. - - „ • • • . .. _ . -, ' , .. . • . . . . • • -. -....:.2..- ._ _....-.--; , •:,-.---,-•;.-----..-.4:t---z,z - -. , -.•• r ---••---.,--...: -.„ -..-!--,,,,,. ~.- -,- . -- 1,.,- .: . - 71-tr,- -,-..-- 2- -"---: -,.--" 77 1 - , -7 7 77:. 7 --- " •.;.; ':. L,:. '- -- 7- - - --:-:: i , ---.- ,-, 1 7:7 1- -- 1. • : ''' . 1 071-, -...: W WALIi. PAPER wamug' ova* BURTON fle MINING; ramified:Leers jand Importers, N0.'124 Arch St„ second dook above Stash, Planweelphia, A7IIERE may he !quad the largest and best sele - led stock In the City. • i, COUNTRY PU!ICIIASERS may hare be aceoromb .ated„ without tit inconvenience of. kinking Anther. nd may tie asaucel that they will receive the advert: Mae of their money 1 BURTON k LANDO). •124 Arch pincer. above Slant. Philadelphia. March 13.1853. , , • • rams nerratrias. W. WILSON. '1 • • ' No. 9 South Fourth Street, firs • Market, St., East side, j ,, as for sale, every variety of WALL PAPERS, rom 8 cents per piece upward., including Fine Sa sns, Gold. and Velvets, imitation Woods; Mar . Also afroat variety of flew style; of Curtain '• a joet-s, tre•Board Prints, Beier:, „ ; Deniers supplibd at the lowest April 23, 1853. t7.3m Uly ' BE undersigned have jest opened* fresh and anim piece stock of Wall Papers, among e thith are Gold hd %doe'. Pine ktaila,st.d the Low t Priced Un lased Papers.: Also, illotoratlons.!Bordetl, Pire -erten., thmaltt6. /6.olhr...which they offer at the Owen prices. both wholesale and retail. • The' best Morkmen employed to hang paper either to the city .hr tpu tar 7 . ' . • ,- t - .. 1 .. : Blank Books, Statiorseiy;•4l., 4-c. i We hive also Our Intel usoutment Of Writing Pa. is. Wrapping Papers, Blank anditehool Books. 84- lonery; Ike..i 1 PAilitell/Ar. HMCO. ; , Not I 4 . N. 6th Bt.,doors above Iltirket, Maui*: 4:5.. CABII paid 'for Cannily Balm! [ blior-b 12.12531 , : .1• 11-2 m i • C 6 •. per than Ester! • sOOO • PI,EcES 'PAPE* flap CMGS At B. BASATAIT.§ Paper Store, Pottsville tioLu - raisilts,flonz 75 teats to et 40 VI - French Papeya. VartOSIO pikes. '! Glazed Papers. from ID to 40 cents. , Unglazed Papers. from 7 cents to I cents, plaadtd Gall Entry and flatoon ripen. - 'Gold. Velvet sind Imitation Borden. -Curtains on Pap& and Linea. from ato 40 cents. Painted 1330304 Irma 30 cents to i 0 each, a apron did assortment. I . ' ' IF:trattepoo.oeacitiful Vless . Pnel PIM. vieo. 'ewe, Patet s rations. Column, and Statues Michas. The • - The subscriber ha. made his selections of Choice Patinae from fear of the largeoisansfaetaries.ned consequotly. bl 4 Stork embraces spatter variety of Patterns than can tor. found !wally upte In the city. Ile pledge! bletselfko sell Mk Tana* et Ott Cask Prices, and She Gold and more upeastilePapara at last tie* city task pries.. . ale Canute tapers embtat4 .110111 and beatulfhl Patterns.at very low tetra.. I I O Merchants ,and ,Paper Jiang/Se eapplied With olCutteln Paper n ag Paper HanelDP' nit 'rile. at the very lowest priers. Elegant PAINTED SHADES. on t sneaks ' at tete than city prices. name duperlor Patterns cant be rOUOd among hlrl Slack, suitable fbr the most event bonus: • - ' • .d not. to be undrreoldl'„ by dalCtilisil es ha we're dew:taint* — 7 - ---- 7 any pertain Who:intends payin g for bla, gooey. Omit who want bargaltre, aid taw -advantage or selecting trawl • large *lk owlet! Mock, bad better Call at • 8. Chap iflolPath agi Retail Paper. Book old Ito. times Elere• 113. Paper Hangers toratehed when required. Match t9.' STOVES. illni4nrraft ` STOVEdcgdON .11FAIUt &Ft D. CirtklitY. ei• llOOVBitwouldensoaneetok Cottoatne ha 17.1110 earroatelleg usury, dm be las Jess added to bit lam mend Ilkores a misty ornewletterne or. Cooking. Parlor, 011ite and tie ;14itcnrei0 EN bee sow- the Imre* and most , splendid' Mock of. Stuns ever O&M UMW Region berets, 'Webb: plum tees et the kneettt cub trrloa. They will be mold fx euboaly. Hk bas elm alugaeaseetniut Flteri ARC teaseleiliollow. Were,totsiLdiesalellobet a eaten asunsuest atfenieralje and MlSM ll3sl 4res stove rtelocceel BtSkßtt. wipe* Wen. inn get. nos Promene itertras, Frying Pus, Warne Itan4 Cense 'Milts; au.; a tune easottaast or. Japaa'd Ware Thu, Ito.. and ail Mad of Its and Ilbselt4rea 11 " 1011 bliirwRkt:1 -1 tt 244.113(101101a1141. dote I Also lalettek' _Jur orvieenemi TM be PrirsiP i rrannhe w vinu-suowout " frgaart9e.pan.S.l6ll6 - : ;' • t • 414 r MNI OIL, P ' 11141111111 0 atast lb. Fro*II:PAUNT. PROM OHIO. rinbeirrihrre hate just tecelveda farther sort; ll ptl;pf thtertudelar and valuali• Illbillatke. to a ddi t t o si tog iv alate color, they bare a beautiful outealaa or n. 'rambling the land Atinie now lo nor,and aeßath admired tbr the front hernia/a: lie patacipalinared lent ue silica, alumina and pro. !athirst' Ito ht hirh n thr opinion o f 'resent Mr meu satistciorilt:secouatu for. lart.ruftputer st a tsurp ... 4 b e two forearruniast atter,. bolas no si-candgetan,a ad the latter actingt4 a cestrnt. to bind *lir Whale tbdeibrr iodinate a drat aid durable pats; for ate it .14 ailed Ltusaelf and applied with a brttakt ha ramie au' ordinary pa.at, to mood ITOR. t 144 LW } units, par4u II te rands nide ally and became,. dr•-prool. 