pianos. Ilse pent to succession. '
Atizust 28, 7854.. .
tad• um it WALKER,4ueceesots to GEORGE
*MUG, lio.1(03 Chesnut street, under the
Utah Cowie, Philadelphia, are constantly
put.diahlag the latest Music, from the most popular Au
thors in Abe United States, in A Style that will tie with
any 'lssued at any other hods); either , In, thls county
They have alio the pleasans to annennee to the public
t hat their stork of Sheet !kiln& on hand, consists of the
largest and most templet° assortment to In found in the
,onntry they art constantly adding to their stock all the
N.ise Musle published in New York, ton, &e.n
Ttley also publish several Instrnetkm Books, Which are
is general use . tttronglinut the cenury. . , •
aNMI-- , A - fine &senescent of. th ' best thantithetttrees
er Neer York. and Boston, et the lowest cheap prleel. ,
Also, A general assortment of Gana, %loins% Banjoes,-
Vlutel, Amen:lends. de, Violin. (hater and Harp Strings,
of the best Italian qualities, All of ninth 'win be furnish
rd to the public and the trade at the leaved rates.
Ordemptinetually akts•nded tn.
AA''' All Lee & 'Walkers .N!uxir and Publication!: can be
st.tained at B. BASNA\'S hook and Musk Store, l'otts.
. PhiLvielphia, Feb. 4, 1854 . • • &,tf
(1 E Isll'RE . STREET, Pottsville.—
i The subscribers are mimed to Tutuila!, the Trade
34. - hinists and'Operatora a t.l'hiladelpplit* prieel, (freight
s,hied) wholesale or retail, hest Anterlmti Bar Tron„ man
ufarturrd at Pottsville. and warranted of superiorquality.
Also. nett T rails suitable Ler mines, anti Cable Chains
iuralthed,at short notice direct front the Ituporter.
. 'lt. TARDLRY &SON'.
York store..Vev. 1%.3
t N EXCELLEN'r Airricrip.Foß
titling Cisterns 4 raults:Spring-honies and C'eilatt,
at../ toe keeping dampness from net and exposed
For sale by
Of and ancrei.sot: to the late firm of LEVI SMITE'I EION
N.V. Cornor of Front and •Villow Streets, (oppotate th
old stand) heilroad., Phllade . 4
Aug. :Ztl. 1! , '54 tAprills. '54 • 15-41 31-
• •
THE SUBSCRIBER hereb gives_
r. Aim that be has appo MUleted air. GEORG): 0 lIT.
1 i r d,, a re merchant, stile Ascent for the 1 , 1110 ' a
"The Pnt
er.f D ',or and flare Spring." In this region. . !
. J. 8. GRAY
TUT: ..-IlliSci‘IT!!!!.1 at. prepared to execute orders 'for
tho above mentioned Sprhairs. They are decidedly the
itrtirle ever elnered to twt• raw, being remarkable
ter r•im purity :and durability. For . s►le, wholesale antkre.
tail. at nniairr k
Ir-n and Ilanlwin• Steno, Centre Street,
°ppm] te Minerie.ltntk, Pottsville
IitTHE StifISCRIBEE,IhnsIng, now arrang
ed his grads at his new tdttoe =of biwinesl,
and with n new detertoination of forrthth
ine. all such nod mulles hur4ness of the
"atkegion mar rquire. at their lowest market ealtte,
e‘hrita the insiwtion of the Public. I shall la always
on hAnd And Lawton hand a full stock of
'tar IWnt. • Chopping Axe*,
Vlue Imn. Coal Shovels.
etc: ' 4 1.4.7, Tune Chaim,
:4,it Iron,
Nettle luttll Stylkft.l,
Tiwkle 111mkg,
An,lle so 4 dc.,.
11 -4 , aN and Iron rkvit, CLXICX. STUCT.T, threu float's.
Market, Fact
at3r -
July lAA
Street, a 6...4 doors doe above Marlud (Fast
~.)..,..ugtantly oil band a full amnia
vent nT
Sir.i , lin Tolls, - 2 - ..-1•7! txlsat and l.zprings,
Itu:i•le•.: Maw!::',,, ' IT,e4;• Cnt.lory• .
) 11 " , •:•aacr a Tv :s.
..,,ii'orki:ot Cutkry. .
a} - e,.... A 44 ii,, 41 ,,, . -
~ .' , ;t7.3ql , ..nttr'li MA*.
N2 ilk gpik-7 andltrada, illiltania Ware. •
Genstar and Platform Seale., Allen's Revolters,
nu al, 11••11H1 Iron. :Ririe lifirrtis• 44
1.1, 0 4 nnti Sliest " , !Table and Tea Spoons, ,
r4 '` l ' ' . "" 34 ' and Til"tsr :Steed. • Brass and Enameled Ref:
Tpa. Plate and Sh• 44 Me. 1 410'
IR ' ''i ' , l.rot - and 1..h.v. Bram... Pans Holton, •t fell Kett lea,
Fib and ii.,•l,aad, inst. • I ;Railend Transa,
V ulllnu ^f all dearriplloils, i Rama,' Iry and itlkos,
hill. X-eut. and Cirrular &mai Doulns and Single (lama,
Lincelisei ilopp,ra, ( .7eareta Menhle-and Singi , t Piviohr
and Km Ire., al l -,t and I}anu. Tai;a•
kir% and VE,‘„ • Powder Pinata. .
•traeks and Tapktelf, • , Powder and elvd •••
, •
Quin Pampa, . Water Trull Peremaiden
.. 11s. ' ° . elk's and Team Wins, Ca . pa,
"VII Taiatingr, •• • /Ride Motintlors, . -
Chi l 'Alt 4 erilers wAsild raPsettully !sults the attsdnimi
" n. 9 .10 Pablir geneei)ly,tii the Mare and other 410-1 " J 4
'''' H t , Um ntillterfOK to Tan OM. u the are deter. )
tolaed t.) 6011 as tqw - as may omens oat of nuadelpbla. '
August "'' , UM.
251 y
-- - •
6 THE Subscriber, basing, purchased the Port
Carbon florid Factory, formerly conducted by 11.
'P.m. & Co., continues to manufacture, and de , -
Hoer within the minty. at the lowest Philadel
phia Prices, all Rinds. of Shovels, Spades, and Barden
The attention at operators and 'dealers is particularly
called to his - mai:madam of Coal Shovels,. which the
strength and•thambility, mama' be surpassed by any iith
en in market. • •
'Mahler keeps on band, at, all times, a superior quality
of Coal Riddles. width be•w•Ul sell at wholesale and retail.
sb o robt, Spadrat and llOek, of any site or pattern, made
to order at short intim and repairino promptly attended
CII.4,IILES SMITH., Port Carbon.
November 18,185. t
Pioneer Boller Woika.
It The tio su n b:M e rs b r t tretfull sa f nui la n si n t i ej the
1t6, 1(L1 their Boiler Works, on the
ing the - Pioneer Furnace, Pottsville, Pa,
where they are prepared to manufacture
smoke Stacks, Air Stacks, Bleat Pipes, Gasometer, Drift
Cars, ae., de. Boilers on hand: " '
Being practical tuecheinim. anti having ter years devoted
themselves entirely to this branch of business. they flat
tiri themseivas that work done at their establishnumt will
give satisfaction to all who may favor them with a cell.—
Individuals and Companies will find It greatly to their ad•
vantage to examine their *mit before ensuing elsewhere.
TILE SUBK"ltlliliftB respectfully an
unwire to the public that their new Itol)-
lAOIIIIIB now completed and in full ope
ration, and that they me prepared to war 1
- ' ply all ideas of Bar Iron of TariousaLwe,
which they will warrant to be sum in quality to any
obbdnod front abroad, at. the same p,ices. - -
They also manufacture T Rails, far the use of the Col-
!larks and Laterakitoada2weighlog from 21 to RI ihs. per
yard, sande of the-best Iron, and which will be found
much cheaper thaA the. importedwrtiele... • • !
Being practical mechanics:and haring had conaiderable
experience In the Iron burins, they flatter themselves
that they can give entire satisfaction to purchasers, and
also make It their Interest -to patronise bonie manatee-
—4O/1N.,11U1151311 tf
. A. CO.
TieeeniCeVfhlSil 49- '
Chazignot rroprietess.. •
• -
.KS , Dm" • • THE undersmied have -
iwor sinned the` proprietorship of the Wire
tenon Factory_ In Coal 'stroct,'lately om
ducted by _fl L Cake. under the &sa
, name Van& il f alliakNosnd heretordeaire to call
the attentimi.or Coal Operators Mid the pUblic generally,
to their extetrive establishment, Arrangements are mad
for petwurreg the. very-hot of materials, and eiders for
work to a lar , :c amount will be filled at the shortest no ,,
M.o, and on the most satisfactory terms.
The sulateribers..ntoreinvea; .having secured the version
of skilful and experienced worhanen, Invite the most *
aid oxantination or test of their screens, promising them
equal to the bast turned-out, in other manufactories.
Jan. it, 1X.5.5 14f ' ' TORN
numos DIMMER. Iron and Brass I
Fotindent respectfully Inform their pa. 1
— ' , ,""rt' irons, and the pub* generally, Diet they
j - tra::uauz are fhlty prepared at the above est:lller
- mint, to Manullseture Steam Itsgineant
every size: Pumps. and 'llrift 'Cam, 'and' every
other description of Iron and Brass Castings suitable for
the Coal mining or other business, on. the most reasonable
taunt Also. Blowing. Cylinders for Blast menaces and
Machine work lu general..-- . .
Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch
at the lowest prices. All work furnished by them war
ranted to perform well. They would solicit the custom of
MOO who may want articles; in their line in this 'withal.
All orders 141 met with immediatkand prompt atten;
Hon. • S.' W. ifeDSON,
9.1 y
3lnrch 4.1851
- -
lillnersville. •
TRH linbseriber is repared to Mann
facture STRAM I:NOV:4LS of any power.
nitlß Pumps of any capacity, and era! Breakrrs
Qlw`Cllcotherey description; as well .as every
kind bf nerte.htnerY , used lii Mines,
ltreaters. Furnaces. Roiling Mills. RAW 3fitls. &c
/NMI the Ittririties possessed for manufacturing, and
from, long. experience , in the instates, work can be turned
out it this establishment, at the very lowest prices, and
of a superior quality. ' • -
persons desireusof itttlrlgbp machturrY Of any Mil,
are invited:to call and exatnine patterns and become ac
quainted with prices before contracting elsewhere. ,
Orders of every kind are solicited. and strict Attention
will be given to their prompt execution.
