TERms or TnE ritiNsiter'iotfaNAL,-..4, 3ulohe Sunienteeinx.--Two Donuts: per an - num. ,paytihte semi-annually lifitilvance..in those Wept reside lqthe ." Coo lityand unto:rally in tsdlonce to .. hose refine out of the County. Tin , pnblishiir reserves tirhimPelf she right to charge St SO per AU uu in, When pa3trient is delayed 'Niger than one year. • • . . • .' . - 241 CLVD.S. . . Threli copits to One address, ~ ~ s ,s o no S•%en ' ', • i.. 10 00 Fifteen .! . ;.•,-;.• :, ' .. 20 00 . Flee dollarr In Itiltaneo Will pay for three year's übseription.to th , t . ..ljurn at, , _ - 11A+EN eC •DYEkTIVICQ. One Square nf t 4 . • 3fime s , Every :.übsequentinsertfun. • • - Four lines. I timr, Subsequent itmeriinns, each, One •zquare; 3 months, • Six month, • •." One Year, _ Business CardtlorSlin . es, per annum, Merchants and niVrs, ndvertisine by the Vine, with the privliege ,of inserting different adVer tiff ments , - CO t3.l.argeAdvertisements. as per.agreement.-; fIitN.ERS' 40V.RN-k- S4TUR,D , AY, , APRIL 27, .1y?'0. IiOROLTG . II ELECTION • • ,-. PrnLic DIVETING , . Alieetinli a(a,l thrift. favnrah' , o In oatenttint! Prn tertian to . Atnntican-industry and pittictilartv Cu l t, and Iron. taka pure - al, Ler , 'Ve Each:lnce Jl^Toi, no Wednesday vreninr. Motv 1. at Tt P. M., for the purprum or 6,rmine a Bitt,'-ueti yirket to l'et , uPPorte4 at the, ETFUIrg clecunn, In he bow 00 it , eth of May. ' le the wreath-in rif Prnter Ilan to A mericanilnauerry will be bronchi tionire Congress in a t•linrt time, to iinpnrifirit that the,Trnple of A. dirtrict, a litth i„: sn compiete4y 111°51mi:id as MOP it., rot , the want of it. "h ou r,i_by caerin..in their p•ower;atioiw their determined tiother',Unee to this cardurtt principle of American Pnliev, 4nd Mils rebuke the lAlp.rflsnent in .terfemnee nta •Forricn.Amt.narannr. in etn-i:41.,m, , c,e. policy, without regard In the " orrry (lilt:turf eatote ef fect it tufebt have uprin public npinion in fireitinl.' . • The enautng- is nn Imponant nne. in man, nther to spots, soil there ought to be turn tont on the OCCASigII GRARAM' - § periodical for 'Alav has been received. - It *well supplied with original -contributions from Prentiss, - Whipple, - Peterson, Wallace, and others, whose writings are .of tieknowledged superi ority, The engravings areulso deserving of attention. The —Mc l untain Spring," a 'Mez volint and Stippel by • Butler; "day and Serious:" a new style of art, by :Dainty; ' , ‘The Game of Draughts," 4•Death of Ni jira," are beautifully _executed, and add to make' the. present number - of this b - ,ok a very desirable one. Graham promises, in the Julynumber, when a new voFime will commence, to make some verv-exteriLive im provetnents, which will gis'e this - Magazine addhional claims Upon the public. One of the leading feature , of thi;Julv number will be a, portrait of JF.NSY LOAD. thc , "World re nowned singer." As Mr.,Graham never makes promises but lo fulfil them, ye May anticipate s”rnething really beautiful in this coming nurnber. Such enterprise dc _serves to be encouraged. . • LETTER FROM PHILADELPHIA 6r.REsroNnr.:icq OF TFSr'.MIIIrE3 ' ' JOURNAL Philarirlphia—Mrs: ,avppgra-ne:•c-The 111!Inut Street Titairc— • Senator chr:yrn. .• _ .10*Nr.S' Ituytt., Apri145,'..15.5 1 . :lir. nonn-vii :—The p-op!e of this:city are quiet r (Corwricnciaz a le:ter is like . the pre liminary movements to a cold bath—first a : , .. foot--a le;—thin al4 splurge !" Fair play —l'm " ducked ! 7—) They' are quibt—at !mist, there's been. Up riot. There being no ri its - , every body Ties to the Theatre. I have gone crety night exei pt• the last—that - night I beard Mrs. Frances Ann li,entble read' Ilichaid the Third! It Was-cne of the most', sater".cting evenings I ever passed. Ex. use met-inn, unt goiaz to attempt a descriptioa, of heqpoers :-it Would be foolish i ; I had' persmided myself into a. pretty tborough pre judice against Shakesperean'reader; and rea dings ;—I had heard " reSi4kos" inlprivate, I and had taken 'ern, in stuall.doses, iti public ;1 and like a philosopher antfa reasonable man. , I sat as eomforiably " v'Espossible Under the circumstances. Shakespeare wrote fur the' stage, and Allowed, himself, .upon ;It. His eltare-cs--trre as varied as the tlowers,r--as ! brilliant and as numerous as -the stars—and the stag ;e is their firmament. To -read his plays without swords and guns: 2 : Without 1 alarurns, tlfunder, lightning—rich ! , dresses. ' gaudy scenery, furniture-,without Mu , icauc. . those other innumerable essentials to relieve the monotony of eyea Ls poetry ;—; . the idea ;created unpleasant emotions ; TO alfahe puffs of Miss-Kimberly, in. the newspaperS, I wlt is pered to myself as a H un-(ing.) liv—add I staid array ! ; . .I walked out of_the way of Vanclenhoff—f feared Mrs. Kerrrble. But I ' had a curiosity to see her—aad Fpaid my dollar like a hero'. What can I say'l--psbdw; I was mistaken: the beautiful bird. I hooked fur, proved a soaring eagle !—anc , !.; - ,is she pur sued her easy flight through the }soundless regions of the poet's brain, fancy provided the music, the scenery, the accoutrements—all! i . Ererxchiiracter was played—the king,-I,he 1 IFnr the ?urger;' Jrnirtiall `lr. BANNAN:--A writer, in the Cameron -- Slave.—the B. iy,the! Priest ; the' Woman 1 , organ of the Locofoco party, in this county, and theAueen! NoNliterate,. Itlusteriog states that the average price of Gas.,as oh boobies ''., supporting t . ' the " star "-- 7 . Mrs. I tamed by the Borough Council, in all the titres and towns of the State, (S 2 SS per 'KeMble read all the characters alike—for one , I 1 PIO feet) is nut a fair criterion, because the she had tears, fur another smiles ;-:-cow she' Gas they furnis his .-,e far suterior in i:s illu swam in boiling, wrath—again she me.ditated minatill" , power i fur one deny thi-; it isnot the villain's infamy ! Such is towering ,ge- (vial in brilliancy to . either the Philadelphia nius—that which appears most impossible, or Reading . Coal Gas—and during the last it willdo most easily. .--- week the Gas was so bad that teveral per sons had to procure camphine lamps in addi - 3lrsl Kemble is very masculine in her np- tion, tolight up their stores. I also under- I' I ead is oral stand . that J Is' pearance. Thlt , structure of her i _ .. .J0: - .ep i ~... Shyer, one of the stock -large ; and 'rtehair Vas intruded low down holders, declared the other day, 'that they would sooner sink every dultar's worth of on her fury d. It seems to me incredible t I l - teir stock, before they would reduce the that s. le dyer, should have been deemed price. Under such circumstances, there is " handsome." However, her appearance no alternative left for the people, big to ten has no} doubt been much changed by Time— lira the company the ,average price of Gas, no-eliding to the charter, which is as ful that curled, withered old villain, wbo pierces .lows:— . " every iiody's affections lux a—Troller'! I "Src. 12. That if said Company shall erect No tlis'.itr to :Philadelphia should:fail to go the Gas building, and lay , down and consruct ;.,. to ,the Wa r nut Stre'et Theatre. This is one the Gas pipe , and other appurtenances. and .ball . proceed . as . herein befure7provided. to of the enbst peifeet establi , hmemts in the furnish the inhahrants of said Borough, known world. I am info riled that the Li- i with light front the 'Gas manufactured by braryr embraces a greater_ amount :of pliy:' , said Company, at a price' not ex Tiding the I mu-ie, operas, a cacras. than 2nv other average rate= cliarwd in other cities..(except i heaire in America, while few ,;,,,-,,i i t i n . the city of Philadelphia) Be-roughs. and incur- J T : n _ pt,raied di•tri , ts of this Commonwealth, ' Europe. The stozk company engaged, i wherein the. GII:i in such districts is Inanu-i • cludrs talent of every rein, - 5 , ..) that a pl a y o f, factored .by private incorp t ra: ed Companies: i any description can be produced WO, all the said districts, ciies. - and boroughs, to he I histrionic effect possible. The Sce-Ory,Ware. ,bereaf er iiicluded in computing said average, I robe, &e., are on par With the othei - almoiot- ty)" wi . liFinnditti.7 the f 't4nrianit - s therein may ; h - . .rent.er sell cut to . the inanicipatity, then i 'men's, and added to the known res:pectabitity the priyilenT , _liereliti ~r anted tube exclusive, 1 of the managainent, the most chase and las.: ' and no; other Wise. Provided, however. that I titliou s taste can expei-ieuce nothing but .o de- , it shall tit Ic lawful far they agents or other I light in witnessing the -nerforrnalles.. Peter 1 c_iffice r„ . of said COMpany to top_off the Gas 1 .. . upon' itrum - rineonsumer, except fur ;be purpcae I Richingsis stage manager, and Elook of rep:ii.o or unaruidallie accident, who is blip• considering all t h e e l emen t s 4f an artor.: -willing to pay, and tenders the amount due ' My l as the most accomplished tnan connected tytt - 1, , ..h customers. for Gas-already consum- 1 the American sta+e. He is, most undoulit- i cif, according tit the rate, as.fixed by the last I i " - - -edly, the bt actor we have :--he r._ the sarite : prececding section. . , The Gas company have shown no -qvmpa ' thing in tragedy, comedy - , or opera ;—has , thy With the peap`e here—on the contrary, reading is clear till distract; nisiarriage is': tli"ey seerii to set them at defiance—and why , ~. 