~. r: ‘T4---Viioii, 4- litiiid P 6,1‘ T A. s ; ATIIIUT? ArUVI, kr TILE Aurtsso .1,0081Y4410414r4 a tar , ( --eahrtion than any other Nnaryherr so rl 1n b. Praidstrarranolaeatalifili. - lF sit.mabw_ tae Coal, ;I-Q*ond 4soinistigetc, n0..4x , . 4.d 0:24,44 ea ass a-sai siesPeplattatiarterr~f nasurt }e r, rge most vataable Advertioa,y masa*. In County. • ' Btu letir pverikdwo so okay-. :a its e nrolled On ita aatiaar(o49o • Ctergrain: and - Pahl:a' Se Trathrrs $ aPPlidt! seito4 Zia iliineTs' Jounial at $1 kr vanity' in. avartoe. , . AGENT* FOB: XI EDS' JOtIRISAL 1/... ID J. LEWIS. t sec F. DAvls, Ashland; Lt.:Jst.ica Laxnessaux_ t _Turawk; . TFlosrsoN It: Gbasirt;Tregioat L toat.sa H. HuSsigai 11 Pine St., New York. • C. F. Nor:to:I,. Ctisti blettipuil,, Oat Web= St Fhthidelphia, , . - • ho•areatuthontect to rani** IlltbiettplittOO, 84- rprtl . -Rteigh-61.r:, 101' ittp *Jura' !Talmo:, and roceipt fi;rllie Unit), • ttI~C~iIPT~ For "-Aripsre ,rizuri:4 l :!PAr4 Polidsztaios rar We t!opa 0 12 4 6 al =bus abroad will for ward awl; amounts doe, as iipeadayitapossibio—as our expense* for piper ttatl laborite very hell l 7. Geo. Kutch to Alarm ll, 1165 ~ "$2 al_ Too.. r-qo . 4ite It. , Jot. 41853 200 Ds id J. Lewta to March 11, 18P- 2 00 Wm, Myer" to Jan. 1, 1855 . 200 Wm, 8. rota to Jtcy 1. Lbs 3 2 00 Jacob Kline hi April 1,1834 James Clara to Jan. 1, .1&/5 a branam St. Clair to blarch 41{03 2 CO Aiessuder Thompson to Jan. 1, 104 2 00 Jacob Lougacre to Ray 1, 1854 ' " 200 (../..orge,Wasatt dr &a to Jou. 1 4 1855 .200 1 Liu). r::paster to Jan. 1, 1054 2 00 A. tmger to March 18, 1855 2 00 Cora. C}aute's= to Fcb. 1ti.1865 2 (JO ,Ti,or. hater to Jan. 4, 1855,.4 00 . Bea; tiettner to Jan. 1,1534 2Ou 1., A. titrultze to /an. 15.'11155 -2 00 Daniel XS. :MALICIA to Ma rc h 25, 1855 100 ,T if liws-att to Jan. 1, 1833 2 00 Iv ,A,ll. Jones to July 1,11854 _ 100 1.) C. Wharton Swab to March 23, 1855 2 00 Tr.s. P. Jeuittos 10 Jan. 1, 1855 2 00 xvoc, J_ ti argtnad 1.," March 23, 1855 1 00 Lemon ,••.:i,tub to Joly /.1834 2 00 It ouert S. Hanle to Aprll 1, 1855 ° 2 00 ii ay C. liar4,er to'ilprit 1, 1835 . 2 00 i zraforn to Jan. l, 18541 , 200 Lou.. la-ter 1,., Jan. 22, 1854 1 00 Au.c , :e t..ournd to Jan. 1,1035 2 00 li,,tr,,t , & Muir to Aprtt 11, 1855 2.00 intriltiESS DEPARTMENT. -* BEE .OBTataiS' COURT .S•LES, mid letpl 110411.411, car THE ,LADIES wia be interested in the tco.. of .rut.inrtvn t,"ar PitoV/S/UN DEALERS ere referred - W. th'e adv. 01 1;o.; Pittsburg. Or A FARM FOR SALE in Wayne township. . /Lt..rceleck partte. eLoUid ersmide ttle-Ofrer -2" THE aTOCi Of A DRY GOODS STORE t.:hie couuty, for Late. :".Vr: adv. Om ADAMSde CO. have fetabliabod e new En. Wee* litac on the Dauphin and Susquehanna Road. to cony, y goads from this plw.e to Harrisburg, or dee whera Weal end tenth. Capt. S. 5. Williams, wen 1414014 n merry ol ' OOrCitiZelle :a, the general .‘..itipt:fluleGtl4l4t of the Bite. It will doubtless be a greet actummOdatiOn. We understand it is not nk i,i.drAl to taterlero with the businepa of Howard dr t.0.,0n the ILadiug • I .V• UPHIN USIIUEHANNA RAIL- RUA D—SEUUND TRAIN.—We are auborixed ate that ou and at er Monday April /oth a '!.Yuma wiz boput ou lois road, connecting . .w,iu :di the halos of the Reading Railroad, and lortu.ng n good throng ine between Harrisburg and making the whole distance in about seven hours. f lours of running-will ,be E ven vex!. week., I I 12r'1%1E NEW JEWELRY Eitablislimesit of R. G can, Centre . at. (lately occupied by Ciste rns (St Heisler) is worth a visit to see its beauty not ID purchase anything. The room is ;urge and very handsomely turnished. Thenstort nt, ot gu, , ils is unusually extensive and varied, -0 to ensuresitisinctory selettionis by the 7,:"ur.t Wa Oars, Clocks, Silver ware, pen,, peuells, rings, chains, and Jewelry gen ,y, of warrantedmaterials, the latest styles and besutifu! finish, add ranging through all man prices, eecomutoclating-Isad onaccompodit• a-to i•im put,..ct., May be tuned there. GRE:.-.SANG, at the corner below, Lis a Cottage Furniture. It is made of re, durable woods, end will last asjong as the d co,,wacttires, white it costs much less. Call and examine them—he hes several beautiful setts II hand 'The objr.ctions to the first_ manufactures cr Unt [age Furniture, for being of molt and destruct ,bc material, are entirely obviated by this new rule. • PUILAD'AgIiEW YORE ADV. ; , _ AGNEw & Co. announce an cid:naive and varied tifrPortinent of:Spr . ing Dry . Gooda. Dealers from thin Cc. ! unty arej urrned to gyve them a call. • FoR Fruit and Confectionery; of eery see the adv. oirVansant dL Recketus—exam• ,ne their of good things. ®'MEN'S & BOY'S Clothing' can be had at Cmurge Gultrie—rent what he announces. re . THE Courthind St. !foie], announced in another column, i> intended tolw a stopping place P.,nnsylvanians.l rf 7 J D. GREENE announne. the opening of hi• new Dry good, eveblishonced, with ournetivo imiuceir.entP for ousloraere. or FOR RATS, CAPS, &c. Fee Morrison Or. GICLI LtUV. • SEASONABLE—The Carpcts announced Rost il. Walker. - THE auction Sales of And. R. Reeder are Acurih nueution. ar SEE Ciird of G. W. Ridgway & Co., Oil Dealers. Mr. J. A, Moore, of this place, la their ceiierei Agent and Saktimtua. BIRICENBINE Er TROTTER offer two peeps fur ...le, t unable for mines or water-worki. L 7 FOR FUR&ITURE, see T. IL Tyson's - - WE ARE A'all3 indebted to the gentle. .inauly proprietor cud agents of Howard tC EXprtES fOr late California mete. cornmuoicati )n on Flogging in Scho.,l!, iu repifio :he Philadelphia .ladger, wough cannot appear for want or, room thin ~vetilr. 117 . .q0C1NG,71V111 thae of our IiIUbSCTi- Uers', chaaaiug reaidenCe this Spring, otAige us by giving ua early notice of the -rune? Perseus writing will please mention t.vhere.ihey remove from, as well as to. - 'l'•Ar a late meettug of the “Wilthhair tont (Dt-I.)-Maioe Liquor Law League." in c 4, resolutions were pissed compli• mentatv th l Course of the Philadelphia Sun on the -Tattal,eranee question, and ie. eutnuiendipg it as a paper eminently worthy et general - patr , onage. Clever, that. 7 THE LEBANON VALLEY RAILIIOAD...• 'flits void is nnw fairly begun., 'firound was brOken.itt Reading, lam week, to COMMeDee work at that end of the tine. It is contract. ed to grade the road and lay the rails between Reading and Lebanon, in one year from to day: but the cbmpletion of the bridge over the S•huvtkill' river 'will delay the opening Of the for some time thereafter. It • iss holvever I ,•xpected that the line throughout will be readi tot travel Py the let of Apnl, I 8.56. BILLS BEFORE .LEUISLATUItE.. We are indebted to Jno: Hendricks, Esq.. for copies of the following Bilis now before. the Siste Smote—which we publish for thi -1 Informationof the i Cople of the County : • AN ACT relative to Mechanics' liens bathe county t of zzchuyikill: Sccrion 1. ite et enacted by the itenatsiand House cif Reprerentativsa of Ms Comixotrios4liA r.:Pcirriay(eisniii in General Ast . tualy Met, and blurry enacted Ey the authority of the earn*, that the i•everal provisions of en Act, entitled en. act relating to the I len of mechanics and others upon I , l;:dings, approved the fixteenth day of June, ?zee I;.ouiand eight hundred and thlny•six, and the ser i•upplemenis thereto, are hereby extended to .. .Re' mprorementi, machinery and fixtures everted I.i.i , natits of coal lease estates on lands of others die county of Schuylkill, and to all mechanics :rd muteriai men do'ng work and furnishing ma. !crisis therefor. Provided,' That the hen hereby e,enied, iliall.exienci only to the interest of the tea. nt tlCurein. • AN ACT for the better Regulatimi of the Vending r•I spirituousaud Malt Liquors within the Caw 19y , 5.F.C11014 I. BA it enacted by the &mate arid Rereaentativetaf the Commonwealth 1 1 - 'enncylvania in Geteirdi Assembly mit, and ,r a herety enacted by the authority of the tame, Thai from and alter the passage of this act, uo per •,te or perionaahatl *ell, or expose to sale within it.c county of Schuy'l. any beer, ale, porterorother watt liquor", without a hecate for that purpose first ed nod obtained from the court ofquarter 91113101311 u: , eld ' euunty; in the acme way and subject to the rules and regulations as regards the lionising bud keeping of *aid beer haute's, and the payment tue beaux: fees to the Commonwealth, sears i:ov+ apr.lied by. law to :he kospers'clf licensed inns r.cd tavern" within the said 'county of Schuylkill. t kerma 2. That from and after theof nu. act, no iicenbeiball be greeted by t he tut er of na n d county of Schuylkill to any person or p , son* to tell spirituous liquors by the quart or iLtherkii..e withi n the caid coun:y, unless the person. or inereon, uppi , ,,ng for good license shall bele tureign or domeetic 'floods, warn sad m , rchund ¢e o tier than , pirituous liquors`chtitled io be inarmi bight; than ire fotitteenth Ain, and nave brea ghee remulerty ele,wd by the appraiser co .mercantile taxes in end. for said eclair? of b u u bisclioN That any per!ort or parsons yclidist rr. or meet liquor within th e couoty of 0.4 wif 6 , lLit a liveate for this purpose first aud obia Lied. acc , nddig to the previsions hem p• oe ed; and any petton or pennons !no. • t ,u. t any of tire inuvi.nninsof ibis let, shalt be Milt , 10' tun Same pzoalties that are now by laW a.:ainpt tfal keepers of unlicensed tippling • Provitte.t, That this act Willi cot be se • :rind ta ytu brewers of malt liquors ^, ins mc•ulaelurers or rectifiers ot spirituous 1, 7 , orA • :or iTho:efale purposes. ~sv''~~~~rr ;~'~'.~~~s:.~~. of V ALI r 07 Sari ' . 412 liinfery I end einantitict the'4,thieVeitttheaitiird of; Revenue Connnissionen4. Sebuyikin is tut, aura atAPAEilßiiPirgse tlail Molt 4WO, Pi PR q4) 11 tfPL,OP„ tabali iatte. ~ sad fame in 'the wnonni, bid; find into, Of 'then' Neirdlthe; Schuylkill t. (17_07( THE Om page 'be I:etnt# , ite.'4 eteellent—pliin,straightariicleciW the lite tied chanteleiasidett :writura by anofl l so ttie western pan , of th! Suite. - ' , -l' -, Also, a reply,to the late recitaiiiiret tbt Rainer, et. this piece. on the Sulte:l! 4 . 7A nomination, by the Afettcraieli•:,` 'it -478417 C a spicy -amele--the - stranger in Pottsville.... • fry ' s - IDE OF AQI7,.I.INTA..CE.mr , . „ vittl New York .Ifersl44 an a Published sii"Vitil some days sgo,- this its eirenthuon for , tht week -ending lilarch averages befwierf 50,Bi0a:id 53,2 M 40314 to. bate kst-: gesticircniaticin of stir doily journal in ‘tittifr world. But the Philadelphia lertgei,ptitie: *Dili in Bennett's ,Irbeel-'-it ,appears. by similar statement from that paper * that are ge daily cirenitition. is •the siztY;fiti day, ending March Ifiti4: was. - 54,492,1 Bet , et,exteesiveilhat—netth7 of ahem t be owed at. t; Buarmtsi ESTAILIS*AENTS AND ellAti? Gr..—Tbe /Moen' Lite Insurance at Thu . . Company, lately chtutered, with a capital c $lOO,OOO. nal gone: into operation. in this place. It'has no Banking privileges. ti" late ly reported, but 13 vested wit,b lb" : usual rights ot dealing in paper. as sil atitutions are. This establishment lila itie bands of men ot ample means and. ot high. repute in the business community. _ It %rill doubtleati meet with thar confidence and pat ronage which& its worthy objects , . artit-tto character. ot its Mroatitera-delierve% • sOO The large \ stock Manufacturing Company, of which Gentral J, M. Bickel is President, lately alluded to at iength it our C 01113114, has broken ground in the S&J-naugb for the erection of suitable huildings thr theitwork2F. It is well known that.tve du not - favor such organizations, though every enterprise of the' kind may aiateitornebentfita Upon the coin. inanity in 'which it is located,. • We accordmgly watch the progress oLittieuper iment with unusual ioterest. Abu. 0. - W. Pitman is the general agent of the` dumps. or. Mason Er C0., -- Founders and Machinist!, have removed from the old, Foundry i nt th i c corner a Coat and Norwegian s weets, aid are now carrying op business in the stone building, near by, erected some years ago b:y E.W; McGinnes. Pommy, Smith & Pornr4 have taken the old esiabli!hment; and are actively at work. By the arrangement, we get one more Foundry in the Borough. Q 7 SHAD are selling. iu 'Richmond, Va., at tea cents a piece.