(61)e 311iner5' 4.3onrim POTTSVILLE, PA Saturday Itloratug, March IS, B. BATMAN. Edltor , axid Proprietor: 0. LITTLE. Associate E4Utor.- ~ ~ Wind STATE Tit EET FOR GOVERNOR 3mktie.s poLLocu, of NUBTHIAISSILAND FOR .CANAL COMIMSIO.ISIER GEORGE D iIISIE, or ALLEatmer; FOlt SUI , REME COURT : IJANIEL SkitiEß, of morroomen WHIG STATE CONVENTION. rf_is body assembled at Harrisburg on Wediii , s&y—ex-Go'vernor Johnston presided. The following nominations' for Governor were made:—Wm: F. Jammu, Geo. Wm. 14rimer, and bh;ssrs.- H. Kelm, Judge James Pollock, J. R. Tyson and :!others., • The candidates named for .oaoal commis sioner were Anion Gray, Wm. .1?..4.,eec1h, George H. Hart, and General ,David Miller, ol , Plidadelphia, and Messrs. David Taggart, George Darsie, Frick, Evans, Hiee: and Da vidson. -The candidate§ named for the Supreme Cour( were very numerons.Tf.;ikmong them are' Messrs. Cowan, Chamber, Parry; Cor ny°, Pollock, Miles, Jessup, Sn3ystr, Warr; Bore,- derv, Pearson, Gibbons, liazelhtiral, Gordon, Purviancelmd others. -On the .third ballot lion. hues Pikt.ocg .was nomibited fur Governor, by the follow- mg vote: P~llock, \ B2—Lorimer, 37--Curtin, 11. GrEoacz PALM Was unanimously nomi nated for. Canal Commissioner, on the second . , • DANIEL M. Snirsp.xeceived 74 out of 122 voles, on the first•%allot, for - Judge of the Supreme Court, and was accordingly declared 'nominated. ' . During the, evening session, the 'following 4 , t ,despatch was received Iron 3 Gen. LarinW: Pertsses.o, March-lff. "Say to, my friends 'Hurrah for Oo all Iran for bun. I leave to-night for-Bah .tiniore..l.'handelphia and New York. • • (Signed.] ,Vat. LARIMER, Jr." • Thecimunittee on Resolutions reported a. series - Of uirie resolutions, which were adopt ed separately,fitad unanimously as a whole. The sixth resolution is as follows:' Rrsoleed,' That _the provision in the Kansas and • Nettt at.l:a bill, Dow before Congress, which afteem and repeals the Mic.ouri Compromise, is u • rate breach of plighted faith and public compact, a _foga-banded attempted to force slavery into a vast territory uoarlfiee from it by law, a recttrw renew ing of a quieted agitation, and therefore meets the stern, indignant, and unanimous disapproval of-the Whig party tit the Commonwealth MYenusylvania. This is maiitully coming up to, the mark, Lind not dodging the question, as the Demo crats did at their late Convention.• Of the'superior character of the. ticket, we, are persuaded that ev i ery true Whig in Penn iylvanta will be partectly •sattsted. • The candidates have been most judiciously selec , fed, end with the right still or co-operation, on the part of the party throughout the State, they cannot fail to make a most••successful • run. HEDGES ON OUR SOLTATAINS: arts and arms often make sad havoc with Nature's beauties. ;.The urgent demand for wood in - the business of the Region, has ' leftmany of ,our mountains almost hare of trees, and in the rich:lily of Pottsville and other towns thiefTect of surrounding scenery is eurnoletely destroyed. Oa every side , of us now, only •the naked, barren and rugged mountains meet ; the view: We propose to teemed } ' this defect by an ,artihcial.glowth of vegetation. The plau is cheap, easily and, we think, effective—it is this:'-That 1-1 1 ,i owners of lots on our molt:l -ions s s ides, in the vicluity of the Boroughs, plant rtieir lines with the Osage Orange.—= Shoats a year old can fie hadior 85 per 1009, and in. flee it s,ix scats, with the least at tentiOu, they,will be large enough to protect theenclusure without a fence. They are planted in double row,' thus,• 9 inches apart: easy ral , ulatien will show how large ri k J ; a'tew,d.dlars will thus enclose, and the cuusetinent'ee.onomy of this•ltind, of fence.— ilrpin, fruit or vegetables ni,a 4 y be safely en -11 it ; aswheu grown it is perfectly Impervious, ainfeffictually prevents depreda dations.truin hogs or other, cattle. .This liedge is peculiarly adapted tin -- the purpose for we recommend it, as stirviee'alitius.t any climate and is said to dm vc.hest on elevittedgruund. Certainly irothing could add more, to the appearance of the suburbs oT Pottsville, or better relieve the. inonOtonoti . , , barn appearance of the s'ur voundinir seenery,;thim a number of .these heautilui diedges gthwttig up aroulid ROMANISNI ANDICRIMET jThe New Votk Freeman's Journal lately •scknowledged / that m ost of the inmates of t! le Jails and poor-houses iu this country are lloman Catholics; and thesPuritan 'Recorder, in the tollpwing article, shows the influence f Popery.un morals in England. The tin . ineiiitite :topic of the article below was the late. dismissal ,of a Protestant Chaplain by the ~oath-Dublin Union, because all its pau pers werti,ot the Papist faith : There iv uo little excitement in England to vier' of the clispOsitioo manifestetEby the GOverument, to appoiat and support Papal . priests to minister. to Runtish criminals m the piitc us. It' appear's'that this class of prisoners is so numerous, that a full supply of priest.; hir this purpose; would bring un der pi 4: from the Government a coosiderible portion of the whole , Ramis!' priesthood ID Euglaod. The Protestants contend, that the tact chit Romanisin has. Burka tendency to produee crime, is a good re =a son why it should not he thus tottered by:the Govern ment... It !Trieste that the total number of prisoners in England is 21,621;- Of . these 160'7 belong to the Church of Englund 1,391 bel..ng to -I.hisenters ; arid 2,9554 0 the ROmanists. Thus the few Romantsis in England burnish one-seventh of ail the pris oners ; while the Roluirdppopulatiou of En 4.: 'land, is only tine, our of twen:y-one bf the whOle people. That is, the Ronneh popula lion produce three criminals; where the other classes, religious or irreligious, prbduce one: The absurdity of the Governmerrt mea• sure is tiirinitesi, in' its taking under patron age the 'system that produces the largest por tion of crime." ' ' TherP is mueh in this subject, in its appli cation io this Country, worth thinning about. PERTINENT - QtTLI“e-S - - A cortirspondeut of the Philadelphia Reg- Ifter,who, sa.4 he has served a regular.ap prenticeship asa Outer, and therifure, accoi dm; to Mr. tiiitin at the hilt. Price meetitig, I:Jtas uo business to k !late anything, about Conouutrunet jaw," asks to be enlightened }Oa ate ‘ioliocitiag t l 1.-11 there is strung presumptive-evidence that I am engaged in counterfeiting, hap any. person 'lie f right to enter my premises to ascertain the truth or lalsehood . of the charger or, in other.. words, can any' per. ~on, legalized ° r oot, exercise the right rlf Search ? 2. 11Private gambling is carried on at - I ,house, where, by means of twirled dice, 4rc.,1, I some pe4ori is thoroughly " plucked" has! any person the right to search my prein legs; With or without a warrant, bee. ? . 3. If runaway slave has escaped Ont . - his master, 'and when last seen was , ne oil about my premises, has any person °Oki:: sous the right to search my house, or ',lntil man's'house castle ?" ;r:;, •- . 4. Again, it a' man has.stolen sonte,;pr4l erty, has any person the right to'eutd`e.ilei premises, to ascertain. whether_ or not' itik goods ate there? 1)' , - which the editor appends two more, to , • the came effect: _ I. Why .has the •gunpowder atatate;". which gives the nghi of starching suspected, ' pieruises, been considered constitutional ; and 'beets executed aesuch for more than half -a -- -century ? 2. la t t`bltte ruin" snore constitutional than • ganpowder ? • . • " WHAT IT COSTS !A correspondent of Graham's Phiadel• phis Mail lurnishei an interesting cuftwa tion, based on statistical facts collected mime years ago, relative to the annual coati:dß : Am. drinking in the United Statesi:: He says-: lt,was, at that time, Calculated that the: aMuttnt paid in the United Amin yearly for ardent spirits by the consumers thereof, was vomo,oco. The amount is probably greater now, but let it stand at that. Now what necessary and usefal things could be paid for with $50,000,000' One answer is as follows : It, wonid parehaie 4,000,000 sheep 110,000,00 0 1,100,%0 titits 1100 r 6,000,000 soo,coo beef • ' 8.000,W 3,000,000 bushels core 1,000,000 1.000,000 " potators 500,000 10,000,000 lbs sugar 1,000,000 00.000. rtes 100,000 2.000,000 ON motaiwes 000,000 100,000 sults of women's clothes 5,000,000 1,000,009 sults girls do 3,0 0 0.000 It would_ also build 1,000 churches at , VS WI •5000 each ~ 5,000,000 It would also 'option IX* clergymen at 000 each per annum ... 1,003,000 It "some also bulld 8,000 school-houses. 0500 each ' ~ 4,000,0013 Tt would also furnish 500.000 asispapcts IPS each,,i , It would establish 5,01 7 0 parish libraries at 0600 each . • : ' 3,000,000 Now there ore a pint many •points of view, IR which to loot at an estimate lite this. This $30,- 00,000 spent for ardent spuits it to ray the very least, a s-unie,rs consmaption. Nobody. pretest& Mat Alcohol affords nourishment, and nobody, I think, will now maintain, that as a beverage, it is either necessary or useful. That vast rum, then, 16 annually thrown away. This is the very be' and least that can be said of its 1111 LA. GRAND .111R4 REPORT. Ti resenunent of th e Grand Inquest of the 0 - ) , \p er ar Terminer, Philadelphia, luis just been published. From it. we maim a short extract, as a ht accompaniment to the Report just reudered to our own tuna. Read it, am irarn to with the great tact, that the ap ings of Rum are the same, allice world over: 4 , The Grand Inquest could not fail to per ewe the lamentable effects of.intoxicating liquors 113 every step of their progress.- They have no doubt that they mottle must potent cause of poveri)carretcheduess,sndcrirne.- - - Indeed they, have no hesitation iii saying that three-fourths of all the mischieffrithat afflict the community are the immediate or remote effectellbf alcoholic liquors. There are 2329 Iteensed myelin for retailing ardent spirits, located so as to suit the convenience Wall.— We have also 1247 licensed beer houses.— ,These together make 3467 places licensed to accommodate our citizens with liquor. If we allow oa t s hall of this number for unto ceased Aces, viz.,1683, it will give us al together 5050 places Where set can exchange our money for, Intoxicating drinks. Our.oti ject is to show, that it ought not to be a mat ter of surprise' that so much mischief is pro duced by our, present license system. - And we are not left to conjecture in this matter, we have positive data for.our conelusions.