The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 04, 1850, Image 1

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    HOTELS, &C.
Peluisylvania nail,- • ,
„ , perisylLte, rA.•
-Till3favorlishment.tor travestprs
and strauge'istftis been teased for_a_te t rett, ri of
t years, by site,iiubscrtber, srbo•e,on 1, ng
ezertioni to please heretofore, Isla bexon.
toned hereafter:intso pains spared to contril0 1 e to
be comfoib of sojourners... G: JOHNSON.
fgFrn. bn the basement storyoribe
above estatlisbone:%one of the z test,stand: , to Own
fora barber. (1
• 'W. .j .
March 2,1 0.50. C. . Stn
9 9
, „ .
Anthracite pall,
•RESPECTFIIII.Y announies toThis friends
-arid' the public that he has taken the !above
a ,-- - =
establishment, located on n'unbury Stneet, in
the Borough of 'Hinetsville, and has refitted it through,
out, ....rid Is prepared to Accomiturdate all those who
may favor him with their:custom.' lie flaw-4 him
self that by unremitted attention to . the wants and con
vi..ncenf his guests, that he will make them feel gene
at home, and no pains will be spared on his part t ?
make it'one of the beat Public Houses in the Country.
April :IT 1850. . 17-tt
L 7 . . .
- - •
. •
.le hotel, Tremont.
. .
TUE subscriber respectfully in his
f ' li
---- friend s and th.ri public. in zeneral. that he
t,,,, 4 9. has taken - the Ea;le lintel, in Tremont,
. 7l .nearly oriproalti• Hippie's Hotel, and rrcently
kept by,,l) B cilthouse;ivbere he is prepared to (scram
wriodatmtris old friends and customers, aad as many
Mess one: as may feel disposed to patronize hail. Pio
-effort shall be wanting to render his house a honor for
, the tracellez. - . ' ' '
There is a insee MM.. andlsheds beluncine' to then
establishtnent. Ile inj.ieits tiall from his friends.
-..-... MARK- MELLON.
int 10, I£.o
Troriortt,' A
. , .
--- - - Itbin,-, .
Sun . Motel, :
' THE undersigned respectfully announces
'.sera to the citizens of Schuylkill County,
t and
,travellers in general. that he has take
'S Hn
ild established stand known as•Voitot hat
and lately kept by Jeremiah Hushes, at tbe "Coarira
oir Sscrian and MU:Easy t.t.t.c. Sti, in the Onniusti
'of f r ottsville, which he has fitted up With sperial ref
ference to the comfort of those who may ;favor him
`with their custom. .
The house is pleasantly located, with stabling and a
taTte! yard attached, calculated to accommodate Farm.
Ors, la persons travelling wittNorses snit Carriages
The proprietor has his house well furnished, and will
pare no pains or expense to supply htt Table and Bar
n a manner which cannot fail to afford.gene ral sat is
faction. --,-.. • ,
An attentive .. .faithful 'hostlert will always' he in et .
et ndartce. so that guests may rel.: on having their hors
es properly attended to. .IIIi.3IIAEL SE2.LTZER.
. .
„ -------
'Washington Hotel.' 1
- • (FORMER : I.V line: FIV :ffli Crt. 8EAZ0...) .
.. .
Schuylkill flare:,
. The subscriber annonn rr! to hi; friends and
ril r i. - .. IN travellin; public.: that he has taken the
-WA; above me ntioned ectaliliAment, and fitted up
...n.i • •• ttirnilebtkit, rfo that it will eTial any °mat,-
~- - Ilshment in the I.oontv. II i, located near the Depot
of the Phaladlephia a;:7ilßeading Railmad. aid on the
-,. -- Main street of the floronti: Db. table will always he
atrnitdarttly supplied with the choicest delicad - tec of the
season, lilselembers are large and airy, and . his bed,:
dine of the best kind. • -
-.The stabling attached to . the lintel is large and coin-
Inndioni, and attentive hnstters will always be found
'in :turn ante. Ile has also accommodati o ns for Wu
lerii. ' . .
' «Vela cies will always be kept to carry gloitntain
_ any pa, of Or Cnunty.or elsewhere. ,
2 . All liggsOliettes if a trial of his llnus•i, feeling conti
. - , will eiee entire satisfaction to all wbo find it
onvenient to s.joitrn at bis 'louse.
- pfd7 ISl9—l,tr•l 101 IN lONES. •
...orpltahs l Court Sale.-,
• I , NT to an order of the Orphans'' Court 14 I
' the subscriber. Jonathan Zerbe, I
of.thc estate of Jonathan Zerhe„ late I
15f Branch township, ir. tiln County of Schttylkill, j
..h!foc'eased. will expose to Sale Y•endtrei,on
'Santa:ly. the 25th day of Mny near. at I:.," • clocis In I
the forenoon, at the Muse of John Ikipplei Ihnkerp. I
er in the IOV.III of Tremont._ A certain j
;tenement and tract of land. situate in Branch town
ship, in said County, adjoining lands Of Gr.eeot - Wal. l .
• George L" Co.. tate J. .E
"oLo'W ilammer. Iluntainger & C0.,-late James
• 21.12 Peacock. containing 239 acres :3 iietches,
;VI t :-. 1 ,7 strict measure, with the apptirtenancea,
-s consisting of a two-story cfalsellinC house
and barn, &c., esc.
Also. Ps certain ntessuage and hit of erotrai - dorit nate
• In the town of Tremont, in said County. belne Int NO.
S 9, adjoldhle in front on Laurel st reet, ha:of Daniel
ItiOner. Pophir street. and Int No. 90, ctintatning in
front 40 feet:and in depth 140 feet, with the•appurte
nances consist ing of a mie-story. fratne.dwelllnk bonse
and stable. &c. - '
-Ilse. The undivided equal one-half of ,a •
Man( land Situate in Pine:rove township, in snid
County-, artjoinine land o f Abraham Fertie,'de
ceased, late A. Zerhe, deceased. New York Company.
chew:s Tobias. deteased,contaitrine 53 ncres and S per
rict meaenre .w it the apputtenanees.
Alan, The undivided equolljitte.lialf of a ceznin
tract of-land situate in Pinein.`e. township afort l Said.
~dj„iiiing l au d., o f hire Abraham Feritg..decen.ted ,
. John Boyer, J. Znetic and C Zerbe. containing 5 acres
and 19 perches strict measure, wi:h Abe appurtenan
ces. Lee. Late the estate of the said deceased, at
tendance will he giver. and condition or - sale mad
known at the time and Oleg - of sale. by
By order c,tr, the Court.
erveikalture, April 6, 1.350. I 1-ts
._ .
Dent ist ry. ,
' • stitGros DENTIST, r
lifrot-r...”0 ,,, d to the new (*dine in the
,' - '•-•' . Zr — , "--- tear of Thos. Foster*. Co.'- . 0 flonaiitol Shoe
4 .112808 Store. next door to Eo..quire Klock's retire,
Ens: Ni,rket slreet, tlord door from rentre, up stairs.
webers he has fitted op a hlomi-otne otlire. and will he
prenated to perfmm all OpfT.ItIMIS appertaining to his I
profmetton. i
tie -hag discovered a new pre .-
perat ion for destroyine..
the nerve of a trinth; without pain, so thlt !it can be •
plogred, and win last for years. All:ope.rations war-i:
ranted, and terms low. , . _ _-
Pottsvinc,.S.tarch fel, 1850 9
A Card.. .
'EDWARD T. •rximon,
. AvING just returned from Philadelphia
and New Volk, with 0 of the largeift assort
,mints of fashionable Cloths, CaßAiincres and
Melt Silk Veigines. ke... ever ilitroduced in
Pottsville, begs to inform his numerous liaisons .and
the guhlic generally, that tie is !inquired - In execute
thin; orders in a sit le of fa,hi. , n that cannot be sure
paword in iii out of Philadelphia, and at - prices suited
to the' times'. E. T. TAYLOR.. . I
Illeichtnt Tailor,
- [Lair! of the firm of Lippincott & Tat lor.j
. April 'IL M —
O • ' Iti-tc
—_-----,---. ' __:,-----
• Startling liiews;,..
FOr rkere karts. - as Semi env laricie quantity of
, OLD FA.5111074.: GAITER BOTS!
Tltt.; undersigned having purc O
hase:l the
eVustoe right ir latitet `hell's .
rentcaitrcLts.r 2.,1,
would call the attention of Ladies and Gen
tlemen to the: .eamples he has now on hand, they be
ing-cut wit Inititsee mg, are neater and far inore ditrabldk
than those rut in the old style, and will eventual!?
supircede all kinds now in use. lie Aernild also ead
their attention to the large assortr..ent:of Roots and
Pines he has-now nti hand.s—tlecieedly.the hest that
have ever been offe.ed in this market; the majority of
his work being made here, and of the, beet matmist
for neatnass and durahility defies all ',competition.-
- Having purchased the right to incrittinctitre Ma's
Pittent Congress Gaiters, he will make them in -order
of..the hest materials ; together with an other kinds
- sof fancy and riMin hoots and shoes.
Ile has now in . his employ a large nitintier of hands.
and, it is bls deslre to have as mnch of his work made
In Pottsville. IFO t Kat money, that sedful article,
need not be taken hence. A. large ',assortment of
Eastern and Philadelphia work always kept nn hand;
totether with Trunks. Carpet 11ss and Valises ; all
of which will•be sold low Mr Cash at
Bunt and Stu,. Store:
1 2 doors toutli of Mortiinces Hotel, Pottsville.
March 1. MO 9-tf
YOrk rtiOment.
3iesv IDIOTS wineSS.
COUNTlll',l,lerchant• and ethers in
-tvarayor Boots-and Slioes, will p.lea. ,
can - and examine a-large n'vvertment.
received direet=from the E..sterii
Jersey ManiiCacturtirs, which will bb sold at Imbrest
'rites for cnstver abort creditlor arceplances "
N B.—We manufacture our own ladies'. Misses'.
'ea Children's tine bil , il9 and gaiters. and wil! warrant,
them and give such sizes as timy be wanted.
Just try the cavtr system, and save - from 10 to If, per
et.,(tumcredit price.