'should thE . ,people - pay-them more than their , bea.utiful, and hi= position aheiys,elassical-H , charter allows them to receive. It rests with the sculptured marble can s.: : arcely show as i the company to prove that their G:is is great-. triany. speaking " attitudes" as ynu rorly..see : et' in illuminatirr , power than Coal-Gas, and' him giacefully assume , during the ttiurse of , i I svould like to see the mauiliat would come , a S,haksperean Tragedy. 'He is:moreover, a forward in a. Court of Justice, and swear to' • fine specimen of a man—tall, well - ProPor" ',- such a . statement. "If they refuke to take tioned-, and looking a gOod deal like General , the average, then their charter ceases to be Washington. Who ever saw or, heaid of a i exclusive, and if they slid off the Gas,,it is man that looked like Washington, - that was l a violation of their charter, and they will not great—that was not all a man could be, ; I be liable for the fixtures, and also damages. placed in any position by fortunejor circntn- 1 ' I 'would thereforeswrgest a meeting of the .1, stances? , consumers of Gas, and let them' resolve to Accident placed me along,-sidq of Doctor 1 tender - the average "price of Gas in the pay- Gwynn, to-dav, at dinner. .-I-le is one of the I . i merit of theik•bills., and if the company re- Senators from - California. He is compara , i th se : to ta ke it, and attempt to stop off the tively young —I should Ax him ai . aboutl B - '_ -: Gas, i mmediately organize a company for He is not as-tall as 'Cooper. but' equally as i l the ptirpwe -ol - introddcing Coal Gas—all ja slender. If I were on - Jtiry to try him foril the stock can be taken amok, the consumers, more than ordinary talent, I should be in fa- I 0 and let those ivho consums the Gas, reap the vor ot. bring,ing in a hill of not gu il ty. He profits, if any. Several pons have already is, bosvever, a shrewd politician—pne of thoseli offered to take $5OO each in a new company. -4. lean.;Cassiuses"" whom Canat so rnt..ch having resolved to be humbugged no longer feared-and lot without cause! 4by those who control the com_pany. - I ',.: • " PAOLI. " , AN EN43IY TO .EXTORTION.I letaty Eiection.—At the, Election held on Saturday, the 20th inst., for Colonel, Lieut.-Colonel and Majors, in:the Ist Regi meal, Ist Brisiade 61h Diiision, P. M. com prising the First Troop Schuylkill• County C'avalry' Alinersvihe Anillery,lNgifhington Artillery,National Light Inantry, - Seott's St. Clair Infantry, and Washin,gton 'ir eagers , the following gentlemen, were elected : el au 1 . .1 113 tx) 5 60 8 OD 3 CO. Colonel—JAMES NAGLE., Lieut. Ca—Oil:mit De FOREST. .3lajor, Ist gattarion—J. 'M. METIIERILL " 2d 13ttalion—YonN W. Wit aams The following i; the correet votelor Colonel f Nagle. fox. Schuylkill Countv Troop; It 24 National LightEmtry, 19, 8 Washington Artillerists, = 42 1 Gelman Yeagert, i .00 36 Scott St. Clair InTaritryr" 19 . 11 1 Minersville Artillerists,_ '32 10 The above election was attended by con-' I , iderable warmth, owiag to the fact . that it:, was placed upon political grounds, in order , to defeat Capt. NAGLE. Had the contest re mained within the confines of the Regiment, the matter would have passed off quietly ; hut, as soon as .a large portion of the military had , announced ,Capt: NAGLE as a candidate, in order to accomplish their object, hackneyed Locofocos, Who never ,intended to equimori- ! nected themselves with companies, for the purpose, of dsfeating tlae.Catitain-caucuses were held among the leaders ofthe Locofoco party, and menwho'otred their elevation and military reputation to Captain NApt.r, were found arrayed against him. The -effort, 'however, to defeat him, proved unsuccess ful : and the very attempt to conceal the , growing popub?rity of Capt. NAGLE, has created, not only in this community, but in t he whole county, an avalanche of which.pn - future occasions, trill teach truc - 1,-- ; ling demagogues, that true merit and a well - earned reputation cannot be trifled with. The attempt made to tlefat Capt. NAcr.r., was a strenuous one; money was freely ex p:•udecl;- political feeling was worked upon, ~and other means equally as disreputable resorted to. While his opponents were thus r working.. he was quietly folloying his trade, t t and despi,,ed resoriiugAtisucli mccns to pro cure an electiod. His only claims were his 1 worth al:d repwation, and. the vote of the rank a id verdi-t speaks vvluroc i s —shotvs in what light they hold those-who, under the cireurnzta',l-es, would endeavor to defeat'cne of the most gallant spirits that fought in the hattles f'Mfxieo. as an'accomplished inilitart officer, Capt. NAclT:has few superiors; his career has re fl ectetkered it upon the military of our county : and wherever he is ,known; he is res - pected 1 , fur thosequalities which invariably ,are in -1". dicative of the true man-=-Modesty and Hon MANY cirtzr.sg MIE , Azaiust Maj. Fox, his opponent, we have not a word tr. say ; and thesuhject would t:ot Le altudyd to Lere were it not that the work ings,of those who envy Capt. Nagle' popu larity deserved expcoiion,,and the contlen -nation olevery fritlttl .of true worth. • - Accident.—Wejegret to learn tktt Mr.- Thomas Smith, alniuer, en*igt:d at Wasley'g Colliery, at Wadesville, a few miles.front Pott,”ille, met with a fatal acci dent on Thurscla morning last. Whilst en gazed in mining coal,"a piece of slate fell upon his head, and, mangledit most hbrribly, and of course, causing' instant death. 'another Concert.—NT. DYER, thebliud Vocalist, : will give another Concert, in the Tuwn ia this Borough, Evening. 111 r. Dyer is an excellent Vocalist. and de serves to be well. trta:ed by the public. We trust he will be greeted td-night by a good house. Firc.-.—We „learn from the Tamaqua Lcr_rion, that, on Saturday week, two frame houses, at Greenwood Mines, belonging to 'Messrs. Carter, Smith, Co., were de-,stro, cd lw fire. Loss.' 51000. No insurance.—.. few,days following the above fire, the Stearn Saw 3EII, "belowring to the 'same firm, situ ate, iu Nesquelioning Valley'.. xt. - as also de stro2.-ed by fire. The loss is L-Aimated at 41:2.9 - O.—lnsured' in the Lycuning county in , tjurauce company for-s(6'9o. tica 'Affairo. 123 93 tHE MINERS' JOURNA,p,.A:Nip porrviLLE GENERAL ADVERtISER. ,iiiituropille l 2(fairs. V . ROX aLlt .CORD.ESPDX.DENT. Ffri Presentation.—A ver? elniat Flag was presented to the MinersvilleAriillerists,, on Saturday last by ladies of *inersville.— The flag `is the “American broad Ensig,o," it is composed of the most superior materials. and . richly trimnfed with gilt bullion. On thc blue field are ihirty gilt stirs, surround ing a wreath .of laurel leaves; in gold ; in the centre ofthe wreath are the letters .‘3l. A." • Wat. WELLs, Esq., presented the hand some gig, in behalf of the ladies. His re marks upon the-occasion, .were peculiarly felicitous and appropriate. , Col. Jolts; KAY C4E3ItIIT received the pre. sent, returning thanks fir himself, and in behalf of his command ; attet which the flag was Passed into the bands Of Abe colcius guard, and sent to the right oflhe company, soldiers ':presenting, 'officers - Salt/11w,, and music playing. The ceremonies of presentation were in teresting', and witnessed by quite, a number of citizltis.• Being ended, the company wheeled into column,• 'and tneved off, the flag at their head. After 'a parideand drill . of abouttwo hours duration, thit`y proceeded to hold ail election Tor Colonel. Etc. Military Election.—The following, is the vote of the-31ine'rsville Artillerists, polled for Colonel, ;Lieutenant Colonel, ,antli'Major, on Saturday last. The vote is not full, owing. as I am fold, to the fact, that some ei ,, hteen or twenty members of the company were tecnporaOly absent from the,borough. Colonel Jairfes Nagle 32 Niel:1014 Fox 10 : Liculenant o Calonet, Ephrairci liartzler 3G Miebae'l Kline OthniellieForest,6 :Mgjdr, J. M. Wetherill 28 D. G. :11‘cGolvan 13 Runatray—Serious Accrdent..:4on Thurs day evening, about six o'clock, g:Pair, of hor ses 'attached to a carriage, in which were three zeiailemfn, viz :—James B. Falls, Wa t kin Davis and Lewis J. Prevost;;. •becoming unmanageable, through fright, ran from the neighboih, od of Primrose, about a mile from toyvii, till they were taken up iu the bon ugh. Mr. Prekost managed to escape tsom the ve hicle uninjured ; hut, in crossing a gutter at the upl+r-end of town. rAlr. Rills and Mr. Davis Were both thrown out whit great vio lence. Mr. Davis has one leg fi-ac - tured be low the iknee, the fracture or:ending up iuto • the knee joint he is niberwi.ef bruisM and injured. Mr. Falls, it is suppostd, fell wiqi his luadiag,ainst the wheel, and Was run over by the carriage. He was taltra up entirely insensible. and remained so till ri late hour at nizht. it learn from the physicians in atten dance, tlarit he is not so badly titan as was at first suppostal. Ile is lIONV doing well, and will recover frow hip in.;urirs. Three! Afen Killed.