The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 17, 1853, Image 2

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. ~ -~x: o
flyf 311iritC:f
. finlturtlayMorning . ,. 1), -- Pc. 17.
9 :3 , 1 ':1 or and. Proprietor
Lrgrtm larril.n•J in gas Conmq:
Li wedk,'we tltrecti.d atte.ntitAa in ad-.
ranee to the late Report of the Grand Jury,
for thin C . :tuty. ;"-ft'vall be'lcund is tied in
tu-drq',i paper. •
• T . Le principal tame the alausesrii •` the Ltquor traffic, as rcgiatated ty rxisttug
Jaws: and were inodification is
«iarnestly 'rethmtnended ;r the cebtsidera
lion of the 'Legt:ilatuit'sir the :S.ate; s. ;t t
place . alUicensea tor thlt tinder the
control of the Court. At present, all Grd-,1
eery estab isainen-s se.oag liquor, and Ale
and Porter smps receive iicenses no paying 1
'l5, it matters out what the ;tharacter urtiyal
lticattonl of the alipli.tant. A u app l ic - at tor )
for a TaKi n I.c one, li:!.sidas being signvd bd
Twelve reliable crtizemt, setting forth the: rm..
eessity of such; Louse and, amiranteeing . the.'
good cliarn - nerand ability - o: the applicant to !
riccurninodatatheqttplic, it is also subjected 1
to the - scruticty of the Ciur; ; but wet . the
inter class of establishments referred to,-and!,
I-MlA : are generally touch lower in eharac
mr and deleterious in influence thmiTaveros.
tae court has tip such authority, and the only
rtmedy.ngainstblielf is prosecution-- at law
tor gelling in quantities not allowed or for
b,:ing disorderly, which reinedi common exs
perietice proves to be wholly ineffictent::
• It is confidently doped that the general ex-
Kenton of public opinion, at the late Elec
.- tlon in fayof of m law, prohibiting entirely
tha traffic in intoxicating litiunri to the State,
will claim . the' early attention of the Legisln: -
• ture soon to ass e mble, either to proceethim
tn4diately to ilati.pas,age of such enactment;
ia,lQ tbrott , tite same to a vote of the people
oittiie at an early day.. But
if - this is not done ? we
call tnenutinijon "of that body to the urgent
necessity tor at least the legal provision on
this'aultieci requested by the Grand Juri-; fur
this,CoMity. Will our Senator and Refi're•
sentatives please Make c bore ofth's ?. '
The propOriton of crithicalKbusiness in
our. Court s -ls estimated by ,the duty. io be
quite Twipilords c..f the whole number of
causes tried: They, ttlsp..deduce from aiffi
etal statisncs that there iscyneiscenserrtiipior
establishment in the code County,rb evert;
Ez,ryrs AND: Two-Tuna's- TA%ABLE INHAII:1;
TANTS f ft] the . C , 4•1! Ril.Tairi. fine to ever{'
be it fernembered, is iiidepentleill "of
theLeco!es of totherahle Rout } l otus, scattered
over the County, partte`nlarly in the Coal Re
gina, which sun day . : and night, Sunda y sne
'We:I 0111t . 5 daVF., licenFe or coo
tt ary.lo law.
Fellow f'•ifizenq'andThly-paferF. of,Srhuy
kill: we pu, thc, (10...5 , ion j , lmply and aarn
esoy,'—d-, ate L/cAolli•vti •sume rtd,arn on tin ,
- buf!j:t ? •
c, p )0 , 0 1 kr , s Thenr",
A corte-po:tclebt of the New York Tunes,
ityriii.l2 tion - i.:C,.tr;:t.,a-i. hip- g11;111,Ted % Ail:.
curhilir, fiets'iroto Olt' reii - qi., itihte..:im i i i,
Ouhitshell. Wit'havy.ii,Jl ro:tiii fir the art' :
de in de•aii, but the ftli.,w,itig e,t.creo,ation
of iis leachtia lea pres will rep.. r' r , , r u t , I.—
The. antlilv.l.)f itiliti(oitity• - • prior - it) the iw•
Diu lon' iiiiotio: b: obt..iinei with arour -1 - :
but stuce 17) wo.titive i I with 4re:ii <lli:i
-nt:, TatcOliz the deciolal iwrioch , , we a,-
eer,lir. - 3 set t oiliftria law of, progret3trioa,
' thq it— -
ihi lirici, . . "'t::9, 4 2"
In 11', , a, . :1,34:. 9_. , %1-I,re-, ~ r , per rent.
Li 170, - I 7 '2.%. , ':;: 3—inere.l., , , , :i9 per cell:
Lll - 1,0, ~ , ‘ , . A.S ‘4l--itt,,,,, ..1,.i . pc; coat
1.1 I iyl, , '
li. 1.1: 1 ). . •
. ,n . .'.'•`ir , ).
'" Per eciirs
Toe Itt'...t) crlt f-T. t-tx , y ytart' l
been hut v'art - tht" , truth 31 pa c;tnt.,
rc fix• . d ctertat,', that, ottoskttog
for a v'e'ry doottio out) of r:tuu,itvt
ot,o p,tr t - -Ltt (tt: ~a,••litrd the exit,t ,, ,
ent . ..p.tpu!3titto) Pac;re:ise .01;
• .grot.t.ll/ the'zit:‘, ht:t tcuturp. We watt
pre:lict, with o'tolo.l et:rt.tir,ty, that iu 131' . 1
(sy rears) Oua
Ole: ltra:a 3
have oae hundred acid twenty, ul
people-=an empire which, when its vigor.
retmcree l s and are cou. , ,ideled, will
atlythiog which •exists or
has oxisted-atoc/og ntitions.
rie•outne'rical law •of the sexes is thus
. .
The . ro are! mow mee, tliao feniate, t' , rit:by
abo , ..t 4 p , r (•,111.
2...11 211 yoarr of age. ail; riep . or.(ivranty in ,n
-tire.y a./JJ I lwre aro zurtre telltale. I itar4
.114-1 !..,are., the halanC: 1- ng,!lut the niter
way, uud there are more males (hail temple,.,
4. At 71)..the t•t!Xes Ore abzsltt even. and the
Inatc age, CI! the litimal bettig t, ren,itr.l wahoul
any ,kcid,'Ll adva..logc to e,ini.r •
7i) ytaysoi agv, that , . art
15,311 ware' %dike women than there: are
mains brifig mime than 5 per cent. ur the
whole calaiticr. lij)tid the age of year,
the.probataliLiesol lateei;ily ale triucifg teat.
crlor Aniertan IvJuien alai.' for uieu. This
CuUtrasis ir:y with the NO, that the
physiittc (relatively} ut Attierteau vitquep izt
utter ;flu that of A choir:au melt. "1:11,bt fact,
is,showo, however, tells-aremendou.sly on
women bet we'cti, the ages of 20 and,4q,, - when
their mortality t, ye:y great; •
'The longevity of some women is very-ex-
Unordinary. 1. he.v.) ••are four hundred and
thirty Aiiiericau woineiv attar Oric itandred
years of age. •
- The parallel I.).tt weed , the graw , h of the
• White and the Alt - wan, rat.t.e, fur the last 411
year.; had tte . en thu s;
"Wht Col
1610 TO StW), ,:?r , !PI /KW to IS :Q4
• ISA) to )8.10, ..1') • Ik-16 to 1 S5O. :is 27
The gener.i Itta w 01 increase. ( n depend eta
of ibrnigtauun,) hy natural eau-es alone, is
28 per ce*.decenntalit:. This ts:B percent.
claw aver:ge Increase vt the a hites,
-a It,pet cent. hd ow 11).11 from 18-10 to
1659 ; While the ntttither of born loreightis
to tilt! United StatesAk less than 9 per cent.,
.....thetnutnher in the comparattVe increase of a
kiugle year is lane ; rising in the last two
or three 4, about find the whale in,
crease.. The ortgo.ul immigrants, however,
rapidly die, while their children are horn on
• the evil. •
ltilitßACT 01 ITs 10tiTCNT!=
There is a lat , :e iii.t of ittfcres 'how ~4.0
ject to duty . , which flu' B,craaty ul the Tr, a
stir) t.;,,,: to - place uf)ut) the
fine lost;.
Tipr twine, el 10, , br assures corer there
htatitis4 r ipt pares. hi this cot.nection %ve
that it,. to he the object ui
th e 4•Xetiat) 1, , Ii dUr.t! li,t teVcilitt fk , tit
401m,' abatit
Ow, to liana tratic!er d hint ri„,
Ilitteliat.altzc'to the Free list t, con
. lemp;ated.
, pub:io. Lit bt 01 all kitAi.,3. on the Ist 01
• fu; ) ; last, amounted to $72,401,08727; ',lnca
vh!.. h time and up to the :id ut I.),A:ember
1863, it has hen reduc:dui $56,3ai.1.57,52
The'tdruptltit ct• motley ou ckpu,ll in the
et.n , dte 25 , ih e Nyvetnber last was Zll.
• :Ur. Guthiie tl,at the hakdire in
the T-reabury in -the :19th of S,:ptember, and
tho r-tiruated re_eipn, lot the retlialtt,rer ul
• the present tit•ettl sear, wsl j usiife 111 V tor
...titer application 01 •*.15,0116,1ti10 to the' pur
.Masv at the pa.,:blic.-.t.251 and' leave a ,tifficient
• :•aurplus thcTri-tt,tir:, ter any p.ractlenl'pur
p6•••er. The ptire.litii , ,;. U the debt has , heet , ,,
ifieref , lce; CCatinot,b, 5 : - 7,q5' , 7. , 1 1 5 0,1
• 30 111 r: r Oil:mg the .:.,c,-oud
(it tire fi, , cal
• Tl' , " imports of th e ti, a 1 ear .If-s'). in
. •I t t1 1 1 1 , ),.; • s.p.‘.:it , grin fi20976,617.
• and 'Cie st xrort:;
imp.: , :tatteap
three roarers of- the titcal year:
!La u,e ptirpoe or reducing the terettn e to
1, , he amount requisite tor the proper end eco.
. uotnteal athniatlation oil the gioyetornent.
At. Guthrie prop sts enlarge the lice ltst
and to ninthly the duties opal:I other imported
. -(The de . Otis of, the proposed chan
ge-4ate embodied I fables accompanying the
• ' Report.) ropu4ed, howetter, to re•
'duce the reyeatie below the amount of 15•15,••,
until titer, - public debt has been paid, , i
or td blluw any change to take effect lieforel
Ole Ist of Januatvl6ss.
. = :
'lne ad valored principle is adhered to, hut
a 9iecttic, tauty, 0 trait in suggested. tot the
,cJasitiemtion of Congress. also limp
, bed to make a/Milt - ft of duty. •
purchas'elof the bank rbuihitoga ad- •
joining the Custom House in 'Nen , York city
.is approved of; and the sitUconsidered.aMple
fur alt the purposes, of an assay office, ~ and
in tact tor a mut, bauuld. congress wish at
any dine to lave coining dtine there.
REPORT OF SEC'Y OF I'NTERIOR. 1 vantage is taken of the provision of taw in re.
Ali. sleClelland's re, is not ()oilcan
gard to printed cuculars, and they a/entailed
lona a s those „t t h e paper s ec:wanes , but I (and legally, tool, under that provision. I
/oolong to be read by mote than'ore person 1 need . °° l
pcnitt„ont its effect iti reduemg the
revenues' and 'dirappointing eapecutttons in
i t la a thou and . It siatt . that, during the I
the vvorking of the low postaze measure Lnor
1 last lisc.,Ll e•ir„9.,819,411 acres nave been i
Lurveyed, and 10,36 - 3 ~ .....91. „„,,, br,.bizie, into i need I show h ow vital the difference this pro..
I the 11.nrket. Ire the sante:lA-tit:Ll, tliPre were ,r° 6 akes between our eliCrfulent and
" , that of England,or the injustice—twdtsigged ,
1,%u1d 1,083,-19! 1 acre.' I.zta:ill tei,n huutity
indeed—tit relieving
I laud Warranti, 6,711.53:) 'acre, ; wlth other a class or fetter-writers
„ r 1 16„,„. 9 . 425 , ~E , l,e lcii to - the s tmes „ 1 ,. ut two•thilds of their post/lee tax and imp
.warnp land-, 16.65-1,253.; .donated t',. r Tait_ : sing it on others.
lead-, &c.c..:, 1,4•4:1",-1&7 ; total, sold and loca- t The number of ix eus g e emu/ P s issued to
I t,d, 25,346,1 . 492 acres, being a r, t l ,e r ,. a ,e e of .. Postmasters, for sale during the fiscal years
1 12,`-'31,318 otter ier the prevniu. vent. ; ending June 30, 1852, 'and ;nue •30 1853, is
I The Wavle nuinher of land warrants i:,,,ii- ; shown by the following statement: •
ed under existing law;, up to the 30th oft 1852. worth . •
$1,535,638 51
Sepieinhe r Las:, 'Leas . 266, 1 112,• ,f which 1 15 53 . do • 1,608,792 91
, there were then ou siaud,u , , 66,947. The
I quantily 01 laud 1:11111rtil to ball:AN 1111.'? 0,11-
1 ter is 4;778 - ,1:20 acre,. Wiiiranin have beep
I ts , ded, under varp.:us acts, ca:ling, fur 2:1,- ,
351,640 due:, ”
The entire area of the public -domain it
(,::mated at 1,5t.i4,1:00,00/1 acres. Within
it( S.otin4z, et eiusive (.1 C a ltioruia, it IS 471,-
1.5t1.1,,t30 acres; the entire 'cost of which
I:winding custs 01 burrtys dad sales, was
The nmouilt ITc:tired trout
tu Was 5142,253,478,
I.(ittg $53,29,465 mole than the cusi. , The
repuil alters, &jute particulars min:4% - e
tti i these lands, which have cost .555,994,-
,will yield the net slim of 5331,181,
369, besides affordind weans to assist •ta
eau - cation and reward tut military . ; services.
litsliawdisturbatices are desctified - as har
lot; b.cuiess frequent than usual, duitn ,, D the
yeor. The importance of .directing their
atteuttcia to at.rriculture is strongly urged.—
Their number amount:- to about ‘10.1.100 in
the States; about 110,000 iu Minnesota and
along j:lib frontier, to `Texas ; 63,000 io the
Plains` and Rocky -- :"Nlonntains; 21),(10(t
'reya9, 10,000 in California ; .*,!3 . .0011 in
Wiishington and Oregon : -15,1101 in New
-Mexteo ; • and 12,000 in 1.7ta11. These timo't
lu the aggregate to 422,000,
The intpOrts -of foreign nierehatuitse, in
cluding Epecir, during the present year,
r ,,elied t he sum of t,267,675,G47,
$212,613,282 in ISQ. The exports viclu
,4ve of specie, $202,06,375, agatust
61 1,6? r, in IS:iff, Ttie. fol low i irg are t he ex
purls fir the year : Foreign exports—free,
1 .594 ,016 ; dif tiahie: • 1 1,292, 167 ; total,
1!:,096,212. hdnesli7 exports, d189,869'.-
162.: '1 - .An and bullion, ~•:27,4i6,875. The
tonnage for the present tear was 4,407,4110;
against 4 . ,136,411 in 1552.-
The tLllownte F./Ate/Dept rhotvr the re r
tam A ruclesinipated during the , ratlit4 nit
the %Mit of June, 15,712 and 1;1,::, (niter deducting
the re-expurtut,oo , ,) and the' ainount at Piny
winch acerted'on each, daring the t• tune periods.
re• Verity& y
ti~alnr • Dune,
511,115.1 S I 5,1,76;4.051
\L 'n 'lot-
Cotton., ~. I4771 0 ;:i41 4,, , D;:,T.r,
liernsvglo,,,, 1 , ) ; 4 .13.777 05;V?)
lulu and inanutneture of :1 KS 11,560 5,1 . 1'12AS 1
0,..',13:4,tr, l'l 017,70. c 4.101,215
1[1,1111) untoamilacword_ . 161,211 4 . .. 1 ,`2.63
Sall, . 1,102.101 220,420
(*Oa'. . ' , , , 40 1,6"•2 . 121,0.45
, . -
-.. ? • -- —I Y 3 ,3,
'‘, 1%11 no. ' Ditties
Wo:Aten , , 527 ;1:15' , 1)1 '... , 7.573.:530
Cotten,. - . 21 - 0;o1,S irl ,;.c,59,3'ii
ilAin p :4,. - 1, ' . -17V.1 71 . 95 ; 5.14
Irotrand mom...n(lmo 'ot;z7,1115,:1O1 5,11.1,419
. ~
Siii:,4r, • — •,l-1,:>57.710 4,49 0. 1,•ri:t
11 , nip uti manufactured ,1., 3:6,1*.P.! ' ;134.17
:44;1. :
,1,05 IX:2 . ..!ll,sSr,
5'.0_,.4ti2, , ,ii+;, - 'N'.:7,:' , 57;2f.9
The amount of eolton Pxpurl. (luring the
pre, :0 %ear wa., 1,1 /1,57u,370 ih••••
a , ; a v era ge raire .
per p.,uotl. The amount of :"11,haeco was
159.85 1 i value. .1;319,;119: avera ,, e
I,r had..A"7•J 81. Toe isee ex4anttrl
li7,7o7',erces, vAluer.l ht
avera:J., c,isupt.:l 4 tletCe, S2l 48. ('here were
tmlual-cre eXported, $17,031.553; etin
'timed ;tad oh 'mud, $2141,944 - ,ii9l, a con.
