The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 07, 1850, Image 2

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Ilvatitiornow.•;•—Two Milan per *Seem. PaVatic
semi-annually la advance, to those 'rho reside In the
'Eotttity-=and annually in advance to these who resida
mat of the enemy. The pablistrer reservesto himself
the right to charge -1 30 per annum. when payment
a delayed intiger•thatt one year..
T o cLoo.. :
'Three copies to one address; *5 00
Seven • " ; • IV 00
• Fifteen ." ••• Oo
. Five dollars 'ln advance will pay for . three t'eat's
"üblcription to the Journal. 1
snores Or &D,CITISI3I9 ,
One Square of 14 lines. 3 times,
Every vussequenfinsertion ,
Subsequent Intertions, each,
One lobate, 3 months,
One Year,.
Business Cards of Stifles, per annum,
Merchants aud others, advertisinz by the Feat,
with the privilege of inserting different silver
' thtements weekly,
' • 13 Q 0
oz -. Large Advertisements, as per immanent.
Wurday Morning, Sept. 7.
The• Pupil' Dimwit its kistorsties.
Fel! Cane Cosadosioster, -
UCBac - • Counti.
Foi Auditor Oeu're.,
Of Union County
For ..s.rrtgor Oes'rral,
- Of: Washingtnt! CoamA
For Confrrss,:
THOMAS M. 8181611A175E,
OT I..;lianon Cryni,lty
• TUE AMERICAN ART I.llslori.—TheEngravines
of this valuable Institution have Viten received at LI
'Batman's Book Store and are ready for immediate di‘.
aribution. Each sultsc Wier of lasi year receives:a book
of "
Luthing.4 illustrative of the I"l.egend, of Sleepy
noir:" with a beautiful engraTing "The_ Voyage of
Lire," and a share in the distrihUliitti rrf choice :Paitit,
Inv on the flittli of Decembrr next, The Prospectus
of this year, presents swine indu rnronts for new sub •
scribers. Every member, for the year ifio. for each
• subscription of five dollars, will 'receive* coiSy:of the
Ilutietin, an Illustrated Montlity . ,Lournal of Art a line
mengraviug 013 *ICU 401 by iet
_inches ;' a sett Of tine
.. - 7,:prints from fiaishedvagravingi on steel, average Size
.11 by 10 inches, ingether with a share in the-distrait'.
lion of a laree nu rubel' of Paintings anduther works o
Art, Blouse liruatuetts. 'Medals, sculptures in .11iliale
- ;Aid Drawings in vraler coking. . •
. Subscrtlitions taken at the ranee of the Nritierir Jour
mat, where the Prospectus can be!examin ed. .
!aonorary Sceret . try fp r Schsylkin
ANOIIIF,B. COLUMN will be founil an nilver
tisement of C. T. Wilson, Whaiesale deater In Fish
and Plovislons, No. s',South Wmer
ThiS,establishment is represeniell as one or the best
and largest
. in• the city. Charfel l s F. Norton, formerly'
,cifikeading. and Weir knoin thr uFh Leban,on', Berke
and , Schuylkill counties as an active and efficient
buiiinesi ,man, is enga . ged as Salesman. Mr... Norton
hal many personal friends in this Borough and where
ever he i 3 known, lie has established for hiinself s
reputation foreorrem andproe+ buslneks hahile and
the se_ral qualitie 4 Of a very clever fellow wit bit' that
will ensure CLIS [OM in any@ltr.useihe. is connecio with.
We recommend to those ilealirig in thiri tit ,•, : give
him It tall on their next bilsimess Visit to the chy, and
- depend on It; they can't to he pleased.
. i j• • I Paul Lenael ; Auditor, Francis Dengler ; a
BI - REFERENCE to anthe column it u, ilk! '..c .,. . - 1 .
ceived that Miss ill,n 14'11 again conane - Irg:;!' e du- i choice,ut Deleg,ates to their next StateCon 7
tko or her LSCililei 11[11 Montla);. ThIF ks. • , i: , n for., i•eation Was then made which reulted in
young Ladles has been e , ,...tahl4ed for ieverti, le Irs is
. . . -. 1 the selection of F: ANT..Huffhes as Senatbrial,
and sustains a high 'repotati , dl 'for the; manner, in 1.,.
which tt it conducted, arid thefaciliti;s ‘ h affords - for
and Charles Franeg and Joseph W. Cake as
Instruction. We are haPpy of, this opportunity to in- ! Representative Delegates.
cite the attention or - thit poldic to an entirpri....e sr I
well worthy their pairon4,e.
• r,
We notice that 'Mr. E; G. Harris, the en,-
terprising adent for the M i lne Hill and Schuyl
kill Haveu Railroad , has commenced a new
-arrangement by which passengers eau he ta
ken through film this place to Philadelphia
in_3o •_to 36 hours. This is probably the
msst direct, and certainir the most cOmlorta
ble mute, at present. The passen.s4rs take
Coaches from Tremont to Wisconisco, lodge
there and take the Cain next morning for
1 .11i1 1, 7 -1 - . Z117. ;hence he Cinches to th4Centra
Railroad, by which they arrive at Hdrrisburg
in time for the train to Philadelphia: Those
who consult their ease in travelling will ho
: doubt prefer this route for the present.
This far-fained songg, I
tress has at length
arrived. The New YOrkers are tiyirig to
make of themselves jus't what the reltimo.
r•lns did soine years agd, tipon-the reception,
of Panay Ellsler. 30,000 p,ersonQ are said
to have crowded the wharves long before, the
Atlanticirri - ved.
_she Was greeted ;with the
most enthusiastic clietrs as the steamship
neared her. landing. B.tirnum was On tJoard,
. . .
, no doubt enjoying the scene, in anticipation
of the rich harvest he i 9 about to'reap. The
.41, scene upon her getting into the Carriage in'
waiting to convey her to the Irving House,
is ludicrous an the extreme. The people
. climbed upon the wheels and top ofi the car:
riage an'tmounted the horses ; and it was . not
until alter a considerable time, th'e driver,
vigorously , pl 3 ing the lafb to both lirses and
riders that the suite was allowed to tnove off.
Her apartment— , are di..seiribeil as rn4nificent:
At midnight a grand se'renade was givenTher•
by alt) musician - or the r N.l. 31uleal Fund
Society ; Some twenty companies of the N.
York Firemen escorting:the Baud, '.After the
, Serenade a committee from the Musical Hind
Society waited upon l i ter,- i. and prt.''sented an
address and welcomed li&r to America in' the
name of its . .,11usician.. It is thbugrft she
will sing at the Astor flare Operallo4Fevbv
the 10113, until the large Ball is finished.
She is twenty-nine, years old,, but rpre
sented as appearing much youtigei. She' has
light brown hair s and a Maid - contplexitn,
but cannot be said to he btniatiful.
I :
E. Collier, Esq., Ca'shier of theHavre de
,Grnee Bank,. teas arrtecl on Sathrday last,
on a.eharge of obtaini . pg money Under false
prettose.s * and committed to . the . County Jail
iu default of fifteen kindred dollati.bufi.
The President and IDirectorz. that
. reside
there, have come it with a statement,
charging the Cashier with nbstracting, since
Alay last, forty five thousand dollars in notes
of the Institution s and loaning, i_the same
(without their knowledie or conFeift) to two
individuals, One in Ohio, and the other ir, :".
York. it is the-returii of thoie notes iJ :he
Bank for redemption; that has causedfailure. t tae
It was prevititisly 'stated that - the faii r
was caused tie the operation of the lacy
this State forbidding the circulation of small
rinses. -A large anniunt of such bills from
the Bank having been, put in circulation
through the tneditun of the Tidewater Canal,
were immediately returned upon thi law's
taking effect in this State.
Its liasilities ate estimated at $2150,000 to
.62002000. -
' The Funeral °A Donor 11 r ii,dter.—The
Bostori Courier say& that the funeral of Pro
fe,,sor Webster was! conducted rill' silently,
iso much so, that without obtruding questions
to individuals, a correct account can hardly
be•obtaincd. As r. 7 understand it, the body
wa; lakta from the jail on Friday evening,
~v ,, r f:r;, ^ „ .'sF ,,bi; house
is carni,ricige, where, funeral Services were
parr:it/4M by Dr. 'Walker, whett thexemains_
a'r lk take-74 ,trl OW 'family tomb at Mount
A 4 1 y.1 a iv!' 4/tailed, the same ceektiag.
was , "
el 00
*3 - 00
5 GO
8 00
3 OU
JENNY Lizip.
There are few individuaLs.but who are
more or less influenctil by the tint &coarse
of music. . ; In- many cases, gven thcise whe
are no perfumers, eitlter_vocally or insiru
.mentallyi acknowledge 'themselves more
moved from this source than anY other. 'That
its appreciation, like many other
of civilized and refined 'society depends much
upon the etiltivation of the taste. In this-re
spect, we, as'a nation, are very far inferior
to the Europeans. ', The population of the
United States may be reg,arded more as a
music-loving than a music-learning people.