--1 learn ttfyt three men were haled in Payne'; Mines. on Thursdy, by a fall of Coal. I have not been able to ,iet their names. Anotlier Accident.—Two !nen. I - haye not learned 'their names, were badly burutd in Heilneep 131aek Valley Mines, on Thursday. Tiari.iday seems to hare bet;n 'fruitful in accident!. I have learned of two others be sides those mentioned above.4- 7 0ne, - 3 man employo.l at a Saw Mill, in the ylcinity of this burouzli', had his lciz bruken.—Another, a lad emplos dd at one of the Wolf Oreelt Alines, was badly in:,ured. Iu all thesficases the ru• mor ha; ,just come to town. I-cannot learn names rind par;iculars wiihout-detaininrr mv commu6icatiou too late for this*eek's tdition of youripaper. ROSS' SPEECH—BEisiTO.N kICD FOOTE. The lady editor of the Pittsburgh Satur day Visite.- Mrs. Swi,shelin, I,s on a visit to Washin!gton, and in a characristic letter to the Nei.v York Tribune, giving her impres ions of things at the capital, makes the fol lowing f allusion to the late 4:leech of Arr. Rot-:s, of Bucks county. Thelvhole letter a sort o r f off-hand and rather; spicy produc tion. fihc says . "But, I have run away from my subject! What g was going to tell you was about the speech Ross from our State. Oh, how ; my che'ek is burning! I tremble with indi,g nation lo think my native State--mv OWEI noble (•Id Pennsylvania has'l - riven birth to ! such a earictiture of manhood r .—sucli a poor miserable apology for the likeness of the Eterniq. I cannot tell you abiptit it. I can not bring myself to repeat hiswords of sick ening. servility.- Your regular correspond ent will do that soon 'enough; and too soon. Then, When he had yarned hilreward—rt pat on the back and a stroke on the head—to see the entire Southern ddegation come up . ; with tlietr congratulations—their well done, good aitd faithful servant ! 10w.., o.' , Lord, how long shall they, Under the St atues or the goddess of Liberty—American' Liberty;—exchange triu'ruphatit g reetings on those mutual calls to extend perpetuate I the evilest system of slaydri , that ever •saw the suti!" The mail is aboitileaving. If Id ant not: too fltnatital to be admitted into your columns, I shall soon write ,again. Yours. Respectfully, JANE J. SWISSHELM. In another letter from Alrs;Swisslielm, to the New York Tribune, relative to the occur rence between Messrs. BENTON and FOOTE, she says:— "It is a thousand pities his (Renton's) pow emit! intellect was not better balanced. I Mill doubt whether he would have.struck Ftiote, if that gentleman had turned and waited for him to come up. Without making any sh i ow of resistance. He; was still in the lobby-!,-which in my last I called a .•pas.qage'• --when 111 r. Foote started and ran, or, as he afterwards. explained it, •lii4canecut towards the Spi-aker's desk, as the Ilonorable Senator adcanord after me." :I hope you New Yorkers will remember thiview way of ad vancing.. and when you see a gentleman cut ting a:tizure that Western Rah; call "cutting, sti.l.k".!--lookinz over his Shoulders and d police officer bringing up the rear—ju,t re- , memlier the gentleman is advancing toward a certain point, itoriorahle gentletnan advancing after him. hbi, is.the new fash- I toned iway of advancing - : but I do nut be lieve Ir. Foote IS a physical coward. He is of a very nervous organization, and cannot . act coillly ;without time to,:think. Then be ruiztni have as Much courage as ivould be compa•ible with a:physical:fight. The best and ht - avest et rtairnitl courage is moral eow lardice, Your late tgorrotis war has added I lart,YelY to the national stock of this same - cowardice, and. I do nut think the nation has 1 any right to judge either cif these gentlemen 1 harshly. Editors will aim their :thunders at, and orators will gasconade over, this insult to the - Atnerican Senate and the American people; but in my humble opinion, "the bite suits the stip" admirably. The American people are very well represented by Messrs. Foote and Benton. The latter,: Who is a giant, would no more have actt;tl the coward and the bully by striking Mr..Ftx,te, who is small and weak, than this tiatiOn did by striking ' poor! little shriveled-up :',llexico. •If Mr. Foote acted like an assassin. he had a inust iffustrintis example in the official conduct of the v;ery people who will . now judge hint— the ?Teat American nation, whose indignant daughter I am. This nation - 11'as taken op portnnities to declare her love ;if animal courage. her admiration of brute once. She worships guns, bayonets', and epaulettes, and ; can see no reason Why stieAmuld not be represented with pistoli and boWib-Itnives. "Lik,e father, like child.", "Shall the thing. formed, say unto him that formed it, 'Why bast thou made me thus?l or shall the crea ture he greater than the Creator?" The American people created the American Sed ate, ttud I can see no reason why it should be better than they. ;-• sror . lir . Aiteere.tenimo THE • CLERGY AND THE MEDICAL : ' 7- FACULTY.' . . In a late paper I naticed among other pm ceedingslof. azonveafloti of Medical meu, a resolutioh-whieli Ware offeretriand..#o my re -1 gret laid ',on the table.) _ -The resolution allu- 1 ded to,'lya.s to deprive Cleiormen'who gift certificates and notes of recommendation to the makers and venders of quaelt. Destructs, of: the gratuitons_services of Physicians. -I think thit Ido not say tee much *heti rsay there'is riot ri Ciegyrnan to be tettluds i'who bas not at some time in his ministerial Career received the tiditee aid ;cruises or 8°1" dphy sician withisifiethuniratice. 'Well does the wri la rot this aitialii-iteiiiinherrth4Nind at tention :which lirreettlied.t4r6:'yezim ,-- ago, 4 it 43 : 114 t 1- MlizlVlPielllter of to facOttl;=f-fre reeeived a severe injurre.and „having had a painful aid difficiili eperatiorkpeiformed, was confined to his room" for several weeks: _ Du-' ring all this time, the aztention °ibis medical attendant Were unterilittiog—at early mor nidg, and often at midnight, he was t ound at his-bed-side, watching, over him, wit all the care andlauxiety of a brother. Those visits .were often anxiously wished for,.incl'always joyfully received: and when on his recovery; he:calSed; for his bill, tretnbling in anxiety lest • it should be so heavy as to render im mediate payment impossible, and received for answer, i" we are alWays -happy to serve Clergymen without charge, " his beart was too big to' give utterance to his gratitude. At another time, when urging a fee on a physi cian, he tieceived for answer, "no sir, I should think it n burning disgrace on my name and professioo to take any, even the least fee, from your scanty pittance." And' these are not isolated instakices. :Every Clergyman in this town, should he be called to witness, would gre testimony of the same impott.— The clergy of the entire nation would bear witness of its universal truthfulness. Now, I ask, shall men, wile have received such kindnesses frOm these men, retard it hv lend ing, the Support of their, official character to that miserable 'specimen of our corrupt na eure. the quack doctor, and vender of quack medicines? We should think that every honorable man would , say, certainly not. But facts time us to the conclusion that there are some men- contemptible enough to do it —much as it may disgrace the individual.... much as., they man disgrace their brethren of the sacred office. it is undeniable that some of these 'very men go from the chamber of sirkness:with the kind !One of the physician sill ringing wiihin their ears, to the office ' , of someiquack M give him their support in ' his nefarious practrce. That such is the fact,' i t I appeal to every newspaper in the land— l almost Oery quack nostrum is Irt kid by some cli:rgyman's name. IVllleh i 9 offered with the usual flourish of crumpets Is proof positivepf the virtues of the panacea. Itile eel, if we inquire a li - tle more deeply into this matter, sy.e shall fi :43 that nine-tenths of these remediei receive their characters from cleri cal recOrnmendaiuns. In confirmation of this, I Will relate an ins:an-c from many iu riry mini!. A' celebra cd preacher of an or thoelux denerniration, 01 a S ihbath morning. aunon :e;ed the probable recovery of a brother whose life had been despailcd of and then called 14 , aven as his WiIDUFS, that he had no doubt that his recovery :was