• TERMS aIN o # 'Ewa r TOSI rIIIIIII - - 11111MICKUPTION. ' '1 4 1.1r0 DOLLARS per aestums piettgli42l4 and in advisee to thaw who read in Cow*. ty and. annuallyin Winne* to tholtewho noble mat ofthe County. Tit* pobilabarroserros to Enswedl ier right toonsrge $2 00 par anatuambea parinowo is delayed longer thin one year. ro et,i,rsat • • Three Copiers to one Address, "• 03 OG S writ do do do - • - 10 00. Fdieem do do ' - •'B O 00 Cfrreproin and ,Sekoel Toot/ars -supplied wth the Journal at 1$ in advetiee. ' earls or ativisrmuno: t one Square of 14 lineal i square, 3 mem,oo :t times, $1 00 6 months, .5 00 Sitheeq - ut 'worth:at, 25 1 year, i, - 8 00% 4 tines, *tine, 2$ !thuds of 3 titles, .3 00 tiobtetcnt insertion, Val do Mine*, 500 Merehantm and others advertising by the year with the priritefo of inserting different sd• ierti.miteote 12 00 re , Linter Adverth.ementa, isper egreemeni.. - --- • -- - BUSINESS CARDS. +l4 11,0111 A RT. Attorney *t baw, COMM!' ;,aftei ior Ne W Sort. (Hare **pant* *lawman Conte etreet , 155.2, q ._- hiA.ii b. W IRITNZIrt ATTORNEY ikotlvrititt,Achuytklltentszty, Ps_ use* Cenir« nratiy uppoblit iike..ll.latre nafik, Ju:t. 4, IVSI 1,/,* iviirrott 0. I.l3sSLElL,irositstlit.A.Tltie LI Plui:sictitiNt g , raureii his Ulric, to ono *tag Iluklvet ih Cast tiiirst4, ‘,., ' ' r A ?IR. 11. '0 1 . 1. A EPP", A:Tit - Mt:Er Ar LAW, I tif Isismved 1.1 reuse time 12 Pene 4 aft ; °411 ,7 feirgfispti Ceutse *erect ,uprolstlie Ise J • ,--- - c. COS it* 11, LINTICE OP THE PEACE. 44 will attend to ally bartneee. entgaidad tglas cue. putogita.ity. /kilt and NOUS collected, tc. Odic* la 4 ."`" , t-. ',iftenktt, Vt. Halberstadt'''. June:, 1,54.4 FOOS WIL LIA MOON & JAII,4COOPOR art/lug al Low. l'ott.trtlte. ClUttE Ht 44-4 - s Erl-41 al the idt ..11141trott ail the cactus • U. .7, 1850 - PKT:tett sinPSOrii. eatitoer. azut.st t05t:41,4 to Ur. tlfricheateeal3 4ll,ll eg , Ait zt 1,0 caor. Itrt:)%v lye. 1.1i3t enr&Dt itpWopst tanpritt nt, tithe!e ortitril in ihrfitir aC DM presesivals. a f,c9 3, 1433. • 14-ii II F. WIIIIITNIFIII.. EXctIANGF, nuti uenetal itiroty 'Unite.; o , st d'uor to &timers' Haut.; P - ottivitte, Do,tiot to uo „„„ a u „,n,,y,i;oid .104 Stifle!. ilk rbtio iphia dit , l n: Vol ig fug alto. • %...t.tv2 . 4, 031. ,12-te AtTuItNEY AND .Oc.isELL4 nif , !4jl.oa and dis usher le gni nuatneasEnthii Cit, anadtlphne adjulnint Counties and atonal/herr.— .., :i,,...T:41C;‘,,ku. anirt Platiadittnltta: 01.11i1, 11A.NIVAL'i, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ha* ultatt 111 Ctrit3C Stitet, POUSIFII4, 'c the 4Pttte ,, P*l t:barch, where be wilt be deity, ust.cit. littainese letteret6 blbe wilt re pritopt :Mk-bison, sedreered to Mat at etthsr - I 0, t.Vizitrj,i - wirstittrf- It+sl "...XI: V —rur the puss:Ann anti dolt u t f,,Kek I Es_ .:1. on!rinz twit; talthig churl , ul idlitta 4 .4;ues, • nti ttilltttitrj reilte4fliktu vaty y.ar% .c/perinnee In tke Contity he nuiies to ..e,atlifikcllo.ll, (Mice Stnhantouge sttekt. rat -100 1 1e. CHAS:. M. LIII.L, ill I ~ it.,Z.. stav+iAt:ll. Wilk NS 11111 ATTORNEY act.sw. ottike in Centre git:set, opposite the &plait:opal Citati!li, l'..nr.yslir , /tisi ACOU J tIaTICH OF Tll6 PKACE rt twirl miens to the collection'. or Accounts; age• an the 4utst2l.tppetiolnkag iti his glare 1.353. 61-1,y•; lAlt.l).—Nlaikvt 31teet Property for isle. latitine Vii JO HA 11. JrAdiEd, Aft. Mark:4 rli leer stove Troth, Pottsville. Vet,. t:t; end boorr, of various 4e rlptious,•tm ti.sust am! 6.sr *Ale tcy tilel. 4 utracittwr, .11.31111.1 11. JAMEtt... • rkrt I•Altret store Tet4lt,l'utiscilte. :ft.,•lt*SY. • • V 4( • . , 1".0. N. IN 11.0k:lhals."L & bunk ./ .e oa tux. - .n Ex.:l:unto. Tamaqua, kein.'s. ui,e, J zu.l drafts fur !Alt as Sit 4,1t1.: of tho Uniun. Alp,. Drafts pays. .t tn.ti litalung Iluu.,a on k.'nglun4: Alt 4 PIS tllsat, ATTORNEY AT LAW LI vt) rt.: 4 vILLE. uitice (TATRA: eStrit, +kola ittut4,*.ute . .I'7( 155 !. 11. I) W C. CLEAV Rally formerly ei the rim of S is. W. Ealtureers. hod iur. ate:: - jest.] eategemehts utttee 00- aptittl se oilier to reitsatife. where he pleAeettia eeethe itiendaref the eh! Arm; sod •:.:1 wee ellty requite the tett kee of one, iirf hit i tre• *Tit: Fr'- ' FRC Stiela, Immediately appetite ''s,ivrt t4ce." I May :3 . 14-6 m • 14.111LLEx ii.leitAßDStAttawnertat Lair atl•Atate ail taitineeelialuiletiletheta With4ll - told ttre. 'tithe ('carte Itt fret, Treat *loot to it. R. Moine' etthre. NOttsillte. Jute I` l. [Jah. 553. 1-le' ti tr • ;;Ti. , •140. SAVER,,ENQINEER and I:sBurve;yor, zitivet Tnrraes. Conti, Street, Folta• I. 4 Eviintantiona, Itep-rtm, Surveys And Nape ~1' M.lll.eP,ca.A. [Ands, Miming Machinery, the tliattrm: native. ,Ateret ior Vaal 4.4 i N. 134/11VMAI.Ilio I.IEIGE:ON DENTESI'. 'Judy, zip. .Cztrtirt MARKET and we.t; .4,dr, Gott dauts tit - {M kt, wbPre tit opettitopt un the Tt ,, th are Dart'arrned: -••••• :.‘mhltr•ttr trans. Ht. r•r... f ~ .t.rl t. 71.13 AIfSCELL:ANEOUS. umaian! Lurvirmn!! Luramen!!! ‘rIE undeptigned ti pie-pitted to furninh hula of White Pine I.etoript to any recent ansi of the large“ *mei , , halting uttatt venti‘it tutus thit are *swing vet.; irtooioo reet or lumber T. J. 1111611 Ai L. Uttu t• - , r.41.•1 NOW COPY 1100E9, N fans Carta . iuT bnitnnere.-lbe Alphabet, Lahr. and Sdittl tian.), made of good Payer s Aud oiled liltrfrrfntly runt, the-other -Copp 1300 1 16-4 ust ..1411 ft: t ttnt and ha dale at IL 11S.NSA.N41 llduk end AtetionerlSture. Jiipt ti, tei9 F NON COMMISSIO N WALINI NOOSE vESTRY: STREET, POTTS YALE. suhisatit.sts-Al* pupated to furnish the Tiede L Nia.hltosis au:l tisztatati,at Philadelptilapr lees kisr:if.ll% tl.f.Jr3) wholtsale 41i retail, best asaer kat Het rr,u.oftetn,rd itf Pultavtite , tn 6 grirtlaktita or sop.-xiol quality. A ho; tight T ratja, sottable rot ana raid. ham ~tutnishatd at short mallet acmt ...a the liavollfr. E . - V A UDE E &SON 11MS_ 4141 BURTON & RSED, tirifOLESALE GROCERS E rwatr of Front and ArcA Bt7etrs, I to ;hr Attention attic merchant, of rniintys whoa vtritirl nr ordering alwa).: or, head a well orrreird stork Tr t.sr., crictilatrrd far the crisintry ittvl.o Tt,y ale t..rnstanliq receiving Rost the irgrl chliarst o;.irtrivi , Fodt.cr, dried civil, batter kc a£r;rh they 4 an - ANTS,' glair ruitniznets at all I.llnvt• • J 9113.1 1 .3.; ?U'S 4'-Oral &tic - N0.19n re ar,,titnitt! Nature and Art hive ualtad their rer•itts triailreze you, at ALLEN'S! Actl:Ehttl:AN t/A11.1.:111", comet of Market atid .-nt,e sttrt.et.s. .Toessattrttb•-t has trturttedto .ro twice the pernithili shame of his toostm,sotE Is xvatty victil Ltagusrteetypts of all rha .tesirls Oslo. -Conte soon in the day. thra,and yOUI .;,! pretty mire to get a chatter to alt. . . Prig' r 4*.111/, tit/e ttOlist aattathwards. Y ti --ItiAllitTlf)lti wade In the pekes of Any t'sptiq Masao t,'.4ses, large Crsse**tta traitors. • A. N. X .15 If Atoll 9. TO SINGING CLASSES. 1 ,11}: •Ailiwciritier Itirb fah tat - nal:en. i Sif KWH, Nr.tV CAP:MINA SACEIA, . M SDERIY'S COLLECTION, 'lThet other MuStc flOolts, Veil ',taw sct, Its silt! fil mit ine nthicntal lOW Sikilicestif, the 1111.213 e propmrios. H. HANNAN'S enven ti and Sintiontry Oct • S, 11153. .v.IFISEI SUPPLY PAPER HANGINGS • • IWO PIECES. rim ode jest received a' freak. vomit); or 1= 4; ,,r ecrihnscricS turray new patters; :trap4.l 4,01,144. n, Jit*.ng which are IVIDe v,pt,;nts a s tow as IS cents I piece, which is 00.. r.tr mit a yard Nit stock of PaPet h-eiv aboUt 10.000piliCei t alict Atli 'trickly is er germ ai ftli tattilld tEI many 00114 in the cola', ;.lict4l.litlbt.te 614. . • • Alio, AL ft -111 .of curtain PArirf, erholesale and rgthil,?ll • B. BANNONT: rtitrap Book wad raper Mare. V.L.54 . • DR. =OMAR DAVIES •- - r.TraiN to Teta rnlhrittattee t bit (fiends, and tbs pahttr.fnr the fiat-wane in_ • ..tep neat he hall IrtriVed fat ,so the 1, Vein, era reerrally thforme them that f»{ nee tweet hung ht ihe f»{ .1 !Alt z.ll at noe rdits.ifle Nana* Albers VA. to • 1••1 enremitting end persone attention to no Pt. , 4•cl,p, OA Int *.continuitere or the mote. t.e ;enable to he removed to tedrentry, wail ne i1irp,14.3 to at thipilt *ern stables: Hemet* Eails 1; u? tlp Fnf iifb or itnaftrVaia ityte. CietrdtteM ptruirme.l /sn. 11, 054. 111;71113ER COAT*. az.* AIi , RoATIS REDUCED PLUCEIRS . [`HE .t.th:tirlher ti,as Juvi zestreAollitt from the k ..Manu*Ltsreno,a4 Env(' itabbri coals sad Ortrtomais. E , 4E - Ins sod Cam •1.4. Mt* , Coven, tt., &c, mouth a Fll ' br surd z.t•aut SD pet mkt. cheap • r 1, 4 e prstrx, Chauct tivrtitauls, SC• n n 4 !.`.11 , 1 SI. Large Home Covers 04 oalr, with a variety of other tadla Rubber Good.. • *r.,l (;letittemena isind.+o.44, t e• , :44itt...10114itoreli,...drivitto sad wen ia#Gltoes, • At B. SAMNA/VS ♦ Cheip Book and , Vartety etote. N.) rumh.t. 1t43 31' Larios, MELODEONS'. ourrass. s litticwitkrrtbt r to upentat a Wattroom for tbir, I.trxer's s'nd ehickising's ceiebiale4 n ".• Adic-,Maa4timed . !d br t kotfloc. tor, • I.lrw.re avicti4beN,Ot v.gry Milight isa,'Gaitata. 4c, tli vely:i: IkL tbsa city priata• Tbir•P tr.MPEltifitt sap,il,l 1,1,0,41 b y s comp/test 7!.?1). 'and Lr it...itryr,,toiA, 3 / 4 11t1 14 plum) be u'i v wyl htt they;/4 . repSee*pted !bey can be • r "I f ---11-BAPENAN. • m rrA l hfcteltair ssitired the Ell. 31 the %Vilna's Ft3r.for. (brit Mimi vns,t est for .o:4' rid( int fit eli 11, N 1 ,3. EWPEACHES—Pitrd maid Val:Arid. (nit kin.i.614111,. 1 Fresh - 141-sa tc w, 14,41.4u5. E" igticaap,/UH, 244,11144, • • • r , nig Ly - - A. BENDY itsoit ian.14,1t.54 - VOL. 