. • • , . . . . •••.• I . . • . . . . - . •, . . .. . • .' •-., - • • - • . .i _ • - - . . . - - • . . ...-i • t,.. :. : - ... t. :.' .:7 " 4. - - X‘i.-1 , 01040fr44 , 144r.W1740Kat , ..1E+74-.l.,kanfklT.: Zi.IN - 0 . 41:4:ZZta" , :e043.rW.....5...".. ''' - , r 1 . . • - .1.: .•• -, ..vo,, v - a. --, 4 ', , . 3...4 4 .. ' l J ...,... . ~. , ~. ~... i N . . •.•., ._ . . . J . O . , . ....,.... ..... ~ ... ~, OP TRU !MINERS , JOURNAL. - , , • .... TWO DOLLARS etunno w , parable setrilitn- • - - • -- • -- . , . , nnally in admire to Mere ho resitie in the Coen- -, . - , , . . . ... , ty, and annzaUy in a dvanc e . to those who reeide tra •otft: 2 ~, . . .• • J •. , . .. ei the Comity.' Tee *halter rerervea to h nil . , . .„,,, ' 4 ll ..,.. the right tot4tioe $ 2 al per anZunswlit 2 PIT/neat „ • VA.3.7 'I delayed longer than ore year. `,.. . - . - . . , ~ - - . - .. . . . . ...., . ' ND . . . .. . TO CLIMS: - , i . ' . , 55 hma CopieS to one Addre ss , - - i TENERAt• 'ADVERTISER. • •,-,- d de do - - - I° °° - „ N 1 , ' . • - ';:-.,‘.- fifteen do do ! do . - - 20 00 . . . .- . • , or ctrr4-yearn and School Traders: suPPlied ' - • -, . •. . . . . . . all the :earn& at 1$ in advance. _ —____-______ _. ____ , . RATES OP , ADVIOLISSOM : • • - , • . . • . • . ___ s. e Sntrare of 14 lines 1 Muses , ,__ 3 moS, $,?. ' OO - ' ---, •• • r WILL TEACH 1 - 4317 To PIERCE TIIE BOWELS or iiir, r...auTn, AND •ISRING OUT FROM THE CAVERNS OF i1.0173.154L1N1T METALS WHIM .WIE4. GIVE STRENGTH TO OUR HA N DS 41ND strntEcT am, NATURE - TO OUR um , AND pLE A sunr,--D r . ja4 nso7 ,„ . • t ! . ... 3 times, .8160 6 Itu:sNas. 'a 00 • . . . . , - k.,, q , e t. wer u or ,, 25 1 year, . .8 GO • • . - - , •••1 ILL COUNTY ' , PENNSYLVANIA , , ,:. • lines, 1 time, 23 Cards or .Thoes, .300 - ' PUBLISHEI) EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BY ' BENJAMIN . BANNAN, POTTSVILLE, SCHOYLK •.- übseq'nt inserticn. 12 1 dO 51111 vS 5iCO _ i, s • '' • . embank,. and oater 4 advertii..ing be the year . ..__--- - ---- _ _____-_------_...___._ _ __.- - - -------_.=-_-:•_-_-..:.-_:-- T - 7 -- '-' "..... rah th e ,nl-1!q:e. of inserting chicerent ad- . - • . . — 7 -- • . "SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 185 a : ‘. . • • , ...-464rti.emen 8 yAreey.l y, l2 00 VOL. XXIX. -,.i . . . :- ~ ,- - L„,-ger Adi - ertitents, as per agreement. • - - I i . • i t : 1 BUSINESS CARDS. JG. 21•GOIVAN. ATTOZINET AT 1.4w.0r. • fiCP to MazYri S.. neat Second. lune 5.1532. olkyk ILUGLIES, ATTIOIN kilt: AT I. %V. rOttlf. •ille, Schuylkill county. Pa. Office in Centre reel, optiotite the Mitten' Bank aloe to I, Piril EO. 11. CLAY, Attorney at Law. Pottsville, I Pa. Office to Centre vireet, opposite litortlnter's wet. July 91, la 011211'. 11011A11.1 2 , Attorney:at Lan, Commis. el , 'loner for Nen York. Otrkre opposite American 11-ooe, 0,1 re Street, Totisvills, Penna. spry a. 1124. 17-1 y• 2 0 - WILSON, 111ACIATRATE, CONVEY . • inter„ land A geol. and Gonrral.Collestor.— once, Market street, Pottsville, Pa N0v.30,11120. NV IL LIA WIELTNENT, ATTORNEY at Law, Pnliscille, Schuylkill county. Ps. Otfice to C.ntie street, ee?rly opposite.jbe Miners' Rant. Jan. 4, 120 11/ 4 1-ly .00TORI C. 11/F.SELEIt, II041(£11PATIVIC I PHI 811C 1 / 4 1 1 i, Removed tils Often to one of the Brisk !louses in Coil Ftreet , Pottsvllle. April V 1,1849. lB-t f • __— I ) SAJIIVRI. uguLucny.OFFlcE. 1111.1 . ith glut MlthantattioStrrell.Potievilte—(the t•ne lat•lt ortopts.4l by Dr. That, Brady.) . . Puttottitte.,.Marcla 1.5,1551 f A 111 G FP. ATTORNEY AT LAW, having removed to I'oll4lloe, has opened iin4inflke unil•r ti•Trlerfa Wrier. Coin •tr• e t.nppnrit r the Miners' Bank. 1 EO.,K. SMITH, MINING ENCIXF.EIt and Tmurveynr, removed to Centte Street, opposite Mlncas. RAFE, Pottsville; fa. All de.riptionn or Engin , ntine. Mlpoing and Dilughtinit nircuted promptly and carefully May 52,1652, TOIIN C.COMRAD,JUSTICE.tir THE PLIACT. will attend to any business, entrusted to hisccare, punctually. Bills and Mites collected. &c. Office in Market St., opposite Dr. Halberstadt's. June a, 1912 {0 AIIICEL II ART Z--JUSTICC OY THE PEACE., Pottsville. Will attend promptly to Collections, Irenries, PoiChue and Sale of Real Cstate, kc., in buylklll County. Pa. Office in Centred treet,opran site be Town Ball. Oct '2O. 1025 I OMEN ,W IL LI A DISON•ek. JAN. COOman, Attornies at Law, Potteville. °Mee In C..plre s few dome East nf the Pennsylvania !tali." Sir. Cooper will attend at all the Coatis Pottsville, De, 7, ISSO PETER BIIIPSONi AIining lingineet , has re- Inured hi• office to Dr. Chicheatet's Building. next door but one below the Protestant Episcopal Church, centre direet, Pottsville, Pa., where he swill pm:llN sitelii Mall order, in the line of ht. proferi.inn. April 3. 18:01. 14-1( .LP.'.WIIITNEV, EXCHANGE, COLLEC. unn, Comrniapmn, and General Agency Office, next doorto Minerlig , Bank, Potlgv li. , Dealer in on. current mnneV.o4l,l and Silver. HU AFT Son Phll2 delobixand Never "ot k for tale. March 20.1202. LIDWARD SUIPPEN, ATTORNEY AND i COUNSELLOR at Irv, Philadelphia.wiilattend t entlections and all other trial busine3a In the City •,i Philadelphia, adjoining Counties and elsewhere.— , dire No. 173 Walnut meet above Seventh street. lOUS BANIVAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, has 11 opened an race In Centre attec,S'ottsville, °mai •ite the Einvenpal Church, where he will be daily, from 9.tn 3 tislnek. Nattiest letters 16 him will re elve prompt Intention; a ddreised to him et either Pottsville or Orwlgeburg Dee. 6, 1931 r P. sureftwur, EXCHANGE AND' COL . leering Office; Potnvilie , Pa.