or Tali' St I Wan '4O,IHRSAia. svi~o. . sums TWO 'DOLLARS per annum, pephiebantima, llCally advance meow law mob 'Coes% ty and annually in Ovum to Amino Mg& ea of the Canty. TM publisher ream* to knoraill t eight to charge 1151 re enease s wben primed ' l eglailligaatratMoth •• va a" TAN MlNSliet!RAMLN_,.4494Rattior- - ttecdation than an,...gla , zmosimprpth .. . iel'in• freethere , Perats~o; "V irtoririeoes. .. 91 ,g tits coftfe i ttrysdam TN , F . Al ... ttr t - One Sonars of 14. H 0 eel 'l l6 squere,s snow, $3 0000 3 tinies t , • , 111. • OO months; . -5 Su'avOtstniestioe,- 25 , 1 1.-yeer,-- -7 — -- —B-00 4 taies,l time, t-..., g 3 LW& of iltast„ .-, 3AO s u btieq'et insertion,_ 12ii•do ; • Alatoot4 00 Dle ri r chenti and ethers - tivertising _kit the- ok. with tho_privilege of inserting dtgwat ad:' - • N ertininats weskil , - l2 re' Larger 44i0imaleati"lAiller. BUSINESS CARDS. . . y it l$: P. HOB LUZ, iturrusy at law. Omsk a aicnat for Nair York: , Oast. oppeotttrAtoat lata !lout& Centris tittpit.Pottairtllit, PIM& 6ve.l 24,,,,11551k, • , -- • • , trinirsinr, ATTORINZI : ;mai/LIS _ at Law, Pot 4,9116, guttFL r. Cjare Street,. mi4id? oPPOur .1t1.4, lan = 14 • DrO. aditiabliftsl7.oNClOPATlVlC eiirstulASWltenoved Ofilse to can of the t to:et lignites in Conteuses,Potteviutr. r . •-•- /B.lf - - T A ES H. Ga.a.EII3P;ATTOUNiT AT LAW. el baring removadlo Potatrilte, has opined an oaks u .11.1 Tateg rapt' OBlas.Csatre etreit,oPpallate E. On. • , , 4.11-0 4 " .• Ti"" O. CONRAD, JUSTWDB OF TAB PUCE wilk 3tsant. to soy .bssisois,eStrasted gars, ~.‘l,:au Bahl t ad tiotaseolteote4, &C. on•• is .tiarlLioV.lslttlo Dr ,lialbsneadt' ju aa 5 1410.: 411•11 1d ..*nr-d4IA SOS &JAS. cooprat .A. ~,sralete at Law, Panavillo. °Mee to Canna SI ..,:.:Ar4f the'"PentlitilVileit 8[114..!, Mr 11:_! tt:nd &lithe Coarta, . r. 31,11 . .kti4JS* tiLhrtnir Enirineor t rllto ' v . & ec: to Dr. Chichlotor's Otifltiog, lost b;gia - tho I r rotortaut liplscohalSkurob tPE etroc, r,Vairllte. Pa.. whore no wirrproorpt "v ..11,1! to 111"1:111rd la th Iltit of Ws prof aloe. Av. ti! . 14.rf F. WIIITNICY, EgOLIANGB, COLLEC J and GeAtfal litency ..;11.40,1l to attnere dandg... Pottsville. butler in nu c ar,,,, motley,. Jinni and *Hoer. DUAFT6 on Pitila dttl, , not nod Arty YurkfOr -•-. - 111-tf ' Agr.)II I PSN, ATTORNEY AND LLOII at Law .-ettiladelphiamillattsud +nd all other lila blame-ninths City ; adjairtiug Counties and elsewhere. - • •• 114 south zisr.th stoat . .' hiledalphia. • .4131 OANNA.Nr ATTORNEY AT 1,4 W, ball at:l,ll.m Lleotre 'titer, Pottsvillc, oppo— ...lcl.4.;:scup.il Church, Where be wit! bw dally, to n,ctnck. dullness letters tO bhp To e.tv? prompt attention, addressed to.him at either O. Lir I.le or .Ur tvlisburg 11c;11. 4, loyi CY—Par the purchase and sale of Real Es. ate; .nying und selling Coal; taking chugs at s! Lands; Mines. eca. , and salivating tents—frota y .yents expertwaSe Se Dopes, to al/stamina: street,PottavElv. Ctikel. M. HILL, IS-If ,vrli 17, IeKI r 1 al 0 MA* ic.I34NdIAN ATTORNEY at LAW. A Vilma to Centre Street, opposite the Episcopal LiLittcrt, Aeon KLI iE r JUBTICB OF THB PEACE J void is tient! to the eolloctioo of Accounts, /cc. pr,,4417, as.,l all tkc'dutics appertainina to'bis °Lace l'ist.tsvith:,. Doc SS, IBM • 31-Iy* , AltiLl:—Market zitteet Property ferule. 19quIre tiof • JOHN e g .t. • Mar kvJ Crest above Tonal POttivilit- F. , b.16,1653, 9-if ; Atf.D.—Window Seat' and Door., of various ds s•slptions, au nand and for WS by the zunscriber JULthl 11. JAMES. Mnrtci street above Tomb, Pottsville. Feb. 10,18.53. JNO. N. WAGENSEL EB * CO., Baa er. and Beaters tn. Bacillus°, Tamaqua, Prinn'A. C.ntecting attended to, and drafts Of sale on ill the 3ricciledi cities of the Union. Alto, Drafts pays -0:e at all rif e principal Banking Bonsai in Finland,. ic , at land and Wale,. int) , 17, Ir 4. • In-tf I.IOW ELL FISEUZ.N4 ATTORNEY AT LAW ELPor rsvILLE. Office CENTRIC litneL,ll doors ;' , ..,a,!: of Ernseonal Cburcb,same lids. • •A;rrii.3U,15.5.1. , . , • 'lB4y 11 Vir .U. GLEAN/Eli, formerly of the liras of V. li . & L. W...e. ougavea, Engineers and Sur. %eprn, afte r sevoral yenta engagements ID other pl.- , wry r,V , ened a Wilts in Pottsville, where he aui:,:plt,ti'ed to sep the friends of the old Arm, and it i Wbc. may require be service. of one of big pro• , ~i., , , e ; . , {,if lOC—CENTRE Street; Immediately °spot' ri. i . - sit vor Te - rtaes." —...viong u the ,- . sl Cs ' o Y i;e l'.s F L urriiitire,l ' or n be c i , m material, arc entirely otiviated by this hey* rig osts a m so u t c l h and led desi s. :I . o aantine diet:l—he has several beautiful :setts band. The cibjrctions to the first manufactures l' vie. • - . PIIILAD'A di NEW YORK Abe. I AGNEW & Co. announce adextensive add t '. i tied assortment 9S Ar,Plit 1 24 922 1 kitia 5 41 W; ttecuted on `the shortest Dolls.. Agent for Coal )I.ltes„&c. Sept. %4. ILt3. , 594 f „ tte G r g( b ) i N atia ll a riNcoND rStr.ets, +West Ede, roar doUri .4ora laigillre Wilson's Mace, *born all, --- operations on the Teeth. are pagers:led,' diaa.• and neXtrelll inserted on raiier. tenon: He war. rants ail lag IVOlk, Oct. t. 183 SHERIFF'S SALES: avziarers fly raid* Ole writ of Tottatuis Tendicion's ea' 'Ol9, issued by the Court olCommon Pleas of Beirut, County, and to me directed, there will be rxposed to 1 3 111);tc 6ale or outcry, on SATURDAY, Apr:. js!. 151, at 2 o'elocit Yn thiafternoon,at the P,b hi House of W WILLIAM F. GRIST, in the 01 l'ottiviile, Schuylkill County, the fol. d,aerit , eu :teal Estate, 10 wit: dLL that certain' undivided punt fourth putt, e..1,.) , , , ,rt0 tour equal parts to be dividtal of a ',act r r,vot oft & Lat. 3, situate in Branch Town. p County, in the State of Pennsylva• 1,;., :;:tu , l,:vd cad as follows: 13egiatng a mi,er rlian:ed by a punt, thence by land ofJa c,,u Ciou , :k:e north ZS degrees east perches to a Walit. 041 r thciiee by laud of, said JacobGunckle, b.)utu 4..islegrees ea,ot d 2 perches, too white ,oak, ...win 45 degrees west 114 percheit to a white oak, ou degrees west 180 perches, to the place of bqathitig, tfohte.nhig 2g4 acres by courses and du cour.is- end boupdaries 430 acres, elmt ,:,enure,with the appurtenances, oonsisong ut One Frame r4il Breaker House end Frame. E ngine. Frame Etbsekaanth 'Shop, 1 Friime titah,c, 1 stone Powder House, a 3 story Stone liwe:iinz !louse, with a 2 story stone kitchen at. Inched, one 2 story stone Dwelling Roues, with a 1 i Cory frame kitchen attached, 2 double one story •tene ..I.)..ve;:ine Houses, one 1 story log Dwelling Aveter•power mew Mill, I Log 'Stable, arc. ALSO lid the right, tale and interest of bemuel 'cir.4on to the one undivided moiety or tial part ~ t three tracts or pieces of land, two of them situ. .a linegrove Township, Schuylkill C .sty, ;Le oaa-erriaui.ng in the whole 344 acres Gad al qwd.,ce, and the other containing 100 acres and 0 , 44.1 C!) tue,whole, the third situate in Union Town:Lip 3ehuyikt:l County =hair* OM acres ,!1•1 itnowtHen ie the cen,,le; - AL44). the %Int:lit-Wed fourth Earl in two other 7i , vls,tsi,oirid,' the one situate in Porter Township, tiehtty thillfLournye.dontainutt 260 acres sad ai ,oa•uate'in'tho who* and, the other situate in lirtatnh township County aforesaid, cioatauting 400 sc:es and sitowhnee in the whole. :•-t-}zr,d nod toceo i n inecution as Lb* property cf SAMUEL CONGDON, and will be pow by JAMES NAGLE ebirrlf. Ebcrifre Ot4ce, Pottiv le, 10-ti 316:ca. 11. 1814. ItEAL i ESTATE. • MOUSES- AND LOTS IN I .AWT()N'ii ADDITION ro PORT CARRON. N 'HE v: TON VILLE TRACT Is A now InLI ut into 'Late, and will 'be tio:d't.ti will (Puebla *very 144 "" 1. '"' ". u . to to:robes° for himself • end faintly 4- • HDDSE AND /10M11. A plan of the property can be seen, sad the 111/1111101 Stile made known by "application at tbe ogles . 130 W AEU OWEN PARRIi. Agent, of the Renteeky Bent. - 11 'hilitambesl4,l6.si 354 f. vtatiAMIEII24IL ESTATE Ton ULM 1 11L' eubrillrlber offers to 1.11 et Private Bele the 1 fultnevir.gLeserlbed Reel Betel., upon retsonable tvost Ni. I..Tne l nadividee o b e-tialflotetest of allthose Lr " tracul.er land, *Busts In Branch end Teem:tot leshuyicia County, which were itir/OZed kIZI•rY 170 k LW trift , atlit to Jelin Otto, rooert hod J , ; tu The undltri.. sel • -katelesta /Pi the 'bore Dams to acres. T he lead is well 44.1 d WWI Ilmost suitable fat railroad - r 41.1 prop{. D. g. AU that certain lot of ground situate in thd 11 4;on,0 of nrhoylaill•Haven. upon whish erestse I , :rec-itoty itt/iit Dwelling, and sit necessary •-ol11;n;ngs. This property ha now oosnpied by Dr lieu agar. To gay owe essitaos of precusLog 501,1141 If, dahoylthi Cavan, an opp4rtuoity is now tfe red to secure a euturottaht• bailie/Ulf hales rarely 1., be ma; wl:o. •1 No. 3. all I:uncertain lot of groundsheet* In Port. bootuled sad described es follow. :—Begtto ts-404: on the swath sloe of Pottsville Street, ,at a, a:goer of the lot h.lloolling to Henry Porter. Pones by Oa same south twenty-four and a half .I t ( ons huadred feet to a poet, Diens* 1207th slaty n';t rad one half east llftyteat to a poet, thence north i.,nty-fenr trod one pelf west,onti hundred feet to Po:U.011e Sliest, [hen's by the same south rixtpliv• onc.kalf wait fifty feet to the plies of begin/del. I. A trait of Orli rate timber land, eontainine . 1 .... acres , situate in elsbuylkill Townshlp,ltbout zrsa fulls' bash of Tomato:a, in LOallpt Valle . CLY. ...to to Centre Strait, YOttaTilla, directly MEß opposito us gi.ttliopst Chetah. id story. • n, >IQ f aIIEAT SAVING TO DIZOICOLIIIOII. • Ecap - Dalii•rod widwei Reitertn . D. ,a0110L:ti 68. tcspocitniiy ADOOUllsell tO the 11 ..nuh!:. that be has •conata fitly on hand Ott. Soap ar..l ~..nni•a of hie own manufacture, at his Factory h:th be rani warrant to be sepal to 4, Y ~,1 1 hare or . al•ewheta, sad at lowarprlaaathait e wate.ot.seo ta any other ILIgh711: ta:P pricna paid for Talloto,at Lila Pottivtile. • t irLattlrer—Nr.w EDITION-17e0 amt . : tor -, E4ltrd by F. (S, Bluest , • ig ; Feat fibtes to ato tur dale. cf tbo Acts* an talc: nog ti; Lb, rettlort II Will =1 35. . ' • ~ ~,• •,,ri• ,c.,trialUtia.ollotticue..Ptes .1 a a: kt.i in/.1.14.1 ith...ldi 1.2111 by ' B. HANNAN, :. - ' Law and ldiselillambreks tiooks•4liPir 11.0 1.1 ii.•'.3 te— • I. . - .------.------'___' i i: . ii.'.l. ...* Egli Aa ...., ut Q; )...i#ll,l 1 , ,f, .*. VI.II/0 i Lute 6 1114:—A complete elf Oft ltrA. serious sizes. Phial r 1431, km *al* 14 B. 1 1 /./i9A X. VOL` xxx LIFE 'INSE/ i LIII9 - • 'rag GI3UD LIPS and TRUST COMPANY at. Opt. No. an CURER UT tiT.;tha Pint Aso of the •Castom Rouse. p er p e tual. tkatinneto mate latiarancinthsllthatirt themost &litigable terms: _ Tbeti.zapluil being paid upailtd-ASWlsMed.liMillonr gam a taiga and cuastriatlyincthatdrigr s dl dl Whirs a perfect security to 11.1 taws*: Ths munduas may be paid yearly. tdaPrpseiri . .#, Ths Company adds lON is perlodlmillytOigi*lme summon for life. The ant Donne, approptgathiLlis scember,lB44, and th e second bonus milli - 001W. SI% account to an addition ;of 0003 0 0 10- SViliqr 01000 insured 'ander the °idler' policies. iMthing. 