11 pattl'eularlysuits hie for roof *Of buildings, ptrambast ,fi td ear-deem. railroad bridarir.frtrcrit. tr. t nof co Lied with iltp Ankle. itt roil to oar of date. at a vast raving of ez• P. 0... i, S Speclmeapisty rien ate, oillet ;If theunbarri hero. ..:":BALitaisorcAlaonte.leti N 0.431 South Front • 01%,,, Phllada. Aorliat.llllol. • 17-tf • • Wllll2l LEAD - wirrnsajg. & BROTHER. Idanefactniere, No. VV RC-NORTE( FRONT street, Philadelphia, have NM It OHM Amply of their 'tenanted pure INVITE LEAD, and Omit customer, who heie been sparingly supplied In 141/4111114111Ce of a run on the a Oleic, shall now hams tiWir angers tWed. No knownhubstanee pos those armth, and beautifying properitles. RO desirable In w a paint, to an equal exigent er Ith credal?, rated white lead; &WV, any admisteett of nitwit:criteria!, only mats Its yalne.. it has, tbersii:tre, been the aired, aim of the mannfae- Oran, for initily years, to supply to the public a per fleetly pure White lead. and the unceasing demand for the article, fp proof that it has met with favor. flt la lavartibly tehnded on one bead: WETIIRRILL do BBOTUER fall. and onthe other,Werrantad punt, all In red lettara. Minis u. engem Nos: 33 North Fourth St.,;;Phifiufelphia, —7 111PCHtTlgbof and Dealer In Forehto IILABB, of leserydeiggolon.and Age,at &title principal Amer ican Main dories. has tot sale, Roofing. flootinp, HoWtonse Ud BIM 'Window Glass, orivery slze.up to a feet gobte by IS feet long, and fit= an eighth of an Inch to Deo Inches thick. ; ZINC PAlNzs—Whlte. Black and (trey, Dry ov in Oil; i ttlte t itead. Varnishes Of all lands; Llaseed 011,T gtne. Potty; Punt llni!af4l, Dye Woods, Pot and POrl Ashes. FIRE AI tp WATER PROOF PAINT. also, eon •mantly:on and, a laide usortment of freshly Im ported.Drultr and Medicines.' N05...13 :wild 33 North FOURTIT Often, shove • Cherry. East side. PhiladelyhLi. . 31-Iv IaIPgRION OIL - rtin - LAMPS,'„ Atidinery, car Triads, 4f., 4.c., • .1 UST Rep Ely ED andtbr sale by the 'Onbeetiber. The folleering testimonial is taken from a Reading (Pa) Pap/W.! **This Oikas free front all Intpurltleo,and will not gum marbleutry or In bunting.' Video:machinery will . Pot conerateit • temperature olienr—will remain perreerlytiMpid when the best Spend 011 .Is frozen solid. i 00 'for harming parks's; the brightest and best light in thScworld. Penmns using Ir, esti avoid an seddehts, he It is nothing but pure on, Oil Ibr Cat,Wheels that will not cringes! at 10 de greys beltritern. * We WV Vwed.altd are how oematantl, acing Mason's Tabard Sperm 011 on our Engines nod Ma. chiral". and ; Sod It to• be superior to alt other Oits we have ever ,'.tied. It will-not gum or eiangeal, and pre fer It to thr9lert sperm. A. & S. 11138T01.F.T Is CO. • :AI CORMS, 0210 FIT: Herdwere Store. Neat dotteto Mat a's Hotel, Centre fit., Pottsville. aliareh 50853. t • 10-tf 1 i 404 t -,1.1 14, TO a111141431$ AND OWNERS Or. PROPERTY. rEIteSONI dealroue of celled t pnrily Metellic Fire and Writhe, TrOof Palnt,,wlll tips NEILRS' in dl ttanatß4 parity. ca cheaper and two durebta than any other tfffort °fitted to the publit. • This entitle has evidetione the careful ifeeffrielor the learned pref., , jateri O. Booth. of the Univendty of Pena .yl - TOO Paint la peculiarly adapted to the paint ing of Call ~; Boats and Vessels of eerry description, possettsinelo Itself more body than tiny ...her paint Cotintrodrited, end tbe quality of dr,lsi eery hlrd. lon ra4ing from Militant Red to Black. CERTIFICATES. .".t; Paitaddiata, Dec, 1, 1 851. Wilda're Proof Paint consists of such thatettals as to warr it the opinion that It cannot change ander the action any atmospheric agent.; and that, there fore It wlll , reutln Its quality for any length of lime. .- . t.: Analysis. - ', . . 811Ica '',-,i , 50.98 I.Peroilde sot Iron, ' ' 15.01 , 4.34 Alumni .<7. 4 31.101 Wattr, i, , This A nist) sta shows it cannot , Ausigs.' while ha beautiful ifilor must recommend iti..emensive ern. ptotaltat JAIVES , C. BOOTH. Prot:int Cirettilatry applied brittle arts. Volvereity . of Finuskivanla and Ftanklin Institute. ; ' _ •;;,' Claim, Pa , Ali 11 1812 . I do hereby eertify that I have amid the Fue and Water PrOpf Paint of Neil& & Co.;-and and it to ex tell totythlng now in are for body, gloivand beauty of color. ; As spelt I recommend it to'sti Rouse Pain e= t andtean Bothering that, I hellevelTio_bermore durable and cheaper than any other paint yildintro. dated to tee` public. It Is without; grit—l, myself, ground some la oil, In my Paint 21 IP, and was cur- Prised to 11 4 d it so very Rod. and in application neat- • ORO for Miner wood or ,Iron.-.N : , JOHN P 4; RAWLINGS. Moose and tigo.Pa Inter. :._. & 1 - Wihnteltett,! Del., Feb. 14th, l 823; M lt R. Mutsu; & Co.—gentlemen .—We ' have been ...neing your =lnert] paint for some months pest, and believe it Mi be e itiperlatticie for wood or iron, tad would recommend it Iticularly for ex, terns) pa lug. • , • ' , 'IHOLLNOEIWORTH & HAR V EY , Machinists. ' F ~. dissayeek, Fre. 11th, 1851. Messrea. IL Nines & Co. -1 base been In t Atualneas of Roofing. with Iron, Tin and Copper, fatabove 14 yams, and have need cII the 'Mineral Me Proof Paints now In ,01e market, name ly, BlltittorZitent Ohio Paint, illieWs Enamel Paint, the Old BOntsh Brown ,- %*,-:,-, , i ..-r • • • 1_.,, - -,----- ......,....„., 161 4tkiti_lojte- heydrklitit l dvailco• '"" , "- - ....cut - -it teeviestmodaiiMhe if half at -Ihssibilili e l i tirj u tans -c.- . ~, *,:r S',Pzt-„ , * via - A - &TA F T v- T orio, ' " lakaggiaekparma. tot To *SWIM.