'XXX• • • rorrOVILIN IRON *onus. ORO. Sti%SON ft CO. RESPEtif . vm..... 7 rally aatoottre to the. public that they have taken the Eetoblishinetit knows 8 . Itu, vomiting troi Watt* km Not erirelart, where, they ore yrepatedtol halm 41 "tads or steam Engineth manufatterelkeltrititeeri. tt ed Idachthery of almost every *ascription, at the Outten notice.and on the most reAseastsie tome.. —perilous tfillh abroad:, in avant of Steam Iglgiara. wittand It totbelt italtllltliipti) (lie them I Witt,. fors'evica*lne elsestitet e Vitae .11 if mamma mon. watizni. • - 111. VIC cill ItatitlttEltil AN tiOttNet to the public. that they lie the 1 Proptitt ore Witte Fru:tato Airorke,rost Carbon. lately canto* ue by 8. vittlYmina.wherv_ Limy ...outwits to:asanufacture to Wet, at the ahortist At aige. steam toeless. Pussy*, Cost itreskats. - sed m ac hi bt ry of almost any mu or itescriptiolit roe Mill ing or outer parttime. Alsoitattrout tad Willi Carat Iron or Brass Castings orally aims or pattettLi Orden ire respccaully solicited. Ogri. H. FIOLER it BRO:tittlk.: . I=l lEEE FRANKLIN SHOVEL, WORKII:—The name/Meta continue twfuralsb the CuMeta end lietieatit Vag mr. with :r:hoveit 4[lll litugeoit tae leviiit Phil adelphia price*. Att*Atlon is petlk 11y ailed tc. their Coat othavele. t tdi r. re/ Shovelsof Apy site ttl pattern pr,fihraly intended ; • tLEG. a. in-Era a umott 34-t[ av-sm: Au{_ 21, inn IMlj-TpAA , nronAfJ , lls.4t l l VIE eIUSSOK/HEtid re:pectin liyan nuance to dm public, that their ht./. Rolling Mill .re now complecerk•enti in fotropererion, end Met they mi.prepar es to auppsy nit kinds of Mar Iron of varroas mars, which they willMairant to be superior ht quality to say obtained from shored. at the imam priors. Tney also manufacture T Rails, for tbn trim argue etliartir* and i-trenal„ituads. irtlilitog from It to Gil tbs. per yant.made or the best !cute. and• which will be found mach cheaper than the Imported atticte. Being metrical mechanics, sad iseritis aid consid erable expstirnot in the lien business, - they dubs/ Ofln•stsns that they can glee entire satisfaction to purchaerra.and will alto weer It , their ititSrelt to pa. maize home hiarrofitclurre. • i 4 - 11.4.13415, Hint:Staff fr. t 44:4r WASHINGTON IRON WORTS. porraviLLE, PA. .. *llitJ. WREN •r. ilittrii. .1 eityte4luily in vitt ibe attention ni the bewares carom unity tu their New btlichine Anon and lYoundry elected between Cott, and Itall•teall Runny,. awl livritlag ao Norwegian st tt eat, where they tit pri-jiatird tueartnie , fat wait* • Air Machinery niatiaClihtlltan.aual as 'Steam Engine., all kind• utGenting fur Rollins Nitta, gnat and Avow Mill*, Stogie and Double-acting VoloPt.' Coal Breakers, DWI Liase.airl kind; Of Ittol 7 road cawing*, •nth as Chaim for BO and 7 ; • atilt , Frogio;'dia Itches. kg. ; all kinds organ anditiorougni Iron libelling. tieing Practical Uncitaalca.ao anal' bawler attar tbaoiticiando alum : l'ini Baylis* Mole i.Uldy for years. ahat_ait kinds of Machinery, lit it..it fuer of !tntine**, they Batter tberntelgra the 'work -don* at their Ealablionmear willigige aatteraction to all rho witty bonotittent with a r*it. Ali utdetstbang. fultyrecelved and gatiniolly gtecuted on the tialla Iv*. sousale taints. - - JOHN - V. wars. Tilt.t.SLO WREN. *. . 4'4EB WREN. ' Ott 11, lan. ' 40-if CM CZO TO ow. *PIMA' TOES AND OTEIZEts PIONEER-BOILER ; WORKS. t E Sub-jerifers reepeetfulty invite t tic tittett. rue or die kateitieba cmcninnuity to their t Beller works, on the island adjoining the Pioneer Firs. nave, Yottsviile, Pa., where they fere prepared' to entumfaeture BOILERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTiON, smoke Smelts, Air Stacks ' Bleat rapes,. Gasome ters, Drift Cars, &0., are, Boilers on hand. Being permit:el Mechanics arid having for Veare. na devot themselves entirely to this or - Impi. Isc i, nags, they darter 'themselves that rk. done at their establishment veld give maistimbed all who may favor theill with &call. Individualaiatege , I:iatries will End it greatly to their advandagif i r ex *Mite their work before en,gaging elrevrhe : JOHN dr JAMES NQELE. . I 4.-if 1/11M May ; 1853 PRIVATE SALES. miss. Sit swam. atuaqN , . • ng insderaigited offers for safe ebeap, isnd on 1-,reasoaabfir wait gas fern conetstiag of 94 atres neatly AU ander to htehttno: Heavy crops of, Sr:tater gsaka ore in theiround. The Itoprosecoetasleousist of rake good dtrubar bAssf.r, in good repair. another goOd dwetting house sod oat good BUD and other otithulldings• The ptivrtay li located it* , Blythe township, sad W4*oool/01.11y: *wiled Ag Lr. Backer. The (aim eau be divided As suit two purchasers if desired- JOJIN WA NISTA Lk_ 13.—The stork, eonstattag of kh head of : Cuirs. . hogs Asc.. et.. WM he sold' barnediate Iv,. at plittate. side On - Apptiration . Jaa-18, 1854. CM FOR SALE- . i • subscriber offemat private 'Mos hetwiee Obis mid toe first day of April next, the D.WELLIND HOUSE end LOT of HAWN D closeted in the Boa-, of Pottsville, tiebuylltit ei.i•••iy, on Ihr GOZbel 4,-2lailipt and Third Sunk*, in raid Borough', now in the poreemnon and oneupaort Bank li. Outdid, ant edioiniag the property of boo, or taw Joan-Minato, and in the rear a • ...Dog to • "64..furtn Alley,"_ having eroct...2 an 8, sad an Ulm cornet of said Misty and t bird a large and commodious Cott. water** a tzhop, which may very Conveniently be used Oar any other marrow The OMelilisg. Douse hat attached to Wort the netetsery modern 1411.10•Vr . TIIIIII3, intiudiee all the fixtures for burning. 114. 1 tights. The rest of spring water bring Introduced Jatothe yard for family use. It is one of the bast built frame dwelling houees in the Borough of: Putts. I •ville, the whole being wailed out in the best Meneer won the best tied or Ditch. ALSO. Die large. and very commodious Merritt Dwelling House ar Lot of timund situated:, ha the Borough of °reit...dog, an one .of the, cooler* of the Cent ta Squats, In.ald Borough, frontingon ittax• bet .treat, or she Centre Toroplee, and on LMettr attest. and rontalaing.in ftont-on Market Soto, e feet, and in +Scotism . 'regal on Liberty extern', to a Piet wide Alley, SOO feet. Tis tbla proven:4oo at tarbed a large barn and onside. a well of goodl waters, with pump, at or nest - the *Matti door, matins* w lib all the other necessary appirrienaocei• Thel Mime to lbree•siturled.aml very dutiable for any Mod of busineaa,r either public or private. DM Jen 14,154 nzautasiao PRIVATE . ansiptisrcif FOB S.ALE. 4 , TUE subsottbst wilt tell s House and Log,i l ota . to.' on Mattandango Hireet,:ln on'e of the moat pleasant pails of the kistenititv. Tim tat, is . • ti by tl;5 fret deep—irm dwentog Ina ton r•ionts end islet tread condition—and Mere matts Is a amid* on the tear , ands nevor- atite, ur di. of goo 4 water]at tho' duos, which Is an itemnt somi:'lmportnnce now-a-days. For terms. ke „apply. fa'B. P. rommorv. ju t , 7, in.S4 • 1•11 • COAL MINES TO IMASIC...i • •cur, mAtiviov A itr *iiktitoKiN MENT COMPANY. at Traven.an. Nonhtnbrr tabd Courtly. 11 Hilly.* from it.e iSdeque henna Ravel! bating Welt lii)aet lapelled. ate DOW Wooed 40 or_ ter the aunt for L 1 AeE. rho Ttillll Ara aft above watt-level. from e trPli feet to Oiletsteae. a nd: al a bupetfar ftee-bttalag SEI4I.I.NIIIRACITC COAL. kyr of kaput Mei. The Matianery wit) Att be (emitted, so Olt ou t.otlay elit be requited for thai pargete The TSPlletton, 'Naha nay au/ ettaqueliAnnat Raft enediornheet Ins • trifle the Pettaayttratint Cana,. ar tl as tg.prati in aprii,tot the Ettthaportatito, of the Coa wizard iroarttrie propeety. li*spunsiblr Altaers wits have All opportunity o waking favugabls It area, and att: Invited to VlSit Trr vector:, and ihspart Ittcsa !dues, , for luriaer partacutara aPPIe .14.3183 L. Xlollllls - V Yristileat ?dabanoy arid 33.hatook in Iropro4e. • ment Cornparsy, at Tlevottott. Treverton,./onuarr 14, MS • 1-31211.' • Lou SALE- A IR *w THREE•STORY BRICK IfoirSE • i and orrlfr vrthrodle.Properry err Partirikt. i - rrifr sub.erther carers at Private Rale, on tht nous - 1 reasonable leans,' ; his new three-story QUICK DWELLING HOUSE. In Second Street. a fewidoors above Market. Immediately beside the Let Ides -Met Chords, This tine building I. last fora- pitted. and has rue let been used.. It is large. light and airy. has all th e e,,n ee nt Laces Mal a tuauselorener would desire ; DU end Is 1 ° ,71114 ill • Pleases/land vont:et:lL • 11 • eat part of the Wee- Tbeno Ife,neeer-fali. leg well of wst.ellent, Water tht teller .e Very In t nortleit tom/iteration in t he intern: scattily, TERMS— One-tosrth csab r and the balance to- sub the purchaser. provltlrd only it be property -refitted 411.50. Soar Prime fillto roe* on lhitowhitj Si:. trtugsrastely le the MT ,v; The 07,1 X B f ree. ,enentintled. These ire like ,41. r deatrable prorut ties- They can be bad on the Cu,, risy , terra. : Irlr The whole mint*- ' M. B.— . l . lthrs tlesr And kJ:L....Ansloe - . • L. trilkl3llollEPA' • Opptiotte• Lpin - opal Chore L. l'eutit.KL,Tottstilit. bet. 31.1051 • 34.1 t Thszaanta Pli01 1 1:4 4 . 1 1 7 .01 rtriVs- VILLE 4.1" I=RIirATOALE. CHEAP. The Subscriber otters at.Prisate Sateen that tiara of Laud and builditias. known as the Carbon Hitt " Young's Hal ". property ha the Borough of Pottsville, extending from the River Schuylkill above Mr. Lam's - Brewery to the Port Parted road, being *bout 250 yardi iu width and cootattang al acres, more or lees. This property nit whit-said to be invaluable, not only for the purposes oh laA, diog, but aleo as °feting the best locality the Borough, on wilich to erect auttable Water Warp Re supplying la:town with water... Apply at Its am*, corner Coal and Callowhilt St eats GEORGE W. SNYDBR. FM August 27,15:4+ CARAT sainna TO Scup Delirtred miaow; Espen.se. I R . ll. stenorsgst stsperttany aunoinett to the . pantie that!he has rottitesoly *aloud trill Soap and Catidles,of tltt mem moot:mum, at Ole Fumy to Pottsville. which be twill warrant to be optdi dot *314 hers or elsewhere,. &ad at lousepticgfbsa ue le a paret t en a *op .oftser ritibilsbosesa. itt The hidhest nub oasts paid rat * Tattoo', at lets factory, Norenralso *West, Pottssitte, . Noir. 16.1651 • Id-ti i , ITEWIFIBVILIM PATTIGRIIL—Ttar stibeari V bet biljtist received a let at vestibule Poems: 0 1gissisiketiriegri, Calle itoperter to Sal Shills of tbe atwitter offered la thisrectios. daira, COLD ?AVM., ' - Of theists/nand mud brautlitil paiters e, ate eA cis, ork .it , , • 8. BA Cheap Paper sad Vet irts•Etare," • -- ..Iprr RUC givicv.—A. - - aaaitliiAt a dipttidlt *rota of Jule* nivel it Co., ill erteoll sat Oaf, • Ali lb**, *rho west tee Psalm , call :C 25442 aid yariar 4x4 . - Ja5.11,1224 ; • _ 24f; • OOLDBUICWIIPAPSUB.—.A. lovorOad awr Ps *s* tts Ist tot als at. - • • -S. 0010110 ; Cum So" Psprr Dirs. Mum .I*. .... .. . . • . ; . , . • ...--...--.- : ;4.'` 1 ' 3216.04 :1"..... 43 -4- 1 , ovi - -..' .'''''+' .'.." - :4 ' ''' '! '1..:....; ,- .1,....--4.---.:z; , --- , ---..-- I, ."'"'"`'"'''''''`*” • " * ".:7 : t.." .- ;. -, : ' * "'"* :!. :7"". *, •*. * " '-' ' T ‘''"' m :'.''''"*"* "".*::. : 71. --7 -:: ::, .: :::*:: ' '::::: :: :.:...: ~ ..1-;....r. ~.- :.':::". , 7:- .:-.. ~_: *i 4 : : ? ,;..i . ,. :•,:. :. ;* : 1,. '.:,* • ;','• *.;* '' • ~..i;,-i - -.. :'.. •.' : .P:: .. 4• . . - . . .. - . , , • . -.•.•,..„.. I . it. • .. . . s . . . . •• • - .. . . • !:•,, ; , • - _ ~.. %I : - . - - , _•.•,-,..-:!.. , ;;• .---- - ,:- • - , -,.,- .. , 1,--i«- .', ' ' .'6 . ..t ...-.: . 1 , , . , i(i . . . „ , A , ~.."., - , . . • .. ... . , . . . 4.... • , . • . . . ~ i . . i , - -..-4 :..... ' .• • .. . . . ' ' ' - ...,., II „_.,...--...- , ... „. : ' 4 - • t .. ' ."- ..;.; . ..- - - i 1.. . , . _ .. . , ~ ~ . • -. • 1 , . i- t : . - ... ... -k, . . , . `, • Adllib:4 . 41 1 . - . ': '. :.: -...., -, :!, -.'-''.: ..r..4.