•uniptuar of $lO.
streagth (A * (iiC. Armyl„,
uttid to Lc 13,621—ufliorrt. and men ; but
ual strengitt is duly 40,117. Or these
eitipioyyti oil the froutlyrs. Tht
of hike on the .R h o :Grande
tt0...11. I tea requ i r tit for the itiolvetion of
Air t:tcrYttit, ro.;:iiost- the nicui:Aius of LIM'•
Ir, , m‘ 4 •ijleXicr;; aid for th'e coloreetuout
with .M. I:,u to
Impau itivtrty.ii from our own h.r-
Jcr, moreme . At Las r e strained
il,iatAls;toils, but:a muchlakztt Juice rs
.^,.'.UKe perulittlerll
1. 'l....rutin:l.Al tha1',1,60 , )
...: , !TyICE' Lit
to the turf tinipleurtd;
file. ifhc stien..!6 of iitr Te4U
ia:" f , aftl , 'o.l 'tilt: ptoputr.
nun ul' aear;y(oz)e-iiith, I ) dtlahtt.,
Scut 'elnety .by desertion ; arid
this nee:: IT expected to connaue Et, :uri,f iss
t,o• parity ixtsis tr, e tweell.'llie pay ot Ute
,old;er iatld tual, of the . _;lo),:rter tu civil
31.1.1 it ~,j.;lli service isr : entiou4;ed by tic,
fewardl, Tire avertus annual loss to the
:,rtny, indudiai; discharges expiration ot
I;J'he supplied : the nfirdineu red
iltrr; toed, is 3,.5412, more than one-'third the
whole toree. To °bylaw the entharra,srlient
tcsuftiu trim tilts , tate ut the Sec
retary r‘einionen& an increase t ot: pay, with
an a kri l lional inereast.• fir every successive
period of five . year!!. the st4diers shall ream:
In the Aroty,atici provision for protouti.o to
lowe , : grade - ot eigrimi, , inned offerers
d s trh tion.comoussioued c,tii.-er, as shall
Itriero 0. U proptmes to ;: , ,ivel!) the rioleher
who enlist within a in , cinth after 10,
auourahie discharge, two dollars per mouth
at!dit.ion the ordinary piiy,. kg . the firn:
live tears. and a further rtierea.i , e Of one
dollar a month for eirefi succe , sive period ut
iir'o year , ' service, The Military Aeadein}
.rt We:t Point received ortrtied corowendat
[let:. It n pr.pused it) exieud the purl, (.1
UEtrtic!inn to . five years.
'This document opens with the usual !tir
n>ur, ml review n: thel'osr- Offices, pc-t routes
and the amount of service rendered by .difTer
eai tviencies thi:oughout the year.
Time whole umutter ot IPost-Ottlees iu the
United States of the close'int th e hst afi e j a l
v'ear: ending June 30, 1852, was 23;320. Di
:his number:2ss are ul the highest clas, the
Postthastters tit which arc appointed by time
A; the pre-cat date,. Deoerriber 1, 185:1, the
number (4, Pust•Otiiees 2 CAS2 Du.
nn; i lie past rear, nonfrneueing J uly 1; 1852,
I ,t;l0S Piel-Ofliees were established ; 479 were
di‘contiuued, nod there wrre appointed to of
-1i•••• durign the said year, :besides_.t he I,S9S
smia,ters to thi:.
Aforj,aid,„ 3,000 ; 859 upon. resignation, 225
deAtli, 182 by - change of site, 91 where the
P..- tmasii'r lined moved away, and 211 on
the r, f ad eal of prior incumbent : being 8,507
Pd , t.inci,ters appointed during the ending
: A! the el,,se of. the fiscal
. ;ear : , ending on
it.tilt June last, there: were to operation
williat ;lye Untted'StitteS . , 6,692 marl riiutes
Ti.,..az2regate Jength was 217,7,13
and . 5, - 53 contractors einlilui,t , tl thereon. ,
Tht• nansTonation 01 the triaals trrt
Ches:. routes was 61.692,„512 miles, and the
annual cost thereof, $ 1,495,9fi being
s, Veil c.e1115 IWO mills per 'tulle. illese
61.E.92,512 miles of annual transportation,
I f,9.t.6.1' ,4 5 tulles are required to he perform
-({ railrdad-S, at a cost 0r1.64. 1 1,341e- he
or.; nhoui twelve cents tilfen titiifs per ffljle;
(3.1:55,61/5 miles In ateautb aits , ; at a cost of
3632,366, being about nine cents four
twr nice; 21,330,326 . miles in coat:heti,. at a
beim! about five cents six
sn;l2, p<r tittle and 2 1 1,595,441; miles it.
onnie, via specified, at a cost of :i1,055.;113,
about tipo cents pet.mile. ,
ift,:l'ustrnaster General cumplAins of the
4 :14...0 It ies experieni:ed in his with
fl-ri-lruad Companies, and : enhtqs who have
r.o,..tracis-for c.arrri.iteg -the mails, itates
hat when dime Is a ldizagreeni e nt between.
he D.Tartmeut and nny flail conliactnrs:
the :alter have the public tun inucha: can
t-rge,.and often cause much inconvenience hv
r,perations: without adtquutcnu.
C.VEC/Ja.UrCi ()I /i/E! Der/Mill/at. fiu
- die 14fi cal ,tar were 87,952.758.-
Int. revccAle from Lill sources
91 1,721.
•it avirears.ltc,o the furczorr::: a:er::ett'
that :he t Yet:eat:le of the agar. endina
.ions 39, is: .3, tag! , s4l , krt of the expedtligare...3
or tht :•..u/r) pt 52.1)12.031.
' Sl,a7l.ooout an, tieticiPutte itc stlrdlied ty
ov.-Authlor s ft nksOn Ju'ty 1.
1 . 1i32, and by the 3 pprr.priattons to supply de
t,ne,;cs, att,unttne, to upwardtut .
I. travlng '651‘3,000 robe provided by Cott
gr. ss for dre setvice of the year ending Juue
30, 1833.
The Report .says t
developmem.ut itnportant heating ou
the interests of this departmen t has come to
my notice in ob , erving the operations.ut the
act ut 461. A large amount of letter- car
respondence passed through the mail, chie fl yfrom the:ciites and principal villages, at but
cent postage M tenet ; whereas. :teems
when pre-paid, wad 5 cent's when unpaid., was
the smfortn rate for letters contemplated -by
ilia( great measure of return!. The letters
referred to are. o sent at twci . -tkirds less than
letters generally, because the body of them is
printed tit lithographed instead of being writ
In every respect they are lettere, and serve
the purpose of letter correspondence; but ad.
The amount 01 postage stamps sold during
the year ending June 30.1851, was 81,30;
1653,39, and the sales during theyear ending
June 39th,.1853, amounted to 81,629,262 12
I leaving in the hands of Postmasters unsold
j. 5108,05 71.
The eatitnateti expenditure of all . kinds . for
tht. current- year, June 30th., 1854
are' $8,716,601 00
r.,..tatal-ed menus from , various
7,558,859 70
Deficiency anticipated, June tO, '
r 1454
Of which, $545,445,63 befongs to the fiscal
year which ended - . Tune 30, 1853; leaping
*:.-'612,295,65 only for the deficiency: tor . the
CUTTelit year proper.
- Having stated thc deficiency in the reve•
one of the past year, it may
. be of use briefly
to notice the financial results of the tWo)•ears
.which have expired mace ifte passage of the
" act to Trace and modify the rates of post•
age in linued,States, and for other pur
posts," approved March 3d, 1851, as com.
lived with the two •years which immediate.
ly toltowed•the'reduction of rates effected by
.the anit Of March 3d, 1845. For the purpose
of this comparison:, I shall exclude the sums
which accrued to the revenue for mail servi•
cei., tendered to thegovernment in' those years
as well as the balances resulting in favor of
the London Post . .Offices in tWyeara 1851,
08:;2 and 18.773, under the postal arrange•
meat with great Ilrivaith
['oder the operation of the aet of 1845, , the
gro-s revenue from Letter postage fell off io.
the year 1;!.41.3, the first year.ol the reduction
.59i5,739 92; or 27 per cent.: but in the se e•
ar, ending June
. 30. 1617, the letter
po.,t:tr!e mcrease'd $30,959 49, or 13 3.5 per
cent. over IS-IG.
In tire year coding June 30th, 1852, the
fir,A atter the reduction of 1851, the gross
animini of revenue from the letter postage
wa, reduced 31,185,9937.^,, or 24 per cent.;
but in the, following year-ending 30th June,
1853, the increase of revenue from' the Same
source Was only $251,747 68, or 6 1-10 per
cenf—anlincrease very little beyond what is
due to the yearly increase in the population
of the -cotitarp
The faildre of the revenue from Jester
inisiaaT to rtrover, during a period of almost
uni-x.initil f ed. prosperity and commercial ac;
11511 v, ti the iame rapidity' under the act
'of ic;-11 as it did under the act of 1845 may
be ticcouitted for upon the supposition that
the latter acf had alreadyjstimplated tbe cur
re-,l:,,ittlence of the country nearly to -the
highest point of which it was capable, and
dial. therefore, The net of 1851 afforded but
little further incrucement to use. the mails.
The total revenue-of the De-
pertinent, fur the last year. •
• ending June 39„1853,
ding the Congressional appro: • •
pinwoli of 82,255,0n0 and the
t)al:thce $813,394,32 to the
yr. dit of the Dept„ Ist of Ju- -
° iv 11;5?,),'amountpd to 88,339,119,C12
The expenditures (57,933,099..:
:174, and the unavailable . :
all et' , from late Postmasters :•
to IP.ll—'2 ($113,242,63), anti
amount pain to British govern
. ./
mem for p.!-Inge cf rrevtous
. year ($,118,i/61,56), taken to
, make an elie j 5 Exper t .'
chitine of all kinds over the
Rt?Vi•IILIeS of the year, exclu
ive of balanees 011 band
Jule 1, ISM, .and the amount • •
edrawu Crum Treasury. of sup- •
I A deficiency - uf Revenue, 52,742,364
\\l, find trout this that the ehdp postage
;•estent has created an actualdefieit in the
lieveuue of die • Post Office Departeuenkof
f. , 3 ; 00,1100. ' But by economising
where it can and. oug,:it to be done.
toe eontracts for the EuropSan and Califor
nia mail service, (his three millions
toaleri ille reduced. it ocean mail con:
Liao; xv;):re pUt up to the, highest bidder"; a
great .lilould be effected in time as
well a- Mom y, and the'publicas welhas the
•Jetrie,lect would both be better . served:----
But Ali , Let that the present postal )system
. due, mr: lay its own expenses is no argu
nicht whoever ler the aboliiiomof the cheap
Goain:v fur Juuuary t> alreudy,out and ready foi
delivvry at . .
WAlchmAN cannot uevoinnuxiate.
cd..wiitt,hdice he ailudem to i. of etitireiy too ex•
elut•n•a a,tharactorto deserve public notoriety la a
Ile WcpaNt , awl betide,, Ltin manner of %realm): tti
would tnont ilKely 'beget than enrnnet., both to huh
and odr:elve.. without any exenxt or cause wtrat
ever on oar part.
Tar Ilrimr.lornNai.—Morri, uno
It-hers. 107 Fulton r;t.,..New.'iiorl;. The new, se-ji
rice of this de-cti . eilly pophlur l newspaper, for
i‘citiatouticed: to be forth:coming with new :type:
and other athheiive fe,atures, This is generally
conijede4 lob,' one of the ve:y best family paper.:;..
The , l , l , Arylepmatlon .1 ita proprietor .s
wide, en,' no tabor or expense• is ipared to reiLder'i
the wi.thly 01 iLipmernity• , ' .'
r,.we think, can justly eomplain
not revely mg a Mir quid in • quo. T er ms $2 , 2,
year; or t ree copies. for 'Si, Subscription,: .ref ,
veivea lit the, a thee
Toe FArtninx i s.Nst., for ilecenther, is a double
niiniticr.f M. Meredith & Co., Publishers, We;si-
Clie-icr, I'll. It Contain, a yariety of reading mall
ter; tide, perii•ed with illth•tratitiiitt, peculiarly (uteri
etting 'dud instructive, Every farmer in ree1:1,1 , 4
ruttiu -eliscrihe for tbr.Jogicyral, Teirm . S„;
only '•••1•a year—Aliscriiilions receive(' at this
'ice •
i• ;
. •
'roc WE,remivrtm e n Nostra Ilarrimt , Rk!.. 7
tor the lam. quarter are before tt, freighteti
acteitill, with literary
.treitimre,' These . Wit' Oi
among the manila:ll works of
die. The American re-priam are pnbll4lo t ) iy.
Scott /2„., 5 I G,l!a :41.,, , '•er, New. York. .
wood (utorolilt ) or 1 Review ; 51; or,' f3lacliAvoo
and all l liiiyiews, $l9. • • .
,Tits Cilll.ll PACER --Subwrtotontt tO tiiir
Cht'd'i Paper. price 1 cent per copy, 12
nnquin, rye of passage, pubhshtbd inlOnlhly by ti)e
Aniern•au Tract Society, received at B. Bar ur 4 . '„,
Bunk :41, , te, commencing with the January ntimbr
157,1. Sunday Sehoob..l.upplied by the quantity AI
1.1 emits per autincn, or 10 ettpieb for SI
reol Who has ebtidren growing up ought to'procqe
of partr.r.- it ti dee t;lecity one of tire befit
and t•heitit.,l published tit the Un'tted Stated.'.
