1;1 tAlineo' POTTSVILE, PA. aluli? =:Zgg w• THE. ,MIIINERS I JOURNAL 4,4 s a hu ff; rircatation than any ohr: Nevvikirr H 44 , Northern PrANSyithillia. It rurrrlatrs _ emot e el, Can!, Iran an./ oasinezr mea. not antu rr a io and Mo tajoi”rn.,± r4rentiev.' hat ir. a.! (s tir*, and it a. ii eirealatat litrArely rumun( . ; tlrm ,c 1 ,9 in Z..?rhuy - liErf e.uvutr,.. tnlur.s ronderr It OsB v itht mo st iyaimaNe Adverti•fne cq,io Pia 1;101.41N:7 - c Aqt'e' NO Many capi ,!ttsz, en , aled at; it Ahhscription It tt. ' r r 71., MI per 1, 4. ,,nzaft,fl ade,,,...; AGUSTS Fl tt. tlNEtt ratiottCit LA.VDERBRUN, T. TitoIIPSON A. l;oorttnv,Tre t;a*iu.ssll. ilutto.altD, 7t Y Viti)nrc authorized, to rev rartiscoleotti, &C., tor- Wu Mir receipt. tor u e 6ume., pr •• 3riut rs' u r si "1.4.,i 11 , .Ve bot its arre wurd their atuoinit3rlttl, as spe ;ear expent , es for' paper and lath Bane, to Jari Ilicary Zimmerman, to Jun 1 1 Bovi:eo, to July 1, ls:.;": 1 144tari May; to Jan. 1 15 r 3, 1.. r humus i,otigv, to, Jun. 1 - David °nye. ' to July 1, lit; , 41whartlilootImau, to Dee. 17, Curielnimer Smith, to July .:re-bat, to lin, l', !atm Strimpter, t lily 1, IS3 I, I. D0(1,41, to I min - 17; Pilrt ; nuilloin,;l:- , i., 1, 'l, 11. WIII;lor-qurn, to Jun. _ Corrire,, to lair. 111!tit N DEPART 31 FAT 1 3 -7110[ - :vir: k LOTS tor 6:Examiu! the tuliosrti , ement. KNIVES & FORKS. will Cittlery find Iron ',rev generally ttr. Or.r). Baia CAIt PF.NTERS wanted at .:Vludir•Qn Col rV • C THE ATTENTION crer lilaelnqnitbs 6.7 c., • Lliriouned by JA.q. S. Co,X n EV' 1.10t).4 - IN,A),.t of Jo,. F. Le nal At_.:s a" MR. EDMIT'N DS, Nol ilia;.: l'utichcr,:enderii ht, prl the community. See rnrd. Cr HOLIDAY PRESEN vitc:t Ilia friend. to cull and t.crttuent of betnntiful Gin B His a, , sortment of PreseKi ntocko QlOll the l'ublimher. of and arnbrace* a great variety urnantiltylow." Hi. mock i recd than u4tial. uttAny. the Elliott, has just inipplissi his 6troet, opposite Mortinier's 1 1 sive assortment es, Rings, Brevt.pins, Stiv' Cake and Fruit baskets, Te &(: , Almost every int Jewelry line tnny be found cots in abundsnee. C;ive hi' CZ7lairoaTANT.—Th the Journal enters onits the time for new subscij names: and old ones, mill a-going ,ri•Cot. 11,..1..11..C2i , mjtixu5, - torrnerly al '! the Schuylkill Haven Miscellahy, was last week admitted io the bar of Lyconiiikg Court ty. We hope thereeu bag " wilt prove rtl i ore profitable than 'the quill and sei,sorsi Lf"l3ll.rATllthere 11 tnau WIIII soul so dead, who never to hintselfhath said, I will the Miners' Journal take, both fur Inv own and family's sake? If such there be, let hint( repent, and have the pap6r to him sent ; and -if he'd . pass a happy winter, he iu advance should pay the printea ! f j .77 re.cr.ooNt or SPEECH.--etinsiderable excitement exists in New York, relative to "the arrest 01 a Street Preachei. A meeting of tea thousand persons was held in the Park, Wednesday night dennuntring the pro ceeding, and declaring Ireetiorn t.ti speech inseparable Tidal — ei vt I and religious liberty. Q 7 We publish this mutning condensed reports of the Secretaries' or the Treasury, of the Navy. of the Interior, and the Post. : master General's report, together with al?- stract , from the last Census and Other value- Dle statt=ticc. They are interesting, iv. chronicling the condition mid progress of our country' au",d we present them In such shape as to be emit}' [toad and comprehended' WELL.Nr. SCM - YLKILL CprNTV !—We learn from the fast number of the Pennsyl vania School .finirnal that Sehuilirill l'uun'V• 111 “ 5 4 4 ' , 7ard ., of 100 ut • that publica n•6ic ` ii iS the largeit'uumber taken by . 6 auy other county . 'in the State. except Lan niter, where it is published. ;Phis g,ratily; retAilt t, mainly due to;ilfe exertions of Mr: liiias Schneider, the indefatigable Agent lur Scltu lktll eounty4 „-• ?”- W G lii,; UTEILNATORIAL IN CADIb ' ATE. - 1 \ e Lebamna Courier,. in I; he brief ' para, aph, •penks our sentiments to a T, 1./U.(111S S 9 4..-t . • .-- , .. We desire to.see a mail taken up who Will'hunor the s•nodard he bears as lie:will be honored by Me'seliett.ui of his ; Oily tor that duty. ..!..; we said on a previous &era !,l,-)n, we vvant . to see 0 man sebnied who ;will possess the Oenieoli of strength and the virtues which would udorn the first otii.!e in the State. As to what his. name shall be, we are indifferent : hot * the above character . ivies must be embodied in the nominee to makb themuntination respected by the mas ses ot the %Vhig party. .. , ( 7 7 . MASOIC ELECTION.=At 'the annual elecuhn of the Grand Lodge of Pento,ylva nia held at; their Hall in the City of Phila , Monday evenieg of last week, the following brethren were duly elected, to R,' W. Grand Master—James Hutchinson. Senior Grand Warden—Henry M. Phillips. 'Grisnd Treasurer—Thomas E. Baxter..: Grand Secretary A. Adams. Trtistees of the Grand Bequests—Sanwel 11.4ferkins, Anthony BournonsTille,. Peter Williamstdo, Jacob Steiner, and George D. Haswell. ; • • Trustees;New Masonic Loan—David Jayne Wtn.Toilish, Jacob Steiner, Wm. Badger, and Phillip D. Howard. • . , ,„ (.1 - 7 . RE.,VC11. 1, T10N •• iIN .I , \ IrAIIAGIYA.-A rev °infirm bicike out, about the'22d tilt :, to the State of i NiCaragua, for the purpose of bvet throwing Presijent ChMtudiro's ailMinistra lion. Several ' high .functionaries were clic. covered to be implicated in the consp_iraci,r. The revolutionkts,pre said to have five hundred stand - of aims on the . way from Costa Rica, and were to have taken 'posses• .‘ sin of the quartal and armory of Granada on the :211 imit:, as the signal form general cili break. . . ' I he cause of their di.isatisfaction is the studied neglect of G eneral Chamorro to ap point those to office who assisted him in , gaining the Presidential chair. and placing those known to have opposed his election in elevated positions, claiming that, " to the victoratelong the spoils."' , WASKSGT9N 110 TEL, 11AP.111.5131.7E1 Thia , knowil House his receotly been enlarged and undergone tnensive repairs. --7 .49 additiontil building, nearly two 'hundred alfeer in firelidtb, t been erected on Alarket ?trees, with an iron front and five stories high. This gives room for privaie parlors, sleeping apartments and a very large dining ,'saloon. Tlfe .Whole has been'prepared with every . recara to the convenience of guests, and the Wasliingtort , mug in Wore he con k stdered, nbt , only one of the fineststructnre.,:": but .roe of the hest lintekin the State • nil. Col. Sanders, every where celebrated fmt hi'urbanily and attention to visitars, t: , )ntiuues at the head of this estab:it.hfnent. The new building add repairs will all lie fin- t!..hedly ti,r, Sipentu,; of the Legidative ses , stmt. Cit,e . rie from this Comity, havina oc casion to i'tsit liarriAtirg , during the coining Winter, have cause to thank us for Oar notice, 11 it be l the meatis al, their stopping With the colonel. ' , ' [PROM pea own notittaaninitaintx.l ,r,l : • a _ • en_ , 1 , . . New Lars --a niters a bo rt —r- 4 —zi pvrracticat foot rrer—Phelnclalplsia P. 0 .=-11,turdrrtr serf: unveil—The late Prizefight; (I.e. ~,,. . PlittettimOita, Dec. 14,1,43.: The whole city has beta thoroughly awoke by an Ordinance changing - the- names of the Streets wed of Broad. Thus Schuylkill 6th and Market now reads 17th and Market. The idea al Changing High Mullberry, and • Sessafrasa, to Market, kith and Race Street.. t ate namesthey hare been known by. for at-emery back) is else seriously d i sunned, Wonders will never cease! The Boarding House Keepers in our midst site all ni nn alarm for fear of being visited 141. V " ro fas.ional.• young. gentleman, woo walLe afi stairs and helps lifirtsetito anything that-may Snit liiiiiiiii ey, boots,•Cioukn. cups of jelly, cake-, hats, coats Sic. He, has visited several place. lately. -ll The startling new. troth Europe that Iron had aI vaneed LI per ton has put all the large-ntock-Mi hand Merchants in great glee. Their complacelit !Mi1:F . .1441A aniiii.i and friendly nod• show." tee are ail tight. Mr. Iron Fourier, I f con are not:" The linkers likewise seem to be particularly 'nee- What, unforgiving are you still ! , •-ry at present ; their loaves are like their favors, pis.- i Well then I'll change my plan (.• ticirurly small aitieles: Coal Dealers are looking • , ... B •,, ' • cold,. be careless if you will—, liup ! Tuito thousand paned. to the ion, and yet Old ' • kargrt yon never van. l price-, seem to be good aids tordigestion. -i: The tong Mused for Essay Oil " Juvenile Depran. l!a I! One word auffil have ' Bat pardon me —l would not boast - meantimein soon to be published. In the done:meanttm :. . lo ot n o te ma y he offered in the person of a boy ten ' i -. The friendship I've so lightly, last_ yearn old, sent to the House ot Refuge last - week ;1r May ft cis bghtfy iv.d. •' , he is a perteet adept at theiring, lying, - swearing : • - 1 . ) ..c. nth , 14'.3. \ - • IiXTE CAEOL. ,and cheating, and his mother a widow. • Someiat i r '. ' : no ---, • ~ the Pco Goo Iniand or Win Wang W'ang colony hlissinn -1 VERY Disniticrivirrilltr „ •Socioti , ., would do well tomake anotent the l Hen- then at their door stets.. . , ! A fire accidentally broke out 111. the exten . - I not ice th e ,F.-Air- ! :at test week speaks of OurO fi l . ,'. sive Publication estab lishment of the liar- Fuze Post t idlce. Bin the only fault is , the math ' • ark city, pers, in New y on Saturday after; l•I not.tialf told. The .Iturnsrl has arrived twice durin i Mr last five weeks, one ot these times;on•„ ~,noon last, burning it entirely to the ground ; g Seined'sv night and the other Monday night; thine and to its rapid spread, d strovii[imuchvi e - rriaei ;,, paper atoll, nor idler Inquiry could I get l oss' any intormationlon the alltject. [lt has been, and -em ilailfable p'oper'y. The total is 1e . .. kill in, regularly twat to you, by , Saturday morn- , ' tunated et• 51,560,000, on which only:1:18 94 - m ing's ailn.—Fehr. Joler.l ;: 1 e .i , ' 000 was insured. The loss of the Harpers - Snake Weeks ago i recorded the deliberate min.... der of n 111114 by being lethal with a billet id vv.: 7 .W ,; elope will *amount to 51,205,000-, on which, The, murderer has jest beed - nentenced to imprison- . ; only the small amount of 8250;000 was in-' for two and n quarter years! . The chance:cf - I - • • i I -t• in rte priiir• - ' , . est-ellen*. . ::Lich 11.101,0 sured. This IS represeated to be the most - need no cotnment. ' ' . .; •• destructive conflagration New VOA has 'sill . The ilitraceful prize fight tit Pil•aalX , llle SC : ial.l ~ iereo frern since 1845.i' tent Itar , :Igo has ended, us such matters ye:mu:ter.• • • : i li do, in a do/e or so ariestn and bani.nas over. :Do- i" The Harpers' is no CUMMOlllues—rnuca _ 5 ~ mined,. Bradley, one ofthe '• bruisers," ban ninalled o f F. i (LW; property destroyed is ,- irreparable, common seri..., by idilinhing. a card,: wherein In I; given hi. rim...01).116 p r engaging 1 ,, the 1 ,,,, t t , t ,,,,... 1 and :he trhule literary world must feel it..-- a L, -": ''.: , l-' .1 The immense edition of th eir Magazine—n O w. A. - .. arn------'------ , -- - -w • . • 11. rear tuog. 135,000 copies—requires its noble- SCHUVE. C 1 0. MEC L EMA SOCIETV: i cation to be commenced a month be this The hilloWing assumes to have been writ.. -, A issued. 'The prinung.of the Jenua num ten tor the benefit ot the members of Anil,.l , ber was almost completedr-the last comic - ass: , ociation, and for the general good. of the) two of proof had heen Sept in; but an hour 4 - • . .. community : tho' we must confess our oWt . e,!' belots the fire occurred, ' The :whole nuin entire blindness to its merits in that respect: ber, therelore, was entirely destroyed, there i, _the' Notession, -however, may see in it; being not a sheet, stereoyype-plate, wood-cut, ,i. more than we have any idea of. By reqdest= proOf, or a line of copy, even, .;..saved. The we publish it, though personally regarding whole Magazine is to be made Over' again.