— During our visit to the County Prison, we were !Wombed by the officers and directors ihat the commitments Ibis year would prob. ably,amount-to 12,009, and that four•lifihs of theta have heretofore been Occasioned by intoxicating, liquors. This would give us the number of 0000. Again, in our visit to the Almshouse, we were told by the officers that three-fourths of their inmates were rr duced to poverty front the same cause. Their average number last year was 1853—three- Intmhs of this number would be 1389. Here then, we have positive evidence from these institutions that our groggeries have ruined nearly 11,000 torn and women. But this Is not all. The Mayor's Clerk has kindly tur• nished us with the turnkey's report for 1853, by which it appears that of 9,112 prisoners, 3,818 were committed for intoxication and 4,034 for'crimes induced by intoxicating' li quors; The gendllman alluded to, remarks, 'that we have otcasionaLcalls from poor fel lows to draw up a pledge for them to swear and sign, :hat by some binding operation of this kind, they may feel resolute enough to resist temptation. More frequently,ealls are made at the office, to be sent to prison for thirty days, begging it as an extreme favor; that being shot up where they cannot get ruin, they, may thus acquire power to resist temptation to di f ink. All such appeals are fejt , to be power uf arguments in fsvor of to tal prohibitton.' " • THE? PAPAL NUNCIO GONE . The annexed article froin the New York Observer, ;hough late, cannot fail to find plenty of readers—the 'a uthOr is well known, as thoroughly conversant (with the whole s}stern of Papacy, and anything from his pen on the subject mutt canamand attention. The following is full of good things': "And is it so that Monateui, Archbishop, Gaetano Bediui, with all his suffixes and_ar fixee, is gone ? Yes he is gone! Or as a Ile hrew'of olden time would express it, "•he has turned his back : he has run His modesty led him to avoid all public demonstrations, and be sought :o get out of the country between two days.; and ouw he is safely, as we trust, on his way . to the foot of the Holy Father 'to render an tic couut of his mission as Nunrio to Brazil, ta king the United States ou his way 1 And now that the farce is ended, and that Bediui has xun away, it may be well to ponder a few matters and things .ctinceruing the wan and his mission. 'fo came Jere with the high sounding ti tle of Archbishop of Thebes, an old city in ruins on the banks of the Nile, which it is presumed he has never seen, or ever will.— the POPE knOws the influetice.of titles over weak minds; and whil he wants*an agent, he seeks:one fitted for the day and .bestows upon him some high-sounding title, at truce t., gratify his vgitty, Boa gain for 'turn acct.. and : access amongst the people 'to whom he is sent. Bedini was scut here, as he was once sent to BOlogna, as a spy ; and that lie might the beiter,•and the more readily per lOrlll his duties, he teas. made 'Archbishop of Thebes, and he hat!' bestowed upon a little fillet madt; from the wool of holy sheep, by the withered nuns of S. Agues !- Had •he come simply as it priest, he would pass uu- Louced ; but as the ARCHRISHOt . OF TiIEBEI, he rides in the :Mayor's carria g e, and sail's` in a government steamer, and 'flourishes his canonicals at Albany and Wast4gtuo 1 And yet some foolish people say a-mime is Roth mg ! ' 'But lie trierelyctook . the Uoited Stat,es on his way as Nuncio to Brazil ! another . piece of low trickery ! II not, why did he not go to Brazil? A Nuncid' is an Arobasiador from the Pope . to au Emperor or King ; when an tuvoy is sent 'to smaller states.and with lim ited powers he is called an Internuncio.— And that he might loom up, more largely in . our republican country, the title of Nuncio to Brazil is superadded to that of Archbishop of. Thebes ! And the facts to *the case are, that he wits made archbishop of a city that .lie has neircr teen and iseverwill—and that he was commissioned as nuncio to a country upon - which he has turned his back. And all for the purpose of exciting our veneration for a roan, the object. of whose mission Is yet concealed, and whose person and charac ter, his noble countrymen being witnesses, are only worthy of abhorrence. And who is the man on whom the Holy Father besioned these titles for sinister put. poses ? The Italians that know him and his history being witnesses, he is a man of 'low origin, who acted as spy at Bologna to mark the friends of liberty and who, when clothed with power there, because of the ferocity of his nature, gave up to death the most cruel and summary, the persons that he had pre. ,otiously Marked as a spy! He was first the py and next the butcher of. Bologna. And then, mitten quailing before the indignant scum of the civilized world, he sought to cast his crime upon Austnan soldiers, as it I blood enough: were not drying. to Heaven agdpat theml How rarely'do we find such a 'compounds)! the dregs of hunniuity' label led with such high sounding titles! Spy, priest, buteher, coward, . Archbishop of - Thebes, and • Nobel° of the Pope to the Em pire f ,Bsezit, taking the 'United States in his way ! ! And what is the, moral , character of this man I To those who know him; it is enough to say that he is an Italian priest with the murals of .hut Ander. And to those who know'not the lives of priests in Italy, vircgive the testimony of his .own country. men, who say that he was once sent to Bra zil as Internuucio, but was recalled because of his s4aineless dissolluteneas. And this is the Man who has been consecrating papal hishopt and churches amongst us, and Ides e poor people as it such bloody and unclean hands could be employed to dispense the grade and favors of God. 'But Ihe cattle with a letter from the Pope to our President, to congratulate him on his accession to the Presidency, and asking him _for his' protection of our papal citizens; sod with a' lettyr from Ant.melli, cardinal secre tary 01' State, to introduce him, and praise him. and to ask official recognition ot him ! Did not the Pope know that here all men were equal betote the law, civilly and re. 'iitgiouq ? If be did, %hat more could he atilt If be did not bow dare he quit from his for his believers .what he withholds from btir people.who believe the. Bible! He shuts the English out of Rome, and confines' them in their worship to a barn of a place without the walli;—he drives the Amen. cans, in'their worship, under 16(.14.0t-their country and to the rooms _of our legation and *e of his low, - vulgar dapes here says that Our minister there. if found auccmfoi in converting any Rowans, would be Melted outsf the city ; and yet he asks our Presi. dent for his kind Protection of hia Tatitila!! And Antonelli! AIL Cass, the Nestorol the .know alt about him, Rid _ might have !mown more stout Medici; be fore his recent aptbech reltreugi ralons.— There is not in ludyAinsore dithituchifActeri cal libertine, it the &MU ttpei the,4ruth. And the man whreput down thelotoin Eis• public with French bayonets; And die: man who at this hour* using all Ike poirer of the Papal Church to ettinguish'iyetrepark of liberty in Europe, and who is sending everritalian patriot on whom, he'estalat his hands to death, dObjebeili, '.01 . • taint Meat, commissions the butcherof Mcilogie visit our country on , his'iway .39..1101211,f.td congratulate our President on his secession 1 to-the Chief Magistracy, and to . solicit -hitt protection of our. Roman - Cathobc felkiw citizens ! What a tryo of priestly tyrants', with their feet upon the neck, and ;their daggers at the heart of liberty in' &from and seeking liberty for their people herei ' where all are at liberty to worship as they will ! Wbat unblushing effrontery ! Need we wonder that the Germans and !tidiest are escittol But what • call him Item re of the Theban , bere There must be so pressing , ciiicesslty.-- , ,. Why send him round twill 4•a-fits way tu Brazil t Antonelii maybe able lu letl, O . may Bishop Hughes. We are left to curnevk taro. There was some lade difficulty /gam C property Jr' Buffalo—fb! f ame d i n/. cu h l u ty rc e h tiats_ia other plactii. It is very hard to enforce the Canon lawliere. Tlie people here, either by contagion or absorption, lfrir bibe wale notions as to their rights and inn; lieges - which priests and bishops fi nd di ffi cult ,to manage. • Then our school laws are pi; pistically wrong. • And multitudes of papists,. youug and old, are forsaking the,-priest, and Mary, and the altar, for 'the Bible, the Sit = mut., and the pulpit. it was thought thil4 a Nuticio might set these ano other things all right. And • Bishop Hughes himaellfintif regarded as the sharpest and wisest .. .at beads quarters. One was selected' who had learned the trade of spy in Italy,and who was', thonghl to be able raspy out the true .causes of the; crumbling of Romauism here, and the truki remedies to prevent it. Builds wand would not work. lie lifted it up, and called for the darkness ; but it would nut come. And bi- . lure he got half through, God gave a tongue to.aie blood of Up Basra, and of, .the other martyr s o f Bologen; which proclaimed Usk` character of Bedwi through the land. And from that moment the lock,of his strengt!l was cut, and• the people swelled with deteat*- two 01 the monster. And the mobss.com posed mostly, of thuat from'papal nountrieii, and who lelt the iron of tyranny in theme:tali, in Cincinnati Baltimore, and other places, like the spiitilags of the Volcaoo, only re vealed the 3lumberiog fires that lay bendath. 'And the, man who was toasted in NeW Yurk, who rode in the Mayor's ..Carrine, who was feasted at thi Governor's table, , who Was paraded in the saloons of Secreta ries at ,Waihington, had to pack his vest ments in a bag—to cover bit skull with suniething that concealed his tonsure—to Bleat away 'to Staten Island, and to paiis from the deck o! a Tug to that of a steamer for England, to avoid the bootings of the multitude's whom the tyranny of Papal EW rope has driven from their homes to titir shores ! Did ever any man so go up as 40 eagle and so come down as a goose And where is Bishop Hughes at the cle sing scene, who figured so largely in . the laree when the curtain first rose? The lox, he Saw th e atom coMing, he very likely thought Bedini a spy upon himself, as be do doubt was,—be laid his hand upon his stde, and gave a few coughs,'and found it necesSe- Ty to go to Cuba for his health ! Halifax Would out do in mid-winter. ' • I ,000,000 i 500,000.000 We only w a n t another Nuncio on his way to Brazil to complete the ruin of Poperylin this .land, which Bedini has so largely pro moted.--The prestige of Popery is all gone. Its doctrinet—its deceivings—its cuuning craft—the character its priests,, akeu is a clan, the moat heartless itupostera on earth, are all understood, • The system hi m a state of. dissolution everywhere; and were it not for the alliance there is between t and des poil3to to siipport one another, it`s. t larould ,all to pieces at once. - the free.ibles of the Romans could be taken at this hour,.tbey would vote the Pope, his cardinal, bishops, and all the inferior clergy, at least to purge tory„il not a little beyond it. And it is fondly to be hoped that our p it ical men will soon be made to' feel, tha 'court the vote ot the 'totals!) . priest add his People, is to turteit the vote of the Prores tan t. We have seen the first and last Nuncio corn Itouae.tcs ;he Milted States un his way u Bratil. EtaWaxt THINGS IN CALIFORNIA. 