EMI amagatean. 1 remember, I remember, When. I Oa Began , toicreep, • .1 - Law I crawFristraight tnto - mbschief— . How I Wouldri4 go to I , teep Ilowiptill'd the table linen, - -• 'Watt its =tents ow the floor; . Ilaur My mothers iank'd me for it ; Till my tender &shwas sore. I remember, I remember. • • 'When 1 first began to talk ; And I also will reme mber Well the day I trie44o walk; Firm I gm_syi'd old iowler'e collar, • - -Bat be gave a sudden hop: So into a pan of water, "Jo'ader spilt this child ker Piernentbez, I reniember, :When I used to go terse fool, How I kept a watchful eye on The schoolmaster's rod and rule; How I cut Op monkey-ihmes • ' Every time his back was turned— Row I sometimes used to catch it, When I'd nut my lesson learned. ' l.remetubs:r,l remember,. When I went a hooking peaches. . Haw a dog came out and caught me Iliy:ithossurplas of my breeches ; • How I hung on to the bushes— How ißtelog hung fast to foe, Till My crying brought a mau who Flogged me most " orful-hz." I remember, 1 remember, When the girls Lased to kiss, How I thought it rather tunny, But it gave no eztrn bliss; Now it seizes me with.rapture, - Nowit fills my soul with joy ; ' Yet with manhood's blissful pleasures, Would that , l were still a boy. ifi atiriSumor 140,11 KEV V. NEGRO. Thl following anecdote is from Falcon• bridge's Lifeof Dan Marble: While Dan Marble was playing, at St, Louis; in 1841, he visited the "Great. North Western Juniata 'circus," then arrived ,in town. Feeling - as if hp would like-to say or do something that would have a pint to it, he looked around to find the raw material to work on. In front of Dan sat a gentleman you might venture to believe Unused to the deli/rah:B: a degree of verdure stuck out of .his clothes, his hair had lately been nipped and greased by a tonsor, and there was no kind of doubt in Dan's mind but that his ob ject was in full bloom. As 'Marble came in, the circus folks were doing that remarkably new and ingenious act W' monkeysliip, Dan• 4 Jim on horseback !. The monkey was dressed up mighty spry, and very ;large for his sire. Says Dan,,withom direOitig his discourse to anybody in particular, but giv ing his eye a corkscrew twist towards Sam Waters, who sat a seat or two Ikelow the hoosier— - . " Hookey ! but -that's a smart boy."' The hisosier looked around at the speaker to see who he was. addressing, but finding Dan's ekes still intent on the show, let him slide. Well, I SWOW that t 5 A ••ialart boy. I'd like to own' that little nigger, by thunder !" ,says Dan. The hoosier again faced around, quarter ing,,,ead kind of paying Dan's apparent in- nocence, says he— "That's not a buy, mister." "I'm cussed," continued Dan. without letting on he heard the hoosier's remark, " should like to hare that boy." " Psi:law," says the hoosier, " it ain't a boy, it'aa monkey." " Monkey be blamed," says Dan, with elaborate sincerity. " You ultist think Illi noy folks are gr.sen !" Wall, I'm cussed if you altei green— green as pizen, stranger, el you say 1621's a nigger." 1 do say it is a nigger, now," says Dan, jaunting his fist into his pocket. " bet you drinks for a ceolvd it's it nigger," he continued. "You-trill," !vaysrhoosier:" wall I'll kiv er that, and go the heft of my par over that," says he. " Who'll we leave it to?" " Wall, you May leave it to anybody.— '..cspose Yon leave it to that gentleman," (pointing to Waters) says ban. 4- "I don't' keer a redeem who you leave it to," says the hoosier—and taps Sam (who had kept the run of the thfng,) on the shoul der, saying-t- •' Stranger, orense 114 ; but jest please step out this. way, We've gota bait, want von to. deeitfr. Now, sir, this man here says he'll bait me drinks fur a hull party, that that mon /al/ 'there on the boss is a tugger boy .". " Well ?" says Sam. Well?" says the hnosier, staring at S.3m, " what d'ye say ?" - ..‘ Why a—of course it's a boy—a tiiiiget: Lay!" says Sam, wtth the gravity of ao en= tire Sabbath school condensed. Theindiana gentleman went through the operation 'of holding his breath for n fetv minutes, his eyes enlarging upon Waters during the period ; then kays he, " Come right up to the trough, feteh along all your friends and acquaintanres—every blamed chap you ran skeer np—l'm ready to pay for the drinks . , willingly, for I never eXpirt to See tiro ...sigh cussed funls in uni: event ~ again—lN/J-1M ?" r rj . " ISMR• .137.rsTra at home ?" "No sir."said the 'errant. " he, is out of town." When can I see hint f" ".I don't know. Have' you any` special business with Mr.. Bluster ?" " there is an account I wish to settle.". Well," remarked the servant, " I cnn't say when he - will get back." " But I wish to pay the bill, as I am to leave town immediately."l " Oh you wish to pay him some money? Well, perhaps I may be mis taken—he may be up stairs. Please walk in sir ; your hat, ' if you please, sir : Mr. Bluster will be_ with you in a moment." A Prit'srnErt was holding forth and had ciniiinued.kto work upon the feelings of his aiditorS; - .*D that the straw on tire ground iriaide the altir was cornpletely covered with prostrate m - ourners.' Perceiving there were - many'others pre%ent ready to east themselves down who refrained from so doing solely through the lack pf straw to lie upon, fe cried out in the midst of his exhortation— " Straw! Stravil—We want more straw here. Brother BrOwn, for the Lord's sake, run up to your tent and get more straw ! Twenty souls just being lost for the want of Straw !" Tv. POC.iR IIANS, fit BIT illllllself,ifiii a snattle-rake and vas sick in his bed lot six long weeks in de month of August, and all de slime hezay voter ! voter and he did eat noting tii he gomPlained of being better, so ash be could mulct upon his elbow and eat a little tea. "l Truss" said a farmer, " I should Make a good Parliament man, for I use their l anguage• I received two bills, the other day, with request for immediate payment ; the one I ordered to be laid oa the table—the other to be read That day six moths !" 0:7" " Mint ron clasp my cloak, sir 1" asked a youog lady of the gentleman who was to accompany her home from a party. '!Yes, and its contents," replied he, putting his awn around her waist. wo A WrsrEas editor.says that " a child was run over by a wagon three years old and mind eyed, with pantalets on, which never spikrafterwards." • • mum t a man m Troy so mean that - heaerer tuts anything to fit him. pur zeltiiing boots o r lamb's, he ohrtyi ,rakes liedi he cell gee I4e 1/4944)1. ~. btitntiitt nd proctitat,:, TRH CROUP-HOW TO PREVART IT - A correspondent of the New York Mirror, a medical practitioner, in an article on this subject, says: " The 'premonitory symptoms of croup, is a shrill, sonorous cough. The patient is not sick—has no fever, as alien in a common 'cold—is lively, perhaps even gayer than usual, his hands are cool, his face not flushed, pcir ) sibly a shade paler than usual. This sob. 420 symptbm may last for days,. with no material increase or abatement, and. without • attracting any notice ; suddenly, however, the disease, hitherto latent, bursts forth in all its fatal fury, and too often continues its its ravages unchecked, to the dreadful con summation. " The remedies for this first, symptom of croup are simple, and, in most intances, per fectly efficient. They are a mustard poul tice, or a strip of flannel dipped in oil of tur pentine, or spirits of hartshorn, applied to to the throat, and nauseating doses of Hive syrup, to be continued as long as the cough' remains. By the timely employment of these mild agents, I unhesitatingly assert that 'a multitude of lives might be saved every week, that are now lost through negligence and delay." APPLE JAM • The apples, which should be ripe and of the beat eating sort, being pared and quar tered, as for 'making apple jelly, are put into a pan with water enough to cover them, and boiled until they can he reduced to a mush. Then for each pound of pared apples, a pound of sifted sugar is added, being sprink led over the boiling mixture. Agitate it well until reduced to a jam t then put it into pots. Tne.above is a simple mode of making it ; but to have it of the best possible clearness, make a thick syrup with three pounds of su gar to each pint of water, and clarify it with an egg. Then add one pint of this syrup for every three pounds of apples, and boil the jam to a proper thickness.—Far. and Meeh. TO BAKE APPLES, Sweet apples properly baked, and eaten with milk, are excellent. The best method at baking tart apples, is to take the fairest and largest in size, wipe them clean, if thin skinned, and pare them if the skin is thick and tough ; cut out the largest portion of the core from one end, and place ttie fruit on well glazed earthen dishes or pans, with the end that has been cored upward, and till the car iiy with refined powdered sugar. Then place them in the oven, or other apparatus for baking, until sufficiently cooked. Take them out, and when cold they are perfectly APPLE SYRUP Take a dozen fine semi-acid ripe apples, pare and cut them into thin slices, and put them into a stone bottle with a gill of sugar. Cork the bottle and boil it gently (in a kettle of hot water is better) two hours, and then suffer it to cool. When nearly cold, flavor with orange-flower water, or lemon, or any other essence which may be desired, and pour info wide necked bottles for APPLE CUSTARD Take large and fair tart ripples, core them and fill the opening with sugar, and put them into a well-tinned pao, scatter sugar on the whole, and flavor with lemon peel. orange, or cinnamon. Rake until soft, then put them in a dish, and pour over them a custard made of eggs and milk, in propor tion of Tour of the former.in one quart of the lacier.