The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 06, 1851, Image 2

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    lUiticrs' Journal.
W.iturelay - Horning., Sept. 6.
Stile Ticket '
Fog; riOvERTiOR.
unzig,agg F.:;CN=ON, .of I.4rmstroiii
401314 : StROHNI, of Lcrgeoitei
JUDGES 01P,Tit '.. 071 1 7. PREDIV. COURT.
RICHARD COULTER, of . 11 ; estm!prelam 1 ,
GEORGE _CHAMBERS, of Franilin, •
WILLIAM M. MEREDITH. of Phi7adetphia,
County Ticket I
Judge--CRICISTOPHER LCESER, fOrwigsburig
Atrsociate,r—SOLO3lON FOSTER, Rottsyillf
Ar%emU —Col. J STRITITIERS huylkill .
RegistrrA Reeorder—Col J. P.l-10 BAWL. parb,lle.
Treasurer.-CHAS. DtNG LER . . Schilykill itiven•
STERNER. 33inerevilte.
Direcior of 'oor-G. DREH3ELMS.E.Brunjiwiek
Auditor—AßßAL SCHWENK, L: 14-thstnikigo.
COL. Wm. Brataut..s nEercialicks off
Those wtio heard Col Biglerls"sPiech in
Pottsville, - are.aware that he'disperaed of the
'Tariff question by stating that it was a Na
tional question-, and that ive hacl nothing to
do with it,:and that it was dragged im
properly into this :canvass. The Bradford
RepoVier,ilie Locoloco organ of that county,
in sunaming - up Col. Bigler's' speech, says : •
4 4Upon the various questions of State policy, the
speech was masterly and convincing and clearly
demonstrated the ability of the speaker. .The sub
ject of Meat : trill was thoroughly discussed, in the
manner of which the-Democracy of Ararlfordareffo
well acquainted, and ,upon which his plain and
. practical illustration, shed new light upon the
subject." ;
• The LocofoCos, of Bradford County have
always advocated . free Trade, i . and f austain:
the Tariff of 1846. Our ^ reade4s will reiol
-lect that inavid,Wilmot, of Bradford, was
one of the two members of Cimigress from
-Pennsylvania that voted, for the;repeal of the
' Tariff of 1842. Wilmot is as -out-and
out Free Trader.
The Bradford Reporter con tinues'as follows:
"After rpeated Hoy; D i Wilmot rely
briefly addressed the meeting He ; said that the
Democrats assembled had len they,. labors to hear
the view of their candidate for Govamor, and that
it would not be just for him to occupy their attest.,
non. That..he heartif . t,r Coda rzed /pi views trixne
the tariff, end the principle& he hadtaiowed touch
ing the -banking system, and our State policy in
ge ne ral.?
-Now, in Bradford County, Bigler discussed
the Tariff ana l :declared himself in favor of
the British Bill of 1546, and Wilmot endorses
that doctrine. In Schuylkill County, know
ing that the people were opposed to that Bill,
.he tells them it r is a National question, and
i he has nothing to do with in other
words—" I am pledged to the Bill of 1846, and
,the best policy will be to keep quiet on the
subject." Can any honest•man vote for such
a candidate for •Gorernor ? is not his
plicity too baie.faced ? If any:of our readers
doubt the correctness of the above quotations,
they will find them in the Harrisburg Inves
tigator of. September -2d, IsM, a Locofoco
paper , : •
The correspondent of the New York Tri
bune gives the following ctAcial:Statatics of
the rates of wages paid in the , tnanuficro.
ring establishments of the Kingdom orßel.
glum. This hst ;embraces the wholt
ehanical operations as well as common labor
ers :
5,342 man earn:nom - 5s to 78 cetits par day
1130,440 " 30 to 40
113,950 " 20 to 30 -1
132. wornenearn 40 mt. and upward per day.
37,721 • " ". - 30 to 40 cei;its per day.
at32o . " 10 to 20 ‘•
13,012 women earn Itra than 10 emits
5,690 boys earn from 20 to 30 cents per day
- 12,450 • 10 to -
17.531 boys eariilsss Ilion 10 cents per day
1.33'6 girls earn tram 20 to 'al cents per day
01.34 R '". :10,to 20 ••
22,539 girls earn tars than'lo,centS per day.
The above figures do nor represent the
whole working population to Belgium, of
course: in feet . , t h e y: e‘clude- thb whole ag.
ficidttiral elast,whic)ewould;hare made the
statistics - still uwre; tuelancboly ; but . they
repretent,•without (1013 E, a fair average esti.,
mate of town wageS . throughout the King
dom. • -
_ .
WhaLis to preveni the prices•of any labor
coaling down to the'ssarne rafts in this court.
try, but protective duties oil the products of
the_ heap labor of- Europe fi 'Can any Free
Trader -, answer ? Ocean transportation is
generally cheaper than inland transportation,
and goods can be sent from Belgium to New
, rink as' eheap-as from- the interior of Penn
sylvania to New York.
We liSye alri:ady stated that the Locofocus
_Pennsylvania are claiming credit tor ex
elusive patriotism and devotion to the rights
of the_South in some cotinties., while in
-others they court the abolitihists and Free
Soilers, - nd form alliances with Wilmot dr
Co.- In eat. South the.same l ,parq is so ultra
pro-slavery,t hat the majorily of them are se,
cessionists, and denounce titeadministration
of.PreSictent Pillmore ns under abolition in
thence. In Massachusetts{ Vermont, 'Ohio,
and other free States, they form coalitions
with the abolitidnists. In' Ohio, their late
State - Convention said .nolhing, about the
"compromise tuasures,'• but resolved that
on national questions (slavery, &c.) they still
maintain the docirines affikined by them in
1848, and re-affirided in 18$0 in their State
Convention. The .doctrine referred. to :is
contained in the following:resolution copied
frorktheir 'proceediu4 , s of 18.50 :
"kisolred, That,onthe qUetion of slavery,
we, hereby reaffirm the res6luticins of said
convention of 1848. in the Wards following :
"That the people of Ohio, iiow, as they always
have done, took upon the initituion of slavery,
in any part of the Union, as an evil, and un-,
favorable to the full chre/opiniint of the spirit
and benefits of
_trio institutions : and that, en
' tertaining suchientiments, they trill at all times
feel it their duty to use all power, clearly given
by the national compact, to Prevent its increase,
to venitsgate, and FiNiLLV to eradicate the
What abolitionist proposes to gO farther ?
And yet the mine party, through its orians
at Washington, New Philadelphia,
and .elsewhere, denounces;the Whigs as se
cessionists, as "abolitionists, and claims
for itself all the pairiotiiat and national feel
-mg,,and sets itself up asthe peculiar guar=
dian. of the Constitution ;Ind •he Union !
What Pharisee of ancient or modern days
. eveflidplayed snore cool Ind disgusting im
young man. bitten by a rattlesnake, in Pike
county, last week, after failing to catch the
snake, in wider to appi'y its flesh-to the
wound to effect: a cure,' dug a hole in the
ground, deep enough to admit the wounded
filled it. with fresh water, partly mixed
with the ma t. put his eg into it and re
mained there for several hours. The next
day he was mit as usual.
Advice from Vera Cruz to the SAM ult.,
state that the Mexican Congress passed a bill
for a general offensive and defensive alliance
with the Spanish American Republic.
In consequence of a dispute in relations o
the collection of certain duties, a lint had
taken place at Vera Cniz, in which the loqil
authorities were defeated, and six persoiis
killed. •
The blockade of the'port, by the English,
was expected.
The schooners Alrasgra abd Sarabia,
which cleared at New Orleans on ,the 18th
ult., for Mined dari,under protest, were seized
by the authorities of Tehuantepec. The
Captains entered a protest against the pro
Notwithstanding the late news from Ha
vana by, the Merchant,' -there is mach difE- .
culty in getting at a straight story. Lopez's
reported success, but little credited at first, is
positively contradicted by other amounts.- -
The anxiety of certain interested sympathisers
to circulate the most favorable reports of the
expedition, whileit is the policy and evident
object of the Spanish authorities to represent
the insurrectionary movement aalliscourage•
ingly as poisible,, rendeis it very difficult to
know which side Of the story to believe.
/a as evidence a how unreliable are the
telegraphic accounts daily tcceived, we ob ,-
serve that the Philadelphia Sun lays claim to
having published the identical news, in sub
‘vtarice,on the 25th ult., which appeared in the
Ledger and North American on Tuiaday last,
and we must confess, the accounts, when
compared. are strikingly similar, if not in
tended for one and the same story. The Sun
'received its intelligence by. the Empire City
at New Orleans, while the other was for
warded after the arrival of the Merchant at
Savannah. pretendedly with four day's later
new,. J
Many of the presses have been dealing out
columns of thunder 'indixricninately over
very piet•e of floating news that arrived, al
ternately lauding the Liberators and denoun
cing. the Spanish inhumanities, Mr. Owen
and the whole batch of Government officials,
front the President down, and urging ven
geance for insults and indignities perhaps
never offered. The firing into the Falcon is
now explained by the Spanish vessel having
a new commander, who , did not know the
Falcon. A plain hearing may perhaps do as
much for Mr. Owen,and also relieve , us con
cerning other things now shrouded in uncer•
tainty. At any rate, there is no ace in work
ing ourselves into a fever, until we know
there is righteous cause for it.
