'lllllllll% op TEC MMUS' sotratuah sngsts witscstrllo:t. Two Dollars per annum, payable semi-annuity In strut*. to :boss who reside In the Conuty—and annually in :innate to thoew who reilde ant of the County. The publisher restive' to' himeelf the right e to c hart* ft 30 per annum. when payment a delayed lonprtble one year. , TO ntlitS ,Three eoples to one address. *5 00 sursin 10 00 trift. en t. Z) 90 five dollars In *Amor* wit! pay for three year': Inhteriplinn to the Atone. Ulll Or Albsta.Taryo : One Square of 4 Unlit. ; sr iv Beaty subsequent lehrtlnn, tre • F•nir lines, i ilubr•quent Inseninna. each, one agnate, I wintbs, Sizariontna. ' - tine Year, Business Cards oT 5 Ilnre. net 1000 01 t Mar hams ant others. edvertlilmi by the Tear, with ,ry.p r t,p,ae of true:ling dt&rent wiser tieninents vreekly, 12 00 '''Larger kdrertisements. as per agreement. Miners' 3anntat. Saturday 31ornini. Jan. 25. (I^j •Dtm't forget the Rerrio - villiettirig this es-cuing. THE PEOPLE'S ROAD TO PHILA. - In new projects of thia kind, in making estiMates, the mind is apt to be misled bl - expensil already incurred. These associa tions are natural, and we*Pre raistecl in giv ing an estimate of the expense of construct ing , a new 'Railroad lo Philadelphia, by the enormous sum of seventeen millions of dollars now represented by the , . Philadelphia and Reading-Railroad Company. After conver sing with a competent Engineer, who is thoroughly acquainted with the route, we are satisfied that the new Road can be con structed and. equipped 'to . t arrc oae trillion of tons of Coal to market, together with the other trade, Cr. the sum, of about five rail /tom of dollars. T h e diitiaze is about 93 miles, and the expenses of construction, would be about as follows : 75 utiles to Noritstown, st $lO.OOO Per mlie From Nornit.prC