* . -,_ ..., . i •,. , , .." =ilaU 1 . I *ILL TELCO TOU TO Met TES auvrALAOF FOB ILUITIti AIM WOO ifirtiFOOX TUX OOrt --- 111 " KOMAIS I VOITAU II,I 4 OI ONE irral lioin To 4rll - 11A211:0 . AN D ilittMoX ALL llATvie • To OIR-tISB Awo , ,IALEASIttE--.Dr. I*Aniivit. PUBLISHED EVERY . SATURDAY MORNING. BY BENJAMI_ BA-N, I 4,AN> . POI I TSVII44E's. ScHUYLKI4 ,COtasTY, IiENNSYLVANIA. ES • 801 W 0201M11114 ite l kutocniwir Would teepostAAit istoreetheltas- I &swam Meads sad customers of Sedaytaklt Co. *bat wiz seeeziateatof eleakina rat Tata( gm*w amnia meek Wise than ever. ant tate ass diseased to Irlt airs,. lesessai'llelse at a distaste. hies Ms Palace* ,'or littaitailble Matilda* Papttelaat st note, may do Net ,111/*,i • ' , • IttiTT A BAOTERJG fli Cisstueut $l, retest al ?tith e PlllaA'a. saris!. MO. • *l-0 = CIO! ! ! Ttlit,isortt estimates Asoortiment Clothing hi stshoilkill Colman Otis to Ad per cent. cheerer and better trig* than eau be. poteltseell eitelettete, es At ' t , oLo OAK HALLrearAet ort.:4l4ehothttattolitit.; Stotts -41, t uagalstra asiortworst of PALL And WiNTlitt CEOTRIAti, of the moot fasttioasblo:stfirs„.l* owe oo bled sod wady for sole it privesthst DEPT CO*. PETITION. As Avery ankle fold or this estAblists. weer iireannisetitted la PottavtheOt ts.thereArre, esprit!: Adapted be Oki region. awl .prets great Ad vs sasses tw ponchisters over *it tAe eery isfirder City-etas Cisarsi. ut.4 E TRIAL wilt prove tilts, beyond All &iota, to any who are amigos ea the hit i •hod, taw* wile ease:not yet pottiotavd their FALL or 19INTRR Cloth los. will do well to callawdjadvtrottheteteleeii. An immense vstisty . , SOYA' CLOTIIIN4n 7 , Au table tbr the season . at extremely p ric es. low rs 11expetabitt the OA OLDOAR Haw. car. Met o t Come sod Slstutourodo direets. : ROW ARO T. TAYLOR, proprierof. (LitTarr t SCUTT Ts, co a, teeporttle o ttnoths sad lire _Ooods.) - A 10A8.14—EDWAIID T. TAYLOR, Merchant Stouti respoettntly entthe attention. of hi, uti morouseriertnit and the pantie to Ars Pea owl Witt ier 'Monk. or Cloths, Ciminero. Megan Vesting; ke..neleetel troutibe heat mariortrorbteb tta is pr*- panel to nano op to order. as very ekotterate We**. A naosortmeat orlittovee,gerebterv.dulTentler*. B l ll l Shirt*, iks. . tote= iota* Neer York.Aoltiosoal Veristublotto. Rotuma'', Oct. 1951 t. . -••• SC-11 INSURANCE. OD - INDEVINITT.' rut ',FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP , PRILADELFRIA:.. (No. 10 - 31 theatnittetrostinettr girth 'ids 7 : :DIRECTORS. - akariee ei, Maiteirr, George Rittlarda' "Lhoseas earl," Mordecai D. Lewis, tibiae Wagner,; • Adolphe E. Baste. daisioelOrsot. - David S. Brown. rattle It.anittb, ; glottis Patterson, 4 di:ablest(' irate 11.11drilitil. permeate' or Dotard as every deacriptlrin or property, la toarnandeottatry al rate , as low at are conelatent with ileettrity, the Company nave merited* large Contingent Pond, erttleb with their Captialend PPtalitina 7 .la( 7l 7 faVelfied,ifind anipLe protection to tale &wired. Thl, nuns of tbaColatutayasdannery gat. teNd, as poottebed agreeably to an Act at Assembly. were as follows, *la : . . llortgagee asse,ssa 63 ataxia, Real Relate, 108.3441 PO Cub. ikt.4 Temporary, , - Loaita, • 1145;450 Oa - ii IW,O97'LT -Siete tbelr lacerporstlan, a poled ar.. Milstein years, they tout pelf upwards ate. abiliresitiordan. fret assumed 440111kra.. 1 / 1 111 ,11 1 by fireAberrby afford lug or defter of the advantages oftalinlanteM welt a. the ability sad disposition to ,teeek wit b prompt aeavi all Ilebilitiva. CRIAIII,Es N. RANI:KEIL Preeidant. ! CAARLEd-U. lIANCICSR, Secretary. Tbe subscriber bee Wive a ppoutted :ivied tor the above areationed Imitation. and Is now-prepared to make Insurance, on every description of tsoperty. at tee lowest rates_ _ ANDREW 7111508 L, Agent. Pottsville. Jen 11",.tedi .- • li-it • THIRD MOM& STATIRMS t? Tue, dTATB MUTUAL Etat Led JIARINIE. INISII &AIMS 1`1.16(061.4 of 111111$111t1BIAN1A• Branch offire, 111(11110 1 1TNI'T .I.4treeti PlOnaihelphl*. Asset* Nay 1. 1654 661109,016 , 61 rett*Ttit,lo Al7t7 1 , 1661, 4 1 136.960 66 ligete*t na Luse*, . • :i • 'me iv ezonossork, • toupee go . . ,oases, kr , lncutantr , and ir-q" turpra prevalurns, 67,51:4 . . 1111E11111E11113. ....• , ~, 11i;:3 t ol iv i rsgeg..!etorks art4.4,lttricickd L'' -' ' : I _ : $161,411 itti Preadual•setes„ , 1 .; 170,016 61 4.4.6 on hind. ... ' i • : 17,11110 11 • 'tr •-• /; *— Trani ati'..aresoutt liabre for basset!. SWAM 70 title Company mantes an buildings; perpetually or lltnitra;;also,irnati. kinds Of tnerchandize aad bar whore by the year. be the most remittable terms. ampitoattert:fur Imam mace in the 'beer 4.:Mcoyany are rtrapertfutly eettrite.l by JOHN T. StKetieft, Art. oFFICS-111 CENTRE; Street. 3dtloor above liar , ket. Puttemite. • ranell_l*.s3. mous= vaiunt FARMERS' - IXSZIRA2VCR COMPANY 7..tr.w YORK. Capital sloomo.1: Well and strit4l, tv vrrtrd - 111 - 111F.CTOltd. Ana 4 C. Vat PArtiim, ELlAver Wicciam RESTOS., ", • "Jasres RAU., eillai.f.4l P. daitaris, ,Prtuar ii.DActrit, - Aroma,' W. Tau.. .„111Akc VSDOlta. - . JAlitil W. ralieUlie, ilicast A. arils cuaactalli. 1 N1CW34,6*/$.11.04g0. Joni . d. l sastfia. `4IVFICER A. C: YAP Parres,,,tras'LlJasaaai BettLerestlary. Wm. Macros. Vice Priet.lAssam W. TOLL, Tatar. Menaced Ilsattsion, Luc. fienerskAreni. No. S C:reene street, Torsion N. J. RESTRENCtri. Don. 8: fl. Jehnson, Co., Ju4ge. etchenec Lady . • .1130. F. 004 Abet if, 1). Y. Formal' Coanty. Clerk, " • • Abram A. Van Voral. Mayor. M. Myers, Ri-Mayor' ' . ••D. Wright, Beeisrder; Albany. It. Vas Dyck, Peoprteio - rAtbsav Atlas: • Jaenb G. danders,'Esa. Thomas Clark, Esq., New York. . P,.d ttteiret Ituntance against File, ands's° In land palate on COAL and BOAPI, gone/Inv! to Indladelnbia. New fork.,ana EAtitil Ports, tuned by J F. WHITNEY, Apeot forglcbuylkill Cnonly, Uhtea nest doopto Miners' Bonk. JULlei, 1841, • .264 STOVES - • r . S.-SOW/NIL tit THOLESALE and Retail Dealer la Etats, Tie 1 and 'nohow Were. _ iteaanoencet Obis Airmail and c aroma" that he atilt tollllAllei adding; to his large and splendid ;Kuck of Moira. fae.:a rale*, of uew pattern' of Cooking, Pastor, Ulrike and Hell stores. Ur haa noW the tarsal sad alai; aptendtd rtvca cert ofreltd lit,tbta sealer.; he leant take. r er) body to *Ha of anything, fa hieof anat. to nett and eu.taitue for theateeleee before par; chastity ebetstiete. He eta give pereroteatlideritoo to buyers. lie can Hwsyr supply any blase bougbt at tor ettetdialunent with ode plate,. Vitee,Oltbrle ks„ or repalt theta. Maas his selection anthem" will bs fliond the tinehe INIArr improved, 'lnca, tot Abe last two yt art his proved the beadier" ever used; he be the Amine dist, *captured. of DIM a hear doltule ors; aloes, for Coal or Wood, Warranted to balm; L1E041,011 ead'fry. in the most perfeta tosaneu of the DON air REFUNDED; the New "Wald Cook, the Liberty Cook. the Altar Cook. the Girard Cook, the Detarvare Cook. the Flat-Top,Cotaplete, the Com plete Cook, and a artily of other Cook snores, A tratiety of Patterna and Styles of Pisbir, Cake; and Hill *loves; 'optionally Leap* oa lase assortment ortia add Iron ware.. Iblioldatratid ail kind of wink, wattled la his line of bastnasl4 will be promptly:regraded to:. UOUVER. rod:rine, Rept. r. 2311 M=SOWB riumasts. Far HeatsNg Put!iv Barildsger, Hducts, of IFIESic CES ant blehly recommended by I Hetes/the Partuas,andtba lam tame and Dowsing, as beteg the eery but In aye t they do ant bate the air thrust a foto the raout t bntathe a pleasapubeahhy beau d a petfeet sittleat of Vinattlathati is tehitee te th the ?ornate. They are betel ailed in ill the ehoo !louses, Public Buildings and Private ,arouers genet inout cities. They rosy Miele* sad prise na r t troo sit 4. • ;hyena ENAMELED ZEON MANTELS. We•ltionhlt tall the atttativn,or those lbuul build intro the IMMlCtfkil wick. above aosationed. The . t.lanms4e4 Mirror Matadi Bt. beatalthlitiobald with heath; also rilitOf eat Chamber 'TON Ores alto? -Me moor [SAO lakut deittne and the must kleaestc ha. I.h. We base also anartety patterns of the dist- Veiled bee Amnia* hrbith have been ea' recently Anttodueed. They dirmade In litiiition *file ltheaLtarietles ut stable. such as Esymtasi LaMar!, • Elisio:a, Cothettated had other% sli of. which far . beauty of design, and eaqataith Amish, caanOthe set. 'passed. They ate sold at about half the bat of mat. atod selittocupare fsirotably whh the bass quit. ties of that materiel.' Those which we haws *heady et up, base attracted mach amens% sat .Felted presstoca eche blithest adathatiaa. Ladles andgett. llemen . ire Wilted to asamthe oar Stuck' of Mileteni be lug* purchasing marble - . .EMEII,3OIIII'PIiTENT VENTILATORS Ihr Chia. eibleb jtreiesti Chlmaeys tram Datoktety,aed inik4.ll them dew, annetully Mun. a , mutes of air 4inson the ChlatheY. In toy sliesaloa. r t . Mt. The sabacrlber Webers* antedated Aim fits the of the abase futoacee.MahOtis *l4.lfetallMtote - by the Manarsctatent: la Tohuyiktll estatin. mho rill furnish them at city cub prices, mairiats holy added. . peek* contaleloy drecrlptihos sod tecommeadeiloba cast be had at his Doak &mom" any ittformathaa Tees. ltheelmena eta' be an* at his Warehouse, Mich of the Atoms' Jorrital once. ~ H. BA.N.NAN, ewe Agent (Of debterlkAlikrasty 6.01.111,/BS.; PHILADELPHIA. niCiagignat & intiniant a - 7 ,418 i.7BA32'NVT St t "tiotiorpetto, (tihe nat to s t ) ii.ostobitsbeti pt - ritt,b* Jab M ;LIP VT A.CILEIi e ; 4ren . litatbknaticil laws 55.1127-elourssAhooraOltss• as. Thettootoolets. Tape itleastates. inatuta rohnv, Magic I.starstie_ SW .. 1 a tut.. ottlutsiii tie arsettiostit of eMiirouttli ACHIM ATI ICSOACOPYANktottilopic elidas, &c l ip. - • Pin tieing ao4 illottrotti Cataloguer ara Alt iti she d o !gait loch ad at ot hi WI upee orelharre Mc. 4, : 3 'Sties • - . =Mat AUCtiniers Vi a. 0. 107 IYoith .T.NISD St., (t door 4ettnr- Vire) ' PRI4DELPIIIat. i 1;, as : us ;et c isuatao64 . o: w o. s coti a: Liewistolo t its ** put a n s ue s traisi ou t4bo.,4 tikt : tonizi . weir rm eme 6: 7 1417. 1 I I a i *CI 130411. Ciotti*, Csolitates. dills aid itstli*Voot cumiat jlegtlialltit visit* tile cituottl Sod 4t 0 their Advirstwe to gall list illiade4 Oa sitqlt or Coo& that its said every midst, ._ • . . ' H.s.—Erni sitkistiall gauttotteit sit reps:sin. mi. Oipt:ll4 18,53 - -- ' ' .alit, li g stil i r al lt a l l" aZisistead avail as Petursthe sad Isadlad SailgteCAblaillighitthe ace vagisend astd lit Woad *4 et M 1441110 wou trk. ipsiksget sall**4lo ..su . • t - • IL.lllooAllrikintsaft illawir.• . na1.141411:4 - -'4'N pr. ~,.._:ip_O-T.!myiLL'i:79:pi.- N ER,AT.: ~:z--Afiv:Fjvr..:a.K4" /PBC BOUND ura DIDADRANCE. AISKUTT TOAST COMPANI of Odic* Inc..1!11 casszerrdm Firm Door East of ale •ro4oilt-froitleAtlitlfg.ll3oo,ooo. Ctiarter- Perps.ttral.:l•..Coattatitio make issit lime I. varieties the most fitestaltie terms. - • The ciphiel being laid up aad luireaml.totelllt , vela •liateltiad sostatatitlyuictrating resented fond, *Semis perfect aesnrPy turbo insured.' The follhOlimo MI be paid Yearly, netf-yearly, or Th. titeittinsy and a soaniperludically to the In minstesforilifr,-, The niscaonue„ appropriated to December.iiittotailtint section 84111111 ut thrtetuker. tee. ataututt to .as .rwititiot. of 11,211* an to tens itWi ismaind apart ;the 4dese p..ikleir, making 'OM Vier 'Mill be vein wars It Mall beano* a Oaths. • rotilade 0.4404 lawmen ;Ake 'eat a Via, su; two west in nent4ittataie ford t the - others in the ismelprupOrriott • Salon ot sun time of siiialltnif. which annitlwas *a ow se of toot., than 60 percent . aeon the Mims paid, without Inc/easing the an neal presalhin. • AM avian. • Thomas itintests ".Joan A. Brown, &taloa . D. Danner, John Jay fitsith, Ftrierick. Brown, l&bert PaQiail, , Georgeysktr, JOl/11h Wager. . : John B. Latimer, . • nom P,,4ator, Wharton Lewis, dffeepti T. Bailey. John R. Black " kautphtetil tomainian tahle of rates and expissa tioni.torof fit applicatioo and fanner informannaran he had at WS office, ' • ~ • ' TROSIAS ititiftWAT, President, ' Jove Llitamr. Actuary. re Tee subscriber iv Aleut for the above company IltSheytaliWoottiy, mad *lli effect iesoractes,smt eve Atti vieleaaatity./afot evasion us she-emblem W DANNAN, April a. 1643. ; . • la-lat 11 . 