- - ,vadvelteataues 111 i.r-viiwinzgrip:l4., , ititi:a,-.,62.17 ~........,_, ...Me +stil/3i. :,1_ = -... • I DID 111 D4Aoliseetees Mar sh. au, 11353, ecintjestei 13 vireeke-Vheitlon all weeks. - ' ''' ..,..._....1.- - 4 --_- The 4 1 1 111 1 1 1114 tor the litstlltierot oemblite. nfildoess ................„ 1 with .. .raisileed-seeral sad relishes* '-'-'-'- ii i iiantr-Mada r 4UXIMIW I m ..-'-' Vl 6ll l/Yeti Permeritiglpdiliarh. strict order Cad taro itt4w arrirtFiti.mr - HooK. i reel '.... 41 0 1 k 111 6!• ' ' '-'' -" ' it , TlTi v iudeettbar has ea t the lahlturittgre et reltratbeese_actleed.hkesitialiser-Vrg t 4 . Oat, they .boa 111 . 4 "° 00- lbenr. 06110 ° r 411111 sed tools. : i aileuellWaleithe , teria. . analogy:set the treedire 49Pfirangiffilt 911 P er • Inikit • 11. destrabburntels 147.-ittil arral- - lefixamakevredattes soly. 4a* be Isb. for Firteatid ethers. ' - • . i 0 kith of tw a t wok s i Weed apadiraadag thelPrier4paliiielther of the 1111. naumfietam A ,- ' maderdireit 4' . - - ,' . D. - 11'1111=6111). /1 131 ha. 1111 7. 4 411te es itairal 4111 4 11 16 .. iira f a4 2o , ll4 sko lis : • A ~: A. .c... - -x2612111140 Bit hietrithelreaumeg • r u t vi, ,1:4,1temr.;,,, ,„ .„i - - i Losj a piwki- ~.. -- :,.. -,,i, , --, , _ L . ~,, _, - , , mom L st , , 4,,- ., • I smt, `ailipaaaar or'lleeka Illielkrlllll4l l / 1 114011.1t tli or. _ rlaPid l3l , htettig*.M-tV . I - ft = 3 411 . 1 7 04. 1 1. 014 he satitimir alis, ca* le iiimmi l ,tiollo4 . lllllll‘. z . , dr4l 4 . ,-- ' .. • L , ~., i I l ' - .... H -,... FOURT CLS: AS . .. • Maio lour, deeds ,, Timber. found and square. Sawed • (limber, Hoop .Poler. Shingles, _Laths* and Stereo hileatejkay and Straw la-Oakes Merchandise of all MOM. and all articles not otherwise epsclaral ly enumerated. tiro cents per..toit petmile thr tinting tea mlleri; asd a half cent per tontper mile for each addition* mile, inn no charge sail be amide; for any dheanctiticeedieg slaty rents per ton. Timber tonne all soma. muted Lumber. hoop Poles, Shirt. glee. Lae and oases, in mite,' shall. be chanted as= cordlagre the rates In this vectioni provided the sew.' mal ilegtof a raft shall ba.aUovred hi alternate at the loctiesekh any ascending or deicending boll that may be reedy to paw otherwise each rail shall be charged-kbe fell chance Milk cents per ton pet loch Wow the city of Seeding. and (but ,cents per teem i t s k abovarsaid thy. i• - . : , Nora. ' la all cues where one or moire locks Are named, the distance ...larded shall be let} . thou two miles. thr charge for, Toll chat) toti for two miles se teals/CA the elm to which. Ardeler ranted May . belong.- ..,. , • . In ant dates where the ', foregolig Rates, for Tolls atty. shill exceed Ilk cents pee loafers alm-ascertained tossamt4.ef the vowel. Or *ay *a bused , below ReadieVor 4 cents per toe shove; Wadley, the Tons shall be abariped imam last tosatloned Bates on all Ankle*: .i. I. • n . . ' ; . ,7 TOLL ON libtPTT BOATS. ' Cenlibranes will be granted to Boats late Med Co be ran regblesly In the trade otr the lint of Me canal, by the payteest off's' Dollars tole, .Collector. : These cennictifee war entitle the Boat tea pen* Ifor each try to pitss Me whole or soy pot,"of the . Una empty, Sunni ths boating season of 1115/ previded such Boat atoll peil • ram in Tolls equal to Ten ,Dollars per Bout pot entitled to ouch permits ',lli be •chatged jleseeatsfpar wile..italess they earzyZawytwbleh nas paid fli4 Dollen ta...Totlay.trat - pa. shim shall be mad* ittlaYSllMlttuttil incer.dltOns Dollar. , Any , trro4.pannitted air atorissaiCend running upon a jingle level of the Works; "hall pay for each loch Mei wet at soy ilmetteee. Jaw ear= dhelt_tatt on the,rsteenalawitomaga thell uf. sham, Sending aVuto het oCee iinehly. , _,- • •t .• - lent of Doan will be , ;minim* to, exhibit 81 °flotillas. or Manliest' of their Cargoes. (when 1 they **demanded by the Collectors or Loektender,) it ilut Ha. • of applying for a blunts:in , at and other time wiles they,altall orarh the wake. Of a Collector Or,Tdbh glaring the peesage of the.float to the Owe of de**ation. If they danotKenai tomer Bills of laahig. or ,Nsalfeete of their Cergiwa. they. will Or rifted the °ammo Wets suitairisealiy law. by stActo(risecably. pasiegAptilo IT, 1840,11 is Prow** that If my person eagaged In tninsponing Qat. litte. Limber. or of it articles of Machandhe. Of, lay hropertytehateocrar. on hey Eiver.,tatial or Wroth% shalt seg e giegganta disrepair( theorem,. or My parethereor without..the towel, or the owner thereof he shell. ea convicting, ha tlfilm.. ed.o ll, of a wipilemeanor, and teepitalehed. by. 4/ 1 9!. ". mg les • thew ;Far, nor - exece4lng, Ire; Rustle DAL**. Ott also by taiprisoament In the jail of the PloPerty. for not see thud tweet,' ttaya.:nor. more tats me par.attha.dletretka...ef_ the...eonst.— Lad ait hadho *ell Initealogly Port*not MO peo pan) , any triesporter• (Wrest *ta t o* the *den of therewatm.shell his to pay *eh owsertiboblethe value of the'preparty no purntilaea. ,py tif ter ottatAnkomr; i- . • 1 • -....