— it as a mere •‘ bread pill," not likeVr . to - do; It is expected, nevertheless, to appear in cred mueh good l and certainly not capable of auy,- i !table shape, though perhaps not equal to the - harm :_- -- .. , - A /9 original design, about the usual time. 1 I The I; • ;f4 T u t s have seen frequent notdes or tit,i The Times gives the following history of meetuurot flan been County Meilict = ;,.. ety,',' l : hut what has been done for the co .. " - weal; bill this great house, which will dpubtless prove this august body, remains unknown. 1 hether trit interesting in this connection : t i -esrsiiiiis are herd privately, for the be t of.thif , " The establishment of the-:Harpers Was Members atone, we know not; but as iiin .ail is In: • please d. .1 , 'founded by James Harper, t h e eldest of the - - one ot lair most put & owes. we sh. r we it I. she come ry e The So sty, it vetin:pii Aour brothers who now const itute the firm. were 'is .compo-ed ot Graduates ot Di .devote in seine. He came to the city in 1810, a- lad 15 years respectehlei , choot, in- those per as who, baiting old, and served an apprenticeship of six years pritete•ed 15 yeasts acid upward• are deemed onmr to Paul & Thomas, "the leading printers of elem, from the' experience thereby- acquired, d o s 1 that day. His brother John Soon fullovied rims with the most proticieut and well educated cif , the faculty. - I;: him, and learned the trade of Mr. Seymour, The only .portion 'of their transactions, which. a printer in John street. In 1817, with the has eteered newspaperdom, la that, in council tril; - , small capital James hair saved, the brothers sembled, th e Phlebotonaintn trained a Fee-Blil; the. op ened a small hook and job office In Dotter , diameter id which will never be forgotten by, MO street. The first book they printed was Sin serious portion at the community. Whetherlthi raculty . ui large were becoming manned, and :pet.; era's Morals; the second was an etption of hare, attenuated. by the high prices of pawn - trona the .geihodist Catechism. The first book generally, and of shell fish particularly—or that, it they published on' their own aeeminn was the cabinet-makers and undertakers all around; and Lucia's Essay on the Human Understandri4. ' , to w, were consolidattng and nledg'irig theinselyo to obtain certain-rates of Wages or stand out-, and Tney toiled with unremitting indus t ry Lid that fraternal feeling bad 'prompted its predifes maintained the highest Character !Or eister tiou, to not appended theret .- Hist certain it in'i prise and integrity. , this acientific article .produce 1.0 lively a bugle in : , In 1820 the third brothel, Joserti Wesley, the literary world, that Satan. from the Mihail ; '•,., . • • , j !Lieu th em, and six years later .letcherhe tortgos even, were on the Tit 1. ce while inedienl t h e o r k t i l came a member of the firm.. :From that time bill colleetors plucked up amani v consternation -Lit "they of the I; r &." ..;• '. -.r-tiatil now they have carried . .bn the publish ., It appeared to the observant as - 50Indit4,nginittl in; business ,with a degree or well directed be dime to elevate the standard of profeNrionid- ,ener g y, which has few parallels. Thevi re vi.en in pottsvine Count' , nod the Coun generally., In ° ......, moved to tam street. about 'lB2O, and Wave some parts of, whieli such n eourne was truly; sill) nbsolureit neiasssary ; but to whateitent thi,..artl- added one building after another to theirles rle contributed. this people generally have deli k-- lablishment as die demands of their business mined.. . .i. I; required. The amount of hooks they have It has r''''n "a• Ivy hneY'Allue s ". 'h a t 1 " di'• issued is alu.ost incalculabU-. For the last liberations ou this ',abject were solemn and leiigtll.- few years they have published, on nu aver. rued ; that ill other tepan; were nhelved tar',: tw o months ; that even the reading' of a Thesis ors Cal_ age, twenty five vultures a minute fill ten hours cull, which had doubtless eonnumed malty gallop's a day :—and trom thrie to tsar thousand per was indertio9Y sous have obtained a livelihood from: their of midnight oil in it. preparution, . postponed, and :hereby many Welsh opintocis•lirrti/- einidoyment. 71 . trievablv lost; that line excitement attendant on , te . then nut anal readiug ol the items thcreofil wts — only equalled by those moments when c"rnsd,R.:tus titet.e.,..o tabs-WC. 1111" 14i , e'd1,' : 4 t What person, we ask, would - dream ot Hi:antra paihy or Bortiny surviving this teo fatal blow:,! il:!: • In it not known to Vottnvillians that Hoinnen:„ - •pathy, shortly titter its publicity, drove ainaell.k horse (how emblemat im.:with frenzied exciterimat ; that starers were eoli , oined with wonderful rapidi ty, andiaeonite, to the ;Si!. millionth, was Oland venklar more Iferoistalthan old Hahaeriiann: Mier d.,.emed prudent. Yes ! Homeopathy. ' in; edits neighborhood; shoot ;its pillets! wtille llotany,-Ifie Venerable sage, sat tied the pulverized Na f initle with great and fleet; earnestness, outside doctors knowing instinctivelgthe peculiar crisis nandlthete are not a few of the rims in this vicinnyWware looks of •ianiticant -luiport—much znOre 5.0 , tlkan usual ;.oli, an immense deal more So! And do 're not all Mr. Pub:le:well remember the neri-otis tie.a and wonder the Facutly themselves ii`KOP tieneed—how curettillytheY Seemed to probe marl's nundn. (would they were ai.; much so with I.other tileerotii looking littlesalfairn.i In fact, theM seal -nation..and bennvionr Would irio4 favorably; co n.- pare. with those of the illustrious signers of :!!:7:k Thisluminous article tka3, we believe, fornavvild by two yearly contributions to the PennsiVlvaina .Medical Society ; but riS you, Mr: Public; do 'not olledget permission io open a book known:an4or approaching at character, a medical work. V rider you to a Geog.raphieal -rind Geological desciliptibli of thi• comity in the history of Permiiyivattia;,tbr .ibelimienportion ofinteli—ihe Topographical ehhiis altar-lied titan-ti' isms bessecti in any ot our t a i it liters' office., while the medical portion purely ; -of both ranght easily be rubbed out of sonic gait.] l.cid nurse ofiaree expel mace. ..., ~,,, What the pecullimobjes m •ts ot this ornoninatien ay, be, snot ern...rally kraiwn ; it has been tout ire'. intently to i ndividuals that .• by social intrOmirser we tricilitute and hurmtnige crew', are riot in filie ly to impose on each other's rights, sera are lieldiia check by society's taws. to be a fair saqpiiii7of which reitraint the. Minersville comninnity,,(ait):ll niiilleated tqwnd were , drittied, and drumlin' land annoyed wan; at no very remote period. •: lIF- That charge. would he preferred, 3.7 c., - ee'erY ,lit' Nile W. ll'estaln and Mortars were thisris;l,Wo suppose, butmo account appears stating, they %Vele tined. lid the tnbunal—the fnemety—adjust Its didieulty with that hign degrre of justi c e : ',lno ed for by all .ave the Societ y itnelf—were the', didia 4lliklll'eximnikal ! yes, - truly. they haves•e • XpitSed themselves, slier the miserable taro of arraign. mint. Why, the otherwise quiet people iil.Port Carbon, enpinnally atter boating season. wonld r die of enwii; were it not for the frequent and lbud!iturl long iiarvingue l of one of the society's representa tive+ on the IMillailk• value, of the society tunic of tionselt in particular, as n member thereof; ay:the bar 01 which, it is said, he tiea been reneatianYt, ar raigned, whim the uniform and to he looked lot re ' nun. .• ( ili Ilsof the "-social intercourse " been suffinietß to harinonize the views ot the rival, clairrianfs of Schuylkill Haven fur Alms House hornarsl That lowa,' from out its miasms, wonders wait -, ite)? be the objects of a Medical Society, and litlll laity she.. :"L-huot, Tea rs rs' J,r. ma: at Si ' JoUIt NA'. s maqua ; moot; rue St., New York.. sutocriptiou., Jbe'rf:ltri t and 4a vt P A :Miration.. rs &broad will 1..4- day ON poisraii ro very heavy. I 00 3 00 I 04.1 i 1 (10 00. 2 0) 1 09 1 IP) thik) 1 ill) 2 0) Ell 11=1 ited to the pub!lo !ale Reach, 1, hos' tui,en the o!il arl.et when, 'al atlll I.ft-s:oer.t serve ve; to IfANNAN xl„,tuititt hi" !afge rt-- ..tk!:fbr the Holidays. ....electod from the the AtMillie tilates, ut ts:l,kintls of rives, I hml more VU intr. firm of .ftrwly 41:. cntablit•hment, Centre Intel, With an ex ten t Id and StltAr Watch - r and natt-d %yore, Setts, Forks, Spans 17iiiable article in the thtre—ileliday prat:- a cell. ) weeks mom, and year- - --just ers to send in their cit. cash. 'Keep the 1 • .. . ~. It it is by frequent social intercOurse,-*.,A - c., why do we hear of members and high raficerai re st:ling within a square or two of this :Cotmeit Chamber, taking their sulfa, or driving ohtiand. giving themselves no concern whatever ablmtheir meetings ' while a few - frorn the country haye frav• ;elm! thither. What for? to hear what? defiat4a on points of practice, hear the essay on Calculi? - .li'o, silt ! no, in lieu thereof there is an apologY; CO hot bringing a paper -which of 'course is Writtisti ;" * littre medical gossip; and occasionally ovi'dlent -recapitulation of an ordinary ease, (whiCh. khas 'pleased some one's vanity to publish in ti Minor `medical journal,) having nothing to recoil - nine:Ad it, save the peculiarly choice delivery of dic t*rra tor. Hut social intercourse, it is triie,may be credited ' with one generally lull meeting; :then menjbe6 one arid nII. from every section of the county (singular enough too') have not a profess:lanai, engugeMent I that ran prevent their going up to this annual e Oeet- I tag, which is Feuer:4ly, held at one of our: - first class hotelk. r hen punctual- yearly dues firit! Mr. I Landlord the Sub-treasurer •, he in virtue of - this position and gratefully acknowledging the favor and re,ponsibility, furnishes u smashing 61::m;f:sup: per, kii.,Sre., wnich to any other .craft 'Might prove unwholesome or indigestible; but out ; ! shades ;of Abeniethyand Hamilton a posteriori, j'wif,tiotti l reserve. but with a.freedoin perfectly trightlub , ther 'debate quickly—discuss slowly, alid . mixture4ffers. • veserni and diaphoretic are ta uten -ft flank I protessionally," so that one of a disposition social or humane, cannot/ speak dispassionately: and call the Medical Society utSrlinylkill County '"l.7hum- , bug.' ' • ' pc ,''. Let some friend of the faculty imagine t tie spinet y at this jovial moment termed a tiumblig:l--ailiat a picture will his fancy conjure up! The ', iekurick. thereof rising with dignity; his emotiontitei;lieart swelling, while bravely at his portly friend's , side is 'seen the. tall;•st of them all repuillatingYwith sickly acorn the invidious assertion. ' But:What effect %would have on the hasty Gerinifi, the Irish one, the French one front Cork, or hinrOf the microscope, the pen cannot portray. That this Body having nought to eqecirdrom ' society at large, haring .nought but the 7. intiOlect; energy and perseyerome of it-i meinbers;ioldare it on an elevated Cssis, strooldl be recognised. and cared for by the men ut letters I and' liteitity nttain ment in - this county is natural enough; bat - tkar bv its pusillanimous and inactive! rondition,!,! itl;'einlis itselfamong inland ussociuticms is singular, for there. is no one knowing 16.c1/carter of . .tsylnems , bers--its prOminent 'cues of least , k--but -nrknowl -1 edges their shill and scientific ability IIA pity A: •inat , i and must ice astonished that no permancht. Useful ', public thoughts can be drawn therefroth M-thetr corporate capacity. • , : 'o 1 Even on the subject of a Miners' HosPital,r - hich is now revived under the auspices of .alijarned D i vine, and to 'which the benevo lent charilieskilihe community have been for sometime pastdi:rectestir• who dreams jif, the Medical Society of S.chdylkill • Courtly aiding Materislly or expressing", , n ,:public ; s opinion that might lend enconingenient td thirchar ; liable and anxious friends of the projeCt?,Shey ' seem to be calmly watching the syniptoms;!jrare • fully teliing the beats of the public pulse itneirtnir.e, and waen the diagnosis is unmistakeable *ill fl.oubts less prescribe. . 