TERMS' Cheeaakiaikt:llliaiaa. * 4elntit*Sr. t sitsaut seeseetrTstpt. • • PTO 11113PAILSier imam, mime selin4n. nutty fa earatiett to thity , Who tolltle to the Co M. aisfi asoutatlyin advance to thole who read, out ei,tho County. ;The pohlisber reserves tio the sight to ehawell2-14 per etutumorhen pommel os dolled loner thaw oar year. -• emits: • There Copies to oneAddrost,- - Seren do do do 4: Fifteen dp du • do - 10. Clergootro anti School Tcschm eepplied with the- JO valet i in advance. Litt ; lKS One- square O. 1.1 lineloi 1 sqnsir, 3 mos., Sil 00 stimmk, - 1 at 00 6. months,.` •.) Sabtecent imterliiio, 25 1 1 . You, _• 00 4 iin k 7 , B,l time. 25 Cssili 6131445, '3.:00 :361,Ne(rm inNet6.oo, 121; do. 5 hoe% 500 Sirrehatits int" (abet" advertikrig by the- triir • with the privit4e of Inperting, difrereitt ad-" ver6leinenpiweekly,' • 12 00 tI! Ailvi.rdsoitnitt6p, Opt'', uvet.i . itient. • BUSINESS CARDS ~ .. •Atat—ADZIC T -- , Por the pnreie se a n d of litsai ail e• Ott j ; Ins and setting Conti taking centge of . d Lends :, tines, &c., and collecting tents—from t ,enty yea -experience in.the Constr. he !tepee tu Ivv 4atLifictlon. Odic& 2Jalinniangostreet t rottssllle. - -.-- 1 . • ClIA.t4. M. MILL, . e Olt 11, lA3O , •.• . • .. ~ . 14-ti .. . _._.. .. . . . . ..„. ~_._ pins -ICIANSAN. :A111)1111E1' AT LAW:hes A.l "pened en nines it.. Centre Meet. Peale/111e ' al,pe ,,le the Etifigeopal .4,:herch, where he Will be dilly, (nun V to # rosinck. :Iluslue.s. letters to blur Will. te ro" PP 6 gli . g . Mir ' 0 1 / 2 .3.141tet tett - to hint at . eiWier rotlivilteor Otivigibtrg. / Der:ri. tßyt LIDIVAHH SHIPPER, :ATTORNEY AND r. 011N:if:LIAM at Law. Phlladelphia.willattend t: collections and Okada r legal bottnezis in the City Philadelphia; tdjaining !aunties and elsrwhrre.• halite No. 72 south eizth ateet Philadelphia. j P. W1111'111E1", EXCHANGE. COLLEG• .1.1..ti0n, Comm [titian. and General - .Ap•ncy .01Tote; pelt door t* Milkers' Bulk, Potilville, Dealer In -on ulrronl money, Cola and Sliver. MIAFTiI on ,lefphiaanti Nrw fork for ri t e. , March 91 1 ,11 1 52. • 12-1 f . D XTE ft SIMPSON, Tdinine Englnrer. haste sowed his ollirc to Dr. Chtrhesires gig, 'wit 'door bat one below the Protestant Episcopal Church Centre iitreet,Pottiville. Pa.. wherr will prompt ly attrni tnaltA rders in the Ilse of his profession. April .102. , Ma • Toll a MI I n few (Loper' NUS wita.imosort &JAN. COOPER rules at Law. Potttwine. °Mee In Centre Flt were East-of the Pennsylvania Hall."' Mr. 111 ;A tte n d at all the Cantle. • inn, lotie. 7, )850 4 41)3tn Et.114.03'24-4178TICE OF TUN PEACE. Pottsville. Will 4ttenJ promptly to Collection', 'mend 1, Porchaae an 4 dale of Real Estate. acc.. in rtihoylitillCoonly, Pa. Mice lit Centre Biteet.oppia, Real Taint Oath .• Oct VI. MS. tOlliN C. JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE, - 18.1 "'fiend to tiny hubtiness, entrusted to Ids care. rotuttir 11 ally., and Notes co Host ed, Oflktt Mark t est„upp4sito.Dr.2lbrrntadt's Jua.1.1152.. U. GIL AIR, VIP, ATTORNEY AT :LAW. ng remand., in Pattarille,"has Opened an office eTelegrapn Offire.Cenlre ft feet orip poalte the ' Bank. 1851. - /9,1► At" rani; t lout' /eel D' , TOIL-C• II MAILEU, 116311SOPATiile, *"'Vicnin pnte of tbe P. 11013 AWL', Attorney at taw, Cornrow Jll ner for New Volk. Odlre opposite Arne:inn truustr,.Cent re strost',Pottsville; Penne. dprd 24,1622. , 17-1 y?. N nuonts,ATTGRNEVATI.A%V,Paits ---41,111tt, ilchulriEllt county. Pa. Ottee an ICentre rre opposite the Miners' Bank- Se t 27. Int - 4 I v-Sits DRY GOODS. & FALL MILLINEUT Gimps .1011 hi tTONE St SONS, , t. 45 &Ma/ . S'ECtiND Se., PIIILAIYA. RR now opening for/ the Fall 'nade a latge and well selected aeroftinent nf , .. ,iIA.;•, - . : i l lt ibb.us. . • tatitte. , . 1 Flowers, ' ' And Aldlinerir Goody yn sentrdl. unit/Ong thrmselvea exclusively to this toincit of trade, and IMPORTING the larger 1 , 311 of their elt , enable.; them to offer an o.l4ollment Mum!, sed.m extent or variety, which ' will to- so Id on most favorable tet...a eph J 7,118.53 R GS STOGIE OF PALS DRY GOODS Y R 1 AN 1) LAN 'JELL, Euuriti and . /MI; Surreiv eloladelpnia,• respectfully invite , the - attention n Counity motekeeptrs, and others!, 10, their Urge ti wit of Fall roods now in slurs.: callus at old wires, All kinds of Shawls, Anieilren Wooleni, ° Itlanktin end Quinn. , . mord ,5E7.1)1314. • Dannaok., Tomo.}s, Fashionable DremeConsfs !WIWI and Atnericsn Cal. New Fashion Kilos, • irons. Black Silks, all wuttlts, E. & L. are eonstanciy reNleine goods from tag, A actions nr,Now Cork and rhiladelplila. which ena bit s thrtlii to nine r good bargalas to all their patrons. • tlekt; :I, 18.53 • 3m New Came-tinge, % T IL M. BEATTY'S Old tlland. corner of Centre .1. arid Norwegian atree:4,lPousville. ' Imp, 3 ply Carpatings,: i Floor Oil Cloths, Ingrain do I , Table do illenitian dii. , White Ma il ings, Iltitg ... do . ' I Check. do •Stair ' • do • I boor Mau. AlatCalullliesortment of Window banginge, with - i rixturea Complete. • Rich Colored' Damarka, -Ilittrltinen Shadee. Watered hioreena., ides. do Mid embroidered Itioslin 8 Ides. i 1 , . E•::11. Ileatty Navin* made arrangements will' air principal niantitachiceta fur a constant supply of ibe ii.weat designs in Carpeting dtr., Is thereby enabled In Whet 10 MC public a chute newsmen/ ofibe above gala of superior quality, and at the lowrat• city pri. Anil' 2. 1853. 1411 'OUR COUNTRY IS SAYE: ' IISCE inilarlibers hays opensd,at their glnre tlthur doors uts.ve the Putt Otilre,an entire new stock: Of (o,ol', purrlairo in New York, at Cush Price.,en. 41,1 Irig thaw to sell (Proper than any other Store in the County I 'Their sloe k conAsta In part, of k and Fancy Dress Silks, • Moutelin de Loins*, at 8 eta. and upwards, , Thibetund French Merlin's*, coberg Clot h s, all shads* and qualities, Mark Alpaca*, Plain and Fiautxtr colored Alpacas, at 12 etc: and upwards, - A .fine asst/Intent of fallen, ' Bleached and Untateached•Mustins; - Flannels, all eolorannd qualities, Linsey', Checks, . A .large a vioti ni tot Shaw Is, . _ Hosiery. Woolen Natikete, Cloths, Ela Floor and Table Oil Cloth!, &e.; &e. Together vvith a general assortment of - Goods to please the fancy and shit the wants of the communi ty • Alan, a Nig. stuck of sugars, front sto V 'cents. coffees,Theeu and Black Teas,very cheap, with every variety of queenswarg and Glassware, at prices low er than.they can be knight elsewhere. They will he happy, at all times, to ahow their goods, freenf coat. Please e them a cal). • *Count); ii.terchtints will End it in their'udian iags to and tramilie th* new Winds:. FRY dt' lit A RTZ. 42•tf Ott. 16, 11452 , • com'rer DEPOT . Of PARIS, Lp,NDON FANCY GOODS,&c, ti LENN Se CO., No.lBo Chestnut Street. irumedi- Ijately opposite the, Masonic 11111. respect Cults! in the pubik that they have lately received and ',have now Ola band, m superb Stock of Rich Europe an Fairy and other articles of their own importa tion, which they will sell at the lowest prices. - : Their assortment consists of superior Papier Marhe Goods, Real and Artistic Bronzes, French and Drew deh Parceisinitud Bisque, Bohemian and French • Fancy Orman, aid Gill Goods, Fah!. Port Monnatits: opera GI, Pottable Dresting Cuomo, andllesks. and a thousand other beautiful articles. anion' Which are some eery rare and entitine Auto .-----nt litons,, also Fainting', Engravings. and a complete. assortment of Superior Tc Ito Articles, Perfumery • It.c. Fcreoris wanting trand3ome articles for the par. tor, library, or for bridal end other presents, can ob tain them at this establishment, where evorything is • warranted perfect when sold. N. o.—Open of evenings. Strangers visiting the 'Tiro invitedto claming the assortment whttlier they pcirchase or "or . May 19, Ifs 33 C a es f .111 oter • Bombeslee AlPares. i. (lona and square) Mousseline de talnei •' Blanket shawls, double width: ' (lone and square) " French Merin**, " °Wee& linelerY. " Parrarnattas,l . 'freemen nounerna. ." • " allk 10•Jrp, Mkt Spousal,. Opissy Alpaca{,-• Plaid Silks. • " Tunis Cloth. Monssellor de Leine. Vinton. (lath.; j Mousseline de Sire, • " Centers Crape), f Illedonna " Cloth for Croaks, Plato Ildoessellnea , " Armute Bitkt., i duk flanne4., • " Pout* de Bole, l• 1 flay State Elhawle. " Gros de R.ta ism t' , (load dud temeare) . " Earners Crapes, ' • ' White Crepe Callers. `• Crape Cellars! Enallelo.Cklalneur " Meshed Silk (poses iTudettliever 4 , 1 . 1, 11.t.e.n. le n ; de ' iteitENDALE CitnialT• It An excellent at I tar fur limn(riate t ?nits, Nprine Rouses and Cetlart,and fi,r k.organg damp- AClllfrotn, wet and exposed walla. • Facials - by CIYARLES iiIIEPPARD 81111TIL ()rand ttacceeswielo I be Int e flew arElt Walsh 41, ∈ And tel site 'Mtn by F l PARVIN t PoitsVjile. PeAll34 ti-ltNe ==El LS II SI t.Es,.TESTA PI ROI. ie. TV —The! Italia. art haalust terviva it lot of Willa' nalev, Octavo, pla a sad gilt. edge,. Also, Povitat totovt,T , statavatvina wolob Tfaritl l'Ouleldi , tke••- ali of watch ell ad sold kriv,*l , ICIINIII PaN,: , • • Bo9k and Stationer/Re, 1 4 1 4. 1343.- . • I , ssao • io oo 24 00 VOL. XXIX. apuTrmiivmanoml! . .. ANOTRER TESTIMONIAL FOR. 411 R, . , JUNG'S FARB- PROOk SAFES::,; ~ i .J . Evreetfront gilatrtr dated' .V: liarisinw. o..Jaii d. 033, 811 u C. lierring— 8 Otour latter at smut ;re spostina the battling of our stomata! the fate safe. duly eatate , to baud. Tole Pre was diricentered't :our ibtee-story emelt store vaunt 3 &mock in thu MA t ohs-, ins. Th e safe was on th e dottri la the / tote ruom, over soma cults of unwed and" WO edi.ltt the havernehl, and as attempt to tescue the asteitifter oar al at the Ore, Was Ulu theesvfal, air llie',l3l,lnd Was MO. d Ilse lite !Mutt with great rapidity-'• soon cadent& t he oar. whb the sale, to ti ll into the *gaged meat, under he banded timber and cuatbUilibl inn twills of "the u r:iduries.' It remained 'whale rit- Dation. will tile . subVided. Po that it aught be rear with taw; a d was then disdledultt karts' or quite red tot, the on ide plates warped, sad part of tine, wheel* melted or.' The' s a fe tontaiart3 bent bills, 'books. notes and papers, to a huge ahlauut whicb would bave been 'irretrievably ton to isp,inar They been destroyed.. • , We supposed, when thence Wall pentoved tram the fire, and tbe• intense beat to "bleb tt had been so long exposed, that lis contents must be dssitnyed s but on °petting it, to nntsurprise and satisfselitlai we lonia% tbo contents In a perfect state otpreseniAtion, except tier binding of some of the Imolai being dilute disrolmed. '' 'lfespettlally yours ' " 8. - A. a; U. A; 1311.1.t7T. , • CM • The Pubsetilter takes pleasure In referrhig the . puh-I the to the hollowing well-known Mow FOttsvllle nod 'Wady; who have purchased these ttatesclitselr own use: , . . Frank Pen; C: DeForret'luhn B. Morrie Foz.