—Dealer in ancor r, nt Bank Note.. Dills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposits, Checks and" Drafts. Checks for sale on Phlladelohla and New York, in turns to suit. March 0, IESO. .1114 A GENCY—For the purehaee and sale of Meat Es rate; buying and sellind Coal; rating. charge of oel Lands; Mines,lr.c., and collecting renta—from twenty }kW! iltirrietre In tilo County he hepe• to curesati3fin. Office Mahantando atreet.Pottoille. CIIAS. M. HILL . Apttl 6. isso 14-11 PVICVES, BALER IN dCRAP IRON A Copper, Brass, • r and Block Tin, Roddery Spletter Lead,4:e. Or, , a received for Brass and copper work, and Stachini , furniehing. ,All order. e..nnected With the above I int. promptly attended to. Souib gtrret,abovi , Front, Philadelphia lope , da,lBso 24-tf SHERIFF'S -SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL BY Yu-toe of sundry - writ.. of Ferri Facial, Le hari Farias, and Vendittous .Erpouas, sitied oidiat the Court of Cdrnmon Plena 'of Schuylkill County, and to me directed. will be ex ine.ed to Public Sale or Vendue„ on SATURDAY, February l?th, 15:,7, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, et the Pub lic Howe of William Matz, in the Borough of Putt,- Ole, - County aforer , aid, the lollowing described Real E:qate, to wit ALL that certain lot or piece of•ground, satiate in the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, I - clamming in front on 'nerd Street, twenty feet, and, length or depth eighty feel, being a part of the lot marked in the general plan obsaid Borough with the number ninety-two, and bounded north-wester ty by a part of the same lot No. te . 4, belonging re spectively to Daniel V.Gla,inire,Sainuel and Nathaniel J. riddli,south-westerly by said Third street and soutli-rasterly and north-easterly by an other part of MI No. IQ, belonging to Wellington li hue, th the improvements, consisting of-a two and one-half story Brick - Dwelling iluese, with a basement story of stone alai brick, neatly finished. as the property of DANIEL S. KLINE and LOU ISA L. KLINK ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of 'ground, .sturate in the town el Llewellyn. Schuylkill Co - unty, bounded in front by Bunting Street, on the west by property of !pilfer S Blair.on the south by a 20 wet wide alley, and on theect‘t by lot of Joshua 'Simpkins, containtagtn Wont 50 - feet, and tri depth If/0 feet, wan the appurteininees, consisting of a double 13 story frame Dwellibe -House—as the propertv , of MARIA P. HOVELS, Administra- Iran 01 Lewis E. Lewis, deceased. - - ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground, , ituate in the Borough of Pottsville, 'Schuylkill County, blinded on the south by Sanderson-I:Street, on the north by part al said lot recently sold to Da vid Davre4, on the west by lot of Theopli Pugh,- eoninining in front GO feet, and in depth 7 fee:, with the appurtenance.,_consiming us a double 11 siorr frame Dwelliiii; HollAf—as the property ul PHILLIP EDWARDS. ALSO, A II that certain lot or .pieee of ground. situate in -the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, fronting on .51arket.`3treet, and bounded on the south by an Alley, on the west by lot of George 11. Pout, on !hero:it bylot oa•tamuel Mey ers, cotYlaining in front 95 leer, and• in depth 221 feet, with the appurtenances, consisting of a2i.story frame' Dwelling House. with basement story. of stone; as the property of BER NARD MIiOVERN. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground, actuate 311 the Borough of Minersville, Schuylkill County, bounded =the south by Railroad Street, on the north by•properw of Chas. W. Taylor,- on the east by lot of John Williams, and on the west Ly . 'l,t of Richard continuing in depth '75 feet, and in width 40 feet, with the appurtenances consisting of a two story frame Carpenter Shop— as the property ofJOSEPH H: RICHARDS. - ALSO, All that certain farm or tract of land, sit nate in Ptnegroye Township, Schuylkill County, bounded by lands of John Snoke, John and \Wilson B reidenbach, Samuel Sheets and Jacob Snoke, con. taming 40 ahres, more or less, with- the' appurief nanees, consisting of a Cale and one-half story Log Dwelling. House and a .small Log Stable—as the property of GEORGE BARR, Collier. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground, situate in Wilson Sr Lerans' addition to the Borough of Ta maqua, Schuylkill County; marked 'in the Van. of stud addition with No. 110, bounded on the east by River Street, on the north by lot of Benjamin Danis, on the West by a 30 feet -wide street, and on the s outh by lot of George Sherry, being a part of the Baum tract, with the appurtenances, consisting of a double two story frame Dwelling Houser-aiphe Estate of DAVID HAUSER- • • - ALSO, All that certain lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Port Carbon, Schuylkill Cranny, bounded in front by Lawlontovrn Street, on the east by a Street, on the south by lot of Dennis Slattery, on the wes: by lit of Elijah Hammer, containing in front G 2 feet, and in depth about 95 feet, with the appurtenances, consisting of a fi story frame Dwell ing House, with basement of stone—as the proper ty of JOHN McLEE. 'ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Scrift, Patterson S. Potts addition to the town of Port Carbon, East Norwegian Township, Schoy ill County . , hounded in front by Coates St., northwifrdly by Street, eastwardly by lot of Edwin Swift, westwardly by lot of Abraham Pott, containing in front C 2 feet, and in depth 193 feet, with the appurtenances; consisting' of a I f story frame Dwelling House, with a basement story of stone, and a frame Stable—as the property of JOHN BRETZ. , • ALSO, All that certain lot of ground, marked with No. 134, situate in Wilson fe Leyani' addition to the Borcatgh of Tamaqna, bounded on the north by aGO feet wide Street, on the touth by Union Street, on the east by a 30 feet wide Street, and on the west by lot No. 163, with the appurtenances, consisting of a one.story frame Dwelling Howe:— as tie &gate of JOHN COLLINS. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground. situate in the Borough of Potttville, Schuylkill County, frtinting on Market Street, and bouniied on the west by lot of George Fisher, on the north by lot of Framers Herring, on the east by lot Of John C. Conrad, Esq., containing, in front 17 feel, and in depth 100 feet. wt h the appurtenances, consitt ing of a two -tory frame Dwelling House, with a "'war haw:bent., and n one story frame Shop—as the Lillie of JOHN HARIG. - • , ALS' e , All that lot, - or mere of ground, rituate in t ‘ t aes.gh ot ninersrille, Schuylkill County, be ginning in a point on Lewin Street fifty fret east of the corner or st.