1 A correspondent of the Reading Jourlo, . Wr wog froM Marysville, Cal., reports_ adore !queer Court proceedings trona those .ius.'" He says the organization of their Canis and legal proceedings are very differ ent from thuae of the old Keystone. " The highestfegal tribunal in this. cairn 'iv," he writes, "is the District Court, t he 'presiding clue l being the Hon. Wu. T. Art nom of Kentucky, at a salary of s6,ooo, l per annum. Then we have County CoUrt, Court ul Sessious and Probate• Court. H..P. Hatio fills the Bench; alsoa sentuckrao. Ile has two associates, elected by and from the Justices of thereace. We use no each feints as Praecipe,-L-Fs Fa, 2 --Comrnonwsaith,loic. • The People,' in ,a criminal case, and .if rou tiring a civil suit the corurneocernent is'• a complaiut—that is a bill of particularir of what your grievances are in plait) Erighih." He reports a case from a late sessicM of t he Probateyourt ur exampte,'as tenon , : "Judge-- 2- Aif'origtna/ Keu tucklan. Counsel-F ronithe backwoods of A rkad'sat. erk Ma ti otten2 • j; • Motion of Conosel to pasSlTOt,firial settle ment au admin(stration account. The first item in account was $660 for travelling through the county on business of thetstate; $260 fur expenses: and $9OO for forty days' tune m going at $lO per day. Judge-4 can't allow that,--it's too high. Here you, Mr. Administrator, yon must be sworn. • ' Administrator is sworn, The facts elici ted were, that he paid an unjust claigi, or without vouchels. • Counr , l=Judge, I think ibis is all . right. I was careful nut to have any expenses in the estate but what were necessary. i - Judge:—l'll be d—d it it is right ant( by G-4 I won't allow it. I'll allow, 3 5 ; Per day_for expenses and his stage tare, and then SG per day for his time ;--so you Mr; Clerk strike the balance. • constl—Judgr, there are no contending hors or creditors.' Why not . pass the,-ag count as it is? ) Judge---I never dittpass such au accaunt, coutended against or not, and. I swear .I won't.—Clerk, where 13 iny pipe and; the Tobacco? Thatlast tobacco wasn't Worth a curse. - •. The Judge lights lus pipe and smokes, in the mean time Counsel and client are..6o - as account for extra servicee k and claim the precise amount stricken out. Couniet—Judge I present and 'ask to heal . lowed a bill for extra service. _lit - lige—Read it. (It's read.) All. right now. I never did and d—d it I eves will, allow more than per day in an Adminis trator's account. Pass the account, Clerk.. The Records to this State 'are all signed by the Judge after a decisiuu is made mid en tered. Judj t —Clerk, where is that aristgarat4 Book, that , nobody but you and I write ; in,4- 4 have you the recor,d made up 1, I Theientry . la made and the Judge signs it, This is a faint idea of Our legal proceed ings here. This same Judge is President of the Jockey , club at the Horse' Races.";; In another place, speaking of the wOttrer, the writer says: " This winter has been an estraorkliony one, nearly all the, time clear anCcold ; thermometer .(Fahrenheit) down to !Seven-. teen. Ice for the first time has beau:-made in this place. Last winter tt mina and stormed for about two months tneessatitly.-- - Thu` want of raiti.,has made' hard, times: mouey is scarce because the Dry •diggiue . could not be worked." D7' Pa isoxras IN' Tarl.flan.—The f011ow• ing official statement is worthy of patocular . examination ' , .11 appears - from a Parliamentary paiter cenily issued,t hat the total number orPorisoit era to the Government prisons in i r eranilt utt the 13th of erneinber 'bit, was 3002 of this. number 222 were members of die qlturcli of England ; 3636 RomariCatholies,-and 44 Presbyterians or Dissenters. To all of thrift establishments, a Boman Catholic chaplain is appointed, and in the majority, Protestant sad Presbyterian chaplains. In sent'; ever, of there not being any of the hater sp.' pOinted, every facility is given for the *Anis awn of any recognized Minister. In dot Irish jails there were confine. on the lOth sep. ternber last, 601 Prottptants, 135 _Dissenters. or Presbyterians, and 5268 Roman ,Catbot' lice. StIAMORIN COAL, REOlO2i.—T4l bury AIMITICO7I - says :--** The vsluition cd real estate in this couniyhas increased with. in the lest year nearly one million of dollars. Neatly the whole of this increase is owing to the development of, the Shamokin coal to; gion, or perhaps we should More :properly say the commencement made is developing tins coal .region, as not one of the seven or eight Companies preparing 'to Ship doll hat sent any to market, nevi, .Pahsio. the Ltneastir"Colliery, from . wlueb, probably. several thoussad seas may Mos boa saw, e Bediai's errand byre I Wbf .. ._ I .' ' ' 1 011 M: 1 42AIM• • Jett tirTuat M elly; ‘ ll . Ott les t r• 4no & I P:L. i2l4*YorkiPublishem P e i c L a 4 . - 1091 0 -aitfaier. • : - - -Tits L•mo iaciaiiiitux, fai th s's)! cilOists• do Gists umb* <4 . tlasl4.ist WM*. boa ' 'W• l it. 44 :fividt ';', " * - irirj,4',. Lijik sad W itl i n lr Guy; 2. Ides CassimAtlenal lay ;3. tile Mama ransom; 4. itori lotft,Rete litthirCiabOor ItlibitgletioV trea 4 s Tomas i l amogg Uhl 1.1110 0 : 7 -• * lllll .OO. ( 11 ic.l4-Josezik . ; - .. IN:K *ip Ba ta. : •• 4 ',- . - .tal gatri ~ r :.r fu . et% etaisitosig the ITkPalt• rar ir4 illptAts still csintiouni Ins cosine secia MoOkyinnsnoss. _ , Welker. EV, of Owes the Relay /heresy Wlety 'L'hos. kMUred .bet Toes* even - , er The sun dirtier tbe - weelr.bee _ quite dried off our tareetii wallop are'shindy be. itintung to be •L sty, la"" Some !Ireidy • begun such work. our cilitms. weobserve baie gardemag—delfightfut "umber for trL 0 platie, has - F. 7 lplin L. NLeapig r of this: appointed D. D. G. - P. for Sehnyle the Graad. Etteampantat ot.the I. wearing. , kill County, b F. 4 1 ,1 ' tarsi. Aviderdgy w iog 33ay. a rs, storm, ana4:4 . • rick's tioy. 7 Fur a wander, clear sad btight--in feet i &trick tit* visas a..trithota, a the haest of the season: ['Prof. hibit his skid. aitrietive per Tlin.Jey •, Of Magician, wiles .ot-bindtiicir. and othernoVid and neances ;at the Totem.' trill, neat the' Countess was well. • . worthy of poi I beri. Meaty "nob* by Mite Ease :and ived, They ire evidigaii,igeixiki,:: isms and "-shed entettnitinner4 p►' caw I • Socsai.-7-1616,.10il Y.. Wr en edosiasy he et mien ;or. ttleabolifoo, upon the !ity ited.,..teppinesa of the people. to have tateitta excelleet , and le. Ur Idler - 1 1 lectured on: fect of the comfort, pros., ft is represent;leresting proci Rickel:4 iEsq., 'of Reading, fare the Literary Simety flea! Frorti tire Itubjbet old tbut ktiown the speaker, a rich trettmia)t be ex • • Itir int?. Will lecture neiday eveiti peculiartly of petted. . • • , Rev. ity Church, i feeling seLtn Mr; Fowles. ceased in the vious to his Ansel. Wfuhburn, Ree tor pfTria this place,' preached an eloglient and , on Sunday last, on the death tsi Rev. Mr. W. was ha assistant - 0e the de- Eppliant;, Plula., insmediately It to Pottsville. tar Mani , g Time;—Thit most dteadful , . , ~ of - Sall dreadth 'oceetsiona is now close at,hand.— Alres;dy wag ancrearts, piled With a heteroge r "neoue mass chairs and china, women and chil doen, togOe with every variety of other crock•- ery, may d ay y be seen solemnly wending their ;way throug our streets. We wish the parties patience under these seasonable afflictioroi, Vil Spring Mud.-L-Workmen hay.e been busy for the Welk past scraping our street*. clean. ing out the gutters anti Carting off the Mud, 'lt bras made a tmiteriat change for the benefit of trove:sr., thinks to the Town I,k:ova. The roads are still ilia in many plaeilis in the country. The stages, for a week or ten dayi past, have with difficulty motile their way over the moon. taint. ICosaironitated.] . :tar &m ow pointy Teatheist Institute. —The next Minuet .meeting of this Iristikde, will take pea at Port Destine, on . thei,l3di of April next, at 9 d'elock A. K. and itiontinter in session two days and a half. The' ("fiends ofeitueitihn are invited to attend. The following persists. have been procured as ieetstrers, viz: Messrs. J. K. Threwson, W. A. Field, W. H. cPuchentickiPlin ey Porter, D. L.ttle and .Rev. D. Steck.' A num bi.‘r 12 , 1 ladies have also :been appointed to prepare essays to be 'read during the session- TO Presi dent will deliver his annual address before retiring frinn his office. Au election 'of au:4.'4i will be, held on the last day of he session; a large atten dance Is desirable. - • tar Pu b lic Schools.—Oa Thursday eve ning last the. Board eletned Mi. J. B. Phillip. Nu cipai . 431 Noo.l School for the ensuing yer. Miis E. B. Strauch has beim promoted • Second As sistant in Male School No. 21 sue Mies Tacey C. Boyle was elected im'yeacher of Female School Made vacant by the pep:notion of Miss Straitch.— The salary ..of Miss T; M. Strauch electid Princi pal of No. 2 Mare wailmecl at $l5O. The Board/also adopted the . following resolu tione-: Revived, That singing be introduced, into the Public Schools of the Borough by these Teachers who understand Music and impart instructions in the same, al inch times an will not 'maarially. In terfere with the other branches of instruction Wed in the Schools. Reialcyd, That the Board of Di:enfantsis carat} fishing the Rules and Regulations governing the resignation' of Teachers, cousider a optional to pat' Teachers or not, during the Rammer Vecition, who *seer their resignations to take effect ininsetßately after said Vacation. tar 4nOther Soldier Gorte.oolTuesday last Jous Mmes , who!'e death is rhronicled utt. der the. oiusl bead,!: Was buried with military honors, to this piece. The escOrt consisted of the .'Washisiton Artil lery, under command of Sergeant Shomo, end the Minerayille Artillery. The Scott Rifles,. cap!. Richard:4; and the Yeager', Capt. Afitidt, together with Twenty fellow Mexican soldiers Of the' de ceased (all belonging to Capt. Nagle's Company), formed the remaindef of the proceistiou. A large concourse:of citizens . followed. Gen. F.M. Wyn.koop, forMerly Colonel of the regiment to • which the deceased wasiagetted, was present. and parti cipated in paying thii last tribute of respect to the gallant dead. The incipient' seeds of the &mare of which fie finally died, Were donhtlesa contracted in the uncongenial cllmetip 01 blexieo. The deceased wain private of aimpany B. tin• der command of Cairtifigle, of the lit , Regiment . of Penniiltranta Vol'unteers, in "the -Ildiaican war, andsteoed with his Oompany through Out the en• eatnpaigx3. t He :Ins' present et t4e siege of -Vera Cron ~lEd at the battlei, of Cerro',Gordo, La Hoya, Hdiunaitila and Mimeo, and -bas _ engaged -in vatiouirkinniiibeit. 1k • was highly ,respected both as a Soldier sr& citizen, and his lasi is deeply regretted by a . large circle of friends as 'ell as by his comrades in tr io ". ' riPrimprovemen4.