Docem*9t • " 1854 : 4;i4f •
THE Bulreribers annotutie to the Pa
lk that they are the Proprietors of the
*:"" Franklin Works. Ikni , Carbon. lately car
, tied On hy:B. Billynt,n;aharethey.eno
- Mote to wannfartrtre to order, at the.
shorteat retire, Steam
Pumps, (kat Breakers and
Mathtnery of - share. any sire or dearriptinv,Tor inking
or other purposes. Also. Ilaread and Drift Cass, Iron or
Brass Castings of any she or pattern. Orders are respect
full)" solicited . • • OM a. FLSBIIIIt
Frlonklint Shovel Works. t
-The wolreribers ooutitnie to furnish the Colliers arid
thmalets of Schuylkill County, with Shovels - of all kinds,
at tbo lowest Philadolphia prices. Attention ls particu
larly called to their Coal Shovels.. Orders for Shovels of
any size or patt e rn promptly attended
tIFA.'.II.• FISSInt & BRO.
Port Carbon, August A , • , 3-t-tt
NOTICII—Tber bustnesi of the late firm
or Martz S Entriken Kill tm. continual by
WILLIAM J. MARTZ, st bis new ..Poun
dry end 31aeldne Thep, on Mauch Chunk
street. to the borough at Pottsville, ad
joining IL E. BLAND'S Smith Shop. lie will manufac
ture all kinds of STEAM 1..."i01it RS and PUMPS, of any.
power and capacity for raising or breaking Coal, pumping
or other purposes: , Engines. Plowing Cylinders, Witter
Tnyere, and other machinery foe' Blast Furrewea, of the
latest and most approved construction: Ile will also =he
to order RAILROAD and 'DRIFT CARA.
Being a practical machinistand attending personally to
every department of the establishment,' persona giving
him' orders may
_rely with perfect Lately on having their
'work pertbrmed promptly and in the veryl.est manner.
All• persons baring claims against the tirin or Martz
Entriken, will present the same for settlement to the un
dersigned, and. all per+.. ons.owing udd nun will pay the
same! to the undersigned, he being anthorited to settle the
business of the late'firm. - • • •
Sept.% 1135.1 [Juno= 1854 254) • fib
Pottsville, Pa., •
respe3thdly Invite
Ithe attention of the business community'
'"". to their New Machine Shop and Townley
• erected between Cad and Reiread'atmets,
. ▪ end fronting on horwolies street. whir"
they an, prepamd to execute all orders for machinery
Onus and Iron: suet as Steam Engines, all kinds of Goat ,
lug for Rolling Mills, (Irl4 And Saw Mills. -finer and
Double acting Pumps, Coal Breakers, Drift :Can, Ali kinds,
of Railroad Castings, such as Chairs for Flat and T
Emickk switches., .kc.; aU kinds of mist And ,wroniftlk Tr° l 2
Shafting. Doing practice medumlia, and baring made
the demands of .the , 0111 Region their study for years,
also all kinds of 31anhinery' In their lino flib'oriness, they
Ratter. thenrelrefi that work done at theltestabliaboaelit
will givesstinfactiototo ail who .may bonOt them with a
call. MI orders thankfully reached and: pn,mittly exe
cured, on the most .reasonable terms j
Ortnher 2.1E52 p
- :3-tf
Tremont, Sohnyl'kill C4unt34 Pi
at ,
Tift4Subeeribersli.,mtftilLY In
v* tho:satentioSii of ties buAlt.v
eotwnunity to their New Machine. .
Shop and Petunirs, eroded in' the
town of Tremont, and under the icuPerintondenne and
nanapment of Z. flatdofti Anil VilliP Utaliolta, whore
they arc propar44 to imam& .811 ordera Skr4bebinery.9(
Praso: end. Ir on, =6 , M Steam. Engines . any power,
Pump! of any 'rapacity, Coal Brest:es of Emery loser p;
Hoe. all lambi of nearing for liallius 31111 a, Wild and
Saw Mau. Drift Cant, and all kinds of dtaliroact Casuume,
inch as Chain , fer.llat and 1' RAIN Prop, Switches. and
all *de of Cast aid Wrotight Iron &faith" dlr. Dui
ii,d f e Ninr a practical:MMus:de, and, bola; bad the (VMT
thirnrexid eaperienCdfnftlinny years In ilk.. Coal it, ton.
. perenns dmiroue of puttlsuzi up Itechln.rP of any kind.
kre invifrd to can and.rtzeininealfr pia timuo, sk miPeriqi
qualify of sort. and' heroine erqutinicd 'elth prime it
*lto.. Works. Warr .mtrseittse drew hew. i Orders'of em
ery kisul thinliinily nt-oirt4l. and strict attention a'IU le.
itivon• to their pumunt'plinntinti. haTinE liawerailk=to.
Se. in, and 60 Mme Imginea on band.
.lan. f, MS - e. S. k 'A, M. SELTZER.
1111S1' pisoft
• meld r.n did rvrfuThery. tron.ol24..l.*ltti
kkti,s Ju)rai I.lcLiMarrllmik
MI thoso gib) want freni Pertbakery, *Ed 0.„11MI
LISTS lk,ok mid Variety SOAP.
Jimmy 21,18b{
• • . - - - "a''' .-.- ..- - • . ' vauk,........-.... aan..., ~....e................1........m........... g.,.... , ..........,. —..,,.......,,.. ---- --- —..--
...., _ _
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......„,....„„„,,.„ „,.,..._ , _ , _ _ . ___ _
----,--- -,.. . ' — T ----- .7:•;-'-'f - •
0' F 1
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1.- ' -AVOCV , II.4
- t 1 , i , ,- '''. • ' I '' , - -' • ',,•
:'' '' ' 1 , , .1 - 'l' ' ,,, i ..' ',' 'l.' ‘.
'• :' ''', .1..' , ...; :TS .' 1 - • ' ' 4- .' q a-43 , , . . .....,.
:.. , .--.-- . - ' - . . '-. ,- :. ---a. .. . ~.. ~...-.. p , - • , --!--
,!. •". ,' I . !'' , ''."9'''ln i, ,- . .;:,‘ re •
. -
.. : • I'
391 ' prruced . ,_, thleo beam, wean
- , ' * .-r-- - ' - . 1 ' 'iA: ! . .
r -. . -- 7.:.:: ' :
........ .
.. 1 . . - - - . '
7 ,- -' - ' •-•'::. ;11.74 `.l. 4 .1.. :::, , ' 1--- .1' .- ' •
.. -..-, ..•:.3 • '...,• - . '.:.
' . •i . • :11W .i, _ , r. ,=. ..... .: .- • ..,, ..... _ . 1 , - :•.- . • .- • . b e dope ~ pa after vgifielaWzit kithet.o74l2‘7;
.•': 7 --. : ~.; - ..: 1—: ',..:., ~.. . :. ' , a tisis' tir'ft i tcrl l"° ...rifirisai c t ."4."-4 '
'•-- ' " - --: .. J,- ., -„ - -.' ' ----, ~,,z.., ~.:•; --„:- r 1
- , ;....,1 . J ,- - - -.1 . ~:: _ .-,,.,.. , , . . A • '' i 1 . I
.0. ' . 1‘ • 1. . ' ,' r ' ' 13. ' f..+': BOOkill4lllll/ - 1 1 4.1 h ti
. LP.boters,,
; , . 1
I,' 41 ,,,,,!,:' .:., , i' -'- i - : ''-'' , Hold Oak • ..- -:i • - Ayer JANAIr.-..7-: •
. 440444 2 :Aetia1** 1 4 •• -1 . , lb " 01 04' •
- * e‘l . ' ' ..
.. ,
• -- . .. 4i --, -.A L . ' ,Uie j t i l •-- tim li, " 'i• i .1" • . , Ode ift•••
~ •
•. . . • „ -
Ar -.'
- ' &:-::. '''
U:ti ,"'3 I . ADIVE - -.--8. R- , - --- ..' -
_ _, _- Ai the yin Muted acesi. ,Oas. Mak ur 400
- ' • -iliorei e V ilifsire , thin Mitt lit inibetir Oit'ilitA
•1, - • lion of **et*, stal *A limPaugois. • etaillfAd.
WIRE ROPES. !, . •
Rape for Inclined Planes; ke., ke.; Mborit Co,
nupei of snnerior quality and of .all lengths bad al
ma an hand and made to order un abort nbtlec.
.. • Reference. can be made to lii .4..Douglas.thiperfntendant
tuld Engineer, high Coal and Navigation Corapaseq
N. b. Courfright.. Superintendent litaleaas ens! fi amps.,
ay, Mauch : A. G. limdhead:Superintendeut Dem
rer Mesdow Cool Company, Mauch Chuuk;
• Sharpe k Co, Contractor: Sumgait Bill, 'permit. ' •
Oetobar 14,1354 • • • ,
• THE subscribes' haring fitted up one of
Co al Coach tibops in the State , ' in
- 411 " 74., Coal street, Pottsville.:Pl4, next to J. it
Adam k Co.'s Screen Factory, where Ids
facilities' fur manufacturing all • kinds of darrisges an.
light Wagons cannot be, surpassed—beinga practical hl
chant; and haring a number of years.esperienes' in the
business, ho hopes to give gewel satithsetlon.
All kinds of Cairiaitetand light Wagons kept on han
Also, second .band %Ann,' kc. -. •
All rej oin neatly done. Orders from a distance promp
ly atten ded to: , IVISTAR. A. Kira. •
Jane 6, 1(48. •
FLAT and; Round Rope• Maker, Read
Pa. Wblte i Tarred,,and Mullin Rope of an
. .
Flat Hopei% for Mining or , other parlous, Towlug 11. • -
and Neal cordage of all kinds. -
Iked-Ropts, Wash•littes; Easheord, ire. Superior Ara
ing for ,Staaut Vaginas.: Also, patent prepared Hem
Packing. a very superior article. saturated with a
sitimi which *illy doubles its capability to stand frictio
and insures its preference wherever it has been tried. Or
der: thankfully received and promptly executed.
tiovember U. 1854 ' 444
Titli sithaitiber is ricedvingfman thil bad!
Maufillsetortes irrthe City a largalot of Cottage
Furniture of New Myle, made of !lane Woods,
oak, chestnut, wnut.Av., wartluited to
be st 'vw and durable. T hu patterns rwo'isrlotar, and of
the latest fashions. They embrace wbOle wits, ,al l , O l
which will be sold at city prices, cartiate added.
He nlso keeps on hand, and manufactures toorder all,
. kinds of Household Furniture, of the , latest, most toll'
tamable and desirable Patterns, all of-Which can be ex.),
ambled at his Ware Rooms, corner of Centre and Iln 1
attests, nearly opposite the Episcopal. Clmrch--411 a
1 which will be sold tit the very, lowest rates. -
April 1.1814 , - . :. 1.44.1
INSURANCE. ... . 1
APITAL ..$1 . 0.9,090 7 —C H A RTE
- Perpetual. • ' ' ,
Ms Company, chartered by the , legislature of Penn. ,
sylvanla, with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dol-1
lam le now fully organized, and -has 'commenced
. . -. ... , .