Almost -every Nation oia the face of the . globe,
at least of those who make any pretensions to
musical attainments, has some peculiarmn
sical characterisiic that distinguiShes it from
every other,-while the United States has no
national music, with some few 'doubtful ex
cept4ms, and a collection of Mon,...errel melo
diOot worth "contending about.. The im
portance of attention to this delightful part
of an education, i 3 however every day more
observed, and the IntrOduction of *sic .as a
distinct branch of study in most of the schools
through New En.gland and mini? otherpor
dons of the country, is evidence of its in-
creased appreciation and a deMre to remedy
what has so long been neglected. The fol
lowing is from the Amerian Musical Revieir:
." Nest to the author of a good . booll;he who adds ,
to tins Bock of good music, confers substantial
benefit on Siielety- It may be even higher 'and Timm
lasting. The 'hook - , thuugh . rare in value, is often
read only by, the few, and may ncvurs7w, arta or en- ;
lighten the minds of the masses. But the eleVated, ;
heart-stirring strain of original music goes forth as
a new !cachet-and artig to all, and wherever it is I
heard, eierts an elevating and refining influence. ,
The striking effects Of music may be traced Car
baiik . , through the lined of history.. Its mighty - in
tlfienre to sway the masses more effectuallythan
the orator, the pi r :n, or the sword, bas been seen in
the national airs of America. and back through the
national songs of the French, the Swiss, thenneient
Germans, and all the r
. nottlwrii notions of Continen
tal 'Europe. In the.sympathies of the public heart,
miele fimis imiversfil affinity, and passes through it
like the electric element throtigh nature. The peo
ple mai; never mager. its science; bud they are sure
to catch its spirit and moral leaching, and to bear
them into every by-Way and highway of human life.
Who has ever forgotten the snias i;t• his infancy—
• in the camp, the.rorurn, the inert or trade;-'-kuCthe'
billowy Fea, or in the far di-tans land; in impetuous
youth, in calmer and wronger manlincid, clir m the
j ebb and clo •eof I ire ? z These lid tab} fallen become
the cingol-notes of sinking um!, which are more :inch
1 more distinetly m-cehoed from the cradle of inflin
-ey, tiil, in tlie clear and Mild ,sticiset or life, they„.l
Ime to a, , -craphie song. ' ~ _
The Lwofoco Deleg,ate Convention was
'held on Monday • the 2d inst. at: the public
House of J. Feger, in SChuylkill Haven,
and was' organized' by the appointment of
Jacob Huntzinger, Presidenti and Joseph IL
Richards and S..R. Dickson as Secretaries,
when the nominations were declared as fol
lows: for AssentblY, Michael Weaver,' Wil
liam J.' Dobbins ; •Cotntnissionei, Thomas
Foster; District Attorney, Robert' M: Pal
mer; Coroner, T. L. Ebur ; County Sur
, vevor, Samuel Guss ; Director of the Poor,
The-Philadelphia Daily Nris'addrestlie
above inquiry to the Whig? tf riennsidyania
with the following yetnarks 'which we rec
ommend to each individual ,of the Tarty
throughou,t the State:
"This is an innitirr it'-cuddle well litr - rvery
Whig to put to himself- The time has now - iitriveil
for every Pennsylvania Whig. tote active.' 13)-11i
united aril vignotts e:Tort
.we tray - not ordrelect , ter
Whirr Canal C....minis: Asktitor General: and
Surveyor General, but a Whig IVegation to. Con
. Zre." 4 . rind ids:: ,N7llre ' EL Wb_p:OritV in the-State
'Legislature. and as a ri , ll•Cfplettee a United
Seriator. By remaining much longer id!e.
WC shall wake up to a sense su our danger when it
, is too !ate to secure the.vielory nuw within onr
reach: Nom. thereture. is the time for active ex
ertion. Let it not be urged that we enandt succeed,
and that there is therefore nu 11V in making the el
fort. We thit if we trill. The history - of past
elroets proves it. Pennavlvania now . js., and for
ars''past has been. a Wliig State: She ,was car;
I 'tied tin Ilan i-on in 1810. for Power in !Wit:, fur
'Johnston. 1818, and amain for Taylor in thesame
year. y Whenever the Whigs entert:d upon the con
test in earnest. and diddicir whole duty. they were
successful. Let no one then eicetre :his negligence
with groundless assertions that we Cannot succeed.
_Let every tnan who professe4 to l bela Whig, alid
who has' the Whig, cause at heart,'do his dntv. and
4-L.-ft-that a proper organizatiou l u recured, and uhr
triumph will be certain.
Whigs! are yuti:at work ? If not..we appeal to
you to reflect upon your duty.: We bare c-andi
late. in the field Who are good and true Whigs.—
honest and eapobt-e—rnen. who have be confidence
'uf the entire rentt, and deserve itt hearty and en
thusiastic support. Nf,t 'FI, with OW opponents.
Their candidate for Canal Commissioner will
' receive bin a coltl ; and formal support, while their
n .- yrninee for Surveyor General is .openly and rip
featly opposed bY a large utimber of his owa party.
I:p then and to your ditty. The means of success
are in your own hands. Will you use them ? If
you do. you cannot atlind to lose more time. The
preparatory steps fur mach - nit ar ,, anization inu,4
be taken now, if they are to lead to titeee- , •.
A.rome tleli to your.thity., atal front henceforth la
bor a, in day,. of ISM. and diem- can la: but little
doubt of our triumph.
_ Every unprejudiced obserTer, most cer
tainly be impressed with the striking difrer
ence.. there is - between the two parties rela office. When the•Lueo . fueos get the I
power, thete is a general scramble for theil
places to be given out, and all principle and
s_elf-re - f- - pmt is fdrgotten in their anxiety to
secure the And once a Loco gets I
into office, you - never hetir of his resigning, i
ualess forced to it. The remark, of Thomas
Jefferson aptly meeta their ease—few die and
none resign." With the Whigs, it is quite
different. They- malie offices secondary to
principle. and ref,nse to sacrifice nny-of the
tatter to obtain. the former. This difference
between the parties is appreciated by the
intelligent men of all parties, and was well
Understood by Mr. Calhoun, when he de
clared that the -Locoloco party was held
together 4.)y the cohesive power. of public
ploc4er.7 • • s )
Wz iteiti racErczn, a; copy of V. B. Palmer's
Almaiirae for 1851. Be.ides the
mot reliab'e inCstrtnation of the ordinary calendar,
compEed with scrititalous care and eorrectne.s, it
contains an mum:id-amount of valuable stati , tics
Trade, Marinfacturv=. Banlo , ..ttailroadA,
Routes or, Travel, end s varions other subjects in
wilier' Bitsine-s men more part ieu'arly, and people
fr , neratly, are interested. 'We would recommend
it as indiNpesvable in all biziness estubli.,hmcnis„
and the Mf, , rittation it impels Maybe of use in any
I.or Sale at Barman's: .S'ingle copy 12J ets,
This excellent Periodical is devoted tu the etetiva-
lion of a correct /111174C1i tote, and imparting
ful information upOL the *truly and historkof music.
There is sr:mealy any branch of inrtruetion PO
pleasant and so refining, and none so much neeee
ted in the 'United &Weft. Our education oft this
subject runs off rather into superGeial accompliih
!nout than a - thorough acquaintance with its inch : -
ments. The Monthly is ably comineted . by' I. B.
Woodbury, .I!lew York. Terms, 50 cts.per_annum.
Gatti Y'S LADY'S Boos.- - -The October number of
this valuable . Penodical'has already • reachi.d
It ,contsinsa 14cutitiful Cograving, "Which hi the
Mother;" with SCVCrIII other splendid illustrations,
"The Fortune Teller," "happiness," "Mountain
Airs" and "City Graces," besides a number of'ex
collent wood-cuts, such as patterns in Embroidery,
Model .Cottager, Sc. The reading
mailer IA or the choicest selection. We consider
this moathli as an indispensable lilerary gem to the
ladies'tables. &Ascriptions taken and singla,eopies
for title as Earatt&t's. • - • •
For the- benefit of thine of qur ' readers .
whciwere not aupplied• with orq e'arliest
telligence, we give a' condensed•yriew, of the
infortnitton announced by our extras of Mon
day night And Tuesday, together with such
additional news as we hare since collected.
- It commenced rain' hag on'Ziecula' v and eon
tinned at intervals throughout the day,. At
night the storm set in with additional _fiery
and with mutely any c e ssation, the train
camedown in torrents till Monday morning.
It is said that, the depth of water falling in
this one night, was triaged at six . inches.
