Wit At tumor. 'A ICISS—AFFECTING. smiling lips and dancing eye My' wee desired a kiss. -- .A reasonable reque.t, which ' • By no meanS took emus. • To grant her wish I sprtmg witithallW But oh ! most strange to tell, Upon her rosy ups the taste j Was Psyester than the smell. Although her soft white hand I preened, And in a loving way Folded her warmly to my breast,,„ :. I tumell my no - , e away. • cv . simokr•Pivee Ofstuff, As every body Demanded of me, in a huff,' r What-made me curl my nose? • Sa_va why, nearly every day,l ' . lion sweet; yet naughty sinner, You will, in spite of all 1 ray, Eat Onions for your dinner. - SOW RE GOitIELECTEE It is not necessary fora politician to heab- - solutely slindered for vices. ' Congressional honors may be j acbieved -by a reputation for comparatively !tilling defects, or even a lack of accomplisbmenti. We remember a well known. Conogresstnho, equally celebrate 4 for his fastness and Ins talent, wbo,_after-being considerably used' up on several gattien .ol billiards, was roundly told that be might be a smart•mao, but otte' thing' wiiitertaio had not been sent to Congress for his playing." • • " Thar's whar ycii're all wrong," he rev ponded io a Cool drawl. i" Is was jot that eleet:d me, and riOihingielse . " Losing at billiardit' , " Ye-ea. I always lost every game t eve ry body wanted to play \ with me, and I let 'em ! That made mi? Opular. Sometimes it cost mitt huudred dt,tais a day-4itt 11 ot elected:" . i 1 ", We':eame sway, leaving the Hon. 14. C. In the ceo;re of a circle hf .roffetedtats. ~' - r7 A Toexo )AN hav!in finished,hts n3ecl• teal studies,,applied to en old gentleman in know whether his neighborhood would been, eligible situation fol. a physician. ' ' [ ‘• Whr." - yeplied l the, old man, “what en P eyou do .' " , Why. air; I cao feta a Pulse,aad discover ..trthrrit what disease the patleat , is subject" to." " Here,. then, feel of mintr,l' silid the old man, stretching out Warm.. You are trouoled with the headache," said the youbg physician alter 'a very saga cious look. • „ • "Never had It in nay 'lite, sir,"_ said the old gentleman. ' ' T r ills was a_poser. Profound slime en., sued. .:. • 1 ' ''.. . \ .. I suppose you think me e fool,'''' said the ph} 13iCiail retiring; 1' ) , " Ail, .you knove what t think, but : you don't kooce what-] feel." I ' ' • < • 1:17"A STRANGE AXIVENTORZ.-Mr. Red. blossom "drank rathei• more than his•ustiaT lowance ; of hot rum , and suglir, one cold night last week; the consequence ol which was:lie gave his wife. rather ' a confined account , nl his conduct, on its return hOme„ ' Mr. Smith'i•grocery stre inyited . me to go and' drink cousin Sam— nd you see, thi weather was•dry— . ...and I wai-bery sloppy—l so I saidl didn't mind punching one drink--1 and's, queer how my. head • went into tliti punch, though ! The way home was so dal zy that I slipped upcin a little dog--the ceirn• er of the street bit me—and Mn old gentle. Man with , cropped ears and a \brass collar on his neck said he ; belonged to the dog—ind 1 -was— ; you undenian i d—ic—tliat is, I dont 'know nothing more about it!" Am - fez 1 . 6 Yor':io LAvn4as.—iVtleq your opponent , undertak'es to bring , forth a witness .whose testimony is likely to prove / fatal, alWays get him angry as soon tift4rhe egets upon the mod as possible. 11 he be a respectable married gentlemao, let your first questiottbe someihil i g like the , following "How long is it, shysinc'e you\were indicted for passing counterfeit money 7' 6 and your •second one, an• enquiry as to ` whether he lives with his wife or, keqs a mistress -By tloiog this Otilifully, and witli'a look of yir.f 'tuous imligaatioo, you will soon get btat irritated, that he can't tell the truth from a bole in the, ground.. flaying done this to render his yvhule testimony ...unworthy of belief," is - butthe work of a moment. Per sons who wish to take lemons,liria" y apply at the next sitting of the.court. i t his is from me and mine to thee end thiffe: I Wish' when than and. thine come to eee me and mine; that me andcniine will treat thee and thine as Aiwa and thine have treated : me and Mine. Thisis n new version'of the 'old complii ment which runs somewhat lifter this wise: " I wish thee and thy folkit loved rue and aiy ,lolks, as well as me and - My folks love thee and.thy talks.. Fur sure there nein' was fulks,elace, folks was; folks, Mat ever loved l_olks half sb well as me and my ro.)lki love thee and thy folks." I , 07 1 A RATIONAL REASON Via inatalrlNO. could you do so imprudent a thiog," said a curate to a very pair Taffy " what, reason could you have for marrying a girl at., Completely steeped in poverty - as yourself, and both without the prospect of the slightest provision'!" "Why, sir," reply the Tien edict. "we had - a . very good reaton, we halt a blanket • piece; and as the cold winter weather was coming thought that' putting them togither would bit warner:" QT A Lrcrir env at Washilkwon . , Ante who inis tried the paescription. v,sys wo. man is the best menceuverer afrer 811.1 Take thierpounds ot*petticosts. forar smiles. two tear drops. With gammon at niscretion ; stir briskly end,apply while warns to the, blind eide.of a secretary; sod yea bevel neltr•liiil• fog preseriptiun for getttng an cake." ' Want SmotraziEY,% nototioue weg of llnstottrras expiring.'n sersaayiistered and intorno d the attending physical Marts man . 'lad tall r. down-the well. The dying Mao' overhea d the seryant, and ioquirutf. with scarcely to audible whtspet , —"l aas, , DoTtor, did he k eha Mickel ?" • _ 114, CEC2'• nEn ENoLisIVJT. at , whose bona Dr. Johnson was dull° g one dayasked him if hie did lot think her viddingvery good. i• yes," growled the •gro:at moralist, " It Is very good for bog&;" ••• Shall I help you to another plateful then!" said the polite hos teas. rr A 1171.1" CCM Metirod'of askiog s seribers to pay up, la adopted by an editorial friend a ours, who saya:— We bad meal amnia the other night; When all around was still— We &tarried we saw a best of folks • Ps) up their pnotor!s bill! Err .‘vity,- asicsAs errrespondent of the Baltimore POper,;.. 'should death aod mar riage notice:llm paid for /" To •svb - ic the Chpper l teplies :—“For the eery beat , reasons; one is ea advertisement of copartnership,and the oth'er is a llolice of dissolution. t'usitiess isbusitiess." " . er A CriY *ant*, noted foi the mildness ° of hise l i iisracter and ins strength's:it:las - lan, observes, that' EMU or the lister. York • iinporreis,ta avoid paying Melt dual% wquid I a' war ths.head off a &rout lion!" . . • EC? ToX/ints, who is peat at Freeksistsid . ,the otfieiniabt, - that Ilia historical resiatobre -. enabled hitt. to predict that Louis Napoleon • would some day get is !icoup de tit" for his II coop ifetct." i ''-' , . , ' ' B:7" Also. Haute isye, if a men moat hits children to louk like him, the filaerjetzats he Imakcs to CaWong* the better. Obeentiag old iedy, that: ' - n"FaitisT Ft far dl' - 1 I et e icate,yi styles a c • taio cdthplaiol froth which cbjldren *offer io cherry ••it pain.umier tbe_spon-." . . . Yottto Lama s h oo k ! oevorobject to "L. being kileedby printer ,they ehwrld enalmev ery l allowsuce for the freedom of the Nut. ~ ._,` g; z ~ ~~_:, .Oritittitic-.f 'fintt.:;li.tiiitn,_ilL' BLEEDING FROM 1132410 1 10. tr.7To Patna" the abort; there tee sm. , rnt methods, viz :—Applyitig aleohoLsteeped in lint, which is a most energetic styptic, or by inserting carded cotton well rolled up, which put into the nostril until it. is well 6Ued. must not, howcver,ibe too tightly iollef, or the blood cannot penetrate the to malice., nor too loosely, or it will do' so too easily, and the heinorrhage will continue. INF I LAMMATORY RUED l ATIS~i 11,'T.4'1..yoebbiarg Virginian says :—A usi pubhah the feljuw• Mg lei the keliefb! humanity. He soya he has kitown a number of come made by tt, inCall, of them in a short time. Half an our, of, pulverized saltpetre.; poi itt• half a pint of aweet „Mt ; bathe tbe -Parts effieeffil, `and a aimed cure will speeddy , be effected. A RE*EDY, TOR THE /SEASON 07 A =MP Of wet Sitleraius applied to the snag of s wasp or bee wtil stop the paw in one; moment, and prevent it from ,"swelling. Pid thii up Somewhere for this season's use, for those who are:not fond Of theftentation of s • TO DRIVE AWAY OTRIPEO OrOS. friPIT is natal) in the Genesee Farintr. that to put a piece of assalatuda about the size of a pea iii: each hill of the eUeurnbere, and they, will not be troubled with the Sai• ped Yellow Bug . . , i‘, • t I .nfortuntten..for 15toplt \on Till FLAllV .l ' . l;rili" AND " SECA*" El' %VDT Do clocks denote the progress of time? Because thepcoUrn the oscillations of a penduluml,. and by:4hat peculiar\ prop. eny of , the pendulum, that One -vibration commences exactly where the last terra :tail:4pp part of 'time is lost or gairied in the juxtaposition (or putting 4tigether) of the snits so - counted, so that the precise f.rac tiostal pan of a day can be ascertained, whiCh each such unit measures. The origin of the•peudulum is traced to G'alilsoo's observation of a hanging lamp ' , in a church at Pisa combining to vibrate iong , and with singular Uniformity, alter any widen tal cause of disturbence. Hence he was , led to invesiigite the laws of the phenomenon. and out of what, in someshape or other, had been—before men's eyes from the beginning oldie !odd, his powerful , genius extracted the most important results. The Invention of the pendulum clock 'took place ohm' the middle• of the seventeenth century. 