—" Cloud Home is the appropriate name ot a handsome resklence just a.t irhed, m this place, by Col. JOUN DAMIAN', of Oi vvigsburi It m located on the aide of Sharp Mountain, immediately back of the Clay _Monu ment. and commands en extensive land , beautiful view on every sine. It is built, so far, as our ac quaintance with architecture extends, after no. one `_prticular model, but carbines in an original plan, something of the ancient Greek With the modern Cottage style. The exterior vilest, 'a beautiful appears:Me, and being so prommiiiify localed,'it is an objecf-of general observation. . . Tee' dineion-of apartments inside, and the gene ral design and arratweinem of the maul, • Wallid I be difict* IS eXPeU N othing Nita* lett undone that could in soy way contribute to the, comfort or 00004=4=470f the inmates; at the same time a il'ue appreciation has been rendered' to the purely ornamental,- whereter it could be intrimimeed with becoming effect. The Feinting*, the door% win dows,-ecn. led papering of the' wails, . by 3. W. Bowen ge iires.; of this ,place, Me messed hi a supenorl manner ; and the cornice work and centre pieces Of the elegant peirtor, dining and fitting rooms are also finiehed' in beiutiful style—while the eplgpdid Malaga glue wiodo W i Want *spheres, and plc:Sant light, and give a Icon:deg effect to the whole. , ' • . _. . . ; ;• , The vreitdartallding is baited by • • turence r end the Priori beiides, 44 pate of soil coastruc• tion",,whieb when'ta presents the appearditce of 'a constentlybiright 6 ,the ashes' and slag telling beta*, out of eight; , branch pips has been laid , for the intrOduction of pa. • •,. - • • - _ SlTateiis tole tbariari up bitoeveryrocatorliere required, frail a cover•ffitling spree it the hue of the 1161;by moms ot i i i i i tha ti taull. .- ' ~ - The surroundul which st ime •-gmegfrat ed a !erg - rougb,! improostori:iippearamsol Aire beat laid out and ,graded, and , these' immediately oo *md 0 16 4 weliz , iii Will be libeitied iwith. Aldo. Wry, and in the corm of time Will doubtless be grimily beautified. : ;ilt is designed to smelt*. li ke whole lot, of arrereituers, wi th , ahe of Chip Oninge :f. ' - Col. astniall Will remove his (gaiter(gaiterto their new L or ne in a feat wanks.. • ''' Another.;-Corpt.-E. E. Bunn is 4cint llnishiog • fine' tkreti•story brick Was for itiLinnue resi dence, tit Morrie' 'Addition, just below the York store. Frontingrikeentre *Wel, it runs back ola the Pori Carbon rad; The boos Wad good six!, and beiag eeitioadeally dieideil,*firkard MS* acconstiodations tot the twenponta; Itetkitis erld water bare bass lattodneed, tad okay Weld= has been paid co ir diitleabla reekkatant r Irldiournmeh a 441 _OOlOlll9 , cob. - The.view.so the , ,; y0.1 . , from thiti kitilion, is ragedwybesalithr, _ • FRIMMN - . leteerliPm!eelea.4: l rOti***lP, ' l0 0 _0". • ., COURT raOsE4ootOugc, ,- . , .._., , ,...f,....4 4 , 1 4 , ,,..H. , „r... ,_ .. , R. ... viricaw-Pstans* 4 R. F., m azu ,, t * l ma.W. - ,:: :. , • 81d li' **lb of Titt* _ C. Lee. - ittlytrialtj,,tzttOty; end Pt* to to fief Cste'`4 Thia:ereatbe 'eacitan; d tile growing oat of the AkilletdtrbsentenatAtton ind/Atmeed, it Silver ) _Ottstit, inPP/takd jast*eek., Devlin IS Mutable 01 -Blythe township; end whin he, in compeer with Miatin,'Went to the *ones of, the Prosecutor to jar ‘AtwOod,!inthtCanit just Ireferred 'tti, - Len'isr tutored, and to an ettarcaiion that ensued was.pul 'out of tits bogie. fiance 014 action ' • Counsel,—Proseoitig Attorney (C. Tower) for Am CommonWealthi s end lames Campbell fin the Defendants. ...." '! ', ' . ' . , ` gem. vs-Austin glarktdurder and Measlitigh set (Iwo repeats .cespits). on - oath of :/ohantia MOs . CSC 104 trial. Verdict, after lair : hours' , aim: etiticiiiiottuiliy.i - '; --.: - -'' • ' ' --, '-- ''' ~ 'This wain a 4044. ca se;; The, Th e, Oweew was a yetinefrishnian. behWeisolo and 20 years •of age, and wee proVedtohief industrious hibitsand good chatactet. - 'llitt . vieOwnktWo friends, by intim'. nint r ioband lisitOristitien eve socially at , the iiiimatinitkikiteittiCiA.tbethietiesini near Hach. s e n eeeit kr . ~, T heinficnbieitTilaftigas i . sena haft a donee in elkitiddrilihkenenoYlwitstrit l `hotitntf." ea: Were it hidOntuced any -other effect than to , make them MLkatien; when suddenly a diScuity arose between McCall and Clark ;. and the latter, at the mauusenolonit of hie: friends': and -, without any resistance, we tkont of the house. Shortly af• • ter, Mrs. McCall, the preWitprosecutrix,Tollowed, andiarked with iiio;'for some kitten minutes or more near titedooff' Hellas perkcily peaceable, seemed kindly dispoied toward all the patties, and *clued ins willittahell es go away, it Mrs. M. would only hand him out his clothes. She then Went in, 'Soca ere* Clerk' 'tine ked at the door," and both McClain:4 his Wile, knowing it to be be, re'que ed someone of the company to let him 21 M. But a sociatut.'Plark ,appearedon the door, MeCall sprung upon ttu, and they rolled out _clenched together On the ground 41cCali 'upper most. `The otheni ;instantly came out and patted them. • McCall waii4akini ': in, and Ito the utter amaiement - of alt present died in a taw aanotes_ ' alter. . - ~.4. . . - ::. ::. ~ HOW stud, imit4diately on bsin taken in, "h .. e (Clark) struck me here," pointing to; his lett breast, abut he couldn't01:1011 - 10,' • Then :thowitarsigns , 1 of tainung, his Iltirt . Wis opened, and water brought '4,4 N ita e ots bead and breast. A' slight scratch appa rently vssts observed ilt• 'fhb regiU4 of the heart, with no blood visible hoitiveri wank on a subs's, nuent port martess4uni hist ion by Dr. Hale, proved to be hiadeath.wcitnid—nitaii with some Sharp it. summon, penetrating the cannel. of the heart. The death ofMdcall la' the altercation was cer- - twin, but whether (ii.; the handset - Clerk or by moue other mewl iinacifoinitabie matine) . point at issue. Clark was not krictitta to have had previbinly or to have used at the thee any weapon—evett a Pen- ' Itinfr:; , andoottaiikOf the kind ' Was alierwirdi found oo the prem*s. Coder theeicircuntstances i the Pr - o4ecution atiiiodoned the drat count in the in didunent, and asked for . conviction only on the techod. The Defence suggested the possibilltir of accidental death,iiiid ingeniously ; - argueil that it .was physically iiiiliossibif for the! prisoner, after __he was grappled WO an thrown' down by Mc- Call, to hive Mane knife from, his pocket, opened ii and toilieted theiround ; but that it he came to ;the door with theimite Or other wespoo prepared, his crime was oniticie , (not manslaughter), which the Prosecution rii. wail of stifle* evidence had abandoned- a nd ' hat therefore on either corset the prosecution mint iiiil. : _., The witnesses testified 'with - remarkable unto unity, and little or to feeling was displayed. The care througbott W . 4 conducted apparently wiib an anxious determinit)on by all patties, to ascertain "the truth, the whole truth and nothhig but the truth." 1911r1 Counsel,-.-Prosieutiog Attorney and Whitney for the Consmontrialth; Pa!merited Campbell for the Prisoner. Corn. vs , tlfolt . fdat Esc 4er—Rape, and Asianlt with tune"e to r mmy . a Rape (two counts), on • 'I With of Hannah ik;gierti; Jury trial. Verdict, not guilty on first, inir:guiltY on second count of the in dictment. Conn !sentenced the Defendant to pay costs, and to undergo imprisonment for 3 months. The Prosectiurk was 'elute girl of 12 years old, danghtertf Lew 4 Wati(ra, a Dakar, living near Pinegiove. ,Benlier, a Getman,. was a hired man in the family, Itirai red4plable. from die era deft* that be hah been guilty of ibe grouest ie. emblem, thatutti Die facts hardly warranted a strict ly legal conviction on • - Counsel,—Prottecom* Anent*. mod Gingko:ll - far the CommonUiealth; ForteiDlohitili*. for the Cons. vs Wm. I .raditep-41orsollitaliog, on oath of take Towers. Protect:tor- not appearing; the Defendant eras tKiiichargne.„Ouprciela.mauoil, by or der of the Court C ounsel ,-:- Whfineyhiiitilfterince- Coax. vs Elittqi:lek . .P*Ogkr—sktteßpt to Cm. 121 i; • Rape, on: oath ;of Caroline Felis. 4Vol. pro*: entered; [intendant to pay costs. , liforulay, vs deo* Ebert—Voting twice at the eatnintectionend Perjury (tiro counts.) Jury trial. Verillet, not. guilty ; and bounty for 1 ' The • alleged alisdeineanora took piece at the Township elect* of. North blenneita,, on the 17th of Febrizary la4t. The Defendant was accused of voting about at* on Wit day r lie then ofered his vote gain olAlo 4 o'clock. ' of the 'rupee ' tors charged hint;*ith laving steady voted,where upon he tooiran,Cath tirthe contrary, an d was al lowed to depoci4is ballot. The Inspector so:tes tified, and the .Plerk'ii roll, where Ebert's name appearetl.twicis;',Uiat produced in evidence. Ebert west candidate - fee Stipervisor in that township; and the Deleace • iiet up was, Chet he being often at the polls, the Inspector had mistaken some other person's vote far:ibis (Ebert's) and so called out his name tor registrk. Coutiteli-T Ilinholoinew, Palmer and Fisher for the Presseemion. John.Rannau and Campbell for the Defence. Tuesday 14i4,-Cons. vs Jaceli.lferbsr--;-Disor• derly house, oar oath of George Jennings. Defeo-. dant plead guilty', andiwas sentenced to pay a fine of 320 and costs. . Palmer couu*l for the Detimilant. Corn. vs Jives itork—Coulmon nuisance, on oath of Nichoris Shoe. Jury trial. Verdict, guil ty; and Jautili'llent to Prison for GO day", Ripple (vohisteer) counsel:lt:Title defence. • Com. vs .4.4 a. Shone—Constnou nuisance, on oath ot M. ht.„ • ketiner, :Jury tint. Verdict, guilty; and John sent tn . keep Rork company during hit' two months'' iitiremest. • • CO•lll9ei,-- , Ciiiy (volunteer) for the Defendant. These two sales Wore for habitual' drunkenness, abuse of their ErtimiliC4 and the general disturbance of their resipeCtive iseighborhOods. They now have the oPptinunity for a temporary reform, at least. Com. val.ll,f,arrsa ;;Deasesore—Passing-coneter feit money , forkiiath of George Jennings. Jury tri al. Four cotniktin the indictosinst—somedeteet in tWa'of Whlck the defendant was ac cordingly aionitted, but guilty on the others. Sen tenced to i t pr,ilionmeet for 6 Months. • This wet, the beguining of a.number of similar cases, about Winch so . much eiciternent *as ere'. led in thistsiStY, lan Fall. ' Prosecut utt.AtionieY and Banholomew for Corn. Monwealth„; ;Palmer, and Kutchen for the Defence. Com - vailifOsto &Iceman-Taming emmtedeit money, on 'pith ot Michael Ryan. Jury Verdict, not italty ;tawny for costs. • For the Clitlainon*alth, Prosecuting. Attorney; Campbell torjte Detendant. • Corn. Vs ilehn—Faising cotmterfeit.mon ,ey, on oath 00eotite Jennings. Jury Trial. Elev. ! en .dounts ltiAle indictment. Verdict, guilty _on two. DefeniAmt sent toprnonfor one year. For' he' i'ri4octatiOu ; Tower, Bartholomew and Fisher rcriiiipbell,Palmer end Cake for the De. hum. . • • Coin. Vs:D.6dd /11. Wirst-Adultery and Bas tardy, on hof Elizabeth • Knott. Jury trial. Coast dire te4 the District Attorney mentor a Nol,. Pros. on pine= of ghettoise by the Defendant. Each 010* parties in this ' ease `• was married, though 31.m.gootz pad her husband have not been living toicith4 tor sieveial were; But 114 court thought that tllt4e.abseruie of thehasbarid was . not solineicetit made out by the Consmonwiahb: - Cotesse4-4tasicroft Ind tipple for the Prose*. buki;.ltatutit4, Campbell sad Rosebetiy for the Defisico. I • z • Cots.;vO Caine—interrupting elect*, on, oath, Of Jake Hedy. Jury trial. Verdict ; not guilty • ;-and,l7onisty for cons. • • Cora: TO JFtii:ter Gregar+Pasiin g counterfeit too . nity, ob oithiOlGeongehmairnss: Jury trial. Ver sus, not giittj. ' LliValkerftir ComMonweilth; Palmer tor.Delsit dint. • . I • Colt. vs 04/lattais S. Spare-Passing counter ldtnt money . Pirlottitimt *old guilty, and Win lei. tent* to lit years' imprisonment. • • The Dettlititne..se the person Monet whom moot of theMhar pintas...ere oupphatwith oo4m terfeit midi* froui his confederates Alltilds arrest, be contend buf guilt, and by his retiehitiois . :reettored couch service to. the CoMuuet*nrilth - Mk/aging otter othOckni to jut oce: 'Thou 44 - second were of unKbongmat for the same -• The ‘biiii*so of tba Sineiruls heft finished, (Ain iditsititid al II eileekr to next Monday, Ids" tite *tumor Pleas rip obiommee.. ',4 l , , ;llatrA AFFAIRS or TM; 13oicoigh Election of .Tamaqua was held yi*thrp, piaitawneas. Piny had a . tun :Au 41U 6.4 _ • • ' • fa" Thtigoitnglimen . car f ewers of Tiu2W Ica. WI Omens* in that Om alk the gib, sad .relsived tip in ithmitoe ofgo Par tem. on lan Fo axon* in operation train the nib ticOnsbni next. Nam sumo:iol4:slpaiiiii to matt as thS =law Qv' lat EIN4 Wick inktigb riots* bunk aue dip *we* birieV ro cif blaze ailio n tiler oe *iv:pais &SOO toe. , kaligga :al l bark *tie bee, inciorpinied Election district of Taasq*, mottobly. I t' -4 ; ardor' frail 011,f ,eoffeipoadezit. CoieuipisuTs; dated TharediYr reamed too teasior Itialtioniit LRCM: , Tba Baroagb Deakin ; was Mat* . graft et. cament. Toe other chases. itsraipeettre of party, had united on* ticket in opposition to the Amen. The f3ase ammeters refuve to .'llgartle to the de mands of the Journeymen; mod ori We:foetidly the !alum paraded the strata with banners ind music, M a meet* ur the afternoon, they puled wants. rums of guts* a violent character—Jo which th e y warn /antiseptics (ran other ?lama engaging. to Work there; end telt* ihein - they must 'bole the consegoences, it they do.; Rev. Mr. atone of Philada.,' has ricCeptett the Rectorship of the Episcopal Church, Sod- ceders' upon his Arial dates to-morrow- • The 'nth were preparing , for a public demon. stration yesterday. • • SORT CARllloil AFFAIRS • VIP Atorrespoiluirat slgning tumult Vtit.- cam, but who neglected to famish us With hi* true name, corrects* statement •in our by Via, alma "atertarn mechanic, Who through the mid denim indolence of liquor drove his tunny from the house end broke nearly ererytkinglo . ll." Ht stays the facts were greatly exineramel--iitat iha person alluded to is e respecter) itrien of P or t Cubon, • and that the ground story waswas the sic:Mental tatting of pe wk.ch broke two cups and w saucer. We shall he glad if the 93rreCtiO rite ant ici be true. The fact is, the naked truth in l i such crises is generally bad enough Without say artifice! Col. _ ming. As for the remainder of the communication, it is a mere personal 'stuck, whith'we calm°, 'publish without knowing whom tabloid responsible lorthe • i •.• sentiMenis. • RAILROAD ALERTIRO. - I The Mumma of Pinrcrove aid viciOy assem bled in the Public School Home in *mance of a call issued for Much Bth, '1854. The.meming was ownind on mania of: Caleb 'heeler, Esq., by the nommaucn ist PETER FILBERT us Pres/AWL and filemmi;.' WiLitem (Imam, Wm. GIMAN'AWALT, .1. Muir, Esq., of locestoien, &leis. .of Col.iW . Mumma! of Lebanon Co.; 1113 Vive 3 Presidents, Nathaniel Pawl:on and D. A: Witch as „Sec retiree. - ' • . . Mr. John Greer then . offered the following pre amble and resolutions: Waseca, The construttion of this Laticaater, Lebanon and Pinegroire Railroad is deeply identi fied with the future prosperity' of the regidn ot country ihningh which it passes, and .especially with the interests of the oft( region, represented on this occasion by the Millais of Trempat, Donald son end Pule r ove ; therefore, Resolved, That we hail with feelings of pechliar satisfaction this opportunity ofexpreseing our gat ificatioi at the prospects of the speedy construc tion of the Lancaster,. Lebanon and Pinegrove Railroad., - 1 I Resolved,''Tbat as" it Willopen a heir avenue for 'our Cool is a region where no competition is to be feared, abotmditig in Iron ore, Furnaises, Forges, Welling Mills, rich in agricultural proddets, embra cing te its range one hundred and fortYprist Mills; it will afford us en Inexhaustible market for our Coal and furnish us is return within 'unfailing supply ot produce -- dour, fire. I ' - '." - : 7 - - Resorted, That in the - Conautictionnt the tau- . phiriaud..insquebanaa Raihneds, we have ther best evidence of the benefits of Railroad, in the appre ciating value of property, in the bowies* and tray citing facilities it furnishes ; that we would rt*ard the construction of the Lancaster, Lebanon; end Pinegroye",Railruad so efficient .co-Operation di mmed of a rival; as the one would make accessible an entirely new region to our Unmated coal fields; whilst the other win cogitate the truisportingine dium for thereat= and western markets. - ..;_ Resolved, That if this read would: confersucb" invaluable benefits to the Coal region, we thOuld therefore be wilting to Stare the burgles ,of its, con.' sanction by taking stook to the utmost ot our,abil ity; that to effect thin, It committee ofthree, tie4tp pointed by the President of this meeting. . Mr. Wilson the Chief Engineer of the erdpenY then add resse d the meeting. His elaherate, - plain and unvarnished statements as ..to .theiTessibillty of its construction, the .-orobable. Amount of Wit, its immense advantage to this region and the cormtry through which it meta, the great awning of trade it will create, and its undoubted yield ; ut re4nue to the,shareholders, carried conviction to every one p resen t. Farther, that the Central- Railroad Coto nou/Jr had already lkllb!oertbed 000,00 Wand the L. s., p. Railroad company tumefied the interest of six per cent upon all moneys paid in hy the share holders from the date of the first instalment; end t tno money would be expedited °h id sufficient sin riptioasturd been received to minim, ttni eon s!h;k - n fdr. i 7Wil o r f o l n b. Z ad talfowed by; Henry ; ft. Otte, Esq., of Philadelphia, now member of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania. . He gave acise bistro ry of the passage of the suWemeut ofthe Char ter by the Legislature of 18,V-7,• its (Veto lif the Governor, whose convictions led biro .to believe it sroulthe too great a rival to the State road; its" recall into the House, of"Representateres and its final passage by an overwhelming majority of 3 to 1, and its becoming a laar for he Governor . psek- Cling the Bill. Re illtalteted the netsorsityotit . " the Road to a demoustration ; For all th e ";secu mutation of freight at Harrisburg is great that but the , one half - reaches Ptuladelphial.4. the; Stare Road, the other portion must seek other avenues, and the greater part ot it goes to 13111liiiiine. What, be asks ' will be the result whin the PCntrel ;Road wiR be fully completed, and its connection be made with the immense, itia ,of Railroads id the Greet West?—when the Sobbary dr; ,:Erie ;Road, and . its innumerable branches are eetistructed?"— where will it find a went thee ? Why' : there will be freight enough to employ two Rail4sea s hesides the State. Road and the one now' in Contemplation, independent of the loCal trade. Haire the Imme diate necessity of the . present outlet] and likewise undoubted profitable and safe myestment "of all Moneys in this road. This region, the virgib Cos) region of Schuylkill County, Rama+ of seeding but 60,000 or 106,000 tons ot Coal. as; at present, owing to a want or proper oitiletti and market, would by means of this finprovemeot: have' open to it an entire new district of country end Market, and in five or ten years, the Coal statistics .woula show a business of 600,000 or 1,00000 41 ions from Pinegrove alone. But i fear injustice maybe done to Mr. Strong by Ibis feeble sketch, sufficient has ,twitri said, how ever, to give yeti an idea of his rem, The Meeting by .a".resolution - effete+ its ,thanks to the gentlemen for, the Unrest they - displayed end file addresses delivered. The ;President of the- Wetting stppointed Metiers. Caleb Wheeler; Charles Molly and IJavi4 Greenawalt, the Commit tee to procure subecrimious ill. iptik. It was moved and carried that - Abe editors of papers in the counties ot Setiylifill, Lebanon end Lancas ter, be respectfull"lLsmitated to publish the pro ceedings of this ing. . L . " . The meeting adieu with much enthusiasm, each determined . to 0 a shoulder 10 the ,wheel. ~ alrled GRAPI=MIiT. 1 , i . - anent! 5t53102.19-11354.,' ' I To Me lionoratils Court of Quart -1 er :Seseione' '' in and for the County of Sehuyy.'ill•- : • The Grand Jury respectfully repOrt fr-That they have acted upon Fatty -eight bills; `fifty-ono of whictsthey have returned True Wa r and -seven the have ignored. , That they haie visited and examined the Poor House and Hospital, end found them clean and in good order., The :Jury-would recommend some necessary repairing to the plastering of the build ing, mud that they be repaired. The Hospital they found inadequate tAthe number 41 IMterl, and would . - recommaid - its enlargement:,'; "They " do not coMdder the supply of Water sideirtut in case of fire, and would suggest to the ikerct of Directors the propriety of attaining is Moreplentiful supply to meet such etigteey, by miens Of inperand fire- Opp, to which hose maybe attached. Theyalro visited - the Countyirate* and.PubliO officer, and foundihem clean std in good ordir.;. We would request Bars ur Cress-pieces be put in abuse the openings of the crenultated work of the Battlements of the rower, believing the same 'tribe dangerous in the present shape. - ~, , . • . , The Jury would . cell the attenuottof the Court to the Centre Turnpike, ate part near &taunt Car; boa ; and would recommend that the ' Turnpike Company be instructed to widen, their Roati. at said place, and also pruteet it !laths suitable fence or railing along the Canal, between: the SeVen Stars tavern and Five Locks. • I ; ; , ' The great prevalence of Inteuiperanee, in the County, and more particularly in the , Coal Region, calls for some remedy, that wilt remove the-cause of Our great and increasing" evil) ! ; The :origin of the majority of the rases, which hive hien acted sixth by the Jury, can be traced to Intetimeranee, wad the publisebd'itataties of. the County Prison and Alms House caul prate tbitit to latemper ante, which hes filled - them. wittifinnates ;- thus burthestmg the cititints of the. County whit talcs, causing serums interruptuais to huffiness; end few , fully thereseutg Pau,peinsitt and Crime. , Oar existing laws permit any met who' pay s Fire 'dollars sato the COunty Tressury,Lio take oat a li-, cense teethe retail of spirituous liqueur, its quantity Got fete than a ONO; .aad . Oriental observation bathes us that vitiation:act this hoe are ; very fre quent—patsies often assemblainthenie mi . .iagerietri .fruthalths UM= 4', the quart, and drink it on the premises. This tippling- often results fa affray's end fights, and helps to crowd ourrimiiist, eaten. dar with cadee,the adjudicaliou ot, which acquires mach of the time of the Court, and ot our business community. ~•; ' . , . „ A total repeal;therefore, or te requina mo d ification of cristime statues aparticularly . red, so tar as ' - relates to Scbuylltliti Monty.. The- Jury, accor dlegly. m behalf 'of the "Countyrlrequest that our Sensteitand ,Res tina tatfy re es being thurtnattaite forl=nt * and, it poladile,:secure an a Ito tram suttees, so that here after laxeses for the retail of eprrttuaus or malt tiquors to within Ibis Oman:nap. and !subject to the control. or **Court, , . ..