• The Company is prepared to receive monies and other
property in Trust, and allow interest on all moidai de.'
posited in trust, at the rate of five per cent'per annum;
principal and Interest payable on demand.
For rates of PrentinntOn Life-Insurance, sow the minted;
Tables supplied at the office 4 the.. Company, Control
Street, Petterille, Ciree doors south of the Sgehango Ho.l
. tel. J ACODUUNTZINOSit, Ja., Pre4dent.
Jotot ii. ADAM, Sec'ry and Treasurer.' •
April 1,185{. .. , . . , ' 13-tf,
door above Green's Jewell,. Store.
Ilds Company, recently chartered by the Legislature of!
Pennaylvania, Is fully organist* . ,
The CoMpany is prepared to effect inittranco upon lives i
and to re cei ve and execute fruits, and tb allow Interest on
Monies reee,ive,d at the rate of five peer:mt. per WWII=
nnlera otherwise tigreed upon. Principal and interest psi
ableon demand. - • •
Capital and assets safely Invested in . Ronda and Mort-,
gages and other good securities. • •
Annual dividend of the profits will be made payable In
msh, or appropriated to the payment of premlum.s.
For rates of Premiums on Life Insurance, see printed
tables, supplied at the Companyyy ' s omen.
B. T. TAYLOR. iS,ClitErnf sad Tredttrfer.
by Mato of reentrytraria.
Authorhed Omit:11000,000. •
Oliire, Xo. 99 Weltuat Street, between Third and Fourth
Streets, Philadelphia.
This Company, with a cash Capital paid in, ruelhinsii
with the Mutual principle in their /Wine and Inland
Department, secures to the amurrcl ample indemnity. with
participation in the profits, and without liability for loaves.'
Tim Company will Mane Policies at the metal rates ofl
premituria, embracing Marisa, Firs and Lateral Risk&
Dr. D. Luther MUT° ,
'Lewis Audenited, 3 nsePh Mitxwt4l
- Sieger, - • John & Addicks, •
(leap F. Tyler, 1[37117 CAMrld.
&Wild 11. nothertagl, D. Ilanunett,
Davis Pierson,' Samuel Castner.
We. C. Lemma Vice rroident.l
WM. F. DUN, ' Secretary. .
JOZ"PETER D. LUTllElt„baa been appointed Agent for
tho above Company in Schuylkill County, to whom per
desiring - Insurance "rooky.
April 8, 1b.51
M ay • . ', I
Alerts, sisy 114,1 W. _ , 1 1
Cash premium/IMA tutor's; reeds
' ell the past year, mutual deistri
went, iIIOI,QB 32
Bilis Iteeeivable in same, • I 29,647 94
Owls Premiums, Block Departuft; 40032 20
, , • --. ~ • —..-...... . 170,668 56
Lows, expenses, eetotelesicsis; re.
testuance, inutuil department; 101408 53
" stock. " 1T1,43108
s BflE'l9:,
Bonds, mortgages, stock and other • • • •
:meal seestritles, • 1 . 13.1311 79 .
Bills teeetrabkk, • • • . 187,009 80 • . • •
Cash en band and In hands Of ' • • .
agents, 19.1149
• - 16
For Fire or Tribmil Inuturanee; tb
JNO. T. 1111CO1lN. El; .Ayeut.
July Ib , 1R54. 26.1 y
panyVV/CE, Atha+ , UrOkirdCoulltY.TaM
"4114 '
CstrrrAL tilto 44 : l' •
Iturvires , 'wind loss by Pita Ironies. aWou and Diner
Geode, Wares and Iterthandins,COAL Bitt&K-
Ell,B, E. INE/4. and other Midthieryi on ait„tasomble,
terms ail any similar Institution. =, • ,
Lawspnor s Austid tuict iaick ' , .
lion. lionicirWilliston; .A.t.boi4,‘
George k. Perkins,-
• -Jr T.D. Myer, • 4 '
• C. N. Shipman, "
C.V. Welles, Jr., " •
I. E. Canfield, -- 4
Dm. John Laporte, Towanda, - • -
Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Lamyrille, •
,Geo. M. Holleubeek,
Michael Mylart, Laporte,Pa.,
Pon: MAACK WILLISTON. Potent-ant ' ,
..C. F. Wsust. Jr., Vke Preside* it Treasurer.
J. E. Cannstn, dieey,
Eder in Pottsville to
Hon. C. W. Begins,
P. W. Hustles, -
Wm. B. walbb,
{inn. &M. Bickel, •
J. F. WHITSi ET: Agent..
Nest door. to Ilium' DMA., Pottsville.
---'— iND — EMTEIT i re —„
THE FRANKLIN Fiie Insurance Co.
of Philadelphia: Office, No. 164fetiemist street,
new Fiftlistseet. .r •
• Charles N. Baneker, • George W. Wants,
Thomas Hart, •. • • Jksitireal D. ewis, ;
Tobin} Wagner, Ado E . BM* " •
tisinnel Grant. - David ft Brawn, •
Jacob R. 'smith, 31orris Pattered%
Continue to spake Dunmire, permanent or limited on
emery description of property, in town and country, - at
rates as low as Ire consistent with security. • -
The Company have reserved a Lim Contingent Tund,
which with their Capital arid• Premiums, safely invested,
afford ample ptoteetbn to the insured. *
The insets of the Cumpapy on January Ist,lBlB, as pub.
Dished, agironshly to an Act of Assembly, were 88 fo/181 1 4,
Mort ages, 65 Blocks. $51,563 45
Real Estate, 1013438 90 Cash, td, 45,137 87 ",
Sept. 2, 044
: • i51A211,097 di.
Tempostry Loam. • • • • ' 125,450 00 '
binco their incorporation. a . period of
. eighteen' year
thltiftrti paid ismitrdibreetiimlGinsedThata.
and ddiars,lospes by 111'4 Owlet/ "frailty; evidence of
the advantage », of ,Intntrtqace, ai well ast the ability and
disposition to meet with proutptoesi. all 'liabilities. -.
. MARL N. BAttCl:4B, President:
Cnanira tl. Ilaaccsa,
The mtbserider has been appointed agent fur the, abase'
mentioned institution. litur is now Vreinvi! ,l to roan ltk , • •
surance, on every description ofproperty. at the lowest
rates. ' • .10.11)11.tildi IittSSEL,
Poitslille, Jan. 11, 15.51. . . 241 , •
, 'LIFE INSURANCE .. • ,'" •- w'
4unulty and Trust Company at rhiLsdelphta. 'elf
No. litt Chesnut street, the First do:kr:Fast of the
Continue to make l asurances on Urea on the mod' trier.:
The Capital hetet Feld op and inre44ll, together with
a large aud cernitapUy facredalpg 'irer.o , rfel fund. oft.ra a
perfect Fecurity*-ra the iminicd.' - ' • `
The premiums may tiv.paluit-Aelir'ilvOyetf , r l r or g uar.
The Company add a -Doane pertediealir terthe bikini.
tea for life. The find nouns, appropriated in Woinabef, /
-1844, and ito second Nene hi ~104;), amount to
an addition of f: ; n 50 to every $l.OOO twined wider the
oldest policies, tirualdig 111,,i2 50 which twill te paid when
it shall heroine a delta. instead of Moe originally lusur.
ed; UM next oldest *mount to sl,Zir 50; the twain age
to *1412 : - ,0 for etery SI.IX/0; the others ip, the wile, pror
portion according to the amount rind time of stanato,
-which - additions nuke sin .atorage of' more then to per
rent. upon the premiums paid, without loressingthe an
nual premium.
itisfoirse; .
ItintiniiitidNflit, '' " ''' - ' Nini'A'Atio'irtir.' -'''' "
' Annan hiiiiii • - '. li. Itaimer;:' ,': 1 ''.
John Jay Smith, ' - Frederick Stern, ,
' itobert Pearreill, i . 1 , ' tleorge-Taber,
Joseph Yeager, ' John It. Latimer,
Thomas PA/Imes, . Wharton lencht
• .Icaritla T. Salley. John it, fdaek..
Pamphlets containing table of rates and explanations,
Ram of appllvilini sadturther Inf?tratlon an Da liadikt .
the race. '
. .
31193.1 mi JurogwAy prosookt.
anirtP:3bw~..lrivarq ;
..s;r• rho rail.w,rot A j orTiiyir
sebtOktillmanty; ► d al!feet, Itatteeo,
all tacensais iaSztaa on the
• lit DANNhia.'
April fl, 1862. 15.1 y •
g SAD BRING otri ,r4ipolt 41.!,..s.c.tvaia, OF UOUNIMINIS MZV.tIS WIIK7II. WILL. GIVE STILCBGTII*G , QUIL'ILLNDS AND SUBJECT OA NATURE TO GUM!, Veit ;. p . 4.,*.tau1tk , ...+- , •
• - - •.
s.4T,u'ApAy, m9R
~ 1 : 9, !,:O,I*IJARY,-.Cg9:t355L::::.-.',.-1::
r_ik; m
Siibscriber will filriliall LO i
sem, THE site`w. • ;
. _• SACRA.
er *lt ft Mole Dnoks, letr i lz
Chev * pixel: and Stationer,/{:
pottftlfle, December 1A54 - 44 . i
1.. 1
. ,
rllllll - 8 Eice ll entand Cheat, Pliei.
11 be had ri kilaily at ß. Barman's Booklitord-r.'
one cent. Sti,e.riglorts. itemised. and Butiday PI
furnished by ttel copies at_a diategut from OA
scription prietfl. The subseription,priee is bat 2p,
per annum. folellinni ascherription as
sent to is ehilCuould be very suitable. i
. Hnbarription#,also received roc 'The Little pilgrim?
"Merry's 3lns.tltm,"—at B. BANNm
- s \—, Book and Perlodicai 1
- .
De;erater 9 4.145 , t . - 46.....
yFIE Lire of. Christ, by Fleet*
Tullis' ediOcm, beanUrai itoel plates. 1 - -
, re of Cluist.,:flogun I Tbompaon's edition, 1414 " 1
hotratimu'i ki Imitation Turkey, only - . i
Or, in TarkLY ) Kuper extra. - - - - 1 -
Life of Christ;Wia' edition, imitation Mproeco, only
stso, vat ,•
large yarier splendidly illustrated Works, i
Ong Styles of MOdloss. For Ago at '
:Cheap Dot and Btatitneft 4
November I FI• ISS4
JUST RECEIVED and for sale at
bookstore 4. the subseriber,# less than the pi
er's lowest c ' • .