It continued to rain moderately till about
noon. Early in the morning_ the_ news
. spread through the Borough of.great.appre
hensions as to the security of the two.Tutnb- .
ling Run' Dams, the Feeders of the Canal.—
Hundreds of, persons assembled at Mount
Carbon to watch theevent. The Water in
the Schuylkill was already 'higher , than at
the previous freshet; about nine o'clock the
water_ overflowed the embankment of the
lower Dam, and in a few minutes a large
breach was washed out, and the immense
body of water poured down through, the val
ley below.. About eight 'houses here were
entirely swept off together with the embank-.
meats Of the Canal and the . Schuylkill Valley ,
Railroad for about ,fifty yards. All the ,
houses in the immediate vicinity of Mounti
Carbon below the Had were flooded to the'
, , 1
clepth'of the second story, the W - It! , being ,
over , the Rade - pail below. the DePot. The 1
County Bridge connecting Mount Carbon and i
1 Turnpike, and the' heavy Iron'. Railroad
J3ridge were both carried off, the latter lodg
ing about - 2
-miles below. The old Naviga
' tion.,Ware- house was considerably damaged,
- -
' and also a small frame store-hi:lase connected
with the Railroad Depot.,-.7tThe Dam rueas- .
ures near fifty feet high, and the average
depth of the water at the breasi.when full is
1 about thirtyteet. t covered from thirty to
' forty acres of ground ; about half the ern
, bankment ,to,,theiontaciation is gone. Tale
upper Datia ; remains perfectly whole. The
two Bridges over the Schuylkill opposite the
Island Furnace were swept off together with
- sctveial ;small "buildings on the island and: -
soua, . -
e boats the Canal. Capt. Jarnes.Dow
'ney's- store-house shared the same fate and
was clashed in pieces a short distance below.
We aie happY , ' to add, that no fives' were lost
either in the Borough or - at Mount Carbon.
Between, this -and Schuylkill Haven' the
damage to tbe Canal embankments is' very 1
great; in
_many places it is difficult to dis
cover,-any traces of them. The valley is
strewed with wreeks of boats, lumber, furni
ture and the fraguients :10f . buildings.
,The ,
Reading Railroad tor that distance has .511 S. 1
tamed no damage worth consulering, except 1
in one place where the embankment bas been i
washed some ten yards .by the river. The 1
cars have been running over this part of the ,
line every day. The 'Toll=gate house one 'I
mile beloW.M.ount Carbon, was almost com
pletely destroyed, and the large dwelling Cm
mediately below it, known as the "praileys
'title Hotel," kept by Benjamin Kline, was
literalfi rased from its foundation.. 'The
1 house Of George Campbell above the Toll-
to is also gone ; all three were substahtial
I stone builditrn. A bout a mile still further
i r , - -
1 down the valley, the house, large LIM barn 1
''tind sawmill of Mrs. Mary Minnick were all I
swept away. Mrs. M., no aged lady, witivi
thret-olters of the 'family had barely time to ,
I escape lef ,Te the dwel;ing 'Oros taken away.
tTlie , Cou‘.ly Bridge atsross the Schuylkill ,
'above Sehpylkill ilaveu is vista gone...,The 1
I Talegraph was not in operation till Wed- 1
1 uesday afternyun, except a short time on
' Tuesday, and no Mails were received from
below until Thursday night.
The damage on the Canal is not as great
I as was at first imagined—only two locks are
gone between this and Port Clinton—frony
the "Seven Star Tavern!' to below Orwlgs
burg, ffiere is uo damage that would prevent
navigation. .
Mtnin.sroter.—The water did considehble
damage here in the destruction - of Donis and
the in my to buildings. Dr. Stefiffierger's
store vas filled neatly to the second story
before any of his goods could be removed. ,
Pont CARBON.—The lower part of the
town was entirely . subraerg,td. The Steam
Grist-miltof Messrs. llca 4 .rner&:Leib,thou,gh
greatly in danger, est:aped without any ma
terial damage. James Benty's house was I
much injured and his loss considerable. The
loss in the Foundry and Machine shop of
Tobias Winiersteen, is estimated at $3,0001
to $5,000. The office connected with the
Foundry and Machine shop of Samuel Sil- i
lyman, DOW Under the direction of George 1
Fissler, was carried away with a small sate
coutaining some books and papers. -
The store-house of Messrs. Batter &Matt
son, was swept away with three to four hun
dred bales of hay. The store of Mattson
lit,Co., was flooded over the counters, but
the goods having been removed, not much
, damage was sustained. The Lock House of
the Schuylkill Navigation opposite I.oung's
Landing was carrik off by a ; boat passing
through it, The Valley RailrOad from this
place to Pottsville was not so much injured
as at first represented. ' It will Most ;Proba
bly be in operation in a week or ten day-s.
ON Tin WrsT BaaNcn, po injury was
sustained. Everything remains perfecily .
sound. This is attributed, to the promptness
of Mr. Wilder, President Engineer and gen
eral Superintendant or. the Road. Every
precaution was taken on - Sunday afternoon,
the Bridges were secured• with ropes 'and
chains, and men stationed at 'every point
where there was likely to be any danger.-=
A number of cars, were forwarded early is
the week from Schuylkill Haven, to relieve
the shntes at 'the collieries above, and allow
the operations of minning, to proems,. , The
Company's thanks cannot; he too great - for
the services rendered, and the amount of
inevitable loss thereby prevented.
, ,Scuovtrit.r. MY-FN.—The Reading Rail
road Bridge still stands, but it is somewhat
crippled. No cars have yet crossed it, but',
the injury is not great. - The Navigation 1
, Companyls Railroad Brid,ge to DundasLand- ,
, jugs was partly carried away ; over three',
1 thousand tons of Coal were washed from the
1 landings into the dock. Mr. payne lost 1000
to 1500 tons, and Mr. Heckscher probably ,
twice that amount ; Richard Reir, also about
500 tons. '
Schall's Forg,e, two miles above Port
Clinton, was much .injured; the dwelling,
tenant-houses und other buildings, in num
ber about sixteerrwere•all swept off and four
teen lives lost.; Michael Hartman, (miller,)
larife and eight children, and William Breisch,
1 wife and tvrochildren. ,This happened be
tween 12 and 1 n'elcek, P. M. .
Toni Ctialtoat,-:•-'Phe water here Was sev
en feet higher than at the July freshet on ac
count of the great rise in the Little Schuyl
kill. Every Bridge, on the Little Schuylkill
from this piF,e . to Tamaqua' is. said to be
gone. .
_.,-_ , • ,i. • -
Lyon's stOir was much injured -and all
his 'goods, to the amount of $4,000. The
Poondry with a outikbet of out-buildings, a
Tailor-shop, Bla'ekimith-shop and . twelve
dwelling .houses were lost. The Kalroad
Bridge connecting the ;Attie Schuylkill with
the wain road is *one. - Thinew littdings
of the Navigation Company, ;built by the
Little Schuylkill 243
~ ro . pau ; y fire_ 'much in
'used! '
„ ,
Arizr.maz Mr. ileese's family, fourteen,
in number, were all drowned.
Sisti feet &Lord's Dam •is gone. Hunp;,
mel's Dam, several miles above Port Clinton
remains whole.
The Blue Mountain Dam is gone, and
alxmt 900 . feet of Railroad alcaLthe Mae
Mountain washed 'amity.
TANACEOL—The flood - reached this place
about 4 o'cloqk, , A,M., Part of the town is
situated 'on' lefiat l iti`the valley of the Little
"Schuylkill; this .was swept clean of every
building, and ,from the'suddennesS of the
Water's rise and the hour of the occurrence,
the loss of life is very great. - The damage
to individual property is also greater than at
any other place we have heard from ; about
fiftv lives it is supposed were lust. Up to
Wednesday evening thirtrsix bodies had
been recovered. The following is a Hit of
names of thaw drowned, so tar as.,we have
ascertained: Wife , of Thomas-Foster, two
girls and boy ; Mrs. Edmunds, tintboy,one
girl, and two grand-daughters; Mrs. David
Jones and child: - Mrs. Gresing and child ;
Mr. Geo. Welsh, one hay and two girls:
Mrs. Rlttingham, two girls acqi—two boys ;
Mrs. H.prroa and four ch&iiir;
IVilliams; Mary McCartney, a young girl
froat',l3eaver:Meadows ; a young girl four
teen years of age, daughter of Daniel Oxri
der ; R,ev- P. Z. Oberfelt, pastor of the Ger
man' Lutheran - congregation: Mary Wil
liams. The
,damage on the remainder of
the Little Schuylkill was principally as fol
lows : '
The Forge of Messrs. Young &Jones was
much injured, and four housescarried away.
Twelve persons belonging to the Forge were •
drowned. - On Wednesday Live of the bogies
had beerl found. Amongst the drowned
were Mrs. Joseph Lovely and child; Sam
uel Hartung Rod wife; 'Mtn. William Rum,
tie. Jacob Clemea's son ; Mrs. Henry Freed,
two children and bis mother Elizabeth
Kleckner, William Wingyard and child.—
Three children of 'Joseph Corely floated off'
oe the wreck of a house, but'wereafterviards
rescued with much difficulty and at the risk
of their own lives by Georgst Focht, Samuel
Kepner and William "York, (colored man.)
;ones' Berge Dam, head race and four
dwelling houses were swept away ; Bruns
wig FOrge a good deal damaged. All the
Railroad Bridges as far as known are gone,
and the embankment in many places washed
away,. :Franklin Rolling Mill on Little
Schttylkill;•'Dam and' Forge • swept away :
one dwelling house gone, occupied by David
Rebr, he and his finnily had to swim half a
mile before they got out ; none drowned. ".
, ,The darnage sustained by the Little
Schuylkill Cornpanils immense. The Road
can hardly be repaired during this season.
; The following County Bridges were swept
away on Ltttic Schuylktll :
County BridgeS et Ringgold. •
"" Weaver's Mill,
" Schall's Forge,
Jones & Young's Forg,e, much damaged,
Raush's Rolling Mill, "
Seltzer's Tavern; ' 4t
The water'was at least 20 ket above low
Water rntrrk, and 8 feet higher thamat the
freshet in July hist. All the bottom lands
along the Little Sellnylkill io ft'om .Tones dr.