„- .: . , .. The Jur Mould respeciltillyeslt the Oteitt to ea rem ' to that law, !Weft prohibits the nit of liquors oft Sunday, by hutromittg th*Con dahlia to enforce' its - rditienanekin th eir . respect-. lye districts. - ..11.,', f - ,- Affof .Whieb thapeeffully subtnitted,— - ' ' . . pen S. SPANCILSI4 PprgliSlln., ' • . ~ -. _ „ .7X.ifigi,tl . oi , i ltdr(liii4ri_ gy Falba? EMtmith lectures: wow raw Awe iypve ste is course of &livery. ,th Lecture room of Trinity' Church, Cane Stmt. •• Blessed is be that rawietb, arid they thathear the word: or thip prophecy, and keep than things , which are millet *Mom; tor the time is at hsad.' The pubikt are cordially united sit weed. 1. BArnintOniscit i 1.; me Sweet, Her. twommui Coma. Pastor; service every Sab bath at 10* o'cloelt X. "ad'? lartereiST nun (Riaieseas l )Osetre Rev. DANIIM alettlf• 5101 Vice betel rraNtly leithillThereirwerrreita4it WOrikei 40 & 4,rk: Eretuavit i le 1 - Itir Tan 5612. b i t 111110114 *the Arndt Whom Caarek Mal* tateet, wiry sudsy ligorakisadviramr. • •;• EIMEMMM=== 07 The stetrytri burping oPii segro; at a place call'edWaims Po u t. pß toms out to be an obik story : . .eelsteit in um narrative of a fogiti#slare, gamed Viltisut Wells Brown. ; , - .444 Nei 'the ts Wiird ilats`Act•of to= 0:7 The Utica, (N. Y.) Gum, says,:tbat IMO.' Knew Nothisgs" iambs, 700 lIIP thin ;en S It says the successful csudlisls . tor Mayor there, ongasiday last, was the reg. I.3.4knelainsikellitmAew_Order. 112" TAt fait case of toodt.sty. is that of a lady. Wb refused to west a watch in her bosom because ft bad bands on. ONE LOW PRICE to ask and take, SIMS ev. erybody. b e only *peek our aenuments when we say that our Gentlemen :newts who visa Philadel phia, will be hantisoutly treated, and am be , aatim tacteiily;dited to p insitehleM dui of cl'otlia"a; at a very seasimible price; by esu n so ft 0: the celebrated one-price'. Clothing Howe o t. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Sonth:irieat-'t oioer Fourth and Market HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT- AND PILLS Lave EifeCted-a most Extraordinary Cum of Scro fula of Twenty Years' St a nding, -Mrs. Jacksuis of 17, Upper Brook-street. Derby, was &Mimed waft twenty years with a scrofulous ulcer on thes,wrist the pain from whita was incessant and excrucia: ling. Sim ; resorted to all kinds of remedies with out availi sad 'was for a long time. a patient in the hospital, but received no relief whatever, until she , resonrca to Holloway'a Ointment and Nis.— Tliese excellent medicines e•iiixi caused a portion of the boas to come away, and boa/withstanding the dreadful state of the wound, it has peri6cay betilCcf, and btu health is entirely re-established. • For sate by'John O. Brown, Clemens Or Heisler, Pottsville; E. J. Fry, Tamaqua; Dr. J. Kollar Burns Minersville. • SINES' COpiPOUNU• SYRUP OF TAK, Wild Cherry and Huarhomul t is t hit Cheapest, pleas 'Mitt:4 and best Cough Medicine in the world, and cures , more coughs than all other medicines com bined, which all persons will readily conclude who are familiar with the' nature of the specitiet in; gredients. It costs but 22 cents a bottle., TRY IT. For sale at the store of REUBEN REESER, Market Square. and alto at the store of C. BAR. LET, Centre Street, Pottsville, who are prepared to sell to storekeepers at the Manufacturer's-pri. ces.. Prepared may by CHARCES . SINES., 334 North 31 Street, Philadelphia, and for sale at nearly all the stores m the United States. . 13-3ni * GIDDINESS AND. 1/I MES.'S —Wright's Indian 'isgetibfe :Pills are one of the best medi• cities in the. World Jor giddiness; because they purge from the body thOse-stagnant end corrupt he-. snore which, When floating in the general masa of the cirenlaiion, are the cause of a determination or rush' of blood to the beak giddiness, heiidach, foss of memory, dimness of sight, drowsiness, pain of the head, and many other symptortis of is loaded and corrupt state of the blood. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills lire also one of the very best medicines for the cure of indigestion. and theretore will most asutedly restore the body . to a state of sound health. Caution..—Storekeepers would•do well to tzar. else care to buying from pedlars: We understand that a Man by the name of Hiestand, and another by the name of Sines are offering what purports to be Wright's Indian -Vegetable Pills. These per- Fens are not authorized Agents for this Medicine, and the article offere'd eionot be guaranteed as genuine. The genuine is tor sale by Mrs. E.' M. BEATTY, J. G BROWN and J. S. C. MARTIN, Pottsville. Wholesale (dee, 169 Race Street, Philadelphia. N. H.—The public ere re►pcctfully informed that J. C. HUGHES, of Pottaville, is not an Agent fur this' mietiicine, and we cannot gutuantee is gen ulne the article offered by him for sale. • WILLIAM WEIGHT. MeLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT. K. Burns, 4rumpat;aticlinersville, we learn, bas ohiiiined a supply direct from the proprietur,in St. Louis. ' The Volcatie Oil Ltniment le truly a CELEDRA• ' TED niedieine, and tuts done more to alleviate tin- , man - sufl'ering than any remedy over discovered.— One or two applications will relieve the' . most se vere Pain, Brui'm or Sprain. TWO Bottles ..will cure the faulest Ulcer or Sore, and will heal the most severe Barn or Scald without a Scar. Evaar FARM:i should have a supply constant ,ly on bend to beitsed in time of need. TO MINERS, worittniin Coal Mines, we say to you delay not until you have obtained a supply —you will save a great deal of suffering' and moo , ev by tie use. - .FOR HORSES, itis the only sure remedy for Lametiess, Bruises, Cute , Scratches, Old Sores, Swellings, &c. Try it and yuu will be convinced. re See adverii4mlnt iqqaolbeor cAuitin -Ataqiiir sate by John F. Brown, Pottsville; Joo. Stanton, Glen Carbon; L. Sterner, Llewellyn ; Daniel Lewis, Mr. Carmel ; Allen McLean, For. restville; Miller's Store, Phizeuie poTTsviLLE ILIARICE6TS. 1.30411151CTED WEEKLY Folits JOURNAL. vo,?B,•ai bbl 58 15 n' peaelsis . par'.l. 414 25 Ws+, •• do da t' 00 Ido do tweed "00 Wheal, bush, • 1 10 V Ord apple. paired -(50 Syr; E do • 001 Eggs, dole!. - .11 vorn, da • 80 - Ibdttst 17 °etc . do 48 Bbotildest, • 8 Potatoes. d 07 51 Haws. 13 Timothy Seed 223 !lay, 108 16 05 Clovet - do 350 Meter. " 00 MARRIED: I On Morday eventociath f Inet., by Revs Jobe Culla, WM LIOCHLEX-to SARAH. E. KIND. ki the same time and nlsee. by the same, JAMES. HUGIIEi4 to LUUY WINSIAN D. • 2 1* Pork. Pa., on the 9th Inst.. by Rev. A. H. Loch. man, WILLIAM ittrWEN,ot Pottsville, to tittlAN, daughter affluent* Weiser of Verb. On the 10th inst.. by the Ravi William Morgan, JOHN %V ILLIAMS to rkltH LEWIS, ticitir .of papa villa. On the 11th Inst., by the mne, THOMAS J ONES, of New Mom LIANNAII WILLIAMS of Potts. •, , • On the 12th FDEDDRICK F. WADE. to OD DM:CA-SIMPSON, both 91:Pottsville. On the ntb laet., afthe residence actin ate, Lord. In West Branch Valley,. S c h uylkill County, Mr. FRE nERWE LORD. aged 71 years and S mouths. to Tamaqua, on tte . ltth Inst.. ELIZADETIT. wife 'of Mr. Aaron - Van Morn aired 29 /Twin ■nd 21 days. ' . . foible Borough. on Monday toornlnk.l3th JOIN JO HEYER9,• Volunteer In the• Wenn war. used about lag/arc" GENZRAi NOT!CI18. 11....POLASItt LODGE. No. tl6.—ao Adjourned" 1 6e Meeting of Pulaski Lodge. N 0.116, will bu belt. MON DAY. everanl, "2016, at 6 o'clock. J 14AaTtrs, pec',V, • p•••••,-" • POTToVILLE LITERARY BOCICETV.— stated Meeting of the Pottsville Literary Society A will be held on Wedneeday eveniog; tch 1241. 1854. - In Foster'', Gall, at 74 o'iloott Lecture—John rt. Richstd". • subject—" Wealth, Mishkin and eh tipper Te n." .Reader—J. RI. Wethertll. Qltestleo- 6 8hould the United states Government build the Pacific Railroad ; or should It be left to todleidunt enterprise!! A cortontlve—C...Little and John. T. Boyle; Naga tteeWrn. B. Wells ondl. A. ItlcCoot. Elliot - der nt the Soctet y. A. R. Bsoware,tteelt.• tictictirliitu. COUNTY. AGRICULTURAL.' 41 — iflOclETY.—The members al this society are requested to somata meeting arthe Palate Douse of DANIEL Boxsa, Orvragsburs, no N•TURUAY. Muth 21th. MI. at k o'clock. P. 14.,-whea the place for the best Exhibition will be filed. • v ipo. ODD FELLO Wtr eem eTair.-:Pe nazis desi te room of ourehulng burial lcuo In the Odd Fellows' Grimm,. will apply %o ram Pomo% the Iron litorr, Town nail; • Joni( J. /MI. j or Joni O. C. MAIM, Centre greet. • Nov. 11. - ' Mir • RACM WANTICI3.—Being inventively engaged to the manufacture ofpaper, we will payto coup , try merchants and °there having rags for cafe, - more than theme/Int market prleee—Caah. JedebtfP kidOORS. Paper grattanteturers. Phl (O ad a Ipt r u e a e —N e o lvwased.ge North* at. • between sth end 6th') egireb 10, MU. : 10/11XICAS WABITUDs--Tes lirsitintis and lyjt.tslaelleana Coal Company are how constant ly employing Miners. To good, steady Into, constant employtnent, the highest wages, and lb* belt necom. mudatiotts, will be given. Payments monthly, an cosh—, upstate eedeva-ritO Comphop egg i destilny in mertbattelse. - The Ro pally," Rai !mid, ail *bleb daily ref" ^ 7/vinare /too- reenter. Words convenient arress to the mhos, whtelf are situated in ao elevated snd health/ conotre, FREE B _oo o ol4 are estabiMbed. and :r il l b e be continued bete, lot the edeitlion "'Pr./C-111"am of the Worn sod Woskesee. Apply so a. R . WAIN, Wntng Engineer, at the office. Ramat Dap Mum - ELLWOOD MOFRII! • , .Entineer . aud Superintendent. iranivulus. Waugh Chunk, eclerylkitl ceri and Nicene!lin papers Plea" copy. Meech IS 1854 Mit • . • APITSD.—An halve young EMI an Radintnan U) a Dry °nada sad Orotery, tDort—aae Wm_ can speak.Orunta and English: Apply to IbliPslit tat. • , ' 4 • . ,-. fib. RI, 1854 "/. 4 , tott . • Ulf ASTED.—A assuager to rate charge or a VV, Fatima Wanton Pialtsylitaalt.. TO aisful. sytompeseurand Matted la Me masafacsare of ima with Bituminous Coal, tad able to gists satisfactory sefelances. i goad salary will. be. Veen. Address .• garages:. care of Mr. Y.. 11: Hiles. Letter-v*lmin rbiladelptila Post-oalet. . • fat.t.ttes4. . • . • • ti.ggge UCTANTED ZERIVIDIA TELT.-15 ino4 Csipentere, several - mounts steadV Tm_P lo 7 l sTat inroad Tripe: itirpty to JOlll4 ATANTON. Arc. Olan Catbria! • Feb. 4.1634 54! Wit% E n g le' Ital: s eat'sr" "Aithlrt rogation:l**i* Dollars pet assns. One slowed to Katgaiesto etreetiplefirred.. AMR* Len 333 reit:vine, CO: • . • katraelge.,/issaryl4lB*, .• . 14t ivamists `:. 4 mr.411114163)..