& Brother, P.:niseilie; Samuel E. Orbeam, LleittAllyn • Orman Penn'a Feat Co., Jones: Matfett Ali COM, 8. ilattliF t Tato/Kim., • . P. A large assortment of tbegeno Ina lIIBBEINOSAFF. constantly on band, and warranted tbe.mest perfect seeerity tram Are cow in nee; also; a' !algal' lot of cheap Chests and •• !Salamanders," which have been received In eichange, . JOlp4 24 Walnut idreet. Prfltad's. August 13.1E153. ' 23,#1, . Gansu itisT encased &lariat aid splendid assorikehtvf J double and single barrel. Cuss, which Will be sold au per rent laws, than they have bete' told tit.Poitt rllla iserriolore. calla od rzatoloe our sioeKbefure purchasing elsewhere'. • • •CLEatera k 11EIBLER. - Augnatto,lB33. : • •j • 3441 .• • EMI IVi - UF.A.CTURSS. GUN wrong. f. ANDREW WUKFLEIN, illoftiffaetorer of Gnus, Ptyto/s, Rijk4e. No. IX'A Nottb tIECDND lat., above 31ate,l .: PhIls. t i t i st L: so a t E ; m ho Unite s t l3 n e i n t in o g i le b rigltA r if laige Durk Wins, RIFLES, and PleiTtill of alt 'Dada. Alow Ott celebrated ram Wteel 111fle, Ith In create. twist WI shoot the pointed ball of ply own wake and imporielirm Shot and Ride Murals, Powder, Capa, abotS Balls, Flasks, horns, Liame-bags, Shut-bags.Pouebra, dre• I Invite prisons wiahleg to purchase goodirin my II acre. ea it • tut eIA futon my eruct before pritihaslng elsewhere. for I ant determined to on the most tameable tattnt. Don't forger Nu. IPlNodh dec oad st reet. • N. 8.-nParileuisr attention paid to repatilifi Dt all Its branches., ~ Miguel 13, 1333. , 33-Ilia DM ATTORNEY unty, Ps. Office Miners' [lank. I-Iy E, et)tiVrArj .ral rollcrtnT.— CM amp WINDOW saint D E POT AND NlANurAcruuy • G. L MILLER Or S. W . Col lair ;41-ch and Srrtind Ste. , PAil.itro. VEllOf VoijETV OP SHADEA, Wholeitle 'aod Eslletait each as Scroll.• Flourer,Oothie, VI/near. Oil mod Di y Landscapes, are to be had al thi,lootest pacer far quaint of work. Orders for OM, Halo dtore, Lettered and other gladee executed in short nnike. • Merchants and others an, Invited to give on, o trial. WE ,Wll.l. THY Ter PLEASE. . Oranges. Ttimmints, tee.. alivays on tintld!:!, ! : Itgrneoiner W. corner Sk.:4IIND oejt.! .ARCH etre,ts, Philadelphls. AngitAt G. 1853. at; ial r FORD - PATENT V&NITI4N ULIIMINS lIESE Blinds overcome the only obJhetion to this highly useftil and ornamental apperidage to every well furnished house. They are so artaugedas to It down from the top of the window ne well as bolsi up from the bottom, or can be aitsphndkl at any point between, giving free acres' .to ;fight and air when required, affording every opporttinity of cleaning them from the floor. They area ' s simple in arrangement and nearly as cheap as the ',Ordinary 411 I ask is, that yea self and eravrirre arm before porebosing. T WIADOW Buenas, Reed Blinds, Buff Abodes, UM Cornices. Bands and Pins, Olictitths, &c. hre. I LIFFTIMED Bnioss FOR STOIC wanDovio, painted to order. Wire.eloth Window Pcreeuamanfifacturcd to order, beanilibity landscaped nr plain. F. Fop. Whulesale and Retail Dealer. No, 21 South , ' Eighth St., :d door below Market. Philad'a: Bay 21, NM . EIME FIVE ISIOALS AWARIDEE! GEORGE STURGES, is 92 WALNUT STREET, PIOLADEOIIIA. ANIIFACTIMER of improved spiral iI'PRUYO -V/ MATTRESS. Halt MATT RCII•El ALTERED INTO SERIRk] OROS Cast and Wrought Iron Bedstead an other .Farnitare. Cast Iron Ammals Wm; Models in. Wood. May It ISS3. 106 m • WILLIAM GROVES UP IIOLSTE111 " , BEDDINOANDieE.ATH EIe•WAREHOUSE. • S. E. Corner of 2.1 and Arch Stretts:Phitad ' a. PREVO REDS. Feather Ueda, Hair, Wes, flush and Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Coll;iPtintfort roonterpanes, Sackings, RiankersOre , ihe , eonitantly' on . hand, or made to order;-and sold tVlieletale and Retail, on the most faviratile terms: FIFATII6IIII, AI if, ,11118118,dte., /0".;lby the bale or pound. Orders,reepeethally 3U/Itltipl ,prompt• ly executed, and warranted to give satistarglon. N.A.—Muir:testa re-made, Sad Teatberitresova- S ! 34c0t...9; . 185 - .114 Cheaper than Ever 8000 PIECED PAPER RANOI.'IO3B Ai II: IJANNAN'S Paper Store, POistillo. • ('OLD PAPERS; from 75 cents to 414 4O l.7French. Papers. !rations prices. , . Glazed Papers. from 20 to GO tents. Unglazed Papers, from 7 cents w. 25 cerita, Splendid Usti, Entry and Salcum V apcia, Gold, Velvet and Imitation Border', • Curtains on Paper and Linen, from 8 'OlO cent.. Painted Shades, fromso cents to 25 crab. a splen did assortment. • • Fire,Screene. Beautiful Views, Panel Viper; Deem, rations, Columns and illtaines,Nftebee. • The subscriber -has made -his teleetiontof Choke Patterns front four of the largest rnanull4toi/es, and consequently his Stuck embraces a !reale? variety of Patterns than can belound in any stoic the c it y. Ile pledges himself to fell all his Paper* at City Car/ Price*, a ndtbe Gold and more expernilve Papas .at William city task gritty. ilia Omen Papers embrace new abil beanortai Paiferetti,st very low rates. > . rs "Instants and taper Hangers 'Unlined 'kith .Curtain Paper and Paper panning', whotAia aVibe Bert lowest prices.__, Elegant PAINTED SHADES, no Cane3mm lees than city prices. Some Superior Pattlios can be found among his Moak, suitable for the Most elegant E 5 As we are determined not to be undersold by any person who Intendkpayinglor Pie golds. those who want bargains, and the advantage of selecting from a large and varied stock; had bettei,kali at B. BANNAN*B Cheap WAsierale and Retail Paper, sigh sad Sta .. Weigel/ Stars. I f - re Paper Hangers Inrolohed when recitilred. Much 19.1633.:1' 19— - • rum *au. reran wptituousm BURTON & LANINO,. Ala nnfotrtorsra and Importera, No. i iF :dark St. second door abora Sixth, Plaladtdphta, INT HERE may be found the largest asl haddram- V V est assortmeat in the City, Ptircbasers from the country will Ila Cit to their advantaye to cap at our store, where tiler. will be lulled with a superior article, at the imareet prices. BURTON & LAVIINO, N 0.121 arch Street,aboveSioh;.Philad'a. Sept. f 7.1853. • Fini-Vat OM s:.oogingr for' Booms. Pit. lons and flans ranging la prleir (torn 7. 40 . 126.15,1 , 0,25 VIOLS to 01 50 per plere.'l3l ur which will Woad AI City .Mantsfarturere sod eOpie less, et BANNA:111 Cheap Book end Paper Btoro;;dotalwilla. Sept. 44,1855. i! LIFE INSURANCE: zzrE nuttaluicraq Te GIRARD LIFE INSURANC E , ANINDITT and TRUOT COMPANY of PHI!.DRLPHIA. Vince No. CillEd NUT 13T.. the Ti Door East of the Custom noose. Csplisialtoooo, • Mine Petpentil. ' Mootinue to mate Insuranate onl Leeson the most ¬able terms. f • ° The Capital being paid np &maltase/tea. together with a large and momently Increasing :Surfed fond, offers a perfect secotity to the insitted.g ' The pentium may-be mad yearly, lutlflearly.or ttanerly. . The Company adds tonie periodkally — tO the tn. Sutances for life. The Out Bonus, abr Plated to 'December. 1514; and the second Boons December. IBIS. amount „to en addition of FM lt , f) to every SUMO insured under the oldest poililes: mating $1205 50 whkli will he paid when it shall become a haling of 81000 otigleally lifsatod the oexi 01401 4 allionnt to 0(2.1750 ; the *Olt igetoslllll 50 tot 000 4'0 1 1 00 0j the ethers la the eaten ptopostMu smiting to the austuot and time of standtag, which • additions plateau average of mote than 60 per con. upon the premiums paid. without inerefaing the an imal premium. • ictuagas.! 'r - Thomas Ithipran " • John Al ItroWn, Almon Oasis. D. neither.: • John Jay smhh, Psegista t Awn, - Robert Pearsall. 'e o fl_ o ll ll6 ot,. • Joseph-Vesper, • Jobs UMW , . • Thetuser. James, I Vbarttin Latin, Joseph T. Bailey. • , John lt/ Slat!. , Pamphlets Containing table of rates, lad calla's. t lone.lowirofsppikattloa and fusilier islusttatleo can be had atlas Once • - '' • • •' TjtolltAll RIDOWAViTessIdeOi ' Jona F. Jarmo. Actuallt-I` o ' • • * ; The Inbar/Doer 41100 for Olive Conway is fiche Olin I Costaty.• trill ant 1 hOlteelenkilsli give sir pecanary InfOrmation an the ittildeet. • , • &MARLIN. Aptill4 l /53, .: ' 7 ---- --,............—....r..;---.............._.—:-.......- .-, ....... 7 ._...........,.. hai i 1 siKi mu . ; i , anal it-olio ot "I ib Iti t itlitits a tow as 21 uslissioss l ie:ses;•fot wits I 4 A911411110k . • r• i -.• • , - - • ANNAtira , •iega. - , Cllsap Rook OA 111 owl ifoll - • • • I "= 1.,- 1 , : ! • :r. - . , ': . - .1 . '`')' ISM %.4i.:1 y =-•:i- 11 4 ! ..- -!(.117! - r.' - ' , - - , - -.- - -. ~, :.. •.: - --- -,,,'',-. --.. ~:- ' '--.-. - ....- r. ,) .."' . —.--,,, ‘ 7 . f.-: "" %-'.----.- '-- --. .'-'-:::.-' : .':- .--,...: L„, , ' t r - , - , ~.._. , Wk - : -; :::' - - ...r.--, •-.-- ..' --.'.',.:---'' ' '' z_..,. ::..:.-r-, --: -,,.--,,. .. "..: -., st - ,:.6,.. , ~, , -.„,.. i , ,,,,, i., : ... f ., ;.: ~ ~, 3 , ,,, _....., „..,, , _.— ":`: ' - ' s. '''.'''': -- fi.:-Ji:': - . , ...g -:;-,',,, , , J7c . -,.47.1. -, 7•- - -;----•- , . .;. , :--•4:., , .1- :i , - ,, ,: z•_•:. , 1...,—., ..1..• 'Alf, -."-,.. --,-....,-,..,--.• , '!', .i ' "...";-......,.-- ... -..;',': „. :_•-•&.-- - 5 4'f , : , ' ~'• ..,...' , 7 ' 7 .- .. . . ; ittl . t. , -,i •",,,....'r: . -t,, - , , .. '4 , 'o' -,, ~. s ' 0.,.f. , ‘ :‘,41, : - ...,. • - -It', '3 * '?': ". ..it t' r' ' '' ' . ,'' , . 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UIPROVIED slut '' - •• - - = •• • --- rims ag ik pi v. ' . VSETURCiIii. MB .., sINKER", j i - .ENGItAv,E.II4. 110. SiDocK Atreet, • . Philadeffitta. i 7 ' The- itnprefed .;:_ [ " ., • - :. StralPteirsisa (teat I . •' • • - hiltplettlnella uirtr • . 'them , ' ityle *SAL . Pit EPtet,a , it brines ' - tip a "angterior' On ponesion wittt the .... gee z atett ease ; Is tigtti;..dorablr, and not likely to ge *MO oilier. , , . , . at* of Eteientitwilteitcalt ientptett;atoizi to to ilk pukes Volgingiztordln( to sizes or rfess, and work as the Bas). • • ' • , P.Onleri.meired ttitottgb niiilLpiimptly - attended tn. and Prewar wag ut !toy ARKprots",u WY. Merl.. 10.183.1. . : • ;74m PRZIPVIOII . 541111171EISInr. • VERAL -Prize illidslt'hive tieti awarded to ' 6 hicelAlsl for Pis' strperkir Per emery, Fancy neaps aid RentrUlcel,by diffetent Institutes dialog the hit eh year', ,111annfacturer 'and Importer or the firOlms int articles, namely t—ills celebrated Vegetable lfair Oil, Pear'. 011, herrifilarlow, and Lustre, tc., */111 different kinds of extracts for - the Handkerchief; Cologoes, Tooth plates, ac„ also, his unrivalled hfignrtic, Honey „ Crystalise,. Winsor, Walnut, aud ll'Alsticsn of other Fancy Soap*, fur.wathlutor sha ving; Pearl Powder, Lily White, Alabaster Powder Pahl; Clothes. Hat, Hair, Shaving and Tooth Broth el; Port Noonsles,Oreasiog, Pocket, arid Flue tooth Ountlist all of which can be nurchaveli rhea) , for - dish at Na. 106 Bo fib 6th Strews below trace, yhltap• ditpbta. • - ' • ,11. —A liberal discount to dealet a. t!sept: 10, 4553. •55150ua ,1l 90 Mio WINDOW DLINDS BRITToN' & CO., ro,4o,,hiortb SEGOPID at., 41.