The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 29, 1854, Image 3

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    Tlits,3lli i ntrs' c ,lattruni
ii'A'rUltDAY, APRIL 20, 18-.4
IT" Tur: AtEVERS', JOURNAL has a 1.,r.
4.-- ,-/:.• , ..!.71J0ir :I;aa airy elh , ;" if , ' f, :, , i xt V er. rt ,
;i4..1 i*.p. Northern' Penn.ylea t ria • l t "1"a183 ,
~ 43 , ,,ii ti,; Co i s h-cu, 01,1 antNl. riot cilriv
,-, ti,i v ,or! :hr adirdnirrg fountiPvi)but • s'n ell!
, J;(/ fit if t i 4,1 d it rrtr3 rirculaw largely a,,,,,, , z
~ .:e trvigAerr in Sebrry4l-111 (purity, whirl, reolo - A . li
If th l , 10:%! rrlyalle Advtifvine mAlpumq ih
~(%).,,, cp, Br,/ f; er papers / . /arKto v y.,
idf ,,,p,..
i j/1 . ,1 A 01: 017e1 On it I TO'beripttOlt 1141% •
1 . ' .•
Si P FOR H kitlilth• 'JOilt I% AI. :
prai.l.ll't.t F 4) is :Tx
I:; J. Csrmel -
1 , .Z4e PA vis. A sleoind.-
FP.r.Dr:Sti , iqLArtmcnitcyx. Turuariui,:-
Titomrr.64A. GoorlLEY,Trernoni
CuA 11r . r.EA RV. 71 l'ine SC. Nei , York
C F.. N0g,t0.,.. co7al M.-rehant,
re!eive ststrAl eid•
. for 16r ;11Ine , s* nth'
or 'Pin mlratus , aOURNAL
.IIULLAIL I 4... r annum paslllo, :0 00
va . nre—S2;2. - , I . l9t`t.ald within_ Inou' oo— nr i
1.1:“.1 wainn the year
TO C 1.1.1351
T,,ree Copies to'ctie Adrift..., in eJvf'' ,, S 5 643
Helen do e.O (in , (In • 70 PO
Fdt....m do. do do do •20 00
Club Aub,er,pl,;.qo,must .invorahly IL4 pa,d ,In
uthlinee. and , -.4.11 to one fldre,..
CU Ctilltr.ltS ANT , OTHER,
The Joi'aNAT. ‘4•11 iustsfsl.ed to Castieri and
otbers per 11 , 0 eopte4 cr..h d.ellvery•
vire ; schno Tear/!, ,tipp , ,(l)
w; madvance, .
Fiat cz of Advertising :
One tent., for one ity., , erlion
in•Lortiona, cent. 4 each-3 hack I
ume,•..l; , im•ertion!.. 12,1 ,
each. 4A-i1 t.,ivert,enter:rts over Jaws, lor rhort
CrlZS , ged 3 , a ,rp:are.
MONTHS - - 3 • 0 IR
'nave 811!,7I, 41 50 02 4):I
Five 1,, I itt / 2 3-50 500
AII . OI - ,,E,5 Spzihtel: 831 FfilJ are cf 15 Nue..
One /., 17,4 OCO 300 SCO 15 00
T,,„1,) aI , 048: 4 350 SCO . 1E) (Xl' 12 00
‘l , / I :8 , 1., :1 1 ,00 4 . 50 850 10 00 15 00
4'l,ll)trM,.] 50 13 . 00
4 i) . o'oo .111 03 .15 C4I 40 (0
I d'' ' 1.8 00 ti 0V :10 8 . 0 45 (10 403 Olt
51 each—accompanied
with Oil a9'i - ertiseoaml, 4 - enis each. ' i ,Lr:lserna4a, Leipre.Alarr ittge. rind
eeni , pt 7 r I he , 04 , a , erlioll—Aubsequeni
- cona, S ceirri per Ilnr , .Nine[wOrda arc coon:ell a.
14ne in toiyerlim:.
. ,
111erellauts and other: , adverttsoer ; by the
year with etnnne,, and a sanding. adverio..eutent
not,execee,it , 2 rcluare% of 211itie,t, wdrbeebargva,
F3ll7,eript:on. t :6,00
to•the amount of one quarter col u mn
with cbargtnt : t20,1d1
tA'd how chattß, at the rate:4 , de.,4.rnated above
Adv,i.rtt , cmc 111 , :f.01111 Iprger type than ulna:
iv charged 50 five cent ads ante on tf.t.,.e prt•
e., A;1 w;11 ehar2rd thq :Arne 45 letter :
prej ,,
- No t,r,,de advertisements recelved fr,rn Ad-,
vei:t I. w al.road t -exeept at 25 per cent nel•
vaoce e priers. uffleos by ,pecbd agreenwnt
Wall the p r ints her. •
10 ^ Alarrtages and Deniint, `l5 gem* each--
.1)rto fig at:eon/panted with nut tree. 50 cents each.
• ar All not.ces except thn,e of a religious char-
a e,:er and hie eduenlloll:ll purposes, w il l be charged
25 Cent , for tiny much •r of floe., 'under 12. Over
12 lines. 4 eent4 per kW- odditionnl.
Proeeedie.g•., not of a 4ent-ral
or paWir eburt.e:er. charged at : 4 cent! , per hue for
eaelt in-ei hen.
re"Fo-facitttae ou!enlations ir e vcll state tinit
n.nbe caltunn—l6l line'', a Reif column,
4482 itaes a funnier word, make
u hall eolunni—and 7:19, a .ittar
ter eolunm.l Ail odd 111i1.6 over each ,quare, char
yeti Int the rate 1:1 4 ernt, per Itne.
IV'S - early adverteers mu d 4entine theit'adver.
11,114 to her own husnottt. •
.A s ,Acticies for other',
1 , noMned'ide.l :n butri
10"'Uncxpiren contra , ts be fulid;ed accord•
oe to the co - atrial terms but :' , 4erchants. and 0; hars,
_ ,
,tenibil yearly ildveiiii•ement., will be
...tiargril al the New tftleq, tram the Ist of July next.
. , .
coli Andrew il. Curtin, of Centre enttptv. l ,
... 1 1 i'llair,-,1 , 111.
!!. . ...
hen. William. l'..nrimer, Allegheny '.'
l' o li C. O. LooMis,
• 1 Frederick Lennig, Philadelphia. "
- , -
j :luso!' 11. :Nlyer;
Hon, Wm. 13. Reed,
ISteplien Aliller, Dauphin ! "
.lohnti'orode.Mestiriorland -
Tho. E. Franklid..Lancisier .1a "
. 11. rt/.. FU:ler, LUZerne ' -,, .
. . , 1 ,11 1), '.\ taxwell, Northam{ lion,
' ! 1.. A. - .l,lackcy, Clinton,
. 4., David Tai:igart, Northumberland Co. '
, I : Chairman Whig State L'iinventron.
'At a uteelinez of the Prohibition•StateCen
,irett Coturnitter, held in Harrisburg en the
:_nth the Chairritan it 11 Secretary were
directed to call a State Cenvention it() Har
risburg, am Wednesday, the 7th :01 June
neat. for the purpose of nominating a State
Ticket, to be supported by the Iriends id
lr obedience to the abave, we do hereby
request the friinds of Prohibition to assemble
their respective districts as,eariy a,s
tile•, and elect delegates to meet in Convet
•to the following 'rule viz
Delezat es from the several Senatorial and
Repre, - entative Districts, in proportion .to
their repreSentation in the. Legislatnre. , '—
The, State Central Committee, are Members
tit that Convention; and are earnestly re
quested to ,;(te that delegates are appointed
without' dulte,.
Where meetinf. i s cannot be held for the
afipointinent c' delegates, the several District
Commiut-cs will please appoint them, so
ibat no part of the.Statc may -,,be without .
P. COOMBE, ChairOn
Secretary ;
March :2,1v,
urti~N ISS DrI'A f'f3LENT.
LI A 811; Pa4,II:FITV: ou /Cola, awl' High
I'C A 31170. ihe !VW , Uttiity% fir
L.111011,1 , 1 1 ' treat I'o.l y '4,4'6,
. pilli; A. fIT:NE)MI4.4N•S lilt ~,
~. , f resli Grbrerie:
:t 'l.
n] rt.',., ;o:;, • -al,. .1 Burill a .d :"Itintit'et 1:uod.
I,lleval!y. .1 " ,
A Ni : W i'ioNi - r.c . noNrit 1", nitii, Toy an.l ra• I
r•-t.y `-tore' tm; Fran In r." , fl Car brt.. 61;
r:amt....:"Alysirr. tire. al'oil i
DRS PHILLIPS 2t, 14 HAW, icland, Lave oilmea
n. at tile etifirch.ivhrre they BO'
profeE,Gral ;11st. They atinounte fur sale
I !r I:oproved Co :61 .I.ertar!. for dfrea,:ed or
Weir :iv., ten to it)) lc a Bel ‘ . l
r elect Dees f, r. Tto. NelVit. of these Re•
ti„,,lt.butg at, 14,21tly..raketi a by the papers - of
telt ; -en .1 D.onr mg thetr t tall to FOlt4Vole th.J
Za• ClATlfiderltly` ,- ALMIIICIZet It to the patrona6e of our
THE LAI.VTON itLAefiIIERTIV:7It 5011 1.. or
'or Janie time ago pnblilhed a le ngi
f . r..rn alt .1;16 u:tural Society,of a new epe• Ipl
pint, t , grow Illy Mr. WIIL N. IV
Rr:!ud!e, AVvileh”ter ('eenty, New Vgth, lorm II).
f thi, • county. Mr. 1.. 110 W issuingcittulaes, des,
rt,iong.oa hltote. the manner of planting, ensnare
a. ri. ,t.:tt and ntrerihg . to supply peisonS wicking Tn
t;.P ph: 111 It is _aid to thrive 111 jtny,
-I.d to ;! , ,a aitentinu—eanil4 thu
}in'r‘'linterwnh.)ntpmterlinn, The fluit 151 rt
. paned t,. i proportioaß, and very 'de•
detour. h:h dny.on, etrang wall rooted
p'an!q, propaz. - .t, a '.s,shilniv (tem the
litvor N. i — PLEASANT AND PRO . -
F7TA LLE F.:',71.1.01Ji•V1 - - VC.11:11L men in evert',g..hi.orhool may f - . 1 , !:;:n p!easant, end
ISet .
iitHe empto Mehl. by en.7,55' . . ug al the pale of
130, - Ip., coal canva,>l4: for our
Pe ,
volua terni:s and . partwular, hi•
ores VillifLl:Pß AM, Wr,I,TA,
. Broadway. Yert
1'; . who engage Will/ Will be
:retired Iran" tbv 1.0,1101i1y of lopc, while the pro
D,) derived . Wi'l he very liberal [to, 'at'
.11oNr.Ax,ne . vt, is Nay•(]3t
wr44 , :yi , ,rEr) with thundersthrms
it yiedueEen; afiernoons, but
rucher very heavy'. The teiriperture has
\Vmsolr. reVers L:oubt:
:o.s join us in,hailing our N'ew Vork
.p9s,jerlt, G. C. with a hearty wel.
nr 'in I,ur col urntis again. Ile resumes .
f. weekly c : lntribtitioits with a racy letter
.1 .
R AI) TOE article by Dr:
, Durbin on
Our,Coramou Schools, the Bulwark of Re-,
another column. It is
:tva.,tigl, l ly characteristic of its able author
soda as the . Catholic' Bishop of Philadelphia
'obtained r icAsessi 9 n of •Ille Holy .Trinity
I •
Chirrch,,.the imams that occupied severoi
totrAes,helotr2ing to the church were irony-.
'thatch, ordered out, although they ..had a
L leasie Of the property from the old,Trits*eS,
, noir iu_ prison, and had paid the
.rani.. 001
;1";Pt 'on a EcT-i ON.-•.The . Temperai:ce So- [declining to leave 'rill their lease tv'as rip, - 1
%eiv.t . ki v;it•lit tie young man of principle, I their furniture &e, was thrown• into, the I
we notircd • 1.1.4 week, belonged, is not dis- I street. The Ledgo• orYeSierday Fays:
ta tided, a...
we then stated. It is still in ac• I The lioly Tr:fluty : Church 1);50.(11y:;—:The
; ' v e' I; "vgh Yam, operation. .Thutierh ; parties summarily ejected trout thee welltOgi
itquiberin2 iriiitay• adults among its mem. , cdoncered - with the Holy, Trinity '
b eh e n . reti,
, _., IN . to i particularly Sabbath t 1
t•erg it ' - or -, ; Sixth aod Spruce strew', 'Were he oJ. ta f
a "-KKI. eonSiderabLeFVMpillbV yeverday. The:ratites
ju ' tlitin "' . l '`'"!qanizaLioll is plain al‘d in-a; of the tenants.are Clodirey Schroeder, Ignatius
formal, hat . tug oolY4 tv:ki
.';pieces, Rev. air.: Steinmetz, aturPhilip Palmer, • Their effeets,
ItcCuol, Pres, !tot. (ac Superiotendant of itte44hicit are &till in the Streer, were exposed to
''•if , ', , a , i, :•.clicitiiia 7 id iiiii‘ sun . l u.eph,. Score., J the storm of Wednesday night, 'and much da
ify : ai,a without any regularly stareti tnneer triaged: and it is said n portion of Mein have
ice;,;...,bu: called together at the Option :rent been
for the premises SVRi paid some "line
(_.` t!,,,' i , 1•..;diu.1 officer. A tuatory of the 'since, up to the Cult of May. : ' 4 ;
,:•,.:,,-;; h",i , cnViaced ti., that, though simple . "
~., a .
~ ~. Ai eim • o , : ' in
' , ll cl,nra.:o and uncAtentations in its pro. r' 'III 7 4 .7nenvil3 ' 1 " " vna ''' tifl----. ' f ---
• telflperattect,poriamittrti suicide on the night
",''its_:. t : frit iteverthelessbeen produetiv e '
, .
_. lof the 14111 inst., by cutting the back this
~..: great POW to litt: Community; .• I neck to the,bane.
. ,
'deep and Icarnoi. The whole subject rs
'err , ea,ied in ,ine clear,eamprehensiie view,
.T 0 at the satire pine nothing is overlooked
heglee!td,. R old it, by all meani.
[l7" WE aitE indebted to the I entlema 1
n y ii ,
izzi ac:0411-te liwit4Ll33l3 NEWADVERTI'MTS.I
agents of Howard do Co.'s Express I‘.‘r copes
, ..... . i ,
of late California pap . r.fts. 1
. ' ' l, ' COBH:IMT. - . 4
, i iiiinnampitatis a imis
tr 7. Ilux. :11essts Cooper and:Datiola. of i'
,riT dlra and gentlemen or Patty :Meal* 'atom.
:-. •
~ The
Washin ,, ton h• u quarility seat by Railroad,this week iti 43, e ll.ll o it a 4l 4 433 o l f li bi r ; i i i rtim wtrd blVM 'Arn 7ra tiean° tr i" ta E gm li e n ritlrt ;l l l
- e , ate favored us - with public 171.1&—hv Canal 22 : 762 13 1.3 5 .--1- oi the week Om TOtto Hall. Ofi frntorday evenlar. April T*th,
documents this. week : tdso. 10.4 . ..liendticks 'll.' 4 14 11 ton.. Showing inarerme at 126.(t. - 43,- ! ° " :3ll ' 4 " inl
41 8 o'clock —Adtalestenta tents.
Esq. and Ales , rF. Nipple and Horn,-c,l liar- : ;in tons byttailroad, and 11370 !Gtonsby Cana' to
. ,
risturg. • same eerirallast rear. '
i •
—-- -;
The. , . quantity, mined Ibis
--so ,-
r ri • Ationtr.n destructive fire' ' if . voired m te"hed at leal 7 " )(1° I°° ' ,
__ 4l q t. '"?'" p ower
New York cu. Tuct,d3y rett i og. • A rtutrt. ,of the Railroad had been 4 1erleieni to' carry the
• vast *war' The barnine Of the Wor 4.4 hops at
tier ot persons wero toiled hy the litittng watt. , It ' , . - '
eliding; fatit winter. has considerably isabled the
—fouttct-n b_dies were i.ulherittently taken -moth's power of the , Rclid, acid ihrt Compani are
• itrocuring -it-as rap idly as possible to inert the
from the ruins, and, t•they. were Mi...sing,
; wlnts of the trade. The Car capadity of the Rail
i:oad f- equal to about rz,ooo tone ' per Week on the
averrae; old eou'd be run tip to lona in ewe
cif ah•olute nere..ity The Cori - Many has engaged
!e'en fi'r.t c:as.. Coal burning tagines. front the lediatent' of Ro-s %Violins. Baltimore, atria(
:alt .1i will ,be placed on the road .. 4 .. rapiild✓a. pc l is.
.'ttl.i'e. Tile , svlio:e trade en the Maur 1110 arts
s•ehti!, ii.. 11 Haven E.aitruad wa• blo•Lied up at I le
tule, upwertt of a d:.y, by a jaw of Ca, ,, , for o,le.
the Coa l 1
O u
ntnt 01 mauve power to eat
:•t ' ehiTylkill Haven.
The Boat, rapacity .al • the C3lll.ll'lequa: to obcot
:kl3 l OO t0n....-but, in the arrammuierit of tolls and ! ar'l $5OOO.
Crimp; rtntion this year, the advaitages which the iTd )'drA n IlTen and fronito our of E•np.'or,z, , :
Count romiiany pris.esiied last tear, have been i FRO fiitt.r.r. TO TEN IMLI.ARS A DAY. ,'
tacos;-' it not quite equalized, and the po.iiion of ; IF .rit'''egoutalotow tiomy to make iron, thre.• to t o n
ta il L a r At e tto:a fl u a r v. a w w t . t ,, hot i tld.n:
o d;•c i r . ptiol of 0,4 in, .
the two Companies, a s regards mile, is. rei,Jer.ed I
1 ' ;t1,4 tear the' Failroad Company took what the tone. 'Fa r t ? or.. dollar !' I w il t send :‘ffelif t e t et r l 4 or h ,.. S 2' . -
I:e.trodecerlion. Ad.treaux. (punt-palol,)
laaal leti--tht 4 year the Count lakeS what the 1 'h" : , R. 14. IVDIGAN
Raliroad cannot tarry—and it is therafore fortunate " 1 " ,: , , 0. c.iioden. :: .1 the Navigation Company that the trade will be I it r . rt t,7,; t Pr ' 4 l
~ i i i Ili shoo amassing to the ai,..o.that,
fit iciest to Inliv occupy both avenue.: to market 1 or , the adiernser ; but at the slum rime as 1,1.- ~.-r
~,r p,e,rot dear. Lat 4 year there was 3 difference i rtikarri ithi to faroardihrir dollars, , in teas tite3 call
rangiaz from 10 to 20 cents per ton id fatior of the i rapv rn,lf r dtl.t sPzt , tr"n — as we generA Ili arrant alt
piltil lo supplytug tha New York and IPluladel• ii offers (-I(lihr kind an :.rion;itog solar aunt - t•• hum.
ri l lis markets. The allowance thi;)ear id - 10ee:11A 1, t t"P" -415 . j " r 1
per ton drauback, in favor of the ..boatmen carry. 1 rjElk AND saasaNtaux . GOOD-,
1 N • [ -
..r. Coal from Richmond to New YMk , which I n t.A.11.. putEe, ,
was taken off the Trade at Richmond, and the dd. ! " ''''"4",• Ptta e''''ll"•
terer,ee of 11-I Lents per ton in tat, or of Coal deliv- i Barr - era. tteri•ce dr , La lit t.!it. t• t ••r.. ; ,
er - d in Broad street by ltatlroad,lthe rale. being . -
---'.Charlie d " l ''""
.-, C.orliton 1;10ab,m0...