- yr. VIRALST . . Pitelleal Onee4thayikitt Narigitina 1. . • ' .. Oneepatty. Nimble, 11953. ' f '''. - - ''AO - - - SR- 1 y ly n. IBM PVLADELPHIA: theitt at thei lowest etitpst coNsir.ANT. LY lit SALE /1 1 01. ;eaehe . d sed;N:sititstWintei . Incapeing o i n pit Bleached Wiothrltod . Liera Exits White Worse siair O E,, Bleached Eleiheet Gil (Winter and leprtrdt,) ' Straised.NorthWest_Coast mid:Pola ( r Whets it. Winter and feriae Wh140,914 bleached, StraitS Bast sad Tanners - Od, , Muhtnerysiid Creasing Nevi Sedrrd;dpernt Vlinatm: Patent Poilthild Sperm ea ndleS;(Coloted and Pieta) assatios Candler, • , PriseePatestCsedles „ (fielphielt tre are sots Am's) Eritteitttad.trelltbed cen4,lrs. foe th e above Candles we received the Argt premtam 'Saris Mr. del,l from. the Franklin Tostihrte t sod a Diploma from the dais Atilcditorat dottetyltthirtimeeshtbldans. Toilet Samoa And other Panty Snap, r e tt,mw.gitmiseWhlts end Olathe door, ' Spessetarettits Parc,. • • • . ; . GOLDIN t.PRICE, \ • 31 . E orin wha yea, MOO Wit abort.. Mac Tv 1831.- 114, - - -veviiv-untbssiss:s: 1 . . il l .........:, Agiticultvrat - war ;iforeti,..* '' • ! .., : ,:j...;4 . .: 3, - cultural. Iciplemeui'isitil -.; ; sRED .11 1 4REffousik • - , - : 'NA 65 CHESTNUT St.; ~, , .PIIIIADELPHIA. - ' ' '' ' rillEiaumenian-arrers for inle .lin' ritenstet ' ail , / Portment DE' _- • - • • - -.•!. 1 AGIRICIMTVRAL Illripmgrizarg.g,l . . I noirctcturuitel Tpcam,B '- , 1 . • tlaniotr. a u ra; FIELD atviii ?COMM eltarta, 1 Arleultural,ttitiltiral, Rural and Eratanteal Pab- Imarlona: ,• - ' • - ' . '--. - ' " 1 ', I °implement end geed Catelratiser,:Landretb's aural Resister nd.Almanar forklBs3, furnished 'Mile up o n P er " pli r '.. 91 ; ".11 - d ir. P rit d ttl i iß n Etini f hilt& -1 H 'slay 14, I ilni . ' . ... D. • ; • 10-/al , .:.'.. pro. Lirrimeo+r. . Wk. 14011tai tIIIIOIO • 0110101111UMPTOOTT & CO. - LTA YE enni,autly ma .(land a fall asaartaaat Tria, WM , : LIQUOR& and.Gaqe.ta las.grnerallp M. 17 North • No. la North, Deiawn re Aveaae. 'lan. 19, 185 a, •' ' " 5-Iy ORANGEWag LENIONs: ! - JUST. arrived, tug sate cheat,;: • , OISE THOUSAND BOXES.' Decidedly the hut received here this **aeon. Apo? to • d. P. WHITMAN. Wholesale Coirectinnir ar d firalterer. 426 Market -et. betwe.ii 1111 & 130 street; rhtladA. Feb. • a-em PERUVIAN - GUANO. . . I - • RE endertgited beg to Inform . the . Ferment and ..1. Dealers inthie State: that :thee have made Or. ramtelneM midi F. BAPLEDA* !IRO., Agent* et the Peruvian Doyennes nt, for the transit" Importation of PERUVIAN GUANO Into the City of Philadelphia; divert from thr:•• Chlnubn" Islands. . Messrs. DADILEDA & BIM will keep consantly on band A litrie deposit of Peruvian Guano, sudletent to meet all the demandreteoneurners, which we will sell at Ibe lowst ptirmvand In tote tomtit purchasers. GLADINQ' & eIIItitITIAN,. Sole Agents fdi the aide of Pernitan Guarni In Phila., No; 48 N. W.harve.e. and 97 - N.- Water Et.. Philid'a. Jan. 24,1821.. ,11-11ni . ESSECE, OP i COFFER vuruv wit ratan use stttrrrs Patanung AY flint witch 'Newtons ao his health, When lie is willing to giro alibis wealth' to restore It wheatt is boot; dtrattae that sr least twa-thirds of :the human (guilty will use ordinary knowlbelt to be Illumine to their health.— KRUPP'S EdtIENCIE OP COFFEE Is, beyond!br oubt, * w r i t,. Emu flouse.dieeper shoold have It. ,Try It the it al most wholesome - P I reparation - n the and be eonalaied—tt will ace about'6o per Ce'ut, be sides your health. Warranted to .give entire satis faction. Mactutsctured end foi sale by, ." ELI KRUPP. -- 1 • 639 North Third St.,Ptilladeltshia. N. H.—All the pribetpal Oroe.ere arid Druggists have It for, late thr s tothabt the United State*. " . • • 1 .521 M CLECIND , - ENIMNENT AND FANCY , ~ S 0 OAPB —Theie autlerlor articles. of ' perfumery, . *mongol *bleb are enumerated hlsJusllycelebra ted Lilly White, Oriental Alabaster, Pearl; !Dugs, Tooth and Toilet Powderer Chinese. Velvet,! Chalk and other &annoyed Console*: . • . - -, i 80aPa.—Walnat and Extra Fine Sand Drown and White Windiur, Floating, Palm, Almond. FollOY sod Toilet Soapal: Shaving Cream, Male Dye, Cologne Water,. Extracts for the Handkerchief, 01 Marrow, Beta's Oil Crystul Pomade DI new art(ele), Eap Lus teal flair ttimtprlLllVe, Ma Irolls, Pbiloyommite.,&e., are'mannfitetaredand for sale by ' , JOHN T+ CLEOCi. ' Perfumer 4- finemist,4B Market St.: below Id, Phila. r4^3.lerch"ate, don't forget that CLROGl'dits the cheapest and mit extensive Manors:to:T.lo the Chi. Give him • e 11. ' ' .I - 1 , rVI.I• T. Arles Perfumery can be bad wholesale and re ail at t, hy ytiees,at ; D. HANNAN'S , Variety Store; Pottirellie. i'' 43-iy Oct. 25,195 P . 1 REmiER L itTLEr po rE IN HAIR. 177 Chesnut Flume. opposite!: Piaui Humor; PHILADELPHIA. In sensor of the ielehrated Gamines Ventilating, Wls and Elastic 1 nd.Toupacei: Instructions to ensbut ladles and gentlemen 'to matisurn their .own . beads with accuracy : . • ::.. For trio, hags. torpors It Scalps. Inches. No.I The rOund -of the No. I From forehead to head. . • ' . • back as for as bald From. fbrebradUset I 'Over forehead. as ' the - hood to neck. far as requlred. From ear toearover I • 3 Over the groin of the tit . the head. I , '''4 4 From ar to ear r'd that° ehead. , R. DOLLARD has always toady for sale a splendid stock of Gent,' Wigs. Tooker. Ladles' Wigs, halt 'Vigo, Mutts, Braids. Curbs; Me.. beautilhlly mane facturett au as cheap as any estatitishnnent In the Union. DOLLAR '8 Flerbaniam Extract or Llama* Cal. Tonic, prepared fromßouth American herbs and rooter the most suckessful ankle ever produced for rtneenr lag the hair e tront MIMI out or clanging miler, teete— ring and pr crying it In health,- And lastortant state. Amon/ other 'reasons why Dollard's hair-gut ting 'Saloon Maintains its lminense popularity Is the fact that bleilonk Is applim3 to every.