—/L. APPLE POTTAGE Take ripe apples carefully pared and cored, and put them in layers in a stone or earthen jar alternately, with layer* ut sugar. If the apples are sweet, a little lemon or quince ia teraning,leti willgive it a better flavor. Cov er the wholevith w'aeat paste or dough, and place the jar in the oven for baking. Let it remain all night, and it will make a most delicious dish tor breakfast.-1& 3nformotion for $t proplr, OR TILE rTAIN Wily " Asn " DT:CAUSE." Wtit Hogs the pace kill horses in post ing t Because a horse at a dead pull, or at the beginning of his pull is enabled, by the force .ol his muscles„ to throw a certain weight into the collar. 11 he walk four miles in the hour, softie part of that muscular ener gy must be expended in the act of walking ; and, conseijnently, the power of drawing must he proportionally thminished. II he trot eight miles in the hour, More animal power is expended in the trot, and less re mains for the draught ; but the draught con tinues the same, add. to enable him to ac complish this work, he must lax his energies to a degree that is cruel in itself, and that must speedily wear him out. C( Wits' is treacle so called if Because it is a corruption of therracal, originally theriqc . o, an antidote to the bite of a serpent. Though the treacle of the apothecary, and the gm cers' treacle, or molasses,-are not now used with any- such intention,. they keep a name borrowed from the first intention of the medicine or antidote.—Gent. Meg. D" Wiry is it important to make roads as level as possible,? Be;eause, a horse draw- Mg on a road where there is a rise of one foot in twenty, is really lifting one-twentieth of the load, as well as overcoming the irk lion, and other resistance of the carriage.— Arnett. Wnv is a French-horn so e.alted 'al though made of.metal ? )3 ()cause, at first, horns were used for blowing and drinking . : and the name continued, though both the blowing and drinking horn were 'made of isrory,laver, brass, dre. I:CI - Win is it piece of paper lighted by holding it in the air which rushes out of a common lampeglass / Because of the high temperature of the current of air above the flame, the condensation of which is by the chimney of the gltss. 0;7 Wiry sat the scent and hearing of the elephant considered remarkably acute? Be cause, living in troops, but often dispersed for food, they mak gather together without ) difficulty. Elephants are known to . discover a tiger-track by the smelf. a:7 - IVny is soap considered to be of high antiquity Because it is mentioned by one of the . 1- lebrews:•-" Though thou .wash with the nitre, and take much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me.—Jeremiah, ii. 22. tta'AVRY WERE mince pies originally made in a tong shape at Christmas ? Be cause they taigh,t imitate the cniteh, that is, rack, or manger wherein Christ was laid.- - . Selden. Q3' %Vox is the broom so called ? Ae olian it was. formerly made of the shrub brogan although theatami is now appiled to• implements made of birch, of hogs' briales, i " CARDS. pl• WILSON, AIIIGISTILATE, CONVEY . ancer, Land Agent. and General Collector.— trate. Market street, Pottsville, PS- Nov. 30. OW.- DROV. CIIAELLIDS LEWIS GANZ, 11E. 1 speetfullga nnounces to the Ladles and gentlemen of Pottsville: that in addition to hi■ protessienal set vkee, as a Violinist. he trill also give -ins' ructions on he Plano.. Residence; Ninnsylvents liall;Centre st. Nov. 2,1100 44-if VIDWARD SHIPPER, ATTORNEY AND EI COUNSELLOR at Law, rhiladelphla,wtil attend locollertiona and all other legal busineA in the Clty ot Philadelphia.adjolning Counties and elsewhere.— Otra No. 173 Walnut 'teat above Seventh, wee% Philidelphlat J. ALIERVIVINI EXCHANGE AND COL . lotting Office. Pottsville, Pa.—Dealer In uncut tent Bank Notes. Bills of Exchange. Certificates of DePo+lto. Checks and Drafts. Checks for trate on Philadelphia and New York, in sums to suit. March 9. IPSO. 10-i DOCTOR C. 1 1/ESELEII,IIOIIOEOPATII Ic Pllll - 141C1 AN, Removed his Office to one of the Brick Muses in Coal Street, Pottsville. Aptli TS, 1349. • SADICEL AftTZ....O torriCE OFTIM PEACE, Pottsville. Witt attend promptly to Collertions. kfleartes. PUS base and Sale. of Real Estate, Ac.. In tlrlttlylkillCounty, Pa. Office In Centre titreet.oppo te the Town !tall. Met 20, 1849. A GENCY—For the purchase and sale of Ural Es /X tate; buying and selling Coal; taking charge. of COZlL'Arida j Mines, &e., and collecting' rents—from twenty years experience in tke County he hopes to glFesatla feet inn. Office Naha mango airret, Poiisv We, CIIAt4. M. /111.1., April 6. 000 11-tf PURVES. DEA1.1:11 IN nICRAP IRON 13. Copper, Brass, BM' and Bloch Ti.i 130,1dm ttplrliet Lead, ST, Orders received for Braes and Copper work, and Machine Luniabing. All ordeta ennnected with the above line prompt' v attended IS South dtreet,above Front, Philadelphia June 15,1830 21-If PUBLICATIONS, &c UROTIIEK JON/I.I'IIANS, for the Holidays, LI just received and for sale whotetale end retail by It, BAISSAN• N0v.29, MI. EW BOORS.—The Theory of Human Pro greselon and natural probability of !Inman Jusalee, The Enoch of Creation, or the :scriptural Doctrine contrasted with the Geological Ti•eory—by Elrater Lord, The Reveries of an Old Maid, with Illustrations. Issae Cheek, the Man of Wax, by Douglass Jerrold: Jost received and for *ale by B. BANNAN. Nov. 29, MI 48- - FRANK FititRE:ITER'S Field Sponsor the Mil tad dtates, WII4 Scenee of a hunter's Fife. • Cummiere Fine 1 ears in South aft wa. Lynch's Dead Bea. the Jordon, Qr., IVashlngton and bin Clenerala—by Ileadly, Napoleon and his Marahalla—hy do—together with a large variety of other valuable W 042,1414 la calved and for nate at B. PANNAN'ti Cheap Book Stnrr. Nov. t 2., 155: . 474 f BYRNES' DICTIONARV of Machinea, Weban- Engme work and Engineering, illuatinted with four thousand enaravinas on wood, and one of the 'tilt valuable works aver Issued, jail completed andOund In 2 Rya volume., and foranle at H. BANNAN'fI, Cheap Book-slum. Nov. 22 8351 47- BANCAOFT on Permanent Colors—One copy or thll scarce and valuable work for sale cheap by Nnv. 24. 1851. HUMEC . B ENGLAND. 6 VONDIC.I for only fa 40 just published .and fur sale 6y B. BAN N AN. Nov. 22. WI. 17— CANTIC A LAUDIS, or the American Hoot. of Church Moak, one of the belt Music Itookat pub. Halted. Just rteelsrd arid for sale wholesale and re tail at B. DANNAN'S Cheap Book and Miseellaneous Store ti0v.1.5. I9SI. Sn_. SCHUTLILI'LL HAVEN MAP.—WE 11E commend all our readers who want a good coun try paper to subscribe for the .Ma,. TERMS, lit !Al In advance—otherwise $ (111. - lIENItr Es CUMMING:a Editor. flaven, PA. Jane :.1951 23-Iy QONDAYrNCHOOL 1.1011;tRIBR. kv --tg.in day r'clioof Libraries all Of which will be sold at Publisher's price.. . . Libraries Published by the Sunday Sae., Union. 650 VOl4. •117 fAi JOO do No.. I, 2 and 3 'at h 10 00 100 do SCO 50 du 2 00 Published by the P.pbtropal Suod.sy 6.'11001 Union 100 Volume Library, 1)0 Oil We will give a donation of *lO so tile purchaseis of the firat named Library. All kinds of Sunday school hunk. Grt pre.ients Hymn Books, Question Hooka, Spellers, Primers, Hi bbs Dictionaries. Tickets.. sac. 500 l'estaments, ISt) lliblea, all of n will be sold at Union price, at ti HANNAN'S Cheap nook and tilationerV As All ORDERS for 'HOOKS 114111.11 hand, (dawned o order nll , OlOll prices at very short 1101Irf. MISCELLANEOUS. T RAFTS AND 811.1.3 ✓ 4.11 , EXCHANGE IN 1 .1./ sumi of 1 nr 100 pounds Sterling on Engl,and,lre- I and, Mr otland, Wales, Plante, gertnany. or any part of Eu rope, for sale, without any anal - gr, at n. HANNAN'e Paasate - Aaeney In PAltsville. Al,O, Esc4ran Bills end Brans t salted and rolioriad at hi; olfva I.l . 3l , :elieerit Men enraged at the lowest mire. aril no detention or [rumbling. inure. 1851) 23- . DARKER'S FI7IZNITUR E 1:14)14M. (or Eleaninm, I 'calving and brautlryinirabinet Furntintr, Chair. Ice.. giving a rich gio."sy appearince, superior to re varntening, an article that n e have t ried and can re commend—Price 25 trots a Matti. JUNI rcceived and Mr sale at ' IS, IItINNAN'S Bonk and '‘'aricty Stott. June 2i, BSI 'paw, nitAur L ELLIOTT (Warronip4) E,,•r Polmed Gold Pt.tti, now stand A No. I. In th. rt , notatket ; evPTy perron Who !tau tried thPm will ti,knowledgellt:lr notirtiorltv. !now are made :not enclualvely by Brady & Elliou, two • doors above. It* kllnPra' Hank. Watrh.s of all the felpbratrel makers sold as ahoy.. at prices.ln mill the times. —The Auhaerlber ha• just reielve4 a 13 fine lot of 5i1.39.0131 of all qualitlea and prirea— whlei will be A.. 14 m Inannt,etureta prker,el Jiily 1t.1851 . . POULTItV BREEOEIIB TEXT 1:1110K, Camp/ imng 71111 information r•siterPing the dim. reel breeds of Poultry an./ the inoile or raising thein. sills twenty-five illustrations. Price NI centa: Jitat published and for sale at B . Bit NNANI•rt c Cheap Nook anti Publishing !louse This Is a capital book fur Pedlars, who sill he stippled Cheap by the 100 copies. HOTELS TREMONT ROUSE, Ho?ton. Mn./17 THIS welt known establishment lo Pllll ron gi-r ducted In the same manner it has nlaaya been. The central and plearant ntualion of the house, its commodious arrangements, and the comforts and inaurieS to be found there. t ninbinr to render it agreeable and adeantageous In the traveller. !faring been one of for lirm of -No. L.Tucker lc Co., an long at the head of the 'establishment. the Subscri ber pledges his heel exertions to nrainiain its ler - rota- Hon, and to give satisfaction Halite customers. WM. 11. PARKER . . 