The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 20, 1851, Image 3

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    ?toms or Tiro RUINERS' JOURNAL,
sixof.e. ste...SCRIPTIO3.
Two 11:11aLtaire per aportn. payable segol.ineaelly
handy:met, to than who re.ahle In the County, and
arum:ally fn advance to those %Oh) reeide t,ut of the
County. The publisher resetven to hinvelf the tight
In charge PI 50 perinnum. wbro prcmrnril. &la ea
longer than one year. ,
Three cripitte to one addre,A, - . 115 Al
Seven •7. - - 10 Oil
Fifteen ." " " " • tgi O.
Flee dollars in alvarsi• will pay (or three year's
Elubscriptton to the Journal.
RATSS GP 4DrEnT;slXi",
One Square of 14 limes.
Every subarqueni ILiertion, -
Foot Hoes. 1 time. - • -
Subaextuent Insertions. each. . -
One Square, 3 months.
fits montha. •.'
- - -
ttne Tear.
Business (Cede of 5 lines, pre annum.
Militants and othets,.adrerti.lne try t Ire Yell,
with the privilege of In:rainy different ad; er
itsements Weekly. '
[.'Larger Adrefitsements, a, per agreement
We invite attention to the Report of the
Grand Jury in another column. They are
said to have been one of the most intelligent
Juries ever assembled in the county.
They regret the neglect of the previous Or
' • der of the Court, in relation to the opening
of Ale and Tippling Houses and fiord Bars
an the Sabbath, and request the Court to
giv i e further instructions on the subject, fur
the more effectual suppression of these nut•
sauces. Their opinion in this matter is
clear and explicit.' The , Court afterward
confirmed these suggestions in a very decided
manner,. Beer nod A leyouses areliut places
of ordinary secular business, and, as such,
should be closed on the Sabbath, the same as
stores, offices, &c. Hotels differ front these
in that they are kept ostensibly for public
accommodation : but this difference secures
them no indulgence, in the violation of the
Sabbath, more than that secured to other
businesi establishments, except for the enter
tainment at strangers. This is in strict ac
cordance with the law on the subject.
The friends •of Temperance have here
strong grounds. Although this is only the
position previously assumfil,it has, neverthe
less, the additional weight
.ot being a settled
contirmation of what was before regarded a
disputed point. : The laiv was as plain before
as it is now, but.the present Court seems dis
,so tar, to give it a strict legal con
struction, which was helore, fur-some rea
son or other, denied or neglected.
We hope the Temperance men of the
County will now take fresh courage, and
second the efforts of the Court,with renewed
energy, for the supptession of these common
nuisances—the groggeries, and especially
their violation of the Sabbath. It will he
observed that the Grand Jury coinplain'Ol
the absence' of reported cases of " tippling I
and disorderly houses," which they know,
notwithstanding, are "very numerous " in
the County. This should be seen to, antl,!
while the legal authorities manifest, so de.:
cided a disposition to aid the cause bf Tend;
peraoce, in their official capacit c, for the gen
erai good. the professed advocatß of the
cause should not he backward in &Trig their
whole duty to accom p lish this desirable
“Crime is not on the dmtease,” the Jury re
port. There is every reason to believe, from
the experience of other part , 01 the country.
and especially from the recent develope:
meats in Maine, under the operation of their
late Liquor law, that the prevalence of crime
in a community is dimity proportioned "to
the use of spirituous liquors." No one ac.
quainted with the character of our -Court
proceedings, will doubt, for a moment, but
that the entire or partial banishment of in
toxicating • drinks from our County would
grititly. tend to the decrease of crime, and
the general spread of morality. The subject
of TenaPerance reform is, therefore, a mat
ter of the firbt importance, both morally and
politically. It would be better fort the public
good, and greatly curtail our expences, as
- Nothing of much , importance has been
acted upon by Congress during the week.
though several interesting resolutions have
been introduced, likely to ereate'coniderat.te
diseugspn, if they effect nothing more.
The resolution of Mr. Foote, dTlaring, the
Compromise measures of the last 7ocurressa
definitive settlement of the slavery question,
has been, up a number of times in the Sen.
ate, and will probably ot•cupy many days
yet, before it is finally disposed of.
The annexed resolution, declaring it • the
duty of the 'Untied States to interpose; to
prevent the violation of the law of nations,
by the intetvention of foreign powers in the
timeline affairs of nations, waspffered in the
Senate on Wednesday. by Mr. Walker. It
will, no doubt, create considerable sensation,
both in Congress and abroad. It was laid
Inerear, The signs of th,F tunes are pnitent.ol.
of art approaching struggle in Europe, between the
Republican ingukses for constitutional government on
the we side, and the advocates of monarchy for al,-
solute governments on the 'other; cord wherou., nt
,pressingly behooves the Representativesof the pro
ita the United Sovereign States of America, to
seriously eonlider. and -betimes to inquire into the
relations of the government and, country to lii,
struggle,.and their duty in view of it to 1 ItenhelVei-,
to foreign nations, undihe international law Thew
lie if Resolved, That the Committee on
'Foreign Relations be instructed to inquire into and
report upon the expeclteary of an open declaration
by Congress to foreign nations and the w, rid. that
.the Uaded States told strictly to the policy and
principle That earl individual nation, .tale, of pow
er, pia,setmeittOr 11F -elf the exchiso.-r tight and 5.0 h•
power to takkgare and dispoF-t- of It‘e iwYtt internal
•concerne, without- the naterventlon and Interferrn,-.•
of any foreixngoVentihmt. Date, enniedislwy.
ance or power, whatsoever; and that any such nt.
Lervention or interfckflici• by or on the part of sin .
foreign govenirnent,listate. rotilesleraoy, alliance tit
power, eruistitine:. art 12dflte114 4 / 1 of the law 01 na•
11011 F, authoritine and Pt.ttfying the kntrrio,itlon of
any or all other gcicininents, eunfedpraelef:, of
powere , , 4d their dewret,on, _to prevent la Mil, -
vration and to repair siirh intittruon the lute tit
Rtsolved jurthe,-, That the •ante c:,nuuuu , .•
instructed to inquire also into the expedwile IP
questinglhe President of the l'otted State- loran,.
neqouation* to he opened with all mho Coll,tllll
- govertimettk with a view, and to the end of
tlititinutg their co-operation with the I'uttAd
K./ the declaration atorisaid, wattle pulley anilphn
erple ttitteol, and ill tin• nt.ervunee, defence un.l
maintenance of the law of n4:lolri , , In thi, re•peet.
The Washington Republec, alltidiflg to the
;proposed alliance between Great Britain and
the United States., for• the protection of Hun
ry,-iays . .
" Bir,this time, we think, he must have perceived
that ••most insuperable difficulties estat in relation
40 this fundamental He must hare learned
that here, at the very outse't of his. scheme, 'obsta
cles present thenfselves, which neither logic nor
eloquence can surmount. • Talk as we plea-entail':
the common language, laws, literature, and inte•
nests of the two nations, the fart ei nulisputable
that btu progress and prosperity are the canes of
ea - dieps manifestations of narrow-mindedness and
ill-will on the part rut the leading ot 'Britain
as well as of its ariiitocracv • and that the tart:et - nig ,
thus crested and nurtured ore at present lout to
, every thing like an alliance of the kind prcirsed
The events that have Fist trampred in Central
America are of tileroselretcsutfidient to excite dis
trust' and in the bands of wily politicians will dot ILI •
imp ha - converted into EllaterlCll to increiFe the anti•
Egglish Wiling which always has existed Ettilotipt
.certain' portions of our population. Comtnridore
oeitacm'a speech in the Senate, on Wednesday,
,may be taken as a fair sample of this feeling its it
found in ri h placee: and the action of the New
Yo4k mob, wbo, on the Fame day, compelled the
, Jai) .. of the Irving house to, pull down the British
fs*, ii a very Fignificant illustration of its intensity
amongst Jess ;enlightened (lasses.
(Weclo not allude to theseeircumstances to exult
tiger in, They are tutrortunate in themselves
stintl deitil s z e te be regretted. But their existenee is
tOo pal tote nroc,red or explained away to
serve( purposes of any 4/gory, warlike or pa
ss, lie.
.117 TVE ntottst our correspondents an
Atarly beating-48y, patience, friends.
The Holiday's are once more at hand. As
usual, there will,doubtlesa;be no lack of good
living and universal merry-making. These
seasons of jollification, we take it, are good
for both soul and body.
.The Doctors may
disagree with us about the latter, but no
Matter —" Christmas comes but once a year ;"
andas for the Theologians, we are going to
satisfy them about the former in a regular
Q. E. D. style. Fur instance,—get together
a few jovial friends at a well-laden Christ*
MA dinner-table and, our word , for it, they
will evince More practical morality—yes,
practical religion, if you please—in a couple
1 c.f hours than they probably deserve to be
• credited with all the rest of the year round.
Who would not feel generous toward all the' '
world and "the rest of mankind," when he
lis about to be so generous to himself? Who
i would not remember the wants of the poor,
when his own are soamply gratified ? Who I
could harbor a grudge against his neighbor.
when every mouthful he devours swells his;
bump of universal benevolence to its utmost'
tension? And, above all, what heart so /lard 1
that a bountiful supply of the good ihiugs
of this life will not melt into the sincerest '
gratitude to the Author of all mercies?
Then, there is the family gathering: cous
ins and aunts and uncles and all manner of
rdationships assemble around the home
stead hearth. The long-gdne-by pleasures
or early years are recalled and chatted over
with the tenderest emotions—fatuilv darer
roves and petty jealousies are forgotten in
this common union of good feeling : and
thoughts, that, seemingly, had long since
been buried in the ocean of, oblivion, spring
up with renewed freshnesa and bring back
cherished memories, as - well-known and
welcome visitors to the family circle.
- We could recall a score of happy remiais
cences,connectetf.with this delightlnl season,
so_ generally observed among all Christian
nations, since its Divine origin. more than
eighteen hundred years ago ; hut, fearing lest
we trespass upon the " enjoyment time" of
our "dear readers," we bid them, one and alt,
a " Merry Christmas," and, by way of con
clusion, annex the following a propoc poetry
for the " young ones'" sake:—
ill 0,.)
- 113 In)
rwa. the night berme Chi %viten nil thro
the hott,e
Not a creature was Mirring. nut even a inon,e
The stockings were hung by ilia chimney with eare
In the hope that St. Niehohut soon would be there
The children were nesitleil nil .ling in their beds,
Wilde vision% ot sugar•plutus danced in their heads,
And inamina in her kerchief, and I in my cap,
}lad past settled our brains for a lona avinter'a nap;
When out on the lawn there rose such a clatter,
I prang from the bed to see what was the maile r
Away in the window I flew like a flash.
Tore open the Antlers. niul threw tip the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new•lailen snow,
Gave the lie - ttre of midday to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
Thu a miniature Meip,b, and eight tiny rein-deer,
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it nuot be St. Nie.k.
More rapaihkm eagle. illy couNer. they came
And he wh..tlett, and +honied, and called inern
Now. LlaAller ' now,ll.tneer ' now, Prancer' now,
Vixen' •
On, Comet' on, Cupid! on, Ittintler and Blixen '
To the top pf the porch' to the top of the wall'
Now dash away ' dash away' dash away, all:'
A 4 dry leaves hetore the wild hurricane tly,
When they meet with an obstaele,mount to the sky
soup to the,,tiouve•top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys—grid St. Nicholas, too
And then, in a twinkling:l heard nit the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof;
Ac 1 drew in my head. and %vac turning around,
I town the chimney St. Nicholivi came with a bound.