Young's Iron works to Purt (lin:on, were
in an excellent state of cultivation, Sze., em
bracing the very best land in the county, to
the number of several hundred acres -have
been much damaged, and part of them en
tirely injured.
By a letter from Benj. Evans, Esq.. to a
friend in this Borough, we team that NeSCO•
peck creek, Luzeme county, was much high
er than at the July fre.-bet. At Evans' mill
near Berwick, on the North Branch, a num
ber of houses werecariied,oir; the mill and
two dwelling houses still rennin, Loss
about $2OOO. A few miles above, Mr.'s Forge 'and other buildings are al
inost totally ruined ; 20 persons were drowned
among whom was John Burkert, formerly of
Pottsville. His whole family, Bin number,
were all lost except •one boy. TWO miles
above, Dreisbach's Grist and Saw Mills, and
dwelling, house were swept my*. No lives
. TnE LEttion.—We have information that
we can rely upon as to the extent of
at Mauch Chunk, and fur eight miles. below
it. The damage there is much greater than
at the last freshet, and the probability of fur
ther shipments this season will depend on
the policy in makin,g the repairs, whether
they will be hurried and tetnporary,oroccu
py a longer time for the'sake of more per
manent security in future at the expense of
the present shipping season. The Dam and
Bridge at 'Mauch Chunk are gone"; about
twenty boats, some with and others without
,Cargoes paired over the Dam, anti 'Were bro
ken to pieces. For six miles belika the town
there are but INCO breaches in the Canal, but
on the level below, the embankment is wash
ed away for half a mile in one plat!c.• The
water ran From three to tour feet deep
through' Broadway. Many wrecks of boats
and broken thither are left 10 to 12feet above
ordinary water
The Beaver 'Meadow Railroad is . injured
beyond the possibility of repair this seas*
:Riad ng, TA.orAdesairitruing
- We armed hest , about 1 o'clock; P. M.
The damage at this place is very' great—but
it has been greatly exaggerated. Only about
30 or .10 houses were swept away: • and about
30" damaged. The number of lives lost will
not exceed 5 or 6.
• Mr. Nichols informs me that theliassenger
Train will not run through to Pottsville
before the latter end of next week--but every
'effort, will be made to forth conqction by
mooing trucks between the different obstruc
The trails from below,
.since tsiturday,`
r ---. — .
hare all accumulated here. They / leave fa 1.
day. There has been great ueg 1.'..t Sane-
Where, which ought to be iitquireli 'Mt°. ' At
so critical a period as ibis, every effort ought
to be made to keep up mail cemmtAications.
A gentleman from Easton stat that his
impression is that the Lehigh Can has not
sustained more damage in that nei borlidiA
than at the last freshet. He line nothing
about the upper end.
Messrs. Buck and Newkirk am n their
way to Tamaqua—they state that evil , effort
will , be made to repair the Little uylkill
Railroad at the shorteit period. T damn.-'
ges sustained On the line of this R , , I am
informed, are not as great as at 61 repre
sented. ' - t
There are large forces on the w le line
of the Philadelphia and Residing Dia repair
lag damage—but my impression is t Coal
will not be transported over it ti mer two
I weeks., • . - • - k '
linprovernents in buildings for the coinfort
and conaet►ifenee'of their inmates haye been'
eonstan4And steadily progressing from the
earliest rude but of the savage, down to the
batutified"* . tolossal structures of rnoderri
chitecture. We no:all, the introduction of ,
Iron for purpose. as , indicative` of kill
greater changes and Meier attainments, in
both' 'ornament, 'end general Utility: - The
following from the N.. A.Yormer, shows the
increasing finPortance of this already useful
metal ittits further application to the practi-,
cal purposes of life: ,
- "Tfie uses of iron are only begioinz to be
appreciated.. We perceive, by a late.. London
paper . „,thit it, is quite coutmon thing to .
Ite.errevrderafrona - Aristraliii For sets of iron
These are prepared anit ihisPatched
with as much readiness as anv other descrip
tion of manufacture. 1 In New York and
Philadelphia iron fronts are also hegining
to appear. The'experirnents that have thus'
far been tried in this new movement - have
been quite successful. , A correspondent of
the New York Mirror thus speaks of the ad
vantages of iron over-brick, wood or stone.—
The hints are worthy the attention of build
ers : ; „
l i irst.—As regards form and shape.—
Forms which stone could never' be made to
amme, varying from the lightest fairy struc
ture to the most elaboratedesigus of the Gre-
clan or Doric. •
Siving Of space in foundation, discarding
the cumbrous pile id stone, and substituting
a firmer and more compact base'. -
'The capability of being speedily.antreasily
erected, or. of being taken 'down and removed
wititont a ler,oftime or material. •
Protection against lightning—a philosophi
cal certainty.- ' •
; Security against fire. In 'addition to the
iruu presenting n0 ., .f00d for fire" naturally,
tri the formation of the parts of an iron Wild
ing, it can be shown, that it can never be in.
ju red hy the contraction in the event,Of internal
conflagration, or, cracked by the sudden appli
cation of `water, even were it brought to a
white heat.
Ventilation—the nature of the material af
fording the best method of stFuring the most
perfect system of, ventilation.
FacilitieS for theAransmission of souncl-L-a
desideratum in all churches or' puhlic ,build
inns'adaptedfor large audiences. '
Absence of. vermin—avoidance Of mildew.
and ah.scirption of dainpnes.s.. '
For .the application of paint--
.the beat
knowiamaterial, affording a beauty of ater
nal finigu 'with a precaution front the weath
er. • •
Durability, strength and firmness ; in par- I
ticular fbr - faetoritle, employing steam and
-heavy machinery.
Strengthening properties or iron fur the
constitution:. as a priaciple of health:
External and internal ornamental finish, by
the Means of castings. •
.Et'orsomy.—The slights etrect.of time or
Wear; the tri t glit re lair neccssary, and the
vase and small expense with which additions
may be tirade. t
The repetition of form, through die tne•
dium of casting. A single design maybe
multiplietra thousand times, at the simple
expense of the iron saying time, and manual
The Peculiar adaptation °limn to the for
mation of circulinear and graceful 'lines, if
contra-distinction to the rectangular and per
pendicular. The severe rules which novern
the Gothic or Grecian structures in the lay
ing. of the stones;, can be departed front in
every essential particular.
Iu connection with this last mentioned ad
vantage, much might be said in regard to the
adaptation of antique forms td= the wants of
otir ,commercial community, and whether
shapes more in keeping with the purposes in
tended, would not be preferable to the Gre
cian temple or the other structures of the an
cients, however beautiful they may appear at
Rome or Athens.
The foregoing, are a fenrof the many ad
, vantages which iron affords over every other
I Material in use for the conmtna-tion of our
d wel gs, e fde Tories:Warehouses pr churches.
i I The subject ought to be. examined into and
treated by men of science; and the public, in
these days of burning, down rind building up.
should give their careful attention to a mate
rial wind] carrieslwith it the' three great C 3;
sentials of house building, saying of
lune, labor and expense.
The Mcit:of the Times. -:-We like an active
man, one - Who'has the impuye of the age—
of the steam-engine in him., A lazy, plud
cling, mailed-faced chap might have got on
in the world fifty years ago ; but he won't
do for throe times., We live in an age of
quick ideas: men think quick—speak quick
—eat, sleep, court, marry and die quick—
and • slow coaches -ain't tolerated. Go
ahead, ifyou burst your boiler,"' is the mot-,
to of the age; and he succeeds best in every
line of business, who has the snapping turtle
in'him. StriVe, readers, to catch this spirit
of the:limes: be .‘ up and dressed" always
not gaping and rubbing your eyes as if you
were half asleep, but wide awake for what
ever may turn up--4-and you may be ..some
body" before you die. Think, p tan, reflect
as much as you please, before you act; but
think quickly and closely, and when ,you
have fixed your eye upon an object, spring
to the mark at once.
Wheal Floor, bbl. 05 75 I Dr'd ) ?med. $3 00
Rs's: do do 462 do do un:,er'd. 175
Wheat, bushel 115 Dr'd opples paired I=oo
Rye, do .CO I
Eggs. Join 9
Corn, do 60 Butter, 10
0818, d° '4O I Slumlders, 5 to fl
Potatoes. do - 50 Ham*, 9to 12
Timothy Seed, 250 Hay, ton 14 50
CloYer '0 350 Plastrr, 500
Onilte 29th ult., by lbw. D. Ilassinger, JEREMIAH
STARR, to LW R ETI A STAATS, both of Pottsvilic.
Ch, for 20th ult . ., by Rev. E. A. ?num Mr. DAVID
BEsT. of East ['eon. Carlton county, to Miss PRICIL
LA STAHLER, of West Penn, Schuylkill county.
On the.lsth ult., hy . the same, Mr. ELIJAH ZIEG
LER, of If.i.tatawoy.ll.rks county,tn `disc PRIC I LI A
WAINER; of %Ws: Pron. la thli,county.