; ,
Pori:, is what every body ought to suii.serite
tor, who wants a 'splendid volume. when': coin
plcte and bound, we know obOothink of the kittd
that io equal it in compreliensiveneyi . .,
crirrecine-s rind artistic 'beauty. it Ia 1 , .9e.1
wet-I, Iy tonnber , ,ut .51 for the sett during the Whole
; also, bribe ratite publi•lierr, the .4-
,:,;ttuot (.'arrr, r nyorr, a eornpkte aceount of all qte
11:11 , :e?c91 exhibition, de j criptibws and annotat
ilisgraitis &c., at 3'2•
Tilr. AIININ;.; M.I4:rAZINE—By Win. J. Tnnr}',
142 Futon, New 'Volk. The Nveutbrki rakin
lx-r-re thi% excellent monthly. completes nrtifq
T, l O piddle favor 11 has met With in te aiX
iN existence. rpt;tll.4 tti uarntterkke4le
laneinere o 1 us character, and cti the labor alis.)
wdh which it has i*en 113101.81i - eal. 11.9 stveVpm
so tar hardontalers rendered it u permanent fixtiire
mthe'?ev , aitifie literature of • the day. It kr Well
emmarnemeni. "The number betore)Jr
valuable and interearing matter.
,x ‘,....7'ar—,..ubretiteaoar teemvediatthlr 1:",.
• VAL t*.t rt.: rs —The most intere,qingol4s
kid tec know of tire tWo maps prepatedity
W. t: , lteutrer, Ey., of thi, Once for Stine
- fethesi some line age—one, Topcgr a i•'
cid ; and the otner a map tit
tude,, rhOwing the elevation at the prominent.tolena
an dinouni4in hei;lits in this County attoyeTide•ia
-1,,.;;,id aiao as compared with the bed of the Ohio
irl% tr. Th4rst note, the nature of the ditre f /ent
'was in Ibu-Ca..uilly, trum which the I'dedient riv
..fe,i,ton assume to deduce the character 0f , !c0i:0...
potulail; ind4elaisllS diseases. This mtbject,haSlet•
cited muelfattention of late. Front the rettor4*
•traef.trll.,e a items el; rumples of the Mtoi:tna
tion ik contains
l'ines. .. I)iie: from tide. Altitude.
l'ottsville -, " 96,miles '. .0.10 it,
Pt. Clinton SO " 400 - ,-1
Tamaqua. , 00 .'" 800 t,
, New Castle 115 " . 1 fOO !!
Sum. 13r4. Mt. , 11 7 :0 " 1050 F. •
- Sum. Portage ft. R. 21 ,
0 " : 231 X) :.
Poftsviite ti, l Pittsburg are on the aurae level:
We make these errscts hastily and trithotkac•
curate Ineatarenient—the distances Iron tide fire
longittalinat., Tbere'ir , quite a link volume al,ttl
uabie jakirmutoi in these taro mien chute. ' o
may hare occasion to refer to them agairi. ; - ''',•
TOtal in twdyears
aifor's . (t)'ahle.
- TO: PEOPLE'S JO trINAL.7-Ali. E. Snell, BO
ICas4au ...Street, Nosi York. •We recently intro
du(f) this interestum amr handsome monthly..lo
our The second numVer (tor iflisinbe;r)
is bore us—it tally Meets the 'proattres made in
its debut. Wit predit for the Jautr,al an unprece
denMdly large circulation. Terms, 50 cents n vol
ume p 1 sig numbers, Making a volume of 200 rages,
Taborer 200 engravine, Mind Nome and weird
on , :i; too:, Subscriptions received at Rammer' .
Tit it Senn - Latta. Cot - NrY Spnoor. Joirturat.
will' he teddy for delivery• in the cour,e of the
corriiiig week . . The introductory number, we
think, is likely to criaken most favorable impres
• The object . • -fthi •
s wort - ; as before suatelli,
common ;repository for the opinions of
TeaOlerp. to bring the Educational interests of the
Conety'llome to every tire-side, and to' excite an
etnubstiou among the pupil", to preparing
ea:i.tiisi worthy of puhtication. The forth-coming
nurnber contains several quite excellent corriposi
tionytiy the *cholera in • the Pottsville Schools.—
Similar contributioni.are solicited from every dis
tricOn the County. ' 1 - •
$3,144,431 42
- The enterprise is Caldulated to do much good to
the three principally intere;ted classes, the Parents,
the ( ) opt!, an 4 the Teachevyand deserves a liberal
eneOuragement. The price is . put down at the
mete cost of puhlicntion, the.objeet of. its piejec
tork being purely beuetThial, and uot to make mon
ey.; Ternas;only 56 cents a year, or 4 cents a
nuMber. All comMunipations to be addresnd to
Mr.fE. Schneider, PottsNlie, Pa.
$1,137,741 311
~ i
itirilt . 3' tiff,
Our Hospital is progresiting to ptiblipl
nc(inaintance de t , irablenet,s uadj
A meeting of Operators,
Lalid•owner. and citizens generally, Will lee 6e:d'
onSonduy next Ifit:h tnst., at the Court house, at
pre'eit.ely 2 o'clock PIM,
' ItV" Masonic.,! At the annual elebtion or Lotle Nol 216, A heieut York Masoo,4,
Monday evening heq; the following
,odieets were
ebiren for the eu.iling year :
llElSTER'Cahlß—Wershipful Maktee,
iport IltiCillES—enlor Wardell,
C. LlTi - t.r.—.lunior Warden, •
It. CA.I;E —Tletll • •
J.. O.•mARTI. I (re-elected).—Sectetary. •
•.W At a meeting of the A pprentiees'Libra
niilisi , oolution, held in their Room, Wornelittiorini
Bitilding, on Tnet , Oity evenii;g, Decenaer 13, IS!) 3;
ntiong other Inv.inle. the following tnoi toil. , Nere
nititle and adopted
/ )." - Ilat Iticcommittec of tfuree appoiplealn the tail
utiOeting to os..h-I In the recision or the Constitution',
bemlupowered to Cortfer with similar committee
rittpciinted bk the A-sOriat r n of plerks, Ponreru frig
the joimng tor,ether Iwo bodies.
;That a committee of three wait on the different
publewrii in town to solicit contributions Of Pa
pers, pamphlets Sc., for the ti:,eof die Association.
Al l 'e,int. John Miller, A. D.,Stieeti and A. Fox con
!Onto said committee.
• ..I'V P- Water is still Yeny scarce to our Bor.
oitgh, some parts i of the town remaining without 'a
tron toe [ those
sorirees,kir weeks to
gether. Cannot [those who have. ,
the matter in
onarge so regulate the supply for the several
styeets, as to make a more general and
vision of what ittle there' 1. ,
qntitte street have run almost without iuterruptutc,
(tie whole Summer and Fall through. the residents
there, indeed, enjoying the exclusive benefit of the
whole supply ; whl a those occupying the big*
1-•;, ; .ittis of the streets have beeiv constantly stir.
tiling from en insufficient supply tnce Auge.t
,imetintes hying without :a single drop, from the
4d.rant-, night, or day, for i , everal weeks continu
nnslv. the'ollicers t•St the Company see to
this •• Fair play Is je.(%41.'! .
I . ' Literary ; Snort y. —Vie Hall ot.fhe Sa
Ned , crowded ei'eniug% The
nitre of • Rev. Daniel Wa, , ldintil was a iniiterly .
ii'roduct ion. replete with - valuable iiitiarnannon and
argument, and Aurindested a deep research
and u corriprelierNive grasp o 1 the Whole hNtory! f
'6 human faintly. The subject was the “Piii!OFl
- of I i-tary,";tir the —Prwre , s 01 Clyilizatlon."
,ring a condensed hi , tor . of (4.4 wood c 5 radio,
which was traced t lie .sepiirate development•and
dinadttnion ni the Olive Vrt . ,u vh•fileM: . •
intellectuslolie ielulioi;snud the. pliA::iirre.
'The tradrr of bchwy,.iiiitibiless, fonnd it a rich
treat. IN principal rni•fortune :was. no one lecture
4i a single hour cOu'd do itsor Its author justice; or
(Could give the audience n e!ear nturrsatiAliciory
„,View e l ibe sul•iject.. Why not bare it repeat&) in
':n course, say of two or three evenings
.41 a merttng of the Clerks and
"men of the Borough of Pottsville, held pursuant 10
notice, at Womel,clorrsidmltling, corner 2nd and
,Market Streets, oti.WedoesdHy evening, December
19, : •
On 'notion, THOMAS A. NICHOLS wa.s'eailed
to the chair, F. B.MEI/LAU; M. B NIC.IIOLS, and
'C. Mimi:lsoN were appointed Vice Pregilents, and
Addinon Mt l Cool, Secielars.
The Pre,ident Inlay ,inled the object of, the
meet ing„ whe re upla it WI.V.S.
liesqler4. Thai a committee of Five lie appointed
ho draft a m•ries of, rex.oiutinns cipr ,,, sive of, the
i•eme of the meeting, in relation to the important at.,
iv," for wine II t hey were ti,embled.
The rre,ldeat i;rp.nnto.l"F. B. Aledlar., M. B
iehol,, Win. Yoder;Wat..Alorglin and C. Morn
:sin to con.stitnte that vorninlittas.
Re.reired That a committee or ttrreo be aprioin
ted to meet a •mailur committee of the Apprentice,'
and Young;Mens' [Alloy A3.ociaticni -to etinter
with them in.regard to a union of - ffie two tiocietiett.
The committee cona.ted of Tim, A. NivholA,
P'ec;ident (by ett9itet,i),..)oN. S. t), ter and Mr. rre4-
ReotrYd Thatilie Sec tat.e be rtithorrzerl to
have ,ititatac hand-bn I. or notice. of our next inee-.
ding wuck otf and di,h [baled Itircmgliout the busi-'
ne— placer. of the' iioroth,t h.
Re.yote,xl That the proceethitei of Ihts meetiag
be - published in The Atinerg' Jottrnal not Alining
Re!lt ter.
On 'notion adjourned tit meet at the ttanto place
on Wednerdav evening December 2 Ist,'lhs3, at 8
O'clock, P. M. . THOS. A. NICHOLS' Prfo.
J. AantsoNbleCoat., St•c'y.
ar Net, Steam Engine.—lt will be reeol
levied that lust May we published a minute. ile,cr)p
tion'of an engine then.edistructing at the Foundry
of Mason i Co.; in this Borough, on an entirety
new plan, the gravity of successively rimed vol.
limes cJ water being the direct motive pgent, ins
stead of the elpun-ire power of team.
A patent was nlitained for it on the `2OM of Sep
tember last, under the name of the "Planetary Hy
&antic Steam Engine James BMA . Is the pat
entee, and Black / 1 / 4 : Beecher are the conjoint pro
prietors.. The,Mventor !taints "tlie arrnuieu*iit tit
the ves-elm, piPui.ept,disipliriiim or their eirixalem,
upon a shatt r jziri43'to revolve' with or jipop.sald
shaft !'
We i•nw the one at Ma , ou'k in openniort some
day.. ago, taking the pine(' °Hie engine commonly
Ix te.e for the Machine department, and perfdrming
the work' with genetxl sati-inetion, exeepftei the
the hri•Mly eonAructed gearing was rough and de
lective. The Power ti evidently i•udicient for
much heavier work, if more ciaefillly app:ied.
The proprietors claim for n iscveral . iidvantagmi
over the ordinary reciprocating engtnet for most
klnd, of stationary work; rind parttiMiarly for
Ft?iiring told Saw at about halt the Cost of
erection. One third filo', they lay, iv required,
and there is no danger of holler eapioeton*,,aa the
pressure steam does. not exceed J2O Ihs on
the t,tiatie inch lts construction moreover,
very tquip'e, and knee-net likely ti : 'l,:el .out of
Preparation.. are making fir opplication'tor en
addisioiall went, in nn improved mode of Working
the condeht•er, by which atinoTherio pre4iire in
comlsiripti , n with a vacuum will Ise knploped. If
this i , secured, the ownerA are sanguine of qapting
the llydrauli . c engine to Marine service, with a
great economy of filet and the cutely at passenger!..
. •
- A, chrii,ng to announcement, Pr 4 litipErtsoY"
in the Baptist ('hun.h, Friday evening
last. Den. o ) on the Ilistory and Destiny of Coal.
11. , had an intelbgent and attentive audience:, The
Leoirre r displayed a thorough, acquaintance 'with
the spbject, deep re•eareli - and comprehensive
views. He , ! roved taetari!y•tpat Coal was
known and tamed in Eneand„nt least as early as
.the Homan Conquest—hut 'atterwaists was lost
sight at for many centuries, ' The first chatter to
dig Coal was granted by llynry.lll.'to the ;inhabi
tants of New Castle, about the middle of Thir
teenth Century (Flume, Vol. 11. p. fit!). The Lon
doners turned up their noses at the blnek,
and persecuted the use of it for moia than a cen•
wry ; until an absolute scurcitrof wood compelled
them lobe lets. dainty in their chmceot Mel: Coal
like every other good thing has gained its, present
importance through, persecution.
In speaking of the Destit.y of Cfial, the Profes
sor drew some , important conclusion!: Our Com
merce soon to be carried on by steam-4e sail
is rapidly giving p!IMO to the engine. Coal, too,
mates our Irod. A nation's progni;ss and rirosper
ity depend °atm extent and efficiency of ire Com
merce and it. inautdallure of Iron; hi s its Various ,
departments. But (116 land owns three-bertha •01
all the Coal twills kumvo in the World—add the
C,oal belonging to England,and nentSlenths of all the
Coal in the World belongs to the Anglci-Saxon
race. This race alint pessess the 'lron.- Ilse two
grail gold fields of the World have : been p s - o ,,j en ,
trolly thrown into their heeds, California and 'Mite
tralia. The circumelanee•that the only two great
Protestant and progressive po';wera jhe
World's Coal; Iron and Gold, shadows torth . ,tor
the ma career and destiny such a* . shall etliP• l3 . ail
that has hitherto been esteemed great.- . -
The lecture was•lcerned, yet clear and ,ttatruc
tive, and well spiced with wit. Some pane wore
thrilling in Their eloquence. The enchant* went
away delighted. ,
Lt, .
latreorrxn 'lon i a: RA waxes. rodarivit, I
, i - Dininanzar.Ssiattins.44iiiiistagt 'l3tliVelr: Piet: -
is:. doitn.Perinti—r4irii#i'y.;;;:kin oath of Benj. Trim..
;Tull' "jai-
_Wnlich*til‘ftl4 and &readout fined
4ir cents sad castartiO ttitridergo imprisprimard
at hard labor for ni x ir dOSO ; -
Cont. • riftavidt /7,,+ , ; -- .." . ..A.ssauti and Pottery,
'on oath of Michael Idwaitii; !Jury - trial Verdict,
:not guilty ;•• hut DetekidatitA pay cost,
.Cees. v s. ddrn Riqdin# ,... r—S e lling lictiair with- 1
.out license, on oath iif Artitatii Werres.' 'l(6r:trial i ,
'Verdict; guilty; but mended to the nrey ut
',the Court: Accordmglyelf.lteddinger Was tined
$;0, and ordered to Oy i,`,9S.
Cow. cr. Paili,q, Ri,liiiih.--Fornicalion, on 1.