The Washington intelligencer of Wednes
day contains the following despatch received
ht the Goiernment from New Orleans, un
--der date of Tuesday - last :—"Advises from
Havana to the 25th. ultimo. ,The accounts
are conflicting. Lopez still held .out, with;
.his force very much reduced. The Govern-1
meat had offered a reward for - him, but had
promised a pardon to those of his followers
who would surrender. It does not appear
that any of the Creoles had joined him. No
vessel has departed hende for Cuba since the
The Intelligencer alscrappends another de
spatch from "a reliable source in New Or
leans, dated Monday, confirmatory of the
.above. It is as follows:—"The steamer
cinnati'has just arrived from .Havana with
dates to the 25th of August. Lopez still
maintained himself, and the. Spanish author
ities had offered a pardon to all his followers
who would surrender."
New Orleans despatches to the Philadelphia
paperk under date of Tuesday, also confirm
the above. They state that the steamer Al
mendares arrived at Havana on the morning
of the 25th, with 15 Spanish soldiers wound
ed in the battle fought on the 21st; at Cada
lava. The Spanish reports say that forty
"prates" were killed in the battle and forty
prisoners taken.
A despatch from the. Commandant at 13a
hia Honda says be caused six pirates to be
shot on the 22d, including Adjutant George
Graham', and Lietit. Peicanding.
Captain General on the 24th issued a
proclamation, offering quaver to all such of
the insurgents as might surrender within
four days after the notice is published in the
respective districts, and free pardon to those
who should deliver General Lopez to the au
The Spanish loss in the engagement at
Cadalaria would -seem to be large. Let
ters to New Orleans state that an express
train left Havana, with several surgeons, to
attend the wounded Spaniards.
The Patriots were always shot as soon as
Letters say that General Lopez is in a po.
sition to hold out two months.
The ~ .slew Orleans Crescent of Tuesday
morning, publishes a letter written by Col.
Crittenden about a - half hour before his exe
cution,, which says that when he retreated
he had not a single musket or cartridge, and
bat General Lopei has now no artillery.
Andrew H. Mickle, John McKeon, E. S.
Squiers, F. B. Talon, Elijah Purdy, ap
pear in:the New York-Sun, as a committee
to receive public subscriptions to be applied
to the purpose of erecting a - suitable monu
ment'to the fifty massacred prisoners, on the
spot where the infamous butchery was corn
mtued, !cc. Contributions, so we see,
are to take that form, and the Sun adds:
'The following contributions hive been
already tendered : The sum of $lO,OOO by
one gentleman, on the condition that 890,000
more shall be subscribed. Front two gentle
men, jointly, $5,000,,0n the same condition.
Ftmkanother (without condition) $3,000,
and the pledge to raise as much more from s
few friends. From a few Cuban ages, $l,-
500. Front another gentleman, a Cuban
planter to this city, three thousand muskets. -
From another, the muskets and complete
coutrements for ten men, said attic l tu be
dispatched to Ctiba, to aid in arming t pa
triots there. From another, a farm o 150
acres, within fthy miles of New York: rum
another, a good rifle and accoutrements com
plete. The publication of names is withheld
tor a few days, but will soon be made, ex
cept in cases where the contributors may ob.
eel 1"
CO - Ctiaa.--The population of the Island,
analyzed, is thus :
Creole Whites,. 520,000; Spaniards, 35,-
000 ; TrSops and Marines, 23,000 ; Foreign
ers, 10,000 ; Floating population ; 17,000 ;
Free Mulattoes, 118,000 ; Free Blacks 87,-
370 ; Slave Mulattoei, 14,100 ; Slave Blacks,
425,000. 'Total, 1,248,330.
man named Emery, a
boatman, was drowned a than distance
above Mattel, Chunk, on Thursday night last.
He belonget`to South Bethlehem, where he
has a family, and was taken there for inter
Q7' GE'S, CASs.—The Lorokro MIMS peet.F.
ing which was held in Montour county last
week, and addressed by Col—Bigler adopted a
resolution declaring Gen. Cass their choke
for President.
ff. 7 BAYARD TAYLOR started for Europe
in the Steamer City of Manchester, which
left Philadelphia cm Thursday of last Week.
= t.
midis hammer
ing at an anvil, a third blows; the bellows for the
fourth who is:heating a piece of iron in the firer—
Nett in the heel - ground is a woman betting clothes
beside a streak:a, in which a man in a boat is fishing
and ever and anon bobs. at a bite. Beyond the
stream passes a turuptke, over which-all sort , of
animals are cifiestantly moving—dzipeds and quad
rupeds. ;Jim appears • railroad, with two loco•
motives and tbeirtraMs alternately !scampering o'er
the plain.' Then far hack in Jim distance a town
rises to view,-with a French telegraph in motion
on the top of a tower, and hard-by a windmill.—
The scenery is well designed, and well paiiiied.
The figuites move apparently with , ewe. and very
naturally. There are twelve' enossanity in motion.
Trilti id
piece of mechanism was mann
'fizetu id Paris. It was purchased there some
year* ago by a Philadelphian, and removed to this
country. At•bis decease. it tell into the hands of a
Son', who, after much solicitation, recently COP
seined to part with it. Messrs. Brady dr Elliott
haVe purchased it as a regulator in their eitablish
men!. We advise all who are food of novelties to
pay these gentlemen a visit, and after looking at the
French (-lock. do yourselves the pleasure of exam
ining some of the other fine things in their estab
lishment—you can be accommodated with ahnost
any reasonable purchase, rum a "needle to an
lar Foams Mett:t Whig Assoeiatioes.-- , Tbr As
%ocialion met at 'Thompson's Ball, S•pt. 4th.—
Ateeting called to order by ttw President. The
letter', front newspapers referred to the Esectuive
Committee The, Evecut Committee 'reported
what. ttetioti they Gad taken lit referriwe to the fur
ni.hing of the root - 112nd the finances of the Society.
A large number ofnew members Ninon . ) tte Asso
ciation, after which the following officer, were
elected for the present mouth :
President, FRANK POTT, (by acclamation.)
Vier Vre.ittent,—.l,l7m. Fax,. Jamez W. Heatou,
John Cutioun, Jam. S. Erniley, John kehr, Eugene
, Recording Secretary—Howell Fisher.
Correspooding Secretary—E. Richard.
Trea,urer—lames Foebt
The present Executive Commiuee were con
tinued. 'On motion, the Secretary was instructed
to .avite Gen. John K. Clement of Minersvitle,
address the Club, On Wednesday, Sept. 11; Messrs.
E A, Brooke, Howell Fisher; C. Little and D. G.
McGowan each addressed the*Association. On
motion of D. Larer, Esq., the Executive Commit
tee was instructed to report at next meeting a com
mittee °for each Ward of the Borough, to act as
Block Committees. Alter singing
. 11 good
fashioned Whig ‘ung, and giving Three theeriq (or
the whole Ticket--ndiourued.
• .Hownik. Fom.ra, Itec.".Sec'ry,
1 Rubber . . and Rangia..—The Schtiylkill [ri
vet,, Map gives the turnpike a bad name tinder this
litUtt. The ca.e. spoken of are news to us.—
We ropy the articleentire:
•• The turtipiL•e. between this place auilyousville
seems to be infested with it band of daring men,
whose ohiect as yet mutant be aseertnibed Mon
day night lust * week as Mr. J. T. ilrerhbill, of this
place, was riding to Pottsville.. hue in the evening,
a man sprang from the road-side seized I,i• horse
by the bridle, and ordered him to stop : Mr. 8.,
suddenly reigned back. his horse and sparred past
the intruder —Sheriff Straub, we learn; was also
stopped in a very similar manner. Last Saturday
night, as lour ni our Citizen., Were returning from
the Whig Mass Meeting. M a close covered wagon,
their home s bend was seised by two men Some
of the four sprang from the wagon and tried the
California Lynch Law, op in other word• knocked
the ruffians down and •kicked them for falling."
when they were allowed to pass on without further
intrusion. Many more like Occurrences may bare
happened, but these are all that have came to our
Oiirrag, —Mr. ..Im , eptiS. Silver. formt-rly or 1
this Borough, vile. attacked on Thitr.disy, evening
tali, in front 01 the American Hotel, by Mr. Michael
Murphy,,.with a cowhide. severe! person. at
tempted to interfere, when Mr. Murphy . drew a Efe
%Aver and threatened to .hoot any one that at
tempted to lay his hand on him, stating, at the same
time, that he we. justifiable !a what he was doing.
Mr. tell, when *eventl persons'rusbed be
t Ween them, and ended the truce. Murphy ap.
peered to he very much excited, aad there err ca
tion* rumors a. to the cause of the anatik—some of
whieh, we think., are totally unfounded. It was a
dkgraceful affair, and deserves the condemnation
alt law-loving citizens.. A warrant Iles been issued
for the arrest of Mr. Murphy,but, so tar, he has nut
been found.