Si:,t.t , J to Broti 'greet, and $1,70 to l i alehnunid,l ' ;z, I:arif .. -torts 01 . Pritot , o, ,S
1;34 year 51,r,0 to both . places on the ripening of ' fi t irin a"" r.'""""'' 'iiwii,
Nak igalion,) together with"an Increase of 10 cents . I. 7• „7, l ,rt h „ * ,l,.. ` ‘st i t ` ,; ' , e a'Sl,„,n,'" nit L ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .
per ton in the prite of freight, ptace‘ the two Com. ~ • Ne&iii"Vml• T 0 a Ingo ana Inse; tin da.
pante.; on idiom an equal tooting lei! the
~upply of ' p1 u i ;: k.,:,,.. i n : ,, l , : e ,...x i i , d , t . ta v i e ,d r, k7 , t , r w t, lo- fa.
these two markets. There is alsio'n difference of KW Move-, hen soaks,
'' - .
about 10 cents& ion in favor at the deliveiit ~r Coal run a tha Kid
lain Bread street tp customers, .::.V*r the charges ; r•itiniapr I atrial(' ri , , i,iirirl i,i p,,,tpru,
froin the Schtt) lh ill Wharves, Thi% l explaini why 1 r4.‘ser'sttlltit „ a n d , t i liAc . na mad r 10.t..t.i.1 lot 5%;:.-'au,
t. aitt are plenty and , waiting tor loading by Canal, 1
while the Re road I, crowded with tratiti belon•I
the capacity ol it , 111011V4; paWer.
The demand for Coal contlyies uhribated—m /act
at is even I,eeotiong of :to y!' :o ) obtaiii•Coal tor eon •
lairaption in 1 1 .1. town. ... t,`:, s itglop.l
nr The t01f0w.9:4 al.- t a, price; for Co', " 11 filed
I,olle Delawnrek 1ta1....1 ant Penajwlvania Coal.
Cottipanie-, on board of i, or. e's sit, tim,r itopping
Wrsr.r. inch-bled to Air. T, W. Win
teritem, IA - flort Carbon. kirs.!euiarliablv
fine Lumtb,C.l.,-AtpAraizus, p*rolvatti hi., ent ,..:,
- den, in the open iltr. We doubt , wiwii lt .r
its -Sue as& early maturity eat) be h.-atim '
, .
hereabout 9. -..
. .
. • ,
n^7-W E r if:AIN direct 2:1' ; : . 22entt+Lri or ,
A4i,ent , • and o!htT: -P r ; cur new ,
Irma <l Atrt•erti , •ing. We , ?fty persuaded
that AtieettiFers have no iust ariseeQuti 7
plaint, it the extent and , cirarnier at tht
Journal's circulation are rify,ht!. aktreciated. '
THE InoN BrE, - , :new Iron
Compank has been -str.trted Catasaqu3 in
Lehigh county,, about a hbove the
Crane Iron' Works., under a capitaitpks2oo,.
000. David Thonns, of the Crane Iron
Works, iz at the htad of the Company.,
it _l7/' llorrriti..—We
the Bill, providing ter - the eqablishmi-nt of a
Itliniug is ftas<Pas.sed
the legislature. , It authorisestlW;:Raii Read
and Coal ConipanieF.' to et,lieci-a hitit cent on
each ton of coal that passes over the'ir works,
with the toils. to be appropriated 10 said pur
pose. We will endeavour to procure a copy
of the •
O -2. THE ISSUE ACTEPTED.—Some of the
Rtimmies,' tire understand,' are flashing ! fault
with Mc. Bonne of Chief Burgess, limaute
they allege he is a Temperance man. * We
do not know that Mr. B. belongs iosany for
mal organi7mion: though we have always
regaided him as a friend Temperanee.—
But if hit.. opponen . i,S i n t iat groond deiire
it, We are willing to.-rnakk-, Ruin
andßomanism, 'on one side, and At
and Temperance, on, the other. Since
you propose it, gentlemen r an let ille
pie ue.ders. , ,nnd it, any; vote ae:oidingly on
i r TlStr• Corm - Edwation:
al Asscciation ti_semliies at , Port •C'arbon
next Thumlay, in o.ontinne ttt ts.:eiOnti tor
three days. An min-unify large and intero
ting meeting is ex petit ed. r l'.tacher through
our the County should n t only attend theni
ktfues, urge pirr .. ol - ;•-. nod ottiers . also to
be' recent. - Thu art; invi•
ted.t I:dtßatiou:k lu.ynr ticnaWs ro:xi. to
Religion, the moit'aptutant suhjerti'brought
before the people ; •and yet,' etrnngtr to sity,
thetg is nothing harder thau . t6 dim up a
reepectabl. rotcting to consider its in•
Tereits, • We hope there k evidence (Cl the
dawn of a bette'r d ty for the cause fri: - 51'-chut
kill f'ounty.
rj:Tiie Lon: Lusr - "CI:ry•
Syrrit.x.D:ro t:r 110.r.ti Fl:o' , l'!„Tne SChnow•
er• Canton, from Jamaica, ieports . having
seen, near Castle Island, one of the Bahamas,
on the 12th; a steamer answering in descry
lion -as near as ,can be ascertained, the lone
tnising City of Glasgow. She appeared for
be either anchored cr aground, and tJeserttd.
The schooner passed- Within two or-three
miles other, hut the ttonsual absence of the
steamer nut being,-known•to Those on licard,
no tEni was made to..approach her. A
steamer is to he de.spaictW',l front New York
immediately to the Bahamas, to toicett%in
the, facts. The Gla.szow' has' tin?, been out
59 days, having left Livot - pool ow the Ist of
March. She had .100 passengers- on' board.
It is possible the had all landed in safety.
a:P^ Bor t otiff E,:r.Ec Tl ,-__Ti n . ; i f ,; ; . a p: ace , elztiewhere. Am.lithere iti no competiimn with our
i ileil 41141 Coal, bo , eauke no other i tierl?oit now ! pro.
on Monday next. In our banal column will
be found the several , tickets - prescrieettfur the . . lieee4 i,lll lgleele4" of Fuel. ' ii . I
; Another Company at oioo. set; 1011,11 that inittio;
xutTrages of our citizens. ...• • • .•
... Coul:14 the SteiqUehaunit tiemon i$ a.i. very .rirri.vy !
There is one only consideration that should • • bli .1 44. , —th . at gooil Miner. can onk/bwhe a oottar
determine ;he choice of..!l)rough dlicerstlic i a d#l r:r-wti'rkitigharfi--but il l. titel...i'orne out :o
qualifications of tfte candidatesfur lhe pia- 01 + ,0 K ( 4, 1*. w , n . tihd the Wort; yrrire'ripj, itt cutting
ces they are respectfully nominated for.—
. I.iimminotts Coal,' L 'and etut readily ru4e s'2 to ,52,73:
Partizan aflitiitie are of but small cobsidera- .
per ,11.: by working frir the 1.1,ter,; Columbia ICoal
taunt an in Otai.
tion,compared with the',,tkortince of frac ir,” i• y ' •, , i
Co:lf,nryr.:—.ei.:Coal Operator has jteit informed'
good, houest and fa ttlif ut men to ititutaister us thin he has two L Miners in him employ Who or e
the 'affairs of our Barair-,ft: Evecialiv in '
e. 31 1 -0114. //tree b of,,trs a . day 6y •euttini Coil—it is
the telict fan of Councilmen, let thi , fest o true diet. Work trOrn 12 to 13 hour. 4' day, tint it
the candidates' .qualfricatio i„,
ms-be Radical Be- onlyy - -flows what 't
-nn be done by steady meadwho
node; sfand the I.4§inesti et mining,. Oro. informant
:he—tbe fundini of the Borough . deb',
and oppt;siiton, to opening 'streets. it the pit
'/i; ' l ' 4 " " t. 11 '• P'4''• these Lien (whQ ; ieceiye the .
..Mlle Price per ton for cutting
.Coal iii.r the others
lic expence. for pi:irate / gra tificationt . 'employed.) with more pleasure . thanany other
• it t-s to be hoped our citizens generally hands' in Ins empleiy, sonic of whom .pre earning
will appreciate the immediate iinfiortance I °toy-?—aid othera leF., because they' work irre
attached to Monday's elei•tion, and-. 0 fret no• tkirl
utinecesaTy t' to away
tron) the polk Let each:and cv,er l y voter
i.t4 the
• Forourth turn Gut; and rernerpher to
sOpport only- the /4-st Lyn, n , .) ritaitt-r hy
V;hom put forward.
4. '1 7 7 PII6CEEDINGS or COUNCit.—Tile
/014iDr; is the vow' to the Boroutzli,
for the purchase of the corner 91 211.aliatitago
and Second • (reits, for ,the sum it Three
thousand dollars to op e n 'he street
Ayrs—Mt.E•srs. Shertlo, eti et - u,
Newtiam and Pitman, I '•
:;:putiedi and
RoseberrY. •
A nsrxt --Cleaver, •;
A majority of the Coureii'dia net Vnte for
the . l3lll.- • .
AVe- wish it to be distinctly' tuAisluod
that we do cot object to the opening bl ; the
strcet, but we do otjfct to
.tha Borough
the . enortnous sum of 11'3000
tor' twenty feet of varant groond, to Oral.
. .
said strcet, which amount is satitilcd.. u pon
the people of the pay in the - thape
of taxes.
- •
This. .11 v•s•than 111 be
paid by ibl• ut tax•rictd t 'ul II -
rough, for opetin: atrAit :1:30 feet of
In benefit a few individuat , ?, within the. l t
sr ,ATE Le,Glt4t.pyrt , it E.
In the lirms?...the Schrnl-.1';11 bas li
amended by the ado . r.turtl - itte
provision in rite 3:3111 stc6cin:
Titat the donna; ,tiis; . ettO§ — h!
the dirceiors of any Coon iy of.theCintuA' ova.
wealth, they *hall firs.: decide vl ea - vat': the
propriety of electing a county cuperintehOnt,
and if the majority shall be against the eli.s:-
iion of said officer, none sha;l Le. elected, atit
in such case shall make their respective re
turns to the superiotendcat at flartishurg.
The Bill pasied filially on NVednesday, by
a vote of T'2 to .
A, Pot to. incorporate the Sdittyl{:ill and
Carbon Ratlroad Company is reenact) 'among
the bills paned by the }Louse bn Wednesday.
• A Bill 'was read in.splace, to thPi llouze
Tueaday. . morning, to the Board of
Canal cJrnruissiJner. , .. I The rninn•eries
Atnen, -
The 33111.„ ram ve :o t i Weightnnsteri on
the several Railroads in Schpylhili
has passed both branches. .
.r. 31,4 1 4.1 - ttepi. ii', kfti, Sept.]
. , r 4;,.))&i1e..... 1 6 1'.11,1t Ift.l P 11.114.111.!
Ltitt4o, $12.5 $4:. $4 35 1) 46'1 $ll ;5 Si GO
14ntnnib. , 55, I 4 445 4 sa. 4.55 . 4 f.u. 4RS
Cram., ' • 4 4Oa 4 :4! 4 10; 49) 4eo
11544, 4 5 4 (.5 ,4 65 4' >5l 4 ~5 4a5
Nair literal 55 4 75' 4 tl5 4' te. i .4 75 4 9.5
Cli4.4timl., '3'7o 3 ':.3 3 bit 3ba 390 395
Biiipin enti limn these regions Will' eotnmence
td,•311. the I t.t of,-May. ', • . I
'hie Cumberltind Coal Trade 14 hillier way''stgain.
The '; , liipments la.!. Week 15,Xnjionf,
For, ille . ear :0451lr) ton . .. - .; i .------ I
4 i.rea' v tintissing to , e- the "sliiit , c to which
many ol th '.l Mine Companieslerort to rai,e'
the ivied and tome their stork idio, the marked
The port of 'a Coinpanv in ViniMia, the name
of iVil io we now forget, dee7ares.Osat the market
w;11 i,ol be supiiiied within iio9#l,toli. ol' , ;Coal
thi. s:ear; and tat a product ocriht ;:yes khan ofn#
77:111,0 . ): 10^ , 5 mere than the .upplY ti'is year, eetild
be sold The re p ort then ende3Vl3;* ii. , 'oo* that
the:Aiithracite Coal Trade of Penrii , Slvania 4 y om
!I, :',ll l ,:lint., (1q34,3 oil,l h at libelouEleter ot.lieur)i
E. k:tiong, F,,,,b,*:wrilien at the insttnie of a horde
ci ; : :;pccoltstor. and Stock-jobberSirend Winds up
by declaring that' the market will require not' feta
!hail tom Ave tSivn litillions,Fit (Mil of A - wither:
land Coal annual l y in live year 4.
! do7;t:unrn• -It men could be obtained to :mine
'lii . e..:Cal, and we,litid the facility to cisirry it to:mar
' tiet l liohr,CoalAdperatdrs could lava limn ilreixne r d
to ~‘u}l a half mdlion tonsinerease market this
year-,a, it ii, we will increase the siMpir not 1e . 44
Iliad . 3o,oo(i. . the mining faCilitics'bf the Region
tir Huai to this increase, but so *laity Mtnerit
haven liveried el-e Where; for eptieulative pur
po,c4l,and the tran.porting rnachint4 having been'
provided more wjth a view of meeting the 17,2 , :tt..
pot-0 Min the 7,11,2171.7 abdiq; of the region. The !-
idea 'ti ., ;-o that Coat is mined eheaper'M other He. 1
gioni than m SehhYlkill County, is ail "suit." Our I,
large; Vhite Ash , 4sMs tire mined eqtMlly as cheapj.!
Pad in linany inslaneedelleaper, in Settityikill Conn- , i
:4, 114 Briny or i the -same thicknes are rninedi
Fit 3 o'cLoi . K, P. M
Fre!glit.4 from hqtalond
l',o-11,1), • ;-
lieu; lycrn.
4 .-Z;PORT OF 6111P1IEN'erv,
Pawl tifzhitionl, for the week ending ont , utur
13. v, A ri 22, 165;1: •
,1 • , ;
.' ' ' vic•ll, CQ•5tl
- -, ' 5 "1.1 . 13o1on& vic•ll , •
. ' - C & R 1'; 786 i
- 1 ' '''''':. '''
- 2. ll 7 , i c T:Ariiin, 60 30
4 ~7, ‘l' ":" -, iorth Itivi.i. I 1702
'f4..', , .... -: -; Q " .. ' l. 6,;uthertt Vt•v• 375'2
'Y -, ' '•- - I -
.20 • For the wc,ek . .!2.5M5
Total t6.l; : tlikt 'Leg...ol l l I,J t Fut sea , wl„ -
,tritew wait flint 217,vi3
• ,P ~V AAIE 11()Alf . , AND CANAL. •
( I. I O II W of Coal 5e111•10; I(aiiroad ant) Copal for
the wegi hudine on Tlsur:Jak evening I 4 st :
Cori rad,tl ; z - 12,251 OS 1 0 ;251 C 2
Pothq - dre, • I 3,286 05 1,052 07
Haven, • n 012 It) 9 ,E 19 19
000 00 • .000 00
P. Clitficiii, -5 , 32 0.1 1;45.9 C 5
Tool fut ihe werk,
Total by jtatlroad la 185 -4
Canal In OA,
Total by Canal and Railroad ton,,, 116,001 04
fdliipnients to zaitte porio4 last year
• r • ‘VEI:E. TOTAL.
.11, Railroad, • - - t• 40,880 12 '437,,950 05
" Canal; • I • - 21,1599 02 103,123 03
/ucrea , -, iu 1$•`• lip
RA T ES; OF Tom.. AN D T ANSP - 08.3 " X - TION
ON RAIL 4041.1) TO JULY ] 1854. •
' - From',2g. C. S. H. P. C. Auburn
To 11,6mo:id 1:70 1 .4 5
O.P hiliitlelphia, 1,4it1 1,55 • 1,35' ~1,4 U
',71.1.1 1, 1854:
From Pot i•Carix,re to hiladelphlrt,
Mu e ecttboti to
$. Haver:• ;to = " - •
Pt. :Clinton jto : • • •
From' - - - - 80'
Mt.parbon.;- • -' 80
S.,hovlklo Haven, 75
Port - Clint4ll;. • - 00
The following fr.; he quantity of Coal triniporteil
ever the dirrereni; -Railroad,Lin tilehtifticill Cottntv
}'Jr the Thurrday, even t4glafit :
Wrta!,.. ToTat.
Aline FLU 11 • '29.10 IS 43,344 14
Mill Creel: - '10,467 1G 112,615 11. i
Monist Carbon - 4,1131 13 , 41,2'11 12
Set.ityl VOlier 1-2 94,093 02
111t.CarbitPt.C:irb.i" 1q.1162 Pi 1.40,790'17
Little Serattillat!.. 6,511.1 G 9 11'1,111 17
F•rent I rain the I.ofigh Rea•ion for the week end
irg Sat 'tray Evenlits laet - • - •
. .
... . ISE £ IL
~.' TaTat.
Stuntnit 1131inel. ,„ 8:217 14 23,020 19
ROOM Itt/S!. • ' 1,455 11 ;3,46715
ll‘mver Meadow C 4.,
~ 1;252 07 .. 0,072 00
Ea.': fioor Loaf, 1 477 05 :. Intl 09
Cuirmane Coat, , - 1;218 94 :.3,430 16
Spring, Moutua.sarolry., 2,653 04 . !,7,917 19
Hazialua Coal 4'a.,1,21,19 06' 1 . 6,100 03
eranta-rry 4;mi, , • 1,04099 if:2,18119
- _
Sugar Liar Coe!: 1;023 05
ttnet: COO Cjb..l. .1,5t5 'C4• • L 2475. 10
Waeibut2e Coat C¢ 137 01 137 02
• 21,150 S 9 15,151 05
To t4aulelorioil last:l43r e -5 9 1:% 12
creaw go tar, .1
ND I. TRt!.l)
wilt. I! l'OTl.t..