• below ASCU, Philadelphia. *Ue of the newt rfaronsite and beta it Sus elector Ss in the Drilled Stares Origin& tees of solge of the meet splindid' styles of liiindarnod' Shades which have won the Pliers el the Franklin institate, fur their superiority of finish nod ' , Newlin of conception. •We tiny lour materials cheap fur eash,and are ourselves "practical tuienon trat, which citable, na to sell superior Minds re Shades it. Ike Paine :pleading others charge for inferior Sr titles. • • re Sheila Ina 111/ode of every variety aoJ thane. uer On handlind nage to Darr at snort notice, and lettered II tiertsited. es ftepalring anti Jobbing 'at *ailed to. , • Y; We study to pietas the pObfic . 1 Sept. 10 teas, IMILLIMI3 IRON ,FRAMI3 . PIAZIOES., , - r '.'i 'IIEBE crlibiated inatitoncnts, In addii toe to their i./.. former acknowleded euktlinity, hare rccrnily inc. 'yen the moot Antismog whittles dation' lona Undaso Mahon and Mr . . Itochec, *lto bad than in use at their into concettnim this coy. • ' • - E The public air invited to call and examine the *s port:met now i i, , hand, and tor sale at the lowest pri ce s lute w 4HEnottain, ta pi,rliath Street Pail . edelphla. k I glept.3. 1652. 36.3 re OUTTA PERCLIA vs. INDIA BUDDER erertuuy NEW., s ItHE Norib acne:Scan ref. Company ate h w ulfecing at wbolenale• a great variely of Onnbing, &r., made Gotta Rider's ratetit Vulcanizeit Gutta Percba, of nets style* and beautiful tiniab.— Theu, goods are water-pow; fie* from - unpleasant amen i , pliable and elastic likendia-rubber. rind not jalured by fatty supstances. and will not deemaPose 'and beconfestisky. They are very dillievent lu char acter Goat any tribes gumbo beretorme made ui Gluts 'recalls, either in this country or Europe. and are Partanted to stand all climatea. Amon` the vatiety May be found Coats, Cloaks, Capes. Yonebot; gerattg Jatket4, t)vrr.llls,l.egellt., 'ttr.mt-wetter. Caps, (along Blanket', *base Covers, :Show'', Matta, ityrtngesi Ifretist Purrips„Ralls, I enell add tut 'Erasers. Gas-bags. Sportmen's thinking Pups, .filtearia Peeking,. Machine !felting, tlarrtage Cloths, ac.„ tc. t wish a very cheap and etfetthe late .Preserser, wade expressly to inert the uew onset.- ger law ofCongress. All of a Guts!' and quails) , supe rior to any Other water-proof goods now before ftbe . public. -For rale at the an Cedar 21Streei. ,Ilhkalers iu water•pruof gold* ure Incued to enuilne these voila. believing they will find tteni churns •ID Fa■ suvnition to any . iblug they have, ever men Write. Orders to any extent allotted al Ann. notire. WiLLIAM BidElt. E. R. Ilti.t.taaa, Prvet rt.. A. G. P. Co Treasurer and Beery.. • AUfUht%U. 1C133, ,34-fm . LL who want AX'ES the teal CoLuxe gr. Co., make should be particular to notice theetampa., as there are Various counterfeits and imitations' stamped Collins' and labelled ustich.like ours, which. MC fraudulently sold iu sonic parts of the United States as our manuiseture. They air made In differ ent parts of the mom try by various axe-makers, and are generally ul very interim quality. The genOme Collins ases, which have acquired such an eltensive reputation, are invarialbly stamped " COLLINS & CO. HARTFORD." and each axe has a printed label with my signature., It is aow more than TWirsvre- Fie e Ruda since we commenced the bushiest. with the stamp of "Ceiling & , Ilsrtford,” and' Ido nut know or any other axe• maker by the name of Collins in the United tomes.. HAM. W. COLLIN:I. August 20, lOW. . 34-ly SOLIS, BROTHER% IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS Of every deeeription of LADIES' FURS. elo ARPII STREET (lict.ow 30 dl. PHILADELPHIA.) Arid Al WATER PIT., ?taw YORK. A 8 our GOMM bare all been selected In Baratta LI one or 7 tin - Finn. and Manufactured by our selves in Inc most elegant, and fashionable manner, we can offer them at a price (taking their superior quality pato consideration) that set:lA.4ly competition. 113. Silver Medals awarded for superiority by. the In stitutes of Pennsylvania and Maryland. August 2141853. 34 , 3 m ._.. _ . BOOR BINDERY. Subscriber announces to his friends and the nubile that he has „, wade a considerableaddition to his Book ""-- Bindery, and has procured a Book Binder Prow one of the bast Binderies in Phila• delphia, acquainted with the latest style of 'Binding, sad who Well tutu out hie work far superior to any thing heretofore produced in rtittlVille.. Books hound in any style of litnding, either Plain or in Nil gilt Turkey Morocco. !flank Books paged or plain,. wade to, any pattern, also!.prtnted And ruled at niters lower than .in the cur: • - Spots bound by .the ituantity, and Paper ruled to Pattern by I • B. BANNAN. April I, ISM . ..•_ corm' murm. gips aubseribet. being about to introunie''.Eteam , 1 Tare, and otherwise enlarge the facilities of his already extensive Ls. tablishment, Invites the attention of Me public to his Mannar:Sure of Coach es. Wagons and Veh 'ties of every description, Having every department of the Codeb making business at band, employing only the best workmen, and using the best Materials, dealers bay be sure of seen/lag sattitietpry Work. Vehicles of every style and finish made to order.— Repairs neatly end sultstantlelly done. 'XS- Orders from abroad promptly attended to. • s} Sbop, Morris' Addition, centre at., n eatly oppo site the York tttOre, Pottsville. • ' • GEORGE JENNiNCId. March 19,1859; • 111-lir . , Ileautiiiii Cottage Furniture. , itHE subscriber is receiving from the bee Ma nu • , tartorlei in the city, a large lot of Cottage Fara 'titre of the bummed utast beautiful Patterns, rm - bracing whole setts, 011 of whitM will he sold at city prices, carriage added. • • . lie also keeps on hand, and manufactures to onter,•ll•ltindit of Household Futnitore, et the latest, most fitehtonallle and desirable Paters.; ail of whleh 'tan be ermined' at his Ware ROOM , . cornet of Centre and Union streets. nearly. opposite the Episcopal Chuteh—all of which wilt be sold at the trerylowest tates.• • HENRY GAIEI4OANG. April 4,103. I4.tt f.'..11.1.i.t.ciA..1N1 !LOSS 'AND SA ND MAKER, NO. IJO N. 19th St. nattADELPIII*. MACHINE BELTING,Iiinate, Double:or Round, node °theta city Leather tanned eentelety Ibr the patpose, stretched by the latest ItOpf.tired paten ted Mitehlnety, Cemented and Melted lb the •very best manner, warranted equal Wan, in lite. Laps mede wit Q water-pioof Cement IC desired Large or small nose of the beet materials, and work manship andat law titters. *Orden may be left at E. ninnies Leather Store, No. Ile North TOMO Street, Philadelphia. Bean LltaTaltit. Laelitok Pleiten Jan. tis.les3. • a-tv amid' MAIM'S 8211110 VAL. TIIR 11011113 ed 'sponsor the largest Conch _dhotis lathe State; lii CO.ll atieet, Pottsville, ~- nett to .1. If. adonis & Co.'s Screen Factory, where his &Lennie, tot adinarsetuting all kinds ot.Cattlagesaitil Light Waggons cannot he sot paesed—being a practical !flatmate. and baying a aamberof years* experience in the businei 4. he hop., 11/ give geoetal,sstielaetios. An kinds of Cattier.' gnd Light Wagons kept on hand. Alisksetond - -hand Wagons e ee. Ali tenth's lelniv• done Orders frost a instance promptly atteadedia. WISTAB 111111 C.; .1C1205,1848 • . 11-if f''RE alibserttorr has now on hand.• complete u sortotent or Heroes' thr summer wear Carriage. Hareems, Stolle or Double mooted and daubed le every style. Elfeires. or all partates and ettlort --a capital ankle. or !toddles. Bales tad all torts 'or TripPlaill, artarislos totes Sadler) bullpen. itsraesa satiable , for Collkly puma/moo baud, or made to order at short ;mike. onkm ibr Harma n ; ate,' promptly supplied on reasonable tering. L. W0M131.14,011FP. Opposite Splatopal Cbloub.Centre St:. l'ottiville. June 11. 18S3. ; 2441 Vientnagi 1111 hid , 1111suudictonr• Eighth : St 4 hetwent Noreaegia» ¢ ilraheratoutia ;kr ORBS enemata, to the ehltemoof POI ft. Y • sate ind vietaltvtbar bort. - prepMred tti &yr reactant VENITIAN WANDA artmet, slue. eeiir and style al, than make-mod at the 4ateest rotes.— lie ftelo enaddeat that a:trait alone iv =Makin to be Immolated of the adomatege of.lannhaehth bir hhade: A Sae miaartavaa 0( Bhade toostaatly oh hand.— tle 1 a also:. pepsin:if Ae„eettdr.inkinn and tans old ia owl a asaaaer as to render them. utmost equal. la appea_ramee,to , , Aptltir toms . •-•-. L manage,* nsirmaagauum a DICK 111104 reettetittstri eheoeseee to the Li. publicibhtb6 bitpettletted i ke 'Mite sloth of the tact Arai et'lleietok Diektelios. and Intends. aIITHIS oh Out Plembiegloninees le tales banthee et tie Mil eitakt wider Ike Pottsville ,llione. where he Paper. Intent:NM w beelieme, he bay be able to merits eketee•fike2eblie paboatee, He VIII gear mate kb bark to be al gobt,"and It will he doom oo as rtaboaebte terse, te eau be tone eteeithete.' H. DIU,KINNON. _ aslant WOOS. - XS•tt tiwik•ralto ratme,:=Acio*tans Stamleg Pa JlPPlll_bery low ,at vartoat ptleaVdtrom from Ms 11.101. receboal twat few sato U. BANNtlat. 3 , I, c -832 ' - - FRITZ RENDR mtbaiiibta bag Stan No 29 NottAjlitiltD • St; PAiimielAkia- • hi kide u ntr meita ihz.wk-P "Mit " DicEMsralalliflinealfir °YIN° "mew° ain Rm . c on k,. 1,, le b lakt ba .ai4; iirbujfh " Lam latmilic,bo i cog i n , espit i g gri p m en ,, , c omm i adm worts' maubmAluk . _ate ~tot, A lealota, at Ow Staatutalatt'a Wateat+ttata .wart stming...tby - 41. . , immo o depuild r to y a 000 ,, itt ;5 saltlatAbo manse. tio also ,tebakia; IC 99114 1 4. 49E47111119111W1V - ' 4. 4 J proms ft/ow ' .„ 111 419 4 1 8 a r - t iQP 11 9 9 09f090 1 09,- 9 9 "' ;' - •ilieeitlNTlOnakitgatroh Jill 9 lOW - _ 1111? , , , . • -- • , 11: , , AND Nliffi FRAUD! BUMMER . GEAR poi' - Ps NG , BI r, . ~. ~'t P ILADET.PIIIA, bal. LoittircAri. wit ti acirriii iri*.itli Iticui . * 1:11:19/111112 Za r rnECOrr 0i Co. , !JAYE eatielt:dittr f le Mod it 6111 satorintheof of XI TeAca, Wiviii,tilavaae zed Ga.,vratlqi senendll. kir 17 ?Onto baler Street, , ... ..,.. f . hiu. 1 ;111uo.th Llelivalfe Allenteini.tree ' Jan- 19 ISS , POW FURS!! lIMINV. . IL if , 6E It 4' gi; W huteatte and actual:lg STORE. 01. N ourE . itt: fib Tlllllll and ii BOWN,:SECONII ittrerto.Phil.o..tiittla. Importer at...rdlaitif raelitrer of +Seely Ileaelfftliin iff I.AlitE`S' InTitS.4-F As y •Votetiole all Wei aeleOted by ill sell, in; rdiliell.oodua,Letptig, and Ns t i where. , ao,l' * tOr taatotorttord by we. g am a there:or elo,,bled tu offer Ihere to ladles .1 i t less pticos 1 i if they eon oe Pluclax:lca , TOr al- AO7 other eiltahlrh,tnee! in the rll y. I retpeit i colly too lie thehatest ~og and examine my rock. ; , i AU laud, ef fats repilred ant taken W I tachilalte• :i! , - MA VIII tY tvErz. ilq Be 17 , k;s?: .iff :ill .7 . i , _.... r e ...._.......