In this horoueh, nn the 2lth oft_ of lieflantatine td
the Brain, Sir. lIIERONISIUS RIGHT; In the :17th year
of Ms age. 3 -
Kr• RIAN Congregation.worshipping in Thompaon's
new building corner of Market and Second sta. have
moved Into the large upper Ifoll of rot!d
ts hens religious worship will be' conducted everySah.
bath, by Rev. D. T. Carnahan Services to commence
at 101 !Moe*. A. :11..and 4 o'clock. P.M. Scats free.
The public me respectfully invited to attend.
-• Second RVIC
Methodist Cob...opal Church, in Market
Street, will be held ai 10 o'clock. A. M.. end 61 P. M.
—nn service. in the avaninq, until nertlinr nnttra.
the Tres Direstire Fluid or Mite* Jake A great
Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Renet..or the fourth
stomach of the 01. fitter directions of Damn
the !feat Phyaiologicht Chemist. by J. Ft. Houghton,
td. D.. No. 11 ;Forth Eighth Street, Fhiladetphia, Fa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for 'lndigestion. Dys
iwtrma. Joundire. Liver Complithit, flonm Motion and
Debility, curing after Nature/Lowe method, by No
tures (Mu agent, the Gastric Sre Advertise
ment in another column. _
MERMANT9 G 1.1 - 1404)te--4 - 1T 13 — *GRUA'
of special remark that beside the great and extraor
dinary powen in the cure of diseases of the h..rse In
which its virtues fire' attracted the attention of the
farrier and fanner, and the weenier of the public gen
erally, it has been enccessfullY employed in a great
variety of the maladies which affect the limitan race;
. and it has mowed. by the wonderful cures it has per
formed on the lower nnintslx, that it is endowed with
mustiee tanN.rtles not found iri other horse nlig, which
has established its claims to atineralgonfldenrn..•
- .
See advertinement in thin paper: A patnphlet of
deserlinion may Ae ha ti of the neent.
A (.f.\. .
of 'Pennsylvania, beim! aSeneca! Geological. Ilis
torizel, and itiatleilcal Review of the Anthracite
Coal Districts nrlFiennsylvanin, illustrated with 3lape
and Eharlyinge, and elatistieni - Tatum The Maps
and Tables alone, are worth Mote than the price of
Atte Book. Price 50 cents, or 3 coolest Pic el. The
Ronk can be mailed tonne part of the Belied gimes—
postage 7 cents. For sale at '2ANNAN'S
Cheap Rook and Stationary Store.
July 40,1950 j . 29.
September t •wholetale and retail. at
• • Book and Periodical Store,
Jane I, 1850
Dlairs wonics, VERY CHEAP—The gab
' scriber purchased at Trade Sale. a lot uf. Dick's
com pl ete wo r ks. bound In Llhrary style, tray cheap.
which he will sett at 'PRI than publisher's piens at
Ms Cheap Boukstote—tall letsuedtately to secure a - •
copy. , • • •11.41ANNAN,
cheapatooksellsr and Statloner. •
He Ansel.° a lot 4)1 the Pasta, at less than publiabers i
ynicea. April 27 1830. 17- '
lAnintediabely a Linn-rate Coach Painter on I.l o ht
Worn— Nr he other sea apply. Address by inter
(port.paid) er itr person.
Sept. 7.185e.-3P-trj Pottsville, Pa.
.tbree , female Teachers Wallard. fiJr the Public
dichnots fq fAilit:Norwegian Sistriesto good and con
tentOr Teachers, good wage) wilt be given: Esaini
ationn witl take place wit Blondes. the test.. at one
o'clock P. ld , 111 the Public School Souse in Port Car
'hen.Tbe- &kilobit es opegoolbe Seer dog of ()ember.
*Old BULL,, Seer, , tan,
Sclit 1150 ' • 35-3 t
! V ed at , West Etraseh Tparnship, for the ensuing
whaler.. Atiply to thallireetars.
Sept 7, ISM 30 tf
I and mares of a Store. in the Coal Region. doing
a good business. Stock Low. Posseasios who 'Welt
on the lst of November next. or earlier If requested—
satlahletorg seasons-gives' for Staging oat. • Address
Para EarbotsPost 011Ita, state where an iater
slew can be had, with end name. All communka
tains startle confidaatfal. • •
Sept 7, 1850
1. Monts of Nonh 11Isabela* Township. The
Board of Directors witl receive applications, and ex
amine the qualifications of Teachers, at the Ilalf Way
Douse, kept by Widow Mayer, no the Stb day of Oc
tober nest, from 10 o'clock. A. '
E. KLEINERT, Secretary.
31— •
:lewdly of Blythe Townshlp4-1 Principal Male
Teachers and 2 Assistant . Yale Teacheis. The Board
at Examiners wilt Meet nu Thursday. the 12th day of
September next; lathe Public. School !Incise at bels.
Philadelphia, where applicataim.,lll attend for *lami
Aug 3, 1850 31-7 t
- -
PovrEET sooK -LosT.-wAs vier ON
the BicMountain, betweeniteader's Tavern and
Rhoads' Tasernosu the .31st ult., a Pocket Wallet,
considerably worn, routaintrif two Bre dollar bills,
one of which was on the Mittens' !bilk of Poo Irvine;
alio two Due,Bille: one for upwards of sixty dollars,
on Charles Laid, one for As dullaraon the Taeasnrer
of Barty Townshio.--a suitable reward will be sporcn•
fog its want to the subscriber.
t 7, 1850 • • - 36-3g*
Orchard. nn 'Monday' noon, the ddinit., an Eye
Clams set' in gold, and a gold heart with hair in it.
The above reward twill be given, to the 'person return
ing the same to this Mace.
Sept 7, 11330• • •
I s eil, with a small Gold Chain attached. If return
ed 'to thisrOilice,tbo finder will he suitably rewarded.
Aug RI, IESO . 31-111 .A LADY.,
- --- • -
Il Densinan, between 11' and IS 'years doge, of dark.
complexion. Avtlit blarit Iwtr . and eyes, tether stout.
and above the middle height, and Sound by indenture
to service d in the family of the subscriber. Fan away
about twowecks and is now living in Patsy illo
or its •icinity. All persons are bereby •cantioned
against Itayboring or trusting said girl 911 the subscri
ber's account, as he will deal .with all so offending. as
the law provides. FRANCIS BEDFORD.
August 21,1830.. 31—
' CARDS._ _
or Mutic, American Heave, Centre Street, POW!.
ville. (Jane 26-if
it COUNSELLOR at Law, Philadelphia, will attend
tnrolleetiuna and all tither legal burine.a in the City
of ralladelphia.adiolning Counties and elsewhere.—
Odlre Nu. 18 Pru sneer. Fhilailelphla. _ _
ustit 21;1830
2413iT AND FOUND, &c. '
H. 31 , 1Cia.11Eir ATTORNEY AT LAw.
magna—Office in the Libraty Room. late' the'
Sept 22,1819.
.„ _----
GRAVER.ON WOOL). No. SO) Walnut Street
Pt II:W.011k. August 4. 1849. R•ly
%,-) No. SOI Caliowhill, above 13th at . Philadelphia.
Coal received an Storage Of Op Commission, and
ibt ral ad - vatarev
August id, IMO. • 32-3ai•
111 E SU
I Sell, Rent, Enitsci„ Sue out, EillAinttA of propv . rty
and arcounts, within this C"uniy, and will, if re
quesied, act as Assignee, Ts ustee, or Administrator, in
settling up estates with'prompiners and fidelity.
N. M. WILziON.J. P.
Market Strert, Pottsville, Psnn'a.
June 22, 1850 35-ly
.! Office, Poitsvitle. Pa.—Dealer in uncur
rent Bank Notes. Mktg of Exchange. Certificates of
Deposits; Checks and Drafts. Checks for sale on
Philadelphia and New York, in seine to suit.
'March 9. , 1350. 19-t
G ENCY—For tt.e purrhase and sale of Real Es
r."l. taie,; buying and selling
Cull; flitting charge of
Coal Llmts; aitit crillecting rents—from
twenty years esteirlenre in the County he hopes to
give vatufaetion. (Vice Mahentango street, rotten:Hie.
- Aprll6, IMO. 14-tf
1 • Trelnont, nil promptly attend tti all Business
entrusted to Isis rare. Vs forsalesesevallots-31. , .
house•sind lets fess s•Sle's 'rent. - # .
March 30, 1850. ',. 13-3ns' :
f lOCTOIC C. 11,,ESE!..E.KplION10.10PATHIC
Pll% gICIA N, lientoVed his Office to one of the
Prick Houses in Coal dtreet, Pottsville.
April .
(Merin Cetil street, to the Saute house. occupied
by Dr. liseseler. •
Pottsville.April 17, MG.
7)•bnn, Saltylklll Cuunty, Ps. Office 'Adjoining the
Dec 15, IS in. 514 y
LAW. Ilan renn , ved his office to the building
formafroceupicd by Vorace Smith, Esq.
Sept 1, MO. 36-3 m
T D. IIE REDITII,—ReaI Estate agency 0-
,1 fire, Centre Sr, , Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa.
ae r pr for the sale, and purchase of Real Estate.