„.nod Street ; thence Southward:lt and parallel w rth Second Street 'evenly feet; thence Eustwardty and parallel With Lewis Street thirty feet; thence Nonliwardly and parallel with Second Street veventy-fire thence Westwardly and parallel with Lewo.iitmet thirty lett, to the place of b eg i nn i n g, %rub the iii dates and ImprovemerdS i ccinkisting of a t wo . t tar!. frame Dwelling Howe, with a never-failing sPr:lne good,witer in the cellar, and frame titanic-115u, pro iy of • AL EXIENA STROUP. • • ALSO, All that certain piece occ . out4 ailunte on the North-westerly/file of Marker Street, .rib e Borcrugh of Pottsville, Schuylkitl County, 37inrciencing at the South-wart corner of t ot N o. , extending along the hoe of wad lot Islesi i . wo ,„ ter! y 17 feet. 'lathe 'place of beginning, contai n i ng in freed, on Market Street,l7 feet, and-ra &piano feet, with the appurtenances, coaaistint of • two. story frame Dwelling Hottre,with a atone balen•lat, sad a one-story frame Ehop-43 the property of MARY DARIO. Seized, taken in Execution and will le sold by JAMES I,IItGLE, Viheritt: Shentra Odle; Pottsville, - - - • iluausrf 2141 ,185. - 441 LEGAL NOTICES. VOTlCE..—Eoriya.ouvand White flak of l'he,tit pots Ties wanted, or/ the estensltat of the Mine [fill and Schuylkill Haven Rail Itoad-35,C1)0 to be de livered at convenient point. on ibehne, b.lneenM ioe Hill Gap and Ashland. and the balance en I b e , branch road to Ratner & Hughes' collierlea. The ties to be feet long. d inrbrn thick. and 11211.11 on two aides, so as to give bearing zurfarea ni in m e n,. in width. Propovals for furnishing ,tlt or ally ?eerie■ of the name. (the whole of which must be delivered by the Int of September seal,) will state the somber, place., and time of delivery, and:may he addressed to J. E. Day. Ile-Judea' Englarer, Ashland,rknuylklll en. 11 ,1, or to the ondentigneol at Pliitadelphisoiatll the 21.1 EDWAED F. 11A E. Engineer. February V. 1653 ' , f,-2t EMI 1 y-39. Er= ;VOTICE: TO TAY COILLIKeTORS.—The. I Cotnitii•ii orris woukinnitr,Urte the CiAtcctor• attn. County of Schnyiblit, to collect the resinettivr amount, of their Duplicates.'ASJ pay the same ove r without delay. The igeselit state or the comity NMI , . Will ,t 2.4 permst of any halite: indulgence. .1f is hoped that this notice will not be duittigatted. mlLer- Wile the Com mis•ionets will C. f:t thent.ChlY • tifilitid to enforre the collection or the saixtio. THOSIASI FOSTER., CEO. FIARTLINE. IS CAI ' STRAFeIIi Commissioners. Feb b. ISSS. G St OE OT11012.•--In the court of _Common Pleas of e Schuylkill Comity.: 'lsaac Straiten, ) ' 1., PO December Tertn,l•3s2. . John If. Rath. ' • The undersigned. Auditor-appointed by the Cowl of Common Pleas of Schuylkill County, to dietribute the fund paid loin touit,raked out of the rte of the flefendani'• turtle-fly. by Ale Sheriff of Schuylkill County. nailer the Ow, elated execution, will at. tend for that porn/aim at bin offer, In the lloconeh of Potterillr, nn Thuroday. tbe 24th day of February, A. 1)..1a4.1, at I.) o'clock, A. Al.. when and where all perione baying claims upon .31.1 food can attend. JYfIIN P. 1108 A UT, Auditor. Feb. 5,1553. ion • 11 Eliza Bennett, by her ern) 41:as Subtoein fora Wrap, Dan't Klapp, Divorce. To Drcens ro. ;bpi. Term, 1.2!..2, tin. GIB William'Q+onrtt To WILLIAM BENZ% ETT.—Tou are hereby 'vili fier! that Eliza Bernell. your wife. has 15led her. pe tition in the Court of Common Pleat. of Schnyikrlt County, to he die/weed from the bonds of matrimony entered Into with I= Therefore take notice, that said Court will be held' in the Purim& or Pothi•llle,idchnylkill ( - aunty, on Monday, the 7th Jay of March, A. M.. 1953, at Id o'clock In the forenoon, when ■nd %%herr You ran appear to show rause, If any you have, why the soli Chen Bennett ehoukl not he divorced from the bonds of matrimopy contracted with you. • JAMEit NACLE, Sheriff. Phertra Office, Pottsville, January 29, 19.53 j cot IMO PHILADELPHIA DOLLMCD, WIEMICR ARTISTE: IN 11A1R.177 Cheannt Street, appetite the At.te II(ww, PHILADELPHIA, In tentor °NM. releirated Coaranier Venlilatine Wit and rlartic Band Toupacee. Inetructiona toenable ladles and gentlemen to measure their own heads with accuracy ME , . For 1T,;,, ladles. l_Touperr . {• Scalps. hiker. No. I The round of itie i ISo. 1 From forehead to 'head. Lack as fur 31 bald . 2 From forehead over - 1 Over forehead, as the head to neck.. far as required. 3 Fromm mearover 3 Over the crown of • the top.the head. 1 4 ream ear in ear r' d I' the forehead. . - - R. DOLLARD has always ready far pale a splendid stack of Gents' Wig,. :Simpers, Ladles' Wigs, Lair rrlzutts. Brakls,Purle. kr.. beautifully mann facture.) and as cheap - as Soy natabliAment In Oat Unlnn. 4g-tf DOLLARD'S Herhanium Extract or LuStrolls Hair Tonic, prapared from South American herb. andronts, the mat successful article ever produced for preserv ing the hair from failing out or changing Color. recto,- ring Ong arid preserving it In a healthy. and luxuriant state - . Among other reasons why Dollard's hair-cut ling Saloon maintairm its immense popularity in the fact that his Tonic is applied to every head of hair cut at his. establishment, consequently it la kept in better preservation than under any other known ap. 4,11[1000. It beillOibUllorartkaLlytortedby thoucandft, ofDrs the greatest guaranty of it s effirory. Sold wholesale and retail at his Ohl Estahfishmeal, In rank teritErT, opposite the State House, Phila. ft..DOLLARD has at last discovered the siestas ultra of HAIR DYE. and announces it for sale, with prefect confidence in Its surpassing everything of the kind now In-ktse. It colors the hair either black or brown, (as may be desired) and is sired witheat any istjawg is the half et' skin. either by stain of otherwise. ran be washed°Wlo ten minutes - after •ppitcs lion, without dirtier-Ong' from Its efficacy. Persons vhriging the city are invited to giVe. him a call. Letters ad dressed to R DOLLAR 0, 177 l'lo snot ,dreet, &Intik. will 'Preis, attention. JulT 10, ' y l ' - - - .