-bead-of hair eat at his astablishtnent,.cOnsenuently it is kept In better presereaskm than undOr ithy other known ap plication. It ;winch us practically tested - 1y thousands, otDra the grOstest guaranty of it. efficacy. , Bold wholosale and retail tit hi. Old Rataidisheient, 177 UR ges Waft?, oppotito the Stale Ifoose;Phile. R. DOLL trt ARD has at last discovered the agyisir ultra of RAIN DYC and announces It for sale, with perfect econgdenee In Its Immo:Wag everything 'of the kind now id use.. It colors 'the hair either black or brown. (as May be desired). and is said witketit sag injury to go hair or skis , either by stale or otherwise, can be washed off in ten minutes after application. without detracting from its efficacy. Persons the city arrlwrited to sire him a call." Letter* ad cheesed to R. DOLLARD; 177 Chesneistreet; delphia, wili misty* attellii.cm • - July 10,183 t. , • 44-4 • EI)UCATIONAL GSAWWI* Naftali& „E r , • iffitti O ligaimiCkaeasant-lood ' - 1 4, f 4t arlal 1 11111 . 1 /10.1, 1. MA ' - 161111LIMIfi 11VIAN: UFACTII A \ rear TSEILAT../IL Et. 01116erelltsed .clalpectrullY anneal rtienda,scl tbe , plaits la gen that he ha* coal{ nt ly an band and manuruclosiall k.uda, or Fan cy laa'ddlea and Ilarneer,und all de. ' . the loit lest Classes Of . people.; ~I ' 1 1 ; .. " . : ' Taking Shaliherty of au old acquaintance." '!he 'ventured to retnonstrate with Mr. and 13Iri.;Sto6ein regard In the impropriety of :such leugnage. • ‘,--- r '.)- i , .. "You iwrong-.both yOuraelveg, and your children," he remarked ;,... the letter-„iire -al ready imbued !with-ideest.'thit associate Mein with-the profligate and the vile,_ and which , will forever prevent them from ,'zexpretsiog •thetwiselves etstreetiv." •• . ' • _il' -- ujilereYeate me, 111 dots' , believe the gad davit, is right I", exclalared Mrst. tottt,• 4 lstit , I never thoegtit of The intieet in thatlight." , ii• Thettabit his been of stith lOtig•• stand ink; that it erill.be 'a ter:ible orneis'Aci get , • , ~,,u , , tie " obterved Mr. .Stout. thoughtfully; opt i,saintis ..that. he had employed a east ,wcWeerea *hen' be rtieunt to have spokes s i r ieeleti lad to thrpoiot. •, :,. : :- • , , • word! :, I.Bufdt, iourchiliitio,u no itUch ~ pitted, Xts. Stout earnestly; - :' ,:-• ' : • "Nedra,!m ut , rt i tflutu_ppro,,Hay., lag !iota Fokili - ii.tug,ta• the tifilisti,', fail' ftu,lig!; ,l ,bet, -4 49 110Lieul I i_tti •is,,teti, ut 'deli Pill„....raseii'l ;14e1. : ,....ri1uti0, :g08w44 . 00410h rc 4 . .04"• ,11 ..c, to: l k ..: -. “ ' ,.1.7`: -. r! it bf 4 s' iiie iliekeizr . iiiiial .the . isdy,, italltala t ie4... OtalpW,tuoug 4tts force of habit isr.4.:Now, I could 'Wily I wo* : sub 101 re or—te• the Aaer /ate a the 'WELSH. 135-11., I 3 t)t Atm rig. 3.1 r I tA, n+ kept on . • • nee :Steam ' • •••-•" a Itstance WISTAR A. AIRS. -' 2 1 1-1 ' nth .mat Ins workmen, be sure of e to order.— Orden early nppn. INNINGS 0 11•tf Mire. • best Msnu ttsite Furnl - told at elt,y ea re. t hie. Warp eels. neatly bleb trill be ESE-'ANO k 4 if , T fizS , . or Illnd WriOt to soy- Dnokm bound In full gilt any pattern. than in the per ruled to lIAN N A N. 17 em ANEOUS. „.4I 1' e prompili aften ' CIVED Iti 'III 11. .. , Chpa. BANNArea BOGS More. °a' practical e!ittrlf:‘ = • •;.. • • • -.2) NIA..! tl 'NO • - things. bat it would be' difitent 'With bus. band and the childteri. As woe in I'm afire,' I don't think they tier could mend in that respect." --• " My eye! yonl i re 'ciitting it tat,' moths. er!" exclaimed Napoleon. " You're used two o: 'eat since ion begiiito.spenk." Mr. Thompson Smiled, and said : !‘ Yes, yes, the' force of habit is strong, Mrs. Stout." , , ' • " There's no getting rotted £4s:," sugges• ted the senior Stout. " My eanuienci. Mr. Tinnpiloal" cried Miss JosePlitne. "I hope you done-think Tin addiited to langua,ge that I cannot leave oft • just as easy as nothing- P ." - "That's high VI vociferated Napoleon, ex ultiogly. " The More y'ou try , the. worse; you make it! • Jerusalem pancakes!' your Ugh Phalli stuff, common Amongst the snobs, nun worth # eopper !" • " Bless me, Napoleon ? how you do run on.- I never heard the beat of 'you." 0!f thank heaven !" exclaimed Mr. Thom pson, emphatically, "that my „children are not infected with ! t his ' moral leprosy which dis6gures human laaguege, and detracts from the dignity of the human character.— My friends, I hope you will,make a strong and long-continued effort to repair' the tnishiel. Which your example has wrought. Bettev• er weary to this work of reform, and ever bear it constantly in mind, that your children can never appear to good advantage in ele gant and refined society, until they can speak correctly ; or, at least, in a Manner not tool; feud ordinary good taste. .There are circlra to which the slaves to such habits cannot by any means gain admission ; - because their ib• fluence would be deemed pernicious. I trust you will not be offended as my plain dealing, I speak from 'the most disioterested of motives.: Let Josephine and Napoleou visi. me at the city ? . andwill .4147'811 I can to' eradicate, ideas tio degrading. and to inaul others of so rough wore value. that abet shell never regret the exeinnge." In justice to the stout family, we.will say that they 'k'id make some faint efforts to prof it by, the. suggestions of Mr. Thompsoo, but without any particular result. Mr. Stout ietiolotely declared, after a few. trials; that "he coo Ida% conic it ;" Mrs. Stout eodorsrd this opialuat. by addtag that it wit a "hard cage." awl Mu Josephine-rendered the idea atilt -manic, by repining that it , wasn't nothing else ;" white the bold Napoleon con. ducted, finally, iv! let her slide ;" so that nu perceptible change took place to the Stow carnily.