A aunt for Lands.. and
. conection Of nen% ot.o.
Pottsville. Will attend promptly to CAleCtloll9,
Arent Ire, Purchase and Sale or Real Estate. &c., In
Srhuylkill County, Pa. Oalee In Centre Street.nppo
site the Town Hall. - Oct '2O. MO. .
DENTIdT. Sneceseor to Id Envoy. Pottsville.
Office on the N. E. eoroer of Market and Third dte.
febritaty 15, 7—tf
IRON, ft.
son when our citizens who desire to secure' their
buildings from the ravages of tire, should seek to have
them wade fire-proof—the dw undersignedoold re
spectfUlly Inform tlm politic that he Is prepared to
fulfil all orders fur Tin (tooting, 'opining, Ate., &c.
Pottsville, June 29. 1850
. _ _ _ _—
stanily on hand arid ihr sale, that superior guilds
of light T Rail. IS lbs. to the yard, mantifactuull at
Oirnished at short notice, heavy 'r
tails at ma nufitct urere prices
26 tf
Jtine 29, 1850
V — ifitttiVES. DEALER lig SCRAP ritON,
Cupper. Brass, Bar and Block Tin, Bodder's'
Spteller Load,S,:c. -Orders received for Brass and
roriiicr work, and Mat ine furnishing. All order.
e , ol.l..:cied with the oboveltrn• promptly .trended to.
ge South Street, above Front. Philadelphia.
June 15, 1850 21-tf
1H A 1173 —For Sale.l2o feet in. chain. Also
:nrnished at the 'shortest notice. 5-8, 3-4, 12-10.
7.t„ 15-lb and 1 in. best proof cable chain. at Pi. Vont
prices—fielsnt added. E. VAILDLEY &FQN.
April 20 1850
All. ROAD igox -so TONEI . R 1: p Flit Bo
1. Rail Road lion,
50 do II do
8 do 21 x do
13 do 1 x do
And Plates,for in le by
'A. do O. nAurroN, 4 dontbfronlnl.,Pblada
nil:lda—July 11. 1846._ _
TONS oscine& boiler iron. Nos. 2, 4 and 5 0
:JO sr lab so I - 24 SS, and 36inehesand nndomlengt
, A. 4- G. RALSTON,
11, ISO • , Sou th -Front st. Pbtlada.
50T014i9 or Flat Oar American R. Limn. °prat
tons sizes, Just received and for sale at the York
Store. E. YARDLEY & SON.
"March 16'1650 11-
d MAINS FOIL MEV ES.—Thesuhiscribetshave
2.. J just received from the ship Elizabeth,' ar.d Inch
Best Hest Cuplish Chalns,inade expressly. for Mines.
and for sale. Apply to T. Ss E. GEORGE.
april22 tf 171 Market mad 12th Stieets.Phltada.
the corner of Seventh and Mahantango Streets,
opposite Surd Patterson's house. Rent Moderate, with
immediate possession. Apply to
or F. HODGSON, Silver's Terrace.
August 17, MO
U Mauch Cluttlk street, 4nd,conatnlept to tht Rail
roast or Canal, will be rented Mall the Ist ol . .Aprl
next or longer required, upon reasonable terms
The ' building is 4011, by 30, two stories high, and well
calculated for storing Hay, Grain, Flour; Feed,
Application made to
Nov 17,180. ,
Foster & Co.'s' dhne Store, now. occupied by
Chas Miller & co. 'Likewise. for !rot; a new Store
Room. suitable for art-Naffice. in East Market St., next
below David Klock. Esq..'s office. Apply to -
12-tf ,
Nitro!' 23. 1850,
OR RENT—A good Frame. House, In Mattab
, COO airceri•now occupied by Mt. Boyd. APO!
to ' RAMILTON ADAMS. New Castle.
FOR' SALT:es.One SO snit ono 20 Dora° Steam
Engine fueagie. Apply to
Pottaville, A pelf, 13. 13-tr Mahantango St.
son TtENT.—The shop iiecupled by 8. Suntise,
17 as a Shoe Atnre, on Centre Bt.
Also, d Two Eltory Frame House on lbe same Lot
on Second Si.
Enquire of
Nardi 18.1850
lir subscriber has Jost received a lot of Gold Pens
with Silver Cases. which he will sell as low as
mu dotter. Also, superior Conitnercial Gold. Pena,
with heavy slidiai Silver Cases. a new article very
cheap—together with ladies' Void Peas with Sliver
'eases, as low *sill 23. Also, Guld Pens and - Pencils
•wlth Gold tripes, all of which *lll be told Unusually
, low, At , • B. DANNAIiPS
'l.• cheap - Book add Stationary Stoic.
July '2O, 165 d, 29-
IA O Lots in Centre Street, Pottsville.
Lots in New Cattle. '
.nts In Schuylkill Haven.
Lots In Writ Haven.
Lots in Votk Town. Apply to
. .
August 31;1830 3mo
Tifiritcia.LAßFS, FOR SA - lE.—THE TAO 3.
1 .;./ tees of the Second 31. E,, , Church,
about to intioduee the Gas light into their place of
worship, will dispose of the several Lanips therein,
east very insasountsio price: Consisting - atone six
branch Brass Chandelier, two Pulpit Lamps, two
Astor do, two Swinging do. lnd two side do ail of
which are constructed for burrong Oil, and in good
order. Please enquire earl> of
- or to SitSIUEL M. KESMON,Trustee.
Aug 3, 1850 - 31-tf
I` lain tract or parcel of land, sititated on the Broad i
Mountain, in LOlll./ Mahantango township. in Schuyi
kUtrounty, &moldy Berke county,) in the State . of
Pennsylvania: bounded and deacrdwd as fellown, to
wit t—ileginning at a marked white oak tree; thence
by tate vacant lands, now surveyed to Jacob Miller,
north sitty-Sve perches, ta a White oaks thence by
late vacant land, now_ surveyed to George Werner,
west 146 perches to. a stone; thence by late vacant
land, now surveyed to Leonard Illick, south 65 perches
to a Spanish oak; thence east 116 cinches to theplace
of beginning, containing 55 acres and 152 perches of
Land and allowance of six per cent. for roads. Ste.
36-1 10
I_, l oll. SALE—AII that certain two storied stone
r Tavern inand,known as the VALLEY HOTEL,
' r .i s rt, ' situate
re n „ I n n V t a h i e le t Y 'o l u ue nt e y t. o l f ri S t h c e tn t i p y W lkl n g curs- 1
. hoe tainlog In front 60 feet. Mid is deptll 200 ft..., 1
.0- '".. miivtant from the SchuVkilt Valley itailtdad
400 yards, at which point the Cars.atop 4 times daily.
Min; 4 other lot% of ground.. each :containing 60 feet
In DOM. and 900 feet in depth, situate, also,
in salt!
town of Patterson. The property whites sold. cheap ;
terms easy. Apply to Elm
or , '
at his °dice, Pottsville, to
micuara. COCIIRAN„
Sept. 1, 1849.
_ _._
, - FOR. SALE...The Subscriber tr de
galsit nits of selling the dwelling hodse in which
11-.11 1 ... he now rmidee, in Morris' Addition. The
.‘,Abnilding . 1s one of the very best In the Dor.
ongh..-large and admirably arranged, with every c,a
venience i.,> make it desirable. Possession gieto at
March la. 1850
VAR SALE—A 120 llorsc-P0w.... r s t ,. am e ng i ne ,
U in excellent ',rocking order. 'with winding gearing
ell complete, two - thions. ar..;l two; wirer ropes, each
abant 250 feet tong, fqi hotaing Coat (non mines.
11,0 °hose is a. 1ir0..-cste Engine; It lots been in Ilse
081 Y 18 months, tn. the Borough br Tamaqua; where it
may be seen. Apply to
.101 IN BROCK. SON& Co.,
97 and 99 North 'third Street, Phitatta
May 1/.1850 19-tf
161 c
1:01t SA Li E. — . rho snliscribets offer for fa is a bu
r perior 6 inch Pump. 6 fel - I.:treks, with 100 yards
of 5 a Oluch pipes, with bons, rings. &c., all in gin.,
order. Also, 35 Drift Cars: hllisch sale, 8 of which
are ritmcd with doliblr lirakss, all of which- ore in
gqod tannins order,. Also,. Ca yards of 1 inch slope.
chain: The allows will be :old low for cash or pprow:
ell paper.
Nett Philadelphia.
April Ir. ISSO
EiCrijo Circular eital Screen, II
V feet long, and } feet in diameter at the laraert
endi.—adapted to malting coal of the most apprered
,tiarx.remt *135.00 and liae hk_en very little used—Will
be e . old cheap for cacti. Enquire at the York Store.
E. YARDLE & Co. ;
Mareh 16, IMO
r4ote lIIALOne 10 horse Engine, with breakl
lug rollers, *creel..., shafting and every thong
neces:ary about' o Goal breaking estabishment, which
~villbe sold on very reasonable teems. '
GEO. IL Pt it I'S.