'and *the hon'or of the discovery is disputed between ,Galilieo and Huygens.--, Becher contends for Galatea, and Sates tha one Trifler made the first pendulum cloCtixii *'Florence, under the direction of Galileo Ga• „Wei, and that a model of it was . sent to Hol land. The Accadernia del Cimento also ex• presXly declared that application of the . pendulum moremeat of a•lock, was, fi rst proposed by Galileo, and tout in practice by bin son ViOcenlzo Galileo in 1649. Huygens, however, contends\ the 'priority, and made a; i)eadulam clocy \ before 1658 and he insists that if ever Galileo had enter- I mined such an idea, he never brought it to perfection,' . 'Beckmann says the first pendu-- lum clock made in Englandwiis constructed in the year 1692; by one Tromantil, a Dutch. man ; but_Grignon affirms that the . first pen-, dui= clock was made in England by Rob ert Harris, in 1641, - and erecied:at loigo Jones' Church of St.-Paul, Convent Garden. • [l:7 Wnv is the newly invented . "papier lioge " so called? Because ii:consisis of a paper Made to resemble damask and other linen so eleverly,•that it is impossible,,With out examination, to detect the differeoce;,and even. to the touch, the articles made from the papier ling* are very much like linen, and are used fur every purpose to .which . linen in aft plicabli,' with the kalif:ion, of course, of those iriAihich strength ,abd durability are required. The price is4ery• low : atnapktri 'coats only five or six ceatimei (about a half peony) and when they axe dirty, they are la kea back at ball price. • (1:7 Wit? is false gilding so called Be cause it is the art of-applying thin leaves of silver, or of tin, to the substance to be ded; and then rubbing themaaver with a yel -1 low transparent color, through which the' metallic splendor appears very odd ; end a method of affixtog a white .thPIRI to f f paper, and then covering it "rich a gold yard Mph has been known in China from the ear- Hest ages. .It appears also to have been employed at a very remote period fur gilding leather, of Which many specimens may be 'found in ancient leatherh taprtry. • 0:7 %Vim rs lead employed in raping the 'Precious metals? Because when mixed with them in a great heat, • it rises to the s`urfaCe combined with all the heterogeneous miner. Lead'is employed to cover buildings, to !On water pipes,(mough Vitruvius, the Raritan gamut, in th e tune 'of Augustus, con demns this-practise.)and w Make a great va riety of vessels 46frecopomical purposes. Its Oxides ate used for dvehig and CallCD pnliting,' in the 'manufacture of „glass, earth en wale, and porcelain : and lead is capable of forming venous alloys.• • There is also a large co nsumption of lead in making shot: QV" WUT ass koives sharpened by, heiog drawn betweeit two horizontal rollers, as in .! the patent kuife•sharpener Because the rollers revolve freely upon their axis; and at uniform distanced ire fixed narrow cylinders, or rings of steel, the edges of which are finely cut, with file teeth, forming thereby' circular files ; the edges of these files overlap to in. street each other a'little, so that when a karts is drawn.between .them, it operates on both sides at once.; and as the rollers tufa round at the slightest impulse, the peripheries of the Circular fills get niiifornily worn, and consequently trill last a long time, • , - 07 Vilisetteart been proposed to transfer the power of fixed,and cheap first movers. to toeurnotive carriages, /a:, traveling oft COM. *inon turnpike roads r Becanie the power of a steam engine, moving with the locomotive carriage is very-expensive wlientotopared to an equil powerobtainedis ,a large ordinbry fixed engine, a wind or waterniill, or other common first• mover. Mr. Fordham, the originator of this plan, proposes to condense aitl into cylinders, and then to use this . con , der::air as the morrve force. I -WHY ASS light-houses built in a cir• cu ar form 1 Because, partaking of the prop s l 4 es of the arch, it best enables them to withstand the fury of• the tempeits, from el ry quarter. The Eddystooe light-house, b{ It by Mr. Smeaton , the Euglish , engineer. I Is splendid triumph of this principle.. r ;:'Wirt aim.brimstone Matches used, in plosphoric fire.boxes ? Because the sulphur of match readily combines, with the phos phorus in the bottle, hy friction against calk oil wood, and Manna: indeed, phosphorus and sulphur. combined are More inflamma ble than phnsphorns. .. , • , , • WET ts it difficult to light psperi by di/ flame of ptiosjittortis 1 Because the pa pe , becomes Coeyt4 ‘ and . protetted by the "old formed by the combusrion of the phos phorus. What petimily dry, phosphotur inflames at a temperature of 60 degrees.,, • CPWan is electricity beneficial to p.aots Because elsetiiiSed seeds pass more rapidly It* 4 , l lllllhrilnt . period s of vegetarioa. than beifh asAre, not eleetnfied `: ,'arid-electrified roles ,flo*ritore rapidly - aad ibuadaa t ly.— Ritmo with pointed Inns aid spines Attract electivity. Wav nom' tin be mod for tat light. nese I 'lkonsr hi porit7 is is vis c i ratio its levity ; while gold, on the 'contrary, itas alloyed - With pletinnut, ialittein pro lictition to its er . trinv is wiper chosen tor linking carpets *widths: Maliist into/A:must ciuse of its*tstrotts,pistiltttiA ttr?.*si ''zieiiit:6llll4llll42l ghlif sit plated peal ritausioi. fie stpilist• c+4 hydrogen which it et,talas. ' " NM I . . VOrritraila tan" ••,, . •. '',,.; ', '..- tago. r ain&aseer to the RUM tkiii, tbel -" et-ostath the iratatritabtheat tthows O the Pietteetlts Itott,,Wealkilr_lter i Wealth tan* Wane Obey awitotheareek 'Wu aA Arledge,' Stet* 11;egtoot.thillithettie „ Cate. sad Illubleery ,of-itated.. itt the shogun. sett* letlethlClPllf_,,,,,,,,oolooo4Bktitta th , & 00.1 —p e rson (Mg i littiffilin liiMlNlMPOrarefi Will int ti ID . aftillthartoilreti.lll4 itt tbef p f iayoghlif , tvtiftytty .., .2 .., ..?1 .tf .. ~,•_, ' 10 16 : 1 =4" 9611r- ' , lfin BTIAIIKM,.. latkaraintilli .0110,111 a; MPOWIIIViiOOII9III.III4I^ a 1,,,,,,,,,,cm,10,14. trupial7;: ea thol• - & 11 , *mated, v il l u storjr. gli tad tellitletire augur- ea 'nay 1 1051 rEargi road sad Drift Cam* eve* other &wiled.* othoth and Brut Castlepeattable ftirtbe Coatathrteg °tether ban wog onttotatht reethaabte teases. Oleo. }Howls/ Cylladists for KW Fitauth Sad btatethe troth le geserth , - Erilatriat of ettilada-dtwawitttattatiatasatta dia -1 ;,pateb, at.ttili lartil l t e reel• 1 An won lualthed by - blot will be trance to yeti - eta we ll 110 s odd eon/Attie custom of those wit° may want anklet In his Ithe fa tots Vicinity. Another. wtB 'meet with Asomedthteaaa ytotapt e4teatten. 1 8. W. itErDtION. blank 1.5.185 L ' .'. 11.1, . • - ISOILLINO 711- aiIsTUC OVIIIICBIBBIL9 respeettnlty aa. notUsee to the public. thin their ni.w Ralliedta pow eentopletei!, and in htll operation, and th.il they era preps r. sato mop!, Alt }lads oft Bei boa of various err,. wbkh they.wilturarraut to :be impart& tar:quasi to any Obtained crew abroad, alibi, sail prices. Tbey also meaufacture T Ratts,for the nee alb* Collieries and Literal:Heade, writhing Dein 11l to 50 lb*. pre yard. inside or the beat lron.