Att. Savage! R. 0,147 11,45*
ih~mirr'mYd Rail ROxid ,6,150 :; .16,0
Wm:tamp:4i • 4.072 7 4 24.107
.• (CutPS.'ieriand .111%piore Jay#ool.)
trill' be *old at Public /tale, on SATURDAY,
V at 10 o'clock, A. M.. et the Penney).
Cannel/all-0i the Livery tenet belonging to the
Stable .kr,TROSIAa3 BRENNAN. conelailrg of lint
-9 Pa. Ciettiagee t ilogeles,tatay.BanJ Wagon, Bleigbf
Ilarnecac,Belte,'BoX,ln Robe,. 4k.c..
F°t•P,grn-one, wiebing t,. perchaxe. thle ta).. nfroces
Cnndltiont wade Inns n A Jay
" ktAitt.t.r or Tema BIItIVIVAN
"PoMorl!le. prit •ii,54 • 17-It
• , •
117/141 M ' BR AID V:has J uct ireturbe4 from
14 '4 1 .1dIelflilia v , 14.1 n Inrre .suppty of ,
Itv,. er i „ & , Jtsbelry. '4 ,I .ilver and A
la WaY , 4
all Y 11.114 !Jr.' dle oh hty Ilbr. and betag
prwre4a4 tut be - 11 - b6r.,,h1 by Ally 11.,r,c , “
Rl' the Siale; he tt,,pe4 .gyll to Fere , rr b.g
uf pu! , iit:„Palnit AT. I ASI BHA .
tlppe4tiAt.atlliart,o. fibiel,SlNl litr• isa: %V a t t h.
N. cp j fki,, Watcbta reriu.l.
34.011 , 111t.tleltansacitop% polintora an nye
Pat, I'S4
April M
, ..
; .. i! ' TOY ralarri - STORE; - ,
T, ,, the litilroz‘4l4 cf . l'ort ('‘trhi'n , , . L..., ne^t -t . ,r ' i
. o
. •f 4 . •
. ii:,Petrs 6.0iiit0 . .4 /Iry r:or:p.i• Stare,
. T E. t.
..t*lirtibcr 141....3 lbie la-klitql sif infolrowe
hi; l'apßlS alod the pe;oir is. kerit'VA. I b.t t he ha" ,
plat epeniA a neiv ruote at 111,. :Ito, 1.;:11,.;.14.71 ,
ne ha 4 tOlg.r,le :i ntl *direr tar ',fork Of tovin II ones) ,
Fnlit dniLa variety of eilor goads, which I,e tril!
dlsPose4i , e Oaf man re.,ror,ahle Cash teints. Per
sonal wniOng to Make til rtlrrbage, %%stolid do itch in
give tam iktall hefori.purchaolne e.1 , 13v here, 11.: its I!
tivc Ma. ii•li.i, Mar if to their advantage to Jo so; -.-
o,ve heal: .FA Ift , "111i•11.., and it.dge tits nir,., , it r.
fie lin9 .A.
iYlio en [l and a v/rirty of I. fitiiirPll's'
:sages. el*h u. •' .
Winne:P., : atitage , ,t, {(it- .•, ' ;
Gig ereiN•s, . . i nurkint lire.: y, •
Prppelteii - ,: ' . • i liarrvw...
Hair and Fie:Ai:es rtiii,Vt, t Vali:4. Tlina,,, - ,
Carpet itit.4 , 4, ' Aatliii , - A.
!Hid lei, ,:, )'i Winless.
Whips, 1. ••7•,: - rtidars, Mimeo.
and waripih , Olies aril , lea, e , 1.1 , li he lo d kpo rrd to
reit al til•SAletat rra,uhati, c.,,-hroireA.
Stoat, i n C if.'N TR E ~ Pot
A I I IrSo rettflin int of•_etound Iltnife•
Nottle: rem,: Cr 1, , I. and 11011 :4treen:,
to jh e pnit ay Ole. Pe., careaminr bp 6 I
In front e•c,Centts: t, and exteroilti,
that whiiii!,:tit leLeth depth Ind foci
Caitiff, to 10 Ivrt wwle- A-1.•
ley; wills jlte 110101rtrustwnP;constattug
.of ..11wn tthry Ifiitne building. now pc
espied bYZ:toteg..and as a dwelling house;'
the nil* t4tBiitt4 front' CA le• I on Centre Stte. 1,
unit e‘inp;73 in depth 70 feet, WWI a tine basement
story 0114INine i with a 1W ~- stntY bfb - lc Littben at ii
bark att.trhed, running hurl, 50 felq to c„,1,1
I 0 feet vyike alley, will. stable and nut-I,oliding . s
Tbla firn.Wity now rents for $l,OO It ns ty iliv
tied into ;ISA; uniyieel 1010015 Centrq
. Aj ‘ in, ffrifin tither lot of ground in Wile on Bien ,
cootainfripn front shout 10 fret is said thign F,tieet,
andsndeatettding in depth 10 fift 1, itli u 131114 f awe
building bit the reir end thereof. bounded by Ho r
ly 9f Mintitt Kennedy a bd• :3
A g 004 iltle will he given to put hati,te, Inde 41:013-
U... Pori-further parateutere two/6; et
wra.t.,4.* riuunte• trtlio, Centre':•treet.rotie
van., or lit - Nn. 19 North 3,l4ireet, Philudelphl t
Aptirl9lins4 17 if
N. Airr...yiTili•ENT in ,iikluich, Abil.r Mary
Life aoPpytor,t , of :Vri. Yartintlon and oth.ri of
the I'aiovql; by B..P.:zt,tltabe,lltn,trated„
Purple r nit i.of traria, bv , Ilayle $t ..toga,
tiladere•Traveli In Tutic . ey, !1n,. •
Wel , e/ii.itoryol toe rrench Protestant Iti•,
Ihineahtti Practical Surve.yor'a Oni4e, to ((Ala a
finb t hed guyveyor, without a teacher 12n,,
t , Nrit Mamfemations. Explitne,l an.l,Judge'Edmnodl refuted
Perk'Atlielbouro ft and ibo-Chiricila 1.!2 LLIS _
o:rtattirA before the hood. 12th.
- • lfeatnt, oi the , ttix,re.l Irsc d
The Heavenly
Lectivr, , on the Alrocalyp.e.
voice, of the ;tight. -
voi,re of the n - along,.
ApFpail:es SeNliehre. ofnur Departed,
Ppnts, aviator l'eaits of Charity, '4 tun.
The l'lnn%:et's Northern I. carotin.. I. 11•
Corinne - by 11,,,1am0 de ?Intl, Lev,
The tt, 4it an Shores of lb, Plidt he fill
ni.,ll4,i< Count Carowvkl.
Trial r;fit llon4k;*eper. 12 tun. "
Advetititiie of it f'ount ty litt•ichant , am: •
The - yVititi4l.ndk-, n tale. : •
Margaterior at If..tite and it a V (tint:
Par sale by
Api I 29:'04
snattiOrs SALES of REAL ESTATE. :
By .1. I O UE of a writ of Veit. , 1.,
and l4yelhe Court Common • Pleaw.of t.'ehtlyb I
kill CatintQarol In me•directed/ there Will he ex. I
pm.eibto Foblie Sale (114N:endue. on sATI:RDA V:
111,:i172Ditti.i,bi44.. at 2 o'clock, tae:
he it4,,,e a DANIEL BILL, in the Boroueli 0 1 :
County:to \Wit :
A LL - tKeeviliti tract of Coal Lind, sduate.inL.'
Caiis Towf,iMilp, (formerly NcirWeetan) ,
County;hokinning*l a stone
,comer or the. New i t
York undla:loyikill Coal Company and eiebrgel
Ituhie,s thenye by the said New York and
S'ehny:l4FoalCompany's•land.. South f. 4 2 degree:4
• rm. o?') i krre4ie• ton steno!. thence hr
•,.hand 4.1 - Bard- t'litrci 4 ttri2 South JO de
;1; :::•grees Bast, SO-perches to stone. thence •
is • y, the same North CO degrees Last, •
• 04 perches to a stone, thence by the
said (leoteti Ituldis land Noith 20 degiees West,
01 per:AM-4o the place m beginning, containing i
six.ty.pne:a)res moroor with the appririeniiii• ,
vet:, ci.n4l,44ng 01 Cool dines, flailload , , six 1.!••
s:tory Stokbwelling Homes tour I SioryTrarne
4Aff:4 2 Story Lea Ileum with kitchetv at.
inched, tikt , l Story FrAtt l t. it a ,one stun,.
Frame cue. double Story Fratr.e and Lai I
1 Home, one4 , tirm, Ciirpenter Shop and one.
smith S r liciplias the property of JACOB SEIIII ILL I
inexcention and will be F. 4.141 liv. 1
$9; DO t...". 1 25
2 no
I no
I 50
1! - • ! • 1 15
. NAV , I.E. Sheriff
heriff"4 Ottke, I'cot.t.vllle, '
sVpig , '2 l . l . IS: , I
Nemio"..• wills my Eye 1-pLor in s y
"71, e 1 ,, ;,h BAD sp7HT,
.. .
it /TERRRRic PIIILIPA A: SHAW, Pftl , tient
liticitins.'! genii-at end Anatomical Ler. • i
turercon thg, Human Eye,VROM LOpiDON,M 4 S, I
are desicontr, of 'lnviting their vitro, r, Me CO p c ,6 1
0141.2 . 14 i geperal, mot puto
tllittly Ilion a(- i
dieted'with - RAI) SIGHT, to an inepectlon of ihcli )
new and.iniproved Cry ctal spectact, 1
g r icn 1, the superiority of tret.e.glesae. and IN ittF.
such arctfraCy are they ground, that peteons bertr,g
ibtLinted tirt•weak eyes, may inemntly .ire relieved 1
by 'M; ttigiat. They also flosseal the prooM of'}
preilervinvite 34;1;1,111e Most !acetone of all th e 1
organs of 41i.nse.'• and too often the most abused," '
to tits utmoi) advanced per' od of liM, whilst they
etlehti, Vail .the old'sna ilium; to pursue the ni,,,,t
Minute andAelicato einidoyment for any length of
tithe, both hi.‘,day slid bleiLt.'„
' lamentablo, and to some (Sees irtetrievahle, are I
the. erects tubed by the ii•e of glasses unatlanted ,
to the aightet un!Ortunately the natural Anlb-ry to ',
be properly.vpited. Instead of tioittrins the plihth. to 1
apply at (mac to skid fat and capeticnced °pit, lam,.
I too often teiiders them the St/Stls.peettlif,. ,Itlyes of
peraoni wit neither anklet:A.lot the nature of the '
eye, not theOasses suitable to regtore thelmoct ot 1
i violin; whi.cintt may:have loot. i
rg,. „ir e i,fl,4 , PAtlipi- .1- S.ta;.- howe.pald. 1
! to the noturifand phreioloaY of the eye, oiord wit ri ;
tt,e practirtLey have had iit this depattmetd. of '
arleure tor DO lost twenty years, renders them tat 1
Palle. ttitriti;tesamtnation of the Am t ., to g i ve the
greatest asattance that art ran accoinplielt, in repo. 1
vattog undeturlng - the natural bright:wee of vie. ,
1, lunacy aetwa4lon to etch as 111111 been lbjureJ by 1
the use of detective or imptoper elegem ' - 1
meegre. R.,:gk. P. trim the following testimonials I
will serve 10 an introduction to the.? families , t 1 1
whom they 'ate , unknown —Gov. T.:tweet I. If 0.3.
Vgibeon,A . B'McLean .ii, Marshall, Norfolk; N'a.;
[lon. Chao Dougherty, Judge Irwin, Cs ; Dr. Wa...
hakes. Dr. Ciktnore. Lynchburg ; Protector Ruth-in- ;
an, RichtnntEd i A.:J. Berry, Notary Pohl it., Ga.;,
Col. Dillips„ Athena t Cen. Harriet Rir A - -airy C , ..0p. ;
et, Lotidott Yngland; Dr Matter. CaruhrideeXne- '
Mud ; R. Clarkfmu, Fattnera' Itank,l.aucaiier ; A.
M. Chase, dn.;R. Medewell, do ; 4 4Whire, do
Otorg4 DoCk; M. D., Ilarrishurg; George M. L. My. ,
!eager, do. .-•,, .
• lilt stIAW- wi11...1/liver a !emu le, on the evening
of WIRDNEA)AY, May 3d, at the Town Ilmt, Centre
Ptreet, Potriifille, on. Near Airht. Aged Sight, int.
' paired Visial4 the hest means of towating Sight, and
the Uses aniVAbuses of Spectacles.
Card, pf Ad.talgaion to be had at their (Ake. Cen
tre street, net to the Eitigropti Church.
iCeN, B --:tiiviee gratis, on the Dlarmied Eye. from
, 6 to 41 n'e IoaAA. M.
: Any ortichamielimed of Mes,rs. H. le P.. and nut
i approvedMi .. ..till he exehanged ftee or expenses.
! HEAT CIIPRTAL .I,C.N . SE3 Inserted ia old (cameo,
*RE• UrAit . Eft-401t 0 .110XTII ONLY:
April 11.181 , ...4 . . C...if '
toms, '1'0,934 11
1,03,4119. 04
• 142,593 19
ti. 16,573 08
'705,00 - 2 04
tong, 69.428 16
N. 1 or!:
• . tFRES.TI .51 1 PPLE ••
Tile returns lira sin c ere thanks to the
public fnetne•patronage they have bestowed upon
and begs leave to In tam
Mate& of Pottsville
— uleinliy a that he hos Just re
turned from Pitlladelptdo, New
York aid IM:ElIMOICi. With en excellent - Otmollineol
Ladies' f liolt.ltto.thiileF Boots, &f
rhilaten.'t Shoes; in Breit variety,
flehlltmen's Boots and shots. •
Miners' boats and Bike s, of eves) , description.
' The itsboctiner, Win the long time he has Deco in
the Moines*,folt the lama ledge possesses el the'
Hoot sod Otto 'bade, he Ratters himself that, he can
futnish GOCIR ARTICLEA MI a Ririe better toms
than they rateputthiseelsewhere. All he asks Is a
Trial, to tatiiitt curturnera on this punt • _
nevi's Hytax.vv.
Mahantoogo Street, Pottsville.
Aptiliit, 104'Q : - t 4 Stns
4,01 05
121 cr .. AR41:110, PA. 521146,
WiLL 1111.4 l Orders for Floor or Feed, on short
V V notice Ott on very tavoratde terms. Flour or
Feed delivered on cars, free of charse. "OrdErs—hy
letter,Accoropitnled with cash of althilltetory—rciat
trice, promptit attended to.
March 45,1* 11,4 ma
}~h~~~ iil~~~ l~~i~
pz4was Ann ssapss._
, witi.m.vs;
/2 /14r/A s ['int Street, siear Mirrirt„
A Ativrkdir Reel v rm;iti4si Blinds, t, Palmed
SY , and Ruff nollan.l @bode*, Pis Iniest and Trim
minis. an& et.led'lllleds.
sruag*tiknEt vaulted to ordcr.lnd ixd Bifadt
st/LLl.lif i. the PIONEER. Sal the TRADF.
and OR/OLIVO TO/I of all new st3tri. •
Buys fi.r ea:Wham/ resetirattures liner than Atli
ether errant lin she bailees'', tahlrh ensslites blot
lu [nuke a heit.r article, end aril es: rhea, as any
4,nsise in 114 State,. •
I'aeehyrers will und is to their interest to tall and
rz, slack. "ire attstites ttry.lesse,and
prompt tit Itsint,a,••
r. DtlN'T,ltlltt:ET—liti. 13 :s.onilt plxTti St.
iipT,l 'a, ltM-
Fire Boatel 49 pror”: \ C".7 , it t ll,, Looting. Girmi
' end PHir , rr 1, .-apre'Parr4
• . and I:kali.
su4sctit:.: the stt , nron `,hf Sigit
'elei 1P It+, altive , irs
;4' te . 4sctutible he tatty Alahtt(3rthre.. and e -r. al ~niL
. vtlei• stttrekeeitt/s , , sh.etl'oel 14 1 'V
;!rklti.;. ,Cirdru9., •uni attttut troth . 41
ra,„ acct t,lttl C.3fl, 14711 by st/tr
.l,i WA will, pr,titp/tlttus .14t.iatartiitt, to the put
•5 •
French and Atneri..`nrx - Ilser.j: by
:the Otitre,l/13011•11.toks, W,itiii i'llttt , ltt.
Stallone ry, 11; the lowerr ilitsoitt.tle
t 1"
•111 hlarl,et otrcrl, abt)Ve 1114, nuttb 0 1 , 1 e.
• ; . gaOPlpb,3.
April .2.1.„
44.4:441'4.C11111.1-11: - : •,•.,
•11,i,,p,.‘,4•fte- of 11l ILA:r
tourvirr brao,,lA ; ittE2,E."
' s '• AMF.ttlf,'% . ;• 4 t •S POSITMCi,..' * IN ntA N
•• tl, flooTt3 v.?
/tan ac 4 "Natter is, ge, and fo r , og ,, p o u n d
rarh. Alt°, iJ 111:11.3sSatituri!I nt i'nwcirt, for I/ LAST-
Vitt mycl..itti“trittoes at , •l f. 4 4NPOirr 1 h
t!e rep
, itipb of Ito 10i/4/oW:et , ii too wet! hruywn to
cnrnment.ll..o oirteg of the t'olti
ti,lpy, 1.1/ IVA 1•., ST3EE c,,
. A. Al AZ kUlli PoAL , Ir of.
A. • Dot ;il,, serfrta4y. • 1
p4llB, 11-54 1 ; , l• 14 3to
wi, " ' ' • ' -- -
RICil OCII Or: CARP tlifilOS
. - 1. ) ) ;) • ft .•=I...IIIN.TRADE.
i "I till; ' , ;:i'a•i rit.rer 'rs to rete4.l
,of tits )s.l7rirdi /-dock : , SELGRATR'S . .
1 .I. ~... Carpr•eli.ks,embriirintiii. client-eV,: axle 'caved ' • 'PA TEAT Lt7EBiCATOnt
4.oturit t ,t I.;,a' i . • ,
;'.1.1,1,11,1 St, ilta V v0i . ,1 ... " fi
aprs.ry 8ru...-1., Vi cAßpriet - 1 the irate of dELGRATit'..4 i'AIIt.NT LtraltiCA.-
FOX, eciiu id .aii the attention of Railroad co,,,im. ---,- 4 .----,-. ------..._- - _ ....... ‘,.
: • , e:
: rl 4 . ; ; ;',,,w • ititeti, co:11 tiperators and MaLliiiintts to the • tholes t ---, -,
.-.• ,' i rit,i,,l, . - SHERIFF'. , ALEs
'arttnte as betug tt Very Supt. tor, and "at Om . 3 - w e ,
" ,i - ventintto,,, ' I:Plitt:Eel.