39•3 tn Hopi. RU. 1t551 THR AMERICAN HOUSE. POTTI4.- VILLE, PA .---Mg.l4 MARY WEAVER RE -51 spertfully inform,. the public and *Livening communny generally, that the hal, opened thi. lute and rllllll6lOlllllllll flutel,.(nrnloned in a Mo pe/ int' at ytp . From her Icing experience lathe hitainese of a him rate Hotel, and well known reputation to ac rommodate, he, cuminmera way depend on tieing aup pl led With every thine conducive to their comfort and convenienee. Jan. 18, IMO. - JIM Vit. LE HOTP.Y.THk, ■aaa I.llltitCribP, would reapertrutly tororm the travelling community and public generally that he_hor refitted this Hotel tr. good style, aoh fie now prepared to furniah the Derr accommoda tion, to all who nay favor him with a call. DID MART Jeanraville. Luzi.rae Ca., April St A h, V 1651. 14Z.-If NEW MUSIC sCIEW &W LK ER, ancrearorm LN to Coarse Willlnk, No. ffi: Chesnut street, under Bernnin'a /du.ieu m, have Just published the follnwing heautlfol Ballads, Polkas. Qte. Think en you Speak, by N. d. SPorle. The 'Secret, by the nnthor of ••W lit you have We then es now." Saucy Kale, as •ung by Mr. Hudson, Music by Dr flunnington. "Raise the bright Flag of Columbia." adapted In the popular air of "Ever be Happy," In Opera "Enchan. treas." • The 'Thou art gone - by the late ".1. T. S Sullivan." Ifopelesa Love, I* Woman's Love, A Dream that love ran ne'er forget, by M. Keller. Dllligent Polka. by J. A. Gem!. Pricarore do., by M. Reiter. Meals du , as perforated at rape May, by John /012'i Band. oil o p hilnisni, (torn the Opera_of the Fnnr Snns of Ayrdoa, by T. six Amusements, I:legal:lces. by Charles Vas.. L. & W. have the Pleasure in announce to the pub lk that their *Nick of Sheet Music 4:instals oh the lar gest and most complete assortement tobet found in the Country, they are eonetantty ',Lithe to their stork all the new Musk publlsheil in New Vork. Boston, &e. PIATIII4. A fine a Hort ment of the best manufacturers of New York and Poston. nt the !merit the aro ;ultra. MUSICAL. INdTRUMENTS.. Alen, a general aseortinent of Oultat•, Violins, Ran- Os, Flutes. Accotdenns, etc , Vitdin,Outtar an d Harp Sothis of the best Italian-qualities. nil of which War be furnished to the public and the lode al the lowest fain. Orders punctually attended • In. Jan. 11, 16511. ' 2—if [ IRON. &c. to AIL- ROD—IRON—FOIL isiii: AT fiti: IL York Row, by the subscribers 10 tone Phamirville T Ban, 08 lite to the yard, 50 •• Light T"• 21 .. " 15 " II a i Flat Say Rail lined Iran, 20 " II a i " " 10 •• II zll " " • 10 '• 2 1 f " 10 •• 2 1 i " " E. YARDLEY & DON. Pottsville, Die. 7,1550. 49 ttIIAINS.—For dale, 120 feet g In. chain. Mao V./ li:rotated at the 'Louses aolleo. 5.03 0-4. 12-16, 7-8.10-16 and 1 In. best vroof WO chain, at N. York pricea—fretbtadded. E. YARDLEY & O,ON. April 201.50 , 16 - - --- COACH NULICER'S nEnIOVAL. TIIE 00 ECEMIER HAVING FIT. 1 ", led upone of the. largest Coach Shops in the Elate. In Coal Stir eet.Pottsville. Pa.. nen in 1. p, Adams& Co.'s Screen Factory. ft here his facilities for manufacturing ail kinds of attetacesand Lieu Waggons cannot be snr aused—being a practical Mechanic. and hating a onsiberof gents' experience In the business. be hopes to give gausrsilatialanion. Allktadsgf qualeges and Light Wagobs kept on band. Alan.seennit - Alma} Warons,ite. All tele4taa' neatly. datinj :Oznerai distance Pr°,100 V 16 ...1 1 $4l. Jet. 11,114 e NVISTII .KIRK THE MINERS' JOURNAL, AND POTTSVILLE GENERAL ADVERTISER. K entered iiteordlor to Act of Congtewriio the year MI, by J. e. MOUGUTON, M. D. in the Llert's Office of the Distlict toed for the Easteru District of Penn■4tvsoia. GMAT MIRE FOR DYSPEPSIA: Another Scientific Wonder! lIQ. 3. S. HOUGHTON'S .• ~ . ., E i . iii:,; - . , i Psi . rr.l 4 , i4 ; :t.* I. ... , • ~.. . ~i;,i , if .-...,-,..,2 .ft .....--,..____....,_ ..-L-„._. -,-,....------ -------i.., ;, - _, - ..•!1 -, 7,- - r'....;.:ltggra.- , ..- . C..v. - 7 - ,,,,... ,-7.-: . _77,7.-: ',-- rune ruin monsTive. PLutu,loh t:AsTfile Juice! Prepared from Bennet, Air stn. fourth Stomach; of the th, after directions of liaron the great Physiological chemist, by .1. S. Houghton, M. H. n(Ptilladelphis, Pa. Thia Is a truly wonderful remedy (3r Indigestian. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, I.iver Complaint. and trebilay, Puringaifter Natitro'a own merino!, by 7k:stow,. t wo Agent, !be isaarrir HalfaleAspoonful or Pepsin. Infused in water, will digest Of dissolve. Five pounds of Roast Berlin a l.wt two hours, out of the atoinach. Pepsin i„ the e ioa,dement, nt Great DiteAtlng prin cipfn of:the Gastric Juke—the. Solvent of lb, Food, the Purifying, Presovlng, and ritimulating spent of the Alosintelf and Intestines. It is extracted ham the ingelitiVe 13Inutacli or the Ox, thus raffling an Arlifi dal Digestive Fluid, prki,ely like thc natural r: tru rr Julie in its Chemical powers, and furor-tong a com plete and pet rent Sulialitille tot it. tty the a id or due _preparation, the pains and evils of indigestion and DyntepSia are removed, psi an they would he by a healthy 5i011131 . 11. It is doing wolidera for D)Frpepticp minx eases of Debility, Emaciation, Nentills Dr d Dyspeptic Consumption- supposed in be on the verge of the grave' The Scientific Evidel.re upon which It is based, is in the highest degree cuimus and remarkable. EL1r(1,11 Itobig, in ton irlehrated work on Anon al c7lteitiiiary.toqi•: "An Artifidol Fluid awl /011.in nip I:aritric Juicr., too: ter readily preparrd • lithe Inuenns inetni.rune Of the ..lontach of Calf r which ea/intim aftiCleS of food, av wear and rug. 1.11 I.e rollened. changed. and digemcd. jned in the xamc [Wanner as they would he iirthe Int we n roonap h.' Dr. retrita. In hi. fa mu,tN treat for on 'footfon.l. Dirt," inittlistwd rotitilor, & lVrlll, Ptirvir V o tit; pap, 35, states tl:r ,ante g rent fart, mid druriher the nielhoft of pron4ration...Tit , r, ME ft tv limiter a whorl tire than Dr. Pereira. lir. Candle, In his valuable writings. nn the "Phyalol - of Diff 1 6111.41,.. 0/11C11I011 that a 1 111(1110%1100 due driantity of the ria.tric Juice lea prominent and all-pre vatting rause of Dyspepsia;" and h✓ .kites that cttattuguiehrd prof odor of inedicietrinandon, Who Was severely afflicted with this (notplatut, ful ing eveiyaliing else to fail, had rermitteto lh✓ Ga,tric Juicejnhctined front the sit - mm(11 of living sionista, which proved completely succes.ful." Dr.,raraliam.auttuir or the Canino" worn, "Vev. table Viet," says: ..it in a remat iambi, tact °fogy, that the stomach. of 011101111,, macerated In water, impart to the Maid the primer') of disaadrinti various articles of tbod. and of etrea sing it kind of ace Uncial digeidiain of them In no wise different from the natural digestive process Dr; Slmon's great work, the "Chemistry of Mu," (Lea & Blanchard, Phila. ISO. PP 321 - 2 ) may. "The discovery of PEPSIN forms a new era an the rat history of Digestion. From recent experiment.. we know that fond is dlssnleed as rapidly In an digestive Mild, prepared frivi Pepsin, rt. It is In tile natural Gastric Jour. Itself" Professor Duitglisno of the Jefferson Caltexe. Itp,llq delphlll, In his great work nn human Physiiii"gyote votes more than fifty pages to it,. examination ol tills subject. Ills expermentg with Of • Bea l llololl, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hip Mall stntwarti and from animals are well known. '•Ill all s a ses" he says. "dlgestino occerterl as perfectly in 1116 aril nail as in the itaturalatigestinos." It. BANIVAN 47- Dr. Johns W. Draper, Professor of eiternistie in the Medical College of the ITutv,isity of N.' IV I't/IN. ht lilt ""text 11 1 111 k 01 Cheilitrtry." page :hid, says ••It hat b..teti a ipteatlon whether artificial digestion could he perforine.l—bill It IS now tintvevattly admitted that It may he." Dr,Carpentet'selandard a ork on Phr,lalogy,µ lieu It in the library of evert 11113,14 . 1110„ and 15 11.41 111 Text Book in ail the College,. it.foll of r claret, rim lac to the above. respecting t tie rentarka Lir Digestive power of Pemian, and the fact that It may he reality separated Irmo the Stoma. h ill' the ...If Or ot,j/ 4 .1 area for experiments in artilfil.sl itigeYtion. lie s• a remedy &Nearr ot the Atom,. 11, .111 deli lei . (11 . 