--,Eschange. • - They cost just five time as much here. • iti iun nl~lli~Encc. Rev. Minziw LONGACEE will prgich in the Second' ht. E. Church, (Market *noel) on Sabbath nett, 6012e2nar 1 n ~ at Ifo'cloctr, and 7i in the:evening. ' • or FamceEvvitrio lectures upon the pica lypse , are in 'course of delivery in the Lek lure room 'of Trinity Church, Centre S tree:. Blessed is he that rendeth, and they that hear the word,: of this.prophecy,nud keep those ;lap whictrare written therein; for the lime i i at hara.' The public are cordially invited to attend. • Cr BAPTIST CUITECII, hiAbarklOsgo Street, Rev: J. HARVARD CASTLE, Pastor. Service every :lab• Within 10i o'clock A. M., and 7 ry.TRINITT CHURCH (EPISCOPAL,) Certite Sl. Rev M13 . 1E1. I,l7salievas, Rector.. Service held ierty ,in this Church every Sunday : .. , ming, at 10* o'clock, • ning, at 7* " - .. . Erliticar Via be preaching in the English Lutheran Church, Market street, every Sunday morning and evening. . . . - [OOXXIINICATIID.I APOCALYPTIC LECTURES. i MoSt - reedera of the JOURNAL are aware %bet a course of Lectures on the Book of Revelation, which book closes the Canon of the Bible, is being delivered on Friday evenings by the licotd,r Trinity Church. in their capacious Lecture reoin. But re this busy coniermaity tow are able tafind time, at least there are few Latium ; men, who lean to have leisure, to attend these weekly expositions of the Divine Word. - And then it is . a cuaracter of chriatianify, that it would have "all things done decently and in order," and have its. advocates "live peacealy if possible Ruh all- men," while Yet they tes tify boldly its "trirth. So thin those who have Most of the chrisitan spirit are ever care titl to avoid °antenna white yet they sternly re.. _Mike vice and earnestly correct error by *specking the truth in love," The result however is,. that there being. no "animal excitement," no vain theat rical show no vituperation of others, but a Calm analysis o f inspired record,' and en impartial en. toreement of its teachings, tipply whet e they may, to individuals or societies; none but earnest deck ers atter truth are likely to attend where Gli:d thui honored The writer - has been lea 'to these reflections froni observing how the public is influenced. The Alien dence.on these lectures has - _ been g.,od troth the first and constantly increasing. So much to indeed, teat on Friday evening the 17th ult., there were not only the usual ladies end gentlemen of the congre gation, who desire to, know more of the revealed truth which is , able-to matte us wise unto Salva tion, but several strangers in attendance ;from Schuylkill Haven arid the . city. Aid it is *rated that a committee of gentlemen have waited act Mr. Washburn, desiring hint to :repeatthe course ni a neighboring town. Auer a careful anel , cis oh the Book, the licit lecture uotolded of the first chapter, touching the promised blessing (verse 3rd) which should result from a. praMical understanding of 24. John, whether ihatructiag the church at large by . addressing , the seven Asiatic churches, or awakening, the indifferent by his trumpet blasts, or confirming the faith of disrliptes with the Spines( nelk.9, or denouncing the one =is of truth wittvialti" of righteous • wrath, or I thundering the dre-id d 0 ,112 of eystentatio corrup tiou, persecution and iipostacy. oneand all, It is of the drat importance that the truth . shoind known. The blessing shall not only, be scented tfig -- end, in an eternity of blissful triumph over -ev U, nor only in the amenities and elevating influence of Christian . families and Christian societies, and our manifold Christian insututtons, but here tuakthere in the answer of Christ's own 'prayer, 'sanctify , them through thy truth—thy word is truth." Toe subsequent lectures have extended. over the next ten chapters, disclosing a divine foresight in ' their dictation to the mind of Si. John; anti , ado- vine condescension in thus. causing it. prophetic -record of these two thousand years to be pm into men's hands, tor which sufficient gratitude can on ly he expressed bY Studying and heeding the gra. mous revelation. Coming thus to the 12th chapter- which *gins thus, "And there appeared a great wonder (or:sign) . in heaven, a woman clothed with (be sun, 614' the moon under her teat, and upon her'. heed a crown of twelee atars"—the expositor was constrained to interpose en explanation before" entering upon this division, ter minating ' with the 19th chapter. - ,That explanation was designed to express the coas.ider- BUMS which prompted the utterance of painfht convictions, as to \ the portion of our race whose guilt is declared, and whose punishment is so irteillY portrayed in St. John's denunciations of final we upon the Mystical Babylon, the Area , billed City, the apostate church, the. hailot of Christendom, the persecutor of saints, thigtola trots deceiver under' the guise of Chnstiati wor-• ship and with the words of Christ himself, Which therebyrs working with all `decesveatitenese of un- - rightetthisneie ruin to so many around us, till the cry shall be heard "Babylon is fallen,.is fallen— and all who worship the beast and his , image, re calving his mark in their foreheads or their hands, shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and .they shall he tormented, Mid the smoke of their torment ascendeth up foe ever and ever—and *her have no reit , day uor niOt, who worship the beau and his - image, and "NvF,oever receireth the mark of Misname." Wu, 8; 9, 11), and It.) The explanation of 'the lecturer, in view of these tearful declarations, set forth the duty incum bent on all who are "put in trust with , the thibpef," eo teach and to warn all who will hear, thistfro the wrath of God may not be visited on ns, bat vie and all they who Will only hear the word and, '.‘come out of Babylon," ere her sins burn her with anal plagues, may be raised up with the spintuat chil dren begotten by the Word of God to live forever , and ever. With these etplanatory remarks the lecturer gave notice that on the evening of the 24th att., tb • subject would •be resumed (Rev. xvii)r—Where and what.is the Babylon of Christendom, will then be the inquiry. Veiutas. . . The above' communication Wan omit:eil , last week for want of room. On. Friday evening, the 24th nit., after the reading of the 17th chapter (lbw. xvit.) attention was called more partiMitarly to the sth, Oth and ISt h verse.. : - -' 3 “Upon her forehead was a name, written,' 1Y.3.- TERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE OTH ER OF HARLOTS AND A B 0511,NATIO OF written, IYS EARTR.” . .. , "And bete is the mind that ki th wi.4doin:j The seven beads are seven mountains' on which the woman *meth." • "And the woman ,which thou sawest ;iia that great city which reigucth over in. kings of the' earth." • In attempting to identify this description of some mighty enemy of truth and salvation, it has ob. served let, It was 4 great city; 2nd, Seated an rev. en hills; 3rd, It was known as "the city," or ? "eat great city" in St. Joka's time; 4th, Itei,gaing over the kings of the earth, and sth, repfesented es Etabylon 7 The.ilhictration and conrincins- enforce meat of each of these points, drawn from ticr ip tore, secular history and, els:mien! writings, wo shall not attempt io enumerate. tt be*, thus ;dam, that these propbecise point,to the city of_ Home, the hest lecture Will inquiry what ott4t . eh is it and tram it, called a harlot and' mother of abomiastionp, leritioire position,. tot,theXeniphis rue the lotiottmg teeeigkitir Obtliniag apples antis. out ends wed 4301 1 1 5 74Taka tbS ends IA the 1 igii&Of tin a'at& ppial t*llarb Way ereWybangW ad Bald itie,gmliod, dig =M . di for lins b. nedeitt the,' Wee, bend it down aid bury it'untielniti:confining it dowasethiii, it' will, ren,isis4. -,tea Ibis in the. nrinteror tegiatunirig - Ittulk The -emi of iii¢ limb thus buried wiii tate rootand put tip sprotitt vt-seekitiordih when they tateetrienniSet4 entWitge.to.Net out," dig up et the prop. :St blow mad ttansidant than 'lathe mimed WittA:elntrWish. dim to renwitt. When limy. gin hp' ge inongh to bear, they will bear ns is oritgingliwiththe--correspon dent idlitAid , to. tat :ires' auvouseet ant long suken; 'tithe discern"' of itelebnYti Yrettob:itottr-altutist. -We have out dolt* of 4 4 , 4 incemss 4 the vagietinieni, though ` ' we have ;'neter , seen r ot Will ,iiot some of out dchoyikitToontv. fainter's . ,pht it le:shell:14 end ut she benefito their exPenesce i Q -7* Rev. 9tlr Mogan, Catholic Prink Belleille, satin advocakte.-or the Blaine Law. slid preacties it to his rd. pit: In cue diseourterhit,ludownel - thst Wan ready to unite eritti atty. femme es ise set:Wens to close Ithe 4 4ittfetand nusktoles" teat Werenuting hum end wondep, bukand soul--tbst he; would not be restrained at his oppoinott to Omni bi either Pope or Bishop ..thst it Deed wtee, iould not hesititt to trot himself oripun axe sod tit , creek , tbe casks" that contiided the aosebievons ",ent ter," z -8 1 . 33= 000446Za t • Fog iliia ~~~ Tito 44utity fentiby Railroad is 35,271 03—by Canal 17,285 Hi win—tor th0wee1c52,556 'Sion& Total by Railroad 401,610 15 awns 524,591 12— do. by Canal 59,64 OS event 31,283 ea tons to saute period larl year. .Tbeshipmeats. 1433 very heavy this week, and . Would, in all probateltly, hays reached 60,000 tons tt u had not form fut tile extremely cold weather wllicit froze op the Canal and randetad the use of Ice Scowl, necestaiy . to break a Mumma- wee.' ablo Ina boats pana. bnow also tun to ttukdapth of 'about four Sachs an Thtuaday, and one Hoag taindpresent- tike iivect . of mid"winter ate writing. i It is hardly necesirary for to to state, tbit the de stand for Coal to quite as brisk as our openuora ilatite d, The opening prince both here and at RieliiinOod remain firm end will not be lower this • theshipinenis feign Richmond last week were • . The General Mims Bill, (which we presume is the General Impiovetnest Bill,) was in the tiennte otkWaittesday by'l vote of /5 nays to 13 yeas. We ism informed by Boatmen, that there are a great many obstritertions in the Dams of the Schuyl kill Navigation, wPieh interferes materially with the navigation, 13,natsare already sticking at many points. It is generially remarked that there isnot that efficiency and Promptness in the management of the Canal that characterises that of - the Rail road. It does nut arse, however, of tar as we can learn, from the inefficiency of any of the officeis, but from their mode of transacting hotness. In ihe management of the Railroad the Directors habitually confer a' large . discretionary power on the President,..whiCh „enables him to act prompt• ly in any emergency that may occur. the Nieigstion Company, it is seta to be difereot.