••'ai.,l Ltglishfdilll'lnilt4,,,l time ili• sue,: !yet:On:mat I.OtirteatOr yet offered we' f . ;; - '
; ,w, 411 ~,,
, 1. , 11 . ) ,1 1ie. „ 1, , w ,,,, ,1.11g1 . 1 . R ., e.r5. mAi ,, , , , t. ee 0000 buried'!' mat eery , ear Jonenall;of other 1 --- • ' -
• ' ' wearing our:Aces. , • SUEMET'S 5.a.i.a.:5 Of, rialfilt ESTATE.
.ml. -iitt Talti. t'tviril NIVeTi v. , • e...
1 A. ". . . - .4 '' • • ,- ' l' - • , - 4 ',",, - i The I.hbriestor tt ill be furni,loil by the Barrel, :a
4 ~...., A , trr,,. ri:s a”...riuleti. 0: raw Noce. •.ac- 1.,, cents ri. ,„ lb T c• i •
iii4s 0111.1 (111 I 'lliii.3.ol all deihrtijitl4lol., 44.I.lpted fur I.*
d' . '" . " ! l : ' , 100: VlRtfi'll::‘,l sundry will.: of
. Irpdittkei I. :,..
XII: 7vna v,1.,,,,, , , Ffe:•7 I alit! l',ol. F.1(14 , . P' , l:•
. 1 ~77itry. a nd CAI lia?e,. ~ • :
ar.. enonity 31-t-rhailt.:, unit Stber. - i It itU intend pur.. ~. ' •al out of llnsrCoutl-tYl•Crinturm Plras (.1 '1"-t'llity;•
, clinging I."urptll,77re ins W e
"10 raii iml ..„"t. i n , " : 11.'"fia'r. 1144 " Enlibee"nd r'ff '''' nfuiel ' ae°l• l kill Counti,•,• ; and to 111 r - tlLrer.lo . d. there c' a 1,,, , +:-
Mine 11111 & Schuilk tit Haven Lai.O.i, -
I 1 alit dio,trin.inr.l h. :4.11 , 14 low an any hottai• in il.r !P. 110w5...n. Esq , Engineer amt superintendent •..." ; irr e , : I 1 , ° . ° ,, 11 ,_ ° ... e . a1e '" r• • t''''''',Y on t h e 1.1:'l: I )A. V.
t.i.".ittr- ' Itimirr.itr If W.ildielt, 3 Valley lialltva4, . .. ' 1
0t=1...t . l.lttl. i"*.., I. at 11l o'cloo,. t,l, toe hoer:a.m. al
1 . :11 1111,1 oat i - 10..e1. to•loiti litglith, ' P.. Yardley a., Pion, Iron 1d..1.-ter,:, Poit..-Ore. I'-', j the , 'Pold.o„ . • }lope of DA:V I I:I, /I I 1.14-:,I. ~,
i , . ~ . nami.tiootils. ;E. Boras, e.,..4 , cow Opetatior. al. 11. H. it. ,' • florointli of l'ott.vil!e,:;34:Zinylkel Cotthr,. : .Th.. , la:-
;sprii•L„,ls.7.l 1 ;:• 115 ZIII
1 IV in ' r A g" 4 A " I \''.. l ''''' 3l f it''''''n'fa . e.. v . 4 1 1,. ..5 . •! lowipg_deserthed - rear e:011;!. 1',. , .
- R. It.
I• J. s l um ll 4l i ta i . as ," . 4,,,„,,,,, Dana ,. I . : , . . " ':' , .:o. It-T.lle viallvoled iii.•inty or 1,:11",-;,:ri Cl :. 1 1.
r , :WV tore. .. a , Sop t. (entre. dle Mille, - 1
m ; () i dea, F. ... 4 .,- , suv ,, , sah , a , um mining ~,,, . , t hatcestantireer or reeve of lard,. •.ttia e `g, IMe
1 Jeremiah Heed. bay., Cuaf Operator Posiseife . ..I trnlve • Tov."1:1 , 12:p.:i ,, 114•11:1 , 1 ;',,itif ), I,..nik - d 7, )
%,,.: N li l d7"" It.: t 0 No let , ill P. 4 • '
Jt.ste ' i • , ' • ' '' • ': 0 1 ., I'Llia.
i 1,1111,..ate r , :eived by the Eurepeau M etro - t
;,,,,,, i; ,. ; ,,,,,,, i -,,,;, , , . 0 ,, i " , ,,,
~,,, Lion 6,1,0
~, New ,.. : tt . ‘ , ol .o tt u r. c u o ttLhe rs . ~ , ,,f i u rl i i, , , e r i l r , o tu i ve t t7 it h il n e g j .s .tsi t a l trt hia Ltb. . ;rl, - 1 ~, 1:10 ,.... t1Ls ti t iAtiaity IlAy-zo.r Lem. NVl:ter-. andlorfer,
and Ilse Swtl', Ira Crev:. • couLmfol.; Iwo
Verb and Mot city, If be') Mote a..t.0l in tat of I paid,.
~ yi. 11. :31-..._isINGEIL Aeritt. 1 4:37.1:z' himdresh assets -more or 1,,,,.. •wf:11 :no ;
~ i. f . IL'l.l A:V o , .1.1:1;1:94417 ~...`;PI? ..\(,! DRY 1- -.' P 4 ci Valton, St liu3lkill Count . I I"‘ : '' , .., .. . ~- . c .in4," ~1,31 . %. :
, 6 , 001)..
~ , 1 Sing 15, Ini t . ,15am Y , gi ll " ,' - prlbutt...n.u. n.. 4 im..,s, ,i . , ,
1 i ; vs I I.;og 'awe:mg 11(,m , e. a, ne "dort't 0 wok ,
gdu.pir.e... New 1W,!: Vac: I Pinn.l nn.l z-fr)peil Milkd. ..--- "-.'---t''' 10rd hoto.r. and tole Staldi. , .
~ .
1 tt.lll- ttor At., i I.l‘, , L'l.l.lti att. WiAcit4 di.) i 'IRON ' .& ' - .; , N,-,....! __Al , ,T,,,, rt'flOlß lo! Or I f ile! t. ilt tiovad
on do do . .3 do , Cllteory :Wadi , du 1 - • I .. 4 , i ..ituato it, the:Dorough of Puireiore, ~-;,..t.t i tytt.,,: •
:, Ca...s ; liirli LOdia I..sid 6111,7., ." I I
• _ , csnotr, bola...led 171" hind, of IVIIIOIII butter VII i
Tfie.e pot!, die MOStIv rhitiie itAa illillt the !size
i l'e.o7l.litory cialr.:% in V...* l'or a aint rhiladelphii,ui.d ' .Pla LEAD, PIPE , 6.e. - 1 the NOrtli,ii Wu Nt.... , !..t 1.1; prop-Ili' of • 1,. 1 •Yi NIC-',
;3 ", 0 p., 1 4,, te d , 1tth „„„t y ,..,,,, A 1 ,,,,,. • ..1 . i 1•24 vcilsii unit &merle:lli e'1::
, .I.74Cast Iton Water
: and (lax I'lpe4, ,Elora !Fin, S ....a. l i'V-I'limi• ot LeN'l '1 tlfe ' r tin. 1 • 11 . 1 lia . tii Lute. :
Lead, 1,.-4.l.;Titi o'nst i l r . er ' ( ! tr ‘ iho .':,,11-tili he %-t i'll l . - Boat! um' t'-oli he I
i 15' i,ely riehly . En.:.rui.:V-red Ca trim
. 11." ,,, , , _ , Ydi.e
. .tli , s lu tvl4, ~ ei c ato, pi g t ru n 4an d tu , ts l,,,,,,,,, e f at i v at 1,,,,,,,,,‘".,, t , 5 , t Tese,rtt-:.tut:tLeoutniinni: one tin:lP .1.! P.'S!, i. •rvlt-
I :Wit , c...,' do illain , do ' Fur pa Pby t; E (j un F. , ,, E A i ti ....,, j r ,. . t e ..... more or LS'', Will) 1110- uppOrleuum.-m., ty0h.,..-
1 '1,1:4 331311 'iron rt U . Shawl i. b,:erviotiterue-,. j- • :. NO. fiti Norill Wit3tVes , , Irlirludtlphia. r ttna-.of %two rtOry'rtattie thee - boo: 1:011 , ..,-a lool•e..„;
N, se Sty tee emu: tierlthiete " till iii .iraruero, . 1 " sp i ii 9,
~ ,y5.1
you •' do itlettr.l.l4 cud Tatiana, eldgant Up:trig 1 , ,____„, , IG-Ini ,i 0 1 fdildie wor...htpi 'the Evangel:nal Cc.nsir ~,,,,,'
i ~.tails. . • : wor-hip•og . in_san) ' lnn'..latyl 471,1:0ne 11.1If‘ Mi*l ,
: *pt. y:ldC Maidala VelVvIS. id alt tolOr4, who ti ate ; , ' . ME TAL S' METALS ' 1 . %Mill watt r 6oWer. •„ - . .
1.3:1,171p.ued 11l iti. I.ollllllli ',it. gililll'y, style ahti I'
`; 7.lC' lIPP It 4- 3lc E:.;,.1G11T. ' "J:.:l.—slit titat ....Own lcostir p:eeti 01.r.,'-loomi,
; totie., r 1 ' situate In tbo Downs li of lire re', Selois 11,11
Ink, adJ,lit)a. kyr 1,..e an i.let , a'rd aaturienent of Confity, bounded 011 133,3 We,t..r.y I.'”livii - H, - ,, , 1.:, , ,,
n,, , tra• de Ilrle,,,tioli,. de Latn..,., frtinch, Lawn , Str;et, on tb . e•North 1% ,prript.rl 11.1 I,..VOM,rei.
P l O 7 , knit , uldr 'leg, Diritee,!. tittbniiiis, Flinty
P,i0.11" ,0•1, ,' ' • i , 1 611 the I.Ve-tl.i• „nn is :e's'. and on ;be S-..i.fir I,;', - ',.t
. .
wit reqllocSt th nlie tr , ol ftle ~ i ., M 111,;. t•t)tltt! iity U.' Of Jueoti lliilier. I iilier. r_ri Men 1,... tit 50.1111 :! , 1 ;i-rt. 011,1 :17
'!riai , ltheir pUrrn.see,, 111 rail ti CiaU.4tir titir 74 lock ilepy, tiiso r!..0 niter„ or !e1 , 1 , . ' ' •
:It 7114100 targ4i,.....,r "elected had itienprA we \44-'4.-:or,(ha! cerlato 111 E ..1. It ere (II ,}O - r)T,,I,
hare cve« .-q
.tfer. : ,
t, i ,
. ~,,,_,, .411171, - u, !he Ilorom:11 '44 l'aret,
*sprit I', lsut .! , ,
' ' o€ 4 ilit PA;••• -S41111'.11:ia r 01110 y. li,ine'ded 11 (tom by
;:130 'l"rdpetillo , :::,-0 `'!reel. um Ile re* :.
51 I Icky, On the North 1:!1 . 111 of J.:401) Ho,
1.4. witroirttM Sdi.ih Isy Ict 0) John
S'b r e..e".. 1:,;. ti, ,4c. - Ctealloto4. ot Wtiitt 31teeft :nevi 01
dev,h".2.00 ft!, , l More or le., Vollt Iltn. oppui Immo
' ee.; eonsiettnai 01 3 ItVt.i "'lop: fraillti:.dtVe.!4:lllloli-e.
,; 0111 I:iiehen Mid rtabl , ing. . .. -.- --._ .. , .
No. n.4-kti, }hut tferium lot or piece o f grtinnil
..;ttaate In th.Olorotish 7of Poletz. ove, Sea ity i'.. qi
t.'„ittaty, limmiled ;ii 110111 by Till - pea LlOCkt'll ',Sittel'
' Oil kiiii.NOTlll,l.) , Mill !..: , tr , t-i. on the finv-t IT an al
, l e y, mut oil I.ILO Mutt: by nine:. moni..ri yr . rat ::'l3ll- :
11..t . lititt. i Grotilltl.3l3llZ ill . 1,1; i11:.%1 Gil !0 , ..1. mid lii (1.1.t-il
1 20,1 f r et more ~z-1e.,-.,5e., 1 1 the-O;p11: tri t ium e.., ~•,•0•
i ii:- li ng of it 1141,..i0ry dscrll tog !joitZer i
~ .•.
N'o, 0.-4.4lr,iliat 1•011407 ivt In' - ',IC , : k
iiiiitate in illi , tfloripigli yf rinearove, •St•filly, 1 ::1!
C'ounty, bouli(led oti th'e Welt le - TriLiento ektrit 1
' Street, cm till En.; hy t.rt , aime. on thy.- ,N; 17 111 b '
" lot of liat 1.11 - amei, and It, 'Le' I,c , pr,ry.
0110 of Settittil'theiii: 1.11 r.. ,!seta-011, cor;:tpoidie,.
'Lin front 25 feel more oroes-','and ' 011 "'"g 1,."-''. ' 0
I --Ma etey IltiOla the -ame rural- 0. .0 1 44 rect.
r . ,No.-7.-Aff,that rem tom pass or ree td. 4:l3inid, !
L :-ill i 7 , e 11l . 111-1" Ilteonr,o ot T.m;;::,os 0, '
- ( 41.0. -, trachilyllitli Comity, i,..ite:rd •dn • ,thr i
i ••,..s.; -' .. \tre..t . t, ..+lreer."7.l; lite
ii - ; E:;., by an i.; ei , 1171 lire :.••ortilii 1,,;1,i1 , ••01-
i. c 14.4 now n..n.liteed 10; I.te.d• Fr'. , i f, ...1
.tF,;.4.;:r-A.Z.I. ';::,1.1 at :ilr I, -- • I Heart': AltelitiZteh o it i E. ! ',.. w...,4,` . ~,.„,,,,4. \ ,,,th.
! by lot Of Antlinity Sint:ll, (mill.motie 10 wiltiii ;11, 1
' reef, Dittl'ltt /.014111 '2Oll feet mole .11 ,:rs•. tylth the
t eppurtentiiteesi! 00117.0.1.1t4 pi, 'lt tee jJ , ; •;,,,7y ; ft,;;,,,, , d
1 thevilintr hutted. : ; , 1
I " .N0.,.C.Ail 1 bmeirectain lot , itr pref.,: or etound. 1
[ -Maim 111-the' : Dot - math of
. I'megrove, 'Sella; ,i,,::t
Counts', Imuk!rd on ihe End liy .74 ;Olin . . 4 .tre,e..t. (Ay ,
i rue NtSrth l,' o Mill Street. On the .WeSt liy unr alley. 1
1 . 1111..1 on the FsOlith.hy property pi I..elinitut andi;rat's..'
; .oncraiing in 2IM met on Nl.lllin Surd, and
rtiMitilg.bark to taid alley the , aloe width. ..'.,
N. 9.-Alf three eighth rift t of a
eritziin tract 'or- Coal land. ~1. 1 . 1 11110 in Cfryniont
1 TOWn,hiii, Selipyllllll 7 Counts',
,yrintaining :in ill.'
1 whoteA4o ner . e.t. adtointeg
„laude of :Meot'r mid
I Capp, Jonathan ZeLdie_, deceased, "Jacob Hotline!'
3 ilk: Company. l'isetlia , a Coal Vent puny, . und Ow
I ea-At la-MO; of tileziwatura Diver tun , lbrOnt it the
- • . r•-
rame, Willf4llo.eppluteimiler - .
- ICoS 1 0,-A '.l *.harcer lain tract or. 1.01101
''"il'ilii'e tit Pinegrove Towit-hip ,•`...lchityl..
I , i ii mil ie •r t ~*-. .ktft:Minty, ',Minded and 71;;-:•rikdo . d It.‘
! I , , foßtr.N..,:=-11,4 ina,o2, al a ma. lir4villi•
1 .. I te e', ;hence by land of .1 ku r- v. Feotimr.
1 North Cr; 4' ?fees, \l'l'-1 :10 pecelte, 10 t t 0,4 - , i . :•,.„ i it,
S 5 degrees, N'lrriit 211 priones to a Clir-tu'llt oak.
South 111; degic,‘., 1Ve...4 1t. ) .., perehe , In rut pn,i;
1 , Neese by laud ''raid to 1;elong to Jobta . :lltileir t ;South
1 -7. : 2, , ,..ed..e,tee5, XV'e.-; 101 peirites - to ilt Chestnut oak.
I North 1 . 7 dealer..., 1 1 1 : - e7 41 isetehe. to a writur.
PLATFORM SCALES, . f laco and
! thence I.y meant laud, North .2.1 degree', E;(-t 154
.= ,- = C4nor , .e f'uttp,S:outh..f.l tit-gibe, East .10 rtort:ne- to
•' : ; fverehtls tct a ilk,.1111(1 . - liallee,by bald II ,
QUITAIII.E fol Rail colds, Cassia, kr...for welgo - ; '' ,b,6 , •., ~,„," ~.,,,,,.,,',,,,,,, 0.,,- arte„.,3,-,,,,•.,
1...,ing bay, coal t tire,and • merchandise. gr.n.rally.- , ths place 0 3' : , l • g' , • , •
of !.ds . c. per cent , betirg the'
purchaser% play feel assured that they ratt he , alp- ~ ttiturter i andulloyanee
piled with a:superior and renal& article. and run: nO i. land suri•eved"tama warrant . granted to Ilelninito
rUtk. Each scale is guaranteed correct, aad if •
WA nut futind Satialattory, tart be teparttcd Vil.i.akila •-' N o. 11,
~.....--. 0 .1110; vertaitt,„
cAIf"T - L'BonaWitz,Llifeit'l :tenancy 110'.h. ISIS.
uadivtded moiety m
.: I illi . 111 . 1'e ot r'llehei hag . T.ii,t,.. -,I t,
c , Aft g y ` y , "e it r . n a . ' r i r r Y ,,, a corner D I : I N e 1 ;,', l ll :,: d an m d ' el ew „,: 4 : l l 7 t l o ' l 7 l .n l i.@, ' ,l lull iin'tlivided lia:f.of all that - Inlet of Ito.l. lin owo
c 071% ps Street. Philadelphia. ',Boort' k. (,o4 I g''nera l- ;"Y l! ".„ . .
successors to Elliott .k. i a'e in .p ft „ lol% t L own•bip, ,5,,r,111 11;111 _ , ( . ii,uli, 0
* - . 7L:ini- .! - ,t 1 bnunded as follittes:r-Degiunins:
,ut a C.ue.otou,
. *
71 a Pother of Swiitar.n Coal Comp.:ay'. land. iiinit! e
T 1 ., - i t - 7 , -- -,.;-". "" • "1" - be the-some-N:o4 l i 20 detzreer. r ,,, • l . --
.FURNITIL if t h a c. I . ! ici-u plOr, then'tt North
. re: . degree.. Earl b 5 per
' ' elks to a flontthrnee'.;_qiiitli ::1 ilegtee, r . .,,,i io•.?
