The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 25, 1851, Image 3

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    k) - ,1 - 4 - k4kLAT.
SATURDAY'. JAN• 25, 1851
3:77'We are. under obligatioas to Hon- C.
W. Pitman, Senator Frailer, :Sles: , rs. Struth
ers, Hart and Dobbinm for public documents.
We liare'also received from :he last named
gentleman seceraE petitions, which we have
circulated, praying Congres. fora modifica•
:ion of the Tata
are requested to state that the
Petitions for the People's. Road will be out
next'week. We would advise the citizens
in the different sections 'of this Region to call
meetings at once, and give.?heir views on
the „subject. Many of the - Coal Operator,
cannot take open ground for the Road.—
becaftse (we blush when we record it) they
dare not, without rendezint themselves liable
to he punish e d by CoMpani incorporated
for the benefit of the pil . blic. in fact, some
cf our Operators, who supposed they were
freemen, scarcely knoW to whom 'they, or
their property, belongs, sit completely have
they been tyranized over_bx mo.nopolie-„.
4 ,77.A.ssociate Judge—Soto:lw: FOSTER,
was on Wednesday nominated to the Senate
and unanimously confirmed as Associate
rudge of Schuylkill County; to supply the
vacancy caused by the ,re<ignation of Judie
Pomroy. This- is an honor That 'Mr. Foster
richly deserved for the great services ren
dered, and uaweariiiiiexertions made, in" the
erection of the new Court House in our hnr
ough. ThP appointment, as- a Matter of
course, gives great satisfaction. for as soon
as hit- name was announced a: a candidate,
all others named for the offici immediately
We cannot drop this subject without ano
ther effort' in enlist public
. attention to its
alarming prevalence in our Borough. Few
men,-whether habitual drinkers or acciden
tal tipplers, but wilt` admit the injurious et
^feet of the free. use of alcoholic drinks in a
community - , in a business, as well as a mor
al point of vieiv; Public Hotises were origi
nally intended for the accommodation of the ;
traveller; and sc long as kept for that pur
pose, they are commendable: but the sate of
liquors at. :heir bar--; has been added for pc
fit's sake. and in most cases, is used without,t
discretion.• Indiscrie.inate acce:;s is extended
alike to all, and the mot alluriug entice
ments presented to confirm the appetite at
the occasional drinker, and tempt th yonr.n
and unwary—the cause of sorrow t - .many
an anxious.,parent:s heart.
• To merchants whosell spirituous l liquors.
we have a plain question to propose. and
we leave their honest experience to answer
it. They have prciably not taken this view
a it before, and therefore we urge the mat
ter more t arnestfv upon their consideration:
Is it not your interest. pecuniarily corisidered,
to hove a sober community, and 4uld Dm
your general tipsiness improve, if lyou sue.
pended the sale of liquors? Would not the
sale of other` commodities -- of merchandize
inciease in proportion' as the sale hf liquor
decreased? Where you now sell so many
do'llars' worth of alcohol to. the lead of a
family, would you not then sell i'n times
the amount of other articles to it 3 remain
ing members t He might then be. Sober and
industrious, and his family would he better
supplied with the necessaries of life. He
would have, more to spend on them, and no
less upon himself, though in a. diflerent
way. The landlord - has some shadow 01 ex
cuse in public accommodation for his bar.
but the merchant has no reason for his deal
ing-out that which causes wretchedness and
suffering, almost starvation to innocent
wives anlchildren, except the mere making
of money—his - purse against the misery of
the community. •
But there is still another view of the case,
which we commend particularly to public
fiiilntion--the sale of ardent spirits on the
Sahbath; So long as License laws exist, we
shall expect to see men sell grog it is only
to be hoped they will improve in discretion.
But the sale of liquors on the Sabbath, we
do hope to see entirely abandoned .in our
Borough, and that before long: There are
many and strong seasons why this' should be
so—too many and too; long for our present
space. First, it is 'violating the command
which says, " Remember the Sabbath day
to keep it holy." It is secular busmess, and
therefore contrary to the established usages
of the community. - Sunday is art idle day
with many, and the . tcroptationr. to dr",rik
and become riotous and disorderill are grea
ter than on - other days. They might spend
their time . in Church or elsewhere, were it
.not for the temptations of the bar. It more
over prevents bar-keepers and others engag
ed in the business from observing the Sab
bath in a more rational manner. We re
commend this measure of Reform to land
lords and bias-keepers, as well all order
loving and Sahbath.respeetia; citizens; and
in judicious hands, ,we have no doubt, an
arrangement might he made by which the
Sabbath would be as-unch respected in sell
ing liquor,.as in any other business: If the
practice he still persisted in, contrary to di.
vine authority, and the established laws of'
the land—in' open violation of every princi-,
pie of morality and religion, and in utteil.,l
disregard of public sentiment. the issue mist
sooner or later arrive, and a general out=
pouring of pitblicfeeling 'verwhelm the
transgressors—the Sabbath d r ipuc , and 1
will be respected.
Another view to think of the-enormous
expenditure ia this traffic—one hondred
thousand dollars' annually spent for rum in
Pottsville We 35k, where are its fruits ?
where, the chstsch, the halls of education
it has built ? how much has it contributed
towards-the public enterprise of the place—
what public benefit has it confehed ? Its
fruits ? Go to the: beggared families of the
'community—see the toiling, care.worn mo.-
ther—the suffering children. These are its
fruits. Go to your Alms-houses—your pri
sons—see there the legitimate rewards of its
doings. Go still further, go the gallows,
see there the wretched victims of this seduc
monster. How many unfortunately
trace back through the wanderings of an
infamous life, their final transgression to the
fatal temptation's of the poisinsotis cup. But
very recently a man was publicly executed
in Texas, his last' words, as he addressed
the;assembied crowd from the scaffold, were
uttered in caution to the . drinkers of intoxi
cating liquors—they, were the cause of his
ruin. We appeal to every reflecting citizen
of the community, for,' confirmation of our
views and their co-operation in effeCting a
Reform. Our motives are honest and promp
ted solely / fin kitey good of the community.—
We have personally not the slightest ill feel-1
ing towards any of the dealers in liquor—
on thecootrary for many of them we enter-1
lain high respect as excellent members 'of.
- society and good citizens—but we believe
the traffic wrong—subversive of peace and.
good order, and injurious alike to individu
lb and the comma pity.
We *wild take. occasion to remark that
'ail hough we opposed Mr. Dobbins'. election;
his late course on the subject of. the Tariff
before the ,State Legislature has greatly rai.
, eti him in our estimation and won for him
0:7 The Peiple's Roadci.Atensivoly;--Thp 1
Doylestown -Democrat, ; thus spetika of the
new road:'
We see that an effort.will be made dtuing
the present session iof the. Legislature fora
Charter for a new railroad...from Pottsville to.
no doubt .many admirers generally. It is Philadelphia. It is to -run on - this Side of
the Schuylkill and connect with the Nom' -
the subject of all-engrossing interest now, town road. We think, it. the proper means
before the tountry,,and its advocates - warmly-, -were used,. the road Might be extended so as
deserve= the public' support. Not being' t° connect with the: waters of the Delaware'
factionists, we rejoice at seeing all parties ac
:at New Hope. Sooner, or later the waters
of the Schuylkill and Delaware will be united'
h auirledging the justice of the measure, and , by railroad, - -and TO see no time for those
thus making it assume a national charactei.:"terested in the matter, so propitions io make
It ought to be treated calmly and without : a movement, as thti present. A road from
• Norristown to New; Hope ld be .
party or sectional prejudices' , and such-sped- , , .
ted at moderate cost, and it would construe prove of
tic alterations made , as expe r ien c e and pro- ' j great'adyantage to those engaged in the coal
(knee dictate. And hereafter, whenever an}' ','business. It would open - , facilities for ge . t !
particular interest' found to he suffering, ring it to market' which it cannot enoY Ith
that alteraiicus can be made.without render any other was. It will be much to the
ing business liable to the disastrous ductual
retest of the contemplated new company
lion which total changes naturally produce. take the matter into serious consmerattoi
it would also prove of infinite advantage to
the Camden and Amboy road, as then most
of the coal 'which now goes to New York by
sea, would be taker), over their road. Coal
could be seat to New York at a much cheaper
rate than now, and the sales would be much
increased. We hope those interested will take
the matter into consideration."
Whig Central State Committee.—Her,;',
ry M. Fuller, - Chairman of the Whig Ceti.:
Ira' State Committee has issued a notice,
calling a meeting of that body at Coverly's
Hari, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday 4th of Feb
runty nest, for the pull - ascot fixing the time
1 . :-c calling a • State convention, to nominate
candidatA for Go%'ernur. - Judges Sc.
Fiat Cotton. We lately published an
extract on this , subject showing nor methods
Of preparation of Flax, by . whichits general
substitution for cotton was rendered proba:
hie. 11 is contradicted by the European pa
pers, and a. warm dis•useion has arisen as to
the applicability of cotton machinery to the
spinning of flax into yarn. —The 'truth ap
ears to lie hetween the two, Flax has been
spun .by cotton machinery, but it has only
been when mixed with an villa] quantity of
...^ - jj'Gen.' Quitman. —. 7 A Bench warrant has
been•issuestfor the arrest bf Gen. Quitman
for rylitsig lo append before Court, and the
Marshall pt Louisiana has proceeded . to
flake him, and" bring " hirryheilore
tile United States Court at New Orleans.---
A pretty 'spertaele indeed, to ee a Governor
L ,t - a st a te - . who is • sworn to support -the
latv, of the Country, and see them faithfully
excruted, thus openly setting them at deli-.
ance. But such is the spirit of Locofocoism
everywhere when cornered.
Florida Senntor.—We: are rejoiced to
learn that Senator.Yulee has been defeated in
Florida. He was an open and avowed dis.
Unionist; but a large portion of the Locofoco
party supported-him. His.succe-ssur is Judge
:\.lallovy. a w.toderate Locofcco, but a union
man. He was elected by the Whirr,.' uniting
with three or four disaffected- union Loco.
foeos. . •
Delegates - from both the North and South,
chosen irrespective of party, are now urging
upon Congress the consideration of the Ta
rid: Yr. Hampton addressed the House to
that effect on Wednesday last. The foll O
wing are the principal provisions now pro
posed :
Ist. To levy a duty of 40 per cent. ad va
krfm, on Iron, the value to be ascertained
IT taking the average cost of the preceding
ten years.
2CI. To restore the free list of the act 01
I 542. which contains a clause levying a duty
of five Cents . on Woollens costing under se
ven cents, and at the same time admits Dye-
Stuffs, and other articles employed in the
rollout:lmre of carpets. calicoes, & - e.. duty
3d. To declare that duties shill be assessed
on the value which articles bear at the time
and place of exportation, which, it is asser
ted, was the real intention of the act of 1846,
though it had been evaded since the decision
of Judge Woodbury.
4th To make Manufuctured fabrics pay
ten per cent. more-duty than the raw mate
rial of which they are Composed.
To this latter stipulation many of the Loco.
focoQ object, and it is not conclusively de
termined upon :,but in regard to the others
there appears to be a pretty general concur.