March 16. ISGO
1: 4 011 SALE...One 30 hnrse hnistibe emllne.with
. 17 wituittut ;Parlor, all rotnplete. Enquire nt the
(Pack Mine Colliery, York Porto, prat the office of -
March 16, , 850
rOR IttifiTa - Cars - ,
200 Feet of one ken Proof Chain,
300 " Inch chain,
300 " "
, GEO. 11. POTTS.
rsti lff, 1850
VOL!. SALE AND TO LET.—Buildinit.nts
in Minim Carbon, Lewisport, Wood and Lynn's
addition to P2ttsville.on Notw..2ian ~t.. Pottsville. aiui
in Mihersville. Also a convenient Office in
Addition. • Apply to JAS. 11. CAMPBELL.
April 15. '4S.
1.3 Piece of blustc—erniipased and' arranged for the
Piano t'orie. by Joseph Gungle ; just published and
for sale at the Uook and Music Store or
11. UANDIA ,
hand Pianos, from the factories of the moat cele
brated ina!teicin the United States, always nn hand,
and tor aalc on the most favoratile. lernts, by the sub
scriber, w ho resat:Oral ly int ices the public to examine
them at his house, in 3,1 street, one door below Cal
lowhill, west side. Pottsviite
DONAT SAAR, Profeefjor of Music.
July 12. ISSO. ' .
iutiv mvsic—dwgra Y IaLE,
•N admired song..
I will often think of thee, a beautiful melody.
'Mb , . the weary are at rest, P. moor arum.
lxrvErtiona Co:the best, an admired ballad.
The 'lngle Man, a new and popular comic song.
I glve.t bee back thy ',lighted vnw, an admired
The village spire, with a portrait. of Jenny Lind.
The bright summer roses, lid ' do
Joy will never light my lie-art, do ' do
Sunshine and Dew, a new ballad,.
urould . l were a boy again.
The Latibin.
Bonnet of Melodies. •
Marches. Waltzes.
Together tN ith 4 large collection 'of the Integt and
most I.nout.,r innate, always on hand. Pieces obtained
to order. at HANNAN'S'
Walk and :Untie Store.
11 sors to Geo. Wittig,. No. 162 Chesnut st.eet. udder
Barnues Museum, have jostpublislted th oilun:ing
bemoan! R 21111113, Polkas, &c.: .
Think ere yon tittetik, by N. J. Simile _
The Secret, by the ttutletr of "Will It love too
then se nor." .
Sauey Kate, as rung by Mr. fludson,.l%7 sic by 'Dr.
.I.tsise the bright Flag of Columbia," odApted tothe
popular atr of -Ever be Happy,' in Operanail
. .
Tbu''Tlintt art gone, by the late "J. D. S. Sullivan."
Mope Neat Love, ,• PO ,
Woman's Love, " •
A Dream that love can ne'er forget, by M. Keller.
Dllligent Polka, by J A. (Inter.
Ptimrole do, Ly M. Keller.
flotilla do, as p. rforhied at Cape Mati, by Johnson's
Band. • •
OWN, Bellllabt, from the Opera of the Four Son's of
Aymon, by T. C. Wier..Cß.
1511 Amusements, Elegances, by Charles Voss!
L. dr. W. have the pleasure to atinuonce to the pub
lic that their stock of Sheet Music consists of the
largest and most complete, assortment to be I found in
the country, they are constantly adding to their stock
all the new Music published in ew York, Doaton,!&c•
A line ay..ortreent or the best mine faet u rera of New
York and Ilastan, at the lowest cash prices. :
Also. a general assortment of Guitars. Violins. Ban
jos, Flutes, Aecordenna, Violin. Guitar. .and
(faro Strings of the best Italian' qmtlities, nil of
which will be furnished to the public and the trade at
, the lowe.?t ratc/0
Orders punctually attended to.
Jan I'2 1650. 2-rt
/ 1 1 Bret and most elegant assortment a PI &\b
FORTES in the United States, a n always be fnund
at the warehouse of the Subscriber, 171 Cliesat
Street. above; Fifa. at the 0131 Stand occupied more
than a third of a century by Mr. Geo. music
publisher. PIANOES . , 11 AIIP9, ORGANS. SF.RA
/F.OI.IANS, Ate Fresh from the 3. ost tele
brated Slanutacturers ip N. York; Boston, Pali imore.
Philadelphia, and els. whore. Bold wholesale : and
yetall, at the makers cash prices.
171 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Feh a ;
do do
do ,do witboplker
• do do
rite following, named choice aisieles in the &nal
sinn CUTPIi Ilams, first ipMlity;
also sager mired Shoulders of a sonerlierirde7. spiced
sugar cured Dried Bea also a int of Reef and:Sheen
Tongues. -These articles are mired and prepared by
nue of the best •tetuahers of the Philadelphia ;MU
het. They have also received some excellent PitAled
Salmon, superior mess Shad, as well as a lug/slut of
'the hest 81161011 thekeret. .
4 Builders aud mlicts, is respectfully invited fn the
Phtnehot Mill, where they can he euitedin all kir.ds of
Planed Flmninß, Turning and Lumber, frnni A inch
Boards to Pannet Plank.
nr Auguit.hy - J. P„ SHERWIN.
stimit of 1 or lOU flannels Sterling nn England. Ire
land. Scotland, Wales. France, Germany. or any put
ni Euiope, for sate, without any chtni , ,,, at
Passage Agnney in l'ottsilte.
Also. Enioriean II illiand Drafts mailed and collected
at Ida °rac..
ccPasseneers atm') enratted at the lorratt ratok and
no detention or rumbling.
June 8. 1854
O VEYOR'S Pocket Tabte Rook—A crtpitali work,
cot reerio Cd and for sate at RANN‘N'S
J. MORGAN, Market fit
i .. Lo):IL-7.1
CEO. 11. P07,7 : 3
4'140,111e, August 24. 1830. 33--
Corner or 9th and Norwegian Sr reCu
May 25, 1830 21-tr
Auguet 17, ISM
May 18, 1810
In The static riber lr prepared toteiriiirh India Rubber
Puking fbr &tenni Engines, which is said to be impe•
rim to aiiv 110 Ir in me ' 11. HANNAN.
Also. India Rubber Beim for Machinery. ekr tnerth
er, with all articles in dm India, 'Rubber: Mit. now
uYeri. [inne ISSO td•
Tfier underamned havine lea-re•ri thte new,
g-ca lame and commodious Hotel, situated.cotive
• niently to the Thittroad, in the beautifill Town
of Tremont, respectfully informs itia friends ittd the
travelling public, that he 13 prepated to entertain them
In the most uneiceptionable style. The 'rouser is un
der the Management of kir. L. 31. Gaser.a gentleman
of esperience, who will spare no pains to render It
worthy pf public patronage. The Table will he abun
dantly supplied with the best the markets atrottl, and
the ebeicese,Wities and • Liquors will bo furniahed at
the Bar.'
Families can be accommodated with large airjt them
bers, an 4 excellent board, on the most reasonable
terms,—a ordingamosfdesirableretreatfromtheheat
and bustle of large towns and cities- This West
Breach Valley Passenger Train stops at the; House,
and good shells and cables are attached, wltliactom-
InndssinfOnlare always in attendance.
- July 5,1830 27-atoo
-. •
that wary 'lave lnetirance 'fretted in the Lyto.initig
IdUtual Insurance Company, that Annennment
hem been made, and all pelmet not having already tutd
the same, are requested torah on the. suhseriber who
has been appoltited'Reteiver and Agent for the tnunty
of Schuylkill, and who will be Wand at his office in
Oentre street, un m on day and Saturday'e tn - attend to
the same.. Pill. CLAYTON . , Raceiver
. -
and Agent for Ly. Co. Ma. kraut ance Company
Sept.:; legm.. . 35-tf.
- .
I • Keller, sear OrWIV•1011 , 2, A3erit for the sale of
Ootnnter's Patent Wilted for 'Making Manure In the
Short time of from 13 to 30 dare, will open o heap for
Inspection on Monday and Tuesday, the Oth and lOW
of September. All nib° wish to see a minty and no
humbug, Will please call and see fur themselves.
' August 31. INSO . 3S-2t
._ .
___ __ __.—
The Co-partwebip bermofereratillna ander lbc
firm of S• & R. RWiforris, has beratissolved by MU
!Ual consent. Ist or April, ISAO, All persons holding
eOllVs against said nor, will present them !or ntuie.,
i; and persofis Utv lag 13ithirit1 wilyiall and settle.
- Sit t er patties will settle accounts' of amid Arm.
Above the Town Hall.
• B. R.' MORRIS, -
Opposite M2hantangq Siren.
; August 31, 1.940
'l,,Tbr public wtil tnke notice, that the partnership
heretnlbre eaisting between Mamie Straus, Edward
Colchan.and tmwrente Hanna. trading in the name
Marcus Straus Sr. Co., was thin rissy dissolved by nau.
teal consent. 31 AISCU3 STRAUS,,
Animal 118, 1650. 3S-3te,
1)1113011sIITI - 0 - N OF PARTMEORSOjp7=
The partnership heretofore existing between
Samuel Helms and William Smith, V the Impsnr
business, Fottsville, has this day been diesplved,
mutual consent. SAMUEL lIIELM ,
_ WILLIAM :4„ smart .
ronsvMe. August, rs,so,
I 24 —CI
OTICE.a..TIn, 80
'''' L l th . ith • in the I .;qitini - bAslaestO, PodesSiti't
ing bee n resigned .to John B. Sultan-ate now In tfie
hands - eubscriner, for settlement. All persons
lv;owtne , ; new ...test iDdebtihl Bald ion, will please
cell once, and inane pay ate at, to
31-3 t
August 51, 1950
I/ Notice Is hereby givem_ls hot the partnership here
mfore.ezisting between Cam !rower & Wm. Kramer,
Carpenters, working under the firm of . ..Howes tr. Kra
mer. has this day been dtssolved by mutual consent.