7 Can it be that this telsly awaits and ,'.needs the vivifying influences of the - State Soczetyr. Which is to meet in Pottsville nest May or June, to';nrouse it to a proper sense of its dur;es and r/tspollisibili ; th.y4? Oh . Si. Luke- - grant it, we pray, th;ce, that I then "solid chunks of wisdom" may lie Alfrovin , down, that the virtues of theirguests may besmut ! fated, and that laying aside her present garlOf in. I dolence and dissimuistion, Ebe may stand - ',:Where - I all students 01 medicine would fain see Iter' - ' . . . ' •••litis rid a ura." :-.• 1 ' I • - :•• ;out. .. . :7 . : pifiLA,DELPIIIA LETTER. VIVA TIM tuns' „SOURNAL[.] -." We hay. bee n Mende together; nail Ifigir wont part us our Wellore . at me eiddly if you • , 1 • Go, OBS me proaWy by , What though with tears my eyes may Elf, ' You raping hear me sigh .You do not know bow oft I've smiled: In scorn to think that you, B . ywhispering• tongues could be beguiled, • , fo doubt lay friendship too. Von cannot do yourself the wrong You now are doing me ; ' • - You cannot be ungenerous long -Now mark my words and see There's too meth )115tiet' is your heart— There's too mueji kindness tittle, .To let you tun so bloe a part ; . Come—doubt um it you dare Can a few words have power to 9hdl Each f& , ling, kind nud true ; 'sal every generous thought be stdi, • • And stake such change in you ?; THE GOVERNMENT ORGAN The Washington Septir4l,.the lately. es, 'tablished " iudependent dernocratic", paper, thus describes this celebnited wind iustru meat—sod a pretty anthill) •pic:ure - is, tun. Two variettes,--the hand organ ,'and the church organ, thiqr history . and -pftiper ties, have been eiscussed, when the i t ictel e yroceeds as follows : = The third acid last variety, and the uue With which" we , mean at present to deal, is of modern origin; and guds l by . the mune of the GOVERNMENT ORGAN. - This pecu liar instrument is used, like the church er g'an, fur the purpose,Of worship—not, how ever, the worship p 1 our maker, but the ,worship of inammou. Strictly speaking, its music cannot be called snared. The French or Vahan :Cirgan-grinder Is contqft, as we have said,i with a copper a tune. Nut so with a government organ grinder. his pay must- be both high and certain.. - The. poet laureate is required, as We have 'said, to write bui one string, of adulatuiy; namby pamby. verses a • year— but the g,dvernment organ-grinder, less lucky than lie,` is required to make perennial; per petuai trinsic. For him there is no rest.— . dad it by night his services are detrian& rd. lie miugles his laudatory . performances .wiW the maim songs of. the lark, and iwith. the' ugly hoot of - the dismal night ojvli— Ilts copious effusions of praise must lbw out in sea , ton and out of season. Right or wrong, it is his duty to praise the govern- Merit—magnify all its acts, and worship all conoected with it. Happily for him Ithe mon( tong of lauda tion, is often relieved • by= tho uecessity of abuse and anunadversiolt—riot of the gov ernment, hoWerer, ibut of the people and the presses of the conutry, who are hold and honest enough to condemn what, they wrong.. It is hard to say which task is most congenial to its taste. Both it Ms.' charges faithfully. H who can praise— can also condemn—,on the principle we pre sume, that a good lover can• be a very hitter hater. One of the annoyances to which this tune= tionary is subjected is the liability 01 his instrument to get out of tune. It'some times gives out one note When .it might to sound another. It requires great. kill to guard against such disasters. Scattered throughout the country are num. berless smaller organs, whose busineis ii is, with religious exactitude, to catch up the tunes of the big organ, and play them for the astonishment of the native; but' these little grinders. being raw and unskilful, it oftentimes happens that they make a great and grievous discord, shocking to the per sons worshipped, and most provoking to the big and leading organists. It we may be allowed to characterise the government organ by a musical appellation, we would designate it as a base instrument. It affords us much pleasure to be able to say, on the best authority, that, at the pres ent time, there is no such thing in rise as a _government organ OON THE DEATH OF A. CATHOLIC Paty.sr. —"Meanwhile the prayers of the faithful are requested for his happy repose."-4Catha -lie Standard. • • • _Alt, indeed, it is sad, sad case', to he shrouded in doubt; and he a priest, too ! Dead and half damned, and Deeding Prayers,' alter being the best Romanist, is all the Church pramises. Not so with ChriSt when be spoke even to the thief.: Not so with Paul—to be absent from the body was to be . present with the Lord. Not so with the he, !lever who knOweth his acceptance. It we cannot live and believe so in Christ: flit to gain Paradise wlte:i we die, we ghat!' have small hope of the prayers of men in filename flesh and iltunechureb for us, where we failed for ourselves ! •Oh ! let.the world tram in •Christ, and in bun alone. lie . is the only Saviour; and wilt to the utmost sate both Roman and Protestant Catholic . —wl i o sciever ticlieveth in him. • • LONGENIfiIi IN T U E U. STATES. From the census returns it appears, that in 1650 the number of persons residing in the United States who lied attained the age ut one hundred years and over, was as follows : • White males, 357 Do females, ' •I:i0 Free colored males, 114 Do letnalea, 2,20 Slaves, males, ,tlO6 Do females, 1:49 • This shows pretty conclusively that fe !males are longer lived than males. It would also indicate that the colored race i 4 longer lived than the white. The aggregate of the two races is as Kt, tn 3 4-3. Hence live pro. portion of the cautemarians largely m ta vor of the colored race. r7IN THE _Legislature - of Georgia, last Seek, a bi!l woe introduced. to change the naraetil Mary Dozy Dolly Ann , Letvis, to Mary Dolly Dozy Alin Lapp•— ; ElCAfrg' s6 According to our notions, her name Gag ht to have bees lopped, rather. than lapped'. JosAs CnICKTRING, the celebriiied Pi ano rnanntactuteri died eviddenly in :BAUM, on the sth but. ,*aun: ran nizt Raft .. .., . . . . li ....•,[12.11 set** Raitrona this week itk al 114,1000 00—for the week 30,:bp 10 toes for the corres.. of j t4 . ',resale r forthe !nu week en itOent } &youa what was e '414 all kinds of Coat ex . a 4:43riett have been titautta I Wire loading except Ili .- . • iii,:illese at high freights, pr . ett nethe line between tail p Tne iittantit • ‘ 1 270 C ol 450 OT—ng.ttn#, tug creel - last Ali The inildnei I increlwed the etpaltS i . Red Alt), faji IMI=I • ", ; 111 -weir way bolo pally tor po.rif! obd Piiilodelpt Tfitil.l'liarY' and tin} 'little l i i permuted to tlii, 41 tb ;sir!. ofl! ',y ilie :A.to•lba., a redwltiou of !I opening of 111 ,, TOqretail 11 , 1 phiu, 'irtrigeq puon‘l!+, scroll; Afteticaonct are bare of - -:1;t " 1, . (I ' Liite wants of the trade wi be take there during the Wi. r, nrlmitorwrintion now cha r ged Company,•bnowing glut 4 niter will tube place obi the li pug navigation. Ft ii huylbiil Cout, in' Phil el ''ti-4,75 to 54 pe e r ton of 0 li quality. Lehigh C •i% iitat per,toa., 41ta15,.,,,i Coal Trade' ~ enson—in tact the' uot exceed ll 1 searce,aua The Delaw li notniced as tay ;eat by al tous'illore 1011 The , torten ; hart iear to d ~., ..t. , eknif the trade eumpare. e la . : f : 0110w. , i. : J :'.181 . 1. Inrree.4. llr. 1:„1 211Frti'2, 00 . lai, *1if.:, , ,7"1 IS Of I 888,18 '1. 1 ,7 1 3,19 [......, • J -, 31 . ' .1"?.,`; 1 41 IA W 4) ' - 7 - i tt, ir,oo - ri3O .00 ~ :74:11it.ftl tlO 88 100 ' 1 I 3 1 "- • ~,,,.- -;7 . .., .. ....... ~.....-........ .....,i,.... !CAI, _'2,10 lu•lpis.l9 48 .4 ., , 'S,F , • :45,21:;,(ii ' .t.:•. __.- 5 i,15:418 Ion: lal , ,?rre:ponileat 01 the ' A /e• c lAcliyelioni vie , ure indeble th ' i s Urilaware & IluilifOn.rind Cs-,-'f'f.ta'.es that the PrAani. 10 ci:i' tying over on pile at Ha 'seen nbipped. 'The De! einsut 45,C00 tens lying o' , ciiiiiittrt. i i r tELECIT4PU. f , FittpAr. 3 'o'cL, Sehilv11:111-1{ Lehigh, Del .V Had t. renha. Cuul ffE Inereu.t. iq The :Hone CA r//11. tbu returns sylvitain Ilmdiloi~t2l,` 1 I . ittl9:ift HoOeitlule ',•' t}raontl Freighti front' To BoAton,,l New Vorhl New Have, Wroatin.gtop reteraburgi 3HIPIVIENT ko'4; : i:or the wel: ending on •Fiotri Jac; pee . . Sit. 13ic . . 13ts ,-.. 1 , , tii !'54 13, tit; For the week,: 207 f FOrseaqon, t!k/ year, eit(itv include everything kto . Mn..4mehusetts, New Total tor the;! To .amts Boston airs East of Capi shire and Southern B ern Suites aq to Delaware li micludes everything to the eta- Indies, to well as to all rerhelow Richmond. D' iY RAILROAD dt C • ?•4'OR 1853. iiroatlT:and Canal' tor the week -E .eutrig last. IL I,9AD. CANA -`-TOTAL WEEK. • !P12,50 , 1 12 ! 6,788 09 375 • ';F , 12,591 15 513 00 17, 014;240 11 3,531 1 01 371, :107 871 0 4 1,667 10 68, COAL TRi! Scnt by Ra on Th rF.da C. p . . y. H. I !';V..211 00 14 500 00 SS2 ,G 77 IS 404,85 S 1S • tt Oar to same period. ES= Itatirold, 2,449 1 2,464' • r. - . 614 year. EMI 'ilk HEADING kIA.I L YON 1853-'54. alirdtpiliorteil on the Phil during I they ending L A DE . I" r A in6titit and Theadin da /et:cm WEEK. TOT I ;; 1 1' f : I° t >so Li 2I ~ I'ZI9 02 3. 1 til?Haven, 11.146 0:1 25,4 0,954 08 14,4 Front l'cit ScH, Ali 't 0 ••iliit 07 6S; 1., - ia , •l year ' t)S, MEM ROA un t he quantity ol Coal trai ' in Schuylkill On; Thin , ilay evening : tg 11. K. 0091 IS 1,024. 1 8,311 01 43? 00 14,e1 02 461 1 , 1,;C1,11.on, I 3 511" I ''8,3641 - 37 '11.10!)' 8 ; 108 01 5 I' , XOAL Taft FOR, Isl klidlnt.; Dec. 3, 185. , WEV.K. The fpllo ever tht , dii , h.t the ire'; I vi NI ine aill s!. NI qt Creel,l Nl4llilli C(1 ‘ 1,111 :.. 4 ..'illiVik : l A, ' 3l M i .1 Carl:Oil .k. ' 1,,Li11• St.111'4Y11:1 UiliOU Cati . l ol StOtteira ~ , ' 77 LEA - iii i For the ',T , ..."ei , li Stititra it IVEne..i Room Ittiii' M . 1 . 1` - 5, geuve.r MOmtloc :1.7 o Eit‘t Sl N itt i l I.,,rlwi:i SFIIng Mtgintroal, Co,erattt C... 4 ):11 rli, 1 .ffitilet6t) qrini Or) , , Ortinherry4l. , . 1 ., F .. i" • Sttiat L0:41, •,‘ - i,", litti!l; NotiptaTilimi Co , I ;iWilke-butle atii .' • , li! • r:!': • . - La 1;1 --:, , I , 1i , tq Vear j Dee rea 4 tlii l *ear . , . RATtSlii 7 Tki: - A.ND iiielNsPoo. l o 7`i T A„ .ROAD TO ,I - A.C.I, To. ' .". rI: • 16: • , '',' E'rethOL.Carhoq. S. Haven,'P To Bit-haft - m(4: ;";, 2.00. , 1,95 ToPhOwt':1100;•1 1,85 , , 1,85 RATE. oP,,kToLL BY CANAL U J:1 1• ~ , : . 1.0.5E OF 8F.A..0N. i Potl C4r10.1 to Philadelphia, 'Mcqtot (;I on to !.- Scoiiivl -iit:;Haven to. ,- Poilt.r.l n4i to ' ‘• t BATES ! , OF FREIGHT BY CAN 1; 1 4 t :: Philadelphia. Pol. (*AL' , S:5 Mdimt ICl4bon, ' 85 ScOuvlrlF,Haven, , . So Pop 0 total. . , oo ME El NEIVADVERTr Jl3WElgirt FOR tun no $ f ; i• BRADY AS jist r iiimed from the cities. of Ply Ht and liew ),'44 . 