; oatlfof Franklin WOldier.::;3l.)elendaot Vend guilty i
and was Sentenced; pa,V4 cents any and costs.
Cana f ,
Ca rot. TVrra.
, ar . gyilasuf IVrfr.;• , -I):acirderly II
house, on oath of G;aortzt4 Johnson. Jury trial. . 1 1
verdict: guilty; andiet4ig the Detenda+ tined '1
six cents, to pay c 0414 suid4ke up lodgment in the
County Jail for tax ti daik.; „ 1
Coin• Irs ' Irm • `T'S34,,-..S4,riPp!ingllClUSej.ol3-011111 .
Of Jos. Guinn., JO' 111414 Defendant Ottani guilty, 1
and was fined 530 4a ,iii....:44. I
Coin. vs. nos. 'ii , l/r4.44 . -Assoult and PalleiY. j
on oath of Arthur 31,,c4i.iiick. Jury trial. Ver. ill
diet, not guilty ; htif Attliiti to pas the costa.
Cam. ra. And, a.. 4 4ionei—Dorgtary, On oath 4
of Israel \Verminl
,Jtai'2itiisil.. ; Verdict; guilty ;
and sentenced to Y crai:Y.iind undergo imprison- .1
meat for two gears.). 1 1 . ',1' : ,-
(Friday 9th.)-oain 10 . Afi r horf :Saints—As+
Quit and Battery, : onfh4
r G. 31. JohmOn. Jury
trial. Verdict, gu y! hit „Assault ; and Delendant
3 = lll, '"cf.d to pay *4 ta;: - ;:and. costs, and; to take '
up hi, qUarterain the C.Offidty Jail for thirty days.
- Com!rs. tratoiirtt Dp4re,--suriiy 40 Peace, ':',
on oath of BridgetTildiq4.. Timothy sentenced
to pay costs. f.' :::4
Com. a '- David 41tr1h:4,-I.liscade.sly house, on
oath of Michael tilind.4 Jury trial.' Vei ; dict, not 1
guilty ; and Michael rtitiOted to pay costs ;
Cuei. el. SaniacJarAt ren—Fornicatio'ii, on oath
of Michael Sands. '!Bil:ti'nored, and Michael again
to pay costs. I. r ; .•7,1 - . ~:
Coat. rt. Eli r.. !1... , in , , i.kallare—Foruieation, on!
oath of Michael ...t, tid4.. iiill ignored, and the un-;
fOrtimate MieluteP4 Ilni'Ord titer, fell heir to the;
payment or the cots. i. ; .:. ; .! . ' [
COO 4. Sr. (Ith4 " iiht: ' .l ' iat. , an—Surety co- Peace,;
1 4'
on oath of Mary InDdnidd. The surety of Cath-1
urine's husband re4uirtitiii the stun. of 5160 for her] .
to keep the peace, l *ndie.l . #l to pay :Osts. ' i
Coat. vs. Ann *nAliGSurety of the Peace, or . iil
oath of .4nn Stanon. 1 ftifendant sentenced to pay] i
chsts, and to giveliertt,46ancl in the sum of nl ON
to kj.
rep the peace kor t4o7year.
. , I
Cora. t•r.,/l/ar l'iatirik4-Suretv of iie Peace, 09 1
path of Ann StantOn. (Mary to pay cods; and give"
• her hu,band as fi4i•uriVor her figure good beha
• It • ~.. , 1
viour. • , I • I'', .
• Coin. t.i. Vatriiiinfj , i.i,a min, IF,' li: a iiil fainiq 1
Surety of Peacen.onktt of Adam Frost. ;F.aely,.!'
party to pay his'citvit pa:Cticular costs, go.home untlj
behave them.elv4. I.dn'tindadvice.
Corn. , or. Jame ] it i itr . f . a ors—Lareeney.'on oaliii
of AfrA: .Thotnsq, Ylifijams 10 be relen:ietl, aii(ii
~ fl;.;-
County for on.sts.T fi 4:!.. , , : . 1
Com. rt. Jam.. 4 li..i,fii,rl,2—Murder, pa oath '‘;‘l..
, -it 'o l i i
.John Seely. Jut trial ; Verdict, not guilty ; and
Countyibr eosts.fl 111:'.... . •ff
Cane, V.:. Pai4elll . ,'fireti—Murder, on oath di
Richard MeNamira.f.rjiiry trial. feedlet,
of Manslaughteri, i : 0 v !,(...i., • . . ',l ,
The prisoner iii,'•:ftliflta'se, was charged With 1,e;1
ing engaged in a 'inwo,iyyMtickeysburg, home twls
years ago, whichlresttfled in, the immediate demi;
of one Andrew 81elliteira. . Two brothers, Cern
helm., were trierl , l tor iiniitimpation at this a ff air, n' I
May, 1551., convrsteitt'c manslaughter and senteifi
eed to two yetqs, Wiiiisonment. - The prisons,}
and his father (.I;tneel );' 7 rere supposed to be iinpfi
sated, but eluderPorriOtt v.. leaving the Count y.
The lather has siticelitil, and the son solne wee 4
ego returned to this itr",iiiity, and was arrested.
Our readers will realbly recoil the history of 110
riot. A ps , •rsotiatfightliad been appointed betweo
two 01 the opporg liiiikes, and on the day fixed
a c°""derable ctßivOlhad collected to witness the
[ combat. Tlll9 *as Selfted, but subsequently;atielr
the whole party lliad4ill4lurned to some: neiglibiA
. P?.
1 ing,. drinking emiplithilietUS, the spirit ot the teiiii,
was rekindled arid ' ~ kencral melee Occurred, 01
' M N '" n '' •- ' • s alleged, e•
1 which c anntra was?, , ,trin.L, it ssa.
a bat of Raitroat/ iroii,qin the hauls of the prisoner,
and by' James, tits tither, with 4 shovel hundii",
from which latin*shloleNamara's) death ensued. I
[ ' The _Hetet/Wait aWleil about 16-17 years ;';f
age. tits initur4l teiofgs, in defence arid prott i••••
I lion of . hi.. father, tOgtnher with his youth, ‘vi , 4e
i 'l '' i o,ii . guilt..
, p:eaded iii pat intiOn F, , ;... 14 - . 1
(.1/oß;lay :: - It,i-+.. p,..m. c .i.... Units! :;i1 :‘,./. erp...-
Neglect arid reldst4ttis;perforni his ditty as S'iipis
:visor of Braley; toi 4 i[ship. Jur!. iffl - s Verdila,
~, ,i ..,
;not guilty. and Nilotimffor costs. - ,;',
le l
;Mr.' Shuctrini it ),,pltarrd, had done aboiit tes
ranch us the law !alltf,tved hum; but not flight
CIIOIIOI to ..111,,.Ty qi!:!.traveling eonvenienee a, i ;il
, dileri•sts of eell?ltti i,t
r'er ' an„ of ihe t o wn.h q , ,
hone. ri Tki.m..6lYelrit- , -As,au;f and Doti•f l y,
on oath Of h;,.10 Itah. , l-. Defendant plead guilts'
and was seideiied ,iiilidy a tine of ,'ir l and costsq
The rteietidauf iurdi Prosecumx lin this ca;se
were husband .iiitd:`,, (oe—the filler having otoi
ously rippropitated;tl,4 breeches. The. re-n(o.lre
in quiltion was: buf . lrt::-I•quabble in the faintly pt, - b
lot: paten between niii t ;loving, Couple, in which 1.1-
f eu thr o ttled tierlOb 4 na, and he, . the C4rt
thought, had tied unp:rilant mean' to save the mdis
nage of nis'breifthii!!lileit's talkative, powers . ad
well nigh of both bench and 1,4
it. was, etoubtler, r t };',..: Ilaley the author. ot Ifil4li
' bras had in mind, whit he wrote,—
. .r.i,
, [I. , I , •
" But stilttrisr l dupe ran on, the less f,
01 weight if, Jr, with greater ease; e And with iiii,
0.,s erliisting clad:,
Set all nteu's ei upon the rack." . I
• • .
Cone. I'S. Plinni v ,'AlcCa.,firy 7 Perjury, on litli
of Daniel Heitlfle.t.trtr'ry trial. Verdict, guiltyll
Perjury is akezi-Ottigly grays offen c e, aq to
be arraigned thellits generaly regarded n , ) . a
very serious Ifght ;- 0 the pees, case was hapily . 1
worthy thejuilici4 'nip - ortnitee,nircessarily attuOted
to it. *ZsleCtitfiy hiSi.. : • ,:.made irdoemation before 4.7,5 -quire
quire Wilson tigainstOertain pities, charging Om
with attacking hi ,itesidence' it East Delaiklare
Mines, with ittoi•rsi4and threatening hims.Oflanil
family.., The 'neeoo4 proved themselveS intiq l ent.,
and hr turn inititiethis suit,' 11
'fine 'affair ieacliets . ';at least one wholesome leitson,
which Magistrut 4 tit` County may very ift:op
erly lay to hettri, ftride,",ttiat is, that unusual c4tion
and scrutiny ere hitiqUired in examining the alrhost
numberless rbar rfir' .. !ol.-Assandi' and Brittery4t re
feirell beforelpiel
l ain has heconie so eomino to
run to a Magtrinfe'iln the height of passion, i4with
every pettK ilpertorny grievance. Grand „ftiyies
complain"; at almilS I:every term, et the many ;iiseri
of this efiame'ter tr,- , t,../ up tothent. and most c 5 the
ignored hills are efttflts stamp.;; ri.
We infer do Warne upon Esquire Wilson'aicon
••• r i ~ ...4
duct in the dase , lreferred to ;• bui the evil,. s,
been observe:A, ant.rWe thought this instance; a fit
,subject to•ilrew dtteiltion to Vs 'much needee. eor
• • t, i -1,.i
reetton. , ; l, ~.:, Is 1: '
--•M • ` trial 4,
Divorce (!;;.it. cCatiry ft was sits b .nd
ed an hour ok tvi , l s il Ards a ft ernoon, for the arginnent
of an interest:hag iiksi s te m CI peadiag divorce ease be
d weep Dr. N'aglif . ., Reading, tad his wife, inaw . a
resident of this C,pittaty,.. 'CIS ter left hekhinS-'
band beiween 01,,frit . fand three imam ago, o'o, the
ground of ilVtreatfOint, and on the 30th of Aiiguslr
1551, tiled 14r litietln thisCouri. Last Noveiither,‘
1 she made apiniciiften to the Chug for an ardor on
'her husimodifor trOneans to carry oil her su l ,. and
pay her pasties [Weft as current expenses. ~ I This
1 was the pnirii milii6in issue-00 was thifii sum
, , • •.f .. ..: ,
named by h/r cOuryel, Hon. F, W. Hogheci and
Judge Bunkti. ritO, Respondent's Counsel„?',Hon.
J. Glancy Jones 'timed that the Respondent; Was
willing to iqii rill Ahe legitimate expenses rot his
, wife's suit, frofii th'i date of bee application tp the
Court, but ol.lect etf)o going back of that lig?e, on
1 the ground ,f/tat rni:O ey in
.vhridas sums die , fl been
'voluntarily her: furnished till she reldsed it. {j The Court cotric4'ired in this 'ttew ot thet',i erne,
and orderedrth4 , Diontor to supply the ' sinews of
war," in the Suprlif SIOO, for Its wile tobattle,
him with—the deqfund to be, renewed, asoo4asion
requires, iltd , inth4 progresa, of the suit. •,1 •
(Toe. , thry,l,3oo-com. vs, Ildo, Doo lep,—As.
rank and Batter'o44 oatliol James Berger.i. Jury
trail. Vercßet,tylty withoht Jury leavinglox. .
Dooley To trrigat a previous term for tlifi mur
der of his viiife+dCwing alleged that she di4.t from
kicks am: lintel Ilftlictedby him:, but the testimony
was insufftelentiailhake out .'the case. Thei;ody of
the wife wiis iihi r iramiried liil afterdechtni t il)sition
bud set in, 4nd iiiiejhroof was not cle s ar, ns l'A *he
•ther certain!dlis - o4irations Were Caused by Violent
treatMent j . w vhe the natural result ofrlptitre.
tacttoa: Ire ;:. - titeequetitly arrested aUtl the
incitement rat rities serious Character prefe4eo.
Coin. vs . 4 . ;Autt i o -I f i J - Ansa 4ehie
on oath of Oniiio-F. Mann= : Joty- trial. 'Verdict,
not gutty, pod Frint , ecution for costa. iti
Mr. ItiLanO, tie4roseetitor, is a citizen lot' Co-'
lumina coo if fnee titive:lin; in L nion township,
in thisCotihty, hAhorse MO away ,and quite up
hiecarriagO, k itiAlg-detached parts of it a:Urtg the
road. Jolth.oli,!*4M was ;represented toii:hold a
tstudge agaiusi:Ori, was charged with posing
'hinmell byPlotilltiOie hind wheetii with it+pritnem
attached, Or thq,:tiad down, a,40 feet deep:: cut of
the Colow l iHO4road, wli.ll the intent it,) break
them. Bt# thty.* Were n ot satimied thtil John
eon wits the rriMr; - ;;Who was, teen to perpetihte this
porsoital dfiterii4.of rollini a pair of wheek',B down
an almost perreobcutar bank, and not deering the
property 14 queigtin, whether whole or (Adored,
of much tuomuntlo Schuylkill county, eleMed the
Defendant an 4 Osiddled the Dusts, at wel4as the
unmended*Tiati, upon Mr. Mann: i
Cont. tt ./Plii: DoofeP--.Tippling li..ise on
oath gr lottliquOtty. Jury , trial. Verdic ;guilty.'
• Thi's is qie Inge perloh convicted , as ti ve, o
an Assa9 aritl*tery. - , Hi s eesidenceliett been
P°° l Case' _ • Sokfrding to the'Court's direCi,ionA, he
will now beg , e ,„„,..... this thrtvingi v. iiimre,t ,
for the wilt ''''lruxua s . 1g
Com-. 0:0!. Ryan—Assault and Itattery,
on path 4' 1 ,t, Julii4ower.. Not guilty, and :rogieen
tor for etfts. i j ',! . " j la
This ciiise.. 4 ** tiiipari of is ithor ;-
1 1 , . I ,
' . I A L r ; : i.
Oren, several others brought up ,
'itilis attertooril in
Urder to elear-off tha etiminattmainess;and aka
!tlray for an argument 13 tretignliait tieudiag. • privrtir
- frith othera,.had been .worteing';for B.yab, ino en
i lety-day, being impatient for tili'wages, beekme
+t Mar and trouble...omit in thei'emplityer's• Ace',
i en the latter twuntsted oust - Maul tamemres to
'teach him to watt his turn. 1 ; ,
Cote:.',. Ei(en o'/Ity.rn--A - Assidt and Batiery.
4 oath' of Michael Quinn, EA:. Not guiltyi end
l i
rO•eettl for conin. - 1 ".