-.---;-,::: -•:- ....d-X.Z.Vii -- • A.; ' - "*. - r.'‘ " ~ , ,,, : r, f +-•,;;;;X=',,,,tl r , i i. ,: , :' , " -. ~ ..ze l g : T "! : ': - 1 . 4:74..`",•; , t , ." 4 ~...r9 I e ~...i„...,.........._ -,,.,.._.:.:3,ta.-7..._.7... .1%;:- , 4 - - ' -...," • : ~-.1 ''':.., ' *,- . --,--- ••-- - ' " : 4 f' --, - - ,•,. '"• - •*••••.-Z v .:::: -. 4.-:':::1 1044 '. - ' 0 1. 4 4 - -`. .r„ k 7 ~ , 4 . 6, • . , -, :. . 4 -,-• ~,, , %,...!- -2L-.--: BOLDIN & PRICE, 31 North IVharve.r.aboty Arele Street, Pitth, () F !Gale. f I I,nno . t x 5.330 Galarrfnrd oil. for'machinnry, 4,775 •• Blrarbed Winter and epting Elephant and 1% hale 011. ,t 4 1114111, A 1131111111 i nr, and Cryidalline Ca nillu+, 10,01:10 Gala. Itefirgrd Oil, free Trani dirt and • ■rdimeNl, and ;Int Color. 3,000 Galt: Pure Sptrui 011, Wiwi, and Hpring •trained, • • ItIS Inds. Cincinnati Lard Od, Vellnw r lttown and Fancy snap, SOO Bldg. diraita Hank anJ 'Fanner.' Oil. May IS, ISA. s• HOLIDAY PRESENTS. TOYM: YOYPI AND FANCY GOODS At 23 and 25 N. sth St., Op stairs) V HEIM may be found a beautiful assortment 01 1 I' Tin, Iron, Wood. Pewter sod !lubber Toys, rum inating In part of working and Stationary Entines, Hoge Calls, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Water Foun tains and Troia's, Hotortr,Eartlagra and Sleighs of all kinds, Loromotters'and trains, Ship., Sclintinerti, tilt - sips and BOaln, Savings lianas, Geithie and Plain. Trvoh Hoards and Ter. Flu Games ' great variety 01 styles.and very cheap; flow. and A rrow., Bird Ca v.". large assortment; Stoves. Melaka aad Wheel• barrows 'ofirtio, , Sad Irons and Stands, Tea Setts, Animals, Hall., Dolls; together with a general ae stirtment of French and German Toys, Al nalical In struments and Fancy Goody. • Dealeta supplied at ih. !owe,* raab pikes. 1. WECKC:4, Jr., & CO Nua. 27, 1952. 48.3113 CLEGG'.S PERFUMERY AND FANCY ILIOAPIII —Theme aupalior modes of perfumery, 13 amongst which ate enumerated hiaJitstly celebra led Lilly White. Oriental Alabamer, Pearl. Rouge, Tooth and Toilet Powders; Chine,, velvet, Chalk 'and other approved Cosmetics. , SOAPel.—Walnut and extra Fine Sand Brown and White Windsor, Floatlngi Palm. Almond, Fancy and Toilet Soaps Shaving Cream, flair Dye, Cologne Waters. Extract, for the Handkerchief, Ox. Marrow, Bear's ChLetystal Potnad* (a new article), Eau Lus tral flair luorative, ',Oils, Phlloromes, kr„ are manufactured and for aale by ' JOHN T. CLEGG. - Perfumer 4- Chanalst,4B Maraet Pt., below4d, Phila. rir Meretianta. don't Dirge' that CLeGG'S to /112 cheapest-and matt extensile Manufactory In the City. Give him a call. . . r4,' J. T. Clegg's re:Tonere can be had it hotriale and retail at eiry . prices, st 11. HANNAN'S ;Variety store, Pottsville. 15.1852. = 43-1 y . SIILLENDII & PASCAL; • HATTERS, No. 6, South SIXTH street, be ttreen .Market and Chesnut erects, Phil adelphia, HAVE constantly - On band aft • sE beautiful and extensive mason meet of HATE r and CAPS. subich They respectfolly Invite their: client}, and the public generally to call and examine. psibile Ins CITY OF I3IIOTIIEKLY 1.0-Vt." • FVbrvary 91,1102 Rows , ciLoTirma. TrrE trotrscriber would respectfully Inform his nu merous friends and customeracd lisbylklll County that him assortment of Clothing for liming Gentlemen is mach larger than ever. and be is disposed to sell Clef). Pereolll living at a distance. have the privi-• lege of exchanging clothing purchased at this Cote. if they do not •un. F. .110TT„ • , VI Chesnut R tree t, below . 101 h, March 13, Inn. •• 11.4 f. . EIRUPP'S PREIIIII7DI ESSENCE* OF COFFEE. 'II7IIY wltt man sae that which f• rnjanons to hfa I , YY health , when he is willing to aloe all hi . wealth to trainee it when it is lost. etrallee ORO at lenot tern-thirds of the humais family will nem ordicary Coffee, knowing it to be inlnnnns to their ' ratirrs naIINCE OF COFFEE is, beyond doubt, the best and most witniesoine preparation in the wnrld. Ever,' llosree'-heeper ebouldhave it. Try it and be cnevinced—lt willies." about MI per cent. he• eldear.Youe health. Warranted to give maths: satis faction. Manufactured and for sale be • ELI MOOT.' 639 Monti Third ISt% iladelplim. N. EL—All the principal Gromire and Druggists have It far Fide throughout the United Cates. fit.firn JILIMZIS it. • SPRAGUE. No:. 'Xi and 35 "North Fourth a, Philadelphia, IMPORTER of and Dealer in Foreign CL4,I4A. of every description, 104 Agent for the principal A trse tda■ Wan Factories, has for vale, good ng. Sunrise, 11,4-house and Hulk Window_ Clam of ea ery size, op 0 4 feet vri.le by It feet tong, and (Toni an eighth of an Inch in tiro Indies thick. • PAlNTR—Whiter. Black mid Erry. Dry iv In Oil; White Lead. Varnish,* of all Cods; lass••d irip, Turpentine. Putty. Paint Brusher. Dye Woods. Pot and Pearl Ashes. &e. :FIRE AND WATER PROOF PAINT. Als‘con aloofly on hand. n large esenrtmeut of freshly im ported frog, and Not. 33 and 33 , North plural] Street, above Cherry, Enat Side, Philadelphia. Dee, tS. 53-17 IMAILEI3 Patent Fire Proel , FROM 01110. 'THE Subscribers base Just recelvedafottherehp `l ply of this elagular and ealugh • substance, to addition to the Mete color, they have.a beautiful chocolate of hrowo. resemblinit the sandstone now in use. and an moth admired for the front of briildings• lic priscipal leguedients are silica .alotninaand pro toside of Iron, which to the opinion of sciestilic men satisfactorily accounts far its Are-proof nature—the two former wallets acre being can-conduetors,nnd the tatter acting as a eentent,to hind the whole together and make a firm and durable paint. For nee it is mixed with Linseed Oil. end applied with • brusb.the same as ordinary, newt, to wood llaarlia. Mat. ea asosei PaPis At. It hardens grade ally and becomes tire-proot. • h it partitularry suita ble for roofs of bendier', etre mboat. and ear-decks railroad litidges.fenceire. A loofcosted with the article is equal to one • slate. at a vast saving of k.s. prase. Rpeelmeni maybe rein alth• °Mee if the anbeett. bra. MARRIRON. , fißOTilettel & CO, Na. 4318013th Front ist..Plitiads. anril4f.laath 17.4 f - FlATuoido sCIIOOL-RFAIHNO BOORS:, Tle Rarbactibn MIS Prat resolved alterdr supply .. h .Or lat. IA sod Ed &lota of Read Int frossOS, solo, P" , yr the Brothers of thoetiebrtisolflehools.