-and which will be found much cheaper than the isiportetaitiate. Dale; maks; tairebinica, sad nc' namieadnonsid• enable experience. in the Iron boeinees v " they Bather themselves that they can eve entire ealliararlion 10 "purchaerre, end trill also make it Melt Ihtervit to pa. troutte tidine stannbirtures. Ilnaltle. BuitNien o.4l 05. i JL 4 Dee 4,1851, , MANZ= MON 1118 SUBSCRIBEtta ANNOUNCE to she public that they are 'the PrOprie -priottbe Franklin Works,Port Carbon. lately Carded on by N. Billyman, where t Ley continue tO Manufacture to order, 111 the faultiest nonce, .liteans - Xnelnes, Pumps, Coal Breakers. and Machinery 01 altOost any stseor descrlppon, fin min: log 'mother. parpool. Abto,Bnitruad an 4 Drill Cass, Iron or Brass Canting, etany i :iae or patter n.yOrdes s are'reepecteutly lieheited. 1? . • • '; CEO. 0. LER k AEOTEIEE. • FRANHLIN fIOOYEL wonss.—Th*, eubacribers continue to ittratib the Colliers and Deidera or Ban County. with Shnvels of all kinds. at the towsst Phil adelphia prices.i Attention is • particularly celled to their Coal ritiovele. Orden rot Shovels Of any size or pattern promptly attended to. I *. L i GEO. O. FISLEE & BROTIIER. Au 8.11.1852.1 • 344 f . .11711230,8 IRON 11170111111, • POTTSVILLE, PA.'. J. WREN & JIRO'S. respectfully in with slitattention of :ha banouttut comm.; unity to their New illacblne Shop and Popedrp. matted betweatt COAL and Bail-road arreetry and fronting on Norwegian ;Street, where they' anprepared tonsecnte all ,rderd for Machinery of Braes and tron,such ai Steam Engines, all kinds oftharing for Belling Miltdt grist tad Raw 111111,111 n gle and Donblacita lag Patriot. Coal Breakers; Drift Carl,ail kind of Rail road castings, spell as Chairs, for Bat and T Rail; Frogs. tOritetics, &e. tall kinds of catehod wrought Iron Shafting. Ening Prandial Mechanics, and after baring made the denzands orthe Coal ~itegion their 'lndy for years also' all kinds of Machinery In their line of bitsines4, they Rase themselgaie that work dons at their Establishment will give satisfaction to all who may honer them with k tall. Afthrdenl thank fully recelvetaild promptly egeented mit he mow rea sonable terms. ~ 0' .1 lIN 'P. WREN, ° ' I THOMAS WREN, . , ----• Ciet 2.1502. STEAM Call PASTOR': E edbacrtbero t we lea ve to Inform the puille that In _addition, to their fortner,,STEAIR ENGINE BlfoPB end IFVFNDRY, they have recently put up' new Machined and 14hops for the Manufacture of coat CAIRO, ?BUNCO and other Rail joad,Cars, by Steam power. Which enables t tient' to eiteutri all that kind of work. not only much better, huh whit greatsr despatch and al; the very lowest prices. navies thus made these extensive prepsratlonn Individuals, and compafilas requiring work orchla kliid; retie find It to their advantage:to gave tbem a eall. • SNYDER MILNES. Oct. 25, 1551 .; 4341. MEDICINAL ifidiciasa WWII worn jail to sisa auflafaclSoa, awd art wad by amity Pay sidaas is thee ?atilt*. TELE IBEWPAARSAP uompouraviN, THE WOOI.DI , DR. ROSE'S celebrated Compound fluid Et tract of Eaten, DONDITRaS Preitarol by him only, at his Laboratoty quart bottle", SI. Small bottler. 50'itents. War ranted free from Mercury. As a Spring. and Summer Medietne, forpurifying the Blood, Ii Ms no equal. • This Compoand Is made by a "theallital : process, without expoeure to the am and therefore con tains all the'vklue of the truly valuable . root, Hen. duras Sarsaparilla, combined with other Ingredients, to render tt effiCaelous In notifying andienrlching the blood, and to cilia all Skin E i r ptions arid Skin Diara. ses;Scrotoloug Sores,pnd halt bad affects: on the Constitution, Dropsical . Ow Sins', litMumatirm froth Mercury, Biletlf ttn.ol4 Sores, Sidney anCOladder affec tion', cleansin the system loercutY, and raising up a weak and, broken down cianstituilod from any cause. • la short; thicearefully made preparitlon of Paisn psrills will do Olt that esn''be done by tiny compound of the root darsiparilla, as the thousands who have used it vrilr teal Ityt It Is also a ,phiailartt phrtfyiug beverage; enlivening the spirits, glytrig appetite and tone to the stomach, and a s drlnki , terlth a little cool water, miaetal or soda vater,) WEB be found au parlor to all others. 1 f I , • Females whrkhave used tills compogind_ from log delicate. wraliand pale,looon become robust' i f td have fine eolor. mll possesses greit invigor g properties. _ , • DR. 3: R. ROSE'S ;;; . G afie PAIN CUliEli MONDJU OF THE 4 0; E/ r 7 ALL PAIN CURED LIE 0 kil AGICI-e'•Thle wonder ful preparation I* used Interimily and iirternally,giv. leg immediate:retief from all bodily pdlni. , ' If used according to dlreetloue,lt not Only relieves all pal bt it cures it ustiaity: on the first epplication. It ma y be relied upon foryorlng and giving almost in • meet teller, as thousande*th have need it can tem'. fy, to Rheumatism, Aguti, tßudden Colds, Cholera, Dysentery, Cholera Slorbinq Pieurisy,tarache, aim lie, and Toothiehe, aud - kll, pain In the stomach or Rowels, Ileadenhe, Paine in the Womb; Pains In the Limbs,-Joints,'.fitack,finine Disease.LuMba:.M e(calds, Burnv,Ctilibletna, 0 pra tas„Brulees, limplef , and all Chronic- Eruptions. ' l Wynn wish Co be relieved 'rom ALL!PAIN I, use Dr. Rose', PAIN-CURER.'. I • ~ 'y i • If you desire{ to ho coiedpf ALL DISEAPIES,take his Family !Iliedicinee. Price in, 2.1., and 50 !camper Wile.. . ,•i . —4- roe:Liver! Complainpo, Upper" ti,' &c. :r 1 `IIE . Li ver tieing„tne largest gland : ijn the' human - 1. body,ll la !more frequently deranged than any other. Then !follow Dyapepela. Conitipatlon, Cold Feet and Loss lof Appetite—the skin beliomee•yellow, the aplnta 'droop. and there is a greed:version to so. cloy. Regulate the Liver, and you correct all these surest evils.—The preparations' to •ftike are DR. 1109E'.5 . eilebiated Railroad or Antibillous ,• Luxe. They eikey ofi the bile, and, soon give appetite and attetoriti- ;t . I I Mu Dyspepsia CoMpound should beiAaken:where a person has been troubled with Dyenepsta a long• time. P.rice33l) cents; but for Colds. killiolui habil*, jaundice. 4c—lake DR. ROSE'S Antibilione or Rail road PILLA,•I3I and 25 cent. Per bor. ',", , •-•., ' 15- The 'Mien preparations can be • (hand, with cir culars and lialldirections, at the vtorekrif B. Baena., Agent for theVounty ; John O: fliontn, John B. C. 'Martin. Pottreille I .1 . W. Gibbs, lillnetirelite ; and E. J. Fry. Tamaqua, ; . .. , April 9, 1353 i -•• ri • Ittf -.• DR. J. 801113'8T1NIfirlfiCiailn- .t INVIGORATING CHROIAL. .. Tete ersatiiat dueovery so Medico' Sainte! TIIIB astonishing Preparation (be ratting any weak ' constitution. debilitated iby ears, labor. et udy .or d tsetse, act, like a chum. it gives stie.gtb'and ep. petite, and posite,esee great I vigm properties. atini , . • For Rears Disease. ail. N irons AI !etlona. Pisto -1 Watt, Heart torn, Restlessness. Nunt new: Neural -1 , ea, raising tbd splrlmand living powiii to the whole system, It Is strum minimal 'us in Its effect. ~ .150 cents a bottle. i. - • . ,• il CIIIVITEII C Darr, Aug. Mi. I9$L I haie been affected with nervous i'msallohs -the past four years. and have need many rdedichies with out relief until-I used Dr Ifipee's Nekieue Cordial Before using one bottle ; ftmn being reakless:weak and nervous; -I derved great benefit. and'feel Eke another man; now enjoying better health, snit. bating quiet sleep.' Previous to using te cordial, I, was instreas, 4 and my eyes were frequentt twitchtvg, and tw woo. ;—rarity-to W es also ;—n they are r et, apd I reel better ~43. every nay, MAC' In mind abd bode, - !,, • •'d ! I JesfeA ;WILLIAMS. • The above Preparation 10 be had or D. Dattnarr,' 5301 e Agent fcir Itchuyikill I County. ;Also. Of E. J. -Fri, Tamaqua; and Ikmt. J. W. Gibbs, blinemille. Feb. 28,1553; - , ~. ;:-., %if, of Pennsylvania: '; • Another Scienti fi c *ender! irlawr ounz FOR orsitps/41, n1L..1 lIOIJOIITON'S PEPSIN the Mir Discs: - ~ a.etiv• Fluid; Of Gastricle—preptiod from Reg net. or tee fourth Stomach f the Oa.; after direction. of Beans Ligpio._the ere t Phystointal :Chemin. ,by J. 9: llootierrow. M. D., Philadelph " I Dtocire.r such is the - true utesitlng °Otte word Pavia. It In, the thief element, or (Out Digesting Prinetpte of toe Gastric. Joice—the &Oita ef kis Fot.d the Parifyisri Pecareiar. and Stistatalisi 'Agent n the Stomach and Intestines. It Is elle:acted:from the Dlgestlee eltoMach oftbe Ox, thus forming* trae-DI , gestive Flold.iprectsely like the natant, Autele Juice In its Chemlial powert, and futuishlopicomplete and perfect submlinte for It., This is - Vaturies own Remedy foe en Unhealthy Sounach.. No art At man can equal Ica eurattve pow ers. It cOntaihs nd Alcohol, Bitters, Aelde, or Nause ous Drugs. It Is extremely agreeable! to the taste, and may be - taken! by the most teehlet patient. who cannot eat a 'ioratir cracker withoulteate [distress. .Beware of Davao' IXITATIOII%. Petals la NOT A 11 , Haifa tea - L oo n lof Pepsin InfaserA in twitter. will digest or Caals* Are Peueds efßotOisiPter in moat fw,e hears, out at the stomach. ; SpIENTIFIC fiTIDENC,I#t ale The Scientific Evident' upon which dais rent.