Mr. Quinn in a Tux•collervit Intl a Dagh,rrY
t". Calling, upon Mrs. (iltryun. in the ,fc;
pseit v, unluckily on a fa man o l
o.: uirr'A ;size and intelligence oiiglit, to have_kri
Ipetter.) and deinandmg her family quota of ttio l
Ito tun&, to keep the Cio n w i thi .s.;,„,:,„„• 11) )
ft i'as not received with shut ‘niernitei or cotii.... ,
ibecornia; the dignity of Ins ta•ci;ifold official cli:nrac
i el; but Ott the contrary. his Tati-collector-uhdi.itt. ,
tee-of-the-Peace-slop wan ratifier roughly t‘n • -ixed by
he shoulders, "about faced." antronlered to, march
nor-ward in (Intel,: time—Mra.i:,ol3... at the Acme
' ante, seizing a handy iron . hail; shilialett tn4ftion,
rand making such violent gestbres therewiiht. that
idle o ff ended th.tnitary concluded, n'o.itoidu ' ferry
jozirOperly. that "discretion wttn khe litter pa e r rt , of
rator," find heat a hint). retretit; lt.howerer tip
rpeared, in the eyed of the. ('Dirt. that the 'Squire
i had excited the lady's wrath by nuneizes-arti ban
,,dying words with her, arid turther,hy pretenitir.e. to
levy on certain unmentionabfiP,artiplea of wearing
uplar . O, about the headline of lyitieh by the firm.:
euline gender feinales aro genetally 'imppom4.l a,, be
i tparticularly touchy. OIL was accordingly
leieuiied, and the 'Squire learnid a lesson on r?rtiN.•
i,-- o lieettrig at the expense of 11.4 t cos*
i Cuht.t . l. 'leery Barn ., llMt trilligri :16ch,--
1 Afwault and Battery; on oath of Mrs. Maryin,Uter.
h lury trial. Verdict, guilty ; and Defendants to pay
'lirr•ts. ' l' L
Mr.. Daily's compqiint win , quite - a ;nri:riaiiii
charge, hi,be preferred againstiwo such gooiLook
ing men an the Delendanti there ; ism, ne t , less
an carnet , than that they forcibly entered her )
in West ilaven, in her hipibatid'it aliseiii4. icelled
her out of bed and otherwise] maltreated tier. so
that she was forced to der with her children 4 to a
neighbor's for protection. I liar tar shirt .-f 'the
truth her stuiv fell, in the further pro.7.resn Zit the
trial, the event rather Sigaitiv'atitly ,stionisj ; The
Defendants.are employed in the LocumOtiic de
piirtinent of the Male ffiil Itc4l, and were proved
to he generally sober, iniliiserionn, ive.ll;;belLared
I,ll....inesday morning, of
county took the henen, in•
teremed pnrtv.) for the trial .4'o o'hu.e nrh.iin6 Iron'
a mongage g:ven lay John SmUlt to Jacob Roy
er, on several highly Yalu:dd.. truer: of Coal huld-in
this and Northuntflertand rountie... is
teehmealiy suited thus: t
Camputan's Administratont, :
Assignees of Jamb K. Boyer i
John Swill's Administratifs I '
and El Pederick, /erre tenant. I
The Jury, atter being out fdint 12 o'eloyk. !Tlitirs
day till noou :Yesterday, returned verdict dor the
Efetinidattt... -
The Court passed the following sentencel; in en.'
ses aboYe related : , .
re.!/, to puy eosts_and:undergo an Ini:pr i:on.
meat of Two yearn and Turd:months: ; •
fflea,/r,y, itidginent arre'sted, and Delendant
diseharg,.d. i •
Dooley (Assalitt and Battery) to pay i n u, and
undergo tin imprisonment for Four months. -
Doi,/eu House) to pay a fineoft fine of
$2O and eo , t-.
Court adjourned yester.dav ; morning.. I t.
, A NT: Cl:Allit •
13Asfgax—near appmr4 all your
St. Claw enrrespondendi (my-eif IncluttC,That at
one time were so numerous its to eatliVi fitale anx
iety le.t.vour paper might MI occupied 'l4 touch
with our ithair:, have for Whitt of ideal tie some
other good and sufficient reason, for a ;lop tiine
ceased tp inform;the wor'id, through the .I . oi , irnal of
the doings and sayings of our thriving; Iforougla;
and tearing that lIIH stienr:e. might lean .Votir read
eta into 11 111 i sle re•prigt.k our ecind,itiott, I have
cottcht,futf to drop you it few Imes •
Oar inapt:mon is 1-tipsily, Illt•nruo.1114 null most
now number not kis than ; inany!mtwly 'ar
rived German. make this thi..r it rit!a.-e and
rapidly fore,gn pjlioration. Ahe , ut bey
new dwell - 41.r. hote-e.ltave i•ea-
_ . .
Son diva nil are deeured.: The v.,nott- Mite, ~ ivr
ample employment to ail who , eet: it. .1-;. another
evident - a of otur prmieritt , I Will iLatli 1 C,., oil i hat
our old t•d•sen and worthy tot.a . ,:matett,..:l!mml ti
neeeit , ary to ....0•11re an Li.+l4ldlll in Ila i'D, iar.l%* Of
niaith•triiito..e... , ..
The M k t-Limes shaft, ui whieli you Int',.:eiheard no
mitch, has demonstrated tli theory that ire large
"Whi ~
"White Ash vein underlie nid only our br
km the, whole valley between the Lint :sharp
Montitions - The Coal Waii rellvtiet! at Ihi:,hatt at
the der li cd about .159 feet, where the In;
nearly flat, having but hale dip; the CHI it im
pure nail hard. This shaft*. Ineated 111/11`t. the
of the Carey properv. dud alum un illllllrll , e
field of Coat in evert 1 reet,on , wh:cli Wfl require
ages to eitinutd. -;; t
As the Coal which is now wei ked talar t , the out.
crop 'Ol the 'veins becomes ;exhausted; 00; :dittfis
will be sunk in various parts 01 our Coziri field, so
that • shafts will become as4iinneroits ak [-lopes are
.maw, and'ages hence, a teenutik Populatnfni will be
bustly'ergaged in extracting, the rich U4neral des
posttsiwhich a kind Providence rm> place t beneath
our feet. It is true, no dOnbt, that the eeltre 01 the
ttaiii.lies much deeper thiM the out-cr*off and will
require a much larger expenditure qt tiyne and
money totreach, yet these! ditlicuhies Witl be ovetl..
come. The sinking of th'e first slope iwns eonsid
ered a great iindertaking,ind perhaps hr 'i j o1114• ereta
deemed visionary, het no& they are ,t)
ins to awaken little or no interest. [Cite great
tidily of colt in this 'region can only Ve teraehed by
l shafting. ;
The bonus of amnia welyt. fount! near ltiel.,v C'a' - tle, Sattaday:recogntied I y ht 6 clotnesUtut
cap, which vas head, ar tfte hotly of
au In,man Honed Itrettnan, who twine
near Eagle MI,. last AttgitA, ro a ,talti oT tinoxicu
ion and who wandered tfway . to per ir4l ke a brute,
uncured far and Mona. kic La- bat u i,v‘te told eh&
&en to tale cure Of thenbzelre.,or bOrinte a Poor
Hott•rt charge Another''udillboo to fat a l jisr.
of "Diath ty I rattfityrrire.." I:0N.
.t- C ;t. bolt., Dor,
•• , ;
tiaom OUR .IwN',ifogr.rSPnNti,F.:tr
Our proverbially quint;town has - been in a stnier4
intense excitement for a week paS't, btkinetii - ither
quotidian vtsits of the" i'ewers " oft ifuttsvilirent
search of couuterfeiternst us it theyigrew bfor
taneously along the rivii! Every liKtrning, train
brings in ourtnidstlMr..l-fanley or soMiis one die.
armed with the tormulatile vi•eappl: cif the -Com
monwealth.- But utifi'irittnutely tt itlwiys ,so pup
pens. that the some hag Just stepped,. out. Oar
knowing ones of edurse know the woofe from
Ato Z. but it won't d.i is tell '.—ot eanfrse. nut 1
would suggest the Propri t ety of fresh posse
sent ; not quite soitundtar to the genniy. Rumor
sayetti that we may look for. atdonishiag disclosure:
ere loug—something rich. It has ben said that.
one of theittustriotts gueits of the County threatened
to expose the whole ileiiteinity if they(i did not find
bail I,ir him forihWith.'", So look on lfor, breakers
; Some Ot oar hoMmen in pn , sessiou iff ".Nitrilm 7
non Boat," are pa a kihd of “strike..g: They say
that the season jell( an end and lime tot* up, ile
the Company contends that they ritti4p.:ecp moving
to the Ist 01 January. ,Theboatmenitav that they
have complied with the;'aritcle of oi+neent, and .
that they have made Clam payment 4 and have as,
much saripon.the sithtet of tying tijil!as the Com
pany. 'So you 2 , Cti therO is a spght iilitrerenre of
'opinion between ,
rit'trties. 1 hav 2 4 been credi
bly. iniormed - ihat the CoMpany c atenits taking po , -
se-14ion of MI hoabi, the owners f which refuse io
comply With the above Ordess. bne;fhing
everr, is certain;' the bompane F hou j d , lucid; the
tee so as to permit bop[; to pat euctiqoi htlr. The,
boatmen say that !n sOitneol thel i dat the passage'
Was jibb stifficirntifor boat Id pass And
again, if be kept itinniftg, u:by Race
the loek-tender:i liven taken tr,-.111 itfrir duties of
night? 1. a not reastatable, find ilie:ooctils sl,6,Cia
be made wadj at highOis well iin the
our! truly, ' •1-;:irriTlNFt.
' 4,11' 1 ,
TANLAWIA at Allltg
L-17* The nail' i'reOyterian) Cll6rel) at Tu
muli:B(lles. Itir.l Glenn ,) will be ;:dedicuted to
morrow. Sec notice.; It is-re flresented to he one
the tineat Church psiiiiif*s in the. Coutitv.
• " -
- WArt accideitkrtz ; '
etplosi to oCa blast • took
niaee on 'flinrstlay ei.enieg of lay , t Mr,
Nunes Taggert'A Tuttnet, ft It. by g
width, on the Lirtle Sehuylict I Exf,ere.Mu of tr.e.
Catawissa two ruittlabovt,i Tamaqua . ; in
whiche4thr men - iwetrn at work ! :Doe of them,
Jotto Boyle, worktrm the treedte the lime, was
instantly kieded—het },ally beirg • atutort torn to
p ieces . Three others had , each, 7&, Will broken,
and were otherwtie Serioualy. tnittre l ; two Olii:etA
were Nligtitly. and -the remaining two mirae•
utouely erwaper.l nebarined.
, _
.4.141014 AFkiIRS,
- 1 . .
t •
The M. E. Ch u rch at Port .Earbon . has liven re
cently renovated 'and pointed; laud presents• tiow a
very neat and elegant .appearance Oside. It has
been painted in friv,eo',hy Ate:ol Reading,
who der.erves praise for his taste and. work
manship. The ceiling and wills tirr pannulled and
ornamented iu the Tuscan stye, andlhe niche be
hind the pulpit is ilezmated with apieopriale pilas
ters. The pulpit itself is of (Ist iron, broneed, and
is a step in advance towards ho abolition of the
old custom of busing iap a minister, k it he belong- -
ed to a different order: ot beings than' hei people.—
The seats are painted in imitationuf walmtt. Al
togethee, the work is frilly creditalle, both to the
members of the church and the 'worlainen employed.
The church vvill bite-opened on r gltriaintari day.
Preactliag at 10 3 and 0 P..:114.. Eminent
turnstile's from alai:4d are expected !it, atAcinte,
^ '• •ci•
i rotAte fionorabie Court of Quprtsr Seissofri, rn
ertil job rfier:CottufsfirSastsith.7l: 7-71 ':
The Errand Jury reppeettulty report;that 'they
'have acted upon Fitte , two bills, Outhrig Ftirty-ruor
true tuff., and ignorlag.£ol. ' •
They have„also, vtiuted, sod. exaoluted the
County Prison, autiCtittund n dem = and in general
good order and coodinou throughout. ' The pub!tc
t. dices. Go inspection, likewt , e apear in gnat' order. The•tdarmingprevalence of Intemperance in the
County tumeratively demandi tap ipectat int , ciaiott
44 the 'Jury. Tracing, •e treats to the .I,i, y
cannot fait to ierogatre. Met as the greet totintain•
bead of clime among our people. Itesetes tie
eorruinton or pubtic ntorats, nod the dereiopetueol
of ,vieious and erinonel propensibes; i ts 0 ;o: ous
and direct re-u:ts, to tie eouuuoii !slaty of the
tiajtole commuuny, are unpaired health,ladditinew
pauperism; the estaNtsimirot end eormaragement of
tedo.ent habits, interruption of business apdtarguty-
I'Le CallIlt•et:C111 at lutemperaned
with crime and pauperiam is so intuit:it - S o that it is
a .iiot , eeilhie 14t'r that the number of Cr:Mtn:ll eitiey
brought dare thetourt aid of the mutates of the
Alms !loose. from different sections di flat County,
are to direft proportion to the number of groggenes
they re-p. - ThVely
Of ratty -two ea•sts brought before 'the Jury,
Twenty Were directly traceable to Intemperance,
and a emetia examination of the Records shows
that en average of twe.ttm-di the eriniinal of thiseourtisinducedby the same mime. Alt
compreheritit'e taugaitude, reaching ar
all C . (fl.s.ei and conditionr, of suctety, de:terve. , the;
most N . 7 illll4 consideration of every .go,sl enixeu,
to the end that an etrectuai remedy be tTeedily pro;
ended. .
Udieial statistics show that there — are, !or the
euFrrul yvsr, near Seven Hundred anst.Fitly, C,30) '
inners to the County beeilised to self
knig timaverage of One tivease‘l house to every
Eleven and Two thirds (i 11) taxable Inhabitants
or, in the Coal Itegien,,One to overt'' time and a.
lia'.ll,Pf. Besides these, there are doltbitess many
otlisr shops ,*eiling without iicenSe.
Now, no sane person will attempt to argueenher
that this very• large number of LiquOr-sodling
"en are needed for the accennct4tiou of Our
Zen'', Or that their influence upon the public is, in
unv Way, litaithful. The framers of the laws, by
which Picy are authorized and protected. over
coati-1..106mA env such abuse of ,what were. then
considered whoiesorue itmulattons;
A !urge majority of these Seven Hundred and
Piny licensed places ore mere lirocery Stands add
Ale and Porter sheps,for watch under ex:isting reign- I
mations, anyone paying .$5 into the Treal.nry can le
euice a iieeitse. True, the law specifies the quau-
My—nothing less than a quart to he: sold; but,
epmmou experience proves that obedience terms
r.silier the exception ; while viol,thott i.. the almost
universal rule.
- A total repeal, therefore, or ir.rue modification,
of the existiag lattA on this - subject, appticabie at
feast to this County, is partteularly desired anal
the Jury,' cm - b.:hail of the County, request that our
State Senator and Representatives brtog this mat• .
ter before the next Legislature, and it possible se.
cure from that body and nuiendinent to the present
statutes, so that thereafter all Liquor r tlimoisrs b••
within air jurisdiction. and subject to the control,'
tit the County Courts..
The Jury is happy to believe that the recent or
der of the Court,
,closing the liar: of Liquor
Slanils on Sunday, is generally respected, and that
,t he insult is highly beneficial. Constableiffandoth•
Fee Police odierri should see to - its universal en
forcement; and the Jury would respectfully ask
the Court to remind them of their duty; n this
respect, and also to urge their constant wutelitnl•
nes , and vigorous enforcement of existing , statues,
for the - suppression of the illegal traffic, and thy
punishment oh the offenders.
