The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 18, 1854, Image 3

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    I ^ 6l e tinnuti
-.-- -
err circulation, daft any atiktr lirsiatPT u rd'
ti shod in Northern Pennsylvania. It es ales
avnons the Coil, /ran and ha:lnm men, not only
in :has and the; adjoining counties, d art all
our emits, and •it a lso elects:ate: largely, down,
the masses iii Bch:rein/I county, which reijedere it
one of the most valuable Advertising 41/111411intS us
he County.' But few papers law so many capi
a tjatJ enrolled oniits suinur paten list.
leronierrind Puttee School Teaehers
trill be suppled meth The Miners' Joarnal at 11
per aniivm, in adjianci.
1F 4111 J II IiNA
11 1 1 •
krAVD .a a..4£1113, Mt Carmel ;
ISAAC F. .9A.V15 ; Ashland.
TnOmesou A. GODFRIIINTremont ; '
Casuti.r.s H. Hemmen, 'ill'ine Si.,ew York.
C. F. NoaroN, Coal Merchant, 52; Walnut 'St
Ph it:Weirdos.
\V ho are authorized to reeeire subscriptions, ad
veiwontentsos,:i!., for the "Inters' Journal, sod
receipt tor the same.
ar PRIME COAL LAND for'sale by A. IttA
iEl- •
.108EPH HAESLOP advertises' a house
end lot iu this Borough for tale. • _
rfr PROPOSALS solicited for sinking 2 Coal,
Slopes and building 50 Miners' boners "(Scranton.
rfi'AgiQUSE and Lot to Ponivilli will be
pubbeleijold, 25111 inst., next Saturday. • •
riryittkiSALS are solicited" for work on
the Union Cithal.
g7p. MINEFLS. wanted by the Idaaphin and Sus
quelianna Coal Con;pany—substantial inducements
held out. , -
car THE West. Chester Female Seminary is
edverfreti in to-day's paper. This institution has
a wide'Lrpread reputation, as a superior school.
...W . A I Mr. EDMONDS, Music Instructor, gives
nonce that Me errand term will commence on the
/Utb prox. He wheal n lea more pupils,
gar THE ()dices and Store-rooms in the Silver
Terrace leave Veen taken In charge by J. F. ytvr
ker.., and ere now Undergoing extensive repairs,
with a view to* rented as early as possible
When properly (hied up• and' made comfortable,
they will be desirable otlices—the location is pm
far GREEN announces that by the 13t
of A pri1 2 .1.t54, he will open his paw Store lora
rly occupied by Clemins & Heisler, 2 doors bil
low his o;d stand, Centre street. He will open out
t tie largest and be,t selected stock of Clocks,Watett
e-, Jewelry and fancy goods e ver uttered in this
piece. We advise our friends Iff give hits a call.
ar SEE I)ecou & Middleton's' card. -
CAaH paid fur Rarir:l;y Jessup & Moore.
ar STRAW Good.' of every des.eription for
the prmeiit Spring, ut Thomas White de
rjr OILS, Cand:es and Soap at J.:13. A. & S.
Eir sTcks E,.y. SONS bare a, large assortment ,
I .
of Millinery goo' s.•
ar A. BIt1T" 'ON Sr Co. manufacture supefior
I ,
Window Blindsa d Shties.
tar SE:lf. card 01 ChArles W. Hubbard, agent
for the sale of C is.
. . . . .
gr 1. 0 WURTH 1: ,4). advernms Doors,
Wants, Sl4itters, S l ush and Mouldings. ' '
far CARPETSof all 'kinds and venous pat
terns, Mattings, W ndow Shades, Rugs, Oil Cloth,
3,:e., at J. Stewart pay's:
Gr . LOCKS, D or-K Li
nobs, Hinges, and hard
ware 4 gracratly, IA I Register* and Ventilators, at
Wrn. M. M, Clare and-Bro.'s.
have put ,ued the Phisician's Visiting List" in
1 ,4.110 -book form, of neat and convenient size. It
~ a cc:41)1)10c atiicle—just the thing • the Doctoral
For at
THE Whig and American parties ap-
pear to he carrying the elections id -every di•
reettuu. I •
NoTice.--Subscribers changing. their
residence this Spring, will One advise us
iu time of their whereabouts, that the Jour
nal may be among the first to greet them is
thiir new quarters. •
(13 FOR public documents this week, we
are indebted Jo Senator Donklast, at Wash
ingiv and - nur State Senator and•Represen
wives, at iitirrisburg.
observe by the papers, has the traffic in li
quors become in Maine, that to call a man a
Runt-Seller is litid to be just and legal
grounds fur an action of Slander. It t.s a low
business anywhere. '
CORRECTIO7S:—In the advertisement
of Rentan's . Patent, for "the manufacture of
Wrought-iron, it will be observed a correc
tion appears of the statilinent lately made by
-us, at the quantity - Manufactured per day,
by the_Company's• furnace at -Nevrtfrk. - It
turns out two tons (instead of one) every
twenty-four hours.
Ca — TTATtn.—ThE provisions of the new
Water Bill fur this Borough,will be foUndrii
toll in's paper.
The books heir been open for -the sub
srription of stock to the'neW Company during
the week;and will remain open till. the re•
, number of shares are taken. The
past txprietice ot. our citizens, in the . per
-sopal indonvenienC'e and danger to property
from a Siareity of water, should bean incen,
tire w 'iron* action in furthering the oh.
jects of the present Law. Its .provisions
render' investment's unquestionably_ safe and
profitable, to say nothing of the laudable ob.:
jrct io trieiv.
a:7" EIGHT OF PETITION.—From thp pro
ceediugs iu Cungreig, in another column, it
will be seen that a serious blow has been
aimed ; et this ivalieoable privelege of the
people. The debate in the Senate on the
remonstrance of the New England clergy
man against the Nebraska Bill was Most
unheard.ot: Mr. Douglas' speech is outra
getitriqind -disgraceful to the body of' which:
he is a:tnember. In the House, the same
remonstrance was positively r e fused, though'
pecteetlf; respectlul in language, it will be
seen, and drawn up. and presented in the
usual form. We shall. publish the whole
debate next week, and iike Occasion; at the
same time, to say more on the character and
dangerous tendency of these Proceedings.
RIGHT OF THE. COUP.T.—We publish in 811.
other column the last Grand Jury Report, or
as much of it as the Court allows to be pub
lished. Certain portions of it, as originally
presented, thetnurt declared, no doubt very
properly, extra-judicial, and' ordered their
suppression in copies for the public.
The assumption of such authority by the
Court is certainly of very doubtful policy, to
.ay nothing of the legality of the proceed
ing. 10 tlii particular case, it inatteredfini
lilac, since the suppreised, parts of the. R
eport lere of no material importance ; but
the le dency sit such autoc ratic dictation, on
cl r
tfie pay l t of the Beach, is t o disturb the We.
pentlen,c—the vital essence—of tbe co-ord'.
nate fq / aiches of the Court, and ultimately
to corrupt he fountains of Jusuce..‘ .
I:7*CoNvrritio.—As all instance d of the
change of sentiment on the Liquor question.
in this County, tSe eannut help noticing the
following,front our own personal cogniisocri
Two merchants; respee:alale and upnglit
in !heir businessconnections, not a dozen
wiles from Potisville,tiscootioied the Jour
hal, some twels;cl or eighteen months ago,
Lecau‘se we were hard down - on the dealers
;t1 liquors, themselves included. They sub
4queotly re•subscribeel ; audn few days agog
to luoku over a list of names to a_ Maine
-I,:tv> Petition, we found both then' names re
corded in real John lioociock siyle, and we
understand they7have determined to discoor
none the tnifiw i io their stores before long,
whether iheLyw Passes or not. .• -
The fact is, the RUM business en, this
County has been effectually working out
: its
own desirut•tion'toi some yeari' past. -No
sensible man, can see . its tffects, moral e
physical and financial, throughout the Re
gion, without - feeling that it is wrong—that
it is a 2rowing evil; and that, the common
izot.ii of our peop,leriquires•some further le
gal restraint upon. the traffic than that exer
cised by the present • laws., ~ We appeal to
tif:y ho n est, refiktiog main is the comma
,,_,, It not itO ?
. ,
,-.- „ • .
trrAsecous lostrarri.--the catikuw
dioub buildiags at OreripHsirg; finely , leased
to Prof. Burnside formica - purposes,
have bees Waiving I.onm:ire and dito•
ouch repaint, and will be ready for uue OA
she 10th of April next,wben the Gist scho
lastic tettn will eoinmeiet. An addreis suit.
able to the mission will be delivered at 10
o'cloek in the morning by Thos. : ff. Walken .
E.q.. of this Plate, and we are revisited to
extend a general invitation to the pOlie to
be 'present. I ' ;
The Principal of this iostitutioW4:: Prot,
Bu mei de, is represenutd to be a tiaras!! sato.:
lac, and in other respects amply . gaalifed
for the charge he has assumed. With prop....
per management, we cannot see whit; to to
prevent the limonite -taking rank with the
best schools in the . State ; bat on - the contm-,
ry, there are msnygood end sufficient rat.,
sons for the enure success of the enterprise...
The town is healthful and pleasantly located;
it is and yet sufficiently near lines of
publiCtrevel to tiiatre it easy of saes* from
all dir'ections. We hope the citizens 'of Or.
wigsburg. and indeed of the whole 93' linty.
soSciently'appteciate their own interests in
this matter, to do all in their, power ]] ' toward
the permament success of the establishment..
count's° CHICKENS, &
The decision of the Supreme I;i:irt-of
Masvachusetts, adverse to the constitutional.
ity.of the Liquor Law inJhat State, some
days ago, created quite a tkkling si6ation
among the anti-Temperance men generally,
and the Bostonians, in their glee, toadied off
a train of pciwder and ()lowed a man's mai
But not so fast. gentlemen. An exami
nation of the facts dispels all appyettensione
among the Maine Law men, and sets the
anti•es doWn just where they werelbefore..
The Seizure Section in Osaka' *loosely,
framed—requiring only the designiittuo of
the place suspected, without specifying the
"persims or things" (sellers or liquors) •' to ,
he - seized," according to express Cwistitu
tional requirement. Hence the just decision
of the Court. But_ the Massachusetts Leg
islature is still in session, and, this sender'.
tal defect of the La* can easily be reme•
died. The right of search and the validity
01 the law to Other respects is not at all ial
pugned. So, keep cool—it will all be right
la the Mean time, read and cogitate turn
the following •deapatch dated Detroit, 'March
11 th : > •
"The Supreme - Court of Michigan has
finally decided that the Maine Liquur Law
is Constitutional, and the decision of the
Wayne county Court is reversed."
There is a genuine Right of Searth
Seizure clause in`the Michigan Law.
ag — ln Loussedle, some days since, it re
quired two watchmen, two horses, and a dray
to haul 'away a druttken woman. She was
well dressed, and apparently young and good
Oa' The town elections in Maine have re
sulted generally in the choice of ;nett stavor
able to the ebtorcement of the Liquor Law.
•q rM.
FOB 1'854i
~~~~~ ..
The quantity sent by Railroad this week is 33;-
039'03 7 -by Canal 19,538 15—for the wee1t32,577,-
IS ton.. Total by Railroad 3313,254 14iin4
279,9',36 01 tons—do. by Canal 23,545 18 `l ons;
atiinst 4,514 to same period last yea .
The shipment for the corresponding week lasi
year was 18,596 19 tons.
The quantity sent to market this week is 52,-
577 18 tons. This is the heaviest weekly ship
ment ever made in March froin this region, and
shows the pressing demand for Coal : •
The shipments are already ahead of those to the
'same period last year, 75,289 13 tons. We .call
the especial attention of Hehry Strong, Esq., to
this statement: -This gentleman took . extraordinary
pains last winter to depreciate the yepacity:of • this
Region for producing Coal, merely to advance the
interests of a few speculators who desired, acts of
incorporation, in a letter, WhiCh he Most - Unfairly
caused fo be published in afinmber of pspers with:
out i our comments pointing out its mis-statements
as to the capacity of oar Region, and the ability of
oiir Individual pperaters If he derived his in ,
format:on,from . personal knowledge; a period of
six month♦ will convince him that, as far - as this concerned, he knows but little about our
business capacity.' If be bated the letter Ou iptor
mation derived from others, be will shortly be ful
ly convinced that he has beii Lost .grossly de
ceived Sy those who furnished lain wittt
The most singular part of th,s busines4 is, that .
this letter of me. Strong was published 'in uhe
Mining RR/fitter of this place, without our cam
meats, and without any remarks condeutrimg the
inipmations cast upon the Individual operators of
this Region; depreciating, their business capacity.