-. dy Is based la In the highest degrite thaiione and re markable. 1: • I, 1, Callon thelAgent. and get a Deserthtire_Circular. sivince. large amount or tlicieMiSe Stridence, rfOrn Mrs:Animal Chetnitt et ; DrtC,dribm's Phy siology of Digestion; Dr. peretra on' 004 Diet ; .o c , J o h n AV, Druper,cit New 'York IV plirerany Prot sanoson•es Physiology; plot Stilimila. of Yale Col legs; Dr. Cerpeater's Physic;n o 1;1 &e 1 0R ether with riportalf tures from all past or The m i l le d 0431,11. 1; • ...' PEPSIN IN nvit AND !PII7IfDiIL Dr. Roasheort's Pepsin Cs remseetiti Powder and Fluid Form—Aud In Prete elaWtht: the use of Physlelans. Ibe Powder be IRIS; by Was. Rea Of postage. for one Dollar, atm OrMoughion,Phm.. sdelpbta. • chtiflfitalfg I—Eerni bOttlA ofihe gen ulna' Pepin - Aware the "dues sag tore of 3. B. 13011011TON' . .M; D. rostelpioprlertik,itbllatlelphss, Capprtglit and Inds Illart soar* ' Bold brill Dratellta Tiler. one Dolby per Was: AG1111%.30j. Bahasa,Portreille,•.nyboleipale" and J:O. Brown lad 3.111. it *arils, Patti. valet . 3u. 0: Polls, Illoorralts s Tll4. 'tr. Tama na. . 9.111311. .414 r =MUM sueramittiolzi , : , IIVSTR.Wit6NTai;ii MHZ subiniber intsjort rushed OW: e lic* sonatei of Circus illiwer Matt ejstkaC lents. emu. whigi will Dot cotrode.yar3UlPrice from " ett 412 , - imist tar' Os ;rocket_ Also. Iva, itoseinic4 acmMr. moo* which an shunt iicAir lid walla gnaw. twatigracowillastice (MI 4Nrwrah; Scaler, Also Tooteri vii e wmplase o = a n a Tatie Liahhatw.4 topiter. • scbotilikaiwac. tan ekr, a. 100 • u he asy . ynauissBllll ass. mit 0 71 1 $ 1 14"1 1 ' - • " f .• ,! t J ; Azie, .‘I44,StaDINS 6. Jsod adittAiliTtAr..tanit kb. ey rrilditiosirjr_den4y. Exprepi wimwm Pesouger Tel tit oil leg. 41411•1143.4;41.,,a54 relent trneuVOttoento•st st,,,sitmcdoirs •09044 , 4 1 ... 4 0 mei a) l ).it rtif (1 11 1intlAt?- 14 u1 4 9 4 1 1 1AVI.4 1 1 4 t4 1 . 31 . "It Leaves - Paasta B,"311 . ratistirw , b. 55 • " nand int • I;sl7.aititti 7 .I 14.11aven i 10.43 Puttogovrp , &CO . " C.athan 110.02 ' 4 * PhaqtaxaMe *trivets( Patuvlne.,ll.o9 Artlve• at ilttlatra.f 740 FARES.".•iiI • Fat the taunt itip,uis and sierra. to Mp. l Cada Blinn Phitadelphia" . iu ?band:elite audbrick.sillti• day, ! • ! ' - •1 40 Potatorge, " • ;',! " I 'ZS •ii 3 SP flaren„Mt.:l.Litbati do Neterillei " Readiest* Postai ills and back day. 150 [V` NO Baggage carried vaili *age Hamar. All Timers 113121 t be purchased before entering the May 99.1831. • 23-if . -ArintslME - AMMAN kFFICE OF 111E.PIIIADELPUIAJA,ms.coma .itAlLROAD-S UMNIEit ARRANGEMENT.— From Philadelphia to Pottsville. On mod Mies Wag 17.• IM theta will be two passeoprt!Trains dittly (Sundays excepted.) between Pbilstiellibia. Rending; and Pottsville. . -• ,t; MORNING LINE. , - The Cipreas Train leaveslithe! Ala daily eivept Sundays, at 71 o'clock, A. M. The Wag Train !cake* Pottsville daily. Xi:Tido) s excepted'ai l'o'clock, A. 211 _ • • AFTER:S:OON LINE. • ,Tbe Way Train leaves Pithadelphia.!daily, except: donde'''. at 31 o'clock; I'. M. The r ipreas Traie leithes , Pottsvilledaily,, except Banda at 3 (o'clock, P. M. ,1 . HOURS OF PARSING' READING. • ' Por Philadelphia at 9 o'clock 10 minutes, A. M.. and 4 o'clock 51 minutes, P. M. For Pcttsvllle at 0 o'clock , 34 minutes A. 31. and 0 o'clock P: M. ,1; Both Tralngstop at all he , dtations *fang the line', FARES. 41 . ,Ist etas* cant! 2.1/r/ass cars; Reading to Philadelphia Al 75:i! do to Pottsville, 103 11 Philad'a to Pottav dlle, 275 . 223 Depot In Pottsville, cat ner of ITninutand Railroad: streets rear of American Howe. Patniengers cannot enterlhe cars oaten provided with a tgket. • .1 .Ftfty pounds Ohmage will be allowkd to each pas', meager in timer lines, and pas.engersi' are expreasig . prohibited freer taking :thrilling a. 11160 but theig own westing apparel, which will be a the risk of Ita owner_. By order of the Bkard of-Managers : BRADFORD, Secretary. ; June 5, 1852.. r . 23-t f LITTLE ECEEMJULL rvustom)..*: woinsi • .AlitagUilMillit ne Tllc Lrertx Scroriminitlataaerow lJ Rail Road ard Coal Virmintog. lON AND AFTER TUESDAY, APRIL I, lit3l, the Paiweneer Train will leave Tamaquaidally (Sunda, excepted,) at fri &cinch . A. - M. and ai:retloth P. Mt., rind connect with the Morning and Afternoon Trains from Ponpvilie, on the Rending itillrond• Returning, will leave Port Clinton,' on the arrive l oft tie Morning Train from Phlladell44 on the Mead: Ing Rallrot.d. FARE. j. To Philadelphia, . - - $3 00' " Port Clinton, . .;i i ". 75 !f JOGS ANDERSON General Agar:R.ll Tamanna,April'l9, ' 134 TRANSPORTATION'. .IA . MES yit7;l4f. SCIIITYVLEILL NAVIGATION. , it • Vi. 1! Eggl jk- 7 f FIFICE Or TUE eCBUYLICILL af ri a.r A M + o 7 t ;o l it ts C 3 .!., ,The charffelm the use of Cars. and for Toll on An. kbraelte Coal, raril.ll on the • dettviii.sitt. l'inst, will be as follows until A uetpturlst, 1859. ctn. - ctii. tic ; el z.!f Phlladtlobla, - - , 6 0 ! • S 9, 57 . 50:i ManaSink. : 60 : 59' 1 57 ' 50.6 lipratg Mill. ' - . , no . 49 1 47 ' CO Conshohockpn, f.t) I. 49 i, 47 :• 40-; Plymouth Dam.' , 50 . 40 ' 47 ' 40: Bridgeport: - ' Su , • 49 ' 47 40.; Norristown. ho 4? 1 17 , in': Port Kennedy, ' , ' 47 ' 'l6 ! 44 f 3o Valley Forge, i , 47 4O 44 Lti .. , Pawling's Darn, ' 47 146' 41 33'; Pt. Providence, . ' 45 ; 43 i 41 i 313'.' r Pio:noisellle, - 43 , 42.. 40 ; '..;.9: Royer'! tord, . 93 ; .92 40 3.3;1 . Potisto'n Ld'g 43 44 40 1 35'l Port Union, ... 91 40 38 : 34' Oirdsbomugh,. 41 .90 75 , 31i` Reading,• - 34 r 's , 311; Althons. P , 33 57 3S , 31:; Mohreville, 34 37 33 . 31 , Ha al buig, 55 . 34 32. 2S , Orwigs'g Ld'g . 2u , .119 r: —1 , The charge will he person of ^.:ioin 1b..1c4 flire •, , e ,. t rent. allowance for WWI. a .u.onl, and no c torte lesr than twenty,fltte rerva per tr,ll AV In t. made . Yni any di.tarice. - I! fly order of the Mont:gem F. F11.%)..EY, Pr,l4.tetil li Mateh - i9, 1853. , , 12-tf PEREADA tic READING RAILROAD ~.„ DEDUCTION OF FREIGHT ON MERCHANDIS B. LI to commence Match 1, AtA. 1 - RATES OF FREIGHT PERilloo 1.8-3. i, • -' , * - 0., -',-.,..,•.' . . ••• - . li, • f.ram •nRIO •STteXts TAVIIPOVITED. ' at. 4 - !•'.. it I . t'l6 • , .. .; In Class.,—BittiminourCoaLllrlett's F i 1 lee. Aron Ore, Limestone, Pie Iron, 9 eta. 41 eta. plaster, Slate, Tilea, . ,` "Ad Class.—Hlnoma Burr Binti.s.) . ll Cement, tirindstones, 0 uano,: - Lathfr, I Pitch, Railroad Iron, heavy, Itollifi, ) .10 1 MB- 51 OP Salt,. Sills. Shingles, , Tar. Turpen• i t tine, 'number and Lumber. 1! I 3d Ciass.—Ale, Beer and Portetri Allies, Pot and Pearl. Bark, Barley,, . Bones and Horns. -Co ff ee. Cottos, I , Whiskey& Domestic Llgiinta,tra in, 1 Iron Castings. rough •, Rolled. liar or t . .... c . 1 . -,,, is. 6A i fs. Hammered Iron, ' Boller Plates, Flat r' Bar Railroad Iron, Lend and Shot, I ' , Molasses, Potatoes. NallsaneSpike3 , ~ .Salt Provisions , sup r, Saltpetre & ! 1' Tobacco, unmanucuctuted. , ,:1 - J 1 FLOUR per barrel, . - P: 2 5 cts. - 11 thr. 4tA Class.— Apple.. Bran. nutqil • , Cheese, Cordage, Ea rthen-ware Egga, f , • • . . Groceries, (except t hoce stated)henip I • Hardware & Cutlery. Hollow-wars, • . Lard.Lesttier, Live Stock. Alamitos.. i 7 Mt. 0 cii. tires orlron,ar Machinery ; 011 , 0 Y1- w • i - ters."Palnts; Ra Ilides; Rxgs.ltuk.. .. . - :- sin Sheet Iron, Seeds.Stet,l, sweat 1 Potatoes, Tallow, Vinegar & Wlrell , „i • . sth Class.—Books an.l Stottoteri,l ~ Boots and Shoes, Camphina .1:' dultit 1 Oil. Chins, Glass - and QueenswarS. I • . Cigars, Confectionery, EDY Gouditi 1 , - 22 tic. Be ll. Drugs, .Fresh Fish, Meat and Fruit', Foreign Liquors. Hops, Spirits ill - Turpentine. Teas, Wines and Wong. Mirth 1.18.51 , 11 , ' ft-lt : •Tx.z..7; RA. • OWARD, EARL & CO.'S ENPRESB LINEi— H at, prepare) lOrle , lVe inn . 0110140 Ditty per ' Passenger Train, (onr .Exprers Aar be vg always in charge of special messengers) Werchandize of nil dencrlptions,paciragecbuntOrii.spede,bank.notos, &c. Also. pantsuit's- attention paid t collect ti Bills, Drafts and Acconns. Packages 40 Goods detiveted daily to all intermediate places het:Wren Philaditlpistne and Pottsville. Offices—Centre Street, Pottsville; N,0.43,•D0utb Third Street, Philarinlphla; N0..8 Well Street, Now York; No. 8 Coon Soon, Bolton. L. HOWARD. EARL & lan 1.1853. I.tf • L., ' • NEW ennariorntarrs. .undersigned desire In. Infd)inn the Public that Tthey have established tbenduioes tteLeesport.la onnnectlinn with the $l. Cleft Iteptit, Cur *be purpose. Of purchasing Flom Grain. tiny a d Produce Thiry arc thankful. for pak, favors. and e Crow prepared to deliver rods. wholesale and re all. 11111. E de lIIIfITIIEII.. . , St. Clair. January 8,1933. . 