011101 50 which will be paid when it shall becoßM* claim. Inatead of /1000 us iglus fly Insured t.theeisigg oldest moon et to 01.4.T7 50 ; the nest in age to 024*, for every 010001 . the others in the =WO propoinla. actiordlng to the amount acd tune of standing, wit additions make an overate of more than nu per coril:. upon the premiums paid, without increasing the rt* oust premiums. JdAIIAGEuS. Thomas Ridgway. . Jobb S. Brown, Amon Davis. D. Danner, John Jay Smith. . Frederick Broome f , Robert Pearsall. • George Taber, Joseph Tearer, John 11. Latimer ...I,p Thomas P. James. Wharton Joseph T. Balky, . John R. slack Pamphlets containing table of rates and'erplaMit . - tians,iorm ofappticatton and further infornatton can .be had at the mike, • THOJE&S ILlDOWLY:Presideni. 20NR F. JiBiLS. Actuary - . • Cr The subscriber is Agent for the above ' Comon_PY dhugikili County, and will effect IntoraCtre. and revs all n.coveluy lOW mation ua. the rutjoct. ItAbitiAN. .15-14 • April 9.1531 CLOTHING r BOYS' OLOTEUNG ('QS mibbent.rawoults rerpcmil Lai) inform thelrgu. mereUll Meads acid customers ut le chaplain Eo. teat tbilliastortmentof Clothing 101 Yout,j °tttle men is MIKA Wrier than ever, cod !bey, e ths p oced to mill clear. Ye islinc at - a distaste, base {be privilege or estimogtug clothing purcbased it Oils stele, ti iYal do Dot au!t. , • P. A. HOYT & BROTHER, 171 Chestnut Bt, corner of Tooth, Pa (M4'4, April ft. 180. .13-17.; CM Qffiattty t,6s Itrtill tots' of CRoappois CILOTOING i • Cliiithing : I. CLOT4I/ NO ! ! Tam most 'smarmy° assortment of ' .. Clothing -in Schuylkill Catiutt k Horn 10 to SO per cony. cheaper and lietter made. 1 p than can be. purchased elsewlbara, is at ' l''t./Lll.O/16 11ALL, 6 4ottier Ofeelltfratidilahanton go ntreets. . . , A magnificent astontr.ant of FALL and WINTER cLOTHIM/, of the most fashionable styles, it non on band and ready for sale atpricesthat VEPVCOM:. PSTITION. As • very article mod at this emabllsh meat La cnanuftictured In Pottsville, ft la, therefOre, expressly sainted to this region, and 01141 U waled• vantages to purchasers over all tie est', Igfsrier City-was Ciellie/. oNE TRIAL wilt prove this, t,eyond all-diiiitie, to any who are stranger* to the fact; -and•thoae who have not yet purchased- their -FALL-ere--WitiTEII Clothing,willdo well to callriadjudgefof themsellreit. An Immense variety of . BOYS' IPLOTHING, ' . .., Suitable for the season, at low prices. , Remember the old stand'," OLD Oda. 141.1.." spy ma of Centro and .iledutotorigo Streets: EDWARD T. TAYLOR, Piopriedor: (Late IdTPIIIOOTT & TaiLoa,lmporters oi(nottuiqud Dry goods.) CFAIIII.--SDWARD T. TAYLOitdderchant Tal !or, tvOnid respectfully catlike attention of hie nu, moron@ friends and the public to his Fail and Win ter Sto;:k - of Clothe; Cantimere, Elegant yestluds. tke., 'elected (row the beat markets, wroth he in pre pared to Wake up . to order, at very moderate prices. an eesohment ofGlovea,lierehleta,dospenders,tilik Shirts, &e. • Agent feline Nda - liork,LcindonpLad Pertsfasdio'ne. Pottaville.Oct. 9 164.1. '4O-ti IRON FOUNDERS:' • - NSW IILACIESMITZI'S sttor. ' `US underaigned begs leave to Inform the cliltins . • Pdttsvilie and vicinity Oat he has oponed; a Th e dlacicsetith's Shop In Seventh Street, beiwee n .o r, 4st and Norwegian, an the tot of ground occu - • , 11 In part by •Esterly and Schuyle .1-13 e Screen Manufacturer,: lie' is *pared to do all kind, of Smith's itn. rk, such as Horse- shoeing , ironing • gone, &c., &G. klad, Manufacturer of Grubliing a and Dround Picks, Miners' Picks, hiker, 41ed and ,Wedges. He would take this method or in , lag the Meshasics that he manufactures Stun,. • luting Tools, which' are always made at , the . ei t ss a tn i otlce. , ' .. Jelliall MATTED. vi tle , Dec. 3, 1813 - . 494 m " - . POTTSVILLE LRON WORSE% C GEO..MASON,& CO. RESPECT fatly announce to the public that they have taken the Establishment known as the Pottsville Iron Works on Nor- WiltslllD , where they are prepared to build all kinds of Steam Engine.. manufacture Etal/road Cir., and Machinery of almost every description; at the shortest, notice, and on the most reasonable terms. —Pentium from abroad, in l.grant ofSteare Engines; ' will find It to their advanteg%to give them a call be ton: engaglig elsewhere, - :Lay 11 . • a , 40-tt Emma =ADM" lIEWN,AVORILii.. • ; uvrosopi 'at BRO:. Iron and Brass Mtl'Oundes, tespectfully Inform their pat ron.; and the public generally, that they are fully prepared, a tthe above ps teoligumetit, to manufacture Steam 'Engines of every sixes Puraps,Railroad and Drift Cars.and ceery alter description of iron & Drina Castings suitable for tho Coal mining or other busincali.ou %be Most reasonable Wine. iiiso, - Diowing Cylinders for Blast flu/nice, and bdachitle work la general. Repel:in of all blade done with neatness anddie patch, at tbeloweet - prioes. All o:ort Published by thorn will ba Warranted to perform cell. They would .011411 the custom of those who may watit`ar:. tidies in their line in -tole_ voetnity. All orders will meet with i numedlats and prompt attention .- 8. W. HUDSON, B. W. i111,11.440N. Mush 4,151 t k FRANKLIN IRON • WORTH. TLIM SUBdth.lßEite. ANA 01ThICE to the pnblic that May are Lite Notizie ors of ths Frdnai/1 Wtal.'.,i'dtt ( ::.:Lon. :eddy cadice on by r 3. ditty :eau, Tillitre they COPtltille to manufacture to order., at the iiiie.t teat 170tiee, 'Steam hosinus,Puctips, Coal LicelliP.rs, and Machinery of almost aoy WIC or deactiption. fur en, so los' oeother purpotee. Also Railroad sod Drift Cara, Iron or brass Camlngs'ofsoy site or pattern. Ot'ders are respestfully 'whetted. GIRO. Li. F.15!...E1t dr. BRUISE:It. SHOVEL WORKS. -The rubscribers *notions to furnish the eviller+ and Dealers of Cotioxy, with hhovols of all alues,al the lowest Phil adelphia prices. Attention is purticularly called to their Coal Shovels: Ordeis fox daovelF of aoy also or pattern prompity atteeded dug. 21. len POTTSVLIAL2 Amour; al MILL. „ . THE a I.7l.l3Citlinat respectfulty en atinounce to the public, that their cew Rolling Mill is now corupletert and 1n full operation, and thatthey are prepar ed to stiliply all hinds of Mar .rou 01 varlet!, •alt.e4, whisk they will waireut to be superior In quality to any obtained from abroad, al the same prices. They also manufacture T Hails, for the use °firm Coltleries'and Laterayloade, weighing Crow 2/ ,to SO lbs. per yirdonags °Ulm best lron, and which will be famed touch cheaper than the imported Wide. Being mactisai ineshanies, and having oad censld stable experience in the iron business, they' chits{ themselves that they can give satire satisfaction to purchasers, and will also make it their interest to'pa monies home manufactures. CO. ) tieuals.nußmen & Doe: A. 1831. : , MX•tf:, WASUUJGTON IRON WORM • ' • , POTTSVILLE. PA. - ! • • J. WREN - et. BRO'S. respectfully In . • • rite the attentlon of the beeine4s Comm unity to their New Machine Shot.' and Foundry. Greeted between COAL and Raw; oad dweets, and (touting on rinrwegien . Stree);„ where they are prepared to extents all orders for Machinery of Brass and Iroa,such as Steam SWIMS, all beds °Marin a for Soiling Kills, Grist and Saw Mills, Siesta and Double - meting . Pumps. Coal Breakers, Drift Care, ail Lind of all road Outings, such as Chair', for dat and T !iall; Frogs, wwftebac&e.; all Medi of seat and wrought frog Shatilag. Being Practical Slechanici, and latter having gado Oa demands of the Coal Region their etudyffor years, also all kinds of Hashluary in their ins of bushman. they Batter themselves that 'Work does at their Latabilehment will give satisfaction to all who =Owner them with a call. Ali orders thank. fully reaelted and promptly executed on the meat rea *citable terse.. . JOHN Y. V. 05t.11,10111 TO COAL OPERATORS AND o=ll2o • PION Eli BOILER WORES. s• TBE Bubserthers respactfillty mvtte .the . tion of the business community to their *tiler works, on the Island adjoining the Pioneer f er nes*, Pottsville, Pe., where they are prepared to manufacture •. ' A • BOILERS OF EVERY .DESCRIPTION, Smoke Stank., Air Stacks ' Blast Pipes; Gasime tem, Drift Cam, ace:, dr.c. Boilers on hand. Being practicsl Mechanics and having for years devoted themselves entirely to this branch of bull. nese, they Batter themselves that work done at their establishment will give satisfaction to all whit may favor them with a calf. Individuals and Com pahilw will And it greatly to their advantage to amine their work Difore amens elsewhere., TURN dr,33..ts IotoBLE. May C. vitiS• . • 19-Li Ina rroaallir EMADES, • * Ea rrii.ss: 111114. G. L. MILLER. 4. co., tool,: ANII/ACTURBRIII and Wholesale and Itstiall 111.Dealens to WINDOW •eilleDlo3. flontb-iffesc corner of tiECOND cod Anil fittest,. Pilf,L4- 08LPHL/c, curb. Of • Gothic Landscapes, golden. Vasa. difoleo, 800 act*. : GOLD aoartzes, ito.. • 01 th• most beautiful designs and perfsetl4 of nalsh in thireountry, and at such as to coalitinge all fettipilltillOn. Buff and Wit-ta dint. binds. Damtnlca, 'Cassese, Gordo, Brasses, dcd.; in sway rarl ty,tor etty or. Country' Trade. wa, cite ao szatolaatton (dour met, at sti• ,DspoS, D. W. corner of disoad aatAscalatreatS, Jan. S,, 1634 45at En PATTERNH•••-4ho suttee!! V bet bag jtiot received a lot of Vonlbuto Pa4roo of Paper Hangings, KIWIS supetior to any L'itoo of tho Madero: °toned lo tblooettlon. Also, • • .GOLD l'Aekatll, or Itiviatec3nd loostilitutilutpstternit, ellen pea city . Folsom, at - !!AM! Alt.* Cboopysiir sad VAlliett t3lOO. • ELL/LitOAD OVlDE.—Biiom itiews now ftautoo4 Gulag our inn Putistille and ft oxamg i.altrund,UtimmiLi, tI Wce wiry, Mineral bud of nut:toot tomiurceo, ai.d , conwr •uljeCis uflllllll 4t tae 11.414. WWI butafOuslatt.' YElo33tablar—tor ikAis thstui Ng Book as. 4 Station's,' siton4. _ lab. Lk lON . • • • - . . . . . ... - .% z:vritt. Tructizetf.-I,llpktt xa . QT- Tat tam, Auctik , tranwortirsoluttas. . Taus , aa MAMIE= WVA, an OrLINOTI to Ova_ glum Lys.p OA •sc'[, 4;4 ! s iTOIN SO ODNADIN AND •INALANDIE..4), , ,, t ~, .-. ; • . ,,. . El VIONIMINM••••• , • • ;if !i.l • • .1 • yATU A:11., - .;T:OTTSVILLW Sciftc Ylflilllll-VOUNT 3 / 4 7 ; , -PEN'I4I - r 4VAX - 1,4' . t 11' - ' .14V- O E.- • _ NM GEO.'S. F!BLER 11:B1101.1:IIIII rt-tf . THOMAS WARN, JAMES WREN. .410-tf , -I A: .4,47 141'1 ; ' l , DRY . WODS. • t AVlsidelehlfr4 EIM:ME GOODS STORE' , 1 luir G 00.,,,, .:.'::''?!--.-'-'' ' ' A lifsdrAr - est &Neu. anemias 'slnikaiiii,orrigiropinvites=toidiees raillaT C , „ god STU i c lawn al* STramessi hi, "VIAL 1 , .tof is* poSigat de 'belt 11,- .' ' gegUr4 Wr.F. f• • ....,,, drum sa). 000," t .: 4*;:, 1, t . r. 1 . ' daltiimms.,•.". ,44ptingd glittlf-ajoilll'Ont7radporoiNomns...__ irds. JOPOIO ' . 4 cilt" ganitd Imo alf!•7!_ "- rtiiiVit,l. ,--fjj_inuivirty. ~1,...1 ~ , f- •., . ; 1itu1te.”1.711:24-imod. Gwatt 4upleatitiV ' ;itliiiid in*lnt *- i APO. Geed.' 10:41siumuni ilt roiOies - sivo,k !