„ n. 4%. & s, ALLAN M il t 7, 4 :ai a ri For c e, Whanvs, p G A v i A ta N dcpk ; a lf . , ,,,tre, fIEALEWIIti oll.s. SOAP, 10,006 Cl loos N. Weal, Coast Whale Olt, tl,end.d•el f Bleached 40 ii 4. tt,Hoo , do; tw , CirpbAbt OH. , , o, uo l toll, l inie2i oihe Snip, i LOIS - &Iv'. l rale and Ileuvrn do il,! 500 tong' perovien Guam.. ' I l'i /00 'an 64i , tr Pttatohate of Mao& q , August l lasO, {Doc. 11. '32.1:10 171 1 3.3.1 y , . 01311TNING IRODSO. , 1.1 ii tmo irtaigned. have received ibellgetley fir °Tier iI!kONT INSULATED Lgl CON ILLICTIA. , Lolate.t. tut, eD011• I luvrored fa roectioio Vlll up and tor szlo:01 , aI'CLURC: k IlOtO;ILER. • DraldintLLtrilware and Tool atore.4¢7 Mar . Itet betweeli ith thil nth. VilibdalPhia• • EP Mum,* Aights Ibra4lo. publidled "d ( "I 410'.'",41,Trestire 'Litt t foi! ::;(76 u clove, 'by •4, L. LVOV 1% July P. i$A 1: • • - ' • ;MOPE CRAINS. friNue onolclilkned beka retpectially the at j tatttlatrar Motors; teal Merchanta. I'l4 all thnire in want orjSIKST PROOVED; or BEST UrIAINS. F97litinft or Alin. porpoweisAo tage stock Of Boit Lest Ctlains. , aarortetlainetj irons j lath to I; intli,qzkitif from beat retina 4 . . Al 4 1,0 [ll - 21aw stork of Reit Praiiiiti Masts, ac t orted ehtwiiilrotat 346 Inch to Inek.j.tnade now heat Castile' lial4. l willth will he a.. 1.1 on ardry ttototto. phi . DANIEL kfcf:1;111111V, AWSiltarreStithet, , Dock Street Wharf. Philadelphia. ' REPEII TO 0 . ; JW.)V.?l,Jigard *Co. $ Port gallon • & Co.,_ . ikMcKnigin.l rt"l3 4l l P ha ' 040. 21.tini P'+' • :J. El. GOULD. 11l i • - . VlkluecEison Ti) A. Flt - r) ,.,i0 • , - No. Itit ft ft.:S 7 Mr.l%,,ilrger,Straiiiils liasheig,7 ' .:, It :, PHILADk: L.PII IA '-,!). ' _ L i f ~--,- , i , • . li'l.XTNtfti,f:F. 7)ll l : 4 lB . PBUl4iillEtt.'antl pealer la Eaaloste/(fantrnments of erety dese4iooto. "ExelusiJ•lhent tot Ihr sate of Ilat. il!• let. Ilbs la i Ibt'Sro.'s (Boston) PATENT n r p s iel i ei s), a . i ß i niitaht .Ilion and ott i i .rlNtAert's liontoir P- !.I 41 " anos43l.l4Stons. Martin's 0111Inflii, qp , illlolins; Stheet:hluithVtittaic. Music Boobs. ite;;I:, . - Beside/11AT th e country wilt he supitieti by sail OF othertv si . vitit any tousle they mak wish, at as low rates 43.iff pi Fr basril to prinoli. '1,41,104 one of the lathesttitnek a in the linit«,l Slat , e;1 1 1 feel confi dent or en (relying all who may nivor ow with a call Or. ordPr. 1/.:. , .' - 1.:: , M.- flealaqiin 3tu sic so oplisd on tl.r4 rnot.tl liberal ti•rfust Pialn,itt to let. riecood-hand Pianos fur ante. h1aY.:14.1. 1 : .20-ly ii--1 ' ' i ...e._lool arr,...,,. _dr 1. slick iii 011,, CANDLES AND . R AP, which they OtOr atthe lowest 'market rates. Di:MST-ANT- - 1Y FOR if 11.$ . ' ::11i Bienebed..ilud Natural Winter and 'ring Sperm Dil, ~ ;1;,.. . BleaeheiAiiinier and Bluing Lard 011; Eli raldOrlle Winter Solar 0i1,.1r! BleatherPalepliant Oil. (Winter and Br Straine&North;Weat Coast and Polar Whiter and Spring Whale Oil, bleach Strati, Rink and Tanners' OH, Mehl - rifle , and. Greasing Oil, New:Begird tit.erin Candles, ; Patent PciAshed Spann Cand les, (Coloio Steakintancleek, - Price's pdeent Candles.(far which IVF it e sole WO Crystalllhe and Poliahed Candles. r, ' the above bendier* w,ll-teeel'yed the first 'preuriampi Silver He dal,l frolulhe Prfinklin 'nations, and a;101plouia from the S.ant Agricultural Sociely,at their larOicabolitions. Tonsil Aond nd other Fancy soap; 11l Yellow.: imam, White and Castile Kopp. Refined: permaceti in Cakes, A 0 ; V ..." 1 BOLDIN k PRICE„ ''.al Noriti Wharves, third stdre, above • • ":. I ARCH Street, Piladelphia, Mar. r A 52 .ln .- ; '1 F!; 21-1 y 101011JUIall,, ,• RENITRIt ARTISTS IN RAIL tit Chestnut. Sir. Opposite the State. noose, PHILADELPHIA, in ventor ofdite celebrated Gossamer T,tiotilatiog Wig arid;Elastie Bind Toupees. Instrmitions to enable auTgetitlemen to measure tlivor Morn heads whit astleraty : Par igs, Inehi!s. , Trofepr,!:,.4 Schlps, in., No! 1 TOO - round of the,No. 1 Froth forehead to Mink as far as bald PAW tincbend twee, 2 OveS forelnerd,, as j 'l4e bead to neck. texas required. • a Frolneartoeat over, .a _Over the •ernwo of Rig top. ••'j the heatt, _ • j 4 rthiri ear In eared . itne firreheadi t ",..! • 1). %RD has alwayi toady for sale a splendid stork ~t4frpt's Wigs. Toupees, Ladles' Wigs, half Wigs,F.64.ote, Braids, Sic., beautifully mains feet urettlind as cheap as any estataishmeht in the til9n• _ .„. 410),),U D'S (ta = Pr bard Eitract Mistrial's flair . o.),pa red from South American herbistal rotas, thh mespitocceasfui article ever produced for preser ving thiShair from fatiir.a out or en4rraloa? color. re• ttOrtogjiind preserving iota s.etitiy andltisuriant hate,' :4 - thong other reasons why tlititard's hatrout insAgl)in maintains its immense pOpillarity Is the am ibt4,4ls tonic is applied to tally head •of bar eqt atl6:establishment, consequeallY it la kept is bitter S' nervation than under 'anynther known ap- It being thus psacticallyteated by ono sands. 41!& a the greatest guaranty Or la efficacy. iSolditiiliolesaie and ikasi at hi* old establishment, 177 CIiRSTNIIT St „opposite the chair Hance, Phil adelphitt. R. r,4411/111f1 hat at last disco %tiled the' me plea ultra '4441/11R DVE and announcos it for rale, with perfecridence In its stirpassing•overything of tiro it . luct In use. It colors the halt! : either black Or blowt4tris may be desired.) and isilued wiliest asp hitjarrittctlhe hair or skis, either by stain or other aftseofalf be washed if in ten ml totes after appll citilort) Without detracting from Its Okay. Person* ilaitlriglita city are invited to give; him a gall. Let ters Id4seed to R. POLLARD. rtellestallt Streets will receive attention; tJult . V.lllls2„ , 10-1, i'StATIONEIO - ; &c GAM'• . • T 104134 .INSTRUXENta. • -.- rir/1040 Wilber has lost receiverl.4ll4lefaal as! Entithent of Getman Silver Ilatheinitiril ohiete,:erhich will not corrode, liri*lng is price (role tos case. Also.teautifitl2, caste lusitiv , ments'Ar the' pocket. Also, No* sod Aloseirood BeidetNl)oong which are severalinew and /ureter SaaiellOismins a cottalnarion of GiSilifereot, Sating Also, titter Compasses, Tape Lliiyes, ese4 together with clidetp Instrnmenis for ;0600, Ac4ata. ord reOele r:Skat prices teach Inillreir tba* osterli as • 4 . • • Cheap Stationeryeadiroriery Store . , ; . 1,/ 211. - -• • --- VOGT'S GOLD PESlStGlizaaf Aisort • itstridfl 1 fellPfilllteL—Tbil subeVittar hairpin fe celveditiaree lot of Bagley's ~.Superter Ould Pent, antottle*,hleh ate the . Congreta and Vatted States Pans„linth In and oqt of casee t all. of which eau he 'Mott:Leif the points come uff by; felt. tote.. The liunlted States 'l..ea Ia Ok curiosity. Cal! end attf4t,togethet wltltthe - othetiq at . , it. ItoiNSAN'S ' Cheap, B o ok an Stationery Store. • •, • t 0111117/40PV - IN F.Vgi Pane . for beglatieil—the'Vilphibat. i.g.aret and anti!! Hind, made or,rea4 Paprn , and Rom fated , •- erently tw the other tidPr Saanutkriored and foe ale at ••. - Cheap Book and B.9ltipz,TLAK.le• ?untit. lEBS. - :4 , 1 NV . ' alatutga von sononjAttIiD.FAIIILISS, --itigesceleed a let or Olotraik sew article int. , totheedAaitable Pa Bawds and Eattlillet. all oterhith . willte*l4 at Philadelphia pica *pet ,Sinale °rip I palm - 4; • O , ,BANNAIPit Cheap Book OW dltalinant aim"; " Blii =C;. ~~ ,tV -4 7UA 3, r^ ta.”' . - ,;, 1 •-r.N; ) . '''S•ll'44Wl4* - 040.;:,„ DA 17.,mommtib - wovitinEit.s 1853 • • -OILS Sza WOO fillig PROart( L passess.,, A PSW agssaiis44rsliklaketnissw4 foir sao by the subliediar, Mao* 4sw to at rals,s 011, at Vivant& iglisa % Aia4 Oteaas as S sv.ats a palms •to swirl:nit a pt. 11.04 lsl.e 6j. impituo t .. April WOOL ; * ; willTls 444.16, mou vuLANIRD. • auf f or ti 4o 4 lirihAvotiot.loraggi 2tAte tlempusty . rf cif4 6o Vtiblitir.bl IkirMisii,AoliPtietttatapria 21w.Ova bt bsy &oil pcusf,isay, slim& I," pee; Coop:amid With - lysji!sta,,tad.sik lacono prices, it titti bitAtatisticidyie . iobtelpt 'me' .140 ,Psr iub siteiriperfiithe east biSt. ' - Wader* itivitiSrioesill sad eitiosslue rot them ssites.• ,Wboksblet delkir4Attlitbi, hal& July, s,. 1ei33..474m • DitailarnAi APPRetrito.o%." paw - OIL tkOksiis. iustatue use, aud ; is more atgbir recoinenetideo Ist mactanety .than any oth er lisekel,*btlstog cka iud (rur item Simi iris grans:l'o4m satirases boissa abatis Is feemuissodud,ol b* , as -morsalabs- limo tor :ma chinery wIlL4b4. Ova •At is. sbe elisities l bud best Olt goisiptigt talbeir aarai . ucJers tell , al 1111:04K.rtirref Owe tit M NEE $ Store, Aleut* rut SW , cuusity.vili strishds4 to, 7uLe 4 ls, 1552, - • - , Asa* • iing-rusiuLL ittlartllP.S, Ysawitetnrsn. Nu. iv 85. tiQ4ll }ltinierOrrc,irtaikodelpbia, bays uuw a sued supplp.of their wartautca Are, WAITS LE4P. rad those *touters lea:J . 4mm born sparingly supplied tOnittsittiet , ofi MO ou,kbe sitlele. obol ills., here thrirorOrs 411 W. . No knows substance 'piteteaseslthuee. preeesvatlve and W4%10.41111 ptbliettlits. stadaSieable la a pent, to en ealmt estrum ith tisaattlauratwi irbitstead s he tes au, admixture of 4440 tastartals Italy teats its value. IL ante, thetbiure,beektbe steady. Alai Alt tile IlliSMUfte turers, lot weep yehis.to supply!, to the palate a pep Curtly pure white teak alga the queening detnatid Cut the 'Bruck. is proorther it has dirt with fitter. his lavariablv bratide.oa one bead: WETHEIIILL hlltallEß In rnltinsd • Pnlne nilift. Wart , ildti /Mr.. Mil Jo red hotels. t • Naiads., July la,. MI muurps p teat nro of PINT. 61110 sibiexibti.,baveju.t,..,Aviaa ranker:sup. ply of this singular and traleab e substance. In addition to the 'fate color, they bane 'a beneath] ehotoiate orbrown„ rierenitatag the nand ston e now I. Thin, audio muchadialted for the:limit Of buildings its pi lucipla ingrmitontaare sillea,sinatinaand pro. toaWeaftrothwb Aintileopinioaofactentidtmen az tiaLutorOF notltOolotoo lioSte-Ptoof nature--the two former substakes being nocondnetors e ami the Utter noting Asa eeranali, to bind Ore whom together Mild make a dna *lid datable paint. For nee A is :nixed with Linseed OH, arida:wiled with a.brush,the;:ittants Oa ordinary pa,4l, to w mu t if ,t i zinc cesnu t paiwiroks...it hardens yacht ally anti brew:nye Are-ptout. partimiarly suits. lie for roots of onlidiargeolearittetat' I ad s nr-deet• tailii,aJprldyes.ieuees,te. A roirfcoated with the attain in vont Irmo ut elate, ata vas: saving of ex tnteelotens rritlyfir sena "lithe alike st the animal. bent. ' ' nocusor, IlitOTHettrog & Co., No. an Rooth front di.. Philada. 