11—tf OHIO FIRE PHOOF; I; PAINT. - • AFEW Barrels of ine,Otsto Ftre r,rtqf Paint, 1 4 9111 and Brown colon., the owning larttebefor Pale hy the suliserlber. Altwe kw -Sepal of Paint 011,1 at, 371 rents a gallon, and t; reasett 5 ttents ii pound to close out a or. For :Ale - It..B.lltiNAN, Aptit 30, 1632. . ! ) • HOUSES. AND .8. IN LAWTON's ADDITION FO VHF CAM3QN "VIM, LAWTON VILLE TAM la'. • now laid out Mtn Lots, and 7111 be" sold on terms which. will unship ,every ••• • T; Industrious tann ! to purrhacc for himself NI - and fenny " A 11017 FIE ANT? 110316. - -- A plan or the property can he ; see Sale made known by appliratintilii EDWARD OWEN of the Kentucky Bank. Centre 'September 1, ind 4 , TO COAL OPERATORS ARE OTIZERS PIONEER BOILERirORES- v THE Stibscriivis respecifultii.inette the snail .lliim of the , husinesa continua . : y to their Boiler works; on thelsland adjoining i, e Pioneer Fin. l i nee, Pottsville, - Pe , where they, are: prepared 'to marufaiture • • . i BILNLERS PE EVEft.Y I D SCRIPTION, Smoke Stacks, Air Stacks._o4o Pipes, Gascizie lets, Drift Cars, Ztc., erc. qt-iilera.on hand. .:: Being practical Mechanics andihaving for ye ii devoted themselves entirely to this branch of bUsi- I aese, they flatter themeelvea 1141 work dilme at I their establishment will givesetisfaction to all who may favor them with a catL . Ind vidnals and Coin- 1 patties will find it greatly to theifliadvantage to eg.- amino their work before engagi elsewhere. it J?H'N - & - JA IRS NOBLE:; 11 Miy : s, ISM. . • • I ' 19-ti ------ 7 --- "'" --- ''''' - - ---- - --,---1.....---....,---.,____,^.... . ' • REMOVAL.,, • i ;+ ',Sign of the BIG BOOK pt the Door: ~ TH&T great. world - renowned Sign le 'removed io the door above italtownlll. below the Bald Eagle Until, It, Thltd Street, Philadelphia:— Sante try to deceive the intctOgent els: J illfl 1 . , isentrot the crinaionity. but thrylcau- • ....-, • ' not be deceived, for when Ow;rutei • i"" I' . .] to Philadelphia they look for Os MG 11001 C at OW door, to Third Street. and tare! Mt 30 ftrl equir. ' If you want Letter Paper, iitiok frithe BIG BOOR : if yens least Writing and Wrapping rimer, look for the celebtstild sten at ihr door 4 or, If you want ACCOUNT BOOBS , tome direct t 4 thildtanafertocy , and roe can get them at tower rat than elactrhnic, N. 11.-11, aura you writhe 'lli p g4toorat the door, Na. 219 Nor th TlillaDetroei, rip 'tient., Iterebanre • limo% above CallowhlS Street. ,i " - A. LEMUEL.' &DAMS. ..i mai r 7.1 . 51. Account *ink itaantsesoreei . I - .1 Pi•em 0 ' E. Lip Gott - __theeetwou TO. 4, ewe.) * No. UM CliagSTATlTS:rietirovigoaittg • PHILADELP 41; - sr ri NS rrEIVE MtletC PU13148 Inetrornents of rerematnenadati 'lnclusive A heat for the sale of Ust.• ' • , 2 • let, Davis-a ea.'S (Boston) pastes iffy " evertestoi Barnes Xelhor sod Seto. er PIANOS, L. Citiwre's Banda .noes. Meledeorw, Martin's Gulf tk, HIM; VloNit Sheet Music. Musk, Made 90 . 01 W We: s s Sesideuts of tba _eouutry ,will eupytted • brT w o n or othletirlse with Coy wink they way Wiratow lbw, ratty as If Initebaserin'yerstio.• Barierottel or the larteitaettatit in the Unneof dlatee 4 'l feet ta erli me 401 tatis0 40 1iiiraiq fti7,riTer n!! 1 ! 1 U 1 A. OA peirters It Mi.lc aappsTiBe is Orii terMa m: 14. Mons to let. Sesond-b#d Pianoirfot We. y -204 p MElMmelm VT~.~ frii ria , ••;1-1 - raosoi . ' ' i 4 . . • . 1 .1i 0... . , : • . • - . To . : 0 .., j 2 C I LC _ ... : . , I' . z .. F. : 'O7 7. i c- ; NEW aIatANGEMENT. MISCELLANigOUS. =EN :, J. _ • I TiltOrifinennweir— a : —tour Ms arid Dimmest eatud thehlghwill all opt mils Ilet of Proprleterjriudietnee for emu pears: A. Maliiinelee. in whom his refutor arty ellquilleo, dealtea me to let fou IM,ift_theilartleularearhat - usus. 1 Ehle had been tray mieleSte wilbtkihurdered diver and e ' , oa- the tan occaidon. Imarrever,tbe I ;._"Merce M h a *Neck wad so alarming, and th e in. umatioll I% la so ieverme,that were upse t:deed of leer not bring able •10 heat ' up Udder fonnammgAe wee lauced to try your abe turmoil** that after the ant. and each iodised tog dose. a had groat relkf. 'She condithed to take them, sod a l though she died Daly thine Boles, she le now la thicujoymeat of perrectltealth. Icoitd base sent you draoy mere camp, bat the above,lfrom the sorority 14: .hart, and the, speedy' CUM I think. peaksmin tarot of your &stubbing Pille fairs .) IL W. itlitirlat. eneeeedleary Vara of filessatie rarer, in V.l Dimmer Lead. Copy of inter lined Ind in the lickbart Town Com ler, of the,in March, Ilidt„Ily Maier J: With KargsretA.Coneleen, nieeteen yem •of age, to. siding at New Town, bad Wen adtyitlag from a vio lent gthenthatic Fever for opwardscif two months, *bleb hetteteSrely devilled her of the au of her limbs; delft this petted the .as *ninths care of the moot c*lnent tnedkel men In Hobart Town, and by them het, cue was considered hopelets • a friend Prevailed !yon her I n :re nollowity's celebrated Pills, whl4sbe consented to do,anCin en theredi ble short spite °film they effected 11 perfect cure. Cars of a Ails eel 11gliesses fi Cher aid Iterseei a penes at yaws of or. rtom Messrs% Thew & Soo,Proprietors of the Lye° Aduentee4urho can tooth for the felloarlot. Matti meet-414,M lesl : 1 To Prefeekor Zeslin to bear l'eulumuY )ti the good effects of Holloway's Pills For mane rears I suffered severely film a pain and lightness Id the Stumieb, which war $l.O accsinrila. led by a shyurraoa s neeeeetn, that prevented rate mut warring aheet. lam ad pearl of age. and notwith standing ark advanced Mate of life, these Pills have so relieved ene„ that I am desirous that others should be made atArtaintarl with their dimes. I am now rendered, by their means, comtiaratliryly active, sad can tate amass without ineonvenrience or pale, which I coed not do before. 1. 8 4 10 11,1 COE, North Street. Lyno, Norfolk_ Waloictiiii teary of Ifelleray's Pills to owl. ' o Persona iveirering fD oe Om D '' ro '. psy, either about the turn of 17, or at other time., should - immediately ta have ro fee to then Pills, as hundreds of persona are annualliteu red. by their use. of Mot dintial com plaint faln Disiffment stages, where all o th er moans had iled. •• • had failed: These celattrated Pills art wonderfully efficacious In the %Iloilo/ complaints: , ' Ague. Asthma. ;Jaundice, Bilious Crilaplainte,l • :Liver Couiplainte t Sint thee OW the ak lot ,Lombado, Bowel CortiPlalnts,' Colic..?. I Illieuummito flonslipalleh of the bowels:Retention helDrlne. Consutoptitn, lerofula, Or King's Evil, Debility, ;.r , 80t0 lbrolltii, •UrataY. Stone anderavel, Dysentery,: - Aecondaryl, Symptoms, Erysipelas:. Tic Doulopreux, • Female trrtgalerlrles, revue:get! kinds, 'Ulcers. Pits, Venereal *ffectione, Gout. -Z.2 Worms °Poll kinds. Itesdache;[=: Weaknesi, from whalev. I n dieestidif, er cause, ke &e. at the Establishment of Professor iloacohrev, 221 /Strand:(eem Temple But. London.) and by all' reopeeteble; Drowns -and Dealers! in Medicines thr..ughout,the Delilah empire. and Of those of the Polled alMesAn Bosse at life, 871cotind 50 each. Viliolesalipy the principal 041 Rouen In the Union by Messrs ,d 1 B. ik. D. Sands New York I and by fair: u. D. Nhlght,litouth Slab Street. Philadelphia. OTheriCis a considerable saving' by taking the I size's: • N. 11..—Critections tat the goldaneei. of patients -In very disorder are rafted tomtit Bog. W.,DY017& SONS,IIII North Second Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale agents for'rencisrvanle. Alen tottiale by John G. iloown,lind Clemens & He .ter. Pottsville; E. J. Fly. Tao:duos t Dr. J. W Gibbs, Mitt* wine. Dec. 18.A832. : NUTT THREE tiIFFER -.48'8 Isir. ' :NT PREPARaTIONd FOR THE IE THREE, DIFFERENT RTA. OF CONSUMPTION. • . rSyarrons.—Coligh, pain In the breast, side, head4bask,Jol eta sad limbs; hillamethou soreness and [tlckilog is the throat. fever,. &M -eal% and quick breathing, expos.: urethra difficeti.slipkt and frailty : Siriervults.-4:qativenesa. spas. modlc cough, violent fever. night, morning and midday swats, bee. )tic' Saab in the Pace and cheeks, i burning heat in. the palms of the I hands and aoles of the feet,expec- I titration easy. copious and streak- 1 - ' l, Led with blood. • -- . ... .. I .k , THIRD soSeit. r ' 2 l VSlTTosm,—s.arrlsma, diminish- led fever, cough,land morning TURfßellti t ii 4 sweats: great and increasing de. : I I Whig, frequent ffilitling finis slisht Ldelirium.dc swelling , of extremities. • .. - N TO THE AFFLICTED. The OP:essence in THatE. 