Wood d Ilacidatlnitud States Dlapansatory,new els
Dungllion's Hinman Physiology, 2 vols.,
Thompson A Sinith's Domestic Medicine,
Diancalson's Thfrapentice 2 Tole., aro., .
Sialth's Operative Surgery, Soo plates,. -
Horner's Special Anatomy and atiftlOgy, 2 vids.,
Deems on Children,• I
Colombat on Masco of Females,
Lawrence on thii Eye,-
Wood's Prnetletiif Medicine, 2 vole,'
bruit's Modernlnrgay,
- I
Miller's Princifthe of Surgery,: • ;
Carpenter's lino= Physiology,
Dunglbson's M ci t i. i:al Dictionary,
Pen's V s Anatomy, 2 vols, 1
MO:may, ' • • - I-'
Eberles PractiO, by kleOWnia, t•
Rod on I'enaslDbeases, -
Turner's Ctienthary,.
Liston's Elements of Surgery. Svo.
MAO Treatlielna Olutetrices , Svc:,
PharanicoprelsorMee.United States,
All Medical ;A:looks not on hand, obtained to min
the publislainttpricas„ _ • B. BANTU '1
January 8,18.,6 Wholesale and Barra BO Ot.
At LOW Priem'.
Mochankar; Machines, Engine Work and Enqneee ,
rig. over 4000 illintrations, 2 vole, • •
Atlen's Philialophy of the Mechanics of titto2ll; ar
Crated, • , .
ArnOt's Gotble' Architecture. 40 plates, • • '
Treatise entinsMteam Engine, by , Warne, El pisto and
.Wood Engravings,
Dovening'i n
s L . &cape Gardening and dreldtecture of
_Country liana% I
liteld'S City Architecture, V) plates. . .1
Haupt', Then ca bridp OanstrirtiOn,
new FIeHLBoO. for Railroad huginsers, ,
Leferer's Dainties Of Modern Arehltectunt.
Lyell's MeMenta and Principles of Geology, , i -
Overman's Hetaburgyi embracing Mining Opera:iota
Analysation of Over, de.,
Templet:es Mochaniee, Millwright's and Engineer's!.
. . _ .
lire's Dirticarid at Arts, 51auttheture and es
edition. ;_ ,--•
Byrne's r Practical Metal Worten As slant,
Priatifill Model Calculator fte , the Lliglneerl Ma
&inlet, and 511ineditdarer of Iron Work. :
The art ofDying Silk, Cotton, Wool, Wonted, 6;4
. Mortit's Par l, its Mentalkactur* and Use, '1 ;
Norris' handbook for Locomotive Engineers, I
Overuutu on thi Manufacture of iron and Steel in all
14 brencheS.
- Miamian illiter and Mfflerright`a .616 bent. • -
13""0".*cwrion, Eleamdcm, TO-tuts , . , •
Cabinet Mak ,a and Uphoistenses (knapsnices,
Dyer and Coloorasker's Companion,
Prettiest lituriefeee Guide, by,Dunom. ' I
Templeton'e Eliminator on Reims and the Steam! , En
Treatise en a. /50a of Inetrumeartn and tiroElide 'lnks
Crier's fifechaidea Calculator, •
Smith's Dieti;Wery of Arta . Manufactfires, lie., I .-
Or ßrand's clop wile of Selene*, Literstureand tArt,
~ ; ; I •;- • ' " •' 1 ' "
Hodge cm theiteans ikagine.4o Platen, ' •
Lefever's -Modern Builder's Guide, 410, '; •
Hould's HouenCarpentees and joiner's Assistant,; ;
Shaves Architectunt. Tiii edition: numerous plate"i
linepp%Chenektal Techniology„ 2 vole., ' • ;
The Prietioditres" ,Founder% *nide, "- •'• • D •
The Founder's/tad Moulder'a Gnide, .• ; • ,;.;
Benjamin's Aechititet and Practical House ,Carphitter,
• • Haswell% Kaidtiem% and ilechaniers Peeked ttoo - U1
Nichobion'e Catipenter's new Quids and ;Book' of Linea,
Damara 51liurriingyr5th cdttlon gnlergad,"i - • I ' 4" '
'Webolll,o7 oo Machinery and Ensiueschagracrola.„.•l •
The Wald id-1 1 cienooi Art : 803 To' ..4 ;atiFtqinsttitto 4 f.
from the :few Veit Kett bitimi,loo dratrinoc, t. •
ilynis% Anatolia Ensbmer's, Dreftawn% Mid MSebL
Leardner on Cite S trum , •
“ Led Science and Art,2 ; •
'tlllt6spl, on Rati dsand Rosaidoeleine, k
De Beehelfthxdogieel Observer. tho'.." t
Napier's Manned of Flectronletatithey„-1: • -• •
Martin 31emille, Uluitrltid.-
1 The Practi* , Draughtemen, 4to, plates,
' :fair sale at 15AnAirE 5;1-
- , • 1 ';'; •: ' Book and Statienery Store;
November 11;;;064. i • -•-• -•
,4iIDOEIVED' from theists Trade peke,
•and offered at prices.rarylng fraud 90
•-• t 6 30, and some 40 per amt. kis than s nub
Inw tw, ushe rs' rates, at BENJ. IiA'ArIeANE Cttasp
Book and Stetibairy
_Stores Centro stwet, Pottsrffirfalhrt
mediately mud* ties Episcopal Chneth.• • ;
Persons in weadof Books at • unusually low etatesikati
better , call and nine his stock bdbre_ purclusingedse;
whent'-es he pledgeg himeelf to sell his ; books "Slow.
and some aineh lower, than they can be gemanolatirlaid,
ars termed the thesp Brokenvert of the eity. r; • '
Parente would save themselves many a pang in later
life, if they wouldprocure their children some good Woke
toned at hcauceit night', instead of permitting lite* to
-run about the greets. We have eel hands very br ie Me;
sortmeut of cholee Juvenile Books, selected with Oat
care, On children, which we wile r/1 unusually lour. t Try
It, parents--a little money spent in that way, marnme
your children Dote the manyteosptatioua which xurytim4
them Da this community:. • ": ; ..;
Complete Works - Of Thomas Dick, 2 role, evo
Thiess' History of the French Revolution, 4 Qs.,
Matauley's Mistellettle.t. & vole- t
Selections from th e British Poe ts;3 vole, Brit; .
Itedge's Peak Welters el Germany, ihn,, • ;
Heroic Women Of the Rerohnion, giro., f i -
Mint Lambert's - Randle)* of Needlework, ,- t 1
11ftaluld swedes of-Henry Clay, 2 1, 0, - -
DeaCcemennes Illitury of the Popes, 2 vols., 1;
Frost's Ptetoricalllietery of America, 2 voila, 5;
Wheeler's Bural:Arehitectuna ' ' - ' t
ntrirlianea 31enioirs of the Queens of Henry Bth,
Dtek's lectures &ionic:6U. 15 fon ahoc7.. ;
Willis' Prose andltehT of Europe And =nem*
Manning% Sermons. • 3,veic, Svc.,
Cooper's Novels::: •,,y2
Gstleot cm the Fine Arts, Bto., - t
Dickene'llame and Social Philosophy,'
Piktotial HisterrOfEngland. 4 '
BYTllete Inetkm4oof Merkanire. 2 Tote, Ste, :1
Comprehendve Commentary, 0 role, royal t
Clarice; ' ; •
Seott's u „ 3 ~• ;••• ' • . ••
Gardner's Finnev's Dic tionary,
Goldmilth'elniasted Nature, 2 vole Bvo.,
Hum's History cif - England, . -- • - •31
Macauley'e , .r ... t y, 2 • • ; ; •
. •
Elibbcitie ::Rome, ta.
illieherack's Ifeuallutt 01* 00610 3:re - •
Library . of Natrand; History, the, tOO engravings,
Bohree% Novels,'„ , ; - •
MandelCyciapsedia mail knowletisti,
Murray's Unitedtates, 81r4%, j
Pictorial Family eloptedba; numerous engravings;,
Illuabstrated 3111hh of the World, •
Layard's Diseorerhe in' Nineveh, Bvo,
Lasing% Piatioriat Field Booltof the lienohnion, 2 vole., ,
Chanute's% Worig6 vols., ' •
Hildreth s dory of the United States, 8 vols..
Sparks' Life land W M ieg s of Washlns •
12 rob.,. 1
Anthen's nary. royal ,
Johnion's WorkeZBro4 i
Brande's EneyeltnWadie of Science, Literature and 441,
royal "oa f ; -
Barnes' Notes on We; New Testament,• I '.
Hoshelm% Church:Mgmf, 2 foil, ;
Spark? Arahriearilitanrrtfp to vole:, -
It mandating Jeer, Eirsuatea,; 2 vols.;' t
Ilintaxidis Lira,
Lynch'ra Dead Sea B:titan. ilium-taloa, • • i;
Kennedy% Life of i "W 2 role, ; • 1;
Agnes Shieklatialet Queen' of England, 6 sole., .
Encyclopaedia Ansfaticana, 14 v 0111,13,0., '
Weirder% DietitmenT, , the royal 8,0., and . ill
, tioIIIL 1,11 Iraiitatt Xadiri" I I
Harper's Fes 51604/lany, Gaols,.
Cooley's frclapatiN caf,Usefal knonledge, . •
611811an'altrods of-the Bible,. ' ,
Lord Mahon% MstOrY Of England, 2 robt.; Bro., .;
Pictorial:Lab of Iltinolaan, 146 .
',Taylor's Ancient iilo 3.1•011em-litstoty, 2 vote, Bvo, •
Downhats Cottage:Architecture, Us, •; . • -
Haupt on Bridge t tanstruction, Stro., • ,
Eittlente Mat Principles of Cloolo, new editlah; I
'ete-eta History et - Arehlteettue, lvd.:*tre, • .; 1
Use's; Dictionary otArts, Manufactures and Miftee,ltrob(4,
limo., new edition P .;;;;;vot= - 1-:. lit
Fire hundred Skeet and Skeletons offteituanks,lnadti
Athiler%Gennife trietionary;mysi "
D'Aubigne's Mils of-the Bitht'wdbh, t,';
Fourth on the Mow. •
Tope's Homer's 1111..affendllidrtsiti:Sio . 1.1
Secdt'soananintarf an the Itleer•Teettan;mt, 2 role,
nollites aticleat 111.5tory, la It or 4 vela., ; ' '• •14''
- Statesman's Ainntiall-Addrem of the President of the
United-States with iitirtnaits; 4 vol&„ _
• ,
-Clark's Conramentaii ton the New Testament, '„ ,• ;,
' WeisheceCosplferks. TA. sve.