A. D.. GALE, •
22.5 Pearl St., ror rlart St., N. Irma.
March ',Mk 10-4.111
Smith's: 'loot Si. Shoe ' Sioie.. -
The rTiitivrrit , rr
to Inv, mintrenus ruontnria'
' and the public. that tie i1W4 . 6 3 % ,
PM received Jit hie Boot and
•• Shoe Store, nett door above —Age:
Gen. W. :•••tater.a Store. Centre SC,;a irreh supply of
804411 and Shoes of evrry vanely' for Lido..
o. r
'Gentlemen. Children, Miners. &C., 'all "a' h
ate wade up nf the hest materials, in a neat and dlira
ble manner, and will be sold at rates to suit the times
Always on hand a supply or Trurilo, Valieee. Satch
els. dre..whieh w ill be POlfl very cheap. Call and satisfy
.youreepea. Boone and Shoes made to orde: •vf the best
tiatestals and sten repairedat Minn notice.
Plow' , " Me. A - pr , WILLIAM sMITII
, .
: "- • Musty. :-
'• A
ii i
_.!•-•"--4,- JOIIN 11E1111, fortrierly of Pottsville
Nr„, ;. ....... -- 3. 4 ., ~.,, basin!! secured the =benefit of the in
- s tria -Iv - 4, , of Pmt C. F. Ittidolph Pro
. ,
fessnrof Music;of l'hilidelphia,vrtio has,kindly furn
ishedCertificatrqr,spectfully otters himself to
Ihe public nf,Pottsvillel_and the vicinity, a s a Teacher
of Music, particulartiOil-the Piano Forte. Ile wit'
give the. most umiriectirliention to,the advancement
.of ricitertais entrusted re, Ills care.
Fe 'ntaV befound at G:rm.f..Gen.slin's, Centre Street,
Pottsville. z
. March 30, IPSO _
-, CA 11RIAGEg. , . .
. - .....:,,V ..:--, to callthe attention:of his friends and
' „,„- 4 -- . ..:._
..,,..../,'Fi au; nubile tn. his stotck of CARRIAGES
-4`411.0•17. and LIGHT NV AGI/ON II now on hand
and fintihing, which he wilt dispose of low.
, • CeAlt kinds of repair.ine prorniaty attended tn.•
Rettnitert Corner. of Union and Railroad, Streets,
-- back nr-the Americim Howie. - .
J ane S. 184..13- iv- , WISTAIT A, KIRK.
•. .
~.A WHOLE: 4 r•- LC and Retail Deatas in-DRY
. I.7s zw."..GOODS.CROCI:RI ES;TEAS.I.ICaI'iIItS.&c..
' v itore on Centre S.treet,niar the corner of Ma
bailie - ego, to which the atlentnn orthe cif tiens ortors
and [pastry iA rttpettittni itoiiirittd. ~
r !MIN L. urrr.n.
pottfirme, Oct.-44J , JOII:4 S. C.MARTIN
. -
- •
Roofing' Slate.
rrni xEmNsvtr.t.r. SLATE REAPECTIIII.L
LY Inform the puhrlc that they arc fully prepared
to furnish a arrperiur sidle for nontingo; and havin
thc most experienced Stalers irt their employ will at:
tend to any ostler' with despate,h,:and on the dog .Ih
eralierias! A fample of their slate may be ..een a
the Officer of Joie ph George, Architect, who will give
any information required. and With a horn orders C3ll
be left. W J.', ROBERTA & Ca.'
Mxril 113 1 10 .:41 . I* Lehigh Water Gap, Carbon co.
11M01N1N............ .
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. _ , . .
~,Parasols at AUCtIOII. Prices.
,! 5.
>5.,.... , 4:11E large and elegant aestortment or Para
mit\ •pkits,nt No. 104 MARKET Street, is now
offered at Auction prieee, to clove the 'stock.
Please call and. satisfy youraelf, it ts' no
' '
humbug , .
A prit 2.o'i 1550
. Bargains: Bargains :
111 Ur • slo I%
~ ..(0. 77 X 9 RTH-SE C 0 .VD STREET.
. Prill-ADELPIIia.
- keep constantly on haiid a crer-d assortinent
r 4 - e
...5 , 1 ' of all the various kinds of Bonnets, such as
....-- - ,'.z,--,- Alhoni. Tyrolese, California. Tulip, French
Laces, English Dunstnides, China Pearls, Florence
Braids, &c., &e.,—all , of which he will Fell C. Very
mall profits, at wholesale and retail, for cash. 'Mil
lineis and others are respectfoily ins - ited to call and
ex - iinine before purchasine, as it Is oUr intentiOn to do
Tito", t. all that may favor u 3 with a call.
. Straw Bonnet 11am:fracture.
JOSEPH S. LIPP, respettfully reminds
0- •-- the 'trade thht nun' is the time to make
nnrehases of Bonnets, Hain : and Arti
-**- (4431 Flowers, and that. can do at well if
net a little better for yon than any others in the trade.
Please rail and examine MY well selected stock of
Spring Millinery Goods, before pi,rehasing elsewhere.
I am constantly manufacturing and receiving goods
from the_ fiew . York Auctions, which enable me to
sell very V.W:Fit wholesale or retail.
March 9, lE.A. ' . 10-2 Tn
Spring Millinery Ahoods
• .1. C 8.4 W. E. TA9ER.
IDiPOR TER S .A.ND JonnEns,.
No. 19 South Secoud Street, corner ef /Stack Horst
• • Philad'a.
• 110! 110 t 110: 110 t
-"I TIF.C; leave tit annonnettn their reef. nmr rs ,
t e ,,,:0 , -. , and the trade in general. that they have nnw 1
e. ~-,,,, In store, and are daily receiving, a large ris- ,
-•—, onrtinem of Spring Mtllinery.thinds, consist
ing of the following articles: . . .
Col. Grn de Napie.all price ,Chip Ttur.krams,
i';oL Glati-sa 'Wks, -do Crown Linings.
Cld, l'oult de Soi „ An Insidt. Artificial Flowers,
Col.'Gro de ! Orlcan tin ~Ozite•Oe do
linunet lawns, do Crapes, black English do
1 i.l. Tarlatans, d., llnnnet . Ritibnits, all prier n,
While do do iriatin do from Nu Ito IG,
Covered Whalebnnes, iMantim do do
mad( Whalebones,
.. White titCdlllurione,
,Criiwns„Franic.4, Cotton and sill:: Quilling,.
flonnettWires. , be., &e.. &c..-
And by far the ehnlcest asioutment of Millinery
Goods in the city Of Philiderphia, se nyen impel leeted withcano great
care, and many of the g bin( "tie ns.
which are well worthy of the attention of the Milli
nery trade of these hei , rst Carted drarie: and California
gi:lti duet rec.ived atlpar
. "lari.h :5, ISSO
• Wholes. ie and !Achill
- !
CLOCK.. STCl.ll.ris
, No. 238 1 1 .1ARKIET Sr. .111f.)VC SEVENTIT, !
South. side—rnlt.ADELPti 14 .
rI,ALTIIOI 7 G II we can ,earcelyZesthnetrt the
A- , value Of TI)IE coniutereially,'yet by calling at
:!--irc the above itstabli.htnent, JAMES IIARBEII
..., ....,
•• will furnlstdhis friend., amone whom he In
cludes all who 'duty appreciate its fleetness, with a
teautiful and Perfect Index for marklitgilit progress, of
whocei-alne they c.isi Judge.
Ins extensive stock
,on pand,cnnstantly changing in
conformity to.the iihru.vErnerita in table and style nf i
pattern and worttatanelliiii.:enrwiets n( Ei t Ax-ws,y s
Thirty-Anne Itraioutt,"ol:Qn 1101lic,c1; -
II ALL, ciluncii :hwi. ...04.;_ "ci i melill' 1 . .. 4
Gothtt and other fatts;Psfc , al we as plat , which
-from his extetisive connection and correspondence
with the nianufactitrrrb he finds he can pot at the low
cxt cash figure, in any quantity (font 011 C 1.0 a tieusand.
of which he will wares n. the accuracv.•
el-Clocks ri.paired and warranted, el , ,ct trimmings
nn hand. •
• Calf and are me amon2 them .
INNS ES I.l.kitilun, 2:5-Market St.
Philada. Aug. 27,1a19 3.5-ty
- ----
. Watelvzs: Watette% v.
OR A fltildlt NV ATCII. '
vp . - 11kVING reerived additbinal sovidles of
Gold and Salver AV:ittl,... of pyrry description.
from London, Liverpnol and Switt.erlatad tali- I
,'••• vortatinne.i? now prepared to furnish the very
best article at a prat,o fir below any ever til ed, of ,
the carte quality. and which cannot he unale'tsold by
Mn) other store in IBlllarielphia or elsewhitre'. Rvery
Wall h sold will be Ont.-cal!, re,mlated, and warranted
In he as good as represented.
Watrnes at that following low. put es :
firld Ll'Verilt. {Oil jewell,t, la karat cases,onv' VS ea
Silver do (In do ' :" 7,
Gold I... Tittles, jewelled, IS karat ease, .-:-', 9.1di0
S.ilver, do do - S.OO
The L. R. Brnornall Ge4al Ten, a superior article in
ailver.eace, - with pencil—and svarranted. *1..5n; Gold
Pencil? for .$l.OO, and aipward?. Gold Med:alit:ls, and
l.,acket for Baaueierawie,lGold' Chains,
f:old and hair Bracelets, Breast Pins, Eta Rings . . Fin
-rter Tames. and a general as.aorttneut of every descrip,
lion of Jewelry at utnisttal low ;writes ,
LEWIS D. 111:00M ALL. '
'''Nn 'll.O 'North Second st., Fero/addl., t1,411W Race
1 Philadelphia. [April 14.49. 19 1 1
Piano Forteq.
THE LarrreA4l Cheapest. Rest and
rno.t eleaatat anasortanent of PIANO
inlll bi FORTES in thl United States, ea n
1 ? ninny.: he foam at the iv:urbanise of
the Subscriber. 174: Chesnut Street. abet, Watt, at
the rlld Stand iteriapmal more than a Oman( a century,
by Mr. Gen Willig, music pliblisher.
1 ORGANR. , .
Fresh from the most eclehrated Manufacturers In N.
Tank. Boston, Baltimore. Philadelphia, „and Os.-
where. Sadd wholesale and retail, at the maker's
cash prices. ...r• ,
• 0i , C. 1 .11 C. lit cknrr.R.
. 171 Chrstnnt ritreel„Ph.thdelphia.