°. .... 'Ni n a ii,IPC ' i • , 'bPRL?t4:-ilf.D r5t.111211.6Z-IMT GOODS' - -, • . ig 11 64.- ° • 2 , 1,,.. V. Etzpuy; remit:tog thimite for the illirr& o:patronage extended to him by his country glands 'denim the put seats* informs them that tie &now prepared to suit founhesere, irons a large and opts - ... did /neonate:in of : 'Web Plaid oilier,. i 1, IPrench Printed Lawrie, APi Ing 6t,IPC4 fil lip. ', Pails Silk Tissues, kith iirocade i ti }- Rich Figured Hutu., Superb Piaui t " ' F; nitia °as, •• • The Best Liiesa • .± ~ - Grenadines, Organdies, changeable silk,, &a. L/41*Lnc'; Gingname. k . IS/110, Splemild .Embroideries. Kid Glove/. Grape and Csehmere,Sticale,. Pan/ 1111101{141/, Igt. - with many inner durable goods. line newest ety.ef et goods will be constantly fa cetted add stades lures at any inner store is the city, -', l. . J.V.; DEPUy. No;4lli.Bth'Btreet,Philadelphui, Feb. 2 3,7E 5 1: : 11 • ' - 8-3nur .- . , q O CiDS UCHNIE., & LAN DELL, lih and Arch dtreets; Phil- JUAnleiplua, hive into ,season endorsed their moan• iittigieriti tertian enables them to offer a much larger muck of Dry Goodei ter the inepec thin of COUNTAY BUYERS. - - in toe amortinent May ,alwaya be fond a fall Baia BLACK [* • rAgl *1116,1' d&AWLdi--.Att kind.. ' . ' • Littadd 000Dil--alt klub. BTAPLB:LINSN tiK)0108,. ' 110 COTTON seas, BO • 1 WOOLEN - GOODS, • BLACK GOODS—ail kinds, •INDIA BILEd, • effIAWLB, dec.; Scarce and deetiable: goods can always be obiahiad by applying to; SICIIK & LANDELL, _• . ; •,, ciri and accordingly. TERMS—Nett Cilia; and prkes ruly. 13. Good - Country Alone, received. . Feb. 25, 1654 8-11 m OILS, GUANO, & p. 4. & s. imam, DEALkaS IN OILS, 7 awl 8 SOUTH NEAR V.4"2, Plulisdelphsa, 1:0 000 DALLOhS RACKED 'WHALE OM. 16,000 Gallons Whiter Whale and El coitus( 011, Boles Spann (s2A,Adamanthio Caudle., 9.3u0 " CAeadeal (Siva Pale and brown Soap, March I. 10.54 (Feb. 4,1664, 342 m) . azo. & Co., 96 80111* W#ARVE.d. PHILADELPHIA. . , VEEP consiarnty on ,band flill ellyphu of the ilfollowing !tingle of OILS, which they will sell at the lowest Tartlet rates. Sperm Oil, WhaleDil, • Bottle; Solar Oil, 1 Tanner's 011, - Candles, Lard Olt; Slepbant Oil, . Naval Stores. G. R. L.,& CO. Mill continue to manufacture and Sell Design's ;celebrated Patent Lubricating 011, for which they are the sole owners.; This Oil is 'rrow in general use on the principp railroads In the; Eastern and hliddleStateru Feb. 23, MS • • • , d-3m ziperm,y,Lerd:hnd Whale Ohs. Of tha finaat yughty for Araitztfaitursea. us*. ALSO SOLia Alia ELEPHANT OILS, 11TAX,Sperm Ailamantrae Candles, Eke, au. .11T alio, ver-I'tlosphate of Utile, Olive, Pala and ET./Wu for sale by JOHN L. POMEROY. , Oil acd ConunLvslon Merchant,. 22 South Wharves, above tlianscout St., Feb. 4.16.54 . 1 • S-2m 1000 TONS Eo. SUPER PHOSPHITE OF LIME, . . TIEBERG•e: oalonoi. AND GENUINE, war. .I.JranGd of auparlor . quality, th e dupes' Oa. • ' I nore lathe world.: ;. Farmers wad daalertaapplied a; low price.. . EXTRA - QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5030 ,liarrelti SX.lra quality Land Plaster, aeleetid expressly fur XisifertiLialay quality. 40,000. bustle" of.same la bulb... • - I,ouo:banelqplclard Mater, j . • - 100 4 ; pfastitg " •UV " 11190HOL.- • el'Ellti viAN cillaz7o. 'l. This article:we giTer ; In 'coaddeace to our custom ers,as equal tqany imia2rted Aid fat superior to moat la the market, .5,000 bags of this su p er i or Guano, for sale at the` lowest market rites. Also, • PATAGON.iAN GUANO, ' POUVRETTS. • ?GROUND CHARCOAL. &e. C. FRENCH & CO. At the STEM tLASTER Toll Avenue. Crown ;tad Oillowhlll Streets, Phllad'a. Jae. 2i, 11$ . • 4.3 w GUANO! GUANO !,! GUANO! i! INTE rapt cifalli inflirm our Friend' and • Casio- V mete that we shah hereafter creepy the EN TIRE STORE; No. 43 south Wharves. eitserUng through to No. 33 SOUTH WATER STREET. Our business has heretofore been transacted In THiel HEMLINE. bat basing now glee WHOLE of it, high two accessible fronts, one on the WHARF end ,he other ¢ n WATER STREET. we are enabled ICI offer greater trecarriss to FARMERS. both as regards space and the DELIVERY of HOODS. We invite those in want tit; articles Id oar line to favor 'llll with a call it our OLD 13TAN D. MO tone No. 1 Government eerilylab Guano. lOW " Super. knosybsto of Lime: DR* Itble. roudrette, superior Quality, Also, a gabital aisoNment buret. &c., ter aiiie at the lowest' market prices, by • - ALLEN it NEEDLED, No. SI SOUTH - WHARVES. That SIM • . above CLIESTAUT Bt., Ptillad's. Jab. 21,185 i 3-Sal PUBLICATIONS: zusatrqsaciN lON Tun inszil. Ri'VVEEIV Mt:Darker, of Ohio. and the Rev. Dr. _LP hell, of Philadelphia. Price 7 cent s —just re ceived and for cite at D. BANNAN•ie • cheap Deod 'More. rih. lly Is:4 ; 6 DV PER'. ON TU EAPOOALTPRIL , N Exposition or tLfe Propheele, 'of the Apoco ,lllypse, by Key. Jas. 'De Pal, now Chaplain la the U. is Anny;add formerly Pastor of the Episcopal Church in remitting. For eats at B. B Dittl'al Boon and Stationery atOnt. Feb. 2a.1130 • NEW LAW BOON& • U [MON' it DIGEST. last. edition, fresh supply, 1" -- Greenleaf on ILVldeacc, .3 vols., new edition, Troueat & Haley's Practice, claw edLloo, ' • Bouvier's Law DlStlonary„ new -edition, English Law and Equity Reports, • - 1 Tuisther wish al) the new A.aw Books ...so soon 1111 *oat!, reielved and for pale at the cheapest rates, at ,' • • B. HANNAN'S fa: anttkilicallaaatias Book Btoe,Pottattlla, Maid, 4, /be'l . t • Useful'HOOkit—For Salo Low. . - - - Pparke Life slid V41414416' of Wanhington, Dinah, Rocytlol cedlk Amtitcana, 14 vols, .Losilna's field liSor of the An:oilcan Revolt:atop— ' numerous pAtell. Waverly hovels,actroplete to II Or 1f !alai • ' mug* roata:422 vol., Isms. • • • Cooper's °:• ' Chnnatere Infomiatiatt for the PaOpla . ,1 John Adams!;Worits,d van. elrh. Unnhe. Webstaes; Wolkc vols,lvo. Lardunra Lenturen on flolease and Art,l soli, Rollins' Antiont History, ft volt, Roweell , s Life of Johnson and Worka,.wlth a 00- era] assortment of idlscallantous and Sahool 800, Btatioaery, Ake., fOr sale at low inlets at , B. BANNAN'R • Petri Book and Stationary Store: • • - • 8— 14ITCEINW8 OIMIWTIMITIIIIIIAL ATLAS . rg os"re IN pie Maple of the varlets Empires.Hing lidos:ea. States and Republics of the World. with a special Map of each of me United Statei, forming one' hundred and to ego , maps, new slum, 1851. William's New.. Traveler', and Tourist's Guido through the United Stites and Canada, ke., with a new map, 1354. • ! txplorationot the Valley of' tbd Amazon, by Lieut. Herndon. U. S. Nl.with map and plates, Soo. Grinnell's Polat Beim: Won In Search of Sir John Franklin. by'r. Bane, many plates. Autobiography of au 'Aetreas—by Mrs. Mowatt. Hale and MishapeOf Travels—by Grace Greenwood. 1. or sale a V ; B. 11ANNAN'll • . Book and Stationery Store. March 18404 . 11— apeeckes op Nebraska lineation. _ yEECLICep of Douglas, Sucaner t iteward„ Beer liJett, Mite. &C.ioa the Nebraska Barker and Berri Doenssion ors the Bible, Intealla's and Berra do do do Hot Cora—by Sown Robinson. • ' The Oid BreWery the Ladle' of the Flee Paha Mission. Grace Greenwood'. New Book of Travel; Airs: Pertiogton'is Carpet Bag of You, Broomwell'e New Garde of the Pkiiedelpbta and Beading Potfpbar rapersonin.' Diertes for 1114—ea dons trigs% for saleai , • BANNAN'e - Book and Stationery Store. Match 11. I 8 f 10— MUSIC. ,/ Udmurt:tat. nor. of musk, Informs hie Mends, 1.1 1 J.. acid tee public that ; WA second toren Ist giving Insmittloui On thy Plato &C., will COIOMenCe on aioaday 1011 Vhf April. ! The "suftecrlber respectfully tcqueint 'boo. who wish to favor him with twat pat ronage to forwont;thotr =Del arearlyao possible, 88 he tan take thtly s few more pure. - Maosion Eioatoi hit. Ouit tw. hub 18.'84; 111.3 s • , _ 15 (1 itEAKIS WRAPPING tad BLAATIN9 PA UPER., of different ewes and quatisy. Just rit- Cid Ted 'lid Alt nit, gbvbeak std tillon.llll 1.. H. BANNAPPff tamp Anon, !Kam; Nunn 111,1161 - ; '5 11'r ,iOUN TED ttitAOPTIZGYPAPIAIL—VIIRY 1VJ.1.0W.--The lobscriber teaolost rozetwodl a lot or hiountut Wattles Paper. ot Utlallllll tow moo. to which he Inv !tea tha etwoilou of Zoodoeto. Drafts. Wait, fr.C. AtiO. tats of common Dutch* Paw. at shout Lott the utakt otitis, at IL DAZef4 ANS - Vtiap Book:and Mations* atom Pottsville limit LER . : ' IneSl • • ' A,. TURD, • •-• • 1 AC I TUPtrW '' otti•,:i4.4.r,'4L4i, •pAtinfac-itsiarrtsimi near Putetilevotoiiie the cerrlootieslo. tide hiehly,fiethreld'vreareeitrat, apyvhage.__ , l6 Frei" wen Frinesheithilikek They tlesolutl4ll4l2 to lu dery ltob>ti 4 Ft-OF window/tor' well at WWI.UP Pella Us huipendedst, any p e t e r , . 'shrimp Des totem Dti 140 it and etr_ WU*. &piling every ,opyortriaull.nt ebithlet Op goer. ' They . sic 10 aim& fA aneaserseet eh4awly as cheap as Os Ordinary ~ditt aflkiti,4lrq satt . 00torOVPI. !Aloft an 11%.1141,11146.. -..,.. V.: .1 -•••• -"• .••• ' • TILIIIIPLSISI9NIIIDOOIIIIIII2SIII4.I Miff (hid,, Gill ca4pii".lloooll4.4orairicZelOttls. Ike. • • • larrriuir Elitibor*Oaf.' thosiii. - Wihorawii painted to order. Wlrealeth Witidow Pe'reeiFitaanerackered to'order,heititlfeity hoiiisesped Win. ;-• • - • . FORD, Whalesaithia email Dealer, - No. South Eighth 3 , 111 #oorbekro Market, Planed's. Miy r AM. Sltty ~T :OCOO FACTORY. MOROCCQA ND EATIiER A BEIGE „FINDING tdpit et Direa 014 *land on ItOltoad lltreet. . . ~ The undefriatled rejtpeetfulty , informs the costa:i ntend Of the above well known-eetabliehment. that he will tontlintarthe fdANUFACTURE °fall ktndeot •,' : MOROCCO, • : • : Such as Kid. etiithr, ?reach morocco; Shoe:. Hat k Book Blndinp4int linings ! , ea., ae., and wtlicood2 stanttr' hare on:handle general assontnent of 111 kinds of : , - . 4 Ouch as Oak.Ttillisethend lied 8 letaithers Slettal3r ter Ripe, Fre othend City Coif pkfrut, ' i Dilikoll' 1 upper -Leather, And a variety. .o:Shod riodlog*, ouch at ,Threedr. Nails. Pell. e1,..4400.; Ate.,ke., all of wrath trill be told lathe I.O*H.IT 04.811 PRICEA. • . , , JOHN L. 311181 , 110: 1, An blade of au a*, snob, atOtheep, Coat, Deer, ke.. and also btaeitakettiirsaehanne toe Leather, it the highest inkrket; prices, or paid for In CABII. • Poturtite. oe,ti9 1853. , 444( PEISIP , FOR COLD WEILTRET. . , JEf Vac. esa Dirertfroses'aSt. Lime: friioslll, waiting gist-rate Buffalo Robes:for:the jCowing wtattr,cep be'aopDhedcbeapatthesoti aanber's. A lac amiortment of cartons. Coco; and all of the best guilt:Mum received directty yolyi St. Louts. .; Slogle and DOiible Carriage HareesS.Sitier Moun ted aud duisheri,ta the handsoinest styl e yewaye US Aland. Also, i 0 I' .Tlffagt • heavy terms, manufaetured of the best materials cloud hnd durable. Saddles. bridles and all sorts of - trappings 6010403 g to the uddlery • business, Sept cousin utly ready for sale or made to order. 