` Alsoi strum. prayer floats sod Ca' webbing for solo obesp by r , , B. BENHAM, My rtibllslketanit Nookoellor, )10, •- Wit MANUFACTURERS, Of Ilar-ney,t,' Saddler, Trzfni.t, BUFFALO ROBES! BUFFALO norms! "PILE undersigned'again ret Pro. lila like to the put, 1 he for past favor., and reopertinily Ohltottitte. 4.) hie Crleudo and the citizen. genetally that. °Wing to the liberal patronare extended to bias heretofore, he now take. the occasion to say that he hay just re c..m.da full asp:oh:Pent of Ell Epp. LO lit ,I 1 tat, divert [mw lit. I.rto to. 4 itillimpef 9. has, oleo. all triode of Trait pior, moth aohelcket to hi, line of Some., ouch as flutse - , IllsoLets, ax.... Le. lo al- • so well {inspired to furnish ail tinilitif Fine Curria Se Ilarne.e, and finding Rs, for Ladies sea Gentle, tutu ; Inferior in quality, to no other emablishmeot al home or ribroarl, and on the twist .reensitanulatiO: ter All k inch of heal y haute., or such a• t)per at. rear ‘V3f.tnera need. on hand, in full sappily. 110 is 'lady. at any malaria 00 fill itliorfiers pinmpl ly with despatch. .ph.ase, give us a call before. purchasing elsewhere. There can be ha 10.1 in raaniining my goods. LEFEVER WONIELtiLIOIIFF, Centre 41t.oltponite the Epitcoput Church Oct. '2, 11551. . 110-fun A FACT THAT ALL SHOULD SNOW. 11 , 11 C undelsignr4 revectfitlly announce, In hi: 1 frlendv,and the piddle In gen eral. that he has convramly on hand ( y ./'- and runnufarlorea all ktnils of Fan cy saddles and Ilarnevy.and all de- VI:- - vcciptinnv ogrnling rind driving Ina. r. lerivls—Dnuhle and Single . hip.. and Fly-net.— Hair Collate matte to order. pr invitee Otto vat and per Wm,oppostte the Amer iron Mit... and rerpertllttly solicit. a thoue of the piddle palrOlolft. . M. A. 'Alts. DOOR I Ili. Subscriber announces to kit litiends and the public that he has made a conoldcrableaddition to his flOok Bindery, and has procured a Book Binder - -rit from one of the best Binderies In Phila delphia. 'acquainted with the latest style of Binding, and whit will turn out his work far superior to any thing heictofore prodoCed in Pottsville. Books bound tit any aisle of Binding, either Blain or In full gilt ,Torkey Morocco. - - ►thnk Books paged or plain, made to any pattern. also printed and ruled at pikes lower than to the City. . Pooke bound by the quantny,and Piper ruled to Pattern by B. HANNAN.' InIESE2 r.{.14.• • 6.1,1 .i:41.:4;i gaeTIIE plunscitihnit EAVING FlT red upon,. of the largest Coach Shops In the Slate, In Coal Street, Pattevllle, Pa.. wit!. in. 1.11. Adair.. k Co.' Screen Faxtory, whet, his (belittles for manufacturing aU kinds of .Carriagesand Llghi Waggnne cannot be sur passed— being a pracikaliAdvelkinic, and havhig a noinlierof years' experience in the bu•lness, he hopes to.give general tatiolaci lon. All kinds of Canines and Light,Wagons kept on band. Also.second-band Wagons.“. All repair. Neatly done ()Wets from a distance promptly attended te. WISTAR A. MILK 21-if MEM IRON FOUNDERS. STEAM CAR FACTORY. Sinn:4 I, MITE subscribers beg leave to Inform the public that In addition in their former STEAM ENGINE SHOPS and FOUNDRY, they have recently put up new Machinery and Shops for the manufacturi of COAL CARS, TRUCKS and other Rail Road Can. by Stearn power, which enables them to execute all that hind of wort; pot only much better, but with greater despatch and at: the very lowest prices. Having Oils mode these extensive preparations, Individuals, and companies requiring work ofthis kind, will find it to their advantage to give them a call. SNYDER /It MILNES. fret. 25.161.1 43•tf PIONEER BOILER SUOP WaiTIIC Rubrcribsrs respectfully an nnnnce to the Public that they have est taken the large Building common ly known as the PAIN LEM IIIitNAEC, mi the Wand, In Poittitlie, where they are prepared an menu fact lire 14114 repair Boller, ..ft terry dr g friptitne, Siamke Piper. IllaA ripe, fl arnineterv, &e , &e.,,' In the very best style. 1 E. The beet of material will, invariably. be tired, and but good workman ..rnployc.l4tn th✓lr work. JOHN & JAMES NOBLE. pet. 1.1, 1952. .13-2.ne WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, rorrevit.i.c, - l'A. 4 ,,,,,,,..„ 7 .1. WREN & BRITS. respectfully in :a vite the attention ord.. toisioneto. comm unity to their New.Maebine Shop and Foundry, eructed between COAL, and . Rail-load Strectic. and I ranting on Norwegian Street, where they are prepared In etecnte all orders : Col 31..chitorry of Itra.ll2nd Irfin.such as gleam Esignies.:lll kintls of Ctearoog fur Ceiling ?l ilia. flcl-1 a oor,ovw Milic.ttin tie and linnble•acting IMPS. Coal Breakers, Drift Cars, till kind air Rail. ad Cahtings, surh as Chairs. for tint and T Rail; Iffings, Sw Itches, &c.; all kiwis .if rant anal Wintitll2 Irmo Shafting. Being Practical later hanks, and alt er having made the demands of the coal 'legion their study ter years. altar all kind+ of Machinery in their line or business, they flitter thoontrelves I hat work ditto., 32 their Establishint;tit w ill give satisfaction In all wlin may linnot them with a call. Ail ordersiliank fully received and prnitopilrevernted on the mn,t rear -enable !Sims. .1011 N r. WREN, • TIMMAS WREN, JAMES WREN. 40-if IMENCM FRANKLIN IRON WORKS: 1 4 • TIIC t:F11:441111111118 ANltitiliM•B ~ , to thevtiblic that they af t the Propel..- . , • or. cline Franklin Works,Fort Carbon, lately ranted on by ta_ Hillytnan, where I fey continue to inanufacture to (nat.', at the sluntest notice, Steam Lncines, Pumps, roll Breakers, and Machinery 'nl almost any size or dem tplinn. for min i.: nr other purposes. Alan Railroa•l anti Brill rata, Iron nr Iltiss rainier, army size °Coal ICI n. Orders are respectfully sn:teited GUI). B. FIRLER k BROTIIER. FRANK N .1311(1V EL %V °RES.