110171.ta of Mater/ Sariernerla a rareara trt Medlelne, from its novelty and direct opposition to the old sksnird dad issessfs. fast one ,k;Vtle system; whiff Its SUCCESS; prepared in this Mk:liner; each Brittle containing a different Preparation, In raring the deferents:ll2es which char. acterise Tiiiisiimption, has established the weleotne troth of the cural , ility of every . stale .:.of Pulmonary .• .. 1 Conaumprtun. '.; - 1 Physldahs approv e of it because It is based npon'tor• rect. PhysiOlogical and Prithological Pilnelples. 1 The Public matre of It, betause 1: is common sense, and been they know from sad experience that One PreParatt will nol l enre the three- stages of Con= sumptioo: , J.The suffering, disappointed, and &scour. aged Invll.ll approves of It • becatise its principles hold out reasonitble Rope, and whin be uses Nut: tall's Syria:cum, his hopes are realized. [(he la }it the first stage of Consuntption, and uses the Fl !tort BOTTLE, his elpectorailon, dlllnealt and painful, bridomer free and eas his - c r otign soon gets - well. the tickling In bi n throat. Inflainstion, pets in bit: bteest, aide, head, back.;oints, and limbs . . , are remoaqd. - , ' If he Id; n the second stage; tina ~ uses the 'second bottle, hfirlever leaties him,-his 'disturbed slumbers becometrateet and refreehing. his night 'wean. vanish, his expeof - :oratlnn. enplons , and bloody, sesames a healthy Appearance. and at length disappears; his bowels be. me regnytryhis appetite tet tuna. the dash to his ehark dlrappears, the horning heat In the palms of bits hands and *tries of his feet. Ire feline longer, his couxl*ow. tenses, hr recovers and is well.' If he tt;tn the third stage and uses the third bot tle, his 1/Iltithint gradually ceases4bla weak bowels become Omng• his cough and other!' bad symptoms disappeserfeebie digestion becomeitlettonti and vig orous, his stomach: recoyets Ira proper tope, and creates 'rii;av„ rich-and nnuria.hlng bilkirElfts strength:. returns, 04 wasted I body Is clothed with flesh. his life Is samtd, and he la RESTORED TOLIEhLTH I Each hat le of Xet(alrs - Siriatteiti . bii the symp. toms of W. stage for which It is intended. printed in front tithe wrapper, whereby every Invalid know ing, his fiWn'symptomt. can judge for himself, which bottle htiraequires r, corisequentir Ina mistake fail ocent In taljecting the pmpor medie . trie. ate dieraPimphint in possession °film editor of his ,paper, cfirtiatning Dr. Nuttell's Psithotogy of Cow sumptioriAartuies on the Ittrutuare and Uteri of the Human Lttngs, and Certificates of cureir . ..,, , Ct. Prepteed only by Dr. WM. NUTTALL. loved. ter anl.l!haprl Mos. ,Pnee onelollar. pir e lver tales.; Is addition, 1, i seota&tefforat you thatiat with bad e very levers at; tack of ',bellwether Wirer arm andlshoulder,frose Iwkick-.fie suffereilla-laveit deal of ,pal e , end from: i erblek she wuentirelyallirred by Ihe use of the; Cream uteasophor. ,-)001012141111 GLECKER. ~ . - • ~ ship, Montan County: Hallos hese eared 01,1,- lolo.my arm alMilar to; z i a Rhiumattem) which ' . edam claw free nos writ for about four mouths using oae tattle of Cream; of Camphor I would * at 1 wwwider lithe bert; remedy of the kind I lintinvllter us my WADY. , and }would freely .. . ltd it t o re with girl., llar adhalops. Tonle ..'• 111 J 1 JONA, elf il, lc , Ruh ettled. Ca. •My wife having ,” ',t 'et thearte Or suato.', ber.of yeare„whleh p ,Illed Der franWining It ha; doing her work; after . , 011,airotall , greatdea: or, money in trying differs ~1 4 , - • with ars, ,beaelli a ! was eicurely, eared by .. -.. Iniiirialiiii beatle-wf your, c f selw - w; camper, - a ; ',lprikmait IrAfia. • - Muter forS' 11l owl. I, Plant, ~ ~1 4 01 !Meter Butte, r—Ritit. ' reeehed ; a very mere; Injury to my side by ' Ale a fowl of hay, from; It hitti I was unable to lit Sup work. wat reeenri! seeded to try a boats reelik_of 4.llmplier.'whkh, , areetelkimmedlaterel -.r: ItiltiFFITH CARR. ,; ' - fl Tv:11061p I llOnli'd Co. ,-..1111,wife., earreri4AW/i,linKt ti lil t Ihronfloing her itonyrarniimiardiprase be* tasmsleeptatabeih i s, ' tidgat i i by a,Wag. slid pro=: cted spell o'f slam 7.„firt tiaatif eke hold • um.! I r ofremedlni witho s till 4 was ettarelyfelleredi Ibyrie nee of Ore** of plow, • 1 - - ;-- • -, :i i IDED.adkitavrpt. . Imo, nitial. asovlllo. pa:t ;Child cireiVß4leet, , ware gal Jaw. tri fon , ! i y . oo .4os iostx vicate ms i Warm Spresi. 1 latest two yew,. whh: ;Bowel Compliant and At ' • llt was :educed, to; ' ai l li itiffelitulaton..l tried. _isti rot niveNtlesi 'MI: uo permutes - 's,ti y-' - lii - '------ -- Worth' Spa; uIDIEOII9I ittalbeirotre I sanstketior .* . vipsed, anudier riorrvlAl 71 on 4 liteXtV:r IMMO I itime bad altuitiYiar _ torMalit radio sof IN- =CM oortuirly. 41avisfi 6 • dated to al k led Id's a mil dliteue. 'TAa.aioec , 411100.40 T ABS Cesar kw - 12 1 r. fler j r 11224 - 11 - 2i2 44,1.16.iir intrk ^-•,r.s=w~_;"r: ~•_' 11131311MIMIgaill. _ . (-,' :7 • “! ESTATE. '. ARAL I' a vert ALiimitl,.ttict 'if dhcr 1 ittlibastillii-smeirigi . USE. LitriP• ebalkled le r. Talley ,Vsibre sweatily. tidal • . ... r i a. Abele Iffadieseiref rbe tiara • ,_:-,,, . ,lis mail covered tell 1111111 re Pine. Heal- •••" ""•:- • k, Mau Oat se Poplar Timber,•asif ,litivialltraed ariee a lt per acre is MLitt to - • ' 'be smieryesseil by. y other in tbs *al. Pth, .„:. ' : -• , - 1 • —, . i catriaroota Railroad now lain coital, acted. Yraisaiiiirlibtelet radii of tbe ma: - .•I a Ps Wier Road, lbs big Palmists' Peekg and a aiiipilaz la am' of ;water pass tbrosab li.: . Pimps trials, ti view the PrerlitY Is* ;teats ;can apes, JOU A. LIM. lisq , residing nencri. I n . ;ftrastspig 'doweling I um be obtained, by addreulas ass obstinate 'Pea, l!s i . • 1 , • : ' vnuold MINT.ZPIL ; • May SI; VAL .; ' ' _' . ' 1 Si'..`l!___ !B MIME taboo Ref. desirous, urea'''. In otter best um, °fen at private sitte . the read whir machl a t i i , tools and stoekOr a Machine stop , in the floe et Ponseille. rot akin are Snitatie, for the ha dim of Oleo:Tian nod Railroad Cul. or for anaalkeparlas /1 lOWA Implement*. , • illadthdete Ink, has tug brass stop. . y • cocks and 'elbows. brass Casting', end a it . - tasks, otairtitial Winn and brata i talso bit ettin bosses and fattories w gas =infer gas works and similar older -0104 WA variety of work *nutted either In the Coal Region Cr-Warm here. ,Then tools are all made haMse bestanacterotid a rare opportunity Is preseated to those la need uj each articles, or to per. MIN lift whilk !ego inns the Machine buslnesit. Par iht. is this irielnity.eagaged In' the businen. would do wen to call white tbe snide, remain in thie neigh borhood: TM above!wlit Os disposi of either sepa rately or totether Among thew are he follow log ar tkise. els I i - , QOM eight bone Steam Engine, of Improved con etractbn. uptight cylinder. tnetille packing; °ten pin very little spare aid of mum apish: w he sold without Miller-41e engine Is new aid in complete order. ir is taay to ha 'moved, being very compact. it hen kalf , stroke entire. patent heater, arid 111 modern. 