Wili tam Kramer is authorized to settle up the business
of the-lute firm. Alt parsons haiing claims sumac
the late firm will please present them - for settlement,
and those knowing themselves indebted, are request
ed to make payment to William Kramer, who wilt car
t y on the business as heretofore.
Chaff !TOWER.
Si 31
Argast 1.1. 1550
I N Proposals mil tie received at the Office of Ow
James River and Kanawha Company , in Richmond,
unit! the first day of October next. for the,constractino
of the Peersand A hutment' of the bridges across Jaynes New CantooMardwicksville and Dent Creek.
This Work will be paid for in Cash - . essides the
usual reservatlen of qtt per 4eitt. oqs the-menthLy
mates. the Con tractor os Contractors will' be required
to give ample seenrity, tnitssfaetory to the Board of
Directors, fur the comp:etintiof the work, at the time
and In the manner specified in she contracts.
Plans of the above work will treeshiblted and spec'•
kali ins thereordelivered to the Contractors, at the
Office of John Coat y, the Assistant Engineer, in charge
of the same, in Columbia.
August 21, ISLO
IN cauti o n e d against negotiating a Nuts for *230 So.
dated. April 2(1, 1850, payable four months from date,
lu favor of Peter Becker, and given by the subscriber.
''aid Note wan lost and is paid, consequently it is of
no use to any persun but the owner.
31. GI
Aneilst 10, IFSO.
-1N dersigued 'Pave had letters of Administration
granted to them of the estate of the late Andrew
O'Brien of the Borough of Pottsville, Clothier, de
ceased, and they reque.t all persons having claims or
demands aenittst the e.tate or the said deceased, to
make koutvu the same to them Witham delay.
Illtst. St/AllN O'BRIEN,
July 27 IASII.
.• ti ned not to - purt liitse or use an Oil from R• D-
Rrtin , rylr. purporting in be P. 8. Deslan's Patent Luir
bra, ling Oil. Ile !tax no authority , fi otu rue to make
it,—he bag not. even the correct receipt to make it,—
still is uaing.a part of toy Ingredients in wrong propor
Lions. I respectfully= rater all persons interested to
tlri• decision,. of the a artnus V. S. Courts. lately, for
infringements of Patent-rights. I run the' Pateotee
and sole ott ner of this, and ant determined to prose
cute not in‘ly R. IT ,Srlinener, Antall persons putchas
ing or using the oil from lam. to Ilse mama! extent o
the law. P. S. DEVLAN,
Rpailittr. Pa . Jut.. fk. I ,•35f)
CRS. who Fip6 lo purchase Imp in Trevorron,at
pi 'vale pale, will frbd al/ Anent no the Prsznipep prior,
tlar town ni Shamokin Labor on the 11..ilrnaS wVI
he taken in paymeni of 101 S. (111 r, half the wagei or
the Lahore', n ill be advanced in Cash.
June 6, 1e.50
in& OP.—Whereas. n notice his appeared in a
newnp trier in this County. cautionintralt persons from
purchasing said Oil from me. 'now I hereby :ire no
tice that !hold the exclusive right to manufartare and
caulroll Oil in the Counties of Schiqlkill, Lebanon
Daiiphin, Lehigh. Northampton, Carbon, Litzetne,
Commtna, Wyoming . . Nottlipinlyeirland and Lyciitoing.
ar,of that all persons who shall interfere with my rietita
714 a 6.faxiii, shalt he prosecuted according to law and
that I will indcmnify, protect and wigs harmless all
petiknns who shall purchase Bald oil frnm me!
R. D. inlia.'NEß.
2T-tf .
Notsville, Jvane I. MO
~ - ---
' V OTlCEt—fiLli persons are hereby notified not to
i i N pureha4e or use Oil from R. D. Achoener, purpor
,: ting to hey. S Derlan's Poi'entlub , irating Oil, as be
1, has no authority to make such Oil,:and anymerson put -
chasing; or using the Oil Dointlitu will be prosecuteu
j according tojsait.
Stay 18. 1850
A., of the late lino oP Wallare & ainkiston, has thi•
day hauled a copartnership with SAMUEL IT. ROTH
EIIMEL, for the trawmrtion of a flenual Coal Bunk
'less, under the firm of VNlate & Ilothannet.
The receivine and shioninc of Coal will he month
ned, as heretofore, on what ves At fflaucester,and
9 Richmond. Office SO Walnut forest.
W17.1.1.1%1 WALLACE.
a:A3l'l.. 11. ROMER/IEL.
May 1,1850
ri•AECE NOTICR.-z-Tn- Itnnks and accounts nr
1 7 071TELI & I.Y, havinc !men aSSigned LO the
an, 4 , ribers, all prrann4 having arrnunts opPO with
them, are requested 1., call and settle, and those in
debted to make payment only to LIS Of our authorzeo
'N. B.—All neennnts nest settled before the first of-
December next, will be 1,: ft tvith a Squire for settle—
Nov 10, 18-10
Metallic Of Quin pen. requiri,i2 no prEparition
and superior to any other In 'brain v and perminencik,'
or rotor. lust - received and for sato , , what/nude and
retail. hv . B. Iia.NN4N-..
_lnly 17 . 3,q50
_ .... __
-.• [teams of bentitititi blue ultra Letter Paper, which
was purchased at a great bargain, Just received and
fur sale by the subscriber This lot is worthy the at
tention of Merchants and others, its it win be sold a[-
leas thad manufacttireis priers, at •
Jan. 15. IPSO
eel, 4.4 a flun . el nf liarrison'a.telebreted rots.
which will he sold by the Galtur of half. Gallon bn ,
drag. Also, Ilatrison's Inks..lnack, Red and LOUP. in
Bottles, wholesale rindtroalt„ at - city manufacturer'',
hterchators and others pnrchasicrg to sell again •
tan sare the sarrtsge by calling at
- B. BANN A N'S •
. eap B
ood ook Store.
Where can be g
had Ink as low and .. Btati asoner 30cents per
dozen nettles. •
Jnne 0. 1830
ankle 6ißAly reesnunended: Impartial/ a fine
eters to . all kinds of Linen and Cotton Gooda—oar
ticuly &mumble in dointup Shirt BOR(113114 and Conan.
T. F. BEAT7'Y & Co.-
1?.-et '
Ang 10, 1850
11/1. ed 10 years old, and of enperinr qualov, for tale
by' 31. BEATTY & CO.
May 4, Isso, - 18 tf
LIAPSAGO CHEESE—Just received and for
~ ' sale J. X BEATTY d Co.
Na 4, 1850 , -1841
DIME AND FRESH Burning Fluid and Cam
L phene,alwdys on hand And for Pale, h9' ,
March '9.3, 1850' 14-3 m
. .
rgood.—A vary superior article. equal to Rodgers
& 8011 A celeLt4t,l Cutlery, blot received and fur said
wholesale and retail, at
Chest) Stationery iilnra,
Whete also may be had Itodge,r's and Wastenhohn's
and other l'en - Kiiivet—also, superior Razors, by the
sinele or dozen,
May 2S, ISSO
9 - nIE HEADY & ELLIOTT (Warranted)
tver Pointed.Oollt Pens, now stand A An. lin the
Pen market: every person wfio 14"`a tried them wilt
aeknowledse their superiority. • They are made and
sold exclusivelsrby Brady Sc'Ellintti two doors above
the Miners' Bank. Watches' of all the celebrated
makers sold as above, at kites to son the times.
rrilE ktunsolunErt HAVING Et:Et:TED. AND
1 put into operation an extensive:Ream Saw Milt . ,
at ihe head of Silver Creek, on a large tract of the
hest timber land in Schuylkill - I:noel—he is prepar. ,
ed to furnish eased timber of all sixes. inciuslintr
Props for !finals. iSc ,at the shortest notice. IlL.'onfi
'dent that his superior advantages s ill enable hilsoo
tell his Lumber at lower rates, than those of any otlier
establishment in - this sectlon—he respectfully
the attention of hts friends and the pnhilc generally,
assisted that . % trial only is necessary .10 , secure their
parrore‘ge. persons depict:* Lumber, will apply to
the subscriber In Pottsville, or to hts Akent al the Mill.
Lumber delivered at any point.
August 17. 1850
DI DOZEN of Dart. :3, P..Townve — niFit tisane - Pa - "'
1.5 rilla,the genuine article, just received - and ror
sale by tho dozen, 4t Moufacturera prices. and also
by the single bottle, at BANNAN'S.
Chief Engineer, J. E. and K. Co.
34.6 t
D. M. BOi'D, Agent
Patenteejtending, Pa
Cheap , 131)bit" and Phper Store
New Steam Saw 31111.
33-1 y
20.1 f.