He wrili drecsed all in !lir, front his head to his toot,
And his clothe. were nil tarni , hed with and
A bundle of toys was flung on his back.
And he looked like a pettier net opening his pack;
eves—bow they twinkled; his dimples how
l merry,
lL cheek., were like noi , e hkc p ( .. .i!yrr ;
it,. droll little mouth was drawn up like a how,
And the beard of hik chin wa , as white ay the snow,
I The ktump of a pipe he held light in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath,
i lie. bail a broad lace. and n little round belly,
I That shbok when he laughed, like a MAI fall of
Ile %VW; ehuld,y and plump, a sight jolly cdd ell,
And I laughed when 1 iinw hum in .pate nl gnefell
A wink of hes ere and a twe4 of he, head.
Soon gave me to know l had nothing to dread :
He poke no: a word, old went straight ko his work
And tilled all hi.. stoeL•inr; then honed witha ierk
And laying hi: ringer asnle of hi= nose,
And giVini a nod. up the : chit:lm' he rose
He crane to his sleigh, to his learn gave a wh is tle
And away they all dew like the down (.1 a thud le
BM 1 heard him exelium, ere he drove out or ciaht
" Merry Chri.dma.4 to all,do alt ti good night '
Tin " Ilonie..iftscrilanq."—,This pa
per, late the Schuylkill Haven Map, did not
Make its appearance until yesterday. owing
to some accident with the Press: - We are,
however, surr its readers will appreciate its
interesting columns tone the less for the de
lay. The Mtscenany is greatly implored
over the flap —it i: enlarged and appears,
with new type- it will. no tinubt. he a wel
come-visitor to many a family fireside.
W ALKEF: rx ENGLANI I .—We invite
particular attention to. the article headed
Rohm .1. Walker, and the Balance of
trade," which will be found in this week's
Journal. As our Loroftro friends have proni
ised some aid to protection, or at least to Iron.
and as they see so- few arguments or stabs•
tics haring a bearing upon this peculiarly
Ameraan question. we especially commend
it to their attention.
lOSSItTIt lectured on Religious Liber
ty and the freedom of Hungary, in the Rev.
H. W. Beecher' Church, Brooklyn, on_
Thursday night. The receipts are estimated
at st2,noi). lie spoke shout an hour and
was listened to with breathleqs attention
wiLus, of the Home Journal, states
that he has seen and heard KOSSUTH, and
now declares " that he is a great and sincere
man, and his cause is one that should kindle
the heart of all that is generous in the
:0 - • THE Albany Exerting Journal remarks
that the earnestness of the President in ex
posing the defects of the present Tariff, is
highly gratifying. Protection to Ainerican
Industry is a cherished Whig Principle. It is
identified with the great Commercial, Agri
cultural, and Mechanical Interests of the
country. The present revenue law is a
cheat and a fraud. It is only efficient for its
stimulating influence upon British industry,
and upon American extravagance and, prodi
gality. Its leading defects are exposed with
an ability which should have a ontrolling
influence upon Congress. Bat th composi
tion of the majority not only p ludes all
hope of any salutary change, butjustifies
the apprehension that the present bad lace
may be made even worse. The friends of
;Tome Labor will none the less thank the
President for having so well enforced the
utility, importance, and wisdom of this
cherished Whig principle.
Acruanti,; To the report of- a society
organised in Cincinnati. for the suppression
of gambling, thereare 809 coffee houses, 429
card rooms, 'll rondo tables. 16 keno rooms,
72 bagatelle tables, SO billiard tables. 9 faro
rooms,' 24 ten pin alleys, besides numerous
smaller games. ail in full operation,in that
An American writer says :—" We
are born 40 a hurry ; we are educated with
speed: we make a fortune with the wave of
a wand, and lose it in like manneroo re
make and, to re-lose it in the twinkling - ol 21:1
eye. Our body is a locomotive, travelling
at ten leagues an hour: our spirit is a high
pressure engine ; our life resembles a shoot
ing-star: and death surprises us like no elec
tric stroke."
The Hon. Henry Cidy, by all accounts
from Washington, public and private, is in
very feeble health, and will be scarcely able
to be present at the deliberations of the Sca
rp, except on extraordinary occasions. The
declining health of the venerable statesman,
will be universally lamented.
-.-- Miss Septima Fogg,dang — bier of the
Hon. Francis R. Fogg, State Senator - from
Davidson county, Tennessee, died at Nash
ville on the 28th of October. She was the
great grand .daughter of Edward Rutledge
and Arthur Middleton, two of the signers of
the Declaration of Independence, and was
greatly admired for her intellectual, moral
and personal acconalAishments. In token of
respect for herself and father, both Houses of
the Tennessee Legislature adjourned to at.
tend her funeral. This is an honor, we have
never known paid before to the memory of
any young lady.
Mte..I3.I3ANNAN.--.4)ear Sir • l'ou will oblige
ua by ftublisbing . the following Enigma in your.
My 12, 42, !ri; 4, 3-2, 17, 21, 11, the er.p
itul of the Uniiett State%.
.111 v 20. 22, i 3, 20, 2' l , is a river in Virginia.
Me 7. :3, 40, IS ft !Oren in Sernland.
111 - 31,.42; 22, 41.1, is one of the United States
Alv 36, 3,35, 42., 37. 24. 2, 38, is a town in 'flukey
MY 13, 15, 39, 43. 7. iS a town in Prussia
My IS, 9,5, 4:1, 30, is a town in Ireland.
v 19. 10, 0,6, 31, 4, is a Lai:cal the L .
My IS, 3, S. 1.1.26, 8, i. a Connty in Florida
Aly 25, 10, .13, 28, 9, 41, is a Czcunty in N. York
Pr.. ANb h i t
Porteille Arc 11411. ISrir
I.._V" Answer next week.
tztba4jay. rar va
The quantity sent by Railroad ts3a,tllt+
Canal, isc2.o6, for the .week, '..!n.79S 1 I tons.
The ('anal hay (dosed for the season. -mil the to
tal ~hirtnenl n 1011 ..7 , being illett4e
of 2:Pl.l:Pitons over last year's brmess.' Tlu•trayle
by Railroad has also la•en materially alii•eted by
the extreme void weather that has pritvailed for the
last few days; freezing up almost every thum that
has been the least exposed and rendering all kinds
of out-door htrsines•t extremely unpleasant
The Railroad Co. have promulgated a new seal,. of
name, 'which are to take Orem on and liner
'2'2d, which is as follows
Richmond, -
I•Mladelithla. -
Int tined
Nlertown„ - -
Germantown IN Woad
Falk of Ortntylkill,
Nittnarunk. • -
Meting 711111 -
11 . 0nstinht-krit k. Plt mouth R. li.. 40 35 15 0
/15saltin'a 3.114 1 . .4in and Jon.,' 35 :10 I 15
Norristown to lirldssport.- .n 1 '1,5 1 .. 10
Port Kennedy. . - _ 33 2.5 110
Valley I•'oree, -55 20 110
Plornisville, - 10 05 0
Rayt•l's Pura, - - 10 05 90
Pottstown. - - - . - 10 05 90
Donflntsville, - - - - 05 00 90
Birdsboro', - - 1 - 110 (15 s 5
Reattlnc. - - - - • ' l O ti:', '75
Witsysen Reading atol '51611r/wills_ 90 65 75
sL,lkt•vill... . . ... . .10 1 , ...5" 75
Hamburg, 75 70
t Ist,. ittsbu rg, - - .t. - 05 60
This male niereaws the prices to Philadelphia
and Broad street It) cents a ton over the Summer
rates, and also tires the rate to Richmond ill $1 311
per ton during the Winter ..eason '
The project of building Avant 111rA.till carry :damn,
500 tons of Coal Iront Ii iclituond to New Vork, at
it rate ranging from 60 to 75 cents a lOU, has been
broached in Philadelphia,—and it is , fated
that the Reading Railroad Company will aid in the
unarm:lllV WO von,ider tln. our oi throw-I im
portant project , . that has been suggested in Phila..
detplila for ninny year-, and it ought to be cartied
Out as SpeCtilly am4ito.%ible. Nothing has contribut
ed so largely to build up Philadelphia as the vast
coal trade she enjoys; and with the aid of the-'
steam Yr...e1% she cati ietain the large bulk of !hi',
important and rapidly-increasing trade agt6ist all
the rival avenues. now in progre-s and contempla.
led. These Steam In , (1111 supply the vat ‘lO
- directly , by running alone-ale and iisnigulle
steam power fOT tllSolllkgellg the coal into the
Sets ; witigh t,, an iinixirtitnt con , alcration. and will
nutlet rally lessen the Ine•elit pen.e.
We learn that the projected Itnih nail. leading
1 . 0.0111 1;i1,1011 to Mauch Chunk, will be put tinder
contract next tz;pring: and will, in all probability. be
e•om'pleteil during the following year. It is to con
nect, with the Trenton and Easton Railroad at Ca,
'rite quantity of ( . 6al •eut to market by ft.,. I tel
aware anti Iltuit.on Canal Company for the pre•-ent
year. 1,153,-11:2 from
tone—makinc . 5.W...412 tons altogether Th. , 1..11 ,-
ab. - .tit 140,000 of the e,t minted menne,
Iran ihnl quarter for the present year
Amount of Coal F.Pnt by the PA ilktfolphia and Read
ink R 31110311 and ?rhuylkilt lOr the to vek end
Inane Thuflday evenlog tag'
TOTAL. Wi1:1( TIsTA 1..
P t.ashnn, :1041,21:0 Di :111‘2.01; u
Pott.r, Me, 176.153.5 111 IZ, 10 59.:(z 06
S. 173Veli. 1,99.995 PI 31 1 2 110 /7,9,729 01
P. !Clinton. ..n1.41,1' 14 161 10 35.041 09
1 650.270 no or, f,79:15r. 11
5741.1:4 13
Total, 9,,22,420 13
To swop pvitudlaot year, by Railroad, 1,351,507 03
• canni. 215.030 07
•. 1,639.517
Inereacr m the year 1351, 569530 1:1 tbn•.
sent by Ksttroad fur the weeb
Thursday evrithr lam
PLIYI CLlthl,ll. 7,f•4•1 114 t:4:471 tro
Acid. Einvra. 14),:01 06
Pon Clinioh, - 1,550 W 14.539 16
To game period last year—g9,"" 4 01 long.
The folio% ing i - the quantity of- Cita / trantinotted
weer t lie if itTerdot lift iif03451 in Sciitikatilleniinty,for
the week ending Thurulay evening.
W r . ' TOTA 1..
"line 11111 and el. 11. It. 11. 12 . 175 lit . 867.361 10
!dale Schuylkill li. It. 1015 4 Is 3t11.332 iiii
Mill Creek do 3.103 01 371,891 01
Mount Carbon do 2.770 15 233,T.M 03
Schuylkill Valley do 5.741 I 4 300.10 17
Mt Carbon and I'l Carbon 11,491 17 itiirldr7 011
fur 1651.
Prom M.Carbon r4.llavrn.P.Clinion
To Richmond,
To Phlindriphia.
• 1,40 1,35 1,15
ToLt.,lll - CANAL.
Prom Port Carbon to Ph lattelphi.l
Mount Carbon do
•• SOO. Raven, do
I.l' Port Gunton do
Philada. Witmingwn. - N• Vort,
rum Pon Carbon. f• 5 9. ' 61.55
ML eqa Lan, C 5 95 1
N. Ilavon, 60 of) 1 50 al 52
HEAT) QUARTERS.Ipt Reg Intent I,tq lk all t
ty Volans .—Pottsville, Der. I. ISsl.—The
ist Regiment of Rau ylkill County Volunteerg, , timler
inmmand of Co'.. Jun. C. Isobars, ~,.111 parade nn
frESDA V morning, 1114.13 inst.. at 7 rerlark, for in..