11011 of (last lie .11110.. All mo d e r n wi ll s, on chemistry. Marsha Medico. and pityaiology, and all good aledwal Dlclo/030.4/. demerit:le the, ehararter and properth, of PCIISIII, and Mate many interesting rkhJ Ile reypeettng it The fact that fan artifirial digestive or Crbtric inrce,,perfeetiy resembling the natural fluid, Ina , ' be readily prepared, does not admit of question The only wonder 1.. that It has not Leon applied to the cute of indlgertion and Dyspepsia—no naturally Moen Am. It a tine tingee,t hrelf to the naii..l Art A DYSPEPSIA I 111.11:11. Dr DnO2lnon'g pan hay prrnincr.l file most In3r v.along pO-rt., ill rur lbr irahell nt Debility Elliarn. , ll.lll Nervous Decline, and bymprinir Connumet ~,,, I. , Itnpunnlbir lo give the detail. of C.V.'S In the iiinlts of thin adVerllnentent ; but anthenlia ated trertildlte• 113 yr been !elven die more 'halt Two lintnired eiltdrk aide 111,11. N. w York" and !Salton alone. Tile•e were narl, all .I.,,pnrain elieep, nnJ the rule. were rill only raptJ w ~,,, act Manelit sck It a peat, NPIV.)II9 Awilotr , and tytefill inr tendl•ney :a !Minna li,nrder, 1.l vor Caul idnint, * Fever and hatte, nr badly treated, Fever and Ague, nr battle !rented Fever and Ague, awl the.evit errects oftluininc, Mercury. and other &net giro. the Digestive Ontanc. after n Inngsickness. Alan. lid ca rers in eating, and the too free time of anipet - - almost C. cnitrites heat((! with Intemperance. OLD sromAcii compLAircrm. • There is - no forni of Mil eitittnach Comohints a% till It doe, not reel. in reach nod remove at t'artee mater bniv~bad they mat, he, it sires instant 1,1.4 , A single dine lemons all the unplessant symploitt. and It only needs to tie reptratyd for a abort time to make these food streets permaniiit Purity of Want, and vigor of innly rolinw at note. It is virtictilerly e‘vellent In cases of 'iNatisea, l'amititr.eramos.tiorr peas of the ph of the Stotria , h. distr.., lifter ram's, low, cold !WY of the Blood, llenvlnt sy, Low 1.,. of stiorlta,lletimtidenr v. Emaciation, Weakness, tviiden ry to Insattity.itnictile,s, - . hr lioughtiaa Pepsin. aid by near!; all ihr dealers in tine drags and Papilla, Ifediepiee. throoet, out the United Cl it., li t. prepared tin l'owilvr and in Fl id m - -and in Pte.,- npn.m it lib /01 the u•t bf phy,irian, Ptlsste it for the 11,f. of 0. ) "n ri,s, rainy he ,-,1,131nr.i of Dr. Houghton or 1111 uev ni,. describing the whole prnrese of preparatlf.n, and gut mg the au thorities iljedt will, 11111 e C1:11111. 4.111.14 are baited. As It is not a .llerrei Remedy, r.. "tiler lion ran hr ran:4Ni it.. p 1.1.1, lion in Wept...1.114P standing and lei:War Ina( tire. 11.. H. HANNAN'S Honk and Variety MLOIY 24 roe all vrotleltrr of se oiling to all part. of t he noon t it; , forml 1 , 1:151i , t1 . 1 . i ‘l , ll r l Matter t i t; L1t..117.,1::;:na hi. Jl.roived h i i n . Vikter tip the patirm. 4 . 11r.ep0w 4 1,q, t h e !Pin ,. Matte, as the and will ke ?r o t I.? man, Fire l'n-tai., tor (Lie 11011 r ar /411 pad) to Dr. J. .. Iloughionlilll D . 11111.1,1,101111, ra. Otmeriolit tliA (.1 . I lie gruel hue PeP•111 110.14 the written signature of J. 14. Illottoton. 11. 1.) , ecole proprietor. P... I 'Op) • light suit Trade Mark seen/el. sold by all f)ltigcnns and Orniers At7ENT4 - 1'01111.., 11. RAN NI As, (1 611.1W74. B.l7.lll•irix Sept 0, 11451 LIGHT, LIGHT, raGnT,' A r No. 221 Nod"' 2,1 Street, atm% e Vine, 1:4,11 tnte Ph flag] rl phla . The 'tuber ribei4 attention of their friend+ root the pilblir in' neneill, to their Nett' Improved Pine Oil I.t nip. A I.:40. tea rd, Oil Lamps—this Fixture. of vitafleet option, Chan deliers. Pendant*, Side Brodie'', for Lamle or floe— l'antlelabrae, Gorindolre, itottnet trolderp. P 3 riot I.4turie. 11211 Lanterns and Marble Lie, La mpa A cen r ro tr, ,, sortionot of C10t.... and 11,11.1111.1 11.111 g. for domestic. porton...a. Oen l'itonr t ine. at short notice. I.7thitio , ick 4112 rgr tviriety. 4 I.KO.Tin Can• of all nlzelt. fly personal :Mention to thr ficiminatli.ril.li 01 the above an irlea; enables then, it. Nell al the Very lowest markri price,. All goo4nororrani...l. 14-.1 vof Ill.unpAinr, hoe jut Horning Fhnd, Wheleenle 3,0 Retail. N. 0.--3inre, No NI Nall, 4d acre. t. Firtn• y. N.: NW, Noble street, near l'. , oril4' 11E3 lrK, 111)RNIM: &MN Eet:! Ma ni l 'ROVER'S INK MANUFACTORY, DEmovF:u to tVre. RI RACE street, (betweets 4th AA and sth, opposite Crown street.) lotattelphia, whete the proprietor is enabled, by Increnied far itt.. lks, to •tipply the growing demand few lit/VCR'S 'Mite:awl' is wale-orsiestf reputation hsa ireated. Thin Ink la now no well establlkhed in the good opli tionand confidence or th? 41Jir,irob ". is scarcely necessary to say toy non jt, [astir, awn the manufacturer takes thaw opportunity t.t say' that the confidence thine secured shall he abn‘ed. in addition to the various kends ter Writ we Ink, lie also MitritlfaCtilres Adamantine Cement het ittendlng, Wass and China, as well as a tot terior /hoe pr ; 3 trial only is necessary to ii•s inseire its future e, tol a Stap l e Won, well adapted for Drogrol3 and Bin lets. at a very Jour prlee. In large or - ,nuitt qua mi ser Ordes• addressed to .1013EPII t: lIOCF:fi, MAttufacrnrerer, No 111 ft belvteett lilt Sr. sth,repponhe Crown sweet, Ptei!adei t lph,.l. Rept 12; IASI G7 -4m - T un excitentent roneeiinent on Ihr ;wival and prawn or Jenny *Awl, lia%ing suhenteo herdeparture from the city, the great centre 0 1 attrar tion appeals to he at the LAMP STORE N. C. Coritel , cntirth and , strort., delphis, wttrro can Is.. ILund the theapypi Sod hest assortment, or of every 'descrlptine In the city. Alan, eitandallers of the noweil patterto. Ito .111.1 Holder, and Candelabras of the moil approved styles sonstabity on hand. N. B We will make arrangements for battling up Public Rooms, for one nr more nights on the moot reaerntabif rarit,s, at the ohnrttot ruLenwria A. DA Vide Philada. 2ept 2%101 --- PIANOS. wa Tun suborribot havingjit,t received 7ir77: ..14 an elegant ei octavo Piano Wan , lie ret. ebraieli evtabllshmahl of Chnrwi I I with all the latta improvements. Ruses wood frame, it will Le sohl at the In 3 mlratitiret's low. eel prices. A beautiful assortment n alntmionna.nr tioraphinea will i.e;rCelFad to a few days, of the most approved suanufarttinv. Persons in. want of any kind of Aluslcal Instruments tan now be supplied with good nl(irles at moderate prices, 11. BANNAN. August 2 0,1851, MEM SOAP WORKS. • Snittit East Corner af Croon Sireeil,Ph Ueda. T" liNDERAIONEO OF)EB YOE LUX. VIP various 'pantie.' of Brown ind Pale Soaps. and respectfully invite the attention of purchasers, a rea In Schuylkill co. BACON & CO. ALFRED LAWTON being connected with the above Establishment. solicits the patronage of hts Okuda, and will itlead Coati orders sent by moll or . otherwise. Pow!, Nay 24. 1851. 21.0 SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! PF:PsIN 17' ?%v Dm; s,nf by :Vail. Fret, of ro,r in flit IA IFISI WSI-BAILY & SON, imperteri and Eibskre [Tulin!. FRENCH et SINUS WATcHLS PLATND. WAIN. AND VAICT istricULA Are constataly Iseentr.4 t a latest styles Ot the above (Toads, aLtak are offered al erhuletale trr recut, et No 216 11 'Act Street, ataare S•stb,nrar Decatur Street, Phtladelphak. NITANLIANED IN ISM kt utter they et" jO May 10, 1,451 10 tf "formats** Home IlonaCtetozen If you want to 'import the Itegion--that's the Joctrine Da , ~: • „c-A., 21.1:" AND trrONE-WARF. MANI; FAtrt - 011.V., V 111 PROPRIETOR OF TUD4 MANUFACTORY. near 'Wickslite. in Schuyttrilt county. Pa.. re spectfully solicits custom of the surrounding Store keepers for the articles of his manufacture, where he offers as equal es say mane elsewhere, and lower In price than the trade of this region hare ever yet bought. They consist In part ofßockingham-ware, viz: Pitchers. entree-Pots, Tea-Pots, Sugar-Bow Is, Creania Fruit •Piate,t, Pp/Gomm &e.„ STONEW ARE, FIRE-1100F PUDDING DISJIES. ** Nappies •• " Pie " Vegetable '• *" Dating' Plates, &e.. Also, Yellow fttrineware. Ginger and Rent Beer Dot tier, Jugs, Pitchers, Bowls. Preserve, Jelly and Pick ling I AT*. ; Jelly and Cake Moulds; Damns, Ewers and Chambers, and eenerally every article inami Piet ti red. Ile also. manufactures to order I he tot tow ing Fire lincl.. of any shape or Stove Cylinder/rand I inlngs o'lll patterns ' Flue anJ Flooring-Tiles: Arch, Key and Wedge Wicks ; Oven. Arch and . Floot Tiles, dtc., e. 5. fluters for the aht,se are respectfully' solicited Office and Show Ware-room (Wholesale only)) in 'M,' Terrace Buildings, Centre street, Pnttavtile. dkires, F. HOPOP.(iN, Agent. Ponsville Nuv. YJ, 1850 , 41741 - VALUABLE BOOES-VERY CHEAP. icoMPItkIIIENSIVE Contmentat y, 0 Vols. ti Patrick, Lowth, Arnol.l, sind Artiltby'r Eumrrt'en. tray, 4 Vols., Five Handfed rtketOtots and Skfletous of Sermons, Pulpit Encyelopa,lia, Chamber.' Information for the People, Clark's Contmentaty on the Te.tament, I VIII,. IMO' empiric. Work - A, latest and complete Cdb thin, very Cheap, Work. of Flavitas .losrphna. at only Si, Book of the United MUllei, with a large number of Lorenzo Bow's e.rnplete Worts. 50 family Bible., garying in Fires from $1 to #2O; i"gether with a large niintlwr of valuable Hooka, at Utillllllllllow rate., just received and for sale at H. HANNAN'S Cheap-Hook and Stationery , Store. 47 Nov. 22. 1951 =Op! BOOKS!: BOOKS!! ! A RARE CHANCE FOR BARGAINS r tIIF subscriber has just reeened from Trade Sale, j. upward* of 2000 VOLUNIF:t4 of Hooks. embra.. tug a grilern) assortment in Plniaand Megan' bind ings, auttatde (or general reading. attillor the Mill &rye, A1101'01,1,11 will be sold lower than city prices. Iliv stock will compare with that of any other store in the country. Mr an assortment of elrealit Hooks. and he 'Utters himself that the public will appreciate his efforts to supply them with every thing they may tequlre at home, in the Book ilie,at very folk,' cures ra. Hooksett.. re. Nieschants, and others, will rind his pinch more varied than in any store in the city, and hi. prices, holeaalr, generally lets than it, the city. It. BANNAN. itm4..,ller, Publisher, Stationer. aad Printer. Nov. 15. 1851. 45 Uth . : .. L= j..i.gi=.la:a RocERI P.M AND PROVISIONS AT PIIILADRI.