—The tubsenbers ri.ntinne to furnish the Colliers and Dealers r.f ttr flontoy. whit r , horela oral! kinds.at the loweat Phil adegdos ones,. Altentinn is partwularly rolled in then Coal ith,,v.d....,!Ordsrl for Shovels °lacy mile or pattern proroptty attended to. Ets. F1141.F.R r.it A.c. 15152. ' .11-1 f .POTTSITILLIEI ROLLING MILL. VIVI AltilsyltiliClL-S respectfully an- Zipsnoun..e to the public, that their new Hulling Mill la now complete.' and in foil 0 ii,raiion,•and that they are prepar e.l to supply all kinds of Ilar Iron of cartoon nizeo, which they will warrant to be superior An cinallty to any obtained from abroad, at the same prices.' They also manufacture 'T Rails, for the use °film. Collieries and Lateial:floado, weighing from 21 to 50 the. per yard,made of the best Iron, and which will be found mut b eheaprr than the Imported alt tele. Being practical inectianicr, and having had consid erable experience in the loan business, they tamer thenwelves that they can give entire satirfaction . In purchasers, and will alto.inake it their IntereM to pa tronize home manufactures. . lIARRIA, RDRNI9fI & CO IQ-if CEEB R. N. HUDSON. IRON and/LASS Founder, resiiectfully inform. his pat rm.,. and the public generally, that he is Sully prepared. at the above -Er tabliait meta, to manufacture Steam I:nal:tenor every ail , : Pullin.. Railroad and Brift Cars.and every other description ntlron and firma Castlngsanitable for the Coal mining °rather bostnesi,on 11,8 moat reasonable terms. Also, Blowing Cylinder. for Blasi. Formers and Machine work In general. - Repairing stall kinds done with neatnetrAnd des patch, at the lowest prices- All work furnished by bimoriti be warranted to perform well. He would solicit the custom of those who may want article. In his line in tint vicinity. All orders will meet with immediate and prompt attention , . S. W. HUDSON, March 15,11451. POTTSVILLE IRON WORILS. CEO. !COON • lir. CO. RESPECT fuIIy announce to the pablie that they have taken the Estatiliihment known ap the Pottsville Iron Works on Nor wegian street,lwbere they are prepared to build all kinds or Stead Engine. manufacture Railroad Care, and Machinery of almost every description, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. —Persons from abroad, In want of Steam Eames, will And it to their advantage to Else them a tall he m. ..timing elsewhere. [May 11 if E3II7ORTAINT TO iItIIISZ-ELIIPERS. AITCHVE.I,I,RON IVAIIE AND CIITLEAT. . n ()OVER would announce to Contomela lit t 3. the aorrounding mammy, that he bas just added to his large stork of litover a variety of new Patterns of Cooking, Parlor. make-and Dal !Stores. tie hair now the largrilt and Wog t 'splendid stock' of gloves ever offered Ih this-Region' before, whlehbe tenpin, tees at the lowest-eta!, priers. They will be sad fen cash only. 71e has also alarge tworiment of Tired and Enameled Hollow W;re of all destrittlOns: a tot of rittere,Tia and Sheet-Iron Ware.: Stove Plibm.enat harken!, Wash hollers, Brum Net tles, Prveetving, Kettles; Frying rea t m i ark, I rnrur ; coffee Mille, gre.; a lame tasonnieut of Ware Trays, Ac.. and all kind of TM and flbeet.lron work done to order. Tin Roofingand Straining done at the 'Molest notice: All orderi I retiVril will be prominty attended to. CENTRE Rireet, four doors above Market. Potteville.oeo3,lB.s2.. ' . `PHILADELPHIA. • PURE WRITE LEAD. isTel l ia" isitM Ma fartnrtr., Nn. now a good Impply of their warlantrd pore WHITE LEAD; and those eastomets who hate twell 111 Patintli .uPPlied in .noßegnrtreof = too oa the an. Wit; shaft now hare their order.. filled. • • No known substance mantises those pre ire end beautifying properiiire, no destratele In it paint, to an equal extent wins anadatterated-wbitelead l hence any admiatare of other materials onlimats Ha came! It baa, the rafure,been the steady aim of the taanufle turns. for many year., to supply - to the public a Per, tautly pure white lead, and the occesslng demand fur the a:Ude. is proof thalit his met With Ayer, It is invariably branded on one bead WETIIEUILL 4k, munastm to fall!, a4d on the otber. warranfal part. all is red letters. L ph11444/61,12.199 dauuszt.woup sisnooLs AND VAX! LI C 8 received gaol or caka.,l new ankle Ina prainf.aaitaidor tor Ikhaohood Fathillpi. a II or wraith w to IWO at Plailadelpitta prism *Wier ar4lte or Is Pairs, st • 11.111,1NNWSI • Caws? look ass' etailosary may. ' MISCELLANEOUS. PIANOS. 9 , iir sate.. riber is goirplrrit to Combat Meyer', rel. etwaied Martha. of inn different 'roods, (rum $ RI to fait cheaper than they 1341 be pirrchased in ritiLidelphta. He wilt ettarantee thn Plano. fur five r year. Ile hair all the tnairnmeritx !elected by .1 romp, lent person an to four, &t., hat if those itiett lag Phil• •delphia, desire to choose themselves, tie will give a note prom nanogarturer, and they play make their own Orirriloll and their own bargain net re •botv.. in; the note, and he will furnish the Instrumento fr. jetted from .10 to 3 0 Men than the pricer, named ac cording to the - price and power of the twit ruments. oalf vi.ject is to deal Ifartlyiand furrilidagenal arts cfraar lee rater. We tvdi m t nell a Lad or doubtful Nano. C. hirsvn took the Ala.