The water was to have been let into - the Le
high and Delaware Division Canals yesterday—
they will therefore, in all probability, be navigable
some time in the cinirserof the ensuing week.
. A Telegraphic despatch from Baltimore oFklarch
16th, states that the . "Strike" continues in the
Cumberland Region. Several riots have • taken
place and Some of the ilingleadeiihave been, erre s
led: The feeling seems tots very , biiter between
the ComPaniei and, the men. As "far as we have
examined the question, and compared the prices
asked by the Miners, with those paid in this and
other regions, we do not think they, ere unressona-'
ble:--Neither party . seems disposed
,to -make any
advance; for a settlement, and under these ci mon-.
stances it would be far better for the Miners to seek
employment in more congenial regions, where the
rights of all parties are better understood end tip;
preetated: If they Submit to these Corporations
now without any concession On, their part what
ever, they will be completely at 'their mercy here
To show the spirit thfit actuates the soulless nor
porationson that Region, we append the following
froni the Cot*irland./Iliners' Journal: 7 ,
"Tan Ads..N;rs.—The SuperintendentP
_Association held their regular monthly inetpling in
this•place on Monday last. An irregular propo
sition was made in behalf of some of the Weer* to
go to work'at 35 cents; but it •was not assented to
nor even placed upon the minutes. No other bust- .
ness was transacted, end the Association adjourned
until the lit Monday in April."
The quantity sent to market this week faun the
Cumberland Region was only 1,009 tons.
. • FRIDAY, 3 o'cLocit,
Freights from Richmond •
To Providence,
New York,
Boston', • -
New Haven, -
From Richmond. for' the week coding on Satur•
day, March 11, 1854: t
sh. k g tons
• 20 Rot:don& viol:: 391 1, 0
jl9 1 0 Conn. &R. 3039
8. • 5314. Y. de vicin'h 10398
11 , North River 4 1459
2 11 18, 18 Southern Pts,s, 4560
-2 69 18; 71 For the *eel:li 2,340
e season 972 l,Forseason, • 425,590
titrie last year. ' • 8 112,83$
Total forth
To same
Quantity of Coal sent by ltnilroind and Cht,el for'
the week ending on Thurktay evening.lest
11,160 00 •
- 13 ,
11X1 01 '
7,51 i 06
C , 213 05
. 608 01
tn4QB 09
A)10 00
33,039 03.. 19E538 15
33;039 03
tons, .94577 IS
Port Carbon,
Pottsville, • -
9..llaven, - -
P. Clinton, -
Total fur the week,
Total by Railroad in 1654,
" " Canal in 1854,
Total by Canal and R ailroad tons. 3.5901 1?
• Bhipinans to same period lastyear 7 i or
By Railroad, 15,668 19 279t94 01
" Canal, • - - 2,928 00 4;514.15
18,598 19 284010 16
359;800 12
Increase in 18.54 so far
Froni.M. C. S. H. P. C. Auburn.
To,Richmood 1,70 1,85
.1,45 • l x so
To Philadelphia, 1,60 1,55 145
• _ . JULY 1, 1&54, - ,,,f.
From PoriCarboo to Fitiladelptiiii'• • ' l e 70
Mt. Carbon to ' " 60
" S. Haven to " - -1. -
" Pt. Clinton to . .1 65
Nj York
• • *4,80
-. 80 i Zl,BO
- 75 ,1,75
From Pt. Carbon, • -
'I MI. Carbon, • •
" Schuylkill Hann.
Port Cliotoo, •
, ,
The following lathe quantityl4 Coal tranitported
ever the different Railroads in Sch;ktil (.aunty
for lb; week ending on Thai/Ida) ? "
n i net
• • . . . Watt TOTAL
Minelili ae S. H 11. 11.20,159 05 1 921354 IX,
Mill Creek " ." 8,848 10 . 5090 ' 14
Mount Carbon . •• ' " 2,916 15, 20,260 15
Schutt/ Volley " " 8,634 15' ' 30068 19
Alt.Carbeen.Carb." " 10,74919 6302113
Little Schuylkill " " 7,737 11 631345 15
;Raw Asiniammi6,
oscottaak orronzarrox
fisport4ta gatirThiodarii 1111, IRON mid spria,
MO. Ifatordi Witit Outige. aberre Mutes: Pia'.
AA dews. a gourd smuusess inamatty
Fliga..llludi Is. , tem. r 114
fidinoods. Pref. of win* gaibuW 'Um Moak
Me and Ow padistbas Ode mud iwa err glides.
tutrawlons oa 1b NHS. to wUI tweasents on
Mandu ;Ws ni A t llo. - ?be enbeedbee untleutan7
requeuetbou irbouidi to Worlds via aide pas.
104110 n to
onlyrfeerd ibetr UM, as waly is possible. u
be ca Mu
,rew poplin
li4rch 14; /WC •
gue *auk
A Amble Email noose awl lel, la Taut
Coaalp rtliaa, la Obi plaal. AA tale us
twasollibill was. :Tao tat amauealla fan la Um
.54 ieo fiat back to as allay. Tile boas* la upwind
la - good otrilat: Pacaesalaa will IS Elves the Ma at
*pal pros . Apply lo 10111L111 7111 W?
WI the. .
Marcb IS
, .
Door Blind Midler, sad Bid „Dort, East
side of Dread Stria, Wow iVarat, Ph ad~tphta,
, .
lATHEME ma)' be tumid, constantly obi baud, on es
• V teaatta aewrtsdentot Dunn, dash, Wind, dbo
len, sad Moulding watrastbd firma to as; tbat caw
be wads. Albo, nub 'wady shied, oissys on. bud.
Orden by wad sedeopateb wilt:metes prompt at.
. C -
kolla..llgest,b 18. 484t.' " , 163 at .
, . .
A T 233 Ns derstag meet. Walt :Callow
nit efillsdelia“Mtuss on. bond M iplitudid
aunts/um of Vey6t; s l - spssity. Btasseuktgess
a pia. Ingrate. Lad iteifintin citepeni a besides
(nuggets. esedoteaßt: o toreasasusulap, window
at sdesoiuos. osa0„" r sad table stadia,
L. stair rods. nesith . Iso;tot 04111111,111
• itis (Aber stare, cugact et tub bud lipristg
t.• des sintet, - uutievlipet apneas Gude& Louse—
' Wholesale aid &WI.
?Oita.; (data 1M9,4
STRAW 8041116-4PHINIR 1854.
ri , HE adbactiberg are am prepared •Va exhibit al
their Iai'LBNILIWALSW FairAla.lsHlll3olT Jest
eompieted.ion tbe Ilia of Mau farmer dined; zio. 41.
Seutb ar,COltila tilalßer. Philadelphia, an mire
new and beautiful Oki of time b'aaey and Ona
ilonneta and Flats*, now eh. flac.: and kikaania, Pain
4l t 6 r 's
robs. Merchants im eertiyanitMd
t o e nanue, evaddencially prgausing wew, fa extent.
is wajfili.An noveliir. and to styles, a stunk unequal
xf Ordenectearally and woolktly executed.
Phila., Usual 18, Iu 4. /I-3m
UlloniCaual -- Lettliag. o
-DROPOSAILIS w be received at die• sabre of 001 1 1
undersigned. at Lebanon, Pa., and by A. Liver
more, Esq.. , PrincipiikAseistan; Engineer at•tbrading„
Until Wartiaumu the eth day of April he ha
the widening of Foriy. miles of the Union Ca
nal of Pennsylvania.eatendhig from the Water
WOrke, In . :Lebanon • Coinity, to Reading, Ineladitig
the 'takin'g. down and re budding of DEVENTY
TWICE LdCll.4. flans and spee.deations may be
trews& the Engineer's (Mee Union Cabal. at Read
ing and Lebanon, on and after April Ist, plot.
Lebanon,'Marth 10,1551 • . 11-30^ ••
sapmaort- ammo* nurans:
11111111)11 4:1.1 1 ., No. fU Novels sigccisio SM.
Sl...below Arch, eiiitadelptils. - Vas ill the
teasive and beet Manufactories la itie - United elutes;
originatorrof soma of the most ryleudid silica of
ULINUS and waled taws wait the wises
at the Feat Vida lariliate fur their superiority of Mi
mi' and eplilador of:conception.
Monies aid bllndi of every raeiily and character
on band and Made to order, at short notice, and let
tered, if required, In a snowiter style, Cod at low
&W'AIUINO and , JOIIBINU attetuled to
-11WIC /TWIT TO -"Lsikas vas TUILIC
MiIICA IT, IBM ' -11-11. m
•r subscribers.utferit Sale'i on SATIIR
.L DAY, the Rich inn—at 1 o'clock la the afternoon.
at the Public House of DANIEL HILL, in thii Bot ,
ough of raltillrillo,lll that certain two-story FRAME
tatounu:niuSte an dermad near Mgr -;
direet.adlnlaing the Dwelling lioueat ofif t
thaneslle bonen In SO feel
front by 10 feet la dyth, and the lot Win
wins thirty feet Wilmot and annul dinky
feel in depth. A good Otte,
clear of a l l locumbran
ces, will bit given to the lanchtwet, and
delivered tin the Gni of April neat.
Tecate add conditions of saie will !be( wide known
at the sale. by ; sitAblUtiL ALSPACII.
. .
Pottsville. Narebad. IbM • • L)-94*
SPrilig Millinery Goods. •
.. :: JOHN. ATONE- t SONS,
.Nu. 45 4outA !SECOND Sthet, Phtleulelyhia.
1.3 AVE how in oiore s -of their own limponatlon, a
/ /large and bond - name agooniukti of
1911111 ONS, •
411.118, • . • •
. t. 11.1)WEltd, ' . .•
and every article auittablu to the Milliner, Trader, 10
which constant addition will be made Mil:whew
the season, thereto, enabling their to veer the lar
gest and men desirable aelection id articles In their
line lo be found iu the city.
Pnilsd'C, March,18,15.14
lONTAIN E ING Napa Vibe vatioui *attires, ging-
Liduins. altates and Republica of tug World, with a
special /dap of eactiof the United States,formlng one
hundred and twenty maps, new edition,
William'. New. Traveler's and Tontlat'a Guide
through the United' states and Canada, Ike, With a
-new snap, IdM. ; ' . •'
• - Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. by Lieut.
Dein/lon U. N map,ann plates', Biro.
'.l9rlnnell's Polar pipedltion haseateh Sir John
Fianklln, by Dr. Kane, many plates.
Autobiography oCan Aetresa—by Mn.s Molest'. t
Hairs run ittlatiatio or Travel.—by erect Greenwood
: For sale at .U. ISA,P , INAted ' •
4, . Book and Stationery dtorit.
March 111,1854 ,
_BUILDING 'ultimatum
Lavin EiitjUsikisina of "lut kand in the
• EZnited States. • , '
uur et. McCLIDIE & ORO , No. 217 MARKET
I'V street, above , !deveutb, Phladelphia, Manufac-•
torero Depot for Lesko of all kinds, warranted qual
ity. " Perrot Silottia..olaii KR01.4. 4
Premium Prircelairl Knobs, over lOU patterns.
Silver Plated Knobs. Hinges, &c., with the moat
complete Assortment of all the /doderaDooda ib this
Line. 1
Purchasers are Invited to call and Surmise stock.
'Catalogues lent by , naafi Irdeuited. •
Hot• Air l'egiiters and Venn!aeon! ' ai _Facto'',
- • * Pricss; •,
13r All cadets pit up under the Immediate sopet
vision of the firm. ,
March Id, 1854
West Chester Female Seminary.
Conductid by the Man Evens.
pas Rummer session of tbla inatitution will com
mence dr. the Brit day uf May, and end on the
fifteentn day of'July, emoraclng a period of eleven
The course of Instruction includes all the branch
es of a thoronllfEapltsh eddention. also, the Latin..
French and Gettlisti - Criditufres. Instrumental and
Vocal Maim, and plain and ornamental needle-work.
Thorough and competent teachers are employed In
each department.
Cifelll4llltontklaltig terms and further Informa
tion of thullehool, Can be had on application to the
lioltuar, Dr William Darling
ton, Henry S. Evens, Don. Minima 8. Bell, West
March Id, 1851 i
Card Extraordlimar YI 2 !
be w pie An and Seerel of
tt ELEWEIT or - neap MXPOSED.”
nROFEBBOR 11411dAhTE, the celebigted Magi.
f cia n, 'who bits irispected all the Temples algae::
din China, Ilindbosuin. Japan', • give a most
novel Exhibition of TRIClid OF if LEIGHT OF
HAND, Feats! of Magic. 1k.c..11.c., accompanied by.
the most PCOITINO NOVELTY of eaplaining and
showing precisely the great tvECEET, BLEIGLIT and
PROChels by 'which all the TRICKd of the moat
popular Niaglelatia: are perform/1C and la inch •
wanner ihit ANY PERSON, for the simple price of
admission; can himielf be a magician.