- X. 7 phla wholerate prices. ,:f he undersigned has opened in the Silver Terrace building, Centre Street Pottsville, a general assortment of Groceries, Pro v lrlona, Fish, Oil, &c., all of which will be soli/ at the name mires that country. abirehanta pay to the Philadelphia Jobbery, freight added. All sonde eel,/ at tins establiArnent, are purchased from first hands in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, and deal ers will tie supplied here, at the saute advance that Philadelphia merchant, have lit buying from the sante finfil.a. Merchants are respectfully solicited to call and ex amine for themseirrs, before vtattine the city. I'. J. DOBBINS, Agent. April 26, 1051. 17-if: GENERAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WANTED. f lll,l. Delman. w k hlngemployment, ble and little, it. yo.n g ana old, 11131 e and female, and alga, all pe140114 wishing to employ any and all kinds of ha n ds, taborer or versants, Will rer •ive• useful Information by calling at the office of the sublictibet in Market .1 reel, Terms moderate. N. N. WILSON , .1. P Lan,l Agent aml Denetal unltector. Apnl F. FORD VENETIAN BLIND AND Illna.Nral"AßENT WINDOW Shade Nlatiufarturer, 1 ‘Vb e irdalr end Brian. N.,. 2y, South n :atteri, Phltadrlaloa. LETTERED, SHADES for Store WlO - vilified to artier. AL!'O Rrrd Minds, Ruff Shadra. Taut r I - 711118in% FUrboard ridclothr. &r. !till (7nrnters. Bands and Piro, &v., for Draprry 'tutelar August If. t I. 31 I y " re „1. 4. 7 f 171, = T 074.414 r ,•• V i 0. • , STILL ANOTRER REMARKABLE Coro of Consumption, And it 4 dangerous atteudants, after having bran given up to die by Physiciaits and Prianda, Ilia at.- oak of history cannot tOrtitsli a parallel. II :horrid be silt-112.4,1a A rrow Ihrorte,Aoset the world for there are tholijandslaborlog under Similar illleasts, mhirlh prone falal, soiles• Sir J by the immsrfal AmENcV OF DR. SW AVNL'S coMPOUNI) SYRUf' OF WILDCHERRY dean, •rift BE cnssirit.r_tt. roust or Hocks, frednriek ronnty , HA , Julie 1111, ISSI Da. tiwv vire —D..ur at a duty I owe to the public, and in Mime. ID you, I hair thought proper to make knowj. one Or the moil ex • traiodinary cures, in my own. case, that hat ever been truly recorded. In the' month or October 131 d I has Mild' led is 1 11 a revere gathering In my breast, la folioed a,l:trge aticess, and also communicated In to Lungs • amt Ivry touch afflicted them, and ills. lorgospia oldies of corruption, external and I. Ih.tl t,, large quanlttlea passed through my which I threw' up. ' MY breath eould also pair through my Lunt!e, and out ihronell the cav i tyOf my I .reasi with apparent ease, attended went a violent rough. day and night. lotto of oporille. and nit torn,' dehddy,,n that phy'ilriana thought myL . :v.6 en tirely hop ' eless and beyond the poo er of medicine.-- I renialtitml in.thia Wretched condition for a long time until I WI.. waated to a mere, skeleton, and there uerlite ilto he Ul, hope for me, hat having read In the psi bht livers of the many wonderful cures performed by your cieNl POI !NI) SYRUP OF WI LD I Immediately k:rnt to naliimn - e for five 'mules and commenced us tple, and td my great :.atisfartion and antloila family,tpe atter!.e or opening , in my lungs , began to hell, and OW rough subside, and on wring len bottles Itt if? reJtoreil la perfer t health. I feel very grateful and firmly believe. that Id your 114111- able medirtne..under the blessing, of Met h , Pros I. deuce, I am rulebled for this great change. and I am tiapo, to any that I am now enjoying as goo,l health 00 I ever have: • tor I lio satisfaction of throw who are not ultimo. tea with me. I. append to, tbi• rot t ifirsto the names tit' .4entionimi t 4.11 and favorably known to 2 large mnii.m of the citizens of Maryland and Virginia, mild e 111 dotool.. induce all Who a re:aunt:loy afflicted to it) )nor wondo ‘ rfut and Inyittriallo Compound Syrup I Wild Chet ry Yours, Very Respectfully, TIIOMAA DI Kt,V. The 4111V.r Hiker to well acquainted with Thomas Diann, and ran le.ttfv that he hos been onlictcd as above roprosimted. I regard Ws rerrwely 2fl nillarlo. lie 11. 4 W daily member of society. JAME'S R. DURBI/t/OW, Pastor of Berl., Cirroit, Baltimore Conformer. We , thet,mteralanell,rettlder l ist (Witte Point of Rork* amt vklu lly,areacquainted with 'llhontas Olson' and Anon 11110 to :rive been atlikted an above represonied 410 nal, thr tight by his fricridt, as well as by our most skilful phric tans. to. be oast recovery, but by the oUltllLtre UV. Of that inestimable remedy, !)e. Sew t•roe'• Compound Syrup otirtht Cherry, In now liarfeet brititb:and we reel duty !mumd to recommend ilnd volliatileopedlcine to all who may be .tut lila, ly alttatie.l. Fwd. rtt uck, Moults ht I ft Thomas. Lloyd C. brit. I W. It. Mmtiti„ riamuel W. Ilaaser, I I:. W 1111317114 Watkins, Philip Haines. - John %Vatter. Philip bletanuttaim. The above invaluable ettedicirr Is the 'Paoli of many yearn extensive practice ia Philadelphia by Dr. Swayne NE Very Important Caution. Remember nopoparailati of Wild ('berry is gen uine, accept the 'allele as prepared by Dr. Rwayne. Plea that Ins Portia., is on the wrapper 4 , 0111.4 i each bottle. Until you obtain *tits Compound you wlllmeyer know the realytrtues of Wild Cherry. DYSPEPSIA OD woman. Swayuo's Delebratid Vormif rigg a, safe and effectual (Pined,. !"iir Wornoi, Dyspep am, Chalets Blooms, Sickly or Dympeptle children or 13414111, and the 01011 11101111 Family kedlrliie • ever offend to thei .1. J. A eaea, a highly respectable merchant of Wil liamsport. Pa., states': 1 bare tiled soul Vermienze in my (tan fa only, aid ran rpeak In the very highest of it. 'Sly wife Is no ninth pleased well It she r , Will live nu other. Remember I none in gefIOinPrICPPI that In .9113 re i .n ttics. With the portrall of OH Hwsysk on rarh wrapper. tV'Nee that the name IP apelt correctly, SWAYED. Dr. Rlraypt , aeagar Call( . 1J Nui:saparolla and Ertrart - . - of Tdr Three are undoubtedly the best Pilleoffered to the pol.lir, arid no family should be without them. rtafe and easy in their °permit/in, wlthimi producing any griping pglo or unpleasant feelings. They are perulh arty adapted to rhelnyr and purify, thereby rendering it fit In imosisli and Invigorate the (}hole system A few Jose.' w ill oftentimes prevent a . attack' of eivknes., and for complaints in which females are subject they are invaluable. No rote can have a bel ie, effect than these for monthly iriegularilles Which ~icvashitially happen to winer, They :MINI at the commenr Mill' 01 of puberty; Oen when there Is a check from cold, or Impropeyespodure, and even at the time of their matte cessation. fly taking medicine. wimign wntilit he carried on through with th" 'lunge of lint williont ;jaw ror Infringement on their .nore yohiliful days o womnithonil • he paliicalar to obtain the genuine, see that they are In hove. Itatned out 'of the p.l/11 wood, covered with it red label with the algnatuie Of he. id WS V are theterm. Da F w - Lyarr., proprietor of the Widvly ppielkinled WILD Clitoral - other 1 , 191- 11. V Manicim Es, has isiiinved hen rrinoir.3lolll.... from the corner of Eighth and flare street" to No. 4 NDRTII Street, above Markel, Phila.lelphis, wilerq•Rilurders Dins , be addressed. AGCNTS FOR sefitivi.mt. comar. Jorthi U. BROWN. ) Pdis”iller • J. CITIITIeI U. 1111(411EN. f JAMIE:4 B. PA1.1.4. N.. joivi W. (a Bus. (.imets4l /e, Pa, • el. &Al. Hu teretnoca, 11. J. brute's's. S. bnylkill Ila ven;ll.Birmsi.as,Portl3.lrtion; .11111 , 1 A Orro,Tay lore • Vitt t(. P. ilaea,Tusrarora L.J. PiIY.TOMMOn ;O. RtIIIDNYDER, Nflar Castle; W. lilotrrs:mns. W. Palo: Rt. Clair ; Mvr &Nitus+JAN,PaIIMOD; Pall HAIM. Phlegm- •CiiCL,St 131 , 811111 . .Trelii0111; CWIIIIII.I. k. B^3l..Llecvllyni 4111 31 %V ILL:Axe, Mlddleport ; C. FROLET, Orwigsloirr ; Emosiou de RIIOADS New Philadelphia y B. Plasm Otwiltibufg Lauding; . 1 . PdcKefirshorg SOLOS NA urrns sr, and D. dr. E. WEis'e, Lorair Mahantango; and by 411 Dea lers'', medicine eveiywherr. rirAsenis' wishing ifresh supply of Da. laws c mei MCDICIN CR will please send their orders to the Prin cipal Office, Philadelphia. • Sep!. 13, 1831. 37-ty rpTs nigovusa.—Tllll3 neirig TOE seAr .I.'. son whte our rltjprore i rb o : deem to spruce thei buildings hem the reraga o bre, should refit To Wive them wide Are-proof—the . oderrideed would 're spectfully laforro the public thus be is Prelforr4 to 1 . '31111.11 ardent for Tin adoring, e_pouttai ke.. lie. JACOB M. LONG'. . ' Pottsville, Jane 29, ISO 264 f REWOVAL Futon AnRIVAL OF FALL AND IvriNTER GOODS.—The subicribere having oeceiv If V ed in addit kin to Glob large and estenstee stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware.-Geady-made clothing, Ace. A ran Mock of . . FALL AND WINTER GOODS. • Comprised of the most Fashionable Dteu Goode, Day State Stuarts, Long awl aquaie.-Rim. Changeable, Fig. and Plain Mohair Lustre*: Gold Medal and rhea. Iloyle's Mous de Laines ; Mark. Changeable and Figued Manua.; English Merinos; Coberg Cloths; Slate Dress Silk; English and Geftlllllll Hosiery of rations kinds: Red. White and Yellow Flannels; Merrimac .Calieoes of different Styles; American, West of England. French end Getman timed Cloths, of the finest and most durable makes. - . Plain and Figurd Satin Vesting', ; Black and ran. cy essAmores; French Doe-akin do: Plain and Fancy Tweed and Satinetts. Woolen Tarn of duTerr•nt Color.arid (IRON:RIES —Pi iine Itio..lava and Lagoa ta Coffee. Black turr.e.rial and Young , Dyson Tea*. Crushed Fnivrtiird. Refined and New Orleans Sugar*; Prime. tinny Srenp and Sugar lionre Midasars ; sun dried and Unx Raisins, P illle Currants. Queens ware of various destriptinns. Fish. Salt, Cheese and Pro vistmis of al! kinds constantly on hand. Also, PRIME FEATHERS. The above stork of goods having• been selected from the largest Johhing and Commission Honses In Ihevity, and particular rare and attention given to select such goods as are suitable for the Coal Region sod surrounding country, we l'.l confident in saying that we eau give full satisfaction to customers giving us a calf for any goods in our line. 15. Next door to Male's Hotel,corner of Mahantongo street. Pottsville. raLLEMAN k SHIPMAN. 