1017111151 Aim LOTS • eld LAWCOfed addietTlON: re) PONT- CARBON. ;VIRE LAWTUSTILLE TILWT is .11. how tato Lots, and will be ' - sold on tenths which will viable every ft induaittotit:ehao to parttime for himself and filially , ' :a.ektUde AM) ROME; - A plectra the property can he emelt:and the tame et st ale horde; 161-tter It by epolleattun et the Ofeesor ,Y , Row.a.att oweN PARRY „Agent; ettheßatitueliy Itanit„ Cantrestreet,PottsVille. liteolitabdi 1033 -334 C caLuesium' meta' EirraTzrart sazi 'Vire dulteettbei offer* to alai at Pfifi4l dale the jrottowteir4secrtbed heal Estate. aliob rearunatire tame , • ". -*" ' 304- Itteltaddirided olle.haltientreat of atithoie tbseertratue litad,sitnate tR thumb-sad Tairmitatt TheeeittiptiTiSchupltilt Wady. which Ware surveyed in !shanty, ON ott wanted. to John Otto. Pelee Plieekilno4John tLiod. "floe 13110111`i. ded one-beirlatriesta ha the Ithav e tiaCti atuotoris t 4151 aeres-I the laid is well wooded with timber a liable, foe railroad lithe and prditis. • Aikkhat %instil' tot of ground sitnateln tad tletsuith . ut. chuylkttl U sers. omit *Lich erectre Ibttlir;#101)! Lliieliterihaltd slltercraesty • OttlAUltdttirt. Thin property:ls now occupied by Lit Lome Itoyari To for one desirous ut pray-redo* medicine litWellikktkittlthiviniast upputtgaity L now ulfsted tome - tate ticoinfortablv boort/lad next reedy lobe met with. : • No, 3. allihateirtela lot of .grauud sherd, hr Poet Carbon, tonfloted and described as follows:-riche- alba at amyl oh the wroth side of Pottsville direet. at a toenerielf the tat belonging to iitlatt Porter. I thence try She halt south twenty-toot and a hair east wee huddled tsar to a kind, thence berth - slay, liseand otoStralfeast ally leech,* post, thence ninth tetentrfoutAirtd one hell wilt one handled feet to pal-settle date t, (tillage Ly Opt MOM /OULU *1” tier I Hid oDrhittF 'Weet: fifty feet to the place otheeirilay. • Igo. 4. A tract Of dist late *Mbar laud, cumulates itcrei,, lEvostr . is Sebuyibill Township, shout three tones Toscartira; la Locust Valley. • • HI titTEit er.T mut. Once la ettkEre Street, Pottsville, directly ..ppatite' the Etitecomi 4:kureh. Yd story tiegrt, 3, .tw. , 21,643 23 43,137 21 MA.NUIitACTUitt.S. IisSATUJIIt • ilniaz Av e uElvvs.r,. Starr:No :211,Nprth THIRD S(.;' Philadeipkia. 4,1110t3.14: iIahUFA4 ruaYYB Carrirrs, .13.11,p0ncr5.4:913110,939.91t4 putrid Leather Ban wholoiliie sad irittaii, 1199actactuty atib Mar- Illuttte Mite9f, Plittadelphin, July 9.19.591: 0350,110 70 • .„.;:, IitIVITVOMMIt. . , *VHF. übdettiatied ret‘pecttutly bra leave to an- Imitate tithe ettlarns of litheylatit Coo nip. and the public lalimaer*l. that they, bate estabiletted a Foundry la West ttaireit, heat the Depot °free Moe 11111asutu4Cto .. , r 0.4 .11-abcut distance rim tae a v aa janetloa of tipd.Ftillatielphia ilt•Deadia sad /aloe it . 1. Ralletia**, *tint flay ere PreParedle execute *Li orders; to _their line orarlieibere,sueb as Frogs, Chalet. &eider R*DrOltdr, Coal Meehan. hart Apse; IlUtlearlart all sleds otteattirip for Ma ;blurry, Ftritiatut Cotter Grate*, Pisgah sheet* 'sad rolota.rhtti Weight*, 4r...;&-e —They are like-. wile 01061.44. f 0 C. 1,14 to palter*, tor order of Masao: gaititatirtai.;Wfotditra will be thsaitfolly wetted' ant paartiutft attended 10, *ad, done la the ben erorkmltallietishher,shd'bit the .moat reasonable tents. iiera t tlroa will beletrived Is recLamse for csatioar; or it customary prior paid in -cubit. • • :..1 . y : b. 0, & 1.. K. KEEFER. N. B.—Wood ' Tatting also dope at abort *wire. Use. 10, 183 0 . 00-dal QM sulaVaitlegnanow Mon wolurs. itirpooN 41c, afttri.. Imn and Unto, Mitinuoiles tespectinily Inform their pet , riots:ll4 the Fluidic gentility, shit t h ey .", twig prepared. at the above El tabliensuent. iti utaier ts eta re dream Engin& afev el y idler PottiOthitiliroad and VitiltiCara,a tad every other description Oita° 4 Wass Caithtes suitable for the Coal autainglivothes buss nese,on the town ItliSol34lhtg tetras. Attoijilowing Cylindets for Siam Yetnese. and liteettine-Work in several.. Repairing gall lIR dm done with neatness and des atch, at tueliitueet price*. AI! work furnished by them win aril Wareented to pelletal welt. They it odd solicit-the custom et those whotney went sr. titles la theiripte tit tins vicinity. An Quiets wilt meet with tali itele anti ptorupt atteotion . - as. W. hiUntION, ii. W. HUDSON . 4!y . liarcb 4180 W SHADIS- stw SIM STOCK. 1964. 41.10.1:ER ' 4 Co., 1 sot. iiiisucAoVasills and Vllholeasie Es/41/ VaDtahsts s WINDOW 'OHM/ES. sia/b-ss:l/s/ COCLICT of SW:ONO *Ad .111,KU duvets. REH4I - as; Ck4f,at's. 4niscapts. Easdrts, Vases, - Ocsolei,lito4asts. 3IORDEBS, ke.. Ot the mart: r eentifel designs and perfection of finish in this Country, and al such LOW PRICE'S as to challenge itt otntipeturon.. Ira and What Iroi lands, Csettuttii. Tispels„ Cords, Brasses, tc.. every sorietrifor City a 7 (unmet Trade. We in vite. an'essultparion of our stock, at the - !aslan t id. W. torntr, ofdtpcond and Arch hoicks, Phi aa'a. Jan. 1 8 ,;1854 - ,r 2 4 rita • NEW InshAanialTlir . MCP, 1' _ - I HE andenliiined beg* leave to Inform die citizen* Pottsvitin and 'vicinity tint be has Opened a new illacasailth's Shop In Beene% Street, between Market and filittinealan, en the tat of ground occu pied in pan Ili Lnerly. sad &hurter Wire OcreeissAantifeerniers. tie Is prepared todp:.a. is kinds : of Scoilles Work,each no' Horae.shoeing; honing Wagons, ace., Mtc. nit°, Mann facture: . of Eirubbint HO?* at Grotind /Was, liners? Picks, Hake*. Sled - Its and Wedge*. tie wneld tie e this unshod of in: tuning the blethanits than he csanutsctorn Stennis. fin msittag Theia.stiticti ere always snide' at the shorten Anti< • .144bilbe MATTER. Pottsvine, Wt. 3. 1843 44-Ant • .. ipegua , seam. IATELL be solitat tilde Sete. at tug resblertor in V V Ocwitit*f. Oe . TUEOVI&V. the thb - dee .of March _West, 1441 bcituttbutel bud kitchen furniture cousistteit lo Spot' , : - . , Tables, • 1-... - I fitetidlot,• , ' Chubb, - .1 .''.' Befiebrad* . , ... tearifi, .: , :i - Ltroktoptitopte, Xiestaitator k &c 4 4 zgr. . • ALB 4. . f . : • .. . a rice Rai Wood Pluck, ' 1 Ilockairtf Vantage.- . • ..‘ . 1 family .:-.. du. . . Seirstat ditia of I.lkronk. with a vacitty'o 1 oth er ankles- 'V, • • i • *Salt tatukatorace at 10 o'clock, A: M. ?emir taadicknotra cktbe day or *Ala by. ' • . ;z • ' 4. IL 01C11.EL. 'Ottitasbotiddaicb 4,104 i .. • l 9.4 t ...11WW13 SAUL. - UTILL berkil4 - at roue law; on THVIISDAY, ;MI 134 ot4dareb, ir3l. at tereclacki as 'We te- Munn at unt:;aanscriber.in Pier/tura iaterieblp, ekbayllult Coalwy, tbt tbilowing property,. ra wit .1 floe Hoe , tillto Cows, two anon*, oaf Aral-Mine Milton, age *piny Martial Inman, Fungal,fler roam Calltawate, Geo Wrabowtea 111111, nee .straw multi Sax, Wbeelbarrew, bate lad peon iterates. Oa" len of Wad - mat flattarse,rsztetY of Cbsbes, abarei* epadre, Hay tad reaaate • Parka, Grabbiag and tletedealteee. - Mimi flay -by tar ton, gnaw and Cartufitader. by itm bundle,. Cara, rota tors sod Iliteliptaat by tne barters of Cider Vlneyar L ig arentw._ y Cider itatrale,large Cop colettle add :ftler rESI3IOII. M. 40, lioureboui end Ytt boea , Fareftere, - and ratkute articles ton balmier wiatlart. ' -' NAL-4M *nave will be sold-wltboul Metre. as cbe subserlbertnee iteltalud the Ortmiat {runnels. Thy caudal** will ba made trals a on *be _day of sale by the tab-lbere, ADAK- citzssmara . ••• . MARV -2 L • , GEORGE'. IL attleaxmi. Pluesiove4j4ildar4b 4,1834 . • p 9 iC • ' AUCTION. IlifilertESTUL-= ' thavralitatrearkit arytt IiVEDNOIIitY *OVUM, jlarcb 39tii;ot tol llaretkek , • . • . - AT TVS C , R1141011 11033E11111, Pill LADELPfiId, Wm be sold. erfteenptially, 7nr cub,. 'collection' we *4 " t " 11 WM tairialea.W 4 l llo4 .4bei Instating 40 41.13liti1rlIVAGONII, **tut" _ 40 inuantlwatMlClowittroot loPor I.llllWrtlia4lLY . 01111. bow, ' aztoir..LlNlCor outlays t4ip Btu, waivits.: or Dustup * celebrated make; and the Val. hue. itont doillrof *o* tett *lateen in Ms city and -• •,_• - , _ ' cle Each Carrkice be-eratemed the. haat those pancbasideireititosi the cabers, tea the en tiro :Affliction thin ye tail to the Wettest bldolee Felt 1110111*1 ra ta ,catabttttea. 1111$4 . rtip3 .141 , tf• • Nay be e ta u&d toe thy etrattoos to eats, ' rum .lheitt a es:mace - ate Intuit:o team the glitis tent take , pineepotilitelytnettir ttkvi! day. "pawn merit tatbe hatter. ' AL/Fittitt 31I• 'FiEft,ENE#B, deitioncer• • Pitll44, MareC4.l44 - wit lifigdgesol4lll64a FjMßOPUSskilaitiltliPlllll4., • ; , s- 110.10miblatir • •-.• _ _ MIS CONIST4IMY H A 0.1104 A SVP - 01 , AA ill slut otztaigPtpa. etteatteal; Blocl lie iletsqs, szWret.lisibikaptirasti. HOS. beitble sea Actirlie Sad Woes thateuit Halve steer Witt waist owl inf SEM 014 01 fie cepa Beth eleillosAlAgpse Ili u m IssAissalk tbsabonsit r N 01 J 11: 10111 Otemaiks zeasiftu* ; . 411.4t SATURDAY - MORNINO, MAIM 18, 1854: !MM R&AL ESTATE. PUBLIC SALES. 200 maw dasutuunts MEN = MEI IvI'ANtJFACTURES. Ff'l_ „sopa lei Ustifuline "ohtstioutil yea:legs to every welt forslitisdboaso. Tee, &best attafrogeets to ha &on Rost the top of tbOtt.thdoot. es WU bob,. up from the bottnaz, OX tyX sispeaded et aurvoist betorfrei givin tad ale wet% requited, atfottlist twee, opplittuotty of 'tinning them trust the. gout; Melt are as simple .in itet.agettotot 84410,04 As t heap - es tee stiltoarp blind ; 4 1 ask ,fit.titst pee tett Oat risottos tkaut eefeet psttle.tike, est to poor Mese*, Seed atotee,'Clitt tA)ralees, tithes see rtsa,l,lltthults.llte. Ake. Lerrootes emetics too *ell tritstaluti Wince 16014 XXt WititutliNO Window s'eroutt.Notesustettatsti to otder t tethottilitty LontiPtopitl,t pistol ' . Wttotesaletod Retail Itotior, N0.1411.41th Eighth 81.4 ti drat helot! tdatio4PeilesEa. Noy St .1803. ' • • " *l-1 r soma= TUrnmor. otwoco„ Lilteritali 11 alf OE "Militia LV/ Sibf at bctk'oF Old Kiiat4iftd _ POTTS VII; kg. •-• . 'rho rumptttfulti , nteetees' ate,re of the welt kungen- estebliitisnEtit,tba he will c4 ! atinue.oe amparva.mita *ran kw.* !NatiOCCIII, •-- '. - , , *cob a* 1114. Baal/a, Freata kliXitilteti, abet, Hat la *at eluding*. Plat 4-atlas*, ake , ata.., rad *platoon tarots, bare via , amid $ abaata4 asaaritaesa at AO bald* of , . 