-4//tasori:'sPictoria/ Drawing. Room Companion. . , Moral. HOUSES or COHReCTION-- , INTEMPERANCE. 71 Judge-Its:4.x lu his recent charge to , the Grand Jury of the city and county of Phila. deiphia, suggested the ides of .Houses of Cur am' fin Vagniets,loebriates, kc. 'Anta res .ndent of Me, Philadelphia Sun chimes to the % ominendation for the \ followiug re st . sons :-- ~ 1 • rr Establiska House of Correction, and fl it up at an ex 0e of two or three hundred % .1.11 thousand dollars; e n collecra thousand or two of, those as s ' etieticis of the vilest cupidity that ever cuiied.Goers' lair earth— plplace them lit yOur bows set them ;earth— ace work. and after a few months es fence and care, - you have reformed. theas—be 1 o. But what leis been going On outside in the eau time I Why, the , liquor sellers of all Ades, it grades there be; which 'is very d biful, have been bitsy :day and night—week ys and Sundays;e-prepunng, another set : a a hence, just, so long as , the liquor !raffle is continued, you Will have a plentiful supply of 'drunkards and eagrosts—sce that your House of Curreetion will be amply supplied with guests, to" be supported at the expense pf the public. All Must see, that as a mat ter of course, while the cause of inebrrety. 'and , rograncy ii allowed , in , tull operation, the .effects will exist also. •'-' And. surely •no man - in this community will presume - to deny but that riinely•sseen, if nut an:hundrad per cent Of a/./ the vagran cy and wretchedness in this city and cuunty is, traceable directly to the use of intoxica- Ong liquors as e beverage. This is so Doter rious that he that runs may-real .Would i. out be wise thin; first to refugee the cause of the evil ;• and then, at speedily -as may be, and in the-beat way poesible.,provide for the iniserabhutaings now ia. existence, ren dered worse than homeless, and penniless, by the mann /accusers and venders of tanaxick sing bererages.l Prohibit the' manufacture and sale of nil intoxicating beverages, as you'. do poisoned or iamted meats (rum your mar kets, or any other vile nuisance hum the community... , , . A House of 'Correction in every township is the State, will dot cure the evil—aud It i. curs we want,*nd cure we must have. Ha. the Alms House retuoyed, or in any way lessened pauperise]. Nap;' rather increased it. l II' is a histinical fact that in . : propontun; as you provide for paupers, you multiply pauperism. A; House of Correction, it is to be leered would tend rather to increase, than diminish the , evil. Only banish the Ileum traffic from outnoble 'State, and - there will, be little or lie use, eitherlir Houses of Cur rectioo. or Altos Houses; or Jails or Peui teutiaries . in the ' State . Ana,..why &hunk not the 'traffic god use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage 4 be done away With? Tht government of the United:States in .the free exercise of a pure humanity ebto/utely r hi bits the sale Of those destructive beverages among the Indian tribes. ' And who say , this course .olithe part of the general gov erament toviaida the red man, is either arbi trary. tyrannical, or faeatical I _Surely then, the /Viand eloractri of a civilized min i. not 'less valuable than', that Qf the wily man of the forest. • How feint would the . !adieu tribes be without Alms Houses, Hou sea of Correction, Jails and Peatteatianet, ii ' allowed the use of itooxicatiog eeeerages. Give us "a prohibitory' law. .illseish the accursed thing from this comueity, and in M ten years ere will be no peed ;of a Haus.. Of,Correetiori for ,drunkiirde or ivagranit---i And your almis house's, eoly,.atthey are sups plied byritnn and Romanians,. will be o f en -- usebecanse it is notorious iliat,a•`veis laige proportion ~of the .population of un., alms honses •-, - are..enugreats - adi inebriates. Prohibit tatcuticatiog beverages, sod very soo*,the miserable foreigners , who fill oil, almlttouses will be reformed, provided they cannot get intoxicating liquors, either, t, drink or sell. is Furst wilt not be'denied bu. that a-large majority of the dram shops of this community are kept by,. , Europeans, chiefly Irish an in d,fierars Cailßics, and tht keepers of thine wretched pest houses ar, noronly making a living; bat to many tor stances growtogrich by beggaring then countrymen. ` But vrhat tsenortyibenispect able, sober, iPdusinons American ottlfela has to be heavily taxed to support the paupesism . aed pay fur the critrut superuiduced by ,the traffiCkers in turn. . .. - , . • • l'oli right, is ii liumine..is it Christian- to erect a kind of lazaer.hyuset, ~._ll it.with the miserahlt.eictiins of the rum trelpe—ace at the same tit ie leave that traffic to 10 Ctitt+. atimit A traffic, *Phich'neves! proipero et" 81 the expense id human happiness both tor :tau and eternify t r A traffic which has done, a& , O is ever doing; more to