owing to the um of Dr. —'s Cough n-d Lung medicine. Now, Et( the reult of till. favorable notice. On Monday the cfrice of the vender was crowded, from tnornia,g to night, with appli cants eager to ob:ain a bottle of this great medicine. As I have not the hill of mor tality lily that week. I shalt not preird to say - anything of the increase of deaths; Eut this is certain, for several years that rcmttly cajoyed:an enviable reputa:ion. Since ihat it has been given to t he Sadducees - With whom it is said there is - no resurrection. SOTIIP ii XV consent lo be agents for medicines of a Giraffe or some other kind of company or college, and in making their pastoral visits are sure to carry a box of pills or bottle of syrup wilt them, and prescribe Owen for all kinds acid stages of disease—and such practices are nut stoppediuntil by some mysterious providence '(not, tl4 medicine of course) a patient dies , - and he is scared off. An instance of this kind occurred in a town in a sister State, about , two years ago, where Indian Ye:fete:hie Pills r were a potorious remedy for all phases of di. , ease-:-acholic, a fever, the gout, a diarrhcea; ; all were to be met by a dose of the pills. A 1 stordeeeper, who kept the article, was taken. ; ii.k. and unusual as it is. he took his own I - medicine. A few hours after he had taken I them, finding, no good results, he concluded 1 to repeat the dose, at rue advice of a cicruy `man. lii pat-tor, a friend of the pills, who had called on him. During, the.day he hid a box ,of them, and in 43 hours was a corpse. On examination the pills, were found in a mass !in his :bowels. I need not add the clergy + man quit the practice of medicine. But it I may be: asked, why blame the clergy ? I I • • I answer, "because they have (by their utEce) I more influence than any other men, " and 1 when they throw this influence in favor of these nostrums, they are pretty sure to give them a-reputation, and the more prominent the minister, the more extensive and success- ' ful *ill this character be. J With the moral 1 a.pect eif thi. matter at pregent, I have not h .! ing to do. 11Iy only design is, to, show the i fact anfl influence of such doings in defence I , of the propriety of the adoption of such a re ; solution—should it be adopted by any con ; ventiou of Medical men. I would with the 1 proposo resolution, make a distinction be- INVCClller , r '' 'ytnen as a body , and those Cler- I , gemenj who arc guilty of such practices. I These, in thereat majority of instances. are Ibut the fag end of the profession who fill the t office ftir the bread of the altar, and as such she uld the disclaimed lw the majority. Yet, there iS one thing certain, if they are let alone like another ass in a lion skin, they will show themselves in their proper character. With the,purpose of taking some other points connec;ed with this question into considera tion at a convenient ,season, I subscribe my self,t " TI3IOTHEUS. " ' Spring, Fashions. : mnR . "N i l? nGA l, N; ark: tSt i ,l.tov dle. V %I:. rc, iia,.vrii,,r,l,aiiie 2 1 style BANNETS, ',cry cheap. Cull and elec. Aprllln, IbLO 10-tf, „.. ___ Parasols, at Auction Prices . V,- 1 111:: !arse nudelocato.assostment of Parn sa, at No. 104 MARKET Street, Is now i , otn . red dt Anc , l"n nrwns. to close the mnek . l'lra-n c:,11 and satisfy }ourself, It id nu tpimhule Aptil Vin , 15.50 .• Waoling Reduced 10 a heieUCe. B. CLIANEIS I)ATriNT W A All M'XTIIRF, °near I tine: n o se' no , lat rind itons•rtant inventions of soselersetime , F r 10,11.1111.iff prrfe sty, sys:ll Fietisty and ai lalud. h, awl is stmost is Jury to siOtistre ..r r...1.•r EverY (amity of 4,lllllPlit.f s , ee. can do all their wasissel in halt krill Krllr , saelo.we of the ilit•ieg• and ,I6thp illsm.t Ise I.ls gof rebbiel, potiedsely.. I.lear ff • r h.nimC, 'lois savior; issse. PlP.life , and 'Mot; wlisle.clottssod itself wi he eared fremi rhr wear .1.1 tear in., and frwiton nOII Insit tee, i • 1.0. for washlet p.telieil•orfaces.assil every arlii le .r thin , olisrts may termite als attains( it Islay he obtained In the loins of a Eltild nr •011,1 Soap. A ...arta saw never,” unit whirls will fill with aatossistinsetss awl admiration all who betone maissaidwit with its Dospersirs. A:t this flan be tested ,11:1 sno t II r 3 pet., altdrielllVilt . the t%11 , 1:14 C ,,, 113 1 Y t. , irt If. 13 • W , irf• of Impositions, as all ‘isslatirms of The parent Iss: r lsrasso lord 'llse vtalbsershrr ;rot astreansed site nitliiwlito tlalst for this asfiele in 23.71.1,11c1] and several ''°n•• l• PPM Ist sossoir the am Sete, want...ate and resaut. al los lisdhipst Ssore. cornet I fs rent', and Nlssiess,lassess Sireess, I...tsss site, where sissy quantity of Rectmosseisdations env be liver. C T. TATUM?, Snle rropietOr `icloi)lkill Cuartly. A pri1,211,1650 Philadelphia Mourning More, No. 5 1 ,3 SOUTH SECOND ST near CIIESNLIC RULLLDLL£IIIA. 116 4 2C0N & SON. atr Tr.W rrer.i.rl7T their spai 1 ilpportatinnik, end would resprri rolls Invite the onrot ion of all Cash Imre', whol , •salo'or 0.4 Intl) to then large otrick Giinds'eacitiiiivtat ly. ; BLACK Ilarrees., Morroise. Chair iln.rilhazinri. flonitnctinr Alpntas Ciftton Ctilthrliltka.d.uble uid la blown...line de I nines,' Gsrllndlars. Canton Craws, ilarrdr s.Ta {hit lona and sqluirr ?bawls. Coy,* and 14,pei Lifer Veils, ErrellA lrhnminr and trd 4,:raprir dce &c. SEIPDISILI MOURNIisZn Lawns.Gingbam.. Rarece., Mourn!: de I.4iraS.GiligliaM Inwts, Childrer. Acker C'lnlhi'Linen Leisttelf.motirnittr bordere4 Ilandkrr chlrfsi Collars and COT,. black and lead Kid Gloves. igespolitark Glnvep, ornuolkisp OF TOE PRESS. • t • Thnv art largely provided with Mounting Goods and those Lr Oiling ft purchapa, wiii Had a low. opportunity to po prii It thent.--iNorth A inef icutf• • No, advantage taken of domestic distre , s, fur extor tion of hupoals iy Gourier. Our citizens ron,nt any, moment cull at 'this store, and obtain 'every material for ,Indies' noire that is tif the season of affliction. con 'Meat et on= of obtaining good good', arid at fair pricea.—(lngr. ,-' Apt:11'10,1910 ' .16.1 m 1• 4 4 I • erg? 4: ; e .ffit ' TX : 4.)ty4l'Trzift6 fog•lSs9 - Thr, , quanifiy l ientlilmarkei by Railroad. is :6.47543 s-bs aseat 11.3t3 . IT- -total l'Oe the ,vreek:49.6.11 It.. . • "..I.brre'bris Small itili week nvv.t.' last. bu i . we teary 'that [bode/nand 4 slacking off as the warns breather aptiroathes,—bod ,I . :s ate b corilln: tnote plehty on - , ... . . - We ire Incifre:ed .ros the brat andandsseellable oh thorny. that the quantity of Coal that will be sent to market by the Peninylsanla Coil Company from Pitts. on, Ibis ye:4," his been largely over estimated. Our Informant *hues ;—•.s. Yeiu : need not be alaimed, about the goal:thy Of.C.nal tbat,wlll,ltalre Pittston in 1800. It trill not be:large.? `::. " „ , ': AlllOlllll Or COal Jeot oven Mir Philadelphia and Iteedins FlaltiAnd ai d Navigatlnn. rue.the 'melt etodlng t3:l Thursday evening last: . ' RAIL 110A11. CESTAL, Mesa., T I ITaL... ."; WtEL: T 6 TA L. Pi I t 'rb n n ' 8 483 01 -I 4 1 ,643 na • a Ivll 22.171 16 SI: C .rhnn.' 2.2'1 01. .23.061. 113 2.43,01, 10424'00 B.llaven, 10,413 OS 133,2117.177 "3.1311111) 42'011 13 'Pt Clintop 4.068 02 47.10916 1,7011 02. 0,30 13 • ' 16,272 13 3411.344 07 17;775 17 1;,122 5 06 - .72,102 06 - • • . . Taut by RR dt Canal 402,72‘ 13 ...' , , s N, To anue Ekon last year by Railroad' 'ZS 366 1$ , ~, , ..... .. - Canal 18.410 16`, . . , Inctease thls'year 130.610 03 tons LEWD!! COAL ! TRADE. Rent tar Ll 4; suck ending April 'Mb; IRSO . . „ . . . . vcrik, To? AL. , . . _ By Lrblith On. . . . sm 413 80.039 14 ROOlll 111111 MinMi, 3.1137 DT , .741,1 a l Braver 1111.11dOw Co., 4,0.18 1 . 631 18 • Sprtnr Illonntn In *Co., 412 OS; 2 246 1.5 Cienhprry C.al Co., - tOB 04 2,630 04• 111111e1on CAA Co,- ' 350 17 . 3,35.5 11 note 111ntintiln Co., - 4:19 00 ' , 10,11.6 06 Wilkesbarre Co,. 130 13 603 16 • 19,423 la . 49,568 la To same period lan year, 33,739 18 tom RAIL ROADS. I The ratlowlne te tfie quauti:Y or Coal traesnerted over the glifrerent.ltlitrnnam in Schyylkill f.:ouritY.fnr the week ending Thursday erettivir„ . • W CFR. 'TOTAL': trine fiiii nnd S. fl R. R. 158 7'5 130 016 ni) Little Srli0)4,111 R. 11. , 5 3i0.1 , 3 ' :19 211 On Mill Cre«k ! .do 9.910 OT FR lul 12 Illnill irnrb..ii do 4 3.9 13. 37.3811 1 9 Schuylkill Valley do .6;761 12 5 4 .91 ( 1 5 311 CorhGo odd rt f::irtion 1.51213 En ti3ll 02 Uninn Canal, do 2.431 ON 6.11119 0:2 Strain/A tin 1:4116 16 3.1'28 11 IRATE. Of TOLL •ND TOANNfoRT4T/ON ON (tAII,IIoND From M.c,rhou.S.llavon.r.r.limon, :0 I 65 1 45 1 70 ! 65 145 To Rirhimnif. To l'ltii”drivoia . nr rou ar c4N - ra.. rim 1850. Frntr. Port ri.rtton In Ithiladetpliia, ids cfr per run " Carth.n " " " Port 9inton rtIENINTA RN CANAL From Mt. C.irhon t,, New r.,rk. si 70 " Mr. (Nrtom In Phtlmlellllll4..., GO " • " e:). Thr frrbris (tom Sche.)lltlll - 11;"" nrn EeO"'",111Y n?'". 