1141 ADM'S. $448. 311PERIOri OILFOR WWI'S" EAT 11 4 E 14 t1:V n i2 414 )its ‘ A ' nbr ir s k s it 4th . e ) t r u g hsCritior. I The following metnouhlat la token from a iiesdiag (Pa ) riper . „, • •"•Thls On is frie tromblijamorities, and Mill not vita mseh eeryoßra binning: for machinery will am congenial a 3stnperature.ar zero—will remain pet teeny Humid *hen the- best' -Aperni ;Olt Is frozen sand., 0 • ; . olt for thornlike beristmen, the brightest and bea light ro (lie wood. Pelson* otibt ti,eins avoid all `aceidents. as I; Moonshot but ante oil. • Oil fit Car Wlheets that will out tonged at 20 de . trees berths' iota O. We have utiekand are au* constant!, using Passim's Patent sperm Oil on out Engines and Ma chinery, and thaddl to be supertori to intother Oils we have ever used. jilt wilt not guut;ur epogcal,and pre fer it to the hen ; sperm' . M. A. at S. BERTOLb.'T rot 1.:0‘. GEORGE BRIGHT. EardwareoStore, • Next door to ilbatn'd note!, Getore tit., P'uttsvitie. Match 5,1853. ' 'lO4l • silivatr9 PLASTIC . PAIN'S'S, • Chen p, , Witradte and rotertit:e....- WEATIIK:a LID FIeILE ilwitO Ali' Illl*. Paint will stand any climate, without crack .or blister, attil hardens by eitlosure, thus making In time en enacui t of stone. poi...elicit Wood from deny, and Iron and other nimbi from rust and cot. nation. -.This Paint ditrir, from these- celled Mineral Paints of the day, which are principally Ochres. end Clays colored, and are'entirely wonhieSs. Silver's Plastid Paints are purely Metallic, contain. ins no Altai:Den or Clay. They are les hutted bnely, tnig readily with Linseed Oil, (without the bouble of grinding') and flow un• der the brush an; steely as the bet! [ White Lend. Theft Paints ilea all others ,body or covering properties,oce pound of which Will .cover ns•muth surface as two pour.ds of white brad. - 1 There are (our natural colors, yint Black or Slate, Brown. Olive and Coocolaie. •ring,) Whale (MI DIRECTIONB.—This Paint dolga readily under the brush and its coiering properly li-increased by using it mixed aa thickly as possible witp PURE Linseed Mt as the' Paint Is the lasting or protecting body and the Oil simply the Medium or agent hi spreading It: We anue t culiOes of two tette rs;One from, the Pres ident of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co.. the other from a GeltaittUßEl, a welt-known resident of Augusta, . Office of the Phila. and Reading Ra ilroad Co. Philadaphia,'May 3, Ift32. J. 8. Ricca. Req.—Dear, elf —We have used your • Plastic Palate " for more than a year, and fur painting Ltridgeit. Uepols, &c., &al, we have found it quite equal to any-palm we have; used. In fact. we nuw give it a preference over all others we have tried for such purpose'. 'fours' respectfully. • • (signed,) JOAN TCOKRlX,'Presidgnt. 4 , danilPl3ln) '...4epaista, Os., &panne 9,185 i. Steam Plan.ng Mins, Dear Sit :—lron est me tor my opinion of "Silver' Mineral Paltase' which you have put on my Machias shop and Planing Mill. I give you, with pleasure, my hilt and heitty recommendation of it u a pre ventative of Phis communicating from Chimneys. or from ridjoining,buildings. 'The point which you put -on my roofs, has now become as bard al atria, and I feel as secure . from Fire, in this direction, as is pos sible. A few Weets alter the roots had been painted. I made an experiment on two or; three shingles by placing them In the furnace under the boners the result I.IIM. Matte portion uncolored was entirely consumed, while the •Painted pert was apparently sound, though upon elimination the wood was found to be charred; the Paint, however, was nun and but Mule bileteredil 1 consider this as severs a test as your Paint can Depot to, and antler the circumstan ces I do not hesitate to commend it imam invaluable preventative against Fire. Reapectfutly,ke. (Signed I AbIllnOSS SPENCER. kmicamt tucuuta.vs, N. W. Corsa, of Italt and Market elm.. Phila., Pa. - OSNEISAL WUOLESAIS CS- For sale -In Pottsville, Wholesale and Retail, by oeortag HEIGHT. Joly g, 18.33.;; ' . 7/7-1, , 1.7 00 0 03 V. ; o 7 ,0 .% rm . 1',4 — 4 • ‘; 1/ 1 ~ 1 1111 e a m 041'4.ac ■t ;..#|:l,;.i -) -0. Iga 0. la,. Or: li'. c ,~, '~ n T=.4 2 0,1 71 41CCI' FIRE INSURANCE. PARME,I4!.INSUBANOE COMPANY, • iCirrie,Nsw 'goat . , Cgpital $?.01?,600. TVill a,, J ff,eurely , . oineurents. ' - Atiaire. VaitiPArrti, . ' ;LI VtDDIFIL, Mums Ittoilsa;, • ' I .lAcriut Iteu., CUAlltlill P. BAsocas, IPettir U. Uskilos, 1 Aim Air W. Tiny, . !skim-Vignola.- Ja Nu W. PA111011711.111. likillV •A • natl. G en a imge U. Tol,L, Dile i lla LAS Ofteollo. JOHN V. Lan*u ! o, ' 0 , dafTWE4A. • " A. C. CAA YAA7CA,rteet IJll.llBELL.BeCrelify. W 94. RreToll..Vhre rteet.lAlltali W. VOLL,T Kcanicro ffiesittoon, Jan.; Oenclat„Agent, No. 3 ateenestreo yrteitton N: J. 4 " ItSPOSSDPES• Don. 0.11. lobneon, Co., Jndne, Schenectady. Jno. Fw Claw,. " '" • " • D. P. Porten, county.,Clettl,;„„ , Abram! A. Van - Vona. hlttrif. " Igyfni,Rit.klayne.f • '" D. Wright; Secoc,ter,.Albany. UN U. Van Dyck, Pcoptletoj Albany Atlas.: /lee, G. thtedere Esq. k 'Thomas Clitk,P44 , Neva „York. • / bf Inentance nattinet rpe,„ind also In- Lino poliglen on COAL and : BOAT:t,' votnistked Philadetplitak Nan Kotk, and Enters Porte. tutted; by ; e WUITNEV. F. ' - nt fot Schnytkill County, - ,!L (di re neat door to Miner** sank. June 45, itp. • 4a..4f '-sanit • TIMID. AUAL*ATIMIENT (IP TUE 15TATE11111TMAL Mg 994 MARINE 2-F INSUMA3II:IIc MPANPat PENNWVILMANIA• &nosh otneo, its ctimotifly MUM, PathlstpALa... Assets May 1,123% • . 0209,010 01 Premiums retestreCtollay 1 1853. , 133,250 MI Interest oa - • ' 1,910 19' Cspltalatcal, • • ' 100,00000 , • - 4 - 014083 Mt Lanes espe,ttsea. to-litsurattie and' rs timed prsailutns - -AT 864.50 . . t IpiVeSTMENTaI. hands, sfortsqesi ideate aid othet goad, seentithre,[- • - • • ' *1 6 1.481 WI Prennem notes. - , •' • • 17%01 6 8$ Cath en Nand. 17,810 11 • - Teta! anecni relent iestlehla tht Imes, 1113511,218,70 This Campine inserehon' buildings perpetual, of Melted I also, en tit kinds•OCmer cl indize and (n t- Aimee thitirest, aft the molt teaseisable terms. • AepUcttkneedar Jest, aline set the above* vomps-oy ate respettamy moheited eel - 2 - - -Jotill. T. 1111CB?iSit, oFrICZ—IntENTat qtre,t;, hrdotia abode WI , het, Fenian e. • • - 2 /tie 11.102: , TIII3 PRAM) • Pllll 11 fitiltiNGIL . 0016.011r _ orionuamistrinh," .- - 0 FTICZ fife. /*at datestirimmitet.lear fifth Br Amp:atom. , (lades pli alt annko, nose W. Ulundi Thomas rt. ":11ortIonat D. Levan: • Tablas Wiring!, rt Attatpaa B. Balla, datutnettleant. `; I "Ihreld S. /hoof Jacobi'. litottyi - ' , A , tht Pitteriusi. o n di ummt r o lake oa 46ifery &Swine attfpulpdrty, into** and4usuy at rates as as ate contrtidtat Whit sisentlitt. • Thu ea Any Wye re 11 selturf.,.tittio . edolialloot fund; Whin with their Cap i tal an d frentlowssfoly invaded,. atttnrd an*, protelttutt tri,stutlistated. ; • Thu 'Well et the edulpkaypthlanuart IMO M u rut publialtedaprinablf•to ..ank .it;et - df Anita:v*lh were as foneamius;. l :. ••.0 . . , liortgagen ; 4„.4B9o.l6B •S' -11.51) ILS Sett go ; tarer so_ 10114 41c0., 44,157.111 • Temiwrarlx,-" pAk ' 1 r . stureibmri.t. 4,:itent. a”w or stemma year% thttyittlfir 011 titirnititf i liaitleWtenpre an airsnint LatitlClinirwit Sr., tbettbtaford tog erthinabolike stWattlallerriffitnindierhan well. an tbesidfity.fitaildtemitlo, tiktst Walt iprelid4 , - • - CH4121.118 If. flaildial Prtistietit. .1" endatitf , ` O. 84/40111 -41ffitaddry. , The stitrintilnultan ' bens Mao sew. for. N iseittiosod histitintditi 3 - Nitwit 4 to maker iafl late. odi two!y ties ofplopf. at the lowest rata: trtft I,llolllm. se,"' fett0114'.."11w11.110113 t" , • - '4 , -; ' • • h, Aq -I_-i._ tti-A-:::,'. , i - Npy:::pAßTts:lßi,t;-4: - - - ii:;_rorT'svp44.E:4: . sp-riuNg . l4,4 , leopsll7,-eANNSYLVANIA... i 211-11 mass% VALLEY 0149,318 20 Poeta); ADVICE. ' ST MMUS CA.IIT . . . Sbe gave tr word of good advice,! . She hoPed I'd plant by; And I-shouldn't wonder if t..be thought , • I came away, to cry. . . - She thinks. 4 Anna in tear of her— I realty think I don't; - She's awe My will wilt yield to • I'm pretty snre'it wish. ' I know my dear old maiden aunt Ai prudent, good anti wise—: , Bat, Navy , don't you think troth me, ,She's tither too precise ? She sa i d 1 inttit not tan in teve—' " Propriety forbid V.' And ; t told bet I Anuld iterXt Liwe you better thou I dal:. She stud You must not fondle me— She did eot taint: you would— I told her I'd be up in arms Aguast you if you obouid. She raid rim must not kiss toe' Phe Ent time, should you try ; Arid I told her that you shouldn't— But I did not tell her why, She said that suitor tier& yet Had even- pressed her baud; I did Ohl think the reason . Very hard to understand., • And es for tuanyiag, shi:knew She'd die beton:l-she'd Wed— Arid told'her that 1 did not doubt The truth of what she said. sort static. TUE THAVELEIVO STORY. A party of_travelers were seated round blazing . hre, ina•tavern upon the Allegheny Mountains. The coach had broken dawn, end per force we were detained until the next day. We had finished a Virginia supper, and each one; with his fed on the Bader and a cigat in his mouth, ruminated upial the storm without, mid the warm cozy annum within. &eh use in his tura told a story at related an.anecdote, and at twit the joke came round to a hollow-dieeked individual, who, until then, had remained silent. 