— Power to the same extent is not lodged in the hands of the President, but the Board of Managers require to be convened first, and their action as- certanted first, before the proper officers are em powered to act. If such is the mode adopted by the Canal Company, it.. 14 worthy of their con -I,i'deration, whetheiihe plan adopted by the Board of filkinagers of the Railroad Company, would not further their intere s ts, and greatly facilitate the trade on the Canal. • , The Coal trade (4 the Dauphin and Susquehanna Coal Ceinpany'bea t commenced. and we report their lira supply of 1,3fi2 10 tons sent ao market via the Philadelphia and' Rending Railroad, this week. This 'Company is also sending Coal to market via the Da'uphin and Central Railoads con meeting with the different roads leading from Har risburg. A telegraphic despatch from Shamokin, on the new line of Telegraph just completed between Sun- -Wry, Mincraville and Pottsville, where it connects with the Philadelphia line, states that the trade from that place has commenced on the Phila delphia and Sunbury Railroad leading from Sha mokin to Sunbury: The Mauch Chuitk Gazette of the 30th elates "that the extreme Cold weather for die week:past, has prevented any shipments from this sigloa, though we believe it few boats are being loaded to day (29th) at this place, notwittudanding the river in many places is - fivaeu over. But law boaimea have entered into contracts for. the season, many bolding back to effect an ad vance in the price of freight." Just before our paper we; going to press we re ceived the following Proceedings. The Charter al- uded to is the - one obtained at the lan Benton of • - the Legislature, to, make roads extending from the Earp Lands to contra with the Reading Railrcaul and-r.'ottnylkill.Canal or any other Improvements. It is rather a sweeping Charter, and a halt dozeO roads can be made under it, running parallel with nearly all of the 'Railroads note constructed' in this Region. MEETING OF COAL OPERATORS Proceedings of a` meethig of Coal Operatore on Mill Creek. held March 29th !net, at Johnston's Hotel, Si. Muir. Vrenent,—Wm. Johns, represen ting the firm at Wm. de Thos. Johns; George-W. , Benjimin M:lnes ; representing the firm o! Wm. Milne's, Jr. .3 Co.; George S. Bepplier, J. E. Baum. inrettenting the firm of Kirk de Baum; Win. Ulnae:es ; E W McGiones J: unman. E W. MeGirtites, President, and George S. Repptler, Sart-slurp . - Heasn3, , AppOc t itions having tbeen made. to the Mill Creek Railroad Company, for a reduction in the present rates of transportation and weighing on their Road, which we confider exorbitant, end havi. , g falled•in securing a reduction ; therefore Resolved, That , we adopt immediate measures for the consnicting of a new Road on Mill Creek, under a Charter already obtained, in anler to have our Coal carried at reasonable rates. Resolved, That E. W. AlcGitines,..George B. Repp ter and Benjamin Milne' be a mornmittee to' emp.oy a competent Engineer to make 'a survey au ,t estimate ado cost of a new Road, and report at an adjourned nieeting i _to be held at the same place, at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, April 12th. Resolved, Teat the proceedings of this meet ing be published to the Miners' Journal', Mining Register and Portrait Emporium. • • Pmeitos S. Rarruita, Ber'sv. • svi Tinamanapn. FRIDAY, .9 O'CLOCI, P. It Freight' from Riehmond To Boston; - - Providence, - New York, New - li.E : PO#T OF BHIPMENI.S • - From Richmond, for the Week endt,ng on Fenn day, March 11354: 3g 9ch. al 3: Sh. B lic Boston 8t via, 8288 I • 25N Conn. d't It. I. 4022 • 1 8. 39 N. Y. dr.roicin.'• 7488 B'North Elver 2181 1 1 10, 10 17 Southern Put. 3425 • 1 :15" 10 64 . seinen 1289 Po time'last year, 1"L Total tor th To same BY RAIL ROAD AND CANAL. Quantity or COal sent by Railroad and Canal for the week ending. on Thursday evening lut : I- ~ ___ •• - . ' . D.AciarvAD. • •CaNat. Port Carboti, ,-' • • 11,750 01 7,921 10 Pottsville, . -i, - - - 2,060 19 ell 9 18 Auburn, - : -:.`":: - - 1,353 10 1,352 10 S. Haven,- ''.., - - 11,936 08 7,583 04 P,J3lintors," -' , i , • - 8,112 05 ' 1,081 04 total for the week, • - - Total by Railroad in 1854, Canal in 1854, • • • I Total by 9antAtnaßrealroad tons, 460,272 00 Shipments to:sarne period last year : ; Want. ' TOTAL. By Railroad, ".; - • 24,104 07 324,891 12 ,L. Canal, 7; - - - 13,127 02 31,283 02 , 37,231 09 356,174 14 460,272 00 /UMW* iri 1814 po - - - t0n5,104,077 06 ItATLi OF TOLL AND TRANSPORTATION ILSOI7, TO =Pr 1, 1854 From M. G. 'S. H. P. C. Auburn. To Richmond , 1,70 1,65 1,45 • 1,50 To Philadelphia, 1,60 '1,55 1,35 1,40 -. RATES:OF . TOLL , BY CANAL TO JULY 1) 1854. From Port Carbon to Philadelphia, •• 70 Mt. Cafbon to " - • - 60 " S. 'Raven to " - •• • VI " Pt. Clinton , to -" • •- • • 55 RATESOF FREIGHT BY CANAL. Philadelphia. N. YOrIL From Pt. Carbon,. - - • - 80 1,89 " 1110.7erbon,i- • • - 50 ' 1,80 Schtryllhil Breen, • -75 1,75 Port Clonl, •.. - 00 • 0,00 scHurl44L COUNTY EA.4, aoADa-1851 me following tattle quantity °trod t tlVer the diatom Ittulroads in Schuytinll l =r for the week *adieu/ on Thursday evening last Wass • Toms' Mine Hill& ll_ R. 8.21,137 09 .132,084 17 Mill Creek . E • " " 9,019 17 • 71,732 08 11ouut Carbon ' • " 2,891 10 23•E70 Seneyl. Valley " " 10,517 19 49,863 01 hlt.CeredePt,Ca itb." " 110510 - 87,01210 LitUe Schuylkill " " 8,177 14 90,970 19 EMI I= • ' ie - . j,iL'lr." rips-4N' 044P' 4 1 A4 :' , • r. ir 4 0 -*mit itotiriaz'wrigitgiLP 41/Ziliet•• T1012511"14 4-4 4,4•'34139 2 1 1 4 1 - - ' I 10,, Ofigrirtee# 1 ••+ : , ,--, . - ~., iLFRICD 44I. II 0117.01:0 telebtate4 . 4131 ... zip it iaitr a entiZvu rettome owe. Eu. 4 " ia. , us* ***do Itift-belivirs • vissoutr oititttillitiNb-5.1;.1.1 to the ntiii% 114 , * Pm!. T)7t 13-tt - Attril I, %.7 Virg leth*fa VW 'lid *Woken t$ Oat JOHNSTON . * CO., have received t - OtonsithE of ozonize 11VMM - COLLA "` inagyzei VIIMUSEITL' etc, wtrekftir: -Atio;thif FTentkliT,rp . kt . ISS4 ' - 4341_ SEW MR 9:111Z iltAX11114101M; N 0.380 Manisa Boinirt4thlon4 fta• deity' above Blentirafiafeank Bids; Pki; CON,MekffiLY'‘faistai t.'la4WiLionalroat.:U oupitior, pornilant.Occrery aenoripnon. "Aroo„ Peach earn. Teteriifahta,,Cliairs,./ko., oa Sad Pr .niadino ordsi.an4 itanantod.:4tgr ganytchur `Pritts. - pitannte l nipatplyAsoke4 any pan of the' trnsap. - ',. ° R. aPrit 1 . LIM IS-for . - -, Resfiityle , Cottage FarniUm. _.. r rHE aubseribeeiteeesicteigtuillearebbiali Sam -1 lac - unto le tbo 4'ty t a large lot of Cottage rapt tars or NtSl' STY taktaile'at liglitt WOUtlx. oak, eaeateatorafaat. leil. 414WartaAte 4 : 40 :be:ilISODI 7 34 sail ditaloie;"ne %maim UP toeexataf 1 1 14,411 NI tastrlbtat: 'Th ' WO whole aeWitl Of Vibikh wilt blesold it ,eby teeir.earriettiedt . lie idio, keeps be a 0010 lOnbraellitell, , troillar.all blade arfloallebriti kairialter ot,thelateat,onattrarbtortibtraba - gatate, Patet6ll.llll et *Web cap be extuntaett, at hba, .waari gootes. ulna. 0 Mir* idia ' trolmegiaticzasitir •f : - Ine thertseilial ettartit — lt" Vold! • wPA hip! .1 at th e y rilovost rata*. " • , - ~ . ~ _ - • ,- . lIENAIt a Belittini, . =MS= ODUMMIED' AIITRIISTmOTE2,, Ws nrartinee soul.) „ . , jilp 28 COURTIAANO STREET, Nov ." . 07,11• respectfully itrineunces. tranetni and:bustness public generally; that be tins tensed the; above • Walla,. and tilted4ton Stashed, it as 113 FIRST LatiS uork: L. Vieltoacto .the city. and all inhere -requtring superior tic-. coalemeatiorie„areisilicited To eatioteauted _ tl that no pains or cleanse Will be spared to, , render their stay ctintfortible and plentlatif. , ` 4 ATEBBINiI. Pl•oprietop. Havlpg !spite.] Major ELI dreCK&L, !ate of tae" Allentown, who enroyit a lain.: circle ur 1100 entracquetutaarua In Laiteris Pennsylvania, patina tterreforet who' visit New York team oda serAkta of tionetry.sveitArot .c,urk wed etreet'llo ';'l true reuriallearoo - Heres. April 1,101 t 74.. M4 ll lritie' 4 Lite Ittallee . 111.0,.'.3* • 00 FILP,sIFTY ' 4)(0:42,51?4•LEt P 4. CAPITAL,SitiU*O—eIIAIITC.II PERPETUAL. tHti C0.1444. - Ctbartertfd bithe Leglsistuto of J. PesanylvaalSotab q CapiteJ of One Hundred tbousana Ltollats,l4 now fully . orgablzed,and , tuts commenced , - • 'the Company ,Iti - prepired to receive monies and other property ,irt",,Trust,; : and allow Interest oti an monies demosl,444A tttutt,•nt the rate, of Ave per. cent par annum t,Prineipai and ;interest payable on demaud. • ; . For rates o f 4jlethiem qn ,Life ineeraliee.sei: the printed Tables antiplied at the oaks of the Company, Centre Ittreet,lPtsttatrilte, three doors south of the Ezehinge Butefilr , J ACC4 1 1.111124 4 r21N12E11, Jc, Preeldebt ilow 11. Au .S tri rlec'y.' aod Treasurer Aptll 1,1334 , 'ling subsinboto being about to return to -krig 1. land, offer lii sale • the Firm now - occdpird by them, In Wavle township, Schuylkill Corinty, about 7 miles fleurt dainyithl ilaveu, on tbe,.road Noe r leading to o; ye. 1 .. It embraces 3 *saes, 15 of which are • cleared and in liAligh slate of cultiva- -5.., ;lon. banns borlkteavily dressed - with ail] both Hine and tattoo, years ttoo, for several yea 'put. "The remillging 10 acres are cover ed with white tied' black oek and: chea t . but timber. r_....- ~ . • There as atIUXE4CCIO Uf the beet water; foe all pnr for', al l poses. , 1 -I, i • .: . Vi • The treprover4rita are a log house and barn, and all the outhoustintinveniences necessary for warm. For further pettleuiers enquire of - 1 . . . I -.'.0 . ATRAN FIBIIEII. dr, SON, ' , , tumid on the premises, of, AM Eli NEILL, Pottsville. • April I, 1834 hp-. - - f . 13-3i•' , .;.- M - RICE - ' 4 4 1. It .OF ' CORP EITIN aS . . - ..,,tittl- • t , • TOM SPRING TRADE. . ... ,: TDE. butoecribet . is lit recelpehf his Spring Block of Carparliutalembraelna an extensive and Varied asiortmelit of I; ... ~! Splendid StyleaTUT VelVet .. , ' I •-':-; Tapestry Brussels. , I CARPETS '.“ M . ~ .._ 3 y, t. . _ I. " , i ; . tiopyratfine lngliin. r - .•,'" 1, Ventilano. - ' PRICES. . Amertcanind Etipsh Oil Clot 1)..) 1 • With an entlie fresh stock of DRuGarrs, wars, Plano and TableCovere,MATTlNGS,&c.,g.e; Alto, a very 'Mid .Issortment 'of love , priced Car pets and Oil Clips of alt deacriptionr, adapted Air Country and fly Bates, ' a} Country IbletchaMi and others wlMlntend plii 'chasing Carp, m - Are Invited to call and tam the, as • 1 am determtbilto vets as low as any bowie ih the trade. . I 'l_l:,' ROBERT B. WALKER; • _ : ', '193.0 hestntat Street, below Eighth, .. !: . i . . Philadelphia.. -April 1, 1 . 854 '.,;-. ' i 1 , 13.3 m; . . ' Meld's':end , Boys Clothing. EvisayßoDv imould embrace thh opportunity ta buy Clothing foe Min and-Boys, et - . . • 1 cotana a COLES'S ‘ I , • CLICA.Pi CLLITHIS ESTABLISHIONT, ' Ste P hi . S. C. Corner', MARKET and SECOND t, Philadel phia. embracing* choice of the best, mos:desirable, and talillnitablet*Dremr and Frock Eons, iltett Cloth do..ll.lnen Drilling do.; Tweeds,g-c.., with agslat va riety -of SCilft# CLoTSING, consisting of Vick Coats, Polka Jackets", !donkey Jackets, V O 4ll end 'Hound Jar.keti' E made of Tweed, 'Linen Dfilltie, eloth. Alimeitt. Xerfutyme re. Doeeklootc., ace., ",.., I.FEENIttHING GOODS, 'I ' Copeliting of Ohio, Stocks, Handkerchlefe, ffc.