Feb 9, 15!..11
" . ice‘v rflulsit ! .
i-127,--- Luc: & WALKER.
successors to
~...... fteo Willts, NO. 16 . 2 rheanot street.
, :trtt i -- v - -.... 1. ,imier It.trounf's WIWII
Iltl. trace jest
-3 2 1 A 1 pnGi.,bed it, (nib!, in; ln.autiful Bal
lads. Polkas: &r......
' Think ere you 't , tienk. hy N• J. Simile.
The Serrrt, by the author of "Atill 'ynO love me I
When as now.",
- " , e,aucy Kau , . as sun: hy Mr. Hudson, MUPiC hy Dr I
- -• llntre the Wight Flacof Colomhia.'" adepTet to the
poplar air of "Etter be nappy,' in Oprra •• Enchan
tress." ~. . nappy,' ,_
'llie' Thou art gone, by thc lat., -J. T 3 t 4 .,llivan."
. nortilsc.s tovci
A !Math tint love can ne'er forttet.h4 . M. lirller.
Diltig,lit Polka,, v 3. A. Grtr.e.
Pritorote do. t l y M. Kellrr. .
ititir do, at't Perf?rincti at Cape Nlav, by Johnson's
Band'.., .
rtql,,r, Brilliant, (rim the OpXra of the Four Sons of
Ay'mon, by T. C. Wirreck. 4 ( .2' ,
stis Amusements. Llega.eth'its• by Charlri Voss! •
. I. & W. Ove the olca , tire to announce to the pith- :
he that theft' 1 , 101 1 ; Of Sheet NIIIAIe conekin of the.
ItreeFt And giii,rl rntlll;iett, ~,r1.1111.11t, to he fonnd in
the country• they are const unit y ofh!on2 to Their *rock
aIF the new Mottle puldr.hed in New York, Boston, 6r.e.
1.1AN11 114,
A f i ne at,..,,rt ment of the ltest many (!'Cur ers of New
York and Ilott on. at the' Innest ca‘h prices.
MtirtlCAlt IN:4,IItUNICN'Est.
Alen, a r:e.beral assort merit or Collart, Vinlina.
kir, flute., Arenrdenot. Vie.. Violin. Guitar.
: 'tarp String§ of the best: Italian qualttie,r, ail of
1 who.h la 11l be furnished to the public and ibe trade at
I the lowe 4 ratea. l ..
Orders punclualll attended to.
Jan 12, 1:'...d. .
, __......
T. E. Chapman,
/ 18t, .
Va 1 South Fifth St—PllttAlDELPtttak•
' IleTI5, Checks, raids, Labels„ or-.
Ctllar•, Canstiuuums, Pamphlets, &e.
Periodicals, MagazinVs, Reviews, &c., In a variety
of styles
121. NK 1100 .K.
Made In order, nthql and hound to any pattern, and a
good uttortmont kept contutotly nn hand.
it}A!l °Nets in my loot
T. 'Motto:illy attended to.
No. 1 South Fifth at., Philada.
Feb 3:,15:0
._ , -
111F1"l i t ti l te
.- ' 1
_ I - , '•
13-3 m
Warranted Fire and Tlticf Proof, and free
from Dampness.
1 T I d l e r ;
5 t
h n e t B n, - A p P rrio " ! - P a a:I e n7t t e h ' e .' a r c Yr tii i i t n i a r t i ' f fi tl . r 3 e t' o n r "tn thieves re n.
a iri n i d ,ry n o r f a l VII r c i i i P i n n a t I:n u i e l XIV; t .
I T " h ' :Ta d r u rl a ntl f e n l o t f i tTr d' on a gl Y t
iron, brine kneed, rivrted and welded togetio.r, and
i lined with a limier t nnn conducting fire proof mineral
.composition. no wood being used in their construction
'as in the majority of safes sold by other makers, The
' doors;. of Caylei's Safes are secured wit hieclude*
s Thief
i Detector anirAnti-C:unpowd..r Lock, which h
the possibihty of picking or blowing them (men multi
gunpowder. Over Inn hundred of these Flake have
been exposed in accidental fire to the itmrt intense '
heat. in many Instances remaining in the burning
ruins for seirernl days, and at no time have they ever
been known to fail in preservina their contents.
The public nre Invited to call et the Branch Depot,
Esehange Place, l'hiladelpttin. near Dock et ~
: and examrite the nuMerous
. tm•timonials In favor of
Ca yler's Sit fee, also thr large assortment on ha'ad for
sale_at manufacturers' tiets.iV, . ,
. . 'j f./11. L. PIPER, Agent,
P: S.—Also Ihr sale low, new andserond-hand :Safes
orother makers, which have been taken in part pay.
meat for Gavler'..s Salainandere.
' April 2n. IbtO.
fl.:\ i Vinegar Stoic, i
. . x9_104 VINE STREET,
" Tiro .13odrs Barni. Ilia Streeti, Phiradclphia '
Tile Subscriber respectfully In f orms lON old
f 4 ‘ustismert. and others. that be has constantly
7 , ... - - ---- n hitrid Cider and Pickling: Vinegar, whole
. ..
sate and tetaSil.„ . .
Orders by Mail promptly attended jo. k
i D. B. *rrtAwx
. ~
' March 30,1630
:G. W. Ridgway.
Xs. 37. NORTII'7I7IARVgS ,
Below Rate St., PAita.;
lt +he Inwett noes, SPERM OILS
. 14 . g. ;„-011.! WRITE ELEPtIANT WHITE
Torineiti and Couotty Dealer', are . :Terincsted to
'Match R. 11850
~.... _ . . .
Toike*Cilizeni of Schuylkill Co.
:-,- nouEnT sucpm.amun,
111115 now On hand, and oder, for sate on the
itemoat lreasonahle terms, a full -assortment of
Fresh;Drugs and Medicines:4 'Window Class,
all sizes and qualitie., of French.; English and
Ammican,Manuiacture ; While head, pine and No I.
of all ;the most approved bran• sr, hy the barrel or keg.
Also. Colors of every dation,.eilhei dry or in Oil;
Linseed Oil, Spirits '1 % . litine,; Vaihishes. faint !
Brushes, Diamonds, Putty. rutty Linivds, and a - full
assortment ;of piiinterromatertala. Wen-Ise—Glue:
Potash, Dye Stuff., Bleaching - notleriala for milliners
u .. e . Ace., &e. Ati the popular Fatrtd. Medicines, EIS
Swaim's Panacea and.Vermifuge.; Dr. :Ort ne's Medi
, etnes ; rihnemikeee Renowned . Ithenniatic and
' st'irenetherdne plasters, the hest remedi in existence'
for Ithenneiriser, Pains or Weakness in the flack,
Breast or side. ,
Every article warranted gennine, and all articles
.sold will to; delivered at any of the tv Marren ur deputs,
1 free of expense to the purchaser.l
1 i
'lQuick Sale; and SmaD.Peorirs."
It0111;111". eIIoEMAREn.
I'l ly'rerner Second and Otieen Sig. , Phitad'a.
N 11-71etlers by mall kumptly:atterided to.
1 Mitch 04, IsMI. : IQ Om
' - -------I - - - -
-Wholesale and vaptall
STOVE linALEat!,„
Na. 230 :Varlet St., ricer Starh—eUiL*DELeilla:
;Lte t i t r ia f i r ir o n e d;
lUMN, tind Vyp.,74llU,lrlizi,niuritnn
ilgA".- 6:we taken the ahro. e state:where they^
intend kenping a full and complete as
- aortmeht of the trevcett dvlea rind moat
approved patterns of ISTOTES, con
siting In part as fAlows
Waenra,Prall & Co's. Qminry Airfield Corik 5 sires.
Watines improved Nattonal : 5"
110 e Earie, Air-Tight Cook; ,; , • 1 "
ArzA:all;the mo.t prominent Sadvei in Win market
igether ta!,rth tin extenaivenvsorturent Parlor...flail
rouith anti store Stoves, Woo., and eliaL Air Tight - . I 1 ,
1 he far . ; or our havinz the ain't eltenSiVa and rI r
gs,h assoi intent in the marketovill make it erophati
for dle interest of tharte Connected with the trade
te call and eiarnine tl,ohe
11 same. '; •
• SITLY. &
Not 2:9 Martia-c Street t riea! - Siath. Philada.
Nov 21:11..J. ! • 44 Moo
1 .We Study 10'.riehqe.
1 •
s THE atten4'nn of builders and nth
..t."):,.:,..,, is respectfully iflVired to the es
-Unsure and well, tented stock of.
'-' -.• ntrtl-3 "
:spw.c,fre J.-4 hy , 'stir stitiscrii , consisting in part as
I tolioWsz-iginerlean Frotrot.r: Lockk, upright, with
; nigh.t.?leork, plated or bralls furniture, Ot vorcela in all
cbtor...: ..• •
do; d. di Plain, 4.0 . .
do lkitil store Door, Horizontal or Uptight, d.
du Rim I.oclik, all sizes and qttablies White or
brace fortutur , , do ~ doi del
d o !suffice do with plated, do
do latches, do "do '. de
do 'and Rim Cit.set Locks:lda biass escutrhenntty
do lamp, :Step, Thumb. ,Eate,!and *tore Door
. Lathes. ,
A 1.., Imported Locks and Latches'of every description. 1 ,
Blldwin•s, and American butt. lilng,c.of as .Ize,A. i. 4 '
lir lio..rit;int, .
Shutters Gate, Strap, y., and'; Blacfsflap Ilinges, all •
. ,
kings,,, t c
Shutter. Gate. Dons, Flush.. nru d:. , ,spopc Bolts. of
wraneht c.r cast trot, and hra ya, iv ery decr4iptior. 1
Screws; Spots. Glue. Sand Paper. of the hest llo , ll'Y • I
Amts.,rican Arlo and altam A . xtr Pulleys, of every vs
inciy, '
do.,...ftnt tons plain or on i'll Cc, hta.i, iron Or 11 rllll2ed .
do - Soy. Plated, wlitteoirommr wood, all bin.:s,
s, c h.rord, r omn ~,,,, and pairrit. Willi other articles to
rilimerou. to tile:111011. ,
Nall. :111444,1).W ... 1 5: 1 34 Fitctoryprices. .
vi- Ali E ma, detteereti tree, of charge to any part of
the coy and Dietrich. , ,-,
• At flits establishment can he blond one of the larsest
and be.,--t acmrtment. or White arta Fa.,ry Nobs for
f.ocks &c... in the City: Prone patient - 15.o( whit h, can
not be keen, or obtained. at any other store.