1;a ' ' ' LEATHER, Ruch as bakSanied, and Red Sate Leather, Slaugh ter Ripe, Ftenebabd OF pact loathes . 'And a - ,a►ieq of whoa I twilit,. each as Tbrea44. Nana, Pegs. Ciato t. kg" ke., ati-ot wairt will be gold at the LOWEN't Cada PRICE4S. ' • JOHN L. lIINNIO. Er Altitude of Maze. 'Web oriAtirrep,Oorkt. peer, sow, 4voioc,re,teri hi eAakaage for Letibar, at th e bijgbytt outer pace', Orspeld Cm" is eAdli. Potteetete, QeL tO , • : eeieir 'To - 140111TWORIST . 7 911111211101 liceLkil6A PEILEIMAIX4 PERSIIDIESY; _ . 8VE7161. Prialgibialaatatartiotenaisismed to 6. 1.3 OtELAIN fOtjOe atitxtrito' retallintY. Feat, Soaps atiefiteatritices,try ctiffavagat institutes daring the 434 six , , E. fiIeCLAIN, Vanufacittriejana Imputter of the following uncles, Gamely :—liia'aelebntail Vegetattie Hair OH, Bear's 01), Beers Stireeßar.aad Ltistret,'&e., TO Meseta tilde lot ettrtete forth" fiaitterstitef; Colagnea,Tootti ;nate/. se. t!iileo, his, aotivalleo Magnetic, Halle) Witleof, tYalaat, sad of usher rangy Idosjoh.fo tesitilas or oh- slog ; Pearl Powder. Lily . hits, Abibeittell Poo.tet Pore; Oahe/41UL Hitt, atizelig and TtiAtti ea Pott Moottater:.Oreasinj, t'4ltet, &ad Floe tooth Combs; ait of which can be . parchageit thicatO fop cash at Fu. add Nottbeethifttelete Wow hue, 411 a. defohts. N. B.—A IlheutidiisoAnt to ilthEtto. tiopt.. la, iti33. .(May '6311-10m), raitesat i 8 Goza.;;wEATEurr. • 1341ata liJets Direct Ant St. Lows. .1 rirtidOlse ererathi:lirst.rett Balkh" Robes, Intl the comibt Wititri.,csim be sappjMQ theep st the itub ssi deer's. A limo. **torment or tuttais .slies.;aed ill at the bees snailty. Just merited Sheeny from Ss. Louis. Sloes and . thenble Ciartate liattiesi.SElvernanurt red Sad unshed Ln the bandentonat etyle.siwsys an„ hand. Also. tar betty trerne.'neantireeturrol of the best materials, ettdni and drambie. daddlee. bridles, ind ell sorts - trappings vaunts& to the saddleiya • auensess, keiit constantly ready ebkrale at made to order.. Harness saltshle;.fitr'Collitiy toVipases on inusl, cm madam order at slam sinker. H Orders ter Ileiness. &a...promptly suppik.d: on reavunenle terms.. 1.. wommsuouri.; clansman errlsetaal Church. Crain. fit.. Pottsville. bee. to, 1.03. - [tt-1,1 i , 5114 r . QM sorsa nails: IBINOVED sl4l*. ':..PREBE II A rit PACTVIIESS.fiId EINIEULEO' sod • idEA.VElid,' 40. D OCK duets, b ;traproired t Pre IS hilt drew iptorusietti *Wu ltd si,fle SEAL tgfidAsti briap • superior irri• timbals NMI the 34 not, 4ety to:ipe part of order.. Price of tress and Seal. coinptete, from pita CO; pitos varying aicardiEti td !Oen or Press. aitd work on the deal. ;le Ordersoveeived ibroSiti esell;.prompsly attended tooted Presses Se ntioany put oiltbe count ry., deft. 14.1853. • ' 37-Eut EMI CI6S4TIVIITifit !MD TIMISZEIRIL QUITO & DOW ti iNG harlot bid Vet y comildere• i?tgencperience define Fitter*. MS treat. coandenre in aftring their iterative to the ciriaeas of rotteviiiv• They hay* commented ... business tin their omit ac= errant, in the besenarint Oftpe budding/Imb* Marra' J.M.ritei °diet, *bete ail orders., either" for asitsfit tbs t,r repatriyg, nay be tett end 4 hey 'will ietebte 'be most prompt attention: Their ! pipes and other =notate *bail be of the very beet bind, and their Fbilnp of every description thee ; may be desired. writ be fttentshed end pea up in a woramenlike nai l/et aria at the "bonsai possible notice. DOW NINO 74 U kinds of Gifige eneks. Water Cocks, Atril4l COeti. OLI COO, Oil and Klima. 43i an Si spa, constant ly on nand. Alk kinds of work fr Blass dons** the anancst notice. Nov. V. 1357 coact • . r1411:1 Subactiber.belag about tw:initoduee Steam 1 Posses and ethkrmiee e et:sisal* • fheilithes tif nis already extensive 'Es- tablertiment, - teener the attention', 4 1 - ibv public ten is mantifactu re of Coich ea, Wagons and Veniater nr every description. Ifialeig teary department or the Coach-making business sit band, employing only the best worraten. - snd using the bait materials, dealetd may be Mire of muting satisfactory wort. Vehicles of assay ityte and natelt made %under:— Repairs -orally and ruhatrutletly 'tione, *Orden from ablaut promptly attended to, er Mb*. Morris' ailitsuoa, Ernite;al.. nearly oppo. site the Uri dtore, Puttaittie GEOlifte JENNllitte. lithrciste,lo3. 111-tt FrtnE 80*cl/hal , announces 101 his Iftlelido sad the public Mot be has made a considerable addition to hia.Dook. dingle - 17, and has procuttd a Book Binder from one of Umbria I.lliiiletlca lit Phila. , Phila delphia, acquainted *ith the iiiiakomile of 'aisiiitti. and who we'll lament his work nit superior to any thing brretufore produced in rottivlllt. Bookabitend in any style or Eillaili p g. e !cher' Plop: cie Ma fell all, Turley Morocco. z . • is Meet Douai pairtif or plain. made , to soy paucin, alai printed And 'mkt at pisceii hi* erilnio In the City. ' - .. , , , lioolt* bound try., the yowl! y. and Paper toted Ili rattern by - 1 • :.' IL 838:gi.N... Apill 3. 111.4%. . 14— t • ," _ _. , A U. who want &AEI of the tBll 'COLL!** & CU. usaket should be paftttutar to itiotare the SWOPe. as there are *attune counted:ma- and tuatatiene *tamped Collins and labelled much like oars, *tact , are fraudulently midriff. some , parts of the United &ate* as our mermfactote. They aie made in dinar. ma pans .4 the *.fuetry by saikai*-ate-isaters, and ore generally at very inferior quality. The getansie Ealttnaaze*,Whichllaid **gutted each *a tateenatie repetition. are invartalbly *tamped "CULLINGs CO. HARTFOIib." lade:felt ate Moo printed label wall my *Wafture. it is wow =Of* Ibis TVISIrSt- EMS Vilma* since sirs coma:eared the hammer* with the Magna of , "Coltlui & Co., Hartford," and I do sift thaw of any other /1.1i . -olaksi by th e name of Coatis tit the grates. COLLIN tY,i August 20, 1221. li-ly PORT -OARLICiR SOAP AND CANDLE I✓AC2ORY. subscriber announces to the public. that he 1 etranefeetures all triads or Soap;sied Cabinet' al his Factory.: in Puri carton. Bettaylkitt Colrain which be wilt iarraat to ter equal ID quality to any obtained atenradsand tet lower:pate* ilia» aim larartictirs eau be purchased in Ybilsdelphla of else where. Tao bigness market price for tallow wilt be paid in cash at bra ractosy, - way - Ortobee t11,1!153.4 • Cottage Earatture.! subseriber hi sicatiriss fiery the best Kaua i. gactories Ls the 4417,a tato lot af.Co' ttate &imi tate of the latssta asoat beardtrul Patteres,sto beetle; what. anti. all of Flitch will bi sold at ehy priors, sustain *OWL iiiatso trees ea haaCtiId•MIIIIUISCiII rya to order, eh luta. et ifousehold &Mihaly,' • .• at the latess, most taibionslihrend dish; ' Patterns; all of which cats be exasultied it his Want itoonsideorair of Centre sad Union meets, hearty opposite the Episcopal Church-41"# which will at sold at the Ittrylowei; flat,. T ' • ' • • BENE eags#,lNoi 44-tt April i, 1653 macs mamas uzieureta. _ THE allittlCillaßit UAYI tl FET. tea upon* of the tirtgeat Coach dbopa -•- la tba Suite. bcgoallittert.Pottartile • a.,ll,3tialei.ll. Adopt Co.."*Streisi Factory. *bete blot tacilltlea tor saaaafattlatiag all citable( Catriapastuf tag by Wanosa titaaat be mar. pastlett—,balsti.• practical Ilectuate. get iuti!lig a ttastbeto( ram' *aperients isolts blialataa.bicaapaa to Ebro geartralcatistattlea: Agt abuts ot.caatisaia* altd4.lolWatoatt kept as Atachwassad.ttaail Watrata t ie., • - titl tipatas *catty do** Matta Waste 1.(12:sla a wispily =calla tat - rulownievstas B 4= ll3lllTh r , ' manmsont 'ricsprettuit7 aitresiete 10 tlis 11. peak that he Itespascheied elatisatte,4soo , f the late Graf of &aka & o,eitiaseeti .555 555, 4 4 4 canter oath* Platatitag besieges lb ail to bruithes• at the old 111ka4 seder tire Pitthrritli tionee.tehers be bap01.53 suitattaa ta beehiies.fia tat, be Able to twit* share Gnu pabite pairseete, .7.11 a wilt gear aatee bit grotto batilitioPitiaSarils be dose ea as yea woe* le tate i s e ea* be tion_eiclaele hoe. • • 1. - ' ' itt _ latest 1833. - • 534 WOUB '4X4U.c SQL . . Istrentsue4 are *ow fnpanitto SU all or -1 den ter OW sow Ina screen)/ uncle of Sevens. Truk octane an woven amain Ina lealitatlanle teittinton ratrotair de - trite It en dean:tette* Roan et erniplasond of name aseenomes morla ream dives of ammo% sad itaratithy. no* sit *Men Wen Oland to thie paidl4.• Spetiono of likoteen. nit at eltikano is sent oat tat earatrare = gouty, NAKIIRT of 1114not-a.4 ' --Autrkgia, lhit.110,„11114 •r• - OW 460 1 saint =nary rimmi!ri 111111`A a •. cut* . 114 f * l . l ;uk!ciP. NMI mrruitir iK taill;lfiet4 ittr. j"aura** Owl mat* tquasingita. lII*. Is. venter QUM' splebratedrioesswer. ireertjartay wta sad Magic Bowl Toupee:ea. Isairettlies tr. - tubas Wire wad &entreaties iro the.lll WOO bead s web aczeracy; - .„j. . . • Far Wigs, s Bei,tsq, Ya . , f Ttta mad or tbs;rio. I Eros Amelia& - • head. I ' *sea seat sami l ic •t Float reteboltdoverj.- &Over rotretad, • , !Radio busk.: tar as ;squired. • -3 : ffresever measurer; 3 Over tee crown 7or ibe 10 P. Let bawl. it Prom tarts eat eft' . tee fistabtail, . , • K. DOLLAILDIsra always reedy for ask a *piebald arose of aeirt's .Wtss.Toispeste, Ladles. Wire. Sett Viet. Iblests, &ratite. Costs. etc, twirialllttly masa tiod as cbvalt ps sag estsgatalitsist is the taloa: j , . DOLLlULlVittarbastast titstraet Of Lamm* &air Toe la, prepared traw,ltosab Alearicajtrbaiisi roots. the moat iseccarrial orticLe avatar d for brow via* tea bait Oirai Tollila eat or sanitise color. re. -Motu. and penserintat h to tad etzutlest fiats. item; caber reaeolia wee aullabrabair cut. ltegilidaos wialetitas lie nameneeflarity. is the Obid at tonic la applibil to to bead at hat, cat at his eatablistitaciri,,Cositeeture y et kept es , baiter preservation area under any *leer looms ay. ;illative- It bets* tees octant -ally Witt., by Owe., made- are a the greatest georeety of its eatery. • Sold weolesale aridettail el els otdostabietessetit. 17?Cali8Tiyl1Tdi..oppoodetibeilide Briteit, flab tritilt& - bal'as taitdiscovetedles or piss ultra oroll.ll. DVS sad 11OLOWISCIS it rot isle„ with perfect atiaddesee is its sernaeslvit eieryteltig or the kledeow la use. It colors the bait cheer black or' brews, tee gay be desired.) and It tail witkaitt sip ii 2 10, to Or Jai, or sibs either by meta or iober. - wise, I oat be wasted off n tea allantra &lief spot , viten,. 