6. Gentlemen," said he, fixing _piercing gray eye Upon one ol thectritipany, invited, pad drawn his didir up to the tire; "some ten years ago came near being mur dered in this very house." '- Al This moment the Spaniard got up and was going out ol the ruom, when the narrator arose, andloOking the only dour in the room, took the Spaniard by the arm, nod leading him up to au ,old picture, surmounted by the English coat; of arms in gilt work, ran his fingers alintig'the motto,— • Hoot soil qui cuttliy petite, - - said, displaying, at the mile time, the end of a large pislol--"Evil to him Who evil thinks." • The Sivihiard smiled and.said thai he did not feel well, abut the stranger swore. that no man should leave the room until hehad fin ished his stun,. Requesting us dot to, be amazed at his , conduct, he proceeded ; Some ten years ago I was travelling over these mountains un•lnitsehock, and 1 stopped at this very house. The landlord was ex• trereelv obsequious in attending to my. com fort, and utter supper tie requested me to join him in a bottle of wine., Nothing loath, 1 consented, and, before midnight tour empty bottles stood on the table end, and he was ac quainted with all my business. " I very unprudintly remarked, in - the course of conversation, that I' ad a very large sum of' money in my valise,•and he politely informed me that he would take care Of rt until morn.ng. Although somewhat intoxi cated, I did not approve of leaving it ID his charge, and I took my valise in my hand and retired to• bed. Atter I had undressed I placed my pistols under my pillow, andeare fully, as I thought, examined the room. I laid myself donin„and soon sunk into a fitful steep. I suppose must have been two hours after when I aivoke, and collecting my scat tered senses, l endeavored to think' what I had been about. "Suddenly I detected a noise under my bed. What Was my horror when I ob served a small piece 0 carpet,.stretched' along my bed-side, move as though some thing was under it. A cold perspiratiod started from every pore ; but, thank God ! I had presence 'ot mind enough to prepare for the worst. Grasping a pistol in my right band and hiding it under the- bed clothes; 1 leagued to be asleep. . ". " In an Instant afterward I saw a. trap door, that had been concealed by the carpet,. cautiously lilted up, and I beheld my land lord, with a dark lantern in his hand, direct ing his glittering eye towards me. Still I moved nut; but as he turned his b : ack,to put the lantern on the floor, I fired, and " You killed'him, did you r shrieked the Spaniard, almost jumping from fits seat. • "Silence till 1 have finished I!" said the stranger, and again he touched the buit-end of his weapon. " The iustanl thati fired, the 'villain • fell. T started up nod merely pulled my overcoat on, snatched•up the lan tern that he had dropped, and: crept cau tiously: down, with my valise tn. my hand, to the stable . It was a bright moonligh`rnight, and I soon saddled my horse. I galloped ten miles, when I met a party of , wagocers, in their company. .I returned to the house ; but despite our ,rigid search; not even as much as the villain's body could be found.— But it I can mice,put my hands upuh him, if it cost me my life, he shall die the dogs death." The stranger arose and caught the Span iard by the throat i =Tearing open his shirt collar, he showed the mark upon ,his neck.— We need say no lore. Three weeks afro that, Joseph Gomez was hanged in the : city of Cumtrerland, upon his own coutession of having murdered no lesi thaii five travelers in that very rotko- / Talking :ot wolves," said ' Black, one eventog, "I can tell yuu a story that nooth et man on the river can tell. " When I first came to this cabin, there was no clearing within thirty miles, and the only neighbOr I had was George E—, who died last year, up by the cedar hill, ten miles or so away. , It was a little lonesOine, and' yet I liked it for a year. and I saw George three times during that twelvemonth._ But the next six months I never saw a man, sad I used to sit and look ar myself in the still water over the side of my canoe, and like it, for it seemed as if I had company. But one day in November 1 was tired ow of being alone, and I started off towards evening •to go up to George's. I crossed the river just , here, and went along the edge of the water, swinging my rifle in one hand, whistling for company's sate, for it made a• pleasant echo in the woods. The night was• coolish, very clear, and there was a pleasant moon. Just as I reached the brook, close on one gide. of the Pond. I heard a growl that startled me, and stopping short, I saw a Wall standing With his paws buried in the carcass of a deer, while his jaws were hill of flesh. Bat he was not eating, tor be had seen we, and Reined to be discussing the comparative merits of his meal before him,, and the pos. sibte mai which presented 'Mr huii. -He was not soy of your Jog wolves,, but a grizz , lye rascal, as large as Leo yonder. with large tutipand stoutertlegs. • He snarled once or twkemore, and I was fool enough, to shrive ' If I bad .eft him alone he would have beeu content with his feed ; for they are caw; ardly.stainaals except when there are droves of them, or unless you disturb their eating. . " I leek a 'short aim at him and shot. He juinped theinstant I pulled the trigger, and I linseed his breast and broke his-lore paw, Then he yelled and came at me, and I beard as I thought, fifty more answer him. I: wasn't ten seconds before I was in the first crotch of the . _nearest tree, and four of-the grixxly acoundrels were under it, looking at -me, Winning and licking their lips, as if 'their months watered for me._. I didn't un fdenitaud their _lsieguage,or -I would have suggested the idea of satisfying their appe tites upan the deer; which lay a 'kW rods off. " But !couldn't persuade them to- Wee any hints Of. the sort, so I loaded my rifle and shot minor them dead. " Tberewasinore for them to eat, if they lied chosen to dimwit one of their own sort,. :but inauldn't blame them for refusing the . lean, bony catcalls of such a comrade, esPe chilly when it tolerable welt-fattened man Was in a taphng close by, sod the more caper - day whets IF they bad any eyed, they-could sea that the was splitting in• two tie the crotch, rod I atusivame dowP soon,: in spiteolimatth..npuvleal. ance sa it to w a as elase thaa. r ;craw -beikeel Pei time to reload my rifle sad: the; pee* enotheiet thaw; etaelt wait The tree, isy till just iiinela enotoths 1o MEM = , t i iNitclawith:amlit.anSktegs, arattud.-ithe rire, add 614 tibia lifei Oil LPAild_ gel tutk9ife 1 (mug m} piiikei, - operil If, and shove it. hi nay I belt. -- That alone, 1 *imbed my' claance:' . ii there ester wiis;ta scared , wolf, matt waM; one ; Whgt:i Idaghtetl;owhistack and Wound ray arms around, funk hod we rolled', away to- gether.l The other, tiro didn't understand it • at all; idifbacked off , to Watch the! tigh4 . A pretty Moonlight itissle that was': 'At length the wolf got; Me , ander, and' • he.. and 1 4buitt ; thought I .was 'Otte our. He plauted 110 two paves ofi'MY.bfessilind the claws left Marks I .that are here vet—while he seized wy shout- der :with his villaindualaWs.'! ! ''', -- Mack paused to show ns - ihe scars oct his breast ilud arrna,.'paitieularly the large' ear, where the thisti was,tord than -the. . twat: up his #hobid‘r. ]He 'continued: ". :. , ..-; , - ..,I WaS a little Mint when his teeth - :went in ; ! -11' was Unpleasant; 'and 1- had:time t - o: thiuk of _a! duzen other ways ut diing, - , any, ode of which LI Would - base pteter... red 'to that, had a choiee been possible.; The Wolf apparently didn't like the hold:110 had, ' 63,1 be fore tint my coat shirt and fleslil too, Mid Setzed.,onturftir ctip., - It was. ti tueky ,ituatake fur the ! :1 felt his wet lips on my torebead, and had just il tirrie tai let go nit hold of tus throat- Mad Mute my knife, when he jahotak toil the cap, 'nod made another atiedipt ',to get ,a niouthlul; but bis throailwas M no fis to awafloii-it it he.l had igot - it, .for my - koife litlade was Walking' Onsi'.rerstely .iicevss :hisjustilli!, and the pin; of it liras i eglidg be tivemolie treitelati 7 toil - his Spoil, - mit'ruw. 'He oils tilderid wall and tay . .o , it 'up like one ;fairly whipped.•-! .. i i : 'i '; '- 'f• • ' !;.,1 had - hled couside bly wilea I:rotb, but was nbt weakened Ii Particle. The, Whole had pasted-in ;less than ball a minute, and I was readi fur, the l oiher two thal l ium `came 'artiebo, th together. !" ' -. , ;.• ,' I keized my 'rine - and mt one - with the barref,acriws the nose and floored hero.' ' As 'he piekedliadarlf E -44 -seized . tout by the hind foot.. It' the ,first 'roll was seated;when I tell initind, l, thtS one *as ' More Su.' . 1 shall, never4orget the hoUtt Which" escaped bun as . 1 awu f ig hini'4litti the air and struck the oth er a blow, with the hotly ut his comrade.— The' hiher ;ode, Me, (lint I /hid wounded, frightened at ;the uovei tight, vauisheiltn the Woods, and li was left ,with this. one to ,illy 'hands!. lie.sernied to le; out his voice with tremendous _force es he went roan,' my head twice; The centrifugal force, as they call It ailsc4ool, 'breed Out his tviod,ltut us, I Jet him fly his Wreatitlwa's fairly deptouitical. ' •• 11e...weuila rod frOm the back, and the howl' stopped only, when he' trachea the water. ' 1 was fniut and weak now, add thy visit to George's Was ref course, out Uf the question ; Su 1 seized My ride; 'nailed it with difficulty as,l ran', and following the Water, '1 etloogth saw hint crime up. lie sitlick in fur the shore!, but sees g me he did not . dare td land.` 1 - teased hill' so for 'l6) intlii.s, and each tiri) r he approacl eil the shore 1-showed ii Myself,'and he kept off '1 saw' he was get-, ring bred; but t I didn't • want to shoOt him ,ygt, and I tollowed:hi a till he went ot , er the rapids, add into Mei d p hole by:the Haunted Roele. 'Herel hailito l leave lima swidnuing along: Me' reek Antillhe found a little shelf, on Which he craw* out and shobkhiabitle. gut Ife.c . o.uldis't obtvf up that rock—that was - pretty. certain, add while he was discthssiria ifillialoue to himself, l helped hint settle the quesiithilwith - a - rifle hall in his side. He gatiel.A. mad halt *bark - and hilt yell, and sprag into the river, but he didn't rise again. - ' .",- k don't W m 1 got id - my' canoe I ow. I I man . ged to paddle ov er midget in here halt dead; with ray bluedi all over me .ahtl inf wouhds [Maim MI.:, It wall a month i bel.re I was well enough tohunt again and',l have beeMshy of wolves Mier siiace."! ,f • . tteptitstianien. MEM TITLES, I T r ENCELLENCYr-nt" Luansitir4-I.totnt GwE.—The. extensive • use of sucti titles, says• the, N.,Y. ponanercial, is always dis tasteful to men of Manly spirit, eveb when, found in monarchical , jouruals. When Ink* somely applied to enelestastics±to Ministers ut are disgusting ; but when they: are crammed as often as possihle.in to the 4lutuns'ol a prefessedly republieho jour ney when slinking itit a foreign ecclesiastic, they become cotitethrible as well as,:!disgui nog). ;We have a specimen b! ibis in the Freeman's Journal, et New York. The re turn of the , i,Apoitulle Nuncio" to New York is' thus set forth,: - "It is out happiness to be able to announce that his Escellencal Mousi,gnar &dint airiJ i veil!again lit-New 'York on Monday last, and, is, trice more `.the , guest. of- Archbishop! liukhes. ^ His Enellency is tit good health, and we perlectly well know that the Cailio •tics.lof this city and diocese Will the ex. pression of their dSvotion- to', the Holy Fa ther; and their respect for his immediate representative in the person of the Envoy Eziraordiniry, Only;by the delicacy, of their regard for Ars Excellency's comfort and good pleasure. It is the first time that so great an honor has been itand this country as the pres ence of a Nuocie, on a visit here, and it is our earnest anticipation that,i, by the oppor tunities-which !our,'Catholics will, seek of pa) tug-their respects Cu the Nuncici;mid re• .ceivinsr big blessing.