degrade.imimoerishana' damn eivilieedlOciety, than all other traffi:t combined. i , • • - ' • Take arty Position you will fa'smiety, and carefully watch the movements and practicer workings of ' - ,the !saner traffic--and you will see that it withers eirervthiag that it ,comes in comsat with—and -lessees in -its. wake, ought .but 'the touched monuments of its , burntog tames. The eery-air that follows its desolating match. is fearfully, freighted with the groans of the dying; the cursing - and riving/ of aeniece—end the ehriekt iof the despsir.ag Aye. tied the" pietas 'pietas . emit hill sidet are blanched:with - the bones of us ilsoghterFd millions. ' '' ~ • Parley then any losger vt4h. such a foe 'I Submit to suchtftimarand outrage ear Jon . get? isle,y,•;renly, let - rem Trien4. of God - and human* transfer to hie heart4—the sea= Omens itignived, opett'the vetch teal of the maroortal ,Teirersoo t' ge Bailout. to• tyraots is obedieseep ficil." • ' • •• - -.- - - If a house o:Venation be alletfor now —sod doubtless tr mis.let turitate a prohibi tory Ii oimeacirbiddtilt 'under the sots • penalties, the ineitufecture • and sole of ell . -ietozieetiegleiresegee.end in leas than tea Vara ii.. sello Ji l e t z i cos e z d esl i:o unr um ' gs ' Alias es co r e = ißtucollOni .Woel lett,, Of edstr factories. , ' 1 Cowahnossei:'—Taos.- F. Masher, zwl4' boa botarticated ' Manly , await? ot PlAsoir , Luomf fookty of WsWarn sod Mary:o4l4o of Virtaqa. Tlgallowswy was Wasted b 7 iggenowl • rti . _ ef.,;,,,.. - r , F;;A:,;, , ,: • - li ,nt - WITAIitff i IttISIWALF i ICE., xa~an ' l ' - * . al o rttra.ts4li everye, t !On, a e. 'Mee Mw Mee 'of via ar' Journal, c heaper than it ran be done a 4 Say otbsa• ortabliihmeat in ,ba Comity .7, 11 swab IA . ; , , - . Aasia l .PassAntata, - - I --8 14 2 , 0 ‘: •- Arrulor of dgraiant,LTiou Be s ;lit -, BM That, • - • - • , .o_rior ft .44, -- At the vary , Worn:lW - :2- 'Oin.;:-toc -of JUB -TYPE is Eno* cateaPire tkitth that'ot asiotber Office. is I this nhtion ,ot, Ito Ststsowd- ket'P bands . sniper:4 riartiar . ,lbr" Tab , ', , ,''' iog a ,practical Printer ournatf, - ** writ. - apairaniair our work to be a. awn as say shat eta be united out to the hint's. PILDITINO gi COLOAS d.• • • at Ilan , 111 Booki bound in every venety of rtv . Blank Books °fairer, dereription manufactured bound and ruled to oidair et short with. • I Elefetreb AMU l ed WORLD'S TEMPERANC4 4 El'll,lo. Whereas, At a meeting maven in the • city New York. on the 18th of, 3 ay:1853, preparatory to a World's Temper ace Con. l venlion in the city of New York.d ming the World's Fair', it was Resairei, 'X' at such a . Convention be held in said city o 1 ,4 Bth of September next ; and WAereas,l Via - under signed were appointed _a_cootoOlitoo. of o p. from each State. Territory . sod rovince, to call suclrContrentioo. c . I Therefore, in fulfillment off ur, appoint meat. and with the full couv - rico or the wisdom sod utility of such a 'invention,. . we do hereby heartily Issue an oVila.ioa to ell Temperance associations ii d oreaciza• twos, based on the principle cif ntire 'strati neoce !Mow the use sod sale io . intoxicailog 'liquors as a beverage, to sneer by their rep resentatives, io the city off New York, on the 81h day of September next, at 10 o'clock A.M., with a.view of crintinu ost to session tour days, holding public mean p and trans acuog such business as may come before them: moje etpeciallv in ref react to the enactment of a prohibitory I w., like. the . Maine Law, by the Government of all States sod nations. And we •do ilur liermore ex- ~ 'cod Our invitaiion to the frier/ a of Tempe- ranceYa every ;part of the we rld,'assurtrit, them of a cordial, welcome to he meeting. , end ait opportunity ;to exhibit fully the ad vance of the cause in their or respective districts. ' , , . R H Walworih. X' Y. \V R Sitio. :Hiss. ii D Peck; Me. Hucii A i rch, F. F.a. Fn.'s E Poviers, Vt. T S Janie., Ark. ‘ T B Juries; N. H: . mt ' S F Caty, Ohio. C L McCurdy, Mais.• W Hannatitan.,lod. A C 13.i;stow, R. I. ' B S EdWard, I'l. 1 N Hewitt, Corm', It.aac Lttwa, Tenn. (IZ 13 Segur, N. J. C Lgiuita,'Ky• E Ver, Jackson, Pa. • John' dodle v. Wis. John W Evans. Del. A Bat trUct, Mi.i. George Savage, 'D: C. M D Droll ry4Le. Christian Keener, Md. C ; S Ames, Mw. J H Cocke, Va. • •- C Lannie, Texas. C F Deems, N. C. .Chtirlet , Mason, lowa. J.D O'Niell, S. c. C M Brieglial. • DH Lunikio, Ga. , Githeroethy. Oregoli. Daniel Chandler, A1a.„1,,h0 Drop!. Canada. Samuel L. Wry, New Brunswick. 'PENNSYLVANIA BIBLE SOCIETY. -,..1 . The foriy-fvur.ll annual repti , rt of this so• . dely has been publiahre. The following is a brief synopsis of it proceeding*: I . During the pan year - the auxiliary asilocia jun* have distributed %went% 1 .ur itiuusand lour hundred and mealy' Bli,lea and forty. Ilittr thiwaaud tour hundred and ' , ivy-nine :New Testara•uts. utaktog a to at ot six - thou• .and eight hundred and eight)-nine cjpies. which exceeds,. by 'itiree tht,u.and five 'tun iced and six,ty-ntue, the ditintter circulated to the Deli preceding twelve:11)11Q hs. iki is4l) the 'Society increased its 'exertionatio supply the "State with the Serifyures t / &lee that dine they have distributed, itCall, six hun dred and nineteen thousand tight hultdrsd and til!,y•tWo copier. .The lolliiwing will now the, prugron ul thework since , 1540: Reported clay, 1841, / ' .21.090 it • a 18 4 ., / •• 28, 1 43 It , •,. 