'reboot dettietine from its tikes,. - Permute visiting the chy are ter ii ta tier elm coil Lol -1 tee addreaseito 31.1H - 11r.biltr. C*ettOat. !Uteri. Ptilladetphis.willreceiveatiention: j hilt 13, lIRS3 7 30771 v • SUINOVAL - AND dwax itUtPtett ANDTTRA eT,IVB KT OtoK • NORMS Ir. UALLOWIKLia *"CO, * PHILADELPILTA, samoireu inert Met, Oplrsiglif eery liwgretiouegoiorsuce No. 147./dittet. sod No ll Nora roarlb street, are opening rot the dories isogonic ** Silk enstagent. of *IA 0001116 - that, to carat and Iteriety, will easpuss - Lay Alco.k ever offered 311 thet Altittt. Entering into their new *tom which Maimed' the LARGEST IN Akt ER IRA.. with *homes* of an untwist amount already telabtirtted, sad a:lending largely to !tortoise er- Pselaiii with those who buy FOR CAS/I, and be lieving thus the fakeer system in) 'thing goods is to base UNIFORM PRICES, they will be compelled to app et such *melee profit* then eta possibly be forged whets lung ctedire me goon. ' • • the their CASH AND SHORT CRIEMT sYslem the neetsmlty for thug - ins large profits; dos not ex ist. tad by *tiling their goals at* very small sesame oa the foreign east, they intend to mane it the fates- led opus tbe (al erting iCRMBt Chef SU TEAS iiiht.cceive a dliccarnt of AIX pet e„ t ,t,,tg the sassy be palate' per funds, within ten Attyo /MN date of bill. • linear/rent money will only be talt.n at its market valet uts the day it Is received. To merchants of undoubted standing a credit of OIX asoatbs *rill be glirea•if desired. Where money is recanted In Meaner of maturity a diseases at ibtt titteet TWELVE PER CENT. per tannin will be allowed. They abk tram metchents visiting the gaiterh lea. the favor ofatie 'gemination of their stock, twiny satisfied that they wilt be continued text it Is ad for their thier e st to pay ibe title piotite that ate' A 054). LITTEL% ESSENTIAL to those who giro lung c ie• this. IM. L. UlLuawaLt. A. W. tarn B,•L HeetowcbE. .T. alvvrix,' R. E. liurcalirale, 3•2.Taiet'Ailt. - 1ab:14,1854 Seta THE'llailicilbera 'Jilin(' your , _it StoeCtif OIL. C&NDLES AND"...!riOiLF:ashiCh they aloe at the lowest market rates. CONPTANT— LT FOR SALE . Steseheit and Neutral Winter and Spring Sperm 31t, - ilinached Whiter and Spring Lard Oil. 'Con Whit* Winter Soler Olt, Matched Elephant Oil. (Winter and Sprtoe.) Becalmed North Wes. Coast end Polar W ante Oil. Winter and Opting White Oil, bleached, Stream (husk and Tanners' OH, Machinery led Greasing-Oil, . , New NedU , rd Sperm Candles, Pale ntrottehed Sperm Candlee,(Coloredand Plain) Wearies Candies, • . , „ Price'aPaterti Candies t (ler width writ.re Role Ant's) Crystalline sad Polished Candies. Pal the above Caudle, we reteived the &nt pendant (a Silver Me. dal') from the Franklin institute, end a Diploma ream the Bate Atrricalterat Soelet#,at their late ex Whitlow'. Toilet Almond and other Fatty elents.. - Yellow. Brown, White and esetlie deep,- a Refined Spermaceti in Caton, • HOLM St 71 Nor4r Wharves, third siore•aboire ARC , II Rtptet.,PhiltialelstA: • : 11We, Kay 12.1/13: PM PER CENT., SAYING FUND., Chartered 83, the State orPtunr#l ,. van , 1941 caritas. sraca•#SSO,ooo: • , • r 1 tH£ 3A.91140 ruxu of the National Safely east , pany, No. AI Walant Street,twu dusts above Tblrd,Pititadelphic to open every day Duca 9 o'clock A. IL, to It'elort,P.. M., Lad oar Monday and Thurs day evenlareantillateelock. Title Institatidn Is welt Yawn vs oar of the satin dad best managed to Wits country, and µSri rive Per Cent. Interest as stoney paid la there, Dom the day 01 deposit. • , Ray sum from aim dollar, upwards is linefeed, and all sent. lugs or small, ate paid back on- demand,' 9toto notice, to any amount The IAVINO FUND has .4tri trages,Grettad heats, tadatber Brat etas Investwerds all well secured. amounting to bays st#lire of J*llsre for the 'tactility of deposttors. - Otter Piti. PI Walnut direet,adoore &twee • 110 N. GENET L. BENNER, Piestdent. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, vice Prestdiat_ Tilos. T. Hawes. Actuary. WARD Dl' REFEREES- Iion Wm. filehards, Puttasowa s J • 0- oAseepee Esq., &Motor the Lifer, Fottatawn ; J. h 3. ncha' nemesis Esq.. Editor of the Xs eteeftet,Sliippacit Ewe blamer. PA., itittoi ash.. Farms's Prised Sitairowe Hon. in lobes. late Mayor it Phila delphia; lieu. Joke Robles, Jr., member of Cut• tress. distrla,Pa. How: James Pete,. late Post sower uf Philtdeptsla ; Mat. Pramagsaa. Ids Governor or Nrwr Jerry; ;ohm, G. Brown , Esq. , Pottsville i Frederick taner, eve.: Readier- Plittairc. ttk.'i4 11,'53 p 1.44..- • Vow. la, Wr et.* & Co tr4.a4 New V 0.11., bast r opened s Atmore/rest Ca 54444 and Newt Starr. at 171 ANA Street, nitmleipbta. between Niatb and o.ettenta elreers, and ate Prepaved so furnish all their warts on brenology. Pbeviology, Wetre Cute, Nat nittiain and tbaivapaphy at Na. litirk priers, . Professional Etensinstionsosita egergs and fait written dsperititionv of chsretter, given day and evening. Cabinet free to visitors. Philaikinbis.Dee. St. 1'351 • - DAUS & CUL= Deatertia . LAMPS, LANTERNS h CHANDELIERS • E. termer Fai;rth and Chforgr'Sisr, • PHILADELPHIA, HAVING ratans* aid 'sn i p:eve* Moll Pilate, and basing Ilse Eargest 10.14.11taetel. of Lamps ko Plias. detpbts, &arise Doss reposed to fotnetb Nos Oil, CAMPOGNE, SUANINCI FLOW. • • Ethereal oil. ?bosom* Gas sod Lard oil; Lamp... Lam terns, of *0 Strum Taney ficilel and. Galt imam Clasaideltata. IGltatutalis. estutelbsas, an* Britannia Way*, .** that Mainfactureta• lowest prices. Glani Way* by Om paeans, at *swift advct ova ir Mac- e** Oat*, &Aug huge idansfastatetra sze of Plum OH. Santini flal4. Ethereal oh, Alcohol. and Oho- only 010 Itosge** Gan, 'they sad furnish !bele anleha it auk - triCldt that atatsbatio Gad it to their ad. tufty to boy.. Call befits galas Slorebers, If yen want lottrins. Atioti.tbi gars* fl id tasty for fletlt. 1. IW. J. eons). CatteCillget To A. Fur, No, 161 CHES 2 NUT ! St rift ,S: sraana'l inirdin, PHILAbELPIIIA, MildiC4ll2Lialligilasd Desist is lesewst Intrastate of tufty deitipdas. •• Illetaairs Steal rat th e sale of Hai ls& Der to is Co.'' iSoiltdarraexur lissirluudall Sams distiss and stli• er 11/1104. Lotilleett'a itatthair Pi awls. Ideluderial; Marries . Gaiters. Harp. Violist, ahead Reef, ltigtie.suk lisalte, we. • •• Reddest* of the thasurtettl b supplied by: wad err: her with guy Notsic they easy whir, at is taw musses if wirehaired is pewee. fisitiag sae of the largeassuices is the laseted &Mit. i fast east . dent of eatisfylsi all who way lewd airy rib * call or other. • - • tiltalseilli Made *applies es dor erste liberal renia, tithes 10 iti. Secsait-trisil Piasestar sale. flgl4: tB' • LAMA ma, mos parr; au. covißs, • .Minufai_,,, A urtd by Fitt NCIS S. LEwis et Co, k by Lions, Jjocts , Co., 135 Seeth'irtoTt — Stieet;Philetlelphfiii. - Orden ttankfully temitri-W—lftiocivitit attended to,otaruneedi to ebre isti,faciton, see -03trer4 (Ur sate co the most liberal tersos. - Fat .samples sad patina*" *sue illildrem as Jen. 14,1ra COMMENCIALL naztrvT.E. • to awns stmt. naskioda.. TV S bigme-bes tusks an— _ • 11001.11ZSPINO,. - • warns° • ,„ 0011104UXIL caLmenoia Gram DitLY asias twd,a7. ritit.Tll l 9p) . MX Ot IMO smolt. • ' • -111. 2144311111MIXOSS*Wpat , -: lisAll,ll6ll MI BCII . r, IN NEW We have in our possession a most remark. able dreurnent. - It is a Tabular Vitti.tf the Roman' Catholic - *hoots and Imstititiodp, both these held durin g th e week and, those held oa the-Sabbath, tti the city nikiewVork. 'cletuding-parlem. This docucurat was pre paresi-ty knistwortity person, wild wok pains to visit all these , schools, and make the .requisite. inquiries on i the spot.: We btre no.doubt it is as accUrate as it t 9 pos t sibie tb more such, a 'statement. We; wilt giie a snitura t y of this document iu as tent kw remarks: - I t o wti w w a i m ea t ri h di. es t i a: o ota T i i . h.: . .i7 4 . 4 e itese t Cl : i e i lua l Q i: ta c be c h ac la ran es 'u a l d it l t s : 4l-P u i s l' a c : : ri l a ti l l a tli s d ctl'l s p hea n: t f l ‘ r ti , a t t i l ed a r i ae e: cent, St. Bridget, St. -Nicholas, 4t. Arnie, Si: -' trick (the cathedral), St.„Tobta the Baptist, ,Stephed, arc. . The kittinber of these .xhools Whieh lit &boarders as well ai-day senolare. is iii the nuMber or boarders Is nine hiiittizeti a • %twenty; • ' • • 3.: The ktumber or pupils is tea thdtirand and stity-one, including the nine hundred and event}; 4. Thu nrituten.of youth in the Stinday-' schools attached to these churches,' and held we believe c in the same schoot.rooras, isame thousand sa hundred and • 5. ,Thedumber of teachers-in these schoOls male and ieraale, i¢ one hundred anti--forty three; I 2 7. Itiisstenty.tvris schools the tistruction is,in ; an lour it. is iii -English and Gesmau-; tis'atte is In French nd Eaglish; and' in one it is in German. S. The imehers belong toff l five orders: Christian Brothers, 'Sisters of Charity, Acc. . 9. 'Foutol titre schools are Called 1 4 Dis triet &heels." sad receive aid, if we are rightly,infOtned, from the public - treasury_! There are( unless we Itafe.be4u ousititc . .4-rnetl) the schools Of St. Miry's, - Si. Franci4 Xa .vierS, St. nitricliN,,and St. Vincent de:Nul. We belierr' hat Mr. Ketctium explained this in his speech last summer. (See American andForeigti . Christian Union'ior the Month PI 10. in several of these schools are,' chil dren lielunging to various Protestant iftitaout 7 ' inatiOns ! How many, it is not possdile to ascertain ; hut the number is believed to he considerable; And this in a'-city where no Protestant family Can possibly live very rc mrite, from agood Public School, in whatever may be taught; or nut taught; as is ..regards religion, their children ertruld dot be - I exposed ,ty.'_he made acquainted with the rdreadful rift:its of Rome. 11.. , "1u hot one of these twenty-eight schools, it is beheved,-ts et her the Bible i.r the New Testament read i y the scholars, ilr read to them * by the teacher . > !" When OH: Protestant version is - used la any public school, the 'Rontisli literarily cry out: thai this is sectarianism ! Wheu the Bible is I put away . ect: please them; then they cry out that *ti f selinci,t =has become Gottlen! Baj when they establish their own seltoolitex- Firmly the-ground that the Public "SCLools are Godless; then they'will slut - use in -them even the Donay version, or any other ! Si true is it that Rome dreads the , Bible, in atii, translation, whatever! To this conciusiou 1 we have to trome at last... 12. 'These baoks:used in these Sehoulii ;Me elementary pOniers, sfrelling.boolt., eat eehisms, grammars, eograplites, &c., about which - there- is liule to say. Oecaoujtally, one finds in the keogtaphy. used ('that of Pim cock), some statements which Show. as tir be expecteil,a Romish hies ; but in the Main the boot is stifficiently correct. , The readiii,i books forma : Au these schools are three:=The Third. Book cof Reading Lassoes A !Nevi. Treatise on the Dittp:Rf alChristian tuWards God'; and the Doctrinal and scripturnft- Cat:: tehistni of :Instructions 'real the , Principal Truths tit Christian Religiou.l, The first of these books was compiled by the " Brothers of the 'Christian' -The second zs "an enlarged and implored verism of Met original work of the Venera. We J. B. de MI Salle.:fouuder Of the Chris den Schools,r'; 'The transtaturn is. trune the Pen of Mrs. '„T t ..Saillier,. The croons-a trans- lotion also t Mrs. Sidlier) loud the drigi.. gloat French work of the Rev. P. Collet.