11 5 • ti Pyr ion lc,s, and /rum Port Clinton 10 CIA , . per t• ti rarer ell concert : BY mrt. DYEIL. _ .. ,,........e," ~ , , ,k ma. nvm. Ph.. Blind VOC3II.t. a ~...— t i...t r!..1111.1.111a, will rivl hi. , Fart.. 4 Pit ..; t ic,4 1 0 , 1,-ert la , the I*.?wa mall, 1'..11:v Pi... .., Sniard ,i Anal 27— ,, a which firratiloll . h.' WlTlfonor Tl,e, autiiehte wiLli a Wee liou of Iltiptlliir 64. g.: • ritorm %limn rAnr Wttl rnu r..1r.• to my 11.1ountoln Home V 3/. "f A tr.le of t trod, Grierieman. Th.. Nvw FOinal nul D r b. Le:c I.ov, , I..nhtt, the Tramprt "f Joy. rAarr 11 r.ove 41, silo., tnyrottage Cantle One. Neer honniAlift. The Urlv Nine. The ,thin I•i! Eire, • The Slynohe'(:,lo If 91.:1, D.OrA r.• , r.,,mance to commence at 7 Adroittooce J2l Luout, Aril 2.. It'LD rir.xlcir. nt frnm Phili•delphis. •Fill repiPr In Diunvl BeMet I 'te of 111bp pi an. n ~,, , to the 1.e,11, r:el.lll.lll.llerp,iiisville and irinitv. 1)14 Le is preenred 1.1 Ave inetrsteTiotis to ' , mon rte•le Cln4n . FIUP. and Ace..4lleorl : e h •,! In Pel• • •• elp..flel.re• PP the prariire of 1113 P'" l ' , "”l‘ r' I, `PP 4 , 1 , 1.. , P•t r i I c• - , 11.4 111 ibis Cow, iry he I , : r.•efi le. of lus 3 , 1111 V 10 give .0 he e 014_ r., ‘r.,“ to all who ,opy r•vor h:ni wiih Ihn rlsr.rm n e lie ildit ilia Ile bur nrereredrnrS rellrel Fp.po for 111 e fp, orPII , P . I.IIIIt, or II:o.e -or ids 'v.v.. on 1115 . 111111,114. - PllOll9 iniir iti 141 very Inn - Tern's. TIA nn Ihe F.rcieins Hotel' Ipp Ip.pprl% pp at. if requested, at the imsiden,:es of these desiring his rerv/reo' A pr il 27. • 4,521. Anthracite Vial', t EDWARD DUGIIES 1 , itr.-TI;CITII.I.V annoiwitte, in Ills friend., Gf. = . : - n' , 4 11, olilihr Iliol be ban tnien Ow above ~.._''''Oi:', e•linlishtnent teeerett no SnYiheity QtrPei. In The B ,,, IIICIII•1" NI ineiNVIIIP. rind Irot refitted it 'Piton:ill out. r.tel is prepared , r, ncrlitoitiedate :111 thlll.o Whn nylv 1 1 ,‘', , i lOin w•th their it,, , iiiiii. Ile antler., him_ ..ll' Orli hr Illifenilllini riTlenlldift In rho Iv:lmA and rrin. vionce hi hi. rite:its. th.ii,he will snake them feel quite at 11, , m...zid DO finlllo wilt he spared on him non in make i, "he or the Ilea I ui,lic !looses in the Country Apr il 9:,`, ISSO . - 17-1 I To Farnirry and Handers nouNI) PLARTF R. fur ea le'hy the bushel or bur l-I rel. 11,' lure/. wilutide... a.lA,Cl•4nn plAserr.l AND PLASTERINfI HAIR of first quality, carefully prepared for trans portation. A may perqnnelly nr by Inter nt Syltet lkill 81h, above vt , lll,,er i,r Brown ell. Wharf nn the Delaware. P. COGWNS 6 Cu.. April 27 19.12• 18-lino- _ . . ', 4- Good Clhaitce FOR a person t‘ i-hiett in en int n titt-Inees in the City, ,The *lna and nr an estaitiphed TRIMNIINCI AND VARIETY STORE with am:Pliing attnrh,t. Niiinatp,l in one of the very Lrn Inrali4A In 11. e city.—Rota Tow. The rf n vefll he -nl.l f. , r 1201:00, one irtlf the Intlence•nn tint,. tv ith npprovi•ill ,tectirity, incliptc t i in the ahnce ri re several Looms' with np .nirtenniirg complete fdir making Sitk and Collnt, &c. Alan, a machine cur inakinc k Tl.e snick ennsl•ts In raw of, Swine and Pun, sll)l , nnrl Worsted Purses. Ci•mbn, Itrtn.nes. scllk nn.l Cotton Prince.. G.0),1,.. Ilre,.Trint winag. Milk Ilintnn.. new µ1,1.. Ilact “rivintenin. Stet. Conde. Fgnneh Fancy Iligxeß. F.tn I ,, geillq W. lib an alinnxt entilesst vtirl ty of other articles. Address pool-paid 1). N Post Office, noln•lelphin. April 'LI. 193 n. 17 llno Smith's Boot Ei, Signe Shire. FRESH SUPPLY OF STOCK. VEEP CHEAP! ts.• • The !itihseriher announcer ; to Itia tormernue curdorneta• and the public, that he ha.. ' part received at hie Boot and Shoe More. next drier 'drove -----• - Gen. W. &later'. Store, Centre St., a ff,Plll FrIIPTY nr r 0.,,, and shoes "(every variety for Ladiee, Mirl•ea, Cmitletnen, Children, Miner.. ke., kc., all nr whi. h are made 'ult.( the boort material., in a peat and dura• the tnanner, and will he cold lit rate. to Fulfil, time, A1,141.11 , ,in hritlli a supply of Trunk., V3liFeA.g.orli elo. &c.,which a 111 he orkl/1 very cheap. ealltc:dpatitfy Itturselvea. Bowsaw, tiltnev mar:. to ortly. VI lie heal materml. end Miro repaired at 01,1 nnelri., . Pnii.VVIC. Apr 77.e2itc. W;1,1•1A31 SMVrit ' . , CBI Post Uffice Regulations. AT'POT`TSVILLE PENIVA !Ara .4 of Cl.sine the avid sv1•1c1..ow:11 I'. M., daily, .•.trept Sundays, atut nhout 1 "'Lk...I:. I' M. T. , w Vork,rioll llosinn,nl o'clock A NI., Niof 12 o'clock 11 ,daily, excFpt Surd .3 , , and arrive almni I n'tlock. I' M., and l' AI •. T.. Nimhuralwrialt.l, tiliabery auJ interitipititie tPar,p. at 11 irt.l..rk. A. Sunda3s,and tt nl.mit 8 0'.1%.(k. P.:11 - tquity. atc.. at 11 o'- (1. rk.,- A . 'AI daily, except ettitidw.t4antl arrive daily 'B.r , 'Liork. P. M. Tit 'Mil envill, I.lf nrilyn, linnaldoon. Trim, ontdrze , rot I I n'cto,k, A. SI., d except., Suilalys, mid ar• rlvr d 14 o'clock. M. TII Carbon, Nc.rwcelit., Tamaqua., Wilk..9harce. Mauch Cjilllik, k c. , at I I o'clock. A. :M., tinily. exccpt o n d :arise daily atom. 7 o'clock, P. N. To titicarave. Jilacclown, Pamplona. Ace., 111 9 o'clock. P. Al.. - no Moial.ok. 1 1 /..ancsflays :ow Fri. 119 P. and:arrive for came slays about tl u'clol.k, P.M. Oykce Ih era. • Frr.io 94! o'clock. A.. 11. MI 0 o'c!') ,1 1, P M.• PI "Pt 14 .‘rata”intIck tha "(lira le open one 12 UII 1 a'clila A N r: E 51ORTIMEIL P.ll. ' ruttowyle. ikprll . '2o, 18 0 10-11 Wine j'afent. Compound Wash.' mix reap on soAP, I :0R Weehow Clottiee , paiiitad awl every. • anti le rir thlng whirr, rimy requite clentisiiid.riy wlsliuer•i• It Is made lido surd *oaf or in Inpitd ("rut. The soup will die/le:less litipriseile every tuber Rio the ~, ess of W3Flll.l'n-sv itt ruilueed,drives our of HP.' every Wll.Ol , Petal and Mai Lille ill the latitl.--! injury is doue to clothes, null time and expense are raved The puhlie nre rat:tinned nYumst unatithotiied vets der.. "r rtgl.te and tnlxturee, who bye liy piraime on r.r Ix lin, by rtte use of lune and soda, do iu• finite mire filet and ujery It tanlhrs, Mr. E. T. TAY' LOU. flail pisreltaxed i Commies or B..rke„ high , trerlanil, to wheel the pittilie, - In their eeetput, are respeettally referred. :1 Philadri.. April 20, INSn 16 Gat.OM 11. B1b1g1kt;i101 & .CO. WHOLLsALE On‘l.tilS , Eo 4 tElliN AND .DP MESTIC HARDWARE. CUTLERY, .76. 1011 Xurtk 7711k11 S•rert 2d d.or Beler PL ,E, - `,1;1161E they Intend! kkeplag a senerdaeaettavilit v oe:liaidware on band. at tomes' maikftt prices. Gentry ,Metchabts. are respectfully Netted to call.t, , 2C. 0.-:—Depot furJubn Ben's Planes, Jan 10; 10 , Vlol:lNS.—lust received a fine mit-mini nt ' Violin...which will be snit very cheap. at , ' . . BRADI & ELLIOTT'S. ' Aptll O. NW. Wit' . . 143.807 09 72 6 3 ..• • DE Card. , 3.19 ' ' 7 Robe' : -O A . B.PET E,31P016. ole; An 211214-, •Ndrrk- Aliettird Strut. B t."'" • PMALDEIiaIA. - ith . • THE atttton o:m r ilnosekeepers & Merckotif in lotted to oat d,' legont assortment td Oar. Milne. Oil Cloths, Whitlow Shades„o-eontildtag 311 Pr , or ' , ; : ,ps. new etylt Toostriall ply Catpellnci, , • ' 50 . ' dot Roca wipe ttlne Intrain, do, 50;" do Sore -riot all W...11111ing.,d 1 3 50 1 . do Spreciu - tht it All otr,tien Veratlasko 7.0 " • do Cotton. tostain and Veiattan•clo A hies' Int Of "'Asti, flag, llama and Cottolt Counts, from 10 to 50 CO yikta. A Mtge And sfilenrlll) ass.nriment of new sight Gothic hnd I.Rbdiciftr Witultily Shade.. dintecitom the Mari fActory, which. with:the carpets. can he sold at. the loterst , cash prices, %Ake . lesair ahd R era 11. be • 1 ' 1111111ARD.R011EtiTla. , Noti . : 1 110 24 et. todow Att h.1"111111. Siarth 16, 1810 - witrehpuse, • • NO. I.42eARCEI STREET. .F.TrrsEAr six-rn'A NE' EX7II, aOUTif SIDE,' " riti:tatmquta: • grit: PrOprielor.nt the Fame, ert.estve went has tately opened hie superb stock of Walt raper.. whichareoll - tif the lafe,Lolvleo. end of the very Derr suaoufii‘tooli;,rarphetiers from Ow rouniff , can rely on. helot eicalearoidltesl,,wlitt. patterns reit- Ithle!tor every tnirpoi*t . ,4 iiiihota the Inconeenleneeof farther.: t. 'lle 14 drtermined,tMtiJi zisufA prices as the actettu.' tage of a carb-buslaeie Atrordx+ • • '; • EDWARD RURTON. 'WEL :Patter builti z ti the C4Ofilry at:City Nivea. Watch 9. VISO. ' 1 'lO 0111, Catidles, Soap, Za.c. rr eitlierrdwrs more nn favorable terms 'J MOO goloots Winter BperresOll.• • \ 1 1 0f.0 ,do 1' oblesched ea do , • '2‘ftj` do llleuolled F4ll do 117'0 do ''dd. Sofee s.. . de 3 1 01 de Ido ,Wlntet . LIM Oil, tOOll, do • dti — do Elettlisor Stroo •, do rt.i do Whale Oil,, ;dR Sr rine do tt 111.100' do Atrairied North West Coast Wiutlfr vprr tied. Cir inkier,' we, ltKdl galltols Conodho suirible Pir greasing, Ono do \ Paidt 10,00EI dn. Tarinprie Oil. comortslo; Citrons. . Banks. Shari; and tiorsprot• Whale Oil. 400 boxes Adarltsnttor Candles, 900 di. Mnall find Dipped T.illarr Candles, fis t sorted six...v. (do ili•tree for nos..s.) 360 hazer. Yriliirs..iind Brawn Snap 3, Peruvian and Para?: an fivana. \Bttf.UBN & No. 31 North Wharveal .1,1 store above. Arch thrrel. Feb V. 1650. ; o—,-3rno) Philadclphl . • E. qicks .tone, • - IfWoes Triodes, 'flow War* ,Bremia,-nralk C•isb. Lonkive 6t,iss aid rarialv • NO. 18 NOR ,11 SECOND - STREET, . . inli.AnEt rtifi, ‘, . . , (Under 1. Sidtvev.l. , ne•A' l'arrrft . Wvehrinse 1 1 .1 A VINO eta:ll7o:4 illy st nre: ;1 'lnv e nit In T,ll rind 4111 rgiott3tllly ftiitillrlollllltraltd 1 , r , ,1V111 . 