Aireated.-4. young man or this ilotottgb,
Who has hitherto borne a good characker, Wit'. ar
rested 041 Wednesday evening last, charged, with
altduchng goods from a Store in which he wits tem
*eerily engaged as Salesman. On 'reareb, the
goods were, found at a house to litgh street,
where it War alleged be had conveyed them. The
testimony, however, is of "such a etteracter, that
we forbear giving the 'acct•., of the parties or ,ay
ing anything timber re-peeling the affair, until the
fact. ore legally investigated. Two: women, in
charge of the Onnw where the- goods were dis
covered, were also arrested and committed fur
Er'Military Visit.—The igationdi Gliard 4 ut
We Chester, Cep!. Ri3liteT blWlrit . arrived here
yesterday, by the noon train. They were received
at Mow Carbon, by the Light Inututty, Capt.. Poet,
tied thyWriihingt.on Artillery, Capt. Wonneladorfr,
ar4npanied by the members cif the County Stott
and eworied into town tn the different hOteb., where
lodgings had been engaged foraletn. 'AO aPProPri'
ate ' , elute firer/ ae the ears neared the Depot.—
The debut of ,our cesitem made a most favorable
impre.iiion, by their handsome appeaninoe and well
axeettte%l umuceuver. We hope to have more to
stay about them before they leave.
TNT Reran/ed.—Our young friend, .itetander
.ion of Mi. Samuel Siilymata, of this Ihr:
rough, returned from bra European tour in the last
Strainer. He reached Pottsville on Tbursday eve
ning last, safe and sound, and witb every appear
ance of having fared well during his altsenis.—
Atter remaining some time at the World's Fair, he
vi‘ited France. Gerinany and other interesting
Portions w the rontinent.
rte' We are requested to call attention to the
change of hour of . the Paoenger trains leaving
Philadelphia for Pott , iville. They now leave at 7*
and :11 inntead . of 71 A. M.. and 31 P.' M. ,
' Owing to the *itnitarity of muues of Miss
Allea's "Voting Ladies' Seminary" and that ol'Rev.
Mr. Prior, we were led into an error in noticing
the forma law week. Miss . Allen'irSebtxd aeAsion
commences next Mon Jay. .
ur Bliss was here OQ Wednesday again, on bis
way to Danville and other places in that neighbor
hood He will probably return to Pottsville and
*how u* a few more "tricks' . next week.
Q" A Fair Setsiple.—Mr. E. Bt..aN D has sem us.
*.Toininoe grown in his garden, in this Borough,
which weighs 1 pound, 7 ounces.
Kor Promedings of the .Muldlepirt Whig Club.
—Club met, Tuesday evening, Sept.. 2, at the house
of E. Miller, is the town of Patientoo. Henry
Meyer, President; Isaac Mertz, Secretary.,
The evening being far advaaced the bnairiess
of the Club, ariv.. on motion, diveased with
for the - evening.
D. G. McGowan, Es.q., was introduced to the
Club by the President, who, in ad elegant manner,
addressed the meeting at length, pointing out the
true piaci** of the Whig .party.
Daniel Koch, Esq., being called upon, addressed
the meeting in the German language, setting forth
with force the great importance of re-eleeting Gov.
Johnston, who, during his witnis 'itatration, has re
deemed the fallen credit of oar State.
Henry Meyer, Esq., idso very ably addressed the
meeting, showing how the Locofor..o pay have strayed from the true mouratie principles.
Qe Motion, Amused to ineefoi't Tumidity eve
ning ness,.. Bap. 91h, at 718a:felt; at Kash& Wil
liam. b4&C Marrs, &v.ry.
ar Naitary•—Our now 14 0 6 ok four it has been seated Gov. Johnston is about
VolunteerComponies. The "Talitagina Cavalry " to issues proclamation to the owners , of real
wete inspected last SaiurdaYltiter . estate throughout the Commonwealth that
ward , . visited Hoteti is Hush township. they wed pay
. 00 more
~ taxes, as he intends
They ate a tine looking body of Caen—they were to eolltirtUe to pay the interest on the State
the eolitutatid of Col. Fleo. C. Wystkoop du. Itlabt eat of bis own pocket and ist caie of
rieg the day. An election foe Winne mulled in his /election, 'ultimately lo pay off the ea
the following selections :—Cape. W. W. McGuigan; lint State debt.
Ist Lima John Hendricks; 2d do. H. T. Hughes: We lbould give no credence to this report:
cornet, JaMbOombar. were it not for his Exceileuey's own remarks
The "letrersoa AntUery" were inspected the in his speech at Lancaster, stating that he
gime oilentoo--they 'lumbered about forty Li mn• i bad colleted s less suns froth the farmers by i
hers—their officers elect, are, Captain, W. 13. Lebo; 1 taxes, ditto had been done udder previll ad-
Ist Lie u t. P. W. Ash 2d. do. Miller B r i g ht ;2d 2d ministrations: is the interest on the f blip I
do. Daniel Kaufman . debt has been- regttlarly and prc!piptly Paid ,
mr First Locomotive ever used in the V. and the Governor has colleted so small a sum
States, is still in good running order On the Little front the farmers, the P r24111 - 22 P tim that
Schuylkill Railroad. It was tout i n Liv erp o o l , the Governor has ter
th e is ed
England. by Edward Bury. Al that time it was his own Pcekees [
beingthe ca ta I s
e t .
necessary to send a man from England to pat the be
some slight hope that the rumor:
eng i ne in runn i ng order on the road• It was but 14:1110-gibt-i COIT(?Ct._ we have very little
that the State debt will be paid quite
tw e nty T esta ago that Edward Bury'
engine was 1 as soon as Governor Johnston is re-elected, l
pieced upon our mad. 'Since then,= the Iron track i
has been extended throughout our land : the Germ.
b r eathing of the iron h or se is heard i n almost every The Editor of the investigator tried hard
valley; the ingenuity of oar own filechanies ens- to appear litany, when, he penned the shove,
tiles them to supply our own engines, and even far- , but Unfortunately for • him, there is more
nish them to nations across the. Ocea n . Were truth than pottery" in his attempted mini..
a progressive people. cism. From the table which we to-day pub
. Eli' The cektowil_sa. Raiinwd• — The wore on i dish from the columns of this same paper. it
t ßi hi e s h rciad a „j i i ) 4 4l , 6 ll " l " 44 „o.l s4 ing .:e u b n irr Eu the g Z - r rv .i.t e im g ::. !appears that the taxes on lands and on real
ding, in all probability, will be so far completed this and personal estate have been legs during
Fall, as to enable them to put down a portion of the Gov. Johnston's administration than they
traek, and u ndoubtedly the whole road will he corn- were in 1848 by over Sistrone thousand nob
pleted in a year from the present time. lava, ($61,254 59).
Er One Publie Schools re-opened lam Monday,
after a vacation of two months. It wa s ten ni
gratifying to see the little soverrigns tom 011 1, a'
they did, in their strength, armed with book:, slates.
pens, etc.. the weapons that will prepare the way
for (inure greatness
•ising friench.;'
Centre street,
'reach Chick of
three feriezeSe
and nos three
ith a gilt Imam,
"reads repiaraeo
7p—a groom au-
Irv, the smith
3' wagging ht'
ICS's, GIRO tioTts.
lair The , Miner+rifle Bulletin i+ to be e n l a r g ed
gar Wynkeno, of the Mine Nellie Bulletin, de
notmce4 President Filtainfe for "hie violent and
taingent men urea," adopted toward the Fillibuitterts
and think! , it we, owing to hi, coop*. that Concha,
the Cuban general, dam , to execute tho.e ".11
Ameri-an citizens, and Mr Owen, the American
Consul did not intent-re in their behalf. •IVanieh
character," be add,.. 114 well understood in an,
country. Our diplomatim4 t uideriand if and have
used more than once the threat of our dig to
frighten that cowardly nation into humanity and
national integrity,'—from which we gather, if we
gather anything at all, that it was none of President
Fillmore's business who of our weal to
Cuba—he ought not to have said a word to prevent
them--then if any did go and go themselves into
trouble for meddling with other people's business,
just bring up two or three men-of-war before Ha
vana, and say to the Cuban authorities, "you let
those men alone, they beim* to the 'ToiletStates."
The plain statement of the ease is its own refute-
Lion. The National Constitution, whether right or
wrong, we do not now fop to ihquire, pvsttively
enjoin non-intervention tu the affairs of other
nation, Preident Fillnarire't. ditty %qv ihecriore
plain—be ha. /Whited that duty' in forbidding our
citizene to leave the country for the purpose of
aiding the insurrectionists, and the respoo..bilitv
mu.t DOW re-t with the disobedient.
rffr I 0 of 0. F.—.lco , epli H. Richards,
has been elected by the Lodges meeting
in thrt county "Worthy Dt.trict Deputy Grand
Matter of the I 0 0 F.' of the State or Pennayl-
Writtpr , for the "Jrniror whi t cia
In cleartield's dark green wood, 'ti. there I %rug
In a but made of boards, from the yellow pine tome,
'Twas there I fast printed the "Banner" so true
And floated my ntilg down the water go blue,
Sawing, row awn;, row, o'er the wittersso blue,
'Ake a ratt,man I m floating with my Banner go
But now in the field with Bill Johnston I hoe. ,
I think 111 poor ‘Longrererh, and swear as Igo,
For I've caught a Tartar—to the people he's true.