47-tf Nov V, 1931 I AA ›W;AtrA .)AkOrl fp lir undersigned having been entrusted with thedi• J. rectum of the Pottsville arailenty,takes the liberty to recommend this Institution to the patronage of the public. The principal. who received his 11-duration in the best universities ot Germany and Paris, and who has been for Several years engaged inteachinp in this ennntry, will teach ancient and modern languages. as Latin Greek,lllebrear„Geimanand French, theltigher branches of Mathematics, Geometry., Algebra Aurveying. Mensuration sad Calculus, as well as - Natural Philosophy and the principles of Chemistry whilst Mr. J. T. Duos:Neat a graduate of - Yale Col.. lege and a practical Book-keeper, will take charge of the English branches. al Spelling, Reading, Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, History atottfeo graphy. Theprinriples of Book-keeping will be taught and the pupils exercised In the keeping of fictitious accounts by double entry. Mama G. Ayer, a gradu ate of New Hampshire Female Seminary, has linen engaged in teach the Elementary branches and Draw ing Even the sum that boys will he faithfully taught by the teachers taerriselVeS, and to young men an op portunity will be °Mailed to prosecute their studies IS tar as at any of our common Colleges. With a strut discipline shall be chnibined a respect ['Wand kind treat men , fallievelinlars. Pupils fromabroad canhe accom modated whim boarding on moderate terincin respeeta privateboarding houses. Those desiring to learnthe German language thoroughly, can find admittance In an ac..omplished German family. The terms of 'I'M tlun are as hitherto, Sit yearly. for LangOlises and Drawing OA extra. The year is divided Into 2 sessions. Ist from theist Monday in dept. to New Vear,Blu. e r. Ira 113; 2d. from New Year to the 2.1 Monday in April. .$ 7 an& 50 extra, 3d from thence to the 34 *lmlay In July.ll7, and 50 extra. Bills payable at the cud i of the brat month of each session. It is highly tumor. tans that every scholar should enter the dchool with the conillasnrentent of the' tint Seer L. ANGELF., Principal July 12,1821 TOYS AND FANCY GOODS R EC EIVED by late arrival a large and frost) mock, of French and German Goods. comprising Toys, in great variety. from fin. to InaV priced Rolls, Ilium*, Fancy Elose•, Violins and Violin Strings, tr. dr.c. ALSO. ri.h Honks, Fishing Tackle, and Needles of the beer English manotactare, for vale, Wholesal and Retail, by JOIIN U. IIEYBERGER & 11110. Importers, No. 47 north Second siren - 419.11841a. Oct 11, 'B3l 41-2 m ART UNION OP PHILADELPHIA, brorporatr4 by thr Legislature of Pennsylrania, Mr Promotion of Art of Design to the U. State OFFICERrI.-11 EN RV C. CAREY, Presirlebi ; WM. D KELLEY, Vice Preilieni, EDWARD P. MIT CHELL Treasure; ; F.. 11. 111111.E11, R.•otdin vice , retary ; OEa, W. DEWEY. Cot rf•alooaadiPg Sllreca ry; Hownar r y Her ;PIS( y f..r ism) Ikiil county B. BAV IV AN. VERY MEMBER for the year lASI, will rereli, afor ear h .obArrintion of Five MINIM a print of ItornMinton% — (IIIUSTIANA AND MAI CHIL DREN," engraved by .loneph Andrew■ Donlon. utiti the pootpnn ion, n print of Mint ington'n " MERCV,ri engraved by A. ff. Ritchie. NeW York, or the choke of any Iwo of the followit.g Pau nplendid f . ',graving', nun: 1. ./ohn Krier'airtereierr, marl -Huey Queen of Seas, painted by 'MUM' enamved by Snrtain 2. 11,,,n and Boat, painted by Rot betniel, engraved by , Sartnio.. 3. Olerey's Drum, Painted by Huntington,engraved by Ritchie. 9. 'Christiana and her Children, painted by Minting ton, engraved by Andrews. And a ropy of the l'hiladrlyilia Art Union lirporter, a Inrottilv pamphlet containing a report of the t canna, Clone nf the InAtitution, and infarniatimi the polo jeci or the Fine Ante, throughout the Whole world. The Art rllliolll of Philadelphia award,' p 117,9 in it. own Certificates, with which original Anirrietio wot kt of Art. may be pnrrhased In any part of the United States, at the option and selection of the person who may obtain a prize at the Annual Distrilitition„ which takes place on the evening 01 the, last week day in were year. The Executive Committee of the Art Union, when so requested, select W arks of An, without charge of compensation, from thew Free Gaifrry, Ufa rheeinut ritrcet, for those persons to the country, w ho mac live remote from Galleries, or ipu t hhe exhibitions of the Fine Art, Subset tptionti of Membership, 8700 should be made as early as practicable. t.o as to eolitle members to early numbers or the — Reporter." which will be for warded; nowt the receipt of the money to arty port of the country. r"e'Surrrcrlptiorta received by tile andersignrd, where the ongraoings and •• Reporter • can be seen.— Snhar ript Icns will also be received at this odic, •Q. BANNAN Honor:lry SPery for Srhtlylkill Posiniv. l'a AMERICAN ART UNION. NeORPORATED by the Lectstaturt. of Op Blain of 1 New York, MO, for the promotion of the fine arts in the Untied States. Officers.fin. 1b.51 . ABRAHAM cozZEN!4. Presntcnl ; kronor kpierns, Trcas• tiler; AhDliEw Warms, Correspoftgog elecreta,c ; J•ftioN. Jr. Recording Brcrelary. ~,,sts s ,,f,sh, nn p rrsr nt—Ruliert Kelly. Andrew Wai tier, tiruj.tt ttttt 11 Jarvis. John 11. Austen, Wm II Apple. ten, Evert A. Duyckink, Philip Hone, George W. Allgletl, William A. Butler, George Tredwell. Eras to, C. Benedict. William 0. Deco, tieorge turns. Charier 11. Russell, Johh P. Milner, William J. Hop ron. Abrahent AI. Coar.ens, Marshallo. Roberts:Pied ..rick A. un.'. Ctuole* P. DAY, Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr. BIBIGRA MAW FOR . • Every Aninrcriber nf live &Akira I. a member for the year, and 4 entitled to I. A row. of earh number of 11w Bum ETltt (re ferred to to tiw preceding r fretilar.) nhu it shall be mooed in Iftsl, during sind after the loonilt in which ps)ment of his !tiitterript ion shall he made. This is 3 monthly publication, or strteen or more quarto pages oh three columns each. Ilitistraied with Eugray.ings and Etchings from works of the moat distingiwthed ornate.. 11. A print of Mr. Jones' line Engraving nn !neer, measuring nineteen inehes by twenty-rine Inches, liner Mr. Woortrille's celebrated painting of &lexical"! News, representing ri group at the door of en Inn, lis tening In the reading of an account of the first battle of the late blesiran War. 111. A set of Five Prints from finished line En gravings•on Steel, of the average sine of eight inches, by ten inches and executed by Anirrica . n Engravers, after the following paintings, viz. : Marion rrossing the Peden. by Eanney ; Aft. Washington, from the Valley ut Conway, by lien sett : A inatiran Harvesting Srpnery;by Prolerey; Old '7d and Young '4i, by Wood t, jilt ; naraaining for tl horse, by bloom ; Thus fiinning a Gallery of - American AU. of ronveni. rat size for binding. or for preservation in a poll foho instead of framing If desired. IV. A abate in the distribution of several hundred paintings.:.culptures and drawings in water eitlor.— Amalie them are the works of the following e 1111 l tent Artists.viz: Durand, Edmond,, Huntington. Elliott. Mount, Church, Bingham, 1 :001n-ey. (Lay, Casileaf, Girnout, Peek. .Doughty. Ilinrkley, Baker, Elam .Oitinril, Audubon, tlonney, Roulette, Whit rides, Mr Itonkey. and Othets. The , elle'ectther has tails at. mot - laned opportunity to 'achieve 019 triple pnrpose of obtaining a valuable return for a small icrestineni,of securing the Iles" cet.slon of a superior work, gratift lug Id. taste far Art, and of affording encouragement to prondsing Artists of tits own country. Subscriptions received by B. BANNAN, Honorary gerselary for Schuylkill County. Aug 9, 11,151 HUGHES' E.KPECTORANT, von couGns, coLus, INFLtinnA, WHOOP r log Cough and Pulmonary affections.—The pro. prietor of the above Invaluable preparation challen ges the exhibition of any other specific which can complete In all etwalial qualities with that now.pre sented to the public. Himself a graduate of the COI. lege of Pharmacy an Philadelphia. -and carefully trained tit one of the most extensive prescription boom' , in that city. he cfnifidentlY. and with assured faith In its excellence. rerommendt it as a medicine welt adapted for the purpose for 'which it has com pounded, He pledgea hie precessional reputation that it contains no deleterious britg—hut that, the simples of which it is composed. wall not in the remotest manner, affect the moat tender Infant in any way but to the removal of the disea+e. FOf coughs, however inveterate. or harassingote action will be found to be immediate and effectual ; whilst in everyraae it will Iningalitiost Instantaneous relief, and if persevered In, will affect a Certain cure. Chddlep fct,m their birth, and adult. of any age, can rely upon these results. Volda long neglected, or he. coming violent through ennatant etpostire, threaten ing Injury to the lung., and con s equently ron■ump lion, will by oriented before such a fatal criala will have been reached. Indeed cafe. have -liven known, and are certified tn, where it ha. been ageertained that a pulmonary affection existed which. thin medi ans relieved with all the decided evaencea of radi cal, entire curt. 