-Tes 10 0 4 rellidge nties Wan Iltsmistell to IP SA Chenille hi v a. 000111 MMIL*111.141 pato" sad tobsitass Wort eves. War (aft*? paaveulan apply et .tie Soo k Butte of dm Wpm' ker. BANNAN. Jos, 21, ISH /4- DIED WANTED. COAL. fIUAIRLICID W. OIVBIBAILO, Agent ref Me La& of ANTEMCITE and BITUMINOUS COAL. 'V Orme, les F. 1.41011. P sits deities. City of New at. Hazleton, Creaberry.Su . • gar Unread Hoorn Bus, how the WHiTrt Lill Lahrly Region. ' • Witham, Woad Mt., and Black Haub from the Schuylkill region. gab ASH. Gate; Belmoit. elalem, 'Orchard. ' •l.ttpottaand Lew ietrciae. . . from the celebrated r tostburg Chuleo. ki Wei i alto Co usher land Land Liverpool. aiIOMIS, Pi M. co 2 P. M. 4114 BTVIINOIT OVFleg Mite h ie. ON 11/NATTY, THOMAS 4% , Dave reusuved to 11. 0 i. o n ce o r C. 14( 4 ,4 ,9 1 urza;14.41-,sn t:enuer rect. bete% Ole Aseticatt 110 Us e, rvr Le a peikka, Laving busmen *llk thew 4,11 plebe Wii . On. itel, 1654 _ , 411 ISSOLUTIOAO CUPAitT/StaitSlllP. AJ pattneftati* tteretolute elttoatis between Gina W etaydes-apultiespouta butass,uadlng to lb. atm, of eNVlilitit & Ml iES, is this day tna oulteltbr Mutest 40stant, by the withdranot; or hleutuala Mabee moo the Arun Gaulle:W. harder, having purchased his entire Ilitefest in all toe de putations of 'their.: . :oll/1150111, pill 'eine ail' ac coutos.wah the hat arm. ' . - GEORGE W; SNYDER BiNJAIIIN MILNER, Potwrille, !cu. - ISKINUTICE.—The biiihees of the lute Glen of Sl 4 tl"- lt ar..lll.Apit„ tvldbecunrinu.4 by the sabecrtbri to all itiltaitoos manor.. of Hiram tusfrat lam Moundir, dattutte.uter of all klad,uf machinery (or Bailin; llatlls, - Bleat Pinnaces. itedroad Care. &c.. .11tC. He *Ol 'llan coonnoe Mb hotlines ut blica:ok and Belhhj the celebrated Pine Furst: Aite,..lsA, 114 Lams plarldpeko Feiss ard..1.1 C,la hi,. bring suit proprtetor of tbeee.ol l 4tectea Jan, 81, 1851. y'EOUtle W:nrYDllt • ' 1 10 .PARTX.E.101111P.—.4:WIN 'Aptirv.; %-olltlilD basing teatoteett the' aad 4114)04; of Cti ha. Ibis tlAy.,atat,tlated with btat W tutu .,. U. tivDtasaso.loMil Reateet. Ja.. and Umlaut 41, - ., Porte; unti.:r the Am of LEWItt AUDI:MORO Co., at 43 Walnut iaet. . • ' Wl:terve" Nut 7 1 • 14, Port • Ittthatoad: • ;Le was 'AVUUreit/e.1.); ~Ggoaca 11. ruTTrs. • f WILLIAM G. nuor.macii, - • • • ) JOHN HIMMEL. • t Jan. 14, 1854 - I 2-tf BUSINESS CA_RDS. SETH W. GE A o VORNEIi AT LAW 11Inersville,ENhayikui r" my, Pi. . RE. 6RB Bon. EiLis LtWa, " Jona C. Rana, . (Phitadeiga•• • J. H. Rauacal * CoartlaadBt., New York. - JAMICI geq.,Potiarille, Pa. OLIIIkII WaT.oN, Esq., ,Pa. Mama 4, .1854 •*. . 0-ly wRIGIMS:OFFICE is at Pori tar: boo,tbise doors bellw the Pon. Office. ()Ma,. hours 191g,t0 2F."51.,a0d7 to 9 Feb.11,1954' , 1.. DODS Ob. !SUR EON DENtid !dirket detest, a f yore above Ventre, le prepared to operstoln the dont satist6tory manner. and oo reasonable EMU/. at 4200 allifiCaLifil—ATTOßNEY AT LA Lliwellyn, Schnittill Cadjaty; Pe., w u niteud 10 Idly business eutrusted 10 his eery, wain proluptises;. Jaw 14,1854 ' 9-3014 -EIIIMONDIFI, PROF itieSoll OF hlll.BiC.-7e.i. INA, choir or the 1‘1,41,0 . , ofir.m or 31rioatecni-Pismio tuned. Any eonnntioicatic)ri addre.vsed io.the 104- scriber r at his residence, Mansion 1100, r , hit. Usk ban, Will be puocitiallysttended Dec. 14, 1,40.3 124 r ALLEN SURVENCIk and ENtA NRER, will gononne the business raids late.Faih gr., Samuel II Fisher. Having posageslon of valuable rapers. Note' and Marla, he ban unuaual faellutea for the pursuit 01 bl, profession, and can give Ide .Infortuatlon. In rilerence, to land Iri the Cita' 1 V ;fon. . _ . novega. FISHER and ALLEN FISHER continue the buying and selling of Real Estate, and have now for Cale several valuable Tracts nt (; fi nal Land. Office, Centre stmt, (oar emus SOU ib of the Pena gylvanla Hall, gamernde, Fouayille. November 19. 1110 47-tf FOR SALE . & TO LET. „.„ . . UST atrwen (mat Rentucky, a lot c..f inulr,which t, will tie sold che . apby ttietuttlerstgced. •JthdEt'll A. LIIIMUELIitti.- , Schuylkill ' haven; Illatedi 111, ls.S4 A, FINE' CICANC.I4 . POll. CAPITA 4. - •4le 22 aires ut plows 1;oal Las/d, well located for bait ntss-pill:a low aid lama city. Apply to ANDRE. W RIM ,AIL, heal Estate het; Curlier ur.filaltaniongo and titcusit Stirrt,. March 150534.”: 11-3 t irricras,Ast) s Toftz Itoo/ . 118 TO LIST. ki—The Minter Tnontst Milldings ar e now untieti going a thorough sepal!. and will Ur lert to good 14,1i n:tuna reasonable tern'. rept further inidrmaiwn apply to . .' Jr. vt lalllEtl , -' • tlitver Terrace Building Alareh 19.131 •••• . - SI L —Tw4 and Boil frig Lots, eligitily ‘42l,uatediun E darket Sy g uare Pottsviile: . Appi)",to i.nussEL, Agent for Mts. Thompson, - Turner OEI4 and Manantungo sta. March 11, lis34 •; 10-31 Rue 1 4 - .0-1% ILENT.—lbree drat-rata inflect lu " Office dualb.ns" curaer of' 241.4dd blatant eargo Bta. • - blared 11,1631 ellO LET —A first Italy room lad cellar, 0e2,1 1 Street. near Norwegian, welt ad.t.ptcd for d Ore Room acsame m.•cltaotcal Ousitieas. Juqulre - of 1. R, C. GREEN; !..'ent Le iatreet,`l'ottset ite FatiE,lB,s4 , 13.1 r - - .FOlt SA LJZ,-,-The suberriin,r, lobo purposes 'removing from Pottsville : otfui3 a i rai'vsva sacn„ all phi Household Farallon, .110tIllt in Mortis' Addition:. Pirmons wi,iting ill pa • ettase,4ol*lase call on "Wednesdays and 1110/s. days, until thistlsin pl Mareb.. 1 • • " " • • 0Eo: U Pori 4. Feb. 11,1854 • ;• fi-ti I'o LEASICI—Ic favorable Lease can bo . ./I. thelnarose ' flohn M el and Mamoru! Veins, and another npo o l i theclpobn.,illarkson and eninler Vel/171, by applicall I'. W.SllgarEH,fintineer; &c. Jun; 11, 11154 4-21n - _ F6,l.SaLli).—iaeo taro•story lifone , "- s ip selth Brick frants,ba the cur. ,1 - ' . , ...,,, nerof Tuhrd and NorwPghta direeil.eath i(Gsltu . 2 fent' frotit by 32 feet deep, on a sib! 10 feet to a2O feet ;hrs. ) 1 • • : _ •• ALM! rOft BALE, • , 10 Hum Oltenia ~ Engine; with 1,9 O,La I Breakereee been An %tee a Sheet time, e.a.l Will', be 3313 en reaeoaible a 111114.. The Er/glee nay be Mery a Milne' ao tdayder.e Machine shop. . . Gli.ORUe. M. CUMMINC. 53-if -, Dec. 3t, 1853 LEASE. -1 'o a 'good Tenons, a valuSph- L' Tract °Moat, Land, lthownas the ••Zei try Tratt,” 'tousle in Franey Township, ;Schuylkill County. hcw. of Trerriont. It lieu on both, sides of the, Min. Rol Fltisniton to 111 ladle Creek—contains about 1,30 accrs, Is/heavily nwitrferecl,:eod wall adapted for ari extru sive operation:- 'Sever at. ielha of lied Ash eirtl have been proved otld fon pd,O; he artist-rale reisli ty.rthef InfOrruution appl t i l fo JUH['ANNAN, . • . Te.R CLYME:II.- Pottrellle. November 316.53 - ' • • 45 11 .. Ft:a NA LE..30 i'ect lot on Cent - re ritiert,',,Nce --ii. in 3. Wynn'a addtlon to Pottsville, mi tt lot rum from Centre to Railruadettet, is hontotea on the rputh by 101 of SOlough; Eaq., on the north , by a 2.1) fl'., etteer or fermi and partieulars ebottE - 01 the elubeeriber it ble•Drug store, Cenire titteri . Putt!- vine: Indisputable title, !VIII be el rob. ~ - JOHN S. C. MART IN . Agent for the Owner. • • . August. )0i /8.51: . 27-tf 'i , Fro LET.-A large and' commodious . 7, _ •,I, office sod fixtures; in liannan'a Butld.: . El . ittia,oppoalti,the Episcopal Church, Ventre ~? direct. Esquire °lr . : .- ..• _ Jin. 24,1851 faIREIENWOOD LOTS FUR 8AL6..--.VitfuaLle kA bullillot)ots to tl!ei roost central part of the: oust, of Potteinhr, lately laid our on the Oreeilviiiie Estate, are noii , offeled for sale. Apply to A. MAISEL, Atent • for the ow nete,'st his Hire MlthilDtgl/igt) . Sti. Pottsville May 3.1 8 31 - Ad • NOTICES. MOTlClCool•rnposala will be' melted et ofi I.‘ ace of the De/aware, Lackawina and Western' Railroad Compinyo—'Coat Department, until the let, of-April: for sinking; two COAL IILOPSS, and o done .50 MINERS' tfolltaßt3, near Scranton. Piaui and apecilloationg can be seen at the office of • . ' JOd. J. • Gen. Cost Agint• Scranton; Mardi Id , 1834- vitirboz.—Tbeotadvsi g n e ct batting pui. , ,hmied lithe Week Valley Colliery, are now prepaked Id receive ordent for the telt:hulled Black !limb Unite .a,sti Coal.; Ali orders Will be promptly attended 10. • • APAMS dr. EIIiOLLENSERDZit - March 4,18,33: . 9.4", IVOTICE Is hereby given that Letteis 1N 'mama on the!Ematit of James H. Leven, Jae! at the Borough or Schuylkill Haven. I, *" been grantett4 the Register at debuylket tuenty. n t° tib2cti_betv , residing in the Harnett' at Ore i t . } 'ATS• Audrey:we, all pellotte having claims or ismids against the Estate of said deceased. tv lir, autlo, knOlinthe Sarni 10 limas without delay , and' ail Psfl saes ketostiajg tbennialees Indented 10 said 15oate, asp reiptested to make Immediate payment. aenrge Kitareits wilt collet% 11111 ieeounri due the lite. firm. of Levan ikKantentan, mad M. F. Media: and W. It Latin tbe among*, due the fete arm of •/a mem * Levan Cd. : , JACOB 11AMME4, , • • te,eztllEl..ll. MEDGEtt. Feb. 18.164 : • 7.k rjou B Lic t iorice..--ntssoLuvriN• FAH:vier/gum —the Partnership • berricitore ex t et i og beg wee n'stfilliare Lewis and Mathew aftboo in mining Coat bribe Peach Vein, is thle day dissolved by mutest consent, rind all persons basing anyelalms stalest said rum, are requested to present Uteri, to Virtiliste!Lowls fbr adjoins:tent. tad para t et anti all.thove kruitelng themselves to be Indebted to acid dna, will make iettlement and Payment! erne the paid WUllam hems. iettriont (either delay; WILLIAM' LEWD!. • • -•-• MATUV.W R1C14111:140.N. • Feb. 61,1851. • s [Feb. 11, 1854.) 8.114 • MOT/On. the aubeerkbet would hereby ,rnotirl IN Ms 4oweee 4pd the public generally, tbaK ba , te prepared at id Owes to attend to the meseortop oY Plesterled. %clue Illstwory, Brick blasoury: Dipuirm end other weeeuriott belonging to Buildings!, of •ali Mods. Also, to contszet for the ConstructfOo 'sad Brewton °Tall kinds of Buildings. beilirgesipodernhi, • JOHN U. AldErt. P. O.—Titankftil for pas,: ravers, the wiliettionril wobldsotlelta cOuthioallou of the hitherto :iibrrst patronise.' I J. I. J.: Nov. 11.119511., * 4B-it , Roots of Aesooats of the late .1:116)m of ORICIIIT k POTt, base eetn pissed In e—hends of the onderalined for rollerlma: 864 those Intebtettoelll please call and. tasks pa a nent, erltltOtit Otribefdela;t. JORN CONRA .;;;P. : Poussille, Juts 43,16!], . 20-tf r III PAIRTIIIIRSINIP v.rherphy gives that- I have this day /Ole GIN ailodated WRY me Id. EDGAR lIICGARD4.EtI, Practice of LaM, Which, la all Its waded' krt dies, bereetterta conducted under the :Ater '0 NEVILLE A' - 1/CILIRD4. (hike, Centre •Gtree!t, aertloorjo a., Mottle' elote. llins 11. Ig, • ' PAINTED seasigs AND 10 Panwid:Wiadow Shades OD Caseate. new had tNahllfUl trarktles,,very cheap. arbolositle Old retail; , U. HANN A N • Cheap Book sad Paper • Meth' lt— - : OLOVIIIII TtmoTay ISED.