And he'll row me, I tear, up Saltßiver so blue,
Singing, row away, row, up Salt River so blue,
With friend Jimmy, I'll float, if the people prove
With my hat decked in mourning—with friends at
the oar,
I fear, I shall ride up that bleak stormy shore,
Where friend Lewis erzidea—stnee Zech Taylor so,
Rowed toy old Loco friends, up halt River so blue,
Singing, row away, row, up Salt River so blue,
With poor Lewis hoard. and his Salt River
Yrs. the storm of October will sweep me away.
So far from my friends, that I'll there have to stay,
Unless the Whig ship. with her Banner so blue.
Shall take me in tow up Salt River so blue,
Singing, row . array, row, sip Salt River blue,
Like poor Longstreth, float, in my broken
liar what d Pewisylvaniivi ' a ye of oc
We find in the North American of ,he 19th,
a letter from Baltimore. The writer says he
is "a Democrat, and has been one from the
good old days of Jackiion Jown"—that he is
no politician, and that the o , y vote he ever
cast for President was in , 836, when he
voted for Mr. Van Buren. le is a Pennsyl
vanian by birth, and still co riders this State
his home. Ile talks of thee proaching elec.
tion :
"The present struggle in ennsylvania I
regard as of the highest mom nt in its 'bear
ing on the future prosperity.of\ e State and
~ it,
of her citizens. It was my f tie to be
abroad during those disastrous y ns which
followed the suspension of the p yrnent of
the interest on her immense debt. Odium I
heard everywhere heaped - upon h r name,
until at length her sons blushed to knowl.
edge a mother whose fame and haracter
were as precious to them as thei own.
Those who passed, as I did, through an or.
deal of so much obloquy—in a measure, it
must be confessed, not altogether without
justification—can never look back upon it
with other feelings than those of mortifica
tion and regret, and will instinctively shrink
at. he bare idea of witnessing a return of the
same deplorable condition of things. The
grear, and, in fact. the only question, after
all, involved in the present content, is the
financial good character of our always honest
and now debt-pay ing Comtnonwealth. Other
issues which have beet made by interested
partizans are swallowed up in this.
If Gov. Johnston is again chosen by the
voice of the people to sway the destinies of
the State, the restored and well-sustained
credit, character, and confidence of the last
three years, are the best omens for the future.
Thefaithful exertions of one man—his watch- ,
MI care and economical management of her
finances—the prestige of his unsullied integ.
dip; inspiring hope and reliance around—
these qualities and efforts have once more
placed Pennsylvania on that broad platform
of honesty and trustworthiness, from which
nothing but the moat incompetent statesman
ship ever could have thrust her. Re-elect
the p resent Executive, and her course will
still be onward and upward, until the heavy
bunben left' us as a legacy by his predeces
sors, shall be reduced within r e asonable
Now, Messrs. Editors, while Intl political
principles are very decided,l am no politician;
the only vote I ever cast for President was in
1836, when I voted for Mr. Van Buren. In
examining the question now agitating our
State, I have aimed at attaining an haws:
and candid solution of it. It matters not to
me whether an Executive, who may be fair-'
Iv sanl to have plucked up. the "drownihg
honor" of the Commonwealth by the locks,
is a(so-styled Whig or no. All I look aC is
the good of the State. While_ parry prepos
sessions urge me to vote for Mr. Bigler, be.
cause be is a Democrat, a regard to the wel
fare and reputation of the State says vote
for Mr. Johnston, because be has proved
himself the man of the crisis. The danger
is not yet over ; but when it is, it will be
time enough to commit the helm to less able
and more inexperienced hands.
Themost disastrous event that could hap
pen to Pennsylvania at the present time,
would be the election of the Democratic ems
didate. So thinking, I intend to make a jour
ney of one hundred miles next fall, to cast my
vote for Mr. Johnston, the tried, true, and
faithful friend of his State. -
They who love Pennsylvania, and are
proud to see her mutation once more with
out a stain, will vote for Gov. Johnston
those, on the other hand, who think meanly of
her, and wish to strike everywhere, cancan
their suffrages for Mr. Bigler.
sY 'ITR-1 WS.—lin II
Air—••Guw Tree Canor
Omani Memo.
Cuba.—This island is 624 miles in
lenghth, with an sierage width of about 60
miles, containing an area of 37,000 square
miles, and a . Population of 1,500,000. The
value of its agricultural productions in 1849 4
was $62,781, 035; The exports during the
same period were $27,380,921: or which
$8,700,224 were tp the United States. Its
imports during the same period, were $26,-
708,343 • of which $8 , 280,214 were from
the United States. The amount of American
tonnage employed in the trade with the Is
land, during the same period, was 501,267
tons. The total amount of taxes levied upon
the American commerce with the Island, in
the shape of duties upon import., tonnage
duties, and duties upon exports, exceed $4.-
000,000 inaually. There are 359 miles of
railway in operation on the Island. Of the
$27,000,000 of annual imports according to
official documents, $16,000,000 are in provi
sions, loather, fabrics, materials, Sae., which
I the one or the other of the United States could
furnish more readily than any other country.
hut, through the taxes and restrictions im
posed by Spanish policy, not more than one
, third of it comes from the fields and factories
of the United States.
--- The Insult to the Falcon. —The Wash
ington Republic has been inforined that upon
the American Consul at Havana calling on
the Captain General of Cnba.!and complain
ing to him of the firing updrt the steamer
Falcon, the latter expressed his regret,. and
said it should not occur again : that it had
now probably taken place in thonsequence of
the Spanish -vessel's having akiew command
er, who bad recently come to Havana, and
did not know the Falcon. The firing shots
ahead of; the Falcon was pot necessarily ei
ther an insult or an aggression. It is a mode
frequently resorted to by cruisers for the pur
pose of inquiring, into the character and ob
jects of a suspicious.- vessel. If it turns out
that she is a lawful vessel, bound oat lawful
voyage, an explanation is made, and the ves
sel is suffered to proceed on her voyage—oth
erwise she is detained. The fact of the Fal
con having •displayed her national colors,
does not alter the case, as the showing of
false colors is a stratagem generally resorted
to for the purpose of avoiding capture.
County Mires in lowa.—Under' the
new code in lowa, the County Judge is the
most important official in the. State, having
not only the county businessto attend to. At
the late election the Whigs elected Judges in
Jefferson, Van • Buren, Mahaska. Keukuk,
Muscatine; Scott, Jackson, Davis,Lion, Jones,
Delaware, Holk, Louisa, Marion, and Dallas
counties. The Locotoco elected their midi-
dates in Lee. Dee Moines, Henry, Washing- I
too, Wapello, Dubuque, Cedar, Johnson,
Monroe, and Warren counties. The bal. i
lance nl the officers"chosen at -this election are
about equally divided.
—Narcisco .Lopez, whose recent exploits
in the cause of Cuban independence have
rendered his name sufficiently familiar atnimg
all classes, was born in Venezuela, and is
about 51 years of age; his father was a_weal
thy landed proprietor; but lost nearly all his
estate in the revolution in his native country.
and afterwards engaged in commercial sper.
ulations. General Lopez was bred a soldier
from boyhood, and has distinguished himself
in many a battle; but his Cuban career has
et to make or mar his fortune.
—Aid to Cuba.—The Secretary of the
Treasury received on Monday telegrohic de
spatches from the Collertor at New Orleans.
stating that 2000 men were waiting there
ready to embark f ur Cant. Without being
apprised of the nature of the reply vouchsa
fed to the Collector in these 4 remises. the
Republic ? has reason to believe that he-was
duly informed that, if the said 2000 raen_
should debark under the circumstauces; cer
tain officers of the United States would be
held responsible.
The Christian Witness saus : There
are' eighty churches in which the holy com
munion is celebrated weekly in London :
there are fifty-four churches iol which daily
public prayer is performed, and in thirty-four
of these thereare two services daily. In five
hundred and sixty four churches in England
and Wales. the daily service is performed.
and in seventy-eight of them it is a choral.
Feminine Snffrage and Drani-shops. -.-
At the "Wowan's Rights Convention" lately
held at Akron, in Ohio, Mrs. Swisshelm,
ediiress of the Pittsburg Saturday . Visiter,
while objecting to several propositions before
the Convention, said that women ought in
have the right of voting upon the question
whether dram-shops should be prohibited
or nor.
Singular Coincidence.—The mother of
George Pharaoh, hung at West Chester, Pa.,
on. Friday, 29th nh., was sister to Jabez
BoydJ who was hung at West Chester on the
21st of November, 1845, for the murder of
Wesley Patton, a lid. Pharaoh was hung
Oa the same gallows, and with the same
An Undertaking.—Telegraphic wires
are to be stretched across the Straits of Canso
from Nova Scotia to Cape Breton. The
distance terms is about halt a mile. It wilt
require some sit or eight weeks 4o complete
the work, and it is espected- to cost from
.C6OO to .£BOO. •
—The Washington National Monument
now 96 feet in height, With a force of 60
mechanics constantly emp . loyed therecin. A
car drawn by a steam engine frequently con
veys visitors toihe top of the structure. fr om
which a beautiful view of the ten miles
square may be enjoyed.