1e, with a well selected r• 8.4 rc time r*au st:!..hoth useful and fancy a the hdlidaysitti4 offers to . his friends and in genet:lg, agehle:h prices as must please. consistelln par(i.if line Gold and Sliver LundanJriveiv hl and Geneva Makers, at prices ; ~ielhlinie Plates and Fancy C et yles of .Elir Elk*. Breast'Pins, Atmieta, Gold Ththifilogs,,Tenetle. Pens. &c. Alao, enrtment!uf sliter and Plated Ware, Tea. RecelVe4. GOA and Fruit. BasYtts, Cast GolderspCopS,Torks, Spoons, Napkin 1 and a haiidsrirdelassortment of European I Inge. 2 reakafully invites the public t examinelihis lig.k. at the old stand, sign r WATCII I' :1 op u!fte Mort imer's Ii W n ILLIAM teI. ,:i • : inP etsv,ll •••—_,.. ' • ~.. LIIBEM ---- ii - oi - 4 9 , 11E, 0 I Nett , °ugh oral Street,;'(; 40 feet II meets Isitigo. no LOTS P on' , ',nd-, 01 ned offers'al Private da I diveribed Property located id 1 Irerailliel—One lot of ground l• I eve, qra Welot Baptist Cborcb.) fronrind 75 fee; in death. Th OnalaHlf THREE DWELLIN r ' tajoiltorles each, with barei f;ii etiintly cerronodiocia to ac to Vil•ftnilllea. The other lot p R 'llol Alley. 30 feet, and ex k Ifllfeei ; on which la erected vo' -grfrainv,HWELLING 110 U • urt et:in forniatlon apply to il•: - - , i: JOHN PIT ,: , f- . Near,the Welsh Bemis %11l 2 ,11ec. 17., lettl HOUSE )[ IllelltB ; rumtno4l (tante r CP tenoll pp Rand tr% Mintl 141 Orr VANGT .ARTII k S A ND NEW I,kPRESENTS. ADAI:3; Work Boxes it ciO:Poix EGA. roR c it y 1- aD e 'hij Gold „ litoagere Sitarlior Penknives, Vi.:nridrrallWiti 'Thaw's . ° Irene Moonlit , hAlld69llle,A)nre. ' Pearl, 1,00 mut Shrll Card Cases, Onhoron's alaplacknisn's Colors, with i osistirs r.ir Krtints,`in hones, with -toe Chadic to (:miles in peat variety. For eels Ltivtip. at B- BAN 4 Rook awl. thtionety Store. Centre St. 1j DENTAL SURGERY lOLlmor tel I t N„, • liiit respectfully ten, i iTi tr slikeetSiceS tO the ritisens , and al e e 011ac,o. Having had:almn dented 1 suc'ettis heretotote he hopes s applica iiinttieths dittii,i of hl: calllot conthil tat i apatr ,, tinte, Ina ' itiun fry a vonveutent place or large I,' a isrAtariestrit asst.:tumid of 4 ,,. il' , , It i t' . ll sqle o l f anufacture, so .tent !la et. t 4 Int to.top alit to perform ra 1, 1 sq.: 00 lON'S is,tri tate and e I I pawl, . --tglujr et, elv attention will be 1 IAtLA., 'rail:tot:pinta tit, fir loam/ plate i Its maths ' ".,-, coy 're I'S Market Si;. a few doors trai o ct ec li 7, ;, ,: 4 . .> t ; -- ii 1 Iv 1?rlio,11. to certify that I have tea 1 101.413. 3 efilYaly illtrithet handy apt. M Atrii. a tii nlldita I tetoralurnd toy • patri i iiii i i iicv eneraPy, as being in every way Ove torsed'roti. , JOS. F. Fait 'rut. Dec. 17. IS.V, • To . ESeers, Founders, il kr, , t; N Iths, 111lichinistst nu ~[:. Nl.p.--On FRIDAY, the 2:14 3" mil l , he ptipitiee's. in I 'lna I Street. she easter , flrldes:i to eqiuthenee at 10 teekit nonn4ll thm,..Oxile. Fiztures and Mac Heading ,Voto, dry ttnil Machine Shop. I elinlog bulifiPs.• 1 1 ~.; ; ;:!T0. 1 4 Sale rod/ inchtde flur rlorl,ornlthr Lathes,lnexeelleo one: E rilirgrt u n Roll Lathe • . 3 Itoritttr N•q , ; 2 One k Ptantnt Ittachioe ; Two L hft Horizontal Btaant Engin A roMpletii.;t of 'Castings for_an 8 hoc simtli_ A Lute 181 to A i,Ei r ma r Toots;lron Flasks, Foond • an t lddh A cl iotrtnili, , Artaortment of Holler NI 8009, Ptrina Machines. &C.; A larg4 , t of Scrap Iron and old C lismalarn Anvils, and many othe romfrny • , 10 mention. • Teen's be made known at the by_ JA wißdinft4te: .17, 18i3 • A OE its:rams. nignilsan A2lll SILVA:at:WARR. • A Elat WM aft DlOlt of glatllovi MLlalto.;taftatta rift* , Cbelstsuatt awl New You Peesenta. • Fine 11 astral anal Leirer+Watebas,ao tow as 1149 04. Gold loping 44 its 04. Gold Cholas. emit sad Keys, floaer and Coe Ring. BrouSets. PI aa;Pe and I 'oMo . linear 1 , lama ea Setts. camors. Cake Bastoto. sad oJber attleuta, too numerous to Inentionoentela atilt, sold at,the too est cash pikes, an 4 warranted fits sotistorttoo. ;it ' - COO' it& Shi ERE-rS . ; .leteelrY Sono. -No eta Cimot llaus4 Puha. Pee. 3, Mid . 02t JOS)2PU S ELLICirisT, /VI iratrketatyr;citrd 11e,sbr'itt Warrlas, IA" ora S4sisd., iscris doors abave Clutre Stresi Potts-- ESPECITVLIS iovireetbe sue n tim oftbe pub. .1.11.11 c to has large and elevirttaewittenentot - Gold and Adger. Patent Lever, Duplex. Escapement. llortr.onial, ',twat and Plain Wairkes, Imported and American Cioricr. Fine Gold Jewelry. embrarine a earlety'ot rat:rely'. new stiles of areatt Pins, Ear Rings AA... Gold and Saver iPeocils, and p f. De.„„,D e .„„ , 44 ape' inr gold Frac:Wier 44reeona, p or ts. and those, oR es, Prated and Britannia . Ware. miser . Pearl, Shell and Paper klache I*4 Care, Plated jCaators.. Cake and Card Mask ers. Fine Cutlery, V iolitt 211141131 ut tar, Sirlage.ar, &r. All Fresh Stock, just retelvsd tad opened.' at the Ohl Slane, and New Su:reit-Where the se-pitting of all kinds nt (MA and Sliver Watches, Clacks and Jewelry wilt he vereMly attended to. ban't forget. two dnort above the Miners! B 3 ok, Centre Street, Pokteleine -14.18E.P11 8. FLy.NtTT. Nov. 19..1553., 40 flni i• UIRADY ' 011GLIArd. (of ;be 11.,te lion of tiIIADY & ELLIOTT.) lON OF THE WO Wicifell.opgogiii. Hotel, reapectfully announces to los friends and ttin public, that be still to bike flit sake CitOire of Clocks. Watt IWO. Slifek Wsre ~ 3 • , and Gap Jewelry, ir.v., to stibich be invites attention. lie is detertuined not to be under sold by any here or elsewhere. Call and •Judge for yourselves. With blcesPeriener'la business, and a - desire to please, and a guarantee Out all abode 'ball prove to be as represented, ha bop," oitl , to retain his snare of patronage. ; ' N. o.—All kinds of Watches,Clorlts and Jewelry, carefully repaired and wsirnivied.; • BRADY, Centre Bt., d!gn erne .24 IV atrqr. Oppoalie Mortitnees Hotel. 41-1 Y i= ' ern"- Co , le) and Oct. 9, t& in WATCHES. JEWELRY AND 811.17k4 IVARtI • i ;. lig undersigned wouidmiost respeetfolly inform hla friends and the pg4lh generally, that he has • reroritly enlargeduhd otherwise ho— proved hts store, mad livens/est tont*. ofr b, fur beauty and style "k of fi nish, cannotihe surpassed. lie hoe uuw in eture an este:wive amuitment GI WATCH. Ed. JEWELRY, MINER WAR end FAN CV GOODS, AB„ to whieb hg Invites attention. Mud determined to dispose of iihem at Mites Which not fail to render satiafarbon. Ile has eoneldershie expeiletice M the burigess, and will endeavor ro Meuse those who may favor him with their pitronaga Ali Combs guaranteed to he as represetitedi H. B.—Watches and jewelry repaired and warran. ted. All orders by mailer rithetwise promptly it• tended to. I JAMES B. fiDLBH. Nu. 1.9. douth liltit.ihelow Market tit., Mi. O. Don't forget the number. , July 16,153.' - f EIM L 0 1 23 1 90 1 40 1 3 ISM Itomon S. viei. ',Conn. S• It. 1 N. Y. 6: viciu.; .. North River ':%3ouihern 12513 bOl; 'BO2 56ti 5152 MISCELLANEOUS. . , . Dit/SIC. 14 . EDMONDS; Profeistir of Music. lite lof Llv -I.ll.o;''''). roan!. England, hi, prepared to gilt's lessons on the ?lama Forte, Organ or Melod on. For,terms tip pip to Mr. E., Mansion ilOntle. Mt. Carbon. From his long experitince . --as! a Teacher. and by strict attention to Ms baldness. the subsMiber hopes so ensure the patronage of the inhabitants of Pups y ille and its vicinity. !; 1• • '! . For reference apply nt , E'er. D-, Washburn or to James A. looms. Nig , slid among his patrons to 0. W. Snyder, Esq.;- , . . N. B.—Pianos tuned smi carefully repaired. Dec. 10, 1853. ' . ! ' . 50.31* 8,1202 0,5 4 9 ,630 going Utah) south own.t. INDIA ; Rumicea' COATS; .age., AT OBEATLY „*EDUCED PAICEitt , . rrIIE subscriber has ,It'ist received; ditect from the 1 Manufaaurers, a lota India Dubber Coati and Overhauls. 4 . 1 •• •• Ledgins And Caps, . Also , .. *. HUMP (Anvers, aic., sic, j. •• 1 All of which will he sOla 7... N -lit kO percent. cheap er than usual prices, Wholesale and rani,. Good Coats, as low as *t bit; Overhauls, *2 60. Leggin , *1 75, and Caps 11, Larige Horse C,oters,llll owe,' Wrier with a variety o other lndla Bobber Good , such, as Ladies' and. Gintlernen's *andel', Ladle ' and Gentlemen's Gloveti,drivinabud working Glove , Ike.. at . 1. • - It. BANNAN'd Cheep Book and Variety wore. Novomber 19, 1853' • :.' 46- nding TAL. 35 03 '7 10 41 18 44.07 SKI 11 17 8:1 02 1,6 I 79. . GOLD" ON GLOSS. • . FOR THE HAlR.—Among the many preparations for the growth of thOlsin, this GOLDEN GLOSS takes the lend. Three.resaone will be:elect) why It is to universally used and preferred to all others.— Ist. derange It Me pruved the most effectual 'ln bald. flees. 2d Because it•letparts :.f beautiful dark gloss and delightful perfume PI the hair. 1 3d; ILlecuuse .the Ladles, with tine discrimination. which they all poi • sees, have adopted it. Many other /cesim could be given why it Is a great, favorite% bur , those who want more have only to ive It a alai. • 'Price. 25 rte. in large bottles. Fos Star by Druggists end Storekeepers everywhere. VV ! , HURD, PioPrietor, • •.:501 Broadway, hiew Vora. 0. Mtge DISCOIIOI to Merchants.' 1 , November 140253 47-3mlr 1.4 .19 :49 Is 11113 :0 12 1 13 1 09 SIBBALD'S PATENT METALLINE COMPOZYND; • VOR the preservation of 'Stearn Boilers. froin the adhesion of scale lecrustation,cortOsipn. &c. - Patented in this Counity,Clierif Britain, Prance, &c. This composition hay been extensively tested on Strain itoitere. by the flovetninent-of the United Slates and individuals; It preeetity the, adhesion of Scale; the corrosion . 4:IC the Driller, and, b calculated to protect It irony the injurious effect df ail water— It to applicable to IRON ; or., WOOD 'and IRON where they conic i contact •to Fla iirnAde Eke. Pamphlets of Its mention.' certigcates from the United tittles Navy Ur [Ailment an niters furnish ed. and the Componnd :for sale by . SNYDER. & N CS. ported / ounty il'or AL 0002 09 109 15 175 01 192 06 (1 10 7 4 ,349 14 ,854 13 1 1 • rOTAT.. „557 09 ' fso:i 11 410 09 {1339 07 ;,8% 06 1,69 03 t,ISO 06 .216 11 v 983 02 ~.. ~47 04 :,235 04 FIVE PER ' T:, ' . 'SA lING F Ull D . ' [ Chartered by the s?ate •of Pennsylvania, 1841 aiseiTsisTrkeii. 0250,000: TIIE-SAVING KIND cf the National Safely Com pauv, Nu. ni Walnut Streetotwo• doors above Third, Philadelphia. if open every day from 9 o'clock A. M., to 1 - o'clock, P.:51.. and no Monday and Thurs day evenings until 9 tOluck. This institution Is well kuon n as one of the eafert and best managed in this country, and pays Five Per Cent. interest on money paid In there, from thd day 01 deposit. • • Any tutu front one dollar upwards is , teceived. and all sums, large or small. are paid back: on demand, without notice, to ani amount . ... The SAVING FUND has .h.foregniree, Ground Heat's, and other first cla.'s investments all well secured, Amounting to -half a melts* ofdolla rs ter the security of depositors.. .. I - . . . Oilire No. 95 Walnu t Street 7 2 doors above 3d, Phil . - adelphia. r 110 N, HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, V ire President. Trios. T. SMILIV. Antsuy. I ' I BOARD! OP REFEREES. -- ' lion Wm. Rh haritS.PottSloWn . J.] D. Sweeper Eol., Editneof the Later.pottstqwnli J. N. Beim netnaa, nerll6ll. E t ..i., Editor a(4- .v,utratiat,Bkippackville. Enos Benner, Ego, Editor of the Farmer e Priest'. SninnylOWn I lion. Jpellones. late Mayor of Phila. Mollie td lion. -John ;Robins. Jr.. member of Con- gress, 4th district. Pa',. linii.:)ansee Page, late Pr:A mmer ult Philadelphia s lion. Wm. Pennington!. late Governori of New Jersey ; 'John G.' Brown. Esq.. Pottsville i Frederick Lauer. Esti...Reading. Phi lad'a., Oct. 59,'53 (April 23,'53 17-10 4 1— 894itAND ROOK I I RDRRT. • T:nfalo Pg.l :l sl l le"en l uund / tru our Bindery teeicaled for Home of have been lying front !to 5 years. , Unless called for by the Ist of insular'', 1954, they will be 'sold for the Binding: Byrne's Dictionary, In riambers:—.lollboadi, • Gazette of the Union; Vols, and 10—Kelly, '75 eta, [Uncial on Colors, a . I Laws or ' Penneylvaritn.eleo—Bosbyshell Ho 'dO : ' McKinney's t'elin'a Junice,l Johnson's Reports, A vol+. inquisition of Spain'; , ! Knickerbocker, Vol 50; Fremont's Explarink , Oxpedltlnn, ' I j n` ,, 'Belfast Monthly Maculae. Vol 3, ~ Congressional Reporw, sot 1 1 0—Col Wynkoop, 50 Public Documenie.9oo. • . 