'purpose of proceeding to Ybiladelpb in, in join in the
procession of retention to Gov. Louis Kossuth. The
line will be calmed in Centre street, right resting on
Market street, Caring East.
By order of the Colonrl
R. mc DONALD, adjutant.
.111, 1.'51
E) EMAINING in the Pct.! Once at Pott,ville, Pa
L December IS, ISSI
Atli' Mary Coyne Mire F. 2 PlipPoritq Dr I. It
Barnes Wy H GaDanaher c Jo Philbin John
Boron Wm Galina Wm do Pau l Philip
Robb Wm Hinkle Jucoh H Vleasanta James
Ballot' Cherie. hall Atermit4 P Patton rapt .134
BrlnnalrJohn Hugh Mr Propstli ?CFA S
HoyecGeorge Hornung AR. C Qii;nn
Bahl Mr Howard Abut Quick John
Burg r Chaileg notion Adam Riney Janie,
Bergner Andtrw Hatay Serail Rickeit John
Murrill' Gimp,. Holleraa Jon shipHoth Amon
Beat John • IlePtor John do Itobliun john
!Nall 11 G pagan 11'ni do ReOry Peter
Henan Mr Hering Job» do Helen Peter
!Ronan TIMM* ks M 2 &I Redly Edward
Broderirk Riela JODe4 Daniel Here Daniel
fluirrie Mrs E Jones John Rlerc Pete&
nrcnnan C Jones ingrph Reed Wni
FRedrord Ceo fr.hipleanea Joarph Right Min Sarah
1111,1 Fred'k do Jordan Charlem. Regad Fwd ship
' Tilldroan infields 2 fathom JoAeph trnilth F.dwar.l
Cronin Henry Joplin Jamee tatephrne John
! Cele Michael Jolly TMA ehipErrephena Joh n
Crept J Nimbler Mini R Azone Alton 11
Claxhy Lawrene Keating John Schnelier Join•ph
Campbell MfrhaelKennedy Hiram 'Hensel John
('arty John RlA.inger S Seidl Mr
Crorkron Thomaegoth Chrialian Sauter rieorge
charam John Logan Jeremiah Shan. M
l'avanagh John T Sheaffee-lIJ
(multi John Lieriion W *Jonemitreets Jelin
robbion ATM rhipl.nnkinkhlll M ilhetifJ
Duffy John Lockatenen R Schtesder Win
Downey Patrick Laotian Mine A 141111 i Mlr Imp! ship
Dowdry John Mohre Abraham 2Shiels Theis do
Dunlgan John Moore Michael Ahanni Philip do
Driatilll Daniel blotchier John Todd Owen .
Donling James, Marlin win D Tarrenr . P R A
Dougler E n ;Nolen W Thnnwe Win
Davis Daniel ,Morgan Chatters Tlll,lll3llMiAll M
Doody James Martin Fred'k 6 Thomann Mani
Dnnigan John Moolow Thonme Walbridge Mr 2
Lillian Elizabeth Mason Mrs R E Wirt John Jr
Eisenach Joseph Mill Mrs Mary Wrearsnider Win
Eagan '"Vm blorpliy Par ehipWestover J
Evaihart Jute it Muller) , Peter do Welsh 111 h hail
Evarbart John T McCoy Patrick 2 Wilson Charlie
Egan Thom/ TifeCormlek JohnWallarms John
Frederick Jacob McYer Thom,. WOO 4 Mir harl
Fink William M McEnany P ship Wainer John
Fogerty John 4J4linet Andreas Winters Thomas
Flagerty Maisel O'Nelle Richard Williams Lewis
Farrel George W Wltonough J Wilson Jahn
Ferguson M O'Aullivan JainceWikon Rehm*
GljngJolut 4 011rienil shigt,Werlowlohn :top
Gregory Alertcpambrrs Wagner J Jos du
eashe Mrs Mary
One cent .4 ditinnal ttlll by *lunged for all adver
tised lettere. Parsons applying for toter,* on this
list, will Wale say.."advenlied."
ANDREW mornmen. P. M.
Dec. to, lasi. 4141
IXLEGANT GIFT BOORS. AV- I glationeq.ciove Dozes, Mandltereldefilonar Juan! 1 SP1E111" TANNERS, LARD AND
if I Z PRESS NTS. ' t Boxes, Perftwoery, Toilet Battles, Steel Bead Baga, f
:aro' Peu and Pent Id eases, gold Pena. j
.... ? THE euhaeriber relPerte '''.....-.-&-': i P r. t i r d ta a b n ie d fulo, ?octet Books-a ....nets( assortment 1 , 6. . .
9. 12 Fall Sperm Oil
so ,sitn-olt„ - folly invites intent:on to ~.. ' ~,'' • I r no. To,
''' "- - .. , grYrr Mathematical Instrument*, Stamps , 1 11 • 40
the extensive collection Of ''''' .. .ef‘ 4 , "l '
~ I Prepared Paper, crayons, Jim , for Mono c hr o matic J ,t„, n , 113 f 1 " °49 unbleßchea Wiute"adrine P enn. "'
Books, elaillioar mg an aasortatent from the vwalleet i Drawing. Ware, ttomrs, gre,, &el, Warned and ; 'Neel Gallons Extra Writhed Solar OIL
juvenile.. to the Moe' expensive unonals of the seacoli, , , Stroichet Pattern< and. Needles. All kinds arm:ouster ' b1,92A do super for Eleptttn Oil. euta bleacheds
and other articles tor the Monday.. now open at ht . and Bottom We Gathei. oh Card., and Wo4den Blocks,N+`-00 de bleached hinter and Fall Wttale Oa.
stars, and for elle. Wholesale and Retail. A collection - 4i fcc.. Ike. 1,3,7'22 do wattled N. W. Coast Sr Polar
so rich in it: variety as to afford tooltanoppoilunity of Gem rf dr &asert-a Souvenir for 1.22, a aollection , - 17 •G° 6 " • Mmete Oil, very clear and had, soave.
PrOttitti.g the insane for a nappy interchange of ..:en
of pieces in prose and verse, of rhaegberl 14Proll . 4.003 do beat quality Tanner a OIL
I intent seined to the peculiar perpoce of each. and so anent, illnstrated with Imperil •Pnirra wings, end beatito • 5 • 015 du "Peri" Bank Oil '
efrettive and interesting th their mute expreirszoilas fatty bound, U . LIANNAN. .g,cop do plate tstratt• ot rod Oil.
not to be misutiderilood.• Be. tr.), 1431,, 51- 6,p00 do earnmetn Olt, for greasing. .
Among the hooks are to be found hit following spirit I
did annuals,allitims and other gift hooks,Se .of which E S. JONES & CO., J 5,000 do Lard 011. No. 2.
the lines[ illtlStrated works are printed and honnd in , i t-4 oßni t of " mot
an [ taco Streets, p u bi
on .us, 100 boxe• New Bedford Sperm eandiee
the torsi Orient styles, elaborately., eel neatly twits- i Uof the Model Archit .ct. 1.• SAMUEL SLOANI, At-
400 do Adamantine edndles,
merited and gilt, and far variety and rheapn. se not 1
, eht:eit, to lie completed in '24 monthly pane. 12.3 do Irstent Polished and Solar Candles,
I'IN thl Mottld arra e ll assort ed <rises.
surpassed by any eSlablichment in the large Cities. . Ti " atom s w al k is d.. 0 1e, e d to s teel the Wleh e a not
Family and r:Avera Battee-lcocstraml re ills cotored 1. rO . -.' n . . .290 do beat ( )Oath,' %m Soap.
, fro t 0 toms iritrteezed in l'ulldmes, Litt o f
tntrravilito and splendid Inanimation', Turkey tot- ‘6O do eupetior Biwa it Snap.
all was &sire the advanetmtent of this noble art in '
Der extra Levered hoarde r an d hi emery .rt . is nr Hind.. i our cowry, and Wish 141 1 da •
r c titivate 1 mit axles an t 115 do prime Castile Snap.
we to plain Otero , articles celd. not ail , lila eatlifaciloo. may
quaint-3m e n.ith architecture the hand.nme winner
nod ouratnemm. to. returned. , HOLDiN & ?AWE.
in waren it ,a pre:.ired and einhelovhed, renders it a , 31 A .,,,,., A ir 0 .,„,,,,,, 7, •„i •• . te h t
, •As Posse m•hre . I . ( serer
['rater-Common and ornaturntal tasteful et na mem Cro the drawing-room, while to sr- t m .,,, t , 2 , is.' 13-b.
do Family • do , eurated.ilnemon2ti2ort the format pray Nr.ll value. ; ' ' ' '. - '
do Catholic du No. 1.? Jr a. ate how trod, Mr dellsery. PORT CARSON INSTITUTE,
ailyton, -Neel)) tertan, ,lo
.., l'Orn-31/ (T ut : per nuniber. Addtels its above,
Bg7 <tbt en t orPrrtilltriatt Chu reh.
- r do Itlethodi-t, do oost- veld
' do Lutheran, 1 •N, do Der. $, 1..51 51-if ,ql HE Prinriont of air above !teatime, vesper dolly
do ilapthrt. j 1 do 1 heirs leave to announce to the inhabitants of Port
oo ts is nom). nvORTANT NEWS TO TREI PUBLIC. Carbon .11114101 e lit snit y, t Int the . Wtnyrfour.e of so.
Tar Perpetual iferptale-The New Te.taitiont ,A ith . ., I etructlon will commence on MONDA I , Nov. '24'11
tlitaiernus line engravings. Franii.pore and num- • . , ... , --,.., ~,-. • „ fir f: • N.; " wN ". The course of instruction Include. Classics, Math
melded title pate-Turkey, extra flat -k • ,
`'-- ''' '''. - i'•A le * i'Vrit"'"lfel"""'' ue"n". l •• l etnattrq. and all the holm bee o fan /://sll.lllllltltaliOn.
The Ireintu ef the S. Toptc-sa-With illuminati-a Ti- i t ...ti , ~ 1 , Oita meth o d of inform. 1 TI,L, i n sinotion, althonth located to the Building
~ ,
its primed in - color. and hi:3111110 lihr.qtationS,r ligfn (: ;. ; ; Igi ,'i 1 , me the [While generally '• or the ;MOTs Church. iv not under in, e... et ninent or
Ted On Steel !4 sa :tam, itandcomely bound, and his (Tien& in• , ant other Aerial i an inlittente
The Mirror of Life -A Initiate presenting the {Ori- , IMO hr, that he hai rr- . Beemint the rudnnent. of Education, as adap•erl to
nun stages 01 life from infancy in Old age, Illittotnai.,l 'noyell hi. 0,• 0 ,1 7 .
• In'in the
rm ., " "Itl. m' obhf 'the mind, tithe very }nun: punt's, aparantOunt in
with (the eeetamg.. by riartain-r o ,
Irtantly bund of'.. I" M't e a‘ , .'n story 01 itie urn g
o brick „ a - parlance. especial nor noon will he devoted to that
Tie Puthrays anti iCitaltr.7 Place* of ihe Lord- ti-toe at tto ',moo of 31 A ItBET alit "aI'ICOND ‘lreeto. v 1 3... Plihilt e i,,o n ; o ni ion. of the poprli HT I. mad,. at
tint rated in the Journal of a ton( throat!' the lath' ..1 we-1 0 hie.and fo n t ,hi,,.. above N.51-Wilson • Office, 1 It „, ; ,„,i a eac h q„3,1„ . .