( Premium at the Wortire Fair tor hi. Penns. They ar e ryuaUo any mu m . factored in Ih• country, and toyern.r In form-fifths tif those told. Mr. Mcrc■ ha. cold upward. of Elelny Ci.tno• In three month., and (Inlets at int. .ent fillllllll he sup- Pimt nndrr.rlirer, or four ererka. For rhoapnnd tot! srliclem,aliply at = All kinds of 'Morita! Instrument, obtained to or. .I.r at short noilee, and at low rate• for good arti cles. Person. desiring any kind of Instrument tan nano. the Nice, and we will Prof tire the best arti cle that can he Ind at the pike named, And era mined by a competent musician before laisporchased. %Vitli Ors. , facilities, we guarantee all articles Feld by us. Sept. 11, 1n52. OUR COUNTRY IS SAFE! • . QINCE the enliscribers have opened, at their Store, s.)four doors above tbe Poet r Wire, an entire new stuck of floods, mirrhaeed iii New York. at Cash Ptires,en• adding the'm to sell cheaper flats nay oiler Sl•re is at Costly I Their stock Cl.ll,irill in part, of Ilia. k and Flory Dress Silks, , illouselln de Winn, at a etc and upwards, Thibet and French itletinoes, Coberg Cloths, all shades and qualities, Black Algae's, Plain and Figured colored Alpacas, at lii cis. and upwards, A fine assortment of Calico, Bleached and Unbleached Masi Ins, Ftanuels, nil colors and quslit lea, Linseys, Checks, A large assortment of Shawls, Hosiery, Woolen Blankets, Cloths, Sat Netts, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, hr.. &e. Together with a general assortment of Goods to please the fancy and snit the wants of the common,. tv tu ty. . Alen, a large stack of 'arm, from sto 9 tents. Colfeee,Green and iliac eas,very cheap, whhevety I variety iirqueenswar nt. ll —latsWatf, Si prices low. et thanthey can be mght elsewhere. They will be happy, at all times. t show their goods. free of cost. Pleaee give them a C I. *Country Merchnnts will find It to their saran 3p, to call and examine the new ❑soda - FRY & MARTZ. ' Oct. 16. 1551. It-If f - • PIMPS PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES. A I H-TICHT and IN DESTIHICTABLE—fur protec t% ling and prrsetving the dead—fur ordinary laser ment, fur vaults or transportirio no - all sizes, and trimmed in every variety ofstyle, according to order. One of these cases coven the remains of Henry Clay, and they have been highly recommended by Messrs, Cats, • Underwood, Houston, Fish, Stockton: Judge Jones and others. For sale at JOHN KAI.- BACH'S, General Cabinet Maker, opposite the Es. change lintel, Centre Street, Pottsville; where can also be had a great satiety of Cabinet runtime, So fas, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chaim Settees, Tables, ac., 'Svc. Also, a *utterly' article of Woollen Coffins, of any quality and size. ta.llearfe always In attendance. • JOHN hAI.IIAIIII, Cabinet Maker, and sole Solicitor for Sc huylk II Coun ty, for Ytak•s Metallic. Iluria !Cases Sept. 25,1852. 29-(lns ATTENTION, AMATEURS! Al. ALLEN. Darverroarpist, resKetfully an- A..flounces to the Litlitild of Pottsville and thepnL tie generally, that he has neatly fitted up rooms. at the earner of Centre and En.t Market Streets. over N. Foster's shoe store. with every convenience for the coniiort of patrons, and with every facility requi• site to take likenesses unsurps.oed inlinthfulness And brilliancy in the world. Long experience in the art, with C 1,,.. nhnenauGm , and a knowledge ofthe meant Phllblro him to produce -pie tort's far suprnur ft , the ordinary pit:11101.1114 of or. ti:kt. A rail in solicited Aron all who toy feel inter ested In the art.. whether they will, iliettlres or not. Prier. form one 10 five dollars, and upwards. N. It —ln.tructions given in the act on the newt re:l:m.l4e terms A. M. ALLCN. : 4 ept. t I. IS5a. , 37-tf FALL STYLE: FALL STYLE! vim subiirrttorn would respectfully call the at- I tent ion of the public to his ■plendld atiottment of sTri.}: UP lIATS, now ready for Inspeetion t his P(.lllA—lt, NEV lIAT AND CAI. - STORE, Crtttee - Antct rra , Two ruars abort the Norm.' Bask. when- wilt at all times Ile Wi found the lat and meet tipt .rd ettl le of 'JAI'S and CAPS, of all dercrip tiont. . • . . Ile would ran rperint attenlion to his VOITNG GENTS' :NEW STYLI: (IF twrs, n l6rh for ligto two.. durability and texture cannot be FM pa••rd. Lver thankful for the patrona:e Ito liberally bestow rd upon MI., he loves In Inrult a cool inustion of the name. CCURIIE TAPI'CN. Aug..21,1"59. NEW POWDER MILL.. T r a f t C All ' i l o t o 'c o: 1 1 1 17.: I n o ; I::: ;N r r a n i7ri Railroad, a n d tt a+ prepared to loutish l'on der, w lite li he will Guar antee to he Made of the let material+ and prnper.'. ties 10 in,re.ter us el 11100 11, a Capacity. Ile flatters homplithat, 1111 idni, Inc Powder will he fund in quality to the celebrated Dupont Powder. Orders will he proinptly attended to, and fornfithed at km rate,, for a go••l article. PETELI ALLISON. Sept 111 , 11152 .^.S-Iy - - GrLEAT LIEVNESSES , _ _ . AKEN by IiNV•ILICMT, corner of Aluhuntowtro T Centre .verb, ruperior in the delin•athot of f L a. lure and life-elprevolon , of t h e rye. children and croups taken pucker than any ever in Shit plue—an indifpenfable rPqnl.ito Iu fineffl,. Call early In the day to avoid a crowd. ' initructed In the art. on rearnnable terror; handrnnie Apparatus, Chrmtrala , Caere, for...bed dinar,. Call and/oder for 311111 . N -I Ve, TA I.noTSPINO riernl,l in any utVlo you . I "b•Mni.becimens eah he 'seen. Wr would adviqr all wt." , MO a Irma likener• to mall tinnn. . I!. V ANDENRUnfIii Peitt.mille, Match 21, 1F52. ' 13—If MULES! riittins ! ! MULES ! ! I 00 IlEAD of choice MIII.ESt-tvill bsoffeted for sale by the isubsrnberot his residence, in Ifuniturktown. Dauphin eon bty, lion. the sth day. of January.•lB.33, until the Ist do. of North, 1551 Any person wishing to purchase, wil do well to call and see fur themselves, as the subscriber considers them a nimber one lot of attack—can't he beaten— and no, mistake. RIt:IIAIRD FOX. irr Readier papers please copy. llee. Id, 1d54. 51.3 m MEDICINAL. • DR. J. S. ROSE•S (1 ILEAF. PAIN CURER! l7' rim! WONDER OF TIIB JOE! ! ALI. PAIN CURED LIRE MAGIC!—This wonder ful preparation is used Internally and ex teraally.giv log immediate relief flow all bodily palm. „ Uniedaccording to direettona,ll not only rellevisall pain. bat it carmen usually en Ille first application. It may lie relied upon foe Carina and giyiod alnaostin aunt rebel, as thousands who have used W can testi. fy, to Rheothatlous, Ague. 