Spear A,-k.lackstin'4.'Back, Panel Ilapd and Rhin flaws, ;
tinpi'JN/l'exprukily for retiii rifteS. all selected v. ith ,
- carei
Snie 'A;cont for'Gii e
celehrat , Planes, fee.. made by E
W Garoeme, Mtl, ',ilea-ter Pa ,; nein: all made of
snit( wood, and the Buts ernit till and tried. LI-eit Ty's .
. angl;-Williainy• pake of Einvebi. Axe... !ratchets. ,
Diatvir‘g knives; At,., all ftarranied good.
Pllgh'i,iini Slat k's make of Adger.: mid Auger nit% I
allAzes. l
...melte:in 'Square; and Bevil% of ev:rry description. j
011 ,Roles, Ganges, tiawcetta,Contpasses, ecretvdrives,,,l
, &i.e. .
~/o C'tt Hammer's Claw and.r.ivetU'ig, all sizes. An
/ yilsond % ig, v, all 4.17.P11. .
Strei,Pron and Wooden Braces, v.,'ith C. R. Hilts, in
ereat variety. i
Wt; ri. Ives & Son's . Iliac her's. a n d ether celebrated
- inal;x4 of Chanel, FisU:...."."Pllne-trong, Are-, &C.
Addie celebrated Carvme Tonts.til: shapes
Sra.;ne one of the best inti„Mokt extensive assdrt
,ment4 of boildinz lixrdwarc and idol+ in the !Stale.
1 At this E.t.thlt,stichrtit it Is crlnslilerrd a virasiire to
I show:the enodc. You are fnvited t to call and examine
the wilco -meta., and hear the piice's amlted, before pur
chasing chin% herr. Come "end see us.
VrAir-i, rw•pectfoll'V.
i .. .. - 3 VYNCNI. McCI.URI 7 ..
j. • Nn. 257 Ma t'ket Si i, hetWernl'lliA , 9th,
• ,
upper side, Pliilatra.
11•3 m
111a i rch In. 1650
• ______
Finmisel IX. ilibiglistly 4 .S. Co. I
w tiol.r.s ALB DE N.1.F.11;4 IN EOREIGN AND DO-, Mirth In; MO. .
-Va. 166 .V.rrtA TIMID litrerr `d loot below VIXE,I i'lliiatiCiPilia 'Mourning Store.
romcnr.t.rairl ,
g e neml aniorlMl•9l i
I k N0."52 SOUTH SECOND ST. Imo' eIIES.W.I r.
. .
W.l(llllllraart,ll!...:),.rie."toPtit"tio.kti4;edi:aint7Ltve.t market prices.. , .
Couotry Mel Olants, arr rrrorrtfo,Dy invited - to call. '
snarea uovv treehrir , yhrir ap&in:
Ni ll.—Drvot for Jahn pill's !lanes. i inrpOrtations, w rr.prrtfo ' EN invite Ow
krrd 19, 10. l• . . 3-1 v attention a all 01.11 buyer. frittivr wOol,,vde or Tv..
_ : tom; to (het( large ,tack a Muurtlio: G.iods vichlove•
!United Stale s Itati_ Foreign
,„V0.! . /5 Doc); STREFIT, opposite the Exchanzt, I ,
PIMA Tif 1.Pilll; PA. 1
1N 1.. . , m . Pri T OCti riv'it , Entlinecr Anil MechMilcian. '
. offers hts services for tn./ transaction of All'
Laziness connected With the Patent (Mice.
i Monpr.s. Itsimitisoti ash Fer'MPlCATioitfi
neatly and acrorately made and Patents obtsitted with I
deslicteh. II i I. thiitiolit.W, theoretical and . prattle.' 1
kno!wledee of the Mechanical ails. induces him to say, ',
tins in an races w here he' ad v tads an inpitc-itioti for u '
Patent, in rase it is mit Mit:tined; the fees for bli Fer- !
'tic+. will be returned, and he ',will Also girirratitee, ' i
that all patents Mitaineil fltrOudt his Mike, will be ims
tallied by the cmi rte. Miiny itiOntura are subjected to 1
l'areht delays and Inas of time anif money by emplot ins'
1 inelAupetent per-on to make thPir specifratior.s. atul 1
fretptently have tit .5 utTelltlel Oleir' patents and get': !
Thventors At a distance ' , can send their models and a 1
statement of their claiins'ilirectrid to Wm. llut.t.ocK,lll• '
1 N. patent Auenry, No. 15 , Dock Street , Pbtladelphia, 1
I l
Pa:, and the strictest fiet'AeCy will•lie observed until the
Patent Is obtained. .
Drawings and Specifications fir FactorieComm ies. Mills, iko ne.,
and all kinds of Maclitneiy pim,hased on ~
mai competent men furrib.ll to nut the name in °Peril
lion in any part of the United States, South Atnerica
an ' d the West Indies. -, t
• , TTEFT,IRENC,F3 tt\
• ll4n.Z•Doek rnAT - P, Ptesident of the Mechanics Insti
-1 trite, New York. , ,
Messrs.Stit..c.n•a;At.t.kat & Co., Novelty Works,Netv
. ! York.
- " Preen Monnit, 'St. C0.,1 Columbian Foundry
. 1 New York. ..
'! • Cor LT, ELLICOTT & Pit:VIES. rhitadCliihiS, PIL
'. • &Willi & JERSON PIIIISRairg, Pa. I`
Mi. Titoar•a J. Lovconove, Baltimore, Md.
. IIGRERI ; 'A. Tai 1.0R.' :•1 " .
DANIEL. GOOS.CißCifillral,ohin. ".
' ..' W•LTFR BuTLE.R. Chicago. liiiho il •
MILLka, Savannah.
r Wm. c. GRIGGS. Mobile, Ain. •
4 R. T. TURN Rl' Lt.. Washinriciri. MISS:
•' Tuns. J. Ktak, Charleston, S.C.
.May l'2. . - WAY . ' i
• I Cloth Store.
.vo. s North Steood Sheet, arre doori Ours Xarktt.
; .
I ,
'INVITER the afi.trit inn of Os friends and others to
.1 his large and choice assortment or cloth., c....i-
Memo. and Vestings, tompritting in part:
• French.t CLOTHS.
i •
Belgian. .• of every sip& and quality,
l. American and ._a large .
; West of Eingla:nd , - t iiSfinitTNENT.
, SUitUtlin: CCiATINGS. •
: Mack af,tl fancy eolorid ll.thit Cloths. ,
i ~S nner blnrk and f.iney colored ttaslimarette. •
i Freneli l'alto and check Ctiteinner Confines.
i Drat) D'Ete's Summer and Crninn Cloths.
' Super Mark rreneli'Cattinleregt ittal Dnemitino.
' Fren It fancy and tnis'd Cassimeres, every variety,
Merino Cat! imereg • all ent,ors and tionlit Ma.
' • Plaid and striped C l assimeres. in every variety.
White and fancy Linen ifrillinzo, splendid styles.
Cords snot Ileaverte.ens, nr every quality.
Battinetts, all shades and finalities.
'`' 1 VESTIVG S. '
gluier !dark Satin rind Cashmere Vesting'.
Splendid fancy Silk Vesting*, new designs.
White and colored Mantel:lles, large assortment.
Drab Cloths and other Coiteh Trimmings. .
With a great variety of (limas for Bova' wear. , A larmessartmerit of Talinri' Trimmings,
for sale very losy s by.the grie'ee or at retail.
londEt.,3 doors above Market.
12-Sru ,
linBNB c
March Z 1,1850
16-3 mo
iiSA.TURDAY Vi n RNING, 11).AY 4; I 550;
To Farmers and Builders.
GROUND ; PLASTER, for case by thiebuilhel or bar.
11 . 1. ill liree - qoantiiies.
BAIR of fi rst iviallty, carefully prepared for trans
obrtation. i,
Apply peraonally nr by letter at SlchnclkilStb. above
Willow or Riown At. tt harf on the Delaware. .
P. GOGGINS & Co., l'hila!delphisi.
April 9; 1859. Ili-lmo ,
, .
13-1 m
Minds and Shades
w. WPM., informs his friends tha pitblie
InSeneral that he continues to mporacture
Venetian Blind*, warranted equal to any in :ilia city.
at theloWest cash prices. An ari.ortnient- - of
and Shades 4lways on hand. et No. 347 ilt.ACE'lar.,
one or
bgloer"Tenth. and No. 7 Hart? Building.
N E. Corio4 Sim). and a
n d No
t} Jobbing punctually attendrd to
April 20, ISSO
. . .
. New Sorinfr. Goods. ~
Yr. 104 Noeth &wit! Street—Pititaticumt• .
Ad jiistreeelved a large wsnrttnent ,i( Glnnds.tlie
Hfollowing connmaintri part :—Son Glasses. liar
monians, Gy.rman Pipes. Snuff BOXIB. Segar CUM/1.
Dominoes, ards, Violin Strings and Bridges, Cares,
Sates and eneiis, Marbles, Je a.11.a rm. dcc.. with a
large. ap.ortment of ToYp and FANCII articles, at
wnolesale and retail at tlielowest prices.
April 13.1550 1.,3iti0
9-2 m
Bgddle, Beetes 6:„ Soa, •
Nos. V;0; fr OIL Sp. JOH' STREET.
w !Tilt eattinet Makers, lintels and t'rivateFant•
es ~rau he supplied with Bedsteads of every
'pattern nu quality, r.. Ado in the lutist fashionable and
NI The patentßeds-wit, a dery anterior
article, mlitufacturril at this estatnislunetit.
Ail kind
of Tornine dnno at the lowest rates. I
31arch 18, 1350. 11-13 in
Arch M.llrall Paper 'Warehouse,
1.V . 3 0. 143 ARCH STREET.
DE rift EN SIXTH - 4. s EVE:V*7W, SO U 7'll -SIDE,
rlitt..ADELeut•• •
rrlIU Tioptietor of the above extenfuve 4fabltsh
mentbas lately oru.netl Ills stack of Wall
raprrs, wilich ate ail the late,t etyt..e, and.of the
very best utattufacturr. Purchasers from
chn rely en belt)! neconimodated with tiatterns
able tor eVrry purpose, without the Inconvenience 9f
loi.kint further. ,
_ Ile is determined t0..,0 , 11 at such prices as the ad,van
tagepf a ta*lt business :Jinni,
N? Q, —rnuer hull in the CauntrY• at pity /Prices.