In the House on Saturday. after a protrac
ted discussion, in which various sntistityions
were proposed, the Cheap Postage Bill was
carried by a rote of of 13(i to 74. The tol
lowing are its provisions :
Postage on letters, uniform for any dis
tance, weighing half an ounce, three cents ;
and every additional half ounce, or faction
of half ounce, to be charged three cents ad
ditional. No diminution in the existing
mail service and compensation to Postmas
ters. On printed matter of no greater weight
than two ounces, one cent is to be charged ;
bound hooks, weighing no more than thirty
ounces, to be deemed mailable matter. News
papers. delivered within the State, are to be
charged with half of the - foregoing rates.—
No postage is to be charged on newspapers
delivered within the county 11:1 which they
are published, nor within thirty miles of the
place of publication ; and a deduction of fit- ,
tv per cent on the postage of magazines is to
be made when it it-. pre-paid. In order to
furnish a convenient coin for post-office pur
poses. three cent pieces, to he composed of
three.fourths silver and one-fourth copper,
are to be made at the mint, to counterfeit
which will he punished by fine and impris
onment. There is also- a change made in
• the publication of uncalled for letters. The
new law throng that letters that may be
uncalled for for two weeks shall be publi . shed
hut once, instead of three times as at present.
There is another feature of this law which
will commend it to general favor, viz : the
establishment of post offices in the large
cities, on the English plan. from whence
letters will be collected 'and delivered at one
• and two cents each. This will be a great
accommodation. The present bill appropri
ates the sum of one million and a half of
dollars to provide for Arty deficiency that may
arise in consequence of the reduction of pos
Thf ilnantity sent to market thi, week 1.25:117 15
Int. , . 4/wing a falling nff.of r.bnnt two thnuannd tcloP.
This a cnner , i In some tneneure by the mild wentrfe;
nn4 the determination an the part of the deateri tot
to_ireumntate woch stack et Richmond during the
'winer swoon. •
The ore:nit:as are making their arrinlemento for
the spring business, but until the rates of toll and
transportbtibn are prr!inulgatAd, nothing 4fintte can
transnit.: svith regard to the state of the trade..
We are credibly Informed that the rates by Railroad
will oat exceed *1 :at, and m a y be te l e, in nyder to
check the enrent in favor of the new Road to
delp The rates by Canal will be try tents per ton
Ictubban by Railroad.
Negotiations are pending between the different ec
gitnitto limit the quantity, and arrange prices—but it
is diiibtful whether they n ill succeed. The Delaware
an d Hudson pornpany consider themselves strong—
calenl*te upon a considerable incregge from the Penn
s; tvania Company. located wt Pittston, and also from
their melt works. They have also declared recently,
that they ere c Milled to the New York i t aeb t o,, an d
are determined to tare rt. The high rateecharged by
our carrying Companies, will give it to them ika short
time, ;tales, a' remedy for the rolls under; w ?Oh we
labor. Is applied in time.
Bent IT llaitmad for the morels ending ; on Thursday
evening la t.,
%Vera. Tura L. •
Pnrt Cart,on. , 10;294 It 54,367
Pottsville, - 1,049 11 23,690 Ott
' fk - Imitkiii Haven. 10,5511 IR &1,t19
Port Clinton. - • 3,520 CC 11,978 19
Total • ,117 13 231,250 13
To same time last year, 111,213 01
The following is the quantity of Coal transported
over the different I:unmade in Sehuylkilleounty.for
the week rodlog Tlgtraday.reninf. • .
trztig. TOTAL.
Mine Hill and R. H. n. n 1 0 ,101 00 90.03104
Little Schuylkill D. R.: 3,51, 18 Luce 12
Mill Creek do. . 7 ,1T2 00 20,693 02
Mount Carbon do . . 1,049 05 0,108 09
Schuylkill Valley do 13;5 05 11,285 11
Mt Carbon and Pt Carbon 11,150 05 58,303 04
taste at Tint • lito TlailsrtiliTA,Ttos ex ea ILltaali
tbr 1530. ,
From Aktbarl.P.llavex.P.Cllaton
1 70 1 OS 1 43
I 70 1 e 1 45
To Iticho'iaad,
To Phlladelpbta,
. , , .
coal tig,ht as the same' is - contained in a deed &Mac '
Robert Monis and wife; and Howell Fisheaato Joint i
Eckel and Minion, E • Spangler, dated the Stledly
otethignst A. D. 16.4 recorded is the notes for record
ing deeds: S.e.. in Sebuyikiii county, in deed book . , ,N 0
3!, page 561, &c., .; • ', . i,
7. Also, two lots of gritimd,. - situite on the smith
'Wide of North street, in the tOent *Priv-mom: Sebuyi
kiliconnthbounded on the itorth of North , street, cm
the south by a2O feet alley. on the east by a 20 feet 1
--alley and on the west by Lot .: No 535, containing, in i
front on North Street 40 feet each Lot, and extending
that width—feet. being Lets," No 233. and 431, as I
represented on the plan cif said :awls of Trentorrt, ex:.
cepting and reserving the - end right as the same is - '
contained in a deed from Renew 'Morns' and wife,
and Howell [Tiber to John Eckel and Cite/even - E .
Spangler. dated the 6th day of April A. It, 1949, re
corded in the Mare for recording deeds in Schuylkill
county, in deed book No 32, page - 501, &ea : • .
F. Also. four int. or ground, situate on ' the west
I 'tidied' Clagetreet, and south side'of North weft. in
the town el' Tremont, Setanylktil county, hounded on
the north CY North street, on the south by a SOfeet
. 1 a ll e y; on the east by Clay street, and on the west by
exefte.icettaellpTtocate N h o
Lot being uk.hi
h 4O feet. 30 in f e ro o th ptonClay
' and----feet in et-Ml', and numbering from nor th to I
south with Nos: deb, 159, and Par, excepting and re , Alwomotr)
servant the coat right as the , !same is contained in a
deed from Ruben Morrie and wee. and Howell Fisherol:ftriti ANT - TO AN ORDER OF THE. ORPHAN'S
to John Eckel and Christian,E. Spangler : dated the L - Cdort of Schaylkilt Cu., the subscriber. :Adana Ile a
6th day elf August, A D, 1640 i recorded LC the of f ice ber, edm'e. of the estate! of Pimps Reber, late of the
for recording deeds, sec., leelehuy„lkilltonnte, in deed 'borough of Potteville,in the county of schttylkill. den'd.
No. 32, pege 8,11, &c, ;- • • .- e. , s., will expoee to sato by rabic. rentine,,c l n Saturday. the
9. Also. tire lots, ettuatemi ithelOnth Ade of North eat day 8f Febenaty nett, at' olclock it, the after
street, and west wide of Spring Street In the town.of nomi at the public house of alortimeek. Brother, in
Tremont. Schuylkill county, bounded on the north by the borettell of Potts% ille aforesaid::. MI that certain
North street, on the south hylot No. 215. on the east . A full equal undivided half part of a meautage
by Spring street, and on the west by Grind spring , e . T. r r r (formerly- an Oil Mill.) Iwo story brick ulcer
['thee:each lot being 40 tiger to fronton Spring sireet..{ fee e, wage or tenSenent and hat or pieceof aroued
and extending that width to Good Spring creek, and Marked on a certain *plan of tote of Jacrilt
num b er i ng front nort h t o p o tt o l w i r b tb e N , in. 2 0 .. 1 ..1 10 . Alter. Ni., 0. situate - Jet the north-westwardly side! of
211, 212, and 217, excepting and reserving the mai Norwegian street, and sombtrestwarilly by a foity
;right, as the same is contained lat'a deed Dorn Robert feet wide street called Reif:mid st ,in the boyminh nf
Morris and wife, and Howell Fisher toJohu Eckel and Poltaville, tontaining in remit en said Norwegian it.'
Christian E. Saangler, dated the 6th daylOf August, l forte fiet, and extending that breadth in length or
A. Delete. recorded Intim offienfor recording of deeds, dent tt. eiglity r three feet tea seven feet widtealley, laid 1
&c., in Schityikel mainly In deed book No. 32. pare t not by the Said Jacob Alter r eommunicating with the
504, Sec. . said forty feet n idc street rind n iertsin ten feet wide
lg. Also, three lots of ground,,simateoin the north • alley, leadine inter he slid Not tvegiai, street. hounded
Side of North sweet, mad weit side elf Spline street, f actiotaweatwaraly by lot No. 5 on the said plan, north;
In the town of Tremolit, Schuylkill county. bounded ; westwardly by said forty feel with; street, and south
on On south by North street. on the east by Spring ' eastwardly by Norwegian street ollireebilil, whit the
Street:and on the west by Good Spring . Creek, being ;,connacei nue anti privilege of the said altry,.and the
lot* Non. 555, tal, and 208, ti represented in the plan I said forty feet wide etteet, and Of a water course over
of said town of:premont, texceptlng and reserving' audalong the same at all times hereafter forever. .
the coal right, as the same letontained in a deed.from : , 4 Also, of and to all that ceruitn lotlorpiece
Robert Morris and wife, and MOTU Fisher to John ' ,t - ' ; ;;;, oftwound tvith the aPpurtetraticee,consiettng
, Eckel and. Christian E. Spangler, dated the Bth day of '' {{e{-3 S. of a fraud, slaughter honse , situate on the
i August. A. D. 1849. recordectin the office fir recording. '. ,aa northwardly side of Peacock street in Nor
deeds in Sehny , mill enmity, in deed book No. 42. page 'wegian addition to Polisy Mc, as laidenn by lbetheok
501,4. c. e . of -Kentucky and the Miners: -Bank Of POttaVille,, in
11. Also, four nits of groued, situate °lathe Western' the rummy of Sr hut Mild, marl:ea - no the plan of 'aid
side of Pine street, in the town of Tremont, Selma+. addition with mint's , ' ohelitindriel- ono tw(•rny-mix,
, kill county. hounded on tlie,North by Good Spring ! toe) wended end deserihea ,in wit: beginnlris at a
i Creek, n n the anuth by lot NO 154 on the east by rine j post on the northwarthy aide of said ' , Peacock alma.
j street. and on the west by a feet alley, being bite ' thence by lot marked No. les on raid plan north Verie-
Nns. 155. 1511. 157, and 15F, M representedon a plan off greet., west 267 feet to,a pest-on the emitlasrilly side
the said town of Tremont, ;excepting and reserving : of the west branch of the. Mount Carton and : Mine
the coal right, as the same la Contained-In a deed front i Hill Railroad, and 15 feet ti inches ',Smola front the.
Hebert Morris and wife, and Howell Fisher to John mladle thereof. thence along and by :mid Railroad,
Eckel and Christian E- Spangler, dated the Bth day of j north 7 8 degree..., eaat 60 feet to a post : thence by lot
August, A. D, 1849, recorded In the officefot recording I Marked id, said plan with No. 127 eouth 12. degreea
°fa:feeds in Schuylkill county, in deed hook No, 31, j . east 267 feet to a post on the northwardly side of gairi
page 501, die. . ' Peacock street, thence along .:aid Street south ZS de.
12, Also, four lots of ground, situate on the eastern : green writ (81 feet to the plaae of beginning.--11.ite the
side'of Pine street. in the, town of Tremont,' Schtiyl. 1 estate of said deceased.
! ki r l e t e e k mity, hounded on' the north 'by Goocr,Bpring 1 ,,, Aiteodauce wili be given. and the entidltionsOf ante
on the south by .CrOiceg k t arreer,.on the west Cieedektiottn at lite,t nue and place of sale
'by Pine street. hnd. onohe east by lot No 148, and a • • '' . ADAM REBER.. Anntint-triter.