„ all of abler' at offered itt the 1 evert possible Curia Pri cer, and as c 1 elitists arpy Mbar clothing Store in the' 1 Union.:-....' • • , 0' Parente vino dime LOT'S CLOTHING, ale earnestly inSited to examine the stock; I+ rir CountrOtortrksspers can be accoenviodatal at very intoirinfea, ~. „ . GEOEGE CELLI , .., '' -9j. E. Cor. Market and Seco Sta. 13-9 M -,, Pittsburg . provision Warebaiws. Ci.vgas.',* Co.; Pork Packets and Wholesitle . Provislon:pea tem No. 32S Liberty tweet, Pitts burgh. will beam on hand, ready to supply at kli Uinta and no the ehOriest notice, choice and reliable ink eieo in their line of business and upon accommoda ting. terme l main stock will minuet of Bacon, •• Lard, Lkid OIL! toast-cured fault. Dried Beef, dm They have ittio made arrangements for an Gaily rtppiy of ; • ,I4ke Suverseiinito Fish and lliarkrnasO Trout. In Obis. and fiat( !Air., and which,comink direct from the (Ult . :nest Northern waters, wilt ho very ninth *apart% to those of any other catch, and they will be able tcredkr . these favorite articles it lower rates than the,inferior or Southern catch are sup. piled In this Market.' Wel/a.dttieo. desire to call the fluent:on of Design and ladn Men partlcelarly to their .stitek of BACON, to taw selection and preparation of which per/limier attention ttas been given to the quality: so as to offer to costumers the most tellable pude.— Customers ln Vts eastern part of this etate: will find it to their 'adVarltalfe be purchase in this market, thereby smith; the cost of re•ehipma nt. and the vim. minions of dealers in the eastern sides. Orders will retstvo wimp% attention April Igh#: - , - / 52 5540 3 • 1 70 Bt Destuksuon..i. Toni Tor the week, 2V.,402 r mason, 163,919 14,474 1,7 2,85 16 30,271 03 35,271 03 tons, :' 45458 19 • , g • 401,610 13 • " • 58,655 05 polka ron saw April 1,1(1 riturCimat -cornmoTwzrzinir. • - vAistsaArT er icpcKEnrs, Na. 318 - . IItOtKEr StrertiPRILADELPRIA, i 'INVITE aitsittion of Dealent to their superior a 4.. I ortment; iin lssisting of . • • :: Raisins. : • 'Oranges, Filberts. Preserves, • Figs, '! ' lemons, • Almonds, Pickles, Dates.' : 'Groundnuts. Cocoa-nuts. etc„ etc, MANUPA DREES of all kinds of STICK CAN DIES, made rif the best materials, crossly flavored, and warranted: to keep well. Also. of ail Cm differ ent vatietlesAt pitmascu coNvEtrzos- SAT, consigiinf lit part of „. Jelly CIAO; ' . . 1 Portuguese Seerets, antlluAlfkofife .; I Pnencii do .Cream 80114 1 val.; . .1 Marsh Mellon Drops. ChucolateDrope, . I Brandy Drops,' Sugar Egg": • I Jujube Paste. Iceland kloill•Paste. i Jujube Drops, ', .... • Cordial DSOs.. , I Lozenge*, ' Fruit pro F l - . I•Sitsar Shells, etc., etc. , GUM OttOPfl—or au mutant. rnivoas. Wa take tiliticuler pens In packing our goods well .fur country nidersa• and give foil satisfaction in re spect to quality and price. Country itterehists send ing us thelr.:erdersoire assured they will receive as much atteuilint as If present themselves* Address - ; ''..: VANBANT & lIECILEFIEte r. 1 9. Blarket Street, Ptilleiletplite. 14.2ni • - • April I. /o#4, • Nl* and Shawl store. A°NEW No. 190 CHESTNUT il3r.. Phila. delptila, Save received by the Europium Steam ers, and afsafron/ the large Auction Salea In New Tork.and 114:atty.'s very taiga aesortmeal of RICH OD 45I,EGAPIT .SPRING DRY GOODS: .1 800 pieces TOW fityie Paris Plaid and Striped Silks. 150. d o ;do ,do Platt aad Brocade do. 200 •do do do Gunny Block . -do 5 cases High India Plaid SAW: These Lucite ate mostly choice lots (root; tht laree 'Peremptory gales ip New-'Pork and Philadelphia, and are considered extnnnelf ',AM.°, .! • 160 veryclai l ly Embroidered 'Canton Crepe Shawl". 100 do ths a Pick' do . do do Long and Sega re Erode Shawls, New pullouts, New Styled Paris Cashmere " Gold Raiders. • 200 do ildanifilas and Talons elegant "spring colors. • lid. wide mantilla ;Velvet/6m all . :ccdorai Which are unsurpassed:JD this country gustily style and price. ; ; ; In additlea, We :have an eistaai auortment of Nous. de Ole; Laines, - Prenith - Lawns, broldelep, Fancyt Goods, etc.. Mc. We reettedettmeeiwittatei comial to the city to make their lihichsies„ to call and tamale - U.lnm Stock as it is the ttivititest selected and cheapest we have ever Offered.; April 1.185* •; ib.St •• Rerr .111cli and E'sasidoitable DRIf GOODS • '4 . D. G E ZNE 4 - $ ( tvi*th_L. J._! Lti7 co:iw , trAVlNfirsqpinteil the terse and splendid 'store, 8. .1.1. E. Corbin of aßell sod 111 INTO Streets, Plias del strut of Rich Rare and Fashionable Dry Goodt,.of the latest importations, consisting in part of Bich Plaid nid SOlyed Einis, Mantilla Velvets, Oar eau and Oftumeito De Lathes, Large Plaid Ging- ' bunt,: Mid and Figured De &aloes; Spring ' Chitties and Prima of elegant Patterns, Pigs • goods imitable 'for Frieide, .111enn,lawite,Ctmlirits,Latell, ,Itieves, Hosiery. ke•ollts•I ,•. Of every itSseription, Including • large and beauti ful assOrtnsillt of hi riNTILLIB et every Shade, style and ooklNgst ap with %pedal ease avdm. his own . sup's. isloo,ls now ready to fturntib dor Ladles of Pottsville arid vicinity with any of the above goody, l ame very %wen prices. THR DEPARTSILIST comprises even'. known etyte of goods suitable for Warn Ms, floyuLe. Jeantne. Songs, de. • • 2110 HOSIDSV DRPARTMUT etuMists of the tergest anititost varied assortment that can be found in as establishment In Philadelphia. _ • • ' J. D. 0 Dom his long esperleate anS. COatieldiOa Itlth the atOit estensivo houses in tha United. States. and hls imitpitsleallicilitife, feels assured that be can otter tud.iciiinentr to ell who may Wrap trim who alhaildetattitlei with to Phitadelphla • of *howbeit!. Timis ;sl:*itly Om; Frio am! ao,..pgriatang.. , rIL S. dot. of Mb and Math Ma *Mind's. AprBIAIDG • • ;184in , • - • - -,ANWILIOMMO.r7 minatifimportm _ "+~B~W ';467 krippt_ , :i.v•itatiwizquar • • 1. 1 .4 04 , 0 1 Sleteltiftirwirr ilatda!ma m ant • iruiption aothso:Virmir,Stitritnd Saila. * V • tena._.Treitinenets au, ewes, Wattage- and Jewelry, Mat Ise lr . • 45. a r t" 311 tu ' v ~tvi OM Win mid to Vie savantalte. to cell and examine me 'Boer Gond* tDat treeeid every evening. • d :11z—tvatitivt,amonntil gaarentma an serolioni. - . amlsl4E'S! -X11=11115104 MlKPrice mum — .21:fee • 04.14'; • ; '1". few ddasalitlfiXll•llo4lg., - , • arrlN Mail for *ohs. it MAL ' • BISON grWLENN'Et Ohtittttwee it Worth OIXTH ralladelpbta, , • , The citizen" of rotuefile. Oita alto puhui,ut _ ere, aro infororeCtleat the-;sat oorlberabovo *dotty , on !laid a geaaral dad adarpLate aillonlOO1( Of ELM had Caps. ward tk- ttitt OrrOlfro.hfildrAtory. respereftilly 'owe 104 tO Cal Op 4 Olarnioe ; troy Teel cooftfieot they on pie:strop' prtfe had, eLohltry. Do net forget the ohltOrl i t • J, molt is4oXLENN,: ; '•4l Nora 61h dt..Pailadedpilit•:. - /tato • . 4prti STATSWISIT Of apendsturei (bid- credos of the ..iirreeet. of Pore Carton - pi the year'./W 3 : 1'4016 Mor :.Bth, 1854 : I - • To Roan porposes,'• I„ •.- • 0E0 4 3 Engineertng and Black/RDA 000.6 4 Beata far Lrek-orP Pad Ep i nknooou;ra, . PO. 'll,lac.elianeoun exptnief f -•. • , • - 4,10 40 Trischolle money aa.Toisat;4 , „.. 00-00 ,Dalan;t , en last.yeaea s4Dinalea!# • 7 71 ,30 • 1 - • ' - I ' O2 gr:tai'coneit4d • orthistiat; * . — IP27T7 Is - • Debt in part by V, *ilt *esti'. LSO altt daballani Nal4Wloll_ .' - ,. 01117. A meta& fluizi4ukg,Catigtaily, ...Mal Loan, • - - - 300;0 0 Fines cbliettfel by prlefliargto,` 01 1 0 Dr. Mown': unlot; • I • - I , 25 ' • 00 &taboo la.Pand of last yearalTres- Ain't. due by Et et tiorwegion tp., • ,-- . -..:, ~. - - ..;" . Debut of the Beroegh o ( , ' , . , - s2e4 VI The Borough alto oscructleo.) email rite Engines. Vc'e the undetalioed, At:Whore, haie examined the acco:ots of ihe Divougb, and fled the abeee the' is sail HA . . KICEL bIe.DONOLIG.II, • i • • • sastUEL GNAWSE.%EI. ;-, . Ihdltot* whi, hIGEft, .... i April 1, 18b4 •• .I • . -.-- ;!i34lt i ORPNIANB' . 43OIMT . SALE ; 1 PURSUANT to in ordermf the Orphans Court ot tbe County of Schuylkill, in thei •ianution• wenith'of Peuntylvania, the subscriber ' • Admiels trator 0! the Estate of AJMOS Price, Esq., late of the Township of West Brunswick, in the county of Schuyilull, damned, wail expose to sale by pub lic vendee on Settaday the 29th day of April next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the 'Pliblic House of WILLIAM MATZ, in the ' Borough of Potts: ville, in the county of Schuylkill aforesaid, .. ALL that certain undivided hall partl of a tract of land, situate in the township of West Penn in the county ot Schuylkill and Stateof Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of ' Michael Happen, Nicholas • ...,- I,Ohlets ImProvement dec., eontainutg in .„," 1 -.1. / . • the whole 4wo hundred and sixty nine acieri and oile hundred perches, tieing, the same tact which was' tented to ' • . Jumes Pride by patent dated the 14th day of August, A. n. 1830. , • .. • ALSO',Awo acres and ono lumdretrand sixteen perches of land, toteme Lin oradjodang the Borough • of Orwigsburg; bounded by laitd of Lane Shelloun mer, the McKearisliurg road and the Stlite road. ALSO, tine other tr ct of land, situ lo o m North Mantieim Township, havlltill cou r ty, bounded by Mods of dope Boye Frederick F d and•oth- . ere, containing rive acres more or less.; . ALSO, all that certain tract of lan , situate in' Barry township, Schdylkill county,aided by ix) lands of (Dow oe lateiessee Yarnell ,' os. Barthel.: 111/10 , 11), land surveyed. to Peter Fru icy, Casper Peal and others' containing two hundred acres and' filly ouiNind a baXpeil i chesi being par t of a stirvey. made to Ephan by virtue ot his warth t, -dated the: 11th of January 3795, end being very I valuable on • account of it being Coal land, late the estate ofsaid deceased. Terins and conditions made known at the limo and place ot sale by i t' ISAAC SHELIIAMSIE it, Adm'r. By order dr the Orpbana' Court, - '-' LEWis REESSE, Cierk. Pottsville April 1,1.1.5 t "I 1 _ _ ORPEGIFS, counir sis t LE. 1 , . BURST:ANT' to an ;order 01 the Orphans' Court I of the county of l i cbuyikill, m the: Cornmea l wealth of Pennsylvan, the subscriber, Guardian of Catharine Christine; and Al= Sophia Christine, Minor children 'of Henry Christine, lath of the coun ty of Berlo,deommed,lwillexpaso to sale by public vendee on Friday the sth day of May next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the PENNSYLVANIA HALL; in the Borough of Pottsville, in; the county of Schuylkill atoresaid, all that certiin undivided two-sixth part Of a traet of :and situate in the town ? ship ot Ruth, in the . eclunty'of Schuylkill'and State of Pennsylitania, to Wit : I , Bounded b'ic lands of Soldmon Beatty and oiheri, containing 400 acres and allowance ;with the ap purtenances, consisting in two'ctwo storyfrainq dwelling houses, two stables rill, - ,and o th er out buildings, being the same so o• tram of tand which was surveyed to Walter Beatty, in' . pursuance of a war rant dated : June 13th 1793. Of the above tract of land, about one huridrdd acres are under cultivation, the balance is welt wioded and is said to contain Coal, late the estate o said deceased. Terms and couditione made known at the time) and _place of s al e by 4. 1 , i IVM. B. SCHOENER, i I .. : Guardian, BY order of the Ort hens' Court, .. 1 , Lewis REMR; Clerk. - Pottsvide;A:pril 1,151-5 t 1 - N. B.—At the above time and place Henry Chris tine, son of the eforeinentioned Henry Christine, deceased, will expose Ifor tale his interest, amoua._ 'ling to one sixth in the whole described tract r end. .'• i , • This interest with the interest of .the in tnor above mentioned will, amount to onehalt of th Ostole tract. from aft location and character it is tell worth the attentionrot capitalists. El ITANSF'ORTATION 3pnUTLEILi.: NAVIGATION. CO. ( Irrie At TOt N 4510,01011 CO., Xarch 1,1,1854. The huge for the pee cf Care, and for Toll on AntLraSe Coal corriOd on Inn SCEIUVLEILL NA It/ will beat followeontil July Ist, 14541-: ~ , `, . Cenu; Cents Centa Cents To Philidelpht L. To , fig 1 67 1 55. !' Slanatung, r; 0 69 67 : 55 " Spring BMA 6:1 . 59 i 57 i 60 u Conshocken: I gli :59 157 150 " Plymouth U. r 00 Sir 57 50 " Bridgeport. ' ' • ;55 ! 54 - 51 . 45 " Norristown. , - ' 55 : 54 51 : 45 " Port Keuned) ti : 49 I •47 .' 40 • " Valley ;Farae: .0' 749 47 .1 40 " Panding'e Dui 50 . 