4 &nil) the Eristern Stntes ilia!! I:mope', uddit i. , ns tri my Itork. etht , Slam -5011'hOol , Criiar and MR 11.1 , 1 'minted Tubs; 4110 b are; dna:1110 id9 . lreh.lrive. 109 dozo'n Cedar ottdllllollotrn paintild Paps. ROll duz. Wash IS•3: 1 / 4 1A. 100 daz u. at Silpr 4nd Flour ll'oxe.; 3idg,d9,,Spnindt and I.all6ir, . . ;Hum w a r t ... 4, - ' if et Market and 9.110 relit 400: Willow ena,hns. Chair: , and Cradle, ; a large ashiiitinent of Fieneli and Duateeilt 8 , 0•16 t, and Brwg4ift.-11+ 000 Wire Eitenme. 10000 Shaker lireatlie, R.O aez.. en. h Wall. Paler. tieruhilue, - taboo 'and Tooth, shavieg.i 1 0 0 ante ilatr lir 11011, ni evriy Co.ba -'2lOl l .10zi,.41 Piney ronitio • of varinus pat., venni 1,1110, mirk, ri.icket, dressing arid. gnu intith Cimino ..r styteo [Ankh+, Catuets P.11...rry, Walnut. Mahn*. any 1.111 COI Fr,ieedof rill o and patter. s ; Ger iliatt+rstirti owl klnylion I . nnklr.R Glass "Plates, of ail from 7 t.% P nitto 72 hr 120- (packing insured In ail Darts nr IlitIon)--tagellier with a large asontt menu 1:C4,114 inn 11111,,,..11S td mintinu.—. TIIC atienti•iii of in:reliante i. rropecifnlin solicited in the examinaiints ei• in' abrek, ill or %olio, wilt he road b.\v for nr )41y aceentanco, on us tn antici pate gny ro.-petiiiiiit that can be ovit•d• it atcfil. tAk i 11111 r _ - w.„.4 C. J. GAYLER'S ' 8A I.A aAI "Zo EII 1;A PE 8 , Warranted l'fre and Thief Proof, and free front Dampness. ortiF.,ar. AFl;ti poises. every ynalifi..atitax tit rrn• ;1 der them prtadf dt , lal lint 0.'11[110,1 of fire It, t Neves and, or suthrient rwitire C tall frnt,, a n , r n Idtr nine building. 'rh.y sr , ootete cif tvr,ourlit Iran being kneed ti(. led and. n eland t..gr+hrt. awl lined with a pellet t lilt:: run itnn.d ruin .ral rmtt tte itl2 tt.ett In their ettnolrnetion All in ale in j•• ..cc:tteet t nid . „l, nittnr inake-s. The inane ur Gayfer•• ,tiro. ;Are Pert. eti With till , Tiller ilettrtor and Ann tlanitond, I.ncic, which pr. etudes ttir p..s.4th illy pit tt nr 11111.113 opeta tytt Crwpott der over ihso 1,,,„dr0d or ito•,o. 6.46-4 have hettn expe,ed In :If eliteetat fire tit li:f 111.0 11 , 1"tett dent. In fe•VtV tI.II)11,1111, in 111.. I•11t1111.2 Finns r.l , eve,nl teat g: at d at .nn time I are diet ever been tont., P. r.i! 1)1 jot , . •rein 9 t sett ee01 , .. , 1t.t. nre "'kited 6. rail at t tie all ti nennt„, N‘r. lo : lil.ll.llgr 14 ut I !At Aelphin mar i/nris . and I , t:ltivllit• the 111/1111,0itIt or Guyi•-r . p tie Gr aI.CI the terse a•3..111111.111, OD hand it,r site at manniacturene prrn. JCVIN 1. PIPER. Arent. , - - P• S.— A. 14.1 ti cl .rt ['VI; f1r1.111../ fr13 , 0,-1 lY Witt IniVe 'Ten takto . 11 1,311 pay-i wen' Gar I;:".:er's B.thlilandir•rd. P.❑ I,§r 0 • . Coleman' Cheap Cat ry Ssores 4 ,!1t 1'; ; SJD Vclf P;;1.4 ia tUNTWY ;orn trim „ r sly.- from Ili 15 pep C. nt Wu. 1 , 4.4+ L , at the ' , boa, ',M., pa nn. pr;rtine mn paying rent. and Inc r•con , ..trally. all plqlo I cnn uuder.en 11.4 pity ham:tit:4 ;;uodp !tem pay litglt rents, nt.tl t printep r•- : \ connlnnt!y nn linnd, a farce ansnritnent or Pe. and PAcket Knives- Scfsnorp nont , Taldertniven and FotkP, io Ivory, cute. h , ITaln, 6nnr aft,l cv hntinten; Carvei's and Finkel :tiepin, ; Dutcher Komen ; Din!. ;-11051iie lintnen ; Revolving and P;nin Pint , dn, in:intend, a tar.r.e stork ..r Ibidgeri and Wontenhnkn'tutin , Pen and Cno,deepn Alen. a large opplittment of Accord. nt3P. det., &C-; nlbo,fine English Tqvi-t and CRIM . III MUIR. , JOUN M. COLEMAN, Imtnatec. 1-dt Jan ,1:1519 . .. .. ~ _____ NI ACECEttV.I4, 1 1 I C()DE181.1. . , 1 Conflantly nn hand add sit Ai% . 1.! ... • for sale by 111;HRINGS: . v, -: }J. PAI.NIER &• PO, PoRK, . • , " 11 A M s and RIDE* ,: Marker 9trret Wt(art, allOll/I.DERS. . . 0: 1 Phi'acra. ',.., I.ARD.nid 1.:11Er43E, J :F - m.rrit 2. lif.n. !', •• 9-..teri. Cloth Store. Xo. S :Vora Secaia Street, threig doors alums Xerkict PIIILADELPHIA. CLA.PP, , . . , IliVl T E A the a:t 4iii..n of Ida ()lends And others to ,L tiis lugs and chaise assortment or Cloths, Caul rim res. and Vesiinp;coisiprts:l4 in loirt: .• Froneh, CLOTIIII, • Help:tn. : • of every strole nod quality. , American and • ' a large , 'Nest of Englami, , , AIIII.ItTSI OM. SPINET: COATINGS. Mac k rand rine); ,i-oloretl II 'hit Cktki. 1.13.• k and ptt.cy culn rid !! r9Lnt Ma mod (7.,olimer Dr.ll) I) Etc'. r 4 2 . ol!ltter nod rrni"n ' PAT:I%II,OON STUFFS. finite; black • and Dijestiins. Frail tit Nail? a n d tai; eilery variety Merino all an tit IPS. Plaid 111.1 ritu,d every variety. White . and C. 1,111304 of t.vi•ry q alley. t i attinetts. till tillika and gat lit tea. :VESTDIGS. Soper Itlnekletntol Cashmere Vet , [role. Snlettdid fancy ellk Vet:tines. new White and t Marseille., hrt.llan.ortmenl. Drab e 1141 14 aloreitter Cnarh Tria With a greni - vnrlety of Gonda for s' wenr. At.so A tar:^ vistiortinenz or Tailors' Trinunl age, for sale very low , py the pie , e er at retail. t NATITAN IP. CLAPP. . 1%;•. B Ni,.Seesind .t, 2 doors above Market. March 23. 1950 a' µ 12 ?rn V. E;A:12C11A..1.41A1..1.1 9 S, X. E corner i;J,Eierenr 4 ‘ ard .1/arkct ..Stretta, 411ILADELPIIIA. FELL notenrllo . Bto (NG and 1 71 1 1 51MET1 1 (11)(11):1, 84.18;41 lot! in part- NYW filatket Sheer- in_. .t 8 /WM j 11'e v.tiod 31,1 limwtt lluslitin at 3 . 1 . S. 6. 7. 8.0.!10 and 1218.1115; duck ..n,l tight cal cs,,tt „ trlttot 3 to 12 on.; v nrd vv iPr. Frrnell Law. a , 8,-10. 121 And rent,; 310aotitor de Lain.ft . at 121. 181 41111 25 041 tn: Linea I ii.tren rpm: 10 to 25 88131+; 11tr..0-s frtii 121 to 371 re.itn; black mid c 4,1. °red Alnmrm 1.a.11n , a fr. , 12; 18) I. 75 et!.; black rind cliattariOle Sdka iirt.l Tart Salto. from 50 cl. t" SI 2 -' , l of While prett.t . Gr...ll.l fr..to 121 to re fle,; Arrarh and %lam front 12; in 31 crittit; and 51"ntll!a..t from sti 50 to 110 ; 51t.ti 1.1..v5` wear in. every variety frutu 10 cu. to SI 3% &r. V. E. ARCH% MR1111.1", Cheap Wboler.:118. and ItetztA Store. N. E. tittner 11(11 and Market 91113.. Phiia. April 8,1850 ~ 14-3ut Fluid. • T ITFACTIT ED of Sis prr tfni. Alf rthl and ihr !wrest bnira,,fice from smoke. smell, sediment or hplo-ive MY.. a sonerintcaittje of GAM IMENC. Warranted not TO boyazr by keenly!. by ibe ITT fri nr 1,”0 , 111,11411- 1ily• I)Va 414 %1.i9 Allll II to )bra 1111ValiinSP !Oran be' for:. pmo baeinc ebsen bete • as the a4bacribee guaran ley. to .11 at the',xery toweat market rate. Fluid Lainna. for parlor. a ore awl ernerai PallPlll. 'lboonbene Loon. neknnwieaged lo be rxrpli.,l by One foe yconsfaMNfyty. Lard Lamps toy,rcat varitty..insuren to burn lard. tallow or oil at t . EDW ARD F. COTIFIELD's Whetlptulle & Itettail.l)epnt.. 15'.21 t_touict %let , (3 dream above Spritre woit side, March 2. tam. 3 3.: 0-21 n The Tithaecn Market. vat. s. eouniss, , NO. 209 Ar r ORTII, SECOND, STREET. HA3lh larze4':inil rtlenpeA Warehinike In l'hioidelrinin Ile bait nu band, al prevent. oi , r troy milhosa..if 4:l2ii is. fn m ceininnu to the I,rki Übe iii;;oit of than are nerir Inn) yearn Ohl. If %nti arntd to bny erund ihga re. t once; he. has • S 6 halve thus . and iNvnt.a I;e4f T haven. • In° hhda.nf th.brat:lluy►vtlte,Krptuckyppdkfmiy- Ined I.eur Tohnred; 11.5 hoses of ifia. finest bratide of Cavendish and rine Tobacco. 1 f... 5 boxes of - M . i...hest old Mack Fat Cavendish. not to aurpakscd I)yipov other rot Virhnosa of thoor•od g A; large mock or +Smoking Tobacco. &0., coila(antfy on hand. ' The sithreriher _hueoosrlintl,, erTIPI. I Ff - dm , Pr Uwe" bnndrod hands. torn:inc. Cigars, which enables him to well more reatoinahlv than any .1 11,..1F All dirairrn %re Invited to rail and examine hi! *tack, at. 249 North Sertotitlit.. opposite the. Guidon Lore. ir,,• ter. eon St Souttitt,econtl dt., ono door ahoie Chesnut: east skle. Phila. , . • Idarch2, 18304 , --) Etttir _ . , . . gaimerf' 'Bargain* ! i , „___, - ii: VI I 411 1, 1 - ,w 0.... TT- *miry . - se;coorn .ST ;MST.' ! • • . .. ', • - 7n4Arti Pitta. - - sitkw uoNNEr M A .7.4fF AtTUßtti. will: ...?"-_,.... kerit tnnunntly on".band a an,d asantlinent: i'..." .nr:all.th. stomas kinds nt Wanes. Forts as ... . . A d' u ni TO^itso. Ca:iforttlx.- 'tulip. Frrneh: Laws; Enall.h Ddnothtd.