• The Grand Entenitinment will take place an Thurs
day evening, March
E. For fonder particulars lea Bills and Program: .
ma. ?Orate tortructions given et the Mill on the
day of performance'
North 10, lOC
- • i si rio
1 oo
2 75
1 37
A Certain, &le, Speedy and Eff ectual Cure for
Bone; Ilssomper, Coughs, llow Water,
Loss lof Appetite, Depioseion of
forite, ere.
rrilE proprietors of the above Powder take great
1. pleasure in calling your attention to an ankle
which entels anything oPbe tied ever offered for
public sanction and patronage.
It bat stood , the test of many 'years' esprrience,
and is no Willits htitubug got up a• a money-making
scheme, but an ankle substantially and faithfully
prepared; coena-ed entirely of such remedies am
have been found bY practical experience to he val
uable tar the care of the Minutes for which it Is re
It abeeld be In the bend/ Of seer, FtlfilSer. Fattier
and Drs t han.. No'cowner of horses should be "gib
omit. It WM , try, do , d propttly and In ,rlroe,
thellrts brenen7 itaostdo enigmas.
We ten:. you but io try4t. Confident of its utility
we deem Is unnecessary to enter lint° any lengthy
details ofits virtue*, but respectfully submit )t for
the palmier of ot discerning public.: Also— •
• inks '..traumititarza •
it arran4 curd Ballow Hone, and other Di
. seoses'incidont to Horned Cattle.
NOtertthatandlng rho oninemue compounds which
are daily offered node r the name of speelnev.yet there
has long been wanted • preparation that would en
sure a safe and effectutteurs of the many diseases
to which every honied animal le sullen. The ob
ject of the'premot one containing ingredients of the
most nit table description. Is to enable all those who
may own catUe entitled with disease, to obtain a
memee tinsdrpaseed by any other ever Grated.—
Its compoettirth is entirely differebe from the Nor e
Powder. beirnyadayted expressly to horned animals
and their diseases.
336,92,5 414
it Is uunatotal and Inconsistent tu's dull:Ilan the
same medicine to both spreles for the cure of en
tirely dlilhient disuses- What may be: valuable as
a remedy id one Instance, Is entirely inactive and
useless ln;the other. We Dave. therefore, pr e par e d
two temedles of disslualarsatur* which we war
rant th eradicate the diseases for which they ate rec
ommended. _
Use this:allele mice, and we +restate to say you
will nut be without it alter.
It bee Oar tried by many intelligent Strosen .
throughout the. United States, and universally glees
the highest dept. of sttlsfaetlo t.
Prepared only, by
Mamie Druggist.
South West earner Fourth at Vote streets Phthithi.
sy ItirspOsslbiti Illissesai mid Dausstate was
ted to act se AS
Phlladelyhta: limp 1 .1854.
tons, 7&289 16
01:14NO,.? CrOANO!! MUM! !!
WE reipectlitily Inform our Frlenddind Culla
oterethat we Huai herestlee occupy the EN
TIRE BTOILik South Wharves. extending
tbeough N0..:115 SOUTH WATER STREET.
Oar toudnest has, heretofore been trartsacted in
THIS BUILDING, but having now the WHOLE •of
It, with two itecessible hasle t one on the WHARF
sad the other oh WATER DTREET. we are enabled
to oder enter 401LITIES to YAMMERS, both es
regards vice sad the DELIVERY of GOODE. We
tem i te in Want at articles Won/ Ilse to [seer
us with a galled oin OLD OREN
1500 tons No 0 dint Petering guano, •
1000 " . &Boeotian, of Uwe.. : .
1000 taw sots. mined*, quality
Alm, a graeno samatuaaat of 00. 0'1044 Soap,
qtaraa, ax., tor isle at the lowest sunk glees. by
' ' . ALLEN NEED •
-Ho. *3 sorra waavga, MIN twra
shove CHESTNUT et., MOW*.
/sa e 111, iala
I. a. agars aco,,
a. wrimrAtar swum
TOWN ati.L,
N EwADminimm
. . ~ ,3.,,-1114 1 1W1P1, 0 ,11,111„. .phauptia,
75,:q44,118 OM: ' lr Mitel) %. " 1 " 11
10 trtni amp Gilboa if Wt ak•
a .•
. 11 1 83 717
rincit . e . ya ScsveunlL-Kevto t tif Co.}
• Ilse elute. die es* of Ctn. Mid for Toll es
AattraeSe ' earned ea the SCHUYLKILL KAY
leallOPl4ol be MI follows OW July In. Hsi
To Pbiladar
"' Bpriag • .
" Coasbockint. •
" Plyaboutharoar. ,
" OfilleoPen. •
.Norriotositre, .
" Port georredy;
" Volley Paw.
••• Pouliorriarour.i: •
" Part Proardeaca.
Phafihnitle. • i •
" •
Pouoroorit, Landing,
Part MOO, • i
"• • airieborryirib.
" itotelage , ' •
• "- ;,•
orwlsrbolir Lair4log
The chilegi,olli be pey ton of Alio Ibi. hole' gle e
pger a c n leo ..a lthliiiwan ee fur we
as ce e nts a e per Io l a
wade foe any9Sistance. By order. of the Managers,
F. FadLEV, President.
. 11-tf
Puma :si mamma RAILTIOAD
,;w_ .
-,-..-:. .. -,.... .
V, .. i 2-'
XII miti
Orrice ortne Po ILAD'Xfi Reiorrio R, R. Co.I
I ' -' ,: Fkilartelphie,' 'Marra 2, H 154. c
The Ratei:rit Freight and Tollic r em Coil transpor
ted Jip thio.Ctiincany. will be as follows, num Mardi
1 to July 131,54: 7 • • - .!
_......._....—:::::•„.-- , ,
To Ittchisoust
**- luelttlekPlatte,
Nmetowiti •
" Gmusatnaeo.R.R ,
" Font of lichugliull.
:" 'ldanaynaß. '
•• Ppm* Male. ;.
" CuushebOthen hod Ply
mouth noltroad.
" Illtuatm's;Od Pm,' and
• _ Jouiso , '
Nortist*ar Bridnepori
" Pon KehAnnlY.
" Talley
" Phottiasaht.
Royer' Ford, -
Puttstonh, •
flirdeborfe, .
" Reeding, .
" Between Avtdiog and
MnbrariUe. • •-
" Ittotusitne.
Ilemburtk,, ,
By order Of,the Guard of ►dowagers;
-17 , • ,d, BRADFORD, Seey:
Maid) • 1ti.,;:j,&54
A S urra imnu •
ling the Prnsimlfe Water Company approved tits
Eleoenik? . day of April, Ann° Domini one
thousan.eJtgat isundred ansfihtrty four.
SzOitori :1.. Be'it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvaim in General Asserribly met, and it is
hereby enaCtid by.the authority of the same, That
Strange N ;lalmer Charles W. Pitman, Daniel
Shuttle Bertiard K elly, Benj. Pott, Charles Lord,
Jacob Hunt*lngeele, William ; Johns, and Jona
than Johnieri or env lour of them are hereby ap
pointed CoMmissioners to do and perform the sev
eral matteri.kad things hereinafter mentioned, that
is to say, that they shall on or Wore the first day
of Mirch east, procure two or More books and en
ter therein 0 follows : We Weise names ere here.
unto eubscrftred, do promise to pay to the president
and managere of the Pottsville Water Company or
the treaiouret whom they may appoint, the sofa of
twenty:fivit : dollars for each and every share set op
posite to tier:Alamos in such manner and in such
proportionssibil at such times 0 all be determin
ed on oy the Said President and ' zingers, in pur
suance of seAct of the General ' riot of this
Common=h, emitted. "A Supplement to the
act eer - 'ngthe Pottsville Wafer Companyl
"Witness oflr hands this =day of= one thou+
sand eight -fiundred and , fifty-lour.'' And shall
thereupon give notice to two or more noworkers
publisaed tiii the Borough of Pottsville, tor the
spacer of tat:date Or more, where and in what pla
ces within' Ibis Boroughs 01 Batavia* and St. Cele
the said bares wilt he opened to; receive subscrip
tiouscof additional stock to the Capital of the said
ComPany, tiewhich times and places one or more
albs sea Oommissioners . shall attend and shall
permit all liOtiorts of !earful age, eitnerin their own
names or iethe names of others, when they appear
to be duly sitithonsed. to subscribe for any number
of shares in tie said stock end shall keep the said
books opetilOr three successive days, or until eight
thousand shires shall have been 'subscribed, er if
the Whole Um — tuber:be not subscribed; the President
and Maeacers °fibs said Pottsville Water Compa
ny, may at ray time after the first election herein
after mentioned, open the said books for the sub
scription We/barer! until the whole number afore
said Shall WO been subscribed, or so many thereof
as the said ereaident and Managers shall tied:leers
sary toemurinto ;tull effect the, purposes of this
act. Omega, That say person of ring to sub
scribe in thawed books in his or her name, or in
the neme et any other person, shall_
' previo us ly psy
to the attending Commissioner or Meer" five dol
lars for every mime to be subscribed , out who eh
shalt be definyrd the expenses of taking Ouch sub
scriptions nail other incidental charges, and the re
mainder AMU be paid over to tbe Treasurer of the
said Comparik, as as one shill be appointed
after the said-lelection. , ,--, -
Sterrett ~.N Test when three thousand shares or
more of saiiiitocti. shall have teen subscribed the
isaid:ConiasOionere, or any of them, shall give at
leapt ten darepotice in two or more newspapers
printed in the said' Borough of Pottsville, of the
time sad six for the said subscribers to meet, and
.in'conjanctititt with the present stockholders in the
Pettsyille Water Compaq& hold' an election for
managers otthe s a id COmillfficiy, who shall choose
from sinompbe said subscribers and stockholders,
nine managers (six at limp( whom shall be resi
dents of theloaid Borouglir er its immediate vicine
ty,) to coodtict the affairs of the said Company un
til the seccitilMooday of January, teen next ensu
ing, sad inlaid election - each subscriber and stock
bolder, nd hi all elections afterwards, each 'lock
holder &au le entitled to ,one vote for each share
of stock,' bodes fideleld by him pr her, and a ma
.loniy.of theetiptes given onoill lie sufficient to elect.
t obeli he the duty of • one or more of said elem.
minim/era katteed the said•firet election with the
said subscription books, also the President or some
of the Managers of the s said company with their
1 book of; ajoe,kholders in order that it may be
1 (mown iafici ere entitled to vote and for how many
share!. „ .. 7 .-- i J - t-
SsuttoN p: . The 'managers thus elected shall
appoint one Cif their number (who shall reside in
Oa Borougletd Pottsville,)President, and the Baud
being thus cleipmizect, tiieY Shall appoint one of the
raid suloacrikers Or stockholders residing in the
Borough of Pottsvill e ,
_and, not 'a member of the
Board of Miatigers, Treasurer • ;and they shall also
procure cerfiecates for the share's at stock now nu
; thorized to he subscribed to the capital of the said
; • Company, aird shall deliver one of such certificates
signed by the President with the seal of the Com
pany affixed} ind countersigned 'by Ike Treasurer,
to each person for:all shares held tZT or her, or
for such nuaker thereof as be or ay Choose
to have ih bee certificate, es soon' as five • dollar.
'shall have Mien paid on each share. After which
the said sulieribers shall have . all the rights and
privileges eruiferred by the act, to which this is •
Suppkmencon the subscribers to the °repeal stock
of said tomPany,' and the said shares shall be
trauskrabliYM the 'same manner as the original
shares. , The etud board shall also have all the
rights, pOkratirs and privileges conferred on the
iPresidentiad Managers of said Company, by' the
said act to•io.hich On is a supplement, and shall in
all respectittamediately eueceed to their duties the
same as if the_term for which they were elected
had expired;: Provasd, That should the aforesaid
Commiseiseirs refuse to act or ail in procuring
three thousiad shares of stock to be subscribe d
within fifteen? dart after they first open , said books
foy receiving: ' subscriptions, or to me notice of
*aid eleetioe,• alt and singular the powers and du
ties of said Commissioners, then remaining unper
forined,shatbe exercised and performed by the
board of litsbagers- et "aid Pottsville Water Coin-
Puy, as befeinbefore .dtrected; or the said board
may appoint other, Commissioners to .tdo and per'
form the mune thing. • ...
. -.