11110101/111021111116. ,One Boring Lathe for Rill Raid witinds.otte glide Lathe.eight Foot Siloam with gear lector eettiag Screws r two cast iron Lather, }eV' a i toot Shears. with elide toil ; -there lathes hare ten , steel Mandrils. steel bushed. and unitive. ettt par ings two Lathes fbr wood turning-0i these Lathes haws coaster sharing; One Poorer Ftrew-eniting Mathine. with taps and dies i one ditto, for, arrow hig,wronaht iron pipet one press for itn Rail dad Cu blibeels„ and Machine for ley eenting Car Allell; Bran Fermate, Flasks. Pots,lnd other tools ; Moths, Tape and plea, Viers, anSiis and. Black =title! touts ; Fan, Grindstones, Stales, Tools. for Caet-coilking t tool* for lining gag • ppm, and a va riety of anklet. • Maguire by letter, or personally. on the premises.. - carper of Coal and Mauch Chunk Streets, of • JOHN; WARNER. „ ;Pottsville, dchtiyikill tklunty. I} ;Inns/ Insert 3 thnei and send Bill, to onkel • •i ; May 34 Nab ' TO 00411. OPERA r .ing No American Coat Compapy orient for rent forala i r( years, the ,Mines upon the 'tract of land calkal ntreville, in aceoylkilllCounty4 Three Mines an wall known as among to brat of the Wei Joh icing of the Regibo—among them are the Opohn, t h e Palmer. the Clarkson. and Peach Mountarn veins: The tract lies within a mile or Primly' lie, aid is cots• netted with the Mount Carbon Railroad by aißalltbad owes& by the Company.. Its proaithity to the Read ing, Railroad gives to Mate tract great advaetages - as regards trawiportaticia. A more particular description is deemed dnneter rary.as any person disposed to !nuke the Pitkes of coaria.ezauthte for themselves: Two small engines on the tract will tor ieared_ with the mule la. '('.sons dl, led to ..lelee•Nrll,l The attention of persons dlepos,_ Lands, and who can command some! sapient.. Is lair= teiato Ole property. Reference cant be had to.V.:""E. Idite, Agent O r ate Company. P. W. /Sheer. Flirtt tn. ginger, rater Simpeon. goilneer lotalLiot Pointed!, ; onto the pubscriber, 2tio.Vo South 4th, PhtlatlelpLla.r. ' • r • • f Possession - can be had at any • time after the hlut or „October next. JAS. lIEPISURN.iPsts•t ,diepl.ll. 1 Desirable 'Private L li r esid ace tro a _ SALE. , : . - WE subscriber wall sell. at pt Irate sale-4 ielionse ' - and Lot now occupied, by him n Port :Carbon, SthitylklllCoully. The House Is a wa. : I story doable Frame Snarling, °mitt tog two large Parlors. Ming-Room, ell Ilea Mil 2900, and eight Chamber., and a 'qua. en adjoining the Dining awe. *nth ex eaten* condhlon, for the occupancy of h , genteel faintly. The Lot Is 1511 feet front by e llsocleep,. gad is laid out In a I /lower-and Vegetabl 'Garden, In excellent condittoo, and weU stocked witir unbinds of choice Vegetables, such as Asparagus Roots, Straw. berry, It . ; there hp also • @labia and CarritigaiPUND Wash House , Me., and all the conveniences toe a de.. cloaks realdettee. !Also, a Lot adjoining 150 feet (rest. 150 deep. etintaining choice trolls/ Perim Ap iltlll, Plumbs, Cheetles,,kiCalavelle. an Labelle °napes; the whole tinder a high state of e ration. There is • never-falling well of mast" el " tent wa ter—the whole will be sold a bargain. P lawns de.' strong of purchuittg, rill canna Hasp PA 'mason. orj J. F . Wringer, Real Estate Agent. Pot keine, or oaths subscriber, who resides on the premises, where price 'newton will be made known. • , i 7 • . L. p. werrNst. i 41-if Ckl.llo. 1851 GENERAL - . zatiaraeam,' HAPPINESS A 311? COSIIIETEN .. -, ~.,. I , *HY IS IT el• i That we behold somany females ],in the oflife broken in health and spirits, with Miticitrof diseases and ailments, deprisin: the power for the enjoyment of at an 'phyulcal health, buOyancy of spirits, and ready 'of mind, irking from a condition abould be predominant -, . ; blhny of the eauies of her stifferings at haw! years before, perhaps durini girlhot Erg iyears lot marriage—were in their. light as to pass unnoticed, and of course u - IN AFTER vEAtis t . When too late to be benefhted by our kn we look back and mourn, and regret the (Menai of our ignorance. . What would we not often give to pos+ in ear ly life, the knowledge . we' obtain in after year. ! And whit dayi and nights of anguisli a might pet have been spared, tithe knowledge wi timely possesiued.i It is lIILLANICUOLY AND STARTLING To behold the sickness and suffering en hired be Many a wits for many years ; from causee simple and controllable, easily remedied or better still - - not incurred, if everY WIPE AND 1110Tatniat. Possessed this infomuttimi contained in IL time, (within the Mich of all) which wet to herself T --'7-' YEARS OF 11111314 RV, Ahd to her husband the constant toil and mind; necessarily devolving upon ! sh im fr nese of the wile, without giving hini the I tiity of acquiring that competence*bich 1 llama are entitled, and t he possieion of whl secure the happiness of himself, tnfe and:, 4. SECURE'THE MEANS OF :HAPP4 time By becoming in e possessed of the k , the want of which has caused the , sic -I poyerty of thousands. - l • • ! • In view of such consequences, Co] wif e er is excusable •if she neglect to , avail h that knowledge in.respect to herself, whx spare her much suffering, be the means I, ness sad prosperity to her husband, and CK on her children that blessing . above al healthy bodies,•with healthy ininds.! Th edg.e is contained it 3 a little work entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVA. ICAL COMPANION:, By Da. A. M.Matraiceau, Professor o of women. One Hundredth Edition. 1 250. Price lifi Cents. (On tine paper, e lug; SLOO.) First:published in 1847, an +surprising or wonderful; considering that tuale,whether married or not, can here full knowledge of the nature, character at of her complaints, With the various eymr , that nearly HALF! A MILLION' COPII have been 501 d. ,:, Ili% impracticable to convey fitly the various outs. jects treated of, as they are of a cilium+, strictly in tended, for thcjaamed, or those contemplating utarriagstar but:no female desirlous Mi.:enjoying. .health,.and that beauty consequent upon health, ! whichsisito conducive to her own happiness, and that'otlier hesband. but either hap or wiil.abtain i., ie has-or will every husband who luta the Ince 'and effection u: hit wile at heart, eribat lit hiS own pecuniary improvement. UPWARDS g.)F ONE kiUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sent Sy mail withinJlie lest few 'months'? . ICAUTIONTO THE 'PUBLIC. + BE NOT DEPILAVIDSDI, ; Buy no book unless " Dr. A. M. Meurieesu, 129 'Liberty Street, N. 'Y., , ' is on the title page, and the. entry in the Clerk'iollice on the back or the title paga;!and.bn only' of respectable and honorable ,denlera or tUdlty•tuail, and address to Dr. A. M. Msmicenn, as there are spurious and surieptitions mfriegements of copyright.. 1. ; ' , Let every seql anii Ausbattl pauler.! No'excase for Ignorance, whed ignorance is mis- . ;cry 'pothole we holduar and dear, and tirhen to !dispel our Ignorance is within our reach.(: To enable every one to decidel `upon ;be indis pensable nereeisty; of possessing la copy; and that :no wife, Or mOthet need remain uninforted upon the many causes, Which sooner oV. - later, are dem ned to mike fearfcil revues uponlhelhealthi unless guarded against, and that no considerate Skid Wee tionate husband have cause to upbraid Maisel( with !neglect of the welfare of his wife—n 'petriphlet of thirty-six pages, eontain'ing Peal{ Titleige. and, ir Index of C'entents, legether• with ripens from the book, will be tient free of eiteirge to any part of 1 the United Stites,:by addressing; post-pat as here .m. _ ; 1 • ' I Whin Ksoisladge sr fittypines.i., 'tis e . Yoble to , . .. . 18e: i gnorant. L. I: ' : or On receipt of One Dollar (for the-:doe Ed:- : lion extra binding.) "THE MARRIED . WO MAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL! COMP ANION" is. seat (maiird fits) to any pert of, 00 United States. .All letters must be post-paid, and addirsa.. l ed to Dr. A. M. Publishing, 1 ..d, New 2 r York City. Otlioe, ;No. t , .. Liberty I Street, New York.' :• I - : ~ I •• For .Seta by—Blanch & Crap I Hari:l4U, rgh ; J. Swans,. Bloontsberg; 3. S. Wiwth, Lebanon ; C. W. De Witt, Milford ; 3. W. Ensninurer, Man ! henn ; H. W. SUM, Huntingdon; S. McDonald, Uniontewit; 3. Id. :Banal,. Nair η H. A. i Lutz, Reading; E. T. Morse, Cisuesville ; N. y: IL P. Crocker, flt!tunaville; Vents &Stark, Car beanie ; Elated& Wright.Williamsport ;IS. Tuck, Wilkeibarre ; Geo. _W. Earle, !Waynesburg; IL Crotty, Menne ; S. Leader, Hsnover ; IC P. Cntn ungs, Sotnturset; T. B. Peterfam, Philadelphia —Penn. - : - - ::: —' April 9,..)&53. I. r ' .. ..,. Ir4m • . . _. • clooD NE -1 I! . FOR TECEI.DIES. -, wt vAmoyarti the eitebratedi Astrtit4ier of tile :I,llltiaCeetrity. hue the eecret.t W gold The Sin tll la bitaiglidPage, and AO Mate pea Married my', who were tuairappy through trouble, mbiberaturi dbrippolated hopes. abd falme promises hate Wen aide hippy brbilu. tale Media* Advice was mover Munro to rail. lie la r married mack. a MOO tenllotity; which makes she Li diet rayoult . Mtn le ibirmium Aelbrate WWII with Mete/ .realidveev,:- Theistillimarried NIA sitlla. Ladlea. couildeatiii Doc- tar mad adviser. lie - &Wiwi I. TiIH LIHNINILIS OP 1r0,1711 rtPrEvntr, :.; PISA* OS, I ';: ~ . , . '. .090 D IMMINVIRD, 1,0 DA.A..111, Illabaseeisa Eliapiaera;il a *hills the aeb of , alt. Those who bad tad Itak".and fofind They moss they itied is ipt Wrstudibemore ilthipie ma a jnitittem. gainadesd. Was Oak had 'net tam- tatt tbam, and 'Wry ant sow attuaats, rich and bappy. In bac its 'aseatibst saps the slander atm! Inv). of sr es t . i ~ GENTLEMEN. . Lank to your -Intemitta' heroin tt;te teo • te.. Men' wholsave beselantonaPiao and unswer •r& in life sag busbiess—ms who bars IwoOted hard end, atruggind aistaaaadveteity and siesibttannt, the (test is! putter their Urea. mei found tine more Moe .i,led to gat Moment the more tillage weak ego of ihral : thew ages have caamilied him (*the Met thirty 'tam AM those who wieldy 'bellowed his *dela, ate now sielt and happy=. mine those blinded brinrjanice and lintormala, lighted hte advice tare mill laboring against advents" and 'poverty. 