49 47 I 40 " Port Proatdent i : 50 - : 49 ;47 : I 40 • " Phrentsville, ...1 , 45 j 44 41 . ; 37 " Itoyer'srord. '.,) ; - 45 144 44.'; 37 ints " Pottstoob. Lag; . 45 42 42 ;' 37 " Port Datin,;', • 143- :40 40' ' 0 " DlrdshorOtigh, ik i ;41. :40 .u.: 34 " Readingi: ' 1: , 178 :17 35 • : 31 •'Althotreg, :; 34 ; 37 31;'; 31 " Idolarsrlite, I- ;, '•39 , 57 35 ;.: 31 Hamburg," Hambur- I . \ , 33 - „ 34 32 ; 'l3 " Orwigstrete LegoicA; l3O i. 29 27 , - 00 11 - Weharge,lll - ITe pelron of 5.2 mt. 4u , kegs - ig;. per cent.; ali#ante foltwaste, as usual, and: no I charge less thlit trdenty-te, cents per tan will: be :made for any: distalice. %order of the Managers. Al FRALEV, President. idarclllB,lss.l 1 it . -113 f M:LADA P ..'RE NO RAIL o ROAD. ~ M , ..w.: . .;-, 0 0....-... r ., w x ........ , . ' •, ..--.4-...... , ... . . -c..... i 0 471C1C 07 . 71421 4 ,111LAW . A Mr... Lase R,, R. Co, 1 . , IP/li/ads/p6iltarti 2,1854. , i The ilitaiof Freight and T oh Coal transpcir red by this Domoady, will he' • Ilowi.frono March 1 lolls', 1..18.34: I 13.4 m• 1 •-- ; 'I 1 f, - : :. L i • Gas rizTtritzs AND Larara. * HEIDRICH, HORNING 4. BROTHER, • .......,, ' • F •• ' 1 ‘.. ' ' •;• " •53 No. WI North SECOND St. (aaoto YIN. rani . ,'V. • C .', . 0 . • 11 .- V 1 r. ' PHILADELPHIA. , . i _-. I .0, : • • I t i'.., ,0 , 0 urAVING had many mars 'practical esperience in ••• -.........—.,• ' '' . z ' ' 46: 2 . J.lthe business. and as all work sold by us is mann. ' 7--- - i--.- 7 factored under our Immediate supervision, we are To niche:mid, : ! 1 , .165 150 145 enabled tooffor purchasers En/mint articles In ea " 'Philadelphia, , 1 !.... 155 140 .• 135 ery branch of our trade, upon •the most favorable •• Inclined Plane • 1 .—I 155 ; 140 135 terms. At our store may be found, in every variety " Nlcetown, _,, i • ; 1 6 0 , 155 : 140 155 • 'and style of finish, Cu and LatosChandellers, Pen " Germantown.R•R . , 100 155 ! 140 135 danb, Side Brackets,•for Balls, Churebes. &a,. &c. s' Falls of, Schaylkill, ! 140 '155 l4O IJS the IMPROVED PINE. OIL LAMP! Also. •Fluld " Meneynek. . I , , 160 IFS 140; 135 Lard and Oil Lamps,' Oltandoles,..Bortuet Holders •' Spring Mills, , , , 145 • 10 .123 , 133 Parlor, Night and Redding Lampe. On hand Tramp " Eanallehneken 'and Ply. - i •, • • montltßailraid. , 145 0 025. 125 Glassia.Olobeit, Wicks;Bliades, Sic. All work war ranted or no sale. Factory. !darter Street. tear " Itainbasli and potts and, • 1 1 43 -, Monis O.III3SIEMBER, Store 221 North Second Jones, ' ' ' 't 110 i I l2° Street . '. , 4i blorrlaiSo or Ilfltigeport 140 1 1 125 120 March Gt . , • , , ..• Port Kennedy. , i 1 140 1 1 las Igo II, 1050 ~' L_. lO4Ol " Feller Forge, I ' i 1 5 5 , 1 I 120 - 120 ' " Pbatelairille. r { 145. 12 tity•Ho SAM= 81.. 111113011TOZIEN. • " Royer's" Ford, ' ' ; 125 120 tn.. 1 03 • ", PostatoWn. ' • , 151115 03 ' 103 No. 536 North ` PEON T Sesser; above Maiden, ..„. 4... . " Dougleevllte, . i.o 05. 105 and N. E. Car. of Froarand Maiden Ste., Birdsboro', ; no . 1 0 5 01 " Stadle 1 .. 100 'i• 03 ' i ' 83 PHILAD4I4PHIA: ",;Between Seed,lcg arta --- .i - 1 • Mohnintlle, 1 ! 100 -I 05 ! 85 " liohrsyllle, 1 1 100 95 i 63 " Hamburg. - 1 100 0 I ' " Orwlesburgi - i 100 05 r ; i s, By orileroftheßoard of Ilarottero, onh 1i,1854 ii"MF"D i M POrrarlign 'MT= Notice is betel' given to the additional stock id the capital , Water Centrism, yt meet at , the . TEL. in the Borough of Potts j the Bthda3" of Aptil, A. D. 1854, of 2 and 8 o'clock, P. M., an 1 conjunetiori with.the present PoutwilleylaterComptny, ho Nine Managers of said, Comps from among the *aid subscribers (six at least of whom shall be . Borough or its ithmediate vieuii aß'airs of said Cornpanv th of January _next, ensuing. Sraanus_N. •Pettus. ~Cs. Mein Halttt.B, Beans Broastur Pnat • 1 Cute Items IlturritiOna, Ta„ Wt Jo: writs* Jous(scs, • Pottsville, Match 25, 1854.* West Chester treenail A -Wit ll sT CIIEBTEIIi Ceitieted by the Mit MM max ROet laillioh . Of 0464 Melltel.on *a drat day of tdi Maeda day 01 July, etotoractag irdelda• The Santee of Insunetion Web ea of a thrmogaZoglish edneatir Preach and Germs anguages, TYowlMute, arta plain L an d ornate • Taoronsh and competent teactri each departmeoi • Circulars containing terms am Non of the ,Ilebool, as be had on Itarionorcza.. Belmar, Dr. ton, HMI 8: Evan, lion. Tao Chester. t. Nardi 18,18541 I `~ ISSN ' 28,05 .464 j 400 00 . . , 1 . , • 1 . al I • . ~ i ..1 ~,, If . Z I .0 . 1. .. i... .! Sw • M 4.—Elec .- U. eibers I. he fthe Potts • le CHANGEO le, on Sattirda‘ tween the hou then and there kholdere in the an Election for , to be . chosen stockholders, _ 13 ot.the said to 'conaunt the and Monday W t . P/TiAll, REILLY 3- Loop, ions!, =movers. 124 t talon Will noon• nd end on the tiod of eleven all the Wane& lap, the Latin. atimmantal and al needle work. Titer Infoima .lleitlen to the =M=ZEICIg. I PRIVATf, SAS. , . 4 /51H17a rMf ir all ill yat ow • lad twopleta ti , atiakat;Artaansir ilab . y t o w as a Tavern /Head. inmate I. the r art ,,, Thos . The owner ifiabiag• law 1 • COM bhp papery aak ~ lf abase man ; Oriel.&t."4la anasll7llll ST Nu parkin' • 4110 gryt the'PeT- Allen Fleber A four ,•• OIR „..; Hall. aims alde. Crain • ; • teffieell 0011144 r,. Nardi U. " • =mew Lots Ton 'Y"TitaA" THE. masa Mar ors so , ten Salkilag .. tt • ale. from half ns Ms* Arra astb , lins roast lestaos..At om ilioassille • Wes:moat; achy 111111 Uavessi,kt. ...The Mulattos: airrlt'aml Measaatosommandusass vie, al** Mhos hall Bilk MOM so tea imams arcoimmdir mama oa Lam Inetatora sold, amd tt lo likely soots Mr !satirise a aseassoi guts 'Wage. 6 mamba of them Wes have rotently teen-potschaird at 'Steer* ISolorluiet ria1%V 4 . 14 21 10 0 1 ., ts.M.EPYIoS „ ms! be Nagar ~ag sr , suisocm.;• Miaramleosal other' r . °11141 5 4 •1 1 Mutt bribe suatellber;laroluss • - AMEs 411LLINGUAN. rtittiT • Dieplali. 7, IM i_ciam, • - . AT. "fillrA.TE - I SIPIIABL Cilltij;k g sji ion& 1 ,ENGINE 15; bi n go-0 6 11W. leisify chino! to SO 00r80 I Buller 541 inebes 1* illiaiiterl:o kin irtril two to Wen Outer, ilvtog - Omer fora 10 bone rev " horge44/44 11.114, stall: thi following act dtilane'; • • - • EXTLL-4V ft: I C.II7We, an ft. ways, waking S 2 ft. 4i:etiolate aid 104 h. wa *IL. • - . . . Loos goner, t4.nt Rooks, Wtinehes; , Head blueltabAsklng 4in ill l - 1 dim, 41 Login. frog Pace : 1 40 ell - troth Hoe +i 111 Glr matitte I Saws ti atl—Lathe belt; With a Lab•*Hl attached. • Vale 0101 tuts eut 10,1$00 feet of lumber Si Mime, or iftek feet pet bour.and le in order to do that at tooloagain. • Win be Wad tear Cot weal of mew. A 4. draw &Mira? it Glttlatettaii. Llewellyn, dennylktliCouty, Pa. Match 115,1854 .• . . , HARDWARE, &C. IRON AND SQL. • DECOU MILIDIETON, lasportars and Pidgin sr; ABON and STEEL, XT NoribWatet 81reet, - above Market, fkils in:liadd- e . P 614. A general asgoFtment consautly.:= Pliila,„6larch 18, 141 HARDWARE, •G la LEI? Y, da draizs,,. U. T. STAZIEDI3=I43II, 493 Market .Street, below nrcail, PUILADSLPHIA. Jit-t4 Marco 25, 1854 i o)iarM:T.l:tri,./.1:4 ASID 'TOOL tiT,ORE EXCLUSIVELY, .The Largut listabiss Ihiit 4 ed ;tut t oLthe kind in thl Iva: M. McCLURE do BRO. N0.,227 Atuir r Tv Street, abate eleventh, Phitailslphia, Maumee nacre Depot fur Locke of all kinds, warranted qual ity. .• Emma Silesra, Gieseficeees.'• . Premium Porcelain Knobs, o o rer 100 patterns. - Silver Plated snobs,Hinges, dec., with the most 'complete assortment o an the Modern Goods In this Line. • Purchasers are invited to call and examine stock. Cataloguesueent by mail if desired. Hot Air Register's arut Ventilators at, Factory • Prices. or An orders put up under the famed .vision of the ann. • / CALL AND SEE US Marsh 18, 184.8 , PLATIVI72I • 843,ALES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUITABLE for Ball oads, Canals, &c., for weigh lag hay, coa i., ore, and merchandise generally.— Parchasers may feel assured that they can be sup 'plied with a superior and reliable article, and run no risk. Bach scale is guaranteed Correct, and if (after trial) not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, establithed for :hlrty years, corner of.Nitttlt and Melon Btreets,neas Coates street. Philadelphia. ABBOTT gr. CO., ductesstall to Eiliotth Abbott. • aaamEris,& rummenrs • • • lIARDWARII and IRON STORE, Centre Street. a few doors abet , . Multet, (Bast tilde.) have con. • panty on hand a full assortment Feb. , . . , . of Smith's Tools, • Coact; TrlMMltigit, Building materials, . ~k ales find Springs, Shoemaker's Tools, fable Cutlery, Files & limps, i ' Poctet Cutlery, Nails, Spikes and Brads, Carpenter's Tools, , Counter ac Platform Ilrittanla Ware, y.,. ' .dealer, - Allen's Revolvers, AlARaLanti Rolled IrOn'llltia Barrels, FI and Sheet do Table and Tea Spoons, Cast, Shear and Blister Brass and Enamelled Kat- Steel, . , i ties, - - • Tin,Piate and Sheet Znie,:Pans Boilers and Tea Bar, Copper* Sheet Brass' Se tt les, l • . Pia a n d Bar Lead; ' inemry Railroad Traces, CastlnCsoraildesCeitttiona;Raltroadison and Spikes, Min, X.cUt and Citclitar,DOUble and Single Guns, s aw ., . • ;do . do do Pistols, Butcher's Choppers, Clea- Shot and Gime Hags, . vera and Snivel, 'Powder Flasks, Anvils and Vices, : 'Powder and Shot, • Blocks and Tackles, ;ureter-proof Percussion Chain Pumps,' ; i Caps, . - Iron, Copper and, Brass Rifle Mountings. Hire, • i Would respectfully The Subscribers wOuld respectfully invite the at tention of the . publie genemlly, to the above and other articles of Hardtiare too numerous to mention, as they are determined, to self as low r.:d any colleern out of Philadelphia AUglia 27, 1583. MANUFACT ORES. moon om MOTU C. 211. DAILEY, ANUFACTURBR of FLOOR OIL CLOTILaII ITlwidtlis, from S-8;.3.4, 7-8, 4.4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, Set WA REUOUSE-.410 North Third e4trem,Be,copd Floor, Philadelphia. AUSTIN BROWN, Ag'ti Jum received, 312 cases. Constantly on band, the beat assortment In Philadelphia March 25,1854 STATE CAPITOL STEAM SELLS, • HARRISBURG, PA. UTILL fill all orders for Flout or Fce4, on Short al notice and on very favorable term; Flour or Feed delivered on Care, free of charge. Orders by, letter, aclompanied with coin or satisfactory refet once, promptly attended to. WILLSOSO ¢ ideCtiLLOCH. March 23, 1 . 5.5 i 12.4ing. SUPERIOR WINDOW BLINDS!, . CO., No: 40 , Nratra SECOND 81. ri.below Arch, Philadelphia. — One of the mein tensive and best Manufactories In the Caked Strait originators of some of the most splendid stiles. of BLINDS and SHADES, which have won the prizes at the Franklin Institute for their superiority of fin ish and 'picador of conception. shade& and blinds of every varisty and diameter on hand and made to order, at short, notice. and let tered, if required. in a superior ityle, and at low prices.' BC.PAIRING and JOBBING attended to. we ITCDT TO FLCAIE rue. /MIMIC TAME! March 18. IS% . —11-2 in KM LIEI • Venetian Blind Manufactory. Eighth St., hawse* Norwi.gealt itfahrtittongo. UT M. ZERBE announces to the attune of Potts. V .stile and eiclottY, that he is prepared to manu facture VENETIAN BLINDS of every size, color and style. at short notice and at the lowest rates,— He feels confident that atrial alone is sufficient to be convinced of toe advantage of purchasing his blinds. • A tine assortment of Blinds constantly on hanffi- - Tic is also prepared to repair, paint, and Wm old Blind' in such a manner as to render , them •alnorist egnal,ln apaearalice, to new. Feb '25, lOU Circular Saw Mills . - • AND AZILLWRIGRTING. 