Good Luck.--Charles Keith, of Gib..
son township, Susquehanna county. Pa..
paid a visit to California, a short time since,
remained about two month, and returned
with the round sum of 54600-
- The emnp meeting at Red Lion, Del l '
a week or two ago, was perhaps the large;
ever held in that , section of the country.—[
Fairly estimated, there were 10,01;10 persons
on the ground.
A writer defending the Bloomers, in
a recent letter says the fact has been revealed
that women is a forked animal, and is not
as she seems to be, • a churn on castors.'"
Long Rest. —A farmer near Warren
ton, Vs., is fallowing a piece of ground
which has been in grass tor the last sixty
—An Editor in Muse gives notice
that "there will be no paper this week," as
his wife is using the scissors to half seat his
trowserloons with.
--- The Seal of the. South Carolifia State
Rights'Association is a singlestar, and over it
a kalimoon.
It is sold iliac the law, in California,
licensing gaming tables, will obtain 174 the
State Treasury about $75,000 annually, •
the visitors at Sault St Marie,
-1- He that seeks double, it were a pity
miss it.
is a miserable sight to see it poor
i, and a rich malt avaricious.
tit:mister General Hail is u& New
ALL MEDIETMEM. Mumld ha prepared by I UPI --
elan. ,Pr. J. BORE'II Celebrated Portly. Medi
elnes, prepared rt.
by Minitel f. st- his talaratory, pen..
del g ana.Pa: t ' • ''. . t
. Dr. J. ri•Salie Is art honorary member of the-Phila
delphia Idedical , society, and graduated. la DIM tram
the V alversity of Pennsylvania. under the guidance of
the truly eminent Professors. Physic*. Chapman. Gib
son. VW. James. and Eittee—names celebrated for
Medical aciencr -.and hulas lad daily Intercourse dtid
committal°, with thosi..dlattagulabeit phystebbs. le-
opeetlag diseases of ell %lades and the proper remedies
therefor. and arias solkited by -thousands of his
!tutus ti ' pat sip its preparations-he sow offerwto Atte
pablk, as the result% of his experience for the past
thirty yeare.• the folloMing Valuable Fatally I, Medi
. eines, each one suited to a speCific disease i ,
E. pectorant or Cough Syrup, for Coulb.s.-Colds,Cort-
I sum n. Asthma . Bronchitis , and all Lung diseases.
It care, ptton when taken hi time. In 50 rents
1 tad 111,bottlee._ •
• Alterstive or Bionit-Parifyer. for Scrofula. Old Erup
t Dons, and all diseases arising from an inmate state of
lshe Blood. or s Consultation impaired by the 'use ol
:Mercury. 1111 per bottle.l
1 Carminative Balsam, far fitaki•;Chtslem - Alotttns.-
1 !towel Complaints, sod Dysentery. 45 cents. I
Verinifuge or Worm-Ellk.r.• safe. sure. and reliable
3 e speller of Worms. cents. ,
Alterative or Fam i ly Pills, for Liver rotoplainis,
Dyepepola. and Indigestion. %Scents •
Golden Pills. for Falling of the Womb. Female Weak
nom. Debility. and Reis sat Mo. 50 cents.
Female Pills, a valuable remedy for Female coat
i plaints. Superior to lloopers Pills. 25 eclair-
Rheumatic Compound. an Intelsat remedy for Rhea. •
suatirso.either acute or fluorite. 50 esots. - i •
. Dyspept ic Compound, a cure cure for flyskpels„tis
Iteoustut aof ;weenies can testify. 50 tent,. j
Magic Linlinent,for Itheamatlam•Tooth-acheps a Ina
and all pains earthy body. !Scent..
Tonic Mixture, for Chilli, Fees ra, aud general deblil.
ty• A never-ailing remedy. 50 cent..
Compound Extract of thichu, foi all diveases oldie
Kidneys and Bladder. 50 cent*. .
croup Syrup. This remedy is never known to fail,
and saved tbonsa rids of children.. 15 rents ! .
T le. to prevent Baldness. &r. flighty re-
I commended by the late Dr. Physiek. 50 wa
Astringent nalluctrid, for Spitting Blood.
le Flooding.
; end all Bloody Discharges. 50 cents. " ; .
Nervous Cordial; for all Nervous cantitione of the
System. fieuralgia.lka. far. 50 rants. . ,
Pile Ointment-; will cure in from IS to lit spplica
-4 lions. 50 rent..
Eye and Teeter (liniments. Sure remedies:. 45 cents.
Eye Water and Strengthening Pla , ssters. I Superior
to all other.. 95 cents.
For sale at B. BA SINAN'S Bnokstohe ~,, \ '
N V .—Tbe - Stale Mutual Lire insurance Coiripany.''
at liarrisbucg. whose advertieemont will be found to
another column of this paper, It will be observed, Iv
one of the most successful and flourishing ingthations
of the Rind now in existence In ibis or any other tattle
to the Union. Tilts Coast/say was chartered at the
lain preceding !marina of the I,exi•slainre, and has now
been In bppratlnn bat about two yenta. and has alrea
dy urgumnlated a'rapital of more than 41125,000, after
the payment of several heary I oases •- f)ailitAmerican.
In addition to these manifest &denatures, it will be
seen that the Company is chartered upon the mutual!
I principle, and that ronsequently. Whatever may be
rae7fzrpte,tr err ura
r efuted, the actual losses is all
ailed upon to contribute. a ter
( fain rate of premiums, about equal, or perhaps leas
, than t hat le vied by 'toe It companies genemitydr origl-
Daily exacted; bur the capital thus created is safely
and profit/big invested, and the c lea( profit* d it tabu ted
at the end of the year, or oftener. if the directors mar I
so determlne.betweeu the parties insured, 'stewarding
to the amount of premium paid in.
The officers of this C',.mpany are gentlemen of the
I highest reapeetacility and worth; and their well.
known chnr.mter for uprightness and probity is an
I ample guarantee that all the alterations 'of tbe Compa
ny %ill be conducted with scrupulous fidelity. Cap
-I..iu J.A. P. Rutherford, the .President, is, too well
known In this community to require any recommends.
I !inn from us; and Mr. nillatt • the Sec:Mart% Is not
I only I yonng man oftried and sterling integrity, but
I from his thorough lineu-as habit., and tong and active
expericneeas agent Mr one of the oldest and most
popular companies in the Linton, would be an It:vela
' able siqulsltton to any Astitution of the kind. We
Ican cheerfully and heartily command this company to
property-holders In every section as a safe and cep
, nomicat medium of insurance. .
roNstiNirrioN CURABI.E.—Id the yeat 1820.
When Dr. J. 14 ROM received his diploma- front the
bald, of the only treat PrOrIOLOOTO of the university
er Pennsylvania, be was tostrueted by them On com
mon tellb other students,) to go forth and add. to.
slier, change or improve. until be could nay, there is
no disease he could not conquer." Comintapr At.
that time was considered Incurable; but the nirClP
tive 'mind of Dr. nose was soon put its motion for
some new mode of treatment far that lion of diseases.
The result has astonished the timid 'With the aid
of his breathlna tube. he enlarges the air cells and
the enrol:dials to the lunge rendered free t. and by the
oar of his cough Syrap or Expeetorant lien enabled
to remove sureness and allay indaaitnatihn of Ale air
cells of the MOO. Dr. floor., from bin extensive prac
tice of thirty years In the city of Philadelphia. has
preoired a few remedies which are unequalled in the
world. Consumption, Scrofula, Dyspepslaltheunia
imn. and Indeed every farm of disease, vanishes on.
der his treatment. For sale by 8. fIANNAN.
HOVER'S WRITING INK.—" We are opposed to
all kinds Puffing," in the dipirativo 'getter of the
term. Whether in the notice of a book; or anything
else. we have a repugnance to give it e. fulsome adu
lation, or to recommend it in any way 41 ell, unlPPffi
we honestly believe it worthy of favor. ,
.• We have again furnished ourselves with a keg of
Meer', Black Writing. Ink, and when we say that
this is nut the first or the second keg that has been
procured from Mr. Mover, the ankle may be consid
ered as being endorsed •• good" by us, otherwise we
ghould nor have ',twinned fir use for thee: six or sew;
eu yPet!. part. Others rosy nave their preferences in
flvor of different snantiGcttiree, and we are toile
with,'" that they .auj,.y those feerttrps (rave And
.crept thuse of our rerrexpendouts.who iennetimee Int
pa, that loathsome Blue stuff upon u•, which Is not
tit to be used ;) for our own part. we continue the
manufacture ot Mr.llover. whose Ink is not only clear
and black, but does not clog and conglomerate our
pen, as some otherwise good Wks do."—Gsrataa Re
ferused Ckawiterraser, Pa. •
PILES—This distressing complaint proceeds front a
stint of pioper eviction of the bowele.;..The foul Au -
roore.iorteact of being thoroughly r•zpelled from the
body, are barE prattle so; a portion being left as it
weir at the thre.thold, is the rause of that vit.:minor
complaint railed Piles and is frequeritly neglected
until it riot+ Into I a - more horrid form of disease
to IA Floluhr
Wright's Incline Vegkatilr Pill 4, uf . the Nairn
American College of Health." nrir a grow and natural
remedy tor the above,complaint. becalgse they effec
tually elegant. the body flow those tambid hnniori
which are not only the cause of Piles, but of every
Malady incident to man.