— The. first is acellection of pieces fur reading in schools, add. has but little that is objee tionable in ik character. The last two are of course full of- the peculiar doctrines; and praCtices of 'the Roman Catholic Chureh.-4 They are duddeeimo vialurnes of some :10 or +WO pages; - The third aad last, we isilf only add. Is ti-very complete and minute ex-, hitation of the dogmas nod stoner - sett is ut the Roman CathnliC Church oil every topic ;sups... - posed to he cranneeted with the Christians t•y3: rem oftaith and morals.- ',All the eNCI,IISIVY nest ot Rome is here fully developed and inculcated, a, well as in the 'smaller Ctite. chisms. The add is taught that there is no'kleation but of the Church (id Rtitne), and there's Oa hope tor what ;he Balls sties and scistrialics." No less• - than twenty-two pages of this Doctrinal and Culp. tiaraTenteclusmare devoted to thosubjeet of Baptism, seven to Confirmation. forty-seven •to the ;Eucharist, thirty to PCDaDC4; ; „aftd thirty to 'other; subjects. The reader will conclude teem this that the work descends to the usuatexCrlanatiiins and subtle di zinc= ' tions of the ttotnish Doctors. . ' We shaltspeak much more lolly at aboilf er tote about the bi3oks used in these scitteil.s. Our chief objeet-now is to. give our, renders some idea of the character of the instiue; tion fn the-schools - for which the. Runtish Hierttichy demanded the aid of the Stales of Nev York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio! Pen - nsylvacup, Maryland, New Jersey:: and California, histOmer, nod. will demand ii again ! It our opinion that the State should aid no , sectarian schools,: - whether Protestant or Winton. Catholic. Butwe. are opposed to excluding the Bible, for the :silo ple.teason that this a Christian cuitfory; and it is extraordinary minuet it the Book which all Wholear the Christian tiamei aT na.he the true, source of Christianlty. 14 niit read by err to the south in our schools.--: It Rcanantsti do ant fikd " Kiog James': Ver.: siren," as ti'iis let theta have any, which they may prefer. But we pMtest against their!being allowed to drive the: Ili Me out - of oar- public sehuols,'which - even' then they cannot conscientiously patronizes but must bairi their own—for- which thee clamor for piblic aid! Let Protestants Stand united and Arai on this subject. We want no sectarian instruction in public schools tor the benefit of either -Protestanpism ur suntan? ism : but we believe that the great facts of Christianityois well'as the meat principles of Christian morals , can be learned from the Word of God, in sehools, , withoit the nitro; ducti on of What.is ; properly speakitig:.-kee-r -tarituaiSm.—Am. and For. Chr i s/ion I.7nun.: 50 Igt Maitataat , . • ' Qh, if there be onethour, urtueh mote - Than any the cocci a parent's presence, .; 'To that which g'Pt 4i his child lawny SNIP halt ! - She shonitt.4o! send hvibLes,:ng 'aim upon her btiNßt3aed' 'f " Witham attesting hex; then tiny 'the g-0 With perk:lloam and cheetly take with her , • The bon ions cti 1U k eise - " ' 11:71risc i following anecdote , of - the fete Daniel Nebster, says the Rev. E.: N. kirk, .1 an iiiithoriied from his own lips to Pay is authentic, Being.asked by a Eattariati gen demeti whether he believed that three and tiro Were the sine thine be replied in * rrisaaef perfentlichat i . actertsuc, as it disposes of tfie real diftutty al the Trinity. •Sir, I believe you end Ido not understand the ortthinetic of haven.': , ' 67Pirrszunn.—There are its Pingoivi and viciaity.:it is 5ei4,,11 large rolling mill.; i f 12 priatiod .or large ,f utidries i 20 gat l martulictortia: abaci engine Ind; , War atite 'Wit; 5 loge cot o n factories, 4 large Boating akilts, besides . me smaller arm and it is estimated that there Ste mare-drag It* sawn envries in• tuition in the city "ad. viciaity; balder! dui e above named, • _ , Loan i',}3oLtsdan4.e s a id t—" r ;have "'Awned they in comrdiee the trot 'aelorf_ plOt the . drep vihtle aume scrub rogue !nape the Sae tentientan ur hew. Thus -ti: is in the tine of Wise men spend' theii i ltime Only fothwho ate minus.% , , p4m • Er Rosario sets so 'wide a utark4?etweeo a *cigar and-a Date soul, as the resikt =id rs►tieptiat ftwe of wotaan•itiod. fi:gum who is aliisiltotering at woman is genet'. coarse;profhpte GT a coarser a:Piiampi's gates are sot i so , high y aeciaifisaptsaces*palaces; tb# that -atm zolosYso us, the NO. IL VORMER, ()PINIONS OF. PIERCE Alse following opiaions, formerly held by kreardent , Pierce, will he read witlistane en- Weal at - the preseut alai& - - "fle had only to say now, Quit he had aleraytr'said, that he regarded Slairery se one sif tbe greatest 11110141 and social cads —a gtlrta upon the whule country. soil this he believed to be the sewn:num of all mere, of ell parties, at the North, " . • " Re was tree to admit that he had him self approached this subject of stianexatiun jot Teals) with all his prejudicesiouil pre puelessions against it. and on pal: ground alone—its Slavery feature. His etinvictioua tomthis subject were, as bad been stated. sitoug—not the result of any new light. but ;deeply fixed and 'abidlng. The only Jacob ty to his turniever had been, that of* smog ninon by any new act of our (lovernmeot of the institution of Domette Slairery, and belled found it extremely difficult ;' to bring his mind to a condition; tut partfallrltn weigh dtterguatent for and aviiusi• ClieSsure." Pierce's Speech in reply col John Bale, at the North Church, in Concordatme 1845i-tia reported in The New iftataPallut Patriot of June 12, 1845. .1 " The Democracy of the North Bever did indorse the doctrine (of Carer Nicholson letter) and they never will. Thettetnocracy of this State are unanimous •ao fax as we know, that Congress! has and ahotild exercise the Power, arid *hide Slit very hum Caligatnia-and New sfr.xico." [N. H. Patriot, July 27.'1849. " I would take the ground of the nou-ex tension til slavery—that lawful st.ould not become stronger. But Congress have only re-enacted the old law of ,1793. ipg men, desiring peace sad hieing their country. conceded that point—tidwithugiy Conceded it, and planting thenselies upon this law against the outburst of popular feel ing, resisted the agitation which ti assault. log all wine - 41(3nd up for their cuuutry. But the gentleman rays that the' law is ohmic ions , What single thing is there etinutOted with Slavery that is not 'oteioxioutt? Ewen the gendenten hom Marlboro' Hatchet ler, ao ultra Al pittionisti cannot ieel- More deeply than I 'do on this subject," 5m.-- I(3eti. Pierce's Speech in the Nevi flainp share,Crinstattitou Correct/lion, January . 1, lb;r1. . air. Pierce after uttering the above anti- Slavery ..setitruittits, is now engaged With Douglas us play lug a.cotivict put break upuu the repose of the Union, perhaps to sever it, in order to be re-elected by the votes of the South. Douglas hat Bluntly been exposed as eating his lying i4rorits., on the ComproiMse, 51r.. Pierce equally ham as shown by the above. M. I Pierce formerly cuuld lit i hod 4111 V th-4/E COMM:Eta with slaver/what was nut phnol lotet 1"..n0w he is engaged in seelliog to spread the satin Slavery , uvera nett( empire! l'hank Heaven there is a recording:press to show up such villainy ! Let its ctindetnua tiuu un the Wings of the myriad streets thal cannot lii enslaved 21.4%-ml. Soria i thi _DontOtit. SUE DOES. . Fashion ivies the vrorfd, and a most &p -anto' ,uttstresii she. is, gumpelhog keople to auburn to ihe.most inenovernent things Im mutable, Lir tashion's-sake. Sits pinchei our 'feet with tight iboes, or chokes cis with a tight handkeraiel; or squeezes the breath of our body by tight facing. - She makes people sit up at night when theE ought to in bed, and kreps: - Iltein iu liettia the morning when thiy ought to . be _up and doing. • She makes it vulgar to wait on ourselves. and genteel to live idle and useless 4 She makes peciple sit , it when thet would Jaittei stay at home, eat when they;; are nut hungry, and slunk when they ate not timaty: Shejurailes our *elute ;to dreis whether upon their property 4 or that ut oth• ers : whether agreeable to 'tie w0rd , ,,01 •oi the dictates of pride._„ Ste She tutus health, and produces iickneas, destroys itie,and occasions-death, • She makes 'foolish parents, intsfuls ; tit children, and servants to all. She is a tormentor of conscience, siespinfer iii uiura[ity, an - eupray of religion, and no one earl be her companion, and enjoy eikbek. . She 15 a despot of the highest grade, _lull of intrigue and cunning ; mid yet husbands, isr.tves, lathers, mothers, s o us and daughters, and _servants, black and white, voluntarily hive become her onedtent servants and slaves nucl vie wins one another to see what shall be - roost Oapoiniutts, • . TAiiTE • rOkt tltEroll4o ,Sir John Het:whet has declared, tiat 4 it Is 4. were to pray for a. taste which _should stand, him in stead under every variety ,of circumstances, , and be a source. of hippies. , and cheerfulness to - turn through liii., and a shield against its ills, howerer things migh t go atriti,s, and, the world frown upon hint, it would he a taste for reading," Give a matt; he edit - ma, this taste, and the meonii of grat dying it, and you •Caneot fail of making bitn good:aud - h - appy ; fur ion bring hint la' con tact with Me best society in all ages, with the tenderest and brivest, and the purest men who have adorned burnautty, mar ring. hum a denizeu of all nations, a comentporitry of all tunes, and giviag him' a pracucal proof that the world has been cleated for trilby , fur his enjoyment, if We all hold the reasoning iii be sound, but l lwe are apt to limit the scope of theltuitiane and intelligent recommendation. if: the argument be 'just, it is of Universal "application and holds good of the Wearer at Lkm the town, of the peer in his tibrziri and of 1 the student in ltis"pentiveettadel.: Vhere ever ilierbook has its way, there nee mime also. iorborne degree, consolation. serf- respect, dignity and comfort, and thence hat been chastised soite of those worst. foes to mar well-heing---the - offspring of ignorance and unreflecting selfiudolgertee. 'll this be the fact, it is surely. the duty or sticieie % to eatead the blessings or edticatiou to!, the re. molest corners of the country. and r 4 convey it to the lowest depths. " Give 44 man ' a tair;ltsp--reading and the means of enjoying ti," ;IN you rescue htm horn the wi?rist ene mies witlywhich Injure has to ceinhat.-- flow shall_yol3 give these •bliisaingsi it putt licatinas 'ate maintained at so high.:lt pike that Mute who need infants ation Moat • are alone unable to procure them.? II ;iota are to be gold eiiiiens, moral and religititt's men, they. ettopot, in these days, be left ai , prey to igtioratite : Thanks to the cheap ptiblisber:•=, , imetiectdal tlarkues., must gradually he' tits.