'MS Subscdher has made arrangentents to fur -1 nish at short notice CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, opthe'most approved kind... cheap as they can be got frOnt.the manufacturer. These are about 25 pier cent. cheaper than those In general use In the Re gion. Ile wilt also personally attend to putting up fdllls of all kinds. , _ 11. STSAUCII. Feb. 18,1854 . • • 7-6m* • DULL-WSIGHT&BUBIIMILL STONE MANT.IPEIt. SOLE.PHOPSISTOR of Johnson's highly approved and much hammed Smutt apd Screening Ma chines; also, Carpenter W. McPariand's iron Con. cars Brand Darter, tea latest and best improvement on the-hind ; Carotene° Nil Stones, Mill Irons, Sawn Machines, Patent Milt Bush and- Stretched Belting. aguAßE.mitstleD BOLTING CLOTHS. from the most approved factories always on hand, made up and put on to order cheap, and war.. ranted.*Solid Barr Mill Stones, from! to 4 feet 4 Inches itt diameter, from the best quarries in Stance. ORDERS eoikited. - • ' March 11,1834 t ilres. 77 and 19 North SECOND: 9t., Philad'a. ANUFACTURER and Dealer to STRAW GOOD; has Just opened a beautiful assortment of the almost fashionable English, French and American Straw Bonnets, Flats. Boys and Cbildten's Hats. together with a Rood assortment of STRAW TRIMMINGS, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail at•a small pro tit fur tub. MEECHANTS and id luarisma are re• pectfully Invited to call and examloe our stock be, ate porebasteS,Aa we Intend to keep the prettiest lock tkat ean be found In the city. • • March IL ISM IC•!ai PIE SINKING and ENGRAVING • DI ES altered, Envelopes ,stamped with hulloes* cud., Homeopathic Eavelopee. ae.if.aested and Printed. Paper Hags fbr putting op Gerdes and Flow er Heeds. with printed directions, at 53 r 101713 (POI:WM STREET, PHILADELPHIA. W t • WILLIAH EOLBENP. N. 8.--Or den will be delivered by Erpren, Jr as per agree t.. - Meter 11.11$1 minarsi Limn To Colliers & 8. B. Compsudes. T OFFER my services to those who want an ma. /Oersted Engineer or Soperiateadeat of a Colliery, gnipeing port, or Ralirm.d Station. My expinialcs 15 no cam Trade. Whoa& and Canis, will wit. OW those to whom 1 can refer in ypunoanetaS me en acrtve„gaprible. honest sat Ist , ha Imps mart. Dimes to WM..I. SMILAX. nth Chlmic, WOOD Ca, Pc • employed In Jut .Dullot IL Dell, Welt BEI WATCHES t -1 neon alsiorr - ''' - .44 - : : - 1/ .. Tka,44; ~ /...try. 412 y av ale '. , 014t, Bfe ; toe 'tiatrit ,teas the Atones' 'Seel; r &fed Ilent-1 • rofilfsi`..: ` ' "'• y . ~. - 1131,ESPSCTMELT iaviira tact attention of the rub. .11.1114 \ IC. Up bisittita. V 1,41411 At /MO rialebt *MOM ala Sliver. Patent Lever,. llecplar.. , iiiskirreacips meta. Botliental. Lepine and Phan Witcbra, lutported and \ Autarkic Oceits. Flue Ctold , Jewelry; 'en:treeing e aerial/11f itelhatiti-statinlty3e* - ut Crease . pus.. git Rings icr.,Cold sal Slicer IPeanits., and Pen , caws. la Wieder Oold-rese.Alliiiriltiotes.r4lbe. and batter Kaivint, Plated and asitaliatta Ware. Plain, Pearl, rl Ind ?VON iiillaili pad Cases, Hated (a.ttors, - iltlit..." . 0-Baskets, Bine Cutlery, Violin a adClut 04.50111.4:1* Ike- _ ,'. all kinds of . Qat ,AptunthiLlintl opined...AG the JowelrEwill he — .VN , bw:,9 144 srpatting of or u0,.,..1.04,4. t w o. at,,,,,.-Visictr• rid gask„Centne Street, Pollard illi. loisrzeoh. Num. , ----L:-. .--.....,-1,-:-..)--- i insaziOn'imazkr, - - • '-'' . (Of tliti ‘ inte Pon of Aaiun ft ELLityriu.... n.;l, tale OP 'VHS BIG WATCat °wreathe btorticser's 1 , .7 Hotel. respectfully set:ounces to hts - friends-see , thepublie,tls.u.lia milk. enIIIImUee 0 i , 4 10 otter forseleaSteles-eiseasacies , -.- Ur C leas. Witchet. Save itivi and use J certify.- tc..te - tchlett /ashes attention: - Ile is deo:mined eta to be ender , mild by an here Or elsewhere. Cell snd.ludge tar yourselves. Wort Mt imperfect.' to business. and i 4eitire tO please, and k knizallea Oft' all goner shalt Ararat° be as reptesentedi be topes !tilt to;' retain bisituire of patronage."-- • . • • , '. ' ' ' N. 9,-All kinds of Witches, Meer - lind ' Jecrelip; citetullY repaired add Ism-nate& 4 ' ' "v . '. 4 . ' ' WILL IMt Inityr. • - - -.- !Coate efi, filo of the 'Bit watatr,' -1 .. :011pOshirMaitimei'd lintel.' 0c.a.e.1a , t. - - • - , q - • . .414 r s. aci ■ me toper EITI 12.1 m 9-4 m IL WAS, 155 EIESI asltM:l.Z.l6.:ia. • „ „. Noy: wratimo:t do minzrit. • '• CHEAP TrATCErES - 220 - 1- 1 14 V AkE l 7 1101.EsALI .. 4. lltiradeipttri Watol3o4l43owelty *tore," NO. 00 Aorth 1 0‘c ond Bitakt,cotPer pt quay. Philadelphla, ' Hata ureickver4.ltl &Orals 13ae,VLS 00 Geld Leptlity 118 to 02‘Atottt eSpectaties. 7 /OU Jew?' adver LeVer, toll Jew? $O, er 40 ,I 50 emu,. , A4l 4 :lohlllnacele,th 300 Bayer Lo4ioo.jege s io.- 1.a4it0: , , 0010. Peocits, s'oo Superior lasalitets, I ; Vitra Ttattpootis; 0.4 500 Gold Peas. with tenth - anti Silver Llutder . 1' 00 G I" ilogcr Rialts,s 7 l cents to 1N j , ses, plain, 12i cents Ysteoi,. pi ; •Luatt, 25 g lu e s snicks lo proportion'. All goods,•*hgrante4 to .wdat they sic Noitl . • , STALirre.,lt //ARLEY, • * r - doccessots to 0. Conrad. i said, /CU= Gotaatid Silver I,eircts sod Leplues still lovier tbso the sliore prtres,,. . Reit. 3,1953, . , WATCUiiS.. AND ';ILL lik. la ir.d.n.b. • ~, . . . , THE undersigned Weald most respectßilly reform his - friends asd the public genereity; that he has - /recently calmed and otherwise Mi llproved his storeolid le prepared too f- .--,,,,, Mr goods wbt, 0, for beauty and style 1:-.1. 1 .; , of hnish; tannot be Surpassed. El fire now torture an etiensive assortment of WATCH.. Ed, JEWELRY, SiLlfEtt -Whits: and FAN CC GOODS, &v., to which he invites attention. Deing, determined to dtsposikof them at - pilau which can- , not fill to render eatftfastion. Be has considerable; experiences in "tile amine's, and will endeavor to: planation* who may' favor bun with their patronage' All goods gnatanteedtp be as represented. . .. 1 N. EL—Watchetitsd Jewelry repaired and warren- , led. Alt orders by ,mallor otherwise promptly at tended to. "; ._ 3; JA:tIES D. FIDLER, ' ' No. It Routh Sittit.. below Market Si, nola a:. ROO% forget the number July 16. itisJ. ..Sayattog4 Superce,ded. ' CANADA SlTNEfte.i. WATEU. Los= Elig!Caicitai, from tbr MITE ' S' A N" O W ELT, 5.50 fcct 10 depth, St. Catherines, U. W. The rtstraordlnary tacdtclnal qualities- of the xva..' tern have already proved to be more pimerful thou', anylditietal . Wster yet discovered for ihr speedy an d; ellectual cure rd • DYSPErtAA, Liver and-Hidr!ey Cquiprainte, want of Action - 1u thei • Digetetive and Urinary t)rgttue, Disorder,' - t latinutteb,linea of Appeilte,Lat• • - ' eitude,fieneral Debility. ,”• . Wormit in Children, • . , . Pea niceness, Fe . , . • .tiur and Ague, , . t - .- --. c., &e_ • U le elan ukrlied,hoth externally an 4 internally; with unerring eMeney in thccure of Chronic Itheuinaltstn, r . • . . (tout. lieu-4110x, Lornbato, . t • Piumbneifti,l'alsy„Vieat Jmints, ' !' • , - Eruptionu or the Skin. &r., ' it .. Poi pittieniara isle partiptiteis in Drug 0t0r.4.--, The foilowing are itigen;A: J. Curtis Iltighes, ;.. . . IF. t-tanJeraon , _ , John G. Brown, ''' • J.N.C. Martin ,•' „ , 1 4 'llirmati Rabenaa, 4 •. 1, %VW)legate Dr.not-:243.3 ChOquut F.ti,.-t. - k JOitti B. LEacnr, ripecja I Agr Ili. March . 11,1554104;a4 -, .. .. litomteopathic Books and MEDICINEs ['OR SALE by J. falQittJAN, No. 133 Vine fitieet, 1: Philadelphia. !Jennies Domestic Physician, with Medicine Chest, containing over 100 reon•iiies, tar CO, and.vrill be tient. by Hailroad to any place,' net exceedilg 'lOO . wtti. free - of freight. Oi de ra to/ Boots or Mediilnes 'Om:lraqi at te ndtil to. , - JOSEPH MORGAN. , ti-tf Ftb. 25:11511 FITS ! FITS , !! FITS !! ! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT. PILLS I For the curt of Fits; Spasm, - Cramps, add ail, Nervous and:Constitutional Dimmer. , .i- ERSONS WHO ARE LABORING UNDER 114 1 I distrait= malady Will find the VEGETABLE' EPILEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy direr di - covered for curing epilepsy, or Falling Fits. These Pills•possets a sPecific actiba on the nee 'you syfiteut ; and, although they are prepared e4l peclally for the purnoseof curing Fits, they will he found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with wf weak nerves, or who nervous system haq been proi irated orshatteredfentn any cause whatever inehrvu ic complainti,oi diseases , of.long stauding, superin duced bynervousneSs„they are exceedingly beneficial* Price *7. per boO, Or two boxes for $5. Persons 01t of he city, enclosing a remittance, will bare the Pills sent them t brittle!) the mail, free of postage 4- For snle by SETH )3. 'IAN CE, No. 108 BALTIMORE street, Baltimore, Vd., 10 - whom orders from all pada of the Union. must be addressed, post-paid, Jun* 4,1853: •, • 2 • • 23-Iylf THE CELEBRATED • • • AMERICAN HORSE POWDER, A Cortatn, - S.afe,.qiieed9 owl Effect fial Care . fetr ' Botts .litstenzper,,Cough.s.,.Yelloto iVadery Loss of Appetite, Depression..o • • i•Spirets, etc : . . 41110. proprletOrso)C the above - powder take erect .11,pleastird 14 calling your attention to an article which excels anything of the kitd .ever offered for pubtksaontionaoifpatronage. It, has mod thelest of many years' experlenct, and Is no trifling linnthug got up as n money-making scheme, but an- ankle substantlalty and faithfully prepared; coretpre , o etitirely ouch remedies as have been found birpraimic.al experience to be vat. uable tot the cure of the' diseases for willed It Is re. l'eceineerded. - . . It should be Initie lands of every Farmer. Farrlir and Drayman. Nerowner of horses should be with out It. It will sairOf used - properly. and In time. the lives of many valuable anituale. , We ask you but; to try It.. Zonfldent.of its ntiiit ate deem-it unnecessary to enter into any tangle -distant of Its virttlea , bet respectfully submit it r the patronage of a'dikcerning public., - Also— TIMEr CELEBRATED AMERICAN COW POWDER, . A NEW ANM VALUARLE DISCOVERY. I . Warranted to cure Hollow Horn, and . teasel ineldent to, Horned Cattle. Notwithstanding the numerous compounds whtli are daily offered tinder the name of spetifice,yet tb re boa long .been wauted.a preparation that would ail sure a safe and efitchial cure of the many diseeties tofwhich every Rowed animal is suhjett. The O ita of the presencone, containing Ingredients of tbe -most valuable description, it to enable all those Who may own cattle afflicted with disease, to- obtain a Medicine unsrupaSsed by any other ever,offeredt-4 Its Comp,pattlon hnentirely different from the Ifor Pmvitr•°ilnlf adapted exeretalg to horned animals and lheir dieeases. - .It ih , tinnatural.idd ineorisistent - to administer rhe , same-medicine to both speides for tire cure of en * irefy different dlstritsta. Whatmay be valuiblit'fas a remedy in one i6anly, is'evifirely inactive Oil . uselrlts in the other. We have, therefore, prepared two remedies of dfssim fiar natures; which we tap. runt to eradiegtethe diseases for which they are rec ., r °amended: • •: Lisethlsarticle • once, and we venture to . say you will not,,,be without it Mier. It hai been tried by many intelligent farmer* throughout the United. States, and univereally given the highest degree of satisfaction,. . - • • Prepared only by • • • , wARNE•ei LUKENS, • Wholesale DruArists .1 Ronili West corner-Fourth & Vine streets Ptillnda. e Responsible STOREEEEPEPA'aItd DROGOISTO Wan ' ted to act ai Aorlol. Phlladebahla, Marsh 18.1654. . , 1 i l it•- . ritori d t ac h. : , ootrotp;. To .all Owners if liottses,'a : itoi"bui l d, to mil and see, Arateing'4 . ? .