50 Coma:lntoner@ of Patehtii,l946; .• ' 0 2 4 Golden Rule—J JorWe ' . ° • 100 V• Cyfaill, vole 3Sindl4. I ' -. The Female Instructor, Bvo, Thiene French Revohlution, 1 Yob, Graham's Magimine l ; v 411220. and 27. Evergreen. vol 3, Walker's Gagetterr, Panne Documents, Vole I and 5, American Phrenologkal Jouinal—Ged Wynkoop, Pope's Journal of Tfade, Bvo, ' 2 bO. Reformation, tivo—L. LI Jones. • . 50 London and Westmiiister t Edinborg aid For • eign Quarterly Re4leit,4 volt, Lancet, 6vo, True Republican—Wm Burrell, . i 65 1 • Carter's Tour In Eukope—Monroe'llamer, ; horseshoe Robinson.' 2 tot., T , ' , Toe Gift, ' r, . . . Y.Cytaill, eith, 183SiA9, •i • . - English and German Dictionary. • 100 , •• Bill Book. 0 • ! 50 r Ringing Book, 2i . Youth's Instructor, 2 :., a, 'Dutch Hymns. 2 American Mueorn-F liWynkoop, I , Die Entbingdung Kiliasi.ll Valker—Haines. Lady's National Ma line, , • 62* Medical Companloni , I 75 German Reformed Paellas and Hymn., . 50' V Cenhawdwr AmcHlialaled—l Evans, 50 3 vole Penny Cyiloyredia, McKinley's Digest ,•Laiss of Penn's, Bvo, . • Merry's Museum, 2 ' r . 771, O v id Delphini, 2 ' . 175 Owellediad Y-Paria.VLArtan—W Williems, 50 ollengcuff's Germari`GramMar. 1 Life of Whitfield. 2' 1 37 Welsh Book—ThoslGriffith • -1 23 I Holy Bible,l2m, 4 ' ProverbialPlidosoPhy,l2er:, All kinds of Books, Pamphiete,:bligalines,Piclo nal Papers, dic., bound neat, durable; and cheap, et the 'subscriber's lh:iksfore and Bindery, Centre St., opposite the Episcopal Church. B.! BANNAN, Bookseller, Printer and Binder. -'-- 0,719 01 .IS' 2.734 12 Si 2,05.1 Ifl 752 :,700 IS 1 1,979 07 5 Y,ti 1u 0.5 12 702 11 :5 9e.0 11 4 t 4 97-0R -7' ,SS1:1 11 ,V..).3 2J..17 07 10 •t. 711 17 1,1 .213.01 ;ATION Clinton 1,75 1,1'5 TIL 1 ore. 2 00 2 00 1 1 4 5 0 00 533 adelphla sOrtment Ides for he public His stock • !thee of cry low .eks, new 'lie Ricks, large as ( tte. Cud Boqust ohs. lac, il Paint call and t the BIG .tne fol- Cie Cor ni Church ...mining i improve- Anreh .1.3 t YEAR'S new and U the re nd key. N'S Pottsville 51— irs his pro- Pottsville t unprecc• 11, by strict o merit 4 moments, hat tlUllat- Wittig,' to .aid to the. utk In ail Love Veil• 1•!m fervid nit, It. 1.. POD no and the I 'Wiled to EIDERS. 51.2 t Blatch &C. December• e the Lan in the fore oery of the owner. de- condition— Venial En- implementri kit's Toole, Ingo. Forge ankles dot e ted e r x mc . s. 5.14; WA.TMn.* ==0:1130 MIN= - F. CARBON 130A011430 eitDINAPIOXI. Arr Oni;nallet fOl!; grading and elating ticte'un in the Boreqtgai of Pore Carton: • Bait ordained, &O; Thai [bine Street. from the lower'llne of the itioraugh to William Street, he prided and curted,:i in conformity with the plan as surreyed and laid our byticorge B. Ilmlth. And be I:fart/Ur Ordained, That all stone'llsed In curbing the nfotesild Street. Phan be of. dimen :Out not lees thawthe follow ing, tlittt Is to say t— ittle. feet in length. eighteen inches In width. and KW inches. an Inicltnisel such stone to be hammer d and Jointed, nine 'lichee from the top downward, and the eidewallo. shall be either paved with brick at , stone, nt filled in With gravel. and ha it fawiteltedateed &c., That the aforesaid Street, within the Above described 'limits, shalt be curved and payedilor filled lo with gravel, as above stated, prior to the:fast day of July nett, and In de, Caul of any pariah of person. to e..oaiply with the 1 provitiOns of thlerrdlnance.the eituncil shall pro= teed to have the ptonerty of such pereon or ;moons curbed sad paved bud collect the chit pf same from sold panics. according to the Sth and eth Sections of Act of *Pte:Sally. Patsed March 30th 1951. • it 0444 grithl.., Chief Burgess Passed Nov. 30111,1852. Altera, 11. dfittstes,Clerit December 10, JUR,. FITS! iIFITS!! FITS!It • THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT 1 ...SPIILEPT/43 Fur Mr curs 0,4 Fitt, Spastu, Cramps, aid ill Ne rro us drift Constitutiont Dwain. • EadONA WHO ASA LABORING UNDER this Pdi mitady win dad: nut -VEGETABLE EPILEPTIC PILLS to be the anis remedy ever 46- covered for crtrivi Epitepsy.or Foiling Pits. • These Pills pollees' a. spirals aetkin on the per trout swarm I end. although they Weems , es; pectatiy for the purpose of coring Fite, they will be found of espreistbenurfit far sit persons *flitted with weak nerves, or tibro:e nervous sykteus bee been pros trued or sbattertert l'oras sepeonse 'whatever is enrols- Ir compleint*, of 4lsessel of long; needing. superin duced by nenrousetess,they are examinee DON& lal• Price It per boil. Ofillro bozo, Olt E. Peaoasoat Of the city, eneltotag a temitteitos, Will hairs the PUN seat them through the mail, free of ppostage..... For solo by erra A HANCE,No. IN BALTIMORE duvet, Ralllibore;1114.,lo wheat Mists Osman gene of the Union. mill s be ad4neei4.so,ollM, Jens 4, DM - 514,1tf., Fl i ares* Aitt ii.,... , ...ally, - ..41P. ... the N.Yevk Allid Erik in rat ric:4,l,spectfully solicit a share-of the pagromigri or, buyere, styambnaVer fvoity oir. tthi..... N. W: turner Of Wattan and Fr.kut streets.. - W BehuylkllL thilladetithia,Fetaualy I. 1,5.13. , g.,. ALFRED I.AWTWV k nut Agent in tiebnylkilConnty for at, pure - hair aed . thiPP Office., Yardley's Ball.lieg, Moak' Additi on. Pottsville • . i , ~. SHERIFF'S SALES. SIMERIFF'S SALE. • • BY virtue of a writ of Trost. Fir/di/iota expo- I oar Issued by the Conn of Common Pleas of Berks Courtly, and to ow directed. there will be exposed: to Public Sale or :tottery, on SA - I UHIDAy. December 31at,,1543, at 2 o'clock in the a aertionn, at the ?ebbe. House of WILLIAM F. GEIST, in the hintoirli of Poo/Mille; Schuylkill County, the) following dr scribed Heal Estate,tu wit : . ALL that certain undivided equal fourth part. the whole Into'fourequal parts to be divide/. of a tier! or piece of Coal Land, situat' Its Branch Towi.ship, Schuylkill County. In the Stale ci Pennstlverito, bounded sod described as,fultows : Beginning at a ' corner Marked by a' post.therice by land of Jacob Guuchle noribla degrees ran Op perches to a while, oak, thence by landut Said Jacob Ounckle, south 41 degrees east 62 perches to a White oak. 'Muth 411 degrees west 112 perches to a white oak ,sauth 00 degrees west leo perches, to the place of beginning, containing 294 y courses and dwellers, tot by courses and. brituidaries 436 acres, acrid measury., wtth the appurtenances, constsitng of onV Frame Coal Breaker prone and Frame Engine House; I i Faille Blacksmith Shop, I Pointe Stable. I Stone 1 . Powder Douse, a story Stone Ilwelitng-110Ose , with a 2 sooty. stone kitchen attached, one 2 story stone Dwelling Rouse. with a story frame kih..b. en attached, 2 double one story stone Dvirilltllt liar 'nes, one 1 story log DiSelling house, 1 waterpower Saw Mill, 1 Log Stable, Am, . • lALSO all the right, title and inier .c ct hr Samuel Congdon to the one undisided moiety or. heir ;too Of three tracts or pieces of land, tWo of them situate in Pinegrove Tovvitsbip..Schuylkal County, the Oita containing lathe whole 3;2 acresand allowance, and 'the other containing 100 acres and alluenWie - in the whole, the third situate fn Eldon Township Schuyi-, kill County corilaining , l4o acres and allowance In tberwbule.. Ahro,the undivided Ninth pert in two other trams Orland, the one situate Ice Porter Township, Schuyl kill Coulaty,containing 250 acres and allowance in the whole, .zed the other situate in Branch owlishly County aforesaid, containing 400 acres and ethic% - slice in the whole. Seized and taken in execution an the proper ty of SAMUEL CI INGDON, and will be sold by • JAMES NAGLE, Sheriff. eherif's Office, December 10.1833.- t 9 lylf ! MANUFACTURES. I , IIE undersigned respectfully beg leage to ari -1 moque to the citizens of Schuylkill County, and the public In general. That they- have established a Founiity in West Haven. near The Blew ratite Minn 11111 Railroad Cu-, unit a shott diotance front the Junction of the Philadelphia & Reading •._ • and Mine Hill Railroads, where ;they are prepares' to execute all' orders, in their line of busittars,such as Frogs, ••"- Chains, &c., fur Raliroads. Coal Breakers. et atei Pipes, Mill-gearing all kinds of Caetings for Ma chinery. Fire.and Collet Grates, Plough Shears and-Points.Pash Weights, fe.,&e —They are like wise prepared incest to pattern or milk of Brass of - Davit Metal. All orders will be thankfully received and punctually attended to, and dome: in the best workmanlike matinee, and on the niost reasonable terms, Scrap Iron will be received In exchange for castings, or the Customary - price paid in cull. • J. B. Cc L. K: KEEFER N. B.—Wood Turning also done tit short notice. Dee. II), 1553 PILDINLRE FOR COLD WEATHER. 4 Buffalo Robes .Direct from St. Lout c: TrIOSE wanting fi rst-rate Buffa l o Rohes, for the coming winter, o'.an be supplied, cheap, at the Subscriber's. A large assortment. of various sizes and all of the best quality. Just teceireddirect ly (roe St.l.ouls. Single and Double Carries*: Ila ruszri,rillver moun ted and finished in tha hand.ramear style, always on band. Also. for heavy teame, manufactured of the .. A bestoriaterlats, strong and durable. daddies, bridles and all Witle4 01 • trappings hPlonging to the saddlery business, kepi constantly ready for ante ar -made Au order. • . harness suit:sta.. rot ',Misty pit roosts on hand, or Mildew order 'at short tiotor. ipe Orders for harness, Air.: promptly supplied op reltionable tem, I..:Wosll3.rlitoltrP, Opposite Episcopal Chinch'. Cent re It.. Pottsville. Dec. 10 1853. 01-Ivl . 50 if NEW SLACESMITH'S SHOP rr HE undersigned her; leave. to Inform the citizens i of Pottsville andvirinity.Ant he his opened new Illartsmith's Shop In Seventh !street. between. Market. and Norwegian, on the lot of ground occu pied In part by. Esterly and Wire • /screen Manufacture r 4. lie is prepared to do all kinds of. Smith's 'Korai:Fitch ar-Ilorse-stinelnir. Ironing ' Wagons, &c. 1,c1.• Mann ihrt tire rof Grubbing Hoes - and Ground Picks. Mini , cs . Picks, Rakes, sled ges and Wedges. Ile would take this rastliod of in forming the Mechanics that he Itui,UNcltirrs Stamps for marking Tools, which are always made at the shonest 'notice. .1a II hS MATT KM _Pottsville, Dec. 3, 1853 49.fitn DAS-FITTERS AND PLUDIDEDS 10.511 T H & DOWNING havingnad very cOnsiderahie I.l.esperienre as Gee Fitters tee) greet confidence in offering their cervices to the cittiens of Pottsville. They have commenced business , 111 their on n ac count, In the Basement of the budding below lifise,s' Journal Office, where all orders either for Caa Fit= ilog or rePalring - tnav be left and they.wlll receive the most prompt attention. Their pipes and other mate rialkshall be of the very best kind, and their ,Pittinge of every description th,it may he dewed will be fur nished and put up Ina workmanlike manner and at the shortest possible notice. SMITH & DOWIIN(.3. 40-Om N. kinds uf•Cua4e Corks, Water Cbckn. Steam Cocks, Oil Cups, Oil Globes, and Elbows of conetantly' on hand• All kinds of work in Brass dune at the shortest notice. , 1 N0v.26, 1853 484ian No.' 99 North. SECOND Street, 2 doot t alai the Aft. Vernon Hotel, Philadelphia. ' 1\ ANUFACTURER of Pine 011 or tlamphi. .IVlFluld, Lard and Oil LAMI'S. Clhandali.rs and - Candelabras for Clair( bes. Stores, Patient, &r. 'The subicriber:would respectfully Invite the attentinh Si storekeepers. and the public in generaloo hit large stock of Ooode.conninttog of the above, named tut clss. which W be disposed of at the lowest Mann fneturer'n pricer, IVAOlesale and Beloit. N. B.