-AI• ••••0. °MON, SETTS, by ibe Quart _by_ bale, r - IL DAN N A IV tile 11 - I " Cbeap Need and Boo& .Sjoire. Ita►eh 111,.1844- • 156R11141101 WRAPPINOAd SLAW/110 PElt i ot Menlo sizes and gamily. ;Jut _ re _ ! , elTed - ea4l too es Te,mtbaltsate sad mall. ,• • B. BANNAN'S Muth It •It - • Ch t-.ap Book Ettore. . i Pi nadCiPhla CENTRAL i DRY GOODS S TOP } ! South-rfaii earner of .4t644th and drat Srrilt, rt MAHLER ADAIdd invileittbn ',articular att”liii.ll; IL/Dr FAMILIES and STOREKEEPERS in teethe and CtiOiCC Witt of FANCY nifSi:• PLS. 1,41 tol7lplllollll one of the t. 4.111 Iklistrffilwni• 112 OM thy. . • , NEW 1100,DA aro belng daily ,recelvid lion and Mbar 44)41Cea: and num l ssss map ttrVero nn getting the latest and beat stih.d, to the „ prices. Brodie and ottir Shawls. Weal histoidN-4, And Fuennining 4./4, Arranged in' separate neartraerq,i 'all strung /4'l: la t asinine them by. £ Pareseular_aerention &••ivt!n to I'Latti tr:v *larch '141834 11i.3n, ' PIEULADELPIPA SPRIIVCI 211 VD SIII . IIIIER DRY rif.)6D. , , I. D4* V. PEPUV. re!tqcilnir.thanka „. J:patronage extended to nun by Ills pti,in4y I, 1 , ih.14 ,j,itlrig the past season. Olin Ins then:ollkt I.'e ie yo u prepared to *nit parctiarets, fauns twitu and . did-,assortment of • .Rich Plaid :French Printed Latedi.' Mtriped tiiiki, Pails :41!k Tissues, Rich Brocade ” Rich :Figured Datil Hulierb Plain " j Nlain parPges, Th. fleet Blackarenstllnes, Orondt'o'.. chaticeable I Glininami4;' . Aldo, c'.~icnSil Erat.roiaeries, 1 , 1.1 Cluvua. an..t•Cishinere Gawky Pam. klautilla., Arc, p.w, inatty pther'dnitiLle gui,de. • . • - The !ii•iven etyies ni ;coda will t,u constawli a.; it.W any - other Core I:i' '4. (loc. V. ouruv, No: 4 N. ' , tic Phtladelpthe. W:2ntif rib. 25, is. • • . , ECCYSTODID DRY GOODS 11011.gE • upArte k LAN DEL1.,40 6'n,=and 4rcli igreci6'n,= .l.ll,adciphia, hare this season eiilardeit their Mk i . iii.himott, which eiiabiai, them to iircer a Intl. II iii, , K.l istotk 4•:.Eity tiqud,o, fur the lave: Inn ci CI ii.''.l.l 81 lit:li OW. lii it.* ataaiinie.iii may alwaym be . Iqiicid a fill' liar of BLACK sll.firi, -.. •- ..1 , FA:sit'ir my.,liti. ` riAaNNI..& —all Mafia,. Illit:B.4 r0,1 0 14.- - alt kl:f.k. ' . teITAPLE LINEN GOODS, Do 1 3,ITTI:YN Gi.,01/ii. DO wl - ..)(11.1.:N 1) C1.0:.i, . '.• IILACK C;(lol):i.—Lii kin.l.l, -, INDIA. - , 4 1L.Ke4, Cltlititit hil•tWEs a ....' ' 81 nice all , i &Aloft,: ;fowls. can alway a t. o miialhey by : apiiiyitig iii • - Eli' 111'. & I.4hbrla4 • • 4rn !Ind .1 ,,, n'5,?.e, Tltit,llS—`..o t'a.ti, and 1 , 11,.,-. mil accerz„..i CI , (load ekiiiiitiy Muney teceiveil ilti.%s, 1954 11TISCF,LLANEOU$. • . ' I 140TICE. PlLlA'Srlbectlber hatchy gives 'lll4llCe (ha 10por,inte4 3 , 1 r lilliQlZGELliilClir. LI ig thva r chant,: 4 4l4., ik.f the SNI •• Ynt.nt rind (hie : 4 printr," in 'lily regt,,,, TiiE atitarrlbrr ld prepared to t•aecole Ordlt ' y• for Illy above mrotios,od aprauKrr. lltcy (tile iluit Artirie *ver otii.o.o to the 1,111,1,,. notatible lot otinpl:rity and '0,,,31,011".. it'jrUll.43lo atol it .14E1111,1,1; fIN 11:111 r$ alare4 11, IbSa .Speeches on Nebinsku Question. ~.ltl.E.,UllL:ii of Ilittlalaw. tiuntott.r',vraid. Rt., 13eti, , Clavte,..i.x.,un the Nrbra ilia C•ttieutit.t.. entrkri and Berg's Iditunaaitlit 401 the Oin., ,dcratla'm and herek •do . • do do Hut .Curit— by Solon Robit.,un;" Vlitt Old Brewery—by tliu Id.ditto of the hue 1'0.,, alf.,ati•n • • ; l;ractl'Or•-rntsitott l a liw (took of 7ftnvely,..,: ! _ Mrs. Puiltimi, , n , , Caiiiit hag uf. Fria,: litnnuilsell'u New Guido or the Flttladt•lplifa ar•l 'lrt•ailtuat Railroad. . . . • . .., l l oophar Pat - dn., ltlru. c - .., Ilimtill fur 1, - 4...trattultall7C.F. '. : FOI 1.11 . 17kir - 7.7 . . . L. ItAft.ht.i.St's Rook and SL:sliourr, ',1 0t ,... .1 tr. t ;Mitrl. 11,4351 . in PATEIVT 11ORSE 910: r.ubseillier lrtrin3 b. eu appoint. 1. - Iddirlutylkitl \all4, to pied, f urnisittheii to rite pub' ol either %shelf.- .1 ; • ; 'they are vas'l ly ruperior fond: hal/St:IAI net, lb los hetglrbothood, and only ',gum. ; . , itt.piede thew altogether. Itierclithir. uracturer's Wholesale a d are fir,peetfully ti CII rd to call 3111.1 At:,mn j, 4; 1:010.7 eon and audit/are el,ore, Centre .St , 1.•, .; :11.00 it. lilt . . • Fresh Garilevs, ,Grass , _FLOWER SEED:4. Par ,Tut, at Mr Serf! arid Bunk Stop of • mrther, irlec'esale tind Retat:. w ukia t:: . aysortmeto put up lot Mn, banil!to again..ot elty prkes.. 7lku3e Bred ate. guarati'svui to be wrkll-til'e}:ar. i. pterrllled, whirr) IS To plarriah., Fruit Treee, Plaold and NiVul.l,cry, I.f na, pbtained to order, at NJ, HANNA N'Ti DI,; Ind :1112i 800,. Nfatcli 11;1!..51 • JO/INSTON & CO.; i! • • ck,NTRE .sTREET, 'PO I'T.S 11 received a MUIdellUI &MCI.% ritiviir•cor. I llamas, flue )enes euring. - beviliev oithri am cies in tue provai.ion • liei. Alva, a fre-ti Ktiop , ) Ot StailNll. l blL Dry 6.,%0a3, to WlllO they would .'i•vit attention ul the public . Feb. 4, 1F:,4 5-'1( . 10-tf r Cheap Letter. Paper , AND GNVELOP,ES. ."7 110:1.1 lirepc , s and at . N hand a variety of 'Cap and Letter papOre t. l:,;H vilopti; act: which ate Offered a( low prrce, Also, line Certain and'able Loki rteileh Dania`, &he the new, tanitionattlo Buff Laid Len r ,•1 and Note Papers, and Ettvt•lopta to matt • . Lvesy .Varnity 01 dteel Peon. front /21 efqll3 Vaii• per g \Snit O.•J rl 'Lent 1.41466Dery. For salt- iew .. I:, (tANICAN'it . ~ . • 110. , k and Ht - Illor.ty ::::-tor n1,..13,1554 • - ' ' •- • ' -- • ."67 - • • ••% . 1 4 1 .: • • 11IINAMENTAI,THEES. . • • l The subscriber will r, sire , • tuders lot all kinds 44 Fruit ' ''rren , i, such aS APPle.reatil, al...a,pric,n,.:( hart. j vim " , r i y rh o Itu toll I n c 4 IIu.IN II el . . • • .4, Ili., for fiaipltorty inJ : . ' 1 74‘V!, ,, IP 1'1ar,114."..“..,,, , . ,twri 111,11 en. Ritulntrtsirlant., REC., Act . , loreth, i u‘ , ll 8 hrubbeg of °veil , denx rint ion, Bull;. ,- ,t Hr.,' ~ ,APpa . rrigilt lintit9. &c.. . . Ettrow , rin Llndert. Engliitt Wetinot, .fi4eC Mope., andr Ater ornamental Irreg. - , t.. , , ,- : c 5 • In order to rrcrive MICA) TnEUS, rant that nrders atrniart t,e sett In rant* ate rnarrn and rtItITI.A. Dr practlted II Ihn &de not rrrrly'ed eattv in the ttraaan I:. BANIcr:O . Agrnt fur qivo extennive Nututri • rob. iss4 . Arcadian. Institute', S.Clitl KI LI, Ll. open on 'AlantPly. April lOtb. V V 'elipers irnon of rrole• nr 1:17.10.1'11' The build races are-liecierKolag eiletoml• ough urhnol ftirnhole in • 11; • • and uu ex-petite has ikel• ••1 , win be .party 11, „ add to the comfort and welt-being of the • The course of 'ludic• will branthee' of Sruall.ll and t:hoollcal "I.lteraiur, Ic.derrr Lahttu . agei, New, &r. TERNItz For tuitina per quitter (II "- insttunioi , s On " Modem Laugungee, each, . . . floafding may he obtained In private faiintika , , k. , reaeoliat,le..reore. , .. A I (if it ig Lit,litcti):iail ti , .11.. 'IL, the family of /he Principal. ` ." ... ~ . corcuiere and fitrit•er ii.lomiation may btt ulir,4 I.y aldrc6aing .1': P. I'AT.M, ' ' • Orwiptttirg, r'cliu)lX 111 Cntlitil,. f.l ' • February . 24:,.1 . L.5-1- - .:, ''. ''3 7L JOHN I3ANNAN T a all Owners of flonseA,dad Ito& to build; tall and see Nutti4'. , , ',PATENT EXPANDING. WINDOW V - MCI/ his all the advantages whI(11 IV,leSts R,V and Pulleys 114 re; in l:cspina-WindoWs 'ln Gin potation and ado haw-many adiantages thew, gigue of 'Wilith art. Chest!: If ) tin use W. 4111., i , c ynnt Windows, thes'areiTid , to eat out ; 01' i•r‘hr. Lairds break. &c. 'fhb Expandlna r,th eahnot bresL If you use' Weights:Ake :,1•11 must he liliee to in• Frame so as hi eau nn unpleasant name Cline the wind blown, and also to admit d dal 3 ;„, abuttilan'te In the great inconseniencl of gm-I housekeepers. The Expstidina gash is tight ti) f pans ion, and thvreiore sciti not rattle nor 4"ln:it an d air . if you time Welgi:/$ you cannot a'groeve thr indows from the Frames without renjdyina strips front the eides..there.by causing the rubbed off as well as losing some (mein the rrCrta loin. The Expanding leash can be rentoyed and retarned•tu the Frame, in a 100111e0t. I r aloolo:r great Inducement to use the a•ibuidii atsii, is the cost which, in a new house; woblit lox 11.11710 re than one-half the cost et butlihnk the old miry flame With weighte, enrds and 1 1,, Patent .can be applied to old Saab, whetlit.r 11.1 top Noce I.Voichteur not;at an expense that 'is Ho; it, krot•lM,atiiin of she matte ad , abtalev ita'"ed. to, in 'rack, the"ontg sash which cotottines, e cdn•o n ,.. ennverdente and comfort in perfertliin. Call and eiginine it a it will cost' nothind to look it 13.13/10P-RIGIITe4 will be 501.1 to C3rpent. To' 'GEORGE 111{11011V eb.13,-054 - era VALENTINES! VALENTINES XTEM.IB, the beautiful' Geddes hl Luttr.. and V darling Cupid. tiave ehoten for th;.lr retreat. to , wril•anown aemoritary of Love's A rmoryl.H l'it ir...• Bo Fancy Stole:Centre Str•et. I'otr.ovi l le. and have eomatiseloned him, the celebrated ~JrP.,t, . VALENTINES, to celciate as the bigni Lave, Coatutilp and Matrimony • . P4lltifitl to Ws Hutt, he is tifttiif ail in hi; ,pow et to further the interevta of those youths slid maid. , or who ate angering tram an 21rett ion of the herd' . For all, of every ago and of every rank In. Gfr, In °feta* specitic that h.rr never yet f..tie4 Such wolleftful 'power (tithe s;yl..lidiL' V ALENTINT.:S MIA by thin phifinthroniet sad conorvator of urn binder pamHone,th It oGto• maker lov.. without rend ing One as a pioneer. It operates like tln Opun lieuttantr,"'up - m the heart of the moot littotr 'Katie anald.rendera r o ort3an nary wr it k dtilightful It . othe.whrew ho.trie were .itarrotible, Lave hero woo b y the fir.t Va lent in e,Arof tii.,aaan4, who no, tr f joiee In , loving wive, or affectionateratuvnamk, Ochre, with tears of grawilde. Hick th y In debted (nee whale life '.f. - toPPlnTri 4 r s I e wonder fit Valentine of . CHARLET) OsRLI: 1 . Vatentlnes, Valentine Carrie. Volehtlne Wri ter,,Eorelopec. /Ir.i.. Ate., in !ref . / VAtlrly ('alt or :.end to Head Quartero, and sidect front the ,larg , 4 treatment In thrr county, and at the gitw.•et tit, prices: ,Jan. 21.11?31 NEW ROUTE .TO nantaimunp T - h. 2 0 , L41 " : 1 .14.•." Aar HE DAUPHIN 4- SUSQUEHANNA DAD.RtiAD from the Ant:min Station,.on the Reitlin4 Ftvi. Thad, to Ilavrlaburt will be upribeil for brillneir the lit of February. 14 a - PA :31.11N ER TRAENN 3 . . .Leave Atibuto • at S.3Q A. M., . Affillt at ilarrl.burg 12 n " theuut 1.?:f . Leave Earrliburg, 2.15 P. M., r J NO: C. SRVILLE: 4441- • Attlee et Auburn, 15 15 1 .. /Mkt. The Reedlnt Railroad COMptir l y w ill run a Oslo In the morning, from Readiugrn AplAturt,j):‘ thy op it Pert 1 . 51101 mt the Pamiengv.ss W hi, 1,13 r hare arrived front Wilkelberre, Hattetnn. Chunk, Ike . thrnneh Tamaqua, and -bring Cheer •Auberh before 11.30 M. Thy Train sniping from ILtrlLdkutest Ai15.14 ''eta 13 P. M., fettle:ennui With the P. uptt.ti , c Train On the Reading Railroad. This toots forms the quickest- endjinoe: tht. , t Railway COIKIeIiOII between all North-li2rttin ntrailla, and, the Wallies of the tiehoqa quehanna,ln the Qtrectlon of flatriabiDe. ELLWOOD 1.1011115 Y, • En 3ls .eor and dopethdo.dtoo IMP Wilkeeharre, Match l'honk,l'am , o!..s . 5 :;•I Easton paper' phrase 451 end send yip r accoont , to this Mks for v 31401011, sending , 1111) one"P of milinutisement to the:Oh/4v of the Engineer, sz , Dauphin, Dauphin Col.. Pa. Jan ,L 4, 1839 DRY GOODS. !tun and 1 - 11,irdwi3 , e , -11,rt-, I 'citify opt>r.s it r: iurre Ala , I'llll. rll Ilk 14 Nonce! , NOTICE! `1 EEE 3-2 on 11 ill CM n I it I .