- _, • "PATENT LIPANOING WINDOW smitO r. Elicitbas al, the advantages which Weights . Wand Polleya,baie.ia 'keeping Windows In any position I and aisobas many advantages over thtim, inane of which ale - these : ,If fon .use Weight.: on your Winddwe, thearn liable toter out of order, corthchreaLdtc. , Expending Sash rennet breitk. If. you use Weights a sash must be loose In i t yk. the Frame; so as to;! c nee an unpleasant noise every the windbliers, and Oro to admit dustand Fair In - abandoned in; the great loconvenienee of gi:oo housekeepers.. The EXpanding Sash is tight byes. pan tion, andtherefore will nut rattle nor admit dust and air. If Irrit use Wetghts you cannot remece'the Windows from;he Frames without removing he strips froth the aide., thereby canting the paint td he nabbed o ff as well as, losing some time in the onett tion. The Stpandlog Sash can be removed frOn, Ind returned to the Frame, In a moment. ' Another greatinducement to owe the expanding stsh.isthe east which. lif a new house, would 'not he more than rine:half the cost of betiding the oldi nary frame Witirltreldhts, cord. and pnitays.l This Patent ran be iipplied to old Sash, whether they now have Weightnor not. at an expense that Is 'Mall in totialderallionhf the mane advantaged Rai:led.: It is, In Act, the only. sash, which .Combines econoity, conVenience emir:nib:l in perfection. 5. Call and exam cit : it will coat nothing to look at It. edr SHOP.SIOIIXS will be sold to Carpenter, 1 ; , CEOUGE saxour .• Feb..o, 1834 ',- _ * B.tf , 3 NEW SOOTZI TO mammon°. ?ev‘f,T • • ---- rpm warp BDS,QUERANNA RAILROAD I from rhea °Mem. Station, on ehe Reading -Rail mad, to lirrisinerg, he opened / fna huhu& on de e Ist of. ebruti ryr. ppAsENGER TRAINS. . Leave Althorn int 8 . 30 A. M., 1 rare t iv • Arre at H . arriabutg 11•20 - gap e . Leave Harrisburg, - 2.13 P. 38., Distancle Arrive at Akbern. 6.15 "• . J 59 usileap •-• The Reading 'Railroad Company will run a toe& train ip the morning, from Reading to Auburn. p leg esprit Port Clinton' the Panengite who may have arrived Item Wilkestratre, Dlaxintnil Mauch Chunk. it 4..tbseesah Tamaqua v and. bring-their. -to Auburn before op.:o A.H. The Train arriving from Harrisburg at • Atifirtrit, at 6.15 P.M., will connect With they Dr:upward Train on the Reading Railroad. -. This mete !Vassal& quicken and moat direct Railway centerlines beiweeu all North-Clitoris Venn i-3111mph. end ther;lraillea, of the Schuylkill andAna qpehanni, in the direetion of , Harrisburg. - -•- ELLWOOD MORRIS, , • Snehteer and aluperintendMO: Wilkesiblirree Manch!, Cifitalt„Tamaqu; and Easton finer. Plettae 400). lind send their &redone' to this office tot eolleeoon.eending atm one toter of advertieenteat tolhe address of the Rugineir, at Dauphin. Dauphin. Co:,, Ta. 4 . - Jan.28,16,5*' ,* 3-3 m 1, APIIIIITSGII,, DEALER , 13 sCHAP MON, ..Cr.lllraaa. Bar, lad Wolk Tin.. aloader's BOlolter Liatl.lll4 Orders. welled Co-r Bcw 'ant Cmas work; Oa Mumma fitripatfing. AU ordeal co attectsalidthaho abetea Saoproitsti uttou4o4., WILE. Caraaryetta and South Streeta.Pbtlad'a Justll. 1363 i, • . -111.11 L I .I;ll:utimmusi - r ialmtakrapadeniurrii; lictirra . • pAveirafaii'irttksitn: . , „ruorrEamitx.HATlG • ' LAND VASTER, :• EIYDRAPLIC CEMENT:. w skittboiy wflistil on the most ltaisawklge W441111_1 and man; al:largo& .y." 061 ' 11 146 flitiloise Chest/int El}.;;Pallaa'a; 41tare.14 . 15.1&11 , , 1.1-1 ut 4pl9iti 1 1 41311" Irmicit 4 itAt Clialfts t' • ' • -Rociittcr ''" ' - CANE IWTTEII4, mr,inta avtd CHASSEIc . • lie ail. Om; isidoo, ;at catois 441e.11 4 at the ctripipeou t, sates.. Witouram.t.ii Are tot.. 4t. • 4 .. . :N: 1 , ..W001)13 I ,l :4te,toV Ltlis4 Isuratigi,obncet.. , Frasturisms-tv.Panut.:4. - 0 1 ; 0• L apatt e. • AND•R r AI I 4 .II 7 in AMIN& p 14-111,1toltalswilltIoNli ; 4601114a461111 43 2; tide acTise tw. ittepserd to 411"eretrst ttri lItestWe *amiss leseillotof Sec Ass Ccsittot Nevaie:.4%-.ftuvandisaipert conks', ItaellsooseNtesiottet Oar ceitti• that ISM - itret-10111,14., to she eitairsibie. • 1 5 , Thep 11141111110140“115414 Inippirirkii• cook' :411 the best qualltrt - -,stiblz WWI! otbit trittaltgOlt *Mir Mende sad eustoostsres , , , .. - ebsokutt,- el; ;. • a . ttirebtli, teek ;4' i 1•••• , ••••• t' sp - 1174,ituifikotoixstii. JOUN STCI24 da . ):103, , eoFt 1 , 44 'A r c 45 S'oettk...E D',Stree,4' ' 4yE now to Care. „aarak:4lew,6Bllloa, a nlatie *ad 111111411184e:8118e1U18 1.1 81 siti .; R18130Z.28, . .1 4 1C.4 • sass, t .- • a `an't'i. • • ,? cusps.. and evilly ankle. soluble to the 1111111oetiv TnA4, l * 'which coasliataddithou 9/111 be isiade -trusettast. tha deaaoa,abateaxesiabllat abaci to offer . test and awn desirable sekictinn 61,attle lea ta theta ;line to be resod la tbeetty„ match 18, Lase . 11;481 .~. '_ t om y i r :-__'"_-..._._.._. ~;..~.._~..=.~nw-tt*-. BTIiAW 600D~••SP $ 11i61 185~. abaulbeni are now poeFund. to noilhitat Oink OrLENDID ENJ ELEXABLlntUrarliat .coniplood, oo the lan of Oath SO/IllOr 4 /_/sall. /. South. OECOSD OTILELT,. PbUidairm4 Alb ant new and tiriatinit matt at• dttrawc awl lad- 7 4 a' Rootlets and F 4 / 4 . FlOntura. dix...; &ad Paaanta. rid= and Summar 2.4.1 for 6enttetaen, widnn 001 04 pat-. roof. Alarctuasta #nd 'lll.llnnara galleons, are lunged to examine. ennadancial4 pxnausing that; lootteat, , variety. awsolky. and In akyles,,, a a/WA . 11 / 1 !/1 1 41. 1 ' tad. o;dars,caratany and prosuptitelar.ivad. TUOMOB trE & CO : Match la. 18N. - it-3n . .18 10m • 1. 0. worse • .. Ddor Blind Shutter and '33:sh. Depot, Ea l it „ T ide* of Broad Street, below:Weed, Pkidaddiplisa. IA ERE may be fee d. CtOtitalNl, on Mali ai:dt- YY tenelea alsortmentoN), nometab; Anat. tem and Itionidings warts - mod' elptal l 0 any ghettos be bride. Alia, Isiah toady ginned, always on bind. Order, by matt or denpakeb wilt !recent: Tromp, at tention. Yhtle.,..Marth 18.1854 Z. STIWATITIMPUIr, 133 :North tlecond atresei, below. :Callentil.. both Philadelphia, bas on band a spiandln sentiment of Velvet, Tapestry; thlumels, Otte t. ply,' ingrain, and. Verntlan carpets; beablei , Druggeis, Canton' and Cocoa matting*, wludo* Jhadus, door tuatc, toot and Labia oil alotba, It' 1 Lair rods, beartbrogs,'bee ilso, the trona, at our Olney store, water of Bib and Sprint; den atneet, ander Om Opting . Oa:den lionsea Wholesale and botall. • Nla., Marcb MOM T. El: EIDEEMOEtra•ag co., VORTII;EAST CorneviHlllD and LUCE Steads, lY philsdelphis. Importers and Wholesale DMtlets In Foreign and Domestic Tobacco, Bni and delays. The above firm having recently opened !belt mew and commodious establishment, are now prepared to furnish every article In their Una of business, hf nupenor quality, and at the lowest market pikes, enitnicing all the ditfereat grades and quallues of ehoceing fobacco, choice imported Secure, of the te4,l, approved brands, anti Donleslic Sego*, of ev. rry denervion. Alen. a large ASSOflateln of Axperl- Can, °emu* and French Stooling Tobacco, of vailous kinds. including Deninth's celebrated leap pee, Lundy Font. high Tuasr. Frenih Repulse, Con- Natchilotchee. &C. A superior article of, ,torch entail, in hottlei and packaged of g and 4hun-. red. raper* prepared expressly Or country trade. Always un band a large assottutent of rotorla.'Gar• now and Engliah Piped- tinutf arl . TOtotoco lions. s..gar Ceara. Wax Slatees and Seger Lightera i ; Sc. Agents fur George W. Giant celebrated Ger man donating Tobstoo, and for tint most celebtated tuauutarturers of Fine Cut Totacca, In New Ti wk. all of which are sold sat manufacturer's "pricesi March I I, 1 - 04 • • . - lo.2tu , • Stoves, Cauldrons and Forges. i HE understgard *mild rcspecifully suit toe at _ tetanal of .111KIICHANTS and those who au., i n want of a first-rite STOVE, for eith er wood or coal. to their extensive stock of COOK .3TOVES, comprising A grerter assortment than can be ;wind -at any other establishment in the city. They would also Invite the . . attentton,of ROTEL KEEPERS to the!r c e lebrated Buck-cook, 3 sizes, capable of cooking fur from 100 10 600 persons. Also, the Globe Cook, Ca plait do. Complete do, Yocom do,U?gat do, and a number of others. Purchasers would do well • to. gyve them a 1 . 411 before purchasing elsewhere. ;Aldo, t:autarpne, wuh Furnace* attached, for a.cald Ine,.ikugs, rendering lard, and polling f oo d f or k or f, sop Agents for Queen's Patent Portable Forge. NEMAN & WARNICE, (Eitscceesora to Potts & Yotom; and P. F. Hagar * Co N. E. Cornor or 24 and Race Su., Philad's. ..March 1024 Bonnets, Mats & Bonnet Frames WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL V'. 421 North SECOND Street, below Ifrown, • Brest: Side, Pialeide , Jj S. CIISTER ekes this method of infoitnlac .11E11CHANTS and MILLINERS, and all who ap nteclote the t deal:Sage of parshaaing Weir goOda. of the- Manufattarer, direct, to giro blot a call, and look through him large anewunent of New Style BON NETS and 1.1.A.T8, and be convinced of the fact that he can tell them cheaper than any other house in WO thy.. • . , .. SAVING rIIND oF VIE • . • UNITED -STATES COMPAN4 - •Till Ell AND CHESTNUT SIB.; PHILADED/411A. interut, Five per cent. per annum. • ri6lllB oldest FIVE PER CENT.lnterest paying Co. 1. , •41, city acid State, continue to receive money daily on deporit, and pay back daily-without notice as mai., can alsa put in and take out money MON DAY EVENINGS, froth 7to o'clock. • tS REFERENCES—Five.thoosend dealers: • March 11.1654 'lO-tfra C. P. KNIGHT . 8a CO., COMMISSION' IdERCHANTS, And Prater ru Cluestaitd Provisions gor• Nos. 29 4.30 S. siirHAßVES,'Pktla. HAVE tonstantlY on hind n supply of Maikerel, uadOsb, Bbad,Saloion,fleriltts, bias illsO,Whlte Fish. Haddock, Hams, Elides ; Illbouklers, Las*, Beet, •York,,Cheete, Beans,Dried appler, Dried ?Sa shes, Clranberries,sse. , 4, I March H, 1851 10-30 lIE subscriber begs leave raspeetfully lei inform 1. his lilted. and the public generally, that be will continue the business of 'a CABINET MAKER'S FINDING STORE, in all its various branches, at the old Stand, N0..134 South ISECO3iD St., bele*, Dock, Philadelphia, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage besto . wed upon the late lit m of T. & L. THOMPSON, assuring his friends that every exertion will be made by tilenrcif. vol chose in his employ, to merit a coutlattlicice of their cinch esteemed favors. THOMAS THOMPSON. 9-6 M ' Phliad'a., March 4, Ism • • LATEST STYLES. Is CALVES has now In More and ,; t„..„0,..„..„,tt daily receiving from Martutactu ,,,rzo' errs and Importers, a handsome as. torn:Dent of STRAW.BRAID, Lace arid LINEN BONNETS. French . and Atherican FLOWERS, RIBBONS, RILES, LAWNS, and a gen. end assortment of MILLINERY GOODS. •Irm. now Manufacturing WIRE and BUCKRAM FRAMES and CROWNS of the latest French and English Patterns. MERCHANTS and MILLINERS are Invited to cu II usid examine before, purchasing, being col:trident that his styles And prices will compare faVorably with those of any other. eitabliahruent. • WM. O. CALVER, No. Mit N. SECOND. SA., Philadelphia.. • Moth 4:„ 16,54 0-341 QM ICRORERGER'S PREPARED corrim. rinlld la a new article of Coffee, now fur the first 1 time offered to the public. It Is to be need with etirmteing with other coffee, and la put up lei tin-foil packages to be retailed at the price of reastect , eoree, One package of this prepiratiliti as fat Ai Oat PIWND era A HALF of ordinuy Cadge: while the beverage produced from it *lli be mild, cleat, sod of fine favor, and entirely fre: (top everythine , frj u f f, 01,4 to tleatth: 7 , ti. The attention of the Merchants of gettitylYilli tountyliitimectfully solicited to ails article. Whole sale Depet'ii). Bi 011.f.WYN Street,helovi Noble, Phalidelphis. .F.b, r eary TS. 1: 4 54 Et•grarle, . • New Wall Paper Wareho use. . BURTON- , it., LAMING, 51A NtiI , ,t9TURF&S & . IMPORTERS, No 124 Arrh Strati rerond door above, Sixth, • PHILADELPHIA. '‘x7 HERE way be toned the:tamest and handioni- T 1" est assort:nest In the oily. • Purchasers wow the country will find .it , to their airman', to called oar store, where they , wilt be salted with a sopetior article. at the lowest prices. • BURTON t LAMING, • Nn. 121 Arch Street, above a llll ,Philtd's• Feb. 18,1854 • 7-2a • Fink and Confectilonaii; RUBLVCAIif. 