Tbs. Jury re..hunmend that the Court instruiq the
Supervisor of Ural - lett township. to calts•trittl a
tenet? (similar to the one along the narroWs below
Pottsville), at or Lion; the several pints on the
rowd lending trout Westwood to Alinersville.—
These places air very dangerous for persons who
are compelled or obliged to travel over Brent alter
night. or during the tt Mier season, When the road
is cove , ed with we or strew. •
The Jury aim) report the dangerous couditlix.
a bridge in .11arry iriwohip, on a road, leading
train DerialeCii Tavern io.Shurnokinto'wu, dossing •
Mailanoy Creek, at t israttiLead'a ARIL
)Foreman .of Gram! o'nro-
Potheille, Dee.9rn,lSs3. - I
. •
. ,
2', la/ of bridge, at the Crystal Palate—littpro , re,l
Bailers—Upelttof .:, CM' .Streets—Canal .St.
and theliatrery IV/TeX- of•,Steartfr ?flutit6oldt
—flarairig of a Ferry Boat—Extra ,verformi
aare at a illenavrie —New ?alit( of Mitchel!
arid Meagher— 7J tltien—Edultilons Belursts..
_ NEW YOKE, I)cr. 13, IST:.
. .
DEAR JourtNat.:' Mien a abort
.time tiihr'e 1
mentioned mat the, was emphatically ,the seayon
of tante and rietttrui nee fites, l. scarcely dreamed
that I should have to uuronicle tho mo-t tleyti tic
tive that hayYiyited our city in many leery. .
lOili corrovinett here give tii a" ininine nod
intere„ting account or the Mr. of .Saturday 15e,
wilt, h We villa, b:ivilig 4lrenly Irrofrarc:l an art:-
r:.• for that lorcpt, , rirtlrttri•ou:t the 1111,0 par.:l••u
-latN.--E,1,. Jour • .
T A .l
ho IC4 01 th t,:ryFfal ValaiSc are vtall in •tcs•
sien Ihe Sate tt at tars been consummated An
niteirsilllg trial of : 14 ultra 113 , 111-0 tai;,-ii rd,v , e ,.-
.The ocitipetdoN ;woo- Latier.,, , .an of Bo ,t,':... and
Howe ot Cincinnati, who e; . aisn• that boa hri,lyd
wilt ,t tact d:ntbfe the we!e,nt vt :my other known ~
hrid4e!•tiwtitre. : Larier, , att's bridge Initial under
a height of aLoin 2,: , 01) pc:l;ml,, Nvh.le If ,well
was loa,ied wen upwards of :cal() without breal.•
Zug and was then It it hdrawn. The bridges were
ot.t he <zone v.'e•, oht„ ,, 1;4 pounds and of a span about
14 teed •
One of the tinetut improvements of late date fa,
the history of steam li the corrugated iron boiler
ot Montgomery. l They are attracting the proiound
nitration ot our Machinists atilt -sit Indic men grit
er,c,ty. I ts c hief
r i,o l uts of ,•uperiorite are that it
ni.lre than doub:ea the'Mrength. •ave+f.tty percent
in space and BMA. per' ceut in c tel:. and renders au
tAltlo,olllll.Nt tor iinpossible. Its lire siirtime is
one-third more Tian the present feria' of bolters.
Another great ituprovettneut Is the fael that all
the blisters and teaws in iron, winch are oraiiiarily
• itie.,lett, ere developed in the roiling necessary to
corrugation. Stitrt, the Er,pinver,ii•Cinet ot the
Buau in Conste Tillal of the rutted States IN.:avy,
and author of seV nive ds their adoption by 'the depart• 1 rai tine works on naval atlliirs, ,
,trongly teeo,
ii i
mein, and ht. opit ten is eneorred by our ante 4
naval iteriatructori:.
1 . 1,,, lung vexed'lplCAloll ot the opening of Ca
nal street, WAS tli ength been settled by the S . u•
prezne Court, and the street will be continued
through to the F. ist river, It/ailing 1111111'51111e yd.
over one hundred and twenty fret wide tram river
to river, through he heart of the cay. Thin an
pi hi einem wtil is it down the Bowery Theatre. 1 . .
/y p:opet is Ulti - t oil foot, which, wilt probably
tie,siseitessini to cstend the Bowery throtigh ',to
Frenkliii Siptare, and thtts'open a new 'avenue di
reef to the Ban '
Bane v relieving to a certain degree,
Itroildway or its pl ethora of travel.
`The sly:utter I.l.irrihi.itdt, of the New York and
Dreinen hue, Int just been wrreked in liartfi!x
bay, where sue ;tad pin in for (;ore on her last
trip from Bremen to New York. The faint is
charged to' the pilot, who is said to hate been
nothing but a coalition liiiherman abobt the harbor.
ttilie snuck ore tilr locks, and it being useitrtained
that stir: wan lea:,,ni” very badly—rite wits run upon
the roust, where s ite noel lies head on. If the
weather is taco able she niav be gut oft; thought
lIIIA 1 , rather do WM. Her cargo has Green saved.
m u damaged condition, and consists of holiday
gins and toys, bulky. but ot eotnparattvely tittle
value. One of the most singular Nets •connected
with the circumstance, 13 that the vessel has been
kept fully insurtid mini this very trip, when it Was
mostly discontinued. Assistance hat been tor•
warded troin this city.
'the !Wry boat Montagne. of the Brooklyn Ferry
( y :3 st ' a l s iriea t' 'r V l'v n ti as eiti l : ll, a t tid t" i ' i l Y
o i st de S 'l t r t ° l,etl d o, l iY fire. s ' engist * ire l l
tot ...:7:46,1ttit)... The spread if the liners-was so rapid
;Mat the vessel Wad totally consumed.' -
Quite a Mlle episode, not inihe bills, took' place
tifew, evenings since at the Broadway Menagerie.
Herr Drieshiteb, the lion tamer, had enterrit
case of traitird 111111113 k fur the regular perfortnatice,
when Ms pet/tiger, a lingo Bengal, tor some unac
countable reasim 4caped upon bun. fie, was of
C011:14e prostrated, atulthe tiger pet her teeth deep
into his breast, The Jinn (tete at the tiger, /OW is
a moment all bands bud their fingers or rattier
paws in a free tight. Driesbach was rescued in a
laiwang, eonditioa, and planed under medical treat•
Meal. . .
John Mitchell and T. F. .Meagher, the expatria
ted Irishmen, are about to issue a new weekly pa
per on the first 3 , roxtmo. The prospectus is al:.
ready out.
Johien is here carrying await the town by the
magic: notes of the American, the Prima-Donna
sat. the linty-dad. He i+ shortly to give a concert
in aid of the funds of the New York Fire Depart
The past week has called upon us to chronicle
the death of two of our t. solid men;" Anson G.
Phelps and Russell' H. Nevins. Their deaths
have been brought torward more publicly on. ac
count of the charitable bequests in - their wi;ls.--
Mr. Phelps bequeathed Six Hundred Thousand
Dollars to puinin in,iitution-onouint which were
1,,t/0,000 apiete to each—theApierienn Bible So
ciety, the Home lkitestons,tuadAle Foreiju, be.idea
etioruzune ',mounts to his Mindy and re:wives. Mr.
NeVlll4 sonde large legacies to charity, but not as
great as those or Anson 0. Phelps. G. C. F.
DR. J. 'W. COOPER'S , Medicine-, (prepared on
ly by C. P. iietetro are doing %voltam,. I've the uf
dieted We ree almost every day some new et:-
deuce of their'Wonderfuls.reeess. Many M the pa
per,4 ?eat: of them in the tgliest terms of ameba
two, and ••ny that many of he Mires effected he
them are not equalled by any her medicines in ex
istence. The genuine medicines may be had of
John S. C. Martin, Prargor , -f, Po: t. , i die ;
BesPirticTik:earara ; nod
1,, di. •
e.-arffilaint is gen.
erdlly - preceded ,by, punt ta 11111 . 11e1111. giddine”;e!“
pemallv on tinalog, '-nddenly `rotmd, clanheA,
.slit, , tapor, log-• ("I tnrinor ~ and c,ttler unplex ian
E,kjin,lolo% Viil3 . ll 1011t1.:31.7 3 LC41,14 , 11 and vorrimi
rime ct the blood.
WrigAt's baba?' Frge. , , r)Z , rills are a Celllllll
preVrtilatiVe 01 1,11,016 . NY, 11eC101. , P they expel 11'001
the lily ttto a rtngtuttt and corrupt Outdo whirl'
are the route of thi. nod ever; malady ni,ident
iatt Ve,Teta.Ve P;lis nlvi a,d And
iwprove u. purity thell.nod, and,
thrrefore, drive diseive of every name Crum Ilse
i'aviiait.--Sioret:eerkrrs - would do well. to el!. •
Ciereure.lo. understand
that 'a MAI) 4.y ilte'rin'tae. of 11.1e*, and another
Iry the n a me of Sine., are ofrerunr, what purtiorrt tO
Gn t'h.t ill'. Vegelable Theeper:ons
aro not authorized Agenti for Ito,: Medicine, and
the article. Mired casino he guarantee,' as genuine,
Cha genuine ' i« for «alultv - Mr«. E. M. BEAT.
TV, J. G.BROWN atid.J. S, C. MARTIN, Potts
vtl.r. \Wholesale Oilier, 1119 Itane Street, l'hita
(l4lo .
N. B.—The parlfe are reE.pecifully informed that
HUGHES. of 'agent for
h andd we , a n„ ot guarantee genuine
he i3 uTt e ict i'
oll ' e ' red by bim for F 11:e ,
ace the PropriPiClT'A recent Labor.
taory •entargements hace• allowed him to supply
his numerous ortlets for Lycktes Raiharion, he bn4
Hilo introd 'wed some new chemicalatintw which
add still to the Binh charactitr of this immensely
popular article for Curing, Beautifying, Preserving
and Restoring the Hair. 5, - . .
Let thaw now n. , se
Who never tnned before ,
And !how who-alwaY 4
Now n F e the more. •
The Price is still ten's, in 'arias bottle., and
nuts be bad at any Store in the United States.
b. 5. Ba rt i eN proprietor: 161 Broadway, N. Y.
Sold by every Dealer la Pottsville, F. W. Dyott
te Sons, Philadelphia, Wholotale Agents,
I & If r i
Fidlerla wen-norm Natch,,.loweirlt tow Sliver
~ _
want_iistabbilimanit, NO. /2 ..louth tatvood Se.. to. --_—__—_—_. t . .___........._
tow Marizet; Phittletphos, pre;rAllA a Fleh, rate and 1 T.; N yI,E:A AND FOl . l li: Al --"not re. *IV eti by
toromparttbitaaaanitotent cfgqiuls C.r p he a ppiottch t t 1 rlit I/7 •Lh•",Ther• • 1 . 4 , I K Li , c i 0 tit P 43.. nt a
ittgliOlotaya, whkeh cannot till to p: .i.a-e lh pot- 1 laP , tl." l- .tb 4 10?,1.01 1p .4 ~...• ittliao'
ahaper. i - [ • ; i seas And Nair leafs rmAenta. can
i the 'tel.:mire Miore of th { ficihrc ,
141r1 E.'s *lark ~ of tilt: i/10.1 1(3 , d13(.11ab.e. de• i fiCt
sotipllnt). t-olopnalti Got,/ t out Surer VI. atcheA, i D. 17, 1833,
Binit4l,praeriel.., Ct in , . OudrdA, cik Id Pre.'', pen. t
! -.vti 4.IIELLErts -- Pterng
ell Cie4,, - NW a %fyl i ta)J r, vailov,"na _u ter Atti c' s , / ~ -
‘_,, , h 2ve r4a.” II b ( 3 ',Ca .33 Illt! the
beitti4: l -; %,' T!'"t•N` .l "''''.." l2 .•' 4 % I A. i ''' d' , O i `ed ~, „ , .ME r. t' , .ti.. , . ArrPrtt, l =l2-'
Al ttl: . .ili` . (ott.r , t ott. Op. ...,,` ;
1 '''..l 'St r,
' 1 4 I , l : :VAblb. i•H ....3 /, 31.3 the / 01411
V /--1 , '2. "-- I
..AN LIJ ‘N -Li :4 , ...r4t.t) lior:h ingin•r- '
rent', p. Itocul,-, Noi :“..,, .1,6 it rat , 11.1 i, .1 ; or , :4-.
:ow,,utt:t-me,t ,l': , ittil.-ipte. 1
Per, ri•c'r ..if'.n.3 thi: 'it:., dot mg It;
1101 AI 1 .11:-..-_ , . I.r.olii,' I 411! t4i 1;1, , tiit4l
ut.4re• .4 . ' surerinll.ll;l:f.R.ltt•:(,,
!att.,- thou ttet to i't. in ..1 It'ait.::, Cal
The'. rerwattoti of- ow
anr.;ir zina nrr
tauch . lov.:er voo:. fvvitEzi
to Obtain a Ceoa.
;Terms CONF,:; . I.IOL.LiA att - iiiprartir,
DvE,9ertvotpi..!, (I tir. , ca , iil frier.
eoptra vriltell .10 tilt! 4'.,t
utr 13r1;-er, •
- ; POT , TScILL*4 MARK .
cotittct; r-Ert TII I
Flour. br t t •Ir 2_111,11'4 pent
do Ito • -.
‘t hest; bokto.•:, J 401
•'ld 1 . 14,t11,11.N.
'2 Vol
P,14 e .
'.-'‘litibr;„ do
Tim?thy Seed
Clover do
, •
I Middteport. nn the 9.4 64 ; by
FOrrshaan. Nna). h, .MAI
tettli of Purl I.',lrean.
Qn thr 9d inat., by . the It ett.j, , et .1
!IC?! it"ELlN6.l4 , :letiyikit! Ca.'
LINE, C. NV EISLER. of Notthninbert3t
if AS. in me :1•2.7 b! bis Apcfor
6rll filar,-n.
b.nrni t ile - , 120
in it.:xpotopel.. Cnoti+V
Tlll J 18, In II; 77th of
ununk ted. j
AttothororGod • A 'labial_ eittvsnt hie head ei
'therett. tante teat ~ g tile friititLiii ,, n i 's i. , t i' ll : 4l 34iiiro .
. rtrito:ot - it, the . rt•vesof t to tot pt. , I (be !wt.,: art 4
havatt!ii, in the conria .7f,11151i1l i11e.:.. ill • 11,4V1./1•
Tito tl,;(t.iitol IVA tpr fl.Cliy 461ti,Ji th !ottle),t;OO ; ray
istrri. of the. Baptist f'atti cit. in ?et toot l trio It'': ?IC-
Atelr..l. l'of o , ono, ',ire, with Toil:riot it. i e'rliiiriir i• t
In ativsneing age, yit Cor,tatif In :Ail the ppforate .
onre4 11(104 "rallint a 30t1 101:!1•14' 1/ l',*0.111111; 4 aby.
bat , . acre llly ~i 11.... hi 4 li,:Z.i , Cl.l.:rrly; WWI Ilie:
broad ..t•life.l . i. t
II ,- 1 .
Tlinott the itstarsl min 1.4 , .4 fta tep:9ll,ll to). 1111•
;tve, the itortt -1. , :0.' Ole,* tictto heval,t o it s . i.s'i daydayli y
dry the 4tliccticottl. bit ,uttil it to ithrtli f arni botak..