1:% - ; Hartielle sUltakie for Colhary pdrposee on band, or made to over Siebert' notice. Kr Orders ter fiernesti, &c.,promptly supplied reasonable ter*, , L. Wo.ll6LfiDuftriir, Opposite Eplieeptileharth,' Centre St., Pottsville. Dec. 10, 1tta14:..1 ( 24,1 9 i - GAS-rirtipn mu) .rupsurpas, Q 111TH & baring had very considers, 1.7b1e experlenie ae tiro Fitters, fool great confidence in offering theiriaktv ices tattle Milieus of Pottsville. They have commenced business on thelr • own se. count, In the hi:Omani of the bolding below 'Jdisio re' Jeerttal Office;binere 40i-orders, either for O, ing or repairitief,'dnay be left and they. WIII , ICCtiVe the most prtimpbattentlon. Their pipes and other materials instil:mot the very nest kind and their' Fittings of.eves* description that marbe desired, will be furnished and put up. In • workinanliktrinan net and at the *Wiriest possible notice. • • .• - • SMITH & DOWNING. N. tries or.Guage Cocks, Watcr.Cocks, Steam Clocks, Ori.Cupi, Oil _Globes, and .-Elbows of all sizes, conetahtly on hand. All Made of work in Brass done at thirenormst notice. N0v.211, 195$ ; • ' 46.6 M rip HE Subset)bar, being about. to •Introdnee Steam 1 Power and'otherwtse enlarge Hie 'facilities of bleflalready eitenalve Melte' the attention .) the public to hliraanufsclare of Vaud. ozaisim" es, Wagons and;Vehicles of every ,descriplies. Having everi•deptirtment• of' the, Coacti.making baldness at bent; employlpg only the - best workmen, and using the bed materials; dealers May be lure Of securing satiBf4tOry work. Vebicies of every eryle and finish made to order.— , Repairs neatipand substantially dons— itt.. Orders• from abroad proMpily &needed to. . • ids Shop, Morrfil addition.Ceittre St;inearly oppo site the Yorkidtnte,Tottevilio.• GEORGE JENNINOd. Earth 114100:1 . ,151•O' irIIMPOUNDRIti mHB nudereeined respecttully beg leave' to an -1 Donna" to the 'citizens of ScbuylittU County,end the public In deheral, that they have established a Foundry In Weir4Flavert, near the Depot of the Mine Hiltitallresd and a then' dietaries Item the Junction oftbe, Philadelphia &Reading and Mini' MU 'll.4llroads, where they aroprepared to:execute all orders. In • their line of In . tethessiottott es , Froge,: Chains, &c., for - Itsitrosdr, Coal Breakers,' Water Pipes, CI kinds of Castings fur-Ma chinery. Fire and Colter Grates, Plough Shears and Points. Saab Weights; *c., &c.—They ate like wile prepared to 'Xeset ip pattern or order of this, or Davit Metal. 4Lit Orders null be thankfully received and punctually ':nttended to, and dune In the best workmanlike nll4llllr, Ind on the roost realtonable terms. Scrap hap will be received In etebange for castings,.or the anstotnary price paid' in cash.: • J. B. IL. K. KEEPER. N. 13.—W 10. 00 1813d' intuit,' also done at short .not ice. Dec. ' 11001 t I THE •subitriiiy announces •to his > • 1 Mende and ,the public ,that he has made a eonaidereileadditlon to bis Book ""•••. ,Bi ndery , and naqtoeured a Book Binder Imo One Or the 'OOl Modules in Pbila.• delphia, acquainted with the latest style of Binding, and who will ttiztA out his wOrk tar equator to any thing heretothie orodueed in Pottsville. Booksbound to any style of .Ikindlou, either Plain or in hill gilt Turkey lttorocnOs i • Blank Books pe4ted or plain; made to any Pattern, also printed anittuled:at paces Weser than in the City. :•• Books bound nu the :quantity, and, Paper thled.to Pattern by p. 13ANNAN., April $, ISM U. who wa i AIEF of the rea h dot t INa 4, Co. make shoulA be particular to notice the stamps. as there We vOlous connterfsiti and Imitations stamped Collies :0d labelled much Ilse eine; which are fraudulentlgr_sold in some parte 'of the :Coned Staten as our manufactnre. - They are made lb differ ent parts of theloputry by varlouraxe.makeis, and are generally of very Inferior quality. The genuine Collins axes, which bate acquired such an extensive reputation, are InvarLilbly stamped: ". COLLINS CO. HARTFORD'," and each axe bait printed label with Iny slgnatille, It Is now more' than , Twarert- Flee VgAlli Diner we commenced the business with the stamp of "Collins at Go.. Hartford," and 1 do not know ofany °Mohan-maker by the name of Collins n the United Shitte. , 7 SAM. W. COLLINS. ^ August 20.1e4. - - . if - UT 'CARBON - 7 ., • SOAP Alk D CAN . DLE FACTORI. PHE subterliiiii announces to the public that he nuns! factoteliall kinds of soap and Candles at his Pastory,,W Tort Carbon ? lichuyiklll County; which he vritt , ,*arrant to be equal in quality "to any obtained atkoad, and at lower prices thin simi lar anicleaca nll' purshased In Philadelphia Or sled where. . e r., The hlghost &train price for tallow will btrpald in cash at but taOtOry.. October IS, PO• • ' ; ; 43.0 :Illeaii ulyd„ Cottage FarnitUre. .. rr 118 subitcrierir is reeelving from the best! Mena -1 rectories in - rbe City, a large tot of Cottage Furni ture of the, latineand most beautiful. Patterns, em tomcing whole Setts, all' of which will b. !mid at city prices, carriage tf dded...' e je a He also keep‘on hand, and manufactures to onler.*ll kintli,of Household Furni ture, at the latest, mast lathionable and des mia Patterns, all of which eau be examined at hie Were Rooms. ;loner dr, Centre and Union meet/. nearly opposite the Cplyeepal Church—all of which will be sold at the evillpwolt rates. .7:. • - . HENRY HKESIOANC. April $,16411:;,.1 . 4 ' , . . 1471.1 • • oosaai Ounws ammovaa,. • , 'jos sunscalaza HAVING Fn. • t .tip one of the largest Coach Shops trObe State, In Coat StreetrPutticille, nett tod.H. Adams& Co.'nBcrean Factory, arberetkis facilities for manefeetering ill kinds of Carriafatandt.ignt Waggointeatinot be stir passed—being ailtractical Kean:tote, and brans tl PUtnberof yearef , experienaeirt the bustaese.b•nuFall to give gioneralAatletretios, All kinds nf Getrlagew and Ltght Wagons' kept en hand. Abro,leeotid-hand Wasonsote. • I . Ali repairs adetly dope Orders from a dlataftee protaptly suet:did is. 1 1, . WISTAB A. Jane oasis':y. , -= Sl•tt •PLUEI - 1 • Ai NSTAIILISIIIDIENT. HDICKINADN respectfully annorineed. to the . public that he baspurebasnd the entire itock of lb. late firm oribioreton & Dickinson, and , intends carrying isn the.Piniablug business In all 111 brioche. at thy old Steed Under tea' Pottsville House, where he dopes. by attention to tinsinoss, be may be able to merit a share ofThe publls.parrOsage. no will rial` enter ids wort Oleos ai good, and it will be dons on as reasonable t[tins _,aY uto be done elsewhere. , fr. lIICKIN RON. August 11l Our. • . b34.1* I • .• HR undatsigind are now'prepared to ell all or -1 deft for thetecusw sod aoporlor article of Screen,. Their sirens ate woven arm and wittiregolarmesb es, without ratijattlog ithe wire to the destructive proem of crialfdag. sad of coarse possesses e much siesta degree otatreogth and durability. this any trllcle behove (Weed to the public. lipeclowne of the work tan at aft tinies be seen at en Hardware store of D. L. gatirly t Coruer of Market and „Centre Streets. BSTZHLY . Ic ISCHIITIESt. Pottimllle, Doi 14, pis& . 5$.U . LEAD. zmo, molls pan* on,erro COLORS, lk anntantared 3y FRANCIS S. LISWIS6c G. IVJL repremenont by Lows, Jorms & C0.,.35 South b rota Bonin, piniadelphia. Order* flan kAdly . roceiveyounbaoliV ntten64 to, guarantood give satisfaotion t and o a r e d for eels an the moot libiral tenni. For =T144:1,4' partinokro, please sddivss ss above. .; - 2.341. • - c'.. ..'llOl2A 1 1212111. • - 271iTZ t} SSNDRy, Moro No 29 Nilo — ott DEURD 135..; motiocoo SAN UFA CT URDU. Cufflink Im -0400,U111. Cllkeikilutoll 424 (SWUM Luther IS apt. wUtosalood ma 11. Jimueutuy uli Irk. ones& Strut, lidiadoll .• • - .120 1%1101. •1r 10.4 i • • *OTSViLLE, o9ACEI ULAELNO. Faecal wmii: bimz, sinumars. tr Etteeest,Tta Aaa,,to hie plea& )0141ding; to tar 4it. —ma mamma --os.llW-4a Tai:1 0 0) , of itawlNWesta_ '.listosca. - Homes ri • iargesifilsaoss spentt.4 stbek everogered to,* this4lll2 would; Li would; InttlC everybody to wags ogantt "to ha ne:attain- Owls, to cu l t and eitatabe stseistal be put. Hecolalllona geeetalsstbrectiou to boyars.; no cairattslyiltupply say sthrili bought 7tr s taii establistudesu,Watt add Oates, gtatirsiothrtett, etttepa2r thew', Siissie4 his astectialhoresoves will be thuod , theiiiebe glare Lapreeettiwhith, for Mt lbst ShrOlettrit,liwihttredti.s. 13tove ever used; he Me' ~ ,s loroing- carottoprolredi'bf /03,4 new ..deadilt oven siove, tut Coal 1,4 . Wood; warranted to bake, Mc add ny. Om caosS perfect wanner, or the MONEY 1 . 0:14; iSELI the Attar World Coat, the Llt•etty Cook, thot/ietor Cook, the Girard Co,ok. the.llelawara Coota.tieY/al , inp, Complete. the Coss. plats tlook,and a var iety of Other Cool itt Loves._ . . A variety ofrattataa sod Styles of Farkas, Mace, And Ma atovea; continually keeps an Land a total: assortment of Tin and iron Ware. Hooting and all kind of wort, we/Ist:4'lu pietism of tuisittesa, wall be promptly attoUtieil 'O.l I s . • Sla uouvkaa. roust lite, tient. 170553. oglasotips runreans. For Ifszatng Pnblid Buildings,lfutuss, f)%llEdilYilitVACi* ire Lthnly reecaaateaded by .11. lariat:tale Pc non sm.tid Inc late imuunamd Downing, as belch the very halt; id use a - they no . not bran the air thrown into the :card, be e a pleauti, healthy hest, and a pet ['cut ,titteni of; Vitatitatilti is- sooner, tea with -the Furnace.; l'imy are arrah used Isiah the School Houses; 1' Ladle Hdiiiii;:;,4 sod teisate Houses seem-May is mar cder; 2liss, vatridhlati'hutt Flee mon SW to flab. • -7., mirtBLEIZED Y E3ol.Et i eu tans . Vire woui.: cell the itsteettmatesltutss,- -- lngto nie beautiful manta/ illAksitoned. trtututiled agirroulgantets azNiquiltitmlty inlaid With .pearl; also Virlor and Chaterl:, Granny all'oi the mosimiguisite slosUus sea thlr Ww*ltielluoi de ist:. We Lowe limo a Oatieir pf patterne of the. A/or b:sired - helm been so • reestntly Introduced. Tha Kam: naisleAs exact :lunation orgies finest eerie anise: marble; euriMs Egyptian, Lathan, Sienna, Cerbetiated and whets, all: of 'whichfor, beauty of design, and exquispe Outse t - cannot Ipe ear paired. They are Wild at abent, tall the ;eat of mar ble, andwillcompare tsverably with the , beet ilea of tint material: -Those triOcti tel, have already leg up, have attracted'm itch attention and elicited ex pressions of the blybe#t aduelratlen.--Ledies and gun deafen aro invited to Sartnilne oar IlVek of Mantels before purchasing marble. , • • EbdolleiCifeS PATStfrirENTlLATOttforChim• boYms. w Lath Prellerit honk Smoking, aud makes them draw ; el:equally prevents a Cement' of ale divert: tloaChlmney. Id any altuatitin. • - 13- . Tbe soscnbor ham been appointee agent for the ego of the above Purtraees, Mantels nod Ventilators by the 31auufactuters, in .Ic.huylkill County, whovvill furnish inetumt city mstr ni ictis, carriage only added. ilookitodiatftiolt desert Ueda and recoutendatione can be bad at hia Houk 'tore.ind any information given. ' Specimens can be seen= at his Warehonie, back-of the lifiasfe Jammu:office. ' DAANNAN. : . 801eAgent!:ar Ochuglialteounty. 5ept.24,165: . . PHILADELPHIA:- -.-. IcaurTszralavia • . - - ; j CONXERC.L4L - .C4VSTri'VTE., . - NO Obcituut .StroOt. Phi4delphis. TUE branches lahabr area- . ' . . .