Msrch 9 MO. •
-----.--- . .._
y. E• ARCITILITUAII4Tog• ~,,„..
X. El *urner of ..Efet:entA and Xace‘t Streets.
nuLiDELriliA. '' :
, -Filii, assortment' of Sillll7lifi and SUMMER
[ A 1
G 0414)5, cotrptislog, In part—,lsi 0 w Market Sheet
tn.' at ti kenos, tine bleached' nod LlroWn Mosllns at
3. " 4, .5. 0,:7, 0, U, 10 and I'2l mils; dark and light cal
icoes., rani colors.from 3 to 12/cts.• vard wide Frottch
Lawn at 0, 10. 121 and IN; cants; M'ousline de Laines
' at 121, IN and '25 cents: Linen I,u,trvslfrnin 10 to 25
ccnts ; Biretes from 124)6 311. cents • black and cul
-1 omit AlpS:ca Imtres front IE4 to :eels.; black and'
1 rtbaryzeat4e Silks and Tare Satins from po cts to $1 fts ;
I a large assortment of White Dress Geotl4 frran 111 to
l 311 cent,e; French, ktcutcli and Manclid.ter Ginghams
; front 111, ;In 31 cenes; Sink and Satin bp.ntillao from
I - 94 50 to 410; Min and Hoye wear In e very variety
from 10 cis to. 01 35; &c .&e.
V. E. AttelisleMßAULT „
• i
/ cheap Wholepaln strut Reht:l Store.
. . ,N. E. corny! . Ilth and Markel 81••• Ph la.
, Aprll 110/V.50 1 14-3 m
/ .113arnItur, Fluid
, rxst;FArrt;iti:D. or 95 per cent.
purest spirit, frre from smoke. sin,
eltrilosive qualities.
' Also, IF superior article of CAMPIIViE. warranted
not to irripair try keepirio• by the harm or less quan
tity. Dealers. will tied It to their adva dace to call he
fore porch:wino elsewhere, as the sub crtber guaran
tees to sell at the very lowest market are.
fluid I.:smpg, for p.irlor. and obwral rise.
_Patent Camphene Lamps, acknowledged
to hr ergelled by none Gar e•COn.MV anN 3111i:ty.
Lard 6.amps. in great variety, tillAred to born lard,
tallow dr oil, at cf,
NV holes:Ile dr.! Retail Depot.
.152 :tomb 21 St , 11 doors abilve Snrlo ,
Welt side) Philadelphia.
Cheap Cutlery Siores
31 da:i 33 i't r: ara clizs
nirrclialits,tan finVe frnm 10 to 15 per
recd. he purchasing:lt the shove; stores • Fly on.
porting Illy own' goods, paying but little rent. and In'.
log•onirally, 1114W:1ln 1 ran undrwell those wire
purchase their good, here, pa roots, and tko
•Cous,tantly on hand a tarr.k• assornirent of Peri and
Pocket, Knives, :ionisers and Razors; Table Knives
and 14045, in ivory, .02, ion.r and wood
fiahoi. , ?l; Carvers and Forks; ; 11 , 001. ,
)(MVP/ Dirks; llowie Knives_; Revolving and Plain
Fortols, d-c. iron rrceived, a taro.. Mark "r
and 1Vf•Plerlh01111'. floe Pea aqii.
A 1,11,. a large assortment irf4Cror.l••rrio. &c .
also, fine GPIM,}Ii
JoilN 5L Importer.
Jan 1519. , 1-tf
Mnreli 2. IS:+6
.k:A.UPET :11Y11.1UM,
.V4l. 46 . ..V.orA Sec3nd St 3
reet o , Helots Ara.
fro attention of Housekeepers & 31ercbants is 10-1
1 invted to our large and elegant aiisortinent or Car
peting, Oil Cloths, Win.low Strtiles,—consisting
part of
.10 pa., TICIV style fmperial 3 ply Carpeting , .
50 "i do Extra Anperfine bier:on, do
", do Ftonerior all wool filling. do
" Spr wrllav all worateo Venitlan Jo
75 "' do Condo, Ingrain and Venitiait. do
A large lot or Liel, line, !temp and Colton Carnets.
from 10 to 50 cie per yard.
A large and riplendid tvitortment of new style fliithlr
and loindAcape Window Shmtere. direct 61. m the trAn
ufircsory, which. with the carpets. can he card at the
luweet cash prices. V 1 hrteeale ant Rent
111c1I knit ItittlEftTS.
No. 46 N. Itl St. below Ar ll-.lch. Phila.
(MACK rlarntes, Margoice, Chaly. Bombazines,
Flomlolzine fioolt ,11p3e, , G.. eltoo Cholti.,.sirs.., double
ol;h Moos,eline de Loines, Gr. turaioer., Conlon
Cvspei. Harege I,:.ioes.Touldt lone rina!i(tolve
[lore Fe Slissv Is, Crap•, Love and Liv.e
patent I:nelo‘b Crape. , 3.e , Arc.
EsEcOND "NT 01.111 N IN G Livens, Gljtplrtntu. Ilareva.
'ousse. de I,nio.,,,Gioehron Chtlits,t, Aeirr
(1,,i h., Linen Losttes, 1111 l tinting horderrd
chiefs, Callan and slack and lead Kid Gloves,
Ne?politsn Gloves, /k. e.
Th r y rirt iar:eli provided with 711.airriitig Coeds and .
Own:. wishing I( wir,hwr, wat rind amine op i nirtuntty
to Ito - so with N (+rib American.
tot.vantav• ',skim of doin,poir diatre, , s, for extor
tion or impositirn —trzatard ty Canner.
Our et - Ozttns ran, at any moment rail at this store,
a nd o br,‘ri, every matrrial rnr
htdles' attire that is ;
' in the at'a son a Alicti Adept at once
o foti .P tain coo,' goods, and at fait ptiCPs.—(lnqr.
April 16-Int
pore Wines and Liquors.
q- E attention of Waters and Hotel keepers, Mire
! quested to my fine assortment of Wines tinri
(iers ectivted with Brent cure from Stocks in Europe
and• in this Cniltitry. and from sources which enable
me tit twit oxiee their punt).
' Brandies of every description from SI to 35 per gal.
Whiskey. fine Irish. Scotch and Monongahela.
Old Jamaica Ruin, Holland Gin and Peach Brandy. '
Mod,res, Starry and Port Wines at every variety
and crane. finmis rte. to $5 per rattan.
'Champaeue of all celebrated brands. *0 50 tri
Claret. Fine table Claret at $3, and higher grades ;
Alan, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Mal3e3. Muscat,i &e. Wild
Cherry Brandy, Raspberry, Blacsberry. and Lavender
Drandy,Atc., Ste.
supplied at wholesale prices. A completes assortment
of %V Ines ancl Liquors, v sr ' , cheap force/Mary porpotes.
Orders promptly attended to. Griods carefully pac ts k
, ed and forwarded by *. Express" Samples n
any part of the Country Jere of charge, by addressing,
f r uit Paid,
Wine Merchant, 30 Walnut St., Phitadelphla.
Aprlt 13, ISO. • , 15-3 mo
011 s, Candles, Soap, be.
TillF. subscribers have In store on favorable terms
I'4lo gallons Bleached Winter Sperm Oil, ,
6000 do Unbleached do do
' 250 ' do Bleached Fall - do
' WO do do Solar ..._ ' do: .
; .
; . SPOO do do ' Wintet I.srd Oil.
TAW tin do do .Elephatit Oil,
'6OOO - do do \4\ do Whale Oil.
' nslo, 'do do Spring do
" IS,IOO do Strain.. Nor:h West Coast Whale 011
VPIV Itcht„ for miners' nit.
1500 gallons Common Oil, suitable for greasing,
Wu) do du _PAillt Oil.
10;000 do Tanners' Oil, enninri4ing Straits.
Banks, Shore. and Tiptle're Whale Oil, .
4(I0 boxes Adamantine Candles, .
, 900 do - Mould and 1111 Med Tallow Candles, as
sorted sizes, (no charge for boies,)
Peho nd ses Yellow and Brown Soap%
rUO3II a Patagonian Guano.
No. SI North Whares. Id ?Ore at:MVP MTh Street,
Feb. 9, 1650. .- 9-3mo] . . Philadelphia.
edition', 4eitiv-ctear type and plan print, just re , .
telved and for 901 e at
March 0,1650
sommissimises , _ _ _ _ - -
ns, Metals • Ist s ticti will gl s de:strngtil to our hands and subject sll Natal's to nur use and . titassure.--Dr. Jottilag/1.
TUET tell tbee ium mad! ay t 'Us even io—
Tbr madness ofa heart once full of hope,
Aga revotina in all the br4litessdreatris_
That ever filled's' young eV happy soul:
The madness of a heartnowerushed and peared.
LP fond hopes blighted, aspirations checked,
Affections uncennitted, trust betrayed.
They tett thee Vensuadt that now the mind
Once vizorousin its strength. Is vacant all;
, And in the realer, where reason reigned supreme,
Gaunt spectres flit, and with their hollowdouch
Awake discordant echoes fmm the gout
Whose chords despair hash !Ong ago unstrung.
They crowd upl'n my brain, those phantoms dark,
And chnhnt In hollow tnnea of chilling glee.
A regliwni to the past. .They are the ghosts
Of wasted hopes and .arty dreatns, and all
The buried mcneries of my once gay bean:
Out I'm n; t alsrayt mad,: at least I have.
I alma have such wild, Sweet dreams—and eh!
Such clod/mt. !loons Wer my bone heart steal t
Come—l will tell thee such a drea m :and then
The burning tide or thought wilt darklyebb,
And in its mai less, hitter stream; thrill% trace. '
The history oftny
Therisscome sweet, gushing merrrries o'er me oft, ,
°none, bright summer days, wirple Joy-winged hours '
But echoed to the glee °Chant:TY :
And in my dream (eh is it but.aldream 1)
hear a thrilling voice whose magic spoil
DrIVVe from love's fountain-sun Mitts burning tones.
y,.! t , gl ,l,,sed—and in my happy heart
(Too passionate in this, he worship witd,) •
There gushed a stream of tenderuess. that !bled
Emit pulse and vein with betimiiig life. unlit
The_ chords that bound inyhein - Oilere entwined
by as foveo efinin. Ile'ffi as the bright Ideal
That had lived within nip shut, and fed -
Its jnyfvl dreams with beauty evanescent.;
fie ihved me--i)et; tou' l er my young life he sheit
The funny's,' r.fh heart still fresh and warm
. In its impulsive breathings. 'The heavens
Above es smiled, as ;lay succeeded day.