Ing, ilia the soul pit fatt2tritd tsio.s.e tit jot a the clot/eh
Irsultwltint ait.tvri. 1 ifl4 10•51.11 LP host; 0111.1 /
ty felt by the Chu'rct of 11'i-151;J : so ear liXot teis have
i4boietl wall - he s,irie.t . t.a I aid Lea I:I felt poly: lint
to them he his left an elittOr in of lift tlesioeett to
the sovt.te of the i:01ciie.111 , 440 , 01 , r, it h.? y‘, int h
ivi ration of G o,l'a of Ord, A I,l .liii.i , . 1ii ,,,,. it ii , :iiing tit
the Cra,..4 of octirvil, and 'h; v. it iv l),( li ni,ithial hts
. 1 .
111t0,11:'114 , 00 earth, 111111410t0.110 %Veit I lit: elatisin - iii
his in., er' • kingtiont. .T.ol ;his taturotag i : t!huvtit
and to . ;.•vvetl I - Hilive. -liva;q IA 1.1111: eweetF bailie
ntice —I hat lie or hon they tsqtl it it tit gib IA ntit )leitl,
hot l-itt i - tv
.1311141 toi it,.. att....foible ;)trol tau rib of the
tirst-halitotaition l ' p atitivtoi r to (: td, the ;. , t;t• of
ail. lit J.-.11i; the, o'llo4l o r olislie i lie 1.81 , 5 ritual, lot
1011 w .41014 of ).15t1 or a trot.}e 4.terlt,c ,.
liEl4 SOO'S NO
E W: h/z.t DA, 4 tnil
Itelotolmi t'cts , ..!;left
Street, to-in litoW i(itob:itti) morn'
TIIB Fr. lEUV ti
%..r• ri
ttrV,.ce 4•1 AlmigblyGqd, on Bat,ba
Sevrial preacivrii,
Will pc prciegt mOlie tAPA , OPEI •
COUrfllfirlei Wt . 11)e taken up &If
vier ;it A. M.. l i P. M., and r
?141'4 ! '
M bt.ll; Uri%t
_ .
..0-,.. ,y:INII-11 cliracii (ILPIt
t.:' ti , s 5,i, w A ;.; ii tt 1' 1;:ti ~.0,..4
r.5i5511. sts its I W.. .11,11 f tit kviirze sill
: 5 .1.45‘ .•.,/,,,t Op ts•rs.,!.," :.
I.vs , 5 , ,• tit 7 ' :.'' `•
~-,-, Titrltr.• 'ILI. urem—at., , ,i th ~.,,,, ,1.41'.• h
11..". ‘i:i q , 1t,1:,., rV.: .6 ;•...i.q .
6 ' 5. 1 '14.-I'kl! CO ' . • *". F , '. • - ' • ' -
.!0. , 1(.1 . t, 41,i 4' Vkriu.: •. , I 11 . .
i -
- -
ii• 5. , ciiLTY
1. LI ..i f. l'ofn.-'.1 . : ri.:‘ll 111.1 ILA I.
. -1 Jl,l'l. L'• ; h.- Lun.,i1.,1,. 1,1; of thin -I.lle
' • •''''iil...‘ . ki , Sl:- - i . . , ' lii 1.5 11l Jilnli mrxts
5 . I t.• ~,.... 1 , / 4 ....5. I :'.I. 115,11E1C , In
- ss Ist•l•lttc,,l,-,,,:tH'ss the 1,1),5,2 4.11 . .2
M I. ,4 is.r.o 1.1-s ss , .,
, Its, , '
is, it; Ow /. 4 1.2 . ).• it ,it.3 , ',:•. a 1...
' 11 -
.v CO t.,„,,i
It. 61.1
13i: l'Aoi t.
Ole; Ll,tldl ii.of
iffir v, !hal WI)!
;vt: Y. c.
uai.• •
Pi:Al - 11S,
T1.1N47 PAWL 1 1
Towu 7141! [.s
FM , AI: Peri.
Jo, V-11
Nov j•:..1 . 61.
Wrt et:l4 --1'1.1,4, 41/-1
Iffsm; t.vs I r s 1 1 .11 .114 I t!1,...
ply. r. ii
iron f‘t!,re. El
vi,:. ,
I i TY a:, :SON 4., ie1,, , ,viq1,,i,. Ht.
'S,V E. , d, ,n l'Futte..tt4 et,
tent! ilottoo. v. iiel, f , ..1,111;4 iill'ln}:
Itt writ OksZt...l l ,itit. i
lASACi). V. LII al+ , 1.l !1011,411 In
31. 11EAli
.•!ett: I ltr Awi
tie =afar iaser.
Apt it M 3.. 1h52.
tc;cins.ti t4ON, V)1'041-• 01 next
1:10 G E
tJAAh Coal. T
'lan. 15.. WY,
Street. It,
hoiwt , cn
;111,-r: in
0.13 I.VAI,II'
.1).1 merino! Sir Nl i
8 . 1 ,
ir ..71", Kit% W C(MID
I...I( II ::.%III'E ' NTLItS wIPJ ri)Allte - let4lo_Y
forlii itlahi.oi tlolilrvy, qt Siftrr Ap.
ply to JA NIES T 1 tiNIAS d Il. , •
or J.011..;:4 M.IIIEA.TTV 14. ,- rti•
Dv.. 17,1'5.11 '
ANTEq.— . 4I the , L 11144 from
Y sh:.t,vitettitttyn,in Itllratt.,,4DoKotttl.3.q.i'r. , 4eudY
11 : I
I 3 ii)ll4o,ig 'N litrpol t ‘ id zvr I
. for
and 1u nett .31 rlo rig imp'oti Et ..16,
will go.'6ortr lyear Irrottortil For cdttit.rr tetttlett
larot, apply do interll,l ,
811 L. Cxtke.%-. t.
It 4tx-ttit • •
Der. 3, 0233
, .
' ' 1r
Itt,i tlVA'K'4— l to_entitriiitst,Td PcienAtt a innitng ;
' 7 V nperaiton in Knoirtiene ',Coal. A peralon 1.101,..!
,onatily convitt: ant vi?.. - 1.0 tninlnll, }Lavine a a nowledge ~
of accounts an Ip e
p,44sAinK P. ,
i rineas ijo.inticalton: '
On actively ta i e..ceird in toteifin: i tannin he: prefeited: ',
1 Addivad 1111,N' ' 11.:1"Dievi Y.nris. Post 4 !trice, V: AS $
n:re 'rum:l , . ler tint, ig.r. .' .
[ie.:. 3, 1953 .
' ,r 4
9.:t t . . f
tATA NT tr.m•-„4, pßAcTicto.iiixismm Ea, onri
It fully comt.etent to take sfsarge.ofthe sant witrka;
14 ri , vw , n as In,. traskawillmtn f:(1 linty Hear ,It .1,11. p . " 1...:
Illytlie To‘v tisitip, Sellitylsdll 1 . 1, pinta . Must I. .nth ' ;
~.., n tly,hequalnled with working large and Small veins",
j and proper venlilalion of p !. .n. other need tap-'
' ply. dn.. eal av a gee will,lte paid. .qply ;In Franco.
Danieti, Mintitittnit,er to . - P t '
• - 110i5:1111.•541.545i11'ii9',01i kCO , .pniosi lite.
Nov,°a 1933' - ' - •
1 Y Wool) Intnet,at the 2.wtqlle Ste-ant Plan.?
inn and Tnrnlf4' Tditl, to whont., constant. enup:oy me on
and gotid wages will Oct alveitt 1 , i
; I ' " "„ Viry. POLLOcK, Act, !-
Oclnbt.r 12, 1953. .li •. 43. tr • ,
17 , 01.111111 etlifeen Pottivi
.nrit ot run ley, which tfi.
proving prope ty einfl
hy= l"
14,ZT-1 1 / I .IBULL.: itraye
WeFT truntwii,k) Stu
(;rhino, tiF D whifii
reluill It: :awe will lie VON al
- I
17,185 1 .1
J. xi. Vir 11: 1.111 rt itt r fly lE :A b o r
thr• Decri•ltitr,
OIiAV MAR :, li,vltctf Tat
liail,l4 1610,-10 yeat - 4 nlff.
• VA M t
1 /ST.;;;-41 Fbanrda3l,-for ' mbar lll,t(lWrvil tl4l
I.4e:lAellf , .I . ato 110.C(Iblior,1,9111111g .in hhioitk
timid Atirea, between -16 !Ind bib, and V. Foster's
sour Slote, r t titre iittekr..:t kiRMON t) RiS(:. " nii ,
(Ind w
+, ilt be .Ittlottqv.
l4ar, ...I by travine'the ..atir
ta ay clotfiing Store 1.11 i 1:.7, Tvll.olt. '
..' -4 1;Vnt.t ( 0,11114 ,1 1 ;nd Matt tiardign At+
. lint. j7,1.i.V1 , -; I. I , ,;; .:1-11
Q TRA V. 11 , )1X - .-5:41i ,
1781 , : sow.fl' , ef. r.4i•ti:c4 ,
ne It ; NI lerravlib.. tibout 't vr n
n int.lJlln;trtd EA red Crr! . .V ° ,.;
boil.;, !lir t 1 ,1 r; 1,-.t . r d r%t , ltt
lter 17 .V. 1
J. . . I
t)!IT MblttlA y nig tg
• ll•irottalt 4,r 1:MI131011, a I
or HI yno •alel3eaniool. to ;John]
atol lot I Wartitti!stnA
rr,ffr tt Lt rri ming In_liiranc
prcqirety. Whaever
:itr, t ItnrkiMlounialu. t:i
111'1.L, POT C. 16011, ,h tP^
eok M i 311tifei p thi•
Tbr try tier 14 y8111.4E1E4,1 IA
p;•••tlyi, or Olry writ
101.1 w. . , TIIOS.
4.),:e. 10.15F:1 .•
f , rri er, • .f emy
Fds Mere Mick or,Reisdibr.:
fir pnl4 on ‘ lef,t,i„, Ty, of mtlkl
pet. I.
qq ov-.vre..D nttay.
LO he auba.rluerl
of Mounted prafttng
which he itt*Ttee the intent
Conn. &e. Al.o, lot. of co
- about halt tta`p haunt 1141. t..);;
Che'att!llook and Stat
'I 0 SILTS.LaAt SVlll#ll..—
i A very line a-sortnient of Moral Juvenlte 1/11"441,
sultabletor presents for 13.0n4aY B cbm 4l 440144 ' 4,--
Hume of thete Oaks will L onld one-third les'oll.l4ll
priblisher's prices at , ^ it ,- .6 . !lAN :NI AN 'el !,
L i t Cheap Book 81 , 44..
. IiAN.ISOBAItE 4 S I . FOIKS- -- the stibt4rl
- has ors band 15 coNts of 'Sbakeireorti, In. ya
rious sqli-d krt 1,124 . 1ng, at soy low rates, at
il ' B. ue:v.NArvis
I 1 Cheap Bonk gad Otatiolary Mari. .
Dec.lrt9 '1 - 1115.1 - ',! . : ; 1.....
.. .
; 1.4%041.7.1-rux icx it (0
it, it. tit,
44) , :44,444 . 44:4),c
r KTE Et; 11.•,1 .' •
I it:
:•.. 7-43
,ttraq, , Ai, loth
V offered Olt
6 4. - I_l'l."ll.l3Zs. 11:.:Al..ra:•1:. s
i3-.E'voi.t, tir:.•;... b.,1 3,.,S itlo,i •
ti4 , ;.,1:,•r 1.t.ti:,e4,• 4/02.q0 r., rls r,
14,p;k0t v..Or k, 1.1,4 Mar hi o. 611 , 1 f. ii;
0,1.4( led N%A the 2.1 , 0%, lint/ ;/11.iin ii
. 'Le" - .V. E. I: , 'lsk l' Venn m01:41.1111 I
JO - 11, :1...::.5:;,
he ,140
, .
dna., osn,o
‘lci4.44,.llllll.lioViAti Vi e t r/•1.1.14. ” Volt
W hvr t 11.4
&I. 4: , htli".
93 '
1. Chi
In tr.
Qrni ,
10, 'tola i5r(4.1 , 4
DI •1 '„i„tt l' •
be :3 !
he it 1...1`.1) Ili( :I
itn. , R. IL
V. F.l tsT -
qr./ COLLlksat
I ...I•J J , til.a
C6'11.41 (111.1
Ate of
JI. istAt..l4. 1.1.
!ffig4 t. lti , a 4; 111 rrnl,
Bt.!. r.T F. ai
Uer. 3. 05J
'n.t., PAMPA.
Drily 618.11111,1
t• ',AL/6.1.-10r stibo, !Art's
• La I'avrnr attnii, vSiro
re.iji•le ,
nihf it t iol cU lithttko ht t.
li.ll iinprt,l
~LE:tti.i I- I•J '<T.:. fl
dr.!: 1,, :.4101:10
... Ili, 1,11014,1.1 . 14 tit. 41,01,,1.A.11 -4m - ,, 00) ~ , 1 1, ry
1u.“,u21..:1 1 .• Lelia.... 111, j11 . 07 ,, t1) ad ,1111//.4 itl C .A. 1..
011 C$ I• tll•Sk, Y. 111C1 11011 i. XIV.. 11•1 I. ...IQ ler, 11i.
el r.• 111111 .11,1 be t:it ~,, ,, ,CV,i1, 1 , 1 .0 lill In 1',,f1 . t0g1 , ,,,,
•3 qr itste..,:pi.4 to • . %V.A.. it. i t• 1.1., 5 . : ,.1 „ '
-,, i Puttt.",l:l :
I.:r 3. It. :11.1,1t1h.
' . Centt, :7 turf, p:4l.:%ttit.
' 4Ntt
. ..
. .
I f'
4:01:. LiC.:4lt.tik.::— . l.4 a. gr,..Al V:.hafil, n %,lll.ribi,
.I.' 1r 1..,',1 1'..,1144/0, 1, , 11,4 II ,11111 , "Z.,/ i/) . 1:111 L.' '
4 1111,41, :41 i 11111:y Ttl,lJll - 411p, Scnki 'WI 1'00bty:. ,, ,..t
.:, i,, : : - .••,... II :,.. c or. 1:1.0.11 vac:: ?..1 tit , Mint . 11111
1-',‘,,,,,,,,,0, Ntt 1.V.....i. 4:1 , ..1 15-•,‘011 . .1.11t11.N5 0 01 5 ,10-•„....
is at - as 3.), Cubic, CA, 1.11,1 still 4.,,,,;ti1i..1 ( ~r illi ,urn-5i1,, , . ~,,,,,,,,,i1 ',1 4 ,• ,, ,r al 5! . 1115 it •!..`d Ahtt !1.01
tvt.r . ;t• brew provcd :Iva :,11,1 ," Iry I): ti,ll , i.iir root,
iy•'.. r,,, taut,' mioFtu..twil °Pitt)] L./ •
Jtilll tiIt:NIIAN,
. .
-or klih:S 1:It r'r . ..l It Lit,
'i ..
,:. P. , tiOiflle.
. .
. . ,
. N1'1',1•0•1:: 5. { . ..15:: . •Ct tt
1...z....i r .1.,—.1.1.5.a . .......,.....F r a ,11‘.:-.64, -. ..11..,.. - 11 ,
_... - _ ......,II!211
ely I. ' +.l TFI C. !"Hi V 1.K11.1. S . ik. tp. , l t
4",11:,,,:x.:,,A:ii, /etc ; :/0. 1 . 3..3...3
Xitl 11 4 1:.- ~ 1:••11.r..10
11.r.,1 ,ertmo 111 C :; , U , ...1‘11014,,.
.21,0: t ..,tlioill.r. in 1 tte ...-1111' V 4.1L1, ;N AVilia . -.