I2o;feet wide 'alley. each Int tiring 40 feet in front, and . try ordei_rif the Conn.. • _
150 feet iii depth. beingints Nos. 149,150,'151, and 257,, ' ~; DANIEL KA ERCHER , Cirri:.
las represented in a plan of the paid town of Tremont, l : Om igsburg, Jan. lA, 1551 ;', -3,4 t.,,
excepting and reserving thecoaf right, as the ... . , - - -
contained Ina deed from Robert Mortis and erife'eand SALE OF EtrIAL ESTATE. ';,.
' Hewett Fialtea to John Eckel and CluistlanE. Spang-.'• I . wp.. ;411.111SCIti HER OFFERS THE FOLLOWING
ler. dated Ilia tilt day of August. A 9, Imo, recorded ' - described property for sate Itreated Mahe most de
. "Pennsylvania Hair' and 'American 'mono" 'Weis,
county. is d er ee l' i i L r o `;f i l a l , i u n i ! e c tl s e 2 e , d ;' ag ß e e n' t l i n .
~ , ,I C c h . f lY . l k ill 'sin lil e and liminess girt or Pottsville, home.. the
1 13. Also, three lois el' Regrind , situate on the nortii in c en t, ~tre,t, I. wit,
side of North Alert: in the town of Treniont, Schuyls.. (len. Three 11l fret
fronting ;tit Celine St.,
kill comity, bounded on Lime by North street, on j o . depth 1':0t feet, by 4 - l 0 feet wide Allay, clouting
the Weal. by .1 20 felt alley, ; and on the north and east 1 a j ous u „
u n i on , itt , • ,
by Good Spring Creek,being lots numbered , as re
{ presented min Men of the said town of Tremont, ex- • by 109 feet, to a In' tee: wide. Alley running tilting
cepting and reserving the areal right. as th e same is . Inio „ street.
1 sctosin. Five 20 feet tots fronting on F,Cconii St.,
.'„. contained in a deed horn Robert Marti , ' anti wife, and ; T i mm rives 20 fee{ me ; ermine, nu lartitroad St.,
Iliowell Fisher to Cckeland Christian E. :Spring- ;depth tort
'.! ler. dated the 6th day of August. A. D. 1549, recorded' Union Street . w ithin on w et a; the rhitadelphia and
feet. in a _ti feet is hie street learlinteintn
: in the office for recording decd.. Schuylkill I
. Re a di ng
:Aunty. In deed bank No Jed, wiee'sal, &c, . ' a most at sinale laeation for a railway Hotel. as thin
11. .lino. twelve Pita of ground, situate In the town Rallinad Depot. This pt s kperly would make
1 it the termini , tar all travelltna to :tut f. om Potts ,
of Tie:until. Schuylkill county, nn the' mutt side of ; one,
Line street„ in said town. l'eunded Ott the mirth by I pg .:, ' the 0 ,,, e t er would ho reasonable. No money
...lane street, on the west and smith hy .T be' Mock for sot It an lintel' could be 100 feet
h" or the ' 4 ' 3 ' ' required in advanFe, provided the purchaser tvoultl
1 tam Cnal Land Company; and on the east and south / imraediatelyaerert gond buildings on the pi - Troy,
, by :dinar street. and land of Eckel and ripangler.each I
lot being 40 fact in lama on Line street, and extending '
100 feet to the smith line thereof, and mitnkeri lig Rem ,
west to east with the Nos 238, 239, 9.40, 241. 242 213',"„! '
Instalmerns. with interest. Apply to
and give hoed and mortgage for security of minted
Pottsville ,
a 11,215, 216. 217, 2 IS.,enti 219. excepting an! reacistina ." . r
the coal right, as the aortic is contained in a deed from pottaville, Jan. 18; 16317 ..:411 . 1te1ir. ' 3-itno
Robert Norris and wife, Mid Howell Fisher to John
CrkelandChristian C. Sphngler, dated.' he 9th (lay of
August, A. D. iBl9.record&l-iii the race for reeoreitie
of deeds. .4-c.. is Schuylkill county, in deed book. Ni.
132. page Set, &e. .
IS. Also, two lots of around, titivate . on the north
sideof Laurel tower. In the town of Tremont, alehuya
Ikill enmity, hnunded on the mirth `sy Map'e 'street.. 01 , •
the south by laurel sereetlon the east by Henry Eck- '
, el's land, anti on the west, by Int number 12; eaelt lot
.1 being 40 fret in front on Lae re] street, and containing,.
I that width lei feet more or less to Maple street. being '
lots Se. 10 and 11, as represented nn n man of said ;
town of Tremont, enet'pthng and reserving the coal '
right, as the 'ante is contained in a deed from Robert I
1 Morris and wife, and Howell Fisher toJohn Eckel and
1 Christian E . SriMigicr, dated the 6th day of Atigast r i
A. D. 1849.recordert in the o ffi ce for recording deeds .
1 in Schuylkill county. indeed book Nn.:l2, page 501,4. c.
{ 16. Also, one lot of ground, fronting nn Hazel staeet
1 in the town of Tremont. •Schitylkill county. botinded
1 on the north by Church Street. amid ground conveyed {
1 to the Methodist Church. on the south by Hazel Street, ;
VALIJAZILE BOORS, -- ! anti en the east by D.llerahberger's lot, being let No.,
256, it. represented en the plan of said town rif Tee. ;
FOR SALE CHEAP AT B. BAN- 1 mina, excepting and reserving the coal right, as Ns', I
I if
van's Bookstore, Pottsville,—Modern 1 same is contained in a deed from Robert Morris ' nd
British Essayists 414,1'3,1b1; Brander ; wife. and Hewett Fisher io Jahn Eckel and Chnstlan 1
Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and I E. Spangle'. elated the 6th day of Almost. A. D. 1819, ,
Art; Baton's Lives of the Apostles; Dr. La rdmet's i recorded In the Mfice for rerouting deeds In Schuylkill
Lecture. , on Science and Art, in two volumes; The , county, in deed hook NO. 02, pace 501, dr.c..
Works of Josephtta. by Whetter' ; GennOs domestic j 17. Also, a rennin lot of grou n d, .sithate en the
medicine; History of all the rehelorie denemthatione 1 west side of Spring sweet, In the town of Tremont.
in the Crated States; Home book of health and mcdi- I Schuylkill county. bounded on the north by lot Nn.
tine; Bridgewater's Treatises 'On Geology and Mine- 221, on the ;south by Int N 0.222, on the east by Spring
rology. In two Volumes ; Clark's Commentary; New street, and on-the west by Gond Spring Creek,contain ,
Testaments; larhitefield's Sermons ; Fox's book Of ring 40 feet in front on Spring street, and containing
Martyrs ; PlutatCh's Lives: The Works of Chilling- 1 that width 105 to Good Spring Creek, with the nortur
worth ; Preacher* Manual, by Rev.,J. T. Sturdevant; tenanees, consisting of 4.2 story frame.slwelting house,
Wesley's Sermon's; %Vat:saes Dlctionnry , Haebner's , excepting and renervingthe coal right, as the same is
Bible Narratives:- Lee's Physiology ; MeMahon's I contained in a deed from Robert Morrie and wife, and
American Gardening; .Memoirs of Marshall Ney ; I Unwell Fisher to John Eckel and Christian C. Spang-
Former" Chemistry', by Rodgers; Pilgrims Progress— er, dated the Sth day of August, A. D. 1049,recorded
Scott's notes—Travels !of the Ungodly; Chambers' In the office fon recording deeds In Schuylkill county.
Information for the People, two volumes; Dickens' In deed book No. 32, page 501, &c. •
Novel. and Tales, la three volumes; Trismensworks, . IS. Also, a certain Intof ground, situate on the west
complete ; Trim 'Burke of "Ours." with Illustrations; tilde of Spline Street. In mien of Tremont, Schuy l-
Memoirs of Whitetield; Paul Ardenheimy Washington kill county, bounded on the north by lot No. 222, on
and his Generals; Dealings with the frm of Domby the south by let N 0.224,; on the east by Spring street.
& Son, by Chute"' Dickens; Notths' American Rota- rand on the West by Good -Spring Creek. containing 40
ny ; MrKertzlea 5,000 receipts; Bayerd on the Conga- feet in front on Spring street, and containing that
tution ; Thaftwatle practice of Didion why, hyJobriannt width 108 fe - et to Good Spring ('reek, with the annul.-
I.nrenan Dow. romplete works, illustrated ;Chalmer's tenanees.consistirtg of a 2 glory frame dwelling house
finsttnirnou: works, in nine volumes ; Derneeracy in etc, piing and !TROIS' ing-the Coal right, as the same is
America. by Da•Toconer Me ; Cyclopedia of demonic contained in a deed from Robert Morris and wife, nnil
medicine, by Reit li—loway , 31. D; Hewitt.' Priest-1 Howell Fisher to JolovEckel and Christian E. *pang,-
craft ; Conversations , on Nature and Art, with rum ; ' ler, dated the 6th day of August, .t.:D. 1649.reconded
Cyerett's Life of Dawson; History of the tote-War; 1 in the care for reronling deeds in Schuylkill county.
ShipWrerk Sand Dreaeters at Sea. whirler) Engravings: in deed hook No. 22, page 501. &e.
Statistics of Coal, by C. Tesler: Book of the United • 19. Also, .i - certain Int a ground, situate on the
States; D'Auhignes' History of flefermation in Ger- :. north side of Main street, in the town of Tremont.
mans and Switzerland,4 vols. in one revised edition; ' schttylkill county., hounded on the north by Coal at.,
Philosophy or Benevolence ; Knapp% Chemical Tech- nn the south by 'Maine street. on the east by lot. Nil.
noloey ; Wisebades Mechanics and Engineering; . 122, and on the west by lot No. 103, tiontainine in front
Renwick on the Steam Engine; Neander'e Planting , on Main street 23 feet ii inches. and is depth 150 feet.
and Training of the Church;
Three Years in Celina- ' with the appurtenances, consisting of a 2 story frame
Ma, by Walter ration t Roa ds and Railroads, by Gil- ' store house, a 2 story frame office and a frame etabfe,
Ilesple ; A 'flannel of road making, by Eilliespie; 1 excepting and reserving the coal right. as the same !is
Treatise on Anthracite Iron ; Festivals and Fasts ; , contained in a deed from Robert Morris and wife, and
Pardee's Loma 14. and Court of France, two volumes; ' Howell Fisher to John Eckel and Christian C. Spang-
Hearts andilomee, by Mrs. Ellis; Weather* History I her, tilted the Bth day of Augusts, A, O. 1549, recorded
of •Engla nil ; Schmitz Amory of Rome; alanefiteld 1 in the nfliee for recording deeds In Schuylkill court : ty•
Life of Gen. Peon ; The Meal( a n War. by F.- D. Mans_ in deed hook No. - 501, &e.