Brawl suartsim. "The genuine in for vale by
T. F. BE Arri dr. Co., a. O. BROWN, and D. N
Len, pansvoic ; and ht the Agents given in another
embalm Whaled:et. Office, 169 Race !Orem Phila.
a.Narlicla AcIENTIPie WONDER !--iNpOßT
alit Dyspeptics —br. .1. S. Houghton's' Pepsin, Tess
Mostert Eli d or fissittie Juice. prepared (ram Ren
net. or the Fourth Stomach orth.eog, after directions
or Rama Liebig the great Physiological chemist. by
J S Houghton, M. U., Philadelphia. This I only
woodi.rful remedy for IltdiXP.lloll Dispepsia, Jaun•
dire, liver taiinptsint, entisalpation and Debility, ca
ging. niter own method, by , Natore'e own
agent, the Casirte JuLe. Pamplilets.erititalning Scien
tific evider re or us value. fitrniahmt by agents gratis.
See notice among the medical adgertigerriehts.
‘illmoning Cough clihny Pulmonary Mint tionn,woilid
du o oil to proem...Porno of lin:4oi' Riper want. It to
o palatable. opordy nod certain remedy. Are Arlyrr-
Moment in another column.
Wheal Floor, tall $5 03 flr'd ItrariVP plied *3 00
Ityr do do 3Sb do do linpat'd 175
Wheat. bn , tl,l , 5 aOO Or'd appleo paired 145
Rye, do .115 [Eggs. dung, 11
Corn. do 65 Butler, ' - 53
Oats, do 3S' Shouldeiv:'
Pot Talle 3. do 62rim*.
Timothy Revd. IRS liar, tau
Clover do .1 00 Floater.
In Otto Raping* on the 89th nit., hy . Rev. David Has
ringer Mr. MOSES MIRY, of Tuetttnta, to Mtst HAN
NAH FAIVAT, daughte, or Mr Jacob raost, of Maho
On the 17th ult., by Rev. C. r. ANKL
rf CR ACKER to Moot LAVISIA REPPEOT. bntli of
Port Clinton. In hilt county.
In Tremont, ots the 030‘ ult.. Mrs. ANNA 00D
FRI:ir, mother of Thompson 4. Godfrey, Eeq., aged
62 mile.
on the srm uit . nest Orwtgenutg, Mies ROBAM,NA,
dang hirer of Mr. Igaike Fried. aged 16 Tema.
1u Trenton. N. J. on the TO nit, of chrome mar•
hoe contracted during the campafoldezleo, in Mr.
eoIIN 0. GagENE,of the Fires Reg. Penn Volunteers,
aged 12 yeatti.
LY byteriaa Muck will tw beld In Bilebter's Ilan,
tomorrow morning and evening. at the aerial boars.
Rerakont by the Rev. J. E. Brorkwsl, of Brooklyn,
-New Intl(
thin Church, cinder the care of Rev. D. T. Carla
ban. will be open every dabbarh at Ni o'clock A. M.
and S t l o'clock P. M. The public are t respectfully lir.
wed to attend.
_ .
1 6' —The foliowing Resolution: hes been passed by
the' Vestry of Trinity Cbutch, Pottsville.
Resoled, That in consideration of the corns COD
inbuted and to be contributed as donations to the erec
tion sed furnishing of the church edifice; the vestry
do hereby wet apart, and aPpropriate..FlFTl-LIGUT
PEWS,Which shall be, and rennin locator all persons*
who may desire to worship in the Church. These
pews are located as follows:
North side, No. I 11, 119, 127, 135, 143, 131. $59.
South side. No. 112, MO, 121 136, 144, 152.100.
North side, No 1,7, 13, 19,15. 31. 37.4 3 , 31. 33.64,33.
South side, No. I, 8, 11,10, 26. 32, 38.4 4 . 60 , 3 2.
South .ide, No. 56, 57. 58, 60 74. 3 0 . 3 , 8 % 08,10 4,110.
North side. No. 59. 67.79, 79 85, 91.97. 103,109.
DIVINE SERvICE is held lo the Chuith eves7srun_
day . Afersief Serous room 10; tech:wk.--
Rodin. Strew commend* at 7 o'clock.
dealrlng Lois or Graves io Odd Fellow's CAMP
erv.sander the direction of the Committee of -Miners'
Lodge, Na. '2O. POSt}l/ We. Will apply to John S.
Mania, David K. Mock. Eeq , or John .1. Jones:
lase 21, 1851 15-Btti
ivr vi s iting ani Wedding Cards Eng,* d printed
in gde latest style*• by leaving taetr orders se Ban oases
cheap firkak sod-variety Atari. .staples van be
'won rarda prinill (rim Plates at abaft
deatt tag Lou. or Gravei in Mount Laurel Ceme
tery. under the direettoo of tee Vestry of Trinity
church, Pottsville, will apply to Andrew Russel. or
E. 0. Parry. Ewan
building lots in the stoat eenttal part of the Dot
ough of Pottsville. lately laid out on the Greenwood
Estate, are onw offered formal*. Apply to
for4be owner., at his °Mee in Mattantando Bt.
Pottsville, Kay i, IBM ' • 18-1 f
L` in the Tcakto plot corner of Chambers and 31stiaa
tango streets, limas 60 feet (root on Nalthatahgo
efinet,and in depth resoles to Church Appty
Jan. A. 1850
TVIT 113.1b1C111111,111D . / - 17BBAUT1P131. ARTICLIB
0, Weaver Combo, width will besold low b
BUDY & .00TT. 1850 ' 04%
li - inaLtiffrnliffifeffrOP THE ..qt . OUNG
%.1 Lobes' Semistalq." Cantor street Pottsville are
respectfully informed tbattbe Mules of said Institute
will be mimed on tfortdap,B4tptetober 8. 1851.
iIiAICCIA M. ALLEN. Pilocipal.
September 6, UAL 3,11
Law,. Platteville, SOIBOBIII county, Po. tlifire,
In Ventre street, opposite the Ametican Howe.
M5B SI. 18511111-li
-wer 4tits astthhduwtaaruatT*Sta.rottmrMillO.4tbe
one lately occupied by Dr. Thom. Bradt.)
Potumille, March 15,1851 114 f
WaLvaion Arroltrity
at Law. Pottavllle.Schlaylailleouoty, Pa. Office
is Ceuta PIMA, nearly opposite - the plum' Bank.
„bit. a. 1551 - 1-ly
Tretringill, Schuylkill County, Pa.
Tremont. April tt, INSL 117-0.
wail. COOPIPA,
attotalei at Law. Pottsville. Mica In Cent!' S.
a few doors 'East of the "Ptaasylvaala UMW Mc
Pooper will attend at all the Coons,
Po/fiat/le, Dec. 7, 1850
N EW 31WRIC..soggos j'
" But where art Thou 11` .
" I've something sweet to tell V.,11...
I've a home in the Valley—ens to Glee me • Cot In
the Valley I Love. ..
• &ten Growing Iris, Mien- •
Mary Avournen, hash Ballad.
[ When ibou art Nigh. , .
Ihe Bag of Gold. :tong and Chorus '
Lonely and Sad.
The Mountain Daley, with Print. .
Limy Gray.
`The Bay of Naples.
One Parting Word
- I'm only Slxteen, with Print
The Child'ii wish. -
Come where the Fountains play.
WHY wasp Lady—by S C. Foster.
Ring de Maw —by author of •-• Nally wis a Lady r '
Ben Bolt, or "Oh don't you remembet
Gum Tree Canoe .
I would not dle In winter ,
. Nate Moore,
Deem not and Say not;
Can me Pet names , - . .
- The wandering Bird
. Italian Lovers Wail; • -
Mercedes Waltz.
Swiss Cottage Schotttacit:
la Colima. .
[ Album Walla-'
- Lonls Second Waltz.
My Happy Night Waltz." •
The Late Schottisch. with splendid Diumlortt..n
Silver Rin Waltz.
'The Silver Rill Polka.
Album Polka.
Sophlen Polka
Undine Polka. = .
Crete Coeur Polka
Sit vtv-Star ostop.
Botdeins.Gallopade, by Mixs id.. Thompson
Bordeaux Gallopade, Ditett., arr. by 8..11. tignoski.
,3eminisry Quickstep.
CiVeliingion's Grand Mnrch.
Le Rave, by W. V. Walser.
Con:dreamy' the Rye. with ear., by W. V. Wallace;
Alpine Melody. - do
Seottlwhe Melody, , do
Marche Militeri, " do
Romance from the Opera of Matilda, do
La Mementos Mazurka. ' do
B.ouvenler de Vienne Mazurka, • '', do
Farewell to the Nightinele, Dedicated to Mlle:
Jenny Lind. by Charles M. king.
Alan a-floe assortment of Muelt arranged it Tumuli
for Flute and Piano.