Mit to trirren4e the tne.u , nri• of our bliss. •
Morn's tosy !flush scares, molted in the east •
Eri. we tgadjOilird the. earliest mann hymn '
thous3Ml streams,nnil flowers, and gay winged birds
That, bUrst ing fi.llll the shadows of the night,
Pour le.liettulohal strait& of harinonv
The,ttibute of their grateful spuean heaven
And warmly gushed from our goy. hapay hearts,
Ittinonsive erhoes fo theifintrigletf praise.
rid when the ;lay was diin. lel only night
Iler influence breathed °wall, '
Ilow did we love to watch the stall , , rind tr,ICS
Ail p,la) fully the. bright Course of our fate,
And wear; a, stet; of life, too bright f..r earth:
Veliat.rected.wr f),ttlp world--its joys, cares ,
Ira born int hopes .i ts druthestnA its despair.,
What reeked . I. that attotriii eye might 'beam
A's softly. stilt morn tenderly:ill 111 none I,
Alt: TM: I deettid not that theserpenr oft
Lies tiid in sweetest burls, in gayest dowers.
I plucked the hodsi..l wove soy gorgeonewrealbr :
And triutrinn'ed lu Me fullness of my bhos'
All Joyously 1 grnsped the g.treind to my haul.
And started.-but to feet the serpent's etteg
Another while had won him! Another *ohm
Was tnusic to his heart: Another eye
tilted light upon his soul! Another ear
Mani: bi his burning words of love and trust 1
And I—the to.,unded duce, cal at:surly
fuldf& sty iiikukut wing, o?as: to dis !• ,
• -
*These tinei are . full or beauty and tenderness.r-Eti•
nhA4 and the
11, sediment or
The miseries of a bashful man have often
been the Initiject:of pity to the kind-hearted,
1 but I di) not remember ever to have Seen the
miseries :of.a bashful girl touched upon :'
and, believe me; they art as keenly felt,
although not so.severely 'remailied upon by
the world, as the other. I received what is
calk & a very careful education—that, is, I
- was taught all that other riils are taught—
, butwas kept %o strictly confined to my school
I mum, and so entirely secluded from comp
ioy, eyeti the societx . ,of coruanious •ofy
I own age, that to Atte it "was poSitivelsl
1 painful sight'. that of the '' human face i
j vine:" and when at Sweet seventeen„l uas
. 1
i told that it yi , as now time to form my m, a
-1 tiers, by seeing a little good company.l think
] I would rather have heard that my friedds
I designed me for a convent. I was not very
1 easy even when conversing only with my
' own seX, if they were entire strangers to
rite; but when a gentleman. asked me the
simplest .question—requested Me to drink,
wine with him (as was the custom in the
' by-gone days I speak of.) or, in short, show
ed the slightest wish to he commonly civil—
I Was iti an agony, wished myself at home.
,blushed crimson, ~tattered, and nom red
confusedly. I knew not what, and -actu lly,
for the *tomcat, hated theinnocent cause ot
my unpleasant sen-alions, and indeed msell
at the.paine time for my fully in being abaslr
ed by a person I may have despised. , and
whose ! conversationV When I heardit'ad
dressed to others , perhaps appeared t ine
absolutely silly. In order to improve my
mind. I had been encouraged to read a ;,rest
deal : but as novels Mid tales were strictly
forbidden. and the only books put into my
hands were ',history, itosophy, and
°dolt gravd useful ik)Ars, my studies gave
me little, astistance towards bearing, a i part
in cuatiersation in the, gay populous conniry ,
neighborhoodwhere we resided. Observing;
t on'one or two occasions. when I timidly in-;
1 troduced the naint..E. , Of those books, and of'
;the heroes and sages I had been - taught na:
;'revere, looks of contempt and suppri..•sserb
laughier, and overheating, tlie words,l"basi
1 bleu," "precious ridicule," ke„ I rcsolvcd:l
never:to name literature again until I was n
ahle to dilate upon the last novel. My pa-'',
rents, however, had little patience with mY
1 shamefacedness, and Loost injudiciously le o ,
turgid ; me in private, and looked acme in
public. One day, after a long ~ e rmon, I I was
desired to prepare for a dinner at °airfield
Park,land —I heg,," added my motheri "you'
will not sit like a Stick, and ImAr stupid, but I
try to talk, and make yourself as agreeable '
at least as you can. People will really be- 1
gin tO imagine you area fool." ' 1
"It is better," answered•l, "to belmista- ,
' ken.for'a fool, than to open my mouth and
prove myself one, which I should infallibly
do; for whenever strangers cuter into con
versation 'with me, I lose everYrational.
. ,
faculty." .
•"oh nonsense! You might talk just as
welllas other people if y - ou only ch6se it.=
I atri sure. if you • listen, you will bee liow
very; little there is in the general cbnversa
don that goesou." ,
"Very little indeed," I replied. "I: have
seldOnt heardanvthing worth remembering."
"Oh," replied my father, " 'tis ljust as I
feared: vanity is at the bottom of all 'this*
modest humility. You won't speak unless
yon bring out something wondroOS wise:"
so,sitying, he left the room, and mamma. in
following him, said more kindly, "Do now,
my !dear, - let the see you behave to -day more
like' other •people;" but unfortunately added,
"I shall keep my eve .upon youl" I ,
I. was neither sulky nor obstinate had
every Wish to oblige my parents, and over
come my bashfulatss, , which I fcl . was fool
ish so,.upon)findiog myself at table, seated
next to a middle-age - d, quiet-looki g man in
a brown wig and spectaeles, I ik.solved to
address i him, as soon at least; lass I could
think of anything to sax. Whi eConrsing
in ;rain' through the realms of it initiation
for a subject, the words. "gm,ernineat,"
"corn las,"•"radical .publication;" struck
orilmy ear, and taking it for grarited that a
man with' a brown wig and 'spectacles must
beta politician„ and, for that samb wise rea
son—added to a' certain pomposity in his
look and manner=--a Tory, I resolved to
converse'upon a sanibthat . hadrecentlV ap
peared in. the "John Bull." JuSt as . 1 NtiaS
. towards him, I unluckily] caught my
evemother's 4 making, a sin, for - no' to begin
some conversation, whieh"cOmp etely Poule-.
rased the little resolutiori with which I bad
"Screwed my courage to the sticking-place,"
that I instantly lost all niy - self-possesSion;
but not
,now daring to sit any lOnger silent,
I Inan with a fluttering mauUer and un
steady voice--." Pray, ever read •Tom
Thumb?' " ' , .
' The respectable - man, not enrcstwhat could
Cheap Mimi!anemia Books°lre
(gliarming pottrn.
From the Two Worlds
"Sc . w swe•t the blwit of hathfulnets,
rstr, pitfecnrce Can WWI it less."
--1 • 4
possibly, be •my meaning . , and, wandering'
whether I ',vase Witir a'quiz, or an imbecile,
after a pause, ansWered, "Not for a long
while." -I
, „ -
.. "I'thought„" answered I; unconscious of
the blunder I had made, and gaining courage
fromiwhat I considered the stupid old gen
tleman's evident ignorance of what was
passing in the world, "that it had ,not been I
published many months."... •
•"Not ninny month!" replied my astonish
ea auditor; "oh—obi—ahl A new edition,
Isup ose! It used ito be my.delight, as was
'Goo y Twoshoes.T "
eS! thought I; the - poor
man is
f i
insane; and -I began to feel more tin
corn rtable than ever when, from my amaz
ed, a d distress.ed• Fountenance, suspecting
Some mistake, he, iwith a benevolent smile,
requested to know what question I had.ask
ed hint. .4I begged to inquire," I answered
in ildispleased voice. looking as steady anil
sterr),,as I could, - in order to awe him, - "If
you read the John' ,ull?' "
' "You doubtless; my dear young. lady,
meant to have done so, but you did, in fact
'queStion mt. concerning . 'Tom Thumb.' "
-"I tried to bugle, though tears of shame
stood in mreyes, beg,gcd pardon,.said I was
absdnt, Sze. and tingling to my finger's ends,
prayed for the gronud and swallow
me p. then sat tnute.' looking like a con
demned criminal, until the joyful signal was
mathe for the ladirS to retire. I, did dot re
cover my self-possession the whole evening.
andl had to endure a severe lecture in &-
cariage going home, with pretty strong
hin s accompanying it, that - certainly there
?Mkt be something defective in my under
standing. . ' , ,
"If you were pttnished as you deserve to
be for your stupidity," said inaennia, "you
ought to Ise made to send an eiCuse•to an
invitation to a ball ; to be given by the officers
of he 40th Light Dragoons, and to which
General and Mrs, Calderhall have kindly
offerred to Cake yon."
Go to a ball ! - go to a prisons rather, I felt;
it 1 ten times Weirse than-n dinner party:—
Bu it was settled.!that I was to go. I en
vored to discipline Inv mind to the dread
trii,ll, and c.onsole - tayself - with the sight of
mit white crape-dress, trimmed most appro
priately with blush roses. The awful night
arrived ! " My terror rose thicker and thicker
at levery whirl oohecarriage wheels, which
brinight, the nearer to the place of punish
ment; and wherf' SVC entered the barrack
yard, I becatne literally sick with apprehen
siOn, and Wdt nearly fainting when we stop
odd. The steps ivere let down quickly, and
I vas carried ofiscarcely knowing whether
I tood upon my ,head or my heels—by one I
o the officers appointed to receive the coin- I
• ny, through. files of soldiers, holding dam- 1 ,
gaux, into a room as full as it could hold of
i gz
I dies, in every ,:color of Lthe rainbow, - and
nilemeo in uniform. where I was present
e to the colonels wife, and placed upon a
c air almost gaping. When in some de
g g I had recovered my recollection..l be
n to look abotfcme ; but was soon alarm
e afresh by linditi,g a pair of black bead
e.-es looking, fixedly upon me, and which
e -er way I turned, those ho'irll eyes seemed
t glare orlon ine. Their posse,sor was a
t II slender young man, who looked as stiff
as if he had, swallowed a ram-rod who
seemed to ariuse himself at my agitation,
and succeededso completely in . annoying me,
that I considered all the rest as nothing; and
that, could I only get rid of the eternal glare
df those, horrid eves, I should be quite at my
case. At last, we adjourned' to the dancing
room: and I, rejoicing in having got rid of.