Geld; life of Franklin. by J. Sparse.; DeConnenins ; 20. Also. the undivided moiety or half part of_ 411
fliatnts of Pops ; American Naval Biography ;'Pith- I those 2 certain Darla of litnher land, in Tremont town
lie Men of the Res Million. by Sullivan . The Elements i ship, Schuylkill county, one of them Surveyed on n
of Moral Iriencf, by Wayland; Encyclopedia of i warrant. granted to John Kidd, dated the lath day of
Chemistry a Syllabi's of Chemistry. , November. A. D. 1793. helmeted on the north by land '
Jan. aa,1 . a51. ' ofJohn Seim la John Hannan. and nitiergt• on the south
by lands of —, and on the east and west by lands of
. the Forrest Improvement Company. containing 405
acres, the other of them aurVeyed no a warrant.
granted to Peter Filbert, dated the lath day of Nita
A. D. 1793, bounded by lands of the Forrest Improve
ment Company, on the east and west, and by other
land on the north non senth, containing Ma Berea.
with the appurtenances, consisti nit of a Water Power
Saw Mill, a 2 story log dwelling house and a frame ,
stable, late thmestate of ROBERT :MORRIS AND
ie, '
Also, all that certain I or piece of ground, situate
in the town of 'Premed' echnylkill county, bnunded 1
ilouthrvardly by Main Bit art, westwardly by Nue. st.,
eastwardly by lot of 31PF -:and Fulwiler, and north-
weedily by an alley, contit thug in front 50 feet. and in
depth feet. with the purteneeces, consisting ofa I
2 story Reale dwelling house, late the estate or JOHN I
" 2:) I
Also, all those certain two lots of ground, each ,
feet float and 200 feet deep, situate to the Borough oil
alinereville, itchuyiktll enemy, fronting till Sunbury ,
street.and bounded eastwardly by tot ofJoseph Jones, ;
norrhwerdly be , lot Of J. JOnets. westwardly by lot of i
Andrew Brennan. with the appurtenances, consisting ;
of a 2 story frame dwelling house with:store room, one,'
It story frame house with frame Michel:attached, one
3 story brick dwelling house, one w 11 story double frame
house and two 3 storied brick dwelling house,. late the
estate of WILLIAM 'D. THOMAS.
Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate
on line northwardly Fide of East Norwegian street, in
the Borough of Pottsville. Schuylkill county, adjoin
ing lot now or late' of George Russell, eastwardly,'
other part of said alot nortbwardly, lot of Rebecca
Biggs westwardly, being 2l feet more or less in front,
and 100 feet more or lees In depth, with the appurte
nances, consisting of a 2 story frame dwelling house,
with abasement story of stone In the rear, late the es
tate of WM. H. IL , RUSSELL.
~ . .
Also, all that certain lot rf ground, situate in the
town of Auburn, in the Township of Wen Brueswlit,
Schuylkill county, hounded in front on a public road,
southwardly by a lot of Benjamin Webber, westward.
ly by land of Patrick Quinn. and northwerdly by land
of Franklin Webber, containingth front 33 feet. and
in length 100 feet, More or lens, with the appurtenan
ces, consisting of alf story fraMe dwelling house,
late the estate of FRANKLIN REIN ['EIMER.
Also, all that certain tract or parcel of land, coosist.:
ing of several et:Mignon' pieceetor parcels. situate. in
the township of Branch, (formerly Norwegian) in the
county of tichdylkiii, in the State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and limited as follows, that Is tasty: Begin
ning at a stone in a line of land, formerly of Jacob
Jahn, but now or late or Shobei & Bunting, being a
corner of the Chandler tract, now or late of
Joseph 11 . theike by the said Silver's tract 'south
40 deg , east 235 perehes tO, a stone in a line of
Londe formerly of John Keller, but now or late of-the
New York and Schuylkill Coal Company, thence by
the said last mentioned land south 50 degrees. west
33 5-10 perches to a, stone corner, north 40 sluices,
west 60 perches more or less to a post, south 46 degrees,
west 40 perches the a Hickory, and thence panty by
the same and palmy by land sometime oflacob Faring,
*with 20 degrees, east 139 perches to a stone In a hue
°Mahn Bpayd's leuidt, hence partly by lands of,Charles
Evans, vonth 65 demes, west 233 per ches to a Maple,
• thence by land surveyed to Franklin Miller, north 29
,degrees, west 182 perches tea post, smith 82 degrees,
west 61 perches to a post, north 30 degrees, west 321
perches to a post, and north 471 percheato a post In a
line of land formerly or George Seitrel. and now or
late Jacob Reitsinger, thence by the Mild Seltainger's
land north 60 degreea, east 38 perches to a white oak,
south 30 degrees east 19 pembes to a stone, north go
degrees, east 48 perches to a post, and north 47 deg.;
West pestle* tO aatmnfithellen.PartlYby Mtn lands'
darmetly of the said Jacob- Naha, bon now or hue or
.Sheber at Bunting, north 5 2 Aellrees. east 220 perches
to a stone,and thence by the weld last mentioned land
north 40 degrees, west 40 perches more or leis to a
stone, and north 50 degrees, east 33 56 . peretwito the
piste of beginning, containing 364 acres and 60 per- ,
amend allowance of 6 per cent., which undivided
stalely or half part of the said described imam" land
Charles Edward Naftali and wife, by Indenture dated
1846, and Joseph Crouton
Octet!' day of July. A. 1),
and Wife. by Indenture bearing date the 215th day of
August, A. D. 1846; granted , and conveyed to Jacob
Herman. together with the hereditament* and agent
tenanees, -consisting of aMg house, a - log stable, 2 Nov. , i , 10 0 . , , .
engine houses and engines, therein, carpenter and .........., 7' — ' .—_ -----.2. - - - _ ---
St LATESI 144 . .A.TESII—‘4OO DOZEN 8.1.A1 . 69,
blacksmiths shop, and alt the fixtures at a coal mine.
opened, and worked an thee Ltd premises , late the cc. dims froth the; manufaiturers, at ,City wholesale
tate of JACOB ROFFMAN. ~ . . • prices, Just reeelvedand for gale at , -
Belted, taken Inexact:Mon. and will ba sold by ', . -. '.. - - . ~ •4- -, ' - 14...BANNAM'a :
- • • • ..- .: I „ -
C. M. MIAI3II, Sheriff: - . Cheep . Wholesale Stationery a ci d Paperiatoem -;
Sheriff's Mee, 01‘ 1 11Pbull.1 . *The Trecte.thppllidat.City priestit wholsilleit,„: ,
Jantutryl/41851, . a 4 Int. 28,1850 - . . 39e.
_ .
s"i The love of plants is a sure indication
ofa generous mind. The man: that wotild
slay a geranium, is only kept by the late
from slaying you,. In, all our travels we
never yet met with a rascal that could tole
rate a_ rose-bush.
.r.iinerof Coal and Norwegian Alreetm,
•ea - do.watile !ovation for STORI', now (v
ie 41. rtipie.l lw that porpow by Mi. Hiram
4k...three Two Storr
LING MOUS CS in Coal ;i met; n,ar or-
Wegian, with II ydrnnt4 and othereonvenienreA.
iwo Two Story DWELLINO lIOUSF.S in
Sander?on .t reel, near the Coon "Jorge. nearly new,
and with a hirge lot adjnining.
Also. two Two Story ROUSES on
Lyon MTE , I above seventh.
Al , o. row Two Story, MUCK DM' cLuria ROUSE
in. Market :fleet, with a Hydrant. Carriage Muse,
Slanting and other entivenience;i. AU of which wilt
he eii.pi - .4edrif on eafy leans either by Salo or Rent,
by application to the -etiloit iher. '
PIMAP 44 &FF'A, Coalit rect.
4-If .
1an.2 5 .18 51
, ,
',foIIy inform ttie Mit,lie.thatltheyare v ontv prepar
eil to woancifacture all I:4We 0 either White rine,
Yell'w Ntli• or Ilerilnek l'iMb .r. Plastering Lath or
rirkrte, at their iacv NJille 'in Rash Joieriehip,
Schuylkill county. shout from Tamaqua:—.
Thsy hop., by sellinit at fair prices andA disposition
r. oder .art.factioa to all who may have dealings .
with them, to merit a Ilbertl share of Tattoov e
All order:thankfully received and speedily execu
ted. They held contract fhr delivering lumber at any
station atone the Reading' Railroad or Schuylkill
P•Rnn• wichtuf information respecttni the prices
of lumber, will Octet. Address Franklin C.' Smith,
Agent, Tarn:ulna, nt 'the nntlergigneti at PuttoinctiV
Nt.nte.ootets . counts,.
izzi 45_, ISSI
Par" rELEBRATED F. VV. RfIOAFK. f ittlll
.Aweden , rifice - N7o. 71, street. Philadeb
phi:. offers his art to the ciliTens of Pottsville
and . lie has been eon., tilted by all the crown- c
ed heads of Ett rope. and 4.njoys n Weber ierintation a 3
an Astrologer than anyone living. Nativn eaten- ;
laird according to Geturiancy—Ladies 10, Gentlemen
*5. Persons at a distance can have their paticities
drawn by •endinc the date of the day of their hitth. II
All letters containing the above fee will receive Ito- f
the' dime attention, and Netivities sent to any part of
the worbt WWI e nnn durable paper ;:and he la, prepar
ed to make use of his power by conjuration nn any of
the fellnwing topics: Courtship. advice given for the
successful accomplishment of a wealrhrmarrlage
be has the power to redeem such rn , , are given to the
free use or the bottle; and Inc IA eases of hazard.
'and for the recovery of stolen or lost property, and
the purchasing of lottery tickets Thousands of the
atm e named cases have been done In this city and ,
its vicinity, and in the tolled 9tates to the full sail,- - t
faction of ail. MOO Natwities of Horoscopes have
been cast during the last four yeatt.whlle here. Let-
ters will unmet every purpose, and wilf - da as well a:
to mall in person, and the mail is now so safe that per-.
eons need not fear. In trust mnney through the riara
Office. Dr. kobark receives from 500 to 1000 letters
monthly, and has never missed one. All lintels will
he teltgainly :mended to, if prepalad. Formate par.
ticolars tall at the office and get an Astrological Alma
nac gratis C. W' ROBACK.
1 Lents% St., above Eighth, Philadelphia
Jan. 1951 4-Cm
ni Exponao and Levari Farkas, and Fir/ Paean:
leaned an of the Court of Common Pleas of Schuyl
kill Minty. and to hie directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sate or vendor., on Friday, the 14th day of February,
1641, at It o'clock. A. M., it the Hotel of Wm. atar,z,
In the borough of Pottsville. Schuylkill county, the
following deocrlbed.premiscs, to wit :
i. The stone and fossils coat under the surface in
all that tract of land, situate' in Tremont Township.
Schuylkill count:C, to.unded and described as follows:
Beginning at a white oak, a corner of lands of the
:.:watara Coal Laud Company, thence by the same
north :51 drareeo, east Di perches to a stone corner.
thence by.othdr lands of which this is a part, north 73}
degrees, east 117 perches to a stone corner to other
land of the ftwatora Cost .I,old Company, thence by
the same dee.rees. west 100 perches to a stone
corner, thence south :degrees, west 175 perches to a
white oak corner, thence still. by the same and the
Donaldson Land Company and Zimmerman t ract.south
291 degrees, east 105 perches to the place of hegihning :
It heine all the coal leserced • to the said Morris arm
Fisher, the defendants In the said execution, in all the
grant made h? t hem of Town-lots in the Town of rte•
moor, and the right to remove the same agreeably to
the terms of the said reservations and also the same
right to remove the coal under and in such Town or
other Lots not yet granted by them within the bonnda
ries aforesaid..