Just received and for sale at B. BANN AN'S
Cheap Bonk ani Music Stone, Centre St . Pottsville
N. B. Music ant on hand win be furnished to order
fi in 10
14 50
. next 000 t to the Penn. Hall._
June 41,1851 Wly
lATANTE.D.-- At the Clover 11111 Mimeo, In Chet
, terlield county, near Rithmond, Virginia twenty
MIMIRS to dig and blast Coal. The .coal le Rita
inistoutrand easily dug. From one to two dollars per
day ran be easily realized. It is preferred to give the
work by contract, either in small or large parcels.
JAMEII 11. COI, President,
Clot er Hill Chesterfield Mining Cu•
Sept 8, lE3I. 36-tf
three Female Teachers, to take -:charge of the
Public nthoolo to Kest Norwegian Disttiet. Nose
need apply unless fully Competent to teach the serious
branches of an English education. An examination
of applicants wit/ take glare at the Halloo! Mow, I.t
Port Carbon, on the 49th of September, at 1 o'clock.
P All The. Schools will open on the let of October.
Address (poet-paid) J. B. SESINGER. etec'y.
. Port Carbon, August 30, 1851, 35-4
ItiIDDY, about 35 year of age, originally from the
Towalaiid of Glebe, Parhiti of Clonumanyr,,Coonty of
Galway. Ireland; and who. when fast heard Prom, was
employed on the Public Works, near Charleston, Vir
ginia. Any Infoimatior in relation to him, addressed
by mail to the subscriber, his brother, Port Cuban
Post °Mee, Schuylkill county. Pennsylvania, will be
thankhilly received. Virginia papers please copy.
Augers 30, 1951. 3.t0
and ttso Male Teachers are warded 14, lake charge
of the ?obit Relotoia to the Dorou i ,h of et.tioyllitit
Haven. Applicatlone will be received up to the 40th
of deaterobor. The Achools will often the .1.2 d of :rep
teitiher None hut p. route of geko4 Worel character.
and fully competent need apply. Addrese
N. DICKSON, Ree'y of the Board.
Schuylkill Haven, Anima 30. 1851. • 35-31
11 1 1EACHE lILISW A NT.ED.—Se wen Principal
•nd Two Asslstareachool Teachers are wasted
to Blythe District la this county. Applicants will
west fur examination at New:Philadelphia, oti Thus,-
ilsy the 11th at Heptember,at 9 O'clock A.N. Terms
.30 a stonth far sir months to the Principals
By order nf the Board, . . .
Aug 23. 1851
V V a coatidine, well situated in Western Virginia
Etherience' in Mining and references of the highest
charnel - ft required. Address. New Vork City Post
entire, Boa 3406, stating quallficat ions
Aug. 2, Jan 31-if
in sortie out door business, by a young men now
*mini , as book Keeper in a large wholesale COMAS.
elan stare in the city. II required the best of city ref
erence will he given. addresa B. BA NNAN, Pottsville:
JUDI! 21. 1251 23-
handed Nail Kegs, in good ordel with tither one
or two beads
Der. 14.1850 • . 50-1(
And employment at the Tamaqua Iron Works
Itlmmediate application Is Tad,. .
I'. R. & E. K. SMITH.
Tamaqua, F 'b. 1.1d51 d-tf
k t • A NYE 0.- —A GOOD KLACiiiiiidEill %Sea
l' I ? ad in 11w (Mach manufactory of Philip Riffs. In
Third stre.t.
Pottsville. august au, 16511
11 11.. Pottsvitly
Aug 2, IBM
5r Bt' t_flfiber rustouiers •t the Frebrosn's Hall. Pons
Ville Schuylkill county, waiter, 'they can be ac
commodated with comfortable board nod lodging on
reasonable terms. fits bat Is supplied with the best
Miter, Ale, Cider, avid all kinds of temperate drinks
the season can atioid. Th. house Is situated lu the
most healthy and airy p! the Borough. All the
dinerrot Stage I.lnra ni the Coal Helton man from
npraile his house. The house is diked up In a style
not envy surpaesed in beauty and neatness He pledges
himself' to use all,hisereninne in making those com
fortable who give him a call.
B air d, per w eek, g 4.50. • Single meals. 183. Buda,
14}. No charge for luggage
THOMAS 11. (lOW Affil.
Pottsville, March I, MI
APSAGO CHEESE, soLooNt riarshmes,
tor Pngar Cared llama. •
Choice Green and Black 1 . 042
Owego ,
stn prepared Corn. for puddlOrty .
Gerken. celebrated Farine.
Smoked Tineues„
Fresh Figree, &c., not received by
Pottsville. ty 44,1851
13 the st. Clair Depot, a ,large congignment from
Baran & Co., consiatlnaor
for sile at the 81 Clair Depot. by ;
N. B. Alway, on bald, and lot sale • superior ar
ticle of Miners'YMl,whlch will be sold low.
lone ft 1851_ 44-rf
' 1 HE NEW DEPOT—For Pottery mad. at tbe
1 Brockville worts la ternneed fromi'llver's Ter
ror,. in East Norwegian street a leer yarn! East of the
Mount Carbon Railroad. Storekeepers and others
are regno.ted to call and Inspect the
oNn h an d.
F. 1101)fidO,
April It lE4l 15-tf
'tumult:ton tot or sugar Cared 11.11)1S and
8110IULDERA Ja►t received from the paeten—
thn►e who wear a good amide In that tine, tsif please
rive us a fail. Also a Very hue Ravaged Black Ten
that we can recommend.
MIS. 9.1851 Met
Diu corrsts.-so Bap Rio Coffee assorted
a, qualities Just received and for sale very to for
coal at Oliver Terrace, Wholesale Grocery tr. Prairie.
ion Booms, Centre Street. C. J. DOBBINS,
Pottsville. A ug. 43. ISM 344 f
Ersissio svosac—so Barrels Reaped
I< Sugars of various qualities. lust reeelvtd aad
will be sold cheap, to which tbe attention of the trade
is requested. • C. J. DOBBINS. Ast.
Pottsville. Atte. 22.1831. 34.11
DitarP-454.1 brts eland & &vetlees elm Sugar
JJ Cored Beef, In yellow bur. in aloes and for sale
by VASIL T. WILSON. 8 A. Water al
Phllsda., 11.11
Aria Pbill's ems sugar rated Hama, in
yellow bags. in store and for pale by
CHAS. T. WILSON A d Wisest.
July 31, 1351 30-if
ESOI4IIIII 111161;11Wifit
A very superior smile Sea ;
jam rerrire4 and f r salt. by
Pottsville, May 14. 18M 21-If
11.100na. COFFEE—A OR
Lvi va mp s m o cha elate, just received from New
York. by, J. M. 811.41TT & EON.
Portorklis. Hay 34 . /454 24-if
• A%—Very choice fitteerel eqd
I fur gale by 1. hi szyrry k SON
March 19, 1851 3•tF
vx , rruk 9VOMfa
E.e article, fortale by I M BIgATTY & iSON
Match 90.1851 Stf
day School Libraries ail of which will be sold at
Publisher's prkes.
Liberia* Peddirled by the SuLlav School Union.
650 Vols. 1117 50
100 do Nos I. and I each - 10 00
100 do , 5 00
50 do \ H 000
Published by the Episcopal . Sunday School Buten
100 Volume Library, f 010 00
We will /We a donation of 110 to the purchasers of
the Soil named Library.
AU Made of Sands, Sr hoot Books fin presents:
ilYtoll Hooke. Question - Books Spellers: Pt Wiest, Bi
ble Dictionaries. Thrifts. sic.
NA Umlauting. 150 Bibles, all of which will he
*old at *lnto° prices at B. SANNAN' ft
Cheap Book and Stationery Store
All ORDERS for BOOBS not on band, °Wilted
to Greet ettinion prices et very abort notice.
- - -
N - 10411524.—Lettera of Admintsitation of the.E.s
tate of GEORGE CRIIII3IIAN. late
grovetownstdp, Set uytkill ciousty. dee'd., haring
been slanted to the undersigned by 'the Register at
-Wills. Ike.; of Schuylkill smuntyl All nelsons in
debted to the estate are requested, to nakke
ate payment, and those having lalms against the
same to present them authenticate for settlement
ktsgll3,lBsl 44-31* I Administrators.
lil9ellieriT/0151 OP PARTNERSHIP.—f tie
Sel' Partnership heretofore esisfilit between Ho, 0 0 .
detsigned, under the lion of RAUSE lk WINGERT ,
bas this day been &evolved by funtnal eonsent Alt
persons knowing themselves indebted will Weiss ;•,,,4
end make settlement, and save cost.
Tremont, Amg.l. 1851 31-8 t
meat No. 'I has been made Iby the Director% of
Lycogdzig County Mutual Insatiate Cormisny, on a ii
Premium notes la force, on the 25th day of April 1351,
midearly payments of tlicrealue are Patttrntarly regni r .
ed, that the claims of stare:en may be prom paid
Receiver Rif the County of Schuylkill.