1 8 4 3, , ‘ i 2.758 i:: .1 I. 1314, . , . • 431391 " ' ' " 1.6 . -0, 39,114 ~ "'/ 1810, 34,113 ",'"; -1847, ' 55 277 ----- ii — • ,/. 1845, 64 i 4 " / " - 1819; 4 53 b7ti ' " ' " 103, 62 . 011 16.5 t, ' . fa,f,sa 67,373 , " t' /43, • 68'8 S'J • ' The'poptlation ofPeunaylyanis being, ac cording to the ensue of 1650.2,311,780, the Above ournbei of Bibl-s allows about one copy to everY 'outlier:one. The trear t prerra report of the financial cip. 'erations of the Past year represents the. re 'ceipts from all sources. fur the p`eriol. to be only $24,99 72.'—beiOg au ezeess•ut $2,- 130 05 over, those of the previuo's year. The ',44iety lately appropriated' 35,000 to the Anuerscao - Bible Sudety, to be used it) sup. "plytug.the Pacific, and the foreign field: .The limey was apportioned as i , ;110ws:To Ole goo:8300 to Ciliturnia, 8700 ; to the fur- tip field, 84,000. , 0:7," THE Boyroil Pilot, a Catholic paper, of June lltb, is down on •the.eloquent patri ot, THOMAS tII4I,I 4 ICIIMEAouis Erg.: Jo' al luding w his recent Addres', au extract Iron which we published lust week, the Pilot says: . . . We hive given prOutenuugh from Alva zher's °Wu mouth dist every, uecu>a'i wu which hat been raised against tiim is more shies true, He is not a . , Catholic; he is aRt d rep i rn, he frateruises with Nan i, Kos -1.1 1. sod the rest, ut that gang,. he 'Jan ! Jess the luisticlerav,l'aud calumniates °Von aell. It is worth while lu,renint:lt that 1V if Lune, who was a suicide. germs to be' his _ tturo. , We also Ilottee that tie. ; sharks 'the A.ruerican Bisoops fur their course ttilb ref erence to godless • *chunk: , He •beliusvh;ul ,viudy panegyric upon gudlo, edurii I ion. and tlludes, in very 0431 be and ufrenove , o the course which eso.d 'o+4lu:res. finder f heapOrobatiou MAW Pa-torts. sir pur.utl.F. blr. Meagher bas put hii;fuoi to t , ." si•d .4rei thank bun Ofhis-lerture, Westlu,'t ,end to p argue that mis wrung to. lel, a ed republicau; der of dead aud•liv , n4 IriAnieu—who loyal (near cuuo try as well as be ever did or e• nit we simply prupuse to shuw uu'r rraderA, ,rum his own testirriMiv, timrever; (imo lough: spies' Alengh,r by the Press is rictly true. flavazz. could ,not Lave .sid rime sizaicip the elersiv thark Meagher t hai. bleigber_ti Wit boy." ' 4he follow-MO - tom the &Alpo ,Pillif a 1-0 explains hoirP*fletor Pirtce was eitett d.at.d also the cohditloos; A Trietfil . :LWSitra ris : We have to beru uerziceled here poirbially Ur. Patrick - Quigley - is the relmtver of Public Muoies at the,Laod office, 'rta'wt as estiosi dry aod general DishuisroF . A gem to- the whole North West. C:mrles Cot rt • El.. a Postmaster fur this cbsirthutmg t ffirmind Slr. Norman. 41r. Jetilitnirs-a”d C t.i,• oics, have postiloo• id the Sti vrt er qt. n. r tPs tallie at ballitit's of solar S1:500 a year." nr . LIXE IN ButhEss.—To pets,-•ine haying, the care u 1 steam eugitie...thefottowitie frnto the Lawrenceburg Re - gazer-mat he vs' trihle': Ir. Ira Hill has sal . orined u. that he has ac. identaile made a tiolluable dt-rovety. by which the deposition I:it lime upon boilers pay be obviated. Toth or three elureli of saw dustare --- throwirinto the , boiler after which process. he stated. he nave: had soy tifficulty from lia4, although loinst.water • .truagly , impregnated with :it. lie has al ways loubd the inside of hi. boiler as swot,' si if last oiled, NV hialter the lime apaches 'melt to-the &loin particles of raw dast. in. •tead of the butler, or whether the , tsitic nrid a th'e oak saw dust forms a salt with the ' irne which will *cot attach itself to iron, re mittal' to be explained. The ,Ea® dust was : diced •irr 'the boiler for the purpose f stop. i iiag a • The experiMent is cheap and easily tried.- .1:17 lirrit.trang, Jr Tatl•-••WeefillitiOt jet u the puMic as more acceptable piece ir itellifgence thau the following which we find in cistern paper. It is a cure for she tooth ache.. A practitiouer says; " copal, wheo dissolved in ehloro. f or th, f o yraeas eneellenteom pound tor sluff. log '44 wolfs of the decayed !teat. , 1 have used feet; needy tand the benefitsmi pal it o have detivroVrent it have beta truly at i o a. The spplicilion is simple and easy. I,cdian out the bole and moisten a 'dila ioree °relights with , t be , solution; .linit,oduCe this itito die decayed been and In every iftrance the fillet has en:Nat Matholaneous : the chlurbform removes the pato, sod 'begun' co. pal real is the sauna 01 the saliva : and.' as the' appfieatioh . is so agreeable. those who labor' coder tblis dreadful malady, Would do well co make a trial-ofit4' iira.....+4111 that tread Tbegtobe, we but * Moen), to the tribes That *lumber ta itsiximoni Take tat twiny Of morning, and tterßantestoarcri pierce, Or, loin thyself in the onciiiatioug wood, , Where roll, th e Orierat. lute bassi ra,; .ound gaxd Its oos4datbieg ; yet the dead are ;bite; And'atillione m thcire pohiodek., ,i n e o dirt Theltpti of.yearthegau, have laid them down Le shear lasi sleep tttrie d reign there alone. How SQ WHISPER AWAY WAITE.... PHDCW iS a good doctor at limes. He girea the tollowtog for ',the bentfit of wart-wearers: —Put ,your Mouth close to the wart, and tell it itt a whisper, that tt it. will clot c.`, sway you wit burn it out with caustic. it .d -not Ai title hint, be as toed is putt 619,8i2