-and his Wards of Cath-, cliff affection, their sattachmeht to the, person of the Holy Felber, cilready 'shuwu' to the world in the time of his sorrow ag well as In ihe , heer his triumph; may be 'rendered yci stronger and Mere unalterable.:• We-are but the mph or, the , ' united' heatts of the Callieilics'of New York in bidding his E 341- lency welcome in his officenidin his pelVe. and yid offering Win all •rthertestiinouiestf ranniermotirir and respect which we know now to render.", •Verily 'this Eacellency" ought to be abund antly satisfied,,il ',satisfaction he can find in suc . hlulstime language. . Then we are told that his lExcelleticy " dedicated a Avrttisb Chinch. at . New illaven. where an address was-made:to In which, by the way, we find the followiag,'sentimeats, interlarded with "your Groce7 ad nauseam "-r But a shdrti time has elapsed' since the far sky of , youi own beloved Italy was over ca' by the 'arid ,and Ulm:timing clouds of infidelity and 'rebellion. 'rite storm broke with unwonted' violence—devastation and ruin spread far and wide. Thefieudsi who raised the stortnand who would fain control itinow, yelled' with g,lee—their hour of iti urpph had 'arriifesf.i The bark'of Peier, which had braved a ' thousand tempests, must, at lasi, perish with one fell and combined on set. It should be subtherged, its destruction srPttred liinseious of the difficulty of the undertaking friitn; many, many previous add abortive attempt, the arch fiend and his ell:iia:series, resetting! to omirno precaution thnt might contribute to ensure success, Ice. 7 i • • - • In coMmon with all the faithful, we &- meat the recent lawless outrages which have dd,sturbed ihe' tratiquitiry of; the Papal See, While We'deplore •t be ',loss cif; sonls and the scandals created at the instigatitio Of a set of wicked and unprincipled demagogues. Re ectuint to every generous impulse, and in spirit of the_basen ingmtitude for; the Is al concessions.. 'lour lloly-Figher,Vio None, these misguided infidels, aiid:would-be Dem °Oats, in; the name of that liberty which '• their evety,utt rftsgraeed , Incited an ignorant infuriated; Mob to die perpetration ot ei;:ery'ontiage,: that mud s can centime. We regret, toO, that the defenders of these wan ton acts have 'hien found in; this enlightened country, and that Ilirtir Graie_his not esca pled the malignitet:llffittifilinny: censure of - their.. mercenarytpen: The number of such is, however, small. The mass of the great and good ie 0. f trai•them. ' • "We hope 'oar Grace's' visit America may prole Pleasant to yourself, and redOtind Co the sdraticeMent of our holy ; religion.— ' We all joie in affectionate wishes for youi Grace's 'etlari, and a safe and prosperous returit to your native land, white you.eaa (ay before his Holiness the unswerving fide. icy of the Catholics in America to our -an cient faith." , • One Would, scarcely - have supposed that Such an address was delivered ina republic. The fiseims'a•VOlinuti- naively' tells- us that 'Nuncio . replied „that.fie had notuaderitood. ,'precisely every word, in the address," but y be. "had.; understood it sufficiently to be `greedy consoled by the good sentiments and religious zeal that it had evioced.'l'_There. • after - gicelliney proceeded to l3less,the edifice," and it is added that ..aie LeSiDEMP, the BiehoielEtOlon; delivered a very beauti ful discourse. ''' 7 And Yet the Fieraita's lour. net is priblishedl la: the very heart or a great republic "'Ara , Lordship, the: , Bishop of - • 1. - Irr-HOlOlOlO ladkee and 'thy mother, llt #4411411* loaV , .I , y; 34. SEEM - 4 iiii =I PARAGRAPHS FOR AMERICANS AND . 130 . L.ECTI3G MEN TO it Ulu,. . BEGINNIKG EARLY.—The liquor-dealers .1 Philadelphia held a; meeting on After attending td certain liminess, the chalked on; a course of labor fur, the; ensuing year, an account of which is given - in the Register as follows; A call was then made fur an • expression on • closing - their bars on Sunda}. Tltis brbught half a dozen to their feet at once. The first speaker• said he- had kept": open all day yesterday ; (Sunday,) and was r eady to pay his fine. Let the law take care of that. (Cries of yes, yes; we will not shin up.'l) The peat speaker said that the time was coming, and that by another year,wben cOmminee of correldadence must bc formed, and, circulars sent tall over the :State, am/ men - must hanominated and elected to repeal all these Old laWei Imeaning the Sabbath laws &c.) The time had come foi„ such a course. and next year they would cOmmence in season. They Would not be ruled by soul .craping s clergynaeb." (Cheers.) 1 This is giving fair and timely Warning ; but of what avail is warning tw tehiperauce Men in this State VI- We cannot, as Vet,speak fOr the rest of the State, but as - fai as this county is concerned, they.pay no Moie heed to warning than if it were not given. With the fact staring ilium in the lace !-that the men whom thy had induced ta' commit themselves in laver of Pruhthiiiou were in danger of ;Meat, three thousand- of then( stayed at home ,at. Unconcerned as it nothing was at stake. The laws for the protection of the Sabbath are now threatenetl;.and it re mains io l be seen 'whether they *ill carry their resistiMe beyond were paper resolves. —Pittshrg Gaiette. ;• is The editur:pi the Pittsburg Clarungle, a locofoeo p4ei, and the organ ;of Bishop O'Connor, when he addresses Protestants— [the Catholic'lli:hops .when thrly. address Catholics use the Catholic, papers,and when they address Protestants, use papers pub lished by Protestants devoted to their inter estsl—thus speaki,of the result of the Elec tion:in Alleg,heriysounty, where it v; as posed that the Temperance and Whig ticket Was'deceated.: We publish it tor the infor tnation tit the petipleuf 'aft parties-and in djiai so we would ask why it •is iliac Cathol icism and forei&iLocolis;uism always array themselves' agaitill any Moral Reform move ment started•in Ifis countrylor aMehorating re coutlitiousoC ttie people, uut! Particularly the emigrant populatitio. " The annals of litn'e are tendeied loreier memorable in t'teristylvania, by the sudden and awful death .the , Pohlled Deliverance Humbug .117ssg "iery in Allegheny county. " The Illuthiotis deceie-ed expired abOut o'clock fast evening, the .usual taint for do. sing the polli,itr the several, wards of the two cities and ininaships of the Atak, , The disease Was an agq.ravated case of Political Sabbatertan Temperance , Humbug, which seized the• Whig party a short time since nod Tflpatty terminated in - Tf?ry Cholera .4.sphazy.. : "Politic.ll-teriv . erano humbug is swept as with a besont destruction-! I Allegheny county is redeemed of, from the MPrill degrada tion ot: submissitnalto nAtispott4in #)1 puritan ical psalm-singing hypocrites., demo. cratic candidates tor Assembly :are elected, with, the ,exception of Mr. Kiel ATRtcic, an excellent Young,man, who learns!tor the- fu ture,- that honest i f sensible people always laugh ,tit„the folly of "making :a blowing horn" of moral, deportment.'" • Titcht.AsAYAncv.McGEE. one of those for eigners who from theiy tifst landing on our soil assuthe to teach l us our-duties, and look on us as know•nothings, has conunenced a series of lectures,in New York, do the Cath olic History of lAtnerida, the tick of which was delivered (in Motiday evenidg. In this course he says, he proposes to prove—lst., That.thediscovery and exploration of Amer ica were Catholic enterprises. i 2nd. hat the only systeniatip attempts inicivilize and christianize Atrierica werestnade by Catholic 'Missionaries. ; That the liberties of the united States were, in A great ,'degree, cs• tablished by Catholic blood, talent, and treas ure. Modest Mr. McGEr: ! Wc do not doubt but that he . will; Shaw that GEohGE WAsit ismrozv was a Catholic, and 11;txcocs and ADAMS, Papast missionaries ! How long are Americana patiently to listen to• Such icaper tinence! How, Wig are-men who never had the,talent or cOurage, to protect their own land, to set thernsOlves up as teachers in a country founded bi the Puritans!and Huitne nots, and enfranchised by their sons !—Phil gdelplua Sun. 1 • , ' . ..j • i POLITICAL MovrStENT.—A raw t political movement has ; aken place among the Ger mans at St. Lnuis'`. A circular, signed' by 4004-ernaan citizens. has been addressed to the cacdidates tee Judges of the Criminal Coint. demanding; their opinions upon the three following points: Ist. "The lostilution of the 'Grand Jurf in its'present shape." 2nd: ~ ‘ The Constitutionality of the, so cal- led Sunday. Lawyer 3rd. ..Do you; believe' that; those laws, (Sunday Laws) are truly republican, and , in accordance withh the liberty of the cittzens There are said to be. several thousand Gel man voters in Su Louis, whose name); have/ 'not been signed' o this circular; but who are all united : witty/ s originators !in the deter mination to overthrow the Grind Jury,. the oath and the Sunday Laws. • O ESCAPE or a Nils.—Great sensa.tion, has beep caused in Galliciani Spain, by what iseonsideOd a.great crime, by, devout Catholici—theffightof a nun ;from a con vent at Compostello. A nun in the Carmel ite eorivent of that place let herself. down, a few nights ago 1 4 . r0m her celh ;by means of towels and nalinns sewn together, and form : ed intoa Cord.,,,' The descent mutt have been attended with danger,.though,the nun took the precaution Of tying knots at toterVals in her cord. The moment the escape iva; known. a search was matte after her both by the police and the gendarmerie. but no trace 'of her could betliscuvereit ; and it is suppo -sed that she succeeded ih melting Coruna, and in embarking on board a foreign vessel. .She is only twenty-two years of age, belongs to one of . the Most distinguished familtis of °anima, and IS remarkable fur beauty and talents. - r7-FIFTEELit YOIING, MEN.--At a respect able boarding house in is e w 'York, a Dorn bee of years ago, were fifteen young men.— Six of them ugiformly appeared at the break— last table. on Spat* morning Shaved. dressed and prepared, as to their apparel, for attend ance on publig worship. Th 4 also actually attended bothflorenoon and tifternoon. All became highly; respected and hseful citizens. The other nine were ordinarily absent from the breakfast table on Sabbath morning. At noon they appeared -at the: dinner table,- shaved and dressed in a decent manner. In the afternool they went out, but not ordi narily to churXh: nor were they usually seen in any place of worship.,, One of them is now living, in a reputable erriployment : the other eight became openly vicious, All failed in business, rind are °Ow • dead. Sev-: eral of them dame to an untirnely and awful tragic end. .; THE SrREAD OF PROIIIIIITION.