•- . uuoicAtaxruso, 1 . ~.. ityRITING and _-"' • COSI AlEil.o t AL CALCULATIONS. -• OPEtt DAILY.aud en T.resday.'Wortuesday. and Friday EVE:sit:NU, or each week. ',' • , H. U. CRITTENDEN, Principal. Jan, 45, 1659 ', , 1, - • ' 4-3 m , s. t. GOO a, (`livccsiaon To{ Flo;; No, 164 CHES 2 NU2'Sti*et, Ste4irs's Bustling PHILADELPHIA ., • ErrENsw rivsic I`lfettellEft.and Dealerin 31usicallnstriunertis of sorely description. < Exclasive Agent !orate said of Italtt Ist, Lasts t co.'s BVISPC33IO2I BUIDOE /Ind Ottl; eSPIANOS, LlGliberVollondoir 14.1 anus, 3lelodeins. Martin's Onitarajlarps, sheet Music; 11osie, nitailc, !looks, Itesidents of.the country will be aupptied by . .anit Of otherwise rn ith any Souriie they play wish,aos low rater as if,porchaaelain persan...,llaving one fof the largest studio in the United etaull i I feel conti-_ dent of satisfying atl who may favor toe with a call . or order. •. I • . c> Orators iii Music suppling on the Inost - I Iberia terms. Pinang to let. tiecu.id-bandf intros for sale. .24ay14. 20-ly • EEE ••• _ • DIMS & ctrura,-;• • • , Dealer,' 'in- ! . • ' , LAMPS, LANT.EICNS & CHA.NDELIEBS., N. B. earner lily/eras and , Charry Ste., ' • , I {PHILADELPHIA. :.• ' , . "TAPING enlarged and improved their store, and A/ having the ',largest a:ion:omit of Limps In Phila. dolphin, they ant notv;prted to fointah Pine Oil, cAMPHENE: iliiiiiilNG - FLUID, . Ethereal oil, Phoagend Gas rnd Lard nil; Larnpa,Lan trios, of all pateros. Pansy Hotel acid Hail Lamps, Chandelier". Oirandor,:ra.adelorhs,:aaa Littianala Lampe, at thaitianu clOrcrs• lowest; prices. Glass Lamps by, the packago, at a ernill advanceover Auc tion prices. 11 , t , itiv tante Manufacturer's of Phan Oil, - Entnimg Plaid,LEthateal ' eq. , ,it,lcobol. and (tbv .only tame) - Ptiol.atmi-q:cc. r.l , s" , Striu..-.tiqj thee _,., u.tivivn at such prices that Morahan''c win find It to their ad vantage to hay. Lan to, , Ora goinz einewhefe, ffyou want bargains.; Also,thei dafety Fluid Lampfor sal's. Ciazt. PI 18.53.1 I ~ ' 38-Iy,, : DicALLI3TSO & EIR.OTIIIIIi, ~ No. 48 CbEST r ITT St., .PhYadslikta - ; - (At the old stand, estahlishell In 1714, by John Mc- Alltidar, Hr.), 1 I OPECTACLEtio • Mathematical Inatrumenth,Hpy-Olassea, Opera Ofasa es, Tharmeraelers,Ttipe; Measure,' Plating Points, Magic Lantern!. fcc. I ,t , • Alva, on hand a largo assattment of COMPOUND ACHHOMATIO ZliCitbst; or Ed,M Icroseople filldei, , &c.. &c. . 1 , i"' Our priced and Illustrated Catalogues are fur nished on application.ant ;not by mangle° ofeharge Dec. 24, 1 , n31 , ~ • :,' 51`Alin. _ , . FIVE: PER CENTir SAVi r NO Chartdrod &yi the t &di of I:4nnigliPstsia, 1841 CAPIT•I.I/Ti7C/1 .250,000. !VIE sAv 'No rP N•D 4f the Narionil illafelj Com panv, No. 02 Street, WO doors above Ttairdartiladelohia.te open every day from 9 - o'clock A. M., to 7 o'clock,P.lM.; and on Monday and Thurs day evenings until 9 o'clock. This inititutlon le well known as on: of the a r tfcst and best Managed In this country, nod pay& riTO err cent. inti r rolll, on money paid in there; from thd dai' 01 dep o siv, Any sum front one dolilir upwards is iecalved, and all aurae, imgeor ontoll, 'Are paid baelt on demand, without notice, to anti amount. The BASILIC; ruNro brie ..ilortgages,Gesandßsers, and other Met !class investments all ; well secured, amounting to kaif a ult./Lis IV dollars fortlie security of depositors. ! ' , 0111ce No. 02;Waltat Slrtiet,9doora alma HON. ITEN , II.I L. BEN Al Eft, President. ROBERT q...t.Pitiuou, Vice President. Txas.T.Bastrmr,Aituary. 114 JARD jog itarEREE:I3. - non Wm. alcbarda,ilintstown Ji D. fltreeper Esq„ Editor of the Lugar, Pottstown; J. M. &ha neman. Editor of t 4 Nastraiistiealppackvilie, Enos Benner,'Esq.,Culitor (I:the Folnaces Friend; fiumnytowo ; Von. 31,:•1 ones. late Mayor of Phila delphia': Hon. John !itoiblits, Jr., member of Con. gins, 40'diattIct,PM, Mon, James Page. late Post master of Philadelphia ; Wm; Pennington. late Governor or New Jiirsey ; John Cf. Brown, Esq.. Pottsville . ; Fred;.•ricl; Lauer. Esq., Rending. . 29.13 23:53.,;17-1,1 41— : . . , .., . ' 2OLLARD. . - --- E EMMER ARTISTE IN llAlR,l77Chestnut Str. -opposite the State Douse, PICLADELPIIIA, In ventor of tbe celebrated Gossamer. Ventilating Wig and Elastic Band Toupnees. 'armlet:one to enable ladies and gentlemen to measure th if own beads with accuracy,: I t . ' ' For Wigs, Ineltis . .- ; Troupes, 4 &alp, In., j No, I The round of, 1 s, No. 1 Frogs forehead to • head.; f i ,' back as fai : as bald 2 From torcheed:ovt e 2Over forehead. as. • the bead to neck. I • DIY as required. 1 From ejrtOsiltollllTi 3 Over the crown of the top. f the head. 4 Prom ear to ear ryll , the forehead: I ~ • R. DOLLARD has diwaye ready foi sale a eplenditi stock of Glint`, Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs, half Wigs. Prise ts, Druids. COris, &c., beautifully manu factured, and as cheep as any establishment in the 'Union. DOLLARD'S Reib stem Unmet or Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from mith American herbs end roots. the most succeSsful a tlcle seer Prodbced Or Vega v int the hair from felllua oat az cnanging color, re coring and prose:nth* it la ..I....ithy and tutu:lint ftate. Among other reasons why Doi lard's hair cut ting Saloon maintains its immense popularity. Is the feet that his tonic is applied to every head 'of bar cat at his extiblishranntconeequently it is kept to better preserverloa than under any niher knoWe 41 1 - pilcatlon. It being trine braatically tested by thou- , sands. offs s the grealcittleuarenty of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retell at his old:aetablishment, 177 CIIRSTNIIT St.', opposite the State Rouse,Phil adalphia . '• • R. t•OLLARD has'At lett discover!' d the as pies' "los of HAIR DVE tinCannouncer It for sale, with perfect confidence to i ts Surpassineeverythingoftbe kind now in ute. It clots the hair either black or blown. (as may be d iiied,) and is Ord witkaat airy injury in els hair cc it, either by stale pr other wire, 'an be washed bit In ten minute. after appli cation, without deem:Wig from its Meaty.' Persons visiting the city areldvired to give. him a call. Let ters addrreeed to R. D,OLLARD,I7I' Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, wilt Malec attention; July 23:1222 . • .1 ..‘t they offii riLteir LY FOR ALIL 1, • ! 311 • • Dhiniztted irtid 'Natural ll Maur and:Npring sperm ,I' . • , !hauled Wintet add Spring Lard C/11. . ' Extra White Winter dolor Ott, Rieneheii Eteptrantt Oh. (Winter and Elmtng,) Strained North Well Coast and Polar . Whale 011, Winter cunt Spring Whale Ott, bleached, , • . Straits BMA and Tanners' Oil, Jelachidery and Greening 011, Idea Bedford Beene Cemdlee, pits ntPrltigbei Sperm elndlea,(004061111 01110 Suarfne Candles, Price'ePateat.eand es,(fererhich Me tremolo Agtlr) Crystatilneerid Pul thud Candles. rot the above Oodles we retained the llnit gremlann (a Silver bleu WO from the r rnehlto Institute, and a Diploma from the Susie dirlonitural,Peclely,attheleeteentilbltiond. Toilet 'Almond and Ether Fancy Sash ' • . Tow, Brown. White and Zeittlte Edep,, • Banned OlterMetetl in Cakes, GOLDIN !c PETCE, $1 Serail Whereat, third swat *rove LICH itinkeLPtlltdelpitts,r , Mar isms: 1 . 1114! El so. • _ -} • PRIVATE SALE. 3E - Arint AAMIL,- • , 41(10(4 . AUT -184710 XL eroie liadorotlialtirh yT offer roi sale ♦ lar;;O ' gqaqssrrtltjof vlNSicaaLlikiaLLOcK PLANS - lied' 110411.1 Wit, Vale' are lieu ateaetutated sad su about hilt a mile ttom the Caltavissa,Williaskipoit godlarteltailtaad,ou the Audi a sbrlitag Gatia;' wissa..Cosek, ftam eintsvtile. • of the Pies 'is dear et papal stet. aid - all of the Hintosa is of the Vortauslityef walla fl ee. ; ` Tt ia l em . Aaleasst.. fl aitt lOW-30 tea. and thearliele.bo, ss Roadstotas CAP be Viand' It I/Valetta, `piled op, end Will be sold la , OHOltir or Jols4l Via perobasets.:: For Varthiillarat aptily.lo_ A. t441.001.M. • CO., Catumbia or to L. tCENNSDY , Cattiwitaa ?layman . . • 'Aida away , . . PDS andereigaed Item ireht:efreap. arid on. J. reasonable terms his feint consteqns of 91 acres nearly all undereisltivanon. - Heavy eropsof Winter grain eta in the ground. The improvementalennebt. 01 one good double tam. togood-repair. another good dwelling notese and one 'good Barn and caber outbuildings. • The' property ,- is located In-Blythe townshiptaibEwas origitailirow tied by Dr., Becker: The 4stsk can be , divided. to suit two purchaser* if ditslred.• • ' • .101 IN WANSTAtIi, stoeit..eonsiating of Id head. of Zorn,. Loge fcc.. tec-. well be paid at Div!** salt On application: • ' "•=4-tr, THE subterlber offers at Private rile,beiweea ads tradvire Ant day- of April'lost, the DWOLLING HOUSE. 'and LOW of Otwupin clouted la the 40e, *ugh of Pottsville, Senityltill Cdutly, an Oa - corner of playact and Third direlets,:ler geld kflorodglr; now' in penes/dodlietlipanCy Of Wa i f. 11. , v?eidln r riZI rij e an Morgan. retirtrae9 t eriVat&Va: Get-fortn • bowleg swami no U. tirae, anima of *aid Alley and Tilled Ht.. • large - and- eonpuodlons Goacb-atakere Shea:War& say -very conveniently be • need for any ethic parpore, llivrelliog house has attached to it ail tie mete/eery modern improve monts,tacluding Ali the nittleell for burning vO,- 110 1 1 8 . The sou of spring water being Introduced , into the yard fur fatally rase. It Is one of the ben. built frame draftee hoaxes in the Borough of Pottr villu tee whole being wailed out in the best miner with the beet kind or brick. . . ALSO; Efts .large and very Commodious ,present Dwelling Boars asP* Lot of UrOund situated in the Borough of Orwhp...mrg, as one of the corners of the Centre-Square, in said Soniugh, fronting oa kit atriet r or the Ventre Turnpike, apt( on Liberty swept, ardcontaining in front on Market Street, est feet, add li depth or length on' Liberty Street, to a ,40 feet :wide Alley, 940 feet. .To this property Is at tached 6 large barn and stable, a.well ofgood seater, ith pump, at or near the kitchen door', together with all the Other neetssary appurtenances. The House is three-morled,aud very suitable for any ktad, bushman, either publie or private. ' CH3i °O I9ITMi i. . Jan 4,1834 1 • • 114 f - ICOBL SEXES TO LEASE. - . . • plifi MAIIkNOT - 41:41) SILLMOKIN 1 NEST 1;010'SW/41U Treverton, Northumber land County, /I miles from the Susquehanna Rivet, basin' their Miami opened, are now prepared to! or ter the same forLHAti.E. The veins are all abtore water-level. from Bto 11l feet In thickness, and al a superior, free-burning el CM- 6.N TURACITE COAL, free of The Nianbinery will all be furnished, so that no outlay will be requited for that 'purpose by . the les see. r . • The TreVerion„ Mahoney and Susquehanna Rail. road, connecting with the Yennsylveoia Canaf,wilt be opened in Aprli for the transportation of the Coal mined from this property: •- Responsible glitters will have an opportunity of making favorable leases, and are invited to visit Tre venom, and itosprict these Mines. -Far further Rhiticulare apply to JAMES L. MORRIS, Preshignt Mahanoy and Shamokin Improvs • . • MIMI Company,Art Trevorton Traverton4a4nary 14,1334 R-]m• - •• rou SACS. A Nap THREE-STORY BRICK ROUSE - - and other Piprtif em .rpttsvillf. THE sirbscriber °fere et Private Sale, on the rik t t reasonable terms, his new three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, in Second Street, a few doors above 3arkt.t, immediately beside the Ist Blithodtst Ch his Bee building w Just cote rie has not yet been used. It Is rand airy, has all the convent miss! encc . bat it housekeeper would desire, MI and is•located in a pleasant and conical. as I _ eat part,of the town. There is a never-fail. ing w4G.:' of eiaelient water in the cellar—a very, importatt:consideration in the present scarcity, TERMS—One.lourtb cash,. and the balance: to suit the purchaser. provided only it be pleperlY Secured. ALSO, roar Frame dwellings on Caliorthili Ist.. Immediately In the rear of the new Brick, above mentioned. There ate likewise desrrahle properties. They can be had oaths came easy terms: re The whole Will be sold low. N. B.