Szcetort4 . That the election for Managers of
said Conirol 5441 be held annually : thereafter,
out the seam s Monday in January, of. which the
President mail Managers_shall give notice as re
quires by thii aforesaid act. -
StUnots it. 'The said Pottsville Water Comps
ay shill hailitwer, and are hereby authorised to
bring info.thiti tit* of 'Pottsville a Sufficient'
supply of fresh and pure ' water from Mill Creek,
'or any of ilitbranehes, oretaewhere in the County
Of Schnylkill;Lby Means of pipes or trunks, or in
any other sok, and to construct reservoirs for the
-reception tbareof, and to connect the same with
their pipes new laid in said Borough; end lay such
other pipes (*Orem es they shall deem proper,
and for the Pfitpoaes aforesaid, they shall have the
power of puire,hateng, taking and holding to them,
their sums and assignees, any such lands - , ten
ements; he '' '
' Is end eaattt, real and person
al, as shall tie e for , the prosecution and
emotion ofieworks necessaryfor the purposes
aforesaid, sea jafentetiag on and into aft such land
and enclosure! as may be necessary, and to di
ditches or.tricticherand lay pipe,' or trunks through
the same, sedStlso to divert any of the aforesaid
enemas of *Mee from their present channels, and
to build data:situ Hanks on or Freer the same, doing
as little &MAO as ptaitible to private property, ,
paying for iirktdever eiptry may, be done by them,
and for whikland they may occupy in thelbltow
ing manner:.' i, ; : • - ' i .
Styrian GI The said Preiffient and Managers
shall have the right to enter , on' end into any lends
or enclosures With their engineers, artists, amis.
tants and workmen; to lay out sad locate theeala
dams, trabattlid reservoir*, and the mute for the
said pipes of Inmks, end after the same shall have
bees laid otit.:and located to the satisfaction of the
said Prestdept ant: Managerr,they shall gifts notice
to the owners of said bias. of they are known'or
can be fount* on which the same has been so-laid
out and located—ot the location' thereof, and cif the
desinsof the.Complum to occupy and uselhe_land
and route sititiarkcal and laid out, and il: 4 Iktsaid
President and Managers and owlet's can 'lrtgree
an tlaranunitit 0 damages - 6r computation ere ,
tor, either of them WI apply lci 'Ma of the itaides
of the-Courktif-Comeron rims ,ot said County ot
SchtililkUl; otitis said Cools when 'in Kowa, who
shall appoint it Stu* of three disinterested and jus
dictoits rtsekka view said lad and touts, sad make
report 10 sald:Court, What damage (fella) the ow:
nets of asidland shall or may , swain by the use
laloccuparCOptbertiot, by the raid Compley, tor .
the , al lbeir workr,Ftr by the &erase'
of theafirrisshi amass, whose report or, award
Shall be Mint* toiheat of appeal by (Idiot'
PM, end !ben frets lain be 'grad as
other sais lik *Mc dunes are claimed by St
• . . .
11-o , n
rt. (SO " tient
i Vitae
did tiling OM. trerirtol Matikareithe
e ielltseettledbettamead to Isltts maseer. .
Aid it ogee hhig im of ialithearAthe Said Prost.
den Ord iihmajmnAinll pay diatmak gni ash ,
inmate seemergy to, the etasaft ot onset the
Jadgeitet Mimi Court fro *be 11 " 4111 ;
war seek aons seamy be billy awarded . tdrmpywitt Waal
t ionho Wiz skid be Uowed sod ete
seepoweriiii to enter ou and
ilia land aad.atialcismis Reatwary me.
gineers. Weriseess, taws, tools - r,ited taiplements,
and proceed forthwith to the comical:tied and corn
*um of all units neetwerf mie n " bo o t o g e t. .
him the objemsend myosins lhajt'y a Yd o f t h e
act to which thii is a mid the same to
ales, repair or renew Wheat and twherevir
they may Aim necessary, willuiet any l e t or p m . ;
drawls from the owners *feud leek. - Aad where
the owners et ,any .of :be bode emu Lle . libleb *Ruud
Company has located any prt or - s is erotica as
*forested, are not known or be fisoad. et if
known, are sot legady capsble of eater* into as
agreement with said Company; die Paid edam
and Bitaemeh shall proceed to have the damages
ascertained in the, manner be:obit:elm* proolikd
for, where die owner. are knowi and capable of
acting and give securily as aforesaid. for the
amount of siaanopSs found or *vetoed to thelosy.
or what may be tittimstely adjudged against sham
with costs, after which they shalt be allowed to
proceed with their works cm Sail tazid as hireinbe.
fore set forth- '• ; 1 ~ T h. geu! con** , Mali .ell
r ,
o .
. I.
MI •
Ceitit CEBU
104 60:
70 69
60. I- 69
eo .",- .59 •
.. 55 1 54
54 .
30 I 49.
50 . 49'
50 1 49
45 . 44-
45 I 44.
45;1 42
4311 40.
41 j 40
20 1 37
ss I Et
.1" 31 4 -
36.4 . 31
30 t 39 A
14 ' :
..:= I
.6 .5
Ceuta Caws
67. .55
67 55
.67 50
57 60
S 7 - 50
• 45
47 40 •
. 47 40
47 40
47 40
42 ,
45 1,, 27
45 1 37
40 1 , 56
39 z s 4
a 5..; 31
as .t 31
as = at.
92 ; . 49
' 57 : OD
:Echo. 7. - mu._lt
time" hay. the liberty and private to dig ditches
or trenches. and te lay Ow or :trunks in, across,
and along ell public roadsOughWays and streets,
and to Wier, repair and renew the same is 'alai is
they msylod necessary, shuning up mid amend.
leg any branches they may makelas sot •as prac
elesbte, , - ", •
.PreSidint and MI .rs
&wires 8. The - - Iletellet‘
are hereby•siuthorised to suppiiii with .Water. the
intim:Semis Se th e Boroughs of . Clur and Pqrt
Carbon, sad ;01 the towns of Paki Alto and Mount
Carbon, for all domestic end merefacturing purpo
ses, and for all stationary and, locomotive engines
belonging iciindivkluats or, compuies Within she
said butts or within . the BorSitgh of Pottsville,
and all that may be along or wee the ratite of the
said Company'spipee, and shall fie. all the rights,
powers and privibsga" es to enterieg upon land and
enclosures aid laying desire pipes HI ;streets or
roads and highway s, end of erecting ts ng tedran or
first plass within the said Both*, Towns and
limits, as is bereinbetore conkr or le I.conferred
by *basket to which this is al suPplemerds rela
te* to the; BorOugh ol Pottsville. Arid of con
tracting with the Mid inhabitanth, or any: Compa
nies for the use Ot said , water, within tee limits
• aforess id, who shill be liable to the maxi 'penalties
for taking water (torn their pipeiWithuut contract
ing for its Ore, as , are continent Sin said Act, and
shall be subject to all such rule, and regulations'
respecting the emend waste 'of Staid water, as the
said President and fdrusagers Way front time to
time prescribe and adopt. .Provided, That before
the Bordner' of Port Carbon and Saint Clair shall
be supplied es 1101* , 111d, the Colhlcils of the said
Boroughs shall respectively enter, in au agreement
with said Centpaey, to guaranteesMotiannueidivi
dends of three per cent. on the fulditionil cost of
supplying raid ticieoughs with weer respectively,.
if the nett armoires from each "hall not be equal to
MX per cent. per annum on the said additional cost
of supplying water to each, under the tame provi
sions as hereinafter contained reepectmg.the guar:
antee to be given by the BereeB l /Of Pottsville.
Stertoe 9. I t she! be the duty of the Treasurer
of the said Company, to keep lair and correct ac
coats of all monies received and paid out by him,
which payments ;ihall be made only on orders
drawn on bins signed by the President of the said
Company, arid the aid. President and 'Managers
shall keep escorted account of ill orders drawn by
them on theTreaeurer, and for that purpose the
money was expended , 'tor which:sant orders were
drawn. And it shall be the dutyof the said Presi
dent end Treasurer, as early'as pinches!, after the
completion Of the. Works authodeed by this. act,
and the introductien through them of the water
from Mill Creek car any of its branches, or else
where,. into' the !Borough of Poo:wilts, to make
out a correct list b( the subscribers to .the stock
hereby tuthoriieckand the number of shares held
say each, and also en account RC the receipts and
expenditures up to that time, perneularty stating
the amount of umiak' expended in bringing in and
introducing the vrater ;from Mit! Creek or else
where, as authorized byf thusact,l into the Said Bor
ough of Pottsville, which shall ltd verified try the
oaths or affirmations of the snd President and Trea
surer, which said amount shall lien be examined
by the Auditors elected tO eaditthri Borough ace
counts, andeompared with the vouchereand books
of the said President and Treastiter, end:if the said
Auditors shall find the eaidiist and account correct;
I. and it shall appear to them that the money has
been expended to effecting the objects authorised ,
by this act, they shall certify theswee to the Town
Council of the Borough of Pottsville, Which said
account and list shall be accompanied by the best
estimates the said President and Managers can
make of the probable isetiineonso applicable to div
idends ot the said Company for the.ensiling year,
and if it shall appear from laid Avelino ; and esti
mate, that there will not be sufficient nett income
from the works of the said Company, to:pay remi
annual dividends fif thtee per cent. on the amount
of caplet paid, in on the 'subieriptions of stock
hereby abthorized, exceprsueli perilous thereof as
may have been expendedin introducing Water into.
the Boroughs. of Port Carina and St. ; Clair. the
said Council is hereby empowered and required to
assess on the , last County venation of all -property
taxable for Borough purposes; el tax sufficient to
make wisely deficiency that may,be in the nett in
come of the said Company, to pay the said semi
annual dividends, which said • tat, shall be 'known
asShe water tax , :shall be collected in cash,
and the account of it shall he kepi separate and
apart from the accpunt of the general tax for Bor
ough purpSses. And it :Mall belthe duty of the
President and Managers of said Company, to give
notice to the "aid': Councils at least thine days be
fore the days for declaring dividends, which shall
be the same as in the act to which this is a supple
ment of the amount that will required of the
Borough to make lup the next 'ensuing. dividend,
which in such case shall not be Made payable un
til fifteen days fitter it is declined. The Town
Council shall immediately on the receipt of such
notice, ps:eyed - to collect sOmuch of said tax as
will pay the amount request{ for which they
shall draseen order on theirlTreneurer, in favor of
the • Treasiner ot, said Company. And the said
President and Treaserer shall, on! the first Monday
in January in each year afterwards, furnish to the ,
said Town Council, a fair and correct account, ver
ified by their oath* or affirmatione as aforesaid, of
the receipts and expenditures of, the said.Ccimpany,
for the preceding year, with an estimate of the
probable nett income for the ensthng year, and if it
shall appear from ! the account and estimate, that
there will not he sufficient nett niComa
dende as aforesaid; in any year s eel's!, be the duty
of said' Council talevy a tax' as ;aforesaid, and on
notice of the amount required to collect. and pay
over so much thereof as may be tiecessaty to ena
ble said Companytoper half, yearly dividends as
aforesaid. Provided, That should the nett annual
income of the said Company,! at sty time exceed'
the amount of six ;per 'cent. on the capital stock
paid in such extent shall be paid dew to. ' the' said
Town Council, until the whole amount advanced '
, by the raid Council as aforesaid:to the said Com
pany, pany, shall have been repaid.; ANd Provided fz(r
cher That while lie nett annual income, of the,
said Company, sh,finot be equal to six Per cent.
on the caat paid l in, the said President and Man
agers sha ll not expend any money.ifon the enlarge
ment of their wurke, or tor any ether parpose, ex
cept for keeping them in repair, tied for the Super
intendence thereof the cement of ',he said.