'rills preparation le equally etficarinus . for Asthma, hoarseness, and bronchitis. Aged. persons, partirular ty. are much suliter t to the first of those direases; whilst public FpAkerg, when'aEilcted a ith the latter, wilt he sure to be relieved front these two painful an noyances. The above statements are made in fill view of their importance and weight' their will I.e proven on a fair trial of the specific; and relief in thesu?ererbythecertain COIVIIIIIIMICP. For further proof of the efficacy of till. remedy, the proprietor re.pecttully refers to the fallowinacertitlcates of smite .of the lire( l'hystrianto fu Pottsville ti`glivillevvlnd—l florin it a duly 1 owe to the COM triunity, in strongly recommend "Hughes' espertor ant.” sc an effectual remedy in colds, incipient t,f,;;;„ Intlamation of the tunes, and all analogou s ti 1311 1 ,,•. Having piescrittrd Uus remedy, and traced its effects upon the patient, I can safely recommend it assuperier to an distinct combination now b , rds ., she pohlic. P. GOULD. M. 0, Pottsville, 1848. Pottsville. August, t 8 4 .9. J. C C. Ileghr9.ll 3 Villf !MOP kflOWn 10 MP the rm . (limit Mullah , of a pieparatiors made by him, cancel44fophes' Espeetorani,” f am induced Inlet.- ..Humana it ass medicine that would . prove benitftclat in the rations diseases for Which he direct.' it tope given. J. 9INNICII9OIY, N. D. ijavingssamtned the compfinentsforminelfughea Expectorant," I haye no hesitation in recommending it es. I adieu's it to be:, an erreliftut Tetneilf In Ceffiln conditions of - pulmonary diseases.. Pottsville, Aug. 1818 TIIOB. [MARV/. D Mr. J. C. Curtis llnglirs—Dear Mr.—As/you were kind enough 10 inform ow of the ingredients which compose your Eipecturant.l now. after nesting it folly take pleasure In commending it to allybuse litho may need a safe and effectual Expectorant,' Yours. be., TIIOB. Q. lIEGIPIB, 3x D. Prepared only by J. C, C. Rughes„Cbentist and Druggiet, Pottsville. Pa., and rouses , hy J. W. Gibbs, U. fietlner, Minersvllle ; C. J, , Pry. Tamaqua ;8. R. Dixon. BcAttylkill Haven ; J/kr. J. Hammer, Wagner & Brother; Orw lashing t, Jojrn Will la me, Iddleport Meyers & elllymso , Patteyatin Charles Dobbins, 811- yer Creek; J. D. McCreary, Tremont l• Wm. Payne, Heeksberville ; James Ofilptillin. Port Carbon; J. Se- Curdy, Reading; Sellers Drug ettore,Pottsgrovn; awl ISO storekeepers gen tally throughout the State. , Jan. 111. 101. . t • 34 • • A ireut Dlsnovesf, for Bilious Coosisilittoio DOCTOR . 3. S.. ROSE'S -Ol t RAILROAD, OR ANTI-:BILIOUS PILLS, TN Roses, at and 25 cents—free from 3lerrurV. Roses,, can be taken at an seasons. by both PPICM, of an ages and without rtgatd to weather. *.bio bust ers., or laboring man should be without thein—ca They are truly the Poor !fan's friend, and the Rich !tan's security. The above Pills are the result offliltly years' prat ? " tire in Philadelphia, antb;if taken with Dr .1. et Dose , g; Tank Fever and Ague — Mixture, they will cure the. met stithborn cases of Fever:Ana Ague, er.Chitts and Fever. For Liver Complaintg,Dygpepgia, bidif.rsiblo% and all Bilious conditions of the system, they have no rutin!. as thousandg in the Southern and Wei.tern States will legtify, who hare card them. As a purga tive pill they act like a charm, free from eripine, gat log strength sod appetite, and enlivening the spirits. For sale, at wholesale or retail by RANNAN, Agent for Schuylkill County. OS-Druggists and others aupplted at the usual whole- Pate August 311, t 551, 35. nu um= noTT's THIS preparation Is now beine offered to the public 1. 38 a guarranteed Cure fa r the tit:Ay:p . m in im r . and ; the only known niedieine to the world baying been third in the private Veterinary or lice, of the proprietor for the fast I ; and he has never known it to fail in a single innanre of prottit• ring it !siting cute, and leaving the horse in good spirits for work. The II trey incompetency of the hone for labor, when troubled with this C 313111011 iliseaw, should induce evt ry one having such to apply imme diately for this remedy. Price one dollar per package, which wilt beacon - with full direct sot part of the ' , hued States All kliet, Or communication,. Tithe addressed '• Post Paid," to I. P 110 VT. Rear or No. 10 South roth rhitadelphla. 01-Wholesale Agent for the Vatted States. N. IL—Agents wattled throughout the counts y, to to whom a liberal discount will be given and their names iitacrd in the ailverlioementiai AddleNA a. , above Dr. Hoy (leave Powder', for 1.41 e, wh , .lrnair and /mall, byrr H. ftANNAN, Stile Agent Thr Schuylkill County. Oct. I. Issl 41-6 m runE umutz LEAD. Iv ETITERIII.I. h BROTIIF.II, Nlanniwtnr.org, I. 165, NORTH Flit kNT s.luret, now a good supply of 6wlr ,vart.inurof nu, WIIITI: I.IIA U. and Onan tantomers who have loo' F intringly fittpplied in ,onstptenre of a Inn on the a l tiH r ,..k a 11 now have their orders titled No k nown substance: pns,rs+ea those preservative and beautifying prop...rules, xn de•Jrahle in a ft 3,1,1, to an equal extent with iiitailithettited while Ivaiht a'ny admixture of other niatertais only teats It has. thersfme, been the steady aim of the nutinthir• hirers, for many yeast., to supply to the public a per fertly pure while lead, acyl the imrea,ing. demand Akr the strncte, I• moor that it has met with faser. It is invariably branded on one head In II ERII,I. & [MOTHER in full, and on the Other, w.irr,traffut all in red letters. Plillada , July ft. leaf ly HUMMEL'S ESSENCE or COPIED. ( )r ia par kar orthi. Eqq...tre s%lll go HI far nil four Minna:. of Coffee Coirre made of thia I:arooice will pre,erve 11w taAe of the rani rofree. with the ad dition of a more delicate and finer flavor. It to alto more conducive to health than the limr iriarer. , ,os ea. tier toed, doioi not require onulhins to cleat li. and la Cr,, from t.•alltltyttit. Tluw E t t.trttt , t• to ligeit m vagiolli yri t one of the (01111.1• y , a 1.1017.1. 6 aunt bowing old '16 , 11141 itt a t.trattit , roomy to tills elmte. Pi ice (di rent, per cake. r.b, wz,lie nt.l.4l,cate and retail by the 011113 Variety SlOle. B. BANNAN, Agent for :44 18111 CO -Merchants and other. rnpidie.l II a gain UV the tilanur3ctut ere , prirns. Try 11. I have ecarnitird an article forparert by Mrssr, Rummel, Ho!OPT gr. Co., ni Pliitaae Es. swore of Crape," wh IC is i, itam.it,a to br 11s11 w• MI Coffice for the mirtitrot of improving It. I and tt not roily free from anything deliternium to lasalth, hot on 1111• contrary, flirt loyfreat.4ll4.4 which 11 ib composed, are pet reel ly 0 holCsonar JAMS/4 R CHILTON, M. Il Chemist and Atialy.ici,73 CitainherA Si Ner% York 11. 1551. 47y ALoilins.,.nitabl.. ffir Brugefitht, Burning fluid, I . 4.rfurni,•, &r. Vine Oil or 11;:torphlo.., distill...l by ,learo; flurninß Filth]; Phougene f.t:fit ; Spirits of Torp..iittrie ; V,111... Torpwrittoe, Bright V arrmili. Cossai V lrnfeha every description and quality ; Japan and :Shellac Varnish of all colors and quali Ilea Iron, i.esiher, Antn-cla , itk, Paper and oilier vane Brush Makers, Whip Maker , . anti ottonnn `rnttrt:lntly on hand, unit fdr ale at 581 Norih rims ,aroct. Philadelphia N B. Orders v. Pi br rrr..ivt.ll No, :ill MARKET IL:Alarm 32 N. c'ECON kill above Christ Church, and at 3MII RACE mireet. J. A. PORTEI Oct 11, !HSI NEW and EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT o/ bekh Vi/,/ and Wilde, GAOrb.. ( (:(101)..q; ( t fr('El? IES, QUIEE, ArN,_ ' Ir L. 7, PI: I 1‘) N:S rj'HE nutoirribers have spent notch true and talt; , ll I. unusual pains. in attending the Aursionv, bolls to New York and rnifidelphts, in the purchase! of elicit extensive assortment of goods now opening' at their Wholesale and Retail Store, Centre Atrett. directly opposite the lost Otitre, wil , fe they respectfully In vite all putchasers to tall, tieing Well areured, from so varied and general an assortnient.as they now have, no one, ran fall of being arcotoodaied—as to price., they are well ;a/smiled thenisetufnl. and ran assure r ostomersoluit no estahltelistien.:, earl undersell them In l'ail.llisieuttnin«, and you ulll he 1 . ..110i10...1 of — lie irtith of (MI statement 1111-,314+ the vatinns kinds of goods would loitedh,ns, we would tinly remark Oro nor asinrrmeut is ample, Intl and seasonable, •miteddo the general Wants of the community. JOIINKTfiN do co. • Profrville (kt. 25, 1.51 43-tf ZINC PAINTS, .11,11.4fartured by Phi. Xftrt Jersry Vrploriiw and .41tritap CompanN, NEWARK, N. .1 Fn m ils is prepared to furnerli a Aipply of Ithose valuable ZINC PAINTS, which have been Grand alter several years trwl, both in Europe and the United Stated to retain. their original beauty arid protective proplertie4,,owieirior to toy Other Paint whatever. Their Whitt Zinc Pima. is purely an I ht. ide 4 , 1 Zinc, and is warranted free ruin, all dillltera riot anti impurity whatever ; ii roc,. Weft, o limn) , white and is entirely fret. from I prolbniiiic proneitieri of=paintn made from Lead, dangerous to the health of Paihrers and Fa It ;er r, I.ra Yellin,. Wlll.ll Papn.r.l tit sulpheroug, or mephitic exhalctlons or evan when artist op Ina elit=e roam AM an outside train, If as Any 111.11, .11141 iyeatber triter tbs.