•2. Aiao. all that 'certain lot or piece of ground, situ
ate in the town of Tremont, Tremont Township.
Se ha yikill county, bounded a follows: Beginning at
the southwest corner of Pine and Line streets, thence
up the ;tooth side of Line street, 450 feet to a corner of
Lot No. `249, thence along %began side or said Lot 07
fret in the line of Eckel & Spangler's land. thence
along said line north 73; degrees. east 452 feet to Pine
street, thence along the west side of Pine street 12 ft.
to the place of beginning, excepting and resets int the
coal right is the 'came is contained in a deed from
Robin Morris and wife, and Howell Fisher to John
Eckel and Chtiatian E. Spangler. dated the 6th day of
August, A. I) 1840, recorded in the office forrecording
&r., In Fichttylkiil, in decd hoot( No. 52, page
501, tee.
Al eo,lwo lots situate owt be east side of Clay street,
In the town of Tremont,l Schuylkill county, bounded
on the-north by lot No. —, on the south by lot No.
on the earthy the hwetara Coal Land Company's
land. and nu the *est by Clay street, containing 120
feet In front on Clay street. and contalningthat width
fret to the east line of snot lots, hemg lota No. 202
and Dn. as represented nn the plan of said town of
Tremont. excepting and reserving the coal 010Lnp the
lame it contained ins deed "tram Robert 'Morris and
wife, and Unwell Fisher to John. Eckel and Christian
E. Spangler, dated the 6th day or August, A. D. 1619.
recorded in'the Office for recording deeds in Schuylkill
county, In deed book No. 52; page 501, ike.
4. Also, a certain lot of ground, situate on the north
side of North street. in the Town of Tremont, &MlTl
kin county; bounded on the north by land of the Eters
tare Coal Land Co.. on the South by North street, on
the east by lot No. 193. andUn the west by lot N 0.153,
containing 40 feet in front on North street; and con
taining that width feet - to the North line of said
lot. being lot No. 162, as represented on the plan of •
raid town of Tremont, caravan( and reserving the
coal righti'as the same Is contained in a deed from
Robert Motels and wits, and Howell Fisher to John
BOW and :Christian E. Spangler, dated the Bth day of
August, A: D. 1649, recorded in the oflice'for recording
deeds in Fe huylkill county..lo deed book No.
501. &c.
5. Aloo t eertaln lot or piece of ground, situate on
the north side of North street. in the town of Tremont.
seknyi kilt vaunt r, bounded on the north by_lanatif the
Swatara Coal Laud Co.. on the south by.Notth street,
on the east by lot Nn. 1824040theMeethy lot No.
181, containing 21l feet In Dont on North street, and
ptstaining that'srldtb fret to the North line of
said lot, being lot N 0.2.53 di represented on the plan of
said town cif Tremont, excepting and reserving the
rant rights a 1 the same Is contained In a d ee d f ree ,
- Robert blekets - and wife. 'and Howell Tuber to John
gelorlatid Christian E. Sponeler. - dated the Bth day of
,Angaft, A. D. Din. retarded In the °Mee for recording 4 ,
i deeds In Schuylkill roans;, In deed book NO. 32, pap
501, An.
6. Also:A . om lots of groUnd, situate- on the north
aide of North street In the Dawn of Tremont, Seknyl
k ill county, honrided on the north bythe Swatara Coal
Land Company's land, on the South by Nottb street on
the cast by Lot No 166, and on the west by of ber Loll
each Lot being 40 feet to .front on North street, and
emending that width---feet to the north ilnetheteuf,
and numbering eastwardly, viz: No 181, 183, 184;
and 185. excepting and reserving from rub Lot Use
assuisrvs tower saui...
court of Schuylkill county, the subscriber, John
p„ Hobart, Trusteirof the Estate of Jacob &Water
man, late of Et** tewlletrin. la this county of ttehuyl
itEt. deed., Arlitigoota uale. by Pooh:. \fondue, On
lI&TURDAY,MIit 13th day of February neat,' at 1
o'clock to the aftentoon,at the Pentraylviusla Ball in
the Borough of IPottsellia, la the county ordain., latll
efoirsaid,the faUrredng Ural Enure:
ALL that certain tract 'of land situate In Vnion
taweabto; In Schuylkill county, adjoining land of
John !barium, Company land, Foutman and
atbern4 . conuunins ChM hundred and Siziy•ele Acres
and Eight Perches, strict *ism with the. anputte.
Also one other diet of land situate In Polon town
ship aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel Egyis,
esquire flora and others, containing Five hundred and
Eight Acres, and Eighty Perches, strict measure with
the appurtenances, tale the Mate of the said deed.
attendance of 111 be. gir en and the, conditions of sale
mate known at the time and' plate of sale bv,
JOHN P. 11011.NRT, Trultee.
13y order of the Cotltt :
DANIEL. tiAEncript, e'er!,
orwiy,stang,Jan. IS, 'SS'
A ',inn:n*lly graduated Laud and Miners. Surveyor,
oti for the fast gfteen years his been incessantly en
eaned in taking aurrays and making plans of the sub•
terrinenus workings of Coal Mines, and Superintend
ing roitterira in one of the greatest mining districts iu
Cneiatid, in opensoan engagement at u colliery in any
elparity whateveri:separately. or wilt take the entire
management both over and underground.
' Respeetatfle references in Boston and tin vicinity,
And rnrnrity if required. .English testimonials from
influential persons who have Irnon the adveSirer
from his childliond, and who would feel plearnifii in
answerir% an) c ommunirallons, can he seen at thin
office %ddr4'in .1. 1101.CROPT.
Quinsy. Nang.
3-3 t.•
Jan. 1.951
• 4 , 80,/ iine, and Engineers' Toazpaf—No. 1,
• Now Ready.—.lt Is intended that this'
work emphatically a.Mtertarrice
Alva: ich theft afford to the , American mechan
ic male: th for the exercise of Olt Banda and the
eccupation f hit mind--tbitt rendering the workshop
scnnol fortr tart at well at practice. True science ,
is not the growth Of a day neither can it be Expected
that the results, aimed at will be achieved without
great labor and expense ; but the endiacor Will he to
make the path to sciertrolcos thany to the young me
chanic, who in tee many instance , ' deterred by the
formidable, forbidding extclrinr: under which it it
presented. frkto undertaking tilt investigation which
he might vasily'reastcr.
The editorial responsibility of the. Magazine is coo
tided to Julian W. Adam, E . sq., C. E. A.,gentleman of
I extensive scientific attainunentsi and practical 'lit
! erimination ; and who hat been professionally engaged
fordhe lan twenty4cats In the mechanical and -
dred part n its. The ferras arer dire e &Mars twr annum,„
, or twenty-five cents per number, published monthly.
subscriptions received by B. BANNAN, Bookseller.
and Publisher, Pottsville. who will deliver 'the work ..
at hit office free of postage ,
t Jan. 18,1650
Valuable Series of Ilsell4l and Ptactical
r 4 L% N r c :a V , (l:!.. , o l
e D o l rp ik r
, C m i l b C r
2 7‘ ..c 1 S n
zT A
its c
aCt To n
to the Atts, Metettugy, Mineralogy. Cleology, Medi
cine, and Pharmacy—by James C. Booth, A. pt. M. A.
P. S., Metter and Benner in the P. S. Mint, Professnr
of applied Cheinletry, in Franklin Institute ; assisted
by Campbell Motfit. author of Applied' Chemistry and
Chemical Manipulations.
SILLABUS OF CHEMISTRY • including its appli
cation to the Arts. Agriculture. and Mining: prepared
for the use of the flentlemettCadetvar the Honorable
East India Co.'s Military steminary.JAddiscombe,—by
Professor E. Solly.
THE Binnew.l4 COMPANION ; containing the
elements of building, surieyinc, and architecture,
with practical rule.: and instructions coonerted with
the subject.—by A C. Sme.sion,' Civil Engineer, dc.
Ellti• COMPANION ; comprising the rudiments and
principles of Cabinet making and Upholstery, with
familiar instructions, illustrated by examples, for at•
milling a proficiency in the art of Drawing, a 9 appli
cable to cabinet work. The processes of veneering,
and Milb work; the art .of dyeing and stain
ing wood, ivory, bone, tortorse-shell. Are. Directions
for larkening„ Japanning, and varnishing; to make
Fiend. palish; to prepare the nest glues. cements and
• eumpcsainns, and a number of receipts, particularly
useful to workmen generally, with elplanalory and
illustrative engravings--by J. stokes.
ION ; containing upwards of two hundred receipts
Me making colours on the most approved principles, for
all the various styles And fabrirs now ut existence ;
togethet with the scouring proceall, and plain-direr
' lions for pressing, washing ofr.and auleiri ng the goods.
ill of which are for sale cheap at-
Cheap Book Store. Centrestreet Pottsville.
ent4 s. 1 nduenza, Aet hurt, Fhth is ie Whooping
rough, kleakiea, Cough, Spitting of Blood.
Pail and Weakness ;If the Breit
'rind Lungs. Sore Timm,
litonchitia, and' •
Land, in some Instances. eitcnconfirmed consumption
has been cared.
The Pectoral Mixture was extensively and success
fully used by the proprietor as a specific' for coughs,
ace., as well as by some of the most respectable phy
sicians long helcue it was presented to the public in
its present lona. Ito popularity, success, and inc rea
sung demand, during the last twenty•years, have in
duced several rival preparations In the fora of Bel
:alms, Expectorants, and Ptilmoctary Syrups, which
t)iirw'strong proofs of its superior propetties. Numer
ohs references-to persons of the greatest respectability
can be given, where this Mixture has been used with
astonishing•success, — and , in some instances, where
time patients have been given
lip respectable physi
' clans, and afterwards cured by Hrewster's Pectoral
'alixinre. Try it. Price, to cents. M
Pile'grave, Salem Co, March 27. Mo.
Mr. F. 1111.Eivirtrn:
• Dear Sir:7-01)ot one year ago I was seized with a
severe cold; which brought on a violent rough, that
continued to increase Tor several months, gradually.
reducing my strength. and wanting away my flesh, Un
til I wan fearf , d that Consumption had fastened upon
my Lung*, and my ft lends thought me in a •recay. I
discharged quantities of Phlegm and Hatter front my
Lungs when coughing.
I used various remedies without receiving any
benefit. until 1 heard of your Pectoral Mixture, of
which I procured, and used one bottle, which 1 ant
aappy to Say etrected a speedy and permanent cure.
I feel it a duty that t owe to the afflicted, an well as
doing justice to you and your valuable medicine, to t
make the foregoing nutriment, hoping u. may benefit
the sufferer. Yours, ear.,
Prepared only by F. O. Brewster,- Druggist and
Chemist, Drldgeton.N• J., and rot sale together with
Brewster't EinbrOeatinD, Cholera Mixture and Eye
Water, by JOHN BROW N, DrOgglet and chemist.