Crudeehteiskneonlanee, •-; • -
Chambray' CyelopOalls
of lAtemtnee, 3 roles i- • • - 4
tr 1 nformUion far the l'eople, 2 vols., • .
;; ' I Dame linok and Pocket•HiseeUany, 0 re*,
' licreitOry of instructive and Anineing
pore, 4 vols.; ;5" , .
Warerly Nareht 't;reds,, half - enomeict, • ' •
Ell 13
gppa~rka'xi~ eel ( L. of
2U . Slia.usic 4 ,6To.4Boi : •
_ .
`Kapuletto and 'big /01;t314. • .
.. ,
.. ~.1 , 1
Karlereuelett gletttir er etnnany, Ira,, ' ' - l'
1• I
Markenales SAO it'sastpra, Sto w .: .
M ee
elien's Bk!ur the tatted Ettates, flen., , ,
' littio's ]Nita* of "slestinat : ' . 1.,:- - -.. • . . : ;II 1
tbaltnradttt's 31nteellitneoneWorIca, 4 v 015.,. , '
, . ~ 0
'The limit of 'titsifeittil litientetTe, .•
, t 1 ,
itinedfaliNtinnitts. OA. I • • " ' • !'l
Ihnketei Notes atrikite A'atr Tottasnont : • :- , i - I
, Waylantre n'Orertrfpy : Emmons.
eeman -
—, • d
rowllsy's l'rartkallaritts, On Business, 2 . •
Tht,4lstursits/Prrountsntiera,ansofirralsomt Minos fl i;
sortion's Intrnt : a*.Tnorntcsii‘ WatOirtlichrs Joulra
Sfrod's Fuoily Pr/4sta. • 1 • •
, . iumetttnE,'-',.F.DITIONh OF TUE Parra, Al
3 k1 1 14 in ustialialsOk Plan elottt; gut or wiraesst, ent
i rti,
By lv r t , 31enee,, Seek:DO lL M Ca 6outhey, "in .
artnrit. puidonOtotnans. 311110 0 , Er/Latvian/0,1U:
•."' u mitt, 4 4414,0M0u11ii be. -
..: - : • I , ' - „ . ":1
Ill:111,4:1VA. ,41.1,ALEA ' IVO) 64 illiPet-lIPletT, Or i$V
..' 'si -At en , ' pt3l* fl f1:41 Jig, . '
' ' VI
Carkidie Wig* Hooltio" Hain assetcsilan.: ' - • ' ' , : 1
' isirA fell rossortiriont c. Stank ! . : SkannYAW
now :glades, Mall Eapone ? India Rn . • Goods, lkr, in. •.i.
Janus/16, ICU . -.. : l. ;
. ~..
._ .
APAMPIILVT, containing
,the. 6411
Proeiedintit of the Pris' eilfillou `U a, sat of s elliri
W: SeGiruxt, En., together With tome resnarkt on
the OW Trade4prepared Wine Bowen, Esq: Just pub.
Ibled e r ud:for wile Sp - IL BANNAN ititrri/le,
.....!. • i - J.W... 310011, Phildelphia.
...Yantuiti . G;los ... .„ . i!, , - ... 1- ~ •
;ea, St
4" 3
sfiGioss i Alnianies for 1855, English
arid toselnding• tirade Sim, Comic, Muse
ltsePtar.s, k t ( a t gl 37% per g ross: I
Diaries** 1e55 of all - sizes and styles! /or sale low at
'Book and Stationery Store.
40- r. •
k sate
• pne
NoTemb4 RS.%
laifig Life of P. T. Baninm,•mitten
by blzraelt, lab p 1 tea. '
Life at Horace Greeley, by J. Partow, with illturtra
,Both Itall:,4lDcimestle Tale of the Piesiiat time, by Rua
tip Ytirrt. ' For sale at D. 112011‘A.N'S
Ikc. 50 . • ' Ji/ookand ! Stationery Starr.
100rFAMIound antly
in L An Y tigne ß eir Pti rj !l S led . g with
clasps, Urdu .Morocco and Embossed. ~ • • , •
MO Pocket Bibles, plain biome° and Embossed,
Zpiseopsi, Lutheran and Presbytelian Prayer
jSook richly ticrund in Silk Velvet,or Morocco Antique,
with elute; sire. In Yukon, plahi etyleL
Brno Books, °full kinds, for sale very cheap, at z' •
• 7 . ..• .• •11 PuttiNAN'S.
' " • - • • Book and Etaionery Store.
boeinnberli,lBs-1 4S.‘-`
4 00
'2 75
TH ' •
sibienber minuFactkres4 keeps
constantly on hand, a full and complete amortmecit
of . LlfDUfllS, ' ' ,
' • . " nycnce
And evbry other ,Imatiety and style of Blank Woks.
Account Bookit for Merchants, Banks, Public Offices;
Ae, with or without painted kondinda.l,ll/ed to an Pat
tern, and -bound in a superior manner for sale at very
low prig*, itt t • . • - spatArys
• • • ] • /Pak Ond 4tattanny gam
._! 411r.hladasint* Newspepors Boa* of a ll kMts
bound in any style. Amu 6. '616
PuTN AM' S •Semi-Monthlir 'Libriry,•
6 vols., foi' i fec4,4lifllidi4lforsfinTwn and Whim;
thslities, IAIIOI lIINOVILTabiII Talk dad. Book for a Cor
ner, Dickens' dome Narratives, Ac,
Do. see 624 Series, 7 vols., fur 873 i rents, ibeinding Arctic
Jourrial, 'Pictures from St. Pitersbarglijortnight in
Ireland, Eagle Pam by Cora 'Montgomery, de.
British Poets. Little it Brawn's broutifial'Aidine !edition,
Fr;! i netneer to Wordswodb, gilt admis, 76 math,: vol.
g's Popular Leeturcs on the It.eriptanii, At., tom
•-.plata setsr,76 cents per volume. ' r •
gambols' Information for
,tke People, globe, lineycle..
• media of Pmglish Literati:tee:2r vols., Pocket Miscellany,
6. vols., Siticelliny of Popular wad Ratertattitng Knowl
edge, 12 yob, Repository of L4terattue,l4. rob. AC. ,
thaikoray's Select:Novelists, 4 vol.; 75 cents per vol.
Sparks' American Mog•eplo, Comprisitig d !Potions
distinglaishod, in the ilistory of the, litilteit StstosOP
tl, ' - • •
Encyclopaedia Aniericamt, It yob., Soo.; rhiep. •
. .Yor sale at l BANNA:!‘'S
• 1 - ' ! heap Book and Stationery Store.
November :25, ! 46.
Eit,Pentre Street; Pottsville. Pi., respect.
-•- - Cully asks the attention! bf Mereluints,
Teachers. aasA , thepublic spaserall7, to the
large assortment biiotes, offered at lib: new store,
co Audited - Works ibr proiesitoca..Chureb
800 for denomination. German and Euglials -
GMT, XISCIIMIX4,OI3, JUVa7III2., toT AND 'MOO/ 11001[5,
Obtained dhoti* from the pubibthenr, by Special strange.
cunt, and at the Trade Sales- Impo rt ed ap t donestiefate
ey and staple ststionery. , •
bllttionets' fine • Wkly. end leyeenersi'l.WartA . Amy
.• • flooftsofe.
Theme goods 111 *4 and dei
me tratte,• and Imre been
nehmtedierith great rant froattbe fell stroeks of thb large*
Importing houses and American Mantdketurers in New
Tort and Pitilactipbtat &Int!, liege amatetinent of • •
Bien k Aecoust Pink* '
Of their;cran insimesetcue, embracing a general satiety.
front tbeerganser half-Wand. to the extra itupertine, neat,
ly ruled and anlatantWlf Wend, fifth hands and &etc
email blank Metitiestai,:eyphiringand
Copy b 11.5, Ttr a WlLls-of M AI Tickets ,
Checks, Brat*
I Book Mr Printing, ,
Of or vezdesieriptkok, wetly executed: Blank Unattended
to any pattern attf bound to order 3lnsie.ftazines and
other imldidd.kb booed In erg 'Style of2PI and Or
namentai Bledirg, Um unit durable suist elegant. •
IrAme brglttfer sub, or nereired inesehangeprxatt. r,
151: 1,• • •• . -E. OARIMITIEB:
MontlilA3Theleadpalow, - ,
Harper r"Mon Maptene.
Putrasals, db t • rick
U nstraeriM agifiWort Art, PzetorsterWar,
(Soft's Abdy'd leak,
Kniekartioktr; !!- '
LittoirdiAviox r
ArOinfiefibme no,
London rly Review.
W. • • • Qiwtlltariow,
Won's Noo1143: • •••
New York Jounarl
Together joilb Mother; M
teis coni)trfor In Swope.
GeortrPirtorlel Paper,
Flog of oerr Un.k0,,..- •
Satapiry 2=41 yore, •
!Army •
Uceno4Olietal ' ' •
_ _ .
Azimitfic#4f • •
Witlny 4 l4 HomatilSeU4.
Landoll Mining 40=4
Londonitltidratia News,
The Know Nothing,
*other Jonatisin) • =
Amami= Banner,l
And all other ate/ilia&
bur citteil at' •
. Per-A 1.1144 b -
AO, SLIM Itumilys 'I,
HE undeiling:d,ba,s, been appointed',
11. the publishing tInT ovaries of Potradts djilec
t rignished eltameters.i&mMd with the great 'Arabs.
site Coal Trade, of Peseeilyllninia, to which your athletics
to respectfully Wetted, It la Intended to issue one mu*
bee antiWty; isntil mine tier or mom shill hareems's;
ed... The Mike imams with a meeptifieent ,•:,
F.tem gt MrVT tit of Jobe Tucker, filquire,
She meek Warmed And able President of W ' R
Renaud., •It bee bee digraveitonSiteel,lutale.beet etgle ,
of Stipple, Line '
and gleubtthto, byjake Sartain, Spasm
who, It is nee/ gettelally Admitted, stand. in the halt
rink of bhintase iiiertsla proceeded, upon the
execution o ruler work with the express ohject
and detennination 'achieving • the opt pees ultra of his ,
genius and taltat; and Om publisher hm accordingly
paid a Mail advance upon hL odium" prices; finite
embarked in the•isaYl , l..efteselitletbeiparmiatinat oh**
of laying before the 'siserles of Portraits that wing
mrreernd, ev'err With Its =Mal Induente
and ,Momadomt eastierefel value, ad lees Men the mil
sent qualities of the enbiects theterane. UPI/dere to
fourteen Melee In width by eighteenand shalt in length,
and appears open aumierial of tbe Pm* texture and qesi. •
fly. The publisher hes &imbed at coraiderable
men" en Mena Model fir a which Is directly
sigullicent end distindiveed the eideets metlemplatod
the portraits.. it li 'raved In wookin tomalve et le , by
Mar, Deffektk, of Pm% an artist of genteni hind
It exidtitivatilte rni q y t Locomotiveangine
of thal.ears, as g from a tunnel upon the sides,
are repainted two pine team as% etairectithitle af
the Coal itigiOrlit trellpa-of Vireos), Vegetation; talks
on the top in a vista of beautiful, the
WINO Spree of ei Miser, is his fintarlitilbaill ap el,
end with hileneterearyiemp, reposing . upon
The times Is ilometeri mines in height. bit been careful.