—Tittea clear and Indisputable.' L. WOSIELSDORFF, Opposite Episcopal Church, Centre St., Pottsville.. Dec. 31. lOU ! VALMINLN, PIIQPIINTII - IN POTTS.. VILLE APPRIVATE SALE. CHEAP The Subscriber oilers at Private Saliall that tract of Land and building lots, known as the "Carbon Hilt" or . " Young's Hill" property in the Borough of Pottsville, extending' from the River Schuylkill above Mr. I...wter's Brewery to the Poit Carbon road, being abort 250 yards m width and contatesag 30 acres, more or less. This property may be said tq be invaluable, not only for the purposes of buil didg,but also as offering • thO best locality in the BoroA.h. on which to erect suitable Water Works for supplying the town - with water. Apply at his office, corner Cparand Callowbill Streets. GEORGE W. SNYDEB.. •13-tf August 27,18.53 FIRE' INSURANCE. FR/INICLiN FIRE INsURANCR CoIIFANY OP PHILADELPHIA. - rFic No. 3634 Chestnut atroal,near Irlhh - St • DHIEETOItd, Charicalsi,Daocker, Gedrge W. Mamma Thomas Hart, 1116raecai D. Lewia, Toblee Wagner, Adolphe E.Borle, SaeluelGrent, • lla.vid B. Brown, Jacob 11.81nIth: • . Morris Pattorsoo, - Continue towinks Insurance, permanent o'r tlmited on every description of property, in town andcountry at rates ail low as are consistent with security, The Cotupeey have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Prentipms, safely invested, a ffordAmple protection to the aasured. The sleets of the Company on lanuary'lst, 1848,as published, agreeably Oa an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz.: - Mortgagee #820,558 05 Stocks, ' 51,58325 Real Estate, 105.350 90 Cash, &a., 45,157 67 - Temporary, • • -- Loane, • 125. 45 0 0 0 , 541.220.097'07 Since their Incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upward' of axe rail/tea two has deed taseseiol de/lars„lossee by tire, thereby afford ing evidence of the eavantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meetwith prOmpt ness.ailllabilitlea. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. , CHARLES O. HANCKER, Secretary. The subscrlbar has been appointed agent for the above mentlonadinstitution, end is now prepared to mate insurance, on every description of properjy, at the lowest rate 4. ANDREW RUSSEL, Agent. Pottsville. Jah 11 ,1851 -24 f TECEED 'JEW BiIIAL-STATZIPLIENT np THE STATE MUTUAL Plllll and MAEINg 'L./INSURANCE COMPANY of PENNSTLMANIA• Branch Halm 145 CHESTNUT Strait. Philadelphia. Anna May 1,1659, a $209,016 51 Premium received:lo Kiy 1. , 1633, 113,260 36 Idterest an Loans, ka.„ 1,916 ID Cap italsitoch,,; 100,000 00 - 040,183 20 Lams, expend's, re-lemmings and re ,turned.preraiume, IN VENTNIENT6I Bonds, gongs's', stoats end othargood securltlao, 1 ; . - 8161,481 Oa Preiniuni notoi, —179,016 31 Cash on bowl. ' - 17,620 21 ',•• • . Total ane.ofiesoureis stable far lo aaaa a 8358,318 70 This Company Insures on buildings perpetually or limited; also, on all kinds of merchandise and' fur niture by the year. on the most reasouable term.. Applicattomlfor insurance in the above company' are.respectfully solicited by • ; [ . • JOHN T. 11111(12tigit. Aft. OFFICE -6 pIiNTRE Strout, Id doopabove Mar ket, Pottsville: • Jane lI,IBSIIj ;PARM,RES' INSURANCE COMPANY, BCOTIA, NEW YORK P0pi!5i3200,000.., Well Jai moray iavemi DIRECTORS. . . Aiwa 0.4-VA ir l'ATllllr. Venom; enARLgi P. s•nosaa, Pniiir H. Dann, A attAn W. Toil.; iIIAAO VOIDER. Jones W.!PAKOPDXi 'oil/IMT A,. Batt.' CHAILE. Ti. TOLL. • INIOIOI4II/11100111, JOWN 11.'LAIreom I OFFICERS. . ' • " A. C; VAR rArrill,Pillet.l.lisnallstc.Settirtiry. -Wa. Ramos, Vico Pres'LlAm ts W. Tote, T . Kgaintan llsistsios, Jun., General Agent, No, 3 Greene street, Trenton N. J. REFERENCES. Ma. .H. JObnion. Co., Judge,Sebenestady.' " Elute, Sheriff, , " D. P. Fount , County Clerk', Abram A.. Van Vont, Mayon " : ' . 81. MyJers. Ea.Neyor " Wright. Recorder. Albany. • - • • H. H. Van Dyck, Proprietor Albany AO'S.. Jacob G..Banders, Esq. - Thinner Clark, Esq., New York. 0.p01tr,b35 of insurance against Elm, and also In land policies no COAL acid BOATS. consigned 4o Philadelphia, '4.lsw York, and Eastern ports. Issued. by • J. F. WHITNEY, • .; Agent for Senn ylkill Conta . ORles neat door to Minerre Ba nk. Juni 20,1gSk. ' 25-cif sal, JOHNSTON & CO., . , , C.ENTIM STREET POTTSVILLE', . , . , , HAVE received *superior article of Borer-Cured Dame, uf thie year's curing, besides ocher tali cies in the provision Una. Also, a . fresh supply or seasortuble Dry Dodds, to which they would call the attentloo of the public. Feb. 4,1854 , . - , ,5-tf' " . • Bratty's /tee, Nerargianarreet ,Pottspil •.P 4444 ritanibing . Sheri. IXAS CON ISTANTLi ON IiAND A. SUPPLY OP A.A. all sizes of Lead Pipe, BbeetLead. Block 'Tin .Bath Tub., Shower Baths, Hydrants, HOU% Double and Blnale Acting Pumps and Wetir Closets; also,lll kinds of Braispotka for water and steam, Brass Oft Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plomblngdone la the wettest Maurits the shortest notice. N. B. Caslipaldfor old.Bresstad LW. Pottsville. 00t.115-1850. 424 Lovaa! AND TIMOTHY SNAD.—AI. a.ONIO* SETTAl a bythe quart or bushel,. for gala & .' D. HANNAN' Nl•9 Neil and Book fort. Dimi Ma • . ' . • , _ rairVILII: INDEMNITY •H 9,319 70 131011/AWE VALLZY N. in. Nzwrusars ri..latiii.off stns nomination whatever for,Goe etutweiitt to concentrate their vote esi 1 such • ' 11tE-Iftiill7o2l'.ESl *o 34l*.i . o -- 11,= ii . i ., Geb it i ea ' itillw i. ....- "1 . -. en mdePe#4l"l - ...' ..- .::,.., - .1-..t.ii: - 6 , iv.*, ~.. -wiautaeww- auenictly I ehilapi-- - 'Tie' ieitt)64n,:iliiiiSe,'Liattiehistla Ustai.94-what,will some in= .do for gam Pr ;a tirade 'heti bWptelaeated_jto .thik,POPlejljoif ,itlier Piro! 'FaCtii, as Well aithe knawiedi e 'Pen - iisy ' reitnia,*lLa 'Cinditlatefor Othfettiiii., infaiiireading public, stamp this eftetsitin of A. morktiWoitfiyi tiklig'h'i - ri dAeapirafike na4 • '''a perverted- mind slistith- ignominious - flaw, -eoultt net hilie tie* select ,' ',Piiseeeit! • tif betel,- But:Watt* tanghtby thiausodeiUSe-: a higkeidirilf taliosi a lititteatitiii„Tand fripahat as a last hum, otnropv . iiu4 pike., iii i u aainin e a d ia ra er ib ta l i n i e rr eee e twit= ribife aeye,i the sem'blance of an organixatine, the man;•hilis-adnairably earclifitedier ins d - thine - of Norr.Jaii. Pormocit;olNorthneaber• charge bf the dtitiee oftho'-exelteil' pasilich Istpdeoutuy, is ushered on the course Mafia= for whiOs heitiss'heeii i ,nOininutetV i .p.nlewilit the vault Bentz the Guiiestuk •-A s Judge Pollock isuorscr'weil known Tit , up,al 4114 and that *ander lise imi' , steds" the' veg eta : I mo o f . m u &a lai na ,,i r c ialn I,* ete auspices of that rank and Milo . rioueaestio-, t rasteriaii,frona.whieti l .preSll.lllfs nis,suppoTs ii4oftist iithd-Dishitionist ', .miasma, whp - was us_ . --4,•,' , i'oomeatian Priaansally came, and ask naz tally' the President:but tie leading itvlint lui.v aei!..; 4 l l, Plert. from Ins. nos-Wadi/ areati • •ofl'the- 'et:lnvention."' Ahem, let •ns •Ifittw' u frolAr: to gtvo a•Mikl .sketch .of hut :Irld, tircath! The rim is certainly .. worthy' or , i4d.o: f l is Weer, as a.laitilid man. ~. . ,! commiseration, who looks through eitelika die--, ..,1 3 / t •:...T . Acc4 viei.burti Mahe Ziretiglit di tatted medium, that everythw,g ~ wears an .asitin,l4:,ict , 11 0,thetitherlalid, Charity, when tinaightly aspect bifore him. Strange, that be ;10k:resides; iMid hi lihw T.supphae U dr, ,a' a tree land an EditorisUot 'per - Mated 'to .43 cam ot %pi'," Ilia itql 4 tr • Wa s a highly read with his own glasses; but UttfliC;thn se'sAlecrible Maiii,'iliff' let cuonection aim ”i i b .- tintly peer through- those of anothei, -ft brotliefi. COL JahiesPolfock; was engaged' in 'will, no doubt, he news to the. Whig 'itarty ,inerenandizing Mid managing a farm main+ 'to' learn that IlOn.'Jas. POratica is ineanfied "dtately adjoining - thi Bjrinigh. — Boilkot ilicihi with'Ede-tiose- JousisTear, secured his-hided gutfertien- were prominentineinbereof tale' nation through him and is Ins tool. ',The 'old , Denioti - attelistly, By iiiiitirstrvitb4 Ink.' public know bettev,the wisdom and erudi t i on gality, itierlder3ln Poltock acquired a'hand- el the Regutp so theacutray, notwithatand oMesne, vl dt• he , tfr-toitt'faiiy ‘ Eng• Persons live ins ,yeiLiaeui btl.aancLid:er:thvsttei.Zwoter itrr 6 o z ye n iy etiatiirLe.Staconpii imaofit;tatireAiwatolt. , . . ,_ , - --the quo, ....„,-,......a.„, „,.i.,, * ts,.. rhumb of Hairintreceieetatberai education, Juditi F. W. Hughes, who. at. alt umea7aews Pollock'atudied the to in big native villagt,- (Iluglies) you to suit hispurposcs.riPatallJa under Samuel He well your own house, ere you %Trireme to . ikbetA- Esq., a - brother- a trespass upon your neighbor. No argument Hell- Hopewell . Hepburn,' of this city, add one ; of me ablest ant: most eminent law- is - needed tti. establish the fact that Judge yam of 'hat paOot - the Slaty, and if -I rime Pou.ocx has -never been • identified' . ;'with take noducted Ins daughter. Of thia last. JOHNSTON in any manner. His acts still, ea i uaineir rtet . 1 aria not certuti,mil know lie rious speeches tell for themselves. Great is coni4cted With '. the' ilepburn latnily . bpi account too seems to be made of him, hold-. ~ . tog the commission of President Judge tin • - der Jouiesao' ir But the fact ' only proves - 11 b. '- d ;Oita . [He did matte, Mr. ep arn a a marriage. , , . '-' . -,' - that the Judge was a man qualified far the , —Eds.?hur.ll. • ' • •.' • honor, mid whose virtues and talents . Woal ~ Soon *net' Ina admission, Julie Pollock adorn the Bench. A man may even live- i took irrespeetable stand at the bat, although in a eurrupt atmosphere and yet remain a he liatPto compete with his preceptor, -AA % i pure as ever.. When Judges were appainte Ballus, the present Judge Jordan, the late f by the Executive, merit, character and rail Mr. Greenough, and other disuoguished I ent weretbrought into requisition, and; indit. laWyerst ,He qaielly and a4uhaously pup vidaal preference laid aside, but now almost sued liti prale.sitloa till the rear 1844, when the"opposite . qualifications:fit a roan,for the a vacancy in tha representation in Cuagresi. Bench. We must not judge the 3d Or 4th item ihe district to whicilie resided, haviii,.:' century from the same:puha of the 12th..' occurred; Ina thee-Lis breught hun !Afore the Again it is rung in our ears „ that his nom: people, for the fir'st time; ;Ai a candidate -9 nation excites no enthusiasm in any' 'quid tilt it., ,His comae:um was the late lion- ter." A miserable prevarication! 