-ii. thirst'_ Yekiii. drtarence lirnith. &e.. &e.,—airdt 0 Mitt KO AI Pi tell at very: entail rkotita. at ashnhtsat'n464 retail fot cash. MII.: liner* and nth.fs d riV _cO , FtMetrilly • Invile,t in call and: exstnine father ptirChkottia. ka It *our tenant ion. to 60: u,sicn to sit that atty.,faooe as latttt iccall Staieh 9. l'ESh. - StiNast . lionnet Illininnvactuic NO 49 +ol:Tit SEOONDirr.. nvith DOOR o'ye cup'SNOT, Ehrt smr. ] PIIIL %DELPHI - AL. JOREPII J. LIPP, tiyirrertfolly ren ii nd if I ,oo` the trite that now is she Bine+, make !, Pprins nitres:saes of Bonnets, Bass and krat'.l l fi..lat Flowers.. and thee 1 can do ow welt II not a Ilitlm better for %on than any n,tb..roir. the'tind! Plesse catt,nnes eaamin. my .arril ...tested stock nt gprlng hefitre p.ectrasins .Iseashere, i ant colts ansl,- utanntartiiring and rer„ rims vrwts ft he Noe York Allowing which Arriikbio MC 14 set' vegt Issw at wholisaln or Wail. March o,loso, - . . •.• -spring :Millinery Goods ! • • - J: 11 A W. E. TABER: , • IDPORTINRS AND JOBDED.Bc Ns. 10 4. auk S'esonizt Slreet,i•rwsr• • Bieck Norte • • Atty. Pili/ed'e. . .. . , JlO ! ilo r 'tit) i N ! , BEG leave to atiniannce in their citvtamerv! • pl-7-•,„, and the tradi , In general. that they have note • '", In *tare. and:are daily receiving, a large ail .•,-',`,... thiTment of iiorlog IV ilnnety Goods, cuoiLst4 Int of the fiillowind_avticles : . Cal Orn de :hiaptall price Chip Bo tkrafttv. i Col _Glainia'sliks, -'do Clown lininve. lad-. Posit de -nt . qlci .. InOda Artificial Flower!, 1 ' Cot Gerde thlean :do Ito:vide - do , B•reavt lawns., - ',do Crapes. Mack Erie's!) do i .r..i. Tarlatant, lan Bennet Ibbliona. all prirriq White - do ` .de •flatin - du from NO Itn Illi U.a.vercd Wbalebeneti ' I3lantua . del- " .do Black Wtialyhrn.es,, i White cord Itturlnne. I! ll*. Freme.„ 7 , Cottnn and •Ilk lan Mingo. Plntiet . Wires,' : ' fie., &c.. &c.. I , • And by far the. chntceat astantlincnt , of hlllllne'rt 7,Cnnde in the city of Philadelphia, *elected with crati4 care, and inany of ilie pods of our awn irapartaisiti which are wen worthr or the attention of the 1t1i6i,4 nery trade of theit /slat Craitsd &arse, and California , gold dust rec . . ivetr at par litati•h IC. 1530. To the- f Iznm of Sehoyllilll Co.; ROBERT STIMMAKEIT, , 11:14 now nnqrtml; And oder+ for r.tie an the moll;' remmn:thie vans, n. fult agernrivent of - Frerh Anus On Medicine, ; Window Gia;.l 1 -% all rites And Frenth. IinEDAII And A merlwin inoi , Aetub• ; Withe Le.. l . Pore of nll the most npenotorl bran 3 , Ly th.• barrel or ke!• A kn. Colorr or every?.dorn option, ehhet dry,or in Linroml nil, SpiroslTurpeotine, Varidehae. Paint flrm.err, Martiormr. Potty. rutty Knlvre, and A full aFsorimenr of pilm,irm inntertale rornAii, Dyo Iflrachina material, for mansion* ace, 4 f . Ali tlir nopntur Pntont Swaim . ' Panacea and Vermilnee ; D. .lat , r'N , ernes: rAh..ernticer'a Repowomi Rhennutic ato Mrom!lliebine plthrtorr, the bort remedy In exi.tence for Itheumatigm, PAlna nr %Veaknese In the Dacki Wrap or Side. .! • F.very article Warranted genuine. And all artlelei 'avid wdi he detive , rdat Any of the whdrYea ur depotei free of, Morro - to the purrlntorr. " ratlielt Balm! and Profile "I , nottgirr e•Iti)EMAKER. ' W earner Seennd Allf: Gwen Sty. Phitzd'a. 0-Or.terr by map prumptly attended to. -Marett. 12 CM 'Wholesale and Retail 6 . CLOCK 5T011.1,7, ! NO. 23S manii2T sr. AIUWE: SEVENTIT, 1 . .S • ritrA silie—lelllL4Del.elll•. 1 Af.TIIOII I M we can searcrly estimate the Thi...." value or TIME commercially, yet by ellilltig :II the above Establishment, lES BARDEIt I+4 will furnish hie friend - , amour n limn he III :1.1Ii iiiiiiri. !11l who ditty'. appreciate us fleetness, with a t eau, trill and perfei t War for mart ing Its progress, of whose value they canltulev. ' Iles eXll.ll.liVil Riot k, on hand. constan'iy chancing In conformity to the imtfroventents in taste and st),l.• o ' f ',suer,. and worktuanShin , entr•lsis of Eight-day and Threry-hour liras; ii'LIUIVELNO 11017 SE. PAIII.OIL HALL, (1111;RCE1 nUil /ILIUM CLOCKS. Fiend, Gothic and other fam i y styles as well as plain. which :rum his extrusive entiner ' ilon and cittieYlvEndentr with the tuaintfacturtrs he finds he can put nt the /out let cash figure. ill:110.'11 1 11/1 1 (n from ~,,, t o t , th b ei sau d. of vAlittl tie sill ,V,lirAln, the accuracy. *.Clock: repaired:3nd warranted. Clnekoimt6lntr i nn hand. Call and ace me / aidnagg them. im cs fx,i,19.13ER, 233 tflotet St.! Phllada. Aue.47. MIA. 3S-ty _ _ ' . ' laratchcs 2 Watcll64 : REAM INDOcEor.NTA To pEnsoNs IN WANT op A t coon wATco. , ' LEWIW!!!It. DROOII A/J., . XO. Ito Noicrli SP:COXI) STREET. ' •S tilt' l N .l l l,trceived additional 'emotes of 6 , G'•=lEl :mil utlyer %%ittvlies "(every ileseription. 1 tr. front Lntolnit, laverpnol mid Swilt.orl mil iii, ...4 . .......:.' purration , , ii nnw prep .red Iriroriiielli the very hest article at a pric,« f..r below any ever off, red, of the satto*.analtiv awl whirh itaunitt,,be undersold by :arty other store in 1 1 (.41(41elphin, nr etten here. Ever W 41 14 . 11 gold will be part( ctly regulated, and warranted In be as aood 1■ rebre.el 4l4,l 4 win be'. at I lio follrawilig low mixes 1 f1. , 1,1 Levers. full Jewelled, IS karat c. 434.3. only SIS nfl Si see do flo lill . 12.041 Go'4l Lep l ne-, jet's . ..peal, IS karat case, 22 .In' SIIVill. An do , . 8,110 l'be I. 'IL Brnonit.ii (Intl Pen, a tutorlor article in id. er ca.... with p«ocil. aril warr tilted. tl.Sd : Gold 1 Pencils fur 91.90 anil lapwnrls, G. 4141 %tell MT IF.. and Locket' f•=r ILivizerenti pe Lik. iirs:es. Gold Cllllillil. Gold :In 1 11.41 r Itrarefru.. Pry Iry 1'14414. r.o Rutz.. rio r....11,it,.7.. and a ectifira I lol.oitilllplif of every tleecrip• ! non nf Jewery at 11(141.11 . 1 1 low prici'll ; 1.Ewt.... R. 01:onsttI.1.. Nn 110 N. l lll 9e11 4 1111 St., pect41441 , 1 4414 1 . below Hare Philadelphia. , i . I Aprll 14.'49. In ly OEM t .. . , riaolo r(lrieg• . TIIE I.atee.,t. Clientedt, n.. 1 and moPi ..leg , ltut 3-,nrlto.tit or 1.1AN9 , T 0 ri.R:TEs ih the „United Sta t.,. ct h 1‘1%,1, h.• (mind a , %Ito waieli , •llc i,.l' the Sult,c.rlht-r, Ili Ckftm.t .s'irttr. ab"re.Vifils. dt the Ithl 4 11'14 At.rtip9t-.1 nit fp than a third of 3 relsllli,) 0). 'dr. Ern WiltigOttupic publither. . . : PIANOE".. , 1 HARPS.Og AX R. SERAPTIINER 4.TANB: Rte , 3L Frrdli frnrn the inns; rele•lit'atrd Mattwarturer• in 7k. liestml. Mil , tmore Philldrlphit.. and ..1.!- 14.11vre. wlius . f.,.4a1e ai:d ret.l‘l, at the makred cadb prices reb 9,1850 G.'W. Merchant's Cel brated , .'CARdLINC 'OIL 4 1 L 41 . _ FoR HORSES . . ....._, Which is a'sy 4 U.'nfreesal Favaily Fniheyeation lye _.• Discos - es of the Memo Fie.lll. . T- imr: and d expe!rieore has fittlykproyed flint this : - UNIVERSAL' REMEDV has Mit its equal nn lIIP liSi of pnpular nteciii hies, having been more than 11 years before the public... TePtisitony of the moat distnreresteit character of its wonderful effectOni the animal economy i's alnlust daily presented trr the proprietor' 1 A young man in i he Town of Wilson. WllO5O clothes wAre burnt ia. , r ililll. Wl9 rest.tred (ulthout surer- Jar.) by the timely!, ure'of thi Oil. Nit meronslre the tins& kited Plarenle ntp of patients theopelyea, arid tdhers who have used the Oil. of :cure. which in thonsilves appear-so remarkable, that were they at all itherepied to ft peculiar point, they could illfillOb:IVPPPII credited • ii 1 The'lltlinuti . : damongseaPes ire among tnany other's In the I. nil! of which t . tis Oil has been complettly success thl and ill %I'll - telt others Imil entirely failed r-- ; spavin, Sweeny Eingtione„ Wilidgatis„ Poll PAW. Crams, crackod fleets. Galin of all k Indy, Lame ness. Fresh Ni(niindp. Sprains, 13(IliSfill. Sand ; Cracks. For:Mt-red Feet, scratches, nr i , Creafte.sl.inge. Itheutnatism, flitesi of i ' Animas. External Pnionnt. Painful i i , Netcovait Alfect inns. Ernst Rites, Iloits.erirtut.Wlthlows.thirns and , , • Scniilti . , Chilblains, Chapped I Handl., Crimp, Contractions I of Oa; Ninnies., Swellings, . ' Welakneas of the Jnints, , -. , Otlced llrensiy, Sic, : ' CAIITON TO PIIIICIISgERR. news re of COViNTERFEITS, slid be mire the tin MP Of file Sots' Proprietor; GEORGE W. 51ERCIIAN:t I.Ockport, N. Y., ii blimp in the side of the bottlei and in hip hand' r writing river the Cork. Deml be minium, ded to take lanytlithg else with the promise it is jit'st, ari - ,:' gnArl Br.c.. Atc, This i, practiced by 'hope unprincipled' dealer. , whose totiscience will st Ouch like Intl tallith her.'and whoa re 4r a kindred spirit of those iii our large CilleP. Wilfl,f ilefat tons intact trey have !II reent--, ly been exp.4ed 19 tbr artinu of ConerePs. f ' T 1 1 . 9.1 who alte(nrn In Connierieli i hi.' nriirle n re to• furred to the law of New York. of Moy 1815. by Whirl , ; ,it will b • 'nen that every pewit; meddling in these . , counterfeits is subject to indictment, imprisonment um! 1 ! fine. e• A person pelllnii nut of this State, win be rattle t I I arrest when in MI Slate. and als - , to he held as a! wlt !term a vomit Mope hp bought of or sold fee. ' All Orders addressed to the proprietor wlti be proropt ly Lospantleil to. . - Get • PaitiphlPJ of the AIZPI/I. nod pee what ornri. dent nre accornplipbedby the lIPP of filly medirine. 