..____,_ ) ,
, _
NEW rtnuaruitri
wAnzsciora4. j i
e d; ,, g ,, r i e , .. , .. , •, ,,? 1• , 1 .,, ',:7 1. y . .
r - • .., to s )0'..: thence :-.•••:01itij .7_,:n
Ara. :180 XerZet Stryer. (Bested Rove,)-1 . 4.71, dont, 1 ;tree.. Lasi 3 LPe":"'", - l ' t . k
\ 04314 Eleeentk, South ;Side, Philo,' d ;ihi,,L, .•11,Xt•er,, \VI' -t I-h ra.ft:ar." 100 werte on k, 1 1 .0,1)0
'. m outh ' 67 degrees, 'West '2.1 penile.: ton wink! nal:.
iIONSTANTI.I . oti 'hand a large arctiiiment lof . ~._ - ~.: th _ 44 , „,„ w„ 1 sr:, poll 11l ti, th e
%,./.superlor. Furniture, of 7-very dere:l;7oon. Also; i IP" ce -,," " ‘,„.',"- . • /..., ' 3it the,
on -nmr - , 0 acre- um. :;3,1 IQA. •
French.soras, To ectArtes; ('hater . le; . ace., on hand 1.7 r ., Place 01 ''l inu t'E . * I ' a ' , . - •
tuada to order . '" wassailed . li.
ai. a( "e3ilY 'educed ra 4 to 'lnure, with the:apputtraattelkit. Cl it.ilt tug of it. 44111'
prices. Furnlute carefully marred and shipped rto i dory Log Homo and Stable. , •
any patt.ol the Union. • l' • ii • Tr"i f '''• :f>ii. 12.-A 0(71o1 tract . ...1 Wooiliand. 411101 0
' April 1,1554 . , 13.3rn. ; " . • in Paegroee lowtrdop.littyll.:ill t;otin
'' '-. ~,...?'",=::,, t i ll'. Ol'acirtilng land , id 1)aI ol 1...11" , er on
. -4 *'' the east- and land. of Jet.olt Streit , L2l/ 111 ,
ilf!!f"i . • • "
~ , aniahritinl-we-a.minta:llloo I I aereil and
77 per Che.; and . allowunee, 4urveyi-‘1 on
'Warrant fix l 4 aintier Hain, dated February r,blth.
1828, on the,:l27lh of Mureli 1825.
Ni' 13.-I'lio",',undis idol ono - trnril 'of ill: that
certain Tram of land rtmate m !;:otte'rg'tirt
'hip , ....cslll'lk.ill Couto y., bointled and OrserN•tl ti,-
follows: ileginnTfig a; 0 stoke 111 a line toriperly
CieotgeineY4. `i , i,ihrel'.. laud, throve by ate" taum
i 00111 t 74 tlegre. , .,'.Ond three-rmat tern ea..% VT.. , - per-
I OW/ 'hi II 51011 C., o,en,e . by lat.,' la:ety Mi..hae) aU'I
I,.Ler i PAtti vlntli V; ell,ree: e a -o: 15(1 py-rellm 'to u
1 ;liaiie.sotllloi,"ttiegrves we-a, 91perch.”.. to a .odic.
north 1,..+ degree.; svet 1434 pt,l,e, t 0 the p',,e.. 41
i i lmegitliiing; contafmng : 1 02 uere: pllll.l l prrehe'p rind
1. ttlii.Wunce. 136413 a part of Doer atijoittiiir", larger
tract% prime to,gtiher 12011 rimer. wlrwil the t:oin
i muniehlih grultrid.ll/110,1 0 till Alyll'.. 1::..q. 11."1,y1.,
names 01 .10101-ifiaitl, ghar:va EV3llri rind Cillf!rtid
Feger, by., , ,varraiji4 dated the - day of Nov'ettiber.
, -A. D.,' 1795. '. .'._. ,
- No. 11 --Thelinthritled one:•ball of ell tha 1 t er
tam, tru'et: el laitti .iottiati, in lo wer' Malan - M.0:o
loseriqiir. tic hinikot County. founded 1, , ,.
'laud. of Dank.; iloin 3 yllll . 47.lmmer;inan.
• John 'BATT and Ad:on Ilantleidtmbi,i, , on.
' '
A . 11F.N
. .
Grate Ipronsi
Mt GOODS. &c.
ilit ; 11 _ and TashlOable
. - -GOODS.
J. G E
. e kzilz 1. J. Livii Co.;-;
opedtd the; lntLe ,Lid splendid .oure, N.
A11 1 :1/ and iNiINTII
del wl.l, a , 11(.. k li.B.ll,ltille and faslndnabie
r) of in • latest ci.1.1.8 nig :is
0.111 (.!:
herb Plaid and • ttlia•d Minfilla Velvets,•
and k10n....i.118 Ue I.lllle4.llArZe
rtriat, , .ital_f hatted tre'Laatti, _
- :Chintzes .11111'01'11ra of Orton( Paiteitis,
, risen euitsule, for. EllYpda,
U11.)1 . tc5. Hosiery, &V.
of et'ery deecripiloa, aselu4ttlig artarge , and beauti
ful asrottuiet.t of MAN 111.1.Ati, of es ery *bade, st, it
anti chlOr, ti ah ruerial -rare umic , :r hi* own.
.upervisio”, is itSw ready to itirtioth the lather, ul
I'.ittrviliv unit snlnay with iiuy .of the uhyve :trolls,
at Ihe, Very' loweal prices. ; I 7
1 III; cOnav,lideti every
il SI) ic „ ( goody suitable toi A Mit 1107CLS,
I.IEV . A.RTNI. ' ESit collit:M. of the
la rite pit avil aireortrtii.ut that chi. Ue Iowa!
fit ..‘l4i i!.l'...a.itM.tup IA sit '
: Ito {,er ir.o Lei atitrebnner t ion
'Alth (ll' limo I t . .4.12' , 11`i%e tiOnseer*,itie Usliteu
.I”ti Itt.:11*0110.1.CIlltied. feels faiiiur,tl;that he cull'
vines nly!f.rvor bun %tills. a
Inet*ith in t l elsewbele.
Ode P' c: 'preiatt o,r,
• .12 tatEXN I:. • •
cur. of Ar and l iud. sts..ll•linad'a.
April _±:._l - _.:._•
J• 3111
:ilq:.;Nri u trlrrr ri nr(-irrins
• • 18 r; * . ; •
1113r:k• fur Ilbe Ii
.I,ctrntiagr. ”steqiird to btun by I i country filetilts
Sarin; .„1.2 4 at1, iworw.i !lion that he t. ItOW,
ott‘p3tett to Mitt tilThetptti, • fr.mi,a Ir rgeland sple
dia :tiro:111.1ml of
Iran Plaid ttitlta, 1 Intuit Printr4 Law tq,
.ittleg Bttiped rltlki, Part, Sip: Tissues,
IttC,h - Urf , cade 1 " ~ Hich Ziguied Ilalevs,
Sl4,t.ilt. Plato , " Plaid It.ittegta,l, ;
T 1) , ,, ii.. 1 .4 Muck , '.. Grenadines, Oiltutdic'yi
rrrohtte,,ltle Slika," 'D .r.., _ ' I.o..tintits, tintilwrint, In
A 1, , t, tqtlenditl' ottrel lerloo, 'hid Wo l ves, Crape.
uhl • I:l9l,mere ritiats 10, Pant gatifilla.,,} &et, with
nosy !tart tlorattltt gooda.. I t
Tntt ern cat 01 , 1 'A of guod.. Wilt 'iqn CtJsi3ritly 1,- . 1
ehiVt:l! :4131.2,141 oillow at, at any ti th er More. in the I
s Jiy. , i .
.. .
41 N. 3llt.Streel',lllll'ol,...lphra;
• •
Fel!, 4.5, B:11
.-- .
P 6 TTS 17i.. .E TO . I Itiiel: ISiiti: a .
ri •Iliti line. cson, en.' a.tily %AO': all t t rir ar,at
.1. Egut het tt ttntl Venterit Itottten. 'illy iv latigetuent
their vizi eiif bit% nens in I.o;idstliti will;, he at t h e
otti're ilf-Unwhid 4 Cit. Tb...“yba;tibg ayt 1( . 1..9 for
i.,,,,,i5...,,,i, by iaia tine, wo: tan t l POtt C. )3. C(Yrt
T!....g,: . ,5d11i13 & ( 7 4. •4 Ap:bt,'ll. said Mien. ,
. , L. t , 4 wit,uA)Se, Stipetititeltdent.
April 2‘.2.1631 1 1 11 . Mit
ScLtirizaiiLL NA vloottont co.
-----,. -- .
, ' 1 47-'l.- ;,e .
, ,
( r i . trr, (!1.• THE. Plelltlrg...RlLL A A VIOITIGOI,I U., t
- . Jl,Latt ist, , 1554. f
', 1 I.e:Oi ov. 1.1 IL ii -e Pr i's..i iind b it ,Tul IDU
;. Ant!_ ',Or jig Coal c--4ricil nn - tho SCHII V I.ti: i I,r, NA V _
TIGATIoN, will t,d Li. fidlows unlit Jaty let, J 4.54 :
~ ~,.
~Jr 4:.
litideepott. •.1
Potl Kennedy, , 5n 40 ' :47 '4O •
Valley Forgo. . t 0 44 47 40 .
Paivling . ! , Datil; ,' 50 40 47 ; 40 •
unri Prorklente,,. ,• • Il•r - 44 : 4:. . 40
PNenixville, ~, • ' 95 4i 42 51 •
ito,'y,ers FOY, 4 .. ~ .95 .. 44. ' 42 37 •
ro,lttoown Latiloe, , 45 .42 4'2 . 37 •
Pt. - ti tTnion.:, 43 •40 411' o¢'
111,445nronei,' 44 ' 40 • :44 3 4
)14tittir:g,• : . . .• 34 3r lo at
mipmr« , • - 3.-i :r: , 1 , 5 -31
51 ,,1e,. ' • I ', 5 , 3 .' 57" r, 'et,
itaint•me, - : ~ 55 31, r.) .04.
Otielessuri Lakding, ' 10 :70 Si DJ
thechariel7iiii he pet , ton of 2140,1034 ii , 44 eiz,
pet rent . allowance for , ura*ie. a• Dau m, and no
ehnrge legs than ie•enty.fle,e retll' per toll tend be
made for any dinunre. By Quiet' of ilia klinagere„-' ,
I . runLEV, Ytraltkot., •
,11-If 1
• I
.... •
i . ‘Frire op THE PIw : AD'A. & . Rr•..tit.Nnß,' R. Co.ll
, l'Aztadelpita, Airch Id, 1844.
The Ovee r,f , rfelg rig 'a nd TON eb Caul tranegme.
i r j 1,2 tb, coniemey, will be as fellaike,from March
0 Jiily I. t •
::; - ri • • , • . .
V • 6 ,t!!" - '
.. L. ' ..., . ... •.„,
i *."
~ • ' al ',,
- - e
- c.
. .
- _.... ___,. i -.-
11!4•Itmor.11, , . . . . 1.0 '; 115 l5O '. 145
" .I . l,o,ndrlplrlif,.
' 1 licliokd Plutic, l6O - 155 '„ 140. ~ 115
" l'ite'etor, n, ! , - .' lOO - 435 140' ' 135.,R R, .. 160 ' 155; (40 05
" Falb; or rtrooyiktii, _1(0 • 155 ; 110 1,35
" Manhyunk., ; -;. , 1 0 0' 155 !, 140.; ..uty
•' t.itrli , g Miil 4 .!, ... HS ~ 1.40 ", 155 ,
" l'i,l.:hatiock+ . n n i,d Ply ''
' • '
month Rallroad, ' 14.5 • - 140'x' 195 195 .
" Ilaid , o'rt and Prrite and:'
• :
Jones,. 1 . 1 140 . 135 ! (Os 120
1007110.'0 or Bridgeport! Nt, '135 ~ in , 3:0
' - rott,K.quitedy. i , 140 i 135 f Its . 120'
~ v a lje c Forks, .,.. • ; 1357) 129 •• 12'1 120'
" I'lirira'Aville, ! , 125 ~ 120 ~. 110 ! 110
" ltnfee.a. Ford, ; 125 ! 120 1115 105
" F. ,, 110.10wit. • ! , . I ' lo ' 1 1 ,5 105 ' • 105
~1)..,,,218,- 1 0- c , .1
ri 1 , 2 9 ick, ins ~ 105
" Ivitit , ..l,r, ~,. .. 110, 105 I 05 ! r - „9.5
" Rtordlo , 11.4 • 'O5 , . tis r... , 55
" I.leiireen Rildiorg and, .. !,. 1 - . ;
s.ltdrfsvgille., ' 1(10 05 ‘-
95 1 • ,85
" 5100rsville. , ' • 1(.41 -- 05 . 83.1 - 65.
' 1151 - nts‘tre•• i • . Ico 14 3 - ••••' . —1
'• OrAilsrhorm, 1 1 100 .9S ,*. ...! :
By older ct tba,noard of Idfahatyr,„ i.
• • B. samo,onD.
MarchlßA 654 • t. '• , 'q• !
ANDRitiVir it. REEDER, Anitiouser.
NO. 107 Nort T D St., (1 • t i oar: 64i e o n o
A ll'eflON SALE 4 every evtnioa, ciirairtind . ag at
117 otoncn,conNtstine of ilardwaie of livery de
eertptfon, Cloths. Crestme res.Bllksindaattns,Nest•
Ines, Teimmtnee. Moots and ?hoes, Watcher' and
Jenrolriq and Merdandisegoncrallt.
.o•Coeutry Merchants 'tatting , the city, tellt end it
to their advantage to call and examine the' met of
Goode that ere sold !every stoning, 2
N. M.—Every argyle told pirslll4ed
• • • - I . • • :
April 1,1934 • 13-em
• : WORES - 01 0 1 fiestp masa,
FARAttNO 4.r.,
pylsrs we ricart Flower ttlflien Ditetlo6.
" " Eitel:len Gardner.
Feraendeu ' s rotnplete Farmer and earde4). •
Joktstou'e derieultural eh ,
j A 1 1 ,11.011 the Culture of Wel:rape.- - ' •
1 nit lorg Ante; lean Fruit Groareee Guide. •-
Naab's Prrigretxicr Varanor .
11kriPa Fruit Flower and Kitchen Gardener. t° iao
Gardner's Faria.l ' s
Bow nines Fruit and Fruit Trrrs orAnterica:
Prinet'A Poultry Book.
IGron'e. and Kerr'. Pomestlc and Ornamenla.
Poultry. Garden and Flower deeds of all kinds. and
Pllnt.l.6rnamept2l 15113d0 Trees and Shrubbery m
all kitltt4 procured to order . .
Gifden Implements. For 23..44.41 •
• -‘' nook and 14,4:Fiore.
• LIOHS' currnma• •
subacrt or re would+.>pec+tu 71} infuipit6elr no'_
menu). rounds ua.t ewit tuners of richitythstl
that their astottuientuf t•untiins Inn Vt•iing
much I. rePt than rLer, ion' I hey e 4 kited,
to r kitty. I i a vr'tbe
1.1 . 11111,4 e of rxr.itauging ,jothing jolt's:m*4 at this
, :ote, it they do nits snit. - .
!re, Chestnut dtt, comet of Trolli.
• Abfil 22. IS5i. . . 16.1 Y •
}rho (O0'( .'ere' IV'ke tor:2l Le; '
=wenn T. TAYLOR! • -
LIE IS ! With one of the largest and most (gib
"Atonable stoekifiif Spring and SllndunrCloods fur
Gdattetnett's Wear', sacs as F fetich, zud
Harm itutple-ringed itrui !lava Cloths, Frenea and
Enalttet Ytald mid Er biotderad tatinier Vestiiqs,
ai t osaild description: ; Fancy Cravatimitit.k.,
11110erri,bhirtA. Rupperufett, aid II) run 11 . 0iLlta,:•y.;
41:rt./ad to the citizens:of Pottsville. To an of which
ire r•all your narlienl atteutloo. at the.earner of Ven•
tie :OA Mabonfoup street*, roma/Ile
At tit 15, 15.54'
A N escalleat artiee far lining Cliternl. Vaults,
:3nm:tit-bows arid Cellar , . attd for - Lee plug ;.
datnpliels froth w'•'l and exvord trall•.• for Dale by
t:11A10.1.:1.1 i,IIIZ.FAItU
Cotner of Front and Wiliow r3*., (ftailroa4:) •
Apia 15. 1654
Yea , Me cot-nee of and
01,1 irinfr'R., P.;
Getlll3ll •.•
Drais Tubing.
" 11011'4. • . • • -
etieq Coppe,
•• Iron,
•• Lead. ,
Drop. Wire.,
•• Nadi+,
• "
Am - muted Wire
I tun
Copper d..
Titultd do
Splitig ,t 4 •". Hoop. • -
Or r Lta,f, , ", H. roil,
' ' Norony Rod.',
.. Molder. _
" llorre Shoe., ~ •
firariero' ec !der. Alit' inlit,
Rfitite r„, Angle ".
I'lg 'i in. Steel t',,..r.
'• Lead. ' : " (:rrotan, ...,
... r,:opper, ' , Markt, 4.- • ~,,
ILAt C,op;or. " Swede iti . o.tri,
Copper litreis,
Na 11.... • '• ,Aroonea. •
•. , T,rckg, . " :lined 44 iii;sck Elya,
Autitnety,.. itoret..
' Fur Alitf:al the IOWPII poi•it.,ll prieri, wholtr4l e .
and re1:1114
April i!t).15:4
• ipnr
rn I - 1;
1 :
; Aiiiair, , o'.,
1 -
240. 111.411.1iE7' Sr PIIILA VELPHIA.
Railroad, qay, triad, and Farmer!! 'F
lin ally part of Goontey, tty e x p e rie e
I and a' aPort notice.
, A pit 14. 1854 •
.. . ,
1 ELtitri ;'-
, - • ,
' - , , i ILYI LS4, Vices., Storlke andolit.. Pia: Non SL 4 ,-4 .
rifrouelOtt to euttO lba. (Fairbaula's pate nt) ; Nub,
! elly Lre It., La tchee. Tea and Com teO r'.;%lire,,therdeta
• Enginee, Yettnio for any- depth of Welt ;fo ton. of
beet Grindstone, dressed and - f filtered 4 Mill, Froe o•
1 Cut. L'lrettlar and Urldge' I.llllkdeas' :.+3WN ;,. Lead
1 PIPP• R3MN• MOrtlCill i t Ma, 111fIrS, Oia.c . at the Hard
-1 are ;Store of .. W. W. IL NO - LIIT, ' •
V2O Market St.. bolow fah, North side, . ,
15 3ne .