Town Council, ex m piing as herein provided, with
respect to supplying the Boroughr of St. Clair and
Pt. Carbon with Water. •
Ssertos 10. The Towu Coned?! of the Borough '
of Pottsville, on behalf.ot said ltorough-;-the Bur
gess and Town Cpuncil of the ;Borough of Port
Carbon, on behalf lof said lioreuels, and the. Town
' Council of the Borough of St. Claes on behalf of
I said Borough, and einy,incorporated Company hav
ing occasion to use the waterthat may be supplied
by the said Pott*Ville Water Company, Ire -here
by authorised to - opbscribe to Wei espial. stock of
said Company, ally number of, serves that each of
them respectively, may deem Iproper, in which
event the said BorOugha end corperanons shall have
the right to vote tit the elections ief the said Cora
! party, under the Irene provisions as individual sub-
I scribers or stockholders,and are hereby authonsed
to issue their bombs pat t ble at nett times as they
may deem firopetsito sue an ameunt as ,will pro
duce enough o meney to pay her *the shares of .
stock they may - etch subscribe fie respentively.—
Providsd, • Thal no bond or certificate shall be is
sued of a less 'denomination Mit, one hundred
dollars. • .. •
Szericer 11. The stock in said Company shalt
be exempt fro { all taxation, Whatsoever. But..
when the, nett an eat income fiend the works of
said Company, a ter having repaelthe Boroughs of
Pottkville, Port.,Carbon dad, StS Clair, whatever
sums they may have respectively . adva nced to the '
mid Company, td, pay dividends with, es afore
said, gix per cent. tie the capital paid
in the said'excess,;' shall he taxable for State purpo.
see only. at the same rates as are': now imposed on
the divi dends oft Banks, for said purposes. And.
the remainder of•inch excess may either be divi.
dad among the Aukholdets, or be allowed to ac
cumulate es a renewed or contingent fund for ex
traordinary repaii'h or future eniergement of their
works, as the sa4 President end Managers may
deem best. I • ,
• Section 12.•A.ny person or persons - who snail
wilfully, destroy be injure in any tnanrusr, the pipes,
aqueduct, 'dams, tans, cistern!), reteryoirs, hy
drants, buildings or machinery, et the said Compa
ny, erected in peen:ice of itueact, or "hall wit
fully.corrupt or permit enything to run or fall into
any stream from; which the aid Comsay shall
talk water, to be introduced into, the Borough of
Pottsville, which shall tend to corrupt the some,"
or to render it unpalatable, unwholesome, or unfit
for domestiC or manefacturing use, sr for the up
ply of stationary 'or locomotive engines, or shalt
bathe in any dam' or reservoir °timid Company, or
throw lead, or enter any animal into the - saute, on
being convicted thereof, before ely 'Testis:a of the
Peace of the county of Schuylkill, on the oath' - or
affirmatiou of any one or more ered Reda
shall pay nfine of not less than flu, nor more than
t ;ratty dollars, one-half to the nee of the said COM=
pany, and the otheer halt to the *Conner, and shall
moreover remain'hable to the said Company Sir all
mages. •• • I I
da t.
Secnort 13. • The owners of •the F re ehold, in
and upon which the said Water is takensind used,
shall in all eases tie the. parties With whom the
contract teethe use of the water phill'be Made:and
the said Real Estate shell be boiled end liable ter
the (lie Piths same, reserving to the said Presi
dent and Manage* the right to 'ensuring with the
lessees or tenante? On the responsibility of said les- t
sees oriecuts steins if they see; fit to do so.'
Szerionl4. le he and Company shall not pro
ceed to eery onsied work's, within two years af
ter the passage of( this act; or filial] not corned,*
the same wuhus three yeses afterwarde, so far as
to bring within the limits of the Emmet • of- Pens
a sufficient "apply of good Water, to, the ins,
habitants tbereof,ibil and singatei the, netts liber
ties and franchisee, hereby granted to the raid PM
palsy, shalfrevert to this Consthenwealth.
Sseriost 15. The several Jeers bereinbeforndi
rected to be appiated, or anditee . re quired Joint,
shall, before they enter cm the' dimes of their ap
pointments; respectively be swore or affirmed, to
discharge the dudes of their appointments, with
impartiality and fidelity, and 110 befit of their judg l
meats, and Stall receive the etutS, Compentation as
Jams** other titres- I • ' ;
SuricatUf3. Bo'much of the' ct to which this
is a supplement, is is herein befere altered or sup
piled, is bereby repealed: I
Speaker of beta of SiTresestatives. '
- • M
„ I . *Castle.'
. or Sepias.
Approved The eighteenth *•••3 of February, A.
D., ono thousand eight headred and
- • • WM. BIGLER,
' '1 • -.1
SU* ety's Wine.
Las 1:,4), 1 145
155 ,
155 i
155 1
155 1
140 1
140 1 1
115 i
140 1
133 . $l5 ± 110
135 ; 115 , 120
135 Its , . IRO
130 • 114
190;no- 1 no
t 105 105
1 15 105 105
103 105+1 103,
105' 95 95
93'‘: 8S !
95 j B5 85
-95 ' 85 1 85
Peensilveade,4*. -
I to sum cenzter,,lllutt the foregoing
.s 1 anctennesed is a true and correct copy
Act of IbeProteral Attimply,
u the Ike mime remains cm fileim,this cam
In Toottemy IP Arne, 1 hire beree4toshimy
band eed eimcw the Seal of the. ffectetary'r Office
lobe inked at Harritsbeiy, this} Twegioth. 41eY_ce
February, A. D. use !tenoOlnd Alta honcho; otel
Sat dour: , ,•• C. BLACK, -
Zocroutty o toff4 Ccesitsontla.
Match /8, 1S 11-tf
• I
= ' 4 ' '2'; - •
• ,
. .
The tabs , keleiLdliet try dniedv test oth,ft in.: Ito. top, w float tlwr.rbonfr . rtai pet, which r
stud ht the *l.7d/ of the "e• f l2l4 hos Ire l . ' itip - to the carne Millt(4 thrreulth, mar &este- ; . •
• The hest free the Palling Or * Wine. farnad moo itreurei 01. tUt .1 In lath Liu, ON Li 111; , '.
ho brOUg a h ns t t emuie ta lb*
iwz rAett nu lk , alle y
4... . •
‘ After ydis.d. qhf t ere
tj " .4 bee l lee t hete t e* hi lth r ed *IL "Mute ore hen ;iven no ali iteer . racti, w apilqa . thereby far'
a t ri nt ter:::: :bin irriveite to et,....hteen hem..., to f; i
end frnm thence, it MIK by . l•
means offs Waned plane, directly Into the weld e.,,,,,,,,,h ere it 1., vrof-e 1o- welded Into to. 4 ~
or balls. end taken therm to the hammer. The ors 10 Mot, re e il roto t he .-
. i - and-ell ••
a,nnetpderie air an ..111
direct *attends of the demo and tom . • • S .•
.. ..
• Tao usTurrall PSOULIANin A" eeeletvelyrr er Tim vca•Viei;ovan ALL mores r.: may
;le IV issamealelt. 11111,1.1106111M1T um Cltrul,ol. r'n *owe wiiie u ii, poituvws t . :oh, ...tenter, ON •
IS ,e* SUNS is s vereatorrren utint TUX Hatt le XRAPT *, nu , „Aum,., lure.. CT. r....,
DUCISU TIM ,Isasvractrxisa of WROVOUT lasi INT. A PX•efl.IA f., , y u , ...
„, ~.„„
~„., ~,,,, •
17:41701131 arartaa.,—The whimta„oes of this triettexi over the oid no.ii o er,.:7;;;Lun" to ,. i t , . ...
, .
• The ores Pield a greater per tentage; . ; ,• * • :
, The Iron It more sanltorna l and of a botterqUality ; , '
It Is made Cheaper, and does not require adich la heavyout l ayf
capital. . l - '
..., 1 -
The invention has already hal the• tied acrutiny,apd 'domination o f et petlenced prodie e l i ron - .
mannfitchtnen•who untie In commending It
•-, , ,
- The owners of,the invention Infito the iriveieleation 'or the vAßntlflc lull Irructhvd men at Well a. '
the capitalist, being motored that it will atnply reply tame Who'vtte it tleor att,ntion, . i
The American. Iron Century of Newark, N..1„-who were 14 first U. hared:lce rid, method • Into
I'vutlcall39o. have p an the right for the State of New -*Amy, end have ervatotl it , 0 vv..1...,5 ew . •
ark, at the foot of Parker Street; on the Passaic Elvei, where.they have 4ylw tw.i Suture. , 111 tge-e,ro-'
deal orierstkm, and-thee conteamislo the erection of additional hi inrez, roiling 1011 k Se. i *I be for-
town now at work will each torn ont too tons per thy of-twenty-fur hour!.
The invention U exciting ninth attention, and negotiations trehMs In pricruss for the ervetion of •:
• land nu m ber of furnaces.' Serial Stattet Cottle and Coties, and riglita ror fled have aireety boo r s de,- ~.
Peramsadeshing to re the hams* in its operation, or to make tomtit - les fur the porches.- or right*. •
in this or, other States, are Invited to make application to air. A. it ineow.N. at the OIlive•of the •
American hoe Company, No. itif Market Street, Nescark. N.J... ~ - ••
'LrdrOolatito• PLAITS are ready, and will be provided fur those 4ho May wish to erect *tamed.
arenlara may alio be obtained, giving fall Information In rapid to the invention.' . "
•\ r '
, .
1 •
'The above cut, with UM accompanying explanations; of, what is now generally conceded to be the most
important Improvement pith° day in the business of Iron makin g , wilt doubtless be. of pecul i ar intern{
to our /eiders.
.. : ' ' .
It is known that the ordinary process of menufacruring iron Is iicith.tedlous and complicated. .The ore
Is Orat tube roasted, In order to doi.osydlse Wand to separate thtsuiplitir i it-Is then cleaned and after
wards " revived." in n blast Nonce, when!the.metted metal -la - drawn -of In "pigs." These caitdrosi
° pigs" are.eubsequently broken rip, reheated and' hammered, to eenverrthemr into " bloonts." (Impure
wrought Iron) before they are made available to the various processes of manufacture to which the metal
istrubject. All this cults time, labor and Monty s but Rentou!s patent does away with all the interniediate
labor And reduces the manufa cture of wrought-iron direct from the tire to a single uperationf , t hat .Is the
ore being properly calcined and crushed into.. granular state, the ultimate traustormatlon from one state
to the Other, InClUd i nit all the Idle:seedless grades, a conducted in one Mutate and With the 'old elf only
one Ore.
, , ,
The furnace of the Co. at Newark alluded to, has been in commit operas hin, ni Alt and disy,for the laid
several swaths, and hails all respects come up to.'if net exceeded, the most saneulno raper tat tons'uf ihe
friends of the patent: It produces twit Aril groat ton. regularly. everyf went y• Cnir hour, :• and on dsthidaY;
Intb, 'relearn from the Superintendent of the works, It /limed out nien it's .in that spac.e of tie.,
Anthracite or bituminous coat, or wood, may be used - for fitel,-according ti the. preferences or workmen
The tine silting. of Bilantitioutt are mostly tided fat Carbon, In the prokess described above.. .. .
The Invention is attracting very general attention. It his been pronounced by scientific men. an well as
prettiest grog manufactusirs,•decidedly superior to the old method rif,mak in x wrought iron, and tlia new
Plan will most probably beArooght into general use before •mauglyeara.
~ .
In addittim,to the present establishment, the Conmany ate nol , erecting, and have nearly eownieled, a
neW Borate. of Unproved de-oxydlting
the ogle now In use. - , -.
capacity, Which Is expect d from that mato work evert - Win, than,
The Stleilittle Jgatericite, in a late article on the subject, co nc ludes With' (hie datteriog reference' in th e
above patent: . „ l ,
0 Oar readers are very many of them aware that the protege of Making. Wrought. irottldirect from the ore,
is theoldest mode of mattufecturing iron. In Persia, this method is still euip toyed. and it to folly desirtbeit
hy travelers. But the shuttle process employed consisting tnerely of a: heJp of Woken ore and nevi& red,
elliercoat, would never answer for supplying Ironin the quantities. needed in civilised countries, and a:nunli;
deal lon of it, adopting Diu the requirensenta of modern art, is what is accompli ' shed in the process trade'''.
consideration. . .
" The proprietors of Ileoton's Agent have alio purchased that of Aigi. Dickerson, and their ids nt ila lin: ,
embrace any mode of de-oxydising. tbe ore In a chamber, so constructed es to be heated by the :waste beat .
and at the same time prevent the . products of combustion from coining directly in contact with 'the ore, sod
likewise p!!rmit tbe charge of deneydiztod ore to-desceud Into the peddling chamber without elpositre to the'
atmospheric air. The ore tioa or funnel-shaped chatnner, listen c.,ve red by the tin nu.. -
~,. Tbls Mone of tbe most perfect processes now before-the public. }Ye think it likris to effect a revolution ,
in the Mode of 4rturing Iron. It seems certain' that wrought. tOn can„ - in this way, be uionist:lured
WI per cent. cheaper than by the old process,an d I. should be gl.d to see It adopted by : our ( run -neasters'
generally." ~
(,March IS; !Ulf • 11,
. . .
, .
isseemusi ns
_._ }nom
. .