Piontke, with numerous eletosni encrimngi on aryl „1,,..e be will at all lime. he ,or o n ly to perform all Op- 1 1:,/,.„,,„, -Rev. Joe Me _Clore. Port Carlton
-J. M. Wainwritlit, D. O motion , .•a the Tt eth, nod front lilt extra advantages ; Rec. ktr. Winilsw, do
S alt's in tie I ire .1 cur Samoa T-W lax it lumina- . io hi, pron...intt, and the long I line In Ms and Rano. 1 1)r. D.. 1 vdclKibbon, oo
dons in rotors, OhogrltiVe .if the River Jordan, err- .1 the larger sties, in practlctlecpt Hence, he ran and Jeremiah Boone, do
moo on the Mount, Christ',. Areetoson, Ate- Av., and •toit it 0r,,,, ;01 , 1,,, warp, or ask an compensation ; W. 8 ( - Millen., do
illustration., engiaved on steel, by John }amain- Dec. 20. 19.',1. 51.1( 1 ' rteorr,e Seca, Belmont.
hiedsomely bound. - Ternic or Tuition Matte known by applicatton to
Baal. fthe Pa•stan.-0 P ft Jame., Coq , OM.. I r W LOWRIE, Print lost .
(rated with Ili splendid engta clots and ctegmti) NoV. 22. 12:.I. 47-tf
Querns of I:If land—A serlekof port rails of dhi
tingnislied fculale sovereigns. nith liiii,graphical and
historical sketches friiin - .Agnits Strickland-- Moro, ro
extra Gilt.
rh, Rax , ens,—Prin, of - -The
Vision of throdore :tin] the rotintlinii Tale, he
Canine( Johnson, itli 10111E16.p on tln hit'. •
Lungs and rhatarter of the 'lmhof% einliellAshed o it h
huninutlnt:n and engravings in ilia , and beaut ,
bniind in one volume.
The 3L.ral PrO,r—One hundred and I woi 1.131:1,13.5. and true moral refinement.
,the nature of men* and thitigi—by I. Carroll no. %coven iti thickly into lite stronger and
Cloth, rata (1111. ,marmr nil, or our tot ry', industry and energetic
Ledfirds ,31e„ry—An illuminated annual Mr Prn , Y r ri l l The 11• one Journal is the speaker to the
primed on beautiful while Palo”. otth lie3rtft this buoy mitt . ..min the hours given to !sap
wlend id illuminations, and engravings executed es- rl' llo. ''' ai"-I 'Oa
presily for this work. and elegantly bound. • Oar in:reased subscripttort enables lis , io command
The Lady's Roo/. of Flor^ , rx sad Port n r :— With a h.. both more material and more lie Manua we have
hinical intioduction,4a r•implete Flue 71 Itictionoty -04,001:0” used 01300 the paper We are now able
sod a chapter on Plant., embellished ; to fr.tifsftr i ppr A •ty lahonnns &parr ',pap:
colored plates—Morocco rt ill. ti. other 33nds. This, chables u 3 to carry nut a vet.)
F,l,nd , hip 6 OftlinZ —A rlirimttnari, NOW Year, and chil lo lieddecign of our own—one ofw Illicit we have
Birth-day gorierbi for 18:.2. Splendidly embellished . 1..1.; is• n the value, lint winch we haVe d , ferted• sim
with nine mezzotint erigru3ingA, I.y sarram. Primed 1.1, from not having th•• time and labor to do
on beautiful %%IMP paper. and hound , elegant ,tt It. , now ,upiontice it, however, and
.7" 7
50 45 I 1.5
50 15 t '25
50 45 125
50 45 125
ED 45 125
50 45 12 5
511 45' 125
45 40 I 25
The rnerey of Vialeers—lNgood:roltired el:ravine.
and beaut Mills' bound
at ft of Affrctu•n an elegant Son yen tr.mid..n
dolly illnn hated and illuorated—Edited by It.
Titration+ s 111111 Nevi Year', tVreatt. for
1` , 51. Melt:tally iirtided.. illuminated
1:W7.101111i aml immut.
The Stu, Itethlehim, or ritortes (Or CfltilfllllllK,
11 . 1111 illitinitiated Title. a number ol steel plate 11
fli.trriton4 and beautindly hound. •
The Irrelith.lll.lhlralt-,1 ar! bound
- by Met. 11tight,
Wreath of Friel. fiShlp—il Meth.. of tnlr. In pro,. and
poetry—by T. K. Arthur nod T. C Woodworth.
bound. •
The C 'Shy. illii•;trated, ttl
enhtwel of ,41,1er itr-3 r ollectnot of I welly fire
antijorin from Modern Ma+dern, °tiara% eit in the high
eat all I. of 111,4rolinin, stub illu,trattotor—aitirlet ut
pro , e null VOr•o•-• hound.
The American PO of Plant. and Wild
Flower,. containing ”gleiti.lie anti general ttemrrip.
riot,. Natural )Briery. t'lieusteal 311 , 1 Nleitirta I
lit' np,rurd. of fiffo Iff I:ll%—ifilfill :Ilea 1,1111 rent
ly 100 beannfully.,olorwl engraving,
Trea•at rri 'Faun:lobo of Favorite Author,- Ct tier red
and art:kneed by t . hroline Mar—neatly hnuu.t
Hu rr• • Female Proore Wolfer.; of :Nowa —won l'or-
Irnitp, 11,41grap1.11,1 non. en. Spew •n , of Gout.
I rirbly bon od.
!Wore Fewer Porte of iourhea w ith Portrait.,
Biographical obi trea, and mpersmens of I tout ‘v
splendidly boned
Foooale Vort+ of raertroo -by f' Ilav, Moo:114Ni.- .o I
and rritlrol ac. 111,4, embell l,e l ,II h a 1'11,0,11
rC. tlegnod, and a Clew °fine rocr• home—hat.J.nose _
ly boffin].
Featole Port, or .9aarriroo —Griotwoold toll It Llograplu
cal nut Ire!. .prt emennot their writing. nett rtre.,or
illtimtratiye ungray toes splendidly bound.
Pi.etpitud. Purtri of Sraerica—to the middle of the
Nineteenth ectitiwy. -with an !Upton( al introducttoes
front die Landing of the Pitgrhoo to the Ilevnlisiion. Notices, lepeeimeing of tbev %A:OM:tn.
and Potiralia of fljeant. Sprague. bane. Latent :tlid
Lonefellow. by Griswold— Elegantly bound.
The. Offrtim.e, byS..l. with a portrait lit
the author ; tantiteiono elegant lilu.trulone In no I
eolinl. and Illit titillated Title, beautifully hound.
Polo. a nd Poetry of Envialtd, in the nineteenth con
tiny—it \V Gei/wold. with ma - graphic:ll notices. •nr
clown. of the wilting, beailltful ptrr I plate 111.1411:1
lint.. and a priptralt of Lord liyron. elegantly bound.
British Female. Pent—by Ilethone. with bloerapbt
Cal and c 'Mrs! writing.
and portralt of Mr: Mort6n. and a Leann ifnl escn of
1111 .0"lt• lira, Fn i..rh• 'the frald . rtne 4.1" afr. Ile
ma ni.
Poetical !reels ofllra Ilronaos, complete with n
portrait and biographical tinttremf the author; •nlvn
if Idly Illuptrated, nod elegantly hound.
Poem,. of France.. rgeont avolool, ;lied and
braulifollv hound.
Poem: •oett lumen trod,ienrth 1 ongfellotv. won a por
trait of the author, and numeroom diumtrati%e engrvl
vines. etre:truly bound,
Purina '3 John 0 ll'hatitr,illii=ltaled ,vllll w por
ran of the author, lianti•onnely hoorol.
!Vents' Porti,al ll'orks--,,th a fort rail of the all
1161 r, n n d elegant 4 bound
Petricca( li oil, of hied Boron, cotnplot+. With It
sketch of his tire, illustrated. •nlereinity boned.
Portirel saris of erablie, lAher, nn,i Pollak. it ith
Men i ojr• and Port Litt k ni lice authors, I,eantibil
in tllye' rograw Inca, and rii Illy hound.
I'pr:it - a/ It'orLs i lleeers, Campbell, Montgomery.
Lamb, and litrle%s bile. illustrated. with Me tttttt irs and
Pottrait• of the mullion,. handsomely hound
POetirta Work , of Thomas Campbell, with R Portrait
of the author, and numerous elegantillubtrations, an
perhly bound.
The Plan. of .lihiskspea re, set 'irately prt_uted iinm
the uPlt of the corrected copies, witha copious Glos.
wary, Tut key extra Gilt.
ii - orAs of Borns—with the LIM and Poilrail of the
author, and a view nt Ills birth place.
Poetical Works of Samuel }Corers-111unit aged nub
engravings executed by the first arllsts, and a line
-Portialt of the author, beautifully. bound.
Poems of Anne C Lynch—with itliasiralions.
I'li/err/nal Philosophy, Tupper a Portrait
and a beautiful view of Albur y. the resideryce of the
ant lior—handsomely minted nn the finest white paper.
with Weimar terislicengrayings,and elegantly bound.
Poch - eel Quotations. a complete dictionary, rompri•
sing the most eXCPIIrtiI anti appropriate passages in
the old British Poets, with choice mitt cm - twins selec
tions final the best modern British and American Po
rts. edited by S. J. liane, tiesurifirlly illustrated.
Paradise I ost —illustrated. with emplsicateiy and
critical mites, superbly bound. Warksof N, P. Ififfls,complete in one volume.
Ileadlro's ll'orks• Napoleon and his
ington and his Generals, Luther and Cromwell. sa 'red'
scene:: and rhararters, turret) mountswis, a "awn ~1
the Bible, miseellantions, Letters from Italy. the Ahe%
acid the Rhine. Letters from the Rat Icwoods, itanitiles
and Sketches. the old Guard of Napoleon,
in ornamental and plain bindines.
Tire Arnairrs .I%lghts Entertimanteutec will' six kiln
dred beautiful illiirdrallons and explanatory notes,
elegantly , bound. -
Balladefortlie Times—Tupps , r, Geraldine; Martinets,
a Thousand Lines, and other poems, Illustrated. ba ud.
somely bound.
Tke Task, and oilier Poems—by Wit. Cowper, il
lustrated, hanilsomelY bolattd•
i AN tl
Tates aad Poems; Lord Byron, whit a portra t of 7.0-leika
leika and numerous ,illustrative engravings brawl
Flora's Dictionary—Mrs. E. W .Wirt, wltt colored
plaiew. the fleet elegant work of the kintheyant•
lfrdd Scenes ”r a Bonier—John D., 300
illusttationv. including Connings' adventurer in
Ahlc t.
Shakstteare's Works ronipleie vol stun and sloop
nyton's ruelit 31 Works do *do o do
'(colt'. do
1.. do r 0 do
Moore - du do do du o .10
Hume 'ln do do do n do
Mutton and Vonng do do do
Cowper and Thompson do do ilo Jn
fLrgers and l'anipbell do ato Jo ild
Erahhe. Heber. and Pollok Ito do r itto h.
Itemang 110 do
Landon do do .do do
lisle's Quotation.. do co .1., ,30
giggle and R vet's.. or Lifu In a Palace, Abbott. ill .-
tot teal sketches of Josephiru. and Maria Louisa .1
Phillipph Et-Mina/01 ei AU/Villa. Fbabaila.
Leopold and Virtorta.
Byron, Moo's, Moats, Burns. Millon,Roger,Words
worth, Eirkewhite, Cowper; Taylor, Ile ntalitt.