. . '
notiiiiticisLATles--TnE BLUE NOUN
IA, la i n st a ting company, respectfully informs thw
public that they are fully prepared to furnish gape, Jur
Slates for Ituoring. and have .be. most experienced
Slaters in their employ, and will attend to any orders
with despatch at the %hottest notice, and on the most
reasonable terms. 'AB the wait warranted. Apply to
W. J. ROBERTS. Treichlersville P. 0., Eehigh'Ed.;
Ps., Agent, or to B. BAN AN at this office will be
punctually attended to
Dec. 7, ifiso ,
VIDUNTIr LANDS, D_Estigagrogit,
IFICSINICH 6.7. CO.. Attinise_ fir.Vtalltut
Street, between Fourth antrith lemiadelpiga,
are Peps red to Prostateoll 'Maims-for Land or Mtim.
ey, on the. Government or individuals.
the have evidenCitollitEtlll2l theelnims of many of
the soldiers of the' we re of she United States, und:r
Out art of Sept, 28th, 18.50,, One of. the firm resift'
in the city of Washington.ensbles Wit° insure proMpt
action for n smelt reumeteratton. Rum* an 4 Declara
tion a pproved by the rension Office. furnished to
agents., with instructionp, Ste. Those Willem or
widow or minor children by addrwring the abode
firm post-paid wilt receive eve tt information:
isases . souniti . TWO dosotstimilitiat
by public seidue,.l Willittot_litire. Hotel; Is the
Borough of Pettorllle. on Ftiday.tho 11th day OfFette
ram!. @SI. that lot ortgromid shoats on the east ,
warely eido or Coal lintel,: is the Sotougb of 'rouse
Title, aforesaid: being Itii_Oret Rent - on Coal street,
and extending -In depth Uhl feet to a ttt feet` alley ;
together with the unprothasents thereon, consisting
ora two gory Brick Dwelling Home2l .
feet front,' ,by at. drip. with a two st ory
ass kiteben
,attacned, smoke honse,orgn, by
int dna; Mar the kitettewdoor, an ettehent
den, and a stable,on the rear or the tot,
now in the occupancy of the subscriber.
There la a first Tate Cellar under the Douse, in trbieh
Is a never-failing arena of aster.
.2110 at the sarnietime and place, the lot adjoining
above. on the north. and of the same size. together
wtth the improvements thereon. conflating of a
Two tatory Brick Dwelling Rouse, 21 - fect
front, by 22 flee deep, *with a two story
sass !IT:oh:tine at t a che d,f che tCheu 1 t ....:;.: O Ne nii *) e ‘ . , t 4e c tl eite h iii
garden, and :Citable un the mat !of the
lot, uolar is the octopnucy of Cot. Jacob
'M. Long., There is tiled under this house a flit' rate
rellartaitla a utter fatting sitting of Intel - to
These flowers are both wet bath, in utodern style,
combine many conveniences. and orcaitttate tu one of
the lIICIst pleasant, out. of the Borough for a private
Persons wishing In view the premises of to obtain
any informaliAn, Wel pleaao call on the 'Mtt/lite r. by
whom the tonditiona will be made known at the time
of male. : Salt'
Pottsville, Jan. 19, lNSl1.• • 141.
. .
:r 111 E Tirusemfirm OFFERS FOR .4A.1.1:. ON
I . rt-o.Forltible terms, all that certain lot of ground,
sham.. On tlfe !until able of,Blll4tutt .street to the Ili) ,
rmilztt of alit...ratMe. rormittun;Alx from on riunhuty
ttrvetlitly lll.a ml es iatulin4 1.4 . 0,-1( that width two
Min.lre4 tees, r.ikritiat ...tro , t. Tlre ri jraoirOcP llll ll llll2 l'Oti.
Liil_ , : . '!'i , IFI or:. illto,4litory r,tone Dtr,11111:. mitt
*- Shop, _in 'front. abd !Ito one and .1 halt; .tory
rosi • flame I.htelling 1i0uQ... , -, •-.' iw.tabl.. awl
ma Slaughter !town.. bail: —lf 'ant =olil at tort
" • tate tale !wrote the 13th day of March
next.. said petwarty will be sold M. Public
Pale at rhe zioua.nt - - GeOrge lltUtnta. M l net 3 Vl lle • tin
satiirliv..the grkid 15th -day of March nett. at'-
chtek. P. M. , .Pnetttrther rettrtleuinta euyntrenf,Jacob
r. ThtliT ) M,c.lohe preunsea, or of
DAVID R. lillilliGriNe::
Pottoille. Jan. IS. 16.51.1. - . .3-ts.
LIST or Urrizzis, - •
IL Schuylkill r aunty. Pa., Car quarter ending 3lst
December lh:r4l
A3ltunitth Thos' 'Heron ,1 MTh , : Patrick
Barry John ship Hall Juaenit !dor!, Pairirk
Brant Frederick •Hilt Denglen Murphy Peter
Outset, Daniel .-Jonen'D
Davin David II John Henry MicAvey John
Daw.ion Win U Johnson John Maher John
Duckweiler .1 JamesATin p 'Philips JOsiah
Delany John Bidgalien John synniaers Syrns
grans Evan , Knox Thorne'. Sider Jolin
Ferhec Jacque stipLamb.Peier sykegGenrge
Fajer.Henry McKean Owen Willtanin C 2
Fitzinamons llt Hawn M ship Waugh Joshua
Gldnn John Murphy Michael Whitaker John ,
Heya BHget ship McNulty John Toe John '
Hvgha David Morgan J R , Zimmerman Sam!
Two Ce.ii,n additional brill be charged for all, adier
tised Letters. Pemona applying for lettera On. this
list, will please nay "advertised."
Clair, Jan. 11, }cal
riz il
,, ' . fully Ynforathla friends and Hip public genPr
ally, that ha haajtial opened a splendid isitort-
W.f.' tittrnt ui J Ewr.i.r.qv AT ins. NMI: 'ATOM:.
at th!.. 'corner of Second odd Market ttrOcis., in ] the.
Honing!' of Wittsvitle. ailiero , be it prenaird to 1 0 1 l
all kind., of itnwelry and Silver Warn ; al:10.k haat:
aesorituetit of Watrhea.Goldand7;4tlver. Olt jet‘keitl)
Levnrs, itc.c., and att , o a great vati...ty of Cl•lcks of all
prices and quality. all of which wilt be ~. old ,:i t e,t,,,,
than the nheapelt:: Come and net
Jan. 4. !SS' .. ; e., • . ..! , - • !-ir •
OFtler. ANT) DRUGiiTORg, mmtKra. sTREUT
Dee. 14, um!)
TiiCBr°BE l°r STOCK. e'
T, tnretandgoodwiilotbenellnovhy
s7 , kennown Storr. Ritualedln the.nonrishing
negations of the Lykens sillily Coal Company, to
Dauphin county, at the commetcenteat came Lykens
Valley Rail Arad, and about 10 tnilei from Millers
boil., on the Susquehanna. - The store is capable of
doing a very txtrnsiveeash ,buitiness, and to a man
of enterprise and moderate capital, presents advanta
ges rarely to be met with in a country store. • The
stock and fixtures will be cold independent of the store
house if desired.. For terms apply on the prctuise, to
Pllll da.
99-51 w!
Dec. 1850
5000 PAIR OF BOOTS & suons.
? 1
be the r., a? r ti n ati rhtt , e ,, fw a ll i t t legt D e e. at . rta io d ii p
Boots at 01, 5 9 per Pali. at him Olt! Ea. r
tabliabment. Centre.atreec,cippoaite the Post Office.
Pottsville, whete he has also far Fate a:general ottaort
meat of . 2 addlery.Treak.q: fc.o., rt i f . eirahlaVgie'•
51-tr ,
- •
...........______ _ ~._._._ _ ..___•,•._...
, 1 . g
lIE suestistngs nas'os ITAND AND OE
-1 fen. , for rile at 4! Bents per pound a lot-of Wrought
Spikes, 5 inch and upwatdn, made, hi-11'40i and of
the heat Iron. A 130,4 and.:* inch at 5 cents. ' Wharf
Batts at 5 (Taut.. :,nd Engtiah bolt iron, .ar.A.Stionartt
Per Ton. Call on, or'addres‘
N0f135 Beach-Street Reaainaton, Philada.
Dec. 41 IESO , sa-nn'
• •
1 ?mance. to the cimen. Of Pottsville and rivinity
that h.• has taken a room in Col. Eannen's new build
ing opposite the Episcopal Church. where he willbe
happy to palnt,the Portrait. orally persons who may
dcsire it, and In a style which it iq hoped will afford
entire satiafactine. • tl
Personswitthing to enioloy him proressi.mally. will
please rall'at hi. , room or at the Pennsylvania
7. nitiANtui TirntYn . monnE.
Jan 1. 185! '
i~`!'3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'! 4 w'~
tyrrier. No. 1631 Chestnut atrAm. nrar rifth At
Charles N. Banckcr. George W. Rich;rtP
Ttmntati llart. Hordeeni.U. Lewis.
Totting Wagtier.lolphe U.Stor ,
tamnrl Great, qacitlS.
Jarc.h It. Smith. Ntot its
Continue to oinko lOspiance, permanent or Ivnitvd
on every de.rription of prpperty, in town and rolintiy
at rate° as low no are consiment with Frcurit 5. •
The Compnny have re.erved a lare.e Contingent
rund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely
invested, afford ample prn:aetinn to the •
The r nsq ets of tbs.:Company on January 151.194 A.,
publialied agreeably to an Act of As.embly, were a=
follows, viz ,
Minteare V 390.559-05. Storks, 51.563 9.5
Real flkate. 108.354 90 C &e.; 15,157 57
Loa na, P. 5,459 00 ' $1.1120,0,97. ,
Rifler. Aber incorpciratian, period or eighteen
years, they have paid upwards of one gaitlino two hue
deed thOtaaltd dollars..loß3e3 ,f.y. fire, thereby afford
ing evidence of the advantage. , of insurance, ac well
a % t h e ;t hinly uhttAvn‘ition to -meet with wirier.,
aCe.„ all liabililie;.
I.II,ARLErI N. BANCKER. Pre;idenr.
CHARLES 'G. RANCKF:R. Secretary.
The enbscrinor ban been aptininled - agent for ;the
above menrinned institution, and is now prepared to
make insurante on every descriptinifVf property. at
the Inwek rates. ' ANDREW RlSSikEllo Agent.
!NM/Irate. Jail 0,051 .
: tojet s
FOR counris, coLns : rinvi:NzA. WHOOP _
log Cough and Pulmonary affections;—The nro
prietor of the above invaluable prePartition chaiten—
ges the exhibleioncif any • other epecific when can
complete t MI essential qualities with that nntv pre.
'limited to the public. Ijimself a graduatreof the Col
lege of Pharmacy in 'Philadelphia. and carefittly
trained in nue ef the most extensive .4ireseliptiou
houses in that city',, he confidently. and with assured
faith In its excellence. recommend.' it sate medicine
weilidaptcd for the purpose for which it has com
pOunded, Ile pledges his prefessionta e n ie ;tati„„ that
it conthlns nn deleterious ..ntg—hith•lttat the iiimples
of which it Is et:imposed, will not in the remotest'
manner, affect this most tender infant ro any way but
tattle removal of the disease. •
Par coughs, however inveteratt'; or; harassing, its
action wilt belt/ id to be immediate and optourti ;
tvhilet In ererycase it will bring almost instantaneous
relief,und if persecied in, will affett a certain cure.