'Sudden Colds, Cholera, Dyfenters, Cholera Janina.., Pleurisy, Earache. Cho lit, and toothache, and all pain in the stomach of 116 w, la, Headachy, Pains in the Womb, Pains in the Limbs, Joints, Dack,tipine Diarase,Lumbar o, Barns, Ctiliblains, lip:inlay, Praises, Plmplea,and all Chlorite Eruptions. If you wish to be relieved from ALL PAIN, use Dr. Roan s PAIN-CURER. If you desire to he' cured of ALL DISEAWER.take his Faintly Medicines. Price 151,25, and 50 cents per bottle. For Coseis, Cot Jo. Croup owd Meath! Care'. BE PREPARED FUR CHANGE OF WEATHER.— The frequent changes of the weather bring with t bad COLDS.COUGIL ASTHMA. IRRITATION of be LUNGS. SORE THROAT and BRONCHITIS, all of which dm be cued, and the system fortified against frequent attacks by . Using Dr. .1: S. Dose's celebrated COUGH SYRUP, Price only 50 cents. • , CHILDREN are also liable to Cropp.whlch danger ma complaint yields immediately to Dr. £ S. Rose's never.faitlag CROUP SYRUP. Price 25 cents, WHOOP/NO 000011, another complaint, always writhe in cold and damp weather. The afflicted will firth great relief Ih the use of Dr. J. a. Roses WMio. ping Congb Syrup, which always relieve', and pre vents, the disarm from running into other diseases; such.. INFLAMMATION of the LUNGS, DROPSY le the Cif UST, and cortoumpinioN. Piked/cents. Dr. Rose's muirceuful treatment In all Dag Affec tion. has created a greet demand fort he above fifthly valuable Family Methane.. For sate Whnlenle and Retail by D. DANNAN / (Frew ' the Netienal retell' sneer.) % ashington City, May 15th, 1552. • DR. Roves Media f Adrioer ro PerSOIN4 in Sickness and In Monk, with as "manta for 1654.—Tbis Bretton Is from the pen of an eminent Phalfi'll of Philadelphia, n rev tar graduate of the Medical fail tea,. and an hono ry. member of thePt.iladelphla Medical Society. I contain, ranch good advice to In• valid', a well as ions In health. it also dtheribes, in A eamprehenstre anaerobe diseases, of one vati, able eltmate. and the rule of treatment. No family eironid he with out a copy of thin book. It ran be had, without any charge , it\ the various drug-stores in this eiti,where Dr. Rose's valuable Family Medicines are for sale. Alto by. , G r • BROWN. Pottsville, F.. J. FRY. Tamaqua. ' • J. W. 0111115, Mincrnllte. ' Nov. 20. !St.". ' 474 LADIES, war was. lOU 3332 UNIIAPPY? IN " TH N T ItlfaT C i f t the A 1 4 97 h°Ein't t he , l e d! vice in all strain. of the heart, which, if allowed, Can nut fait to guide - the single to a happy marriage. and Drakes the mimed happy!!! ladles who are ',ohms. Pe through trouble. misfortune and dirappointmow, consult him daily, they follow his advice and are made happy. Other" consult him to know what is before them; others seek lufortuatiou of ()wise they love, aod all lie made happy and colocnied !1 If you vat De voile tuture happiness, delay no longer, enns o ll ham yonraelf and he happy. Terms.—For an Interview of IS minutes 33 cents, in full *I. .ettem and Interview', are atrial: pri vate am roofs, tial. All Letters pre paid wrote unseat. men oar at a distance ran make their rase k ow ki y letter, the strictest honor and toast In viola hi • y observed, all letters to he pre-yaid.— No. 3. IL .r lst rect. Heennil house, North.side, alonVf Pcbuil" a la. l'hiladeltibia. WCALTII AND raWlDi•FOßTUNC.—Dentlemen. look toour interest beforn .ft.ie ton late! !t Consult and fol low the advice of Professor VANIIORN if atou do, seeress will crows all your undertaking. — en who have been unfottu nate and unsuccessful to life sad in hallacss. Alen who have worked hard and struggled against - adversity and mcsfortooe the grea ter pan of their lives, and found the more they tried to get fonrard In the world the more things went against them:ll These men have convoked blot for the lan 30 years, and all those wbowere wile enonyh to follow his advice erg Itow rich and happy. while Odle who I/cake - 1146e sdeke harms thern.are still straggling with adversity. ..Terms far gelllitrineo:43 l for as Interview oLLS , Sainalltga, fell _ N 0.3 ae.ortne tompt;arawd mum. Noah 1416 2 • above Settnytkitt flitth,rbitadelphia. All letters am commaalotti onswilltorstaetlyrillYATrimitteTc• EIPENTJAL. - • • Apritl7, 1352. , • - , DAIINTS.D WIMAGIA.IIIIE.—Var loin figures Ktat OAke Window ,Methesajlei received and for nu it city pries at a. ranNiires Cheat couta sad v*trit CM u. BANNAN'S Cheap . Book and Music Store REAL ESTATE, SISCOE DL&ST /MENACE IsoliiIALIT f lilts Furnace. sltUaled In %rents - tit, MIS!! CIO , 1 N. V., on [Age Champlain, la capahte of wider_ log'..itaDO tone Fig.lron per annum. It is blown by a powerful steam ceglno ; and another engine mars the stothdke. .Lc. There are eight Kilns, 'adult tae make 500:000 Cr:studs of fbassual per annual. censected by !Unfold with the Furnace, and nearly an Otte of abode for seasoning wood.— One large Suet -41.4.Sinn 110na.., excellent Farm; ode Briet latitage.tov- 11 ebteen Rouses tor *oilmen; coutnintal. '" Otto litackseslibt.'and Carpettirre Shope, 0., and about ISM Acres of Land. , 'net Furnace I. 'heated on a large and couvestlint dock Wood for retaking charcoal can be obtalueb rbeall y in the neighborhood; and Anthracite Coal Born itonitiont ran he delivered at low tater. By the ship Canal from Lake Champlain to hirer I.asvrearo, real crow Stan M litOntht with groat facility from Brie. The rich Magnetic. Ore of gawk County. partieularly that from the Amos port Henry iced can always be pniented ilteaply and in Arai ,b un d.,, co . The properly wilt he kotd en Tea oonablq tempi. Inquire of bleares..i & 1.. TUCKER MAN. tip wear Han% New York. or P. [T. JACE- StrN. N 0.5 Lfbcrty ftgoare, Herron Bee. Demirable Private Residence FOR SA I.E. .C subs rribe t will sell, at pt I vale sole. the Hausa and Lot now occupied by hint In Port Carbon, tichuylkill County. Tile llatlf.lo. a %It, story doubt. prune Ihrildmic, containing two isr:e Parlous, Moths, Maim, Sitting •• !horn, and right Ehanibers„ ands 111th.. en a,ljoiteina Dinia: Room, all in :: cellent monition. rot the octarshey or • Centeel fismily. The I.nt in 150 feet front by 150 deep, and is 1,11.1 nut in a Flower and Tv:Noble paisley In excellent condition, and well no,cs,d w i t h a ll m u d; ofehotee Vegetables. such as Asps ram • fifintn•Straw b•rry, ; there la Aleo]r