Nprit If, 11,11
flarlOrto Dcale,t , rrt 11 :UN
0. la; North Water Street. aliove Makes,
Mimic A :metal .12*ortotern tunitaittlyf.on
t'llola.;Narch.le,lss.l. •
-Feb ; IR, 1454
.r. ,:..-
g• '.....
x .4:
uotrsEtioLD Gz.Asswany, ;:
FRONfI the principal Fartutiee and Late Mutton
Sales. comprising a foil and &sired,. as..ottment
at to eta cenT. Miaow R.Trs.
Dealers and others will do well id tall before
purchasing elsewhere• 5.C4.41 Yaclogr..4 now - eat
152 eruuth artliND (shove stpr ticej
Cent3te4:Weent3 Vents
70 • : 4i7. 55
r: , 50, •
f.O • 5/ , 50
al 59 '57.
- 55 5i 52 ' 45'
•55 M • 5:1 45
Neli . fityle Cottage FOrtillure. -
ry , If s'abietl6o k reeeivinelinnt the beet . Mann
' lectorie;.irt. the City; /13 rge tnt of Cr•ttare Fu rot,
tope NCW made
ebentnot.walneti ash.4e., warranted to he tin
and durable. The patteme are sailette4.nd nr: the
(woo'''. They embrace a bole *elm all of whit h
will lie void at shy prier?, ear - dear added.
Ile alto ice...peon hand,und tuatiefactureA
i t , order,eli kind. of llotteeheld iutoiturr, -
of the lateet, loofltaahlottahle and de.iitalile'wl--d .
['Wien!, MI of whies van heetatelned at hie Wam
Rooms, corner of Centre' 341 l) ifai flrePtu, titrarly
opposite the Cplicopal latturt -, 7 - alt of Which wilt!".
*old at the veryloWest fat«p." • ..
T''' rBllbSCliber -- 11F01171 relietifally infantt his itainins'.:lo nort-., morn o; 1e...,
mead', and the taltdic generally, that I , e ,0 1 0.., aP No )5, --The undivided, one•lirol o;
nes the beetnets of a _
et the old eAblilbdied stand, No. 131 .
/i)til , all that cerium, ;tact nh,lanal ...Ina' , in Lev:etc:Mo.
I litintongo township; S,:htm iI , LI Couto , bounded Is)
P.OOTII SECOND STREET, (below • land: .4' (jeerer. llitthlbeit - John Bair, Adorn Ilan
Dock street )Pbßadelphla. and from , • aenharhibud other'ts, cootaiol)g .1 , 6 aore , , N 1 0r.,. o
Ws lona espretenre in the nosiness - 1e,. • •,
Letters hinemalf that tie well understands the wants 'No. Is; ..-The 0.41 1 4 oled third part cd n ilaet of
of the Trade. , ,
The stock of Clod. now o n hand compri s es every l elimotln'i'yil,PhOlteinduetil'eili4u:iudrii'o' i
~ .‘••• ••"• :A . ' 2 " l l : l. ; :l, „( :o. ... lk i ‘ r i' ''.. ' " al 'i t i ' l
description of )daterlaie lead by tabinel Make rs, , .11ftiereci tO JOillY f' nl' o lll. itual ] l 3m, Y . f. th)ner
conalstittg In part of the (meowing:
'.!, man, John 1<:el-er ,M.I t Ilytt.„ euntrona.7, 2.21 arret.
1 !IMRE/WARE DEPAkTMENT. I and •103 perebe-. ttio,e or' le- --ks ii e pthperEl 01
Lock,. Ilinges,Screrrs, Castots, dad Steens, Aldis' 1 ii;,,,,..,‘117.E1...MA1N. ''
Carreto , Tools, Chair and Sofa Sprint. i i" , r „,, ~; • .. - = i
C e nffin Ifandtes,Strews, a c e. ' ,at•-y. All Itia!Ler,•J a P. Ol i‘i d of szrunni ,
Also, a full 75101ituent of ' situate In the Boirniza hi , iitiliei-viile. Sehtivil.iii
I County:Penne', boundedritia de v-Ivil a- rolrtitv., • TA ,
,Geetu Ptauu (Pi .111 ,, 1C Eqr“ ,1 111) , . 1 , /, i .
CABINET MAKERS' TOOLS, - fo , wft; __ Bet , inn th z
.ff e
„ .: , Le ou the North
, 1 - 1 1 , , of
Looking Oleos Plates and Frames, Gine,
Sandpaper. Ilair Cloth, Buried tits, I.l2l4'4prini'b. i i r Sunbury Street ' .. .1r11t . r ieet ea•twartl•t• bola the . .
Black and Fancy Silk and Worsted ' 333 BROADWAI • NE'll' YORK.
w.D. , - , i
r ..i. ,.. i 1 1 ,,,, 1'ir ia r ij il ll ;:i r t i ii i ` azi •e u t• e i ; f
BEAT and MOST IMPROVED I' ~,(0:.- : aced
Twine, Sacking Botiorne, ; with Third •iitreet'two larnoird fret to Lew, ziveer, I .
i , , SIELODEONs. T. Gilbert & Co..A 1 o'ld's F 1 ,, ,
Rosety.ocid,.iishortity, , thence eicilne the ytettnern .1,,e of I,dte•. e-trc r q in p„,„,„.p wrin ..,,,,,,, , .miss, •
or without the :-., .1.,
. an vailward'v tlireviii n tweiii‘ l ec l. ;b ent t., mit with won frames and eurolar .t il .. Tile i....uu nr . WATCHES; JEWELRY AND
Walnut and Vapie
Knobs, • ' I eouiliwarthedireetion end'imitil el, w,', 'I Wrd st, titers lasted Me nts is let well known t t tu.d IA ither .SILVI.II. 11 - .{/if.,
and Clara Screws; Marble titans. I two hUndietilee to t-bribury Stret I. I'm r 04, in a c"lni"nwidtion. litittert's Untutmr I'm"
amt'"" ' ' i^ frau: undersigned 5.01,1,1 oi o.; r „p o , E f 0 1,, 1 , i „, ~o ,
TITE LVDIDER DEPARTMENT ; Wer•twardie direction 'a1.,...,..1 the north am" ( ltaathlaoal for small ra , "" 4 . fl'il'''' . run's, I hla frieoa. and the nubile generally. Olt h.• G t .
Convista of Rosewood; Mahogany and Walnut Vs , - 1 41 1 . - side of Fuhlutry e.:lreet to 1., feet to '°°°.* P ' 4 ""* "1 the old t ' t4Ll " "rd d" ;; ' the e'li "lel.
f 9 - reudtlY n " l4"ed un ' l °11 ‘ """" Im- 4" -
neers, Boards and Planks ; Collin Beards; - i laa•• . l i m n i,„ vs ; ii „ nuon ,,l p 1 i r,..., ~, 1 ,1,, ~„, - f .od Co. 'Mr. tt .IA rte ...le rrit" , d 1 " , ' ~"'''''' 12:2 tooved I,h atore, nod tsp;en,tred tp a. ~..,. • ,
Poplar, Ash. Fine. Maple and otbcr ' ti e ! heina ;the sante preint-e, who k Sonnuel 1
'' e --";r• •I' 13110 a, Can....fret tioun bore. raln Any other aou3e. ice l ed who rt, for heanty and arte `,..1 tit.
Seasoned Lumber. t•el tan Wubece Paulo., ni ton rte.ored espre4sly f o r I ' of Musa, cannot he surpassed tirt2::tai
Katitrthhh,hl - indenture lieurthodate , lion, basin,: g r eat pop. Pr or mot and Mailicil) of .l 1,,,, no w i ll si o re au etlenilVr lasUitibela of WATUD-
TiJE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT, the Sift of Jannarvi ISI.), grantee to Jacili Kline. 1 tontli. 333 IittOMPNAV r. the tartest depot for ,Bt if:Wffl.tiv, s.VEIt W. 410 .inif FAX (A
(iron THC ?tear nets.) i
Articles-in 1 deaease.4,,lvith rite affalcleaalles., collai.ling ol a i ilinstral instruments to rids cuuntry„ affording an : rz( r ,ou r t. ae., to which ho lowlies bttenibm Home
Embraces a large variety of Fancy
, tiro f. 4011" frame dwelling .iron-e wit hi a bat iiatent , 'Pi' rll " / " . t ''''! 4e tert "" " ' Ala he
had Elae-Wl'ere.- th a tana'"' dt° dl '''''''' of th°.°l It Piet ' wt"
Rosewood, Walnut, Afallottany. Including 7'..blea, l ~;„ .L. It. . I ..orond-n nd l'lsnormt gre4l 0.1(111111C ?rite.' 11001 i, l j a g ro ren jer s at t lfsttion. lie b.l-. ronslderaLle
Wash +Matas, Chairs, Wbat-Nots. F.tasetee, Ha t • Coq al -tar-es 'NO. a. z a'arY frame kitchen at- ' • 4
~,,. 'SW to $1.73. Ever) I.oonleat fully w arranted or the I, ~ - ki the b osiorcs , an d , u , lit on d o o c o r to
. pretence I
Raelts,lled Posts Turned and Carved Mouldings, ti t I, Inched and n'fristi)e %table, wane property of lit.i.i- . , , please those who may f Lim him itch their ;istranase
it making this announcement to The 'public, the '
i ItY KLKIN, tiduihnintraior of Javob • K`en; dry i ' al W.LODEONS. -
, MI goods ,ruat.tot , rut to be al N•pff ,ea%ed.
subscriber desire* to assure them [bat he intends to l dceawd. • • - , mono , . o.f undeJ - . ,
' I Ili U.--ks , air hes and Jewelry repaired ANA wetlan
d° all be poteuses, iria :to keep rip the best stock Of ALSO, Al ti 10.4 'Certain • tA L B adisnoing• - : tw C. ,, t.lisla .. Baltielited Puesse Organ Aterrodeoat, ' Led. MI orders to mail or otherwise promptly at
, I
Goods In this country, In his line of lineinete ;to ~tory f ame duelling bottleand i - - . ° , 3 !Odr; H. Fillth.toe,
sell at (s t rand reasonable paces , and to liattrautte , - „ f -„,,.„.".. . s re.entent stories with Tun 5 kali!. of keys-a sweet and powerful qi. I tended 01
.. • ~, - ' .4 l'' Smith 14S. below Market 1 4 1 , rbil i
to,eive satisfaction to his numerous Mende and , " —' tt" ' lirk - t T. '
'Or " g the Boroush of . Po I Ile stru me bi r-, Flues from 8,5 to Elm). el., U . (k. il, op,
...._ ~. a• - SA.. below
patto4ll. Gaibatill, lialanefl Harps., Pumas. Viollos. Brass 141. ' _ July • _
_ Schuylklll County, on the northwardly so so dinilliii telreitratfd Melodeons, ? halo's ig a r o g na i ~,),,: ::%;, ..i ., "ort. e t the "umber"
fits fa/Miles for business are unequalled. having Marl:et Street between tenth and eleveuth etteet.,
availed himself of every opportunity offered for the each of :mid buildings being twenty feet froot
on .40nel-its, sec , dm. Dealer, *applied with Pianos i
production of goods on the , best possible' terms - ; said Unites street thirty leer in depth , arid to- and Melt:airsat factcny prices. 11l per cent, die- , rtsuavo WitCELV. •
All FOREIGN GOODS are of his ownimponrition. I cocoa to tierg%rnen. ,
All DOMIKSTIC GOODS see , bought from ins Minds; gather bounded lot "
of John Doebly, . - iirstc ' 1 u EST Kirby , Lleastich, Ttrglota, Improved i ro w,
. I)iiea Pike and Eel 'looks.' rivovels, tialsoca Dii',
and everything procured to the best advantage. 1 yrestwardly by ;lot of Shellac: Cochran, tiorth. . ' ,
•This ht comprises the products of the : s qeat. all 3. , Ttntit FllaA, Gut and other , Snoods. Antdrial IXlit.
Soliciting a couthanance of the very litteral_pa- wardly by a ten," feet wide alley, and "southafirdtv
-- • tees of both the American and Eumpein cokttnents ; conion Grass Lines, so to and Plaited wits- Li 1.04,
nonage heretofore - bestowed on our house, - by Market Street aforesaid. and together sant two I and Is receiving constant additions by an eitensive i Lay out Lines, Hoe* will; float and sleets Walt,
Very Respectfully. 1 atijoigiagtwo atOry risque - dwelling houses Madam puldleatOn uf tne, choke led popular Places of the ima sums. Trout .:1 ,1 Trout,* Ralf, unno . lc 4 ev ) * •
T 1101111.9 TUOMPSON, 'ln front on Market Street folly feet and to l ie r pth . day . Dealers In Music, an 4 Teachers of asnainarics 'ri 1 s t Net Dulcimer end Pl3rin WiptiNhalten
i , I e nes, r , s,
--Aptlll3, 1851 March 14 *34 11.3 ail ,13• If 'kitty feet as aforesaid, ant) the lots sad li s Ishins to passivist lay mask pueltshrd t ,or malut and stoop, Malec Twins., 0 11.1.1\G TWINLI`,4trI-
AltLt.:3l OIL, arliniellit , And mall.
peeps of ground and mmulagasi appal• i arrangeftionis for contlnued,sopidies or Mr,. Waters' 1 ViD.B LI
•tt ten on t o sa id h ol idi cir o, as t b s probe " 'mess Wean, ball find tt to tbstr interest to tall Or 1 , . uor.(JE w.,tiocuEttaErt, Imparter.
of SA.SILTEL 111. AtrILLS, 0 rk- ' forward their ardent, .litnslcsent to any pin or the No sott o : 7 w Third Attest • west side, aerosol door
•"' Ratan or Canada*, postage Dee. below Ant ()latherr) Otreei,and nest - door: tu,
ALSO; All that certain lot or pasise of . .'HOSIA.C2 WATERS. , the dt. Charles IlJtel, Plinadephia. ._ -• ,
paugd h ,lltUillp la AO Borough oi Fan Cirbott Atm e, 1134 /4.1 m April if. 1314 •• cas_ 'l3.lnt ''.,.
. .
1101( %mit .
" .1110und ;, In t; In, lat.'.
" Flue.
C T. I:
April 13, ISM
' I . IE XLi Gil r..•l;:tt:N
April 1,1854
Qgiala °nasals ; 01111111.-4ast tacitived
and for nib by Os 111;i ot itit_quattly, by
..aptil 16 1 13 . ,54
141*- •
' • ir sind Vir© 4 ;re copy rof Jr;
fl 1 /0•41 and *,oi lafoly inresfed is &tads...n.l
3./Aloripteo, and of tier por.4 av f ol Jan. 1.1.3111,
$380,127 73.
iFyraEN...R4 El PCII4Dt.I.YIII4; "!
IAr; . SOII , . Rt11.3t1..1/. /ICC:Moan "4., 1 . ;•/... ..f. lipzet7.clic SCo.,
Jr.lln 511.f0t0 4. ''u, ". .
'11 , 4....c0tt J.... Ilallov,t;t, ,
Vt l 3*- r.t4!.e, tr.:,4 ; fisisiee ,, : 'Af;:rioi B.Ote
iniabtf liii.ira.nte by l'analt, n .111 ( 041, 1 , , if
rise Insurance on ..ttlnrcinsuilitn
unure 3rulltiorn fj,idae ni fair and reir , can tuts.
anises Or etTncteCt with this enrnp.. - 4,
•ritrowniy 1414 in
. 2 CADY IitILLIST ER. Pri , ii.:ent.
ilLsofar, r4.,•y
Ali:llv,!clay lip :m Ol
e Ctiill
ra Eft ,
'ty . ..s - zAt •
, . • Atiffieitzid Capital ,i4:qe,,,. ii. • , - , , i
..., ,
11)aice 1 4 :‘11, IN 111 • A i...% Il ' ,irtlt:.'l,.;:ri.•?!.!, ti,,,,i 2 ,,,,
Firiiitli SUcclic, Ytiii.i.ici:iiiin. f
Th,.., C.,tnnlntil, .., , tits 4 4 :.It V.lO 1 4: pl.,f iv, coin.
iiri.iii ii 1 il ine iiiiiiiial prviciple iil Ile it ' , lie! iiir *nJ,
Itca hit liell,ifu.set . q. f.,, iii,...‘:.. Ili! Ai,. I e I ` . li, p.if• I li•
,frrAtl3, - „ With parti , ip-IttOU !rt 00 prnyi, iCe! WI:II•
1 04t ti4Wiily•for I+ ,- ;s.!i. - ..
Tile COMO:WV Will Woe n ,!it-i,. as t lie ritFi
I>f priktuium., I,Sia!" , t,.. A
. 1.1.K1 NI:. VD:F. ' ‘ .. At IN
-1 LAS D. DIAS. .
I - Dr. D. I t utircir. . sVii,. I. 1.ii, , ,1, ,
i I.ewii. Audettlicil, J.i, t i.ii Zit i'xiii*i.i.
1 Pcter SletiOr, r i. ' johip E.' A.lili, ii...... ,
I(urge f. ryi r .,- , 11., ry t ..”.ratf.
timirarl 11, Unmet:llo, 11. 11“1 ,,,,,, i. - ;'•
Darin Ire%raon, • Saiiiii.-.1 C't,..itier..•
i' - - - • L* t) 1.1"TM:1, loci- , idolt.
{ ' %Via . l:...7.eciiw:c, Vice Proldeni. . ;
- , lVq. to.!.DEAN.S.iciiiinCy.
i. '4,, a r 14:11.11i. D. LUTHER. tree 1.... n mrpaintett
ALX , TIt for;tLe atiiovel!cifilplii). it, Sci,ti}li.iilyoiliiiy,
1° " 1 "‘" 0."1. , 114 dt , irttv4 lu-tirsol, kart ;1,-14}.
April 6.1i:44. , - l 4 lly
) . 1111;4410 Life llosurante. •
S C r :ti .
POTTSI7I,LE, l'.l-•
CAN . ; A C. 11 . 00 . 0,4 •7-UId.IITCT: I'ERPAUA
q‘lllB 0(13PANY.01111.44,1 by lb.. bre of
1 Pedro., Itanlai'arOn 011;• fibn.tred
Thatifabd Donate, I. fiClV'AT.U.rd'tl- 4 .11.4
. 11, c Company to Are.n:tx , d to ieceqve
billy( pro;rrly m Tru , T, and alicAs tutr!re.t cfl att
ionrOt , s 41. , .p0rs truFz, at the ra . ta vet
t.nt Per aiii:l3l4l ; tiFt",,..
I dennutl,
rand of l'irc.iutin on Lifo .1n nro 11,
p rime arran;nl.l inppi 1,4 ti,br.i,7.; yr. C9::47lny,
Centre till ort, Pott!vitle, Ciree tours ,0114 . 11 no'
• I Aro3 Jr.;h
3MIN 11. 41101. rick'y. at.f Treamlltr.