Children from their birth. and adults of any ace, can
rely upon these results. Colds bang neglected, or be
coming violent through. i•oustant exposure, threaten
mg injury to the.. lungs. and conserinently-Consimp...
tfon.wlll he arrested before such a feral crisis will
have been reached. Indeed cares have been known,
and nre certified tn, where it•hne been, a.certained
that apnimenary ntrectiou esisted'tvhieh this inedi.
vine relieved with alithe decided evidences of - a mit
cal, entire cure.. .
.. •
This preparalioo is equally. cflicactotts:lor Asthma,
hoarseness, and bronchitis. Aged persons. particular
ly. are nruch subject to tie. first of timse ut,eam.s•;
whilst public speakers. when affiicis..d nhh the latter,
will be mire to he-relici:ed from these two painful
The above stotementa are wade in full view of their
Importanre and weight; their faithfulness will be
proven ana fair trial tithe specific; :Ind relief to
the sufferer be the certain consequence. , For further
-proof of the elficaf.v of this remedy. the, proprietor
teepee-tinily refers to the following certifieates ofaome '
of the first PhysiCians in Pottsville: , •
CsaTittcATES.—l deem it a duly r owd to the com
munity, to strongly redoutatend "Hughes' Expeaor.
asan effectual remedy in colds , e4nclident ttion-
Infiamation of the lungs, aod an analogous
diseases- Having prescribed this:Yernedy,^and traced
its eirectlinPeo the Patient. I can safely eecommend it
its superior to MU distinct combination now hefore the.
pnDlbr.' - ' P. COULD. F. I)
Poltscills. 1848
•Pottsvillewtngnet. tais: ,
C. Hughes having made known to me the rom
ponent materiats ••of a prepatatlans made by him.
failed "Ilimhes• Espectorant.". I am :Induced to rec=
ommendlt as a medicine that Would prove beneficiai
in the varlotis
,diseases lot. midget' he directs Kin
I. 13115,700/001 , 4 M. P. •
ilavingemanained tits conspottentifonalag ‘-ttogbee ,
Expectoratt.!! 1 have no 'levitation its recommending...
It as; ',believe it to bean excellent remedy in certain
conditions of prilmonad: diseases. - :
Anit.o4B.l , Tubs: BRODY. D
•-•. , . • -
M. 3
r, C. enTtis Dignes—Dear alic..:-As yettrete
kind menet to inform me or the ingredirrnts which
=Waren four Expectorant.' horinafter testing it folly
take pleasure - in commandingly to all those who may
need a slate acid effectual Expeitunant.. Yours. &cc:, ,
. ~ .. . . TllO4. Cl.-11ESI78, 3i D. i• • i
prepared only by 1..... C., C. ughes.z Chemin and.
Druggist, Pottsville. Pa., and 'r sale byi. W. Gibbs.
1: 41
A. Begeer, Minersville ; p : Fry. Tamaqua ; B.'B.
Dixon. SchnylkiltiDiven 1.„ I. hammer , r ,
uner. Wagne
& Ernther.Ormfgentrgi J Is Williatnl. Middiepoll i
1 hte.yetredcslllfman, Patterson; Chilies Dolthing.l3lt
i. Yet Creek X Jilt McCreary. Tremont,- WM. Payne,
Ileckatterville; James Gillphiliti; Port'Ceibon i J. Mc-.
Gordy, Reading i Seller's Drug grate.Pottagrnag ;evil
hf atofekeepeMitenerelif thscragiroaktbit etude. , ' •
.'' ;An. It 1531.
. .
J. manta to varloas parts or Deland • and Scotland,
and with Messrs. SPOONER, A.TWOOD & CO:, Can
kers, London, is prepared to draw Bight 1111 Us Irmo
Onerotiod allotting to any amount required, pafabte
In all parts of England, Ireland, Elecaland and Males.
Persons remitting Five Dollars to the Ponnd in par
fends, with the name of the person who 14 to draw .
she money, a bill for tboartiount,orttb a receipt' for
them to bold, will be retained.
' .Colleetions made in all pass of Coroor:, and ,For
eign Bills of Exchange cashed -
• 3 P. 'A lICR%N'IN, l'onscillti,
_ .
, STUDY da BLWO ' i r/
wtiotEsate RETAIL:DI:MMUS 'Di
Illorkt,Attches, Jewelery, Silver and Plated
Wait. Thesubleribers otrerior sale at their es
. tablisturtent,two doorsab,ot'e he 311 n eis ' It.
centre street, Pottsville, Pa. & side ndi.l o‘vortme nt 01
Melte, Watchot, Jewelry. Silver and Plted Wale,
itc., at guilt price as cannot fad to give atabiactitirti
and to which We ;note the attention of purthaSees,
assuring them that every article is warrantettait 10[1-
re. , toed.
Our stud: tnitsialei iu poll V a full Liao:front (,r
ROLL)SI,LATI; LE Kit Sr.l7't.'il
do do Impine
do• .
Silver Table and Tr,a-apoous, iithatuenta,
eyE•enly, Watches, Jen, tlry and gold pens,seut to.
all parts of the United Mies by mail, with perfect
safety. We are iletermit&d to sell at lea prices than
the same article:, urn stillul'hiladelphia.
Preserve this • 41certistiguent. and amine
not .vtoeti when you vtrtt PoUssillN
W 31., hiLittY ,
' Die. 11. 19.1 y •
Particular atti.iititM paid to the repairina oralt kind
of watches.
t ten of this ci lebrated Paint. which is coming into
genetal use f painting root', frame dwellings, and
in filet all throbs of buildings. Sac., which require to he
protected from the ravages of fire sad Water. Tin
roofs. shingle roofs, &c., will be prevented nom irak•
roe,and 'their durability doubled . by the use of this
palo."and frame buildings can be made to imitate both
gray and red sandstoite t while at the sante time they
become Utmost as secure against the ravages of the
as a brick or stone building; It is fonished in grey,
chocolate and slate colots. Painters and others sup
plied in quantities-M.oe manufaturers prices. Also,
nil to be used with the Pitint furnished at the low rue
of 43 tents per gallon by the keg or Darted, which
places this paint snout one•half the price oftheothcr
kind of paint now in use. In Chin the Insurance Com
panies insnre buildings covered with this paint at a
lower rain than they do those covered with either tin
or Ain, -Ttie paint is furnished ground in oil. ordry•
Agent for the Maituthcitirer.
Nov. 30 ISW. 48—. '
DR. J. S. ROSE, -- ''"
11R. /10:41. , r3 ALTERNATIVF, FOR TUE RAW-
L/ tau cure of Scrofula, Diseases of the Dane, stub- I
born Ulcers. Liver Complaints; old Eruption.V, Rheu-
malism, and every Disease atisiog from sn impure '
state of the blood•
This preparation has no equal for the cure of the
above named - diseases. My extensive practice, in
Philadelphia the last thirty years has made me ac
quainted with all forms of disease, and being a grad
pare from the Univeishy of Pennsylvania in Int). tin, I
der the guidance of the truly meat Professors, Chap-
Mari, Physic.( and Dar e.nameg celebrat ed '
for medical seience, and having daily intercourse and 1
consultation 1 especting disease. and the. application
of remedies thereto; with these distinguished physi- ,
zianr. I at» enabled from all of these advantage,, to .!
'offer the public my Alteruative Syrup, which purifies
and ~,„ ~,lle to the eyetem, driving therefrom all ,
lurking diecasis. Thin remedy I harm! illwayo tclied ~
upon. in a Klemm .pr thirty years, to re,tore nr 0 i,,,,,
down constltuti ins. . ,
Over 1)10 persons In tile city of Philadelphia can
be. seen whir srfqe cured by'il. Price 111 per bottle. '
SYRI7P.—A certain, speedy rare for roughs.T.'olds.
Crmsuptions, A Alinia. spitting i 4 Mood, soul all dip,,
eaAee of tie We'll , . 'Phis valitable,syllip ha. no equa l ;
it al zy.. irritation or intlainat non of the air ce11"...
marina cerenes , from the chest ; causing the patient
to earwrtorate with 'ease unit ireeilem. atter no Pa
tensile medical practice of thiiry,years in the r icy of
Philadelphia; I an, enabled to tiller the afflicted 'public
a (fough `syrup which „ha; g aide I{6l if,. heart, of
many almost upon the of the era ye. Th0,,,,,n,h,
are ready to testae to its co tali% e and healing virtues.
TM, fiteparatinnlail plareil cansnoiption on the list
* of manageable diseases, and toakc, it as curable as *
any other, if the patient applies for ;lid before the
lituvl ale destroyed. Price Sli cents and SI per'hottle.
DR. Rosrs tit'srtyrtu COMPOUND.—THE
Liver. being the large:n gland in the human body', Is
more rrennently deranged' In ha healthy* - action
than any other. The consequences of this derange
ment are first, Dyspepsia ; known by rostivetienesk,
belching up of wind; sour stomach, and sometimes
f)larrhroa or looseness of the bowels, head.acue, ll ec.
coils feelings. cell feel, traliefulnesv, and rayiabia
appetite, &r.- Secondly: if the above Symptoma are
allowed to go pn, tang without this medicine, (which
will always cure or remove them.) then - follows de
bility of tke lungs and predisposition to consumption.
Dr. Rose has been called on by over three thousand
rises within the last few years. and many of them
had tricifthe yarioas hitter compounds to their dein -
skin; fortunately the most were in time and were
'soon cured by the above cnuiponnd. which contains
no mercury, and does not injure,hat always improves
I , the constitution, as thonsauds can testify*.. Price :41
compound having been used by me in a- full'practice
of twenty-sir yearn, with the'mnst beneficial rei.nua
in cites ,:. Worine, ha. Oil Well esiabl ifhed itssupe
c.,,,,fte R 1 .•e tr. 1.10. Whet . 11 , 111 t'ltiirnt.r , than the ,r,.
, mand has increased beloinl all cbicni..tion. All medi.
, elnesehoold Its prepared by a physician - and chemist.
It is true that many articles are snow sold as good for
, worms, hot it should he remembered that many are
ton:powerful for the constitution of yiaung children.—
thee Scents.
have been many remedies compounded for the cure or
,Croup. or Dives TM-disease is particularly preva
lent among children. and often fatal; lint as [have
never seen ii:ease terminate fatally or continue long
wher, this 'Syrup wins used, I cart reeommernfit with
thd highest confident e. - Price 9.3 cents. See direc
These pills a reconfidentlY'recomin - caded for Dyapep-.
sia, disease of the Liver. Costiveness. and for the '
constant nse of families, as they Sr., Mild sod certain
in their operation. canning no pain or nneasinesS.
leaving the bowels perfectly free from costiveness
Price 45 cents.
beantifnl prepatatimi has been used by me 'in a fail
practice of thirty years in the city of Pliitarielphia,
and is a never-failing , -Mmede . - for shnierx-mothits,
dvsentary, bowel complaint, flatitlency. ke. Fries
25 rent. .
DR. ROSE'S HAM TON If.--I . lii. ibvaluable
ronipound fir the hair has been listed and highly se
commended by the Mrs and truly erect lir. Physic, of
Philadelphia. Pricelrl.
- The afflicted are invited to call upon the Agent, and
procure (gratis) one of the Docter's Pamphlets giving
a detailed account of remedy and its application.
Thep., medicines are' in high repure,and can be re
tied upon as suiting the diseases for which they are
'recommended. as, they are therestilt ofan extensive
practice of the last thirty years in the city of Philadel
01- Nonegennine without my .wretch signature. .1.