GRTH.EAST Corker THIRD and RACE Sire'ets,
LNI Philadelphia. Importer. and 'Wholesale Dealers
in Foreign and Domestic 'Tobacco, Snuff and segars
The above firm having recently opened their new
and couimollous estahlbhment..are now prepared to
furnish every article in 'their line of business. of a
superior quality, and *film lowest market pricei.
embracing an the different grades and qualities of
Chewing Tobacco, choke Imported klegars,`of the
most approved brands, and Coureatle Sept., of ev
ery description. Also, a large assortment' of Alined
cao, German and French Smoking Tribute, Snuff of
Inatome kinds, Including. Deinuth's celebrated kap.
pee, Lundy Frier, high ?Oast. French Rappee, Con
gress, Natchttotches..lkes A superior, article of
dcotch Snuff, Its bottles and packages of and 4 (Win
ces. Papers prepared erpreesly for country trade.
Alwa)s on hand a latila , 111.011•111D1 Or French, Ger
man and Pairtibb pipes. Snu ff and Tobacco Roses'
Sepr Cues, Wax Matehet and Rept Lighters. 4c., ie. Agents for GeOrge,W. cele brated Ger-.
Man Smoking Tobaeco, and for the most celebrated
manufacturers of Fine Cut Tobacco. in New York.
all of which are sold at menufatturer's prices.
Much 11,104 . Inkin -
Staves, Vauldeaus and Forges.
• undersignad wouid respectfully call illy at-
I testiest of MERCHANTS and those won are lo
want of a brat-rue STOVE, for eith
er wood or coal. to their extensive
stock of COOK aTOVISH, comprising
a greater assortment than can be
found at any other establishment In
the eily. They would alio invite the
attention of HOTEL KEEPERS to their celebrated
Buck.cook, a size. capable of cooking, for from 100
to 600 persona. Also, the Globe' Cook, Capitol do.
Complete do, Yocom do... Hegel de. and a 'Dumber of
others'. Purchasers would do well to give Meal a
call 'before purchasing elsewhere.
Also. Cauldrone, with Furnaces attached , fn r scald :
. log holm rendering lard, and boiling fond for stock.
Agent. far Queen's Patent Portable forge.
(Buicessora to Potts & Yorom; and P. P. Hapg 4. Co)
N. Corner of std and Race Phllad - a.
March 11, 18$4 10.1 m
Bonnets, Hats & Bonnet Frames,
No. 4241 North SECOND Street,, below Brown,
•• ' Writ Side, Philadelphia.
S. COSTER .takes th is method of 'informing
J ERCHANTS and MILLINERS. and ill who ay.
'Predate the advantage of purchasing thew mods of
the Manufacturer, dlreckto - give him a call, ihd look
through bit large assortment tit New Style - BON
NETS and HATS, and be convinced of the act that
he can sell them cheaper than any other house in the
klatch 111654 : '
141.3 m
sivlNa FUND
fut Five per eent. per annteve. •
otillt FIVE PER CENT.lnternot payola's Co.
1 In Me city anti Btate.iuntlnue to Melina money
daily on deposit, and pstbask daily f without °fake
as usual:.
rattles c+to ales pat to and take out money MON
DAY' EVENINGA, Odom 7 to 9 o'clock.
REFERENA..,EI3—FIve thousand dealers.
March 11,1639
0. P. =Karr i C 0..•
And Dealer in Ha, Cheese and Provision, gea
:erally, lYos. 294.30 S. -WHARIES,
H&VIC coosiantli on head is 'windy of Kirke/el,
Codfish, Shad; Salmois,llerriage, Clue fleb,Whire
Fish, Haddock, Hams; Hides, &boulders, Lied, Reef,
Potk, Cheese, Heins, Dried Apples, Diled Peaches,
Cratiberries, &c. .
March II; 11354 10 3m
f 7 . 3 , 1ki5) R.),
IIIDE saltwater begs lease respectfully to inform
.L his friends and the public generally, that he will
continue the business of CABINET MAKER'B
VOIDING STORE, in all its various branches, at the
old Scand,No. 131 80/lb SECOND 81., below Dock,
Thliadelphii, and ',spectrally .solicits a continuance
of -the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the
lota film of T. ar. 1.. - TfION PEON, assuring his
friends that every exertion will be tusde by himself,
and lbose infits employ, to merit a continuance of
their ranch e.tecmed favor*.
NSW's., blares 1, 1851 tk-dot
- •
. -, • CALVE!? has now In store and „..-
br daily 'receiving from Nanntacia.
rens and Importers. a handrome MI
sortment of STRAW. Bit li IVLace
and LINEN BONNETS. French thud American
.erai assortment of MILLINERY GOODS. Ahlo. now
manufacturing 'WIRE and , BUCKRAM FRAMES and
CROWNS of the latest French and English Patterns.
caltand examine before purchasing, being confident
that his elle) anB price, will compare favorably
with thou cif any other establishment. 1 '. •
. • W5l. 0.. CALVES,.
March 4,1854 No. 59 N. SECOND St.. PlidlinielPhl3.
.9.11 mi
P*EPaBLD ocorrat
rpHll5 Is a new *Metter Coffee, ao* for 'the tint
thee offered to the public. It Is to be used twit h.
out:cola lug with other coffee, and is put up In trit.tblt
packages' to be retailed at the price of roosted toffee.
One package of able preparation will coos hr as one
-ions, spa a ust.e of ordinary Coffee while the
beverage produced will be al ild, eleiroin d of
fine davor.and entirely fry: chat everything:injuri
ous to health: •
ti• The siltation of the. Merchaets of Schuyikilll
county la respectfully solicited to this article. Whole
sale Depot N1..8. lIILLWYN dareet.belOW , Noble,
Philadelphia:- .
February p, 11131 . . •
• •
New • Wall Paper Warehoase. -
No 124 Arek Street; eeeand door dove Sixth,
Vv HERE:may hi round the tartest and handsorit.
est iesortzent In the thy.
'Parettaaare tram the country will find it to their
advent's* totem at oar store, where they will he
suited with a superior ankle. at the lowest prices..
• No.lll firth fitreet. obese Ststb, Phllad'a..
Feb 18,1851 • f • • 74111 . , • .
. ,
• - RUijINCAM;4. Sn.LERS:
irholesate Minufitaiters anti' Dealers Iah,CON
• FECTIONARY of kinds. No. H 3 .North
Third Sweet; below Reed , Phlledelpble.'
The attention of, Dealecs Is requested to lireszum . •
Patton of HIM, stack, which will be foun4 to be at
team equal to any in thit ally.. FOREIGN FRUITS
of all kinds In season. ' -
N. B.—Orders by malt or operetta promptly at
Feb. 4, 1454
3-30 •
ANewind superior article for blueing clothes.
tt 10 at least 50 per cent. cheaper taut
and wake. a tar own 'beautiful bine, with less trea
thus ratfreirdirpinetag with the BLOT4IAO.
Warranted sot to !alert the date artlll4l4 .A al n-'
die trial only la required to bring it into' paeral nay
3or sale Sy .1, O. Brown, Purr.eiila, end b 1 D/ot -
Oita eadOrotere geeerally.
plllllolPal. DEPOT—Alfred Wilbergel'a Drug
and Paint etore,No. leg row, Second street, eau..
Feb ,1 1131 ' 5.3 m
A - PtIRVICI, 91141.1111 sCRAP -MON.
Brno. Ber l aid Block Tin, sicattee
palt e t=d,lte. *Mete teestred Alt Mu And
Copper nut, sad Saehlite Atintikileg All otters.
itoneetted write the above Ileoptoseptli Vandal *b
01 1 " R. S. Cosner Peas sad Smith Itatets.Po44's
Me U. 1144 I -
DERIRAN.F.; two-story Gracile Dwelling
Viand Lot of,Gruund, 2 , o•teet boo by HA teet its
depth, to a. 20 let t wide au which 11..0, a d
Slab le t and wit he lot is an exceltent well
of Water - and: Puttj;, with a vrricty of
Fruierrees and Grape Vines, making it a se a
desirable residence, townie Oh East Ptor. •
wegiun Streef f in the But °urn of 'Putt's- as I
vine. • .
• ALSO, A- - two-story frame Rouse, tt, ith tias.x.Apent
story of Stone; and Lot of Ground, with an exc r etion.
Well of ,water, add Pompom' Ipcles' Alley, id toe
Bootie. or Pottiville, 4•. .
-ALSO, A dopble or two:Franie '3f/welling
and lot of Groyind on Minersvillestreet:
A 1L 44 09 destra'lle Lot Giound,corner.of
iowhill and Second Streets, Pottsville, ze by GS feet.;
AI emu, several other Rudd Ittilifiing Lots, 4n et-:
-cond ttteret and Nor.wegtaa.Addlllon in
.Al-I of which are o ff ered at low Ink., an 4
terms. For futther parit,culara apply to
SAMUEL .11 Ala - 4
Real Estate Ageot, opposite 111, Too, it dal!. :,
. .. • • 511-3 iii
Molt SALE.
500,1390 FEET OF LUMBEIe.
pue undcraigued herehy otter for a , large .
• quantity of PINE and and
_BOARDS, w bleb ire well mahufartured unit are
about half, a toile from the Catuilsviesa,
mud Etie flallroad;'on the. Bank ,of the title
.wiasa Creet,,,ft. toilet! from Pottsville. pi,rztou
of the ['tuella clear or panel limn; and alt the
Ifeatloek it of Ili. best onllty Vv Iletttlot
Tht lenohavary , frorn to 30 feet, and lire ty.liole I.
am goodla lot ar [lathe wand in U.atawisia Palley.;
it fa earefulla pile/1 up, and,wth he mold In of,,i Int
or lops to milt purebasers. IFer part iCtiliitt o apply to;
A. Itioacol.M 4. co., C2ll4lViA.u.;
or to A. A. KENNEDY, Clattaivieea
• November 1g.11953.
• strumvp .LOTs FOR SAUL;
To is subscriiier'nfers On Building Lots;at Piivate
sale, from half au acre to an acre each, stinnte on
the road leading' from illvieravilie tt Westivood,
fir buylkill Haien. Ste . The :situations With ..nit
ideasant,comnialiding a blew of Else Mine 11110 'lntl
road. Eight to ten honks :tre,alreatly met tled
Lots heretofore , sold, and It in likely soon to become
pleas:tea' Unit village. A' number of th..:sh
have recently been purthased at' Sheriff's elate, and
will be hold bargains A rough Plot Mae be seen nt
the omen of D B. He unett. Mlnrrr vine , ;old ,other
intortnethengiven by the subscriber. In .
Pottsville, Jett. 7, 11951.
_ . . _
' •
threlz Letteris addre:..ed by
-bus, of l'illidirg,4o Ihshop44C,nnetr, oppuTti-:
thih to - aamnion or the Prht,hi Fund In lirer tir the:
eilhOtlri. 'neve lettet■ 'be read by .irery
paean Who htieg his country. l'A ice '4 eenth
or 8.1 per lOU-. rui.onle. at R. HANN AN'S:.
i • Itnok and Stationery Sthro..
klatrch II Kit
--t•-• io_:
IJETWEEN 141 r. Harker, u - Ohio. and the Rey. Dr.', -
.11.?Retg,. at-Pliiladelptilal" Prier 7 cents—jit,it
ceiyoil and forOtahl at. . R. ILO, N
• Cheap Uuod store. • :
Feh. 11,1854:
--a- •
DV PUI :UN -Wit farocaLryst.
AN I:oEposlibrikot the.Proplßetry or the Apoco.
lypse. by Hey. J. De Pm: now chapla in in th,-
IT. n Army, apd formerly Pawtor of the Epoo.opol
efturo Da POttaviDe. Pot
-sale at
,D. IlarCipi'm lido And Stationery rtibre.
- F e eb ts 1854, • - - ' . M--,.
• , ;
D WIDOWS k)lCErrt. last 4. Amon, frentt Phi ,
ply. ,
Al Greenleaf ms Eiiistence - ,3.vu11.,nrw edillobi
Tronhai &.llaley'sr - Pr.ttilre, new I.:H. ion, '.
HOUVIrea LOW,Dtatiototty, new edition," ' .. %
Enelish Law and - Equity Reports.'
Together with alt the nen Law ithok•l 3R .4 :ph as
lssued,reeeivest and 'tor vile' at the elt , a;iest'ratea, at
H. BaNNAN'iS: -- i .•
' Law and Miscalarteour Honk :Rion . Hal laVilte.
March 4, M5ll. ' : 9..-,
Useful Books—tor Sale Loo7.
Spilka' Life and Weitintp..of Washington, illtohl•
Bory'eloi eedla Anwileana. It role, • • •
Loraine. Field BoltiCof the Atneul••2 n Fier oinfi.rit
numerous plates.