—Alan, heat quality of humming Fluid, Piile 011 orlhimphlne, 0 lobes, Shades, Wicks, arc.' NEWELL'S PATENT SAFETY LANIPS, new article fat pale. Ncnember 5.1853 MOROCCO FACTORY. MOROCCO, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDING Stere, at Derr Old eland, on liantoaa titreet, , POTTSVILVE, • The undersigned 'respectfully Informs the CllSLii mere or the ..thuve well known eatahlishtnent, that hg Will tuniinlie the MANUFACTURE of all kinds of MOROCCO, Efuch as Kid. Sten De, French porocfo, :Owe, Hat /.4. liook'Hlndings, Pink Lininc..,„ Kc., &c.ouf wiltcon sfanHy have on hand , a Keneral itswrtment ot all kinds of ' LEATHER, ditch as Oak.Tatined. and Red Sole Leather, til'augh t‘r Elps, French and Chy Calf Skins, • .1 Miners' Alpper Leather. And a varlity of Shtin e indities. !melt as Threadi, Nails, Pegs, Clamps, Ate.. &0., all of which will be sold at. the LOWEST CASIT,PRICES. 't 3011 N L. Id I.NNI(I_, Ce All kinds of - Skins, such? as iSbeep, Goat. Deer. &c.. and also gllinaC.tek , n i h exetringe /or Leather, at the highest market priies, or Hid tor in CASH. Pottsville. Oct. 29.1663. 41-tf 4 50 11 50 75 The Best—The Cheapest, 'Corder of CENTRE ¢ MAHANTONGO rrim pleasantest Rooms and most Convenient to customers, where a few hundred sqler'imens -cad be seen among which are acme of our greatest States men and Ladies. Prectittent'A House, General Post Of. dee, Treasury Building and Cirald College. All are Invited to call and etaminethere specimens as they are well worth a visit. • Persons who have had difficulty in getting suited rlsewbere are Invited to give me a trial, as ..I have FI a superior WP-LIGHT ved SIDE-LiCHT irtange- Writ. • Children's Likenesses taken in a few seconds. by an improv,ed process. *Call early to , avoid a crowd. I• BuperforTictures, Pearl and Cheap Capes. at great ly reduced Trlcea at C. VANDEN BURG'S Daguerrean Rooms, Cur. Centre & • Mahn ntongo Ste• to-Gentlemen and Ladies may rely upon having 'superior Pictures and polite'attention November 5.1853 =I &OMER I LUMBER! I LUMBER' !! THE, undersigned as prepared to furnish bills of Hemlock, Oak, and Witte. Pins Lumber to any estent.and of the largest Orley, having under his control wills' that are sawing over 100,0tel , feet ,of lumber per - werek. T.. 1. lIIIIIIIES, Ag't. October 41, Itqr3 43-1 y • More & Gallagher.. Ride Road'aud Cuatri Street, "dadeAphia Iron roundels and Msuniactureti of lATROUGIHT and CAST IRON am! ali 1' V kinds of Ornamental and Architectural Iron Works; Iron,lisillngs for public and pt Ivate nrotintls, Verandahs, Settees, Chairs, Valdes, kr. •Fartic-ular attention paid mu the cncluauto of Ouriai Lots. . More drAlallather's Doan or oillillPAL DISIUNN and tint of prices sent to persons wishing to matte u. selection • _ Novenlet 5,18L3 PORT CARBON • SOAP AND CANDLE FACTOKI". TIM subseriber announces to the public that he' Manufactures all kinds of Soap and Candy.' at his Paciory. in Port Carbon, Schuylkill County; wealth he will warrant to bo equal to quality to any obtained abroad. and at lower prices than simi lar articles can be purchasest in Philadelphia or etse. where. The blithest market pike for tallow will herald In cash at his Fancily. HENRY October 12,1533. 43 ey REMOVAL. P/ERSON D LLAMA' t (late it' tit. Pier , cw. uiIIIOLESALE and Retail BLANK BUuI ht AN- Y V RFACTURERS and IdTATiIiNCReI have re. moved from No. ha North 4th tit lett. W. Cor ner of 4th and Cherry fitteew. PHILADELPHIA. Accouut Rook; of the finest quality. toyethe.r with all kinds of superior *Stationery. suitable for Bank eor Commercial porposes,lcoostantly on hand.— Rooks:Mimi to any patter:l,ond made in the-,most durable maniter.at the shortest notice. All work warranted. ro• Banks. °nicest and Merchants sUpplietl.pn mod• erste terms. Oct. 1.1853 • :A4l' PRE subscriber aunounems to the public that hi has I purchased kleolsinth Welter's lee flople, at Tum bling Run Dam. and wit be prepared tol supply - the. community with as much Ice as they may want during the whole of the settling season at seasonable rates. Hawing experience in the tontines,. and heing. deter. mined to mtppl lode custemitros in feriu; lbws. abroad. he y Mutts, hlmtelfthst he ve pie in give tlre sattsfamlon totbe community. - ,ntonoc , Nov. I. lOU TOTS. TOYS AND .FANCY mops. • frIIE Subscriber hsirjest arrived from Europe with Ji it tine and lame an d of TOYs of every de -841100111 Eld. Was and Gum Dolls, Fancy basseig. Hannonleaa. Sane and Tobacco Dorm of Seger ther Dram Dominoes, Crimes and a great Dot of &Miles, too Mamas* to mention. &Mg eit o f ht . own seteettrin front Si). osaanflantees , be ran sell thum d w iptir (barterer Won. JOHN DOLL. N o . so N:01 et,. between Aieb an d saesSta. Palls W• OM' A is NEW FOUND William W. Hamer, soll ! ICE 11 PRIVATE. S - VatUABLE =AZ,: : - • ri,T . P/f /V.ti TE' DESIRAISLE taidjstury Era. 11. a and Lot of IfirttuiLLV legit jIV depth. to a * . al trot wide alie),;‘,ll , - ..iabie.'atiit un the kik it an exceli, of waiter rod PuinO, went' '4a I e , Cruit Times said Grain. VistetLlu. Jett talkie ledittence, ,Oluale onl E. wegfao Milett., in iiie Borough i i;tlie. '- '' ; i . ,. . . ALSO, A two-tOtrfrante Hu' army of. Home. And 1,011.11 Groan 1 weivof watet.lo4 t•,iiinyi,,ott RI ilitsupgli of Molar - ale. , A Lott, A 'il,./able ui two Fttillitt `mot lot in llroitott 01l Minerivill ALSO, A dr.q.,ol.ll.;uvoi 4o luyv it tit 'add :Ircuial eteerlp, Nilt ALSO). Sett end wiser graved Uu 00'4 St f. k ret atol-No wletlanAild Ail•of whicare ifereil at Ito ten s., rovtartaer t..tttitular• a . . I 1 ...' 1 A ' -' * 4 I Real Estate AfetiLuoilit .• 'Dep. 10, 13:.!3 -------. 1 ,—.1-_-1.-,----',_-_ -. . . rOu sei , , i 500,0°0-FEET . 1' ;FM: tni act,ivied he! ebY yo:ntily of PINIS and" M:3l titlAttati, which Ct e well tam about half a talk tOun t 1 I:alta and Eritt the„tlank wiwt.t . " Creek, II ityles.trutu Po of the Pine Id dela' or panel !Philos-It LI of the beet yttaltty,o , The leit4 Ma vary, fri.tot 16 to I as good a tut as - ea:111H, limn& to It I, ettiefody lolediup; and wit, or 1 0 1.0, !mitt A. M A ACCOL or to A. A. RENNEDY, I Novanihet 19, Itig. • .. - I FOR - - rut: ...cii.01,..t Tract of C.' .1. 132-tt , re", Sfi tittrt ht., a Ulla i Lit-110M Ut 1Rt..0 ea -• Thltrealtuble, 1.7.41 Property i : wegton CrOck,tati the V. tet la' • CorbUtellotiruall, slow tv,o,mll i It is covered with Ilne..itro.ith boil, for 1 3W Unit r and irl th u . running throuo t, the •• Hit. whicb;eilth other ithallre ars.' I math line.. The u ujeUrly lug" f.lt Coat. are alt.trott t; ut o Create being sunlit' on the '• 11 13 111Mo:I •' Wt. Or tine, and it i probable tit 1111 that seam can . 11.. s be lease For terms apply, u J. U AR. urfor Airs. .) - Centre tktobOr 22, 2553 • . . 1 • ATE • 1 1. ES TA7 in theliorciugh ! TTS rIL E. . 4 era vial led* l'utteV3ll.!. in Arm' Vcstrrn i'"uniyy and intizndine tasell the Gillowing Heal, ritate. of valnaUe Kt: THE tinJersig twilit lor the vionrtu .at tim vizi No. I. k vilua the , . Ntreft, uppolitehla "Pirablerlontion 7 e. Te n villhous feet clout by 1411 if and otherionvert) Ther..aPe 1tt,1114 se! &t., tittarhet :worthy the, wept wiltte mold at d theme:Wee:rub!. ,/ 'ile Tamil Si 'ad , — well knitivu as ILE 1101.litiE, , situated on. Centre Itasuionen sir , t, beide the ecost de ,icr allutel il/ to lioronot of p.,,t,-- itt bit tit of tic e, 21 Pull iesbigh, So lest deep, with Kitchens, Ice !Muses i)eners for a f l otel.,-- . *Wing. Cards pilau- ~.7- 1* It. Tuts. property is . 7 , fill i•ton of Capitaii ts and :: $. rice Wilieti re , ?rs it .... . Oavestuientir oils- . No:'2. A lot 20 Is ererred the foi 1, a 2: Flory diul nine Room and X weitcaltalated The building lia Sauderio tire, above mentiO are i eubelantiall low, Mint excel be onlttin Cr, ilnei No 3. Alai 3, on Centre battl '.teed (rapt loadr) 'tory brl 13.34:11 ling-bas Eflarge att4ched. Ilire to wo:e.- The airs , sir.tble'sture ettel N o. 4. A. (inn Street, a few dc ble property fo i feet front by ' 0 feet dr;ep,uti which owing y ; on Centro &treat to Uweiling a id Store Hooker Din lichen attach: d. Thia powerlY it r any kind o I mercantile , biteinea. been OcCupla. the past 10 years by ;' ,as a Drug ta ore. On rear'end of i • bed lot (labial to on Railroad itrreO! {frame Usually, which are nearl y ' Pent repalt• "he latter . proyerly ss in: 'alon with the tormer. feet front by 4 U feet deey4.sitnoted t, betwe - ent'N ' rvregtan and Market: on wind; to r eefed a large ll•ter Ming and.ritor Mouse. The P re - 1 •j !firer story lit hen and dinning 'awn' itore.roolu is I f..et deep by trl.kfeef:. ye la without nd an the Lim Dwi.iling a 411$ helotr ith email lauul ectsoln altli I tall upon ruined la sell all 0ct...15, 1653. :ous of portion I= :==!ti PI#LAD MEW PHREN =hSIAIII.ISI ivcri! itoLoi , v.-4 I,WLCA: I) tiikeltrd .1 P rerwlegic,sl 0 Arch at, 231 S t ret, Philadelph / Seventh otter a; and ate prep %arks nu Phrenology. Physl, &apathy. Magnetism and Ph( pt lets. erre 11 1 11 1 [4: . i i l it r r " l i f . 4 l ' e j 1 Uahlliel free Ph ulatlelphir 4rural Esanin: 10 visitors. ,Dai. 10,1,053. !LION IT. iIARKIVES% blo Cilothil '. - 128.111A110 LA-tant Corne t PiIiLADEI. etursof this*. uthing Emphriu ty for the CO; qlothii.g, and tit edelptila and ita Lortvd, and in( Otal.le clotlitnf TO ALL rastelp • (The Su rrillE. I'foot Abed CI euvb:(lcelebr ces 01 thetr .fits of Phibel grit, brit art , , .stoci of .otti.s,! compliring .S(iirtiot ey., ealtie Be COlle , . Sia{ , erlor Utk Ovrr Omni, Flue and .upirtor Black Clul Frock C0a1.,, laper'r. Hl' 'and Fanc y Fine Black Veßt.s,, Fancy Wpole i n Vrtln. And all other a rticles of %V v4rlely.ao.l tit the lowest pr 11 N. .—Ca ' , nod see ;Imp N0v.21. 1h5:1 J1ok:411: AoA4s. and Brown Fr 1 &DAMS & PRO D ' C 0 .1T 'MO • - Wade 4 . rollido., • IS Pr patled 1er,07 :I'l,lll'r:qt.' it I.alltit4 Iferklm,l C? Cher r, Pine. Appte t Llo :tap Salto I do Irti - sk%? heat Flew; Pearl aid dulled Barley, ; Wird & Peachro, Re.] na clilk • Codflpts & .Ikaled Herring. Slotti'd&wltte cantle enapi Canary and Hemp .eteeit, Mould.' Ad mantine and; `ilperro Dairy r , aft*. Bath Brick, German Clears, • Havanna o . flomOnY. •N. P inn ".' CranberriP .Currant ::, Hatpins, Ci rod , paten, fi `South 11812 II ntarrozo - . WHOLESALE Noielt. .e. comer of FrA to call-the Uteri! Schuylkill County, sr! pods, hai.lng always on hp at Groceries, Teas &c.. ea trade. Tkey are - constant! cultural districts Produce.' with which they' cansuppl CM Nov 19,1859 _OULU (Wholesale RA oath, NINTH PIIILAD ENG TOW {ryes. 864 'tire 111 milt approved style otl French Flowers and ,IFI Najd hd ,new styles . 1 Stilts -and batlns, of ei bewilityles of Velvet Cold nd rillver Ribbn wl bo I.lningo II no it Nadirs and Cr. ti'ting 'mid., directly from •hapes see oositrpoesed. • hoveinlter 19. le5:1 DAVIS ICULIN Deal re In. ' LAMPzi,I.ANTE: RA, A- CiIit.:WELIE..IZS, rurne;' Funk' and ehPuy • pun% ELPEILk. AVIG !len la rs ell and rn i arntird their fltorp:'and the largest ass lament efl.arnps In Nola gelphia, they are now pre ared to fornieh Pine' CA.llPflEli E. Etherval!oll,Phoggrne Ca, and lardoit; I.srapv.Ltto reins. of iall patetne. Fan'try lintel and 11411 Lapps, t:haade vii, , CfrandOlß4tandolbra+, ant Britan nia' Lampe, th'e_Miihuturu int* loWe*t price'. Wass I.ii , ups by the package; tu, , a emtlladvnnce overAlce tam prices. Beituyliuge Illatiufactianete of Ploi oil, ) 1 11rning*15 1 1.1. Ethereal 014. Alcohol. and (he only true) Plireigene Cat, th can tithlth awe tinkles i s such 'priers that blerr ante will dad It le thetr an tap' to buy. Call be oreatolng Atwater. if' you want butpine— Alsuitb dufety.F . luid Lump cot rale. Elept. 1., 1 . i IThilM • 1. Slope Chatilis. .. . TitErattlersignectbegs eSpeetfolqi to eall 'the ditto 'tinier, hi inert, Coal litchantsiand all those In want , ..oll Ego? PROVE 1 or 11E4T tierri • (Maths/. ( s. , Isstrif or Mit! par • r es. to IW lssre stork •or Bgit t Li it SC/hilts , assoqed sizes; (row 9 , thch I 0 1 : limb, made trout ;Chits, reihned Iron. I .•• i i , Alsooo his large stsr or REST PitoOVEO Cillins, iliioOed iitk noel 3.16 inch to if !nth, Otadr `Rum the best eablelron.w.tile will he vahl on very tea ' . 