4. sEL4ERS,I : Wholesate Manufstturers and Dealer, in CON FECTIONARY of all kinds. No. 113 North Third dins% below Berea, Philadelphia. i: The attention of Dealers is requested to, en exam- Smitten of their stock, whieh will be Dread to be at 'least equal 1.6 any In't.bis city., FOREIGN ;FRDITD of all kinds in season. • . - ' • I. N. IL—Orders by mall or otherwise Veotoptly at tended to. • , ' ' . Feb. 4.1854 s ! t .3re . . Butzaw% maim 131.1711 ANEW.and superior article for blueing clothe,. It If at least 50 per cent. cheaper than Indigo, and wakes a far more beautiltil blue, with less iron 111e. thee entirely dispensing with tbe BLUE BAIL Warranted not to injore the tined articles. A sin gle trial only is required to bring it Into general tizei or sale by J, G. Brown, Pottsville, acid lry Drag s and Grocers generally • PRINCIPAL DEPOT—Alfred Wilberget's Drug and Paint Store Mo. 169 r,oith Second Streit. PIIIL ADELPIJIA. . • • Feb. 5.1854 ' 84111 • Union Canal Letting;' tgIIOPOSALS WM be received al the WOO of the I undersigned. et Lenurtun. Pc. and by A. 'Liver more. Eel.. Principal Assistant Engineer at,ltending, nnth SATURDAY, the. Bth thity ,of April I next, for the widening of Forly-seven ranee of the Union CA, tat of retutegleznil, entelt4lng from the Water Works. In Lebanon .Ctinnty. to Reading; ineloding the taking _down and .re•butidlng of SEVEiiiTY TEBBE LOCKS., Plans aisd.stierideatir;ni way be seen at Ihn Engineer's Anise Union Canal. Atad- In& and Lebation,ms and after April let. prOz. • .I.„CiTANBERLAWiI.i. CO, Lebanon, tit; , 11-11 pSEIADICS AND nialsin.-- .1C 250 Painted. Window ,Aniudei in Canvass. new aWAWA' nd beantifid entin9e!eletY , gtleaprwieZwie aad : sANN 111 4 tliesp Boot and NW egorE - Verdi 19.1856 • CHATELS OM 11-0 m it , 4 ~ (. 1 4 , M-1 :1 . not- ===Ve= Fanny, +ot.ei.octr,-P. 141. . SR 75-44°114,133 r erbbt Corn 1,53 do.—Whist. I RO; -,61. 65 White, 31 sl—Rye, 90-41*...--Coru, 'l3 cu. bats,soLets.znett,.huslf.o...:. L. ;-t, • . ' - ..7 7 ; - ' . :-:--- -•-•:. - 4••••:.=- - -F' -4-7- 4 . - -- - ; - :• - •• - :7 - ''Hir-- -- - ,- .77-r,- .. : •-_ BILILIO,rEAN ;' , ;Eiv.: * - 4 , i'*E. 40 , 4%, 15, V, /tag trale.„...„ -1....,... Vritt;llities Image. Liverpool Mitotic the L t ilth ult.,'. ...,.. . t . ~...t.. .. 1 • :,.. •:,..... , •:"';l4othing temaukable from the seat of war. Kt lefa r i r asyta atitl in the . quiet possession of the T,uris, the'previcuarepori erus fall-be- ;)Itilri tlftaftertnroundrith"' No more fightnig • ' on the Danube, and hostilities, between'the L.', Turk. and Russians - suspended thrOughout . Aitia,,y Ch. tames. dui new propositions for • .. .E fribmi ttlittriFilti:tbtf 41 21r0f 91 4uk. :li deepa a teh"iale Ha "Wig Shreti ►th. ' '''' ilid'Eughsh: gtrittnnieni hes , liediiir& id - sta..ageut„ at 'Ms!. plaat,,ata,..,,a 110steatutd,mnsI la k . to Eoglarad allowi.,; , ' .. I, port, lot the Neb. may:txdispoiable at .: to the*Battid '" .. t il3a- • • - spurting tfho pa ; = The arithenger etihr . esw„;. , ''.' --" 'Of Prato* artd:Stegiam - to tbet.,, -- to simmo b w : ILI r ik4 to withdraw his troop* mutt • - * flil u.. reltittin a specified period„ lett Vienna-nu the -.., 'ltti.' pieither the AUSITI4a liOr the Pluutiaa. -: - Go'lerritiiintlint joined -tbi Western - Pow- 4 eras hi thlatifet.•' Austria ui arid tzeinsevelr.." - i intern ;ow securing the trampulity . 01, the,.; &laves on both sides of the Danube. ' ~ Reports were current .that the latest advices' that ihe ,Russians were will:id - m*log. trout - gatitsif, aid tnirehing thitarite• lite Schyt. .9,tieeti' Vithoria was to review in person the: British dear at Spithead, on the 11th.' Ifftlynk . fol jlEAtePftrltire for the lialue.T-- . Ithluense crowds had collected to witneatt-„, dip', ceremony. Sir charles,tiaper is Cutu-` mandpia-chief of the fleet. • Gen. Webb,' of tees :few- York' Coarkr 4 Eriyerfei;•hadWritteolo the London Tinto/ a long letter? condeninatory of pnvatearing, and states that, althoughuut contrary to the law of nations, the American r4tion. con- denined and repudiated the Prii.iree. • He is `of - opinion that America will rtotlend out I ptteatecia for Russia; ; , • • The French Legislature had emetireed with the -President President in the hill aattiorfzing • t he ,toert.ot 250,000,000trancs for the svar.: It is-said that, should ciOnnotances require , tr. t .the French force of the East will exceed ohir hundred thousand: . • A Greek Insurrection hid again . brokett out in Western Turkey, and seems to be of a formidable character. - Larca.—By the Franklin and Canada, we have further news to the 18111 ult.', It prin cipally 'relaxes to the continued preparation; • itl t - the different powers fur- war. The prop Jsed review of the English fleet w as a grand demonstrauou, and ou the 12th . the • alit division passed out the. waits 0 . 1 . Dovel., The total British force despatched to the Balticonsists sit . .I,‘'shlps, mounting 2200 guns, °paid by a Steam' power :of . ri t. 16,000 hursea, and manoe,l by upwards of 22,000 men. - It is reported that the first operations of the 4 Auglo.F renal army would be. to attack Crimea,. on the Black Sea, near which the Russian fleet is stationed. The troops are to 'attack' Sebastopol by laud, and the fleet s by sea. - . . Russia is busy • strengtheiiing•wious for. tiflcations. "The Czar's reply to.the demand of France and Englaid, for an immediate evacuauoa of the Principalities, could not be received before the 17th or,jSth of March. Besides arming COpenhagen, honigsburg, &c., Denmark is fitting out a fleet of 3tl) guns. Sweden is also actively alining, and fitting out a fleet of seven hue of battleships. Commodore Perry's Squadron, couei- in, of three Stearllerti, and two store ships, / , /1. Hong Kong on the 14th of January, ou iii t second visit to Japan. Food riots had ocdurted inAtaly. • The most immediately interesting portion; of the news is the great decline in bread stuffs. In the Liverpool market, Flour hat declined 2s; Western Canal Flour was quo= ted• at 365, 'and good Ohio at 375. , Wheat had declined 4d. Southern white lis 6tl. Corn had declined ls. Western white 44s 6d. FROM WASHINGTON A DUEL ON THE Taers.—There has been a great excitement in WaAiingtou for, the last few days, on account of a supposed duel' between Masa." Cutting and Breckenridge, growing out of their rencontre in the lipuse on the Nebraska Bill. They did not fight though, after.all. By the latest news, there had been no amicable arrangement of their difficulty, although- several influentml tli-ineu were using their beet endeavors to that effect. F. Governor of New York, has qn nounced to Mr. Dela4an, of Albany, thai he will veto the Liquor Law recently passed by the Legislature of that State. Ile was elect• ed by the Liquor hate/our the State; and we hope the People's Representative., pass the law over hia head. It is time to teach sonic of our Public Functionaries that the'y are uotinasters, but only servants of the people. •' " Txa Eniton."--The Richmond Mail tbrovis off the following cnpiinl illut- ration • " They have a steamboat in the . western waters by the name of The Editor. This is the best name ever yet given to a steam. boat, and more especially. : to a Mississippi. steamboat. We are surprised it, never has been thought of before. ,The editor is a working engine, whose fires .are-going day and night. Now he sails against the tide, and now ,with it, going along at a dashing me until suddenlyfhe comes up all stand. ing, against some !Addeo snag, whiclinear ,- . ly shivers his timbers to pieces. Whet:mist he moves, he puts the waters in agitation for a time, and leaves a wake of Ambled waves behind him, which lasts about five minutes.' He serves everybody hut himself, carrie's freight and passengers in any quantity, and— goes puff—peinir down the stream of life. _ Often his. powers are overtaoked, and the butter bursts, but fortunately it kills no one but himself, and who cares for an Editor 37' THE STATES AND TEltitiTolllZl4.--Itt 1790 there were seventeen: States and ,Ter•. ritorial Governments included in the Union. In 1800, twentpone Stales and Territo ries. * In 1810, twenty-five ,States and Territo ries. 111 1820, *we/ate-seem States apd Territo ries. In 1830, twenty-eight Fitates an&Tertitn- in 1840, thirty States and Territories In 1850, thinrsir States and Territories. EDUCATIONAL. Arcadlate Institute, AT ORWIGSBURO, AIIItYLKILL I,UILL open on Monday, April 101 h, lesl, one. : V supervision of Profe•er r W. 1. 111.:11Nri1 The belldloge eroundnr;tdn; ertensire , °ugh repairs—the school 711trnItore to crturely , eipense has bettettr will be friirell that t• add to the comfort sod well -bring Of the etwhmtr. The course of sendlre iettl enthrsee the viih' branches of English and Classiest Llecroure, with Eodern Lingusgeth Meek, 6.0. TERMS' i For tuttlou per quarter (It weeks), b 3 CO " Instructions on Piano. " .5 CHI " Modem Languages. each . ' 3(0 Boarding may be otiLLiced In "private famileir, et ressorieble rotes. A few (if It Is desired) can tear,' It, the family of the Principal. Circulars and further Information may be ohtlintit by addreselng . J. P. rAL:ii, Orsvigiburp„ ethu)lkilt County, 1 , ,,,. February ro, 1831 e.`:i. Ti WEST CHESTER. ACADEMY. rriIRE Trustees of this inintintion, (Westchester, Cheater county, Pcanoylrtinix,) hare the lion to announce that they heac placed it tinder tea control of Wittlam F. Vt'yeis,!Eirci., A. SI., as rrin• elpal. sndlbst it will he ortencid for the rec.ertion. of students on the first day of May neat. Mr. Wye rs if a 'ruiner , of the University of LePols,ficriouny, Mad eclayita high reputation not only ea an accom plished scholar,but as an experience,: and ince essfol teacher, eminently qualified fot the in/true:ion 01 youth. The Trortere-reeommend ithr e•rhoci to the patronage of the public, being fully assured at it will well deserve U. . • % • Mr.' Wyers' course of brittO4lloll range' of shulles.contiderably more extensive than_ Ii Unlit LS academie instructions, and will enrill to those desirous of entering college, an eligible' op.; partartity for thereat% preparation r and to theta 'lll2O. who do not contemplate a collegiate cotir•e. ample facilities fbr acqulrhig an axtenalva• clatsical aid ecientific education. In addition to the ordinary branches of English and matheenatical ‘ sttdies. *e,d ' ro the Greek and Latin languages, Fniceb. Getman and Spanish will betel:tett. - The building occupied by Mr. Wyera, have been erected expressly rot the. purports of • wheel, and' be will have ample and co fumble accumniodat lilts • for centrals than fifty . boa de la, In ono of be Went healthy situations in th . By order pm . Board. - • JOSEF ;4. LEWIS. Preeitlent. ; Attest. WW. DIRLDOI , O3. titirttaty. Welt CV/eater, Pa., Fehttittry 21, 1tf..1. The scholastic, year is each; Into tiro vans, or aualona. of Sete months each; temMeneipg resooot. trey on the fira dal :of May and ;love r..bor. Circa. !aril containing full Infotmatioo In rdf,reere to the overatiotorefitre school departhronta of torttoction, tell books, ROseroment,expertics,, may be hid ea appllthricoa to the Pribitioal. • , • WILLI Alf V raB,.. . : St cp Access twice dilly by the Westobesfyi isdelphla Railroad March 25„ leb4 '~ MEM ~), ~ 50111 E 11l 111 11