,Waverly Novels , complete in 12 or 27 rots,
British PoetsA2 V06:121no,
Cooper'. '
Chambers' inintaution for the People, 2 v.olsr
John Adams' Wiwits„G role. nvo,
Daniel Webster's Works. d vole, Bro,
Lardner`a Lecture* on Science and An, 2 vole,;
Rollina". Ancient UistorY,ll vole, RoawelYa -
Life of Johnston and Workß, with 3 gen
eral asiortnrent•of.bllieellaneuus and School Dooas
Stationery, .1.0., fur : sale at low pikes at
Feb 24, ISM' •Ilook nod StatiopelyStnre:
. •
BY virtue ofa Writ of Testatirm Vonclatioht
pones issued by-the Court of Common Pleas of
Becks County, and to me directed, there Will be!
exposes:lto PUblic BEtts or outcry, on SATURDAY,;
April Ist 1854, et 2 (Alain,: in the afternoon, la the;
Public House. of WILLIAM F. GEIST, io the'
Borough of Pottsville, Schitylkir. County, the lid: ,
lowing describesidlealSstate, to wit :
ALL that certain undivided- equal 'fourth part,!l
the whole Into four equal parts to he divided,' of a;
tractor piece of Coal Land, situate in Branch Town..;;
ship, Schuylkill colinty, in the State of Penniylva-!
nia, bounded and described as follows : Beginning
at a corner - marked by n post, thence by land offa.,
cob Ganckle tiortiisB degrees east perches to a:1
, white oak; tbince by land of - said Jacob Genel-le,,
south 45 , degreeii east 62 perches to a white ! oak,'
south 45 degrees west 112 perches to u white oak,
south 60 degrees west 180 perches, to the place et!
beginning,.containiug 294 acres hy royrses and die.:
!antis, but by;'courses and boundaries 430 4cres,:
strict meastirej_With the appurtenances, consisting ;
Drone Frame Coal Breaker House and. Frame En-,
ens Rouse , L'Frame Blacksmith -Shop; - 1 srame.
Stehle, -1 Stone Powder House, a - 3-44ory
Dmixilling . House, with a 2 story sto iAkitchie at.:
tubed; one 2 story stone Dwelling lißse, *ith s
story ;frame kitchen attached, 2 double minatory':
stone -Dwelling. Houses, one-t story log' Datelling
House, 1 water-power Saw:Mill, t Log Stable, ?ktc.'
• ALSO all•thp tight, title arid Intereit oflSitnuel-
Congdon to the oncuudtvaled moiety ,or bait part
of three traciser pieces othind r two of therri situ.;
ate in Pinegrcive Township, Schuylkill enmity.
the one containing in whole 392 acres and al.:
end the other containing 100 acres and
altowance whole, the third situate in Cnioo
Township Schuylkill County - coutair mg 930 acres
allowance; in the whole. • • t
ri c AL.5O, the undivided fourth pert • in two , , othert • to oftind,lhe one situate iii Pbrter Towoshipi
huylkill County, Contnitfing 250 ncres,, and al;
,liteirtuiceSa tbe and the other situate ii
Branch township County aforesaid, contaiiiing . 4oo
acres andAllowanee io the whole.
Seized and liketrin execution as the prbperty
of SAMUEL pONOIX/WiadVill be sold hi
- • ;-• • •-:•-• "JAMES NAGLE Shiriff.
Sheriff's Office, Pottsville, I • • " •
March 1141054; . 10-tit
• t •
. . .
• -. Circular Saw : '
rrHe tlatiactiberhasumade arraogeinesde fur-aishlt short boats CIRCULAR RAW MILLs,
of the most approved kind, as cheap as they .tan be
ra Nal the.alanutacturer. These are about; S pet
eirat.theapez shin those la genersl. use to the Her
Hoe. He wilt alio personally, wettish op
Wile of oft Mods. H.
Feb. 1 5 1104 -74 ms
. ..
-----' . BAIIIO Wia,Bll. u
Capita Street, a few dopes knoint
A glit
Idarkat Mast side,) bare tea.
lastly on hand a hull auntie:ow
ambit's Timis* • * imen - Triallniilii.
Sandlot materials, ' Axles and rlprthks, • r •
S hoelcmher'a Took. fable Clitlern
Pules & Rasps, • . Poet's Cutlery.
NalP;alptkes end Brads. mentor** Teo*,
' Counter! Platform Brlitanta War., ,
in a steaks, - ,Allen's Revolvers.
A / A Be r and Batted tron'Rtfte Barrels,
Pros and &heat do 'fable and Tea flpoona t
Can, near and tllliter Beau sad Exaters/ird het'
- MM. • - the, . 7
.Ti,. Plate and Sheet Zinc. Pans, Bolters 5 and' Tea
Air, Conner 1 1 - iinmilraan Nettie,. .I
Pli and Dar t eat, • the.vy flathead Traces.
Castinetofalldesertptloes Railr o ad Lon pad asses,
KM Zest and Circular . Donbla and elfish Glum.
Rows. .
, do • -du &a Pistols,
Botcher% Choppers, Merl- Shot Ind Game' Bate,
refs and Solves, Powder Plailtil
knyib , ma d via. ; ' , Powder and Shot,
Blocks and Tackles,. Water-proof percursidon
Chain Poems. : • : Cali*. ~
Iron. Copper 'and
.Itraeptlfie Moutningn.
The trabscrlbers would respectfully inOte Hie n',
tenant!, of the public geoirally. to the - shoes and ether
articles of Hardware lose numerous to Manilas, as
they are determined to sell as low as any concern
out, of Philadelphia. • ;•
Angus 27,05/5.1. 1 -
„. • . 34-1.9
.• - puerronril SCAZIES • •
SEITABLE for Rail oads, Canal*, itc4 . for weigh
ing Earr,coal.ore,and merchandise generally.—
comas:ors may feel asasited that, they can be sup
plied with a superior and reliable anicle,Yid run tto
risk. Each IWO/ is guaranteed etarreo,,aild if (after
trial) tiOt found satisfactory, can be retnrnad without
charge, Factory at dhe old , stand+ established for
thirty years, carrier of Ninth-and Melon 14treets, near
Coates :Street. Philadelphia: 'ABBOTT & CO,
Hureessors to Elliott& Abbott.
Feb. Id, 165.1 I.3nt
• - JOSIIPU szinizaorr,i
Praihrel Watchmaker,and Dealer in; IVatchcs,
- Jewelry 4-r., at the Old Stand, tMo doors
obove the ills:tire' Bank,' Crain kl.treei l'atte
• ;talc,
-D kiIiI•EVITULLIC invitee the attention'of the Pub-
LgAlc to his large and elegem, aysorltnent of Gold arid
nitro/. Patedi Lever, Duplex, Aetna, •Ineapernent,
Uotianntal7l;epius and Plala Watches, raported and
American Clock;,Elbe—Gull Jewelry, etribricins , a
variety of ent.rel new -stiles 'of, Drees( FPits, Ear
Hipsalcc., Gold ardelliver pencils, and *sn case*,
Superior Cold Pens,ridver 13 ,poons,,Forts, led Sutter
Knives, Plated and Britannia — Ware, titter, redo,
Shelf and Paper mactke lua iJdVAskes,elatcol Castor ,
hake and Card Basketi, Funo tu mil Got
tar Li, siring, * &.c.. ILC:1 •
• All' !rein Stock. gat reteiited sea opened, et the
Old Miami, and liesn'Sgore--Wbere the iepairini of
all kinds of Gold and Silver %Valerie*, titnek. m u d
Jewelry will be carefully attended to: •
Don't . . forget, two doors abovi the ildine le •
think,Centre Street, PutivVille.
Nov. 12.1 a. r:—
-•— •
. _
(Of the late firm of IikADV *. ELLIOTT.) ..
lUN OF TIIE. DIU WATCH. opposite Mortimer's
. ..",t Irmo, respectfully announces to hum l'flellJa and
the public,that be still continues -c.;it. ,..
hauffer thrsaleachoice assortment
of Clod's, Walk Ilea, Sllvet Ware
and eneJewe.ry, tc. - , to which ht - .
invites attention. Ile is determined no, 04 be n u d,,_
sold by any here or elseivlbere-. Call and• Judge for
souttelves. Willi his experience lin buswieier, and a
desire to please. and a guarantee that an g oods *ball
prove to be as uPpreventedp be hopes At lit .to retain
his attire or patronage. ' V
N. IL—All kinds of Watebe.s, Clocks and Jeweity,
carefully repaired and warranted. 1
Centte• lit:. Wign of the Sig llVatch.
1 Opposite Mortimeee Hotel.
Ott. e, ism. • • .
-- 4t-ly
wratrrrErt IMARZ•I3It.
1171101,ErIALIK and Rrjstl , at the "
V ' Waren and Jewelry Snap," 110. U 0 North Sec
and Street, corner ul Qdarry, Philadelphia. ,
U.,1.1 Lover IVatclies,luiljewT,LlS carats finejta OU
Gold Leptne, APIS it, •2d Gold Speetaelea, , 7UU
Sther Level. lull Jew- iyineSilver doi, • 15u
1112{t1old firaceletao 3 ud
Lepine,revrels, inadteetiold Pencil+, 100
Superior Quante'', 71,iiver Teaspoon', let, 300
tlold'Pens. with Pencil and Silver Holdeti . I OU
Cold linker 11Ing•, - 37/ cents to EU; etch
...till, plain, I2J rents ; Patent, 'li' ; tunefills; other
silkier' in lauportion. All gouda Warranted to be
what' they air- sold ter. '
, srAvirtut Ai HALEY,
sw ct oigp ra in O. 17.1111.11
the I,.llld,l6tiiiit. Gold and Silver Levers altd Lola( e
still 10w, . r I 0411 the Amer. pricer
Sept. 3, 1u53. t' , • .
.S/Llrisic t WAHL.
rI - 11F. undermlcue'd would most respecting; Infant,
1- 1.,., frte.:4 and toe public gelicrally, that he ha•
',coolly enlarged end oll,rwiee hu
laproved los ,tore, and u preps r... 1 to ‘ii. •• ,
frir gouda will h, tor brainy and Mile c-< '
a [MIMI, C#llnot be suipanne,l: i1e1.1 . 211A1
ha. now 'nature au e/triilliVe aMiultili..lll:lll W ATI:II
ES, JEW 1:11.1tY, iiii.vr,it WA Ite: and; FACIA . %
(1001)4. etc., to which he Invites attention. being
dttermined to dispoee of thou at prices Which tau
Met fall to rendcfsatieractioll.. Ile has
, xperictice in On hualuelie, and will ei.lea vol. to
please thoee who my Ciro! hint with limit pat( mime
All tondo guaranteed to be ne represented:l •
N. Lt.—Watches And Jewelry repaired and warran
ted. 'All ordere by mail url otherwise prtimptly at
tended to. J AIVIE.4 11. FIDLEIt;
No. 12 South 2i1e1t.,, below Market tit.. Pbila•
s} Don't forget itte'nu iliber • , • _.
July 16.1853. ' - .. .29ilyif
Saratoga Superceded.
Cii tont DR' De CA m, from ale ARTESIAN
IVJ W ELL, MD feet in deptlidit. Cat Iterints, C. W.
The esiraordinary medicinal liumittics tit the Iv a.
tart have already proved to be morn powerful than
any 31 Meld! Water yet discoveted for the speedy blot
effectual rare or
Liver and Marley Complaint., want of Action In the
Digevtive and Urinary Otgans, Divordered
stomach, Loss of Appecite, Latul
allude, General Debility. I
%Vann+ in Children,
Sea Sickness, Fe
'ger and Ague, •
It is a:an applied, both externally and Ihternallv.
with unerring ezacacy in Ito: cure of 1
Clicnnic '
cobt, Netratgia, laimbagn,
Numbness, Paltry, INgak Jointe, • ,
• ... Eruptions of the Skin. &L.;
F., particulars e.e pamphlets in Drug ;Mures.—
The Fallowing are Agents
I. Curtis Hughes, I F. elanJerson •
Jahli C. brown, ; C. Madilllirnnau Ilabenvu, 1
Wholesale Depot-203 CIW*II , IAt `beet..
JOHN D. LEBERT, Special Agent. '
Match 11, 1154 IQ-3m •
Homoeopathic Books and
ALE by J. MORGAN, No. 133'.Vibe Sheri.r'l' Ili s
hiladelphia. 'letting's Domestic Ph)lfician, with
Medic hie Chest, containing over 100 telitrdiea,, fur
310. and Will tie 's e nt by Railroad in any tplace, not
eteetotrig 1.00 still es, free of freight. titders tot
HooP,, Nl.M.lnes.picimptly attended 10. 1
"JOSEPH mciat: oust.
Feb 25,1n51
• • •
Par -the cure of Fite, Spa.”7o, ef a awl all
NeT l'olll and .Canstitational
. • -
,-- • .
i ,114tre,long malady wilt Dud the VEGETABLE
cvii.Erite PILLS to be the only rcniedi ever dis
c"rcied for curing Epilepsy, or Fulling Frill.