Ow tormentor, sat down beside my chaperone
an - d fe,ryently t.hanking, goodness no one had
•lisked, orwas, I hoped, likely, to ask me to
ilance, as I knew nobody in the room, felt a
ively interest in observing, what was passing
around. But. alas! -scarcely had I begun to
feel .something :like calmness; and to hope
for amusement from a scene so new to Me,
when I descried Mrs. Fitzhattle advancing
with a smile.:, i'my bead-eyed tormentor by
,her side. SliOntroduced him as Mr. Stone
field; and. when, he asked me to dance, and
iiresented his;arm, I did not dare do other-
Iwise than accept it. We took our place in
'the quadrille; and after my unfortunate part
liter had exhansted every subject, and receiv
ed for a reply a sheepish undertoned "Yes,
sir;" "No, sir:" or perhaps. "Oh, sir," or
' the "Yes,"
,"No," and 4.011," -without-the
sir, when I renfembered having heard it was
vulgar to sir; 'any gentleman, he turned iti
despair :to i fine-Fooking brother offieee,
whose open tiood humored countenance made
me wish'itc had been my partner rather than
Mr. ,Stodefield. But my observations on
Captaia 'Riversdale's personal altraitic.sis
were curshOrt by the horrible certainty that
the top string ot my frock had either hroktin
1 .
or come unloosed, and that any attempt o
dance would Cause it to fall off my shoulder .
Anything si'e'ved -preferable. to such n (Ali
max; and with the courage espair:gives. I
turned tastily round, and observing. Mr.:.
Fit not far off, told heemv tale of w , ,
and bet7cd her to retire 'with me; which
she good-aaturedly did....'Upen - my return.
the first-object I beheld was Mr. Sionefiehl.
and did first words I . heard were, "E all !
m y partners eloped ! Can't find tier." • I
"Stolen or. strayed, a meek Intle"maid,"
Cried another, laughing aloud at MS oWn
silly Wit.' , i
'll'oor little thing." I overheard Capt. in
Ric rsdaleSay, "she is very vonnu, and in st
be cite new to this wicked world ; for she
seems sadly afraid of us all." At that ino
ment Mr.„,;Stotietield spied his victim; and
conting up', claimed:me as his property, oef
proposed we should finish the dance. .M,
next partneri was Lonl Bothwell, who Oh
nort - rnake unich inroad on my peace of milli&
inastmich as he seldom spoke: and when he
did, said nothing that required an answ,ee.—
Soon after, released from him, rso far ret4ov
ered my sell-possession as to begin a di4us
'ion with a young, lady who sat next to j rn(
and whose lively yet gentle manner emboli)
cned me to Chatter even familia*.
"Can You tell me. who that. hands me.
pleasant-Molting man is whom' danced,vith
last'? I did" not catch his name, and I I like
him so rntich.-"
"Yes," replied she, looking as if amp l sed,
"I can—ii. is Major Dale."
At this ;moment the object ut queston ad
vanced, and requested me to go with him to
supper ;• and there, with the.4lelp of 'chant
patine, and his good-natured attentions to
gether, I found I could talk even man "offi
cer and a gentlenien."
"Do voti•know who that pretty girl . is to
whom I was talking, when you asskd ate to
come to supper?"
- "Yes, she is'Alrs. Dale, my wife."
"Your wife! I didn't know. you were
married.; You don't look like a married
man." -• : •
"Don't I? But I am that unfortunate in
dividual,,nevertheless." - i
"Oh, -Oh ! Don't you know:it s very.
wrong to speak So?" .
' ',My silliness or innocence had by this time
attracted the attention
. of those .seated near
me, among whom was Captain Riversdale;
who, at the next public; assembly I went to,
convinced me that balls were not so very
-dreadful', And. could even prove agreeable,
when atriting those who composed the party
there Was one we preferred. What. could
make that strange mati.lnll in love with a,.
bashful Miss. I rim Satre I cannot tell, and
far .less eould I.describe the wild agitation
into,which-I was thrown by the sdiscovery
that lie., had done so. • Such matters, how
ever, they say, are inanagedln a very differ
.ent placefrom a ball-room; and somehow
or other, it did happen that my extraordinary
defect was' the cause of my lasting happi
ness. The gallant Captain, in short, was so
uch tom; taste as a partner in the dance;
that he had littlelljfficulty in persuading me
Soo, quite as agreeable n , partuer
for life. So, in fdur months from triy.first
appearance,. I bade adieu to my name . and
my bashfulness, ' mid have never 'repented
losing either.—[Ciirin ibensVonrnal. . -
3ncib tido of - Zrctuel.
From Colton!, " Deck amJ Port. "11
Wednesday, Jan . ..7:-LI encountered to-days
on a large tiuPc :I:Allsre - within the environs.
of, Rio, a washing:scene, Whieh . v. - as rather'
primitive.' The siOare is carpeted with green .
grass, triedallioned with flowers, and shaded
here and there witiCclusters of foreitt trees - 1
In the midst stands it fountain, frli which
the water falls in light shOwers int an - itn
mense basin.. :In ',this basin some two hung
dred females', of every age, clirne. abd color, i
were dashing theii clothes, and rubbing them
on the great sweet' of the curb' stone. Then
-apparel. whallittle they had on; was fastened ,
above the knee; :the water in the basin was
a pool of foaming=suds, and they were jump
ing about in it like the Nereids of the Nile.
The younger one-4 were fttll of misdhief T and
displayed their agility in tripping each other
up. The fail of one into the• sudS was fol
lowed by a gen era; shou t... , lIOw they escaped
, having iheir clothes inextricably mined up in
this general melee of the gieat Wash tub,
f was a mystery tome. [
On the green Were hundreds of.ethers.oc
cupied with their'; : clothe,s. Some rele snip-.
ping them in the Wind ; some spreading them
on thegrass to dey ; some Tyldingi them up
and depositing them in baskets. to be trans
; ported on their h'eads home; and others Were
under the shade 4,if the trees' asleep. Some
trick, however, quell as a dash of water from
the bowl, was sure to await the dreamer, and I
then another-laugh would he' throWnon the{
wind. As twilight conic On. all this pano
rama of life, with its breathing forms, its
triumphs in laundry, and its, merriments,
disappeared. Nothing but the whisper of
the leaf, or the 4ubble, which still i ii&ated curl
the fountain, remained to tell where luch u
bustle had been. ,
• What a magnificent wash tub ore of our
great westeha taltes,would make !I It v.-ould
hold all the clothes,cleau and unclean, which
cover the human race. There is enly one
difficulty in the . vay of this arrangtinent ; it
would be a little awkward to have, the lake
freeze • over in the dead of winter. This.,
however, might be prevented by introducing '
' under:it the volcano of Vesuvius,
,Which is of
no use where lc now stands. But Our women
Will never consent to have:the small cLothes
perilled in. Lake Superior, so there is an end
Ito the whole Wasines.s. I ,
Wednesday, Feb. 11.7-01 E. Cape Horn.—
The wind, as >+•e predicted, has gone back to
its old quarter;:like a wolf to his jungle. We
have only been able to . hold our own. Sunset
leaves us wheite the flushing day found. us.
We have the albatross still about us, but
we have miss it the penguin. The habits of
these birds ate.pee-uliar, especially when they
get up their atinual rookery. They select 'fur
this purpose, `as one informs me,.-ho has
been among, them, a plot of 'smooth ground,
covering two (br three acres, anti opening on
the sea. Front this they ITMOVC the sharp
pebbles, piling them on each, side into
miniature stone fence. ' The ground is then
plotted off iatti little squares, with paths in
tersecting each other at rightangles. In each
- •
corner of the -square a penguinTscoops out a
nest-: while the albatross takes. by common
consent, the ei,;ntre, raises 'a small-mourid and
constructs a nest on the top, so that each al
batross has•fourpcnguins around him. The
paths, whicWresemble gravelled walks, are
used for protncnading and eiercise, except
the broad one; whio 'runs aroutathe whole
encampment. and where sentries 'are con
stantly patrolling. These •sentries give the
alarm at the approach of danger, and are re
lieved at rc; - nlar intervals,. The watch is
kept up,iiigld and day. and is always under
the command of the albatross.
When - the,eggs have been laid, the strictest
Vigilance is Exercised by thenlbatross to pre
vent the pcquin from stealing them ; for the
penguin lays - but one egg, and, as if ashamed
of,making Xll this ado for the sake Bf-'that
one, tries to get another from the nest of the
albatross. But the latter has n'o idea of g,rati
fving the ddtnestic ambition of its neighbor
in that '‘v•av: There is of course little need
among theni of a foundling, hospital.
The eggs ;arc never • left _or exposed to a
breath of Auld air during. incubation. The
male bird, who has been at sea seeking his
rcpast. returns and takes the. place of his
faithful consort. Ile always allows her the
most favorable Iron; out .of the twentv-four ,
in which to,sectire her food, and often brings
if•to her, especially when .the and
requires her „more delicate maternal atten-.
lions. Ile never ill treitslis' mate, or goes
elf at the, d,ead of night se'renstlin7 other
t.irds. lie may have indeed his little domes-.
tic troubles, but lie oven-cm - m.l them Ly kind
ness and affection. His partner ;Away- areetS
- him on returning frotn • lirief csctirinns
at sea, with the liveliest experssious of .glad
, Ye who prate of '
; and flv to a legislature for s.ri 'act of separa
tion if a little jar occurs at vour hearth, look
d, at these birds, and if there be slimily or corn
puntltion in ye, go find your'dicorced matt s,
and resolve not to he outdone in forbearance
and attachtrient by an albatross...
When the little oues get sufficiently strong
to endure a change oeltmcnt, the penguin
„ and albatross break up their encampment,
- and young' and old take to the s. - ea. that great
harvest field, where the reapets of earth and
air. under a beneficent Providence, gather
their fudd.