} any other, Door being, hall. to turn chalky and rin , ntile, nr rob if Ii may he work- NJ with any other color, wuh haler and due, or with.l varnish,'Whirli give. the celebrated Porcelain Finial Of Cbhla Clown. BLACK AND COLORED 7.ltit PNINTS.— TIIPrP arefortiktieithi a tote price anti are the itheapest and beet Paint.; intlie nulirkrt tur t natine Ronfro, renting, Barn., Ont-hiliist•Ft, Stearn Hollers, SteallltMalri, ship. or any miser r expo..ed t far e Brlck. Iron or Stone an they are both 11',11 her dz.! Fire Prof Fur trop or inetatte rtirponi they are Iriitit larLj' cahlable. 3.4 they form a Uuirunlr connertino and entirely prevent tki.lation 111 . rust they, dry quickly tv 1.111 a polished 9itt fare, do in,t, crack on wood Or metal, 31111 having a pore metalte ha4e'do not change tutu, 11 kr Malt) of the earthy p:111. now in ti.e ; to moor ail Trier lo th, following certificates POI' ADA 11a* Vorl.•a. May IS, 1,.51 F & co 11:entlemen • flaring M.ole ,eVetal or roil, Brow. Line Pnlnly in 1,4r1011+ thettook r3h.Ohtleti to 1e..1 prr.,.•t live qualitien upon And ritelat,l have the rtriol.ar unit metal, that the re,olw hvVe been highly cavort, hie The paint r..ierltg: well, Int lug 'Buddy and poAsemetog; greater tell:,. it y. ..,pe, lolly Opoll 1141 n MHO any other pilot n ith w tort) I : in familiar. Vow. Truly, ltif (' ctlß4sriv. Engineer 01 the Phillitelphia Gag Worko,. the on.len•tow.l bovine wwil the Zinc lambs Irc f,tred co. concur tin :ongoing opinion Dm, in. •rankpr S hin,cip, Merrick k. r l / 4 . n . Krancv No & Co., Jon. T. Bolton & j'enn Work.. Iron kn. J. T. Dean.,Uniicd Staten Dry Dock. Cr Dealerg topptied on favorable trims by Ihi Agents of the Company. T C JONES Er CIL 17 Snuth What % l'hiladrlphia J.l 9.1A.51 - .• 0~ 9 ,,g,ger, from ettn 84; New Filnl3nd and Pinlldelphil man ufacteer...lCoarse 110.ng.in treat eartety, Cnnytant _ ly o i hand ; cloth an,l LaJtirslit Gaiter Brne, and Consress Gaiter:4, f Nulitiers, Oregon Ties. and 10. wed and Pegged Monroe,. ),FlNEllei` Boots and • M o nrocs. of Nit quality, at / Niece. adyg• and Vontha' Donis and Monropecoare nrdne LADS'S' French and RogiiMi Lusimg flatter Morogco, Calfskip and (Thal Beeirea. French al nt racer), Calfekip Coat 13t , teee, French Morocco, Kid well and pump spring Bucskina.and JetTer , ons, French Morrow) rind Kid Turninuarts, from 50 ct,. to el ; Mew Knglandllimteesand iihors °fall kinds cheap. .. . . HU it MES' and ChildrensoorCes and Shoes. a large asortruent suitable for this market, constantly on hang. GUM Elastic Shoes. Our storitofGum ElaaticShoca are of the hest man: ufattured ankles the country can afford. I:Idles and Gentlemen would do well to call and provide them selvea with good Cum filtoes.t the heat ,preventative yet diseovered'of Colds Coughs and Consumption. TRUNKS. Carpet flags and %retires. Tho Travelling t ommunitylwlll find uaiwell 'up • Plied With tile ahose attielea which we sent sell at moderate peleei. Boole and Shoes, made and repaired tinnier. TERMS CASH ' Oct.. 11, leSt ytimer. LEARN TO MLR. Eiatkir The art of milking well is not taught iti a. hurry. rt requires long practice to tnilk pro perly, and therefore all the' young people on a farm ought to learn how the labor should be done. It is quite important that this branch of dairying should be particularly at tended to, for a good milker obtains at least a quarter more from the same cow than a poor milker. The first less§n to be taught to young peo ple is g,entlenels and kindness to the Cows. They never need to be treated harshly incase, the business is properly commenced. C ows that have been caressed and uniformlAvell treated are fond of having the milk drawn Iron the udder at the regular times of milk ing, for it gives them relief from the exten gum of the milk ducts. Let young' people be put to milk the far: row cow first. such as are'to be soon dried, and then the loss from bad milking will be injurious. The hand should extend to the extremity of the teats, for the Milk is then drawn easier. Young people should be taught to milk as taut as possible. More milk is always obtain ed by a rapid milkerthan by a slow one.— They should therefore be taught to think 'of nothing else while milking, anck no conver sation should be allowed in the Milk yard.— They should sit up close to the cow and press the left arm gently agaiiist - 'her shank : then it she raises her foot, as she4ometimes will, merely to change position, Ae will blot be sn likely to put it into the pail or budk l et. In ease of- a dispo s ition to kick, or miller to raise her-kat on ficcount of pain cieckioili ed by soreness of the teats, the nearer the milker sits to her, and the harder he presses his lett arm against her leg, the less risk 4ill he run of being injured. Cows may be taught to let down their j milk at once and they may-be taught to hold it a long while, and to he strippedinde- I finitely. The best way is to miTk,.quick and I not use the cow to long stripping or an after stripping. All generals are made up of particulars, and upon the soundness and truth of the lat. ter depend the value-of the former. This ap plies particularly to statistics, and especially agricultural statistics. They are too otten made up from guess work—from bap-hazard estimates, which mislead all who rely upon them for any practical information.: • Hut what we would refer to at present, is a proposal to our readers to keep an account of their crops—of their cost—and of the amount realised, so that they may act under standingly. Few farmers know hOw much trop of wheat or corn has cost them, or iIOW much they pay for the animals they rear for use and sale. Now, 'then, can they , tell which is tnost profitable? Row do they know but they are losing money that to which they giyegreatestcareandattentidn,and making good profit upon what they consider of very little consequence? A - correCt ac count of capital, expenses and receipts, with' each bralich of farm products, will settle this question. Let those who have not done so, take an inventory of lands, stocks, inipletitents,.&r.; and commence the next season's operation with a determination to know. what they are about. Let there he no more guess-work, and there will he fewer failures and losses. What would he thought of the merchant who pursued the same system, or no sys: , tent, practiced by too many farmers. He would he looked upUta with wonder and dis tim.t, as a man of whosehte there could be no question. Adopt, then, some system of accounts--and make: yourself sure about .the profit and loss of your labor—and of !behest mode of expending Nelt-Yorker. BORROW WREN YOU CAN I *WI (says Bill Borrow of Lendville, in the Massachusetts' Ploughinan,) to enforce the above text. What ‘js the use of buying every thing you want ? It takes a great good deal of money to do so. II your neighbor will purchase only soin,e of the tools and pa• pets, another neighbor will buy some oilier; you can manage by iiiorrowing of all within borrowing distance. Well, this was my doctrine—if not in so many words, in fact in practice. But before long I found farmer 'A. was reading the P/ott.e/Unaii just when I wanted it, and Jun Jones *anted to chop when I wanted to borrow his best axe, and Sam Hill was just going to'use his horse When I sent fin him, and Captain Slocum was just going to use his planes and augurs when l had anything to mend, and Bill Stub!) was just going to use his chains when I wanted them. Sam Smith was just going to.get his oxen shod when I wanted to borrow their), .and Tim Simpkins was just going to digging rocks when I wanted . his bar. And thinks I to myself, I am just going to get them there things for myself and po mistake: And got 'em, and a big load off my stomach, and somehow allsmy neighbors look Cheerlul, are now just as willing to, lend as nothing. And on the strength of my experience, I reversed the text, so that you may read it nowi . "Bu'y when 5 on can, and borrow when you must." REASONING TIMBER. Newly-cut timber, placed twelve or four teen days entirely under water, and then dried is the sun 'and wind, is rendered less liable to warp and crack. Partial' immer sion is destructive,.and steaming or boiling is dangerous, for hot water or steam has, to some extent, the power of dissolving the fibres; but the proportion of an hour to an inch in tlii,kne:. , s is the usual practice for boiling or steaming in the dockyards. AGRICULTURE In this country -is a highly respectable, and at the same time, a most attractive pursuit. It is not only resorted to as a means of ac quiring an honest independence, but as a dignified and pleasurable occupation by men of wience and letters, by Statesmen and War riors,- merchants and navigators—in short, tiv all Who have wealth, honor, anti distinc tion in other pursuits of life.—Senator 5..4. - D ,ugl a. CORN, Which is intended for the market, should nut be shelled until near the time for send tug it away ; it should then be thoroughly dry, and carefully fanned from chaff and particles of . cob, because these substances are frequently the origin of heat in shelled corn, from the fact of their being more tub jeer to decay than the corn itself, uPFIECT-OF UOGS 08V50176. A farmer in New York kept 35 ,tiogs in a field of nine acres, during the winter, for three years. It`was in corn every year, and no other manure was added. The effect was visible in the appearance of each suc ceeding crop, and the third year the increas ed yield was about one-third. Absorb from the grOund different juices ; a constant variation' of crops is, therefore, in dispensable. • CM EMI= 11 FARM ACCOUNTS ALL PLANTS