-1U the Senatorial DiStrict composed of Blair, Cam ' bria and frußtingdon, counties, Martin Bell, received 2522 rotes, though three candidates were runningtihe other iworeceiiing 3416 and 3676 respectively. The,Hollidaysburg Democratic Standard this proves-that Prohibition has taken deep root _among the people, and we hazard Oottnegin saying that the question Must be met at , the ballot box at no distant day, Theenemiett of Prohibition (and there are .not many cif them in, this neighborhood);were quite as touch astonished at the remit as Its most sangnine friends, and there is!nollenying the tact, that arty drill and discipline:alone prevented Belt's election. direct vote 'on the sabject,la this district;, would reach iii a llva:tendon* majority idia• vor of any laW similar to the MatneLaw." 07- APPLIc I ATION FOR Ilittns.—Theappli cations for hear banks to be made to the next Legislature olltbis State, exceed in amount of copilot strip millions of' dollars ' s:id; fur 're-charters add extensions :et capital, over six a illi oxs -40gether, about thirteen' and three quarter Millions Pi - doltirs! This, un der the rule banking, will , foim a basis for currency and bank credits( to ibc amount of some Ohl millions 91 doltsit e:. rr,.:~:.~},.~. • ; I NO. 45. National. BANN - - ;'TEAM TRIgiTING'IOFICE. - HaviejtjetSetmet*l= . l46V arediatessmatio JOB mut every timerption t at WM. once of The s' Jotrvuoit cheaper thaw, it can be done at say Abet estabhatestent to this County: such as Boats Passpitleit, Bills of Ldid_ o ,l' , I Latra4.4ors, Rail Bilked Wurilifr o WA& 6t114 Pape!. Book‘;' ' w A-tides of Areelleur. Time Nods. . • Bill Head., Order Boats, tie Al the very. *West 'notice. One flock of JOB - TYPt: is more.extensive than that of any other °See in this reetic n! et the State, and we keep hands employed expiated)? for • Jobbing - . " Being a practical Printer (=kit; we will masrantee oat Wort to be as neat as itni that can he turned out w the eines. PIUNTLIG N CaORS done at the shortest notice. 800$ Books bound er , t.rf 'variety of style. Blink Books ofpmery description round:cm:a, Mond and ruled to order at s or( oot ice. ~ttiscclltm u, Lug it t GREAT CLUE& now rrortz Ova IN NEW YOU. • • City Lite presents! the two extremes of tux. ' iny and want, ;midi in this respect New York is fast becoming air 'European City. Theie 'fare, no such extremes of We elsewhere in :town or couutry.and the picture of contrasts s anything but pltasant to Christian eyes or . :_agrenble to Repuhlican feeling. Some years :ago when in the city or Naples, we thought it one of the mostidisgusting sights we ever :beheld, to behold toll grown men, sad wu 7,men too, strong it limbs and in ability to la ;bor, engaged in th'e miserable occupetion of • gathering up' froM the streets and market , places the remnants of. old rags and cigars. manure and bona; or whatever bums hands could be laid upon. All this had a real val ue there, where the charming climate, arid almost perpetual ;summer, makes nature as bountiful 30 yielding the fruits of the earth al it is beautiful tit its nch skies. its plows sunsets, and its green fields. The Beggars are a class there, and the Laizaroni, are a class there also, and there is between* class which• perhaps We ought to characterise as composed of induStrious persons who would be glad , to labor, we were told, if .they could find work to do. • But we need niit go to Naples to find Lei =rani, Beggars, the extremes between busy men and those Who live by their. wits, or e v e n - those who thrive by gathering up the crumbs, or something worse, winch are thrown into the streets. New York, in this resper. is becoming a picture of the old cit ies of Eurcipe. Foreigners bring their Baru- peen ;wades with them, and they live and thrive upon them, too, disagreeable as they are. . Ws have. seen able-bodied, persons here,•gathering up the bits of cigars thrown into the gutters by the makeis,to be 'Lade. • we suppose, into, chewing tobacco, by , those: / who revel in the use of tobacco. Think • oP• that, ye who are, wedded to the weed •The Rag Pickers have. become almost a profes sion, and so bait the gatherers op; with their iron hooks and long-pronged forks, of ,tbo pieces of parr swept into the street. If' • onelcall of the people wonder how the other half live, they have only hi behold, in a city - like this, nearly one half living upon what Inc other half.Wastes:' . Every old Woes-liv ery rag; every strap of paper, the very dist in the &.trect is converted into silver' and gold. The halt-burnt coal that comes from 41)6A.' grnte, the ashes' from the fire place, all ne e meney, The barber sells the very hair which he cuts from your whiikers and heasl t ,?` . the paper - maker buys the old rags and rogit s . which are cast aside as worthless, andlioys and men go ahotit gstheriog up the old nails, hoar: rids and of iron and lend which are Pius d Stolen irCiew and old houses br on the' ht 'way.; These are incidents of city life, and we only record what the early riser can see any morning of the• week . . 7— Thousands are thus. growing rich daily upon the waste of other thousands % and the-rag 'gatherer and old cigar-picker of to-day, will be the millionaire of ...Upper Tendon). and -of the Fifth Avenue to-morrow: With all this spirit of saving and economy in collecting. there is, nevenbeless„ a vast amount of professional beggary in the city.. contiued mainly to the foreign horn citizens. The Halms beg with an .earnestness and el: " pression which sometimes benders on phren zy. ' They will cling to your kriees,lutts your hands, sad• call down the most eloqueut blessings upon' your head if you give du= aught.' The Irish . pass freed blessing toenra• lug. with startling facility, which makes one's Wood creep in their veins. Who that has ever heard] rid) anathemas in old trehmd will ever forget them. " For the love!ot God, give us a penny. to buy bread for the darling, child !" Perhaps you frown and re- - fuse, and if pit do, you may find your hair standing on end as-you hear curses rolling out like n flood. In'Dublin, upmetheGreerl. as daylight recedes into the shades of see ning, you mayi :see many of these beggars♦. most of them Women, usually with children is-their arms as helpmates hi the work of petition. They beg eloquently, and thee curse, frightlully, sometimes invoking 4, die wrath of heiven," "the anger of the Lord,' decrepit[ old 'age," hart oer, cod naked: ness for yourself, wife and little ones." We have something of this at times in 'New York, and from those who can get work and the means of an honest livelihood almost wheneyer they ask it. But there is hardly a limit to the phasis of city , ' file , We have cited but one or two, as we hate seen them in our recent walks abOut town.---Ear press. TIIWEE. YEARS' LABOR ON TOE' BIBLE. The following calculations of the nunribei of books, verges, words, letters, coa l mined in the Old and Nev Testaatents; ire said-to have cost the - calculator three yepre' labor: They :are, therefore, suppotia . l to he. worth readini, and, perhaps, preserving: - i OLD TEST:OMIT. •- No. of books;" 1 39 No. of wiinl, 592,4 V No. of chapters' 929 I No. of letters, 2,7'23.100 No. of Ver,ei,23414 The middle book is Proverbs, The middle elhipter ia,Job xxix. The middle Verse would be II Chronicles, xi 17, it there was a verse more, sod verse 18 if thee vvcs a verse The word acid ocetirs 35,513 imam. ' 4 The word geleorah occurs 13,855 lima. c The shorte4'verse is I Chronicles:, i, 25. i The 21st retse of the 7th chapter of Ears, tow laityng all the letters of the alphabet. The 19th of ,Tl' Kings, and the 37th chapterl% of Itaialt are alike. ~ . NEW TESTAMENT No. Of Books, , 27 No. of Words, 1611 No. of Chapters, 2rlo No. of Letters, 818,5530 No. of Verses, 7,4 Y). • The triithile'l3ook iTs 11 Thessaroalana. 'The middle ,Chapier is Romans ztti. if them wasl,l chapter less, and I I if there was i chaplet hittre. - "fife, middle Verse is Acts twit, 17. ' The shortest Verne is John xt., ri. • AND; OLD MEW TESTIII6NTS. No. of Books,, 1111 I No. of %%rotas,.• 774,61:4 •hLeuers, 1,5t4,50 . " Verses,. 31,173 •- The inithlle,Cliapter, The middle Verse is and tei.it in the Ilible,l4 Pt*lms excii, S :HUMP BOOKS. - . .. , f l Tt is siirprisin,g that people tiring to th e (country and ; taking some useful paper.la not take more pains to preserve the Yea amouat of Meful inkirmatioo they contain. It is a dab. matter ) ..;se know, to keep, such publics - as regularq?filed. but ft la. •It vetnessy to: . ,ut out such articles as one our wish to preserve, and paste them away us a . book with blank leaves. : 'The habit is moon formed, amtivith a liiil*eare and pattenee It faluable masef useful and entertaining mat ter may be ii - eiumulated. so as to form are„ spectable villifxne. We would 'suggest to our , young readers this simple; method of adding to their little libraries nn ; annoal encyclopedia of various' kind of inhirmation. An immense mass of. historical. geographical, and philosophical, knowledge Might thus be laid upon theshelf and in .the 'memory at the same time; tue books of this kind possess an. inekpreitsible charm for those who can enjoy useful read lug. TO t'ABENTS. lie who checks• child with terror, Stops its Vey and stills its song— Not al6ad commits art error, But a great and moral wrong. -" Give it piny and never fear it, Active .1 ife is no defect; Never:never break - its spirit, Curb if only to &rect.. Would ybn stop the doirms river. Thinking it would cease to flow °damn, it must now forever ; Better*ach it where to go. O:7 . GRE,:IIT FCAT9 i v DlYlXG.—Among_ the remarkable feats of diving lately perfor. med at Bath, England, it is Mentioned that it seaman dove.down with a pair of laced booth • on his feet 'add a pair of 'Wellingtons in. his hands, but returned to, the surface wearing the Welling tons and carrying, the heed b00t,.: ; , He afterwards dove with a Jacks and's' pear al: trouser 4 in his hind. dressed' himself tbhile uoder water, and on returnhrt bike 1 "surface took a pipe filled with tobacco from '1 his pocket. struck a light and smoked :while floating on his back.-1 . . , , . • BAD CONIPANT.--Keill out 01 bantam.; pauy.• .‘ The companion of .I@ofs shalt . be destroyed.,; It others waste their time in lolly and- Sin,. avoid them. Thcv may be-. , smart, _but :they will do no good, and they , may do yott mach harm. Bad company la: the ruin of:many, even of those older IhRU you. Keep away roan idlers, swearers, liars ; nil Sabbath Wallets. .o „ 11l