ly =Magid, and indietemi little credit upon the talents
of the, distlmpeLilted artist. • •
The whole work;lt May itheralio
pron.& highly attractive and gratifying urnentent• to the
Drawing-Rooms or Coon Wile-Houses of thoselnterested In .
the INS‘, or the leaded estates of the Coil Region, for
whim, Indelei t it bee beet ahead wholly dilemma. It
will rue, ramose, to set forth ths form and gestural of
the most prominent of those remarkable lbetl. Who, by
their egelty, micro, sad eidevind. Mend. Ind nellegv•
bemire spirit have converted barreu trustee Into exhaust.
less treasures 'richer than Plaine mitiee—w'hii have
originated:a trade which, 'tirubjecting all rabitre to our
1114 and plosive,' in Its amid and cominereld, aspect
must, in a hew years more, SD our " whole boradlees con
tinent" relit its value and etiotionde Importance-.4f, hie
deed, It has not already done so. Them l et Pot,
trait. UM then attain a preallar--a pricelessvalue. ' and
it theme:we becomes the more desirable that the work
should be proceeded with, ere they shall baie been called
from, their earthly teraments l and faded from amongst us
• Pilots of Me "tam fireitalisp" Prom":
A Single Copy, with the acompanying Fume in OUt
Crnameata.dcy platestamtketuis '
Do. with the sawn Frame eolored in 'black, , ii!alamt,
Do.. wiih, 4 luck ;hood,OlL_ and istrolied:cornem
• (eery neat and rich eftecti, • 15
Do: aritti plebs 234 India{ *We; fe« • ' '
ik/..11,//k / inch beat‘ Arta ' 7.
The price of the Portrait itself, without Lite. Prune, is
' Fle*Dollerit.; • I will be plotted to lirward 'espies, boy et
Press or iltbsnr/m to Kilted of the manta . — And we iv
united number only has born puldliluid;thopie;dealrous
of Ceiba imprrssioas will Pereetrathe etpidieriesrot ate
Adreas • ; IL
earl: older ,,, d
• ," Miler' :ale;4itt
Detiallither 15, Ur+ . • i .•-ta x Ott
1. - pkvi,...u.._ORESSAN.G.I has, leett apr
IV-1.441000, _ A gent- METALLIC
thh mull% f fats -sale of
PdpiNT Citiks,7
Amerce& 01 other kinds in me. Doing pi•sfeetly
airtight, tt obviate* the amenity et Wm* linthde, and
Thepresents the Acady fmu: hatOeffilltuttecoilipoaitien-r-.
trepartiettlatly totitable ter lashiporthig the body
gram ma ploorlko.maother. , Ilmkbeie is okayed •Itith'
thick &oh with metal top, which eart ke respired at , atiy,
time:and the foie cd'tbe corpse teen by' tte Mends or te-"
wives. • We sight sire you totodrolsonurtifitotes, to
"eorretorate our etatement. as to the ladvanta the M.
tattle Coln oter 'Waldo; but'tholb%o4 , ..lll
suffice: • , ,4,11
' . Wpsoriotoy mop btu.
'64odettessiaiMio• iiitkunts4 th e limy-4 lyw '
mutat "Patecitiletaltio aortal eigaelh'- 1 10 0 4 40Pter !
the itinaltis of the late Don. /ohne. Cathode to thellei
dramiimal Ceittetery;tebSeh tepee me Witt thehelief
that It is the nestle known So tie tits tokaapoyttog
the dead tit their AM noting pliteet 'll •
With rortmet; subeertbei oternivett,yeeteiete.;- - •
(iMiteda Dem Dia,y. lootspaci L WAi*cYttri,
B. tur. - Jalf.Datik J."M••Da*lf, "f": m•a, 11. 1 0.
Atchitensi..L.C.slo , l4ltioaltidabicutmlifiarl Dad* ,
p. B. triekin*on.• • ' I
t 4 tmlbi,totioxitilidt iditiebo
apply4o,- 11.4itlisaaNtr,
PotioWe, December 0, 1631
rake Ily ri tathea:
North Beale!, A
Ituiei Medi Journal,
London lautertt,, _
Rankin's' Atectract:-
• Warn; Ammo!: •
e itortteniturist,
Dickeo ItourethelstWee4^•
Yankee Notions,
r Thetiittenahi Countertelt, Tre:
. .
Bleknell's Coirtiterfey boleti
Abbatt's Nov Itoatidy, .-
Clutufbers' Junius],
• • aeoeilible either , ha
, .
siwrinnt. 1"
Y..WeeldtTdbune. ,
• do . , - _ 0 • Jiers4i,
Powddaor ,
, Unele'Egua,l ,
• 'Yankee Pytepteer,' •' •
S: Y. Yiespue, ••' • t '
Y. Pictti.
Aar Newspaper;
The Mystery,
Ptetertal Pick,
The True -
idable pars P l eq u it i pl .
Baal and &Lawry Stant
ThE WW2( OP,*M OS. '
, ,
Honored be women! she beams oilthe Sight,'
Graceful aid fair; like:lb.:hag of light; '
Scatters around her.witerever.she strays; ,
Roses•of bliss on, our thtirtc4overtd ways;
Roses of Paradise, ent flo ra above,-
Vibe gathered and twined hi egotsm! of love.
Man, :On paesion'a istoriny ocean,
Toebed by surges inOntstalis-high,
Courts the by .
"econmetion, •
Spurns at reatiostl! feeble
Loud ',the tempest oars around bun's
Loader still it rears withino. ,
Fleshing lights ofll.'ope confound him, -
Stuns-with life's incessant din. -
Woman invites him with bliss in her smile,
To cease from his toil and be happy awhile;
Whispering wooingly-4`otne'to ray bower—
Go not in leareb of the*Mudom of power—
Honor and wealth aril illusory—come ! •‘
Happiness; dwells in the temples at home.. -
• • Ilan, With fury stems and savage,
PerSecutes his brother,man r
Reckless if •he ravage,
Action, action--etill his plan. . •
Now arealleg, now tiestreying,
CeaSeless 'wishes qar . his breast;
Ever Seeking—ne'erienje,YinS;
Still to be, but never blest.
Woman ; ountental in in ant lipase; . .
Enjoys in its beauty Well dower as it blows,
And waters and tends, it with innocent heart,
Far richer:then man•with hiis treasures of art;
And wiser by far in her direlda confined, •
Than he with his silence axed lights of the mind.
• ' •
Coldly to himself sttlfiehig, , • .
Man disdains the gentle artiti
Knoweth not the bliss arising
FroM the interchange or hearts. -
SlowlY through hie bosom stating, '
Flows the gemiatcutrent on;. ,
Till by ages frost congealing, • -
It is hardened into stone. •
She, like the lamp that:lnstinctively rings,:
As the night-breathing zephyr soft sighs on the
' string,
'Responds to each 'lmpulse with atestlY reply;
Whether'sorrow or plwOre her sympathy try,
And tear-drops and smiles on her coontenance
plaY, • , • ,
Lilo eunsidue and showers of *morning in May.
• "
Through 'the range of Man's dominion,
Terror Is the ruling , word-
And the standard of I opinien •
Is the temper of the sword. ' •
Strith exalts, end pity bltuhing, ' •
From the scene departing flies,
Where the battle madly rushing, ,
Brother upon 11/Other dies.
Worrian commands by a Milder contral-- .
She rules by enchantment - the realms of the soul;
As she glances around it in the light of her,smile,
The war ot , the passions is bdshed for agile,
' And discord, content from his fury to cease,
Iteposes,entuusced.on the pillows of 'peace.
jrota Abrbab..
Lebrres7;jence t rthe "Loirdoit Throbkl.
THE enamor or IthVASTOPOL , •
. • .
• ; llsomsn , co li
p, siosio or u Savassouo
; Aunties, Doe. 7,104. ,
Qut here we are perpetualty being told by
the London journals Silt Sebastopol is in
ruins, its streets choked with dead, and the,
few wretched inhabitants, and defenders that
yet survive falling by Inindreds, prey , to
war, pestilence and fautine.' Now; there is;
not one-particle of truthj to justify these ex
treme statements. Sevastopol is S'oT in ruins;
and, what ie more impotent still, its "defences
'are four tinesstronger lau4" n":s* ua
than the ,firt .day : ye opened ,fire. know;
this statement may make My letters oupopu-I
Tar with a certain set, who war see. nothing
bet victories and times for gratulation in a
we do; buyneverthelent, l it is , only the truth,
and I run'btinfident that time will vinditatal
my assertion even in the eyes of the public'.
- To eatisfyluiyielA on this point"beyond' all
possibility or doubt, I yesterday determined
to visit the "iieeni!' ourniostadvanced picked
pow within two hundred Yards of the Russian
batteries, aniLtearriookingthetemi and harbor.