'lle shore lan the maims= op l iroVllll.ll7Ttraz 41fItterviaws fine *Wetly frivolo ;DI &menden. Mal. No, .1 GROWS etreet..secoad bone*, Montt Ole. above Scintilla Meth Ihreet, IMMO , , !pyly OAP plum /clll6-;41. aaphatankle for ♦ tharteMb est emplertagthe Idealbjeet 'welted_ sal Areal@ as 11.11ANNV'S , . • " I Cbeep i Tette Mote. a', fii f j.,..:.; 7 . l ' 11;! , . . eNr . ' ~~- - . TO am waingigiN.ll4ol. Oki The ,follawicti diieeticemi'weri putr i 6,!: by Fo'!"**' 144 1 1 Chateatt,; Englond, many lairs se, :iurifurr. of 4 been loutmi vsluabla ; •• Tate one basheloffiesh cow dtuit bushel of fide fladiish from old . - that from the ceilings of rooms hallo bushel Ofjrood ashes, lad two of 6ne sand. The. three, last , artiele” st silted fine. and ,tberi mixed with the sworkiog them together until the very smooth -and iSolt, like plaster."' , The tree is fobe prepared by carefid4 4 : moving all deCayed'or initired:pciiiitsis e ft , to "the sound, fiesh wood. leaving a t face :smooth, , And ioupdiqg thenip l ' the bark very Smooth. Atter this plaster is to r be tpreed very carefully it y smoothly over the ea surface and "tortiesi lL beyond. The plaster should be Nis as i l k , to htill au inch thik.and trio:day tad th . 4 finished off at the edges. After hail been spread, it should be lusted 04' with a mixtureipi tour parts .. til - dry &st e w one* part of fine sand,. once in thirty minutes, until ,the muisturth sorbed, and-thete is a smooths - dry !Mb' The above ciiight our eye, gait= th rounds of the pipers, in cOnseiluence et 1 4 J , tog made. the preparation this spring lio k t Forsytheli directions: By reference to his treatise it !Mlle e t , that one-eightiCet en inch , in 'hiatus* u e that is recommeittled, and that the plaints iog applied is to be dusted repeatedly ma t powder. compnsid of one pencil burial*, to six of ashes. The briOes may he calcined readily by s t i clog them over asmall fire r as they wino. , lain their: shape when. burnt. and as picked from thaashetand pulverized sex arely. OM • Forsythe, howeve:, gives ,it as the, r e p i of his experiencl, that the composition shou be used is a liqUid state, of the consistency, a thick paint, arid appliid with a bruit. is diluted by mi l ting with a sufficient cats tug of chamber ley and soap suds, the bob dust and ashes tieing applied as berate lilac ted. a• The'especial Pointe. to be,Xegardt4.art remove all decayed wood, to leave thew' face scitomh,,and to apply the coating st to exclude the afraod water. MEADOW HAY.' Meadow hay,iif intended -for winter'ku . ::: for, stock of tin kind, should..a ieve r be i',.: 'tried 'amend 01 fully ripe.. Br remehigf In the field till'; it becomb Ratured, itikji quires i haft! and wiry character which le. sures its, being; rejected bvtiost titian. when not 'actually compelled by hunget,u4 . ,. Is. indeed, fit !of little; . else besides ionr oF bedding. By=cUtting:--the period of kb', rescence, perhaps indicates with sufficiaa! .general aceuraci, the ihosf suitable Sena 'for harvesting— making thoroughlysid ids ". ing, with from one peck to two peels of at', petre (the quantity in case* to begrabil ted to Conformity 10 thyme to which it iii be applied) a very excellent and\ salute! winter food will be secured.: - • i 2 Sheep do cvfll, perhaps, an /not eater much better onithii ,than any other , hay.....,'..: They partake of it eagerlf,aild-are seldca'; sick.. In some sections where there are ri. ; :. some; sections teulive salt marshes apper.ded co most d'.' the farm's, or , q or where salt hay cau'be obtains') in almost auantity, and at it inertia:rt. : :: wild grasses , f meitdow ail ' ion! place,- the co , .. , fresh bog land,'posiess : less iiairiitsic cake; 1 but even then ills not by illy !pesos to tit'; thrown away ' i lEit,en if you have no use fa .:: it in your barn, l it will be fontidin exedra : article' for manure: When tiled for flu; d. purpose, cart it tmto your yards jiver, or a: a partially made condition, and aprettlx-, over the siarfac4, or else - Feick It alixy,afs' .. making it" its hay. an. soluccoUraute ' and unoccupied: mit•buildingoo be throat out occasionalli,diaringswiater, or to soppy bedding for your , horsee;sheep. iWine.sit other animals, and_tbus be mixed up win the manure tor,: future use. - - - B there in few places whet* a good crop ol wild lc will not be of value to the farmer for i. tog. In' the interior. it is eminently so, U 4 there is generally a demand for stanch lei , ' '.ger quantity of'M than most farmers find r. practicable to: Amin.: In inch places, C:r most imperfect bilge wild -grasses, it pip erly salted, will - , be found to' pokiest a high value. It is anerror:to suppose - that loci, standing imprzkea the quality of this di scripticin of , hay.' The either it is tufo& ,the season of hying cominenees, the bests Gerinanicrp: TOlegraph.'- 'meridsan eumph them of :ge when .appy se. I health i+:—Per. 1, ur. the /Irl/Zlll .0 egleeted %ledge. .11 cottew- pule 1, °l d vane anxiety of m sick opportu- 1s e'er To would rebildren. !NESS owledge, ti lers, and mothz ImrEelt Or would lag ham lnfe r up price— knowl- I E l MED- I Atsea , es pp, 1 Vra bind qt. is not 'very fie_ acquire n d causes cuns, and : should HORSE BREAKING FOR HARNESI. • 0 - ~ ' Before a hone is attached to any veldt!t the harness stuaild be allowed to remsis al bun in the stable several boon during utt or three consecutividays ; „he should belt' out do that he May becOmetitoiOughlysceta touted to the trappings; iiod a cord sir at seven feet in leagth shout/be legend to eat trace: With this the hone , is quite!! Id about, one mai performing:l4(4oly, ;Alit another tolloWi holdirig - the aforeadd conic which, 28 thelanimals mooed fotaud, et to be strained, lao'that beitela'a %light pas; i, sure of the collar on his shotildirs., T .- ii• tention of this treatnieut Sitatit.biabvioa ; f the horse is•alarroed 4the_efract of ttn Nl' lar, the . man hOlding the cords TRY ' FO 6 fixedto the traies.cao fastiot4 ;Ohm. ; and again. whrs he finda-bla.pupil is • ciled, be may renew ate. . finally, as. 'Dinh resituuseiit rra tut h ~ 10 Elae l power to create' : By this mans_ she , timid horses will gain. ambience, an ti Persevereace , the most retriletort ma 0, overcome; A lhorie; when' hist no ol with harness , !f imMOiatsly 'it to ( tadjo i vehiclos astonisbedi whenregal to toolt at finding a pressure on his she ldeiswhlcS he has 'netreti previonslY _experienced. ' H 1 discovers epother apparatas'oteoninsmit!, be is,- in fact, tram'melledind - endeavors escape; probably he phsogi", kielm; tared, and becomes.difficialt iii"mau:agit ;,' bpi* al simple . Pr 6 CeiS fiiist.ieiominesiiWA theta obviated.. '; ' " ' : -I "'' ' coLpiait AND BACILBANDS: SeteCis gocgi *Cc of cotton 'bud•iiik. ecc strips in . -inches wide and of atitficist t --Ltloade this Strip iengtkwi4. ipadiew lEt 'edges d. togethet2--tuni 'up' an 'tie - the aoll . , , loop fashion for the tracer to - run througb and the back b ud ii 1 . Rip up anso,d leathern collit, irkr it tai 'beat the leather out Bat tit (roil' this a pit , tern in tirowri 4paper. eat int:ibe beer tick by the paper pattern r - -sear the wort with strOng'doUbie threidi 611 thitait that made with feiii? sound 'whelk packed in With:a stiek—joiii it s tipper 1 06 of the collar hi mean! ofe bkot Sheep Aim and you have aa he bough tor $1 2S. T:iy ritanier. Ektlnflrlioot: A subienbee wishes to 'know the rose' . why someldeitoo'sbeep with their teeth.- The, irritittni cCurks, or bite and pull their wool ;'and iromiheer bat i.ioot ;row e' other:: they:set front the*pulai thatie 3 * pals neat cattle to lieli . ,orte..nstOthei. ever will care 'Ate senb vat : destroy mow will be likely tn. prevent the Bill. Feed jp sheep pounded; roll brimstone,. or "sulpha with their sttlV'sitd it will drive:off' an Orb and Ike, and probably ente'`the nudadi• — " " TAE GROWING attar , The country, never wore a more hoatital and magnificent appearance ; that it does the:present urge. The gra.winter** i " them alawner. never, In our jodigniesf. 0 well as in. the i ltalgement °flows of,onr est Wrists; promised mot irenendly SW" , • MEI 1 ,--r h -= - --- 1-4-O.A. um. MEE