Anrll I,
A. E. SiilNEFlk‘grult.
I.luti . ).
. .
&huelkAll County. bounded on rbo 'rorfa by lot
sold In l'hornaigalony, en the Ebe Coal atreet.
01 tl.e South by a twenty feet w
. alley, and on
al ,
tne wes t be a fire feet wide al. y 'eantaudng to
hoot or w:zith 43011C0al greet 30 feet„ tune or. less.
:AM eN.teachng of the Natne width 90 tent in the rive
1 ..,,. 1 ,,•1 ey a j ore , a ,i, with the appurtenance...ollmA- I
1 :011
or *lll3r, one stars' frame iLlutteltlng hare, ~
e , t h e property of THOMAS: EVAN
ALSO. Au - Ono yortam one cf. - 4y Unginelloto,,,,l
`tv"b a -torte l!oi'er Ilet,p,e 'hereunto . :atlaeholl. 44-,
11 . , eal a pl"aortnown by Cat Matte of N 0:.; ., 1t0, , t00.
:it n) , .! Too:it-hp of :tlahOtlOV ItOtta r o - riY Ril")'” County. Said Engine tb,tp , e 0 , forty
note feet It terty.tive oath 4 het . leer. and abe'u t
tw e °l l: - c"'e lent ht.%11 ; atotett•loll4 al'-oat 110,1er
liou.e2r;l feet by 411 1 tern, and 51):5511 I I; fret high,
and the•lot Or pine of grioatia and coif ilige appar. -
ve, ' te . f ll7 l l l' \i '" , i , lt 11 3•114 , . t! . . , ;!!ite property , • .
...V.) BATTI. , it'S
i:• kin (41 ,
ni...:N . N t r k,,nt.. , .. , 14,E v 1a,,,...NN1E1 . . t,
~ i •
lint v I 1 ;'\ ''(AN. ' By ;he Arabia, wehare Liverpooldatei i 4
it II J. ii. Mil•L'S. J. Al. PORBE:` Anti
WARREN DEL.ANo. oato?to. &t• . the 15th• ' • •
:ma w,;l•Am DetlV.l.:l.. cuotrzozur \c:l •
A1.;3 4 ). Al; that perm!' Partta.i,r qaer7,l,,ter,,l. . Thl• Spn nish 11 ,;vernment has promptly
f.tioate to truth Mettiiroth ToWii , li,la. i•thAt,.0.11,„ 4 :. t wade ret.annitc.n ft:r the late Bieck Warrior
.cq,,,,,y bo,,,,aed of John rig-elm:I. ..I , :\ • • -
1 .1.• ho th.wa!?, z.'sthrtel Reif'at.,l Jai,4sl, Leo zel.-• on'.t ag ( ' at 113Vatatta• .
* t.e4ffluteg• 1. , . acres or 'lle r culk.ol.. iti• - fiti tile amitir• ' NattilaZ Of importance - front the , ;(eat of,
'come-1, coo-otoai; of A one. tita Our ita:f Mort • .„,. ,
Log UtWel,og Ifoto.t. not n 1.,,i , sndo... ;,... th,• 1 .. 11 '17. - no iigntinq yet either by. sea 4)r 11 , 11.11)i
1-' , “P ,-, :lv (4 CIIRISTOPIiER !...I.:NNIN , iII.INI i Advtee'• from Odra. to April tth, mate
1 A L.:4i. Ali the rtFill, bile unit atieto. , t ...t :.:.• that Oolir l'acha hail re& . .iretl , intrucituni.
I chat.; tvlurphy, ..t in and la alt tho-e eertaul lot. o: ,
I peeve.. 01 ground .otttate :0 tho ltoroq,lt or Po::-. Rom l'uo,tatttitinpie to underta k e t.:O impord
ville . :..... , ehey!kill Contov, hounded at sent by- On. taut oPerattoni until the arrital of the allied
Ire :•:treei, Olt l',Je. rear I,a - a twenty feet \Yak. Otte!,
en The Noitil hy VII Opel lV ~.1 Dr E Ehierhe.ser. on turots, . ' ‘.,..
the'.• : outh by other ptoperty et Mitaiit,l Merpay, It is reported • I . .
that t le .I,a - uttan exiitdition
- eonaeleing re wool -1U feet, and In devil' I . :.0 •frei.
With thO,tiliptltlefttatee., oollqotltg, Ili two Ihter to Japan, itad succeeded in opening the ports
stoi.v .13rail: Dttelt..4 Hones., with "tore ~roota. of that Empire. .
; on the iir.t floor..stone loternent4, woh ancestor) .
( •ealr bet,•tr lottltr•pg* therein attached. 11. , !hit property ot Cuttun antl lirlstul * wt-re adrauciug In
1 ".11CIIAEL Air IC:Plir. ' • :. the litp , markets. , . ~•
A t.:' , o, All that vertarn, lot or mere of •-•77.0tua1,
• •ittlaie . to the Tuivu of Tremont.
.!.*'§',e, ' :•• , oinlyil.,,ii , Cottln . . b-minted on th , - . '- •
1 i ll •f o il e y. N- art h b y a ~,,,,p; 1 ,,, "•,:d t . ; th e y, ~i, • 7- 2 - ",„ . , 1 . P.• , 1 .Mr- , X;Gu.—lly the staanhdrip
to • the En-/ tic ivl of Levi r."kert ( " l . ' - ' 5 Tesa , , we hare dater front the city of 111:::it••
.....1. 1
the Sotilft by Maal i3iieekitoti
. en the
i W;47 iOl 01 FtYthrrlkr 21-0 Mlller. Ctlltt.lllll3llt 0 . 0 . 1,1 the l'i,',ll /dirt?,,
. . .
ill tv• , ;;;; -11 . , 1 . - e; .i. l 10 dePtAg 110 teet;;Woh the 0 P - Santa Anna I'S reported to have been re
por•ta,atee., t!c0p.1 , 1,0; at a one anal a hull .tot ~ .y • a fi res
• tortou .
• int• rogat;entent with , Alv,h
-.... ;ram, ,i,,,,,,,,,1„2. h 0 „„,,.,, i 1 .2 , 1 a
,one +1., . Fmro i •
4:oelwa a oact.ed. :1- t:te roper!, of JOSErII ! r ,- / ,, , ~
'. 1111QWER; . . 1 • .
'e i ,
.. .ALsO. AP, flail ~ : ,:rta:u i'ot .'.rpincerr ,ecet Of gr:Oluid, F its-on e dr = were hiteir taken, uo,
..;fu3te .a the lloron4lCor l'oi t cathoal Seutl!Alli , board' the Echuouer Arata-, near Safi 1310.,
Lotto y. Lattadetl on the North by.l'oA , l :-. , ry,:. on : lauding
• t he f. a .t te, , t o t . of J o h n („",c,,,,,t,,,, 11 ,, s a „ itt , 1,, ~ f.i,r wit . 7.14: atnowl whom
`;" feet otter. an 11, e Wes' 1 ') . lot Of i )1 io•el ]incite.: were :4,1 Native Arnerican;, 1? ath , pti:d chit.
1 rota wog, ot w:.lib . .:t; :eel's ,4, he, hod to as.ptl, • •- , hi , ,• ,‘
110 :eel, watt ilas Ariptlllell,llet,. t •o*,,i il iT of it "ens an d - f-ug•l` .l . .• -
, _.
i :me ti.,d- a hall s'ot y !tante 4 I. ttt-s w i th a ! ..._
train.- .11,1,4mo:heti. a.l . the property of A 151111:R t
' .
t MONIE. , ,
.1. r 'CONeatINSIONAL. ' '
1 . -
A(.l - ..ft, Ali that eortiitti 101 or ptect;',ll otiottutt. '.
satiate to the Ilurou'rh . of Potkrut:,..! r3,•!,,, r it.„1! : ", P-ci Bo INOIC [Pack a terrific ouvlaug lit
VollolY• I,o "bdtql oo the N'ottlt I• 601 0 i I'vle ,: l' ,l ' . upon the Nebra,ka-tfe,,, to ;11te noose on
ton. of the I.:a-t by to: of . .folin . 1-loligh,on, ritYthe 1 • . -
..,, youth by p 6,, A i1,..v. and - nit the \‘',.. l i Tuesday. Ms spree,' thictlghout Was bound,
_,., ..,
by r.::,oothl :Stre,rt. ,ontahnng• 11l Wlti , h'i but :'err' -evert..
•io - *!.. , • ..:...; !eet . and fit depth,
,il:U" teit't ittOte or t ~t 'a
11111EA ,
II 11l
l li
r •
le•••-, with the upp t ut e ri tn o., ii , th e I . Tile 0t),v44. •,,, Longre..., geuerqlly RN
property -01 13n11113ET DONELL Y. ! .. )/rit tly ,tuntoed 11) in . flue loHowiog rtb.itra , :t
aantinktrator or Jenne. Dourly. tlerou4k4
. 5 c .., 1 ,j, la k eti in exe mnipn; nod w, l l b e , o , d t ,. I of a sp&elt by Mr. Taylor. o! Ohio, tau Wed
horE,,l.-sAr7l.s. stterva 'in day ' '`-
; es • 4, • .
Seeriii - -. tVi,.4....1.'c0i.v;':e. ) .. l .. ~.
also ..: 2 . , is i i , • I : . I,l_ l , i .' 1 ucteatl 01 prOgfe. , lll:: Willi the bustutt....
' Ut flee counllN ; the I.aikl'i 11 Cungteas ate
tt,..1 by tie N thralls.'
. 6111.A...11h:11 was not ba
tr,4ll9,:d 14 the Whig party, but by the Ad•
thitti!..liatik.u, ii, rtiitiere its tallitn krtuises.--:
In peon 4 , 111,1, he refeir4tl to tile leVititurtii.
(06' r / 11,7/, Mill to the tullIttl:: of :ter. NIWAI
of Virginal. that be bettered it to be au Ad•
rotniNtration tnettAte, bud that all good Dent
oerat . tv,,dthl ..tipp , .rt is. it you, he Laid, re•
peal ttto Mt , .S.ittl t 1 .5 , .111i , (t'111t,e, y.,tt Wdl tbet
a precedent by w !oat a,!I Lther coo prom i-,,,
51.01 be r.yealed, ati.l thollll'llous leaye •,uelollll'llo. , .
•,;;,-) euttivrieal iliaj, 'JR% , ; rut lc, the patrto;•,ll4
'nod tread ,tlpei ia the e.itiott lie ma t i 1, 1
t:lillttling tt'a, t h e e opptotiti•er ••f 16:0, lid
- believed the hin %Yid tu.rcr--11ck1ottiu lilaw
Walt iii,re;lettling the Ths , .ollii , ,Oure•
promise lii IC' .
,Is what nieuiheri are per:lsPlmg thor
. 5....;1,1 day; of In:- people's Ca 41,L,r. . ' '
Pt "ItSl. • .tN : l.' to CI tlel.i'ee CI hie Orphaa..' Court !
01-..`.zettuy;kalCounty. Proin-ytounfii. untie nn
tne Twent. t e.4l;ti. day' ..1 I'i:if, the tlinte t •
ityrtred, .Qar•thul;. t ; ;.rartlntir of Lama
V a l!, a inaJor .•Inni 0; I.t-eplt no. Vuie;ow! V ..•1;
;ate . ot 1ia.d..41.x.:n,:i; doot.a ,
to br,1,111.1,*1. nhtr, told . 1
CIV 11 ' )1 "Yt• I S ; "•, a i kv ''• • ;
a; ti..• afteltia.4l at 111.. ,
Irengtor, Innkeeper in ;
•*;ol;jity, aforet•an.l;,,Ore undivided ilnete,t of
-aid 'haunt V;•1, u tumor.. Wtollel, et ma:
L., one etiint.l onthyttlA.l Iv.etgv•iatitta putt
mole t•ertaat
Ttuct... or Lund, to Wit pall ot
:and- 11. e s. TWiinty•lo.r.Tiaiit
Itt .. t •h r . tt tortle t n ; The Count.: ea; ti e . . j
I'at.a t ;
llves lark:lard ;0 one 11.eL1t..1 t••" 0.10; stivin.
lweat . ...V., u l Letiet• Vait . tg,
tt e . • s Sll;* . irtiiibilliarrWClllJeill any:rot iq tt rt'n,
col• it. l'atont Nap L! I tPtil 1 , and ,
wo,o 1., flte e,l I:..rlantd. S'o.lei01(0111, Iced
; dotedl talt • e.'otal de', ,1 11V:1;ft•
\: , •11!, , 1G1!.1 . f.i1,151 , ,C. 1 6111%. 111 Deed boot.
' LVL. , taot.
Jame- ttt op,: ;a iIOo-qttel.Jo/0i Boo•ysse;
a a d I le„r, Oicir Ildirt. and :1•••• I
0.11ei.Z.111'.• ..1 eo Miner and not ii joint tell•
and Cie 1...11 -Made. ilk .11.L)knot. 10 wn.1,,p, I
NorltOilliber;Ltila I '..11i111; Notitiffin• I
-11." It..;ii lu r, 100 .1.1.1
and , tlflrrti oil. Walt/II:Le
giwiff.`,l hl tie ulat vv;i
; non n• 'are - tt.h. to the orllolaltry' thereof, ,
Pet live.; , int ,fodovv, to wit —John
• wars tat'd attnnt . .aitt-e; John 444 acte• and al l
} IL/W:llWe. Mary. liar, tiefe, and
l'eter Dar •Ithlante- end alttovanee; l.til;e Dar.
„r e , aad ;!tree litiazier, a u ,! ; tt•nil,b
; 414- aete•
J.tha tti:.2 L a d a Jail
and u'..utvanot• Ilegtat, I.Ae- and
pia; In.' and tilloWahre. Volte. 'C.v.-VIVI ;
Luke lio le..ti; mod a 'l, ti tj
.incl:ttihrWater .11 , i;;ZIO I' 4 o tales ullol i
ut,tl Roberl• haat. [Y.:3
and 11110'A attar; re,:folitl I
a varlet: and ; 1.1V , 1..1
ttnd at. hull and adowatlre Hole'rt• Shrove. :;ht,
a Tr i a l, , A 14,11 ziolk,
I ':l3 ae.e- and to ot%anett . ol..t.trt
Ira.' inner •:‘ and a;;00eato e ;
ral uerelt-and u .1.1 a; Icy ...fa' , 1.1.•
ILen-, 151,11c...1.- tao.l a .loaner and itflowallce-. J 0...
jjesl,..e:. ~I 5 “,••cs and Iljee 0411 ter- at .1 allov."
:mat; Jana ..\letnii.itht, :17 nad nartvante.
4ere1t ,,,, .:t JUt4.OII, ;ivies and ntitmittik:e; anti'
(Di:Amy 1- , intin. 4i I acre-,oral a gunner- And Lt.:ow
-1 ; the win':.', Nine 'I Lill
I 'acid liundrt d and Twenty:nine and
uvre, atm' allow:ince. The t.tde I, Ile kr. the !,-.2
pr Ire :hat 'nit be I t ,,d for a t e anti kir Ct.h in
flail at the conttrinailon of the e
• W11...L1,11
n Apil!!!2,l-,.1
" - decree of I - 1.),T411 . 11- . ("•) , It
p1:c.....,'-';k.:c,,:,:r„t1..:.v.,fficr,,.pt..,„.....1,..,.,;i .-„:„.4.....„,
,it„ itt.s.nol, , Oginn.tinv Lt Altireh, it•JI. the iihdel •
•e4.'ht 4. Ns' i.thun 11 44041. d., 1 itinr,Lall pt 1..,, , ;1e . 7.31 r, 1,471;w— A .c.,,, , ,1„L.,b4,...,-•lz £i )faint
- T - .i, 11 114:11..r l'l/Oli 10( .10..rp:wit • rto:t,itte.: V , s . i„ .
:tsly ,:f. .I'.ortlcllltX• AI 1 •' 141 , . ,- ,E1 . ' ,• 041. 41 . e 1 41. Wit: rape-,• r '' i!: 1 "." , 4 `'t - ' ail , 4 . , 4.. , “.. , t , CA PI:, i AI, ,
If., -44, IP: f);Itt,IL, VC.11 , 411! alai Wi',l ~1.11 0:1 Till 1:."‘• . ''..•." r ' "
"' '.' ' I. ' . •"' 7 . 4 4.'1 11..4, ''''' " 4 ' 4 ' 'r
,1.).,V1'. .11,./ t \;enty•lilli cloy -,./1•\l115-: /!".:,I, a; ','; II :::,: 1 ,',;"„:,; ; : . ,:::,.:,,:; 1 :,..''r": 1 ,:` "' . l 'l',':
o:cigeli it lilt: Li1:e1110011.411. !fit: Ii.:11-c of 111111,..e. 4, ,1,,,,, „,,,,: a!,,,, , ,1
I, 441.1 0,, ;,,,,,,,,,,: i; ;i t ,: it .,;
i,10,,, , ,' • 4:. -- h, Harr.'' ni:reper. Harr.'' 'I o ~
wt,•,p, :-_••,%[„,‘,:•. ~,,,.,,1 . , ~,, ~ , ~t .::.y ..,' .',...) 1.,.. 4. ;t,0.. v0c,,,, 1 4
1 ;4 1 C' ,1,1, 0. ,- ; , ! 0 r ,...',1 0 4 ifitere.l'ol the • 4 11ra'''.. ,1, 01 Ile- 1 , -.0 • " , .1., ~ 2 1,4.21...4. 5,114.11 y .
~ , 411111, : ei..1!, . . '...1e!. ll,111!112r. All:Itt-V1./' tite : 4 41111e.1,111y • ' 4 ' ,4i ''' J , ) , 4.0 , .. ~ ' 1, ,. ., ,,,, 0" ”iili u, All 0, , t/..,.
b e . :), , tis4l eil k-vtii untfiv,,l,..,Y I•••vt•nty•l,,u, Ili prt L i P 144 "'1l 't""l'r• " 4 4' " ' -", ;o'4 44 1 , . • 44.4 •4.41:.'14, ,
...I . -1, ire ' : Illul .44,. .c- - I . TWV111(1,11V, Cel . lrOl4 ' t u , " ,1:;, "' .1 .. . ' , " . " 1 " :, ‘ , 1 ,. 1 ; 1' , ' ,., : . . '''.
4 1n 1 ,... ....."''''''';.'
th ',and, lii \v,l :—lu t, ', )11,1 Vali 'Oll 4 , lilt f 101,1... ''
...,,,,.; , • ~; ~,,. ;„,„' i r ,,
. 1 ,.." ; '"' 6 "' ,"',.'....',''', . I, ', t '
,A ll l,, ta vvd•tvilltill rti,. s•a;k 4 . TW.II/y•ifte 11411..1.. ' :;,ii ~,,l i at.,,.1,,, a .. ''.