Itie.Perre:l:f WYto Place now,
foe a cove way, Lis& peen wilau'netell 4 ? 4/ •
,and both sides have, coinplmitively sPealtmg;
ceased fi ring for some time. - 1 • I therefore, got
to the ovens easily, and lying"under shel
ter of a broken wall, was 'enabled, with my
glass,' to sttrisiy , the whole lawn minutely.
confess I neier saw the town; under such fa
terable circumstance& Fix.cept Oowand then,
from an occasional Russian gun, there was no
smoke, and the sky being lowering and hoavy,
objects could be diatinguished with unusual
clearness. i , •
' At the firsighinee iwis led to suppose that
the town had in reality been much injured,
for all the little huts and stOre-houses ponnee.
ted with the doekvards wereindeed inrain'
But, changing my point de rue for one more
lofty, I was soon convinced •of my mistake:
The zeal &Maga inflicted on the-town of Se
vastopol amounts to this—ell the huts used'
by the dock:yard laborers and, the Terkiah
parts of the town,putaide the iaalls, are, nearly
&strayed-4 . st is laid alniost level , with the
earth. This ;quarter , appears to ,be the only
dirty and wretched parts of lievaitopot The
walls are here and there 'Marked with Shot;
but most unquestionably, as defences,_they
are still nninjared.,,,. One A rge barred!, in
side the wa ll s aiming whinh our fire, as
against a government building; has been par ,
ticuhirly directed, is riddled in every part, and
Most of itsreof destroyed. •• • '
•The lame Is the ease with 'about:sixtyor
seventy of the houses bearest to the walls, but
beyond this f nothing has beeal done: Bad.
any the princlol,maluttens ,Snore to the
centre of tho two-been lAleredi , it would' be
easily seep, as, m o at of *Ma 11Xe detiekdi
aQd all are white a s snovi, and iMtantly, show
a shot-mark. The splendid "stricture, which
we call the 'Parthenon"-the !Governme nt ,
Ileuse—and, indeed, .filiieteetktientieths of
the buildings 'show no • trace of injury. The
streets which I could see, dad which; of conrie,
were those nearest to our batteries, were all
in a most 'ennoble state of 'cleanliness and
good order. In these were numerous bodies
of troops lounging aboninneoncernedly, with
their muskets piled , upon.tke pathways: , -
Many civilians passed constantly to and fro,
and now and then an ammunition wagon; but
I saw no trace of either women or children,
or, vehicles of the ordinary description. Once,
during the tine I was watching, three carts,
laden either with sick or wounded—most prob
ably thit;fortier-4assed toward the north
'side of the town. 'None of the Russians ap.
peared to take the least notice of their sneer
ing comrades; so, from that, one may not an
reasonably argue that they hoe got as-used
to death and misery ns ourselves. ' The only
incident that appeared to move these "Mtle
coves," Num the passage along, the streets of
an officer, evidently of high rank,'when they
all instantly stood to their arms and beat their
ilrinris while he passed, ust al tlielrench'ilit
lute- their Generals. W ho be v i rm, of course,
`Dints unable even to guess, but he certainly
displayed a -considerable 'amount of courage
and- coolness, amt- slew minutes' lifter - I- saw
him riding from battery tti hattery,stteajded
by five or 84 officera, on feet.' Near to , the
walla on the' south are the ruins of some le4le
biulding,:which has evidently beirn ,hurat.—
This is thebospital in Which se many of . *
Russian wounded unfortunately Iseriiilied.Two
Or dile° more buildings dear the deellartl4l ,
are olio blackened by fire; as if they had been
"gutted," but the walls were too thicleto.per
tnit the conflagration dividing. ''Most of the.
'homes in the Crimea—even peasants'icablas
built of stoneV and of extraordinaryi
ihickness for the purpose of resisting the tre'
-menden. gelesovhich-sweep this part of the
world in winter. So much for the aspect . of
Of the earthivOrlis i rotind - Sevestopol it
more difficult to speak with accuracy. go min
merous are these defences Of thmit it .rs
tluiteimpossible to gain at once's near - and
extensive tiet;K: , 'As far as 'rein jid t t,P,C, frem
traversing nearly twothirtlstf the s e
the onemfic, battened appeared gemmillyiu
good Working order. Only inputs or two it.
stances were their embrasures masked--tbat
is, closed up when a gun is disnitittated--10
Aesiinl4 3 9oo.l wwi..140749R POW%
wolita te4 merely' teiiitioiorb.a . ltie,peesy,4-,
tir#ys managed to replace their artillery 10
timlve or fifteen hops I pipet( have sera'
them to do so withal three.
The whole of the enemy's batteries are now
protected. by a deep diteli in :front with',o4oi
liir a beittiiamtinwuritetekidesznd with',
- *friss.. from thisfsot
_iiione, it is miident 1
tilat they..arO gluittling against . , and, theieffire, ,
fear an timaiilt But it is, pnneipally, of the
nrirth side that-I:wish to sOtilc. I was told
before Ilet•ont upon my survey that I should
be, astonished at - .the immensity of the Rus.-
van batteries, reaching flow the head of the
Inu — lsor to:th - C east, right round to Starfort and
St. givernia onthe north, and all of which
Itrid -e 'enly been 'unmasked two days previous.
Iltiow.aonietldng tif the nature of Russian
winks and the energy offtussian perseveranee,
lint still the tremendous extent of new re
dnillati and batteriee which I then saw thronn
"up all round the city did„indeed,aitonish me.
;Every apace from• the circular earthwork
and martello tower, (the latter now a mere
prue of rubbish ? ) round to the sea near Cape
Constantine; is one long line 'of redoubts and
hatteries.; Malts, Gibraltar, : `.or the lines - of
Chatham—all in one, would be far snore vul
nerable than those fonnidable entrenchments,
fovered with infantry, pits tad deep •ditches
in' front, and protected by scarped ' banks,
- steckades, and masses of cannon. I have
• seem many of what'-are called first-clasi for
"tri:.,sses, but the present aspect of :Sevastopol
. ought vie with • any. That which struck me
more than all, was a certain coxcombry 'I)
finish about those Works which I have never
yet sten attempted elsewhere--no, not even%
di e• elaborate redoubts of Chobbara ridges.—
_ Every bastion was lined with stone ;, every
~. embrasure perfect; 'every angle and scarp
smoothed off with beautiful regularity ;- and
aslifthewhole was rather eh architectural
erebellishinent - than'one of the most fortnida
. hie kinds' of defence knovni to Modern warfare. 1
It will scarcely he credited, but inside these
• lines were regular footpaths and made roads,.
covered with gravel and loose atones, and laid
out with , as, mach neatness -as if intended to
1 - -pasi through private gawiens. I could hardly
bi ieve my eyes .when these latter adornments
were pointed out to me, but there they were
sum enough. It Mist have hale taken thii enemy
nearly as much time to make them bathe bat
: teries, and, as a Matter of.course, beyond the
Mt° effect 'of the bravado—such as it ' is—
th y are utterly and entirely useless: -Yet,
us less as 'they are, they have been -made as
if to show us how little the progress of our
siege empleya or impedes th eir numerous gar
risOn.- . Your readers may, perhaps, ask how
it is that all. these works have been erected
al/ hin the last few days. But Such is the case
on 7 With three or four to the extreme nortb.
-' , N arty all the rest have been. finished since
wed first opened fire, and thongh batteries have
I been known to exist there thronghbro; yet, as
ithe embrasures were always masked, no one
knows where the guns were, or how to dis
' tin . 'ash real batteries from breastworks.
- -
- or•RomAN RoAp.s.—ln' Many things the
! is
we Ict hei
_progret . w, as the =caro
tin .of Egypt and Pompeii attest. There are
no roads in. gte, world now that will at all cont
with those of ancient Renee. Even our
t' street.. pavements hold no comparison
with them. - 'The Appian way, which was
Made three hundred years before Christ, ran
frog Bone to Capes, about' )40 utiles, and
part of it was through the Pontine marshes.
Nine bandied:ma after its construction, it
wal ; t emu le
i scribecl by Procopitut, as, showing ne
ap Ce of waste or runt., 'lt is descnbed
as tapiocd of large Square; blOcks of free,
stone; so well fitted as to show no joint, the
wk le leioking, like one stone.; :The bed un
derineath sae broken itone,., granted 'with ce !
lieut. " Parts of this coed' are it'll sound;and
brit, fair 'so to remain. The Flainmian Way,
made 190 years beforei Ch r
rissti,, was of this
kind ; it was 180`ntile.s long. The Russ pave
inebt Which %seen in groadwlty; New - York
and.the eulneal block pavelnentier our city, be contrived by tht paviors with ww.
eie to eneouraging the trade by futon repairs
and renewals: The old Rimans would have
saved theivrpense of cutting up hard stcine into
little blocks. ,:The larger they ixiald igihenr,'
ibeiware—drewirwenrtheyetnte NM'
meat, and of,maxit tilt loagg they wo n d en
ditre. WhenFirttiap to tke ',Odom of the
oldlttornams, we shall also have ways that will
cease teAmt 4l 4 , Zenenttiew for, repaint. Be
sides, the effective power of.the horse would
be greatly increased, the terrible noise would
",be lessened, and the , mud redueed. . There is
edm, sample of the kind of streetway that
Meeitts our fancy in the Custom House store
block, running from Front to Dock'itrect, be
lowlithe Exchange. One look at it will make
st, convert ofevery visitant.--Ailada. ,Ledger
StirTfli "CORRUrriONS 'or 'RoME.—Fore
roost among the race of distinguished men
wha have fitulessly exposed the corruptions , of
the Phttreh of Rome stands 'Martin Luther:
BY his zeal; his sincerity, and his elnquenee,
he made the Pontifical throne tremble,.-and
he Oreclaimed the ever-brilliant and ever-last
ing truths of the Bible to the - : astonishment
andjoy"of mankind., To Martin . Luther are
we indebted for his labor in a holy cause—for
his labor in' exposing to4he gale of the world,
the many gross corruptions which are at :the
present day destroying Thai "infallible Por i .
(* u
and the doctrines by which ho a
victims. • .
airerwstve Butes rot Tint Yzats.—The
following talcs /ire intended mainly for a gni
dance of yowl; metratt*wome:nt
I.i Get married—if you can; but look be
fore loti leap. Love matches are romantic--
nicel things to read , about—Amt, , they . have .
brirasninalskthem now and thep ; BO says Ike
:3111iiejr Bal.; , • ,
Unite moterifircarieg thelashion elf&
translates civility . istcV low
•3:1130 &it** least MO
4.! WheitiVer you .see a lecture advertised,
set theivening upon which if, is to be deliv
ered'epart for reading When pages of a good .
s.lCirculate no scandal. • • •
Atroid• all lands of spiriuparticuisrly
1, spirit rappe'rs.
T. If in the theatre, or any other public
place of amusement, do not level your opera
glasses at strangers.• , - , •
• B.lNevin , notice the Clothing Of prisons at
tending diviner svorship'nor stand in front of
the house of reed 'afterlservice
'9. INeirer ask another Man what hia busi
ness is---where hi is going to—where he came
fram—wherrhe left—when he intends to go
_yack; or the number of his dollars. You may .
- •: - ingture is to the state of his health and that
of his parents; sisterrimri bratiters—:but yen-,
titre Ito Anther. : • • ; •
A •
O! Defend the 'innocent, help the poor, and
Cultivate a spirit of friendship among all your
IL; Never epesrk.disParagingly of women,
and endeavor to conquer al) yourprejttdiecs.