'gold by orsperpthle dealers pneraliy in the United B tn" •ind CIIIIIIi1;1. Aliiii, li, . J. 1:. C. lIITGiir . Pott•ville ; cli n -E. J. Fry, Tamaqua; C. Frailey nrwirhurr ; . on "nitßethlehem ; tenlitil it HetiT.Py. E 8.1.11 I ILPWIP illtilfh k co.. Allentown ; IL MiIIIPPII. inuntoiry'; It. tk J Shearer, Minot); 51 A. MeCoy , Northuntherliml It, „, Veihp. Wiepbarte; W Antliguivk en . Whi t , My ? , ; C. %V Aballl...l,ewishitrz: Pt. WllihrllA. near ('reek; , . 51. Eb'ect. glut h Chun: ; Millet 4t Jones ' Pithiriannock . Frederick Klett itr. Co:, WhuiCll3l Ill.llt, Phitapielph?a Nov 3.* 1819 .. I)IC WS w9nas, VERY - CllRAP—Thnlemb, , as finer purettnAel at Trade Snk. a Int or lltrk's I enniplrie Wnr,ko.ltmuntl In I.ltnary otyl.w..tur,, ekeip, tilileh he will sell at legs than publielteee',pstres at his Cheap Ilauksiore--call Ituntetliatey I.r sertire a .10e7. - • 11. 13aNre.hi. • c Chktp Itooksto let and 7 4 1#114n!et. . . !trims alen 214 of the Potts, at teas than publlshses I Weep , . 4111.117 IMO. ~' 17.:i f•6m 10 Rus 10-2 m MI : CkTUrEit. 171 Chestnut Street, rtnildelphis. 6.1 Y. .45-Iy, POSTSCRIPT: PRILArrA., PRPWCE t MARZET, , . . TO TOE LATEST TEMA ') Philadilphia, Friday - April 26. Wheat Flour,- $5 2&—Rve, det. $2 sti per bb I.—Corn Meal'. $2.6g - do.—Wheat, Red $1 16. Waite, $1 21.--Rye, 60 cents. --Cora 59i- .4 0...at5, 40 emus per butlx4.6 LATE 'FROk 7 ifiRRISBURG: ' the Apportionment 'Bill was up, ita, the Rouse, on Thursday, whet:l'llr. Sowrs are ed to separate Berks. and Schuylkill ( ea a Senatorial district; Which Vi 39 lost bq a party vote, Mr. I:legman eating against the separti ti°"'• Berk i and Schuylkill is the only dot:. ble districtlin the State, electing two 'Seto tora. The t : 7Vetherill.Divorce Bill has Illaso the Senate: : . 4For the Stit;ets _.p DANNAN understand ion], of 'the free trade ilocofoeus are anxious to haera TiCket" formed for Borough ofteers. This might have• been done, if that party had not heliaved so disgracefully yrith regard to the Union. Meeting recently held nt Or wigsburg. That, I hope, will be a warning to the Dernbcratic Whig party hereafter. If the loeofoCos po&tes.sed the power, they would not suffer a _Whig to hold an office in the Borou7h. 'I am a determined oppopent to all union tickets hereafter. ° A WHIG. A veto cotton manufacturing company has been organized=ai Macon, Gm “ltfa, do comb's eatt" Mv. child." "Well, svii?at do they bave_feeth for'?" 14'hy is Fhtber MatbeW like the Mississippi river ? ..Do v•u drop it?" Because he nev er stops at a bar. Ten cm/4 reward is offered Iv the finder of the lost dignity ' of the United Suites Senate ! A six-le;ed.or is about to be exhibited in Cincinnati.;i A woman . : named Elizabeth Wortz died irr Philadelphib, at 'die' age of 111 years. Petition! 'itor the pardon of Dr. Webster; are circulating in Louisville, in Georgia; and in many other parts of the country: . SomebothiSadveitises in my exchange paper a lost - tvalle!t, "belonging to a genttemms made of calf Obedience to the hitrs of duty brings re ward, as certainly as contact produces sensa tion, or a voice an echo. The nuinher' of •tutal abstinence pledged given by Father .I%Tatthew, at New Orleans, up to the'l3tliinstant,_ exceeded 9,000. A thief helpo himself to a kiss on the fair cheek of a sleeping lady, at New Orleans, while robbing the house of her husband. A lot of "fenotve went an a deer hunt the other day, in Arkansas, and in le'ss than four hours capture() five girli and h woman. , A suspicion is a afloat that persons who' - cannot eat tnince pies without brandy ,catt drink brandywithout mince pies. ' Fly Trap.—A patent was Owned at ,- ington, last w',eek- to a man to Massachnsetts.' - for R trap for Catching - flies. The Barberf 4 of \Vb . eeling charge double price - for shaving on. Sunday. This is to, tnalce their eutomerscotne oa Saturday v and give the barbt.rs a day of rest. - Jim, suppose my wife should fall over= board, what toter in the alphabet would ex press my wisll in regret to Iter 3" "Why. letter 13, of qourse.' 13:7 - ,Anthidate inzorpora tiog the Anthracite Bank, at Tamaqua, in this county, has , passed both branches dotty Legislatdre.L To make Homopathic.beer—tie one hop to• a rat's tail, let khe rat swim through a mill pound, then bottle the contents of the pond— "to be sliaken before taken.", - • • - - A fire cn!, , lne has just been introduced in to.one Ole hack , . towns of Wisconsin. The editor, in .speaking of it, calls it•agour wheeled squirt. Slander. —Eliipbefli Ellis has recovered 51599 azainst Alexander Duel, in au action or slintlef. b - efnre the Susquehanna . County Court . RI IVlonTrose. Benfibfui :Young , iadv, about 15 yrars of age, an only d,ttrghter of a .wealtby Pn tleman of LoUisville, ,cloped with a night_ Watchman on the,9:h instant. - A 1'0. , n2 Lact./.. aged 0 tears, advdrtisei in the Newport (Ky.) Times., for a husband. She says she is an orphan, and the oaly rel.; ative she has a.brother who is maned. ll'e are note in the Fpnilg time of the year; nod in about a month hence, the trees will be loaded wi.h their summer garb of beauti: ful green, and the ground become luictirlant wi h rielt lbliage and sweet smelling clover.; A 3fe.rican paper states thatthe product of the silver mines of Mexico, for the year 1849,., tdill not"be less than thirty millions of dol lars. One family in Norri;town recently lOst four' children, _who died of scarlet fever, and of., three remaining', two are aflictul with the - same disease. John N. Pnrviance. Esq., theiiresent A.u"- ditor General of the Slate cieclines being 0: candidate the next election, the office nov.- 41 tieing elective. - A krorositton was made fecently in the Mexican Con,re=stn aholi.h the punishment' of death for till political offences. ni,iliiary de fection not being regarded as a mettly politi cal crime. Gone.—The distinguished Hungarians with Gov. I;iliazy at their head, have started oti 'their journey in loiYa, Before they left the House. Nevr York, a purse of 8325 was made I,r/for-them:, - _ Beniffil If a doubt.—A petition is being numerout•ly signed in Louisville. Ky... for executive clemency in the case of Professor Webster,' at Boston , on the ground that he should "have the benefit of any doubt res• pecting his guilt." MUM N. MI, yviisoN, JUSTICE OIP TIAE PEAC.g, .. I-. r.; ... i . _ Slit: it- .„ . Real E sin t * :rl i n ' I.?, I I I I: tla t 4.Ptro T r 'Rented. anal Ell Lando nieoltectiott t'arifullv and Promptly 1 rientied rtirttal mfrmrtrulp..ottoPritml 0/17,e. 1 Ata•knt i."l. Poltsrille, Pa. Imarch 23,•50--it-ty '------ -- - .. - Eli Thompson, . .. , D.E.A.14-ESTATE AGENT, AND •• COLLECTOR OF RENTS. , l `• Officiln P 0.... C:.” bon, Sill vynall *County. Pa: •-_, , TILESIII/ , S , liber {Tiff take charze of Coal 141140,; DISCO/lig Mereq, and iw ht.( property, and efdleet, (temp foelfr tom., la the t7.ossloy of rtriolyikill. an t i" 311 other . lo4ines+ romtected with ids Agency, will be preniptly attended tC-.. ETA TIO1111"5OI5, . . . , : Fort unrb , ,n, rqbaylkill led, Defers. to ouip.lll,,atterson, and Horace Smith.. V. 1.4. . rie=B, , ale: " F. 341110.04, RPadmq. . f ' " Weil. ii Wit,u, N 0....) Noah .11.r5t.4 ?Wis. 3 d".llplda. - May 12. 134 q,. Pare Imes and [Aquor T ai,,,irnsfZlltranlllote keepe reo ~,,„,n;heas:,om.,tlwr.es4, , (Nor, rri• with trent rare from Mock* in; roper and 111 Illi• Conn' ry. Joe from sources which ble UM tornchrn• Braeuiee of e very description ftotn 01 to lon. IfAipkvt. fine trbh , Scout and Monongahela. - • 171 J Jawatra .8;4, Italland Gin and Peach Brandy. , Ardsara. Skerisr4 and Port, Wires or eve 4 YLripy a n,i erode. from 75 eis in 45 in . , rattan. Chmortane of arcelehraied brands, *0 SO to EC. Chiet. Fine table: L. :l'l3lo—ot 43: acid higher grades ; 111Ro, I.olmii, TPnrJiffa, Malaita. ni.scat. acc. Wil4" Cherry Nrandp,Raapberry, Ellacabetry. led Lavender Brandy, &c., Sec, • • TII COIIhitILY TRADE ' supplied at schutee,,le pikes. A' cCin•plets iFeartMent al pen ancrtiquiltp.v.ryctie3pfl.rcativary PR rPOIeS. Order. prnmp•lyisit;.nded tn, condi carefully pack ed anti C.nvirtlo tiv •• Exprefts " Samples sent to sans pin of flit. CAtcttyfres tkariPt„by addressin:, Pest Patd, • . . • :4 A il McCALLA, : Wine•Menturit. SD Walnut tit., April 13. 1891.t.15-3mo • ' NVV4) • 'Drlng 4:410116.' ICEOD CE DOLL, ' No. 1011 ..VfpigAt . Nreowd Shed.—lPUlLADriPlitik Ag Jost reeOved a large aotroeta,rne..f 0,4.d1 , .. the foiliftvitm mnniano. o.•rtrthn 11 w"; ' VI4 eartril:e• and lividier. eat ra(_. Writes nnd Pentitg. Mart ter. Jea.barpi../hc,sl.o large ae•nttmeet r f TOYS and FANCY arttiles. anolmki le and. al the Inire•l April . lll ISM) , HE •Cllg.ar beef/610f - e (71Qar type ned plttn print, Jaßy r' A • - celclrd . and ro.rl,tale DANNAIV Ctwcap MLicolincousßookarour: , iflrds 2,1E40. . • so•ix namn