C.otild, llntciu, Cook. 1.0 who,. Childe fiardld, arar
inlon. Lady of the Lake—lf:nos., beautifully bound -
fireman*, Vroverbial Philosophy, Cowper, t Ifiutt, 1.11-
Is Bonk, Felony of Flowers. Cook.rwott, 14.1) of rbr
Lake, llowftt, Southey. Ttioni,.4n, Grey, S.lgourney,
Coleridge„ Coldwndth, Roger.. Montgomery,
Campbell, NlllOll, Young. Wordsworth, Kit kew tine,
1.1. - Rish Poets. Ilittke Alert.", John -
son --.24 not. tholt--glinkspear...
."1. ' 0 11 1, 1 . . mod, nogg, ni.1.10111 , 1e,
non extra gift.
Ahbofr. Thrro , r, n( the Great, Of X et \
Dario. thr Great"; Of Alfred the Great; of stelsmter
the Ilratt : of llamas!: of Jollur ra.sar ; of (leo
lhltra of William the lairmiteyor ; of Elaz,thoth of
England ; alit:try queen of Scotts : of King rharleA
the of Ring Chiller the Seri - m.l; of Marie An
toinette of Prance ; of Madame Roland.; of the Ent
pre4.o ,j4repttine Dernrmenins Ilhuory nt the
D'Atiblene's ffirtot y of Reformation, Seantler's Plan
ting mid Training 4)111111 /'hire h, Double %Tuner,. of
the Church. flames' Nmer oil the
complete works,illustrate,f, Spark's life. of Wnshing-
Dlek's Work,. Sketcher of Brazil, Durbin' Oh
110fV111101111, ffirtofy.l onto , !fumes England,
Gibbons' Rome, Schmil z' Rome, &r.
Tar Vint lig Gorrrotig. lady'. flunk., Al.
coat's Leung to Voting Men. do to a st.ter, Toting
Man's Counsellor. Young Lady'. Home, 'f-ady's Com
panion. Alton, Locke, Mune Influence. Mother, l'e
eompettse, Young Lady's !Mentor. The Lady's urnete,
Woman's Frtendithip. Golden Step , for the Voting.
Chou, at F.nrope, Ellen Seymour. The Rands of the
Hale. The Little Savage. Pilgrim'. Progres•. Chum
beis's Papers for the People, Lite of Franklin, tile
and select speeches of Calhoun
Jnreniffs—Franronl:n Stories, Aladdin, A citii.iiittar
Orenting,Tite Swiss Family Robinson. The Bible Pie.
tures. Smiles and Frown.. The Child's Fancy, illua.
trated wail. colored and plain cog rty Inge, and I, nom,
ly bound. Han. Anderson's Story Book. Aunt Marys
Tale.. Edgeworth's Popular Ta leo. V 01/ the Sinry Book
Rook of Entertainment, Boy's Ent k of Sport. nml
Cattle.. Aunt Vann 'a Story Rook. Visit to the Me•
nage, ie. con.ot Bertha'. smile.; Potter of B ermly.
Rollo !rook., limn,' Stoo• Rook, Happy Ontid,,, ,
'llllli . ice heerftil Corn•van iota. Robin Hood Poor Annie,
A Prep at tint N•lg . hbilrg, Bata and flirts Country
Rt ok, The Da ivy, The Clever Boy, lift, of St John, of
st. Stephen, of 1 4 0Inttion,Willow Lane Smile,, C ha d's
Delight, Cr moor; Dor, Fraila,Raron Trwrith, Items of
Fable. Strawberry Wri, Distant Hills, Rook of Plea,
:tore, TI, Ring's Ales.enger, Wonderful Stolle., Rich
and Poor, Tile Chrlotnas Tier, Schmid'. Tale.. Par
ley's Tales, Gem gest Journey, Closing Scenes, Mlth:
er at Home, Little Clara, Carl thi. young Entterint.
Light and Love, The Strong Tower. My Early Hays,
Harry Wilma, The Hive and its Wonders, the sun.
ny 81110. [igh FLther. The Little Silk „Winder, life
in the Went." Winter h oliday.. Summegfolidays, The
Miller of our Village, Uncle John's _torte;, Srtas
li:tingle's Library, Fire Side Book. &CT.,
Albums, f7attery of Qaresa, Jenny I."ar epti , ndidly
bound. Toy Books' of Every detTrlptl_p; together
with a large , collection of fancy and armful ankles,
rnes,ist in, of Ladies' Work Boxes, Caba.4,or Sewing
Realities; Lltsgslug Linxelf, Witting Desktqortefnlins,
Porte Monnales, Card.ras'ea, 'Papsterlea of lanry
'synods, leather, and Papier Maehe,heautifitily inlaid,
Paper Weights and Chlpe, Pearl and Ivory Paper.
*nurse, Deselmplements in Leather cuts, Fancy
110:kl.F. JOURNAL VOR 11452,
A r AMON Nvetenalwr,inthlishea weekly It two
1,10 1 1 4, . a yra I. Thg..tir-t numher r.r the new ,e
r tv nettled on lit t1r..1 ni idtotory next. The
11,m, • 1,,,, 3 , 1!,a4 now heroine tini,crxal. There are
h•ty lotttoh, ur ctifit%nted holota—(few or those who
"mek to otowen and wake [mate the most Intelll;ent
And sttrarlivP place)—tilto do not now receive it.—
It I, read, we bet here, wherever rum the enhl Mends
Iv llv it, Is or, in A.IIIII.IIIEaPItE, to describe it tinder
111 e head of A NEW VEATERI .
Crecy one knows bow a tea table or evening CJITir
r. eaivened by the comin.l In or an intetlizent man,
!iokteava ell ar nry idru. a ji ail t. and tells them
Mit I. ttl.dv, nod rittlhand, m the way of ordinary
Sort% a person Rises yont he sub:mance
oralt to • .loty panel a, in three or four sentantea—felts
sou the ,iron and itiortil of a new brink or a dOrnii
of a sermrtn, the cure of a
sp.. h. the WA public rlinfacler.llic spirit
of 'Atl.rie ill a. recieW,llle novelty In fanhrnu, the
IPt.t Intro in rind all w Want detail
ry —haring ti }rah you, as materna for your
otra de.,••scon and 4,-ussip. Thl.
.1,1.1 101:II We rapt.
wt.,. lip pirp fir the dome Journal rot We 111,1 r.
to e 1 J.wn. Itpr mit. reader+, ht the fewrkt tvortio
idea 111.11 rails in PPM woo. A.
wereml t. people drop its and talk, a, we look about
in our Wilks, ter OLIO tpe on the Inak-out Int ideas
; and novrltte,t—gsk tog them in the htierest shape,
der+he of Msoss role r:ossle. w•
used in 1,, V memoranda aide, to write :Omni if
.Itoul. find time- , now. We shall give them In our
L. ii, ibelliztiveii. In this Way, the
itlwr it Ow Il iutr Join nil will Atand a t !mote
1.. per 10 .01110 th.lor err outer. 01 ever) 10 , 0;
plea 1031.0 140109.
1,11011:1, 0,1101 , •0 01 the paper will he
eon: mar sl.,ep lies of B. 0,0, 1 . 01 1 / 1 111. 01 Puler
••renrg )11 New
10A, 1,1% , a famtii..l, of ray
and lima art ~.iriety, airy new firri or new folly-- , n
«Inot.a I , TURF_ Or rut: . isttfttli A. IT 1,1.1140• We.
0,303 it to Mention. how
evil, 331 one reAders well noderotand, that ire
lohj rare n!...1 11 tit...Ml.' and advanre every itile-r
-..41 r•flre,ev . nlenre 334 13.1,01 Improvement, a lid otrtrc
11,1. Home .I,ltinu.l 3,131 tinft
I noprnrlll2 than II i- en , ertninlne
Ai. it N., v,:a.r•,. pre,,,,t from Li 1:e311.111.L.11 111 it
11.31t..,131 . rm.`, 01 Wadi the remern
f Ora ,riaared errry trr,A. nt,,1111.1 ittiQltrpao.ed av
a r it In good tu•ie 11
Rll% 00 lips S 2 ; trace ...view, 55: Or
for Ine,•e•y !Fir Ihreryi . .ll3.. - 31W3V 3 lo adr.n , e
Sulrerrt,,. a Ilr. , wt do-13y
117 Frilloit -trees, New York
•1 tr ,,, t Yanti%y .It•dtrinr 4th r '
d 1,!„ l'h f,.tr fu nr of !het , s , ".it ,, Lr •
Es: 111 21'1 7 ,10: remove an morbid re e r.1,,,,, v ,
',mil) the Ltrenl. !we great 1.111.. and r Igor tit the
itat t e.tlive 01,1321..1 . 0111r, the Atyatent agaln•l an future
direvre. r he I,thett aafety. at Ott time dehlo
taling the patiPut —being grateful to the moot deli
gioniatli. and rein orkable for their cheering, in
vigoraintg,.trengthoning, and restorative propertte.,
and an inAgluilde and eure remedy for DYSPEPSIA
lIIIL,wor. Corner. Also. Liver Complaint.. Jaundice.
ifearthurc. Coriiveriees. Fasntneaa, Illxnrder+ of the
Skin. lium I, and Skin, Lore. ot Appetite, Low Spirit.,
Nervone llPad-arhe, Palpiteti an of pe
Heart, Silting and rulinee4 of Weight at the Stu.
wadi. :Inc all Other disieJ4e3 ratt<.d ho all iolpfl/re
state of it a blond, liver, er, a hid. tend I, debilitate
n nu weak. n ii,. ;ystetn.
.. _
I'EM ALES who sutler from a tnorind and urinal',
rat contlittln, will find 1 14 i'ltetlirine of inestimable
value. If all q,141,4 or :C.N ERA!, DrißlLlTVoine
Medirine 11 . 1'N 1.110: A •IIA11 1 1: THOUSANDS bite
te•till ite,ricacy. au, ilion,tands alnlt are now un
der tz.eatiseni; and not one solitary ease Of failure
liaq yet been reported Volume, mould he fillet, with
rertificate• of thrice who have lo en iwrmaorntly.
Call on ,hr Arent. need crt a Pleditrphiet. containing
the (*err, 'rate. tboilar4able Coles, grid the high
es: iniatins .
this llydit,ne is-held by the
Ppss—call be had of ittr Agents, free.
Price rie ..ents for ller• email; and el for the large
Proncin :I office, 112 Fulton Street, New Vork, up
fot sale by
JA.COIIi. LAWRENCE, NI inersvine,
Sole Agents for Schuylkill V.-utty
Dee. 13,1:'51
EffillOtiv el of L 0111,11.1. Paris. Lespßir.llfnl2o Ail Otter
PA r Goo ns.
Portelam, Fancy stationery:
F ANCV Glasswar m e
Brushes, Co
bs. Perfumery, Fine Sc.
GLENN & CO , N I. 1040 Chesnut Street, opposite
the Masonic Hall. Philadelphia, resperaftilly inform
the public that they have on hand and intend to keep
a complete and elegant assortment of gondol in their
line, which, tieing Imported by themselves Gotta e
of the largest manufactories Illid depia. In , Europe,
can be e 14141 tat the lova eat price,. G. & CO, confident
assert that romplete and elmracit a stork of goods
of the kind has never lawn Ofrefttil llt 1111 , 1 city. and
nomecth.lly 111011.4 an inspection of their annortineta.
The panprietor• wali lie 101101.11Oly rerriVina new
good., and. no effort sill be spaced to tnerit the
pal 1.0104 , of Inn 11111111 r,
kmOng lie goods are the following rich fin, y ar
oeica iu ihe greatest 'Ca Patty for the Etagere, lability,
tiondaor, Parlor, Ana for Bridal and thher Present.