' '''''.
' ' '''' '''' ':
4441414•!: I. ..ttu,A! ;ri 11,e. county of r ,, ..in0,:1;,,, -- Air. V.
~..,r.• 111.1101 ..1 111•,11,!i4,41 t 4.4,4 ce:',:3,4. 4,
hull;T.Welliyil4 4,4 , e 1411.11 Ittirk of land, tvlitol:l , ol4 , ' 4 , 1 ' , All' ... 4 441.;444 4 V 4 ' , •., L'''' o•• '+'.''''',•,. 111,'11 .
4 Wl: 4 le - relte 1 111:d :1 4 our. 1:1 , 1”41 , 1 StAfer...lro;-0, 1,,, 14'1101 0 I:. ....1e.., 1 4 ....,,... .. 1.4. a. I .. 0.,c) .11.0 t •
T wen t -iire.,evrf,l 4 , Leary- ralit'llt: theca rr;41,01.-
(burr d''' 44 • 4 '' " 4 ' 4 ,4;` 4 " 4.: '44 44 ' , •
~.,4. ,14411.., 4','
4.V 1- 1\ 1 ile ilmeicytnis ural I weNt...o, dal ,yl :4,14wi1, , i 14 , 4 ; ; 4 ; 4 ; ', ;; ', ; ' . ; g ; " ‘ : i ;; ; ',:;', 4. ::::i . ; ; ;.' i " . .:;" 4 ; ', 4 4 " ;; •:, c ;;;_, 44 .,,"," 1 "?"'
.1'..•45, ehro.l,l nt• rUlelll 1.4401: .4 . No.. '4ll - and '.l, ).,,,,, p 1,., 2 . 41 ,:it,e; 1.,,, :,/, 1 : 1 4;:,, e ''..,,, :v. ;,:,.,. tt.:',, u ,. 4 ,; . ;',
utttl 41'i-:t44 by Olt 4 0 4 d 11,01 "; d n't)de"ll(4l4!, I'n'deed a:ta , 1 1, :n tittuf-dt..41.' , - , 1. :5.,,,,,1,4.,11 :u Ulu .',littaii
&Iva f iii; I Y.l.stly-,e4442111) 1.1.1 y 401 Ala 4! . I 7;..13. ie. br..,,,,iy, of 1.,,,,, -: 1 .4.d' ~,,,,,l.laJi alit:OW..1111,1
' Ol4l, ..,,
41 ::i r16111111,er;:oof 1 • .•11:02 • :,, 411 Deed J;001 4 ' 111, the 1:0-, k ..n') I
.4 . 4 I. ' 4 ,, , •4. 4- .T11 . 112 el, (irriliari
14. 4 .1444: - ..", &7 1 4 • ., gl4,ll:ed :41,41 e ,,ny,..y e d 1 ,„,,, l• 'Awl 1,.tt,, ,, , ,, v,,,, 1., 44..41,111. .
J. 1111,. („lii,er. Atigustm limp:A.4er: .101011:00-•rwt ' i
..., 1 1. , ' "'.1 1 '"'" , .., ''' , ',; . 'i' , " . `" '', ..':,/';‘ , "1. , -* .1. lolve
1 6,40
""d i''''''Y I '''', l)l2 l' a ''''''''`A',"' e F lle ' C ', " 4 ''' l 1i:% ',. .1 .: : ‘ t l 4 ; i : ' , " • ' ;,;; ' , I.: 31, : i', , ,, 1 ;';. " ;:,1 . N . 1 . .... ' cun i 1::,:.: ° ‘14 ., : 1 0 i i . .. 1
4.;g1:..., :1 . 4 le1::::114 1:11.1,1111114,1/ /11111 Clot 11 . .4.)411,11 len- 1:1,-,r , ,,4:: I, ... 1-4,, 'ffl.),' I. • ,,, 4 ,•, lit I.oe 0!-- , 1 , 0 .1 : 1 . 1 ?.;4
illll^, detl were then Attliute ,I: 4 ,4 111141:1111. , y:roW11.41111, I, 1,04:11JS • -4' 11 4 0 ' 1, " ,4 4 4 " eLai••• 111 141 1 " , 0 1 Me
Nortimmilnft.lit,,,l ;enmity. noiv•partlV in Northurn. • Boni j,):,Erit .) '.1.1:Wi4, i'l•ltdetti..
iwr:Lanl Cout,ty ii,,A pArtly in :7',;l:l4ll"iii COUO IV, 1 / 4 ' 1 ' .... • ''''''''• O.' ''' r''' 0 ' 4 ., ' 4 ' 4, :0 1 y • ' - • ~.
1 • •
l'enti.:±.lvan,a, btbd 'were ,Iltve.)e:l .ort':wtirrunt , i '''''''' '' ''''''''''' " ' I. ' l. '"'" ) ..:'' 1.42 t.
. •
utatavd Iv Utz! folk/Wu:lg tinturd per,,,,,,., ;m i l d ion . , i . ~,,,,,„ ),
~ ~ ~,,,,,,,,,, j " , ' ..
tam aroncting to the oilielal Peirvey tr;ereor. re - 1,,„ r • ,,, , /, ..f ~..A. , .. {WIWI.. taLli. f L., ,:r44,:., % 1; ), g, " ;::::,:: ' , 4 :
• 9 .l'] -.! Y • ,” l,.'dowt' ''' Wit--John Par, :':1 t ! 1Vr.14" ~42'4 .44 ~1 .'cep ~ t 3.' - 1}'.4.1,1 NI vc . n.t.nt• 1.12 t ,,.
u,e cant L,'•! , ..,l.rnnee . -.1.,1,4 1.), , J, Al I nerce, inn! i 1 1 01, ~,,,v,,,,,h• 1 1,,, 1./44444411 0 14 It, refeltaite to 11.0
.0;10v...0h< :404 y D J ,. :45.! arm, 14114 :11::::withee. ( ' r . • 1 0per,'..1 Ito . 54114,:,1 41,14,,,,,,,,,,, ,f 1 1,,,,,,,,,,,,.
l er 1).,,, .itn, uere, , ;null a 24 1 0 44111 4411-;f,,,,lir‘ I hir. ::•Ir, ' tell "fli""' C'' v '"'" , ' lll . 44 '' 1 ' "''''', Ye., 1114}' t" ' o .' 4
, 1 7. , , r „ e .al l l,.ty
o h
.. r . e p.,
u e ~,..; , ::f r
o ie r, r
0 . •..
n. , : : :
, a ,, ,
7 :1 ', 1 7,: 0 2
4 1 . 1.. 1 :1 ,
} ; ;., - 7 4 . :r
. 1
; o :, h . ' 'Th ';'H ~ 3 , ". ~ '..' ,L,"
~ ~I i l , I rT A i'
~%l'i I'. ~,,,,. ii ..„ i,
.6 Si"
aelt.sund allowqnce; lt - i4illo I I moon lri ntre• ....,,-. . *.f ' . : 1 4 ,..., 1 .T, . ; 1 ; j. " ) " Th.. 11 I ' t ' in ' t " a " 1 " 1.14
, and I.ol.warice ; Yolla 1 10 2 , : i ...104 ~,,,,.., ~,W ~, 1 ,,,•f i ' '', -I ''''' , ~4. ''
.:111111*.% ._..1
' aiv.1:';:,:vv..11 , ..c, 1,411:0 111. 4411. Ilk', ;i t, e, oaf 4 1 , 1 14 e, ;
tel ell,l aN.,vvvince; 11...An.f:1 ; II Will. ..11 I dere•ith.l '
isti‘.o..itte...e ,!„ ,, , 40; am) abit!! dele• - r.1.11 : ATC.FI ES .
1 .11-, , :tv„„ce: 15'115'15'1 , 1,11. ~..„.: •, .0 4, fro ~.. a W
n,l three I . J . &,, •
I gltart,,..• .111 n.1,Ava,,,,, . 1L,4,1 t 1.42,11, '':.l.;l' a ,. r ,., 1
1 bud J.4 ! ..1.fi110e. J11)1:1 Z.1 . 11.:11. 4111 4ell. 4 01 ,1 u . -.
, 01. m
1 1111'111,J allOW:lio , ', 1.114..' : 4 111;14, 41,-, aerp. üb d ~, ,
! 11:411 midti4l,•4vl,ll.;c ; 1 , ,,,t,;•,, I ;. , 111 ,A,... :',`, 2t.te.4 vital : Pea . /.1•4.41 tr•tteltlasti...r,,, t Ite.sit, - to Iratt:ot;
tts ,In.n Yr •ti , .l be..., , . , ..u,, , ,•, A b,r,:t.l zini,th;:l,l7 nort.• ' J:i../ry 4,.. „I 2 4'1 Hr.! Stand, tr. doers
and w
u'iomice ; 11 , 1 , 11T10, : . •;' ,7 . Im•re• uric) three ; above ti, , .414,1. , t ' 1 /-u tti . L.% t , tris :SO I'4 ,I } lnli .
' v11,.'1,14. :ma :41..441144. , ,• 14111. r. 1 11 1...11er, 4:1".0 pyres v'ii/r. .
1014 a yterier ./1:4 4.'..W110 , :e; Ziilillii Liik 4 ; ll +, 45). D 1..., , , ri: I Ll.' tr,vnr• , ne attontion 118 144 Pill,
aere.,,,m.111 1 1 .,a, ter hed uhowance; r14:111'.111111ml, :
.i e'
.1 11 "- 1'...b . " 1 '," th
" a t ''''''''' ' '' '''' 4l k n ."." 111. 1("""id
315140./.4..0411:1 41ilev iiiirier, Una ai:OW:1000 ; )01“ : ^IIV.r. .11 , •Is 1 s.e'r et, lro: , 1.." •Inr• h oe 6. IIT MOII.
! "..1.h..„ 1:111;, ; 7 • lore- „,,,1 ~,11 0wu„ ,., 3 ,,, ni i vi , in ,, k. Ilorrx,;;. t
n a ~ 1..1101 , : i . ! ....4 I.'..A:ft 4 . 1 1 , 4 1 41 ea. Inty•twed ar..l
I ion: :::o: 41 , '1 e, 4'441 alluWanev , ; 'o4ld''Atary. Sicitli, 4 ,,, a ;,,V.:.; ' :• i ff" . re:.. r.... , / ( 4;4 1'4. . ..'; ' l ' . ' i l . ' .:• "' l . ::: 4 4 4l'l f.',a b r
! I; I ~..,...' s 4 ,,4 ~ 4 , ,urter 2111 1a1'uwn,,, , , , , .111,1 eon . , 11 ,,, t ..,„ „. 4.,',1,14411:14, I 4 . .• , 14.1: 4 1, a... 4 Yen 144400,
14 1 4::: 1 '.2 ..1 '1 11 4,' W1 ,0.1 e, Nal .— Thott ,- a1 4,1 1:411 , 1 /11.01. I 0t.1.••1 :or I/ ea 1'114. 4 ,1 vel 0.1.404.'1.1 ~t 'O%. ar...1 Voile;
.; died ~,..1 . 1:e: 'llly 11111. llfid A 10111'1u:0.e:0411 nto'4.••• ' Kll''''''''• e•l''' 3 ar t : s(.
l ' n ' ..l "'' W "'''. '''''''''''• l ''" 1 ”
i vi.'.'. '• T1. ,- -t• I. he 10r the 1e....4 1 ,,,e,, ;tilt (I , '.- VIIPI: ..401 14 per ,14r 1 0: '41:1 •' 4i . .1, rISIIVII L tOsIMIII.
1 ,
Li, i, ~4 lot 111 ,
.„ anit ., 4111 d 1111 1 . 4 , 4 , 2 ,.., hi. , 1 , ,3 , ,i qt (.:v,...• .11,1 I 4.01 ilt . .Art 4., I 1,,e 4 •.:14441), V :4401 014 44 . .11
' .' tJr 1 4 1,11,01. tr. C..%
:14, 1,11111114111 , 41 01 the 1.414... ' . . I Al: I'r:ea stock , 1 •141 ev, - elre.l an :l np44.4; at lb,
!WILIAM.' IL NIXI:SIIALI., . .' OW , 'l-“ , ... 4 [ 1 . 1 Now 61 `,,'" — " .21 0r0 11, " 1 o1 1 :1 111 :4 0 1
4; ,,,,,, h ,,. ' ~t; A ,,,„1., ~1 I'l°4l 401 r '1ver
WAc : . ev, ( o ,e . e
e . .
m '
D 441 ' ler. e l f) w1111:e141(1114y attosthd 1 ,,
I Li?' 10,1 1Agr1,7240 4.:41d 14 - /4 e I lltVC
1141,1,Cetttte Street. l':)1 , evi 1 ll1...
11erF.H1 .1. rt.1.:611
Par.. / - Apt '2-2; 7)4
:'-7--- . . . ..
.. • .' steurrzu z. l / 4 . uaI4LY. .
. I ellEAP.•(VA11:111::: , it.ND J Ell'ELlt 1 ,
rili.r. !itihserther respectfully. 1.014 the atier.tton (.r ;
, ix r 7 IIOLL, 41 .11.1: an I ltetall, at Jai, .. i'hll34elpliti
I the ustptic: - .1 puhlie grillers:ly tu hot Itctli 01 SU. t V - V vtr, ttt „ tt , t , I t .„ . t .t r y tit.a,.." t\ta.l , l:,:gt•llll es,:
i,P"fi"il.ol.ll,l , l.%tritttit.itts (tout 6 11/ . '...- r
•. unit Btvee_Oor net ill I4uarryi Pl. 11, • , "ll .1 1 . ", . • '
.: ' 1 1'"49 " ""4 ",' " ' h. ' "'' 4... " Z 4 - 4. !"- 1 - . 4Pkr: fiuhl IsYvit'ESSlittrlies,lullje,T.:,Pieal3,lutte.,2i t 3
~,r fltattiter, aviii st u:t. - 4hteietu 'every : 2; ' . 1 ‘4 . 11 , ,, ... r y
1. , t, .. ,r,
r !r i1i, ,, , , v. .y.:t ;• i ... ,:, t. , 1 „. 5 . ,.,:.: „.. • ii i ie , s. l . 7 et?
..4.t. ..,t..4,,
lettitert. Tll , :y .111, otreleil at re3,i , 11- 1 51
able firieev,altd Witt he pat Lvii a Ilil d. - I,vrica ti , 11 , 1 ., ' ~,t ,i St': t..i. I 41,. ( eir 11, 3 40 ,j
04,r :ft, .1 - aft) ,11412 , ,.. 5..,,,41 i.ri.i PI:11 . 00 , r••I I t . ' : • tI , J., .'14..111 Vi.f.Citi, , l 01
:^l,,,er , t t , ,t... 11,r , i t ) ..I
: :,..t.) ,..., :i ' tt;iititet ' i: ,. ,. ,.. 2
it : t i• irt . ,
: : ,.,... :: : : : •. ,i
v t
e T c .-. 1 1: ::,, ,rv ,::: 1! . ..i .
.., s , ..:, : : : ^ :1 1 : 0
•.ltr. - t . 1 / 4 H. CLEI:Iif:MIAC•II,
La t. F. C. ftehhenhurti ,ttt man,. ' ' A '
:Sin. li.6.ltit tV :tit St ,qt), cc Crivelliul, Plyil.tea. t ( ,„ tut ritw , fo e ~., :.:.; (:,...,..... 1, .S.:(s.l; Wel r . h i.:its•
Abell 8,•14:e1 'll4le
, 11,414.1 t, NI pitt•Ott•lll, : All "4(lthti WAtf.ltatst.t 1.t., t,ts
- .
what Icy ate t , 0. , 1 trot'.
f • rs r sit: FE V. II tr. 11.11ILEY, '
. ~,,e.v.cors 11. U. Conut , i.
on l.'"''• 'glue Gohland Sits .11.evere and Lep.tu,N
.1,.11,...-r v ua.t the abort. prlces
s e pt. 3, ie.,:
. .
. ,
~ • f
. ,
- V 1151.-111111 „
Q v Teleerap.i. oriel Nisterefatt'i.R.. R. Tram.
ritkLAD'A., FR inAti, 4 P. Al.
Wheat 75—Bye, 50 ; er
Fib% Corti ?Jeri!. F.:l 75 do:—Wheut.
WhitP,,4 -Rye;.:olets.—Coro, SG,
Oats. Z;(ict.lvr
Preiarations Car Wl4
17/ . Mt' up , l
gßzhiu,c ,übiolusuztht T,lliperduce (p ! .:lLiou
h• a of iltr }tropic.. heie hetttletllPu
;la V ' t: w
ell 11,I—Otit , )(11; theca
.11;tka in Ternpern,..e. .t:;:iungli en
-2ag,41 In a La,! ~!Ltt.lVe nem:,
(re.,.11; !hat, :10>te r . : 4 ,..!‘i 1 , 0 illeLld•
aad ;11%0 Ward;
:ON the
h,L'h•ntrnded Men.,
THE meetiug ul the+
Anicrtean .Setentttic,'AN,,k l irffiya i:tmveued tu.
W.4;:ll;:igruit city ou. A
uun)but ui
anti. the Illeet111;a'1 ., t XVt.tneti. to ha , ut gCett
.ICE S.:,
ler, : ICS:
'1 . 111: r
211.1 1,". 11 aitl
,1•1. b•:'i.t• •,!
~ .l ~~~li 1~. io ~
. ,
r r lit'. . ,4:• ,1 10.11 ..11,1.11.,,,. , t., !,.. ;,, I. t,d, ~,,
f . k fi•i, I :at L 1 I, plf.:.!l , flf• I:, 0: •, it r• t.' 14 '. •
( p.,,,,,,, 1.,..) "1... - Llt;lit tt 4',uri.fg tt, ,ffi.tovr ,r. ...11td0 1 .
e....:' , $1,1,1: . 1 ,1 I, r. N 114 , 1 1,., 4 1 i.?,. cl ~ , It ' ~
litiltl. 1,1 , i‘. l. ,1“4:1 .$l.l, .1.1 , it, ....O.'. A I,LI , Ili 1..'
1.1 , 441: in itt , .• , ‘“1 .t Ito ,g. It t t itl al,. ,1., t..4.1111i•51
4( ,Alt/ 101 , 11.111it,.4 ;:i• city. ....4 ont,tLiy 11.14i1i, a, y , by
sciftillf,f; oitl,is . o4 ki , . 14., 11,11L0r.p....,: ~..6..v- 'I 41.1.
ley 6 4 . Sufi', lot” '0h0.., In Mort, 1...1 , 1111,N1 tt.t 1%1.1,-
1 VIII, - . ~ 1 (//:111., 1,4 IA :,,,,,,,
' April 1:),1.....J1 " .
Nov. 11,
.1,r,. ;01, 11111