These Polls possess a specific action of t the ner
vous egrtem ; and, although they are prepared es
peCially tor the purpose of Curing PHI. thdy will be
found ,1* eAnrcial benefit for all persons enlisted with
.rre.i it ir:ervee, or whose nervous system hart been pros
hired 'tit shattered finulany cause is hateveg ln (Amon.
i.• ciiiriplAntii, et .111seases of lung standing, super in
dined oy nervoosnesa,they are •dinglytienenciaP
Price Si ,ter but, or.two heats for LS. P'ersoni inn
of the city, enclosing a reenttancit, will lhave the
Pills sent them through the mall, free of stage
For sale by StETII $ 11ANCE.No.106 De TIMORE
elms', Baltimore, hid., to whom orders fro all parts -
of the Polon, moat be addresser!, postitaidj ...,
'June 4,16.51 ' ' • 1' ' ' tullrif
. Venetian Illind!Manufactory.
Eighth Si., bettoseit 'NoriPegoan ¢ 14a1,4 ittonito.
w M. title
n ' d i ann ouncer tiiatih t
e o
s th
r c
p t
a z r e n d . :a
t o u t
a o
n t t 4-
fstuve VENETIAN JlLlrinzt of every size, color
and style, at salon notice and at the, Icrycest rates.—
Ile fuels contideld that atrial alone is be
convinced of the advent:4e of purchasing hlsAlluds.
A line 3,,,,,,ttutent of Blinds constantly OH band.—
lie is also, -prepared to repalir, patnt, 504.1 trim c hi
Minds In such a manner aa' to reader. titer almost
canal, In appearance, to new.
Feb 25, ItSI . '
221 Noith . SEPONII. St. (dot* VINE),
• •
HAVINE bud many, yearn practical. caparionee in
lhe bucineva. and as all work until by att Is mann
(trived under our immediate ittpeevielon, we are
ehntded a. fain . purchaser i auperlor 'irides in ev,
try branch iot•nar 'trade. upon the moatifavorable
terms. At our store may be found, la cvety variety
and at ate of brash, Clue and Lenin Phandebent,Pen•
daub , . Std. Brackets, tut ,Halla, Chamber '
. dic.„
Lard and 011 -Lamps, 011itadoles„ Bogue; Holders
Parlor, Night and Reading ;Limos. Oa, band Lamp
Glitnea.Gbabor, Wicks, Shade', lac. All Work war
ranted or no, tale. .Factory. !Waiter. Fitteer. near
Morro— ILEIIEMBER, SlOrt . 211 Norlb Second
March 11.1921 • 10.3 m
SAMUEL. N. tamccrrautri.
N9r: 5.16 Worth FRONT Sired, oho Maiden,
and N. E. Cor. of .Fria and Maidin Ar.
(O.OI•E PROPRIETOR of iittustin's highig appmved
tJand much improved Smutt - and Screening Ma
chines; &Leo, Carpenter McFarland's 'ling! Con •
ease Orsediruster,ibilatest end best. Irtiprovement
on the hind ; Coeoralico ;Mill Stoner,- Mitt limns,
iimutt Machines, Patent Milt , Rush and; Stretched
from the - oktoom etpcfroved inanulactories Jeleraya on
band, mailir up and put on !to order clean', and war
ranted. sle Solid Barr Mit pito 11 . Pl. from 2to 4 feet 4
Inclles In dterneltr;from the brat quarrlrsi In France.
OItMEMS solicited.
March /1,1834 .
• • . -n. wens. ; '
1T4.77 and 79 North SECOND St hilad , c,
titufut op t ; on il a an b d eri e ttl i ful . jean ilo T r! l 4 W nt ° O ) f 6 troi
flatneet fashionable Event/LI. French and
American Straw Bonnets. Flat,. Wyse
and Children's flats. together with a
rod assortment of STRAW TRIMMINGS. wklak
wilt he sold at Wholesale and at airmail pro.
At for cash. MERCHANTS , and MILLINERS are re
opettfully invited tacit!! and eimultte oot muck be.
f oTo purr:twin/ we Intend to keep Sin prettiest
took that can hifoand In ; the clay. • i
Marctt 110851 ' 1.04 m
DIEN altered.' EnveiNWs *limped with timidness
rants; finairtiopsthic Eniebpes, seiksitated and
printed. Paper Vag* for pulling lip Garden and Flow
er needi, with piloted Cr/vitae, at 55 SOUTH
N. 13 ? -01diti. be delivered by Et rem, .ar se
per agreement. -
Much 11, 11134 ' ilO•ite
By Telegraph and Yesterday'iriC
, FRIDAY, 4 o'ccoon
What Floor. $B-.Redo ; $5'28 1
Coro Meal. $3 .50 do.—Wheat, Red, 4A ; 0
White,sl so— Rye. cto.—Cero
Oats; 8 cts. Der bu3hei. T
CONCORD: . March 10—Later female gilt a
different complexion to the election, ! . .. i fhkre
is a . %Vhig and Free Soil gain of *Am
bers of the Legislature over last year—Js7
Whigs and Free Soilers are chosen, 154Tbe.
lag a majority of the house. Biker's Ma
jority cannot exceed 1500 in the State. It
is now consideted a matter of absolute cer
tainty Urit no supporter ot the Nebraska bill
can bechosen U.S. Senawr by the Legisla
ture elect. The city is iu a tempest of ex
CONCORD, March IG—Later retinas, Show
the election of 138 Democrats to 145 of other
parties. The towns yet to be beard from &
elected last year 23 Democrats and 2 Whigs.
The Detnocrats have elected 8 out ot'.. 12
13.0SroN, March 16—The latest despatches
from Concord taste that returns had been re
ceived from all the State, except about twen
ty small towni. Many' of these will elect
Whigs, and from what has been Teemed,
145 opposition and 127 Democratic members
of the House are elected. Among the latter
are said to be 12 01 Mr. Burke's old quart!,
decidedly hostiie to the administration, arid
• who will not; co-operate With -,11,he Concord
regency. Inll7B towns the neg. dedocratic
loss on the Gubeloatinsal Itote ot 4?st year is
3322 votes. •
A telegraphiSdespatch dated Salem, March
says,—Mr. Andreiirs, a Know-nolhing.
wrs elected Mayor of this town, tu•day, by a
vote 01'1250 16 500 for the Whig candidate.
Boys, do you hear the - storm corning
irartile. News' confirmed.-
By the Asia and Arabia, we have tiver
pool dates to the 4th trait.
The news 'netters particular confirms the
preview. apprehensions of a general war
The Czar -adheres to the determinattor.
expressed in his late reply tO Napoleon, to
make no concessions beyond his original of •
ter.--" the ionclitions," he says, " already
made known to the Conference at Vienna arc
the sole basis on which I will consent to
treat." '
On the 'opening of the French Legislisuire,
/ the Emperor declared that war was inetrita,
ble—that the aggrandizement ot Russia must
be checked. -
The war is highly -popular in
France and England insist that Rus.ii shall
evacuate the Turkish territory beltire the
30th of April. All parties are still aiming ,
for the coming struggle.
Aristria takes, sides decidedly with tho'
Western powers against Russia:
Spain is in trouble. A general insurri.c•
lion was probable. , '
SENATE, 14th.—Mr. Everett preserited a
memorial signed bonito clergymen, against
the Nebraska hill.
The memorial was kid on the table, and,-
when fOlded,appeared about there leer long by
une foot thick.- At the request of Mr..Douglai
It was read as, follows
"To the * Honorable, the Senate, and • the
House dr Representatives of Elie tinned
States,: in Congress assembled : -
"The undersigned, clergymen of different
religious denominations in New England.
hefeby, in the name or the • Almighty God
and in his presence, do solemnly protest
against the passage-of what is known is the
Nebraskihill, or any repeal or , moilifieition,
of existinglegal prohibitions of slavery in
that part of our national thimain:V.thicli it is
proposed to organize into the territories of
Nebraska and Kansas. -
"We protest against it as a great moral
wrong ; as a breach Of 'faith eminently itlju
rious to the mural principles Of the commis,
nityotud subverrove of all confidence in na
tional engagements': 09 a measure full oftlan
ger to, the peace -nd even existence or our
beloved Union; and exposing us to thy iigbt
roue judgment : l of ihe A.rmighty..
"And your petitionirs as in duty bOund,
will ever pray. bated sit Boston; Massa-„
chusetti. the first day ot March, A.D.,:185.1. '
Mr; Dunglas, in the-course of some few
remarks, • denounced the metnorialista and
impugned their maiives. 1k climactirized
their charges against the Nebraska
breach of faith, as a !rase falsehood, designed
for political effect.
Mr. Houston replied, defending the ,night
of the petition. It was evident, that the pe
titioners thought that there was something ,
radically wrong to the bill. lie 'said: that
there; was nothing monstrous". in the .rtiemo•
rial. lie had, ou.the flbor ol the Senate, de.'
pounced the bill as a flagrant bread] of faith.
towards the Indiana and towards the' Com
Alter considerable discussion, Ms. Vella
objected to the 'petition, because it was pre
sented in an ecclesiastical form.
lloysE—Mr. Appleton pre,.ented a great
Petition, 250 feet lung, ;limit Elie Nekalika
Mr.-Boyce objeted to its reception
• .
North Star, we have San Fraociled il'Aie3 to
the 16th ult.
' The pitpeipal topic - of news is politicz—
there had been intense vehement-on that sub
ject, for the fortnight previous.
'Wallorr's piratical expedilinn had suffered
frur rebellion and `dissension, in his own
cr7Tnr. Chain bershurg Whig conclude ,
an;able editorial on the Nebraska queistion;
as follows :
Where is Pennsylvania in this contest t
11 she agaip tcr follow in the footsteps pr Vir
ginia and South Carolina ? Is she again to
belie the honest sentiments of her people
through her Repiesentatives, and humiliate
herself still more at" the shrine of the ,South?
Let ns bear in mind that this is a sretional
contest, waged fur purely sectional purposes,
and in defiance of law, ofjustice, and of hu
manity. It it is successful and receives even
the sanction of tolerance from the North,-it
will be the crowning victory of the slave
power, and. henceforth the policy of `the
South.wtlf rule the policy of Northern indus
try, Northern commerce anil Northern inter
prise. It will fasten the fatal policy et the
. Soutft Upon the country,and the highest,sanc
non the nation can give, will be given to
the institution of human slavery through the
Representatives of the people !"
• GEO. it: DDNN & CO.,
VEEP constantly en hand Pill siippliet . of the
Ikfollowlng lands of OILS, which they will sell
et the lowest market ratei.
Sperm Oil, While Oil, tinaps
Solar Oil, . Tanner's Oil, (*undies,
Lard Oil, Elephant Oil, Naval strys.
U. R. I). & CJ), still continue to m.inufacture on d
sell Deviates celehruted Ps y terit LoUilcatieg Oil, for
which they are the sole owners, -
This Oil is now lu general use on the peirielpil
red:wads In the Eatterwand Midultr ellstee• •
Feb. 1.5.1554 I 0 din
Sperni, Lard and Whale Oils.
Of the Mist vralyy far ill , ),V:icittrer',i 'rote
W1L) , ( 30 , ti s p uep. ro4n b d o. A o d: T P . ll . llr m l i ;a , a u d: l e y s . ,T a r.a l.: :l . o..:
4 .
drJam soaps. R:•. dze., far sate by •
c p 0,1 and Commtuionllerthat,fi
/iouth Wharves, ems.. Chestnut $4..
p e p 4.1654
1000 TONS NO. 1
►anted of superior qualny, tto clicapr,t nt.
turf 40 the world.
Fanners and dealers supplied - at low pukes.
5050 barrels RstraAusllty Land Plseter. eriecimi
expressly %rite fertilizing gnallty.
10,000 bushels of swine In bulk,
1,000 barrsli Calcined Plaster,
500 '! f:astluig
ICO Dentist
This-article we atrer In, Confidence to our re'slorn squat any Intpuried v and. fat supe lot to
1n the market.
5.000 bags of this superior Guano, lut tale at the
toweetrnarket rates. Also, '
• (moil D CllAllettAl.. c., .4.r.
At t he STEAM PLASTER Mit.l.S,loortiart York
Arveaum Crown and Callow litit lat rem. Philtd'a •
Jan. 28, 1554 4 3rn •
Pll2 subairiber aaaoantaa u, nut It he.
6ab commuted the toiootatcturn of littlt.:Kts. ac
lba bid yard, in Port Carboni mivalmtrit fan tit' a plod
*tittle to halide's sod
p ooT aibrito,skala imapautairc
J klie.
'Yab. IS, Ina gs