06 .bui ter toG by - MS IEI. Ilts.CaßTilVe , - No! Ith Etwanson Buret, and NO. 9 Dock- i{t* Wharf. Philadelphia. . • r - • REFSR TO 1 - W. V. Atarirla Co.. trfrorke "Mesita. Esq , Port ray ' boo r Charles hillier 3. f b t;r: flictilintotk .1.: AlrECAlibt,' ' Ph sisdalphist t Johanan' 111, Esq.. perreSlyit. hi0v.126,1853 i! s ' '; S'-om' 40-5 m PIISL[O SALE 0 rtritainvaci &c: iv Lbe sold at e ate on 'Saturday th‘e llin v v 011 , - Deeember Inn., • t he Ative!ting of the Pate CaTII HINE FOX d'ne .as d. a vattetv of boaVehatd and klivhen fa 'maned. nehlini In part of brdateada and bedding. (halm. •,'lnOVev together teltb a variety of kllthenint itate,.too lediatti In ladstiod i , Salolo commence at d o'clock A. N. Terms at sale. - 41:41d I . Admtnisttillat. • --Det.'lo, .54}1P It PUBLICATIONS. _ i .. .....___..........,,—.........:.....,___ 1 „.......__________ . , .Nllll7 8003'. K. , . . Utd.Foiuo-for Fanny', Laitia Fq•nde. Ofto's Tremont,' of *milts platral. Nipotooi at, Pa. Helena iromtbe rata atm` Jourrals Di Sir Hado.rn Lone taaJa. Haydon'a kOobi , ?erapaT .ditom r ata Twu, Toylca 'irate Tack,naan'aiatowL la Eaatay.d 1 CaauVehar,, a Ttamicw.giviDg It The flueh Ze.. , . vl A iaiia4.l ft , •• i. Pli ,:, M4ltitva . .. , _ Sil:N.an , . t i t it to 11'.rov /r..: , , I iv( •."1.. Jr) Wt.. 1 0 ,11.13 (AM 01 : el , , Liri. , 0. 1 ..f! !ob.:fly a a.l SOY etemrtew Now. ~1. tlnri T0me.,(..: Me raided U.spel,v 32111. `.4ttoCt Liu., h./ iho il:cy(t. , ahli LAtrikkli J aid Ne lE.lnto,i...ti 74p(tilai...1111a1 1" . .,1 1,211* lay • Ilec. 10. 1;53, .130401 S FOR TUC /t z,,Prikvtarttlon 17u✓ts - The: pow' in thy Cloud of Cote apping . dr hether fur Ilicluty.. suf. r!pluce dteet. - saLcied—Esslish MT*. Mame* }record ot Wools Slaesstsy's Lays u( Asr lent kto • stehinet of Mode's An Is: .Sa.La 11 borr'x Irish MriodirsWm Lratleti or Memory elegantly ilt tro•ms. - oirkawy 9 engraving", (Lift Book or lierus tl erignivtait Illetotnrx of tA..htli.speate 91 sPlrt Mrs • Jamison seriatactprisocs • 1.1 our Coal,— LES.' ii , STATE IM/3 Anis. • The Wide Wide World itluatra The Home !took Mum PICIUIPM 'miles of American Ant hots 111 The. Queens of England. by Agn RM. tieok or the Heart 33 enirn v(ouvener Gallo ty - 13 eng Inv int Tipp Golden fdanual.• . rfltkeprareitl'ales Watt•• Lyt,lceul the H.-tart 13 e ca Flower* fot 1P45.1, ' rne rinuwdake, "",:o - The Gem Awns!, do, iihute lut ty IWI tidk ' ttlete)l I nt wril • ratty of lag it 3 .t - Ndr 111 - Potts- ga Usseturill with ■o catelleto. Altry, 114. lhb Vileedslity'slitteri nit do The White Veil a Bridal Girt el raniphell's Poetical Works.lo Roves dr. ,to It The Diadem P 2 engrarilip, 'Collett of 11'416114k 15n, ISA,' The !itsgrioila • do Christmas lalosouats do do Roses • • do rut - sale 3L LN•r!!!ng llutties ndcort:et• Tal• I Ile, SO by tin Yens. tlitig Lout, tot ne ion to Pottstrtlie. , pines putt tiny ply tu *. EL. HARTZ, I , he Town 1101. f.,0-3nt 1 • The Owlish flook• - Store. . : A HE eithacittirra bowing now completed their at .l rAtipentruts for the 11:Ipatal oil Ibe Elllgilill BUOkif. r inVite the attent lon.. of Librar es,tiook-buyerv. and i the public generalry t n . tiwif t uck , found tateisually'choire and we. I,trirett • l, anti at iLti• lute( "a"mibleltili',.eit:littptirtt g direct trove the thl gi tab rublisherasiii baying for aelt,ttiry .titi etntairA 0 sell In many insia neve tine ii: gl hilt r;.titiotiv et I hie entnv pat re ;INant paid for infer or American 011,4 ; and deVOtillglnrit ettPlll.iolll.lllll riy to fqicign honk!, pnichastire may tirpen4 ttpoi; l lung the item it-tott litent at their rmtablialintent. . - I Sew rnblicatiolts received y every Stranit rh -Ilooke •Importeti io order, we Illy. from Enbciar..i. francrand Germany, in' much 'SS Ulan the ordlll4o (line rectnired. . . kopthly Cali. lopes or Ur w all Illlioll hooky furnivlted grafts, u lit ni.tiltti any part 01 the coil 1 OM In tvAudt it priors; ga., 01 rirttirtt, (in *planet inn, by Illar !t , -11BEli. • I , . • a tor ..tc a mite POCK PLANK , and. pfactutt.l sad, art,' toll, Wlthau.oputt 1: tike . :tstile Cutl nlay Wit: A porti..ll ,'arr. and ;0 of the White Ileutlock. , -- tl,anzt Ellett liplr, if I :.stlawir,t3 ,Iley, .o. sold 11,1 oat I let particular., apply to • • CilitiVW O Llawissa Vailey 41.1 C 't Loud, rooilairo,ng din ?Norwegian tp,• irk 7 Stibscrtptlono ircrivrd. and Perm Mull, C. No. di .hove N , ,vrint,d-1 5, 853 • upon.the Writ Noe -1 smelt 'of the Noun. p north 'of Pottsville. of Tiniber.sulta,bk hit purposes. %. oh d " CO) I Seam,. 49. crops along, the .11 and While Ash depth. A - slope Is 4 e.ttn, close to the t the Clinton Cunt at once.- MEDICAL Jleccliterfaud for 'sale A J mnbitfiLef.■l the publialleF • CE::. Wool arni Bat be vt. Diane Dungthion's Dotit.ro PI y.tolog Thompson& rttuith's Dorriestit Donghson's 7 hrfspentles, 2v Stnitn's Operative Selrgirr;esv Notes on the Chest, two, Win4( . s MAMMY, Dooper's Medical Dictionary, Eberle's Etaktice—by NlcCletirf liieord on Venereal Disease, • Turner's Chemistry, Liston's Elements of I;urgery ldeia's TYP:1110! nn 06)friTil t Pathology. Fordyce on Fesr(s, CIZEIBE lizabetts d puhn t., POMO/111e, Fie, 4121 p I'he United tilafri I)Werctoo, al Phonnuroyeta of the Unitett Coln is MI 111,910 , 1 of ieutuen Mltnurrin Et unilu.“ rointte on Infai.ty. All Medical flooki nnt on he it the pubiliklng.-prlCte. at Wholenaie and Het:till Dor. 3, 1!...6? EVE WINTZIR EVENIN,I vALUABLESTANDAIO AV • • BOOK r 4. 4., DECEIVED from the Isle 1 larat prices varying Ivo.. lit per 'cent. less than pnbilsLec N.AN'S Cheap - Book and Se; Street, Pottsallte, homed 401' tcrictliurch. • .3' 1 i`cusona to want .if 800 as :it - unusual low lairs, .had better call and . ..sentinel bl• quirk behire no r cha•ing elsewhere—as he 1111011(er 10m..e1l to sell his hooka 'no low', lifid 701103 murk luwe., than they ..c An 1. 00c.isre.1 a I whet are leinit.l ate rneap Hoolii4 ti"• of the r:ty..l . 'Paten. wOlilti 4 l3Ve ItietiVeriVes many a yang in alter life, if they would procilie their childrin ;Mine good hooks to tend at ionic 4 nights, Instead ul 'fief mating !Pietist(' TUn shunt the It We 101 - ... i, trend's Very large assurtinept of rnolre iiivehile Books. selected with great cvrc for children. who b we will sell unusually low. py It, parents—a little munerepent In that, May may Save your children ' Dour' lie many temptations which antriiitini them In ~ this cannon :thy! • 1 ,Complete Works of Tlidures Dick, 2 vols., Sao, , 'Chien' Watery of the PrOch aniralirliaii. 2 ruts - ' o , o •• Napoleon, 2 aol', , „Mactinity 'a Miscellanies. allols, ISelections Irons the at Itiehil'oets, 3 yids, be,) Hedge', Prose Writers of' moans , . isvu, - Dinlc Wank's Sernions,l v is:Sall, - 'Heroic Women of the Bev, lotion, aro, + Mi's Linibert's Handbooks - 4 Ne..eiliework, 1...p1i0n . ... tiermin., 2 vols,„Svo. ' Lite and Speeches of Iten'ty Clay, tho, •-, It. Cnrinenin'a Biscay oil Hitt P00r... 2 vela, Frost'. Pictorial History (1 Atnet ii a. 2 vu;.. • rtoulla'a Sermons, 2 vols.syri, • Edmondson . ..Sermon., 2 ..rits, • • . , Tupper,' %Voris., 4 bola. 1 Wheeler's Rural Arthiledole. Strickland's Memoirs of the Queer. Of Henry nil, 'Dick's Lectures on l'heolegy. two,sheep, ' • ' Mills' l'rove and Poetry 4- }Nape And America, Manning'. Sermons, 3 viis,n, vu, Melvllle's •• ' 2 n'' roopors's Novels, 12 ~2". 'lrving's' Works. 15 i" • - littrZOt on the Fine Ails, afF. ' • Siiiiman's Traveld in Euroos. 2 vol., II :caries House arid Soetail rodio,,,i,t,y. i ' 11.1o:14 Choice Works. 4 vile, . . . pi, torial History of Engla ,d, 4 vols. • . - , Ityrne's Dictionary of M .M.anic.,7 Violra,Mor; ComprOienflve t'omment4iy, U vois, royal !qt., le Chrt. 5. Mt', • • " *1 " • .C.ird.,,-ed, Fdrittera Dictionary. r • ' • auldiuntles Animated Nallire,i Vol.:lvo,' ' • Aiiinte's History tit' Encialid, ii vol,, Macaulay's .• t •• 1 2 •• i' - • Gibbon's History at Rome, - 0 Ilitchcock's lieu:ion of CeoloitY. • Library of Nature! Ilistory,wii,o, WO eneravlngi, itillween Noveli, - i %ifr Overt : rirtorlal Cy( lopceJla of - walla! knotc . le.:K.., rit 00 t o te go ..40truy'.. United, Slate., Port ." Ci. . . . ~.. . , ' em otti , ' -Po tuna) ("amity Cyc looted., , unfit, to., i en , :raltim,:a. 1 ' ii, 00 to 11 go Illostrated Mirror of the World, hDies4 At 1 ', 'I Layarit's,Discoveries in Nif.evelt, - hvv. . • ; . 1 • 6100 to 151'0. .Dr Olin'. W0r1.,7 Vol.. • .I..l.ants, 2 hi to .5 ho tiolving'm l'it.loo.l Field lloilt (.1 the I:evolution, 2 ..2 00 toir 0 'vols. I - 1 . f tai to 3 edr Dr enalmer . . Wiok.i. 4 V. 4, . .. tier 3.Veor,lto ..,,,tici t , elm mini g's Works: o Vok.l . ' . .1111,1reth's History of the Vpited Stairs. 1:, tole- ' Sparks' Life :old Writings of Wailill000n„ 11110, ;-, Men, Woolen and 'muse, b Leith hu n t. 7 roil. -••• A ninon', Cia4,iicil Dictionity, royal Syn. _ • . . . Jontreon's %Vitas. '2 crolq,Stro, Itut ..-ell'a Life of Johnson 27 vole, til t .. Brandy's Ent.y. Inmeil3 ot SO. .Itte.1:1 1,1 alllrr Illld All, rovut ...0, It., ~., ' 'Nine., un the NeirlTe/lanient, • Nin.liein,', Church Illetoryl 2 vol., ' 4I•Till - tei , TI:sVOSI it/ li , lca;•an, 2 bull, • ... . spat I.' Aulrlican Ilintirpli... 10 vt,lr, Wander tog Jeiv, - Illitittated, 2 ruts, i Ili:Larch's Llyea. evo. ' 3 ~ Lynch', Dead sea F.11110(111fpfl, IllUillatta.. t' Kennett) - s Life of Witte, 2Nole, . Agnes etricklandls Queetill of England, i vole, En, 'elate:din Atuelleana.)4 voIs,SIGI, Webstels Dictionary, Gni tiro, royal bro, and Do ~ edition", In subunit bindings, Harper's New Miscellany,N vole, .. Appleton's Popular Librari. . . - Cooley's Cyclopedia of useful ksowledae, j 011tillan's Bards of the Whir, Lord Mahon's History of England. 2 v oir, deo, Pictorial life of NnpoleonAvo, Taylor's Ancient and lidoeirn History, 2 volS„'ity, , , Grace Aguillar's Popular .Vorks, S VOl4, , DOWIIIIWIS Collage Arellilrilire. boo.. • . Harlot on Bridge Conetruc.loir, evo. . Lyell's 'Clemente and Panclolei of ficology. TWA; editions, 1 Layfev re's (lista' y of Arcilitrwture den plates, L're's Iherionary Of Arts ?Ittitutacturis and Mines 2vola biro hew editioni Light In the Dwelling by I,lr. Tyng'avo, ' • ' . Pulpit Encyclopedia evo, , 4'' Fire hundred Sketches atid Skeletons of Sermons gra. .Addlerti German Dictionary royal bleu. ' . • - ICAunignen History of they Reformation 3vols, Yonatt on the Morse, , i'. , Pope's linmer'a Iliad and illtlyeary flvo, ecott's Commentary on the New Testament 2rols, Rollin's Ancient Ifirtory in for Ovals, .• elatatesman t s Manual—Address of , lhe Piesidensof 1/ the nited.ritates with mrtaits 4 oh., Clark's Commentary on the New Te.to we oil, Webster's Complete Wor2ss Reel* tWo, Cruden's Complete Concordance tido, ._ ,- Chamber!, Cyclopedia of:Literature :tents, Information thy the Penpis Ivoli, .. , ". • Home Boot a APOcket Miscellany brute, -: .. Repository ofinstinctive 'and dloosing Paper's 4vols, ._, .'I •• , ' , Waverly Noveli !Trois i 4110r0, J - • Spark's Illustrated Life ooSankliu, , • • The Mechanic's Text Ito it, - . Napoleon and his Army.. Scott's Complete Works Ovoid moo, Karliratich's Ulstory of enmity or.), Markenria's 5000 Rerrlpt Elio, . . Mellen's Book of the lln ted . States Sao. - Kitto's History of Palesti e. - . tioldeniiih's Misceitsneo Works drola, ' The /Muk of Universal K owledge, bialy ' Hetet Parley's Cabinet L Ili vole, • Woodfall'sJunius tiro, I • Burkett's Notes on the •w Testament, • Wayluail's Calvet sity Sertnona, !. . Preedlay's Practice' Treatise on Sorineir. r . The Methodist preacher:Sermons of Eminent Divines aro; r . t'''''' -- , * Rey riau'lLtar ne's Thor4m's Weimar ight'i !enk . .s ~ and Mead's Yamily Plasters, : HAN 0:40)1E EDITIpS9 off Tllg ?Op's, With illustrations in plat cloth, g4l or morocco, es- Ira, Byron. Moore, Scott, tons. Campbett.