- peri•ed, and the tight of reason eventually il lothinaitmauy. a place at gloom. . "0 - Tne Usr OF vac iltme of Tries.-. There are exceptions to every rule but the info- of - three: that -is -never changed. As yot - ir income is to your expendituro, so will theAmOunt of your -debts be to yout .cash. on band; and your consequent ability,lto meet them. If you'ellow.your vanity to toad you miO-eatravagence, you must rely on sotfif; thing else to take you out of 'it; :either a rich relation, or the altlailri Your luipitute may be less showy thaail; that tour neighbor,. but never mind., Amer are catie•bottorned chairs and mahogany tables that ate paid for,.than spring cushions and marble mantles on a note of sir nionths.-T- Yournoat may be lest fashionable thin putt neighbor's and while' he is.ilriveci,by a lii eried•ceachinan,-you may • be riding shank's,. horse: but, rPmembei there is a. tune for ' balancing the book*. alit every purse has got a billmn. So, economize, and always re member the rule. of three: (r 'riff DRITIZS OV LlTE.—Sctie; writer enumerates the following, among 6tber du ties of rite:---s•Erery matt ought W pnY his Alebts—if bean. Every man ought to help his: Deiglitor--ii be can. Every nue sod woman ought to get married—it they Mtn- Eiery mats should do his load id_ suit WS enitorners - -if be C3II. Eterr, mai should please his wile—il he can. Every wile should please' Iles bust:kind—A vlaD. Ev ery lawyer should seinetiosevell ills toll— it lie eau. Every One' should tali. a Dem mer, and pay for vi--41 he tap. r. • Q 1" Mr. Mot*, in his meta ilOttltna 00 ',Religious Worship," shows the: existence in !Englatul of. 34487 *es el' worth", with 1012,5413 sittings- while the Rowan Catholics hare 510 chapels only. 815 priests, sod 88 religious houses; of which hist 73 *re for women. ; • "Na sherd ft admitted into the einem nati pottlieschciobi - wilhout it iiii . bees Tar. a w e d: 1 , - BANN' - ' .., EITEAN. PRlNTlN(tfirrielii. , Kw* &rea preetwel sea Wee Piesesetirsii le m eet ON BOOK I' El es ornarl eeenteloe, et the Mize et Ills ' - e -cheaper than it not be data at say other ; estragtablnent to the Countr i - suoi ait 80001 l le. Perefatierat Biasit&27' L Nam. , • Reit taw,. Seed Bale, Peps, Beet;.: Alildit of Arrant:no,i D oe Beets, t: • . Bill Thai, . . 1 • Oat, Ase t lS, to, At the very *honest Dot ice. —Due 'leek 141013 TITS de more extensive time that of Onetime Mee Su this eectiou of the State, and we keep lii Simla eutptopect exptessly for Jobbfrat. Use* : prsetteal Printer ourself, we welt cumuli* our work to be es, mat es toy that Mil be tented oat ha ; the eines- PRINTENG RI COLORS dee. et the I shortest notice. . . i BOOS BINDIRY. Books bound m every variety of style.. Monk Books vfoswy description menu t &mood, bouzd *tat toted to order m dim Imam A COOL DUELIST. • .! A duelist eiktereilihe Cale. s-ituatetl , ,as the Bouttescd. • ar the cornet' al Rut La- end ttauciuj seraptutly at all present: should tied no one here," ate said, 'Nits. p,t4.1 to erase swords this miming." "YCIS • are,rniitaken, sir." tephed a gentitMan in ; • **tacks; "give me your card." OD the eaT4 witehe grime of Count de—,- The gentleman in spectacles gave hi*: he was At Moguls de—. "Count," said the lklarquiT, in a lone of quiet hinter, "1 never I put myself eqt of my" env : on no-Mount do I deviate from my habits; "I'm iati; we will not fight, therefore• till :soon tumuli - mot Theq he called the Waiter. "Hate," be said, haDdiag him the' COUIEIei card, "take these two thciasand francs, go to lilt uadettaket'a, and order . a erst.r.lass funeral jor the gentleman whose Datae and title are on this card, for the day after morrow, The count shall be butted eti it he were a martinis." This coolness daunted the duelist s and the affair -was arranged, CC7 OUR STATVS ux Ttitmestmsnsit..— That very cowman que.,tion. " where' are we 1" the American Almanac answers quite specifically. ilia tables we gather mem important facts : • We ere in the 7811 i.. year ol the ladepen deuce rif the truttoti States. The each ytar of the Christian eta. The 5567th year of the Julian perioe. The .5614th year pl the world, Jewish retkaniug. 'Fhe 2606110:ear sinee the found — ailea-el Bowe, and • - Is The"2ooth year of the Olyrnpitufer . Or the 24 sear of the r/3811i Olyunpiad. beginning is ,! July. 1853 ; and, triott , over, we ate in the 1278th year siuee the Hegira, or Flight of Maio:net. • That'i about where Wt are, at thta pTes eat sirrinag.. A BIG Ciro.—The largest cannon" in- the word Is in Bejapt)or, India, and weighs forty tons, A seat inrthe ititeriur no - entrant:dates five persons, without nitwit crowding: ' It IN funned of mixed • metal, of which there As said to be some portions t 4 gold and-a con-, sideralde quantity of Si!eta', and is very so. prlatiS. It was the work of Oite.hy Kop eny Khan, at A hniudnugger. In giving: a description of it, Cul. Sykes says - ---On .the visit otjzzirlolin Malcolm, during the period of his Viceroyship at Bombay, the Sattarsh Rajahir who holds the surruuuding tanker ies under the British Gurcrtinient, directed that this gun thould Le fired of a, en ap pi-4111:1re q,aldte. Though not charged with inure than hall the weight 4.4 powder' wilioh its chamber euuld contain, the ir.... , Ucti , sion was ; it :.hawk tnany of ;fie funding, to their toundationi, atid' the terrified in the reVelticratloir . , rotleti expecttil ii) see the duutcs atttt luweis, cur vivor4 •firmer 2tioe)t,, came tumbling about their ' LEBANuN VALLEY Rall.RuAr., Directors or the Lebanou Valley Railroad held a meeting al Philadelphia 011 Tuesday feet, and resolved to prteetd with the enter prise tOtthwith. Tile entire road, from Reading to Harrieb , irg, will be put .under contract immediately,. and pushed forward to completion at :he earlier-t practicable day. The road -will be graded for a double.track, with etntranknnents and excavatitins:thwv.. fell 'wide, and a single track ul bendy iron rails wilt be hitd, together with 20 tildes of sidelings, which will he equal t o a doum e track for nearly- on_e halt - Its length. There cent survey has redact d the distance to z miles, and the route will have.. per, cent. of straight line,'whielt is a great advantage. in point of' twonbiny Qt construction, and spetd and safety s ot travel: it is t.a.-.ateely equalled even by the sa•caliei air4itie routes of the.counity. r.1„.711/41PVLartnN. 1.77 AH TEeRITOLY-- From the minutes of the Mortnon Clenirab CuuTerence, which %CIS held rn Great Salt Lake City. tat the CM of tJztob_er lest, lee learn that Eileen:ire pups larina of 17ittliTtr ritory numbers 18,20f1. r heing an iurr,eate of 6,851 since theseostn, of 1S t;. Tbe : popu-' , !anon is thus divided: wants, S,r;:f9; ciders, 689; litglr priests, ; stycatjti, children, ht tfititlttiutt to - these, there' ate 9 apostles, all I—e.lled to Cileat Sal: City, f'Ci i,i huls, t pitests, tleacons, t and oiS teachers. During the , f,ear subse litletit tile Ilettker, I,s':h 18 ul the SaitlLS had been earaintitairicatetL: One hun dred and thirty-cure of the 111„nrsn'air - priest~ and elders are on missioatity espcditton s to niter parts and in futrign coat:am& , ri.BEAtls_rt..-7-fTv•-e is a beauttful sen tence Isom the pen Coleridge. nithine..; can be more eloquent, nothing moreArue: Call not that man wretched who, whatrr er else he suffers, as to phi iofliettd or pleasure denied, has a oitild fur whom he hopes and on whom he doais. Poverty tna y grind him to the dust, obscurity wait ra , ,t Its mantle over him ; hie voice may wait on-; heedell . by those among whom hi-die...li, and he may be unknown by his neigi.hors-:--, erect pain may rack his joints, end sleep tic:* fiern htspilluvr, but he thia a goo with which he could not part for TVeailli defying ermipota. Una, for fame filling a world sear, for the highest powerSor the stveettst steep that ever bell on mortars eye. , . (I.7ELCiEII 'OreaSiCll2lty '{,'et! Oft - a good thing notwithstanding his bad ones.-- lie was iJne evening spoil; tog t.. 1 the Prevail teattencirs of re!iginnisti' to long prayt:rs; and rimatted 111:11 sve would kit ,nu example fur these in. the Scriptures. Theltragrts ot our Saviour were short and to thu point. The prayer of tire penitent publitan WWI a happy specimen. When . Peter was enileasoring,to. walk Open the waters to meet his mailer, soil was about sinking, had Ins supplication been as long as the , . intro. 'lumina Inoue ()lour modern prayer..before. he hail got half through tle woad hart bco l • fifif fret under water. . . , ffg" . A CORN .311oN ZW. NT of the Bo.anti .11ra. I ica/ and Stirgicat Journal . says he lias4i/oved that What is get/trolly coned the iitieen bee of ii.hive iv really a wale,. His if-LI:AN:Lim:•s . reveal utmervatiou of the_habitt urthe I mate "queen" in question. the latt — qtat he has discovered egg.i is the thanes; twit the fact that .Neheri there is likely, to he a scaret ty of hooey, part of the dreilet are killed off, (If breeders it seems natural ; if males; is the doctrine of auperketation true in - the vase ut -,bees satisfy his total, that thr commt,n the ory is incorrect. We fear the Doctor is *All' • try dig to make ou a•gurrieut aglittla ciafritlELS rights to be gores/ ur Preaiethi„ OPERATIO*9 OP TIM LIQUOR LAW !X &stns.—Joseph Turner has been coariCtell at Boston", under the new liquor ltilt e ot sell ing a glass or raised liquor, and fined $l4 and costs, and held tt, hail is stao Out EO sell another glase for one tear. George Ma son was fined.s2o and cots, and lent In the £Rigcctlnnii. House orteloge for three tiottilvx, tier s a ltine a elan of brandy. Hy was aisff !lad SW and costs ter selling a glas,a 01 y in, am! SW .tor setting a giafa a wide, and pot 'Under 311100 tail not to yioLity the law 'lot one year. He has apPealed. - ' rrA.: BEIIND ARCUEIL—We fond: in. the halt Edin6ii gA ßtcitir the hollowing 'Orange h i e, in roinop to -the illOwers . "These is now living in the cottaly of York, (Eng.,) a gentlenian of 'fortune; who, though tbtaHr blind, is en expert archer; ttso expert,' says out iaformitst j who knows him well,) •thst out rat twenty shots with the long-bow, be was far my supsrior. firs tense of hearing tsar so kern, that whin a boy ise.inr4 the target rang a ./1/„ the blind archer 'knew precisely how to aim the shalt,'" 17/KON MANI:Fit TURF. IN CAR OLINAL.—We learn that some dozen miners from Pennsylvania reictirti this placeOtt Sat urday evening last, on their way to tilt iron regions of this State. They expect tint to visit - Chatham. • It is said the Compativ they represent possesses ample means. a 4i4rtion Qf which they ate tiesirotis of investing m the manufacture of iron in this State.. They are welcome. We -wish therm much success. Rtitroail StrAdani, Q 3" Th Pope has set hip face sg*Mtt . m ble•tummg. No wonder. Some at iitose &wailful Tirmiontrim heie bees telUag dim that the tables will be turned iv, Usk tome day, sad hustclus lamtot of the - whale %him.