Pottsville July 151. 1851
44.3 m
NltTeict`'. — .N.°Z:!,;:,,,"? . .,"„lyuYn.'n'l'terepiplit;
to the Legislature at the nest BeSolon, for a Charter
of a Rank of Dis :cunt and Llepoilt, to be located In
the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county. Pa, to
MAQUA," with a Capital of Two Hundred manly
Thousand Dollars. with the privilege to Mesmer the
Capital of mild Bank to Five Hundred Thousand Dol
Joseph Houghtwout Johh K. Smith,
William 8 Lebo, John Harlan,
A. L. Bougliner, Peter Aurand,
.ALichaet Beard, trtuarlre Bennett.
Richard Carter, Maher' Ratcliffe.
14 Mortal - troth, John Ilewirkks.
Tamaqva. June ls. 1151. I Mem
fpo w offbCOltir aAt 1
j will be received by the Riffle/
Railroad Company fora supply a
year 1851. Specifications may in
to 11. Al. Walker. Mount Carbon.
Wood Agent, Acheylkill Haven.,
Feb. 15,,1451 I 7af
-1.11 BRO. who wish to purchasellots In Trevormn, at
private sale. will find an Agent du the Premises, OM
th e town of Shamokin. Labor 1111 the Railroad will
he taken In payment of lots. fine half the waves of
the taboret,. sill be advanced inicash.
Di al BOVD, agent .
1 • 43-If
June 8,183 t)
ti sy dwelling house,_ wtth gag and water tit
titres. in Centre street between the Ameri
can House and Penn4ylVania Hall, Potts-
ville. Apply to
August 30, 11/51
a, nibliabed Grocery Stand, in good location. where
a profitable business may be' done. The fixtures and
good will of the present oceopalits will be given at a
moderate rent. Address Doe 19®, Pottsville Y. Orate
Pottsville. August 30,1831. 33-
1' Foster & Co.'s dine' eattirti. Apply to
Aug. 9.1851
1 Breaker and all other improvement. ready for
work, aLeo.gond Bed and WDiuAshveicsuoproy ed
Apply to VII ARLES' M. HILL, Agt.
Ponoviite, July W. I I. 3041
4,7% , the substribir in N nrweg la I, 11 ure t• !bFey
ri. = toil position would mike it a favorable Inca
eatiou (or one Whrillte bovines is within the.
Borough. JAMES A. INNEF.
Pottsville July 19.4851 ~7, 29.1 f
ry Dwelling Douse, land 20 arm of Land,
or mare If tequired, by the purchaser:)
'suitable fora small firm handsomely torn
ted un the West Branch of the River Ichuyikill and
sh o e nut Hall - mad, within two miles of Pottsvdie.
and about the tame distance !tom Minersviiie. Eos
price and tenon apply to a. RUitrIEL
Ilahantahgo Eltieet
July 19, ISM
house. with UMW in front, nimble for
1 - offices or stores, In Thompson's Row In
1 1 Market street. Three offices rn the second
story of the same row.
Onc room in the 2nd story of Thompson',
1141, corner of 24 and Market streets. Also a Cellar
in the same building.
One Frame Dwelling Muse in Seventh trees, near
Market. The aberiie property will be rented low. Ap•
ply to the subscribers.
Pottsville, April h, Idfl 14-tf
Centre street, one recently occupied by
r ease SI. Bemuse as a rihoe Store. and the one
" I adjoining.
1111 Also, a two-story 'FRAME 110116 E
- and STABLE on the same lot, on liecond
street. Erma/rear J. !JORDAN, Market Bt., 1151 7-11
A pleEiprint Residence in West Brant a
4••• Vallry, ',Whited pit' the Mine Hill Rill
511 Road, a shoo' di:mime from ilebnytkm
II II Haven, containing about ieceuteen art,.
tinder a hieh .tai, or cultivation. The
noose. Barn and outbuildings an , all to rood repsti
Apply to , C. M HILL,
atatinntantio Pim% Pottnitle
Feb. t MI
T. TayloYi clothing ►tole, 20 by 55 ftet 24 story
earner Centre and Manantankn Street
Pottsville Ardit 26.1651 ;
34-3 t
but a small *'pare, ie cheap. tarty and convent
ent, and is not Matte fp get , out or repalr,a, othri
Locks. For sate by & PUFF
April 5, 1851 1441
IraIifiKTIIIIOAND handsome
assortment of Carpeting and Matting. last rerel%
ed and for mite by J. M. BEATTY BON
Marcia 29. ISO 14-tf
LICHSORS.—The aubstribet has Itatt recch•rd a
13 fine lot of FIGISACIIS of all qualitito and pric,---
which will be pt.ld at tnandf.cturers plates, at -
Elt.ok and Varioty Awn.
. _
LIASES.—The subscriber tuts 111P1 received a dor
assonment of Elegant FANS. 7 all leseriP llol .•
which will be sold to less than city rites, at
B. IiANN AN'?. Bonk 44 Fancy i4tore
Pottsville. Aug. 2. 1851 . 3141
I AIiMG IiSBUISITWM VI I.enrr WT lens a{minv
i au hsrui and for sale
rhsa!, Hook awl 90110131.0 SIM'
WATSUN'S FIRE 0111 C • —6,n.s.bliy I.
hand end cot *ate by the euhserther at the York
Aug 9.1951 324f'
s7 Ina Englnee, for loading! And diacliarging ear
gala, - raiolng marble from quarries and pumping Obi
ermei. Thee* cnsel.ine+ ran he moved from place n•
place by .1 single horse. Manufactured by A. L. .[
No 19, Brlolter'it Alley, neat second
soli Bate sireela
• -
Apral2s, lesl. 17-11 too.
DOUNTV Laud %mita*. bought n( the Wu( of
Li 1812 of the Flat . lda and 35ealran wars, for wbtrh
the highest cash price trill be paid, apply or ajdre
BECHTOLD. No• RI North eab gtreet, Philedelphta
Auguct 113, 1851. 34-Ito
Mechanic. Magazine and Enginer's *Journal—A
monthly magazine, Edited by /untie W. Adams,C E.
a laudable work for young mechanics. It contain. ,
large number of bestial' , Engravings, illustrative of
the subject, on which It treat', and forms one of the
most interesting and useful works ever published
einharriptions received, and single copies for sale, at
Book and Vat lety Rime
July 15,1851
J Comprising full information respecting Ilia ebot
cam t breeds of Poultry and the mode Of raising them,
with imenty-ilve illustrations. Prka 124 cents_ Jo. ,
published and for ,
sale at B. BANNAN , S
Cheap,lionk and Publishing House
Tillie to a capital book for 'Whin, Mho P 111 be
supplied Cheap by the 100 copies- -
3one 91, 0151 - 257
commend all our loaders who want a good COOTi
uy paper to subscribe for the drop. TEEMS, .it 54)
fa advaam—otheratlse 00.
Schuylkill Haven, Pa.
June 7. IBSI
lelruelit or neiendirt Hyd3ll, of the new Edition
direct from the publishers house. New York, some lu
elegant Turkey Morutcu binding. Just received and
fur We, wholesale and retell at B. BANN AN'S
Wholesale Book end Fliatiotirry More.
June 21. 1851
, BCH rdaLtuDlT—a splendid assortment of
Church Paahniet. In plain and ornamental bit:W
-(14.105t received front the publisher. and for stale at
Cheap nook Store,
April W, WM
V PIC Explanation of Common Things; a capital
work Gir 8ail:101R and fandlim, Just received and for
sale at B. RALINAN'S
Book and Publishing Muse.
June 21. 1841
/Affi&At LAST WOES.—TI2EFATE,is Tale
Jof Stirring Times—by 0. P. n James, Eaq JUNt
pobilated end for sale at DANNAN'S
Cheap PUblielit ion Depot, Centre attest.
Pottsville. August 20,1851; .
EMNK citscics.—cuseK - itook.
no the Fattier. Dank of Schuylkill County neatly.
printed, for **IP at _ BANNAN'II
Jua• 11; Ittsl
s, scriber upon the ISM of July last. a
Liglit Brindle Cow, aborrr seven years old, lat
with a white streak along the triolt.and a
white spot upon ber forehead; bad on when she e
• bell and strap. Any person giving information, or
returning said row. will be. paid any reasonable
charge. THOM A fitaIOBINBON.
Mine Hill, August 30. 1851, , 30-
. _ .
the subscriber, reelding in tie borough
of Pottsville, on Bunday,lolh of August, fit
1601. a large White Cow , with red head I
and red spots on bar sides. Any person returning
said Cow to the owner, or leaving.inforniation whit
him that will lead to her recovery, will be sultablY
rewarded. About a week since, a small cow marled
similarly In 'the one above, was brought to the sub
scriber.' The owner Is hereby requested in call, probe
his property, pay charges and take her away, giber
wise she will be sold troche if W directs.
Au et 30,1851. 35-31
QTRA.V lIIETEEp.--seventern Wad or about.
straying on thee MIL near the Centro Turaptke,
Were takOD up on the 16tb angint. 101. The owner
is beteby requested to call on the subseribet. 41 Flow
erl-Fleldi, New Castle township, prove property, ps)
the charges, and nee them awn , . otherwise titer telit
he acid according to law,
J. flTZSilthiorie
4doiphia and Beading
d(Cord Wood.for the
had on aplication
!or to henr y Heiser.
Win. 1.. WHITNEY, Agent
35.4 t
,aprit IV, IS4)
/mint £O, iiSi.