-fouthel , T• Montgnmery,lAndon„ lemans.lditton,Strakspe 4re. Taman, Willis, Lonsfer w, Shelly. Degood. ace. BIBLES, PRAVER OOKS, in great viirlety.of i o every else and style of ladles.. i Catholic Prayer Book- of every dear riptton. , n. A. lull ailiartlisent ioif Wank Hooks. Stationery! Window Shades, w.di ropers, India HUbgeir th.......1.11f Ace .. ¢c.4l— . . . Noesnaber 10.1E53 I • ;iceptinn Ili, niopa ,agh. ivated On' Norwegian. ,Itret. It is Si itefltd; ' . ^ , i. ng would do well to ' utdelav as lie Is ,lair.; IF on accontroodattet [;)RGE,VIr. SLATER. :.. 11 42-3tno . : LPHIA. LoGlOat. 1 k. . Wrtte Sr.! Co. hare ilintt and Book litoret lostwerit 'Hist b and led to CurrilWl all heii .they,•Watereure, Nye Q uoepphyaclre fork !ions, with charts anl ,u6Lier. given day are 4 stl 3m• lr CONCERN! !' StiiN". 7 Waierooms, . 4 ET r.Fuurth 04 feet.) • 'enilveapd long ra tun', hsve maintained nu tile. Catialify and NJ ry now Offer he Crti. nny, one of the f4tddonably g., 0, to bifotind in INC du. Ilr,rlfe4. MEM I:HARLCo I:. NLTTEtt. •: UTTEge • • • N Jll E-4'e HANTS . _ at Caait Pikes. c 0.1 oll,Figr,Chotota(e, unix and Cocoa, linkttig Powder., ! 11122EMBEMI tarnrontdc r cker's Farina and Corn 'march, e'n4ti2, Tle.ynrn and Indigo.Nutmeks, re Ground iSpices, ngsforgPe & culgairi Pearl lttaich, Iples Pearl and CLUTIEICOII Eitareti, jammer k Mustard.reed ice. Flour• Coffee Ei tractr, • • mon . dyrup. Tapiore,. pper, Sauce, Coleman's hiurtlrd, 4r. e kr. CAMP & sto' Street, P, nod% 48.3 m REED, GROCERS, I• It and Arch Stevie . , orthe ;niereharile i Of: en 0,1114 or ordering I .d a well *elected elhek Filleted (or the caulk:) , reerlvinetrom the off- Orted hal!. Butter y their ruatotnere at !all ;* 47.6 m ... GOMM , ad Retail.)' LI pair, - t ! 64 roft, dare Chr4,i,q LPIIIA` . . aaatantli retrivlni,i tit ;.' .fathara. ! a It Ritybopi., ety shade, nt itnone!oc, , , 411 , 5,, of tlioi newer! oha4!: t Frehrh !Palterer, there 1!IMI 1.40•1111.11110 , 1 41, Mr // •LiANNAN OLLDAYS.. ant Mrtry lot tbe. sert,, .atrated, d otirttings. Monz•it 14 eagrar d tie 19) .Litre„ gr Viffi, artily illuttynted, U. BANNAN'S :Stationary Store Cheap Boph ih 0 old Fr ,,, n.li 4nd C ~ • It niplical,on. or , e•nt itry. Any intur•na 7 Foreign 0..X.1 filt n Wiwi wile. . . all rorrigri tir iv YR .i. (frcutld *tut) ) Pbtiadvitibla 45-3ul ;oras. , the Ilookstdre rif the e , lowest Cd.I4II''BILI ,, I • •• ismnry —new. edition. Medicine, 77 1 hvir, =3 OE tivn. ,tIV4), lew • ti. oblaltird to °rile! B. BANNAN'S 49 O READING. ode sll,l*.*, and 011 . 03,41- '2O to 30, 6 [fa twine! 40 tate4, nt 0. HAN- Uuto Sttltv, COO rr ult i toAtte the rjuitOlr FURS, OUFFALO 2011111111 iiii rrillE sulecriber would re.peetfally eolith, Mid* ; I non r' 6 .l.conntry friends and the public t• • ally to his superior assortment of LADIES FANCY FURS," - t_l6 . n.v.iing of Muffs, Boas, Vietorines, Colo, ur Gloves, Sc., such as Stone Martin, Pitch; Site ' Squirrel,. Silver Martin, Mink, Hadar* Bay Russian Sable Chinchillas, Etc, , with St lull • ment of Fancy eirriage and Sleigh Rotet, F t I 1 Muffs. dte. TO BIXIIMUNTS .iN R. Just received, a sp lendid assortment of BUFFALO ROBES,' for pale by the bele or isSt-' without Ezoloe, I gle R o b e, . i i iirtecttuily anstooncies to the I or The highest print paid for Shipping Furs onsiantly on hand Pil. 6 0 20 l" Wadding constant%m band. ROE F. WOMBATH, GE manufactnre, at bli Factory ! in witraol to be,equat to Importor and Miutatietarcr, il re. and Li luerPtice* than ! No. 13 N. Fourth St., Philip!' .• other establishment • i o ct 2 2 , I sa . tea paid for Tatioar,,at hie 1 ' ,13-3us - Tel, Pottsville. ' _ - if" _ , 404 t ' COLD NEWSPAPERL—A let of OM Neire• -- - --.-I - - ----,. --''-- ----4!--- , -- ` k..ruarocr4 by the too , tot mita at n v apores . DIG ST—NEW EDITION-I.M 1 • • • O. lIANNAN'III. Carat' Hook. Stationery and Facer Store. L. —/ha EIGHTH cot lON—Edited by rC, usionT. i , Le,' Esq.. with Mariainat itafeienceaS Foot N 3tes to D ee. 17. 1553 ' Sl— Judtclat DectsionarOd lb"' date, of tho Atte :an '-' India of DO page., refs unzip the sectialt as,well i 1 . - k w " sysiciros FOIL ,r , gAiL....!. 100 al the page. Irdr... Ice. - ! H Kean (or sail tow,. to ease olt a 401114111011•111. at In one rouvenient imperial Octavo Voluiii e.- Nice the Town Han trot thorv. be PRANK POTT. 85. Just published and for Bale by N 19 1d53 • 4.f -ov • ' 47. I titisreliansons twits/miter. .__ ig— rrADLE CUTLERY . -.-Antertcanserrtds lapis _____— , . - 1 linear.' not to be excelled. !Isaias frasothe Ileac ____..-------- lncio p .s u A ngstoiEft. balanced Irlary handle to ch i t , COalfar , 1 IliNtakaailds ider cutter in the , korld. Wit Ronde. 1 ant able to ptiti most aituu.. , trot a store„ by ••• 7,- - - 7 - .and do more chin any'ntbet sale it the Town ii —.lli ,;tl, at. the Town . litalt boo , ,rgANIC POTT. :PRANK purr,. I November 29,1113 . • - - 474( , 57- tf I -- GMAT 'SAQIN Soap Ddivert . SCHOENEA r . D pabite that be has and Candles of his ow in Potovine, tallith he any roid here or eterwh Can be pureltated at any • er• The highest carat pr factory, Norwegian /Sir • Nov. 28. 1 853 IErT Dee. 3, 1833 'PIM YANKEE —The beet Cein4 last longer. weth bpitr machine extant. Fns Blare. November 119, VW yytaLDIDIGI 111AUDWAII1C—tla natl. .TI9IIENT of Bogota' WO- i Pawn:neat of all WatJs aaccarary to ktilit at nit received at . t pair a house, for sale at etta-Town hall trna &It GEOKGE DlMlnfra. FRANZ PUTT 99.tt , Nauman 19, DM i • .47- it Ai_ A •suriimil. AMIO Xlnltio rocket 6niv.4 seps. 1 4 . 16z.. POSt4tri3d: Telegraph and Yesterday's fr. R. Train. PHILAI) . A•. FarDAY,' 4 o`pLcK' 1 , . M. Wheat Flour. $7.---Rya do. 115 1 1f bl 4.— Corn 31r41. CI 25 &1.—Wheat...11411:51 45, 0.11: , , vvr 6ealtrl. , FROM EUROPE The Nrw York ilaruld published is state ment stone d.tis ugo;declartil to be on_paliable authority, to Ow &Pet that a ttest'io bis• ea walk brew eauelud. d bettvrea Cogltnd tad' Ffance, whereby Russia is iu be, mode to evacuate the Principalities. in imperial decree, sigaed by the Empe ror, appears in the Paris !donator of \ the 22,1 ult., reducing the duties on coal, within a restricted zone, truth 50e. to 30c.. The dutv l on wrought iron is also.redcteed from :20e. to il3c., and on cast from 7c, - to 5c., for the first ,yeer, and to 4c. for the second year. • LATEST—BY THE ASIA. ' Blows from ;the, Beat. of 11142 C, .v.sr/dtb I.IIrTHE .1 4 iverpoui dates to the .Id. Din univerrient of magnitude has occurred on the *Psoube,- though skirmishes, are frequent'betwerto the helligeranis, resulting in severe losses occa— sionally, on both sides. lu Asia, the Turkish successes continued , , to Le very brilliant. The •important fortress Souchain Kale, and the fort Ureughette, have both been captured by the Turks.- Hostilities have been commenced in the Elaca sea. The Russian frigate Waldemir has been captured by a Turkish steamer.' On the other hand a Russian ship has ta keu an Egyptian steamer, of otter a desperate. resistanee. • The combined English and French fleets remain at their4inchbrage. • CONGRESSIONAL SENATE.---IVlonday was priocipally occu• Dit;d with the appotnitneot of. the venous' eummtnees tor the session. A petition was presented by Mr. Weller, of California. fur ihr establishment of anAg-' ricultural College in that State. -• • The President announced that he had re cerveil a communication iransrnittiogcertain relolutions adopted at a meeting elf theater- , chants ut the city of New York, held at the Merchalits' Exchange, on the 30th of Octo ber lest. remonstrating against the removal cd*Greene C. Bronson from theColleetotship. On motion of Mr. Seward, they were tabled - The election for Pubhc,frinter resulted in the choice of Beverly Tucker. Railroad Dills are ix:wiring into the Multi of Represeitlatives. The 'Pacific Railroad his nut yet been brought foiwartlL , a special message frOth the Presideut is expected when it does appear.' CD" A BENSIBLE Savioi.—While making the nurthwesipassage, Capt. Madura bad an interview atToint %Verret) with a wild. trite ut Arctic Indians, the chief of whom being asked why he went a great:distance to trade with the Esquimaux, Instead lit trading with the posts on Ateekenzie's river, said the reason was that the white man there had given the Indians very bad 'water, which killed many and made tubers tuuhsh, and that they would not have any such water ! Think of that, ye hardy Alien ul the 40th latitude, who think " bad water" essential to keep _out the cold!, The teetotal bear skin chief, with bress_butions for ear-rings. sitting on en iceberg in the Polar sea; should tie forthwith Installed Prteat (hind of : the Song,ut Temperance lit both hemispheres. I= , A Yankee has invented a machine for extracting the lies from quack lidvertisenwnut. It is nut stated what he intends to do with them. . ° tU Matontc Electron.—At a meeting of Chandler Lodge, No. 227, Auctent York Masous ut Reading. held on the 6th inst.. • the following gentlemen were elected -officetts for the ensuing year. William H. Strick. laud, Worshipful Master, James Alti Senior Wattlea ; Jordeia .Swartz,lnntor Warden ; William A. Wells, Secretary.; M'Forlau, Treasurer. CO — We find the following advertisement in the' Aurora,' published at New Lisbon,' Ohio. It strikes us that we know of weer al localities where contractors for shriller ob. jests ate wanted ,: . Wanied—A contractor; to set about 25 or ';f) drunken, gambling, theists'', lazy Loot. ere at honest labor, so'as hot to have them prowling about honest people's hen•roests, smoke' houses, cellars and other premises.— ' II no such contractors will employ •thetn now, they will eventually come under the control of such a one when they get home— ; in the penitentiary. EMTATIONAp Wisconsin, .the school•lands are,,at this moment, worth ten millions of dollari, and these lands, with alt the revenue derived from- them:?are to be devoted to educational purposes;for ever. . E - 7 There were, in Perinsyleakia, lei 11350, 66,92 S persons, over tlventr yebra of age who could neither read nor write—a otiru• tier rprite aboie the entire populatiuri of Lbis ci,itity. In New, York there were 91,- 293 of the same class. in the -Legislature of Georgia a bill has been introduced to establish a system of common school education in the State. and to appropriate t am,oorl for education of poor children in the different counties. - rtattausos. ri.7 - The Boston and NVorcester Railroad Corporation gave to all persons employed by the Company a turkey for Thanksgwing.' It took took two tons and a hall of turkeys to go round. • • 4:7 The railroad car making business in the United States is said to involve $5,00(i -nOO capital, giving employment to several thousand men, and producing a value in property, estimated at $17,000,000 per an num. ionntiN, Ir? Thee Conspiracy against the Life of Louts Napoleon.—The trial in Paris of the persons charged with a conspiracy to amis• binate Louis Napoleon has terminated. Sii of the accused were acquitted, and twenty,- two found guilty with extenuating circuit. stances. Of the latter seven have been sentenced qty transportation, three to eight years exile, and the remainder to imprison• meat fur terms varying from five to tea years TEMPERANCE; LT' The proprieiors of the principal ho tels in Detroit haii.e closed their liquor bare, in compliance with the sew law. • FANCY FURS, &t: An Elegant and Durable Uat Ai . „-VOR IP 00. Eytia/, if not suatertor to 0178kJ nolo offert4 _ - • POSTER 4. GROHAlgrt; THIRD viitvrt, below Chestnut. I'III44VISLPH .I. OPEER at very minced priory th e Callusing.: Ladle? Riding Hats and &mete, Chiltiten't Fancy Hats. of all (plum r loth, !'toll au4 Clair& 04‘..., of ratty varta of style, Ovntlemen'a Driving and Traveling Caps.. ?loft Hata of relief). 'ntyler Ibrui . finish, it pates to 41111. all. . Al;.o Yours Grillo' Hat*, so. A gr tiers, nr•arttnrut of lAdies' Pant, Pan November 3, leS3 4340