P. WISE, d I/. For sale by
JwittiNi.: & SHAW.,
' 125 (The anut ;4ieet. Agents for the U. S.
And toriaale Wholenale at threlitore of the sule.cri
her, who iz the sole Wholesale". Agent for Schuylkill
Connie. Drrigeets., Merchants, Etc., deali»g in Medi•
ernes. supplied at the Proprietor's prices. These are
no Quark Medicines.. P. 1109 , ` i. an eminent Physi
cian oftic rely sears , marline in Philadelphia, where
the United voice of the. Press and the people extol the
great virtues, and eitracird teary cures effected by his
Medicines. R. BANNAN.
Pottsville, Dee. 9.9, 1950 .. ' ' 52-ly
G. W . BIER •4 : . ; .
it'Aick it also a . Usirersal Falsity ,
Embrocate's*. for
Disrases of the Haman Reek:
and experience has fully proved Oita this
1. UNIVERSAL UEMEDY has not its equal,on the
list of popular medicines, having
. been more than 14
years before thipublic. •
Testimony of the most disinterested character of its
synnderfol effects rot the
_animal economy it almost
dal Vlnesented to the proprietor
.1 young man it. the Town of Wilson. w lio.r chitties
were burnt off Qr him, was restored (without suffer
ing.) by the timely use of this till. •
I omicrons alf I! the unt4-o,wited statements of patients
thennodres, and otitet• who ft,ice used the rm. a
cures which in thew.eiece appear an ternarkable;tha
were they at all inieresred in a peculiar point, they
could hardly have been credited: •
The following, diseases are among tuany °there In
the cure of which this Oil has been completely endears.-
inland in which others had entirely. failed
dportn. Sweeny, Ringhone, Wiridgalls, PolU Ertl.
. Callous, Cracked Lice's, Callsof all kinds, Lame- ,
n ess, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Sand
' Cracks: Foundered Feet, crat-dies. or
tirease.llange, Rheumatism,Biteei of
Animas, External Poisons, Painful
• Nervous Affections, Frost Bites.
Boils,Corns.Whitlows,Bants and
Scalds. Chilblains. Chapped
Ilande,Crainp,Contract lan s
of the Muscles, we'll or,
WeakneAS of the Joints,
' Caked Breasts. &t.
ttetware of CpUNTCRFEITS , end besurethd name
of the Aide' Proprietor, GEORGE, W MERCHANT
N • 1% % , is blown in the side of the hoitle.and
in his hand venting orM‘ the Cork. Don't be pursue
ded to take anything else with the peonage it i• Just us
good ke:, kn. This Is practicedby those nnprinCipled I
dealers whose conscience will stretch, like India Ruh-1
ber, and who are of a kindred spirit: of those. in our 1
large cities, whose nefkrhms racticeshave so recent- I
ly been -exposed to the action 'of Congress.
--These who attempt-to Counterfeit this art icle are to:
(erred to Um law of New York, of Mort 184.1,-by which '
it seen that every person meddling in these
', ,itslasubleettnindicttnent.linprbonntent and
• it,-persortneUlna oat of this State; wilt he .11able t
arrest when in the State.ind also Labe held:as a wit
nese splint those he bought of or 5°14 for.
-An Orders addressed to thopreorfetor will he promPdt
ly responded to. - -
.1' GO a Pamphlet of the Ageat s 'ond see what w tr.
dere ate-attomplisheil by the 'use of this medicine.
80idby respectable dealers gentwatly in - the United
. Stattwisnd Canada. Also, by: •.• .
J.C. C. FIIJOUES. Pottsville t - -
E. J. Fry, Tamaqua; Harrtrac•r, Ch., ig.dso.g . ; - Ohnorr
,Weil kethlehem ; Pomp, k'Ketzly'i Easton g. - .Lewbir
Lemurs* Co.. - Aitentoons; hiesser,-;ilublrery f - U.
.1. Sheafer, Mitten M A. McCoy, Northunikerttrrtd;-
Dr. n. Vohe. Wilkesbartet
Maven; C. W. Shalde,LeirlabutgilklWEUlaras,Rear:
Creek; C. M. Elms*, Mann °Ann* rThOler-M 4 twel!
Trinkhaantiek s Frederick - Klett k Co:, Wbbitont
By,Telegraph and yesterday's: Mail.
, MI,,ujEr4PRIA, rlitmAr 4-o'cLoost
Wheat 'Pion'', 16,00—Rvi; do. - $3 19
per: bbl.—Corn r!eal; $3 ad do. =Wheat.
Red $1 07. White,- $1 13.—bye. 71 cents,
--Coin 64—Oats, A 1 ,cents per. bushel.-
Whiskey . 26it cents per gallon. •
7State. Legislature.—Resolutions were
introduced into the Senate, on Thursday, ap
proving the measures of the. Compromise
adopted by Congress, and regarding any at
tempt to, revive their agitation as unnecessary
and danOrous.
From Congresx—The French Spa
rim' Bill. passed the Senate on Thursday, by
a vote of 30 to 26., It provides for indemnity
to claituatits for redress of grievances by
Freud, Spoliation. A Bill to encourage ag
riculture, commerce and manufactures, was
introduced the same day in the House, ap
propriating 160 acres of Government land to -
every head of a family, provided they culti
vte the same for a certain time.
ry• alisstniri U. States Senatar.—Geyert
,Whig, was elected on the fortieth ballot in
the Missouri Legislature, by a vote of 80.
ju4t sufficient to a choice. Benton received
55 votes. The contest was triangular be°
tween the Whigs, Bentonites and Anti-Ben
ionites. The latter went over to the Whigs.
Congressional Election in Massachu
selts.—Another effort has been made to elect
members of Congress k the seven districts,
that failed of a. choice fait All. As far as -
the returns have been received, 3 Whigs 4 -
have been electeti—no choice yet in the other
0:7 Steamer Atlantic.—Nothing still from
this Steamer. She has now been out' over
twenty days, And great fears are entertained
for her safety.
The complgion of the Baltimore and Ohio
Canal has opened a way to market for a vast •
ainount of the, mineral of that particular
section of our:country, that has hitherto lain
latent and undeveloped. Of course, enquiry
and ene.rgy have been awakened, and an itn.
pews will be given to business there which
cannot fail to render it eminently productive.
'The coal beds of Maryland are far more
extensive than they were generally . conceiv
ed to be. Allez.diligent examination, it has
been estimated that the Coal fields within
the limito of Allegheny county alone will
yield 3,337,000,000 tons of col. And this
result is :traced at after deducting about one
fifth part of the area of the Coal basin for
those portions which are carried away in the
formation of the valleys along the course of
the various streams.
The Cumberland (111 d.)• n furnishes
from official returns, the following statement
of the amount of foreign coal annually im•
ported into the United States, since the year
1841 :
Import of Foreign - Coal, in Tons.
1841 155,394
1842 141,521
1843'' 41,163
1844 87,073
1845 85,776
1846 156,853
1847 ' 148,021
1848 _ • 196,168
1849 198,213
1850 • 180,439
It will be seen, then, that as soon as the
Tariff of 1842 went into operation it redu
ced the foreign import of coal to arCamortnt
hardly worth putting on iecoid, but that
immediately after the enactment of the Tar
if of 1846, the importation encreased until I .
for the last three years they have equalled, t
if not exceeded, ttie cadre amount'annually
mined in the County of Allegheny. Andyet
we are told that - Tariffs have no effect ori the
Coal trade, and. that coal needs no higher '
protection than it receives at present. The -
'fact is, if coat to the value of one Million cif
dollars is introduced into our country evely
year from abroad, it injures our coal business
to that amount annually. And the injury -
does not fall upon one person or corporation
alone, but is,felt by every man who is direct
lv or indirectly interested in that branch of
liachiess. It 19, in truth, equivalent to ern e
ploying, foreigners to furnish us with sup
plies of a certain article to the amount of
one million of dollars annually, - when we
have the same article at home,•of a better..
I quality, and our own citizens are ready to --
furnish it on the same, or, perhaps, more ac
icommodatin term*.
We have had a good deal of talk about''
making •' the rieh'richer. and the poor poor-
How to do that, has been discovered, and
is now in' full operation. We have only to
go up the Alleghany, into Armstrong, Clar
ion and Nen:lngo. to see it work.
Under the Tariff law of 1842, many en
terprising rain in that region, seeing the•
hills filled with iron ore and coal, and covered
with useless forests, commenced the.erectiou
of furnaces. Sometimes two or three would ,
unite their means, which the addition of their
own hand labor and a little- credit enabled..
them to get into operation. For a tithe they
did well—prices were good, because they
were protected- against foreign competition.
- The country around them improved rapidly.
.The farmers did well, for they had .a market
for every thing they could spare. Mechanics
did well : for they had plenty.of enstomers
-who. were able to pay them. That was is
time when the poor were getting rich. That
was a time when Whig law ruled and our
free ,trade friends had no chance to test their
111 E
But this did not last. The tariff of 1846,
letting in a flood of foreign iron, brought
down prices so-low' that nearly all* these men
who were not very rich were obliged to aban
don the business. They lost their little cap
ital, they lost their labor, and lost their prop
erty. Some of these establishments have
been sold by the sheriff ; some at private sale
at ruinous prices ; and some are still strug
gling on. The proprietor of one these last
deClared recently that he would , gladly sell ,
out for what he had put into it, thus losing
six years of time and labor : but he cannot
do it or any thing like it. • -
The numerous furnaces that' have been
sold, and their proprietors reduced to pov
env, are still there ; but who owns them?—
Tiiey have fallen into the hands of wealthy
men, in some cases at little more than one
tenth of their former. value. Some of these
few wealthy men own, in whole or in part,
some half-dozen of Lhem. They cost them
little, and they can afford to let them lie kite,
waiting for a change,of times. The forrner
proprietor., are poor ; the laborers are
and are very poor ; the farmers
and mechanics have lost their market, and
they areipoor ; but the rich are nude richer.
The experunent has been entirely successful,
Afew days ago, we heard an anedote vela- -
ted, which is in point. A wealthy old gen
tleman—a Whig, and a proprietor of iron
works—was one day trying - to persuade some
43f his neighbors in Clarion County that it
was theirinterest to support the tariff policy; ,
but alter exhausting all his arguments with
out effect, he lost his patience and eiclaimedi
Well, gentlemen, if you will make . a nabo3
of me, go ahead!" And ~they did Maltia
nabob of him ; for he is not buying np iron prices extremely =profitable to him,
but ruinous to the the former owners.
We will go jinn= argument upon this
matter, to day ; but we have given a
few facts, and have attempted to desciibe the
state of things flaw- existing in the iron re.
gion ti st:lo.:4 , usl, and we will merely say ,
to the •iriends:Ofthe- present tariff and.the
party. that supports it, if this is the state of ,
things you, want, go ahead.—Pittsburg Gaz.
(I:7Worth Remembering.—The Editor of
the Raleigh Star says he has learned from a
reliableJA*4; that the green 0n75914: 1
logs„ hoiletNeodipplied to the parts affect ,.
ulth thoputotdesurface itextrilti - Aio,
wilt c ore -diffikkAiiketites - or Bra;
07T/it lttri inst. tells the 'l4 tieramiCle•
eery of FraniVi i s birthday.