'Pit how 'John Snyder, of !Saida county, a son of Go'i.- can we. expect more from one who ) only Snyder, and one of the le! r iders of the Denit:f• lives by renected light and receives none of cretin parry of the State. The district 'rids • the primitive rays nf truth; Finally; bow decideatyDeinoerati2., aad Mr. Snyder, wh ' , ardently does the Reguitr strive to hone tip had previously peen, sii Col3gre4s, one of the something .against our ucnineee. Like a Most Icirmidablaand iefluential Democrats ifs dying man he grasps at a airaw. That man's well as inefi MI t,-. NotWithstan ding the faarfUt argument must be weak and turtle, who has odds against him, and the disadvantages vi.ka to d e scend to the petty falsification of ile'Cia which Pe had to contend, young Pollock ratt ring mat a candidate has " a will sod firiu his opponent beforelln: peopie,cauvassetillfe nets that brooks no control.'' But even districii and after a most severe and anima- grant it, and such .is the Mau we need to ted cagiest, war, triumphantly elected.. Tile grapple with designing Democracy at Har electioa turned Upon the tariff quEstioa.4-- rishurg.' The argument of the Regiiier is Snyderi took a hold - stand against prorecuoa, "as two grains of wheat hid in two blishels and was as boldly met by his OPPOtttra aitta of chaff; you shall seek all day ere yon find advocate. it 1. not generally known, tit.lLth rb eli v an d w hi n you h ave f oun d t h eml - t h ey is nevettneless a lam, that this electionll4il I are not worth the search."--afatonion 24 Wt. a Mostidecided effect upon q‘erparties ut the ' State at that tiine.l It I occurred the win4q preceding the iMuitaation of Mr. Clay add Mr. Polk a#catidithltes fur,the Pies;deney .4- The lenders of:. the Democratic party were preparing to Conte out against the tar it. Tn4y awaited the result of this contest, and who 'the result was kuown t whea they saw th4l one of the veterans of the party had been bat ten ort•ithat question, , ,hy a man comparitively unknown, they at once chan6ed their con rsd. 'Judge Pollock was twice elected to CO gress from the isame 'district, Over strung candidates of the opposite party. • Wnil F tra member of the House, he was diligent acid attentive to his chines; He voted for the alga and supplies denatuided by . the Administra tion Miring Aid Mexican' war, but his upph. sition, $o the extension of slavery, was evie ced by ! his unwavering,support, on all occa sions, $5l the Wilmot Proviso. • [ ~pL'sl ,c!I y ::.: In March, 149, he returued front Coo gress, having doliaccla, re•electioa, a udga re Lis. undivided tuteßtlo3 tO his practice., wrii/i of conise, had declined an account of his iih -seriee from horsie. He was not long.permit led, Imwevercdo remain'in private life. f 1 vacancy in .th&-President JudgeshiP,,haVufg, occurred hi thejudicial District in which he practiced, he was appointed to supply it, Ily Governor Johstan.- : - it is scarcely necessary to say ;that the discharge of the duties at this too position was characterized by the Sallie ablillixhich Marked his legislative career, and-met the approbation of the' bar and pee.' ,Ple. ;I - _ • In iSfil, the - patue of the present excellent. and :teorthy . judge of the district, the Hob. Alexander Jordan, was presented as a candi ,date by the Pemocratie party, and such whs the satisfactton - it gaVe to t'le public, that :it was deemetladiisable nut to prtsent any one to opposition to MM. - In this Lieterrnivatiola, Jlldge•Pollock,who had new sought oilif:,e, - readiliaad dordially acquiesced. -To persons ass Well acqsaidted with , both these gentle ea as'tbeWriter of "thisrarticle, this would of appear at alcremarkable. Judges Jor , an and Pollock had been born and reared i .i h a a the dw !llil I s l a same ay sc ihi vil lage , caeed gao h t n a te d , h t o e, l s t e at u hm , ees played baamr: togeth erascnidi uals, the former was the senior, and withal a sound lawyer mad a most amiable and, high minded gentleman;it is•nof ,at all 'remarkable tiiat the leiter should have decliacd optasiug h-ito. , Whed-he ; etited from the. beach, Judge , Polloiik resumed the-practice of hia proles sioo, iwirh. tb.esetaled deterMination, as is well !mown to the writer, and expressed 4 ,to him in august last, not again to be a caadt date for publicUffice. Had his own wisfl'es been Onstiltecl, I am satisfied he would not nOW lave beeti.befure the public as proint ctentli aste-ia, He has yielded to Me earn ' iiit solicitations of his friends,•and I feel safe id sa&ig . that bismornirtation has been el ' fectedwithopt.any other agency on his part. than agreeiogia accept it. . • •• Judge Pollock is beloved by all'whii know him, and no man enjoys, to a greater degree the reaped and esteem of his neighbers.-'—, Hicnioral chatimer is of the highest.. ord4r. He is/ _if I mistake not, a member in full col* mumen, of a Presbyterian church. • He is .a gentleman of fine manners and address, and an able4nd eloquent-debater. Such is the Hon.:. ames Pollock, the Whig candidate for Governor'.• 'Tile - people. of Pennsylvania will reflect credii upon themselves by electing hiin and secure the services of an honest, houMa ble add talented public sertant. Trine will.de- Teter); "whether:they will appreciate him.t- Piusburg.Gatelts.. .. . i. • 67,664 66 144( ~ ; 111 - DEMOCRACY. , . Alreadi are the vulgar flood-gates of De mocnicy breakfrig their fetters in order to let their 1 pent-up .spite and a sp!een • have frke cootie' upon the; enemies of that t i •dia• header, monster. iThis week the-Pottsville Register comes talus, containing a 14w-livo.l, but characteristimirade of abuse from the succumbing •aad individual-serving Editor against the Whig' State nominations. He opens his voluminous verbosity with .a brit-. liantenlogiinW upon the harmony; whkn iex isted in the Convention .of the !.4loriouS" Democracy. How could it be Otherwise . ? lutriguing demagogues had made-the 'Joni'. nations long hatore,for the party; and it was only left for the cohvention to go ihrotigh the niotions,.and they went no farther ; for they had not been instructed by the grealir B u t f r i en d Register, be kind enough to inform us why - the nomination. of Grit% BIGIVSII was not made unanilnous—does .1 it Mean` nothing I Dues it Show a-- 4 . 4 ,harmony truly ;gratifying to every mentherSof the p4r fly I' Did the vote of the entire Westmote land delegation, with many others, exhibit a perfect harmony .and unanimity of feelibg the,Convenuon I.' Again, we have looked agaireand again - , for the platform of the De mocracy as laid down by the last Convention, bdt Merlin. Often has it been asked; what did the Democratic Convention do at Harris burg-4ot alai! echo answers mterrogatite. ly what I In; wind "the mOuntaiialabared and brought falba ridiculous mouse." 'the Nebraska Bill together with the sate of th Pubitc Works has been artfully dodged, tind . Democracy assuming, as usual, a deceptive cloak to hide , its' defornatty, expects to ride into power; but the "dear people .have . been gulled long eoimgh with fair promises never intended to be:fulfilled. - • It is well that some people possess -elastic, consciences, for we thialr our friend would otherwise feel the opbraidtngi of the silent monitor after- gettiug off such great atroatties aiappear m his. editorial. With 'unparallelled t zrrupudenee and presumption we ere told that the "object of a very *. aiietiblepottithi of the oppositlOtt was:AO ... , „ .. .. . . _ 1 : : ,..1.1.•d.i.i:;4 .:- i 17 , -;:. - -::-.1.1..,: ) • . MB SEEM 119 MI • • •i o h, • !", • 1.71. - Zdciai anb -Domecitit. USEFUL PEE V • ' OSLS OF TLtE BEARD. • It is occasiona ly urged that beards are, dirty Oppeadages, , such as diti gartheiers.— So far from being en encourager of, filth, the beard, on the contrary, is on efficient .proiectiuu against If. It gathers dui and dust only 'to preVent their being inhaled ow the lungs, or stopping up the pores tif the skin. This important office it performs much in the same. way that the' eyelashes anti the' abort hairs in the ears and nossros protect the organs about which they are. placed.: And it would be quite p sensible au operation for a man to clip his eyelashes every morning, as to remove his beard and moustache. The dirt which the beaid col lects, can be niore easily removed than by the absence of the beard, it 'were allowed to enter, the pores of the akin. Because a mau with a beard , of one or two days'growth looks dirty, people are apt to conclude that iris the, beard which causes that appearhace, while it is only its shortness that does so ; as 'Soon• as it has attained some length / . it no longer looks dirty. There are many who in their own minds are convinced of the folly of flying in the face of nature by cutting the beard, but who lack the Moral courage to 'follow their convictions. The beard, in.. ilisd, is a tender point for foolish ridicule to aiff. its: shaft at. Every man who hi; pas sed the age of twenty,,knows what stereo typed, but yet cutting jests,' his youthful whisker have had to encounter. Many a man, who might have laced' the cadnon's mouth; has felt the laughter of fools too much for him. The only way to confiner this ridicule is to. learn to despise it.' If a Man were to turn aside by every laugh, he would he a living weathercock. Many per sKis are now becoming somewhat ashamed of the antiquated prejudices against a most becoming and useful ornament to the' "hu f roan face divine." I mighiquote numerous medical autherities.to plove_thelatility of the growth of the hair on the upper lip, espec laity of men who, in their professional avo cations,'are liable to exposure to, all the ever varying changes of season and climate`, now ,subject to the chilling damps, freezing cold, or unwholesome night vapors, and anon to hot parching winds, or the scorching rays of R powerful vertical sun. But we shell rest satisfied with the Fr:mail:leis evidence affor ded by the fact that an all-wise Creator, for some useful add benevolent purpose, has or dained that the masculine lace shall be pro teeted and adorned by the growth of hair.