~~ ~ {~liccctlnt~n.
striking features in the habits of animals is
said to subsist between the crocodile and a
bird called the plover, with the Latin desig
nation of Trochilus. Whcn the crocodile
stretches itself out on'the banks °Pa river.
as is its custom, to skbp iu the rays,-of the
sun,,it - io)bliged to open its mouth. In this
situntion:it is - at „once assailed , hy innumera
ble little rinseFts; that abound in Fiance, and
still,more in Ezpt, They fasten iu such
quantities upon tie fleshy parts of the mend)
that the natural redress Is no longer vissible,
and the.color is changed from red to brown.—
They ore Provided with a proboscis, at the
end. oT Which is a sucker, with which they
create. an irritation when it CollleS in contact
with :the softer parts of the flesh, which is
So acute as to be almost beyoqd endurance.
One mavjudge of the extent of this when
produced by countless thousands of these in
sects upon the Palate and tongue of the cro
codile. ' , Nature has in this instance happily
provided a remedy. - The birds to which, we
have above alluded, feed on these little in-1
se cts ; and tempted by a strong instinct they
do not fear to penetrate into the jaws of :the
formidable anima 1, - to instal themselves there,
and to destroy a great,number, of those who
are firmly flied iii the_flesh. Thus,' while
they soothe the pangs of the suffering rep
tile, they indulge the prevailing appetites of
their. nature. Grateful for `the solace they .
I .afrord, he not' only offers thent.ncr harna;but
carries: - - his complaisance still farther, • for
when he wishes to bury himself in the wa
(. 4„
ter he makes a mo*erncti,t which:warns*.
birds of his'.desig,n. The latter at once takes
!the hint and flies, and the erocodile,'appearso
like; some noble host, who, fromitotivet/ of
!policy,' has given sumptuous repast to an
: inferior guest; a' type .of some of the great
;Does Of the day, This singniar fact was
!knovrn by I the ancients ; yet, :although He
irodOtus, Aristotle!, and other writers among
;them have spoken sof it, our more modem
:naturalists have doubted its truthe, and con-
Itended•that it was a Tabulato tradition. M._
; Geoffrey de Hillaire, however, a celebrated
!Saran, attached to the exptdi.tion in Egypt'
;under Napoleon, has confirmed from his own
!observations this intercting fact. ,The'samtt
curious fact has been, observed in St. Domiti4
!go, With this'difference only, that the bird fir-.
; of another species.--{The ; Two Worlds.
DYING WORDS OT.A..N . 01. D tDrroll,
My sun, I shall gone, and - yoil
have the management - of theconcern- ; Never
etpect to sustain your paper upon any other
foundation: thanits mews, Be prudent, tem...
Perute and upright.. Work hard:, Be civil
to everybody, and
Particularly to your cus-.
tomem If they call themslvesyour patrons,
I wouldn't mind it:Billy,: let them call thena
-selves nobobs, if they please:SO long as they
pay for the paper, never ezhibit that aristoc
racy which is a part of ttie original sin that
such way; it du
- is in us all, in any
you no good, my son.
Above all thing's, never put i t i n, t h e pow :-
er of any man to say, " that is our paper, NV*
subscrihe twenty dollars to keep it up!" for
I as`sure as you 'live, Billy, Sooner or later,'
something will be printed - that some6crdv won't
like; and then. somebody Will drop his sub.`
scription to get your paper dowia. One min ,
will withdraw - or become water-gruelly
toward you, becattie ye aretoo severe upon
',sinners and upon= sin, and another lakauze
yon • are not half severe enough. * Another
will give you that hall way tup l port that is
IMore injurious titan no support at all ; and if . .
Your paper is heartily Praised by .some' old
1 fashioned, honest-hearted Man, he will reply
in prudent and well balanced pbraseologr,y-•
that be'does not know it is, so, and he,
does not know as it is so, • Every mornine
read the fabtc of the Old . INlan, , Jackass, and
1 Little Boy.--Never omit it' Billy,. as long as.
1 you live, You- wilt have many things to
I •
encounter„_that arc not very agreeable.
Anonymous letters Of an impudent character
bury at once; never mention them - to anybody.
`not even to your wife. \\There a customer
Stops the paper, do, not betray ycur displea
sure by an extraordinary 'appearance of civ
ility 'Olen you happen to Meet agaiD,—Never
ruii about to pick up clumbs of comfort; nor
ask,any tnan what he thinks of this or that
or the,..other articleinyour paper, Which you
wrote you rself, , Be cautious in putting
in yeitr advertisement's. • t lost a goed adver
tising`,custotner by placing another man's ad
vertistnrcus.tomer by placing another man's
advertisement of rnolag,ses before his own.
With • yinir good common sense you will do
well e'tiough. The public will respect you
for yout independence ; but•you must remem
ber, that there is, the seine di ff erence between . .
real and : , affected independence, as between
the real nutmegs and the article manufactured
at homet
A SitsTert.—At a school which I enterett. , ,
when ati4ut fifteen, there atteo'ed a beauti
ful little'Lgirl, some.; two or, three years my
junior, llanween whom and myself there
grew up a child-like attachment, during, the
twO yearif, we were schoolmates.- and many
were the )easings I got from the other sebrof
ars, fur the 'partiality. I showed ,to Laura
:May, in party little thino•s in and out of
,sehool. Al seventeen,-I let'? my native place.
and "Lotty:" Of course, not a word had
we ever siaid of lore ;•but as to the tliouehts -
perhaps rather vague and undefinable, which ,
we had been eutertaining, I rot h for, at
least, I did tv - t forget her, nor.o e.• _ •
- I cumfnenced sending her n spapers,
which slie acknowledged, atd c itiuued to
do so at More lengthy-intervals, after she re
moved to;,the city of C—, to . which plane
she went ;to reside with her uncle. '.,', Leaving,;,
thus otidnatire, place at nearly 'the Same i
time, we; nt•rer met : but as I grew up to
manhood;,, the pretty face of Lotty, and her
gentle manners. were erg • kept jri remem
brance. its my beau tdeal of female loreli
nesS—ie; was sort of a dream{—and I fre
quently-wondered if she had grown up ns
heutift.fl. - Business at length tenk Mr near
C—, and I determined tog° thereon my re
turn hoine.:. what my , particular errai4 Was.
I thin(r..-:- you will readily imagine.. It *as
with somewhat strange emotions that I ring
tbe belf at the mansion of 'Air. ll—, andlin
qdired: of the serrant if his niece wrislin.
An affirmative reply was given, and I gent
up My card. Iu a few moments, my old
school-mate made her appearance; and if
she liad been a pretty girl, she NViS a beau
tiful "Woman. She get ted the With unaffect
ed cc-O.' rmth, and time Hew rapidly as we con
versed of the many pleasing, little incidents,
Sce., - ;of by-gone, though not long gone years.
I hid altered my determination of stopping
buti..a day in the city, concluding, to remain
three or foThi, belbre I rose to take leave. Sho
wiihed me to remain a moment, as she had, •
she said something to show toe. She left
the room. and Soon returned witlca bright
ey'ed child in her' arms. some four or fivu
lambs old. "There Chant:icy. (1 thought
my name never sounded so well,) do you not
think' hint a beautiful boy ?" "lie is cer
tainly a fine specim'en of babrism." I replied.
" 'kS it your uncle's:?" „" Uncle';'. why no.
it As mint. ; and that you may know how
much I thought of my old schocl-mate who
Was always so kind to me. I have named
hint after ytm-=-Chauncy I)! '•
TAL'ENT INIII7cDUMT.—Nore is to ba
expected froM laborious -medicerity than
frdth -the erratic efforts or -wayward genius.
There may be a harlc - quin iu mind as v. , e1l
as in.body ; and I always con , idered hint to
be of 'this cha . ractef, who boasted he could
'wow off a hundred verses while standing
on one leg.: it is not to such a source as this
we are indebted fur good 'potr.ry. :Demosthe
nes elaborated' sentence". after sentence, and '
Newton rose to the heavens •Vy the steps of
Geometry, and said, at the close of his career t 1
it was only in the habit of patient think- I ,
ing he was conscious of (heeling, from other
It is generally thought that mat are.
more : by talent than by industry ; .
felt to be 4 vulgarizing of genius to attri-r.
'bate # to anything htir direst inspiration . f
:from heaven : they overlook the steady and!
: persevering devotion of one subject. '
:There are hi , rher and lower walks in scholar-,
ship, but in the highest walk is.the v:alk of
-labor. We are often led into the contrary ,
iminion' by looking at the tnag,nitude of tho,.
Object in its finished state—s:uch as . the prin- .
eiple of Newton and the Pyramids of Egypt
,—without rttlecting •ork...1 s .wil . gradual, con
tinuous, yea; altnn,t creeping progress by
which• they grew into 011:iicts of the great
; eSt magnitict nce in. the literary and physicat
world. ) ,
In the one case, indeed, we fancy the this
el that U . -rought each - successive stone, hutin
the other we. cannel trace the process by
which the philos.opher was raised' from one
landing place to..another. till he soared on
hi? towering eleVa'rion : it scents as if the . •
, w 'o r k wa s produced at the bidding of a ma- '
t , i6an. But Newton liasleff as ;legacy the
as'i,ttrance tha , he did not attain elevation,
tni dint 'of-heaven-born inspiration, out. of
tlih reach - of many, but by dint of homely
virtue ‘Vithin the reach of all. -
..4 . , LOVE.-There LOVE.TherC iS In OD& Ed - c . -
slo* . to note the follies or sins of n father as
a daughter.* The wife of his bosom may ff I
in horror from his embrace, but his fair-haired ;
child cleaves to"him; in boundless chariw. '
Quidkened by the ":„I'o,itation of pain to' the
parental dwelling, her prayers are more brief, -
but *More earnest—her efforts doubled and pn
tiring—and if she can but , win a transient-.
smile from•that Sullen and gloomy face, she
is . paid—oh, how- richly paid ?—fir all ,her
sleepless cares and unemsing labor. The
fathqr may sink from deep to dc, a
lowed' to a yet lower depth—Satan's kinsman
and Satan's pre}} —Those who, in a happier ,
hour' received largely of his bole:actions.
0> ~
may ,Start when they behold his shadow.. and
accilerate-their pace to get 1# yorul it—all, all
ranylorsalte him—God an& the woild—rll
but Satan-.-andhis daughte . Poor child ,
li a
thotii, canst riot save, thy fc ble to inadit 'thy power.canso . alte it, -throwi
the e ob s i t et, , t
a flickering, lightlApon the path. till
unqueuchigle love has for.
ever left thee, and is,ehrouded in the-thicti,