Believe all persona to be : sincere in: the *IV'
gion ,which' they . plofess. • •
12 8e ; eeconsimrital,, but • not parsinlimnious
nor, niggardly. lisle good use; of your dot
_tars but not idols: .Live within your. means,
and never borrow, money ,in - anticipation of
Your Olatl• • ` .4 1 . • • I. 'r2
- lße GIO!',TLEXEN : it Hositt.;--There are
few fun:lilies, in imagine, any where„ in which`
love is not abused,. as uttlung a license for
imwlitefiess. A,. husliend, &titer, or brother,
willspeak harsh'words to those whom he loves
the, best and those Who Jove himthe best,
ply because the security . of lovd.'and ., family
pride i keeps bins from getting his bead broken
It isi4t slutme - that timna wifi spea more im
politely ht thii* to his trife or siste k
r, than he
would , date to:any other female, except a low
and SWUM' one. •It is thus that the bat*
affections of man's nature. prove' to be a
weaker .protection to Woman- in the family
circlelthan the restreints Of 'societY,'ind that
a woman osuallusually is indebted for the kindest
politeness of Mk to those not. belonging
her own. hatisehold., . Things ought not so to
be. r,_The min, Who, laietan!t it will not-,be
I.e.sented, -, infilets his spleen and': bad temper
upon those of hiSltehrtbstene„ Saudi MY'
artiontd a' very mean map. Kind wordi are.
the circulating medium, between, true gentle.
meneedistui,ladies atalmwo„ and. no foolish
eilatited itt at misty can atone for - the harsh
Jarorsgs and disrespectful treatment too of.
those 'together
Ptithirink:thicirtirto4 00 '0 000 re:
* sacred bon&
of coque] love.—Sprisaftekl
RepOlicaa: - .
.OD ' .IWPregs•
IT for Slug. lasing *dial Ittss o;salf,Nts sill
P I M " 2 ' l A I• 9 te' is Alma 1 1 • 14 'LOW cut be
tamed tto the cities.' PRIM'S° 1 CiDainik dons'
st thesilcstest notice. •
every . •
4fer at •
NO 3.
• leriTo KEzr Sxtr...—Silk articles sh9uld
not bakept folded in ;white
_Paper, as the do
rider of h lime Used in - bleaching the paper dill
probably impair the Color of the si k. 'Brown
or bluelpaper is better, the yellowtsb, smooth
Indian 'paper is be-st of all. Silk,intended for
dress Should not be kept long in the house be
fbre it lin made up, ai lying tu the folds till
have tendency to impair • its durability - by
causing. it to cut or spht, particularly if the
'silk hai been thickened by gum.
Thread lace'veils are very easily cut; satin
and velvet being soft lae not easily cut; dres
ses of velvet should not laid by with any
weightl above them. If the nap ofthin velvet
is laid 'down, it is not possible to raise itagain.
Hard milk should never be wrinkled, because
the thread is easily bioken .in the erease,' and
it:it:in never be rectified. The Way to take
the writildes out of Silk. testis or . handker
chieftyis to moisten the surfacievenly with a
sponge, and some weak glue, and then pin the
silk with some toilet pins around the sleeves
on a mattress or a feather bed, taking pains
to dra*out the silk as tight as possible.'—
When dry the wrinkle will have disappeared.
- Tbe reason of this is gbviouirldevery person.
lt is a nice job to dreis lightlyolored s'ilkotild
few should iry it. Some silk articles .should
'te moistened - with tlue-<syeakened or -titi
vate?, and the wrinkles ironed oat by a hot
datiro.! on the wrong aide.—Sciustifle Aster
, -
, kan. ; , ; , ' ,
Hrxr.---' The difference be
tween 0 Bing every niorningv-at six; and at
eight, in the course ot forty, years amounts to
29,2001h0ur5; or . 3 years, 121 days and. , l6
hours, which are 8 hours u day for.exactly
peen; so that rising' at six will bi 3 the :erne
as if ten years of life were added, wherein ire
may command eight hours even. dayfor 'the
cultivation of our minds and ttl despatch of
businesi. •
iirilirotstrta yoi seer a man spending
his timei in lounging about the assets, bilking
politiesilyou need not expect. that be spy
money to lend.—Gunqison.:
gar Titus is a =final and necessary
greasion' t from dm extreme of , anarchy, tu4kiat
of tyranny; .arbitrary : .-power is easily estab
lished on the ruins of hbertiabused to Ikea.'
tiousnesS.—WashinOim. •
" 1 in.osoPuy Oi DT ssEreta.--A recent
medico (writer thus describes it:,-."' i f.A.* soon
as too reaches ,the 4itomail 'of A hungry
healthy Man, it pours out a fluid substance!,
called trio juice; as 'instantly at' the eye
yields: ter if it be touched with: anythmg
hard: Ills, gastric dissolves the food &mil
withantiinwards, as lumps of ice in a ghmaNf
water elle: meltedfronk,without inwards. If
. . ,
from 'a -il ay cause the food is not thus melted,
dis s olved, this is indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Vinegar', in its action km fix‘i,,mroore neruk
like tha:gastric juice; than any other-fluid
known.l, Thtis it is that a pickle 0r..a.0,4
vinegarltrill "settle the , stomacr'when iicinit
discom .rt is eiperieneelf idler eating." '
will be
and tw
The ittit---AOY the Atop;
May lstV at 10 O'clock, 5$ minutes i At the -even
ing vilible. ' - ' ' •
Thefitecond—A partial eclipse 'of the sun,
May .19114 at;9 o'clock 9 minutesin the even.
ing—invis;ble ,here... Only , visible towards
the NO* Pole PiCenlantf and the nortkpart,
.oftNnttleArttertelt. latitude 60 'and
The Thud=-A 'total:eclipse of the' n3Con;
October l ,2sth at 2 o'clitek 85 minutes the
morning; invisible.
' The'rinirtit--A - partial eclipse of th e stu
Novembnr 9th at I o'ClOck, 39 minutes in the
aftertmoh ; 'invisible here, acid only lisibl6 al
thi South P01e...
• Ifer'Scnoo.t.s . BoaTuN.-- , -By the 'QUAL
report off the Grafi:lnlet School Committee, we,
learn that the nuinber of children who were '
taught in the Boston' : Grammar Schools in —
July- L *4 year,was 10,204; boys 5,177, girls' s,o2r. pie average attendance during , sot
menthe Was 9,722 or 9.1 per cent. The nom%
ber of Mite Id the schOls is 11,327; so that:
the citY has accommodations for more than a
thousand' more childreri; - These ten thousand
children; are taught b 26. masters, 14 sob
masters 14 ushers and •16,5 female assistants.
These statistics include i only:the Latin, High,
and Norinal Schools, ' and 'the •19 grammar
schools. ftThere axe ced two hundred public •
Primary !bawls 4 the city besides, 'which
have nearly eleven thousand children in them,
tinder the charge of some one hundred' and
ninetytohr teachers.
ser ignsaz Coos Com rnow.-1-Ceekle
nothing More or lees thin the 'bark of ever.'
green oak, growingivintipilly in Spain, and,
other ctnintries bordering the ifeditcriauein;
in Englitik garden*. it is only *
. curiosity.-.
When the cork tree ie about M -ft* yea:sold,
the barkkaa attained a
_thickness and quality
suitable fru., manufacturing pivot", tracktd:,'
ter stripping a farther growth_ ,of Attie
prodriecati secon'd Crop;And so on at totimiabh.
for even: ein or: twelve crops. The , hnikia:
stripped front: the tree in pieces two inches in.
thickne4 of considerable length and-of such'
width as-to retain the curt fo rm Of the trunk
when it bas'been stripped: 'The bark peeler
or cutter makes a slit trithe bark with a Wit;
perpendienlarly.liern the tepid, thalrunk to ,
the bettoirCi be, makes another incision
atlel to wad some distance from the former.:
and two short horizontal cunt at Ithe top and' ,
bottom. For stripping of the pitee thus
fated, he uses n kind ofkatife with tevikan
dles and n curved blade. a* .
the outs been made, hi leava ; do' tree:-
to throw Off the, bark by the spontaneous ac
tion: of the vegetation within the trunk.. The
detached:pieces are soaked in, water, AO exe
placed over a fire itiben pearly dry they; re
m fact, senrched •a little an' both sides and"
acquire a; somewhat more compact textrUe by'
this scornhing. In order to ge r rid of the
curvature; and bring the fat, they are
sed downiwith weights while yet
Bair"limstr oorsa Isptx'l4. - TRADT.I"
I tt gt e 4Rn? I should like'to burr why
Hu' and teas .of thinutandahave learDed
one before you, and mem more will do the
same thing. A trait well learned may
make a name and a fortune welhearted.: iff
you . ever get either without wonting Tot - 14.:
you will be either very "bteky," o very furtu-
I ; don't 'think much eta boy whe says he ii
not going; to learn a Ueda. If his plane in the
,world is such that - he eau leant a ; trade,
and have got:4l situation; he will . very un
wise not to seizethe oppbrtanity. I A boy who
goes to a grade, citerttutted to mike himself,
tooter of„iltis.bust, iind to. be a welitn
'formed. and intelligent '',worlunati, will noon.-
rise. to the head of his_ptofitasi you if . he par. •
-sues the right mt.& The faithfalLapprenticer
who delights to — do his day's work we, 14 end to
the best' ;Of - hie nbilityl, so. as to earn - the'
Paise of Ms emP .
oyer, "feel *pier; and
be a mote lumorable tnab, thin he tvho does
just enough to shuffle along. through the
and then hurriesawayfrOnibisworit as thong)!
It were a nuisance end al' Curse. 1 • .
.1 kneor A boy who mai too coif 'to go to
School or i ;College, eitheigh he . would .have ; -
liked that ' ; Course very will.' But he had • to
work. SO he went to learn a track. -,Heeded
to do hia Walt always to the very best of 'lilt
Ability. ife•went to ap4meiandthe flat day
his auterLeatne to - look at what be had done, •
'and= after t'closely exarnining, it, he tdnied .
round_andluald to his, foreman, "James, ,glia.
Is very exCelleut work • foC a new _boy.,, It , tit ..•
about as goat as any, of our - journeymao do
it." Did not that little fidlow •fitel- at road'
as Who hid won a trinitnish? He wig te*Ard- 1
ed fown the start With the good piniorief Vs:
emplirrr, And he never - Enka ,the pifsgre ;, ,
With which lie' had laird, his. master's .er.r
-' ' ' 'words. liealWAys tried to do tie
counsel& , .
work ill'i.-to do it, in fact, the ivory immr
shn4 while biller ippeitieee did`ltok seen to '
este bed, their - left* Wee atltil 0 killf
0004 1 0 *fir reY; lie *k . - 1 1 I* 44 In*
in gas though he mislijn,A , • • r,,OlttAtinoss
- o.lf,'irti',./awatio, y 0.,., a , ii , w,-..7
1 4
post noir, and is 'doing Wet in mote ways
than one in the world. ' • I
4 fill3iiM.
•••• • In ertscr.*Ar gib- !lank Becks el
ripUon manufactved t bound anCenled to , or
rt flake.
1. is year four eelipse.s, two
.of, the tan
of the moon. '
'VS as