Doberman. ringli-h. Frew It. ()ortolan, and Vo.0111:10
false!. W.... Wife. Royal Dresden, Iterlin, English.
rrenah, atia other Fancy rotrelalt, Berta and
frankbul Fancy Iron Goods- Heat end Inataation
ItrnnzP., 111.6' etyleo. Articles in Carton Pierre and
Slag Horn. English Parian and French Dimple FlE
,ore. Articles in Dertisetdre and fluor spar. Ar-
Of lea tam the Spa springs of Splendid
Rot at PAW!' M3rll. Gonda In the greMelit variety
Itupeavotel,Fibmay.Ataltraganc.and other !Portable Desks
anal Writing Cases,
Ladies' aid Omits Dressing Case. front $2.5 0 to .6.14)
each, of Rosewood. Leath-r, Are
nodEliin'superiar Cutlery. as Prn
and Porto Knives. Da.iors, stei4„sors„&r.
Brat flew It Opera Engle:li and
French PYrfumery noil Toilet Sott(w, Splendid Card
Cato -lont
A comideleanil eletatit.t,o , t went •if Pori Monaie .
Fr e nch; rand Gorman) of ;41/rri..../1,/), P r ,rj. ivory,
soperior French and English Oa:, Math.,
with l'o 4y. Pearl. Elton). Doff/ 10 4 Rosewood and oil,
cr ard the hod Itossian WINO. - As
article. sec trade 1.0 Inn
warrui n n i .14 the very 11 . and other
Tooth 1; „„..1 44 .“ of and Punch Make. Nail,
co w l, and SWIVIng larnAlinp. ; Shell , Buffalo, Isory.
Turk, inesslng and other CnmL.. Odour &Glove
Boxesi, Tea Caddie., Scent 11 0 , n , S i ...
Fa net %rood and paper hose., fine wood Art when
- front Inland, Scotch noses, A.c ,
with yam and licit. Paint ; ng. mil Atrial. Cativsee,
Woad, Porcelain & Engrave ig•. with a thou
sand oiler articles useful and ornawrini,,l.
Si ranters VlSlilng the city are reapertfully I
.„,,aO„,. the R oods, and articles purchased sent in
any iv" of the City free of expen.e or parked to go
with A. 1.41 I. any part of the Worl W ,
A:4,-rue basin.... of 1., AV. Glenn & FOU 0111 he is,
as usual, at No.:0 :4,111111 Fourth turret.
Dee. ea». 1!4.51 -19-4. ma
Pll( ) Er,i14011 ritrAmmi.rn respectfully calla at
•lentlon to the tsperlinr of a beW flew.; aiti even
log, Dereuther ft. llt l sl, at lila Doom.. in the Trion
itali c for 1111' 11 ,1,1 1 11 t11 111111161 11 of felilleg and t:entle
men whit ratinot attend hi. other classes. The or
,angt.ment will be as follows :—Eventne. of Intl tilt
(inn Tuesday? and Saturday... Goitre for Ladies, from
ei tu
na -for Oentlemea. from d 11, '2l; 101 the brat
attar which they' will be inset tided together;
tram 7:10 91. ‘%h.. WliPti music will he inttodured
the last hour of each evening Terms—for Ladle. 416;
Gentlemen 87 for 7M lesecans•
Di-c. 6,1(51. .19-3 t
/ llindety,and increased the Machinery and hanfb,
Ili, now prepared to do all kinds of Binding in the
hest style, at the loWest rates, by the stogie Book or
by the hundred or thousand.
All Rinds of blank work .nanuithctured to order At
14On nnilrF. D . FIAIVNAN., , _-•
Printer, publisher and Binder.
Poll sville. Aug 31,1850 •
FSALE AND TO LET.—Buildlog Lots
je Mount Cott:ion, Lewisport. Wood and,Lyon's
addition to Pottsville,on ?Igttklilan et.. ottsvllle.and
luiditioriviiin. Mtc a'convantent Ode* in Monts'
Addition. Atisiyto* JAB. 11.CAIIIPIDELL.
April !O le-tf,
IPoronanco of an ;cider from the Ofithame Court
of Schulkfil l'unnty, iheAtinsecitter, Administra
tor of the Iltstate or - Jonathan Zech... tate of the town
mblii of Erallry, In the County of Srloiylkillafotesaid.
deceased. will expose to sale by futon• Vendue. nn
WEDNESDAY. the 31st day Of December, A. D.,
MI. lit JO o'clock in the forenoon, at the Public
Muse of John [fipple, in the town of 'Fremont.
Schuylkill C.tutity, the following described Real Es
'ate. 10
Purport so. I. of the .‘aid Real. Estate,
• being a certain tract of Coal Land. situ
• • . nth in the Township of Trailey, in said
• County, near the Towns of Dooald.on
and l'reuro»t. Bounded by lands late of
John and Solomon Albright,Gteenawalt
and George. lands late of SatitueL Peacock, and oth
ers, coutamlng two hundred and thirty acres, nod
t het c perches of lands. with the Impr‘wetrients, con
to•ting of a Two Story Messuage. or Tenement, Darn,
Saw Mill. Spring House, and other ,tutbuildings.
About 00 arrem of Inc said Land is- Bleared, and un
der a good state of cultivation, and the balance of
the tract is well timbered.
Purpart of the sail Real Estate, No. 3. being
house and lot of ground in the said Town of Tre
mont, being lot No 89 in the General Plan of said
TON 11.
Attendance will he givzn,and the runtlition of sale
made Inown at the-plate and time of sale. by
By order of the Courr.
Leans Iltxxam„ (leek.
Der G. IKII, 49-it
_J r _
Subscriber will men at Privaie sale, tn.
11nn..0 and lmt.located In FeMbaitgli. near the Ilm
111 or lb.' Ih,rnne h of rattsville,and abiout lbh yd.. finni
. • the new Rolling Mill The Dwelling ie
. a two-story double Frameeon.
;pas taming eight rooms. and an well linlehed
• • throughnut with Cloeet% Panel-Doom,
• &c., and u. in good condition. It I. also
101 3trti an a turner, having 3CCP39 by
throe '
The Lot r”,l front by 33n feet deep, fronting
on another street in the rear There it it never-fait-
Wen n 1 Wal , t on the premigeg, which did not give nut
tinring the List scat ,n. tneethef with all the necessa
ry ont houses.
roc terms and other parti. Ili1:1114. apply to C conur.
mil,r.s..". the premine4.
we. 13, ISSI. 50-3 t•
i • HE ru for fiber offer% for colitit ;
I Ide property :—(lne wn-glory Ilriek Honed., in
Market Aleet, with a Niue anit
rilne•litiose attached. all iii,teneil repair
The Lot runs front Market rii Lyon street.
sari) • • and would niahe a convenient and plea
., I • dant place of residence. Alan, tarn two
.iffy house+, in Sander,tn street. near
the Court House. rite', with a garden at
tached: alsto, two two-story in I yon street,
with loin an. i g. 1 1 .111- 0 ,1 ; also, three cwt and half-glory
rntinlda from the 'corner of Norwegian and
coat .11,,tn;,,,,a one houke In Coat Queer. neat Nor.
weglan. They are nit omitted whit itr.trante and
every rrtnvenience to make them tle‘trabie divelting,
ere veinl are well xittidted for blikiner. 1'10611.4. p,
PHILIP II %Fl'4. egkul Strect
ply to
Dec 6, 1..!.1
A ivl I.L t.r ..0 .I it Private vnltiit.l.-
IT property. In the tiolougn nr
unte4l on the North Writ ~ ,T llPf of Ilieh.ana
' , meets. The - Int I. 40 feet front ~1. Centre by' `.'.00
feet deep. °mottle to It.otroad
ti n th e p r e.mirlea, nn Vel.tre. ry reel. are
••• • erected lion Tten-t.tury
111 II • Donee, w.• 11 botched, and In 'e neetteet
enTiolltlon. There are al.nt ererted. on
the rear of the Lot, EIGHT TENANT
Said property n , In al.pit w nn. 'lit bran no,drn..
port nu. ortho Borough -A. latnllthr Pont! , tiolldlngq
--he ery entovenlen,r. and la tinljooesti/.l.nlay ono.
oilhe 111041 denitnnie prnyrrtli.• In In, Mirongli
Poll aville, other for private.l
ren.dont ..+l, or I.of.Cßlly
ine i n . any pnbll4 bualnre•.
Fnr TOrine, and inner pirlictillra.:.nply to thr
r 4 Poplar .irva , t
or to 1113 , ..1 AMIN I"TAVI.4II{, I . 4lll.vitle
it. Ih.l. 44-I I
44.0,4v: 4 44.
rilFeaut i acrlher. beg leave in infornith6putilie that
In midi - Iton to their• Cornier STEAM ENcisr.
41111's turd FOUSIHIV, Oil, have recently put up
orw Marhinery and Shoo. for the manufacture of
COAL. CARS, TRUCKS and other Rail Road Cat.. by
'ileum power, which email:de Illeni to entente. all that
kind of wort:, not only mut h better, but with creator
dciipatch and at the very lowem mire. Haynie thus
made theme ettenaive
rotuoanlett requiring work oft hip kind, will find It to
their advantage to give them ti
43-1 C
."1 the following goods. now ready in store for sale.
whirl) will be cold a; reasonable priree for rash,
Verdlian Carpets front 25 rent...4o*i per yard; ingrain
45 to 75; item I.i.ting Carpets 50 rents. nod Nag ('ar•
pets front 35 in 40 cents per yard; Woollen Flannel.
55 to 50 cents per yard; 0 5 yards of Venitian Carpet,
an excellent article, veiy stout. all Double Wooten
Chain and splendid pattern•, 56 inches wide, suilablo
for churches or for passages and entries of dwellings.
Cash Paid for Wool anti ids. ing.
Manufacturer of Carpets alga Flannels. near the
North West Cornernf Centre and Mineriville
Pottsville. Pa
Nov. S, 1851
LINDSAY & BLAKISTOS, Poltilsohors, Bookieftros
aud floolcbtorltre, l'hiladelphra. have removett — to
their New Store. No. as South Sitth Strett, above
Chesnut, where, with more room, and increased Cacti -
tties,they intend continuing the Itookselling,Publish
mg. and Binding business. in all its branches, whole,
sale and retail. They wiil always keep on timid a
general assortment of Medical, Dental. Sclentliic,
Varirultural, Musical, Classical, School, Mweellane.
ous, and Blank Books. to which they invite the at •
tenilon of the trade. Orders from Booksellers, Libra.
rice, or Schools, for Books in any department of liter
attire, will receive prompt attention, and the books
will be furnikhed at the very lorve:d prices. Blank
Books for Public °dices, Banks, or private persons,
made promptly to order.
t Catalogues of their own publications. or complete
V:atalogries of Medical and Scientitic Books. will he
furnished, upon application beina made to them by,
mail, or otherwise. Foreign Books imported to order.
Dee. 6, ISM • .49 m
r: u hr•rlberii reeperi hilly AtilifilitiCe to the pub
hr. lira their th•tV Miff hoW romph.te‘t
and in foil Operation. and that they are prepared to
.apply all kinds of Bar Iron of yahoo. Aize4, x itch
They will warrant to be superior in quality in any
obtained trim alirnall. at On same prices.
They also manufacture: T Rails, for the use of the
Colliero , and I. tferat:Road., welghtnir from 21 io - C,O
lbs. per yard. made of the bent Iron, and whirlt wilt
I,e found ninth cheaper than the imported article.