111)`: I'l r.,11'... A V wiri 1, held at licti 41E( et, P. u. ; 2
V/ :ttl.Nt 1' , , tql,kkivo,km .1,20 r. *..:t..1
. to tl.e Chat•
u .
t.T , . >i •7i 1).i,.V:u.0 2,3 day 0t..!,.: iitary, A. IJ. 13:ti e
,',t il ~.., ....k, A A... Cli .lAlth in 01111: 11l ACCIlmi
.•t . :.1 he 11th itirli i'lt. 411 , 11t.'T.1,01r• 81awillirf.1, att
el 7:,,,t:er turd a Aet tttt.'“) . her 1.4 (76 ..‘: ,3,r , and
-Itt.'„) , 4,11,er 111,1111 , :. I , Y . aki.V4S ‘1,.. , 11,21. MC 1011`11.10.3 Of
11d! 4.l.lteat.liksti 1ls3) Nyulte.
CH n lc,. F:e w
1,,, , 1 - . 1t.f.:1
ri. tin Intl. Aq-,
Match, MAtikrl
n 4 and even!lig,
.1 1 ti 70 • t
Lettrl. A4lllllntslratiott
late tit Abe Iler,
11,, 'h• L.5411.ty ol actitt)•ll,lll.
SULLICf ;;11.1 . ; 110 P•
4p;.111 pi'r:orii to de u.ett to. eat& es
itutttr. , end I:10,e Lai tng I~InIJ. >t
th., 1!1:.,.3.
dedICA , .4 to mt.
S~At !'hiia6clphla
mir the day. Ser.
11 pub
y I to,tft L *ION OP P. 1.1
1J 1 he letter.. i Jug two cal
t_to tt ai& eli el
mut r. , 11 ••1, , i, , I Itt Lemur,..
t u'ciamtd
, • ::(14i.e4
langn t 4 ftei , r, Rev.
rvikc rvcry
C. M. ; ;
I.q l l - 0
service held
I , :tribt.ur 1.153
.011 la p , ctICILAILL LI-LV
•‘l, , kta.,
I/if 1.) .
mi . I I Ali
••?1 ..; tr. 1. /Ye .11
l't !las, tor it r
D.1“1 Trrtl , ll!
..: it J. ttitA,llltiiL N•...• s lt. (
. .; ~ , ..,,,;- , ,, , Evq.,,z.fqr tl, itt:,:tt. y
• , •tt tt. , titi'• M.I: , •1 11. , `4 , 1,, A 1..,:.:. I . viii. 4 r ft ,
I t . -4,• At tnt „ii, til.l II . I ~1..;.:11). IN.. 7 Lit filly S,
~it 'i;,t \ i \ 'l, . /It c , ri”l t . 'N
•1.. •, ei. r"......: - . :1 . nt
e.:1: - " ', lz ”.. .:, ..;• . II t u : , n .- I. iti.:•i:t. :.-, :, t
-,; ; It:- . I :,.. llt Lni, .4 lid /It •.t.toLml 1\ ):1 4t• /AA, . '
1'.4 . 144 1.1.1 p, r•,.. 5
41,5,1. 1, %,1,1‘.1
f. • aodi,il, it - Ja. )
10,, tituttlticti'vt t iv . ,-
..."..,11,1 ,i1.1.11•.'
1... f 0,, • /.'•11111 ....•
1.111 ;' •• •
... 11.0.,1. )..1,4, lip;
[. m :t.:eittii,in.l, 11.
~,, r 11.S.:,1111.11rt
r.,• 1,1 , - YI , ill,t1411J1411:11 1. ( . ' ~,,,,.
Jiiil. r,l'. INI1`111:1t
~ etc' ) ~
1•tat.,,,.. it., 1 4 : 1".:... - .
.. - _.
to. isiL.;
' • e. %It
, IP‘I tr. .Il e
171•1 . 11.1.
11/I , :t, t. ' , en 11 •it 4,1% , 41;1:
S . o
1 J., it, I .t
• . 1'•J1:14 (114: h. ;1.1 , 1 •; , 1 . 1 (11•;•/./.14 n 1 Ilr.
i.! r.tirT
•4..1.1t 1. "r01...,1
!h r.:~, !'','t
Vll.l NIX 141: lilt 9ll.
."1.11 .().‘l/ ifd, tit r; Ittdd brtn rrh Al in IC,
E. 4 Ihr
io•tn 1:11 ' e br the a,.ln Iv
r •,
n; ,11:511111.
Au,uili'ut U 4 tql..ric. A.
mime (161,3' a:ter It,r arrp . 11l 111Lar15•111.1.
:EA & t.
fr.%N,. 1
sl re...C,1,11.011 +hie
; It AT Es - 01- ARE
ft) Il:1111Pe)!l
FICJSI. Ihn. !1t0.... 10 V e
1 . 11 , t VMS k: u, o.lel/ I
I'lolll i'l'l,l6l(At - to ..111t1t1t1 1 /, r 17 4.
W l'Att• IA:C.11111r
El/(1.PE. 1 . , rr . z. r rt./ /4 . on/it/ a 1,50 id.. of Iloractre,
'O l l- 1 1 •
_ - -
, r ,„e Li•LILL 14.4 VLUATIUY.=,III7!I I.
no; be &duo
Iro, I u, of 1.11..! "%al/1 1, 010U 00,
Ja ]ts4. ,•
01.• Mai', fr . 0. , 11l11111%; 111
‘1.7 1 111 1.41.114), 1111 floir notioo or Do.
! I d 1...1t5rA14.• nI ji t c using ohsttu. ri.,o,
Mit ItaV.. !fret. ih.otruci,4l to lid
ttlhl.l rt...lieeea to
:I 1.. - 4llch de-
OlaY . 11”! Way. In' l ta lie
sluts elrruglh jad m IreMlol . ' 11.14 MI
1111;.1..1", Will WI u.val, uu the t.rrur•
:1 I It; :eolith the Slid .111.1.1
htr:as Ur prote•ett to I/1r demiittdtluti
\00 , ..11. at 111. Item) 1.1 it. I Ile will hr leitaillnd I'.
hr ..s.r I.II , CkA at tort el/ •
114.31 . .1i”13111. lint sl rishliylkill !laser , . Fr
trill In hr yr the lini33l 0111 . 1
ele:shethi. It quire thou drhi) Ctla sitar.
. if nitl tjt. lh (ii ;.t. lot 111 t N 11.0.1
V; W.I. INehly tnda of auy urk, arid 111., having
Oleo, will Le 1.-ippritl la pare !liens It.
10111 13 It:, level S . , r Ls ihrt.lloll .1 the wa
lrl dratth WAlltuttt ttsitirys
can, A lll If
dv.• ';‘).
LO, 4711 f
LA IN YAltTlloillASilt..--Ille ittderalgned
o“rve ' , nit, i-O Mi.) a 0-F.,il.lefetllfi 11l fie yhtence
ul .1.4 VV. lad La V,' taboo the Orate lately accui»ea by
I. ii
..11, lliv•liss, Esq. ewers at Mr. 114 s tors
en tv
havinr l,re lita ev
l i Ihe b s ewers
lly:ite, to ua, anIII feCNVC,
is ell 4.9 all else that linly be b united tu....ta bale, dui
diligent attenisou. Vc . It. Vb ELLS,
.1( tirli nutams.
'Gem.; letlrous of -wittulraring from the ivraeltre
of bars in the Courts 01 tls rlbunly, I hose CM,-
1if1,41 all uotinished 1,11,tril,1011:11 hit Olney!, 1 , , lilt 'Carr
of 't% '‘l It. WELL. R,:.1 Jolt tiftithl'Ea;EdtfraloM t/l)Ill
I nut assist - in the utartap . tent al Ills rank," aunt
alt uly ‘:\lvvlttui enrigestieniiinte titrthivrireil.
i. W. itUtiliES.
c -:;2-11.
0 - UND.
and Retmont,3
fluvryler Can h3vr byi
N:Wil'eE.—Vite Hooks oi hetOUnts of the late
1.1 Rm. 14 1.1111(7/17' .5r el/ lIT, hare ortett Naerd /n
the lutiol.f. of the und,:rolobrd for tolirrtl oll o 4o,l
two.. 111c..ta fqb.:l.l pi:oaar :'lll .led make pa4nonit,
Ll:about litrilter delay. JtHIN 4.'..taLiNtiLitlr. J. P.
l'ottovllle,,hy 21, 0.0.33.. I , . 'JO II .
IN 0,1",.—.T1ie c.ubscri,/eLS tiercay give noti,',.
I- ill Lt appltration IS tit be nrille to the nen 1,Yri,14
tar, ,ii 1'..1.11c) . 11001., for is cliatter.of . ...tuvii.g.t hank ,
:,, 6, : i.“ .ord 111.11.. rough of fottsrtil. L With a estiossi
of Fif.y 1 1.....5an1 Dialsre, lid Oil Pri,vile4e: , 0, 16-
creara:lu; . to one Iluturrea ' 'liouseild. Wiwi/Lana 01
reel ~,,,; Lootoly.lul inti'lri-1 .10 discounting. to ...'
cak.-2 • CHI: Ott rtivit.9:..ikvi.\!4:4 114Aigi"
II T. lorior, '. .r.t,.1 ~,,,,, n:FiNiri.
(lcorgs i.tuer.
1:4•1/ 410 fitlOt, • • J 1% woiney.,
.1,0..1 N:it,q,,,,,. , ,1 1411.14 t . ..x, '
14.4.. Vocnelloa. .1 , tl.l eitOLstton. •
Jolla W.. \\L......, • :•• ilban Evans, .. . '
:11) S, Ild,.
I 27 ISM
‘,20T14 7 :4-N,,i,,,, 1 • •Lidro,y given that tho, ct i
ll ~.i. n-t Iqtlylliii, uo.rly Intend to iiht01:1 0 Va.
Ler.../latur.• la Ilte lo•Nt +...1,11:. roe a d" r '
011 , ' ..
lloibl. lot I)hhtirlint arld . th.;411, iii to P.O of clobia.e.m. :irlolt)11./11, 1:01iuty; Na , lo- be
L'o-li:-.I the '''cllt:..t.:`: FIIit.V.I'ITE VAS . : of TAM...t
-,ti'.- o ..11,..i t....,•arti ••i • • t‘o it.indt. If 86. 1 Forty
I ,:0.,-,1 , , , 1 140141 i., relit, 1!, o IVi!egu ini--It:Zfi:%.l." ti,
~o,l4jt•fl•iihi Hank 1., l'lVi: illtildritt 'I t..1.:41.1 1441 -
lats. ~. ' 4
t, ' -
,ita,,it ftatilitP, ' . 1.5(. lA' : ~ , e, eitliAn it,
1 from tlw bsrrit, fi l
*Ws raial.! Hear
p tote: Mint:vet will
Weir 1111 M the Stattoll
about 14 ‘
01133y - 110f 114Vefl
I Whod*i' fr.
NI nif
....I Mtireekr 0,14
ii • .%. lic itL,o
_ . ...
•OTIC E. • -Th, At..c. t071.1.:r3 ,, f .., 5110 ,, e
,;t I:tiA ;,I I , ,t6; (La. tvunly ' .•:.Mrli"s". l ' ,
Err. by 41tra,,Iti.i !hit thei lotet..l u. np;:ly lii t4O
- ,I . 1J,11t5,1.,,,,, 1 05,,i jte ~....1071.1•4
';'' '."""."°,.! v,t
‘C iu‘riog. lt•eli: ( Aptt.,l ;4(to. A 1.. v,
l'"' / 1 ": 1,,1 1- 1 1.z.i.....mi ),,VO'vt 1., 1 ;ve l!tin.trl.l
TlL.,lii... , mLi:,:i4T, N..,,1 C;.o' ao ioLitt.i in It ilior
, 'Vr. ••• . -,- .....14 , ' ;n 11,, i'nu.ity of r, tx OWL( ~
atv,lforlp: nr•pl,.. 1i,1aci, , .1 , 4.nk o '. tHia , “;"
),.c r ,il 'ult.i , !I,tt,-.= Ifs '..t,1 , 1 - ni 41i.. C , ord.
• I. 11.4(...
lg. I. I
t, the I'lt6 the ON - 11 a . 11,1 M!rtrei: A tfl:
Herth4it; ..t1 :1 11611 it:
jiA-tt) SP - ' 10 :Y
t *Cimpiny, tm the PArrt ,, lltr :•,01 , 1.1,L..
ban County, or
re:l,...ttahty rewArd , .4A
t)IIN Sim:Kw:awn - 4
14 lir
hr , 3. mott*ey.- „
cell, prove,
O,IIIGISS, In. 1.211 - Iy. •
1 - -)
. .
1.1 It it nit II) We'd ill ft n 4.
S:' +•-.u:
rind other tar.vtitt.itt; heiehtttoit 10 1141:amp td 411
&het, sn e-f.tract 1.. r the Lotaatu,trao and
/at, (IA:1 fa a h :ado of Itaiidlage." Caret., a.o.lertite.
• itesi.fleuaY. • r JOAN 11. JAMES..
Ir.l4.—ittaukftA for p.Ol rso.,T,, the urti•teigoed
would 4nlicit a contlisitall ,,, of the hitb.'"‘y `ifDr(9l
patrortte. • t • 1 if. J."
Nov. 27,1652.
,f 4J ly
1.0,4,0rk F,sihfdwy /ht t•
pottar r..4leP 14 Ow
ittonve ietvard ‘‘ll
ntial.•ot e Nittstva'
r I
', ria rest— vkar
.e juatt ri.6.ia l• a a -..
jat unociii low r3IeA :to
riti or P:Dirta'rerw, liralia•
t aloa DralAng Yai..r, ior
'l,ll. IS .' IS ..1.1 4 0 :C. ~ Ml'S
. Iriery ritute,fottAitte,).
I! . : 51— ' i.
. . .
. i tYV"-' 11, . -- Nuttr . k - herrhy given that aniapfill
•. rtilloli Will l, male t 4 I:,r next Legt,ature of
Penraylvanta for I. 1.113 rtes i r.f 3 JIMA. 1 , 1 be in" . "
;n [he Borough of Polfsstle, with a Lavi:al 0141 11 .5"
Thriliaand Dollar , . wit , " 0,0 frls",,,ge 01 11“."2 "i",. Io'Our Illuudt e,l '.' it , ..;%a0•1 Dollar+. WWI 1 1 5n"t* 4
and th"" u nting .1 :;vitogi.. 1 4 to: zsitra 1110 Mito.r.
Sachigs Bank. l
Juor VI, 1.03,, l:;•tr
Litleren:r dV n thii; this 113 y fah.
ass , ,riat.i4 with me bl. epEAll. El (11.4.11 Nit; .
to the prleilre of ~t 1 vaft7l: 4
chef, will lira:lifter nod" 11 '" 6 ""
NC%ILLC eV. '11.1E11ii.41) 5 3. °dire. ernlr 4
next door toll. a blortis!! Store. Pottsville.
June AI, 1:s
WIWI , ' ell 11,r
"Ent • iau..te
fifsly n.
• IU-41.•
Irrt tor
''• , ro•lt , :llo l, ,e
tV , I nt Port
1.1 4.:.".3t 5:,.1
at. lit'•
❑.ACON. riec'y
>1 -31
uu the totate of
ugh 161 l'utivalfr,
I,a.e bren
tli is heist'', glitte
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I.preurut than, for
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