— Irrespective, thereforeLuf considerations of health and comfort, we fly in the face of God's providence, when we inconsiderately divest our features of every particle of, their natural protection. Rowland on the Hair. The following 'charming passage iti from "Rimer. Herres," by Miss. Cooper, daughter of the late Fennimore Cdopert It so, beau. tautly expresses the sentiments of all wo. men of pure feelings and Correct principles, that it should be widely circulated. I there. fore askTaYth place it in your columns: , "We AMerican women certainly Owe a debt of gratitude to our countrymen for Weir kindness and consideration for us generally. Gallantry may not always take a graceful form in this part of the world, end mere flat tery, may be worth as little heroes elsewhere: but therels a ;low of getferoui feeling to war,4 women ;n the hearts . of most Amery can !nen, which is highly honorabletc; them as a nation and as individuals. In nd coun try is the protection given to woman's help lessness more lull and free—in no country is he assistance she receives; from the stronger arm so general—and nowhere does her-weak ness meet with more forbearance and Consul erauon. Under such circumstances it must .tie woman's own fault, ill she• be-snot thor oughly respected also. , The position , I accor ded' to her is favorable; it remainislos her to fill it in a .mannir worthy her oWn .lex, gratefully, kindly; and simply ; with truth and modesty of heart and life ; with 'Unwa vering fidelity of feeling and principle, with patiencepeheerfulness and sweetness of tem per—no unfit return to those who smooth the daily path for her." grFaIINDs air :i. I had a friend that loved ins ; 'Twits his soul ; he lived not but in me We were so close, within each other's breast, The rivets were not foul:a:that joiri'd us Pa. That do not reach ds vet we were so gui'd, As meeting streams both to ourselves *ern lost We were one masa; we could not give or take But.trom the same; for be was I he. Return my better-half. and give me all myself, For thou art all l—Drydots. EnRETTY.—A poettial [Over dm* happy ly praises his sweetheart: "Sate beautiful maiden—God Ems her I - Unenetuabeied with pride or with' pet; Of every true charm the pm:Assort Aidgiven to no fault but myself." . ri"Trieac are lour percent. more tanks than males, borq annually in the I:lofted States. This goes to show, says hk•. /Witte jinks, that man, na an institution ' is' harder to get up than calico and such. things.-- Shouldn't wonder. , . CGrA &nut heart makes* blooming vis age' True ; .but it won't do to 'Suppose tbat every blooming limp some,: from a jolly condition of t h e heart " - Tba cause sotaellgtell lies dOspw than that—huthe eel. tau . . . WM ..!cd ME BE SEEM ~ -1 MI MIMI NO, .1:4. wonEN mtablietu—DetifinZWaiii Bilis *iiiiiiii e i - * Beeks, Poserysts„ Laub • _,. ,4-4 Posters, ' Rail KdWir Tt11414": . iiilid 481 1 / 4 4 ' , ! apt' Boas, Aitichis s of Agrint, rl. , 1114 kWh, ft:s r : 4, ll4 shLest notiZ 4. o *B°44 sto l 4 :i ''.:: TYPE is tam extensive Ova O ur my - .. Office in this. +serially ottbe thiflrtiN& We 1 btatibrialptoyetlexprestly for Jobbing. " :St --' ..:,:„..":-.:: ptictical Prtaiet ountalf, , are . Wili•gsatlattei:••'l war* to be as neat ma any that Can . e ttitaetleti... so • 14 came: PILINTIbiIa LN COLORS atas wipe thextest notice; =MEE ' MOON nINDE RT.. i 10". b°* llll / 1, 1"31 prOrvi 0 7* , kg ar.k t MI ot etrery - ddiCriptioa atasataaiturtat;tioitadar-d Med to ordcr at etkott , t Oiotorit4!. AN ECCA4I 4 IItIO Murray's 4,4 ilandbut.l.l" Oftboulb. Iteiy".ts., zt nbt pilbatiledp stud cooutilui, Num: stories ristßeeiiug E t a kti,,,eu . , the eclat:it:aced • Bgtntaican Pfeatner dutl'apuittillibe'lltaPer of &plea.. On one isccestadvit taieratect,bit': ?- .priacted is& the mote. a penitential *eddy!): 'said introduced so many titustrations cioet `rot that he soon brought hi* heareta Jolted kueeto".While they.were was showing -Ow - ery sign of cotitmon, he cried. ad you who - ithcersi)L.rePeut of Yout ajoi 44 ,1 01 P your hands. Lvery mats in the vast multitudaimmediately stretched out his Windt. '' '‘ Holy Archangels Michael. claimed Rocco, 4. thou tyno wttlt thattrada- : manna sword mended at the Right el due judgmeut scar of God, hew me cfi every hand which ha'been raised hypocritically." lu an instant 'every hand dropped, mid Roc ca, of course, poured forth 4 troth torrent of , eloquent invective against their sins and theis.deceit..ale had a great dislike to to .bacto; and when oute pie:telling to a crowd of spanish sailgrsi h 8 astoonded titircay tel ling them' that there were no Spanish saint/ in heaven. A. few. he said; had been usuallt.. tee, but they smoked so matey cigars, that they made the holy .virgin sick; and St. l'et ter set bia wits to work toget them out. At 'length, he proclaimed that 4-bull 'tight was to take place out.J . 4ie the gate ei - ‘xpuort, ran off ) to see theligmimnr ter immediately closed the 'gates, and took care never to admit another Spaniard."-. - . O:7POVILATION Or CIELINA.—SciaIO Idea 01 the importance of the revultition now going forward in China may be obtained from re. - linden on the fact, that the population of . Ohina properis estimated, and, it is beliet.gd. correctly; at 367,632,907 inhabitants. 1n the dependencies of Mutt:lleum, Mongplia, Turkistan, Thibet, tz,t., the populatia is about 40,000,000, 'making a total of over • four hundred millions or people under one, goiernment, cK eighteen , ;awes as many as' live under this'''Repubbc. / Should our mu- lotion double in number every ball century, ' it would require nearly two hundred and fifty years to acclaim a population 'equal to the present population 01 China. TheAuentity of land in Chma ii6titnated at 83%825,100 English. acres, of which 141419,347, or nearly one sixth, is under cultivation. ' The total trot in equate matt*: 'f; is 1,297.999, and the pepulatlua on each : square mile 261 , Were the Chinese Wars like people, and as far advanced in all the modern arts and science.s as the Americans or-English, they could overrun all Asia, and conquer the combined armies of Europe.— . The effects oi, a successful resolution . arnong 400,00,000, ettlauut Le f6rezhadow,eii by any humab, intaginevion. (7SLZE 07 OUR GREAT LAX23.—The ia• tett measurements a uur treat water aere are the=e; . The greatest length of• Lake Superior is 335 inilei; its greatest breadth is_ 160 nide *- mean depth 9fiS feet ; elev:itiou 6:37 feet ' area 32,000 square 'lnc greaiLsi leurgtla Laka Mica••, • 360 mites; its gre...l,t tr,,!ddi • mean depth • 9uo feet ; 567 area 23,000 , •The grea.est length M Llur,u tildes; its greatest brettuta L,-;D) ; mean depth 9DO feet; e l e v a tion 374 f ee t ; area 20.000 square nu ' • The greatest lert.im of ',lke t rue j 3 -253 mitts; Its greatest hre4MII isSJ miles ;"'its mean depth is El feet ; elevatiea ,1555 feel; area 1.i,U00 :square mil e s. • _ . _ Th. greattst lett.gth ul Lake Ontario is 180 ruiles; greatest breadth 65 i‘s mean dejitfr is 500 feet ; . (levatiou Icei : area 6,000 square miles. The total leugai of all five is 1,555 covering an urea altogether of upwards of 90,000. square tilts.• IMI!MMEEME!EM:I 3teniti, CrLAy thy plans with' prudence, arA be prepared for . emergenetes. iri"Tirsaa is no. policy like politeness; and a good manner is the . Lest thing in the world either to get a good name, or to supply the want of it. ' • qI:7To KEEP \Vim., 'people niust take either rnedicine or i:xereize. As a general thing„-pills are only suliztitutel for a sari and buck. • Disease oust be "worked" off; it not by labor then iby salts, senna, castor oil, or rhubarb. • 071nosit, who have the ruost delicate skin and sensitive nature, ate those whose hair,is heaviest ; while those whose skin is the thickest, and is kept snit, by the well el• fected office ut the appropriate glands, have but little hair. 3 lit"tny- w.aun BEZCKEIL onyx that "some men ltved betier with a bid sys tem°, theology, than maw; men did•who hid a good one, and that some men - could do more with a jock-pule thah other men could do with a whole chest of tools." _ iItGWILNT.-I by; leave to proposC; a short; clear, and strung argu- • meat to prove the: divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. The Bible must be the In. ventton either of goad men or angels, bad men or devils, or of , God. It could .not ba the invention of good men or angels, for they neither would or could make a bunk, and tell Ices all the time they, were writing it, sayiog, 'Thus &anti the Lord,' wheel it was theirlawn invention : or of bad men, or dor._ ils, for they wuuld not make a book which commands all duty, forbids all sia, and con demns their souls to hell to eternity. I there. tore draw. thii conclusion, that the Bible must have been given by divine inspiration. COAL. JO" The qouneil Bluff's Bugle v.ys; "We .have been presenteka beautiful specimen or. stone coal, by Mr. Mired Smith. who rum- ly came from Utah.' The specimen was ta ken from, the bank qt the Platte River, where a land slide hattoccurred, the vein appealing to be four' or fii:eNfeet thick and of unknown breadth. = -The'einigrants iliovel it up to use in forging horse dives and repairing wagons. Nebraska is doubtless, abundantly supplied with coal." • TInPr.RANpr ! Alittle boy ten years of age 97.43 drag' ged•throughhbe streets of Trenton, on Sun day last, in a beastly .state of iutoxicatinb. by two drunken men, ore of which was hiq lather—the child all the time begging not be forced to take any more ruin. (r 7" In Jacktonrille,,lll., they hue a', • ordinance forthdding the Seitio3 of within its Limits. A. erne tC0t.,,.; the • tutionality of the law was reeez.tly the Suptetne Court, and d,-c.cled that the tr dinance was.petfectly Q The Temperance Men 01 Salem court. ty r .phio, have nominated candidates for-the various township offices cud - resolved " to soleinnly renounce lilt st3eglance u;-any liticatl organizalion, either.tyr SIN re or town ship•eloc,tioo, that dde's not acknowle4c and proclaim as a fundernental pnociplc, the tight and duty of the State to prohibit tually all future trailic is intoxicating drinks." rouTici.L. • ' [0" The game *Law caadidate far Mayor in Chicago. 111.. Mr. Milligan, has been e,lec ted by 1087 majority. ' a:77 Tne Trenton awe Gazette, speakiog of the close of the late session of their Leg islature, makes the following "sly dig," at some of the members : "The rubicund cot. or of many faces indicated a degree of intel lectual and . physical excitement , for - which we leave our readers to account." . _ rr Thirty liieces Sstrer.—Tho ladies oft' town in tried the Nesters States, have forwarded to Senator Douglas, thirty silver three cent pieces, as a testanutly of their re gardlor his exertions in procuring the pass, sage of the Nebraska bill ! OZ)" The Lebanon Courier perpetrates the followino . :—They say Mr.'Douglas going *bout , de claring he doesn't want to tto o can didata for the Presidency nt the next . elec tion. It is n wbtk of soperermr„ation. Us mighi spare himself the trouble. The man ' who engineers the 'repeal of the Missouri Compromise. needn't feel anxious about his lattice prospects. Benedict Arnold is an ex. ample ms that bead.