Being prarisrat rnrch:ut u •., and baying oari ennAld
erable. ezperienee to the lrnn blittinet,, they flatter
thetn3eive• that they ran .give route eatl•fttet inn in
imfrharger", and will tam) oak, U Ihr it ft,terest to pa
lionize home imllitlNftilleen.
11A }title!, ItllltNien? (I'o.
42d r
De< . 6, 1851
FANCY FURS! runs' ! runs,!!!
TAr /.11 , 4 1 1 1 1.1 _die ort went in the City
CIF:I.I3M; (Fr seittnt otr:'• oft:: •
0111,,,i. • Cheap • • Chen ' Half.] i ! ' Bargains
The ladle, 111 PIIII.VIII I. 310 J VIC 11111. y, are lor ded 1 11
the gpierolol O.OIOIIIIIPIII 0f h an, VI/
11114 , 400 RA!. 31011111 31111 Sahli , . Doff:, and (I,li)ri,
kr., warranted tlik,',l importal Inn, t. ill he sohd
at a small advance 011 COSI L 111'1410- 1 1, to eh...them out
at the old eetablinhed For Store, FlieenOr frret,
Philadelphia. It 1%111 LEVINE.
Importnr of rum and
rlnr —impost's Dr Jayne,' Iloihting.
and Ilarortitetortol; For-
N 0... 2 i. lbsl -17./rn
Oht(l, 4 4oruirlean Liberty. National and 1'a011.41/
The Pot opean Etnierania—qaluiation to Amerten,
The Aneel dnd the Child.
The tiroken-hearte. l ,
We meet n., MUM 2
Lore's Nlessenser—(avollte
The Fnrsahrn—a beautiful
When e'er I see those smiling eyes.
day ! µAy ehnuidn't you and I
Truly vitt/ 1 love thee ever,
I live (or thee only.
Little 11011 C—a favorite Ballad,
Flow on thou Shining Direr.
Annie Laurie—admired Scotch Mailed.
The l‘ta: Beek'd Ca 7• characteristic Irish
. Farewell Ladlea—Popular Negro atone.
MY Husband Is %nett a queer Fallow—Popular
Pantie. I.looi,
Pa and Pat—a favorite song
liol.KAS:—Sitseedi:ll Nightingale Polka.
Untie Pompon rotas. -
Atbetline Polka.
Tbe Motley Polka.
I:Tablas's Favorite Ws liz.;—togather with a largo
enilettion of the. latent and moat popular
ways on hand—single Weevil obtained to order. at
11. BANNSN'i4
Dee. 13, 16M. 50—
. .
subscriber having located' hintrelf in Market
1. street, between Centre and'Heeond.oPPneite N. •
M.Wilson, Ern's., Office. begs to offer his profession
nl services to the Owners of roe Lands. Coal Opera
tors, and others. He has, for several years. been en.
gaged as Engineer, Surveyor, and Manager of Coil
Almeria the North of EttglendAnd bee had year*
esperitnee in this county. Any work entrusted to
hie rue. wlt be executed cereintly and promptly.—
If* wauldeek a trial se the heat recornmendstion and
to af hte 2l, &billl3lting*. OEO. IL. &WITH.
NOW - 47-tf
I *qr. ....nay ink= guru Mai MIIRIT
/100 D Property ParrEnnzaz
'pH nabsctinet o ff ers at Priest.. Kit., I h e r,, ! law int
L tiatwitile property. Pitnated on Market Hqnart, in.
the nor:MO of Pottsville:
No. i. Two Dwelling Houses and a L ot
• or grountylnntine nn Market and Ly.
RI . / 00 ' d rew' , Vt. Lot Is 24 feet fmnt by
I NO feet deep, end on the Market Street
front is erecter a large , mn fumy Iticit
and atone Dwelling linage. with bark
Mindials, all in complete order. Their is also a
name Untll.l on the Lynn gireet finnl. on the same
kO. which rents for 6:k.
No. 2 ; A.1.0t of Ground adjoining thr attove,
feet 5010,4 front by 1 t•et deo, tree•
ted a Eatable on Lyon •trtei
The lacminii of this Ore.perty, being in market
giinare and but a Stl.ll.limanre front the new
rt•udere it a Very ihmirable iqopert), eii her for
htkinePs or private reeiden,e.
Fnr terms and other prtirulars apply In the sub
*Mbar on the pre lobes. I'itANCHI HARM
Nov. 22, ISM. 47-Mu
IF: W & CO., 180 Ulf KAM:I STREET. Phil.
Jladelphia, hare nQty open and for F:tir , the Inns;
splendid stork of Silks., Shawl., inhia)... and Mt , ri.
Tines, ever ntierPd to %lir Ladle , ' of Pint:W.l9l.a and
vicinity ; also, superint w tar fSil Vefkets fox
Cloaks and Mantillas. rot.. rs Mark, littiwn,blite. ear
net,green. purple, d-c,;...te A full stork of Parlk pu n .
ted Motislin tie Lain., and Ca.litrirres. heavy Fltnende
brown. blue, flit rid! d. aarnrf a nil mode rotors,
White. pink, blue. and rot., Wedding d res. -
es ; black,, - ft)3li4 and Ottoman Silkti, tt Oen.
did Embrottleted Crape • Broctralone and
pinare wont fina‘it.t, Paris Eitibroitlerett cheme.ret -
tee, stervo,,, oat,' collarm, plain :Intl embroidered
eaantrir Mandl, rr biers, .I.adles ad Cent temetts*
Whtir and Kid t;lot. es. !minus. Mirk Hotoltanint.s,
Clanton Cloth, and Altura ; with a large Mori, of sta
ple and Caney dry-goods, a large portion of whit Is hare
been pnrchaeed at the Lite large Auction sales in Sete
VOrk and this city, and will he sold below intp.trtat lon
• N. B.—We have delermiand to aril off the .tack In
our more itB. next-door above. Itityeri tan have real
bargains ray Ca Uing4Tnittit ntatet!., as 11 twist be r Inked
out in a dew dap ,
Nov. 15. N5l
~ i ' fi t. ~r'
BooKS.—The s'iihscriber is row I ereiving from the
'na i l, tante supply or schnot and M. , -
rettanrous Books y II—(o h tcitl be scold who ir .al„
and retail at knitstia low rates ills stock etiO‘ra.s.s
SEVERAL TLIOVSAND i'ol.ll.lltist. and the as-
Sort nirkt is as eeriest as can be found in any store in
Merchants. and Teat hers, arr., supplied with
School Books as cheap, a-nit in sissy instapres hea
per than they can be patch:L.2d ut Philadelphia.
Being the publisher or a number of Rooks his fa.rii
ities are equai to the whole , ate.llouses in our elites
for precut ing cheap storks., and tie is determined
— not to be nollemold-
11e also tnanhfueturreat uts eAtabbAnneto klod.
of Wank hooka, plea 11,113{01, Copy finales, &c., all of
winch be can furn,ll wbon,nte of low
All Ile ask a i• for t h e people to call and cry hl•
unit then judge for ilientsclr cn.
tlookc'eller, l'utiltshor and Manufacturer.
Roost Ole, Oct. 4. IA3I 40—
4,2 cIIMITZ' Iliatnry• of Rome,
Orators of the American Revolution,
Spark's Life of Washington.
' Golden Steps for the Vanua,
Dr. Durbins' Observations in the East,
autgat's English I:evolution,
Amy Herbert. by Sowell • Third F;tl
Hints Or, Popillar Education , by 'Wives.
Millard's-Arabia Pena .and Holy Land. !Unmated
11:d% in and Luther, their I.l.reir, and a velvet ion from
their Pierninns, never beh,re published
ut the 14t1-
led Shifty.
The Ohl Rr,l ganth.tone, hv ilugh Nitt
(Teta Niel , . a the treator.h) Iltitth
Itatt)'s Fruit Garden, a capital work.
Modrrn illtitury, a new nerd raptial -work. by Ilw
11... i... Mr. 1 ord.
ftlettig't• P. gric tilt ti ra I t'lletoktty.
113nd-hook of 011 Palming ; togrAlicr with a variety
of Ptllscellatteotte flookot. jo,t received and for ottle at
('leap [look and ritatimie CYSI C
Nov. 21, 1... A
pin; Coal Veins on the Christian Kunkle Tract of
.1j Land, belonging to Nlc.Sis. Young. 1, and
otbera of New lark rity. "I his trait of Coal Land
la 61luated Went of, and adjoining the lands of lite
wvill-known :+prlng Mountain Mitten, In Carbon Conn
tyf and crintniin. Ihe saute choice white anti +rain. 01
Cclal. A Railload with T fall is now Leine r ,, n%lrne•
led o'olll the Inlarl 01 trait, 10 roller: with In.
0,1:11,1 Meadow Road, a Brun, e or Let w+ee n too
ar',l three fa•nrable down-grade , all
th • way to the point 0 Junction with the Heaver
M , a.low Road. Thk Railroad V. 111 he fltikhed by
tit-Spring of 1a.52.
The owner+ invite collier. In shill the Tract, as
they de%irft to ohtalii a good Tenant upon .falr and
reSeonaLle terms. Mr. John Young, at Ilaileton,
will show the ground and receive proposals lot teas.
, or application may be made to
J. D. MEREDITH., Agent.
Centre iitteet, Pottsville.
Nov. I. 1a.:11. 41. tm
440APiA —These .npericir articles, of perfumery.
14 amongst whizti are entlnterated his juAtly relebra
litit Lilly White, Oriental Alabaster. Pearl. Rouge,
omit and Toilet Powders : Chinese. Velvet. Chalk
and other approved Cosmetic..
Walnut and Extrn Pito. Rand 'trots n and
%Thue Witolsor,Foating. Palm, Almond, ranry and
stisrtng Cream, flair live, roingne
\t'atern. 11 , 0 ract? lilt the its ndkerillief, Marrow,
,1, oOtt Ci yam! Pomade ha new notelet. Kau
Hair Restorative, ,
are manufactured and for .al. by
JOHN 'X Cl.Efitt
lterfilMer 4. Chemist, sa Markel St- below trt. Phila.
rie Merchants, don't forget that CLF.Ofi'el to the
elicapent and most extensive Matntita.to7y in the city
Oise him a call.
tict.15.1851, 10-ty
alsbrEW beaitufiti styles. just wet , ed.
Haden cAisin a. Terra Carta {Pare, IWO:end:ln
thass, L... '
-41abustrr. Ai )0, Marlte, and Veg., table Ivory
krt.! , Bn its and Bit akei. richly Of liatin nt rd.
runfrettolateg . Paper, rake Ornaments. Prdnl,,
PrUff,isr Fancy art Wes, Tooth Rra.hea. &r
,rrtiriC a. Plpre, SIMI' Hones, a r
1 ., • I' MO hi Slab,. Pencil.. Marbles, Petruc4o.o rans.,kr
7'ovr. Kid Polls and Doll Ileads of ever) des, i ipi ion
Car sale at the Inn • .1 importation Prices Ly
Importer, No I Cotrittler , fdreet,
oft ISrd 41:141m
N. Will be assotti‘d in Cages at $5.111.0 a tid
6,1.0 pe r Case.
- - -
Far 12l cents Aviiirtent fors Ordinary Washipirs.
T 9,,,,t to, thou;ands who nave tact rd It, a.
'1 being the gleatest Srientifr If.,nJrr of the World.
'Entirely doing away with that laborioua and injuri-'
11114 prarirm 01 riibbin4 the CLOTIIEti upon the
WAusItIU)ARD, a nd a great saving of Time. Labor
and Eipense.
N. It To prevent fraud and Imposition, (fur many:
are trying to palm off articles put up like mine,) the
proprietor. I. P. llol' I', will put his written Signature
on the top label of every parkaie. And he only asks
'an enlightened public not to confound the Gentian
Washing Powders with other• that are in the market.
It is put up In packages with full il , ractinnr and sold
at the nominal price of ill cent,.
co- PRINTERS will find it greatly to their advantage
to purchase. he... Powders, to cleanse their TYPES
and Rot.t.F.lts; bring a errs soperini at tic!, for that
pnrpobr•. Ma nufartureitouly by
At his Laboratory and Principal Depot:No IO tionth
Fifth street, Philadelphia.
Sold at Retail by Grocers and Druggists generally.
A liberal discount made and extensive advertising for
the benefit of Agents. Remember the name: GER
MAN wAsuiNi: pow DIERA. Ali letters toibe post
Mr. 1. P. Hoyt.--Hear Sir.—(laving used your Ger
man Washing Powder, I tan cheerfully recromend
to every person for washing and so übbing, believing
it to be a great saving of time and trouble, requiring
in its urea no Wasabsard, thereby being a great sw
ine to the clothes and dispensing with three-fourths
of the Labor and Expense required to the Ma method
of %I:uniting, Yours,
c orn er picouirland andliarkei streets.
The above Washing Powders are for File, to hole
gain and the subscriber, who has been ap
poinre&sole Agent for the County of St t hoytk,ii, it,
will cipply Merchant , . and others at Mr. floyt's pri
ces per drecenAnd thus save the carriage.
Role Agent'for Schuylkill County.
Nov. 29.1851 ' 48-t
subscribers are, prepared to fortt6h the Trade
1 Machin...y.l.llld Operators, at Philadelphte prices.
(freitht added) witniesafe or Wail. hest American Bar
Iron. manutAritated to Pow,.lie. and warranted of
superior Alm, light T rotlo, Imitable for
mines ; and Cable Chains, lurtiletted at short nettCe
direct from the Importer. E. YA RDLEY a, SON
York t4tore, Nov. V. 1851. 474 f
r AnAnis ATTACKED .— Tide Range hes been
fI A
iitied up with a Heating Apparatiia sufficient to
heat two or three rooms, ronnected with the kttrisett
chimney, from the kitchen lire. In point of crown
my. dorahility, and convenience, I 1 is decidedly one
of the hest Ranges in use. It can he used either
with or without hot water. Manufactured and sold
at the Foundry of the sitly,critor. in Pottsville.
July u, ISSI
KET Fr.. rotTsviLLE.
Dec. 14, 1 ea)
A E FftTVMILI.F.II, Profennr of Dancln4at the
I.,ti, dation nrneveral r MUM!, wilt rommenee
a new Winner r,n TI CBDAV afternoon, the Edo( De.
camber. at 1 o'ciark Thole debiring to voter- want
ac*, Will please ham; in their orinwi, or rot,' them at
the Town nal% at the above mentioned time.
noon nf Tuition —Tor Tonne !Aare, from 9 to 4 P
91.—For llhiernnd Ilaatera, from 5 to 7, and for Gig.
tiemen from ?Lt., to in the vventric every Monday
aol Thor:idly.
Fo r t TEams— we nt -f
te,:sona of two hours each.
El %poly Town flail
Nov. 29, ISM
TO COUNTRY 1211111.011APITS.
WM NEWELL .4 SON Wholesale Grocera and
Comndgaton Merchanta, No, .140 WATERt•traet.
Philadelphia. have olvanya on hand. a 14rgr nod WPil
selected asnortmeni of Grocerlea, Proviatons, Teaa
and Ltquora to which they invite the attentinn of
country Meirhants
Oct 4,P321
JO 0
, MIAS Enallah and Garman Almanacs. Alpo
Coansh and German Comte Almanar...lU3,Pub
lished and for sale nt *2,50 per grolip. or 25 c,nts pat
dozen at N. lIANSAN'S
llook'and Pnannhlng Store.
at. 4,1951
T 2 M
are Parents, and Young Gentlemen of Potts
ville, Pa., end the *wounding nelghbothoml. Your
attention f• pn kula rl v invited to the lagged and
complete eseortment o . f 110Y0 and CHILDREN . B
CLOTHING. That the subeenber bat on hand well
adapted to the season, nulled Cot boys of three years
of age, and to young gentlemen! Of-anteett.
Al persons living at a diStanee, purchasing Cloth.
Ine at thin establishment. Mum the rtrieflete of re -
Gicolo 'horn If th ey do ma fa. P. A. liOrT,
G* Cheatant Meet, below Tenth, Plittulti
Feb,, ll.ltill illll
Pottsi,ille, Nov. 21.nii, 1851
-.4 -I.'
A le
Uy Telegraph and.
Wiles t Flour, $4 Yt.
per bbl.— -Corn Meal! 83,
R e d Ss et♦ . White, caG et
—Corn 52 — Oars, 3G c!'
4%. • •
• The discusstOn on Ma.
inise settlement resoluticn
thti.Senate, rattier morn!
in interest. Rum'.
ha; been very severe in .1
ME. Foori—the latter,
stoically. Mr. R. comes
with his Disunion sentim'
But little, we presnmi
either House, until after - t 1
• lloN. HENnI,- CLlty has
in the Senate. He evil] st
Philadelphia, and return
Spring. ,
Senator Foot leaves
Monday. Report says he expects to be elect
ed shortly United States Senator, in place Of
JFSFERSON %yrs; in which event, he
will resign his Governorship and return to
Washington is a few weeks.
In accordance with n• request f , ni the"' •
Senate, has submittedlo that body - official
correspondence in relation to theilate attack '
upon the Prometheus, at San Juan de Nicar.:
aqua, soil also in relation to the case of Mr.
Thrasher, lately tried in Havana, for high .
treason, and sentenced to eight years, at hard
labor, in Spain.
'hid clerk in the Department of &etc
was sent to New York, on Tuesday, *ring
to Kossuth the Congressional: weleomirese-
A Washington correspondent of the New
ark ..4der - rta c r furnishes some further facts
and figures, gleaned from the Census of 1050.
Since the Census of 1840, there have been
added to our territory by annexation, conquest
and purchase, 635,988 square miles, and the
title of the United States to 346,463 square
miles more has been confirmed; which ex
tends the area of the United States from 2,.
055,163 to 3,221,593 square miles. •
With respect to population, assuming the
population of California to have been 165,-
(100, and adMitting that of Utah, which is
estimated at 15,000, the Superintendent of
the census makes the total number of inhab
itants in the United States on the lit of
June 1850. to have been 23,246,301. The
absolute increase during the ten• years has
been 6,176,848, and the actual per centage
of increase is 36.18 ; or deducting the proba
ble amount of population acquired by . addl.
Lions of territory, the total population is
074,301, the increase 6,004,848, and the re- -
!alive increase 35.17 per cent.
The aggregate number of white inhabi
tants in 1850 was found to be 19,619,386.
exhibiting a gain over the sameclass in 1840
of 5,423,371, and,a relative increase of 38.20
per cent. ,But occluding the 153,000 free
white population, believed to have been ac
quired by the addition of territory since 1840.
the gain is 5,270,371, and the increase per
cent 37.14.
The number, of slavek by the present cen is 3.198,298, which shows an increase
of 711,085, equal to 28.58 per cent: Or if
we deduct 19,000 for the probable slave pop
ulation of Texas' in 1840, the result will be
an absolute increase of 692,085, and theme
per cent. 27.83.
The number Of' free colored persons in
1850 was 428,637,.5h0wing an increase of
42,392 or 10.95 per cent.
The following table, showing an increase
per cent. of each class of iababitants in the
United States, for sixty years, will be of in
terest in this connection ;
rso 1561 1510 t 520 1830 180
to to to to to to.
p 404) 1510at4.30 2640 1.30
r, ::c.l* 34.30 34.52 34.72 33.90
PrPt- Vowed, ,2.28 72. 2V.75 34,193 20.65' 10.63
27.90 33 40 29.57 30.75 23.51 e 9.33
Tow I % r/lored, 39.23 37.59 99.33 31.31 23;40 88.15
rota! Population,33.o9 36.50 33:33 35.72 32.67 36.15
The Report' goes on to state that during
the year ending on the Ist of June. 1950,
there escaped from their ownersl,oll slaves,
and 1,4t17 were manumitted. The following
table gives the number of each class m the
reNpecti ye- States :
977 26 Ala
49's 7/9 Miss
218 33 ,
/52 91i l'es3s,
4, 7il Ark,
fr 4 Mo,
It) tsS
22 IS
:1. U,
It is gratifying to observe the result of the
census returns respecting the mortality of the
country. The number of deaths during the
year preceding theAables of the census was
Pound to be 320,191; the ratio being as one to'
72.6 of the living:-population, or as 10 to
each 726 of the population—which is, a ra
tio of mortality much less than that of any
portion of Europe.
Money was first used by Abraham, who
bought a tomb at Macpelah for Sarah, with
:2f -1-Times of sil yet., 2,139 years before Christ.
If was made at Argos 894 years before
Christ. Silver was coined at Rome 269
years before Christ.• Prior to this . period
brass money was used theie. Britain used
coin 25 years before Christ.
Money increased eighteen times its value
between 1200 and 1640, and twelve times
its value between 1530 and 1800.
silver has increased- thirty times its value
since the Norman conquest. A pound then;
was three times the quantity, and ten times
the Value in purchasing any commodity.—
Bank, signifying literally a Bench, from the
custom of Italian merchants,exposing money
to lend on a Banco or bench was commenced
about the beginning of the 9th century.
Bank of Venice was established in 1157
• • Genoa 1145
'• Amsterdam - 1609
Rotterdam 1635
" : England 1640
'Old Scotch 1649
" Hamburg " • 1710
.• Royal Bank of Scotland 1721
" Ireland 17 1 33
Saviugs' Banks were established in ,Eng
land to 1616.
The Rank of America was established in
Philadelphia on the 19th June, 1780, with a
capitol of $539,1 tin,for the purpose of supply
ing the American army wipiprmisions.
The Bank of North A - meriea was incorpo
rated by Congress. December 31st 1781.
The Rank of the United States was iocxir
ponied March, 1790 capital, 810.000 e
000; expired 11th March, 1811. Re-charter
ed April, 1816 ; capital, 835,000,000; expir
ed 1836.
Switzerland has 4000 looms and 750,000 •
spindles, 30,000 silk looms and 250 , cotton
printing establishments. This little country
-one-half wild mountain land—prodaces by -
its industry, one quarter as much as France. .
She sends annually 200,000,000 franca worth
of manufactures to the various markets of
the world. Jewelry ana watches ate smug-
gled into France in spite of the moot strenu
ous exertions of the Custom officers. Au
amusing anecdote is related of one of the
chiefs of ihe Police, who purehased a number
of watches to Geneva on condition that the, - ".".-..--
should be delivered to him in Paris at a car-
tairidate, or the seller s'hould forfeit the price. "
He set all - the Custom-house officers oa th
alert, determined to catch the smuggler r
time. On his arrival in Paris her, found
watches lying on his breakfast table , soda •
leg to agreement. A strict - investiption
was made into the matter, and it was &cut 4
that his own servant had brought the watches
with him. • _ ,
(c p• The New Orleans Bulktin States that,
on t he rece ption of the - Preeideoes anatosipt,
- t h at c ity on the 4th infant, one of thew.
f ast compositors, set up. foot- thottaatur era.
hundred eras in tsto-hours and ten agnates
—a rest,At says, which cannot,„beraten
L ,
Manumit. Fugitives
ti 41
159 yU
5 29 -
- 1 Yt
50 . 60
Total, lin
i zb